HomeMy WebLinkAbout1983- 2 Repealing and Reenacting Title 17 of the Vail Municipal Code Setting Forth New Subdivision Regulations and Construction Design Standards for the Town~ r ORDINAi~CE 2 Series of 1903 AN OIZDINANCF REPEALING AND REENACTING TITLE 17 (}F THE VAI1_ MUNICIPAL CODE SETTING FDRTIi NEW SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS AND CONSTRUCTION DESIGN STANDARDS FOR THE TOWN AND PROVIDING DETAILS IN Rf;LATIOPt THERETO. f ~~ltiE~2L-AS, thc~ existing Tawn of Vail subdivision regulations and construction design standards are very outdated and not in keeping with today's development 1:ypPS end techr7olagies, and WHEfZEAS , an exhausti ve ar~~ount of research and study has been expended by staff, the subdivision regulations review committee and the Planning and Environ- mental Com~7ission to arrive at the ordinance contained herein, and WNERFAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission has recommended approval of the contents of this ordinance to the Council, and WHEREAS, the Town Council of the Town of Vail is of the opinion that it would benefit the health, safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the Town of Uai1 ; N04J, THEREI=ORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TDWN DF VAIL, COLO~ZADO THAT: Section 1. Title 17 Subdivisions of the Vail Municipal Code is hereby repealed and reenacted to read as follows: TIT4~ 17 ~~ 5U6DIVISIONS CHAPTER SECTION 17.04 17.04.005 GENERAL 17.04.010 PROVISIONS 17.04.020 17.04.030 17.04.a4a 17.04.050 Abbreviations Purpose Compliance Approval Required for Recordation Jurisdiction Interpretation 17.08 17.08.010 Generally DEFINITIONS AND 17.08.020 Accepted, Roads and Street RULES OF LANGUAGE 17.08.030 Adequate Access CONSTRUCTION 17.08.040 Adjacent 17.08.050 Block 17.03.055 Building 17.08.060 Condominium 17.08.070 Dedication 1 7.08.080 Duplex 1 7.08.085 Dwelling Unit 17.08.090 Easement 17.08.100 Final Approval 17.08.110 Fractional Fee 17.08.120 [_ot 17.08.130 Plat, Final 17.08.140 Preliminary Plan 17.08.150 Project Documents 17.08.160 flight of vJay 17.08.170 Street, Private 17.0$.180 Same Ownership 17.08.190 Street Public 17.08.200 Subdivider 17.08.210 Subdivision 17.08.220 Time-share License 17.08.230 Time Span Estate 17.08.240 Townhouse 17.08.250 Rules of Language Construction 17,16 17.16.010 MAJOR SUBDIVISION 17.16.020 17.16.030 17.15.070 17.16.090 17.16.110 Special Pr°ocedure Required Community Developrrrent Departir~ent Consultation Required Prel ir~~inary Presentation-Planning and Environmental Commission Preliminary Plan - Submittal R~uquirerirents Prel irrrinar.y Plan _ Agencies Review Planning and Fnvironinental Conirtrission Review Criteria SF~14 17.16 (Con't} 17.1fi.115 17 16 1?0 11.16.130 17.16.140 17 15.150 17.15 170 17.15.150 17.15.200 1 7.16. 205 ~7.1f~,210 17.15.250 17.1F.270 17.?6.290 '. 7.1 6. 330 17.20 17.20.010 MINOR SU[3DIVISION 17.20.030 17.20.050 ~riew and .anneal Periods, Fal~-atements Final Plat, Submission Final ,Plat, Requirements and Procedures Find" Plat, Review Criteria Required Improvements Planninr~ Commission Public Hearincr Town Council Riaht to Appeal Council Acceptance o~i Dedications Fi;ina and Recordin n Perini t Issuance Guarantee for Completion and Maintenance o~F Improvements Imr~rovem2nts - Inspection Required "As Bui 1 t" Plans Expiration of Final Plat Approval - i1o Improvements Installed Minor Subdivisions - Exemptions in Procedure and Submittals Minor Subdivisions - Procedure Filing and Recording 17.22 17.22.010 Condominium and Townhouse Plats--General CONDOMINIUM AND 17.22.030 Condominium and Townhouse Plats--Submittal T06dNH0USE PLATS Requirements 17.22.050 Condominium or Townhouse--Plat Procedure 17.22.060 Dedications 17.22.070 Zoning Administrator Decision--Appeal 17.22.090 Filing and Recording 17.24 17.24.010 DUPLEX 17.24.030 SUBDIVISIONS 17.24.Oa0 17.24.080 17.24.100 17.24.110 Duplex Duplex Duplex Criter Appeal Fi 1 i ng Subdivisions--Required Approval Subdivisions--Submittal Requirements Subdivisions--Proceduro is for Review of zoning Administrator's Decision and Recording 17.26 17.26.010 Purpose CONDOMINIUM 17.26.020 Definitions CONUERSI(?NS 17,26.030 Preliminary Map 17.26.040 Final D1ap 17.26.050 Review Procedure 17.25.060 Conversion to Condaminiurns 17.26.070 Additional Requirements--Candominiuin Conversions 17.26.075 Condominium Conversion 17.26.080 Action on Preliminary Map 17.26.0 90 Preliminary Public ~7eport 17.26.100 Final Map 17.26.1 Fina i ~~ap Approval 17.26.1 SUbdiV1570n Public ~Zeport 17.26.130 Tmproverrient Security 17.26.340 Ap,pl icabil ity 17.28.100 . 'GENERAL CONDITIONS 17.28 _i 7.28 ,110 Scope CONSTRUCTION DESTGN 17.28.120 Terms STANDARDS 17.28.130 Definitions fETHODS AND DETAILS 17.28.140 Abbreviations 17.28.150 Plans and Specifications A Profiles Q Layout 17.28.160 Plan Revisions 17.28.170 "As Built" Plans 17.28.200 CONSTRUCTION REGULATIONS 17.28.210 General Construction Criteria 17.28.220 Permits A Street Cut Permits B New Subdivisions C Fermit Conformance D Streets Excavation A Safety Conditions B Trench Cuts C ~xistina utilities D t~~onuments Drainage F Street Cleaning r Traffic l~Iarninq fi Access to Existing Structures 17.28.240 Backfilling and Restoration A General B Qackfil1 ing C Street Resurfacing D Inspections E Liability 17.28.250 Underground Warning Tape A Requirements 8 Location C Type of Warning Tape 17.28.260 Protection of Existing Improvements A Utility Locations B Existing Utilities C Protection of Existing Structures 17.28.270 Inspection and Testing A Inspections 8 Testing C I)evel open' s lnlarranty 17.28.300 17.28.310 17.28.320 17.28.330 A B C D E STREETS General Classification Design Criteria ~1a,jor Points ~lorizontal Alignment Vertical Alignment Vertical Curve Sight: Distance a 17.30 VARIANCES AND AMENDMENTS 17.32 SAMPLE CERTIFICATES • ~ F Cron S1 apes G Clearances ~! Structural Design I Sidewalks J Curbs and Gutters K Drainage L Traffic Control Devices 17.28.340 Construction Materials A Base B Concrete C Asphal t D Others 17.28.350 Construction Methods A Clearing and Grubbing B Excavation and Grading C Pavement and Surface Replacement D Adjusting Frames, Covers and Valve Boxes E Concrete Curbs, Gutters and Sidewalks F Bituminous Macadam Surface 17.28.360 Bike Paths A General B Materials C Construction Methods 17.30.010 Variance Procedure 17.30.020 Amendment Procedure 17.32.100 Certificate of Dedication and Ownership 17.32.150 Certification of Dedication for ~~[ortgage Holder 17.32.200 Surveyor's Certificate 17.32.300 Title Certificate 17.32.400 Clerk and Recorder Certificate 17.32.500 Tawn Council Certificate 17.32.600 Planning and Environmental Commission Certificate 17.32.700 Zoning Administrator Certificate THE FOLLOWING FIGURES ARE AVAILABLE AT THE TOla1N OF VA IL ENGINEER'S OFFICE; 3.1 Pavei7~ent Design 3.2 Concrete Details 3.4 Catch Basins 3.5 Storm Drain Manhole 3.6 Dike Path Design • • .r SU6DIVISION REOULA'fIONS - TITLE 17 t~IAPTER 1 7, 04 GENERAL PROVISIONS i7,O4.D05 Abreviations PEC Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission COUNCIL Town oi= Vail Town Council DRB Town of Vail Qesign Review Board EIR Cnvironr~ental Impact Report 1 7. D4~. O1 D Purpose A. The subdivision regulations contained in this title have been prepared and enacted in accordance with Title 31, Article 23, part of C.R.S., 1973, for the purpose of promoting the health, safety alit! ~relfare of the present and future inhabitants of the Town of Vail, Colorado. B, To these ends, these regulations are intended to protect the environment, to ensure efficient circulation, adequate improvements, sufficient open space and min general, to assist the orderly, efficient and integrated development of the town of Vaii. These regulations also provide for the proper arrangement of streets and ensure proper distribution of population. The regulations also coordinate the need for public services with governrr~ental improvement programs. Standards for design and constructian of improvements are hereby set forth to ensure adequate and convenient traffic: circulation, utilities, emergency access, drainage, recreation and 1 ighi a~7cl air. Also intend~,yd is the improvement of land records and surveys, plans and plats and to safe, guard the interests of the public and subdivider and provide consumer protection a • ~ for the }~urchascr; and to regulate other matters as the Town of Vail ~>lanninq and c~nv:iranmental commission and town council may deem necessary in ordcx' to protect the }:lest interests of the public. C. These regulations are further intended to serve the fallowing specific purposes: 1. To inform each subdivider of the standards and criteria by which development }?roposals will be evaluated, and to provide information as to the type arld c~xi:cnt of improvements required; 2. Ta provide for the subdivision of property in the future without conflict with development on adjacent land; ~. 'Po protect and conserve t'rle value of land throughout the municipality and the value of buildings and improvements on the land; ~]. To unsure that subdivision of property is in compliance with the town's zoning ardinances, to achieve an harmonious, convenient, workable relationship among land uses, consi.st~nt twit}~ municipal development objectives; a. To guide public and private policy and action a_n eider to provide adequate and efficient transportation, ~.aatcr, sewage, schools, parks, playgrounds, recreation, and other public requirements and facilities and generally to provide that public facilities will have sufficient capacity to serve the }~roposod sur.7division; 6. To provide for accurate l.e.gal descriptions of newly subdivided lane arcd to estab- fish reasonable and desirable construction design standards and procedures; 7. To prevent the ~7ollution of ;lir, streams, and ponds, to assure ade~~uacy of drainage i facilities, to safeguard t.hc~ tvatr~r tab:l.c and to r~ncoura~;e the :ais~~ a e rind manage- munt of natural resources th.r.~ughout the mtu7.icipal.ity .i.r~ ord~:z' to r~i•c>sezvo P_}Ie i.ntegr:i.ty, stability anc'1 beauty ot: the c:a:nmunity .Ind the value of kilo l.lnd. 17. 09.C)~0 Compliance 71. GCnC'Tal pro}]1~71~'..I,(:I7: ~t_ 1. `, 11C21.awt 111. I C7r an~r 17r?r`IC7T1, bL1:;1.I1G'5~~, ur i'C~r=~~C)S,.1t1i~I1 to vi<>lato ~lny oP the 17rovisions ofd this c~l~.lpter or. to transf"ter, ;,~li, :_`~l:;r~ • • a or agree to sell or lease, any lot, tract, parcel, site, separate interest (including a leasehold interest), interest in common condominium interest, timeshare estate, fractional fee, or timeshare license, or any other division within a subdivision within the town until such subdivision has been approved in writing by the zoning administrator, PEC and/or the council (whichever is applicable) and a piat thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County clerk and retarder; provided., however, that a written agreement to sell or lease which is expressly conditioned upon full compliance by the seller with the subdivision regulations of the town within a specified period of time and which expressly recites the seller`s failure to satisfy such condition within such period of time shall terminate the agreement and entitle the buyer to the prompt return of all consideration heretofore paid by the buyer under such agreement, shall not consititute a violation of this subsection. Q. Prohibitive Conveyance. No lot or parcel of land, nor any interest therein, shall be transferred, conveyed, sold, subdivided or acquired either in whole nr in part, so as to create a new nonconforming lot, or to avoid or circumvent or subvert any provision of this chapter. C. Responsibility. The owner, developer, buyer, ar seller shall be fully respon- Bible far all acts of agents or employees thereof that are committed in violation of the terms of this chapter. >~. Prohibited Construction. !Vo structure shall be constructed, nor building permit issued for a structure., on any parcel of land except a~here such structure is to be cons~Gructed upon a parcel which meets the reclulations contained herein. The lot lines, common walls, individual units, condorr~in~urn units established in such development or parcel shall not be changed or altered by conveyance of a part thereof, nor shall any part of the same be ,joined with a part of any other for conveyance or construction or converted to condominiums or time-.sharing unless and until ~~rritten applica~.ion and other -=4- required materials has been made to and approved in writing by the zoning administrator. P~Cand/or the council (whichever is applicable). ~. Remedies far Violations. 1n addition to all remedies provided by law, the town shall be authorized to enforce its subdivision regulations as follows: 1, The town, in addition to other remedies provided, may institute an action for injunction, mandamus, abatement, or other appropriate action or proceeding to prevent, enjoin, abate, remove an unlawful construction, use, occupancy or conveyance or to enjoin any subdivider front selling, agreeing to sell or offering to sell, or otherwise convey, before full compliance with the provisions of the chapter, any parceled land or other interest which sale conveyance would constitute a subdivision under Section 17.0.150, 2, `the town building official shall refuse to issue permits of any kind for the construction of any building or other improvements upon any land for aahich an approved final plat is required by this chapter, unless and until the requirements hereof have been complied with. 3, No building permit shall be issued far any lot or parceled land which has been transfered, conveyed, sal d, subdivided or acquired in violation of this chapter. Any transferee who acquires a lot or a parcel of land in violation of this chapter without knowledge of such violation, and any subsequent transferee, shall have the right to rescind and/or receive damages from any transferor Who violates the provisions of this chapter. 4. The zoning administrator, PEC and/or council (whichever is applicable) may withdraw any approval of a plan or plat or require certain corrective measures to be taken following a determination that information provided by the subdivider, or by anyone on his behalf, upon which a decision was based is fa]se or inaccurate. The zorrincl administrator shell cause • • ~` written notice to 6e served on the subdivider, or his assignees, setting out a clear and concise statement of the alleged false or inaccurate information provided by the subdivider, or agents on his behalf and directing the subdivider to appear at a certain time fora hearing before the PEC not less than 15 days nor more than thirty days after the date of service of notice. The PEC sha71 determine at the hearing the nature and extent of the alleged false or inaccurate information and shall have power, for good cause being shown, to withdraw any approval or require certain corrective measures to be taken. However, withdrawal of approval or imposition of corrective requirements shall not be an exclusive remedy on finding by the i'EC that inaccurate information has been received,-and any and all remedies provided by law may be exercised. 17.04. 030 Rpproval required for recordation {111 plats of a subdivision of land within the town steal] be filed and recorded only after having been approved and signed by the zoning administrator, PEC and/or council (whichever is applicable). 17,04.040 Jurisdiction These regulations are applicable within the following described areas: A. All land located within the legal boundaries of the town; B. All land located within one «~ile of the corporate limits of the town and r7ot located in any other municipality for the purposes of control with reference to major streets only. • • • 17.04.050 Interpretation In the interpretation and application of the provisions of these regulations, the following regulations shall govern: A, In their interpretation and application, the provisions of these regulations shall be regarded as the minimum requirements for the protection of the public health ,- safety and l~el fare. 6. 4Jhenever both a provision of these regulations, and any other provisions of these regulations, or any provision of any other law,: ordinance, resolution, rule, or regulation of any kind, contains any restriction covering any of she same subject matter, ~~hichever restrictions are more restrictive or impose higher standards or requirements shall govern. C. These regulations are not intended to abrogate or annul the following: 1. Any permits issued before the effective date of these regulations, or 2. Any easement or covenant. • • CHAPTER 17.x8 DEFINITIONS AND RilLES OF LANGUAGE CONSTRUCTION 17.08.010 Generally ~Jhen used in these regulations, the fallowing words and phrases shall have the specific meaning as defined in this chapter. 17,08020 Accepted,-roads and streets Accepted, when used in regard to roads and streets, shall mean written acceptance of the road or street by the town engineer as per the Design Standards (Chapter 17.28. 17.08.030 Adequate Access Adequate access shall mean compliance with Section 17.28 of these regulations as it relates to private streets and drives. 17,08,00 Rdjacent Adjacent, when used with respect to a lot or property ownership, shall mean all properties with a common point or line to the subject property and the property which would have a common point or line with the subject property if a public ve- hicular right-af-way separating the properties were not there. 17,OS.Q50 clock 61oc~C means an area of land within a subdivision which is entirely bounded by streets, highways, natural boundaries or the exterior boundary or boundaries of the subdivision. 17.08.055 Quilding Quilding means any si:ructure having a roof supported by colurrrns or tivalls, or any other enclosed structure, for the housing ar enclosure of per°sons,~animals or property. • • • 17.08.050 Condominiums Condominium means a building containing condominium units which means an individual air space unit (any enclosed room or roams occupying all or part of a Haar or floors in a building of one or more floors to be used for residential, professional, commercial, or industrial purposes which has access to a public. street} together with the interest in the common elements appurtenant to said unit. 17.08.070 Dedication "Dedication" means a grant of the owner of a right to use land to the public in general, involving a legally recorded transfer of property rights, and an acceptance of the dedicated property by the town of Vail. 17.08.080 Duplex "Duplex" sha]1 mean a detached building on a single parcel containing two dwelling units, designed far or used as dwellings exclusively by two far~ilies, each living as an independent housekeeping unit. 17.08.085 Dwelling Unit "Dwelling unit" means any room or group of rooms in a two-family or,~~ultiple- family building with kitchen facilities designed for or used by one family as an independent housekeeping unit. 17.08.090 Easement "Easement" means a grant of land by the owner for the specified use of tf~e land. 17.08.100 Final Approval "Final approval" means approval by the Planning and ~.nvironmental l:ommission of the final plat or approval of the council if appca~Gd. {'EC final approval does not take place until 11 days after the Pi_C decision on tii~~ final plat, if the council does not appeal. i M _~_ 17110 F'ractiana~ fee "Fractional fee" means a tenancy in common interest in improved real property, including condominiums, created or held by persons, partnerships, corprrrations, or ,joint ventures or similar entities, wherein the tenants in common have formerly arranged by oral or written agreement or understanding, whether recorded or unrecorded, allowing for the use and occupancy of the property by one or more co-tenants to the exclustion of one or more ca-tenants during any period, whether annually reoccuring or not, which is binding upon any assignee or future owner of a fractional fee interest, ar if such agreement continues to be in any way binding ar effective upon any cotenant for the sale of any interest irz the property. 17,08.120 Lot "Lot" means a parcel or portion of land separated from other parcels or portions by legal description and abutting upon one (1} ar more public streets, roads or easements and intended as a unit far the transfer whether immediate or future, of ownership or far development. 17.08,130 Pl at,. f final "P1 at" means a map, drawing or chart upon which the subdivider presents proposals for the physical development of a subdivision, and ~~vhich he submits for approval and intends to record in final form. 17.08,140 Preliminary plan "Preliminary plan'means the preliminary drat~rings described in these regulations indicating the proposed manner or layout of the subdivision to be submitted 'to the Planning and Lr~vironmental Commission ~fior approval. 17,0$.150 Project Documents "Project documents" shall be defined in accordance L~aith the statutes of the state. 17.OS.160 Right~of-way "Right-of~way" rneans the width between property lines of a Street. • ~ -lu- 17.08,170 Street, private "Private s~r~et" sh~~rl7 r~,narr cony street no-t dedicated to tfre pub? is for purposes of vehicular use and rr~2eting one ~of the follo~,~ing: 1) c~xccr-ding 7~ fiat in l~rryth 2} providing ar_cess for more ~h~:n tt•.~o dwelling units 17.08.180 Same pwhership "5arne ownership" shall mean ownership by the same person, corporation, firm, entity, partnership, or unincorporated associated or ownership by different corporations, firms, partnerships, entities, or unincorporated associations, in which a stockholder, partner, associate, or a member of his family owns an interest in each corporation, firm, partnership, entity or unincorporated aSSOCIatIOn. 17.Q8.1 90 5treet~ public '"Public street" means a) the entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained when any part thereof is open to the use of the public far purposes of vehicular travel, b} the entire width of every way declared tq be a public high4vay by any law of this state; and further classified and defined as follows: A. Arterial streets are those which permit the relatively rapid and unimpeded movement of large volumes of traffic froir~ one part of the community to another. Ei. Collector streets are those rJhich collect traffic from minor streets and carry it to arterial streets or to local traffic generators. Collector streets include the principal entrance streets to a residential develop- ment, those lin'~inc~ such adjacent developments, and those streets providing circulation within such developments. G, Minor streets are those rased i~rimarily for direct access to properties abutting the right-ofµwa,y. 4linor streets carry tr~lffic having an origin or destination within the dev~~ioprrient and do not carry through traffic. • ~ ~ 17.Q8.?..g0 Subdivider •~ "subdivider" means any person, individual, firm, partnership, association, cor-- poration, estate trust, or any other group or combination acting as a unit, dividing or proposing to divide land so as to constitute a subdivision as defined in this chapter, including any agent of the subdivider. 17.08.21Q Subdivision A. "Subdivision" or "subdivided land" means: 1, A tract of land which is divided into two ~2) or more lots, tracts, parcels, sites, separate interests (including leasehold interests), interests in common, or other division for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership, or for building or other developrrrent, or for street use by reference to such subdivision or recorded plat thereof; or 2. A tract of land including land to be used for condorniniurrrs, time-share estates, fractional fee units, or time-share licenses, or 3. A house, condominium, apartment or other dwelling unit which is divided into two or more separate interests thr°ough division of the tee or title thereto, whether by conveyance, license, ]ease, contract for sale or any other method t~f disposition. (3, Unless the method of land disposition is adopted for the purpose o~F evading this definition, the term "subdivision" as defined in this section shall not apply to any of the following divisions of bind or interests in land: 1. The division of land by order of any court in this state or by operation of law; `L, The division of land by a 1 ien, n~ortgacre, cieeci of~ trust er ~r~~y other security instrument; 3, The division of land by a security or unit c~i~ interest in ~rn.y investment trust regulated under the laws of this statr. or any other interest • • in an investment entity; •' 1 2- 4. The divisinn of land which creates an interest or interests in oil, gas or minerals which are now or hereafter severed from the surface ownership of real property; 5. The division of land by the acquisition of an interest in land in the name of a husband and wife or other persons in joint tenancy or as tenants in common and any such interest shall be deemed for purposes of this section as only one interest, provided, however, that no agreement exists, either recorded or unrecorded, between the co-tenants allowing for the use and occupancy of the property by one or more cotenants to the exclusion of one or mare cotenants during any period, whether annually reoccurring or not if such agreement is in any way binding or effective upon any assignee or future owner of a fractional fee interest or if such agreement continues to be in any way binding or effective upon any cotenant for the sale of any interest in the property; 6, The division of land by reason of the disso]ution of a joint venture or other business entity. C. No subdivision shall be approved which includes elements not in conformance with the provisions of any applicable zoning ordinance or other ordinance of the town or law or regulations of the state, Q. Subdivision, Major "Major subdivision" means any subdivision involving more than four t4) lots, or a subdivision proposal without all lots having frontage on a public, approved street, or with a request to extend municipal facilities in a significant manner, or a proposal which would negatively affect the natural environment as determined under Section 1g.56.02Q, ~l~~p]icability of Environmental Impact ~teport , or 'i f the proposal 4~roul d adverse I.y affect the development of she remainder of the parce] ar the adjacent property. • • s E. Subdivision, Minor "Minor subdivision" rrreans any subdivision containing not more than four lots fronting on an existing street, not involving any new street or road or the extension of municpal facilities and not adversely affecting the development of the remainder of the parcel or adjoining property. 17.08.220 Time-share license "Tune-share license" means a contractural right to exclusive occupancy of specified premises; provided that the occupancy of the premises is divided into five or more separate time periods extending over a term of more than two years. The premises may consist of one parcel, unit or dwelling or any of several parcels, units or dwellings identified at the time the license is created to be identified later. No time-share is a tirrre-share license if it meets the definition of interval estate, time-share or tune-span estate. 17.08.230 Time span estate "Time span estate" shall be defined in accordance with the statutes of the state. 17.0$.240 Townhouse "Townhouse" shall mean a building that has one-family d+,velling units erected in a raw or in a clustered fashion as a single building on adjoining lots, each being separated from the adjoining unit or units by a party wail or ~•ralls extending from the basement floor to the roof along the dividing lot line, and each such building being separated from any other ~7uilding by space on all :;zaes. 17.08.250 Rules of Language Construction For the purposes of these regulations , ~,ror~ds ~fsecl here i i~ s;ra -1 €3c~ i r~terpreted in accordance with the following rules: 1. The particular controls the general. 2. In case of any difference of rl~a_aning or -i3~rpl icatiort bi~tvreen the text of this chapter and the captions for each article, the text shall control. s • °~ ~, The word "shall" is rnandatory.anless the context clearly indicates the contrary. The word "may" is permissive. A~, Words used in the present tense include the future,.unless the context clearly indicates the future tense. 4. Words used in the singular number include the plural, and words used in the plural number include the singular, unless the context clearly indicates the contrary. CHAPTER 17.16 NIp,JOR SUCDIVISION 17.1.070 Special Procedure Required The following submittal requirements and procedures apply to a major subdivision proposal. 17,16,020 Community Development Department Consultation Required The first step irr the process fora major subdivision is for the applicant Lo request a meeting with the zoning administrator to assist in meeting sui?r~~ittal requirements, address related zoning issues and generally give the proposal a preliminary review. • ~ 17.16.030 Prel irninary Presentation - PEC ;, Consideration of a major subdivision proposal shall be formally considered 4Vlth~ a preliminary plan presentation by the subdivider and/or his representative(s) to the PEC at a regularly scheduled meeting. This preliminary presentation shall be a public hearing according to Sections 18.66.060-18.66.090 of the Vail Municipal Code. The presentation shall re-F]ect the proposed dcveloprnent for an entire same ownership and shall indicate all adjacent lands owned or under option to the subdivider at the .time of subdivision. 17,15.070 Preliminary Plan ~ Submittal Requirements A. At least 30 days prior to the preliminary plan presentation to the PEC, the subdivider shall submit at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet or larger, 12 (twelve) copies of each of the following (exceptions can be granted on individual items by the director of public works or the zoning administrator) to the department of community development: 1, The Environmental impact Report required 2. A topographic survey with a north arrow, graphic scale, dimensioned to nearest foot prepared and certified by a Colorado registered land surveyor, shall be submitted including the following information: a. Boundary lines b. Preliminary proposed lots and blocks 4•~ith numbers and sizes c. Casements: location, width and purpose d. Proposed streets, their widths of right-of-~,~lay and pavement, approximate grades in percentage and center line radii or curves; areas 4rith cuts and fills exceeding 6 feet and extent thereof e. Utilities an and adjacent to the tract, includirrg their type, location, size and invert elevations of sanitary sewF~rs, storm drainacle facilities 'i --16 -- and water mains. If utilities are not found on the tract, distance r to, direction of and size and elevations of the nearest utilities should be indicated. ~. Contour intervals of no less than two feet if the site is two acres or less; contour intervals of five feet or less if the tract is more than two acres, elevations to be based on USGS datum. g. Drainage conditions on and adjacent to the tract including location and extent of water courses, areas of 100 year floodpl.~in (verified by a registered professional engineer in State of Colorado), perpetual drainage easements and location of natural springs and ground water h. Existing conditions on adjacent land: The area within 200 feet from each subdivision boundary should be included in the preliminary plan to show its zoning, location of physical improvements and land uses, owners of said property, division of property into lots tracts including subdivision names and any sig- nificant natural features. The objective of showing brow 'the preliminary plan interfaces with all adjoining properties and uses thereof should be ,~~et. i. Existing zoning j. All areas of 40:;,; slope or greater, and avalanche areas indicated as shaded areas. ~. Letters from all applicable utility agencies verifying Service 1. Indications showing that access to tf~e subdivision is via a maintained public road m. 5oi1 stability analysis • • ~ i 7., 17.16.090 Prelirs~inary Plan ~- Agencies Review -- The zoning adrninistrator shall inform any of the following agencies that copies of the preliminary plan are available for review and comment. Notification shall be mailed at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date set by the planning and environmental commission for public hearing: 1• The Vail Valley Water District 2. Department of Public Works 0. Town of Vail Fire Department Q. Town of Vail Police Department 5. Public Service Company of Colorado 6. Holy Crass Electric Association 7. Mountain C3el 1 f3. Cablevision company serving the area 9. National Forest Service 10. Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District 11. Other interested agencies when applicable Such agencies shall be required to make recommendations and comments within 15 days from the date of receipt of notification that t}~e preliminary plan is available for review. Failure to make recommendations and/or comments within the prescribed 15 day period shall be deemed approval of the prei~iminary plan. 17.16.110 PEC Review Criteria The burden of proof shall rest with the applicant to show that the application is in compliance with the intent and purposes of this chapter, the zoning ordinance and other pertinent regulations that the PEC deems applicable. Due consideration shall be given to the recommendations rrrade by public agencies, utility companies and other agencies consulted under 17.16.090. The PEC shall review the application and consider its appropriateness in regard to Town of Vail policies relating to subdivision control, densities proposed, regulations, ordinances and resolutions and other applicable documents, °nvironrnental inte~~r'ity and compatibility 4•rith • • 17.16.115 Review and Appeal Periods, I=alse Statements {1. "the PErC sfrall have 21 days from 'the date of reviewing the preliminary plan to approve, disapprove ar approve with conditions or modifications, unless a longer period of time is agreed upon by the subdivider and the Planning Corrtmission or the preliminary plan shall be deemed approved. E3. It is unlawful for any person to intentionally or knowingly submit a false state- meat as part of an application for subdivision approval, exemption or exception. C. l~ithin 10 days the decision of the Planning Commission on the preliminary plan shall be transmitted to the Council by the staff. 1"he Council may appeal the decision of the PEC within 17 days of the PEC's action. If Council appeals the PEC decision, the Council shall hear substantially the same presentation by the applicant as was heard at the PEC hearing(s). The Council shall have 3U days to affirm, reverse, or affirm with modifications the PEC decision, and the Council shall conduct the appeal at a regularly scheduled Council meeting. 17.16.120 Final Flat - Submission At any time within one year after the PEC has completed its review of the premliminary 1 plan, a final plat shall be submitted to the department of community development. If more than a year has passed from the date of the PCC's review, the proposal shall be reclu~ired to be reviewed on a preliminary basis again. `~ - 17.16.130 Final Plat - Requirements and Procedure A. The subdivider shall submit eight (fi) copies of the final plat, two or more of which shall be rnyl ars, 12 copies of the final E IR and any additional material as required by Section 17.16.130 (C). The final plat shall substantially conform to the preliminary plan and shall inc]ude changes as required after consideration on a preliminary basis by the PEC. 7f it does not substantially conform to the preliminary plan and includes any revisions required by PEC, it shall be required to go back through preliminary plan procedures. 4Jithin 30 days of receiving the complete and correct submittal for a final plat, the PEC shall hold a public hearing to consider the final plat. The zoning administrator shall cause a copy of a notice of the time, place and general nature of the hearing and proposal to be published in a newpaper of general circulation in the town of Vail at least fifteen (15) days prior to said hearing. Also, adjacent ~ property owners to the proposed subdivision shall be notified in writing at least 7 days prior to the public hearing. I3. Final Plat - Staff Review The final plat shall be circulated to and reviewed by the town's departments, including, but not limited to public works, transportation, community develop- ment, recreation, administration, police and fire. Corrvnents and concerns of these departments will be forwarded to the PEC and the applicant prior to the public hearing in the staff merr~orandum. C. Final Plat and Supplementary Material - Contents The final plat and supplenjentary r~~aterial s}gall contain the fol1owiny information:, 1. The final plat shall be drawn in Ii`rdia ink, or ether substantial solution, on a reproducible inediur~ (preferably irylar) ,•rith ciinrension of 24 x 36 inches and shall be at a scale of one hundred (100) feet to one (1) inch or larger with margins of l-1/Z--2" nn t}re left and 1/?" on all other sides. 2. Accurate diurerrsions to the nearest one-ilunclreth of ~~ toot for• al 1 1 roes, angles and curves used to describe boundaries, streets, setbacks, al1c~ys, easements, structures, areas to be reserved car dedicated far public or co~3urron uses and other important features. All curves shall be circular arcs and -zo- • i shall be defined by the radius, central angle, arc chord distances and bearings. All dimensions, both linear and angular, are to be deterr~~ined by an accurate control I survey 'in the field which must balance and close within a limit of one in ten thousand (10,000}. 3. North arrow and graphic scale. 4. A systematic identification of all existing & proposed buildings, snits, lots, blocks, and names for all streets. 5. 1Vames of all adjoining subdivisions with dotted lines of abutting lots. If adjoining land is unplatted, it shall be shown as such. 6. An identification of the streets, alleys, parks, and other public areas or facilities as spawn on the plat, and a dedication thereof to the public use. An identification of the easements as shown on the plat and a grant thereof to the public use. Areas reserved for future public acquisition shall also be shown on the p1 at. 7. R written survey description of the area including the total acreage to the nearest appropriate significant figure. The acreage of each lot or parcel shall be shown in this manner, as well. 8. A description of all survey monuments, bath found and set, which mark the boundaries of the subdivision., and a description of all monuments used in conducting the survey. Monument perimeter per colorado statutes. Two perimeter monuments sha11 be established as major control monuments, the materials which will be determined by the Town Engineer. 9. A statement by the land surveyor explaining how bearing base was determined. 10, A certificate by the registered land surveyor as outlined in Chapter 17.32 of this Title as to the accuracy of the survey and plat, and that the survey was performed by him in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, Title 3$, Article 51. ll. A certificate by an attorney admitted to practice in the State of Colorado, or corporate title insurer, that the owner(s) of recarci dedicating to the public the public rights-of-way, areas or facilities as shown thereon are the owners thereof in fee simple, free and clear of ail liens and encurrrbranccs except as noted. (See example in Chapter 17.32) -2U- shall be defined by the radio. central angle, arc chord dicta ces and bearings. All dimensions, both linear and angular, are to be determined by an accurate control survey in the field which must balance and dose within a limit of one in ten thousand (10,000). ~ ~ ! -~~- 12. The {roper forr~i far approval of the plat by the PEC chairman and acceptance of dedication and easements by the caun~~l with signature by the mayor and attesta- tion by the town clerl~,. Examples ire found in Chapter 17.32 of this title. 13. The proper form for filing of the plat with the Eagle County clerk and recorder as per exaitrpl e i n Chapter 1 7.32 . 14. Certificate of dedication and ownership as per example in Chanter 17.32. Should the certificate of dedication and ownership provide far a ded~;.•ation of land ar improvements to the public, all t~eneficiaries of deeds of trust and mortgage holders on said real property will be required to complete the certificate of dedication -For €nortyage holder or deed of trust holder as in Section 17.32.150. 75. Additional material which shall accompany the final plat includes, but not 1 invited to: a. Complete and final environmental impact report if required by the zoning ordinance. 6. Complete engineering plans and specifications for all improvements to be installed, including but not lir~rited to water and sewer utilities, streets and related improvements, pedestrian and bicycle paths, bridges and storm drainage improvements. c. Maps at the same scale as the fina] plat showing existing topography and proposed grading plan {contour interval requirements same as pre]irninary plan), a landscape and/or revegetation plan showing locations, type and sizes of existing and proposed vegetation. d. A Wrap the same scale as the final plat depicting all high and moderate avalanche hazard areas, 40l and high slope areas and 100-year flood plain areas as defined in the hazard ordinance of the Uail Municipal Code. e. Title insurance company proof of ownership of all lands within the proposal, f. Copies of any monument records required of the land surveyor in accardarzce with Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, Title 38, Article 53. g. Any agreements with utility companies avhen required. h. Protective covenants in for€n for recording. i. 0th~r data, certificates, affidavits, or documents as may be required by the zoning administrator or PEC or council in the enforcement of these regulations. a ~ • -<:. s 17.16.140 f=inal Plat - Review Criteria The criteria for reviewing the final plat shall be as contained in Section 17.1G.110 of these regulations. 17.16.150 Required improvements The fallowing improvements sha11 be required by the subdivider unless otherwise waived by either the zoning administrator, director of public works, PEC or council. All improvements shall meet the design standards, Section 17.28. 1. Navel street and parking lots 2. f3icyclE and pedestrian path linked with town of Vail system and within the subdivision itself 3. Traffic control signs, signals or devices 4. Street lights 5. Landscaping 6. Water lines and fire hydrants 7. Sanitary sewer lines 8. Storm drainage improvements and storm sewers 4. Qridges and culverts lO, electrical lines 11, Telephone lines 12. Natural gas lines 13. Other improver-~ents not specifically ir~entioned above bur found necessary by the 1'nwn Engineer due to the nature of the subdivision. 17.16.170 Pl arming Comn~i ss i on -- Pub? i c Ilea ring The planning and environmental commission shall revir~w the final plat and associated materia] and information and sha11 approve, approve with ir~odifications, or disapprove the plat within 21 days of the pui}1ic hearing on the final plat of the s~abdi vi si on or the f final plat i s deemed ap~~rovc~d. ~ti 1 onyer tinu~ period for rendering a decision may be clranted ,object to agreement between the applicant and the Pr~C. 17.1G.1~ Town Counr.il Right to Appeal -23- Within 10 days the decision of the PRC on the final plat shall be transmitted to the Council by the staff. The Council gray appeal the decision of the PEC within 10 days of the PEC's action. If council appeals the PFC decision, the Council shall hear sub- stantially the same presentation by the applicant as was heard at the PEC hearing(s). Tfre Council shall have 30 days to affirm, reverse, or affirm with modifications the PEC decision, and the Council shall conduct the appeal at a regularly scheduled Council meeting. 17.16.200 Council Acceptance of Dedications Within 30 days of Council approval of the final plat, the Council shall (if they so choose) accept in arriting by the mayor, the lands dedicated as herein required, or accept the monetary payment in lieu thereof. 17.1 6.205 F i l i ng a nd Recording The Department of Community Development will r°ecord the plat with the Eagie County clerk and recorder. The Community Development Department will retain one mylar copy of the plat far their records and will record the remaining mylar copy. 17.16.210 Permit Issuance After final approval and acceptance of dedications (or payment in lieu thereof), applicai3le site improvement permits may be issued by the department of community development and the department of public works. The developer may proceed with such additional requirements, permits or authorizations as may be required by this ordinance or regulations of the to~,vn. No perir~its shall be granted or authorization to proceed in the event final approval is not granted or the provisions of Section 17.16.200 are not satisfied. No permits shall be issued, or said permits may be withdr^awn, if any project proceeds or attempts to proceed not -in conformance wit~~ Dither the approved FIR or the final plat and associated material as approved. 17.15.250 Guarantee for Completion and Maintenance of Improvements A written agreement between the town and the subdivider sf~all be required in order to guarantee the construction and maintenance of required improvements. Said agreement shall cover ]00~~ of the current estima-hod cost of the improvements at the time they are to be installed as computed by the to4vn engineer and approved by the town manager or as supplied by the contractor in the form of a fir°m bid proposal. The agreement shall provide all information necessary Lo allow the town engineer to formulate an estimate if needed. The guarantee shall be at the option of the applicant, ono of the fo]lowing: A cash escrow, a performance caniplc~tion bond, or an irrevocable letter of credit. • • . -L4- '~ and shall give the town the uncondi- tional right, upon default by the subdivider to withdraw funds upon demand to partially or fully ca~i~plete and/or pay far any improvements or pay any outstanding bills for 4vork done thereon by any party. The subdivider shall also agree to warranty all improvements fora period of one year after acceptance by the town. No building permit ar certificate of occupancy shall be issued within the subdivision if said agreement is in default until the deficiencies are corrected. The agreement shall be recorded along with the final plat. 17.16.270 Improvements - Inspection Required As portions of the improvements to be dedicated to the Lawn are completed, the town engineer shall inspect them, and upon appraval and acceptance, he shall authorize the release of the agreed estimate far that portion of the improvements except that ten (1 D) percent of the estimated cost shall be withheld until all proposed improvements are completed and approved by the Town Engineer. The sub- divider shall in na way be relieved of any obligations to make the improvements, nor is the town obligated to assume the responsibility for any improvements by reason of the acceptance or any approval of any guarantee. Improvez~~ents not to be dedicated to the town shall be inspected and accepted by the appropriate governing body or district. 17.16.290 "As-built" Plans Finished plans of all public improvements as installed will be required before the fawn wi1~ accept the improvements. 17.16.33D Expiration of Final Plat Approval--i'~a Improvements Installed. All reclu~ired improvements as outl fined in 17,16.150 must be installed within ~l years of the date of PEC appraval or Lhe plat sha11 becoi~~e instantly invalid. All right to improve or develop the property an the part of the owner ar sub- divider shall thereby be relinquished.. • • s CHAPTER 17.20 MINOR SUBDIVISIONS 17.20.010 Minor SubdiVisTOns--Exemptions in Procedure and Submittals Minor subdivisions, as defined herein, shall be exempt from requirements related to preliminary plan procedures and submittals. Minor subdivisions may be required to submit an enviromental impact report if required by Chapter 18.5G of the zoning code. 17.2U.030 Minor Subdivisions - Procedure The procedure fora minor subdivision shall be as follows: 1. The subdivider shall submit three (3) copies, two of which must be mylars, of the proposal following the requirements for a final plat in Section 17.16.130 within the provision that certain of these requirements may be waived by the zoning administrator and/or the PEC if determined not applicable to the project. 2. The zoning administrator will schedule a public hearing before the PEC and fallow notification requirements for adjacent property owners and public notice for the hearing as found in Section 17.16.130A. 3, The PEC shall review the plat and associated materials and shall approve, approve with ~radifications or disapprove the plat according to review criteria as outlined in Section 17.16.110 within 21 days of the first public hearing on the minor subdivision or the minor subdivision will be deemed approved, A longer time period for rendering a decision may be granted subject to mutual agreement betti~een the PEC and subdivider. 4, An appeal of the PEC`s decision by the Town Cuunc~il sf~al l follow procedures as outlined in i7.I6.190. 17.20.050 F-ilin~ and Recording The Uepartnicnt of Ganununity Devi}lr~pr7rent will record the plat Zvi th the i:aclle County clerk and recorder. The Community Development De~~artment ~.~till retain one mylar copy of the plat for their records and will record the remaining copy. i • ~- -~~- CHAPTER 17.22 CONDOMIf~IUM AND TOWNHOUSE Pi.ATS 17.22.010 Condominium and Townhouse Plats--General Condominium and townhouse plats which do not constitute conversions from rental as defined in Section 17.40.020 (c} of the Vail h1unicipal Code may be approved by the zoning administrator, subject to department of public works review. The plat will be reviewed under two general criteria: 1. Zoning administrator will check to make sure the buildings and other improvements were built as per approved plan by the design review board and chief building official of the town for consistency with the zoning code and other applicable regulations. 2. The town engineer will review the survey data for compliance with requirements found in Section 17.16.130 (C). 17.22.030 Condominium and Townhouse Plats--Submittal Requirements The plat shall include a site map fallowing the requirements of Section 17.16.130 (C) 1 , 2., 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 , l3, and 14, The condominium or townhouse plat shall also include floor plans, elevations and cross- sections as necessary to accurately determine individual air spaces and/or other ownerships and if the project was built substantially the same as the approved plans. Also required to be submitted is a copy of the condominium documents for staff review to assure that there are maintenance provisions included for all commonly- owned areas. Also, building locations must be included and tied to property corners with distances and angles. Quilling dimensions must be shown to the nearest tenth of a foot. All property pins must be found or set and stated as such en map. The submittal shall be made to the department of community development on a form provided by the zoning administrator and shall include a certificate (as found in the appendix of this chapter) on the plat for zoning administrator approval. Condominium or Townhouse--Plat Procedure Upon receiving three (3} copies, two of which must be mylars, of a corrrplete submittal along with payment of the appropriate fee, the zoning administrator shall route one copy of the site map to the Town engineer for his review. The • • • .. zoning administrator sha]1 then conduct his review concurrently. The Town Engineer shall review the submittal and return comments and notifications to the zoning administrator who shall transmit the approval, disapproval or approval with modifications of the plat within 14 days to the applicant. The zoning administrator shall sign the plat if approved or require madifica- tians on the plat for approval or deny approval due to inconsistencies with the originally approved plan or failure to make ether required modifications on the plat 17.22,064 Dedications Tf a condominium nr townhouse plat proposes dedications to the Town, the matter shall be brought in front of the Council for a decision on acceptance. If accepted, there shall be a certificate (example in appendix) for acceptance of the dedicated property by the mayor. 17.22,070 Zoning Administrator Decision - Appeal The decision of the zoning administrator may be appealed following the procedures of Section 1.66.030 of the zoning code. 17,22.090 Filing and Recording The zoning administrator shall be the final signature required on the plat so that the department of community development will record the plat with the Eagle County clerk and recorder. 1'he department of corrTmunity development will retain one mylar copy of the plat for their records and will r°ecord the remaining mylar copy. • • • CHAPTER 17.24_ DUP1_~X SUBDIVISIONS 17.24.010 Duplex Subdivisions - Required Approval A resubdivision of an improved duplex lot and structure will require town of Vail approval through the zoning administrator. !~o duplex subdivision sha]1 be approved unless the lots are improved with at least foundations for bath units existing at the time of submittal. 17.24,030 Dup'fex Subdivision -~ 5ubmittai Requirements 1, Two mylar copies of the duplex subdivision shall be submitted to the department of community development. The plat shall include a site map following the requirement of Section 17.22.030. The plat must contain the foilowing statement: "For zoning purposes, the two lots created by this subdivision are to be treated as one entity with no more than one 2-family residence allowed on the combined area of the t,vo lots." The statement must be modified as to the number of parcels proposed. 2. A copy of the declarations and/or covenants attached to the subdivision to assure the maintenance of any can~mon areas avhich are being created. 17.24.050 Duplex SubdivisionWWProcedure The duplex subdivision procedure will follow the procedure for condominium and townhouse plats as found in Section ]7.22.050 of this title with the addition of an improvement location certificate. 17.?_4.030 Criteria for Review The duplex suhdivision will be reviewed to see that it complies with the zoning ordinance with respect to building location and other aspects of the structure and grounds with the original plans as approved by the design review board of the fawn and to review the accurateness and integrity of the survey data fatrnd an the ~~lat. • • • `° ]7.Z4.]Oa App~a] of Zoning Administrator's Decision The zoning administrator`s decision nay be appealed to the PEC and such appeal shall follow procedures set forth in Section 18.66.030 of the Vai 1 Municipal Code . 17.24.110 filing and Recording The department of co~j~~nun i ty development wi 11 record the plat with the Eagi e County clerk and recorder. The community development department will retain one my1ar copy of the plat for their records and will record the remaining mylar copy. • n r CFIAPTER 17.26 - COZ•IDOMINIUM_ CONVERSIONS Sections: 17.26.010 Purpose 17.26.020 Definitions 17.26.030 Prel irilinary neap 17.26.p40 Final map 17.26.050 Review procedure 17.2b.060 Conversion to condominiums 17.26.070 Additional requirements--Candominiurn 17.26.075 Condominium conversion 17.26.080 Action on preliminary map ] 7.26.090 Pre1 irllinary pull is report 17.26.100 Finn] reap 17.26.110 Final reap approval 17.2&.120 5ul~division publ is report 17.26.130 ImprovmerTre?nt s:~curity 1 7.26.135 Cxentpti ons 17.26.140 Appl icab i i i ty 17.26.010 Purpose • conversions .1•h~, c)rciil)i,ni~ ~•utliiit~tl iit this chal}l~r i!;l~, l~~elt :lcl~l~tcci in ~ICCx~rclctncc with cht~ l~rorisic)r) ~f riu~ i_<~,.al (~~:rvt•lnn~ent 1_aErc] li~;t` Control ]~,u.a)]itts; ;~ci nt 1~~7~=1, ,!~~ 1c)t:rta in C.R.S. *c1-?U--i(}l, ct, ti.ct. tt5 lt)c)re ~~?articulrtrly sl~~`]lcci c~~lt ill ~;.1L5. ?')-'Q-iU4 to r~`l,ul.tt~ cc,lt.lolttinitll<~ conversions w>r,ic~ may n.+srt1L i!t sittrtifi~':u!t cft~rlt~~cs ilt the l)ctl7ulcllic)n c)i- tlic tot~'r~ at~d tl) cc,niroi iftc: ilrtl)ncl llt~'r.'nt• c)lt t11~ tcnvn a:tcl tl.r .,!irt-c~ultditt;, arc~.:tS. "1'l!c lot~~tt filtcls tf;:lt' tlt~• r)rclitrtnce cclclii'i~~<.i in I]ti5 ~-ltapicr is llecc:sS;lr}~ fur tftc 1)rolc`t:iic~n of ili.; 1)r11,1it It~'.rll;t, ~:lfcty ;urcl tt~clf,lrc to uccc)nti)li~h 11E~ fc)llotvir,!~ 1)ul; u;cs: 1',. `l~c) eEtsttr~ tith hirl'orman~c: ol• utailttertaltct~ rc~no.~sil)ilitics in t•t~ltv~t~tctl cu<<cic)tniltit:.ns, attcl t~ 1)r,~lltc)tc~ tltt~ ~;{;llli:: Il~all',t, s,;lcty :tnc.l t~c~ll~;;~~`; 13. 'l r) cutiur~~ tlurl i~~1:l.El tlniis ht•iEt~r, ,,)u~r,=t-lc°cf to Cl)Ilac)I1r1PlIUiIS r,tr~•i il~:ISUtul:~ll~ j]]tl'~It'U1 '-l.!r]Cl[.rl1,S (1S rcytiir~:cl 1,~~ subcliti~•i~.nt .int.l t~s.liltlin;; co,lcs a,.i:+~ii~tl ?)y llu` int~~rt; C'. '1'c) 1)rutC;rt irc~nt t}!,!1_•.•rs~:'Ir}~ Lt~ic;titll! ti-,L 1{ai~~`lrts ni l~Clltal 1111:~ti 17l'111:T, l':'iil't•I~iC(i r+-) f,:+ll)t111111iE!t'•li)7'~, :Ir1il tS) :!>,~,isl [Itc`st~ r.•~.itic!;ts in Itt~t:tilt:; li,t'ir fitll.lr~° it{,1};,;{;~T, It.~~•cis; -30- • ~ !1. `I'c) t~resL•I~~~ .. c•cast)rle~iilr l,ri;l.t>.1Lti; .tn the. o~s,•nt'(i ~•crtitls rental I!c)!isint=, llli!~ ;.l;,cl tc~ ]t!airt: zn tiic~ st,l)}?1~f c~~ lo~~,' lu niodcrate ]Iti1c)111i` llltatti ,+.1'alliilJl~ ?if rite tc)41'll; l';. '1'n Inortilc~r til. srll,l)l~' c)f fo~`I to nlc~tlerate ir.L'cu,l.: units c) illat lltc~ t~~~i'at play t::]<c alte;rsutt~s tc~ a~oi~. a ~:~orsertiilt; hc)tlsitt;; t:ri~is. 17.26.020 tiefirlitions 'l ht.• fc)Ilc)~~.'i~t,, Llel-initicrns sllctl} apply ic) lire itltc'€~}>ri:'t:tiit~n c)f~ iltis cltal~tL~r rl. "ltyla~~:s," :!~ llsccl i!t tlti.s chal)ter, shall refer t~ lile bylaw's (11 t11C 11111( t11~'nc'I'S~ atiSC)CiallQrt Or COI'pOrati031, 13, "{'C)ilttrtilllitl' ;IPa!'t!Il~'ltt" 1)lear)S €t ('lL'1'i'lOi~lilel7t 11t ~'l171C11 ttlt'I'C 1S €1;1 Ltll~tll'1C1Cti ill?CrCSC i13 tl3c,• l::ltll Clit?j71.`i,l Wa.ttl tl]C rit;lti cif c~.{~iu ivl• c~r~li}~:ulcy c)i• nit :;}rlli?llctli: lorttc(1 1ltcrcin. ('o111r111llity <,3~;artln~°11ts sllilll be Sul?jc•ct 4~i i:lic. salrae restrictir)Its :tntl conditi~its set fc)1-lh ill this chaplet for Ci)1t11U1111?lil;ln tlnltS. ~~. "C.'OnClt)ltllltl'.11?; ~(lI1Vi:r5I()Il" ]llf'ilit5 till' GeVeiC)nnlCItt ()r l1 SC' c)f tllt• l.ctlti :uu.l c4_isiin sttut;tLlrc; as a concioliiiniuttl }~rpjei:t rt~,~:rrcil~ss of file }~resellt ot• 1)ric)r llse of such lancJs auii StrllCtllrCti, iti1C1 r'C!~iir{ill"iS C)}` Whctli::r 5t1135t:11][litl im}7rc):t•n,:•Itt~ liave been made tt) such structur4s. l). "~~OllCl(~ntl7ilrllll ltlllt" ]i1C~:11]$ i!r4 1r1LlIV1[lt1;J.1 i11C SpilCl` [lfi:t tot;ctll(•r ~.,'itll the i~tterest in the colllmon r1~Itrt•.llts a}~;nrrtcu:atf to such unlit. E. A "clcclar.~ticin" i, an iltsttumc~ttt recclrcied l~ursu:tnt to tit:: sttttutcs c)l~ tlic st:ricr anti wllrcll c1l~Cilrc thr. cftanlc•ter, ciur'it- tic)]t, li_~iti~, c~bli~r,<ttion~, csncl la..ntitations of conc.}ornini.llut o~~'tlcrsi3il), `J•hc clrclar:ttion ~.llall ialcluiic :311 restriclic?us, listtitatic,3is af]Ll s})~cif'icatious ~t'lticil ltla~r be rt`t}uirecl lly flit' plLUtrlin;' allcl cnvironntt~!ttal cnltlnlission c)r town cotlnc•il, iatclucli!t~~ t~lo~~is;c)lrs rclalivt~ tc) toile-sll;u'ialt; rstates, lilCllsl`S c)r I-racti~~iaal f:;us::tnd tlt'.~ praccdurc I-c,r anx'irclltlcnls c)i- tltt~ c1cc:Ln-atic~n v.~hiclt rt•rll!irt,ti at)pli~~al c)f- tilt town. F, f1.n "i!!cli~ itlual ai€' ;>}rtt;t~ llillt" collsi5ts c, i• .nty L'lYclc)st•Li roatlt or rc)r,las c)c'cutn~iir~~ ail nr r):It•t oS a }lc)t)r or lloc)l~s ui a hualcl3u~; cal c)nr ar rr!c>r~• 17t)c)rs to l~~ uscil for r~sitlcnti~ll, l,rofc~~i<t,~.ll, co€itmcrc•i:l1 c)r irltlu:;tria] ]~urt,,>>es, ~,~rlticlt ltas ar.cess t~) :~ I-~~.rl~lii~slre~,.[. G `"1~9c~cl~i~; << i~t:raluc`" c;lt:tll lit' ;!~ tl~.'t-iu.'cl frc)itt tiln~° tc) true. ley tlic' c~~t!I~~ii. ((trcl. ~..1{1~3?::U1 r 1;t)rtl..":(l~.llli) `i 1 (l~artf.) -31_ ~ • o. 77.2&.030 Preliminary Wrap ~• -32- x111 r~r;~})c)a,.'cl cc)nc{un~Iirlitrl)t conversion projects shall submit the 1)fC11111111I1r'V !'.3;l1~, CUllt,illlln!, tliC tlt#Orr11`,.rt3i3i] ai)u 1'CC{lllrl'r'tIL'llt5 ;;}~:rificci iI] t'ira#~t~~r 17.It~ ;IS Wray 1)c a}~},lit'.al~ic' to the; prc~;~i)~i:cl ~Llncli)u3iniuin }~r:,j~.cL. 111 ailcliiii)11 by il;:lt ir~l~orlt)aiic~]), Cllr pl~ciilllinar~' ln;i!} felt thr rcllul~_)tuinicutt conversion project shall include: .t1. A rnclr) slro~~'in<< :111 ~'orlllnort nrc~as alltl usa~,cs r~#' ilie bl,ritclirlr, arlcl ~~rourlcls, ani! })laps for iltr~ i.rttrris~r ilivisior] of tllcs hllilclill}; sitc)<„iil~; {]oriruntal and vet'fic.tl h~)uElclaries of ]]ll unite.: }3, .1 co+?y of tlu' ilccl<trcEtiat) applical){c to tll~ti i:c~Itciot~tiniu[1) prc~jt:et; C. r1, copy {)f lire 1)yl~tws. Thy l)yla`vs shall contain. the. i~tfor;,]<ctior3 rc'clllirc~l 1)y the C~rcloi;,;.:rT.rlm Ownershi}~ ,~,ct . c)I• the 5tatr ol• Colorado. fill conclc;l3initlm projects sia~lll cc~tll}ply l:~i ti: !his, rec}trirelncnt. {Os~~€. `'ii(lcj7~1 ;:: 1 Errtrt),} ] 7.26.t1`lt) 1't+.s:1111)<t}). The #~illcli ]il:l11 •#~u]• the cnnclulrtinilln) conversion project shall contain all inl~orn3ati~r3 trcltlircd by C'llat~,i:r I "J.16 as the s~In~c~ play hc~ n#)l~Iii;3l~le tc) illy ~ondo,niltiur,] {)rr~i=,'t;i. 111 adilitiolt, if ihel~e ofd arly' rl'~,irErirlC C'OVCnaIltS, COti({Illi):iS Llr PeStI1Ct].O11S C)tltt;r than sl)crific~ri i t the c{i;claruiio]<, tllc:y sl~,tll Ile 1'ilecl cc)i)c•tlt•1'i'ntly' ~~.'iiE] t:lte final ma!). lOrcl.:'S; 1?73) ~ 1 (}>~!rt).) 17.~,r,~.0 ~0 l:evi•el~' })r•c~ceclrrt-e. 'f he re,-icr.' ltroc.~eilttrc 1~cn' corldunliniirrn ~'ull•,":•r~siolts shrill bc.' il] .rct:o]'i{al~cc witl] ;lie #~rc)c:i'clrlrc's i~ur strt,ilivisians <IS sl~ccifi~c! in 1:13 is title. (Urci. 17.2E .060 Regtairerttents- Condarr7inium conversions l i,t' :i#)llil~.'.I I1t }~I't7l~r)$l11!. #c) 112;r1~t' II rltlll#')I]:Inttlr]1 ('(lll~'E'I'~!1~11 sl;al{ 1)rc>','icit' I?;.• f~)Ilcnvirl~r,ic),lln3c'nt..cti~~Il !'pit{) thc~ r~ri°lilnil3:u~y lna}): ~~. .h rc~rlcic~n~illii!n1 rclnl~cr';it)n rc'#~c)rt fr,r,n thi' tc~~','n i~ililr!inl'. I11';#1;'rt~1r' c~)1 llli' Cl)lltll#!~)I1 i1# I}'.~ I~1111LIII]E;, !1~;t111!.' ;IiI I'~uilcliilt= rc)ci.' vit~lclfic~n~, I~il~c' r~clr ~#~rl,Ilionz lltirl Irlai.rl vic>Icltii):r': r,hit~!t :Ire cfrtriiclcnt,ii !.~ iilr• {]r•alfll, S;II~,rt1` :Inca wcll~;irr ~~t tl;t ill3f~lic, i{lt• r3r, ii~rti, ;,,itl t11~ c)t:cu}~;nits {~I~ tl,~ hrli{c{irlt~. "l~h,' .~t)1}licant sll:~ll have <tr':lil:ll}!~. ;tn,l x111111 pre). iil~'. t•u#zicti t)I ti~i, rti}u)rt to ;111 ;)rc,,r.r~_:ti~•~' #,rtrcal.!cl~; c,t' cctllcinlnis3ic!I,I irni;s or irltrrr<~,t in il).:~ull,!rlrnirliunl })rui;'t•f: • • ~ :, 13. A report t~f tllt~ l)1'n!,)o~ [l con'w'cl:'..it~il, int:lacliltg the. toilo~v- Iltt; lily V1'li'i:11.1C}i3: 1. I..en~Ytll f.; 1, c)i:[~llpanetr c)f l,r{:sellt t.cl;icclts, ;'. 1'lle ]luli:.~°l!c)1[] [:<;ltl}}ositioat of 1r:•[':~['lli t.c,tallts, ,3. ('ltrit'llt r~rial l~ittta; wllt~ilicr rt•:1t:; iilclu{tc or exclLlcle ittilitics; c]<l:'' ait~l t]lc. arl,ol,iitt ol~ 9~lst r~']lt~;l increase., ~l. A stlsnllt;:ry oC tilU pl'~)hosad [:wr,'~rshi;~ cif the Units, if the ultits wi!l l}e sold (ts tinlc-sll~!r;~ nr iltterval 04~'ll~r- ships; ills <11~pco).itttatc propc)se[l sale 1)rice of i111itS alai fillaltcirl~ arr.ingelllr;nts To 1)t, 1?r[~vitlec] t)y the applicnllr; C;. flans Iln[i [4r°scriptioils showing h~lw tl,.t' 1~[)1Jo.rin~ will 1}e. pcrforill~;C1: 1. n31 site >.~~orl. shall lie bioli,'.:hi. ul~ 1:o current 1[)wl~ stantzartlti lnlless a variance tli,:re'frCllll i= gr~nied to the al}l~li{:ani l:,y tht' town cnunc;il ill Ia.ccc}rdallce with the V11rSaltl:i: l);oCc'Ciii.l'c.$ ()t tills 1.1L1r 1 ~. 1. ilC tOWll COLIi;Gi]. 111aV, 11 1. C1C:Li]1S IIlCCS~~i~~, .iL'C1Li!i'C; CitftlilOI181 l;~I'1;![l4; ~f11C111t1C'S tC7 lh~t't. I'td11111'C:Ili~Il:::i t}1. U4V11L'I'S :13,01 ~'UeS'LS U1 the c'{~11ilo1ni11iLllll (Snits, :'. ~`orri'ctiu;l_; of ~'i{}i:ftiorls ci',~.:~1 ill 11~e COndolltin}Lltll c~oltr~ci~:,fc)n re'poi't by 1 he t}alil[iiul= iust}ector, 3. C;onclo;lt~:tilsltt ;)rojccts shai] lli~'~~t cl.l]-rcr-t UnifC)t'm 13lllt[llli~.~ ~~UCI~i'. i'ttl;.lli'L'tl'I~11!5 ltli' i1C:3L ~llil 111'e [1C'tf~CtlClil Cl['~'SC~E iiil SVStI'Ii15, ~1~. Con[]oliii;li;uii pl~~~t~cts s?bill hclv~• 1±tlUlic iitilitit'. illdcl-~r1t~Et~lltl}~ ]Ilctcre[3 tt~ {!a'~11 nrlit; tv~itfrinay be Vn Il iYYlliil,.+i; fik'tc, if I3 hl?.'C;1)!'i:;t~ ;iP,i'~'Citll'1'tt5 f3rC Illt'lUtlCll ]l] t~,L' {'t)4C'll,tl',tS, L]C,,i;ll'S1L10;s C:t)Ilt11i.1U!1S, 2!ltll rL'Strll:- ti(11t~, ). :~11 a!~t~lit`~'1}°a' t;l~C'S, ti'i5 U3' Alai'?'C'5 llJl' `Vilt~!', 5C11'l'1', E'eCCI'l:tlilll,!1 ~1;3;Cltltli5, UI' c;t~ICF tit'I'V!.'C'~ t.lliit ~4'C)ll]tl )iU p,;}'Itl~lt' Lc) tilt 4{}w1t_ f[tr the j''rI)(c'('S: ii~ it ~t'eec°. I~.'it!~, iciltstl'cl~i(•[l rl~t:r r;ttitcl' tlt,ttl 1?. iit!' [t~itti'c.l'icii, shall lie. ~l.li.l 1)~, t:li~ .1]~'t)liciiltt j~rl[)l' tt) .tl'l~r~)vttl c}f tll~' c{)l;vc'r,ictn. i~llt• ;1~~1)1ic,int sl,;til t~t° r]'rclite~! ill t1tt: itlllf7(iiti t't,1.1;?1 t(7 tlk' l'OrrCS!)C)i1tllR~! tt'l', t~1?: {)]' Cltal'"e tlt.ti w:l> ll:li[i to ille tuwll ~~°11[~i] tllc huilclinr, ~:'a; t}lli,t. ((lI{l. 't'(I`~71;) ?: l t;-~art1.} -34M 17.7.#1.075 Condominium Conversion ;~' Any applicant seeking to convert ally accolnrt~adation unit within t}Ie town shall comply with the requirements of this section. The requirements contained in this section shah not apply to structures or buildings which contain two units or less. Py~ 'f !(~.` 1'('t~li I I'E ~[!: 'C, ~ _. ,. i; i ,'~t~~~. X"Li' ~. I t t~, i;~;.I'('7 31 ('111. i :1 .! 1?('tl .;~1 ~3.~ j. })(1 i llc' 1 Il!}r~;:l .i II th(~ c.c)llcic)t:]i .1 '; llru dc~c] 1a.r~> (, :i c)n f.c)x' L,hc, 11~~r)~; i't' ~. , ~lnd :I'7.1 i~C} c)t .r c;i~t)r<1 t4'ith thcz Erlr,l t`: Couzlty c.7 cr1; ~(;IC.I. recorclei' . 7']]o condorni z7:i.~zrri s unit:~s c~rr:'a~,c~cl :~ht~]7_ r~~lrlr~i.lz :in ~#.he ~;}lo3"t, t.c:rm z~er3tal ni~rl,c't to lac lr:~f,ci cl~c Lr_~rll})c)r~lry ~~c:c:or;:];I,)citttior7s ~lv~1i 7 ,L})]_~ t:o the ~;F>nc~.l'al pttkll:i c. 1 . 1~r7 owncr':7 1)c.rsc)ncL] u~;e oS }1a_s tzna t. :;13.11 :i ~e rc>striot.E;c~ to )`cnlrt.c~!>n d~y~a cllix'i.nl.; illy sea.;an~~.1 l~ez'i.od:~ o:f' DF~ccn]l:)er 15th t}.,t•c~lzi;h I]})z•i1 1511] rl7ci ~Ot1r1;C:l'il Jaya c.]tl~"~in~ <7une 15th throul;h Se1]t(:rll})er 1.5th. ~}li:~; :~easona7_ ~)eric)ci i~ h~reinaatc~]' referrer} tc~ a:; "lli.};}I ~.c~asc)n. " "Ots~nex•' ~ pe:t'ti•oziai t.~e" cha7.1 1~° defined ~., owr]c?r i)cczlp~LncST o1 ~t uz]ii, oz' zroz]}~ay~i.z]5 ~;uc~.t i~i• i;hc ownex' ar Llllir.t~ t17c t)n~ii: a:i1 the z'~IlL~1_ mari~et riuriz3~; the ~c~<zson~l i~c:z'i.!)d:-; ]'e~crrc~d to hc~rcin f'or ,tnyr z•c:a~;oz~ of}liar ~.han a3eccss~~rjr z'c;p~~:i.r:~ t~,~liiciz callnoC 17c~ 7~osC}~onc~d of t~,-}zicll r,1~ll,e thc~ ltllit u13r.F'nt:~~.)1e. C3c:c:u}-)rl.ncy o~ :L unit: I,y ~l :l.nclye rn~z7~iz(,z, ~~r s La1.'i' c~rll}~J.oj'c:cd bj~ thc~ 1ocl~,c~, }ICncevc.z•, s13.1i ] r;ot Ue r. c~;tric'.tc:cl 7?y thi:~ ec'.t:i_cn. ~. ~ V1 C]~1 ~).'#. I C)n !)~ #;he ()it,'I7(.'.r' ;; lISF: 1"C' 1't.)'1 Ct.:I.OT'x ~)}' :?_ l:tl7 ~t, t:;1'.'li~;" :; 1]<`l3 .1. :~L)});)CGf• t;hE'_ C~}1'17Cr f:U Ii (1;L11y tL,`.,,~C?~,filt)i'17t T:.1#:e 1)~~ 1: 1.1 F' C'C~nC:tG1111Ii]1.1.11 I1~~:;UC' 1 ;Lt"I (lrl U:1 t1:I'F'(? i _I rrlE;:.~ it .l';it.U (~(-~31~:1lI(`l`CG '(O })i? .1 1'i';Lti(:1i1;i1) ~ ~' ci~~.i.]y 1'[~rlt,a7. z'ntc~ #~r~z• the u11iL s~.t ~ihl~ j:ii,lc~ c~.t t}ac: ','i n:i_~tl;ion, LV131 C'.}lr„;~;(•:-;«i i;l('ll t, ttillt'I] 1)C17 Clr:lla. # ~ }~(~ cli'17C,;;a t.i~C1 1_p (.llt.5 ';C']7C1':: ~1 #llr]C1:S c)f L. }7 C, ('(tIi(IC~I;111) 71r:11 ;.:;f;GC.i:LI,:LU]] ~~(7]' 11:=;C ip lijl~~1' 1:t11r1(; r(?t C} 1'(`}):t 1. I' ; rlj; 1. }.t C' f'(;i71r11C~i1 C' l t'I1]l'il1,S C~ ~ f 1]l' ('.C~ll(1[)1;i7 ll 7 1.1r1S :`17 ~ .`.'lillL; • w ~~ -35~ i1:_-i.';f'.:~;.`~C'ii '.~.i;~l.lll;:-t, t. 17 E_' (S'A`t]C`I' ~G.t' 'C~1,C?.).~.3.1~t))a Ci:~ t,i)E) C31VJ7E'.7.~,`. j)f,')':iC)I1:7~{. tr:;c~ i•~:_;Y.1' i.c:% i c)ri ~xtac} 1)rl)).tic] ~;}ita:1.I c.on~;t:i.~,lit:c ;~ 1 zca] 5'c)r -t ilti bc~a)t?- i'i t c)f thc~ ~otldc)r;a~i.aiiltt:) i;<>~;c)cit.i.]c)ai c~zi %rar~.f. c)'~vrac~`r'.; cz))ii;, t,~hi_ch 7_ic'ra ~})t.t.:l7. t)~ r~-icic'nrc~ci kr_, ~vri.tt.eal a]c;i:ict) 1~]~c.~d off` )°c-~c:c~rd ~.n L}1C' c>S f'i c:e off' tlae~ c 1.(:a.~r_ all c3 T'e'cord~~' C) C L~'u~;l c' Cc>tznt~~*, Co~i_oz~;i.c3e), ;inc] ~',•]z i cil r);.%y l~c~ c'c):l 7 c°c.~c:`ci ]iZ" iOZ'~'C'] n~ui'c~, oll ttl] o~ti~a~ei'' ~ cc~ntlc~- Ik)~))'iliiq 1.t ft~..'i: Y)1" t; }a t:' :1 `•;~;(1C'1.~1.~].C)1; Ili 1.3-lwC' Iilu)3Il['I' FL `; ~ n)(JT't-L;;i~;C? f~T' cic~c~d c).C tz~t)~t. c>n t'c~ril 1)7'c)}~c~rt-)~. 'I}ic' c.~faicic)rn]n:iura; ~zti~;c7r_aa%a~n's lac] ;iuz'c~ tc) c°n:f.~c>rc~~~ t.itc u~~rtlE?z'' ~~ ))c:x'~,c~arri~l u::.~ r(:~st)• ic:1.~ ol: sz~l'~.3J z';'I 1'(~ t,ik(` t.C.1t5~I) ~t.i1C' ]'7 t;i)'t- ~.() C?1i f ().T.'(:E', t.#)(.' J'c~`.7~:7'7.C',f_.l C)ai }T~7 t:l)t' ;a:.,:;c:~:sntc ttt. c~alcl i Ylc~ :l ] .`rt ])~.'c~v7 c>c~ci ~t`c:)i' i.cz•c~.tlticicr . 1:; t )lc' -i_o~+'); c~Itf<)1'c't•`~. iikc: r•~:,;i.k']c:t.ic}n, f,hc~ tc~i:~n :;;~•~.11 t~t:c.:c~-ivt~ t.i)c) :FralaC:d.z c: r,J.lc~<,l,£'ti ;~ „ ~L r'c1su t c)~ r;ta(:il c'i.tl'c)t'(•c_atlt~t)t, . ].)i t,ht: t~~'(~rll, ] ii,.i i<i,t.ir>n r'r~~;u1_!.~ C~:ca n) i,}it' t.rlt.oz•cr'ntc}ali; t>l t hc. T•E)~t~r i c: t ic)al , %L :. Y~st2'~C Off. 1 '~,:3 T'C'.~V~a.T'C~ t:C l~t.~3 ~3Z'<:'.VrL1.1.iTi~; )~f-:,i'~.;y , t:Ylf3 CSt)tal` t; :]iSll~..i tl,~t`il]'Ci .;llt:ll ~~l"r~:~° 7.i: t'•C)l.I:Y't= Ct}`i{;~ i,()E;;;t;tC',Y" v'lt;}I 7.'E]~l~OI1~.E) ~.C'. <t 1: 1:()I'I1E'~'' `i .CC~C'S :1.ttCLII:'i'f't~ . 3. Tlac `.i?osvl) ~h.<.I. I 1 isavt3 the 7:'~.#;ilt: 1;0 7°ecluire `i' ~`r)Ill :SIC e(~ncit)-~ min:i.unl ~.,,sc~c'..t~.t:ic)n 1,11 a.nr)u<t]. 2c;~Ort c)f' c}•~,vr}u~•'.~ Y~cx~:~c)as~t~ u~ ciur~.ni; Lire }iigii seasc)n~> (:n~' x}.11 c:c,nvc~'tc~ci ennciotr)i-aa:i.ur)~ u11:i_1,s. I3, ~1aty l.c)ctt;c t.ocat:(~d til~itl~il~ t.lle ~l't);~,lr ivl~zch }a~c=~ c~onvc:i't;c~ci acc°c)mr}-- c!<~i;iou llal:i L ~ tc) c;onclnma ll:i_utat~> .;ilrl }.1 i',c?n t i_tlcle t. c) i)ro~~:ic{c:~ c;u5tot)la~'y 1()ci#; ti fi~.C.'.I..i.l.i:]C',5 ilnCl ::iC'7.'V7.CC~' 7r1C:~.t1C171~'; ~t C'.il:;'L(~'I1I1,2"~,' f'.i:1.Y'~:C',t.1.11i~ ;, r - 36-~ L'. `.l.'1.1t' ('.{)1>,V('7't;('C~ E;[)Iltlt>[:1113i1>,111 L117.7."I::; `>lI~-E. ].. ]. :1'C,'C11~.~I1 'cl~'1:~11.~3.13~.C: t; C1 ~;11fJ' (~"C?n(?]'ll ~ i:csLli."l Fi t: Iili.i.l'1~[_`!.. ~'}1a i C:OI1C~1 t;] [~Si is"i,`l.~ ~7<'. [ilC? ~; 1)~% j 11C~.11~11C~11 ():f: l.lle, u11 i 1.::~ a.L t:lle? cc)n.c~.n)n ; I]3 uz71 }~~"o j r~'c~t. , 1:t~: c~.nzn~~lla'~.z1=,~ e x'~.tcs , in 1.1.17 l.c)c;.1J_ x•cJ.,c?r'vrtiL _on :~yL;t.cili for ~;l~e rc~I7 i,~11. ox~ loctt;~ nx' c,olldomin urrl 11 I3 :l. t; S _i.11 ~ ll C? '~' C~i'JI1 . 1). `1'11(:' (;C~11i11]C}Il 2L7't'~.~i C~'f.' rl.n;~1 "i.c)Cl(;(:' PJl.t:11 UQnT.°eri;[~cl llnli::~ Sl1c`1~i~. rC?ITla,111 C:C)lflli7C>I: 1tt'C,11r~ 11TIQ ~~f-~ 111~1:I I1~;£L111C:C)_ 1I1 ~l. 17311.1117 C: a' COnS3 S~1;Li1.~ tti~~11 I..~w~ a)re~ri_c)Ll:i c,ilaT'~c[~i",ar. ,'~Il~= c114yn`~;cJS, ~.~]_i:ca~rz.t.iozls oz' r.erlf)v1li.ions znarie tc) eorllau,ll zLre~Lti; :~111L1:1 nc)"~ dir7i.r,7.c:s11 l.he. ;a7_rc~ of t~tl~,i.i,:~~ cif tl~e CC}1 31111 0 17 i11"'('f1S. ~~;. Ally ;1 c;c;olnrnc)cl;.,l,7..cJ1.l lll~iis t.hai: tve~l~t~ ui.ili<'~e~. t,a lea.°(J~'.i.cle hoLl,~inri .f'c)r c)i111J:1[,y(-'[,s rL~• ling l.ili:C~ tllla.~~..r~; t17c~ i;fa'caf~ ~~c.?a1'S 1)7:'c,v_ic)uS i/a tl1C dZ~tc o:l' i.hc i11~~) I a.cGl.l.a_t,rl ~_,lln J.1_ 7.'£.nl~i_i.n as c:l,];J~LoS~c,~, ull:i i., nor tzcl7 c1L.a"~.i,ic~u Il.~ )na5~ 1:7c~ 7.•C;rllll:t'F~c.f }.Jy i:llc~ 1~111I7zI:i"z]f; 1111ra LI1v ~_~!'ul~ir?c~17± a7 C:r)lIl)ni`;si.r)17 csr ~t:17e: '1'cn:=n C'ol.tn c f.:3 . ]?, 14p1)~lic~l.ll)il.:ii_~,=: !J.:i. c[)lld:'ti::i.nn; ~[?i ~'(~r.t;~i i,'i.l;ll-i.zl ].li:i.:; Sc.c~~i.:i.on :i1111..i_.l 17e n111,c1e lsi.I7(lill* cJll 1:.17 ~..~sl):La_c.;Lr? L , t:h~ ~~1.1~)1. 1t:°.1t1~ t;' :~, ~;tlcc:c~.[~1~:; , ~lri'.11`:i, ;JCZl'~;L)n11.7 a't'j)1(:'..s(;llt'r.i."i;~.ti't):; 11.31{l ..,:.;i.;;nS 1!..L~ .i<<l.l ~i ;i)l-(:I'I1 1,17E 1st'c)r)c;.ri.V tvll:ic;l1 i:s t, 11 (, :-~uiJ,jc)cc c_s1: f.~;c: ,,.1J1}-L .i. c:<tt._ir,zl 1':,:_' file =1.ilE) (, i. ;. ii [: :iLl.l'V:LVC)r' ().~' "i:l~c'. l~t•1eciC`371. `I`~}i'iIl (;()l.li,i;? ~ ~l)1l:7 i,L'i(?]li.~'-{SIIC' 1'C'~~1'L>`. ~'f,11.V(:I'- 5ic)Il cif ;LCr~r)r!irl~u[!~~t :ic)11 ull i. (, :; lacc,.l,['c ;~;;i i.ll i.r~ 1-t. fr),.l~;E ;)t11':~?z~tnt t, r, r.lzi.., E~[;t'.~,7(VIl, .~17~1.1~ 1.1 C? 1110 (ll.i i"E'<~ (,71~ `~' ~i1' t11C! 1`~"i'1'r;t:C'C~D ~ ,'~f't'£.'[L(^.Ili: CJ~ ~..:?C'. ~i~<;;`~I1 ~..()llll(;J.~_ 'cLl'ltl 1.;110 al4'I1F73." {11.' a~tinC't'13 E) ~' i )tf' Ir112. 1,~ L'~'li7 C'fl 1i:1~'C? l)C'E'.Il L: 1;11Vr'1't(~'C.1 ].Ili:(7 C()11C1C,f11~.17].l.liri4>. 'l'11" cl{,C;Llrf]E'Ilt.`; (',?'('r1.l:lrlr:" 11i:(ti C;()ti'i'1't11I'1{~ 11I1,y" ?.c'(',,~!1?;il~.)--~ [11L1:.;1 C)1'l 11117. 1, 1Y111.t:11 1i11.~ 1}(~C'Cl CC)n4'C'1'1.~'C1 _i.il k.(7 ;Z ('i)IICi[11I17_'[] l.llfll 1;1717. i.1 lli: 111(,(1~_~f'~t.c'c1 1)y f; 17c~ o;4'IlE"'I°~ £,~1' :.ucfl llli i 1.~, (,11:LV t': i t.l. 1 hr~ ~)ric)7? tzr~r;.t~tc'I1 r, l,t)1•cJV1i 1 (s1' I llc~ '1'£)tvt7 Cc}tlllC:.:i ! . i • •' J {i. ~~)'l)C:(.'.C~LlY'f? : ~ri1F' ('C)]lt'('1'~]-011 C1~~ ttll F1. CCCJ'Jil?i:i.C>C}11 ~I.C)I] 1.1111.t 1. II ~ Il C.JY1 ~t1.YI>, .~.(.)(i.f>;(' `~;i.lcl..j..i_ ~.7E'. Ft C. [.brP.}:?~"t-~>};C?Cj. r)lll." .iLlcin ~=0 ~,}S ti~ti;.~C~.i.,t7:I.SJ.(.1i7 S'CV3_C".'J j.)1'()C'.F~~.`.. ~'i1E', 'sl.}')}~ ~ 1. C:111t .~~"h.)_.~.1 l)~"OV1.C~C: t}l E.' :~() ~ ~I C1U':Lllr',' CiQC111?i`:11'{:c 11011 '~;O ~;i1C-' `3.Tt_rVJI"I rLL [;lie' "S,7.r;r(; U~ til(. ~~})~)~ ii:.~.tlOp '~c7 C'.Oi1VE:i"~~; r CCC)r!11:"=OC~Li~~IOII l1I]1-~;S ~-OC:Fi~%fd i.n 1L I.r~{ll;L~ f:o cUllc}.0.11_i.lA_iLiln un~_ L~, ; 1 ]5~'o()i of >~,',r.crC.hi.}}; 1 . ,~i- i,E. ~i r1vc~I]tor~t' i'n~~ ~l~.l]c ~)~-Oi)t~z'ty ~ rd-i-c~zti n}; lI] dc?tail (.lrE: il(',j~.l1iL.~ ~ i)Cci1.l.OT1 OI_ c Il,y~ r.i:llC_?I13.~.10~ .:GI`t'I I?i~ ~;17C? 3. {1('1':i ci_~].t~i t o~t~ ~r~l•vi c•.c:•;~ prot~~ (.lees ~ ~ ~i_s. L..<~1~ ~:d for -i.n suh- '~. i)(."~I.iI1C1~;1C11] <<i]U (_3t'SC:3'Z}7j,aty?? 0-~~ Ll~~ C';~1}.'~~~,ti"L(? 1.~J17t;3 :). ]~~;.lI] U:C )dii})?'C?\';;IIJt'r1L~; '1: C7 13~` rl:;l.(} `'. ~l0 'i;(SC• ~?]"'Q}):-'. .("'t~? ~1~.OI7~; S1'].'Ll] (-~~,~ it=J„i,c~ri c~cy~,rU t.11c~1~e~IC?i•. (Ord 28, 1982} . 17.?6.~80 Action on preliminary map A. At the hearing on the preliminary reap, the planning conunissien shall consider whether the proposed conversion is consistent with the following housing goats o~F th c town 1. To encourage continuation of social and economic diversity irr the towrl through a variety of housing types; 2. To expand the supply of decent housing for lore and nJOCierate iricorue families, 3. To achieve greater econorrric balance For the tarn by incre~~rsiricl the number of jobs and the supf)ly Elf hoLrsing for people 1~;ilo riill hold theirs. r w • 13. "1~11(~ tc}I11l~li~-i(:n rt<:y rc(!l:ir(; flt,.!t ~l rr<t:;(;nabl(: C1Cr(:etlt;!:z;; (]f lllr t:urr;,:ri.~~'! '~rfli[s Ist res~~r~+ccl ir,r :,~_tle csr rcllt~ll t<~ j7i'J'SOIlti (?i 9-tlc,,;t°~';t`r~ I11Cr~11]t'. C:. `l.'ll~' pittlll!ill,~ c:c):nnli:;:-.ir)tl play ci('?1}• Fitz' ieniativc or j~rc- lilhi3l:u'y 1r1:=!7 lljxsn (•itttl;ll~; tltllt: !. i~,rst•ct t)il illy i?1C~riltaLi()11 r,°c;ilirr~d ley arlcl oil t[le' ~;:'('.lrir)' ratio 1~~1' rcnt<ll. 11ouSil;!`„ ic'1]ants ~•;ill 1}n~,~ s11[~si~.rlt~i~'I (ii#i-ict.tl~f' iu csi~ttiirlir]~s i:oinpilral)ly hricea 1'C ]]till 1?t: L1:iC,4z ~~ J'l'.Ia:il l''3Ci3t'1Gy i-a i.i) l~ClO~',' 1-1GL' j~tlCi'llt txts.(1 un the !r~(lst ri'r.u1t £o~~~n sun~~y consittutcs a 11Ol1Si;]!.'; Cl~acrs-,t17C}~ Sitllati;~21. ?. "~11(> 1,1ti:, of rlutitijsi';-ftrmili' rclrt;a tlrtits ~'aoltl~l l)~ r('cltr(ecl it> lt~s~ ih~)t] iG•renty-Ii'~c' j}~1'~;~nt oi' t11c cot.':1 11unIL~t'r (Jf d~'.~cliitl~~ units in (Ilt' G~J-c Val1e}r, froill r)()`;'tl 1~,~nltiuIl e,!st to tll~ 1);ts~ of V:lii 1':tss, wiilt nu rcl)l:tccrllt~llt. rental 11 a11Stil~ l~e.iil~~ j~~lo~'i~IcCl. i 1 2~.(?`~0 Prc'lilr,ina:';' iY:rlslic rejwz€. !1. .i\{1 lat:'r tii:111 ll1':' L!:ly~ iitt('r [lip' i11:iY:_' ,~ i1n i1i71)lll'ilti(}t] Cl3r CViliii:I-;~lJl~i, t!~~(' ;:I~]'I)J;Cu7]t Sl.Ctl; li.)L11' LI:C t~IZilntS Of tl;l: ;IrO1}nsc[i ~~I)l;il,)lli!llit:i'~i C011~'!'iStlJ11 irll'I r'.'jX)l'L t0 tll:: j>l;lllnirls, ~t:;rntl+is'•it+11 r. [. its pttlsii~' :::':.uitltt, ,...._ aj~proxsnlat~:' tlltr'ni,J1'1' r)f tCnilllta tll'S717r!}~ l(1 t'i:))1VC'ri it, L:(~nGL)P.11J1111317 li. i',„li;{n~-!. t-~!ilfnii 51',:?ii ~,(! t1C3ttf1~:C1 C) L11(° )~i(rh:>L(1 Sit1C ~17Ct•;. l:,acll 1clt~tnt ~;l]~lli lt~~~c ~ nirt,ity-Cl.iy ,1{);l:_ss;".tlai~le o}~tic)n ti.l jsllr{•il;tst: tl+tir 1!rlit :tt tl1i~, j)r,',;,nin;:try rllarkct ~',tltrc. .l,lit j)t~('lilnil•,,t1ti; rtl,lll~et ~'~llu:~ `;i;.lf' ht~ .! f.tir J]]:irl:ct F.'a111~ l~(l1' til,' t!!i!I, :'lltl Il ti7c j)l;riil7ili`.T C'rSn11r11ti5J.J11 ilt'.tC'J'IilEll:~ t1111L tl.+_' j)I'~_`~flillii;ll'\' 1111!i'l:c_`L ~':;ii?t: 1'v :1S i0U llli',11, tlli lti)iill~l:- tic)n nr<I~ 1~:: (l:~nicl[. (C)rcl.'7(lri:7`'1 y 1 [j)~irt).} ' 17.26.10E3 i~inai ~s`s,ll;', The i'irl<11 Ir;~tj~ lc~ I)e filed b~' ilr~ ;;,~j'licatlt silall ccsnt;.ri:l [lle irll•tlrlll:lticlll Jt'rlui!c-(I h}' ~cctirslt I I.1 t~.l ~~0 t'el:ttillr° to stlE)(livisic)tlti .!s I lu' sclnlc mil}~ 11~' aj~j)li'.ai~'it tO tlrc con([~,ntirutlrt] j~rc)jtct. [n ,!ilclilit)r] t(r llt:!1 in1•rY:'ir!;!tir),l, lilt' aj~hlicant tilrlil ~sl~,tai!] tlt~ fcs!!c)~5, i11; rc~rtii•i(•a:iOn tr) I,+.' filed ~:'itlt tllc Ii!lal 1)l,'<jl: 1~,'('t'1j)j t)i ;1 ('f)rlll(~Inlr!11111? r{'j?;'Yr'I 1`I'{)Ill tilt [}111[ll'iil~, itl5l~r~t~fc)1' r)f tl}t• tc)~vn ~t:lEil)~' t!r,it {•c~Itc{tsrllinil!tt} s[ru~tl!r~ ;i!!tl I!nil~ ilrr i!t ~i)nfr)rrn~ln(~r wi[It Ils,' t',~'.'n I>tlilclin_~ cutiY's, tirt' Cl11iCS inl([ t,lili•1- I'~IJIC'r[ t'(Ylil's clll(~1~1~_'rj I,i,' 111' tt)~VII {)1'tll,' 1 ail I~irr j~ItYtccii+)~,I ;li_,;I':'_[, u!' [h;li a~~l~t't'!:!, nl~, lr,lvr i)~~t'rl enlcr~,'tl 111IQ 1','Itll til,' [,)}`,'I] [);' ~~,?II 11!'i' j'i'fYll'~'[U)IL (11>;tl'1Ct l't7tti'l:i'!!Il1+' srli,l ~,:tlic[ttrt• c:,,,i l;nils. iUra. ',tii lt'%~il ~~ I (j}.Iri).1 i'i. 2~.1 i(} : it+:l1 rll;lls rl1~! !'isv€sl. i~:c) IIl1.11 ul' I,;!rilcll ,'flat} >;Il:lll I,~ ail+i,",':'tl 1111111 tilt l't':"lljlt;i° lit)li r:'rl!I11't'[I !11 `r,'l:ltr+n 1 ,.Z6.1l1;1 I', tYlYt;+.1r1Ctl, iO1'(l. _' ~'{ lt!/;i) 1 f j}~l11 1.1 • • ~. 1%.25.t~n ~'it[i~liE'itic)I1;',ul;fcr~l:(}ri. .1. ; Ilt: :_(!l~ltili,ic,11 f)tlil,ic' lt'1)(,rt :-1;;1?; ;,t;llt~ 11?,lf. s:lll's itre Slli~i~t:t ll1 (}.'4lil'ail',:1' 1}\' 11?t' t'xl:,lill('. iCn;lll€ f01 liill,'ll' (Ii15'ti EI'l~~lll tl+i' ll;ifc Cif 1!;~II;t?ltl' t~l itf 1'l'i1C)i'€. ~1.~1€llli? lit'L' ll;lys t>i i:~il.lnct' rlf- ills ;;Llll;lit'itiiUll t)Ill)iic rcl,c)rt, tli: :II)I)li(',Illl si:all n~iiily ll?e it'nail€~ Oi- i tlt~ 1•t}11o11'il;;: t. l llt' ti ilit' t)E ISSila l?t'C Uf t€lt' :t'+'a?i; ~. 1-llr ri; hl (±f ut.rlllrlllc~' s1.1:'l'il~i, tl ab(~1-~; .~, 1I1:1t lift ft'f)illt' Qi' 1'C'311Ollril!,l': 1',-1f1 11t'1;111 lliltll a€ li'itS€ lilil't1' tjal'ti Illlt'F iill.` ll:llt' ~ t1f~ t1.C ]SSllil]1CC' C1{ €11 C'. SL11)lliVl.`,'.Oi? 1)':1.1'L 3C'[lOf€, C?I' IilC llil+(' (3t llc)tlt`lCi111C)il, 1'rhicllel't~r is liltt'r, 1~. (-u})it's c)f- sails ltotic.:~s s1lal! be (-iltr;i 1v:ill €h.: t;c~t~a:tlnent ~f r(~Innltlni€y llr`vrllllilllt°nt Ott tl~c fin? Lic il.)~i,'r~ is ~':i~`cn fo tl'il' t.:n<liltti. lIl tilt' C".l,jL` CSt tl C'C)I11'~'fSl(711 1)l(?i'l't C;OI151St1n~.; C}I tUlll' 11a1'lil~ l+1" it'SS, the lll))511~_:Il]tl Sll;ai !lit`CC €llls 1'l.C1L11J"C- ln~~llt 1°,'illlin I~i1'c ci.!vs cl(- tltt ll[)1•~:c)vili c)I~ tlll' f-final nlul). {{)rtl.. '7! 1171;1 ~' 1 fl,::rij.~ i 7.25 i .~~) ~ll',l~l~o1'eiltc(li r• ~rilrit}'. f~. 1 I1C I);:l]lllill°~ i'Uli!11?i`,`;i(+il allll iltl' tO1Vli L()!.llil 111:!~~ i('C~L111'~ n sc~cLlrity to l)l! ;,,,; ~:;'•;5 I1}` €]It: a1)l,li~llnt lvlli~i! shill c.crositit (11 C)I1L OI' 117~1;'C ill i'~;ill`.~.'i11Ci11$ 1:'1111:11 I liC CCt`I??t'!.i "•ii111 i1CC[.j)t: tt} St'CLiic' €Il~ lt~ft4!; +i?St C)i CC)1`.Sll'LkCtlOIt ltl 51111 ~)Lll)lIC Illll)1'C11'illl'~"11€5 :i'+ ilI'i' '.'c".lilli'C'll 1)t~ 111c C)[':iU).iiit'l1$ Ot 1110 j(.l',','fl. 11):' Iilll'fC~i'l'ii?.'Ill .'. C111~3T1' i't,;14' liil';ll'.f~ ., Ii l' U11C U1' ii t:+11i1~1!19:i11i111 t',f t;i~. i' .'~ (J1 St'C'Lllli)' (7~ ~:~I1:"::1':;1 11S1C.11 iil tl]5, t~:ll':E!~fii'1)11, i1S'!1 3iiC' iiE)h1lC':itl€ I;lil~' Sll,~):,~;::ilt~ SC:C11311y' ill lli'LICI' L!) 3"C1CaS'„ l'~ +l slit}1S (7f 'Lli:' t :)il(1t:I;11IIiE1111 1'~i'~)~CC€ tC1T s<llt'.. 11?t' t~`;)+:;i C)1 t't''!:Iilll';Il 1;`lllf'll llt;l}' l'~~ li`:'..'.! :11 ~CGUI'1€~ a 1'c as f'UiIC)1`is: 1. la'SII;Cti(i?!~ i`i; lilt' C'(11?PC,1'ilI1C:~, .,,il~ t)1" ti:Ilia1CI' C)f list); uni( 1;'itili+l t'1, t•";!tlc):nini11111 ;,rc};t'i't i!:; ..~t t~orih t)11 tilt final 11?tll~; ~. 1°e'Ci(~l~l?lfil?l't' l?;-t'itlj`.'i"i`r 1)(1]1(1; .3, 1'fllalt' l)1' 11Llii~l~; t':.+'i'U+1' il!',S'C~'I1...'EI€; 't, 1 (1,111 Cr)11111?IIILt°11i; ~. ~1~,<,i,;rllncilt>; c)I r:,','!v:~f)ll's;; l1. I.irns c1n I~rl>I~rrt','; 7, 1 etl+'1'~, c)I~rrl'+lit; ~'. 1)~I)cr,iis, (11- st','uriE, flln;l;; ~,! u,i"r ~illi!:Ir sl;r~t1 a!`lt'i'lllt'lliti. ' 13. it'+:l1111~' t)IEi~I' t~Ul!1 E}i,!i 1"i.ltil(:iEi!Il't, i';tE,;9?'~'tl lllltlt'1" t11C II11E)''U1'illlt'111 .`,t'i!I1'iil'. 'dial! +'llllal Ill 1.iiiii' i?1;' t'~';il Uf tl'iC 1111E1It)l~t'flll'lllti tt~ l}t' l'i;lillll~'ii'll l~lf! '.Bail il:1t 1'"' I't'~1L111~C'll C)11 Illt` t)+}!'llull +11 ii1~.' :~}, 1:I,t'llllllillll? j~lnj~t'i ••IIf1i _'l, iO I)lat It't.tl'It'11t111S. I fiC +'t}',I+;-'IE `,hall Ilt~t I' ,?lil't' ~ ulll~+ 11,5111 C't~l!:,lt'i',:; all'a!. .;1.'1;, ii! , \t1'ti~, +!1 !fl~ ,., i, .l ,'Uti( (1) 51 ii1',iillt'l l~lll +%I l!I; 111 ;~I+)1't'fiil'ltlti. i 3it' .!I:,,+lilli nl~ ti~'l'lll~ltl' ! • ]il<l~i' I)~ Ilit'i'CRIClltall~/ t'~l1lIC~'tl :LS Sli~~lll4'1SlOr] OT' Cl)RCiO- 1]llrTll!r!i ]~l~;,t-f)•,'et11Ct]tS (lI'C C~.]],~lCt{'tl. (()l i.l. ~;;t I c±7~`; i i, 1 (Irtrl ).1 ?7„?6.1:y~ l~.xci-atl)Eic>'lts. `E'lbe t~~rtns ul tlsis clr,3l,!tr sl]~III lint ttl~l]ly to ~levelc3})1~]ciits cn- titri.lc'tur~'s ul- r~.vc) units. ((ir-cl. ?f~f 1 )~1~.I ~ l (})<u-t}.} 17.26.1:0 ~`:I~;icaLility. - 'l i]~~ t~~rllis c=i this cl;,ll~tcr shall ~~ ~It)plicaLle to cc,~;E;c, nririiuln I)rc3-;~.•f~(: ~I}at <,re' cc~n]r]]~l~cc~l c,r c~nviceltx} aft4r tllt~ ail-~~~cli~:~ cl~rt~. c,~ the c~r~iinar,ce co~lil•ieii ill fliis cl;.t}~t~~r. (()tai. ~f;i 1 ~1 -, . . ~1 CHAPTLr~ 17.28 CONSTRUCTION DESIGN STA~lDRRaJ METHODS RND DETAILS 17.28.100 GENERAL CONDITIONS SECTI~JN Z - SCOPE ; TERMS ; DEFI~ZITIO'~S ; ABBREVIATIOi1S ; SYI"IBOLS ; PLA~iS AND SPECIFTCATIONS; PLAi~i REVISIOriS; AP1D "AS-BUxLT" PLA:1S 17.28.71OSCOPE: .The stiDUlaCians which follow are general in scope and may refer to conditions which will not be encountered in performance of the work, and which are not applicable thereto. 17. ?8.120 TE~`'ES : Unless otherwise stated, the ,words "directed, required, permitted, ordered, instructed, designated; considered, necessary, pre- scribed, approved, acceptable, satisfactory", or~words of like import, refer to actions, expressions, and prerogatives of the Town Engineer. 17.28.130 DEFI~rITIONS Building Connection Sewer --A sewer within a public street or right-of 'way, proposed -~. connect any parcel, lot, or part of a lot with a main line sewe. l~uildin~ Sec•7er - A sewer, wholly within private property, proposed to connect any building to a building connection sewer. Contracta~ - The individual, partnership, corporation, joint venture, or other legal entity performing tie work, In the case of worlc being performed under permit issued by the Town, the Permittee shall be construed to be the Contractor. Days - Days shall mean consecutive calendar days, unless otherwis.~ specified. .. Engineer -- The Town Engineer of the Totan of Vail, or his authorized representative. Inspector - An authorized representative of the Public i~orks Director, assigned to make any or all necessary inspections of materials furnished and work performed b.y the Contractor. Plans - The drawings , profiles, cross sections , ~raricing drati~rin~s , and supplemental drawings, or reproductions thereof, approved by the Town Engineer or Building Inspector, which show the location, character, dimensions, or.details of the work. Private Contract - L1or'..c subject to Town inspection, control., and approval, involving private funds, not administered by the Town. ~•, ~ ~ ~ 42 ~' Reference ~DeCI.fl.CatlonS - Those bulletins, standards, rules, methnds of analysis or torts, codes aad specifications of other agencies, engineering societies, or industrial associations referred to in the Contract Documents. These refer~to the latest edition, includ- ing amendments in effect and published at the time of advertising the project or issuing the permit, unless specifically referred to by edition, volume, or date. Service Connection - Service connections are all or any portion of the conduit, cable, or duct, including meter, between a utility distri- bution line and an individual consumer. Sewer - Any conduit intended for the reception and transmission of sewage and fluid industrial waste. Special Provisions - Any written provision which supplement or modify these specifications. . Specifications - Standard specifications, reference specifications, special. provisions, and specifications in supplemental agreements between the Contractor and the Town. • Standard Plans -- Details of standard structures, devices, or instructions referred to on the Plans or in Specifications by title or number. Streets - Arterial, collector, local, r~7nor streets and driveways are those defined in section 17 . {lR , 02 . Storm Sewer - Any conduit and.appurtenaz:oas intended for the reception and transfer of storm grater. Sup_erz.ntendent - Executive representative for the Contractor present on the work at all, times, authorized to receive and fulf~.ll instructions from the Engineer and capable of superintending the work efficiently. Supervision - Supervision, where used to indicate supervision by the Engineer, shall mean the performance of obligations, and the exercise of rights, specifically imposed upon and granted to the Town in becoming a party to the contract. Except as specifically stated 'herein, supervision by the Town sha11 not riean active and direct superintendence of details of the work. Surety - Any individual; firm or corporation, bound G~ith and for the Contractor for the acceptable performance, execution, and completion of the work, and. for the satisfaction of all obligations incurred. Town - Toren of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Utility -- Tracks, overhead or underground ~,rires, pipe lines, conduits, ditches, ducts or structures, sewers or storm drains ocmed, operated, or maintained in ar across a public right-of-way or private easement. T~Tark - That which is proposed to be constructed or done under the contract or permit, includin, r.he furnishing of all labor materials, super- vision, tools and equipment. i ! 17.2~3.14~ AE3E3REVIATIO~lS IIASFIO--------W-.-_.._____--__..__,~i~erican Rssociation of State Highway officials A~3C-----____________________,aggregate base course' AC- ------_--__.-----------Asphalt concrete ACI _________________-__--~~i~ierican Concrete Institute ADT_____..________________Average Bailyytraffic AIA-----------------------American Institute of Architects AIEE----------------------American Institute of Electrical Engineers AISC----~-----____..______-..-_~erican Institute of Steel Construction ANSI-----------------------American National Standards Institute 1d,.pA_____________..________~ezican Plywood Association API-------------------------American Petroleum Institute AP~1A--_______________-----American Public Works Association AREA_______________-._____pr;~er~.can Railway Engineer~.ng Associat~.on ASCE---------------------American Society of Civil Engineers ASNIE---------------------American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM----___________ _..-American Society for Testing & Materials pj~G________________-_._.___p~erican Wise Gage (non-ferrous wire) AWPA------------------ ---American Wood Preservers Association AWSC---------------- ---American Welding Society~Code AWt~1A---------------- ---American Water Works Association 'BC---------------- ----Beginning of curve BCR--------------- ---Beginning of curve return BM-------------~---~ -w-Bench mark $VC------- ------- ----Beginning of vertical curve CC or CJC--------~ ----Center to Center CE-------______-_ _-_-Town Engineer Cg---_--.,--______- .-_-Catch basin cfs-------------- ----Cubic feet per second ~CIP--- ----------~ ----Cast iron pipe - CL or ~------------ ----Center line ~__________~_-- _-_--Corrugated metal pipe CO--------________ --__-Cleanout CSP-----______....___ __..--Corrugated steel pipe CMP___---___..__.._ .-.. . --Corrugated metal pipe CN-------------- ------Curve- Number (Runoff} DIP-------------- ---~--Ductile--iron pipe EC-----_______......_~ ______~;nd of curve -- ECR----------------T -----_--End or curve return - EVC--~---------- --------End of vertical curve ~~_- FH----------~--------~--~- --------~-Fire hydrant ~,________-..__ __. ___ ~--Flaw line fps_____________ ___ -Feet per second gg______________~ -__ -_-Finished surface - ft_________.,____....-.. _.__ r--Foot or feet -- -; Gpm_-__--_-..-_-..._._..____r.-_Gall.ons per minute FEEE_____--___-_~___ .,....Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Inv----__________----__-- _ -Invert MH-------------- . --- _ -rianhole ~ - . .. . ~~.. NBS-----------____....._.___ r__National Bureau of Standards -•- NCPI----------_---------~.-wNational Clay Pipe Institute - . NEC-------_-------------- -National Electrical Code NE~IA----------- ---- -~-;`lational~.Electrical Manufacturer's Association • • • 4 NFPA-------------------~-National. Fire Protection Association NSF__.._..______..--------National Safety Foundation OD---------------------Outside diameter PG-_..__________________Point of curve PCC~---------------------Point of compound curve PI--_--_________________Point of intersection PL--__________..__....--_-Property Tine PRC-----__---------------Point of reverse curve ~i____________________Pounds per square inch pSfM________________~--Pounds per square foot pT_____________________point of tangency PVC-_~-----_------------~---Poly-vinyl. chloride R....________..__,.________Radzus ar rate of grade RCP--------------------Reinforced concrete pipe rpm----------------------Revolutions per minute R/W-----------___-___--Right-of-way . S___--_.,____-__________S1ope (ft per ft) Spec---___,._..----____--Specifications Sta---------------,._.._-Station T_____..----------------Tangent distance Tel____________________Telephone ~4 or Portland cement concrete (percent) ~,________-.._______-----Underwriter's Laboratory ~TSASI-----~--------------United States of America Standards Institute 'f1SC&GS-------------------United States Coast and Geodetic Survey USGS-------------------United States Geological Survey V______________________Velocity of flow or depth of inlet VC_____________________Vertical curve 77.28.150 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS: Plans and specifications are to be prepared based on appropiate traffic studies planning criteria, a?~plicable standards, and requirements. All design woriz is to be prepared and signed by a Professional. Engineer registered in the State of Colorado. Plans are to be completed in sufficient detail to facilitate review. Plans sha11 include: A ~ Profiles : Profiles for all roads, sewers, and viater lines, showing the grades, length of vertical cuxves, stationa.ng and elevatioins of ~3VC's, FVC's, and PIVC's, existing grade or ground .lines by dashed line, culverts,, structures, and other controls. The vertical scale is to be dis- torted l~J to 1, except in those situations where other d~.stortions can better convey the relationship peculiar to the project between vertical and horizontal elements of the design. A description of ~at Least one usable bench marls for each subdivision shall be required. . ~ 45 [~ Layout: . A road layout shall show length of tangents and curves, widths of right--of-way, slope lines to prove that the right-of-way is of sufficient width, stationing of EC's and BC's curve radii, delta angles, bearings, distances, centerline stationing at l0~-foot intervals, dimensions of all road elements, curbs, gutters, utilities, easements and other structures. Ynclude the location and size of culverts, designation of the type and gauge or strength classification and the estimated flow, with all assumptions made in estimating the flow. ?_. Also show north arrow, scale, street names, drainage patterns, and the typical road cross-section. 3. Provide construction plans for all structures, bridges, box culverts, etc. . ~• A letter of intent stating the scope and time element of each stage of construction will be provided with a statement indicating party or parties responsible for the construction. 7.28.1 ~0 . PLAr~ REVI S IgNS ; Should circumstances warrant changes to the approved plans or speci- fications, the proposed revision must be submitted and written approval must be obtained from the Town Engineer. No work shall proceed on that portion of the project being revised until said revisions are subm~.tted, approved, and distributed. Minor deviations from the plans or speci- ficatians map be by written permission from the Town Engineer or his representative on the job. It shall be the responsibility of the developer to have h~.s engineer provide the Town Engineer with a set o:f "as-built"' plans at the completion of the project verifying all elev- ations, utility locations, and any other change that has taken place. 17.28.170 "AS-BUILT" PLANS ; Before final acceptance by the Town of Vail, complete "as-built" plans shall be submitted by the developer, and shall be prepared by a Pro- fessional Engineer registered in the State of Colorado. • • • 17. ?_B. 20Q CONSTRUCTIDN REGULATIONS GENERAL CONSTRUCTION CRITERIA; PERMITS; EXCAVATION; l3ACKF'ILLING AND RESTOP.ATION; UNDERGROUND WARNIidG TAPE; PROTECTION OF EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS; AND INSPECTION AND TESTING 17.28.210 GI?NERAL CONSTRUCTION CRITERIA: Construction within the Town of Vail sha11 be done in accordance with sound construction practices and in conformity with the specifications as listed in these standards, in section 12.04 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, Colorado, the street cut ordinance and other auplicable codes. 17.28.220 PERMITS ~ Street Gut Permits: A street cut permit must be obtained from the Town of Vail Building department prior to any construction or excavation within any public or private right-of--way, easement, or bike path except when emergency circumstances demand the work be done immediately and the permit cannot reasonably and practically be obtained beforehand. In such a case the person digging must app]_y for a permit on the first regular business day an which the Town offices are open for business. Street cut permits shall be required for, but not limited to, sidewalk construction, reconstruction, sewer and water line construction and repair, curb cuts, underground utility line construction or repair, curb, gutter, street; or alley construction or reconstruction, and service line work within a right-of-way, easement, or bike path. ~3 New Subdivisions: Before any excavation work can be started an streets or utilities in any new or proposed subdivision, a street cut permit shall be obtained. ~ Permit Conformance: ~b Permittees shall conform to all requirements of the Design standards and Street Cut Ordinance, as well as any specifications that may be required far special cases. D Streets: Street re-surfacing on street cuts sha11 roe done in accordance to methods stated on the permit as issued and pis specified in chapter 12.04 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail, Colorado. • • 7 7.25.230 EXCAVATION A. Safety Conditions: ~~ • 47 The Town Engineer may attach such conditions or stipulations as may be reasonably necessary to facilitate the work, prevent damage to public or private property, or to prevent the work from being conducted in a manner hazardous to life or property or in a manner likely to create a dangerous or unsafe condition. Q. Trench cuts: Open trench cuts shall not exceed 12 feet beyond backfill and cleanup operations within an established residential area and/ or Waved street, except by special permission of the Town Engineer. C. Existing Utilities: All existing utility lines, pipes, and structures shall be located sufficiently ahead of the work to avoid damage to these facilities and permit their relocation, if necessary, h, Monuments: Monuments of concrete, iron, or other lasting material set for the purpose of locating or preserving the lines of any street ar property subdivision, or a precise survey reference point or a"permanent survey bench mark within the Town, shall not be removed or disturbed unless permission to do so is first obtained in writing from the Town Engineer. Permission shall be granted only upon condition that the permittee shall pay all expeneses incident to the proper replacement of the monument. The Town of Vail reserves the right to reestablish lost monuments and such costs incurred shah. be paid by the permittee or deducted from his bond. E. - Drainage When work performed by the permittee interferes with the existing drainage system of any street, provision shall be made by the permittee to provide proper drainage to the satisfaction of the Town Engineer, including the improvement, enlargement, or replacement of downstream facilities impacted by the proposed project. • • • ~. Street C~eanin~;: When any earth, gravel, or other excavated material is caused to roll., flow, or wash upon any street, the permittee shall cause the debris to be removed from the street within four (4) hours after deposit. In the event the earth, gravel, or other excavated material so deposited is not removed, the Engineer shall. cause such removal and the Cost incurred shall. be paid by the permittee or deducted from his bond. G . Traf fi c Warning; It shall. be the duty of every person cutting or making an excavation in or anon any public place, to place and maintain barriers and warning devices necessary for safety of the general public. The contractor shall be responsible for the furnishing of harriers and warning devices through his own means. Barriers, warning signs, lights, etc., shall conform to the requirements of the Town Engineer. Warning lights, electrical rnar~cers or flashers shall be used to indicate a hazard to traffic from one hour before sunset of each day to sunrise of the next d<ay . The permittee shall take approniate measures to assure that during the perforr:~ance of the excavation work, traffic conditions as near normal as possible shall be maintained at all times so as to minimize inconvenience to the occupants of the adjoining property and to the general. public. ~Jhen traffic conditions permit, the Town Engineer may, by written approval, permit the closing of streets to al"1 traffic for a pera.od of time prescribed by him. The written approval. of the Town Engineer may require that the permittee give notification to various public agencies and to the general public. In such cases, such. written approval. shall not be valid until such notice is given. Warning signs shall be placed far enough in advance of the construction operation to alert traffic within a public street, and cones or other approved devices shall be placed to channel traffic, in accordance with the instructions of the Tocan L~,ngineer. ~I. Access to Existing Structures: The excavation work shall be performed and conducted so as not to interfere with access to fire hydrants, fire stations, fire excapes, water gates, underground vaults, valve housing structures, and all other. vital equipment as designated by the Town Engineer. 17.28.~_~ B~~ckf~17 inc~ and Restoration 1~. General: • 49 A].1 pavement cuts, openings, and excavations shall be properly made, backfilled, and a temporary surface installed by the permittee according to Town regulata.ons, design standards, and construction specifications. B. Backfillin~: Backfillirig shah. be done in accordance to the specifications as fisted in these design standards: The permittee shall backfill all cuts as soon as possible to allow normal traffic usage. See also Sectionl7...28.35QB and t:~e street cut ordinance, ~, Street Resurfacing: If the area to be resurfaced exceeds fifty percent {50%} of the total pavement surfacing in any block, the Town Engineer may require the permittee to resurface the block. Fifty percent (50`/0) or greater damage sha11 be deemed to requite 100 percent {100%) restoration. This damage may be caused where trenches are laid in close proximity to one another, or~whare the equipment or method used causes damage. Restoration is def fined as the complete removal and replacement of surface pavement and preparation of base material. n Inspections: The Town Engineer shall make such inspections as h_e may deem necessary. For street improvements, the permittee shall work closely with the Engineer and give at least one working day's notice of inspections and greater notice whenever possible. For underground installation, the Town recognizes that other agencies require inspections and the To~~rn's concern is that the surface is properly restored. Inspections may be requested by calling the ~'ublic L,Iorks Department during normal working hours. r~ ~, •. E. Liability: ~ 50 •. In no case sha~.~. any opening made by a permittee be considered in the charge or care of the Town or any of its officers or errEployees, and no officer nr employee is authorized in any way to take ar assume any jurisdiction aver any such opening, except in the exercise of the police power, or when it is necessary to protect life and property. If any failure in the restated area occurs within a period of one (1) year from the acceptance date, the permittee shall be notified and necessary corrections made and required expenses deducted from the band. 17.28.250 UNDERGP.OUND WARNING TAPE A. Requirements inderground warning tape shall be required in all utility trenches within Town right-af-way (ROWS) and easerients. When replacing or repairing existing; lines, warning tape shall be added during backfill. Service lines also require warning tape within the ROW. 6. Location: The tape shall. bs placed approximately half-way between the t-op of the pipe and the surface,. The Town will inspect placement at this time. C. Type of Warning Tape: The underground warning tape shall be six inches (b") wide, .004".~ thick, and have the type of utility printed on the taps. Each utility sha11 use a specific color as listed below: Bliss - Water Lines Red - Sewer Lines Orange -- Gas Lines Yellow - Power Lines Yellow - Telephone Lines 17.28.260 PROTECTXON OF EXISTING IMPROVEI~~ENTS A. Utility Locations: ,:1 ~- Existing utilities are to be located by the respective utility company or acknowledgement that no utility is located in the construction area. This process shall be accomplished as the permittee procures a "Street Cut Permit" by signing of the permit by each utility listed on the permit. .. L~. Existing Utilities: 57 Reasonable care shall be exercised in showing the location of existing utilities on the plans. The exact location of such utilities may not be known in all cases. The contractor shall. explore the area ahead of the ditching operation by observations and/or electronic devices to locate such utilities in advance of trenching operations, and shall conduct his work so as to minimize damage to the existing structures. Existing utilities shall be properly supported as required by the owner and protected from damage during the progress of the work. A11 pipe lines, utilities, or structures which are broken or damaged shall be reconstructed o.f the same material, to the satisfaction of the owner. Where it w~.s reasonably possible for the contractor to have located the utilities, he shall assume the responsibility for proper repair or replacement to them. The contractor shall immediately report any damaged utilities. The contractor shah. contact the owners of all irrigation ditches, and make arrangements rot necessary construction clearances and/or dry-up periods. All irrigation ditches, culverts, catch basins,headgates, pipe, valves, -checks, etc., damaged ar removed by the contractor, shall be restored to their original condition or better, at the contractor's expense. C. Protection of Existing Structures: Where trenches are located closely s.djacent to buildings, foundations, and structures, the contractor shall take all necessary precaution against damage to them. The contractor shall be liable for any damage caused by the construction. Trees, fences, mailboxes, poles, and all other property shall be protected unless their removal is authorized by the Town Engineer, and property damaged or removed shall be satisfactorily restored by the contractor at his cost, in no mare that thirty (30) calendar days. i 7.28.270 INSPECTION AND TESTIr1G A. Inspections: It is the responsibility of the contractor or the developer to contact the To~,rn Inspector one day in advance of the required inspections. Zn progress, inspections of all elements of work will eliminate the need for extensive post-testing. Any work or material which does not conform to Town standards will be brought to the attention of the contractor or developer and, if immed- iate corrections are not made, construction may be stopped. • • • The general types of inspections required are as follows: ~, Culverts, SCorm Sewer lines, and. Appurtenances - Trenching, ~;rZde bedd~.ng, installation oI pipe, backiill., and compaction. Insper_tion to be requested when backfill is completed to ot~e--ha.lf the depth of culvert, ar storm sewer line. 2. Structures, Including Manholes - Finished excavation, grade, forming, reinforcing steal, concrete pour, finish, and test cylinders. Inspections required: (1) prior to p~.acing steel, and (2) prior to the concrete pour. ~,. Roadway ~- Subgrade, subbase, base course, prime, and paving to be called for at each completed stage. Locations of required field tests will be determined by the Construction. Inspector. A~. Final - A request for the final inspection and acceptance far maintenance or release from bond must be made in ~~riting to the Tawn Engineer after all other inspections have been. passed. . 5. Gdater and Sewer Lines -- A11 water and sewer lines shall be inspected by the appropiate district. All designs sha11 be submitted to the appropiate district and to the Town. Engineer for review and approval. Q, Testing: When required by the Town Engineer, a recognized testing firm shall certify to the quality of materials or construction. All testing shall be by recognized methods and shall be at the contractor's, developer's, or owner's expense. C, Developer's Warranty: The developer or owner shall be fully responsible far the maintenance and correction of any faulty construction, including unsuitable street cuts, chuckholes, and storm setaer line blockages for a period of one year after the roads are accepted by the Town. • s • _~ 17.23.300 STREETS GI;NEItAL; CLASSTFICATIpN; DESIGN CRITERIA; CO~ISTRUCTTQN MATERIALS, AND CONSTRUCTION METHODS 17.28.310 GENE~.AL: Road layout shall bear a logical relationship to existing or platted roads in adjacent properties and thoroughfare plan. ~ 7.28.320 CLASSITTCATTON: A. Arterial streets (Frontage Roads) - are those which permit the relatively rapid and unimpeded movement or large volumes of traffic from one part of the community to another. B. Collector streets-are those which collect traffic from minor or local streets and carry it to arterial streets or to local traffic generators. Collector streets include the principal entrance streets to a residential development, those linking such adjacent developments, and those streets providing circulation within such developments. C. Lac~tl streets--are those used primarily for direct access to properties abutting the right-of-way. Local streets carry traffic having an origin or destination within the development and do not carry through traffic. D. Minor streets-(includes private) are those used primarily for direct access to properties abutting the right-of-way. Minor streets carry fewer vehicles than local streets. They do not carry through traffic. E. Driveways -Any pr°ivate access for two or fe4~rer d~relling wits. 17.28.u30 DESIGN CRITERIA A. Major Points . ~. Local and minor-Local and minor streets shall be desi.ned in such a manner that through traffic within the subdivision will be discouraged. 2. Intersections - Streets shall be laid out so as to intersect as nearly as possible at right ang~.es. 3• Street Names - Street names shall not duplicate an existing street name, unless the said street is an extension of the existing street. Street narrtes shall be subject to the approval of the Town Cou~:.cil . q., Curves - The minimum curve radius shall be as designated in paragraph I below. S. Alleys - Alleys shall be provided if required by the Planning Com- mission. The minimum width of the .~Zlcy shall he 20 feet. Dead-end alleys shall not be permitted. All alleys shall be paved. 6. Easements - Easements shall be provided for ail. utilities, drainage ways, ckzannels, or streams which traverse across the subdivision. `.; 4 7.~ock l_en9ths - The length, w~idtlr and shapes of blocks small be uetermined by tk~e type of use, zoning requirements, needs for convenient access, circula- tion and safety of street traffic,-end limitations and opportunities of topo- graphy, Far repairs, a block will be defined as the distance between any two canseeutive intersections of public streets. 3. Cul-de-sacs - Cul-de-sac streets, hotivever, sha11 be designed as minor or local wi~.h a right-of-way bu of 50 foot radius and pavement radius of 40 feet. 9. Street tdidth - Street width shall conform to the fol7owincl: CLA5S ~ ROtJ ~ PAVED SHOULDER DESIGN MAX ~IIN ~URV~ FUTURE ADT _ WIDTW _tJIDTN __ _ SPEED GRADE% RADIUS __ _ _ Arterial-- ~~ ~ ~~~ ----12 ' per l ane -_ _.~ _~_~ 50 6 650 750 and over (Frontage) Collector 50 24 4 40 7 250 300-750 Local 50 22 3 30 8 60 150-300 k~linor 40 22 2 30 ~ 50 0-] 50 {Private} Driveway -- 12 1 -- 8~ 20 -- Q. Hori_zantal Alignment: The major considerations in horizontal alignment design are; safety, grade profile, road type, design speed, sight distance, and topography. All these factors must be balanced to produce an alignment that is safest, most economical, and adequate far the type of road proposed. Horizontal aligrnrrent must provide at least the minimum stopping sight distance for the design speed at all points. This includes visibility at intersections, as well as around curves and roadside encroachments. C. Vertical Alignment: The grade line is the reference line by which the elevation of the pavement and other features of the road are established. It is controlled mainly by topography, the factors of horizontal alignment, safety, sight distance, design speed, drainacle, and construction costs. The configuration of heavy duty vehicles r~~ust also be considered. 1. Grade Line - The grade line should be positioned with relation to the cross- section as follows: a. It should coincide with the road centierline on t;vo-lane and snuiti-lane undivided roads. b. Separate grade 1 fines may he requir~rld on cfiv ided irrul ti-l~_rne reads. *Maxinrurr~ grade for driveways may be up to 1(7',' if #,he To~Am t_ncrineer's approval is obtained. If the driveway is proposed to be kreaLcd, the grade Wray be up to 12''. if the Town Engineer's approval is obtained. • €3. Vertz.cal. Curve , 55 Proper~.y designed vertical curves :should provide adequate stopping and passing sight distance, headlight sight distance, driver comfort, good drainage, and pleasing appearance. Long, fiat vertical curves should be avoided as they may develop poor drainage at the level section and tend to create driver insecuxity in passing maneuvers. Lengths of vertical curves shall. be determined by the site distance requirements. _ E. 5i~ht Distance: All portions of the grade line must meet sight distance requirements for the design speed. The minimum stopping sighC distance is the distance required by the driver of a vehicle, traveling at a given speed, to bring his vehicle to a stop after an object on the road becomes visible. Stopping sight distance is measured from the driver's eyes, which are assumed to be 3.75 feat above the pavement surface to an object six inches high on the road. The required stopping sight distance for a given design speed shall be designed by the Engineer. F. ,Crown Slopes "-` Min . ~ Max . Type of Surface ~ Crown Slope Portland cemenC concrete l.5% 4.0°la Bituminous mix pavements 2.0°l0 4.0°/0 ~. Clearances The following are minimum clearances to structures or other roadside obstructions. Additional clearance tnust.be provided for sight distance and other requirements. Where sCreets or highways under the jurisdiction of a~Cher agencies are involved the clearance, as required by said agency, if more restrictive than Town standards, shall apply. 7. Horizontal Clearance - The minimum horizontal clearance from the edge of traveled way shall be IO feet to the right and 4 feet to the left ~rhen facing in the direction of Gravel, 2~ VerCical Clearance - The minimum vertical clearance to major overhead structures shall. be 15 feet above the traveled way and l4 sect above the shoulders. For minor overhead structures, such as signs, cables, etc., the minimum -vertical clearance shall be l.8 £eet. . .• 56 H. - Structural Desi~: ~ . ,~ Design Formula - The design of pavements is based upon the American • Association of State Highway O.Eficials group index rating, which is obtained by the use of a group index formula based upon the gradation, liquid Limit, and plasticity index of the soil. The group index formula is as follows: Group index = 0.2a + 0.005 ac + O.Olbd where: a = that portion of the gradation sieve greater than 35 percent expressed as a positive whole b = that portion of the gradation sieve greater than 15 percent expressed as a positive whole percentage passing the No. 200 ~.nd not exceeding 75-percent, number (l to 40). percentage passing the No. 200 and not exceeding 55 percent, number (1 to 40). c = that portion of the numerical liquid limit greater than 40 and not exceeding b0, expressed as a positive whole number (1 to 20) . . d Y that portion of the numerical plasticity index greater than IO and not exceeding 30, expressed as a positive whole number ~.. (I to 20) . ' Pavement Thickness - The group index sham. be computed for each soil sample taken and then applied to the proper design curve to obtain the minimum total pavement thickness required to the nearest one-half inch. That total thickness shall be used for pavements where the sail sample is representative. {See Figure 3-1) . I . Sidewalks Sidewalks are not generally required but may be required by the planning staff, Planning Commission, or Town Engineer if deemed appropriate. (See Figure 3.2) J . Curt~ s & Gutters Approved types of Concrete curb and gutter are not generally required but may be required by the Planning Staff, Planning Commission, or Town Engineer if deemed appropriate. •See Figures 3.2 and 3.3, and Section K• Drainage: The primary objective of drainage design shall be the protection of Town streets and property while minimising the passible flood damage to surrounding properties and structures, xt should be emphasized that goad drainage is one~of the most important factors in road design. IC preserves the goad appearance as we11 as the level of service of the street while at the same time minimizing .the Cost of maintenance. Culverts under collector and accommodate a SO-year freque availai~le head. The maximum uppermost pending el.evat~ion, upstream properties. • arterial streets icy storm runoff, available head s so chosen as not 57 are to be designed to utilizing the ma~timum ha11 be determined by the to cause flood damage to Onsite facilities and culverts under minor streets shall be designed to accomodaCe the 25 year frequency storm runoff. Inlets and other facilities draining the street surface sha11 be designed to accotnmodate~the 10-year. frequency storm runoff. All drainage installations shah. also be designed to permit free unob- structed passage of debris and silt, or provide for their deflection and/or collection at a point upstream in such a manner as not to create an expensive maintenance problem. Storm Runoff Estimates - Unless approved by the Town Engineer, the So~.~ Cansezvation Service method sha11 be utilized for drainage calculation The appropriate design manual sha11 be "Procedures for Determining Peak Flows in Colorado. 1. Precipitation and snowmelt rates to ba used are itemized below: FREQUENCY {yrs} 2 5 ' 6 25 50 ~.oa 1.0 ].. 4 I.6 1.9 2.2 2.4 SNOW~'IELT (cfs/acre) .040 .048 .060 ~ -; .067 .072 .080 Unless an extensive drainage report is prepared by a regi.stared profess- ional engineer urith supporting data an soa.l types, vegetation, and historic flows, the following design procedures shall be used. 2. Calculation of Runoff Curve Numbers Impervious Surface CN ~ 9g Lawn areas CN = 60 Wood or Forest Land CN = 70 PRECIPITATION (in.} A weighted G;~ shall be calculated for the i:m*~ediate area proposed for development, Open sor-~oa ~-areas wi.11 be ~ur~lped in separate Lri'~u[:ary basins and a CN of 70 assigned to them independent of the developed arca. ~A~~~~: ToCal drainage shed = 5.0 acres lmmed~.ate developed ares = 0.5 acres ~~ Open space area = 4.5 acres Impervious surface = 70°/0 of developed area Apply CN = 70 to 4.5 acres and calculate runoff jeighted CN for developed area: Weighted CN = .7x0.5x98+,3:r0.5x60 = 8b.b = 87 .S 3. Calculation of runoff depth Open Space: From CN -70 and runoff depth = 0.20 inches. Developed Area: From CN = 87 inches; runoff depth = 0.$3 25 year precipitation of 1.9 inches; and 25 year precipitation of 1.9 inches. 4. Calculation of flow (cabin. feet/second) Open Space: Use Figure SI-A, flat slope (16°Io) peak discharge ~CFS/inch of runoff) = 8.3 Q = 8.3 x 0.2 = 1.7 cfs Developed area: use Figure SI-A, flat slope (1%} peak discharge = l.6 Q = 1.6 x .83 = l.3 cfs For piped systems, tributary areas for each inlet should be calculated and the flows calculated as above. Culverts -- Culverts are to be located at each natural draw or water course as conditions warrant to prevent excessive accumulation of flaw in street-side ditches or a:f.nng the toe of slopes. Draws and' water oourses are to be cleared of debris fox a distance of 100 feet upstream from all, culvert inlets. " Inverts at the inlet should be slightly elevated above the normal flow line in steep natural draws to avoid plugging by debris. Excessive pending shall be avoided. The culvert should slope downward in the direction of natural flow and designed to be self-cleaning wherever possible. The outlet should be designed so as not to discharge on unprotected fills or unstable material or at adverse angles to streams or open channels. 'Headwalls, rip--rap, or other means of protection are requi..red at inlets or outlets where erosion may occur. Minimum diameter for round pipe shall be l2 inches. The minimum rise of arch pipes and boY culverts shall be 12 inches. Cleanout access shall be provided at least every 200 feet for pipes 24 inches in diameter or less, and at least every 400 feet for larger pipes. Cleanout accesses shall also be required at each angle point and at each change in grade. _ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ 59 Subsurface Drainage - Subgrades subject to poor drainage, undergrounL seepage or a high water table must be adequately drained for roadbed stabi~.ization. Drains must be installed to control or prevent the ha.gh ground water level from coming to within four feet of the roadway pavement. Surface drainage will.ba considered as an alternate. Inset Structures - Acceptable will be permitted on approval Curb openings with protection grates are permitted where pe laden flows are anticipated. L. Traffic Can~rol Devices: designs for inlet structures be the by the Town Engineer. bars are prefezred. Special 3estrians, bicycles, or debris {See figures 3.4 and 3.5) All signs, striping, marking, delineators, signals, and other traffic control devices are to conform to the requirements of the State of Colorado as outlined in "Uniform Traffic Control Devices" Xn_nera developments, all required street na~te signs are to be installed and paid for by the developer. Ion-standard signs or other traffic control devices are subject to rigid State control and approval by the Town Engineer must be obtained for their use. Requests for using non- standard signs or other dQVices must be submitted to the Town Engineer along with all data required to support the request. 17.. 28.340 CONSTRUCTION :MATERIALS 1~. Base Material shall be granular, consisting essentially of sand, gravel, rock slag, disintegrated granite or a combination of such materials. It shall be a we11-graded mixture containing sufficient soil mortar, crusher dust or other binding material which, when placed and compacted, krill result xn a firm, stable foundation. `Material composed of uniformly sized particles or which contains pockets of excessively fine or excessively coarse material will not be acceptable. The material shall meet the following gradation: Sieve_Designation Percent by [deight Passing 2~-/2-inch 100 ' 2-inch 95-100 • No. 40 30-b0 No. zoo 5-15 AlI rna~:erial~passing the No. 40 sieve shall have a l~c~uid limit of not over thirty-five and a plasticity index of not over six. Test for liquid limit and plasticity index shall be in accordance with A.A.S.H.O. designations T-89 and T-91 respectively, Q. Concrete CFI~fENT, Shall confrorsi to ASTrf-C-150, C-175, or C-595. The cement supplier shell submit to the Engineer a ccrti£ic~ition that the cement used on the project conforms to the applicable specifications with complete mill analysis for every 200 tons used.. ~C (1 '• AGG~GATE. Shall confrom to A~'I'I1-C-33 {see American CanZ'~ete PaPJvin g Association Technical Bulletin Na. 15 for optimum size coarse aggregat. ADMIXTURES. Air entraining admixtures shall confrom to ASTM-C-260. Type A water reducing admixtures (normal setting) shall. conform to ASTM-C-494. Type D water reducing admixtures (retarders) shall con- form to AST~•1-C-494. Type E water reducing admixtures (accelerating} shall confrom to AST:1-C-494. Fly ash shall conform to ASTM-C-6I8 Type F with the following restriction: Sulfur trioxide shall not exceed 5.0 percent, and loss of ignition shall not exceed 5.0 percent. ':~~1ATERIALS FOR CURING CONCRETE. Membrane curing compounds for concrete shall be the pigmented type conforming to the requirements of AASHTO- M-148 and/or ASTM-C-309. Membrane curing compounds far concrete may ~be transparent with a fugitive dye. JOINT FILLING COMPOUND. Where joints are required to be filled, filling material for filling pavement joints shall be hot poured rubber asphalt joint filling compound conforming to AASHTO--M-173 or Federal Specifications .SS-S-164 or. SS--S--1401a. WATER. If the water is of questionable quality, it shall be tested in accordance with AASHTO-T-26, "Standard Method of Test for Quality of Water to be Used in Concrete." STRENGTH REQUIRED. All concrete shall have a specified compressive strength a* 4000 PSr and shall be determined by ACI st~ndard 31$-71,. sections 4.33 and 4.3.4. In non-frast areas, lower c' values may. be used in conformity with local practice and performance. For' design charts using locaer fc' values, contact ACPA. AxR CONTENT. The air content of the plastic concrete Shall be uniform and shall be 5.5 percent plus or minus 1.5 percent. SLUMP. The mixture shall contain no more water than is necessary to ;produce concrete which is workable and plastic. The minimum slump necessary to place the concrete satisfactorily shall be used. Slumps should be maintained so as not to exceed ~~ 1/2 inches for non--vibrated placement and 3 inches for vibrated placement. C.As~t~alt: All. materials shall. confrom to the latest Colorado "standard Specification: for Road and Bridge Construction," prepared by the State Department of ~iighways . o. others Double penctr.ation se<zl co~3t m<~.y be allowed on cr~rtain streets subdividec] prior to 197? at the discretion of the Town. Engineer. ~ r ~, : ~ • i . .1]_.~8.35f} CONSTR~CTIOy -MET}tODS • ~~ A. Clearing and Grubbing: - - ~, General - Clearing and grubbing shall consist of removing trees, stumps, brush, roots, rubbish, headgates, and nrher objectionable matter from the rightTaf-way and such other areas as may be desig- nated. Clearing and grubbing shall be performed in advance of grading operations and in accordance with the requirements hezein .specified, subject to erosion control requirements. 2. pr=eservation o~~~zoperty -:Existing improvements, adjacent property; utility and_o~her_facilities, and trees and plants that are not to be removed sha11 be protected from injury or defacement or damage resulting from the contractor's operation. 3 ~~.earing and Grubhin~ Operation - Within the right-or-way or limits established by the Engineer all stumps,-large roots,~buried logs and-all-o ~her•ob~ectionable:material sha~,l be removed 18 inches (~.8") ~b~:low subgrade or slope of embankments, or as directed by therTown-Engineer,- : _~ _ - - ~ --.. - . : - . - ;-__ - : --. _ ~ .. C_ _ -_ _ _ T~ee.branches exten.ding_aver_the roadway, which hang within 20 feet of the profile grade or that restra.ct sight distance, shall be cut - off-elose-to~the-rrunk~or-stem of the tree in a neat~and workmanlike mrar-ner and--in. accordance with good tree- surgery practices , Scars ~'esnlting.from~the_removal-of.branches shall be treated with, an approved asphaltu~i-base paint prepared especially for-tree surgery. 4 Removal and~Diaposal of Materials -- F.11~inaterials shall be disposed of outside-a.~ - t.he- right-nt-way . ~ ihe~ roadway and adjacent == areas shall . be left with a neat_and finished appearance. - ~. Removing-and-Salvaging Structures - The contractor may remove existing.fences~_pipes,_aprons, curbs and/or gutters-, ..sidewalks, -.--- and other similar' items,-the removal of which is necessary in ____ e©nnection-with-construction of-the project. The-contractor shall• dispose_•of•the•rremoved~material, except that as ordered~by the Town Engineer, culvert pipe, castings and items suitable for reuse . 'shall be protected from damage and be salvaged, and except that `~-`" ~ " su~.tab~re material may be salvaged far riprap or bank protection. All.: salvaged items within the Public Right-of-Way shall be the Property o~_ the Tatra. _ ~ -. ~ ~-. -.. W = . - ~ - . ~_ -. E3. -'Exc,-~vation and Grading: T"" ~-:-'-G~-e~i'i~T~- This item shall consist of all excavation and grading of _ what;ever--nature;-above or-.below subgrade elevatinn,_required to _.. --bri.n~;~_ the ~s-trce.t , ;alley, _ curb , gutt~:rs , sidewalks , ditches , or other areas to be cnnStrl.lCted to the proper subgrade elevation, construction of embanlc~~ents , excavation and-proper s loping; of all cuts , and other items of excavation not separately designated. • ~ ~ ~ • ~~ ~ s ~2 2. Excavations - All excavations shall be made to subgrade elevations and sE~all. be true to grade. Material below subgrade ~e7,evation in cuts shall noC be loosened by plowing, ripping, or other methods during the progress of the work except with the approval of the Town Engineer. Na excavation shall be made below subgrade eleva- tion except to remove unsuitable material as ordered by the Engineer. In the event the contractor does excavate any other area below subgrade elevation, he shall replace the excavated material with satisfactory material and shall thoroughly compact the same. 3. Unsuitable Materi_a1 -- Material that is unsuitable for the•planned use shall ~e excavated and disposed of as directed by the Town Engineer. . .4 Excavation Below subgrade -- tdhenever excavation below subgrade elevation to remove unsuitable material is ordered by the Town Engineer, the contractor shall remove the same to the satisfaction of the Engineer and shall replace it with satisfactory material in layers not to exceed six (6) inches in thickness, or as desig- nated by the Engineer, and shall thoroughly compact each layer to 90% compaction standard proctor before the next layer is placed. 5. Surplus Material'- Unless othezwise shown on the plans or specified in Che Special Provisions, no surplus excavated material may be dis- posed of within the right--of-way unless approved by the Town Engineer. s, Embankments - Embankments shall be constructed up to subgrade elevation in layers not to exceed six (6) inches in thickness and for the full width of the eznbankmerit. Each ~.ayer shall be thoroughly compacted to 90% standard proctor up to the last twelve (~.2} inches of subgrade before the next layer is placed and the upper twelve (12) inches to be compacted to 95°/° standard proctor. When borrow is~ ~ . required, it shah. be taken from a source approved by the Engineer. 7. Compaction of Subarade - After excavation (for new construction) has bean completed to approximate grade, upon direction of the Engineer, the subgrade shall be scarified to a depth of six (5) .,inches, wetted or aerated as needed, and compacted until a density equal to 95% of the density determined by the Proctor Method (AASF~C? Designation: T99) is obtained in the upper eighteen (18) inches. • a • g. Sub~;rac3e far Curbs ~~nd Gutters - Subgrade areas occupied by curbs and gutters shall be excavated, backfilled, and compacted to established grade. This work shall be done with particular care in accordance with all requirements herein. 9. Subgrade for Sidewalks - Subgrade under sidewalks shall be comp- acted to .~.5% standard proctor. ~- lO.Slnpes - Excavation slopes shall be finished in conformance with the"li.-nes and trades shown on the plans., AlI debris and loose material-shall be removed. 11 Dust Control - The Contractor shall provide and maintain adequate dust~..eontrol at all tames during construction operations. Dust contfol-may be accomplished by water sprinkling or by other means approQed by the Town Engineer. ;:` . .C. Pavement and Surface Replacement: 1. Genex'al - All excavations that are made in a public right-of-way must- ]~e-completely restored within seven {7) days subsec{uent to accep~arrce of backfill by the City Engineer. 2• gases A minimum of six {6) inches of select base material shall be-installed and thoroughly compacted immediately beneath the pavi-ng~o~'concrete patch to be installed, and no less than the.• base= course immediately adjacent to such cut will be acceptable. In the event that asphaltic concrete base, soil cement base, or other-base course materials be encountered by excavation, restora- tio`ri-shall be made in kind subject to the approval of the Town Engineer . - •.. _. 3. $ituminous Pavement - Permanent hot mix asphalt cement patches •`sh=z7-~ _in nn instance be less than two (2) inches in thickness nor less-than the hot mix asphalt cement adjacent to the excav~~tion, and~~shall,be installed in accordance with good construction practices and these specifications. Prior to replacemment of the pavement the exposed edges of the existing pavement- and base course sha h. be neatly trimmed to a neat straight line by a spade, bit;-or ~~hammer. A, Concrete P~~tch Replacement - When a concrete patch is used, r_he wid.th__.~~zal.l..be extended six (6) inches on each side of the undis- turbed • trench shoulders . The pavement edges sh:~ll be trim~necl to form-a~uniform edge to allow bct.ter adberencc between materz.il. Due=-care should be taken to assure that no voids or air pockets • are xeft-in the concrete or along the edge between concrete an3 . ~ b4 asphaltic material. The patch sha11 be a minimum of si.x (Fi) inch thic~C concrete with a minimum of 4000 psi crushing strength. The top a.s then to be sealed with asphalt oil. and sand. 5. Gravel Surfaced Streets -- In areas where existin; gravel surfacing is removed from the streets, the Contractor shall replace the graveled surfacing with material at least equal in depth and quality to that removed, but in no case shall the surfacing be less than six (6) inches in thickness. The existing graveled surfacing may be salvages and re-used if handled so as to prevent mixing with other excavated materials. . 6. Driveways and Entrances _ Resurfacing of driveways and entrances crossed by the construction sha11 be performed as outlined above for bituminous surfaced streets and granular surfaced streets far 'the particular drivez•ray and entrance involved. 7. Other Surface Improvements - Driveways, sidewalks, or other surface improvements shall be replaced with a base course, six (o) inches minimum, and materials equal in depth and quality as that removed. ~.• Cleanup - All paved streets wherein excavation has been performed •will be thoroughly cleaned and completely policed from all debris and extraneous material created by the work. g, Grassed Areas - The upper six (6) inches of the trench shall be backtillcd with topsoil, fertilized, and seeded. The seed shall be applied at the rate of one pound per 500 square feet and the area so seeded shall then be mulched with peat to retard eVapora- ti.on of water. The seeding shall be done at a time approved by the Toelr~ Engineer. In lieu of seeding, the Town Engineer may require removing and replacing the existing sod ar sodding the backfilled area. D. -- Ad.~usting Frames , Covers , and Valve Boxs ; 1 General - The Contractor shall notify the O~,mer to make necessary adjustments. The frames shall be set to grades approved by the Town Engineer, or one-fourth (1/~) inch below finzs?:ed pavement grade, in a manner hereinafter specified. The Contrzictar may elect to remove old frames, covers, and valve boxes and to install new frames and/ar boxes.' 2. Adjusting; Frames - The Contractor shall loosen frames in such a manner that existing monuments, cleanouts, or valve boxes will not be disturbed ar manholes damaged. Should the frame or cover become damaged as a result of mishandling by the Contractor, it shall be replaced by the Contractor with a ring and cover of comparable weight, size, anti quality at no cost the the Town. Debris shall. not be permitted to enter sanitary or storm drain conduits. E'111 hose material and debris sha11 be removed from the excavation and the interiors of structures prior to resetting frames. Manhole szdewa~.~.s that require adjusCrnenC shall be constructed at least eight (8} inches thick by the use of common brick and mortar or'Class "A" concrete. Additional manhole steps shall be added for each fifteen (15) inch increase in the height of the 3nanhole sidewalls. Manhole frames shall not be finally set until the pavement adjacent thereto has been completed. The manholes shall be ]..eft ^r Iowered~sufficiently below grade so as not to interfere with or form an obstruction to the preparation of the subbase, base, and pavement, The manhole openings shall be temporarily covered by suitable means and the work constructed thereover. Due care shall be exercised to prevent foreign matexia7, from entering the manholes. After the pavement has been Constructed, the necessary poxtions of the subbase, base, and pavement shall be neatly cut away, the manholes built up, and the cover frames set to grade, following which any surrounding area from which the pavement base, ar subbase has been so removed shah. be backfilled with concrete. - ~. Adjusting Valve Boxes - Adjustable cast iron boxes shah., if poss.ible,. be brought to grade by adjustment of the upper movable section. It may be necessary to provide an extension to lengthen the box enough to match the required grade. An excavated area shall. be fi3.led with six-inch concrete to the level of the existing pavement, or as directed by the Town Engineer. C. Concrete Curbs, Gutters, and Sidewalks: ~ deneral - The work covered.by this section consists of Portland Cement Concrete curb and gutter, curbcralk and driveways complete in accordance with the following specifications and the dimensi,~nns shown an the glans. ~, Concrete -- Unless otherwise specified, concrete shah be 4ppp psi minimum crushing strength and approved mix design. 3. subgrade -- The subgrade sha11 be constructed true.to grades and lines shocrn on the plans. All debris, roots, vegetable matter, deleterious, soft, or other unsuitable material shall be removed to a depth of not less than si:c (6) inches below subgrade ar, when necessary in the opinzon of the Tawn Engineer, to a greater depth and replaced with material satisfactory to the Engineer. The finished subgrade under curb and gutter shall be compacted to 95% of maximum density as determined by Standard Proctor Test. 4 Placement - Concrete shall be placed an a compacted subgrade or base. The concrete sha11 be properly graded with the forms securely set to provide the section and surface elevations sl~o~m on the plans. 5• Joints -- Expansion joints and block joints shah. be constructed sCraight, plumb, and shall extend through the cu~:b and gutter or curbw~allc section from top to bottom and fror:~ .front to back. ~ • Expansion joint filler I/2-inch thick, pro-formed biturninous- Greated fiberboard, conforming to AASE-iD Specification MS9, shall be used to form transverse expansion joints. Expansian joints shall be constructed at the intersectz.on with the existing curb and gutter, curbwalk, and sidewalk, at all radius points and at I50 foal intervals and/or as directed by the Town Engineer. ~.-- Bituminous Macadam Surface: 7. General: a, Areas to be allowed: {1 )Streets in Grandfather Subdivisions ()Parking lots (double chip--seal. ,allowed} (3)AZleys .b. How it may be used: (1 )In residential areas only (2)Can he used only w~.th curb & gutter ~ ' '~~)Request 'for use must be made in writing to the . City Manager for a determination. 2, Description - This item shall consist of a crushed stone surface with a bituminous binder constructed in accordance with detaz.ls on plans and the specifications and shall conform to the Construction Design Standards. 3. Materiels: a. Mineral Aggre.~Utes for bituminous maca.dartt shah consist of clean, tough, durable fragments of broken stone, free from' an excess of flat, elongated, soft, ar disintegrated pieces, and Exec from stone coated with dirt or other objectionable Matter. 'I`he mineral agbregate shall be uniformly graded within the limits specified below for stone chips. 'b, Stone Chips shall be of such"size that not less than ninety ' percent (JOio} shall pass a sieve having three. quarters {3/4} inch square openings, and be retained on a sieve having three-- eights (3I8} inch square openings. Stone chips .for use in the seal. coat shall be of such size that not less than ninety percent (9C°o} shall. pass a sieve having three-eights (3/8) inch square openings and be retained on a No. 4 sieve. c• Bituminous Binder shall be AC-s00 or an approved emulci£icd oil. ~, Construction Methods: a. Base - Finished b<zse shall be one-half {IJ?) inch bela~~r the gutter edge and ti~oroughly rolled with a steel wheel roller prior to the first application of bitumino~is binder. ,,: ~7 ., • l~. First Application of Bitu, noun Sin der (c•rith 314" ~p~;)- The .first application or bituminous binder shall k~e spread r;t the rate of five tenths ( . 5) to'one {1) gallon per square yard of surface. The bituminous ,binder sha11 be allowed to penetrate into the roadwayfor not more than twenty-four (24) hours and the macadam covered by a layer of 3/4" chips and rolled. Care must be exercised during the rolling to cover the bituminous surface in all places so that the material will not adhere to the roller. Before the second coat of bituminous binder is applied, all excess material shall be removed. c. Second~Application of Bituminous Binder (with 3/4" Chips)- The second application of bituminous binder shall be spread at the rate of one-quarter {1/4) to one--half (1/2) gallon per square yard of surface area, the quantity between the limits mentioned to be determined by the City Engineer. Three-fourths (3/4) inch chips sha11 then be uniformly spread aver the entire surface in quantity sufficient to prevent the asphaltic surface from adhering to the rollers, after which the roadway shall be thoroughly rolled. The rolling shall continue sufficiently to give a hard, smooth, finished surface. If the bituminous binder shows through the surface, additional chips shall be spread and rolled into the affected area. d. Final Application of Bituminous Binder (with 3/8" Chips}- After the road has been open to traffic for a per~.od of two (2) and not more than four (4) weeks, a final application of bituminous binder shall be spread at the rate of from one-quarter (1/4) to one-half (l/2} gallons per square yards of the surface area covered, as the City Engineer shall determine. The area to be covered shall be the entire area of finished surface course and portion of shoulders as indicated on plans. Before applying this coat of bituminous binder, the surface of the pavement and shoulders shall be thoroughly swept. This coat of bituminous . binder shall be covered faith chips in sufficient quantity to ' take up the bituminous binder. Every portion of the surface shall then be rolled thoroughly. . e.•General Requirements for Rolling -- All rolling shall be done with self-propelled road rollers, steel ~tiTheel anal rubber tire, weighing not less than ten tons. All rolling shall corn~nence at the outer edges and continue toward the center. Under no Circumst~tnCes shall the center of the road be rolled first. Gthcrwise the time, extent az~d manner of rolling shall be subject to the direction of the City Engineer, f. General Requirements for Bituminous t~~orlc - Bituminous work shall be done only when the atmospheric temperature is above sixty-five (G5) degrees l:'., and even then only during; such periods as the sun is shining. This rule ma_y be suspencked by the City Engineer,~when in his opinion the same may not be detrimental. to the work. No bituminous work will, be permitted when the surface to be covered ~s wet. .... ~ , .. • i 6a Bituminous binder shall be spread onl3r after `lay lst and before October I.st except upon written consent of the City Engineer, and no surfacing shall be spread preparatory to oiling which cannot be completed before October lst. Bituminous binder shall be sprayed upon the roadbed by means of pressure spraying machines. The use of gravity distributors will not be permitted. The distributors shall apply a uniform spread of oil over the width covered by the sprayer. In order to insure a uniform distrubution of oil at the junction of any two applications the destribution shall, be promptly stopped. when a uniform flow of ail decreases, indicating that the tank is about empty. If, in the application of oil, any spots are missed, oil shall be applied to those spots by means which will insure the applicatian being made at the specified rates. The uniform application of oil will be required and distributors equipped with poar valves will not be allowed to aperate on the work. The bituminous binder must be delivered at the point required for spraying at a temperature not less than three hundred (~00} degrees F, except for emulsion ail. g. Maintaining Roadway - The Contractor shall. maintain the road:aay after it is opened to traffic until the final application of bituminous binder is spread. All bituminous binder taming to the surface during that period shall immediately be covered with chips. The pavement, when ready for final acceptance, shad be thoroughly swept, compacted, and the surface of the pavement shall present a uniform bituminized appearance. .~ Y • • 37. 28.3b0 Bike Paths . 69 A. General,-This itc~ shall consist of the construction of b1t~.iminollS or concrete bike paths in accordr3.nce ti,~ith these specifications and the dimonsion' s shos„m on the pl ~~ns . E3. ~T~teri~al.s-?`~zt_er. ials shall **~cet the requirements specified in the follcn~in subsections: Joint. fillers 17.28.340 B5 ~3ed Course material 17.28.340 R Concrete for bike paths shall meet the requirc~:tents of section 17.28.340 B l~ituminOL1S n~~terial for sidewalks shall meet the requirements of section 17.28.340 C Concrete and bitLUrtinous mimes wi_11 be subject to inspection and tests as required to assure compliance Caith quality requirements. (: _ C'anstruction x~'fethods .. ' 1.. Concrete bike paths -- a. ~~ccavation shall be made to the required death and to a ~,ridth that wall permit the installation and bracing of the forms. The foundation shall be shaped and corrroacted to a firm even surface conforming to the section sho~m in~Fi~.re 3.6. ?dhen the engineer . determines that material is uncorripactable, the material shall be ru~~ved and replaced in accordance with section 17.28.350 ~. b. Forms shall be of wood, metal, or other suitable material, and shall extend for the full depth of the concrete. All forms shall be straight, free from warp and of sufficient strength to resist the pressure of the concrete without sprin~in~;. Bracing and staking of the forms shell be such that the forms re*nain in both hari~ontal and vertical alignment until their rG~,~,~al. A satisfactory slip form method may be used. ~• i'laci.n~ cancrete. T!ze foundation shall be thoroughly moistened imnedi.ate:ly prior to the placing of the concrete. 'I`11e proportioning, rmixing and placing; of the concrete shall he in accordance with the rc.]s.~ircrr~ents specified in sectian d. ":i:~:i:,;~inf,. Tire surface shall be floated with a c~aoden or magnesiuTn i~].or.~i_ and ~;i.ven ~-~ transverse broom finish. ~a plastering of the surf`~ice Tai.l1 he permitted. Al]. outside edges of the slab ~.Lnd till joints s~~al1. be edged with ~i -'~, inch radius edninp, tool. e. Joints. iu~pansion joints and intervals shall ~~~~ of. Lhe di,:~:~sians specified, and shall be filled with the type of :remoulded expansion joint filler nated. 'Itze bi1_ce path shall be divided into sections by dumn}r joints .forr?~ed by a jointing tool or other acceptable trans .~~s dirc.ct_cd, 'I'(1c~se clt~tmy joints shall extend into the concrete for pit least 1/3 0]~ tF~c depth and shrill be approxi.rrkztely I,, inch r,ride. ~~ joint , shall_ be spaced zt~ intervals approxirnatcly eciuril t.o the ~-ai.dr;a.. oC the bi~cc~ path. • • ~ Construction joints shall be forded around all appurtenances such as manholes, utility poles, etc., extending into and through the sidewalk. Pruf~ulded expansion joint filler 4 inch thick shall be installed in these joints. Expansion joint filler of the thickness indicated shall be installed between concrete sidewa llcs and any fixed structure such as a building ox bridge. This expansion joint material shall et.•-rand for the f-u11 depth of the path. Curing. Irmlediatcly upon completion of the finishing, bike paths shal.~be moistened and kept m7ist for two days, or sidewalks, shall, be cured by the use of r,~eir~brane forming curing compound. The method and details of curing shall be subject to the apr~roval of t11e engineer . During the curing period all. traffic, both pedestrian and vehicular, will be excluded. Vehicular traffic will be excluded for such additional tip as the engineer may direct. p._ 13it~~ninous bike paths 1, Excavation and~orms. Excavation and forms shall meet the requir~~~«ts of subsection 17.28.360 C 2, 13ed course. Sed course material shall be placed in layers not •. exceeding 4 inches in depth and each layer sha11 be thoroughly - compacted. 3, placing Bituminous bike path material. Bituminous bike oath material shal_1 be placed on Che com?~acted bed course in one or more courses as indicated so as to s;ive the required depth when rolled. Compaction shall. be accomplished by means of a hand operated or power roller of a type and weight acceptable to the engineer. In areas inaccessible to the roller, hand tamping will be permitted. Bittmtinous bike paths shall be uniformly cormacted. • • • ~~ c~-~aP~~a 1 ~. 30 VAP~ANCES APJD A~iEND~~iENTS 17.30.010 Var°iarEce Procedure Variances to the provisior~s of Chapter 17 shall follow the procedures in Chapter 18.62 of the Vail ~~lunicipa1 Code. 17.30.020 Amendment Procedure Arr~endments to the provisions of Chapter 17 shall follow the procedures aut1ined in Sections 18.66.100 through -!8.&6.160 of the Vail P1unicipal Code. ~' ., ~~ w v -ac MIN 1 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 li i2 13 !~ 15 18 17 18 19 20~ A.A.S.H.O. GROUP ~~~DEfC IVIINIMUM REQUIREMENTS TYPE ASPHALT ART ---.... _....._ _ .__ ERIAL _._ .-._.-- - - - 5 k ASPHA~.T lore' SASE 4" ASPHALT' I COLLECTOR 9 ~'k BASE 3k`ASPHALT ~QC AL " BASE 8 3kk ASPHALT MINOR ` k 8A5~ 6 V. 1982 ' ANDREWS PAVEMENT DESIGN ARTIER CTC?R COIi~CRETE 6 %j kl 5~k 5k1 W Z Y L~ Z F-- J O '~- DEPT. OF PUBLIC `~ORK5 TOWN OF VAIL-COLQRADU PLAN VIEW f0' ;~ AX ~~ u~ t ;~. ~E /~ EXPANSION MATERIAL\ SQUARE AT END OF CURB RETURNS EDGE ANp AT 150 MAX. INTERVALS SIDEWALK AND CURB ~_ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ '" • ~ .r a ~ ~ ! ~ • l d a n 4 4 AGGREGATE BASE- - {COMPACT TO 9590 -- _ ~ 4 STANDARp PROCTOR) %~~ EXPANSION MATERIAL CONTRACTION JOINT `~~ --CAULK Z~~ FOAM FILLER SAW CUT %~~ = 4 NOV. 1982 CONCRETE DETAkLS DEPT. OF PUBLIC VYORKS W. ANDREWS TOWN OF VAIL-COLORADO CONTRACTION JOINTS ~2`~ ' 4%•{ I~u 2 • }" :.--- .r--~- ~~ ~4 TYPICAL VERTICAL CURB A(VD GUTTER ~I~uRE :~.~ ~t~ ` If f ~11 ~t~ ..s ~- 1 - 2 ~" - 48' LOW FLOW HIG~t FLAW CRQSSPAN CROSSPAN I. ALL CONCRETE TO 8E MINIMUM 4000 psi COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH 2. BASE COURSE COMPACT TO 95°I° STANDARD PROCTOR 3. CONTRACTION JOINTS CUT AT MAXIMUM OE 10` INTERVALS 4. ALL EXPOSED AREAS TO MEDIUM GROOMED FENISH _ NOV. 1982 CURB AND GUTTER W. ANDREWS DEPT. OF PUaLIC 1+VORKS TOWN OF VAIL-COLORADO g" ~; CONCAVE G' ~R INLET FRAME AND GR - ~ ~ "'~'~~~- ~•* ~„ 3 ~„ ~„ ~ ~ I.. F-~ _._ ii ~er 46~ „ _ ~ ~„ I~~ 29~}~~ ~~4 ~IEENAH R-3382 OR EQUAL INLET STRUCTURE GRATE FRAME ~4 \~ ~\\~ ~\\~ ~~ PAVEMENT -- -, ra - -~ ~ ;max-~---> -C~ ,~~a-~J: ,~- - y ~ ~ ROAD BASE ~7~ ~ ~-r.~ -B. J- 3 .G ~ - \ ~ ~ / - ~ - ,. 1 ' / . `~ ~' ° ~ - ' ' ~ ~ ~ ;' ~ TYPICAL EXCAVATION ti ' ~~ `~ °~ ° ' h, ~ IF OUTSIDE OF WALLS - ~ (min) `, , ; A ; ~ ,.o, ARE NOT FORMED -t _ _. .d , ~ J', i b-., ~ o 'i r~ ~ ~ e ~~ ~ J p ~ .' . I P O A A • ' ~ ~ ~ b ~'Q.e ~ \ .l .Ly` ~ ti ,•~~, 4,~~. SLOPES FLOOR TO! OUTLET b'.~y~~: . ~a 5"(rein) .. ~ °. .~ ~- '~ ... - .' a. ~ .. J ~_ , o ; ~ . ,., - ~,-. ~~ ~~~--` (rain? f min) NOTES I. ALL CONCRETE TO BE 3000 PSI COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH. 2 ALL FRAMES AND GRATES SHALL BE CAST. 3. ALL EXP05ED. AREAS SHALL HAVE SMOOTH FINISH MQV. _1982 CATCH BASINS DEPT. OF PUE3LIC '~YORKS W. ANDREWS FRAME AND GRATE TOWN OF VAIL-COLORADO • • ~G UR E 3.5 r . -a c. suR~ACE _~ ' 4 ~ ~ A, ~_, V A R I E S `' ;---~,~a~ 2 '~ 1r1 I N. 18"'MAX. •~ + ~~ ~~ I i~-0" ;,,.~ I'`0~~--PRE-CAST ADJUSTMENT RINGS e .. ...~ , _; ~'o - ~.. ~ . - a. ; . ~~ r ~'-0 ~. ~ ol+ ~ ° PRE-CAST TAPERED SECTION _~ ' ,- ~ ~a?. .; I ' o. °~` PRE-CAST BARREL SECTION `' I a', .'; '.; ~, T 0„ 2~ _ Q~~ .... , NOTE ~ ~ I 3' I. D. MANHOLES WITH 24" '. ~ NIGH CONES MAY Bt; USED ''~ ~ ~ - 1N~GASEOF'SHALLOWCOVER '!~'' ~~':~, I 6 ~-•~.;. ~ - - IFPRIORAPPROVAL fS ' ~ ~'~°'`.~' ~ ~ "~~~ °~~~~~• GRANTED BY T~! E _ :°' •°.~ • ~ e, ~ CAST IN PLACE CONSTRUGTIO-~ TOWN ENGINEER ~'' `°~~'.•~' o\ ~ °~' ~ ~~° ~'•.~' l f .O•, t~- . SECTION A - A - ~~ ! ~; ~~~~=~ `~ .-4 ~ I ti . , li ~ ,r y D rt _ O, _~~ ^.~~ O,E ~ .it - A ~ + 1, 1 t ''~o _ ~ '~ - -.~ ti - ^., S~OQG \ p, 6•.1 .p 1 L ~ ~.. ~ _ - ~n a ., ~ .. i l . U~.` - G.: ;o . .~ ~ ~ .~ -~ --~ ~ --~ - I ~ t 5 - 4~ PLAN OF F3ASE } _ NOV. f982 DEPT. OF PUBLIC `;P,IOf~KS W. ANDREWS STORM DRAiN MANHOLE _ TOWN OF VAIL -COLORADO ,ASPHALT ~ CONCRETE ~~'lGURE 3.6 !` v' 10' z I -rn ~ < .} „ ~„ 6 ROAD BASE 5 CONCRETE UNREINFORCED ~~ ~~ 3 ASPHALT 3%2 FIBER CONCRETE HEAVY USE I~oao BASE WINTER MAINTENANCE 6" ROAD SASE ~" FIBER CONCRETE • •- 2" ASPl~ALT 4" CONCRI=TE UNREiNFORCED ROAD BASE LIGHT USE '. ~ NO !i~INTER MAINTENANCE EXISTING ROAD - _ ._ _ /~ lo' ~ 6" ROAD BASE ~ ~5~~ CONCRETE UNREINFORCED^ 3' ASPHALT 3~' FIBER CONCRETE ADDITIONAL LANE ~ ~oAD BASE WINTER MAINTENANCE FOR ASPHALT SECTION: I. BASE AND SUBBASE COMPACTION REQUIREMENT 95% STANDARD PROCTOR. 2. FOR ADDITIONAL LANE- EXISTING EDGE OF PAVEMENT TO aE TACKED BEFORE ASPHALT IS APPLIED. FOR CONCRETE SECTION: (. BASE TO BE UIVIFORM>-Y COMPACTED -MINIMUM 90% STANDARD PROCTOR. 2. UNREINFORCED- MINIMUM 4000 PSI COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH. 3. FIBER CONCRETE-~ 80 Ibsky N4ETAL FIBERS {2"). -4000 PSI COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH. I ---- 2' 1!` ~~r// ti' ~ NQV. 1982. BfKE PATH DESIGN DEPT. OF PUBLIC 'dVORKS 111. ANDREWS TOWN QF VA1L-COLORADO