HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-35 Recorded Copy,, � � �- � ORDINANCE No. 35 < (Series of �.984 ) AN Oi:DINANCE �.1�NFXING"` TO THE. TOW�V OF VAZL A�PARCiL OF PROPERTY;LOCATED,:�N THE COUNTY OF EAG�,E, COLORADO, AND MO�E PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED TN EXHIS�T "A" ATTACHED'HERETO, � PRESENTLY O1�NED BY VA�L ASSOCIATES ,� I1�C ., AND SETTING FORTH FINDINGS AND CONCLiJSIONS AND OTHER DETAILS IN RELATZON THERETO. 310533 ��,t��� .T.���.! m.� z � z,� _�. �.�,�.� ;ti,'itfK�° t TE PHI[. �.{PS ��:�i.� �TY. RECO�OER Mar 15 ! s7 �!'�� WHEREAS, a petition for annexati�n inta the Town of Vai1 of a certain parcel c�f property located in Eagle County, Co�.orado, and ,: more partic�alar].y described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto, has been submitted to th� Town_�i.�rk of the Tawn of Vail,and refe�red , therefrom to �he Tawn Council;. and . WHEREAM, the o�nrner of one hundred.percen� f�fl��)-of.th� property proposed for annexation, exclusive of the streets and al�.eys, is Vail Associates, Inc:; ancl wHEREAS, the p�titian was signt�cl Y�y La�ry E. Lichli�er, V�.ce Presa,den� Cff Vc311.�. ASSb'C'18'�G'i3� Ync. . WHEREAS, in accar�ance ;wit�i CR� 31�I2�-�:U7 (1}' (q):, 1973, as : am�:zaded, the Tc�w�s Cau:�cil may b� c►rdin�►nce anne�r th� abc�v�--specif�,ed„� prc�per�.X withaut notiee, he�.x��g or .e�.ec�ion inasmuch,`a.s the" p�titian was sa.gned by one huncired �ae�cen�. (100�� o� the property �wners; and . WHEREAS, �he Town Council 3s of the opiniota:that the petition , shoulc� be granted and tF�at.the:subjec� property shou3d be annexed to the Town of VaiJ.; NOW, TflE�EF0�2�, BE IT ORDAZN�D "<BY .THE , TOWN. CC:I'�CIL, 'OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, C�LORA.DO THAT: Section 1. Findings. The Town Clerk of the Town of Vaii'ha� referred to the Town Council a peti�ic� for annexati;on af a certain parce� of property (hereinafter reierred to as �he `"subject property") and which is more �p�cifically describec3 iri.Exhib�t "A" attached here�o and tli Tawza C�unc3.1 speci�ically finds upon review of said petition:. e {A) The pet�.�.ion is ii� substantial compliance with the requir�- ments of CRS 31-12-].Q7fl), 1973, as amended. , .�/� ,... . .. .. , � , i a,. � �?.� �.W�ee�:'I'liki4 �. 3.3� R. ..., \ . : ... . ..:. .. . . . .. , ..� .. .. ., ,. .,-. . . : �.ti ft� {B) The pefitf.on was signed by �he owners of one hun3red percent (10U�) of the area proposed to be annex�d, exclusive of strEets and a�.leys. {C) The subject proper.ty is eligible tor annexation to the Town of Vail in that at least one--sixth (1/6) of its boundaries are contiguous witl� the T��an of Vail, there is communxty Uf interest between th� Town of Vai.�. and the subject property, the subject property will be urbanized in the near future, and it is capab�e of being integrated into the Town of Vail. (D) There are no'limitatians �o the annexation of the subject property �o the Town of Vail and tha� no land held in identical ownership has been c�ivided withou� the-written consent of the land owners thereof, no land held in id�ntYCal ownersi�ip comp�ising ttaeinty (20j acres, or more ;w�.th an assessed va3.uation in excess af $2QQ.,fl4(�.Ofl fi�r: ad �ra�Iorem tax purposes has beEn included without the.w�itte� consent of the owner, no o�her an�exation proceed�.ngs have b�er� caammenced by .another municipa3.i�y in rc�la�ion �.o �he ,�. subjec� proper�y, and no area wi3.3 b.e detached fr�am a schoc�l d.��str�ct �►y th�s ans�exata:r�r�. (E) No addi�iana3. terms or cond.i�ians are to �e impos�d upc►n th�.s ann�xa�ion. (�') The subject praperty may be anne�ed by orda.nance without notice, heaz�ing, or elect`a.an .ir� accordance w�'.�h subsection (g) of '. ,l 31--12-107, CRS, 1973, as amended. Section 2. Annexation. The property presen�ly owned by vai� Associates �ocated in Eag1e C�unty, Cola�ado, mo�e par}icularJ�y described a.n Exhib.it. "A" attached here�o:is annexed to the Town of �:uil, Colorado. - Section 3. `Zonirig. Pursuant �o Chapter �8.68, after the effecti�ve date o� this `� ordinance, the Planning Commission shall set a da�e for a public hearing to coinsider the zona.ng da.stricts ta be �.rnpased ��n tne subject property. TNTRODE7CED, READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READING THIS �� day o� December, 1984, and a public hearing sha�l be held an this ordinance on the /��:'day of Januazy, �985, a� 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vai1 Municipal Bui�ding, Vai�., Colorado. ..., . . .. . , . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. -�- .. .. . . . .. . �i.. -, , n�55 ,y��; a s = `: � ,: � . � . . - �: 43, Ordered pub�.i5hed in fu�.l �hzs '��� d�y of �December, 1984. ATTEST:. �R - 4.' L /i ���. i ` �1 ''C d �� '� `+�iR�1a -A: ;��c'irid� __� � '� : �bwri C��r}e ,„ i ° Ro' ey ;E. �fer, M or . � �� 4 i , INTRODUCEp, �'ASSED AND: ADOPTED thi�s (.3�� day of January, �985, and oraered publ:ished :�' 'j�,1:�:(r. � -? on second re4ding. j � , �: � # � � .... � � .5 4�'_�,. � � �� � r" '.�� ;� �„ .{ i '.'. ��{SS1{ {��� )r jr � �. ' , , E' �m.... . `'���� � `'"� �'� . ; ,� . : � : . . , �, . , . . :: . � ,_ . �, . � :'�c. ..,� � � : ;°� �.. � � y ',,,Ic,,,1 �- :�am� 'A•: Brandmeyer, !if�r�; `C���k . , ;. : � :;.,. . ;:; . : , �i ; _ ,o , � � � � ���, � - � � � „� . � � � � � � ��i � � � � � �� � �� � � � � � ' � . ' - . . ��' .A � �' `�. �' � ,-- ,' _ . e, \ .� . .. . .. �• � . afi�. �� �'ti.�o`� :s Y,.s' � c ' , . = .- .�„ - , : ._, ,. , ':�. : '...,_t_.v��✓,�_ . ._ � . ,. ., _ . _.