HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-17 Making Certain Amendments in the Carter of the Town of Vail, Colorado~~ <j c~ ORDINANCE N0. 17 Series of 1985 AN ORDINANCE MAKING CERTAIN AMENDMENTS IN THE CHARTER OF 7HE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO. WHEREAS, T~#E TOWN Council appointed a Charter Review Co~rmittee to review and study the Charter of the Town of Vail and make recommendations regarding amendments thereto to the Council; and WHEREAS, the Charter Review Committee has made such recommendations to the Ta~.~~ Council; and WHEREAS, the Town Council wishes to submit certain of the amendments to the Charter of the Town of Vail recommended by the Charter Review Committee to the registered electors of the Town of Vail for their vote. NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the "('own Council of the Town of Vaii as follows: 1. Section 4.8 - ACTION BY ORDIN,~flGE REQUIRED, of the Charter of the Town of Vail, Colorado is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 4.8 - ACTION BY ORDINANCE REQUIRED: In addition to such acts of the council as are required by other provisions ofi this Charter to be by ordinance, every act making an appropriation, creating an •s, .. indebtedness, authorizing borrowing of money, levying a tax, AUTHORIZING THE SALE C~r~ ANY REAL PROPERTY, establishing any rule or reguiation for the violation of which a penalty is imposed, or placing any burden upon or limiting the use of private proper~y, sha7i be by ordinance. 2. Section 5.1 - GENERAL. AUTHORITY, subparagraphs (a} Initiative, and subparagraph (b} Referendum, of the Charter of the Town of Vail, Colorado are hereby amended to read as follows: Section 5.1 - GENERAL AUT>-#ORITY: ~a} Initiative. The REGISTERED electors of the town shall have the power to propose any ordinance to the council, in accordance with the provisions of this article of the Charter;-e~eept-l3adgets-eap}tai-pregwa~;-app~ep~=~at~ee-ef--an,y-~=evenaes- er-~e~dy-ef-taxes;-a~^-~a~a~~es-ef-tewp-ef#~~eet=~--e~-e~p~eyees. In the event council fails to adopt said proposed ordinance without any change in substance, the said proposed ordinance shall be submitted to the registered electors at a town election for their acceptance or rejection. fib} Referendum. The REGISTERED electors of the town shall have the power to require reconsideration by the council of any ordinance and, if the council fails ' , ~`~ ~~ ~~ to repeal an ordinance so reconsidered, to approve or reject it at a town election, in accordance with the provisions of this article of this Charter; provided that such poti~r~r shal l not extend to the ~ e,;~-....~r .tapes--eat}~nS - - ~,:.:. ; L.; ; . _.' ... ::;:per ;-~er-aetbe~i~ireg the-i•ssuapee-ef-~esa~-geve~=event-di•~t~=}et-heeds-pa,~abl•e-pri•r~ari`~y--f rem--speei•a~-sera-- traetua~-ebli`gat~eps-ef-the-tewn APPROPRIATION Or AP~'r' RE~'E~~EUES, CALLING A SPECIAL ELECTION, AND ANY ORDINANCE NECESSARY FOR THE IMMEDIATE PRESERVATION OF' THE PUBLIC PEACE, HEALTH, OR SAFETY. 3. Section 5.2 -COMMENCEMENT OF PROCEEDINGS; PETITIONERS COMMITTEE; AE'FIDAVIT, of the Charter of the Town of Vail, Colorado is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 5.2 - COMMENCEMENT OF PROCEEDINGS; PETITIONERS COMMITTEE; AFFIDAyfiT: Any f i ve (5 ) REGISTERED electors may commence i ni ti a ci ~v or referendum proceedings by filing with the town clerk an affidavit stating they will constitute the petitioners committee and be responsible for circulating the petition and fiiz~:y it in proper form stating their names and addresses and specifying the addresses t~ which all notices to the committee are to. be sent and setting aut in full the proposed initiative ordinance or signing the ordinance sought to be reconsidered. Promptly after the affidavit of the petitioners committee is filed, the clerk shall issue the anrropriate petition blanks to the petitioners committee. t_ 4. Section 5.3 -- PETITIONS, subparagraph (a) Number of Signatures, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 5.3 - PETITIONS: (a) Number of Signatures. IYfitiative petitions must be signed by REGISTERED electors of the town in number to at least fifteen percent of the total number of electors registered to vote at the last regular municipal election. Referendum petitions must be signed by REGISTERED electors of the town equal in number to at least ten percent of the total number of electors registered to vote at the last regular municipal election. 5. Section 3.6 -- QUALIFICATIONS, of the.,Charter of the Town of Vail, Colorado is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 3.6 -- QUALIFICATIONS: Each councilmember when nominated and elected shall be a citizen of the United States; a registered g~a~}feed elector of the town of Vail; and shall have resided in the town or any territory thereafter annexed for two (2) years immediately preceding such election. The council shall be the judge of election and qualifications of its own m~F~~bers . --2- . ~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ 6. Section 7.2 - JUDICIARY COMPENSATION, subparagraph (c) Compensation, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 7.?_ - J€7DICIARY COMPENS~dTtON; ---...__..---.. (c) Compensation. The municipal judge shah receive a fixed salary or compensation set by the council, which shall not be i•nereased-e~= decreased during his term of office. The deputy municipal judges may receive such compensation for services rendered as council may determine. 7. Section 8.2 -- PLANNING COMMISSION, of the Charter of the Town of Vail, Colorado is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 8.2 - PLANNING COMMISSION: There shall be established a seven (7} member planning commission appointed by the council. Members of the planning commission shall be residents of the Town of Vail and REGISTERED electors. The terms of appointment to the planning commission shall be for fe~x-~4} TWO (2) years on an~overlapping basis. 8. Section 13.2 - LIABILITY OF THE TOWN, of the Charter of the Town of Vailo Colorado is hereby repealed and reenacted with amendments to read as follows: Section 13.2 -LIABILITY OF THE TOWN: Any person cl"aiming to have suffered any injury by the town or by an employee •~_ thereof while in the course of such employment shaVZl file a written notice as provided in this Section within one hundred eighty (180) days after the date of the discov~~~ry of the injury. Substantial compliance with notice provisions of this section shall be a condition precedent to any action brought against the town or any employee thereof t in negligence or tort, and failure of substantial compliance shall be a complete defense to any such acticrl. (a) The notice shall contain the following: 1} The name and address of the claimant, and the name and addre_~~ _ of his attorney, if any; ,; 2) A concise statement of the basis of the claim, including the date, time, place, and circumstances of the act, omission, or event complained of; 3) The name and address of any public employee involved, iii ~cr,c~:~~~; 4) A concise statement of the nature of the event and the extent of the injury claimed to have been suffered; 5) A statement of the amount of monetary damages that is being requested. -3- t"~ C~ i • {b) The notice required by this section shall be presented to the town council or the town attorney. (C:j it .i;~i~_ ~l~iiT!1 7S one for de~th by '~lrongf+~l at ::ji' ~mlSS~On, c7. ;.'. ~._~ ~i:ay be presented by the personal representative, surviving spouse, or next of kin of the deceased. (d) Any action brought against the Town of Vail in negligence or tort sha71 be commenced within a time period provided by the Colorado Revised Statutes relating to limitation of actions, or it shall be forever barred. (e} This section shall not be construed as a waiver of any governmental immunity the town may have now or in the future. 9. Section 9.~ - CAPITAL PROGRAM AND ADDITIONAL CENT SALTS TAX. ^~' -he CJ~~:'~~fier of the Town of Vail, Colorado is hereby repealed and reenacted with amendments to: read as follows: Section 9.4 ~ CAPITAL PROGRAM AND ADDITIONAL CENT SALES TAX: The manager shall prepare a long-range capital program and submit same to the council no less than two (2) weeks prior to the submission of the budget. such program shall include 'a statement as to the application of the sales tax revenu=~ ,_ allocated by ordinance to the special revenue fund. expenditure of these revenu,.- other than for capital improvements and/or open space acquisition or improvement:: or for the payment of debt service on any obligations of the Town issued to finar,,,~ the same shall require not less than five (5} affirmative votes of the council. T. 10. Section 10.3 - ANTICIPATION WARRANTS, of the Charter of the Town of Vail, Colorado is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 10.3 - ANTICIPATION WARRANTS: Anticipation warrants may mature within such period as shall be determined by the co~r~cil; HO!~!E`fER, ANY SUCH ANTICIPATIOf~I WARRANTS PAYABLE SOLELY FROM THE tEVENUE SOURCES SPECIFIED IN SECTION 10.6 OF THIS CHARTER WHICH MATURE RFTER THE LAST D,~,Y OF THE FISCAL YEAR IN WHICH THE SAME WERE ISSUED SHALL BE CONSIDERED REVENUE BONDS AND SHALL BE SUBJECT TO ALL THE PROVISIONS AND LIMITATIONS OF SECTION 10.6 OF THIS CHARTER. 11. Soction 1O.b - nE`~EnJ€_JE Bn"!DS, of the Charter of the Town of Vail, Colorado is hereby repealed and reenacted with amendments to read as follows: Section 10.6 - REVENUE BONDS: Revenue bonds issued for the purpose of acquiring, constructing, improving or extending any municipal utility system or other income-producing project ~;,:,,; '_, .. --4- ~ ~ ~ issued witno~rt an election and may be made payable solely from the net revenues derived fror~r the operation of such system or project. Any two or more of such systems or projects may be combined, operated and maintained jointly, in which case such revenue bonds shad be made payable out of the net revenues derived from the aperat;a~~ of the joint enterprise. Neither a failure of the town historically to have maintained a special fund for any such existing municipal utility system or other income-producing project nor a previous commingling of revenues derived from the operation thereof Y~~ith the general fund of the town Shall prevent a pledge of such revenues for the payment of revenue bonds issued pursuant to this Section or the issuance of such bonds without an election, provided that such a special fund is created prior to ar contemporaneously with the issuance of such revenue bonds and thereafter maintained separate and apart from the general fund. Revenue bonds issued for any public purpose of the town may be made payable solely from all or a portion of the proceeds of any tax, other than a general property tax, imposed by or payable to the town. Neither a failure of the town historically to have maintair~4~ special funds into which the proceeds of such existing taxes a~•:_ deposited nor a previous commingling of such tax proceeds with the general fund of the town shall prevent •a pledge of such revenues for the payment of revenue bonds i issued pursuant to this Section ar the issuance of such bonds without an election: provided that such special funds are created prior to or contemporaneously with t;ie issuance of such revenue bonds and thereafter maintained separate and apart from the general fund. Nothing herein shall be construed so as to prevent the issuance of revenue bonds pursuant to this Section for any of the purposes specified in the first paragraph of this Section which are payable from both system or project revenues and the prc_~eds of the taxes herein specified. Revenue bonds issued pursuant to this Section may also be secured.bVy a pledge of the full faith and credit of the town or of general property taxes; however, except far such bonds issued far the purpose of acquiring, constructing, extending or improving any municipal utility system, no such bonds shall be issued until the question of their issuance shall have been approved at an election as required by Section 10.4 of this Charter. Revenue bonds issued pursuant to this Section may also be secured by a pledge of the governmental grants received or to be received from the United States of America or any agency thereof or from the State of Colorado or ~,<,J .:~y~:r:cy i:r~~r~<,r~f or by a pledge of grant receipts together with any other revenues or taxes as herein provided. -5- . ~j +i c1 I2. Section IO.~3 - SPECIAL OR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BONDS, of the Chart~~r of the To~r1rl of Va i t , ~,o;crado i s herehy amended to read as follows Section 10.8 -SPECIAL OR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BONDS: The town shall have the power to create local improvement districts and to assess the costs of, and OR relating to, the construction or installation of special or local improvements of every character against benefited property within designated districts in the town by: ~a ) Order of council , subject however, to protest by tine-eav>~ers_e~~ a-~ma~e~=its+-ef-a~1_-p~epe~t,~-beHefi-ted-and-eanst~tati•ng-the-bass-ef-assessr~er;t-a~-~ -he eA~lHB~~-aiay-deter=Iii}19e A MAJORITY OF THE OWNERS OF PROPERTY IN THE PROPOSED DISTRIC~~~ or ( b) On a peti ti on by ~rere-thaH-f~i:'ty-¢~8~}--peweeHt-ef-tlae-~aedea~r~ers ~n-tbe-aicea~-ef A MAJORITY OF' THE OWNERS OF' PROPERTY IN THE PROPOSED DISTRICT. In either event, a public hearing shall be held at which all interested parties may appear and be heard. Right to protest and notice of public hearing shall be given as provided by council by ordinance. Such improvements shall confer special benefits to the real ar personal property within said district and general benefits to the town at large. The council shall have the power by ordinance without an e7zction to prescribe the method of making such improvements, of assessing the cost thereof, ':. and of issuing bonds for cost of constructing or installing Such improvements including the costs incidental thereto. Where all outstanding bonds of a special or local improvement district have been paid and any monies remain to the Credit of the district, they shall be transferred r to a special surplus and deficiency fund and whenever there is a deficiency in any special or local improvement district fund to meet the payments of oustanding bonds and interest due thereon, the deficiency ~ha~~ MAY be paid out of said surplus and deficiency fund. HOWEVER, SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ANY COVENANTS CONTAINED IN ANY ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF SPECIAL OR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT BONDS, THE TOWN SHALL NOT BE OBLIGATED TO MAKE SUCH TRRNSFERS OF PAYMENTS OR MAINTAIN THE SPECIAL SURPLUS AND DF.F'ICIENCY FUND. Whenever a special or local improvement district has paid and cancelled three-fourths of its bonds issued, and for any reason the remaining assessments are not paid in time to take up the remaining bonds of the district and the irrt~,c~~ due thereon and there are not sufficient monies in the special surplus and deficiency fund, then the town shall pay said bonds when due and the interest thereon, and reimburse itself by collecting the unpaid assessments due said district. -6- ~ 't In consideration of general benefits conferred upon the town at large free the construction and installation of improvements in improvement districts, the council may levy annual taxes without an election on all taxable property within the town at a rate to be determined by the council for the purpose of advancing monies to maintain current payments of interest and equal annual payments to the principal amount of bonds issued for any improvement district hereafter created. The proceeds of such taxes shall be placed in a special fund and shall be disbursed only for the purposes specified herein, provided that in lieu of such tax levies, the council may annually transfer to such special fund any available monies of the town. 13. Section 3.9 - COUNCIL VACANCIES, of the Charter of the Town of Uail, Colorado is hereby repealed and reenacted to read as fallaws: Section 3.9 - COUNCIL VACANCIES: A counciimember shall continue to hold his/her office until his/her suc:,essor is duly qualified. A council seat shall become vacant whenever any councilmember is recall~:d, di.~:;, becomes incapacitated, resigns, ceases to be a resident of the town or is convicted of a felony. If a vacancy occurs with three hundred sixty-five (365} or more days remaining in the unexpired term of the council position vacated, a special election shall be called to fill said term. If a vacancy occurs with three hundre: ~_ sixty-four (364} days or less remaining in the ful`1 unexpired term of the council position vacated, the council may choose to call an election or to appoint an individual to fill said term. If three or more vacancies exist simultaneously, the remaining councilmembers sha71, at the next regular meeting of the council, call a spo~i~ election 5' to fill SAID TERMS, provided there will not be a regular municipal election within ninety ( 90} days and pravi ded that their successors have not previ ousiy bey: °^ el ectec'. , 14. Section 2.3 - MEJNICIPAL ELECTIONS, of the Charter of the Town of Vail, Colorado is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 2.3 - Ml1NICIPAL ELECTIONS: .,,- _. A regular municipal election shall be held c~~ the third FIRST T~_,,,n,:~ay af~°r the third Monday in November of 1973, and biennially thereafter. Any special municipal election may be called by resolution or ordinance of the council at least thirty (3O} days in advance of such election. The resolution or ordinance calling a special municipal election shall set forth the purpose or purposes of such election. Po17ing places far all municipal elections shall be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. on election day. 15. Town Council shall, within thirty (3O} days of the date of the adoption of this ordinance, publish notice of an election upon the amendments coy,.±_:-~,._~ ;~rt~~~~., which notice shall contain the full text of the amendments as contained in this ordinance. ~7- ~~ 16. An electron shall be held not less than thirty X30) nor more than one hundred twenty (120) days after publication of such notice. 17. If the majority of the regisr:ered electors of the Town of Vai~i voting t~,~,.,`nn vote far the proposed amendments, the amendments shall be deemed approved and the Town Charter shall be amended accordingly. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READING THIS 3rd day of September 1985, and a public hearing shall be held on this ordinance on the 3rd day of September 1985 at 7:30 p.m. in the Community Room of the Vail Public Library, Vail, Colorado. Ordered published in full this 3rd day of September 1985. ~~~~~'~ Paul R. Johnston,. Mayor C/ ATTEST: ~, ~~~m ~ Pamela A. 8randmeyer, own Clerk ., INTRODUCED, READ AND RPPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED in full this 17th day of September ~ 1985• ATTEST: Pamela A. BrandmUyer, To~ Clerk ~ _ `~ , / j%,, _~ Paul R. Johns/ton, Mayor ~F --8- • • :~ 4 ~,. - C? y m ~ Q~a ~°~~ Qom ~ ~ En ~ ~. 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