HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987- 9 Annexing a Portion of an Area Generally Known as The Valley~.. . (.~ ORDINANCE NO. 9 ,~ ~ 7 ~ ~ 5 ~`~,///J Series of 1987 11~ / ~ ElOUK...... 1 ~.Lf4.d.~w.. PA G E....~~ .( ....a,. AN QRDINANCE ANNEXING A p0RTI0N DF AN AREA GENERALLY JOl~l~h€~.~sf.. ! f~ll.Ll;~J !lAGLE GTY. l,EGOftl~f:t~ KNOWN AS THE UALLEY; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. {,+: ~ ~~~ ~ 3S ~~ !-~ WlIEREAS, on the basis of competent evidence presented in a public hearing on the petition for annexation of the territory more particularly described in Exhibit A attached hereto and Made a part hereof by reference, the Town Council made certain findings of fact and concluded that: A. The requirements of the applicable parts of Sections 31-12--1 Q4 and 3I.-12- 105, C,R.S., as amended, have been met, and 8. No election for the annexation of said territory is required under Section 31--12-107{2), and C. -that no additional terms and conditions are to be imposed upon said territory; and WHEREAS, the Town Council now wishes to annex said territory by ordinance in accordance with Section 31-12-111., C.R.S., as amended. NQW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Town Council of the Totivn of Uail, Colorado, as follows: ~ Section 1. .~ The territory set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference is hereby annexed to the Town of Uail, Colorado without special terms or conditions. Section 2. A. A copy of the annexation map with the original of this annexation ordinance shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Uail. B. The Town Clerk shall file far recording two {2} certified copies of this annexation ordinance and map of the area annexed containing a legal description of such area with the County Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. C. The County Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County shall be directed to file one (1) certified copy of the annexation ordinance and map with the Division of Local Government of the Department of Local Affairs. Section 3. Within ninety {90) days after the effective date hereof, the Town of Vail, Colorado shall impose zoning an the annexed area in accordance with Chapter 18.68 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Uail, Colorado. A. '' . ~ ~ ~ Section 4. This annexation shall take effect in accordance with the Charter of the Town of Vail and the statutes of the State of Colorado. INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING THIS 7'.~dt day of Ar~nt,P. , 1987, and a public hearing shall be held on this ordinance on the 7~G~ day of A~~c.(,~ 1987, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Ordered published in full this 7~~. day of ~ At~~ 1987. Paul R~ ,lo~nston, Mayor ATTEST: ~. Pamela A. 8randmeyer, To n Clerk INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHECt ,~~ ~,(~ ~~ t h i s ~ p~ ' day of ~LGt,{,~. 1987. 0 ATTEST: :. .,. r ,. Pamela A."'Brandmeyer~T ern Clerk ..2_ • • • ~xh~bit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Ali of Lots ZO and 21, Section 1, and part of the N 1/2 Section 12, all :n Township 5 South, Range $1 West of the 51xth Principal Meridian, >~agle County. Colorado, described as a whole as fvilawa: Beginning at an existing brass cap monument•marking the N lJ4 Corner of said 5ec- tion 17; [hence N00°01'02"W b1.32 Eeet, along the westerly line of hot 1. The Ridge at Vail according Lo the map thereof recorded a[ Reception No. 202800, to the boundary of hivn'e,'Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 4 According [o the map thereof (~ recnrded et(Receptivn No. 202794; [hence the following two courses along the wea[- ~+.~ erly and northerly lines of said Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 4: (i) NOO°O1' ~"'( O2"W 1307.6b feet; (2} N87°51`42"E 1378.]9 feet, to the northeasterly corner of .`".. ...• said Lioo'e Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 4; [hence the following six courses along the existing Town of Vail boundary: (1} 500°04'39"W 1379.52 feet along the easterly line of said Lion's Ridge Subdivision F111ng No. 4; (2} S$$°17'49"W 300.00 feet slang the southerly 11ne of said Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 4, to ttre northeasterly corner of Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 2 according to [he map thereof recorded at Reception No. 121219; (3) 500°03'25"W 495.18 feet along the easterly line of said Lion's Ridge 5ubdivisian Filing No, 2; (4) departing said easterly line and continuing 800°03'25"W 88.62 feet, to the southerly right-of-wae lfne of Lion's Ridge Loop; (5) G88.67 feet along said right-of-way on the arc of a 1711.95 Eoot radius curve Co Che right, having a central angle of l5°48'04", and having a chord that bears 851°38'0`."W 481.17 feet; (6) 859°32'06"W ]243.30 feet along said right-of-way line Ca the easterly line of Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing Na. 3 according to the map thereof recorded at Reception No. 181193; thence continuing along [he existing Town of Vail boundary and along the easterly line of said Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 3 N37°09'31"W 60.41 Feet, to the norther- ly right-of-way line of said Lion's Rid be Loop; thence Continuing along the existing Town of Vail boundary and said northerly right-of-way line N59°32'06"E 880.33 feet, to the most easterly turner of said Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing Nn. 3; thence the following nine courses along [he existing Town of Vail boundary and the easterly and northerly lines of said Lion's Ridge 5ubdivisian Filing No. 3: (1) N39°54'08"W 330.95 feet; (2} 869°46']0"W 49.27 feet; {3} 255.1b feet along the arc of a 135.00 foot radius curve co the right, having a central angle of 108°17'4p", and having a chord that bears N56°04`40"W 218.8+ feet; (4) 884°55'l6"W 621.05 fee[; (5) 850°05'00"W 330.00 feet; (b) 568°15'00"W 990.00 feet; (7) 874°45'DO"W 43D.00 feet; (8) 566°15'00"W 532.96 feet; (9} 1),36 Eeet along the arc of a 130.00 fact radius curve to the right, having a central angle of OS°53'11", and having a chard that bears 830°03'49"W 13.35 fort, to the westerly line of said Lion's Ridge Sub- division Filing No. 2 also being the wr:s[erly line of said Section 12; thence NO1° 35'59"E 15Z4.1b feet along said westerly lines, to the northwesterly carver of said Section 12; thence N88°19'51"E 2475.92 feet along the northerly li~~e of said Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 2 also being the northerly line of said Section 12, to the northwesterly Corner of said Lot 1, The Ridge aC Vail; thence continuing .ilong the northerly line of said Section 12 and the northerly linr of s~fid Lu[ 1. ti88°l9' 41"ir 2$0.00 fee[, to the point of beginning. } . a~ • 1~200F OF PUBLICATION SFATE OF COLOfZA[70 ) )) ss. COUNTY OF EAGLE I, _ AT.LEN KNtI% do solemnly swear that I am the _._.- Pub l.isher of TIME VAIL TtZAIL: shot the same is a weekly newspaper txinlnd, In wholo ar in part and puhllshrid In the County pf Eagle, S1a1e of Colorado, and has a gnnrnaf rircu#alion Ihnreln: Thal sold nowsl7a xx has boon pat~l}shad ronlinuously anrt unlnlarruptedly in said County of Eagle ~or a period of more ilzan fifty two t:onsoculiva weeks next prior to 1ho first publlcalion of fire annexed legal police or adverflsnrnanh tttaf said newspaper has been admiltHd to the flatted States mails as second class matter under the provisions of the Act of March 3. 1879, or any amendments thereat and that said newspaper is a weekly newspaper duly qualified for publist>fng ie:gal notices and adverflsemanis within the meaning of the laws of the State of Golorado. That iho annr~xed legal notice or adverfisernent was published in the regular and entire issuo of evilly number of said weekly newspaper for the period of consecutive Insertlans; and that the first publication of sold notice was in the issue of said newspap©r dated _.___~~~~ ~- ~U _-A.D. 19~~ and that the last publicatlan of said notlco was In the issue of said newspaper dated _ __ ___ _. A.U.19~._ !n witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this_~ ~~ day of fj Subscribed and sworn to befp~ me, a notary pubHe~h a~ he County of Eagle, Stato of Colorado, this ~~?~`_" day of ~~ AD. 19 ~~ d ~ My commisslon expiros ___.L~.~ ~ ' ~ ~ _ "°{ Public'~Notice. I •e'n : BM s o}' BB,T,' ":p vs ::: t;1~ 3 ~. ...~.. actrdna at-tz-tw end at-fz•tvp, c,HS., as Wended, have been met, end'""'~ '~ B. No elecllop-10rrthU,anritixhkloh of Bald WHEflEAB. the Tdwn Ccuntlif now wllhes to enneM eeltl IerrHary by ortllnsnce in accordance wllh BectlOn ai -1 z-1 f 1, C„R.B., ea amended. NOW, THEREFORE, BE !T ORDAINED BY YHE TC14N Cbl1NGIL OF THE TCWN OF VAIL. COLOflADO, AS FOLLOWS: B~a.,....~ 1. The terrl[vey eel forth In Exhibit A mleched hereto end made a peN hereof by rerarenca la hereby annexetl to the Town of Vail. Colorado without apeciel.lerme or cantlllione. - A. A w o! 1ha ennexeUon map with the IglneS of thla enneaetion ordinance ahaF! 6e fired in the office of the Tawn Clerk a! the Towm a1 Vall. B, The Town Clerk aball fliefor recording two f21 cerllfled caplea or thla ~ anna><adon ordinance and map or the area annexed canlelning a #eggel deacriplron vt ouch area wllh the County Glerk app Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. C. The County Clerk end Recorder of Eagle Ccunty ahaif be tllrectad to Ills one 111 certlfled rnpy of the ennexatiop ordlnsnce and map WUh the bivfafvn of Local Government- 01 the Repartmem of LpEal A.tfaira,: )y ~,~_~', ~ '„ .., - ,~ SECTION a'>: ::~sr ~:;:,i .:~.:- ~,, - Wllhin Winery (80) dayyeafter IheaflactA'e data ' hereof, the Town al Valh Colbradoahalllmpose zoning on the annexed areain acoordsncewllh Chapter 16.68 of ftte Munlciper Codg v! the' Towri bf Vall. Galoradar~ - BEGTiON .T. Thla annexallon `~~~dhall -take. ~ effect Fn accartlence with the Chanar of Mle7ewn of Vafl and The etaSWe! OF lha $1a19 0l GalDratla. lNTRDDUCEO, READ ANn.AppPflOVED ON FIRST READINQ AND ORDEREgrual 18HED pNCE 1N FULL Ihla 7th dayybl Apra, 1B87artu~_ pubpc hearing shalt be heSd On thla ortllnance the 2181 day O! April, 1987 a17:90 p.m, In the ~• Council Chamt+ere of the: Veil' Municlpai f}uildinp, Vall: Colorado. ' ~ TCWN OF VAIL ,I '•~ -~ Paul R, Johnston Mayor ATTEBY;""'' ' ' •~ pa le A. BrentlmaYar {y ' Town Clerk. ~ ~~ ' LEOA1. fpI76CRIPTION , ' - '' Published In Tha Yell Troll : ~ ~ ~ ~ " 'art April 10; 19871, • ~ • ~ ~ c c p. o _~ Q ~~ oo,~a~='m U D ~ ~ ~ rL 6 O. ~ -r ~ ~ ~j (ij n ~ ~ p- ~ C C7 ~ o ~, ~ c p m~~~Q~oap~ ~ O n p a ~ ° ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ Q~ co w ~ ~ (0 d ~ ~, ~ Q_ ~ CI7 p- p~7~C~~CQ~ (D ~ m Q x p O -2 ~O A ~' A m w o n o~ra~~m{aa-+ o p cv l7 ~ m O~p~ ~ ~ ~ ~Y ~ o ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q.Qro~oQ~.~~ y -~ ~- _. D p ~ m - ~ ~ ~'~ro~oc~~-~ ' ~ p ~ Q (D cD O CD _O ~ ~ p (D 3 ~ ~ ~- ° ~ ~ ~~Qp~OQOp ~ p ~ 3 µ p ~ ~ O ~ ~ ~; p ~~ ro~ O p O ~,~~ ~ a rx o m ~ ~~mao~~~~ c~D~-~ ~m ~o O a ~ ~ ~. Q cp ~ w ~ ~ip CT ~ ~ fl ~tJ ~ p ~ O ~ p ~ ~, oo~-~~ ~ ~ ~~ p ~ mv~ ~m40 °~n ~D~Z iw G Fw o c ~~.. ~z a v 'm ~n m a, moms A ~ g 3~ a {Dtl G o a ~Nmmmm O~ D~ m -{C7 ]] N.~a ~]pD Y ~ ~ tZnn n~'~ ~ mL~4 $oeai LZI~)c ~p z A" ~nz ~ ~ e "iz im Z m~ v <zv ~ $ ~, pza ~~ cp yvsq ' ~„ =an ~~ 0 ~. ~~ a~ ~< ozo 10 z yea °~ AyA 11~~ ~~ amm ~v Dtnp 1iI r °°r °Q2 ~~ ~~a T 0 w Z