HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987- 9 Annexation PlatLEGAL DESCRIPTION All of Lots 20 and 21, Section 1, and part of the N 1/2 Section 12, all in Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, described as a whole as follows: Beginning at an existing brass cap monument marking the N 1/4 Corner of said Sec- tion 12; thence N00°Ol'OZ"W 61.32 feet, along the westerly line of Lot l, The Ridge at Vail according to the map thereof rec�rded at Reception No. 202800, to the boundary of Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 4 according to tr�e map thereof recorded at Reception No. 202794; thence the following two courses along the west- erly and northerly lines of said Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 4: (1) N00°O1' 02"W 1307.66 feet; (2) N87°51'42"E 1378.39 feet, to the northeasterly corner of said Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 4; thence the following six courses along the existing Town of Vail boundary: (1) S00°04'39"W 1379.52 feet along the easterly line of said Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 4; (2) S88°17'49"W 300.00 feet along the southerly line of said Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 4, to the northeasterly corner of Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 2 according to the map thereof recorded at Reception No. 121219; (3) S00°03'25"W 495.18 feet along the easterly line of said Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 2; (4) departing said easterly line and continuing S00°03'25"W 88.62 feet, to the southerly right-of-way line of Lion's Ridge Loop; (5) 488.67 feet along said right-of-way on the arc of a 1771.95 foot radius curve to the right, having a central angle of 15°48'04", and having a chord that bears S51°38'04"W 487.12 feet; (6) S59°32'06"W 1243.30 feet along said right-of-way line to the easterly line of Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 3 according to the map thereof recorded at Reception No. 187193; thence continuing along the existing Town of Vail boundary and along the easterly line of said Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 3 N37°09'31"W 60.41 feet, to the norther- ly right-of-way line of said Lion's Ridge Loop; thence continuing along the existing Town of Vail boundary and said northerly right-of-way line N59°32'06"E 880.33 feet, to the most easterly corner of said Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 3; thence the following nine courses along the existing Town of Vail boundary and the easterly and northerly lines of said Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing No. 3: (1) N39°54'08"W 330.95 feet; (2) S69°45'30"W 49.27 feet; (3) 255.16 feet along the arc of a 135.00 foot radius curve to the right, having a central angle of 108°17'40", and having a chord that bears N56°04'40"W 218.84 feet; (4) S84°55'16"W 621.05 feet; (5) SSO°05'00"W 330.00 feet; (6) S68°15'00"W 990.00 feet; (7) S74°45'00"W 430.00 feet; (8) S66°15'00"W 532.96 feet; (9) 13.36 feet along the arc of a 130.00 foot radius curve to the right, having a central angle of 05°53'll", and having a chord that bears S30°03'49"W 13.35 feet, to the westerly line of said Lion's Ridge Sub- division Filing No. 2 also being the westerly line of said Section 12; thence NOl° 35'S9"E 1524.16 feet along said westerly lines, to the northwesterly corner of said Section 12; thence N88°19'41"E 2477.92 feet along the northerly line of said Lion's Rid�e Subdivision Filing No. 2 also being the northerly line of said Section 12, to the northwesterlv corner of said Lot 1, The Ridge at Vail; thence continuing along the northerly line of said Section 12 and the northerly line of said Lot l, N88°19' 41"E 280.00 feet, to the point of beginning. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, Leland J. Lechner, a Land Surveyor licensed under the laws of the State of Colorado, do hereby certify that this Annexation Plat was prepared by me and under my direct supervision, using existing subdivision plats, an Annexation Plat for Ordinance No. 26, Series of 1975, Town of Vail, Colorado, and an Annexation Plat of Ordinance No. 29, Series of 1979, Town of Vail, Colorado. I further certify that the Annexation Plat and Legal Description is an accu- rate representation of the property being annexed to the Town of Vail, and that more than 1/6th of the exterior boundary of the property being annexed is contiguous to the existing boundary of the Town of Vail, Colorado. ,, Da t e: 2�/7 /� 7 �---J► �- �-�-' Leland J echner Colorado P.L.S. 23506 - T('�f:N COUNCIL APPROVAL Approved by the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, by lrrdinance No. G Series of ��� � Witness my hand and the corpo te seal of the Town of Vail, Eagle Countv, Colorado, this _p�'� _ day of _ A.D., 19 �'% � , �� \ A t t e s t. ��►���(/�{�, �% ,� �� ��'/�l"J`�li� Town Clerk �� *�ayor Town of Vail Town of Vail� CLERK AND RECORDER'S CERTIFICATE I herebvi certify that this instr�iment was filed for record in the office of the EaQle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorder at �'� M, the ���' day of ��,�� \ A. D. , 19_�_. Recorded in Book � at Page 5b�� under Reception Number ��''��'�c�. /��� , � � - Cl YK and Recorder .,,,,, a�le County, Colorado ,; By: _ e tv EAGLE VALLEY ENGINEERING a SURVEYING, INC., 953 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL, COLORA00 81657 \ � � ����-� . � �� � �.� �� �_ ^ �.:;,;. � ., �;: • LION'S RIDGE SUBDIVISION FILING N0.3 B. L. M. �` � , -s�� 00°�� �'�� °�` � EXISTING TOWN OF � VAIL BOUNDARY : � � � � � � � ,;; . � , � ... � � ► � � �a � �,� � �� � r / � � SECTION II SECTION 2 SECTION I � ALL QF L�TS 2a AND 21 , SECTION I, A�ND PART 0� THE N I/2 SECTION 12 TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 81 VVES EAGLE WHITE RIVER NATIONAL F4REST BRASS CAP MONUMENT / N I/4 CORNER SEGTI ON 12, T 5�; F. $t W i T QF THE SIXTH PRiNC1PAL MERI DIAN COUNTY, COLORADO RESUBDIVIDED PARCELS WITHI23 ANDiEXATION BOUNDARY Pro�j ect Name 1 Eastern Valley Condominiums-Phase 2A One 2 Valley Candominiums 3 Briar Patch Condominiums 4 Grause Glen at Vail Condominiums 5 First Amendment to The Ridge at Vail b Secand Amendment to The Ridge at Vail 7 Third Amendment ta The Ridge at Vail 8 The Eiger ChaZets - Phase I 9 The Eiger Chalets - Phase II 10 A Resubdivision of Lots 2 and 3, Cliffside �j = REStJBDIVIQEQ P�RCEL (TYPICAL) 6flUMQARY GURVE UATA Ct1RVE ARC RADIUS CENTRAL ANGC.E �I 13.36� 13Q.00� OS°53� � I'' � 255.t6� 135.00� 108°17' 40" ( s1 488.67` I771.95� 15° 48' 04" N00°0!`Q2��W SCALE = 1 t� = 2QQ� Recorded in Book/Page 2$6/204 234/631 434/336 325/926 323/719 336/125 349I265 253J605 261/911 334j230 CHORD S 30° Q 3� 49�� W l3. 35� N 56° 04� 40�" W 218.84� S 51 ° 38� 04�� W 487.12� NOTES: l. Reception Number and Book and Page references on this Annexation Plat refer to the records of the Eagle County, Colorado Clerk and Recorder. 2. Length of contiguous boundary is 8488.78 feet. Maximum �oundary length allowable for annexation is 50932.68 feet. Length of boundary for this annexation is 15516.23 feet. 3. Bearings shown.are based on the recorded subdivision plats of the parcels being annnexed. Bearings were held as recorded and no attempt was made to force closure or rotate bearings to a common bearing base. LION�S RIDGE SUBQfVISION w � t�o w cD � ��' f��� � � ,,, ��� �