HomeMy WebLinkAbout1987-15 Recorded Copy;�J� 't � , 0� tI1 C C C �� _ ORDINANCE N0. I5 Ser�es of 1987 ��i225 ��-,..��..�y PrsE..... � .......�. .�Ok!!,�s=:'; i:_ i�iii:i.:. : �ns�� e��. ��ea�.��r AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING AN AREA COMMONLY KNOWN AS EAST INTERMOUNTAIN TO TH� TOWN OF UAI�, ANQ !.�� �;� '� �� �� t�� SETTiNG FORTH DETAILS II� REGARD THERETO. ' WHEREAS, at least ten {10) perceni of the qual�fied electors who are resident in and la�downers of ihe area pro�osed io be annexed, which area is situated in a county of less than twenty-five thousand (25,aQ0) inhabitiants fi�ed the pe�ition for an annexation election with the Town Cleric of the Town of Vail, Colorado wf�ich was referred to the Town Co�ncil of the Town of !laii on February 11, 1987, in accordance with Sect�on 3I-12-i07(2), C.�.S., as a�nended; and WHEREAS, the 7own Council af the Town of Vai� received said �etition from t�e Taw� Cierk on February 17, 1987 and by Resolutiort�Vo. 6, Series of �987, adopted a� �ts regu�ar meeting an February 17, 1987 faund the same to be in substantiai comp3iance with Seciior� 31-12-107(2), C.R.S., as amended and further foun� that the Town Gouncil of the Town of Vail had the necessary jurisdiction to conanence proceedin�s far an annexation e�ection regar�ing said area; and WHE�EAS, as directed by Resolution No. 6, 5eries of 1987, and in accordance with S�ction 31-�2-1Q8, C.R.S., as amended, the Town Clerk of th�e Town o� Vai�, Colarado gave noiice of a public hearing to be held on the petition for an ann+exati�n electian to determine if the peti�ion compi�ed with 5ectio�s 31-12-iO4 and 31-12-105, C.R.�., as amended, ta establish whether �or not said �area was eiigible for annexatic�n under �he Municipal Anr�exation Act af 1965, as amended; and WH�REAS, an Apri 1 7', 1987, the Tc�wn Cae�nci 1 0�' the Tcawn of Va� 1, Colorado hel� a,�ublic hearing in accordanc+� with �ec�ian 31-12-109, C.R.S.� as amen�ed, to determine if the area p�aposed to be� annexed met the a�p1icabie requirements vf Sections 31-12-J.Q4 and 31-12-1Q5, C.R.S., as amended, and is consider�ed eligible far annexatio�; and WH�REAS, after ihc campletion af said hearir�g and nn the basis of competent evidence �resented ir� said hearih� the Town Counci� determined that the appiicable provisior�s of the �fiunicipal Annexation Act of i9fi5, as amended, i�ac� been met and that an annexation e�ection was requirecf ur�der Se�tion 31-12-107(2), C.R.S., as ar�ended; and WHE��AS, the Town p�rsuani to Resolution IVo. 11, Ser�es nf 1987, ar�d Section 31-i2-I12{3), C.R.S., as amended, �etitioned the DiSt.F-ict Caurt in and for �agle County �o hoid an annexation eiection in accordanc� with the ap�licable provisions of Section 31-12-212, C.R.S., as amended; and 0 � , .. ,: ,:; : , . , ., ; W�1E�EAS, the Court ent�red ar� order for an annexaiion elec�ion directing t�ai the election be held on May 19, 1987, and appointing three (3) �iectio� Commissioners to call and #�oia the election; and WHEREAS, the annexation piat which was appraved by Resolution No. 11, Series oF 1987, is incorpara�ed by reference herein and made a part hereof; and WNEREAS, an ele�tio� was duiy calied by the f]ection Commissioners to be held on the l9th day of May, 1987 between ti�e hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:Oa p.m. at a po3ling pla�e situated at the 5alzmar� res��ence in the East Intermountain area proposed to be anr�exed descr�bed in Exh�bit A hereaf; the notice of the eiection was published in the Vail Trail, a newspaper having a general cireulation i� the area propased to be annered once a week for four (4) weeks and was posted at t�e p�liing piace said first publicat�on and posting occurring mcre thar� four (4} weeks �receding the electian; and WHEREAS, in ihe annexation electior� held on the 19tt� day of May, �987, eighty- five (85) proper ba�iots were cast by those quaiified to vote in said election of wh�ch there were e�ghty (80) votes for annexation and five (5) aga�nst annexation, � as indicated in the certificate o�" electian resuits which is �ncorporated by C � re�erence herein and made a part hereof; and , � WHEREAS, on the 26th day of May, �987, the �istrici Court entered an order authoriz�nc� the Town to annex witho�t special terms ar conditions the area propased to be annexed as set forth in Exhibit A attached t�ereto. NOW, TH�REFQRE, be i�t ardainea by the Towr� Council a� the Town of Vail, Colorado, as follows: Section 1. Annexation of the Area Commonly Known as East In�ermountain to the Town. In accordancp wit� the order of the Ristrict �ourt entered �n Civil Actian No. 87 CV 137 on the 2fith day of May, 19$7, t't�e Town of Vail, Colorado hereby an�exes without specia� terms or conditions t#�e area common7y known as East Intermountain, Cour�ty of Eagte, State of Colorado, described in Exhibit A l�ereof. Section 2. Annexation Costs. A�1 costs and expenses co�nected with the annexation election sha71 be paid by the Town of Uail, Colorado. Section 3. Fi�ing Copies of the Annexation Plat and Annexing Ordinar►ce. A. A tapy of the annexa��on map wii� the or�ginal of this annexation ordinance shali be fil�d i� the Office nf the i'own Cler•k of the Town of Vail. <,':: ■ _ ���, � _ > . � > � �.= ��- � ,> , � � � . � �: �,::�� -,. , , ;:. � y ;. > >. : B. The Town Clerk shall file for recording two (2} cert�fied copies af this y annexation ordinance and a r�ap of the area annexed containing a legal description of such area t��th the County Cler�C and Recorder of Eagle County, Coiorado. C. The County C7erk and Recorder of Eagle County shali be directed to f�ie one (1) certified copy of the annexat�on ordinance an� map with thP Division of Local Governmer�t of the Department of Local Affairs. Section 4. Within nir�ety (9�) days after the effective date hereof, the 7own of Uail, Colorado shall impose zoning on the annexed area 9n accordance with Chapter 18.68 of the Municipai Code of the Town of Va�t,-Colorado. Section 5. This annexation sha]1 taice e�'fect in accordance with the Charter of the iown o� Vail and the Statutes of t�e State of Co�orada. iNTRO�UCED, REAO AND APP�OUED ON FIRST READIN& THiS 2r�d day of June , I987, and a public hearing sha11 be held on this or�inance on the 2nd day of June , 1987, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Uail Municipal Buiiding, Vaii, Coiarado. Ordered puaiished in full this 2nd day of June , 1987. � � ,z . k' , _. ATTES� :�' � � . Pameia A..,Brandmeyer, Tow Clerk INTRODUCEQ, REAa AND APFROVED ON SECONA READING AN� ORRERED PUBLISHED �� this l(o t�day of �it�.(-- , 1987. I-�1 � � j; ATTEST: � � .Q ���� ��� Pameia A. Brandmeyer, Tow Cierk ,3_ - �,..��.,,,, _, , , _. � �`:- _, ExE�ibit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION � A TRACi 0 LANB- QN OF ' W�ST OhE-FtAL�' OF SEC7i0N 14 ANQ A , PORTION OF THE SOIJTHEASY OH�-QEiART�R OF aECTIQN 15, IOUNSHIP 5 SOiJili� RANG� 81 �iEST OF Ti{E SI%TH NRINCYPAL M�RTD�At�, EAGLF COiJ1aiY, COLORA00. AHD BEING MORE PAR7ICULARLY DESCRIBEn AS FOLLOWS: " t�I Of � `�,. � � r. BEGIHNIHG AI TH� uORiHEAS7 CORNER OF THE HQRT}iNES7 Ot��-QUAR7�R OF TNE SOUTH�IESi ONE-QUARTER OF SAIa SECTION ]4, bMENC€ 1'N� �IEST QHE-QiJARTER CORNER OF SAiO SECTION 14 BEARS 587 09'00"�! �380.06 FEEi C1IS7AHT; SAID 'P�INT BEIHG flN THE SOUiHEASTERLY ItiGH7-OF-NAY LiNE OF IHTERSTATE NIGH1tAY H0. 70; 7HENCE ALDNG SAID SOUTl;EASTERLY RIGHi-0�-11AY LiNE FOR TH� FOLLOUING THREE (3) COf1RSE5: ' 1.} Ng7 09`OU'E A �ISTAliCE 0� 1]1.28 �EET; • 2.} N21 37'06"u A pIS�'ANCE OF 73.b5 FEET; 3.} N69 34'0�"E A DISTANCE OF 111.$0 FEET; T�iENCE H34 58'25"u A DiSTAHCE OF 347.34 FEEY i0 THE SOU7HWES'f CORHER OF GOVERNhIEkT LOT 21� SFCiION �4, SAID pOINi B�iHG OH THc" NORTHNES7ERLY RIG1iT-OF•FIAY LIHE OF SAIO IFlTER57A7E �lIGHWAY H0. �0; THENCE Al.OUG SAIO HQRTH3l�STERl,Y RIGH7-DF-1tAY tIRE FOit THE FO�t,O�IHG FIY� (5) COURSES: i.) N57 03'24"E A ai57A�lCE OF 259.95 F�ET; 2.? '285.23 FEET AiOtrG TK� ARC OF A.CURYE i0 7HE LFFT 1{AYIN'G A GENTRAL Al1Gf.E CF U9 17'08". A RAQIUS 0� 1760.00 FEEi AND A C}{ORf3 WHICH BEARS N59 23'��"E 284.92 FEEi DISTA�lT; 3.1 NZ1 3b'24"E A DISTAFlCf OF 392.3T FEEr; . 4.1 H45 48'i8"E A QISTANCE OF 422.13 F�EI; '�.} N38 44'�0°� A DIS7AHGE OF 414.59 FEEi;• TNENCE S�9 2G"47"E A OIS'�ANCE OF 512,t30 F���' T+� THE INT�RSECTIDH OF �NE SQU�HEASi'ERLY RIGN7-OF-uA7 LIt�E C?F SAID INTERSTA'C� NIG1��lAY N0. 7L1 AHD TH� EAST LIN�' OF TH� NDRTHN'E57 QNE�-QUARTER OF SAIU SECTIOt� ]4; TNEHC� 50� 26'9�4'"E ALOF�G SAID EA57 LIH� A a1STAHC� 0� 1�75.47 FEEI' TO 1`H� SQUTH�AS7 C�1Rt1ER OF SAID N�RYH�lEST QlIE-QUA�R7fR �F SEC'�IOi� 14; 'iHENCE SOl 28 `45'"� ALO��G THE EAST l.INE 13F TN� N4l�TfiEAS?' CINE-QIiA�TER OF THE SOl1THWEST ONL�»Ql3ARTER OF SAIO SEGT�ON 1Q A�ISTAHCE bF 1366.74 F�'�7 TO 7HE SOUT�IEASI' Cq'���ER OF 8LQCK 9f YAI4 iWiERMOUHTAIi�# i)EYEL,OPMENi' Sl1BAIYIS;QNf A SUBpIYISION RECO�tp£p AT FtECEPTlON tJ{]. ]2]087 IN XHE R�CORAS OF THE EA,GLE Ci3UN�Y CI.�RI� AND RECQRp�R� 7FiEHC� St37 36'S5"'N A�?iSiANCE f1F 2fiQ8,69 FEEX �i`Q iHE S�1t1THUEST C4RF��lt UF SA,IQ 6tUCK 9; iHE�1C� �147 Q4' 3�"N A DI5TANCE �F 54.47 F�E7 7Q 71iE 50�3"fHWESY CORNER QF 8l.00KS 5 AND b. YIIIl. IN7ERMO�IHTAI�1 $iJBpIYI5I0N� A 5UHpIYISIDN R�Ct?RDEO A7 R�CEP7IpN Nl3. 114403 IN iH� OFFIC� OF "�Fi� �AG�.E COUNTY CLE�K ANO �£CQRI}�R; 7NENC� AI.Ot�G TME 4IESTERLY BOtlHDAi�Y pF SRI� BLOCKS 5 AHD +5 FQl� THE FqLL4WING �pUR {4) COi1RSE�: .1.) H20 Z7`00"W A DIS7ANC� pF 152.35 F£ET; 2.} Np6 35"�9"W A OISTANC� 4F 102.d1 FEEi'; 3.) N27' 23'41"w A DISTANGE QF 50.00 FEET, 4.) N59 40'3�"W A�ISTAl�CE OF 123.89 FEET TO TH� SOUTHERLY LIHE OF �OT 1 OF SAI� BLQCK 5; • TFiE��CE ALQ�EG T�{E SOUTHFRLY AND �AS7�RLY BWhSpARY OF SRiD LOT l fOR THE fOl,Lf1�lING T4l0 {Z} COiJRSES: �.) Ntil l8'30"� A DTSTAl�C£ OF l7i .34 FEET; 2.j N3li 00'{�0"u A QISTAHCE OF �63.39 �E�T TO TNE SOUTHEASTER�Y RIGHT-OF�NAY LINE OF SAIO INTERS7ATE NTGH4IAY N0. 70; 7HENC� A�.ONG SRIO SE?UTNERSTERLY RTGNT-OF-WAY LIH� FOR THE FOLLO�tING SIX (6) COURSE5: 3. j 3SO.�y F�ET ALOl�G TNE ARC OF` A CURYE �'0 THE �tIGHT NAYING A C�H7RAL ANG�.E OF 6 QO'00", A RADIUS OF 3344.00 FEET Akd A CH�RD NNTC}i �EARS N55 i0'38"E 35p.03 F�ET DI57A?JT; 2.i N58 11'06"� A DIS7AFiCE OF 559.86 F'�ET; 3.) H59 ltJ'O9"E A DISTANCE OF 29(?.30 FEET; � 4. ) 154.36 FEET ALOh�G TFi� ARC OF A CURYE 7i? 7HE RIGNT F#AYiNG A CEN7RAl. ANGl.� OF 04 A9 `18" � A RADIUS OF 2b80.00 FEET A�lEI A CFiORD 4iNIGH 8EAR5 Nfi3 37'44"E 194.3] �EE7 �TSTAHT; 5. j H67 25'Q9"E A�ISTAt10E OF 197.�0 F�E'C; b. ) Ht37 09'OOE R DISiAt�CE OF 109.47 FEET 70 7H� POIHT �F B£GIid�IIHG. , . l�"r'�� 1 �� �)