HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-27 Annexing a Portion of an Area Generally Known as the Ulbrich Property~I j ~ "r3 f-~~ a• S ~ ' aRDINANCE Na. z7 Series of 1988 AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING A PORTIDN OF AN AREA GENERALLY KNOWN AS THE ULBRICH PROPERTY; AND SETTING FaRTFf DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. ~~ h,f V V ~ ~ V BppK..... PAG E.-....~~~..,~.....,.. ~~~i4~rtF'ITE CUILI.IPS ~~,1_F TY. ~E,C~iiUE~E 5~~ ~9 12~ P~'8~ WHEREAS, on the basis of competent evidence presented in a public hearing on the petition for annexation of the territory more particularly described in Exhibit A ~~~~ attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference, the Town Council made certain ..j~~ findings a fact and concluded that: A. The requirements of the applicable parts of Sections 31-12-1D4 and 31-12-1D5, C.R.S., as amended, have been met, and B. Na election for the annexation of said territory is required under Section ,3. ,~ 31-12-1D7 (2), and ~ C. That no additional terms and conditions are to be imposed upon said territory; and ~, WHEREAS, the Town Council now wishes to annex said territory by ordinance in ~~ ~ accordance with Section 31-12-111, C.R.S., as amended. ~.• G: NOW THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Colorado, dS fn110ws: Section 1. The territory set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference is hereby annexed to the Town of Vail, Colorado without special terms or conditions. Section 2. A. A copy of the annexation map with the original of this annexation ordinance _''~ shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk of the Town of Vail. ~. ~•~, 8. The Town Clerk shall file for recording two (2) certified copies of this ti annexation ordinance and map of the area annexed containing a legal description of such area with the County Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. C. The County Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County shall be directed to file one (1) certified copy of the annexation ordinance and map with the Division of Local Government of the Department of Local Affairs. Section 3. Within ninety (90) days after the effective date hereof, the Town of Vail, Colorado shall impose zoning on the annexed area in accordance with Chapter 18.68 of ~' the Nfunicipai Code of the Town of Vail, Colorado. I"~ + tf_ • r Section 4. This annexation shall take effect in accordance with the Charter of the Town of Vail and the statutes of the State of Colorado. INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON FIRST READING this 6th day of September , 198$, and a public hearing shall be held on this ardinance on the 6th day of September 1988, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vaii, Colorado. Ordered published in full this 6th day of September 1988. _ ~ ~ Off, ,~. ,,,,+I+1 ~,;1~,;,~ Kent R. Rose, Mayo Pamel~~~-'.`}, r~r>'.~aneyer, Town C1 erk ~~~>>f1111l11~}}yl INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED by t~t1e only THIS 20th DAY OF September 19$8. J ~ ~- Kent Rase, Mayor }~}kk11111}li~ `3 /. , ATT~S,T: ~.~ 1r, -. ''-~' ",' ,^ ~:. ~, ~~~~ ~ame~a A; 8r~ndmeyer, Town Clerk ,~„ /i/l;Illlii3~~t'~ n~ 4 7 ~~~ t • • ~Jif~' ~ ,. 7r w .. '.. ~, E?(HIBiT A Q? ;,,. Lots lb and 19, Section Z4, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian according to the Dependent Resurvey and Survey of said Section as approved by the l7nited States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, in Washington, D.C. an September 29, I975. ~~ • PROOF OF Pl1BI.ICATION srArE or- coEORAOo 55, COUNTY OF FAGI_F ~'xZtr~ " i 71i ien TCnox _ do solemnly swear that 1 am the ~abiis,h~r of fi~lE VAII rRAll; that the same is a weekly newspaper printed. #n whole or {ri part and published in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, and has a goncaral circulation therein: that said newspaper has been published continilously and unlntcarHlpledly in sold County pf Pagle for a period of more than ilfiy-hare consecutive weTeks next ~rlor to the first publication of the annexed legal rloticF ar advr;rtisemont; that sad newspaper hqs been admitted to the United Strafes I naffs as seconrt ciciss rnatlnr unc4or the provisions of the Act of March 3.1879, or any arnendmnnts thereof, and that said newspaper is a weekly newspaper duly quell led far publishing legal notices and advertisements within the meaning of the laws of rho S1afo of Colorado. Fhc1t rho annexed legal notion or advoltisement was published in the regular end cantina issue at every number of said weekly newspaper for the parted of __4~ _-__ consecutive Insertions; and that thv firs! publication of said notice was in the issue of said newspaper dated ~u9u~t- .~ __..A,f~. 196$-... and that the last publicaHan of said notice was In fhe issue of said newspaper dated August 26 A.[1. 19.$B . In witness wficar©of I have hereunto set my hand lhis__-_ _ 6th __.___~ day of Sept.@1Tk17e.C - --.__ .A.I), 19 68 - _ - -- / S',7bscribed anti swoH1 to 3.~efolca rata, a notary p !Ic i for the Caunfy of Eagle, State: of (splarcdo, this 6'1:31 day of 5e~at~ember AD. 49,$8.._..__ My cgmmission +3xp#res __~-_~~~3f E39 _. PP]] "' Time: 7:30 p.m w ae eocn Ihsreahsr as h may be held.. Place: Council Chambers; Munlclpal BuXdrng, Team of Vnll, Cobrado. Al the public hsafY+g, any person IW1rrg whhln tiro area propoaetl to ba annexed, shy landowner d lands therein, any resident of the Town of Vsll or the Board of County Comalfeebnera o! Eagle County may appear and present evidence upon any mortar to be determinad by the Taws Gounc7. TOWNCF VAIL Painela A. 8randmeyer Town Clark August 2, 1988 ' ~ EXHIBIT A Lela 18 antl 19, Section 14, Township 6 South, Range 91 Wet of !hs 91xth Prlnalpal Marrtllsn seconding ro the Cependenl Resurvey and Survey d said BeCtipn ae reproved by Iha lJnlled SIa1e DepaRmenl W the rnladar, Bureau `ol Land Management, In Washington. O.C, on September 29, 1975. - ~ Published }n Tha Vas Trail on Augv~~[ 5.12, 19 end 26, 1990 'Public f~otice~~..~~,: - `:~.AESOLUTtCN'y0:, 40 ~°""°°" . ct.:t Serf~A 'oF 1988.1 it>iJN'r"~., .. A'gE30LlITfON'~FIfiOINC3'S116$tANTIAi. ? GOMPLIANCE CF-~A PETITION FbR~ THE ' ANNEXATION OP' lyiE AREA' COMMONLY ' ' KNOWN AS,~THE'~ULSRICFP'pROPERTY-:IN WEBTVAA,!AND$ET7rNCi~Fty1'iTFJDE1jAILSIN REGARDTHERETO... ~ .~"-., ,:, ~., WHEREAS, the land9mier.wnpdalnp tp096 o11he lantlownera In the area proposed to be ; annexed jwhich area Ie described In Exhrail A ~~ attached hereto antl made a parl~hereol 6y relerencej and owning i009; of the area axduding public sheets and albys and any land owned 6y the 7rnrn of Vail has tiled a petition for annexation of said area with the Town Clerk a} the Town a} Vail, Colorado, requesting the Town Ip CamnlenCe proceedings for Iha enne%atlOn Ot said area; and ' WHEREAS, the Town Clerk hoe rererred said petition to the Town Gouadl of the Town W Vall as a mmmvnicallon et s regular meeting or the Town Council on the 2nd day or puguat, 1988; and WHEREAS, having rreceived the pellllon for nrsexa[4n. the Toafi Courlcll b~requked undel the Municipal Aanexallon ~~0.M or 1986 io determine whether 881tl pe111}oA hl In aubslan!{al rnmpllance w[Ih C.R.6.~31-12-107(1], and H sc, to fallow the procedure ee1lath M C.R.$, 31-12• 108, 109, fig and 111:-' NOW, THEREFDREi BE IT AESOLYED BY THE TOWN CCl1NCIL OF,THE, TCWN OF V/j}L, COLORpl70, THAT:::... ~~ ~ :' _.. 1:~Tha~Town Couhdl hereby Onda Ihm the pefitlon tai anne•xalldn has bean aigrred by itXKC M the iandownare In the area purposed to be enpexad and:ownIng mote than 1009E d the eras excluding public elreeta and e1by4 aM ury land owned by the 7owc d YaEI. 2. The Town Counclf hereby 1lnda Iha1 the pe3lrlon for annexation la ~ In .subelanllal. contplfatta wltll Iha requlromenk d C.R.B. 31-. 12.1Q7(1], as emended. 3. 7hc TOwn Council hereby flnM Ihat h hasi~ the neceeeary lurlsdltlron to proceed wdh:IM annaxalferl d sold rani ~ , 4. Tha Town Canclr rsby determine That H shall hold a publla honing td dersrrtdne R Iha Proposed ennexatbn .. svhrr Seciram 31.. 12-F94 and 3r•12.105, C.R.S., ae ameadetl, to etalsHsh wMlher or nd eald area b ellpLtfe for ennexalkn under the Munldpd Annaxetlon Act of t985. Bald hearing ro be heitl tl a regular meeting of Iha Town Caundl an fhe 8ih:day of SeplembM, 1988 ai 7;30 p.tit; kl the Munrdpar f 8u9ding tl the Torn d Val}.: .; =, . ,°,.. - b. Tha Town Cbar~b~~1rerabY AreclM iv'y+ve'~ , rrolka d.aid pu61.Id MaFiFg IfyaOaiteh'b.:vatH';?s '~ 1he pmvlelon of '3142.108[2], C.R.B.,'ae- I amended, ~ -' . - 8. This ReeWUtloa shslF lake eHsd upon he ~ adoptbn. :: ~ . ~IN7ROOUCEO READ APFR01rED AND; ADtlPaTEE~t~hgH,9i~ 198& ALe r•r Kderl lL Ras T~~~ r*'y; ~ "iiP.~; Matey: I ATTEST: ~ 'rra,r ~f4 _`•~'~• IPamslaABrarldr5nl'i~:,;,r~:; 3:cf~,_.,:;~;;r .~ Down Ckrk t '~y; .~ ~L01f't6~artd 19, Ssctldn {<: ~Townahlp S~; 3oulh, Range BI`Weat of thi~8lxtri PnndpaE;,; McNdkdt~aacording to the Dependant Reurvsyp; and 8uniey. of geld 9ectlah m. roved try 1hs ,? Un9ed Stalse, DeRrRri ~~ 1d ihs inlaNc.,BureaU';; d Land Alanagemet>1,:1n:Wu[iingson; D.C:,on September 29, 197iG:;~'•; »r `: Pu49tflsdln'ThsYNTraI x ! r ..on AupVd 6r 12.19 and 28.-itt98 :.PLEASE TAKE NbTICE iheia roil GG i pubSla~'~ meeting betersthe Sawn Cevrtdl,d the Tcwn d;~ Veil put6uent Id,RseUlu11G11'Na: 20,=,eaika. M;'~ `. 1988,:a1tacTed, Asralo ee EAhllii p and mods a"~ ', paA hereol;id deUrrhlnerN Ih!'afeA prop0aad to - ,= arlneiialldd l01iN Td1J0`d.vell eel romt ki eetd:" b' peaknlon meete 111e'spp11Ee61e'requlrartrriWar ~, t~Ssclka 31r12•tlx and~St•12•t06,: C.R.S»~Ma ~: ementletl;tl-and~,,lti'; ctintdderad elrglhla toi.r ~annixetlch 94 tha~gy4l,o! YaYr QPbrada Sakl~, sequ, :" are ,t;n ~~. -" i " , 1..Thn riot bas<than pni-irxlh d rhs-~ i perlrtieler o~ eab arM.pmpoad.to tie annexed °'. ' to the Tovrtl 01 ~~ b-~ V. alo,IM~To> IYrdla d the 7ewn d VaIL i". ~ - ~ - ~, 1t. Tha! a c9mmunlly d'Irdersrt exfaU ~, f i>slwaen ors above dsaorlbad.tsrrirory and klw II' Town o1 Yell. ird Ihsl~Ihb Nrrrp urban or witl =S M urbanized In the.hsar f ut9te. ird hlnher thtl:; ~j aald terriwfyil- (Miprwa Er W dp!+><! a b•uw ;i Latadido 1M.TowRA Vark :;f.4 4 - a[gys~dallFlr ~r nd crab II 11iMIiCa1 ' i exile[ of niF' blr ~o~onf}lVgf9apa or :~ i :h~a-d parcek df real ealefeF tlr IBsen'11Fxbsd , j f t dedkataaarre.4ioiNilrnir.F trATa~bii t AuTlmtbeN'rg~ abowta v#~ rlo~burd hel~.ttniy •~!bemkal awrlenhlq, Itef, bsAabtbg,of ;ans.-, .'haaf ar psralol•~aro•or,twb rx mors','[=[ ' -'widiguob4 mete';«;~rpyls;~1.57ea]:'e11tU,~ .4 f'~aoltWrbleg'tewrar.{251~'a'.n,or. {wnldn g '.~:tdgsthef wllh9lK~bq>Idiq :idd=[rtiprmaanta l~ .,ahuated thereon hiYe N eaeeessd vduarbn M, - ~ sxoesa d 32(1,0:400 f9r ad vatoronl rex purpaee j ~~i for the next year preOedlkn1pp IM Ii}np d11N 1Yllhln - pelhbnl. hae.bsen rneludad Iq Ihs `atrow:~~ I-'dbsul6edteeAloryiiNthoullMWrilaticoneanld ~i gta lantldwnx 0r Iandownen atMedt ~"'~+'"- :1, 5: Th# na annexatlcd",:. - -'ilya,~fiaVe _ been .. '- . ~ J'Fw3~s alt+rtiatiori d prat ar. ' ~ all of tM Above daaaEad (erriot]r. 10 ahather ; ' aaxbling tnankpalAlr+~'~° ;F :- '' a That the a>tnsxstl9n d the. proposed ~I tariXory tf+41 hd resvi it1lM,aehdpnaAe d arorr llananyadtoddistrld. ,. DAs d ptbRc hesrklg: 8th day d Sept.rr6sr, 1986. Tklls; 7:311 pm, a as •op1_theraaftar~ae h =: Place; Counc11~6hainWu:r~MUnlafpar Ru W Ing, Toxn M Ya%. Cobreda - At lhs lib 1~F0. ~ P~~ Minngg whAln , the pros proposed to 4e'~anrtsxad, dray ~ landowner d lode therahr My rsabart dt the i Tawn of Vstl or rile $oartl of ,~ Caurity ~ Commhsbnan or Eagle Co11+aY tralY app4at And proaent tiiderlcs 11pcn any AIAIt/r to bo dateminaa bl'the Tarot Counal.TOWN OF VAIL ` ., ~ ` Paarsra A. Brandmeyar 1111 Town Clerk j ' - ~ ~^" Augurs 8.1998 E%MBIT A iota 16 and 19, 8edldn 14; Townahlp 5 South, Range 81 West of ale 84th Prindpel Markllan axarding ro IM Dependant Resurvey and Survey o! saki Seaton ae apprWSd by IM ~. Un_nsd .$faiae pepanmaM d the IMerlar, Bureau ~ o} t anA Menapvrnan4 1a Wnshinglnn, D.C. on' ubfic Not~ce r~.j~ f !~ ' : ,t ~, l.. . ~ '.OROINANGE~,NO., Yf,r~.:„;, ` ' 8erree of 7088.- ' AN tlfibthiANCE ANNExINp A PORTION OF AH AREA pENBRAEIY KNOWN A3 THE UCBRICH PROPERTY; A D SETTINp FORTH DEFAICS IN REtiIIRDTNEREFp. ' ''_rsriXnx?'r+rz f~ C nFA PRV~r ~~ ~VL~CA~ON ~RVV WHERE143i an IM beek'd;ebmpetem RAdO ) F evidence pSaF}med In a pubfk hesgng;pn the pBlhlan rar.jrlneaa:raaffpi 1he.[etrllPryrtrldre padyufarfji deebdbed M Eah~q; atleched CO!_O STATE O 1 I hbretP aM made a pazt Mreof by reference, the S S5. COUNTY OF EAGLE Town CdinNl made cedffi findings hi Pact and aPrtcludedehmr', nq,~,~r',r~r„_~ s^, .. ' A..The regtrlremeMa of the apvrn~We pads of do soremniy swear that E am I ~LTJE'~ ~Ng~ Sectbna 31.12.104 artd 31.12,30b, c.R.3., Ab ------ , _.__.._-_.__ -- Put}I18Y18Y . __~~_~__._.._ of THE VAIL TRAIL: that the same is a weekly newspaper the _ emendsd. have been met. and ~ { „ ~ Y - 3. No elenlon for the annexallon a1 acid terrhory Ip required under Section 31-i2-td7(23, _- printed. In whole or In part and published in the County of Eagle, State of Cotorado, arts and has a general clrculaflon Therein: That said newspaper has been published G. That nP aedlltonal terms and candmm~a are to na IrrGOaad upon Bard tanAory; and continuously and Unlnterfuptedly In Bald County of Eagle for a period of more than WHEREAS the Town Council neW wishes tP fi~y-Two consecutive weeks next dor io the first publication of the annexed I al •r~r~~~ p ~ er has been adrt~itted to the United ws t sold n a ti t th d t , sorter gay termory by Ordinance Fn accordance wflh Section 31-1E•111 C R $ ae Amonded p p VElr ; a e Se{p9n ice Or d no States malls as second class matter undor the provisions of the Act of March 3,1879, , , „ . , NOW, THEREFORE, 8E IT OHpAINED 6Y ar anV amendments thereof, and that Bald newspaper Is a weekly newspaper duly of the the eanin ithi d d t ti ti THE TOWN CO[}NCIL DF THE TOWN OF VAIL, cotoRAlw. AS FDLLOws: g n s w m ,rer semen ces an a quaUfied for publishing lega4 no SECTKJN 1. laws Of fh@ State of Catorad0. The lerrllory eet forth In Erhlbh A a4flchad That the anngxod logal Notice or advertisement wos published In The regular and hereto and made a part hereof OY elerence h `~ hereby atihezed ta. Iha Town of Veil, Colorado II t p r l Flh d e b pe entire Issue of every number of sold weekly newspaper for the fled of s~~ ou ec a w a rms of,aon t fl ne..a.. I~' ~9ECTK7N2o•,:-'t:' •~- fffl A. A copy of~the'annerallaa map wRh the ~i consecutive Insertions; and that tiTe firs} publication o[ said notlce was In the Issue of OrEginai W this annerallon ordinance shall he r,d 19`~a andttlaffhelp5t ~~Jtl~~f'T ~~ Ap jI(' I Filed in lhaoNlOe ai the Town Clerk d Iha Town of Yffig , saldnawspaperdoted__ T .7heTownClerkehaAftlelarremrdingsxv pu811catfon Of Bald notlce was in the issue of sold newspaper dated (2) certhled Pop}e6 of this anne:allon ordinance end map or the area aaneaed comaraing a legal } r~ !~3/~•J)~~)('J~ ~! AD 19f,~ ~ deacrbtbn M such area whT, the County Clerk aad Retarder of Eagle Courtly,Colorado. , - r c. The Gounry Clerk and Retarder of Eagle ' Yrl .County aha9 be directed fa fits on (!) CgH'rfied In witness whereof I have t>'ereunto set my hand ihi~ ~~ ~ day of : soar or the anr+exatran adlrHUtce and map with ~7p ~~=17~'/") }lirr/ AD 1Lf2 19 the Dlviabn W 4ocal r30vetnment a!, the : pPpattmentdLocalARalri..?t. -,:,;... -: SECTION 7 ' ~ ~ ~' ._ . . 7 . . ~ Wllhfi ninety t30) days attar the eRectHa date hereof, the Tarn d Yall, fbbrado shall impose ~ zanln8 On the 0nne>tae urea [A axPrdence wkh Ghapter 18.88 a! the MunlGpal Cade pl rho :.Town o1 VaIF, CProrado,: ':;.~ r.r;., y;t,Pr;.. - t ~ Thle annexatlPn ahalh~lake Hlact In a notary public In and fa a Court of Eagle, to before roe or d ib d b eccadanee catch ate cltaner d the Town or volt ' , sw n an scr e Su ~II `~ /7T~r~r AD 49:~+~ i ~;c~~ ~ ~ ' en INTROpl1CEO,rREAD AND APPROVED ON . - - day of State of Colorado. ihES ~ I FiR5T HEADING AND ORDERED PUBLISHEp I ONCE IN FULL Ihis 61h day al SepternbeG 1BBB and a puhlic hearing shall Its held on this A ,/ ~~ ,'r_ /V~~J'~,~N -a"~ CL ~C ~-~'l'7 ', ordinance On the 8th day of September, F838 ffi F 7;3p p.mlq the Council Chatr~enrof trn Vah„! Municrpal ~uNding Va1L CoiOradP: ' ,= - I' , . I`"~ -., , •~s"•-i`TDWNOFVAIL`'1 ~' ~f~ // - ) Kent R. Rose Mayor , - My commission ®xp3ras ATTEST: Pamefa A 8randmeyer Town Clerk E1tHIBIT A Lon 18 and !a, Section 14, Townehtp 5 !BOWh, flange 8f Wpt P1. the 81r1h PrlnclpaS '~. Merldten aororduq to the Qependenl Reeutvey `and Survey W cold 9ecllon 6a appfoved br'the _ ~Unlied Bta[es Department M the InterEOr, Buresu . ~ol Land Management, in Waahingrpn, p,C. on Seplerrber 20, l87fi. ~ .. - Publlahed In The VaA TraN - ~ ~ . an Seplembery9,r788B ...°. 3 ~~ ~. m t U; oa 0 ~) ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ m rtB.o~oooQw. ,~ o ~ ~ ~ V ~ ~' m a mo~°'~oyQ~ ~ -~ H C Q~ (p o~ ~~ o X QcaQ~~o~o w ~w0 ~0 ~'C Q ~ fD ~ ~ ~ a ~ a ~ cB n~~~mtD~~~ ~ o ~ o o ~' ~~-+~ o @ ~ ' ~ ~ o ~o~c~co~~ a ~ o Qc~c~Q~,~.~Q~ m ~~m o m o ~ ~ W o~Q~m ~~_ a o o ~~ m Q: Q ~s~Q~~~~~ ~, w ~ . D -~ _ o a ~ ~ t7 c~ ~; Q ~ m ~ ~. s ~- D ~~' ~.~~~ ~ ~ o m m ~mo~~~~~~ ~ ~' Q o ~ ~ y ~~~ `jam ~-~ ~i ~ a ~ ~ ~fma~, cQy ~ cp ~~7 , ~, A '~ ~ a ~ ~ m ~ ~ o o m - `' CJ ~ ~ ~ p Ov~Q 7-„~O~ ~~ ~O d ~, (D C ~ wWCxDOC~O~ Q ~ ~ ~ (Q : Q w, Q. N =r~ ~ 3 d ~. '.. $ GRy1 ~ ~ R~1~7y.]2 w ~ n ~ m C7 6"~ oZ ~ n~n~ r m 0 ~ inZ~~ ~~.~m~o F ~.. b m , o mop03~ H `~~~~ ~ O ~ ~ m~~ n ~~'~ ~ 3 O ~imlij6~am~rmyDa AA R ~ ~ ~=^^: a ~aD~~gOm<~z ~ ~~ m r2m~ ~ n ~ZY~ n mna - E~ r rn z 0 c~~o Q g D ~ o 0 0 ~ O m ~ r Z S