HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-27 Recorded CopyORDIVANCE N0. 27 Ser�es of 1988 RN OR�INANCE ANNExI�dG A P�RTION OF AN AREA GENERALLY KNOWN AS THE ULBkICH PROPERTY; AlVD SETTING FORTW D�TAILS TN REGARD THERETO. � � v � � u . ���a . �;:u,:..,.._.��.� _ ; �; Fi �.• j ; : }w r.� 1 I ! ? f' ':� + _ �_�� €. �.I � �I;i:;�:�a sMP zs � z��� ��� WHEREAS, on the basis of competent evidence presented in a public hearing on the petition �'or annexation o� the territory more particu�ar'iy described in Exhi�it A attached hereto and made a part hereaf by reference, the Town Council made certair� findings a fact and concluded that: A. ihe requirements of the applicable parts of Sections 31-12-104 and 31-12-105, C.R.S., as amen�ed, have beer� met, and B. No election for the annexation af said territory is re�uired ur�der Sect�on 31-12-i07 (2), and C. That no additional terms and conditions are to be imposed upon said terriiory; and ;. WHEREAS, the Town Council naw w�shes to annex said territory by ordinance in �q. � � accordance with Section 31-12-111, C.R.S., as amended. � NOW TNEREFORE, be it ordained by the iown Council of the Tawn of Vai1, Colorado, as follows: Sect�on 1. The territory s�t forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part he�^eof by reference is hereby annexed to the �awn of Ua7i, Colorado without special terms or condiiions. Secti'on 2. A. A ccrpy nf �he annexation map wit�► ihe or3ginal of this annexa�ian ardinance shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk af '�he Tawn af Vai1, B. The Town Ci�rk shall file fa� recording twc� {�) certified copies o'� this annexatian ardinance ar�d rnap o�' th� �re� ann�xed contair�ing a]egal descriptio�r af such area with �the Count,y Cler�C and Recarder af �agle Co�anty, Ca7arado. C. "fhe County Cierk ar�d Recorder of �ag�e County sha11 be directed to file o�e (1) cert�fied cc�py of tihe annexa�ion ordir�anc� and rn�ap with the �ivision of Local Government of the aepartment af Lacal Affa�rs. Sectior� 3. Witi�in ninety (90) days after the effect�ve date hereof, th� Town of Vail, Co1orado shali im�ose zoning on the annexed ar�a in accQrdance with Chapter 18.6$ af the ��lun�cipal Code of the Town of V��il, Colarado. � � : . Section 4. This annexation shail take effect in accordance wi�h the Charter of the Town of Vail and ihe statutes of t�e State af Coiorado. INTRODtJCED, READ AND APPROVE� QN FIRSi' READING �his 6th day of September , 1988, and a pub�ic hearing shail be held on this ordinance on the bth day of september , 1988, ai 7:30 p.m. in the Counci� Chambers af the Vail Mun�cipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Ordered pubiished in fuil't�tis 6t�-day of September , 1988. a' � � O?�C--• � "` Kent R. Rose, ayo - . ��. �` ATi'�ST a ,`ftAF.t' {'�_ . �� . N'.. � ` . r �; C �� �� u - � �., Pame�� �, A:,,`Br���+t�eyer, Town C1 erk � INTRODUCEO, READ AND APPROVEa ON SECOND READING ANa aRDEREO PUBLISHE� by title anly THIS 20th �AY 4F Sepr.e�nber , 1988. � � � �� Kent . Rcse, Maynr AT7'EST :� �� ; - �-�,� ,�� �:���,�...-� '�?ame°? a A: � Br,a�dmeyer, Town Ci erk �� . �._ � �;.� � � -: rv2- � ■ :■ � �x�zBt� a ,. . :.- � Lats 16 and 19, Section 14, Township 5 Suuth, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian according to the Dependent Resurvey and Survey of said Settion as approved by the United S�ates Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management, ir� Washingian, D.C. on September 29, 1975. ,� � _ �