HomeMy WebLinkAbout1988-32 Amending Chapter 18.04, Section 18.29.010, and Section 18.29.030 of the Vail Municipal Code to Allow Microbreweries as a Conditional Use in the Arterial Business Zone District,a ~ Fem. f ORDINANCE NO. 32 Series of 1988 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 18.04, SECTION 18.29.010, AND SECTION 18.29.030 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TO ALLOW MICRO-BREWERIES AS A CONDITIONAL USE IN THE ARTERIAL BUSINESS ZONE DISTRICT. WHEREAS, Glen Lyon Office Building, a Colorado Partnership have submitted an application to amend Chapter 18.04, Definitions, and Section and Section 18.29.030 of the Arterial. Business Zane District in the Municipal Cade of the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the amendment provides far a micro-brewery to be considered as a conditional use; and WHEREAS, the micro-brewery use does not have any significant environmental impacts; and WHEREAS, the micro-brewery use is considered to be a compatible limited light industrial use that provides significant on-site tourist amenities such as a restaurant/bar, museum, retail shop, and brewery tours; and WHEREAS, the micro-brewery use is compatible with business and office uses presently allowed in the Arterial Business Zone District; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission has recommended approval of this amendment to the Town Council; and WHEREAS, such amendment must be approved by the Tnwn Council of the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council considers that it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial to the Town and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to amend Sections 18.04, 18.29.010, and 18.29.030 of the Tawn of Vail Municipal Cade. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNGTL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: 1..~ ., r Section 1. Chapter 18.04 is hereby amended by the addition of Section 18.04.253 to read as follows: x.8.04.253 Micro-Brewery A mixed used commercial operation that processes water, malt, hags, and yeast into beer or ale by mashing, cooking, and fermenting that shall also include an on-site public restaurant and/or bar which sells the beer and ale produced on site. The maximum brewing capacity for the micro- brewery shall be 7,500 barrels per year. A barrel is equivalent to 31 gallons. The micro-brewery use shall not exceed 8,000 square feet of floor area, excluding enclosed areas for loading, trash, and delivery. The public restaurant and/or bar shall have a minimum seating area of 2,000 square feet and shall be excluded from the total micro-brewery maximum square footage limit. Section 2. Section ].8.29.010, Purpose of the Arterial Business District is hereby amended to read as follows: The Arterial Business District is intended to provide sites for office space, public utilities, service stations, limited light industry having no adverse environmental impacts that provides significant on-site tourist amenities and limited shopping and commercial facilities serving the Town and Upper Eagle Valley residents and guests. Multiple family dwellings for use as employee housing will be appropriate under specific circumstances. Arterial Business District is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities appropriate to permitted and conditional types of buildings and uses, and to maintain a convenient (limited) shopping, business, service, and residential environment. Section 3. Section 18,29.030, Conditional Uses A is hereby amended to read as follows: A. The following conditional uses shall be permitted in the Arterial Business District, subject to the ~ f ~, issuance of a conditional use permit in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 18.60: Public buildings, grounds and facilities Public parks and recreation facilities Any use permitted by Section 18.29.020 which is not conducted entirely within a building Service yards Public utility and public service uses, including screened outside storage Multi-family dwellings far the employees of the Upper Eagle Valley as further restricted by Section 18.27.130 of this zone district. MICRO--BREWERY Section 4. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Tawn Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 5. The Town Council. hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper far the health, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 6. The repeal ar the repeal and reenactment of any provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provisian hereby shall not revive any provision or any ardinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. ~- „__ ~ -} ~, INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READING THIS 1st. day of November , 1988, and a public hearing shall be held on this ordinance on the 1st day of November , 1988 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. "~~ Ordeted published in full this 1st day of November 1988. ~ J ~ ~~-~ Kent~R. Rose, Mayor ATT~;S~f~ . ~ ,~' C-~ `~ ` Y~ Pamela rA'. t3randmeyer~own Clerk } ,. ~, ' ~!++flllly}Iti} INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED in full 1988. this 15th day of November Kent R. Rose, Mayor ATTF~~T~1 1~~ r" - l Pamela A.: Biandmeye , Town Clerk ,., , .~ 1~~f1~ I ,) ~ ~~ ~~1j1flllllli,l}S .g ';~ } t ~~-G•' I Pubffc Notice ~ ~ ` `v~~~,;a' `:<.DIipINANCE+ND~ 82' "~'' ''n , . ' tyarlq?Dr3108a AN ORDINANCE AMENn1N0 CHAPTER te.OA , eECTION 1829.0!0 ANp.BECTK7N 18.29.080 OF THE MUNICIPAL CdDE OF THL TOWN OF PAIL TO ALLDW'MICFiO•BREVI'~RFES A9 A: CONDfUDNAL~': USE' IN;';T{1E;~ARTERiAL ~ lery.,<rti~ ~f tl'oT I^w~O~ ~rRRWW r rVOL bl1 BUBINESSZONEO18TR1CT: y~`,r;`.' - ~ WHER&A3. Vall'VSntures, 11d,+~and Qten Lyon OHica BulWirq, Inw0lQrmed, a Cdorado' STATE OF COLORADO Partrrereh~ have whmikad.8h ttppllnatfon 14 ~ ~ amend Chapter fB.04,.pefinkloRte, and-Sedlon ~ COUfVTY QF EAGLE 19.29-610 end Sector 78.29.030 d th0 Arterial h ,In the Muhiclpa! Coda d s dp ALT.EN KNOX e Town q Vrdl; an "£ WHEREAB;'tha amendMent prortdes for a i. do solemnly swear that I am mina-brerveytoberxtmiderederatl0ndlbnel the Publisher of THE VAIL TRAIL' that the same is a week! neWS y i~t~r uee; and '"HEREAS, ihe,mlprtl-arewery`6ea dose na h rinsed, in whale of in hedll a ~ lta ~p l w Ea gl ta f o ave any slgnylcaM emironmamat Irrpacla; end WHEREAS, the micro-brewery uae nd has a general clrc u tlo ther el ~t said ne spa r has been pu pB bilshad COntin0005ly and Unlnfiefru ledl In SQId COUnt f Ea l f i d f t 8ht considered 1o be a compMlb}e llmBed rl induaviai uee that provides slgnNlcan[ on-eha p y y O g e Or O per o o more han fi two consecutive weeks next tsar to the first ublication of fhe annexed I gal p p e no Ica or advertisem nt th t id h b tourlet aD~nltlaa Bunn as a rDaie~rantroar, museum. retell shop and brewery tavre; and e ; a sa newspaper as een admitted to fhe United States mails as second CiasS maNar under the provisions of the Act of March 3, 9879. WHERFA S, the micro-brewery uee ie compallbb whh buBlneae and D1nce uses or any amendments tllorenf, and that sold newspaper Is a weekly newspaper dal presently alawed fn the ArteNer Buslnese Zone quell lad for pub115hing legal noEices and advert4sements within the meaning of the laws o! the State O1 C4igTadO. DIBWrIEREAS, rhD Plannlnp and EnHronmental CammlBSiDn has racomrnended approval d Ihh Thai the annexed legal notice or advertlsamont was published In the regular and amendment to the Town COUndl; and entire issue of every number of said weekiy newspaper for the period of 9y7. '~ WHEREAS, each amendment muel be approved by IhD Town Oounck d the Town d veil; ana WHERfAB, the Vel1 Town Council Donekera consecutive Insartlons; and that the first publication of said notice was In the Issue of the ~ le roawnabh, approprlna ana berrefldal ~~A-f.« 'i~ ,Cllzt ~ AD said newspaper dated 19 ~ and that the lasfi to the Town and he cNlzane, InhffiHeMa end 10 280 q h u O ~ ,~ , . . 30 e Tawn pf Val M nbpal Cade NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED 8Y publlcafiion of sold notice was In the issue of said newspaper dated THE rr3wIV COUNCIL OF THE TOwN qF VatL, ~7 //~--J,cC/J•Z f~(.tl ~ gyp ,~9 ~ ~( ` OOLORAgD, AS FOLL01V8: SECTION 1, Chap[af tB.04 h harehy , ' ~" amended b1'the addkbri d Sadbn !8.04253 to ICJ ~L ]n wlir 7ess whereof i have hereunto set my hand this day of read ae follarra; ~ .. ' 10.04253 MFCRaBREWERY " n - 19 ~~ Zt~-f~h~~ A D AMI%EpU$EOCDMMERCIALOpEgATk~l TtfA7pROCE88E$wAl>?R,MALT.FrbP3pNp YEAST INTO BE 6 ~' ..( . . ER DR AL BY MABHIND, '~, COOKINe, AHD FERMGNi1NQ THAT BHALL ' AL30 INCLUDf AN' DN•81TE~ PUBLIC, RESTAURANT ANO'OR BAR WHICH 8ELL9 '~. THE BEER AND AI.E~PROIXICED ON SITE. ~~ THE MA%MUM BREWING CAPACITY F-0R THE ' \~ M1CR0•BREWERY BHALL BE 7,500 BA!lgELS PER YEAR. A BARREL I$ EOUIVALENr 7D 31 6ALLONB. THE MICRO•BREWERY UBE Subscribed and sworn to before ma, a notary pubilc In d For the aunty of Eagle, sHALL Nor ExcEED eo6o $auARE FEEr nF JS ~3 State of Colorado, this ~`~'~ day of ~~~'~~'~ A D. 19 FLOOR AREA, E%CLUDINO ENCLPSEC AREAS FOR LOADfNQ, TRASH A N 0 OELIVE RY. THE PUBLIC RESTAURANT ANDlOR BAR BHALL NAVE A MINIMUM ///fff~~~~~I .LC ~ (J~J ~- . J SEATING AREA OF 2,000 SgllARE FEET ANp SHALL BE E%CLUDED FRgM THE TOTAL ' MICRq BREWE Y 1UfIMUM 8 " , ~ ~ ` ;4,. • g ., M .. 011ARF~ . ' . ., .,:..~, 2~ ... '~'5; U ~ 8~ ~1 ' ~ . =~, . ',, FOOTAGE LIMB: 'the AMdel aMneM phhk4 k.b1Yu~, fvty commission expires ~ - to road asrarowe: The ArtNFeI 89ahgae Olalrkl k IMerded to - pravlda ekes ip tlrflCa•ylyaea. Publlo utl9tfae, arvka ela10na. uu+7lkp LALfT WbutlrrrY.r perhlMle'liliM d , uee- nano ro mejli -.• ...:,tBlttltadt' . '" ~thopplnp,i 411eIRla . ~ ,, , ~ SECTION 3. 9erdbrr tfLx4.fk111. Coadklondl ' '. Uses A K hereby amended W Mad ae 1gb,sa;: ~:f~ ", ~'- ~A. The rdhlwirtq cOndhbrull use shall 66 ,. ~ perrttitted !n the Arterler Bueltteee Dlstrid, subtact - ' to the Isauence of a wndNlonal ass permit In ~' ~~ I IlCeditlallCa w9lh the provlalone d Chapter 19.06: Public hutldkpe, grounds and feNlkles. - , ,', ~ Puhlbparka and reaealbn FaclRles. Any use parmiaed by Section l9.29.D20 . ~ i~ which N der conduoWd'6ntirely whhh a1wlNlnp, Publlo ulilky and pub11C eeft4ceP'0aea; "; indudinngg sneered outside atore0e. ~ - Muki-family dwellln8b ter the empreyeae "o!'' ' ; the lrppeB Eagle Velby ae further roslrkied by '' Section te.zY.l3odthb;ana dtalrlra. ;,+,,.';~,"'-. _MICR0.BREWERY-:.~.°~;~ ~[; ',~r IF any perL.eedlan,~sibeedian, sentenCe,lk clause or phrase d thk Ordinanoa N Wr any reason held tD be Invalid, each dedaba eha!-not ~ affect file 4ekdhy d the remkfnlrlp porlbne d thle "~ nrdlnanee; aad the Town~:COUngI' harabyt~ ~, dedaras k wourd have Reseed thle Ordlnahce. `~ ', and each pan, sectbn.~slAleectbn, sentence, dauee a phrase therad, reperdbee d the lad shat any Dna of mdro;~,paNe.„eaCtlDne,a ' aubsedlona, senteiidei,.rdsusat: or phrases be': ' declared Invalk , ' 4r'The Town Cduntll~tlerauy lirds;`~de e m nee ''' and declares (hat 1hIa.OMinance E6 nocessery 'end proper lortha heaNh,,darery and wehare d ' the.TOVm d Vag #rud 1he,lnhabhanle lhoreM,. f;.:_ The tepeal orthe~jepeal;erw~r9aaaa1DNn1 Df e ~, any provlabn.d the.eAtrnbyalCad~cl~a-'fiD.rlesl d Val as provided In thk 6Fdlnanoa'-d ail nDL ' I died any ~dpht whkh IVte"acciued; any duty ~'~ Irnfwesd, any vblatlon ths4 Ocnteed Wlar to [he '~ aflectlve data • heleor;~ ahy'~ prasecullon commenced,' Aor ~ aey "other - adftln A r procaedkt9a ae .. ~ : J under a by visas d. the pravklon Repealed or 'repealed and ~, r re0nacled, TM repeal of aaypproylrblL hereby _~ '. ~ shall not ravNe any provhbn or am rants ? prevbuely Repealed or. eupanaded.9nfaee ' expreealy staled rlereln.~~. ,. .., ~. ~_-• -'~i INTRODUCED, ,READ ANO~PA83E0 bN ' FIRST READING AND ORDEREb PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL this isl day d November. 1999.=, " and A publk hearing shalt be heW en thh - ' oMinrtrke an the ter day d November, 1989 M ~~ 7:36 p.m. fn the CounclE Chambero d Rho Va8 Munkpal BuIIdMg kr Vail, CabraTOWN OF VA1L . . - . ~ KeM fl. Rase ~, ~ ~ Mayer ATTEST: Pamela A.Ors . . Town Clerk Pubnshed In The Val fret . ~ ~ ~- Dn.,., ~ ~~ x,1988, ~. ,. _ - ;~~ '~. ,., ~._ O. t'D t5 ~ ~ O~C~(D~~~~ p a ~ ~ z m a m~o~°-QO~Q~ ~ O c~ ~~ ~ ~ (~ O ~ ~ ~ ~Xcpp ~,~Q-~~~QAO_ N D r w -« Q ~ 7 n C O O s `C ~ -' Cr1 O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q~~Q4tD(D~~ ~ ~ O O ~ C? ~_~ Q m o~~~ o m °~~44m~~g.~ o c ~ ~ n 3c ~ a ~~;- O ~ ~ ° ~ ~ `~ m c~a ~~~~~~~3~ ~ ' ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~'~~nQ -+ H p o ~, m$ o Qo ~ ~Q. ~] o ~ ~ ~ ~Q +~p0 mW `~ ~ ~ m 'c~~3°°°~mo 3 ~i ~ ~ O ~ ~~~.~~cD A cnc~cpp ~ ~ O E ~. w 070~tDpo~' ~(D ~~; n ~ ~ o ~ B~~o~o~o~ B ,o o ~ ~ ~' m ~ ~c ~-~~m"oao~ ~ -„ a Q a ~ ~ o~ y~~~ ~a~ ~ ~ m m ~ Q ~o.oo~-~ ~~~ o o ~. ~ o a m~ 0~4 ~ `~a~ ~ T1y 'RC zz ~~ -i 17an< K.. .-. cjq gn Q C w 3 fb f~COyZ ~9O~000~m ~zmrpm~i ~,~ Cj~ a°QR°~ l.,~S ~3~3 ~~3 S~x ~ ~_ _~~ ~o ~Oa~~ OC~aoA 1rDt~mmww aaa~ mrgmO~r~m ~• ~a3~~~ ~~~&_~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ a~zpr -i° . LA>~2 K°~Q;ma°~"'i~~m~ °'(~ O~° ~w mad m~ U m" m ^~ m~ m m~ m~ m~ °• mm~O~i...b yy X _mm 4W7_ _ o m-- m0 ~~mC]nt+7~?mcC]~3WXmOZ~2 ~~jOn--I O°Q D Q'9~~~ •{d'9~~~~Ds 3F ~~~S.~Dy-A~Z2 .1~ m nm, x>>aip -~~b .gp~~ o {'m m3~m~R,mm44 eS.md' Sr~!3 m O ~iA ~i m~~~ c~~a ca~naOmci~~z- °~~~,',~w ~~o~~ ~y~'~~gy~ ~~ og S ~yOn~z~'z O~ ~~~p~ °wm ~sz-ic mmy_"• m ~~n°aom a~ ~.. m- a ~x. g g- ~g~ zr°n~my~ Dy~c~n 55~~~~mmOppbammmn TCm-~ °m~ d~ ~ T $Et$.. ~ `~ ciS~~m m ~vo zQ~ ~y x ~jt5C~7~uy~~zmit~7mOmOQ ~hOnp~ `na m C ~c "< ~v~~a ~~.. ~ 4. °~ OC;~o~N'y "~ ~ [~ a~~r~ 3~ ~n ~~ cm c~mm QW~ o~lny- mc. ~~a mcnDm m~q~a `iOm r ~ a'n ~ ~ s~ 3 ~i ~~ ~° $ ~ X r~~ o_ ~m[~pAZ 2 \+ ry f~7 ~~°A~9 ~~ D!Ti Q.s~ ~_ ~ ii ~i 9 2iOZ a'> ~-k Sys b mN 'OD m]o ~T n~i'~ ~ a m3 $~ Swr_~OObb.,~ Cf~GIQ t~q~ ~~~m0~ ^~m~ $,m m-{m{ m.Q ~ ~~ ~ a~ Sat{ ~e ~~ n ~ ~~ o'~ nz' mfAZ„ ~r s~ m n a 77 m ~ , ;i m ~_ b m ma[lyz-~ D m`.. ~'mm ~ ~ ' _ 4 a ~ g 170m0° Y m ~m~ *+~ z.~iin g m=in ®'Q. m ~m m°'^'~ v -~m-n0 wOO 21m ON m-rl~ vaC U10 ~ ~l~ ..~ c~S~A ar $ ~nm' +~'~. ~ m0 T ~~Q°. iQ4i^ Dm ~o .bm~~~ O¢Y ~ m~~ ~'0 00~,xT, ~ 4.~g m m ~m ~ Stm., s~ "'~=o ~{Y ~pX~~~ ~~pC~m~~Onm~~~~ mA ~p~'o'6'~',u. m 3g~ ~ ~o~ ~~ x~ `~ M~ ~~~~m m q~mz~ m D~n.~ „~+x rDx~-ia~m p a~43~' 4 ~ ~ ~ g ~ ~ a~ ~'*~ ~ m~~A2 c rpv~ ~ Dz o3$S -~~ ~~ ~m m ~`~ -~~bh?~° ~tmi~Om~ . mpNx..{cTO2CO~°~wmmrxm~ ~"W ca~°°'m'" °`°•~ c~~~~°m..~ ~-, ~ °~'~v ~yipo', 55~t ~ m-~ =rr-r'a~zh Ya'm amm mom ~.. b'eg' ~i ° m. iR7S~m.~~rW~/+mmrnprr-~bz o~ !-~ ~w6_+'a s.~ ~~ ~~w ~m3'8s'if.~- m ~~$$~=° ra-y~~8'~ ~' t f SECTION 2. Seabn 18.29.010. Purpose d the Arterial Buatneee ni"rk1 {a herby ame~idad W read u loliows: - - TtM Arterial BualMas Oietrtal Is intended Ta provide aka }or office apace, publla utilkrea, service gations. LIMITED LIGHT INDUSTRY HAVINQ NO ADVERSE ENVIRONMENTAL ,MPACT8 THAT PROVIDES SIGNIFICANT ON- SITE TOURIST AMENITIES and Irmked bhopping and commerdal IecllRles serving the . Town and Upper Eaglo Valley reaklenta and guasta.'Mul,lple family dweltlnga for use ae ernployea housing will be appraprieta under apadfW droumstanoas, Arlerlal Bualneas Dtelrkt Is Irnended to unsure adequate tight, alt, open space end ether amsnitEes appropriate to permkted and conditional Sypee of buildings and ease, and to maintain a convenient (Ilmitedf shopping, bualneae, . eanrice and rea[dentlai emiragmem. ~ .• ,. . 8ECTiON 9; t3octian 18;2B.03Q. Gandktanal Uses A Is hereby :, . , J to read as fdkwva: A. The }a]krwing condkbnal uses shall be J M1 the Arterial Busllraea Diatrlet, aubJact to the tesuance of a condklonal uee permit in accordance wkh the provlslorts d Chapter 18.80: Publla bufldinge, grounds and tadlkkrs. .: Publki parka and retxeallon laclgtkra . . Any uee perrtlltted by Sectbh 18.29.020 whkh k not oonduaad entirety wllhln a buildlrq. Service yards, '=_ -. f: '; ' :.4 Publb ufllky and ~ publla sorvlca ease, Irrclvd screened outride etaraga Mull family dwellings for the employesY d ; tfw tlppa- Eagh Valley ae furliler rastrkaed by Section 18.27,130 a I1rle zone dla,rta. MICRO~BREWERY t3ECTIONI. M any part, sealon, subeectfan, sentence, clause ar phrase a this Ordinance ft }or any ; rrasan held to be Invalkl, such decision shah not aftea the valldny of the remaYtrng ...... a thin Ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares k would have passed Ihls Ordinance, _ and each part, seabn, eubssakln, aentsnes, altuue ar phrase shared, regardless d the }act that any are ar mare pane, sections, subsealana, aenterrcea, daueee ar phrases ba declared Invalid. - r .-. BECTIDN 6. The Tawn Councg hereby flnde, determiner acrd declares that thk Ordinance la rraoeesary and proper la the Irsakn, eatery and waflare a the Town d VaA and the InhabflaMr theroof. BtzCT10N B. . TM repeal ar the repeal and raenaalrrarrrt d any provlsbn a„he Munkdpat Code d the Town a Vaq u pravlded In Orb Ordlnana ahali na af}aa any r1gM whlan hu accrued, any duty I ,, .. •: 1, any vbtatlon that attested error,o the effective data hereol, any prasacution commenced, 'nor any other salon or procaedinge as camrtrenaed under or by ulnae a iha ,provlalon ropealed o- repealed and reanaaed, The repeal d any provlslon hereby shall not revive any pravfabn or any ordinance previously repealed or ,superseded unfesa expressly stated herein. INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON FIRST READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL ibis tat day a November, 1989 and a publla hearing shall be held on this ardlnanae on the 1st day d November, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. In the Council Chambere a the Vail Munk:ped liullding h VaII,.Colorado. - ,, TOWN OF VAII ' Kent R. Rose Mayer ATTEST: Pamela A. 9randnreyar '. Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ pND PASSED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL thb 18th day a Novarrrber, 1988. . TOWN OF VAIL Kent R. Rose Mayer ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandnteyer Town Glark Published In The Vall Tra9 - ~ an Noverrtber 18,.1888