HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-23 Annual Appropriation Ordinance: Adopting a Budget and Financial Plan and Making Appropriations to Pay the Costs, Expenses, and Liabilities of the Town of Vail for 1990• • • ORDINANCE N0. 23 Series of 1989 ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE: ADOPTING A BUDGE'' AND FINANCIAL PLAN AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS TO PAY TI-IE COSTS, EXPENSES, AND LIABILITIES OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, FOR ITS FISCAL YEAR JANUARY ~., 1990 THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 1990, AND PROVIDING FOR THE LEVY ASSESSMENT AND COLLECTION OF TOWN AD VALOREM PROPERTY TAXES DUE FOR THE 1.989 TAX YEAR AND PAYABLE IN THE 1990 FISCAL YEAR. WI-IEREAS, in accordance with Article IX of the Charter of the Town of Vail, Colorado, the Town Manager prepared and submitted to the Town Council a proposed long-range capital program for the Tnwn and a proposed budget and financial plan for all Tawn funds and act~.vities for the 1990 fiscal year; and WIIEREAS, notice of public hearing on the proposed Town budget and capital program was published on the 6th day of October, 1989, more than seven days prior to the hearing held on the 17th day of October, 1989 pursuant to Section 9.5 of the Charter; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Town Council to adopt a budget and financial plan for the 1990 fiscal year, to make appropriations for tt~e amounts specified in the budget, and to provide for the levy, assessment azid collection of Town ad valorem property taxes due for the 1989 year and payable in the 1990 fiscal. year. NUW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Vail., Colorado, that: 1. The procedures prescribed in Article TX of the Charter of the Town of Vaal, Colorado, for the enactment hereof have been fulfilled. 2. Pursuant to Article IX of the Charter, the Town Council hereby makes the following annual. appropriations far the Town cif Vail, Colorado, for its fiscal year beginning on the first day of January, 1990, and ending an the 31st day of December, 1990: FUND General Fund Capital Pra~ects Fund Conservation Trust Fund Real Estate Transfer `I'ax Heavy Equipment Fund Debt Service Fund Special. Parking Assessment Fund Health insurance Fund Lionshead Mall Assessment District West Vail Assessment District Vail Marketing Fund Total: Less 1:nterfund Transfers: Total Budget AMOUNT $11,466,411 6,449,020 7,000 2,139,724. 1,436,529 3,506,058 275,000 630,400 158,026 8,800 571,000 26,647,565 <6,178,258~ $20,469,307 _l~ • • t ' 3. The Town Council hereby adopts the full. and complete Budget and Financial Plan for the 199D fiscal year far the Town of Vail, Colorado, which are incorporated by reference herein and made part hereof, and copies of said public records shall be made available to the public in the Municipal Building of the Town, - 4. For the purpose of defraying part of the operating and capital expenses of the Town of Vail, Colorado during its ].989 fiscal year, the Town Council hereby levies a property tax of 6.43 mills upon each dollar of the total assessed valuation of $283,275,390 far the 1.989 tax year of all taxable property within the Town, which will result in a gross tax levy of $1,821,461 said assessment shall be duly made by the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, and directs Revised Statutes (1873 as amended) and as otherwise required by law. 5. This Ordinance shall take effect five days after publication following the final passage hereof. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL THIS 17th day of October , 1989, and a public hearing on this Ordinance sha11 be held at a regular meeting for the Tawn Council of the Town of Vail, Colorado on the 17th day of October , 1.989, at 7:3D p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado, ATTEST: ~~ ~~ Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Tawn Clerk ~ V C r~-- ~~ent R. Rose, Mayor zNTRODUCED, READ ON SECOND READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLIS~iED in full November this ~~~ day of 19$9. ~CJ ~ ~.,.~.- Kent R. Rose, Mayor a ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk ..~_ Public Notice ; ' OApINANCE Ntl, x3 9etiea of 1989 ANNUAL APPADPRIATIDN pRDINANCE: AAOPTING A BUDGET ANp FINANCIAL PLAN ~. w PROOF OF PUBLICAtIQN AND MAKING APPROPRIATKk13 TO PAY THE COSTS, ExPENSES AND LIABILITIES OF THE TOWN OF VAIk. Cp10FlAD0, FOR 775 FISCAL STATE OF COLORADO ) YEAR JANUARY t, f990 7HRgUGH '' °' pECEMBER 31, 1990, AND PAOVIDINO FOR y ~ E E {l COEINTY OF FAGLE OF TOWN Ap V ALOREM PR PERtY TAXE3 , DUE FOR THE 1989 TAx YEAR AND PAYABLE i AT,LEN KNOH do SOlemnl swear that I am Y IN THE 1990 FISCAL YEAR. wHEAEAS, M atcordertce whh Arlide !% of '~ Publisher th the Charer 011he Town or Vell, Colorado, the ro ~ c r ~ s ~ d c e of THE VAII_ TRAIL• that the same Is a weekly newspaper Coun ll a pr apa e j nps ga ca p{~al printed, In whole or In part and publlshed in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, d h aragram for the Town and a prapoead budge) e l d fl l # an as a genera! circulation therein; that said news a I has boon UbliShed p p continuously and uninterruptedly in Bald Count of Ea l o l d f th n nane e an for all Town funds end p aciNNlas for the 1990 thcal year; and y g e r a pec o o more an filly-two const3cutlve weeks next priot to the first pubiicafion of the annexed legal nOflCe ar advertisement; that said neWS a ef has been d ltt d t fi WHEREAS, notice of publEc hearing on the p[olwsed Town budget and c8pllal program was pubtbhed an the Bib da oS odob t9B9 p p 4 m e D le United States mails as second class matter under the provisions of the Act of Morch 3 1879 y er, , move than seven days prior In the hearing held an the , , ar any amendmt3nts thereof, and that Bald newspaper is a week) news y l~ai~rdUl 77th day a1 Oclot»r, 1989 pursuant to Sedlon 9 5 f th Ch ' y uollfledior ublishin I q p g egal notices and advertisements within the meaning of the IaWS pf the $tafe Of COlOradp. . o e arlar,and wHEREas, !t !a necessary for the town Council to adopt a budget and financial plan for That fha annexed legal notice ar advertisement was publlshed In the regular and the 79901{seal year, to make epprapdatlons for the amoume BpscNled In the budget, and [o ~w ~ entire Issue of every number of said weekly newspaper for iha period of ~ll.~~ Provide for the levy, aaeepemeM and oollectlon of Town ad valorem properly taxes due for the f 989 year and payable In the 1990 tlacai year. consecutive inser#lons: and fhat the first publication of said notice was in the Issue of NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINER BY THE TOWN couraclL OF THE TOWN RF VAIL, {~~ `` pq Sold neWSpapef dated ~(.f,!'~P-~'F . -2~ A,D, 19 cl / and that the ia5t colgRann,THAT; 1. The psooedurea preaatbed ht Aftlds I% of the Charter of Iha Town of Yell, Colorado, for the publlCatian Of sold notiCt3 WOS In the ISSUe Of Sall ne wspaper dated enacrmer4 hereof have bean tuHitted. 2. Pursuant to Article IX or [he Charter, fha ~~~ ~p ii C~ RD 19 Town Council hereby makes the following . ' / annual appraprlatlone for the Town of Vfl11, Colorado,lw its Flscai year beginning on the that ~ 7 r fn witness whereat I have hereunto sot m hand thl~ ~'J" i Y day of day of January, 1990 and andlry on the 31st day of oecerrrer, f99o: ~ /~ ~ ,(~~ 'r'~u~~~"-"""' rID 19 ~~ Cienaralfund ~. ~...... . i171 488 N I , , 4 t Capital Proleds Fund ~ . {8.449,020 Conaervetbn 7ruat FutM 37,1x10 RaelEefeteTransferTax -~ 32,739,72f /' "N i Heavy fiqulpment Furrd if,498,529 DeW Sarvlce Fund - ~ t3 509 05g .G I_ . . SpeclalParking Aeteaamanl Fund ~ 5276.000 Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public in and for the County of EaglB, Haakh Insurance Fund 5830,009 LlonsHead 3Aa11 Asaesamenl State of Colorado, this _~%~'f t day of ~~~~~'~- AD 14 ~' ~ aetr~ 3168,028 wea,vaaasaeearnantDlatrld a6,epo . Vflll Marketing Fund - - 5571,000 Total: 526,847,685 Leas inledund 1'renafera " (38,178,258) JC~` ) 7' ~~ y '~T` ,N~7 ,t/ nWan',`'-'1 TOTAL Bl1DGET - y ! ~A89,307 I - ~3. The Town CauncB hereh Flo fha full . ~, end cotrpleta 9udget aril Fhrertclat PEan ftx the / 1 7 7 ~ ~ 1990 flaaaf year !or the Town of Vail, CafOrado, which are Irrcorparated by lafaaenoa heroin sari _ ~ ftAy COmmISSlan eXplF05 ([ <~ `made pars hereof and co ies of said blk , p pu : i recoMa ehaA ba made avdlebla to fha pubic In I ' [he Munldpa! $ulldbg of the Town, I 4. For the purpose or defraying part of Iha I operating aM tapltal oxpemes fo fha Town of Yall.~Cobrada during hr^4988 thcal year;:lha ~-;; ~. Fawn Ceundl hereby.levies a praperly~ tax of 8.893 mills upon each dollar of •Iha total ,assessed vakrallon o1 3272,300,370 for the 1989 ' tax year of air taxable Properly whhln fha lawn, whkh wai reach In a grass taut levy of 31,622,432 saki aseeeamant shall be duy made by the County d Eagle, State of Cobrado, fold dlrada . Revltwd ~BNttdea f 1 873 u, .. ~ .. , . 1t ilnd ae , ., othenrfsereQulndby,law.a>na~.rr,ri :t::_y.~,; , 6. Thhc 4rdinartce shall Sake etleq fhro days ~ ~ alter publrca[bn,fo9owipg_the final. paoeage -' . hereof. , .. .1NSRODUCEp.~gEAppN KlfisY READfNO,~ ~;. {APPROVEb.ANq,pRgEAEp PUBLISHER':; ' ' ~ ; gNCE qV FULL. lido f7th Uay'ol~gdober, 1989 - ,~ .:~ and a public heNkip an this Drdlnenee shall be ~~-, .: ~ held >d a regular rrae8np tar Iha Town C6undf of ~ . ~ ~ fha Town of Vail,-Cabredo on'th~ 17111 day al Odobsr 1989 at 7:30 p m i9..tha G9e9el ' 11~ fTtu ulWi pall ~hambera or fh ' ~ ~ ng, . r a Caftxadc rL" Iri ' ' - ¢ ~T0447VOFVAA. ~. . K ~ KBnt R Rose ~~' ' E ' Peme4 A Brandmeyar ,: sF, E Torltit Clerk : , ; '.. publalled in rneV~3 7tp9 .. .. on Dstobar 1(7, j968 ~;~ • • f ~~~~ n ~~ ~ ~a~ ~ ~ m ~~~i Cwm m ~~ s~~ ~~~ ~~~ m ~~ 'tpi~al ~i~ si n~ ~g b~ ~Cl°12m m~OZp ~- ~-+r-~~Q$M °~~.: Q~y~oo=aom mzfo ~ x ~3 m moa wnQ3 m ~ m S {S d~ ~~ ire ~ °~'~ -~ ~ ~+ a A, '^ ~ C 2 w Vl G w m ; -iP~~ ~ n~~ ,~~, ~~ ~-@ m°m' z ~~ ~ ~~, n. m Sn~-~~.~ ~ ~ ~~•m"w ~ m~~ ~ C)~~mm0°m~'° ~ ~z i'o ~ ~... -~ ~'~ gg ~ ~ ro2.a 5i m a-n o m o ~ gX~ ~ c ~S x+~'` ~~9._~ ~ (, xy y~~m~a' ~~c o' ~vmQm a~ m cma~3.G ~ ~O ~ a ~~~„ m 4~ 1mQoac mm;Q m>•"1~n1 G? _ ~' ~~~,~a$a~~mo ~rva.~mz $3z. z~c~p a q~ga nmoaZ5~las~z<-xp~ ~ ,o 'm~. ~CZC~ a, 3~+~~3~ y„~R ~oc~ Qm mp~ ra °K~s~cnm~"...~~m~nmoiny~Cpm a °'~ ~ ~ ~~~ n~ ~~~" ~ gr~ _~~ m... may .77~ v4 O c a0-$'n ~„m y 2 g m' ycm8i ~ x„ ~ 3 Cm. ~c ~o w "...~~ ~ Tc q m~r ~ ~v -+-~=m'~m~o~~° ~R~~S~ m-+ 8~ ~'s~a~~~gtn.op v~i3~ ~~a -~,.- 3 ~s c~ ", „a ~~_~ c ~n~..n 3. _. it ~a ~~ ~ a r < ~A~y ~ w~~~ ~o O~' i ~ o ~n'~-a ra m Rn ~~ n~~' am qm ~ _'.A ~ ~ -+c ;~ m na w r=~~~ ~ a~ ~...~ ~°~.~~~' Ofinp'~ ^ ~ry~o J~ m n~+a _ .~~~ca ~1a Qm3~~~am~ $~~~Sr$ ~~~~iamm, _ oa~~~ i,! me ^1 A ~-_~ ~q' m n ~ ~i- S ~ ~ a a~x~Z2~ 4~ om ~w wmmn ~&o ~ ma~ ~OYS~ Q~ -c }i~~'"~ mw„ ~ ~Q[]~PO~~Z~w. m g 55.. ,JI~,G ~~~ ~ mcm~m ~, ~.. ru qua nci~~ m ~ m Zna ~a'@,5 S=+~~= W~~ ~ rr•Ox~yp L7 mom ~ w m ~&~ g~~ o~ $''~ ~° a-+~x ~ ~£ ozm~~°°~~.~~ m ~~.~,+ a~ $~~ a~mz~,w,osr~as c3~~e"y~~a:+.om ~ 25~gn ai~i~;i~o~C °ae$~~3 SG~ pOk~~n~~y~ ~~5~~ 9~ Aa~oo~ '~D~Q~-„+~~yz e~m~~~o.,Q~~~Q~ m g$ ~'~~~~-'-=E m~B~m ~~s 3--~t m~a~Q~ 3i~~~ n~e.~mc xN 2y s~m~2 .. 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