HomeMy WebLinkAbout1989-24 Amending Section 8 of Ordinance No. 14, Series 1987 to Provide for the Amendment of Density of the Approved Development Plan for Special Development District No. 6~ ~ - ,, n . / ' w ORDINANCE NO. 24 Series of 1989 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTI:UN 8 OF ORDINANCE NO. 14 SERIES OF 1987 TO PROVIDE FOR THE AMENDMEN'L' DF DENSrTY DF `i'Hi; APPROVED DEVELOPMENT PLAN FUR SPEC~:AL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT NO. 6 • NOW, THEREFORE, BE TT ORDAINED BY TFIE TOWN COUNCTli OF THE TOWN OF VATL, COLORADO, AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Legislat~.ve Intent A. Tn 1976, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance No. 7, Series of 197, establishing Special Development District No. 6 to insure the unified and coordinated develpment of a critical site as a whole and in a manner suitable far the area in whicYz it was situated, B. Special. Development District No. 6 provided in SecL-iazz 14 that thc~ Town Council reserve the right to abrogate ar modify Special Development Distract No. 6 for good cause through the enactment of an ordinance in conformity with the zona.ng code of the Town of Vail. C, In 19$5, the Vail `T'own Council passed Ordinance No. 1, Series of 1985 providing certain amendments to the devels~pment plan for Special Development District No. 6. D. In 1957, the Vail Town Council passed Ordinance Na. 14, Series of 1987 providing certain amendments to the development plan for Special Development District Na. 6. E. Application has been made to the Town of Vail to modify acid amend Section 8 of ordinance Na. 14, Series of 1987 which relates to the allowed density of the development plan for Special Development District No. 6. i?. The Planning and Environmental Comm~.ssion of the Town of Vail has reviewed the changes. G. The Vail Town Council considers that the amendments provide a more unified and aesthetically pleasing development of a critical site within the Town and such amendments are of benefit to the health, safety, welfare of the inhabitants of the Town of Vail. Section 2. ~„ Section 18.50.130 Uensitry is hereby amended to read as follows: • • • The gross residential floor area (GRFA} of all districts in the Special Development District shall not exceed 124,527 square feet. `T'here shall be a minittium of 1.48 accommodation units and 67, 367 square feet of GRFA devoted to accommodation units in Phase TV and Phase V of Special Development District No. G. 3,927 square feet of GRFA shall be allocated to unit 30 of the Vail Village Plaza Condominiums only. II. Section 11 of Ordinance 14, Series of 1.987 is hereby amended by the addition of subsection 9 which shall read as follows: 9. Condominium unit 30 of the Vail Village Plaza Candom:i.rtiums shall be subject to the restrictions of Section 17.26.075 of the Town of Vail Subdivision Regulations if utilized for residential purposes. The 'l'awn Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety and welfare of the `.['own of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 3. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of tl~is ordinance is for any reason held L-o be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this orditiartce; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ord_i,nance, and eacYz part, section, subsection, sentence, Clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 4. The repeal or the repeal and re-enactment of any provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordnance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed artd re- enacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. • • • INTRODUCED, READ AND PASSED ON FT:I2ST READING THIS 7th day of Nove~riber , 1989, and a public hearing shall be held on this ordinance On the 7th clay Of November 2989 at 7:30 p.m. in tie Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Cola.~a~~a. Ordered published in full this ~ 7th day of NoveEi~ber x.989 . ~/~ Kent R. Rase; Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED passed by Cit1e oniy __ this 2~st day of November , 1989, Kent R. Rase, M`~ya ~~ ,ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyeb, Town Clerk PRC?O~ OF PUSLlCATION STATE OF COLORADO ) )) s5. COUfVTY OF EAGLE i. ALLEN KNOX do solemnly swear that ! am Publisher _ the -.. of THE VAIt. TRAlL that the same is a weekly newspaper printed. In whale or in part and publlst~ed in the County of Eagle. State of Colorado, and has a general clrcuiatlon thr7reln: that said newspaper has boon publlsheci coat€nuously and ~rninterruptadly In said County of Eagle for a period of more than fifty-two consecutive weeks next prior to the first publication of the annexed legal notlce or advartlsement; that sa+d newspaper has been admitted to the United States malls as second class matter under the provisions of the Act of March 9.9 B79, or any amendments thereof, and that spill newspaper is a weekly newspaper duly quail led for publishing legal notices and advertisements within the meaning of the laws of tt~e State of Colorado: That the annexed legal notlce or advertisement was published In the regular and entire Issue of every number of said weekly newspaper for the period of l917~ consecutive Insortlons; and that the first publication of sold notlce was Inthe Issue of sold newspaper dated ~1~ ~''~.~I r,~L ~ ~~ AD, 19 ~ and that the fast pubiicafEon ``o''f'' said notlce was In the issue of said newspaper dated /~LTC/YT-~u~U /d AD: 19~~~ ~l5t. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand thix day of eQ~.eea~~t.~ AD, ~4~ 'l~~ `~ Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary public In and fort a County of Eagle. State of Colorado, this -~~~'~- day of.-,~[.CEaI~-~Ck.; AD. 19 ~~ J tviy commission expires ~ ~ ' ~-~ ~' ~ ~~ 3 ;;Public Nlotice".' ;:;; ,. `rr.:;.~~;,~;~_,DRDINairCE r<O.'4A' ,w~+"'~°; •:'i Ssrlaa al t08o '>' '' ANORDINANC6~AMENDfNd$ECTa7N~eDFr. DRDINANCE NOa'7d, 9ER1ES OF.7987 TO PROVIf~ SDR TH£ AMENDMENT OF DEN3ITY • OFTHEAf'PROYEDDEYELDPMENTDI3TRICT'~ NOw, TIiEREFOR£, BE IT ORDAINED BY~~ THE TOWiV COUNCIL DF T+iE TOwN pF VAII, CDLDRAW, as FaLLOws; ~ ~ :.-:'- sSCTIDN i. LogkiarNa Infant. ~'' ~ ` rr. In 1878, the Vaq Town Council passed OMlnance Na, Ta Settee d 7978, esta6ikhing Spectsl Devetapntent D.ktdcl No. 8 to Insure the : anMled arM ceordkrated d : ~ ~ ~ . t d ar cr{tlcal she ae a whole and M a InMher wrlabla for the area In whKh kwtu ikuffiad. d. Bpaalal DwNopntani Dletrlcl No. 8 provldsd In Baalbn 14 thal the Town Counall neerwe Iha rtgfd m abragffia or moony 3psckl Oevelopmant Dktrlrx No. a lot good cause through the enacsmsnt of an ordinance in coMgrmNy whh the zoning pads b the Town d vall. C. M 1985, the Vsll Town Cgsmdl peered Ordlnattoe rra. 7, 3edes of 9&5 provkring dllefrt ~amendmenu tq the development plan far Spesral DeraldpnlsM Dlurkt No. A. D. M 7997. tM Velf Town Cqundl passed Ordinance No. td, Series M 7987 pravltllnp certaJn errnMmenm tglhe dm :.. :plan Idr ` SRadel Dn ., r~~ . ~ : fxelrkt No. 6. ~ . ~ - E. Applfcatbn Mae been made a tM Tawn a. Yell to moony and amend 9eMlon B ~ 01 Drolnana Na, Id, Sedea of 7097 vrhkh rNffias Iq Ma akow«t danany 6f 1he davrlapnMttt plan la 8peckd oevatapn+am Dktrkt No. 8. ~,. Th• Planning and Envfranmentad Oomtnkslan of the Town d Yall hoe ~, I p~Tfirls Vek Town Cqunck capper thffi the '~amendmeme provrds a more unHlad and aaelhetlralry pkaeing de.- ::., :.l of a cthrcffi eke within the Town and wch amertdmenh are W behefk tb the heenh, eatery and r~akaro of the ` InhabNenp of the Taws d Yak.; ~~' ~ .. ~ - - SECTk)N2,., ' A. Seatlon 19.60.790~DSmky.h~;•here6y arrbndad to read ae ibikvre; ~ ~. . The groeli reekehllel9odr area t(iRFAJ d eA dktrkxs h the Speolat FAVelapment Oktdci shall not ettar7 124,627 equers }set. Yh~rs Mall be . a nilnltnum M 198 laaannladatl6ne Lnha and 87,967 square feat at ORFA devoted to ao., i. 'ai unlm rn Phase IY and Phase V d 3pedal De ~.. ~ DlNrfat No. 8. 0,927 square fast of ORFA shaA be akoaled to UnN 30 , d tM Vak vikege PWa Candadnlurrla ony. B. Sadden 11 of OrdlMnca 74, Saris. ql fPW k lNraby amended brr the addNlon af; aubeac7lon 0 vdr4it aha# road as lokowa• = ' ~... , ' 0. CandomlMurtl UMl 30 W the VffiI VHfapa I Plaze CondamfttWme ehaH.>» t1u4Jed to the' f reffirlgltxp d eeukm 77.28.876 d the Town of:. YaH Subdivlafoa RapuWlona',lf. edl@sd rot reaMentlal W1Qdaaa• .. ... , : ' ~ 9EC71DN x N arty'pin7, >MCtlcr+. ~rlA~ieetlai •' eentanos, claws ar phraaa a1 thh Drd+nartoe k to any rerpon.hsld td 6e IlwrtHd, truth deCl6kn ~, shall rtot'alfect ths;valHNy of the ~rolttaMHlg pdAlanp of tll1• t5rdiriarice: and thr Tarn Council hereby:.dacJsree, H waulQ have passed this '• Ordlnartce, and soot pall, aectbn, eubeedton, . esntence, dead or phrase dwrsol, ragardlees W 'the tact ihet any arp ot`trwia perta, eadlatn, subeedbip, eentettcee:'dawas or phrases I» SEbTKNYd:.ThrTwvn Goundl Marshy Tktde, - ` de7etrtknee arid'dsdusfa'gall.tha;arolnance m - ~.:.rraceassry erd pp- rraappeart for 7fa ~hsahh aateey end -. wekare d (,I1~f~Tpw~bftwral3and Iha inJrebNenm ~`±-S£CTION'6; ~Ths..repaar or~tlla repeal and,:, . reenadmeM of"eny'pravraWi['at the.l+itmVclpal:, ~' •Cafsoi'thaTown`.d~:Va:l~ae^provlded•in~thle'~~ Ordinance`ahsll~nat~dfact.alryrryhc•whmh~ hoar ~~ acortrsd'any.du[y Fmpdeed;arh+~vlakVion~.Thst"~ : ~- oawrrsd prior to:the eHaerWe dale hetad;'eny~ prge9l.Yr110r1 Oarrar'allged~ ner..ir1Y otMr BfilOtl a !': ' ; prdceadinge aa' .:~. :under ar; by vlrtur. . ~: stabs provision; repaaled:or repaeretl~:andz• reanacted.•The~rapeal b any pravhbn~.herabY~-: <~ahell rear r.vHe.eny:provklorl.oranyordinarrce.°., prevVousty repeamd•or?6uperesdetl;xunteeal? r,elfpresety elated harBtn'rci:av.-; -v,-~ ~=;i.sF~ S.,~r;i, iNTRODUCEC; =READ - AND•PA33fA~ O N:,' ~'~FIR3T READINtl AND bRDERED PUBEt9HE4;: ~. ~: DNCE IN FULLahla 7th tlay of N. : , 1989; and a'pubFla, hetv[ng"ehaltbe .herd. on Ihls'~ ordinance on the 7th day.ol November; 1989 at -:: . 7;3a p.rtl: in the Caundr Crremban d the-.Vall.• ,. ~rMun~IpalBulklnp,rVeh:COioratln.°:,'.";,'.~:..'„~_'~ - c5&Eh.,,r ro,~ gc~Kw..TOWNOFVAk., -.~''. ~e - Kent R: Rage •; ~•: Mayor _, ~. ATTE3T: .. :'~ j~, 'PamemA.Blandpgre~r'A j?"Y ~~~'~«~ Y:~~ ' ~Tawn Cmdt.- ~i:t~ T `"' ` +- Pubkehad IRTha Vak Trak on' ..~ ~t0„199e n l - • 'fir;,' ~ ".~:cii::' t - ~"i%~c,i.l+ :.>@~ '~ e ~. ~. ~m W _ ~ ~ ~~`r"O_Q~a@ C r~r ~, -r 7 ~, C4 ~ ~ ~ Q. fl ~ r cn n ~ ~ ~,3 ~ o Q 5Z, ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ o~~n?~mc~. fir. ~, ~"• t] ~ m ~ ~,,c~ C? ~, a ~ `~ { ~ y ~ ~ ~ Q p fl.~ C7 d- ~ D ~ s. ~ a ~ ~ c3o~o [f~~~~~i o ~ ~~~ a~ -~ ~~~ ~~ ~a o ~ ~ ~, ~" $ ~ c ~~Apy ~. ~~~~~~ pzm~~~p 9 Qy' S 'fl ~ < ~ "~ ~ ~-' N©"a ~~" m~~z ~ ~ o m'~ n® p`~.~o ~T ~'°~ F,