HomeMy WebLinkAbout1990-45 Repealing and Reenacting Ordinance No. 10, Series 1990 to Provide Changes to Area D Requirements that Concern the Phasing Plan for Site Improvements for Area Dr~ 1 i ~ ~ ,.ti. ORDINANCE N0. 45 ~ ' Series of 1990 ~ ~~~ AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AND REENACTING ORDINANCE NO. 1U, SERIES OF 1990, TO PROVIDE C1IANGES TO AREA D REQUIREMENTS TI[AT CONCERN T}iE PIiASING PLAN FOR SITE IMPROVEMENTS FOR AREA D; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS xN REGARD TfiERE'I'O WHEREAS, Chapter 1.8.40 a~ the Vail Municipal Code authorizes Special Development Districts within the Town; and W13EREA5, the Tawn Council approved Ordinance 10, Series of 1990 Special Development District No. 4; and W1iEREAS, Glen Lyon Office Building, a Colorado Partnership, has requested to amend the existing Special Development District No. 4, Area D; and W1iE1t1aAS, tine Planning and Environmental Commission has recommended tlrat cextain Gtzanges be made to Special Development District No. 4; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers that it is reasonable, appropriate, and beneficial tv the '1'vwn and its citizens, inhabitants, and visitors to repeal and reenact Ordinance No. lU, Series of 1990 to provide for such changes in Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Vi11a~e. NOW, THEREFORE, IIE 1'.C ORDAINED 13Y THE TOWN COZlNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORAI]O, T11A'P: Ordinance No. 1U, Series of 1990, is hereby repealed and ~. reenacted, as fol~.nw5: Section 1. Amendment Procedures Fulfilled, Plannina Commission Renart. The approval procedures described in Chapter 18.40 of the Vail Municipal Code have been fulfilled, and the Town Council has rQCeived the report of the Planning and Environmental Commission recommending approval of the proposed development plan for Special Development District No. 4. Section 2. Sbeci~l Development District No. 4'~~~~ Special DevElopmetYt District No. 4 and the development plans therefore are hereby approved for the development of Special ~,.' 1 y Y ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ I ra~ ~ ! ~~.,Development.~District No, 4 within the Town of Vail. ,. Seetion 3'' ' 4 Chapter 18.46 Special Development District No. 4, Cascade Village, ia~hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments to read as follows: 18.46,010 g,~rnose . Special Development District No. 4 is established to ensure comprehensive development and use of an area in a manner that will be harmonious with the general character of the Town, provide adequate open space and recreational amenities, and promote the objectives oP the Town of Vail Comprehensive Plan. Special Development District No. 4 is created to ensure that the development density will .be relatively low and suitable for the area and the vicinity in which it is situated, the development 16 regarded as complementary to the Town by the Town Council and the Planning Commission, and because there are significant aspects of the Special Development District which cannot be satisfied through the imposition of standard zoning districts on the area. 18.46.020 Definitions For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply: A. "Special attraction" shall be defined as a museum, seminar or research center or performing ar~.s theater or cultural center. H. "Transient residential dwelling canit or restricted dwelling unit" sha11 be defined as a dwelling unit located'~in a multi-family dwelling that is managed as a short term rental in which all such units are operated under a single management providing the occupants thereof customary hots]. services and facilities. A short term rental shall be deemed to be a rental. for a period of time not to exceed 37, days. Sach unit shall not exceed 645 square feet of GRFA which shall include 2 t ~~ 4 ~ t~ ' ~,I a kitchen having a maximum of 35 square feet, The kitchen shall be designed so that it may be locked and separated from the rest of the unit in a closet. A transient dwelling unit shall be accessible from common corridors, walks, ar balconies without passing through another accommodation unit, dwelling unit, or 2 transient residential dwelling unit. Should such units be developed as condominiums, they shall be restricted as set forth in section 17.26.075--17.2G.120 governing condominium conversion. The unit shall not be used as a permanent residence. Fractional fee ownership shall not be allowed to be applied to transient dwelling units. Fnr the purposes of determining allowable density per acre, transient residential dwelling units shall be counted as oa~e half a£ a dwelling unit. The transient residential. dwelling unit paz3cing requirement s}xall be 0.4 space per unit plus 0.1 space per each 100 square feet of GRFA with a maximum of 1.0 space per unit. 18.46.D30 Established A. Spacial Ocvelol~inent District No. 4 is establishet~ for the development on a parcel aL land comprising 97.955 acres as more particularly described in the attached Exhibit A. Special. Development District No. 4 and the 97.955 acres may be referred to as "SllD4." B. The district shall. consist of four separate development areas, as identified in this ordinance consisting of the following approximate sizes: ' Area Known As Development Area Acreage, Cascade Village A 17.955 Coldstream Condominiums B 4.000 Glen Lyan Duplex Lats C ~ 29.1gD Glen Lyan commercial site D ~ 1.SOD Dedicated Open Space 90.400 Roads 4'700 97.955 1E3.46.04D Development Plan--Required--Approval Procedure A. Each development axea with the exception of Development 3 a Areas A and D shall be subject to a single development plan .; Development Area A shall be allowed to have two developme:.~. pl~ss~ for the Waterford, Cornerstnne, Millrace 1V and Cascade Club sites as approved by the Town Council. Development Area D shall. be allowed to develop per~the approved phasing plans as approved by the Town Council. The developer shall have the right to proceed with the development plans nr scenarios as defined in Section 18.46.103 B-F. H, Amendments to SDD4 shall comply with the procedures outlined in Section 18.40. C. Each phase of development shall xequire, prior to issuance ofi building perm~.ts, approval of the Design Review Board in accordance with applicable provisions of Chapter 18.52. Permitted flees pl. Area A. Cascade 'V'i].]ac~g_, 1. First flnnr commercia]. uses shall be limited to uses listed in 18.24.030 A-C, The "first floor" or "street level." shall be defined a8 that Haar of th~a building that is located at grade or street level; 2. All other floor levels besides first floor or street level may include retail, theater, restaurant, and affiice except that no professional or business office shall be located on street level or first floor (as defined in Section 18.24.030 A of the Town of Vail. zoning cads in Area A) unless it is clearly accessory to a lodge or educational institution except for an offiice space having a maximum square footage of 925 square feet located on the first floor an the northwest corner of the Plaza Conference Center building; 4 . ~ ~ ~ ~ ' 3. Lodge; 4. Multi-family dwelling; 5. Transient residential dwelling unit; ~. smployee dwelling as defined in Section I8.46.220; 7. Cascade Club addition of a lap pool or gymnasium. B. Area B, Coldstream Condominiums 1.. Two--family dwelling; 2. Multi-family dwelling. C. ,A,rea C. Glen Lvan Dublex Lots 1. Single family dwelling; 2. Two-family dwelling. D. Area D. Glen Lvon Commercial Site 1. Retail; 2, Restaurant and bar; 3. Business and professional offices; 4. Multi-family dwelling; 5. Employee dwelling as defined in Section ~.8.46.22D. .18.46.060 cond itional Uses Condition al uses shall be reviewed per the procedures as outlined in Chapter 18.60 of the Town of Vail zoning code. ,7~. Area A. Cascade Village 1. Cascade Club addition of a wellness center not to exceed 4,500 square feet. 2. Fractional fee ownership as defined in the Town of Vail Municipal Code, Section 3.S.OA.135 s}tiall be a conditional use for dwelling units in the Westhaven multi-family dwellings. Fractional fee ownership sha11 not be applied to restricted f employee dwelling units or transient residential dwelling units. ownership intervals shall not be less than five weeks. 3. Special attraction; 4. ski lifts; 5. Public park and recreational facilities; 5 ~~• t • 6. Major arcades with no frontage on any public way, street, walkway or mall area. B. area B. Coldstream Condominiums 1'. Public park and recreational facilities; 2. Ski lifts. C. Area C, Glen Lvon Du»7.ex Tots 1. Public park and recreational facilities; 2. Ski lifts. D. Area D. Glen Lvon Commercial Site ~.. Micro-brewery as defined in Town oP va31 Municipal code, Section 18.04.253 18.46.b70 Accessorv Uses A. area A. Cascade Villacre 1. Minor arcade. 2. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Sections 1s.58.13o through 3. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, pati.as, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. 4. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted ar conditional uses, and necessary far the operation thereof. 5. Swimming pools, tennis courts, patios or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted or conditional uses, and ,necessary to the operation thereof. F3, Area R. Coldstream Condo~niu~ns 1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provieiona of Sections 18,58.130 through G `. .~ ~. . 2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, patias, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses. 3. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 4. Swimming pools, tennis courts, patios or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary to the operation thereof. C. Area C. Glen Lvon Duplex Lots 1. Home occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of Sections 1.$.58.130 through 18.58,190. 2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, patias, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental.to permitted residential uses, 3. other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. D. Area D. Glen Lvon Commercial Site 1. }lame occupations, subject to issuance of a home occupation permit in accordance with the provisions of 5ectians 16.58.130 through 2. Attached garages or carports, private greenhouses, swimming pools, tennis courts, patias, or other recreational facilities customarily incidental to permitted residential uses, 3. Other uses customarily incidental and accessory to permitted or conditional uses, and necessary for the operation thereof. 4. Minor arcade. 7 r .~ 16.46.080 Location of Business Activity A. All offices, businesses, and services permitted by Sections ].8.46.050 through sha11 be operated and conducted entirely within a building, except far permitted unenclosed parking or loading areas, and the autdaar display of goads. B. The area to be used for outdoor display must be located directly in front of the establishment displaying the goads and entirely upon the establishment's own property. Sidewalks, building entrances and exits, driveways and streets shall not be obstructed by outdoor display. 18.46.090 p"ensitv--Dwellina Un3.t~. The number of dwelling units shall net exceed the following: A. Area A. Cascade villaae Two hundred eighty-three point five (283.5) dw~:lling unite, with a minimum of three hundred thirty-eight (338) accommadatian units or transient residential dwelling units and a maximum of ninety-nine {99) dwelling units as defined by the table in Section 18.46.103 A-D. B. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums Sixty-five (65) dwelling units C. Area C. Glen Lvon Duplex Lots One-hundred four (104) dwelling units. D. Area D. Glen Lvon Commercial Site Three dwelling units, two of which sha11 be employee dwelling units as defined by the table in Section 1$.46.103F. Density--Floor Area A. Area A. Cascade V3.llaae The gross residential floor area for all buildings shall not exceed 289,445 square feet, except that the total maximum GRFA shall not exceed 292,245 square feet if Millrace IV Scenario 2 (32 A.U.'s) is constructed. 8 '~ H. Area 8. Coldstream Cr~ndaminiums Sixty-five thousand square feet (65,gOQ s.f.} GRFA. .-, C. Area c. Glen Lvan Du~aleex Lots GRFA shall be calculated for each lot per Section lg,l3.D80 density control A and B for the Primary/Secondary district of the Town of Vail municipal code. U. ~ J1rea U. Glen Lvon Commercial Site The gross residential floor area for the two employee dwelling Units eha11 be 795 square feet and 900 square feet respectively, The grass residential floor area for the free market dwelling unit shall be 1,630 square feet. 18.46.102 Cammercia~, Square Footage 11. Urea ]1. Cascade Village Area l1 shall not exceed 56,53a square feet of commercial. area. Commercial uses include retail, office, ttae~,ter, restauranL•, uses listed 1n Section 18.46.050 A-1, and the special attraction use. B• Area d. Glen Lvon Commercial Site Area U shall not exceed 16,730 square feet of office far Phase I, ZA & II ar 15,584 square feet of office for Phase III per the approved development plans. The micro-brewery and associated uses shall be co»structed per the approved development plan. ,18.46.103 Devel.at~ment Statistics for Area A. Cascade ~illaae. and Area d. Glen Lvon Commercial. Site . ,,, . v. t' 9 f •a.,•... ~ ~ r ~ ,.:~1 ~ I ' ~ . ,,..., .~ . ~ .. , ~ 1 • ~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 70 ~ a' 1 ! n a -~ r, _ w ~ G ~ ~ "' ~ ."1i ~ H "~ 4y 1 ~' N ~'' a 7 f.~ ~ ~^ '9 ' q 1 ~ .;. ""' 1 N A M ~ ~ m , ~ • ~n c ~ ~ m C~ t'7 • ~ 1 ~ i I ' • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~... cn b C GD lMl1 ~ ~ ~ w V Pi ~ 1 ~ ~~"-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ r C .7 ~ 1 ~ [ cn Q p O ... .-. lri ~ C7- t/1 M .A yti ~ .N V M O ~ q ~ lYl ~ ~ .A 1a .~ .W N y1 ro IA fD p r W ` Pr y~ fy' N ~ ~ ~ r ~ • ~ C7 ~ Q ~ ~ a O ~ O Q Q C7 ~ W -~ti ""' "'~ C 7 ~ .~ N •"* A f~1 w w Gi d A A O ~ C~i Ca n ~ .. ~ ~ ~ .p C] W W ~ 7 ~ C l w ci m m r ~ • 1Q ti -~ n•. ' ~ I~ ' ~ ~ -b ~ c cs ~ sy ~ ri r 7a n ~ w n ~n re o ~ n a r q' N ~ F+ ~, ~ r~ ~ 4t r1 ~ r~r ~ ii ~ w . r ro ~ w `7 ~ ' !+ N ~ ~ n w (b v N fV ~! ~ .u. ~ N w H V y ~ N tJ W ~ m UO tb U l Ql fJ0 fV 4 Vl b f3 ~[] ~1 • W C! C:1 O Q C? Q ~ d O W ~ .~ . ~, 1 1 ' ti. 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RJ1 ^fr to d In -~. >~ .~ C3 w fD Gv ~ ~ "i f~ i'1 II ..+. «.+. ~' ~ N w o ~ v - r r f.ri t ~ "t ~ o. rr -+• ~ .-+. w K t~ ~ b N rt ~ ~ n -t ro fP N 15 'U n ro ~ 1.l1 ~ r=~ --s O m~ `C1 ~a -u m c.. n m tail -m-I ~, u' r.., --. 4 N v, o 1--• f-• GC7 ;a v .. -~+ F~-• ---' la O Ul W ~, ~ V V ;~ ts~ ~ N U- I rn W ~; i r fi"7 • • +-~ , c t"" ~ • c• rn .~ r., f~ •C • 'L7 . ~ rn -=f ["7 C: C I^~ ~ m t~ ~ r"7 ~) ~ ~ ~ C l~ Cx7 'tl ~ C . ~ ~ ^~- m n _ ~ Y*- f+ •r 'i7 C H µ ^~ i 1 K to .~ .... 1-' N ~ CI N M N .• ~~~~i,~ :vCf~'1 . . ..... G'i ~ --i m ~ a~, ~ „• _~ ~ ~ . N .A ~• L.l v~ iV ~. 1V 1k 1 E. Development Contrc._~ , Area Units GRFA (Acres, 16 DU/Acre (.351 Origina]. Parcel 55.68 252.00 256,437 Robbins Parcel ~ 1.23. 19.6E 18x752 Cosgriff Parcel' ~~1.045 ~.~ 16.7, X:~,~32 , 17.955 288.40 291,121 F. DEVELOPMENT FOR AREA D. GZ~EN LXON COMMERCIAL SITE SDD ~4, AREA D DEVELOPMENT SQUARE FOOTAGE AND PARKING PER TOWN DF VAIL REQUIREMENTS FEBRUARY 26, 1990 PHASE Ia PIiASE I,Ia & IZ PHASE I,Ia,II AND III DEVELOPMF~T pEVELOPMENT~VELOPMENT Sq.Ft,/Parking: Sq.Ft. / Parking Sq.Ft. / Parking Glen Lyon office Bldg. (Existing) Zo,15o 40.6 30,150 40.6 10,35D 40.6 PHASE TA Glen Lyon Office Bldg. 400 3.6 400 1.6 400 1.6 PHASE I ~ , Glen Lyon Bldg. -- Office 0 2,400 9,6 2,800 ,9.6 PHASE II Micro-Brewery -Office 0 3,780 15.1 2,634 10.5 -Reception/ Museum fl 480 0.0 480 0,0 Retail 0 175 .6 BB5 3.0 -Fermentation/ Brewhouse 0 970 O.0 1,406 0.0 -Beer Hall 0 3,700 38.8* 1,700 18.8* (150 seats) {150 seats) -Brew Pub 0 1,380 10.0* 1,380 10.0* (80 seats) (80 seats) SUBTOTAL 10,550W 42.2 ..21,435 9G.3 21,435 94.1 PHASE III East Building -2 Employee units o o a. 0 1, 695 4 . f1 -~. Dwe~.ling Unit 0 0 0.0 1,630 2.0 -Office 0 0 0.0 2,400 9.6 SUBTOTAL 0 0 0.0 3,325 15.6 TOTAL COMMERCIAL AND RESIDENTIAL SQUARE FOOTAGE AND PARKING: 21,435 96.3 24,760 110.0 *USED HIGHEST PARKING REQ. POSSIBLE BASED ON SEATING 16 ` ~ ~.1 ~ I 18.46.104 Develanment Plans Site specific development plans are approved for Area A and Area D. The development plans far Area A are comprised q~ those plans submitted by Vail Ventures, Ltd. The development plans far Area D are comprised of those plans submitted by the Glen Lyon Office Building, a Colorado Partnership. The following documents comprise the development plan for each area: 1. Cascade Village Master Plan and Building Height, Roma, 1D/10/88. 2. Waterford and Cornerstone Floor Plans, Roma, 10/10/86, p 1-9. 3. Waterford and Cornerstone Sections, Roma, 10/10/88. 4. Waterford Landscape Plan, Roma, 10/10/88. 5. Waterford Summer Solstice, Roma, 10/10/88. G. Waterford Sate Plan, Roma, 10/10/k38, 7. Waterford Elevations, Roma, 10/10/88. 8. Waterford Winter Solstice, Roma, 3.0/10/88. 9. Waterford East Elevation kieight Analysis, Roma, 9/28/88. lo. Cornerstone Site plan, Roma, 10/10/88. 11. Cornerstone Elevations, Roma, 1U/l0/88, p. 1-3. 12. Cornerstone Sun/Shade, 10/10/88. 13. Cascade Entry Rendering, Rama, 10/10/88. 14. Cascade Chita Addition Site Plan, Roma, 10/10/88. 15. Cascade Club Floor Plan, Roma, 10/10/88. 16. Millrace IV (32 A.U.'s) Plan, Rama, 10/10/88. 17. Millrace IV (32 A.U.'s) Floor Plans, Roma, 10/10/88. 18. Survey, a part of Cascade Village, Eagle Valley Engineering, Leland Leahner, 6/8/87. 19. Site Coverage Analysis, Eagle Valley Engineering, 1x/10/68. 20. Cascade Village Special Development District Amendment and Environmental Impact Report: Peter Jamar Associates, Ina., Revised 11/22/88. 17 ty,...~ 2/22/9x. 2. Landscape Plan for Area D, Geodesign by Sherry ;Dorward, h~ 2/22/90. 3. Area D elevations, Geodesign by Sherry Dorward, 2/9/90. 4. Vail Micro-brewery, Seracuse, Lawler, and Partners, Danner, CO., sheets A2.1, A2.2, A2.3, A3,1, A3.2, A4.1, A4.2, dated 1/8/90 and sheet A2.4 dated 12/13/89. 5. Vail Brewery Roof Study, Frank Freyer, 7./8/90. 6. Glen Lyon Parking Garage Floor Pions and Site Plan, Roma, 11/28/8$. 7. Glen Lyon Parking Garage 9ecti,ons/Elevation, Roma, 11/28/88. 8, Glen Lyon Condominium, Roma, 11/28/86. 9. Glen Lyon Condominium East Bui~.ding, Roma, ]. ]./28/88. ].0. Decal[ Enalosu~re (PriaBe IA} to al.en Lyon O~i~ioe pui.lding, Pierce, segerberg and Bpaeh, 9/20/90. 11. Landscape Plan, Phase IA Desk Enclosure, Pierce, Sagerberg an8 Bpaeh, x.2/6/90. 12. Office Addition to Glen Lyon office Building, Bti~f Arnold/Ned Gwathmey Architects August 25, 1989 Sheets Area D. Glen Lvon Commercial Site i . ..~ 7.. Area D Master Site Plan', Geodesign by Sherry Dorward, Al through A4. 13. Cascade Village S] and Environmental Associates, Inc., Samar Assoc~.ates, 14. Deceleration lane { -~ aecial Development Distx'ict Amendment Impact Report: Peter J'amar Revised 11/22/86. Letter from Peter Inc., dated January 16, 1990. design for South Frontage Road, RBD, October 16, 1988 as approved by Co. Div. of Hgwys. 15. A resubdivision of Lot 54 amended plat Glen Lyon Sub-- division, Eagle Valley Surveying Inc. as approved by T.O.V. 16. Vail Brewery Parking Analysis, TDA Colorado, Tnc., August 10, 7.988 and Vail Brewery Parlcing Analysis Update, TBA Colorado, Inc., January 16, 1990 pages 1-6. la I 18.46.110 Development Standards The development standards set out in Sections 18.46.120 through 18.46.180 are approved by the Town Council. These standards shall be incorporated into the approved development plan pertinent to each development area to protect the integrity of the development of SDD4. They are minimum development standards and sha11 apply unless more restrictive standards are incorporated in the approved development plan which is adopted by the Town Council. 18.4G.120 Setbacks A. ,Area A. Cascade Vi1l,aae Required setbacks sha11 be as indicated in each develapmerzt plan with a minimum setback on the periphery of the property of not less than twenty feet, with the exception that the setback requirement adjacent to the existing Cascade parking structure/athletic club building shall be two feet as approved on >"ebruary 8, 1982, by the Planning anti Environmental Commission. All buildings shall maintain a 5Q foot stream setback From Gore Creek. The Waterford and Cornerstone buildings shah. maintain a 20 foot setback from the north edge of the recreational path along Gore Creek. B. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums Required setbacks shall be as indicated on the development plan. C. Area C, Glen Lvon Dublex Lots Required setbacks shall be governed by Section , 18.13.060 Setbacks of the Primary/Secondary zone district of the Town of Vail Municipal Cade. D. Area D. Glen Lvon Commercial Site Required setbacks shall be as indicated on the appx-aved development plans. 19 Heiq~t A. For the purposes of SDD4 calculations of height, height shall mean the distance measured vertically from the existing grade or finished grade (whichever is more restrictive), at any given point to the top of a flat roof, or mansard roof, or to the highest ridge line of a sloping roof unless otherwise specified in approved development plan drawings. B. Area ~,. Cascade Villarre ~.. The maximum height far the Westin Hertel, CMC Learning Center, Terrace Wing, Plaza Conference Building and Cascade parking Structure/Athletic Club is 7~, feet. 2. Cornerstone Building: Maximum height of 71 feet. 3. Waterford Building: Maximum height of 48 feet as measured from finished grade to any portion of the roof clang the north elevation (South Frontage Road) and west elevation (Westhaven Drive). A maximum height of 40 feet as measured from the lowest floor of the parking structure to the roof save is approved for the south and east building elevations. A maximum height of 61 feet as measured from the Lowest floor of the parking structure to the roof ridge is approved for the south and east building elevations. 4. Westhaven Building: A maximum of 55 feet. 5. Millrace IIY: A maximum of 98 feet. 6. Millrace IV: A maximum of 48 feet. ` 7. Cascade Club Addition: A maximum of 26 feet. 8. Cascade Entry Tower: A maximum of 36 feet. 9. Ths remainder of buildings in Area A shall have a maximum height of 48 feet. C. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums The maximum height shall be 98 feet. 20 ~~ D. area C. Glen Lvon Dualex Lots The maximum height shall be 33 feet far a sloping roof and 30 feet for a flat or mansard roof. E. area D. Glen Lvon Commercial Site 51~ of the roof shall have a height between 32 and 4p feet. 49~ of the roof area shall have a height under 32 feet. On the perimeter of the buildings for Area D, height is measured from finished grade up to any point of the roof. On the interior area of any building, height is measured from existing grade up to the highest point of the roof. Development plan drawings shall constitute the height allowances for Area U. 18.46,160 Caveraae Tn Areas A and B, no more than 350 of the total site area shall be covered by buildings, provided, if any portion of the area is developed as an institutional or educational center, 450 of the area may be covered. Tn Area C, no more than 25$ of the total site area shall be covered by buildings, unless the more restrictive standards of Chapter 1x.69 of the Vail Municipal Code apply. in Area D, rio more than 37~ of the total site area shall be caver.ed by buildings and the parking structure. 13.46.170 Landscanina At least the following propartians of the total development area shall be landscaped as provided in the development plan. This shall include retention of natural landscape, if appropriate. Areas A and B, fifty percent, and in Areas C and D, sixty percent, of the area shall be landscaped. 18.46.180 Parkina and Loading A. area A. Cascade Village 1. Off-street parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 18.52, except that 75~ of the required parking in Area A shall be located within a parking structure or buildings. TF the development table in Section 18,46.103 is amended, 21 Cascade Club parking structure and a minimum of 122 underground spaces in the Waterford structure. 3. The Cascade and Waterford parking structures shall be considered to be one parking structure for the purposes of calculating the mixed-use credit for parking spaces. Bath parkl.ng structures shal.i be managed as one entity. A 17.5 percent mixed--use credit per the Town of Vail parking code, Section has been applied to the total number of required parking spaces combined in the Cascade and Waterford structures. Alternative development plans or scenarios which require additional. structured parking shall require an expansion of the Waterford parking structure below ground parking structures. At the time a building permit , application is submitted to the Town of Vaal Community Development Department for the Waterford building and parking structure, the developer shall be required to make a final decision as to which development scenarios shall be used for the Cornerstone, Waterford, Millrace ZV and the Cascade Club addition. 'A temporary certificate of 22 the parking requirements shall be amended accordingly, 2. There shall be a total of 423. spaces in the main level. . 4. The third floor of the Cascade parking structure shall not be used to meet any parking requirements for accommodation units, transient residential dwelling units, employee dwelling units or dwelling units. 5. Phasing: A11 required parking far Cornerstone, Waterford, Millrace ~V Scenario 2 (32 A.U.'s}, and the Cascade Club Wellness Center Addition Scenario 1 shall be provided in the Cascade or Waterford occupancy shall not be released for any portion of the Cornerstone, Waterford, Millrace 1V Scenario 2 (32 A.U.'s) nr Cascade Club Wellness addition, Scenario 1 which relies on required parking being provided in the Waterford parking structure until the Waterford parking structure has received a temporary certificate of occupancy from the Town of Vail Building Department. 6. Seventy--five percent of the required parking sha11 be located within the main building or buildings and hidden from public view from adjoining properties within a landscaped berm for Westhaven Condominiums, Millrace TII, and Millrace xV Scenario 1. 7. A].l loading and dexivery sha11 be located within buildings or as approved in the development plan. B. Area B. Coldstream Condominiums Fifty percent of the required parking shall be located within the main building or buildings and hidden fxom public view from adjoining properties within a landscaped berm. C. Area C. Glen Lvon Duplex Lots Off-~;treet parking shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 18.52, D. Area D. Glen Lvan Commercial Site 1. Phase x, xA and zI shall include So surface parking spaces plus 6 valet parking spaces on the east end of the surface parking iot. Phase TA , shall include 2 additional required parking spaces 'oar a total of 43 required parking spaces. 2. Phase x11 shall include a minimum of 108 parking spaces, A minimum of 10b spaces shall be located in the parking structure, All required parking for the east building shall be provided on-site per Tawn of Vail parking requirements per Section 23 18.52.1DD for residential and office use. A minimum of eleven spaces shall be located in the garage of the east building and a maximum of ~ ,~.. . ; ~ ~ surface spaces shall be located adjacent to the east building. 3. Area D development shall meet the operational ' requirements outlined in the TDA Colorado znc. Report, Section Parking Analysis Considerations, January lfi, ~.99D. Parking Analysis Considerations pages 1-B. ~. Valet parking shall be prohibited on the west end of the surface parking lot. 5, The Brew Pub shall not be open to the public until after 4:30 p.m. for Phase z and II Monday through Friday. When Phase 1TI development occurs including the parking structure, the brew pub may operates during the weekdays once the parking structure is available for public use. b. The Beer Hall shall not operate or be used by the public before 4:30 p.m. on weekdays, Monday through Friday at any time, 7. Once the parking structure is constructed, the parking and access to Area D shall be managed per the TDA Parking Report, Parking Management Section, pages 6 and 7, August 10, 1988, and TDA Report, Vail Brewery Parking Analysis Update, dated January 16, 199D, both written by Mr. David Leahy. e. No loading or delivery of goods shall be allowed on the public right-af-way along the South Frontage Raad adjacent to the Area n development. 9. The owner of the property and brewery management shall prohibit semi.-truck and trailer truck traffic to the Glen Lyan Commercial site. The only truck loading that shall be allowed to the 24 1 site shall be vans having a maximum length of 22 feet. Recreation Amenities Tax Assessed The recreational amenities tax due far the development within SDD4 under Chapteac 3.20 shall be assessed at a rata not to exceed twenty-five cents per square foot of the floor area in Development Area A; and at a rate not to exceed fifty cents per square foot of GRFA in Development Area ~3; and at a rate not to exceed fifteen cents per square foot of GRFA in Development Area C; and at a rate not to exceed severity-five cents per square foot of floor area in Development Area D~ and shall be paid in conjunction with each construction phase prior to the issuance of building permits, 18,4G.200 Conservation anr~ Pallutian Controls. A. Tt~e developer's drainage plan shal.~. include a provision for prevention of pollution from surface runoff. B. T}ie developer shall include in the building construction, energy and water conservation controls as general technology exists at the time of construction. C. The number of fireplaces permitted shall be as set Earth in Section 8.26.030 of the Town of Vail Municipal as amended. D. If fireplaces are provided within the development, they must be heat efficient through the use of glass enclosures and heat circulating devices as technology exists at the time of development. ~. All water features within Development Area A shall have aver£low storm drains per the recommendation of the Environmental Impact Report by Samar Associates an Page 34. F. All parking structures shall have pollution control devices to prevent oil and dirt from draining into Gare Greek. G. In Area D, a manhole on the brewery service line shall 25 • • be provided sa that the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated sanitation District may monitor BpD strength. H. In Area D, the brewery management shall not operate the brewery process during temperature inversions. It ;shall be the brewery owners responsibility to monitor inversions. T. All trash compactors and trash storage areas shall be completely enclosed within Special Development District 4. J. Protective measures sha31 be used during construction to prevent sail erasion into Gore Creek, particularly when construction occurs in Areas A and D. K. The two employee dwelling units in Area D shall only be allowed to have gee fireplaces that meet the Town of Vail ordinances governing fireplaces. 18.6.210 Additional Amenities and Conditions of Apnxoval for Snec3.a1 Develooment Dtstri.ct Na. ~. A. The developer shall provide or work with the Town to provide adequate private transp©rtation services to the owners and guests so as to transport them from the development to the Village Core area and Lionshead area as outlined in the approved development plan. B. Developer shall provide in its approved development plan a bus shelter of a design and location mutuall-y agreeable to developer and Town Council. Said shelter to serve the area generally. C. Area A, Cascade Village 1. The developer shall be responsible for providing a break--away Ballard far the emergency access road between Eagle Paiute and Westhaven Drive. The design of the bollard shall ha mutually acceptable to the developer and Town of Vail. This improvement shall be constructed when a building permit is requested fur the Cornerstone, Millrace ZII, Millrace IV, Westhaven Condominiums, 25 ~- s ~~ Waterford buildings, ar Cascade Club addition. The bollard shall be included in the permit plans. The bollard sha11 be constructed subsequent to the issuance of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy far the Cornerstone, Millrace TII, Millrace TV, Westhaven Candaminiums, Waterford buildings, or Cascade Club addition. 2. The developer shall construct a sidewalk that begins at the entrance to the Cascade Club along Westhaven Drive and extends to the west in front of the Westhaven building to connect with the recreational path to Donavan Park. The walk shall be constructed when a building permit is requested for Westhaven Candaminiums. The sidewalk shall be part o€ tl3e buildi~~g permit plans. The sidewalk shall be constructed subsequent to the .issuance of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy far Westhaven Condominiums. 3. 'i'he developer shall provide 1116-year floadplain information for the area adjacent to the Waterford and Cornerstone buildings to the Town of Vail Community Development Department before building permits are released for either project. 4. The conditions far Area A in Sections 18.46.02 B, 18.46.180 A. ~.-7, 18.4b.200 A - F, T, J, f C, 1-3, and 16.46.220 shall be set Earth in restrictive covenants subject to the approval of the Tawn Attorney and once sa approved shall be recorded on the land records of Eagle County. The developer shall be responsible far submitting the written conditions to the Town Attorney far approval before a building permit is 27 4,,,~ ., r r~ .r'~ Millrace xV, Westhaven Condominiums, Waterford buildings, or Cascade Club Addition. D. Area U, vle,~ Lyun Commercial. Site 1. The developer shall agree to construct a bus lane per Town of Vail standards in the area of the porte-cochere of the Micro-brewery in Area D. The specific location for the bus lane shall be mutually agreed to by the Area D owner and/or develnper,•Cnlorado Division of Highways, and Town of Va3.l. The bus lane shall be constructed subsequent to the issuance of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy far either the brewery addition, Df~~Ce expansion @XC1Lt[~ing Phew TA, east office building, or parking structure. The developer and/or owners of area D shall be responsible for maintainincl the new bus lane, inc7.uding snow removal. If the lane is not maintained properly or snout removal is not adequate, the Town will not provide bus service to the site. 2. The developer shall relocate the existing bike path on Area © and provide a new bike path easement across the Glen Lyon property and CDOH property per the development plan for Area D. The bike path shall be constructed per Town of Vail standards. The bike path shall be constructed subsequent to the issuance of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for either the brewery addition, office expansion excsluding Phase IA, east office building, or parking structure. Such temporary certificate of occupancies shall be conditional upon construction of the bike path provided for herein. The bike path easement shall 28' ~ « ~~ provided for herein. The bike path easement shall be replotted and approval obtained from the Town council prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for either the Brewery addition, office expansion ~:xcludinq Phase IA, east office building or parking structure. 3. The developer shall underground the electrical utilities along the north side of the Glen Lyon property from the northwest corner of the property to the northeast corner of the property. This utility work shall be constructed subsequent to the issuance of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for the office expansion as described in Phase IA. 4. The developer shall be responsible for relocating the 20 foot utility easement on the western portion of Development Area D as well as obtaining approval from the Town of Vail far the relocated utility easement before a building permit is released for the micro_brewery additioa~, 5. The developer of the Glen Lyon office property shall not file any remonstrance or protest against the formation of a local improvement distract of other financing mechanism approved by the Vail Town Council which may be established for the purpose of building road improvements for the South Frontage Road. 6. The developer shall provide a fire hydrant per Town of Vail Fire Department requirements on the northwest portion of the property. The specific location far the fire hydrant shall be approved by the Vail Fire Department. The fare hydrant shall be provided subsequent to the issuance 29 of a building permit and prior to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for the brewery addition, office expansion exal.uding ]?hale IA, east office building, or parking structure. 7. The Developer shall construct a deceleration lane along South Frontage Raad per the CDOI~ access permit. The developer shall submit plans fdr the South Frontage Road improvements to the Town of Vail Engineer f'or review and approval before a building permit is released for either Phase x exolud3.ng Phase IA, II, or III construction. 8. The conditions for Area D in sections 18.96.180 D, 18:96.200 A, D, F -- K, 18.96.21Q D, 1--7, and 18.96.220 shall be set forth in restrictive Attorney and once so approved shall be recorded an the land records o£ Eagle County. The developer shall be responsible for submitting the written conditions to the Town Attorney for approval before a building permit shall be issued far the Micro-brewery, office expansion excluding Phaste IA, east office building, or parking structure. 9. The minor subdivision for Area D shall be developed per the following conditions: a. The development of parcels A, 8, C, and D, shal.~. be limited to the SDD 9 development plan and governed by the SDD 9 ordinance as approved by the Town of Vail and an ;file with the Department of Community Development or as amended and approved by the Community, Development Department, Planning and Environmental Commission, and/or the Vail Town council. as ~~ covenants subject to the approval of the Town .e,Oxg~+tf.i1lEtlliS..~~~... ~~•..~ ~ ~ ~1Y"iNr'Rn~nt••r•....rK~.~..~, s ~ ~~ b. The minor subdivision plat shall include a statement that development of the four parcels shall be governed by the approved SDD 4 development plan far area D and governing ordinances. c. The Community Development Department and Town of Vail Attorney shall have the right to review and require changes in any "Agreements of Tenants in Common", "Conveyance of Easement and Party wall Agreements", and any other easement or ownership agreements A related to the development of parcels A, B, C, and D to ensure that the four parcels are developed per the approved development plan in SDD 4 Ordinance. d. The developer shall be responsible for replotting the 20 foot utility easement on the western portion of development Area D as well as obtaining approval from the Town of Vail for the new utility easement before the minor subdivision plat is recorded. Any modifications or amendments to the minor subdivision conditions of approval agreement shall be reviewed as a major amendment under the procedures outlined in Section 18.40 of the Tawn of Vail Zoning Code. e. The conditions for the minor subdivision in Section 18.46.21a (D9) A, B, C, and E, sha11 , be set forth in restrictive covenants subject to the approval of the Town Attorney and once so approved shall be recorded an the land records of Eagle County. The developer sha~.l be responsible fnr submitting the written conditions to the Town Attorney before the minor subdivision is recorded an the land records of Eagle County. 31. -.~~1~ ~., 10. The entire Glen Lyon Office Building and Brewery Building shall be sprinklered and have a fire alarm detection system. Town of Vail Fire Department approval of the sprinkler and fire alarm systems shall be required before a building ~~ permit is~released for Phase T excluding Phase lA or lI. 11. The develaper sha11 submit a set of amended plans to the Colorado Division of Highway-s for review and approval. The improvements on CDOIi property proposed by the develaper must receive CDOH approval before Phase Z, excluding lA, TT, and 11T are presented to the Town of Vail. Design Review Sward far final approval. 12. The east building including the two employee dwelling units shall be Constructed when the parking structure ie built to ensure that the employee units are built. 18.46,22U Emnlovee Housing The development of Sbb 4 will have impacts an available employee housing within the Upper Eagle valley area. zn order to help meet this additional employee housing need, the developer(s) of Areas A and D shall. provide employee housing on site. The developer(s) of Area A shall build a minimum of 8 employee dwelling units within Area A Westhaven Condominium building. Each employee dwelling unit in Area A shall have a minimum square footage of 648 square feet. The developer of Area D shall build 2 employee dwelling units in the Area D east building per the approved plan for the East auilding. In. Area D one employee dwelling unit sha11 have a minimum GRFA of 795 square feet and the second employee dwelling unit shall have a minimum GRFA of 9A0 square feet. The GRFA and number of emp~.oyee un~.ts sha~.l not be counted toward allowable density or GRFA for Sb~l4. In Area A, the GRFA and number of employee dwelling units shall be, 32 i ~ r' restricted as employee dwelling units for 20 years plus the life of Tiffany Christine Lowenthal from the date of final certificate of occupancy far said units, The two employee dwelling units in Area D shall be restricted as rental employee dwelling units permanently. Tn Areas A & D the following restrictions shall apply to all employee dwelling units: The employee dwelling unit shall not be leased or rented for any period of less than 3D consecutive days, and that if rented, it shall be rented only to tenants who are full time employees in the Upper Eagle Valley. The Upper Eagle Valley shall be deemed to include the Gore Valley, Minturn, Red Cliff, Gilman, Eagle-Vail, and Avon and their surrounding areas, A full time employee is a person who works an average of 3D hours per week. In Area A, if an employee dwelling unit is sold, it shall be sold only to a full time employee in the Upper Eagle Valley, The owner shall occupy the unit ar lease/rent as per the requirements in this section. In Areas A & D the employee dwelling unit shall not be divided into any form of timeshare, interval ownership, or fractional fee ownership. A declaration of covenants and restrictions shall be filed on record in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder in a form approved by the Town Attorney for the benefit of the Town to ensure that the restrictions herein shall run with the land before a building permit is released for the construction of the employee units in either Area A or Area D. 18.46.23D Time Reauirements SDD4 shall be governed by the procedures outlined in section ~.8.4D.12D of the Town of Vail Municipal Cade. Section 4, if any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, 33 41 • ~.• sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared ,invalid: ' Section 5. ' The repeal or the repeal and re-enactment of any provisions of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall. not affect any right which has accrued. any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding as cammenae~d under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal. of any provision hereby shall oat revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Section 6. All bylaws, orders, resolutions and ordinances, ar parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. The repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution or ordinance, or part thereof, heretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ AND PA55ED ON FIRST READING TIiIS ~I8rh_ day of 1990, and a public hearing shall be held on this ordinance on the Ls~t~ day of _Decemb~.r , 1.990 at 7:30 p.m. 3.n the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Ordered published in full this 18th day of Aecember , 1990. ;: ;, Kent R. Rose, Mayor ATTEST: ~ . ~-~ Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk ~~ ,. 34 ~ ~ ~~ INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING ANI7 ORDERED PUBLISiiEII ~.~ r~ r1 e on].v tk1i~ nth,,,, day o£ Januarv , ~C~$~ .199I . Kent R. Rose, Mayor ATTEST: ~~-~- ' Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk ~~ E::1IILIT "A" KOELDEL pRQPE1tTY DEVGLC}i7i~1C:lT A1tE~1 ~ Vail-Rose 12.370 acre A part of the 5~~1 ~./4 NE 1/4 of Section 12, Township' S South, Range 131 ~~test of the fith P,al. , descx;bed as follows: Beginning at a point an the 1~1est line o~ said Sl•~ l/4 NE l/4 from wltiich the North one-quarter corner of said Section bears North 0015' East 22G9.48 feet; thence North 4015' East, along said ldest Line, 152.3G feet to a point on the South°aste=?Y right of way line of U.S. Highway tio. 6; thence, along said 5putheasterl.y right of way line, as follo~~is: North 520?7' East, 102.31 feet; ' North 49020' East, 519.57;feet; and North 48013' East, S~9.a9 feet, more or less, to a paint on the North line of said S~1 1/4 NE 1/4; thence ?north 88°33' East, along the Nar4h line of said S1.1 1/4 NE, 3G8 feet., snore or less, to a point on the centerline of Gore Creek; the::ce, alone the centerline of Gore Cree-:, as follozis: South South South South Sautli West, lOG4.10 fe Rase Parcel 36019' ~dest, 101.04 feet; lFio21' Jest, 54.08 feet; l0'?4' [•lest, 205. a2 feet; 1'?Ola' ~~1est, lla. 25 reef ~ and 28oR11' 1~'est, 2.12.35 feet, thence Sout:i 75°15' et to the point o.f beginning. . A tract a£ land situated in the TP 5 5. , R. 81 Ld. , of the 5th P.;•1. , lying •tract of land described in Hook 199, Page 1.7esterly of the center line of Gare Cree}:, Easterly oz those certain tracts described F~oo}: 211, at Page 108 and Doa}; 2l5 at Page follows: 3,190 acre SI~:,i;E'~ of Section 1", Southerly oz that cer:.ain 197, Northerly and and lying Northerly and a.n Book 21l at Page 1QG, 355, described as Beginning at a point on the North-Sout:~ center line of said Section 12 whence the North quarter corner of said Section l2 bears N. 00015' E. 2259.48 feet; thence N. 75015' E. 346.26 feet to the true point of leginning, said point being on the South lane of that tract described in Book 199, Page l97 and which bears 5. 08076' E. 2245,34 feet from the North quarter corner of said Section 12; thence N. 75°l5' E. 717.84 feet along the Southerly line of that tract. described in Book 199, Page 197 to the center of Gore Creek; thence S,. 28041.' W. 130.61 feet along the center line of said Creek; thence 5. 05024'30" E. 3.04.50 feet along- the center 3.ine of said Creeks thence S. 49029' W. 95.50 feet along the center line of said Creeks thence 5. 22034' W. 124.47 feet slang the center line of said, Creeks ~~ • tltience S, 54000' W. 119.34 tees: slang the center line of said Creek; to the Southeast carnet of that certain tract of land described in book 211, Page 108; thence N. 33o1G'30" 14. 3.40.1,2 feet along the Easterly Line of that tract described in Rook 211 at Page 10$; ttlence N. 57042' 30" 5~1. 1G9.80 feet along the Norttle~sterly line of that tract descrilaec~ in Book 211. at page 108; thence N: [35002' 30" 1J. 1,52.92 Feet along the Northerly line of thaso tracts described in Book 21.1 at Page 108 Book 211, at Page 10G to.a paint; thence N. 32057'30" SJ. 75.08 feet along the Northeasterly line of that tract described in Boak 21S at Page 365, to the paint of beginning'. 36 y • , . • ~ ~keede Parcel 1.260 acres Count}• oL Eagle and State of Colorado, to wit; ' A tract of land situated in the 5t4~xNG; o,[' SectS.on 1?, To~tns}lip 5 ~• South, Range S1 tde ,t of L•he Gth F'ri,ttCiaal Tleridian, described as follows: u~'~}.inrling at a point on the North-•5outh center line of said Section lZ whence tkie North Quarter Corner of said • Section 12 bears North OD degs. lS thins. East 22G9.48 feet: thence North 75 dews. l5 rains. East 3=16.ZG feet; thence South 32 legs. S7 rains. 30 sec,. East 76.08 .Feet; thence South 11 degs. QO rains. 30 secs. West 279.99 Lent toga paint ir1 the center ref Gore Creek; thence North 50 dogs, 32 alias. t'?est 111.31 feet aloha the centflx line of said cx'eek; thence North 3F3 legs, 40 thins. 1.1est 239.0° feet along the cetlter line of said creek; thence South 76 degs. 35 rains. West 89.91 feet. along the center line of said creek to a point on the North-South center line of sand Section 12; t}tence Nart}~ 00 degs. 15 mitts. East 13.9a feet along the North--South center 1ir•1e of said Section 1.~. to the point of beginning. Total GORE C.T2EE'I; ASS^vC~r~TES PROI'E:tTY Legal De=criotion 3.6.820 acx4s 80.700 acr°s 1111 that part of Section 12, Ta~,-nship 5 South, ktance 81 1Jest of the Gth P.i~k. , described as follo~;:s 1111. that part of the N'~hE's of Section 12, lying Southerly of the Sout:kterly rciclht_•-of-w=-ty line Qt U.S. lii.gkt~Jay No. 6 and Nort11er1,; of the 5outLterly line of said ia~,~1E;, as shown on the plat on file in the office of tkte Eagle County Clerk and Recorder as Document No. 974£39, described as follcaats: Beginning at tkxe ~1igh~ray survey monument at the intersection or the Southerly line of said highway and the Easterly line ox said N;iaE;, whence the Northeast corner of'said Section 1Z bears North Oo03' West 634.7f35 feet; . tttence 5outkt 73o2G' 30" West ,11X2.].3 feet along the Southerly right of way line of said highway; thence South 70034' West ].25.10 £eet along the Southerly right of way line of said ktighway; • thence South 69°25' West 1.00.00 feet along the Southerly riclht 0f way line of said highway; t;ttertce Snu tft 65Q50' West 100. UD feet along the Southerly line of said ltiylrway= thence South 6Zo15' West ],00.00 feet along the Southerly•right of way line of said highway; theme South 58040' West 100.00 feet along the Southerly right of way line of said highwayF ' thence South 55005' West 1.00.00 feet along the Southerly right of way line of sal.d ttigktway; thence South 51o3Z' West 100.00 fret along the Southerly right of way Brie of Said highway; thence South 47x57' West 232.58 feet along the Southerly right of way lino of said highway to a paint on the southerly line of said N ;NE:; t~tence North 8©°33' East 997.67 feet along the Southerly line Qf said N-;i1E; to the center of the NEri of said Section 12; tktence North 8flo33' East 1.379.35 feet along the Southerly line of said N~NE~-, to the Southeast corner of said N;NE;;; thence kdorttl Ov03' West 7G0.9S feet along the Easterly line of said Nr~NS: to its intersection witty the Southerly line of said highway, t}1e point of beginning, 37 ..' ~~ CO:iTIwUED ~ ' AND All that part of the SS+1~NE!~ o£ Section lx, lying 5outherl~f aE the center of Gore ,Creek as shoran vn the pint an file in the office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder as pocurnent llo. 97489, described as fellows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Si•J!~DiT;'~; thence South 88°33' West 1]1.6'1 Feet to a point in the canter oi: said Cr eel:; thence South AOo09' 1~lest 94.04 feet alr~ng the canter of said Creak; thence South 18°?1` West 54.08 Feet along the center o£ said Creek; thence South 1o2a' «est 2 05,42 feet•along the center a£ said Creep.; thence South 12°10' nest 110.?5 feet along the center o_° said Creef:; thence South 2F3°~ll' Ldest 320.00 feat; thence 8aut;h 5021' 30" East., ],70.00 feet along the center of slid treel:i thence South 27°00'0'2" t•lest 85.24 feet along the center of said creeks thence South 54000' t~lest 259, 3A feet slang the center of said creek; .thence South 65034' West 109.62 feet along the center o£ said creek; thence South C9o0.4' Lriest 186.13 feet along the center of said creek; thence SouC:i 85°?5' lJest 68.88 feet along the center o£ said creak= thence }Fprth 77036' West 26.96 feet alone the center or" said creAk; thence ~1ort.h 50°32' S•~est 3.99.19 feet along the center of said c.eekt thence North 38°40' West 239.09 Peeti along t17e center of saki creek; thence South 76°35' 1•?est 89.91 feet aloha the center of said creek, to a point o n the L~lester ly ling of said SL•itsl~E~s; t1Ze~ice 5out~h Only' L•Iest 4G1,90 J'ec~L- to the center of• said Sect;on l2; L-11e~~ce Nat: th Ei9, 01' Cast 13!]1 . G5 feel: alone the Southa~°3.~+ 11ne ax said 5 1•~~.tPII:'s to the 5otiw:~aast corner of said SL•i!„1G,; thence North 0°Ofi' East 1384.32 feet along the Casterly lies of said SL•~sNE"-- to the Northeast corner of said SS•1`st~E!s, the poz:~t n£ beginning, AN^ .~ The NCrI~SE}3 of Section 12 , Township 5 South, Range 81 ~•}est of t::e 6th P.rs. ~ AND A11 that gar~t of the SE~NL~1,a of Section ~ 12, Township 5 South, Range 81 i~lest of the 6k.h P.ri. , lying southerly of the Southerly right of way line of U.S. iligh~Jay Nn. 6, as shoran an the plat on file in the office of the Eagle County C1er}: and Recorder as pocument No. 97489, described as fv3.lows: Beginniny a:t the Southeast corner of said SELSNi~~ j thence South 89°02' West 436.95 feel: along the Southerly line of sa3.d SE1.rNW~x to a point on the 5outlrerly tight of way line of said hi glzway ~ •'~ thence North 52035' Eaat 1057.07 feet along the So+attlerlX zigltt of way line of said highway to a point on the Easterly line of said thence South 0°l5' West 628.21. feet along the Easterly line of said &E~NW~3 to the Foutheast corner of said SE~NS•J!x, the paint, of beginning= ' EXCEPT T}iE FOLLOWING : • that part described in Baok '3.8a at page 545; that part descriled in Book 191 at page 241; that part described in Boot: 203 at page 231; X 98 • •ti . t +~ ~ CD:IT~:~UED '~.., that part described in Bc~oY. 203 at page 531; that certain island adjacent to the above-t3esc:.;,bed property, and located in the middle of Gore Cree]:~ wttic:t the par~ies intend tv exclude fx'om tha.5 transactio:t; . County a ~ Eag ].e , State flf Colorado A1.50 TIE FOLl.O~~J]i~G PARCcL F{]F~di:P.[,'~ Y,tiq;d~] A5 Tfic "COSGnI~r PAFC~I," A tract of land situated~in the SW 1/4 Tvr 1/4 of Sectican 12, Ta'wnship 5 Sauth, Ramp 8l 'West of the btl~ Principal Meridian, 1yin~ Narthwesterl}• of the center line of Gore Creek described as fo1la~.s: I3ebinnin~ at a oini; whence the Barth Quarter • Corner of saiC ~ectian 1? bears h. 11°G3' ~~. 2292.72 feet; ttlcnce 5. SG°U2'3Ct" D. S9.5U ' feet; tl;e»ce 5. 5~°q~2'30" C. ]L-;'.~6 feet; thencp S_ 3:i`lG'30" E.. 10.12 feet to a paint i;~ thQ center of sairi creek; thence S. 55`"34' 1.. 109.6? feet along, the center line of said creek; thencp 5. b~°C~~-' L!. :'C~.7$ feet along the celzter 1 ine of said creek; thence !:. ~3`l~'3D" W. 3]7.54 feet to the paint of beginnin€, canfainin~ y.OS acre3~ more ar ]cs~. ~LSU DESCr.? ~,£U l~e~irtnit:t at a fi..;n'~ t+Iher,ct tf~e NoY'th Qval•~c: • Corner of said Stwciiioti X1~ bear[ q~1• 1!`403'. 1r7. 2'Z.~Z.7~- iEEi:; l1~Errre $. p~~43'~-t~, ~. g7•~4 fp@.~; tl7etzce 5. 5i`25':sD" D. 165.6 fEFt; thence S. 32°59'30" E, 141,G7 feet to a paint in the ' center of said creek; thence 5. G5°3]'36" tti'. 1Ct9.62 feet along the center line of Baia creek; thence S . G9"Ul ' 3G" 4I. ] t~3 .02 feet a] ang the center ]ine of said creek; t]~ence H. 23`2q'Q9" 1~,. :~l:~.C~~: feet to the point of beFinnin~,. , . TOGDTt]ET: H'1TF3 an ease©ent as described in 'llocuctent TPCOTded August 5, 19bi- in Eook 3C)6 at Pale 443 . ~ 8n~ retofdec~ i., i~c~ai{ 307 of PG~e S6 of the Eaf:lE County recarcis. ALSO inc]udinF all water and well rights . ~ appurtenant to the above described property' . incluc'in~, t.it.haut ]ii~itatian, Ne]1 Ferctit fro. U~-70z, t:atet' rights decreed in Civil f,ctio;t I;a. 2's75 in La~,]e Caunt~~ District Court, and s] ] that pnrtiar, of t;ater ri~hcc decreed in Cass No. ~G GW ~]0, Water Divisior. ]:a. 5, (Gore 110. ] t~)e11 - U.QS cIs) 39 • ~_ i t `^ `~i. ~ ~ ~,~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~~~fl. ~~~~, ~ ~ o d ~ cep ~' p s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~• ~ ~ ~ ~ ..~--^-' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n~ ~~~ ~~~ ~ s„ O ~ ~~ 4 ~ ~ ~~Q~~~c~7~~ ~ '~1 ~~1 ~C < a ~ ~ }o ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ ~~~~~ ~ ~. I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.~m~~g-~~~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~_~~~ ~~ac~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o~~m ~~ N Q ~ ~ ~ N N ~ ~ .,, fY~~ {J ~ ca. R ~ m a.' sa `Q ^ o. O ~ ~ ~ ~ rn~J?~Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~a ~~a ~ ~a~ ~ ~ ~ 4 • r s w' I~ life Yali 71-aII -December 21.1 ~5 F~df7 pFwLreu,,,,>oe pu b i is N Ot i ce aw.bprrem pbled Nb {. cocoa. YrNg.. a.rkyrr~.m .na aa• a m u.e as . menaer Doha d am+ nd w wn.ee ] 1 d.Ya Eapn nnh crt/1•J edd bH bumhl dyke. nl•aa[•, qu pnDINANCF HO. IB NOW. 711EIlEFOnF, SE Il ORDAINED NY )hat wlll M harmenlaw wAh rh1 p•ncral Msl rid chC••d 6v5 rnu.,a lea d prlfA whka iPPMhce al Des 104. Te enceurspe h• Fxl•a of tiro TIIE TOYM f:WNCIL OF IHE TnWN OF VAR, cM+adsr d rM Tewn. ghvks aeeanai• spar nMn NdUda • hAprsn Mrln/ a mralnw+m d By can~ilabl al wood hurnln4 and cslb lu•1 AN qq DINANCE RE NF ALIHO AN9 [:[M.VMUp, tIIAT; aWC• cml rsnurbncl arwnlllN and gangle eeuus Icd, TM hhchM sMl rye daflpnad is tl•N<w 10 s loft endnq•e anlirsl,cu. VI adnuw• yh, fa. E.rb• d 199Q, f• Mraey M• 9b cellos. pl he {own of YNI Ihnl p nnY bn bdya Md saurafen Inrm rhs reel NCCNACTWgdlbiH4/CE Nb. l9, Bin1E3 OF f applkaUb wldnp 4r I•+• let ucb 1990 lO PRgygF CIfANOEA TO AhEA O rq ersa Md rwnccred to rsb u Idbwi: Cbmpr•hMNve Nlnn. 8padd p•velapmenl d rM unh +n a cbwl. A Imnabnr dwvnrq unit nsrun shsr W wlMed uy IM lvwn d Yalr Setlbn 1. An.ndrnern Prxetlurei FuNnled. Clenkl No. / H [rwleb la moor. Ihar tM eMn b au.sle Nle )rum common mnlJOr1. ante 21.190 PenNicc REVIINIE MENra fylAl CCNC ENN II IE I'la nM9 CanvNeNM Ilepgrt, darlapnwnl tlmsh wNl W rNmlvsN bw eM wcFC p bckbnl•c wlnoul pn Nn n A II N unrnved Iar eny Pcrsen to v4dale anY PNASINq PLAN rfNl 911C IMPaOVEdFN19 y erwrna ncmnrrntlarbn u X dwrllr 1 r rend godebndlnle Chryesrdlo hn le wrrpN weh FDI[AREA p; AND SETTIry(7 FUnf1l pElAll9 Chance 810drhi VaN hlunkPel Cede hav shoe Balalhe tlevelxp msnl bfl elunaraed al uuebnl reekembl dwellrq unN. 9houy wch eny d rtr• raquir•rrfsnrc of Ihl1 Cnafner. AnY HNECADO TIEIIEfO, L[an lulllllsd, arrq ih• Fown CaunclE hU ronplnnrant IaIM town by the f6en C9Mrp uniu IM dvrebyxtl µ nnrwordnlume. tAB hall p•non perydmirq an ca Prohlh'IPa ardKlared WNEl1EA3. CAaplsr I/-/0 vi Ihs Y•II c"Y YI Ya pd vdcwrul by Ih IF Ciapt•f Pr ldElnq 10 4unICIP1F Code pulhlN[ea 5p OCle! IOCelved the Iapall d IM Pldnnbl end ana IM Plandn0 CPmmisakn. and because M fwslrkled u MI lush In Socr;mr 1].T8.015 prddm M ut ruiultea by or dh•rMSS m~~ae bevnkptWU Plltrkaa wAhla Ihs 1dM:l~rd Envhenmenlcl Cammisskn nr ntlM1 IFbcs aro cl4ndkMl Pedt vl Ih• $peclN 17.28.410 ppvN9bp wM9rn'nbm Nnverabn. Mendn4ary by Ihic (;haY,wr shal Ua punkhed by WHEREAS. MI Town Caunclf approved Nrproval d 1M gopMgd darebpnrenl pan for Dpvelapmenl DleVkl whkh Cann91 be emhlled The ud! shall Rd M ueBd l a patminnni a llnam nd mwe lhan low nvrrdrud anal ~nlra Drdln Anc• Na, 10, Segµ 911119 Sped11 6pW al Devolepnbnl ghhN Np./, Ihravgh the frrya0ehlan of xlendud e"nlnp ntldenC•. F+anbnallw awnanhb lhaa rwlb dwrac l1119.IX11~AnY aun penpn Mill l>e D«•InPmerc DlerrLt Nb. /; YW 9EC710N1$ fH Oavel dlalacL 9n thear•a allpAedbWapaled to hanslnnL tlwullavtp unu WIIEDEAS. DI•n Lyon gflr[i BuNnl Pic epma+tl Dhvlct 11.N0.0?0 DMInNbnr For IRe parpwea d dNerminln4 Il9watte fully d a )corals dlaraa lrn ranch nrtd every M~ a No • Fa IM pprprnu d IhN drerpler, dte ldtgrrb4 dMSNy Per a+te, penebm mfbenrlal dwoh;ep dray durh0 MY nahfgn d rMICA c vblalbn dl any C9brxdp palnsrrlrb. hµ re9uwled IP amarhf SpaclN UevetppmMl DyIIM Np. < and Ins ddlnhbns ahyl spplr; unha Mel M fowled u eni hall al a tlwealnp prsylll9n 91 Iht1 {:Holm b Gammllleb, M of Yrlnp 6peciel Dwelq+rrvnt Dlalrkr Nq F, dwN9pm•N ptnnc IMrcbrs. arc AmeVY A'Spenld NNnalm- chnll IN d"nnne u e unN. TM nanstMl nsldenud dwalanp uny anlhuad.Or P.rmnW BY CUM Dolan erM shall MeA D: alts apprewb l9r rh development d ST+nctsi mwnum, a•minar or raieurch cea•r or Parhbp raQrrlrannnt vhallbp,a roses Per unll un punNM1M ao-ddrgH, In edanga Ice psnnniu KntE17FJ,S. IRa Plannlrq ena Cnryannwnwt pargkp+nnnt pleltkl N9. { wAhln IM sown d poaerrnlnp ana IMaln aculurN mnler. plot 0.1 rpaq pot each lOp a9uun led d prwk9d In rnY $nrltM, sny cordllon c.Nnudw Canyrdlllan hea re[Pmmanded Ihel cenaln VnH, D. 'non Nenl IeeldenaN dwelllnp unh ar YYIFA MIRa nwfmurnd lA Spam Ywr unA. pnm,AlW le •aIN b Ndalkn d enY Prevlcbn d hoopoe M .nWC to 6pacbl b«sbPrmnr 6EGygN]. r06hMed dwNNri4 unh' than Cs ddln•d µ • /1./e.9] ENeblbhsa INS Chepnr MNi be daanwb apVR1a ra,ysrxe, Dlsukl N9. A: snq Ch RTler 11.58 $te9Cle1 pevabpmunl pletdol dwBllliq unh WcNnO In A muklhnndly dwelnlp A 6peclN Dwerppmanl Dlatrld Nu. { Is end m•y be he' Ihh sown IImIIUIY ebAIN n WfiEn EAe. Me Town C•ur,tl raneldnn rho Nq. 1, CeIC•d• Vllbf•. b AuebY repeAled end Ehal h rMna ed µ 1 shoo Inrm radel In whyr exladlN,nd la the d«9bgrenl M a prowl d uch, and ia[h deY Ihcl such nendl[ICn iron end Ri tl4Y ~~M~ N~id vllLNda la "µnacNd wAh •mindn+nb la read Ai ldluw.; .N ucA unl4ii Ar. ppetal.d vndir c Nnp4 lava mpdalnF 9),955 a r c mal• [adknwl IheN b• aQ•N•d u a n!w and 1p,Ne.OIDpPwpnM mane4•m9nr Prwblrq IM 9cclpany Ihered paetMUWly de•crrusJ m tM ertacNM Ernba A. I•efle.xe ;p•N Ma prowl ptltn•ncc Na. la, esrlM d Bp•clnl abpm•m olstrld No. I b FuNwnuy MtN Imine srttl leclllllse. A eh9R BpecLl p«dlptnnl DII7rk1 No. /and the c 6ECYrDH? 9/9 l9 gavlda la eucn GhArrfa•N 6pulal nlablleMd Iv snsgc cbmpNMnllve IalmrMlal IANlMdaanrpd le MSranrdSae 5+-'e neat pAge M Mr pan, esdbn, sulNanbd, ssdMU. {taco V pMNS a qN ardlwr%• b lu My M MY N 1M Meld, audr dldelall Mal M sded IM WIVIy d W rcros4dro pMhfM d Nlc ardinwa: Md fn• tvlrn Donnell h•r•by d.dar•a M AarV her pus•b 1Ni gdbMa, Md •a[h pall. i.dl9n, febl•Rkn. e•MMU, aau/• d phru• Wsrwl, repuMle q N» Iw Ihal phY o meN ANb, a•c11an1, I WSSdbrp, r•MU%Ve. dernM 9r phralM W - TM Tuwn Cdunch M+•by flydl. dalarrdnN ~'r'~ ;nrl'~ I ~ r -' rN"" _' ~ - and daNm• fIW lhN nrdlneMe N Mc•uaryy - JW`~~, and gnpar Id IM h•rhh Ial•N •^/ wener• d M y~F / ~' •~ ~ F . ~ ^.yr IM faun d Yal •rd Brc bnNll N,lt Ihercal, r 1 ~,~ r`r, sa"'tissue...-_'Y,Y, 9CC1 qk S. w ~WVr18 ylrye TM r•Paal N iM f•NaY Md w•nadrtrd d ~ '•~^r` ~ ' arvy gwVIIM1 el Ih• Yell Idunklpal Ceds ci ~ ~ (' ;ni r~'~ g9vaw b Inb 9ro-bM{. rnau nd maw Mr ropy! `~„ ;4~,`.,. P41u Mrh nu sccruM, any duly InPaeed, My ~~ ~~ ,y ybNIl9A IIW 9courred plbl to IM eR•clks du• i Mr•al, any prpr•aylbn CdnrMMOd, na aryY ' - ---~~ - - dhef aafbn rn Arn[ea0b9 av {ammerrrrM urrda ~ '~' a by YNue d lM g6Albn fdMnlpda l•Pbnrad ~~ • -_ ~~ !na rnnadsd, 7M f•MAI al coy prbvNlm - i _ _ _ [~_ hir.uy Mall cwt rarWe sny prwhlun st •nY -- }+r~~~ - oralnrr,r• gc.lwlh Ia,nalwl a rrrrnrrla.lna a -X.. yLrv LL unt•.r s•prwp aalud h.nr ~' e ! 1~l '+ M~ ~ V i - keluqulrc~D, nrAn Alm raeern arl T' .~ t . __ ~ ~r aY19 IlrrlpRlV ANq nffuf N[D I'LfdL1311[C ' C., i_ jj- I Y -• "6 UNCE IH FUIk MIe 1914 day 910ararrrw, 1900 Y,r ~!~ a f L. ,..9 ,Y ,J I ~t T ,I ti ~. -°~ .;,, _ aM c pAik hulln4 snap M Asb on Ihb r r -,,,a~"y 1 ~ „ate ,. a -~~- I amNw.a,nr•nlndn du•urN~1.ltYpaN ~ J'.ra^.-c J~ ~' -- - ~~la'~i~ ~'~t.:--,~. J~'- 7y» p,nL b Ini co9rklteeanbw d Inc Y.n ~. .. Tars {C ' ~ ~ a~ - - _ , W nklul F9+lalry, Vall, Cdbrcds, - ~ ~ ~ ~r %orl n. Ilan , eY, 1r.AS~"'~" .~^T.xy " +rtl tom' ~- t 11 L~ R! ~ •• ArYESrI Mnfvr .. .r. - a ~ .Ys!'t,~,.;: I .,, ~~: f 1'Inw4 A DrMOrrxyer tarn C.brh PWIIhM b llx Ynl iral public Notice pRDINAHCF No, I] Lxl•i el L•Ia AN bRDINAfaCE dAl(rkO 6l1PPLEAIEI nlE FOn dudnf IM uK.l yr t991 wnldt cwN nd hevr tr.an r•ulneby bl«rin eN Anikbela0 br IM fw.n CwnGf M pri lyre a anWd gldrn.nw k9, ]1, aaw d r1F1, w9ppnf m. 14A0 990fcr ana FNAANeI Plen la rM TIAM a Ya 1, Cola•dp; Nd YYItEnEA3, 1M Tawn hr norlvd anon + w1 nd budpelb fa w«bwN; end. «N1IFNEAS, pro TawP N•npv hu nnFNd io lM 7w•n CalxN IMI INI4Md rVMe uc aWe CMaln IrgpbariMal dppnyANrLre al e•1 Iddh nIXSlrt No W, nIE1LEPORe. pF Ir oIwAINEn pr n1E towracaluan. nF TIIE roxtl qF vAIL. CaLOMW, iHATI punwd I• partlan 0.1gy a Ih• Ch•nM d pre lawn 91 vYp, Coklede, m. town Cwndf hidby makie IM IPlfewlap cuppbmcnl•I aPpl9prNlEbnr for Ih• 1110 Dudp a and { ~ FLIervcW Poen ba In• Taern d Yew. L95dctl9. 1 and umarNu IM •rpcnanar• 91 arse wwwdNkn. o brbw•: PNNp AMOVNT Uarr.r.lFund i26.Oro Pab $Naun Fund fM,fAb VcI MAMMtq Fund t]I,DOp Bodhcr•ek •mnd Frrd f57.19a WaN veil Aawbr+m pble]ilme fle.ew 7pTAL ill /,ap9 1NmaoLleEU. Reno AIA APrROVep aN Fr7st TIEADYdp Arro ORCGnEO PNpuslrep ohlcF ra vLLL INb aW ar a D•9•n1ar. 1110 son 1 OPak MuNp e11•. M Mld ep NM dlrsnas9n M /F iq p pFMrbw, 1040 N 7:9v AnA ti 4t• [brmcl ChY16wr d IM VA1 Nunkpd Bufelnp. VsR, Cd1fY19. TDNe1oF YA/. Ked R, llnlc Yeye+ At7F]T: P•rrWC A Drw~Anq+r Two GWk INIRgpUCEb, RFAD ON BFCONp RF AOINp, APpROYEp AND pNDEREp PUDL1811ED ONCF M FIKL Ih4 iflh day d pscsetlar, 1090. ToPMpFYAL I Krrl R, Naas NcYpt AT 7EOF; Pamcb A DrcndmsY.r Fown Chxq Pvblshid h iM Yit TIS1 rlr D.I.nwr 21. load A yrestiginrrs location nrrri tarty spectacular views a( Vai! hTouatnirr. Qrtly irrinrrtes frortr tvortrt•ctuss golf mart skiing. Steps frnltr f rte dirrirrg, fertrris and switrutrirrg at Pntrato Pntch Clrrb. 7'irrs is 1'otnta Patch 7'awrrhorares, art excursive 10 unit project. Now is your chunie to hove fire best Qf boar N'nrtdSr 5pncious 4 bedroom 5 full belies 3770 sr1. ft. incirrdirrg 2-car garage 4 units avattnbie March 1991 POTATO ~ATCK TOW N H O M E S 13KOKER (; ()OP1:'RATtQN INUlTEb ~~~ Shapirq Realty, Inc. Avon Centrr BuifAinga Suitt 2300; P. (l.liox 5690; Apon, Calor~rdD 81 G20,• 303-949-7979 or 949-7300 -`. ~-. ._~ r-- Have The Best Of Both Worlds. .7 •II TYGQ-l,Ycernher 2l, l99a IF WE DOIV"T SELL YOUR HOUSE. WE'LL BUY fT! snn* fYnrn preuWu.. parye 9Y 555 craw rrvy Ia laMrrnd lo$a'$ppd.' ~. 7hn dbpkd ahdl panalaN pf lapr aeparare aovabpmenl ereaa, al Idanlllled in Ihb ordlnnnyB cpnslnllnq al Mn lollowlnp uorodmal. ahw: Al1LA pEVELGPMp NF hNGWN A9 A{)EA ACREAGE Gacaila Vlnepe A .055 CdJarwrn Candvrtnnlurne C ~ Glen Lynn Duplaa lob Gbn Lyon Canwnarda1611eD ep~lpp Deaknlea Gp.n slue. A.7~ {blade p7,g55 iBAB.B10 awebpmpnl Plan ~ flegrdre0 lyprevoa Procvdpre. A Euh tlwelq,rYen1 drop whh the ev WpIWn d Oerelgtminl Areaa A and D Gill hp a¢hfvci 16 A Iingb aWelapntld psgn puwlopmenl Area A eheN be atbwee to hAw Iwo dwelopn.raL Plana for iha WalarlpM, COrnoralans, Mlllreop ly arw Cwcaea Club enw a vlvrwea br Ins T6wn Ccuncll. DavabpmBnl Ares D shall tb ellowod la dwabP pw the ppprwad phasing plena w vpprwed by lha Town Copncil. FHp devyoper MW Neva the rlpM le poceed who Iha de.elrpmenl plans a acenArWa u dellnsd In Se[.Ikat 18.10.103 BF, rho Prxodwm~w Y ¢d FSvnbn Ig nV1Y Mrh C. Each phue d dwebpronl when regche. p^1wp N0u flrw+ewb neanp pernmha, ala^rop d kplKxbre podabnadC. hAdaFltor lB.5 t, wtn I a aeoya PanArvd u.oa R Nuh A ca.+r wJe Vlaap" I clot lWw wrnrrrdW ww Uren Nn lhrAlraf !o urua 141adN IB Z6,030 A 4:. Fhe'llrat llwr Or 'elrMl laver IhaU by aollnod es lyat 11pa d Iho bplUinp lndi b locelwl al 0radp or ones) I¢val; 2 All 0thx Ebvr levels bpab Ba Nnll hoe/ or anal lays may buaee l¢tan. master. ~eaamanl, and on'ICe a,ceq ma rc pdaAaipnd or heehaw ¢nloa anar ba Wcataa on alrael mre[ w not Ibnr Iw dpllned b 8odbn IB 2/Dab Ad Iho Town d Vel [onbp mda F Aroa Ay unfnae ry b cbarlY a awy 1p a bdpv or aducallpnal InaNlulldl aeanp Ipl nn elpca apace haWnq d rtarlmum aquas lbplape d 925 IBadre last bralad on Iha clot Ilovr on the nmlhwe44 wrnvr d the Pwa Conlerenm Cenla by Ndrrq; 7, }odga; a LI¢hl lamp dwalYnp; 6, henafdrd rmMOmlll dwallhp unk; 0 fnr.loYSe dwalltnp se delFae N 5acnun la /d 2za: 7 ceecwa. apb aadnlon d p Ian pool ar pymnnalan B Araa o, cpmrnwnm canapmnWrrw 1. Iwo~lamly dwerenp; q. Menhlam7 awalnny C. Aroa C, Gbn trpn pppkx Lan 1, gl~gfe lamly dwpbnq; a. rove lnrruly OwulYnq p. nr.A n Gran LYpn eamrnerela one 1, haul, 2. Resraurvnl and bar; 3. D~abana andprare>rbnn[dm o.: S, Nnlll IdrntY dwolVnp; 5. Errplnyw dwnNinp ae rb16¢d In Slx:l+nn tal6 rm 1 B 16060 CbnaNWnal Uses C¢natllpnel urea rill fr rvvfvwed par Ilse praadaee w etAtN+OJ F CyrWlal 1860 0l the Fcwn bl VAII aenFq Code. A. Area A, Cuoede 4llape 1. CRacede ape eaarnnn or a wanlnaa canla+ nd to exmed 1,500 ap„va I W I, 2. Fladbna{ Ida vwnen Mp al aellned In the (Duel d YaY I.lurndpal Coda, Satlan tB.M ta5 bean M a condilbAal psa iar 4weAlnp pNla In na WulM1avan mvnl IemNr tlwellmpa. F ranbnal Ina anhlp aerl oat be anpAba b roalrkmd Brrplo YVe dwalllnq unaa or banabnl rpaldedial OxulArrq ante NhxnerahiP I~ilannls sisal! not be Info Ihan IMO.au+Ara. 3. Sprxial amndlon, /. Skl Ilea; 5. pudic WN antl rxread¢nal IadlAlne; B. Al ale) orcadaa with no honlaga on any pubrs waY. elrael, waawaY or man area. 8. Aroa B, Coldaupnm CcndomnW,ra 1, Pphllc pmN end tarealbnal Iadlllee; 2 Ski IAIA. C Aran G Glen lybn p¢plaa Lon 1. PrA+lk park and rxroallondl lambs; 2. Skl tea D. Aroa D, Glen 1 yon C¢nnmrcls gn¢ 1. MWo-Maway ae ddMea F Tvwn d VaY Munlgpal Cotla, Sapbn IB.91,25'J iB IB.pYO Acceaady Uue A Area A, CAS 41dp Yla Tee 1. Minor ucade, 2. Home occupallen0, aubleo Io baedpca d p hone exupaQbn prmn In accordarr5a wan Iho provblona } Sactionx ln.6e.l7a IFrouryn 1&.58.1 tp, ]. Albched pardgpe al cArporta, prlydle enirwaae, vwhnmtnn Paola. lannlb c palloe, m mnpr laroanonal MahiYw cpnanldi~ mhdanlnl mpprmued r«br,dlnl ~.,,., +. (char ewe rom>,nr Inraa¢rad ana ncteawry lu parrrilllnd m ten SilWnel U4ea nrW airy }¢r the P{nrarbn rnarrwl. n 3. 5wlrmrlnq peOle, )snob covaa, Dat''M or ana rcelembnar Ixdnlaa LPrmmraY mcbanlal Io parrrvAVd m wndllbnN uaoa. and naovaaary le me 5wrnuan mares. R. AreA R. Caldabeam CenJeminbne t. smma dCCOlullona, Atepp ro b.oance d e Mme vxppAtbn pp+mN In acwrdance wah the provishne of Secllena 18.58.1]0 IMevph 1a.5a.tn0. 2. Anech Bd wparagdA of Gdrpana, DrFa1e preanhouew, t mminq Paula, tpnnll ropna, pnlbe, tt dhor IBtleellpnaf Idc Dllw CUMwnerify In leads) b perlMned raaldanlbl ¢aes. B. (Ttha oast CpIMrnJIy IrcWenld and «ea~arryy ial°nerniatKKwlorrin d~nal u.w. one /. SvAmmJnp IaWll. Ifnnb couna, phtlep or other lecrHlbnpl IAdIAba wrtvmerity InLld Brea ro purm0lad or condnbnal peas, Ana ndcoasara sa Ina gxrallrxl barrr¢I. C-Aroa C. tlbn Lyon Dupba lute 5. Ilprrw ¢ccuyulbne, eubloq Fa bwancs d a norm occupolbn permh b ecrordanca wish Iho prorbbnl 01 8nclkna 10 5B 5:10 lhrouph IB.SP 100 2. Atlacned wpungea o+ ea+porv. prlvara preenne¢aw, 1 Imu9np peon. fsnnla canna. polio, or dhor recroallpadl }aGbllu cusrpmrrlly InNdaradl la pelnVaeo febldenital ulna. 3, O]hor v Ier>.aalY Incldemal ana aGC9eapry to parmlrteJ w c¢nJlrlanal pane, and r ve~lor lea grerlebn tl,ereW, o e D. Glen Lrnn cnn.rerdu see 1 Ilene vttpiwllpnl. Hrhpd t¢ beuancp d a n¢,w ottppadpn IwrmA b xnardphca wdn Ilre pruvblpna 01 5ellana IB 561]0 Ihrppph IB,50-top. 2. AnRCned pang.- ..r enrp¢na. pr Male gmenh5paw, Iwmnlnp pods, Iennh Nun1. Ir~rdla~anw ro pamyi~ ra~ewamlei i~nxlnmanly 3. °[har uw Laa¢marlly Incbenlal arro necoaurylu PneMSmal r&bn thprenr of uegn, nntl /. Mlnol wcaae 5B 16.900 Larallon d DvrFUe AaMIT. A, All dllcoa, buGnnuu and aalrky pvrranlvd by ,frcllanl g,d80S0 through Is'B.pN shell bs operer¢d end co Muttal ry wumn a euuamp, n.oeH Ipr n.n any n nnpepa per5irrq a Ie.rdlnq aeae, d fwe ouldbol dISpIAYd gwda p. The area b be and for aAJmr ahplay vat be located ahvcllY In hod of Ine wlabllshmpnl dbpleylnq Ine gouda and enllrely upon tM eaabllahmenrl n propary Sldawalha bulldlhp fnlrantta end 0.111, Orke+raYa end sepals dal ml be oba1ryg00 by eddvar abPlay. IB.1n.Dm penelry. pawllFp Unha Iha nprwa d dwsl0np Pena IAell not exceed the IeIltrMrg: A. Arne A, CAeGada VlAege Twe honored Irlpwty RMee polW Nve nB].5) d«nlllrp pn Na, wrth A mnlnvm d ihles nvnaraa M01Y~elphl l]aal a modalbn unlle ¢ Ix.nelad rwb.mlai a .ulr,p one. nlw u d nlrrery nine IB91 asvallinq unha as OeAnrd ly the labia In 8ecllen 18.18.103 A D. g Area 5. colaweam Dorraortynlpme 91rtyJwa (b57 drwallp a C, Area(:, ^bn ly¢n D~g11n. L¢ta pn. nnrrdrw b.,r Ilaar awnanf,a na'' o. Aun n, nlnm y¢n rnrnrr„ I hrr.e Jw.'.Ilnrq unq• M¢ W wbtvn a1,wll Ia rloyw awullllp ante a Barbed by IM1a twla In Suc116n 16.19,103E Is ae.lpa Dmrhr - rapr Arw A, Area A, Cmwd¢ Yange Tne qm.a reslaenual Ibnr aced (a atl bWltlinps shall not exwod 209,115 6q¢ara Iwt. )wept chat the Mrd rneal+nvm GRFA Moll mI teed 292,165 wuera lepl II Mlllraca IV Sanarb z 132 A. U:eI b rnnelrvaaa. R, Area p. Coldeueam CenduminWm Shly-Iryv Ihbup'IrM aquas led (65,00611 } c~FA C. Area L, Gfan Lyon D Wler Lolp GRFA ehMh ba cakulalod for each bl Por 9ecnun 18,17.000 dpnaAY boned A end A IDI the rhrn.xrrs¢wndnrr dbm4l d Me r¢wn al Ynu muMClpal coda. D. Area D, [Ban Lyon ComrerdN mre Tne prove reabenlial door area for the Ira lrrployee dwdifnp pone shall be 795 bgpere lod and 080 aquare Iva; reapndlvply, lyre grow rwldantlM Ibpr prey lac IM1a eve m~rhm awntlFg vnA ahe]i ba 1 Bap vgvnre loot. I B 15.tA2 Camn4ray Sgpere FodaOe A, Aroa A. Curade ylY.ne Area A ah.Nl not eaupod 56.5]0 aquare Ippl el clAl a a. Cominaal4 ¢ r IrtGwlu elranfreilhr., honor, re nl 1b1vJ In Se.'Ibn IB.IB.O:A A~1 andarhe eWcLal nnracllan ~aa Area D, Gran Lynn Carmwrcbl 5110 Aroa D shall nd ermM IB.yY7 sgpare loer d peke tar plnun I, IA a II a IS SM equva Irial of e e for phue I r Iho anprornd dareioprrem plena Fee mWrp M.wn+y ana waalaled uaw shall be mnetrunee pbl too 91Ayraroa aw~plgnnnm loan .Srr: rlc;M pRyJe TiIE ctlASaTErt SzBS,000 Top rate amcnitles and location at this 2 bedroom unit in Deaver Creckr Spectacular golf course views lrom yaur<leck andlEv3ngraom baywindow.You mustseeto depredate! ~- ~{ 1 ~`N e ~. '~ r tw ~ l,e, r ~~~ r%` '3 °,,,: A '~,~,,. .1~ 0010 9UCKBOARp S 175.000 lee of f from your backyard) 7hls home has a bl;autiful settleg with views of Arrowhead and lots of sun. En(oy this 3 }~edraom plus den, 2-5 bath with a camlarta6le Ilving area. From all of us ~ a ~- here of ERA ... NAPPY rHOtIDAYS r VAILIBEAVER CREEK MQUNTAiN ``B^~R7OKERS, iNC. TI ~~~~~~ a'roft±sslor7a7Raal Estate & Property !1?anagemer7t t4i E. Meadow pr., [-137 Crossroads, In Vall VlNage flee parking a t our front door. 'Crrfa! I (pndlllanN a!!rnlref!°nB apply. for detalfN da!lypur ERA brpkN SUPER JUMBO LOANS! • 75% LOANS TO 52,000,000, BO°/° LOANS TO 5750,OOb, 90°!° LDANS TO 5350,OOQ1" • NO INCOME VERIFICATION REQUIRED ON LOANS TO 75%! PR{MARY RESIDENCES AND SECOND HOMI=S! • COMPETITIVE PRICING! • 80~ CASH~OUT REFINANCE LOANS WfTH NO SEASONfNG REQUIREDI • LORNS MAI]E TO fRMiLY 7RU5TS1 • CONDO AND PUD UNITS ELIGIBLEI ' Loans to S4.i)OE),OpO avafloble at lower LTVs. KLEIN MORTGAGE, INC. VAIL NA710NAL RANK 9U0.bNNG kGn SOUFH rROMAGE ROAD WEST SUIrE 303 4AV , COL(N)Ap0 a1h57 TELEPF+ONE: {30,3) 47o-9Rbl FACSIMILE. (30.B)476~69Z7 YOUR VACATION HOME FINANCING EXPERTS _,'i ANYLERS M308 St37,500 Mountain view; cbnvenlant location, good rental in- [oma, )Jest and furniture In great sh opal Just compare an(I you will see this is a winner! BORbE175 LODGE 5360.000 Opportunity Knocks) hoagies owning a new 1650 sq-f3. pcnthcsusrr overlooking thD stbpes, 2 bedraoen plus cEcn, 2,5 baths, Brand new -you [an slid [pstomize. ~ ~ ~ ~vDnm,u-a?ceDleeFs ] 97 FSrxn prnUFrR9 pogo } 11.48.1 W b•vakpnwd 81Nylka Ip Arµ A a rrruundlrpn IM IPAMI flew d prs pYNnp Caud• YAlepn dnd Area D, nl•n !yon e1rWn• W IM tool µw Y aPprw.O la IM Y''W bYdlRpl AM lkRVxy IAAV M bcuw ' -. - ' 8x0 aargh up wl bWldlrp N.vrxma A mwMwm wlthln 6ulminpa ¢r epprWd In IM ~ d ~ ~ / 11.19.191 DrrNgwrrfd PiN]f MIpM pt el erot of rMUUrad barn IM bwnt Ibaa tl IM pkuly Ilrvaura I9IM ropf Mpe k r l M B ~M 6. C MdaIINm CandwrlMUwa. FAI cant d IM ~ + _ __ _ _ _ „ ° ^'• .+wr ___ ..~ _ ,wr. ,e x"r ,r., lr. ~e. •' ` } BM Ip•[Ille a•rele.rmanl Plana r• a ravad « Area A d A D Y a I IoulR and µt1 buMabp ~rbne baled ~MlM main WlDNpghuibpglaM "'i•• • • ,r ~~x • r pp ` I•A . ha davllalrn,a0 pbnl lp Nµ A ale mrgkW d 1. WrtMyen hued A nudmum d tle Aq: Mddro from Publly iew Ilam adfprnlnp •••,'^•, xee rrr r..r ' Ihw•pWaera,{I.d Ay VW Y.rumu.lu.1M ~ PmpenW wlhln•I.rraaGgpad Wrm A drvrcyn,wd plane 1a D Ya aV'Whed d 1 Mi4ap ul, A nwl,vmd 481eN_ C. AIµ C. ~bn EYVn Dlpta£ lda CII l l ••'° q IMN plats wprrMee by the 6Mn Lynn tlRSy 9. Mnr•u H: A ma+.YM1xn tl al•N, -a re•1 PlA ap shall he Prorbad In em9rdanae xplh Ch "rr Bulylry, t Cdgaa PanngNrp, its IaArMp ~. Ca1ud• CNb Addabn, A naux+um d RB plN 1167. D Nµ9 Olen l m C r ,~ ~•,• ~ nr r 1 ddaNr+nli mrrpk• IM arvwl9prneM plu br oath Na: {, arcaa EMry iarN: A muNrum d 39 . . y 3M]wrL N BM, li Phw I. IA u,a N MaA (n£;Ud• 901uden a •_•~~ V.:.r: r r.rr~, . rrrr. rrr 1. Caud• Yllaq Mulq Pkn and RUBdlrq !~ parx np fpacea pine { Y•11f peAAy Ipaar «, IM l M d 1 r Ilerrr tdl Vd9 ~ 9. its r1RWnd1f d Wldl b Ana A Iha9 ~ e sa e tM Iudaoapukhg M. Phua iA •h.n Incude 7 aedllknRl f l d .rrr „r 2 WNIr1«d ana Cnnere[on•Fhal plank. Rwma Id10R8,A I.Y. h+l+ema.knlrP Mghtd 49l i ir C.Na B. CPbprum LOnd«NNxrcn, pu u P£rklnp apecea}a•Mtld4]IeavYW pedtWp apeoal. ~r,i r „q • r,4:r a' „" ]. Wlled¢rd •nd Cnrnuar9nl BeCtbne. TM m.,WUm MrpM lMlbe l{1¢r_ 2, Pnal•ili aANl bdWamhYpVmdIOB ,J -_.... - ___.~_. ..~._. r.r x:r n.u• x,e~urnxr err sr ' • lluw. Iplaa. D. ArµC Rwn LY¢°[]ydal Lwa puhln q PNhbp Ipaw1. A minknum VI 100 „ ••+ •e r..r w::~:i lu •' u•gmd l •ndrrrp• Plan, Rqua, ]N A its mairrNm MqM Iha W ]] IM t« a h l d epncr anax M Mkuad F ]M paklnyy W ugVra, AI f•quirW paAbp la IM eel bulbin ahal M IO e 3. Wuglad Summq 9grn[tu, mom1, a g iq ,9 aM 3P let M w PN w mauurd ~~ p pravlaad gn~Nl• PN Tgwn I VaX P Parklnq ..,. r.v.., mom., r,.~r r r e......,...,.,,, r,,.,.,e ' 1a•Ifr9e E. Ana D. L-erl lym LiallYlrmbl BAe rpv{umµh p•r Be Cllpn 19.52,186 for r e11 ....n ~. .r.nn ".? wx'r w u~r ,orarr a urn :r. r - - --. .. - .. _._._-__--_.....__ { Wafadpd 610 PIAM1. Patera 1N14]9, 61%d IM r9a} IMII Mw • Mlpm b¢rwlan rrxlentW afla ofAC• W. A m'nlmlm d Neuq} l T, WNMpd Fkv£Om1, Reny. IlY1abB. ]1 and 401nr. 19%d IM rpd Na M16 hevl a epeor ehAl M I9GIBd N the pvape d 1M open r. ' n u u, ' 0, WdMgd MTgIN 3olalkd, flans, 10'1689, Mglu wdN ',q feN. On M1 perlmelN d IM WRdlnp Yrd • Inulrtum d 6 wd•dY Ipem , •~„ r n r. 9 WnM9rd Fu, f Wrb.1 rN9M AnNyek. r flar brlldl a l9r Nµ b, M p k mu11,•d hqm [ 1bA ^9 W r aha M bored a4>mrd mlrr¢ au, huldpg 0 Ar•. D daral¢pmsnl shark rrw.t IRe _- ___ __ __ _ -_---_-.--_.. _. __--_ _ ... rt Yfa ee, SO f raf«y 81• yn npry 10'16'89 Y ~wlo any pdd drM rod. On lM IMr br arµdanY Whdln Ml Mhm b aPMalbnll r•glilrrrMle Wlllnld In lM lDA rvi.i r. r.r. ~,r nor "~'•0 r~•° s~...:.r .: . . p , , . te, nwne•N¢ry RI•+nbna Ilp,°n, ]dfvrN, p, p auur rrtm uMkq prad• Upp IM hlgn•al pdM d lh• C¢bred¢, ins Repen, 9pakxr P,r.xbq Anayrlt . . . ..r. p I] Il. CornN[[py Ourv]haM, Ip10ro roa}, DaYNwnrd plan ar IhaY aenelANe aw4q the MqqM eRP,vanua l9r Arsa P- CnnelJwYlbm. Jenua7 19, 1YIq. Pe Alnq AnaIMIa Cen•barLlpu pole l q. yt . , I r r n u,x y , ~ . Ia. cn)zee. Entry Rand¢fhp, Ilprna. 16.1e ILO Cargeq• 4. Yakl paA4tp Ih NI b 1u9Abhad m IM ,.. ... , ,,, i. ..r,~. rr "','- f0IOt9. 14. Cuurde Clrb AddYbn 9A• Pkn, f[pmA to Area A ud R. M hoe IANr 35%a Ihs Idol age 0rµ aha d C9V•latl by bulldlnpe, w•rl erdd Ih• au ata prhlnp lat. 6. TM grew PW MoD nm M open 101M ,~ n w n.x. „ 1016ff9. prwl3N, Y anY Ponbn d IM Nro k drvalapad WbM unlp aA•I 1:]0 p.m br Pnua I ary II '~ qr~p Iu 16. Cuude C1Ub float Phn. Rama. Iplall9. ten halMUlbnel«aUNVpnN Un[q, 13%d IM 0rµ met 1» mwq•d. In Area C, m m9n M¢nday IhfOYpb Fnd.y. wnan Phase III davabprtynl o9cvra Inciualnp IM Parklnp __-_ ~°re -~r-rm - ~~~--~~ ------t -- Io, MIInW IY 1]1 A. D: )] Pl Wr. Rom,•. IMn 23%d IR• IdN Ya• qro Ihal Oa Gavrae Wutlun. IM d.w pUp Y olrrel• durlrq the L.,Il, IDIaB•. by bulminpa, Unn•I fns maa rµlrrn Na wwekdsyl OrrLe Fh•pukY,p nrWUnhavellabk ~ I%4^' I) Mlhp N 133 AU'al Tba Pray,), Dory, alugydf dCfurplN 18.89 d!M Val Mun]GpN I« pudb pfe. r -_-__ ~ ___. ,.~. u i Ilrlalr, I B Cal. a~ply.bArµ D.m rmr•IAa 71%dIM 0.TM 9ror hNl lhNlMUperwab•U3p0 p IM OpC Ad 1 0 ....,. ., r.. ..,r, nm • ,r o: rr ~ u.r •. urwY. • pan d Cac•de YNMp1, EnpI1 Ynby Englnrrinp, iafarq Lechn.r, N6'aT. bat ipe area ehaA M mrwrM b]' pul0hpe and IM peMNp WIVVI•. y pv p[e ] p,rn m wwMdayl. AI9MIY]MpL'ph Fddayreny lYne. •yu•m.,rmu,..w,n~x wirr.~i., ,-. ,_.r._.r, .. •,.. 19. 89. Covar•p•Anatylla. Eagl•Y411eY 111e.[ldludacplrq T. Cnu ]M pnglry Nrvaunh maxuned, ,wrr mw•m+. 0.n • u ErglnoNl 10.'16.9. N~ AI ?eel IM lbfl3'4irlp Prpp9nxml d IM tpN its PeMI ud YC3odf So Ara D aM8 pn n0 • .m ...rr,rn o-, ~ xau w,~v r + rir. . :q. Cascade VHlaq•9Pxla3 pevrhpmlM dewr ppmanl A/0. YhaR be hndauped a mane p pea perlM TDA Paknp fiepaL PaAn .~• ,.rtnw u•u err w•m a _-_.___._. _...__.._...__......... _ ._._,- _._- _ D{rlrkl AmN,dnnm urd Endronra]ntN Y]wa PmrlJad M Ih• MvdWmeM P1µ, ihll ahNl IJIM91meM 9ectbn, ppr9 end 7, App N 10, YB r' ~ril'tisl`d n•pa0: Purer Janur Aelpcl11n1, kic., flrvlled Include fer•nlbn of natural nnauPa, fl I a. arN 7OA Depart, Vall Brewery phrMnp "'".", 1172x88, Ids. kw A and P. 111 1lplgx Y FraIC•M. brd fi An6y.h Ilpem•, eatae Jenuary l9. I1g0, bdn •,n u' i:: ;:i: i' H¢0. D, D4rr Lr9n Cnnrrnrthl Sxe Arar C tnd P. tl•1y p«pefa, d 1Marµ IRaM wrlgen by Mr. Orda l•ehY, . vv -_ .. _._.........., .., .. . .____ o 1, Aran D MuEer SIIO 1000, lk DdeYgn by Shwrry Paward, 7R2+d0, NnaicdPad. 1p [8.110 Puhhp ub loHlrp 6. Hp baalrq p DYXvery of goods ehNl M alawad m IM PvbAe rghl¢}.waY 0.b nq rnr _ _ __. _. - __..~ :' .. i: r r,.. P I er,dKMre Pbn br Nna 9, D«Walgn by A. Mµ A, Cafreee Yllsp• g¢rrrh Ffpn1•pe Road ed eaem Ip the M¢e D 1 r.rrc r~v "'•'• `t r...r „.. r' 8hnrrY Pon•nrd. lR2yp0 1. Ce~e11M1 Puxlnp shell G paNdea IR dnvgbpmnnl. I,; u{ __ . _.__.-___-__....... ___-__-__._... _,.__. 3, Aya U •iw Y1Vm1. Llroa¢Ign by Snarry anmrdd+ra Aln Cneplq IB.62, nuTA IhN Ttly. Y. FhY wrrtar d the ~ ~ r I ' • r.r, -r Caw.ud. P.4 W. d pre rY1vYN µAlnp b ArµA ahN M bc]Iap maneq¢mrnl (hall pphM ¢ml era Ir 1Y r¢ 4, Yan Mkp rw.u,•ry, fi•rwvae. IaMnr nM • whhln 4 paAlrn nrvaun N b+Mabpe. N IM eats Irenv; lv IM Oren LY¢n Cgmmardal sly, th I arlryrr, Ila,var, Cgar,Mo, •xrwh A7.1, A7.2, A2 ], A31, Al P A/ }, M Y. du•d IrypT stet de.sbprnnl lap4 In B•c3an l6A6.163, 11 arr•nd N, IM paAlnp rpdrgrynh Ihaa M e port IruMr bulln Ihel chop M algwH In q IM IRe IMII M versa Irnvlnq • mulxum knplh -.__ .. _. _ _ -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -~---~ .. , .~iM~„ rir rx x.. r. V,rr, rr •~~~., s.. •..... i r.irx n rhe•r A]1 au.d larlv~p nMed Nanrdhq_ ~ d13lwL r, r„..._ d, YIII Drrwuy la ISr,r r. 1•uA erryer, 1. i1•eehtllM faalde9l •{race. In lM 18,10.199 flatnal{¢n Amµglu Ten IrotU. rvln Luud•CIuA pNAxp ] UC1Ur 0000 Mat.ea .,..r,...r rr,...... .. r..,u,.._r r. ~..,.., •.r,u ,,. r .r ~i, ,..,.r ~...:. .r. n,,....,. n' ' e. clkn L},1n ParRUn barnga Tkwr Pt•n1 •rW , minrn um d 122 unJarpr9u d p•cea In 4M roue I ih elbn• emenllka let duo f« ily . ••~ ^• ~~~ - "i., r.~,r.r,-r~.., ..r"•x w.ru w.m..,•.i,rr.r~.. y Bta Plln llon9. IIR4BR F, DI•n CYnn I'arh[np Caregl Wunrfgeq nrpaVll. 9. TM CIICMe and Waled«a Parklrt9 d•valGpmar¢wllh1n 90D1 Und«CAgptq ago shNl b¢utrLeanarata lKK to u<ood Monty. . r. „n, ..,,,,, ,r.,..r ivrva.r ,..u,,,+o •....i ' sWINrw4 Wnilona, Romn I1Y2899. atNttWr IMI W 9nnakNad b a one Parklnp Ike oq'11 par Iauu• }pd e! me Ib« vro In D 9 dbn LYonCnndmdnbrr]RrxnA 1124ee, grgGlm•br lM purp¢ua al 4kvbRnp lM evebpmenl Area A; and alapy m[lo aeGe•d l - ------'- -- - --.. o..nn.• w p a. x3110 [yon CoMatlnlum EuI gVlbinq, mltld Uaa cradN 1« padlMp Ip AL•a. Ddh lfly and ^ Per eauua Mal pl ORFA {n e D . e v "" ' ^' "' ,r ~ alpm., 112&66. pLkinp lVUaurr shall l)<nynaped u one evabpnr tNroS: udrafuerwl lp steed Ilg .~,m.r,„un ur, arm rr nr u ,r rn -. __._...~_..--._._.. .._. ____._ . 10. Dads Erxlrurs 101x00 111 ro lf4n lYVn µ1Ry.A17.e plrel'X nN•d aro erWA per Eha een come PN I UAre 1ml e1 bfl FA k D b Y _.... .. _._-_..,- ~ _._ _ ~_,_ ". .r„^ r. err,. ~~ u ~%~n i~::i'" u8dlrq. l'hrn,9p•iugq end 9ly¢h. dVap paAl]p acd•. Seclkn 19, 62.20 hu eva p,tyrx Aru C: drarata ryl loaeovod l ` r r 1 ,ry ~., . r,rr n: su n ~ Ap90, Wan ~~ 1o n• trial nurrdlar d r•qulrp Imntn hr nanh Par lgxdn rwldlb«uub D b r, i. ' I 'r rv [.., •r .r r. :rrr ... r 11. LandlGapa PIM, Phme IA D19h pa dr ln q cowl [amdn•d x, IM CacW uW ew pm•d Ara D: Ynd shall M Pald !n x h ; .. r,r..,. ~.~~... er., , .. -• ' . 0 r•, piYGa. BIq¢roerq ana 9naA, 1x0, Wat•dae nNaww. AlunNlw awabpnynl mn~una m w9 eech ONUinx]bn phue Wkr to IM '.. .::. r ~;..r.,. it%i1 i~:..:, 9 Plane 0.r Iaanerlpe whkn rpuM add6bnal kauw,ce dppfaa~p pNVila. .•..r,..,,,,,,,,,,,, ,y.,, ,,.r~~,..:......r ,:, ..r,r. 12, fDEke Atldllbn Ao Dl1n LY9n Ollip atmdurad puAlrq Yyl Ipvxe N upambn tl 19,19.200 CanlerYlllgn and Pallutlon C l~ r, •i• .~. r. •~.... .r,•r •~ .~,s•r-. ~. r. ' " ' ".'_' <, r. m. n0. Oup3lnq, BYM AJntlMled (lxalhnny AIMXaga the WNad«d perYlnp Ilrvcture bebw grouts nrr e A T ' , ,, m..r 1apy1173. 19699hega Atlhmuph M. Ia. Cucaa. Wlrape BPt[IN Cewh+Pnwnl WL /. The 1Mrd Omr 01 d11 CruWe paAl re . M davelapey I draln¢gs plan shell xxluds • pnlabn I« V6vmlkn d pallutbn _ _ r •. ~ ,. r, ~ r r, wn,.. is •r-.~. r, ,r ,.,..• 0.r. ' Ph9b Anyndm¢nl nM Envponrrrnrel hrV•an 111 pa p 1r J1m M l ! I alnrqun ehan Mf d Wed Ip rtwel 0.r parxlr y Y Inxn eudau rump, B. Th.erv4bper Y,e111ncNda lnlMburx9n p , 1 u lx •I, a rc.. 11•rlaad A1R/9e.l MIN InnrPNx lam•f AHUlalw.lac, d rµu lrtynra kr aemrm]9datbn un Al. hanakr¢ relkf¢nlbl dw Nllrrqq vMn. •rrgbyro QxwRlnp p mmna~~~n. •n~yK Nnolap •zl l IlRr m f enu _..._ ..___..__-..... _. _ .._-- ,. nie .wnr,w .n.n w, :>•uu,. ' fine JanValy 18, 14]0, 11. PaGnradan €Yne drgn for Sourn unht «dwNYp Vr,Ae. p. Pnaelnpp: AD rroulred puhlnp Ivr all rl ,¢ r w Y 2 of fOf1l^'nl°n C TRI nurtOev d 1k9 1a - _ „^r" .•"' Fran4pl IIOId. R9D, lkldyr IB, 1981 u gi+and Oy Cobledp OMebn d Dtphweyl CunynfVM. WNxiad, Mlllnw IV 9gnNb 2 (J2 A.D:4), arW IM Lueed• Clrb Wapn.w . p cM pNmmea shell M r YN lodh N 9eolpn B.2B 0]9 dfie Townd rr I- - - ~~~ 13. A IrubdMax]n tl ld 61 am.,w.a piN GnIN Aeapbn BpnW i shalt b. prpvlded W Vag Munlr!)lal Cade a uroMa. ' Rbn Lyon BWOMIxm. F•ob VIIIIy 9urv•Ylrq Ar uv xwad y l M l YM IM C•Nade dWrNbtl prhlrg epupar, AI IM Ilm• A b IHh h D. 8 flraplaml are prpvlded wllhln IM devebprtrrM1, they nun Mhw •prrlerN tnrouph . g Y . v a 16 Vag 8rew•. pw;lo Ana N rPA ]p plrm Y pppuppn 4 aubmhyd !a IhY Tow d Vall C l M e1e YIWa arrd9aurr •nd Mu drwlarlr,o c. -9rn1oU9d9t_Sgn[a9la . y p ry1 . C91Nado, Ine, AuYV11 ]0, 1998 and VIII n ommun ly DevalppmenS DeW>iminl Ipr Ih• WNadOrd d•rIN1 1•dhnakpy ethyl 0.r IM flay d 0.r•¢ nlx. ~n ra r Orewery Parklnp AnuY111 Dpd/le, IRA bVIy3Ap Md paAlnp Nrunun, lM a•w5ppny awlppl°M' E AY h IACt¢al 16 pV/ACto 1.1f1 Cd«adv. Ina.. Jlmlary nr 1990 pnpr I.e snap w ragW W b nuke a nntl dedelNr u to . walN amrea wmin Derolegrnnl Arµ AMeA Mv ik Y prlgln•s fnrcal ~ 1)] f a ¢¢ 00 n t l1.lR 100 Pwebpm•nl eludNds rM d•wbplrynt Innagal t 9uI b whl:h dwreA>pmaro NfnarlpF Meg M tired lp IM GmYabrr•, Wr«brd, IAIIIrAw N 0.M IM I a N w lldmWWlpN the datlpn Of IM Fnvlronmenlal Impact p . ,n, i6 n~bbine vet=•] 1 11 ]n dd 9ec11ona 1143.170 Ihrovgh IB,49_f B0 u• ~°`JdI CYb WdRbn, At¢IIPDrwy wrlllul•d •pCR by Juror Mtadsr on Papa d/. . , tie, s)x alp9.ed bll1M Tour, C«r«ll. ihra IIaMYd1 WI^cY aheN r0. b raka•d In• Ny poAlm F. AfIpMI gruaure)IhaA Rpr¢pWINkM1 ~ Cosgs'1 [r Percel _1.413 16, d,Z . lS.P1z hall M Inµrpaf 0140 Inb 1ha epppYld of IAe Carn N11«le. WNedard, M{Ihace IY mnppl devl la p1•+µ1 oR ana 41x1 horn drool 110 C1 C Y r 0 1) nss Jwelapmenl plln pNllnanl IP MLn drvekpnwd mu In pa¢cl fns Inlpuy o} Ine 9c•narla 2 131 A.n :el or Cuuda Club wNlnrl eddAA]n, 8una110 1 rrldch rases m we r•e . O. 0 Nµ D, a murMb an IRB Mewp 0 . 1e1. •¢ lr], rlr Y. pYYtfuydLgT t9R AAC6 1! ps t0. -Y4L, d•rlbpm•nl 91 BRAT fA1y are minln4m r1aU1rW yuklnp bdrp P'9]ld¢d W IM WNM«d Ienlp pry aAa11 M govbsd m lhr IM llpp« .. . . - . . LORdERi IAL sITC elwkpxrrerd 11Nrdudl •rd 1haN b en]M un 0.1 more wWkWe d pe.hlrq lrvnun Uma Iha Wlhdaa 4kl v rq IlNnwe hµ r W N S d Eap}e V11bY ConwMnad SanM1albn Dhlrkl '^•Ynwhp 6rJl]nrggth sno ) ., such b btvetn ugr udl qe Nrm,ppllad In IM lpprovad dwabpmant p1µ whkh IY ar • a •npauy r4r, £1Md o«vpanry Rom 1M Tprn d Vap Bulbinp . 11, In A1H D. the brewelY rrwrapemaM YAall vnexr sPUAPI. ex0 4Ax1]xc Pek roux ov vat lV ncp~~l aexrVly •dvplpd by th¢Twm Carndl, bap9mNn npl Opllat• Ihw br•we,y praca¢ QUrlnp rrmrVlVY z0., I¢N9 IR 161408arn1dy. 6. BIYY,IY'Ifv p•rwnl d Ih• egdmd nrrpera[un lnvarllpni.41hel4 be ilre brrwerY pnnsc (. 3•trnsx [ le ) FI r A, Aru A, GACade WAap• R d d partsrrpp lYy9 p•Nfdaad %ghln th•nWr]Iwllllnp WMdA vwneYl rrpemablsy SO m9npp brvrnbna. !. Ap Iran NdVect9n and Irah n , sr 1, in, tr Anu IfI DEYEiBp11EA1 QYYI WAtlCNt I is PCYf19114+!Ii eg l• rotbatlla ehW pe u hWkalM b arh dWN3prtwnl pbn rtham'Mrarm aerbaW rp1 uM nmd•n Iron puhlk row hem aBdPlnp prdpMlr wehfnalurae ,aped berm eaps r aheY I)s Campklely and9aea wllnln aq.Tt./earllnq sy. rt, / rs rxlnq ~ p.rh my q. rx. on the d IM ~Nr~ fn'Ml fle1 M11h h Y l 1af WMYUYM CondorrNhfml. MIY1C1 III, 0.M M 1V 9 b l~D Spedal ilw¢bpmpN DIIIrkf 4. 0.([j :yon y , t e Ha{fbn 111N lty 0.q badr ragYYYrrM tlf¢Gnl to IM rohlbp CucnG µAbp nruPargrnlNk dUS Wkllep Ihxg 4 r a [nu 1. ~mlpP~w X05 ~n•]•tlB91q 30.1!0 4a.d ro, veq 1n,• Ip.d In. Ir:r No lee[ a IppfnY•d On FWuYy 1r 19a2, by IM Piar,Mnp and ErnRanrteMa C9mmkspn HI F•tldF'pa ha mµAaln •0.0 f¢rA Y..m Ia4•df •. Ir r <wrrrn r,.r,nr . 'J ,rr r...w 2RaLII_i{ ¢u yon arrte ale9• m9 l.0. w9 L.¢ coo l.e `!'. fldm Da{ Caak, TM w•t•dora ^lld » we r. Iavas oemNrw RWIgrlpl ehe8 +1rYA]IMl 929 b9! e9'Au •YOrA from 1y 01001 •dp• d tr• IKr•NIYM1IE 9 ~~ 9Len Lr9n Prh llblrp Dan LSYd4 ,y .w kl y 61ote lc. G. AIµ ~r Cddlq.amf 9e«dnYfRrY. AeggY•9 a16WY ehaE M r Wdkded on u , ., •,' p 1x100 be 1,4pp v e w ~ eeA~9 C. JVM D, DIw lYVrloly+r!eon Rpa•e eN41du MI M perused Iry .r.r.. .~. r" ~„ c ' Alcr¢-er.,,.9y p•911•R 1p.Y8~0{0 ~e10{9hY al Ih• 7, T•p te.t • 1 0.]a la.a -A~c~ t l P Yn IoM dkdtl d IM Twm d • xan p •n/ p• Yll MUnb9fd COd1. b. AlyD rdbnl ~ ~ ~ ~ • • 0 f LT3 eta ;.a -Mks li a~a eel t ~ n/ RpuYad aaOWr IhaR ba i ~I~kJRH M r0. •, ~wl iau ~ n.0 i 1oa p<w. ~O1p ~11A4119 YM l ~ y u • • . 0..p A° s Habl o 1 s,rvp Leer Y• p tl A Fa 4r• r d pflpa eNwblbrr d pares rraghL eFrM lrw)gy dglNra.mww.d ., ~u ]rpsls. rw 1130 •eetol L]ep aror• -Erex ~ d l.lep t, 1¢Fp• ) .D• lea a•.ee1 SIa .eaG.l Y fan IM uYlbq pf•d• d INkA•d w r.r re )vnTOraL tn, cap ta.x 11,4]0 ______________ a,) 11 1]5 • Pads b non lealdphej. a a •.~„ w r . . e1. ] plwn poW b IM IAp d • Flat rml, a nrr W ~v r.»., rvr x ems 19x1, a b Ih• M1MN rHW kM d { abpFp Vod Ynlea• dM • e i ~ '• w' ° • 1i1 L e•e !bf ldln9 pKp W in appr9 b M•qe p. AIM A,C caa•VlRaoa 1.TM maxraw h•qN nWerdl Ald ` . .ly "^ •..: nn "'~+ r u -a £0019&0• anlta 0 O.o G q -l oq•Ilznq ° r, aqs CMC EµrnM D•MMr TNraw WNp, Alelx C nh µrss rm r v 0..p p[[lc•lt 0 1,¢]9 ].o _ a g tlndw ulAlln • p and Celaer Par;bp {Ir,wfVYAIhMk CANk 11 L114 '~.._. •~~" rn «r • r 0.9 __________________0_.,,___ __._____ _.._____ -,n9 a_• epaTdrlL -- ~. arrr Mlana 999dN'~YY4]Yan lllgNtl r r nA r r a•o 0 ], ]0.e I).e Yl ~ A i MT1L CDIa6aGi44 App Heslp£•rssa), ~. WdMad pupdNrp:MUlnm MgmtlU . aW10.6 Yoarlae 1xq PARF[Xar lees Y maaulee YrOm 9nkha p Nk to Ny ' pg1Am d tM x091 oboe IM 110x111 •flralf9n f99tlh prpll•p• Read1 en9 wan •lerellan •""'•^"' iw r i1.1)s 0.e,) aa,Taa 109.¢ CWNlhrwr•INM!-AmukrnwrrArpMd101ro1 ~" ~ • '"'• "~^' •• w auto nrcxtaT ql Rnlxa naq. Fasu[e La eheao ox 8£aa]xc • • • .1 nano ~ a~ J. Praad Na muNIM IhaA b wed du unlen la PrwaM aoA nrolbn lM0 crNY- pxlkYNny wnM mnelmnkn acura Al.n A and n K 71N nor pnYA,yJaylnrp unto bhrN ~ InN w,ly b aluxad Ip new pn Ihap4acw I nWN IM Town ql Yall erdlnenna pwxm prepw«. 6 .6,210 Atldlnonal AmnnlMa I:adeAenl d kiuovN lei 6Yawla Pavdq Dlmu NO 4. SM lemon 10 rPx ahal ;wUe IX Wvrk Iran plevld• d•qua¢a Pllva apenRl4p urvlcN In IM gxnxl Il,dm la M b UllSapal Nxnnom IM dmebp nl hn vYlapa Cal aey ant lbnehaad uu pAllned h IM aY4VwN dwnksPmeN dAn. D, Davlbpx Ahdn prorya In M aypmv eawkPrrwx rw • Inn aM11a el a aagn bcalkrx mvtuaNy epnNW la dwalgrx Imvn Cmun[A Bald (lynx le gene Inn x parwraxy. C. Aru A Cruadl Ylhrpn. 1. 1M davN¢pr AMY M naP«IMA Prow dlnp a bru6ywq Mnard In1 I xrWrgxXy rcaaa lad ennwsn Esp4 PBI W wlMwn pMp, IM dNlpn a IM boa roan be nuually aucarrAS le Me dwa .na lam! a VNI. AN. uNaw•nym anYl Imclnd Mlan a Wlbhp pxnY M rpwel Ix IM Cpnualpnl. 4grau III, YuNAU 1 WInmyll i:r/walNnlun., WNwfad WEywq p cwcW. aw .adobe. Iny IaAlxa In.n Irxwrdnd b IM mouth glary, fl,n UWlud ihu ne1W IxlwNrrarr3 to Iha beuMCa d W lNlnp WInrA ant Plla lu IM hNanca al larryrm.n mndkar. 9r a..e.nAnerIr tar I Cornualma M+4em III, MIIYen JV, YrwIM C«daWnHml. WNendd buAdingl, pl Cucn flw aOJ~ilpn, 2, Ih1 Jwvblyr annA mrielruei A aNivwa nHl IanW al In• •nhancn to INa Gacaen GI N•mq W uv,eren Prly ant e.lendl uY Iha ,n hml d ma weunwen naW~nq In [ono wyh lly rncreallanPl Mln IV ponnvan Parh. I wnF ahnli M [eNhvr.1«1 when A paddlip µun 4s+eNulr•d br Wnnri,nn,n CpntlnmNlwld 1 r+nuwaF vh.th h• Pull d Ir,n bcildmq y,alr Pf Ins, IM °Idew~IN BMII Nn [unelrvcle ,Innqu°r~l lO Ihn INU~vru M a herinlrnp porn nod glgr la Ih• IlWantu vl a Iurnpnrar nrnh[a!e of ncrUnanay Inr Wrrrlhav° Cvndurrynluny. 3 rho JovelHper .hall prvvhrn 100 Ye HorxrpWln Inbrnulbn la Iha arpa arllacut I IM WebrlHrd Ind Como+lpne hulldrnppr b nr lawn all ConinrunllY vv elnb,ya vN.xllnw~n Mlnra Lrnuu~p rnrr,na u,. !surer Ice `nlar Ivr+Yw.'I Nr• ~ tlVl°N lur nr•a A In aailen IA re mP B, Ip 16.3w A, {~7r Id In 200AI', C Ilm v, M INPI kIN• [uwlalJl 7~Llectl to Ilr nl Nrrwal d m. rHxn Annrney .na .N9xmN lr,,a M le<«naa err mn hrr~;or;~re ul Ea91• Ceunl Y. Ihn dwal°PIr ehnM b i yn:li „^o. awmAllrrP ir,• w,W.n [«rdAkn haldln Y nl4rnval bolore Wealllllpwn PaMxdnlnrtw, WebrdeMllv~b Np a CaetFM Clw Addlbn. D Area 0. CNn I YM Golrrrlxc W Spa 1, IM drvalAlx IhaN agree 19 ronlPUd pw 4ry Ipr !own d 4dl usndnda h IM ar a, IIM~vlyca 6k Men loci IOra ~rL bawuYryn, re nvlvally agrNd sp Uy Iho Aru n eWryl armor mvdayn Cobradp hlvlllw d tllghwaya an IHxndvan meaYr lean andlMCan.hv[bd •urFUUm to vin INVUne d • VulJlup pwnYl and nrbr to Ih• 1l !vane. d b•rylU+Ir ruN al ac Mrancy lar •nllHr T• Yoxpry dJJ rive, a11ce asMnalun nrdlydlrlp I'hnea IA. earl elllu MlWlnp. Or purlnp 1lrvurlra, 1M d ,wbMr NNOr pwnare el a u D ,boll b ronabb for nvlmNAlrp Ihh new boa Inn a. htlu0lnp anew runwN, n Ills IoM h Hal A Hqux•, dtM fpyrrnyvaM ua govt' Lys Nvrvba Ip 1!t' aN, 2. IM devdwy Hal rllmala Ine aehdnp UFn Palh m NN p xd ryuvhh a nax oleo lylh ci?wi rl ny man Lrun rorawny one Ant p ~IM 4Fa palh (hall lM mmllu[lN Mr lwm a YAII HarNRNa, Iha bFn Mm anon Imo nxnNlmlad IVAapuerll 10 {h• +uuanu ql a bulNlnq MImA ant 0110 to IM heuaaa d A terrladnY ndnaale d aatwnKy 1« Nhx nr. dlvnerY ad6Alan, dlkn Upenalm ududhp PMN IA, x111 0111u bulNYlnq, r MrFlnp IlrveeV la. 9ucn lanporary •nllltela pl OccuPancha •hAll b• c9ndillnnal upon cnnwrudbn d IM bFe Mrh plwbtl Id MINn. Thv bF• ulh uurrynl chap ba gwbed Ipr Mrein. TM blhe pxh NNrmm aha9 b• lar,nad,rN aPgwY dq.Wd Ham ma lemon Ceurcn prbr to IM IaWIn6n a e lamp«ery wndkam d oe<warwT I« lim•r IM Nlnwery eJdlrbn. arNN IepanrbR avcludh,p PhasA pl, xal onlw wklrIpp x pAWlrq alrunrr. e 3 IM Nvnhpx AnAll undupmuad 1M alwrkY aYllb abnq IM rY«Ih alda d!M Rbn I YOn g4reM Iram ilu lbnhrMel Dana d EM PlaPeny la IM r1«eMUI ealNr d IM pgwar. loll mil%kclrA ahY a mlraYYdw ub4e4vanl w nr1 havuecw a • oolong pxmA art' qla 1° rIXa N.venc• of a hraweruy crnllkul• °I moray la IM poor ..Pan,yan u aw.ralw h PMU N /. TM derNaHl AMJ M raappnlldn br I~kcxlrq IM 2q fqa Nhh1 •wrrynl on NM Ihm yvntbn d p.wkpmanl An, a N was IM~r•1baalad NMi al Irom Iha lemon a Yap fp Y wnmMl WI«a a bVpolNq perm'! 4 roIAAAAd 1°I IM mkmbrawry adOhbn. 5, TM dw ^kyx d IM Ohn lym o6ka prepanY ;M1 q IIb any eampnlNAn{w a P+oIAII pelnal Ihn lormshgn al A bcal ImDIkNNm nl tlbincl or olhu IlMncinp eprxw.d hY n1n VIN lemon CgUMA whkh may bl uhdhhed 1°r IM WNpy a buR4lnp lead Irryrw•rn•nra la Ma 9vufh Fronlxppo 11eA6. N. iM tl•valep4 (hall «wY• • IYn hyared Px Ivan q 4YI FIN pNyRnNnl eaqukanwnll ort IM nnnlrwwl pgnbn d Iha Ixcnwh, iM aPVCllk bcelnd 1°r IM HIR Aytlnnl Ihap M Inl dahip bYN Fk• CNrlnmaM. IM INa 4aaan[• of • bdlgwkntl IwaepuNl la 1hR Nuaaml d R Nnawr~yy Ml IIICYe apomryynry !a tM brywxy addllbn, dllca Nplnlbn a,cbeinq PAAU rA, eel °nkp bundhp, m PaMlry IPwwr. T, 1M dwNOUr an Agnlhv°l d•cNarubn Nhn abnp gown Frpnraq• need Phul auWM pay la Innn BaAn Fmn a~appvyeeDkp~l MVrwwrwnla to Ine Tpe+l a YaA Enpf Ice r Nw ar,d apvwY bxNn n wAdbyy pwml h ululad hX eNhx Phu• I •adutlwp PRaw YA, II a IA mnNruebn. gMhknl br Are.l f5 h A+~r .... 16.1 e.1w D, q 4a.200 A, g, FN, 16.ae.210 p, e~), and li IF2T0 ehaR a W !4!171 M rwlrlaAy d rraml ^ablecl 1o M RpgwY d tM Tam '~Y Albmnr a ro vas Ogrh ram.ded en 1M Ixd l WOrO W Eapb CvunW. TM dwalop•r shall b waponllbb for p N nlllny IM wrNNn wMhbna I° IM Tewn nu % la ,pgwdl Nla• a auNaNp pnlmn chap M bawd lee IM Mkm~Gawer,, epk• % ~~InrqllUn v, ludlnq Pnda• IA, en ofllce rid p, IM ~~IVUdMhbn ld ArNO ManM mIM dw: yob per MO lab"'Y•q mntl94wle: wlln rM aw•bq,wrx a wnyh A, B. c .rid D. la lMA M pndN b IM 9001 dsralwrnnM den ant powrMd by 1h• aD0 a «dlnenn u V°°ip RSWwnd %IM T°Wna YaA ary qn lM MhIM u pAwrtmMl pT pa„•nYnnr DwAlnpmanl a ar am.naw alw apprww ley Iha communlly pwaloPTlnl paparlrMnl, Plannlnq And ad EIwlrOnmulal CpmwlNlon, alylor ine Yall and Town CoancN, ^d b. IM mina awaNrekn PYI mall Incbda a cep Huxrrnl Ihx ewabpmeM d tM lour pucell enaA ha p°vxn.e by 1n..pprov.e spD 1 IXwlklwrnM Pbn la xen a one poW.Nrp for do anpN. n• - Inn wmmaNry MrNHp.nnrx gapenm°nl Mn rrd Inm d Ya2 AnaMy aRaa Mwthn dpN to Ieldasr AM r r ~ al Tlnante 1nRCpm~mp a In~C n^.~,anna eel r oa•mam arq Pa%w.n Apr ". xa en Aa biniAlW~n.bv. qtr earwaNAp e~l6emenl~ ~~ D b V,eere ehN Ih. Sou. M+[•h . B.C •rd Iti par Pre g5xowa d.v.bpnwrn`pi.~ Nd", an~n~ad M amn.,y.. a p_ ine Qevrkpx Ih14 M re,p°naul• rw laplalllnp Ine 2n lap u111hY uNmam nn IM n• ,wa.m p«rbn el dwaleDn n1 ass D u wen Y IAAYMrq apgwal }mm IM lpwn d VIII la de Ma n•w mlulY eaum.a IM!«n IM minar avpJkhhrr, PW b rec«dN MY Ir,xlrkalbna a F m•r,dmeMS b Iha ndrr« ahfrdNhlon [«bhbnr w d NgrwY aprwmna shall ns rwdewed u e m IIllnreO In 6epronlle send rho PrOCadurae hip Yonw,q Code_ Inn Tvwn d Yxll 9 a. rM awrakyM Ice IM mina nvbJNielan 1n hn Sanbn lB/fi 210181 A, B,GeM E,IMrrM Nr ;arlh k, rwhklNe c aWjnri 1° IM1e d JVrewl d Ine T°wn Alb~nny And a dl NNxnvrrd eye ha warded On Ihn land Irar'y y of Engle Cpvnl Y Ine dwelaMl 4nnll be n I° Ine I row°n .Arlo+nl Y 1061a1ou Ilnnd Ylnm C Bpyn lf'vrllp my rsmrded en IM lard romrda d +0. IM only. Olen Lynn Ullk• 8dbng and • 9rawnry 0,.lywp ahnll M aweylNrrq and have en nN Nnnn aaedkm .yaxn Iwmaval era bgNrlrrrm egawY of the aMlnabr dnd IN• aYUem1 (hall Le NgUMd Lnlora e 1, Wlyhlp lwrmANlxnuWlp PhualucbdMq ti I'nun IAa II. 1I. Ihs V•wlarer anon luLnW • •N 01 yneed elan! w the eabredp alviekn el ili9hxera mr ewlnw .rid alrornvar. rn. Irryr9r•rrpml m Cf10 V~~ aye/ aemaN by ~ ihn ewalopu mrat r Na COOII Ibmvtl borers Phsan 1. •rcl Wlnp IA, 11 xrd III ue , eowa d m;l m. Town a van gorge gerla. 12. rnn :u awubq Indnanp ma Iwo nrybYN tlx•hlrg voila shall he umlrlrctpd 1 xMn Ih• paAhq 11rVdvn h bH 10 NIVn MR M Iha Mplnyae Vnhl xi buAl. 16.an 720 Ena9eYM HouHrq. M TM dawlopmenl d 5pD a xlR haw Igpaaa valpnY anYCinyw iuualry vdrhln Iha UIPx d F•pN Ydnny w. h ad•r IP nob meni Ihh davIlenal • ployaa Rauf inq need. Ihl NaDlrlal d Areu A and a anon gwlda Y ~^VbAVnall Wlb l nln Ynunm d n ~yw dw•Hlnp unNa Wllhln Araa A Wanhlvn Lpndawnlvm huANnp, Euh arryrl°Ynn ewalYnq unn b AIM A atoll haw • mJnimrlm aquae lapapa a 616 .qrn• NN. Tn. dw•Inp.l d AIM 9 nM burg 2 artpbYel dydnlAq unle b IM AnA D tut bdtlbq W IM Apgewd plan Ipr Iha Eaal fluM9rp_ In And a pN anmbYu dndnp unN ahaA nova a mbinum dtFA d )95 anuua IM and Ihn award MpWyN drr•Illry u A IoW Mw A mlrJmum aRFA d 900 qvw INI. Iha OIUA end nvnbar d alrpbyN vela ahal na W apunyJ lawud albwada Onn111y a CRFA rw 6Da1. In JVa• A, Ilrn aRFA •nd unlMl d xlpbyN awelllffpp urine ahe4 M ry1hld.J as •rrydoYM dwnAlnp uNla I« 2q 1 sem~IM dlile a M ilV [NxINRkyal~ auaalrpe~ncT„cythlw aa3d Vnha. Ine 1p rrpbYN Inrealrp VNIa In Area a ahaN M Iwllklae a1 rMNi awpbyN dp Mrrp µN11 pxm.nMlW, Y Area A k D Vy IdYAVkq W IIIg4nI anRll eFWy p] AA tlxyFrq uMa: TM enplvya• dwelbp Vnk anaa I MI b boas or rantnO l« NY paNgd a hu Man 70 ronaecylkw deye• ant Nat Y ranted. k .nAA b lanlea mty w IMUNe .mo ua WI Prey rrPloyua In IM UpPal Eaph YAIInY. Th• LppN E•pb YaY.Y AMn M tlNmed Iq Include IM 1791e VYlay, Nlnturn, Red CNI, pprlyn. I FApNUYIII Rnd Avpn ry theh aUN9hPdinp 1 xnu A IuN Pma arrlrkWn k • grape xM xv¢ha an anrya a 70 own px weak. YI Fru A.Am NVbyu dn9rp unRh aoU,Y ln•Rb ~ add Dory l9 a ruR Ikry arlpby.• b IM l{pr Eplk Y•Ny, iM owMr ehaR occupy IM vnl a IN4YnM s P•{ Iha IngdnmAnla In Ihh d a•ctbn b ANU A l O d,n •nNe ^N ertil,lra unh MY IWI M aNdsd Info y Ipm I 8 Ilmwhx A, nlnlv.} «+MNhp vl IranbnY IM ewnuanp, A dacluRe9n dl cwanaMa And rwldpbnl ahalb Elba Nreccld M Iha dike d ihR Elpb CoYmY pack ant Romdx b ^ loan I~TVOV~md ~ IAnIU6i IhY the IM blwrl halos coal Wn whh IM land pdaA a bnre~np purn+5 k r.laa4.a lo. 1n. mnllrJabn d Yn. .nplcyN unYl kN,hN Aru A«Mu0. T In ld7b Time RpuYxunN P spa Ahal M pavxrrN by IM gacedwN pvoMd h Sxlbn IB 50,120 d IM 10x0 d VnN NunkE+Y Cads. d SECT pN a g °lawnnw P aNedb Ml nMbanc~~ h for n` y C I WN Mtl to M JnY1M, such daalbn ahNl rid ahea Iha vdbay alto raluhlrp pollens alNe 1 °ldlnann; and IM Town CdUnGY h•r•by g dndwa Y wpuy have puaed MY aanlnca Aw IauNlIXh Pul, I•nbn, Iwaadbn, umanp, Ihu phNe• Ihnwl, .egxdlNl d b• fry •ny one ° Parla. enclN na, lab xlbu, NMn rrlwa, ChwN ql pnru M rb dNluaa InYNy. 7 BECigN e. S TM rappel ar IM logo! and r•MAdrmnl d Iny goWN°ry bF Ihn YaA Mxnkpal Cod• as Y gwbad b Nh gMhMm aNa2 rq Rawt anY hl Iphl YYRh Ma •uanaa. Ny day h1P°Aad, any I rldAlkn IhY actaxead gbrb Py +danNl dab AI ahu Ir,bn elalYreulbrl vwnmency, n« any ! AF vww d Na plwl I~AaPUbd «ryaYad W ,NwY i/y r S V ~~ny r tsr,.w 71Le ya![ 7Yaa • DeoembeF 21. TT ~ QJr' hxlby ehaR ml ravhn Iny prwYkn 9r sn a0lnAnce gerbna7 rapuled a NPenedN unhN nga117 Raled Mrel0 SECTI~Ne. All bylaw.. order!, reaaiutloM end Hmb.nnl. r pNla In.rad. bconalnNl herwMh an MIaiY IepeaNd IH Inn eASnl on'3 ~eucR hehnl Nlency. TBY lOpaxlx ahaN rice d< n hood 10 lwhn anY bylaw, ceder, rwdwk.r or grelnenn, Or pail Ihnrep. Mrelobra rnna;bJ, FIRaI n~AO Ha A DChnOEIlEO PU9~I51tOEp ONCE WFULI Ihf1 IBIry dayd OecaWwr. 1990 and A puWk heannp atoll M hey an Ihie aainarca 9n R. Naln a.r d aamno«. 1930 a 7.]0 p.m RI Iha Cvanck Charrbnra d IM Ya Yankbal Buiblap, 4NI, calaWo. TDwrraFyA Kvu n. nu Al1E6f; Meyv Pemell A prenemeya Town clalx E%IUBIT 'A' KOELBEL ppOPER3Y OEYEiOPYFNT AREA A YIM~RoN .12,370 •ny A pad of IM $W Ili N6 111 d Sedbn 12, Town.np 5 9owh, Rarpa al Wwl °I lhs un P.M.,dwplbed u IdbwA: XglnnNy e[ aywdd an lM Wwl Inl d ub 8W vl NF III Iwm whin rM Nonh once quuhr nw d Nb 5•cllm beds Nonh Odpraw 13 EeN 22np Ae led; Wu.e Hwlh O doprNl Se' Foal, crag sad Wut 4.1n•, 157 m I•N to • pgha II,• 9wlMeslnrly rlgM o1 way pM or U 9. IllphwaY No. a; Inane, Yonp my 6wlhaaalarly rlapM el way Ilea, N lelbw•: ho1M 52 do-prNl 2T Eall. 102.21 lea: Noph 19 depBa4 p; Eaal, 519.5] loal; ant Nonn 48 tleprdp ID Faal, fia9 09 rIN, Imo a Imo 1. Iq a pphl an Iha Nath e °I IYd 9W Ira NF 111; Inancl Npnh Y dUgrNa 33' Euh alOrq IM Nonh the cr ea10 SW Ir/ NF. >E9loo, nlpr•or Idu,1o a POlni on the cealenine d a°re Crrrat: Ihenm, sloop Ine °nbAnn d Ohre plHnk, as lolbwe; Sohn ]6 aupreoa 19 Wael. 101.01 leek 5oulh Ice eoprNa pl' WHa1, 59,08 fool, Sgvlh I dagren6 26' Woel, 305.02 loo; Seulh 12 d°preoe 10 Wosl, IP1251NI; end $d VNr 20 dopmrn 41' Wu61. 747.75 IoN, Ihgav Soulh T5 daglvga le' Weal, Irnd, Ice INI to IIy 00tH Hl hrrpinnlnp Rou Plrcea ~ 3.190 au1• A Irad °I Wrq ANV a1eJ In Inp SW IN NF 111 d 5•clbn 12, Tp 5 5.. D. 9M1 W , pl Ina bin P,M„ 71np S°ulNarly d tMl ca n a Innd a¢ar,x,rd In naA I N9, P.ge~iui, konhony wed Wlrlerh d1 Ih• cenlelllne a r:«• Creek, acrd IYrnq Narlh•rW •rW EurarlT al Iha• canon hncla danAwp In Beck 2I I el Papa 196, Npok tlwveead u•Idlpw'anllopl nln' al APPPOoIM on~ e Nanh.SOam qulhllna of ale 9aaiun IZ wh•nm Ile Norte Ouennr mrnar d Fay Section 12 Man N I%1 ddprtvN 15 ERN T269.181~er; Ilrarva N r5 dagr Bea IS' Eul a4A,Te fN1lo !h• vH Polnl d beglnnlnq. aatl polnl 6u1n9 on lM Spurn one el rho uam dnaRya In 8aa. 199, rev l9r we wmah ban sNln as a.prnea 9B' Ea+l 3205.31 fees Irom Iho North gwMr nlMr bl lay Spcllm 12; Inru NMh T5 depr•ol 15' Eaal 717.04 Jeel Abnp the Scah11W Ilea d ]hr Iran dNttbN in Smh 199, Pape 10] Id IM c•nIH d aura CraeY; IMncn 90v1n 28 dnprNa /1' weal 130 61 INI aknp INB cenbrlln d ub Crear; Ihenca Sovlh 05 tlevprew 24 ]d Eait t0a.50 led ionp IM a odd Creek; V n . Sp Ul7r l9 dg9roN 2p Wvn195.w loos ., pciM mnbnY,a WMI 12e~a7Rled abnppihe c:n btllln• of aW clNk; IMnw seam 5a aeareda m' w.a 119 3a INS abnq IM CealediH al aatl Gook; to N• $OVlnedel CaMf d IRY [~~ 'In INd d Wnd doanYyad h Botlr 2l r, pIq• i. ,; IMrcn Nanh 71 eegrap 16'38' WNI 110.12 lox alPnq IM EwterlY Ina d Ihu Irad deaclN,ed In Bed 211 al PAgn 109; Meng Nonh ST deplMl 12>•J' WNI 169.681•N slang IM Nonhealtany Ilne d Ihu pea dwcl6ed b Sod[ 211 C Papa lO9; Ih•n ~HVnh w dpryw 0YYJ' Weel 162,92 !Nt nq IM Ngnhu7 M of Ihwa vwaa daaa AUd In noon 21 I N page 108 arA 215 el Paq• IOS Io • poht; ih•nu Nath 32 tlnglNa 5T3P WNI 1d Oe INI abnp IM Ngrlhuahrlr Ilona IRN NW dwanwd In Sax 215 x Page 366, to the palgl d bplnnlnp, IhaG PucN I.tw •uaa Camly d Esph AJIO slx• d Cakrado, l° N: A Irmo a ism qqN W h ay sw u4 NE lu a Seaian 12, Tawnlhb b Sown, RArp• it WNS ql AM 61h Pllnclpnl Yxtlhn. dnlnbed u dk1Wn: S•pbnhp aL a poYd u IM Nodh 5awh ceMAMM of aab 9wYbn 12 wnenca Lhd Nonh aa.n.r Cana d IYd s.dbn I2 near. Nall, W tleprew, 15' Eu1228p.aS lea; Ihanu Nonh 75 Npraw 1F' Ea1319,26 fNI:IMnu South ]T dp•aw bT]p' ENI 76.06 face; Pynm aoVlh Mdwn»r d a • Cru]k 9harwn Non~n„bp daprroa 72' WNI 111.31 bel along ih• •nlxllnn a Illd n aaN' Ihercn Nonn Y tlegreN PS' WNe-Aaq.pq Ian Iony th 9odhxly rlphl d way Nn• a sYd hlphwa Iharwe $qdh 0i dapraN 37 Wear 100,001 along Ihl Swlhuly I19M o1 way Nnn d I highway; Inarcr Soalh p7 dprsw 67' WaI d ub hlpFwey lot aapdnl 9n 1~° ShoaAulj II d sold N tn, NE 111; rheum Nodh BB deprN 7r Eul lp>,ai lox abrg Iha 9odhvlY IRy aaM N In NF Id rp IM unlu tl IM kE 111 anld Swtbn 12; th.nm N«M Sa d^^pprNyNa ~ ENQN >r2d HE 11<b ~SOU[Innul lawnxdaYa N 12 NE 14; Iherlm Abnh 0 aeprpw 0] Ww 768 951ed abnp the Eulxly Hna d Iab N 112 I NE Id SO h1 hlerywlpp xAh tM 9pVlnrYy en N achy hlghwaY.IM pnN1 a begNnbp. AND E AA Ihx part d IM SW Ir4 NE Ill p19RBlan 12, 71np $pulM'rY al IM wnlx of (dprn Creak a iMwn 9h IM piN on fIN In 01e °NEe d tM Fapla CpuMy Chrk rd Racwdx u DaurtyM No, 9]a Eq. Navbad Y Idbwl: Reglnnlrlp u the N°ghuaa[ mrmr d Iay 6W 1r4 NF Ill; Ihanq adah G dyrM1 3T Wrl 131.67 fM to a rolm In m. e«nr a Nld creek; Nynu. sown l0 400tH OT Wwl 91,O41Nt apxq IM oeMx d say CrNA; Ihanm Sadh IB degrnea 21' WN161.w INI aby tM mnlx d Ilb Crank; Hence 9anh 1 depleas 2l' WN1 205,02 !ex !aq IM ryr.lw a neO CrueN;inama Soule 12 dNpr6w ltr wwl Np Ts lad alalp IM n.Mr d ub CrHHk; IAerca gwrth 28 doilrea. 4 Y Wnl ]20M law; IMnu Saaln 6 Ngnw Ta30' Ea R, I ]O,b9IM nlwig IM [rlla+ d aeN7 CrprA; Ih¢nu 8omlr 21 dprlN Ovp;Y' Wwl R5 21 lual slap Iho m,br a any CrN:, IMnw Sounr v d ro aee~;k m:r~25s«3ne as a rip M. °.nl.r a 109 e2 Iwl ably IM ceninraol~nld Crwk~ Innnce 9oNh B9 depreea 01' WMI Iw.f 7 }pal tlrgrnw 25BWe11 aB¢B9la~! brq Ine ten ar d s b aaek; lhance N9Nn T] daprnpe ]9' WN1 28 96 Im1 ebrp the aenlx d any Creek; ihMm Naln 50 depraar 3T Wu! 199191ue1 abnp Ine cooler a old nhek: Ihanm Nonh 78 tlaglMa a6' Waal 23{.09 Ina along Ilan canto of .era crvvh; lhance Savlh 78 dugrqup 3y Woat 3931 lrllo Wn Oily Aeud anld SW }I~NC fr ~nntnw Sprrn 0 degrees 15' Wn¢1 161.90 fdel fo IM1e came Pi aald Seabll t2; Ihencn Nonh 39 de9roaa 02 Eael 13B7.a5 leer along Iha SouIRBNy Elne d say SW 114 NE try 1° Ihn Sovlheael mrnar d aald 6w Ill NE 114; lhance NHM 0 deplea OB' Eul 1361 ]71x4 abn9 rho Edulerly {Ine a IaW SW 174 NF La 1° the N°nheael rnrnel d said SW 114 NE 114, Ine gaol d Irpplnnkrp, Af2a M NW Ili 6E 1M q ao<,bn 12, IorrnhlP 5 gmth, RMpe 91 W osl d Iha 6Ai P,M ; AN^ Nr mx wn d ore sF v4 Nw w d ax,1Hn 12. lowmnb a suum. Rare. e1 wwl al mesrn P.M., IYlnp Swlherly d IM gadnedY dgni a war once a u.s. HIpM.y N9. s, w anawnan IM dal on lea h IM dlks d IM Fe01e Cpunrr CbrF n0 Aamrgvl as pocumeM No. p)aa9, Ea1v1»tl u Idewve; a¢prnnYp el rev SaVlheul Chmx d lab SE IN NW 1r4; IMn~ Boob e9 dAgfeaa OY Wet[ 879.05 Lei abnp IM SHdhIM NM d aab $E IN NW IN to a gaol o IM 9pmMny Ilpht pl way Ilea p! lab 105Tp)rhmd llonp Iha SHdhe~lY rlphlSdEwny Ilea d uy highway 1° a Iudn1 on Ids Eealurly Nns d IoW 9E tla NW Ira; menn Boom 0 degrees I S' Wool 628 211esa abnp the ERelally Ilne d avid SE Ile NW 1+4 Iq Iha Sealywl bsplnnlnp; saw 9E Ile NW 111. Iha palm d E %CFPT TIIE FOLLaWINa' m.<wdaHwaabs'reded n Baia, ice ~I race ~e; hat M6 dwwtwd h Baek 203N Page 231: Nn [enPln hblend ad~~~3101 A abpvln. dwnA,ea PrW°nY. orb bCEIwJ In the mtldb a Own Croak whld, IM penlw IMSrrd Iq acdvde Irom,nh aanaanbn; CerrnW d Eagh stale a cdHr.ea ALSO TIYE FOILOWIHO PARCEI FOnMER~Y KNOWN A9 7HF 'CDSORIFF PMf.EL' d 6v[Ik n12,n TannMplel3o UlW nanpn 181 w.a of Ra e1n Pnn°pN Marbhn, Irbg Nerthwwlady d IM umenlge of Gan CIeAk dNChbad ee folbwl: NApinnlnq al a gaol whaaa the Nalh OuartN Corner a sob gedbn 12 neon Np0h 4f aeprnM 03' WNI 2292, T2 Iwo; IMnw Sarin fN tlspr•ea ar3p' ENI 89.50 INI; IMnm goulh W tlngrNa IT'7q' Saal Fol~ 0 12~1eu b a~ l In the too r d IoW crsOh; Ihenm 6eah ee tloglea4 3A' Ww11 W 62 Ina alenq Ihs unto Nnl 91 uy creM; Ihav;e {polo M gagmen d' wort 90.18 INI .lay ihn cNhrlEna pl aald creaN: ihenca Nenn 33 depraN 1830' Wae! 71],54 Nx to the pp;M d boplnnhp^pp~INnprP 1C5 Awen, rma pr Imo.. egreea a9' WNI 2]9.09 lasl .loop Ine pu ta l n r Q r d a W g> f n° ~ hnlM 1 aYd uaW; thnhm 69u1n 76 al r p p f je s Ml ° 12 Ma a North 1l deprew BS Wea122eQ 721wt; Ihenm S h ipn•i 3a' W31 F9,R1 INf abnp eha l lY out 85 deprew a3la-EUl A9MreN; IhNn Snob V u tntl ub pork lea pdry an IM N°dh~ e Ih mnl•INnn d say 8e k 67 deprew 3530' ENI t9a.a6 leer; menu 6 - p n 12; Ihenm onh pp aRpnw le'Eaq lg9e lNl .long lM 0ah 72 d°prew 6030 Eul lat.aT INI 10 1 pohl lnlM CanlxaAatl a k onH$MncxNaWnap Ny 9rNbn 121. sM N ;lMm•Sav1hB5 dpnw dt'7B' Weal 1pp,e2 INI slee [hn 0144 bephnRq, Tda}-16.8m nvaa. pp unlxllnl nl aela cock; Ihenn 8gvlh Bp aagE CREEK AgeOCIAIEB PROPERTY dgTrew 01'70' WB1a {97.02 IMI abnq the centa ll f DEYELOPIAENy ApFA3 R, C !r O r na o said usak; lhance Nodn 27 Oeprew 21'00' Woll 319001eu to Ne ppln7 q 0.700 uun lop ¢pnA°rpknglW Md PeN d 6wbn 12. bplnnlrrpp, TCGEIHER WITH Rn Naempry aI awabee ow nqa d1 Wnal °! IM Bln Y °••a70e6uldl°" a b ppwrtwnl remrON Aupu11 6, 19601n Beek " ' ~ AA MY mAaIMNIn HE Naaswbn lq, Shy II Pepe 143 ann In°aded In Bea 30] at P.qn 98aIM E.plecwa r.m rq s°wnNy a IM 6«drw7 rigm a way see U r rol. ALSO Incwelnp Rn wn.r once w.n n aq a, llrphxq No. p RM NortharlY d IM n ol e p appv Ronan! to IM agora d°aGrmd praMlh, p1 pn Illn n 1M pol°a d IM Fep4 Cour ny hW W 7W ~walrh~ph4ldec~laN I CM Aulon Nn eM Rec«pnr a pocumenl No, 07189, wnbed as lgllena: gsplnnln Y IM hi h , 2]751n EM1e Cwnly aenkt CBVII, end oil Ind1 p g way rveY nnnumanl aI ]M Mryryaab I pnnlgn °! warm ngnh decreed In Cue No. PV C n ° IM aMJy AM d aey hlphwRY ant IM Euterl W 110, Waler pNy3pn Na 5, bard Np.l Wql. 0 05 da y aql AIy N tR NE 1fa, wbanu IM N«Ihual . l na d aey e•dbn IZ Mua Ndthp apron Wul a31 7e7 far; Ih•nd S h Pwhanaa 1n Thn Yu lru . aY 13 degrwe '30' Well IAI2.131aN Flarlp IM Sm1hpIW en pamnWr 2i. 1990 m a wIT IIM d ub hlplrweY; Ihenn fiwlh ~~~ -~"~'-' --' dap.•.a 31• wwr Ixsnp s••f along M• umalY NpM d way pn• d Illd AlphwaY; ~nu SadH 80 tlegreN 2d'Wrt Spp,071sx il~ q. ~1 E EJ c Notice p Ma sawruh rlpnl d way Yna d Inb p r h Y OpOINANCF XO. w .0p hnl along IRI ®°ahi17 pen. d .ab hwey; Ihxspn BouN 62 deprAw IS' W 6rlna qT 18w C a .00 IaNobnq Ihn gautfwdY Ilphl a wey 6nl 1p, 51.030 E pF 7HE YAK YUNICIPAL 000E TO PROYnJE Fb aab nlphway; Mwu $wAh 6d dprnna ad el 1W ro lax abnq rM 9oNMriy rlpM d q pESgN REVVEW BOAAp MEETINg9 ON THE PINaT ANA TNIAO WE Y NM p dab hl0hWay; [Mote Span 65 pNE50AY3 pF EACH YONT}t ONLY; AM m m N N 0 M M d v o Ca ar 20 P fl ( p W e ENDINr) 6ECTION 16.51.060 A.e TO y; 6HINBlE3 tAM AyuYSP ElT PFRN177Fp ON NI STRUCTIIHEg WiTYIIN Tf1E TOWN pF YAIL ay UNOEfl CERTAIN C1ACUIJS TANCE9; 1 DELETINp SECTION 18.54.050 8.17 OF TI IE u YAR YONClI'AI CODb; µ06ETTlNU !01181 N DETAILSwgEOAnO NIFREI0. W1IENEA9, 1 h the Cvuncda pprnlpn IhY p h d ecesu•Y rw llu Dw1gn Rwllw ports Iv oral Y ni Wlgn lhahl fa4 ands^.IrdrWnd lh eY4a lush d WHMbaYa uhl%In lPeax 4everbna;laM W/IEA£AS. the Town CnuacN b o! Me f opmnbn IAU wphal andellyrplu3 Mbglw an ° [melpnlakn dalNClueb Akhln IMAT dawn d YeF. NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED BY 111E TOWN COUNCN OF ThIF TOWN pF YAR, COlpF1Am; NIA! SECTION I. S ion t6,W,d10 E le hxebY xwnew Ip road u tabu' Ihel and M~d WeJly~aay elNiach rMMhr AddRbnY mear'2a troy M cNbd by iM aNy7n nwkrx puM a IM Sawn nary 1 duck Irwlhga a aeemu nemeury. 9MVM IM side a Py awfgn RwIaW gnerd laquly Rny aNNbna] WN Imadey tl eACRamonlh,IR Iwl4kallmddhna et. p such rnealn.gl shell he pa.l•d pn IM da« a iM aarllwa d Ih/ Tvwn pnkN •M Dm•rw~.un}papsdmal~d Nl•1 i hir.m q y.lh~hv SECT NX7 2. Sxrbn IB.N.p'A L 9 4 hnrd+y aaex p ~Iwl. m.. ~an~'wre.gw~eRrld r.~niM aloe a • IHUnd,~;pa Vulbinpa, 1n~ predominaal gaol n Icel. 111raaa ehaR waoa aneNel Ina~InNr ass h onpiy e0 The vas of accHlnaNe, hw.ever In ry In rlnlwl x114 rrmN 11 adc4 which u0aa dire. aunliphl an to en aalatwnl P'cPenY M wrmhlW 6 mwlal ndr an Wed Ihoy ahan be vunacod wl[n A Ivw.plcea Ilnlnh w caY,drle to Weal Mdnp [o a evil linfeh. MN°1al roav anall quneraPy hove a bndrn m h odor to provkH awrw la1;d IO the rwI sUrtdce and M d d heavy gauge. 0.dahall and Irnarplass ahingb6 ehul !n perrnar~ prwidol Ilisl Ihoy weigh rlv Ines Ihali 300 be par rmrnrq aqunN log aW ua IN a de•Ign and cos,l b un collplnldrle wllh the r04uhPnwnla of Sarrvn 4A.51 7.•a. SEG1gN 3, Sunidp 18.51.050 C 131{ hvrWy reednnw hIq eNhaly. SECTCN I. n any pan, aealan, eubranbn, a•dvnca. a,rt.e or rnr,ee of ode grdlnelKa la lar nny le on holes Iu IM Invnllu, au~h Jw,lernn Nc,llnd allxr Ile va!Hny A Me rgnunlnp pollen, d Ilil• ordlnenu; end Iha Town Council hsruur tl°darea II xadd Rave paaaad In1a grdlnnace, and each pan, {Henan. mbau+lion. aolle .u do I• or phrun Ilreraal, lapartllnle HI Me racl Hal any o . puu, cede; na, auRaeabna_ a° noel. daveea x phme bu dHCrerN InvNltnru aFCSgN3_ •ndleena es !~v [AhnOrQlr,enclnsel necwamy the €wr`Pwl alvxih~see hnr~n:m. Ine dH,nirn d 9FCTgN 6. iM feTrral 9r ihB !seal N9 rHanadrmnl d dny «wlafmv of IM Ye;l Nvnklpal Coda u prwkod h Ihle ardinanm ahan na anacl any Ilpht wNh hm ucrued, anY day YrWSad, any vblulon Iha! occurred q:ar b the eAOnve data narul, any preaocutbn wmnwncw, ne abet soon er pr«anflnq pe cwrnna,aq glee «by VNw• d IM pNVlakn rwrwpW or rwx.a,W harobY cabal rwlllerlva Mal el any pr°vrllpn walnanm pro WVUrl dny Prw ',roe or anY unleu arprwnl ud ehpnee n~d ryrlada,] 9FC1rDN ).y dear All byhwe, ordera, rnaolullonl and prdlnancee. or pull Ihnrn°I, Incpnahlenl herwxhh ue Mroby rnpulAy to IIrA aVartl uW d each bmmYOnq. mla lepe,lx rMp Hal N coaaeaee to IwIN dny hpaw, moor Iwomnon ardlnenw, er pa•I Ihslsel, neralolore rwsualN. IN IISOOUCE: D, RPAD AND 1'Ah SE9 CN (NNf.F 1NFf IyIINOh NRnr duy dTOx.eh D''9141RF~11 ordinanm on [M•I91h tlayf dlRewvho?, YOOp Y ]:3p p m In nl. conr,en chennere d ny van MunkMyl pulylnp, va;l, Cvbrado IOWNOF YAL KMr q.Rae hT3FS1: Mdryr Pawh A 9rendlmym lemon Clerk PnM.r,udln m• va9 !rah on pwnndyr 21, 1990 Put]~iG NOtIGe NOTICE IS HEl1EBY OIYFN IMI IM pwlpn nwrw Bpara el Ih. Town a v.n mom MW a IoW k Aau Y.p pn JuuxY 1e, 1988 RI ] W p.m in IM Twm a YN MunkpY 6YIWFp CueldeNtbn a: d tlrwa Fi•aldwrllY Fbor ArN b pwin 1' j ICY UnA ant u addllbnY 25014vua INI d Orwa AuI0nn1 W Fbpl Area 1« IM Sxcndary lhl d u. nrrnwuAtppnnNl r«Idr,n imaged u 391 SNVer Dem nped, ip 7. Bbd 2. YRn vuhpe 3rd FHnq, A4plvsm: RlmaNl, Im aced ton. and tore. nalart ant JAI YecUanr,oh, TM epplkubm and InlamYbn aMu11M Slreaflrq delMYlonq brW hNUa eulrg rpuhr dikes Acura. TOYdn OF YA3 cpMMUNI1r ED~v~FLO~E~ P~ abed In The Vu 7n1 Dwmger 21, INC0 Public Notice XOTICE OF punvN Ile Sanbn 78 TeYVN C.N.S. 1077. n amenane, m. iYxn of vale n.rwy gNna mlrm Inq m January 14. 1991. Nnl•meW rMl b maces le O.A. Wwinrn Conanvulbn CamMnY Ice VI work Mdwmed en IM1e We41 pore CIMy Bryge bCllnd wgnh IM lpm d 4A1, Cdoretlo. AnY Mnon, cp~pannemhb, uevclelbn p! lueinhhed boor, anrrelwldl~gwl bnalor lolMl auppllei wed by auto c aelor or rya Wra><w,vuaa h a abou/ Ine pManrynce a na wk mMradad to b done end whw• claim sw~ TY!Xr prnRB • a 1 Q~ 7'fle VLrn 7yai1 • tllemrlber 7!, l p9Ti ii/J~ v B fir/ ~~~ i \ OOdo° Jolted dolt gets tired of the shock of it all I]r:ar lid and dutlppl f As fur yultr TacunJ quistlmL, wa sug- d i k h rom 1 just mnvLxl lu rimsa mouNainl i h J h , ng s uc e gg sl you just gg^t used tp gutt f ll il A! fi t i ` kI J ik ore nale, w a swell meta 1mntl d t w,u customary and uuually necehqury to vcr: you s o sgK rs t R e ca l halo avers thlnking about It, but after it laundorone'a ahlrl akaruna wearing. happens ChDUgh limes, you start to I swear Icbs thceu days, and as a [asult crave it. Llu lass damage tD my clplhin~. However, And another Thing, If II's sa bad, why " (ur as clean as 1'aT staying, f m galling u du they call Li "getting a buzz? Leif of a tut of static uu my cluthas. ALnut rlYe ably way I can gel rid u! the oft-limas Dear Ed And BClly: Jubililating shocks is tD IaunJar my Did Leonard Nimoy have cosmellc clmhus agahL, avers if they're clean. surgery after Star Trck went off the air2 1 Stalls alYLtrlcily is making my Kama saw hits un smna quasi-intellectual 'lV unc giant tprturG chanlbcr. My halt 19 pr~grare the Dthcr alghl, and 1 swear like cnnstanlly Dn end, and li that's not bad mad his vats arcri 1 pointed anymore. uruugh, myy Ylarka crawl alE the way up tD a 20B'vult lxk Iheso da s l' k s Efavu you notlcai the same thing! Sl J y . g my rkae . m SD 1 guess what I'm asking Is ahauld 1 gne , pbaerva nt as can be laundar my clothes after otw wcartng, tfonJ and what am I guhlg lu dp about Ibis rOllyta Nl Ihrl:dl Of galling frlaxl7 Ileac Obeuvanl: 5igaeJ WLiTO ph'as r1 scJlncunu had lha gl'aa hlaltu voile la brkng this anu up, pa gauche a4 It AVrnll AUmalllRe6 Call bU tU talk abuw pllll'f people's plastic surgery, 'T'he fact ls, Ihwgh, that it's emircly i.eLis business li i7ear Moltl he wants !u gel the kops of ills cars cut Ehlring this season of ^draeics wo pre- aff. sent to you Jhu work u( br. ifarry Scrunr 'Iha way wp acR it, this onus been a 6uwski, I'h.U, who has upp]icd fur a song tlntu canting, buts anyone renlem- FFJ.Ilanl on lha static'powcrcd cluthas bar ihl: early years of Misslun Imppssi- h,uupar, which cunvrrls Ytatle alErlricity btu, In Yvhlch Nhnuy played a nurdllku ru the a1' AC-i7C, which Is then plugged ppawn of intcrnatlunal lspiunaga? If you ' lulu standard rlnkhes washers and dryers ll notice him grirnanng look closely, you and whet huusahu111 appliances. Tha to varying degrees, aB depending pn how Jriar your house and the mote clothes Ilghlly the flesh-cWprud tope is falding you wear, the more you cu able w use back rho Tops of his cars, Farrar Graves your uWrtrlc alq>]lanras, was once hoard saying that Nlmuy's Fl GI11 yrrauWUS pr{pe Ww.lwa has ra E..n pelf by YII Coraradd a Na a,A,cr.W+auxwr W to ub L,FLtl1np die Wn W IML ra14,MW Y IquYaO to rM. wrRw IAemnnl W IM NI W of dV• and Yrpald eAll 4ta Yawn d Va4, APMIbn: 61YP ILaN, i$ corn Franup• IWad. VIN, CWaado eladT on or ya4ra JanUNY Ir, s991 a IM Inn d Val wiN n. ralaAwd eqm +nr am ap IWAInr Iw ores 701411 GF YAL nap IW Tvwn ErpbN.r P.EEaIwJ In lrw Val Ira! w, .nr.w II arW YL, 1yn0 ua P JanawY i w.l 11. 1491 Public Nonce Iha VAII klWlgp4nan Rh-rydlWn Druulcl Y c~rlunnlr' ulK9vW [4rv11ryWhn Lida Iw Na Fed Aarv NAlu[q Fwd lanclnp qujaa AY 1nlerwreJ pwllw alwuYtANarl S1uwF Wlw e,M VMAD WLUUr'f942)4 nW d.aanwuu.wnoN al. 19'J8 YAL MFIfIpPOL11N1 IIEGIFATKIN ^IS7AIC7 YY',6W YOWy 91.Ja1uy PWYarwd M 1M Val Irv! M Our•n W I T, M arxl 71. 1490 Public Notice Nat1Cf # APpLJCATItNI Faq Mai ELJRE97AUHAgi LIpJJpN lrcFH9q NO FCE Iq IIEYIESY aNEN the D•Md NIwlaNaurYr, YlwtlaW; YYral peVbaVd. Vb PrwWM; M4yie PNdpaad, TYW YIN; Maryia Pwhpwd, YaE,alvry. arH panlN NYdwnwaw, TNL;';ahN~ rnatla glpp4car~ionpb~~ venNi¢,vn wnW .ampp u 1M fuel l k.,r.b9 Aouuway. Iw • IIM•Vllw aw.nl lWunr Ikanaa, wnh Vad nedla.l lw •ay 4f MM. Vwuw utl Sfu'dl'nV1 13wNWM on a,a WYMEW Wuuud a1 61 paa.al C1Nk Plxa town W AvVn. GuuMY W Caap.. Sul. dCewaeq A MMmp wIN W Mid al 7.88 pm, on hareaY. January q tort. Y Na Tnn Cw,YKa Cha+rtwra Avon. CalGade, w dY1NrrJM M IVb arylvAlkn Ih¢uW a MAnwa4~ Inl°I41.rllun may hV Wlainrtl up to and IrahrdAq W den d 1M haAr4,rp oral aE pNaoM dwYhy wpawl IM 9ranrHy d mY .wTCalbn may IY• IMY PelgwY a rManwuKW uaa NY IYra AVON 7pWN WONGY AC7WG A9 nlE AVUN l IpJIXI L K:ENSpia AUIJIOJYTY PNr44 J. OONa Iwm ChvY PdiaMd M Th Var Tray m L1lrarrYM 1a, 11 ArW YF, lfNB Public Notice CrklNry CUUR[ EAaLE OOUnrY. CPIOftA W CASE 48C88r N ne MATTER l1F AE PE7ITCNY FOR THE CHANGE pF NAME OF: NATIIIEEN 5UE LANGEMYALIEfl WAwrEN Pualc Na71ce Is HEREav avEN the by An add d IM OWMy Ca'a d Epla Gmny, C ulAdo. rnlpW m flwrtaAl 10. 19W, N 81a ALw• •nn1W anon, Vy nwM d KAmiLFEN 811E LANGENWAI TFII WATPIEN wu ellargrq w NAn4 EEN IANt;FN WAi IrR CIEIYt DF lif OLSffl IC7 COPIIT Eb llanbn 9y MayrM Elkaon pYIN ly pWAIn,O M ma vv u.Y wl DYCInLar 21 rub 29, 1910 EM lanuAry 4, IRl l t~ublic Notice BLSInP:T000nr CaUnw OF EAG1 E S1ATE t)F WIOFYADO Caw Yb. 9pGV632 gVYMONq GnEa kEE. M.NrNuaily and ,a uWua• d Nu ~r L.l~r.drwu•d. PIaNN. N JONN aONy ALES; Gla4Y1N8 CORPGM7gN. • TuM [dparebn 6Na and aYJa CUMMNe LY3NIYVa:9EC1Y1RY R/CIFIC fJNANOIAI BERVICE9. INC., a Ualawara rwParuHn; TARRY YAIYOPF~ K Wr3 7fNN5FER L• 9FlNbIGE aDYPANY. Y AlgnlaM mrpdu:nn: UNYTEp VAH LINE9; and, YFGNAN uACtionuD. DafMdanla. iNE PFOPIE OF TILL STATE OF E9L0[1ALU LO 711E pE FE NV ANr YE pIrAN MACDrJNAIU loo ua wrtaron•d W 1apWrW w Id. velh Iha WYdv VI 3hY mart an M w 1 ut glhlf IMPw'aa 1¢ IM wryaalW load H Na aIN.W cowl Yihn IxwuY 12x1 drys Nw Wa •umeron• k IYwad m yaV M Iha SIM• d C4FNatla, nl wahrn NhIY 1881 dye W.r NY aummnr la Ianad M yau ouraWa IM blare d CoWrade. 8 you tall la Ills Yoel Niw YI V[ olha! IwpWnaa Ie 1M ranpl4Mr Ay YrPpp whh'x, tM aklplNilJW Illw pwlod. ll'dYmad by dWYY rtUr W ah4,ad apunu You 4y Y ores Iw IM I4YYI d•rnaruad Y1 IM lary,laln, rlltwVl uiy Wnha rutpl b P1n. DMaa' pa,ambw 21. 199°. HEGKMAN raCONNOft. P.G. ar: Br~f 6twun IlaelrllaJ, a55yJ0 I W8 Sowk Fwaapa Road VYaM Sole 48a YaY, aaalwP 81857 {760] 4789111 AY+fIMy Iw %aiMN PdAenad h 7M 4 V TIJ ' rm Da4rrw 71. rYr16 ,mtaJ care ware waiting down the an- pale anLE ambarrassnlant again, except tiro M[ east and cmw. flu Onully eon during Thu Slnr Trek nmvics. fronted Ids cu ~workar, pnJ Said, "Fur Kumar aruunJ flatly woad l+as it filet cryin' 1n tho sink, l.en, how's come you Nimoy haJ originally brx:n rusted fur Jeri t gel them things lakes care Df7" the kaaJ pf War e( the Kr+xs, but Lhat Nienpy was In his aletnpnt in the 51ar Kalillcen Turner kept posting DfF the wr J Trek years, playing the only rule hD'll tape during the bedroom scenes. Nimoy aver land in which hr; has been able Ip was ovenWaily Thrown off the set and rc~ Baru his real .~,+ar-s~p.7 tA~~ker that Ik was tape, placuJ by Michael 17uuglas. ;L ~ ~~r ~~ y p~; s~g~~! 4~ Horoscopes ~~ ~ ~~ by LI~I'1'y ~. r~yr ; ArleE: [t's bU pcrutiw that you ]lay cloaa altos lion Ya yppr health and diet. Your own nuLNis may have to come be- faro those pf others, and you might have IP blow some folks off tar ilea klulidays. Yuu can tell them That f.arry IoW you ul. Taurus: kcad the Lasl Hxit holiday vo- cabulary lesson. IF this Juasn't apply to yau, gu ahrnd and snort down some was- sail and plum pudding. On Thursday, don't talk to anyone whose first name bpKins with a B, Gemini: Make lists. Cross out the sluff you absolutely don t have l0 du. Yau're overloading yourself and have had Sap many spat attacks already. Avoid legumes until February. Moou kids: Mixing alcnhaE 4s nut gunJ fur Thu mu[aL child's skpllsaeh. 5llck with bcer anJ ale nr gg with INnubun, Sul don't even Ibinku about pulklug faegvrrrlclslur an tuft of egg nog. C'unli- duntial to CC: Il shvuldlit hurt that much, Cho k Iha manual. Leu: Advance pplannhlg tan gu a long way pn Friday, "llrare's s1iK same limn Lo be a little more gwwnJUS in your gill gtv- Ing. Avoid Aries until 5 p, m, wl Chrisl- ulas P.vc, lrr yudralikely W gck manglcd~ Virgo: kcad Leo's message about gifls~ Pnn't gal drunk just 6acausu you're under the gun. Libra: 1t's OIC now and then to tall ppeople when ^lay'nv bugging you. hlsl Le careful our lu wduaJ too much.'Cake Public Notice NOTICE of FINAL PAYMENT NDTICE 18 FIEflEYY tdWEN Nat iM awvw CIFN Melfepdilen 61eIIIJ FI Ea9le County, Cdaado, wiY make IMe DaYmem M nia ghlrya W IM Yuvw CIwA uleragrYrxl Dlairn. Eapla C°un[y, COMrAge M 9A81m. m DnCamwr 16, 189p SO Oa4rpa Sha•Ilar Cgnilru Elton Curcpxry, hx MwaA done h'f saW cgnnaaw on Iha Glndu Bter¢p• 9ulidlnp, ul 01 • 14 F4nuryuuWn WNy wYNln w nau Iha Lcunda,iw d da Bwvur Clpa, M•N[Wdnan OYlrla, m 1M CWMy d Enpi•, 11aa d COW ado. Pa AnY lvn^nP LaJYpwHnuaPwM'an Mab ha IulnYhad latgr, oaf vrlaa. rgevNWna qr other ar~l a s~r nl~e~tl nY uwhabqulalha pprlarrwWa PI Iha wad[ mnl+aned w IW Jana uW wnwa cGYn Nard4ra hu rev born p+ftl hY Iha LAlIIraJa or nY 9uhmnVAgOra, u any Ivre uP la aM ArchblM Na Irma d IInA wnlumonl Iw Ise ww%mnlndW t4 W dams. Y looked Ip IiH A vYrlllud Nalarronl al iM arNUnl duo aM urrp Aq en aornVM d au:h n.VM m Iha arawr Creek MNropogan DuOL^t. P O Boa sic. Avon, fglwado 81818, u or Wwa Iha how and date NwNnabwl ahem, F¢Nwe un IM earl d any dalnun4le Ida aVEh vwYirtl ala[um„d a Jahn W1u1 le such Imal aalllamaru wIY rYlvaW aaltl paavw Creek Nar4pdYAn olwln, ba pgafd d Dlr4dwr, 4auwr, apanh told enpWyew, d N6 Iwm any ar,tl.Y T¢MUy wr.um dam YEAYER CREFJ( ME1nOPOlITMl al91RIC3 HaA Falgn a PW.IahW M rW YaY Teal{ Dvdawbul H uM 11, 1990 Public Notice OA6INANCE ND, 1 q•JNa of 1940 PNUINANCE aLIMMAl1ltiNa exvcnmruRFS ANp Irevruues Tao EAG1 FON6 ANU AWP71Na A pU9QET Fpi1 f11E TOWN OF NINiIIRN, ('ALORApp. FPII 111E GAiENUAfY YEAn BEvi1NNiND ON THE FIRST OAY OF lAN WRY, 194[ AND ENDWG uN THE IASi DAY OF DELENDEn, 1491. LoM•a qT Ih4 JItlln Nlce arY availaGl4 br tlurVny normal twalnnh, ~ d the TVwn Clnrk THE TOWN OF MINfU11N. COLURADO OJipA1N8 THAT THIS ORp1NAHCE IS w 1ROVIIGED. READ BY ]nlE, APPPOVEO ON SECOND REAOiNG ANU OROEREp PUHLISNFU 8Y nn£ GNCY INN 61h day d u W an+.er. Ia4a. TOWN GF N W 1lafJN parauw4y4n MaYOr ATTEST. Purl A awrq Town CNIk pWNahad M iM Vu Tr.T M PYrwnu.r zl. 1490 u look al ytnu' bul.a-ca nllunu and calciwu Intakes, L)K? Scorpio: NO W'S the time for making cunnedions for the ftLlure, job-wise and In personal and au vnrs, lie connect friYnldships that Nava 6ccn iguortd. Like f.rro, you're also wi,u lu avoid Arita omit 3 p.m. nn Christmas Lvu. Sagillarius: Yua'va been aching la strike our an your own on some aclivirics. Co ahead and make the plans; you need this. With this in mind, the holidays could be a really gauJ lime, iF you know what [mean. Cay ricers: 'l'ake a ]iota limo to assure IuvaJ Dnps Scioto you Lord ow Dn business nr personal ventures. Sometimes you run your li(c iu lea murk of a wcmun, Pun i u;d anylbiug with raw eggs. AquaduY: hnn13{y ubligaliuns are lair king a lot of AsluaJ lens Sant and fast qli> Luonlh. Yuu eau way du what you eau Ju, but deli t undcrestimulc what you're rv pp lblc of. Cwlfidcmial tp Maralla: 1'Yc luukeJ at your churl and yau'ra Jafinilely a Pincus. You've gut a lul a4 Gemini-Mprcnry iniluencp, thnup;h, which is why you r.ait dcriJc wlRll the ILCl4 you al a. Pisces) Cu alluad and lal Jwvp yPIN' gourd for the holidays. PcppIc wit] ba very willing hs accalJr a Inure rata %c.l you. [k extra aaraful wish machinery This lvuuk, as this is one area what.: you rulPt w lw vary IYk~gligunr. Public Notice aq DINANGE Xa ¢ 8wna of 1494 AM OROINANGE AUTHOg121NP 111E MAYOR GF TSIE IOWNaf HINTURN TO SIGN AN lNTEHGDV€RNVEN TAI AGHEf NCNT CnEATWp AN EAGLE CnUN1Y EMERGENCY TEIEPIIONE SERVICE AIITIICAI7Y WIININ EApIE COUNTY WHICH AUlllOlilfy 5110.1.1 INCLUnE THE TOWN nF MINTUHtJ: FU7110111y1N0 1Hf IMP091110k pF AN ENLnGENGY lElfpnONE CUAII[.r' NPPN TELEPIYf}NE E%CIIA NGE ACCESS F AGIL [11E8 WnHIN MIN Tn NN; ANO AUSIIOR1I1Np 5EF1YlcE SOPPI.iLna TD CDII€CT SAID ENEnGE1KiY irk FPVq)1d€ GIAnGF& CnlJaa el mY ordlnarlca aro aral;lgla !er au~rlln9 ~ meal c~a n sa on n qe N,. t'o-an cwa THE TOWN OF HINTUHN. COLONAVD OIIOAINS THAT Tk145 OIi01NANGE IS W TROpllCED, RFAp 9Y TITLE, APPRpYEO ON sELONp A[AIJWG 0.N^ OPpEHED P116I.I9h CD AY 1111E ONLY ;file 191h d.%Y al 0ucarbar, 1444 IUWN aF MINIlA1N ErnoatA Chawt MaYVr A71EST', Parry A alwM Ttrxn CVwk PwYaheO In TM Vu Tral en IYdcunr,ar 21, 1498 Public Notice afl01HAN~F NO. ¢ SarN1 1 ,448 AM UIIUINANCE LEVYINU aENL11Al pIYUYEIIN TA4Fa FWi 11rE YEAR 19p1. 10 Y1ELP OEFMY PIE 00918 W~ U[JYCIINMLNr FCII 1NE TpwN OF MINTUNN. C610RAnn, FOfi TIIE 1941 BUrJGE7 YCAR WHEREAS, the Tmm CagncY d IN Tours a! Mlnlurn nda adoP140 IM ensue! yudpol h gal0anw Wah Ina local Li4varnmunl BUdygi law. an aw4rrryw 6, 1998 and, WHEREAS, Wa urnunl N mmrr n4c4v¢ary le balance nv WdON Iw penare 4pnfnflny Po WHET EAS,t'61 a. anap4t valualfan tar nwN tw Ina sown d uh'mm v aannraa aY InaaCCUny MlYUOr k H BJB, rd0.d1, NOW, nlEAFFCRE. UF. IT pRaAWEp qY n1E TOWN Cp UNCII OF 111E raWN OF MWIUNN, G[xoNADD: SECTION 1. TNa fa lha purpuaa d mwtlnp w penwal Lparalhp aaparvua 41 Ina Town q Mlnlurn durlrrp 1M tP91 bWpa You, lnara Y hal46y lerird a W 4111.1794 nrlY upon auh doNN d Vr Ide a W e W Iw usNam.d d W t+Yadn gap++l 4dVrMl lM Taws rN pia Yw q aDai, SECTION 4. Thal N• Tuwe Manapw la hereby wh,°'IluJ and tlawtatl 10 9tnlwdlaluy wally 1¢ Ma Cn,.nry CvmrNaamara 4f Eapla Caun1Y, L;Vlwrda Yw rryrl WviW Iw Iha Town W Mlnlurn a Mruln.Ngv4 dumrmluud and wl, TIIE TOWN OF MINIl1RN, LOl t7NAU0, pFYUAlN9 TNAT 11lE UROIN0.N[:E INTApnl1CFU. NL'AU pY IlilE, APllfipYFp GN Fm$T REAp1N0 ANp Dn^EIIEU pU&ISI IEa l1NLE 4YJ FVLL ana SN Jay al Pn[arrMUr IS98 IJIE 10Th DAY OF OEL'[ MUCN, Ivue al 1.p0 I' M. AI 1111. CpMMUN1TY GINiLIL MIn1t11 Na. l'Ul anAna Sl r!a i hunt N: I IC4 LNG VI[anON, IUWN q~ MIN1lAni Paroll Wuyall Malor AI IL51; PuI1yA piety Tnn GWrk TIIE TUWN OF MlNllllik, COLOIIApIY OI1pAINS THIS OIIUWNYLE E+uC1EV 11N S FCOHD HE AUINi; ANp PIIOEIIEO P118115NED aNNE IN LLrI I Iha lyln day ul D«arrY+na lino. IuWNG MRnlxllr €rnuvl A. Chavoe Marl A71EST: Pally A UIa+W Tervh ['Iwk PmY.hnd In 3M Yar Tlaa m pewmWr ] I, 1948 Public Notice OR811lANCE NO. 7 8erlaa 4f typo AN ORDIHANCE APPfYOPRIh T1N6 AIHIIiIONAI. SUMS PF MDNEY TD pEF110.Y E%PENSE9 IN E%CE55 DF AMapNT$ aUOGETEO FON 711E TOLYN OF MINIOIiN. ca LJPAna WNEAEAS. Thu r sale{ OI unanlntparaa • wlaa N Iha Ilnti W auudlY~ilwl I, luu~ aL,,.W,.l I.u,u .,.Y wr,r~u hu Is,lnwaa my rp.n W Mhaarn 1¢ Rara mly mod rynaln cwnord fund cal Yry uculurua: rmw. nlrnFral~'~BE n DnpemFU ar i11E 70 WN COUNCIL OF 1VIE TOWN OF M Wl uIIN, Clll ORAJJ{'.1~ Sk Cr%JN I Thal ilea 1098 aPplgpriNwn Iw Iha Gauau,l Fand Y heresy lMlaatud IN,n !180,7&.VO w 31'A,008 iw IhY pu+p:.va d lunalnp p4naW cp¢ralinp aapoMw YYT14(JUlYCk O, nEAD 8y 1 nLE, Afe'HpYLU ON FIRST REAwNa FIID ^naEIIED p0aL1511EU uNGE IN FULL IOIa !9111 tlay d Oucamdul. 19 W. m•'tilk day d 8wwtb.r, 1990 al 1.80 p rn al I!w Cwrnlunlly Carver, Mtnlwrv. Coblade nu[ for 11ahYCnWrinp nurwn TOWNrf HiNIUW Erna61 A. Gnavul AT IE37: Maya! Paiy A. BkM Tarn CY4rk Pun4h•d M TM Var Tray M DYandr3l, 1988 4 X ~, i ~: m ~ O ~ o Q H 0 ~~ ~m a ° ~ Q ~~ 7 Q ~o O 1) /~Qm ~_.`w+ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ m ~ r~ a ~ ~6 ~ ~ (1 fD - Y~ ~ ~ 4 ~ c c7 ~-~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ry f 0 - ,~ ~ m y; ~ ~ m ~ a ~ ~ ~ N O y~ rp Q ~ ~ ~ ~. O ~ ~ ~ m Q ~ a a ~ ~ O ~ C O ~" ~ 4 ~, m O ~ ~ ° • .oo~o=~oQZ~~ ~~~~~~~a?~ ~ ~ C ~ 0=-[cn(D~~~~ O~ ~ ~ Q cD p ~Q _. ,-d ~~' ~O~ C o (p y Q° N o ~ ~p x ~a~~g'~~ ~ ~ C~'~'~~Q~O F+. , ~ ~~ ~ ~fC ) ~~ ~ ~ ~ C ~ rt ~ ~~4 ~ <~ ~ Q fU pl~7~~~7c~~ ~ 3 ~ ~~~Q~~~~~ o ~ o o~Q~~oQ o ~ ~. ~ y~-,Q~.~~ffy ~ .~ Q~ ~ ~c '< t~D ~. ~ _. D ~~-3~~OO~f- ~~ (D ~ C ~~-t. ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ -p m cb -o ti ~ mN CC ~ ~~ O ff~ ~ ~ , y ~ n'ao ~ .~' Q ~ ~Q°~~`°~°~ O ~ ~ ~~p ~ ~ ~ Q N ° ~Q a {~ ~ Q ~~?~~O~O~ ~~ l~] ~~ C7'~ cn o ~ °a~~a~Q ~ a a c r ~ m~~aQ°Q9; ova ~ ~ ~mw na ~ mv71~n ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~Ag~PC7~ sp'8ma ~'ro1°° °~ magic' ~z K o ~ o " ~ ~ v~m ,z g° ~ ~~~ ~ m ~o a ~' C ~~m~ oa~ ~° 'fin L Ip p m31n <mm~ag~gZZOfl- as ~~ ~ ~O O~~~ ~O't1 (%00_am Ow~w^ ~~ m~n$m~ ~m9=~zma°.Xn ~ ~~ ' ~~ O oo$~ znz~m~' yy=~ _m~j ~m~ZZmmZi~ _ m ~ J~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ m p~zy~ a rF r {n ~• ~ ~ ~ ~O~ ~~ ~a70 g ~. F tlO~ 2 r ay mz (~ G3 ~O C m ~ m~ ~ a ' m~~~~ (Z} 77 n ~ xl C 1m mo m_ yz-anvia ~ ~ °bz ic° wr nmo~~ k~` r z 0 Q n O m ^^T 1/ O 0 0 CA Z w