HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-34 Amending Section 3.16.050 of the Vail Municipal Code to Provide that Any Contract for the Construction of a Public Improvement with a Value of Not More Than $50,000 May Be Negotiated by the Town Manager without Submitting It for a Bid~ ! • ORDINANCE NO. 34, Series of 1991 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 3.16.050 OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE 70 PROVIDE THAT ANY CONTRACT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A PURt_IC IMPROVEMENT WITH A VALUE OF NOT MORE THAN $50,000 MAY BE NEGOTIATED BY THE TOWN MANAGER WITWOUT SUBMITTING IT FOR BID; AND SETTING FORTH THE DETAILS IN REGARb THERETO WI-IEREAS, the cost of submitting Public Works contracts wi#h a value of less than $5D,000 unnecessarily Increases the cost of the contract; and, WFii=REAS, the Town Code presently provides that bafore the Town Managor may enter into negotiations for a contract to construc# a particular local improvement or to form work thereon, it must be authorized by the Town Council by rosolution; and, WHEREAS, in many situations time is of the essence and the Town Council believes that permitting tyre Town Manager to negotiate such contracts of less #han $50,000 without having to have such negotiation authorized by a resolution would expedite the issuance of small Public Works contracts by the Town. NOW, TI-tEFiErORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL, OF THE TOWN OF VA1L, COt_ORADO: 1. Section 3.1 fiA50 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail Ls hereby amended to read as follows: 3.16.050 NEGOTIATED CONTRACT l-he Town Manager shall have the right to enter into negotiations for a contract to construct a particular local improvement or to perform work thereon without submitting it for bid rind without ob#aining the previous approval of the Town Council if the value of the contract is not grater than $50,000. The Town Manager shall have tho right to enter into negotiations for a contract to construct a particular Eocal improvement or to perform work thereon without submitting It for bid with the prior approval of the Town Council if the value of the contract Is greater than $50,000. 2. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of ibis ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Tawn Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. 1 M 3. The Town Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety, and welfare of the Town a# Vail and the inhabitants thereof, 4. The repeal or the repeat and reenactment of any provision of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail as provided in this ordinance shall oat affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the a#fective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any ether action or proceedings as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provlsion or any ordinance previously repeated or superseded unless expressly stated herein. 5. All bylaws, orders, resolutions, and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith era repealed #o the extend only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution, or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ AND APPROVED ON FIfiST READING this 15th day of October, 1991, rand a public hearing shall be held an this Ordinance on the 5th day of November, 1991, at 7:3~ p.rn. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. Ordered published in full this 15th day of October, 1991. Kent R. Rose, Mayor ATTEST: f.1r,.3~ . ~1''Y1tlc~u~ Pamela A. E3randmeyer, Town Clerk INTRODUCED, BEAD, AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUt3L ISt1ED by title only this 5th day of November, 1991. A7 r1=sT: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk c~oRO.3a ~~ Kent R. Rose, Mayor 2 _ ! PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF COI.ORAllC7 ) )) SS. COUNTY OF EAGI E AT,LT:N ICNQA I, ._ _T ~~~ .. ___~ ~_ da snleryrnly swear that I am the _ ~~~~ ~.~g.~T~.r ___.___ of TI If VAIL. TR111E: that th© same Is a w©ekfy newspaper prlniod, in wtlolc+ or In part and publlshect In fhe County of [apln, Sfal©of Colorado, a+xt hrfs a ttr,rTr..rr71 alrculaflon lhrirein; that sold nawspn~or has boon pubNShad confinunusly cfnd unirtfnrrupindly In snld County of Eagle Ior ca x~rlod ~( ITrore than fifty #wo conse;cullve wanks noxt prlr to RTO first pubflcallon o~ the annexed legal riotico or acivefllsenTUn1; that saki nowstxTper has bE3©n adrniifeci to the United Slafos mails as second class mailer uridor rho provlslons of fhe Act of March 3, 1879, or an arnondments thereof, and that said newspaper is a weakly newspaper duly qualified for publishing 1Ffgal nrTtlces and acivorflsempnts witlllrT ftlameaning of the laws of fhe Stato of Colorado. That fhe ann©xnd legal notlce of aLtverlisement was published In the regular and entire Issu© of ov©ry numbor of sold weekly newspaper for fhe period of ~[J12~ consecutly© InsorHans; and tha~~~thle, flrsf publication of Bald n~o~tic~ a was in the Issue of Bald newspaper datarl ~___~a..f ~1~Lt~_ ~+~~ I10. 99 • / 1- and ihaf the last publication of sold notice was In ttTe issue of Bald newspaper dated to witnness whereat I txrve hereunto~s~et my hand th(s ~ ~ day of ~1CifL~?~~.}~ AU. 19_L_~ _ t . ~, Subscribed and sworn to befa© ma, a notary publl n arld.Ior_~id County of Eagle, Sul 1)~i=ray L{KI~ State of Colorado, this __day of AD. 19 ~~ fvly commisslon expires _._11 'sd.~- ~~a (//J`~ /a ~r~~~rPublic Notice:°~~+ ^NI} ~.h,, tklt ,~ s Or181NANCE ND, >I ,, tC. ' - "~ SeHee er 1991 . ~~ AN tlRDINANCE AMENDINl3 9ECTION 3.18.050 OF THE MUNICipAt CODE TO PROVIDE THAT ANY CONTRACT FOR THE ,'CONSTRUCTION OF~A PUBLIC tMpROVl=- !~ ' MENT WITH A YALUE tlF NOT MORE THAN I ;><108,06D MAY BE NEGOTIATED BY~~THE -TOWN MANAGER WITHOllT'SUBMITTING rT FOR BID; AND SETTING FORTH;JHE DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. ~ .'.' '° ~' ~' ' WHEREAS, the coal of eubmhfing Pvbllo Works oonlraob With a valua~ of.bae Than 5180,880 unp~cseaar>fy lr~clease~l» oast d the ~'Fow+Rrect•and. r..y,,,, r:.., y:,..,,. Gr, .. ~,,.ti., ' WHEliEA9,~thefT6wh ~4~ode pres~nliy provklea Ihar beloro the 'Town Menagar rrtay anlar Info negoffallane !a a vonbed Iv corsalrud ~i partiprler iocd impruvemenl or 10, form work Iharson. h rtwsl he authmlred by the Tvwrt Coum dl by tswlulbn; end, WHEREAS, In ninny aHa.~t'nne Ilme la v! the aaaenve and the Town Council believes that per- mAting the Town Manager to rwgvllsfe eudr eon tracts d bss than 8166,666 wiEhaul having fo have sudr negotia7lon aulhorixod by a resolution would eaped8e the ieauance of emah prblb Wake vvnlreds by the Town. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OAbAINED BY THC TOWN COUNCIL OF TH£ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO: SECT;ON 1. SedEm 9.16.058 df 1he Munldpnr Code d the Town d YaH.k hereby amended to read w follows: ~ ~ I,; 3.18.050 NEGOTIATED CONTRACT The Town Manager aha7 have the rphl lv enter Ink negallatlam for a conlrad to oartalrud a pndkular krraJ 4,provemenl or 1d pedorm work Sheroon whhoul submAlinq h for bkf and whhcul obta;nlnq tfie prevloue approval d Ehe Town Coundl y the valve of the conned y not greater rhan 1100,608. The Town Manager shag have the right fc enter into negotlaliona for a cagrad to oonslrud a partiwlar kcal Inprovemanr ar to par loan work thereon wilhoW evbmining H for Lid l'wilh the prior approval d the Town Coundl it the value d rho cvniract b groatw then Si W,p88, SECTION2.--. .~p~f,.;, ,f's M any pert, section,' aubeadbn, sentence, ~~ douse a phrase d ihls oWinence 19 for arty reason heW to be InveGd, each dedslon ahal€ na1 aped Iha validHy d Iha ronrainlrtg, , i. d this ardihwtve; and the Town Grurio;l hereby ibclsree H w»uk! heva peeasd this erdlneiwe,~and each pert esdlvn, euMedbli, 'senrerfu, daces or phrase Ihered, rspardlns d lhsiecl that any ono br d+dre pads, setlbne, ~uWadiona, eenlencee, daueae p pirrisa be daisrad.invalkf.+1, r . • SEr,71ON 9. --.. . ~........• ' The Town Coundl hereby finds, delerminas I and dadaree That Ihia ordinanve h necessary and I 1 proper for the henllh. safely and welfare of ther i Town of Vail end the Inhabhenle lhareol. SECTION 4. ' The repeal or tin repea! and raenaelmenl stir any prwklon d the Munbipnl Gode of Iha Townr of YaH ae provided in Ihh ordinance ehaG not af~' red any right which bee accrued, any dufyr I Inposed, any vblaficn 1ha1 xcunod prior ro the e i ' elfeolive dale here or, any pro sevullan I commenced, rtor any olhor action ar proceedings r as oomrrlersoed under or by virtue d the prov6ivn r repeakfd or repealed and reonaded. Ths repeal I i d any pmvisbn hereby shell not revrrs arry / I prwhbn or My ordinencp prevlvuely repealed or r evperoeded vnleae eapraaely rlalsd Inrsln, . , . .'....' SECTION 6. All Lylawa, orders, resolutlona and ' ordinances, or pane thereof, Inconsistent ', herawilh are repeated l0 1he extern any o! each ', irroonsistency. Thla repealer shall not be con• slruvdrorevne any bylaw. order, rosclufion ar yr ' dinnnce or part Iheraor, lhdreiolvre repenbd. INTRODUCED, READ ANO APPROVED ON FIRST FlEADING ANb ORDERED PUBLISffEO , ONCE IN FULL this f51h day of October, 1991 ' and n public hearing shall be held on Ihy Or dinnnce on the 5th day d November, 1991 al 7:90 n.m. in the Cavndi Chambue d the VnA Municfpnl Building, Vail, Colorado. TOWN CF VAIL tract R. Rose Mayor ATTEST: panwla A. Brandrneyer Town Glorh Publiahod Gr The Vail Traq on October 18, f991 ~ . ,<~,Public Notice '~;~.a~.'-,~•~oRD1NANCENO:a~.--^ . ' rs( ` KF ,rJ`:'.~j~. aortas of iiroi c.i' ~ , :'S`AN OfiDINANCE AMEHDINO SECTIbN - 9.7&.050, bF+T.NE MUNIC3PAL ~CODl=-TO ~~~ , PROVIDE-~THAT"ANY:CONTRAOT FOR THE CONSTRUCTfDN~ OF~ A pUBLIC.'IMPROYE• MFNT WITH A VALUE OF NOT MORE THAN f 450,(x10 MAY rAE N&OOTIATF~7 BY THE TOWN I MM1NAC3ERWITHOUTSIIBMTITIt~101TFORF310;. ~ t16:~bETAiL9 IN~ ADTTI gi~RTH ~RE ° F C [y~ lbw !.~ f ~~ ~V~LI~.~'IT;QIr ~ l ~ , , e A fiE Trr ` ~~ ~WHERF.A9, 7hs owl d aubmNling Plblip.: 5Tr11E L)i~ C:OLC7Rl~CXJ) Wake.... wHheva4»db+athand50,tx10r ~ unnoce.eady lrlpwues tha,ooai of-Ells oonlretl; )) S5. CUUNTY O( Ef~GLE i mod- ~ - .. „~ ~ - _ WHEREAB,'Iha Town•'Code'praasnt7y . ' prwidq ~IhW fbefore tMs,Tawi"Managar'rrwy .i `` ~ ALLEN KNO'K d0 soletTtnly SW6ar filet 1 aTT7 . en7ar inq'n" goUdlpnl lqr a ogMr~i lc oautrutl a partiaM tpcd ImpravemeM «ta [oml wwk I _~__ ~___~__ _._._....._.... _____ ~_ __~.. ~ -__ ~ !hereon. X muff a eulhp(iRad by the Town Coun• T'telll.j.:3}t [!r r .. .. ,. .. ._ __ of TI lF VAIL 1,2A11.; That rho sarY7n is a Weekly newspaper IitU ell byreaalW;aa;and, WHEREAS, In many aflualbne Ilrne Is ur Ihs „_ I ~IlfIInCI, IIl WhCTIEI (il II1 t N7fl fTr }(} I IULtIIS11[7d In f 11r7 C'Of 11 tfy Uf [(741(!1, Slctft O( COIUfC3{jO, neaenoe and rha Town C°undll»Ibves Ihel per• (Tort tt17S 11 (tnnort.tl cltctllntlnn lhnlnln; lhtif Srti(.i newst)(ipc?r htTS t7ec7n t>~It~Ushod ~ mittlng(ha T°wn Manager In negotiate suhcon~ Ct~lltlf 0.lOUSIy C1ntt Ili 11n1Et[Rlt)fnr.lly 111 SEIlCf ~~Olll lty Ot Eagle !J[ C7 pafl(Jd of fT1Uie than E7 weeks next Kxiov to alto first pl7blicalian at tf~ca annexcjd legal ti t f ft Uacre of lace Ihan 3511,000 wdhoul having to have such rtogaliatlon au7horued 6yareaoh+lign woukl ~ v wo cnnseru i y- nUliCe Uf C1+1VC1[tlS9nTE)ni; that ..^.afd newsfx~per has tx)en adrYTitled fo fftl3 United Itiy j~i~s~pe ofamaN Publiq Works oon• lr cis $talns rYlU11S aS secr,nd class rt7Uiler under the provisions of the Act of March 3, 'f879, NOW, THEREFORE, BE iT ORDAINED BY Or of lyy rlrrtr~rxfinants I I t(aTeo(, al ~c! tl u7t sold newspc7per is a weekly nE3wspaper duly t~ac7lifiC~d far publisltln4} irl4Tal nulicos Etnda(ivertisementswithin the rneaning of the THE TtlWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VA1L, caLORADO: i SECTION LS 70 3 050 M io l h tCRN3 of ihp Stale Uf CU1oI(7d(7. ec7 . on . q t e un paf Cade of the Town d YaA I. hereby amended 10 ThrTf fhc~ al"1nE7xr~d lapcll noticE7 ar aciverfisElment was publssi ll3d fn the regular and read a, lgAowa: 060 NE O 3 18 IAT D C ©nilre IssuE3 of ovElry nurnt7er of Bald week7,' new 7a r for the fled Of /Q~L~ ' 1 St pe ~ G . . T E ONTRACT The Town Manager aheA have the rghr 70 : solar {nlo negolialionf for a wnlracl Iq oonehutl ' l, a Padipular local irytovemenl «to psltgrm work ` cansocufiva Insertions; and that iha first publfcaflon of said notice was In the issue At (hereon without aubmAting d for bad and w8hpvr 1 i- obtaining Ihs prsvlauf apprwat d The Town I G ~, ( r ~~ { ~ { r / said [lt)WSpCFI.x)r (tC.tf Exf _ ~_-- ~-" __ ..-.-- ----E~- ~U• }~ ~- and that thA tC1St Council N The value d Ihs epnhad i no! preatm lhnn 350,000. Tha Town Meneger aheA have the publicaifon of s(.71cf rtallco was In fhe Issue of said new.,r..Nor dated ._ right to enter Inte trogofieUgnr for a ppnlrad to ~ conetn,daparlia;iar local:rTprovemeilt or to per.' ] 1 ~9 `! ~ ll'1~!'~r by ~(-e Z~~c` A~ fwm wodr Ihaegn whhout aubmAling i! inr bb ., wnh the prior npprovar d the 7orrrt Carrxir M tM i . _ . , ~ -- ` ~ . valve d 01sson[nAd i praaEp (hart (50,000. ; ` , '. •; ~ ; 't • i lF 7 l dtayof in witness wtTereof 1 have hereunto set my hand thl~ : .r. j;r, .j :. ,. .,.~~,.,,.. 't. ..' ` sECTICN z. Ir any pvl; .action; n,bf.csion,~° ~t (' 1.r` }'~-i~ ~ I ~ A i7. 14 ~~ r.! fentenos, slaws « phrluw d Ahb ordinance i ' for any reasp7 Mid Iq M Invalid, auoh decbbn _~_. .nan not anew tM varmky a r>.. ra,,,at„tng P«- ~ ~ ~ 7bnf d 1M wdirancs; and !M Torah CounoN s _ ~.Mrsby dedaree-il+arould have passed 1hN.i °-«dinarwe, and •+.rnir pelt;+ssdbn, a~ . ., ~aenleng4 pinuas «phraas Urred,-Te9rdM. d'~~ fhe rapt Ihal any one of more pros. aadlons, . utlsecliorle, fenbnoef,~ plwses « phrase W Scrtascrlbed and sworn to txtfara rna. a notary pufali In and f the aunty at tr3: ' dedared Invalid. SECTION 3. The Tawn Counal haehy Ilnde, i iii ~,~' i. ('.L ~f l.a (.l r H1 ~ 19 f A n d detarminea and declares Ihd This «dinanta 6 rtaoessary and prope+ for the heahh, saroly and' . ay O state of C,olaado, ih15 S1.____._ __ weMare of the lawn d ~VaR and Ihs InhabNente ' ,~ IMreal. ~~ ~ ~ ( . ~ ~//~ a~ ~ ~1 S~C'Tl~f~t d, The repeai a fhe repeal and • ~ roensdmenl of any provision W rM Munfcdpei ~d~,(,/ 4~ ~G.L~. , `1 /,GC .C ( .~ ~~ Code d the Tenn d Yai as pravktsd fn (hie or. ~ U dinence shall oar affect any rich! wnrdr hm~ axr d d l i d / t ; , ? ~ r ~ ue , any u y mpose , any vb#atkm 7haJ oc , coned adm !o the erfeclivs dale hereof, any , ' tVty CafTInt15S10f7 E3%p1fE75 __._...__._. _.._._..=--_- proaeputka .. ..cad, oar any other edbn q prxeedinga as porrurreneed under «bY virtue d Ehe provision repealed qr repeated and ' rsenadad. TM repeal d My ppvAion hereby .. shall oat revhe an provlaian a any ordinance prwiously repeated er aupeneded un]eaa aa- ~ paady staled iaKeln:"' ~,, .,..~ .,.:.:> . . , ` -- ~ SECTION S..AA bytawf «dera,lrsaolutron end ~prdlnanaaa, « tflenof,'hlcorlfplera harewllh 7 M ~. are r o i eareM any d erlcrr inconslatenuy. Thh tepeahr'tYrall. 7loA be cart drued W rwia any brrlew, order, rssokatun, «~ i ' 'ordinanoe, apart rhsred, Iherddors ropealed, t ' ` ~ ' ' '"' INTRODUCED, REAb ~AND APPROYED ON ;FIRST READING ANp ORDERED PUBLISHED" • ~ ONCE IN FULL 7hi T51h dey;d, Odober, legF '~ and a pvbllc hearing frr.ff bs held on thi Or- ~ I_dinance on IM-Gh day d N,. ~ ,, tggl rd ~ ~aurl~~Chh,rr6Ki~ rh:.Yi13 M~ w ' o~ l d ' r , , ha ,~/~ TowriaF YAIL ~. ~ ~~,~~i'~`~~..~;Gr3'.1}i~~~ifeA R, Ross ' ~Pamala A. i3.~. si!~'.r~'~'t~~'1'~)-~. ' 7VM1 Ckdr 1'rr1.iJ.,`.~.-r:q;~.tlri n~:l :'?y7 •' INTRODUCER. REAb'AND ApPRDYED Ori ,SECOND, READINi3r'ANb' ORDERED .,.. . pUBLiSHEA. CNIf~'~r)~.;,7hi ;5rit^day; o m~br~r;~l'g~yo~L~ i~eK'y'yYNVOF.HAtt Pamera A. ~Brluldrr7eyNr;~F~:±?; ~'?$lt'I~ ~lF', µT0(Yrl Qlmk r.v;.iif.p; J. Yi.'.,~;T', rr t~7kf!'ri~. ., ~ tfn,;rrl,~4 P ak~rorintr~ 7 ~#3~~Y<;Ct,4 .