HomeMy WebLinkAbout1991-48 Amending Section 18.60.080 - Permit Issuance and Effect of the Vail Municipal Code, and Section 18.62.080 - Permit Issuance and Effect of the Vail Municipal Coder. .. ~ • ORDINANCE NO. 48 SERfES 1991 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 18.60.080 -PERMIT ISSUANCE AND EFFECT OF THL MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, AND SECTION 18.62.080 -PERMIT ISSUANCE AND EFFECT OF THE MUNICIPAL CODE OF THE TOWN OF VAIL; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, on November 25, 1991, at its regular scheduled meeting, the I'lanning and Environmental Commission recommended amending the Town of Vail zoning ordinance to modify the procedure to be followed notifying individuals of the period of time conditional use permit and variance requests are effective; and WHEREAS, the Town Council believes that the changes recommended by the Planning and Environmental Commission will benefit the health, safety, and welfare of the inhabitants of the Town of Vail, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO THAT: Section 1 Section 18.60.080 -Permit Issuance and Effect, of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail is hereby amended to read as follows: 18.60.080 -Permit Approval and Effect Approval of a conditional use permit shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion or the use for which the approval has been granted has not commenced within twa {2) years from when the approval becomes final. Section 2 5ectian 18.62.080 -Permit Issuance and Effect, of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail is hereby amended to read as follows: 18.62.080 -Permit Approval and Effect Approval of the variance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion within two {2) years from when the approval becomes final. Section 3 If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause ar phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions 1 ~ • ' y of this'brdinance; and the Town Councii hereby~clares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or mare parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 4 The Town Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety, and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. Section 5 The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail as provided En this ordinance shaii not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the affective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action ar proceedings as commenced under or by virtue of the provision -epealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeat of any provision hereby shaii not revive any provision ar any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressiy stated herein. Section 6 All bylaws, orders, resolutions, and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extend only of such inconsistency. This repealer shaii not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution, or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL ON FIRST )BEADING this 17tibay of December on this Ordinance on the 7th day of January Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk 1992, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council V( r ~ ~ Ma gaY ret A. Ostertoss, Ma~ 2 1991, and a public hearing shaii be held y Y, HEAD AND APPRDVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED f I,y ti t1 e on1Y this 7th~ay of January , 1gg2. Marg e~t Ate. Osterfass, Ma or Y I ATTE5T: _~ - ~~~ 'N,{~ ~ ~~ Pamela A. Brandmeyer~~a n Cisrk G:IORD.48 3 G~~ { Public Notice ORDINANCE NO. A9 Serfea of 1991 ' AN gRpi.`JANCE AMEN OINO SECTION I a~B0.090 - PF f1M1T 155VANCE AND EFFECT OF THE MUNICIPAL CUpE OF THE TOWN OF VAIi, pNp SECTION 10.52.090 ~ pEAMIT IS- SUANCE A"10 EFFECT OF THE MUNICIPAL PROOF OF PUBLICATION CORE OF TI{F TOWN OF VAIL; ANO SETTWO FORTH OETAIIS IN HEO~1R0 THERETO. ' STATE OF Cflf.ORADO ) WHEREAS, on Nevembnr 25, 1891 al its reguly schsdulad meeting. the Planrang :md En- S ~' vironrnental Commission racamrnended nntsnd• S courvTy flE EAGLE ing the 'town of Vail zoning ordinance fa nwdi{y the pracedura to be {allawad notifying Indiriduab AT LEN KNtOX W the period of Ilms mndit'arral u,e permit and varia t , I• ---- - ------ ___ do solemnly Swear that i am nce reques s era eflac{iva; and wHEREas. ,ne Town codncil 6eliavea mat PUU 1 ~9t1C r itTO _.. _-. of TT I£ VAIL TRAIL' that the some Is a weekly newspaper the dtangas remmrnended by the Plann;ng and Environmanlar Commission wi6 banelil 1hs printed. in wliolo or in past and pUbllshad In the County of Eagle, Slate of Colorado neaah. safety and wexare of the inhabaarts d the , and has a ftanoral Cimulallon lhote3n; thot said newspra r has been published continuously and uninlgrru tadl In sold C t f E l f Tcwn of vall. NOW, THERFFOHE, gE li ORpax{E:D BY p y oun y o ag e or a period of more than fifty-two cpnscTCUttva weeks next Qri[)r to the fhst publiCatlon oT the annexed legal THE TOWN COUNCIL OF Tl{E TOWN OF VAIL. COLORA00 THAT: noiicq or artvortisomanl; fhcat scald newspaper has been admitted to the United sECTIoN t. Shatos mails as second class matter undor the pravislons of the Acl of Morch 3 1879 secron 19.00.099 ~ Permit la,uance and , , Or dry QrP9ndrT1(3nfS thOrQpf, or1C~ fhQf S(7Id naWSpOper IS Q WG~kly neWSpopgr (~Llly li{ i f bli EIIncL o} the Muninpal tiade al Iho rows of Vell is hereby amandod la read as follows: qua loc or pu shing fagot nallcos and advurtiserranfs within thq rneaninq of the laws Of th© State Of COloro{tV. 19,60090 -perms Approval and Ellod. Appoval of a condaianal use porma ehn11 I.~- That iha annaKed legal no11c©a advertisr3ment was published in the regular and seand become void it a building Parma m mt pb. lained and canslrudion noE n d d e mmance en daigan9y pursued Inward anrrp191ian a the use entire Issue of eve numtxir of sold week new N N SpQpEr for the period Of _ Ior which the nppraval has been granted has-not nammenwd within two rzy years from when the COn9eCUtIVe Insortk]na' and ftlat 1178 flf5t publiCQflon Of SOId r101iCe Wo5 Irl iha Issue of approval bacornea final. r SECTION 2. ~ l ~ r ~ r , i ~ ~ r{ ~ ~ Sold rTe d(]ted l' wsT~t~ /~ ~ ~~ d th t i Section 19,62.000 • Permit Issuance and - . . (._.` an a hB last Effect, of She Munidpal Cade nl Iho Tovrn of Vail publicotion of said notlcA was in the Issue of Bald newspaper dated is hereby amended to read es ldlows: 19.sz.oa9 -Parma Approval and ~uea, ~ } , ~~ ~ r ~ /I ' y ~ ! _~. ~. ~ _ ~~, ~ 9:-r~ . Appo al of the variance shall L-.psa vnd be- mme vpid k a building perms is not a6iained and . ocn,lrudisn not mmmenoed and diligently pun 'r" r sued toward canpletion wAhin hva {2) yeats from in witness wttereo(I hcrre hereunto sat my hand this day pf when !ha approval becomes Final. r r Fi` n r!~ `~I --/~.n. ~9`r ~y ~ SEacrTION 3. douse a phmaeep}r the sordinnnce la elor nosy ' reason heN lobe Invalid, such decision shall oaf n41en Ilia validity of the remaining portions al Ih'a ardin. nce; and the Tawn Council hereby declares it would have passed lhie ordinance and each part, section, aubaeNion, sentence, douse ar -- phrase thmeoi, regardbsa a! the lacllhaf anY one more parts, sections, auhseaions, sentences. Subscribed and swam to befao n-se, a notary puv~lic In and fort e C my of Eagle, ~ dauena or PI'rasea be dedared invalid. SrCTION 4. ! • 51dte Of Col.,....i.a, this _.~~ -~_.._. Clay 0} _ ! r i' r .~ ft D, 'Iq ' Fhe Town Gsuncil he,eb finds, dererm'rnos and declares lhal this ordinanw is necessary and '~ proper for the heahh, safely and weaers s1 lhs Town sl Vail and 1ha inhahhanls Shmtrd. 7- / / SECTION 5. eal ar Iho ra pel aM raeaatRmsnl W The re ~../1.(. ,~ r ~ r,i ,i ~. .. '. p p any provialm cl the MunkpN Cade d the Town - !,, PI Vail as provided In this ordinance shox not n!- ~'t ~ ' f y lrgs ca nmisslan ex ~' Ie CI any right which has accruetl, anY duly Ifiwsae, soy vielnTbn Ihat uc,.v~,ed prlW to the p r ._- ' '='--.-' _,_--'-- ell ecSiYn dale het9el. anY Preae4 U11an cammancxd, nor any ether aaian d prooesdinga as commenced undor or byvirlue cl the provision repealed ar repsated and reanadad. She repeal ~. cl any provision hereby shall nm carne arty provision nr any mdlmnce previously repealed or ' sapersodsd unless aspresary amled herein. ' SECTION 8. A9 bylaws, order, resdulions and rndlnancea or parts (hared, incamiateM herawilh are repealed to the es[enl only aF such inconsistency. ~ , This repeabr shall nd 1b oonarrued to revise soy bylaw, orde<, resolu[nn w ordinance, or pad ' lhereol, Ihetelotore repassed. INTRODUCEp. READ, APPROVEp AND OR- ~, OEREO PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL ON nRST ' READING this 17th day of Decenber, 1991 and a , public hearing shall be held on this Ordinance on ' Ilia 71h day of January, 1992 al ]:30 p.m. in the l Council Charrbets of Iho Vaa Murrinpal Building. Vaa, Colorado. TOWN pF VAIL Margaret A Osledoss Mayor aTT~sr: ' Pamela A, Rrendmeyer Town Glerh published in The Vail TIaJ on Decenbes 20. 7091 J ZS QW~ > ~ u. ~~ .r~ d~ w ~y, t~1~ p~ ~~~]~~k4 y~~~ a4~ ~ G~55 Q~$.z w24pw`~~y Z ki +V W AWY~ ~~ •~ d.~~~~2 ~ ~ ~ ~ v~~ ~ Q~ c cy~°r; ~~ 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~4?~~~~U C N D ~i ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~i~ ~~~~a ~ ~~ ~ o ~ '~ ~ ~~ ~ g o ~. .- ~ G U~g, c~v ~ ~ p r~r ~ w ~s-~' ~ ~~~ n °c oy3 ~ ~ ~ ''c~ m ~ ~ ~ o~~~a~~~'~~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o »~ t,S_ 0 ~ o ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~_ '~i ~ .Q a~