HomeMy WebLinkAbout1996- 7 Amending Title 18 Zoning, Chapters 18.12 - Two Family Residential District, 18.13 - Primary/Secondary Residential District, and Others 1 ' - . • • ' ~ ~ ~ ORDINANCE NO. 7 Series of 1996 AN ORDlNANCE AMENDING TITLE 18 ZONING, CHAPTERS 18.12 (TWO-FAMILY RF.SlDENTIAL (R) DISTRICY), 18.13 (PRIMARYISECONDARY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT), 18.54 (DESIGN REVIEW), 18.56 (ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS), 18.58 (SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS), 18.60 (CONDfl'IONAL USE PEFtMIYS), 7$.62 (VARIANCES), AND 18.66 (ADMINISTRATION) WITH RESPECT TO ADMINISTRATION AND APPEALS PROCEDURES OF THE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE. WHEREAS, Sectians 18.12.091, 18.12.092, 18.13.081, 18.13.082, 18.54.080,18.54.090, 18.56.9 'f 5, 18.58.190, 18.58.310, 18.60.070, 1$.62.070, 18.66.030, of the Vail Municipal Code describe the adminis#ra#ion and appeals pracess for the zoning ordinance; artd WHEREAS, the Town Cauncil has expressed the desire to have a simple, fair, and open appeafs process; and WHEREAS, the current regulatians pertaining to appeals are unclear and incansistent. AppeaEs provisians are scattered throughout the code and, over time, provisions have been amended in same sectians and not in others, causing inconsistencies; and WHEREAS, the PEanning and EnvEronmenta! Commissian of the Town of Vail has recommended approval af the amendment to the Vail Municipal Code at their February 26, 9996 meeting; and WHEREAS, the Town Councii considers it in the interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to arrrend said Ghapter a# the Municipa! Code. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT QRDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, THAT: [Nate: Text that is s#-riekerr is being deleted and text that is shad6i is being added.] Sectian 1. Chapter 18.12, Section 18.12.091, of the Vail Municipal Code is hereby deketed in its entirety as foflaws: (TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R) DiSTRICT) , . A, Ar , a . Page 1 of 13 B ro_ . , G. The plwming eommissiott sitall hear the tippeal within thirty days of its being filed or ealled ttp, ~orr Section 2. Chapter 18.12, Section 18.12.092, of the Vai! Municipal Code is hereby deleted in its entirety as foilows: tite > > , B. , Section 3. Chapter 18.13, Section 18.13.081, of the Vail Municipal Code is hereby deletecf in its entirety as fallaws: (PRIMARYISECONDARY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT) > , . Page 2 of 13 • 4D members-present: B. , informatiari: Sec i n 4. Chapter 18.13, 5ection 18.13_082, of the Vail Municipal Code is hereby defeted in its entirety as . foflows: the tte~fteeto > > . B. , Section 5. Chapter 18.54, Sectivn 18.54.080, of the Vail Municipal Code is hereby deleted in its entirety as #alfows: (DESIGN REVIEW) , Page 3 of 13 deeme4 approved. B . n a ue.;s:o_ octL applieaK > > ' ec ion 6. Chap#er 18.54, Sectian 18.54.090, of the Vaif Municipal Code is hereby deleted in its entirety as follows: A. ? , members present. B. 7 1 S@Ct1011 7. Chapter 18.66, Section 18,56.115, of the Vail Municipal Code is herehy deleted in its entirety as foliows: (ENVIRQNMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS) ' > > members present: Page 4 of 13 : • • • . ftPPeft4s, sectinn 8. Chapter 18.58, Sectian 18.58.190, of the Vail Municipai Code is hereby deleteci in its entirety as faflows: (SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS) . , , , Section S. Chapter 18.58, Section 18.58.310, af the Vail Municipal Code is hereby amended as foilows: 18.58.310 Bed and breakfast operations. A. [Unchanged] B. [Unchanged] . . , , Page 5 of 13 dati°-Bft • • ,th.e pittming sitaii eonfim or reverse the notiee or violation isstied by the direef&r-of ty development. If any permiaee f~il.s to exereise tite right of appeal to the-phmfti-ng eotnfnission, D. [Re-letter to G. Remainder unchanged] E. [Re-1eiter to D. Remainder unchanged] F. [Re-letter td E. Reznainder unchanged] Sectian 9. Chapter 18.60, Sec#ion 18.60.070, of the Vail Municipal Code is hereby deleted in its entire#y as follaws: (CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS) A. , , B. , Sectian 10. Chapter 18.62, Section 18.62.070, of the Vail Municipal Code is hereby deleted in its entirety as follaws: (VARIANCES) A. An appeal to the T-own Gottneil may be made by the ttpplieant, , members present: B. , Page 6 of 13 _ , 11~v f ~Y~Vv'ki L~CiY1i~Y~ s7n[17TlC.Z[rC11G tL~J~ ~Gt-).~1. S~ .f'~'L3 L•~.yii~ ~iiCCl vi ..-u~l~.a uf. :v'S'L2T~ . pessihl:, this'-dad-~.,~,Y~i.3:~ai ~~ce-e~~~tl~~t tl~:::c ~lis~t€~c:c~Fr,.~~ia~iajtr: Section 11. Chapter 18,56, Section 18.66.030, of the Vail Municipal Cnde is hereby repealed and reenacted as follows: (ADMINISTRATIiON} 18.66.030 Appeals. ~f adi-x~t~ . !1. th.~r~:fC.CI ~..y ~...1T1k111~:t`l. La:.iivirvr'u~l:.i'ail~ LJ flay tvv~ax iYlAll~~'"vr tila. ~~'~t..+a .i..uaat~"xii u'Y ~ut.~,aav vf~i~l ii"1Q~'' L~GTILv~ ova ~GCJli11ii1331gxh~` . a.l... ~ a ~ T ~y ~ u at\.~L-yV'(',Y2~'~`~aly ti. fVilvT4r'i~~?1 uv ~'~ll vl ~iiil.YY1Y1,17[L~}aa. 1al `.~~..~~~~rYv-~tl'.L VVAlAl\liy~liva'1~[V)l~ilr~~yY Vl~~v tV V4~ ~~,Ch~ L,vaaa~,, ~`~'~`j aiiA~' i~uiiY~'l; i~:;i"i.Y3ea`8~li~~ir G AG'il.,....t"CIS~~iYVY1~".~.x L.,..Hi~ ~7'f B. .('Iv µt.I t.IV (lY'li '[b til\1J l.t~.l J a~l~i-'eV11.~A~µty ~Nl 1i Viaa u ~vv+rJa vl~ lalU~4 V)' tilt/ ~A\~. Vl+aaaiaal ~lVa Vaa ~YA ~'M4~iZ~LV Vf~\Q~ILV.A 1 V.V~a 1V.VL Vf tala A. Administrativ~eactions. Any deo~svn,~l~ferminatic~n or interpretation by ~~~y~ Tc~~~~n o`E Vail adrz~inist:r-ati~e official with respeet'~o :the-~rovisians of this tine and the standards mid procedures hereinafter-setforth-shall be~~rne final at the nc?~t l?laz~niug and Errt~rv,x~~,~z~t~~l Comrnission:rneeting:(or in the ease ofclesigi~ related cleeision, the next Uesigx~'Revicr~~ Rc~a~•d meeting) following tlae admitustrator's decision, Unless the decision is called tip and znodiled by the Board-or Commissiari. B. Appeal-of adrninistrative'actions, l , Authority. The Planning acid Environmeanfal C'ommissior~ shall lxa~-e'the authority to hear and decide appeals dram any:.decision, determination or urt,,~i~letatian ~y~ <u~j- Town of Veil arl m'~ntctr~4rr>~ n~n~a7 xxrtf~+ ~.:;,~.,..,s.~,.:c1~,. ,.~4t._•:;~ A~.t_, :ti . _ a...~~. ...r.=.r..«. Laav ~l.,.r uavaaa- Vl L1 A1J 11L{~,-:Ct 1.4U l1iC standards and:procedures=hereinafter set'farth;,exeept;il~at appeals cif any decision, determination or inteipretatgn bya~y 'fo~un o#'Vail administrati~~e official "~itfi regard to a design guu~eline shall be heard by the Design Re~~ie~~ Board: Page7of13 2. lnitiatian. .An appeai may be in,itiated b,y aaapplz~ 4djacentpropOrty awner, nr any aggrieved ar adversely a:ff'ected persoA,,;ftbtn an)~,Ordq6decid0termination or interpretatian by any a.dtYiinis#rative offi,cz~ 'C'spe"'t tt~ -$tiY~~. g~ie`~ed- or adversely affocted person" means ~y Per~pn ~,il "an .Wverse dSeet Aa an interest pratected ar furthered liy thts tit1e `i'Yio~,olladveis~ intpy :be s1ia~ed in common with other members of the qovnuru" larg~°~u~ ~hati~ Oed iri 4egiee the general interest in cominunity good 4hPWOd b~ ~`l p~rr"~'h~stratvr shall determine:the-standing af an appellant ;:-T~the..4pp~ila~t ~~inistrafar';s determination c~f standing, tho Pl~ri~-~d`nvarari~n~n~l. ~~~s~on (~r:fh~ ,M s1gn Review Board in the case of des'zgn guidelA41i; ~jtge~g 0.r ~ ~p~ ~c~ ~iearirig . evidence on the appe~, ~nake a;deterrr~nattd 14 4,Mn~ng of~e t. the Plarnirzg and Environmental Commissiv~ ~opthoP, signLwathe case ctf design guicielines) cletermines that the ap~~~liazit d~oe§u~?tli~ue g~nd'Eo ban appeal, the appeal shall nat be heard:-arid the c~~.gma1;: a~t~aax=c~r de~t~inunation.stfn 3. Pxoceclures. A written not~ceof appe~~ rnu~~~e f~,~~d~t~i ftcto~r of C~rnmunrty Develapmeant ar vvith the departrYient tend~r~ng ft de~isio~~,d~te~~~~ifln jox intexp,retation wifihin tenr(;I 0) calendaar bgoftiang t,°~~ , I£=the last day foar filing an apPeal falls ,on;a;SAtiirdAy,y $-un~l~.~~nor a~M" ~Ob~eriv,ed holiday, the last day for filing an-appeal,shalT-1ae ext~nded..ti#~ th~:ne~_bus~ness d~,y. `The administrator's decisiQri sha1l :becozrie fnafAt;:the. nd x-tPPl~ti nga~d En~sronta~'ental Goinrnisszan rneet,ing (or in the case Qf clesagn,relate,d d~.Cisioi,i,E~.e riedDesign Re~xew Board meeting) follawing the administrator's;decisiciu;-ss ~-;~ec~~~c~ncalied up and modified by the Board az' Cornmissinn Su~ ~~e s -k-q-1l=b~ aeibor,~pan~e~s~y the narne and addaresses {person7s:maili~g.andprs;ap~ellai~t, applieant,.property nwner, ~roper~ a~ers within a condominium projeet sYiall be-:satxsfiedqb~ Jist4aftsses for;;the managing agent° or the board of directors; of the cp40tias'well as speczfic.and articulate reasons fQr th6 appealp ri fqzw~ do-`~y~,~ T-hfiluxg of such notice of appeal will require the`::adm~[nis~mWe Officia1 y,zhose di~cisioji:is Page 8 of 13 appeaied, to forward to the Plarining ;anci Entonmen~l ~ommisSton, ~ar tlie Design Review Baard in the case, of desigarguiddiu~:,atth~ ~c~,~dw cd meeti49, a surrunary of all recaxds.evnceraing:th~ s~b~ec.fsr~t~~ter tosend wri:t#en natice ta the appellant, applicant, prope~#,y dA ipnp~pr~~erCy owiiers (notification within a condorninium pxoje~~`s l- b004isfi~~,by not~ir~g lhe xnanaging agent or the baard of ciirectoxs oflhe cQlido'Imiiuut: ft~r~~2t l~~,s~rfi~~en:(15) calendar days prior to the hearirig: A nOpol ita bd-fiefore the Planning and Environmental Comtan.i5sidh~(Or-tki 6~`B0a~~:~'~he °case of' design guidelines) on the 4ppeal;witlun thi~ (3L~j ar.Aay~ .iae ~appOaleing 3 f led. The Planning and Environmelita[ CWizius$Wn.(Des~gnBoard, in the case of de5zgn guidelines)-imay grarit ,4 'bn`0ws Wdit~onal: time ta obtazn informatiion. The :OonUnUAn*',shWl Ui~~~~~ ~or-4 &Wto cee-ti p_p,.... . ~ an addit#anal thirty (30) calendar' tlays: ;Wure f6s4ah Aal1 tite :a waiver of any rights under this titie to appeAJ any znW.rn or: d~tertzazn4tiori matie by an administrative of#icial. 4. Effect of fling an appeai. Thc filijng,a£a O~f A~a~gaI"Sioil41i permit activity and any proceedings in fu;rtheran+~~bf ta~ 40ft ~~.p~1OWWflthe administrative offioial renclering:such4ecisxOn0t~r~~i~.tic~~ ~r ~~i~~rpr~t~t~~n=certif es in writing to the Pianning anci Envirorimental Comrri~~ss~t~n (pt~-the ;Db sign Review Bd in the case: of design giaidelines) and -the ap~a~llag# ~~t~ao s~.y p~~~~ J?n~nt p~ril to life or property, in which case the ;app*; shdll%bt st~°:~==~uarth~°-~~r.m~~ praceedings. The cammission (or boa4 ~ha:11=i~~~~~?u oideny a stay of thepraeeecIings Such ,d'etermi--~~a~~n s~~~~ b~;~tde atthrr*gul~ly : w.. . scheduled mceting of the Plaruun:g and:EnvirQftnon-~W:;Qp;~ft 1ho Design Review Board in the case of design~iid 5. Findings. The Planning 4nd"EnvirLAP ~~~Ig~ ;~view Board in the case of design_guiriel;ine~) siiWLA ~~~~ifi~r~dirigs esf fact based ci.ireetly on the particular ev;icienadr.-p ~&nto~tc~ ~f; se~nd:~gs o Mct Page 9 of 13 . ~ ~ .~must support eanclusions that the standards and ,codditt~xts' imposed by the:;requirements of this title have or have nnt been met. 6. Fee. The Tawm Council may set a ieasp~bl~ fe~ ~~~iling anxappea1- of -an administrative decision, cieteirminatipn :or Jnf~z~eta~i~n The fe~-~u~1`l ~e adopted iz~ a fee schedule which shail be mainta~ed in ~.o ~3~~~o~iunr~~t~y ~evOlczpment_ The fee sha11 be paid at the timexth e appoaI Js,.fi10'0. D. Appeal af Planning and Enviroramental Commission ~l~d~~dsi~~.~~~~ oarcl decisions. I. Authority. The Town Council sha1l-'have W~ iauf~:c~rity~~~ herdec~de ;appeals fraxn any decision, deteiininatiori;or.interprq.tatkion°~.~x~`f~,~ 1~'l~r~g a~.d~n~'~xQ~n~*rital Cvmmission oi the<Design prt~i~~pr~,~;~f thi~ hti~ an~l the standards and procedures hereinafter set f 2. initiation. An appeal may be initiated byan ~.pglicantpz~o~aerty, owner, ar any aggrieved:or ativersely aifectedp(,-rson fr,~~m, ~y er; ~ciszQ~, d~exminatiou or in.terpretation by the ~'l~r~ing and.Environn~~i;~~l ~~%~ssic~nor n l~'~view Baard :with respset ta this title: "Aggrieved & a~~ersoy a-~f~ctet~ ~~san" mbans any persan who will suffer ~ adverse ;effect to a~ii intEr~xecte~i or~~red by; t~stitle; _ The alleged adverse interest may be shared ~~..cornrn;on vvi~ vther:membezs af the community at large, but shall,exceed in degMe;~he i'tti shared, by all persons. The Administrator ghal1 - lh ete~i~,~ e- sft ding an p.ppellan:t: . If the appellant objects to the Adnninistrator'sE`dotern~;nat~n~-t~f ~~drng,,~~e T~ivn Council shall, at ameeting przor to headng evitiedcq;on theT~P~~a~~ ~nake;a determination as to the standsng ofthe appellant If tbe To~n ~4~cil ines tliat the appellarit does not have standin.g to bnn~ ~ appc~t~ 0hal1be h~ard and the driginal aetion,or:detertn~iation,;~t~ds ~,h~~~I`~.i~qu~~ilA,iso eall up.a decision of the.Planning and Enviro~e~ital C~mmrnm~~~i " 'Or.Ath~ ~~sigz~ Re~~ew Board by a majority vote ofthase aouncil memlaer8 preseut. Page 10 of 13 . ' . ~ ~ 3. Procedtxres. A written-notlce of appe~ must be flled w h Cunity Deveiapment Director within teia (].0) calandar -I ao; of#he'arad EhviranmentaI Cnmmission's decision or the Design Rtviovt~ Boar.d.~s4deeision bing final. If the last day for filzng an appeal fsils on, :Satutd~, a T~vsm Of Vail sabserved holiday, the last day for filing ankagPeal sl~a,l~ 'th~:~~~ ~~ss' day: . Such notice shall be accvrnpanxed by th~~r~a~m~;~n.d-~,~~s~i~s '0n'OMW1iftg ariel property's physical) of the,appellantr applic~~,'~rQ~e~ andarlj~.c~ht.:propbrC-y owners (the list of proper€y ovvners vvithin q~, ~cindort~~~u~:~rv~eq s~atl be satisfied by listing :the-addresses fQr the tnanagxnglagent o~bbtid,, 0fd4aWts o"the candorninium associa.tion) as well as spec~~~ ~Id oppeal ;on forms pravided by the .T'awn. ~re±quire the .m::.. Pianning arid Enyironmental:Corrmmissionor,,#iie ignrR~~I~~;~~°~rd;~"o fc~r~~rd ta the Town Council at the next regularly schedule d=maournma~y ~a~ a11 ~ecartls cancerning;:the subject matter: ofthe appea~ and tb send ~vritt~n tii*~Ja,Ihe;appeliant; applicatit, property:oumer, 4n0 acijacMt,PrQ~00'Y pr~!r~~t'~ WWJthta condominium project shall ~ae satisfied;k~~ . ot~~nerna4aor°the-bo~d;-of dixectars ofthe condominiurn associAtioo) at:~~ast fifteft Q5} ca Me4r~da.ys pri fiv;the hearing. A hearing sha11 be scheduled.ta be h:eard b~~c~~e_~.. ..~I'c~wn ciLon the , , _ appeal within #hirty (30) ca.leridar days-of the a~peat;being,fled, T'hb T~~vn ,Councxl may grant a cantinuaz?ce ta allow the parties ~ddttzo" ~ertYobtdi~ ~ii~nrir~at~on ~The cantinuance shall be allowed.for a period not:tp v~~~~d.~, a~d~t~ror~a~ t~,ca~ty+(30) calendar ciays. Failure to f i'e such appea~ ~ha~l .cc~ns~ifu~~ a~ W,a~vl~r of any rzghts °ixndex #his chapter #o appeal any interpretiaticin-,ordetermxna~ionJIhIAde by;th~ I~lannrt~g:,and Environme:ntai_ Gommission or-the 4. Effect of f Ting an appeai. The: f 1ffi9 offtAata~e p activity,and any proceedings ir~ fttrthera:rice ~~~.~~~~~n 416d unless_~e ' administrative aff cial rendering such; deci;Wn; ~~eterrn~ti;~'i~ Q~ i~ite~r~tatftrn. pertif es in writing to the. Town'Counerl:axid the-appe11~.t th~~<a st~~ ~~~~sanarnrriznent,peri1 to life or property, in which case the: appeal ~n+~t fiarthep p~r rzit acfi:i~rity anid :any Page 11 of 13 proceedings. The Town CouiiciLshalff~v~e~ o~ elony. ~ st~y of the pror.ee~ings. Such detert~ina~.~z~~~h~ n~~ ar~l~ly schedul'~cl meeting af:the Town,~:Counci:i: 5. Findings: The Town'Coun& sha1i=;c&;WAPO~~,1~ based directly an, the particular evYdence~~e~~n~d Thpsc~ ~'uhd~gs of facx inust , suppart conclusions that;the stariicards ~buirementg:esf this ti#le have ar have not beeji°met: 6. Fee. The Town Councii mlay set a Timp-A~l~l~ ariei Environrnental Commissian Qr-Desip R.OvIOWBbaffl dobi~~c~n scheduIe which sha11 ~be znain~ried ~1~-~he ~o~i~ei~~-~~~Db *J Th ~g~en~. d.~'~e shall be paid at the tirne.the: appeal is f,1ed; E. Pracedure for appeals - sign ireguilations. Thep~~~~~~~c~r~~~~~~1~~~~ adaministrati:~e interpretatian of the sign,regulatians,shall be-th&lsarn~:~ Aclt~a~nist~ati~~.:a~t~~~: ~ set:forth in sec#ion_.18.WW D(B). F. Appeal~of;Town Council deaisians. Ariy-appHcan~~Rad~~~~~ ~W~ ax~r;~~~~~ued ' ad~versdly aifected:persc~n aggrieved hy a°~inaI c~e,~~a.~ ~fAh~ Tb dt-~~ ~~pV-a ~ appeal may seek xeview. of:such clecisionby a cqurt.of err'~pctiifi,`$d,,ictiz~~ ~tVAhe ziiaznt ier;pr~viW - by thelaws of the State of Cnlorado. G. Coaduct of hearing. The Town GownciF shall have,~a~ ~uthcs~,t~~~ se~ ,~~d~~, b~ iadmin'i~t~'~t~ ruie, on appeltate hearing p~ocedures. inclucl~ng,bu~ n~~k i~mt~d ~a~~?~t~ 0~.nte: fc~~. ipt"Ai af:evidenee and the tirne-allowance for oral:argurn~~ts; ' tion 12. If any part, sectian, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reasan held to be invalid, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; antE the Town Counci( hereby declares it wQUld have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, Page 12 of 13 , _cfause or phrase thereaf, regardiess of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, sUbsecfions, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 13. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinarice is necessary and proper for the heaEth, safety and welfare of the Town of Vaii and the inhabitants thereof. SectiQn 14. The amendment of any provision of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any du#y imposed, any violation that occurred prior tQ the effective date hereof, any prosecution cammenced, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced under or by virtue of the pravision amended. The amendment of any provisian hereby shall not revive any pravision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. _$ection 15. All bylaws, arders, resolutions and ordinances, or parts thereof, incansistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resoiution ar ordinance, or part thereof, #heretafore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE iN FULL, #his day of 1998. A public hearing on this ordinance shafl be heid at the regufar meeting vf the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Calocado, on the ~/"clay of Jt 1998, in the Municipal Building af the Tnwn. i Robert W. Armour, Mayor A T: ~ Hally McCutchean, Town Clerk WTRODIICED, READ, ADOPTED AND ENACTED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED t11V~~UCL) (BY TITLE ONLY) TNiS DAY OF J u-~ ,1996. AU - Rabert W. Armour, Mayor A T: - ~ Holly McCutcheon, Tawn CEerk I -ile: f:lcvery nnelnrdlarc37,96 Page 13 of 13 w Exhibit "A" That part of the First Supplemental Map for Simba Run Condominium, according to the map thereof recorded in the office of the Eagle County, Golorado, Clerk and Recorder, described as follows: Beginning at the most southwesterly corner of said rrtap, thence the following three courses along the wesierly lines of said map; 1) N03°33'01 "E 160.79 feet; 2) N12150'33"E 144.72 feet; 3) N17°5fi'03" 70.60 feet; thence, departing said westerly line, S131 16'03"W 157.28 feet, thence 578°43'57"E 91.50 feet; thence N131 16'03"E 35.04 feet; thence 576°43'57"E 72.31 feet ta the easterly line of said map; thence the following iwa courses alang the easterfy and southeasterly lines of said map; 1} S24°44'57"E 52.38 feet; 2) S52°50'29"W 272.50 feet to the Paint o# Beginning, cantaining 0.6134 acres, mora or less; and That part ot Simba Run, accarding to the map thereof, recorded in Book 392 at Page 763 in the Office nf the Eagle County, Colorada, C1ark and Recorder, described as follows: Beginning at the most sautherly corner of said 5imba Run, thence the following four courses along the soulhwesterly and northwesterly lines of said Simba Run; 1) N37°09'31"W 233.28 feet; 2) 334.57 feet afang the arc of a curve to the left, having a radius of 1771.95 fee#, a central angle of 10°49'06", and a chord that bears N42° 13'20"E 334.07 feet; 3) N36'48'48" E 201.36 feet; 4) 15.96 feet along the arc af a curve tv the right, having a radEUS of 428.02 feei, a centrak angle of 02°08'12", and a chord thal bears N37"52'54" E 15.96 feet to a carner on the westerly boundary ot the F)rst Supplementaf Map for Simba Run Candaminium, according to the map ihereof recarded in the office of the Eagle County, Calorado, Clerk and Fiecorder; thence the follawing four c4urses along said westerly boundary; 1) S21 °51'28"W 69,90 faet; 2) S17°56'Q3"W 161.17 feet; 3) S12°5Q'33"W 144.72 feet; 4) S03°33'01"W 160.79 feet ta the southeasterly line of said Simba Run; thence, along said southeasterly line, S52150'29"W 113.08 feet ta the Point of Beginning, containing 1.560 acres, more or fess. 3•M e u,!- Ja eiFo r c Co t,~~ I/S . 0 ORDINANCE NA. 7 Series of 1996 AN aRDlNANCE AMENDING TtTLE 18 Z(3NING, CHAPTERS 18.12 {TWO-FAMILY HESlDENTIAL (R) Dl5TRICT},1B.13 (PRIMARYISEC4NDARY RESIDENTIAL DISTRlCT), 18.54 (DESIGN REVIEiN),18.56 (ENVIRQNMENTAL 1MPACT REP4RTS),18.58 {SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS}, 18.60 (CONDlTlQNAL USE PERMiTS),18.62 (VARIANCES), AND 78.66 (ADMINISTRATION) WITH RESPECT TO ADMINiSTRATION ' AND APPEALS PRQCEDURES OF THE VAIL MUNICIPAL CODE. WHEREAS, Sections 18.12.091, 18.12A92, rt6.13.081, 18.13.p82, 18.54.080, 18.54.09Q, ' 18.56:115, 18.58.190, 18.58.310, 18.60.070,18.62.070,18.66.030, of the Vail MuniCipaE Code describe the administration and appeals process for the zoning ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Tawn Council has expressed the atesire to rerriew fewer administrative details in order to allow them to address more important #egislative issues; and WHEREAS, the Town Council has expr~ssed the desire to remove politics fram the appeals process. The Town boards shoufd be taken more seriously and appellants should be required to present their full, best case the first time; and WHEREAS, the current regulations pertaining to appeals are unclear artd inconsistent. Appeals provisions are sca€tered throughout the cade and, over time, provisians have been amended in sorne sectians and not irr others, causing inconsistencies; and WHEREAS, rnany of the appeals filed do not actuaEly reflect an appellant's focus an code criteria, but merely reflect personal displeasure. Staff and Councl spend a lot of time reviewing such . appeals, which results in wasted time and taxpayer resources; and WHEREAS, the Deslgn Review Board of the Town of Vail reviewed the proposed a'mendment at their February 7, 1896 meeting; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail has recommsnded appraval of ttte amendment to the Vail Municipal Code at their February 26, 1996 meeting; and ' WHEREAS, the Town Council considers it in the irtterest of the pubiic health, safety, and welfare to amend said Chapter o# the Municipal Cade. NOW, THEREFORE, sE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAiL, CUL.4RAD0, THAT: [Note: Text that is str#ckcn is being deleted and tez# that is ~fi-is being added.] 1 ~t . • , Sectian 1 • Chapter 7 8.12, Secfian 18. 12.091, af #he Vaif Muntcipaf Code is hereby deleted in its entirety as follaws: , (TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (It) DISTRICT) . ~ ~ The sent.- . , . y „ D. . . SeGlign 2. Chapte'r 18.12, 5ection 18.12.092, o# the Vail Municipal Code is hereby deleted in #ts entirety as ' #oilows: applicairt, vAncent , , . , . , . • Sectian 3• Chapter 18.13, Secfion 18.13.081, of the Vail Municlpal Code is hereby deleted in its entirety as follows: (PRIIMARYISECONDARY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT) 2 . + , y • The itictitbets 5C[Tt: - - B. , • , 5ection 4. Chapter 18.13, Section 18.13.082, o# the Vai1 Municipaf Code is hereby deleted in its entirety as • follaws: , . . , becrffl 5ection 5, Chapter 18.54, Section 18.54.080, of the Vail Municipal Cade is hereby deleted in its entirety as follows: (DESXGN REVIEW) , 3 ` M ~VVa1a V1~ NC/C1aV V V~. ilav V4Ra+u~ W~aaaaalJ~{1~V1 ,Y~y ~{~yWY1a+++~ iy ~y J,J VLYL~ia ilV YaV Yr 3I"VW r 11a ' ' ~1 n Lfauaullaaay U ti yV;YYAVil.] AlAY~alla ~y uve.I. aaavvl~au~ VL ~YY ~v!/l~la llvr l\Y rY 1 i I~VVa!?LVLL Vl WV i+VAALLl~ W~llu~~Ml~Va La?WJ ~ y µ~/k/ yu~,? ~ rUa~wa i\ri 1 av Y~ W ~y ~CI~;VI.YIl ~YVyll~CJ1 VC/VA~VYY11V1r ~V YV rYFw iaY~A~4~a~, V+~{IL WY ~VaVYt av ~V,ia~aa i,\V YlV 11 - ~litir 61111y ~Gi~JAy ~v ~y VaV+VU VVVy+ilVJ aa44ia• V• T~V ~V4a~+V+AI V~Y1V ~JUaalai~ WVili1111JY W~Ui J~11 y V V V+.+1V 1~ L~11V YYl I{~Y •I~~J. W1J ~1 ~ afI ~V 4V ~vJ[~t ++l\V ViV SY DVWl~~ail Ly4YVLL V/LY~J V~LyYyL~.41iVrL'V YV IIV{N~'~U iVV Vix/L~V~41V L/•~••e••lµi,' ~v ~./V+a/1VLL ~1 Vl;l i~y l+V LAAIle:,. K~AILLLYJY.~~~.Y.11• D. TlA D 'g ~ B ~ 1lW~1 ~ ~ 1~tL ~ ' .~.yGy'11 Galt LA VYay rr VYia .l /1.V V++Ja V MrrV TaaV YYW+aaV +••Y~••••Va W/ V?w VYUJa Vly Wll VW+Vl W~/L/laV[i~aVUJ VVL11LLlA~Ly1~1V l~ ~tlon 4 . Chapter 18.54, Section 18.54A9t}, of the Vail Municipal Code is hereby deleted in Its entirety as follows: ~i-8:•5~:99~ ~ I~FrY gal ly TL r, Fl V WL! V l~ ~L\• !'a+L µ`1C1 VK~~V FLLy ~1~V Y71L ~iV NUV[l ua W,~y V 1alY~ y~ `!yV Wj./rlaVN4+~, K~JrV..+..~r/a V~/VL~L, V II ii V4Y Vi NiV ' TV.r,a aalWLLY~Vl. ~ V rY Ll fLV{µ;Vll VIal1 Y4+11V 4µl1 Wr a+aµ~~V1J V~ YuFWJ Vl li~ YV~' iyVV VV µLLy?~ lllylllL V1.7 C11 VJVL~ ~ ~ ' 1 </i Wal µC/1JVN~a1~ ?LV 4ClC/VKA i11VLJ~ ~V il1VY W Yr la{Li1g~V11 ~~'y j~~~L, rr ua6 ~V a~V VLJaVU Va 1aaW~/~~r ~`~"`"`a Wr ~.LV 11., rr u ~V W11V1~ N~ ~ VLL i1VIl~ R V~ W1{4 ix V Vl1V V V~ JiiV V~iLLe.. i LLV TyYru ~..VYW VAI af\'L8I'L"ll.nan Irv 4C/rrVµf YYl~ll Ll ~L~{,~ ~ V~aY.J VVWg ya VW~~wj! YYi~ C1VJal11.I~AAy~'"(;W, V1L~yuarlVll ik'~~V V'VY/l;Vil 1L1LLN ~W~ {~Lyl///V lA7.Q~1 VLV11w~yLl;lli?iVl.l. .cif-iLiLiLiL~ ` ~ , Chapter 18.56, Section 18.56.115, of the Vail Municipal Code is hereby deleted in I#s entirety as follows: {ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS} ~$:~G.11~ tr?rr•.W}lyT4rr~; 1 µCJr VWl ~V \?iV TL rrll ~/V 4?11V1 L11K,1 LV 11~V V~ ~V {itJ ~J~VtMlli! ?Y ~JKG/VUY CJi VtJ Vi Y~ V Yr 11 Vii 'Vl ~V YrL LAl;W1Y~G1. 1 V Y711 ~~YL+LVLL VI.µA µYVV VYII µr jJjj~{,~VaJ Lr~ W 1ilWJ VaaV~ rV~~yaYV VY Wi1V~ 1aa VAliL VLU tJA VJ V4~ D. ~i Vi Yl~ WC/C/VWLJ~ ~V Wk/CI VWL L;R WLIY VV laaVla +ll tlill.~~g `~/A~ NN~4+Y~A4 Yl ill' ~j [aV V;aYLV4 VL L;l{ALl` VV 4 ~ . ~ SBCt10~ 8' , Chapter 18.58, 5ection 18.58.190, af the Vail Municipal Code is hereby deleted in its entirety as failaws: (SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS) ~ i > > , re v erse, ur iiiodi fy the action of the Zoniiiy, Achninistrator A hearing, ahel not bc requh-cd. fztiturc of eoinntissiun to act within niiiety (90) days uf the fifing, ofint appeal shail be deemcd c actioii uf the Zoiiing *&ifiaistt atm- Section 8. Chapter 18.58, Section 18.58.310, of the Vail Municipal Code is hereby'amended as follaws: 1$.58.310 Bed and breakfast operations. A. Unchauged _ - , - B. Unchanged ' Section . , , , . , 5 i D. Rc-letter to C. Remainder unchanged E. Re-letter to D. Rernainder unchaaged , F. Re-letter to E. Rcmaiuder unchanged SeC#l.4Il~4. . Chapter 18.60, Section 18.60.070, of the Vail MuNaipal Code is hereby deleted in Its entirety as follows: (CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS) . . , . * . ' . ~~bCLS PrCgetlt. , . . , , - . I SeCtion 10. Chapter 18.62, Sectifln 18.62.070, af the Vail Municipal Code is hereby deleted in its entirety as folfows: (VARIANCES) ~ . . w, mc7nberspresent; B. , 6 ~ , . ~ . • Section 1 1. Chapter 18.66, Section 18.66.030, af the Vail Municipal Code is hereby repealed and reenacted as follows: (ADMINISTRATION) . 18.66.030 Appeal:. , , , z&ninishmtor, rnay , , ac~n~rin'rstrator \ - ; . ~ . •:::~4r.k:~::>555:::i'<::;`~:.........i....... .s .:.:.:::::•r.~:r;.::••;::~:~.~~;::`:~~ci::.t;C:;:::~>:i-::::,::s:;.;•;~r::;>:.:::»;;~.:;.r::. . !~.a ~~a~ ~ 0~~~;a~: xq -.,pz4DP~~~. ~:.,::..:;~>;:::<;;:<.. r:::•:::: ::::;.::::»>;:<:~<::::: .:.:..;;:_:.>:>:.:f.:::.::~;::.;>:<::.: . ~~~.:~~~~aa~??.~~;c~ .~A : : , in...:....:::.:.:.:;:::::.:~.:..~:.:.<:.::.:~.•-:::.:;.,:.;:.:~::~;::;:;::.:;.::<:-;•.;;;.::::::•::::::...::::::::::: . `~~~ta:::~;~ . . . ~ . . , : :::.,...................:......,:.r;:.::.:::~-:,..:<.::.,.;::::.:.::::.:. re~e.~t to: ~wm.~~~?s , • , : < > : . . P!~ ~ ~ : : . . : . ...........::..:.~:.::i~ii:: . .y;{n;{: • ' ?'vr.~~: '{2.::''::'. 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Section 13- . The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinence is necessary and-proper #ar the heaith, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereaf. \ ~t[on 1 a. ~ The arnendment flf any provision of the Vail Municipal Code as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any . right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any viofation that occurred priar to the effective date hereof, any prosecution aommenced, nar any other action or praceeding as aommenced under or by virtue of the provlslon amended. The amendment af any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previausly repealed or superseded unless expressly stated hereln. ~ ~gC n f 5. Aft bylaws, orders, resoluttons and ardinances, or parts thereof; inaonsistent herewlth are repealea to the 12 E • n , • ~ • ~ 0 exient anly of such inconsistency. This repealer shall nat be canstrued to revise any bylaw, order, resotutian ar ordinance, or part thereof, theretafore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON F'iRST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL, this,_ ~ day af , 1996. A public hearing on this ordinance shali be held at the regular mesting of the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Calorado, on the day of , 1996, in the Municipai Building af the Tawn. ' Robert W. Armour, Mayor ATTEST: Hally McCutcheon, Town Clerk ~ INTRODUCED, READ, AD4PTED AND ENACTED ON SECOND READlNG AND QRDERED PUBLtSHED {IN FULL} (BY TITLE ONLY) THIS ~ DAY OF 11996. Robert W. Armour, Mayor ATTEST: . Holly McCutcheonr Town Clerk . Fi1e:f:bveryonolordlord7.96 13 n Q a Q 7(~D 0 Q~~ W n (~p a ~ ~ wen Q ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ . 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Z D O oQ cQmb~m_o~6°C,c~QO ~y O m ~Q p a m,~~, ~o ~~j' 3~ c~ ~ Q S° m o x C ::E 0 ° ? ~ :3 a (D C) :3m-+D O ° =0 .-0-~' o D ~a` ro ° m(D +m„~~noQ~oo ~0 ~ ~ro ~ ~C ~ ~D 70 ~ o 0 ~ ~'o ~ r[ y Q ~C p Q~ Q. y Q O i ? m n CL(D c) , ' m a ~ ~a aC..aq0 9 ~~a ~ o ~ ~°mv~~~ O 2 1-0 ~o~o~Dma~~-~~- rr ~ ~ ~ Q Co a -*aw~am~ ~ -c cn o~ ~~my0~ -<w~m~ C ~ R I a a~~ 5' nc ° Q Q~~ a~° p Q ~ ~ ~ u> Q p ~ ~ Q O ~ :r ~ in ? g Q O ~ ~ 0 Q70 ~ 0 (ZDT (D a Q 5 Q p ~ ~ p 0 a ~ CC I~- ~ . ~ O ~y 3 ~ Q ~ Q ~ ~ n o 0 O Q ~ N O (D CT C) cn W 7' Q ~ Q cr r 0 5 ~ 0 Q ~ ~ Q Z Q n~ ~ O~ 3 m~ ~ C Q (a ~ Q ;p p~ Q0 {`p -y-r O i; cD ~ C~ O C o w~? Q0 (a!R:3 3:E 2-mrom zr I6~° °-0 o.Q° m a~ m~ Q o cn n o m0 m o o° o77; nD m ~ ~o ~ ~ ~ m Q ~ n. ~ R ~ 6 ~ ~ ~ ~°Q~~ (D n ~ C C 7 ~ ~ ? 'C ° y O Z) . m m m m m a°~ Q~5'=3 a° , . . . . F . _ ,:f . : . . . . . y 1 . ~ ~ 1 • E I mam ~ AN qy g Q k Q~~ fz~~ o vr~~ ~ozy vZ~.~ N rvm m S ` Ccr $~w ~~~~rr?-r~-~4 mz -=d~ ~ 8~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • C g' GYP~N9~mp..yrn aD v,~ ~ a ~mt m.. ~ ~ ~ ~ g;'"ns~^} jpn ff ' ~ a3~N~ 12V O ~ ~ ~ O~~mi~ ~ ~ ~0..~ ~ mm mon ~~m; ~ +~o 4 i 1z g wA~ a' g go. m 0 3 m~ ~ ~~m$mIOa ~?a'Q 5N~ ~ ri awwCm . ~~~'f v $ ~ ~~m.•~ y~ ~ g~~ ~ ~ .7 Z • p r"G~Puor u K U 71 a p 10 m~-- ~ 3 3 a m~ Li ~ ~g pj G7 ; ~O ; ~ p m ~ m= a- ~pe s~ • N _ y m ~ 3~ar ~'S m ^c' n C)m p ~m~ bm~ i~o 261~ 0~m~~ ~ ~m~ : ~~~•~Y LL° ~ o (b ; a~"n~~ ~ ~ w c ;v;:~` 3 Q v m 33a7 m c o mn nm Erv e w cy' S-. 3 a $ ~ A ~n ~ ~'c~ ~3 9~m m m sa~ g m~m mo R -vmse°~~ ~ ,t. 3-53 m~ T~ ~ 0~41 3 iC y3 n ,Q w'o'~ mc. ° D s~3 m Sy-,v ~o Q'~m rr, 3 ° S' • ~i'' ~ $e~ 3 m w m ~ 3w m v 5 ~ GI ~w'~~ ;a9u A ft-ID-011roK8 Sg~~~G~:.~: $`c.c ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 m o ~ m ~ ~ o $ P , a 1 v.„ m 7 T R ~ ~ $ `3 °~a~s~nm ~~3pt: ~mn ~~~~o 3'OC~ . G1S.j*1 3 w mm ~3~'~rov° a~tm 0~4~1°~' , m d r o yi'm g m a,~'u ~ m m a~m~ ~ga~ 9 sx j. 3 3S~t.~ . S a$ ~ . •S y~ ~g-~ g Q. g g m ma 3. o a n m r~}~ ~Q j9 ~ s~'' . g a ~ m~ 3m. m3~~~ 3 c°.ygy ~n m 3m 7' a a~' M `C m~~ 01 Y 9 m~ m~ m~ ~ m m w m S m'! m~~, O S 7'~.~4~• ' ~ a3 ~aa g m -4 oQr ~ ~ ~yr^~.~ ~ ~tpmmmm> sptm~~'~ = mtb~m ~ Q'~~C~mmyl3'm ~~RI~~~~~~ g Y;•, s~~s~.~ 1pON,~~C~ZO'.l.Y'• ~ Y r~ 4 ~ 0p H M ~'~~1 ~$w~~wga~.~R.~=•~M . ~ R~"as~mabc)o2I Y ~ `~"~v0~~1o1~~~z Q ~i1 2 m c°$ liji ~ g ~ w1~~ 9 ~ ~ m$ $ ~ ~ e ~ ~ CT ~~•1 ~'S' , iS'o3~ Od a a~~ o m 7S' a ~ ~ m 2m 3v,~3 Sa~ J1 Z ~+a -n IM ~~r'$~ ' CL 1 ~ " m v I-D 6 o a o~'^ g~ URS'I ° a n ~ ~ ~ ..r f' ~m~ o i Y'ffi~~~ sa, m ~ ~ ~ 1:1 }f ~ ~~~~9 m~~g ~Z~ aQ QC1 n~t ~I! ~ y M31 m a5~ ~ ~ o ' m ~ : •',~x; ~ 1~f- O-4 { r. ~ ` aRDINANCE NO. 7 Series of 9996 AN ORDINANCE AMFNDING TITLE 18 ZONlNG, CHAPTERS 18,12 (TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R) DISTRICT), 18.13 (PRIMARYISECONDARY RESiDENTIAL D1STRtCT), 18.54 (DESlGN REVIEW), 18.56 (ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS), 18.58 (SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS), 98.60 (CONDITIONAL USE PERMlTS), 18.62 (VARIANCES), AND 18.66 (ADMlNISTRATION) WITH RESPECT TQ ADMINISTRATiQN AND APPEALS PROCEDURES OF THE VAIL MUNlCIPAL CODE. WHEREAS, Sections 18.12.09'!, 18.12.092, 18.13.081, 18.13.082, 98.54.080, 18.54.090, 18,56.115, 18.58.19p, 18.58.310, 18.60.070, 18.62.070, 18.66.Q30, ofthe Vail Municipal Code describe the administration and appeais pracess for the zoning ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Tawn Gauncil has expressed the desire to have a sitrtple, fair, and open appeals process, and WHEREAS, the current regulations pertaining ta appeals are unclear and inconsistent. Appeals provisions are scattered throughout the code and, over time, provisions have been amended in same sections and nat in others, causing inconsistencies; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Environmental Commissian of the Town of Vail has recommended approval af the amendment to the Vail Municipai Code at their February 26, 1996 meeting; and WHEREAS, the Town Council considers it in #he interest of the public health, safe#y, and welfare ta amend said Chapter of the Municipal Code. NOW, THEREF4RE, BE IT ORDAfNED BY THE TOWN COUNClL OF THE TOWN OF VAiL, GOLURADO, THAT: [Note: Text that is strieken is being deleted and text that is shg#~i is being added.] Sectian 1. Chapter 18.12, Section 1$.12.091, of the Vail Murticipal Code is hereby deleted in its entirety as follows; (TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (R) DISTRICT) > > . Page 1 of 13 , ~ members-present: B. , ineeting. ~ C. informatieli: Sectian 2. Chapter 18.12, Section 18.12.092, of the Vail Municipal Code is hereby deleted in its entire#y as fiollaws: the , , . B. , Sectian 3. Chapter 18.1 3, Sectian 18.13.081, o# the Vaii Municipal Code is hereby deleted in its entirety as follows: (PRIMARY/SECONDARY RESYDENTiAL DISTRICT) , , anager. T4te Page 2 of 13 . ~ 0 ~ B. , tneetittg- . tir a.ion. 5e i n 4. Chapter 18.13, Section 18.'f 3.Q82, of the Vail Municipal Code is hereby cfeleted in its entirety as follows: the 7 , , B. For all appettis, Sec#ion 5. Chapter 18.54, Section 18.54.080, of the Vai! Municipaf Cade is hereby deleted in its entirety as foliows: (DESIGN RE VIEW) , Page 3 of 13 ' ~ • ~ . a"Hieftn , - s , or at the request of t-he Besigit Revievv Board at ttny titne before tite deeisiatt beeemes final. G. Tite tteeision of the zoning adtnittistrater shall beeonte final if no -vffifteft appeal is tnade to the Desigti Review Board within seven days of the Design Review Beftrd' Sec ia Chapter 18.54, Sectinn 18.54.090, of the Vai! Municipal Code is hereby deieted in its entirety as foliows: . ~ tnembets present: B. , Se.~t~~.on 7. Chapter 18.56, Sectian 18.56.115, af the Vail Municipal Code is hereby deleted in its entirety as foliows: (ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORTS) A. > > mernbers present. Page 4 of 13 _ • ~ . ~ • , Section Chapter 18.58, Section 18.58.190, af #he Vaif Murcicipal Code is hereby dele#ed in its ert#irety as follows: (SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS) . , , may ection 8. Chapter 98.58, Section 1$.58.314, of the Vaii Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows: 18.5$.310 Bed arad breakfast operations. A. [Unchanged] B. [[Jnchanged] C_.. Violation. if the Direeter of-Gommunity B-Neve"Opment etermiftes that-the-provi-sion of this S . . , , Page 5 of 13 . ~ ~ . . , the , D. [Re-letter ta C. Remainder unchanged] E. [Re-letter to D. Remainder unchanged] F. [Re-lettex to E. Remainder urtchanged] Section 9. Chap#er 18.60, Section 18.60.070, of the Vail Municipa! Code is hereby deleted in its entirety as follows: (CONDITIQNAL USE PERMITS) A. > > rneftrbers present.. , Section 10. Chaptsr 18.62, Section 18.62.070, af the Vail Municipal Code is hereby deleted in its entitety as follaws: (VARIANCES) A. , ttf~aeent a tnembers B. , Page6at'13 , 0 Sect'ton 11. Chapter 1$.66, Section 18.66.030, of the Vail Municipa! Code is hereby repealed and reenacted as follows: (ADMIN15TitATION) 18.66.030 Appeals. .,f Qum:~:st_...:..r .,..4:_.__ , , administrmor, may > reverse, _dw, ,.t_....o A. ,4dministrative actions: Any decisaan,-determinat~nn-br interpn b~ ~n~ ~ourn pf Vail administrafive offioial with respeet to the prQVisibns o~''thi~ titl~ ~nd th~ standar~is.a:t~ti procedures hereynafter set forth shall.:became-final a-~;the~-'nextPbAhin~ Camrnission meeting (or in the case of design meeting) fnliowing the ad.ininistrata~'s decision, unIe~s th~;tl.eOi~i~in i~ ~all~d d-,'Modzfied by the Board or Cammission. B. Appeal af administrative actions. 1. Authority. The Planning and:Environm~,fttdl C-t~~rra~~sto~ hear and decide appeal.s ftom an3?-decisiob, deterrmE~h- atict Qr u~~~~ir~ta.tton ~yy TOw~a of Vail admirtistrative aff cial with respeot t6,the ~TGvISI5 Qfthx~ t~tl&::and tYie standards and pracediues hereiriafter, set, f6rt~,;~~zce~~th~tAPpews,ofdecisx00, determinatiorn or i~xrterpretation by;any Tow~, ~3f~'t~a~l ~i~~~~~ to a design guideline sha1T'be heard by the De$igo~.~vxew Boaa Page 7 of 13 s 2. Inifiation. .An appeal may be initiated by an appl~cant;: ad.jacent property owner, or any aggrievecl or adversely affecteci per:s,anlrom any p~cidszaii, deterniinatian or in~terpretation by any adminis#rative c~fficial m'lt~, resped# to tlu~+titl~ "A9graie~ed or adversely affected person" means aziy persoiz-whcs er za:ad'v,~rse e~'fect tii an interest protected or fiuxthered by this title `~ie aIle,ged advers~ rutere~t may be shared in common with other members of the. in, clegree the generai interes# in communi#y good~ssharet} l~,a~~ ~erscrr~s- The Administrator sha11 _ e... detennine the standing of an appellant, ."-zppq!0c" ~kftAdrninistrattar's determinafiion of standing, the Plannin~~4nd Envxrnt~1 Cdftinussioh (or;:fhe DeSi~ti Review Board in the case of design guidel~~O) sk~~l1r at a~aeetxrzgprfWhearirig evidence on the appeal, malce a detemunation;asto;:ft ~tanding,~f#1i~ Appeilant :If the Planning and Environmental Comriission (0r the Doop ReVIOwi;Boaird` ~n.tlie~-case; of design guidelines) detezmines' that tlie appeklant dp6s. uotli°~e stantiing~:to baririg, an appeal, the appeal shall not beheard and the-,pngmal action ar detefiniriation stands. 3. Pracedures. A written notiee=of appeal must be,,.f led ~tbt th~ D~-ectoxof Comznunity Develapment or with the departmentrendering tl~e .deci~iozi, dete~;tinwtion-or interpretation within ten (10) calenda:r, days,ofthe-d'cisaon'~6comxng fijaaI T~Ahe kast day for filing an appeal falls on a Satttirday, ~t~~zdaYz ar ~ Tti~ t~f VA.ls pbsem'erl holiciay, the last day for filing an appeal sliail be eXtended'to Vhe `next ~.usiness day.The administrator's decision sha11 became final at:th&next P1amng:4nd Enviranmental Commission meeting (or in the case of:design .related do~.cisionr;~he nexfriDesign Re!view Baard meeting) fQilowing the administrat4r7-s-decdsion, ~znl~ss tiiO;decision is calledaup and modified by the Board or Comtnission Su~~ n+~h+~e sliall ~re-~~ompar~.ed,by tlie name and addresses (persan's:;mailirig and properky':s physical} ~f`tl~e ap~ellant, applicant, property owner, and_adjacent pr~perV, ca'~ners {~tl~e l~st ~f~rroperty-,owners within a condominium project shall be s~fisfied by lishn~ tYi~ addrdsses'~ir the managing agent or the :board_of'directars of tb&!0ondo~a~~~c~ati!") as-w~ell as specifc and artictlate reasons:for.th&a;ppea],:oiifor1hs tled ~y the;T own. 'The ~iling of such n,vtice of appeal will require t:he admuiistYatiue t~fficz, I -urkio.~e -iiecision is Fage 8 of 13 ` appealed, to fotwaz'd to the Platuning and Ezivi.ront~e~t~ Commissiaz~; for tlie Uesign Review Board in the case of deszgn guidclu~~s.) at :~at*, n~x~; tegularly schedtYleel' meetirig, a sumtnary of all recards concerning,the subj!eet-.ma~ter.Fof;the qppeal and to scnd written natice to the appellant, applicant, pxaperty ownetand adjacenfi;#apexly owners (natification within a condominium project $hdll be-';satisf ~d by;natrfying thr;;zriariaging agent ar the board af directors af the condQmin~~t~;:~sbcrO,tinn~'°at l~a~~'fifteen:{15) calendax days prior ta the hearing. A, liearish6llbc gdhe~i~le~.9~~ b~Aeard bofore';the Planning and Environmental Co~nriussion (c~r th~ ~'bsmg~z R~v~~w ~oard~n thte ca5~ o~ design guidelines} an the appeal within thtrty (30) calen~iar days, ~,~~hea~' bein g filed. The. Plaxuung a.rid EnviTOriment4l; Cotiiinissxo~ ~Or tlie Desi~xa, Revzew 'Board zn the case of design.guidelines) may grant a co'nttnuarY"ee to dlic~w th~ pa~ties:additional: time to obtain informa#ion. T1iexontiinuartce;s~~Il d fhr~~P.eriod not;to emceed an additiarial thirt y (30) calendar ciay.s. Fatitue t~ fi1e suc%~ apPeTa1 s,~11::c.ongitute a waiver of any rights under this titie to aPpeai afty interpre.ta.t~o~ or d~terixunat~~n;ii~ade by an adrninistrative off cial. 4. Effect af fling an appeal. The filing of a;tiottdeue"sf.~,,~peal sha11 stayp~ll perrriit activity anid any prvceedings in fiu-therance 4 the ~tio~ ~~peal~d tu~es":;the adrninxstxative official rendenng° suah clecisipxi, dpteirmifaition qrdaterpreCa~iow certif es in writing #a ~e Flanning and EnvirQnrnental Comrimxssin~ ,(0r ~°e D!esig-n Review Board in the case af design guidelines) and;the app~ila~t iinrriinent peril tci life or property, in which case tkte app@al shaJl ;~o~ s`~~.y `~rthe~' t ~ct~~rtyw;4zad >~ny proceedings. The cammission (or btiard)- sha11 revi~w such-ceftf~'icatxoh; and grant. oi dcny a stay, of the proceedings. Such determinatioh>'hall b~ nraftattKe:next i`egularly scheduled meeting af the Planning.atid Environmental QomrnIsszon (or=the Design Review Board.in the case of design guidelines),: 5. Findings. The Planning and Envi'ianmen~i Ca~m~s~zv~ (4r t~~ D~s~gn Revre~?v Bvard in the ease af design guicielines):;shall nri all #ppbals:i~~ce speei~ic fi~dings ~f faet based directly on the particular evide ncepresente,~t: Tfi-dse fintlings of fact Page 9 of 13 - ~ ~ . ' must support conclusions that the stomdards ana condztioAS xm~'ose ~i.b~ tlxexequirements of this title have or h,ave not been met. 6. Fee. The Town Council may set a reasoriable f~~ ;fa~ ~ Ii~g• ar~ <appe~:1 v~ian administrative decision, determination or a%e~t~0~11 The &e-will=beadopted in a fee sahedule which shall be maintai,ned 1n tliO:Dep4mm0,0 of Gomrnunity Ueveiopznent.. Ths fee shall be paid at the time the appeal is_iied. D. Appeal of Planning and Environmental Commissiox,-A~cisz~ins and L)~sigr~, itw°Board decisions. 1. Authority. The Town Council shall;hav~~th~ ~utth,t~ lw~ ~ndq~:e~~deuappea~s from.any decision, deterninatiori ar in~~~~OW'ioni~yth~nY 1ro`iitxtrntal Commissian or the Design Reviiew Bo'ard VA;t~ r~sp~~~t~ t~~ ~ra~~~~on~~ t~f ~his t~tle anrl the standards and procedures-hereinafter: set foarth; 2. Initiation. Ari appeal may be iriitiated b~-~n t, ~d,~acer~t ~rca~erty owner, oar anY aggrieved ar aduersely aifeeted:person fircirn an~mordd~~lsit~", determinatiomor interpretation hy the Planning arid Envirc~nrnerital Comrnlssivx~ tkze IJesign :Revwe.w Board wifila respect to this title. "Aggrieved::orMy, ~~sel~=p(r~can°' means aqy person who vvill suffer an adver,se: effect ta.an interdst prOtOcted or fiurthtre d by-,~this-title. The alleged adverse interest rriay be shared4 fri comxrmon ~aith ~t~ier:rr~eri~iki~rs,;afthe cnmmunity at large, but shall exceed:in degrp,. A*,-g OnPW inf~e~ kr=.uniiy goad shared by alI persons. The Administratcir sha~l;'detertnuft~ e s~zic~~~ an ~ppell~;nt.; If the appellant objeGts tv tJ1e.,Administt'atoraS dete~ij.x~at7.a11-~f &-the T6wn Council shall, at a meeting pri.or to hear[ng=e~±iclenc~~n the-,a,~p!~a1; ~nal~~ma determinatian as ta the standing of the appellI`Q46 'I'tivvn eCouftbzl d'etermi~es .that the appellant does not have startcling to bnnS an apPed0.agp~ai sWoot be hea~d and the original actit~n or deterniiiat~.an staz~ik; The'::'~aft :Got~di.l~~,~'.aIso call u~ a decision of tlie Planning and EziviranxnentaI, QqftVO~ar,the Degnjgeview Board by a majority vote ofthose council mernbers,presenf: Page 10 of 13 . . ' 3. Procedures. A written notice of appeal rnust he fiied vvWthe-Comm-cuiity Development Director within ten (10) caleridar days':af theT, Janning an;tl,Environmental Commission's decision or the Design-Reyievv'SMd's dect.slaM;becomilig fina1. If the Iast day for filing an appeal falts-on a' Saturd4y, Suft~iay, ori:a T~wn. of Va.il:;observed holiday, the iast day far filing an appeat shalI;be e~endecl~c~ th~ next b~s~ness day.. Such notice shall be accampanied by thename and ~ddtesses ~a;e~rsan'sa~a~.lirig and prapsrty's physical) of the appellarYt, appRca.nt, .'Prope~ad;°acent':propei~,y owners (the list of property owners withi~ a cQ~dorn~~zvt~unpr~~e~t $hbe satisfied''bY lis#ing the addresses for the rrianaging agent ort~&boarc~;vM~e~tor~ o£~tie condnrninium assQCiation) as well aarspean~ ~~~W4W:-rea~~og~,,far';1-he appeal:.on forms provided by the Tawn. The filin9 0fsudhnatic~:~f~~ap~alwl~~ x~quire;flie Planning and Enviranmental CammiSSion or.,,-tlie T?esign R~w;Ba~rd to f6rWard to the 'fawn Couricil at the next regularly :scheciuled'~eet' tPa $uiian~ary pf all reeartis coricerning the subject matter of the appeal_ and ta: send Vr~.ten n0,tZee t0 the appellant, applicant, property owner; anii adjacent properly p*'n"Or~ (notzfication a condominium project shall be;satisfed'~by nptif,~ing;th~,!tnariagx~~Wagent:~r tlie board';of directors of the condominium assoeiation)"at l,east fiM~~h C,~ cal~~dar days.~rior t~i the hearing. A hearing shall be schedulecl to be heard befqte 1he ~'bv~n Couicil.Eon #,he appeal within thirty (30) calendar days of the !appeal being;;fil,ed,~e The Towri Co.unc~l may g:rant a continuance #o allovv the, part2es :additio~i~l W4bta~n iftforrnation. The continuance shall be a.ilawed for a;periorl.not•tdiex ee~d 0nr4ddWpria1 thjfty (30) calendar days. Failure ta file such appeal shall, cnnstitvte.;a-vvaiver af an~ ri~hts und~r this chapter to appeal atzy inteipretation-or determination:WW bv;itNL?lanitirtg and Environmental Commissinn vr the D'esign Revie- Board:: 4. Effect af filing an appeal. The~>filing:ofa nt'tice o3~~~p~~l.~~i~1, actrvity and:any proceedings rn furtheranco, Q~tt~~,IctdntApp~al-0,c~muril~ss;~the administrative official rendering such:deeisioii,;deterrninA~ otiiterpr'.etatian certTf~s in writing to the T'own Couneil and the appellaiit'~at-:a ~tay_poses;an iiiiriunen~peril to life arproperty, in which case the appeal shali not stay futttiez' peactxvaty and ariy Page 11 of 13 proceedings. The'Town Councii shall reviovv such eeft~fi-~.~~o~ ~nl gr~nt-o~ deny a stay of the proceedings. Such determina Won shall".be rn4d6at~ii~ n~x~ regUl4rl~-sohedulec~ rneeting of the Towri Couneil. 5. Findings. The Town Council shali°:on ~La p,pe~s ma,l~i~'tfi~~ririmgs,;~i~~Fa~t based direetly on the particttlar evidence prese'~nt~l to tt °hesdfiaft~g..0140 must suppozt canclusions that thestaiidards and,eqridiftrp~is ~ummpc~s~d b~ ~q~Ein~nts=~if this title have or have not been;riaet. 6. Fee. The Town Councii may set a re~sQx~a:~~~ _;#q a Pianzung -~,ftd E n v i : r o n m e n t a l Coznmission,or:Designevie~,U, srd~~_i0~2 n ~e adapt~d ~n a~~e schedule which shall be maintained.uaothe D~~~eot-1pf cOevd~opme~t: Thefflke shail be paid at tYie: time-t1ie appeal is .fjed, E. 1'rocedure for appeals - sign reguiations. Th'epraeeduremp~r an ~p~e~ ~f at~. ad~'ninistrative interpretatian of the sign regulations shall be the s~~ 49k~,~t c~~~p~~~1~;~'4n ~~i~'atiue a~twn,_s set fozth.in sectian 18.66:030(B). F. A:p.peal° of Town Council d,eoisioris. Any applic4z~Aq~~tr~ ~.ny-0~d or adversely affected :perscan aggrieved by ~:-final cl~~z~~n wric~i,`~,~h ~i1e d appeal inay seek review cif suah :ciecision by a cow, by the faws of',the'State of Coiorado. G. Conduct of hearing. The Town Council; shall have thd aut~a~~ , t>~~;t ta~tdar~l~ b a~1r~is~ atxue Y ~1 rule, on agpeliate hearing procedures iuYClud.ing, a-ut tMle -~~W~~c~ Tthe of evidence and the time allowance for oral arg~epts. Se #.^.,~.iQn 12. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reasan held #o be invalicl, such decision shall not effect the vaEidity of the remaining portions of this ordiRance; and the Town Caunci! Mereby decfares it wauld have passed this ard'mance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, Page 12 of 13 ~ clause or phrase thereof, regardless af the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsectEOns, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. 5ection 13. The Town Council hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinarice is neeessary and proper for the heaith, safety and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhahitants thereof. Se t~_ion 14: The amendment of any provision of the Vail Municipa! Code as provided in this ordinance shall nat affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any vioiation that occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commeneed, nor any other action or proceeding as commenced tander or by virtue af the provision amended. The amendment of any provision hereby shail not revive any provisian or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. Sec#ion 15. . AlI bylaws, orders, resolutions and orclinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent onky of such incansistency. This repealer shafl not be construed to revise any bykaw, order, resolution ar ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. lNTRODUCED, READ ON F1RST READING, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLlSHED QNCE IN FULL, this .jt-'` day of %I i-- i , 1996. Apublic hearing on this ardinance shall be held at the regular rriee#ing of the Town Councii of the Town of Vail, CaEoeaplo, an #he ~'~~day af ,1996, in the Municipal / Builciirig of the Town. ; , Raber# W. Armour, Mayor A T: ~ Holly McCutcheon, Town Clerk INTRODUCED, READ, ADQPTED AND ENACTED ON SECOND READING AND QRDERED PUBLISHED ~IIV FULL) (BY TITl.E QNLY) THIS DAY OF ,1996, / Robert W. Armour, Mayor A T: ti Holly McCutcheon, Town Clerk i -ilc: f:levciyonclorc91nrc17.96 Page 13 of 13