HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-22 Amending Section 18.54.050(j) 1-5 and 18.28.040 of the Vail Municipal Code to Exempt Outdoor Lighting Which is 18 Inches or Less Above Grade from the Total Number of Lights Permitted Per Residential Lot O1tD1NANCIJ N0.22 Se~•ies of 1997 AN ()lil}1NANt'1+~ AMl+~N1)iNt: sr+~C`1'lONS 18.5~1.Q50 (.i} 1-5 .uul 18.28.1)40 O1+ `Tlir Mi1N1Ci1'AL C{)1)G Or TIlF4,'1'(}WN O1+ VAIL `1'O i+.X1~MPT OUTi)OOIt LIC~IITIN(Y W111C11 iti r.IC:lI`TGLN INC1~ili.S Olt LL;SS A130V1? GRAI)1!~ AN1) iS 111Ti-1L12 A hL1I1L [;l~'1'Of+'h 1l+IX'1'111ir, Olt 1~lAS MAXIMUM SOY11i['1s. LLINIENS (}1{ 25fl OE!',t~UiVAi~LN`]' 'i'(} A `1'WI?N`I'Y-I{iVl+l WA"1"I' 13[J1,13) itit()M'I'III+~'I'O'1'AL NUMi3LR ()I~ lalt.ll'I'S I'1+:itMl`l"Tl+.l) I'i%R itiSll)I{~N`l'iAL i.0'1', AND'T(7 1'1,I2MI'I' ACCi?,SSORY [1SL+'S 'TO 131? CONDU(''i'i+,I) OU'1'SlI)i<', iN `T'ill+a COMM1~12CIAI, SI+1lZVICI+~ Cf:N`I'lll2 {CSC} ZONr I)IS'Fi2lC7', 5Ui3,li?.C'1' 1'C)'I'liG iSSUANCL OF A t"(.)NI)i'1'i()NAL USIJ i'I+~ItMIT, i'URS[JANT'CO CHAi'TGR 18.60 Car Tile MUNICIPAL CO1)i!, Ol+ TIIr TOWN OI+' VAIL. WlII;1tlAS, Section 18.54.050 {J) 1-5 of'the Mllnicipai Cone of t11e Tawn of Vail cc~llt~tins the regulations for outdoor 1ig11ti11g in the 'Town of Vail; and WI li?RIAS, Section IX.28.040 of the Municipal Coc.Ic of the Town of Vail contains the cnncliticanal uses i?crl~iitteci iii tl~c Co111mercial Service C:'etlter (CSC) 'Lone l7istrict; and WI II;;RI;AS, the Planning and 1-snvirnnnaental Commission of the `Town of Vail has held a puUlic I~rraring Ind recommended appl•ova! (unanilnously) of this a-11e11dr11Bnt to the Municipal Ct~dc at their October 27, ~ t~~7 I11CCt1I1~,1; and WI IIRI~,AS, the Vslil `T'own C,oullcil considers it in the interest of the Ixlk~lic health, Safety, and welfare to amend said Sections of the Municipal Cock. NOW, '1'i IEItLI~ C}RE, ti E I`I' ORDAINED i3Y "-C'I II? 'TOWN COUNCIL OI~ 'I'I~Ir TOWN Ol~ VAIL, C[)I,OItAI)O,'I'1-IA"1': (Note; 'T'ext which is bc~tcl is heinl; aclcied.) Section 1. Chapter 18.54, Section 18.54.050 (.l) I -S of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail is hereby amended as follows: Outdoor Iighting. 1. Purpose. ~l"his subsectioli of't11e dC:Si~11 gui~le;lines eslzbtishes standards for Inlnlllli'Ling the Ulllnt(;t1d411 and ~Indesirable side effects of outdoor ]ightinl; while Cf1CQllra~ln~ thL' I11te17dCd and desirslble safety a11d aesthetic purposes of outdoor liglttillg,. It is the p~lrpose of the design review guidelines to allow illumination which provides the 11~ininlunl amount of lighting which is I~eed~;cl for the property can which the light sources arc located. In addition, the purpose of this section is ,. ~' ~ ~ ~ to protect the le~;itinlate privacy of neighhorint; residents by controllint; the intensity of the lit;llt sorlrce. 2. Approval reyclired. All outdoor lil;htint; withitl the Town limits shall conform to the standards set ibrth below. l~or the ptlrpases o1'this subsection, residentially galled properties shall be ciefincd as those in 1-lillsicle Residential, Single ranlily, fl'wo-l~atl~ily, 1'rilttary/Secotlciary, Residential Cluster, Low Density Mu]ti-lianlily and Mcdiillll Density Multi-family Zone District, as well as all Special l)evelapttlent i)istricts which have any af'the above-referenced zone districts as the ttnderlyillg zoning. All other zone districts shall be considered, for the purposes of ibis s[;ctiolt, as being colnlnercial-zoned, a. I~uminallec. I,it;ht sources located on all property in the Towl1 of Vail which arc not fully clltofl'shall exhibit a ratio ofst~Itrce lumens to ltl-1linous area not exceeding 125. ror example: source 1tu11ens <_ 125. lr:nlinous area b, l~rccluency. 1'0!' lots 111 t'CSldelltlal `C.OIIe CI1Stl'1CtS, the 1naXlllltln1 IlUI1117er of fight sources per lot shall be limited to one light source per one thousand scltlarc feet of lot al'ca, except as provided far below. Tltc location of said lights shall be left open to the discretion of the property owner, so font; as the lit;itts are in compliance with the "Town of Vail's Municipal Code. Lit;ltt sources wlticlt :trc no more ttt:in eighteen inches above gr:tcle, as rucastcred from t11e tol> of the fixture to the #inislt grade below, and :tre either fullTcutrtft' fixtures, as definccl in Section 18.0=1.13', or teavc .t ntaxicnum sottrcc lumens of 25U (equiv:tlcrtt to u 25 watt lil;ltt bulb), m:ty be allowed in addition to the total Ytumbcr of permitted outdoor tight sources. '#'he number, location, and style of such light sources :>Ire subject to Design Review. c, 1leit;ht filnits lctr light fixtures. { l } 1~or all light sources located in commercial zone districts, the maximum Inountiltg Iteigltt for light sources on a pole shall not 2 C%XCt:~CI thErty-17Ve fCet. fl7e n7ax1l17t1177 I11o1I17ting 17elght #UC llgl7t sources affixed to vegetation shall not exceed eight feet. {2} 1~or afl light sources located in residential zone districts, the maxinnnn mounting 17eigl7t for light sources on a pole or on vegetation shall not exceed eight feet. c1, l.ibht sources af#xed to structures. l~or all properties within the Town of Vail, light sources t77ay be affixed to any wall of~a structure. Light soLtrces shall not he affixed to the top oFa roof ofa structure. e. ~ Cutoff'sl7ie[cis. All light sources located in cotnl77crcial zone districts which exceed li#-teen feet in height shall exhibit a full cutoff shield. i'. I.i~;hts which dash, move: rc;volve, rotate, scintillate, E~link, 1licl:et•, vary in intensity or color, or use intel•n7ittent electrical pulsation are prohibited. 3. I-~:xelnptions. 'I'hc stal7rlttrds of this section shall not apply to: tt. Clu•istmas tree lights which are o1'a temporary nature Located in residential zol7e districts, as listed i!7 Section 18.59.050 J, 2, and which are i1ltuninateci only betweel7 Novemher l and April 15 of each year. l). Christmas tree lights which are temporary in tzat~u•e and are located iI~ zot7e districts other than those residential districts listed in Section L 8.54.050 J, 2, c. Sigh i11uE77imttion; as set forth in `T'itle IG. c1. Municipal lighting installed far the benefit of public health, safely and wcl liu•e. c. (lutclc-c;,r 1iT;ht sources .ts set forth in Section, 2, which arc within ciglltcen inches or less of finish l;rade our! arc either #'ull cut-off fixtures or have a maximum source lug7ens of 250. 4. Nunconforn7ances. As o1'tl7c efl'eciivc date oi'this subsection, all outdoor lighting that does not conform to every requirement of this subsectiot7 shall be legal nollciu11or177ll1g ollldoOC 1lgltlll7~,'. Legal tx)nco17#i)rminl; outdoor lighlil7g shall not be n)ovecl in tiny direction, noI• shall there he tiny change in use or light type, ot• any replacement c)r structural alteratiot7 made to the t7onconforrning outdoor t`lcvctyn~EClor+11')71~rrcl2~,+)7 • .' ~ ~ lighting, without the outdoor lighting conforming to a all ~tpplicahle requirements of this chapter. 5. 1'cllalty. 1'he penalty li)r violating this cl)ttptcr shall he a line of not Less than fifty dollars Il(7I' nlol'C t{]all E)lle 111QlfSil]ltl dOllal's pet' Vlolatloll. 1?aclt day of violation shall constitute a separate ol'i'el~lse for the purpose of calculating the penalty. Section 2. C',helptcr 1$.28, Section 18.28.O~k0, of the Municiptal Cabe of the Town of Vail is hereby amended CIS li~lJt>ws: 18.28.040 Conditional clses. "f{lc lbilowillg collclitional uses shaCl be pernliticcl in tlic CSC district, subject to issuance (){' a coliditiolt~ll use permit in accordance with t{)e provisions of Chapter 18.60: A. Ski lilts alld tows; I3. Multiple-family dwellings and lodl;es; C. Pul)lic utility anti public service uses; I?. 1'ubllc btil{d1I7~S, l;rotlncis anEl facilities; F:. l'ut~lic park al~ci recreation facilities; I~. `~'1lcaters, nlcetings rooms, and conv(~ntlon lacllltles; ti. Colnlncrcinl laundry and cleaning services; 1 I. Major arcade, s© long as it floes not hav(; any exterior frontage on any public way, street, walkway, or Inllll area. (. Any use permitted by Section 1$.28.030 which is not conducted entirely within a building; .1. ~'1og keltnel; K. tied anti breakfast as lilrthcr rct;ltlatc(1 by Scctio-1 18.58.310. l.. Brew pubs tts defined herein, subject to the t~lllowillg conditions: f . "!'here 15 IlE) t;}:t(',rl()1' StE)1'a~(: E)f supplies, refuse., or Intlterlals ot] the property upon which tht; brew 1)1tI) is operated; and 2. "i'{le operator of the brew pub slia{1 comply with the "town's loading and delivery regulations tls set forElt herein; al~tl 3. Brew pills which sell beet' or ale at wlu~lt;sale or which sell beta for off-site consun~ptia) are allowed so long as file total of wholesale sales rind sales far off- 1`.lcvcryuuc1on11971urd22.')7 site co!)s~Inlptioln tlo not exceed forty-five perccilt (~5%} of the product ruallllfactured by tlne brew pub on an annual basis. M. 'T'ype [II IsII[J as defined i1 section 1$•57.Ofi(}; N. "I"ypc IV L;IIU aS tlet111ecI 111 :~t:CtlOi1 ~ ~•J~7.Q7~; (). 7`lic outdoor a~~cratior>{ of the accessory teses as set forth in Scctian 1$.2$.(154. Section .3. If'any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase ol'i~is ordinance is for any reason held t() l)L' 1nVilllti, such decision shall not effect the validity of the remaintnt; portions of this ordinance; and the 'Town Council Hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, scctiolt, SIIbsCCtlo11, sentennce, clause or I)])rase tftereof; regardless of the Fact tllai any one or more Paris, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phI•asos be declared invalid. Section 4; 'fllc 'i•own ('oul~cil hereby hinds, dctc.rnnincs and declares that this ordinance is necessary anti proper for the health, safety and welfare of the 'T`own of Vail and the irtlnahitants tlnereof. Section S. '1']1e anlendlnieilt of inly pI'oV1S1()Il Of Lh~. V~IiI Mtuiicipal Ct)dc as pI•avided in this ordill~tnce sha11 not affect any right wifich has accrlfetl, any duty imposed, any violation that oceilrred prior to tllc ef'Itctive elate hereof', any proslrciltion coilunenced, nor siny ocher action or proceedinf; as colnnlcnced Under or by virttlt; of the provision a-11ellded. 'T'he annentimellt of a-1y provision hei't'.by shat! not revive any provision or ally ordinance previoYlsly repealed or sl-perseded unless expressly stated herei-1, Secti(ni 6. All llyiaws, orders, I'L'St)llltio115 anti ordinances, or pal-ts thereof; inconsistent herewith are rLpeal~ti t0 the 87CtCIlt nrlly of Sllch nICOi1SI5t[;Ilcy. l,his repealer shill! not be constrrled to revise any bylaw, order, resolution t)r ordinance, or pact thereof', thcreiofnre r(~pealed. lN'l'lt()I)[1('l:I), 1tlAl) ()N I~IItST R13ADINCi, AI'E'ROVED, AND ()RI]CRED PL)13LTSI-iED ()NCI? IN [~[JI.I., ibis ~_• day of 1)ccenlher, 1997. A public hearing on this ordinance shall be I'14vcryrsnrlwrf1~J71nrr122 47 5 held at ilie regular meeting of tl~e Town Council of tl~e Town of Vail, Colorado, on the 16th day of I)c;cember, 1)97, in the IVlunicipal Building of the Town. ~%~~ ~ -.~ Robert E. Ford, Mayor A`1"I'Ta. _~ •elei onaldson, Town Clerk 1tIaAD AND AI'PRC)VED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this .lay of December, 1997. _ ~' Ludwig Kur ,Mayor Pro~Tena A"I"I'CS'T: ~~.e.~-,.~ ~~~~---.___~ ~.Ifx• ° ei Donaldson, Town Clerk caorin~mcc97 22 f`1uw'cryunclordl)71nrd22.17 ~