HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001- 7 Making Supplemental Appropriations and Budget Adjustments from the Town of Vail General Fund, Heavy Equipment Fund, and Others of the 2001 Budget and Financial Plan; and Authorizing Expenditures of Said Appropriations~ • • ORDINANCE NO. 7 SERIES Ol~ 200I AN ()Itl)iNANCI? MAKIN["~ SUT'PLLMI~NTAI. APPROPRIATIONS AND BUDGE`C AI),IIIS`l'MEN`l'S FROM TITS 'T'OWN OI~' VAII_, I-TEA~~Y EQLJIPMENT FUND, Rl'sAI. 1STATI: 'l'ItANSI~[-?R rf"AX T'UNI), (.JLNT~RAI, FUND, CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND, OP TIIE 20U1 I~L.IDtiI:T ANT) "I'IT1~: h'[NANCIAL PLAN FOR TIITa TOWN Or VAIL, COLORADO; AND AIl'I'TT()RI'LING "TIIE I3XPl?NDTTURES OF SAID APt'ROI'RIA"PIONS AS SF,'i' TiOR1'II I [T:~ItI/IN; ANI~ SETTING FORTT-i DETAILS IN RI?GAItD TT~ERE'I'O. WCII3RLAS, contingencies have arisen during the fiscal year 2001 which could not have hec;n reasonably lin•~seen or anticipated by the 'T'own Council at the tithe it enacted Ordinance No. 28, Series of 2000, SEdopting the 2401 Budget and Financial flan for the Town of Vail, Colorado; and, Wl IERI:AS, the `T'own Manager has certified to the Town Council that sufftcicnt f{mds are available t[7 discharge the appropriations referred to herein, ]tot otherwise reflected in the I3udlet, in accarclance with Section 9.10(x) of the Charter of the Town of Vail; and, Wl IF.RT?AS, in artier to accomplish file farel;oinf;, the Tawn Coelncil finds that it should make certain snpplenleutal appropriations and l3udgit ad,jtl5ttnel~ts as set Earth herein. NOW, "l'I-ILIZEC'ORl/, BL IT ORUAINI~D, I3Y TTIE TOWN COUNCIL OIa THE TOWN c)r~ vAir,, COC.oRADO that: l . T'{u's1,Iant to Section 9.l 0(a) of the Charter of the T{)wt1 af` Vail, Colorado, the 't'own (:'a{nlcil hereby I7lakes the following supplemental appropriatialls and budget adjustments for the 2001 I3uc[get anti I' inallcial T?lan for the `Town of Vail, Colorado, and authorizes the expenditure of said apprapriatialls as follows: I' IIND AMOUNT t~enerE-I Fu11{1 `~ 99,$4! Capital Projects Fund - 1,874,754 ITeavy igniplllent Iiunci 89,ti03 I(eal Istaie ~l"ransfer Tax I'ilnd $2$,756 '1'{)ta1 $2,892,954 2. TFany part, section, subsection, sentence, clause ar phrase of this orclinallce is for any r[;ascfn 11e;1d to be illvalici, Sl1L'll dCC1Sll)11 Slltlll hat allect the vallihty aE`th(: 1'enlalnlllg pal'tl{7115 [lflllls ordinance; anti t11c `l'awn Council her~hy declares it wo{tlcl have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sellte-1ce, clause or phras[: thereof, regardless oi'tlle Tact that any one or more parts, scctic)-1s, subsec(tc)ns, sentences, clauses ot• phrases he declared invalid. • • • 'I'hc Town Coctncil l~erelsy finds, deter-nines, and declares that this ordinance is necessary aucl proper far the lzealtl~, safety, and welfare of the "Town a1' Vail and the inhabitants ihereo{'. ~. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Municipal Code of 11ie `fawn of Vail as provicleci in this ordinance shall not affect any ~•igl~t which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to tl~e effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor acry oilier 4tclian ar proceedings as camme3iced under ar by virtue ol'tl~e provision repealed or re;pealecl and reenacted. "1 he repeal oFany provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any rn•clitianee previously repealed or s~iperseded unless expressly stated herein. All bylaws, orders, resolutions, and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith arc repealed to tl7c extend only oi'such inconsistency. This repealer shall not he construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution, or ordinance, or part thereof, tlieretafore repealed. IN'fRf)DUCI:D, 1tlAD, APl'ROVF,D, AND ORDCRET) PUI3I..iSITLD ONCI? IN 1~ULT., ON l~IltS`I' Rl~AD1NCi this 20th day of March, 2001, and a public Bearing shall be bald ou this Ordinance oii the 3rd clay ol•April, 2001, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Clian~hers of the Vail Municipal 13ttilding, Vail, Colorado. ;~,~;:•r~1~"~,~-~•~,.. . ,' " ~ ~+~ ~ I.,udwig Kut~~ Mayor E.1 •r. ..' 1 t. ~ •~~~%l~Ifl131i 114151 n5i•~~` I,ctiil~ ci T~aaiclson, Town Clct-k BEAT) AND APPROVED ON SECOND It1:ADINC~ AND ORDERED PUT3LISIII:;D this 3"` day of April, 2001. ,'~. ~~ ~ .'~ ~; I.~ f AYl "[CSI'. - '~. I,sa c;lc;i )onalclson, ~l'awt~ Clerk ~_. ~ ~~ Ludwig Kurz, yor