HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-30 Annual Appropriation Ordinance: Adopting a Budget and Financial Plan and Making Appropriations to Pay Costs, Expenses, and Liabilities for 2003~ . • ORDINANCE N0.30 SERIES OF 2002 ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE: ADOPTING A BUDGET AND FINANCIAL PLAN AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS TO PAY THE COSTS, EXPENSES, AND LIABILITIES OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, f~OR ITS FfSCAL YEAR JANUARY 4, 2003 THROUGH DECEMBER 3'f, 2003 WHEREAS, in accordance with Article 1X of the Charter of the Town of Vail, Colorado, the Tawn Manager prepared and submitted to the Town Council a proposed long-range capita! program for the Town and a proposed budget and financial plan far all Town funds and activities for the fiscal year; and WHEREAS, notice of public hearing on the proposed Town budget and capital program was published on the 4t" of November, 2002, more than seven (7) days prior to the hearing held on the 19f" of November, 2002, pursuant to Section 9.5 of the Charter; and WHEREAS, it is necessary for the Town Council to adapt a budget and financial plan for the 2003 fiscal year, to make appropriations for the amounts specified in the budget; and NOW, THEREFORE, be it ordained by the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Colorado, that: 1. The procedures prescribed in Article 1X of the Charter of the Town of Vail, Colorado, for the enactment hereof have been fulfilled. 2. Pursuant to Article IX of the Charter, the Town Council hereby makes the following annual appropriations for the Town of Vail, Colorado, for its fiscal year beginning on the first day of January, 2003, and ending on the 31St day of December, 2003: Ordinance No. 30, Series of 20D2 • FUND General Fund Capital Projects Fund Real Estate Transfer Tax Fund Vail Marketing Fund Debt Service Fund Heavy Equipment fund Health Insurance Fund Dispatch Services Fund Total Before Interfund Transfers Less Interfund Charges & Transfers NET EXPENDITURE BUDGET • • AMOUNT 20,491, 710 7, 208, 321 4,488,465 320, 720 1, 878, 449 1,796,486 1, 743, 985 1, 436,195 39, 364, 331 5, 814, 366 33, 549, 965 3. The Town Council hereby adopts the full and complete Budget and Financial Plan for the 2003 fiscal year for the Town of Vail, Colorado, which are incorporated by reference herein and made part hereof, and copies of said public records shall be made available to the public in the Municipal Building of the Town. This Ordinance shall take effect five (5) days after publication following the final passage hereof. 4. If any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Council hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. 5. The Town Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper for the health, safety, and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. 6. The repeal or the repeal and reenactment of any provision of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail as provided in this ordinance shall not affect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation tha# occurred prior to the effective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or Ordinance No. 30, Series of 2042 ~ ~ • proceedings as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly stated herein. 7. All bylaws, orders, resolutions, and ordinances, ar parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be consfirued to revise any bylaw, order, resolution, or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ ON FIRST READING, APPROVED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL, this 5th day of November, 2002. A public hearing shall be held hereon on the '19th day of November, 2002, at the regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Colorado, in the Municipal Building of the Town. '~~~~! SFl-~L ATTEST: \QRA~ (,~ del '~ onaldson, Town Clerk v' Ludwig K~z, Mayor READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED BY TITLE ONLY this 19th day of November, 2002. ATTEST: 0 . ~-l,~' Lorelei onaldson, Town Clerk o ~®F V\ S~~ .. _r~ ~~~P v Ludwig~Grz, Mayor Ordinance No. 30, Series of 2002 ~~ STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE 2fi9 PROOF OF PUBLlCATlON ar7s. ORDINANCE 0 ,O , , SERIESrO ~~ , • ANNUAL APPROPRIAT ORDINANCE: ADOPTING ABUDGET-AND FINANCIAL. PLAN AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS TO PAY THE COSTS, EXPENSES„ANC LIABILITIES OF THE TOWN OF YAIL, COLORADO, FOR ITS FESGAL YEAR JANUARY'1, 2093 THROUGH DECEMBER 31,2943 - 1NNI=RER$, in accordance with.Arti• cle 1X o1 the Charler'of the Town of Vail, Colorado, the Town Manager prepared and submitted. to.ihs Town Council a proposed leng•range capital pro- gram for the Town and a proposed budget and fi- nanclsl plan for all Town funds and,activitiea for the fiscal year; and , I, Steve Pope, do solemnly swear that [ am the Publisher of The Vail Daily, that the same daily newspa- per printed, in whole or in part and published in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, and has a general circulation therein; that said newspaper has been published continuously and uninterruptedly in said County of Eagle for a period of more than fifty-two consecutive weeks next prior to the first publication of the annexed legal notice or advertisement; that said newspaper has been admitted to the United Slates mails as a periodical under the provisions of the Act of March 3, 1879, or any amend- ments thereof, and that said newspaper is a daily newspaper duly qualified far publishing legal notices and advertisements within the meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado. That the annexed legal notice or advertisement was published in the regular and entire issue of Query number of said daily newspaper for the period of ....../......... consec tiv 'nsertions; and that the first publication of said notice was in the issue of said newspaper dated ..~.~...~..r-.....'~ ....................... A.D. ...Qb~ and that the last publication of said notice was in the issue of said newspaper .. dated.... .....~....~...... A. D..........C.~~:... In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this ....,1.~. day of Subscribed and sworn to befor me, a notary public>in and f^o-r~t~he~County of Eagle, State of Colorado, this ..............~~..... day of ....P~....~.~~1'?t.:'C~.~:(< ~"~~C'J~.- i \~ ........ ... {.r.... .............. ... Notary Public My Commission expires .. ...... >f~`.. ~...~ ~WH,EREAS, notice ot:puhllc hearing on the proposed.Town budggeband capitaFprogram was published on the 4th of November, 2002, more than seven {7~ days prior to the hearing Field on the 19th of November, 2002, pursuant To Sec- tion 9:5 of the Charter; end wH.EREAS,..I[ is necessary for the Towa Council to adopt a budget and financial plan for the 2003 fiscal year, to make approptlations for the amounts apec'sff®d in tho budget; and NDw,. THEREFORE, be it .ordained by the Town Council of the. Town. of Vail, Colorado, that: 1, The procedures. prescribed in Article IX of the Charter of the Town of Vail, Colorado; for the enactment hereof have been tu[filled- 2. Pursuanr to Article iX of the Cfiarter, the Town Council hereby ~makas,lf}e following an- nual appropriations.for the Tawn of Vail, Colorado, for its fiscal year beginning on the first day of Janu- ary, 2003, and ending an the 31st day of Decem- bar, 2003: FUND` AMOUNT ~ - Genaral Fund 20,991,710 Qapital Projects Fund' 7,208,321 Real Estate Transfer Tax Fund 4,488,465 Vail Marketing Fund. 329,720 Debt Service Fund. 1,878,449. H6avy Equipment Fund 1,796,486 - Heatt Insurance Fund .9,743,985 _ 6ispatch.Sefdices Fund 1,436,195 Total Before Interfund' Transfers -. 39,364,331 lass €nterfund Charges & Transtent 5,314,3G6 NET£XPENIJITUREBUDGET33,599,9fi5 3. The Town Council herebyy adopts the full and complete Budget acid FinanciaLPian for.the 2003 fiscal. year for the. Town of Vail; Colorado,. which are incorporated by .reference herein and. made part hereof, and copies of said public .re- cards shelf be made available'to [he public in. ttte Municipal Buildin4. of. th.e Town. This Ordinance shall take effect fwe (5) days after publication foI- Icwing the finat passage hereof. q, 11 any part, section, subsection,-~sen- fence, clause or phrase of this ordinance Is fok any reason. hetd to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity bf the romainEng portions of this ordihance; artd .the Town Council) hereby declares it. would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsectlorr, sentence, 'clause or phrase thereof, regardless of the isctfihat any ons or more pares, sections; subsectidns, sentences, GEauses or phrases bedeclared trnralid, 5. The TowrcCouncil hereby finds, deter- mines, and .declares that This ordinance ie necea- sary and proper for the health, safety,>aad .wBlf9te of the Town of Vall Arid Ma'InhaliitaiSts'tliateof: t;. - The repeal ar ttta repeaf-ettd rt3enact- rnent of arr~ provision o1 1Fie.Mun;ppal.Code of 11ie Town of Vaib as provided i0 this ordmanre shalF not affect 'any right which has~acCrued;. any duty im- posed, any violation that occurred prior in the sf- ' iective date hereof; any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceeding5 as 'com-- menced under or by virtue. of the provision re• pealed yr repealed and reenacted. The repeal: of any provisloh hereby shall not revive any.provision or any ordinance prev;ously repealed or supereed- ed unless expressly stated herein. 7. ~ All tlylaws, orders, resolutions, and • I i i qr- dinanr:e ; . or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith era re lad to the. extant only of such lncansisten- cy. le repealer shell not lie conatraetf to revise any hyl ,order, resolutlan, or ordinanrie, ar part hearlng~ half be held hereon on the 19th day of Novemh r, 2402, et the rsgultir me@ting ci the Tovrrt C ung}I of the Town of Vall, Colorado, in the MunlClp 19ulldtngg of the Town; ~ Lurliwig Kurz,-Mayor ATTE& Loretel naldaon;TownCierk READ iJ4 APPROVED ON SECQNQ READ1Np AND O DERl3l_7 PtJBL1;3HE~ Irrfull this i91h day of Nave _per, 2042. Ludwig Kurz, Mayor ATTE8 Loralal onaldson,TawnQierk Publleh In the Vall l]efiy NgvemGer s, 2002. ~~ STATE OF' COLORAI70 COUNTY OF EAGLE 282 PROOF OF PUBLICATION SS. • !, Steve Pape, da solemnly swear that t am the Publisher of The Vai! Daily, that the same daily newspa- per printed, in whole or in part and published in the County of Eagle, 5iate of Golorado, and has a general circulation therein; that said newspaper has been published continuously and uninterruptedly in said County of Eagle for a poriod of more than fifty-two consecutive weeks next prior to the first pubiication of the annexed legal notice or advertisement; that said newspaper has been admitted to the United States mails as a periodical under the provisions of the Act of March 3, it379, or any amend- ments thereof, and that said newspaper is a daily newspaper duly qualified for publishing legal notices and advertisements within the meaning of the laws of the State of Golorado. That the annexed legal notice or advertisement was published in the regular and enfire issue of every number of said daily newspaper fior the period of .....~........... consecutive in~se~~rt~io{~ns; and t~hja~t the first publicati~onnof s~}aid notice was in the issue of said newspaper dated ...~Q.~Li:Y.t.IU~"...f.~.~.......... A.Q. ,...(~.!~J.~4.....,......~~ajjn~~77d Ehat the last publication of said notice was in the issue of said newspaper . .. .............. 1n witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this ..~n~.., day of ..~[,~X..t:. 2X22 Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary ppu~blic in and for the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, this .............~,.... day of ...~~'/.~C.G!(.,•i.~..t~"_ 7,~ Notary Public My Commissior+ expires .............~..1.'. 5.~~~ • ORDINAhIC>" N0.30 SERIES OP 2002 ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE: ADOPTING A BUDGETANa FINANCIAL PLAN AND MAKING APPROPRIATIONS TO PAY THE COSTS, EJ(PENSES, AND '.LIABILITIES OFTHE TOWN OFVAU.; COLORA- DO, FOR iT5 FI~QALYEAR JANUARY 1, 2003.THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2003 READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING' AND ORt)~R~b PUBLISHED BY TITLE ONLY this 19th day of November, 2002. Ludwig Kurz, Mayor ATTEST: Luretei Donaldson, Town Cierk Published iri.[Ite:Vall Qaily Novemhgr2Z; 2062. . .