HomeMy WebLinkAboutE03-0163 (14)01 X11-11--2004 inspection /Request Reporting Page 15 7;23 arn__.~_ YAIL._ Requested Inspect Date: Thursday, November 11, 2004 Inspectson Area: EG Site Address: 129 N FRONTAGE RD WEST VAIL 128 N Frontage Rd Middle Creek Village A/PtD Information Activity: E03-0183 Type: B-ELEC Sub Type: NCOM Status: ISSUED Canst Type: Owner: TOWN QE VAIL Occupancy: Use: Insp Area: EG Applicant: RIVERIA ELECTRIC Phone: 328-4111 Contractor: RIVERIA ELECTRIC Phone: 328-4111 Description: INSTALL ELECTRICAL SYSTEM AS PER PLANS Requested Insnectionfs Item: 120 ELEC-Rough Requestor: RIVIERA ELECTRIC Assigned To: EGLATZLE Action: Time Exp: Item Comments: 11nism prooi~ng bb~ b Rem Comments: units In pod3 end sta dower pod 2 Rem Comments: pod 2 and pal 1 floors 5-4-3 Item Comments: pvc underground 'bldg a outside Iftes-stairways Item Comments. all units in a Item Comments: walkways was end pod 7 and meter stacks Item Comments: pall-p6d7-floor1-2-3and elc walls Item Comments: n e -saddle bags -stalitower westand Item Comments: saddlebags east end item Comments: bldg c south saddlebag r axe 7/7 ~`l /0/ Item. 90 ELEC-Final Requestor: RIVIERA ELECTRIC Assigned To: EGLA'TZLE Action: Time Ex . Item Comments. b6d-5-4in-rTu~ Item Comments: ppoodd 2-3-4. Item Commeats: , bidgb 0 item Comments: bldg b halIf ays=bldg c stair tower + tend Requested Time: 08:00 AM Phone: 970-328-4111 Entered By: DGOLDEN K I I W d, , ~ Zt.~ Requested Time: 08:00 AM Phone: 970-3284111 Entered By, DGOLDEN K Insoeotlon History Item: 110 ELEC-Tamp. Power item: 120 ELEC-Roug 3 h ' Approved.-„ 017/1 04 lnspedor: s4 Action:APPR APPROVED Comments:fln1sh fire pr ng big b 07129/04 C t Inspector: eg Action: t i APPR APPROVED ommen s;uni s n pod3 and stairtower pod 2 08/10104 Comments: In Action: 2 and pod 1 floors 5-4-3 APPR APPROVED 08/24/04 ns . tor: eg Action:APPR APPROVED Comments:1-pod7-fk>or1-2-3and ele wells 09102/04 C t nspector: eg Acton: APPR APPROVED dommens: 09114104 pvc un erground, bldg a outside iRes-stairw I t A a nspec or: ag ctlow APPR APPROVED Comments:all units in bldg a 09=104 Comments: Inspector: ag Action: walkways west end pod 7 and meter stacks APPR APPROVED 10115104 Inspector: eg Ac~tlon:APPR APPROVED Comments:n e -saddle bags -stalrtower westend 10/21/04 Inspector: eg Action:APPR APPROVED Comments:saddlebags east end 11/09104 Inspector: eg Action:APPR APPROVED comments:bldg c south saddlebag Item: 130 ELEC-Conduit - Approved REPT131 Run Id: 2556 11-11-2004 Inspection Request Reporting Page 16 7:03 am 07115/04 inspector: eg Action:APPR APPROVED Comments:underground pvc Item: 140 ELEC-Misc.Approved 09/24/04 inspector: eg Action:APPR APPROVED Comments:switch gear 11/02104 inspector: eg Action:APPR APPROVED Comments:bldg b main service-meters Item: 190 ELEC-Final Approved " 10/21/04 Inspector: eg Action:APPR APPROVED Comments:.,pod 5 and 6 10/29104 Inspector: eg Action:APPR APPROVED Comments: 1/04 0 2-3-4ipnd A14nspector: eg ction:APPR APPROVED Comments:bldg b apt. only 11/09/04 Inspector: eg Action:APPR APPROVED Comments:bldg b hallways-bldg c stair tower westend is CC. REPT131 Run Id: 2556