HomeMy WebLinkAboutHIGHLAND MEADOWS FILING 2 GENERAL LEGALDRAINAGE AND SLOPE :$TAE!LITY. ANATYSIS HIGHLAND MEADOWS AND VAIL VILLAGE WEST-SUBDIVISIONS '' , . Devetoped for the Town of Vall, Golorado Job No. 1845.OO1 August 17r 1982 CLAYCONTB ENGTNEERING ASSOCIATES. INC. SUITE 2O7 I/ILL/\GE PLA'ZF, GLEN1YOOD SPRINGS, CO AI6OI '-r.C#tX>/:L.*-. DRAINAGE AND SI.OPE St.ASrLrrY A}.IALYSISHIGHI.AND MEADOWS ANDVAIL VITLAGE WEST SUBDIVISIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS I. SUMITIARY L-4rr. BACKGRoUND ... s_L2rrr. pRlvrous sorrs AND GEoLocrcAL REpoRTs.. t3-15IV. EXISTING SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE CONDITIOITIS. 16-17v. ExrsrrNc suRFAcE DRATNAGE coNDrrroNs.... 1g-20VI. SLOPE STABILITY 2I-23 I,IST OF FIGURES FIGURD 1.... PAGES POCKET AT BACK POCKET AT.BACKFIGURE 2. FIGURE 3 FIGURE FIGURE 24 25 zo APPENDIX REPORT oNI GEoLOGIC HAZARDS INVESTIGATIoN AND SUBDIVISIONEVAtuATroN, HIGHLAI,ID MEADO9IS SUBDMSIONS AND VAILVILLAGE WEST, FILING I e 2 By LrNcoLN DEVORE. I. Proj. No. L845.001_Page 1 DRAINAGE AND SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSISIIIGHLAND MEADOI{S SUBDTVISIONS- ANDVAIL VILTAGE WEST SUBDIVISIONS SUMMARY AND RECOI4MENDATIONS and, Recommencled Basis of Report This report has been prep.r"a orrl.r contract to the Tovrn ofvail to evaluate the curient subdivision. rayouis,--iaeniirycritical problern areas, verify constructi;;';i-fiannead'rainage facilities, . identify areas of possibre'trign densitl,housing, conduct additional _leorogic iniesiigalion-ana prorridea cost estimate of-,recommeniled improvements for Highlan-dlleadows, HighJ_and_-Mg3doyf ,Filing rto. 2, Vait ViJ_tige westFiling No. I and Vail Vitl_age West riling No. t.-- Extensive soils and geotechnicar- investigations werecompleted on the Highland Meadows Subdivisions as a parrof-their ptatting during the period extendittg ti". r-972 through1978. No soils or geotechnicat investigatiois frive Ueenlocat'ed covering the Vail Village West Subd.ivisions. Lincoln Devore, soils and Geotechnicar Engineers, have preparedthe Preliminary Report on Geol-ogic Hazardi tnvestigationsand subdivision Eval-uation contiined in the Appenaix to ttrisreport as a consuLtant to claycomb Engineering- Associates, rnc.The Lincoln DeVore report is I compitition or-previous availablestudies and independent evaluations on the parl of r.,incoLnDevore. A. Recommended surface and subsurface drainage improvements andslope stabilization measures are ilrustraf,ed oir craycombI.Sll"..ing Associates Figure J., ExistingFacilities. B. Vail Village West Filing No. I The Preliminary Geologic Hazard t4ap by Lincoln Devorerrtustrates that a substantial- number of rots in the undeveropedportion of vail Village west FiLing No. 1 are in a metastabrearea where extreme caution shour-d be taken rvhen units areconstructed- very thoroughly designed nitigation measures wilr *^l:::::"fy for.these rofs irrri.ctr ihould foilow detailed geo-cecanrcar investigations of each building. The nearly veiticaL :?ud. "g!" on Alpine Drive and Sierra trail shoulcl be cut backqr' snarrower slopes and/or retaining walls install-ed. Due toune metastabre conditi.on of much of this area, the design ofllu,"l"p: cut andlor wal-ls strouia-be very thorough, and precededoY detailed geotechnic studies. c. Proj. No. 1845.00L Page 2 The rnajority of the developed lots in Vail Village Westare on stable areas as indicated on the Li.ncoln Devore maPs. Surface drainage improvements should consist of roadsideditches, curb and gutter, or paved swales along theroads. The anticipated repaving of core Creek Driveshould consist of total pavement section reconstruction,as the current pavement exhibits characteristics of totalbase faiLure. Hveem tests are currently being conductedby Lincoln Devore for pavernent design purposes. Subsurface drainage improvements are recommended throughoutthe portions of the Filing that are designated as metastable,vrith an outfall to Gore Creek. These ilrains wiLl not, inthemselves, provide stability for the area, but wiLl providea positive outfalL for subsequent individ.ual unit drains andretaining wall drains, while generally removing excesssubsurface f lorv. The landslide on Lot 22, Vail ViLlage West Filing No. I(Bitetto Lot) clearly illustrates the hazards associatedwith construction in the area when proper precaution relatedto slope stability are not observed. Referral to the LincolnDevore Hazard Map illustrates that Lot 22 is actual-ly inone of the lower hazard zones. Vail Village West Filing No. 2 The Preliminary Geologic Hazard lrtap by LincoLn DeVoreillustrates that a portion of tots 4L*43 ancl 45 through50 are in a high hazarcl zone. Virtually alL of Lot 44 isin the high hazard zone. The remaining Lots are in a lowhazard zone. Surface drainage facil-ities are reconmended to properlydrain Gore Creek Drive, consisting of roadside d.itches,curb and gutter, or paved swales. The anticipated repairingof Gore Creek Drive should consist of total pavement replacement. Construction on any lot near thc metastable slope shorr-ld bepreceded by a cletailed geotechnical study and incl-udethorough mitigating measures. Undercutting of themetastable slope could cause sLides extending into thesubdivisions above Vail Vil-l-age West Filing No. 2. D. proj. No. t845.00Lpage 3 Highland Meadows Several geotechnical studies have been completed on thesubdivisions. These studies recommendea ciution indevelopmenr of rhe area,-idenrifyi"g "iiuiE, -i!["it.nr", and high hazard zones. suMrainige systems were recorunendedby certain of the studies and'conlideiea-as i-rJrraiuo'of approval by the Colorado State Geologist and EagleCounty. O1Iy a portion of the subsurfaee drainage systemthe.Preli-minary pl_an and the Constructi6n pians shown onhas beeninstall-ed at this time. the installed systenr t""-'removed part of the subsurface f10w and. ieaucea tneof instability to some extent. It is q".=ii-"""bl.if -the system installed.is sufficient io d;;i;l;wide problems. areas the area Portions of the buildingidentified as open space)zones. Reference to theillustrate'the areas. areas (that is, areas notappear to impinge on high hazardLincoln Devore Hazard Irlap wiII rt is recommended that the area wide subdrains be instarledunder the directionConsideration space designation onextends outside the in accordance with the original plansof a legistered GeoLechnicil nngineer.should_be given to expanding th6 openthose lots where the frigfr nizard zonepresent open space area. specific improvements such as reopening the inlet to thect]vert on vermont Road between Tracts B and c should arsobe accomplished. As-'rr'ir-t arawings shorrr-d te-pilp.red ofthe subdrains in Highrand lreadows and easement's-oita:neafor the subdrains to Frevent Luil<iing ocerations cuttingthe subdrain ].ines. E. Highland l,tead.ows, Filing No. 2 are in locations where sub-surface flow is evident atlt?:ilg water (springs) or saturated soil d"ii"j-ttt"spring of the year. ]le.:o+ls and geoLogical reports prepared during thell:t_.Ti""ry phase-s or nisrrrind l.{e;aro;" iiri"g--#1 ,,ot.a tn"tlll^?l:f: "ld. orher conirrucrion areis-;;;te J"ry uu !?1;i3="d stable when.dry. ciutio"s-"u."t-p"I"iir"i:ll:::".dyg tg i",i"uiiiU ";-;l-i"a-iiii 5i;;;-;"," Generalslides second areasfree .cut-slope instability characterized by slumps andil-!t" exposed cut slopes is evident tilrough6ut thefiling_of Hightand Meadows. Att of tha ;ium;-inJ--sfide indicatecl if the areas were saturated. The onJ-y difference Proj. No. 1845.001Page 4 between the individual reports is in the degree of theverbage indicating the extent of the hazards when soilsare exposed to excess moisture. The surface drainageplan for the second filing has tended to accentuatethe subsurface drainage conditions since the surfacedrainage pattern criss-crosses the slope as drainageis carried in tbe roadside ditches. This criss-crossingeffect has tended to prolong the exposure of surfacerunoff to the subsoil-, allowing nore infiLtration andthereby increasing the availabLe ground water. Inadd.ition, the surface drainage pattern has concentratedflows into s;.ecific areas whi-l-e the natural drainagepattern consisteil for the most part of diffuse overlandflow directly to Gore Creek. In particular, at theintersection of Tahoe Drive and Alpine Drive, directly abovethe Bitetto property, being Loi- 22, vail ViLlage Wes!Filing #1, the drainage area has been increased froma historic basin of less than five acres, to a presentdrainage basin of approximately 24 acres. Very few subsurface drainage facilities were installecias a part of the subdivision construction. Only a verysmall portion of the suHrainage for Lots 7 & I illustrated on the Preliminary Plan rdas actual-ly installed. Thefacilities installed were at the location of active springs encountered during construction. It is our opinion, folJ-owing review of the available soils and geological- information, review of the construction drawings for the subdivisions, and site observations, thatvirtually al-I areas presentJ-y indicating instability can be arrested by proper drainage of both the surface and subsurface areas followed by corrective action such as recompaction of fills or construction of retaining walls. There is no evidence of extensive very recent landside areas within the subdivisions. The available evidence indicates that with proper area r'lide drainage of both the surface and subsurface, development of the majority of the lots wilL be possible vrith a degree of risk which is normally associated with typical mountainside development. Lots 7, 8 & 9 are particulary impacted by subsurface drainageat this time and instal-lation of an area subdrain is imperative, along with very thorough individual lotgeotechnical analysis, if these lots are to be developed.. Lots L through 6 are located partially in a high hazardzone. In severaL instances, the building envelope Proj . lro. 1845.00t_Page 5 defined on the record plat extends into the area deflnedi:-*gh,'P1..d-gn-lil.oln Devore' s pretini""iv-e"orogi. :i:ir:_tpl:. . T facr, - rhese enverop-J-#;;t;;,';;-fi-;h. :?::_?I lot 4 are torarty_covered ui,,-"i.""-[f,lt-i"r".itlustrared as hish hazaia "or,"" ""'[r,"-"risil]i IEii" ""a F. geotechnical reports for the development. -it -i; - recorunended that these Lots be reviEwed Uy lfre-town todetermine if the currently defined buildiirg-""""i"p""adequatel]' reflect the ge6logic hazards of the .i".. Highland park Highland Park is a resubdivision of Lots 26 through 42 ofHighland Meadows. It is in an area that ttre oriqinafGeotechnical Engineer for_the F:ighlana f"feaaow"-ai"",Robert rhompson, recommended against aeveroping. subsequentsoils and- geologic reports were more favoralre-to tnearea, with the resul_t that platting of tfrai porfion otI{ighland l{eadows rrras approvia fy Eigle Count}. The replat submittal of the areaGeologic Reports and states thatoutside the high hazard zones.through the Town of Vail. refers to the previousbuilding areas areThis replat vras processed G. Compari-son of the Highland park buiLding layout onthe Preliminary plan to the Lincoln oev5re ir"ri.--u"pclearly illustrates those units that are pf""".a, or insome cases under construction, in high haiard, zones.The Town shoul_d consider submitting []r" ttighland farkJ-ayout to the original_ soiLs and. Geotechni6al nrrgirr""r"for review and comment. Based on the available information, the basis for approvalby the Town of the proposed project may have been somewhatfaulty. rt certainty lppeari tiat re--siting of certain unitsis.appropriate and possl6ry elirnination of lome orrit" itsuitable lower hazaid localions are not availabLe. A suitable surface drainage outfarl from the west end ofVermonh Road must also be developed. Area liide Considerations The landslide on the_Bitetto property, Lot 22, yaLL village westljtlln 1, cJ-early illustrates'tnl potential for slope fairuresln even moderate hazard zones if construction does not followthe recommendations of qual-ified. Geotechnicar rntineers. lication proj. No. tB45.OOl The provtsions of ordinance 16,"33ir!" of 1982 shouldcontinue to be ap.plted to ati-i"ir.in *re ;;;;y';;"". rnaddition' a requi-rement shouia-* lmposed on arr futuredeveloprnent tha]t inai.viauai-iJt-g""technlcat reports beprepared based on anarysis done d"ri"g--lh;-;p;il;'of theyear or the conditions of fully saturated soils should beconsidered for design standardi. subdrains shourd berequired for alt_buildings rejira:.ess of conditrons at thetirne of the soLls analysis. ii-r"V also be appropriate torevise the sording of itre orain"n"" to allow i6r &esignsthat rrfroat" qrith-raterial r"""il"t as werl as ttrose thatwithstand laterial load. rf the Town desr-res to consider density transfers froin thepresent rot configuration to a qroup or multi-fu^iry sites,a map can be developed which itiustiates the proji"".irr"degree of, hazard on the site. sigeo on this -anaiysis map,units could be transferred frorn-ihe highest hazara area tothe lovrest hazard areas. Another suggestion is that a convenance itern or ordinancebe enacted that reguires arr purcr,ases of rots to indicatethat they have been provided, iiifr copies of tfre leorogichazard reporrs and mips prior a;'p;;;;;!.-ir'.i"oiot" .naare aware of the degree of hazard to their puriioof.r lotand subdivision. H. the- f-o]]9wing recommendations are made to reduce theprobability of future situations developi"g-=i.if", tothose addressed by this ,"poii.- A statement should be added to the Final plat-verbage to be signed by the soiis and ceotechnicarEngineer for the-suUaiirisi"rr-io-If," effect thar hehas reviened the final pfai -unJ Jtnstruct-ion plansand finds them in accordance with hisrecommendations.' Similar analysis :" :hl-" report may be appropriatefor other po-rtions of the r'own-oi'i/air. "b;;;l;;iiya comprehensive hazard map could u"-J"".rJi;;-;;;-,the enrire Town. rhe proii"i;;; lt orainance 16,series of l9B2 should ifr"n U.-"ppii.A ao all unitslocated in moderate to high ha;;;; zones. t. 2. proj. No. IB45.0OI I^::9i""1"e.n?y-* i". ::3:"requirins purchases ofproperty to indlcate that they h"ave reviewed thehazard reports Tu.-I1pni", "pili".ure to a piece ofproperty, Iot, or unil . H""iia-i"ports such asavalanche and frood plain ,"""" ltroura be included3" y:r-r_as geologic. These ""l"Jt" nighr be madeavailable to potentiaf purcfrl"!"-i" a centrallocation Uy tie To$rn of Vaif. --- The requireeent tht soils and geological reports bebases on the resutrs "i-t";i'; EJii,r"r"a in the:!:ilg. of the- year-, or projecteo to conditions ofsaturated soils, should be "pfii"a to all areaswhere appropriate. A conblnation of factors h.eve influenced the aboverecousnendations. __T: exrremely rrigr, pr"p;;;y;;i;es ofboth land and improvements in itre Town of Vail meansttrat very larse dollar i""r". i.i n" associated withfailures in hJzard zones. Sinee purchasers of propertyare commonly from_outside the Vaii area, and often fromoutside the United_ States, -ti"y-i"""ot be expected tobe knowtedgeable.about rh; ;Ii;";., georogy, etc. ofthe area. rutl disclosur. ;;.1;;'studies by quatifiedpeople should be mad.e avaifaUfe'Io tfrern prior to thepurchase of property. ?he Town of Vail should make it clear to all partieeutilizing this report that it is not an in_depthanalysis of 'r-ots on an inaiviauar ua"is.-"ri*i."uased,to a large extent, on previous worf by other soils andGeological Enqineers. Neither the Town or theconsultant teim o: craycomu"iigi;".ring Associates andLincoln DeVore can be i""porr"iii.'ro, individual totconditionsr the c::l " r,l, :t "a uv - ".i::::':: t:il"";:;:i$i:"1":l;l;: " i".properties. A1I of the reeommeniitions containedherein shourd be viewed ;;-il;";iat - recorunendarionsand not construed as a reguir"a.rl that the Tor,rrn, or:l{_othe: p}rty, construc€ rhe f;;irities or fotlor,, therecommendations . 3. 4. H.Qualification proj. No. lB45.OOlPage 8 LincoLn Devore, Soils and Geotechnical Engineers. haveworked as a consultant to claycomb nngineerinj-erro"i.tee inpreparation of this report. The follovring. material was providedEngineerl-ng for review prior to July g, a. HighLand Meadows ConstructionSewer, noted as aS-builts, 2ldated I-5-BO. to Claycomb L9822 Plans, roadg, water andsheets. As-builts b.Highland l,leadowsr construction plans, roada, waterand sewer, Filing 2, as-bui!_ts, l0 sheets, aate oias-builts, I-5-gO, l-l0-g0, 12-l-6-Z9, prints Mylar sepia, ElLiott Ranch Subdivision plat, sheet I. Yr": sepia, Highland Meadolrs Fj-ling #2, plat, 2sheets. Mylar sepia. Resubdivision, Lots 29-40, Vail VillageWest #2, plat, I sheet. My1ar eepia, Highland Meadows, plat, 2 sheets. M-ylar sepia, Vail village West, Filing #2, plat 2sheets. h. t-, 9. f. Mylar sepia, Vail Village West, Fiting #1, plat, I Matterhorn Village. FiIing #1, plat,t e. sheet. Mylar sepia, Sheet. l. k. l. Sketch p.lan submittal, Highland Meadows #2. Letter rePort by Terra Task to Doug Bitetto, 3_5_82. !:t:-bi_reporr by Woodward-Clyde, consultanrs to Tov/nof VaiL, regarding Bitetto pioperrty dated 3_1g_g2. Prelirninary Engineering Geology and SubsoilrnvestLgation, Higtrland Meadows Subdivision, Filing#2 by Chen and Associates, June CO, fgZg. The following items were received by Claycornb EngineeringAssociates, 7-A-A2. m. ProJ. No. I845.OO1 Page 9 showing Vail Village= IOO' , 2,who mapped. Highland Meador,rrs Filing #2 topoWest Filing _3 roads in-place,"l"rntervals. [To date or record of vail west Rldge top?, l" = 5o,r ro date of flight orrecord of who rnapped. Sheets, L,2, &7 of 7,.High.Lands Meado!,rs Filing #2Preriminary ptan subrnlrtil ui-rq<-Cia. #l Preliminary plan *2 Utility plan *7 Tlpical CrosE settions Sheets 2,314,5,6 & ll, ofPreliminary plan submittal*2 Preliminary plan fl grlgi"s ani Drainase#4 Utility Layout#5 Landscape Flanf6 Typical Cross Sections#11 Preliminary Architecture by Hdrold Engstrom, AIA Specifications for.Construction (not titled as such)Hishland Meadows flring .#i, i;i,'igzg.-"*"""fla-ii,Schnidt-Tiago Constr,r"[.ior, - c"ril"y. 11, Highland Meadowsby KKBNA PIan Preliminary SubsoilVail glesr Filinc No.10, 1972. Specifications such ) HighlandSchmidt-Tiago Numerous itemssubdivisions. and GeoJ.ogical Investigation,3, chen and Associatel, o"toUer Engineering ceology, Highland llteadolrs, November 2g,l?7], by Charles-s. nouir.or, ".J-Associates, Inc.without figures (Figures ""U""qu"ntly received). Geotechnical site evaluation, Lot 22, VaiL VillageIfest Filing I, Chen and Associates, aluly 3, t9g0. :1:._1y reports by woodward-Clyde Consultants ofcompaction tests and obser.r.iion of basb courseplacement and utili y tre;ch-""*p""t:.on in HighlandMeadows Filinq 2 and Highland-lA"5a"r" from September15, l98O to N6vernber f9l fgao. ---' VaiI Village West, Filing #3, plat. for Construction (not titled asMeadows, May, Lg7g, "*""ut.a-Uy-Construction Company. of correspondence relative x. Pro j . Dro. 1845. oolPage IO Material received from Leroy Tobler g_3_g2. ac. ad. aa. ab. ae. ai. aj. Letter frorn Tobler cormnenting on draft report letterincluded m1p 9f location of Iubdrai.ns in-'iigfrf""JMeadows and-Highland Meadows Filing 2. A dpt;;letter to Tim carton on lO-31-29 was also included. Pages 2 and 3 of letter from Charles Robinson to DaveElrnore (no dare as page I rnissing), ,;i;ai;;- -- ' Matterhorn Village SuMivision riting uo.Z. - Xerox copies of large Robinson Maps, Figures 2 & 3. Summerlee letter, 3-24-75, regarding MatterhornVillage Fiting No. 2 Chen and Associates_daily reports, Ig?g. Reportsnumbered I through gl, but with numerous numbersmissing, such as #3 thrrough 21. Only numbers 22. 2-1 ,30,34-36, 38 & 41 are for road compaction. Allother reports are for utility trenlhes. OnfV -#3g hasany reference to site conditions related to ioaa". Surunerlee letter, 3-tg-75, regarding MatterhornVillage Filing No. 2. S_ummerlee letter ,- 3-L2-75, reg.f.rding MatterhornVillage Filing #2. Robinson letter, 3-19-25, regarding MatterhornVillage Filing #2. Richards Engineers letter, 4-4-75, regardingMatterhorn ViJ.lage Fiting #2. Chen and Assoeiates preliminary Engineering ceologyand subsoil Investigation, tlatlerh6rn Viflige;-;;iy13, L979. Water and Mineral Consultants, Inc., EnvironmentalGeology of the Matterhorn Village Subdivision, fitingNo. 2, 1I-19-23. Chen letter, 7-24-79, regarding Vermont Road 1ocationnear Station 2O+OO Chen letter, 7-3-79, regarding waterline compaction,Highland Meadows. Chen Letter, 6-5-79, regarding Vermont Road fillacross Vermont Creek in Highlind Meadows. af. 49. ah. aj. ak. al . Proj. No. 1845.001Page lI am. KKBNA letter, lO-3f-79 to Tim carton regardlngsprings near Lor 24, nighland Ueaaowr-riiiig''*2. an. Sumnerlee report, prelirninary Soil and Foundationrnvestigation, Matterhorn viilage s"uai"i"i"i, Filing*2, litovember 15, 1973. ao. Surunerlee, Supplernental Subsurface Investigation andSlope Stability_Analysis, Matterhorn Viffaie-Subdivision, Filing No. i, September 24, 1974. ap. at. aq. Thompson letter, L2-L6.73 to peak One Companyregard,ing Vail West Ridge. ar. Wright Mclaughlin handwritten meno to Tom Everett,l-O-2-8O, related to utility trench compaction. as. Photographs suppJ.ied by teroy Tobler. Alpine Drive Switchback5-L9-8O - Looking downhill at Lot 25.5-19-BO. - Looking at_ slope failure in cut slope.J.o-ao - tooking at replirea si-pe-wiil-.;;T;.protection.1l-BO' - Closeup looking at repaired slope.'Circle an<i ?ahoe Drive intersection- Looking at slope failure. Road from Vermont Road- Looking southrvesterly along Alpine. Site Characteristics, Soi1s, ceologyNoted in Tobler 1etter of ?_3_g2 asreport included in Vail RidgeSubmittal. x reports on Lots 26-42, HighlandKlug and Associates datei llovernber Part 2, physical and Vegetation.being "Thompson'sPrelirninary plat Sequoia 5-J.9-80 AJ.pine9-lo-81 other miscellaneous information received bet'een 7-L4-a2and 8-7-82: au. Individual soilsMeadorls, by ,Jerrv5, r98o. Letter from L.R. Ladwigr Coloradoregarding Highland lrleadows, dated Geological Survey,1-13-78. av. a$, . ba. bb. bc. be. bf. Proj. No. lB45.OOlPage 12 Robi-nson letter regarding Hightana Meadovrs datedL2-L-77. chen letter reqardils-9"!_slope failure, HighlandMeadows Filing f2, g'-13:ig,-6ipi;. DriveShtitchback). Clren letter regarding cui slope failureHishland Meadois iiii"g-Izl-6li-ib t"".Village West FilLng *fI. Ordinance fl6, series LggZ, Town of Vail . Denton Associates, fnc. Ietter regarding HighlandPark, dated 4-24-AL. --: Memorandurn to planning and Environmental conunissLonfrom Departmenr "{ g"rl"litt -;;;;t"pment/peter pattenregarding Hightand park dat3d i_ie_er. Prints of Highland park drawings, streetsDenton Associatesr. dated 4_27:6L'. Lincoln DeVore lett.er report, regardingInvestigation at Landsliie, -v.ii'virr.9" 22, Filing l, 7-3O-Az CTl/Thompson, Inc. letter to KKBNA dated l2..Z_77regarding Highland Meadows !:t$"U:;l-;B:'""ement Asieement, Hishrand Meadows, Subdivision Improvem?lts Agreement, Highland MeadowsFiling No. 2, iat"a n-ZZ-ig.--"-"e' nrgnranq Meado' bg.::::i::i:e_covenants, Hishland Meadows, vrith::i::_"*;".* .:1:llea' oevlioil;;;;ilil.iiil. rn"*:::: _ :: _ T:"nl?T : -r_". : pi;i i;i";;; -;"';i;:;;, :':iIl:"i;,tg:'lll;^,Y:.1',:r::..^li;i;;;;:;;;:;'#";liyLl:^lrlll' ::"1:,:S .rury za, -igzi, -ii" .i"X!r.i3u"Iil, Leroy Tobter at the aulust'rl,' i6si-;";i;.;::.ffi: ax. ay. az. adjacent22, val-l L-24 by Subdivision(west), Lot ;!!:'ti"' r84s ' ool B. BACKGROUND OF STUDY AREA The preriminary plan for the Highland-Meadows subdivision wasprepared in NovembLr-or rgii ""i:::i:^"9 in.ranuiry of t9Z8 for;ii3i$'*:":1i"":i*.;;lliJ.::**"tioners. -n ;- rinar prat $,asror the p.":""i-'ere pr;parea -ii ii:it!i-*ffi. ""ffi".i.itiJi pili"specificatry rro.::.gl!;";,1-;-"y*or..r,. pi.""_il..luie so, rezs. Asoils report is referred to li n]w.. rti.p"orr-lr,iT""o"iates. TheEngineering Geology n.p"ri-rii ty,cr,.rr._, s. nouinson andli:;::"8:;".:l:?ii:i-:;;iJl-'li.'_ ro the deveropment as vairuy drr e n ;# -"',-;:iii" i li t "i, iilu.oHu", *q:f i j;;#. ff .i::. ru"*:"*provided bv woodwa-r3-q"-q". ii - iser., - rJr- -pro3 ""i -was ulrimatervaccepred by the Town of-vaii- "iiJ._:t rraa-uelrr-Jrri"*"a subsequint.to the prartine in-Easre c"u"ti.-"*,. ."t,r;i-;";:;;"rr"e is datedrrovember 19' 198r. foli"ri"g-" -iinn:ll_:neckrist .id "orr"ct.iveaction by the contractor,__E"hrni;;llnuno. Lots ze through 42 havefuP;eeuentlv been repratleJ-.1-iigl,r.,iJ p.ri"iniJunn the rown or ,,., , . Th. Highland .Iveadoyrs I rling #2 Subdivision is :iii:ff"I;-"lr irtut.'"n u t, t"s"d;E' "*,i*' . -p"iiio., *i, the proposed ".."u. 'o"-ftiiill"i"tili"3r"i;r3: P" v"ii-iiii"ii ty"". Firins #3loush cut-p.io.-to__the time "r-;r"ll;;T""i"i"ffir to r,."!-i"Er,"" .1n. !h" earry v"ir y+ll";;;.;i 5ifai,,i6i;;;:.. ffi: :"iiy;:j::;::;"i::*]iiilS.itii;l ::i:tg" -?:F;;:l*ared bv ch";-ana Associa,es .Il-'l::n"ll-viiiJ6u niri"g ii'*iilnnll-t-i:l or the proposedF"'nqo!'s #2 were irepared-bv wit"i''"F'iii":.i"::":irflfllll"in","" ffiH,s**g t* ,lllt V.i-llase o:":., Filins *o. 1,.I:"_.::?rded in Easre county;11::''"='ifI j::.:::"'a' "ii.i-oi .n" subdivision'rtuiremlit:'i.n;:;i:."$;#:.;; ;;y extensive "*Jrfi3ll"'ns and - proj. No. lB45.OOlpage 14 Vail Villaqe West, Filing No. 2, rvas recorded in.Eagle Countyin 1965 and alSo predated "*["rr"irr" subdivLsiorr-r"q.rrr"menrs byEagJ'e county' Lot; 29 through 16-*"r. replatted in 1968. i?::i":::":'::tT:,":^:1?r_1]ulnins and slidine, rosetheiliii:"' ":: ii:*" ? - :^' :::i_.".:Ii-il$; !;I;'J' "::; '; ji" ilninl"::::H'..n::*l?":f ,::":l:":^*l*:: El-iiq : d; " :#;ff::i"i"n:li"i.!11u",,,""Perroq anclff#".:$.::"ol:""iilfll.il .rl:_'-r"lg.5rt. probrern in the resion;lifil'i, :',1::"""i':t::^'::l ^i{+t:i: =1,"."!i'lF u:l' "l;'i:gl"*",.ll'ilg"ll;",1:::^:-":l*_:;i#;t,; il: ;i.$.J?l'rXi'li?: ffi;:f ,f :::' :luof :ii3'i,l:: t d'ti- " ia -iil"'"ii" "iiii::";-*:; 3li"nl;lu' usurface of Alpine Drive. l:llt;"il:*:"::*:f.,:::^:". filr -srope srumpins is evident infii3li:# il::s#: i::i::i:i:t- li::i {::ffi :"::T:i:3"ti j":::3il3 ::;3;3*;"i.I'i:";: :::i::::.ii;"i::i:*:iii:.""H;#;::: ff:fi#: *' :#':f.'i:"::, *. i:l'::":.::g-if -i"$;ilil :#:::;:";'!Ili"3?3'""lSlo[1;.'":::i ] ::'::-"I-: ;la{i;i -i;"X' i"!!'Ii"il3i3n"'I:"%::;-i"""':: ll:H.'l?:.'":^:"4^;a: j""i il ffi il;i:.::"1;:":"t,,S."*t",,t:f":::i:."li3:"i* =: * li:F_""*;";";:":::J$.3":::'d:::#off :'H.xn:;,,*'l:1 :.::.. i;. ?i :l -::iF ;: ;; :: J H:I":$":":"::fi 3i..i;. i::.::"t"ft 'll;l:"rx; --if::silii= Jiei il;'il""i."'i:j;";l;l:::l$::"i::" i":l^X"::"i" F :li:!;il;: ilEE::i:" ot":i' nlil"L'lsewer rine) shown on the ."""t'"Iii;;-pi#;'#;: ,\li'rl3ilriiul The rarqest sl.pe,fairure in the_gludy area occurred on Lot 22,vair Vitlasi west riring *i.- riii, slide,-rii"i Jo"u."rrr"a in t98o,moved. wirh devastati-ng ;riii"";;-ln-uarcrr e.-i9ei, -knockins apartiarly eompreted rt5"r"-rr"i'itl eo,rrraation. --ii" .pproximateouttine of rhe sride ;;; i;-irriil"."a on Fisure l. .. Construction cut.ro. _ I have been leftthall slutnps in these slopes al.ong roads:.n a near verticalslopes is visible. in VaiI Villaqeconfiguration]West FilingEvidence of 3n:"T:j::_t.I^":_yiir virlase west Filins *2 is:i::: ?:??,i::: i:-F";;-4,;:;':ffi il::.";:#"?,1:,1""i1".1: ::::ll:ff "': ii:r:'; ;id;;,n ";;: :#":l :,:3"ffi":'::l ",:ig"_:i-f :: il.: tr ;"i: ::::: : : _ _ Fi _ ;:;: #8".$";;I'i3"ffi i: ff '":l:"":::f 'l:*:aav be ""niia"'"i"l""I"iiili"rlirll: :F:"1:"3""::;:.creei Drivisurface. proj. No. 1845,0o1page 15 PREVTOUS SOILS AND GEOLOGICAI, REPORTS - .Numerous reports have previousry been prepared deal"ing with thesub1ect subdivisions inelu^di;;-;il folrowing: preliminary Subsurface ancl^Geological Investigation. VailIIrtil"n") west riii"J-ni,' crren iiJ-el.i"il."s, october ro, II T. preliminary ceotechnicalproperty, R.I.J. Thompson, Environmental ceology ofsubdivision, rir in!"fro1-f nc . , tiovember 19, -t 9i: . fnvestigation Vail hlest Ridgefnc. 1923. ,the_ Matterhorn Vi J.lagez. rJarer and t!ineral donsultants, I $ IlI1l preliminarl-loll and Foundat-ion fnvestigation, MatterhornH;]"?;,.ilirrlr.r""-'iii"g No. 2; ;;;;":.u. summerlee. ,i::ii:T::'i:.:::;::1.;i,t:::":r:1rr?. ..d il?p" stabiliryoc+-. 24, Ig74 .lage Subdivision, r,if i"9-rio:-;:.t ' ::3':::::13.::1.?3I: il:?:*i:: !31.?ui;.charles s. Robinson lrr-eliminary. Engineer.ing Geol0gy and sub_soiirn,,r.stigat ibn, -.{ighi u"i io.uous subdivisi<ili-ren and associatJs, -JJ.. ro, 1978. )i, FiLing #?, .r .ll."lfol reports have elso been" -ot 22 cr viir virras.-io;J."iiirfJ'!i':: i;ii:*J: ..n" randside Geotechnical Site Evaluation, Lclt 22,_VaiI Village tfestrlrr.ng *r, chen an<i Associ";;r;;"fy 3, I97e.'... Letter reportr Bitetto property Terra Task, March 5, IgA2.".. Letter report, Doug Bitetto Dconsultants, March -tB;;; -i6r5l"outtY, lrloodward-ctyde " " i::.:rface rnvestigation at LLot 22. riring *r, Lincor" "-e:::io:,_Y":l viltase wesr,Lot 22, rilins -ti;"il;;ri.oiillil"i:r;i;;. ;i;:::":l sone or the dairy report;.'ll"ll_i:" ,.="tiig durins reTe- h-.,of::: ?I chen _and Associaresi;..j:n:i:::"=?::.:fn'3:,iil'In;;o:::. rp*' by chen.and Associe:".,i;:"^:"ports are rnissinq. c.,.,rl-uuloo::l.suppried. nr"J"ilt,'.."^i,'lo"t ron t.estine. aurins-i gig*t.r"';::; :I"ffi" _ and Associares 1,"'' r' - ",..,f oi?:t. are ii ssi"J] -c""iJ""I.T-"1, .:"3+1"9. - nowevei, --- .l'"uin".l:' :ttn.ctron tests no"r.i-ij :: ,:lii-v itport forms -"rri'.rr.'-Jl ! n^n'! r]'^ -"r'q'IjLren rest's parformed ry r.rooai.ra.a:Iiyai"i'Ji.no',."Ir"?f;;'::::"lr::.::-:li::il septernber, octlber and o* -"i,, i"3 r"?iil';::i"; -;;;"5"il;;il; ere aLso supplieal ;ffi'tX"' rs4s'oo1 Although the individual reports vary in the specific:::ffi:i:.I?*ii"ir, ""po.t. - J'i.iiig,i!3 _11"..J""ii r subcrivisionnd subsurrace araii"t;:"1r"::-Lit?ll:: _ .1"-i*ng;;;;"" or surracesubsurrace drainase as noted i"-ifi".liri3*iil.H:":f.':: €D , 1972, age I age 5 rge 5 ,rJlnsoD , L977 1. a I "Soils havesat.urated.ll?_.:"uency to stump when subsurface drainase throughou. "iiI ;;;ffi":Ili:-::":-"sit.t"s sood surface and "The natural soilF/nen saturare.r +-:; y1c11-lofi.dated slope wash,when saturated t€ _-.svr.e\./r r(rd Eeq s1 rtrrurr.rc 1^^^ ;nd to slunp and movedownslope. Thi; ---: -'- srqrrrP crno move sarurated arF.ae -::Tl_rlS should stop when thesesaturated areas are <irained. ,l ;i:rff*.5::IT."l:u-Il"! ?u curE be kepr tominimum depth, o, - -"*- qr* r'jucs De Kept tono steebcr +L5_ .,, ll: order,of 1O ro J.5 feet andno steeper than I ' ,^ ----- v- {r'' str.rrlril ,.^ --:- -' L/22r. Adequateil;jli-3:* T.:1" r", -!", i" ""^5i."i,,"jiuembankments, ,' provisionthrough road used to ,.t ''Cut_ slspes shoulcj be st.rbf eheiqir+-. over most of tfre ar"_conditions are minimal .,, " f mprovernent of surfacev/rtt l_mprove the slooeProposed development.,, at l:1 at 2O feet../nere groundlvater ,and. subsurface drainagestabiJ.ity of much of the is encounteredblankets shouLdinto fill . and t-o preventButtressing shoulcl beslope stability problems.,, l{henever ground lraterculverts or perv j.ous :?"!r_gr infilrrarionsrurfrng of the cut,considered because of be F"rga 1ir .Q1'rtnt' "Previous blankets may- be needed beneath otherfilts on the property if ad;;;;J groun<rwatereondirions -rl ancounter.O aui:.ig construction.,, "If seepage is encountered in euts, the risk ofstope instabiliry is i""i""J"a]-,r" do not-i*:;:ftirtl?tr!""p?ei.wirr bo ",,oourtered,shou td oo -Joiir.'*t:, =::b1 r i ty investi' ga t ion J' :: _, l_ :l ; ;;;; -; ;:lri". ii.:lI i """iio rl:, ;i::"n "qrarnage should be provid.J-r", lrl cuts.,, fi;:ffi*"t;:ff:.or drajnase ditches rvirh rx::j*:":,#li !::is",i:,".":::*,il."o s ubs u r rac" -l"i r-' l.::i:: t "ffi " "lllnil i?r. j? - - ;'fi"; Iee, r e73 3ili'tT"'r84s'oor colluvial type sla*ecred b' i-,r,,^l3l: ::" b-e drastically :::::"".S^ l:i*::ai;; ;;"" fi =ff;:".:";jilground urarer into "ieas-.;-;:;:::ce \'vater orralrure Dranes- rr:r::r_of.potential slolel::ig:""Ii:: :;- ::, i ;_ {ii5JJJ',init S,iiSS,r"""drainage- systems vsr,.evecl enat subgu around at.r -*-,,^.:_ill probably be reguiredil::::. "rr. srructu."" io"JiJu-'ii="liiiiiii ""rr.areas. .:u::iierL ee , Ig7 4 ral I rJ* I l'. i ; :, : ff , ii[:iiriiii':" t:r;i,s -""::" yji: -,.11:_"1:ious-reports relative the Biietrondlcate the existrea. This serv"""::"-ol a spring su.racini ratements concern.as a graphic illustratioi he various -;;;i;i:?"; "::;I:i,"e arainase -or Lot also clearlvwithin the s1id6of the accuracy of theseepage included in it may be wel-t-to note that aLl of the reports for the;:t;lii':l iilt;.::u g""i"gv*ir,ii''"..,revierved rvere eonducted jnoneiiiJ'J^";;; :;.r. rherefore, rire minimun. .uu"irface wateroservation. Mosr :::::::':-i:'j:n_!i ". aiiiil";:# rieldbbser-vation. uosi--i;;;;;=;.;:';3n the drillins and rieldp:obabre """aiiiJts ro be expecred l.?li-fl".proJectiot.-oi tr,"s.u:Tncr-nonths when trre soiis-;;;-:..::rr-ng the spring and earrysubsurface r',rater. T.h€ 1974 sumrn""y:1":! to_ extensive- surface'and:clloving caution: ree report does include the "None of the test pits encountereit firm bedrocktormation, although ="r" i;;;;-b.H::i;.:l:.**, :ioriie. -;i;;, HiS":; ;;:".::;.;l:,test pits-;";;=*:tound :7ater table. -go*o'r"., -Ii.' ?l-_ :n:-t;"'-"io =J!::;::""::fi5n;l:,"g"i:y:r -mJntrrs il:*]:;" r3:::|!"I':: :. : : ;i." s u - "i':i,'ss. eou Id deve roprun-off period.,r i cturlng the spring thaw ;"d-rr"""i ;;1" ilf i"t-i:" tii:.i. i?ff ".H::.T:l,lS,Xi.EI:,;::, .li.i:fi;.!ut," :;:.::i;.'l3ii:="?u other s""i.i-"onstraiit;:.-^il: desree or;li,;:1".'iiii-i":"1":"r!:#rjiu',ifll-,.-b'. ln. i"!i" .rheme remains- -".,,.v r s ions are r?_""::u "i ;;-t:"i1iiry=f:t"ilrt3nti"l.t::*il;'"-,il"iitllutt] locar stnall t" -rIrgJ"Jr"." of unstabre soirs il'"103::?::,:t..!!ts _report incr.udes the$li.n"$:iii::l::i#":'?:;:"ifi:tiff :H :Sgt:r:. :reriminary'l!l:if li:iii::'lT$::"i::":Tj:F?: ;."i ilil5i;l" Preriminarv ortru'j"^ r;lc. Lincorn Devore ."oo;.tl^:f-;li:-;#:$t;:t^l;:";H" rr v^;i=' Dy Lincorn DeVore u" "-JJr-t_ii il,i"1:$:$';:r^l;:";*ll;.i;:, ;i:'H:T:"r*;:";:ilii":":t: :i.h en6 specirics or . reports available asoy Lrncoln DeVore. €.i -, . __s,+rrv !rr! arJ. the previourr,:-Lq rnvestigations and eest ;;;i"g" I Proj. No. ls45.oorI page I8 I IV. EXISTITTG SUBST,RFACE DRAINAGE CONDTTTONSConsiderable :tudy ".;;-i;-ii. eYidence of subsurflce flow exisrs rhroughout the x;irT***+j;;:,i,iqlrtr ;:"!ti*,*#:';ii"#i;ffi;,: :":itg: :"t;l":s" rii"ii:iiii:F:i$,:j"j*l:i: .*iii:i_ ilirT,;l:". otirer-ipai;.;;;:: currentry visibre o, iiai.j;";..; seeps as werl asy vegetation or _.rn - extensive subsurface drainagerrninary plan and lne eonsrrucri^-=I?::1 was indicaeed on the:I:lllilarv plan ;;-;;"';:":i:i:i?e svsr-em was in<iicaeed on thei.ne system consisted "e u"J.ij;;i"..."1-:1::: r:: HigrrranJ_"I"a"ill.?h e s vs t em - """ " i" iJ. i i:di$ff :i"'"' T"f .':ff .'ii :iirii:: ""!ru"'il3 .;:;'::it :::.:_ lot. inter".pt"r"-ii'",.o. .\; r-__-_ . ?i!.ty ".ru"rs-"ra:,:j:.:"1 cross tot. inrei";;;;;;'drns Deneath alt sa;itary ;;;;:::::. fhe rocatrons of these -.,_::::: of. known hrsn sround:;ffi . "" Ti"i::x *j*i.i#:"#:ii:F ff . :::$.::;l,3nFi,"shotvn on Clayconb-:"- . \-'r Lrrese procosei.ungrneering Figure l. Jt;:,:iiiltlS:lii"las :uP?lted inrormS.tion on the rocation or drainsl;luili'ili ;:ffi:-:3i:lif$lii.us 'eha'L "ii;;; ' | : : th e =,,u ri.Ji,,-j "..3.u j ;i;il ff .,, i, {:irll*, :l'il. :':;."il".ffff :':, :..,,:'f:,""ui.i'"i.."o thar the .rrl.:-l?bt:.-;;;";i; rhe rocations ::"::l:i:F;y#:r, :: "il,i"; i;fo:l"' i"=toir;":1!:Xi 3: i:';;'. n""^,nfl'. "i;:, i;,;r t;;:l'.",?:;;::1.;i. irffii,.l;h:1"1.*r= ;:.;". ;tt:'i;t3i:i:i::i: j::i:il:i!:, ?1^ i:i: :i"i's :"r,"+r, rf , r,,,-n ii i, j l"ili'=i. i*H;t, i ;i#ffi 'ff ii' : I^": !: ":i. o'l =' o I 1 ed' ;:;::ifi"" .n"" ".31.n'l ,jlir t;ld-:n"" reporr i;;;"*,5t;:':of"" o" ;;li: ij::, -iiil";:::"1;,I:i:" o:.::::i;j ;::: j; t",i::";:;:":: .r- lho fact that lnirii=ii;ii"i:lii:i;"#:i:x.ik3:i"iff ,r"ff:i'ii.:i: c']one in *i = ij I,..li;.;i;,".:::. i*"i;il$" :i" ifldi: . :.ffi il:";3Tiiio,,"ancicipated by ene soiis report. in;i,il"if:il".i::fi;::J"i* ;;3":'". incrude crescriptions or the''n;-'l "n3i ilJ; ff*::.jl,lf"#i*.jk;li:,:"' ;::" i i:;;, -*:, I L "r - ^tla' -- -;;;lli;:;:;iti ;3-iiiiJ::'T,"*":,..1. .'ou gnay be -ummarizc,d in ;l! r";;-=i Y.-tlrict< manrle oe "iol.'ill,s"l"t.l11v conui"t. oF-a *" '.'''i",i.1 ;:,::::i : Til: :j;, *ii:l;=ii^::iii":"1:i3;i".5';:-generally ccns j srs-of .r sanrly, f sirry clay with trl:IT,tl"d gravers.to boulder size rock fragrments.| ;::i::itl"::l|':,,inrirtrat"i inio *r.e soii-."ir'l and misratesi.'q; -i!;'-iJ"r.'n5,,ii:i_ ;1" ;i;. ::T:"ii!i*#"::: ::ru::rate verysradualry throush. spriie ;;";;;ir. - a. sisniii;;";, porrion of this:i::: ";3*: l:::,tt'". "oir -i.v"i-."a "siJlJJ-iil,,i .n. mountain ..1.1:" gnii. -.i J - Ji,'i "1n5"5':j:;;': so i r 6 "i" -"Jiii"r v " it,.- i ii H ::, :.,'; -io' :o u "*^Ti I i : ; + i i i i ;, " ::'i: r !_33 I I ;; " ; : I i :. .l; - : ijj ", " =t=i=ii,*+ry5i ili:ir:#. "*il:::dfi;:*, tin:'"Hi*":? ot springs simplvsrra ra oi "oii.-"-;,rgj:: ;Ii "1", jli.iHff ::",i" ill"., *i"*:iil:ff " T:::l! ;:"ti:t:l-9i"":".9d in rhe_previous parasraph is tor_arlv!ol:n to-;";;;";::; il: X"'.'i.ji"ln':::_:" ;""I;'iiir. steps ",. - subcrains in the HishranJ ;;;;;*5""nonena ' rhe insteltaii""-oracconpr i sh"a inis _ ena. in - ";;;-i;;.-, :i|s"t: "iiil, f3I1 "ppa renr 1 v5e ts-aken in Hiqhlana-xeaaows-"iiii.g *z if the contT-easures sioura :i!:g'iitl;"":.;i:'r"p".-uiu' iiii "'op"= i"-eil;t:$i"jjf"*;" ::: f :it;,'=" iiiir=,i"Iii.ii,ii"n "ll" "i" r::"ru il;"ff :*: i: Fil:'t{"' 184s'oo' The conditions pri"i=io,,"-J"Iliu"5i"i:::tl":o:::::t:l_in the HishIand ueadows.:ll3i"i:i:"" ""t.- -r-r svr'Lrs1v roentified in the Highland rieado ;: ;::: ::ii;; ;;."i"o ";, t:":";-ni,:i5-".::.:!l::: =oii'voi r vil raseii,::. !: i I H = ;j; -il: "l;, : j=l l liiii"# ':i! ;1" i:i i,i:i;iF"*" ,i:::-:arlure cn Lot- 2'2, t;ii i;;ii'e urlve and sjerra Trair. :,':,i:l-:::"i. ti'" pctential probrem. uni.,,loii:-f-il"ine- ; i , "r"".iyi:::: : " ;,,; i "" o:i;l i::' ":*: i::,, F:liii,ii'#, ;j; " "f :;*".;".r;i i'iii i. ;:'.,;" :; ;ili*i';:ili'H;,*, :i: !i^ii :g:* l:. j ;i: ;ru::.'ti I vir i-su-n:.ft'iiii;; n?Jl"i i"lrir"!"$"$ ::i;i"ij;j;$: l"oj. No. 1845.001Page 2O V. EXTSTTNG SURFACE DRAINAGE' CONDTTIONS ;:'iT;ii,1;"u;::l"F:.fil.11.:;:.:".: :?l:::y"tee ., a parr Th" historic natural drainaoeconsisted or dirrus" -;;;.i;;;Ti:fi:ii'i:fii*n:";:::Ll[il" ",i:ii:ii:'i":i::,il'ilg**"$;'ii:"".v or ti,. si-r.. rhis drainaqeon I y one r arqer {i,"Tv" "i" Ii i'.iiiiil ld; l:"*."fi :ff:_:l f ";fg:;. ;"" 3i:!j ",, i::ii_ ii,iti= gif;i"*slr; -# I:5rl:::*I' .",.n "o"; ",,, ir i "aoense undersrowth. serve t" ruiuiJ-tire-s.uii;;"-H";:":lr:*?lg ]ii;-srgnificant amount ot iniiri;;i;" and controlling erosion. _ . -Construction of the road svst<subclivisio"" r,". ;;r;; i:.i-:I:::i- i:. the. Hishland Meadowsconvey it l-o ;;;"i;il":"i:":i.i:::*^:1" aiiiJ".-"verrand rrow and ;;, "i;il i. :*: : ni : : ":_. " : ii ". -oi liq:il::d:, :.'#i: TJ;" ;; Fiiu'I "" :::.::"" -i.'-;;' di;"J$; ;"5;;. :"':' "I -i.iu,i"ii dra j.nase basin,:::."c'rsection of -erpirr.-6ri;;1il "sPecific "*..rri." are rherc.es rlre pr""".'ti|^iiiii.-Ji""ll ItT:_?.l."". in-r'iring-+i"iurr.re zairr:nrge tl.ii'"ity. tributary to a-point-trrat rrisioricarry had at: : i - . i - r." i -i "i I' 1lit i:"i:,,i.:;;: ";:il:: :ii ;:IF::::*l Il,h*:. ,];:;'.of uc acres rilirr-irr.-niliiri" basin ,"u" "pp.oximarery 5 .',,,;n,; I :. :ff ': lt" ::a -::1";'" il.' " :;.u I J,t="ti'.; 3""."::"':ia n-,:',.1.,':.:?-.t i": rords. Tho r 'rnc i4seiows *2 -aol'- v:45:! '-iuL ro: r rjuci-i :-r.,. r^-J- ls not shoru any.roadside dirches "i;;;-;";; truction of Ht*$$**xg***t*gffii l: :;!i!, ;t" t. iliiu *."#:i: ij:l ;:rli:lr*;rrut u ir ioion.".", H:" :;,'t " !'",r,' i'i""' r=:*" :f$,ff ::ifi 1ii.';::_j,i ";1, ::, .li n" "Hl':ll:iil;":::":,,:l:- +i;J"i.*i'...:, :?t. p'""iJ"l:.y subj eet ro' -'8 !,,r I iy "i.ii"t" -i:':::,i':i:"?3" r;::: r:igj -."Ii-"" curierts Jre The affect of concentrating runoff-into areas differing fromll'.?:::-':..:::: p:--" ""u"[u"ii"i impact on the subsurface lS|i;r.^i53i""1:"n w:r. pr"'iou"iv suulict to o-r.r]ili$i"3fi.t, 3*ind. snrina. :::1::i:l_:lg"T9:"und flows .*p..i"rr"e continualettins. sprinss ma|_ue "*p;;i;'l;]"ipiil"i,r,:lg";i:;";"::":r"l..t:.:::i:lI.:y,::?::,._:,"":::sry-=t.u"- ;;;;. "*ii"o."o*e unsrabredueo addirional moisture. *re clnce;.;;.i;;-lr*iioi'il*inf,"tt"o. ::::i;::i:: ?:^l::tl: p:i":.",,J r"no. t;i";-,;;-J",y rverr be aontributins ractor ro the eitetto iJi_i"iullill "i5lu'"iiinliul" ::"":::l?:::":I i?:y:?::d. .yl:i ro..asia" -;;;i;;;" ii."r,." rraverseons sections of hitrside witrroui-c;i;;;.;';;";:;";:.;f;:""H?:::lows. This may contribut" to-fiff slope instabititv. f*:":,T:-::"::::_I1ii"g .*? surface drainase sysrem hasi1".. ;'I: ":-::: 1::g:- !i?!1"*; ;;;;";i -u"ii =viii;,# ;::.ul_ 1,,3- ?"^ ::i::_i:s -tr,l " rr" I;" -;;;;;; J;';" : i;ll""rilE The educedil-ings Proj. l{o. l845.OOrPage 21 and carry i I ings "i j :*:":, -'l i:'^.:?.::l- b:: i"; ;.i " ; ";. ; -;:.;' il;:;":ff :u??.:i::_u:::l:,:_:har. enrer.a ii "-v"ii,viiiigi',r.jInveyedto the single culverr under v"r*o.f ;;;; #';;=i: cnry scattered sections of roadside ditch exist th.ough the i i l".X:ll :r".y,:.:.. i :l:-l yi s i oni . 3na' rew cu 1 ve.t. --"ii,. benearhcrivevays. rh,o curverts, u, iri"l*i]l.!'"1i";iir::.;: :::ii.?r",accumulated in the ditches t"""aG.core creek ;;i;". llost areas'l.u directly across Gore Creek Or:_rra or Alpine Drive to Gore'J:'eek' Locaiized frooding-*"y--r"="rt lvhen i:_o., ".o".ing a street-," .: random point encounters a house. ,\ccquate surfaee drainage for i . ::, i," pi""ra"i- i?-inl' ;::;3:":"Iri3;n=Xli:",ui: t?::-1::: Firinsstch systen is improved and:;;;:;':"::=:::::1 "t aii"",;;;. -'il; nJi.lll.r.X,':i';i:: :::.llo'3".lnl:;-i*y::"-:3,:_il::"".'p""ui"",u"=;:;';i:;; ff".::;.lrir.lilt:i::: :: :;:".:?:-:::.:::: :-"":i;;_il;i;""i"';"3.'::d"'::: :j :::rrows to *,"-""iJ"il;";;;;"ii';l?l="y::*.":i;:, ::::i?::"::":,1?:^o::l ?i""T to. brinsins the frow from rhe;l;."'::::_."" "r-arf;;";;i":'IiX ilnS:T?il3 l;" :^ ::l::? *; : i . --rii J' "i;";;:. i;:T. 3';J:" .:;i:3n.In"'l,,lt.'l " ?:',f - ^"J-r .rLct.acave nas been ruled out due to Iack:i.=:::T:"ts,. topogtlaplric constraints, and rhe oeorocri.r h^,,r,^ ^6the upper ;;;.i;;;;-fiii";";::'i:geologic hazard of ,,... '-'-culvert should be cxtended aiong,the 10t line between Lots 47iinril 3fr.ll""i"$":,ijii"*l:u:".J.Jepr r].ow r,om-ir," culverr beneath '--'Flows for the ro year-(10? probability) and the 100 year (tE-"'r:.,'rbifitv) return plriod storil events hlvr, been carculated by;.jv:?"b Engineering-Associatos. inc. and are strown on Figure 3.toit^-l.Ys were calcirlated utirizing the soil corr"".rr-tion servicer*'--" ror rainfarr derive,r events and snowmert fl0ws were''''ulated basecr on gauge recor,l an.rrysis ir: the high mountain I ; I { i IJ ffiJ'rI"'184s'oor area of Colorado and the procedur,ceological Survev F:;#j Tr" *i!$, :$F:i ;r s: J:ii:.ir ;": "f" !* i" "n^"i i "r="u,, ".. r c u r a t JJ -' ;-;:;i "*; |BB.;::I ;fJ: " - Ji i L'i-,,'J' ", i""'il=t ".;l f*9 "." I The surface fsnsineerr;;-il:":Ynoff control facirities recomrnended by craycombl:: t"'ri; ffiT;i.'ii.ijirjl':;':l.g p" _riiJ;;='' :. rmprovements l:.:_p?:.igre ro hisroric ;;;il.;: rror{s and return I ;:.', ;5 il -, "" n : :, - " * t "., J i;:' ;. fi i"',";,*;" I ":15:in" "im 3ii I;' "o" *: jj :, jili{:' iff " i: i: :'iiii'*'"'i'" : i* i;.;;" t'" ;i'"'33"'il: "., a nd ::::: ";,;;;id;";#:il';:j"i;:.:l^t:l:'=.iIJ""i"" combination;l;!", l.iJ;"#=.;;::"t ion - ro ;i; ;:: ; :i,."" ;i"::i lio:": -o,i"" "t,"a :r r.;rl.r- serve tr,""3.',-' BY raying ihe storrn drain ir, 1"1 r on vermont ri::s"r';t"i' *:$;iir"r" - :" "rt: j:lrj:*ff iii, jft ""3'iffi :'T:: i;-eadows are sener"riv_I.Ii:;l:l:J:eirities ',,, n o J,l! =.il: "l;' I;" ";ff "?Hi:;:" ir*:ii."i "l$d";: i;:. i ".fill: i "",;ii;1t:;=il:""#'riilyil,:i-:l: area . ri,i=,,.,u,"r ;;,;;;.:i : :riii: :'h : 3, r: I sri t;; ; : . ii: :TT * i5"F: ff ; - "t*uu +:: : : i : r : ntiti ;: i' : tili,i{i+ :t ;: $" ti,,rrii,. r*' " r.'"'s r' ., , ;., ; i :, lrt i "I. J5li.':.:l:" tl :".* i"j :l::- 1 _-", . -Ii = i ;:" ::H ii li ";.". :i:i; il:;:'"fF?ff:g1f1,: ir:i:;i!:: ::3";l':r t 3: :i::+i: iil;;';" IFil{:i*5iiii$i..'i"T".f i:;*i::il,t$*rtti:"'tt*il*;;"" l; : . i: :'li:rtff :,:;:";i*ii: : ,': I ff" ;; ii ii'"i*"i, _:ti+i:' " ;il:'rl'"' r'4s.oor VI . SLOPE STABILITY I The Lincoln f l*,'"t-**f$Li,-':"ff ,ru*i:,Fiil"il".::l:ui;"uu"'llili**i $"#i;4$;iir;:i.l"tt subsurrac" oi:i:";e Map and Hiff*tlg:g*:ru{*tr*i'lsT ,' * i : ; i il' : :. ::. ::ii i " " I ,t:";:i:ill" l'i'flffi 3f iii"ti:i;!i, n=, "'E represent alf t-]., j,,l_f..trary conclusions of the jif";:"" bv ci a vconu rnf in e., r,o"-oll::;"t l. 3.J""".oi. Xiil::i, :: "". i)ll:^::i::igv or. the Hishland rrr€:::",'::"'.':.'s:T".::":Ii$n j j"liF:i:"$::.."::ti,ill,i" Most areas are ",,^r-^.-l--t ;."ot-ore to meta- stable ;;ii". "uoruiiaJ; ;i;"""r.:ij."1.." slope instability if excess "":ff i?;i !',",,,:r-:,..ig: 3e, 4o,jijj::: l#j.:iti;l il, :,,f"' " ii,. j:: -l:;$. j: l:ii:" . .*. :m 5; :, l;" i:ii;i::i:ii, i?i;; " :..:::;_ :. ; :' i:: ":;::, ;"j:i::;jf:;, t*:. :::, ";j::* ;i!Ji;"ji Ti:,:t:is:i""t fll_.:t:o:s into the steep hillsi, #i.';,i#:;:iisi, j:liF;tii"it*::=,-:"*:'"s""n' iii' ii, llo rii, . I;il ji tiif " 15: i' - i l"in I i, o' "ii ""11" !,?,. i" Fi]l slope movem(ranoe Drive ""u :::"is evident ar :i:"k=_i;p"-.Iiin"?quoia o'iJu -ii'!:i ?iH :f l:fi1:,.1i:1.,old. *,i^-uiui^';ri: glff::il.;:':;j::.i:ji"*ii"1"ru. 4l a4 XOr fEEAfOnE. lB con8lderallo! ol tbe P?eclaes ' -- ar."a, o, tor€ l! BtgbtEDd Bearlans. sb8lbot Dlrtl.r_.ot ptar:€d. rhqt ir ornr and boldB ttr Etg!:8Blt lerdose:*t*-:'185;i!-..-:T 't-t !o rhe to:. lcalDt res"rli'-:oia' core&!nta' aad coBdltiolBt::"li:--:;-.t:,,=..t- , rll ot rblcb Ebrll be deF"d lo F:! titb:.:b: t"o-t.:t jl:l=# 1Eu.e to tbe b€letlt of rnd b€ blDdlaS nPoD t19 og9.:'1i rrE r ti! t lolts '*"'-"*---" ls uoed bcr€18' :be falli:a8 t"t::' *:-'::= Subdlvl6lo! - Ei ghi atrd SqBdosa a@et lEes te8trlcttoaa oB tor tba berell! aucc€aBor3 0r tbe cbaract€r gssg 1rel1. l|Fe tbe lD i;:i !:r'' t : i- ' 6utidta8. Ee'-Ehl -Tire ,i n; . : : - -. fls! ,ool or Barrshrd lool or to tbe eltl- to' ot c n tl;€ eav€ llDe Poilt ot to lh3 |'rdPallt belaee ar'l tbe peet of a Eable' 8a$bt€1 ' hlP' sbed or slEllat Pltcb?d roof' end oeasured to s alope ttot ' :.-'. -,:-. ...:l:--:," ;.' ' ti ercced-12:81'-. ':-'- - -' .- ct l- A tract rhlcb sa! be used rolely tor-'- ' - Tscierttol Trrct - n t'rEeE -"--- : -'-;:'- - ' -tb€-tront -ntr 'J"tt vait* or g bu"iqrk to'tb9 -- :- -'- -^-. : r.o tbe ald- , -..-.j--. ,. -:::-':: --;: t. srtdttns, ltcnlct--" : -*'- '- i6cregttoaal 'iurposes €uctl as !at!?cD l bo used ollY fot Prt- It: li ; t' tag. volleYball allt tho !the' Arcbltecturgt Coltrol Co@lttee - A 8toup of three per- goas rho shall b€ tesPonslble for tbe adlrinla- tratlon and elforce$ent of these Protectlve cori- snBlts' lYo of aucb PeraoDa Bbell be apPouted by Grantor' 9!'t ths thtrd shall be selectc'd b:t tbe tco P€rBoaa so ap!'ctnted' A !|tjorltt of thc' - C@tl't€e sbaf I Sovoto t ts ac't lona ' Ant rBcancy '. - oD 1b€ C66fttee rtllch ahall coRtlnue lor I con- , arorroo, parloc ot tbtrty data rtthout rePlrce- "" .: osrt i!'ahe ao'aler trovlded abT !'ay' be tllled Uy rpp"raGeli o! tt'e goard ol Coultt Co@ls3lonPrt l't ,,. -oi r.tro courit, colotado' l. Lj}{D E ?hc lElds tn Ht8btsrC t{Padn'ra Subdrvlrloa Bhall be lnmrytAl oF cpnsrnucrtofi 'piari - - __:.==.:-_,: a. lro bulldlftr oF otber atrucluro or.li o. _]=, - - - - --- - corrtrunted. etectFd or tlalDtalDod oD r.!, lo3.Dor tball aDy addltlo! tbsrato or cbragc ot, !lt6:_,- r ,atton !he!el! be tlade t|lttl tbs coapl€tc plala .!il :;.t-:_: .;: ., .:--:apcettlcettons (taclurttag, but lor llalt€d ao. . .- ;-.' .,,;;colot toDdcrtDE: ceolo!:tc sotla Btte llveatlgrtio!., -- --4,. .--,aDd toundatto! report: the ftoor, elcr.atloD. oroa l: -, :- ,.i. eDd Itadlls plans; prorlsloDa ,or orr_slrect pa!t_1gg eDd locat!3Da o! d:.lrerray acce6,B: the aDeclrl-cati.oDa of priDclpal ertertor DBterlala. colo!scheoe8 Eld tbe loc.tlq!, cla,r.otsr aait aetbod of _ultllartto! ot rll [tlll.tres) hsve D."o ,,rbttt"d .,, ro tbe C(lElttee aad by it approveil l! FrltlDg.&::3ys .1 ]rts ,lthlD tbc SubdtviatoE ar6 etcour_agFd to coDsu I t rlt! the coerllttee prto, to gad . _ _ ;..:::. :.dutinF tbe prc!,erltto! of sucb ptans sod qpeclrl_-._ =ll:...=_catloDs !! order to avotd Etihtr6r,r.__ ^, - _ -, -::: '-€l,t:--::lrl EltbboldrlE or delq, la ..,i4:=:j_._.-atptoral . aat : t,r:s relrer cf i j as: f lals a|td apirci,lcBtlol8 ,!tc! -..: r _ .cbarSe 6b!L] bf petd '.a aderace. tte pr6cceaj.oi -- --:*-:.:;--. aucb c!':!.rges shrl! be laed ,or tb€ atblalst!"ar". ^_ -*T-*T-_ald eltotce..Dt of tb€6e .t-t4?._^ ^_- ----- ^;- :=:=.o Plotectl?c cov6!a!ta. _ ,.i-:t-,:.--c. E8ch h:ltatlDg.sr orber srructuf. sbitr,Di .;:;i:#*rratructed. "r"".i rDd EalDts,had tD .*icd-:::.;:r*::_S$: . _ --_-_r-{|'g .! atll,ct:l::--: ::-.lccoriaace tith tbe aFprored.pls.as aaa.ap-r1ifl . . i-*; d l!: lc.lces sbrll hara r _-_r_ "i,r?.' rii! iz. brcr"r:":'::.: ;rn:;"ll,,r.h! r-::u:E: Ccl..rgl C./6clt:ce. e . i !! :.rr ss::g, 1:F: E: I !-lc! F! E rre r..:{ eg.ecilt - .rC':.::-:s, il|' a{|.!s"lttee slsl! :.sf,c l!!o e3laideratfoa - ,.- - , -=-ji-.q,.,--: = ---.. -, ,.. . + ; the Folt.t!l lttX of thr. DrolxliFd t,u.lldlng Dr otbsr Eltuitute end tbc liatertals .lI alit.:|. lt ts 1o bs - butlt tE thc lot uDln Ehlch t! ls ta t'r arec!-t'd. tha t,arrcuy thcre.-r rtth lhe riurr'rLidinF. !nd tho ettoc' r)l thG butl(Iln|; .rt ftlltPr ri! ruc:rrt.'. iF plaxned. otl the outlool 'rqn rd-ltcetti or nFlFhbi)riDg l(tls. Th€ coeoltte€ ahrll uao reasouablc Judgrocn! tD paFalag utoB rl! Fueh pllnE aDd sPecl tlcal ron8, but the CafiDittee shsll Dot be llsbje to :!n)' 'ter. on for its actloDB ln counectlcn slth liulnit'-ad plans and ;tPec- liJc:rl1oDq,.jrles.:t be tsi lirtif,ft : h.1 I lh{' Crrnn:ttrlt scted rtth r|cI lce cla rt.rrnJ,f r,l int -ltt . Sl('f'e cu! data tot Blt€ prca'.'atioD r.1ll be 1n.i'rded ln co!- Btructlo! p:3.n4 tot EPprovel b!' the Archttr.cluttl Control Cot6i1tee. r.hlcb shail Cet.-'i::rne that mlnl- tr:! r.loPe cutS 3're tre: :rf l:lade. 3. lrsEllElrTs ArT Il_G!lE-4t-f A! 3-1 Eri.saentr aDd r18b!s-ot-ra)- for l:Fhr'rrg. hr.:at:os. e]ectrlcl!t. gls. tclephi-,!3. ?ja:'ir d:ld 6e-era8o lrclllties, brldrl r rtbs. a|ld .nf lJlbet kloJ ot p./b:!c or qusFJ-put,llc ut1l1t!' aeritce are reserycd es abora oD the plat ol nighland Ueado}8. No fcDce, rall, !:-dge. br:'rter. o:- o:het ln!'rovel'ent i.'rDi! lre err..ted a :'!.!lal|"lrrt-t r-!. :,-.,..:.. .,t blt;rin thc Ef..aA feAe:.l'et tof er,setr, ntF Ln: -' -',:'i-.1-ray, Dot trJ auctr cl!'5g !r!:!:al!i thrret(. ati 1(, rn,f ;ri: :be acceBF !o ot ir5€ t!r;:r{l')t. An aasni. r'! :ot !)cdc!.ttial :rBe sss.lI oxlst a!d:s hrjrci:. --tis;t'a'-tl !;::. o'. ll ald. :..-- - :aJross thoFe Fcrtlo3s of "hi i'ai c,: ::ix:"rd Ueadors. a.B dealgrsted. 3-2 f aEr,rn-!r! s f'rr 3.3 B!€,(f;'Fn'-t:tt dr{ r' t'-t lrur:.r'\Pa -.!.r teti€l9ed i: r.::.'-:r: i. -!eL;:-, a:a: :rir' i-':-4.'r'r-< tlse!'l.ed 1! ?beg€ aL..cDEr.aie E-rj rrr ':1, ll;'i::...: ::..,:, ss '':a:.':rrli t,* i,F.r?'- :': ... a :.-.r ...r ..t:.?:.Jt 'r'e appr..1.r tBitly l&Bd-barBrlarist lherid)t brt .lj ' --:r'i:= i 4., .:.!. f]: !l lraFs.!.'-rra r Fire?r. ?ntt€?s, f,^lta enri-lfitlsr_ t :=:-"' : :'1rf!!fru! lcnal r€bta:es Finr b? !ep! In Lsrt, !!d corelrDli G,utBlneC heretn ehrtl be realgae rnd ahlll cortlaue ln lul! force and !-1f" 1i loa years eg,3[. r?.- piELLiFc gg1rq " €.hall 80t be #.=.-*- :-:T..: -"J ibe pr: r-etel ] -{'tord, 1ar:c l:g:ii.ied ,!rh!.! r!€ - EAGLE CCUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT ITEM Buildino Permit Fee Application For Subdivision A Zone Chan 4--.-, Conditional Use Special Use Va r iance Appeal Fee CoCe: (Building)(Zoning)(Subdivision) :tLE s ../ag-.-t0-F--: Toiai Rec e,ved All rtems are recervecl tor .c-payment of any tle m Ne 3489 and this recerpl Shall cancelled lor '.4,.j -'* ,i:3 3 "H €g .'4;{.€ .Eq =A;;g +-a --t "q -€--B F]flrg TTEit Esg €:3 ffi+E-e .Ea = -lE5 -t4g '31 SKETCH PLAN SUB}IITTA]- FOR HIGULAND MEADOWS FILING 2 A PLANNM DE\,ELOPMENT IN EAGLE COT'NTY, COLORADO i =:" I r[-::? ' : )r'r.. '- '._: l:'. ,ja'rnc. KETCHUM o i(ONl'iEL. ts{Fr=5lT o l.rlOflEl- o i.L!-sJlft. t'r o Ctn--ujlir-i Engineers . L-: llay 5, 197E l{r. TerriL l(nlght Eagle CouDry P]-anning DePart'n€lt Box 177 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Hr. Knight: Transmitted herevith 1s the Sketch Plan Subnlttal for Blghland lleail otls Ft1ing Number 2. Thls le a proposed resubd lvis l-on of Vail Village llest Fil-ing Nuober 3. The naxlmum densl-ty approved for the proJect is RSM or 5.5 unlts per acre of net developable 1and. Ttre proposed replattiog of the property iE for a plarrued developnent vitb 33 sLngle fanlly duplex 1ots. The proposed deaslty ls 2.8 unlts per developable acre. The roads have. beea previously graded accordiog to therecorded p1at. The constructioD scar exists and ttre replaE ls plamed touse the exisCing road except for mlnor l-EproveEeDts. A flltag fee of $950 for thls subrnittal Ls enclosed. Sincerely yours, enclosure ).. taa.- f -..:.r: >:,. ri. , !^,c ? il a.tJ t I5 ? :N TABLE OF CONTENTS Sectlon 1- Sunnary of County Requirements 1) Subdivislon Requirements 2) Zoning Resolution RequLrenents { I II I II II Section 2 - Project Descrlptlon 1) Project Location 2) Project Obj ect ive 3) Land Use 4> Water Supply 5) Sewage DLsposal 6) Roads, Grading, and Drainage 7) Development Schedule Section 3 - Draft of Envlronmental Impact S!acenent 1) Physlcal Inpact a. Geologlc b. Hydrologlc c. Biot lc d. Atmospheric Econooic Impact a. E:np1o;ment b. Inpact on County Services c. ProJected Tax Revenues Social Inpac ! a. Hous 1ng b. Schools c. Tra f fic d. Recrea E ion 2) J) ;1a4J I 2 3 4 S ect lon Maps 4 - Draft of Covenants and Restrlct lone - Vlcluity Map Sketch Plan - Land Use Sketch Plan - Englneerl'ng . Sketch Plao - GeologYr SoL1s, and Vegetatlon Sheet Shee t Sheet Sheet 7 a a3' f rf .,4 r"-!*'t -t' et ?d19 '::! .-El 3 ? ? a '3t SECTION I SIIIIYARY OF COTJNTY REQUIRE.{ENTS I. SIIEDIVISION REQUIRE{ENTS Sectlon 4.OL of the Eagle County Subdivlslon Regul,ations requests the followl.ng infornation oa Sketch Plan Subnittal: 4.01.0L (a) Tract Boundary, land use and denslties are shown on Sheet 2, (b) Street pattern, width, and gradlenEs are shown on Sheet 3. (c) Sheet I shoss exlstlng devel.opnents. (d) SoLl types and classlfications are described on Sheet 4. (e) Geologlc sol-ls, wlldflre, sil-dllfe and vegetatl-on are described on Sheet 4 and ln Sectlon 3.. 4.OL.OZ A letter reguesting review along with the ftllng fee accom-panies thl-s subEittal. (a) The name of the developmeut Ls Highland Meadows Filtng 2. (b) DoDestic water service, treatEent and dlstribution lsdescrlbed in Sectlon 2. (c) Sewage collectLon and dLsposal is descrlbed in Section 2. II. ZONING RESOLUTION REQUIREHENTS Since lllghlaod Meadows Filtng 2 Is a Planned Development, the following lnformation is required by the Zonlng Resolutlon: 3.11.04 (c) (1) See Sectlon 2, ProJect Description, for reason lllghland lfeadows Fll,lng 2ls being subnlcted as a Planned Devel- opEent. (2) and (3) Sheet. 2, Sketch Plan, shows layout of stree! Fartern. A11 roads uill be dedicated to t.he councy. (4) Section 2 descrlbes opeu space use. (5) Sheec 3 shows proposed drainage and grading. :.I {-- T Irl 3 .c'a 3 3..t 3g ?c fl (6) Section 2 describes proposed utlltty servLce. (7) No comercial use Ls planned. '(8) Sectlon 2 descrlbes relatlonshlp of proposed develop-Eent to surroundLng areas and master plan. (9) Propo sed schedure of developnent is outlined in sectr.on z. (10) A draft of proposed covenants and restrictlons is contalnedln Sectlon 4. (11) The EnvlronmenEal lnpact of the proposed developnent isdescribed ln Section 3. (12)r(13)r(14) fnpact on school systen, estLDated demands forcounty servlces, and proJected tax revenue ls descrl.bedLu Section 3. (15) Highland Meadows Fillng 2 contalns all duplex lots rrhlchwill be developed by the indlvldual buyer. ArchLtecturalcontrol silI- be thru the protective covenants and Archi_tectural Revlew Connpif tee. (16) See Section 2 for inforoation on fire protectlon. (fZ1 Saroe as 15. I lr,I 'lI ?i a SECTION 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION I. PROJECT LOCATION The uaJorlty of the site bas been platted asNo. 3. Ihe roads have been rough graded anddedlcated County Righc-of-Way. Utilitles andhave not been constructed. Ihe renainder ofpreviously proposed !{atterhoro Vlllage Fl-liog PROJECT OBJECTIVE Highland Meqdows Filtng 2 i.s a 32 acre planned Developoeut located about2000 feet southeast of the h-est Vail iaterchange on r-7o. - rt ls ,rtrnoedi-ately south of va1l vlllage west Fll lng I and 2 and northeasterly ofHtghland Headovs. Vail Vlllage West FilinggeneralJ.y falL withln thedwelling unl,ts, houever, Ehe site lles sithln the 2. II, The lnrent of thls proJect lsecononic level-s of the rnrrket. Wlrh a ltrlted availability ofproposed lots should hel.p neet III. LAND USE to provide hone sites aimed at the higherIhlrty-three duplex lots are proposed. home sl.tes in Vai1, the addLtlon of thesethe long teru housing needs of the area. rhe Planned Development approach ,oas chosen in order to best utlrr.zethe buildable area. rhe exlscl-ng road pattertr wirl be rnaintai.ned sothat addltional road scar will be ulnimlzed. The slope of the landranges from around 152 to over 4oz. rhe proposed sketch plan has 66duplex unLts for an overall denslty of 2 units per acre. The recordedvall vlllage llest Flllng 3 plat contaLns 4 Lots and 4 tracts which areintended for condomlnlum construction. The approved denslty for therecorded plat exceeds the nelr proposed density. opeo space comprl.ses 362,of the proJect area. Because of the terrain,use of the open space rrL11 be Llmlted prloarlly to hiklng. Ilowever,all resldents will have access to the facilitlls on Hlghiand Meadows.open space will be contalned Ln the individual lots anJ plarted as openspace easements. Highland Meadows Filiog 2 rs cornpatable sith the surrounding develop'en..Highland Meadows, vaiJ. village wes! Filing I and 2 and Hatterhorn vilLageFillng 1, all residential deverop'engs, border the site on the easE andnorth. National foresE land adJclns ihe pr6pert'. on rhe south; unplarredland borders the site on the east. The proposed developnenc conprreswith the Eagle county xas.er plan and r€presents a reductr.on in densityfrom rhe previously approved plar. it = =s l .i, e ,:5 --.:l H ;! H <lg gc g iiJ lq vI. 3 a 3;5 € '.9 3 -d IV. WATER SUPPLY Hlghland Meadows Flling 2lles rdrhin the Vall Village West lJa ter and Sanlcatlon Dlstrlct. The existing ltater dlstrlbution systeE I'n Vall Vlllage West Filing I and 2 urlll be extended to serve the proposed slte. Ihe Distrlct has a contract wl-th the Toran of VaiL for fire protectlon. SEWAGE DISPOSAL Sanitary sewer service wilL be tation Dlstrlct. The exlsting extended to serve the ProJect.flon system. provlded by the Upper Eagle Valley Sanl- selrer lines ia ValI Vl11age Ilest sill be Itre proposed sener llnes u111 be a gravlcy As prevLously .lndlcated, the roads thru the site fall wlthlo dedlcated RLght-of-IJay and have been rough graded. They are, however, not graded to present County Standards, Because of the steePness of the terral.n and the present locatlon of the roads, lt is not posslble to reconstruct the roads and conply entirely with present road criteria. To the extent posslble renedlal work w111 be done to upgrade the exLsting road systeu. Grades up to 102 l-n some areas uill be required and short radlus suitchback w111 be necessary. sorne. crlb wa1ls oay be requlred. 11r e typlcal road, cross sectlon rri1l be 22r of Paveuent vlth 2t shoulder, the saoe as approved for Hlghland Headous. Ttre proposed upgraded road systeE ls shown oa Sheet 3. There are no naJor dralnage channels thru the sLte. Ml-nor surface draln- age across the slte can be easily handled by cul-verts and roadside ditches. Ttrere w111 be no over 1ot gradlng on the slte. Posslble bulld areas for each 1ot along with the driveway access are shoun on Sheet 2. Prellolnary so1ls lnvestlgations for chis sl-te indlcates conventional spread footing nirh allowable bearlng plessures of 2000 to 5000 psf nlll be feaslble. Decalled lnvestlgatlons rri1l be requlred, houever, for specific foundation desl-gn criEerl.a. VII. DE\ELOPMENT SCITED1JLE Road regrading and uEility constructlol are tenEatively scheduled for the su$rDe r of 1979. Building constructioo w111 probably extend for at least five years. tij ;l- .l J] SECTION 3 DRI,F'I OF ENVIRONMENTAI. IITPACT STATUHNNT 1) PHYSICAI IMPACT Hlghrand lreadows Fr-liog 2 cau be deveroped rrith littre adverse effectoD the natural environment. Soils aod dralnage are Dot a probrea aodgeologic hazard area ca' be avolded. The roaJs have pieviously beencut so there ill1 be 11ttr.e addttlonal scar from roadiay constructlon.some deterioratlon 'n a-bleot ar.r quality ,oay occur due to r-ncreasedauto eEissions. The followlng ls a descrLptlon ofrneDt on tl're physlcal envLronmenE. the Lnpact by the proposed develop-of the site. +'t a.Ia I t IIt It,E e. $SeJ:$: Three preliuLnary geology and soil invesrigatLooshave been uade for the area "o.'.r"d- by the prop"""i -JEverop- meDt. The first by Chen and Assocl.ates for ttre Val.l Vtllagellest Flling 3 Sutrdivis{on dated October ):O, tg72 and thereaaLnl.ng two by Thooas E, Suomerlee for the p.opor.a i.tt"._horn Village Filtug 2, dated November 15, 1973 "oa S.pt.rU er 24,L974. Tvo potentLal unstable areas llere ldeotl-f led by thesereports and the proposed. developroent has been excludei from thesehazard areas (see Sheet 4) Ttre sLte Ls generally covered vith unconsolldated slope uashn.-terLal overlying sandstoue bedrock. The depth of ulirock rsgenerally greater thao 10 to 15 feet. Soils iange fron loanto fine sandy loao overlyLng beavy loau, ,"rrdy ci"y io". o,clay loam. Soils are general.ly *.'' ar"irr"d.' orru'";;i"g exists,hovever, along the uestern. part of the site. foe prevlous geologrc and sor.ls investlgatl-ons have concludedthe property Is sultable for developuent except for the trropocentlal slide areas. The soLls are generally suitable forconventional spread footlng type foundations. b. HvdrgloBic: ?he project drains from south to north. surfacerunoff is prioarily overland flow wltb so*e rrater channeled iotoa shallop drarr thru the center portion of the site. A surallarea to the south dralos across the slte. Culverts and roadsldeditch L'111 be sufficient to direcE runoff thru Ehe proposed dev-elop;ent. slnce the slte ls several hundred feet above Gore creek, rt willnoE be subJect to floodlng. The proposed development shoul.d norcause any pollution of Gore Creek fron non polnE dLscharges. .-?a t-r:J .l.-. t-l=ri- +3 I i=3f€I I t€ .'(?:t;+-;!:ri:{l iH r+i.=_.=t i:=l Iiffi '-'i-! Eiln .il r:sa srFl tEH .!€ia =.-tl .==t;g :,4 --i? ... --q 3 c.Biotlc: Ttre slte ls prloarlly covered lJlth Aspen with ascatteriDg of Lodgepole pine and Blue Spruce. -ahe uoderstoryplant-s- in- the Aspen Lncl de Snowberry, Ground "l"ofp"i, So*'. Leaf Myrtle, Headow Rue, Hountaln ltaii", BIue l{lldrye, UountaloBrome and KeDtucky Blue Grass. Itr.re ar. several snall openueadow areas r*rlch contaln tufted hairgrass, sedges, ruaaeg,vheat grasses and blue grasses. IJildlife hablrat deoslty ln the vleinlty of the proJect has arelarl.ve Lndex of 3 (on a scale of I- to 10, rrlth 1 i.i"g fo,denslty) as classlfled 6y the cororado Divisron of l{tldlrfe.The developoent rrill have a below average iEpact on r.,LldlLfe.The uildltfe naJor mlgratory route Ls rmre than one ul.le southof this property. The proposed developuent is In a low fLre hazard area as desig_uated by the col0rado Dlvr.slon of Forestry. The exlstrng roadsthru the site will act as a fire break. Ttre Lnstallatl.on of apub,lt'c warer sysrern rr11 further reduce th" d;";;;-iJo-J .ro"oo-trolled fi.re. d. Atroo-spLer l-c: rn Deceober 1973 the Gore valley air basln wasstudied by Dr. Val R. Veirs of the physlcs O.p".tr"ii-of Cofo_rado college, colorado Springs, r.o uhich he tientui"a-"na q,r.rr_tlf 'l-ed the --j or- pollutant types and deveLoped eml,ssiou ratesof the naJor polrutant sourcls. rh.s" "ris"r.on rates sere uiedto deter'l'e the quantlty of roaJor pollutants vhlch can be ex_qegted to be generated by the restdents of Hlgbland HeadowsFiltng 2. rhe eorssl0n rates and total r-oads are su--artzed 1n the fo110rrlng tablel TASLE Sou rce Par t l-cu-lates Carbon Honoxide Ni trogen Ox ldes Hydro- carbonglbs,/da lbs/mtle 1bs/d (lbs/ licod Burning Fire- P 1a ces Unit Enlsslor ProJect Eois slon66 Fireplaces Au totro t lve Unlt ErLssioD ProJecr Feis s ioa 47,!, aj-/ lay roral, lb /day o.64 4?.3 o.22 14.5 .23529 111 .5 .00515 .o7765 8.4 42.3 llt.J r6. 9 8.6 ;J ::| a trJ t t-ir ;rr t ta IJ In be Pla day eEermlnlng these loads it was assuned that electrlclty ni1.lsed to heat the units, that each a,rpi"*- rsill have a flre_e, and that each unlt w111 generate 1.5 vefricle trlps peraveraging slx rnlles per tril. proJect ls lntended .to provlde close_Ln housLng and to :"_:::::t:f_1"ry1 for.tong tero houslng. rhe traJortryhe people rhat will resrde "t thr" a.""iipr."i=o;i;;i;r"r.ently erployed io the Vall area and oor- t.".r.t greater dls_es to vork, therefore, generating greater annoutrts 0f auto_1e pollutants. rhit of Prt mob Theair Poreff effects of close-lnquallty in the Gore housl.ng nay haveVaL1ey. Shur tle a rultLgatlng affect onbuses and publlc trans-also have a beneflclal 2) ECONOMIC c c a.oJroent: The Lntent of the project ls to provlde loDg tert!t:F _t:..:l_"_u:_*1.,i::r. - slnce .i"r. .*r"ts a demand for thlsof houslng l.n vatl, this pro5ecaliii-g"""rat1y serve peopleare presently enployed ln the area and it r.rtf1 ""t afr."aii' ::rrl;ri":.,J:0";^--T:_Lncrease ln the nunber of peopte 1lvtngest vail wil1, hovever, iucrease the denani-r* i""fi-r:;i::h nay Lncrease euployment in thls area. The facLlities forserw'l nac hr6-^--l- ---, --servlces presently exr.st near oa .aj"."rrt to the site. The teBporary direct construction ernployoent 1s estlmated to be l"tli^ j :l-Ii-":: I::: :llng- I 5 r"r i t r'"--" ;i";i;"-;-;;;"';";$1, 2AZ :99.0_ "f . f tnat - sales) . ru addtti"", -dJi. -;iii;:;rfi:. ::::I::":_:r_gr5rf9ar and sales p."pr"--""..;;;;J=;;1;: ::"":1:1.""d narketing. over "n ""s,rr"d fi;;-;;;; i"iia""l tlon between Vall and lfest VaiI wl1Ict on alr pollutiou. y provide enployment for consiructlon people already in t- oll cguLrtv servrces: counry servlces requlred for thiscE 1nc_lude rcad maLntenance and snow reooval, solid wasteal, and schools. An additloD of 0.6 miles of eounty maLo_d road uill be added to the present county road systeD l'ithproject. This wt11 be au tntrease of O.tiZ to rh; ;;t";i";iLe s;rs t ern. olid pas:e generated for the landf 1l-1 site is est{,n.ted totons annually under fully deveioped conditlons. who cre 1n wh1 al"1 Pe d, toraL consrrucrlon activlty ,outd arera;; ;"-;.-;^;;ii;:-s;;;;f i";.iof lDer ar EA rh 430 Us dis or the The be Lyons, Collins & Company,ict dated June 2, L977, thethe !li5,hland Mea<iovs Fil ing Inc. ts update ruerDo to che schoolprojected nuober of s tudents2 is:fr -.=4 rj 4ta -i9 .*'_-L =fa, : :t:f, =!-4-9. .44 students per dupJ.es unit Dls t r ib ut ion: EleDentary School - 402 Middle School - 342 Senior High School- 252 c.ProJected Tax Revenues: Theof county and sihoo-f revenuee = 29.04 srudents = ll .6 students - 9.9 studencs - 7.5 students folloving -is a l0-year projectloogenerated froo Highland Meadows Countv School I 2,102.00 $ 7,008.00 5,256.00 17,520.00 8,409.@ 64,o0o.oo 11,039.00 36,792.o0 Flltng 2: L979 1980 L981 L982 l-983 1984 1985 1986 L987 1988 I 13,666.00 45r552.00 15,768.00 52,560.00 L7,345.o0 57,816.00 L7,3t 5.00 57,816.00 17,345.00 57,816.00 17,345.00 57,81 6.o0 The follor*'ing assuuptions Fere oade for the above projections: (1) Estfuaated assessed value of each dupler unit _ SZ0,0O0 (2, llill levy: Counry services _ 13.14 oil1sSchool - 43.9 nills (3) Butldout schedule: L979 - 8 Unttsl9go _ 20 ir lggl _ 32 'l r-o82 - 42 1gg3 - 52 t, 1934 _ 60 rl 1gg5 _ 66 r' : : i. .: :---q i-d 3) SoCTAL TMPACT The uaJor areas of soclal impact are housing, schools, traffic andre creat L on. a. Housilg: The proJect wtll help f tr.l the need for close-ln, longteru housl.ng La the Var.r area. rtre 66 dwelllngs wr-rl house anestLEated 230 people. Thrs popuratlon represents about l.4z ofthe desired population of the Gore Valley Schools: This proJect r.s estlnated to generate 29 students. studentsrr111 attend vail Elenentary'school and the Doud Junctlou Mlddle schooland Hlgh school . rhese schools have been deslgned to handle thl,s in-crease. Trafflc: Approxirnately 0.5 nr-les of exr.sting road will be upgradedand added to the couoty road system. AssunLng 1.5 trlps p"r d"y p",unltr the developneot wlll generate a traff l-c load of 100- cars perday- Thls traffLc rsi.ll use the exlsting road (Alptne Drtve) thiuVall Vlllage llest Fi1ing I and 2. A rrafflc evaluation of the AlpLne Drlve was uade 1n connectlon rllEhthe Hlghland Headous developnent. This study lncluded the trafficgenerated froo the proposed Flling 2 development. Alploe Drive nasfound to be adequate to handle all proJeeted traffic loads. Nolse generated frou traffic uslng local roads has a nolse level bfaround 45-50 decibels. The addltLon of IOO cars per day Ln ustngthe existing road sysEerD wlll have llctle effect on tnrs nolse revel.The proJect ls located about l-000 feec froo r-70 and rrlll not be sub-Ject to interstaEe traffic nolse. Regreatlon: Many ouEdoor recreatr.on opportunr.tr.es exr.st r.n the Gorevalley and are avaLl-able to all resldenis. rn additlon, resl.dents ofIttghland Meadows Filing 2 will have the use of che proposed recreationfacillcies in Highland Meadows. b. d.3I i:- .g.4 .,,I4 ..:: =,ry "$ = a ts 3 SECTION 4 COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS The Covenants and Restrictlons for Highland s ame as for Eighland Headows SubdLvislon as Meadows Flltng 2 wtll be the approved by Eagle County. EAGTE C mnemnorendumnnmtereffnce To: Mel Atwe1l n County Engineer SubJact: Sheep Creek Road- Vacation thereof From: Beth A. Whittier, County Attorney&/ File No.:Date: August 18, 1980 I apo'logize for the lack of conmunication, if I am the one that shou'ld have communicated same to your office, but in response to your 'letter dated August 20, '1980 and addressed to Marvin t,l. Smjth with respectto the above-referenced mattern a pub'l ic hearing has been schedu'led before the Board on August 26, 'l 980, to consider the vacation of saidroad. This office has been in contact with several landowners who reside up Sheep Creek Road and they are tota'lly opposed to said vacation. I would appreciate your attendance at the August 26th meeting. If you have any questions, p'lease contact this offjceat Extension 242. I HoLy cRoss d..rcrRrc nssot^ATroN, rNC. r I3OT GRAND AVENUE P. O. DRAWER 250 GLEInVOOD SpRrNcS, COTORADO 8160r AREA CODE 303 945 - 549t 94s - 6056 .1 _r.t .; . : ,., ,..,.,,::,:.,: .- ,,,': ': :'',:: ': RECEIVEDMay 15, L978 l,.:- '- .., .. . "., ' - . :: . '::',,. : : .:,',.. -, : :, r."/.. J, rlaontng & Ddet.Department_of Planning e Development Easto courv, coro.P.O. Box 179 -: ..'' ,;;;i";-a"r"t"ao '8163L ", '' '' i', ' " ''" ' :, . ... .: :.:, :,.-.-. ,.: . .t.:.a.,:: , ;:..:.. t. .. ,..,,. t,: :,..,.: -,,. - . lt.:,'' :",,_,,,.. l,,l .,' - ' t . .: .- ... ,, ; ,. , :.; REF: - Ssp;105-78 , Uighland Meadows If'.'..|......,........'......|:...;...::. ..,..: : ., : .. : .,. : :, : ..: .: ; ... ,. GentLernen? ,i ' '' : :: :'.. : -, .. .l ., :-, , , .: The sketch plan for the above development does not showany intended utility easements. :' r :: ,r'.' ' ' ;., ', ,,If the electric service is to be overhead, a ten (IO)foot utility easernent shoul-d be provided on the interiorof al-l lot f-ines, including those bordering on street,sandroad,s. ,l.',.,,I' : . :.. . , t. .,, ,,,.a,If the eLectric service is to be underground, a seven-and-one-half (7.5) foot utility easement should be .provided, on the interior of alL lot lines including ' those borderilg on streets and roads. ' : : ' ''''',; ' "t'SincereJ-y, HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. , Engineer I.lnrr,/tz cc: File:Eagle P&Z RICHARD D. LAMM GovERNoR (=6wffi COLORADO GEOLOGICAT SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NAruRAL RESOURCES 715 STATE CENTENNIAL BUILDING _ 1313 SHERMAN STFEET DENVER, COLORADO 80203 PHONE l3(xr) U:r9-26r 1 JOHN W. ROLD Director GEO STORY OF THE PAST . June L, 1978 LOGY . . KEY TO THE FUTURE NTCflVED JUN 2 t97g ospL Ot planfling & 0sysl,r|8& h{Or r-{lMr. Michael S. Blair Eagle County Department of Planning and Deve'lopmentP.0. Box 179 Eag1e, C0 81631 Dear Mr. Blair:RE: Ssp-105-78/ HIGHLAND MEADOIdS #2 lile have reviewed the information submitted with this app'licat'ion and also a'll previous app'l ications that covered portions of thisproposed subdivision. We find that this proposed p1at, for the most part, takes into consideration the geologic constraints ofthe area and we therefore have no objection to approva'l of this sketch p1an. hle do recomnend that for the preliminary plan that an engineeringgeologist review all previous soi'l s and geologic information and make recommendations as to the compatib'ility of this new plat tothe geologic constraints. This should inc'lude cuts and fi'l ls and grades on the existing roads and proposed new roads, andpermissible cuts for access roads and foundations. Sincere'ly, L. R. Ladwig Engineering Geolog'ist LRL/vt cc: Land Use Conrmission ( (EAGTE COUNTY Department of Plannlng Box 179 EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMtssloNERs328-6809 ADMINISTRATION324-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER949-4292 ASSESSO R328-6593 BUILDING I NSPECTI ON328-6339 CLERK &RECORDEREaqle 328-6377BFiaR 927-3244 COUNTYATTORNEY328-6674 ENGINEER328-6337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH328.771e EXTENSIONAGENT328-6370 LIBRARY328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTHEasle 328-6594Vail 476-5844 PLANNING328-6338 ROAO & BRIDGE328.559 | SHE RI FFEaqle 328-6611Ba5€lt 927-3244Gllman 827.5751 50ctAL sE RV lCES328-6328 TREASURER328-6376 E Developnent May 9, l97B Rer Flle No. Ssp-f05-78 Hlghland Headows #2 Appllcant: :Hlgh county Devetopment 1860 Lincoln Delv3r, Co. 80203 Enclosed herewlth ls a copv of an apol lcatlon and plan submltted to the Eagle County Plannlng Corrrml ss lon for review and recommendatlon at thel r reqular meetlnq on2l June 1978. In accordance wlth C.R.s. 106-2-9, la6-2-33 and 106-2-34, 1963, as amended and Eagle County Subdfvlslon Regulatlons Sectlon 3.05 and 3.07, as amended effective I August 1976, you are reoulred to recelve the plan, and you hbve 35 davs from date mailed wlthln which to resoond or the olan wlll be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Plannlng ConrnIsslon would sincerely appreclate your cornmen ts and recommendattons a fevr days prlor to the meetlng date. lf you deslre additlonal lnformatlon ortlme please advlse thls offl ce ln wrltlnq. Thank you very much, 7n";,t--!.J. Bte Hlchael S. 9lalr D I rector FILE # --@=J-o-5:-Z&- EAGLE CO. PLAN. CdMM. RECORD COPY MEEfl Nc oF ./tw-2r-..... fls B1_tk f e cERrrFrcArE oF REFERAL f ? Eagle county,\ol-\- ado planning com$rsss.r FlJle Nol Ja{, _ /O5- 7y c.ertlfl catlon ls bereby made that a copy of qn Eppllcadon submltted and glven the aboveFlle No. was entered into the U.S. Mails, or hand delivered, on ? -VUa iif-totheofftces/personsasltstedhereon,Pages,of,,."'''."k@ Eagle County Sani tarian Eagle County Engineer (tl 6. Holy Cross Electric Asstn 42 7. Colorado Mtn. College Dist. --OL 8. U.S. Soil Conservation Service_v- -...9L- 9- U.S. Bureau of Land Management _& 10. Colorado River Water Consv. Dist. --aL 11. -'Div. of Water Resources B.Applications in Basalt Area:1. Town of Basalt P lannlng Representative Sclpol Diatrict REIJ Basalt Water Consv. D ist. Basalt Rural Fire Dist. Ba.salt Water and Sanltailon otst. Colorado Dlvision of Wildllfa U.S. Forest Servlce , _9.Mqrntain Bell Telephone Co. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas Certifler's Slgtrature : Eagle County Airport Authorl ty Colorado Division of Witdlife U.S. Forest Servlce Eegle Valley Telephone Co. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas D.,Applications in Eagle-Brush Creek to Edwards:1. Town of Eagle 2. Eagle Sanitation District Colorado Division of Wildlife U.S . Forest Service Eagle Valley Telephone Co. Rocky Mtn. Natrral Gas School District RE50J GAppllcations In Upper Eagle Valley:1. Town of M infum 2. Town of Red Cllff 3. Upper Eagle Valley San. Dlst. 4. Eagle-Vail Metro Distrlct f^4- 3. 4. E o. 7. 7. School Dlstrici RE50J .lqrett*r*3'r" 883ffi"t ffii tatltni l"| ct: 1. Scl-ool Dlstrict RE50J 2. School District # 1 US Forest Servlce (Eoglo) US Forest Servlce (Mintum) Eaglo Valloy Telephone Co. 6. Yampa Valley Electrlc E.Other Agencies (where appropri ate) Other Dlst. (none at present time) Sclpol Distrlct RE50J Colorado Division of Wildlife U.S. Forest Service Mtn. Bell Telephone Go. Public Servlce Co. of Colo- Westem SlopE Gas )./. Town of vall l1'-- Vail Vlllage,WeEt Water & San. Lions Ridge Water Vail Village West Fi re Vall IntErmountain Water Vail Sanitation Dist. School Dlstrlct BE50J Colorado Divislon of Wlldlife U.S. Forest Servlce Mtn. Bell Teleohorp Co. Public Servic€ Co. of Colo. Upper Eagle Val ley Sen. FILE #. EAGLF CO. Pl3N. COMM. RECORD COPY 2- 3. 4. 5. 6. 7- 8. 2. 3. 4. 5. A e 4. 5. 5. 6. 7. ,8. 9. 10. ..-z^z .--,-r"Z;---2-:*' ;* .a/*. t"a.ti.tppllcatlons lri Gore Valley - Vail Area: & i -4!- 1' -]E-- z- ouTe-$- a.o{--42 ,. 4/_s.$--a.$-_ t. $-a'-lr e' -+!---1o'LL 't't.vW- 'rz- +-13' a- 1. Colorado Dept. of l{ ighways 2. Colo. State For€st Service Y,iErrNG oF a'-w:.1.t..-. @lr t anot icatlons refered 1o: hlL 1. Colorado Geological Survey ll2- 2. Colo. Department of Health_f- 3. Colorado State Englneer_'_- C.Appllcations in Gypsum Area: 1. To,vn of G)psum EAGN.E C&ItrIUTY Oepa r trren t of Planninn n^- 17(|!,,. | , .I EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTYco r,4 M ls5 toN E Rs328.6809 ADIdINISTRATION328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER949-4292 ASSESSO R328.5593 BUILDING I N5PECT ION328.6339 CLE RK &RECORDEREaqle 328-5377Bai;alt 927 -3244 COUNTYATTORNEY328-6674 ENG IN EE R328-6337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH328-771a EXTEN SI ONAGENT328.6370 LIBRARY328.7747 PUBLIC HEALTH Ea qle 328.6594 V ail 47 6-5A44 PLANNING328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE328.6591 SHERI FFEaqle 328-66 | |Baialt 927 -3244Gilman 827.5751 50ctALsE RV I CES328.5328 TREASU RER328-6376 I llevr: I o,lmen t cr flev j.t. | 1173 llloh Countr,v fevelopr,ient l36o Lincoln lienver, Co.'lC20j pe: Fi le ilc. Ss;..-li.=-71 - rri6,hlsn.t Ic..:Co..rs .jt? | The Technical P.ev I e.r Cornrni ttee for Eaole Countv (a groun of technlcal advisors f rorn varlous nu!:l ic anencies) revie'.,od ),our atpl ication on 25 l'lav l:.'7t1. 11..y offered the fol lowlnq conrnents to you and the Plannino Conmlss.ion for consiclerationof aporoval ancl use of the .rronerty: l. The anpl icant has tal<en orevious geoloqic studies Into consideratlon. Thls is ecc:ptahle for the s!'.etch nl'nstage. At orel ininarv nlan stane, thc anol icant sh,rul d have a Jreolocic end soi ls re'.rl e,.t, undating and consol i- datlng the thrcc nreylotrs reocrts.2. The sol ls en.l neolonic consul tant sirotrlci revier.r tl'e roads to Ceierninc if tire nresent cuts and fllls are' conpetible "ri th the eeolonic and soils conditlons endlf there are anv irnnrovenents necessarv.3. The densitv and use is consistent r.rith tire area end the plan ls a lreneral inorovcment over the tlai I !/i I lacetGst f 3 pl at orevious lv done for the area and s ince exp I red .!. log control ls necessarv. 5. There should be o2en space areas that are rore oaneral ly usable rather than havino all ooen soace be iust the steeper, more inaccessl5le rreas.(,, The ratio of lot sloces vs. lot sizes shorrld he ceternineC. 7. The aoaropriatcness c' Illl' qraCes on tlre existing roadsls qucsticnahle. These corxren is sri I I l-.c fo rr,ra rdcc.l to the Count./ Planninn Deot. and Plannine Cornmlssion for conslderation at thelr "nee.tino on2l June 1973. lf you have an.r cuestions, please ccntact thls office. N Planner CT ( ^-,l '-t'/ \(e{ Tlil.ik Doard of County Corrniss ioners EAGLE E@E.JEUTY Department of Planning P. 0. Box 179 EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTYcofn M tssl oNE Rs328-6809 ADMINISTRATION328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER9494292 A55ES50R328.5593 BUILOING INsPECTI ON328.6339 CLERK & RECO RDE REaqle 328.6377Baidlt 927-3244 COUNTYATTORNEY328.6674 ENG I NEE R328.6337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH328-771A EXTEN 5IONAGENT328-6370 LIB RA RY328.77A7 PUBLIC HEALTHEaqle 328-6594Vdil 476-5844 PLANNING328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE328-6591 SHE R IFFEaqla 328.661|Baialt 927 -3244Gilman 827-5751 soctAL SE RVI CEs328-6328 TREASU RE R328.6376 C: and Development .C: 23 June 1978 Hi gh Country Development 1860 Lincoln Street Denver, Colorado 80203 Re: File No. Ssp-105-78 High'land Meadols #2 PUD Sketch Plan At their continued meeting on 22 June 1978, the Eag'le County P1 anning Commission recorrnended that the developer proceedto the preliminary p'lan stage of the PUD for H'ighland Meador'ls #2. This recommendation wil'l be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners at their meet'ing on 28 June 1978, beginning at 9:00 A.M. in the County Commiisioners Meeting Room-#103,- 550 BroadwaJ, Eagle, Colorado. If you have any questions, p'l ease contact this offjce. Terri l'l Kni ght Acting Director of Planning TKlkp cc: Board of County Commissioners; Leroy Tobler, KKBNA Tim Gartonf {,tf' t.I Fi €$ut{TV ftment of Planning I Box 179 fcolonaoo aroarI , (., and Developnent (- 6 Ju'ly 1978 High Country Development 1860 Lincoln Street Denver, Colorado 80203 Re: Fi'le No. Ssp-105-78 - Highland Meadows #2 . Sketch Plan At their special meet'ing on 28 June 1978, the Board of County Cornrnissioners approved your sketch plan and directed the app'l icantto proceed to preliminary plan stage and to utilize the existingroad system to the extent possible with changes to upgrade roadito better conform to County Road Standards. The Board a'lso directed that the comments contained .in the Technical Review Committee letter of 30 May 1978 be taken jnto account in the prelim'inary p1an. If you have any guestions, pl ease contact this office. J )/ 4-t /=4,\za nry /Terrill Knight' /Acting Director of Planning TK/kp Board of County Conmnjssioners Tim Garton Leroy Tobler/ KKBNA F COUNTYION ER5 IsTRATION4 SHELTE R 6377-3244 RNEY '74 IEER37 IONMENTrHl8 ,lSlONr70 ,RY87 'UBLIC HEALTHEaqle 328-6594Vail 1176-58214 PLANN ING328.6338 5ft1?r1 BRTDGE SHERIFFEaqle 328.661IBaaalt 927-3244Gitman 827-5751 \soclAL 5E RV rcEst c ^_ ("(, LOCAL GOVERNMENT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS, 445 Union Boulevard, Suite 123 (6th and Simms) hDenver, Colorado 8o228 l{EC5tV (303) 986-rss7 t:- INC. ED June 30, 1978 JUL 3 t9Z8 *\ii,'';;i:,;1 ;,X;",Eagle County Department ofPlanning and Deyel-opment P.O.. Box 179 Eag1e, Colorado 8L631 Re: VAIL VILLAGE WEST WATERq sAN. DrsTRrcT -Water Service to Highland Meadows #2, Serving Approx-inately 66 units. GentLemen: The above referenced proposed developnent lies withinthe boundaries of the Vail Village West Water S San. Districtand the district is obligated to provide water service to it. The Vail Village West Water Q San. District can and willprovide water service for the development. As a technicaL matter,the provision of this water will probably be via a contract withthe Vail Intermountain District in which we will purchase thewater from them to serve this property. We are nost excitedabout--the opportunity presented by Highland Meadows #l_ and High-land Meadows #2 to connect the Vail VilJ.age West l{ater Q San.-District with the VaiL fntermountain Water District, movingsornewhat cLoser to an integrated water systen in th6 Gore CreekVa11ey. fn brief sunnary, Highland Meadows #1 wiLL lie withinthe Vail Intermountain l{ater District and be served, via a Longnain line extension frorn Vail Intermountain subdiviiion along - the south frontage road into the developnent. Main lines willthen extend frorn HighJ.and Meadows #1 into Highland Meadows #Zand water will be punped, via a lift station, into a tank to belocated in Highland Mead.ows #2. This storage facility will bec-onnec-ted, via a pressure reducing valve, to the Vail-Vi11ageWest Water 6 San. District water system. In essence, this - arrangement will provide additional water storage facil.ities forboth districts, it wiJ.1 provide arinterconnection between thedistricts, thus nore ful1y utilizing the capabilities of eachdistrict to back up the other. The developers are aware of the requirenent of the VailVillage West Water G San. District for the deveLoper to extendwater mains within the d.evelopnent in accord.ance with the d.istrictrsspecifications. Upon his conpliance then, with all applicable (, June 30, L978 Page 2 rules and regulations of the district, water service can and willbe provided. If you have any further questions, please feel free tocontact me. Sincerely, L VILLAGE I'IEST Local Govt. Mgrnt. Consultants, Inc.District Manager JPC/dh cc: Byron B. BrownFrank Barrett KKBNA EngineersHigh Country Development q r (' Inc. KETCHUM e KONKEL e BARRETT o NIGKEL . AUSTIN, Inc. o Coasultlng Engineers 7456 West sth Ave. . oenver, Cotr. 80226 r 303/232.6050 Angust 1-5, L978 l(r. TerriLL Knight, Acting Dlrector Eagle County Departmetrt of Planoiag & Developnert Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 81531 Dear Mr. Kntght: Attached are the prelimlnary water aysteu desLgn plans for the Berry Creek Fl.J.lng No. 1 f lnal pLat. These plans were prevlously submltted wlth theprellninary p1an. Thes e pLans are ln accordance wlth the eubdlvision re-gulatlons, page 37, artLcle 5.04 water supply intlicatlng tha! Itdesigns sutmltted with the flual plan sball be at preLiulnary eagiueerlag J.evels,sufflcleatly detal.led to perBit accurate cost estLrateatr. This has beenprovide<l for the project aad the attached plans are nearly flnal plans for the lrater system design. If you have any adclltional LnformatLon regardlng these matters pJ-ease coutact rue. Cordlal-ly yours, .2 p\ rtJ,t n, e. /f'dlA-- f,ero-f7E. ToblerItLET/pkl cc: Mr. Dlck Balley l4r. Fred Greea MicnE€t H. Earrstt Donavon D. Nickel Divid E. Aulrin Don I Pyle C. ;ame3 Erlckson Ho.€rd B. Erowning Marirn S. Oldtorcl Leroy E. Tobl6/ lohn K- Brr'tht Charl€s D. Kevor Jsmer R. Drere David O- Gillarple RobErt A. WBmiley r'J,,li!m E. O'NE6l nobed O. Scnfow tirlo S Ketcirum, Spccial Con3uitan! A. J. Flydn llgOE-19671 E. VBrnon Konkel (1923.19701 OF F ICES Glen@ood Spf in€3, Colo, Ftfle, Colo- UPPER" E,\qn E JPC/rlhcc: KKBNA EngineeriHigh Country De John V. AmatoCharles SpanelBill Cacek VAN.LEY S,TNITATNON 0145 Avon Road P.O. Box Y Avon. Colorado 81620 June 30, 1978 DNSTR.NCT. R,:Ciii/,fD JUL A,*;;;;r# +:( ! Davet colo. 1978 Eagle County Departnent ofPlanning and DevelopmentP.0. Box l-79Eagle, Colorado 81631 Re: File No. SSP-105-78Highland Meadows #2 Gentlenen: The Upper Eagle Val1ey Sanitation District is preparedto provide sewer service to the above referenced developnentproposed to serve approximately 66 units. As you know, the Upper Eagle Val1ey Sanitation Districtpresently has excess capacity to serve its own constitutentsand the district is in the process of a najor expansion, whichwill nore than double our treatment capacity. As you are awareat this tine, the district is also taking significant overLoadsfrom the Vail Water 6 San. District sewer plant to avoid thedegradation of the waters in Gorb Creek. Vail should conpleteits clarifier expansion late this fal1. Upper Eagle wilL- beginits najor plant expansion near the end of the year and Vail isexpected to begin its najor plant expansion in the spring of L980. The developer is .ar,sare that he will be required to in-sta11 certain nain Line extensions within the developnent in accordance with the districtrs engineering approvaL and inspec-tion. Upon the developers compliance with the districtts rulesand regul-ations and payment of appropriate tap fees, seurage treat-ment services can and wiLl be provided. If you have any further questions, please feel free tocontact me. ngvelopnent ames P.District Co l1ins Manager K(( RICHARO D. LAMM Governor C.J. KUIPER State Engineer DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES DepartmBnt of Natural Resourcas 1313 Sherman Stre€t - Room 818 Oenver, Colorado 80203 Administration (g)3) 8S.3581 Ground wator (303) 8S-3587 June 8, 1978 RECEIVED JUf{ I s t978 &nt,dphp61ggprrr,. hfb C6rdt, cdo. Mr. Mlchael S. Blalr, Dlrector Eagle County Department of Plannlng & DeveloFrnent P. O" Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Illghland Meadows 2, Sketch Plan Flle No. Ssp-105-78 Dear lvlr. Blalr: Thls is to acknowledge receipt of sketch plan mateilal for the above referenced subdlvislon. Thls property was origlnally platted as vall vlllage'West, Filing 3. The orlglnal plan would allow for a population densltygreaterthan that proposed tn this sketch plan. Water is to be supplied by the Vail Village Water Dtstricil however, no letter of comrnltment for servlce has been submttted. It appears that the District has adequate water resources avallable to serve this development. We recomrnend approval of the Htghland Meadows 2 sketch plan contingent upon the developer obtalnlng a letter of commihnent for water servlce from the Vatl Village West Water District. truly yours , ./^l ^A,il't^*bn* Jeris Danlelson State Englneer IAD,/GDV:mvf cc: Lee Enewold Land Use Comm. Eagle. Colordo 81631 Terrill Knight, Asst. County Elanner fo ?|e.g'te County Pla:rdng D,ept. Box 789&gle, Colorado 8]..63]- June 7, 1 R::::',flD JUN I 1978 Dept, !; l!an:1irrg & i.:cvsl lsgls countY, colo. Terr{1Ll The Hlghl-Ertd Meadovs #Z eketch pl.an proposeJ. r.ras srtmltted to the Fa,gle County SojJ- Conserration Dlstri.ct for revlew and corment. We hass no connents at th5-s tirne concernlng th:is proposal-o Sincerel-y, tn -l-6*"(-,vo**- Btrd. Gates, Presldent (#z' -----C"^h /() ^b''v HIGIILAND I.{EADOWS FILING 2 SUBDIVISION FOR ITIGH COUNTRY DEVELOPUENT MAY 1979 TABLE OF CONTENTS Inscrucclofls to Bidders Bld Forn Perfornance Bond labor and llaterial Paynent Bond Agreene nt Standard General Condltlons SuppleEentary CondiE ions rE sH xI sA! _9.!99-IE_I e{r_rcI s ExcavaElon and Eobankment Aggregale Base Course Drainage structures and Appurlenances Cu I vert,s Trench Excavatlon and Backf i I I Water Dislrl.butlon Sysceo Sanltary Sewer Urillty Trench Seedlng { IIIST'TUCTTOT.IS 1. 2, 5. TC rrIDOErtS P I\GF 1 II\STRLICTIOIJS TO BIDDERS OEF T T\ EO TER14S TERF'S IJSf O II'I TIIESE I!\ISTIIUCT IOiJ.S TO BIODERS WhICH AR€ OE. F INLC, IN Ttrf STAN0ARti GFNEtIAL CoIJCITIOTTS oF TtiE C0l.rSTrUCTI0lr coNl RAcT | ilsPE OOCUP]EtJT 1910-B ( 197.f EDITTOtJ) HAVE THE rE!N- INGS ASSIGT:ED TO TItEi.'I IN THE G.E[.,ENAL CONDITIO\IS. ::::1:::::::::_::_:l:::!: TO uEtIONSTRATE HIS OUALIFICATIOT,S FOR THE PFOJECTT EACH tsIDUER I'IUST SUBHIT IJf{ITTEl'I EVIOTNCE OF THE TYPES SET FORTH IN LONTRACTORS OUALIFICATIOI.I FORM IiIThIN 5 OAYS OF OI{NERIS REOUEST. EXAJ",INJATION OF COIITRACT NOCUI4EIiTS AIIO SITF BEF'ORE ST,,TIf''ITTING }IIS BIDI EACH BIDDfR tIIItST tA) EXAIT{II]E IhE c0NTRAcT DOCU!4E.NTS THOROUGHI Yr (81 VIsIT rhE SllF- T0 FA!t,ITLIAKIZE }IIMSELF I.JITH LOCAL COt\tDITIOf'IS THAT I,'!AY II\ ANY I'!ANIr[.R AFFECT PE'IFORHANCE OF THT b'ORKr (CI FA1uILlARITF HIT- sELF I.'ITH FEOERAL I STATE AIiD LOCAL LAI^'Sr OROIIIANCES! lULES ANC REGULATIOTTS AFFECTING PERFORI4AIICE OF rHE WORKr AlrD (Ol CAREFULLY CORNELATE HIS OBSE'IVATIOTIS I'JITH ThE REOUIRE'TE|\'TSoF IFE COijTRaCT OOCUI'|ENTS. REFERCNCE IS FADF TO THE GTNTRAL REOTJIREI4ENTS (OIVISION TI OF THE SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE IDENTIFICATIOTI OF YHOSE SURVEYS AND ITIVESTIGATION REPORTS OF SUBSTIRFACE OR LATENT PHYSICAL COIIDITIOtTS AT THE SIIE 0F OTIIEFL/rSE aFFECfIl,iG PER- FORFANCE 0F THL XCRK IHICH HAVE BEEN FELIED UrrON BY ENGI|\|EERIN FFFPARING THL ORATIhGS ATID SPECIFICATIOIIS. O}IIIER.JILL TUIAKL COPIES OF SUCH SURVEYS AND REPORTS AvAILIBLE TO AIJY btOUER REOUESTING THET" EEFORE STJBI'IITTING HIS BIO EAC}I bIOt/ER LJILt-r AT HIS Ol{ll EXPEtiSE. I"AKE S(rCH AOOITIOhAL SUR- VEYS AIID ITJVESTIGATIONS AS HE I4AY OEEH NECESSIRY TO DETER-HtNt HIS BID PRICE FOR PERFOFI'AI.'CE OF THE WORT WIIHIN TI,IE TERt{S OF THE COItIRACT OOCUI,iENTS. THESE CONTRACT OOCUIIENTS COruUTU A PROPOSEO CONSTRUC-TIOIt !.,ORK SCHEDULE. T}.IE BIDOER SlIO('LN THOROUGIILY FAIIILIAR.IZE FII.ISELF UITH THIS SCHEOULE FECAIJSE OF THE ITECESSITY TI]AT CERTAIN ITEIlS OF bJORK I'ITIST BE COI{PLETEO I.ITTHIilI A OEFINITErIHL PERIOD. THE SUBI,| ISSI0N 0F A BI0 t{Il L CONSTITTIIE /tN ItlC0hTRO- VER'I I'rLE REPRESENTATIOTJ BY THE PInOER THAr HE HAS C0lrPLIE0liITh EVFRY RE0UIREt'IENT OF THIS ARTICLF 5. 3.1 3.2 3.J 3.7 It. Ii'STRLicTIOwS TO RI0oERS PAGF 2 INTLRPRETATIOiiS ALL GttESTI0NS ABGUT THE MEAI'l TNG 0F lt,fENrT oF rhE CCtTTRACT DOCLFEiITS SHALL BE SU6PiITTED TO EIJ6INFFR II! IJFITIIIG. RE.PLITS IJII.L BE ISSUTD BY ADNEt.IDA I{AIIED OR NELIVERED TO ALL PART IES RECOROI-L 8Y ENGIIJEER AS HAVII,IG EECEIVEO ThE BIDOINGDOCLI,ENTS. OUESTiOI.IS RECEIVED I. Ess THAN FIvE DAYs PRIoR To TF'E CAIE FOR OPEI.iING OF BIDs I.IIT L T\ioT BE AIJSwFRED. oNLY CLEsTIONjS AfvshERI.O BY FORiIAL I{RTTTEN AooEiTDA UILL 6E aIND.Ii\G, ORAL Af.JO OTHFR INTERPRETATIONS OR cLTRIFIcqTIoTJS I.IILL BE hITHOUT LEGAL EFFECT. 8TO SECTJRITY rHE AMOUNT AI{D TYPE OF BID SECURITY IS STTTEO IN TITE TI.IVI- TATICN TO BIO. THE REOTIIREO SECUF ITY T4UST RE IN ThE FORI{ OF A CERTIFIEC OR EANK CASHIERTS CHECI{ !'IANE PAYABLE TOOINEII OR A. BIO BONO ISSUEO BY A SIIRETY LICETJSEO TO COIiOUCTEUSTIESS IN ThE SIATE IjHERE THE PFOJECT IS LOCATFO ANO NAI4EOIN TFF CURRENT LIST OF 'SURETY CO',IPAI.IIES ACCFPTAFLE ON FEULRAL BONOSI AS PUBLISHEO IN THE FEOERAI- REGISTFR 8Y THEAUOII STAFF BUREAU OF ACCOUNTST U.S. TPEASURY OEPARTFIENT. THE 8IO SECURITY OF THE SUCCESSFUL BINDER YILL 8E RET^IhJEC'trtiTlL HE HAS t.XECUTEO THE AGREEpEt\tT AUD FtJRt\tISHED fHE RE- OUIhEO CCIvTRACT SECURITYI !HEREI,PoI'j IT !JILL BF RETURNEo. IFHE FAILS TO EXECUTE ANO OELIVER THE AGREEMENT ANO FURIIISH THE FEOUIREO CONTRACT SECURITY I.'ITHIN 15 NAYS OF ThE'JOTICE OF ATARDT OhN€R IIAY ANNUL THE NOTICE OF ANARD ANO THE BIT)SECI.,RITY OF THAT BIOOFR I{ILL BE FORFEITEO. THE 6IO SECURITY OF ATvY BIDOER WHOI{ OI,f.IER BELIEVFS To HAVE A RFASoNABLF CHA|ICE OF RECEIVING THE AI,ARD tlAY BE RETATTUEO BY OIJNER UNTILTFE EARLIER OF THE SEVENTH OAY AFTER THE FXECIITED AGREEYEfuTlS I,ELIVERED BY OhNER T0 CONTRACTOR ANn TltE REQUIREO cON-IRACT SECURITY IS FURNISHED OR THE SIXTY-FIRST DAY AFTEp T}IEBIO CPENIF'G. BIO SECURITY OF OTHER EITJOERS IJTLL BE RETURNEDIIThIN SEVEN DAYS OF THE SIO OPFNING. CONTFACT TIfiE 5. 6. 7. rFE IIJIIBER OF DAYS FOR THE COTPT ETIOT! OFTII.ItI IS SET FORTH IN THE BID FORI" ANY LIOUIOATED OAHAGE.S ARE SET FORTH IN T}.IE SUBCCNTRACTORST ETC. UOPK (THE COXTRACT PROVISIOIIS FCR coNTRACT oocUFEriTS. IF THE SUPPLEI'IENTARY CONDITIONS OR SPECIFICATIONS RE.CUIRE THE IDENTITY OF CERTAIN SUECONTRACTORS AT.IO OT}tER PER- SCNS ANO ORGANIZATIoNS TO BE SI,JFIIITTEn To o!.,NFR II: ADVANCEOF IFE NOTICE OF AUARO I THE APP,OPFXI I. OW SIOOFRI AtiO ANYCIHER BIODER S0 REoUESTEOT TJILL LrIrHIhr SEVEN oAyS AFTER THEOAY CF THE BID OPENING SUBI4 IT TO OI{NER A I. IST OF ALL SUi1. CC:\,I RACIORS Ar\O OTHER PERSOTJS AI\O OR6A!.IIZATIOI:S ( II.CT TIOING TFOSE IiHO ARE TO FUFi,JISH THE PR INC J PA1. ITF!4S CF FATER T AL AIID 7.t { I 8. "rST'{UC'l Iot'\rS T0 9I0DERSF.IGE 3 L0rJrFi.lENTl PRnPoSLti FoR THOSE FCRTIOtiS 0F TtiE ij0h:k: AS T0 I./IiILF SUCI] IOtI'ITIFICATIOIT IS SO RFOTI IREO. SUCH LIST.SIIALL IJE ACCOihPAII ILO 8Y AT'I EXPERIEI.JCE STATEPIENT t,,,ITX PfRTI[trNT 111pLllrATtON AS TO SIt4 ILAR PROJECTS Al,n 0THER EVIOEI;CF 0F AUALIFICATION F0P. EACH SUCH SULqC0nTTRACT0RT PERS0tl ANC CH- GAI.IIZATICN IF RECUESTEN BY OWI:EF. IF OUhIFP OC ET..iGINEFP AF TL'i OUE I hVLST I GAT IOI\I HAS PE ASOI\IA8LF CB.JECT ION TO A!Y PRCI' FOSLC SUBCOI"TRACTORI OTTJER PERSOTi OR ORGAIJIZATIOIJI HE T'IAY bEFIRE 6IVII.;G THE IIOTICE OF AWAFO REETIFST THE APPARENT LOU €tIOdER TO SIJBHIT AI.J ACCEPTAFLE SUFSTITUTE KITHOUT AN Tf.I- CREASE IN HIS BID PRICE. IF THT APPARENT LOI.I BIOOER DE- CLII'Eq 19 !.AKE ANY SUCH SUBSTITttTI0NT HE ''.lILL f!0T THEREBY SAC,{IFICE HIS 8ID SECURITY. AI.IY SUNCOIJTRACTORT OTIIER PERSON oR ohGATiIzATION SO LISTEO Au0 TO.r.JHorc Ol,,lilER 0R EllGIttEFR DoES A'OT f".AXE hRITTEN OSJECTIOIJ PRIOR TO THE GIVING OF THE I'IOIICE OF AhAR0 t{ILL BE 0EEFIED ACCEPTTBLF T0 0l,,luER ANO Ct'IGINEER. 7.2 IN COIJTRACTS I.JHERE THE COI.'ITRACT PRICE IS ON THE BASIS CF CCST OF THE IJORK PLUS A FEEI CONTRaCTORT PRIOtl T0 THE f\OTTCF OF AIAR0T HUST IDEt\ITIFY IN hRITItJG To 01.JNER TH0SF PORTIOTJS OF THE }JORK THAT HE PROPCSFS TO SUBCONTRACT AI\IO AFTLR THE NOTICE OF AI'JARO I{AY OITLY SUBCONTRACT OTIIER POR- Tl0t!s 0F THE ..JSRK '.1ITH gr,llJERiS T,JRITTEil CO|JSENT. 7.5 CONTRACTOR SHALL NJOT BE REOUIRED TO FI{PLOY AIJY SU3- CCNIFACfORT OTHER PEltS0N OR OFGAT!IZATI0N -AGAII'lST tlHOt' HE HAS REASCIlABLE OtsJECT IOIJ. BIO FORH 8.1 9.2 8.{ 8.5 RIDS 8Y CORPORATIONS I''!UST FE EXECUTEN 'N THE CORPORATE fuAT.TE BY ThE PFESIUENT OR A VICE-PRESIOENT (OR OT}IER COR. PORAIE OFFICER ACCOI'IPANIED BY EVIDENCF OF ^(JTHORITY TO SIGNI ANO IHE CORPORAIE SEAL SHALL 8E AFFIX}-O AIID ATTESTEO BY TI.IE SECRETARY OR AIJ ASSISTANT SECRETARY. THE CORPORATE AOORESS ANO STATE OF IIICORPORATION SHALI. FE S}IOWN EELOI'I THE SIGiiA. rURE. THE BID FORFI IS II'ICLUOEO I1.' ACOITIONAL COPIES I'IAY T]€ OBTAINFO THE CONTRACT OOCI,JIqENIS. FROT.I EI,JGII,IEFR. IN IfuK Oq BY TYPEI.JRITER. FORF1 PIUST NF STATEO IN COIJFLICT r t{0RDS llILt- f AKE THE PARTNER. "UST APPFAR OF THE PARTNEfi- TI.IE SIGIIATTJRE. BIO FORI1S TTUST BE COHPLETEN THE BID PRICE OF EACH ITEI|I ON THE IiORL'S AIJO NUI,IERALS. IN CASE OF A PRECE OENCE. BIDS BY PARTNERSHIPS I"UST NE EXECUTEN IN SFIP NAIIE ANO SIGNEO BY A PARTITIFRT HIS TIrLE U!{OLR HIS SIGftATURE ANO THE OFFICIAL AODRESS SHIF HUST BE SHOhIJ BELOW THE SIGNATURF. 8.5 ALL f\JAMES I{UST BE TYPEO OR PRIf.ITfD BELOW {r.r,,u.rron,.T0 d l0tJEaSI:AGE I+ 9. 8.6 SUtllv, ISSIt)h CF tsICS EIOS SHALL BE SUBf.ItITTEO AT T}]E TII4E AItO PI.ACE IIIOICATED IN T}rE INVITATTOIV TO BIO Al.IO SHALL BE INCLTIOEO II'I AN OPAOUE SEALED ENVELOPET $ARKE0 WITH THF PROJFCT rITLF AiJO NAIE AIJO AOOhEsS OF THE BIUOER ANO ACCOTqPAI:ILO 8Y THE RID SECU'RITY AT.'JO CTHER REOUIRL,U DOCUI4ENTS. , 10,TODTFICATION AI{O TIITHORAI.IAL OF RINS: EIOs FlAY BE HoOIFIEO OR WITHORA!.,IJ BY ATJ APPROPEIATE OOCUT.TE}JT OULY EXECUTEO (IN THE PIANhlER THAT A BIO I'IIIST RE EXECI'ITEDI ANO CELIVEREO TO THE PLACE I.II]ERF BIOS ARE TO 8E SIJBH1TTED AT ANY TIYE PRIOR TO THE OPENING OF 8IDS. 11. OPENING OF BIDS TrrF EIC SItALL C0t'ITAIN ALL ADDLIJOA ( TIIE iJUI.tJEFS OF tiI0 FoRm). ATJ ACKI.ObLENGMET.IT OF RLCEII-.T OF I{IIICH .qI{AI-L BT FII LED IN JIJ TIIL FCR SIXTY OAYS AFTER T}IE OAY OF FiAYr Iil HIS S0l E DTSCREf l0!r r THE NID SECURITY PNIOR TO THAT IiIOS HILL BE OPENED AS INDICATED IN THE I\IVITATION TO BID. BIOS TO RIIIAIII OPENL?. 15. 13. 1 13.2 ALL BIDS THE E IO RELL A SE OATL. AIIAHC OF ShALL REI'IAII.J OPEN OPEt!ItJG r BUT OliNER ANY EIO AND RLTURN CONTRACT OHINER RESERVES TIIE RIGHT TO REJECT AI'JY ANO ALL BIOS ANo kAIVE ANY ANo ALL INFORITALITIFST allD rHF RIGHT To DIS- REGARD ALL NOIJCONFORI.ITNG OR COIJDITIOIJAL EIDS OR COUiITER PRO' P0SALS r IN EVALUATIIlG BIOSr OWIIER SHALT CONSTOER THE OUAI' I- FtcATIONs OF ThE dIDOEFS. I.IHETHFR OR NOT THE FIOS COMPLY hITH ThE PRESCRIBEO REOUIREHENTST AIIIO ALTERNATES ANO IJNIT FRILES IF FLOUESTEO IN THE BIC FOP['1S. HE T'TAY COI.,SIDER THE OUALIFICATIONS ANO EXPERIEIICE OF SUBCONTRACTORS AND OTHER PERTCNS ANO OR6ANIZATIONS ( IIJCLIIOING TT{OSE I.,HO AFE TO FUR- hISh THE PRIIJCIPAL ITEPIS OF lIATFRIAL OR EOUIPTENII PROPCSEO FOR THOSE PORTIONS OF THE tilORK AS TO WHICH THE IDEITTITY 0F SUBCCNTRACTORS AT'IO OTHER PERSONS A!,JO NRGANIZATIONS HIJST BE SUSFITTED AS SPECIFIED IN THE SIIPPLFPFNTA'IY CONDITIONS OR SPELIFICATIONS. HE PtAY COTIOUCI SIIC},I INVESTIGATIONS A.S I'IE OEEiv,S NECESSARY TO ESTABLISH THE RESPoNSIBILITYT OUALIFI- CATICNS AND FItJAt{CIAL ABILITY 0F THE BIOOFFST PROPOSED SU3- CONIRACTCRS ANO OTHER PERSONS ^fuO ORGANIZATIOI.IS TO OO TIIC hCRh IN ACCOROAIJCE I.IITH THE CONTRACT NOCU.,'E|.JTS TO OIiNER I S SATISFACTION IftTHIN TH: PRESCITIFEO TITE. OI.JNEF FESERVES INSTRUCTIONS TOGBIDDERS THE RIGHT TO REJECT THE BID OF ANY BIDDER WHO DOES NOT PASS ANY SUCH EVALUATION TO OI.INER'S SATISFACTION. 13.3 IF A CONTRACT IS TO BE AI'IARDED' IT WILL BE AI{ARDED TO THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER OR BIDDSRS WHOSE EVALUATION BY OWNER INDICATES TO OWNER TIIAT THE AWARD WILL BE IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF TIiE PROJECT. I3.4 IF TUE CONTRACT IS TO BE AWARDED, OWNER IIILL'CIVE TBE APPARENT SUCCESSFUL BIDDER OR BIDDERS A NOTI.CE OF AWARI) WITIIIN SIXTY DAYS AFTER THE DAY OF THE BID OPENING. I3.5 SU{ULTANEOUSLY WITI{ DELIVERY OF THE EXECUTED COUNTER. PARTS OF THE AGREEMENT TO O9'NER, CONTRACTOR, OR CONTRACTORS SHALL DELIVER TO OWNER THE REQUIRED CONTRACT SECURITY. 13.6 STATE APPROVAL OF THE CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR THIS DAU IS EXPECTED BEFORE THE DATE OF BID AWARD. IN TIIE EVENT STATE APPROVAL IS NOT OBTAINED BEFORE T8E DATE OF BID AWARD, CONSTRUCTION SHALL NOT COMHENCE BEFORE SAID APPROVAL IS OBTAINED. END OF INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS BID FORM TO Hlgh CounEry Deve LopoenE Genllenen: The underslgned hereby sEaEes chac he has carefully exarnlned lhe ProJect Manual, plans, speciflcatlons and other contract docurBents, has fully lnvestigated the locaCion, character, aod extenE of the work Eo be done and certifles that he ls fanlltar wlth the Eype of uork lnvo lved. The undersigned, 1n conpllance with your lnvitatlon for blds, hereby proposes Eo do work called for ln sald speclflcatlons, AgreemenL and as shown on satd plans, and to furnish all labor, naterials, Eools, construcElon equipnent, and all appurtenances necessary for the con- pletton of sald r.ro rk at t,he prlcea as shown on the actached schedules. { B sl DESCRIPTLoN UNIT QUANTTTY PRICE AMoUNT Unc . :sslfied Excavat lon Da.l,-..xrnentr8" c.s.P. Gravel Surfacing RIp Rap Seedlng 3/4" Servlce Ll.nel" Servlce Llne2" Service Line Service Taps6" D.I. P. I.later Ll.ne 10" D.I. P. l,tater Line5" GaEe Valve 10" Gate Va lveFire Hydran!. Warer Line over 302 H.P. Cas 6 Tele. Crosslng Clearing & Grubbing Seed lng Concrete EncasenentAir Release Va lveInported Pipe Beddlngrl Schedule B 0'-6' Cover 6r-gt 8 r-l0r t0'-12' L2'-14ll4r-l6l Over 16r 6 fL. Scandard Manhole ExLra Depth Manho les Clearlng & Grubbing Se ed lng Cut Off CollarsIl.P. Gas & Tele. Crossl.ng Sener Llne Over 302 Connectlon to Exlst. Sysceu Concrete Encasement Inported Plpe Beddlng4' Sewer Servtce Llne4' Sewer Servlce Wyes Schedule C Al I Schedu l es H.P. Gas & Tele. Crosslng EA.al Schedule A edule B - Water Dlstributlon ID SCHEDULI' c. Y. c. Y. Tons c. Y. s. Y. UNIT .t <_ EXTENDED TOTAL l6,700 l5 , 600L.F. t50 3,800 12,000 6 20.00 $ 24,215.00 I0,920.00 2,250.00 23,750.00 t 20.00 2,400 .00 800.00 $ 64,455.00 5 , 593.00 I,175.00 2 , 250.00 975. 00 l7 ,034 .00 17,145..40 l,l25.orl 765. 00 9 , 000 .00 3, 118 .50 350 .00 3 , 270. 00 240.00 1,250.00 1,400.00 300.00 5-6a,em:ft' 14,962.50 L4 ,37 2.7 5 8,283.00 9 t986.40 4 , 175. 00 3,687.95 2 ,640.00 3l ,50o.006,525.00 l4,230.00 940.00 8,510.00 I,t60.00 9,791.10 1,650.00 2 500.00- 300.00 1,930.00 150.00 $137,20Tm $265 , 740 .60 I .45 0. 70 15. 00 6.2s L. F. L.F. L. F. EA. L. F. L.F. EA. EA. EA. L. F. EA. AC. s. Y. L. F. EA. L. F. L. F. L. F. L.F. L. F. L.F. L. F. EA. v.F. AC. s.Y. EA. EA. L. F. EA. L.F. L.F. L. F. EA. 595 100 180 l3 I ,336 9r2 3 I 5 315 I 0.18 I,200 20 I r00 9.40 11.75 12. 50 75.00 t2.7 5 18.80 375.00 765.00 1,800.00 9. 90 350.00 0.20 62.54 I,400.00 3.00 r,425 I ,337 753 876 348 287 165 30 87 0. 82 4,7u0 23 2 989 3 40 100 193 3 I 800.00 0.20 I0.50 10.75 1t.00 11 .40' 12.00 12 .85 l6 .00 I,050.00 75.00 0. 20 370.00 580.00 9.90 550.00 62.50 3.00 10.00 50.00 .rl Sewe r rl Thls proJecr shall be dollars (9200.00) per day tL.. --fcer un! 11 Developoen!. In subultting this aod al I such bid,s drawn for a perlod bld it Ls understood that has been reserved and thls of thlrEy (30) days froro t.he rlght. to reject any bld nay no! be wlth- uhe openln! thereof. day llquidated danages wlll be charged for every the Job is conpleted and accepEed by H{gh Counrry tll/o_Y-__ -E.r*&.+--/22.Address of Bidder A,.rnd* CU,-=-A,Ja o I Dated day of this (-\J"/^ar- Atol'- Name of Bldder \J Tlt le { AGREEUEN'T RECITALS: owner hae caused to be prepared a proJect xanuar for the work herelo descrlbed,aod has approved ana aaoptea "rrJ i"n.r"r, and has;;";;; ro be publlshed anadver!reeoent for blds for atr" "on"iructron.of ro"a",-J."rnage scrucLures,nacer tra1ns and aeser lrnes for rhe Elghlana u.iJ."J'sJiir"r"ron Fllrng No. 2lu accordaoce rrlth the tertrs of rhis agreeoent. concractorr 10 response co such adver!lseoent, has suborcBed. to che owner,l:J:"";":fi; :lj"::r:*":::",p""iii"a, proposrtioi-in-j."o,dance wlEh rhe o*ne r has publlcly opened, exaurned, and canvassed the Brd Fon.s subultled,aod as a resulc of such canvass rras'auty awarded ,o -ii"-"-.ra contractor acontract therefor, for che srr,! or ".rr" n.r"a fn the ioial"",o.,s Bld Fora acopy thereof belng actached !o and -rJ" . par! of chis Agreeoenc. rn consrderatr.on of the compensacron to be pald to che coqEractor and of theautual agreeoenia herein "onc"lnud, che partl"" to thu"u Jand hereby asree, lhe o'oer r". ri".ii "; i;;-";;":;;:":t:ffr:;.til:.::::::for ltself' lcs successors and assrgns, as 6ec forch ln trre rotrorlng sectron. TERUS AND COMDITIONS Art'cle l. co[tractor shall furnleh all .labor, equrpoen., accesaorlee audEaEerlal , aad ehall perforu all nork nethe.rrroe'p";iJ--;;;"rded aod r,, " eooJ]"::;::I"::";:":::?:*":ilJ:":":::::.ready for u6e, and rn srrrcr r""or[ii"i slch rhe "p;"rii";;.ons as approvedaud fl.l,ed ln che offlce- of the fug.i -rupr.sen t.a E 1ve of t,he Ouner. Ttre:ff":::":';::: :;".*';::,:::"fi::""ij-i"." "oa-'"J"-i 0... .r lhrs agreeuenr Artlcle 2' o'nne r ehall pay the contractor the eun or surs due hio by reaeouot sard' falchful perfornance ot ctr"-roit, ". ".i..a-i.lJi"r" and lu thes'ounts certlfled by the Englneer, in accordance rrlth ii.'p.orr"rone of lheGeoeral condrrlone, and aa eer roirtr'ri an" arJ-ro-""""."f"pau0 by rhe orner.Artlcle 3. Ac the cooptetl0n .f rhe work and lts acceptance by the owner,arl euos due rhe concracror by reaaon oi rrr, r"i.r,iii-5.ioi..rr" of the worktallog rnto conelderarron addirrone to or deducii"."'r..Jr.ibv reaaon of arrerarlona or oodlflcaiioie or-rhe-o;lsi;; il:"ff:::":: l;t."reaao' of -Force Account' sorl aurhorrzed.uader ail-;;;"r;t 1o accordanceslrh che provlelone of che General coiJicrone, "iii ill';;;d='ch" coor"acror bythe Orrner ylBhln 30 daye "fcer said -iirpf"rfon and accepEance. { Artlcle 4' The sords -he-'or -hln- sherever used hereln ae referrlng to theColtractor shall be deeoed !o refer to eald Contractor, whether a coiporatlon, Parcnershlp, or lndlvldual, and t,hls conLraic aod all covenante and agree"er,t"thereof shall be bl.ndlng upon and for the benefit of the helra, .*"c,rior",adolnlscrators, succeBsore, and asalgoe of sald Contracfor. Artlcle 5. Any refereoce heretn to t.he -Agreeoenr' ehall lnclude allcontrac! documents included ln the projecE Hanual as speciflcally.ee! oucln lhe Genersl condlclotrs and are hereby oade a part of this Agreenent asfully as lf sec ouE at length hereln. Article 6. No csl c,hs tand lng any other provlslon hereof, 0wner Day at any ElEeassign lhis Agreeoenc !o any quasl-ounlctpal corporatlon organi.zed undei tle'laus of colorado, so long as such corporatloo assures ln urltlng Ocmerrsobllgatlons hereuoder. DArED: \o Io\l1:1 H r cfl Lgb fi RYs[U Eqgmemllorl By: OHNER: By: CONTMCTOR: Tirle This'letter is intended to describe the procedure Eagle County fee'ls should be followed in comp'leting constructlon of public improvements in Highland Meadows Filing No. l. First, a'll subbase work--that is, work be'low the aggregate base course--must be completed and approved by the County Engineer. This should inc'lude, but not be limited to, construction of adequate drainage, construction and/or repair of earthwork re'lated to road construction, jnstallation of all reguired uti'lities and revegetation of areas exposed by construction. A Iist describing in detail the work that must be accomplished should be made in conjunction with you and the County Engineer before work begins. Second, upon completion of the above-mentjoned work ard upon approval of such work by the County Engineer, aggregate base course may be placed on the nradways in accordance with the drawings and specifications. Following completion and approval of this work, paving can be comp'leted. A'l'l the above-mentioned work should be completed by a General Contractor who must take so'le responsibi'lity for guarantee and warranty of the work and to whom a'l I payments for work done will be made. This General Contractor must be covered by a performance bond and payment bond to protect the 0umer and Eagle County from subcontractor liens. When the construction is completed, approved and accepted by Eagle County, the sum of $63,000.00 wjll be released to the General Contractor. Any costs over and above the $63,000.00 witl not be borne by Eagle County and all liens against the public way must also be relinquished before this payment is made. Enclosed is a memorandum from County Attorney Beth Whittier which transcribes what she believes to be the status of Filing No. I as far as the sale of lots is concerned. This may be interesting reading. Mr. Tim Garton Kelton Garton and Associates P.0. Box l-705 Vail,Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Garton: EagJ-e County wtll pay Schnldt-Tlago Constructlon Company frou the $63,000 Letter of Credlt it collected in June 1980 for security for completioo of roads ln Illghland Meadows Filing Number One and VermoDt Road In FJ.ltng Number Tvo. The unit price contract pay est'lmete w111 be prepared by KKBNA, Inc.and submitted to me for approval-. Eagle County has received a letter from Mr. Jack Cookof Schnlilt-Tiago ConstructloD Conpany extendlng the contract 'nith Mr. Paul Van Winkle to be supervlsed by the Eagle County Englneer, SchnLdt-Tiago Construction Corlpany w1L1 asphalt the roads for $38.00per ton ln accordance vith Mr. TobLerrs letter of agreement for extension of the contract and the asphalt paving prlce. Any " additlonal work not lncLuded ln the unlt prlces will be neg- otlated with Schnidt-Tlago Construction Conpany ln accordance with the general condltlons of the contract dated June 22rL979. I can reconmend 8o the Eagle County ConrmLsslooers that the con- dltlons of the subdlviders agreemeat between Mr. Van Wiakl-e and Eagle Couuty dated May 23,1978 have been met on corupLetlon of saJ-d cootract approved by me. Any adilltlonal costs w111 not be borae by Eagle County. I wllL reconmend the plat restrlctton be removed fron the ltighland Meadows Plat wlth the filiog of a revlsed plat aad conpletiou of the roads and recelpt of a one year performance bond. Slucerely yours, EAGLE GOKNTV f,nteroffnee c mnemn@randumn Tol Eagle County Plann'ing Commission tuoj""t'stuff Recorrnendation for itens appearing on the 1.7 Sept 1980 Meeting From: Department of Corrnunity Development Flle No.:Date: 11 September 1980 Fi]e No. a. b. File No. a. b. Sm-193-80 - SLn Tech Builders Request: Minor Subdivision of fourplex lot in Highland Meadows Background: This application has been tabled to receive additiona'ljnformat'ion concerning water service.t ffi;lTl:d.tabling. No new information has been Su-114-80-F2 - The Valley Phase V Request: Final plat of four duplex lots Background: This request concerns 15 acres of'land in the north centralportion of The Valley P.D. Site specific plans were submittedat the pre'liminary plan stage.c. Steff 8eq9!!!Ffqdatj_on_: Recorrnend approval subject to improvements agreement concerning 6' shoulder construction along north side 6f Buffer Creek Roadn off-site road contribution and school land dedication. Su-119-80-F Fairways GreeneFi'le No. a. b. c. Request: Final plat approva'l of 11 duplex Background: This app'l ication concerns theof the Eaq'le-Vail PUD File No. Se-231-80 - M'iddle Scottsvillea. Request: To'legal'ly establishb. Eailground: fhis ippt ication sites Farmhouse Exception in the middle Recommend tabling.'information is required to confirn water File No. a. b. Staff Rebonnmendation: Recommend tab'l ing.reision Improvements-Agreement is missing(2) Wording related to Eagle-Vail Archjtectural Control Committee Review is unclear. Se-230-80 Pear'l PetersonRequest: Legally establish lot lines around 1.7 acre tract B-aeTgF0'und: This application concerns parce'l of ground on north side of ighway 6 west of the Eag'le River Mobi'le Home ParkStaff Recommendation: Rebomrnend approva'l subject to technica'l corrections to FTneTTTa-f restricting future constructjon fron the 50' setback from the River. c. lot 'l ines around a 3.4 acre parcel concerns a parce'l of ground northof the Scottsville area approximate'ly 2 miles north and westof Edwards.c. Staff Recommendation:@a1 ri ghts(2) Water ljne easement, and subdivision improvements agreement corunitting the applicant to partici.pate inthe upgrading of the access road. S,taff Fi'le Recormendations - ry-" 2 \ Se-232-80 - Hackman Exemption and VarianceRequest: To legalize .4179 acres (18n204 sq. ft.) Background: Lot located in Vail Intermountain Subdivision,Vail Intermountain Subdivision.c. Staff Recorrnendation: This should be a matter for the buyerresolve. l^Ie, as staff, recommend denia'l . Read by app'licant. File No. Sm-199-80 - Nevadavil'lea. . Request: To subdivide 21 acre parcel into two interestsb. Background: This application concerns parce'l of ground 2 miles up the Frying Pan River.c. Staff Recomnendation: Recorrnend tabling. The Board has No. a. b.Lot 2, Block 9 and se'l I er to Exhibit A subm'itted approximately not reviewed the File No. a. b. c. File No. a. b. c. File No. 4.. b. c. zoning request. t Sm-200-80 - Stroop HomesReqqest: To subdivide duplex lot in Eag'le-Vai'l Background: Located on Lot 68, B'lock 1, Eagle-Vai]EacKground: Located on Lot 68, Block 1, Eagle-Vail Filing #2Staff RecommendEtion: Recommend approval subject, to technica] correctfons tothe final p1at. Sm-201-80 - Michael ThrashRequest: To subdivjde a fourplex lot in Eagle-Vail which he build as atripl ex Background: Located on Lot 104, StaIL_Becormneqggqg!-: Recormnendthe finai plat B'lock 3, Eagle-Vail Filing #1 approval subject to any technical corrections Recommend approval subject to technical correctjons toplat to Sm-203-80 - Jerry KokesRequest: To subdivide a fourplex lot in Eagle-Vail Background: Located on Lot 6, Block 2, Eag'le-Vai'l Fjling #2 File No. 5m-204-80 - Jim Wi'llfamsa. Bqqqqsti To subdivide duplex lot in Eag'le-Vailb. -Eacre-round: This application concerns Lot 1,6, Block 2, Eagle-Vail #2 (.37 acres)c. TETflREfonrnendation: Reconmend approval subject to technical correctionsE=fhe TT-na1 p'lat File No. Su-1.21-80-P Edwards Projecta. Request: Preliminary Plan approval for 145 mixed use density units and3 corrnercial lots.b. Background: This project is separated by the Eagle Rivero I-70 Spur Roadand I-70 (Edwards)c. Staff Recomlnendation: Recorrnend approval subject to the fo'l lowing:-Til--f-shou'l ders on rbadways.(2) State Highwqy apploval of acceleration/deceleration 'lanes ataccess points to SE quadrant of plan.(3) Concerns of the State Geo'logist iddressed in more detai'l(4) AAtitiona'l discussionof the treatment of Berry Creek drainage(5) Off-site impacts on access road north of i-7b Staff Rebonrnendation : KKBNA d InEotFaot6dConrulUng Endl|oar! 7:155 Wesl F,ftn AlPnle & n$Pr Coo'adr 80226103 2-r2 €O50To,er {i .1370 INDIVCO DvR Fouidort Lldo S A. r.hum!!€.'al l:,'rL:rltarl Septenber 9, , . I 11 ,n: Aaloc||tr Prlllclpala .., ar 8 ! \,.1 . ames q Oa! < \f. I I :{' :- ,nFr's :',\s.n 1980 Prlriclpalt Mr. Jack Cook Scholdt Tlago Cotrs ErucElon Coopany P.0. Bor 487 Arvaila, CO 80001 Dear Mr. Cookr !tr. Paul Vau l{lnkle authorlzed ne on July 22, l98O to request as exteoeiou of tbe contract dated Juue 22, 1979 for the con- atructloo of roade for tbe duplex lots 1o lllghland Meadous Subdl.vlsloo Lot I to 42 and Vernont Road ln tllghland Meadows Flllng Nuober One and Veroont Road ln Ftllng Nunber Twor tn Eagle County, Colorado. Thls letter of understandlng also ertende the ualt prlcea of tbe June 22, 1979 cootract for coBpletloo of the roads aod accePtaace by Eagle County. Ttre prtce per square yard for two Loch conpacted thlckneee aephalE eurfacing wlth a 0.3 gallon Per Bquare Prl.Ee coet tB 4cf sitoly ronlQi Payaents for the aephalt aurfaclog; addlltonal aggregate baee course; eeedlng and eddlttonal dralnage loprovemetrts tttll be nade froa the 9631000 held by Eagle County. Pay estlaates nlll be prepared by KKBNA, Inc. and eubnltted to the Eagle Couoty Engloeer for hle approval for the Eagle County Cor nleeloners to pay Scholdt Tlago Conatructioo Conpany. If the above provlglons coofLrro our agreeuentar pleaee stgn one copy and return lo Ee. Slncerely youra, t) -\.-t )<- t, ttt/ q-c&4 t' /*'L1t.-- Leroy E. Tobler, P.E. Prlnclpa I cc: Eagle County Engl.neer Understood and Accepted Constructlon Conpany o4,V- e€ -{ $C]c.{LIt 6 7!-a €Q1 by: {\ {1, "gd# July 2?' 1980 !lr. Hel Atttcll Eagle Councy Euglneer P.O. Box 7f4 Eagle, CO 81631 Dear Hr. Atwell: Hr. Van tllnklo has an exlettng valld contract wltb Schnldt Tlago Cooetructloo Co. for coaplatlou of the roads ln lttghland Meadous t{o. l. A copy le attached for your revlew. There ls a perfotmance bond shlch uhea roade are conpleted aad accopSod by Eagle Countyr Scholdt Tlago Constructlolr Co. wlll ttarrant Bhe roade for one yesl froa date of aeceptance. Nr. Vao Wlokle dealree Schntdt Ttago Construccl'on Co. to coo- plece pavtng of al1 roade and reeeedlng by fall of l9E0' The iOfrOOO was eecurl.ty for conetrucrloo of roads fot the flrsB 26 lota; brrt all excavatl.oo' dralnage and lhe oaJorlty of gra- vel hae been lnetalled tor che entlre aubdlvlsloa. The estl- naled quantlEles to couplete lilghland Hasdolts Plllng ll'o. I are as fol lops: Mdltlonal Gravel Aephalt Surfaclog RceeedlngHlec. Dralnage Addltlons s 6.250.00 As:s76.oo 40,/32 3,t30.00 4.200.00 - l,OC[) Tona 1,214 Tons Schnldt Tlago ConsBructlon Co. le obltgated to sbape th€ oub- grade, dltcher and gravel eurfaclog to the tyPlcal etrmdards ln the glane aod epectflcatloos. !1r. Van lllnkle stll authorlze the Eagle County Eoglneer to work wlth KKP,NA to eetabllsh the rork schedrrle for cooplecloo of the roada aod pavlng to County Standarde tn 1980. ur. 9an ltlnkle deslree to llave Eagle County lutnor h16 contract PERT'OR}IN:CE BOIiD IlIU STATE OF COLORADO COLNTY OF E\GLE IQiOH r\LL MEN BY TIIESE PRESE$IS:Ttrat we (1) (2) hereinaEter called che PrLnclPal, and (3) , hcreinafter callcd Lhe SuretYt of the Slace of aie trefa and flrrolY bound unt'o AII;;;";;;.;; called- the"Y"l: :::.:::":i:.;;il;;il ro"icriars^r:l: ::"li'::f"iitlri."-t.ierrcd to in the penal sutn order of for the Paysrenc of heirs, excculorst by chese Prcse;rts ' firns and Effiiat,ions rrho , special lnproveoents herc- Dol Iar s in lsnful noney of the Uniced States ' whlch sure vlll and -rulY to ba nta;, t'e t tnd ourselves' ottr :.i"iiy anrl severallY' firnlY aclminisiraEors and IS SUCH, that whereas the Principal entcred Persons t upon lhe THE CONDIII,ON OF TIIIS OBLIGA'TIO}I lrrao " ccrtain conlracE wltlr che 4.n., ff-' a coPY of whlch ls perforoance of: succcssors t O',rner, datcd Lhc hercto:rttached day of ---=------ aiT-naae a Prrt hcrcof for tne tiol{'TllESEFoRE,lfchePrlnctpal:;hallr.rell,trulyandfalrhflrltyperforrnand f,rr-rrrr. :rr'i' t.he 'ririi":r, c"'r i::rr'4ll]l' :$:i:i:il::i t;"::;;,''i';;il';"i";1t'"1' :j}1il:;.'J:,''lii;.:;;:::l:';;' ;;";;i""'i""' rrrereor' r'hich m:rv be granted by rhe o'ner', ;i;h t' ulthour-notl"" to rhe Surety' and during the life of any rtarranty t"tlti"uJ ttttder the "t"ti^"il and shall'satisfy all clalns:rnd demands lncurretl ,.,nJo, or,"f. con!ract, ""i""itii-ful1y indeantfy and sa're harm- less che o.'rner f rorr "ii"ttt" atd aott'got r';hich lc nai' suf f er by rcason or fallure to do str, .na-onrrt reirnbrrrse ,jr,i ..p"y thc or'ncr.all outlay and cxpcnse r.rhich the o"t(j n"y in""i in naking '"oti't"tv'J!l';rul! ' ' rnc-ludlng cost f or ntr.rtional leger r.,:sl eng,inrre ri'r, ".rr';.;,,-', arrrt shiti'l prom:rilv n:rkt' p:rynertc to :rll [)crlion$, f irn,r, s*br:.tlrrac!nr-r'"itl'-lt't1t..''rttti"ns- f trrnicirir"3 r"ltt'rIels' r',ltr i l,:tr.'n ! atrd c(rsL c'f 'rt-:rl'rl:' :or or 1"t'it"rri"1; I abor ln tlre p:ostrrlt iDn of tlle KKaJIA (C XflORAIIDUU hcoaload.alContll|hi ErlBhrqr 7.|58 W€d Ftdr ^x€ou€Dgnt€r Colordo 802283A 232 0050Tsht.l$4g/O NDE\rcO Dvn eC ilr.Ar(6K fulr' Gar{o'.. M< y'a"ul'nK1V ro1,47, Mel AJr"l(rEr[ Ctr-qr ? r^,l).- 7v?' ' ' *J-;J Reply Afiendon Dare Q-lS-6o Reclplent: Pleaie etgn and |rtum one copy Signed KKBFIA lEaEdcqr-rltr Elf,llf. ?,|5a WEd Fnr A'gllrDqrr.Cffi@ll*,?'ffin*v*o*ro Mf.&.K &"K Anontlon (( UEUORA'IDIII H"^/ /e 'j... d azn ?-ft-eo *#l:rjii /lr.Go"/ou -t42LJ2-* Fclplrrtt:Pk!!a llgn and tltum on€ coPy sgn4 PAGE I PCRFORIIANCT BONO KNOI ALL tlEN BY THEsL PRESENTS rHAr SCHMIDT-TIA'O CONSTRUCTIOc0. AS PRTNCIPAL. HEREINAFTER CALLEn CoNlRACroRr ANDr UNITED STATEFIDELITY AND GUAMNTY COI,IPANY AS strRErYr HEREINAFIER CALLED SURETYT ARE HELD A'JO FtRnLY BOUhC UNTO THE HEST VAIL DEVELOPHEIII ASSOCIATES. AS ogLIGEET HEREINAFf ER CALLED Ost'JERr lN THE AITOUNT OF FourHundred Forty-Eight Thousand SLx Hundred Seventy-Seven & 5OA%to*s.fr 448,677 <^ I r FOR THE PAVh.EiIT HHEREOF CONTRACTOR AIJD SURETY BINO THE6. SELvEST THEIR HEIRST EXECUfORST AOnIIIISTRATORST SUCCESSORS Al{D tSSIGNST JCII'JTLY AND SfVfFALLYT FIRFiLY BY THESE PRE- SENI S . bHEFEASTcoi[tRAcroR HAS Bl IJRITTEN AGREETETTT OATEO 19 i' ENTLREO tNTO A CC:'TRACT hITH OHruER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ROADS, DRAIIIAGE STRUCTURES, WATER & SEWER LII{ES FOR HIGHLAND HEADoIIS suBDrvrsroN' schedules A, B and l{ater DiscrlbutLon schedules only. tN ACCoRDAilcE HITH DRAhI|JGS ANO SPECIFICATIOTIS PREPAREo By K.K.E.l'l .A. r Il'C. IJHICF COIJTRACT IS EY REFERE]JCE NANE A PART HEREOFT AND IS HERL TNAFTER REFERREO TO AS THE COI T,{ACT. llOUr THEREFORET THE CoNoITIoN OF THIS OBLIGATIO|r IS suCH rHAtr IF COISTRACTOR SHALL pROFpTLy ANO FAITHFULLy PERFORft SAID CONTRACTT THEH TH:S OBLIGATION SHALL BE 'JULL AND VOTO. OTHERuISET IT SHALL RE!'IAIN lN FIILL FORCE ANO EFFECf. rHE SURETY HEREBY YAIVES 'JOTICE OF ANY ALTERATTOIJ OR EX- TENSION OF TIHE I1ADE BY THE OUIJFR. UHEhtvER CONTRACTOR SHALL BEr AlrD OCCTARED BY Ovr{ER To BE IN TJEFAUL T UTJOE R THE CONTRACT T THE OIJIJER }IAV IN6 PERFORT1EO oJNIRtS oBLIGATIONS THEREUNOERI THE SL'RETY T,IAY PROHPTLY REf.I. LDY IHE DEFAT]LTI OR SHALL PRONPTLY cor,lpLEIE THE CoT.JTRACT lN ACC0RDANCC Ulf H tfS TIRHS ANO CONDITIONST OR oBTAIt A BID OR BIDS FOR CollPLffING THE CONTRACT tN ACCoFOATJCE UITH ITS TERTiS AtlD ColJDtTIolJSr AIJO UPOH DETER- I.,t?I^TION gY SURETT OF THE LOI.'EST RCSPONSIBLE RIOOERT ORI IF THE cUI'JER ELECTSI UPOII OETER',:I'TATIO'{ BY THE OI,IJER AHO THE SUNLTY JOIIJTLY OF THE LOUEST NESPOIJSIBLE BIDOIRt AI{RANGE FOR A COt.TRACI TJETUEE'I SUCI{ I,IIDOER AhD OU'JERr AIJO NAXE AVAILA:ILE AS ICRK PROGR€SSCS tEVEtf THOUGII f trERF SHOI;LO B€ A DEFat.,. r 3R A SLCCESSIOiJ OF DEFAULTS Ur,0fR rHE CoT,,TRACT OR COtrtnaCT.s rrF Ittcltu\trD H[ADO'r{' PERTOIL'{AIICE EON[) tt 2l 1!: r:l:Ln::ii I iil..l.t l, iS - I'i:llf Olc'tAliCE uoliD ' { !'r I(( LC,sI,LETIoIJ A}RAI'IGED UNDLR THIS PARAGR}zH, SUFFICIEIJI FU',Jo5'lO PAY rHt. COST OF COHPLETIONT tlJcLtlDtNG cOSl FOR ADDII TONAL ARCHITECTUHAL/ENGINEERING SERVICESI LfSS TFE RALANCT nF THL CO;JIKACI PRICT,' BUT NOT EXCEEOI'J6r INCLUD'NG OTHER CO.STS AITD DA'IAGES FOR VHICh THE SURETY hAY qE LIABLI HIREUIJDERI TIIE ATOUnT SET FORTH IN THE FIRST PARAGRAPH HFREOF. THE TER'T '9ALANCE OF THE COIJTRACT PRICE I AS USED IN TI{IS PARAGRAPHO SHALL T'IEAN THE TOTAL ANOUNT PAY!B[.E BY OU.'JER TO COIJTRACTOR UIiOLF Thf CO|{TRACT AI'JD ANY AITETJNHENTS THERTTO' TESS THE arouhT PROPERLY PAID 8Y OUNER TO.CONTRACToR. AI'JY suII UI'JDER THIS BONO T.lUST BT ITISTITUTED BEFORE TtIE Ex. PIRAITON OF THO (2I YEARS FROF THF DATE ON UII'CH FINAI. PAY. rEN'l UtvDER THt COI'ITRACT FALLS DIJE. l.;0 FTGHT OF ACTIOI', SHALL ACCRUE ot, THIS Rol:n ro OR FOn THL- usE cF 6t'v pfRsolJ oR coRPonaTIorf oTl{ER rH.li{ Tl,E olr.gg l,iAH[O HEREIIJ OR TTIE HE. IRSr EXECUTORSI ADT'IIiISTR^TOR.S OR SUCCESSORS OF IFF O'."NER. SIGt.EO AIJD SE^LED THIS AttesE: OAY OF SCIII'fIDT-TIAGO qo_{s_L&u_cjltgJL 9,9- - _ (PRITJCIPALI ( SEAL ' Vlc_e__P_r_e_s_i_d-e11a ITITI E' T'NIED STATES ITIDELITY ANDGUARANTY COMPANY I SIIRETY I - ISEAL' l9 ;fi{# - - ;"-"-.-u-;; - - - - - - - - - BY .( Lrr, I t. 1:'. i /, I t- -----:---(UIII.ESSI (TITLEI END OF PERFOR14^IJCf FOI:D Attorney-Ln-Fact , Atrl LAtsOR ANO ]',ATERIAL PAY?.IENT BNND hNOI ALL I'IEN P,Y THESE PRESEI'JTS THAT SCHMIDT'TIAGO CONSTRUCTIONco. .-A3 PNtIiCIPALi HEREINAFTER CALLEN PRIilCIPALT ANDI IINITED STATES FTDELTTY AND GUAJ.ANT!- -COIqANY-as_SuETT. HT REII.IAFTER CALLED SIIRETYT ARE HELD AND FIRnLY tsOUlrD Ul'fTO Tl{E I{EST VAIL DEVELOPMEM ASSOCIATES' AS uBL I GEL. hEREIhAFf ER CALLED CUIJLR r FOR f HE USE AilD BENE- FIT oF CLAIHATjTS As IEf,EINeEL-oU -DF-FI.\-EDr !N THE J}IOUNT oF Fou: Hundred iorty-ffght Thousand SLx Hundred Seventy-Seven &rO71166lans. ts 448,677.50f Cn rrii pAyF:EilT IH[RLOF PRJTiCIPAL ArrD _SURETY BITJD IHEH- SEL!ES' ThFIR HCIRST IIECUTORST AFFTINISTRAfORST SUCCESSORS A^D ASSIGITS. JOlr'JTLY ArrD SEVERnI LYr FJRHLY RY THESE PRE- SEf,ll S . !l'ERE AS r'PRII'CIPAL HAS 6Y IrRITTEU AGREEHTIJT DATED 19 t LhTLRED ItIIO a COIyTRACT UITH OUTJER FOR COHSTRUCTION OF ROADS, DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, I{ATER HAINS, AND S-EWER LINES FOR HIGIILAND urnnoris, SUBDmSIoN. Schedules A & B and lilater DLstributlon Schedules onIY.ttr &ccoliD/-!.tcf hIlH nkntjlrj6s arjo spEclFlcATlotIs FREpARED By K.K.B.N.A.1 llrC. L.KILF CONTRACT tS BY REFERE}ICE T4ANE A PART HEREOF T AIJO tS HERttT.'AFTER REFLRREO TO AS THE COTJIRACT. tloUr THEREFORE r f HE COt'iOIf IOll OF THIS oaLIGAf IOr. IS SUC}I THAI I IF PRINCIPAL SHALL PROI1PTT Y NAKF PAYI':ENT TO ALL CLATN- AHTS as HEREINAFTER DEFIT,,EDT FOn nLL LABOR AlrD FATERIAL USED OR }iEASONABLY FECUIRED FOR USE '}I THE PERtrORNANCE OF THE COI1RaCT r TFI€N THIS OBLIGATI ON .SFALL RE VOID. CTHERUISE tT SHALL REnAIU tN FULL FORCE lND 8FFECT. SUBJECTT HOUEVERT TO THE FOLLOUING COrJoITlOIJS... A CLAINANT IS DEFII,'EO AS ONE HAV''JG A OIFECT COT,ITRACT TJITH THE PRIIiCIPAL OR UITH A SUECOIJTRACTOR OF THE PRII,,CIPAL FCR LABORI HATERIALI OR BOTHT USED OR REASONABLT REOUIREO FoR usE IN IHE PERFORNANCE OF THE CCNTRACTT LABOR ANO ',:ATER-tAL BEIN6 CONSTRUEO TO INCTUOF THAT PART OF UATEFT GAST POvtR. LtGHTT HEATr OlLr GASOLITJET TELEPHONE SERVICE OR RENIAL oF EoUIP.'IENT D,I{EcTLY APPLICABLE To THE CoNTRACT. THf AROVF NAHEO FRINCIPAL AIJD SURETY HFRFBY JOIAITLI AI,D SEVr. RaLLy A6Rf E t tTH THE OIJ?jER THaf EvERY CLAIHAHI A.S HrREttr UEFII..EOI LHO HAS 1,OT FEE'J PAIO IN FI'LT BEtrORE TFE IXPIRATIO?T CF E PLRIOD OF NIIJCTY I9OI DAYS AFTFR T}{E DATF OI.' VHICH THE lKE LASI CF SUCH CLAII4AIITTS UCR6 OR LANOR UAS DOI.E OR PER- FCR,,EOT OR iATTRIALS }.|ERT FUR';ISHTO BY SUCH CI AIt'ANTI fiAI SUE C!i Tl1 lS AOhO FOR Il-lE USE GF SllcH r-LAIHAt TT PRoSECtIfE TtiE sull To FIr,'aL JuoGr.EtuT FOR SUCH SrrF. OR SU||S As HAt Bf JtrSrLy ( 1. 2. F( cLAlriAlJl'.gE L! AT]LL sucH sulr No sulr FANT. I 0ut Nor ANY CLAI F AlJo HAvf EXECUTtOil f H( -OlJ. Tltf OUtifR SHaLL rOR THE PAYI(ENT OF ATVY COSTS OR EXFEI'ISES OF OR ACTIOIJ SHALL RE COITITENCED HEREUNDEI BY ANY af UNLESS CLAlt.AtrT r OTHETT THAN ONE HAVtr,t6 A DIRECI COHIRACT LltfH THE PRINCIPALc SHALL HAVE GMU URITIE'J NOTTCE lO Ahy TyO OF fHL FOLLOHI IJG...TFE PRIITCIPALT THF Otil,JfRi OR rir srracry IBOVE NAliEor lJllHIN IJINLTY t90) OAyS AFTEp SUCH cLAtfaNT DID OR PERFOFp.EC THE L^ST OF THE IJORr 0R LA8OR. OR FURrt-sHEO THE LAST OF THE HATEI{rAL-s FoR L'HICH SAID CLAIr lS r.AOL. STATI I.tC YIIH SUBSTA}'T IAL ACCUPACY THE AFOU'JI CLAITED ArJD THE NA!IE oF tHE PARTy TO UIrOF rHE HATCRIALS lJEt{E FrrR- NIShTDT OR FOR h'holl THE IJORI( OR LAUOR'JAS DOIiT OR PERFORHED. STJCh NOTICE SHALT BE SERVED BY }'IAILING THF SAT'.E BY FEGI.S- f ERt D tiAIL OR CERTIFIED HAIt r PoSraGE PREpaIDT ItJ til El.'vEL- CPE IODRISSED TO T}IE PP.II.'CIPALI OL''JER OR.SURTTYI AT A'JY PLALE IHERE AN OFFIC€ IS REGULARLY TAII,TAI}:ED FOR THf TR^'IS- ACTICN OF BUSINESST OR SERVEC IN ANy l.ArJtJER tn' HHtCr{ LEGAL PROCEsS t.tAY BE SLRVTD II{ T}iL STATE IN L.HICH T}'E ATORISAIt.t PRO..TECT IS LUCATEO t SAVE TF'AT SI'CP SEHVICE ]:Ef D NgT BE I'AOL gI A pUBLlg gpFlCER. AFTER THf EXPIRATIOU nF ctlE lll YrAP FOLLOVING lllf OATL ON IJ}{ICH PKINCIPAL CEASFO L'OPK O?J SAIO CO}ITIiACTT IT bEIhG UIJOEFSTOODT HO}JIVERT THAT IF AlJY L II.IITATIOIi EF'BOOIED IN IhIS BOI.:D IS PROF'IBITEO BY AI*'Y LAV COI.iTNOLLIIJG THE COl'I- sIRucTION HEREOF SUCH LIHITAT IOrr SHALT 8E Ot.Er:ED TO FE Ar.EhcfD So AS I0 BE EOttAL TO THF FIhlHUt' PERIOo Or LIHIT^_ ] AT I CN PERHI I TI'D BY SUCH LAU. OTHER THAN IN A STATE COURT OF COTPETENT JUNIS- DICTIoN IN ANO FOR THE COUNTY OR OTHER POLITICAL SUBDIVISION oF IlrE Sf ATE lH lJHICH THE PROJECT t oR ANY PART THEREoFT tS SITI/ATEOT oR IH THE UNITED STATES DlSrRlCr COURT FOR THE DISIRICT IH UHTCH THE PROJICTT oR AfiY PART THEREOFT lS STTUATEDI ANO NOT ELSEIJHERE. - THE AFOU'JT OF THIS ROND SHALL BE REDI'CEO BY ATID TO THE LxTLhT oF AHY PAYIIENI oR PAYHENTS IIADF IN GOOD FAIIH HERE- UNOTRT TIJCLUSIVE OF THE PAY}''IENT BY SURETY OF HECHAIIICS' LIEhS TJHICH r1AY BE FILED OF RECORD AGAIIJST SAID I'IPROVEhENT T IJHEIHER oR NOT CLAII1 FOR THC A}TOUNT OF SUCH LIEIJ IIE PRESENT- ED LI\OER AT.IO AGAINST THIS BONO. BI cf q. SIG'.EO ,A'JD SEALED THIS Atrest: NAY OF SCH},1IDT-TIAGO CONSTRUCTION CO. lPRINCIPALI I SEAL I l9 xxu.xxxaSl Secretary By 4 A *-€-. '?( -Ylge-r-re'-l{enr*---TITlLEI UNITED STATES FIDELITY AND GUARANTY COMPANY ( SIIRFTYI B;' Act_o_rne;r;.t-r5'-Qc-c----- (T,ITTEI OF LABOR AND TiATTRIAT PAYI'iENT FOIJO Ello .. t SEAL I GENEN,,AT POWER OF ATTONNEY ' Ens all ttan b7 tha Prwtu. ''' Ell.o- all ttan by illrrl Ptw*t : I ., :ltij , .-. ': . tt* udtD sTATEs FIDELITY AND GUAnANTY cottPA\.r, "l.orpor"doo -**d -6 odrd"g;' d* To dgl itr lrDo sr !sr.|tt 4 rad to o:c@ro, rsl rd aclnorLdgc aly aad all [ondr, lsd to ncpocdvoty do rad all sctr snd thtrp !€t lorth ln tho Esoludoa ol tbo Eoard ol Dlraaorr of tf,! dd ${ITED STATIS ItIDEUff !6sled rrtth it! soqxn8to cat, dub sttcsted by thc clglstuFcr of lla YlcqPrcsidau ald A$lstasr Scc<,etar7, rt'rr ?tb- Febnrary . a D. re69 .. . :.! ,,TJIIIIED STATES FIDEUTY AND Asltet STATE OT MABYI"AND, BAJ.TIMORE CITY, Ou &b, KarI E. COMPANY osd rrhoa I rm xrronally acquaiute4 who bclng by na rsvcrgllr ddy crotl' lqid ftat thay nddod la &o Ctty ol rhsr tlsr. thr rald IGrl E. Doet:Fe ' ald J. E. Eackett )-, rtoa, od thd tf€t cle1rcd tbclr lana tlarato b7 llla orfc- r ac Ylo-Prtcidaat aad Argirtsrr Scarctart rocpcottvcln ol' My connlcriol a:pirce rlo 6nc dsy h Jdy' lLD. f9.9y..... ,?....'..': ,- (sEr!)( Sleued)EerH J. AuLt tlar ttlt tho ratd KEll llo D0efft ' tld rI. Ee EACkBtt tl rha Vlca,PrEtdat a:rd lbc rtrdaent Sccsctsrt ol tto std ITMITD STATES FIDEIJTY AND GUABANIf COMP porgdoa drsclb€d h sld rhich orccuod tbo los"Bohg Porvc ol Acoracti tLtt tbcy each horr tDc rcal of oeld corpi.:l a6."a ro raid Porcr ol Attarnct war sEch cosPonto csal thst tt t€s so 6rcd by order of 6o Board of Dlncro&! , Qcrlc ol tho Sqorlor Court ol Baltirnorc City,,.i: ,C.oEt h E Cost ol fucor4 ard hgs r se8l do hcnbv ccrrily tlat Eefbeft J. Atfll , I r1om t1o eolca;d 66&vits wcrc nado, aad wio hes tloroto cub€criM hir aam4 ras at &e tlmo ol eo doiag a Notary bolorc .i of tbc :li - Stats of Msrylar4 h 8!d fc rhe Ctty of Belrinoro, duly co"r'.i""ioacd srd gwot! and Euthorlzed by hw to sdnlnister acloortodpenlq or prool ol decd! ro b. rocordad tLeraln" I lunhcr ccrdfy that I an acgueiatcd ilitb ttt Norary, ead vcrih bellcvo tlo aiglrtoro to bc blc goadtra 3i8D8!utc. In Terrrlmoay Vlnteolrl hortto sat ny hand and a6r tf,e roal of tho Suporior Coun of Boltinorc A* Uoq;" srATE Or MARYIIIND I - . BALIIMORE CrrY. I t* L Bob€rt E. Souse ol RGco!4 rhh ]th (sEArJ) F8 3 0.8?) &y ol Febaruary , iL D. te6g Robert E.Bouee( slgno.l) Clcrk ol tl:p Sapcrbr Cottt ol C. Phone (3Os' s28-7229 (303) 328-7165 P. O. Box 718 Eagle, Colorado 8163I Land Surveying Civil Engineering Computer Science November L5, L978 TerrllL Kntght EagJ-e County Planalng Departnent EagJ-e, CoLorado 81631- RE: SF-L05-78 Dear Terrlll, I have checked the Flnal Plat, SF-105-78 and flnd it to be compLetand correct wLth the fol-J-owing exceptlons. <, The descripgion of the subdivl-sl-on should read: (A RepJ.atof Vall Vi.llage West, FJ.1i.ng No 3 and a Part of the Southeast one-Quarter of the Southlrest One-Quarter of SEctlon 12, Townshlp 5 South, Range 81 Wesc of the Slxth?rLnclpal Merldlan, Eagle County, Colorado). "/'2) Ifhere the surveyed bearlng and dlstance do not agree wlththe platted, both shoul-d be on the plat and Labeled.(Measured or Platted) lohnson I Kunkel Land Surueying Co. t---3) The North lIne of Lot 5 should be l_05.32 feet. t/'4) Ihe North line of Lor 30 should be 69.34 feer. ./5) ltre North 1lne of Lot 32 shoul-d be 543.47 feet. If you have any questlons, please call Ken Long, Johnson Land Surveylng Co. SincereJ.y, e I+A ^) TO AeUL4o efflvN6€ tlJ e,?v & Kunkel KLL: eprn Kenneth L. Long :\ sd $o 6--"* ruI tSt. uOgRc'-.'t, o- -., q F ^rIr,l {D z\6 -6\ 13. qi"a'/74':a i eo"t'q9; 'd 9s $|| NA I ir:8 $lHt{r t3 qr: 'r La.ll-1 R(\\ ti rooa.{o!8 Q." sYt \ \ "r.llll<.'i,- !_qllF TJIJU ta =,A ,-:=\ //=\,::\ '.!9 -l,.-) =\3/ CST:Jql -)/a\'t=5 :-- =le) -: ot1|D 3d =l .r !t= o=) 3.oItE '! 5 2 --F zo ID 1 $., r8 tro ta (c al *= 3O o ..t 1 ar -a -a 's--{ af:o -!J ;.\'" l/\ .' \1\\1 al rt tln a Gt or! o qo -r o E' o.rt 'd (/tnr€ oF@JF@ "rO."9t, Atb -iJ.@!, ao -rr -t --.---*nt -= "roat- oo"1c'=:L.'. og|.D::O.Dr.+ OT| 1-| C' d O :: *.D.!t'6CO&r!= cra*-C'OrCc'a!:zoeO-o.r O o-1.J|' J'1 or'.t.)LtAO$O o,L'? u:ito 5.+J:o<n .to n^_ c. o, o.+-n <J<7roc. @o -t+.Dcr.1a-s. -n..rD53F+oc.Jtvr. crn !.: rrlD -.J n o+ rDo r! e3-nc!nlD|a!lrD -.i r: +.o r}tcr r? |i,.o"i0rrrrJ't> o Lt ii,t. :] vr ur at .;Lrlr|t -, rt.1 lr-.:r,,<1 a. rtl.D:rd.r1-La d=Cr'trD .;oo!.-tr 6 *..i(|.aJrD o looo .+5 rD c-r'. I d nc.. I aDE. .'-t:rtr | fi! (n dcr.t -t.r ortlr F.t al.t O.t -,4'loJJJ Fo o-fD <o- cr4*bo o .Et6-tD o oro oa)A o o o.r45o-o- o3oo|-o|!..:r--{' !ro 3 -.tJo.. grr!) ."J z o.. irrr f :'cFrD3(D=rr* lD o\r-at -n3 0Ec x | +a o,atc 4r = Arcr:-tDl,.J.J r tro -i',t 5: r.i' -J oc .ra!:r :|\l on!.<F, .{i: \l--{a@ ro= to,5 'ttt3@ ti *-F>orC0 55 J >{JIDOc\r*.o'l}'r .|. o.cr.4 'r +r! @f|' o.t(<.+r ar.a\r or.+. o--ornq Nr*rJ r't Jo-or alcfDo.tr o, lo, 0, o..o oo If+lD =.t (, f *=.l lD d n1(o, ur * t.r. ||, 4a.'.i ro .rE - olr.ict< !+ o-: ..aD |! O- 4.D rD.Dero;R E* JJOrJ:E J.1ooo" tDo.' .tl,-.rLo Jo-t r{f4 <o 3 rl, or d. oo !:oaD l!.D5t.Drout<rolr, ur.tof 9rooo.+o .n1= r.r.a 5Eco5<4c,odt,t.ato4 ro il , o*., d 3JJ -nto .. oo d.-t :t..o aDfD r..h-h <a<o'r- -n'D.+3 ! <r3 < J-r cr -!.rur orr i,{:,.! oo!t'lr|D.D*ooEo !- J.E oog., .D lD0!r'0=a o=:.r oar dlr -r0:'-1 oo:'cJ nJ,{ L*!n 6J 6.r3 r: .D -l rr= Jrc1J= 'De*. '9l|o=!to 'lr.+5 o-ur 5:-u| lD 5o, cr=oo-ro. o o Er.+= -.-1 t->4fr5 .r !| .r 1< ro Cr .rrc + .) -. rro cr . oJdo oN:r oo=luro.tJ.:l J.o.r r. J oLrS!. lDo':!'|^c.! *J 5o4<= oo -dcr.D <tDolEo oto o E5rt* lJ ol t* oo..looo 310-o .D - -lr9 t!rlJorcr= x lDro4t J. !r>o.- .|J Btrur Jlrl =l *o E a:.t at *Jrs. O':6J '.t -n(O 33>- rl -.o Or.| 1.t E C! O5orci< 'o aD.i + .t'o* 3 .!,. o frj< r .r ,F40 rD -no 5lcr -< o r\r lr 40 -oJJO-O : (<Cr.Dn 1|D .O Or-,al .t's rO€OO€ C! .l.lD-+r('rrSnj =o-l!4 -t .t .5o-o 11 ra (o. t 3 c|:r :!:r.r:' -t -.1 ,! o J .oO .to -.?r O . -t < 4{-lor* 1.t r.|l,1- o3t. d36 |\tg to(DJo 5 oorD a.oJ.k 5x <.o*r\J E f.i.iaD aD o, dt.rD J 1.r3 Ur !r 5 O- !a -t d-5f .l 6E ^r-o€ c|.o eo.o- f o rar -r = o.!, o. cro 5_ o =vr .+crlt .) -.rt 1 Ar - .DO O_ (a .D < |b.+ (D :J. O (rO4at o * J.6- .+ |,o,<+ 6 (o Vr oio.t oo ..r o, o55rE'EGr=Gr-b3or aD -r 4 (^c4 5< ar rr\rJ JdaDo<, rDt-rr'E' o < .t o.+o ogo, ro cl fD ct o c! ' !! o,o J.'O4., 'ti aD C-5 @IrO r.{9 5 5=l 5' . O.:-d. .r.t:l 5 O.+rl, O.tt, I .r ar- dJ.€(t= Jl! :r Utrn3(O5OOj* .+ !1JJ -i rrc 4 OO -.t 5 -t.ro O cl.Dar -n 50 |, o o^r 3!9o <5 on.oooJ -1 .rJ Naa.o J.rn 5;! <t. 4 o5ct lr :t o.r J3 -oio alD o a:r . o*J1CJr t |n 5 or, !,('prloo,3q5o i. n o o't('r o,o o,=31€ ic -.E or= 5Dr 3rO -rr Ir .|>c, OJ. .6 J5 f - rr .|tD = (rl..r- 5 0 '! iDf cto50 .ro o.r5P o,oTrd5 4.tr.ra- : 3 (, ro -rr sr st o. o 0, \on d.r.l.< o-!ior o Qo ot vr a, (norD u! o.r1\r* *lD.D <.'ttr =9= F .+ .' 'l:|.|o.lt =_ c <abr OeJ lD.t = -<r I + 't C. lro 5 *tt o -.rJr\J 4 c o oaD erctl * < 4E 5 -rt = rtro 5*vro n o 5 |!.t o,4.D..t @ c|.N rd5 0c*.r .r r o. cr5 ur aDlD9r=J :qor4 =. r! 5 o. .'oG .r c, .al!, ro (I, o oo t.te o ?r N .t'-irr -r -i .tq v. o 9r 5.oko o * cn - .| -o ,D -.tloSroe-oo 'E --t .53 EO .-l 3-€ 1 P S'y f P yPf, 5r y Pf fl =,!.1!4 s !9 F: Ja-o.<,r-'r@F1 t 16c 4 9 !n:r{: .'Lr-r':c.r.}=d o =vrf Jadq,.r 6 z tt, -r o Fo, !r oz ..= a+o -, - 6 atF..r'6 o lo z o-6;eo,=!,46oo 4 o@n€o .io or.D o-o.-=.+6 oat., -ji 6- o-iitt - !r -5Jz<.€ . 5 < o_nJ-E: . 5c -i e o.t- -E i+D.c. -6 16 +|D r+ J.'rr .o .D rD rD d, + 6 rll1+_ _s-1 q.4 ear. -'aq !? !,'; lE;P =*.,9 3-8.3 ra 56n- r:i ge a3 q16: =e. R3 e:r? 3.. f'<gdts'="& 3'.;315g;Fg *-f -*C j'9 rd"r' o 'D o 'r:'' -b .io^"r ad .3 -o I5 o{ o.,55+ l: "s" E o3 "..3 Rg 33,. *dd 3pB*crl| o @ c rD.rrg o6 c'E,.D o no-6'-;oa :'-(ri a.66ct o:t -{.r .| ro-r.. -{:o =di !:-:== J''i --U oaa'.iq f'ql 9'' S =--' 3oSa3=1'3q63J3e' tg*nt.tr<.. sr c!> -o F .+.-6.+1 -.1 < .i=:! o -<i | -c 5 *- € iiB6=d =f3 dl 6'3_e'"e;g!'?id;i;E*913-3 3:,ai; i: :43 f F=: >€.".s, -9 i.3€ ":3H:6€= 3E 6 -=8cl- lld -9: s='€i Fe .-i'33*':-;- t..93...rs F ur CJ:t =-L. .'F5.1 :Jo, (,c F-J..D -,rr9 5d it* 6E A,;f .oo c ro '.:r.r o o.orA 5. Eac:lo6ob.o-o o:oc, sqsE 5t= ii$lsils qF:A;:iBFif:* i;;l:o -.oit *@o € 16 - r lo c, r..+c!oJ to 3t E'nA3 I 3e i' - *"frk 3.-3'9 ;3 e;a-9 6:r3E 3 o jo.i*:-i g;C 5'rais,a? i."..-Etoi---€6- =;;g-:t:.o sJ .r rr .+5-r oJ.!o ;:a-.'i--6 bi oij." 3E s ?" 1 6" r s-t = B.; eg i;;;;d B=" ;E F- tx-.,x j r{,oo.i6 bdo o;0.56 -3 EACBe=+gR-9- fj. Soo3li" l-.f it':?i E=::.'':"s-..2-i El Ls;g;.r,, 6d- ;.*.,a,"S 33 5 -,.";i1di ii." ;C -il-: *:.:? " ! .c'::.oto c,; o:r!;:r5+'--r o (o -r:r'.i5: cod c'"J' dl I.;':,_'"9.;: f '^fieqi'i'f, il.*::g :i g_..8:rE-3;,8 ; 5;i;l f ili.i i? r!,;r i:lq; i l,E3;3 P li' ;';:.i- 'r ''i"r o-- -'r cr:o n"'{ "-- 3"j 'L'i=e:h-,, e g;i o .. ii,' o J,., I ., .-i- .i <, ,:| o ; c ! ; .r; i-,'* ;": ;;1,;:: ...'Xj,ii j l;' -.'in -' i -.: , .r .: :.i., i,t;n:;i : :. o .ll. to o O\l € c 3 o tr ocL ..1 ..{ C' t J .l a o -.{ 'l o (!.l -l 't -t 1-t 3r >{ '!o *3 :t 1 't c :l ..{ 1-t B A=>{o tt .' :l -l :| .1 .' -l € { .' ;t oz = t .o tt t|' .n o.r t^ rD E rD.n .D.tg or.o 2 :''l):t s .D -n5-tt. .D- a:lr ro !, tJt6 ct '! < a, -.t1, cr rn 5E..D:rrrro.. 3 nr or<. daDoc | .r'1' oc5 0r o<'1o.to.>.\r lD = ..8 | 6t.t <>=l or E.{ ooo> (Dli -{1@ o (D lrlc=*< r 0"r.rrocJ LtrDr 'alD!r,i.+J r= 4<.t'o*o! 0 vrlor(D o vt 1O - .i5 o =l= o-h@ -.r=@.. ra _o5 0('=3 r!' o.t c(,'J.- o1trdor55 00a!I !, 5JO O = r'1l = *cLc.Jo o (D o -lJ r. -+r1 ,a.rt :J39. Ft<laiogit vr 5ot !lc|.o.o. t!<t @lD4* >.ll r! na! 'or. +,' !r rvl.|.5EctsrrJoo olJO O:5.rr 5 .iC's(A |, rt.}'tt J"<to@o t'aJ.r 't -n -.D< c ot^ =.t It cf !,:t! J{c' Ln !r aL:r.i .'1rD5ro F, al'to.Dx o -= c,53F"rB t--c(D<,(!r= o, r ur .t'c! o.r< tt ,- taDaDo a, rtoo f' y 9x. P 9' 3r rr .r b & 'i tn o ! E o ! F r. \r r- ta q o. ., F q :r !, !n !6c:sr-YrnsneB . r;r;iill$:EfiE:If ;[s:llg$Fr !lir ;s $Fq$i*$i prg$gFil[*lF:s' ll:*l.*s $:ire;F B FBiS$aei€ $,1 F:RBff $i, Esi$$Fi.;lg3:;ii9;ci[ :l$il*l$ E*i5"HiJ $sl;li;rEIis $s]; i; gH]ilFi; tF'5;l*96'9"6' "8"' Sg 8r*Ss. ER FF;;$li:;isHs filt$ [t rIl[l$1fl:3.R,{&$:$[[t3 ;Hg:*Egrf,Er$;s Hg:: ;t Bi;Fri:$'Eq[[i$ii[$g Fil,s t* snFnli*: 5$ $t $:il$5T ; $i, FR : s; *!: s i'l[itg["f i'g tl u[[ liilt"g FH $ $s !, Hs8ato .:3 ur33 !g 't ': :E.t gct t :, rP 'l :':f, ', rPf, '' Y Pf,ddEIBF F] E n(ra, -r" ,oi= ".r -- -od - 6' 5 g t' o€ o j5 J ; q $."ilaE eE I +seBs ! e a sE rf ig;gi iH "Cn'5 [3 ilgs=8 o +8.,.5' ig 3 i3,6F ' C-3el;*.538' -B- ==- :;'- rtodEo ra.r rrd.rl^Ne ! o '!.-r r; Fl 4e ro ,rro@hr cl!, 6'-a ^ -3'i=or r F + d d r 6 = tD +;o < o d o .+J.cD=p* oi cria !b+ {.. oFrii E+ -*;qI3'3" J,-r-g3.e.5" & S,'-',o.,3.€5..''& -;. e* 5gt.i..;ctpFgsfE;?91c3_-3r4? 3,n3"3ii*q-i,.= Ail3Z6F EE,IeiEdBe-Ed-+-Af .Ec. giEa6. =Ed? oo*es;-_Ei;.. gr = 5-.+:r o {n o-=D?.1 14 --lado !r:g .c, rr o, iit r.l.! o-?'- q:9 .t:.. t rD.t Jc!.1'=r' | -..oE c!-.'5<t* | Eit!, o o, rD crr aD l! lD l, -ai--arEo-Fs;.-ago-,o B;ig-.8;'Fa; E5 A:f €" ai33igs9*ilaiilEid;;H :E;c'6P; a3€H 3t: +H 4E:i1"f'.*9p.?;qr... a,oo rlD ..!r '+ .DiD j.i .-.DN di, sE.ro:,s o cLs'u< <-i g-C-.+* =l oa < i' =- *g*-9Eddl:.-343-3d 63F i8E33"1 98.€ g?x e;6e"'9siEEBsl--ts838."1U 9i93sig =.1 eq ;1; eu.cl.f.sc",3;-F--'€Bq B-i "-ofBH._ -B -g :A; 5iB:'$*H:i3ai iF i:3 !eF iiiiiri i; s"" :=n :; ;i;38E-3*€i 6' *Eq Eo'- aertg-'E gg;- 1o5,(,D;;14€g 3;Eia igii:;3 1l 3e3S;;iri3g;;dEi'E i =i? -z ;BPiEt- ;B;q :.f F g=SFG1l9F9: g €o3 E; =op e_g 6.1<g B;tr Rg.'?=gt I rue 1 = aia ig +;1i45; F: d,* ;; 3* 3;g;*3p= - 6, -],ts g. 3S-q-:r xd (L.+ 1'.rc -.a;-.<F;,l;s =' : g;5 Js i'" ; d e,H I g I 3; ,4ls 'i* 3ils Ji3*I : : iIs €i e....,.-.zt-. ;q ;s ::e. gt ::;i:qs€ -;-.- :-lii€-.i -l:.-'.9!- ? !;F53 FF{ 9 1, :3.' : ;i:i;.!.F'= r 3F :Ed t €],Eit:",1 * i ;: . .i'a 1 ' " *i. :l S- qlo F6 3€t ..1 eq cll\to .rxq' o>F= o.rN 5.ld(!.' =6rIF-< -r T, €@ lD= :t3 t : 5 t.' : 1 .' .1 o o o o t Nq, at q .!-n o !, ,' arE!, -., -t = -,t!r o.r 0r!r G|lD:z o.rc,.!.i3r s-t o rr.o o < ar =t*=rri *(o -aDaat ..r!t.Jourt\r o =rA A:OOtO O t.t<O<, C .. | !rtDl,!tn.+vr=5 Ch 3.| 9r-t3O.or,.O<r .a5o ^_= I o an or \r .D ilo4tt*.D . -t@ lrDvr 5 a < r, {ct* < 5. ra a|-o. :t5l'j I aD a9!t rD 5!,F Or C)at.l c,d'l J.< lrl qlD .' E r.oo olD J rDoct:l og g.t-no 5 5J., t a =13|D *Eooo ul = url! 30-E|aio.D .t hr o cr5 'D or <-o.r n |DI.t.|J.itJO rDatio t J:t iaD 59l -t'3 3 ,o g 3o o(.t.l 4F a.o.t5.il!.D2:'aa I:lc\ ro.Dro t.lCl.lD ..irc6aJ -o o o, Jo!!, 60ram |,E10!t .+c r, drEct'l 1 = 4.t€.t tD r<croo,o40.o, 10r.< < _r : o'r rt@ r! 4 -.t o 3 r: n, a.|!+-.il)c|. .,irors :t.:l lD t..A-.rr J-Oo rro o c o r-no 1.+*:_l O ktr, .r -r rDlrl\r 5 !' .' 5 c*qf o.4o l, n) 5J.'D:l Jr r. a!.o| .-r: a! o -l1,".o:l:'!o .t-!rD "t rrPd@ or .n J,Qt .or (: ro.tt or --,t c SUBDIVIS ION IMPROVITMD{TS. AGRENIqIII{T TIIfS AGREEMENT, madc and entered into this 22nd day of November, L978, bv and betvrcen High Couutry Coryorationr a Colorado Corpcirartion, hereinafter referred. to as "Subdividert', and the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, a body corporate and politic, by and through its Board of County Commissioners, hereinafter rcfcrred to as "County". WITNESSETH: $IIIEREAS, the Subdivider, as of the final plat of Highland lt{eadows enter into a Subdivision Improvements by Section 30-28-l-37, Colorado Revised and a condition of approval Filing No. 2, desires to Agreement as provided for Statutes 1973, as amended.;' WHEREAS, pursuant to the same authority, the Sub- diviiler is obiigated. to provide security or coLlateral sufficient in the judgment of the Board of County Commissioners to make reasonable provision for completion of certain public improve- ments set forth in Exhibit "A' attacired. hereto and incorporated hereini and hTIEREAS, the Subdivider desires to provid.e collateral to guarantee performance of this .agreement, including construc- tion of the above-referenced public improvernents, by means of a plat restriction; l{OVl, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutuaL covenants, conditions, and promises, the parties hereto agree hereby as follows: I. Subdivider hereby agrees, rvit,hout cost to the county, +-o arrange for the furhishing of all equipment and mat.erial necess3ry to perform and complete, in good workmanlilie manner, all public improvements as shown in thc final plat documents for the subjcct subdivision in accordance witir all plans and specifications for the subjecL subdivision filed in the office of the County Engineer and/or Lhe Department of PLanning and Development and to do all worl< incidentaL thereto according to and in cornpliance with the following: - (a) A11 final plat docunrents submitted prior to or at the time of finaL plat approvaL. ' (b) A11 laws of the United States, State of Colo- rado, EagJ-e County ancl iLs various agencies, including its Zoning Resolution. affected special districtsrand,/ or service districts. (c) Such other designs, drawings' maps, specifi- cations, sketches, and other matter submitted by sub- . divider to and approveC by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. A11 said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of the County Engineer and,/or the Building official , re- spectivelyr of the County of bagJ-e, and shall not be deerned compJ-ete until approved and^accepted as com- pleted by the Board of County Commissioners of the county or said Boardrs appoinLed designee. The estimated cost of said work and improvements PJ' hl'1)'t1; .,fltt-zis $7-7240ffi0 for Lots 1 through 5t.. (See Exhibit c) i\;I U ?FL\'/ (d) Lots 1 throughj? deveLopment wil-l be com- pleteil prior to November, 1980 2. To secure and. guarantee performance of its obli- gations as set forth herein, the Subdivider agrees to provide security and collateral in the following form, as approved here- in by the County: a plat restriction to be placed prominently on the final plat'map for the subject subdivision containing the language set forth on E>rhibig "g" attached hereto and incorPora- tcd herein by this refcrence ) -', - 3. I{: is rnutua}ly agreed, prlrsuant, to the provisions of Section 30-28-137 (3), Colorad.o Reviscd Statutes 1973, as amended, that the County or any purchaser of any lot, lots, tract or tracts of land. subject to a plaL restriction which is the security portion of a subdivision improvements agreement shall have the authority to bring an action in any district courL to cornpel the enforcement of any subdivision improvements agreement on the sal-e, conveyance or transfer of any such lot, lots, tract or tracts of Land. or of any other provision of Part I of Article 28 of Title 30 of C.R.S. Lg73. 'Such authority'shaIl include the right to compel rescission of any sale, conveyance, or transfer of any lot, lots, tract or tr'acts of land contrary to the provisions of any such restrictions set forth in the pJ-at or'in any separate recorded. instrument, but any such action shall be cornmenced prior to the issuance of a building permit by the County where so required. 4. It is further mutually agreed that pursuant to the provisi-ons of Sectj-on 30-28-J-37 (2), Colorado Relzised Statutes L973, as amended, that as improvements are completed,, the Sub- d,ivider may appJ-y to the Board of County Commissioners for a re- Iease of part or al-l of the collateral deposited.with said Board. Upon inspection and approval , the Board shal-l release said col- lateral. If the Board determines that any of such improvements are not constructed in substantial compliance with specifications, it shall furnish the Subdivider a list, of specific deficiencies and shalL be entitl-ed to withhold collateral sufficient to in- sure such substantial- compliance. If the Board of County Com- missioners detennines that the subdivider wilr not or is unable to construct any or al-L of the improvements in accordance with a1l of the s1>ecifications, tfre Board of County Comrnissioners -}) .-3- may vrithclra\r' atrd employ from the deposit, of collatcral such funds as may be nccessary lo construct i:he improvement in accord- ance with the specifications. 5, The CounLy agrecs to approval of the final- plat of Highland Meadows Filing No. 2. subject to the terms and con- ilitiot" of this ag'reement- 6. Parties hereto mutual-ly agree that this agreement may be amended from time to time, provided that. such amendment be in writing and signed by all parties hereto. . 7. In the event suit is brought upon this Agreement, Subdivider hereby agirees to pay a reasonable attorneyrs fee to be fixed by the court if Judgrment is rendered in favor of Countyr. and County agrees to pay reasonable attorneyts fees if Judgment is rendered in favor of the Subdivider. 8. County shaLl- not. nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accid.ent, loss or danage happening or occurring to the works specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shal1 County, nor any officer or enployee thereof, be liabl-e for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but, all- of said liabilities sha1l be assumed by Subdivider. The Subdivider hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the County, and any of its officers, agents, and employees against any losses, cl-aims, darnages or l-iabilities to which County or any such of its officers, agents, or employees may be- cone subject, to, insofar as any such losses, cJ-aim", du*.g"" ot liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by Subd.ivider hereunder; and the Subdividcr shall reimburse County for any and aII legal or other expenses reasonabl-y incurred by County in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liabil- ity, or acLion. This indemnity provision shatl- be in acldition to Llre othcr liabitity which thc Subdivider may otheqwise have. J -4- 9. It is further agrcetl that Subdivider shall at alL times from the acceptance by the Board of CouuLy Conrmissioners of the roads offered for dedication in the subject Subdivision up to thc compl-etion and acceptance of said r.rork or improvement by CounLy, give goocl and adequate warning to the traveling public of iach and, every d.angerous conclition e:ristent in said roads or any of them, and will take reasonable care to protcct the travel-- ing public from such defective or dangerous conditions. It is understood and agreed that until the completion of all the im- provements herein agreed to be performed, each of said roads, not accepted as improved shall be under the charge of Subclivider for the purposi:s of this Agreement; and Subdivider may close. all or a portion of any street or road whenever it is necessary to protect the traveling public during the construction or instal- lation of the improvernents herein agreed to be made. 10. Subdivider warrants each portion of the work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of each portion of the work referred to in this agreement by County. Fur- ther, County shall have a right to require the security or ccll- l-ateral provided by Subdivider to remain in effect in any amount, as determi-ned. by County, sufficient to cover any claims under this warranty. IN VIITNESS WIIEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first abbve written. COT]NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and through its Board of County ATTEST: Byi rCounty Commissioners ', Dan WiJ-Iiams, Chairman Subdivicler: I.ITGIi COUNTY CORP Vice'President -5- EXIIIBIT .,A" IIIGIILI\I\D I,,IEADOI"IS FILING NO. 2 PUBTIC IIqI'ITOVEMBTJTS rOR ROADS NND RELATND DRATNAGE I{OlTIi AND RE.VBGETATION AND RESTORATION OT AFFECTED TEIIIIAIN Said improvements shal-l incLud,c excavation, embank- ments, gravel, asphalt surfacing and construction and installa- tion of cuLverts; and restoration and re-vegetation of terrain disturbed by said improvements. A11 of the above as more spe- cifically set forth on the final plat for Highland Meadows Filing No. 2, and those public inrprovernenL mapsr plans and \ specifications for said Subdivision as fil-ed in the office of the County Cierk and Recorder and,/or County Engineer and/or the Department of PLanning and Development, respectively, . County of Eagle, State of Colorado, all of said documents incorporated herein by this reference. ) [LY1 EXTIIBIT "8" PLAT RESTRICTIONS FOR IIIGIILN,ID MEADOI{S lrll-,fl'lc No. 2 Lots I 'thr:ough, and including 33 of Lhis pLat are subject here to the foll-owing restrictions: There shal-I be no sal.es, leases or any other form of conveyance of any of the su.bject r:eal property, nor shall buil-ding permits be issued in connection with the subject'reaL property, until such time as this restriction shall be deleted by the Board of County Cornmissioners .in accord.ance vrith the terms of that certain Subdivision Improvements Agreement affecting the sub.ject property, provided, however, buiJ-ding permits or similar permits may be issued, for any of the work or structures reguired. pursuant to said Subdivision Improvements Agreement. L&; t ( EXHIDIT ..C.. Excavation of Embankment (16,000 Road. Base.(3,800 tons at $5) Asphalt (1,000 tons at $22) Culvcrts ( 2 18" 50' at 920) Re-vegetation C,^1:\- / c.y. at $2)$32,ooo.oo l_9,000.00 22,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 $77 ,000. 00 J .-t ,'.r . .'1, { ft t\-1, . c\, kltu< EAGE"E €@URITY DEPARTMENT OF PI,ANNING E DEVErcPMENT Box 779 328-7 377 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMlssloNERs328-6809 AD}lINISTRATION324-6674 ANIIVIAL SHELTER9494292 AsSESSO R328-6593 BUILDINGINSPECTION328-6339 CLERK &RECORDEREaqle 328-5377B€salt 927 -3244 COUNTYATTORNEY328€674 ENGINEER328.6337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH324-7718 EXTENS IONAGENT328.6370 L!BRARY328-77a7 PUELIC HEALTHEaqle 328-6594Vail 475-5844 PLANNING328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE328-659 | SHE RI FFEaqle 328-66 | IBaialt 927 -3244Gllman 827-575 | soclALsE RVTCES328-6328 TREASU RE R328.6376 Noveatbei 76, 7978 Eigh counxrg Deve Topntent L86O Lincoln Street Denvet, Co. 802O3 RE: Eite No. sf-L05-78 - Highland I'leadows #2 Final Pfat At their reguTar meeting on 15 Novenber 1978 ' the Eagle Countg PLanning Connission recoranendeil approvaT of gour final plat,, subject to minor tectnicaL cortections. The Cowission aLso reconanended the .apptoval of the 70' dj ameters as shown tather than the tequited 9o' diameters. This reconmendation will be ptesented to xhe Boatd of Countg Corntissionets at theit rneeting on 29 Noventber 7978 'bginning'at 9:00 a.m. in the countg Cownissionets Meeting Room, 55O Broadwag t EagLe' CoTotado. If gou have ang qaestions, pJ-ease contacL thi s office. fu|-\-:- .a7d***t Y"'*L) susan vaugtnr / sv/jk ccs Boatd of Countg Cotwoissioners Lerog TobLet I KKBNA TLm Garton EAGE.E COI.'ESTY c Department of Planning and DevelopmentP.'0. Box 179EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731 t ( BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMtSstoNERSExl 241 AOMINISTRATION Ext 241 i ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSE550RExt 2O2 SUILDING IN INSPECTIO NExt 226 or 229 CLERK &RECO R DE RE\t 217 COUNTYATTORNEYExt 242 ENG I N EERExt 236 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH Ext 238 EXTENsION AGENTExt 247 LIBRARYExt 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252Vail 476-5844 PLANNINGZ\t 226 o. 229 PU RCHASI NG/ PE RSO NNELExt 245 ROAD & BRIDGEExt 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244Gilman 827.575l SOCIAL SERVICEs 328.6328 T REASU R ERExt 20 | 28 August 1979 Mr. Tim Garton P. 0. Box 705Vail, Colorado 81657 Eagle County will be reviewing the development guidelines which regulate land use in Highland Meadows Filinq #1 and 2. Recently it has been brought to our attention that additionalclarification concerning this matter is needed. A Public Hearing has been schedu'led for September 5. See enclosed Agenda. P'lease fee'l free to ca1 I us is you have anyquesti ons . Respectfully yours, .t ihomas Boni Assistant Director of P'lanninq TBlkp cc: George Straw, Attorney West Vail Development Associates ( JOFIDAN HOCHsiTADT GEORGE M. STRAI,V MICHAEL A. DA\/IS H,ocssrlor, SrR.lw & Devrs, P. C. ATTOFINEYg AND COUNSELLOFTS A1 LA\A, €UITE IAII UNITED BANK CENTER r70c) ERoAol,vAY Dgrvsn, OoLoaADo aoago December 20, L978 TELEPHONE 839.5€!09 aREA COOe 303 i. ,i/.',., , -l RICHARO S. gTRAUSS cMS/J-kr Eagle County CommissionersEag1e, Colorad.o 8163L Re: West Vail Development Associates, fnc. Gentlemen: Eaot^','1",,'- ,oroi 1978 c;q''aL The undersigned is attorney for Vfest Vail DevelopmentAssociates, Inc. My cJ-ient is currently constructing a 30 unitcondominium building, conmonly known as Aspen at Streamsideand located on the tract of ground known legally as: Tract A, Iij-ghland MeadowsSubdivision, EagLe County,Colorado. The construction was "red tag" on approximatelyDecember 18, 1978, for certain alJ-eged. vioLations, to wit:construction within 30 feet of Gore Creek and a cut on themountain face d.eeper than permitted. Numerous publi-c andprivate organizations are attempti"ng to solve the problemsand we respectfully reguest that we be placed on your agendafor the December 27, L978, meeting of the Eagle CountyCommissioners. We would hope at that hearing to provideacceptable alternative proposals to solve the aforesaidproblems. Yours truly, TIOCHSTADT, STRAW & DAVIS, P. C. Pk#fu*,w ( EA(P;["E €€UE\5TY \ DEPARTI1ENT OF PLANNING & DEVELOPI4ENT C' December 1, 1978 Tim Garton box lu5Vail, Co. 8L657 RE: File No. Sf-105-78 Highland l''leadows #2 At their meeting on 29 November 1.978, the Board of CountyCorrnissioners approved the amended final pl at of Highland Meadows Filing #2 subject to the fol.lorving: L. 'Treasurer's signature of taxes paid.2. Lighting fjxtures added to Road Plan.3. The addition of a p'lat restriction preventing any form of conveyance of the lots includedw'ithin this subdivision. This restriction a]soprevents any building permit from being issuedin connection urith the subject real property. Upon receipt of a financial guarantee that thepublic improvements r.rill be completed by llovember, 1980, in the amount of $84,500.00, this platrestriction will be removed. 4*a* Box 179 328-7311 EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTYcoM rvl r55toN E Rs328-6809 : ADMINISTRATION328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER949-4292 ASSESSO R328-6593 BU I LDI I{G I NSPECTI ON328-6339 CLE RK &RECORDE REaqle 329-6377Baialt 927-3244 COUNTYATTORT'IEY328-6674 ENGINEER328-6337 ei\vt Rorrlr,teNtnLHEALTH328-771A EXTENS I ONAGENT328.6370 LIBRARY328-77a7 PUBLIC HEALTH Ea qle 328-6594Vail 476-5844 PLANNING328.6338 ROAD & BRIDGE328-6591 SHERIFFEaqle 328-651tBaialt 927-3244Gilman 827-5751 50c IAL5ERVICES328-6328 TREASU R ER328-6376 Thomas Bon'i Assistant Djrector of Planning TBIJK cc: Board of County Leroy Tobl er Commi ssioners _l..--..!i-1,i:c Iohnson I Kunkel tand Surveying Co.Phone (sos) s28-7229 (3OS) 328-71,65 evening P. O. Box 7I8 Eagle, Colorado 8163I Land Surveying Civil Engineering Computer Science November 13, l-978 Eagl-e County Plannlng Department Terrlll Knlght Eagle, Colorado 81631 RE: IllghLand Meadows, tr'111n9 No. 2, tr'lna1 Road Plans and Speclflcations Dear Terri11, As authorized by the Counly ComLssioners, we have eompleted a re- view of the Hlghland Meadovs Subdlvision Road P1ans. We feeL sufflclenttine rrras spent revlewing the submlttals to LdentLfy deviat.Lon from the County Subdivlslon standards. The folLowing conrieuts are preserted for your cons iderations. Our conrnents are based on a set of slx drawings and utilizLng standards as outllned in the Eagle County Subdivlslon Regulations as amended August 1976. AL1 the mlnimum aad general standards were found to be correct and complete as submitted, however, no speclflcatlons or cost estlmates rrere subrnitted for review. The foLlowlng speclfic devlations from the subdlvlslon regulatlons oo techDicaL standards were found Dot to be in compLLance. Typlcal road sectlon dld not meet mlni.Eum standard, however, sec- tlon, as proposed, ls more than adequate to serve subdivls ion. Some grades were found to be greater than 82. 0n Alplne Drlve, from statlon 1+75 to 4*75, a grade of 9.762 Is proposed. 0n Sequola Drive, from statlons Gr50 to 3+100 a grade of 8l8Z ls proposed and from station 4+50 ro 7+100, a grade of 9.4%. Soue of the proposed curves do not comply wLth the s tandards for a mountaln road vlth a minimum radLus of l-00 feet. Ihese curvea occurat sT^rltchbacks and the grade ls held to beLow 6% rnlnlml-z J-ng cuts andflLLs. Ihe above deviatl-ons appear to be permlsslbLe considering thesite condltLon and lhe need to mlnlmLze road scars and access to builcllng sl-tes. We appreciate the opportunity to provide professional services to the county and wl1l- be aval1ab1e to answer any questl-ons shouLd you so desire. S incerely, ,illold!-ryAofu,nootn Mlchael Martlneau Reviewed bvl LOLI^-) -t1l\C -- - -.. '-p NIAY 3 01918 *i$*ffi.S'" Yes Yes Yes No No No CtrILC|IIAEICI trIEEAFITMENT C,F HEALTH 4E1O E. 11TH A/ENN.JE DENVEF| gcrzao PHO.JE SBEl-Ei111 EXT. 329 ANTHONY ROBBINS. M.D..M.P.A. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DATE: t{ay 26, L978 SUBJECT: N0N-STATE ASS ISTANCE REV I EW AN D COI{HE NTS T0: !tlr. Michael S. BlairDLrector, Eagle County Departmentof Planning & Developnent Box L79 Eagle; CO 81631 PR0JECT TITLE: Flle No. STATE IDENTIFIER: NA C0f.tf.tENTS DUE BY: June ves I No Ssp-105-78 Hlghland Meadowe #2 (Efgh Counry Developrnent) 2L, ]-gTg ls this project consistent wlth the goals andobjectives of thls agency? ls the re ev I dence of overlapping of dupl ica-t lon wi th other agenc ies? ls meet i ng des I red wl th app I i cant? A l5-day extension ls.requested. fl [i l_l ll tl tl fi Comments: Water Quallty Control: The Water QualLty Cootrol DLvL$n has no ob-JectLon to this proposal Ln that central water and sewer servLce appear to bepresently avaLlable through the Vatl Vtllage West Water and Sewer Department andthe IIEVSD. Please note that, ln accordance with Se[ate 8111 35, any developneot serviug morethaa 200 people must recelve slte plan approval from the l{acer euality ContiolConmission before conetructlon of seerer extenslons w111 be allosed to comence. In addltLonr aoy constructlon undertaken should strlctly adhere to an approvederosioo and sedi.meut plan Lncorporatlag measures designed to mlnlmlze posslblecontamluation of area waters . me, Ii tf e a iEoie-R Ron Slmsick, Program Admlnlstrator S0C-3, Feb 77 ATTACHMENT 8 EAGTE COUNTY (C EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731 1 BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMrsstoNERsExt 241 ADMINISTRATIONExt 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 455E550 RExt 2O2 BUILDING IN I NSPECTIONExt 226 or 229 CLERK & RECOROERExt 2l7 COUNTYATTORNEYExt 242 ENG I NEE RExt 236 ENVIRONMENTAL H EA LTHExt 238 EXTENS IONAGENT Ext 247 LIBRARYExt 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252Vail 476-5a44 PLANNINGExl 226 ot 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNELExt 245 ROAD & BRIDGEExt 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l IBaslt 927-3244 Gilman 827.5751 soctAL sERvtcEs328-6328 TREASURER Ext 20 1 CERTIFIED MAIL P23 0253217 October 1.5, 1980 High Country Corporation 1860 Lincoln Suite 100 Denver" Colorado 80203 Re: Extension of completion date of public improvements -Highland Meadows Filing No. 2 - Subdivision Improvements Agreement - County of Eagle Dear Sirs: 0n October 14, 1980, the Board of County Conmissioners, County of Eag1e, Colorado, extended the comp'letion dateof those public 'improvements referred to in the certainSubdivision Improvements Agreement entered irlto and betweenthe County of Eagle and yourself as Subdivider of H'igh'land Meadows Filing No. 2 Subdivjsion, from November 30, 1980,to August 1, 1981 , conditiona'l above the submitta'l of a new and/or extended irrevocable Letter of Credit jn the amount of $ 85,000.00 with a due date of August 1, 1981. Thus, when this County receives said new and/or extendedLetter of Credit, I shall forthwith re'lease the originalLetter of Credit. Note should be made that the abovesubstitution must be completed on or before November 30, 1980, or thjs office wil'l be left with no alternative but to draw on the original Letter of Credit. If you have any questjons, please contact thjs officeat 328-7311 or P.0. Box 850, Eagle, Co'lorado 81631. Si ncerely, $.-t:-s aA L,-:{",Jr',,-/- Beth A. t,lhittier County Attorney BAW/da cc: Chairman, Board of County Corrnissjoners T9u-Boni, Acting Planning D'irectorl/Kathy Peterson, Secretary - Department of Cornnunity Development Mel Atwell, County Engineer C{:: f\ru-\-, -.L t? 6c-a*'( -$'|-\ $.'rrr y'i\<-* h'-y (3-*-'or:h-sv1 ff\r-t- f!t'^r-r3-l- C lls Beth whittier County AttorneyP.O. Box 850Eagle, CO 81631 Dear Beth, As previously discussed with you on the telephone onOctober 6, 1980, High Country Corporation would Like tohave the County extend the due date of High Countryrsletter of credit until- August l, 1981. The roads willbe substantially completed by November L, 1980 but dueto factors beyond High Country's controli i.e. Pedettolot over excavatj-on, some finish work may have to be comgJ-eted in the spring of 1981. We coul-d appreciate any help you can give us inmatter. I will be available at 476-5075 if youany question. Best regards, cKldp this have RHGEilVED (;i.llit- I : EAGLE EOL'ITTY nnteroffnee mnenn@remdum ro: Kathy Peterson Department of Corrnuni ty Development subjoct: Extension of Letter of credit - Highland Meadows Fi'ling No. 2 From: Beth A- whittier, county Attorney%c11 Flle No.:or,"' octob"r 7, 19g0 High Country Corporation, Subdivider of Highland Meadows Fi'ling No. 2, has requested an extension of jts'letter of credit in the amount of $ 83,000 whjch becomes due on November 30, 1980. Said letter of credit was submittedto the County as co'l'lateral to guarantee completion of certain public improvements set forth in a Subdivision Improvements Agreement dated November 22, L978. I have placed this matter on the planning agenda for 0ctober 14' 1980, under "other". Un'less there are objections, I sha'l] assume that said matter sha]l be cons'idered by the Board on the above date, and that any comments you may have shal1 be submitted to this office prior to said date. Your prompt attention to this matter wou'ld be appreciated. If you have any questions, p'lease contact this offjce at Extension 242. Thank you. cc: Chairman, Board of County Comnissioners Tom Bonj, Actjng Planning Djrector Susan Vaughno P'lanner Me'l Atwel'1, County Engineer RECEIVED 0u i T i980 )tli. ,:rl li.::i:; : : U'i!el ! r{le l$unlv' Colo' ErD,KW C€NTUTEY BANK \ry FIRSTAVENUEATcooKSTREET DENVEF, COLOFADO 80206 (303) 32r-1234 CIeu. ,*r^rrt. o'-' \// ._\ l? (( LETTER OF CREDIT Letter of Credit #.|074 Amount: $85,000.00 0ctober 20, '1980 Board of County Conunissioners Eagle County Eagle, Colorado Re: High Country Corporation, 1860 Linco'ln Street, Suite .|00, Denver, C0 Gentl emen: lrle are hereby extending our Irrevocable Letter of Credit, as listed above, which was issued in favor of Eagle County on January 5, 1979. This creditis avai'lable by draft or drafts drawn on the Century Bank, 3300 East First Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80206. This Letter of Credit is for the purpose of guaranteeing construction ofpublic improvements required by the County of Eagle. Each draft drawn on Century Bank at sight shall be endorsed on the reverse side of this Letterof Credit and bear upon its face, "Drawn under Letter of Credit #1074,dated October 20, 1980 of the Century Bank of Denver, Colorado.". The Century Bank agrees with the drawers, endorsers and bona fide holdersof drafts drawn and negotiated in compliance with the tenns of this Letterof Credit that such drafts wil'l be duly honored upon due presentation atthe counter of this bank. Except as othen/uise provided, this Letter-df Credit is to be governed bythe Uniform Commercial Code - Letterv'6f Credit in the State of Colorado.All drafts hereunder must be drawnroh/or before November 30, 1981 .,/ 7/ ,sincfiety,| ,__-,tl- -iic...c1:L.( /Fred l,l. Handel t ,/ ,l'Executive Vice Pldsi'dent /.FWH/tdb // RECEIVED ocT 2 ? 1980 Dogt. ot Plani'n: & D?vel Es8ts, county' uolo' AGREED AND ACCEPTED: Cc SUBDIVIS ION II{PROVEMENTS. AGREEMENT TIIIS AGREEMENT' made and entered into this 22nd day of November, 1978, by and between High Country Corporation, a Colorado CorpciraLion, hereinafter referred to as "Subdivider", and the County of Eagle, State of Colorador.a body corporate and pol-itic, by and through its Board of County Commissioners, hereinafter referred to as 'rCounty". WITNESSETH: WIIEREAS, the Subdivider, as a condition of approval of the final pJ-at of Highland Meadows Filing No. 2, desires to enter into a Subdivision Improvements Agreement as provided for by Section 30-28-137, Colorailo Revised Statutes 1973, as amended; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the same authority, the Sub- divider is obiigated to provide security or collateral sufficient in the judgment of the Board of County Commissioners to rnake reasonable provisj-on for completion of certain public improve- ments set forth in Exhibit 'rAn attached hereto and incorporated herein; and WIIEREAS. the Subdivider desires to provide col-lateral to guarantee performance of this .agreement, includ.ing construc- tion of the above-referenced public improvernents' by means of a plat resl:riction; NOVI, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants, cond.itions, and promises, the parties hereto agree hereby as folLows: L. 'subdivider hereby agrees, withouL cost to the county, to arrange for the furnishing of alL equipment and material necessary to perform and complete, in good workmanlike manner, all public i-mprovements as shown in the final plat documents C for the subject subdivision in accordance with all plans and specifications for the subject subdivision fited in the o.ffice of the County Engineer and,/or the Department of Planning and Development and to do all work incid.ental thereto according to and in compl-iance with the following: (a) AlL final plat documents submitted prior to or at the tirne of final plat approvaL. ' (b) A11 l-aws of the United Stat,es, State of Colo- rado, Eagle County and. its various acrencies, incLuding its Zoning ResoJ-ution, affected. speeial districts and,/ or service districts. (c) Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifi- cations, sketches, and other natter submitted. by sub- . divider to and approved, by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of the County Engineer and/or the Building Official , re- spectively, of the County of bagle, and shall not be deemed complete untiL approved and accepted as com- pleted by the Board of County Commissioners of the County or said. Boardts appointed desj-gnee. The estimated. cost of said work and improvements ?J, crli.tli- .,{lAy'L" $4174&Q=8t for Lots I through 5L. (See Exhibit C)llruv 3>Lv (d) Lots I through frr development will be com- pleted prior to November, 1980 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obli- gations as set forth herein, the Subdivider agrees to provide security and coll-ateraL in the following form, as approved here- in by the County: a plat restriction to be placed prominentJ_y on the final pJ-at'rnap for the subject subdivision containing the J-anguage set forth on Exhibit rrB'r attached hereto and incorpora- ted herein by this reference -2^ r 3. It is mutualJ-y agreed, pursuant to the provisions of Section 30-28-L37 (3), Colorado Reviscd Statutes 1973, as amended, that the County or any purchaser of any }ot, lots' tract or tracts of Land subject to a plat restriction which is the security portion of a subd,ivision improvements agreement sha11 have the authority to bring an action in any district court to compel the enforcement of any subd,ivision improvements agreement on the sal-e, conveyance or transfer of any such J-ott Iots, tract or tracts of land, or of any other provision of Part l of ArticLe 28 of TitLe 30 of C.R.S. 1973. 'Such authority shall include the right to cornpeJ- rescission of any sale, conveyance. or transfer of any lot, J-ots, tract or tracts of land contrary to the provisions of any such restrictions set forth in the pJ-at or'in any separate recorded instrument, but any such action shall be commenced prior to the issuance of a building permit by the County where so required. 4. It is further mutually agreed that pursuant to the provisions of Section 30-28-137 (2) , Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, as amendeil" that as improvements are completed, the Sub- divider may apply to the Board of County Commissioners for a re- lease of part or all of the coll-ateral deposited with said Board. Upon inspection and approval, the Board shall reLease said col- lateral. Lf the Board determines that any of such improvemenes are not construc'ted in substantial cornpliance with specifications, it shall furnish the Subdivider a list of specific deficiencies and shalL be entitled to withhold collaLeral sufficient to in- sure such substantial compliance. If the Board of County Com- missioners determines that the Subdivider will not or is unable to construct any .or all of the improvements in accordance with all of the specifications, the Board of County Comrnissioners -3- r r may lrithdraw and employ from the deposit of collateral such funds as may be necessary to construct the improvement in accord- ance r\tith the specifications. 5. The County agrees to approval of the final- plat of Highland Meadows Filing No. 2, subject to the terms and con- aitiott" of this agreement. 6. Parties hereto mutual-ly agree that this agreement may be amend.ed from time to time, provided. that such amendment be in writing and signed by all parties hereto. . 7. In the event suit is brought upon this Agreement, Subdivider hereby agirees to pay a reasonable attorneyrs fee to be fixed by the Court if Judgment is rendered in favor of County, and County agrees to pay reasonable attorney's fees if Judgment is.rendered in favor of the Subdivider. 8. county shall not. nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liabl-e or responsible for any accident, l-oss or damage happening or occurring to the works specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall County, nor any officer or ernployee thereof, be liable for any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but alL of said liabilities shal-l be assumed by Subdivider. The Subdivider hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the County, and any of its officers, agents, and employees against any losses, clairns, damages or liabilities to which County or any such of its officers, agents, or empJ-oyees may be- come subject to, insofar as any such losses, claim", du*.g"" ot liabilities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by Subdivider hereunder; and the Subdivider shal-I reimburse County for any ancl all- Iegal or other expenses reasonably incurred by County in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, J.iabil- iLy, or action. This indemnity provision shall be in acldition to the other li'ability rvhich thc Subdivider may otherwise have. -4- 9. ft is further agreed that Subdivider shall at all times from the acceptance by the Board of County Commissioners of the roads offered, for dedication in the subject Subdivision up to the compl-etion and acceptance of said work or improvement by County, give good and adeguate warning to the traveJ-ing public :of dach and every d.angerous condition existent in said roads or any of them, and wilL take reasonable care to protect the travel- ing pubJ.ic from such defective or dangerous conditions. It is understood and agreed. that until the compl-etion of all the im- provements herein agreed to be performed, each of said roads not accepted as improved shall be under the charge of Subdivider for the purposes of this Agreement; and Subdivider may close. all or a portion of any street or road. whenever it is necessary to protect the traveling public during the construction or instal- lation of the improvements herein agreed to be made. I0. Subdivider warrants each portion of the work and material for a period of one year after acceptance of eacb portion of the work referred to in this agreement by County. Fur- ther, County shalL have a right to require the security or col- lateral provid.ed, by Subdivider to remain in effect in any amount, as deterrnined by County, sufficient to cover any claims under this warranty. IN TIITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and. seal-s the day and year first abbve written. COT]NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO, By and through its Board of County ATTESI: Byr Dan Williams, Subdivider: HTGTI COUNTY CO By: County Commissioners Vice President -5- C EXHIBIT .'A" HIGHLAND I4EADOWS FILING NO. 2 PUBLIC II{PROVEMBNTS FOR ROADS AND RF:LATED DRAINAGE WORK AND RE-VEGETATION AND RESTORATION OF AFFECTED TERRAIN Said improvements shall include excavation, embank- ments, gravel, asphalt surfacing and construction and installa- tion of cul-vertsi and restoration and re-veget.at,ion of terrain disturbed bjr said improvements. A11 of the above as more spe- cifically set forth on the final plat for Highland Mead.ows Filing No. 2, and those public improvement maps, plans and specifications for said Subdivision as fll-ed in the office of the County Cierk and Recorder and,/or County Engineer and,/or the Department of Pl-anning and Development, respectiveJ-y, . County of Eagle, State of Colorado, a1J- of said documents incorporated herein by this reference. t [t<1 cf 4.. EXHIBIT !IB" PLAT RESTRICTIONS FOR HIGHLAND MEADOWS FILING No. 2 Lots I through, and including 33 of this plat are subject here to the fol-l-owing restrictions: There shall be no sales, leases or any other form.of conveyance of any of the subject real- property, nor shall buiJ-ding permits be issued in connection wittr the subject'rea1 property, until such time as this restriction shaLl be deleted by the Board of County Commissioners in accordance with the terms of that certain Subdivision Improvements Agreemer.rt affecting the subject property, provided, however, building permits or similar perrnits may be issued for any of . the work or structures required pursuant to said Subdivision Improvements Agreement. &f1,- r (: ( EXHIBIT I'CI' Excavation of Btrbankment (l-6 r000 Road Base .(3,800 tons at. $5) Asphalt (1,000 tons at $22) Culverts ( 2 18" 50' at $20) Re-vegetation Cr^J itr"^rf c.y. at $2)$32,000.00 19 ,000 . 00 22 ,000 -oo 2,000.00 2,000.00 $77,000. oo 1.,-Vr2 . t'r) $ fS cv-u. r^l E a Mlr-, EAGTE COUNTY EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHoNE 303/32E.731 t BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMrssloNERsExt 241 AOMINISTRATTONExl 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 A55E550 RExt 2O2 BUILDING IN INSPECTIONExt 226 or 229 CLERK & R ECO RDE RExt 21 7 COUNTYATTORNEYE\t 242 ENG I NEERExt 236 ENVIRONMENTAL H EA LTHExt 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARYExt 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 V ail 476-5844 PLANNINGExl 226 or 229 PU RC HAS ING/PERSONNELExl 245 ROAD & BRIDGEExt 257 SHER IFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244Gilman 827-5 75.| SOCIAL SERVICES 325-632A T REAsU RE RExt 201 December i6, 1980 Leroy Tobler KKBNA 7456 t,l. Sth Ave. Denver, Colorado 80226 Re: Roads in Highland Meadows #2 0n December 12, 1980, Eagle County took samples of the asphaltpaving on the roads in Highland Meadows Subdivision. Three samples were taken, one of which is enclosed. As you knol'r, an aspha'l t thickness of 2 inches was required bythe subdivis'ion improvement agreement. The roads within Highland Meadows will probably be officially annexed into the Town of Vailjn the near future and I am sendinq a copy of th'is letter to theDirector of Public Works for Vail for his files and possible action. If you have any questions, please contact this office. (enclosed) Sample #1 #2 #3 /i ks Ernie Freggiaro Tom Boni Board of County Doug Pilcher 1.6 inches average thickness1.8 inches average thickness1.7 inches average thickness Yours truly, (r.t/,,ae,tr*z( Mdlton E. Atwell Eagle County Engineer - Vail Pub. l,lks. Dir. Commi ssi oners CTO: Ittr. Paul--Van Winkle.P.o.{eaovail, CO 81657 EAGLE COUNTY ROAD INSPECTION REPORT taSheet I ot ,2 COU|)|TY R0AD DESIGNATI0N AND L0CATiOt't vermont Road Alpine Drive Tahoe Drive Sequoia Drive Meadowbrook Drive Vernont Court SUBnIVISI0!,[ Iii.ghlanil Meadotrs Filing No. 1 and 2 TIII(PFCTTI'I}I I]ATF' :November 2 and, 7, 1979 ,QFPORT DATE: Novenber 26, 1979 C0UNTY TllSpFCToa- Melton E. Atwel L - Eagle County Engineer Claude Gerard - Eagle County Roacl Inspector Lincoln Devore Inc. - enployeal by Eagle County NTHFAq George McCoy - KKBNA ' (part-time) I{SPFCTTNN TYPF fEIsubbur", inclucing drainage I sase course f] Pavement fl rinat fl o*rer (speci fy) PFRTITIFIIT DOCIHFNTS (County road specs, preliminary plans and specs, etc.) LLncoln DelTore Report Gs-1258 (EncJ-oseil) I I tI i IIISPECTI0ll C0l,'!.tEllTS: (I ncl ude addi ti onal sheets as necessary) Tatroe Drive - Filing #2: Cul-de-sac at enil of Tahoe Drive (Sta. 10 + 16.34) neasures 67.5 feet at largest dlirnension and is not circular. Cut sLope to the south of cul-de-sac approaches 1.1 s1ope. In its present condition, thls slope will not revegetate. INSPECTIOII H0U[S I|ICLUDIi]GIRAVEL:14 hours + 2 hr. travel + Lincoln Devore Fee LI APPROVED ;Slol snnenovrn cc: Board of County Cotnmissioners Poad ,q. Rridoe Sunervjsor Planning - rom Boni County Enliheer (2) KKBNA - Leloy Tobler (1) Developer (L) C TAIIOE DRTVE: SEQUOTA DRIVE: ALPINE DRTVE: VERI'IONT ROAD: Sheet : 2 of3 A spring of water t as observed issuing from the surface of the sdbgrade in the cul-de-sac. Radius of curve PC 6 + 8l-.85 measured 25 feet. Drawingrs cal.1. for 30 foot. radius at center Line. Water tank access road intersects Tahoe Drive at Station 7 + 50. Aculvert must be provided at this intersection. Another spring surfaces in roadway at Station 5 + 50. Cul-de-sac at Station 0 + 00 measures 58.7 feet at its widest point. Drawings call for 70 feet. Drainage is designed to flow nrest a1on9the southern drainage ditch. However, as constructed, a high point exists in the d.itch south of the cul-de-sac which wi1t not aLlo$t f1ow as desigmed. (3) ilensity tests taken on Sequoia Drive(Test No. 2,3,6.7) all of which failed to meet specification require- ments. Cul-de-sac at Station 2L + 94.53 measures 62 feet. at widest point- Drainage ditch has not been constructed along uphill side of cul-de-sac. Culvert. was shown on plans at Station L7 + 70. This culvert relocatedto intersecti.on of A1pine Drive and Tahoe Drj.ve. 4% drop in culvert, both inlet. and outl-ee rip-rapped. Cut slopes fronting on Iots 1l & 12 and Alpine Drive are cut at about l-:L which is in deviation with thedrawings and specifications and which wiJ.J. not revegetate. Drainage flowing dovm the south side of Alpine Drive from Station 5 + OOto 0 + O0 is picketl up by a catch basin at about Station O + OO on Vermont Road. This catch basin has no visible outfal-l. Density tests taken on Vermont Road were I, 4, 5, 10, 11 and 12. Culvert atStation 7 + 90 has been constructed so as basin will probably fillwith sediment. Culvert adjacent to Lot l-8 has a fabricated elbow somewhere along its length. Access to this el-bow mBst be provided by furnishing a manhole at the elbow. Densities applying to this road are 8 and 9. CuL-de-sac does not neetspecified width. Subbase is apparently unstable when saturated. Steps must be taken to either prevent rrater from enterinq su]:baseor provide sufficient thicknesses of overlayinq material to negate the undesirable effects of saturation of the subbase material. Drainage hrays have been constructed which traverse Lots 1, 2. 3. 4. 5, 6 and 7 which are apparently designed to intercept, t'rater tshat is causing theinstability of the subbase of Meadowbrook Drive. Drainage easenents must be provided for this drainage way. County Road Designation-and I ncatinn Tahoe Drive, Veranont Road, AJ-pine Drive, Sequoia Drive, Meadowbrook Drive, Ve)stont Court Subdivision Highlanct Meado$rs Fi1ing 1 and 2 ( Sheet 3 of ,3 VERMOTM COURT: GENERAL COMI'IENTS : B. D. E. Er Roadway width at intersection with Vemont Road. does not meet specifications. l.teasured width was 24 feeE. Fioad widths generally exceed cor:nty requirenents. Drainag'e ditches must be cleaned out and are generaLly in poor condition. UtiLities have been stubbed out to 1ot lines which was not required by subilivision regulation. Numerous sprinqs in areas of roailways wilL probably nake maintenance of certain areas very clifficult. Srnall rock fa11s may be expected from areas having cut slopes exceeding 1L to 1 vrhether these slopes are revegetated o.r not. There are numerous springs throughout the roads in this subdivision running small anounts of water. At the present time this water is seeping into the drainage ditches.In cold weather this smal1 amount of water has caused build-up in ditches due to thawing in daytirne and freezingat night. November 7 , 1979, this had already started to take place and by now has possible overfillecl the ditch and started to formice on the road. County Road Desi gnatiorrand Locaiion Tahoe Drive. vermont Road, Alpine Drive, Sequoia Drive, Meadowbrook Drive, Vermont court Highland Meadows Filing I and 2 (( Proj ect Eaqle CounEv Job Ho. cS-1258 g31s 11-7-79 Location Hiqhland Meadows Test By -DAF Test Types Filinqsla2 Vail,CO Nuclear Densities Report ilo. 1 Test No.Locat ion Dept h El ev. 0Mcd Mqisture Contentdl0 Compact ion sllc Soil Type t 2 3 4 5 6 Vernont Road Station B*25 2' West of Manhole, Inter-.section of Tahoe & SequoiaDrive I 2r West of Manhole, lnEer-.section of Tahoe & SequoiaDrive Vermont Road Station 18+50 Vermont Road Station 18+50: : Sequoi-a Drive at Cul de Sac between Lots 25 & 26 1.5' trSinish ;rade F.5 ' Eo :-inish ;rade l-.5 'to r]-nl-srgrade -.5' to:inish grade -.5'to li-nisngrade 1.5 to:inish qraoe 119. 0 @L2.2 It9. O @12.2 119. O @12. 2 L2'o.O @ 9.8 L26.0o 9.8 119. 0a L2.2 rl, 3 24.7 L4.9 t_1.9 10.8 25.L 93.7 64.2 69.2 94.3 93.7 80. 7 GC GC CrC GM Gll GC Progress Report: Lincoln DeVore Testing Lab l.li sce I laneous Tests: F ILL CONTROL. DA ILY REPORT LlllC0LH-DeV0RE TESTI HG COLORADO SPRIIIGS, COLORADO LABORATORY PUEBLO, COLORADO ' t"l (r Nuclear Densities Job No.cs-1258 Proj ect Eag'l e Co'-rntY Date tL-7-'7L Location Hiqhland Meadows' FilinqsI&2 Vail.CO Test By Repo rt DAF Tesl Types 1e. Page 2 of Report I Test No.Locat ion Dept h El ev. 0Mc sll0 l'loisture Content olI0 Compact ion fo Soil TyPe I 9 10 11 LZ 2r West of Manhole,section of Tahoe & Drive inter- Sequoia Ivle adow Brool< Drive betweenLot #5 JLAt,.= Meadow Brook Drive betweenIot +5 & +4 Verrnont ,Road Station B+25 Verm,ont Road Station 19+0C Vermont Road Station 19+00 .5 Eoinish rade .5 to i nish rade E l-a inish rade .5'tofinis grade .5 toinishgrade .5 toinish' 119. O > L2.2 119. 0 @r2.2 119. 0 @LZ. Z 119. 0 NaL2.2 lL26.O les.a f"3:3 23 L2.6 r0. 6 L2.8 12.4 10. 3 85.2 95.0 95. 3 93.9 91.0 ot 1 c,c GC GFl Progress Report: Lincoln DeVore Test ing Lab George D. Ilorr is P. E. Miscel I aneous Tests: FILL COHTROL. DAILY REPORT LlltC0LN-DeV0RE TESTIHG COLORADO SPRIIIGS, COLORADO LABORATORY PUEBLO. COLORADO EAGLE COI'NTY (fl EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.73il BOARO OF COUNTYcoMMtssloNERsExt 241 AOMINISTRATIONExt 241 ANIMAL SHELTER9494292 A55E550 RExt 2Oz BUILDING IN I NSPECTIONExt 226 or 229 CLERK & RECORDERExt 2l 7 COUNTYATTORNEYExt 242 ENG I N EERExt 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXT ENSIO N AGENTExt 247 LIBRARYExt 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252Vail 476-5a44 PLANNINGExt 226 or 229 PU RC HAsI NG/PERSONNELExt 245 ROAD & BRIDGEExl 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l IBa'.lt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 50ctAL SERVtCES328.6328 TREASURERExt 20 | CERTIFIED MAIL P23 0253217 October L5, 1980 High Country Corporation LB60 Lincoln Suite 100 Denver, Colorado 80203 Re: Extension of completion date of public improvements - Highland Meadows Filing No. 2 - Subdivision Improvements Agreement - County of Eagle Dear Sirs: 0n October 14, 1980, the Board of County Corrnissioners, County of Eag1e, Coloradon extended the completion dateof those publ'ic improvements referred to in the certain Subdivision Improvements Agreement entered into and between the County of Eagle and yourself as Subdivider of Highland Meadows Filing No. 2 Subdivision, from November 30, 1980,to August 1, 1981, conditiona'l above the submjttal of a new and/or extended irrevocable Letter of Credit in the anount of $ 85,000.00 with a due date of August 1, 1981. Thuso when this County receives said new and./or extendedLetter of Credit, I shall forthwith release the originalLetter of Credit. Note shou'ld be made that the abovesubstitution must be completed on or before November 30, 1.980, or this office wi'l'l be left with no a'lternativebut to draw on the origina'l Letter of Credit. If you have any questions, p'lease contact this officeat 328-7311 or P.0. Box 850, Eagleo Colorado 81631. Si ncerely , r$..,t--rs A Gdl>..l,z Beth A. Whittier County Attorney BAW/da cc: Chairmano Board of County Corrnissioners Tom Boni, Act'ing Planning Director l$rthy Peterson, Secretary - Department of Conununity Development ,u,'mel Atwell, County Engineer nt EAGTE COUE\|TY ADMINISTRATIONExt 241 ANIMAL SHELTER9494292 ASSESSORtut 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTIONExt 226 or 229 CLERK & RECOR DE RExt 217 COUNTYATTqRNEYExt 242 ENG I N EER Ext 235 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTHErt 238 EXTENSION AGENTErt 247 LIBRARYExt 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476.5844 PLANNINGExt 226 or 229 PU RC HAS ING/PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGEExt 257 SHER I FF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244Gilman 827-5 751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURERErt 201 C( EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.73I BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMlsstoNERs Ext 241 CERTIFIED MAIL .lune 12, 1980 Paul T. Van I'linkle 2410 S. Moline hlay Aurora, Co'lorado 800]0 RE: Final Plat Appr0val of High'land Meadows - Subdivision Improvements Agreement - County of Eagle Dear Mr. Van lrli n k'l e : 0n August'14,'1978, an imevocable letter of credit in the amountof $63,000.00 was issued by the First Bank of Vai'l for the account of yourse'lf in favor of the Board of County Corsnissioners of Eagle County for the purpose of guaranteeing construction of pub'l ic improvements required by the County of Eagle pursuant to the Sub- division Improvements Agreement entered into and between the County and yourself as Subdivider of High1and Meadows and as a condit'ionof final plat approval of said subdivision. As of this date said public improvements have not been satisfactori'ly completed as per the Subdivisfon Improvements Agreement. Since the letter of credit referred to herein states that al'l drafts drawn thereunder must be drawn on or before ,lune 30, '1980, I would strongly suggest that3ou shou'ld inmediately contact l4r. Me'lton Atwe'l I 'County Engineer, to discuss the matter further. If thjs matter is not resolved prior to June 30, '1980, I shal] be'left with no other a'lternatjve but to present said'letter of credit to the bank for payment as provided thereunder. If you have any questions, please contact this offjce at 328-73l'l or P 0 Box 850, Eagle, Colorado 81631. Si ncerely , $>=*: P fi93-t Beth A. Riggert County Attorney Chairman, Board of County Conrnissioners Me'l Atwel 1, County Engineer Terri'l I Knight, Director, Dept of Conmunity Developr".nt nrl\:i;,7 s. V;/-*t !EXHIBIT I'AI' SUBDIVISION II,TPROVEI'IENTS AGREEI.IEI'IT TIIIS AGREAl.lEl.lT, made and entcred into this 23rcl clay of i4ay, L978, hy and betrveen Higlr Country Corporation, a Colo- rado Corporation, hereinaftcr referred to as "Subdiviclcr", atrd the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, a body corporate and politic, by .and through.its Board of county Conrmissioners, here- inafter referred to as "County" r (- T.JITNESSETH: I.IHEREAS, the Subdi'tr:.a"t, .s of the final plat of Highland l.leadows enter into a Subdivision Improvements by Section 30-28-137, Colorado Revised and a.condition of approval Subdivision, desires to Agreement as provided for Statrrtes 19 73, as amenclcd; I9HEREAS, pursuant to the same authority, the Sub- divider is obligated to provide sccurity or collateral sufficicnt in the judgment of the Board of county Conrmissioners to make rcasonable'provision for complction of ccrtain public irnprove- mcnts set forth in Exhibit 'A" attached hereto and incorporated herein; and I{HEREAS, the Subdivider desires io provide collateral to guarantee performance of this agrcemetrt, inclucling construc- tion of the above-referenced public improvements, by means of a plat restriction; NOI.I TIIEREFdRE, in consideration of the following nutual covenants, conditions, and prornises, the part.ies hcrctc agreFi hereby as follows: 1 . Subdividcr llltrr-l)y n(.lroes:, rvi Lhorri, ccrst to tlrc County, to arrangc for the fr-rrnishing of all eguiptrrent. and' material necessary to pcrform ancl compl-ete, in good r.;orkmanlikc manner, all public irlprovements as shot';n in the f inal plab docu- 'ments for thc subjcct subdivj.sion in aceordancc wjth all plans lld "jntc i.f i:;:rl i.ors i or ::hc :rr!, 1r-.cL :.; iri,'r'l i.r.'i.:.; i on f i,l.r:..] jtt i.!:;-. uor gt office of the county Enginccr and,/or the DepartmcnL of Planning and Developrnent and to do aII r.rorl'. incidcntal thcret-o accor:clini; to and in cornpliance \r'ith the follor'ring: (a) All final plat documenl-s strbnrj.ttccl prior to or at thc time of final pt"t opptoval.. (b) Ali lar,rs of the Unitecl Statcs, State of Colc- rado, llagle County' and its various (-rgencies, inclurling its zoning Resolution, af f ecb,ed special cl istricts ;rnri,/ or service districts. (c) Such.oLher designs, drar.rings. maPs, s1:ceif i- cati.ons, sketches and other matter subnitted by sul:- divider to and approved Uy any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of , and to tl'rr: satisfaction of the County Engineer andlor the Building official, re- spectivelyr of the County of Dag1e, and shall not be deemed complete until approvecl ancl accepted c.rs con- leted by the Board of county Commissioners of the County or said Board's appointed dcsignee. - The estimated cost of said rvork and improvcments is 563,000 for Lots L through 25 and $55,510 for. tots ' 26 through 42. See Exhibits C and D. (d) Lots I through 25 develol:ment will be com-\ ,.preted prior to Dal:)r:;Ii L980. Lots 26 throush.42 ,i- o"{}i".lli _rr,lsr1 \ 2. To secure and guarantee performance of its obl.i- gations as set fort.h herein, the Subdivider agrecs to providc security and collateiat in the following form, as approved here- in by the County: a plat restriction to be pltrced prominet:tly on the final pLat nap for the subiect subdivision containing the J-anguage set forth on E,<hibit "8'' attached hereto and incorpor:r- bed herein by this reference. 3. It is mutually agreedr pursudnt to the provisions of Section 30-28-I37 (3), Colorado Revised Statutes 1973, as amended. that the County or any grurchaser of any lot, Iobs, tr:ar:L. or ':rac::; of I alrd subjech to a t)l-.'lL ::estrr"i cf -Lnrr c,'h ich i., court to comper thr r-'rfor.---..'nenL of any subclivis j on improvemc:nts agreement on the. saLe, conveyancc or transfr-rr of an1, such ]ot, IoLs, tract or tracts of lan<l or of ani, otfter pror,, isiop of I)arL (* I of Articre 28 of Titre 30 of c.R.s. 1923. such authority sharr inel-r.rce the right to conpel resciss ion of any sale, (:onv,lyanc'(,, or transfer of any lot, lots, tract or tracts of rancl conlr.ar!' to the provisions of any such restrictions set forth in Lire 6>l:rt: or i;r arly separaLe recorded instrument, buL any such acLion stral1 be co;:-nenced prior to the issu:rnce of a building perrnit by Lh.; Countl' where so required. 4. It is further mutually agrecd that pursuant to thc provisions of Scction 30-28-1.37 (2) , .Coloraclo Rcvised Statutc,s L973, as amended, that as improvements are completed, the Sub- divider may apply to the Board of county commissicners for a re- lease of part or alr of the collaterat deposited r.rith saicl Board. upon inspection and approval, the Board shar.r rerease said col_- rateral . rt the Board cletermines that any of such improvcmcnts; are not constructed in substantial compliance with specifications, it. shal1 furnish the subdivider a rist of specifie <teficiencics and shall- be enlit,led to vrithhold collateral sufficient to in- sure such strbstantial compliance. rf the. Board of county com- nissioners determines that the subdivicler r-rill not or is un;rble to construct any or all of the improvements in accordance wiLh al1 of the specifications, the Board of county corunissioners nay '.rithdraw and enploir fiom the deposit of corrateral such funds as may be necessary to construct thc improve;ncnt in accorcl- 'ance rvith the specif ications 5. The Cointy agrees to approvaL of the final plat oi ilighland l.leado'ws sul--<lir,zision, subject to the tcrrns and cor.r- ditions of this agreenent. 5. Parties hereto rnutually agree that this agreement mair bc amended frolr t:irne io Line, provided that suclr arnendinent be in writing ancl signeci b1' aII parties he4eto. 7. In the evet.rt "rit i.t brorrght upon this Agrccmcnt, Subdiv.icler hcreby aErees to p.ry a reasonable attorncyrs fee to be f ixed I>y the court i f .ludciment is rencjcred in f avor of countl-, ,'r:-'l a".:r11 ..r .;1.;;;i.1: l:O --),,\, r t:t1..:ti: !t.La, ;t i. L , I :: r . . .. , , :. : .,..,; ii .1..t, i:;!..--::t I -7-'lJ/C "t B. Cotlnty shall noL, nor shall any officer or eni;lc'i'r'-:1 therco!, be I-j.abIe or rcs[Jonsiblc for any accic]cnt:, los;s. or tl;n,rr1.. happening or occurring Lo the rcorks spccified in this ,i\greer:rnt- prior to the conplctj.on ancl acceFtancc of thc sLlmer. nor sh.-rll County, nor any officcr or enrploya.. a,',o.,-''arf, be liabLe for;1r,.' persons or propert-y injur:ed by reason of the nature of said worl:, but all of said liabilities shall be assumed by Subdividcr. The Sul;clivider trereby agrees to inclemrrify and hold !r:rrin- .less the County, and any of its officers, agcnts, and erng,Icl.":cs against any losses, clairys. damages or liabilities to r.rhich Countiz or any such of j.ts officers,,,agents, or employees rnay i:.:- come subject to, insofar as any such losses, cl;rims, damagc.s or liabiliti-es (or actions in respecL thereof) . that arise out of or are based upon any perforn;rnce by Subdiv-icler hereunder; ancl the Subdiver shall reimburse County for any and a.tl legal or other cxpcnses reasonably incurrecl by CounLy in connectiorr r.r j tlr invcstigating or defending any such 1oss, claim, damage, Iiallj. I- ity, or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to the othcr liability wl'rich the Subdivider may othenrise have. 9. It is further agreed that Subdivider shall at all times from the acceptance by the Roard of County Commissioners of the roads offered. for dcdication in thc srrbject Subdivision up to the completion ancl acceptance of said work or improvement by County, give good and adequate warning to the travcling public of each and every dangerous condition e:<istent in said roads or any of them, ancl will take rcasonable care to protect thc travel- ing public from such_dcfective or dangerous conditions. It is understood and agreed that until the completion of all- the irn- provements herein agreed to be performed, each of said roads not acceptetl as improlrcd shall be undcr the clrarge of Subdivicl,,"r for tlre purposes of this Agrccment; and .sutrclivi<lcr may close aIl or a portion of any street or road rvhcnever it is nccessar!, to protect the traveling pubJ-i.c during the construcbion or instal- lation of the improvements hercin agreed to be made. 10. .Subdivider lrarrants cach portion of tho vrork anrl ri:al,:rj,;ll for: a F.:r:i-oil of c::r_ 't,')nr n F l--r:r ar:r.-r:pi.r:'l::i) .-)f e.1ch -i.:'- ' I ,j/\, - -. .: .: .....: C ( Iaterll providcd as dcLcrmined by t-his vrarrant-y. by Subctivider. Lo remain in County, sufficicnt to covcrr ef f ect in ani airounl, .rny c l.;r i ns urrtlrrr ' Iu l'lrTuii.s!; hancls and seals the l.lIttI?EoF, the day and year parties havo hcreunLo set tlreir first above written. Attest: COIJ}ITY By and Subdivider: OF EAGLE. STri'l'E OF (lOi,Ol,..frl)() through its Boar:d of Cotrnt'y ners Chairman HTGII COU}ITIIY CORPOF.ATTON sv : il1y'u*^ {, /,/.r2,,.tr..'t4/z{4L4n*f .--:-/&!-t:1L::__I'filliam Ii. l4anrr, C.Ii.O"Vice President Clbr the Board o County Comrnissioners C ( IIXIIIBI'I'''/\" llrcllt,Al.ln i.1nAl)olt5 PLIBLrC rI'lPliOVt:tll':l.iTs RIiLATIIb DIIr\I}JAGIi I.IORK AIJD NI.:-VIIGT:'['A1'IN:: RnSTOlrriTION OF AFF'ECTIID Tl]Pirl-rrti Said improvements sirall includc e:icavation.'-':1"!ranl:- rnents, gr.avel' asplralt surfac-i.ng and construction and insballa- tion of culverts; and rcstoration and re-r.regetation of tcrrain disturbed by saicl improvcments. AII of tlte above r.rS lilol't: 5!)i:- cif i cal.t.y scL forth on Lhc f inal pl.at- for Ili.ghlancl l.t.r.-',1tr'.;1,; lir:1.'- division, ancl thosc public improvomdl'rt maFs, J:1ans ancl s1:cci f i- cations for said Subclivision as fil.ecl in thc officc of the corr:i t-i' Clerk and Recorder, and,/or County Engineer and/or the. Deparl:mel:i of Planning and Developrnent, respectively, County o.f Eagle, State of Color.ado, all of said documents incorporated hcrcin l>i' this reference FOR RO.\DS hllD nND EXIIIRIT...B'' P I.AT I]'Es TRT CT Io:.] s Fo;r }1 IGIlLAt.l D l'1]1irDoi,]S sl.lBD] v I. S t oN Lots ] through,and inclncling,42 of this pI at are subject hereby to the fo11or'ring restr'ictions: Therr: shall be no sales, l eases or any otlter form of co;rvci'ance -of any of thc subjcct rcal prol:r-'rl-Y' nor shaLl bui lding germits be i ssued j,n conirect.ion vri Lh . the subject real propertir .tttiit such time as this restriction shall be deleted by the Board of Countl- Corn:nissioners in accordance with the terms of that certain subclivision Improvements Agrecment affecting the subject property. proviclod, however, building perrnits or similar permits nay be issrred for any of the work or structures reguired prusuant to said Subdivision Improverrent.s Agreement. d \r r c EXllrBrl'"c" ltrctiLAND t'lEnD()r{s cosT EsTrl'lATE FoR iroAp col,ls'l'RucTro}: oil VEtti.lol.lT ROI\D FROI4 ALPIIJE DitIVE'I'O CURVE 3 r1l.lD nLL OF [tiiADOtfIJROOti I.,RTVI: ITE!.I DESCRIPTIO}I UNIT UANTlTY UNIT PRTCE r-'osT I 2. 3. 4.. 7. q Unclassified Excavation Einbankment 18" CSP Gravel Surfacing Asphalt Concrete Rip Rap Pervious Gravel Blanket Re-Vegatation t. F. Ton Ton c.Y. Ton s. Y. l0, 000 10,000 25A ' 2,2OO 600 5 200 6 tTOO $ 1.50 1.00 18.00 5.00 25.00 20.00 3.50 I. 00 $ 15, 000 l-0,000 4,500 11,000 15,ooo 100 700 6,7O0_. $63,000TOTAL d "r EXilrilIT "l)" Hr.GHLr.lrD tlEI\DOWS '[OTAI-, COST ESTIiIATE FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTIOI'I LOTS I TIP.OUG]I 42, TNCLUDTIIG VER]1OuT ROAD COl,nlECTrON TO ALPINE DRIVE. UNIT UIIIT PRICE (- ITIiil DESCR].PTION Unclassif ied Excavation Embankncrt 18" CSP 24" CSP Gravel Surfacing /\sphalt ConcrcLe Rip Rap- Pervious Gravel Blanket Revegatation UA}'ITTTY cosr 1 4 6 7 8 L.I. c. Y. L. F. L. F. Ton Ton c. Y. Ton cv $ 1. s.0 1.00 18, 00 s27 .7 50 I8,500 4, 500 3 ,520 ?o,754 28,750 . 240 2,100 L2,4OO L8,500 .18,500. 250 I60 4,150 1,150 'L2 600 12,400 22.OO 5.00 25.00 20.00 3. 50 1.00 TOTAL $118,510 AGREEIIENT THIS AGREE|IEI{T is rnade and entered into tltisf Lr[aay of September, 1980 by and betvreen'Eagle County, Colorado by ind through its Borad of County Commissioners ( "Board" ) and PauI Van I.linkle ( rrowner " ) . !!_L1NEssErH: WHEREAS, on t{ay 23' 1978' tligh Country CorporaLion as "subdivider" ancl the Board entered into a Subdivision Ilnprovement Agreement 1'tr Improvement Agreement" ) perbaining to the construction of certain improvements by the Subdivider with respect to Lots I through 42, Highland Meadotrrs Subdivision' Eagle county, Colorado, a copy of which is attacired hereto as Exhibit A; WHEREAS, the Subdivider fai. led to construct a portion of the improvements called for under the lmprovement Agreement.; WHEREAS, pursuant to the terms of the Improvenent Agreenent, the Board drew on a Letter of Credit, in the amounL of $631000 which was delivered to the Board as security for the performance of the Inprovement Agreement, and the Board is novr holding the sum of $63,000; WHEREAS, Owner has enEered inbo-a contract with Schmidt-Tiago Construction Company ( "Contractor" ) for the ' construction of the renainder of the improvenenls to be const.ructed pursuant to the Improvement Agreernent i WHEREAS, the Board is willing to release the renainder of the Lots which are subject to the Improvenent Agreenent from Lhe pJ.at restriction descril er-l in ExhibiE B to the Improvernent Agreenent ("Restrict,ion") upon the terms and condit,ions hereinafter set forth. NOi{, THEREFORE, the parties hereto do hereby agree as fo 11ow s: L. Provided Owner and Contractor shall have entered into a contract for the construction of the remainder of the inprovements to be const.ructerl witir re.specE to Lots I throlrgh ',).. ii 'i . I : I l. '.i : i ' l ' t " r r l : r .'1 '; , ;1 1; described in the fmprovement Agreement, in form and content satis- factory to the Board, the Board wilL release said lots from the ( Restriction at the time of execution of such contract. 2. The contract between Ovmer and Contractor sha1l pro- vide for completion of the rvork by a d.ate approved by the Board, that Cont,ractor's performance under the contract shall be bonded in an amount equal .to the contract price, that the bond shall name the Board as obligee thereunder and. shal-l expire not earlier than one year follor.ring completion of _such rvork. 3. The Board shall disburse from the $63,000 being held by it as a result of it.s drarving on the Letter of Credit, aJ-J- sums to be disbursed by the Contractor pursuant to the contract between Owner and Contractor following cornpletion thereof in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor to the. satisfaction of the Eagle County County Engineer. 4. Nothing contained. herein shaLl be deemed to obligate the Board under the contract between Owner and Contractor. ' 5. It is further agreed that pursuant to the provisions of Section 30--28-137 (2), Colorado Revised Statutes L973' as amended, that as improvements are completed, the Ovrner may appJ-y to the.Board of County Commissioners for a release of part or all of the sum of $631000 heJ.d by the Board. Upon inspection an{ approval, the Board shall- release amounts so requested. If the Board determines that any of such improvements are not construcLed in substantial compliance r.rith specifications, it shall furnish the Owner a list of specific deficiencies and shall be entitled to withhold collateral sufficient to insure such substantial comptiance. be amended and signed 6. Parties hereto mutually agree that. tltis agreement. may from time to time, provided that such amendment be in writinq by all parties hereto' 7. In the event suit is brought, upon this Agreement, Owner attorney's fee to be fixed by the favor of County, and Board agrees to JLrdgment is rendered in favor of the hereby agrees to pay a reasonable Court if .ludgment is rendered in p:y reasonable attorneyrs fees if Oi.;ner. B. Board sha1l not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident; loss or damage happening or occurring to the works specified in this Agreement. prior to the completion and acceptance of the same' nor shall Board, nor an1' officer or employee thereof, be liable for any.persons or property in- jured by reason of the nature of said \,tork, but all of said liabilities shatl be assumed by Orvner as contractor. The Or.rner hereby agrees to indemnify and hoId harmtess the Board, and any of its officers, agents, and employees against any losses. claims, damages or liabilities to which Board or any such cf its officers, agents, or employees *.y bl"o.e subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabiLities (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by Orvner or Contractor hereunder; and the Owner shaLl reimburse Board for anir and all legal or other exPenses reasonably incurred' by Board in con- nection rvith investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability, or action. This indemnity provision shalf be in add.ition to the other tiability rqhich the owner may otherttise have. 9. - It is further agreed that Owner shalL at all times from the acceptance by the Board of County Commissioners of the roaCs offered for dedication up to the completion and acceptance of said vork or improvement by Board, give good and adequate warning to the travel- ing public of each and every dangerous condition existent in said r:ads or any of them, and will take reasonable care to protect the traveling public from such defective or dangerous conditions. It is unilerstocC and agreed that until the completion of all the improvements herein agreed to be performed, each of said roads not accepted as.improved shalt be uncler the charge of Owner for the purposes of this Agreernent; and Or.rner may close aL1 or a portion of any street or road rvhenever it is necessary to protect tire traveling public during the constructior or installation. of the improvements herein agreed to be made. 10. Owner vrarrants each portion of the work and material for a period of one year after accePtance of each portion of the rvork re- ferred to in this agreement by Board. i EXECUTED as of the day and year first above written- COU}JTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORI1DO By and through its Board of county Commissioners By: (* By: By: Van I'Iinkle -E# nnteroffnee Rnemn@rendunn ro:Terrill Knjght, Plann'i ng Director l'lel Atr'rel'l , County Engineer subject: Highlind Meadorrrs Fil ing #I ancl #2 Subdivision Improvements Agreements tlo'' ,.rn A. l,lhittier, county Attorney si;r Fila No.:Date:July 7, 1980 The fo'l 1 orvi rig Comm'i ss i rrner ' s are relevant excerpts from the official mjnutes of the Board of County meetings re'i ative to the above-referenced matter: advised that the entire subdivision wi'11 be under plat Improvements Agreement to be recorded at the same time Grant moved that the fina'l plat be approved with the I'lay 3, 1978: The matter of Highland Meadows application for approva'l of PUD, covenants and prelirninary p'lan with subdivjsion agreement; came before the Board hav'ing been contjnued from January LB, 1978, for time to address concerns of the. p1 anning staff and Board. After discussion of these matters, Commissioner Troxel moved to approve the prelinrinary plat with subdivision agreement and petitioners to pave Vennont Road in it's entirety and Alpine Road to access to the County Road to be p;:.;ed and if motjon is approved to be considered the same as conditional approveci (3 years). The motion passed. lli,Rosehberg.advised that the subdivision agreerneni may be provided vrith cash depositr'letter of credit, performance bond or p'lat restrictions. l4ay 24, 19782 Mr. Rosenbergrestriction, the Subdivision as fihal pl at. Commissioner fo1loling conditions: 1. The subdivision improvements agreement has been revieled by the County Attorney.2. A plat restriction be added stating that no sales; leases or other conveyances be a'l'lowed and no building permits urill be issueid for this subdivjsion until the terms of the subdivjsion improvements agreement are complied rvith and the Board'lift thjs plat restriction. The motion passed. the sketchto county Technical June 28, 1978: Highland fleadows Fi'ling #2: Thjs was a sketch and after discussion of certain items, Coml'i ssioner Grant moved p'lan wjth the condition the roads be brought as near standard rvihtout too much distrubance to suround'ings Reciew comments be adhered to Motion passed. Jul;r 5 , L978: Discuss jon of adequacy of ne'* bridge' pl an rev'iewto approve as poss'ib1e and the ):. ' L978: Mr. Knight brought up the Vail Intermountain Association- Highland l"leadols, letter of credit concern'ing Lots I thourgh 25 presented by Tim Garton. Mr. Kn'ight stated the letter of credit I'ras acceptab'l e as far as the Plann'i ng Department t'ras concerned, but requested the County Attorney review it. June L2 , 7978: fina'l plat s'igned. August 14, l,iemorandum cont.c Page 2 Ge6rge Rosenberg checked and approved the letter of credit. i'lr. Gar';on requested the Board lift the restrictions on lots l through 25 andthe collateral r'rith the'letter of credit. Conmissioner Troxel rnoved to rernove the p1 at restrictions asand substitute letter of credit in the amount of 563,000.00 repl ace appears on the plat concerni n g improvemenis Sepienber 27, !973:. discussion of proposed bridge. 0ctober 2, 1978: Public Hearing on Highland lieadorvs approved. On* -,\an 24vv9,iJgI L9'acres. Mr. Troxel moved in *uhe Highland l'leado,,.rs Subdivjsion. l.lotion passed. August 23, I97E: publ ic heari ng set for Hi gh'land l'leador.is Fif ing No, 2. Filing No. 2. Condit'iona11y . 1978:. Highland l4eador'rs Fil'ing No. 2 - final plat for 66 unJts on 32 Rosenberg found no prob'lems wjth the improvememts agreement. conmissionerthat said plat be approved rvith the fo'l lorving conditions: Treasurer's signature of taxes paid. Lighting fixtures added to road plan The addition of a p'lat restriction preventing any form of conveyanceof the lots included r,rithjn this subdivision. No building permits villbe issued in connectjon rvith the subject rea'l property. Upon receiptof a financial guarantee that the public improvements 'fui.'l I be comple'uedby liovember, L980, in the amount of S84,500.00 this plat restrictior:...rjll be removed. Flotion passed. December 27, 7978: l'lr. Rosenberg stated the 'letter of credit the County 'is ho'ldingis due Thursday, January 4,7979 in the amount of 535,000.00; letter of credjttti'l 'l be ca'l led jf l4r. Elmore does not appear on January 8,7979. January 8, L979: Improvements Agreenent for Highland l'leadols and a $85,000.00 letterof credit t'rith the Century Bank and Trust in Denver p/as-.djscusseld. George Rosenberg,County Attorney, found the 'letter of credit jn order, Commissjoner Troxe'l moved toapprove the letter of credit as substitute co] latera'l . Restrictions on the Highland l'leado';rs p1ai, tc be renoved. l.lotion passed. Improvements Agreement was signed. (liote should be made that I have said letter of credit in my possession.) If you have any questions, please contact this office at Extension 242. cc: Chajrman, Board of County Cornmjssjoners 'l 2. 3. ,'-^\i ! '----r IItii -'r r=| *'1tf-I -----l ,l'18.3 nnteroiill nce rine mn @ remd u m'l Boa'rd of County Commissioners Hi ghl and l4eadows F'i1 i ng No. 1 ,Subdjvision Improvements Agreement From: Beth A. l.ihittier^, County Attorney%' File No.:Date: Septernber 19, '1980 Ai.tached hereto are copies of ihe fo11oi'iing documents:a. l'lemorandum from tlr j s offi ce tq Terri 1 1 Kni ght setti ng' forth relevant excerpts from the official minutes ofthe Board of County Commissioners'meetings relative tothe Subdivision Improvements Agreements of Highland Meadows Cn Jiine 30, 'l 93C, the Couniy oi" credii to the Firs: Bankthat the publ'ic improvernents May 23, 1978, betureen as subdivider of presented the aboye-'referenced letterof VaiI for paymenl. r.lue to the fact had not been completed per the Subdivision Fjf ings llo. L and 2:b. Subdivision Improvements Agreement datedthe County and High Country Corporation Highland Meadovrs Fif ing llo. 'l ; andc. Proposed agreement between the County and Pau'l Van llinklefor the purpose of guarantying completion of those cerbainpublic 'improvements set forth in the original Subdivision Improvements Agreement referred to in the paragraph next . above. To. sun'r-ilarize the events vrhich have transpired and rvhich have led up to the meeting schedu'led on September 24, .1980, High Country Corporation had entered jnto a Subdivision Improvements Agreementr,rith the County as a condition of final plat approval for Highland l'leador+s Fil ing No. 1 Subdivision. Said agreement prov'ided thatthe Subdivider vould complete certain public improvements, i.e.excavation, embanknientsn grave] , aspha'l t surfacing and construction and jnstallation of culverts; and restoratjon and re-vegetation oTterlain disturbed by said improvements, as set forth on the finalplat for Highland l{eadows Subdivision, and those publ'ic improvenent mapsn plans and specifications for sajd Subdjvjsion as filed jr, theoffice of the County Clerk and Recorder, and,/or County Engineerand/or the Department of P'lanning and Development. A11 public improvementsre to be conp'leted on or before June 30, 'l 980,In order to guarantee performance of said agreementn the Subdirrjderprovided collatera'l by means of a plat restriction relative to''l ots 1 through 42, inclusive. Subsequent thereto, the Subdividersubstituted col'latera'l relatjve to Lots 1 through 25, inclusjve,in the form of a letter of credit in the amount of $63,000.00. Page Tvro Cfli9h1and l.leadols Fi lA'g ilo. 1 \6nialnhAF I LJ | \.,r',i I Improvements Agreemeni. Said funds were placed in the County's Suspense Fund. At ihe present, the Subd'ivider is trrilling to complete said public improvements jn accordance njth the original Subdivisjon Improvements Agreement. In order to accomplish sarnen the Subdivider has submitteda proposed agreement to be entered into by the County and Paul Van ld j nk1 e. The fo'l l orvi ng i s a bri ef synoposi s of the rel evant termsof said Agreenent and my confrnents thereto: 1. Provision I of the Agreement states: . "Provided 0'wner (Vanrrlinkle) and Contractor (Schmidt-Tiago) sha'l I have entered into a contract for the construction of the remainder of the improvenents to be constructed with respect to Lots 1 through 42, High'land l'leadovls, as described in the Improvement Agreement {l4ay 28, 1978, Subdivisjon Improvements Agreement), in form and content satisfactoryto the Board, the Board wjll re'lease said lots from the Restrictionat the time of execution of such contract." Thus, the Board has the authority to review and approve or disapprove ofthe contract betrgeen Van rriinkle and Schmidt-Tiago. Note should be madethat this offjce has not seen nor review such contract. In additjon,I would strongly suggest that provision shou1d be made by Van tlink1ethat such pubf ic 'improveriients shall be in accordance vrith the plans and specificaiions originally approved by the County as per Section1'of the Subdivision Inprovements Agreement dated l*lay 28, '1978. The above pro'i'i sion clear'ly states that at the tine of executjon of the contract betr.reen Schmjdt-Tjago and Van Wjnkle, the County sha'1 1 release the plat restrictions relative to lots 1 through 42. 2, Provision 2 of the Agreement states: "The contract between Owner and Contractor sha11 provide for completionof the uork by a daie approved by the Boardo that Contractor's performance under the contract shall be bonded in an amount equa'lto the contract price, that the bond shall nane the Board as obligee thereunder and sha'll expire not earljer than one year fol lor.r'ing completion of such v;ork. " The Board, prior to the exectution of this contract, should determine a date certain for completion of the improvements. This office has received a draft performance bond for my review. Insofar as the 1ega1sufficiency of such bond, it is my opjnion that the County is covered; Honever, the performance bond as finalized should not, whatsoever, infer that the County 'is a contracting party to Schmidt-Tiago. Thus, the County should be named, not as the 0urner, but as a beneficiary or co-obligee to such bond with rights to enforce the provisions ofoi srjd bor'ci separate anC ciistinct fron any oihe:^ nanred ob1 igees. The final performance bond should clearly state that lhe same covers any and all r,rarranty peri ods required by the County. \-/ ,l ( S. Provision 5 of the Agreenent pro'rides that as improvements are D/" -^,y ',o{completed' the Ovmer nnay apply for a re] ease of part or al'l of the ' ",{t/'p.1fl (suns retained by the Board.t\v' $,{'t't,Q +v Page Three Hi ghl and i.'ieador.rs Fi'l i ng llo. i September 19, .|980 3. Provision 3 of the Agreer,rent states: "The Board shall disburse from the 563,000.00 being held by'it as a result of its draving on the Letter of Credit, al'l sumsto be disbursed by the Contractor pursuant to the contract betvleenftrner and Contractor fo1lo';ring conpletion thereof in accordancevrith the plans and specifications therefor to the satisfacijonof the Eag'l e County Engineer. r' - t'ly interpretation oi-ruia-piouiiion is that the County shall release the 563,000.00 to SchniCt-Tjago when such public improvements have been conp'l eted to the satisfactjon of the County Engineer. First, the plans and specifications re.lative to the contract between Schmidt- Tiago and Van lJink'le shou'ld be substaniial'ly s'imiliar and/or identicalto the plans and specifications origina'l 1y appro,red by the County relativeto the l'lay 23, 1978, Subdivision Improvements Agreement. Second, Vantrlinkle and/or its designated representative should make clearfor the record that Provision 3 means the Board nill retain the 563,000.00 until completion of such improvements and approval of same by the County Engineer. Third, the County shou'ld be awarethat the performance bond, and not any portion of the.563,000.00,ttj11 be retained as collatera1 for the r.rarranty period. 4. Provision 4 of the Agreement states:" Nothi,ng conta'ined herein sha'l I be deemed to ob1igate the Board under the contract betr'leen 0wner and Contractor." Th'is provision js mandatory. Furthernore, provis'ion shou'l d be made and/or a statement made for the record, that Schnidt-Tiago and the County shal.l not be deemed nor construed to be deemed contractingpart'ies r.thatsoever. If these tuo parties urere considered contractingparties, the County 'rrould be in violation of state-statutes mandatingthe County to bid ior public construction contractio to award sameto the 'l olrest and rnost responsible bjdder, and to bond the contractorpursuant to statute, Thus, any contract for the comp'l etion of public improvements must be betlreen the Subdivider-Orrner and the County on1y. 6. Proyision 6 of the Agreement provides that said agreement may be anended provided thai such amenCnent lre in r,'rriting and signed by all pariies thereto. 7, Proyision 7 of the Agreement specifies which party r.ri'l 'l pay Attorney fees in the event suit is brought. (, Page Four Hi gh I and l"leador.rs Fi 'l i ng lio. 1 Septenber 19 " 'l980 8. Provision 8 of the Agreement provides the standard hold harmless and indemnity ciause in favor of the County. 9. Provisjon 9 of the Agreement provides that the 0wner sha'l l take reasonable steps to insure safe conditions during the construction stages of the roads. Further, sa'id proviSion states that until the completion of al'l the improvements agreed Jo be performedn each of said roads not accepted as improved shall be under the charge of Ovrner for the purposes of this agreement. i0. Provision 10 of the Agreernent provides a urarranty period of one year after acceptance of each portion of the ttork. to be penforrned. 11. Additiona'l comments: I trould strongly suggest that Section 1 of the Subdivision Improvements Agreement dated l'lay 23, 1978, be incorporated by reference into th'is Agreement. In addition, provision shou'ld be made specifying the remedies available to the County in the event the Orrner defaults,.i.e. trithdravla'l and employment of collateral by the County to complete such improvements, enforcement of performance bond, etc. li you have any questions regarding this mattero please contact thisoffice at Extension 242. cc: l4el Ailvel 1, County Engineer Tom Boni, Acting P'lanning Director KKtsN'A ,) AsioclEl0 Prlnatoelt 0ctober ll, 1979 lls . Helga Beathune Box 3562 Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear },ls . Beathune: When the prelininary plat for ltighland Meadows Filing Nuober Two was submitted to Eagle County lhe proposed aliguuenu for the sanitary sewer installation was furnished to the County. A copyof this prel.ininary alignaent is attached for.your revies. Ttre fi al instal.lation is also shorrn on the drawing. During the fall and winter of, 1979 ue were authorized to prepare final plans for the sanitary serrer. The grourd rras snou covered at this t.ime and during the haste of coustruction this spring we should have contacted you once the center line was staked on the ground for your approval and your granting of the.easement for construction of the sanitary aelrer. The saoitary selrer is beneficial. to you since a very short service line vill be required. The sanitary sener across the westerly eod of your lot did not necessitate any tree removal . The contract with Tiago requiree reseediag of the coostruction scar. We are staking the property cornerE of your lot and the build area. [Je understand your building conEraccor vill revien the stakes aod advise you if there are any problens. Please contact Mr. McCoy eo he can neet with you and your contractor in the field to review the stakes. We are also enclosing a drawing of the sanitary sewer as located on Lot 15. The build area is sbown also. After your neeting rrith Mr. McCoy ne would l.ike to receive an executed-copy of the easenentif it neecs your satisfaction. l{e will handle the recording of the easenent and furnish you a copy of the recorded easernent for your records. Placeoent of the properry pins, building area corners and recording fees are not expenses to be borne by you. Ms. Helga Beathune 0ctober llr 1979 Page 2 If you have any additional information, please contact Ere. Enc I osu re cc : !{r. Garton Mr. I{illians ii ": _ C(KKBNA l|l€orF dadCooaulttrE Englrarr 7456 W€{ Frnn Aven!€Denve. Colorado m226303 ?32 6050Telet 45-4:170 INDEVCO oVR Found€'a lJ,ro S Ksrch!m E !'ernon Konkel(19231970) l,archael H. Barretl f,onavon O NckelAavd E. Ausln {.90&19671 hlnclpalg Don I PvLaOonald C. Wet'€r Lsroy E. Tobl€r As8oclalo Prlnclpolr Jalrlas R. Davig C. Jamss Enckson John K. gright Charles D Key€s Wrl]|a.n B. O Neai Neil F ounb3tRobe'l D. Scarrov Howa.o B Brownng July 22, 1980 !lr. Mel Atwell EagIe County Engineer P.0. Box 734 EagLe, C0 81631 Dear I'tr. Atwell: Mr. Van Wlnkle has ac existing valld contract wlth Schnldt Tlago Coostruction Co. for completloo of the roads !o Highlaod Mead.ows No. 1. A copy ls attached for your revlew. There ls a performaoce bond whlch wheo roads are completed aad accepled by Eagle County, Schnldt TLago Constructlon Co. will lrarrant the roads for one year from date of acceptance. Mr. Van Winkle desires Schnldt Tiago Const.ruclio[ Co. to com-plete paving of all roads and reseeding by fall of 1980. The $631000 was security for constructlon of roads for the flrst 26 I-ate 3 but all ercavatlon, drainage and the nalorlty of gra- vel hae been installetl for the entlre subdivlsion. The estl- mpted quantltles to conplete Blghland Meadows Ftling No. I are as fo l lows: MdLtloual Gravel Asphalt Surfacing Reseedlng Mlsc' Drainage Addltlons 1,000 Tons 11214 Toos $ 6,250.00 48,576.00 3,130.00 4,200.00 $62,156.00 Schnldt Tiago Constructlou Co. ls obligated to shape the sub-grade, dltches and gravel surfaciog to the typlcal standards lnthe pla[s and speclflcations. Mr. Van Winkle will authorize the Eagle County Englueer to work with KKBNA to establlsh the work schedule for completJ.onof the roads and paving to Couuty Standards ln 1980. Mr. Van Winkle desires to have Eagle County honor h16 contract ( wlth Schnidt Tlago Conatructlon Co., however, the release of pa)rnent s to Schridt Tiago Const.ructLon Co. nust be approvedby Eagle County, hluself , ancl KKBM. Sincerely yours , D .o\ ,,da^s?44.<- -"Lerot/E. TobIer, P.E.Prln/ipal ]JT/ktrr cc: Mr. Van Wlakle SchuLdr Tiago Arnnou"J, ffi).,r,Jrru O u-J vr ol.- [T/N'"'i'u6r ,u'tR//f ,'-io.o' ui.i )t/ // ,t' rv'Jr FU'' i'k' ./ /g s$$TArr seffiRtAsste{T HIGHLAND MEADOWS SUBDIVISION UTILITY EASEMENT- LOT NO. t5 FILING NO. 2 VAIL VILLAGE WEST FILING NO. t n eo";,roaeo1 ,gc.atg: t"' !O' LOT 16 *a9o, / &..;" , la.tr,&Y,g "q, CURVE OATA R= l5O.OO'L=5*4t2a" LEGAT DESCRIPTION A UTILITY EASEMENT 1O.O FEEI bIIIE AND BEII{G 5.0 FEET EAOI SIDE OF THE F0LLOT{II{G o€scRIBEo CENTERIINE. LYntG Ill THE St{ VA ff SECTIoN 12, T. 5 S., R. 8I W., OF IHE 6th P.II., ETGLE CO'I{TY. @LORADO, AND EEII{G I4ORE PARTICT'LARLY DESCRIBED A5 FOLL@S: BEGINNING AT A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 15, HIGHLAiID IEADS'S SUBDIVISION, FILING NO. 2, bJHICH POINT LIES II2.9O FEET FROII THE SOUTHHEST CORNER OF SAID LOT, THENCE N02o 10' 07"1,1, 80.76 FEET T0 A P0INT, fiEt{CE N60" 50' 20'W' 6.13 FEET T0 A PoINT 0N THE, UEST LIIIE 0F SAID LoT, IIHICH PoINT LIES 122.32 FEET FRoll THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT. ALSO, BEGINNING AT A POITIT ON THE EAST LINE OF LOT 15, I{HICH POINT LIES 137.90 FEET FR0ll THE S0UTHEAST C0RNER 0F SAID LoT, TllEi{CE S39" 32' 13'tl, 102.35 FEET TO A POINT, l.lHICH POINT IS THE INTERSECTION OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED CENTERLINES. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, LEROY TOBLER, A REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR IN THE STATE OF COLORADO' DO Henidv cERTIFY THRi THE ABOvE DEScRIEED IJTILITY EASEMEIIT THROUGH LOT NO. 15 wns mnoe uNDER My supinvtslon AND THAT THE AccoMPANYING PLAT AccURATELY AND PROPERLY SHOI.IS SAID EASEMENT AND THE SURVEY fiEREOF. 5447 DATE: ?o,y EASS{ENT Ar'ID RLGITT OF WAY THIS INDEMIJRE nade thls day of 19_, between of the County of Eagle, Colorado, first party, andDlstrl.ct, Colorado, a Quasi Munlclpal Corporatlon State of Colorado, second party. WITNESSETH: the Upper Eagle Valleyin the County of Eagle, THAI FOR and ln conslderatLon of the sum of DOLI"AR and other valuable conslderatlons, the recelpt of ls hereby acknowledged r theflrst party by these presents hereby grants, to the second party, 1ts successors and asslgns, a rlght-of-way and eaaenen! over, across and through the Property descrlbed belon, vlth the right tn the second party, lcs guccessors and asslgns, to construct and 'nalntaln a undei said lands, situate ln the Court A utlLlty easement 10.0 feet wide aod belng 5.0 feet each slde of the followlng descrlbed centerllne, lying ln the SW LI4 of. sectlon 12, T. 5 S., R. 8l w., of the 6th P.u., Eagle Coutrty, Colorado, and belng more partlcularly descrlbed as follows : Beglnnlng at a point on the south ltoe of lot 15, lll.ghland Meadows Subdlvlslon, Flllng No. 2, lrhlch poltrt ltes 112.90 feet fron the southwest corner of sald 1ot, thence N o2o lot 07' w, 80.76 feet.to a polot, thence N 600 50r 20" ll, 6.13 feet to a polnt on the nest llDe of sald lot, whlch polDt lles L22.32 feet fron the aouthwest corner of sald lot. A1so, begLnnlng at a polnt on the east llue of lot 15, whlch polnt lles 137.90 feet from the southeast corner of eald lot, thence s 39o 32t l3tIJ, 102.35 feet to a polnt, whlch polnt ls the lntersectLon of the above descrlbed ceoterLlnes. T0GE"fttER WITII the rlght of Lngress and egress over eald lande for the purpose of malntenance and repalr, also together eith the rtght !o use of euch reasonable addltlonaL land that rnay be neceasary dur lng the perlod of initlal conatructlon. IN WIINESS WHEREOF, the partles herein have hereunto aet thelr haod and seal the day and year flrst above rrrltten. Approved By: (Graotor) (Mortgagor) STATE OF COLORADO ) county of i"" The foregolng lnstrumeot was acknowledged before rne this Notary Public l9_A.D., by My Comisslon Expires day of EAGIE COUE{TY"a EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731t BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMlsstoNERsExt 241 ADMINISTRATIONExt 241 ANIMAL SHELTER9494292 AS5ES50RExt 2O2 BUILDING IN INSPECTIONE\t 226 ot 229 CLERK & RECORDER Ext 217 COUNTYATTORNEYErt242 ENGINEERErt 236 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTHExt 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIERARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTHEagls Ext 252 .Vail 476.5844 PLANNINGExt 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PE RSON N EL Ext 245 ROAD & ARIDGEExt 257 SHERIFF EaEle Ext 2l I Bag€lt 927-3244Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICEs328.5328 TREASU R E RExt 201 ( EA{iLi u0;iir i CERTIFIED MAIL September 9, 1980 High Country Corporation 1860 Lincoln Suite 100 Denver, Colorado Fina'l Plat approval of High'land Meadows Filing No.2- Subidivision Improvements Agreement- County of Eagle Dear Sirs: 0n January 5, 1979, an irrevocab'le letter of credit in the amount of $85,000.00 was issued by the Century Bank &Trust, Letter of Credit No. 1074, for the account ofyourself in favor of the Board of County Conmissioners, County of Eagle, State of Co'lorado, for the purpose.of guarantying construction of public improvenents requiredby the County of Eagle pursuant to that certain Subdivision Improvements Agreement entered into and betweenthe County and yourself as Subdivider of Highland Meadows Filing No. 2 Subdivision and as a conditionof final plat-approval of said subdivision Pursuant to said letter of credit, al'l drafts dfarrn thereunder must be drawn on or before November 30,1980. Thus, a'l'l public improvements required as per said Subdivision Improvements Agreement and the specifications and plans submitted pursuant to said final plat approval must be completed to the satisfaction of the Countyprior to November 30, '1980. Since this due date is rapidly drawing near, I urould suggest that you contact the County Engineer and/or a staff member of the County Department of Cormunity Development to discuss thestatus of said public improvements. Emphas'is should be made that all pub'lic improvements must be sat'isfactorily completed and approved by the County prior to said due date. If th.is is not accomp'lished ( Be: \' ( Page Two September 9, 1980 High Country Corp. prior to said due date, I shall be left with no other alternativebut to present said letter of credit to the bank for payment' as provided thereunder. If you have any questions, please contact this office at .328-731L or P.0. Box 850, Eagle, Colorado, 81631. 'Sincerely, $r-xt*: A t'\5\"'-:Ex/.\-a Beth A. Whittier County Attorney cc: Chairman, Board of County Corunissioners I'lel Atwell, County Engineer Tom Boni, Acting Planning Director ( July 22, 1980 Mr. Jach Gook Scholdt Tlago Conetructlon Coupany P.0. Box 487 Arvada, CO 8000f Dear Mr. Cook: ThlB ts authorlzatlon for extenalon of the contract dated June 22, L979 for the construction of roadg for the duplex lot8 10 Htghland lleadons Subdlvtelon lot 1 to 42 and Vermont Road ln Highland Headowe Flltng 02 tn Eagle County, Colorado. Thts letter of understandlng also ertenda the untt prlcee of the June 22, 1979 cootract for conpletl.oo of the roade aad acceptaoce by Eagle Couoty. The prlce per aquare yard for two lnch coop:cted lhlckness asphalt aurfaclng with a 0.3 galloo per square prlne coat ls I . Paynente for che asphalt surfaclug; addltlonal aggregate base courge; eeedlng and addltlonal drainage loprovenents ulll be oade fror the 9631000 held by Eagle County. Pay eetloates lrlll be prepared by KKBM Inc. aod euboltted to the Eagle Couocy Engineer for hts approval for the Eagle County Coollseloners to pay Schnidt Ttago. If the above provlsions conflro our agreeoetrEa, pleaee algn one copy and return t,O t[€ r Slncerely youra, Paul T. Van Wlnkle cc! KKBNA Inc. Eagle County Eoglneer Underetood and Accepted Scholdt Tlago Conetructlon Coopany by: Date: Jack Cook, Vlce Presldent (i) --KKBTJA IETTEB OF TNA|ISU| TAL ItEorF !dCd|EuruDg E.tglrE! 7,156 Wed Fittr Av{uloDsrs Colorstb 80228300 2e 6050 Tel9t {941t?O 0rlltEvm DVR D*27F'0 Job No. Job Tltle Gentlemen. We ero sondlng you tho iollorlng ltom8: E attachsd E shop drawings E copy ot letter E rsproducdons E change order E under sgparatg cover via E orlglnals E Bamdss D o 9ooclflcalion9 Thoso arc tEnamlttad E for approval E for your us6 D aftsr loan to us E as roquested E rovlsrvod E for revlsw and commonl El for your record tr I I lFIIFIIA c)o .i{ FiFloFra ,t(D 1.1ao 6o :Ed E .'t' E.i \OitiolO'-r Eirg L"r t\: I I _ ,.o l(\vt\ -i Ia, !,v, FFI ooF.o FrBrl nmteroffnee ( nnenn@remdumn To: Mel Atwel'l , County Engineer Subiect: Letter of Credit- Van Winkle From: {31r,,Beth A. hlhjttier, County Attorney File No.:Date: 6-25-80 Enclosed is the original 'letter of credit which has been du'ly signed by the Board of County Cormissioners. I have al ready made a copy of said letter of credit for our files. 0N JUNE 3q, '1980, preferab'ly in the morning, p1 ease presentGid'-TffioF credit at the counter of the First Bank of Vail and request a CASHIER"S CHECK IN THE AMOUNT 0F $63,000.00.If they do not wish to pay at that tine, they have three days within which to approve or disapprove said letter of credjt. In this instance, receive a RECEIPT showing presentment of said letter of credit by yourself on said date. If you have any questions and/or problems, please request to see Ann Holland; I may be reached Thursday and Friday at the Crestwood in Snowmass, Colorado, and Monday at Fred Witse'l I's office in Denver, Colorado. Charlette should have those numbers. HAVE FUN::