HomeMy WebLinkAbout44 W Meadow Dr units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, PH & common areaa DEPARTMENT OF COMMI-TY DEVELOPMENTTOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 Job Address.: 44 W MEADOW DR VAILLocation......: MEADOW VAIL PLACE #4 Parcel No....: 2l0t07llffi Status.....: ISSUEDApplied...: 09/08/2005 Issued ...: 10103/20[5 Expires...: Ml0UZn6 L-f r 0oi\D.L\*-e( |((---A.^-,-, \l'- f R\3.-^- NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES :* v ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B[l54277 [.esal Description:*'ffi#ffi..:; RRsos 0'103 OgINER PERICIJES REAIJTY INc o9/o8/2oo544 W MEADOW DR VAIIJco 81657 APPT.,ICAIIT RUSTY SPrKB EIiITERPRISES 09/08/2005 phone | 970-476-4374P.O. BOX 1s17 VAII,co 8L558 L,icense: 450-B CoNIRACTOR RUSTY SPIKE ETTIERPRISES 09/0e/2005 phone z 97O-475-4374P.O. BOX 1517 VAII,co 81558License: 460-8 Desciption: MEADOW VAIL PLACE #4-CHANGE OUT KITCHEN: PLUMBING FIXTURES: NEW LIGHTING: REMOVE FIREPLACE: ADD AIR AND SPRINKLERS Occupancy: R-2 Type Construction: I-B Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $341,500.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 Fireplace Infomution: R€stricted: Y f ofGas Appliancrs: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellec 0 *'}lt*||.t.:t*'|'|*:l+:i*+i+*i,lilt.|ltl|*lltl+i++'+t+til*t.||t:l**'|+******* Building----- > $2, 348 .95 Restuarant Plsn Review-> $0.00 Total Calculated Fees- > $3, 878 . ?7 Plan Check--> 5L,526.82 DRB Fee----> 50-00 Additional Fees------ > $0.00 Invcstigation- > $o . oo Recreation Fee--------> $0. o0 Total Permit Fee-----> 93, 87s .77 Wilf Calf----> $3.00 clear up Deposit----> $0.00 Payrrents---------- > 93,a7s.11 TOTAL FEES------------> $3.878.77 BALANCE DUE----- > $0.00 *l*l*lt*+*****t**t****l,il.{lltlt*ltt Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTI{ENI o9/29/2OO5 JRII Action: AP PER PHONE COIiIVERSATION WrTH .IR (IN NEVADA) Item: 05400 PIJAIINING DEPARTMENT 09/08/2005 JS Action: AP Ar.,L WORK TO BE TNTERIOR, NO ADDING OF GRFA OL/3!/2oo6 I|IRG Action: AP no exterior work sholvnItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PITBIJIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge th4 I have read this application, filled out in full tbe information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to cornply with all Town ordinances ard state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building ard Residential Codes and other odinances of the Town applicable ttrercto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOTJR HOI,'RS IN ADV PM. BY 149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ANDOWNET '}'t.**'t*'i****{.'t'i***'*****l.**!**'i!t'}*|*:t!********!tl.!t****--l}f-P-?----*x.*!t*|t.+***+*:f{.,t!:|.'f:f'i't.'*'t.*:r*********** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-W77 as of 03{2-2006 Status: ISSUED 'r*****|**'**:**'|*'|*'t't't*'}*:***'t**'tl.****i:|.*!t.|**!i,[*,t***!r*{t*'t*l.*****:t,**:t*:t:t:****:****:t*!N*:|'*:r*****:t*:t*'t:F********** Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BLIILD PERMIT Applicant: RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES n04764374 Job Address: ul4 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location: MEADOW VAIL PIACE #4 Parcel No: zl0lWllffi Description: MEADOW VAIL PLACE #4-CHANGE OUT KITCHEN; PLUMBING FIXTLIRES; NEW UGHTING; REMOVE FIREPLACE: ADD AIR AND SPRINKLERS Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPBCTIONS ARE REQLJIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WTfH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI.NRED BEFORE ANY WORKCAN BE STARTED. Cond:40 (BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FIRE ALARM REQUIRED PER NFPA 72. Applied: Wl08/2005 Issued: LO/0312ffi5 To Expire: 0/,l0ll2ffi 2 Bw or7? Permit #:' Pmwv0Fwn 75 S, Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 NTO OWN OF V CoIVTRACTOR TNFORMATTON EVALUATTONS FQR BU|LD|NG PERMIT Labor & Materials Assessors Offce at 970-32g-8640 aOnOirtCetiai:5ttfi#i.;;I{*K,!K,*l*llll!'****,***,** COMPLETE F,olfarcel # Contact ATTENTION: .lOE"t&mi REvlsED AMoUNT: $ p:16.0 o ELECTRICAL:$ 50 , do O orHER:$ Io, bD OPLUMBING: $MECHANICAL,$ | _1 SO a 2 ta to7 ll La*TOWN OF V workcl*", N"*() Add R"roddfi nepairl) Demo() other() Work Type: Interior ff) Exterior ( ) B"th ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Singte-family t ) f*o+"rnitV No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this builo-ng:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: S!!gg: Gas Applglces ( ) Ges Logs ( ) Wood/peilet ( ) Wood Burnino 01i Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Peilet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED F:\Users\cdav\APPLICATIONS\B LDGREVtStONS2O04.doc 12t92n004 Bor. oz7? Bcr,bro r{> , APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG Permit #: REVI rate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, m cal, etc.! EVALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials Assessors Office at 97 0-328-8640 -.(,:'/- - it 1 .- z-o.aa tav v-qrv oFFlcE usE oNLY**trt*t*t*d****tt.ttt*ir*tai**tt*t*t1)F MMlOPY/IL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8't657 COMPLETE For Parcel # Contact CONTRACTOR INFORMATION A JOE, REVfSED AMoUNT: $ -2-fO,0 o ELECTRICAL:$ 5), DO O oTHER:$ to, bD O PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL:$ l1 -SO A TOWN OF VAll.2 to t07 llLa* WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel //) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior fi) Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family tff Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: : Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burni Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLQWEQ FlUsers\cdav\APPLICATIONS\BLDGREVlSlONS2004.doc 12t0212004 .i\r{}icrrGF q- i'*5',l} dt#fi ,o*rffi Depaftment of Community Development Project Name: Project Addrcss: This Checklist must be comoleted before a Buildino Permit aoplication is acceoted. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a MultFFamily complex Complete site plan submitted (4) Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Work checklist) Staging plan (4) included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,parkinq or material storaqe allowed on roadways and shoulderc without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architeci stamp and signature (All Commercial and Mulli family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(3 sets of plans for remodel/addition, 4 seb of plans for new SFR" Duplex, Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie. loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soib Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown tl o o o o o o a B tr o o o a D o o I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: FlUsers\cdev\APPLICATIONS\BLDGREVlSlONS2004. doc Received By: 1AOZ2$U o DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-4.79-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: B;05-0277 Job Address.: 44 W MEADOW DR VAIL Status.....: ISSLJEDLocation......: MEADOW VAIL PLACE #4 Applied...: Wt08t2W5 Parcel No....: 2101071160[4 Issued ...: lOlO3l2O05 Project No...: ??f oS-O.(05 Expires...: U/0112ffi6 owNER PBRTCIES REAIJTY rNC 09/08/200544 W ME;ADOW DR VAIIJco 81557 APPIJICANT RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES 09/09/2005 phonez 970-476-4374P.O. BOX 1517 VAII,co 81658License: 460-8 CONTRACTOR RUSTY SPIKE EnmERPRISES 09/08/2005 Phone: 970-476-4374P.O. BOX 1517 VAIIJco 81558License: 450-B Desciption: MEADOW VAIL PLACE #4-CHANGE OUT KITCHEN; PLUMBING FIXTURES; NEW LIGHTING: REMOVE FIREPLACE: ADD AIR AND SPRINKLERS Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $235,500.00 Fireplace lnfonmtion: Restricted: Y Add Sq Ft: 0 # of Gas Appliances: 0 # ofcrs Lrgs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 s0 . 00 Total Permit Fee----- > 92, 899 . 33 g0 . 00 Payments------------ > $2, 899 . 33 *|t|.{f*+**|*ti+*.+|t|+,|i*||t.|l|t+:t{l+{t|*+'|l|***+*{.**|**||*ttl.+*|t|+l|t Building----> $1,755.35 Resnurant Plan Review- >PlanCheck--> $1,140.98 DRB Fee-------------- > 30.00 Total Crlculated Fees-> S2,899.33 S0 . oo Additional Fe€s------>$0. 00 Invcstigation- > win cdl--->90. 00 Recreation Fee-------- > g3, oo Clean-up Deposit----- > TOTAL FEES----------- > 92,8ee.33 BALANCE DUE----->$0.00 Approvals:Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENI o9/29/2OO5 rRM Action: AP PER PHONE CONVERSATION WITH ,IR (IN NEVADA)Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEI{E 09/08/2oos Js Action: AP ALL, WORK TO BE INTERIOR, NO ADDING OF GRFAItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTUENf Iten: 05500 PIIBL'IC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECI-ARATIONS I hereby acloorvfeAge Uni I trave rcad this qplication, filled out in full the infonnation required, corryleted an apcurarc plot plan, ard state that all the infornation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infonnation ard plot plan, to conply with all Towrt ordinances ad stab laws, and o build this struchu€ according to the towns zooing aod subdivisim codes, &sign review approved, International Buildilg ard Residential Codes ad other ordinarrccs of the Tovm applicable thercto. REQT'EIITS FOR INSPECIION SIIALL BE I{ADB TWEI{TY-FOUX, HOIJRS IN ADVANCE OR AT OIJR OFFICE FAOM Efl AM. 4 Plr{. SIGNATI,JRBOF FOR HIMSELF PAGE 2*{',t*'t***{'*****:f*'t***'l*'***!t*'t'}!tlt:t*'l'**'t!t*!t'**tt**'t'f****'t*'t*****:t.****'t|t*:t****|t*|t*t**'t*'t** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 8054277 as of 1G03-2005 Status: ISSUED '|'***'|,f*'t,*'****'|.*'i't!****:l*,****:|.***{.***,t*****|t't!*:****!t't{!*!*i't*l.**'f*!t*'t*!t't't*****'t********* ,a Permit T1rye: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 09/08/2005 Applicanc RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRJSES Issued: l0l03l20fi5nG.4764374 To Expire: Ml}ll2ffi Job Address: zl4 W MEADOW DR VAIL location: MEADOW VAIL PLACE #4 Parcel No: zL0Lffillffi Description: MEADOW VAIL PLACE #+CHANGE OUT KITCTIEN; PLUMBING FTXTIJRES; NEW LIGHTING; REMOVE FIREPLACE; ADD AIR AND SPRINKLERS Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLnRED TO CHBCK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALIS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN;\PPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI.NRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: r[{) (BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FIRE ALARM REQUIRED PER NFPA 72. ll APPLICATION WLL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIG Project #:Qs oVoS BoS-o27)) TDvtlwwn,, 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, Golorado 81657 rtact and Pnone f,rs: 'iii Ka'rrn aro-a.'s{ COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & BUTLDTNG:S lf,S,oOq d ELECTRICAL: $ ;q@O,@ orHER: SJS p6Ol5pB r u< tA<] PLUMBING: $ 85O0,oO MEcHANfcAL:S'J,N,w ToTAL: $J3S.57n.@ For * Contact Assessors Otrice at 970-328-8610 or vlsftm )l o I o:l tl tool Job Name: MeAUr, Vlr Rq(Z # t JobAddress: rr I{q u . mEADn^) DP- VhtLt, Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivlslon: lPhpFrb-'/a'7 / Arc[teiugeptgff[iNpDenlqno X ogb"dt,a,Ut$tmy (*3s l,non"ty,]6-3tgo Engineer:Address:Phone: UA FlxilEeS t PeP uut77p6i REoa,E P1PaPU<6 imo nResPRlNKlffl WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodelffi Repair( ) Demo( ) Otngl] __________ WorkTlpe: Interior() Exterior( ) Both( )Does an EHU exist at't{qis location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type ofBldg.: Single-family ( ) Two'family ( ) Multi-fEmily X),r Commerclal ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:' J"'No. of Accommodation Units in this building: I I Noffvpe of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning Oq I No/Trroe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loss ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT Does a Fire Alarm Bist: Yes fi) No (Ees-eTfe Sprinkler Sptem Exist: Yes ( ) No 0<) ffiFOROFFICEUSEONL ;irz1 {}{.'TOV.COM.DEV.Documg|e t rrfi]'::a .l II March 2,2006 Chris Gunion Plans Examiner Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Gonzales Residence ll4 Meadow Vail Place tl4West Meadow Drive Vail, Golorado 81657 Buildi ng Permit #8,05-0277 John M. Perkins, AIA 0047 E. Beover Creek Blvd. Chrisiie Lodge Resort, Suite C-16 PO. Box 2007 Avon, Colorodo 81620 970.949.9322 lox97O.949.0629 Dear Chris, Relative to the wall assemblies presented to you yesterday, upon further research and consultation we would change the assemblies to the following: One hourfire resistive assembly - GA Fib No. WP 1072 Two hour fire resistive assembly - GA File No. WP 1522 Two hour structural steel columns - GA Fib No. CM 2120 Per my research and consultation, we found no protection assembly for a round structural steel column. All structural components have been wrapped similar to GA File No. CM 2120. ffi,ffiS$^:ertru4 M SYSTEM DESCRIPTION SKETCH AND DESIGN DATA GYPSUM WALLBOARD, STEEL STUDS, MINERAL FIBER INSULATION One layer 1/r" proprietary type X gypsum wallboard or gypsum veneer base applied at right angles to each side of 2rl1 steel studs 24" o.c. with 1" Type S drywall screws 8" o.c. at verticaljoints and 12" o.c. at intermediate studs and wall perimetsr.2" mineral fiber insulation.3.0 pcl. friction fit in stud space. Verticaljoints stagg€rsd 24" on each side and on opposite sides. Horizontal ioints need not be staggered. (NLB) PROPRIETARY GYPSUM BOARD tlftlllflfll]fi1ltfl llflll[flrl ilfiilflfl Thickness: 31/e' Limiting Height: Refer to manufacturar Approx. Weight: 5 psf Fire Test: UL R3501, 93NK22748, 9-15-93, Design V401; FM W2B-1hr, 9-12-84, Desion WP-731 Sound Test: See WP 1070 (RAL T169.42, 10-17.68) PROPRIETARY-45 to 49 STC SOUND GYPSUM WALLBOARD, STEEL STUDS One layer 5/e" type X gypsum wallboard or gypsum veneer base applied parallel or at right angles to each side of 3%' steel studs 24" o.c. with 1 " Type S drywalt screws 8" o.c. at vertical joints and 12' o.c. at floor and ceiling runners and intermediate studs. Joints staggered 24" on each side and on opposite sides. Sound tested with 3r/zl'glass liber triction lit in stud spac€. (NLB) Thickness: 471a" Limiting Height: Reler to Sectjon V Approx. Weight: 6 psf Fire Test: See WP 1200 (FM WP-45, 6-19-68; OSU T-1770, 8-61; uLc 79T484, 79T500, 79T497, 8-12-81 , Design W415) Sound Test: NRCC 816-NV 2-3-81 i\i\\i\il1illl11 GLASS MAT GYPSUM BOARD. STEEL STUDS, GLASS FIBER INSULATION One layer 1/2" proprietary lype X glass mat water-resistant gypsum backing board applied' parallel to each side of 21lr" steel studs 16" o.c. with 1'TypeSdrywall screws 8" o.c.$ a't verticaljoints and 12" o.c. al intermediate studs and wall perimeter. 31/r" glass fiber insulation, 0.526 pcf, friction fit in stud space, Joints staggered 1 6" on opposite sides and covered with 10 x 10 mesh glass tape and tile adhesive. (NLB) PROPRIETARY GYPSUM BOARD Thickness: 3112" Limiting Height: Refer to manufacturer Approx. Weight: 5 psfFireTest: CTC 1897-1655, 1-1 '1-88 sound Test: see wP 1070 (RAL TL69-42, 10-1 7-68) HOUR FIRE GYPSUM WALLBOARD, STEEL STUDS, GLASS F!BER INSULATION One layer s/8" proprietary type X gypsum wallboard or gypsum veneer base applied parallel to each side of 21lr" steel studs 24" o.c. with 1,/r" Type S drywall screws 8" o.c. at wall perimeter and 12" o.c. at vertical joints and with 11/a" Type S drytvall screws 12" o,c. or continuous 1/a" beads of adhesive at intermediate sluds. 2310" olass fiber insulalion,0.65 pct, friction fit in stud space. Joints staggered 24" on opposite sides. (NLB) PROPRIETARY GYPSUM BOAFO G-P Gypsum 7a" cyProc@ Fireguard@ Westroc lndustries Limited - 5/a" Westroc FireboardrM /il ,ll /\iir{it Ii\illli Thickness: 33[" Limiting Height: Refer to manufacturer Approx. Weight: 6 pslFireTest: ULC 78T55, 1-9-79, Design W409 Sound Test: ORC70-2-2, 1-6-70 PROPRIETARY'45 to 49 STC SOUND - Contact the manufaclurer for more detailed lnformation on proprietary producls.GA-600-97 WALLS AND INTERIOR PA SYSTEM DESCRIPTION SKETCH AND DESIGN DATA GYPSUM WALLBOARD, RESILIENT CHANNELS, STEEL STUDS, MINERAL FIBER INSULATION Resilient channels 24' o.c. attached at right angles to ONE SIDE of 31/r' 20 gage steel studs 24'o.c. with one r/r" Type S-12 drywall screw at each stud. Baee layer tlz" proprietary type X gypsum wallboard or gypsum veneer base applied at right angles to channels wilh 1" Type S drywall screws 24" o.c. Faoe layerl/r' proprietary type X gypsum wallboard or gypsum veneer base appliod at righl angles to channols with 15/€" Type S drywall screws 12" o.c.3'mineral fiber insulation,2 pcf, friction fit in stud spacs. OPPOSITE SIDE: One layEr r/r' proprietary typ6 X gypsum wallboard applied parallel to studs with l " Type S-12 drywall screws 12" o.c. Joints staggered 24' each layer and side. (NLB) PROPRIETARY GYPSUM BOARD G-P Gypsum United States Gypsum Company r/2" GyProc@ Fireguard@ 0 Vi' SHEETROCK@ Brand Gypsum Panels, FIRECODE@ C Core Thickness: 571a" Limiting Height: Reler to manulacturer Approx. Weight: 9 psfFireTest: UL R1319-141 through 1 45, 2-1 1 -87, Design U453soundTest: RAL TL83-215, 9-2-83 55 to 59 STG SOUND GA FILE NO.WP 1520 PROPRIETARY- GYPSUM WALLBOARD, STEEL STUDS Base lay6r 1lz" lype X gypsum wallboard or gypsum veneer basa applied parallel to each side ot 35/6' steel studs 24" o.c. with 1 " Type S drywall screws 24' o.c. Face layer r/2" type X gypsum wallboard or gypsum veneer base applied parallel to each side with 1%" Type S drylryall scrsws 12" o.c. Joints staggered 24' each layer and side. Sound tested with 31/r' glass fibor friction lit in stud space. (NLB)Thickness: 5%' Limiting Height: Flefer to Section V Approx. weight: 9 pst Fire Test: Sae WP 1545 (UC, 9-7-64; uLc 80T499, 3-26-81, Design W414) SoundTsst: NRCC815-NV,2-3-81 lillijli lJIIU 55 to 59 STG SOUND GA FILE NO.WP 1521 55 to 59 STC SOUND GYPSUM WALLBOARD, STEEL STUDS Base layer s/6" type X gypsum wallboard or gypsum veneer base appli6d parallel or at right angles to sach side of St/r' stBel studs 24" o.c. with l' Type S drywall scrsws 24" o.c. Face layer 5/0" type X gypsum wallboard or gypsum veneer base applied parallel or at right angles to each side with 15/o'Type S drywall screws 12" o.c. Joints staggered 24" each layor and side. Sound tosted with 31/r" glass fiber triction lit in stud space. (NLB)Thickness: 61/s'' Limiting Hsight: Beter to Ssction V Approx. Weighl: 12 psfFireTest: See WP 1548 (wHl-495-0236, 1-30-80) soundTest: NRCC818-NV,2-3-81 iJ]IiJljilIilU This Space Left Blank GA-600-97 ' Contact the manulacturer for more detailed inlormation on proprietary products. COE['M NS, NONCOMBUSTI BLE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION SKETCH AND DESIGN DATA STEEL STUDS, GYPSUM WALLBOARD uL F.2717-34,5-15-64, Design X517; ULC Design 2503 2 HOUR FIRE METAL LATH, GYPSUM PLASTER %" 1:1-1:1 wood-fibered gypsum-sand plasterapplied over 3.4lb. diamond mesh expandedmetal lath wire tied with 18 gage wire 6. o.c. at sBams applied over 1/z', x 3/r,, spacers 40" o.c. Spacers made of %" furring channel with 2,, legs bent around aach corner ofW10x49 column. uL R4024-10. 1-5-67 GA FILE NO. CM 2320 METAL LATH, GYPSUM PLASTER 1" 1:2-1:3 gypsum-perlite plastsr apptied c|lr'er 9.4 tb. self-furring expanded diamond mssh melal lath and 21lr" wido llanged expanded m6tal cornor bsads wire tied to Wl0x49 column wiih 18 gage galvanized wire 6,,o.c. STEEL STUDS, GYPSUM WALLBOARD Baee layer 1/2" proprietary type X gypsum wallboard applied to flanges and across web openings of W10x49 column and tastened to 1sA,'steel studs with '1" type S drywall screws 24" o.c. Second layerl/2" proprietary gypsum wallboard applied to studs with 1 %" type S drywall screws 12" o.c. creating a stud cavity between base and second laysrs over column flanges. Facs layer 1/r" proprietary gypsum wallboard appfied to studs with 21li' type S drywall screws 12" o.c. 11L" corner bead applied with 4d drywall nails. Joint compound 1/re" thick applied ovsr corner bead and lace laver. The Celotex Corporation Centex American Gypsum Company - Continental Gypsum G-P Gypsum Pabco Gypsum Rspublic Gypsum Temple-lnland Forest Products Corooralion United States Gypsum Company uL R7094, 90NK10635, 12-4-90, Design X5151/r" Fl-BOK PLUST"1/,' FIREBLOC ryPE C 1/a" MoreRockr" FireBarrM Type C (cG-c) '/2" GyProc@ Fireguard@ C 1/r" FLAME CURB@ Super 'C' V,' FIRE-ROC RG-C /2 | \.tr-U 1/r' SHEETROCK@ Brand Gypsum Panels, FIRECODE@ C Core r Contact the manufacturer for more delailed intormation on proprielary products.GA-600-97 113 FACSIMILE John M. Perkins, AIA 00y'7 E. Beover Creek Blvd. Chrislie Lodge Resort, Suite C- 16 PO. Box 2007 . Avon, Colorodo 81620 970.949.9322 \ox97Q.949.0629o't 3/40 4 ro, Orat GuJtoJ Project Name:+Tq- &4fa Transmitting 5 p"g". including cover sheet Project No. Fax #: From: ff you do not receive all page clearly, please call (970) g4g-9322 URGENT Please call Hard copy to follow March 2,2006 Chris Gunion Plans Examlner Town of Vail Gommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Gonzales Residence #4 MeadowVailPlace 4l West Meadow Drfue Vail, Colorado El657 Building Permit #805-0277 John li. Pc*ins, AIA 00/7 E. Boawr Crook Bhd. Christic lodgc Rcrort, Suih C-16 PO. Bor 2007 Avon, Colotodo E1620 9m,9&,9322 jox970,919,Q629 Dear Chds, Relative to the wall assemblies presented to you yestetday, upon further research and consultation we would change the assemblies to the following: One hour fire resistive assembty - GA File No. Wp 1072 Two hourfire resistive assembly - GA File No. \ /p 1822 Two hourstructuralsteelcolumns - GA Flle No_ CMZIZO Per my research and consultation, we found no protection assembly for a round structural steel @lumn. All structural components have been' $rrapped similarto GA File No. CM 2120. ffi [or-nd : ;, i i l i ,l') I i I I I Bas?.,layer th" type X gypsum wallboard app ed around W4x13 column and held in place with paper masking tape. second tayei ih,,type X gvpsum waltboard applied around column and held in place with paper masklng tlpe, ihirO tayer r/2' type X gypsum wallDoard applied around column and held in place with paper masking tape. Face layer either No. 24 MSG galvanized steel column cover consisting of two L-shaped sections with snaplock sheet steel ioints or No. 22 MSG galvanized steel column covers consisting ol two L-shaped secdons with lap joints lastened with No.8x1/2" she€t melal screws 12" o.c. uL NC505-(1 -6), 71NK2639, 12-23-751 uL NC505. ZNK1518; UL Design X526 GYPSUM WALLBOARD, STEEL COLUMN COVER Base layer 1/2'type X gypsum wallboard applied around W4x13 column and held in place with papar masking tape. Second layer r/z'type X gypsum wallboard applied around column and held in place with paper masking tape. Thlrd layer either No. 24 MSG galvanized steel column cover consisling of two L-shaped sections with snap-lock sheet steel ioints or No. 22 MSG galvanlzed steel oolumn covers consisting ol two L' shaped sections with lap joints fastened with No.8xr/2'sheet metal screws 12' o.c. Face layer t/2' typs X gypsum wallboard applied without horizontal ioinls to column cor'er with 1' Type S drywall screws 8" o.c. spaced 1' from vertical edges. Metal cornerbead attached to all corners with 1'type S drywall screws 12" o.c.uL NC505-(1-6), 71 NK2639, 12-23-75i uL NS05, ZNK1518; UL Design )€26 GYPSUII WALLBOARD, STEEL COLUMN COVER Ba3e layer r/2'type X gypsum wallboard applied around TS4x4x0.188 tube steel column and held in place with paper masking tape. Second layer r/2'type X gypsum wallboard applied around column and hsld in place with paper masking tape. Thlrd layer 5/8' type X gypsum wallboard applied around column and hsld in place with paper masking tapo. Faca layer eithe. No. 24 MSG galvanized steel column cover consisting of two L-shaped soctions with snap-lock she€t steel loints or No. 22 MSG galvanized st€el column covers consisting of two L-shaped sections with lap ioints tastened with No.8xr/2" shest metal scrsws 12' o.c. uL NC50$(1-6), 71 NK2639, 12-23-75i uL NC505, 77NK1518; UL Design X526 GYPSUM WALLBOARD, STEEL COLUMN COVEH Base layer 1/2'type X gypsum wallboard applied around TS4x4x0.188 tube steel column and held in place with paper masking tap€. Second layer r/2'type X gyPsum wallboard applied around column and held in place with paper masking tape. Third layer either No. 24 MSG galvanized steel column cover consisling ot two L-shaped sections with snap-lock sheet steel joints or No. 22 MSG galvanized st€el column covers consisting of two L-shaped sections with lap joints Fastened with No.8x1/2" sheet metal screws 12' o.c. Face layer 1s'typs X gypsum wallboard applied wihout horizontal joints to column cover with 1'Type S drywall screws 8' o.c. spaced 1' from vertical edges. Metal cornerbead attached to all @rners with 1" tyPe S drywall screws 12' o-c.uL NC505-(1 -6), 71 NK2639, 12-?3-751 uL NCs05, 77NK1518; UL Oesign X526 t Contacl the manutac{uref Ior more detailed infomation on proprieiary products.GA-600-2000 ASlg2lzss, 13:14 JTIP ARCHITECTS PAGE A5IA5 o .COLU M NS, ilOT.ICOMBUSNBLE SYSTEM DESCRIPTION SKETCH AND DESIGN DATA GA FILE NO..CM 2I2O STEEL STUDS, GYPSUM WALLEOAFD B.-ee laysr %'!rpe X gypium w?ltPgard or gypsum venee, base app €d b I %. steetgtuds_lo_caled et eaoh corncr otWtOx*g c5ilimn nith l;-fr.lpJS scrcw6 ptL. o,c. Frcegg g_qp$ Syp"um .watlboard or gypsum wnJji i""i,-+pu.a trc str.las wth i%u .rype iJ orywa sq€\ds iz. oc.lr/.r mgblcornrr bead appled whh 6d clated nalls, 1%'long. 0.@16rr shank, %i hgads..l2r o.c. - _ ------ ''''" I'Affii;:"" urfldrtf"rc i[w m, €*,il ^ S4q+1io 0@Vtt4 &r wu*4r-- q/lt ur rr(r ,. uL R2717-34 6-15-64, Dedgn )G17; Ut-C Deslgn GA FILENO. CM 2310 METAL IATH, GYFSUM PLASTEB Vr' l:1-1:1.wood-frbared grypsurtrsandllasts, apptied o\rer 44 b. dsnond mssh a.panded #f&;bgsffi l'#"xy"lir?fi ,ffi *?:itm,tn,*ri"f:ttr'ff iis uL R402+10, 1€67 GA FILE NO, CM 2320 UETAL LATH, GYPSUM PLASTEB 1 'J:zJ I qyPguT"perlite p_tctcr appil€d o,Er 8.4 lb, retf-tunlng q(pended dilmond .TF_h Ielat tath and 2rlar wtde flinge<t apanOei- metni ciiiriii tlaas wirs iied iomo(€ cotumn with tB gage gatvaiizeO "itri'e;d.i.'-- GAFILE NO. CM siOO uL F7094,90NK10635, 12.4-90, Doslgn XEtg STEEL SruDS, GYPSUM WALLBOARD Btp-Enl t4.rytsSary.rype X grylsurn uailboard .pptied to flanges and scro$ wobopentngs or wr0x49 cotumn and thstened ro tVi,-rfieiiiuroJ-wririj;$;l-fri;tacrews 24. o,c. s.cond taver %. proprieftrry bidfi waiiE;era apririso to itriGIIh-]j{.U-..S drywau s6r.ow_s,1i"_,i" "reitin!-a-Jiro iaily uetween base and :fr",:5i85t".!fr ''1$tli8$r5;f"m',',.ofJm{,',r^f,,;Ui,l;,Uiwio' ad drywatt naita. Joint ibmpo.rb ri;., thid a;iti-*#*rn", Dead and .,oelayer. PBOPHIETANY GYPSUiI EOAFDTho Celote( Corporarlon - rA" FI-FOK pLUS,uc.nror Arnetlcan Gvoaum Comgany - 'lz! FI6EBLOC TypE Ccontinental cypsurli r/J MoreRdi*- FireBard Op€ C G.P Gypsum Pabco cypsum Fepublic Gypsum Temple-lnland For$t produst Corpota on Unitod StEtes Gypaum Comparry .. (cc-c)r/,, GyProslD Flrequ;rd@ dt/r' FLAME OUBB@-Super,C,I/J'FIBE,ROC NG.C Vr" TG-O 1/r' SHEFIHOCKD Brand Gypsum Panels. FIHECODEO C Coro GA.600-97 I Oonrrct the manufasiurgr tor more dotalled B3/A2/2aA6 13:14 JMP ARcN-rrrEcTL PAGE A4/45 ' Contact ths manuladurEr lor more detsiled informatbn on grogrletarv Droducls, WALLS AND INTERIOR PABTITIONS, NONCOMBUSTIBLE SKETCH AND DESIGN DATA GYPSUM WALLBOARD, RESILIENT CHANNELS, STEEL STUDS, MINEFAL FIBEF INSULATION nesillent channelE 24' o.c. aflaohed et right engles ro oNE slDE ot 3'&' 20 gage steel studs 24'o.c, wilh one r/r'Type S-12 drpvall ecrew al each stud. Base layer %' proprietary type X gypsum rvallboard or gypsum veneer base aPpllad ar rlghl angles to channsls whh 1" Typ€ S drywall scr8ws 24" o.c. Face layer r/ proprietary typs X g'!/psum wallboard or gypEum \rsne€r base applled at rlgh angles to ohanneb wilh 1%. lype S drywall so€r,rrs 12" o.c.3' mineral tlber Insularlon, 2 psf, friction fll ln stud 3pac6, OPPGSITE SIDE; One lsyer '/:' proprlstary typo X gypsum wallboard applied palallel lo sluds with l" Type S"12 drywall screws 12" o.c. Joir s Eleggered 24' B6ch ldyer and sde. (NLE) PFOPRIETAFY GYPSUM BOAFD G-P Gyp6um United Slates Gypsum Company Thlckn6s6: Jlt' Limltlng Height: Ref.r lo manulaclur€f Appror. weight I psfFireTa6ti UL R1319-141 lhmugh 145, 2-1 1-87, Dgsign U45AsoundTast BAL TLBS-2l5. 9"2{3 55 to 59 STD SOUND PROPRIETARY'..GA FILE NO.WP 1520 GYPSUM WALLBOARO, STEEL STUDS Bes€ lsyer %' type X gypum wrllboard or gypsum v€nser base applled p.rallsl lo each sldc ol 35/rn sleel slud3 24' o.c. wlth I 'Typs S drywall scrcwr 24' o.c. Face layerr/:' lypt X gypsum wallboard or gypsum vane€r bare applied parallel to eac+t slde withtrin'[pe S drywall scrgws 12r o.c. Jolnlr ltiggered ?4' saci la./er and sidc. Sound tested with g1/r. glass liber friclion fit h 6tud Bpace, (NLE)Thfdmcse: d.la' LlmlilnE H€lght: Refer lo Scclion V Appror, Weight I psf Fir6 T€61; Seo WP 1545 (UC, 9-7-84; ULC 80T.199. 3.2zu1, Deslgn W4l.) SoundTest NFCo81s-NV,2-s-81 .GA FILE.NO.WP J521 :2 HOUR Thickness: 6Vr" Limiting Hclght: RE|er to Sectbn V Appror WCghu 1e pst Flro Tesh SBe WP 1548 (wHt495.0238, 1-30€0)soundTest NRcc81g.NV,2-+81 GYPSUM WALLBOARD, STEEL STUDS BEae layEr s/D' type X gypsum wallboard of gypsum ycnrer base applied parallel or al right angles ro 6-Ech slde of 96/." rtEel studi 2i" o.o, with 1. Typo S drywall ecrcws Z4l o,c. Fac6 tayer t t type x gypsum wallboard or gypsum venber base' applled parallel or al righl anql€B lo each slde wlth rtla. Type S dryrnull 8cr€lys 12. o.c. Joinls st60g€tgd_24{ laoh laysr tnd !ids. Sound tssted with ot/r. ol.s€ tlbEr triotion flt in stud spac6. (NLE) '2 FtOUf,. .FIRE This Space Lefl Blank GA-600.97 39 a3/82/2aAG 13:14 9749496U JMP ARcHIrEcrsO PAGE A3IA5 SYSTEM DESCHIPTION SKETCH AND DESIGN DATA GYPSUM WALLBOARD, STEEL STUDS, MINERAL FIBEF INSULATION Ona layer %* pnrprlErary ryp€ X gypsum wrllboErd or gwsum vene€r base aPpllEd ai rbht €ngles ro Each sEe ol2r/r'stscl sfuds 2/+'o.c. with 1'Iypc S drywall 6c|€ws 8' o,c, at vefticEljoinl6 and 12' o.c. al Inlormedlale studs and wall perimeter, g' minefal llber insulauon, 3.0 pc,, trldion tlt In elud spac6. Vertlcal lolntc ctaggored 24" on each slde and on opposlte sid63, HorizontalJointt nesd not bE etagger€d. (NLB) ThlcknB$; 3r/o' Llmhlng Helght: Ref6r to manuleolurer Approx, WEightr 5 ps'fFlrsTesr: UL F3501, 93NK22748, 9.15.99. Deslgn V40l I FM W2B-1hn 9-12-84. DeEion WP-731 Sound Test; saeWP 1070 (FALTLsg.4p, r[5 to 49.STC' souND.:"PFOFRIETARY*. GYPSUM WALLBOARD, STEEL STUDS ona layer I'r' type X gypsum wallboard or gypsum veneer basr applicd psrallal or Rt dght angler to each side ol30/r'' st cl studs 24' o.c. wlth I '' Type S drywall Bcrsws B" o.c. al vgrllcal lolnts and 12' oo. at lloor and c€iling runnelB End inl€|m€dlato sluds. Jolnb slaggsrsd 24'on each sld. and on opposits rideg. Sound l€6tad u,ith gr/^:'gla6o llber frlc on llr In slud spac€. (t{LBl Thfdmecr: al|i Llmlllng H€ight Reler b Scction V Appfo(,Weight 6 psf Flre Trst: S€€ WP 1200 (FM WP45. 8.19.68; OSU T-1Z/0, 8-61: ULO 7gT.m4, 79T500. 79T497, &12-81, Dasign W415) sound lest NRcc 816.NV. 2€-61 /15 tb 49 sTc,i GLASS MAT GYPSUM BOARD, STEEL STUDS, GI.ASS REER INSULATION One later tt'pmprlerary rype X glass mat waleFEsistanr gypsum b.c*lng borrd applied. prrillello cach slde ol21/rr rteel stuG 16'o,o.wlth l'TypeSdrywall Bcrgws B" o.c,|. at rcrtio Fims and l2' o.c. at htaftncdlato cluds and wall pcrlmetsr.3rlr' glass liber Insulatlon. 0.526 pcl. trlctlon til in ltrJd sproe. Joints stagglred 16lon opposite rlde3 and cwored wlth lo x 1O mesh glass bpa and tile adhsslw. (NLB)Thbknels: Sr/a" Llmitlng Helghr: Refer to manutacrur€r Approx. W€lght: 5 psf Flre Ted; cTc 1897-1655. 1-11-88SoundTdt: Sse WP 1070 (RAL TLJ69-42, 10-17-68) GYPSUM WALLBOARD, STEEL STUDS, GLASS FIBER INSULATION One layo.r %' proprietary Vpa X gypsum wallboard or gypsum wno6r ba6e app edparallel lo aach side ol2'/r' st6sl stud! 24" o.c, wlfr 1 'l.TVpe S dryr,vgll gcraru b; o.c. at u,all perlmeler and 12'o.c. at vertloal loints and with iiL. Typa S drywall screws12'o,c, of continuous 1/." b€ad€ ol adhaii\re at inrsrmedlat€ idras. zi, gta$ liber inaulEiion. 0.65 pcl, fric.tion fit in srud Epaoe. Jolnls slaggefed 24'on opposite sldos. (NLBI PROFRIETARY GYPSUM EOABD %' GyProco Fireguar@ '?n" Wcsrroc Fireboardn 45 to 49 STC SOUND .; ' Contact the manufacfrrnr lnr mnte datail.rt CONCRETE SI4B, PAN JOISTS, GYPSUI,I WALLBOAFD One lay6r 6i!" type X gypsum yvallboard or gypsum wneer base applied at right angles to rigid funing channels 24'o.c. with 1'Type S drywall screws 8 o.c. Gypsum board €nd joints locat€d orer continuous channels and attached to additional pieces of channol 54' iong bcaed miduray b€twe€n continuoG channgls at 6nd joins. Furring channels 24' o.c. susp€nded lrom 21lz' procast r€inforced concret€ ioists 35" o.c. with 21 gage galvanized sl€€l hanger strapG tastened to sides of joists. Joist leg depth, 10'. Approx. CeilingWeight: 3 psf Firo Test PCA 1 281 -1 , 1 0-67 I. I' t. STEEL JOTSTS, COiTCRETE SIAB, GypSUri WALLAOARD One hyer t/r" proprietary type X gypsum wallboard or gypsum veneer bas€ applied at righl angles to rigld funing channels 24' o.c. with 1'Typ€ S drywall scr€lvs 12' o.c. Gyp€um board end ioints locat€d midway b€tween continuous cfiannels and attached b additional piece3 ol ciannel 62' long with screws 12'o,c. Funing channels attached wtth 18 gBg€ wire ties to op€n web steolicisb 24" o.c, supporling s7." rib metal lath and 2' concr€le sfab. (Iuo hourc restrainod and unrestrained.) Approx. C€ilingWeight 2.5 psf Firo T€st: UL 82717./t{1, 7-29€6, UL D€€ign G505; ULC Design 1512 STEEL JOISTS, CO|{CRETE SI-AB, ltEfAL |-ATH, GYPSUI{ PLASTER 5/a' gypsum-vermiculite plaster or 7/r ' gypsum-wood fiber plasler applied over 3/s' rib m€tal lath wlre ti€d with 18 gage wir€ 5" o.c. to open w€b staelioists 24' o.c. suppoft- ing Vr' rib mstal lattt and 2' cond€te slab. Approx CeilingWeight 3 psf Fir€ Test BMS 92-4{1. 1G7.42 STEEL JOISTS, CONCRETE SI.AB, IIETAL I-ATH, GYPISUT P]ASTER , 3/4' 1:1 gypsum-sand \ ood-fib€r€d plaster appli€d owr 3.4 lb. metal lath wire ti€d 6' o.c, with 18 gag6 wir6 6' o,c. to 3/.' cold rolled channsls 13r/2' o.c. Channels wirg li6d wilh 18 gage wire to op€n wsb ste€l loists 24'o.c, supporting 3h' rib metal lalh and 2112' concrete slab. Approx. CellingWeight 4 ps{ Fire Test UL R5429-1, 9-23€6 I/ r Contac{ lh€ manufactur€r lor more detallEd intormalion on proprlotary producb.GA-600-2000 Jan,30. 2006 12:0lPM January 30, ?006 Mr. John Ps*ins JMP Architects P. O. Box 2007 Avon, CO81620 RE: Gonzales Residence Project #8293.00 Dear Mr. Perkins: l\lo.754l ltt BEnuntnt .r*,,,r"!#,r1t U4 This lctter is a sunrmary oflour silc visit on January 25. 2006 with rcspect to penetrations in a floor ceilirtg assernbl,v, as well as penetrations in a ratEd wall, l. Rated Wall Penetration: Thc ratc<l rvall outsidc of the unit, we interpretthe code to require finr dampe rs tbr thc approxinrately lbur'., 4" round ducts passin-e through this wall, The determination rvas based on thc 2003 lBC, Section 715.2. Protcction of the nrembrane pcnen"tion of the floor ceiling assembly and radiadon damper moditieatiou Bascd on rcvicl of the code (2003 IBC, Section 716.6.2) thc ceiling radiation damper is required. We have also contacted fic manulacturer of tlre radiation damper. Modification of the dan1rcr as shipped I'rom the factory rvill void the UL listing for this assembly. Additionally, tbe n:anul'acturcr rvill not providc documentation validating revisi0ns to the radiation damper to suit installation since it is not lestcd in accordance with the UL standards. Therefore. the currcnt installation is not in compliance sincc the UL li.sting will be voided. Installation per the mnnufachrrer installation instructions should be follorved to prctcct thc listing for this asscrnbly, Attached is an excerpt liom the 2003 IBC r:ulating to the annular arca allorved fbr peneuations through rated assemblies and membranes. I have attached this for your review since I could not find allowance lor the desirud installation rvithin the codc. lf this interprttadon is read diflbrently. you are rvelcome to presenl that inftrrrnarion ro rhc buildhrg dcpanntnt for revierv and consideratiorr. Please call ifyou have any questions, MTS:rxrn . 1.'oEs€avcrorcorBtvd.n.a^vo'*,:ltr,Hfi:lif;:,.?s,H:f:H$?.T.?#S#;Sl'lfi'tr*HftT$ffi 251 tirrdon 3t, t200, fon Coflinr. @80fa4 o Ftofle,g'&?zt.flm 'Fag7oimjr7 FOBT ColLllils 1r 4aq Drrdlrld Di tol, Tructeq cA96181 . Phdto; Gfq550.?314. Frt:990550?196 LAKE tAtloE 1r'r,Dgca&.tn S; $(,hri..s t!r:.rrl C'|rari$ R{ht|rr ( ifl :}\rl S:'l:lirl\|.'r I tJ.:!qr 30. 2006 12:01 PM *=t**.];^:il"J*., a sin3lc oc-supcnc,v into difiercnt firc arc!5, shall havc a firc<osi*ancc rating of not lcss than by Section 706.3.7. Floq asmmblics scprrating uniF in dtc srmc building or slccping unic in octu- Group R- I . hotd occupencies, R-2 and I- I shalt be a of l.hour fla.recirtoncc.rrted corrstruction, nr Dwclling unit md slerping unit seprnrions in ofTlpc IIB, IIIB, and VB construction shatl hovc rysomb_lies,lr not adcquae to nsi$ an upni,ard 112'3'LJ or 7123'1.2' of I lUft.,(48 Pa),winorotlnrapprurrddcviccishau Excepttron: Whpre the pcncrnring itenr arc stuel. fer- il_,_d]f**S- ryle_ls_to prcvent veniol displm+ rous&coppcrpipos.orilcet cona,itu.-rii;ili;;;p;undtrsuch up',rtrd forca. b"i;;" itt F"rr;;ifi; id;-;il,h; iil-;rp Accers doors. Actes doors shall bo pemitred in tarrc-nrcd wall shqll be pcrmlttcd to bn Proreccd 0s hl- offirs-rcsi,rtanca-rrtodtloor/ceilingandncof/coil. lolr/s: a*rcmblies providcd such doon orc te$tedin accodotlce l. ln consrete or masonry wall.r whcre the pcnctrat_ ASTM E I 19 as horizontrl ascmblies and labelcd by ing item is a maximum Glnch (152 nn)'nominalapprvwd agcdcy for ruch purposc. diirneter and tbc opcning js r marimurn I44 L33 Ulueable rpoca In l-horn firc-nsistsnce.rnhd fqtiftt*tO:99lmr),concrats'gout.ormr-t curstrrctioo, tbp cciling mcrrbrane it iltpq;irili; 1t_tlllb...ryfilcd wlerc insuUcd tbc full thict- insnllodovetunusaHc criwl spaces- In t-lprr firc-resis- ncss of the wall or tbc thictncs rcquirtd to roofconssuction, rruhoornemirone-iir;G- maintrin rlrc fir+rctisrancc nring; or ' ucc ratings of not lcss than r/, hour in buildiogr ihmughout witb ln lutonatic sprinklcr sysrcar ln c trith Scction 903.3.1.1. l3J Cclhrg prnels. li'hcrs tle weighr of lay.in cciline-+ 7l2JJ lttlugh penetratioms. Througl pcneuations of ssls, uscd ar part of firo'rssjstincc.ratEd lloor/ceiliog oi ftt-resislanc+rated _walls shall comply vlth $clion 712J &drlletior dctaib. Wrcn slccves ur usod, drcy sholl bc rtcurcly fasenotl to ths assembly panetnred. Thc apace b$ t*'een &e itern coatrincd in tlrc slecve snd the sltglt it$lf ard aDy sptcc bctweeD the sleeryb and thc erssmbly pcndiard shall bc prcteted in accoducc with this sccdoo, Insularion and coverings on or in the penetratirrg inm $hall not pcnctrrrc the assembly unless the spocific matcrial uscd h$ becn testod a$ part of thc assembly in rccorduoo with thit cecrion. 7123 l'lre.resistancc.ritcd wolls. .Pcn?troliols into or tlmugh lirc walls, ftrt borrien smokc baticr walls, urd firc partitiors shall comply with this rcction, cd to bc inst8llcd wbclt unisablc affic tpape occuns 2. The material used lo fill thc aoaular spacc shallvc. pravent the passage of flrmc ud hot gascs suft- continuity. Assemblies shall be continuous w;rhout ltelt P-igru-(u couon wEstc whcre rubjacted to gr,p.nruoiionr orjointucrceet ar pcmined by this sec. AsrM E I l0 dmc-rmPoraturc fin conditions 'r''r' rrr \*rinnc 1n1 ., .tr) aar,. ?r? arurrrr- -_.r ^rL^- dcr a minimum positlvc prcseurc differontial ofand. Segtions 707.2,712A afi,713, Shylighrs and orher uuions duouch a lirs.resistnncc-ratcd roof deck are ner-'a'' v'r-'.; '.' g..u vrtrGr 0.01 inch (2,49 h) of watcr at ihc location of thetluough a lirc-resistancc-ratcd roof deck are per- nrne,-rinn fnr rhr +ima nrrlat rruiwrtrnr ra r'.robllnproiicteJ.F,:t&drhqiiqfi{iifi",5fi til.1[::#y,h:T,iil.l;:H*#1.*:rur-$siltancc-r0led rmf coxtruction is mainUined. Un- I slylirlrrs sball not be permittcd io ruf conStruction to be fm-rcsistoncc ratcd in accldance with sccrioi 712J.1.t f'lre-rtsistercFrrtsd essonbUcs. Rnerra- 10. Thc suppgrrlng consrrucdotr sball bc prorccred ro af- tions shall be insnlled a5 lcstld in an appmvcd fire-resis" thc rcquired fir+rcsismncc nting of tbe horizontal assem- Lthcc'rtted assembly' Petdratioos, Pcnctrrrions through fi rc-rcsisranco-rarcd riltal qsscmblica shall comolv wirh Scaion 7 | 2. 7 123.1.2 Through-penctratlon fi reltop eyetcm. Through penetrations shall bc protccted by aa app,rovetl qsscmblica shall corpty *ifiSoaion tit, --* PcocFslion frrcstop sysrcm installod as mrcd in accor. rtancc wirh ASTtv!-8-E j4 or UL l4?9, wirh a mintmum IJ9i.nts. tol.qs nldo- in or beween firc-rcsistanct-rated posirive pressun diffcrendal of 0.01 incb (2.,49 h) of T,ollll,Tsfftbliasshall cornply,with Section 713. The void i,rtcr ani shalt harre rn P rating of not less'rhan tlrirc. al the inlcrscctionofo floor/cciling assemtly and an ex- quirtd fire.resistance raring oiihc wall pencmrcd. ;tJ.ffiT;lf-iTtmblv shall be protecM in occordmce 4 7.r2JJ Merabrane pcnctratrons. Memb*nc pcncra ons rlull conply wirh Sedion 712.3.1. Wherr wdls and pani- traled. T.Ducts Ef,d lir trandcropcnlngs fonctrations by ducts tions aft ;quired to hare a minlmun l.hour firt csisLrrceitu transfer OpGningr shdl comply wih Sections 712 and ratisi. rEcessed fixluru shall be insalled such rhat rhc lt- sEcTtoN 7t2 PENFTRATIONS l.Scopc. Tha provisions of ttris sccrion shall govcrn rhe g'-':.:..urrlenals 0nd me$ods of coostnrcdon uscd to prorect thmugh 4;f. perro rqlign5 6nd mcmbnne penrtretions, I . Stal electdcal boxes $at do not ercced | 6 squue incha (0.0103 m:) in arel provtded thc toral arca of such openings docs not erceed 100 squtre inchcs (0.0645 rn) for any lm squs$ frct (9:9 m:) of wall arca, Oudcl bor.es on opposite ddes o{ rha rvall shall be separatcd ao showu i ?000 tNT=pr,^t.rlrr I lrr llrrr,r F.r,.'r," quircd firu r*isrance will not be reduccd. .Jan.30, 2006 l2:02PM v HnGeES$rANClfiATtD COr{gtRUgnCtN I . L By n horizonul distrnce of nor bfis rhan ?4 irrchcs (6t0 rnm): 1.1 By ahulzomd di$rncc of nor lccs rha! rhe dcpth of $e unll cavlty whorc drc wall cav- ily ir filled with collulose looso fill, rockwool or slry rnincral wool iosublion; 1.3. By uolid fircbloching in accordmcc *,ithScction7l7,2,ll :: 1.4. By protecting both outlet borcs by lisrcd putty p8df: or 1.5. By otherlisted materiale cnd nothods, 2. Mombnrc pcnctntionr for listed rloctricd outler borcs of any marcrlal an pcmlncd provldcd such bo.rcs htve bcen tgted for us in fre.resis. hnco-ntsd $$cfrblior rnd st instrlled in rccor. dcncc with the inrtrucdons includcd ln thc listing. Outlct boxos on opposile sidos of the wall shall bs rcparatcd rs followr: 2" | . By a holzonul di*rnce of rrot les rhrn 24 inchcs (610 nm); 22. By solid ffrcbJocking ln accodrrrce with Scction 717.2.1; 23. By poucting both qder boxes by lised putty pads; of 2"4. By otbcr listld maarials onrl norhods. 3. fhe uurulu space crcated by tbc pactrnion of a filt sprinkler govidcd i3 ir covecd by a motd es. cutcheon plate. 711L33 lhrctr rnd rlr hudcr opcaiogr hnouarions of firercdsuncc-ntcd walls by drcn rnd air traodcr opar.- ings &at att not prcEctd wilh firc dampen shall comply with thir sccdon. 7U,3.4 D|sdulhr metoriglr. Noncombusible peneradng itcnr shall not cgnncct to comburtible ihenr bcyood the poirrt of ficstopping unless it cur bc dcrnonstntcd that rhe lirc-rcsistanco integrity of he wall is maintained, 7I2.t Eorlzontrl rrrernblier. Pcnctrations of a lloor. floor/cciling assocrbly or thc coiling mcmbranc of a pof/eil. ,- frN lniurs.rf,ry sirait * profthd in-accor&ncc sirtr Sccrion* Tl2A.f,foIembren .Penetrdlms Pcncrado* of. TdT, hneuftons p.nninrO Uy er..priom l and 4 &Scction ' ) bmanes thEt arc part.of a_fir+rcsi*ene'rard borizon ?0TJstrattompliwirtrSccrionsfti.+.t ttrrougtrztZ.+,+. .. / rcmbly shall co..lnlf with.Sccdon 712.4.1'l ot7l2' { Wherc floor/ceiling assernblics rrc Equir€d t0 havc I Erceptlon: Pcnerrtions locatcd within rlrc-$at_ttc rltoT o_r \ mur t.hourfirc-ruisptrct*rinr, "ciis.afiinrrcsdudivldcdarea ar floor openiags not required o havc a shafi \ insralled such thar tlrcrcquircd i'rc rtistrnca witl not cncloqm in accnrdancc widt Erceptions I,2,5,?,8or9in / duccd.scc{ion 7(D.2. I ------.,---7f,4I nrrough Dmctrations. Through pcncrrarlons of \ Excentions: fhe-rcslstance.rirci horirontrl arsenrbiies shall compty \ l. M:mbrancpenEtrtri0nsbyslcet.fcnuxc(c withsectionTl?..Ll.t or?12.4.1-? / condults, clcctricd outlct box?s, plpcs. : ilmrg, concrlte, or rnasonry.pcmEatingExcoptionr: \ ;;;';';;;;r;.rpiiiii'pi,I"J"r,; l. Penarationr by 3&c[ fcmus or aopper corrduis, ) cordaxo with Section 7I'2.4,1 or to ptc'rc pipcs, tubcs. vens. concctq or masonry lhough a / tree pusage of flamc and the prcducts of co single firc-rcsirrancc.rrtcd floor asscrobly whcre ( rion. Suchpenemtions shEll not cxclcd 0!_t thc-urnulor sprce is pmtctcd wih mrtaials that \ gatc elca oi I 00 squsrt irchcs (6'1 500 tlunl Fwmt the passagc of flarnc and hot grscs sufi- / 100 squarc fcer (9.3 rf) of ceiling ar.l in I cicnt to lgnlrc conoD *arc wtrrc rubjccred ro \ bltesrsrcdwirhourpaetradons, or llo.754l P.3 ASTM E I 19 tine-torryrntue fircorditions dcr a rninirnum positirt gressut 0.01 inch (2.49 Pa) of watsr rt tltq locdion of Pcnsmlioo for dr timc Pctiod equi\ttl.d b fir+rcsiguace rating of the construcdm g tratcd. Fenctnting ircms with a msximurn ( l5l nm) nominal diamctcr sball not be limite{, thc penarudon of a ringlc floorusembly gor{dd that the aree of fu ttation docs not excced I tl4 sguan inchos (t nm!) in my l$squarcfcct(9.3 of)of floor 2 , Penetrations in a rinjle coltcrcu floor by rcus or copper condulu, pipes. ubc! and with a maxlmum &inch (15?nm) nominrl ter pmvi&d confittcr gtout r oottsr iB dre ftll thickncss of dtc floor u the thickacs quind to maintain tho firurtsinancc r*ing. pemffitist itenl with a maxlmun 6'incb ( mn) nomlnal dirnctcr shall nor bc limitcd h pencfirdon ofa ringlc concrde floor pmvidod rhc arcr of drc patourtion docr not cxccod squan inchcs (0.0929 ml). 3. Elcctrical outlet boxcs of any mrtlrid rrc Fd prwided that ruch boxes arc Ested fd firc-Gsistance'rsted ascmblies aod rccordancc witb the rccrcd Gscnbly, 1tLl.Ll nr+raist$rcFnted alrmbllel tionrs sh*ll fu installqd r.s tcstrd in the apptyed slstance-racd assembly. 112,4,L2 Througt-pcaclration llrestop fitough pnctrotlons shdl bc protcctcd by m througlr-panetsrtlon firetop ryrtcm jffitdlsd otd in accodanco with ASTM E 814 ot UL l4?9, witt lmurn positivc prusurc dllforcndal of 0Ol fuicb (?.'r of warcr. The syscm shall have an F rating and r T ofrotlca$ thin I hour brti nor lcss than lh€ of thc tloor pcocretcd. Excepton: Floor penamions conuincd ard within tbe Jan,30, 2006 l2:03PM TASLf,flC41 FnE qlilOo\fl A8glltB[y Hru FRqtECTtol{ BArilGs Not porrflhGd c*ropt or lpctlfird in Sctjon llt?, .codorm ro $e siac limiruions sei tordr il-fOi Zf S,l.t. TABL!7l5J,3 UMMNG SEIg OFWIFED OLASS PANEI.5 $[ | trcfr r 35.{ mn. I qlirE hch - 6,tJ,2 m#, . gcsurc plrnc slnll bc nainnirrcd at rhu lreigt fr $o bd_ rncg of Uto tcst fl 542 Nouryramctrlcsl ghringrystcms. Nonsymrnarical i.fr|}prorocrion-frFg gaztrg syrtsmr in firu potidons, fire banicru q in cxtodor wrlls wi$ e frp rcmririon of i i;; ' (1524_mm) orlesspumllnrloSccrioo704s[a[ bcrsrcd wirh . both frcce. exposcd to tlu ftrnacogrd rhe assigrrd firc pro-: bdion ratlng rhnll be thc shocc* drindon ot tii*O f*r'rf," , ttvo ts}r ctndlctod in cornpliancc with NFPA 252, ?f54.3 l{,ird Sllr!. Srccl window frqruc ascrnbtics of ' 0. I Zt-itrcb (3.2 ftn) uintnunr rolid rccdon or of not lqr,thrn nomind 0.04t-lnch,frice (1.2 rnm) forncd shocr *cci'gtcp.bcc fabdcard by pnsing, rairring rivoting, inter_ l9clnl.gr.weldint,md hrviq poviriotr for glazing wi&t(.inch (6.4 mm) wircd glarawherc rccuretyiosdbdil tlrcbuildiug constnrcrigo ua ghzcd *ft V.-d"h (6.4 ;m) -h: belcd wircd glur dull bc dcencd to rrrct ihe rcqujrqncnu.forr V.-hou fire witdow $sc nbty. Wfird gt.tqr p'urcls strall 715.45 lnstolhfo+ fir-protocrion-rarcd gloring slnll h in $c fird posiriol orbc utomaricdoint lod stidl h in. sBUrd in ,gprc\ad fnilEs. 715L6 Wndow mulllonr Meal nullions that cxcccd a noninal heighrof t2fta(36JE rnrt sbrlt bcpmcced wirh mreriab to afrold thc sarnc firprcsirnm r.ting $ r? guircd for the vall conrtructiofl in whioh thc arolcctirr is to- catd- 715.47 Intcrior lira nbrlow rcscroDUc* Flu,protec- tion-ratcd glating usod In firc window urcmblios loiared in firc partitions and firr banicn shll be limltcd ro uso in r+ scmblics wih n rnsximurn lirp.rtsisancl nring of I hour in uccordanoe witb this section. 715,4.7.1 Wherr psrmittcd. Fuc4rorcction-rared glar. iug shall bc llnicd to flrc puritions dcrigncd in rsr- dsroc *irh Secrion 70E ard fire banign utillzcd h hc applcados sct forth ln Secrions 7063J nnd ?06.3.6 Mtere the fut.rpsistancc rating docs not cxcecd I hour. 1I1AJJ Sh6 linitrdonN. The totd arta of wiodoc,r sholl not sxcccd 25 prcent of thc arer of a comrnor wall wift rny room. 7154.t Exhrlor lrs wlndow reseorblla. Exrr{or opcn- 1a_e1.9tha thaa doors. rcquind b be p,rotoctcd by Soirim 7M.12,rw,twr- locarrd in r wall rcquind by Ttbic 6(D o hrre a firt-rtsigancr rating of gcarir harr i trorrr, chrlt bc protcclcdrrih an scscmbly havlng e firo proEctior radng of not less thu l'/2 houn. Ertaior openingr rguind o bc protected b-y^ Socrion 704,E, wherc locaed ln a wall roquired by lbblc 602 to hilc a firarcslrtanc'c rarint of t hour, dralt! prctccad with-on osscmbly having a lln irctoction ruing of not lcsg 0rrn ,/. hour. Extorior openiqs rtquircd O h protected by Section 704.9 or?04.l0shall bcpmuctcdrirh an osscmbly havlng a firo pmrcc,rion rating ofnor lcas th!trr/. bour, Opcningo in omfue.rpsistmcc,ratcd cxterior unll asromblies tha rcquire pmtcction in accordancc wirb Sec- tion ?04.& 704.9or704-10shall hcvca fircpmrcrior r*ing ofnot les than % hour. sEcTroNT.t6 { O |\10,7541 P,4 RHE.BESI|TATCHAND @ilSTRUCTX'fl 'Tl5LlTetlng undcr poddrcpncwrt NFpA 257 shatlmluote fin-protccrion-rated dzing urLr oositive oner_ .rurt, Within the flnt l0 rninures of a tcst tre pressun iii Urc furnnce shrll bc djusted so at lsast rwo.thirdr of the tesrql+illcn is abovc tbc ncubal prcsrurc pllrc, and the ncurral DU6TS AND AIF TRANSFEB OPENINOS l8{cFr4td asscmblies. 716.1 Generel Tte provisions ofthis secrion shall govem rhj prolsction of ducrs snd air trusfcr opeoings in fira-nSis- :7lli.{,,0 Nowired gla$. Glszing other 0ran rvired elsss in ilrc.wi4fl.asscnblice shdl be Sn proecrloa-rnc? glaz_ ..tnginetalhd in accordurcc wirhqnd complying wirhthjsize ilirni$ions serforth in NFpA 80. 716.l,l DucS and rir traosler opedngr wttholt drrnp ers. Ducts and rir trarrsforopcningr tbar penana fin-redi- Bnce-rated 0sscmblis and rn not rcquirtd by thts sccrion to have dampcn shall conply with ttre requireincns of Sec. tioa 712. 716.2 Instdbtion. Firc darrfoon. gmkc dirmpcn, mmbin* don firdsmoke dampcn andcitling dampeni ei wioln alr disuibution and srnoke coarol sysicms rhdl be insralled in ac. Fllcwdk Fhc banicn rnd Fn pl'litiont NtlnilalloN^l nn a fllrnrO .Jan.30, 2006 12:04Pi'| -mr.RESSTAltClnAfi D COT|8TAUCmOil codance wlth ttr raquiruncng of thie sccdor\ $c monufac- turcr'r inetallatiott iasruorions ud lisdng. n 6.2J $rolc contml ryrtan Wherc tha insoiluion of a frc darnpr will inerfcrrc with the opcration of o rcquired surokr conool rysom in rccordmco with Soction 909' ap porcd drrouiw probclion shall bc urilizcd. 7l6JJ Hanrdour exhaust ducis. Firc dampem for haz- udous erlart duct systcms shll comply with the /nt:rza- tiopl Mqhaatcat Codc, n63 Daupcr tadng and tathgl Dampen shall be li*ed ud bar fie labd of rn rpprortd tcsrint tlqrcy iodicating mmplirncc with thc snndards In rhir secdon, Fin dampers shrll cornply wlfi &o nquircmens of UL 555. Onlyfin dmp- cn hbeled hr urc ia dynamic rysrcmr shll bc lostalled in lating veotilrdon and rlr-conditionlng systcns designed to opratc wldr fznr ur durbg a fire, Smoks dropen shdl com- ply with thc rugoircmcnts of UL 5555, Conbinrtion fidernokc drmprs rhall conply *'lth the reguircmcab of both UL 555 snd UL 5555, Cciliag ndicion drnpcn sball comply wlth thc nquirwrcnls of IJL 555C. 7lG3.l lln pdcctlm mtlng, Hre danpon drrll lurt the minirnurn firc protcction nting spclficd ln Tbble 716.3,1 fur thc typc of penotruion. TABLETlt t'l HNE SAIPER RATIilC l. Thc opcrrting tempcnturc shqll be appmxlnarcly 5trF (10"C) abo,c the normal rcmpcrarurc within thc duct systcur, but not I!s! rtrstr 1600F (7loC). 2. The oporating rmpenturc shall be not moru 286'F (l4loC) whcre locrtcd in a srnokc co syotlm conplylng with Scction 909. 3. Whcrc a comblnallon flrcy'smoke damper is le curcd ln a snoks consol sylrem conpllng Scction 909, thcopauing teropcratun rating be appuimately 50'F (10'C) abovc drc Ilurn smof.c conqol systcm dcslped Etnpcratur. or a naximum tenrganturt of 350cF (l??oC). Thc tcnpcraturc shall no cxceed 0rc UL 5555 dcgradatton tcst tsmpcnturc radng for r conbintti on fu dsrttokc drnrpcr. 715.3J Smokc drrper relings Snotc drnper ledege ntingS shdl not bc les thrn Clus lL Elevatod tempraturc rulngs shdl not bc lcrr thrn 25fF (l2lcC). 7163J.1 Smokc demFr rcturdon ncthodr. The snoke danpcr rhall closc upn actuation of a lisrd smolc detector or dctlcts6 irrltalldd ia accodancc with TVPI OttPllrElf, lnoN MtNutuf, DA Ptt iAIMi Gorrt Lcs dun $hour [rc- rcailhnce-nld lttrmblic!t.5 3.hour c grcrtcr firu nd*rncs*atrd rsmtblits t ?16.3.1,1 Flrc drnpcr rcturting devlce. Thc fire dampcr rcruedng dcvlcc sball mcct orc of fie followlng rtquirunents: poine sbnll be permrncnrly idcndfled oa tbe crcrior by a havhg lmers not lcss than 05 irrh (12.7 rut) in hciSht ing: SMOIG DAMPER or FIRE DAlvlPER. Acccss dot drrrs shrl bc tigh Fttiilg snd luitable for tba ruquind -'l} 7165 Wberc aquirtd. Fire danprs, smokc dampen,- nerion liny'snoke danpcn and ceiling ndiuion dmpr be prwidcd at the locarlons prescribcd in thfu section. * islEmbly is rtquircd to have both fira dnmpert ard dampers, combination fue/smokc dunpas or r lln drr |tlo. 754 | Scction 90?.t0 ntd orrc sf$lfottowing ndhods'al plicablc: L rtrhcle a damwr is inuallcd within a ducL . $l acrcctqt rtulf bc Ineulbd in ttc duct wirhin J (1524 rnm) of rhc drmpe wift no air outlcu lcr.s bcwcen $c de&ttcr aod the dampcr. lte tector shrll be lirtcd for thc nir tffipcrailrc ad bunktity enticiptcd rt the whcrt il is lnstdlod. Othcr thut in mcch smoke mngol $y8tcml, drmpcrs shdl bo upon fan shutdorpn whem local smolc rcquire a miniuuo vclocity o operaa. 2" Whcre a dampcr is installcd rbow smo&o doon in l cmoko buricr, a rPot-typc d?bqor for nlcasing setrico shall bc ingtrllcd on side of 6c lmoke brnicr door opening; 3. Wherc r danpr ic installad within m unduc opsring io i salt. a sPoctype do(octor list d tF hasing scrrlcc strdl be ingtallcd within 5 (1524 mm) horimnhlly of tbc damper. 4. Wbert a danpr ir instrllcd in e conidsrwtl' darnpcr shrll bc pcmincd to bc conuolled t srnokc dctcaion systom in$sllcd in tho ;ir 5. Wlrcc a Uat.covcnEo srnolc dctccmf provirlcd wi0rin rrcat scnrcd by a heatiog' ' tion and Eir-conditionin3 (FIVAC) systco, ersshll bo pcr.oiBcd to bccontrolledby ihc daxtion rysco. 16.4 Accerr lnd Hcrttificadon. Fus ard smolo shall bc provlded wtth an appromd ncans of acceg$ anoulh to pcrnit inspaction rnd naiatoolrc of lho d urd ln operadng parts. Tlrc rccess shall not rfhct tbc of firc-rssistance-raed gsscrnbllcs. Ile rccoss oponinS! oot rEducc thc frra'rtslstance ratiry of dtc uscmbly. r surole &mper sbrll be rcqurrcd. 7165.1 [tre wells. Ducts and air transfcr opcnings tcd in firc nalls in rcccrdrncc with Section 705.1I protcocd with approwd fire dempea Installed in dancc wih heir lisdng, 7165J Fin bardcrs Duct and air transfer opcnin$ baniers shall bl protecrcd utth appoved firc stallcd in accordancc with tbeir listiryr. Sxccptlon: Fuc d$npcrl aic not tequircd at pcnc of frc bonicrs rvhcrc ary of tho folloffing qply: t. Pcneradonc $c Eeted in accordsncc ilith E l19aspartoftlrc Jan.30. 2006 l2:05Pl'|o FRSnE$SIAilCFBArED coltSiltugrloN 7lGsAt Corridorr A listod $Dok dmpcrdesigrcdto rrsl* drc peslegr of snokc $rll bc pmvidod rt eoch point r ducr c eir rrnsfa opnlng pcncrucr a c-orridor enclosnF nquiFd b htv! $troke ild dnft control docs h accordencc wirb Seaion ?15.3.3. Ercptlmr: l. Srmkc drrrlcrs ec not rquirrd wtlers fte hilding il €qotp$ tlroughorrt wirh an rp porcd cnolc contsol rptem in accordance witi S*tbn X)9, ed tuto&o &npcrs cc not ncccserry for tho opentiolr aod contml of tbc $ystcltL 2. Smokc drmpat tt not reguircd in conidorrr '., pencU:rtions whcrc thc duct is commcrcd Of _):' trrr,l not lo!! thrn 0.019-incb (0.48 mn) in thicHrst urd thac uc no opcnings lening tbc corldor. ?lGit Snolo brrrl.rr. A lisrcd smoke dampcrdcdpcd o ruist the parsagc of smokc rbrll bc provi&d * erh point e duG qr rir busftr opening porcrator a smolc brnicr. Smotc danpcrs and emola drnpct rcruorion mctbodr shall oorply with Soction ?t6,3.2.1. Erocptlou: Smotc drnpcrs are nc rcquired wtrcrc thc opadngs in ducra arc lldrcdro a dqlcookocomput- mcnt srd 6o duct uc coosmacd of srccl. 7tG6 Horbonhl rrccnUla. hncrrcrions by ducs and air tnndcr oponingr of a floor, floor/cciling arsombly or tbc ceil. ing aunbrrrr of a rmf/ccilinj rsrembly shall bc pmccred by s rhat crclocu! that compllcs witl Scction 7O or shdl com- plywith thirntiol. 7f6.6.f ltmugh pcnctntloru. In occupurcior o(ba thnn Gro4rpo lZ ud 13. s duct and air brnrfor opcnlng system cosmccd d appmrcd matcdtk la leordfilco with the Intenutlonal Mcchanbal Codc ldtret p.temrrcs r flercsis. mcorord floor/criling arsombly tbu conrrccrs nor more ttrn twoctories bpcrdnod wlthoutshrft cnclocull tion l. I.tic &cr $rll bc conbiacd rnd loorcd withio the cwityof a wall end sbal h corrsbucied qf rtccl not lcss than 0.019 inch (0.4E mm) (26 gagc) in thick- ne3l. ?. The dlct shall opcn Inro only ooc d*rlling unir or olccping unl rnd dro drrct sysem rholl bc conrhu- ous from $e unir ro thc cxterior of tho building. 3. Ttr duct shdl nor cxcccd {inch (102 run) nomi. nd dimcts'r lDd the tolal arca of such ducts sholl nor otccod 100 square inches (0.065 ml eny l0o squarc fect (9.3 rn) of floor arta, 4. llhe anaulu spacc around thc duct il protect d with msteddt rhrt prcvcnt rbc passrgc of flamc aod hot gas* sufficiont to ignirc cotton waste Exoqdon: Aduct is porurittrd openarf,cthree floon or loss witbont I flru danpcr a cach floor providcd iror los3 witbout I nI! danpcr d cach floor grovidcd ir mcus all of tlu folbrriry rcquircmcnts. l'lo, i541 P,6 whcrc wbjocedto ASIIv{ E I I 9 tima.ompcruu6 condtionr undcr a rninirnum poitivo prtsua dif. fercntial of 0.01 inch (!.49 Pr) of uarcr at thc locr. tion of the ponotntion for the limc pcsiod cquivabot to thc firucsismncc ntiol of thc con. sEuctio! pcrctntcd 5. Grille openings locatcd in a ccillng of r ftt rerl+ ucsrrtod floo/sliling or rmf/coiliq rscnbty drall bc orrtcrtcd witt a ccilinr rtdirtion drmorrdrall bc prctectcd witt a ceiliq ndirtion dunpcl in-accordance wlth Socdoa 7t6.6.2. ingsslcmbly, ehstcoctwureptoocioo bnotrcquir.dF yldcd rn rpptoved coiliag radirdon dampor ir Inrullod thc cdllng linc. Clilirg radirtion &mpn shrll be errcd duct cotlstructEd of eppmrcd matslab ln rccordrncc with Intcnatloml llechnlcal Codl pcoarue a cciUng of fir+rcslrtancc-nrd 0oor/cciling or toof/cciliag oesca shaf, crrclo$m puecrion ls not rcqulrcd prtvided ur gmved ccilirrg rrdiadon drmpcr ie inarilod rt &e ccl Ifurs. Whcrt r duct ir nc anschcd rc a cciting of r fire*cslrtarce-ntcd floor/ceiling c rcoordrnce with LJL 555C ud construcncd in with the daaih listod in r fue-rcsishnoo-nted asscnbly shall be lahled to ftnctim s r hcrt benicr outhuiol4 pcnetratioos in the cciling of a tancc-ilcd rsssmbly. Ceilingrdiadon drnpar sbdl oot rrquirud wlrcn ASTI,I E I 19 frt tcsB larc $otm th*a ing ndation drrnpcn irE not rmsary in orr&r o thp firp-rcsistancc ndag of tho osmbly. Oailinj danpcr shtU not bc rcquircd wbn qhrun duct rir connectoa sblll not pars through rny firo-ruistraca"t oscnbly, Flexiblc rir conncclo$ shdl not psss &mugb tions arc pmtarLed In accordrncc rd$ Scctlon 7 I 2.43 frc c$ntstducF arc lsted wibiatbe crvi9 of a rvrll, prss thrcugh moth6 dq,'slllag unit c tsnont 715,63 tcrnl consmJcted of 4provcd nataials in rccodrncctE Intcnu onal Mcclwfual Codc thu noofir+rcsisancc-tucd floqr ssscnblil;q rnd tbd Dot mqlr tbm two rtode3 arE pcr|tddBd wldtout sbaft surc prormdon Fwidcd 6il th? ilurular rprcc bctrrcca assembly and thc pcnctruing duct is fillcd witlt u r noncombusliblo matcrial to resist thc frec pasrrp and tho producu of conburtlon. Duct syscms of appotcd matorials in accordarco with the Codc thx pcffirc asscmblics and thrt ctnurcrt not mor tban thra e,re pcrmincd wirhout shall cnclosurc protcction that dr urnular spacc bctrccn $e assembly end tnting duct is fillad with ln ngprovod noncomburdblc rirl o Gsist the frce possegc of flame etd the protlttcts comb6do4andaf ndamperisirutdlcdatHch fl0or Excepdou Fuc dampa'suc not llqultld inducts individud nridcndal dwdllng units. 716.7 Flcdble duet and elr connectorr. F'lexiblc duc6 wall, floor or ceiling, Jan,30, 2006 l2:01PM January 30, 2006 Mr. John Pcrkins JMP Architects P. O. Box 2007 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Gonzales Resldence Project #8293.00 Dcar Mr. Perkins: N0,7541 P, 1 ,o*r,,,ffiD This letter is a sunmary of our sitc t isit on January 25. 2006 with rcspect ro penetrations in a floor ceiling asselrbly. as well as penetrations in a rated wall. l. Rated Wall Penetralion: Thc ratcd lvall oursidc of thc un.it, we interpret the code to rcquirc firc dampcru lbr thc approxinrately tbur, 4" round ducts passing through this wall. The deternrination rvas based on rhc 2003 lBC, Section 716.2. Protcction ofthc nrembrane penetration ofthc floor ceiling assenrbly and radiadon damper moditicatiou Based on rcvicw of the codq (2003 IBC, Section 716.6.2) thc ceiling radiation darnper is required. We have also contacted the manulacturer of the radiation danrper. Moditicarion of rhc damper as shipped fi'onr the factory rvill void the UL listing for this assembly. Additionally, the ntanul'acturcr rvill not providc documentation r.alidating revisions to the radiation damper to suit installation since it is not tesred in accordance rvith the UL standards. Therefore, the cunent installation is rrot in compliance sincc tbc UL listing will be voided. Installatiorr per the manufbcturcr installation instructions should be lollorved to prcrccr thc listiug for rhis assembly. Attached is an excerpt from the 2003 IBC re lating to thc annular arca allorved for peneuations thrcugh rated assentblies and membranes. I have attached this for your review sirrie I could not find allorvance for the desired installation rvithin the codc. Ifthis interprrtarion is rcad differently, you al'e welcome to presenr thar inlbmnrion ro rhc buildhrg deparrnrent for revierv and considcmtion, Please call ifyou have any questions, MTS:nn . rl0E ssev*c'".kBh/d"f202'Avon'ct'11fiil$:1fl:Ifi:-il1H3;iH',$?.i'."#i.Trt##i111H'trffifi1?#l 2!1 urrdon 9t" t200, Fort Collins. CO 805e4 r FhenB 970.?21.4'681 , Fe:97o2fi5!97 FOffr COLIINS 1,|448 De€{iEld 0r-. *C'1. Trucke€, CA0E1gl . Fhonq 530650,7C& . lqt(| 590,550.7916 LAKE TAHOE rnry,b9ce.sir Si lr(?h'rj.$. $-rri.tll (inwnir.r RJ|t'k|r * (i$r :l\.i ti!'liirrN -'r I fsrh: 'ir':1.' .i;';;' an,30, 2006 l2: 01 PM 6cp0nter r single Occulancy into difrerent fire areas, y shalJ have a firelrsistancc rating of not lcss than 712,2Insblhtion details. Wprc slceves orc used, rlrcy rhnll be Becudy h$tEo€d to rhe assenbly penemred. Thc spacc bc- tween rhe item coatsincd in tle sleevc and the sleat iBttf and 8Dy gPacc bctw€en tfte slcc\riard the aSSambly penarated shall be protected in accordancc with rhis scctlon. Insulation and cqveringis on or in the penetradng inm shdl not penctflte $e aseorbly unlcss the spocific material used hos becn tcstod &s pad of thc tssembly in accodancc wirh this rection. 712.3 Flre.rccistancc.nitcd walls. pencrrations into or througft lirc walls, lirc bo'rrion. smoke barrier walls, nnd firc partilion$ rhall comply wirh rhl$ sc$ion, O llo,7r4r P,2 FIFE.BESI$TANC E-HATED CON$TBUCfl O'I red by Scction 706.3.7, Floor arsmblies scparatinc units in thc sin? building or slccping unis in oc-cul in Gmup R-1, hotcloccuprncies, R-2 and l-l rhalt be a rn of l.hour firc.resistance.tated construcrioD, n; Dwelling unir and sleeping unit separariors in of l}pc IIB, llIB, and VB construction slall hlve 0ncc ratings of not lcss $an r/3 hour ia buildines throughorrt with an Eutomatic $pdnklor sysrc,rr in I3J Ceiling pancls, Where 0re weight of lay.in ceiling{t 7123.I ltrough penctrattons. Through prnEtrarion! of rels,-lscd a5 patt of fire.resishncc.rucd floor/cciling ol fileresistancc-ratcd walls shall comply wirh Sedion }s:eroblies. lr not adcquatc to rcsist rrn up*;ard 712,3,1,) or 717.3,1,2, I lb/ft.,(48 Pa), winff olhcropproveddcvicei shail Exceptlon: Where the penfiradnt itqms are steel fer-insalled above tbc panels to prEvcnt venicrl dirPlace- mus 6rcoppcr pipos;Jr iierconauirs. ttrc annut'r sprceilundcr$ucltup\$udfore. bctween'lie iineiraring itom ud rho fire-rcris- Acccu doon, Access doors shnll bc permitrcd in tance-ratcd wnllshall bc pcrmittcd tobi protecrad us tbl- offiro-rcslrtanco-ratodlloor/ceilingandrooflccil. Iows: aScnblies provided Such doors a.rt to$ted in accordance I . lrr conCrpte o, ,narohry welh whcre the pcnctrat_ |ffr, ! il? .:-horieonel asscmbtics and tabctcd by iog irem is a rnuimuri ai*i, i iSZ rornl'norlJ widr Scuion 903.3.1.1. aPPwcd agcdcy for such purpose. diirnaer and $J opening is r maximurn !zl4 l^JJ Unusable splce. In l-hour fire-raistanee-rared 4uw inches (0.0929 mr)' concroF, SroutornDr- v consructioq thc coiling mcrrbrure is nor n4uircd r- tarshallbcpcmfitcd wlen insulledthciut]U{ck- i t tt f'll'l! n lnsntladovorunusablccriwtspaas.tnr.iorii*ririr: res$ of thc wall or tbp ttriclness requlrcd to roof consmEtion, rtrc ftoor nemurale il noi t ' maintqin thc lir+reristoncc ratlng; or ' 7 t2,3.1.2 Through-penetra tion fi restop syr lcr. Penrtrations. Penerorions through tirc-resisrancc-rqred tn!01 qrscmblies shallcomnlv wirh Socrion 712. ;.Fnouttions and membrane pen*-trations, rcd to bc lnsnllcd whcrc uulsrbtc rttic rpacc occurs 2. Tbe matcrial used rc fiJl the armrrlar sFocc shallvc. prwent rbe passagr of flamo urd hor gascs srrffi. Contnuity. Asscmblies sball be continuouc without liAnp-tgryru. clttoD wrste whcre subjarred to g",pcncu;ioniorioinssccpisrpemircdbythissec. f:.1*jL,j,Y:--:,Tf*:.*:::1liT,T;s*hs vr !"r' Dee- dcr a minimuni positive pcsturc differentlal ofand Secrions 707,2,712.4 ard 713. Skylights and orhcrtr'rti* ;h;d;;l*."":*i'-*,0 mor dcck are per- 311jl:i!t*: P :f_':i'j,l*:T;:,,::T ,{ f:n*mi1*,mgg1,inffi**il;1 friT[*lf*:T,',il':.ffi*.#l*: I .rrvlisl$ srali noi ur-p."r,lii.o io roof construction ttaled' to be fm'rcsistancc rucd in nccodance wirh Sccrion 7l?3'll ['lre-rcsistrncc-rsted aesonblie$. hnetra- 10. Thc up,ryning construcdon shall bc procgcd to af- tions shall bc installed as tcsted in an rpprovcd fire.ruis. t[c required fir+rcsiStOrrcc rlting of the hohzontal aSscm. tancc.rrted assembly, Penrtradons. Penerorions through tire-resistanco.rqrrd Through penetration$ $hsll be protected by aa approvcd ntol quscmblies shallcomply witl Sccrion 712, PqliFttion firestop system insullcd as csled in accor' _ dancc r+ith ASTM E Ei4 or uL 1479, wirh a minirnum f*1T:l:xT-Ij*,'-.. or l.*..e:i ryrcIljnc:+argd posirive pressun diffcrenriat of 0.0r inch (2.49 h) of l.Spopc, Ihi provisions of this sccrion shail govenr the nals and me$ods ofcoostancrioa uscd to proreit through - a.'--. r-r.. - -, v. fl:SiT;-91.1.:.-4v with Secrion 713. Thc void i'ato *l shrll have rn i roting oinor tess rhan dri rc. i:*'::tryLT$:pll,:{nl*."mbrymdanex- ilild n,,.;;sian.;iing?to *urrpcnerrarsd. blffilrlLiT'mbry shrtr be prorccted i,r accordirnce4rrr';;;;;;;;;;;";:.;.,#;"'ilil,ion, shall comply wirh Secrion 7l2-3.1, Where walls and pani.I'7 Drrcts and air transfcr opcningr hnera ons by ducts tions sre;quired to hare a minimum l.hour lire.rasis|anc-es i$ tnnsFer oPEnings shall comply with Seclious 712 and rariog, receised firturcs shdl be jnsalled such rhar rhe rc.D.- sEcTtoN 712 PENETFATIONS l. SEel ;lecuical boxcs rhar do n$t eftceed l6 souuc inches (0.0103 m:) in area provided rhe lotal areil of such opening$ does not erceed 100 squure inchcs (0.06a5 nr!) for any 100 square fcet (9.29 m:) of wall arco. Ordet boxes on opposite sider of rhc wall shall bc scparated as sfiown: E It lllNA Fl\t.lE tl quircd firo rrrristance I'ill not be rcduccd. Jan,ltJ. 2006 12:02p[|oInEfiE$STANCBBAIID @NSTFUCTION .a tlJan,2006 I . I . By a lrorizonul disrance of nor lsrs than 24incbcs (6t0 rnm); 1.1 By a holzonral dictorrcc ofnor less rhan rhedcpr} of 0re urall cartty rt onc t "Ai..r__ iry is fined wirr, cirorori rooi.ii-li.; rock,noot orsr$ minaral;Ju il,liii riii;I t.3. By rolid 115|locUnf jn accorduce wirh. Sccrion 7t7.2.1; | 1.4. Ey.prorealng borh ourlcr bo.rcs by listed. puttypadsi or L5. By olherlistrd materials snd neftods. 2. Membrarra pncrradonr for listcd cloctdcrl outlct foxcs dany rnarcrlal arE permJncd Eorid.d-;;;;boxes bavc been .rcsrcd.foi.* ilffiil;bnse-nred,scmblix rnd m insalled in ;;;.&ncc witb rhc iarrtcoons iiJriaca ffi ffi;;outtsr boxas on opposih ridr,;f ,G ;;t#;iEtcprroEd ae follow6: l,l. By.a hodzonul dishncc ofnot lees rhan 14indres (610 mm); 12. By solid frcbJocking ln accondoce withScaion 717,2.1: 23, By prcucting boft outlst boxes by listdpnry pds; or X4, By orhcrtisrod materriah oncl norhods.3. Thc aanular spce cre.aed by thc perctration of afin sprin&lorpo,viried ;t is couei ty a mellt e*cutchcoD plste. I3,1f,-?*t * rtr hlnder opcntngr. peneuarions of l11111j:g:r*red walts by ducrs and-ab rrrrriii'i#mgr nat arc nor proEct d *irh fi6 d6nps,s.hr,l;rfi;with ftir rccrlon. 7E3.4,D|rdnllsr metcrlth. Noncornbusriblc pcncr$in gilcms shatt nor cennecr,o.'ntuJuril-tJi, ffi;.il:fij ?i!*,"pping.unless it crr oc octnolsrnrcd lhar rhcnrc-lesisrame inrgriry of the wall is majil;;J- "'* "- 712,4 gorlzont l arsenrbliec-. pcncrations of a floor, lTI{11t!$.gTf bJyorrrreco!.lingmrmuron.oru*-oil-oir. j rns as_scmbry shor ri potcclciiiil#ffiffiru:iil,i lll**p1l",pcn3jtrgbyExcepdons3aad.i;iili;;707r rlral cornpti *nr, sirii,* iiiJi'il#;n'rTrI;:"' . erpg$on: pcndrations issled wirhin rhc sante ffom orudividcdanaas lloororpeningsnotrcguir.o orr*.. r.liieoctosuf_i! acordancc win &ccprio,ii i : il'i, ; ffiT;Sccrion 707.2. 1I.1.1_lfW panetre[ons. Through peneuarions ofrtrc-ll.slsumce.r ed horizontrl wirh socrion 712..Lr.l o,z,:.0.ffitntblies shall compr,v Exceptlonst L hnetradons by srccl, fcnous or coppr conduiu,pipcs, tubes. v*nts. conct ir;eL; n";;d;;;;trhff ilHrH,,Tj,l$c alnular space is pmected *ftfr m.t#af tlui ryw*,,1* pasagc of flarne and r,or g*, *di-.c,cnr to ignire co$on wssre wtr"re oitt."r.Olo Ot Iio. 7541 P,3 7, functratr'ons in c dryb.concrets floor by grcl. mrli ot copper condults, piper rubes'and vwith a maximum Ginct (15? mm) nominaltcr prylidcd concrctq gmn rn mrrar is irhe firll thickre$s of til floor or the Oicfatquircd to rnai,rnin tho firc.resisrancc ntilg]pryratiag itcnr with a mrxlmun 6,iffi1mrn) nomiaal dioncrcr sball not Ue limitcd?perckation of a rin3Je ooacrctc floorpmvidodrrc anT oi tho parotarion does noi cxcccd squarc inchcs 1[.0929 mt), 3, :lj:lql,orltfr boxcs of any m*crial arc 1!u prwiUca thar erh boxaq arc tr$d forfirc-rcslsuncaratcd ascoblies a[d rccoldance urltb rhe recrcd $!catly. 7t2.{.1.1- fir+rrdsturcFrrtod ammblles. IIloris thall tc. installcd ac Esrcd in the apprcvcdststance-raEd asscobly. Exce.ption: FJoor pncredons conuincd rndWIUllI the cavitv d.e-rvall da-rr--,,i- .l ., .r!.+.2- rteDtDlane. penatratlons. pcnoratio$ ofpr0ne$ thst are pan of a flre_resistsnce.rard horizol .t.{pblyJtrutl compty wirh Section 7l2.a.t.t or?12wtEtt floor/eiling asscnbries src llquilld to hayc rnum .l -hour firp-resistance rating. roc;rcd fixrurcs slDstatjcd such lhar thc rcquind fiic resjstance will not i I i II I I I I I duccd. Fxceptions: Ij I Ii I I I I I i t I. Mcnhane penerrotions by stcelr fenous or conduits, clcctrical ourlet boxes, pipcs,vcnrs, concrgte, or rnasonry.peneraling wheru thc annular spacc is protlcned eitlnr cord8nce with Section ZIZ4,I or to orarc frce pessage offlamc and rhc producr bf tion, Such oenetrations ehall ;nr .r.'r.d !llon, Such penemtioos shall not ercscd s!gnr atea of I 00 squatt hches (64 S00 rnoT 100 square feer (9.3 m:) of ceiling arca in I blics resrcd rrirhour paniradons, Jan,30. 2006 l2:03p|Vl ftiot prtohra6 saspa 0. ,p.rlf,ol iiGoo I f f.f, ,?_t5J1f IT"tFlrn. Fin-prorecdon_racd gtazing shail hrn-ucl,xed posiriorr orbc cutorDarl ecf osioe:*U rtiJib;#sl$Ued in ap@lrd fi?'ncs^ ?11#.]ilf{*- nulbns. Menlnuilions rhar cxce,ed c ll1,l:l_rych,-"f 12 fta tlcrs n n) $dt t;p,otr;d;;mrnn{Jr 1o affod rhc srme n*"rirur*-"riii.s ilquind forrhe wnll oonssuction in whirh rh;-;;r"tit*; i;cued. H.1] l"!*i* fire rvhdo*.ssecmb[cs Fin.porec_ :f1n-ral:9.Slazinq usod in firu winsowa$crDbties rocarcdinrft padidons and tirr Uanlc" .tr"u Ue narid lo ;fi".;I1llj* "r,h.u.r5imrror fire-rcssraoccruing of I hourinuccordance widr this sesdon. ll5{t;1. WleT psnaincd. Frnarorccilon-rarcd rtaz- llq E 'aJlF.li,rrircd !q fi" p.rrjtid,r u;;l;*ffi_dqf sj$' Sccrton 70E ani firc banico-uriiffi;;; ?pfiq|oy ser forrh in SesionB 70fij,,ilt06j;whcre the frrr.rusirrmcc ruing does * il; i ;;;: Ll^s,f:]i S*.{fttrdoru. Ttre tont aca of yiadows 1113 I :x_cccA ZS percernof thcrca of..*rrr *riiwru 8lly room. Jf_*g .qlcbrg rcquhcmenb. Firc.protccrion_ralcdgtrzjng shall berru lobeior orhcr idendfi .;,iil;;ir;;t ,Xff ** f x";1*gf: rhc tcn sunoaro.iil il ;#i;; O No,754l p.4 nBE RES|SIATTICFFA'ED @itSIRUgnOil 1t-lfl$lrg under portdrcpmrunr. NFpA ?52 shall ffi ,5'1i,;r"srm,*,laimn*f i:ffi'g11.^:lrtl h r4iusred so rr temr two.thifr;;f.il; ;:ig5i1; p^*,t:1$ p. *r. u.rl.il;."d ;; ;;ilis",i.$t rr,.u uc nainrinco ar-1fiil;iilf;..,ffJil|llc! 0t up test. rtrffirHfsffiffi#H# ffifi----r-- l-l-5#-n*F.tq lre plndow rrlcmDlcs. Exurior opo- ffi tffi *-,*r;iff 'ffi ,Hfffi Hl',.'#narc a firc-rcsjshrcc raring of lrcorir or" i t o,r.,ihil t !y:fjed-$rh_Tef $ouryiavi'nsrfi rDJ;lecffi 'rffi ; lo_t. tess llr0n_t y1 lroun. ixtoior opcnrnp nguircd o bc [ffi.!:i4',tr#lH*,ii.,f, jsHj,l]11'"_-1ffi, :: lTf:nd.rirh.p.ousombty having r rr"ild#;;; *i:,1'$Itil,.Tfi .,.;,nf ,;mruru#.?,H* il':i,Sl#"#,'"""*#.ffi **'JlT'T*i# *kt.1;[i#j*rs*"rur,.m:,*t$; fffrtr'#tT.m*ffiffiffi l.trt'ffi ffi;*r m+' $,cmbri6 or **#I,:lbifffifi ,:',l,#JJ,:i:n:,,H ffihlxrH*ffiffiTg,#"trrT,ffiy u*nu r*Jf;rtltli,'f* ",*":rffis:txi"g,ffi;H'i*ffii,ff'jffJfi ?-$I_ | iar.t' J5,1 ry1r, r rffi ',lf .j#Tf.**ll:.f ll"Ss-"herthanwiredgrossinlFl,''*ru*sl'mj'Ti*"Si:i:1fi'::'"'.iHI li unirarions scr ionrr ;1;fi tblto ttmpl vi ng wirb theiize flrr walk Flrc banlcrs and lln plrlilio,tr lllTERfilalloNAt- rt nNA e n.rl 716, Instalhtiotl. Firc dampon, smokc dirurpcs, combin+ l,.o-l_llLy:_rok .drycrs and cliring drmpe" rrbili iiiiiililiiosutburion and snoke conrol sysicn, ri,rif U. inrtililti"..l Jan,30, 2006 l2:04pM o ABE.8E3I8TANC&TATED COTiIETAUCTION 30,Jan,2006 cordance wllh ltF Fquircmenn of rhis *crion, tho manufac_urcr'r inardlarion iasuucrions and listiDt---"' 716.2.1Srrolccontrcl ryrhn.l&lerc the insrnliuion of afre danpr will intcrfcn wlrh rhe opcradon of o rrquir.;rnokc. coruol sysnm in accordanceGth S;;il 'gib:; pmr,rd alrrn*ivc protoction stratt tc uiiii;.- 716.2J flrrardoug e$aurt ductr. Firc danpcrr 6r haz_rrdour.crhausr ducr systems shall corply *iii'ri. rlir,.#.tioml Mrhanlul Codc. ]10:tt l[ nroect|oo ntlngi Fuc danrpcn slull havc thcmDmun firc_prorccrion rtrr.ng spccfficd i;tiUii AO,J.ifui lhc ryF sfpenotndon. l-{._3:l1jtf dampcr rc.ruatiag itevice. Thc firtdamp. cE rcruating dcvicc choll mcct dne of tfre to-f,iqc;rgrcgurrcnrnts: l,lo, 7541 Scction 907, t 0 and onc of rhc hllowiDg ocrhodr, asplicable: L When a dampor is insrrJled within ! dsct, I srldcredor rhsll bc lnsalld in thc duct within i(l5Z rnm) of rhe dunpr virh no air outtcg alcts betwcen thB detcctor aod thc damper. thlector rhnll bc lirrcd for thc rii compliancc wirh rlc snndiids ln ttus #6X]Fffi#;:ehrtl cornpJy wirh rhc nquiremcnr of UL ,5s, il; ilffi;:11j,51-$^y In dynamic sysrc"s rt'url u.iottuu?'in ggg j."ly":r-:l_8pro.,.d-8s,iilffiilil;J;ii'il rcguire a nininum velocity to opcrat3. SjfPntg.qry and redugs Damperu shrll be tisrcd on labclcd hr u,rc In llj"ii'-H ly":g{tr"tditiFt ;fi# dtrii; ;;:ffi :qf: rly'ne 1 n*, 6;ft ild;fiffi;: tcnpcraturc ard bunidity mriciprcd at thewherc it it Inrdlcd Othar rhan In mcclr smokc contrpl syctems, dlnperu srrdt bcupon fm s'hurdown whom local rmole it 2. Whcre a danper is installcd aborc rnolc tooors rn I srnolc bsrricr, ! spot-tyF dgEc1rfor rtlcaslng scrvicc shall'h iliuUca on side of tbc smoh bmier door opening. of fire{esistenc;rand asscmilhs. ltr. .r*i o*"iiri :l_y-lT,P. firrsrcstshncc nring of rhc sssd6'iy.T ly":ij!- gF :qoi,cninb -oi rjt;m:t#ffi.1ilfr 3. Wtcre r drmper ie installcd within u ffl:*p,1t3g,q,f 1t,*t*,iry.,rri,rrJ;ii.i""#ffiffi l,lt YlJ,fl *,H'i* cci'ioiridil;; dfiff ffii;ffii;opning il i vall a rpt-type daoctorlisrrdfor Eas_ing ccnicc ahal bc in$allcd wlthin 5 fwlth rfie ruquirmanr$ of lrL-tJlC.(1524 mm) horizontdly of rh damper. 4. Wkrc a &mpcr ir instrlled In a corjdff cEU'danpershdl bc pcrminat rc bc conuoilJ-i smolc detcclion systcm instulled in tho ;* 5. Whcrc a mal-cOvongc nnolc dctcctorpovirbd within arcu sencd by a hcadng tion ad_ air-condi rioni n g ( FIVAQ eyst6, crs shnl be per.nitbd to Ue conrotidUy nese|.coon $ysE!a. 7,l{,j.*crnr uil ldparlficadon. Frrc ard snlolc dlf!!t p.nruUAg,wirh ur approrod nerns of rrcesqrnouih to prmit ilepctio;nd ,Dajntoo;;;iil ano tu opeftdng pans, Thc access shnll nor affcct rhe i poine rhall be pormrnently idcntifi&;; ,}e il#i;;oavmg rencrs not lcss than 0.J inch (12.7 nun) in hclziting: SMO-KE DAMIER or FIRE DArvbEi;;il?; ::|::_:lll br tight fitting and ruitabte for thr rcqutred 716,5lThcrertquinO,f ii-arnrpcF,smokcaanocrs.mu0n nr/smoke dtmpers and celling rudiation dirnoioeprollded al the locadons prescribca in thls scction. W f:Tl_ry i, r$ut1;d lo have borh nrc aampcJinJoanryrs, combination firty'smoke darnpcm or i fin drn 71G32 Snokc damper retincq Soote damper leakalenti4s shatl not bc lcis rhan Ctiss u Ed*il;;;ffi.;ntings shdl not be ter than 2J0dF (tti"Cj, - "--'*''" 1-!6!.2] Smokc damper ac,tsarion nethods. Ttresmoke dampq rhrll closc upn actua on of a lisr.ismoke derecror or dctrctors iiltallod i" ;;riil;lri a smole &mper shall be requircd. 7l6fi Fire \udls. DucB and dr t ansfcr openiacslcd in fir? wrlls in mcordance with Sccrion-705. ilproGcted.wlrh aparorcd fire dampers instaltcd indancc with lheir lisring. 7l6JJ I'lre barirrs. Duct and air rr[nsfer oponingsbanien sbaU be pmrecred *'ith appmved nr! Osn;pstallcd in accordance wirh rheir Jiitiry. !1en1ion Firc dampcrr &E norrcquircd ar pcner or nff bafiicrs whcrc any of tho folloving apply: I, Pemratjonr arc ustod in accordance lylth E I l9as partofthe fire.resistatcc-rstcd lse Jan,30, 2006 12:05PM O NF FRESATAilCE.BATED CONSif FUSNON 716.54.1 Con{dorgA listcd srnohc dmperdesigncdro rcsist he pasrage of enoftc elrrll be prwidod at erch point r duct c rir ransfer openlng pencrrtca r cortidor c0closw rcquired to hrve smoke and dnft control doon fu rccordancc with Section ?15.3,3. ftcptionr: 1. Smokc deiapers an not ruquind wherp rhe building is csuipped ihrooghour wirh un ap provcd snoko confol systero in accordance with Secthn 909, ud smokc danp€rs arc nor ncocserry ftr the operation and contrcl of the sysrclll - 2. Sraoko drmpn rc nor rrquircd in conidor\ .. penetretions whcrc tho dBct is cons[uctcd of -i' srcel not lcss thur 0.019-incb (0.48 mrr) in thiclrttcss ffid thcrc ue no opcnings scrving tbc corldor, 716JJ Snolc Dorrlcrr. A ligtcd rmoke dampcr dcdgicd oruistthepusagc ofrnrokcsbdl bc providod at olcbpoint_ ! duq or rir rlndcr opcning ponemror E snolc bfocr-I Smoke danpers utd smoke dolpr acruttiotr rncfto& rhallf conply with Scsion 716,3.2.1..- Excepdou: Snrolc ehmpcrs arc not rcquired w}ac thc opccrings in ducrr art lfudrcd o o dqlc soo}o conpart- ment rnd dp ducrs ere cotrstuctcd of$cel. 7166 Horlzontat rrqenblicr, penetruions by ducts and air trarnfcr opcnings ofa floor, floor/ctiling arscmbly or tb; etil- ing mombrrncof a oof/cciling asscmbly shrJl beimtcncd by a shat cnclosur that compUca wlth Scciion 702 oi slall com'- ply with thir rection. 715.6.1 ltmugh^pcnctntloru. In occupancier otbcr then Grqupc l-Z and I.3, a duet ud dr transfir opcning sysrcm corulructcd of approved marcrirls ta accordarrco wiih the Inlc,rutlonol Mccltfunical Code th*p:en:ores a firc-rcsil. tonclratcd floor/cciling usembly lhu connecc not rnore tDan t*o rtories is pemitcd *itloutshaft cncloeurc protec. tiorl t. Tlr dm ehall !c conbined and laued within rhe cavity ofa wall and shall bc consrructed ofstcel nat lcss thar 0.019 incb (0.48 mm) (26 gage) in thick- ltcst. 2, Thc ducr shall opcn ino onty gqe d*plling unir or clccping unh and $o duct system sholl be conrinu- ous from the uni! ro rhc crterior of the building. 3. Thc ducr shall nor occecd 4-inch (102 mm) nomi. nal diEmcror md the total area of e uch ducrs shall not c^crcd 100 square inches (0.065 mr) any t00 square fect (9,3 ml of floor rrca, 4. Thc annular.spacc around the dqcr is protectedwitl moterialr Oat prcvent dre passage-of flomc and hot g$ss sufficipnt to ignire conon waslc Excepdon: A duct i$ puutitFd rg Fnemio thrce floon or hss witbsut a Erc drnpcr u cach flur providcd ir mccn all of tlu foUowiag rcquircmcnts. |||o, 754 |P,6 whercsubjoctsdto ASTlvl E I l9timc.cmpenul conditions undcr a ninimum poeitiva prcssure dif. ferentialof 0Ol irch (3.49 Pa) of watcr at $G locn, tion of tbe penetration for the dme period cquivalent to thc fta-ruismncc nting of thc con. stnrction pcnantcd 5. GrllJc opcniqs locatcd in a ccillng of a f,rc.rerh linccratld floor/cciling or rwf/ceiliry $scnbly shall bc protqqted witl a csiling ndiadon drmrcrshall bc protected witl a cciling ndiadon drmpcr iuaccordance with Socdoa 716,6.2, duct coisfucted of rpprovcd mst$ials in rccordsncc wit} Intenstiorsl Machmicel Cdc aaatac a ceiling of lina Wherc a duct ir not attrchcd to a dltrurcrthar a cciling of a firc-re.siltaDce-ncd floor/ccjling ing asrcnbly, shaft atctosrr* pro4ction b not Equircd vidtd na apprcvcd cailing radiation dampar is ln*rllcd th cdllng lina. Cailing radirrioo dempar shrlt bc tcsrcd accordancs wlth UL 5J5C ald consuuctcd in accordan with te dcuih Irted io r ftt.nsistrncs-nted a$cnblt thall b: labeled to functiol s r hcat boniq for outlcVinle{ penetrstions ia dre cciling of a fir+nsistance-rated floor/cciling ot mof/cciling aescmbly, shofi cnclosure pmaction is not rcqulrcd prorridcd rn atr pmt'cd cailing radiation damper ie instnllod at hc cciling Ence-mod as$smtly. Cciliug rrdiuion dlrlFs sbdl rrd rcquind whon ASIM E I I 9 flre tccr hrw shown thrt cr ing rudiation drmpcn f,rE lrot rrcccrsrt irr odcr to the ftE-rEsislencc ndag of thc rc.c,Dbly. Ociting dampers strall not bc rcquircd u/hsm cxlnurt duct air couecton shall not pars th$ugh any fire.rEsist0llce'l usembly. Flexible air conncctors shall not pass through iions arc prucc*d in accordrncc nlth fubn712.42 thc erh|ust ducts all located withiu thc clvig of a wrll, prss thrcugh mglhor dwclliag unir m tcnani tcrns constructcd of approved matclials in accodrncc the lntemational Meclwtical Cod. thrr nonfirc-resi$tancc-nted flogr asscrnblics and tbat not rnorc tban two storics aE pcnnittrd without sbaft s'ltfE protcclion provided thAt the annulAr $pecc brtwfcn assembly ard the penecraring duct is fil lcd wltb an noncombustible marlrial to Erist thc frce prsage and tho products of combu,ltlon. Duct syerms ofapproved materials in accordanco with the Codc thst pcnetralc assembiics and that comncct not morc ften lhiet are permincd wihort shaft cnclosuG protection rhat the mnular spacc betwecn rhe asscmbly and tratingductis filled with rnrypmvod rial r0 nsi$ rhc frEe passage of flame eld the products combugtiorl anda6re ibmperis instdled at each fl0or Exception; Fue dampers ate not Fquired in ducts individual csidcnrial dwclling units. 716,7 Flcxible doct and air connectors, Floclble ducc wali, floor or ceiling, T' t -4-,- ' )L-/ - -..--{I..b )zLL)/\J \ o 4f ,/furnhu h)(PL'4r' rw4l frrnfr*/'; e, ry /;,vr&"* €zt'ffi" s,*^?*ury :3tr % S /--Jk"ff;'* DT /, F/aaz -4*** /44^fr? frr' ; Ar,a*t "-/ lq *fl tfFt fr,."-^- 5rs/t,/ 44 4t^7 ffi ul .---' ) ,fi.1,^^,v / //a/4 6",',-a ; Fb7/*o /n*"/h €Eo-- //^r Z SZ*79A; *o*, ?%' ";trrua &-tf-?Y t s/,/ A,/ 5%d a''il' */ 7*" s/''-t / fr "2)rr a**-/, fiatfrf f"tu- :%ffi,-*rdryffi/'/r 9$ a Depa ftnent of &n n un ity Deu@tnent Building hEy and Inspffin gryins 759uth fronbge Rad Vail, @lorado 81657 9704D-2138 FAX9m4n-2452 www.wilgtov,@m BUILDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICES PLiAN REI/IEW COMMENIIS: TO: Contractor/Apolicant Architect Rusty Spike Enterprises John Perkins Mike Krohn proj# none FAX/Email #: 949.0629 NUIIIBEROF PAGES: FROM: DATE: BUILDING PERMIT #: OWNERS NAME: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANCY GROUP: TYPE OF CONSTR.UCTION: NUMBER OF STORIES: BUILDING AREA: 2 Chris Gunion, Building Plans Examiner 02l10/2006 BO5-0277 Pericles Realty ,14 West Meadow Drive, unit #4 R-2 I-B 6 unknown The documenb submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 Intemational Building Codg 2003 International Residential Code, 2003 International Mechanical Code, 2003 International Fuel Gas Code, 2003 International Plumbing Code and 2002 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. Thefollowing@mmenE will nedb baddrcNpriortu isuane of a building petmit: For procesing:o Please submit three complete sets of revised construction documents containing the rEuested information with all olan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. o Please respond in writing to each comment bv marking the attached list or creatino a response letter. Indicate which olan sheet. detail. soecificaUon. or calculation shows the requested information. Please send reMsions to the attention of the plans examiner with the building oermit apolication number noted. o Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the enginee/s or architecfs "wet" stamp. signature, registration number and date on the cover page of anv strucfural calculaUons. all structural details and structr.rral sheets of the olans. For commercial or multi-family projects all sheets of the olans must be stamoed. oo Archibctural Gomments:1 Amend floor plan to show all proposed new wall construction versus existing construction. 2 Amend plans to speciry consffiuction type per IBC ch. 6. Town of Vail building permit records indicate this building is a type I-B construction type, 6 stories in height. 3 Include proposed wall construction assembly details showing non-combustible construction per type I-B construction type requirements, rFor fire rated walls and columns, show hourly rating requiremenb and include UL or other fire resistive assembly listing. 4 Include floor/ceiling assembly details for any new floor/ceiling construction, Include fire resistive assembly listing and 2 hour rating as required for type I-B consffiuction. 5 Provide a door schedule for any new doors proposed. Include fire resistjve rating fur doors located in fire resistive wall openings. 6 Clariff if windovvs shown on floor plans are new or existing. Veriff light/ventilation and emergency escape requirements per IBC 1025. Show location of proposed window in Master Bedroom. 7 Amend plans to provide a fire resistive separation for the new closet located off the common area hall. IBC 1016 and 302.1.1 8 Amend plans to show proposed width of exit corridor in the location of the new common area closet. Show corridor width per IBC 1016 based on the occupant load served. Minimum 36" width, 9 Speciff on plans for fire dampers to be installed at all ventilation and exhaust duct penetrations in the fire resistive ceiling and wall assemblies per IBC 716. 10 Speciil on plans for all new recessed lights to be installed per IBC 7L2.4.2. Include construction details for "tenting" of recessed lights or other method of protection. K--1tp( 11 Include mechanical plans for all proposed new A/C mechanical units and ductwork. Pleas€ rcf€l b th€ cover rh€€t for informauon on rcsubmltting plane. In order to avold delap In bEu.ne of a permlt, please dreck dl |€qu€sbd infionnation is Included with tfie rcsubmitbd plano. Plee submlt rcvised pleno es a @rnplctc s€t Pardal plan rcsubmlttals will not be rwlclrcd. Chris Gunion I.C.C. Plans Examiner Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Services 970.479.2369 cgunion@vailgov.com F: \adEv\CHRIS\PERMTT.COMMENTS\8090277. DOC t .----,-) ' r /-*{gY- ----' ) ,4-1,ru'a / h/aA &,o,Q; a 4f /)rr0,au h;/P; +i r"rl ,furafr*/r^ q /o''o //14*/"h / t s'{"ffi" frf-t Uanfi-v {fu;?,hi A, hltt 7ft7,r-'9,*/ 3. tral(&*Ufi %/--Jk ff,r D*w F/aaz - 4*"n* /e'4 tr&* .ft1' ^ta-4,,-* ^-/ 44 ltuF s',f(tt /-7H'- --6's/= .)' *4 ra"fl /4 % -f / -7'/tes V"?o+11 ,! i ii ri -l-{c}Lo Q-"t"0 ffi '-"-'-.D r ry rl nJoQ' & January 20,2006 Charlie Davis, Building Offrcial Town of Vail Community Developrnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, CO 81657 44 West M€adow Drive ll4 Charlie: January 17, 2006 I was called to pcrform a plumbing rough drain, wastc and vent inspcciion. This contractor was not rcady for inspectiorq because there was no test on thc system. Whilc at thc site I noticc tbat the residential unit was completcly dcmoed. I am providing a lbt of items seen that appear to bc bcyond the original scope of worktr Ncw wall framing was insalled.tr Original ceiling was removed and new drop franing was installed.O Ncw ducting bcing installcd. 'largc opcnings wcr€ cut into the concrete floor which opened into the floor lcvel bclow. Altcration of corridor walls. At thc time of inspection; the mechanical contractor had modified listed damper for installation in thc cciling. It is my opinion that the work being donc in the space may seriously compromisc thc fire and lifc safety of the building. I belicve based on cunent Town ofVail rcgulations that additioiral plans, pcrmiting and plan revicw needs to occur prior to moving further with the finish of this residential unit and common area. Please do not hcsitatc to contact mc with any question or clarification, Sfurccrely, lvlatthew Roycr, Building Official Colorado Inspection Agency matt.royer@coimpcct.com 970-328-t790 970-9m-04ffi n tr tr -t- January 30, 2006 Mr. John Perkins JMP Architects P. O. Box 2007 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Gonzales Residence Project #8293.00 Dear Mr. Perkins: ."*rU,ffiD This letter is a summary of dur sitc vioit on January 25, 2006 witlr rcspect to penetrations in a floor ceiling asserrbly, as well as penetntions in a rated rvall. l. Rated Wall Penetrution: Tlrc ratcd wall outside ol'the unit, rve interprct the code to require t'ire dampcfri the approximatcl,v- lbur. 4" round ducts passing through this u,all. Tftdabnrination rvas based,on thc 2003 lBC, Section 716.2. Protection dftfie nrenrbrane pcnetration ofthe floor ceiling assenrbly and radiation danrper nrodiFrcation: Based on revicrv of the code (2003 IBC, Section 716.6.2) the ceiling radiation damper is requircd. Wc have also contacted the nrannfacturer of the radiatiorr danrper. Modil'rcation of thc damper as shipped lrom the factory rvill void the UL listing lbr this assenrbly. Additionally, tbe nranul'acturer rvill not provide documentation validatftg revisions to tlre radiation damper lo suit installation since it is not tested in accordance rvith the UL standards. Therefore, the current installation is not in compliance since the.UL listing u'ill bc voided, Installation per the manutbcturel installation instruciions should be follorved to protect the listing fol this assernbly. Attached is an excerpt f'rom the 2003 tBC relatin-g to the annular area allorved fbr penetrations through'ratld assemblies ancl nrembranes. I have attachgd thi.s for your review sinee I could not find allorvance for the desired installation rvitlrin the codc. lf this inteqrretation is read .ditibrently. you are welcorrre lo present that intomration to the building departnrent for rer,ierv and considtration. :fd--a ' Please call ifyou lravc an), questions tro E 8€rv€rood( Bhrd" f202, Avo|r' CO 816'20 . Mail Ot{ra P,O. BoxS650, Avon, @ 81620 . Phond 910.949.81@. Fax:970.949.8159 VAIL 141a2 oenv{ W Pkry., figA Gold€n,to 80401 . phon6:303-gtgj820 . Fax 3&3.?t8;3843 DENVER 251 Und6n SL, {200, Fort Colllffi, CO 80524. Phone:970.221.569'l . Fg'x! 97O2?l.5A97 FOHJ COLLINS 11448 Dasrfeld Dr.,ltcl, Truckeo, CA 96161 . Phone: S10.550.7334. Far:530,550.7336 LAKE TAIIOE wumr,bgce.com MTS:xm 'BESISTANCHAIED COIISTRUSNO'I separatei a singte occuparcy into diffaent fire artas, shall lratre a fire-res istance nting of not less than by Scction 7M.3.7. Floor assemblies separating units in the same building or slecping units in oeu- iu Group R- l , hotel occupancies, R-2 and l- I shall be a of I -hour fire-rasistance-rated constructior. Dwclling unit ard slccping unit separarions in of Tlpe IIB, IllB, and VB construction sha.ll have ratings of not less ttno r/, hour in buildings thoughout with an automatic sprinhler systcm in Odling panela Wtrere the weighr of lay-in ceiling* 7IF.f Qrougt penetrltions. Through penctrations of uscd as part of firc-resistance-ratcd floor/ceiling oi fir€-resisEnce-rated -walls shall comply with Section assembfics, is not adcquac to resist an upword 712.3.1.1 ot 712.3.1.2. I lb/ft 2 (48 Fr), wire-orothcr approrrcd dcviaes shall Exccption: Whcre tlrc penetrating ibms arc st€€!. fcr-iosttlled abovc the panels to preveot vertical displacc- mus or coppcr pipeq,or irccl condriits. rhc annutar spaceurder such upward force. bcrween iire iineirating itcm and the fire-resis- Access doon, Access doors shrlt bc permitted in tance-rated wall shall be permitted to bc protected as fol- offire-esisgncc-rarcdfloor/ccilingandroof/ceil- lows: ry"_qbl-ry pryid"d such doqs rrc tesrcd in accordarrce " L In concete or masobry rralls wherc dre peneuat- ASTM E I 19 as horizontal assemblics and labeled by ing ircm is a maximum 6inch ( | 52 nm) nominal approved agency for such prrposc. diirnetcr ond tbe opening is a maximum 144 133 Unus.He spaca In l-hour firc-resistance-r.rcd square inchcs (0'0929 m!), concretei grout or mor- *ntt*tti*,tnl ."uinir.rUrneisnorrequiredto gt{l ^h.ry-t${wlrere insulledthcfuf thic!- ,r*"i" Lfr*rn'*-r*r: ness.of thc wlll o1 the thickness required to rmf consmction, the floor nrmbranc is not rc_ mainain thc.firi-resisrlncc rating; or ' to be installcd whae un0sabtc attic spacc occuns 2. The matetial used o fill the annular space shall prEvcnt the passage of llame and hot gases suffi- ir:inr., a---nrrr;-- -ri^ L- ^^_.:-..^..- _-.:..L^--. cicnt to ignitc cotto[ wastc wtrcr€ subjccted toColinulty. Asscrnblics shall be continuous withoulffi;;;,il;;fiF;61;n;#ffiui;i#: ffijf,ffi#ltrT::*ffi'Jff:i:;!-r:^6- tn7't 'rla , ^^A ?ta Qr-.tl^Lr- --l -^L--*:::lT.lt7:7.1Y:1-*-!!: IE:EIT y9:tu' orir-r'iiiiiiijipilijiiJl iii" riliii"" "?,r,.3::g:lgjtr::E.y|tf,Try- ;;il;f;;; i# il,l p",i.a equivarent to rheI o be unprorcced, pmvidcd that the stnrcturat integrity ffi]frilnfi. ##l'r ?Jl#*i"?# il;:fin-rcsistance-rated roof consnrction is rnsintained. Un-ffi;;;?:ffi,;;H;; ,ra,ed to t,e fir-t.lgsisgancc rated in accotdancc with Scction 1123.1.1 Firt-rcsistance-rated' assemblies. Penera- 10. The supporting construction shall be protccted to af- tions sball be installed as tested in an approved fire-resis- rbc rcquircd-fire-resistancc raring oftbc ho'rizontal asscm- tancerated asscmbly' pponed i.. 112.3,1.2'ilrough-penetratioB flrestop system,:{Paetradqdlcnerrarions rhrough firc-resistancc-rarcd ttrole! neytraoons shall f fo.11ted by an lPProved assemblies shall comply witih Scction 712. penetration firesrop systcm instailcd as testcd in accor- bance with ASTM-E -8t4 or W !47g,wirh a minimum fJotnts. Joints made- in or between firc-resistance-rated positive pressurc differcntial of 0,01 inrh (2.49 pa) of assemblies shall gomply with Scction 713. The void water and shalt harrc an F radng of not less than tlre rc- at dle intersection ofa floor/ceilingassembly ard an er- quired firc-resistance rating of ire wall pcnetrued. !:ffiT.#lTmblv shall bc prctected in accordance b z.r{.,s: rrrqmu1oe pemrratione. Membrane,pcnetradons shall comply with Section 712.3.1. Whcn walls and pani- ?.Ducts aDd alr trarsfcr openlngs. Pencrrations by ducrs tions are rcquired to have a minimum l-hour firc-resistance air transfer openings shall iomply with Sections itZ arA rating, rcceised fixtures shall be insalled-such that thc rc- sEcTtoNTl2 PENETRANONS Seopc. The provisions of this section shall govern the atd nrdrods of coostl.lction uscd to pmrcct through with Scction 903.3.1.1. a Tl22lnstallatioll details. rllhere slerlves {e used, they shall be srcurely fastened to thc assembly penetrarcd. The space bc- tween the item contained in the slecve and the sleeve itselfand any space between thc sleeve and the assembly penetratcd shall be protected in accordancc with this section. Insulation and coverings on or in thc penetratint item shall not penetrate the assembly unless the specific material uscd has been tested as part of thc assembly in accordance wirh this scction. 712.3 Firt-resistance-nited walls. Penctrarioos into or tluoogh firc walls" fire barrien, smokc barricr walls, and firc partitions shall comply with this section. l. Steel electrical boxes that do not exceed l6 squan inches (0.0103 m!) in rea providcd tte otal area of ruch openings docs mt exceed l@ square inchcs (0.0d15 m) for any 100 quart fcet (9.29 m2) of wall area. Oudet boxes on opposite sidcs of; the wall shall bc separated as shown:and mernbrane perctrations. qulred firc rcsistance will Dot be rcduced. FrREfi ES|SrAICE-RATED CoNSTBOON 7165.4.f Corridors. A listed smokc damper designed ro iesist the passage of srnokc shall be provided at each point a duct or air transfer opcning penetrares a conidor enclosure required to have smoke and draft control doors in accordance with Section 7 | 5.3.3, Exceptions: i. Smoke dampers are not requircd where the building is equipped throughout with an ap provcd smoke control sysrem in accordancc wirh Section 909, and smoke dampers are not ncce$sary for the operation and control of the system, 2. Smoke dampers arc not required io conidor\'. ,. peoetrations where the duct is constructed of _;'steel not less than 0.019-inch (0.48 mm) in- thickness and tlrere are no openings serving the corridor. 71655 Smoke baniers. A listed smoke damper designed to resist the passage of smoke sball be prov ided at each point _ a ducl or air transfer opening penetrates a smoke barrier. I Smoke dampers and smoke damper actuation methods sballr comply with Section 716.3.2.1. Exception: Smoke dampen arc not requircd where rhc openings in ducts arc limited to a single smoke compart- ment and thc ducts arE constncted of steel, 716.6 Horizontal assemblies. Penetrations by drrca and air transfer opcnings of a floor, floor/cei,ling assembly or the ceil- ing membrane of a mof/ceiling assembly shall be protected by a $bafr enclosure tbat complies witb Scction 707 or shall com- ply wirh rhis section. 716.5.1 Thmugh p€netrations. In occupancies other rhan Groups l-2 and I-3, a duct and air transfer opening sysrem constructed of approved materials in accordance with the International Mqehanical Codc |,i,at pnetrates a fire-resis- tance-rated floor/ceiling assembly that connects not morc than two storlbs is permittcd without shafr enclosure protec- Exccption: I duct is permined to three floors ot less wi*ttt a firc damper at eacb floor provided ir meets all of the following requirements. l. Thc duct shall bc contained and located within the cavityofa wall and shall be constnrcted ofsteel not less than 0.019 inch (0.48 mm) (26 gage) in thick- ness. 2. The duct shall open ino only one dwelling unit or sleeping unit and rhe duct system shall be continu- ous from the unit to the cxterior of tbe buitding. 3. The duct shall not exceed 4-jnch (102 mm) nomi- nal diametcr and the total area of such ducts shnll not excecd 100 square inches (0.065 m!) any 100 square feet (2.3 m!) of floor arca. thc The annular space amund the duct is protected with materials that prcvent rhe passage of flame and hot gases sufficient to ignite coEoo rvasre where subjectedto ASTM E I l9 time-tempcrature conditions under a minimum positive prcssurc dif- ferential of 0.0 I irrch (2.49 Pa) of water at the loca- tion of the penetration for the time period equivalent to the fire-resistance rating of the coo- struction penerated 5. Grille openings located in a cciling of a fire-resis- tance-r:lted floor/ceiling or rooflceiling assembly. sbdl be protected with a ceiling radiation damper in-accordance with Section 7 16.6,2. 16.6.2'Membrane duct constructed of approved materials in accordance with Intemational Mcchanical Codc penetrate a ceiling of r firc-resistance-rated floor/ceiling or roof/ceiling assembly, shaft enclosure protection is not required provided an proved ceiling radiation dampcr is instal.led at the line. Wherc a duct is not anached to a di ffuscr that a ceiling ofa firc-resistance-rated floor/ceiling or ing assembly, shaft enclosurc protection is not required accordance with UL 555C and constructed in witb the details lisrcd in a fire-rsistance-rated assembly shall be labeled to firnction as a heat barrier forai outleuinlct penetrations in the ceiling of a tance-rated asssmbly. Ceiling radiation dampen sball not requircd where A$TM E I 19 fire tests have shown that ing rudiation dampeE er€ not necessary in ordcr to the firc-resistance rating of thc assembly. Cciling dampers shalt not be required where exhaust duct tions are protected in accordance with Sectlon 712.4.2 the exhaust ducts are located within tlre cavity of a rvall, pass through another dwelling unit or enant 7r6,63 tenrs constructed of approvcd materials in accordancetllc Intemational Mechanical "Code that noufire-resistance-rated floor assemblies and that not morc thar two storics are permitted rryithout shaft sure protcction pfovided that the annular space betwecn assembly and the peneuating duct is fillcd with an noncombustible material to Esist the free pessage of and the pro<lucts of combustion. Duct systems of approved marerial.s in accordance with the code that penetrate asscmblies and that connect not more than three are permitted without shaft enclosure protection pfl that the annular space berween the assembly and fte trating ducr is filled with an appmved noncombustible rial to resist the free passage of flame atd thc producls combustion, and afiredamperis installed at each floor Exceptionr Fire dampers are not requircd in ducts individual residential dwelling units. 716.7 Flextble duc{s and air connectors. Flexible ducts vided an approved ceiling radiation damper is installcd the ceiling line. Ceiling radiation damper.s shall be tested air connectors shall not pass through any fire-resistance't assembly. Flexible air connectors shall not pass througb wall, floor or ceiling. FTRE.RESIST^NCEf, ATED CONSTNUC | . | . By a horizontal distancc of not lass than 24 inches (610 mm); I .2. By a horizontal distance ofnot less than the depth of the wall cavity wheie the wall cav- iry ir filbd with ccllulosc loose fill, mckwool or slag mineral wool insuladon; 1.3. By solid fircblocking in accordance with Section 717.2.1; : .. 1.4. By protecting both outlet boxcs by listed puty pads; or 1.5. By other listed materials and methods. 2. Mcmbrane penctrarions for listcd electrical outler boxes of any material are permitted povided such boxcs have been rcsed for use in fire-rcsis- tance-rated assemblies and are installed in accor- dancc wilh the instructions included in rhe listing. Outlct boxes on opposite sides of thc wall shall be separated as follows: 2" I . By a horizontal distance of not lcss than 24 inches (610 rm); 2.2. By solid fireblocking in accordance with Serrjoa7l7.Ll: 2.3. By protecting both outlet boxes by lisred purty Pads; or 2.4. By otber lisad materids and methods. 3. The annular space crcaled by the pcnetration of a fire sprinklcr p,mvidcd it is covercd by a metal cs- cutcheon plate, 7lJ133 Duce snd air hanCer opcningr. Peaetrations of fire{Esistance-ratcd walls by ducls and air trmsfcr opcn- ings that are not protectcd with fire dampers shall comply with tlris scction. 7 123.,4 Dhsisrilrymaterials. Noncombu sti ble penetrati ng items shall not connect to combustible items beyond the poht of fircstopping unless it can be dcmonstratcd $at the fire-resisunce intcgrity of the wall is maiilaincd. 7l2A Horlzontal asscmblies. Pcnetrations of a floor, floor/ceiling asse$ffor thc ceiling membrane of a mof/ceil- ing assembly shall be protccted in accordancc with Section 707. Pcnebations permitted by Exccptions 3 and 4 of Secrioo 707.2 shall comply wfth Sections ?12.4.1 through 712.4.4. Exepdon: Pcnetrations located within thc same room or undividad area as floor openings not required to have a shaft enclosure in accordance with Exccptions I, 2, 5, ?, 8 or 9 in Section 707.2. 7l?Lf Thmryh penetr.tlon& Through peneuations of frrc-resistance-rared horizontal assemblies shall comply widr Section 712.4.1 .l or 712.4.1.2. Fxceptions: l. Penelrations bi, stect, fcnous or copper conduis. pipes, tubes, venrs, conc-rete, or masoory through N single fi re-resismncc-rated floor arsembly where the annular spacc h protectod with matcrials thar pf€rrent the passage of flame and hot gascs suffi- ^:.n| t^ ilr't;ta..ttt^n ttErf. rhrre crrhir.r.ted h ASTM E I 19 time-temprarure fire conditions der a minimum positive pressurc difrerential 0.0f inch (2.49 P^) of w^ter at the location of penctration for thc time period equivalcnt to firc-rcsistance rating of the construction trated, Perrtrating items with a marimum (152 mm) nominal diameter shall no[ be limited the penaration of a single floor assembly prwided that the area of the ration does not excccd 144 sqaarc inctrcs (92 mmr)in any I fi) squarc fect (9.t tz; of 2. Penetrations in a single concrete floor by steel, rous or copper conduits, pipes, tubes and with a maximum 6inch (152 mm) nominal ter pmvided cortcrrtc, grcut or mortzr is thc full thickness of thc floor or the thickness' quirrd to maintain the fire-rcsiuance rating. penetr0ting items with a maximum Ginch (l rnm) nominal diarnctcr shall not bc limitcd to penetration ofa single concrete floor providcdt lhe area of dre penetration does not cxticd sguarc inchas (0.0929 m2). 3. Electrical outlet boxcs of any material are ted pmvidcd that such boxes arc tcsted for fire-rssistancc-nted assemblies atrd accordancc witlrthc tcstcd assembly. 7 t2A.l.L Fire'lcsistance'rated assernblleg. tions shall be installeii as tested in the approvcd sistance-ratcd assembly. 7 t2.4.1.2 Throu gb-penearation flr$top Thrurgh penetrations shall be protected by an through-peneration firestop systcm installed and in accordance wirh ASTM E 8 14 or uL 1479, wi6 imum positive pressure diffccnti al of 0Ol inch of warcr. The system shall have adrating and aT ofnot less than t hourbut not less than the rcquired of the floor penetrated. Exception: Floor penctrNtiorts coiltained and within the penetrations. Penetrations of branes that are pan of a fire-resistance-rated horizc sembly shall comply with section 712.4.t.1 or 7l Where floor/cciling assemblies are required to have a mum | -hourfire-ruistanct.rating. rccessed filturrs installed such that the rcquircd firc resistance will not duced. Exceptions: Membrane pcnetralions by steel, fenous o conduits, electrical outlct boxes, pipes' vents, concrele, or masonry-penetrsdng where the annular spacc is pmtected cifier cordance with Section 712.4.1 or to free passage of flame and tbe pmduca ofcx tioa. Such peneratioo$ shall not cxccd a! gar. ur." oi t00.quarc inches (64 500 dmt) I00 quarc fcet (f3 m:) of ceiling arca in t hliec trcted r'ith^r|t ncnFtreti^nc FIR E.8ES'STAT,ICFFATED COITSIRINN cordance with tho requirements of this scction, the manufac- turer's installation instructions and listing. 71621 Smoke control system" Where the insrallation of a fire damper will interfere with rhe operation of a required smoke control systcm in accordance with Section 909, ap prowd albrnative protectioD shall be utilized. 716.2.2 llanrtous exhaust ducls. Fire dampers for haz- ardous exhaust duct systems shall comply with the Intema- tioml Mcchoical Code, ?163 Damper tcCing and ratings Drmpcn strall bc li.srcd and bcar the label of an approrrd tcsring agency indicuing compliance $'ith the standards in this section. Firt dampers shall comply with the requirements of UL 555, Onlyfire damp- en labeled for use ln dynamic systcms shall tre installed in hoating, ventilation and air-conditioning systems designed to opcrate with fans on during a firr, Smolc dampers shall com-ply uith the reguirements of UL 5555. Combination fin/smokc dampers shall comply witlr the requircmeats of both UL 555 and t L 5555. Ceiling radiuion dampen shall comply with the requirements of UL 555C. 7163.1 Ftre protectlon rotlng Fire dampen slrall bave the minimum firc pmtcction rating sp€cified in T[blc 7t6.3.1 for the type of panetration. TABLE 71&3.I NRE DAXPER RATIT{G 716.3.1,1 Flre damper actuatlng ilevice. The fire damper actudting dcvice shall mect onc of drc following rcquircmqnts: l. The operating tempcrature shall be approximately 50'F (,10'C) above the normal temperaturc within the du$ system, but not less rhan 160"F (71'C). 2 The@iaring temperature shalt be not more 286"F (l4l"C) whcre located in a smoke systcm complying with Section 909. 3. Wherc a combination firey'smolce damper is lo- cated in a smoke control system complying Section 909, theopefling temp€raturc radng be approximately 50"F (10'C) abovc rhe mum smoke coDtrol system &sigred temperatur€, or a maximum tcmpcrature of 35ffF (17?'C). The temperaore shall nor ercecd the UL 5555 dcgradation tast tempcrature rating for a combination fi rc/smoke damper. 715.32 Smoke damper ratings. Smoke damper leakage fatings shall not be less thao Class lI. Elcvatcd remperanrrc ratings shall not bc les than 25(PF ( I 2 I "C). 7163.Al Smoke darnper actustlon methods. The smolce damper shall clor upon actua on of a lisrcd(mnke detrcfff n? dpfertnnr installe.d in ac.cnrdance with TYPEOF PENETFANON UIMf,Uf DAUPEN NAll G(hourl less thrn ]hour frrc- rcsistance-ratcd assemblies 1.5 3-hour m greatcr firc- rcsisance-rated nsscmblies ) Section 907.10 and one ofthe following mahods, as olicable: 1. Where a damper is installed within a duct, a detectc shall be installed in the duct within 5 ( I 524 mm) of the damper with no air outlets o1 lets between the detector and thc damper. The tector shall be llsted for the air tempcralure and humidity anticipated at thc wherc it is installed. Other than in smoke contol sy$cms, dampers shall be upon fan sbutdowl whcrc local smole reguire a minimum velocity to operate 2. Wherc a damper is installed above smote doors in a smoke barrier, a spot-type deector for releasing service sholl bc installcd on side of thc smoke barrier door opcning. 3, Where a dampar is installed within an opening in a wall, a spot+ype deteaor listcd fi leasing service $all be installcd within 5 (1524 mm) horimntally of the damper.' 4. Wherc a damper is installed in a corridor wall, damper shall be permitted to bc controlled smole delcction system inst0llcd in thc , ,z'r 5..lVherc a total-coveragc $moke detector' pmvided wilhin areas scrved by a heating, enough to permir inspection and maintenance of the and is operating parts. The access shall not affect dte of fire-resistancc-ratcd asscmblies. Thc rcess openings not reducc tbe fire-rcsisance rating of the assembly. points shall be pcrmancntly identifiedon tbe exterior by having letters not lcss fian 0J inch (12.7 mn) in heigltt ing: SMOKE DAMPER or FIRE DAMPER. Access ducrs shall be tight fitting and suitable for tbe required -l>7165 Wherc rcqulred. Fire dampcrs smokc dampers,- nadon fire/srnoke dampen and ceiling radiuion dampt be pmvidcd at thc locations prescribcd in this scction- assembly is required to have both fire dampers and dampers, combination firey'smoke dampcrs or a firc a smoke damper shall be rcquired. 71651 Flrc walls. Duas and air ransfer openings ted in firc walls in accordance widt Section 705.1 | proteded with approrad fire dampen inetalled in dance with their listing. 716.5.2 Fire ban'iers. Duct and air transfet openings barriers shall be protecrcd with approved fire stallcd in accordance with their lising. Exception: Firc dampers are not reguired at of firc barriers where any of the following ppply: I. Penetrations are tested in accordance with r tion and"air+onditioning (HVAC) sy$em, I \ ers shall be perqrifred to b€ controlled by the r { detection system. 716.4 Accecs gnd idenlification. Firc and smoke da shall be providcd with an spprorcd mcans tif access, F I l9 ec nnrf nf thc firn-rnsistance-rated 7l5-4.lTesttng under pcidve pnsssrne" NFpA 257 shalleyatuaf€ trfr-prclection-rated glazing under positive pres_.sure. Within the first I0 minutcs of a test, the prcssure l'n tre. .ftrrnonp ah6ll k- ^,1:,.-.^Jfurnace shall^be adjusted so at least n i-*,iio, "iiir"'r"lispeclmen ts above thc neutral prusureplane, and the neural. pressure plane shall be mainrained * rtrat treiglt for ttre UJ-ance of tfie test. 715.4J Nonsymmetrlcal glazing qrtems. Nonsymmetrical.ftr+n)lecrion-med ghzing systems in fire paiifions. fircuarners or rn ertcrior walls witl a fire separadon of 5 feetjlsJlmn) or less pursuantro Section zOc si,"if u" rcrrJ*iilboln tac€s cxposcd to the fumace, 1pd the assigncd fire oro_tettion rating shatt be the shorrcst d';.d"" "bd;"d i;;;'rh.two tesr conductcd in complianic wjrh NFpA 257. TABLE 715.4 RFE W]NOOWASSEMBLY NRE PROTECTTON BATINGS Nor permiled cxcc6 ls spccificd in Sccrion I t 5.2. i TABLE7ls.r.3 OFWIRED GLASS PA'{ELS Sl: I inch = 25.4 nm, I squirrc inct = 615.1 mrf. f .."*,'*.E{ATED oo*srRuc'oil 715,45 Insiallation. Fire-protecrion-raM glazing shall bern rne trxed postllon orbe automaric_closing and shall be in_stalled in approved frames. 715,,4.6 Window mullions. Metal mullions that exceed anominal heighr of t2 feet (365g nm) shall be protecred withmateriafs to afford the same firc_resistance ratins as re-quired for the wall consrrucrion jn which the protective is io_ cated. 715.4.7 Interior lire window assemblies, Fire_omtec-tion-rated glazing used in fire window assemblies lo&rJinfirc partitions and fire baniers shall be limited to use in as_semblics with a maximum fire-rrsistance rating of I hour inaccordanc€ with this section. 7 15A.7 .l Where permitted. Fire-protection-rared daz_ing shall be limired to tirc panirions designed in aicoi_dance with Secrion 708 and fire barriers -utilized in thcapplications ser forth in Secrions 706.3.j and ?06.3,6where the fire-resi.stance rating does not exceed I hour. 7154.7.2 $ke limitadons. Thc rotal &€a of windowsI shall not exceed 25 percent of rhc area of a comrnon waliwith any mom. 715.4.8 Erterlor fire window assemblies. Exrcrior oocn-ings,.other rhan doors, requircd to be protected Uy Seciion /r.F+. I I, Wnere located in a wall nquired by Table 602 tohave a firc-resistaoce rating of greater than i trour, stra Ueprotected witb an pssembly having a fire proedion ratingofnot less than_lI/2_ hours. Exterior openings rcquired to-beprotected by Section 704.8, wherc locatedin a will reouiredby thble 602 ro have a firc-resistance raring of I trour, strai be protected wirh an assembly having o nr,[i,it "tion,orinlor not jess than % hour. Extcrio,r openingl rcquired to Sprcrected. b_y Section 704.9 or 704. t 0 stral L prorectca wittr an .assemtly having a lire pmection rating of not less thanr/o bour. Openings in nonfire-resistance-rated exrerior wallassemblies that require protection il accordance with Sec_tion 704.8, 704.9 or 704.10 shall have a fire proteoion ratingof not less rhan % hour. llijlf Yi.d gla6s. Sreel rvindow frarne assemblies of0.125-inch (3.2 mm) minjmum solio section oioi;;;i;thaa nominat 0.048-inch-ttrick (t.2,rl forr"O sfr."i stlJ :*pb... fabricatcd by pressing, mircring. ;"",in*. inr.l- lfynC 9_r wetding and having provision for glaziig rvith'/,-inch (6.4 mm) wired glass where securely initalted"in ttre :llldloq .opJ^clioD.and gtazed wirh r/o_inch (6.4 mm) ta- ' Fl.{ yl"C gturs sha.il be deemed to ,irtf,, iqri**!"". rora,/{-hou[rc window asscmbly. Wired glass panels shall- conform ro rhe sjzc limirarions sei fo,.th in T.b6ti;.4.t SECTION 716 DUCTS AND AIR TRANSFEF OPENINGS tance-rated assemblies. 716.1 General, The provisions of rhis section shail sovem th;protecrion of ducts and air transfer openings io -nre-rrsir- 715.4.4 Nonwircd glase. Glazing other thun wircd glass in i:,:]:j,o] p..mblies shall be fire-prorection_rare-d glaz_installed in accordance with and cornptying wii'tr *risireitarions set forth in NFPA 80. 716.l.l Ducts and air transfer openlngs without damD-erc. Ducts and air hansfer openings that peneuare fir._rrri_tance-raed assemblies and are not required by this s€ction to hale dampen shall comply with the requirenents of S€c:tion712. 716.2 In$allstion. Fire dampers, smoke dampers, combina-- uon ttre/smoke dampen and ceilingdampcrs locaed within air ' distriburion aod smoke conrol syJems shal be instalh.t in i;- lnrrior walls: Firc wdls Firc barriers and firc partitions Smokc baniers I ll \I ,Il /J/\'::l fl II John M. Perkins, AIA January 25,2000 0047 E. Beover Creek Blvd. Christie Lodge Resorl, Suite C- 16 l3;"TJ"3,3%.,,0, Charfie Davis e7o.e4e.e322 chief Buifding official foxeToe4e'o62e Town of Vail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Re: Gonzales Residence #f MeadowVailPlace 44 Weet Meadow Drive Vail, Golorado 81657 Buif ding Peimit #9,054277 Dear Charfie, .. I have visited the above referenced site twice and met with the contractor. I have also mHt with Tyler Seals, P.E. with Beaudin Ganz Engineers to addrees the following IBC issues primarily a protected floor ceiling assembly. The following are my directives to the contractor: '1. allfiberglass insulation to be faceless (without paper) 2. all recessed light fixture cams to be wrapped with 5/8" type "X" rock continuous to 5/8" type X ceiling rock mud and fire taped. 3. all damper issues to be addressed with Beaudin Ganz Engineers in concert with damper manufacturers. !ze-1- - Page Two January 25, 2006 Charlie Davis all steel structural members (beams and columns) to be double 5/8" type ,,X" wrapped wherever possible (ceiling conditions may prohibit sections of beams from being wrapped. The entire building is unprotected unless otherwise remodeled.) air conditioning conduit to roof top condenser unit has been run in abandoned fireplace flue. Wrap flue initiation point in ceiling with 5/8" type "X" rock mud and fire taped. floor penetrations to be filled with steel pan supported with #5 steel bars as required and filled with concrete with #5 dowels into exposed edges of existing concrete floors at 12" oc wilh ll4 bar maft grids at 18" oc average (some openings are randomly shaped) all bathroom dampers that result in ceiling'penetration to be 5/8" type "X" drywallwrapped similar to recessed light cans. Thank you, Charlie. I will be unavailable the next three weeks. These directives to the contractor should give us a rated assembly. 41H Perkins, AIA 4. 5. 6. 7. ffi*&s*,5 ftran,@ <@.4' O e 6/&.1 ' - /6r.- ; o fo# -,?bd /Fry - lo'hry T 4 :;4*J --r- .t, t FRTfi :Fp( hn. : STALET HEANN@,AIC,NC. YOW COMFONT SPECULIST scP.o @ ffi eB.Wn Pt FAX I{eatfiog&ArcJnc. 303-28&29t9ofi, 3fi1-227-3655Fq hpiScr* 3www Ask 6ol bconig e ?ln&rodM fu ttg lltrviryt Mcrcg:: DqrftA/'D*- /a,^- 4*,' t* iutn/ b F+o;/r5p/ i Spectul otfet I. rrrvvr\.r v r l\4r II Our hx rp.fil b nnldb byot, of b your r;netq6 shptv Aw;fr,'",tdffirb I| ilrP|qlFE. ltnFy agPt. qfq ||rp qsrrrut . ] nis or.pan ftrnnt it b q{ lclrUan II uport UuiornCOonof snytultand sawl :I*$25Opr* ArGc6rtQyftrtlll lrtYon ln lGclfrrf lono S.Gru . SrYorrl{o$tef eoo|ngBlb . l{rFA|llryiAdtm$rfrctsBYInWvhgAfQrry . Pror€rBfTiTrrrcCrfrolhdfie hduilrjbrtTolcrinffid # I I I t I I II I lffiY: l-* ftbofirsplcrtmcmmthtdEr I l,loranrbcr7,2Il06 I -I'II:-II- 'ftrre /f*lSTksl J?ac/s> scP.oFRI}I :Ffl( }D. :sp 8 EB.9EA no Bdetg Cotli Compnmcc | )...t !t i. b:!-rh*-nlrD-o la locd crnxb *. fu c-ri{ liedcrcilbrftdrya0ulEtrO lrlrS d-&fslr b'n-'d*frlrr tb. rrll h t-.f-d lfF.riu' fDH*lr-r*a lE hlt*fu rc tu.tdld Dcc tb t!4Mdtbfr[origrotHclfuitr lr|!|b.|rrilhryrd.Irdbfi.-l-13-r-,rbffilrbtIb rrrr.J,- , cqtrdc ri|t brcobrdaedc. lclOfi, l5r'rdeldrlrbrdiarh'rrrl|o-D Rr rftt * tlhl *cd L r Grd cdi e a* qlc odia rr&-ir fry - L lG rl r 3:Ic rrd r ldmi bs flrd c :r9 rtrc fi TflYdfu xn * 3 d dm ib{ft, Vtg{a !5r'tr itrq' tilobfrsl.?ffilrcrffllrdHedlgMC) 8)lrrlfmlf.#dO&(nQ lEtoC ftilffi !l tbtffilOC6d (!ElrrCq! ddcctsndr rd rsd dl 6nj lia'rG b ri5 Gfrr laruhdfgoGci-d c* lfihirrE lErrid. l|ta. iElI lcrdd ffire dDdfq Orn- drb ,1!ar\ rd lo|L|r hibS O- bttElotmdmlbcffgl Alfu* tiEro Dc&l co&r crmolff.! & adniog.ndldsdcffib;+ldrli ts ErH !* $lFl rofibth.. IfrEl, lllrFt d rb tlt Yr lgl * r' tfrty btc rrt JE ffir f b cqhc ffr.do-.. |Ita rq&oc ![rld D crutld ft'I m,o4-m'nfftq'-+-q-:ciltd tto. - mfr nm' lffl lfle cdb-tt[ri: fuUcSof Dnaiooofaa bcrryriiigt-rbdPrrd:re' Fr?.hoFt rc ngd rt ffi tdft cunr rc dr- it {-.t f|r tr-cEc diF d rJ$ F-r.Fr. rc troq tbl--alt -G r* fi'E}r-GcErr!{rtaccuoildbrd|F-rturPciurrEdrllDrlutEin#c*GDr-c!fr-+:EnrclQqnmlEil!t:-arhre?r$n'tE{-$!|-lpiiruFadiaiotLefnqt. Ja/**ncv,fu'la OCrrfGUE h se:gr 9. G rqlr0'd ZluF-I€Htrt:)<el TDI}N Scp. @ AB e€:Wn P3 o 2Iii, / E5i2 66 3d I I I I I I I (D 3 2c) trU, oe 3ztt H B3! s oatr !nnoa()T m(ttJ Jm ltE:gl 90.E 3ql (DIl{Izttt-r*{t$pJu0'd- FRO'| :FfD( 1I). :@ AB fa:tr,Fm P4 Jd'arot f*EenrrrdGailrriWLffa lbtlnlItCop.il tbt ta 3t pI hfTrbrrhlctE trErcdc.E!t -li.l,.|brrpurec.r tluq D d,..k. o-. fr fu .b rm r brrcl rl c G.fr? ia a, *!r |iG drct roin tr iod rrl ccflA, trg 6g otcrq. p. AanS ur r bcs ook ld fu &31 tff 6|rn Gg.d, cd rh! drcr ||d.d 6. QG!- io dc crr of h !t i..cl ir 1o tbr & docJt l*ue6.$r.itCi od. Iin crs rdc trq tG +ocErEd irrlng ic (b d rb - - da! iL. bff' l*3a fO Ao qb to|lrild rori r&d Gtaqtld |!cl3ql!ft lrtt:ABil.rb&ffi,*icA f* mcmd r &| drqc boco!&rdr6ll dnpcs hrtacb' G-3coo*trp:: !$!163 rif bc qc caodcL ltt', - Ecd H.rtr! * hfcr mH: bcfurrhbrfteir lf yul b* lory gcrrirr c oc' plocc ib c r'-i'tc o call Smoen seP.o CdSll.c.E Drccro?Bghoda g&.a...Xt Anrfra.!-.ldr,fo 6t'Ff srl.Of lt l'l$Ipl{.sfm a'd $:9r 9. G qI zttg-I8F"It!tcl MIilT Series CFD-521POTTORFF'ard "hard ceilinq" applications i n stal I atlorvi n stru cti on s Warnock Hcrs€yrtt o 7 ITEil: 1 2 3 4 5 o 7 8I 10 8 T I 2" Mi I 10 Damper wlth Exbnded Sleeve Top Vlew of Damper A. Measure the actual spacing b€twe€n the wood ftaming members and cut the mounting angl€ lo that l€ngth plus six inches. Two mounting angles are required. Fold up approximately three inches at 90' at both ends of lhe mounting argle and anach it to the wood franre with minimum of two each #6 penny nails or #8 sctews. B, The damper is attached to th€ mounting angle by sheet metal screws starting at trwo inches from lhe end of the damper. d minimum of two screws per angle is required. C. Crn the sides opposite the retaining angles, a three inch iong mounting angle is required. A minimum of two screws per angle is required. Bonom leg of mounting angle should rest on the ceiling material. hlo.rr€lion |3 corscl al trrE ol pnnting HorEvar we lg€€ryr ih€ nghl to ftake cnangG withoul nolar. Wemock Hrrrry Listrd wHt{gsRs1+0177.-017t DESCRIPTION Roof/Floor Construction Wood Framing Member or Joist 5/8'Gypsum Wallboard DamDer Grille (St6el or Aluminum) f|6 Penny Nail or #8 Screw 1' x 112' 20 Gauge Galv. i-ll.ounting Angle 1; x 112'x 3' 20 Gauge Galv. Mounting Angle #8 Tek Screw s3l16 Steel Riv€t or Screw 'o POTTORFF 2824 North Sylvania Ave., Fort Worth, T€xas 76111 A DMISION CF PC) ]NOUS,'R'ES I p lr a ulIoz tr 6 € =IJJ ctet( I)TtIt qoltI o r.l/o' =E2 tr 6t (9 =IJJ eries CFD-521POTTQRFF',cailing radiation damper br wood truss assemblies lnstal lation Instructions ENDYIETIY -With Grillo rA O^TPER ASSET'8IY- rcFDs2l€s STEEL FEilut) (cF t>521rP INSUT.ATED PLENUM) @ GRrUr (0.02s SIEEL mN) G) 3/a'r 3/a'x 26 GA flor rcr0!6)- 0R 18 SlflG STEELU'|RE aUrN) fD 3/f r 3r1' r 26 GA 0o r ra r o.s)- OR 2' x 1' {51 | toa WmO SfuD SUPPOFT @ FtEx oucr uL cr.AssrFrED ArR DUCT (CrrSS 0 0R r ) I6d.l - CFlLliill-ES. CFDi2t-lP 1 Hour Rated. For us€ with fioor-ceilirE d€lign # L-521, L-96 and roofrbeiling desfun # P-522 See UL Fire Resistiance Dir6ctory. Galvenized steel construction Maximum sauaE srze. is: 18' x 18 (457 x 457). Maximum area of rec'tangular unit is: 324 in' (2,090 crni). Underwriter's Laboratories filE #R14603. The product is also listed by CSFM fire #3225-0368:10t1 and conforms to NFPA 90A and NFPA 924. Wamock Hers€y File # WHI-49$PSH-0177,-0178 POTTORFF 2824 North Sylvania Ave., Fort Worth, Texas 76111 A DMISION JF PCI INDUSTR'ES @ wooD TRUss (sEE u[ oEslcit r 162't, L{46 or P622) (O s['(rq GYPSUI, W rj-8OARo {SEE uL- DESIGN | 152 | L+16 or P62) @ RccH NNEL O'l'x f r22GA. 05rDro.a1 REIAIilING AriGtE (Mll{} O ArR oucr C2. EllD VIEIY . rilth Ak Duc-t CoilirE p€n€faums should be locabd b€tw€€n _ad-iscent tussas and betwen Rcd|J|nds without nece3silrling qJts. in Ure Rd{+reild. f rcqui]€4 a maxirrum of on6 RC-cfrannel may be cut lc €neble proper darp* locelion end instellation, Ths rnaximum d6araic6 botw€€n the damper sls€v6 and th€ €dg€s ot t|e qrtoul in the c€aling m8t€dal $ell ml €xco€d 1r?' {asn ryt rw sida. Ths orilt6 rhall b€ fe3t€ned b ths derp€r ass€mbly using minirrum fb.8 scrsws. Thir is ty?ically accomplished b,y s€cuino the fac€ of the orille b ths r€€ss€d plastor groud fleng€ of th€ dar|p€r, thrrs sandrviching fro 5E (18) gyFum wallboaid betw*n Ure trvo. Us€ s minimum of tvvo conneclions, one at each end. In dace of a grille, an air duc't rney b€ cmnecled to thg bdtdn ot the dempeG. ln his cas6 a mirimum 1' x 1' x22 ga. (25 r 25 r 0.85) tEle shdl b€ m€iaricafly ta31$€d to th€ dr drct so a3 b sandr,vici th€ 5/€r (1s) gypsum wdllx arc b€tws€n th€ angle and the datbr ground ilengs. Danp€r shalf b€ support€d with a minimum 3,l4'xSlti x26 ga.{16x lE x 0.55) rerlical angie.or 18 sYsg vErtical hangcr wirg, in two placss minimum, on opposit€ sirles of the damper. The vortic-al arBle or wire shall.in tum b€ sPporbd by a minimum 314'x3t4'x 26 g€. (18 x t8 r 0.55) horizmld angl€ or nominal 2' | 4' (51r 102) hood suppod.shlds. Ths^ horizontal support angles or snJds shall be lestoned at 68ch €nd to adiacont tuss€s wilh ninirrum 16d nails, No.8 scr*! or bolts. Only on€ mnnec{ion p€r €nd requir€d. CFD-521-lP dsmper shell b3 xJppoded with a l8 awg r/€rlical hanger wife, in tlvo placas. lninlTum, m opp6it€ skte!. of th€ dampsr. fh€ \€rtcal angb diwire shall in tum be supported by a minimum 3/'1' x3l4' x 26 ga. (18 r 18 x 0.55) ho.iDn- taf angl€ or nonin al 2' x 4' (St r 102) sood support strdg. The hodzontd support anglos or stu& shell bo tasten€d at eech end lr acliacEnt trussos with mhimum 16d nails, No.8 scr€ws or boltE. Only on€ conn€ction p€r €nd r€quir€d. Whon th€ darnpEr is hstetlsd in a rcof/c€iling, horizontal supports shall be install€d 3o that tho ddrP€r can be propaty. secured. Theee horizo. d rlpgorti can be 2' x 4' (5t x l@) uJood stude q 311' x3t1' x 26 ga. (18 r 18 r .055) ste€l '|gl€!.Th€se srpports are to be atbched b adiecent truse m€mb6.s ptoviJod lhey are a mininwn of 17-US (gl) +ove t_te und€rr$d6 bf th€ ceiling. As an all€rneb, ttE ho.izontal rn€mb€rs can be atteclEd diGctly to th€ utd€.sile of the r@f or rcof/tru$ p.oviH hal they ar€ r minimum of 17-3tr' (441) above he undeBids of th€ c€iling. Th€ add{fi d tF hdidltc s^Fporls rru{ nol inEd€rs :. shdl hey inting€ Won fE shrctlrd 4eblit6 cf lhe hrss stf3brn. Flex duct rhall be LIL Clarsili.d Ar Ducts ClasE 0 or Cla33 l. No cornoclion ic albred m the bp cf the danpor. In eac-h ca8e, . st€€l ctamp, pla;tic strap or 18 E\r,g minimur;r st€€l wir€ shall fasten h€ flil duct to thc duct conne:tion porlim of the dampsr asserbly. ScrowE, bolts, rivc*s, 6tc., used to insbtl he <lrnper cr grill€ HUST ilOf hITERFEREWIIII D |{ PER BIIDE OPERATIOi{, NOTE: D. OTE: .^rqlGu rEt Errttc uL,1 r '. CulAmmol L ul ufr|.lc or-\. -/' E|C[O!ED ?lODUgt u.L. FLE t Rtalt tr|IdH-t.tLltf -r-ro $nrtec"ao, l{!.t a O.*' bN SUB]ilffTAt DRAWTIG .TESTED IH ACCORDANCE TO UL 555C STA}IOARD FOR CEIUI{G DAMPERS .llEETS REOUIREIIENTS OF XFPA 9OA. USTEO WITH CruFORtllA STATE FIRE IARSHALk UStlt{G f3225-15TTz1Ol . ROLLFORT{EO 22 GAUGE SIEEL FRAIIE HINGE AND BI.ADES.slffiE55rErl cOtt- sFnwe (iiro bx uttllTs 6REATER TuAl*l-l4 lN.) . tNSULAilOIr AND $Rlll (FOR U*mS GREA1ER THAN 80 SO. tN-).LINK'PlrfE ru$glE UNK I|OINTING IETHOD .FUSfBLE LINK AVAILABLF lN 16SF 8' 21TF .AVA|f-ABLE tN slzEs Fnoll'4-r.*- To 21'x21'.oluENsolr BY $-ADE LENGTH (HlrGE DIUENSION) THEN B'r BISDE WIDTH .REFERE]ICE SCRD SERIES SlalrG CtI RT FOR D ilPER SilZING .REFERE}IC€ SCRD SERTES INStrALLATIOH INSIRUCTIONS -l t t* r,/2 ililrAL t:FtH - r/E- I!t I L, D!,r, (ttGI aDlEtr wz uf8ft ISD-7O21 lcr|o| Dd,l/|l'l,!L SGRIIIIBXT S.ra6 Oqde Shde CRD ENE cofirc|c o z ra- 1rfl r -all rrn (llo s-z-t tu l-GlE!'a/rr8tE ccihtrffi"*ql 'I CRDBOOTGOffiT 8o6Opom tltt-ktgb& l 5j3 I I sH SrprStulwbd*cChgrffn *T Eftclrh: JlFltfr tr H Elh t 3lrl&rdf.r Ffknrcpm Kri3 KFohn o s?5?6-6so? P.1 Invoice Date lnvoice # 9/8t2005 09r205-Abr Dowling's (d/b/a Dowlin$s Environmental Services) PO Box 1022 Avon,ColoradoSl620 Bill To Rusty Spike Entcrprase P.O. Box 15l7 Vail. CO 8!658 Terms Due oD receipt Quantlty Description _;; -.-- - -=\ Rare Amount g9ll2l05 44 W. Meadow Dr. #4 Errrgency Asbestos clean 56,000.00 rcceiv ed 50%o) ,0.00 3,000.00 0-00 3,000.00 Total $3.ooo.oo Phon€ #Fax # (e70)949-41r5 (970)949 - 9521 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMET VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: TFIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Job Address: 44 W MEADOW DR VAILlocation.....: MEADOW VAIL PLACE #4ParcelNo...: 210107116004 Project No r PG jOS. O ,.(o3 Permit #: 405-0109 3)5-6 211 Status,..: ISSUED Applied. . : l1l22l2W5 Iszued. . : 0ll20l2ffi Expires . .: 07/1912006 OI'INER PERICIJES REAIJTY INC 44 W MEJADOW DR VAIIJco 81657 APPI.,TCAI{IT THI'IJ ETJECTRO}IIC SYSTEMS P O BOX 534 AVON co 81620Iricense: tL2-S CONTRACTOR THUIJ EIJECTRONIC SYSTEMSP O BOX 534 AVON co 81620 License: 112-S LL/22/2oos Phone:970-949-4634 LL/22/2005 Phone:9'70-949-4634 Desciption: MEADOW VAIL PLACE #+INSTALL FIRE ALARM SYSTEMValuation: $1,500.00 FEE SUMMARY :r,r**i.+t:tl{i**+'t't **'*{.:*'r**'r******t**'r*:l.rra:}'r,t*t'r***,***'**'r'*'t*:**** tL/22/20Os Blectrical----- > DRB Fee------- > Investigation-- > WiU Call------ > TOTAL FEES- > Approvals: I IICM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT L2/oL/2oos mwaughan unprofessiorral , and sununari ly rej ected.o!/t9/2006 mLv $0.00 $0.00 $0 .00 s0.00 s288 .2s $28I .2s 90. 00 s288.25 s0. 00 Total Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees-----> Total Pemit Fee-------- > PayrD€nts--------- > BALANCE DIJE--"-_> Action: DN Acti.on: AP ptans are grossly inadequate, CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all ttre information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SIHLL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN 479-2135 FROM t:00 AM - 5 PM. CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEFSI *aataafaaalafaataaaalatfftaaa'|flaa*aaaaa+***ttta+++**+*+*rrfa*ataa.+*fataaaaaaaf+a*aaraaaara TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Starrmeotll.*llllftfattaaaaffllalt*tft*fr*tttflaa*attf,t*******f**r*atta+ia*++*t*+ttttt*a+****f* aaaaa Statem€lrt; Nmber: R060000051 Amount: g2BB.25 OL/20/2OO6O9:43 Arr{ PaymeDt ltetbod s Checlc Init: DDG Notsatsion: TbuIElect,ronlcs IDc. 15718 PeIilliU No: lA05-0109 1)rl)e! AIJARIT{ PERIr{ITParcel llos 21.01-071-1500-4Site Address: d4 r T|EADOW DR \IAIIJ. Location: t{EiADOtr 1IAIIJ PLACE #4 Total FeeE! $288.25This Palm€lrt: $288.25 Total ALL pmts: $288.25Balance! S0.00 '}*'l*'}*ltttaalfaaaaaaataflatt*****laffta***a***ttff*t+t*ftfat+ataataaa*t*aalaaaaaa**taaaaa*f* ACCOTJNT IIIEM LtrST: Account Cod€ Degcription Curreng pmEa BP 00100003111100 FIRE AIr'ARM PERIT{IT FEE8 56.25 PF OO1oOOO31123oO PLAN C*ECK FEES 232.OO 'I o TloN wl -ovo5APPLICALL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Project #: Building Perm Alarm Permit #: TOWN OF VAIL FIRE ALARM PERMIT APPLICATIONI Commercial & Residential Fire Alarm shop drawings are required at time of 75 S. Frontage Rd. application submittal and must include information listed on the Vail, Colorado81657 2* page-of this form. Application will not be accepted without thls 7767 '"'"''"''tosr"-sJn9 VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materials) Fire Alarm: $ lor Parcel # 't.***{.****{.!F**!*{.'t*:|.*'|.!N.*:N.:**'t'Nt!t.*'t.:l't.'t*'|.*!t.**FoRoFF|cEUSEoNLY{.*'k*:l.!t{.:t'*{c*!*'}'.{.{..t*:|.*l|.*t:|.'***** 2?t 1 2005 '+ blt Town ol Vail Beg. No.: Contact Assessors Otfice at 970-328-8640 or visit Parcel# 2J0n7llbfiOU Job Name: floor/n*t/,/PJ.F+JobAddress: 44, L/n "/rr/hLegal Description ll Lot ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: owners *^^"' P*-t.. t* dLItJl Rocress: tu L/ nlooJ,t D, llenone: Engineer:,,.2 ll Address:Phone: *tY:ryr,p"i{rk: (i.e., froor, unit #, brdg. #) '"Fi:*WL"i;*5,.fo,.n WorkClass: New() nOOitifn( ) Remodel({ Repair( ) Retro{it( ) Other( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) illulti-familyfi Commercial ( ) Ftestauranl( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation units in lhis building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (! No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler Syslem Exist: Yes ( ) NoJ,t) F:\Usersbdev\FORMS\PERM ITS\AIarmDerm.doc It&0812s12004 o DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENTTOWN OF VAIL 75 S, FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ASBESTOS Permit #: ASBO5-0020 Br5 -o>zz Job Address: ,14 W MEADOW DR VAIL Sratus . . . : ISSUEDLocation.......: MEADOW VAIL PLACE #4 Applied . . : 09/08/2m5 Parcel No....: 2l0lffill60[/. Issued. . . : O9l}9l2ffi5 Project No . : ?? PlJ o 64{43 Expires . . .: 03/0gt}Cfl6 owNER PERTCTJBS REjALTY rNC o9/o8/2OO544 W MEjADOW DR VAII.,co 81657 APPIJICANT COIJORADO ENVfRONMENTAIJ SPECIo g/ 0 8 /2 0 05 phone : 9 49 - 4LLs PO BOX 52 AVONco 8L620License: 70 0-S CONTRACTOR COI-,ORADO EIII/IRONMEI{TAL SPECI09,/09/2005 phone : 949-4LLS PO BOX 62 AVONco a1620License: 700 -S Desciption: MEADOW VAIL PLACE #4-ASBESTOS IN GLUE TO BE REMOVED Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?2 Valuation: $6.000.m Fireplace Information: Restricted: # of Wood Penea: 0tt t *tttltt!t *a{.**a'lrttt'lttl.*'a:t't*a**t Buitding------> $s8.00PlanCheck--> Ss8.00 Total Calcularcd Fees- > $115 . 00 Additional Fees----- >$0.00 lnvestigation- > Add Sq Ft: 0 # of G8s Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 $0. 00 TOTALFEES------> 5115.00 BALANCE DIJE.----- > $116 .00 s0.00 Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMESITItem: 05500 FIRE DEPARI!4EIilI o9/o8/2oos mvaughan Action: AP emergency ************Ff**l.?".****'*******,*.*'i**t|||llt.t|t*+ll|li|t+|t||*ti|{| See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply Totrl Permit Fee----- > 5116 . 00 o with 8ll Toqm ordfuances ad strts lewt b build this srusmr€ according to &p towns zoning ad subdivision codes, dccign review apprwed, lnternatimal Buildiog ud Residcntail Codes ad other ordinances of fre Toum aplicable tbreto. REQI]ESTS FON.INSrcNON SIIAII BE MA.DB FORTY.EIGIIT HOTNS IN ADVANCE BY TEITPHONX {T 9047},213' OR. YITII"IEN SIGNATI.'REOF OWNEROR FOR HIMSELF PAGE 2*{!*'t*'i't{!***'i*********:t***'f*******'r*'f***'t***'i**********!t********!t*:t**+le+:f+!t{.:f*:r****t*{.*:*:}!***{t,**{t*:t!*:t***** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: ASB05-0020 as of 09-09-2005 Status: ISSTJED*'t*'f*'i*!t******t't*'f:t:**:t'|.'f|.'f*!t*'f***{t|.****!t*:t*'ti'il**,****'f***:8:t{.,r**{.{.|.{ti.:f{.!t.* Permit Type: ASBESTOS Applied: Wl}gl2ffis Applicant: coLoRADo ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIALISTS,INC Issued:wl09tzws 9494tt' To Expire: o3to&t20f6 Job Address: zt4 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location: MEADOW VAIL PLACE #4 , Parcel No: 2l0lffillffi Description: MEADOW VAIL PLACE #4-ASBESTOS IN GLUE TO BE REMOVED Conditions: Cond: 38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FOR ASBFSTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQLnRED PRIOR TO ANy FURTTIER WORK occuRING oN THIS SITE. rF FURTHER QUESTIONS ARISE, CONTACT TTIE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQTIIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQIIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. aaaatala*lllaaafalllaaaallaaaaaaaa*t*atft*aaaa*aat++tttaaat+a***+*a*ataa*aaa.aaraffaraaaaaaa TOW.IOFVAtr4 COITORADO Statementaaal*ffal+tafflaaataaalaaaaafaaa+faaaaaaaa**faatttttlaata**taa**affa*fatt*tta*a*aaaaaaaaaa** gtaternent Mrnber: R0S0001491 Anount: 9116.00 O9/O9/2OOSL2:02 pM Payrnent Method: Check InIt: DDGItotation: DouIlDgE 8355 Permlt No3 AgB05-0020 epe: ASBESTOSParcal t{o: 2101-071-1600-{Slte Addrscst 44 n MEADOIC DR V.AIIJIocatlon: l|EADglr VAIIJ PIJACE #4 Total Feea: $116.00Ahis Palzmcnt: $116.00 Total .A!IJ pntg: $116. OOBalaDce: $0.00aaafltll*aaalaaaaaaatattaaaaaat*it+ttl*aaaaatt+atraatrraaaf**rttrrr*afraaaaaaaaaaaararaaraaa ACCOI,JNT ITEMLtrST: Account Code Deacrl.ption CtrEent Fnts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BI'rIJDINO PERUIT EEESPF 00100003112300 prlAl{ cHEcK FBBS 58.00s8.00 AppLrcATroN;LL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLEl* u Project #: Buildinq Permit #: nru"rto-t p.itit +@=@'a qs-0v05 Required per Ordinance No. 19, Permit application will not be accepted Series of 1998 without the following: of General of Colorado Certification for any temporary disabling of the systems with the names and contact 3. Site plan with details addressing: waste container storage location. waste load out area location.tntry and exiting details of abatement area. details of entry and exiting plans for the occupants of the structure in unaffected areas. 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 8{57 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION On Site Abatement Contractor: Avcl,-(.r.J^ L- --tLJ fo"., J.i^ Town of Vail Reg. No.: 700-5 Contact and Phone #'s:(I rlte- plswu vN 6 ago' 4081 E-Mail Address: lJaruCY Daut @. (zJ,.t.r1<,I , t^u* Contractor Signature: COMPLETE VALUATION FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT PERMIT (Labor & Materials) fAsbestos Abatement: $ b, 0oo - itt for Parcel I II i til26l,zqz \irr,.,''.': Contad Asressrc Office at 97O-328-8640 or visit # Parcel # ZlAt-6?/- /o - do V JobName: qy u"-{tn ,^/-", D4lva 4-4 JobAddress: 44 wo,+ IUJ-"UL! 4 W,l LesarDescription f,ffi,X{n*, llr,r,ns,Subdivision: owners Name: pt ^-2- rL.-ik Address: Irw,tn ..t--, gr.-,Phone:qao_ 3io_6/fJ- Project Manager:Address:Phone: Project Designer:Address:Phone: Air Monitoring Specialist:joU NT-, U Address2o v lz9 ul. *.W'/Phone: 'O-, _4Sg_ozlV oetaieaaescriptionofwork: A^-*,4r{ l2*:; +-ed.*Q' /?d*{I-.-.,^1, C!r**- R UJ' ; /h-*,', VrJl-,LA^,*- grl,^l--, i.. d'Z-.* StartDate: k-rtt,/o,f ll EhdDate: g..tto/or llStatTime: (>'Aq llQuitTlme: d.r, t+,\ Amount ofAsbestos: Linear Feet: Square Feet: /.( ab 55/Gal Drums: WorkClass: New() Addition( ) nemodel(y') Repair( ) Demo( ) other( ) Work Type: Interior S )Exterior( ) Both( )-GE Tvoe of Bldq.: Sinqle-family (lf-Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurao!( ) Other ( Does a Fire Alarm Exist; Yes (,;/) No (Ooes a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No 0() \Wail\data\cdev\FoRMS\PERMrTSUSBEPERM.OOC /-\/ft('n..A ,t$/rJNntfrlmtY .l HOW DIDWE RATE W'TH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Community Development Department Russell Fonest Director, , (970) 479.213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s) did you conbct? Building _ Environmental_ Housing_ Adrnin Planning DRB _ PEC 2. Wasyourinitialcontactwithourstaffimrnediate_dow or : : . no one avdable-? 3. lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped?_ 4. Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this your first lime b file a DRB app_ PEC app_ Bldg Permii_ N/A 6. Please rate fte performance of the stafiperson who assisted you:5432lName: (knou/edge; responsiveness, avafl ability) 7. Overallefiectiveness of fie Front Service Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 8. What is fte best time of day for you to use the Front Service Counter? 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nextfme? Thank you for taking the iime to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our service. FRD{ :5 I'I SIEEPII.IG FAX FN.:9345882# Proairco, Inc. PO. Bor '179 wHtAr RTDGE. co 00034-0179 (303) 15E-0?64 September 11,2005 f" 1.7 ffi6 @:3?PH P4 f D or#[ffidilbPv I\4r. MichaelKrohn Rusry Spike Eat. P.O. Box 1517 VEil, CO 81658 t" Re: Asbestos inspection in a partially demolished ofice space Looation: Unit 4 MoadowVailPlrce 44 W. lvleadow Drive VaL CO Summary: Tte mirror ghre tabs wtrp demolished arrd left in piles on the floor. Saryling locations: On 9-2'05 scieffiist John Taylor took select building mat€rial saurples m thc 'racamofrce space. Thc following samples were takcn: 4l-l Dqnilall, fire place room, ftom large debrir pile m floo.4lA lhirrt tccfi$c" fire place rmrn, from large debris pile on floor.41-3 Drywatt ruu4 fire place room, from targe debric pilc on floor.414 Wall toorc firc place roo4 fron largc debris pile on flou.4l-5 Mirror nnfiic, fre ptace room, Aorn debris pilc ar oopper pipea4l-6 Filer prny, fire place roonl fiom d*ds pile a copper pipes.4l:7 Wail todrre" firr place roonq from dehris pile * coppu pipes.414 Ceiling tcrfrrre, firo placa room, ceiling at copper pipes.4I-9 Drywdl, fireplace rmm, wall ovcr ffr.'e plaoe,41-t0 lYa[ ts$rrc, fire place enc,loflrc, N- dde, 6' up.4l-ll Minw mestic,ly- battuaoq nrn lcop rmrq N. wa[.4l-12 Allignror unll teluJr€, }1'' bmhrooq *n tamp room, S. side, s, up.4t-t3 Atligdor nall totuc, HW he*er alcovE, E. wall, 5' rp.4l-14 Alligarorwall toaurc, N.W- orncr rmn, E. nralt, # up.4l-15 Drlrwan mud, N-W- oorrrrroom, S- wall,2'up.4l-16 \iloodidhc6ivc, N.W. conrer room. S, side, onwood cabiret4l-17 )utwtw nndic, N-E,_ bdbroom, N. erall, mirror de$ris on f,oor. 1l-ll Ceiling terhrc, N3. room, S.I[. mrner, ceirter of ceiliqg.41-19 Tyall tefifiE N.E. room, W. wall at closeL 4' up. FRil'I !S I'I SI^EEPIhE FRX hI]. ,3fFpr*PW fp. I't ffi E:3?Pl'l Ps Proairco, Inc. 4l-20 ftywdl" N-E- roon, $- wal[ 4'rrp. R6ert$ SeE thc lab Eport ftom fRS C€otedl Inc. ofDeova, CO- Thc ninor Ehrc tab+ r,c postive for rcgulatcd a$eslog Dircussion: Thc eirror gtrc rabe are d€molisb€d ad spread arotmd thc rmms. PGr a phmc direusion with Purla Ros offte CDPIIE, tte €dirc sra. rust bo creEncd. Sr$mittcdBy:E .- ^g**+t"g;-*z *-Johr Taylor, tnpeaa trt . trrroattco, Inc. P,O. 80r 179 wi{gAr RrDe E. co c0034.0179 (90s) d$8.026n Scptember I l, 2005 To: Mr. fvfichaclKrahn Rnsty Spike Ent. P.O. Box l5t7 Vail, CO El65t Rs: Air rnouitoriag nd final iuqeaion in a &rno'r office unit. Addrcss: Meadow Vail Place Unit4 44W McadowDrive Vai[ CO 816s7 lvtrooitoring: Per inrtructiors by Mke Dowliag on 9-10-05, a visual fuupectim of thc cleaned arcs wrlr mde. Air samples were ta&en ard tbe sanples merc irbmitted to qr PAT ccrtified tebormy for 1trs rnatysis of fib€r in ejr. Alt rcarlts (calnrlared by the significart figurcs netrod) *rre in compliancc withthc AIIERA reqirircmen of,-*lessthm 0.01ibss petr cc of ait'' for tbo rir in an oacupld space- rhc 6ascm ara was !0t abared orair srmpled JoboTaylor, yeSubmitted by Affioshspector FRtr'l :s M sLrelh*FA)< FIl. :St3458@64 Proairco, Inc. F,O. 6ox 179 WHEAT PtDcE, co 600${-01 t9. (t03) 450'0264 Semplhg bcrtions: F910OSI l,Iria roon, B. ddq at electris stovE, 5' up. F910052 lilrin rcorq W. side, et fire placg 4' up. F910053 S.W.bChooot,atwhdw,4'up.F9100'l N.W toodld windoq4'up. F910055 N.E rcom, ccfr€rpoint" 4'up. Srnplc enrlyrir rerults:F9l005l 0.007flcc ofairF9l0O52 0.OO4flccofairF910053 O.006flcof,airF9l0O54 0.007fsofairF910055 0.008 fle of eir Blenk O.Oflcc ofair Analysir perfannrcd by Johr! Taylor, Air Monltoriqg Spooidist SubmittedBy: E{^&..{ryfitoLtrytor, i Asbcstoe.Inrpectm JeP LL &E B:36PFI P3 FRT}I '' n ffii:e' ru*,',1.*"ll1l=";**=.ffJ; i;tr *'w"T,, Plt lotach, ru!. 1{11 X. {6eh Avr!. , !tql.!c 1{Eetvcs ? CO aOz1i-Z?! I Seprembo! 5, zrroi t{r. Jclur gaylor gnvl ronrten ta l CheDtistry, fn4.F.0, Box.r?9llllcrt Rldge, co 890 311- E : Lrb Nu6€r 108861 ProJecLr ,|1l H- Xradcrr Dr. NtrLAD Acarcdi;cd lrab S10AO?8-0AIHA Aecredlrad IEb ;1013:? Plue: !03/tl?7-2s59 800/385-1136aAx:. 3O3/4??-2580e-$ailr frr9+o€l x, ncecqn. €otE Dcat !tr. Jotr f ryIon3 Thc! bulk sarnp1es Eub(l{tEGd, to fAS OeotEch. fnc. have beer: arralyrcd hy golarizcdliOht ni.crosccDy :BL!{}. th6 EPl-r€ectrurcndcd me:hodt fcr dererntiation- oi fJ byu.JlsotacltuaaE6 tn bul,ldtngr materiala. 'Bhc p+:cen e of arbi'.t6r cosErintd .in tlrosatrelrr ia r vlsual Gtt lmaEioe baaed ..:FcE cdlrpa;lFosrs 'rffh publ! EheC chrrEr.Thc regulis pf trc$e arralyoe! are aurrmatizsd ir: Ehe cnclcsrd :a.b.ic. This reporire'l.atas 6t1!y co gh. iEeli8 rbc€ived and faateit by our laboratotl.. AecordlaE -to rcguirro,ts set bry thc Na:Lont i fnstiluLc of Sianda;ds ana tectrrotcgyAwl*,cbts rcpolt r r't iot br ugcd to clain endergeorenE bry livaep o, qDy oEeoc)f o! !b!Lrs Og\ErcncgrL. r-19o. lI'rJAp guldel ine: opeelfy rtraE ?_h!.s rc5rr: shouid. Dot irareproduccd, erlcept in fuI1, uitbout tbr rrstttoe qtt:?evri of FRg. I, eopy of yo"r-s C*rEt cf Cur€ody ld aE trchad loc your oonv€ltl,crc.- tlri|g rafilorBia con*:cered htg$y confldcatlal. ncrNlltr rdllL no! b€ Clrcrrrredf ,ei Eh antpcrton noE assOcl,a-'"cd rleb IrOu. P]t ae eal1 :f you harre rriy questlorlB about Chis york. S:ncer€ly, urvid L, gchrocaca, ph.D. DalC Coneroller Ert cl osrrrgs FRtlr :s t ffii:"" ruE rE,Or.":::f=""-**t*""ff; 1'"#* *'*"3. tr's tEqarEr, u. Phsre: 303/4?7-2559f{li ll. 46t}r Avenue. SuiEe lrt e0C,,386-3I36 Des-,'€r. eO €021f-233S Fex; 303/{7?-2580 8lgtEdtl-ot. turfi .ucEglotp6r.rrr trEo t.r(r?r'.Jtr@ cl iant r llvlrouestrl' c[Ei3tag, s€. ProjccE IDr 14 lt. !.rdory !c. lJacGt Sary>ieSaffpf.e_I$/.lbef frb.rr6r ua_!e Descriation Lats Nc.:!O8830 Pager 3 of 5 114:11 --29- t I uadtic rb!.!ckl .- A4:42 lD1., .J__J__Lla l:l t-e-*g.Ere irrhicei 4a-1.4 ,,..,, _. Err / -J_ tfall tcxiurc i*hirel 44-14. ----in!.:-....... I / - ilxsHAll-!4&lJ-ubl!el.- bal,yraa (pcrccnts de'-eruLced try visual ssEiratlon) Sanp1e Nutrl:er: !trt-11 .._ 4A-t2 44_-J L _ 4&:4_ l4-!5 Lttfor t.!€c!r 100 A.cbcctos Mingrale: 100 100 1C0 100 .e$og t.te AsEhophylLiteehrysct,ile Crocidol i t e --20- Tr€trol I r-e-Ac tinol; t€ a(l!tr& rtEtt oS , 4q__ - __&:l__ tp. r._ _ fD.r -. dprt oEh€r plbrous ltaleria.l.s :$tbf6ua GladeCel.lulose $y3th€ticE 0tl:er r Nonfi-5ri}us V,acerial _ A0 -- 1oO __ _ too. Loro _] !3rfoeite._ar-alys:.s {&ulE ilayered sa$ple, sre ::tlivid,ual layel ana]yses ) .rr Ng ltreana No|lc Dececfd tmatyac'_. H-, *7fu=, XenB€th C, Slraver Da'-e:09..06/93 ,,-rRgh1 :s ]'t g,EEPil.G FFX Ml. .Wffiz& "- r- " " -r;--;ir=, =jG; GE or Ec H rlt Gilo?tcE, rtvc.1{ll n. 06bh Avenuc, S',rire laseflvey, CCr 80211-233 8 C1 ier,i : hvltE!.Etrl' CDai?ttl'r tnd. ProJecL fD; ll tf. r.rdoy llr. $a&ple-ur@s !tL-6 t rgat S€$pie $HlltFlqfi Date D!scri.pr!@ __"W:_ t ! Euler_putryireBl ioart ralA3fot !pr* Oiher F'ibross t{acetlals: viEual csr:matlod I 44''1 ' , - L4-2. -.-- 4.L3.-- dl -1 o 100 100 100 100 lDa. --rgi-r - &t' -r4t: lrace-slJb-. 1_l'recc +l Astshophyl l irechryrctlle Crocidoli teTr€aolic€,Act lnollBe FlhaoJa GlasaCellulose SynthericF Other: !'lonf ibcoue ualcrlai 1oo 100 . . ,r Congoai te alalygis {urllilayergd sample, see'' ND neang Dlon€ ileE ct€d, xna;rysr,__/y',4*..@1 Rcnr.eth C. ghavcr -_i 0c__ individual Layar analyeest. ."ff;:itr *'*"T"" Ph6ne.. 301/477-?.159 800r 386-3116 Fax:303/,t??-2580 8I[l Il&iJ# kf* ri arort lrx|}rrt urr!-vsrc l?rd-rrthb li,rcr'rtr prr{tldscflFy a rr.f I Fpl-6o0,tt!-ot/at.l !.ab lic. : tOE83l PrEe: Z ot 5 !t!t-jl. .,__,_ w.t ! r 9faL1 Eoxture i'dhiEel 4C-$ ,-_---E!!- / . /---Cei l ins texFure lllhiFrl , 3A:9 l$lr .t !orwraif f r:hite. \,ricL ir.Ce"peXE&lejag_ l"a-:!O- 8.. - | / 'r'rat 1 rextr,*'i,d!1.ige r ,,, la+lytcl (pcrcqlr-s det. ernj'r:cd by 9ar'ple Nunber.! ta-6 ^ &rtrr D.ccdrt t 100 AcbegtaE l*tinerals r AmoBibe Da=e: -0.:14Q6L05 FR'r'r :s t ffiiPus ruE ,rO .*"lHif;":343s@64 "lH; t"t'"T* *'* r:t": tlg CEO:tlCt, Irs. phon€, 3C3/4??-2iF9lil{1 ll. 46th A',/enue, gui.te i4 e00/306-3r39DeD'.tet, C3 80?11-?33E ?ax! 303,/{7t-2599 +ldltt3 dr.JSrIr.E r.rrglno€ iNtrl-! rtuu.?Stg ttt @{9rril rEl-rbp rE-qi /1.'6 Client ! laviren€srgal C1ed.try, T'.-. f,a'c ![c. : lgtt611 Projecu rD: ll ll- hrdil Dr. Fage: 5 of 5 DtrCa[t' Siflrt]icsar'.']JaJBllbeE rg'tltE gst€ l)rssricd,ca a4- !9 - ttD.r_ / --l:_ Ee!] cexr-urP 'whir,e! {{:20 * !D'r ,' J. --Dnarell-LrtiEel- t!.I!t!aa (p€rcentg deberrnined by vieual gstia.reion) gatiple lFJrtirer, 4{:?e l*l||r torsGtr :CC A*b€stqs l4inecalg r 10c trcsrulll ce -Acr inoli fe _ -: .IID'!'II, rg8tg8o'ig _.ID*:__ rqr, Oc!:Cr PibrouB ltateriEi5: Anssite IvrEhophyl,I i teChrysdr. i I eCrclcidoLite Fibrous GlassCeIluIoae Syr:thetics Otbcr: 'Jrece <1l \:ont:broue UaEerial ___l][la.- _.9.6.._._ . ] ilwosite enalyeis ( nu_x c: layered saasl e, see iridivicual layer dral,yges: ." t\lD DeailE Hoao DeEected_ lnalvsr:*lClilf- za-€A:-. Da:e: _0!Uo6,,o\ FR*"r :s t ffii:"r ruE rs,O=-":::#;n;***to -"Jff; tt ff *'=* "::'" tnd Sg|ilCE, :ft. Pbone: 301/tl'l'/-3559 1+41 n. ,[6Gi! aveDue. Errice 14 800/386-3135 ncn.rcr, CO 8021:-2313 ?ax: 3O3/47?-?580 hr-lttra Ot l?r.!L!.. lftir|!6! llrDl.l |[LIfi8I€-_E Dor.rE?aD Ltrcg|n tr"de*Ga!? JtIIf -?!fa6qoJ&l3lfJ.f ClienE: Envtf@t.f Chstrtry, Ind. Lab Ho,:10tt5l Froject ID: ll r. Lrdor !c. Fage: { of . 5 Draeaat SarE j.e SaflF)IJs,.t'hr1dror, f#Egegf S4!e naBcriatLop 14"16-...'-* [Drf -J-J--edhesiuq,-ls.ooi--*----- -- AJ.=]J.,..___JZ__. t / y3e_g1s_j_aieskl 1{-:l€:llD:f . ,_ -/ / eci lin{i texer.lre fsith nrrrll _ .14:f8 tAl *.IDrr / / twhire rexirr.e.j. 44C-8--LEi---!El!_-___ / / lHhiIlr:rd-ba3df._.* lselF{'r (perceaEg deternir,eil Dy vl*u|rl e6linaci.ao) Saryric :tr^rsrber: 44.:tr6__ Aa.-17 rtrl.:1.6.i"_.....__ -til:.LilAt_ l&ll-lgl_ r.rgfr Dcrcs$tr 1C0 Asbrgtos Minerals r !00 100 .&l!r]3itcAnhhop[ylIlre Chrysot ! ]e C.r?ocitioi i ge fre$o1i Ee -AcElsoli.Ee 1? EQfn3, rsEcEOg -.ID!i"__- _ 2^"__ --..m::__ 4rl-. __&!l_. OLht..? Fibrgus U1t6lials;$ibtoua c1aa8 Cel,luloecsynihetic! OEhel r 5050 Norf ibrous Material _Lo!. _ -_-__3S__ _Jn0__ r oo - - | Co$pdsite arralysi€ (m,r1r!.1ayerec sanpie, se€ L!.,!1v!-dual layer ehalyres ) .ra ND &Falls R.(!e Det€ct€.|, r":"r:r"r-, -14f,-ff- €@-\_.Eeaneth C- Ehaver.DaLe r t9 /o6./.Cj FRB'I :S H SI,EEPII.E sEF-86-45 TlE rE FrB SS!E{E, rlr, 1411 W. 46:h ar.,errue. gui Fe i.{Denver, CO 902i1-233I Cliee; : lrrviro--lgel ClrmLctryl Isc. ProJEct IDr ll S. Isrltor Df . . F€X hn. i:93/,5892l64 FRA. GEOTECH taaco'c s3trfirloLD.8t€d t)i!'f. p"ertrj-prlef idb !$o,:10Ec6l Pafle; I qf 5 Sam5rl e NufdlteE 44 -t llDrr / t D-r!..LlaiL [uhite'] lOr* , z_ / Df,!'va ! I !..ud lwLl c€] {{*---.."....-.--- 2t --l / _tfasbic I i:J.-+.:.ttl__ ADrlflar (!|ercer:tiA det.Jiri::ed hf .rleual e'tlrraLlon, s:nFle Nu:nber: 4.L,1.__ ,d-2 {4_r _ thlt___ 11_i Iduea Darcc tI Asbestos Minerals : Alncslge Arlthopby]. l troehrl|'5ot ileer?cidollte ro0 100 1C0 100 100 21 Trcrroli re-Ac --inol 1 r.e tvrr& rsEsroe _rE'.j_ OC::er Fibr6us Itateriak :Fibroua classeellulose SyJIthet icsOih€rr rlss't-.sll E4:3 *_m.l ..__JS[r_L _-pl_:_ 15. liolrf :Droug lrlaterLel _ 9p-- _ _ 100 . -. ._ _* Cotrpogl gg rnalysls (nu1i_!la.y6red salngle, 6Ee' ' !\'D means None DEtecE.r:. - 100 __. 1Ql! . - ?5 ind.ivi,iual laver anal:rses) , ""f;;';tr *'*,11" rhone: 3.03/477-2559 800,/385-3135 Fax.- 3D3 / 477 -2380 alllllr.r3-on -.rr&E .la8E3$OSE^r.rs?rb ?,ld|tr rrlcrr.lec6r! (!rx) artiF$c/rioiltrf art*fy""r@ xenneEl, C. Sheir€z DaE€: Olr,'05/0E irtl ,l,r rit ! January 20,2006 Charlie Davis, Building Official Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, CO 81657 RE:44 West Meadow Drive #4 Charlie: January l?, 2006 I was called to perform a plumbing rough drain, waste and vent inspeciion. This contractor was not ready for inspection, because there was no test on the system. While at the site I notice that the residential unit was completely demoed. I am providing a list of items seen that appear to be beyond the original scope ofwork.tr New wall framing was installed.tr Original ceiling was removed and new drop framing was installed. tr New ducting being installed.tr Large openings were cut into the concrete floor which opened into the floor level below.tr Alteration of corridor walls.tr At the time of inspection; the mechanical contractor had modified listed damper for installation in the ceiling. It is my opinion that the work being done in the space may seriously compromise the fire and life safety of the building. I believe based on current Town ofVail regulations that additional plans, permitting and plan review needs to occur prior to moving further with the finish of this residential unit and common area. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any question or clarification. Sincerely, Matthew Royer, Building Official Colorado Inspection Agency matt.royer@coinspect.com 970-328-t790 970-904-Mffi E Fu{'*1) \ - Hcrc0 Q'lttOffi--:@,,r#r fnlsta*.. Bab R.sorv* ur.lit *4 2ubT\ooed BLb6, FRolrt DooR" ?RoJr.[ "t4iMtAboc^-r l*Jeur Ln q u-f kl B"{.N) - Hoc0 Q-"t tO ONf B, P (*q CP January 20,2006 Charlie Davis, Building Official Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, CO 81657 44 West Meadow Drive il4 Charlie: January 17, 2006 I was called to perform a plumbing rough drain, waste and vent inspeciion. This contractor was not ready for inspection, because there was no test on the system. While at the site I notice that the residential unit was completely demoed. I am providing a list of items seen that app€ar to be beyond the original scope ofwork.O New wall framing was installed.! Original ceiling was removed and new drop framing was installed.tr New ducting being installed.tr lange openings were cut into the concrete floor which opened into the floor level below.C Alteration of corridor walls.D At the time of inspection; the mechanical contractor had modified listed damper for installation in the ceiling. It is my opinion that the work being done in the space may seriously compromise the fire and life safety of the building. I believe based on current Town ofVail regulations that additional plans, permitting and plan review needs to occur prior to moving further with the frnish of this residential unit and common area Please do not hesitate to contact me with any question or clarification. Sincerely, r|tt F I A4nrr Matthew Royer, Building Official Colorado Inspection Agency matt.royer@coinspect. com 970-328-1790 970-90/,-0/.60 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 nG479-2r38 EPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M05-0314 Lesal Description:- hoject\o t Pr'lofi-oy'oZ OWNER PERICLES REAIJTY INC 44 W MEADOW DR VAII,co 81557 APPIJICN*r MEADOW MOITNIAIN PLITMBING/HE]-Z/Ot/20O5 phone : 970-479-298L P.O. BOX 4554 VAII-, co 816s8License: 24!-M coNtRAcToR ME"ADOW MOITMTATN PLITMBTNG/HEL2/ 0L/2O0s phone : 97O-479-2981. P.O. BOX 4564 VAIIJco 81658 Lricense:. 241--N! Desciption: MEADOW VAIL PLACE #4-CHANGE OUT KITCHEN; PLUMBING IFXTURES; NEW LIGHTING; REMOVE FIREPLACE; ADD AIR AND SPRINKLERS Valuation: $15.000.00 FLrplace InfornEtion: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliarrces: 0 #ofcastogs: 0 #of Wood Pellcr: 0 Iten: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENI t2/0]-/2OO5 JS Action: AP Iten: 05500 FIRE DEPARTI{ENI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BIJDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Condz 22(BI,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER ? OF THD 2003 IMC AI{D SECTION 304 OF TIIE 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OF VAIL. Cond:23(BLDG.): BOIIL,ER INSTAI-,IJATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURERTS INSTRUCTIONS AIID CHAPTER 10 OF TTIE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25 (BIJDG.): GAS APPIJIAIICES SHAITIJ BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF TIIE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BIJDG.): ACCESS TO MEEHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPI,Y WTTH CHAPTER 3 OF TI{E 2OO3 Job Address: 44 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location.....: MEADOW VAIL PLACE #4 Parcel No...: 21010711ffi4 BaSa&77 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : l2l01l2m5 Issued. . : l2l05l2ffi5 Expires. .: Ml03l2ffi FEE SUMMARy **,r**rr'**'r.++'r+:+:r******1t'a*'r'tt{.a'r.3'l'l**t*ltl*atlt*a***.ha*.t****** So . oo Total Calculated Fees-- > 5378.00 $0. 00 Toul Permit Fe€-----> $3?8.00Paymens----------) $378.00 BALANCE DUE:-_-. >$o .00 L2 / oL/ 20as Mechrnical-- > 5300.00 Restufiant Plan Review- > Plan Ch€ck-- > lnvcstigatior > Witl Csll-- > $7s. 00 TOTAL FEES---------> S3zg . 00 Additional Fees-------> s0. 00 $3.00 r'c AlrD cmPTER 3 oF TrrE ,o?r"n... Cond: 31(BLDG.): BOIL,ERS SIIAL,IJ BE MOTNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. IINIJESS IJISTED FOR MOIII{TING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FITOORING. Cond: 32(Br.,Dc.): PERMTT,PTJANS AIiID coDE AlIAIJysrs MUsr BE posrED rN MEcItAlIrcAr R@M pRroR TO AII INSPBCTION REQT'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : BOILER ROOMS SHAL,,L BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN OR OTIIER APPRO\IED UEAI{S FOR DISPOSING OF LIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.5.*ll+lrtlta*ll*la*ll*ttt,ita**t ai* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as reguired is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to co[ryly with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, Internatiorial Building and Residential Codes aud other ordinancr:s of the Town applicable tlrereto. REQI'ESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY- PM. AT 479-2149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:(D AM - 4 OF OWNER CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELFAND OWNEF HOURS IN ADV T0vtloFwn 75 S. Frcntage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPT"ETE OR UI{SIGNED TOV Project #: Buifding Permit #z DS-O Mechanical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9 - 2149 (lnspections) Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to indude: perrl:L rc7"t4 fi" A*.,"tf-) CONTRACTOR INT'ORMATION COMPLETE VALUATION FOR M PERMIT Materials AwtsOlfreat or visit for Parcel # Parcel # robName: ,/,lA- ll,l 4q Job Address: Legal Descdpidon loE lBlodc lFiling:Subdivision: Oruners Name: fi Mdress:Phone: Engineer: I Address:Phone: Detaifeddescriptionof,tlork: _7ncl=// Atu,.1.< ,t'reJ eanlqt<,'n^ bo,le- h sqrr #E a"^ lv'vltq' h,lu"-*er coil h. h"-L L S,"u/ t".k/.. lb) > ..^nA* * ,[- )-.**; l*o-+ WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Alterationgl) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior ${) Exherior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this locaUon: Yes ( ) No ( ) TypeofBldg:Single-family( ) Duplex( ) Multi-family( ) Cornmercial (z) Refiurant( )Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvoeof FireplacesExistinq: GasAooliances(t) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq( ) Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: @s Appliances (XI Cas Logs 64 Wood/Pellet (\-I Wood Burning (NOT ATIOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No M RF'0D Nnv ^ .f fLvu rfuv a c 20rr***:r***rr***rt*t *********FoR oFFIcE usE oNLy*****!r{.***t lc**t ********9l**** F:\cdcv\BUILDING\AIPUCATION SWECHPERM2005.DOC 378 '/06/082005 rcvNw Town of Vail Mechanical Codes and Desion Criteria r All new construction within tte Town of Vail is considered to be of unusually tight construction, thus all combustion air is rcquired to be drawn from outside tre structurc for mechanical equipmenL Town of Vail Fireolace Ordinance In September of 199t the Vail Town Council adopted an otdinance which r€sUicts te @nsbucdon and use of open hearth flreplaces within municipal boundaries. Since that time the ordinance has undelgone numerous changes and rcvisions, striving for compromise, yet effectiveness in addressing the air quality issue. Therefiore tlre following cribria has been adopted: o Construction of open heafth wood burning fireplaces is no longer permitted within Town of Vail municipal boundaries . 9!,vellinglDlE - Each new dwelling unit may contain: One (1) EPA Phase II eilifted solid fuel burning devi<p and no moe than trc (2) gas applianes (B vent) OR Two (2) gas log fireplaces and no morc t{ran two (2) gns appliane fireplaes (B bent). r Restricted Dwellino Units - Each new rcstricted dwelling unat may contain: One (1) gas log ftreplae and not more than one (1) gas appliance fireplace. o Accommodation Units - Each new accommodauon unit may contain: One (1) gas log ftreplae or one (t) gas appliance fireplaoe. o If two or mor€ separate dwelling units or accommodation units are combined to fiorm one larger unit, the combined unit may retain one woodburning ftreplace (if one already exists) and no more than 2 gas appliance fireplaces, or may conyert up to tuto existing fireplaces b gas. r If during llie cource of a rcmodel an existing woodburning ftrcplace is altered or moved, the unit must then comply with all provlsions of the ordinance. That ls, the fireplace must be converted to natural gas or replaced by an EPA Phase II ertified unit. F:bdgv\BUILDING\i\PPUCATIONSWIECHPERM2005.DOC 06/0&2005 6? I \.s : lr!R Fl= -.8 ,/ tJ?rE_j b{J€ -('lsgq +a.tj},r! t cSs iIs{'.s I-:.i \*8"- ot)o 6e b \o .;t ta I s -e+ *9Itr) J-1\J -t{-trEl.b * S(\] c {-I '1 -E + b a4' '{} r-s:Es .' 4l 1$ rt rl ,-)) a tR. i|I:= + -5\{aE$* .,'\i I)s )sa J.'T! r{lj .ii'r-gs{J<<\> Buderus O GB142 Ultra-Efficient 90+ Wall-Hung Heaters The sate-of the att design of the GBl42, with cast aluminum heat exchanger and integrated controlg is a rare combination of oustandirg qulity paired with exceptional velue. Urili'ing advenced condensing technology, the Buderus G8142 Wall-Hung Heater maximizes the heating value of every cubic foot of natural gas or prropane. Its small size and minimal clearance requirements provide trernendous ln5trllaf 6n flexibility. Thanks to the prefabricated manifold the GB142 has the fastest instrllation in the industry. Specially designed with an appropdatdy sized circ.ulatoq this menifold ensures proper flow-nte through the heater. This featue gready extends the service life of the G8742. By simplif ing the pipyrg, the GB manifold allows for quicker, easier, and touble-frgg installxtj6n. -9.ses&Egs GBr42 24 30 l. a A Heater Out B Relief Valve GDHWSupply D Purge E System Supply F System Retum GDHWRetum H Heater In 45 Fated Input BTUH FSdqdptgruH (76Plt4{P F'nzfl|iltn 84.800 a2,7|Jfr7s.2N 25.flXI83.fln toG.flro 28.1m,$,5(I, 3o,zx}rm,400 t60.9fi) 42,5(x}l'fi4(n0 56,gxtst?0'3{X} 47,AXr'l58,qn 644s190,flX, Rated Efficiency % ,ltfg._Eqqlv9lgq!-Vent Lcng$ - Fa_st , Flue Gas Temperat rres "F (176'1140" D fl22"1ffi"n .C@ QqnbntatFull l-o.d l0O !6 ppm Rated Emission factor COmg/BTUH NOr 98 t90t55 too 97 r00 167 too 9.2 <23 <26 PVC 99 60 98 r00 9,2 <15 <20nc t5l 97 nrc 151 97 nrc*v_etl[ls_Us&tdi! Vent Pipe Diameter 3' 3 3's t' 3,f,3'sAr Intakr Diarnabr Boiler Supply Connection ,Boiler Belrm Comecdon System $upply $gilop Fg$,trq Boiler Dimensions t't' l't' t.5'l5't' ,w_4tt_ Height Widfr Depth 28.0' 22.t 183t4" I lO lbs 28.0' a2.t 1Ail4' llO lbs 28.O 35.5' 1A314' 14il lbc Water Content .6Ii gal .65 gal .93 gal I Vent & Combustion Air Connectors 2 Heat Exchanger 3 Silencer4 Bumer Control 5 Gontrol Panel 6 Combustion Gas-Air Connec'tion 50 Wentworth Ave Londonderry, NH 03053 Phone: 603-552-11(X) Fa* 6(Xl,121-2719 44+99-N7 | 0/04 0 Buderus Hydronic Systesm 20O4 Indirect Water Heater Page 2 of2 IR€o lYrltr 3E r' !v.' lR'lO tfxlg. .t 't6 r96 TR.$ l9'rlf 60' TR4F 8rg 67'1 ?r't' t0 TF.60 2! rmf 6t I ttt't' Jh rn-ao ?4'r2+ 6t t | 1!'lh'# TF.!oO *'r2T 72'rq.rh" TFI4O f rS 7il 1 v2'rh" grnrdao 2? dir.r00 S.rtrd$ e?dh,39'u1'1t5l3 $nrt 40 2g di..1'3E S||ul 60 22' dr.I 1r'311', 8m.rl @ 22'6r.1 lr'r00 rh-ta Smart Serbs 28 3t5 l) ll ll (' L TB Scrice Q l. frt A- k|nor slrlnbr3 rtool trL Oula? rle€l LonkC. PolyufefftdElns0lrtloftD. Boihr wabr comecllonE. Bolbr wtter coflr€c{onF. Hot vJrlar ou{€tG, Cold vr.tar lnlstH. Emfirolod.bel lad(el Fo r[ M l. Th€rmoel,rl conlrolJ. Temporaltrc gEU!Fl(. TlFrnroatat .6orole *nrlng bulbL. Ah Y€nltl. Elecdcal wldog plrrgN. Tl'rermofiptor r€molr r€nslng b|,|bP. Pbsdc laclalO. Aurllhry conneclion Ptr... f flG l. lerbd In lccorfinca wll'| th. stlndrrd (ANSUU L-t 7a, t eae) (CAI{ CSA-C2,2.2 ?{o.. 1 t GUto)atd L arrttr d by EfL Abod lJ.Con|,|al Ua Rcp LocCloot http ://www.tiangletube. com/Residential{IndwHSpec. html 1U30t2005 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAiD VAIL, CO 81657 nM79-2138 Qrr*r"ENr oF coMMr.JNrry or#or"r*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M05-0289.7t;5.oX-t1 Job Addrpss: zl4 W MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSIJEDlncation.....: MEADOW VAIL PLACE #4 Applied . . : llll6l2ffi5 ParcetNo...:i zl0t0ztt600c IiJued. .: tlt23tam5 Irgal Description: eR-t6b--Oqo 3 Expires . .: 051222ffi Project No : OWNER PER,ICIJES RTAIJTY INc LL/L6/2oo544 W !.|EADOW DR IIAIIJco 8165? APPLICAI|T STAITEY HEATING AIID AC, INC. 1111612005 phone: (303) 288-2919 PO BOX 57 COMMERCE CITY coIJoRAEO 80037 Liceuse: 335-M collTRAcToR STATJEY HEATING AIID AC, rNC. 11/1512005 phone: (303) 288-2919 PO BOX 57 EOMMERCE CITY cor.oRADo 80037 L,icense: 335-M Desciption: INSTALLATION OF IJMCO A/C SYSTEM, tryDRONIC COIL, EAC, HTJMIDIFIER, DUCTWORK Valuation: $5,000.00 Fitcphcc Infornrtion: Rcsricrd. Y f of Gas Apliurcs: 0 # of Gas logs: 0 I of Wood Pcllet: 0||t||*|.||t|.||l.|{t|'l|||||ll||.|..|||*|*.||l|'|||t||l||.|t|*|*'||raFEEsIJMMARY'B.'i'tt..l.'l..'.t|.l|*|lt|tt|.|t||||{|**||.'.||.l...'.*.|.1**1*$ Mccbrnisd-> 5100 . o0 R6nErant Plrtr Rcvicw->$0.00 Torrl crlcul8Ed Fo6- > s128.00 Plan CtocL--> $2s.00 TOTAL FEES-------> $12s.00 Additioml Fcc6-.---- >so. oo IN6tigrtiorF>willc-lr->s0.00 s3.00 Total p€rmit Fce___> g12g.00 Pr!'rrm-..__.-> $128.00RAr AI{CE DU[E-- >$0. 0o Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DBPARI1!E!fT LL/22/2OO5 JRt[ Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPAR!'I,IENI, CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12(BLDG.): FIELD IIISPECTIO]IS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG. ) : COMBUSTIOT{ AIR IS REQUIRED PER CIIAPTER 7 OP THE 2003 IMC AIID SECTION 304 OF TITB 2OO3 IFGC AS MODIFIED BY TOWN OP VAIIJ. Cond: 23 (BIJDG.): BOIILER INSTAIJLATION MUST COIIFOR!.! TO MAIIIJFACTIIRERIS INSTRUCTIONS Al{D EEA TER, 10 OF TIIB 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25(BIJDG.): GIAS APPIJIANCBS SIIAIJIJ BE VEIITtsD ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF THE 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29 (BL,DG.): ACCESS TO UECIIAI{ICAIJ BQUIPMEIIT MUST COMPITY WITII CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 2003 rMc AlrD *raprER 3 oF THE ,o?rrn".. Cond: 31(BLDG.): BOIL,ERS SHALL, BE MOIJNIED ON FIJOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBITE CONST. I]IIIJESSI,ISTED FOR MOUTUING ON COIAUSTIBIJE FIOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PIJANS AND CODE ANAIYSIS MUST BE POSTED rll MECHAI{ICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION REQT'EST. Cond: 30 (BIrDG. ) : BOILER ROOMS SIIAIJIT BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FIOOR DRAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEAI{S FOR DISPOSING OF IJIQUID WASTE PER SECTION 1004.6. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information reguired, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all tbe information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information ard plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinarrces and state laws, ard to build this structure according to the towns zonfug aDd suMivision codes, desigr review approved, International Buildfurg and Residential Codes and other ordinances oftbe Town applicable thereto. REQITESTS FOR INSPBCTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-F1OUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4792149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:(tr AM - 4 OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF APPLICATI LL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNE o ON WI MWNOPVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 TOV Project #:u.-ovqr Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit *:{_OJ'_ a Z 97 O-47 I -2149 (Inspections) ? Permit will not be accepted without the following: CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Mechanical Contractor:.l5ioltg l-Rcr-hnq ano Ac Town of Vail Req. No.:J3s-- A Contact Person and Phone #'s: Cariee (zo7;' ast- eQtg Far#: f363) ,)-1- }{-85E-Mail Address: Contractor SiSnafOte: l'0rlnn /hytdorunrrl MECHANIOAL: $ 5 COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT bor & Materials \anVLt/************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLy*****x**************f******** Contact AssnrcOfficeat or visit for Parcel # Parcel # Job Name:l"{eac{al Voil Plore + +Job Address:'fL-l r,r/. Menc\ot-r ) Dr. \/a r Legal Description lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: oruners Name:S r icles Recr.tnrl Address: 44 v,t,Monr{orrr T)r , ll Phone: Engineer: ll Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: Srr,tottatfon oF t-lnf0o A0 sv<tem , h,/rnnin nni l. eAc . h,rrnir{ iCie c . d.rrct r.rr)f K Work Class: New ( )Addition ( ) ,l Alteration (V) Repair ()Other ( ) BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family (X) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Apoliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) F:\cdev\BUILDING\A.PPUCATIONSWIECHPERM2005.DOC 06/08/2005 mrvw Town of Vail Mechanical Codes and Desion Criteria r You must obtain Desfun Rev^iew Board (DRB) approval if any of the mechanical work will involve ANY exterior work. This includes and is not limited to removal and rcplacement of driveway snow meft systems. PleasC contact a Planner at479:2128 for addidonal ilffiormiUon. r The Town of Vail has adopted the 2OO3 International Mechanicat Code and the 2OO3 International Fuel Gas Code. o Alt new construction within the Town of Vail is considered to be of unusually tight construction, thus all combustion air is required to be drawn from outside the structure for mechanical equipmenl Town of Vail Fireolace Ordinance In September of 1991, the Vail Town Council adopted an ordinance which restricts te construction and use of open heafth fireplaces witfiin municipal boundaries. Since that time the ordinance has undergone numerous changes and revisions, striving for compromise, yet effectiveness in addressing the air quality issue. Therefore the following criteria has been adopted: r Construction of open hearth wood burning fireplaces is no longer permitted within Town of Vail municipal boundaries. o Dwellino Units - Each new dwelling unit may oontain: One (1) EPA Phase U certified solid fuel burning device and no mole t{ran two (2) gas appliances (B vent) OR Two (2) gas log fireplaces and no more than tuto (2) gas appliance fireplaces (8 bent). r Restricted Dwellino Units - Each new restricted dwelling unit may contain: One (1) gas log ftreplace and not more than one (1) gas appliance fireplace. r @ - Each new accommodation unit may contain: One (1) gas log fireplace or one (1) gas appliance fireplace. r If two or more separate dwelling units or accommodation units are combined to form one larger unit, the combined unit may retain one woodburning fireplace (if one alrcady exists) and no more than 2 gas appliance fireplaces, or may convelt up to two existing fireplaces to gas. r If during the course of a rcmodel an existing woodburning fireplace is altered or moved, the unit must then comply with all provisions of the ordinance. That is, the fireplace must be converted to natural gas or replaced by an EPA Phase II certified unit. F:\cdev\BUILDING\APPLICATIONS\1, ECH P ERM2005. DOC Bulletln 2G11 / June 2003 M SERIES MODULAR AIR CONDITIONING AND HEAT PUMP FAN/COIL UNITS fo r space- savi n g i n stal I atio ns The innovative Unico System allows cenlral air conditioning and heating inslallation in applications where tolal comfort is the goal. The Unico Sysfem uses a convenlional ouldoor condensing unit or heat pumpin conjunction with a specially designed indoor evaporalor lan/coil unit, which distributes air through a high static pressure system ol small ducts and plenums. Supply ducts to individual rooms are only 2-inch inside diameler, and can be run over or around structural obstacles or through existing walls and closets where conventional duct will not fit. Plenum duct inside dimensions are 7 , 9, or 1O-inch. Older buildings, hydronically heated homes, and other applications heretofore deemed "lmpossible" can be air conditioned with a Unico System wilhout major r€novations or sacrifice ol space. The M series Unico fan/coil unit is for cooling and/or heating applications, and is available in three sizes which cover cooling capacities from 2 through 5 nominal tons and heating capacities from 20,000 to 120,000 Btuh using the hot water coil. The unit is modular in construction to accommodate the widest range of options and configurations. The modules easily clamp together and are light enough lor one person to install. They can be arranged in a horizontal, upflow, or downflow configuration. The cooling module (either an evaporator or chilled water coil) is designed to match the blower module with an optional hot water heating module between them. The unit may be malched with most conventional condensing units or heat pumps of proper capacity. An optional electric duct heater, up to 20 kW, can be installed in the supply duct syslem lor heating or auxiliary heating for heat pump systems. Cabinet construction is galvanized steel and fully insulated. The Unico System cooling module (MC) uses a deep copper tube/aluminum fin coil that produces superior moisture removal compared to a more conventional system. lt comes standard with a corrosion resistant primary drain pan to provide liletime protoclion; the condensale drain is %-inch FPT. The refrigerant coil module is equipped with a factory installed thermostatic expansion valve and freoze protection controls lor proper operation and to provent icing. Water coils are equipped with a drain and a vent valve All Unico System blower modules (MB) include a 208/230 volt, single phase direct-drive blower isolaled from the conditioned air stream. The control box which houses the variable speed motor control, blower relay(s), control transformer, and high and low voltage terminal blocks is shipped with the blower module and can be installed either on the top or side of the unit. Duct, pl6nums, secondary drain pans, connectors, and fittings are ordered separately according to individual job requirements. Specify round or square plenum connection when ordering. NOI'E The Unico System operates at a higher static pressure than convenlional duct systems and has unique design and layout requirements for proper air distribution. lt is important that the manufacture/s installation instructions be followed exactlv to achieve maximum etf ectiveness. NOIE - Sp.cirr.|rion.. Rttyig., ..|6 Oan€ndo.. re subj.cl b chsng. ridlout nodc.. O Copyright 2003 Unico, Inc. rlooq IN6U '9q11 yzoo!!est/ _l ln zZ4 II t+n,t-l()ll s n lvl-\' l'-r -,1 {l ll r I--f,./ l6)l* w9 \fi\j t_ 'l__il*-Q,E::r__- TialC RFv -r- e{1C$ F'12F IoYl I yll 'R)\)' BE TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPART*P 75 S. FROMAGE ROAI) vArL, co 816s7 970479-2135 OWNER PERICIJES RE,AIJTY INC 44 W ME,ADOI{ DR VAIIJco 81657 APPIJICANT tISlAr S REIJIABIJE 436 WIIJL AVENT'E RIFIJE coIroR.ADO 81650License: 705-S COIITRACTOR I,ISAI S REIJIABI'E 436 WIIJJ A\IENIIE RIFIJE corJoRADo 81550License: 705-S LO/27 /200s FrRE SIIPPRESLO / 27 | 2O0s Phone 3 970-230-0441, FIRE SI'PPRESL}/27 /2OO5 Phone: 97O^23O-044L Permit #: Status...: Applied. . : Issued. . : Expires. .: so. oo Toal Calcdatcd Fees-- >s0.00 AdditionrlFces-> $98? .50 Total Pelmit F€€.---> Payrnonts----------- > BAI,^ANCE DUE------- > F05-0066 3os -6417 ISSUED LUn2005 rur0t2n5 Descipion: MEADOW VAIL PLACE #4-CHANGE OUT KITCHEN; PLUMBING IFXTLJRES; NEW LIGIITING; REMOVE FIREPLACE; ADD AIR AND SPRJNKLERS Valuation: $15,000.00 FEE ST'MMARY Mecbrnicsl- > Plsn Chcck-> Invcstigadon- > Will Call--- > S0.00 R€sturnnt Phn Review->s350.00 DRB Fcc--_> SO. OO TOTALFEES > . s0.00 $987. s0 90. 00 $987. s0 s98? . s0 $o. oo VAIL FIRED NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES o EPARTMENT SPRINKLER PERMIT Job Address: ,|4 W MEADOW DR VAIL I-ocation.....: MEADOW VAIL PLACE #4 Parcel No...: 2rcWlllffi ProjectNo : -?ftsos -ottO3 Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARll{E!['fItem: 05500 FIRE DEPARII{ENI TL/09/2OOS mvaughan Action: AP CONDITTON OF APPROVAL Cond: 12(BIJDG.): FIEIJD IIISPECTIO]IS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPIJLjANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requred, corpleted an accurate plot plan, and state Orat all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable tbereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SEALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI R EOTTRS IN ADVAI\ICE BY TELEPEONE AT 479-2r3s FROM E:00 AM - 5 PM. SIGNATI'RE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR HIMSELF AND OWNET lltltlllt*lltlllllflfllalfllttlrtfftltttttttttt*******t*t*'lafaaar*riaaatatt*ataf|tfttfttaaaa TOSTNOFVAtr{ @IJORADO Stilrmcdl'tllalfllllfllalafffalaaaaaallaaaafalttllaalffffrt|aa*'laaaaaat+arafftaaaa*lafalatlalaaaflaaaa Statctrleot Nunb.r: R050001914 Anollll!: $98?.50 LL/L0/2OO5O8:10 AllPalzn€ot lictlrod: Check RelLable Flra/ ck #1308 Inlt ! IJTNotation: IJisa I a Fermlt llo IParce1 No:glte }ddrea8 ! Irocationr IhIa, Palmort: F05-0066 2101-071-1600-4 44 l| MEAI)OTT DR VAII, }IBADOTV \IAIL PIACE *4 9987. s0 DeecrLption T!4)E: SPRINIGER PERII{IT Total Feee:Total AIJJ Pnts: Balance l $987. s0 9987. s0 $o. ooraaaafaaaaflllllll*tlttlll**t*rrltttttftfaarfraraftrfattftrtrrtrrrrl|rr*rrttffttttfffrf+fffr A@OUNTITEIvIUST: Accouat Code BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 Grrrent l,lrrts SPRINKIJER PERIIIIT PEES PIA}T CI{BCK FEES - 637.50 350.00 75 S. Frontage Vail, Colorado Rd. 81657 AppucArrolrrlr Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLOo* rnrrunHd$ 'cff03 Proiect #, *{ . -Building Permit #: Sprinkler Permit #: I 7O - 4 79-2 7 3 5 (Insqectio ns.) Fire Sprinkler shop drawings are required at time of permit submittal and must include the following. Permat application will not be accepted without this information:r A Colorado Registered Engineer's stamp or I\I.C.E.T. Level III (min) t cut of must be by a Reg Protection Contractor.F stam CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Fire Sprinkler Contractor: fu,-ur(Liollofr; S^,.,. Town of,Vail Reg. No.:Zas-a Contact and Phone #'s: ksa- .9rc-o(4 / E-Mail Address:1f coMPtETE vaillanons FoR ALARM PERMTT (Labor & Materials) Fire Sprinkler: $ l6 /fi^- Assessots Otrice at 97O-or visitConEct Parcel # bh gldq, *'t, +L.b w^%l usE oN LY***** rr*********** ******trl** rt***** **** Other,Fees:Date Received: Public Way Permit Fee:AcceDted By: Occupancy Group: Detailed description WorkClass: New( ) Addition( )u Remodel(r-f-Repat( ) Retro-fit( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family (( ) Multi-family( ) Commercial( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: YesDoes a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( e)/ No ( \WA iI\dStA\CdCV\FORM S\PERM ITS\S PRKPERM. DOC 07n6n002 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97U479-2138 Qrr*rrr*r oF coMMU*r" or#opMENr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT PCrMit #: PO5-0I47 36t'o1-71 Job Address: zl4 W MEADOW DR VAIL Starus . . . : ISSUEDIocation.....: MEADOW VAIL PLACE #4 Applied . . : t0t20/20f6 Parcel No...: 2l0lffill60[4 Issued . . : 1110312005 Legal Description: p e c.\<- -6 rn-, < Expires . .: 0510212n6 Project No ' P Rso's -0 'o3 owNER pERrcLEs REATJTY rlrc Lo/2o/2o0s 44 W MEADOW DR VAII.,co 81557 APPIJICEI{T ME.ADOW MOUIqTAIN PIJ]MBTNG/HEALO/20/2005 PhONC I 970-479-298LP.O. BOX 4s64 VAII,co 81558 L,icense: 288-P CoNTRACTOR MBADOW MOI]IITAIN PIJITMBING/HEAIO/2O/2OO' phone: 970-479-298LP.O. BOX 4554 VAfL, ico 816s8 L,icense: 288-P Desciption: RELOCATE ROUGH PLLJMBING Valuation: $22.000.00 Fir€plec€ Inforn tion: ResEicEd: T!#of Gas Appliancas: ?? f ofGas Logs: '!2 #of Wood PaUer ?? '***ra**'t{.'a'}r.rt**rt*****rt:r'}**rt***'a*ttt*t{t*ir**1't**t*r'hr,a*****r'}*t 'tt*'t**t* FEE SUMMAI{Y 'l*'|*'r*'a{rt+*,r*t {.*r:||*l'l**'l'a**r*'aa*'}'r*ttrttt*l++ttt**t'}:t,t*t:r|t{. Plunbing-- > 9330.00 Restuarant Plan Review- > $0.00 Toal Calculated Fees- > $415.50 Plsn check--> s82.50 ToTAL FEES - 5415.50 Additioml Fees------ > s0.00 lnvestigation- >$0 .00 Total Permit Fe€-----> $415.50Paymn$---------- > 9415.50 s0. 00 Will Call---> 1 33 . oo BALANCE DI]E-_--> Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMENT to/2o/2oo5 Js Action: AP ItEm: O55OO FIRE DEPARI'I{ENT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12(BLDG.): FIELD IITSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an irccurate plot plan, and state tbat all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and $tate laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. H3***\SPECTIoXAIT BE MADE TWENTY-FOIJR HoURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE Ar 479-2149 oR Ar ouR oFFIcE FRoM 8:00 AM - 4 (' \. // ) --'---.-*-/J',H-- faitaaraftlffl,laaafatattttfffttarrrafaataafff**ratt**rfffft*tffaftaftarfrfa*ar+rta*a'lrtaaff TOWNOJVAtr4 COIORADO Stabmataa*alaaaaaiaaaaaaafflf*talaafaaaflltfaaaa+*ltfa+++l***aaaf*+****'.a***']aa**aaltttaftaaalataaa €tatement t{\rnber: RO5OOO18E3 Amount: g415.50 LL/03/2OOSOB :58 AIrlPayment l,lctlrod: Check Inlt: DDGNotati@: Meadow !,lUn P & E 8197 --_-_-:----Permlt ![o: P05-0].47 T]pes pLtIr,lBINe PERII{ITParcel llo: 2101-O?1-1600-4 SLte Addrctc: 4{ W ltBADO|| DR VAIIJIccatLon: IlEeDO[t 1AIIJ PIACB *4 Total F€ea: $415.50This Palmnt: $.115.50 Total ALL Prnta: $415.50. Balance: 50.00tt+llllafaa+aaaaafaaataat'.aaaatafafaaaaaatit**++tataatfaaaaaaaaffafaaaata***lfttflff+*afal}lt ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Codo Dcscript,ion Grrrent Pmts PF 00100003112300 pLAlI CSECR FEES 82.50 PP 00100003111100 prJttt{Bncc pERilrr FEES 330.00 T'C OO1OOOO31128OO NIIJIJ CAIJIJ INSPECTION FEE 3.OO AppucATroNQ,-. no, BE AccEprED rr rnao^n"arrCI*srcr ]ti-upyilLly Pos-o t(?Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 970-479-21[9 7 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Town of Vail Reg. No.:a8g P Contact and Phone #'s: F.e-A € E-Mail Address: Vrfipr- coMPtETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBING PERMIT (rabor & Materials) Ass€sso/rc Offieat 97O-328-8640 or uisit Parcel # 'oo *ut"t*,n," A^. . r r rx\ b^.. :#r,lob Address: 1{ u-t - AddressqL\ $aadoqr work: (*1ouo3-- Ro"r9x !\s*^tsv.y WorkClass: New() MdiUon( ) AltentionK) Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family (){ Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) O$er( ) No, of Accommodation Units in this building:No, of Existing Dwelling UniE in this building: $ Is this a conversion from a wood buming flreplace to an EPA Phase II derrice? Yes ( ) No **** *** *** ** ***** *** ** * ******** ** ** ****FOR OFEICE USE ONLY* * ** *** ** ** ****** **** * ***** *t *** ***** Date Received: Acceoted Bv: ner Sisn-off: \Wail\data\cd€v\FORMS\PERIVIITSWLMB PE RM. DOC (/tf c 07D6t2W2 /ffi^)t$/"J TflntEimy HOW DID WE RATE WITH YOU? Town of Vail Survey Gommunity Development Department Russ ell Fonest Director, (970)47s-213e Check allthat applies. 1. Which Deparfnent(s)did you conbct? Building _ Environmenhl_ Housing_ Admin _Planning DRB _ PEC 3. lf you were required to waif how long was it before you were helped?._._- 4. Was your.project reviewed on a limely basis? Yes / No lf no, why not? 5. Was this yourfirstlimeb fle a DRB app_ PEC app Bldg Permit_ N/A 6. Please rate the performance of the staffperson who assisted you:54321Name: (knowledge; responsiveness, availabillty) 7. Overalf efiectivenessoitre FrontService Counter. 5 4 3 2 1 g. Wtrat is ttre best time of day for you to use the Front ServiceCounter? : 9. Any comments you have which would allow us to beter serve you nexttime? Thank you for taking the lime to complete this survey. We are commited b improving our seMce. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S, FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 Qrr*rrrNr oF coMMUNrry oru?orrr*, NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E05-0239 to5 - o 211 Job Address: 44 W MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUEDLocation.....: MEADOW VAIL PLACE #4 Applied . . : l0ll0/2C{Ji5 Parcel No...: zl0l0f,llffi4 Issued . . : lDllll20(Jls ProjectNo: ?RSOS-oqol Expires..: 041W12006 owNER pERrcr,Es REArry rNc to/to/zoos44 W MEADOW DR VAII,co 816s7 APPLICAT.IT DOUBIJE Q EI,ECTRIC L0/L0/20O5 phonet 97O-748-978O P.O. BOX 242 BDWARDSco 8t632 Lricense:190-E CONTRACTOR DOITBIJE Q EITECTRIC L0/!0/2OO5 Phone: 970-748-9780P.O. BOX 242 EDWARDSco 4L532IJicense: 190-E Desciption: MEADOW VAIL PLACE #4-REWIRE COMPLETE UNITValuation: $6,500.00 Square feet: 1500 1i.+'||*|t+i+i:|t|*+******1.1.*:.*|'|l.*i**:l'|**.|*it++||a||*|'t***lli|t*lti* Electical----- > DRB Fee------ > Invcstigatior.-- > will cdl-----> TOTAL FEES.- > $57.50 s0. 00 $0. 00 $3.00 $60. s0 Total Calculated Fees- > $60 .50 Additionrl Fees------ >s0.00 Total Permia Fe€---- > $60.50Payrnen6--------- > 960. 50 BALANCE Dl'E---.->90. 00 Approvals: Item: 05000 ELECTRICAIJ DEPARTMEMIto/Lo/2oos shahn Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTUBfT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12(BLDG.): FIBI-rD INSPACTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPITIAIICE. Cond: CON0007635 MAINTAIN FIRE RATING OF CEIIJING ASSEMBI.'Y. Cond: CON0007636 PROVIDE ARC FAIIITT PROTECTION IN BEDROOMS Cond: CON0OO7537 EL,ECTRfCAL PAIiIEL CAI.INOT BA IJOCATED III CLOTIIES CLOSETS OR BATHROOMS. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all ttre, information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with sll rowa ontinences and stae "wsQ tobuild this structure according r" th" ts zoning anrt subdivisloncodcs, design revicw approved, Internationd Building andResidential Codes andother ordinances ofthe Town applicable thcreto. NBQUBSTSFOX,INSFtsCNON SIIALLEts II{ADBTWENTY.FIOUR IIOT,RS IN ADvA}iIcE BYTELEPHoNEru.OR AT OUn OFFICB ROM t:OAl[ - 4 Lq.ls1/2sa1 1s:28 s7s-74srs6 s TOVNWVTLIy 75 S. Frontrgc Rd. Yail, @lorado E1657 DOUBLE O ELECT'PAGE A2 APP|ICATTOTI WItt NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOI}-t . .-;eGt #: Bullding Pcrmlt #: Electrical Prrmlt #: 97O'479.2L19 05-o @r-ot3q CONTRACTOR IN FO RMATIOTI coMpLETE SQ. FEET FOR ]{EW BUTLDS and VALuATIOI{S FOR Att oTHERS (l'abor t ltreterlals) ELECTRICAL VALUATIONI IAMOUNTOF SQ TTIN STR,rcTURE: A#ffi8 or vislt Address: '.1'Y a-t re.+&U b-stt tu- utt l- a*1 Pu*C- Work oass: New ( ) Mdition ( )Remodelffi Repalr( )TempPovcr( ) O$€r( ) ;G; EHIJ .xlst "t thls locatlon: Yes ( ) No ( )Work fyper Interior{/- Exterlor ( ) Both ( ) @ ) Muru.famly( ) commerciary{' Rc*au.nt( ) oilter( } no. of eccom.odatlon Units tn thls bulldlng:No. of exCting Dwelllng Unlts in this bullding; a hottub: Ycs 6Es aFreEpfrnher system Edst: Ya ..-{ \ir "o ' --- 't"'^-r r'rF rarr' \'*--r**la+tf rlltll'l.!.tltrr'*ltllat"ti.*rrr{rrrtr***rrr**..}l*t*ttr*.*t.*rr*FOR @FFICE USE ONLY*'tt***1*t*rlltl}'l.rtltrr \W.iNIbtd.dcY\FORMS\PERMNS\ELECPERM. DOC 07n6l206Z ll r)TOI{/N B o o o EI o o EI o o Department of Community Development Project Name: Proiect Address: { This checklist must b ornoleH before a Buiffing permit aoplication isaeoH. All pages of application is complete Has DRB apprwal obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form Condominium Association letter of apprwal attached if project is a MulU-Family comflo< Plan Check Fee required at submittal for projecB valued over 9100,000.00 (See attached Clnstruction Fee Schedule for calculations) Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,oarkino or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and slroulderc without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(3 seb of plans for remodefadditions, 4 sets of plans for new SFR and Duplo<, 5 sets of plans foi Multi-Family and Commercial Buildings) Window and door schedule Full structural phns, including design criteria (i.e.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Solls Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown B o o o tr o o I have rcad and understand Appllcanfs Signahrre:.?.o{ Date of DocumenP Received 05,20t2005 tl mvi,jw BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Enginee/s (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take up to six (6) week, All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may take up to slx (6) weeks to rerview and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Project Name: name .'.,Darei 42. + a7 ZoaS- Doc mene (/ 4/ 05n0n005 7 ,41 rAlll^ilSl[rtal.mrt Ar3i lt,2D6 ldictrlXrduRnryStbErryin'hc. (eto) t90.1 t5 (;tOItlE) (erox?.{rttGAx) fnAldJ.lMfS?VdlPLof dr Wrrlh&rrDrlvcv.i[C! 11657 (gt0)a?6{A7l (F0}lE) (sro)arrrftT(?Aro GO{|iA!IZ Oqrracf tr'lmraTt(x pf oetftl frrayn " o tlail rqrj b[o{ ltb m &nrha h}*l Gr& d thc D.a DIE todnrrfrrilbcilafan: MnClrdbCsudc 0 l l -525.$4'7teo (cBu.) crr-525-tt2tl-mn(l|(xE) folh{ilt to fr, c mil nortiry I lftr Gchc M.rtrb fa f&. rl ltr. ClrdobhrKhrbq|y{lrl - lla&q S"A. - C.V.lcr kir fryqr l6.t r ?iF Col. fs tfurhr o I l -t:ltl3l.2f,l-Tlll q RO (FjllOltfD 0l l-tz5 rt 2t?-?tat oAx) fftdco. D.F. ',lq|Dal itco lU r qr idrlijtf lUfij $4. trnu do u rsin or FF ot oln npfuiq I rm|'|hq dc'. ooBl ;ln - rm r 1rh rO?0) a1GTidycd! ,1, '. . TUTfl. P.Ol sEF-etr-e5 -t uE t g l F R5. 6EU I EI-H o tlg (foc.6b, Inc. 14{11 !f . d 5Eh Ave. , SuireD€nver. CO EO21i -23t8 September 5, 2005 Mr. Jchn Taylor Bnvlronnental Chernlscry, P. O. Box 179 vfheat Rldge, co 8003 4 - Re: Lab Nu:nber l0 885 4 Dear Mr, ilohr Taylor: ?he buri< sanples 6 ublni t. t,ed to FRs ceoi:cch, rnc. have been anaryzecl by polarizedllch9 rnicrosccpy IPL!4), the EPA-reccmnended r,e:hoal fc:r determiiaEion of fibrous'' constituenl,a in building materials, The pc:cent of asbesroe cont,ai.ned i:r the, aamplea ls a vlsual estimaF,ion baseil upon conparlsons lriEh publisheC chart.s,The resuLtE of Lheee ar:alyaes are sununirize<l in rhe enclcsed tabie, This rcpor!relates only Eo thg i E€Brs recel,ved and cesced by our labcratory. Accordi.cg Eoreguircment's set bif the !.ra:ionai fnsLirute of Standards and Teihnolcgy/$r'LAp,chts reporc nust not be used eo cLaim endoraement by Nv:Ap or any agency of Lheus Governnent. F.1so, tF,rI,Ap guldelines specify Ehac Lhis repori shouid not lDereproduced, except. in full, wichout uhe ivritten approval of FRS. A copy of your chain cf cust,ody is artached fo:: your convenle:rce. T.his reporcis coneidered highly confiden:iai. nesulEs will ncL be ciscussed wiuh anyp€rFon noL associa:ed wlch you. P:.eas€ call :f you hav€ any questj,ons about Ehis work. S:ncerely, David A, 9chroeder, ph.D. DaEa Conlrollsr Encloaurea C'dt''t' fnc . Pro j ec L : 44 W. l4eado',.r Dr. Up? Phone:303/4'17-2559 800/3 85-313 5FAx:303/47?-2580 e-nai1; frsgeo6ix. netcom, corYr tr -1 o *.( \--- 1wtZt* WTxainy TWLAP Accredi:ed Lab +102 O? B- 0AfHA Accredlr€d Lab # 10155 ? ar 9EF-i40-gr.:r I {J c. I.3.1? -t!.;r.,-c,Lr I l:rJ aa ra8 oto|ltcE, rllc.1{{1 tI. 46rh Avenue, SutLe l4Denver, CO 80211-233I - ?hone | 3 03,/471-2559 800,/385-3136 Faxz 3O3 / 417 -2580 llstlf.'Fn n|'- qtr?,x rsrErqll'oc! gluaDr,E rltrr.egtg p9po".r t ?rrn ?.taF!!' ritrotrdcav.rplJ Drrr) ltr - 60 o rn _9 3 rr 1 t 5 Cl lent : lnvifotrn trtrl Chcntitry, tnc . ProJ €ct f D : il I tf . Ue.alor Da . sampte Nurnber X;ffi:. til'l:" pescrip:ion Lab lio. :10885{IPage: 1 of 5 44-1 - -.!ID-'- f..- - --1- ,' Dr!/vra11 twhiLel la-2 ND.. ! / paint texture loff-whiLel 44-3 _ rfpr r _/ / DEwe]l _&ud_tuh!c-e] 100 1C0 100 AnEhophyl l tE e Chryeot:,1eCr.cldoIl r.e 25- I Trernol-i te-AcEi:lol: Ee _-- SqlAL ISIASFO8 r|Dla _ _ lrpr | _ xDr. _UDl!__ __f.!L_ Otie; Fibrous Materials : 100 FiDrous Glaas 1<fse_.-<JitceIluloseSynchetica __-:OLher r liorrfibrous MaEerial _-_g.l__-_ 100 __,_ 100 -__ 75 .' Corr|Irosl ce anatysis (muliilalrered samplc, see individual layer anaiyses).,, !{D means None DetecEed. L4- | -- ._. m:L_ __./- __l-- L{alL_Eextqre _ t.,irhtte I 44--5---____ 2i __./ ,/ _ Masr: c_1b!a!kl lnelyrcr (gercenLs det.ernined by vlsual esEinetlonl saarple Number: (4-1- 4-[:l_ _--__ 4{:t.*._ 44-4 _-_--. 44-5 __ !'lt'a D'rcanC: 100 esbesEos Mlnerals : AmcBI le *n^ty"cr_@ KeruleEh C. Shaver Dace: 09/06/05 tBg cIctEDCg, INe. phone: 303/4.t7_255g1411 W. 46!h Avenue, SuiEe 14 600,t 186-3138Denver, CO 80211-2338 Fax: 303,14??-2580 Itltictr-nd or ffirrx tsrtSrro3 sluplr lllrr,I,src qt Pnr.rn?tlrr r.Tarin rTcposc'ctpv' ( !r,x) Epl,-5oo/n-91,/ r r 5 Clierrt: Etrvl,roDn.ntal ghdtlstry, I!.c. Lab IJo.:108g61 ProJecE ID: lt lf. t{ardod Dr. pag€: 2 ot 5 SesDJ€-Nrrsber 44-L_ P.rco[t Sampielsb.stoa Date DS|eC! ir)t lon |lD'r -_r1-f- SiLler-put-Ey.-ftaoL- 44-7 _ [Drr / ,/ t,|all cexEr.|ge_ i,^rhi.tel {11- I - --!{D! J- / - ./'__-eeilins texE.ut:e lrhitel . 44-9 Nlr.r ___.1_J,_ prvwail f$*s__uifi_itgeBerable_ian cardboard I . 44-10 _ _ ND.. / ,, h'all EexEure iwh,_.r..3l Inrlyras (percents determiced by visual esLin.,aEion) sanple ltuinber: t4-6- 44-1 ____ 44-8 !L{:9 ___ 44_10 Lry.r Daao6t. 100 Agbestos Minerals; A.rnosi t,e 100 100 100 Anlhophyllite Chrysorile ' Crocidolite Trenolice-Act inol i ge AOEI! lSBtglfOg ND.. tilDr. __ Mr.r !tD. r ___XD!:_ Other Fibrous MaEerials :Flbroug GlerssCellulose slmthet ics TraC.e_-5.Ub Trace <11 1 Othcr: Nonfibrous Maceri.ai ._100 -- _10!___ _j_OS._-_ *__18_._ 99 r Courposi t.e analysis (multilayered .sa.Tr:tl e, see lndividual layer analyses ) -.' ND meana Nonc DeEected. Analysr ,- //-"-/f ra4t Kennelh C. Shaver DaEe:0q/06/05 9Ets-t||'-85 TUE I3:2T. FIIS. GE{JI EUH o a '.t.3 +a( lJirll o tRg olo?ttcr, rDtc. phone: 303/4?7_z5sg11141 st. 46th Avenue, sulte 14 eoo/386_3136D€nver, CO 90211-2338 Fax: 303/477_2580 llsulllg_ol _ BmJ( ^Fnrstlo8 sunot.! tu!lr,yF"!r typ6t.lt?rEn r.lcttrlF !.rCttorrt1oDr' (III,) rlr-6A0/t-E?/t t6 Cllent: t[rrlronrn€atrl cb.nl.try, Inc. Lab Nc.:trOggft ProJ€cE, ID:tt If. lt tdon lta. page: 3 of 5 Darcant Sarnpl eSarnole Nr-r:nber lsb.rto! LAle Dgs_efipglg4 1l1l:11 .__ ZO. / / Mastic tblack.l . r4-L2 . NDrt / ,/ _ Vlall. fexEure iwhiE 44-13 -- ..- - . ,-- litrrr r / ._/_. g{all,,Eexrure iwbiEel a4-14 lD*r ,/ ,/ l'lj*,l rexcure 1shi!cf---_ ' 44-1s . 6rp.. -_- / | _ Urlv,afl=6s41!.r,!t!al-__.___ Nrrlyr.r (percents determined by visual estlnation) sa,rrple lt[nbcr: 1!-rt 44_-1.2 E4:J-1____ 4t_\4 _ 44-15 100 100 1- 00 100 Anos lte Anthophyl I i teChrysotile _A!_Crocidoli te Trgmol, i Le-Act.inol: Ee aotll, AgB!3rog --10----- _ Np*r ,_ __l{DLl. .--_ _ lrDr i ___Ep_.r -._other f ibrous l,taterials :' FlbrouB GlasaCeIlulose Synthetic6 Ot.:cr: Nonfibrous MaEerial ..._-3o,___ .100_-,,_. - _.1g0___._ ..__l0o 100 * composi Ee ar:alysis (nu1! ilaye:'err sample. see ladivldual layer anar.yses)," ND neans None Detected. Dllrar ,.ae.agr 100 Agbeatos Dtinerals: Analys! r Dac.e : 09 / ')6 .195 l&g O!O4!1CB, IIIC. Phone: 303,/471-2559 1041 $r. 46th Avenue. suLre 14 800/386-3135 Denver, CO e021:-2338 Fax: 303/47?-?580 Iifilr..Is (lt Brl,rc lstrlslltrl! f rliF'-t_-lNlt-vgrc r?por.ra?zlD r.ratr'F r"croacopy (Dtu\ npr-66olrt-qa/ I 15 CIienEr &rvl ro|imatrt tl Charl atry, Ia6. ProJ €ct iD : ll W. lLrdo$ I,tr. Lab I'lo . : 108860 Page: 4 oE 5 Sannol e Nu-r'.ber {4- 16 Percant SampleA6b.rtol Date Deecriptj,on lDr. _J_ __,_ _ e.-dhe9i-vt_I!egl t4-L7 --2" _l_J_Uae-ui_c.lhias&l "49-lg: NDrr - / / Qeilinc texuure I'ririth mudl 44-IF ftt _ ltDrr lwhitc textule'l 4_L-L8la1 lsrlyaca (percents deternined by visual estinaEion) Samplc Nu.rnlcer: 4rk16 ___ 14-t7 {4-1C-__-.__ 4.{-:,!_jAI_ 44-18 rBl &att'r D''o'$t r AsbeEcos Mineralg; 1C0 100 100 5050 lrnoslte Anthophyllire Chrygot !16 -- 22 ._-Crocido:.i ce' Tremoli,Ee -Acblnol i t,e !80rrr, eSat8log trp. f-__._ __22__ Npr 1_ lrtll l _ r,lpr r*_ Other Fibrous l1aterials:Flbrous c:.assCelIuloseSynchscics Other : Norfibrous Malerial 100 ?8 _ t Cotnposite analysis (multllay€red salrpie, seeND maars Non€ Detected, 'natyet,, Pr-Z-.C4\Kenneth C. Shavor __l-oi__ _ 1oo _.- 100 ibdivldual layer analyses) . DaEe: iL9/L6L05 9EF-96-OJ TUE 15 ;25 FRS.GTOTECH o ttg ololrrcif , rNc. 1441 VJ, 46tb Avenue, SuiEe 1{Den'./er, CC 80211-2 33I l'. Irb Phone: 3O3,'4'17-ZiE9 800/386-3135 3ax:303/47?-2589 -{4: i9 ND.r / l:_ nrvqA}] twhiLet 565 +?? Z:tAg o nBen".ltfr or Fm.t l€et3lnoe g.lspr.E l.lllr.eg"g Eypor.rpTrrrr r.TaElF rr.p.1cr. py ( Drf, ) npr_.6.0_0JfB:93.l.laE Client: Eavlrcnnnatal Cbolrt ry, tnc. Lab Nc.:108861 ProJecB ID:ll lf. Nariloqr Dt. page: 5 of 5 Daac.Dt SampieSample llrl,rnber lab.rto3 Dace Description .-'!Dt!-._ . I j_ Ea.].1_.-EexEure : whi qe I _..._. . M:20 llrll7|aa (percents determined by visual eg[irnation) . Satple N.uiber: 44-19 ___- 44-20 L.y.a D.8cctr :. c0 100 Agbeetoe MineraLs :AnJsIte AnEhophyl 1i reChrysorlleCrocidolite TrenoLl E€ -Actlnoli ge |!'o|Dr& lSatslK)s ._NE:_*. -- rfpr. . Ocner Flbrou. Mat€rial6 :Flbrous GLassCelluloce Synther lcs Other: 'f race <lt -.-- 1 _- lionf,ibroua MaEerial 100._ _"_.g.g_-_ .t ComlioBlte analyeie (mulL:layered sar,*:fe, see indi\.i.lual layer alialyses,.*' ND ln€ans l.lone DeEected. *.t"".,# Da:e: oe/o5/pl FRotlt Doon. Aa\ Loowr"6l grlr "II'r 4?Roll-t: + L,t \,1 o-t rq'L r'Fe lb_t; i#..i; r - ,. :1-i' :wltoa"F.lt&?41a*(*4. c Qt,{t--Js ,t/* /4i, hnte Taua 6ir&zW -/,%r7 /7 08-16-2006 Inspectio_n le^que^gt A/P/D Information ^ Adivrty: POm147 - Type: &PLMBuonsr tyDe: uccuDancv:Ouiri€r: PERICLES REALTY INCApplicant MEADOW MOUNTAIN PLUMBING/HEAT|NG Contractor: MEADOW MOUNTAIN PLUMBING/HEATING D€scription: RELOCATE ROUGH PLUMBING Reouegted Insoectlon(sl lbm: 290 PLM&'FlnalRequestor: MEADOW MOUNTAIN PLUMBING/HEATING Requeated Inspect Oate:' Inspectlon Area:Slte Address: Time Exp: ? O Thursday, August 17, 2006 44WMEADOWDRVAIL MEADOWVAIL PLACE #4 SubTgOe: AMF Phone: 970-47$2981 Phone: 970-479-2981 Requeeted Tlme:- Phone: Entered By: Status: ISSUED Insp Area: JRM 02:00 PM 97047$,2981 DGOLDEN K Comments: #4AssionedTo: JMONDRAGON_ Action: _f+rl_ C-^*r\mcl*c 15*(--d. ,*g Dfw Q. f- + ?|?. T+P l'"$F-?e^-\ Insoectlon Hlstorv Item: 210 PLMB-UnderoroundItem: 220 PLMB-RouoWD.W.V.01/10/05 InsoectlComment 1.WASI Action: PA PARTIAL APPROVAL rt Drossur€ test oerformed at washer connectionI copper water piping sbee! pressur€_tesl Bgrbngd at': idavis - Adion: AP APPROVEDpiping complete under street pressure C-o\o""$ o \' r g.c-l< on 1?o^ fl?-t"zo"f * Approved * water. REQUIRED NOTAPPROVEDTO MAiIY Action: DN DENIED Plumbino is not on test at this time.- Action: DN DENIED 'ut aDDroved Dlan. InsDection deniod.Aclion: DN DENIED Item: 230 Action: AP APPROVED Action: AP APPROVED Item: 240liem: 250Item: 260llem: 290 REPT131 Jt *- Q-,!,^-'rV s Run Id: 5599 09-22-2006 Inspection Request Reporting Page 36 8:50 am Vail_ CO'- City Ot - Requosted fnspect Dat€: Friday, Septomber 22,2006lnspection Area: JRM - Site Address: 44 W MEADOW OR VAIL MEADOW VAIL PLACE #4 A/P/D lnformation Comment:Comment: Comment: Comm€nt:Comment: Comment: Comment: Comment: Reouested Insoectlon(s) Sub Tvpe: AMFUse: l-B Status: ISSUED Insp Area: JRM Phone: 97O-476-4374Phone: 970-476-4374KITCHEN: PLUMBING FIXTURES; NEW LIGHTING; REMOVE required. - CGUNION Item: Requestor:Coniments: Assioned To:- Action: Comment: ;. PLAN REVIEW AND ASSOCIATED PHONE. SEE LETTER ON FILE SUBMITTED ROUTED TO CHRIS GUNION. MATT GENNETT AND FIRE. ADDED VALUATION ADDRESSING COMMENTS ROUTED TO CHRIS GUNION AND FIRE. - Y JMP ARCHITECTS APPROVED 3/2/06. SEE FIELD SET AT ALL ES/ Chris Requested Time: 03:15 PM' Phone: 970-376-6848 Entered By: LTILLMAN K n4r/, hlel o (\,1'4nrd- ( ksot ffiDEPr.NorFrcAtoN D olry'@ \-"'z !tem: 1Q PlQQ-Eootings/St$l < N'FTREDEFART", *, ElRi.t*o' Dc-Foundation/Steel'*Aooroved'*03/07/06 Inspector: cdavis ' ' Action: AP APPROVEDComment: All floor patching at floor.pan.and slab where trenching occured. Repair is installed according to ^^ -__,-_approveil planslOX. to^ !,h.sjall concreteItem: 30 BLDG-Framino " Aooroved *' 03/08/06 -lnsoector: cdavis' Action: NO NOTIFIEDComment: Cohtractor cancelled insoection,inspection.request03/09/06 Insoector: idavis Action: AP APPROVEDComment: Framino aooroved Item: 50Item: 60 Item: 70Item: 90 REPT131 Run Id: 5589 08-30-2006 Inspection Request Reporting Page 111:01am Vait Cd- CltyOi - Reeuested lnspect D*: HSgeE{iX August 30,2006 lnspec{ion Two: MECHIns'pectlon Aiba: JRM Site Address: 44 W MEADOW DR VAL MEADOW VAIL PLACE #4 ffir,'^;WM "/t^'e SubTgOe: AMF Status: ISSUEDInsp Area: JRM Phone: (303)28&2919 Phone: (3031 28&2919 COIL. EAC,'HUMIDIFIER, DUCT WORK CSST OF BIP. 08/28/06 lnsD€ctonomment: ITEMS 1 / PAN DRAIN TO? ,L INSPECTION A/P/D lnformatlon Activitv: M0$0289 Const Tvo6:O,ftien PERICLEIAoplicant STALEY tCohtracton STALEY tDescription: INSTALLINbtice: NO EXTEI REPTl31 Run Id: 5629 08-17-2006 Inspection Reouest Reportins Page 13 4:28 om Vail_ CO'- City Ol - Requeatgd Insp.ec-t pate: !flday, August 18, 2006Inspectlon Area: SHSlts Addross: 44 W MEADOW DR VAIL MEADOW VAIL PLACE #4 A/P/D Informatlon Reouested Insoectlon{s} Item: 190 ELEC-FlnalRequeston DOUBLE Q ELECTRIC Comments: tl4AssiqnedTo: SHAHN- Action: Tvoe: B-ELEC #4.REWIRE COMPLETE UNIT Time Exp: SubTgne: AMF Phone: 970-74t|-9780Phone: 970-7uE-9780 Status: ISSUEDInsp Area: SH Requested Tlme: 08:30 All' Phone: 970-748-9780 or- 970-418-5137 Entered By: DGOLDEN K Insoectlon Hlstorv Item: 110 ELEC-SeMceItem: 120 tr[?A?b€n, Comment: I Item: 130Item: 140Item: 'l90 F,urt furc'ui? Nlru Y*r.c ;c Io/,/* s//& ,rr, 'l'/ot r.? fD trrf REPTl31 Run Id: 5602 a VpoV;la1u 4t > Deaign Review Soard ACTTOI{ FOR},il Departrnent of Community Dwelogment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Calorado 8X.f57 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 979.479.745V neb: www.vailgov,<om Project Name: GONZALEZ MIUNG Project DescripUon: FINAL APPROVAL TO CHANGE SOUD WALL TO OPEN MIUNG WITH GLASS BACKING IN RAILING Participants: owNER PERTCLES REALTY rNC 08/04/2005 o/o OTTO, PETERSON & POST PO BOX 3149 VAIL co 815s8 APPUCANT BItl JOSEPH & ASSOCIATES INC08/04/2006 Phone: 97G328-0436 P.O. BOX 4509 EAGLE co 81631 Ucenser 572-8 CONTMCIOR BILL JOSEPH & ASSOCIATES INC08/04/2006 Phone: 970-328-0436 P,O. BOX 4509 EAGLE co 81631 Licenser 572-8 ProjectAddressz 44W MEADOWDRVAIL Location: MEADOW VAIL PI.ACE UI.ITI #3 Legal Descrlpuon: Lot: I Block Subdivision: MEADOW VAIL PIACE CONDO Parcel Number: 2101-071-1600-3 Comments: matches existing railing details DRB Number: DR8060346 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 08/11/2006 Cond:8 (Pl3N): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent olTown of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Condl 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 - r1-, it.1 t !.j-: i h' . .5$.'.\ r lrro . ! ' -t.* r,, DRB apprroral shall not beome rralld fur 20 dap follnrving the date of approval. r I ' i "'Cond:1bz Appro/al of thls project shall lape and beome vold one (1) year bllorvlng tfie dab of final apprwal, unless a building permit is issued and construction is comrnerred and is dilBenUy pursued torvad completion. Planner: Matt @nnefr DRB Fee Pald: i2SO.OO Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Dwelopment 75 Sou$ Frcntage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 telt 970.479.2L28 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: www,railgw.com General Information: All pmjects requiring design revielv must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application, Please refer to the submittal requirements for the padicular approval that is requested. An application for Design Raniew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the C.ommunity Development Department. The project may also need to be reviev{ed by the Town @uncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approyal lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lot 3 Block:_Subdivision: rt dtOtL. yAl244- Y .-rlNt'- .r Iwo6\c w-c6\ Physical Address: Parcel No.: aol o'rt lbo3 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-86'10 for parcel no.) Zoning:HOthF Name(s) of Owner(s):tEte'/t Zt*r2.fltL Mailing Address: Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Maifing Address: ll'a llr?., F " ? C?tJt.r\, Ah.r 8tla7 Phone: -fzv- ?tat? E-maif Address: 4'/lod.'llJoctl.€Faxt f2r-"1?7 Type of Review and Fee: tr Signstr Conceptual Review E New Crnstructiontr Addition f( Minoq Alteration (mult-family/mmmercial) tr Minor Afteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sucfi as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board, No Fee FEB-L@-Lg@ 2@"55 P.@t t,_ a lfmrffibrf|hnfiomr#UerfrrDdgnffi __iEErbthDrrilftnturqrl5.t-b Cjg'rrhraEf EEEtilSisrttr{ilf,ll *nJffiIEE*IEEE! .= -!E -rElE-f lr=E -rrEE r- - l- +'E- tl- E - -G E-r r r - td lcr-- = Hr :--;EI----- r--- --rrr--t- rpthFrr r*rJ* fr-alf{F- Irfh.e ,t tnlr.rfr .. , Fqf,O.E*D{frttFldrl afrE r{rlftrfiF nrtffi rt c-jarp4gg rrdrF n|lnr- Ed|l* EsifiJrrr|rc$rrFrnfl-H::t!tilnfltnIffr&*A*IrlrlrfrrE|.FrrrHrrbLh|llffi,rdrItfr,H,frfr,H,bflGe,iB --E'--[ll!-r-E rt-, -.-, --, -!E-tE-' t{t Eqr*,rrEffDFrtr' #|rHsabsFn rF|'rEnrJkctrOE#E- Ohffitoffi |flr Era|aFsHJElrETE |nD F hh gt[ ||tf(r'qm- tffidD hEIbFqla'ffrFg OrrrsFlrrdtF 3tt*Ed tr n July 7,2fi)6 Mr. BitlGibem Depar0neot of Community Developnent Town of Vail 75 Souft Froffiago Rood West Vail, CO 81657 RD: MEfiX)W VAIL PI"ACT -G'ONZALEZ RESIITDNCB DBCKRAILING DearMr. Gibson, Thc M€edry Viil Phoe ffiinium Associdion hrncby approves tte phs diled 6/1y06 by Bill Josoph & Associes forlhe Crcozalez resideoce dock railing modifrcdions. Plose fool fi,eo to cGffi re $ouHpu have uy questiw uda Smld5ren trGd b rc$6 additimal infqngtim. Sincerely, Klr€n Al&€6i-I"€e lvtanaging Dir€ctu Prcsided, M€adow Vsil Place Coodominiun Associdion /tral Ric[ardT. Lisblabcn PROPOSED MATERIAIS Buildino Matedals Tvoe of Material C.olor Roof Siding Other Wall Materhls Fascia Soffits Wndows WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls 26iv srur-\.lD e*J*&tt% Exterior lighting Please specify the manufact.rre/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. F:\cdev\FoRMs\PERl'IlTS\Planning\drb-minor-all11-23-2005;doc Page 6 of 13 tLl23l2OOS . Location of all required parking spaces. Snow sbrage areas.o Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.. Retaining walls with proposed elenrations at lop and bottom qf walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or sepaftlte sheet Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4' and 6'feet in height.. Delineate areas to be phased and apPropriate timing, if applicable o landscape Plan:. Scale of 1" = 20'or largero Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan.o Location of o<isting tnees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed, Large stands of Uees may be shown (as bubble) if the shand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and gnding.r Indicate all o<isting ground mver and shrubs.. Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for onifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.r Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close profmity to slte grading and construction.. Indicate the location of all proposed plantings.. The location and type of existing and propord watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation.r Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be induded with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elerrations noted. . Lighting Plan:. Indicate type, location and number of fixtures'. Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous alea''J' Ahaih a cut sheet for each proposed fixhrre\ "r ' ' ' . BEPAINLPE]E]EIS . For all proposals to repaint o<isting buildings, the following supplemental information is required: . Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s). Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window Eim, doors, fascia, soffiits, etc') F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMm\Pbnning\drb-minor-alt-11-23-2005.doc Page 5 of 13 rtl23l20os ,At GTTth Vtu-Vtlz-7.+/o*z /> corrfxrY ccrrElnE$ Design Review Eoard ACTIOI{ FOR}I Department of Community Deyelopment 75 South Frontage Road. Vail. Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fa$ 970"479.2{52 web: wvfw.vallgov.com Proj€ct Name: unanow VAIL pLAcB coNlx}rtrNlltlts RE-ROOF Project Description: Paltdpants: OWNER VAIL.I4 CORP ,+4 W MEADOW DR,l4 VAIL @ 81657 APPUCANT VAIL44 @RP ,14 W MEADOW DR 44 VAIL @ 816t ProJect Address2 44 W MEADOW DR VAIL MEADOW VAIL PIACE 0211612006, 021L612006 l€gEl Descipdon: LoE I Blodr: SubdlvlCon: VailVillage Fling 2 Parael Number: 2101-071-1601-0 Comments: SeeConditions Application to replace the o<isitng grey rubber membrane roof with a same for same new grey rubber membrane roof, with the exception of a small slope portion which will be converted form rubber membrane to sbanding seam copper. DRB Number: DR8060032 Locaton: lrlotion By: Second By: Vote: Gonditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACTON: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 02l22l10fl6, Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB apprwal does not constitute a permlt for building. Please consult with Torrtn of Vall Building personnel prior to construction activities, @nd:201 DRB apprwal shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. @nd: CON0007830 The applkant shall rcphe the orlSry grey rubber mernbrane mof with a rubber mernbrane roof whlch mahes the sdslUtg In all aspects lndudlrg olor, renecUveness, €tc. The only eepdon shall be that portion of roof whldt b b be onlerbd ftom rubber mernbrane to standlng seam aopp€r. P[rmcr: War€n Campbdl DRB Fee Pald: 1250.00 Minor Exterior Alterations'^' APPlication for Design Reviewm.->l\\t -,/,1 Department of community Development -----|#lt T5SouthFrontageRoad,vail,Colorado 81657 i---mm{0fylltZ lr:t:s70.47l2128 kx:e70.47e'2452 web: www.rrailgrov.com ; ii Generar rnformauon: i ' FEB 16 2006 All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building penhit application. ?lease r*6r ti, Ur" su'Umittat requirements for the particulii approval that is requested' An applicabol gAFJt'tr'.R.ryE\ r^ cannot be accepted untit att required information is receiveJ by the Community Developrnent*'pd-iitvt-!!.VJ!{41l pioj".t r.V itso neeO to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission.-o"iign *iri"t" approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within l one year of the apProval. Description of the Request: ,"1 '- l'1 e.",lc'-J \1, vp., I Al .ddo,'- t Location of the Proposal: Loe f-t- Block:-Subdivision: ,l tl - | |PhysicalAddress: "f9 We<i 0tb](l(o (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s Name of Applicant:e( YVvrt9 Maifing Addressz Pl rUrJ^4 (l 5'f. E-mail Address: 9t, ,*l . a<) ,14 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuilcl' For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (inctudes 250 additions & interior conversions)' For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, pai-nting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sucn as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Type of Review and Fee: tr. SignsD Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition V Minor Alteration (multi-familY/commercial) E Minor Alteration (sing le-family/duPlex) tr Changes to ApProved Plans tr Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 ]OINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name)of property located at (address/legal descripuon) 14 wt o t* H - Jo, , Dr t v<-- prwide this letGr as written approrral of the plans daGd been submitted to the Town of Vail Communlty Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the addrus noted above, I undentand that the proposed improvernents indude: f,; I fufther understand that minor modificaUons may be made to the plans over the course of the revielv process to ensure complianae with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. F:\cde\,\FORMS\PERMITS\Planning\drb_minor_alt_U -23-2005.doc rLl23/2005 r l.Tepr<J<r1hTtVq- whidr have nI.[;.1 (Signature) Page 2 of 13 MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAT REQUIREM ENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water featqres, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REOUIREMENTSX''T tr Stamped Topographic SurueY*o Site and Grading Plan*o Landscape Plan*o Architectural Elevations*E Exterior color and material samples and specifications.tr Architectural Floor Plans*o Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures r: Trtle report including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements*B Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.o Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable o Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable*o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whedrer a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies olthe matcrials noted with an asTcrisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior chanoes. the submittal requiremenb include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint orner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Name:l"\ c' Contractor F:\adev\FoRMS\PERMITS\PIanning\drb-minor-alt-l 1-23-2005.d0c Ltl23/200s Page 3 of 13 PROPOSED MATERIAI.S Bulldino Materials Tvpe of Material Color A"',lroul i et-1V Pl7 Ac^Lrq.*'- -2Roof 1-. sb"Eo QpP?fa saAfiOlatG sFA4 c"Y _ e6/tptA '9Fa1eahal Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffib Windows WindorTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior UghUng Other Notes: f ,< pqlarcol r^c fa \ G* E, *r',) z)Nc 6eL( Please specify the manufacturer's namg the color name and number and attach a color chip. F:\dev\FoRMs\PER"1'IlTs\Planning\drb-minor-allu-23-2005.doc Page 6 of 13 ruz3l200s PRoPosED LANDS.,APrN" ilS,rs \7 Botanical Name Common Name Ouantib Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS BCSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED MinirnumRequirementsforLandscapins: |trfJ;[TrH:?,ffHil Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Souare Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION @NTROL Please specify other landscape feailres (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) F:\cdev\FoRMs\PERMm\Pbnning\drb-minor-alt-11-23-2005.doc Page 7 of 13 1r12312005 MEADOW VAIL PLACE ffi Flat roof, same for same grey membrane. MEADOWVAILPLACE I BERRIDGE COLOR FINISHES !-j! eDGe n eTAL Berridge Manufacturing Co. BUCKSKtIt PARCHMENT AGED BRONZE SHASTA WHITE FOREST GREETTI MEDIUII BROilZE CHABCOAL GREY MATTE This Berridge Premium Color requires a nominal lrrcharge. CHAMPAGNE III COPPER.COTET|. I -- I LEAD.COTETX SIERRA TAN I TERRA.COTTA I COLONIAL RED I DEEP RED I I PREWEATHERED GALVALUME@ PATINA GREEN r BRISTOL BLUEIr ROYAL BLUE I BURGUNDY GREEN ANTIOUE COPPER.COTE . - .. - _ 1r. t.i.arn' :,iii .. .- ,. . +:.riF*.r' 1r.t I ,i'l , ,.,:",""'l v { ' ,J. 'n' ?, .*%a r'..f + .: -, t,J. r jP'&r,;d :t d, 4rrr*' - [at )1/tr{-4 .h\r\ r lru",W,r"V $"t SATIN FINISH GALVALUMEO ztNc.coTErx Benidge Satin Finish Galvalume@ is pretreated to remove mill oils, chemicals and residue and coated on the back side to inhibit corrosion. Th€ top side receives a clear plastic strippable film. III GREEN TEAL GREENCOPPER BROWN Berridge Metallic Colors are premium finishes which require a nominal surcharge. AWARD BLUE fAmg As Fy/tTtzuG KYNAR 5OOo or HYLAR 5OOOrr SPECIFICATIONS FOR GALVANIZED AND GALVALUIIEO COIL COATI}IG APPLICATIONS: Colors available Specular Gloss Color Unilormity Dry Film Thickness Hardness Adhesion (X-Cut) Adhesion (Crosshatch) Direct lmpact Flexibility Reverse lmpact Flexibility Formability Salt Spray Resistance Humidity Resistance Acid Resistance Alkali Resistance Abrasion Coefficient Detergent Resistance Resistance to Acid Pollutants Wealhering - Color Retention Weathering - Chalk Flesistance ASTM D-523-80 ASTM D-2244-79 ASTM D-1400-81, ASTM D-100ffi4*NCCA 11-13, 1t-14, 11-15 AST|VI D-3363-89, *NCCA 11- 12 Eagle Turquoise Pencils ASTM D-335990 AST|\4 D-33s9-90 ASTM D-2794-84 Gardner lmpact Tester, 1/10" Distortion*NCCA Spec. 1 1, ASTI\,1 D-2794-84 Gardner lmpact Tester, 5/8" ball. impact force in inch pounds equal to metal thickness. ASTM D.4145 180' T-Bend on l/8 Mandrel ASTM B-117-73 (1992) ASTt\il D-2247 (1987) ASTM D-1308-79 (1987) Proc. 3.'1.1 10% Sulphuric acid spot test - 24-hour exposure ASTM D-1308-79 (1981) Proc. 5.210% Sodium Hydroxide ASTM D-968-81 ASTM 0-2248 72 hours immersion 3% solution at 100'F ASTI\,4 D 1308-87 Proc. 3.1.1 24-hour exposure '107i, HNO3 vapors ASTM D-2244-89 20 yrs., 45' Soulh Florida AST|V D-659-86 20 yrs., 45 South Florida 20 yrs., 45" South Florida See color chart on reverse side Low and medium gloss only Color controlled both instrumentally & visually Primer .25 a 0.05 mil, topcoat .8 mil 1 .05 mil H.B. Minimum No Adhesion Loss No Adhesion Loss Excellent, no removal Excellent, no cracking, or loss of adhesion No cracks or loss of adhesion Passes 1000 hours on H.D.G. Steel, 1000 hours on GALVALUME* Passes 2000 hours on H.D.G. Steel, 2000 Hours on GALVALUME* Excellent, no effect Excellent, no eflect 'looLiters/Mil topcoat Excellenl, no effect Excellent - no etfect Maximum 5 NBS units Color change Rating of 8 lvlinimum Maximum 15% lossErosion NOTES: 1. ASru - American Society for Testing Malerials. 2. *NCCA - National Coil Coaters Association 3. +GALVALUMEo is 55% Aluminum-Znc alloy coated sheet steel and is a regislered trademark ol BIEC International, Inc. @JsdDisltrdlc'r Berridge Manufacturing Gompany 6s1 5 FRATT RD / SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78218 / TOLL-FREE 1-800-669-0009 / FAX 713-650-3050 / http://www.berridge.con Fall 2002 CDlor Guidc .PM65/301 Is$: $g$y E-|-.F{ $sfrs Juugz + s$ JH T-v ]d s H*uE t6dz P rJl+fi wwf1 VLr SlwH]N E Estp€68r- fl, 8-eo-Bss,uul =<!- v =h^q$$L9 Slfi, !':"'o Fi! =1't,-- i{i $ s 3tI F h tl { ,ll e as I I t $ I.iitEIIlr !t:!lr iI r.Etil u ir f frI ofrlt -xlltI ni rfr$f;fr -,Or. fui*l Lt TEf e $*giF IIX clao+ $t*if trENtrE :::.'- -r:- ""-, ."""-'.i;: :::":::"': ' ':: :_:::_::_ :: FIRSTBANK OF VAILf riveu nono vArL co 81657 303-27 4 - S}OO t1 -80G 964-344 4 Item(s) deposited to or negotiated against the account below have been returned unpaid for the reason(s) listed. The total of these items has been deducted from your account balance. ltems that were redeposited are indicated by an asterisk(-) and the amounts'have been recredited lo your a@ount balance. Date: 03/23/2004 Account Number: 2295700337 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RDvAtL co 81657 Item No 11054 Total Returned ltems Total Redeposited oo, ao l "-- lO 5t.|rF lo 1( ,,0r! \I f.d i\_) \o \c) lOfPeSD*t -? " 6F00l,u1b Vendor numben . Nane Address .r zip TO|tIN OF VAILDisplay Pay To Vendor Information 1,883 PHOENIX FIRE PROTECTION EAA], H16H|lIAY 1E HOTCHKISS CO 3/e5/Eq 1,5:03:01' 81, tf l,lCity'(ountr Phone Contac Email Vendor Tax fD Tax ID 1,01i Vendor st vilt ad st w?+z-b(8 e et e t n a p : dt v 1?E-A?e-hl,?q Fax * 9?0-{H}ECE*8;r SS us A A=Active.' I=Inactive.'H=HeldT S=Social securitV *' T-Federal tax ID8q1q51558 Tax ID suffixN Y=Yes. N=NoB I=IndividuaI. B=Businessr l1=lliscellaneous Fd rl-r\r-rl^ F e)s 6a---- type F3=Exit Fl,P=Cancel r)'l^-T\ Wq oo\L- fl-lr' haf4''r'r'^ 4^"V- nut{* *a pffiult ulrq[oV Qa,-ng{--- .. t/"^ , r-t. ,.. r.? t ,5f Cq.n^-rJt{e- 9<* L4tdUg..{{ r*) -,,tz.r lc-o t ulcf uto*l< ktJ t*''*'(Tr\ <'r'- {uaVtc''"(4 ih*,,?! % X* 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 FAX970-479-2452 COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL StrIEET TO: nt*.---.1,ht., COMPAII-Y XliVr: Klrfre-,z^Jt ( -Jtrf-<- frrz:\<-cl-r<Svr FAX TELEPEONE ITTUMBER: FROM: DAfi: # oF PAGES IN DOCUMENT (NOTINCLIIDING COYER SHEIT) RESPONSE REQI]IRTD? SENT BY TOWN OF VAIL COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT X'AX # 970479-2452 -TOWN OF', VAIL COMMUNT.fY DEyELOPMENT TELEPHONE #__2m-+zs-4!!_ SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: d'-.--.V .*ry<.f h^j4 (\€ ce_rF.t F:EVERYONE\FORMS\FaxShcet a^4', v w rO THE THE PHOENIX FIRE PROTECTION, LLC 711 HARRISON AVENUE UNIT B LEADVILLE, COLORADO 80461(719) 486-0188 TOWN OFVAIL FIRST MOUNTAIN BANK LEADVILLE, COLORADO 8046 T.36I3 11054 9n7t9 EEIIE 82-363/ LOzt .&.ll .E 5I d .g 3 Lll Two Hrm&ed Twmty-Eigbt md 00/l L TOWNOFVAIL BRUCKMAN#994012 AUTHOFIZED SIONATURE FIRSTBANK OF VAIL 17 VAIL ROADvAlt co 81657 Item(s) deposited toor negotiated against thc account bclor/ havs be€nreturned unpaid lor ths reason(s) listed. The totd of th€se items has beendeducl€d lrom your account balance. lt€ms that wcr6 red€posited areInorcated by an asterisk(') and the amounts have been reciedited to youra@ount balfllce- 303-274-5000/1-80G964-3444 page 1 of1 Date: o3t23t2oo4 Account Numben zzgsToo3gz- ltem No Amounl ------.@- ilrO I lo SlrrF r: lo a Lo I O!: OO eO:l ? ?n'I"OOO0O ? EEOO',' ACCOUNT CLOSED TOWN OF VAIL 75 S FRONTAGE RDvAtL co 81657 1105/. $228.00 Total Returned ltems Total Redeposited TO\AAI OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTIMTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCALPERMIT Permit #: F99-001.2 ]ob Address: 44 W MEADOW DR VAIL Status. . . : FINAL Location.....: 44 W Meadow Dr #9,Meadow Vail Place Cond Applied . . : 09/76/7999 Parcel No...: 210107116009 Issued. . : W/29/1999 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 05/13/2N2 APPITTCAIIT PHOENIX FIRE PROTECTION 09/t6/L999 phoner 719-486-0188 711 HARRISON, I'NIT B IJEADVILLE, CO I046L IJicense: 226-M ALso is CONIRACTORowNER BRUCKMAIiIN BARRY o9/r6/a999 phonet 97O-477-2!4a MEADOW VAIL PLACE #9 . 44 W MEiADOW DR VAIIJ CO 81657 License: coNrRAcToR PHOEIIIX FIRE PROTECTION 09/L6/L999 phone: 719-486-0188 711 I{ARRISON, UNrT B ITEADVf IJIJE, CO 80461 L,icense: 226-yt AIso is Applicant Desciption: Install fire supression system Valuation: $9,000.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: $3.00 * of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas logs: 0 # of woodPellet*fr|i*rffi**ffi**FEESUMMARYMechanical-> $180.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> g45.oo DRB Fes-> lnvestigation-> wiu call-> So. oo Total Calculated Fees--> $228.00 S0. 00 fiddifienx[ fges-->$0.00 S0.00 TOTAI FEES - 5228.00 Total Permit Fee-.-> $228.00 Paymmts--> 9228.00 BALANCE DUE->s0.00 ftem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 09/t6/1999 KATHY Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMBTI 09/t6/t999 KATTTY Action: APPR N/A Act,ion: NOTE Routed tso Mike Mccee 09/24/t999 MrKE M Action: APPR appvd as noted CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIEL,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIN.ICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, comPleted an accurate Plot Plan, alrd state that a[, the inforrratioar as required is correct. I agree to courply with the information andplo!flan, to corrply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build thie stnrchrre iccording to ttre towru zoninS and subdivision codes, design review approved Uniforrr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable- tlrereto. REQl,JEsIsroRINsPEcl'loN sFIAlr BE MADETwENTy-louRHouRsIN ADVANCE ByTELEpHoNE AT{z!Lzr4goRAToLrR,oFrIcErnou toeulcPM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIT4SELF AI{D OWT{ET Project Name: Proiect Dscriptaon: Project Address: ,14 W MEADOW DR VAIL .I4 W MEADOW DRIVE, MEADOW VAIL PI.ACE #9 tegal Descriptlon: LoE I Block Subdivision: MEADOW VAIL PI-ACE CONDO Parcel Number: 210107116009 Comments: STAFF APPROVED DRB Number: DR8040079 REMOVE DOSI-ING K)RTABLE HOT TUB AND REPI.ACE WITH NEW PORTABTE HOT TU&SAME FOR SAME Design Review Board \L*\ UiUo.e_ lI ACTION FORM L) Departmentofc.omrunityoor"topr"nt Mot^A-l'O-t\ 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 te/: 970.479.2L39 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Location: -P("..-e- +1 Pafticipants: OWNER SPMDDLE CREEK PROPERTIES INO3i 1Z2OO4 Phone: gO JAMES B. NEWMAN 150 GOVERNMENT ST STE 2OOO MOBILE AL 36602 License: APPLICANT MAXIMUM COMK)RT POOL & SPA 03/122004 Phone: 970-949-6339 PO BOX 2670 VAIL co 816s8 License: BOARD/STAFF ACTTOT{ Motion By: Action: APPROVED Second By:Vote: Date of APprcval= 031t71200a Conditions: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced ano is Oiilntfv pursued toward comptetion. Planner: Jo. 5rfl-DRB Fee Paid: 30.00 TOI4'NM Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2t39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All p@ects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and constructaon commences within one year of the approval, RECEI\JTU liAli l / .rui,; Location of the Proposal: Lot: T Block:- Physical Addressl 7 parcef No.: 2\O I O 7 | lbfnl (contact Eagle co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Signature(s); Name of Applicant: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs Conceptual Review New Construction Addition.'/..\r^*(.<s \ u^ Imnor A|terluon , (mu ft i-fa mi lylcommercial ) Minor Alterauon (sing le-fam ily/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request tr tr B q_ tr tr D $s0 No fue $6s0 $300 $ry $20 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For mrnor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board No Fee View the Spacious Grandee sPqo a featured hot tub showroom and I by Hot Spri... Page I of 2 2OO4 GRANDEE" spa mode o Qulck lt()del SpAudio' I.l u5'( Syst€m 3D Deslgn gackyard Planriing Guide --,'l ---;;-j Take the 360" Tour of the Grandee Spal (Having problems with our 360-Tour? click here for help) "dE TNERGY TffICITNI Seat.rg Catacny \i/aler Capac ty v\e ghl The Grrndce. with its expansive. Barrier-Free design' provides plent-Y ofroom for a party ofseven. Dual Moto- N't assagc'.icts let two people enjo.v a t€rrific back massage the same time. The Grandee is extremely energy efficient. needing only tr'r'o 1 65 horsepower jet pumps to deliver a powerful hydromassage experience The WcllSprrn water t'eature adds to the overall ambiance, with a soothing flow ofwater' Grandee Specifications 7 adults 8'4'x 7' 7" x 38"H/2.54m x 2.31m x .97m H 500 galloos/1 ,893 lil.os 1,oog lbs /457 kg dry. 6,233 lbs 2,827 kg lilled' http ://www.hotspring. com,/VirtuaVgrandee.html 0310312004 View the Spacious Grandee Spa, a featured hot tub showroom and spa model by Hot Spri... Page2 of 2 i'a Spa Sh9ll Colo.8 . PE d (oiolq) ' J€doorsps Blue (ptrdQ) . \tihltg Endulolo (p!toto) Lighl . Pg6rl . Jade o. Sp€ Blu6 . wlib En(tulolc Music Option Jets (Total jeb-37) !=orn oqs aD4t alr daludvu4t... Wat6a Fs€turt Corirol System I Cqtt oidlng EYrvoof Gd5d Coatd Grry d Rodrilod Coaatd Grly or Rlir,ood R€d*90d Exba htlp LED wilh I s+oriton dmnx qtol t rmhaacarEaE 6-aoloa s}ttlm Bua Lqninrrcsnca" S,color SYCo|tl SpAudld'-Gady 2 Mob.lr$s.oc' J€tr, 2 6od*r SaE l'Jd!. 3 J€istlrm. J.ts, 2 Rotrry Hvd!m|. .oo Jttt, 2 Olrldorrl Hfhtil..r.g. J.tl 20 Dtrocdonal P||ddo.t' J* WHlSFhg" (qc.d EnilrcO to 2020" 23ovr6o .rrp, t0 Hz Indu(|r G.F.C.l. ptoLcbd aapm€l I fbetor No+rtllp,60oo/f23ov Jot Pumpa I & 2 w.\€nelto|. 7o0o; 1.65 HP Cor*nlFul DW' a5 HP Arllidown Tdqr. €adl PumP Clrqrletion Pump Slht Flo S(xloo Etf.divo Filtration Ar€€ lstt !q' n., @ lordr|C' lUtX noatpstmo.l Mnylcot/€r 3.5'b 2.5' b9.r!d, 2 lb dqCttlbtm €o|! ' lrldudla vrb. rnd 7 dulb vlid{nc 175 lb!. oadi Alro lrahd. h 2glv, 5(}1., 1500., H.n . l!@l . Erdl|.t. Jart ' Afi b L..t ' Vlrtd sha||o@ Soat{ol$. D.al€rLocator. Aboul U. ' CtJtlomor Cotn€r ' lnbmdond R€qq€rt 6 BlDdruf€ ' Cufrmaa Sarvica ' Joln Our Mdllno Ud s.sdr Orr Sib . (}rh. R..i!ffi.I . Ptlv..t Polict ' Sih MlD O Cogtddn re€a - axra, w.fih! xrrtlrt lne CdPo.Jon htp ://www.hotspring.corn/VirtuaUgrandee.html 03/0312004 March 17,20M Departrnont of Community Development Design Review Board Town of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadWest Vail, CO 81657 RD: MEAIX)W VAIL PIJTCE - BRUCKMANN EOT TIIB To Whom it lv{ay Concern: The Meadow Vail Place Condominium Association hereby approves the Desigr Review Board application and r€quest for Special Use Permit submitt€d by Maximum Comfort Pool & Sp4 LLC, for the replacement of a portable hot tub on the deck of uoit 1l9 ovmed by Mr. and Mrs. BarryBruckmann, Please feel free to contact mo should you heve any questions and/or should you need to request additional information. Sincere$, 4(a*--, dld^d.r.-\e4- Karen Aldre$i-Lee Managing Director /kll 44 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 97O. 476-427\ Fax 97O . 479-9437 U..-.\ U,t\..{t- a f-.{ I o ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 803-0285 Job Address.: 44 W MEADOW DR VAIL Status.....: ISSUED Location......: 44 West Meadow Drive, #l Applied...: 09D412003 Parcel No....: 210107116001 Issued ...: l0/06D003 ProjectNo...: P{{So 3 - 0334 Expires...: 04103D004 owNER sMrTH, MrcHAEr, s. & rRrs 09/24/2003 phone: 2 SEDGWICK DR E}IGIJEWOOD CO 8 0110 Iricense : coNrRAcToR RUSTY SPIKE Er.ITERPRTSES O9/24/2OO3 phone: 970-475-4374 P.O. BOX 151-7 VAIIJ, CO 81658 License: 460-B APPLICANT RUSTY SPrKE EIiIIERPRISES 09/24/2OO3 phone:. 97O-476-4374 P.O. BOX 1517 vArIJ, co 81658 License: 460-B Desciption: add additional section ofconcrete patio Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJMry DEVELOPMENT NorE: THIS PERMIT MUsr BE PosrED oN JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES fu\-o-^Lur,, *"^ \-R (c.. -- Valuation: $8.500.00 Add SqFt 0 Fireplsc€ Infonnation: Rcsticted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas l,ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 t''.'tt..'l||'l.|+|'}+'|'t.|t|'}...l.*||i|*+|t|*t|t.|*|t|it:t{l+|.'t.+.t|+|*. Building-> $16? .25 Restuarant Plan R€viqr-> $0. oo Total Calculated Fees-> 5278 .96 Plan Check-> $108 . ?1 DRB Fe€-----; $o . oo Additional Fees----> $0 . 00 Investigation-> $o . oo Recr€ation F€e------> $o . 00 Tot0l Permit Fe€ - - > S27e .96 Will Call---> S3 . OO Cl€on-up Deposit-> $o . 00 Payments-----t' 9278 . 96 TOTAL FEES--> g2?8 .95 BALAIICE DUE-> $0. 00 t+ll tl+lltl'l'tr ata Approvals:ItAm: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENI 09/29/2003 ,JRNI Action: AP ftem: 05400 PL,AIiINING DEPARI!,IENT ItEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTI.TEIIT Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS *aa*aaaai+ttlliaa See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. PAGE 2 '|t'}l't'|t'*l|'|t'|*:t|||tl.****t*it'l|*l''tt*:si't|***:t|t*l't**'t|+t|t'ttt!t*'|*ftt*|tl.*{.t'tt|.'tt**x.,f't**t't*'t*{t!tlt't'tt'}*!tt't:|**** CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Permit#: 803-0285 asofl0-06-2003 Status: ISSUEDl'}*{t'}|t:}l.*tt|'t||t|'|t't**l*|t|tt't|:|t:t*'}|+,t*:}':}*lt||*'t|:t'|**|t!t|*:t|t*|'|t***|*'}**|*:}t't|:}**,}***{t*|'}*{t,t|'t't!}|t*****| PermitType: ADD/ALTMF BUILD PERMIT Applicant RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES 9704764374 Job Address: 44 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 44 West Meadow Drive, #l ParcelNo: 210l07l16001 Description: add additional section ofconcrete patio Conditions: Cond: 12 @LDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 @LDG.): ALLPENETMTIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERTAL. Cond: l6 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQT.JIRED BEFORE AI.IY WORKCAN BE STARTED. Applied: 09n4n003 Issued: 10105n003 To Expire: 04103D004 DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledgs tlut I have read this applicrtion, filled out in full the information rcquired, completed an accurde plot plan, and stNb thd all tr€ informdon as required is conrect I agEe to comply yiffr the information and plot plan" to comply with all Town ordinanccs and state laws, and to build fris sfiuchrc aocordingto the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unifonn Building Codc and other ordinancq of tbe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FORI\ISPECnON SllAIJ, BE MADE TWBNTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV OLJROFlrcE FROM t:00 AM.4PM. FORHMSELFAND OW}.IET { ztg ,t'' APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR U Project #: tl Buildi Permit#: TOWIIWYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd, Vail, Colorado 81657 ffrtaPeuts\t-Contiact and Phone #'s: ,- r4rxe Kno+t*t 370-6ts< Email address: coM ******rnr***rs*flffiffi******FoR OFFICE USE ONLY**i***********,oH.***:}r+*'r***rF***r* PLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: S $,9OcS ELECTRICAL:$OTHER:$ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL:$TOTAL:$ For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 orvisit awt-o1l-lt'<ot Job Name: Srn1111 Pgf rO JobAddress: 4q uJ.lYl I6 iLsh- r,{u rr I enone(7f 3leoO Srnr 7'7001-v3\D worx:. ,l2l4Q4z1 %/,,a S/41 Z-Z WorkClass: New()- AdditionQQ Remodel ( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (d) Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family fi) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: : Gas Apoliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Bu : Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED \WailUata\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC II I0nh,ffin Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Project Name: Project Addrcss: { This Chsklist must be omolehd beforc a Baildino Permit apoliation is aeoEd. A nlt pages of application is complete {, nas DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form '54 Condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a Multi-Family complar A Complete site plan submitted o Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Work checklist) o Staging plan included (refer Bo Public Works checklist) No dumoster,oarkino or material storaoe allowed on rcadwavs and shoulders without written aporoval n Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurringo Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) o Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(s sets of plans for MulU-Family and Commercial Buildings) o Window and door schedule a Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) a Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) u Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection o Fire resisUve assemblies specified and penetrations indicated o Smoke detectors shown on plans o Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of subm tttat, ?y'q/at Department of Community Development \WailUata\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC Received By: 04rc2n003 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Depaftment review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect tuture permits that I apply for. Asreed ,, oy, ftt z'44r./ b k P-D il'r'- /- F: everyone/forms/bldperm3 August 18,2003 Town of Vrll BulHlng DePartment 75 Si Frontage Road Vall, C;olorado 81657 To Whom lt MaY C.oncem: Plcasc be advlsed that the MeadoY Vail Place Condomlnium Assoclation iras epproued the patlo additlon for unlt #l ouvned by Michael and lrls Smith. 44'West Meadow Drive Vall, Colorado 81657 97O. 476-427 L Fax 97O' 479-9437 lrrtt.0l lt:ftn trrTil Of VAI'r ilttlW trVEl0|fm er0al3tflt Dctlgn Rcvt€u, Boatd ACTION FORrtl l-t$ f .00!n0t Flll TOI{N tFJ..tilm.l gnfth RGldficr PrcfeCErrildom- Att ddltbmlrdatdslcltE Pso Dlgrffittf of @rnuntY Dat do9tnd zS Sorfn FtclEe.fio|(!, vJ[ Cobr.6 !161t7 El: 970.+79-.2tt!t f.I; 9t0'479'2452 lurb: urww.C.vrll'co.w Dl! tlurnbr: DRl0[tgJ59 tr||tdpl|lt: oun{R Sftfffi, ruC]lAEtS. &IRIS 09/0znm3 PtqE: 2SEOA'ICXDRg{Gun,ooDco E0110LH[: APPUCAilT rusTY 9UG EXTIRPRISES PO. rcX Itlt VAILO 816ttusrll: trvrdlddnta +{ W t'lEADOlfl DR VAIL Wfi?nU0l3 Phonq 970{7&437{ !.€don: .l.f Wall !{crbvDdrC" fl La l hlrltd* LoC I dod3: irlldridottc MEADOW VAILPI.ACE @ilOO ?rrd llrnlor 2101071rE001 Gontmilr: Hodo.r ly! |rcend !y;VG Ccrddqr: loAtD/sr?^r7lgrloi ldons Sr#FAPR Orb of Aprovdt 09/1f2003 Csrd;8 Outl)i No chgngas b $car plaru mry be made withod ti€ wttt n @nsent ot ToMrn dvtil tllt [|d,q thr ag9f€p.iatr rcut3u/ cqnmitlra(t).€ott:0 (R.AN): DRB appro\rrl der nd conrtiu/tt a pcrmt tbr bulldng. plG.Ee 6r|3ult withTilndvdl aild|rc pcrlofircl flior tocoffiru@o lctturi6. Cond: @!t0o6r2l TltrFoffin of qf axhflng Goncr€E fuo lostad wttiin he uUlV el3.n€rt lndl|'Urh fO fr.t of t||c arcpcty ltna slrllt bc r:nrov€d, rcrrgcOtrd, rrt irupcceO UVuf Tiln of vEil by no bler tian Novcmbcr 27, 2003. C[ GlDcon DRt r.. P.tdr fZtO.0OPltnnrr fua/7 A3- 2.5'--a, I I Waln nfL/ -tfrfr'wa;4nb tilqurAu}qilde) - yytlglinve_. fu*tfu gar z+ 11dS2003 hrpectlur Request Reportlng _7:03 am _____yAluejJoyt il OE_ - _ Requ€s:hd Inspect Date: Thursd.y, l{ovefiter 06, Am3' l||3!€crtlon Area: JRt Sltc Addrcse : 44 W IIIEADOw DR VAIL 44 VUest lIcadorv Ottve, #l A,FID lnlbm.non AcflYl$ B{e(E85 Typc: &MFCorHTyri: Occr'rrri*Y:Orih: SfllTH, rctnEt S. & lRlsiApolhrnt ruSTY SPXE ENIERPRISESCdt.6r: RUSTY SPXE ENTERPRISESlbcrtstlon: qll ad&ml socfooof corrrslg pabConind* ROUIED TCt.l1 FOR R€VEAY - DFLORES RcoursH lmo.cdodsl lbff e0 BLDG.Frld Paga24 sublH: ^r,r 8illir:h|plrr:ESI.ED,ro Phone: Phona: 97(},476.d37497$476.{374 Rau.Cbl: RI,ISW SPI(E ENTERPRISESAldoircdTo: .nffhDRAGON- A.{oil: TlmElp: Rfr'r( rl ltra| /, hrpcton Hl3torr RequssbdTlmc: 0E:fi14il' Pfpnr: 37S7U Enbrsd Bf DOO|DEN l( 2A8 FFE DEPT. T-IOTFICANONt0Srbd bm: d) B|.DG,Shfrcfrs|l7tt BLDO{lbc.C} BLDCfH2t Ptll.|{cFoqidrionPho22 RJA${CSbPbn REPTl31 Rrrn Id: L4L7 -t TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL co 816s7 970479-2138 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT fob Address.: 4U W MEADOWDR VAIL Location......: 44 W Meadow Drive #5 ParcelNo....: 27070711,6005 Project No...: o$tNER FERGUSON, JOHN F. & JERIS p,04/O7/2O03 TERRY O. 1965 S FREMOIfT STE 3700 SPRINGFTEIJD MO 55804 L,icense: CONIR,ACTOR RUSTY SPIKB ENTERPRISES P.O. BOX 1517 VAIL, CO 815s8 Lricense:46O-B APPITICAIIT Rusty Spike Ent Michael D Krohn Box 1517 VaiI, CO 81558 L,icense: Desciption: Replace stucco balcony wall with metal railings Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fireplace Inlonnation: Building-> Plan Check-> lnvestigation-> will call-> R1 Multi-Family ?? $8,200.00 Restricted: $15?.25 Restuarant Plan Review-> $10s. 71 DRB Fee-> S0. 00 Recreation Fee-.-> $3 . 00 Clean-uP DePosit-> TOTAL FEE$-> # of Gas logs:*oI Wood Pelle[ *'** FEE SUMMA]iY $0. 00 $20.00 $0. oo $0. oo s298.96 Total Calculated Fees--> Additional Fees-> Total Permit Fee--> Payments-> BALANCE DUE-> VUit z*L DEPARTMENT OF COI"ffvfUI.lf DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMT MUSI BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Phone: 04/o7/2OO3 Phone:970-476-4374 04/o7 /2003 Phone:970-390-5155 Permit #: B03-0O10 Status.....: ISSUED Applied...: 04/07/2003 Issued...: 04/76/2003 Expires...: 10/13/2003 s298.96 s0. 00 s298.95 TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Deposit Refund approved amount date Add Sq Ft: # of Gas Appliances: ($100.00) Approvals:Ite-m: 051O0 BUILDING DEPARlTi{ElgI 04/L4/2OO3 dRI4 Acrion: Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEIflI 04/Ll/2OO3 Irlatt Gennett Action: Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARII.IENT Item: 05500 PIIBITIC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot pla4 and state that alt the information as required is correct I agree to comply with the infonnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninS and subdivision codes, designreview approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIJESISFORINSFECIION SHALL BE MADETWENTY-FOURHOLIRS IN ADVANCE BYTELEPHONE AT47C2149 OR ATOUROFFICEFROMS:00 AM -4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNEROR CONTRACTOR FOR HITISELF AND OWNEF ********ttrF**tt*tt*********** CONDMONSOF APPROVAL Pernit#: 80&0040 asof 061&2003 Status: ISSUED PennitType: ADD/ALTMFBLJILDPERMIT Applied: M/07/2003 Applicant Rusty Spike Ent Issued: M/75/2W397U39V6755 To Expire: 70/73/2W fob Address: 44 W MEADOW DR VAIL Location: 44 W Meadow Drive #5 Parcel No: 21m0n15005 Description: Replace stucco balcorry wall with metal railings Conditions: Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:14 @LDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALIS,CEIUNGS,AND FLOORS TO BESEALED WTTH ANAPPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond:15 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQIIIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.9.1 OF TI{E 1997 UBC. Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQTJIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCANBESTARTED. (rt 1 Uo.l.Vrtt ?-, lLPA' TOSIN OF VAIL75 S. FROIi|:TAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPART'ITIENT OF COMMTJNITY DEVEI,OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT PermiE, #: 899-0169 el No..:ject No.: €ssr 44 W MEADOW DR44 W. Meadow Dr 2L01--07L-L6 - 00 9 PRiI99 - 015 0 Status...: ISSITED #9, MeadowApplied. . z e07 / O2 / L999Issued...: 07/L3/L999Expires..: oL/09/2OOO MINICK CONSTRU TIONP O BOX 4018, VAIL CO MINICK CONSTRUCTIONP O BOX 4018, VArL CO BRUCKMANN BARRY ME,ADOW VAIL PI.ACE #9, 816s8 81658 44 W MEADOW DR, Phone: 970-827-5924 Phone : 9'70 -827 -5924 Phone: 9',70-477 -2L4LvArL co 81557 TOV/Comm. Dev. Cfean-up Depq sit Refund approved arnount date APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DescripEion: ,\,t,Intserior remodel/2sOsq' add GRFA aL deck area 0- Buj.lding-----> Plan Chcck- - - > Inve6tigatsion> wilI calI----> ReeEuarants Plan Revie\r- - > DRB Fec-------- Recreatsion Fee------- -- -> clean-I,p DepoBi!----- -- -> ToEaI calculatsed Fee6---> Additsional Fees------- --> Total Permits Fee--------> Palments------- L,24e.OO s11 .20 .00 3 .00 .00 200.00 250.00 500.00 3, O12.20 .00 3 , O12.20 TOTAL FEBS----- "".'.'..t;;.';;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;; . .. . "... .;;;.;;;;;.;;;;";' . 07/02/L999 KATHY AcEion: NOTE Routed to Ch-ar1ieO7'/08'/L999 CHARLIE AcEion: APPR SEE CORRECTIONSItbM:.O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTMENI DEPT: PLANNING DiViSiON:07/O2/L999 I(ATHY AcE.ion: NOTE Routed Eo Allison07/07'/L999 AOCHS AcEion: APPRITbM:,O56OO FIRE DEPARTT4ENT DCPE: FIRE DiViSiON:07/02/L999 KATHY Act,ion: NOTE Referred Minick E,o F.D.o7'/L2'/L999 MrKE M AcE,ion: APPR appvd w part,i+l qp}lf^ 6?7ttA'r'r80 PItBErc t8Efion, AppR N/A DepE: PUB woRK Division: See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions EhaE may apply Lo this permit. DEC'JARATIONS I hercby acknor.lcdgc Chat I hav€ read chi6 epplication, fil.l€d out in full the infomatsion required, cotlPlotsBd an accutale ploc p1an, and 6taca that aII thr! infornation provided aa lequilcd i.g correct. I agle€ to comply sith ghe infomacion and plot plan, tso coEply xigh all Toin ordinanca6 and 6!a!G law6, and to build lhis ELructure according €o thc Town'e zoning and subaivision codes, desiEin review approved, Uniform Building Cods and ocher ordinance3 of !h€ Tottn applicable tsheroco. REQI'ESTS FoR INSPEeTIONS 9HALL BE UADE TWEMTI-FOIn HOURS IN AD NCE BY TELEPHoNE AT /179-213S OR AT oUR OFFICE FROU 8:o0 AU 5:o0 PM o CongC!trction l scnd cL6an-Up Deposi€ To: l,lini.ck ******************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************PermiE, #: 899-0169 PermiE Qpe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applicant. : MINICK CONSTRUCTTON 970-827 -s924 ilob Address:LocaEion: 44 w. Meadow Dr #9,Meadow Vail Place Condo'sParcel No: 2101-071-1-6-009 Descriptsion:Int,erior remodel/25Osq' add GRFA aE deck area CondiEions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQU]RED TO CHECK FOR EODE COMPLIAI{CE.2. ALL PBNETRATIONS IN IiIALIJS,CEILINGS,AND FTOORS TO BE SEALED WITII AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARB RBQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS pER SBC.31_0.6.1_ OF THE 1997 IJBC.4. FIRE DEPARTMETiIT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFOR3 A}TY WORK EAN BE STARTED TO PREVETiTT F.A,LSE AI,ARMS OR TO A.DDRESS POSSIBLE AI.ARM/SPRINKLER REVISIONS AS A RESI'LT OF TIIIS CONSTRUCTION. 5. PER SEC 904.2.9 AIID SEC. 3403.2 AN AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SYSTEM IS REQUIRED TO BE RETROFITTED IN THS T'NIT. PERMIT APRROVAL ATiID ROUGH INSPECTION ON THE SPRINKI,ER SYSTEM IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO A FR.,AMING INSPECTION OCCT'RRING. STATUS: ISSUED Applied: 07/02/L999Issued: 07/L3/L999 To E><pire: AL/09/2000 CONDITIONSas of 07/L3/99 NRY-6?-1999 !2"67 talr t'tERDor^ro VFIL PLRCE 3A3479943? P.01 #tDOwMay ?, 1999 To*nolVeil ?5 9. hontagc Roed Vail, Col,orado 9168? ToWhomtlMryConccm: Pleeto bG ldrttod Orrt Orr lfeedorr Vail Ptecr Gsnrlominiunr Accocistion epprorrr of the prnr rc unll t*9 tnnri,or rcnoratio:u. we antidpatc thc eppcovel b ttre propora rddltion et tha Wect tenaco will bc rcoctved no later than May l{, 1998. Plcerc contect mr if youhave sny $restiotts. R€leGcrtn/y, ,a)'%O/Ufu*t frirrrnr AcLlarn-Krohn ManlgiryDLrcic A frMtslon <.rf Ttre VaJl 44 C'rrporatiort 44 West Meuclow tr rtve Vall. (' olQrarcto 8l ci57 97Oo 476-427L F:rx 97O " 479'9437 Date Receivecl JUL U 2 1999 T0rnL P. a1 o- o E?1_ otbq the mj mueller co., inc. 23 Augrust 1999 Ur. John Perkins JUP ARCHITECTS, INC. PO Box 2OO7Avon, Colorado 81520 Subject: BRUCKUAN RE!,IODELLot 1, Vail Village 2nd FilingVaiL, CoLorado Dear John: At the request of the Town of vail Building Departnent, this office has been aeked to make a visual inspection of the completed framingrat ttre above referenced project. See structural plans andspecifications by tlris office dated 30 June 1999. The followingitens are to be noted: a) CONSTRUCTION COI,IPL,ETION At the tine of tbe Lnspection, the framing members anddecking, are all in place. Ehe mechanical and electricalrough-ins are 5ot complete. llhe floor slab demolition andreplacenent is 50t conplete. Meta1 studs for the curtainwalls were just beginning to be installed. b) RooF ovER IIOT-TUB Tlre stnuctrrra]. p].ans show a TS I x 4 x 3/8 ri.ur at the sonr--hside of the roof over the hot-tub. This beam can be reducedto a TS 4 x 4 x L/4, or removed, for headroom considerations. c) INSPECTION REQUASTS Address all itens referenced on ttlnspection Regueetsrr asprepared by the Town of vail Building Department. It should be underEtood that this office waa not present at thesite continuously during the construction process, andconsequentially, unable to verify that every sj-ngle constructionprocess was completed correctly. Hortever, due to the frequency ofthe site inspections and constant coordination with the architect civif architecturaf and structural engineering o p.o. box 2747 vail, colorado 81658 476-2627 4762637 lFlXl Page 2I,[r. John ]1. Perkins 23 Augruat 1999 and general contractor, able to verify correct placement of theframing menberE and coupliance with the structural plans andspecLficationE. Completion of the items mentioned above willcomplete the structure in accordance with the intent of thestructural plane and epecifications. If you have any questione regarding thie report, or the baLance ofthe project, please contact this office at the phon€ nunber shownon the cover sheet. co., INc. cc: Irtr. Dave Minick-UINICK CONSTRUCTION TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVA.IL, CO 9L657 970-479-2L38 Occupancy: R1 \49e Construction: V 1IIR'Ilpe Occupancy: ValuaLlon: Flr.plac! Inforuclon: RGltricc.dt ilob Addreaa: 44 w MEADow DR Locat,ion. . .: 44 W MEADOW DR #9Parcel No.. : 2101-071-16-009Projects No. : PRJ99-0150 SEatus...: ISSITBD MEADOW Applied. . : 0s/24/L999Iesued...: 05/25/t999Expires.. z LL/21/L999 DEPARII4E}IT OF COMMT'NITY DEVETOPMEI{T NOTB: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AtL TI!4ES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BUDG.Permit D99-0020 APPTICA}TT MTNICK CONSTRUqTION P O BOX 4018, VArL CO COIITRA TOR MINICK CONSTRU TION P O BOX 4018, VArt COOI{NER BRUCKMAI{N BARRY MEADOW VAIL PLACE, 44 DescrlpElon: DBMO OF CONDO FOR REMODEL INTERIOR 81658 816s8 W MEADOW DR, VAIL Phonez 970-827-5924 Phone: 97A-827-5924 co 816s7 Multi-FamilyNot in table! s00 *of g.E Appli.nc.r: Add sq Fts: #Of oas l,ogs:*of wood/Prlloc ! r.r'rr'rtrtlt'tt'tttatttti'r.ati.aa.tlt'r'ra*ittteitai.ta*.i1*atrl't BBE surr ARY t..t*rttitrtitait.rittt'.ttltrrtr*trttttatt Bulldlng-----> Pl.n chcck---> Inv.€tigrt.Lon> Rrltu.rrnt PlEn Rrvicr- - > DRB F.r-------- Rccraaglon Fee------- ---> ToEal crlculab.d FosE- - - > Addll.ioml F6qE---------> Tol.l 9croi! Pec--------> 20 .00 13 .00 .o0 .oo 20 .00 .o0 56 .00 56 .00 nillc.l1....>3.ooc1..n-t,!'Depo61ts-..-..-.>.ooP.)'!cnc'--.....-.--i..--> TCtrA! FBE9----- 56,00 SATANCE DtE---- '00 riitttatatiaa.rtrrtrralar**trtttrlrrtrraraarri ar rt rr *trtttr*trr*arlitt*ta t a t.r ITCM: O51OO BUII.,DING DEPARTI4ENT 05 124/1-999 iIRM Action: APPRItsiEM: O54OO PI.ANNING DEPARIT4ENTItsem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTTT{ENTrEEM: O55OO PIIBI,IC WORKSIEem: 05700Itsem: 05900 HEALTH DePt : BUILDING Di-vieion: APPROVED ,tRlvl---- -b-ebt: PTTANNTNG Divieion:Debt,: FrRE Division:DCbT: PITB WORK DiViSiON:DebE: HEAITII Division:DePE: CLERK Division: rr"ttlrrtt*ttti See Page 2 of Ehis DocumenE for any condiuions EhaE may apply Eo Ehis permits. DECI,ARATIONS I hlr.by tcknoxl.dg. ghtt I hrv. r.ad bhi. rppllcatslon. flll.d oug in full tsh€ lnformrLion rcqulred, conplstrd an rccuratsr plot phn. rnd.trC. tshrt .11 rh. Inf,oao.t'lon plowid€d.€ r.qulrod 1. co!r.ct.. I agr.c Eo cooply tiCh Lh. lnfof,natsl'on rnd plots plrn' to codply rlth all torn ordlnanc€a and aEtEa l.&a, and Bo bulld chl,. dt'ructurc accordlng !o chc Tot.n'6 zonlng rnd .u.bdlwl.ion cod.., d..lgn r.vL.r .pprov.d, unlforu Bulldlng code end oghar ordlnrnc.. of t'hc aoxn rPPllcabl. ct!.reio. REQI'B8T3 BE HADB !!{EITTT.FOUR HOT'RA IN AD\IANCE BY TEI,EPHONE AT 4?9.FROSI Er00 Al| 5!00 Ptl Scnd clcrn-Up DlpoElt To: tlINIcK qENAA SISNATURE OF POR HII'SEII AIID OIOfBR !t***********!t************!t*******:l******rt***t****************************!t*!t**** COIIDITIONSPemit #: D99-0020 as of 05/25/99 Stsatsus: ISSUED *********************************:l:r***********************************!t********* Pemit Tlpe: DB,IO. OF PART/ALL BIIDG. ApplicanE : MINICK CONSTRUSTION 970-827-5924 ilob Addregg:I,ocation: 44 VI MEADOW DR #9 MEADOI{ VAII PLACE Parcel- No: 2101-071-16-009 Applied: 05/24/L999rssued: OS/25/L999 To E q)ire; LL/2L/L999 Descriptlon: DBMO OF CONDO FOR RB{ODBL INTERIOR Condltione:1. TIIIS PERITIIT IS GOOD FOR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONIJY. AN ASBESTOS ABIATB,IENT CERTIFICIITE SHOWING THE AREA FRBE FROM ASBBSTOS IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY FT'RIIIER WORK OCCI'RING ON TIIIS SITE. IF FT'RIIIBR QI'ESTIONS ARISE, COIITAST THE VAIL FIRE DBPARTI'EhIT AT 479-2250.2. FIRE DBPARIIIEI{T APPROVAT IS REQUIPSD BEFORE AI.IY VIORK CAII BE STARTBD. 3 . FIEIJD INSPEqTIONS ARE REQUIRAD TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IAI\ICE. ?ry ?2- orso APPLICATIoN MUST BE FIL,LED oUT CoMPLETELY OR IT MAY NoT BE ACCEpTED ****************************rt PERMIT INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [ ]-Building J 1-elunbing [ ]-Erectrical [ ]-Mechanibq!_, [c-]-other tEmcznrron.Mr.ll,..,, U,'Alh,-- --- ,.- v A. ,7-irContacr EAglp Coun cyat 970-328-'.RcEL /l: ol". OWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLTCATION FORMoernz__r/49 Asscssors Parcel /l .PERIIIT iJ 2tol 07/ tb 06? Plumbing Contractor:\ddress: gffiI1iil t\rzrr, al Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK fEE:MECTIANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: echanical Contractor:rddress: JUILDING PERMIT FEE: ]LUMBING PERMIT FEE:,IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ILEC?RTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE:IB FEE: Job Nane:Job Addre=sz L4 t&r_4_aqoiL-__e<-4prr4 ?,ega} Description: Lot Block__ Filing SUBDIVI S ION : , )wD€rs Nane :Address:Ph. Address: OOlt1 e: ld€**-n cA,- )&c-rb Ph. gcn-7822 General Description: ''7ork Class: [ ]-New 1td-etteral-ion 1-JlAdditional [ ]-Repair f l-other i{urnber of DwerLing units: -- Number of Accommodation units: $mber and rype of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances- Gas Logs '--wood/perret f********************************* VALUATTONS *********************************tBUTLDING: $EI,ECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL: $-L-;UMBING: $ . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ik * * * * * * * CONTRACTOR INFOI|-MATION * ** r(*** **** *** *** ****** * ** * ldress: clectrical Contractor: Address:Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. !*******************************FOR RECREATfON FEE: h_l_ Fr . ff$,tl=H#*;;**rte Re@ BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: Architect, 5.frP rlrvptrE:.r> I Town of vail Reg-. No.22-t 6Phone Nurnber: {lz--oiu- VALUATION HAY F9r--_ I CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REPIIND TO: o 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2I38 or 479-2L39 oltlce of communlly developmenl TO: ALL coNTRAcToRs .URRENTLYL REGISTERED *ITH THEt: TOWN OF VAIL FROM: DATE: . SUBJECT: Tor^lN oF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT l"tARCH l-6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sumnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit. any soil, ,""[, sand, debrisor materiar, including trash lunpsters, portabre toirets andworkrnen vehicles.|pon any streetl sidewaik;-;ii;y or public -q1?:" or any portibn theieof. rhe right-of-wav Ln arr Town ofVair streets and.rg"gr i-s :approxirnateiy-s-it.-lti pavemenr.This ordinance wilt be. stri-ci:ry enrorcla-uv-irrJ-io"n of vailPublic works Department. pers-ons found .,riir"[i."g this ordinancewirr be given a 24 hour vrritten ""ii""-t"-;;;;;t"aid materiar.rn the event the person so notified.ao"= noi-';;;piy with thenotice within the 24 hour.time specifi;4,-'irr"-i"[ric worksDepartment wirl remove said mateiiat.at in"--""p.ise of personnotified. The provisions of this ordlnance sharr not beapplicable to cbnstruction, maintenange or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the rignl_u_r"y. To review Ordinance No. e inVail Building Departnent tocooperation on this natter. fu1),, please stop by the Town ofobtain a copy. rirani< V"u io"--Voi, Rea Y d and acknowledged by: I F* 75 .oulh trontage road vall, colorado 01657(303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 $rt offtce of communlty dovglopmont EUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME c(Et oo4;-- If this permi.t requjres a Town of vai'r Fire Department Approvar,Engineer Ls. (.Publ ic works ) reyiew and approvat,' a planni ni-bepartrnent' review or Health Deparrm6nt.review, rnl'a-r"ui"; ;i-tii;"driraingDepartment, the estimated time tor'a iJtal ."ui"n-i,av"ia[I'as tongas three weeks. All commerc-ial (rarge or sma'H) and ail murti-famiry permits wirlhave to follow the above menti6ned mixirrm requiiemln[s. 'iesidentia.l and.small projects should take a resser amound of time.'However, ifresidential or smarler.projects impaci the various above mentioneadepartments with regard' to-necessai-y-review, ilr"i. pi"j..ii ruyalso take the three-week period Every.attempt wilr be made by this department to expedite thispermi.t as sgon as possible. - - -- v'!rvY' ev v ll the underSigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and timeframe. \ li I Silee/ was/turned fntoJDate Work D'eve'lopment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: FE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF V.AIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Job Name: Dale: Please answer the following questionnaire regarding lhe need for a "Public Way permit": YES NO ls lhi6 a new residence? ls demofition work being performed lhat requires lhe use ol lhe right of way, easemenls or public propefi? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed to site other lhan existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecling lhe right of way, easemenls, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right CI Way Permit" required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, pafting or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these queslions, a 'Public Way'Permit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained al the'Public Work's office or atCg.mmulity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspec{or, at.479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above questions. ,\ 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7',| 8) Gontraclor's Sig natu re DateJob Name f -ooLd NOTIFICATIO This for' rcquir* 2 signrtures snd r $i5 feo. Incomptetc rppticrtioos witt be rerurncd. DEMOLITI -- Colorado Qucstions? Pleaso cdl 6Y2-3179. of materials used in the construction of the building/structure, arld amount, in tons: c{rncr€tc:brick:steol:wood:othcc DruormoN CoNTRAcToR:Ds[lot-moN SITE: Minick .Construction Meadow Vail Place 1980 Cmrproy Nrmr P.O. Box 4018 Bullding Nrrnc (f rgglicrbld 44 W. Meadow Drive . Ycrr Builr Unit # 9 Sttrc vail, Co.816s8 SIrtCl Vail,Co.81657 Zip Codc Cirt Countt Zp Codo Srrrr datq 5,/20199 Comolction dea: 9,/99 Prtgored domolition rt rt rnd coo|Pldion drtcr tl Burupnrc OwNeR:CeRrrFrep AsBEsros lNspecroR: Spraddle Creek properties In 150 Government.st. 432-552t (At.4o56fr o -zo-.qq Colondo Ccnificrtc I . Erpinrioa Derc I certifr that I possess current AiIEM and state ofColorado cenification as an Asbestos/guitcin* Insoector. also cenify that I have inspected the building to be demotlshed, as listed in the Demolitidn Site bi-ock,'above, sampled all suspect materials (in accordance with AHEM) and had them analyzed for 0/e prcssnss qi asb€stos, and to &e best of my ability have determined that (a appropriate boi and sign.in pen): no ubcrio3 cxirts rnywhcrc in thc building Arbcator Building tnrpccror thc onty ACM lcfr in thc building is VAT .nd/or trr-imprrgnrrcd roofiog fcll rll ACM thrt I found has bccn rcmovcd from thir building I ocrtify thrt rll rcfrigcnnts from !k conditioring/rcfrigention epptirnccs hevc bocn propcrty rpcovcrcd in rccordancc wirl AQCC Rcguhtion No. t5 (For hformrtion on CFC rcquircnrara crlli 691.3177.) R.rild 0tr9t H:\...\foor\dcoorOp.&c\01 t0nl13? o IRS Geotcch, Inc.Phone : 3331331:3i33 n < e-ma*: r*l$6riliil:l;:::l 0fl u,oKi\ Mh o p{ etg . C/JoU" UY \ | F't ^' ' ^n7,.8A 09 - ooz-cpU liay 18, 1999 Us. ,tane Adama AdatB Environnental Architecture 3535 Silver Plune Court Boulder. CO 80303-7212 Re: Lab Number 103?16 Project: 44 w. Itleadow Drive, Unit *9, Vall. CO Dear Ms. Jane Adams: fhe bulk sanq)les subnitt.ed to FRS Geotech, Inc. have been analyzed by polarizedlight microscopy (PI.,M), the EPA-reconcnended method for determination of fibrous conatituents ln building rnaterials. The percent of asbestos contaLned in the saaples is a visual estirnation based upon comparisons nith published charts. The results of these analyses are surmnarized in the enclosed tabJ-e. ThLs reportrelates only to the iterns received and tested by our laboratory. AccordJ.ng to requirements set by the National Institute of Standards and Technologry/NylAP,this report muEt aot be used to c].aim endorsement by N\ILAP or any agency of the US GovernmenL. A1so, NVL,AP guidelines specj-fy that this report, should not be reproduced, except in fuIl, yrithout the written approval of FRS. A copy of your Chain of Custody is attached for your convenience. This reportis considered highly confidential. Results wi]-]- not be discussed with any Person not associated with you. PLease call if you have any questions about this work. 1441 W. 46th Ave., Suite 14 Denver, co 80211-2338 NVLAP Accredited Lab #102078-0 AIIIA Accredit€d Lab #107 94 ;W David A. Schroeder, Ph.D. Data Controller Enclosures rRs GEOt'ECS, rNC. 1441 w. 46th Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, CO 80211-2338 Client : ldrmc Eavtron".antal Ecbitectur€ Project ID:4{ |f. h.dor Drive. Irait t9, val.]., CO Sample Number 01-MEA-051?gg* 0I-MEA-051799 tAl llDrt* / / ND** / / PrsltL![s oF Rrrr.R lsREsIos srrGr?.E NrLvsls EY Por.rerrF.rr ?.rctrl rrrr"Rosenpy (pIIr) Epr-6O0/E-q?/r 16 Phone: 303/ 411-2559 I00 / 38 6-313 5 Faz: 303 / 417-258Q I,ab No. :103716 Page: 1 of 3 P€rceat Sanplellbegtog Date Descriotion !lD** / / Surfacina/misc material--interior drwwall systems--drvwall panel. texture & oaint 0 FP flue ttfhite and tan sheetrock l tlthite texture/conDound with inseoarable01-MEA-051799 tBl 02-MEA-051799* 02-MEA-051799 fAl Nonfibrous ltateria1 * CorFosite anal** ND rneans 81 85 is (muftilayered sample, see ee -99-Iayer analyses) . Daint l llD** ,/ / Surfacino/misc material--interior drywall svstems--drywalL panef. text'ure & paint G halfvrav G JacuzziW** / | llilhite and Lan sheetrockl lnr].yret (percents determined by visual esti$ation) Sample Number: 01-MEA-051? 01-MEA-051? O1-MEA-051? 02-MEA-051? 02-MEA-051?99* 99 tAl 99 tBl 99* 99 rAl Ilaf/€r P€rc6nt: 100 85 15 100 95 Asbestos Minerals : Amosite Anthophyuite Chrysoti le Crocido lite Tremolite-Act inolite rotll, a,sBEstoS lD** Other Fibrous Materials : lfD**llD**l|D** llD** Biblous Glass CeIIulose Slmthetics Other: Trace <1t Trace <lt Trace <1*15 99 individual- llnalyst:Date: 05/L8L99 FRS GEOTECH, IIIC. 1441 w. 46th Avenue, Suite 14 Denver, CO 80211-2338 Client : ld!!! Eaviro@nta]. Architectule Pro ject ID: rl{ lf . lfieador Drlve, Ilnit ilg, Vai]., CO SafllD].e Number 02-MEA-051799 tBl 03-MEA-051?99* 0 4-MEA- 0 517 9 9 laalyter (percents deterrnined by Sample Nunber: 02-MEA-051?99 tBl I'.y€r P€rceat: 5 Asbestos Minerals : IlEsttT-rrs oF BUT.I LaE?g.||os slltp".r lllliYg?s BYpo".rRrrEar L"GFI rfratr(rsr!(tpy (prrf) ref-60o/R-o?/1 16 Phone: 303/471-2559 80 0 /38 5-3136 Fax: 303/4?7-2580 Lab No.:103716 Page: 2 of 3 03-MEA-051799 tAl lD** / /tWhite and tan sheetrockl 03-MEA-051799 tBl Pelcent Samplelrberto! Dele Description lD** / / twhite texture/conE)ound with l-nseparable IID** / / Surfacinc/misc rnaterial--interior drywall svstems--drJrwall panel. texture & oaint @ zl .i n ' llD** / / tWhite texture/compound with inseparable oaint I tiD** | / Surfacinq material---exterior cernent otaster--exterior Jacuzzi waLL lgrravl visuaL estimation) 03-MEA-051? 03-MEA-0517 03-MEA-051? 99* 99 tAl 99 tBl 100 95 0 4-UEA-0 517 99 100 Amosite Anthophyllite ChrysotileC!ocidolige Tremolite-Act inoL ite roTel.| rsBEg:l9s lD** Other Fibrous Materials : l[D** ND** Trace <1* Fibrous Glass CelIuIose Synthet ica Other: Trace <1t llD** 74 llD** 15 Nonfibrous Material * Composite analysis** ND neans oo Qq (rnultilayered sample, see 99 100 layer analyses) . 84 individual Analyst -4 Date: 0541-0199 rRs GEOIECH, ItfC. 1441 W. 46th Avenue. Suite 14 Denver, CO 80211-2338 client : td!!! Eaviro@atal trcb:Ltectur€ Project ID: r|t[ X. Xaador D!:Lve, Uait *9. vail. CO Salqple Number 0s-MEA-051799 06-MEA-051799*ltD** / / ND** / / l|D** / / Phone: 303/47'l-2559 800/386-3136 Fax: 303/4??-2580 IJab No. :103716 Paqe: 3 of 3 Misc mat e r ia l--ext e rio r windowcaulkincr--exterior,.facuzzi window lGrav caulkl fColor1ess cau-Ikl RESttL4rS OF Em,trt lqnrls'tros SIIG}IIE rrtl?.vgTg nv po?.rRTzrp ?.TG:rr|' r|rceosedpy (pr,r|! Epl,-600/R-o"/1 16 Pelc€at Sary>lellbeltor Date Description ND** / / Surfacinq naterial--exterior cementpLaster--exterior Jacuzzi wall lgray] 06-MEA-05179q tAl 06-MEA-051799 tBl lanlyses (percents determined by Sanple Nurnbe!: 05-MEA-0517 99 LaysE Porc€nt: 100 Asbestos Mineral-s: Arnog iteAnthophyllite Chrysot iIe Crocidolit.e Tremolite-Act inolite TOIII.' TSBESTOS tU)** Other Fibrous Mat.erial.s: Fibrous Glass Cellulose Synthet ics Other: Nonfibrous Material * Cornposite analysis visual estirnation) 06-MEA-0517 06-MEA-0517 06-MEA-051799* 99 rAl 99 rBl 100 50 50 ND** lfD**llD** Trace {1* Trace <1* 100 99 (multilayered sampJ.e. see 99 100 individual layer analyses)** ND neans AnaLyst: ed. Date: O5/L8199 FRS Gootcch, Inc1l{1'Xcrt 46tb lva., SuiD.nYra CO 80211-2338 ot€1 1-303-4??-25591-800-386-3136 L-303-A77-2580 Dl:( _ This report is concerned only with results of tests performed on samplessubmitted to and tested by FRS Geotech, Inc. Bulk Sllq e .l'arlJr'tica]- ProcedurerBuIk sanPles of construction materials are analyzed according to the trlethod torthe Determination of esbestos in Bulk BuiTding Itaterials (EPA/600/R-9 3 /LL6, which theEPA reconnends as the rrpreferred substitute" to the old Intetim Method. fn areaswhere the 'rnet{r' Itetlod is silent, FRS follows the "old" Interim Aethod and/orspecific rulings issued by the various regulatory agencies.Each separable layer or portion of the sampfe is individually analyzed andreported, along with each layer's volume percent as a part of the total- sample,Additionally' an arithmetic composite for the total sample, as received by the Lab, isreported for layered samples. Information on the nature and quantity of material,s atthe sampling sj.te, which is unavailable to FRS, must be used by the cl.ient todeternine whether or not this arithmetic composite of the sampte is representative ofthe materials, as they exist in pLace. This s ame information must be used by theclient to determine whether or not any layered material, aa it exista i.n place, shouldbe treated as several different naterial,s or as a colnposite materiaL.Each sample layer is prepared and analyzed in refractive index oils that arecertified by the manufacturer, Calgil1e Laborat,ories. Refractive indices are measuredby the Dispersion Staining, Becke Line, or ObLj-que Il-tumination methods, according towhich method is most applicable to the sarnpJ-e material , Asbestos content is reportedas a percent of the sample, and is a visual estimation based upon gross sampleexamination and comparisons with published caLibration charts during PLM anaLysis. 9aq>lc AshiagAshing is a preparatory procedure carried out to eliminate many interferents andasbestos I'look-alikes." A portion of the sample is placed in a furnace at 500 degreesCel-sius for between 1 and 4 hours; the actual- time varies according to sampfe type.The amount of asbestos present in the original sample is calculated, based upon theweight foss due to ashing. ff the sanpLe had a 50t neight loss, and the visualestimation of asbestos plesent was 20?, the amount of asbestos reported woul-d be 10t.All ashed samples are so noted on the Final- Report. Iton-l.3bastifor:E -lq)hib61e Linera1sParticLes of NON-ASIEESIIFORX anthophyLLite, tremofite, and actinolite withl-ength to width ratios equal to or exceeding 3:1 and overaLL lengths gleater than 5microns are occasionally detected in some bulk samples. While such particLes do neetthe told( Iegal defj-nition of fibers, they do not meet the cl-assical definition ofasbestos because they do not occur as bundles of paraLLel fibers (often exhibitingsplayed ends), matted nrasses of individual fibers, or fong, flexible, and/ or curvedindividual fibers. The najority of nineral fibers in a sanple nust display thesecharacteristica as well as exhibit a length to width ratio of at least 20:1 for themineral to be designated rrasbestos.'' These guidelines are specified in the I'Newrr Method: EPA/600/R-93/1L6. Our Final. Report refers to non-asbestiform anthophyltite,tremolite, and actinolite as either 'rNon-asbest. trem./actin.", or "Non-asbest.anthophyl .", whichever is appropriate. OA /OC Proccdurcg and thc Unccrtaintv of .lna].vgeeAII laboratory tests are perforned according to rigid QA/QC guidelines, and ana.l-yticaL results are traceabLe to known reference standards and procedures, Inaddition to the legal requirement that 10t of aII samples recej.ved be re-analyzed, FRS Geotech re-analyzes al]- sampLes for which a trace to 3* asbestos is reported.The New Method (EPA/ 600/R-93 / Lt6l contains the following Suggested AcceptableError Tabl-e for PT.M analyses with quantificatj.on by visual estimate over 100 fields ofview: AreaL Percent Asbestos Acceptable Range of Asbestos Reported 1t >0t to 3t 5t J,6 to 9t 10?5t to 15t 20t (or more)Dlus or rninus 10* - w- =' rti 4\Irn r ,:r' { r City State Telephone: Pdrson to Contact: Telephone (if different from above) Rush- l-day X 3-day- 5-day Return Samples- Glient: -r,!FF*a.r-rvrFrlt*-*j!n!'.-Enrr,:-."rY,.lv-Tl PLM Ghain of Cust o ody r' FRS Geotech, Inc. 1,441 W. 46th Ave.. Suite 14 Denver. CO 80211-233 t y 3O31477 -2559 or 800/386-3 135FAX 3O31477-2580 FRS Lab P.O. #: Tumaround Requested: Send White & Yellow copies with samples (Yellow copy to be returned with Report). Pink copy for Client's Records. r.lRY-8?-1999 72.W tl w34?9943? P.Or MTlJtrIIEADOW\/ ]PlvAILIILACF: I€NDq,I o UNIL PLACE May ?, 1999 Tornof Vril ?6 S. tlontage Road vail, colorado glog? To V9'hom It Mey Conccra: Plsas€ bc advired that the Mcrdm veil plecr conrtominium Assosiationeprprwesot thc penr fu unit #9 tntcriror rcnoratioru. we andcipgte thcappcorel fc the pcopord eddition.t the wGst tenace will bc rcccivsd no IrlGs thsn May l{, lg99- Plarrc contrct ms if you ha*o arry questions. /)..2 /../ ./ /..// J ./a/z;^,%,,__t friranneAcklam-Erohn Maruging Dirrctor A f)lvtsion ol-Ttre Vail 44 C).'rrporatiorr 44 West Meadow f)rive Vall. (. olorircto 816i57 97O.476-427 1 Frrx 97O t'479-9437 r0Tfl. P, 81 rmY-6/-1999 t2tg7 I l' t , tJnIL PLrcE Mey?,1990 TflnofVrtl ?EE.honlrgpRod Vr[,Colcrdo 8l0S? ToWtornltl/[ryCmssn: Plorro bo rtrnd thrt &r lfildor V.n n c. Ceufominftun trsodrtioa rp,proru of tho pLil bG unil #0 lnhlba ransratiorr. We anddpatc thr epgovelh thr popordd'r{ion rt tha Wsot terrace rill bc ncdrrd no lrtcthanMey lf,1998. Plarc coatrct mr if you luru uy qndiors. frirnnrl*lrn-&ohn urngil4gDinac A Dtvlslon r.rf The Vatt 44 C.rrPoratiort 44 West Meadow F)rlve Vall. (lolorado 81657 97Oo476.427I Fan 97O t"479-9437 r€nDo.l o 9g?fr43? P.At O 1r-y"l"^o.r* ffi?, roTq_ P.61 TO9I![ OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81557 97Q-479-2L38 DRB P.c .o0 DEPARTT{ENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVEI.,OPMBNT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRIEAL PERMIT .Iob Address: 44 W MEADOW DRLocation...:Parcel No.. : 2101-071-16-009Project No. : PRiI99-0150 APPLICANT FRENCH ELEqIRIC, INC. P.O BOX 2017, EAGLE, CO 81631 COI TRACTOR FRENC}I ELECTRIC, INC. P.O BOX 207_7, EAGLE, CO 81631OWNER BRUCKMAI{N BARRY .'OBSITE AT ALL TIMES PermiE #: E99-0109 StaEus...: ISSIIEDApplied..: 07/02/L999Issued...: 07/L3/L999 E:<trriree. . : ol/09/2ooo Phone: 970-328-62L6 Phone:. 970-328-62L6 Phonez 970-477-2t4L AdditionaL PeeE-- ----- -- > .0o ON MEADOW VAIL PI,ACE #9, 44 W MEADOW DR, VAIL CO 8L657 Description: Elect.ric for int,.remodel & additional 2valuationl 15, 000 . 00 FEE SUI.IUARY El.ctricrl,--- >210 .OO Total calculatsed Fe€s- - - >273.OO Inwaacigatsion> will crll----> .oo 3.O0 Total Permit F€e-------_> Pa]r[lente- -- - -- -273 .OO TOEAL PEES---> 273.OO BAI,ANCE DUE---- .OO rr 'r r 'r t !} r t t t * t *t ITCM: O5OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEIiIT DEPE: BUILDING DiViSiON:o7/02/L999 KATIIy Action: NOTE Routed Eo CD-07'/L3'/L999 CIIARLIE Act,ion: APPR charLieit.bm;'.oSOqo qtBE DEPARrMElri07/O2/L999 KATI{Y AcEion: APPR N/A tt*rtrtt*itttat, tl*tttttttrrJ'r CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARB RSQUIRBD TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}TCE. DECI,ARATIONS I hcrcby acknorl.dgs tsh.t I hav. !cad tshi6 application, filled out, in full fhe inforrnatsion requilcd, coBPlcEcd an accurat. Plots plan, and 6taec tha! all thr inforBaiion provided aB required iE correct. I agree to conply nifh thr inforuaEion and Plots plan, tso couply yith aLl Toin ordinenccg and stsale lair6, and co build !hi6 Etsruccure according to the Totfn'E zoning lnd gubdivision cod€'6, d66ign rewiew ap;rrovcd, UniforD Building code and ocher ordinances of the Town applicabl€ lhereto. pryq_ol5O rowN oF vALGNsrRUcroN 'ERM,, ort"orion, F'RM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTTI) Contad the Eagle County Assessors Otfice at 970-32t8U0 for Parcel # Parcet # 2/O t ^oZ1- lL -CPg Date: Job Name: Buildingo---- PlumbingCl---- Legal Descripion: Lot Pemit# Elecrical ("-Y- Mechanical ( ) Filins Subdivision l* laxess: <lL[ W, l1,tzruzq<- ctt7-#Q meioour yArL pLncEl cgrroO,S Other( ) t{1 tv. r4rta- (}?cura paone*-flZZgJL- Ph^"# ?V?-?>=- csot Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gasl.ogs_ Y_ WoodPellet VALUATIONS BITILDING: S_-2up!- PLI,JMBING $ ') ftO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Generd Contrrcton TownofVailRegistrationNo. :2cl E lhone# 8)7-5V2 qre Elecirical Contractor: fieF*clf € ,<c Ini < Address: Town of Vail Registralion No.z?3-€Phone# lls- clrc Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Plumbinq Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contracior: Town of Vail Registration No. fo"64' Alterxion€{-Additional (-1-- Repair( )Otler( ) Number of Accommodation Units: ELECTRTCAL: g I t{ @0 oTHER: MECIIAMCAL $ TOTAL Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: Address: fr\8'gpffE 6(RAE illql , 4{Q- r'tq7 Q{\.nq'l Date Receivecl JUL 0 z ru99 CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: SIGNATURE: ' 1, .2 , TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FROT.ITAGE ROADvArIJ, co 81657 970-479-2L38' APPLICANT COIflIRAETOR OWNER Descript,ion:Install fire supression syst.em Fircplace Inforoacion: Rrstrlct,€d: SPRINKTER PERMIT ilob Address... : 44 N MEADOW DR SEaEus...Locatsion......: 44 w Meadow Dr #9,Meadow Vail AppLied..Parcel No... -.: 2101-071-16-009 Issued...ProjecL Nunlcer: PRJ99-0150 E>cpires.. PHOENTX FIRE PROTECTION711 IIARRISON, I'NIT B, LEADVILIJE, PHOENIX FIRE PROTECTION 711 IIARRISON, I]NIT B, LEADVILLE, AT AI-,L TIMES F99-0012 : ISSI]ED ,oo9/L6/L999': 09/29/L999z o3/27/20oa Phone: 719-486-01-88 Phone: 719-486-0188 Phone : 970-4',77 -2t4Lco 81557 9, 000 . 00 llof wood/Pall€t: BRUCKMATiIN BARRY ME,ADOW VAIL PLACE #9, 44 W MEADOW DR, VArL co 80461 co 80461 .00 Valuation: #Of Ga6 LogE: M€chrnical- -- > PI.n check- - - > ItlvrEtigation> wiIl call----> 1S0 . OO 45 .00 .oo 3.O0 Itof ga6 Applianccs: Re6tualant Plan Rcvi.cw-- >Total caLculated Poe!-- - > Addigional Fccs---------> Total Pefilit Fee-------->TOTAIJ FEES-- ---224 . OO 22A.OO .00 22A.OO Paf/rnclrtF------- o DEPARll.IEriIf OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT N0IE: TIIrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE Permit, FEE SUI'MARY .,....-."...TH::,:::;.;:;;;;;;;;;:-,-",",.-,",;::.., Ilqmi.051Q0 BUIL,DING DEP.ART!,IErVr Depr: BUILDING Diwision:O9/L6/t999 KATIIY Action: AppR N,/AITCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI'IEIiTT DEDI: FIRE DiViSiON:09/L6/L999 KATIIY AcEion: NOTE Rout.ed ro Mike McGeeO9/24/L999 MIKE M Action: APPR appvd as not.ed CONDITION OF APPROVAT ]-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby ackno*ledga tha! I have read tshis applicat.ion, filled out. in fulL tshe infontration requiied, conpLeced an accurate plot plan, and sgat6 tshat all thc information provided as required j.s corrsc!. I agree tso coEll)ly rditsh lhe inforfiation and plots Plan, to conply \rilh aI1 Town ordinancqE and sCace lan€, and to build thiE struccure according !o th€ Toirn's zonlng and eubdiviaion code6, deBign leview appr.oved, Uniforn Building Code and other ordinancee of Che aDDLicabLe thereto. REQI'EgTS FOR INSPEqIONS SHAIJIJ BB MADE TflENTY-FOUR HOURS SIO!'ATDRE OF OIINER OR COIfTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNBR Aa 479-2138 OR AT OIJR OPFICE FROII Er00 AU s:oo Pl, i, !fl ot vlrl,r @toRlDo Rqrr!,nt.d ! Otl2tlgt 16103 gt E.[rg taatt!rtritara.rtatraiaatttrrtaaiatarrtr.rrrrt!rratt*tttittttt.rtJattt,rtt.rit gLt.nts lfrrD.rr RIC-O556 lDqnc:22a.oo 09l2alJ, L2 tL3 E.yr.nB lLttD{ t Cf, fot clon! 11o5a/PHOE|II InIl ! itlt P.ntE llo: 199-0012 qrpc! l-BPRlt( aPRMf,IJER PBRtrt Prtc.l lfo ! 21O1-0?1-16-OOt 8l,cr tddrsr! 3 ta I rfllDor| m t ooatlotr ! aa lf ||.dor D! 19, [.rdor V.Lt Pl.c. Cotrdo.. $rlr Prl|Eat|e Iocrl ?r.. ! l2a.0o lotrl l'. . htr : Balatrca I 22a.OO 22a.OO .00 lccouae @d. Daac!4reloB rP 00100003111300 Ecflrnlcln pt Tl laa Pt 00100003t 11300 pllrr calcfi tllg |lc 00100003112400 rfM cru, Il|aPtcrt{ ttr l&uDc t80,00 {5,00 3.00 t'. J TOWN OF VAIL?ONSTRUCTION PERMTT EPTTCATION '"IHOO'OI$ i leceiv^Palcel# ZIOI-D-1\-\I4-OCA l-n) ( (z'l -' J 5 Ogg'"e,o"",61-15-71 Permit#- ?au._ totName: BfUCWnrrlr.. naxaress: l|LzrAC,u) Lfa Buildine( ) ptumbing( ) Elecrical( ) Mechanicat44 t'o'*trf;;t$ilcor Legal Descripion: Lot Filing Subdivision Repair ( )Other( ) Number of Accommodation Unirs: Gas Logs Wood/Pellet Owners Name: B t^,lC(*.'.t Address: 4t{dfuefu,,J Df Architect:Address: Ct7, Description of Job: Work Class: Wew ('/Alteralion ( )Additional ( ) NumberofDweffingUrrits: X/ S? Number and T1,pe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances BI.JILDING: $ PLIJMBING $ Phone# Generel Contrector: Tovr,n of Vail Registration No. VALUATIONS ELECTNCAL: $ MECHANICAL $ CONTR.ACTOR INFORMATION Address: Phone # ''H*f'aTOTAL $ Electrical Contractor:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbing Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Adfuess: Phone # ^.9 M..h*ical Contractor: {$ocna {"r Town of vail Regislrati ontlo. 42L - I'l'1 (oT Address: 7fZ-E flc"wscrn Atl Le,."runt< Phone # '71?--qtG'- Ot {ft FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: ' 1r, e,AME,S o L D I July 19, 1999 Charlie Davis Town of Vai 1 75 South Frontage RoadVail C0 81657 Dear Charlie, As per your request , I have attached cut sheets of the fireplace we are planning to use at Meadow Vail Place unit 9. f donrt expect us to be restricted in converting the unit to natural gas. We are definitely intending to do a gas fireplace. The reason we selected this unit is that it is the only one that is on the market whi'ch fits into our desisn Daraneters. Please donrt hesitate to contact ne if there are any q uestions in this natter . incerely 895 RED SANDSTONE CIRCLE VAIL CO 816 57 TEL.(970)4 JUL le 1999 79-7373FAX471-2518 Date Receive' e4/28/L999 L3,29 9788279222o Prodrrct Suggcsted Retai'l i- - ,Woodbuming Unit $1,299 I i\Doorr & Bnd Panels Required - Refer to following page. .---- 7@:ea.&g"na$ilo Bmsq Satin Brass & Blecl Glass Doots . Atractive View from Thrce Sides. Largc Viewhg Area. Keeps Warm Air In & Cold Air Out. Autlrentic Masonw Look 36r x 20 7/8{ . Safety Tested t/99 .3pecc/ca.tdu* t7 1/8 HEAT.N.GLO With Three Sides, One Openi 20 [s6a/M .€\txl I'il - | 2' r'l2 rt622x,lt-ffitr*,il itt't-ltt"- 7 1,/! [r!r MH] ]uo rno"*o* t2 I30{ Tvz tttl*utl_T- 17 a/E 11 IT IT r7 I t/.. t222v)rl It-H 1 ttt tt -3rmt : sPlclFEAno|a M{ddl^!<O I *Prlful bctflh!oqd 6rIIAtufr*r.d lhq Actd FEdl Aal Fdi .7 ln (rfi ,ro | !t 10 !'*ta ''tD LrlO?rl tCrELrtisrl |Ed TlGdoo rqnrtlloEr J-4 A4/281L999 13:29 E7DSz79222ot,, J ' 36 f0FKINTVIEI/V.BAY-4O .j 17 rfl.F IA Pte{o trcoDBunililc EBEPtACts rtFiltffAt c4Ft r wirtEtrnoi|s Hgr56 CHASEIOP AHIOT mwncoerc Coruractot HST475 SOUAFE TEFT'INAL CAP Iiltt r.tTEootgr -l'l4'T o * 2,1t7 s v.f. ?6 {0FEONT . PIER{O HD{ HI,D. ,r*-.J rt llfft, {0. 2 91te| AtLi,ODETS EOTTOM VIEW-SAY{O 5 tfrd A4/28/L999 t3:29 s708279222or\ { , PRE-INSTALLANON PNFPABANON tocAnoilg AfloSPACE liTrygl r n* rnr o'ain fir*ac inHtro|ll.t'l nm sf|Db F lrnob rpfllgc-rtttr*r. Foocrot gt dy,rr.qd -;t-rtltG rtt taparui fy r ftfioC r!dn,:g1rJ ryq t c',uorr,a-iJn,G.d byprrlagar.F r,if onocondonr ut.'rrt PntllirF ril crrr e ft,ritrcr t!p.tty. ,GLrr &orr msy hrt| b ooln tra clgraal pa{uon t'nlnt?,h !fiota r rray D. locabd |. rlurnr h Flgurrsr yot r tnit I dro[ tn dnnndn djrca E oom-r n G. torS(b nla lrd hrrd,b $.:pg trq c ne frrpeoq 16r .. nintn HaJit Efir{On dlmailiror. Agunl HrWhatLoodcnr ?HEMEPI.ACE ':lI::3 :_ynf 't|rl|ing (rring Ar 4 rrilbcr)Ir|!l|ctt, G,r:tng clmh$h ttraLri-r rraAl reurtdcblrnfl D comh,rtDha aruad4!?.fl8-b._.drcf.€ !o- Any crc,orrl.tJ!._pe _otrr. thpb. ll'n Oi roow trc nu* :p3l1!'._.Chirnry _Eaxrnr * ]ry lo||| fiinirnurn!&|F.oril tiro inars u urril' hdud0grrryfrfirh$ ftr$r Hd dih,,r.V W trftI|{O ro pREVlxT coilrACT VrrTH' GAqG|tfa o.i LoosE tlfsulA.Trotf, THg, |IBEPLAC! r|Us'r{ot lE tNtTlLLlD ACAtt{sTvrPon lAtdrBS oe ETPOSDfisttllEr|. rocaa-EEEoirE_HEAIt{c coulD ooot8 AilD AFtrt6rrLDet.U.Ta {o1lz' E(lEilSION Pg!fr 0i w olmrD3 rB ,nol|GAFACE SPACta. :rH^usrPnoDugnr oF GASOIXTE ilqileiAmHAZAnooua DO II9T IIITALL OU?EIDE AtBDuqt qJgt TltAT nE rn l|AY !l9BAW-N_ Feoil ATTtc SPACIS, .lAstrrErrru oF Atovt TH;R@IIJ{G WIGFS qilB HEANilGAPPLtAt{Cls On tAfttg AIOcilr}tsY8 gnruar oB U?trJztAre 'HESC PFgc^tmoilS uBItlDucE tt{E FossGtLt"Y FOn . lnoxilcoRn ov,na,tesAL I i\ J , TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 APPTICAIVT COI\|:TRAqTOR OWNER DEPARIIVIEI.IT OF COMMI'NIT'Y DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON PLI'ilIBING PERMIT ilob Address: 44 w MEADOW DRLocation. .. t 44 W.Meadow Dr #9,Parcel No. . : 21,0L-07L-L6-009Project No. : PRiI99-0150 VAI.,I.EY WIDE PLI'MBING & HEATINGP O BOX 5080, AVON, CO 81620 VAI.,LEY WIDB PLT'MBING & HEATINGP O BOX 5080, AVON, CO 81620 BRUCKMANN BARRY MEADOW VAIL PI,ACE #9, 44 W MEADOW DR, .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P99-0066 Statsus...: ISSI]ED MeadowApplied. . z e07 / 02 / L999Issued...: 07/L3/L999 Erqrires. . : 0l/09/2OOO Ptrone: 970-949-L747 Phone:. 970-949-L747 Phone: 970-477-2L4LvArL co 8L657 Descrj-pEion: Plurnbing for int remodel & 250sq' ValuaEion:12,000 .00 PEE SI]T.IMARY Plrnnbing-----> 1S0.00 Reg€ualants PLan Revier- - > TOTAI, FBES. -. - -45 .00 . o0 3-O0 Plan cheqk- - - > Inw€Etsigation> will call----> Total calculaEed Fee6- - - > Additsional FeeE- -- --- -- - > Total P€rdi! Fee--------> Paynentg------- .00 22A.OO 22e.OO .00 22S.OO 224 . OO ."".....-..,THll.?Yl;;;";;-.;;:;;;"..-...,..-,;::""" IEEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTIIEIVT DCPE: BUILDING DiViSiON:o7/02/L999 I(ATHY Action: NoTE RouE.ed Eo CD-o7'/L3'/L999 CITARLTE Actionr APPR charlieitbml'.05e0o-Frns DrpenrllsNT DepE: FrRE Division:07/02/L999 KATITY Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI., 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IANCE. ***l|tt**t+|}t**t DECI,ARATIONS I hereby acknoelcdge that I have read lhiE applicaEion, filled our in full the informaiion required, codpleted aD accurate Plo! plan, and sealc thaC all tshe inforbation lrlovided ae requircd iE correct. I agree bo coEpLy nith the inforoation and Plot Plan, Co coEply {ith all Tosn ordinanccg and stsatc lars, and Eo build bhi6 gtructsure according to Ehe Tosn's zoning and aubdiwieion codee, deaign rcvicr approved, Unifonr Building code and o!he! ordinanceB of the Torm applicable theleto. U'LuuJttL =UJo- 'inllJ oz z =o .5 z I <loo | ,,,\..tr.- l<Fro 3l I -l='(t',l-lco' x dr#IF0l v,(dz EIE-lg.z $ IF tla )r dl {lt lii $E or@t-{f,cro(\Fl xo.60(J I vy o(U(6PE> At-==cog.t'(u(l,E FOcr- !o =PP+)cJc,LCO €a6EiEOo fiEs E5*(5aa!.g 6.9p'6 a6:t ISE:p ;,8_Er6FA €eE>5S i:$-F O s:€olEaPF EE€woo EH3E o.EE =E EE;0r(,FEo6 EE'=igr- E:ER- a-E Cloc(! gEE EE5'3E E8 c.!2.YE EEErx6;ocL'- u,or65g =iE>cP'-o -rEo.9 E(Eoc .Fo cCo':.EY E= CL(! -6 EE-_(! E6ott 6t!i;-c6-a(!0 oPC"6 0)fE8o(ESc*6 C'E>.9r!o96.O'Er-o -o rf)\r{Nrr) at IJJulll-t =EuJo-J FoF g. 63h.|r|JCF:r o!.1 Fq-rt F fr E }/:- /4.-r\9 =t!6: =coGl zzooF^al,95EP o oo1>E9l!<95i()Ft;(\i { o L o |r)t\sr (g Fl oz E =oa UJo- uJF o I IJJFoz ]l.(5 E ltr t! f llJ59Es€sa9r3a .=E =gF :JF =uJ-E h=O:Ji-E :1*: 65E 5pE ;=aul€= ulooF F =E.lrlo-zoF() E,Fazo(J E! z6 =Jo- zoJ fdl €ot S n J-t< -.<' c)\J=reF?x() E= n z =oz p (\t (Uq) ao rd (Jz II I I I JJ co I q 5J I IF .J c,!oE(l,d. cI= I ,nJ =z(I] -)I l_l P1Fl!EFrUl-ctB]z lo(JErr, (lJ l.tthco loE.IJ lllPEI tuE)lolo.''E-,nl gtgt=lo "l 1ei4= (ucog Ed o(J rd F6 E =oL D =E-t! 6CDoJ IJ |r) Fl a UJ o J = (\j r.c,(\I @Io-_,:co+ o !o (u = ttlL(U o!- c,Eo-L(u+).l-)c, tr Ol (\l o uJcc l!oz3I c\.1 srI\oF\sf u d F o !PoI J.J !(u d. o)+) -c= =tr lrlrosrl .iz uJ J t! z3 F (\t(\loIorsf .6(J (og(,oE oc o =tr -l(\tlsflr-l l I l d UJEJ t!oz3o GIrjlot\tOrslOr u uF =cII oz oulE. J t! z3oF =Gt! ?l UJq <l>IIIoz3oF ui ltlF' (v, uJz3o F() LlJF t-rO<FG()lu<zgLII Fa6 () J(f*9 i-<bg-,2troro t2?03AE d"e =fou,l = Y, i t zoo *o =+EFFo2 (,) J<ofifr:io / nn ifE-Ni s:g!e\$$a ItE;; i;f:s lg ffEff:9€ E;E*'i i e sEE:; E !a:s gEiEg 6 t+3 6-r6 Eo,E fiso6' i9*i u,l J ilFI ZI ul(L t!>oF oat, zYo F .iq{fl$ Dtr! ts lrrl|cttoZ|rlECt=zE<CLfo.tE.2iPe{Ea9 = .o-;>E :.1 F5 E= 6 >o-; UboF...5 5Sg fiF !; UJ @oF zo9z=oo =zde Jd*99=6F* =UJY6d=rii =z sio- q ) /1 ()l _rl slql aolFI ,l el 5l slltlol Fl rF UJF ()G -.r O<F(E()r!<zE!uFazo C) sF gE d6 c) oFo EFzoo J<O(9u,t! lu FF?5i o() dln ADDENDI,JM TO BUILDING PERMIT 1. A11 construction will conform to existlng types of constructj.on. 2. No approval is needed by the Condomlnium Association as all work is located withln the unit. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL /dt l1/ | READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON q</ CALLER TUES (t:. oorc t 7f /'7/t /, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr n GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n 1{l.F / a'z:. .,,/ir -z I : zr f -'dgu *_t1-_.:*_tz-4-x--'=" 1 trFtNAL ELECTRICAil.: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr n EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL T] FINAL 6 zzr{ i I] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREO CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT I NSPECTION REQUEST TOWMOF VAIL ---',t ,.\- ) .'i ) CALLER MON TUES WED THUR ; FRI AMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr o tr tr D UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr,- MtINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT Fl tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED E'DISAPPROVED ,,El REINSPECTION REQUIBED CORRECTIONS: .: < 1.-.' DATE INSPECTOR tmr I NSPPERMI DATE r!, /' ' T NUMBER OF PROJECT ECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON WED THUR CALLER TUES FRI AMiREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr coNoutr O SUPPLY AIR FINAL O FINAL APPROVED r/ coRREcT|oNs: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED .t '(, m DATE INSPECTOR f , t , i 3 .(i.. INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION: I NAME MON CALLER FRITUES WED I THUR AM ., PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUiIBING: O UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH/WATER T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr E FINAL tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDlgilneenoveo CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVEO'1i2,^tr ..<, DATE INSPECTOR /".,1 /:.* a PERMI OATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: j"'','' r : JOBNAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES i WED THUR FRI i'AM rPMREADY FOR LOCATION: PLUTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. O ROUGHi WATEB tr GAS PIPING tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB r] FINAL ITIECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL VED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED // .'t -,-,'DATE i/ t - INSPECTOR m /' '',/ ,' ,I NSPPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ECTION REQUEST TOyVN OF VAIL .* .' ' t 1.,2-, ,.t WED THUR FRI oo'. 1/;/.:, f' ( r,/ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr tr tr cl FBAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL ..Ei.eppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ', ,' - READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST' TOWN OF VAIL i. | ., THUR FRI BI tr tr ( tr o tr tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDFOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL cl tr tr tr E tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR oFl O FINAL 'Gjt"tl;eaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED B REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR fffil 'l ctz E =t UJo-Lf v (\For tnuJ IJJIL E =t TlJI * {@ hblbu{,I 3 dbo+ltl \' IF I\T IJ z Hv) z lllJIF lo 9t!t!o z f, uJF EoF FIz = =z U'ulF zoz6flo .a o z_zo -t-l 2 :E Er:l J H F]H4H trl!z3o UJIFoz lt uJo =I ol! EoFo GFzoo G Eluz3o H& = lr1v Aut E-rtJ) F ts z F-] o c, o gIl(t .o E.o. as c 'oFo.c o *g g l, q 6J o !tra!oEoo ot .g P to E o =cfd0, o o. CL6 ',o E .9ooE stoEoo .9.9.:Eofo E Cl CD'a oN -oE]oF o.c o o)c Eooo(' E5 o .2E =ll o Dc6 o '6 d:9ot:6 '=qt0) g8E EEH .E SEc-o :t;g >=c96'- o,t EsE EEE.boo st;g=E cLo o-SE;ahv o_E*: E6:EE E{ro: i r"s -€C6 0'-f -ot E'€ €sgl S Ilor;; 6s:E5g -oao c\t\F\\?co \'(\ r) c!-it z raN XXX I C\\c.d 6 E:g,u,o. z =@ !C)u.l (Jz Jo. 9e. uJJut 2 lE = J - uJ = UJUJ zoF uJ UJ o o 'g UJcz 6IJJo F XuJ o. z uJ-tC) x uJo r- ':FB al,ulult! F =t UJo- FoF z6Jfco J () GFoUJ UJ z !o-f,Jo- JIz (, uJt NOrrvn'lvA 2t: ., .,-<!rc 3 ZEoc gE ll Fl<)fr <r':EFlUJA frEo- t >E --lrtEtnE =@N =z9oF^V'g5 F9 0 .1, oz>.89|r<oq F();9FO H Etttz z9F f t!c o, cto uJo- F i uJ zoFo Xxz Ee,uJF 3utz dltltlII ezlz9a!6o<9o.' =Hxt!Uo<z (tF<i9=..: F-irtr(, =E 1 IJJ = ct o uJzY() I z tr J oz .JJ 3 F UJ o Bo I ---l I Fl:lutl il:-l =l zl .. >louloulUIzotr lr,lo. z E z F J I l;,; I HH () z ouJ = J 3I Hlol etslE ez ll- I d FoJ Fl Et4 r4 FA14H Ff 'jj=z dlo-) <l Fqlrtrlnl:lal<l OIHIelrqE 4 c{co X aahuJE Ja = c\@ I -Fb- C\ z Fl E E =tr auJG J = I Fo Hz MH E-r P t tr a I o2 siu,l = t!oz39F .ir Fc.).if I F.ir IJI H dE] F =ett lrl INF ciz ciut = ttoz;ot- cn Io\-f ui)uJF 4r-l E IN I '-lH4>1 =E l!1 I @ oz o LU !E J ttoz =oF F\FF I\' I !l =&tr oz C'uJEJ ltoz3oH =tz. Iolz.l ('l u.li 5l <l>l rLlol zl3t9IFI ul)ulF' uJz =o FC)uJ =? E E <Fc()ur<zEl!Ft4Zo() JE<o()F =<)FSqEj8 2p s3]Fd6() J 9zroul = 5(I )) osb =+EFt--o2 C) <d lr I llJ I zo9zeoo =zfld8 J(,()zE 9655touJ t!E(t>oo-,zoFTL |rJY UJ(o oFF =cc -sllJ oloo\b-lr:loFl9Elr<l HuJ9Ezo tr arulo.lr-oluoz loo oF I JFUl-!:= o- ut>o-O|r9o - lljXo-:> lllf IL IJJqt oF rR\/J= = ts =E UJo-zIF()fE, 6zo(J fln flfln Job Names Legal Description: Lot Owners Nane:rcllAr- OF VAIL CONSTRUCrION Address: D "-lt-Ph.{7/,-fi7 / 06"e/D *e , ilt;\\y*t^g y)f-rrectricar ION:IIVBDs t,%, z/4ztz4z-^&Architect z ta-z7t P- tL, General Description:l.r{t. l{ork Class: [ ]-New -.Jrteratron r r -Ad ft{i"(;it' rk{;#('?tffi€{ ? Number of Dw=€e#kt:"7y5js7*m 1 r9rar:ffm ?/4L TOTALsW Address: 4-2A S k;- t' phone Number: jjk Electrical Cpntracto <'€.J. Town of VailAddress: Hr, 6oY l@1W phone Nurnber: ffyrlinS coyt_raclorr rown of Vail Reg. no./W-PaAddress: r.a, /12-/ e,2 4w phone Number: ?y?_ Mechanical Contractor: _wbsry 6lgqv Town of VaiI Reg. NO. gl6&o Address: ********************************oFFrcE usE *** * * * *********** ************** 7rrfui ^ lpnber and Type of Fireplaces: Cas appliances_ Cas f,ogs_j_ Woodr/pellet_vft************** ******************* VALUATTONS *********************************t !r-r-*rn, , !di;/ o.- 4P l*"r*r"o rz l-/ot oo a- orHERs ^ EIJIJMBfNGz | ,/6,. octat MECHANICAL: Svtr*************!***** **t****** CONTRACTOR7 Eeneral Contractorz- K t,,<'tut I n t (F F TroN ** * * ***************** ******. Town of Vail nee. no/Qt:S BUTLDING PERIIIT FE8: PLI'}TBING PERMTB FEE: MECHANTCAIJ PER}ITT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUI.IBING PIAN CHECK FEE: MECTIANTCAL PIAN cHEcK FEE' 1In < -RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERT'IIT FEES: 77- ,4./G, Z!.' F Q 1d NO. GROUPf-l VALUATION BUILDING: STGNAWRE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Comnrents: K^+ spt,4e 75 routh trontrge road Y8ll, colorldo 81657(3o3) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 ottlcc ot communlty d.yclopm.ill BUILDING PERI.lIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this perylt reQuires ? Town of Vai'l Ff re Departnent Approval,Engineelhs (.pgb1ic works) review and approvai, a pjjnnini'bepartnent f:i:L!i,Hea'tth Department review, and'a review nv lhe 6uiibtnSuepartment' the estinated time for a total review may take as l6ngas three weeks. f]] cgmmgrgial ('large or smalt) and ail murti-famiry permits wi'ilnave to foilow the above mentioned maximum requiremLnis. Residential 111=:Ttll projects--should take a 'lesser amount of time. However, ifresroentrat or smaller projects inpact the various above mentioned 9gpl"!Tp!q,.with regard to necessary review, theie proje.Ii"ruyatso taRe the three week period. Every attenpt wrlll be nade by this department to exped.ite thispermit as s-qon as possible. I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. Cormuni ty Development Department. luwn u |lal 75 south lronlegc rord x.ll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: olllcc ol communlly deyelopment ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED ISITH TITETOWN OF VAIL TOV|N OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMI NITY DEVEIOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary,.ordinance No. 6 states that it is unr.awfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , ro"i, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash iunpsteri, poriabre to-irets andworkmen vehicles. upon any streetl siaewair, -;il;y or publicpr?ge or any portion theieof. rne risni:;i;;t-;n arr rown ofVail streets and.Igags is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wilr be striliry enrorcia by the iown of VailPublic works Department. pers6ns found viaralin; this ordir"r,""witl. be given a 24 hour writren tr"ii""-to-;;;;;;".aid naterial.rn the event the person so notified does not compry with th;--notice within the 24 hour time -teciriea, -trt"-i"[iic worksDepartment wirr remove said mateiiat at it" ""p""Le or personlotifief, The provisions of this ord,inance ,nlfi not beaPprrcabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or altey or any utilities in the rigni_a_way. To review ordinance No- 6 in fur1, please stop by the Toqrn ofJlif aui:rding Department to obtain a copy. tfrant< you for yourcooperatj.on on this natter. acknowledged (i.e. contractor,owner) l'larch 24, 1994 Town of Vail Building Departnnnt 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Gentl enen: P'lease be advised that the approves the remodel p'lans 1il94 TOV.t]OfulfuJ, r'rI\4 DEPI Association of Meadow Vai'l P'lace to be completed by Rusty Spike Condomi ni umfor unit #8 Krisanne Acklam'Krohn ManaEing Dlrector : kak A Division of The vall44 CorDoration 44 west Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado a1657 3O3.476'427 1 IIPP 1 Enterprises, Inc. S'incerel rl l\ L'-r :'.-i cusfiriltER : JCIB I{AME i ADDRE$S i CITY, 'q?A,fE;PriONE # |DATE : t+..:,_' l.rr-1j-'rr-1t li ,._.,1J a'_,i:, !:'.+r t,l O RADrAr.r. TE*INoIffr INc. r1A FARBER DRIVE BELLPORT, NY 11?13(516) 286-0e00 LOW ENEROtr SYSTEMS VAILVALLEYP&H 3/?2/94 DESION ()RITERIA INDOOR DESIGhI TEItrERATIJRE,. . .. OIJTDOOR i,E$IGilI TEMPER4TURE;, . . . mslcl.l TEMPERA'ruRE DIFFEREI.ICE SLTPI?I,IED OR ASSWED ''R'' VALUFS SflER.IOR WAI,LS CEILINGS (PAKfIAL CEiLINO LOSS) r.t O 70.00 -20.00 FLOORS WINDOWS DOORS AIR INFILTRA?ION FACTOR CEILINO HEIGTT 90.00 19. O0 r9.00 N/A 2.00 2.00 0.0143 8,00 *PI,EASE NOTIFY IF ACTUAI- ''R'' VAL(IES DIFFER. FROI"I TIIOSE ABOVE. sTfTE H&\T LOSS FIGURES CONTAINED WITHIN ARE IIEA}YT TO BE USBD AS AI{ AID IN DESICNING A RADIAIIT HEAT SVSTEM. As TMDITIO.IAL HEATIM3 SYSTEMS TENO TO RESULT TN LAROER HEATINC REQUIREMB.ITS THE.SE FIOURES SIIOT&D NOT BE USED IN SUCH DESIGJ.IS. Il' I t : Hf l-' tJ- -:L'+1-+. Ll.+ laHi.'!Fll il ,l- i b .:,c,I Ll:t..1 r ':J L- .-r ROOM #ROOM DESCRIP?ION OFFICE ITIASTER BR I{EDIA ROOM I,IVINO/DINING PRELIMINARY BUILDING I{EAT LOSS HEAT LOSS 3339,22 4885.65 9900.78 10541.33 RADIAN?PANEL BTO'S RBQ. FoO'rAGE SQ.FI. I 2 f, A 7 8I 10 11 t2 13 T4 l5 r6 tl x8 19 20 16.70 24.43 49, 50 52.71 19.36 23.95 41.25 30.55 28666.97 143.33 The heat loss su.oplied in this report is calculated in BTU's loss,/hour. The colunn "RADiAI.ITPAIIEL REQ. r*OCffACiB" should bs used as rough estinateof lineal footage required to repl ace heat loss (heat loss/200). The colurn "BTU'S EQ.FT," should be used as a rough estirnate of fadiant floor output required to replace heat loss (heat loss/sq.ft.). The information in this report is based on the infornation cakerr froru Lhe blueprint provided. The heat Ioss calculetion follows the general outline of the ASI{RAE (Anerican Society of Heating, Refriteration and Air Corrditioning, Engineer$) heat loss calculation guidelines. This retxrrt aftempts to provide an flccufate estitnate of the heat Lossof the rooois oullined within. It should be noted that actual construction, building site location, end the type and quality of installation of in*sulation will affect ttle building's heat loos requii:enent,s. Therefore, the inforrn*tiorr pfovided in this report should be used as a guide ancl does not guaran[ee thaL the bui lrlina i,/ill have an adequate heating source. Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: LIEBHABER REMODEL DATE: 4-7-94 ADDRaSS:44 W. MEADOW CONTRACTOR: RUSTY SPIKE VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: MORNIGNSTAR OCCUPANCY: R-I ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: 11 PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQURED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed io be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or sny ordinance of the Town of Vail. l. sMoKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER SEC 12IO OF TIIE 1991 I]BC. 2. A STRUCTUAL BNGINEER MAY BE REQI.NRED TO APPROVE TIIE STRUCTUAL CTIANGES BEFORE A FRAMNG INSPECTION IS APPROVED. 3. FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQI'TRED BY TlrE TOWN OF VAIL TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQURED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED IF DWELLING HAS A MOMTORED FIRE ALARM SYSTEM OR SPRINKLER SYSTEM. 5. VENTILATION IS REQUIRED FROM ALL BATHROOMS AS PER SEC.I205 OF THE 1991 UBC. 6. ALL PENETRATIONS IN FLOOR,CEILINGS,WALLS TO BE FILLED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE RESISTIVE MATERIAL. 7. COMBUSTTON ArR rS FGQUTRED pER SEC. 607 OF TI{E 1991 UMC. o 8. ACCESS TO HEATTNG EQUTPMENT MUST COMpLy WTrrr SEC. 505 AND 703 OF THE 1991 UMC. 9. BOILER INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI.JFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDX CHAPTER 2I OF TI{E 1991 IJMC. 10. GAS LINE TEST AND TNSPECTION rS REQurRm BEFORE CONNECTION oF ANY EQUIPMBNT pER SEC. 1206 OF TrrE 1991 uMC. 1I. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOII-WATER SUPPLY BOTLERS SHALL BE EQUTPPED WTru A FLOOR DRArN PER SEC. 2119 0F TJIrE 1991 UMC. 12. BOILERS SHALL BE MOI]NTED ON FI.OORS OF NONOOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION I.]NLESS LISTED FOR MOIJNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FI-OOR 13. FIELD INSPECTION IS REQLIRED FOR CODE COMPLTANCE PER SEC. 305 OF TTIE 199I IIMC. t I 3 5()(tt lz t. .lzr b I 0i +\) It J II\/ISCNINIOI^I gilt.6l6xvl 0zglgopEroloS'uo v 0l'5re \B{laruJolrod SLlr'6V6'eOe ef,Bld laatC taaEt Zll raluaC Eulddoqs x3uuv IclIIJ BE.Lg .! LT a: c-.- GI 't,.(f st (g a,t:(i1 ..1 t)- t-: L: '.:rr c',.- ii.: -. -.i-: --.'"....''r{ ,,'') \,) G- N 9 l"l"-l4 =CJfl Firz ll--:. o -nI drl- E !- -!'.., .{ ., l,: k !i ;{fr -r>LI, -rr ==o(-)jP eG3 o "\I b-s ts\) $ ${it seLr-6r6ycJ 02918 oPEroloc \roAv 0lt9 raittEro .tuJo rsod 'ni.}:Cy!'gOg .tuld la C re^sag 31i rarua3 iulddoqs xauuv N O I I r O U O lUS L N I uVISCNINTIOW o H# @ -Ur. ./t.-tn -t / ""/ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT{-/l -//DATE JOB NAME rNsf,tnoN REeuEsr .1 TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 l-e.,/lqbrz (,:'.:,r,f'no a,- crlo CALLER FIEADY FOR INSPE LocArloN: . 44 ON: MON (TUES./ WED THU 'y'lroy'r,*' -/r,Yd I FRI PM '(a l/a/ #8 (hl,,,r/ / 'r. "/a/tal1 Ti BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr u FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING !cns PTPTNG INSULATION SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB NAIL o n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr D ROUGH o tr n EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL {EEBOVED RRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REOUIRED .. | ,llDATE 'r Ii "i tNsPEcroR INfu ION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DArE (( '3 fl JoB NAME 'eh 't b(/)-s i/rnt'- CALLER e7"t/fi..5/ y -J,?: ,'rr PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI PM LOCATION: liAt t lL-, ,nr r,,',u-. EUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB T] SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEF MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR T] F}NAL -tr DISAPPROVED ECTION REOUIRED , t./ ' '/ /"t' TNSPECTOF /""'71 --*DATE .J C}J c C i-)J \ PERMIT NUMBER ,l"r,o* REeuESri t /OlryN oF VAIL I bhabKATs-z1sy oor, ?f i t/'t4 JoB NAME CALLER ( READY FOR LOCATION: *ro/rru^nn/l / PMINSPECTION:MON UES \..CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr tr n FRAMING tr o o E n ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB k-rr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING T] ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT r] tr SUPPLY AIB n D FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR tf rNst;roN REeuESr ',IGIt' .( I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON C C\A.'i oor, al lulcl4 BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDFOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr D tr o D E ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING POOL / H, TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED GORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I l lL+".1., l.{.u. - r ... oor, ?' V ' /// rNSPEcroB *. ,--i, ,r 2 ',l ' I f4'tr JoB NAME lr.r#CTtON REQUE5T 'TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO CALLER TUES i)'i,. ( .,t L. BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PL D tr tr tr tr tr n UMEING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERIt4RAMTNG ,_ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOoD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL E FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT r'l tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL /dfuvED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: Q- t) <:>r/OATE / / ,'7 INSPECTOR 1:l ft4 JoB NAME rNs#noN REeuESr PERMIT NUM ER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 DATE MON CALLER TUES lt I -)t READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: C ,h.^t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr o ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING - tr INSULATION Z' SHEETROCK POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr fItr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr'i tr EINAL tr FINAL lf6,,obnRecttorus: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR / ,?-r/ .').")/ '.7 ... --Je '/ PERMIT NUMBER OFPROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUES BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL EMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL "EI, REINSPECTION REOUIREDtr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR rrusffhoru REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 JOB NAME PERMIT NUM ,.^,y, READY FOR LOCATION: o*@ tr + F tr tr tr tr tr OTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W,V. D ROUGH / WATERFRAMING BOOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED PECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR trl ,"rtft,o* REeuESrTOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 l- ? ,o* b'/* JoB NAME *,;btto ?, ECTION: CALLER . MON , TUES 'lrti,-a READY FOR LOCATION: NSP4 IT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING *orn" 'l (tffe\neusr HooDs CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUM ER OF D^IE b JOB NAME ?h /- - //t 'r// o READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED PM r"f rrrrsfl[1,o* REeuEsr ' TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138I l"ti{,S. lrt(x- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL )BROUGH / D.W.v. FROUGH / WATERo o tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB FINAL ET.E trT trF trC tr_ MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor= U-11'Q/ rNSPEcroR Itzq INSPECTI ,*r#roN REeuEsrTOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 t PERMIT NU DATE READY FOR LOCATION: MON TUES.i/./,.,/,' fl CALLER ',i/ 'L.t rHln Qt-' /ED ,'FRI AM4 Xl'*- IUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr' tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING r] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT ft_ tr SUPPLY AIR tr X rtrunu tr FINAL 'aePaoveo .'-Ll tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED CQflRECTIONS: INSPECTOR 7 * JOB NAME tINSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL , 479-2138PERMIT NU IDATE READY FOR INSPECTIO LOCATION: '., t IOALLER r l ' \1,.,9;Y,7 THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR EINAL E FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE /,7 /- ?5-INSPECTOR oz F =t IJJo- N Itt 6l .J) UJuJll- tr =Ettl Lse& +W.frf' I I <It o\cl\. O\F! '-r :?\+r-{UJ r--{IFr.rf r'rv-z F1 F) rvr(Jz,<HI}l &lo>,&>l.<F '-rl; (n 04= t{ E5Hlotzr6 F o F FIz = ozz uJFozozof o€ zz Flz Fl E H&FlHzH l!J|ll ='r c u- F Fz ttr'l \ $ \ s $ Fi A z frlrJ a;;9c EEH:t € sE:g -& :E*EE Eais: BEERs =SE.,: EE;EE r"; E"g g sE;sirtig! : (r, 'r o oiio F I?o E;Egg:-':3d .c=o(,}E st;t€ s e ::'" ;iF;i EEiEI rn c{\'-f,<Do c'lN4 ==uJ zo @ ! uJI z IL '2 ) ;F tu lu oz6 =l z oUJ lu L'J z tr uJG uJ E o B -lu z 6 UJo 6o.LuJo o- z )< ruo U'uJ lJ.tILt =UJa! J F o =oJ- J U uJ z co = J Iz UJ = Fl H ts NOrrvntv^ 2FFv.Fxfr c :< E- = =\-F o. 4=- E P E EF9(Jq26b 8ra?z 6*3i *'3+xE:a X zY 'it..joE E>E =cDN lFl )l< IFJ il" l(,,lzIHrl F.lil ultl H it x :t: itH ilEtt9 z tr {LL E.d (, ll,lo. F lrl N o q / a J E E az E Xx5z tr EuJF 3uJz LI;t-rlb-z).-zQoFr! =zfl;gz -F-l-do3tror -;t | |-#O lol <l r<Jt (l ? ('I O F Y?l J I x i l, z if- X X X F:) F z tra -)d) ozi :lllo Jl sl =lzl ;zl -JI .. >ll oll u.tll oll uJll uJllztqll F Elt =a l"IJ<llzo ,ll F<ll orJJll orll < t1.t0- tr>oF o Ic *E HHH cY) -i,-rf(f uJ =U) coo-zo FIL uJY IJJdt oF F (E HSr, Orr ^dl Ii ":lozlrElPeAEzo E =E UJo-zoF() :) E,Fozoo I z ttt Y >-*ooo>z (L tr tr ccuJo- IJJ z l oF Eo- uJ i-li= o- uJ>[Ou-9o\ IIJ :> JJtr rlJ F co Elloo ott .E 5 E Eoo o co E IoE laElD IEI-- if,oo= =83--: i\ -! dd= [!D z l! FItrlt(Jt<lFlla!2. =FlT F F IF J FT Errl zH Hv) uJ =zo _-') zt4E z H FJr'l llJ z N N LIJ o Fz z ==ttr c = i F }r =tr Tc{!n o llllIaioz3I F\(nr\@ IOl-io\ ui IJ,J oH ts Lrtrl 4 t-l ts =tr EI I\oN oz uJ = t! 23oF \ooo@ I@\o$ c G z ci UJtr u.oz3oF =g oz IJJ J lt z3oF =tr z oru(r J ll-oz3 uiJuJ EuJz = F UJE.r E E <F uJ<zEUJF.nZo )E<oOF -< ;F-z= /-\ -6 t2? E?>(tsfFd6 ixYF =2+c YZ =g l-Eirgi*(ro2 c C J<()a9.:3trtrtr N* $\r Ws ;co ttozo A.E bl UJo{EgJ-|rJo EE Ea =EE EE-a .rl zo o E 3z P 5 3t J lt i,J 2 3o l* ti t:lt,lu,tz t>lF |,.tzl9 l< l-ot= I at, o r.l a, ciz I |j 2 EI!J F.r l. JultllolqJ>IE iEggg EEE; S gEisi sgi;g trtrtr Iz () UJ =tr zo9 =EEct=zde oEgE<ta?et9;EEE =>E JFE E=* tH; EEI trurE 6$E irBf!E UJ.0 P ]aaI-a ct- E =E H \{ d oc) 96 = IIJ RUJ!tr e.,I c !l+ u Do)I,)iuc u0) i.EuI ,, -,5H J/t It -LlY',1 '4:E ts =Glrlo.zo l-o3E,6zoo ,;r lrtir ., .:. .i! o. 75 south lrontage road uail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2t39 '1 r , '.\.! . It.' "l TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: otflce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOI{N OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC I.TORKS/COUT,TUNITY DEVEIOPUENT I'ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn surnrnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyPerson to litter, track or deposit any soil, r""L, sand, debrisor naterial . incruding trash iunrpscers, portabre ioileti ana---workmen vehictes. |pon any streetl si-ewaik; -;li;y or pubticp1?:" or any portion theieof. The righr-"i-;;t-;n arr Tor^,n ofVaiI streets and.I9"g= is approxinateiy 5 ft. 6ff pu.r"rent.This ordinance wirl be stri?;try entorc3d by the iolrn of vairPublic Works Debartnent. pers6ns found *riirfidi"g this ordirrur,""rill- be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said nateriar.In the event the person so notified does not cornply with thetrotice within the 24 hour time sfeciiie-,--in"-p"[ric worksDepartment wirl remove said nateiiat at tn" ""p."se of personl"tlfi"9: The provisions of thii ordinance =Gii not beappr:-cabre to construction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the ritni_"_""y. To review ordinance No. 6 lnVail Building Department tocooperation on this rnatter. Read and acknowledged by: -fufl, please stop by the Town ofobtain a copy. Thank you for your Positj.onlRelationship to eroject (i.e. Date contractor, owner) DEN I Y 'NELIANUE UIUUTrlE|llalrlE r u||F hrk A[ou. nrrr35bt52rd$rrt Nnr,)brk NY lm552n.9(n.il20 Frxr 212.909,1t64 8rur L. tlokoloill Scilor Vic' Pnriden Admlairn oa i 't-l u-rrurs|rrl+ o UUIIP, INIi. o uu;lll!.4;IUPIII ; HULUINqU u--1EUE4'I0UT4't i* 2 Rellance July 10, 1990 R. Boyrnr Constructlon Box l00lvall, co gt65g To llhon It ilry Concern: Thls lcttr rclfiowlodges thrt Bob Boymer ls entltled to slgn thc attachod rppllcatlon on behalf of Rellrnce GrouP Holdlngs' orner ofthr Vrll Condomlnlum, Unlt # 1 ln ordcr to rccrlvl r prrnlt for thr rcnodillng of thc cntry ray of the sondominlum. Very truly yourr BLS: of cc: Saul P. Strlnberg fnltcerroN FoR ADDrT,oro, nrro O FOR PROPERTIES IN EXCESS OF ALLOWABLE GRFA Date of Application_1L,.!' !0 Date of DRB Meeting 7. /'.7O PRE.APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a member of the planning staff is stronglyencouraged to discuss the provisions under which additionit eRfl can Ue addldto a site. It should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each propertyan^additional 250_square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance allows ror gt to250 square feet if certain conditions are met. Applicat-ions for additions under this section will not be accepted unless thevare-complete. This includes all information required on this iorm is weit ii"Design Review Board submittal requirements. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Zone C. NAME Description: Lot Bl ock Di str i ct OF APPLICANT: E. ,, ** I naar"tr Va( [a>r l'[Ar,- , t e phon&*._bW D. NAME 0F APPLICANT's REPRESENTaTwe: (:<eO?t- V-*lpre? Address Vty I or>l Wr,- r u" ph^44_4,?* NAME 0F OI.JNER(S): Signature(s ) Address F. Filing Fee of $100.00 is required at time The following information, in addition to DRBrequired with this submlttal: l. Verification that the unit has received 12y' Names and mai'ling addresses of adjacentr units on the same lot. This informationAssessor's office. 3. Condominium association approval @ e*lrting floor plan of structure. (if applicable). compliance with Vail's v x ofsubmittal pl too,- submittal requirements, shall be a final certificate of occupancy. property owners and of owners ofis available from the Eagle County Comprehensive Plan.G.Your proposal will be reviewed for .-r1te-zl ory*-"o'rJ^ I / I L :Js' M Ir'rfwI \ ,) .-11__\ -\ ,') t^ l./' -ii''i. '-'f, { 'l f-- I I I I $----- -'t I I .t)iIt- .T ns J-\ ?(-5 s 0U L_L_t \\ $-\2tr] M\d>L 35 v' .t -{o€ =C) -3 r ''l \lf^) n ..){- a.:. + 0! I Ll qt =-I 1 i _.,r 9st2s ffbrFl, N. $$ ,rt,, ,, ''- t t \\'l/t i* ufsPBcrro'rs colrP,.srED Ibc ltror below necd to bc coplete beforegtvtog a pcrnlt a flnal C of 0. Plcara chect, off ln thr bor provlded. FII{AL PUNOINC ,{ DATEs n n FINAI XBCEIIfICIT. DATEs ulpnovacrt suRvEr RESTD. NAIIE: DATE: n T rINAL ELEqIRICAL T FINAL BUILI)ING EAST SIDE3 WEST SIDEs DATE: TEMPORARY C OF O DATE: CERTITICATE OF OCCI'PANST DATE: I.ANDSCEPING DT'E DATBs FILE TIAIIE: ,l a UJ UJlJ- E =uJ(L ouJF z z6 @ ooozzo I |4l(Jt_ril xJIEol<att F9t6 >l=(DloH.<t4 loF tz o\lo\l ErEtl ,..e I _l 2rtrI,-l II I I IrlJIF I I I I I I l-., IE tv tzro o\or N z Ff l!JllJo i IL o \ $ :N E$ o o c(! E. x c q) == dl E =c:) o o o$ 3(l) o,o oo o o (! o) No F o) E ()o(l Q) at o E .c' (U o '(E j- o)ot:(!'=gqo*iog8E coo0; 9l'-xY E;E c-o e:5:gPj'S =c96'- o-c E sE EEA =!Eeoo ! asn: c.=- (g c)-(u cL 3'E Eor aE*e 861EE EO6: EE E- o..): geC(!o- e-E .t OP EEE-si= '6> ?iG:dRu ,et e9E oreEg -o(s U' UJuJt.l.t = UJo- J F F F6o.Lltl (L 2 llJJ(J Izlol IntEI(9ll-t I tslvlrt) |IXIFIFflfrl I>l I <lr{l ADIzlt+1.lh zto<|tr tulzolH ets Fl(,z AF1H v)H HFltsYv) ll frl Er{ J ;Z tr- 6z>Y E uJ) luzuJ >E -t ztr^ .n at7xozrr-<v= CY>x .ici { TL l c z Eo X X x X lO t-!) =n) (I) z E (l-=o .. >lo uJo UJUJzatr uJc J zI =oo ulf a ulzYIIF zoF Jloz z tr UJF I ol =.1olujl 5l <l>l tr.lol zl3lolFI I I I I I cil =.1olurl 5l <l>lql\JIzt ,.t3t :ol uJFt r- =.1oluJl :l al>lttlolzl =lolFI .l -rEl F-AI N =l Yol .o <lr4l rEl . I BI I\tlol IU'ta t4uiH Hscl>s; @z c) Fl FlH E E & rrl Fl FfH B 14 = rjj =z (D _-) z =u- .iF\ c7).i' I\oF\.ir lgrl Irlc.t !vl-l I I .lolzl sil luJl 5l al>lrlIolzl3l PI E Hztrl t4uHAan IFHU)p c,tr F Fz t lt FOz F Fz J O EF UJJ UJ t2?9?z& =Fd.3 -rO<FG(JuJ<zEu.r F(42o F ul ='r E J<(JaQ.lrr LlJ:o oz E =GuJo- ,; E =Q--o Fl =ta** r'. =2frf f B fL U- ..r.irTIT]NLI LI LI J.-i5z_E=ot:r -t vd;= = uj l!o UJoz lo2oFG Eo- Jt-ut!b= o-- E>o-O|!9o5 u.t6O-:> llJ ftr UJ .DoF tro ECI -9o BE .E t E Eot ,AO =.1 +,f=6-Fl=E :o:!FA|E]Tl!+ !'+ " O !- O.R-JFOiOHL4< c'1o\ ci)N I zo zH (Az Fl lrlFodl -)z F I.TJY ut FF (lllt(L tl-o o.oo ul.F z ujF o E =E, UJo-z9Fo3EF(nzo C) t I Ni s tFSF z z.!.I 90 He=NF! $ EH $ l,t 3z8s6HIE85<z tl al,t- Es=trd6Io- I lurIJl-rt*lc Il artl6I trllztxto lF lulF IIt..lzt9IFt{lf 12_ zl ., >l CJ UJolrj UJz 9' =.EulG 2Itroo ctz E :EGujA g,P co c\l> =rsrl€I ! D0)t a) ua U0 ) E. EuL 2I ozDo HEE o =cl =q n 6 EHtr<ef€v{E}E =o.=>E dEEF=I 5E* iHE 8bt HtuI Ei !E lrJooF E =Elrlq.zo -l-o =Eazoo $ Ys- E - J\It\ro -E tll IElrl oz(' UJar 3ltoz il UJ =z lDotrtrtr .! It"t 75 south fronlage road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce ol communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLVL REGISTERED WITE THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT IIARCII 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE rn surnmary, -ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial, including trash lurnpsters, portabre toirets andworkruen vehicles. |pon. any streetl sidewair., iii"V or pubticprlge or any portion theieof. The risht;;;;t-;n all Town ofVail streets and.I?ag" is approximately 5 ft. off pavement.lhis ordinance wirr be strii:Lry enforcid by the iown of vairPublic works DeDartment. pers6ns found viaraain; this ordi.nanceIill- be given a 24 hour written notice to rernove said material .rn the event the persirn so notified does n-t --ornpry with til--notice within the 24 hour tine stecified, ttre-puf,ric worksDepartrnent wirl remove said, mateii.t at irr" ""p""se of pgrsonnotifiefa The provisions of this ordinance sfrlfi not beapprr.cabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in ttre rljti_"_r""y. To review ordinance No. 5 inVail Building Department tocooperation on this rnatter. full, please stop by the town ofobtain a copy. Thank you for your Ap-,- h/ 4z.t o K,"/ l/e*ln^^ K,rAu50,-/i ,6nr,e 16 6rfr/1, oo /2'n"/, /4'/ //aoe R,/ \n lt vtllni lLBnDo\l/st ) p;VAIL ILLACE May 20, 1.991 tl Town of Vail Bulldlng Department 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, Colonado 81657 .Gentlemen: Please be advised that t'leadow Vail Place Condominium Association,has retained Rusty Splke Enterprises to replace all of the skyllghts on the 'roof civer the penthouse due to severe cracking which has 'caused leaks and damage in the unJt. Sincerely,kik Itlanaging Dlrector : kak A t)ivision o{ -l'lrc \:ail ,14 (:orl)oration 44 W(:.sl N'lt:irclo'nv l)rivo \/iril. (l()l()rit<.lo tll657 .lJll.l .476-,1:27 | /? :' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: i*i'<? oR lo INSPECTION REQUEST, VAIL '91 JoB NAME ,r4,,ta"t (hz P):; CALLER MON TUES TOWN OF BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D,W,V. C] ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL Yeppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,/ - /5t1ome /J/'/t/A tNSpEcroR// t_i Tbe Lterns below givtng a perrnlt Please check off FINAL PLI'I.{BING EII{AUISPECTToNf S COMPLETED oeed to be cmplete before a flna1 C of 0. ln the box provlded. DATE:tl FINAI UECEANICAL DATE:I I"T.{PROVEUENT SI,RVEY RESID. NAME: DATE:r s.'r,v'' [- FINAT ELECTRICAL DATE: TE}TPORARY C OF Ot-- I DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PANCY DATE: LA}IDSCAPINC DT'E DATE: FILE NA}IE:\\rtt w- n ^/)/n +1 % \q vl/-Aul #,l 4q- oz F =EuJo- rdz,q '4 44 z rt )Jzicoo =3JOIL IJ- Fa|-ln J "dqza.eQhr = li'i c) A;H E CEuto-t!oE9E<cLf€uB9rrk Ed =>. =llj-F h=E :gE :FE 669 I u.rE Xo-E ;-aulo-i!i uJooF ---()(t, J oUJJ oo Lr) t-{ tn IJJ IJJlJ- F =EuJL .-vru L3.te.s F F z z. =J )z :<9t!q z J F\@Ol dsc\l ltt = z. &E. == d (5 tt)ulo = u- o Eo go(\' .ooo6fd]oFoE oooIlFltt.sp q) o !c ag o,Eoo €tc E q E o = ("o(l, ooo(U 'o 0) EEgg EgE:E 6P:Ec-o> I;:EEE! pcPciIo€ore5t: E EEi EE;Eg.; ge SEieoiE-olE*:€ EEEE -o,Yo-- c lc o'-.=c= o g' E;:: Ifi E;9E or - iE$E (n UJlult E =E IJJo- J FoF o-=!zo- UJJ =IJz. d.ot! =ooCE I 3ll. z tro- EoatuJo uJ2 UJ :>e, -rn)iutN =@$l zzooF-o95E9o,to53a)2r!<oq i-o;oFO.ioi oc) oo(o s o-uJE z Eoo zo &uJ J zl .. >lor! ll.lurz c)tr =uJo- J z E z z o. lr a ; =tr olr!lElJI<l>lttlolzl 'lo{FI I"l.J uJl 5l<l>lttlol tlolFI F{f\C!sr II .o 5 sl-l I olz.l oluJl 5l<l>lttlolzl FI FzLrl UJfZ GaJ) <r1=E <\lt\F llt\(\l qJEl -rl :l :l}IolFI F t!JlJ.l UJJJ ll.I -t(5 td t2?;Q=<-EfFd6 t-tiiYiiEo2 E-rO<FE(JIIJ <ztIIJ F(t'tZ F uJF? (J E, t< i< r---rtstE<Ll t9(l CDt\cfO -/1,/.'4 -/'),/./)r'/- 7_1/,) t^) lljtrq,oo-zo Fo LIJY ul'o oF E Eulo- ILo r\@OlFl f*;6*o>. attl=gul 2E ts =e,lrto-zoF(J :)E 6zoo ro 'l I ov \0 at uJulu- E =EuJo- I I l_ .Ft<ro I I I I lc,oIFt<( IFllt I I \, tr rl \r $r ..tl t! uta,:I Eot!coFo (EFz luz3otr |rUJdz..=uratrv PT<FZao> .1, < g (o ql E o (! =o (l) (g Foa.' F o o = () (8 o a U' al, E T' -o ! € li '(! o (u tt E (! 6 o (u E o 'oF (5 E B Eo o G ; (! .E(t E @ =3 o. Eoa q) Eo).E EE6'5E E8 c, ..2.9uqsE'=:a cL o(g-cn-x=iE>c9'- o, -tCoo.;E6otr CC €e o(!dr,'r (!-- -c sg-(EE6ottrc @G 6cr!-o-(sO oglr, (6 EEO(u t6(l'E>gItopa OE.r- o -o 0\^ U'utulu- EEs J FoF EJ FlH Brlz E .'1 H tq ;*ddfil = FH;I 3 : FflHI FHHE| I z tr (r z UJ F lr(r uJ z Fo FIU sA '-lF{4 Boa4FI- ui =z r-c\ \oF -o- .'1 H( ts ad HH df,H f'ldH 3J H4 = :!l AE <{ F-rft =f rr I J $rilolzl sil HI EI 3l PI I3l|nlr-.{ | I I ?l Els_.rlr <lLn>lFlrl c\olozl3lolFI Ff.1 trl Flt11( l--F-r.o\ o\ IEIrl <l>lttlolzl3lolFI I I .il =.1olurl 1l <I>l Ir-lol fl ,.lolrlol:l Flniljtu-l9Olo' pl i zH uzHH X qn =tr E -rO<FCOuJ<ZE,r!F(rzoC) z 6 =Jo- l-E irgi+alFt-o2 () z oP =ecoo =z o-- P ;F=-r-.:L!6E= 8!! b EuJo-lto+. u,E9E3€aB9T' ir Ed =>=uJ-5 h=o a-tr: >o-iOu-E 9o9 i t-trE XO-E X>t q-o-i!tr- UJ@oF ---e t tr6r I+-,a)u/ o)(- u) v o ') --.-) MEADOW VAIL PLACE Description and specifications of work to be c #' I TIMM' Y SPIKE ENTERPRISES MICHAEL D KROHN {b'r) dJ\ ,f o,oJ/il{f RUST Date:MAY 22 l-987 By: -r- O a"".DULE A, PAGE o PROPOSAL / CONTRACT \ / / i,4MEADOW VAIL PLACE W ifications of work to be perlorme 1,,,).J{ ^rus \wl/r,,,l\|,/ il / Description and spec ,f ltd MAY 22 L987 ENTERPRISES, INC. BUILDING DEPT: DESCRIPTION OF VTORK TO BE PERFORMED AT MEADOW VAIL PLACE. REIiIOVE BRICK PAVERS AND CONCRETE RUNNING EAST & WEST & PARALLEL WITH GARAGE ENTRY. REMOVE CEMENT FROM RAMP OF DRIVEWAY AS WELL AS CURBING ALONG DRIVE. PREP AREA FROM TOP OF DRIVE TO ENTRY, ADD BASE GRAVEL. WIRE MESH THEN POUR CONCRETE AFTER PLUI'IBERS INSTALL PIPING COILS. (DRIVE WAY TAKEN BACK TO SUB GRADE, SINGLE PASS UP TO 6" THICKNESS, COMPACT TO 99S AND WIRE MESH. AFTER FORMS ETC CONCRETE SLAB WILL BE AN 6'' USING 6 SACK MIXTURE 4000psi-7DAY CURE WITH A 4900psi IN 28 DAYS.) :SIDEWALK AREA, PREPPED AND NEW BRICK PAVERS INSTALLED AFTER PLUMBING WORK IS COMPLETED. PLUMBING DRAWINGS WITH HYDRONIC PIPING SCHEMATIC INCLUDED, SYSTEM TO OPERATE DRIVE & SIDEWALK SNOhMELT, AND POOL EQUIP. ROOM , POOL, SPA & DOMESTIC HOT WATER HEAT EXCHA}IGERS. BOILER TO BE INSTALLED CLOSE TO OLD ELECTRIC FURNACE IN PARKING GARAGE. FIRE-RATED WALLS BUILT AROUND NEW BOILER SYSTEM PAGEAGE. BUILDING NEW BOILER ROOM APPOX 10' by 9r AROUND OLD ELECTRTC FURNACE AREA' LOcATION NEXT To ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT ROOI"I IN OPEN AREA SOUTH-EAST CORNER OF PARKING GARAGE. NEW WALL TO BE CONSTRUCTED OF 2by4 FIRE-TREATED WOOD FRAMING MATERIALS WITH ONE HOUR RATED IVIETAI-, DOOR AND ONE SHEET OF 5/8,'THICKNESS TYPE X ROCK. FIRE TAPED. SOUTH WALL WILL BE BUILT AROUND VENTING PIPING PAST FURNACB HOUSING, AT AN EXPANSION JOIl,iT. DISCONNECT BOX WILL BE LOCATED ON OUTSIDE OF NEW WALL FOR ACCESS. SPRINKLER HEAD IS LOCATED IN TH]S NEW ROOM. ELECTRICAL ONLY HAS TO BE CONNECTED FROM BOTLER TO WALL SUPPLY. PICTURES OF PRESENT REZNOR ELECTRICAL FURNACE AND LOCATION OF NEW ROOivI INCLUDED MICHAEL D KROHNr{Av 22 l9g7 P. O. Box 1517, Vail,Colorado 81657 Ph. (303) 476-4374 *M[t^Do\M pM.r- IILACE May 21, 1987 Town of Vail Building Department 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Gentlemen: Please be advised that being submitted to you a boi'ler in the parking and sidewa'l k areas. the association has approved of the plans by Rusty Spike Enterprises to (a) install garage (b) cement work to replace driveway Krisanne Acklam-Krohn Secretary/Treasurer l4eadow Vail P'lace Condominiums : kak A Division of The vail44 corooration 44 West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado a1657 3O3.476-4271 FotfuEn ftil PB.3 POWER.FIN* STANDARD cEClUIPMENT I't I I I It I I ! I I I I I I I Panel Mounted Water Temperalure Gauges Copper Finned Water Tubes Redundant Diaphram Main Gas Valves Adjustable Temperature Hi-Limit Adjuslable Aquastat with Adjustable Diff erential ASME Pressure Relief Valve Low Gas Pressure Switch High and Low Air Pressure Switches Main Gas Pressure Regulator Manually Operated Lubricated Gas Plug Cock Water Flow Switch Remote Maniiold Gas Pressure Tao Radial Perforated Stainless Steel Burner ASME Certified National Board Registered, 160 PSI Working Pressure A.G.A. Certified for Natural & LP Gas Sequential and Diagnostic Control Panel F9 Conkol System - Eleclronic Conkols, 24 Voll, Electric Hot Surface lgnition i OPTIONAT EOUIPMENT I Cupro-Nickel Finned Tubesr Low Water Cut-Offr Alarm Bellr Manual Reset Hi-Limitr Module Sequence Pakr Additional Solenoid ValveI Through-Wall Vent! Outdoor InstallationI Direct VenVSealed Combustionr Indoor/Outdoor Controller DIMENSIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS OUTLET Iv DAI I OtA I I VIEWING PORT { TOP VIEW BACK Model No. BTU Input BTU Oulput Alr lntake B Gas Conn. Width Depth Helght SizeWDH Water Appror, Conn. Shlp Slze WelghtAc PBN0250 250,000 22O,OOO 3/a 23 36 34 161/c 8 173/a 21 5 2" 2gO PBN0500 500,000 440,000 3/q 23 36 411/z 24Va 10 26r'2 28Vz 5 2" 360 PBN0750 750,000 660,000 1 23 36 521/z 33Vq 12 251/z 37 61/z 2' 450 PBN1000 1,000,000 880,000 11/c 23 36 6OVz 41 14 28Vz 48 9Vz 2' 550 T/6 openlng berow gas Intet rs etectncal connectron. ,#---, A.G.A. ctassrtred. Section I non-condensatrng fr nf rnodels comply wiih ASME Boibr Code tor Low NOX ratrng. li\6,,: . I l{ | t6o PSI wo*ing pressurs and rogistersd U.S. and Foreign Patents Pending. t,.{#.J \-/ bv National Board' VENT SIZING / V-DIAMETER Model No.Conveniional Through-Wall'Oirect't PBNO25O 5 4 8 PBNO5OO 7 6 10 PBNOT5O q I 12 PBNlOOO 10 10 14 'Direct an<t Through-Wall r€qukos laclory-suppli€d v€nling tDirecl-Vent dimensron indud€a concentic cornbuslion air inlake piping (B-Diamster). Lochinval Water Ho€ter CorDolallon -- ]{ashv te, Tonnoss€€ 37210 D (615) 889{9OOf Telex Number 5+5161- Detlolt, Mlchlgan 48227 o (313) 273-9500 Dalfas, Texas 75234 E 12141 4A4467f ALr coPPER HEAT l"^"oa* The use ol directlired pure copper heatexchangers is a technology relined by Lochinvar over a period of many years - and now applied in the most innovative wayyetl Specially lormulated, solid copper tubes with integral fins extruded directly from the tubewall itself, are "rolled" precisely and securely into high grade casl iron headers. All wet surfaces within the header are coated with Lochinvar's special "Nu-glass" formulation to resistthe combined etfecls of corrosion and high temperature. The entire assembled heat exchanger is hydrostatically tested, approved, and stamoed for 160 PSI ASME oDeration. The Power-Fin" heat exchanger completely encircles the combustion chamber, surrounding thellame;and e!iminaling the need fora refraclory lined heat exchanger, reducing weight, while increasing the overall efficiency ot the unitl This novel new boiler concept by Lochinvar truly gives new meaning to the terms energy efliciency and cost savings! EASY ACCESS FOR INSPECTION On all models, bolted header inspection covers may be removed lorfield inspection of tube interiors. Entire heat exchanger, which is merely resting on steellraming, may be easily removed through fronl of the boiler. "Nu- glass" coated headers are warranted for the life of the boiler. c SIZE'WEIGHT PowerFin" packs more heating capacity for its size and weight than anything on the marketlJust imagine; a one mil- lion BTU water heater using only 5.75 square feet of lloor space, and weighing only 550 pounds-that's Power-Fin'" ! -And each of the other models are just as impressive. Truly a designer's dream - a commercial boiler combining "heavyweight" performance with unbelievably small size. POWER BURNER'SEALED COMBUSTION Lochinvar's new Power-Fin" boiler combines the best fea- tures of a powergas burner and a "sealed combustion" prin- ciple. This unique combination assures consistent high com- bustion efficiency through the precise metering oI combustion airto gas ratio;with the added benefit of lower operating and maintenance costs. A "pre-purge" cycle adds another dimension ot safety, and allcrucial boilerfunctions are monitored by indicating lights, assuring f aiFsafe operation! The pressurized, sealed combustion chamber permits oper- ation free lrom possible contamination of adjacent areas due to combustion by-producls "spillage." PRESSURE DROP CURVES O CONTROLS The advanced technology of Power-Fin" employs a new level ol safety monitoring with fail-safe proving switches and indicating lights. Each step of the unit's lunction is automat- ically controlled and checked, with the process ''tracked" on the control panel oJ lhe healer. Combustion air, high/low gas pressure, transf ormer/burner operation, water tlow, and gas valve operation are all monitored with indicating lights pin- pointing virtually any source of boiler failure. A temperature resislant glass viewing port is conveniently located for visibly checking ignition and burner operation. TEMPERATURE RISE CHART POWER.FIN* BOILER FUEL VS. CONVENTIONAL SAVINGS COMPARISON b) Based on 1500 hoursryeaf boiler operalion al rated input. Based on nalural gas cost ot $.68 per therm. VENTING OPTIONS :T 10F:I 20F:T 30F cT 40.F :T 50F GP N,HO CPI' FI.HD. GPT FT,HD, GPiI FT.HD. GPiI IIODELI IIIPIJT OUTPUT P8250 250,000 220,000 44 2.1 22 6 14.7 5 11 8.8 .2 P8500 500,000 440,000 88 10.4 44 2.2 2n 1A 22 9 17.6 .8 P8750 750,000 660,000 132 - 66 5.8 44 2.5 33 1.8 26.4 1.5 P81000 1,000.000 880,t00 176 - 88 13.5 58.7 6 44 3.5 352 2.1 goil..Outout Bollsroutpul 8fU annutllnput AU% @.75% SavlngdHoufsodel (BTUI'{oud Efilcloncy Ejllcloncy 88%Yt75% SivlIR!(BTU/Hour) (BTU/Hou4 Efllcl.ncy P8250 250,000 220,000 187,500 32,500 $ PBs00 500,000 440,000 375,000 65,000 p8750 750,000 660,000 562,500 97,500 P81000 1.000,000 880,000 750,000 130,000 1 Conventional Vent - Power-Fin" may be vented into a conventionalflue orvent breaching ifthatchoice is most con- venient and cost effective. Through-WallVent- Provides a quickand easy means of installation where no vent stack is readily available. Simply install the boiler where you desire-and vent directly through an outside wall! An ideal space and cost saving alternative! Direct VenUsealed Combustion - Both combustion air requirements and venting functions are safely out of doors, Clean. fresh combustion air is drawn directlv into the boiler trom outside, while combustion by-products are likewise vented directly through the wall. This option allows total f ree- dom in choosing an installation sile and is particularly desir- able in dirty or contaminted inside air situalions. Outdoor Installation - This option makes Power-Fin'" truly' an all-weather system in even the most rugged outdoor appli- cations. A simple, inexpensive ouldoor installation kit permits, the unit to be installed anywhere outside the building. The ultimate optionwhere indoor space is not available orwhere an outdoor location gives betteraccess lo the hotwater point- of-use. 'J .- THROUGH.WALL DIRECT VENTl SEALED COMBUSTION OUTDOOR INLET OUTLET AIR INTAKE POWER.FIN* 1 Control Module - A convenient plug-in control module monitors 5I' and proves every step of the firing sequence. This faiFsafe system v' insures complete operationalsatety and pin points component failure. ? Hot Surface lgnltlon Devlce - Fuel saving int€rmittent ignition is'' provided by means of asimple, safe, and reliable "Hotsurface igni- tion" mounted adjac€nt lo the burner. ? S6al6d and Pr€ssurlzed Outer Chamber-The powerfan inducesv. a cooling flow ot air around the entire combuslion chamber area. This insires a very cool jacket without the use of insulation, while 6.preventing tlue gas ''spillage" into adjacentareas-a realcosl and safety advantage! /| Power Burner-This unique ''tull circlo" type power burn€r provides 1.T' a 360' tlame proiection. The burner is inslalled in a vertical plane and exlendsthe entiro lenglh ofthe heatexchanger. Hot gases are torced around and through every square inch ot heat exchangsr, 8.surface, e)dracting maximum heat potential. Precise melering of the gas/airratio insures clean combustion and continuod high etficiency. FEATURES Heat Erchanger -Lochinvar's copper heal exchanger "know-how" gained over many years of usage, is being applied in a new and better way with Power-Fin ". The hoat exctt ang er forms acomplele circlewilh copperfin lubes set vertically into lined, cast iron headers at th€ too and bottom. In combinalion with a lull 360' burner flame projection, overy square inch of heattransfer surface is "scrubbed" by hol flue gases for maximum efficioncy. Power-Fin's" exclusivo "full-flo" h€aders assure eoual and unreslricted flow throuoh each tube in lhe heat exchanger. Power Fan - Provides a dual function by precis6ly metering the volumeof combustion airio lh6 powsr burner, while also inducing a continuous flow of cooling air entirsly around the combustion chamber. Ga6Traln- Includesagas cock, gas pressure rsgulator, and main gas valve - all wired in series with gas, air, water and fan safoty swilches. Ventlng - Power-Fin" oflers complete treedom otchoice in venting options: direct vent (through-the-wall), convenlional, direct venv sealed combustion or outdoor inslallation. l v' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT--r :.. DATE .(r. -- I JOB NAME I NSPECTION REQUEST TOWN O VAIL x. CALLER MON ..TUES--' WED THUB FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI V rRnutruc PLUMBING: / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V.ON / STEEL tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION I S SHEETROCK I r'l POOL / H. TUB tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR trf,INAL tr FINAL I/APPBOVED tr DISAPPROVED O BEINSPECTION REQUIRED 7 cbnnecrror.rs, i INSPECTOA eINSPECTION REQUESTVAIt DATE L1 _ ^5 -bf JoB NAME /\oo INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES ..- a ,- ,_wED /rHury) FRI TOWN OF ."1',4 ,-< READY FOR LOCATION: ER OF PROJECT BU trl trl trl Dl DI EII tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING, ROOF & SHEER ;$re PIPING (,'o O'=T-PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL /aeenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE Lr 7t INSPECTOR i \ ,\t -i \.,\r.l , - - ")\' JoB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED iTHUR FRI AM r. ly,, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLU trU trR EIR )-/ ^HTJ trP tr_ MBING: UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER ,- ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWooD NAILING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER ME tr1 trl D{ tr CHANICAL: HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR o,#rr.rnr-tr FINAL iAPPROVED ORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE {-'" 'INSPECTOR ,-\ 'y- /; //.(,7v 7-,1r r 1r fi{''t 'lPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT -t IF' INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL '.. l'- .i, 1DATE ] i.r' | ld I JOB NAMEIi CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON ruEs iil, rHUR FRI G-d PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEu UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING ,--'' ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE E] Sr tr( tr- CTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL dRPPROVCO .:,. /,'i' tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR j/,,t INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT REAOY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES :/ l- ,/,/ THUR (. FRIWED TOWN OF VAIL .. / ,t -r a'./DA:rE l/{,'r" (' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr E tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING T] INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n q F|NAL EI. FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER ITIEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH o tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr tr r/Not E FINAL \PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED ( ' i,4-oerc ':6 7'r' 6? tNSPEcr . I LJ J't,l I NAME MON CALTER TUES i., ,l WED THUR INSPECTIONTOWN OFPERMIT NUMBEB OF,PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: REQUEST VAIL /r, I ')\ I AM 0 RppRoveo ,/ coRRECTtoNS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED .. l-, i'.'j/.iJ,: J JoB BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR INSPECTOR $ \Ns I I IluJ.Ft<to olo\l orl F"{ | .rl I <l o,94t iE,FIU'>.'= HIEH.<-lotz l-' lo I I I I I I t_,, to IE t3 t= o\ e.l .d" aJtH z Fl F\@ rn-rO X Ho<Pr> -oc* 6.9E6Eg!EE O * Eci.=6-65CxO tE€i iE t* EEg€ * sgqEaeJ *?g$ $Egg aP s' E €= €€ EF:E FiEg E E =u E .9ot o oE .s 5ottg io o.ccto,6 .9E tto E q, 6 : atE oo)! -e 'oczoG o E(,4, CNtn€ 4 at UJ UJltt =c IJJo- J FoF =l=l Elil. gllli rq12 16ol< lo dl*lE xeo; ozI o-E 8uJ EuJz|lJ =>E -rd)EurS =@$l zzooF^tt =a ainoz>89l!<oqHdtoFO '.'i^i J z9E z9F EUJF zl .. >louJ utuJzoE (E llJo- J z E trz, 2="iF;6BtrOI a,t{aF{ta tstc.)sA. tlHg fr lq- tr; =z @ -) Fc!.d' I\o c FfH & E t!E E -1.-iran ll,rtr I \'F(n\f I\oF\' ol I =li I'lo Itst I4tl;l I flf,cl alEt ill:lt3l HPI ,il H4<l q FI oz ciuttcJa Itoz3oF oz olrlGJ t! z3oF I I zl IlI 1l?l EI Pl t, Eot-() tFz C) gF gE d6o z I UJ = E,}] UJ.!nF;Oz FC) UJtr oE e-rO<FCOr!<ztUJF(J6 C) r--lNl cr)l R-lo =E-tuJo- zo9ze c0o =z>fdP EFiail3 !ttr tr =El!c l!oEgE<8A-eIPa95EE ;tE FE! 6tE 90E :HE ;Ief€# H Etn I,.{tt llJF o o\ o\ H '4/" fr '),a- ulEoqtolzo FouJY UJ c0oF F =.E IJJo-tto o.oo I IJJFoz ts =ElrJo.zIF(JfE 6zoo @ r c( $nlq ctz -c H oh ! oo)t,) Luc u0) E uL ul Eo I 3 I uj z trtrtr z gE 60 =F €Ei\pr tluLttoEgga IP;E.EE E f -5 FE: Io.E EbI EE€i Ho ts =e,lrlGzo EqJE6zoo at, UJlrJtl. -c H $sll giggE 5uto =i 6tt EEEEE iiiig o u,G)kz0o iEiii = = :rllm E E *aHE EHEf,i Jl<lFI =l :l .. >lal|lolltu,zo =GtuG {2oFoo il {l $l fr! Eo =ll d E Hg d sfl auJ&oo I F-c\ $q ,-l.-t F() 9ld-{1{ r-l.-l .(0 R ao Eu/I 2 dH ciz IulE 3lto2 F ci2g lutrjtlro :F C'z qtltlG tltoz F t.-l 75 soulh lronlage load Yall. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2139 otflca of communlly developmenl TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECIs ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN Ot' VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVET.OPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I,{ATERIAL STORAGE rn surn:naryr.ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soll, rock, sand, debrisor materiar, including trash dunpsterl, poriabre toileti andworkmen vehicleE gpon qny streetl sideiraix, altey or publicpf?ge or any portion theieof. Tire tight-oi-way in alt Town ofVaIl. streets and-q9ads ls approxinately 5 ft. off pavenent.Thls ordinance will be strlitry enforc-ed by the Tolrn of vailey!]i-c l{orks Departnent. pers6ns found viltating this ordinanceltrrr be gtven a 24 hour written notice to rernove said nateriar.rn the event the person so notified does not conply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the puLric worksDepartnent will remove said nateiiat at ihe expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not beapplicable to constructJ.on, naintenance or repalr proJects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the r-ight-a-way. To.review Ordl.nance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town ofvail Buil.dlng Departrnent to obtaiir I copy. rirani< you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES INC. tt 0||]| 0 PositionzRelationship to ProjeEt (i.e.contractor, owner) Aprll 17, 1990 Town of Val'l Buildlng Department 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Gentl emen: Please be advlsed the Meadow vail place condominium Association hasretained Rusty spike Enterprises to replace the siding on the southfaclng exterlor wall of our buildinq. l(rl s Acklam-Krohn Managing DlrectorVail 44 Corporation r\ | )it'is;irlrt ol'l llr. \tril ,t .f. ( i,rl r()t'illioIr Jyh"Do\ / P[nu-ll-ncri 't 44' \\i )rt''tt'.')l; li':);;:,, )rli t r'r.'itt r5tt(;57 PERMIT NUMB DATE I READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME rNstcnoN REeuEsr tr REINSPECTION REQUIBEDffenoveoCORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED R OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL CALLER ECTION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL i,runr- C.O, ' s'.tr--*," trF'NAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL INSPECTOR ctz E =e,llro o!n 4 oul!ut! E =tuJo $H $$Nq @oo\ \o F E zH HHpE >.!H t-t V 16EItr >: ',1 * l=E l9J qJF eoF G,FI == zz (n UJF zo26Ifo ottoz2a) 4H4r-1pq E 1>l 1 Fi Y ni vu o.l "l,)t4: J E (,1 2F!p I Fv v.FF? F c X 5 L4 EUJz3oulI oz u.ltfF zo @ oo A -\o'E oE ooEoo ot ! @ E o =cl oo oclo,6;.g E o) Eoo(J6 Et o tt .9c, I =Il o Itcr! ai36 c.9oo g;oI'o(, '-o E-oJU' !cG ot .EcoN -oCiloF o o o Eoo(J6 Et o tt .9a, I =Il o Itcr! os =3 .> CL Eooo o Eol.lt -o6Sct q,ipoco6Qo;8grc =(d 8E 3-*-]6.ot,FS=9oo.€ 5't FEEEooEo'-oo+.5i =-E(5o_ Er -. CL9u6tr66a.iCE.ot_6 EE;o o'-a9o|, E-=d3o>6-ogE6:96*oEoEEool().lt t(, E oo .9 Ec,.= cro g,6ooE o. .9 6 E o .s q)E (! 6 o 6oEc(g tt '= cto go 6 E o .E |l) 5 '= ottg io 6.9 CLo(t .9E tG E o 6c 6E oolEo!oc-toct .ooo ttl(n q rt a E.EItlo. zo!D6 g() UJ oz Jc J 9 oqJJuJ z6 =fJo oz ouJ = UJ4It!z Eu,ie gJG oo =g llJ z 6uJ F oo- uJ z ul o x F u,la,f t/, IIJtuu- E =G UJo- J FoF .JzoJ o JIeFc)UJ uJ I2o:f o. {Iz () UJt Fl H H NO[VnlVA IE ;E 9nt!oF2aod Eu fr: HF e7e.2 E:q ('l zo =o z Fo- E8ooz>OaJ()zl!<ogH{F5j(\i { trd il3rlOitHI 'g) zoF t! cr ci c oE qJo. V e, tu J zItr z EEu.lF =u,lz oLzlz tr o o Fz z =uJ;o !J .L uJ(f oz Ez IllJI !ll (! v,q> IJJzYIrt- ut F z tr t,z Fl F<t) JI<itrl =l .. >l ul uJuJzoF =uJ(L J zItroo ozF(n 6 Itr I FF .iz cit!G Ja tt z;o Iol =.1olr.ul :l al>lttl zl3lolH I ^l.l r.ul JI al>l bl il sOl ulFI F trl F4 rJ) ItstsU' >l tI-lolzl3lolFI xt-lEIol <l14l =lI€{l EI:l.il ata.Aul ctCIsJ E rii =z cr)o-) Eng+tFFo2 () t 9P =<zE]F d. zo t -rO<F0a c)IJJ <zFI.II Fazo C) J trF() uJJuJ do J-trt ul ts(t) @o 2o Fo-utY UJgl oFF =3fr3LBdiJ8Hr1 HuJbkzo trnt zo9ze60 =zl=JOo- l! EE3at3 6nn ts:lEuJo.l!oEqE5€8B9!k EEF 7* F FEE ETE ooE iH E =i r €o= H F ts =Elrlo-zIF()fE 6zoo rm\zrE !=ll ^ctrJ O i : I I I I I Y. d ('z Ju- dc;o .t>Ul tlJ-1 F J I"IU ldl\ $ N r.l,l I =l<lzl FI lrlsl Ntvt tl Itt\t-Jrt , lN{ s \s"$Y* $Httl>l<<=laEol A 6 Ell- $'l igFI II tltttltt leltclEllJl lt<tll>l Itbt I dflili I I I J ;lr,ulcl JI<l>lelq 3olFI ll|l ldtq lt3t Itbt I dflill I I I sl Fl il>l bl pl rtG (r UJz = F()ul .r oE E-rO<FEO lr.J <zgUJF0zoo <oOF fr3 tr' gF;c) =Ed5 oFr3 g6 ott.5Y iF\JZ xx,><><>< $$ nnD n 5$ ro UtrdI<at -H*b Es g Fa#i-e TE P .=r!; !fi,o E= H : ;39 Fr-r3 B9f i rr5r^-5 g iuQ F€q; =u,rp.1.* rm\z/J= I-ar t h TEEtil O. z,IFO3GFazo() F-r.-HCO+JE<.rtd(J cLT' H NO6-J- (5 o- xz<o\r. JL |/IF. Fa 9,LL \/ c -c .'5r OCts\\--trt,L' (, ttc- r 6 wINH.S "v\ r4JE 0',lrj CFI:Eo(:-l(JEIg 3E3l-?Ol(4t ct Lblo z$ oJ9 ir-li sstl9 d6-lf, *-*l gJ l.,., IY-..1u --Nl@l l'.!\ {tl \l x x X x aDult!IJ. E =E UJo- I I I Ila! t<to I I I I l. \ I,lll N,r\rN\\ I'tl fl,ld tl l- l<ltslt$llol I FI *EffE I3 igiffi FiiFry :eE sg iEEi; !;otat gxE:g E ia:t gEiEI (i vi fvl Da ds {{$$.|${ () | '\,4 u tr =Eulo.0z6 =f,.D x(,q, az o- J F qJ oz ao 9z (Jtrl z9F lrlE oE oE)i!! UJ&zI F ocUJoc 2 ul C) x F u,o oUJtul!F5\GVJ\-J\ FI zo 9cF() ll,l oz aoI E Ia{Io BTt NOtIVnWA OFF GrljA. N/1 l-^l -\llvl -t uJ 2E ls fl t9 til Nr* z9 { CE o- (, uJ F il i\-N \X,\ UJ t- t<txt= o :z tr c uJ ;lrl'r izl _rl<lFI z_l zl .. >lo uJ lulltz u,F u,o- z trd lltltltl trzl29o<oo< 5.'xE6ci<z tltltltl a2., 9z"iFd6BtrOI o:u,o 2t .L zF ) @ lA9'S l\J H .f lrf.l- < v\t\l-ilZZrI I o^., id =i$F* Nsc *ri .. ">l )v * \ c La,xX G"".orrE A, PAGE PROPOSAL / CONTRACT /hseJo- ,4;l &.e I' Geueae &ileaOtn(erl Job Location D6criptlon and specificaiion8 ot work to be performed: lt'il ^(,$ ', JIM,r u IWMTJW{V vst"le c-o[ urru f'CIN' / EU*P^^I ou Brtlsioe o[r'Eurhilk 'e,o 44"o ffi. Usw r,Ua[L. a</ n tr.,,t" I B'3"- O PRaas.t ulltt s04c€ d 0ooz ru \t t\br^r . Nleo baoq- Frrg; Rofrl *a{ 86,l.=u c t/,lntl RanouED n April 25, 1988 Town of Vail Building Department 75 Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Gentl emen: P'lease be advised that the l4eadow Vail Place Condominium Associationgives approval to expand the existing boiler room to accormodate a second boiler. This expansion invo'lves relinquishing one parking space. Please note that due to units #1 and #2 being combined to form one condominium, the Association approves the loss of one parking space. Krisanne Acklam Secretary/Treasurer :ka A Division of The Yail44 Corporation 44 West Meadow Drirre Vail, Colorado 8165,7 3O3.476427 1 ul ly, PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT . 1'r,DATE \. . INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THURREADY .FOR ,LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUItDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H, TUB ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PBOVED RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOB rl..,,l n t-at PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 'Na+JJ*oN, $FSUEsr', DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER i: I INSPECTION; l-l L;' (l ,,) THUR FRI PM OVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr o n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERGnnutruc n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK o POOL / H. TUB NAIL x(tr.rlr-tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL fI FINAL INSPECTOR -. SCHEDULE A, PAGE PROPOSAL / CONTRACT &a./n- ,&;l &.e Geueaa no',leL,(e^l Job Locatlon Dgscription and 3pociflcations of work to bg perlormod: l+8'5"4'1-tdT I ll' I \r B'3"- O PRass *k ,rlltt s0a€ d 0aoL ru \tt[or^r ) N}Et,baoa- Fr'r-g Rqlnl *at[ c lJsur u;a LL.-3<4 rutstrt 77ffi l]6,ln,L o Wntt RaYnour€D W PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OFt.l READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES JOB NAME MON i,, .' ,) WED VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr ''1..\EtFINAL ,= ' !-.-tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL 4 VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ut EoF FIz = I I@'@lO\lir-l >lEl I I I I zl Hl ErFl l.- lo I I I I I I IJ rct IEto r= l-J @@o\ (n >t zH E E IH l!JuJU' olr o Ec) {) -o EEo6 3 F-oE oooa (! .EPo o j-oc 6 * 6.9' B$E: E gE: E 6P:Ec-o> i$:; E E!:c966IoSo !EEF EE gF g"; ge SEreoiEolE€e€ EEtg - cL,Y (, --cp6 0'-.:E;O(D e€E s ; l;: ;ffE PEgg - o 6: Ec6oooo CD E co E =l () o clct(U '.g c) ttuJ uJtl. E e.u,c J FoF t-euJc.ozoIfo *. trFe u, ffisGFd,uyo =>g -f(a =uJN =.l|$l z2o9F^Ulq5EP o ato6s<)zr!<oq 'r o;oFOjoi J l! .E E o-uJ J z Eo >l oF EUJ J z E ErF =<t =F UJ F4i9= d6}E oz cj l,rJ J a l!oz3oF Nt\r\ Ic'\.iro\ I I Jl<l>ltrlol zl il I I I I I I dl =.1oluJl 5l<l>lttlolZl ,,t =t :Ol ltJFI F FHv H ut =zdlo-t I I I I .l:l fllEl il>lttlol2l3lolFI E t;g (JZ O J I (JulJ 2PE?AG d6 O E-rO<Fcc)IJJ <zEIIJ F.nZoo ;cfc?(Ylcl 1 cjz E-Etue o2 n!! z,r9ze(oo =zJO.L IJ- J =E:=oi= rr.l Ecotr= nnb E IEulo-t! E95.5€8e9?ir 5E9-J|-= ur '-E !E: >oE 85E i.'E';ta u,l €; LIJ cooF @ o'l o\ F t UJF o uJF @!0o-zoFo- UJY UJo oFF (r uJo- l!o o-oo I lrJFoz E =E UJo.zo ]-() :)E V,zoo $$ld cqJz3o lrJ? F z lr u,o Go|r F ^ ;:.; E = ESF* fsis g! ^€... trt o =€HE(Jclrl H rgCLJe-&9:-< o JIL l,Fa ,-. ttLl- s,. C d. .3oc.ElU- vl Ll., 'tt Ioro IH ".91u.J E (ullr, Cr-l=ggl,t1 0l'-.E'l(l, L(FI = 15 o.lI =Lrztloo+)lJ.P qJlJ+,(.r)IOoJ Ir.r- _r er IlrJ I-..1F -r o.ll x I I I to FoJ (9 =J u- =l<lzlaololAI $J: ll. Jd:ldr W I J f, il got uFIF=c Gu,z =o F() uJbI() E-rO<F0. c)uJ<zEr!Fa6 () JE 6P;o HSE=5 gF ;() =Ea'6() 6E F3 E6 4br++E FOz J<oa.n3H \-,- \,->(,.xxx.x\.. fr$ J E$g !DD iird=<s 91 L =6EE U *E=ilBH 9 'F(E Zt! =5ff SF- :l L= -? u.r - €5iF s=i e E;fl i €q= =ultioie.T + F =E,lrlo-zoF()fEt-azo(J. I cizt =EuJo- rn NN <\N * (n u,JuJt! ts =t IJJo- \N$N=\@@0r c.{ F(n TAH z - [!IF lo J 9ttl! 2oJ UJ EoF eF ==o o22 tttulFozoz6J @ .o(, =z clllz =o uJ Foz lt'JUJo = CEott c.9 Eglt 0t Es8* Egoo,'tq €6ItC;e 1'F FEo- ._c o 5ElNOI -, F'cc;EFOeb oo PF E€ooEo6 OIto.E:! EEaEoO EJ Egeg EO.c6t; o.9a>60E d:9E6E':O(a g8E EEH F8E.s;o =gi c96 3Et E EE,-oo g.;; g=E cLo o.$Er(,'r cl =fieE! Eg'-6 TEE=o -PC,(! 0'-5dPs*; EeTO G;c-= ifis Egg -o6 t1.n(n ra{(f {t tr =ul z 6J o x qJ ()z o- ) oE ouJ lu z aoE J J z () UJ = UJuJlLzoF u,e,()uJe, o3uJ UJEzIu,uJ F an RUJo o- z uJ x Ful.tt U' IJJUJ]l- ts =euJ -)FoF o =oI o J () F UJJuJ oz .D =Jo. Iz uJt '-1 FT H NO[Vn'lVA =l>El -td)lf ur S l=oNl ;Go =ZZtLo ooF^rrrzI5 =9E P OE atoEZr(J8e Ar!<oq 4H6 EER 2-,Y!uiN(9 v7FlHo I& f.1 rrl 4 &trlFlHo z tr rL Go uJo- F ln c{cl E, IIJt J z Eoo t4z tr EuJFJ 3UJz IItltlI 2 zPs<oo<:o- =H <2 oE2,. 2= do3tro- uj J o!JzY iF z z I E]z z I -= JJ =F lu oo3 _..r1<l-l zl zl .. >loulo TUu,lzoF UJo.) z Eoo o =Fv) I t;,; I j- c.)il' cOc)o !JFoc0oIzoFo-uJY UJo oF E =ffi3o-q - dtl OslO Aal9Atr?lgulbkz.o nD! zoPze60 =z>DdP EEi = t!i.,idd=!!E E: ulcl!ouloz U'IoF 9 0- JFUl i-!:=:E(LLU>o-OLoo\ r.uxo-:>LIFllJJJc uJt0 F ts =E,lrlo.zoFofEF3nzo() oz _=tt I'Jco Fo uJ =z I z rl tlH Bo E !J =z o uJGoo = F =tr EuJ = c F6 zH E FlA F Ffrj FfH =tr tao I ,]ol 2.1 ol UJI : <l>l tl'lr] z1 'l9lFI |-\t\F I(h.$ c |l lt =e, l! oz ciutG J ll'oz3oF =E ll- ctr oz C'lr,l.EJ troz3oF =c,tr z oul IEJa ILoz3oF uiJuJF. t lJ.lz =o FoTJ =- E d. <FGOIJJ <ztr'r F(42o C) )E<oOF fr34idi8 Iz co =f d t ? (I zf) EP F3P= =8 ot--gir =+tFFOz J<c)onu.] x-a an UJtrlt! F =lljo- oulFozo =oIfo r|' o =zoN I I I l* .Ft<to I I I I l- t? la2t=lo<l tsl r5l t\t-,tq,Iv,t>lilrctot:loIFlotI t2tolol.c t- I lr,lz3otE lr llJ 3itrvfur <trz?,YZo< I gs-ge 1ffffFlc9GhP lis"Eg;o?>bBO c Q.N (,:) ::5sc€E9F 5 t;s.e!9:-oo c*=.sE I sfi sgisEgt:ii-E;= -- c f @6J O-: -.c;ooE eg€:E EEA;g sF;;$ F =UJ (,z o =11, UJ z 6q, u,t! z tr lu otf, F lll o. z ul () aJ't UJt!t.l_Fs TU J F, F (, J 66p;= 2o8!b{ c'gFO.'i a\i J zoi-Fooor<at d lrlclr-o uff ruzx() F t< ls ll<lzl 9l = at, oJ 3 F u,l o:u,o o =Y zoP =<rDo =z a-,R {f; :f;= BJ=' EEEu,o-ll-oluIL F] trDD lr, l- Fr S.l .Y ^Al'J ,l .\ \l u,trq, dlo-tzo Fq- utY Lllo o.F F El! -. o-_ b'd>41o- tl8{lldEtu23 >< LrJ Fc<=<E UJge o- =b5ES g3a irJO:=F-F G.i- g 5ES E= P8=5;6F E--t6€r-FtrllX EgQs<=-".iE =turE1tF* F EE lJ.lo-zot- C)f,EFozo(J J(D q{t'tt a. 2 ?o4't € LrJ =z A,4 4>lfl A ,iFI fl dcl{-lg iC Ei .4ulII = oz -sfll sl el tl oz (9 UJ .EIrl sl l!l :l z) olr!l CEl it>l 5lzl3l oc-rO<Fc(Jlrj <zEIIJ F o C) oIIJF o -t() F C)uJ gF g3 =tr-;Jz C) trDR lown 75 3oulh frontage road ral!, color.do 81657 (303) 476-7000 d6panm6nt of publlc works/transportatton TO: FROM: DATE: RE: rn sumnary, ordlnance No. 6 states that tt Ls unlawful for any person tolltter, track or deposit any soiJ-, rock, sand, debris or urateriil, lncludlngtrash dunpsters, Fortable tollets and workrnen vehicles upon any street,sidewalk, alley or pubL1c place or any portion thereof. The rlght-of-wayon all Town of vail streets and roads is approxinacely 5 ft. off pavement.This ordLnance will be strlctly enforced by the Town of vail publlc worksDepartment. Persons found vlolating thls ordinance wlLL be given 24-hourwritten notice to remove said naterial. rn the event the person so notifleddoes not conply with the notice within the 24-hour tlrne speclfied, thePubllc lJorks Departnent will remove saLd nate.rlar at the expense of personnotified. The provislons of this ordinance shall not be aplllcable toconstructlon, rnaintenance or repair projects of any street or al1ey or anyutllltiee in the rlght-of-way. To review ordlnance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town of vail BuildingDepartment to obtaln a copy. Thank you for your cooperation ln this matrer. Read and Acknowledged by: Date VAIL1989 ME},IORANDI,M ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTI"IENT l.tARcIt 16, 1988 ORDINANCE NO. 6 TO VAIL VALLEYI- PLUMBING & HEATIIW NC. P.O. Box 2ozl8 AVON, COLORADO 81620 (303) 9497771 tr Gopy of letter E Change order LE TTTTET@ F T'RA NSNfl ITTAL "^h - /o -'tt l'"" "" /v'4^"'&")not Vfra7yrecz azr/RE: / 4a<- ,<hrn sv i( eo/a* l/ar/ Placo WE ARE sENDf NG tou fi*"hed tr under separate cover via 0tr Shop drawings tr Prints /4.Ptans tr Samples the following items: tr Specifications 0a na2^4n 't9ez"l, coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION a-o-q:8E n-/ru/L<ha.r,rz>/ P/qzz /S&e-uo*Zs/ THESE -ARE TRANSMITT.ED as checked b€low: D For approval ftFor your use ! As requ€sted F(For review and commcnt tr tr Approved as submitted E Approved as noted E Returned for corrections E Resubmit-copies for approval D Submit -copies for distribution E Return -corr€cted prints tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNED: noqfi ?|oz l@ rr. ed., r-. ol|lr.,t .acroau.tf .r. nd aa not d, kl.frtt ao[lty ea .t oac.- 3.{34 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT :i'rt:. INSPTTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL oo* q t \qt JoB NAME READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEu tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION -tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n trFl NAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr trNAL pnwni TTTT-tr APPHOVEDI CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR ,, f--,- T-T57${n'n,.F.+;-'4ffi€Tg{i.t$,,rt# -----;Fryr/Fl'tt6Frftq{t tt- +T. -rF{ ._ , I r. .I " $EFF -gtfiryrlFaq'il{ Colo. Mncn I #l?81@ Tim Roccn Mechanical Enginecr Max Schneflprcridcnt /U./&t*y 'LUMBTNG 6! HEA'rNG, rNc. t*./*r*y *LUMBTNG..' r{E^.F^,^ .-.^,we do u tisht the littt titnc', .'w"aoi r,.giffiNc,&' HEATTNG, INc. (3O,, g4g-777t p.O. Box 2o.t6t itol\ sz+-iii1 nvon' co 81620 P.O. Box 20,18 Avon, CO E1620 (w) 30384s-77? |(H) 3o,i-9194852 ,i: ci =F =GuJo- r, N f NN oo ooo tiAI cc cc o IJJ ITJt! F =G, IJJo- Lg.L< sssogft n I F-l Fscol @c' ol-l '-l ^it ";C\l t$J>:e >gro g IJ-{' z.l dlt 2d,< J?ls =-lt ->,o :z frlg g <l ld d tJ IJJ e, F tFIz: =z oIIJ 2ozo! o5o =z i- YFlrl F E F Ftr F F E Fr fs 9'.is<j. GE et I ".li-li el i3ti g)'Bs !E;o-i -c 8: Egoro.'y c\i66 ;F EEoI.Eo&NO,,8EC :\EF\ eF'-=oo PF E€oo3o6cD o.E =E 3d-"E o)O EJ EEegt, o.c6 "'lr, .9.!3>6E F o.c:a =dE\oo o isCI -9o.It qt .9 (lt E o .; =] a Eoo o .o E CDo ttE6'5E E8 5f EEF'5ig;ocL o6Gr:sE>c9'- clEc6.9 PlsC'E 'FOcC €eR=.=-o.(! sE Eg-(EE!'OELC O(Eia-c6-a605E s*E5EEo(! ;a6E>E60I -o-OEr-o -() (Yl =l Ot\ (\u (\l oo 3rJ) -l t if F =EgJ z J co -() IJJ oz J aFoqJ)gJ (Jz to =Jo- z ouJ = UJu, zo UJ ouJ oG o Blu UJez 6uJ F o-uJoo- z qJJ x FulU' atlll IJJu. E =Elu J FoF (9z J o C) c.F() uJ uJ zo- Jo' J z oUJ. F F NO[Vn'rVA =l>Gl tYt I=[sl =loNl ; o ==ze-o ooF-llrzI5 =9E I of, ooE6d 8.QzXlL .(9q iEg EF.N(t cz, 4F CE >( LL t4q l! =Eg zo k J IIL c E UJ c c q ca, oulE J zo F6o € z9F UJFJ ;uJz at =zfzO(/)Erll<oo< <u2aEx rr-6o<z o E3r2=-lrfio =E u,l J cc v,at,LIJzx iF uJo- F 2 F J oz lp',/) 2,/) -.a: I 3I o = o Fo ..ll:l zl zl .. >l uJ llJulzo = llJo. J zIE oz Fo5lo tI-l><llxlI lcElol<tltdl" lErE Fl Ie E,lJ- tw .1,,2 A,/, ,/. uJ Ethoo-zo Fo- uJv uJo o,- ! t- =zP,-o E:E g roo =3 j JO sfaL tt <f, :f;= ;HgEnl trD! F tc IJJ[6 |!@to9l o- .lo r-l()-l,<lr=lgur 2E tr =Gluo- bEUE5€aE9!Lb9EE =>.= r,u :-E FEE =*E U5E ir'E ;ta u.l €= uldt m\/J= g E =ElIJo-zoF(JfE,, zoo aI iAt J (9z)tr Jo FoJ uJ =zo 3 P I o-o o I o)o rE =c,v, IJJ =z a It a t L .l, F Ec +tan L (rJ LLoo- orricdt\ u/G,oo : I F;i o ! =(Uz, .J' .|J a/>an oa =-E "br-l C\I o lr.lql <liloz3 FI (') Fc) lJ..lJt! UJJC5= F Etr oz ciultr t!oz3oF (o o I r.osfll uF z, cc, == lr at d, Lr.l =G, Ll- Isl(r1 ciz rti UJ J oz3 F g II o2 uJG J l! z =oF =g o2 cillJ J ttoz3oF utJu.lF t IJJz3o uJF OE &-rO<Fc(JuJ<ze.UJFtnZ-o C) JCE<oOF E3qEL g"g E3]Fd6o txots =3EE (r Et; UJ+EFt-o2<c) -.,H8 x=l.il I I NI llfu =l$f E ,+, Irot.c I .=iX l.'ligt\ orl lt+ t\E Jto lc =l.pl I ;.ic't: ic'-l'F o ro ==;z9. 16 t6 t1 slvl'lI 0r\$fl{ .1 l1 i I a \J\l aN vl I ll.o lltn I il.j \r NI "ltuJ\ \\t tF\- < rr\ro"\ 1l"ir NI s\\ \\4<2 alt UJ UJt!F E t! t-'it' (, &F Uo. zo tsI6ltl .ollltFtIJI IJ,ol ) an UJ UJt4Fx0{ Ll-6o- -J oF =llJ uJ z (lJ '\"1 N \t( \,({l: ri W iffFtuF,I Fc,wJlr.l "15=t 2@l< =16Jl s/LI E JcF ro'-s/glslglg f\i;i,2i t9 N .a i*,TJ]}iNOrlvn'lv^ €l# =E144 Eft \t\ ^,+>\€ /= \-\ - z EgE8z;!? ct\JZr|.< o-* 3>()FO-a .i il lr o u, F ,[-:lt;Ll llfiltrlill ll = lEt^il 3 |f-ft Y !2 192 l:ll 6 t ls l;li F F 13l< ll 6 ci IHl 1 1t,, I,,=1 il+t Fp Je€f€igj EE€ Eg EEEg= - o..lj o J -- c f aDct O'-: - cg;:f E Fa;eiISeg ia;E f iF$iE zl --J I_l _T ,l zl >l o u, H fldJEffiHil; J;I;/N , ;l\ ei ,.a, I = si =a ls il c'#l; gl .'8rrI'E Fl \--rI{I E =- l=t-uut E =lEl -i ,-\; =lgl :;$l-- .ltlll -:rr+:- E -': lo-l j;O l '=E ilrl B;+ |:€ *'l Etrfilrl l"Ja^ x& EE,H4 flr, e|il] l{jl isl il:.t zF -!I ;l \ l1ll f\+f, .td'll vIql\J -.'[ 'Q-!FVs dsS{ail rl lt I NInlt{ | $d SH>t :J<l <AE ffilr N t;lt{ fCIctsJ 5 n ti sIs *<J f sttt.l si ll:liJl ll) I rt '{ R \(, : E \ ;'n \F sr--.-'.. I nc S"luJlJItul'Fl t:ll)t>.1 I fi =q UJ d]Jilil 'ri=z co FC)uJ =I()|rJz =o <o()F;C)=<ir (E ,-- F;o rl a!;r-J O\,i<F(EOuJ< (52o() r st Fl F J<c)Cj oUJ UJJO (ffi#>< ,OJ =:;gLror! '- CC-F o- q- J9- or-r .F O)tr- v g E.=AE.t'lL .n l- E)<L.lJ O,O O.{JUJE O'LrJ CFzoo.(JEtlr_or-r E (Jo(5 t- rtszrts o =Lt,O 0J +r.J+' (UJPt, u-Jc\l- oF ts CElrJo- ?71 b6'lo tlt{1 *t u,23x Lr,- ^^.l- -l (\, 'xt - ,\' -l',i tl v'INSPECTION REQUEST' TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:, MON THUR FRI LOCATION: BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND F-ROUGH / D.W.V.E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr T] GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE tr'I trF trc tr CTRICAL:M tr tr tr tr ECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR ,q FINAL tr FINAL q -g'lAPPRovED 7'"o''.*=a'orr' tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOts INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL': \ \. \\ \ .- \r REQUEST".! F-,'-i:\ . l.' ' t .'.''' \ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I \r '-l<'\ DATE \. i, - -.-i--t. - 1 \ JOB NAME THUR FRIWEDREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: F), \ \.. tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND .. I \noucH / D.w.v.-,df aouon / wATER ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR VED ECTIONS: -,, \t tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ^r ll,' //i,.1 iJ /t;' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION REQUEST" TOWN OF'1 VAIL JOB NAME MON CALLER t-- / .' ,-z._ _--_\ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:rues ,,'-rtef rHUR AM ,@)FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr CONDUI n n tr rl EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL B FINAL yl aeeaoveo.. , CORRECTIONS: ./(',. r4""tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR r- .'*/ Dqrtl:x!F4.:,fr \ .ts -i .r5 rr 4f' ' Fr &,:i !'t.r{$4r -]lT;i- jEja*"\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT tINSPECTION REQUEST' TOWN OF VAIL onre\ \., * |ii-, -'\,t, JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES rWED) THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLU trU trR l'ER trG trP tr_ MBING: UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. I rnnutruG r : ROOF & SHEEF ROUGH / WATER & SHEER GAS PIPINGo ij iiri,ob6'ru-ii L r r.r c tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr E n tr tr n EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FIDAL tr FINAL ,v/ ET APPROVED cdnnecrrorus: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED tINSPECTION REQUEST VAIL DATE REAOY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATfON: ')) "' NAME WED-, )/ '., THUR PERMIT NUMBER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr tr tr o FINAL FINAL MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr D EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE 2q'/'1/ :INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST. VAILPERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT DATE 7.JOB NAME CALLER //TUES / wEOREAOY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER(:n:: d t9..o.I^LSJ5Fn,.tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr tr n EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR tr F/NAL tr FINAL vt- d4Ahpaoveo CdRRECTIONS: tr OISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED cqRRE oarc '*J 6 E1 rNSpE I MBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST' TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR ) FRIWED AM iPMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ri''l'i' ' ' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r.1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING *i trusulnrtoru POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR nr#au tr FINAL '/l/ //4PpRoVEo cinRecttotts: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED a DATE *-i 'r- t> \;- 0i-'-- :.i / t-INSPECTION REQUEST' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: MONi(-'7*7"*, CALLER TUES WED THUR ,' c. I t ,,'.1 TOWN OF VAIL BU trl trl trl 1-1l trl trl tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH/ WATER ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING inoucx !,,'i't,,i,tl " { Ttjrr*''tr EXHAUST HOODS tr'CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tzi tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 'i ltsll') ,o"'/ nNAME --CALLER ,l', /-)'', ',:l READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON TUES ) WED THUR FRI| | 'i\\--'./,t/n,t i/,i;i ),_ f.t., ___<t),, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAILL O tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL L_,or,,feeaoveo / CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED \. INSPECTORDATE 'i :\INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CALLER 'ruE9 AMREADY FOR LOCATION: \. BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ..., ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING fI INSULATION ,"{--POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL r'l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o #frnr-O FINAL YPPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE tINSPECTION REQUEST' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL . _\ ' DATE INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER u tr o D tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL o n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL E'RppRoveo .',/ "./, CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oare .)- z' Q * ilf '7 rNSPEcroR '; "'' {f \''INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER PROJECT '! JOB NAME OF DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE- E FRAMING tr tr tr tr D ROUGH / WATER tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING u tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ovED 4., ,\.r\ .J. tr DISAPPRoVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED Jo""="r,o*, INSPECTORDATE 4:''-'T \t' I ''\l (\\' I \ \.' r'\! PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: FRI INSPECTION REQUEST' TOWN OF <-) '. ,'r JOB NAME CALLER \,. . INSPECTION:MON TUES WED d1D ). BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGHOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING E] EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPHOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT FRI o'6 ti OATE b i|li.IK1 JOBNAMEII READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER rues 6fiEi) rHUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D trtr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED TINSPECTOR-- + PERMtT NUMBER oF pno.tecr INSPECTION REQUEST. JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: \\\\ TOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr t-l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR t\ B. FINAL tr FINAL 7r'APPROVED /4i tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: "or= /2 -* - j7 rNSPEcroR ;rrrrn I *o"\R[:|r!?"r,o* REouEsri TOWN OF VAIL 'l JoB NAME INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: PMAMFRI BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr D tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETBOCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr D11 t \ /' ,//?trTFINAL .EL FINAL -d ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH o tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FAAL -,lrrtrunl r.,PROVED RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOB ciz ==g, uJo- OO rf)O tn IJJllJu-F =Etuo- 5E lr) O) Or c a6LJ- = (5 gJ 3B Ol NP'r <o-9=toOPgrnz'iqi lad llJF F FU7 = zzo l\-{-t'l'Iq: +qr |<t- tsst.-l oItl|- zoz'6Jl(@ 06 =z'oN ( .ttJ I sRt t? 3 3 ?i g lrtr\l0LS lstfr-: lsl(l'l PiIt \ trs ffi tulz =o utIFo2 I co c\xosa ttJl,u.t =E Eolt o vl (- tl q) F vq)* & o Eoc -9o(! .9 o-o.oc A T'Isq U'o FE o q)EoEC(E ooo,o o) E56 E o =cl d() o. CL(g '.g o cOl attoE .tic,Eoo .9tn €o o G o) .stroNI -o 3oF o o oc Eooo(g E o v, .9.c I .o o ! G ,tii(! EEg'=lDo*!o;ioctro(d .EEE ESEc-o c:5 :gFE >=e96'- oc rE= E E-B,Foo -rE o Eaeg=E 0.6 0- $EEo?lE€:E6: E E.bO(!? EE F l+,C6 0'-5a€ Sf;€gE: O (!;.iEE $E: eEg -o(E LO (\t sl O (O sf o f\ (\lil'- tdg ruE =g,gJ z J o x uJ z c uJJuJ z J =() llJE utuJt!z tr tu llJ o co;g uJ z 6UJo F oo-UIoo- i uJ I x F ulah U'UJuJtL ==truJo-J FoF oz j .D CE UJ UJ z = o. J z (, IJJE s (ltt\l<rfiNOrlVn'lVA IEt=_ tlc< lb iYqlHaY e li\rr0 ot I F rEloliulz z L=lo o o'Fltr ^ 6z-q 5 >e'EEE "5q e , fiiH$ ;*:E HH<NO(-) o (){-,I (n ulo z9 lJ t!trti IJJ- oo or{ (LutE -z Eo z tr tllFJ =uJz Iotrzlz tr I oo I =zlo4 =t! E ollJo -F t! oz I I I I F z F- tr zIF J oz \ \ 3 F UJ o 3 u) tFf\ Nt5 N. lE'E z F-o)o (r, I t-{ @ac! cvOO IIJ EU)(Doazo Fo-lllY UJo Pgr-9 =Eo o-'- c! .. !-,6 .sl>Fl*slx9{ r6lrlg!,, a"kz.o z oPz460 =z:)-JOo- t! ifioo= =riA;E tr truJ tlo:t!6YE<cl€un9!a .EE l:-E dEE h=E :C- o- tlJE =*E 669 iurE XO-E fTo.-o -'i!i ujooF F =ElrJo-zoF(J :)g, 6zo() nrE I;I l-lJ "l,l(q<flcl-tl.-t f;.1gzl ..,1 El H3llbl dfl oz.i IJJEJ l!oz3oF I l ql olurl 5l <l>l bl Pl E. P = qF-J3ol c!\t rl(El (o€r.l- =lIsfl =flI Ig=Hod>CIsj =o ]1 o ul z tltl,tl(ul +lsttlilltfl*ltfltcrtctt< Et Itr|. ?lorlOI*l ol 5l>l tI-lol zl FI C)l =l!l Icj I ol-l.l orlPIPloJl-l I I II>lEltrl =.1(,l o(l, lJ.l (u (uP = LrJ =z -) E2?c?>oa d- zo gir =+Eo2 J E UJz IJJ J<c)a?.5H , trtrtr oz ts =cuJo- aoo J,. .lg_ -LFo-] I I I l. IP ti $ I I $ l4lzl=I € =- I Ea, FilI HJa;gz (9,- 3FJel>€al2 ;€ FZ rcuJz3o uJ Foz t!Julo = orl CEoFo GFzoo Eo EuJz3o o E(l).E goo.9 E.o.(E c 'o G' 'od@o Ec' Eo ot o!trc6oooo o).sI' flo I o =l o'(D o o.o. a5! .9 o IEio) " ttl'6trtC i.,)',olcooc .9.9.:Eofa^ E.c ad CD c'o,N -c, 'loF o o CDc Eo 8(a! qr. 5l a o o:'=r OI iEI 6. qrl;':6! E6s'=ol/' gEE €{g €gEe:5 :€Pi'l =c96'- cl.c EsE BEA =iE,FOO iEo€Ee ,8"; E $Ei.9- os€E 966 Ee E EEE - o.g; i.s5A9 gFg =6>,1O (u=trF=i; E,hte Egg - () (!. oa\ ei U' UJ UJIL ts =uJo- oU \,(s vc) ;l $t o \D !d €i E/r ds\J I I _s t; I a \ia Io. \)s l/1 t-;xC8 E =Eurcozo = @ :ollJ oz IEFoqJ q, (,z =)J J oz ()tu UJur z9 tutoUJE oao3uJ llJ z 6ul F oru,o z t! C) X F l!U'f t ttuJulu-L E FoF t5 =o o JIcFoUJJuJ o =ao =J4 Iz (,t!: NO[Vn]vA t$ BIql $ {t\= >q !, /iEFl(tr',s =toN ; BZ ZU-o ooF ^ OZi p lEo0G => Ixc nir!<o\ iH6 E-R 2'. Y ll,iN(l zo F J { ai o- ql t $ :E lu : zItroo : z k- pJtl I;lr!lzl tlIItltl ahtrz z9oFuJ<oo< =Fx1oo<z tr4iez _iF d63d az Eoo z l z =luo o =YF(t, 6 t!oo g, 3 F UJ ff) \ Es -I IIJF .o lrJFo @oazoF.LllJY utco oF h =GUIo- tI-o o-oo I uJFoz I z oPzzdro =zdP ;f;i ;Hg DIn t LrJ tto!i utF()yzE<ctf6attoB9eE '9EE =>EIFE b=? dtrx >o-:ouE ooP \urtr xo_t x>E q-o-iEtr- UJ @ +- a) qJ .C\n !Io7 -EE i t A! z J u- I I IJlo FoJ si{) G qs s { sii =z cl -r h (/, I?1 N\.- { =() \{r Sl $l N>lEltrl \0" -a\a IIJ o J = \r\l I j \l-.f = I I \ ^rl"lol $)zt \ El s(rl a'l xil * 2l3l IottrFI F o UJ : bizl3l 9lFI L* I \ o-rn ^\\ =tr N 0la (r'$('. uiJ UJF .>'d : .d $ \.9 $ =ltrl lltl lJ^zl u, F|fi:l *sl ir.Hl o d* I I slGlJI<lil 3 EE UJ ;l Fl r=E &,uJzB F LlJF T E <F uJ<z.E (nZo J(f6P i<ir Ei.i'iF;6 9F gE d6 6F =3YZ =g E E,i UJ Fo2 <o<5 ln.33ElDD I PEIN I PERMIT DATE NUMBER OF PROJECT !r.. i(,.:I ! ,' ,) JOB NAME CTIONTOWN OF I jr .l REQUEST VAIL''i )ii^'" /] ''1 -. -.,c tl' ,t 1 INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI PMAMiirrrn iREADY FOR LOCATION: BU ol trl ql I-l"l D{l trl tr ILDING:PLUMB!NG: tr UNDERGROUND I noucH / D.w.v. g,RouGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr ! tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o D E ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FI}{AL tr FINAL i --.d'otsRppRovED REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: PERMIT EXPIRED AFTER NO FINAL CALLED IN / Of{ CLEAI{-UP DEPOSIT. I8O DAY'S NO REFUND DATE INSPECTOR I PE PROJECT INSPECTION: tNs CTIONTOWN OF ', '1 . REQUEST VAIL I READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUESti WED THUR FRI AM /PM APPROVED ,..)coRRECTTONSI tr DISAPPROVED/ t'/' ., ,{z tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING D o ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE 1'fl.r A, tr_ CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT B SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR ,/!-'/.7\ '/t ;/'.tl PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 'i INSPECTION REOUESTi.t ,i TOWIV OF VAIL JOB /l^/ ,t ) 1,"(,'(' ',//i:ir t INSPECTION: MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: oo* l D/1) 3 BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: EI DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ] JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL AM PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr otr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: ,TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr. FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR NgF 'l t o N ,: J. I PECTIi TOWSIN ; .i:l \ ,.. _z REQUEST. VAII.i lii/,;rl CALLER TUES weo THUR FRIREADY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION: OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .. CORRECTIONS: DATE ) " Y' .- INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT t INSPECTION REQUESf: TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: ,/' /)-, , / j{ LOCATION: "/t t'/ JOB NAME ISAPPROVED -O NEIruSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n BOOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr EI FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR rNsAnoN REeuEsr': TOWN OF VAIL THUR FRI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr E u UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING \noucx tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ,F APPROVED " CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION REOUEST.' TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME t1!l CALLER THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB E] SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP, POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL --ffRppRoveo CORBECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INSPECTION ,REQUEST,', TTOWN qFr VAIL. j : , li,', : f u|,. tt : | (i U t t I, :il ' : READY FOR LOCATION: THUR OF PROJECT JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D- tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR nT fr rrr,rau -tr FINAL APPROVED . t'1. tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED,'[l**r", o*. .../ -oor, ,' " ,,,," * ,,i,- J6 rNSpEcroR oz h =tuJc al, IJJ I.IJI,L F =EUJc )lllr.JO oD \Jv -lI = I l"', , t--l<to I I I I )*gE 6dE esEz4oa lzi 16 !J tl l- le lololJlaIH IUJ tdt,-, tz.tq lf lHl<l(,I tl-l I tr- | I F-r llrl | ;;2.| !i<lbolzI rnJ tz=I JultfFI rox I o6lrlloeI zttslz-lsE l<lu)rnIul(Jlt! t= t:lJtl-. t-l<t>lo ta-lo- lo rL ruo = tl- (uJ (n d) U1 ciF o- lrJJ E aolo & RA q o(D F tqrg (! O ct) ! dt E o =l oo6 3.9 o .9al,o1C at;o .9. .2.?.E 4.d (u CD .E o o E 0)c o CD ; ooo o 5 o .9 I ! ! g;;(! j-o E6g'=o(') sbElen.Yo 6EE= Esi --Ya +!t >: o.o =pF€ >=cY'-'- o. -c E sE E EE:€8 e9stq! c.=- 6o"(o o sEp @e o-s€eE6:EE bo(5= EE E e+'C(! 0'- --.cs€;-si=!6>9 6a i6: :EO-=o-osr-9Eo>e5g ){st c o (\tc{ F =UJ z J Y uJ oz Jo- J o e.|- uJ)UJ z E J Iz ouJ = UJUJ zotr uJ () IJJ .D =uJ5u,ezI Iu F |rJ z gl x F llJal, (t UJull! tr = IJJo- FoF 0z = @ 9EFC)UJJur z to =lc J = uJ NO[Vn'lVA FP IDltIbF,c1f) -l-l^'it''-xNp HEL E<o\-,-166 b'at/, z> 9!A =Fev)C)l- 6e J,E< 2A \Jd >E f u.t ztr^ F9v>Oz>Ooa)zl!<oqH6;oFO I l'" FH H F FIIJJlz.[! l= IE lcot'flFIH bpr) r)l]JE:. z9F J l! uJ Oo oLOo(.c) e. d UJ z E z tr uJ J 'u,lz I lllotrzlz9o<oo< =HHr!Uo<z aFz. Oz do3tr uJlJ (E uJzYoIF ul F z tr Jloz aJJ 3 F ul t! o 3 <ltrt zl zl .. >ioul uJuJzotr IJJo- J z 9 =oo --l -- z 4 _l -T I I I I(,tzlYIc(lflH I 5 €.1(\J C9 CVc)o 1t4| ' "l| 't./ /_ s1 /) ./t,,4t /'-Y n '1./)(-/ ,-u L. IJJFodto?z Fo-ulY UJ @ oF ts cul t!olo>o*; 6<. 1@I lrJFoz LUko z,noz\cro =zJOcL tr ifi(Jo= =83=u.l U6il= = llro"l! E9E<ctf€UB9tt ir'Es =>bJt-=tu:-5 b=o Jiii: >LI O r.r-E 9o9 trtrE XO-E itct ':oiE- UI .D I-- ts =E, UJo-zoF(J E 6zo(J !D! a o =lJ- Jtrl FoJ l^l(J o. .J tI4t (7) F =,= u; =zo -) @qz Jq -l1-l - =RalJ.l =|lJ =z tue = Fc\ I t F =tr uJ oc C) Fz.t! Ld:z ./l >-Fan CE =tr t t't C\Io z uJ = lt z3 F sr (.') Iro |r uF t z llJ J ltoz3oF =ctr oz uJ = ILoz3 F g oz. o UJ 5l <l>l xl >l3lolH =c oz oUJc l! z3oF UJ)uJF uJz3 ouJ ts? E E-rO<FE()lrJ <zEUF(tZo JE<oOF FSYF-,2 =,-l -o t2P9?>E]F dzo ax:ZF?()=<_: ^,YZ =g E.oEhg+&.l-o2 o <oFflfi=a €!n / I I ro ll> U') r.lJ LL tr =E uJo- f(D .6 zz'o z o =z I .1 .-l I I llr I ,l I c UJz 'od \ llj6z;tEv:) u,FI<F2rrYZ(t< \\t\ il\ \ \l \ \l \. c.9OA at o) oyoL ooo;cil'aa.;A Er! :r ),|/lo !F-CO .= r, ,O c,)NO- -,rt. E }Ho{Fq 96:5 P€ooo () (o crl q, .s::65fcl |/|co6 El;p.oyo9 !o.cctt-r ]; '!9 O i'l t! '=ol,' g8E Fen.!r !E!h o XE =;be:i- 6.0 =r]F€'l =c96'- o.,c dd]_E >.!l o:q,Ets =Lc*OO I qg il ! c.:- r!o-(! o.*6x (/,- CL:iE oo:- c.yoJG:iaH.c(!i_E9 E 6.s - --c.!C)-EE:oi) '5>.o (5:c-=J;EHi; eh;s9E o9EEr- o ctr -Qt! : (J FI (L z f, x (J z) J cF oz (D f (J z IC) UJ z tr () LU ] ul z 6 o F I o i () x F tua .J) UJ UJIL tr G.uJ FoF z -) ao 9 og,J uJ z6 J.L ,, uJ.I NOI{vr Ln tpon l@ rl *o s I ItF o E E F E|. t Ef (( t Eo;2ztJ-9 C)08 q 36E e oE29 5E9 3r!<Oo-JHB Ert ;dNg l*l 1ol]E z tr 1 o o- Eo uJo- l(r q LUE : z Eo ; tr E F ? Fa ilI l -trzQo <()o< =ftr(xlrOO<z li F 92 iFd6BE l (( z OI ll,tA z tr 5 o2 il-l zl .. >lou,o uJ zotr ul J z tr z =z=z dP DID L cIJo-t! :!{9ZE<al60EoB9tt iriec;' =>E::lFE h> I 'e) (- -t I V t-.o?..*) .^i3 =E=-;\ IJY()e;! JFUJ-h>dd>o,Or!9o -|lJ5o-:>fiF =t! UJ @oF : E E 8 0 a ttLt (Jz :]ll d l-.1A tlHd Boo,{HE Gl:* FlHzDii =z F-N I\o f-s I F]H{ LI FIa\l alr1IEl (nl E1l BI *ln Lrl Ha{I - ol "lfrl I()l{l ill-.t Irrl{l "IBIolol(l HId>l<l4 a;: <ft-ca I t-- lll,l "l .lJztq "l 1 El elal cil'l Hl>l lltrJ <li/rl >l al g EltHel tlIIttlltlloll1ltolI Ulll(rltJtt<ll>lI s-llollzli;lqoloFl ol 1l EI :lil>l olzlilolFI J 1loltr,ll 1l <l>l r|.lol zl 3lql.{ I I I I "lzl olIJJI ]>lrtlolzt .:3t lol urFIF (r UJz =o F UJ =oc c -.r O<FcoL!<zEt!F6ZoC) <o(JF;()FSsiFC gF 33f,Fd5o G, F Fzo() Iz ?oUJ = s5 =iEo2 o(J J<oo!4Iu rtJO .&un L August 18, 1986 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vai'1, Colorado 81657 To l.fhom It May Concern: Please be advised that the association at Meadow Vail Place Condominiums have approved the work proposed by Rusty Spike Enterprises dba R & S Roofing for unit #3. This work may cormence immediately. Respectful ly, ./"=%Lru""- Krisanne Acklam Secretary/Treasurer Meadow Vai'l P'l ace Condominium Association A Division of The vail44 Corporation 44 West Meadow Drive Vail, colorado a1657 3O3.476'4271 nMn"Do\MpV,\tI- [I-ACE, August 18, 1986 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vai'1, Colorado 81657 To l'lhom It lthy Concern: P'lease be advlscd that the assoclatlon at l'leadow Vail Place Condominiurns have approved the work proposed by Rusty Spike Enterprlses dba R & S Roofing for unit #3. Thls umrk may comnence inmdiately.-WLfuz"- Krisanne Acklam Secretary/Treasurer Meadow Vai'l Place Condominium Association A Division of The vail 44 Corporation 44 West Meaciow Drive Vail, Coloracto a1657 3O3.476'4271 \ : --'! ta <:- |QUE L EIN CTION RETOWN OF VAIr t) n| '-4 G L'.. sr' 7 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:@-=-O *=o '\ (L't"r1 7 JOB NAME MON t.{ CALLER ,'l(, THUR FRI oerc I t--ll '' (_',\ i ( r 4 ^,.1 .- t',, /7 BUILDING: D FOOTINGS € FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL f-l r-r\r'd flrunl t _,/zr 4-- Ed rrrunr- t, - ). (- tr F'NAL ELECTRICAL: I] TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: O HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr rl SUPPLY AIR tr4tNAL - tr FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR' oz ts =turo. )o? !.t\@@ U' IJJlJt! E =t IJJo C\\V D \o@ (\lC! z. J=<J F- 3u =e= LIIJF uJF FI =o =z ouJF zozoJ o 06 ozz tnI f, T 14 q ert il ulz = uJIFoz l!JuJo =T Eot! ulE o Eo F\ 0)rl q, E\ E E\() 6Ec6(,E ojrJ =zqL-{+ 9J.&'- FL d-k+rgd o) g '6(,! a;ol'oo .9 .o E<tfo Etr(! ot 3ioF oG+,: o o) ,EP. !?( oo. f( o o .E. 9' J o c(6 si3'6 E:EE6g'=gql gsE cot.e; IEpcc.= (!F=C6P€c-oe:i:gPi'l =c96'- o.-c EEE EEE,roO --: = o eaegiE o-.5 cLSE; o!cLE*:E6:EEE O c: EfE_ cl,y --C([ 0'-E; OP-E gEE =6>.o(!= L=E3i 8 .i6 e9Eoe5g -o(lt orOl |l o oo s(\ tr =E IJJ 2 =fto Y UJ z cF IU tu z =J J =oul = ulllJ z tr uJE IJJ oao =ultuJ z9 ul 6 o- UJoc z IJJJ x F ut(tt ouJ UJtL E =(l uJo-J FoF zoI o IaFouJJ UJ oz6 =Jo. J - uJt NOtrvn'lvA It tx=lo>clt,=;;15ftnSl=:::lF -<5r =::Z Z t!-=o ooLtr ^ 62,. BE =EiF? E=9q daEg Er.;.i 6d 1= il; lszI(JIl.rJ lo IFt=lotutt- zoF J lr- E.ti oE uJ oo lrlt\@@ x Ea uJ z Eoo z tr t IJJFJ ;uJz tl Itlatr2lzy. at)l TUkoo< =Hxrr6ci<z tt, =z, 9z -iF fio3tr tlI IIl f-]t(rltqlItrl UJfJ U'ulzY = uJ z F J oz ;J 3 qt!oE o 3o lJl<l -l zl zl .. >louto IJJr!zoF E CEul az E zFa 5o IE, (Jz t! I I II Jo FoJ o'! z, 'ii=z o uJ =z (t ah IJJ Ja E =tr UJ o = = ts6 Fz,L! Lrl5Z v) FU1 tr o c,l!G ioz3IF <rr.\(r) I(O uiJUIF =Etr z olrl .J t!oz; F Er.tr z outEJ lroz3oF Etr oz ct UJtrJ l! z3I Etr =.1olUJ 11 <1>l blzl}I9l ll,l u.lF. E IJJz =o uJF ? E E, <FGOuJ<zETIJ F6Zo C) <oOF FS :i l-\2.5o -o _teozt- =#1ZLr- o 6F =3E6 E i\ =b2<c)frfr,l ON(o(!cfC) \o (\l b' UJF o .,3q =83-': a\ 4 ;HgxEDtr E .Eulo-tloEqE3€8E9Eirb95EE atE FE: >o-J.8b 9 ItnE XO-E ;Tit u{ €; IIJ @ F II- zo9zeoo =z o-- P E =ElrJo-zIF()fE 6zoo I i.f'u!tr ,\ a I i)l\l vl\l I y| $ siFoz I I !*t<r6 I I I I l. r9It I ,{ ".) | \:r . ;,'l |.T'vfi I il 1 \Jr\A. |. \, \-,.,r|[ )G ao G uJz.odrr Ul6Z;larvtulEI2.,,9:ut< o o oE otca! oEooo .gsJt0 E o =f Eo o o,o(! 3.c o c.9|'ott doEooc .9 .E.:ooto Eqq ID .ggo F oE o CD.s Eo(,oa c o, r| .!4 P5o o Ec6 .t]o d:gp E.s'=oJl g8E EEg €sE :isi'5 =c96.- CIG BET EEE:ooiEo.g'E e!!! ix;€*Easli96. IE€ E5E_ag -eCa o'-5EE gEi 9.8ESF;!= ;EE9EoEEEroo -o6 ) an IJJ UJll.b =El UJo-\ FoF ;ao.ltoz9Fo. c, 8ulo{Eu,,zllJo j -t >'€>:t?,1 I !,\€) '..r 6 =o(V -2ooF^AD9=t==EE.no1>E9t!<oagg FOjri zoF o zoF euJFJ '-lH{ B o E ol trrHz 'iiI z l--NI I F. <l! o- tfH EI Hl F"{ | Hl sfll.l d H 3 UI Fil XIFllAl FllHI sl EI '41 HIul!3fl o2 orJtE. J |roz]lotl-1 ozg ul.CJ ttq2loH ol Hl flq fl o2('ulG J l!oz3ol It I z,r9 =e@o =z o-- Pntn Jirl 23=ehi ;Hg IcruJLltoEgE5€aTEb9.EE 2>E dtsE FEE lcE FBI lurIt O !l'E^r. -ricii IU6 P @ Ftr! .va l, a) o v o3 O PRoposAL / coNrRAO Eatrng ENTERPRISES P.O. Bor 1517, Vall, Colorado 81658 Phone (303) 476-4374 Work to Be Pertormed ati ir"'r,',r ', '"ttl I1fl,:t.: i,l)t:rl?ui it itt;,:: .:"+ l. UaJ l 81(i5I -f 1:,u-i: -ii-i Page r'.-- ot I - pages, ff1?-oo1-Tt9.lprot-tbulonr of work to bo p€rtofmed: lc!r;lul'l v,.1 ', I r.i1,;1 tr;,it .',1 rlts'lCl 'rrSt illl:r.ir,,,r.oect( rFpatrs rlEgsvc flrst rovr of re,l',.,cOc ;i,.: :r4l ,1n,J rr,.;-,1r--,1,1... ,r riir;r1et? cl:, ,;,rci llllllplrahtt.iif+l".dannirecl plyvood urrl-repj,,,:,: r,rii,rl..r n,:ifl;r.rsary- Alr,rr .,1rer.:ir fcrcott{ngf 'chgcfi f+r damaged plyvood urrrl rstrii,:*i:ii,,1r.., niir;r.rsary- irlr,rr .:lrer.:il fcrl3l"f!_tllihlk :la{ther fronr deck ur ni,lin r,rc,f, ileEn *j./r.lrrr.rr.i sur,fic{r:r, rr. i,:i,and spply f$0 6otts .of S300ii fittuthsnr: {sr:.r:rl,; ,:. 1 ;:r.^clu.;!- ,:i,!v:rri in t r,iricr.; r,r,i:,,, ,ill-1.i1 ll !1! qurrqqe--an{r up rhe st;lc oi ,,rar i: ;n,,, ii:*JJ r,!rui:iiener :rr,;1}.an,,_ l!9".1 rlerc leeded. .-1/8" sheet of trcritiillr lrtrrrrl i;ill jdj rvE" i.1,t :iriri{tir,J i{_1!Tlu:l,lg.!afg,rhl?e wrrrIin!r or ,td ikirr; t,n sr.!r.,,]ce. Tiri: wrll elso irllp i, {jr;,,,1lS.a.FAd tO1, tltO. r*nOd deCkinu Sit;r;j*rL.",. Ilrl.; 1rr:, i.r,,,., ,,,,,ri 5:: iOV:rn4 an j f Snot In}ongcill,t(l bg erp*ned t.: r,,lir. i'.rtif r1 : ! i:ar '; ,,ruj'"1,i;,r.,,rtee irorn :s.inri [11:. i; .r,,garre f{rr labOf. -' PflCe_1s foy ,r'irli riiirl i!l i:; .i,:::i, )1t j i'. u,r:eli s C,);li;l:; ft,,:: ,Otiier parts of ,the huildjnc, 3l'i-,;r tiri: lrr,;t. t: i(rr,, jr' ,,,. ,r1;r.1 r:,:n iti ll net wrr,.,rleak{ng lnto kittOn units. 'lr,i.; rr.:: ;11t ;,,.1 ir .,tr'i . ,.r rt..r it,ri.f,,.,J,: i; .l s .rtj,;ii;iun'i lksiflrJ$t Oth8r piodirr:l-".wri,:r.,.J s; r.Ji ri l i *rr rl, r:i ,. 1 ,,r,,,.l,, :;he s,Jrf.rcc.If wOttrr.,fryqr, }.trg upf,er noof is 1:arf. i-rf tlr* lit,a|:,.r:ir,, i rljrlen, it wil,i tt{l l fnl.!ourthe outst$9,,Y41!i'o.t' buildlng cir ce'r lirll t:j ' i:.;rvirl lirr, jn:iriil nctnl eeliinq iransetO, untll tt fldry:i oirt + hoie irl l.l:: i'rr:,r,'r1,..i. r:::1.',,i1 l: i't,as;rrrS*;.iil! jti;ri:1. .i(All trfsh'il!f l' ne r€rrrrrvtJil and h,irrlu I .:,r 4rrr,:r;'I'.r '1. :i :;f I -i: , "!, tt' il" ''r'11 , SCHEDULE A. PAGE PROPOSAT / COtITRACT l .'*-*-* 'i:rA i' .,- i,.-; ' * "<' {-,-} r/ rli r",.r . t-q- , ,r1,1. i ,l i \, :Lr '.. !- t-.' Dslo .1 t t""",,' RI.]STY SPIKE ENI FFPRISES August 14, 1986 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised that the association of Meadow vail place have lppl'oved the repair work. proposed by Rusty Spike Enterprises dbaR & S Roofing. This work is to cormence on August 25,'19g6: Respectful ly,h% Krisanne Ack'lam Secretary/Treasurer -Meadow Vail Place Condominium Association A Division of The vail44 Corporation 44 west Meadow Drive Vail, Coloraclo a1657 3O3.476'4271 I}VTPORTANT MESSAGE wHl[E YOU WER9 OUTFo, pv t/c-' a sz< s.LJ e ! , !t *'' ?ELEP}Ic'NED PLEASE CALL CALLED TO 3EE YOU WILL CALL AGAIN WANTS TO gEE YOU URGENT RETURNED YOUR qALL ts- ,.4 INSPECTIONTOWN OF, i, ') r''tt'./ ! r( REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: J" /:lI NAME MON CALLER TtJES,THUR FRI AM CORRECTIONS: sor, ) z*f t:,- f8( ,o" LocATloN: oio"'i' )-) ni\ r(19,rt,tl | { ) t-ft.,r1/, BUILDING: O FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT ,l tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINALFINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR TOI^/NOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 816,57 97M79-2738 NOTE: THISPERMTTMUSTBEPOSTEDONIOBSTTEATALLTTMES b.'-( u,t['t- -{.(-, 14 q MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M01-0135 ,,I+ C\"J*,-r.') #oortr*oFCoMMUNrrvprvsfprrasrvr ffi Job Address: 44 W MEADOW DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: tt4w. MEADOWDRIVE Applied..: 08/30/n07 Parcel No...: 270L0711,6007 Issued . . : 09/M/2C01, ProjectNo : nc\- Expires. .: 03/03/2002 owNER MEADOW PITACE IIIC O8/3O/20Oa phone: t IM/ICTA AI'IERICA ATTN: SUZETTE PO BOX 551500 FT I,AUDERDAIJE FL 33355 Lricense: APPr-,rCAr\m MEADOW MOtMIATN prJItMBINc Ar{08/30/2001 phone: 970-479-2981 P.O. BOX 4s64 vArr,, co 81_658 IJicense: 24L-Y! coIilTRAeToR MBADOW MOITNTAIII PIJITMBII.IG ANo8/30/2001 phonez 97O-479-298L P.O. BOX 4554 VAIL, CO 81558 License z 24L-Vl Desciption: REMOVAL OF 2 LOCHINURS BOILERS AND INSTALL 2 NEW PATTERSON KELLY BOILERS FOR HEAT/HOT WATER Valuation: $56,080.00 Fireplace Inlonntion: Restricted: Y # of Gas Appliances; 0 # of Gas tngs: 0 # of Wood PelletMechanical-> $1,140.00 RestuarantPlanReview->go. oo Total Calculated Feer-> $1,428. o0 PIan Check-> S285 . oo DRB Fee > $o . oo Additional Fees-> S0. o0 lnv*tigation-> 90. oo TOTAL FEES----> $1, 42s . oo Total Permit Fee-> $1,428 .00 will cdl-->s3.00 Payments.-> 91,42 8. OO BALAME DUE_> S0.00 Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTIT{ENI o9/04/20o]- ,rRrn Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARI'II{EIIr CONDITIONOF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIBLD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI'ICE. Cordz 22 (BL,DG.): COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TI{E L997 I]MC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BI-'DG.): INSTAJ.,LATION MUST CONFORM TO I'{ANUFACTITRES INSTRUCTIO}IS Al[D TO CHAPTER ,.i o"L" ,.r' rr'c, crrAprrn oF rr{E i.ee7 rMc. Cond: 25 (BL,DG. ) : GAS APPITIANCES SHAI-,L BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CIAPTER 8 AI.ID SllAIrIr TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC, OR CTIAPTER 8 OF TTIE 1997 IMC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO I{EATING EQUIPMEIII MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 A}ID SEC.lO1? OF THE 1997 I'I4C AI.ID CIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 31- (BIIDG.): BOILTERS SHAIJIJ BE MOIlMfm ON FLOORS OF NONCOI{BUSTIBLE CONST. ITNIJESS I.,ISTED FOR MOI]MTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERMIT,PIJAIIS AI\ID CODE ANAI-,YSIS MUST BE POSTED rN MECIIAI{ICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO A}I INSPECTION REQT'EST. Cond: 30 (BL,DG. ) : DRAIIiIAGE OF MECIIAIIICAI, ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPITY BOII,ERS SIIAJ,I, BE EQUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 UUC, OR SECTION 1004.5 0F Tl{E 1997 IMC. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatioo filled out in fuIl the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codet design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQI,JESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479.2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM &M AM . 5 PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET Fa " cett i.ne or",-r.ot onCILL Nor * o"..rr#, ]#3ffi" Proiect #: mmtoFVtn 75 S. Frontage Rd, Vail, Colorado 81657 Permit will not be accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:c Mechanical Room Dimensions r An Combustion Air Dr ,1,$i#,-'**::ffttl 'cl Building Permit #: Mechanical Permit #: 97 O- 47 I - 2149 (Inspections) Contad Aswsorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcef # (Required if no bfdg. permit * is p too*u^"tflro/o t/ar/ P/act Job Address: /q u, ,Uh_ _0rlr, Legal Description Lot:/-13 Blcr*ruA ritins:sddleufrd*SuMivision: /VA ,9.YrLlF.IXIfurs llAddress:r, u, trenJout Dr. ll ntrone: li)a-yazl Engineer:Address:Phone: D6tailed description of work: &*t'at *tto trteu ?arTcrso.t .F fu/o locAtauart bollers a*J lnsla.t/Ke//v .b//ers For Ae* ,/ ,tz+ oto,L-,/ fuo-l ,/sa-t/ -s/2aa Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Atteration ( ) Repair (/ Other (X) 1(splace Boiler Location: Interior ( Xf Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (:4 Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Mutti-family t<) Commercial ( ) Restdurant ( ) Other ( ) /3 No. of Accommodation Units in this building:t6 Noffype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( I Gas Loqs (,r< Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) trto ( .r? t 4J+ COMPTETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT(Labor & Materials) MECHANICAL: $ '41o O8O CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Mechanical Contractor: llea/ar,t tZ/aunh,> Town of Vail Reg. No.:e4/ /4 Contact and Phone #'s: /7Q-3?tt Contractor Signature:HECEIVED \ .r( ***********************x ')ax**** F: /everyone/forms/mechperm ******* / ..\r \, I May 18, 1999 Townof Vail ?8 S. Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8165? To Whom ltMay Concern: Please be advised that the MeadowVait Place CondominiumArsociation tras approrcd the proposed addition at the West terrace of Unit #9. Pleage feel free to contact me if you hane any questions. KrieameAcklam-Krohn Managing Director A Division of The Vail 44 Corporation 44 West Meadow f)rive Vail, Colorado 81657 97Oo 476'4271 Fax 97O o 479-9437 Design Review Action Form-TOWNOFVAIL Project Name: Spraddle Creck Properticc @ruclmrn Rr'mdel) Project Description: 25lt eddition to Meadow Vail Plrce Penthouse - changes to prwiouc rpprovd Oryvn€r, Address' and Phone: Spreddlc Crcek Propertiec C/o Helmeing" Simr, endLeach 150 Governemnt Street Mobih,Abbemr (334x32-ss2r) Archikct/Contast, Address, and Phonq Jamec Eolley t95 Red Srndrtone Circle rVrtl, CO E1557 479.7373 Project Sheet Address: 44 W. Meedow Ilrive IrgalDercripion: l,otI,VdlVillags !?! r' 1' l Parcel Nurnber: 2l010Jll,5ll09 Coments: PR.t99-0112 BuildingName: MerdowVeilPlrce Uses a[ of 250 rddltion BorrdlStaffAction Motionby: Na Action: Secondedby: Ne tt i .i. Vote: Nr ; ' "i. " C.onditions: Allerteriormrterienb'must mrtch erirting Condo accocirrtion approvelmust be cubmitted ,1. TownPlanner: Allison Ochc , Date: St1t99 , ' Fee Paid: $fl).00 hojec'tName SpnddbCreekkoPerdes VAILDATA\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAI.S\IDRBAPPR\SPRADDLE Strffepproved i TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAlL, co 81657 97 o-47 9-2L38 Job Address: 44 W MEADOW DR Location...: MEADOIf VAII *6 Parcel No'. : 2101-071-16-003 Project No. : PRJ96-0042 APPLICAIIT RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES. , vArL, co 81658 CONTRACTOR RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES, vArL, co 81658 ieRrcr,es REALTY rNc t orto PETER e posr, PO Box 3149, VArL, co 81658 DescriPtion: INTERI6R REMODEL MEADOW VAIL +6 OccuPancy: Rl Multi-Family - ! !.! --^TIT)e Constru-ction: II FR TyPe II Fire Reslstrve TYPe OccuPancY: VaLuation: 23,500 FircDtlc. tnforr,stion: Rlstricted: dof Gas Apptianccs: Add sq Ft: o DEPARSMENT OF COMMUN]TY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES ADD/Arl MF BUrLD PERMII Permit *: 896-0051 Status...: ISSITED Applied... 04/L9/t996rliued...z !a/Efiee6 Expires..z LA/L6/I995 Phone: 30347 6437 4 Phone 2 3034764374 OWNER Bui tding -->Ptan check-> Inv!sti gation> ui Lt catL-> fot Gas Logs:fof Uood/P! t tct: TEE SUITITARY 573.25.OO Totlt calcutated Fe's->285.O Rastuarant Ptan Rev ieu-)1E5.25 DRB Fcc------.00 Recrcstion tce------->3.m ctcan-UP DcPosit----1' Additioml' Fces-) Total Perrit Fc.-_-) Payoents-_._ SALAi{CE DUE---> .m .00 1m.m 573.25 .00 573,25 573.25 .00 iifit,liiEl BUILDING. DEPARTMSNTo$Io*r*.oBEitRi'dfiii DAN ACTiON: APPRFIRE DEPARTI.IENT _DAN ACtiON: APPRPUBLIC WORKSDAN Action: AP?R N/A N/A N/A Dept: BUILDING Dept: PLANNING Dept: FIRE DeDt: PUB WORK Division: oivision: Division: Division: see page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may aPPty to this Pelxnit' I h.reby .cknovtcdgc that t havc read this rPPl,ication, fittcd out in futt th! infornation rcquircd' coopteted an lccuratc Plot ptan, and statc rhat att tnc 'iiioriliii" 'priliJJ as rlqui rc{ is correct. r agnec to-coifty iittt titc in?orration lnd ptot p[!n' to conpty yith .r't rovn ordrn€nces."4 :l:li.l:":1,:"1-:"^Xi:;^:lii.il::':!':':*:::t::,1?.:ii"'ffi,:.::"t"t and suuivision DECLAMTIONS :L:::o:lril".iliJilp;;il iniroii iuiroing cide and oiher ordinances or thc ToHn oppticabrc th?rcto' REoUEsTsFoRINsPEcTIoxsSH^LLBE|IADEII.IENTY-FoI,|RHoURSIN^ovANcEBY send cl,can-uP DlPosit To: RUSTY SPIKE 8:m Ar 5:00 Pi **************************************************************:r********jl******** . CONDITIONS permit *: Be6-0061 a'-ii-oi/z7le.1 --- statuE: rssuED *****,************iiii**************ii******i**i********************************* permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT '-AoOTi"il.I: RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES 30347 6437 4 Job Address: Location: MEADOW VAIL *5 Parcel No: 2101-071-16-003 DescriPtion:-iNrnnion REMoDET,'MEADow vArL *6 Conditions: I.FIELDINsPEcTIoNsAREREQUIREDTocHEcKFoRcoDEcoMPtIA}lcE.2. ALL PENETRAfiONS IN WAI'L.,CEIIINGS'N{D FLOORS TO BE SEAIED WITIT AI{ APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 3. SMOKE DETECtoRs AFE PJEQUIREO iW er'r' BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC' 4. FIRE DEpARflrrENi eppnover.' rs neQurRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 5.INTERIoRPARTITIoNSToBEMETAI,sTUDsANDCEILINGSToBE METAT Applied: o4/L9/L996iisued: 04./L9/teg6 To Expire: l0-/15/t996 T3"I."F-X*ilo" *o* VAIL, co 81557 s7o-479-2138 DEPART}ENT OF COIO{IINITY DEVELOPMENT Job Address: 44 w MEADOW Dl iocation...: MEADow vAit tq- Parcel No.. : 2101-0?1-16-003 Project No. : PRJ95-0042 CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC ;i148-u.s. nwv 6 & 24 wEsr' BLDG E' CONCEPT MEC}IANICAI,, INC ;ii4g-u.s. nwv 6 & 24 wEsr, BLDG E' iiiiiles REAr-,rY rNc t orro PETER -i-i;oitl-po Box 314e, vArt co 81658 status" ': ISSUED ePPiiea.'' 04 /.te /.Le-e 6- i'siuea''' ? o4-Fe /.tee6 ixPires . 't to'/t6'/t996 Phoue: 9709490200 uNrr 4, AVON' co 81620'Phonei 9?o949o2oo uNrr 4, AVON, co 81620 NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLU}4BING PERMIE ON JOBSITE AT AI,I' TIMES Permit *: P95-0030 Totlt Catcul.ted Fees-)TOtl Addiitiona[ Fccg-) Totel. PcrDit Fer-> DescriPtion: INTERIOR REMODEL MEADOW VAIL *6 VAIUAIiON:5rooo.0o -f-EE SUI{IiARY APPI,ICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Ptuding.'---> Pten chcck-> lnvrstigation> l,li Lt Clt t--> Rastulrant Ptan Rcvictl-) ToTAL FEES-->75 .00 1E.75 .@ 3.00 .00 96.75 96.75 .00 96.75 96,75 .@PrYBents-----.-> eAi-eNcE DUE---> 6!7Tozl3lg'BUILDING DEPART}qNTDIi----- Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: CONDIT]ON OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS accunti Ptotlnd ptot Ptrn,subdivirion 8:m A|| 5:00 I T8T.'$-X$11", *o- varl, co 81557 s70-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLUMBING PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT AI,I, TIMES Permit *: P96-0030 5 r 000.00 APPIJICA}TT CONTAACTOR OWNER Job Address: 44 I{ MEADOW Dl iocati"n...: MEADoW VAIL tg- Parcel No.. : 2101-0?1-16-003 Project No. : PRJ96-0042 coNcEPT MECitANrcAl, rNC ili;;-u.-s.-nwv 6 & 24 vlEsr, BLDc E' coNcEPT MECHANICAT, INC;i;4;-t.4. HwY 6 & 24 wEsr, BLDG E' iiiiii,es REALTY rNc * orro PErER i-i;oirl-piigox gras, vArt co 816s8 Statug. ": ISSUEq ePPri"a. ,I o4/L9/.199 -riiued. . "' o|'/te'fiee6 ExPires "t t0/16/1996 Phone: 9?09490200 uNrr 4, AvoN, co 81520'Phonei 9?094902oo ttNrr.4, AVON, co 81520 DescriPtion: INTERIOR .fEE REMODEL MEADOW VAIi, #5 VAIUATiON: SUItilARY 96-73 P twbing-> Ptln Ch.ck-> tnvcstigEtlon> tJi tl, crtt--> Rcstu.rant Ptln Rcvirs-> IOTAL FEES--> Totlt catcutltcd Fecs-> Additionat Fccc--) Tota L Plrrit trc--->75.00 1E.75.m :t.m .00 95,75 .00 96.71 96.75 .@Pgvnents----) gli-Ailce our---> 6!7Toz?i380 BUILDING DEFART}qNTDfi----- -Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Divi'sion: CONDITION OF APPROVEL DECLARATIONS lccurata Ptot .nd ptot P[u, rubdlvislqr E:m Att 5:00 Pll thcrebyackrrorlcdgoth.tlh.vr?Gldthisrpplicrtion,{i|.tcdoutinluttth.inforptionrcquitcd,cooptrtcdrnpten, rird 3t!tc thlt rrt $,c'iiioinliion pr*ia*.r..quii.a'il-ioii.ii.-.r *l::-::.fr1:vt;:t+Jl?rtl:;ii;t::l io coryty eith ltt rovn orornanclr'ini-itltt t""'.and io bui l'd thi3 structur! lccoror codcs, dcoien ."u,* .rrro"J"iiit!'J i"iiliii-i60"-.^d .;il;.;i;;;cs ot t>Pf appticabro thlrcto' REouEsTsfoRINsPEcTtoNssxALLBE|tADEruETY-Fo1,RHouistNoo,^*,,"'')ryf',EW .(a TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COWUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TNIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT AI,t TIUES Permit *: E96-0048 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..z 04/L9/t996 riiued. .. 2 o4-/Le/tee6Expires..: lO/L6/t996 Phone: 3039496013 Phone: 3039496013 Job AddressLocation...Parcel No... Project No. 44 W MEADOW DR MEADOW VAIL *6 2101-071-16-00 3 PRJg 6-0042 APPLICAI{T RESORT SERVICES P O BOX 1079, AVON CO 81520 CONTRACTOR RESORE SERVICES P o Box 1079, AVON CO 81620 OWNER PERICLES REALTY INC t OTTO PETER & POST, PO BOX 3149, VArL CO 81658 Description: REMODEL MEADOW VAIL #6 VaLuation:3r500.00 FEE SU HARY Ef,.ct.ice1-> 72.@ oRB fee .m ..@ 3.00 Totst Crlcutat.d tcca-> Addition.t Fecs__--) Totrt Plrnit tcr---)Paynents-_---_--) BALAI{CE DUE---_--> 75.m .@ 75.(n 75.00 ,00 Invcstigstion> tli tt ce L t-_> TOTAL FEES_> 75.00 tr*r!r***rirfi*r********t*irrr**l***r*t*#ir**r********i**ri*rt*l**t***ii**i**t*t**i******i*l*tr**t*****t*t*ttt****t**t***t*t*t*t** Dept: BUILDING DiviEion:IIem: .06000 ELECTRICAI PEPARTMENTo+/Ig/7gga oax Action: APPR i*tt*t***i***li CONDITION OF APPROVAL *t***t*t*tt****i DECLARATIONS I hlrlby scknoHfcdsc thlt I hrvc rcld this apptication, fittcd out in futl ths infornation rcquircd, cotPtltcd.!n accufltc Ptot iili,-lla']iljil-il;;;liih. infofnation proi,ia"a as required.i.s cofrcct. I rgrec to conpty Yith thG lnforlltion rnd ptot ptrn' to conoty vith rtt torn ordintnccs and stlte tavs, and io hriLd this structufc lccording io thc Tovn'r zming and :ubdlvision ;;;"I;'..ig; rcviev approvcd, Uniforr Buitding code rnd other ordinrnces of the Tovn appticabte therrto. REOUESTS fOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ITADE TUENTY-TOI'R HOURS III ADVANCE TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT e:( NOTE: THIS PERMIE MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALIJ TII4ES Permit *: E96-0048 Job Address: 44 W MEADOW DR Location...: MEADot{ VAIL #5 Parcel No. ..: 2101-071-16-003Project No. : PRiI96-0042 APPLICANT RESORT SERVICES P O BOX 1079, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR RESORT SERVICES P o Box 10?9, AVON CO 81620 OWNER PERICLES REAITY INC t OTTO PETER & POST, PO BOX 3149, VArL CO 81658 Description: REMODEL, MEADOW VAIL #6 Total, c!tcutrtcd t!!s--> Additionlt Fces---> Totrt PerDit Fcc----) P8)rncnts----_ EALAI{CE DUE---> Status...: ISSITED Applied. .l 04/L9/L995 riiued. .. I o4'/te/Lee6 Expires ..2 Lo/16/1996 Phone: 3039495013 Phone: 3039496013 75.@.m 75.m 75.m .00 Valuation:3,500 .00 FEE SUITI,IARY Ef,lstri ca [-> 72.6 DRB Fe. .m . lnvcstigstion> tli Lt C! tt-> TOTAL IEES--> .@ 5.@ 75.W Item: .06000 ELECTRICAI DEPARTMENT6e/I9/I99ta; oX Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING DiviEion: CONDITION OF APPROVAT **il**tIt*t**tt* DECLARATIONS t hcreb,, acknortedga that I hsv. nead this apptic.tion, fittcd out in ful,l, thr infornation rcquired, cooPtctcd !n lccur'ta ptot iti,i, -"ia-.iiii t#t rtt tha inforoation proiiOca as rcquired is corr?ct. I !gr.c to.corpty iith the informtion end ptot p[en, to corpty vith ltt ToHn ordinanccs and gtirtc tavs, and io buitd this structurc according !9 t19 royn's zoning and rubdivigion ."ai",'j'."ign reviev approvcd, Uniforn 8uiLdinE Code and othcr ordinanees of th. ToHn appticabte thercto. REOUESTS FOR TNSPECTIONS SI'IALL BE ITADE TIIENTY-TOUR HOURS II{ ADVANCE oR AT ouR otFIcE fRotl E:00 d'l 5:00 Pfi i' 'v, TOWN OF VAII-, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2138 OWNER Job AddreEE2 44 W MEADOW DR Location...: MEADOW VAIL *5 Parcel No.. : 2101-071-15-003Project No. : PR.l96-0042 , vArL, co 81658 PERICLES REALTY INC t OTTO PETER & POST, PO BOX 3L49, VArL CO 81658 StatuE...: APPROVEDApplied..r 04/L9/L996rilued...3 o4'/t9ne96 E:rpiree. . : lO/16/L996 Phone: 3034764374 Phone: 3034764374 tof llood/Pal' tct: DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVEI,OPMENT NoTE: THIS PERMIT MUsr BE PosTED oN JoBSITE AT AI,L TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Permit #: 896-0061 APPLICANT RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES, vArL, CO 81658 CONTRACTOR RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES Deacription: INTERIOR REMODEL I.TEADOW VAIL *6 OccupancY: Rl Tlpe Construction3 fI FR TIT)e OccuPancy: MuIti-FanilyTlrpe II Fire ReeiEtive Valuation: Fircptrcc InfoFDtion: Rcstrictcd: 23,5OO #Of Gas Appl,ilnccs: FEE SUIIIIARY285.m Resturrelt Ptan Revicr-).m rot.l. crl.cuLltcd F.c3--> 573 -25 .oo Addition.! t..!------> .m Rrcr4ticr teF-----> Ct.tn-t p DaFo3i t-----> ToTAL FEES----) Add Sq Ft: .001m.m 57t.25 #0f Ga! Lo$: Totel P.rrit F...---_->Peyrantc--------> BAI.INCE DUE-_ Bui Lding----> Ptln chcck-> InvcstigEtiq|> t{i Lt Cett---> 1E5.25 .q)3.m 573.8 .00 577.25 Dept: BUTLDTNG Divieion: Dept: PLANNING DiviEion: Dept! FIRE DiviEion: Dept: PUB WORK Divisj-on: See page 2 of thie Document for any conditione that rnay apply to thie perrnit. DECLANATIONS I hcraby lcknoftrdgc thrt t havr rcld thi3 apptication, til,trd,out in futt thc informtion. raquircd, contetad an lccuratc ptot pfii, i'r,a statc thit .L[ thc informtion providad as riqui rcd is correct. I agrc. to coqty iith thc inforr.tion .nd ptot ptan, to c6rpty uith ltt Tor.n ordinrnccs and stirtc tavs, and io buiLd this structurc according to the Tdrn's. zo|litlg lnd $bdivi'ion codcs,'dieign reviel rpprovcd, Uniforr Bui Lding Cide and other ordinances of thc Tom apPliclblc thrrcto. REQUESTS FOR ${SPECTTO{S SH LL BE DE luEilTy-fot R HOURS tN AOVANCE BY TELEPHo|IE AT 479'-2138 0R AT OUR OtFtCE FRll 8:(tr Afl 5:fl) Pll Item!'-0 04 /L9 /LIt'em:' .004 lte /L slnd Ctrrn-Up Dcposi t To: RUSW SPIKE srGlrATuRE OF Otrt{ER OR Cof{TRACTOR FoR HlllsELF AIID Olll{ER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 896-0051 as of 04/19/96 Status: APPRoVED **************r*****************************i**i********************************* permit qrpe: ADD/ALT MF BUrLD PERMTT APPlied: 04/'1:2/,1:29-6---eipri.liir iusry sPrKE ENTERPRTSES lEEued: 04/L9/L996 3034764374 fo E:<Pirez |O/L6/L996 Job AddreeE:Location: MEADOW VAIL #6 Parcel No: 2101-071-15-003 DeecriPtion: INTERIOR REMODEL !{EADOW VAIL #6 Conditione: 1 . FIEIJD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAI{CE. 2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WAL,LS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS To BE SEALED WITII AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. 3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY s[oRY AS PER SEC.1210 0F TIiE 1991 UBC. 4. FIRE DEPARIf!,IENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.5. INTERIOR PARTITIONS TO BE METAI, STUDS AND CEII'INGS TO BE METAL U DEPARTT''ENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTTOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P96-0030 44 W MEADOW DR MEADOW VAIL #6 2101-071-16-003 PRJ9 6-0042 APPT.,ICANT coNcEPT I4ECHANTCAL, INC 41348 U.S. HV|Y 6 & 24 WEST, BLDG E, CoNTRACTOR CONCEPT MECHANTCAL, rNC 41348 U.S. HWY 6 & 24 WEST' BLDG E, OWNER PERICLES REALTY INC t OTTO PETER & POST, PO BOX 3149, VArL CO 81658 75,@ Rrstuarant Ptan iavicv-)P tu i ng----> Ptan check---> InvcstigatiofD Ui Lt cal, t----> 14.75 .00 5.00 TOTAL FEES----- .m Total cllcutatcd Frca->96,75 Addition.l' Fccs----> Total, Pcrnit FG.---> Prym'nt s-------------> B LAI{CE DUE-_-----> 96.75 .(x) 96,8 .00 95.75 ItEM: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT64/I9/L996 DAN Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING DiviEion: a NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLIJMBING PERMIT Job AddreesLocation...Parcel No..Project No. Description: INTERIOR REMODEL MEADOW VAIL *6 Valuation:5, 000 . 00 FEE SUIITIARY **tttt*ttttt*t* CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hcreby lckno*tedgc that I havr rcld this application, fitL.d out in fult th! informtion requircd, completcd an eccufrtc ptot pl,an, and statc that rl,l, thc infomatim prol'idco as requircd. i.s correct. _t agnc! to corPl'y vith th. inforrttion rnd p[ot Pl''n, to colpl,y Hith !1,1, Toun ordinanccs and stlte [aws, and do build this structurc according iothe Torn's zoni ng 'nd 3lfiivigion codcs,'disign rcvicg approved, Uniforn BuiLding Codc rnd other ordinanccs of th! Tovn rPPticlbtc thrreto' REeuEsrs FoR rrspEcrlolrs sHALL BE ilADE TUENTv-FouR Hot Rs rt{ ADVANcE By TELEPHoNE Al 479-2138 oR AT ouR oFFtcE FRotl E:m Ai 5:00 PH Statu8...: APPROVED Applied. . : 04/.L9/.L9e6riiued...t 04/Le/L9e6ExPires..: L0/16/L996 Phone:. 9709490200 ItNrT 4, AVON, co 81520 Phone z 97094902A0 uNrr 4, AVoN, co 81620 a U3Nm 0 v J'lSsrrH r0l uollvulr(xt u0 ul lto l0 luluvilgls tad o0:g ltv 0:9 toul tlljlo um ry uo 9E!z-6lt IY !tlo+rd3'131. A8 !ll{Y 0v }lI sunofl ultol-lLiBltl llov$ !n l.lv s st{oltlldst{l uol slsSlEau 'oleJ.qt.l$e$dft unol .rll lo s.3usulpJo Jeqlo Fr3 apol arlpl lng uollun /pe'\oJdd:-TlIt..:9:"?tj":ry' pt13 arl,rci-c,uiir iir ii oulp.or.r .JnlcnJls 3tql pltnq o1 prr /snr1 al3ls Brr saturuJpJo urcl ll. qlln Al(I@ ol Gil-jol"r jqi irri-,trircc'br ee16c r' .rie.r,rij si'inirn6rl se pepino.rd uo.tterrotu! iqr lte rqr.l3l3 pui'u.'ld ua pelel61oc ,p.J!nb.J uorlrrJolul .r.lt llnl u! lno pellll 'uotrcctiad: Btql PeoJ 3^3tl I L3t{1 .6p.lnoqe3 lqcJeq r uols !A lpqn3 'urld lold pur told iliJnosr sNorf\nruTJsc TUAOUdd\a,{o Nor['rGNoC ryttfttftttrytrttrrfftrrrrrttt+rrttttrrfitttttfryrfttfttlryttttftryfttttrtftyrtYrYYttrYrttt|IlrtYttfrtltlltlrtl|frltttttllftlltlrr :uoTET^Tg oNIqTIOS :1daq u.rdv :uoT?ov NVG 96OI/qilI9altsr{ewasc wcru,rcsTs 00090' :uaxr ftrttrtttrfrtrTftrrrtftrryfryrtrttttfrytrftttryryrtftrryryrYlrfrYrrflYrYvtYYYrtYrYYlYYYYYfrtrtt+YlYtfYYtrtYrlflllltfttltllYtTlltlt o0'glm'm'fl. 00' 00'gl rylttltrrtrTttrtttrtyrtTryyttttrrrrtttytittyttttyryittYtYY AUYIUnS ?31 lttttYlrlrrtlffltTlttrYtttrlrttrttttrtlll?lYlftlllttrrrlTlt 00.009,€ :uoTlrnreA 9# lrvA Mo(ntgt{ Tsqonsu :uoTxdTrcseq <---st3J lvl'ol<__.l.t3t.ll]tt <uo ! teo ! t!r^u I <---t 3i, ! J le.'l l 8E1Z-6Lt-OL6T99T8 OJ ,TIVA GVOU SOViLNOttd 's EL TIfn .IO Nl'lO'l <--f,no SllnYEsluedrd <-----.-3.J l!ru.d l3lol <_____-6a31 l3tJolllpPv<-8r'.1 F|.l3lm'l3l lrlol 00'stm'tm'm'@'u €I095t6€08 :euoqd 8T096?6€09 :euoqd 966l/9l/0T : "EerTdxs 966l/6T/.10 :'"Pen88r s66T'/ 6T'/ro :''PaTTddv cgAouditt| : "'8n1E1S s?00-958r :* lTul:ed SgnI,I TTU ,!V S,IISSO.C NO 899T8 0J TrVA '6tr' xos od ''!sod ! us&sil ofilo t JNr traLTVgU SSTSTUSd usNMo oz9T8 0J NOAV '6L0T xos o iI SSJIAUSS,IAOSSU UO,IC\f8'INOD ozgTs oJ NOAV '610T xo8 0 a SSCIAESS,IUOSSU,INltCITiIdV Z?OO-96Cud :'oN 13e[ord EOO-gI-Tto-T0Iz :''oN Tec:Ed 9# TM $O(ntSn : "'uoTxecoT uq $ocvgn !{ ?? :Eserppv qof| frr{ugd Tucru,rJsTs GS,ISOd SS ,lsru{ ,lIl[USd SIH'I :gi[ON ,LNgndOTgASC I',IINIU{,{OJ,{O'INSn'Iu\|iISG 07 / / 6 ooQ ro*oF vArL .o"rr*u"rroJr( -^- d/ot 07//6oo? ro*oF vArL coNsrRr' It"""tt i':_ PERMTT AP?+rcaEror.r*';;.;iib;n'14 \Y PERMIT t APPLICATIoN I'IUST BE FILLED oUT COUPLETELY OR IT UAY NoT BE AccEpTEDUI***************t************** PERI{IT INFORI.|ATfON **************************i**t!,/t./tfiuflatns n/-et-*tns g(-eteetrtcat [ 1-.r.rechantba! t ]/.9 ; =4g^Lq/ /b aaSLegal Description: Lot stocx@_ ril Owners Name:Address: Address:Architect: Gene/t-Description:'lltL 642 '#)tW: l)mber and Tlpe of Firepraces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ wood/pe1l"t_i X* * * * * * * ** * * * * * *** ** ** * * * **** * * * * * vALuATroNs * ** ** * * * * **** * * * * * * * **** * . - -; ) BUILDTNG: VJ/OA D ELE( - RLWBTNG: rs ooo *oi[$rtffi:l3s@ g$:l: #' !{EqHANfcaf.: $ ?f^S qu -axz.'ffff:3l,"""ffii r 3;:l.RySL!:21::W'ft llggtlicaL.Donttactorz,'(Z-sa 4 5Xe4*,,-- l* <- rown of Vail Number of Dwelling Units: Address: Mechanical Contractor :Address: ******************************** BUTLDING PERUTT FEE: PLU!,IBING PERITT FEE: I,IECIIANICAIJ PERI'iIT FEE: EI.ECTRTCAL FEE3 OTTTER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDING PIAN CITECK FEE:PLWBTNG PI.AN CHECK FEE:!{ECHANTCAL PI.AI{ CHECK F8E3 RECREATTON FE8: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: O Plone Number:'--tvv(il!*:3? "on"^"'?", ?- ?lt'!f7*,41!ffc'f;:L"f# ri3il, br# FOR BUU.JDING: STGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: SIGNATI]RE: ,m lo/77_L q.EAIf LP DEPOSIT nEtrItf,D 1O:,(*t -s/b tul I o Trha/t,1 I lVa't- TO: FROM: DATE: RE: o ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPAFTMENT MAY g, 1gg4 WHEN A'PUBUC WAY PERMIT'.IS REOUIRED Job Name: Please answerthe ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being perlormed lhat requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needEd? ls lhe ddveway being repaved? ls difierent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfeaing lhe right of way, easements, or public propedy? ls a "Revocabla Right Of Way Permit' required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. It no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Gommunity Development? I have read and answered allthe above 'Fa zR, .,-L-J-J..A/- questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way permlt.: YES 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7',) 8) !!9u_ arywered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained.'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the public Work's oflice or alCg.TTTttV Development. lf you have-any questions ptease call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vaif Construction Inspec.tor, at 479-21* Job Name /4 1g? PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buildino oermit aoolication.lf yes was answered to any of the above questions. then a "public way" isrequired. You can pick up an application at either community Developmen[ located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 13Og Vail Villey Drive. 2l Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies iequire ui to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction traffic controystaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will shonr locationsof all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and .the work zone, (area of Gonstruction, Staging, etc..). This plan will expire on Oct. 1Sth. and will'need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. 4l Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic aontrot plan oi a liteplan for the job. 5) Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 49 houls to perform. 6) The Public Wolk's Construction Inspector will revierry the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the siatus and any thai mayneeded' Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, 6ut pleas6 allow up to one week to process. 7) As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to community Development allowing the "Building Permit'to be released. Please do not confusethe "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit'to do work on a project itself. NOTE: I Irtl{ql" prooess ts for work In a pubilc way onty.* Public Way Permits are valld only unill Hovember tSUr.* A new Public way Permit ls requlred each year it work.ls not compleb. crltw.ly t t 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorodo 81657 303-479-2 r 38 / 479-2 r 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Depanment of Community Developtnent TEEDED rfHrf, rppLtlto FoR t ulct|ef,tctL pEmfia HEAT LOSS CALCUIJATIONS, TO SCAIJE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHAIIICAL ROOU WITH EQUIPMENTDRA1IN IN TO SCAI,E, WITH PHYSICAL.DI!'ENSIONS AIID BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECITANICAT ROOM. sHow sIzE AND IJOCATION OF CO!'iBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES,VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EOUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTAIJIJED INUECT1ANICAL ROOM. FAILI'BE !O PROVIDE IIiIS ITFORIITTTOX WILL DELN TOUR PERilIT. I|IFORTATIO|f 1. 2, 3. 4. TOWT,IOFVAN luwn 75 rorih honLgr ro.d 'J, cdordo t165i7 (303) f?$2r38 (3qr) 4792|39 offfce of communlty derclopmenl . NoTrcE Io coNTRAcToRs/oI[NER BUTLDERS Effective June 20, Lggl-t the Town of Vail Buirding Department hasdeveloped the forlowing procedures to ensure that new constructionsites h_ave adequatery established proper drainage from buirdingsites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads of screets. rhe Town of vail public works Departsent will b€ required toinspect and atrrprove drainage adjaclnt to Tow:r of vair -roads orstreets and tbe iastallation of ternporary or peruanent culverts ataccess points from tbe road or street oa to tle construction site.such approval must _be oltained prior to any reguest for inspectj-onby the Town of Vail Building Department for fobtings or temporaryerectrical or any other inspection. please catt 4ig-2i60 t6request an inspection from the public works Department. Alrow aninimum of 24 hour notice. Al9o, the Town of Vail public works Department wiLr be approvingall finar drainage and culvert instalration with resurting roa6pacching as necessary. such approval must be obtained pri.or toFj.nal Certificate of Occupancy iisuance. 75 .outh |ront gc r!.d Yrll. color.do El6S7 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 oftlcc ol communlty dGuclopmenl to: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: Read and rn suno'ary, ordinance No. 5 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to titter, rraek or aepJJii ;t;;irl-"I"i, sand, debrisor materiar, incruding-trash t-*p=t.r=, portable toilets andworlsren vehicres. upon-any street^, ;i;#.ik;;;i;y or pubticBl?F"-::_aly por'i-on trreieo;. - ;h" right_of_lray on att rown of iiii. :Hff$":rtii:3: ::d:til":$:a:i;';t.i;!'ilil.":l"iil, ". Public torks oeoartnent. --p"J3lns founa .ri6riirng thiE ordlnancewill be siven a-2c houi '=i;d;';"ii;; t;-;;;;'..id nareriar.fn the event the person so notified.aoes noi coipry with thenotice within *:_31 n""i-tii"-!pecified, trre puiric worksDepartment will rermove said mateii"r "t-trr" -"r,i!i=e of personnotified' rne provi"i""=-"t-iiis orainance shirl not, beapplicable to cinstruction,-r"iii"r.nge o! repair projects ofany street or alley or "rry'"iiiiii." in the rigrri_"_ray. To review ordinance No. 6 in ful', please stop by the Town of:::i"::ii:i"3"o;f;ifn:*"::""iiii" a copv- riranic vou ror vour ALL CONTRAqIORS CURRE}TTLYI., REGISIERED WTUT TIIETOI{N OF VAIL TOI{N oF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COrr{!,tt NITY DEVEIOPUENT tdARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCrION PARXING & !.IATERIAL STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner) tnwn 75 .outh trontrgc rord urll, color.do tl857(303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 olflcr of conmunlly douolopmrnt BUILDING PEMIT ISSUANCE TI}IE FRAI\IE If this permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval ,Engineer'.s (public !9lfr) "evi"* .na'ipp"ouat,' a ptinnin!.bepu"t .ntreview or Heal th Departn6nt.review, .ni'a-".ui"; ;y''il;";uitaingDepartnent, the estinratea timi for'u-titut review may take as rongas three weelts. All commercial (rarge or smar'r) and alr mu'rti-fani'ry permits wiilhave to follow dtre iuove r"niion"J-riiimunr requirements. Residentiarand small projects shou'rd t"ti" J-ielier'amount of time. However, ifresidential or smar r er .projects-impiit' the various above mentioneddepartments with rega.rd, q rgCqrsiiy-review, these projects mayalso take the three-week period. Every.attempt wil'l be l19ge by this department to expedite thispermit as soon as possible. - I:-j!" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and t.imerrame. r,€::{#'zK,| r Sheet was turnefiTiT6-tEDate W6Fk Devel opment Department. o April 15, L996 Town of Vail75 S. Frontage RoddVail, Colorado 87657 To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised the Meadow Vail Place Condominiumhas approved the miscellaneous renovations to unita) removal of fireplaceb) changj-ng plumbing fj-xtures in three bathroomsc) miscellaneous electrical changes involved torenovationsc) and the moving of certain walls (non-bearing) entrances to bedrooms and at kitchen"Waz4) Krisanne Acklam-Krohn Managing Dj-rector Association #6 as follows: and at kitchen complete to relochte A Division of ]-he YaiI 44 Corporation 44 West Meadow Drive \€il, Colorado 81657 3O3.476'427 1 TOWN OF VAILis s. FRoNTAcE RoAD VAIIJ, CO 81657 970-479-2138 Job Address...:Location......:Parcel No.....:Project Number: 44 W MEADOW DR 2101-071-16-00 3 PRJ9 6-0042 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 0s/17/t996Issued...r O6/05/L996Expires. . : 12/02/L996 AT ALt TIMES M9 6-0048 Phone : 3Q39491i 47 Phone: 3039 4917 47 2, 600.00 #0f Lfood/Pat Llt: DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PermitMECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICANT VAILEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTR.ICAL ] P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620OWNER PERICLES REALTY INC T OTTO PETER & POST, PO BOX 3149, VAIL CO 81658 Description: FIRE SPRINKLER IN UNIT 6 Firaptacr Infornation: Rcstri ctcd 3 #0t Gas Appt i 6nces: Valuation: #of Gas Logs: FEE SUITI{ARY .00 78.m Item: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DepI; BUILDING Division:06/05/L996 CIiARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE AND MIKE MccEE CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL REO'D BEFORE FINAL INSPECTION ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS t hcfeby lcknovl..dg. that t h!v. rcld this apptication, fitted out in ful,! thc infornation required, compl,eted an lccuratc ptotptan, and statc that !t[ thr infortEtion pfovided as rcquired is correct. I agrce to conpLy rrith the informrtion and ptot pl,an,to conply Hith ltt Toen ordinlnccs lnd stltr [avs, and to buiLd this structune according to the Toyn's zoning and subdivision codes, design reviev approved, Uniforo Euitding Codc ard other ordinances of the Torn appticabte ther.to. REouEsrs FoR tNspEcrloNs SHALL BE img rurHrv-roun HouRs rN ADVANGE By TELEPHoNE AT 479-215E oR AT ouR oFFIcE FRoh E:oo Ai 5:oo pr,t SIGNATURE OF OI.'NER OR CONTMCTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI.INER ilcchani cat--) P tln chcck->Invcstigltion> ui tl. crt l,--> 60,00 15 .00 .00 5.00 Rrsturrrnt Plan Revi ee--> DRB Fce------- TOTAL FEES_-__ .00 lotrl calcutated Fces--> Additional F!es-------> Tota[ Pernit Fer----> Paynents------ 78.00 .00 78.@ 78.00 ,, TOWN OF VAILis s. FRoNTAcE RoADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 Job Addresa...:Location......:Parcel No.....:Project Number: 44 W MEADOVI DR 2101-071-16-003 PRJg 6-0042 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: os/L7/L996Issued... : o6/05/L996Expires..; 12/02/L996 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHAN]CAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT AI,L TIMES Pernit #: M96-0048 Phone l 3039491747 Phone . 3Q39 49L7 47 APPLICANT VALLEY WIDE I'{ECH. & ELECTRICAL I P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620OWNER PERICLES REATTY INC 8 OTTO PETER & POST, PO BOX 3149, VAIL CO 81658 Description: FIRE SPRINKLER IN T'NIT 6 Firlptrcr lnformtion: Restricted:#0f Grs Appti ances: Valuation: #0f Grs Logs 3 2,600.00 fof [ood/Pat L.t: FEE SUI{I'IARY60.00 R.stulrant Ptan Rcvi eH-->llcchani ca!---) P lan check--> lnve3tigation> 15.00 .00 DR8 F TOTAL FEES-------->> .00 Totat catcutated Fccs---> Additionst Fees---*---> TotE[ Permit Fec-----> .00 78. m 78.00 .m 78.00 tli Lt CaL L---) 3.00 P!ymrnts-*-------*-> 78.00 Item: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:06/o5/L996 CHARLIE Action: AppR CHARLTE AND MrKE MccEE CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL_REQ'D BEFORE FINAL INSPECTION ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I.hercby ackrnrtedge that I havc read this apptication, fil,ted out in futL the infornation requi red, conptctld rn accupatc ptotptan, and 3t!tc that ![t thc inforlation provided as rcquired is correct. I agrle to conpl,y iitn tire in?oraration and ptot ftan,to.colpty Hith ltt Tovn ordinanceg and state tavs, and to buitd this structurc according to the To!,n's zoning and subdivisioncodca, d$ign revier approvcd, Uniforn Buitding Codc and other ordinances of the Tovn appticabte thcrcto. REOUESTS FOR II{SPECTIOIIS SHALL BE IIADE TUENTY-FOuR HOuRS IN ADvAtlcE BY TELEPHONE Ar 179-z,t} OR AT OUR OFFICE FRon E:OO All 5:(D Pll SIGNATURE OT OIII{ER OR CONTMCTOi FOR HINSELF AND OIINER TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 Job Addreaa...:Location......:Parcel No.....:Project Number: DEPART!,TENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL IIMES Permi-t #: M96-0048 44 W MEADOW DR 2101-071-16-0 0 3 PRJ9 6-0042 StatuB...: APPROVEDApplied..: o5/t7/!996 Ieeued. ..: 06/05/1996Expires. . : t2/02/L996 APPLICANT VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL IP O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR VALLEY WIDE !{ECH. & ELECTRICAL IP O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620OI{NER PERICLES REALTY INC I OTTO PETER& POST, PO BOX 3L49, VArL CO 81658 Description: FIRE SPRINKLER IN I'NIT 6 Fircptacc Inforration: Rrstricted:fOf c.s Apptirnccs: ffi*tffi*ffi*f,*****t*tnt* FEE SUlll,tARYllechanicat---) 60.00 Restuafant Ptan Revi ev--) Ptln chcck---> Inv.st i gat i o.'r> t i l,L C.l,l,-*-> 15.00 DRB Payrcnts------ BALANCE DUE---_ VaLuation: #Of Gas Logs: Phone: 303949L?47 Phone: 303949L7 47 2, 600 . 00 lof Hood/P! l, Let: TOTAL FEES-_-_ .m Total, Catcutatrd Fecs-->.00 Additional, Feca--------> 78.m Totrt Pernit Fec-----> 76.00 .oo 78.m.m 3.m IqS{ri .q51Q0_E!'_II,DING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:O6/05/L996 CHARLIE Action: AppR CHARLIE AND ttIKE M-GEE CONDITION OT APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL_REQ'D BEFORE FINAL INSPECTION ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I. hcfeby _acknojtldgc that I hrve r.ad-this apptication, fil,l,cd out in futl, the infopm.tion rcquired, conptcted !n accuratc ptotpl'an, and statc thrt att th. infonnation providrd as requi red is correct. I agrce to corpLy riith the iniormtion and pl,ot il,an,to.cotrpty with al'l' Tovn ordinances _atrd statc [!},s, and to buil,d this structurc according tothe Tovn's zoning and subdivisibncodes, design revicu approvcd, Unifonn BuiLding Code and othcr ordinances of the Tovn afpticabl,e thcr.to. REQUESTS FoR INsPEcTI0llS SHALL BE l'lADE TIIENTY-FOUR HoURS IN ADVANCE 8Y TELEPHoNE AT 479-2138 oR AT ouR oFFICE FRotl E:00 Att 5:00 p SIGNATURE OF OUI{ER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AID otIilER lr^-.Y"1;L]-n1 l*'.'t'ou'* i;il!{ir ei;piriitioii-;on$lr ' DArtz {lrylTh P,2f - IAL# t v'e.i r- - trt t\at ,f vt J - v"v tJotr . APPI,ICATTOII MUST DI ITIJLEO OUT COI{PI'.D'r,I:LY OR I'I' I'IAY NOT BE A(;CSI}TEDJ!********************r*rrt*rr** pER3U.I fN!.OllMAr1'ION ****t**t*t*t**rtll**!r*t***l**,l-t l-Eulldllng [ ]-Plunbtng I l-El.atrlcal [(l-l{ecndnfcar t. 1*oL{re: .roD Naner lkfvtr*..t'n'! rob-Ad.lre,q ", '*ry !r' fienrlr*'l>,Lbt lArl .. ,*sar Desarrpri"n@';lf;"9"T .urrrr,t*-, l 'wners rame: WitJ*owners rame: f+vt(rc O'Wrtt\ Address: _.- Fh.- Archlteot: AddresS: -.Ph, ' . ceneral Descrlption; wor)< class! [ l-New I J-Alteratton ffi-Atldltlonal [ ]-Repair [ ]-Other Number of Acconilodation Unite:Nunber of, Dsrelllng Units: I _ Gas L,oEs- lfood/Pcllet *********************r*t*****r*** orgsa: tTOTAI:f- **********************i*tr* Tor.rn of, val,l Rsq. NO.Phonc Nurnbar: Town of v.l,l Rcg. No. Phone Nurnbert -/,,Tovn of riail Reg. NO.- f, Ehone Numbgr: -. .l Phene Numberr Arl'r- )Vqj oaFIcE usE ***************************r*** BUTLDINC FIAII CIIECK FEE; PIUT'IBING PIJAI{ cHEcK FEE8 HECIIAIIICAL, PlAl{ ctlEcl( FEE: RECREATTON FEEI CI-,EAI-I-UP DEPOSIT; TOTAL PERI.IIT FEESr EUTIIDING: 9fGl{AttlREr ZONINGi SI6NAT{'R.ES iflnUer and Type of Flreplacesi Gas Appllances ft* * * * * * * i * * * * * * | * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * VAIi,TATIONS i,urr,plxcl S __. ELECIRTcAL: $ RLI'UBING: .t . -f***** ***t * ra* **** ** *** * ** * ' I;ff :l l,'',h.:i.v:;' i g#rz MECHN{ICAL:IW ,INFORI{AIXON Electrlcal Contractor! Address: Plumblhg Contraotor: Addrese: Address: t********************t********** FORBUII,DING PERMIT FEE: P'.I'IIBXN6 PERMTT FEE: !.IECT{A}ITCAIJ PER}IItr FEE : ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTTIER TYPE OF F'nII: DRB FEE: l{echanlcal Contractor! I nni or tlrl,i e. rnoxracE RoaD AlLr CO 8155? 70-179-?.L18 lilAY-17-gO IRI i2:CO Pl,{ APPITICAIIT CONTRACTOR gN{ER al gtltug.. 'lpplled..Iaauec... Explrce ' - Phoner 3034?643?l Dhonet 303{?5{37{ ,ot l.d/?'atfstl IBEUED o+/r9/1ee5 Irrtz,l333 T ?. 3 DtsPEfrTT|lNtr OT COT&IT'I{I TT DEI'Ef,PHENI lt(llEr rAIs PERltIr I{UEE BE POgItlD ON JOBSITE Al A!I'' Bllfils ADD/AIT llF BUrr',D PBnt',lrr Pennit lt 896-0061 Job Addrcrs: 4{ r ttlf,Etl DB iil.iiot..'t lornOtt vlIL l!-FilAI No. 't zlor-071-16-00:' Pioiict No. : PRII96-0042 RUSTT EPIKE EI|TERPRI8ES i#t"gniflrtl$il**t"'- VAIIT, CO t1658 i"Sili';Ysil'1x3, *ulllo#3it" Hff[iEitlHtDEIJ ucrDon OccupancT: Rl t[YEc conitrult-ion: II"TyP€ occuPencYl Valuatlonl ilr|Dt|.. thlertrlsl' t'friqtd: VAIi. 15 l.tulti-FaniIYFR 'ffii-tt trr-e Restctivc 23, t00 A*H Sg rbt tgf 3.. l|trtt rnc|r;,Ol a.r t!lt: lE.o,l$.et .ol.s .0.t .01 .G3 10.t{} 3rr.lt.stzt.2l 'A,tl,.s ftr ttIiAtI bttdlnr--)?tJr cf#rts-> lnvaatllatlltDrllt G|tt*l hrturrtt trr l.YtlFt olt trF-'€lr| tlsr t.F--' .-: iitlc.torr.tatt"-Ird{tlcrt tc.ry roert t|?rtt f rr---r ti;r'tt oryrlt-*)tdilL !r/A APPR N/A AFP8. N/A BUILDING PLII{IIIHC FINE DUD mar Dlvl!lonB DivI.lont Dlvleionl Divillon I DrPts DePtE IlcPt: DePtt l*fr$*ftfiilr iit*firt|**fff',rtNrf*+l|#JH' il sonditior'e thet Inay apply to Ehle pornlt' otf.usTlil r rr.,."' *ril.t .t. $?t-l^rT!^=l.g':.S:::'::1dlllf,ftn.*:t 'tllfli:1fl'ffi1#.ru#fi frffiBiglWTf ffi "Hffii*t*ff.,nr:#[rtritrii'fi+$ip,F;'fi'#*,,***:T:ffi::lt$ J?"#frl,;H i"ltl lfl A#:J.[Hll'.,11ilfi r'; qil]iliH:,T;; lGtEttl fot ultGcTlo'l $rll' tE i Dt nfiffY'tolli lsnt rt rfitJrcE fi tlut fatd ttrFttp t Doslt lo: l{'rv tf lkE 4 l:6 rlt lto tr IIAY- 1 7-"q6 tR I l2:06 P]/I Date 6 Contractor Reglskatiur r Nurntrer Conttqctorg Nahe f lc- Mailing Addrccc TelephoneNo.l $yrtcm Tect $i6nature Certification No. 5IATEOFCOLORA;T DIYISIONOT FIRE SATETY PLAN REGISTRATION FORM r, 4 Ciiy -ov gJt-, v (Qralified Fire Inspector) Iurisdiction 7-sI eT Distribuiion: Original copy goes to Division of Fire Safery upon total completion of form. Copy to local fire department. Cnpy f n rontractor and ropy tn huilding rnvncr uprn complction and sign-off. ,l^t /,1;.( f (for additional coErrnents use sepante cheet) REtrT131 TOh'N OF VAIL. COLORADO LE/A9/96 EIBI lO REOUESTS FOR INSF'ECTItrN T.IORK SHEETS FOR: TE/ 9/96 \';'-i i Occ: Use: Fhone: 3O39496{t13 Fhone:trhone: 3O39496tZrl3 Fhone t 84i-4PQ7 F'A6E 13 AREA: EG Tine Exp ?r't i+itlr Address: Locat i on l F ar.ce I rDescriptionl Appl icant : Dwner: Contract or: E96-O048 Le./ I /96 Type r B-ELEC Stat r.rs : I$SUED ConEtr: AAtrT 44 I.I MEADOI.' DR MENDOUI VAIL t+6 ELAL-A7 r- 16-003 REMODEL MERDOW VAIL *6 RESORT SERVICES PERICLES REALTY INC Z BTTO F'ETER REST]RT SERUICES Inspection Request Infonnation.... Requestor: GARY/RESORT SERVICES Req Ti me ! tal r OO Conrnent s : Items requested to be Inspected... 88190 ELEf,-Final Conn,en6,.t-e/'- {.f,. - Insp'bctionIte;rItem: Itemr'Iten: Item: History..... S0l1O ELEC-Temp. Fower" OOIeO ELEC-RouqhA5/IA/96 Inspector: EG OOf3A ELEC-Conduit er0140 ELEC-Mi sc. O019ra ELEC-Final /2 /- 16"- Action:APPR AF,F'ROVED .'(' a ct =ts =G UJo- o\(\ an IJJ r,lJII E =tIIJG $\o\..\: co o.Fi tr z o Fj UJF otrt!o(5z UJ F EFI =E o =z inurFozozoJl@ .ao =z cruJz3o ulIF z l! uro =E l! c(o o o o.c -9o6.c ctddq;'eHo ooo()c.FEr E(DE o!tc6oooo CD =c0 E o =trl Eo o o.o.(t '.9 E -:- o c6*8.9 3EE: EgEE € EE:3 :E*EIoSo !EiF EE; EEl;eo- o ct-$E; e oi-o-ql:€e€ EEE! -o.Yo-+.c)60'-EG= (l) (,' gEi; FffieEg* - o 6: @F-N o''(O N It- E-culC(,z c) = @ Y()uJE()z o- J eF uJJul o2 .oE J J Iz u,. UJu,EzIF urE() uJc, G o.o 'g |'|J&z(9 uto F an ul Lf2 utJ x F u.lo at IJJul1L ts =c UJoJ FoF (, =o =o o c, c)uJ ul (,z .D- o. J cz EouJt .rl|| NO|lVn'rYA I I*l "= 1iI @ -l ,r:; :gl "= i *91 F = !o . jl u EEo!ilo2zrJ-Eo O O'Fr 5 B = F;an o c, ,., F ? EE9 q i,* E g gr rNO zoI =J t! o. oGo u.lG R E UJ zIFo zo F Eg,lF 'u,z oEzlz tr o =: o at)Fzl z JuJ =o (o u,I o- IJJ E ^z Fu- =FI trI uJ = G ut uJzY9 (t, 3 F lu o - Jl<l-l zl zl .. >l uJoutulzoF TEUJ J z Eoo z Idt I I;,; I lt- O --! O z an9Zk"-'.oo o =zs.'P g E*i BTE uJtat, @o?zoFTLutY IJJt0oF E =E UJcblisl 8 q-lt*lgrubkz6 b =IEulqttoEgEs€uIEb9'5E E't>=ut:-E FE! rtE ooE irE X>I EFF -.'|!E UJooF @ E =Elrlo-zoF()DE 6zoo nfltr oz J u- I I I I JJc0 Fo oaoFl F{ FJ 6 toftt1as di =z @o-.| ql 'Fr I+llql 'Fr Iolol 3l 1l El(!ltl BIql oltul =l u.lE z H'Fll al B (!lq, =l F .nol .Aaau,l ad J :l F.N\? I r\.n -o- .r{ = E tn UJE o I 6 aoo 'Flt{ lro+J c, 'Fl Ua & t lt an C\ -iz o!u Ja IIoz3oF =tr d C'ul ! Itoz;oF I tr tr TL .l oul :l >1 ILoz3oH tg oz (9UE J l!oz3oF uJ l!F. (l UJz =o FoIIJF I() -rO<FG()l1l <zt|rrF(tt Z-o() JE<oC)F fr3 H:() _E('oz, l- =f'Fd6o ()z .F uJ = r Iz Eo Ei\ =(JZ o -J<oon3Ht!! J UJoI .9 ut9€r8* -tGo.Y'aE';o €(!o9;5 ?iF F€ o)_.cO o0)NCI c\cE\lc! eb:5 oo oDsc6 E€oo3o.EoD o.g i-'5rCl oCoo of aTt.io 99o- =6,;q)ItEE d:g9Es'i9(,' fl8E *.2 ?.*Eg-.= 6!-f,c €gE :EFj'l =c9(! Es:EEi =!Esoo cc-€esn! tri=!oo o.sEs.9- osfie E6:EE bg 6-E EES_aer* C6 0'-.5 E.g $t €.E8;.,o 6;i s; 5,.}6s9-ocrs5g -o(!. J- o [\r- T $ & o z,r9zeooIZ dR E lrJ0"rloEgE<a:)€sl9a] crFe'=.c =4.=>E dEE FE: ;aE U5t lurE XO-E ;-au{€i l! @oF 0, a) .C tl z c ?J Itr :Hi ;Hg ia tILt CEuJz3oltlfFoz IJJzio o ul fF 2Io U'ruF z z = co .tt(t oaoF FI == ct oe I I !t--.r FLLl ll+ 'l(J C03uJ UJcz 6uJ auJ r.lJLb5 u.J ) F F 2299flo.9 EAE2vE9rl-<OG,., fo.- (J>QFO .lJo t{q, |..ld f.lo +J +Jor{r]{l I Iql ar 1FF{Od d:Ed 01+Jco"c Ei'.-1 3o|tCodz9,tlgxfiiEtJ.-l;o **6o rreti A oc,(, .. >lo UJ u.lrlJzot: UJ z9tro v,Fz.. Q2 iFn6;6 t; 2 6 : 2o c,gJ|: ^l ;luJl2l ao z 1! F J 0,() (o '-lA Fl (t Bo€do E1'.1utl =l<lzlol -tl trl r-Ql c.rlsr3l Iol \o.rd I F-(Ul =rxt *IrO.l \DEl .rt@'{l osl C) S.rd .F{qdH>:J >lflE] o a Fl a Eoo(o oE I I Il.l" I I ,)tr,lrfEIctdnc><t =EC) I G ilt IoJll|l Iol I+rl odtrl c.{Hl oil'{ Yl ril#l xl* Ol ol F'(nl Yl (') >l !l r fil ilF .71 6i=Ht zl E|aHl{1.l Fl Fl tltttltltlloltlltolI tJJlt:ll-ll<ll>lI u-lt9 HBI H]EFI Fl lltlI lellolI lullcl l*1 df,* tttl|ltll"llzlIolI uJll(EllJltalt>ll|!ll^llt;t I HFI FI lltlll l;lI tEllJltqlbl *l il il UJz3 F UJ = c E -.r O<F&(JuJ<zd. cnZo JG<oOF t-<trg2zUJOC) 9F 3Ed6o 6F 33 gE G _nl+co2 o() <oqHDt! August 9, 1989 Bu'ilding Department Town of Vai] 75 S. Frontage RdVai'|, Co 81657 To tlhom It May Concern; PIease be advlsed that we have contracted withto remove the old roof from l4eadow Vail Place materlals due to problems wlth leaks into the Rusty Spike Enterprises and replace with neur uni ts . Resoectful'l v.tutu Krisanne Acklam Secretary/Treasurer : kak A Division of The )/ail44 Corporation 44West Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 3O3.476'427 1 RUSTY SPIKE ENTERPRISES INC. Box l5l7 vAlL coLoRADO 81657 Home 476-1331 Bus.r 4764374 tO Mea-dow Vai-l Association 44 W. Mead.ow Drive GENTLEMEN: LETTER OF TRANSNflITTAL DATE August 9,1989 JOB NO. ATTENTION RE: Vail, CO 81657 WE ARE SENDING YOU n Attached I Under separate cover via lhe following items: ! Shop drawings ! Prints ll Plans ! Samples E Specifications ! Copy ot lett€r n Change order n coPtES DATE NO OESCRIPTION Main Roof Repair: Consist of tearing off existing roof membrane down to the existing insulalion. Install L" cover boardt three layers oi a fiberglass base sheet and 1 layer of Tamko ,,Aiaplan premium,'-roofing membrane with a 24-gauge steel with a Kynar 500 finish with exsisting rnatching color. This systen will carry a ten year guarantee' Thiswouldbeinaccordancewitnspecificationnumberl0S. THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ! For approval tr n For your use n E As requested tr ! For r€view and comment ! Approved as submitted n Resubmit-copies for approval Approved as noted n Submit -copies for distribution Returned for corrections n Return -corrected prints 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US SIGNED: N FOR BIDS DUE REMARKS COPY TO FOR| 239-2 Ay.rrrbr. kom@i Inc., Torn&nd, Mar! 01470 ll onclosurc' erc nol es noted, kiaclly notily us tl oDce la,,, 1. L\1 IUIO\1 <,< *- | -t )\o ('s ' 4-1 tL- tl PERMIT NUMB ERaI OF PROJECT ; \/l /| \il ? | | \ 'tJOBNAME Tv\to-\6v^/'. VAtl l-1 a<_P.-:---\ SALLER I I usrl1 - .-, k c- --:-- I Y INSPECTION REQUEST.TOWN OF VAIL THUR FRI AM PM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON Lle ED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL E tr FINAL tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK/_k L NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RRECTIONS: INSPECTOR niisnop ozt =ElrJo- 5 5 cf) .\\ x a5 FI I 5 anujuJlrtr =t|rIo- 'd1t4hB/ t.oF E/-t1 EttY) uJFoz oz6Jf,o .(t =z r! UJo =I Eoa|. o CEFz o xo anLo.. o@o Ltr)+, oro o- ii@5o.c Eoct o(Jc)- () t- '-(I,.FE +) .dE +>>oo).n cE oo |l) -9o(! =o.o,(! 3 F o slo'o .S P c) (5 o)E o) I dl E o E(, o o. CLGi.9 E o x (6 .Y,:e:$E8E"; r.e *€ EE E: €EE:g i!Fi c96F e5t: E E-s::€85'9eeP Elseo- (5 cL-$EisoEEo =€e€Y(,.vO)': - c o ;F€3 E6Eg :-oE9 t= o o gt; t e 3 'eE ri; sffi eEgg t\l" V) $ \b \ $ R \,or \ \ \ \ \ $ \ $ a 0 s k \ \M EcrJ,/ z Y C)uJ z J 9e. u,l uJ zo =J J 2 gJ gJ uJ z tr IJJ lrl o @ 'uJtuJ z a UJ F al,oo-uJo o- z luJo x F uJU' U' IJJ uJt! F =GuJo- J oF z6J =ao J Ie, C'UJ uJ z ao =Jo- J z. |rJ. NO[Vn]Y J\ El+ :$sl;si rlt 5i}F6 6B:tr ^ 6 za 3 E = Et1i Ei EHEI z F fJ ltcti e uJ F sq $ o-uJ J zoFo x 2 tr !r,lF 3uJz tltltltlaEz z9.n<oo<>s>arxlr6o<z at, ts2,. 9z -iFtro3E ll+ tl +-tl L.l_I 13I tJI t<lF il:l;l lltlJJ c at)at)!JzY; ul F z F J z 3 utFo-tL<ioH a o Ff ;o Fl zl zl .. >loulouJulzot IJJ J z E o zFa Jo z Y(! IL lr a ,\ ,'*-)tt'-l i) uJFodto-zo, F4u,Y o oF E =Gulo-ttloltstr.l .-tl "\|tEl HuJ9E FrEtcluJIo-;.2lorF'() GFqz.o(J i \ o =Jt! JJco Fo Fl .9tx tV. + F $J & l.,i|?t hr-1 ii =zdlo-) 7 (Il ll a:l ?l!i "lE 4 A Rx 'l,1t B s U) llteoo J = NsC\I .Ax.ir io r-. O - Eo Ht1i!r EtI = l! A R g tt: $ IJI oa3 E -{F.r.N i h 0o '-tg Fo FJF l.J .gg EEtr A fd ciz olrj >l tt zl3l 9lFI c.F Et |r. & l? =E\ N.d! u.lq <1 ilol zl3l FI FXs d trF t+ tai hv.l7 QD e E =tr E.r|@ oz (9 tJl J t! z3I ft D "!dc H =g ciz oI! >ll!ozl3lplFI R E JI r-1 R FvEg =e.tr z ti ll,l = ll-oz3oF r\JtrlIl<\t uiilF Eulz =o F uJF G, G, -.r O<F0a() IJ.J <z.E t4Zo() Jt<((JT IicEt uJ(l( t ,( a)) E 2P =sJZ ax :: F- =2+(l i,z =g Eirg \JZ <oa :4.t'i x,-f zo9ZF< =zd8 EEi = t!;dd= !!! t uJo.lt :!!69E<al60noE9EA 5EF'tt- =uJ:-E FEE =*E 6b9 iutE Xa!t x>6l:iFc '.to-i!E uJ@ F I--E!tr ! '. ' i..'t,z I NSPPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: 1' ,1 " ,"/' ' JoB NAME I ECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL ,PM f CALLER MON TUES WED (>, / r:-, -" (;;THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH/WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR m rNsilctoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI LOCATION: AM PM BUILDINGI tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D,W.V tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/H.TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL EI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNsilctoN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM.PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NA|L|NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr o trFINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH T] EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E] SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL .,8 APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNsilctoN neouesr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: TOWN VAIL INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR. FRIWED AM PM-a BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ON/STEEL trROUGH/D.W.V. - E ROUGH / WATER - tr GAS PIPING -- tr POOL/ H. TUB -r-l r'l - tr FINAL - MECHANICAL: - tr HEATING -- tr EXHAUST HOODS - tr SUPPLY AIR -r-l tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr FINAL tr FINAL -€I APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR * o Plfr*fr"#g"fi"N, $F.-ouEsr DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM .? BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK u tr D o POOL / H. TUB NAIL o tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED GOBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED r] REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOB oN\t oz FQUJ-|oto- o@I@NI! utl- o Jz z.^ozedro =z=rtro.L IJ- EEiA;E F =EuJo. u-o uJ.L F co Ect -9o otl .E J E E 8 ts =ElrJo-zoF()fEFazo(J EUU I l., .Ft<td I I I I I, IFt<EIF|.tz t= E =zz!-'o o o E g 96rE P OE.E2 2 5=p : 8Eo q .'-Hi s-46 7,i(\to \(\E:9*= -@ (, =xG IL tlDoF TIJurEJ IIJ=>i6o2z=lr-JJ-1 .^ttl ztt Z,9{E9<<o-douJ l!EEE9looz<) E*b;rP ciz E =t uJo- I F l(JtzF-.:9i €.:s'i ci\ \)sf E q,EtUe tli = v-) lu z anauleoo o- F()Etr LU J Ic !() o.o TE It+)c)o =e allJeo o F a e l'r. attatUJeoo .J =E l! U)llJ o = cu- al,UJEo .) E =Etr U' t! o Je o- F E lE F(J tUF Ic)ar E-rO<F.ff? fZ.E eru.l F (\lo6 -,o JE<o(JF F? rrr-t d.(,ozt- =<=EfFd6o 9z -c)uJ = L ? (Iz ) E. d ;.UJX Fo2o(J J<oq.EEEtr r*sfc'oN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL J_)t ai DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED | /, 'It/, \ITgFREADY FOR LOCATION:'. '7 AroN BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOOOS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr otr FINAL FINAL tr SHEETROCK NAIL : (Nt' I w1 tt< -t ..''''i t] FINAL pd,lAeeaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED vconnecttotts: ,oft t- 7'-h/ rNspEcroR REQUEST VAIL }NSPECTIONTOWN OF I !JOB NAMEDATE READY FOR LOCATION: ON:..t44."W'THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL h nouoH / D.w.v.\ E ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: T] HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - tr BOUGH tr CONDUIT tr FINAL tr tr FINAL F APPHOVED \ PORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR * rrr,tl*- itt-" : if i{r. -.. .J| ',. .,t A .' r'! ':.t"f t" t IINSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER 1,,,, tdEs --t weo rHUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND gROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n tr tr n GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,l *' ,.."' O "- , I rNspEcro'DATE DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON rlr#cnoN REQuEsr -tfu,vrrf OdW,ff,,)iIs CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPTY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED -:-.tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR ,"#"toN REeuEsrTOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: -- rJoB NAME --r | ') 't; ' ''' '-CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI -----/8 PM BUILD]NG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr .E tr tr FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n Irrr.rer-tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR tr a rr^t tr FINAL -.? Vsppssv=,tr DrsAPPRo"r\. r, tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: f f\Df'trL, I W11/:DATE \ ,, ,.:" t Gg)WED THUR FRI REOUEST VAIL <,E-FD ,*#"toNTOWN OF SPECTI CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEE- O FRAMING D INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB E] FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED o,..e //- i/-.j'/ rNSPEcroR l ,*#"roN REeuEsrTOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON rues qSeb--'1 THUR PMFRIr-\r\19READY FOR LOCATION: OVED tr DISAPPROVED ./,REINSPECTION REOUIRED ' ,;, czc'>CORRECTf ONS' 4- --<e.'..-..---u"-<.,' | 62 BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEBO FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n_ D GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB nt?,/^ {rrr.rnr- l():tt; .L}U nFTNAL /' / (.t ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o ry(nl D FINAL 3, ,r' ../ './ '/ j."DATE // a-)/ lNsPEcroR tINSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL .1 a - /..V/ ./::./ 0I Cq DATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ,, ..1'.,, , . /' r' JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES wED (1a_u.V../ rat/- .-' AM/,PM ] BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FBAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr q4*".tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr_tr tr FKrtL tr FINAL PPROVED E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR :fi *,*r#"toN REeuEsr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON ,Weo ) THUR FRI c TUES AM BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING C INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr El tr E TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr tr n EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR H'FINAL I l' *, t nr' ^tr FINAL \r{ppaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIHED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR tINSPECTION REOUESTTOWN OF VAIL i t ,{:'./1 WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES 6),, cS.' t b/ (- AM ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL D DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED //,,. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB O FINAL tr FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR IN * SPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. a Rougb(/ wArER tr FOUNDATION / STEE-/./ tr FRAMING E INSULATION D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL - E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED COBBECTIONS: - ,/ ,./lD^rE /(//L /(, tNSpEcroR ,*#".oN REeuEsr DATE '.,'--\READYFoR|NSPECT|oN:MoNTUES'WED)THURFR|-6M)PM /^ J \"t.---/ \---"LocATloN: bfis.Pt'" t"/ BUILDING: EI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL 'O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION - tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NA{L - tr POOL / H. TUB X tr- tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR O 'INAL tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE[ ' ,?-,.,'z' ,*rt"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAILt,,DAIE t/) JoBNAME CALLER TUES 6)WED THURREADY FOR INSPECTION:MON OCATION: UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING GAS PIPING Xsxeernocr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: .')ara -- INSPECTOfrDATE.Q-/-?/ oor, ) /z-'- JoB NAME / READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: I u', , ( i- MON CALLER TUES '/..'.'wED .tj!B, IINSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL AMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ( rnnrrarr.re tr INSULATION r D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB s ,f;,,--7/ii E Utr FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR o tr o rs6t tr FINAL ED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: D^rE 7- z- 7' tf INSPECTOR( = t DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MONltLOCATION: CALLER TUES tINSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL PMAMTHUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION I tr GAS PIPING il.sHeernocK NArL D POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR r_1 D DfINAL tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: 7-23-*/TNSPECTOL ,*r#"toN REQUEST VAIL DATE BEADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME ELEGTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING { noucn tr CONDUIT tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR E tr FINAL N DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED TOWN OF / Pl,L'(,--- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL C] POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: oo-r= 7-22- / / rNSpEcroR ilINSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LQCATION: JOB NAME NS TION: 49r:r i.,t * CALLER MoN e.)WED THUR FRI BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr K tr SH EET C POOL i H. TUB o FINAL tr FINAL NAIL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: C HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FrDlAl-D FINAL {a6woveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: D^rE ? - ?L ry rNSpEcroR: :,'4, -24 '->7a';.- z:--' 'l INSPECTION , TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTI LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED - ti 't (r THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL EI FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr oFl tr FINAL PPROVED://'CORRECtlOtrtS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR rNs#CTIONTOWN OF ,t"\-'t' REOUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON .r' ," t,,' ,/; CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR c BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. B ROUGH / WATER,E FRAMING tr INSULATION d sneernocx o tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr n ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n D FJ'IAL tr FINAL ED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor, 7 r7 -(./ rNSpEcroR Il-t\._)Lrlh t -., ..) i^r | | I i' r', l.) I/tD^rE U / ,/ /.F I JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: APPHOVED TUES WED i / t /,. O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED lr.rstcnoN REQUEsT TOWN OF VAIL THUB fRr , ', )\+./ EUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL .tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: O TEMP. POWER .tr HEATING ry ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: oarc 7' ,t c' f( rNSPEcroR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES tINSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL FDgJ*-zINSPEC<-qJ_Y BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB<i)('nkU t--nfl- a/tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED . z ,:.'y':,2.2_,DATE INSPECTOR,- rrvs#ctoNTOWN OF | 'r' t' | ,., ' a REQUEST VAIL i-' /', DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER iY':it-./.1 .-:.: rues z-WEo-) rHun't*__-/FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER E INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB N FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE ,*rlE"rion REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE (.) ," l'/JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESINSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION: wED {It FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROIJGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL (rnnvrrr.rc 6tU&<?ao,? tr tr tr n ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION dsHeernocx n GAS PIPING NAIL {i,,,.POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR T] tr FINAL tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: rrus#ctoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL THUR DATE READY FOR LOGATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME cdllen MON TUES'-, WED FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATERr\ rRnvrruc O INSULATION - tr SHFETROCK NA|Lt"U''" tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB n t, ! tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR TI a #at O FINAL APP-BOVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor, 61 'b - t/ rNSPEcroF/ ,"r#"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL oor, //t/r JoB NAME -"' ,"''u , ,i ,l'+*::: READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEC ERCALL TUES ,,.i,/, MONtt D BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING INSULATION N GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR oor, (rt'., i ,i F / JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THUR-,J FRI CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL I PErNs 'I AUiPM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER g. INSULATION tr SHEETROCK o_ tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR O FIAIAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: rNSPEcrqiDATE IINSPECTIONTOWN OF &.'.1 ' u-.. ),'" " t"''-z' REQUEST VAIL oo',, b/11 JoB NAME f>i,, {,,, f-- READY FOR INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES ______@ pM -z-*z-,2'LOCATION:/L-:-,./ -"; 74E, * wED Qis) ,^, =:. / ._) BUILDING:PLUMBING: O UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr tr D n tr ROUGH / WATER INSULATION SHEETROCK GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oorr 6-/.h'-*/ rNSPEcr .--) DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON lr.rs#cnoN REeuEsr rurs .$S/ e? FRI ------O PM TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL ROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP, POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL D FINAL Ypsveo ]ORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED co IINStrECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL DATE SPEQTION:-, ,1/ --1- JOB NAME MON ffi *=ootltf^oal LOCATION:l BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB ns\C/a-LJ vuLe?' I\ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr o EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor, 6-// 4 rNSPEcroR r-=a ,".#"toNTOWN OF t REOUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:. ).1 \a(rr+ ,--, .. Cnlt En /l,,*o\/ ruEs | -\ \ -t /''L-: WED THUR FRI an ),,- -, ....it , AM l') (j.-l BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEU tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERT] FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr O GAS PIPING NAIL E POOL / H. TUB E tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING F noucH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n/ tr SUPPLY AIR tr oKot tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,4 -t s' - FlDATE u -'" I ' rNSPEcroR ,*#"toN, TOWN OF /'1 , - /':-..Lt| REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOB LOCATION: (T--i*=o THUR FRI JOB NAME MON CAELER ------------_-. U PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FouNDArory6FIE-!L D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERFRAMING - /z/' Fzoo&INSULATION tr GAS PIPING UB FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE rJ - r-' (/ INSPECT ,r-- i -- ,.. - .Fl '{tINSPE CTION REQUEST DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI .-=.\AM (9,{l I /LoCAT|oN -/!ztil-!-' TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FBAMING D INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB D tr tr FINAL D FINAL ELE tr1 El F tr( D CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D nrFrr.rnr-tr FINAL APPBOVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: oorr- 5-/- f/ rNSPEcroR rrv#ctoN TOWN CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI ,<- +*' OF j, )t.+" REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING N INSULATION (sneernocx n_ tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB Ft tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr n ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR trJrNAL _tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED COBRECTIONS: INSPECTO ()inT "i ^p",. ,,:t (,'l , 1,,',l'/, u ' IINSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL // .,o, *o',DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR Or) a BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING D INSULATION tr SHEETFOCK tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL D FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: { 'z-z - tr/INSPECTO tINSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL.// DA'E {// ? /,f/ JoB NAME/'/ INS,PECTION:FJh^Y9READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ( *ouc"D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL t APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor. ,{- 20- fl rNspEcroR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: -:\^ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL n o D tr tr D UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION GAS PIPING N SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRIGAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING (*ouc*O EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n D FINAL N FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED REQUEST VAIL ,"#"toNTOWN OF DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON TUES -@ THUR FRI PM CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING B INSULATION y/sHeernocx D GAS PIPING NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS E CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL D FINAL APPHOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo'r, f-d -€/ rNSpEcroR :.i DATE READV FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON wED rHUR l6i)3 rrustcrroN REeuEsr tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 'lYl"q,'Ll OVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB { sur*.i"y- tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: D TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL DATE '-tr- g'/ INSPECTOR DATE rrv#ctoNI g- ?"F/ REOUESTVAII JoB NAME -Z-gaufut a TOWN OF C<.1^.rOoS CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: ,_=INSPECTION: CvoT) Tues WED THUR FRI 2 4 FtocsR - FtV u*ttT-------@PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING flsHeernocK NArL N POOL / H. TUB tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trl trF trC tr CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED : ;...1 | :F,!rf; -^;i:rt!. " ..rr*. .-- r-I SPEIN CTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES rHUR .,F.J!1,AM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W,V.ON / STEEL FRAMING /'f Ft''<N ROUGH / WATER INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB -fl,| \v D FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr EI tr D tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL APPBOVED RRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT rN .oNTOWN OF J. REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION D SHEETROCKt- lJ ,JtndTtn tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL C] FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED 4-Z ,.- ? /'/'// /'_DATE zt- z 6 - F / INSPECTOB JOB NAME tINSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL /l^_i-rr- f-.--DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER ('-,.,{,tI,_,/ INSPECTION:MoN ruES wED @ FRI AM PM| / '\--*-,/ I P tp.r-> | t 1 t./.t.f \ . ) a^ | 1n.. n'' -- ' {, , r ,, 1..r.- f(,: r, (:-e-a f -_ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL EI UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FBAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRTCAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING [noucn EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr n SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION DAIE ?-23': 8l - -, i i !jl"]"- INSPECTOR ,,.tr1,t",.1'dr*., :* f +r$F : i:qq \+r l: 'N toN REQUEST VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON TUES WED THUR @ TOWN OF READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING N INSUTATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB EI FINAL , r / . J..fi ///n.t;ta -y'tto /\ f /tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: EI HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE .- i/ INSPECTOR rfh ir.,*#"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL /l. ,'.1DATEJOB NAME ALLER .: ', l READY FOR LOCATION: MO} G'WED THUR FRI _____4) pM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr n FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK O GAS PIPING NAIL O POOL / H. TUB n O FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: [t=rr. PowER MEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT rl tr SUPPLY AIR n tr EINAL O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I ,,, ;,.,:l i n#"r,o*riiour*ll rowN oF vArLlDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR @r-r I | | BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL C ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER\i rnnvrruc y' rrusulnroru D GAS PIPING tr POOL i H. TUB B FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS - tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDPPROVED RRECTIONS: INSPECTOR o PEINS CTIONTOWN OF REOUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED @FRr AM@ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER{rnnr'rrrNcd rrusuurroNntr SHEETROCK n O GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H, TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ E SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL E FINAL ,J APPROVED h*=.r,o*", tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT REQUESTVAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME IJ INSPECTION:MON TUES WED O DISAPPROVED ER /KPPRovEDCORRECTIONS: tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL INSPECT jv k ,n,#"toNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON "of r=* il"t,ll,,K Ulefr,t ruES wED @ FRr -AM 6 tr DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: E/nppnovEo .. INSPECTION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V.N FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr tr tr GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trI 6TF DC tr CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP, POWER tr HEATING ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ,*#"toN REeuEsr oo-,, {/r,k/ JoB NAME/1 CALLER TUES TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: €t /2\AM {:) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / ST ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMINGtr tr tr tr tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr o SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR 70 oor, {g/,['/ JoB NAME READY FOR INSPE LocArtoN: A"! CALLER TUES ,*JD"toN REeuESrTOWN OF VAIL WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D GAS PIPING NAIL tr O FINAL FINAL O POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr tr FINAL O FINAL 4 APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ,*#"roN REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR INSP LOCATION: JOB NAME MON ruEs wED 'HUR @ € REINSPECTION REOUIREDtr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: TOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETBOCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB INAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING EI ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL DISAPPROVED oor, '/ -^ "f " f:/ ,NSPEcroR t JOB NAME -t*DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON ,fUeS.., WED THUR FHI AM PM ITvsIcTION REQUEsT TOWN OF VAIL CALLER ' t/ ,/ BUILDING: B FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNOERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION E] SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANIGAL: TEMP. POWER HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL /trQ\PPRovED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED rN#ctoN REeuESrTOWN OF VAIL, /rA /, lYlDATE - T' " JOB NAME THU FRIREADY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES LOCATION:/oo-y APPBOVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING { nouoH B EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR // /,1, rNstcnoN REeuEsrTOWN OF VAIL ,,€D FRI z->.or(_rr) DATE READY FOR LOCATION: TNSPECT9 cr'-l JOB NAME MON ALLER TUES WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: y6rsneenoveo \t''F BETNSPECTTON REOUTRED t' \ rN$PctoNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE 3 ts -F/JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES {:\, FR'WED PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING EI ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING E SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING flnouoH r's,(,'\ f 1'.i d/.,'N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr tr FI rAL N FINAL APPROVED @RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED -) ).. Dfome ./-"1(t - dt rNSPEcroR 'NJ;ctoNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER ro* ,'frEi> wED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:(* ! ,:,)o BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING U INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING C ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 4"1,E'?t INSPECTOR rNsilctoNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING E INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr D tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING n tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL APPBOVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RRECTI //,tl /. /{,./, 4tsrr1E 4-17'4/ rNSPEcroR rN#ctoNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI A) JOB NAME MON c TUES WED THUR @ BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEELtrFl trFl DIN trsl trFl tr GAS PIPING FRAMING INSULATION NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING B ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL D FINAL DISAPPROVEDtr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rNslFcroNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON .,. j. ,t INSPECTION: CALLER I.TUES -.,I WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL . PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING : tr ROUGH/WATER tr INSULATION ;tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING (noucH E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL D FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR f,r{'*:djr"tF--,',.-y-i'/,:.!j{r{:tr."{!|Frt!t !ryf; rN toN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL WED THUR FBI ,,RAM qD Ji, ,o','afJ/fl--JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECT tr FOOTINGS / STEEL - PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr HOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS -O SUPPLY AIR -PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION REQUIRED REQUEST VAILrNsiltoNTOWN OF JOB NAME MON CAL TUES wED rHUR @l nv (Fitil)READY ron )ff LOCATION: J - BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND\q ROUGH / D.W.v. U ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING N INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n D FINAL O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .:/ -LINSPECTOR .,. u, t ,.r.it i;; rNstc _._;a._ TIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL .^'AM(P9 DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI g_ JOB NAME MON trHU ,t I t1l BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER B FOUNDATION / STEEL E FRAMING tr INSULATION N GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB trF AL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rNstctoNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: n JOB NAME t_-'.42- CALLER (1ggs-) weoCTION: BI (\ tr tr D tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr D tr n tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT fI SUPPLY AIR APPROVED RECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED ,'1,.' {iDATE)INSPECTOR lj:']p."fr..;i\::.'.d;n:l.''..iJi'4a1q'.li.r.{f,\?1-:fr'*l1-..]'-}t'a''.di.+ @AM ,*#"toN REeuEsrTOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER THUR FRIINSPECTION:/6 I l^., TUES @ PLUMEING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER N GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr D FINAL MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: \'.g"brsneenoveo 'F RETNSPECTTON REQUTRED ..-:::*,l i'DATE INSPECTOR ,lir/ o^i, 7/ tilf/ JoB NAME.t/ rlrsilcnoN REQUEsT TOWN OF VAIL CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECT -;--? MON TUES or@ BU trl tr vl :\ Ktrl tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL T] POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL El tr tr tr TEMP. POWER N HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL N FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR tNSplCTtON: MON 6UED WED THUR FRt or @LocArloN: ?Aiur,, L """'--"-' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK CI GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING (^oue"tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ O SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORBECTIONS: TOWN OF oor, 2' /7-// rNsPEcroR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: TNSPEpTODfa,\4' , y',?, (ER l./. rl * JOB NAME FRI lr.rstcnoN REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL MoN ruES (weo ,i rnuR\__,__-/ BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V. h noucn / wArER tr GAS PIPING tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D POOL / H, TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING O ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D o tr FINAL D FINAL q;rneeRoveo OORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*#"toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: e nt 4- 1,, k MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: d rouruonroN / srEEL f.,.rf.'tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB D tr FINAL D FINAL APPROVED }RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor,/- J,ft Xf rNSPEcroR DATE READY FOR LOCATION:Q! JOB NAME INSPECTION:MO rrusl?cnoN REeuEsr tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /, APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED TOWN OF VAIL CALLE BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING D INSULATION N SHEETROCK n_ D GAS PIPING NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tl D FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING XOt ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR o LI D FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR ,*r#"toNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER U FOUNDATION / STEEL EI tr tr D FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MEGHANlCAL: tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR EI FINAL D tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED E] REINSPECTION REOUIRED !i ."):lt' , ' DATE ,r c.' .' '* INSPECTOR ;INSPECTION, TOWN OF REOUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED THUR d[:1, ,INSPECTION:FRI .,READY FOR LOCATION: BUlLDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL , O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER!'rnnurruc tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: D HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE i''.t,.. ' : I INSPECTOR Project Application D^t" 7' !6' -7f Project Name: Proj€ct Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot {/, Block , Filing \/ V 7; 't,rL Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board .11 "p-7? Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL ,/, Chief Building Off icial ;T::Ji: i,:..(ort-(,i;"9 ,:t;.' rrir<!{ql?: ; < o'r. ^r.ri=;9<::xl-F 1iU <(,<ur.r: I;ji5:t3''i:..ir:-'r -t'..rto>_<o:rn .r rj€<: II tl il.tlI lt II'il .tlrll 6lloll() ll-iI rl ilil iltltl tltl tltl tl((tl<riJ;1.o t!, c_ F l-' 6i {rl,- J :? F (:, 'f ILa)().( ! 't I I aI II II I I I II ll)llr'll ( ,ll--ll:- Ll nla "1" ( i C ( ( t ( L! I I ,n l-<) a2-z zc) i,J l1 rl-'-rii' (l () ;'^ J. .a )r ql \ 6l r"- |(JlLr, I-rl-l I RlI\Jl ,l,l '.ll $iJntvl :. \l-l-- I I I:c I --r()l < r, r, I (-) (){F :. l(J-<l u,J| --t'l- l^t- tN l[l.r IItll/- I'rl-t\\lr\ \)n I :l =lalili;l(- -r | -r5l'j"l' .-: a :) I I ,I o ^: 1U t_- o (! l;. r, (J c)(i o ; a: i; () t-.a a: 9 .: !l o JH rwl{ \ G,ul o:c\ )F .:CF o) Fu-z ,-_r !2.ltt ctz F 1,,ta,-z F r,Jc! I F J (, cctrt22o(.t z 7_otr o .t'o-:oIOo.r.JOOUJ<1)rlI c\lI \\lto-llol . (\ F\zJoz=.alrl o(, o :-J zoz-,o(J .-77(t)O -: r-))J()o- .r! :<J((t (t('((( (l a( : J.., .( !2 i5 !,1 L.,t''.: tj: o:(r, (1. ' tt. tr, ll :1 :''-,1 il: | (. -, lt,.( t){ t r- ".) \J '\-) tftrU lrJlt-,-; J l- F {i ('. e Iv- t fr \ \ Q; \ fv-l 2lFIe e IuJClo: 16 e 3 lq*l,xl la{) l='zls*. I3* |rlull(:ccl.L-Yloolz()l tlt .( +€r")\ tl, 9 F \\5 I ttt(L F U'JJ'*<LXloiF9ttx.!w z.eF a-fo(r(t F IttIN Z =Fl$9 90ll Ee:Fl_l iggll ulq- ,- ('r R \ $ s\ Q\f) (: ?(l- l- .JOI \ N ,tl \l \ zoI F z X \s nDn ce! Eo..o C' o,'(, .=cf, t: I:<, () ('. t: (.ll-rl PermirNo. rr 111? O O K_A VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRIET . b=#ni *ATER AND sEwER TAp pERMrr t ' hun nl uaillT TAP PERMIT WILL NAME.OF JOB LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION ISSUED UNTIL TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. H GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP:Water Lrc. No. Llc. No, Ltc. No. Meter Size/3vflNUMBER OF UNITS 20. b 7d (r$ffioo)=Amount Date Bill6d Date Paid Finance Director Bldg. D€p! - Whil6; - Walet and Sanitation -Greea:- Public Works - Canary; - Contractor- Pink: - Accounting - Goldenrod TRANSMITTAT IETTTR. AIA DOCUMENT C81O PROjECT: Ipanema (name, address) LOt 1, Second r TO: Condomi ni ums Va'i1 Village Fil ing ARCHITECT'S PRoIECI No: 7909 onrE: September 12, 1979 lf enclosures are not as noted, please inform us immediately. lf checked below, please: ( ) Acknowledge receipt oFenclosures. ( ) Return enclosures to us. Steve Patterson Town of Vail -l J ( ) in accordance with your request FOR YOUR: ) approval ) review & comment X) use ( ) distribution to parties( ) record ATTN:L WE TRANSMIT: ( x) herewith THE FOLLOWING: ( x ) Drawings ( X ) Specifications( ) Change Order ( ) under separate cover via ( ) information () tl () () () fl Shop Shop Drawing Prints Drawing Reproducibles Samples Product Literature coPtEs DATE REV. NO.DESCRIPTION ACTION CODE 2ea 9-ro-79 Sheets St and SB 2ea 9- 10-79 Sheets 1 thru 10, and Sheet 12 2 set:8-2-79 0uti ine Specifications 2 set 8-24-79 Addendum Number One to Preliminary Draw'ings & Specif ca ti or ACTION A. Action indicated on item tfansmitted CODE B. No a€tion required C. tor signature and return to this office R.EMARKS D. For signature and forwarding a5 E. see REMARKS below REMARKS Working drawings foundation drawings, wjth desjgn drawings (architectura'l ) are submjtted herewjth for obtaining foundatjon permit. coPlEs AIA DOCUMENT G81O . TRANSMITTAL TETTER THI AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1785 (with enclosures)trtrtrtr FISHER ARNOLD AIAO ' COPYRIGHT @1970 w., WASHTNGTON, D.C. 20036 APRIL 1970 AIA ONE PAGE Pinkard Construction CompanyP. 0. Box 26227Lakewood, Colorado 80226 Attention: Jin Pinkard, Jr. dear Mr. Pinkard: To the best of my knowledge and belief, all iterns of in-spection contracted to Albert Knott and Associates, Inc. (AKA)neet or exceed the requirenents of the details supitiea td nrnby Pecosteel, Orbital -Errgineering, rrc., and Mortir-Fisher-Arnold, AIA. rn addition, a1l iiiegulaiities noted in our in-spection reports have beerr repairedl rei'spected, and approved. , Thank.you for using AKA for your inspection of the IpanenaLuxury-condonirriums. Il you have'any queitions, or need futureclarification, please contact us. AKA ALBERT KNOTT & ASSOCIATES, tNC. 84OO SO. VALLEY HIGHWAY ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 801 12 (303) 77&8585 AKA 1244-780January 28, 1981 Sincerely, ALBERT KNOTT q ASSOCIATES, INC. Approved by, UPC : mc I I ol MORTER FISHER ARNOLD, AIA crossr@ds at vail p. o. box 1186 vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476 - 5105 IPANEMA LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS VAIL, COLOMDO OUTL INE SPECIFICATiONS AUGUST ?, 1979 DIVISION ONE . GENERAL 01300 - Submittals and Substitutions: Shop drawings only where specific- ally.requlred; substitutions to be approved in advance by the Architectt verify availability of specified materials beforefina'l prlce. 01500 - Temporary Faciljties: Utilities for construction operations by contractor; temporary tojlet(s) required; c'lean up debrisperiodically; no on-site burning. 01600 - Project Close-out and Final Cleaning: Clean interiors, remove tags and paper coverings, po1 ish floors and wood work, clean hardware and plumbing fixtures; remove site debris, cleanexteriors of buildings including wall and walks, clean glass. 01700 - Performance Bond: A Performance Bond shall not be required of the General Contractor. 01800 - Developnent Fees: All Deve'lopment Fees, including but not ljmited to: Bui'ldjng Permit and Plan Check Fees; Design Review Fee; Tap Fees; and Recreational Fee shall be the responsibilityof the Owner. 01900 - Builder's Risk Insurance: Builder's Risk Insurance shall be the responsibility of the 0wner. DIVISION T1,|O - SITE I^|ORK 02100 - Earth Work: Provide all excavation and backfill as required Provide final grade as shown on Landscape Plan, dated August 2, 1979. 02200 - Paving and Surfacing: All paving to be concrete (See Division Three). See Division Sixteen rer heated dr:ive and walk. 02300 - Landscaping: By others. o IPANEMA LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS PAGE 2 AUGUST 2, 1979 02400 - Deno'l ition: Demol lsh existing two-story frame and masonrybuildlng (see survey by Eagle Valley Engineering & Survey Inc.). 02500 - Existing Spraddle Creek: Relocate and reconfigure Spraddle Creek from location shown on survey to location shown on Landscape Plan. OIVISION THREE - CONCRETE 03100 - Concrete Forrnrork: Ply'lood faced forms, Class I or II; or steel; form ties which do not leave open holes; tolerance of one in 200 horjzonta'I1y, one in 500 vertically. Tube forms by Sono or Burke. 03200 - Concrete Reinforcing: A.S.T.M. A615, grade 60, 60,000 P.S.I.yieldi corner bars and bent bars A40, 40,000 P.S.I. 03300 - Cast-In-Place Concrete: 3,000 P.S.I. in 28 days; interior slabsto have integral monolfthic finish, exterior s'labs shall receive broom flnish and have entrained air, garage s'l abs shall receive hardner and entrained air. RE: Division Sixteen for heated drive and wal k. Exposed aggregate at enclosed pool deck area. 03400 - Form-l'iner: Provide form-liner and color tint to all exposed surfaces of concrete wall at ramp to garage. DIVISION FOUR - MASONRY not required DIVISION FIVE - METALS 05100 - Structural Steel: A1'l structural steel ASTM A36. All bolts 3/4" standard. RE: Sheets DDS1 through DDS6, dated July 11, 1979. 05400 - Ljght Gauge Metal Framing: 6" x 13/8" x 20 gauge al'l steel studs at al'l exterior wal'l s. Either 6" or 3!" x 13/8" x 26 gauge steel studs at all 05500 - Misce'llaneous Metal: Steel tube or pipe railings at interior stairs; steel pipe railings at decks; metal pan stairs. 05600 - Exterior Metal Pane'l s: Alucobond with alum.inum interior face, 3/16" (approximate) thickness core, and 1i9ht bronze anodized alumlnum exterior face. Provide prices for both batten seam and caulked seam. o o IPANEMA LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS PAGE 3 AUGUST 2, 1979 o' DIVISION SIX - $,OOD AND PLASTICS 06100 - Carpentry a. Exterlor Siding - I x 6 Redwood T & G' V-groove, clear, vertical grain, A grade. b. Exterior Trim - same as siding.c. Interior Trim - I x 3, square edge, clear white pine' to receive stain.d. Interior Guardrail, Guardrail Caps, and l'ljndow Sills - 5/4 plain sawn Red 0ak.' e. Exterior Decks - 2 x 6 construction Redwood' full 'l engths;alternatefor2x4fir.- f. Construct AC plywood lockers at all parking spaces at garage' fu'l'l width of spaces. 06400 - Architectural l.loodwork: Shall be constructed in accordance with Architectural lJoodwork Institute Custom Grade Standards' including plastic laminate; kitchen cabinets and vanities shall be solid oak fronts, by Scotts Bluff or eQual. Kitchen counter tops sha'l'l be p'lastic lam'inate; assume four color options. Provide alternate for maple "butcher b'lock" kitchen counter tops. DIVISION SEVEN - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07100 - Waterproofing: Foundation walls below grade adjoining occupied space or parking areas shall receive cold process bituminous emu'l sion. 07200 - Insulation: Shall be fiber batts with Kraft Paper face' wjth the fo1 I owi ng "R" va1 ues : Exterior lJalls: R-19Roofs: R-38 Floors over Unheated Space: R-19 Edges of Slab-On-Grade Construction: 3' of 1!," styrofoam. 3" sound insulation batts between un'its, at baths, and laundry rooms. 07500 - Membrane Roofing: Johns Manville Blue Chip 5-p1y system, or equal . Provide rubberized membrane at decks over occupied space' and over garage where exposed to outdoors. 07600 - Flbshing and miscellaneous sheet meta'l shall be in accordance with SMCNA Architectura'l Sheet Metal Manua'1, hot dipped galvan- ized iron. 07800 - Skylights: Provide four 4' x 4' double-glazed skylights' as manufactured by Plastico, or equal . ()- IPANEMA LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS PAGE 4 AUGUST ?, t979 o 07900 - Caulklng shall be primer'less, non-sagging, gun grade, color to match adjacent surface as closely as possible from Manufacturers Standard Co]ors; acrylic terpolymer such as Tremco "Mono" for General Caulking, or tvvo part polytremdyne terpolymer such as Tremco Dymeric for Custon Glaz'ing and Skylights. DIVISION EIGHT . DOORS AND t,lINOOl.lS 08200 - Wood Doors: Interior Doors shal'l be l37g.' solid core Birch veneer, oiled flnish; French type doors shall be Nord Fir doors with insulating glass; bi-fold doors sha'll be Nord fu1l louvre, Fir doors; unit entry doors shall be 13/4" solid core Birch veneer, to receive Forms and Surfaces Bonded Bronze panels, one face of doors; pocket doors to be Birch veneer. 08300 - Garage Door: 16'wide by 7'high,4 section, 13/8u thick flush panel hardboard. 08400 - Metal Doors: Full flush design, L 3i4" thick, label as required, 16 gauge. 08450 - Metal Frames: l,|elded, ground, not "knock-down" construction;. label as required, 16 gauge. 08500 - Storefront: Kawneer Narrowstile, or equel. 08600 - 08700 - Aluminum Windows and Sliding Doors: Acorn top quality thermal barrier, llght bronze anodlzed finish. Hardware: Provjde allowance for Schlage A series, oil rubbed bronze finish; entry doors to have mortised 'lockset, General or equal . Complete job including sweeps, weatherstripp'ing, closes, etc. 08800 - Mirrors: 1,/8" thick p'late 91ass with ground edges. DIVISION NINE . FINISHES 09200 - Gypsum Drywall: Interior walls and ceilings shal'l be drywall with struck,'llght lace finish; rock to be 5/8" thick type "X" at wal 1s, 2layers of l-a!'type I'Xrr at ceilings. Bathrooms to have water-resistant drywall. Party walls to have resi'lient clips on one face. Provide two-hour protection (two layers 5/8" thick type "X") at alI steel columns. d I PANEMA LUXURY CONOOMINIUMS PAGE 5 AUGUST 2, 1979 09300 - Ceramic Tile: All tile work sha'll conform to the 1978 "Handbookfor Ceramic Tile Installation" of the Tjle Council of America, and A.N.S.I. 1371.1. All grout to be brown, or beige as applicable. Areas to receive tile: 1. Sunken tub at A unit naster bath, all tub sumounds tub to ceiling, all showers, and public baths: Hunnington #430 Almond gloss 4k" square. 2. Fireplace hearth, pub] ic entry and corridors at Leve'l 1, recreation room and 10' strip of lounge at Level 1: Dal Monterey Stoneware. 09400 - Carpet: At adult lounge, central stair, all public corridors, except Level 1; Firth "Norseman," 42 oz. face weight, with medium density reconstitutes'latex foam pad. 09500 - Painting 1. Siding, exterior trim, exterior decks; Flood Ct,lF. 2. Interior l.la'l ls: Two coats, interior latex enamel . Alternate: Two coats latex flat, with latex enamel at kitchens, baths. 3. Interior trim, base, doors, medicine cabinet doors, etc: I coat light oak stainI coat sanding sealerl coat finish, semi-g1oss lacquer or varnish. 4. Interior oak: 2 applications, Watco oil. 5. Exterior galvanized metal , steel handrails and doors: I coatprimer, 2 coats exterior alkyd enamel . 09600 - Provide wood siding to match exterior at south wall of elevator lobbies, leve'ls 2 through 5. Provide a'l lowance of $5,000 for special wall treatment at Level 1. Provide vinyl wall coveringat al'l other walls at elevator lobbies as manufactured by Bolta Tex,0pus I, Veltor, Y-215. DIVISION TEN - SPECIALTIES 10300 - Prefabricated fireplaces shall be Martin wi.th duct for outside combustion air. A] 1 flues shall be Class "A", three wall. j o IPANEMA LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS PACE 6 AUGUST 6, 1979 10800 - Bath and Toilet Accessories: Establish an allowance based on Artistlc Brass for towel bars, hooks, toilet paper ho1 ders in polished chrome and polished brass. Medicine cabinet shall be recessed inside wall, louvre door. Artistic Brass series to be "Contemporary Line" series 5000. DIV.ISION ELEVEN - EQUIPMENT 11900 - Residential Appliances: Furnish and insta'l'l the following Kjtchen Equipment: 1. Ranges - General Electric JBP36Gtl, a'lmond - 2, Microwave 0ven - General Electric JKl492 3. Range Hoods - General Electric JV3B5' a'lmond 4. Dishwashers - General Electrjc GSD 970 Potscrubber II, almond. 5. Refrigerators - General E'lectric TFF-22RW, almond. 6. Disposers - General Electric, GFC810. 7. Washers and Dryers - General Electric WWA8300V and 0DE8200V, almond. DIVISION TWELVEJ' FURNISHINGS not requlred DIVISION THIRTEEN . SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 13700 - Sauna: l4etos sauna heater and door with glass panel: enclosure and benches to be 1 x 6 T & G clear Redwood, model P88. DIVISION FOURTEEN - CONVEYING SYSTEMS 14200 - Elevator: Hydraulic, six stops, 2,400 - 2'500 pound capacity' . minimum platform size 4'-3" by 6'-8", stainless steel trim' plastic'laminate doors and finish. i PAN EMA 7-23-79 Page I of 4DIVISION 15 . MECHANICAL A.GENERAL MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 't. 2. 3. .+. 5. All work sha'll conform to local and state codes and ordi nances,Contractor shall include all fees, permits and licensesin bid. Coord'lnate a'll I ayouts wi th other trades to veri fy cl earances , . equi pment compati bi I i ty and access requi re- ments. Contractor to furnish all incidental parts and wiringrequired for a complete system. Provide all anchors and sleeves for piping. Piping sha'l I be supported at B ' -0" centers up to 2" pi pi ng and l0'-0" centers for larger piping. Provide al I bases and curbs as requi red. Submit five (5) copies of all equipment to be utilized wi thi n 30 days of contract s i gni ng . Provide ful I one year guarantee on 6. 7. B.al I mechanical equip- i ncl ude al I materi al B. ment and systems. Guarantee shall and workmanship. PLUMBING SPECIFICATIONS 't. 2. t.{aste piping: Cast iron soi I pipe below fioor. Vit-rified clay pipe where noted 5'-0" from outside ofbuilding. Vents: Galvanized steel or copper. l,later piping: Type K copper where buried. Type Linterior. A1l fittings shal l be silver soldered whereburied. Provide indjvidual water mete'r, pit and valvesin accordance with l,|at.er Department requirements. Pro- vide pressure reducing station where water main pressure exceeds 75 psi. Insulate p'iping with 1/2' fiberglassinsu'lation. Provide vapor barrier on cold water I ines. Roof dra ins and downspouts: Josam cast j ron roof drai ns (#400), cast iron downspouts and outf a'll to sp'lash blocksinsulite t,orizonta'l downspouts wi th 1/2" f iberglass with vapor barri er. |.later Heaters : Two central el ectri c hi gh recovery water heaters with storage tanks, UL labeled waterswith rel ief valve. Unlts sha'l I have ten year warranty. Separate 500 gal lon storage tanks to be insulated. Vaives: All valves shall be Crane or equa1, solderjoint type. Plumbing Specialties:Floor drains: Josam #3000 Si'l lcocks: I'loodford #8 with stop and drain valve Hot water ci rcu'lati ng PumP: B&G l'lasher wal'l box: GuY GraY Area drains: Josam. Provide gravel packed drywel I s J. 5. 6. a. b. c. d. e. I PANEMA 7 -23-79 Page 2 of 4 7. 8. Fixtures by others: Rough-in and connect all owner orgeneral contractor furnished sinks, etc. All traps, faucets, specialties shal'l be furnished by others and connected by the Contractor. ,i Pl umbing Fixtures: Master Bath Tub -'Kohler Steeping TubAll 0ther Tubs - Kohler Villager A'l I'Lavotories - Corian integral bow'l '' Al'l"Toilets - Kohler Pompton Kitchen Sinks -rElkay Lustertone 1R3322 Urinal:- }.lall hung flush valve Service Slnk - Terrazo mop basin wjth faucet, trap and rim guard . Watel .Cooler :'E'l ectrlc wa'l 'l hung water cooler. Hays or equal All Kohler. fixtures to be Parchment color. All tubs to have Delta 1648 series fittings. All lavatories to have De1ta 520 series fittings. Kitchen sinks tolave Delta 400 series fittings. c.HEATING & VENTILATING SPECIFICATIONS l. Entire installation shall conform to SMACNA requirements.2. Contro'ls - Provide complete electric contrcl system. Thermostats to cycl e respecti ve unj ts. Ai r handl ersto be completely control'led through internal system. Base- board heat units to be cycled by zone thermostats.3. Electrlc Radiation - 18 gauge enc'losure' aluminum fins and el ements. Berko type archi tectural cover uni ts wi th dampers and access sections as required. Top outlet gri I I es.4. Air handlers - Electric heat units - Provideventilation air handlers with electric coilsCoil, motor and fresh air-return air dampers individual electric heaters as required.5. Sheet metal gauges, bracing and suspension sha1l conform to SMACNA manuai. Provide-canvas connectors on^al I equip-ment. Provide air foil turning vanes on all 90" el ls and air extractors al al'l take-offs.6. All ductwork shall be installed per requirements setforth in SMACNA manual regarding gauges, bracing, suspension and seal in9. Al l branch duct take-offs shal I be provided wi th ai r extractors . heati ng and, fi I ters.. Provide d I PANEMA 7 -23-79 Page 3 of 4 7. B. 9. Registers & grilles shall be Titus, or equal by T & B, Anemostat or Gri I lemaster. Al l registers shal I have opposed blade dampers. Al l registers and gri'lles shal Ibe al umi num.Fire dampers shall be provided per code requirements andshall be UL labeleC and/or approved by local buildingdepartment. Provide.access doors at all damper locations.Duct liner. Provide 2 pound density, 1/?" thick duct I iner on a'l I low pressure supply and return rectangularducts. Liner sha'l'l be JM 90A Micro Bar, uith stick clips and adhes i ve. Exhaust fans shal l be ceil ing centrifugal type. Provjderoof, wall or eave caps for ceiling fans. Penn Zephyr 10. 'lr.or equa'l .Test and balance entire system using testing procedure outl ined in SMACNA manual. Provide Architect with three copi es of fi nal a i r ba I ance report. D.S}tIMMING POOL SPECIFICATIONS l. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. l. 2. 3. Provide for the swimming pool a complete circulating and heati ng system as per I ocal and state codes as appl i cabl e.Insulation shall be per manufacturers requ'i rements. Pool boiler shall be electric type boiler UL approvedw'ith stai nl ess steel el ements, 'per energy codq. hlei I Mclain or equal. Size to naintain pool at 72"F.Filter plant shal'l be Swimquip Hi-rate sand filter or equal and operate at 15/20 GPM per square foot of filter area. Punrps shall be a self-priming, sing'l e suction, centrifugal type. Purex or equal.Provlde a'l 'l necessary adapters, bushings unions, etc.' for copper to PVC fittings as necessary. Provide a 24 hour time clock to operate swimming poolfilter and recirculation pump during business hours. E.MECHANICAL DESIGN CRITERIA l'|ater piping sizing requ i rements as outl Pl umbi ng Code. lr|aste and vent pipingsizing requi.rements as Code. t,later heaters shall consheaters rated at 100 Kli covery shal I be 430 GPMtank sha'll be 500 qal'lon throughout. shall be in conformance with sizingined in ASPE nanual and Colorado State shal1 be sized in conformance with outl ined in Colorado State Plumbing gallon high recovery ga11on tanks. Re-R. Separate storagee ci rcu'l ati ng pump ist of two 250 each with 250 each at .|00"T. tank. Provid 4 I PANE''IA 7 -23-79 Page 4 ofG' Provlde ventllation make-up alr handler for pool 'I ounge and recreatlon a rea based on 2 CFI'I per squarefoot. Exhaust pool per code requirenents. ProvideIndlvidual electrlc heat unlts in all rooms as required llechapical system shall be designgd to heat all spacesto 70'F indoor temperature at -15"F outdoor temperature 4. 5. 'l,i''r,: .t ' -rtF' A.ELECTRICAL SPECI FICATIONS l. 2. 4. 5. 6. 7. I PANEMA 7 -23-7 9 Page I of 2 .--O DIVISION 'I6 . ELECTRICAL re electricalcondition. obvious ly form to latestational FireI inspection. Contractor rical instal-n to be ink. Prov i de manship for aof work.st qual i ty, and. or Nationalrial damagedaced at Con-by Archi tect.ce of instal-ectrical and nd patchi ng necessary open- or flexibleors. Instal Ire on roof, or i n wa] l s, cei'l -ere specifical lyy be used onlyhti ng fi xtures shal I be used equi pment where rical code,al , wi th ground-d circuit runs qu i rements of de condu i tte wal I s, wheretection. Pro-within 4" of neutral con-g approvedg conductor dance w'i th nstal I entioperating omi tted but Electrical System: Completely i system as indicated and leave inFurnish and instal l minor items necessary for completion of job. Comformance: Entire installatio requirements of National ElectriProtection Association and locaauthori ty who shal I have f i nal jshall pay for all licenses and p Testi ng: An operati ng test of e'lation shal l be made and al I equgood operating order upon comple owner with guarantee for materiaperiod of one year from date ofMaterials: Al'l materials shallapproved by Underwriter's Labora E'l ectri cal Manuf acturers As soc i aduring course of insta'l lation shtractor's expense. Equa I s mustl,Jorkmanship: l.lorkmanship and go'lation sha'll be of equal importamechanical qual ity.0penings and Chases: Provi de alnecessary for electrical work; aings and chases.t'Jiring: All wiring in EMT, rigiconduit wi th approved coupl ingsgalvanized steel rigid conduit w exposed to moisture. Conceal coings, and below floors everywher i ndicated or di rected. Fl exi b'lefor short final connections to i and equipment, seal-tight flexibfor final connections to motors exposed to the weather or to moi Conductors: , Where permitted by non-metal l ic sheathed cable, "Roing conductor may be installed fin general locations subject tolocal code and these specificatisleeves ln chases and in masonry exposed, or where needed for mecperly secure cab'le to joists and every outlet box.Grounding: Ground all conduit sductor of I ighting distributiontype grounding connector. Proviin all flexib'le conduit runs siz Tabels 250-94 and 250-95 in NEC. 8. n shall concal Code, NI electricaurisdiction ermi ts .nti re el ect i pment showtion of worls and work acceptance be new, firtories, Inc t i on. Mate al l be repl be approved od appearan nce with el I cutting arrange for d conduit, and connect here runs a ndu i t runse except wh condui t manterior I igle conduitor similar s ture.local el ect mex" or equor concealespecific re ons . Prov iand concrehanical pro studs and ystems and system us'in de groundin ed in accor 9. o*I PANEMA 7 -23-79 Page 2 of 2 B. 10. llirlng: Insta'l'l copper-!ile'600 volt' type Thl con- Iriiijit, minimum siib *t2 A!{G for all runs except where noted. -tnsiai I type THHN when circuit is run on roof deck or in the roof insulation' ll. Ouitets: lolate outlets symmetrically in rooms and in relation r;-;;;[;i gther irades. coord'inate location of outlets-ana electijcal equipment with that of other crafts so ttrii elictrical equipment-]s-lo!.blocked' inaccessibi;;-or inoperable' Install I ighting outlets. to accommoaui"-t igtrting fixtures. Switch outlets locate 54,' above iioor. -ReceItacle outlets lo(:ate 12" above floor "uu"y*i.re eicepl where noted otherwise and where ir,li" is bil"uoira tybe heatingi in. which, case, locate outlet as lntegral pant of the baseboard heat'ers' 12. Cover ptateit-'furniin ana insta'll stainless steel satjn finisn covii-ptai"i'ior all flush cutlets;-industrial ;;;;;; witn ubvetled edges for surface outlets' 13. i;;i;ifltioni Furnlsh ind install all circuits, thermal overloao swiiches and fused disconnect switches, and make alt conneclioni to motors for mechanical equipment' -14. liini Fiituresi ruinish and install al1 I ighting fixtures and I umps ui- i na i.ituA ' - . Prov i de hangers and supports as requireb. -Fruiriiiient fjxtures shall be rapid.start. Al'l ballasts'EiLlaBM certified'' low heat'. premium type'' class,,p,, vrith automatic resetiing type thermal p,rotective devicet ut.'*inuiactJred by General El ectric ' Jefferson 'Universal or equal,15. Panelboards: Provide neatly typed directory cards in panel- boards. 16. , Provide intercom system from entry lobby to each unjt' frorn" ' : pool area to each unit, and from garage to each unit. 17.' Provjde electrica'l ]y heated ramp to garage, and walk from road to entry. ELECTRIC DESIGN CUTERIA 1. Llghting: Provide a complete lighting system consisting of reiessed downlights, fluorescent (for valances, etc.) and a' 4. 5. 6. 2. switch .control .Outlets: Provide duplex receptac'l es spaced on 12'-0" centers per NEC. Special outlets for ranges, dryers, compactors, etc. .Poo'l: Frovjde lighting, panels and bonding iumpers for code- Parking garage: Provlde fluorescent lighting with protective quards or lenses.Elevatot, Provjde service, emergency circuit for cab light'ing. Emergency and Exit Lighting: Provide a complete emergency and exit lighting system Per code. Fire Alarm System: Provide a complete system inc'luding control panel , annunbiators, break glass stations, smoke detectors, etc. per code. 7. rrvdlecnoN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TUES./ WED THUB FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION O GAS PIPING E SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL EI FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: tr HEATING p noucn tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr D FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ((' i' rN$EcrroN REeuEsr i'. , -/',']t "/-LTHURFRI TOWN OF VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER I Utr,D ].AM / PMREADY FOR LOCATION: WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: ["rouruonroN / srEEL E UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT .tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDD DISAPPROVED'{. orrrou* bbnnEcrtorus, DATE /1 '|', Ji;INSPECTOR rrvCllecnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER READY LOCATIO INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI AM t BUILDIN PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER O FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr sHEE]]ROCK tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELEGTRIOAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL Q APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rr.rs*crtoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE ,.,.|'; READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES ,, THUR FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: EI FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: lt :'/ ,,,,tn tl1,,INSPECTOR , ! !:tl-,. a'- ' ; tt!. F.ht..y/vail DATE o rr.rsftcnoN REeuEsr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MoN @ wED rHUR FRI TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB tr O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL Ineenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR i rr.rSIEcTIoN REQUEST DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL trFRAMING t.:,,':t', , ', . ;, , trROUGH/WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR t"$="roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER lTUES ] WED LOCATION: THUR BUILDING: - pLUMB;NG: OFOOTINGS/STEEL "-, " ' .i:rtt trUNDERGROUNDi-, - , . xtr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL N FINAL EI APPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O BEINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rrvClEcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER ,. INSPECTION:MON FRI )PM BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB P" tr tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr BOUGH N EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: iCI DISAPPROVED '.tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rlrsfLcrroN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR |NSPECT|ON: . , ..,,MON 6rues -, weo THUR FRt t- on-l pM'-i'i i,,;-it\l a.,!.-r +- - -._./LOCATION: I 't .,,.t. i i ,t i' t r'i l ( .,J 1.,,t,;=. . ,1,ir.,\t "r..' DATE JOB NAME 4f'aeenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL DATE i (.'-- icr it,,INSPECTOR ,r.r0rcnoN REeuEsr DATE /: I JOBNAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THUR TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING E INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED E DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION BEQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR rr.rsftcrroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL--'t-I .''./"ir..("//|/,:iDATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON / CALLER TUES WED t/,/ ' ; THUR FRI AM -. BUlLDING: € FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING O INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E] SUPPLY AIR o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED i DATE INSPECTOR rrus*cnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME @ CAL TUES WED THUB FRI o"@ BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr tr tr GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB X tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPBOVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rrvstcnoN REouEST DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR FRI JOB NAME ./-.. ' '-.i MON l c AM iPM\ TOWN OF VAIL LOCATION: BUILDING; tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL D FINAL APPROVED )RREcrrorus: tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIHED INSPECTOR ,"s*cnoN REouEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE ,7 ,,/ t ,',' JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: AMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING , tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING C] SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR I APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED 0oRRecrrorus: DATE INSPECTOR ILr.rNstcnoN REeuEsr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED AM ;''ii;)'-....,' TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERI] FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n o ,,1o.tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR nEt tr.FINAL *i Cl FINAL / f APPROVED CORRECTIONS:fft -',T:crroN REQUTBED INSPECTOR rlrsflcnoN REeuEsr (t-DATE \ '' " ! READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLEB TOWN OF VAIL t, I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr tr tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr7 FINAL tr FINAL iAPPROVED ORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED n / rV'ttV -l'r z XUDATE [] ..r' " INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED rnrs*cTloN REQUEsT IrHun i FRt ,,j\'--?r<- TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND E FOUNDATION / STEE-tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING D INSULATION O SHEETROCK D GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MEGHANICAL: D HEATING N ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL D FINAL .APPROVED \RRecrrorus, tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED LJl.t I E INSPECTOR rNsecrroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL THUR FRI JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON .--u * " 1.-- CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr tr o tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR rrs*cnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF jt VAIL oor, 'l // s /fo JoB NAME// READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES €DPM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr B tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR r't tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR NAME rr.rs*crroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL '7/... . ' .-. ,.7./ tal CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:1j.{isl weo rHUR AMFRI BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER / f-./ - t .r- /FoolNGs/srEELffi tr tr tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rNstcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR 6i PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL 6UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB O FINAL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR . rNsilcrroN REeuEsr DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON TOWN OF VAIL ,r' \.. AM z' PM 'r i ,-' ts\, _Q 4.k ,, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS F FOUNDATI T] FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr q/FtNAL tr FINAL I APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR : +!'rt/ - I r,l ,',,o INsCcTIoN. REQUEsT TOWN OF VAIL {'DATE READY FOF LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON JOB NAME TUEs fweo) THUR FRI\.+,,AM -;*---"' BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL T] POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr_ tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED !RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED 1l INSPECTOB rrvsilcnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL. TUES WED THUR FRI DATE r'-l,rtoN /'t,. INSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL #ff*MING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTI tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /^ n 4 ,.1.', [:' /{I /';;DATE INSPECTOR oo D^TE (, o READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ITTTSTCTION REQUEST 't11 ,lt1.;.:.tni, BUILDING:PLUMBING: r! tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V.FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER INSULATION SHEETROCK GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL REINSPECTION REQUIRED - APPROVED )RRE6TIONS: ( orsneenoveo t.'i l!,, ,*:, i f' ,: .-.r- rNstcnoN REeuEsr*{ O,' ( it, :^. TOWI OF yAtL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED THUR ' .-:,."- -- .) AM -, PM..-.<|'" BUILDING:PLUTIBING: tr UNOERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. FOOTINGS I STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE t^.a It t".'.i I i,,l ,.fNsPEcroR' 'i t'i" ,z ii 'i ur'r,.r,,,.n d MORTER FISHER ARNOLD, AIA crossroads at vail p.o. box 1186 vail. colorado 81657 €03) 476' 5105 IPANEM LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS VAIL, C0LoRAD0 OUTL INE SPEC IF ICATIONS AUGUST 2, L979 DIVISION ONE . GENERAL 01300 - Submittals and Substitutions: Shop drawings only where specific-ally requlred; substitutlons to be approved in advance by the Architect; verify ava'ilability of specified materials beforefinal price. 01500 - Temporary Facillties: Utilities for construction operations by contractor; temporary toilet(s) required; c1 ean up debrisperiodlcally; no on-site burning. 01600 - ProJect Close-out and Fina] C1 eaning: Clean interiors, remove tags and paper coverings, polish floors and wood work, clean hardware and plumbing fixtures; remove site debris, clean exteriors of buildings including wal1 and walks, clean 91 ass. 01700 - Performance Bond: A Performance Bond shall not be required of the General Contractor. 01800 - Development Fees: All 0evelopment Fees, including but not limited to: Buildjng Permit and Plan Check Fees; Design Review Fee; Tap Fees; and Recreat'iona'l Fee sha'l I be the responsibil ityof the Owner. 01900 - Builder's Risk Insurance: Builder's Risk Insurance shall be the responsibllity of the Owner. DIVISION Tl,|O - SITE l'lORK 02100 - Earth Work: Provide all excavation and backfil'l as required Provide final grade as shown on Landscape Plan, dated August 2, 1979, O22OO - Paving and Surfacing: All paving to be concrete (See Division Three). See Division Sixteen re: heated dnive and walk. 02300 - Landscaping: By others. o o IPANEMA LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS PAGE 2 AUGUST 2, T979 02400 - Demolition: Demolish existing two-story frame and masonrybuilding (see survey by Eagle Valley Engineering & Survey Inc.). 02500 - Existing Spraddle Creek: Relocate and reconfigure Spraddle Creek from Jocation shown on survey to location shown on Landscape Plan. DIVISION THREE - CONCRETE 03100 - Concrete Fonnwork: Plywood faced forms, Class I or II; or steel; form ties which do not leave open holes; tolerance of one in 200 horizontal'ly, one in 500 vertically. Tube forms by Sono or Burke. 03200 - Concrete Reinforcing: A.S.T.M. A615, grade 60, 60,000 P.S.Lyield; corner bars and bent bars A40, 40,000 P.S.l. 03300 - Cast-In-Place Concrete: 3,000 P.S.I. in 28 days; interior slabsto have integral mono'l ithic finish, exterior slabs shall receive broom finish and have entrained air, garage slabs shal'l receive hardner and entrained air. RE: Division Sixteen for heated drive and walk. Exposed aggregate at enclosed pool deck area. 03400 - Form-liner: Provide form-liner and color tint to al'l exposed surfaces of concrete wall at ramp to garage. DIVISION FOUR - MASONRY not required DIVISION FIVE . METALS 05100 - Structural Steel: All structural steel ASTM A36. All bolts 3,/4" standard. RE: Sheets DDS1 through DDS6, dated July 11, 1979. 05400 - Light Gauge Metai Framing: 6" x I 3/8" x 20 gauge all steel studs at all exterior wa'lls. Either 6" or 3t4" x l3l8" x 26 gauge steel studs at all 05500 - Misce'llaneous l'letal: Steel tube or pipe railings at interior stairs; steel pipe railings at decks; metal pan stairs. 05600 - Exterior Metal Panels: A'l ucobond with aluninum interior face, 3/16" (approximate) thickness core, and light bronze anodized aluminum exterior face. Provide prices for both batten seam and caul ked seam. . -r Ery-i-r- o a IPANTMA PAGE 3 AUGUST LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS 2, 1979 DIVISION SIX - }IOOO AND PLASTICS 06100 - Carpentry a. Exterior Siding - I x 6 Redwood T & G' V-groove, c] ear, vertical grain, A grade. b. Exterior Trim - same as siding,c. Interior Trim - I x 3, square edge, clear white pine' to receive stai n.d. Interior Guardrai'|, Guardrail Caps, and Window Sills - 5/4 plain sawn Red 0ak.e. Exterior Decks - 2 x 6 construction Redwood, full lengths;alternatefor2x4fir'' f . Construct AC p'lWood lockers at all parking spaces at garage, full width of spaces. 06400 - Architectural Woodwork: Shall be constructed in accordance with Archltectural Woodwork Institute Custom Grade Standards, including plastic laminate; kitchen cabinets and vanities shall be solld oa[ ironts, by Scotti B'luff or eQua'I. Kitchen counter tops shal'l be p'lastic laminate; assume four color options. Provide a'l ternate for maple "butcher block" kitchen counter tops. DIVISION SEVEN - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION 07100 - l'laterproofing: Foundatjorl wal l s be'low grade adioining occupied space or parkln5l areas sha'l 'l receive cold process bituminous emul s i on. O7?OO - Insulation: Shal'l be fiber batts with Kraft Paper face' with the fol I owi ng "R" va1 ues : Exterior t,lalls: R-19Roofs: R-38 Floors over Unheated SPace: R-19 Edges of Slab-0n-Grade Construction: 3' of 1L"" styrofoam. 3"-sound insulation batts between units, at baths, and laundry rooms. 07500 - Membrane Roof'lng: Johns Manville Blue Chip S-ply system' or equal . Provide rubberized membrane at decks over occupied space' and over garage where exposed to outdoors. 07600 - Flbshing and miscellaneous sheet meta'l shall be in accordance wlth SI'IACNA Architectura'l Sheet Metal Manual, hot dipped galvan- ized iron. 07800 - Skylights: Provide four 4' x 4' doub'le-glazed skylights' as manufactured by Plastico' or equal . o IPANEMA LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS PAGE 4 AUGUST 2, 1979 07900 - Caulking shall be primerless, non-sagging, gun grade, co]or to match adjacent surface as closely as possible from l'lanufacturers Standard Colors; acrylic terpo'lymer such as Tremco "Mono" for General Caulking, or two part polytremdyne terpolyner such as Tremco Dymeric for Custom G'lazing and Skylights. DIVISION EIGHT . DOORS AND |.lINDOl,.lS 08200 - Wood Doors: Interior Doors sha]l be 13/B" solid core Birch veneer, oiled finish; French type doors shall be Nord Fir doors wlth insulating g'l ass; bi-fold doors shall be Nord full louvre, Fir doors; unit entry doors sha'l'l be | 3/4'solid core Birch veneerr to receive Forms and Surfaces Bonded Bronze panels, one face of doors; pocket doors to be Birch veneer. 08300 - Garage Door: 16'w'ide by 7'high,4 section, 13/8" thick flush panel hardboard. 08400 - Metal Doors: Full flush deslgn, 13i4" thick, Iabel as required, 16 gauge. 08450 - Metal Frames: Welded, ground, not "knock-down" construction;'label as required, 16 gauge. 08500 - Storefront: Kawneer Narrowstile, or equel . 08600 - A]uminum I'lindows and Sliding Doors: Acorn top quality thermal barrier' light bronze anodized finish. 08700 - Hardware: Provide allowance for Schlage A serJes, oi'l rubbed bronze finish; entry doors to have mortised 'lockset, General or equal . Complete job including sweeps, weatherstripping, closes, etc. 08800 - Mirrors: l/8" thick plate glass with ground edges. DIVISION NINE - FINISHES 09200 - Gypsum Drywall: Interior walls and ceillngs shall be drywall with struck, llght lace finish; rock to be 5/8" thick type "X" at walls, 2layers of t2" type "X" at ceillngs. Bathrooms to have water-resistant drywall. Party wal'ls to have resilient clips on one face. Provide two-hour protection (two layers 5,/8" thick type "X") at a'l'l steel columns. J o IPANEMA PAGE 5 AUGUST LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS 2, 1979 09300 - Ceramic Tile: All tile work shall conform to the 1978 "Handbookfor Ceramic Tj] e Installation" of the Tjle Council of America, and A.N.S.I. 1371.1. All grout to be brown, or beige as applicab'le. Areas to receive tile: l. Sunken tub at A unit master bath, all tub surrounds tub toceiling, all showers, and public baths: Hunnington #430 A'lmond gloss 4k" square. 2. Fireplace hearth, pub'l ic entry and corridors at Level I, recreation room and 10' strip of lounge at Level 1: Dal Monterey Stoneware, 09400 - Carpet: At adu'lt lounge, central stair, all public comidors, except Level l; Firth "Norseman," 42 oz. face weight, with medium density reconstitutes latex foam pad. 09500 - Painting 1. Siding, exterior trim, exterior decks: Flood CWF. 2. Interior Walls: Two coats, interior latex enamel . Alternate: Two coats latex flat, wjth latex enamel at kitchens, baths. 3. Interior trim, base, doors, medicine cabinet doors, etc: l coat light oak stainI coat sanding sealerI coat finish, semi-g1oss lacquer or varnish. 4. Interior oak: 2 applications, l.latco oil. 5. Exterior galvanized metal , steel handrails and doors: I coat primer, 2 coats exterior alkyd enamel . 09600 - Provide wood siding to match exterior at south wall of elevator'lobbies, levels 2 through 5. Provide allowance of $5,000 for special wall treatment at Level 1. Provide vinyl wall coveringat alI other wa'l 'l s at elevator'lobbies as manufactured by Bolta Tex, 0pus I, Ve] tor, Y-215. DIVISION TEN . SPECIALTIES 10300 - Prefabricated fireplaces shall be Martin wi.th duct for outside combustion air. A] I flues shall be Class "A", three wall. t o IPANEMA LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS PAGE 6 AUGUST 6, 1979 10800 - Bath and Toi'let Accessories: Establish an allowance based onArtistlc Brass for towel bars, hooks' toilet paper ho1 ders 'in polished chrome and polished brass. Medicine cabinet shall be iecessed inside wall, louvre door. Artistic Brass series to be "Contemporary Line" series 5000. DIVISION ELEVEN - EQUIPMENT 11900 - Residentia'l Appl'iances: Furnish and install the fol'lowing Kitchen EquiPment: 1. Ranges - General Electrlc JBP36GW, almond 2. Microwave Oven - General Electric JKM92 3. Range Hoods - Genera'l Electric JV3B5, a'lmond 4. Dishwashers - General E'l ectrlc GSD 970 Potscrubber II, almond. 5. Refrigerators - General E'lectric fif-ZZnW, almond. 6. Disposers - Genera'l Electric, GFC810. 7. tlashers and Dryers - General Electric WWAB300V and DDE8200V' a'lmond. DIVISION TWELVE - FURNISHINGS not requlred DrvrsIoN THIRTEEN - SPEIIAL CoNSTRUCTI0N 13700 - Sauna: Metos sauna heater and door with g'lass panel: enclosure and benches to be I x 6 T & G c'l ear Redwood, model P88. DIVISION FOURTEEN - CONVEYING SYSTEMS 14200 - Elevator: Hydraulic, six stops, 2,400 - 2'500 pound capacity, minjmum platform size 4'-3" by 6'-8", stainless stee'l trjm, plastic laminate doors and finish. I PANEMA 7 -23-79 Page I of 4 o DIl/ISION 15 . M NICAL o ECHA GENERAL MECHANICAL SPECIFICATIONS 't. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. B.PLUMB ING SPECI FICATIONS t. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. Cast iron soil pipe below floor. Vit- e where noted 5'-0u from outside ofs: Galvanized steel or copper. Type K copper where buried. TyPe Lfittings shall be silver soldered wheree individua'l water met€'r' Pit and valvesith Wat.er Department requirements. Pro- educing station where water main pressure Insulate piping with l/2" fiberglass ovide vapor barrjer on cold water lines.downspouts: Josam cast i ron roof drains on downspouts and outfal I to splash blocksntal downspouts with 1/2" fiberglass with Two central electric high recovery i th storage tanks, UL I abel ed watersve. Units shall have ten year warranty. I lon storage tanks to be insulated.lves shall be Crane or equal' solder Ities:ns: Josam #3000|.loodford #8 with stop and drain valvecirculating pump: B&GI box: Guy Grays: Josam. Provide gravel packed drywells A. A'll work shall conform to local and state codes and ordi nances.Contractor shall include a'll fees, permits and licensesln bid.Coordinate a'll layouts with other trades to verify cl earances , _ equi pment compati bi 1i ty and access requi re- men ts .Contractor to furnish all incidental parts and wiring required for a complete system. Provide a'll anchors and sleeves for piping. Pipingshall be supported at 8r-0'r centers up to 2" piping and l0r-0'r centers for larger piping. Provide al I bases and curbs as requi red. Submit five (5) copies of all equipment to be utilizedwithin 30 days of contract signing.Provide ful I one year guarantee on al I mechanical equip- ment and systems. Guarantee sha'll include al I material and workmanship. 6. 7. llaste pi ping:rified clay pipbuilding. Vent Water piping: i nteri or. Al Iburied. Providin accordance wvide pressure r exceeds 75 psi.insulation. Pr Roof drains and(++oO), cast ir Insu'l ate lrorizo vapor barrier.l,later Heaters:water heaters wwith relief valSeparate 500 ga Val ves: Al I vajoint type. Pl umbi ng Speci aa. Floor draib. Sillcocks:c. Hot waterd. Washer wale. Area drain c Fixturesgeneral c faucets, con nec ted by others : Rough- iontractor furnishedspecialties shall b by th: Contractor. 7. o n and connect si nks, etc.e furnished by I PANEMA 7 -23-79 Pgge 2 of 4 all owner or Al I traps,others and r PI umbing Fixtures: r Master Bath Tub -'Koh'ler'SteepingAll 0ther Tubs - Kohler Villager All, Lavotories -'Corian integral ,,..All''Toilets - Kohler Pompton 'r. Kltchen Sinks -rElkay Lustertone r:. Urinal :- l.la'l'l hung flush valve, Servlce Sink - Terrazo mop basin ,''' llater Cooler :'Electric wall hung Tub bowl'' 1R3322 with faucet, trap and rim guard water cooler. Hays or equal Ai] Kohler. fixtures to be Parchment color. Al] tubs to have Delta 1648 series flttings. A'll lavatories to have Delta 520 series fittings. Kitchen sinks totjrave Delta 400 series fittings. HEATING & VENTILATING SPECIFICATIONS 1,,' l. 2. Entire lnstirl lation shal I conform to SMACNA requirements. Controls - Provide complete electric contrcl system. Thermostats to cycle respective units. Air handlersto be complete'ly control led through interna'l system. Base- board heat units to be cycled by zone thermostats.Electric Radiation - 18 gauge enclosure, aluminum fins and elements. Berko type architectural cover un'its with dampers and access sections as required. Top outletgrilles.Ajr handlers - Electric heat units - Provide heating and ventjlation air hand'lers with electric coils, filters. Coil , motor and fresh air-return ai r dampers. Provide indivldual electric heaters as required. Sheet metal gauges, bracing and suspension shall conformto SMACNA manual. Provide canvas connectors on^a11 equip-ment. Provide air foil turning vanes on all 90" el ls and air extractors al all take-offs.All ductwork shall be instal led per requirements set forth in SMACNA manual regarding gauges, bracing, suspension and sealing. All branch duct take-offs shall be provided wi th ai r extractors. 3. 4. 6. f I PANEMA 7 -23-79 Page 3 df + balance entire system using testing procedurein SMACNA manual. Provide Architect with threefinal air balance report. SPECIFICATIONS 7.Registers & gril'les shall be Titus, or equal by T & B, Anemostat or Grillenaster. All registers shall have opposed blade dampers. All registers and grilles shall be aluminum.Fire dampers shal I be provided per code requirements andshall be UL labeleC and,/or approved by local buildingdepartment. Provjde.access doors at al I damper locations.Duct 'liner. Provide 2 pound density, 1/2" thick ductliner on a'l 'l low pressure supply and return rectangularducts. Liner shall be JM 90A Micro Bar, utith stick clips and adhes i ve. Exhaust fans shall be ceil in9 centrifugal type. Provideroof, wall or eave caps for ceiling fans. Penn Zephyr 8. 9. 'l 0. 'n.or equa1.Test and outl inedcopies of D.SI,IIMMING POOL Provide for the swimning pool a complete circulating and heating system as per local and state codes as appl icable.Insulation shall be per manufacturers requirements. Pool bol I er s ha I'l be el ectri c type boi l er UL approvedwlth stainless steel elements, 'per energy codq. !'lei I McLain or equal. Sjze to maintain pool at 72"F.Filter p'lant shall be Swimquip Hi-rate sand fi'lter or equa'l and operate at l5/20 GPM per square foot of filter are6. Pumps shall be a se'l f-primin9, single suction, centrifugal type. Purex or equal. Provide a'l 'l necessary adapters, bushings unions' etc., for copper to PVC fittings as necessary. Provide a 24 hour time clock to operate swimming poolfi'l ter and recirculation pump during busjness hours. E.MECHANICAL DESIGN CRITERIA 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. l. 2, 3. l.later piping sizing shal'l be'in conformance with sizing requirements as outl ined in ASPE manttal and Colorado State Pl umbi ng Code. Uaste and vent piping sha'll be sized in conformance with sizing requi.rements as outlined in Colorado State Plumbing gal ga'll R.e ci Code.}Jater heatersheaters rated covery shal Itank shall be th rou ghou t . shall consist of two 250at 100 K}{ each with 210 be 430 GPM each at 100"T. 500 9al I on tank. Provi d lon high recovery on tanks. Re- Separate storage rcul at'ing pump I PANE}IA 7 -23-79 Page 4 ofJr 4 Provlde ventllation make-up air handler for pool, lounge and recreation area based on 2 CFM per squarefoot. Exhaust pool pen code requirements. Providelndividual electrlc heat units in all rooms as requiredilechaplcal system shall be designgd to heat all spacesto 70"F lndoor temperature at -15."F outdoor temperature 4. 5. I PAN EMA 7 -23-7 9 Page I of 2t Electrica'l System: Completely install entire e'lectrica'lsystem as indicated and leave in operating condition.Furnish and instal I minor items omitted but obviouslynecessary for completion of job. Comformance: Enti re i nstal I ation shal I conform to I atestrequirements of Natidnal Electrical Code, National FireProtectlon Association and loca'l electrical inspectionauthority who sha'l'l have fina'l jurisdiction. Contractorshal I pay for al l I icenses and permits.Testing: An operating test of entire electrical instal -lation shall be made and all equipment shown to be ingood operating order upon completion of work. Provide owner trith guarantee for materials and workmanship for aperiod of one year from date of acceptance of work.Materia'ls: All materia'ls shall be new, first quality, andapproved by Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. or NationalE'lectrica'l Manufacturers Association. Material damagedduring course of installation shall be replaced at Con-tractor's expense. Equals must be'approved by Architect.l{orkmanship: l.lorkmanship and good appearance of instal-lation sha'll be of equal importance with electrical andmechanical qual ity.0penings and Chases: Provide al I cutting and patching necessary for electrical work; arrange for necessary open-ings and chases.t,'|iring: All wi,ring in EMT, rigid conduit, or flexibleconduit with approved couplings and connectors. Installgalvanized stee'l rigid conduit where runs are on roof, orexposed to moisture. Conceal conduit runs in walls, ceil-ings, and below floors everywhere except where specificallyindicated or directed. Flexible conduit may be used onlyfor short final connections to interior 'lighting fixturesand equipment, seal-tight flexible conduit shall be usedfor final connections to motors or similar equipment where exposed to the weather or to moisture.Conductors: . l.lhere permi tted by I ocal el ectri cal code,non-metallic sheathed cable, "Romex" or equal, with ground- ing conductor may be insta'lled for concealed circuit runsin genera'l locations subject to specific requirements oflocal code and these specifications. Provide conduitsleeves in chases and in masonry and concrete walls, where exposed, or where needed for mechanical protection. Pro-perly secure cable to joists and studs and within 4" ofevery outlet box.Groundlng: Ground all conduit systems and neutral con-ductor of I ighting distribution system using approvedtype grounding connector. Provide grounding conductorin all flexible conduit runs sized in accordance with Tabels 250-94 and 250-95 in NEC. 8. DIVISION 'I6 . ELECTRICAL A. ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ?, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. t I PAN EMA 7 -23-79 Page 2 of 2 10. ll. 12. 13. 14. t.liring: Insta'll copper-Ii19.:600 volt' type Ttr{ con- e;;i;is, minimum stib *t2 AltG for al1 rqns except where ;;i;;:-'I;si;ii tvpe THHN when circuit is run on roof deck or in the roof insulation'Ouii"is: Locate outlets symmetrically jn rooms and in ;;i;;i;; t;-;;ii oi ether irades' coordinate location ii'iiiiitr-u'.'a electiical equipment with that of other iiaiii-io tt at electrical e{u iiment j s not bl ocked, iniii"tiible, o" inoperable. insta'l'l .l ight'ing outlets i;-;;;;iloiii"-lightins fixrures. switch ougets locate 5i'-;b;v; floor. -ReceItacle outlets lo(:ate l2" above iioot-"u"rywhere except where noted otherwise and where ih;ia is uiseboird ty'pe heating; in which case, locate iiiii.t is integral plrt ot the baseboard heaters. iovir-ptutut, -Furniitr ana insta'll stainless steel satin ;i;i;n'iover pr;i.;'ior atl flush cut'lets;-industrial ;;;;;; wittr uLvelled edges for surface outlets' Installation, Fuinisn ina install all circuits, thermal ;;;ri;;a-switchLi'ino.-ruieo disconnect switches, and make uii ionnections to motors for-mechanical gg'ipment' Iiirrt Fiiirr"sr -Furniin anO instal] all lighting fixtures ini tamps as indicitea. provide hangers and.supports as '"iirirlbl Ftuoieiient fixtqrgs shall be rap'id.start. iii-6;iiasts eiLlism certified', low heat' premium tvPe'. C'lass ,,p,, witn iliomaiic resetting type thermal -protectivedevices as manufacturecl by General Electric, Jefferson ' Uni versa'l or equal .panelboards: provide neatly typed directory cards in panel- boards, Prov'lde intercom system from entry lobby to each unit, from pool area to each unlt, and from garage to each unit. Provide electrica'l ly heated ramp to garage' and wa1k from road to entry. 'l 5. rq: L7.' B.ELECTRIC DESIGN CRITERIA 1. Lighting: Provide a complete 'tighting system consisting of recessed downlights, fluorescent (for va]ances' etc.) and swJtch control .0utlets: Provide duplex receptacles spaced on 12'-0" centers per NEC. Special outlets for ranges, dryers, compactors, etc. Pool: Provide lighting, panels and bond'ing iumpers for code. Parking garage: Provide f'luorescent 'lighting with protective quards or 'l enses.Elevator: Provide service, emergency circuit for cab lighting. Emergency and Exit Lighting: Provide a complete emergency and exit lighting system per code. Fire Alarm Systbm: Provide a complete system including control pane] , annunliators, break glass stat'ions, smoke detectors' etc. per code. 2. 3.' 4. 5. 6. 7. \ --ffi-q,r -_ -- t I I MORTER FISHER ARNOLD, AIA crossroads at vail P.o. box 1186 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476 - 5105 ADDENDUM NUMBER ONE TO PRELIMINARY DRAI,IINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR IPANEMA LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS August 24, 1979 SPECIFICATION ITEMS 1. Section 03400 - Form L'iner: Delete in its entirety 2. DIVISION F0UR - MASONRY: Add the follow'ing 04100 - Stone Veneer: Provide cut stone veneer to a'll exposed surfaces of concrete walls at driveway ramp, and at retaining wall shown on north and west building elevations. 3. Section 05600 - Metal Panels: De'lete in its entirety. 4. Sect'ion 06100 - Carpentry, Paragraph d: Delete "and Wjndow Sills." 5. Section 06100 - Carpentry: Add - g. Provide Add A'lternate for constructing n'ine (9) 3'-3" deep x 8'-0" wide plywood ski lockers, with two (2) doors per locker, with piano hinges and dead bolt locking mechanism. Interior shelving, etc., at lockers to be under separate contrac t. 6. Section 06400 - Architectural Woodwork: Provide alternate for kitchen cabinets and vanities to be Pl aza sty'l e, natural ash finish, as manufactured by Craftsman Kitchens, Salt Lake City' Utah. Delete maple "butcher Block" counter top alternate. Provide 8t p1 astic laminate counter top, with six feet of base cabinet, at lounge at Level 1. 7. Section 07800 - Skylights: Revise to read: "Provide double- glazed skyf ights, of sizes shown on roof plan, as manufactured by Plastico, or equal ." 8. Section 08600: Aluminum Windows and S'lidinq Doors - Delete injts entirety. Add section 08650 - wood windows and sliding Doors: To be Pella-Clad, white, w'i th insulating glass, tempered where re- quired by safety codes. Acceptable substitutes: Anderson, Caradco. ADDENDUM NUMBER ONE TO PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR IPANEMA LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS August 24, 1979 page 2 9. Section 09300 - Ceramic Ti]e. Add: 3. Provide 2u x 2u glazed ceramic tile at kitchen counters, as shown on floor plans. 10. Section 09500 - Painting. Add: "6. Stucco: Sealing paint." 11. Add: 09700 - Stucco: Provide three coat stucco, complete withcorner bead, casing bead, metal drip, stucco to receive sealingpaint; extent shown on building elevations. 12. Section 10300 - Revise to read: "Prefabricated fireplaces shall be Marco DF40 0utside Combustion Air model , with glass doors. 13. Section 11900: Residential Appliances. Revise to read: 1. Cooktops - General Electric JPG56V, almond2. WalI 0ven - Genera'l Electrlc JKP97G, almond3. Range Hood - Genera1 Electric JV385, almond4. Dishwasher - Genera'l Electric GSD970 Potscrubber II, aimond5. Refrigerator - General Electric TBF-21DW with icemaker, almond6. Disposer - Genera'l Electric GFC8iO7. Trash Compactor - General Electric GCG700, almond8. I^lasher/Dryer - l,{estinghouse "Space Saver" stacking, almond9. Provide under-counter refriqerator with ice maker at Level 1 lounge and Level 5 bar, a'lm6nd color.10. Provide Dwyer Series 84 kitchen at alternate studio apartmentsat east of Level 1,, almond color, 14. DIVISION THIRTEEN . SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION Add: "13800 - Greenhouse: Provide aluminum greenhouse system, glazed wjth insulating g1ass, at Level 5 (see plan and west building e'l evation). " "13900 - Whirlpool: Provide Hydro-Spa K-2 Sand Star HS102 whir'l pool paprika color, at Level 5 greenhouse (see plan),with six jets." 15. Section 158 - P'lumbing Specifications A. Provide Elkay Lustertone 1R3322 sink at counter at Loungeat Level I, adjacent to west stair (not shown on floor plan). B. Provide a'l ternate bid for complete yard sprinkler system. o ADDENDUM NUMBER ONE TO PRELIMINARY DRA}IINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR IPANEMA LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS August 24, 1979 Page 3 16. Section 16A - Electrical Specifications A. Provide a prewired cable TV system, per Vai'l Cab'le Television,Inc., with two outlets per unit, two out'l ets at Level l Lounge. B. Provide conduit for six mus'ic speakers at Lounge areas at Level 1. DRAWING ITEMS 1. Provide a'lternate bid for two studio units as shown on attached Studio Unit Alternate drawing, dated August 27, 1979. Provide $15 per yard carpet allowance for both units. 2. All doors to unit bathrooms to be 2'-4" x 6'-8" size, in'l ieuof 2'-6" width as shown on drawings. 3. Floor-to-floor height from Level 1to Level 2 to be 10'-6",providing 9'-0" ceiling height. F'loor-to-floor height for Levels 2,3,4, to be 9'-6", provjding 8'-0" ceiling heights. Typical ceiling heights at Leve'l 5 to be 8'-6"; except where raised to 1l'-0" over 'l iv'inq room. t t MORTER FISHER crossroads at vail vail, colorado 81657 ARNOLD, AIA P.o. box 1186 (303) 476 - 5105 ADDENDUM NUMBER ONE TO PRELIMINARY DMI.IINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR IPANEMA LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS August 24, 1979 SPECIFICATION ITEMS 1. Section 03400 - Form Liner: Delete in its entirety 2. DIVISI0N F0UR - MS0NRY: Add the foilowing 04100 - Stone Veneer: Provide cut stone veneer to all exposed surfaces of concrete walls at driveway ramp, and at retaining wa1 I shown on north and west building elevations' 3. Section 05600 - Metal Panels: Delete in its entirety. 4. Section 06100 - Carpentry, Paragraph d: Delete "and llindow Sills." 5. Section 06100 - Carpentry: Add - g. Provide Add Alternate for constructing nine (9) S'-3" deep- x 8'-0" wjde p'lywood ski'lockers, with two (2) doors per locker, with piano hinges and dead bolt locking mechanism' Interior shelv'ing, etc., at lockers to be under separate contract. 6. Section 06400 - Architectural Woodwork: Provide alternate for kitchen cabinets and vanities to be Plaza sty1e, natural ash finjsh, as manufactured by Craftsman Kitchens, Sa1 t Lake City' Utah. Delete maple "butcher Block" counter top alternate. Provide 8' plastic lam'inate counter top, with six feet of base cabinet, at lounge at Level 1. 7. Section 07800 - Skylights: Revise to read: "Provide double- glazed sky'l ights, of iizes shown on roof plan, as manufactured by Plastico, or equa'| . " 8. Sect'ion 08600: Aluminum Windows and Sliding Doors - Delete in its entirety. Add section 08650 - Wood windows and s]iding Doors: To be Pella-clad, white, with insulatjng 91ass, tempered where re- quired by safety codes. Acceptable substitutes: Anderson, caradco. 9. ADDENDUM NUMBER ONE TO PRELIMINARY DMh'INGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR IPANEMA LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS August 24, 1979 page 2 Section 09300 - Ceramic Tile. Add: 3, Provide 2'x 2u glazed ceramic ti'l e at kjtchen counters, as shown on f'loor p1 ans. 10. 11. 72. 13. Section 09500 - Pa'inting. Add:"6. Stucco: Seal i ng pai nt. " Add: 09700 - Stucco: Provide three coat stucco, complete with corner bead, casing bead, meta'l drip, stucco to receive sealingpaint; extent shown on building elevations. Section 10300 - Revise to read: "Prefabricated firenlaces shall be Marco DF40 0utside Combustion Air model, with glass doors. Section 11900: Residentja'l Appliances. Revise to read: 1. Cooktops - General Electric JPG56V, a'lmond2. Wall Oven - General Electric JKP97G, a'lmond3. Range Hood - Genera'l Electric JV3B5, almond4. Dishwasher - General Electric GSD970 Potscrubber II, almond5. Refrigerator - Genera'l E'l ectric TBF-21Dt, with icemaker, almond6. Disposer - General E'lectric GFC8107. Trash Compactor - General E1ectric GCG700, almond8. t,lasher/Dryer - }lestinghouse "Space Saver" stacking, almond9. Provide under-counter refriqerator with ice maker at Level 1 lounge and Leve:l 5 bar, alm6nd color.10. Provide Dryer Series 84 kitchen at a'lternate studjo apartmentsat east of Leve'l 1, almond color. 1.4. DIVISION THIRTEEN - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION Add: "13800 - Greenhouse: Provide a'l uminum greenhouse system, glazedwith insulating glass, at Level 5 (see plan and west building el evation) . " "13900 - l{hirlpoo1: Provide Hydro-Spa K-2 Sand Star HS102 wh'i11 pool paprlka colorn at Level 5 greenhouse (see plan),with six jets." Section 158 - Plumbing Specifications A. Provide Elkay Lustertone 1R3322 sink at counter at Loungeat Leve'l 1, adjacent to west stair (not shown on fl oor plan). B. Provide alternate bid for complete yard sprinkler system. 15. \ -?alP rrlr ' "- ADDENDUM NUMBER ONE TO PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR IPANEI'IA LUXURY CONDOMINIUMS August 24, 1979 Page 3 16, Section 164 - Electrica1 Specifications A. Provide a prewired cable TV system, per Vai'l Cable Television,Inc., with buo out'l ets per unit, two outlets at Level L Lounge. B. Provide conduit for six music speakers at Lounge areas at Level 1. DRAIIING ITEMS 1. Provide alternate bid for two studio units as shown on attached Studio Unit Alternate drawing, dated August 27, 1979. Provide $15 per yard carpet allowance for both units. 2. Al 1 doors to unit bathrooms to be 2r-4rr x 6'-8" size, in lieuof 2r-6r' width as shown on draw'ings 3. F'loor-to-f'loor height from Level 1to Level 2 to be 10'-6",providing 9'-0" ceiling height. F'loor-to-f'loor height for Levels 2,3,4, to be 9'-6", provid'ing 8'-0" ceiling heights. Typical ceillng heights at Level 5 to be 8'-6"; except whereraised to 11'-0" over living room. DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER ,*rt"roN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL €t wED rHUR FRI @INSPECTION:PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING E INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O SFJEETBOCK NAII tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINALtr ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr n ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr 4tr t4xAL tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ,//-zo -,f/INSPECTOR I AEt 3ER:nfiX?S558:*" February I, .|980 Glass #3 - Consisting of single suTTing in a uU' value of 1.23. Floor #l - Consisting of 3-l/2"on-Top resulting in " ttgtt value Please note that the minimum "R" value of the insulation aroundthe perimeter of the slab on grade must be 7,77. Suite I f2. 10 lnverness Drive East, Englewood, Colorado 801 12 o 3031770-640(J 1 402 24th Street. P.O. 8ox 1736, Glenwood Springs. Colorado 81601 o 303/945-8088 Monty E. AbaytE, P.E. Dr, Lrurcncs W. Rors, P.E; Thomas J. Buchko Allan E, Deems Msuric€ C. Cor Nerl T. lvbAbee John J. Moruzzi Allan L. Sindelar William "R.ggio" Notron MORTER-FISHER-ARNOLD, AIAP. 0. Box I 186 Va i 1 , Col orado 8'l 657 Reference: IPANEMA C0NDOMINIUI4SVail VillageVaiI, Colorado Gen tl emen : Pursuant to your request, we have examjned the building en-velope wlth respect to the Colorado State Energy Code 159,1977 for residential. Attached is a computer printout showing compl iance for heating. The structure is identified as typeB-2. The attached printout is based on the following bujld-ing construction: tall #l - Consisting of l" stucco or l" Redwood T & GsITTng,'l/2" sheathing, R-19 batt insulation and 5/8" gypsum board resulting in a "U" value of.045. Roof #'l - consisting of 5 ply built-up roof,2" ninimumfesco board, steel decking, R-38 batt insulation andtwo (2)'l ayers of 1/2" gypsum board with a "U" valueof .026. Glass #l - Consisting of Pel la wood framed, thermopane wT['h' a wi nter "U" val ue of .48. G1ags #2 - Consisting of 4" X 8" X S" glass block witha wTnTer "U" va]ue of .60. greenhouse glazing re- concrete deck with carpetof .43. IIORTER. FISHER.ARI{OLD, AI A Vai I , Col orado 81657Februray '1, 1980Faga 2 The nechanlcal systems usedsystcms ln accordance with159, 1977 for rcsidsntlal. ry truly, IIG I ilEERI IIG ve I ncorporate ASHRAE 9O-75 Iours ABE CONSULTANTS, I!IC. Dennls L. ilechanlcrl 0LN/ fa Enelosure 0n 0eslgner t IlET electric baseborrd 'and Senate Blll 'r $f nl H {J[: fllf,.lL._r13n""r-n[r*, Eil rFF*tE"fi *ibi**rFlf t,,u*it*H-fi #,[o,r,rju I Lfr I h{(; E,NrJ[::!,"_ $r.t[: uc]l.il.-l_- I rtrt,'til:t:ASHRAH sTJqf.i{r'qttfr .##-75tt ITATEt t/t9/60 lrnlA ]NF,Ul'tli'i l.rl._NF'ftuJtcfi IF'fiNEt'tA cclt',llru$ Ltrfinrlill,ir u*ILr(.trl[r,fi[tcl.tI1't [:T I i'tCIR't'H R y I.'.t SFttiIi r nIt],tfit..IlFUIL.rtIili; Tyl-,Et I{:J il ,i:i} lit.ll.il,lE.t( Lrri.i trl11...trt 7ti l.r[.(;:ti[i: ti f:rlH$i{fE'$ ilOtt]H LAlIt'UIrH" 4tt,(t !j|:ni j.ii(; ].rLi.;i.{ill, Irtrl,liI I0*4li/ IIH$IGN ]I'IT-.LITtAlAL.L.$ AfiEA U VnLUi;1;'f13? .04IiGLA$S NKEA U VNLUF:4689 .4 g016S .60027'l 1 .;:30ft0Uf 'lH[:n U VnL.Ut::7?31 .oljcrFLOOII NREA U UNLUE44VV ..1 30 L]I'lITING CKII'E:RIAu0 unLL i .:l€10 ( $'t u./Flft}:$iR , I.T . tF lu0 li0urI "060 (S1'U/l-tRl|:s[i,FI ,rr,p,,u0 FjLgoF I .0s0 ( 11'1'U,/F'F*tifi " F't .*iF )HINII{ut'i E vtiL.uE t}}" sL.r"iB IN$LIt.nrI$Ni ir./7 (Fi:';iri,F't ,trFl[iz,F]t.l) HF:ATIN(; ntlHFL. InNCE Ct-tHtiti cof.i].,L IANr;u trt;iiIG:N ( $.1 t.t.,,].ilr:ii: jI,JAL.L.5 64 33 '34i7 ftuilF 47 6 :i06FL.OoR 360 1?35 l Ut nL.t.,-c),5638 BLI I LIl I t{il ACti[: [11 A[JL.E: [: {Jll fli:,. i.rI i. t,,l[i, F.RF.FNREII $Y I AFI.Yl' A E},IG T TiL:E R I I{Gt0 1t{vtl[tNHti$ 11t1IVt: Et'tfi L. Etiu0u ciit.(:iir AIr{l 303-770*di40 0 CfiNSUt.,'Ii.it',11 :i' ll'll;, lf Agil $t.lL l L. L.l Li 4(i';' :t4 i.lr !i'l iih.[:'iiloJ.J.:l {":i;:til,ji-r(.rlr lif.lrIlt{.,:#r i:ttt(.,ontrr,6iiir{'1,{0.i-'.r',i'j-80iifi PrfYsrc^-, ,,',*5** - zt-/-So =-.q 7, o o nic.,ars q x 2.50 "= 2;2. {O - = Drsrlsl€Rs' + xI.ffi = ?.Qo' 'F iLllrG vAtL, (rnrrulo Jltr57 rusttt{TttL tl Tol I sailx Tt€ rt€ olJ.1'trtcl tuttr- oF re€ o.;:ER'flnirr /0DFESs Lor _ DtLtt,E eboaess l. 2, 3z q. A ,/',., 'i- /' .-'t . ' i= ,5O .1) 5.m 5,traI.LL' x x .x /y:_x 5. '6. 7. t: 9; t0; P S€t.elfflst rrcon Zio rlocr -ho rrccr PA5A3fflsr rlmr lro rloor )iD FLOOR B^SD€IiT]sr rLcat?o nocrxo FLccq Brsrrr 8 Totr-ET.(sre nx-f prnD DflIA SIIiiCS RLL gATH . (s-g,',-.R oR TtB{ BASIi{, TOII-EIJ LfJ-T{|RIES bEn nsraJ ICE f'AGII}iES sl,L.bl.trs o x 1.50 -'.z- x ,t> 33 x t,m 1 '1 .50 ,E .E 2a I$\TEC cCC&s & }AIER FCU{TAIIIS s'!tltilIiiG POILS JAo.tzl FUJ- E{l}S rcos .5, oo qJISIDE YIA'IE,? Q X 6ltrir.rr.r or crr] t J. 2, ,, x X 3.m LM rlrosr Dlstl'r\st€R i.nronies fiJTSITE HATER 'x It .50 1.m x X q. 5, TUrN- POlt{TS ' l0.m Pottrs-= l.[0 t;:rr 1,2.' r " (-a . Torr,L urlTh<ZL4>x$ i300. oc= ;09"7{- .'t Jbr il7.Q ltisPicToR ..... tou-G{ll:G T}€ cCr?LEIlc{t'oF cl]ls]nLfiltT'| oF /,1-L slit-rR:iss, Tl€ D|S]-^lcI s'!,-.u i.'iiiritr n iir'Sii-rl i:tir'tcltcl oF ^i;r. it.ijrlsr5 ;g 1'6'1i;irlti: Ii: llutrtJt cF Polr:TS iij'iti r.lrisso r,cr-,-l:'iti:'j Io nj: riili:l ^lD 51"'r'R r:? Fx-c-""';D F'AI€ sClrt-Li1f' '\s ,i:liirrrji-r*u'n,i-Dl.;i;:lcT slrtl- l.'r'f "JrY IJUujI;;;ris t:i(ts'''nY lN-ll{{ii6l;v'L l"ij'iit'r^i0. " ir,i: r:,:;'cc-rraisiu..u ,1d-'-o rrlrriilli;i l)!: LUltJJlt.s c\.lrul's r{,ufR /.'{D sDiin 5[nvrcE olf ics' ' nflt ?f.l'i:fl5,,n"'''' nrcro,t.. r Y 9,*t'fr)nk,IW VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL ISSUED UNTIL TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. NAME OF JOB I LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION 0Nt'sy{{3?-, ,<-<\\ -\'r I Y'==4t PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR Lrc. No. Lrc. No.EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR Dat6 Billed Date Paid Financo Director ffi.tZt* fu4 %H- sfzEoFTAP:water aO,7? S .grr^, 4 fl MeterSize NUMBER oF uNlrs &ffi?E v-tffii !ffi?;P---iafl1,el 3a 9/ Bldg. Dept. - While; - w6t€rand Sanltation - Green; - Public Work- Canaryi - Contraclor- Pink:- Accounting - Goldenrod a RtstttfitAL t,ATEl t sElm T P 7 'STRIET 'OL!ESS|.lJr vAlL, (!l|-0nilt) r.€€ ol.lilCI! lur€ oF tt:€ o'.':ER 'FiLil16 BlLLlm roness l. PAsB.€rtr lsr noon. /io rLocl' 5ro rr-ocg 3i msaan Jsr rrccn?o noor JRD FL@t? u6ilr & mtrEr(sre Hqlf PAfi) DCRA SItiiCS FUI BATH .(ss,'.in oR Tr.Rl P/LSIII, TOILEI' 1.50 ,E 33 x :.o x 2,n x 1.m =/ - zt/,'SO ='.??, o u Oy z.x 2, PAsag{T lsr n-cor(lo FL@R )sD FLOOR RE,s (ir.lrxc roo*s, Eilf.rffi.s, aFlrcEl4q x 1.C0 =sn-oros) / | 1 7 1 q,KITciE}|s t '6. 7, t: g. 10. q. 5, DI$|/IDSFA,S |.llFlDRIES Grn usraJ ICE PIAC?IINES SAINAS ilATa cocl-es & TA]EI FOU{IAIIIS slflf-?ili.G FolLS JAclr lq.nstDs yiATER fttnr-rn or crs) RIl- E$}S no$rs KITC}€N Dlsr,.flst€R i,ru.nonres cnnsltE WATER 2a) / >ty'\-" - J -a. /' -:. '- -1 / .t r'/ /x5.6 =ax 5,N =gxr.w = APAqNENTS xl.ffi= .'l TST'\L POII{TS 10.[) potms = l.CO urt ) tt t / t .fu-/ //er/ro //?4n ""1rcu_o,ttf,:c le carflrrtcrl oF cgtsmlfilol oF N-L slilrTLsss, Tr€ DISrnlcf slr.^Jl filtf6'.i A flfislut rljr't(Ilcl CF Atf t'ltrillSSS iO l:[.][i-lllil Ii*r llULtflt CF POtf:TS to ItC ISCCSSSO ncL,-il:Ul;:t Io n': tt'rll3 t'ic si'"ei T;3 F:9. ,"':D l'!\Ie sctilll!, ,\s A.EllnLn, N:U DIE Df itlilCI S! r\-L t'.'.1.[,'JlY tJUUiI;'.:;lts r:i(tSS,'CY lN n€ Cil6l;:r,L iar iie -rnro. lltts t.'tlPCcIlct slulLL N-:o Drlticu;:E llL DUIU)lr.c Cl-'lUl'S lrtATiR DAIE /.'{D SUin s[RvlCE OWiGE' llrsPECroR Do^nD oF otnicrrna\,All Lrrrrrr r.ni (^.tlTAfln.t tlltTDll.f '= 2;Z- do = /. oO. x .50 ='' a/' So 1x'.6=2x ,E = x.E= x5.m = x'.Lm I l:t x' .5) '= 2.2-{ d X : E ri\ \. *:( R LC L\'\':Ir+(q-t: Lr- (u ,a: c) Eo) oz. -:l col (oc! I )o F 4o- a<) -1 | Il c!lrr)|(ol c.i I ' F 'lo- :: ;-- :5 ) ; C.a = .lo, l ojlr\lt'\ |.l c.r I,': : : 7 o a/- . 4 .( (,) i:.)'a -a; :Y.) o ol 'l5l(\l cvlrl L . : : : : ;" I.l Icol I I ; 2i/. -{. U c.) Lr t: t: 'd I ^lvl ol(ol c\l I I r., I cf, I : : : |..fo oF o .) 4 o x ,o F. F rf,) C\J Ol (\J o F ) F 3l(ll 1 lr)l coJ (\l t,!o .a: c q, 4t< F a (.,''-' l, .(r 'l (: (.a l) ]' (:.t. t. .(:'"u ",- ). ,, t ..'r I: (: ., ..7 ,: -4 y .:. ..r v, .:'- c ,' "t)-. -. a() (: ., -( LJ '; !1 ,. ? c (: t: 2 : a e :)U t a ti J .l . 'o. rO .u :: 'Li tI c4 e .i: ; l, f: il ii il' ,. l.:'o ,, l." " ":i,t:' .'. ',,,.t, ' t., " n -, 1?,r , :t l.l:.i lr 'l' ]i:;l ,''t ' i'" ' ;i ,. t);'1.: '', " I i j'i'-ii1 v:t " :t: c,.trd!_ '' .. .'':z ,'i';';r; :, , i ;;'. ,,(: ..) t' \/ r, ', , t, 'i ,'.i c() ! qJ u ? c)_tr () o : l o c') Or\o 12 rtll : .. rl,'l' . i .a f- L-) (, I | | r' () c(u OJ+Jc(L]l i_l>@qJ 01a/^t ._{ (.) ,. F{,. ("-) O 1 '|J.r(Jtt o rl rL(.) ,,. ( |r 'ti Ii, :' .-{ "= :-1 .l; l,l st t/r t L r--{f () OJ of,() 1) -o or'-.) E r{_f) ." > ,u !:) z.-\:(.c il) .. +r('\ (ri c)(L I O'.(a,: A ala=_r_ rll- r- (J ;:,q '-l i- i;- :'' l: L) Q-. a I;-o o ;: :"ULI<.; '-' s-(I' IJ !' /-\'C) \-,/ UU i .r'(_) L-) .I () (_t. !- -( :z (1\ t\.t rr)c -{ \1) l,::t c t:() o,-() >E: '.- (-) (-)()cn',)\i o (')!- () _r't rr !':)-rr dr nl () r)x n, L !-'(rt r) :'t (1, I ) () 'rr-l::.,'_ ll llr ((-:) i.. t,.\.rJ 1) L) .).-,"I r^ L) rl ()(l) n, .| '--1 - L (.-)irt .- O, -ct-t dJ l: r",. '. (l :-,rt r) ,rl ', o,'''lJ t: r.r riri 0r l,..: I r) n N N\, /t\\"-I .l( I L) F. J o L) 7_ll-l Lr- tuF ii F IIJU O ./. 7 F ll = l. t* a (vc! F\ar)o| @ (o tr) (f) rr) tr,o'l ) oo Fo u.o FoF co) o Lr) lt\ sic! oL(t l)L at C' \.o a'1 c\ \o o'c)c o :: \v lr) O(r) O Ef N .rJ /o c') cY)(\ olcn(-)l<t.ol\o *;l^; I _t_ I I ill hl!lt!llLo.l c)lo(.lotl c)i ttol .u a-rl o)l.(:DI L(); oJot :' "t--t - ,,;i1,.-(\riN t_ c I ; ) .lri +-Iot -j -l3'-l .t I r)l(\ rl ro\o(o ";(o ;\q(c\ 1\(l I "lLl .xvtl I :'lilrul __l.t C! @oc'l o,&. E L (U L) (\l |||lIlItilllIl li iilll.||Hllol ololcrlol ol cIOI OIOIOIOIOI C| -t rt F-rt Ht F-{t ?it FlI|l|l I crl ellcll r..-lcol crl cflorlrr)lcvlOl O OI \cl(ol ollfl--'l(ololL.t1.t4"t"i4, l=ll-l=l-ll"||irllltitl||tl t_t_t_t_t_t_tl||tlIitilll||;l-l*[F-l;ot lto K\ lO lO lO l(o(o lo l.+ l.--r lco lC) llc) r-i loo lc{ lr.- ts lco lc.r-lll-lll -t-t-t-t-!-c-l olc\lr-lclcl..-,o{rrlc\lcitc-lCl ,o '.r 4 C.t -Jt -t c,t ct u-,.t .t .1 .t ,t ,l-{ oi c-.l r-l -l<., lc., I i t-] | I-l-l-l-l'l-lt JCd#iui,l C 4 crf .rl_{ wA a-1._l.-l I l.-l loi!lr-1 rl rl :-l cl (rl cl,q I lcri --1 rl r.' I -l q q l4.lv^rl ,Jl i il;1 'l:l il ;l_..;-.1!::l*ll,l" I ''l :l :i,il,,l;lFl ',l: i:ls'1't'ilrlI b" c\l ,a, rJ l'-l ^l cl 'il Fi ;,1 c! = ;rc.l "l al."j 'Flc{ C:I:ltlol{l .(.1:-l al .Lrlrlfl -t 'l:l .ii ctoi Olco l-- c.) (i:' cf)OtOr Olc)L') : l- O @ !(() : ci Ol c! C\J {.. lr cl C) g r\ O CL c OJ o,!- c:c)(J 'o .J O ctf o c c,rx. ct) (ll '. (: (_l)U CJ-l('_) o) L cr LL L! 0) (U l. (l() L.) (Y) ac)C) c '. qr l- :r ql Cl: o)c(tl a) |/l t) .: 1- (\(-l ,: .c to o -))??vJ:. c o o rJ 6 I :: o o,.2 -rO O;-i: !l.f :,u= - _t' ar)g E E 2e ^' 9: a) O l! c.r < i.9 FC; vij - gn! o., {- d1i zc:!i Y.I o, o, =c,:J6[rJ o ij.f - F "r Ft(:..:.:r r,4 ' ,vl\ '; -Q ""!.' 91 : :Y r: - :J \J i: (:u .{ ,\t :l() .2 '-i ;() t- ..1 ,; .(. A t', 4) 4 \J ;: '-) Lry*f\-tF--- (\J .f () !,U f- uj -)U -{. F :E It- rJ F\(r) st- \t\oc\! cf, (f)\, \$ t'l \P a x- $.$ t\\. \lb F uo J5 F I l-\Ctl oftcil a (\ aaco.l ---.." d?-1:{lE!.8--- ---- -- 0.) (J rE| C\JC\ cl I \oI cr)q) crl c.: t;tF< c)c)'l ...: r ol:l, al |.\ c'\ cl r_\ Oi c')c.) c')C)C) C\l :< I I I<) I O I I OO Lr) O I OO I I ;O (o I I I I OO r\rr) c)C)C) (\ .-t aa Lr) N ()l F\ C)(::rr] (r) O c) C:) ..1 ar)O atl cl(n c) O(o (U o) t t- L (J t_{J(:() OO c') OO Lr) @t-- II I F-- (\ L.) l--.coO OO c\ t" ,. ,.r ;(, r: O (\ Lf) st-sfsf $ C)(l(r)r\ (o o ; ;:l ir o c)i:l: 6 o -))n-tu 1.2 ! 9 o o o o) ca q, o' l.: I ctl tnl c ro o at :1\/, c) ,ri oL 0,I l.t _ r-v .; !:: (- fll { .ul o't o:t"t'f t;; 'rrt ,'rt | ,t rt..-(Jl,'-lrl. -l- .{l orl r>l -L I r.' I r-,{rl - l (^l 10rlr'. | {r lr,'lo(:l l()lLr-..-t .t ()/ I c.ol .)l. r | .-'l ^J \(r\., (t'l |,l . l(-lr1\l r. | ,'rl (rl r-lrr l' '_ lr ')lr l. r. c OJo+Jc(U OJ U1 C.. /. :: '.'::)o ;:U.( i' -J ;-i Eg ?co J o_ tr c -: :-:: o c'; I q, n){ t: co (:t: alij F7 (.)r! o FaGri c) =qJl-c.('o -. \Jt '- u=-/-on<- d'-= .)o - <.1 '' iiU o{r: [: at (: ..Q\etl: ; ov,-.r -di.i iz tt ,'y (r: I i 1r:) \J t:tr{ "r;i:'' :l rl C) (r_) -t flC't.lr: F.- -l Lr- .( F 'r_ Il-.f ,J i: MORTER FISHER ARNIOLD, AIAA PFOFESSIONAL COBPORATION FOR ARCHITECTURE CROSSROADS AT VAIL 143 EAST MEAOOT/T' DRIVE vAlL, ccx-oRADo a|a57 303/476 - 5tO5 February 24, l98l Mr. Steve Patterson Buil ding Officia'l Town of Vail P. 0. Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 Subject: Ipanema Luxury Condominiums Dear Steve: Please find enc'losed documentation of our compliance with the State Energy Code, provided by our mechanical engineer, Abeyta Engineering Consultants, for the building envelope and floor as- sembly of Ipanema Condominiums. MORTER FISHER ARNOLD, AIA DVH : ced Encl soures Best regards, AEE 3BR,:ff"t,?}558i*= February lB, l9Bl Mr. Daryl Harrjs MORTER FISHER ARNOLDP. 0. Box ll86Vail, Colorado 8.|657 Reference: IPANEMA C0ND0MINIUMSVail, Colorado Inside air fi 1m Carpet Carpet pad4" poured concrete Ai r space5/8" gypsum boardInside air filmTotaI "R" VaIue Dear Daryl: Per our phone conversation of February 6, .l98.l, please find enc'losed a new computer printout of the ASHRAE-90-75R build-ing envelope compl iance for the above job. This new print-out reflects the addition of the 6" batt insulation to thefloor of the building above the parking structure as was de-cided some months ago. The original printout did not have any i nsul ation credi ts fi gured i nto the "U" val ues. Listed below p'l ease find a breakdown of the "U" value for the common fl oor areas between condomi n i um un i ts . a:,..) -, r:)Bl '.,, ,,,:" Kimba A. Fisch€r Kennslh C. Kobsr Eric L. Nelson Bichard T. Kocol Dennis L. Newton':I.. Stsven K. Woodrutt Monty E. Absyta, P.E. Thomas J. Buchko Allan E. Oe€ms Maurice C. Cox Naal T. McAbos John J. Moruzzl Allan L. Sindelar William "Reggie" Nelson Lucills Laughlin "R" Values .ol 2.08 - 60 .94 .6.| J.IU K ;- = '17s some hel p to you. If youfeel free to call upon us We hope that this information js of need additional information, please Yours very truly, ABE-Y-TA ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. t'li^ i ',/ // / *-r!'U' *rt't',| '*'- /) i (c4't' $tl Dennis L. Newton Mechani cal Designer DLN/fa Enclosure Suite .1 12, 1O Inverness Drive East, Englewood, Colorado 801 12 . 303/770'6400 4O2 24th Slreet, P.O. Box 1736, G.lenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 . 303/945'2555 o ST cATE OF COLORAITO '1,-:_ i..._*,._ SENATE I|ILL N0. . 432t1?77 -. L ENERGY CCINSERVATI0N STANtrAr.{Il\./ 1: i-.--::- , - '--,-;,- -.--.. ,.'t -: "'-F"-- :: ' - .j l: ,-t j9. ,.\ iil'a'{;-f F' @ TorrAysIrATE i ?-19*Br ,_" *.f,s0JEcT.! . TFiANE}|A .C0Ntr$. . .. .-1 LSCATIoNT VAIL\-. i ARCHITECTT lloRTER . |--,-BIJILIIING. TYF:E i 8? ., (-.- ITEGREES N0RTH LATITUITE ! 40 ,0 IrA'lA INF,UT BYi I|LN i2.52 SUHI4ER I {Y BULT{I 78 TIEGREES. HEA] ING TTEGNEE TIAYSi 10337 I' t hIALLSt.-_ GLASS ROBF FLOBR IIESIGN AFEA 17_839 AREA 4699 .168 . 279 AREA':. 793I. INFUT U VALUE. 0.045 U VALUE 0 .490 0 .600 .... 1 .330 U UALUE 0 ,026 , U VALUE 0 .043 t- (-: l; 'r-- . I t-.\z l,'ir 'i a" I J AREA 4+99 ':,-l t I , ') :I .ar UO .I,JALL i ,2BA ( FTU./HR* S[I . FT . *F )u0 FgoFi .,060,-( BTU./HR*S0,FT.*F )UO FLOOF{! .OBO (FTU,/HR*SA.FT.*F} I'IINI}IU}.I R UALUE OF SLAF II.ISULATIONi 7,77 ( F*SII,FT.frI-IR.,'BTU) I,JALLS RCIOF rLOOR TOTAL HEATINO CO}'IFLlANCE CI"IECK IIESIGN ( ETU./HR*F )6433 34V7 4'/ 6 306360 ra? 72&9 3B9t q\BUILTIING ACCEFTATTLE FCIR HEATING. F.REF.ARE! TtY !, AI{EYTA ENGINEERITIG C0NSULTANTST INC.i O.INVERNESS NRIUE EAST .SUITE 112 ENGLEI,JOCITI COLORANO gOlT? 303-770-6400 407 z+LN STREET GLENU00B $F ItINGS r COLORAIIO81601 303"94.5-?555 (M MORTER FISHER ARNOLD, AIA A PROFESSIONAL COFPORATON FOR AFCHITECTURE CROSSROAOS AT VAIL 1,IiI EAST MEADOI/, DRIVE vAlL, coloRAoo ar657 303/476- 5105 I wi'l I assume that these changes ofare correct if I do not hear to the Thank you for your cooperation. Best regards, AIA DVH: cblcc: Pinkard Construction Company ft'*l'4'U construction assemb'l ies and procedure contrary by Friday, December 19' .|980. w*,,{f;^ December 17, .|980 Larry lloodley Bui 'ldi ng 0ff i ci a'l Town of Vail Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 Subject: Ipanema Luxury Condominiums Larry: I am writing to document our phone conversation of Tuesday, December 16,.|980, regarding the ceil'ing construct'ion of the Ipanema Condominium Bui I di ng. You fel t that the construction of a continuous ceiling membrane prior to installation of interior partitions was not necessary. Instead, itwill be acceptable to construct interior partition wa1 ls from top offloor deck to bottom of f'loor joists and then hang indiv'idua'l ce'i1ings. ryl V ISHER ARNOLD, o ConstructionPinkard Company fO75 South Yukon Strcot o Port Oftlco Bor 201227 c L.kcwood, Color.do 8O22Oo l303l 98C-4555 October 6, 1980 Vai'l City GovernmentVail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 81657 Attention: Steve Patterson Chief Bui'lding Inspector Dear Sir: I am writing as a follow up to our nreeting of October 3, 1980. As we discussed, parking near the Ipanema building site is a problemto the town of Vail and Pinkard Construction Co. l'|e in no way condone parking by anyone (subcontractors, suppliers, Holiday Inn guests, etc.) to the north of the site. Friday, after receiving permission from the Holiday Inn, we ropedoff the problem area. The attached letter was also sent from ouroffice Friday. In addition to these measures we will have a fulltire f'l ag person during the remainder of the excavation presently being done in the street at West Meadow Drive. Hopefully these actions will alleviate the conjestion and parking problem at the Ipanema project. If I may be of any assistance onthis or other matters, please feel free to contact me. Very truly yours, PI Jim Encl osure JP: kf no frnsrTdcrron fu,{,M,ect Manager Plnkard C<iltr uctiorr C<,,rrpany fO75 South Yukon Slrsct r Poot Offlc o Box 26221 o Lak.wood, Colomdo gO22g. l3OA l e8O.4555 0ctober 3, 19B0 To Al l Subcontractors and Suppl iers Re: Ipanema Luxury Condominiums SUBJECT: Park'ing Gentl emen : The city Officials of vail has advised us that effective immediately lngrg is to be no parking at the jobsite or to the north of theJoDsite. we have been informed that any vehic:l es parked in thatarea will be towed away by the City 0fficiats. Pinkard Construction Co. will hold said subcontractors/materialsuppliers responsible f9r gny actions that the city ta'kes igainstus i . e. shutti ng down the jo-b. lJithin.approximately six weeks the full parking area underneaththe bu'i lding will be available for all subcontiactors and suppliers. l,Ie thank_you for your.cooperation in this matter. If you haveany questions concerning the above, please do not hesiiate tocontact the us. Very truly yours, PINKARD CONSTRUCTION CO. -/-- '' .t;- ////-.*'{^r'/, q"/4.a Jim Pinkard, Jr. / Project Manager cc: Gary Leaf MORTER FISHER ARNOLD. AIAA PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION FOH ARCHITECTURE CROSSROADS AT VAIL 143 EAST MEADOW DRIVE vAtL, CO{-OBADO 41657 303/476-5105 September 16, I980 Steve Patterson Build'ing 0fficial Town of Vai'l Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 Steve: To document our discussions of Friday, September 1.2, .|980, regarding drywall fire protection of structural steel at Ipanema Luxury Condominiums: 1. Fireproofing of columns, as shown in our working drawings 'is acceptabl e. 2. l,le are required to wrap all interior beams for two hourprotection, with no fire protection coming from the drywall ceil ing. 3. At perimeter beams, we are required to protect the inside and bottom faces with two layers of 5/8" type X drywal 1, and the exterior face with one ljayer of 5/8" type X, and one layer of 1/2" gypsum sheathing. As we discussed this morning, we will protect our one wide-flange columnwith two layers of 5,/8" type X drywa'l l, as illustrated 'in US Gypsum literature, and approved by UL. Thank you for your cooperation in resolving these details. Morter, AIA FISHER ARNOLD,AIA RM: cbl o lnwn u box 1O0 vail, colorado . 81657 (3031 476-s613 department of community development September 2, 1980 T0: PINKARD CONSTRUCTI0N FROl'l: Steve Patte.rson, Town of Vail Building 0ffjcja'l RE: Parking at Ipanema Proiect As outlined verba'l1y beiore, the only parking that is permissib'le at the Ipanema project is three (3) parking iermits on llest ltleadbw Dr. These spots will be'l ocated bn the south side of the street in front of proiect, next to construction fence, only. Any other spot-is strictly forbidden and the three permits must be 'l ocated on the dash board of designated vehicles on1y. : Thank you for your cooperation cc: Building DePartment Po'l i ce Departntent Transportation DePartment Public Works DePartntent I' -.:n-ll t tfTllry-s{- U,l"l II G<F+ I l-e-3* (f- I 5- c 7- 6: 1- ),oxa lt3't7 \/ ( t a 2t t oo It6 ( o r/6t( [,6 | A '1,1 ' 1 iL, LSti le, oto O-r,,-) tT.z ( O,-et- '/<{t'* -- I 8 Co uewnJ Ui t (o Contiu< - H"4;4,9% -1sJ 6YA 17, lo ( A lto u,./ 2, >s1 A=*--l ' (lo"/" ) fo n(i,* o f."-K: ^(tl .l S 2 6e"7 96f,;' c15 1e'*gh-* t* Ot La.ad.e cayti^q, - u(ZX l6= ?ra- Zl X srE 36rr. lS XtVX-s= tof eg-s XSa= I\8\ .S[ X ily = l,ery 6 t ,X 56.l= 1r s68.s Yq X Yq = t,17e lS-s V lZ = Ao r-- gi)s =lrO as2-r 'g; {. Co urvqte M"t Louolse-,I L o,.^ l9 c<yJ .9-s )c too =550 -Tof'. l I3,63t rtt"+LanJc".,.-l w76faL ll,azl ^ ) 6,{ot : )7-1 ! o-7 "L Ll1 .7 " [o box 100 vail. colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 department of community development Mh/I)RAI{IXJM To: Tqrn Council trlqn: Peter Patten, Dept. of Cannalnity Devel Subject: Design Review Board Action January 3, 1980 Ttre sutrnittal by Jin Mortgr ltas for essentially the sane building as uas presented the first t.luc tines around except that only one shed (sloping r@f) was shown. The fi-rst proposal had a totally flat rpof while the second had two separate sheds. Idr. Ivlortgr ocplained he felt this was the rast sensible and practical design to date. Due to Ipanana's past history of appearances before the Board there uas not lengthy discussion. Ctaig Sno,vdon, CLrairrnan of the DRB,e>pressed his strong concerrl about the heieht of the building. I{i-s initi6l feelings on this had been str.ongly reinferced thro€h public input since tbe last tjlre it had ccne before the Board, he said. ltr. Snq,vdon felt the builciing rvas too tall with respect to the a$acent properties and that it neecled to be loryered a story. He sug:gested that the lower floor of co rpn facilities could be nrrved out frcxn under the building to the notth, thus loreririg the height. lvlr. Morttr felt this riould create excessive site coverage. A nrrtion was made by Ed Drager for final apprrcval and seconded by Kris Sivertson. Fi:ral appnolral was granted with a vote of 3-1. Drager, Sivertson and Fritz Glade voted for, Srowdon rrcted against (for reasons cited abrve). ZONING 16.54.070 Designgrridclines- Actions of tlic itcsign rcvicw borrd shall t'c guided by tltc prrrposcs prcscribed in Section I S'54 '0 l0' [r1' pllns officielly appro".O Ly thc torvn to guidc tl*'clopmcnt .in .lht' rrea rvithin ,"tii.t, tt'. 1rro1".t is loceterJ, b1'tlte design guidelincs prcscribcd in this s.'ciion, by otlrer applicablc provisions of this cltlpter' ancl by oltrcr appiic:,ble orcii,te,iccs' lf a dcvclcpnl!-nt project is fo be btrilt irr pliascs, cach ph;rse shall be sub.j''ct to the dcsign guidclines prcscribcrl in lhis section' i Buildlng location' configuration, - architectural design''- tti"tiift, and colors should be harmoniotrs with the nrajcstic irrountairr setting and thc alpine villcge scale of the to$'n. B'Stritcturcsshouldnotvistrallydominatethetownscapeor call unduc altention to thcnist-lves unless they are of civic itrportance and occtrpy focal siles' C. itrrrcturcs or portions of stiuctures exceeding the height limits prescribed in this tirle, as pernritted in Section 18.58.0-90, shoulC bc limited to chintnel's, cltrck lorvers' ski lifts, church steeplcs, and sinrilar harmonious architectural loirns. Rooftop heating ancl air conditioning c-quipment' liul;e vcnt stacis, elevaior penthouses, and sinrilar fealures shoutd be avoidecl and, tf perrnitted, should be screened fro nl vielv. D. Roofs should hale a pitch of at least four feet in twelve and shorrld be co'r'ercrl wiih Inatcrials tlrat are harnronious u ith thcir surrotrndings. FIat rools shill bc penlitted only in ip..iuf situaticris, and then should be covered with liarnroniotrs rnaterials. \{ansnrcl roofs gsnerally should be avoided. E. Dccp cltvcs, ovcrltan-rs, crrropies, and otlrerluilding fertures that provide shl-ltcr ironr the elrments in rvinter and provide shade in sllrnmcr should bc encottragr'd' f. fl,,iiJliis materials should be predonrinatcll' tlatural' such as rvood si.ling. shingles. and native stone' Brick is acceptable' Cottcr.-lt- block g.-nc::rily is rc..-r--pl:rblc only il specialll' dtsigncd and colored. \\'lterc stucco is tlsed' gr(tss texlu.Ies and srtrface fr'ctures tl:rt aplr'-lr to imitrte. othcr mcterials slrould bc aloidcd. Concrctt' srtrflc"-s shbuld be used splringty,;rntl sllorrld be hrndl"d rrith dclicacl'and -.\ i, I 4-s0 ( DDSIGN TTI]VIEW reslruint. Ag3rcgutc gencrallf is tnorc acccPt:lble tltan rnv concrete, but ttsc of intcg.r;rl fittlcrlls and colors can tnill:e concrcle sttrflccs lt:rrln ctn io tts. Fcncstration strould bc suilable for lhc clinrale and for tlre oricntation of tllc partictrlar btriltiing elcvalion in rvhich tlte fencstration occttrs. Use of shutlcrs and sunbreaks sltould be encouragcd \vh !- rc tpprol)ri3te. Dcsign of acccssory structtlres, fctrccs, s'alls, and otltcr slructural l:rndscape fealttres should trc ltarnroniotts rvitlt lhe nrairt slructLrrc or slructurcs on thc si1e. The salne or otllcr harnronious building n:atcrials should be used on luain st ru ctures anC acccssory structures. l'iatural colors (cartlt toncs), gray, and u'hite should be favored. Primary colors or ottrer Lrright colors slrould be used onlv as accents and then sparingly and ma.inly in nonrcsidenlial ar,.'as- Use of penetrating s{sins ratlrer thrr pairtt on \\'ood surfaccs should be encouraged. Exposed nretal flaslring or trim shorrld be annodized or painted so as to- be nonreflcctive. Conrnrcrcial dcvclopnrcnt generally should be relatively tight-knit and sotncrvhat jntirnate in scale. [: r-tc or readill' visitrle parking lots exposed to sireets and nlain pedcstrianwa)'s shoul,l be avoided. Residential, r:rultiple-drvclling, and lodge developmcnt outside .central arcas (ihe \/illage and Lionsilleail) sltoitld have a looser, lorvcr densily characler. Opcn spaces shottld be left in tlteir natural state or lanCscaped, and large paved areas should not b3 permitted. Renroval of trees, shrubs. and nonhazardous native plant matcrials g!'nr'rall!, should be linrited to removal of lhose essentiel for dcvelopment of the site' On hillsicles, excessive grading should not be permitted krr building sitL's. access ririves, off-street parking, pool sites, recreation ar'irs, ot otltcr iniprovcnttnts. Crrt and fill slopes sltould b.- sculptural in fonn and conlorrrr-d to t,lcnd rvith 1hc nrit:rll. trndisttrrbed terrgin. All gr:rding :;trd cxcavatioll scilrs should be planteel s'itlt natrrrul matcli:rls or. otltcrs rltal s'ill ltarlnonize $'itil iilc nat u ral llnds.-;tp,.'. Lar:clsc:rping should be clcsigncd to ltanrtotrize rvith natural 45t G. lt. J. K. L. M. N. o. P. fcasihle. S.lnrcsidentialaleas'acccssorybuildingsgenerallyshouldbe. attachc<l to the tnain builrlin-q eitlrer directly or by means of a contintrous fence, lvall, or scr!'cn al lsast six feet high of thc salne or a comlrlenlsntary nlalerial as the main buildin g's exterior fi nislt. T. Sen'icc areas, outdoor storage' drying yurds'-garbagc cans' and trash storage areas should be screened frorn adjacent {-, properties, sfreets, - and other public areas by fences' planting, or other sriitable means. U. 'Si;*g;'areas for bo:rts, lrailers' camPers' -and off-road vehicLs shall eithcr be cornpletely enclosed or screened fro rn actjacent properties' strcets' and other public areas by fences, planling, and otitcr suitable mesns' zoNlNc landforrnsandnativetrccsanclothcrnlantmltcrials'cxccpt in comnrcrcill ar"l,s whcre the manmadc look nray llc more iuitable. In gencral' larvns, gt'onlclric pllrrlings' evenly ipacttd ,ott's of trecs' and olhr:r fonnal, urban latrdscape fcattrrcs should be avoirlcd. Q. Particular attention should be -civen thc landscape design of- off-slreet parking lots to soften thtir harsh, barren ,pp..ron... Can, as seen from grade and from higfier cici'ations, should be screencd as ltruch as possiblc by trees' shrubs, liedges, fcnces, mounds and sinrilar latrdscape fcal ures. l)lant mate rials used for scrcening g':nerally should be cvergreens. R. In resirlcrrlial areas, location and configurlrtion of buildings shoulcl marilrrize tlte prilacl' of surrounding dwellings and should intrude into thc-ir viervs tc the minimum extent (Ord. 8(197-1) S 15.600.) 18.54.0S0 Design revicrv fee. The torvn council shall set a design review fee schedule sufficisnt lo cover the cost of to$,n staff tirne. consullalrt's fees, and inciclcntal expenses. .A,pplicrnts for design rcvielv may be icquir*ct to clcpcsit rvith the lo.,...n a sum silfl-rcignt to cover the coits of. cl{sig.n r.*.ilrv *.hich slrll be d'rrl',rcted. and the balairce returned lo tlrc lpplicant follorvirlg compk'tion of tlte des!-'$ revies'proccdure. (Ord. S(1973) S 15.700') ) \.- 4-S? ,sa- h"t ^I.g v/u7@ hl 46f% &*qa ry, sl b/*,,'! 146'A .{l l|ArT.^a!" X"'c'oo,'r ,//4Sf-,-c €. /% /t/1ea 9) T.^06t4 w 6) {4*x ft'^l 4*l -l U^!h Afr-*)t ";,*81#J( a K) W= TfuJW <l f^* UdkW tp) I -'Project Apptlcation \t @ on" P-Q'77 Proiect Nam€: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zona: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board I rilt I I' Motion by: t+O( t t < S€conded by: t: '- /6-"9 't-t4f't h. ,rlri|.ryvall Chief Building Olficial e D"E"_ ryryT _ FILI LIST OF MATNRIALS NAME OF PROJDCT J LEGAL DBScRrPrroN'Pa^/t 4r,ot DESCRIPTION OT PROJECT EffiK Theto A.) following informationthe Design Review Board BUITDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other lVal1 Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Ilues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other is required for submittal bY the before a final aPProval can be Type of Material Color including Trees, Applicantgiven. B.) PLANT MATERIALS(Vegetative, Landscaping Marerialsand Ground Cover) Botanical Name Comron l\lame Shrubs, Size #- IAVW nA'\ Quantity 8@UDST OF APPLICAM: Design Review Approval for a nine unit luxury condominium complex proposed to be locatedLot I, Vail Vil'lage Znd Fi'ling (0ld Firehouse Site) l Drsosltrotl Ipanema CondominiumsNAIT4E OF APPLIC/\I{I: OIHER @ilIMENlS: M[[E OF PI]B[,IC BODY HEARING APPLICATIoN: Design Review Board DAIE OF HMRING: August 16, 1979 rwt\4AIJ ACTION TAKN & FINDINCTS: Denia'l by a 2-l vote. snowdon voted for and Drager and Hollis voted against. The two members voting aga'inst the project fe] t that the architecture was not consistentwith what present'ly exists in the area. Theyliked the bu'ilding but did not feel that it belonged on that site. Craig Snowdon votedin favor, stating that he felt that thearchitect, Jim Morter, had addressed the prinnry previous concerns of the Design Review Board and that the Building was appro-priate for the site and wou'l d improve the general appearance of the others in the area. All zoning requirernents have been met withthe plans as presented. More spec'ific numbersare indicated on the enclosed zone check. lli19 L zoNt cH[cl( for SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DI5 TRICTS Legal Descript'ion: Lot { Block ^'4-1, /f$vner 1l-Da\s-,vt 4 Architcct* I Zone Distri61 il A lh F proposed Use Lot Area 0.6. q o y uei ght Al loweu ff, ' Propor.d -_-7_' '(3.3 Setbacks: Front-Require? 20i''tropbs"a -----fi -f-&A-Sides-Requ'irecl liF'toProposed ---A-ll. - 2-t- Rear -Required FicProposed = a) & Watercourse requ.ired Jo' Proposed 8S Fe-4 Fnoon '"'-'- - c,i.K' @nffi Frop#fr GRFA: 5v6 3o 1{r s#qtffied Stronddre##*OFreSm a2.1 o /oq1.9'/o J3 PK (?e Proposed Propos ed Proposedtg M6nre L- ?f Co ,.-, o( o (t .i1 s :Anovred il6,f'.l I -Proposed l6/67C Site Coverage: A'lloled Landscaping: Required Parking:Requi red Environmental/Hazards: .Avalanche Flood Pl ain Sl ope Corrments: Zoning: Approved/Disapproved : I i, Li d--^,'(; ;Zonipg Admini stt:atorju, lI lpAnri,trNr DrR[CrOR:DIcr( laN, mI4\,luNITY Dtrv[InPIIINT IO: TOI'JN OUNCIL StBIffi: Appeal of the Design Condominium Complex, Review Board APProval located on Lot I, Vail o, ,n"6t1n]-)Village--ffi1L ing SXATISTICS: See Zone Check Enclosed @UEST:The appeat is per the letter from Rich Caplan (which is enclosed) dated September 11, L979, PI,AM{ING & B{IIIMI{MBT{TAL COII\{ISSICN ACTICN : This matter does not go to the Planning and Environmental Commission DEPAHTIIEM RMI\MENDATION : The Sections of the Zoning ordinance which specificallydeal with this matter are SubSections B and C of Section 18.54.010 Purpose (Desig1l .Beview) and subsections A,B, D, and R of section 18.54.O7O Design Guidelines (Design n."iu*1. These'sections are enclosed in your packet' The Design Review Board at their meeting on August 30, 19?9 approved the revised plans of Ipanema by a 5-o vote. The Design Review Board^felt that their initial concerns on the use of materi'a1s and on the size of the West Elevation naa ueen adequately addressed in the final submittal ' Th.e Department di.d nOt make recommendations to the Design Review Board on thil deVelopment regarding the design of the structure' It has been the function o1 the Department on al1 Design Revierv Board items to Council Befenal-Ipan{. Page 1\ro 9-L4-79 -a present the zoning and site issues and not comment on the design of the structure. This has been entirely a Design Review Bo'ard function. If the Town Council desires to changethis process and have the Departnent more involved in design matters, we need your directlon. The Ipanerra bulldlng does meet all the requirements under the Zoning Ordinance. To construct the building as proposed doesnot reguire any varlances. zoNI cH[cl( SFR, R, for R P/S ZONE DiSTRICTS LegaT Description: Lot { Block Fil ing l/o', Owner Archi tect Zone District H A nn PH W lA +- Proposed Use Yt' ,t(ac^e( o Ll-,4s Pro pos ed 67., a\, Lot Area d6. a o* ueight Af ior'red 4r5 Proposed '(3.9 Setbacks: Front-RequjrJ<i zot'^'Proposed -- -5j. --a_Lql- Sides-Required 13'l"Proposed Rear -Required B )oProPosed ___a)_1_._2_ Qt --- l.Iatercourse Environmental/Hazards: .Ava'lanche Flood Plain SI ope ffix@d S€cfiidfuii+t$W6' ProPosed requ'ired So' Proposed 8S -f"-4 f'"n '"'-'-' c @Ruffi ! GRFA: A.t.tovred il6/ll I cffi+eupj Site Coverage: A1l owed Landscaping: Requ'ired 30 e,(a Proposcd ---aj--2 '/o Park'ing:Requi red I g Proposecl J3 _o__K Corments:z d)e 5f6 a?.,1 0 /o (l lUitlo.te ^'dfVlan*t U- Zoning : Approvecl/DisaPProveU di 1/' w r-.-'*-'\ .Zonipg Admini stratorj (.'' Ii n O(,-) (. (,; Sections: 18.54.O10 PURPOSB18.54.020 BOAND-ORGANIZATION-POWtrRS AIYD DUTIES18.54.030 DNSIGN APPROVAL 19.54.040 PDRFORIIANCE BONDING OF RECREATIONAL AMDNITIES18.54.050 I{ATERIAI-, TO BE SUBMITTED. 18.54.060 BOARD PNOCEDURE18.54.070 DESIGN GUIDELINES18.54.080 DUSIGN REVIEI!' FEE . 18.54. 085 ADI{INISTNATIVE POLICIES18.54.090 AppEAL TO 'IOr[\ COUNCIL18.54..100 LAPSE OT DESIGN APPROVAL L8 .54.010 PUT,POSEfn order to preserve the natural beauty of thetownrs site and setting, and to prevent indiscriminateclearing of property, iemoval of trees, "na-"""tn_moving, and to.attain the objectives s"t out in thissection, exterior design ol aft nerv Oevetopment CHAPTER 18.54 DESICN REVIEW 443 fi ZONING and additions to eiisting developmcnt shall be subjcct to design review. The objcctives shall be as follows: landfornrs; B. To ensurc that the location and configuration ofstructures arc visually harmotrious with their sites and rvith' sunounding sites anrl stntctures, and do not unnecessarily block sccnic vicws from cxisting buildings or tend to dominatc the townscape or the natttral landscape;' C To ensure that the architectural dcsign of stntctures and their nratcrials and colors are visually ltarmonious s'ith the toln's sv6rrall apt)carancc, rvith srtrrounding development, | 7 ' .. with natural land fonns and native vegetation, and vrith L,' officially approved developtnent plans, if any, for the areas in which thc stnrcturcs are proposed to be located; D. To ensure that plans for the landscaping of open spaces. conform with thc rcgulations prescribed by this title'. provide visually plcasing settings for structures on the same site and on adjoinlrg and' nearby sites, and blend harmoniorrsly with thc natural lanrlscape. (Ord. 8(1973) $ 15.100.) i6 l-t I -7't TT #y t'{ zoNro o 18.54.070 [)csillnguidclitrcs' Actionsoftlrctlcsig.nrcvicrvbo:rrtls|rallbcSuitlcdbythc punro..i. -pt"tcribctl irr -Scction I tt'54'010' by pl:rrrs ol'iiciully apprtrvctl lry tltc torvrt to guidc tlcvclopnlcnt .in .tlrc arca rvitltin wtrich thcr proicct is toc,rrJJ, b-v the dciign gtridelincs prcscribcd i"' iiiit i.'.iin,i, by ttthcl applicablc provisiotrs of this cltaptcr' ;;.i ;t ,rtitr, ,ippi;.,,tr1" ortiiiranccs' ll' a clcvcloprucrrt proicct is to bc brritt irt pltascs, caJh phts" shall be subjcct to thc dcsign guiclclint's prcscribucl irt this scction' i. lluiltlirig location, configurltion' . architcctttrrl desigr'"' nJ.it,"r., ."a colori sh"ould trc harrnonious rvitlt thc iii.j.iti. mottntain t*iting ancl thc alpine villagc scale of the town' D. i1r,i.tur., should not visually 4onrir'!atc t1c torvnscape or call undtrc attcntion io thcnisetvcs ttnlcss thcy are of civic itttporlancc antl occupy [ocal sites' C. St,i,,.t,,r". or portioni oI strttctttrcs exceeding thc hcigltt - ti;ttii; prcscribc'cl in this titlc' as pcrmittcd in Scction 18.58.090'shotrlttbclimitcdtochintneys'clocktorvers'ski fiii-,-if*r.ft stccples, nntl'itil"t hartnoniorts architectural iorrns. Roottop 'heaiing ancl lrir conditioning cqtlipment' inrs. ".nt stac!:s, clevaior psr'|thortsels' and sintilar features shotrlcl bc avoitlccl -anct, if 'pcrrnitted' should bc screened ft'o nr vicrv. D. Roots shoulcl havc a pitch of at least four fcct in trvelve and shoulcl bc coverec.l rviih rnatorills that are harrnot:iotts willt lheir sttrrotrnctings. Flat loofs shrll bc pernrittcd only in tp".itf gt,,.tio,-r,. uirJ tlteu shotrlcl be covered rvitlt hartnotriotts n'rtcrials' r\'lanslrtl t'oofs gcnerally should be avoidcd. U. ij*p ".".s, ovctltitttgs, callopiL's' lncl. othcrl:trilding fcaturcs'-' if**'prouitlc shclt'"r ir-onr thc clctrrcr'tts in rvinter and providc itta.tc ln sullllllcr shotrltl bc cllcorlt illlt'd' F. lluilding nlnt!-ri:lls sliouftf Uc prctlotlirutc-ly natural' sttch as woocl sicling' slrirlgit's. lrlcl nliivc stone' IJrick is acceptrblc' Cottctctc btocX g"'l(:rully is lcccpt;rblc only it'sptrcinlly ;.;iil.i;i antl colJ.rt'<l' \\'ltcrc slttcco is trscd' llross tcxturt's ' and sttLfltcc fr'uttrrt's ih'rt rppclr to irlritirtc otltcr Irtatcrills shorrltl bc avoitttri' Conirctc sttrfuccs shottld be usccl splringly' lnd sitouttt t'te hantll"d rvith tlclicacy and t.. 450 F-Il a ]r:srcN Iitivlt tv (rcstraint' A8!ltcgir tc gcncrlrlly is tnorc acccptrrblc than rlw aonar.t., tri,i ,o. ol'- irrtc:lrrri plttcrrts antl colors can nrlrke concrctc surflrccs lt:trtnr:niotts' C. i"'l.tirutiort sltould lrc suitablc for thc clinratc and for thc oricrrt:rtion of tltc partictrlrrr building clcvation in lvhich tltc i"*iiitti.tt .,".'.,,r. Usc of sltttttcrs :tncl sttntrrcaks slrotrld bc encotrragcd rvlt,'- rc altpropriatc' It. Dcsisn of acccssory strrrcttrrcs, fcnccs' rvlrlts' and othcr strttctttral landscirpe featttres shoulcl bc hartnoniotrs rvith tltc nrniu ,i.,,at,,rc or strr.tcturcs on tltc sitc' Thc saurc or otltc'r'ft.i*otlous brrilding nratcrials should be usctl on utain st rtt ct urcs anC acccssory strtlcttlrcs' I. i,latural colors (earth tones), gray, grld rvltite should bc favorcd. Pritnaly colors or otl'rer bright colors shottlcl bc usedonlvas,acccntsanclthcnsparirrg|yarrclrrrainlyin nonrcsidcntial arcas. Usc of penctrating stains t'atltr'r tlt:t:: . paint on rvoocl srtt'faces should be cncottragccl' Exposccl inctal flaslring or trim shotrld bc annodizcd or paintcd so ls to bc nonrc flcctive. J. Conrmfrciat dcvctopntcnt gcnerally should be relativcly tight-knit antl sorncivltal inirnate in scalc' Largc or reaclill' ;;ibl; parking lots exposcd. to strects and maitr pe<Icst ria nrv ays shor'rld be avoidcd' K. hcsiclcntial, nrtrltiplc-drvclling, ancl l-o1l ge developmcnt outside centr.al arcas (the'Vililrgc and L-ions/lle:rcl) shotrltl have a looscr., lorvcr dcnsity chir.acter. opcn spaccs should trc left in thcir nrttrral state or landscapcd' and large paved areas shotrld rrot bc pcrnrittcd' L. Renrovirl of trees, -shrubs' lncl non ltaz-a rd or'rs native plant -' niot.ti.ft gcncrally should be: limited to rcmovll of those csscntial f<.: r dcveloprnent of thc sit!-' M. On hillsi<lcs' "*ccssiuc gratling sllotrltl trot be permittcd. t'or 'builc|ingsitcs.accessclrivcs'ofFstrectplrrking,poolsitcs' tecreation arcils, ol' otltcr irnprovemctrts' N. Ctrt and hll slopcs shoulti trc sculpttrral irr fortn antl contor,r'erl lo blcntl rvith 1hc nltttrnl' trutlisttrrbetl terr:ritr' O. Ati gracling lltrtl cxclvatiotl scilrs shotrlcl bc pl:rnted rvirh *t,out rnitcli:rls or othct's that lvill ltitrnrouizc witlt ihc natltral hndscltPc. n. i.n,t.i*..1ring slioulcl bc tlcsigrlcd to hantrottizc rvith natr"rral Y fi 451 ;t"?fr z.obtlc o ) \,landlorrns anri nativc trccs atrtl othcr plant matcrinls' cxccpl in conrnlcrciltl arslls rvltcrc tltc nraltlttldu look rnlry l>c ntore i.ritlbl.. tn licnr:ral, larvtts, 1;r:otttctric.pl:rntirrps' cvcnly spaccd rorvs Lf tr..,, ancl othcr lbrtnal' urtratl llrndscapc frra ttt rcs slr<,rtrld bc avoiclcd. Q. i,rrticultr rrttelrtion siroultl bc givcn thc landscapc dcsign of- ofl'-strsct p:rrkilrg lots to softcn their .harslr' barrcn upp..runr*. Cln, qs secn lionr grade ancl froln higltcr cie'vltions. shotrld bc scrcetrcd as tttttch as possiblc by trces' .itr,tfrt, lrcclges, fcnccs, nloutlds and. sintilar llndscapc fcaturcs. l'}lant mutcrilrls usccl for sclccning gcncrally shoulcl be cvergrccns. R. i,r resicicntill arcas. location ancl c.nfi1rur:rtion of builclings'-- iiio,,t,i nra_riniize the privacy of surrourrdirrg dwellings ancl shor.rltl intrude into iheil victvs tc'tlte minilnum extcnt fcasible. s.|nrcsiclerrtialareas'accgssorybuildingsgcnerallysho..ldbe.. attacheil to tlre mriri Luirl'ring eithcr clirectly or by means of a contitrttot'ts fence, rvcll, n''it"t'-t at least.six fect high of the satnc or a complcnlentary nratcrial as tlre main btrilcling's exterio r finislr ' f.Sa.,'i."'utcas,outcloorstoritge,dryingyard.s'gnrbagccans' and trash storagc arcas sliorilt'l bc screened fronr adjaccnt prcpert ics, strcets, antl other ptrblic arcas by fences' planting,, or otlter stritable lncans' U. 'Si;;.t;' arcrs for bolts, tt'lilcrs' carnpcrs' and off-road vchiclcs shall cithcr bc cornplctcl)' encloscd or scrcened from adjaccnt ptcpertit's, st'eitt, and otlier public areas by fences, plantirtg, ancl otllcr suit:tblc mcans' (Orcl. 8( 1973 ) S 15.600-) 18.54.080 Dcsiilrr revierv fce''l}c torvn coutrcil slrlll sct a desigrr 1€'f isw fcc schedtrle sufficicnt lo covcr thc cost of torvn stat'f tinre' consultlnt's ftres' and incitlcntal t':ipctrs"s' Aptrlicnnts for clcsign rcvicrv may Lrc rc+rirctl to dcposit s'ith the' torvrl n sllll'l strft-tcit'nt to covcr thc .coit, of dcsign rcvit'rv' rvltich shrll bc clc'tltrcted' antl thc balartcc'i.t,ii,l",f to thc upplicant lollorvirrg cornpletion of thc dcsign revicrv proc.,cluri"'. (Ortl. S(1973) S l5'700') '.\ Y 452 I Fltt \rllerol""t Application o^r" /- 2/- ry Prolect Name: Proiect DescriPtion: Owner Address and Phone: Architeci Address and Phone: T ,,,,^n l/a.?' (/a-o(ag,< 2 r-'( Legal DescriPtion: Lot Block Zonei Zoning ApProvecl: Design Review Board ,^r" ,7- 3A- 7? .6"ffi.DISAPPROVAL tlt Chiel Building Off icial Mrs. Thomas I. Steinberg . Box 13 . Vail, Colorado 81657 Anguat 15, 1979 loc lhe D.eglgB Revlew Board. Ret lpanene lurury 0ondonLnlrrms I have Looked over tbe archlteottuel plano for tbe oondonlahua anil the propoeeil uaterlaLs usecl for the etnroture. [he preilonlaant uge of, netal for tbe sidlng, faoohla, wlndows, wLndor franee, doore, door tr1m, band and deok ralle gLves the bulldlag a comcrcial. epp€arenes. Slnoe the bulldlng wiJ.1 be erected ln a reeltlentlel zone lt la not conpattbLe witb tbe sruroun&hg reslilcntlal gtnrotuteg. lbe use of, redwooit le attraotlve but eklnpy. [he onfy thlng that le eroLuglvely redlwootl le the trash eaolosuree. lfbat nakes VaLI a suooeeg ls tbe llLuslon that nature created lt. Ihe or,ly rny to nalatal.n tbat l11uslon a,nd Val.Lte auooess le to uac aetural uaterlaLg. Yoo<l encl otone. I hope the ilcvelopersr oan be prevalLed upon to reallse thls. SLacereJ.y yorus, Elotence Stelaberg, Yall eltlzen. " /) ,t d^ k^-,-,3)*4 / IJ Project Application ,n /- P/- ?t? Proiect Name: Projoct D€scription: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: I | / - , I -t, F.nina utL<,( uqluT{}< 2- iLegal Oescription: Lot Block Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board ,^r" ,V' 3A'7? DISAPPROVAL A*,, ,. Chiel Building Otlicial o ME}IORANDI]M TO3 Design Review Board FROM: Cathie J DATE: ].0-4-79 RE: Ipanena At the Town Council Meettng on Tuesday, October 2' L979, a revLsed desJ.gn rdas presented to the counc il by Jtrn Morter. IIe felt thet the new plan complies wl-th the surrounding buLldlngs in the area. It has vood, stucco, stone, etc. The lowest parts of the new buildtng permit vl-ew for Vil-la Cortlna and the residential butldlnge near them. He nade all the changes the Council had requested. A letter was read from PauLa Pal.nateer, who was not able to be at the meetLng. She approves the plan for this project as lt was approved by the Design Review Board. Bob Ruder nade a motlon to dlsapprove thls revLsed desigrr. and the design approved by the Deslgrr Review Board. Tte vote was 2 to 2. Scott Hopuan rnade a motion to ulthdraw the appeal and send this back to the Design Review to conslder the revised plan. The vote was 2 to 2, A thtrd notion was made to reverse the Deslgn Review Board decision and send the revised p1-an or any other revisions back to Desl-gu Revlew Board. The vote was 3 to 1 ln favor of the morion. I listened to the tape of Ehe Counc 1l- meeting so that we could give you the opl-nlons of the members present. Bob Ruder said that he agrees that they have added a pitched roof since the Last meetl-ng but that ls exactly the way it looks--like they added a pltched roof to a flat roofed buil.ding. They didn't change the character of the bullding. It is stii.l very modern and has the same character. IIe said it does not meet the directl-ves set forth in Chapter 18.54.070 of the Municipal Code (Pages 451 and 452). The buildtng l-s to be harmonious with the neLghborhood anil on the alpine village scale. IE is neLther in hLs opinion. Rod SLifer said the roof dld change but Ehe buiLding still l-ooks too modern and has too many large planes. It is too much like the Vail NatLonal Bank Buildlng and not like the others around l't. Both he and Bob Ruder felt that the new design raLses the height of the bullding too much even though It is withtn the allowable. -- Project Application o^r" / b- 3' 7 ,//b- Project Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot -7 - , Blocr Filing Zoning Approved: Design Review Board o^," /o ^ </-7t DISAPPROVAL Summary: Chief Building Off icial lleno to DRB, 10-4-79 Ipanena, Page Tvo 8111 wllto and scott Hopnan nere at the meeting also. However, r was rmableto distlngulsh their coments and therefore, talked wlth then today by phone. scott Hopnan said he ls not totally happy wlth the plan approved by DRB orwlth the revleed plan. Ilowever, he feels it ls a DesLgn Review Board decisLonaod should not be detalned wlth the council or any other board any longer.He feels the revleed plan is acceptable. Btll wllto sal.d he f,elt that the butliltng ueeded to be redestped but drdnrtllke the look of the revlsed plan because it looked like the pitched roofhad been tacked on. He 1s hoping that Jim Morter wrl1 have redeslgned theplans and be able to get approval today. Bill is golng to try to be atthe Deslgn Review Board Meetlng today. 0 d-u,-;e-- iProfect Application L?'2'/- 4- -/ (/fv/t @, Project Nam€: Prolect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architoci Address and Phone:r'77lY,7/ Lggal Description: Lot , Block Filing VV e*L Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board I Motion by: S€condod by: , 7 APPROVAL OISAPPROVAL t"- Z9 Summary: AdministratoT .- ,*r.: :.9irrr ' Chief Building Olficial ool('' oz F() LIJ-)oEo- ulF o co Ect -9o ott .E 3FE:-E=Rtr-(L POEpE>!F zoF()fEFazoo E =E UJo- )zoz za !izzcoo>z3f-JO(L TL J(r()z&AFJ() OUJ uD !iiiilq z = I z'i < o z6i6:!iY!-t QE()<b<(.)lrlZY::E:AET3Fi,$3g:Hi:F-<co> -|,<O:''r!o=<G<}J \ \nr+sfr..\I I l_ l3 I I I I Itr IE rFl9z t= l2 >t -I z9hc E9tno1>(J(.)O2r!<oqHdt9 ;ai ,ld- JflCHol 6 EE =EH sq zfr= =E6f6eBdi u1 FEFi<Oztoz= oz tr =tlud 'F{P r-l YxA J Iz Y() UJ n o =-ttr I J @ FoJ n€ B h E FJ dx H ui =z (Do-) gql t{+t v4 ? ts{ i! llJ =2 a,llJe o ) = - tr()dt! o u.l o o- F +-u a (-: I {-*Fri =tr anatilte =tr <,,anllJE. Ja = =G aaulE o J = =tr at.DuJEoo = atUJ Ja = ro- tso EuJzt J t-C)uJ =T(JE E --.r O<Ftr? 1ZEeUJF N(iZ n <oOF itri3r E2?E? =Ed5() 6F =3EE Eo t irg+t Fo2 J<c)o !t)3H n! PE).r.r>EJF;:;T_:3.lF"9;!l; t i;rl';<61A7-z=;9<;:<Ft-Cu<u. <(rirz iisiLr3,^.1 1i..,<o>_<O:-9.|.rI:c<3 I I 1," t:5 I I I I I I lrt Id I I I I I a UJLrlu-L LU oe, o(Il ; C?6 oz =E2uJtn=vroFTZ.n<\ec) <F <nFtJJGd) v',Lz zo O ..f,O.'aCr =ooccooO trl<al 6a ol (,z. otrt iJ.,l oo F1!l =Jt- c; II I I atl I I oz Y u,(L :r F t:, trJFozo-2 2o o o:: 5d (tsoF FIz =o =o I I II II I.I I tu I otl'Jc 9 .{I(J (JI F(J t.|-l6 F o- oj rJotlVnlvn iLl UJ F ':!o.'; c F J< tn o ttl F t!'r cc o_uJ E o zo F tr]F :. tlt-iiftl:(J \ \ + f- tl 1,, JJ(o t o:ltJ(L 1t.o :E : tr, @ zIt-- J:l<t)z. v,J --Jf+<r-!?=o JF= LU F('g *, '-= 39-o=do =g I sE 5 Xooo\Ez(J zzo9 F^rn Xf,>;ooFCt/7 (,z>-o a:,0()zr!<o o-.f,^(',>- (JFOid \ >.\i^Qz'{o*a e3 d..<s cl]0>2.f:)J()O- u- DDD ()()-( j t-: L (\(r I t-I ()I lll t lJo l. E Lt- J F l- F6o o :) .{(L' :a(J =(J Jo- J 9 olu -*ot!, € ct f) ru J G tlt :<IrF. (Lfofrt ul F t YEo o a\; ao l!.,o J. E(tl.lzlto _, ().t l-t:: ( ) J -,1 o Project Appllcation Project Name: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Commenls: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL - ,^ OISAPPROVAL%'-"1' - Su m mary: l|tl department of community development vail. colorado 81657 1303) 476-5613 August 25, 1981 Jay Peterson Box 3149 Vai'l , Colorado 81657 Dear Jay: At the Augustfor landscape plan should be Si ncer Peter Jamar Town Planner PJ:df RE: DRB Submittal of 8-19-81 Ipanema Condos LandscaPe 19 meeting of the Design Review goard, your submittal revisions-was tabled - intent of original landscape retained (mitigate visual impact of building)' Project Application ) ")a a*y'Fn-> ,^," /3 - /3' '7f' Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: 1J7/ .i ri1-Architect Address and Phon€: -T /A - =J / UJ Legal Description: Lot / , Block ,r n / V,4n 1 Zoning Approved: Design Review Board .-/: o^r" /- 3'-30 DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Off icial httn June 23, 1981 Jay K. PetersonP.0. Box 3149 Vai l, Colorado 8f658 Dear Jay: Pursuant !g yolr request I am writing this .letter rne Tact.that Ipanema Condominiums located on LotJecond Frling, is not'located within a flood plaln Si ncerely, Dr./ Dick (yan, Director Departnent of Community Deve'lopment DR:df department of community dwelopment to confirnI, Vail Village area. o box llX) rail, coloredo 81652 l3o3l 47S5613 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 September 10, 1981 Jay Peterson Box 3149Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Jay: At the September 2 meeting of the submitta'l for 'l andscape revisions as noted on p1 ans. RE: DRB Submitta'l of 9-2-81 Ipanema Condos Design Review Board, your was approved with additions fl :a/H Town Planner PJ:df Project Application Prolect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Zone:. Zoning Approved: Deslgn Review Board ./ /,^" '/''A /g/ // APPROVAL OISAPPROVAL Chisf Building Ofiicial