HomeMy WebLinkAbout17 Vail Rd 1st Bankbre fa,zW'/b4c>nLI ogrrildrY cElEtnF$E1tt Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Developrnent 75 South FrontBge Road. Vail. Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: wrrrrw.rai [gov.com Project Name: Project Description: fvs-( Eat?DRB Number: DR8050105 CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS (PAINT COLOR AND UGHNNG) Participantsr PO BOX 3340 VAIL co 81658 License: C000001763 Project Address: 17 VAIL RD VAIL l..egal Description: LoE G Block: Subdivision: B.S, CONDO Parcel Numberr 2101-071{700-1 Commentsi UGHTING CHANGES STAFF APPROVED BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: DANTAS Second By: FRITZLEN voter 3-0-1 (DORWARD RECUSED) Conditions: owNER RRSTBANK OF VAIL O4lt7l2o06 C/O FIRSTBANK HOLDING CO PO BOX 150097 LAKEWOOD co 80215 APPLICANIT SNOWDON AND HOPKINS, ARCHITE04/172006 Phone : 970-47 6-2201 PO BOX 3340 VAIL co 81658 License: C000001763 ARCHITECT SNOWDON AN D HO PKINS, ARCHITEO4/ 122005 Phone : 97 047 6'2201 Location: FIRST BANK OF VAIL Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 04/19/2006 Cond; I (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' Cond: 202 Apprwal of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year folloruing the date ' .., of final apprwal, unless a bulldlng permlt ls lssued and construction is commenced and is dilpenUy pursued torrard completion. Cond: @N0007953 The o<terior light sources shall not oceed a luminance of 125. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 lel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Locataon ofthe Proposal: Lot: PhysicalAddress: l7 UAt/ ' rcAD (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee stucco q7 C^)or o \o a tr tr tr Type of Review and Fee: D SignsE Conceptual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteraf on (si ngle-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request Description of the Request: '!. 'i***** * * ******** * * + + * + * * * * * * * * * + + + + + *******,f ,F'i***:t+***{.+,t ,t * *{.*:tr't 't ,t ,t ,t {.+*{,+++*++*{,'l +**++*+**** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ,* {. * *+*** * * ********** * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * *++* * * * * * *i. *+* t 't :t 1.1r i i,ti,t 'i+{.++ +{r * ++ + + + * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * statement. Nunber: R060000389 Amormt: $20.00 04/r7/2006!1 :18 AIvl Payment. Method: Check AND HOPKINS ARCH. Init : ,f SNotation: 717/SNOWDON Permit Nor DRB0501-05 Tl4)e: DRB-Chg to Appr PlansParcel Nor 2101- 0 71- 07 00 - 1 Site Address: 17 VAIIJ RD VAIL, I,oCATiON: FIRST BANK OF VAIL, Total- Fees:This Pavments:$20.00 Total ALI-, Pmts : Balance : $20.00 $20.00 $0.00 d.**:1. {. * ****** * ** * ********************* * * * * * *** **** ****** * * * * * * * * * * * 't * * '} * ****+******** ******** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDt ion Current Pmts DR 0 0100 003 LL2200 DESIGN REVTEW FEES 20 - 00 SI-I ERRY DORWARD ASLA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT PO BOX 3766 1514 BUTTEflR CREEK ROA D D31 VAIL, COLORADO 81658 April 5. 2006 Mr. Bill Gibson Town of Voil Community Development Deporlment 75 South Fronloge Rood Wesl Voil, Colorodo 81657 Re: lstBonk Voil Remodel - Approvol of Site Lighfing Deor Bill: I om enclosing o revised site plon for lhe bonk thoi includes o key lo proposed sile lighting fixtures which ore itemized below. I've olso enclosed descriptive informotion from the monufocturers' websites on eoch fixture. The proposed lighting hos been worked out wiih ihe ossistonce of o lighting engineer to moke sure lhot lhe wotloges ore oppropriole for o commerciol opplicolion where ihere is o consideroble volume of pedestrion lroffic olong the front of lhe building. Proposed bollord lights (Ll ) ond woll-mounfed luminories (14) ore replocing outdoted fixtures in lheir exisling locotions. The occenl lights ore meonl to help illuminote lhe porking oreo (L2f ond new groves of lrees olong the street (13). In oll coses, the lomps hove been selecled for lrue color (os opposed to lhe existing oronge high-pressure sodium fixiures) ond longer life fhologen ond metol holide rolher lhon incondescent). tl Eollord Llghts (6) 1o reploce 6 existing bollords in cunent locqlions: TEKA Cone-Top Bollord, #BCT-2516 BP Copper w/ weothered potino finish, 40" high 60W Al9 incondescent lomp or Osrom Sylvonio 52W hologen lomp L2 Woll-Wqsher tlghb (3) ot north woll in plonfing strip olong porking lot: B-K Lighting, Yosemite Series ground-mounted woll wosh flood #YO-WW-€2-BZW-9-[no bofflel-CV-HP 70- | 20 70W metol holide lomp [82), bronze finish (BZW), cleor lens [9), cul-off visor (CV), recessed in-grode bollost (HP 70-120J, [3 londscope tighting (4) in new ospen groves olong sidewolk in fronl of building: B-K Lighting, Yosemile Series ground-mounted woll wosh flood #YO-FL-al-BZW-9-l I -HP 35- | 20 35W metol holide lomp (81), bronze tinish (BZW). cleor lens (9), honeycomb boffle shielding ( I I ), recessed in-grode bollost (HP 3t I 20) 970.47 6.953 7 pho ne/fax 97 0.47 0.2 9 3 0 c e ll sddorward@msn.c()m t4 ltUoll-Mounted lumlnolres (2) to reploce high-pressure sodium woll-pocks ot reor enlries: TEKA Surfoce Mounl Luminoire #CSM-8316 BP Copper with weofhered potino finish 75W Al9 incondescent lomp or Osrom Sylvonio 72W hologen lomp I hope this lighting plon cqn be stoft opproved. Pleose coll with ony queslions or comments. Thonks very much. Best regords, Cc: Judy Sonford, Floyd Conslruction Pom Hopkins, Snowdon ond Hopkins Architects Sheny Dorword: ASLA B-KLIGHTING Page I of2 B-H(Quality tO L. Yosemite Series'" Features: o a a o Tamper proof design. Completely sealed optical compartment. Clear, tempered glass lens, factory sealed. Machined aluminum construction with stainless steel naroware. ACVrM (Patented) Valve System Interchanoeable ootics modules. Photometrics http://www.bklighting.com/products/Flood%2llighting/Yosemite_Series.htm The Yosemite Seriesrrl is designed for use with the Master ColorrM and other T6 metal halide lamps in wattages of 35W and 70W The metal halide lamp provides long life, high efficiency and outstanding color performance. The Yosemite Series features our exclusive'interchangeable optics modules'to create dynamic lighting effects with spot. flood or wall wash reflectors. The Yosemite Series offers seven ballast options in two voltages (120 and 277\ and three cutoff accessories to fulfill the majority of lighting tasks. lt incorporates the ACV ValverM System (patented) to resist tnternal condensation corrosion and the 360HD rM (patented) Mounting System with our exclusive aim-and-lock technology'. 360HDrM ( Patented) Mounting System allows vertical to horizontal and rotational aiming with positive 'aim- and-lock technology , provides integral wireway. G'12 base, 5KV plus rated lamp holder witn 180 C.U18ga wrre holder ARL & CSA listed with 35W and 70W T6 metal halide lamps For use with 35W or 70W. 120V or 277V metal halide ballast. a o 4/5/2006 c^[At.ootffir.oGF vlo., Ct - qirfi id, F - ^{u|bf lur Oo.r lle$lzo ornatto.l$ t G lttdr bfr(trlnLl5(tltll|I (rcwli* (ta'wl B-KLIGHTING :. $..1L4 .. Page2 of2 I I http:i/www.bklighting.com/productsfflood%20lighting/Yosemite Series.htrn 4/5t2006 TEKI\ ILLUMINATION +_ 5"0 I Descfiption Exlerior bollord luminoire Moteriols ond Conslruction A Cnct hranzo rnn B. Stoinless sleel or copper on stoinless sleel ring bof{les C. Bros spocers, .5' diometer D. Heory. . I 25' woll, pure copper post - 3.5' O.D. E. Etched cleor gloss cylinder F. Stolnless sleel fostenersa: a^.r h.^^.- h^,^.^ l-1. Cost bronze bosel. Stinless steel ond cosl bronze onchor plote I. I 3W PLC models supplied with HPF eleclronic I 2OV bollost, .l 5"F slorting iemperoiure lvlounting TEKA mounling kit *34'supplied, ollows for {2} 72" moximum tode T-5 Cone TopBeocon Ootions qvqiloble ot odditionol cost.. A. Ado suflix * 2L7 b PIC models for integrol 277Y eleclronic bclbsl. - | 5'F sbrting lempe.oture B. Ado suffix BP {or brown potino C. Higher or lower overoll heighls ovoiloble, consuh foctory D. Ado suflix HS for 180" exlernol, copper, houseside shield Note U.L. ond CUt listed, suiloble for wel locotionr. Product Number lomo Rings Finish Option BCT-2546 ,/ Nolurol 60W AI9 st. stl.Brown Polino BCT-25l6 / Noturql 6OW Al9 Copper Brown Polino BCT-2566 / Nickel- 60W A l9 sr. stl.None BCT-2542 ,/ Nolurol l3W PLC St. Srl.Brown Potino BCT-2512 / Nolurol I3WPLC Copper Brown Potino BCT'2562 ,/ Nrckel' | 3W PLC sr. stl. 'Nickel Plate TEKA ILLUMINATION, INC 86 Gibson Rood, #3 Templeton, Col lornio 93465 (805) 434-351 I Fox 1805) 434-35 1 2 www.tekq-illuminot.on.com B E @ Copyright TEKA 2004 Page I of I http : //www.teka-illumination. com/images/t5 j pg 4/5/2006 TEKA ILLUMINATION r- 27 Clossic Surfoce Mount i!/i/ ,t ,i' ltlo" | {llilrl1i 't,'\:/' ]__\..____-_-/ Description Exbrior woll or pillor mounled luminoire lvloleriols ond Construclion A. Pure copper disks B. Cosl bronze cop C. Copper on stoinless sieel rings D. Solid bross spocers E. Aluminum woll plote wilh ccsl bronze boseF Fhh^"1 ^l^". ".1i".1.,G. Sbinless sbe losleners Mounting Recessed 4" octogonol wiring box ProduclNumber Lomp Rings Finish Option CSM-83 l6 / Nolurol Z5W Al 9 Copper Brown Polino CSM-8366 / Nickel' 75WAl9 sr. sll. -NickelPlate Options ovoiloble ot odditionol cost A. Add sufftx BP for brown potino Nole U.L- ond CUL lisbo, suitoble {or wet locolions. TEKA ILLUMINATION, INC 86 Gibson Rood, #3 Templebn, Colifornio 93465 {805) 434 351 l Fox l8O5l 434 35 | 2 www.leko-illumlnolion.com @ Copyight TEKA 2004 Page I of I http ://www.teka-illumination.con/images / t27 jpg 4/5/2006 Optics - Interchangeable Modules For photometrics, see Page 108. Accessories l.?- Cutoff Visor 'CV'Cutoff Snoot'CS'Adjustable Barn Doors'BD' 29 I TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT PErMit #: 806-0037 Job Address: 17 VAIL RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.......: FIRST BANK OF VAIL Applied . . : O3/O3|2N6 Parcel No....: 210107107001 Issued. . . : 04/12/2N6 kgal Description: --yR-\p5- _ 6L-1\ProjectNo.: Expires...: l0l09l2ffi6 ohrNER FTRSTBAITK OF VAIL 03/03/2006 C/O FIRSTBANK HOIJDING CO PO BOX L50097 LAKEWOODco 802r.5 APPLTCATqT FLOYD CUSTOM BUTTTDERS 03/03/2006 phone: 970-3?6-1151 P. O. Box 195 7 V A Ico 81558 License: 667 -B CoNTRACTOR FLOYD CUSTOM BUILDERS 03/03/2006 Phone: 970-376-tt5A P. O. Box 1957Vailco 8l_658 License z 667 -B ARCHITECT SNOWDON AND HOPKINS, ARCHITE}3/O3/2006 Phone:. 97O-476-220L PO BOX 3340 VAIIJco 81558 I-,icense : C000001-763 Desciption: FIRST BANK OF VAIL-MISCELLANEOUS EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS Occupancy: B1SZ/R2 Type Construction: V-B Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $425,000.00 Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofGas Appliarrces: 0 #ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0,**** pgp !1q4yARy *t {.****:rr(t<*,t **,i,,t:*:txt<:rxi(*1.,**.ri.:}+t,:*+**.*,*,*:**'L*,*,1.*'*rN++:}:}+'r:i:r{'{"<*FireDlace Infornation: Restdcted: :t:t{<:i(:t+ {<t+*+*t *,t*:},f *:i:f :i++N(+*:l Building--- > 92,813.?5 Restuarant Plan Review--> $o-oo Total Calculated Fees-> 54,645.69 Plan Check--> S1-,828-94 Recreation Fee-:------> $0-00 Additional Fecs---------- > $0'00 Investigation- > $O-OO TOTAL FEES-------- > $4,645.69 Total Permit Fee----- > 94'645.69 Will Call----> S3-00 Payments---------- > $4,545'69 BALANCE DUE--------- > $o ' oo Approvals: Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT o3/2L/2oo6 caunion Action: CR see l/h/n o4/1-L/2oo5 caunion Action: AP approved corrected plans. Item: 05400 PLANNIIIG DEPARTMENT 03/06/2005 bqibson rIEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEN| 03/O9/2006 mcgee Action: Ap Fire departmentconnection must be brought into compliance with accessrequirements and maintained during construction. Action: AP Action: AP Item: 05500 PITBI-,IC WORKS 03/L6/2006 Is See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permir. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV PM. NE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2**,rt*'1.*,tr**,*******{.******,t**.+****1.:t**d(***,rr*{.****{<******<****************{<*{<***x(*,k******+*****.************** i CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 806-0037 as of 04-12-2ffi6 Status: ISSUED ***{<*{<t(*,td<****.4(*d<**.*,F**********t<rr+x.*r.*,t ***{<**+*.*{.*,t(****{<{<+*:1.** * ****d(*********:k**:t*+***,1.,}***,k*****)l.****** Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: 03103120M Applicant: FLOYD CUSTOM BUILDERS Issued: 0411212n6970-376-1151 To Expire: 1010912006 Job Address: 17 VAIL RD VAIL Location: FIRST BANK OF VAIL Parcel No: 210107rc7m1 Description: FIRST BANK OF VAIL-MISCELLANEOUS EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIBLD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement ** * **+** * * * ** * ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ******** * ** ** * * **** * * '1.* '* ****** ******* +********:1. ***** '1. {. * ** statement Nudber: R060000358 Amount: $2,816.75 04/L2/200509:49 AM Pa)zment Met,hod: Check Builders 262L Init: DDG Notation: Floyd cuscom Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address : Location: This Payment: BP 00100003111L 0 0 wc 00100003r.12800 2LQL- 07I - 07 00 - 1, 17 VAIL RD VATL FIRST BANK OF VAII, TYPE: ADD/AI.,,T COMM BUILD PERI"fT Total Fees:Total ALL Pmts : 805-0037 $2, 81-6 .7s $4 , 54s .59 $4,64s -69Bal"ance: $0.00 * * * * * * * *** **:r.** * * * * ***** ***f,********* * * * * ******* * * * * * *+**trtf*++****,r**!*** * * * *,F**,*,******* * * !t * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript ion Currents Pmts BUTLDING PERMIT FEES WILL CA].,L INSPECTION FEE 2,8r3.75 3 .00 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSI g-o <? IProject #: Building Permit #: SZ O 47 I -2'l 49 (l nspections IL BUI RMI PLIC Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbi 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ForParcelf Contact Assessors Offce at 97O-328-AM0 or rlsit t't"1.t'w.y'e-cottn, ***r*"******lffi*ffi+|l+}rFoR OFFICE USE ONLY**'I*'!****@ L.s5) s6 /r l \ ELECTRICAL:$ )O,@&BUILDfNG: s ?4&,MoL TOTAL: $ A 44.4 nr &MECHANICAL: $PLUMBING: $ 2lol-o-r,-o7oo- I Ilieulbn-oono ,leeiaA;rn WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel \) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior QQ Both ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( )Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multlfamily ( ) Commercial No. of Accommodation Units in this building: fUNo. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: l) : Gas Apoliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burni No/Tvpe of Fireplaces ProDosed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( Occupancy Group: F:\cdevUORMS\Permits\Building\buildingjermit_1 1-23-2005. DOC Page 1 of 14 Lt/23/2005 h@rbnent of Community fuvelopment Euilding Safety and Inspection Serui@s 75 South Fronbge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138 FAX 970479-2452 www.uailgov.com BUILDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICES PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: TO:Contractor/Applicant Floyd Custom Builders David Floyd FAX/Email #: flovd.d@comcast,net NUI{BER OF PAGES: 3 FROM: DATE: BUILDING PERMIT #: OWNERS NAME: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANCY GROUP; TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUMBEROF STORIES: BUILDING AREA: Architect Snowdon Hopkins proj# 2504 476.7491 Chris Gunion, Stan Hahn 0312112006 806-0037 Firstbank of Vail 17 Vail Road ? ? ? ? The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the 2003 International Building Code, 2003International Residential Code, 2003 International Mechanical Code, 2003International Fuel Gas Code, 2003 International Plumbing Code, 2003International Energy Conservation Code and 2002 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail, The following @mmenB will nd b be addrcsd prior b issuane af a building permit: For processing:o Please submit two complete sets of revised construction documents containing the requested information with all olan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. o Please respond in writino to each comment bv marking the attached list or creating a response letter. Indicate which plan sheet, detail. soecification, or calculation shows the requested information, Please send revisions to the attention of the plans examiner with the building permit aoplication number noted. o Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the engineer's or architecfs "wet" stamo, signature, registration number and date on the cover page of any structural calculations, all structural details and structural sheets of the olans. For commercial or multi-family projects all sheets of the olans must be stamoed. Architectu ral Comments:1 Include a building code analysis for the existing building. Specifo occupancy type per IBC Ch. 3, construction type per IBC Ch. 6, existing building area and fire sprinkler/fire alarm information. 2 Please include building area, height and number of stories and veriff existing building construction type designation per IBC Ch, 5 and 6. Structural wood framing is not permitted if the building is type I or II construction. If the building structure requires fire resistive rating, provide the appropriate construction details for the type ofconstruction per IBC ch. 6 3 Revise code references per note 2 on floor plan sheets, Please refer to cover sheet for the codes adopted in the Town of Vail. 4 Revise new stair and landing to provide handrails per IBC. Separate handrails are required at34"- 38" above the tread nosing, IBC 1009 5 SpeciflT finish exterior landing elevation and finish interior floor level at new exterior stair. IBC 1008.1.4 6 Speciff existing exterior wall construction at the proposed new planter backfill area. Show drainage per IBC and soils report. If the exterior walls are wood frame construction, show compliance with tBc2304.11.2.2. 7 Show handrails at existing stairs to lower level garage 8 Specifu class A, B or C fire resistive shakes for new roofing per IBC Table 1505.1. 9 Decorative shrouds shall not be installed at the termination of chimneys for factory-built fireplaces except where such shrouds are listed and labeled for use with the specific factory built fireplace system and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's installation instructions, IMC 805.6 10 Speciff finish paver elevation and interior finish floor level at the ground floor accessible entrance. IBC Ch. 11/ANSI 117.1 1998, 11 Revise site/civil plans to show an accessible parking space as required per IBC 1106, Show all grades at the accessible route from the parking space to the building entrance. Plans to be stamped by the architect, or engineer of record. 12 Amend site/civil plans to show all slopes and finish grades at the new paver areas. IBC ch. 11 and ANSI 117.1 1998. Plans to be stamped by the archite@ or engineer of record, Structural Comments: 13 Revise structural specifications to show all required information per IBC 1603.1.4,1603.1.5. 14 Revise floor live load to 100 psf for the ground floor office lobby space per IBC Table 1607.1 15 Coordinate new roof structure with architectural code review. Wood framing is not permitted if this is a type I or II building per IBC ch. 6 16 Speciff connection from new roof structure rafter, collar ties and new top plates to the existing structure. Also include details for over-frame areas. L7 Verify existing exterior wall construction at new planter area. Include analysis of additional soil backfill at the new planter area. If the exterior walls are wood frame construction, show compliance with IBC 2304.11.2.2. 18 Show drainage requirements at new planter areas with IBC 1803.3 and the soils repoft requirements. 19 SpecifiT special inspection required for concrete and structural masonry per IBC t704.t.t. Include list of inspections and name of firm to peform tests and inspection. Mechanical Comments: 20 Include complete mechanical plans for the new snowmelt areas, Electrical Comments: 21 Provide load calculation (or metering per NEC) and panel schedules for additional electrical load. 22 Show branch circuiting for new luminaries. 23 Show new luminaire specification on drawing. 24 Show how lighting is confrolled. 25 Provide additional information for new snowmelt (i.e., electrical or hydronic) Please refer to the cover sheet for information on rcsubmitting plans. In order to avoid delays in issuance of a permit, please check A!! requested information is included with the resubmitted plans. Please submit rcvised plans as a complete s€t. Partial plan resubmittals will not be rcviewed. F: \cdev\CHRIS\PERMIT.COM MENTS\805-0037\806-0037.pOC ro ffis a;un{ffauubwT wE ARE SENDINC YOU ffitt..n"a Irnd"|. separare cover via I Copy of letter n shop drawings ! Change order n TETTER OF TR/A,NS,ivtlrTTA\L I Samples ! Specifications PO. Box 3340 Vail. Colorado 81658 PO. Box 3487/20a S. Ridge Street Breckenridge, Colorado 80424 970-476-2201 rAx 476-7491 970-547-0554 r{x 547-0564 ! elans *4la0a 'oB\o ATTENTION n'' 714Tffi1'/?*FUHUWilffreU415 rrr=oFf,fiEi;' vnl APR o 5 20o6 ',U ll l tJ the followine items: -TOWtl OF VA'IL THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: $,,,"0,",,"0'! For your use ! Returned for corrections f Approved as noted [] Return corrected prints E Submit -copies for distribution n Resubmit copies of approval')ftor approual X Approved as submitted I For review and commenl Iron sros our 20 - UPRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SICNED COPY TO ilm( l,^1 5 rre no' $ n.h{|, I nd|' nol iy us nt onlr Snowdon Hopkins Architects. P.C. FirstBank of Vail Square Footage Calculations March 31. 2006 The gross square footage for the FirstBank ofVail, located at 17 Yail Road is as follows: Garage Bank Residential Total Basement Main Upper Loft 10,253.94 8,344.32 5,786.91 1,334.03 2. 1 Total 5,924.00 13,503.28 6,291.92 25.719.20 1. This square footage was calculated using the following existing drawings for the building: a. "Firstbank of Vail Remodel, Vail, Colorado" dated 71611990, drawn by Snowdon Hopkins Architects, PC b. "Final Plat of the BS Condominiums" dated 4124/1981, drawn by Mountain Engineering and Land Surveying Co. c. "Bank of Vail, Vail, Colorado" dated 611511972, drawnby Tanisuchi Associates. The square footage was calculated to the outside face of the frame and concrete wall. There are two stairwells on the west side of the building. The south stairwell square footage was included in the Bank square footage at the lower level and the Residential square footage at the main and upper levels. The north stairwell square footage was included in the Residential square footage at the main and upper levels. 0.00 737.00 4,220.89 1,334.03 4,329.94 7,607.32 1,566.02 0.00 SCALE Proaucllol Arcf 1e;ru'c. ?.C 974.926.1iAA {ax 97A.926.,7C3 P.a Box 747 [d"a,d:, co 8]632 Printed: 4l3l2OQ6 Eparanat of funnNW Dadwnent Buiknng gety ard xr*edon grvic€s 75 tutfrr tut bgE ned vafl, @rado 81657 9m4n-2138 FAX 97(H79-219 wvrv.tailgw.@n BUITDUIG SAFETY ||rD IISPECIIO SERVICES ?LlIl RFYIEW OO||I'E rS: TO! Cnntractor/Applicant Archited Hoyd Custom BuiHers Snoyvdon l-lopkins David Floyd ptol# 2504 FAX/Emall #: flovd.d@comcast. net 476.749I ilUT{BER, OF PA6ES: FRO}I: DATE: AUILDIilG pERlrtIT *: OWT{ERS TAilE: SfiE ADDRESS: OCCUPAXCY GR,(ruP: TYPE OF COIISTRUGTTO : TUHBER Of STORIES: BUILDIilG ANE* 3 Chds Gunion. Stan lbhn o3l2u70f6 806{n37 Firsliank of Vail 17 Vall Road Group B, R2, 52 Type W hybred sySem? See #15 2 with basement and parking gErdge 25,7L9.2* The docwEnts submitted for thb project have been r€\tlelved for compllance with the 2003 Internatbfial Building Code, 2003 IntematiorEl Reddentlal Code, 2003 International MectEnical Crde, 2003 Intemational Fuel Gas Code, 2003 Internatlonal Plumbing Code, 2003 InbmatorEl Eneryy Conservatbn Code and 2002 tlatlonal Elecbical Code as modifu and adopted by the Town of Vall. fI'€ Hbuhry @/mrcnfs rtfl ned b haM pdtrb &g4d,neo'a hfiIfrttg Frmtt:turqwtng: Pb6e submt two comobte sets of r€vised cofi*uctbn &cufiEnts corbi$m the t€ouested hfomatbn wltft all olan revbbn ihms clouded or otlErwise ktentifled. Please respond h wilirE to eadl commert bv marllm the atHrcd llst d cr€*lo a rcsDd|se letter. IndkaE whkh obn $e€t de{aiL specifrdbn. or cahtlatbn sfifls the leque*d hfonndbn. Ple6e s€nd rwislons to. the attcntbn of the phns examtner wfrh the bulding Efmt aponi:atirn number nobd. Please be sure to include on tl|e resubrflld the engfire/s or ardrids'$€F slamp. sl:{trr$tre. reoistratbn number and dab m the corer lnge d amr stnntrral cab.ffios. fl stru(tral d€tatb and structural sheets of the plarE, For aommercial or multi-famih projects all she€tg of ttE plans mu* be stamo€d. Structural Comments: 13 Revlse structural specifications to show all r€qulred Information per IBC 1603.1.4, 1603.1.5. \ 14 Revise floor live load to 100 psf for the ground floor office lobby space per IBC Table 1607,1 r15 C.oordinate new roof structure Wtfi architectural code review. Wood framing is not permitted if this ls a type I or II building per IBC ch. 6 16 Specify connection from new roof sbucture rafter, collar ties and new top phtes to the existing stucture. Also include details for over-frame areas. 17 Verify existing exterior wall constrrrction at new planter area. Include analysb of addftional soil backfill at the new planter area. If the exterior walls are wood frame construction, show compliance with IBC 2304,11.2.2. 18 Show dralnage requirements at new planter areas with IBC 1803.3 and the soils report requirements. 19 Specify special inspection required for concrete and structural masonry per IBC 1704.1.1. Indude list of inspections and name of firm to peform tests and inspection. ll€chanlcal Comtnents: 20 Include complete mechanical plans for the new snowmelt areas. Electuical CommenEr 21 Pro/ide load calc1tlation (or metering per NEC) and panel schedules for additional elecbical load. Commcnc SEE REVISED STRUCTURAL S PECIFICATIONS AS RTQURED FOR ADDITIONAL WIND LOADINC AND EARTHQUAKE INFORMATIONAND ANALYSIS COMMENT: NO INTERIOR STRUCTURAL REVISIONS AT ENTRY. LTVE LOAD DOES NOT REOUIRE REVISION Comment EXISTINC ROOF IS CONSTRUCTED WITH STEEL BEAMS AND STEEL BARJOISTS WITH PLYWOOD SHEATHINC AND 2X,l WOOD SLEEPERS AS A ROOF DIAPHRAM. IS IT LOGICAL TO PLACE A METAL STUD SYSTEM ON PLYWOOD SHEATHIG? DO YOU HAVE TO REPLACE THE PLYWOOD SHEATHINC WITTI A ROOF DECK TO SUPPORT METAL STUDS WHEN THE BALANCE OF THE THE R@F IS PLYWOOD? THE WOOD VS, METAL QUESTION MUST BE ANSWERED TO PROCEED W]TH REVISINC DETAIL. Comment .SEE #15 Comment: PLANTER lS NOW DELETED COMMENI PLAMTER IS NOW DELETED CommenT PLANTER IS NOW DELETED. COMMENC EXISTINC SNOWMELT TO BE REUSED, JUST REWORKED TO ACCOMMODATE THE REVISED PLAN THE BOILER IS EXISTING. COMMENT THE EXISTINC PANELS HAVE ADDITIONAL SPACE THAT CAN BE USED. NO ADDITIONAL LOADS ARE BEING ADDED. BOLLARDS REPLACED AND OUTLETS BEINC RELOCATED. SEE Ll FOR FIXTURE LOCATIONS. Archltectu ral Comments: Include a building code analysis for the existing building. Specify oacupancy type per IBC Ch. 3, construction type p€r IBC Ch. 6, existng building area and fire sprinkler/fire alarm information. Please include bulldhg area. height and number of stories and verify existing building construction type designation per IBC Ch. 5 and 6. Structural wood frdming is not permitH ]f the bullding b type I or II construction. If the building structure requires flre resistive rating, pro\ride the appropriate construction details for the type of construction p€r IBC ch. 6 Revbe code reftrences per note 2 on floor phn sheeb. Please refer to cover sheet for the codes adopted in the Town of Vail. Revise new stair and landing to proviJe handraib per IBC. Separate handrails are required at 34L 38" above the bead nosing. IBC 1009 Specify finish exterior landlng elevation and finlsh interior floor level at new exterior stair. IBC 1008.1.4 Specify exbting exterior wall constructlon at the proposed new planter backfill area. Show drainage per IBC and soils report. If the exterior walls are wood frame con$ruction, show compliance with I8C 2304.11.2.2. 7 Show handrails at existing stairs to lourer level garage I Specify class A" B or C fire resistlve shakes for new roofing per IBC Table 1505.1. 9 Decorative shrouds shall not be installed at the bnnlnatlon of drimn€ys for fadory-built firephces except wh€re such shrouds are listed and labeled for use with the specifrc factory built fireplace system and instalhd in accordance with the manufactuler's installation instructiong IMC 805.6 10 Specify finlsh paver elevation and interior finish floor level at the gKrund floor accessible entrance. IBC Ch. 11/ANSI 117.1 1998. ,11 Revise site/civil plans to show an accessible parklng space as required per IBC 1106. Show all grades at the accessible route ftom the parking space to the building entrance. Plans to be stamped . by the archltect, or engineer of record 12 Amend site/civll plans to show all slopes and finish grades at the new paver arcas. IBC ch. 11 and ANSI 117.1 1998. Plans to be stamped bythe architect. or engineer of r€cord. Commanc Group B Or*). R2 (4 coodos), 52 (pa*ing gEagc). Assume Type V ( I hybred syst.m). Ovcr-building the f,(tuting fl8t roofoyer Er existing strir with ! new glble roof The existinS roof construction is st€el bll joists with plt'wood sheahinS wilh 2X Commrnt 25,719.2 sf (s€e c$lcularioos included), 2 stod6 with bas€mqf and p&kitrg grrge. No eovasive constructon to !n axisting Commcnt OK S€e Evisod olans 4/5/06 Comment OK See r€vised Dlms 4/5/06 Commcrc OK sec revis€d Comment ProDos€d Dhnt6 is deld€d Commant OK sce exisius rcviscd CommanE Sec A4, Clsss B shskes to match Comm!nt: Commcnts ok S€e revisrd Ll Comment: ok Sce revised L l. cxisting HC and accessibl€ ersde to C.omment OK See Fvised Lt 22 Show bnnch circufting for new luminarles. 23 Show new luminaire specifkation on drawing. 24 Shour how lightlng b controlled. 25 Proride addltional informatlon for new snowmelt (i.e., electrical or hydronk) pb- rtacr b tlE ouc. 3h..t tor hnn Uon or |t3.rbmltlhg Dbna. In ordcr b .rold dGLyt lr l$u.rE oa r p.rfl t plce drcf dl rqu€Ed hnonn dor b hrcludd wlth tfi6 rcaubmltd Can* Pbr. robmft rwbad pLnr tt. complcta t.t. P.rdal pLn rEubmltLl3 wlll not b€ rrvhurcd, CommCnT E}<ISTING HYDROMC TO ONLY BE REWORKED TO FTT THE NEW PLAN Deqrtment of Communv hveloryent Building Safety and Insprtion Seruices 75 South Frontage R@d Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970479-2452 www.vailgov.com ASBESTOS TESTTNG REQUTREM ENTS THE TOWN OF VAIL AND STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF PUBUC HEALTH REQUIRE ASBESTOS TESTING ANY TIME WHEN MORE THAN 160 S.F. OF MATERTAL WILL BE DISTURBED OR REMOVED. AN ASBESTOS TESTAND REPORT IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPUCATION FOR ALL REMODEL, ADDMON OR OTHER PROJECTS INVOLVING ANY DEMOLITION OR REMOVAL OF BUILDING MATERIALS THAT MAY CONTAIN ASBESTOS. BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED AFTER OCTOBER 12, 1988 THAT HAVE NO ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS ARE EXEMPT. A COPY OF THE REPORT MUST BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APruCATION r I have included the asbestos test and repoft with my building applicant signature AB o I ceftifo my project will not disturb or remove more than 160 s f. of_bglLdjlg-matelgl. The construction plans submitted with my application clearly indicate this information. (This will be verified during plan review, and will delay your project if found to be inaccurate) applicant signature OR r The buildino was constructed after October 12. 1988. The date applicant signature ,tvlb (,lJ2l_ny -Frel o* .)4; L of construction was ir\ie"c1| nS5oE.4x.|o z/of n""--RepJ'n Sttoti&t * Cla.^, original construction date o.\ ".'.\y r.-\i-' \or \ t \t$h€S \ftK€- ctr\Rn1e5 \ rl\J F:\adev\FoRMS\Permits\Building\buildinguoermit_l 1-23-2005. DOC Page 3 of 14 11123/zms o WHEN A'PUBLTC WAY PERMrr" rS REQUTRED ptEAsE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLIOWTNG QUESTIONS REGARDTI{G THE NEED FOR A .PUBLIC WAY PERMTT": Is this a new residence?YES- NO Does demolition work being pertormdfuuire the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or pubtic property? YES / Is any utility work needed? YES N O / / Are there any improvements being done to the driveway? YES y' NO- Is a different acess needed to the site otfrer than the existing ariu.*"feJNO Is any drainage work)6ing done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property? YES_ NO / ,/ Is a "Revocable Rightof-Way Permit'required? YES- NO ,/ o o o ts the nigft/of-Way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? YES t/ NO ./It answerrft. NO, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works? YES__/_ NO_ If you have answered YES to any of these questions, a'Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permif applications may be obtained at the Public WorK office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any qr.restions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 970479-2L98' Job or project *ur", f\ 8*iK S Vo,,\ -- 5*\**,o. K*.^Jd Datesisnd: 7/r/06 ry fu Lnl'R nuj w )trrard *z'4,,,--o' i"fil!;#*!rcffiffa,*b, ANq ANSWERE\ALL THE ABOVE QUESTTONS. Contractor Signature C., mpany Name F: kdev\FORllS\Permit5\Building\buildirq-permit_1 1-23-2005. DOc BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) revion and approval, a Planning Department revievrr or Health Depaftment review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated Ume for a btal rwiew will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or srnall) and all multFfamily permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentjal and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary revie4 these projects may also take three (3) weeks to rryieur and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date. that I must still pay the plan check fee and $at if I fail to do so it rnay affect firture permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: project na^", {iza+ ,fu^ k of 0*'l f,{karb* Rn noao? oare, 7 /'rle F :\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Build,ng\buildi ng_.permit_l 1 -23-2005. DOC Page 4 of t4 Itl23l2Ws Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of C.ommunity Development Prcject Name: ProiectAdress: Thb Checklist must be compleM b6orc a Euilding Hrmit apoliation is aceofud. All pages of application is complete{ \7 Nhl $V" N: , { Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy of approval form \ o7 ConOominium Association letter of-qpp1gy3l3$ac,lecl[gloject is a Multi-Family complex ' d Complete site plan submifted . r A.4* .t[ a/sblic Way Permit application irrcluded if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) UUI aa J/dpt' d Staging plan included (refer to Public Work checklist) No dumoster,oarkinq or material storaoe . allowed on roadways and shoulderc without written aoproval \\ o4rOestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring InAJtfr $$.6;.1. .,jo-ej- 6, -lO' .d Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) U\ o Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(S sets of plans for Multi-Family and' \ Commercial Buildings) Window and door schedule Full strucfural plans, induding design criteria (i.e.loads) Stucttlral Engineer stamp and signahlre on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) -soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quanUty offireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: F: kde\,\FoRMS\Permib\tuilding\buildingurermit_l f -23-2m5.DOC Page 2 of 14 ru23lzaos *********f'i+f*****+****a***f**fa**a+l*t******+***rft***+'l**+r***+++l'**++****++***+f+**+***** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Nuriber: R050000197 Amount: $1,828.94 03/03/200602 r58 PM Palment Method: Check Init: iISNotalion: 2573 IEI'OYD CUSTOM BUII,DERS Permit No: BO5-0037 Tl'I)e: AI)D/ALT COMM BITIIJD PER!fT Parcel No: 2101-071-0700-1. Site Address: L7 VAIIJ RD VAIIJI,ocation: FIRST BATiIK OF \TAIIJ Total Feee: $4,645.69ThiE Palment: 91,828.94 Total eLL PmtsB: $7,828.94Balancer $2,816.75*'t*'i****tft*ltf++**l*fff+*a*tf**'ll*++*+a***t**tt'i**{'t{rlr+fl|'{t+tl*t*ttt+***l******+l**++ll+**+ ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deecription Curreng Pmts PF OO1OOOO31123OO PIJAIV CHECK FEES t , 82e .94 . .r., r.r r . c.cr . ..Lrirc, .r r I . ftJH'pitt Urct.t('|f,l.net||Jt1< I l.€i lurun I I fu{rulala l-Jh|0. Sl5l/l,l,r p. Z/4t Design Revierr Eoard ACilOT FORH DeDErtnelt d Corlrilroav DerElapment 75 Srr$ FrottttoE [oild, VEIL dorrdo 815t tfi;: 1l7g-+8.27i19 fa: g70.*7lr.Z+s:2 ilEh ril.t|ilgor-cdt P|lteClilrc FnSTSAK Prlit|tD.FiFon: gnEilu!|E! DRBG06IS! Lddlt FINSTBATKOFVAIL CHAlreE ilI THE APPROT'ED PI.|NS GTrqll'GCPAE PI'II ATID E.WAIIOT{S) Frrtidt il- q,U\ER. FIRSIBI}fl(OFVAL '2IL6T?GCJO FIR TEANK TIOTDIT{G @ POE)X 1C[97 I.AIGt,Ifix)D co @15 APPUCANT $l(llltDOt{ At{D tl0Pfn3, ARCHflElzlrSl?trF PtsE: 971}r17F2201 Po mr$.(t VAIL @ 81658 Ueose;@u10O163 ARCflIIECr $pYyuottl At{D }1ofi(n6, ARCIOTEf2/$nS Flg,E', CIO17F2,rOL PC' g'x:rHo VAIL @ E16s8 lieme:o(lmoDEts FOiGCt A''||'g; 17 VAIL RD VAIL rega nrsiedom Lots Gthd.: grffic|! l.E@ilxt Farcd furficr: 2101{71-O70Gt Oqnrglts: HodonE: sEcard ryYG: Gordillons: BOTRDASTAFErlOII Liloll! SItFfiAPR hbdfsFo'reh 0f25f2006 ffi:8(nril): rF dtcrEpl b ttE pbns rrray be mde wlhout the wriHt consent of Town of va[ sEfiand/s thc eppoprtac rwts|r @mrru.tEe(s). Sord: o : (f,lJl{): DRF appruval dE ttot €otdFrF. petnt tor buldnE- Please ensdt r|itst iuur bf val Buntfrrg Ffigmel Fbr b FfFlfrEr dvrks. Cond:201 DRB .ppra,al shal rd bcnE €s ltr Zo fi6 ftlhdrng rl|e date d aPF rdl. @td,:82 r dnu Frr r co. cErE otl r r . attrr'uii ubr\Jr. .uN&ti.]1( It|:tlurFn I u ru tutfbr l-t!No.stst/uuJ P, 3/4( APF owl d $b ProtsCt st t bpee and becpme rdd orc (1) fear fo[ortrg Ute €E. of thdapgoaL untsss e bfldlE pemritisG$fd and qrSr$n iscuyrrrsd an! b dlbendy purred br,Ettl ccnpEdoo. @r@t{000780!lftbb th€ Ftrane da hrUltE Frflit tlE appltsant shail rwise tfie se/bnrhcape pla so the #rrdk b rp hss ttun 5 f€€t in vrldtfi, Phnts: BilIGibDn DRBFeePaid: $zo.OO * l" 4-' $"pf.'^^ -)1,4- fo OKffi h"r-:*rl'o"' a,*7'' Birt 6;bs-'n-, Yl@a','p"J " &rv,J"r A- f 1uo*+d @*t' Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of omplete text are available upon request) CODE 5-2-10: DEPTOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED / Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, ditt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any stpet, sidewal( alley or public place, or any portion thereof. u/ Notice; Abatemenh The Director of Public Works may notify and require any person who violates or @uses anotter to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Dircctofs employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top rcmove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by tlre Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not omply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may ctluse any s.rch sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt snoMr, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at ttre expense of the notified. q/ Summons and Penalty: As an altematirre to the notice for removal provided in subsedion B above' any person who violates or ciuses another to violate the same, may be issud a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon beirg found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section 14-1 of this code. q/ Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Work, as provkled in subs€ction B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section 14-1 of this C-ode. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A-l AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUI{DI'|EI|TAUT}IORIZED q/ No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place wihin this Municipality in such a manner or uncler such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (ord. 2(1e68) 5 1) il Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a Molation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescriH by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42{-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or ctuse it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, ard the chargres for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be dnrged to the owner of the vehide in addition to a bn dollar (g10) impoundment dnrSe. (Ord. 2(1%8) $ 3: Otd. 28(1981) 5 1) I have read and will oomply with the above code Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed: F:/everyone/fomvbld 06 F: \ade\r\FoRMS\Permits\Brilding\buildiru_pemtt_ r 1-23-2005. DOC Page r0 of 14 ttl23l20fE Jt-;\l- Lz-1wb L(.EL ll-F Lrtu | tsLl-l c&6tecr, HEPWORTH . PAWLAK GEOTECH NICAL June 12,2006 Fioyd Custom Builders Atra: Judy Sauford P.O.Box 1957 Vaii. Colorado 81658 P.td2/94 Hepworrh-/awlal (-.-colcii:iricai. ln: 502O C,rrunr v Roa<i i 51 GienwooC $erings. Coirrr.rtic 8l 501 Phone, 970-9{ l- l(.tiit: Fax: 970-945-&54 crnail: hpgrrr@hp8eoiecit,con goL' c\n,,kb*[- Job No. i05 0557 Subiect Observatio'n of Excavation" Proposed Entry Slab, West Side of lst Bank of Vail Building lTYaiI Road Vail, Colorado Dear Ms. Sanford: As rcquccted, arepresc,lrtative of Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Iac. observ'ed the excavation at the subjcct site ou June 1,2ffita oraluate the soils exposed for for:ndation supeort. The findilgs of our obseorations and rccorn-endatioqs ftrr the foundation design are prcscnted in this report The seirrices were perfonned in acconlurce witb our agreenreDt for profcssional angiaeering scvices to Floyd Cuslori Builders,'dated Juoe 7' 2006. The prnposed 6 foot by E foot eotry slab will be supported by 4 foot deep cMUblo<* stern walls on spread footiug foundations dcsi$ed for an assurned soil bcagilg pn'essure of 1..000 psl The bank has a full basonrent lwel. Thc proposed bearing levei is on fomdation wall bacldll. We rmdcrstand that tbe CMU walls and coacrete footing will be dou-elled iil6 ftg cxisting foundatioo wall Ar the tine of our visit to the site, tbe forurdation cxcavation had bea cut in one lwcl &om 4 to 5 fcet bclow the adjaccnt ground surface. Thc soils txposed in the hottom of tte ercavation oonsisted of dart bronrn, vsy moist, sandy clay with gravel ii.ll. Results of swell-consolidation tcsting per:forrrcd on a sample taken fronr tho site,, shown orl Figrue f . iadicate the fil soils are moderately to higlrly cosryressl:ble under conditi<m-s of loading and rvetting. No Aee water was mcountered in tbe excavation- C;onsidcring the conditious grposed in the cxcarmtim and the nature of the proposul colstnrctio& spread footilgs placed on thi uodisturbed natural soil dcsigntri for an allo*able so'il i*tiog got o" of 1,0fi) psf ca bc uscd for nppolt of the proprosed catrl' slab provided the risk of scttlerneot is rmdcrstood by the owner. The crposed fill soils tcnd io compress whcn loaded md there could be sornepost-cortstructim seulerncnt of the foundation qr the ordq of 3Yoto 4o/o of thc dcath of fill below the footings, assuned to.t e at lcast 4 feet tong tcrm sdtlement of I |1 to 2 inches should be cxpeced. Footings should bc aoinimrlrr width of 16 inicles fc continuous walls. Loose and disturbed soils in footing reas should be compar*cd prior to forming the footing. To reduce the risk of loag tarn senlcnreo! thc bundation wall baclcfill could bc rcrnoved below design footing grade and the footing could be extended down to the rmdisturbed oahrral sttiis. As an Parker 3Cl-841-71L9 . (irloradosprings 719-633-5562 c $ilv61{14,rne 9?0-468-1989 Jtt*-|?-m l?:a2 H-P GEOTECH P.63/64 Floyd Custom Builders Iune 12,2006 Page 2 altsnative, rhe footing could be supporred with helical piers driilcd to rcfr-sal in the underlying dens" gr"rril soils which probabty support the existing bank foundarion. ft1e5i91 f66tings should beprovided witb adequafe soil cove. ahove their peadng elevations for.iost protecti&. Continuous foundation walls should be reioforced top and btjitom to spao locai anomalies zuch as by assuming an un-supported lengJtJr pf at least 6 ft=t. Backfill placed around'the structr.ue should be courpucirerland thc surface graded to preveot pondiirg within at least l0 feet of the building. Landscape tlat rlyys reguiar ite.ny irrig"tloi such as sod, and sprinklo heads should nol be located within 5 feet of the foundation The reconmcndatioos eubnitted in this letter arc based ou our observatiotr of ihe soils ercposcl within fte foundatioa ercavation and do not include subsu.-face exploration to er.aluate the subsurface conditioris within thc toaded depth offoundatiou irtfluence' This stircly is based on thc assr.urption that soils beocath the footings h.ave cqual or better su6,ort th"" 6ose elxposed. The risk of forrndation movernent may be gleatel tha[ inificatee in tnis rcport bccsuse of possible variations in the subsurfacc condiuons' We shc'uld be infomei of variations in thc subsoil conditions whicb could change the recbronrendations crntaincd in this lcttr. If you have my gu€stiorrs q necd further assistancg please call our office' Sincerely, HNPWORTTT - PAWLAI( GEOTCHMCAL, INC. Daniel E. Hardi!, P DEH/law' attachmcqt Fisu Tcst Results MJM Structural Engiaecrs - Attn: Mart MueUer Job'n-rr 106 0557 cstech Jf..ht-12-u6 t7tg2 H-P C€OTECH P.A4/64 Moisture Content = 21.6 Dry Density = 1Qz percent trcf Sample sf: Sandy Clay with Gta\rel (iil) From: Footing Grade, Noilh Side of axcavation I I I No mo\€rnent/ upon wdtiilg II ( ) \ \ 5zIao,tIJEa- o() 0.1 10 100 APPUED PRESSURE ( I(sf ) 1.0 106 0557 SWETL-CONSOU DATI ON TEST RESULTS FIGURE 1 TOTA- P.64 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 OWNER FTRSTBANK OF VAIIJ C/O FIRSTBANK HOIJDING CO PO BOX 150097 LAKEWOOD co I02t-5 APPI-,ICA}IT SHAW ELECTRIC P O BOX 1-451 AVON CO co 81520 License: 106 -E COMIRACTOR SI{AW EIJECTRIC P O BOX 14 51 AVON CO co 81,620 IJi-cense: l-0 6 -E Desciption: INSTALLLANDSCAPE LIGHTING Valuation: $10.m0.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: l7 VAIL RD VAIL Location.....: FIRST BANK OF VAIL ParcelNo...: 210107107001 Project No , ?RS6:; <>lil Permit #: Status . . Applied . Issued. Expires . E06-0079 d>cr.' cto l'-J . : ISSUED . : 0511812006 . : 05/18/2006.: ll/L4l2006 05/!8/2006 05/L8/2005 Phone: 970-925-3358 05/78/2006 Phone: 97o-926-3358 AND NEW HEAT TAPE Souare feet: 0 Electrical-----* > DRB Fee-------- > Investigation--- > Will Call------- > TOTAL FEES-- > $218.50 $0.00 s0-00 $221, -sO s0.00 s22r .so s22r.so 90.00 FEE SUMMARY *****+:ti:!+*+****:*:*:*'t***:***'********x(*)k***t(**)t**x:**:*****:*:***:*:** Total Calculated Fees- > Additional Fees---------- ) Toal Permil Fee*--- > Payments----------------- > BALANCE DUE-__-_ > Approvals: Item: 06000 ELECTRICAIJ DEPARTMEIfT 05/18/2006 shahn Action: AP IICM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (B]-,DG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *r.{.+*{.++,*+'t**xx*i(+,***x++*****+l*lt**r.+*,*+{.i.+:tl'*'t++'t*+*t<**,*+****+******)**'(**,t'(*x(x.**i<+**,t+)},***:t******************* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OLrR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 **,!*********+*******+*+******f*++'}************i'|.*'!++*{'*+{'********{'***++**++*******t*l*t+**f+ TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statem€nt 't't***f***i"t*,1'l****{''1'{.+,}t****t+*,*'t********+'}'t**'tt'+****t*******ftf*tt****,}*******************t Statement Number: R060000534 Payment Method: Check L4L78 Amount: $221.50 05/Le/200604229 PMInit: DDG NoEatsion: Shaw ElecE,ric Permit NorParcel No:Site Address : Irocation: Thie Payment: 805 - 0079 2101-071-0700-1 17 VAIIJ RD VAII' FIRST BAIiIK OF \ZAII. l22L.sO T!T)e3 ELECTRICAL PERMIT TotsaI Fees:Total ALL Pmts : Balance ! $221. s0 F22r -50 90.00 Current PmtsE ACCOI.]NT TTEM LIST: Account Code EP 00100003111100 wc 00100003r.12800 DeEcription ELECTRICAI, PERMIT SEES WILI' CAIJIJ INSPEETION FEE 218.50 3.00 FROM :SHAI,J ELECTRIC ,ffi FRX NO. t9?A9263354 l'1as. 17 AAAE ATiLSPll P1 fJe )lj32 )77 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, Colorado 81657 EIfCTRICAL VALUAION: $AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE: robAddrcss: 11 VaiJobNamei f I n ,, t/-' I r<f laart lK V Qt WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel( ) n"paitt I f.mptuwt t ffi*(f Do€s an EHU e"ist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interhr ( ) Exterior ( X) Both ( ) ffiruffifi ) Duptex( ) Mutu-frmttyl-l- commetal 0Q Restaurant( ) ofiar( ) tlo. of ec-mrmOatlon Units in thB buMing:No. of Erisilng Dwelling, Units in this building: ffiYes(l) N9 *ir**r*t*x'rrr**rr.rriirt***t*******ttTFOROFFICE USE O|{LY**i * *r r r rrr rrllll'llljlTfJ l l1 .4 *l TOWN 1? 2006 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 816s7 970-479-2138 Job Address: Location.....: Parcel No.. .: Legal Description: Project No : OWNER APPLTCAI\T| CONTRACTOR Desciption: REPLACE SNOWMELT PIPING Valuation: $20.000.00 Fireolace Information: Restricted; '!? FIRSTBANK OF VAII-, C/O FIRSTBANK HOLDING co PO BOX 150097 I,AKEWOODco 802]_s AST & MCFERRIN PIJI]MBING &, HE'O4/1.7/2006 P.O. BOX 1303 EDWARDSco 8L632 License : 2O2-P AST & MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HEO4/1,7/2005P.O. BOX 1303 EDWARDSco 81-6 3 2 License : 202-P P06-0028 3oc -oo 3l ISSUED 04n7t2006 05102/2w lo/29t20p/6 Phone:. 97O-925-5862 Phone : 97 0-926-5862 #ofGas I-oss: 22 fof wood Patlet: ?? DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT 17 VAIL RD VAIL FIRST BANK OF VAIL 210107107001 \'RsO5 -o/.-7 \ Permit #: 04/17 12006 # of Gas Appliances: ?? x(xd(*:i+*'* *** *+l(**.*:*,1.*,***1.**r! 't,t*t+i<{.'*1.+*:1.*t!{.+*t"}**+*'i,1.*+*:t***+****+*:*:***:ir:t*1.+*:*,***+:i***+* FEE SUMMARY Plumbing--> Plan Check-- ) Investigation- > Will Call----- > $300.00 Resnrarant Plan Review- >$?5.00 TOTALFEES-------------> $0.00 $3-OO $0.00 Total Calculated Fees*-> $3?8.00 Additional Fees------ > Total Permit Fee------ > Payments------:--- > BALANCE DUE------ > $3?8. O0 $o. oo 9378.00 $378.00 so. oo Item: 05L00 BUTLDING DEPARTMEM| 04/L7/2O06 JS Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond:12 (BL,DG.): FIEL,D TNSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required. completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Buildi Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTI HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4?9-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 * * *,1. * *** * * * * * * * * **** * * * **** * * * * * * * *** * * * * * ***** * **** ******* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement*++*t *,t * t****1.** * * *,! * * ** * * * **:t(**:* *,t '14N. * ***** * * * ** * + * * * * * * * * ***+*********! * * * **+*,8*:t******* * * * * Amount: $378.0O 05/02/200603 :34 PMInit: LCNotation: #705281A5T & Statement Numbe.r: R050000499 Payment Method: Check MCFERRIN Permit No: P06-0028 T)4)e: PLUMBING PERMTTParcel No: 2LOL - 071, - 07 OO - fSiIe Address: 17 VAIL RD VAII,Location: FIRST BANK OF VAf I-,Total Fees:This Pa)rment:$378.00 Tot.al- AI,IJ Pmts: Balance : ** * * * **** * * * * * * * *+*** * * **** * * * * * ** * ****** * * * ************+:k*********+**:t***+*****+**:l*****i.*t( $378.00 $378.00 $0.00 Current Pmts ACCOLINT ITEM LIST: Account Code PF 00100003112300 PP 00100003L11100wc 001000031_12800 Description PI.,AN CHECK FEES PI.,UMBf NG PERMIT FEES WILL CAII.,, INSPECTION FEE 75.00 300.00 3.00 Rpr 14 06 O9:28a NWNMUAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Golorado 81657 Hst & l'lcFenn i n Inc s70 -s26 -5863 APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSI Project #: p.1 Fo6.oo7.B Building Permit #: Plumbing Permit #: 970-479-2t49 TOWN OF VAIL PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Plumbing Contractor: Asr & l4eFeRtu u PLM . kltTa- Town of Vail Reg. No,: zoTP $E:Ei;\T[i.'"h#qo+5ltoL E-Mail Address; anSa - rncleffin O_emca>f. n4;7 Contractor Signature: M COMPIETE VATUATION FoR PLUMBING PERMr-r (Labor & Materials) PLUMBTNG: $ ( ftPPR|Y) fu ,000,oo Contact Assessorc Ofllce at 97O-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # JOb NAMC: fiBSr BANK Otr VNIL robAddress: rl vnrLRD. . vqrL,c7.8165v Legal Description Loe G Block:Filing:sub divisi o n t frg sffi ' VAt L V t UA< Owners Nur",FlpS'ZANU Address:6* t sffirt,u@,Jffiff&.11 enone: Ensineer: rt1U6u-QCD, . I NL,Address: Ao* z7ryl JAlt tl'Phone: qV6_26?:7 Debailed description RCPWE of work: SNourz(ELr ?thnlG WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration ldeepair( ) C/ljnr( ) TypeofBldg.:Single-family( ) Duplex( ) Multi-tumily( ) Commercial 1,zf Resburant( )Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( "f *****'t*************t*******************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY************************************* ^R4lu Page 9 4:18 pm ___-- -- -Vait. CO-: CitY of Reouested Inspect Date: Wednesday, August 09' 2006' Insoeclion Area: CG"'-Site Aaoress: 17 VAIL RD vAl!- . -..FIRST BANK OF VAIL A/P/D lnformation Activitv: 80G0037 - TYPe: A-COMM Const Tvo6: occuPancy:-- -o'iviieii FTRSTBANK oF vAlL -NOOIiiANi: FLOYD CUSTOM BUILOEBStilFf ii*5hBIP"%'-tIRYfr 8F,?'*Blo*""rrEcrs,pc' Sub T.ype: USE: Phone: Phone: Phone: AP APPROVED AP APPROVED Action: AP APPROVED ACOM StAtUS: ISSUEDV-B- Insp Area: CG 970-376-1151970-376-1 151 970-476-2201 DescriotioN: FIRST BANK OF VAIL-MISCELLANEOUS EXTERIOR""""Ni5ii;d, biblqlna pian, tiara coniiol Ftan ano coiilrJ€ti€n-scQe ..I RACK E4AND IN Ftt ING COMM Requested lnspection(s) lnspectlon Historv Item: 10 BLDG-Footinqs/Steel 06/'14106- lngpec Nail .* Aporoved "-rEr- - 'tiXhin[iY new Gable roof . 20 30 AND PUBLIC WORKS - JSUTHER REPT131 Run Id: 5571 ?9,3?#ou In"p""tl:fl,F"dyF",,t n:portrng t"n" n Requested Inspect Date: Wednesday, August 09,2006Inspeclion Area: CG Site Address: 17 VAIL RD VAIL FIRST BANK OF VAIL A/P/D Information Activitv: 806-0037 Tvoe: A-COMMConst TvP6: Occuoahbv:Owrier: FIRSTBANK OF VAILApolicant; FLOYD CUSTOM BUILDERSCohtractor: FLOYD CUSTOM BUILDERSArchitect: SNOWDON AND HOPKINS, ARCHITECTS, P.C. Status: lnsp Area: ACOM V-B Description: Nbtice: Comment: Comment:Comment: Comment: Requested Inspection(s) Item: 50Item: 60Item: 70Item: 90Item: 530 Item Item Item Item Item Item Item 540 BLDG-Final22 PLAN-ILC FF comments sent,. CGUNION 5326?2 537 538539 Sub T.ypeuse Phone: 970-376-1 151Phone: 970-376-1 151 Phone: 970-476-2201 T Item: 540 BLDG-Final G/OReouestor: FLOYD CUSTOM BUILDERS . CoryimeLts: plqqt.q4Slq4pJso scheduled, requested JR, will callAssiqnedTo: JMONDRAGON- Action: Time Exo: Requested Time: 09:00 AM' Phone: 390-8995 1/2 hour ahead. ask Diane for info.Entered Bv: DGOLDEN K Inspection History Item: 10 BlDc-Footinos/Steel *" Aooroved ""06/14106* Insoector: JRM Action: AP APPROVEDComment: FOOTERS APPROVED FOR REAR PATIOItem: 20 BlDc-Foundation/Steel '* Aoproved *- 06/16/06 Insoector: JRM ' Action: APAPPROVED : OF VAIL.MISCELLANEOUS EXTERIOR IMPROVEMENTS , traffic control plan and construciion schedule has been submitted and approved by PW. FIRE AND PUBLIC WORKS - JSUTHER ISSUED - JSUTHER7\806- REPT131 Run Id: 5571 4:18 om Vail- CO - City Oi - Requested Inspoct 9ate: [ednesday, August 09, 2006- Insoec;tlon Area: CG Slte Address: 17 VAL RD VAIL FIRST BANK OF VAIL A/P/D Information Activitv: P0&0028 Tvoe: B-PLMBConstTvo6: Occuoah'cv:Ontier FIRSTBANK OF VAILApplicant: AST & MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HEATING Contractor: AST& MCFERRIN PLUMBING & HEATING Description: REPLACE SNOWMELT PIPING Reouestod Inspoc{lon(sl Time Exp: SubTgOe: ACOM Status: ISSUEDlnsp Area: CG Phone: 970-926-5862 Phone: 970-92&5862 Item: Reouestor:Coniments:Assiqned To:- Action: Reouested Time: 08:30 AMBuilders Phon€: 390€995 rg done, requested JR, ask Diane for informationEntered By: DGOLDEN K 06/19/06 Insoector:Commenl: 100#AIRT06/23106 lnsDector:Comment SNOWMELItem: 290 PLMB-Final AP APPROVED AP APPROVED Action: AP APPROVED PATIO 1OO # AIR TEST REPTl3X.Run Id: 5571 Co'$rllfilTY El,€LOFttE ll Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: FIRST BANK Project Description: Participants: OWNER DRB Number: DRB050643 CHANGE TO THE APPROVED P|-ANS (SFE/LANDSCPAE PLAN AND ELEVATIONS) RRSTBANK OF VArL t2lL6l200s gO FIRSTBANK HOLDING CO PO BOX 150097 LAKEWOOD co 80215 APPIICANT SNOWDON AND HOPKINS, ARCHITE12/16/2005 Phone: 970-476-220t PO BOX 3340 VAIL co 816s8 License: C000001763 ARCH|ECT SNOWDON AN D HOPKINS, ARCHITE 12l 15/2005 Phone ; 97 O-47 6-220L PO BOX 3340 VAILco 816s8 License: C000001763 Proiect Address: 17 VAIL RD VAIL Legal Descriptiont Loti G Block: Subdivision: B.S. CONDO ParcelNumber: 2101-071-0700-1 Comments: Location: FIRST BANK OF VAIL Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditionsl BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 0f26l2006 Cond: 8 (P[-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 a Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date . t of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. I Cond: CON0007809 Prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall retrise the sitdlandscape plan so the sidewalk is no less than 5 feet in width. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: S20.00 97A 479 33A9 P.sz nre rtvrn l fiiffil#Siffii$. rcv'cw mu* rccs've approvarp.,gt.g-Tbn'q.l1h1!E-1y1l'flf-JLig,*gM'o-glAll prolecs rellu|rng qe5|gn r€rrEw mux reqtvc cPl'ru'e' F'v' ]' -s'{sr '- on fia oesonmia---retrer ti ttre sirnnaf teqlit"mets fs tre partcuei .ppt*! ttrat ls rcquesrd' An appllcati cannot be acceped untl al rduirco rniqfiuoli ri reier'q uv rre c#rnunQ rytg*ngg*-lf;fi; il'JffiJ';;;';i-i.o,r -by d; r.y; councn anllr fre Phnnlni and EnvronmenBl csmmisslon' -- ..-re r rrrrttltra .o-i t"-l=.r.a, endicangtrudisr ommenes witftlnb"ilsn cil€u/glProval.hnaes unlE< ! bulldlng perrtfr b i51t*1$ft$ffi one yeor of tte.qppltral.,. '..,: . ,, rir rtf the I Locatlon of tte Propoe lz lo#'-- Physfcaf Addrcss: 11 | l4lL 4AD - - Parcel No.l (conEct Eagle Co. AssPssor st 970'3zE E6q0 br parcel no') 2pning: O$,ner(3) Slgnature(s): flame of Applicane Malllng Addrcss: TJPe 9t Rad'ewand Fee: $50 No Fee N 17o or "cuq. Addliort O Minor Ahration (multi-famlV/cannrerdal) E( Mlnof Allenton ' (singlefamtly/duplet). tr Ch.nges b Apgroved.Plans $650 .$m $2s0 g$ $1,00 per squarc frot of @l sgn area ' For con$uctlqr of a nsv bulldhg or detfle/rebuild';;;;ilffi;ere sqrFr€ dage r iaaa b anv restdential 0r ;#A]:bddlng tiJtts xo tddtlom & tnnrbr orueniom)' #;-tnilctt;ng.tG buftllngs and sits lmpto€mens, sqch as' rJ#iffi, ;iiu^t -finL,il ioa,tiorn, landsopltts' hnces and rctalnlng unlb, etc";;fii#.h#G to orrlldlngs and cte tmpomrncrF' su$ ae Effi;;p.l".[ns wincoil aoottons' landsaplng' fencee and ' reblilnE wallt etc'g2o For revuorrs b dans alreadv agtrotd ry flannlng Sff or E|e' DesiJn REdevBoad' Notu $20 TOIqL P.A2 * * * + * ***t**++* **'t********* +* *************i****++*****+* * + + * * + * * * * + * * * * * *********** * **+* * * * * * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement * * * * * * * ++**** *{.l.*t*******'1.,1.** *** * ** ****+*'1.* ++** **** * + + + * * * + + *'}'}'t+ **'i*:}*+*+*+++,t***'}*,}***** * * sE.atement Number: R050002180 Amount: $20.00 t2/76/2OO502:19 PM Palrment Method: HOPKINS ARCH Check Init : lTS Notation: 432QISNOWDON & Permit No: DRB05 0643 Type: DRB- Chg to Appr PLans Parcel- No: 2L0L-07L-07 00 -LSiTe Address: 17 VAII, RD VAIL LOCAtion: FTRST BANK OF VAII, This Payment:$20.00 Total Fees:Total AL,L, Pmts :Balance: 50.00 * *** **** * * * + + * * * * * * **************+**++* * t * * * * * * * * * ******* * * * ******:*:*:t*i. *'1. '1.:i * {. * * * ** * * * t} * '}***,t ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DeEcriDt ion Current Pmts DR 001000031L2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 920.00 $2o. oo Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com January 12,2006 Pam Hopkins PO Box 3340 Vail, CO 81658 RE: First Bank - 17 Vail Road/Lot G, Vail Village Filing 2 Dear Pam. The Town of Vail Staffhas reviewed the desigr review application for changes to the previously approved remodel and landscaping for the First Bank at 17 Vail Road. The proposed changes must be revised to address the following: o The sidewalk shall not be less than 5 feet in width at any point.r There shall be no net loss in landscape area from existing conditions.r A construction staging plan and construction schedule must be submitted to the Town of Vail Public Works Deparfinent for review and approval prior to the issuance of a building permit. If you have any questions or comme,nts, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, a-/-,/z-- zv.-z)z-- Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail CC: Sherry Dorward {p }"'""o '^'"^ Jul 18 OS O1:46p Snouldon&Hopkins Rrchitect FW. s€{ Jummary --Jt' ------ Forwarded Message Fromi Sam Ecker <samecker@comcast.net> Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2005 10:48150 -0600 To:'Pam Hopkins' <pam@snowdonhopkins.com> Subfect area summary Hl Pam, I'm faxing a signed coPY too. Sam p-? ?/ 14i05 I t:s0 AN{ Gore Range Surrveying,LLc 953 Souih h$ntitq no* Utcrt Suite. roi Vril. {OS#Jr. oroi 4ts{69E. tilt{*$ +rr"so5l 6/27tos t I Pam Hopkins I Snorrydon Hopkins Archltects IRe: B.S. Condominiums,Vail, colorado i Site mverage summary | I itlilJ#;" the Improvement Location Certificate for the subject site, prepared June 15, zlos ro' slte coverase' The foltowing is a summary of my flndings. I Total parcel area=21,194 sq. ft. I I Areas of landscaping = 5,550 sq, ft. I fueas of concrab sidewalls and steps = 1,448 sq' ft. I (total=6,998q. ft)= q+1o I Please feel free to contact me ifl can be of any firther assistance' ISrncerd, I ISamEckor,PLS l ------ End of Forwarded Message ffi I0I/\IN0f li.{[ry Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: t IRST EAqK DRB Number: DR8050308 Project Descriptionr EfiENDING ROOF OVERHANG, DORMER CHANGES, STONE VENEER, LANDSCAPING Pafticipants: owNER RRSTBANK OF VAIL 0612812005 CiO FIRSTBANK HOLDING CO PO BOX 150097 LAKEWOOD co 80215 APPUCANT SNOWDON AND HOPKINS, ARCHITE06/28/2005 Phone: 970-476-220L PO BOX 3340 VAIL co 81658 License: C000001763 Project Addressr 17 VAIL RD VAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: G BIockr Subdivision: B.S. CONDO Parcel Number: 2101-071-0700-1 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion Byr HANLON Action! APPROVED Second By: DUNNING Vote: 5-0 Date of Approval: 0712012005 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO Jun 21 05 lOz2?a I0l{4\l Snoudon&Hopk i ns Rnch i t€ct M inor Exterior Alterations p.2 I I i tt, AalffW t n 1f ?@f_Ip aAF q fuf?r, 4fr,lNV qft\lf uANW?l 70 4'T? 1 Nlr t ft* ftH'/., .F€iL4l.lD40,tppBet l\l Location of the Froposah 1.et1-9bc:-----Jtbdf6io^, b,4.(WDe t UklL , CO ' J.---.Lv\,ql|v1|v|lrlGr|vP!J)Ct|r}i7\.-9[|,!(.JJlft'!l|Y|>|9||,Wwv'h physicalAddress, l'l Uhtt -fa*r> - W Parcel No.r f til 011?J2!l:-U2(Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no,)o(/l Hffil91 wo 00 Type of Review and Fee:f, Signs i Conceptual Review I New ConstructionD Addition ft Minor Alteration' (multi-family/cornmercial) fl l'1inor Alteraticn (sir,gle-famlly/duplex) I Changes to Appfoved Plans E Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is addeC to any residential or conlmercial building (includes 250 additions & interiof conversions). $250 For minor changes to bulldings and srte improvements, such as,- re-roofing, paintlng, window addltions, landscaping, fences and retaining rvalls, etc, $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaininq walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board, No Fee Application for Design Review Department of Community oevelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.2452 web: wwrAr.vallgov.com General Information: All prolects requiring design review must receive apprwal prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all requlred hformation ls received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. -l Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within n t one year of th€ approval. \ n6.-Fihli^- aG.tsrra Enarrna,, E&,fb^llr,rlJz^ Ejffi tl)W)+AN//rd, . y'*L*U-tN,a V Zoning: Name(s) of Own,er(s)l Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Addfessl E-mail Address: outQo. - tFonka-s r,reetine oate: ?- z.' ' o S - oou *0., D &Bof d No: i?og:_LZ?l 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2138 FAX970-479-2452 COMMI.INITY DE YEL OPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEE T TO: Qarn COMPAIry NAME: FAXTELEPHONE NUMBER: lt. t II ltt\rt vI. t.)a | | # oF PAGES rN DOCUMENT (NOT INCLUDTNG COVER SHEET) DATE: ila RESPONSE REQUIRED? SENT BY TOWII OF VAIL COMMTjNITY DEVELOPMENT FAx # g70479.2452 TOWN OF YAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TELEPIIONE #--g7 O-47 y2138- SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES:f:.tl Ba*l oo& nt((e./ F: E\TERYONE\FORMS\FaxShecr It--t1 -'.-i'1clFAXTELEPHONENUMBER, L/ /TTA-/ / I FROM: 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970-479-2138 FAX970-479-2452 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO: COMPANY NAME: DAT.E: # OF PAGES IN DOCUMENT NOT INCLUDING COVER SHEET) RESPONSE REQUIRED? SENT BY TOWII OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FAX # 970-479.2452 TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TELEPHONE # _97 V47 9.2138-- SPECIAL COMMENTS AND NOTES: F:EVERYON E\FORMS\FaxSheet *a******tf*ttf**+ii++a**+i**++*+*ta*********ai++ta+++****+**ta****i++tt++++*****t**t+f+***++ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Stsatement llunber: RO5OOoO953 Atnount: S250.00 06/28/2OO5O?:33 A&l Payment Method: Check rnits: iISNotation: 588/sNoglDoN HOPKINS Permit No: DRBOsO3OB T142e: DRB-Minor AIt, Comm/Mu1tiParcel No: 2101- 071- 0700-1Site Address: 17 VAIL RD VAIL,Location: FIRST BAIIK OF \rAIL ToCaI Feea: 5250.00Ttrle Payrnenc: $250.00 ToEaI ALL Fmts: $250.00Balance: $0. OO++*++f**tf++a***+'*l*fl'**+ff**l'**a+t*+rf*l+lat*t+at++*+++t*+f++**a**t+***+*+**********+ll}**** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3TT22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 250.00 PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Material ColorBuilding Mat€rials Roof Sding Other Wall Malerials F6cia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dec* Rails Flues Fbhing Chimne),s Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Phase specifo the manufacturor's name, the color name and number and atlach a color chip. n X lat\W l'teoD Page 6 of 12lMlUlA4 Botanlcal l{ame PROPOSED ]ANDSCAPING Common l{sme Quantity Size PrcPGED 1FEES ANDSTRLtsS E(FrltrcrREEs f%/rttC, habn ' TO BE FEIVIO\ED T I Minimum Requirements for l-andscaping: GROLT{DCO\,ER soD SEED IRRGATION TY"E OF ERGION MNTROI Dciduous Tree - 2' Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvoe Square FootagereredtelMmulch llpa&itionz yrWtuAffib A4ektrylrr^-- - - | , - | t PageT ot 12l04l01l04 lstBank Vail Proposed Planting Additions Gtty. Botanical Name Common Name Size Trces -21 Poputus temuloides Quaking Aspen 10 @ 3' to 3-112";6 @ 2'112"i 5 multi-stem clumPs 2 Picea pun(pns 1 Pinus afiilata Colorado Spruce 18-20' B&B Bristlecone Pine 6' Shrubs all 5 gal. g fuonia nlallanocarpa lroqwis fuauty Owarf Black Chokeberry 4 Betula glandulosa Bog Birch 5 Cornus slolonifera 'lsanti' lsanti Dogwood 7 Cotonea*erdivaricatus Spreading Cotoneasler 6 Mahonia aquifotium compada Compact Oregon Grape Holly 5 Pinus mugo'Big Tuna'Big Tuna Mugo Pine 5 Pinus mugo'Slowmound Slowmound Mugo Pine 6 Rrbes alpinum'Green Mound' Green Mound Cunant 6 Spiraea nipponica'Snowmound' Snowmound Spirea 20 Symfitoricarpos x doorenbosii Marlene Pink Snowberry 7 Syingameyeri'Palibin'Dwarf Korean Lilac4 wburnum renfago Nannyberry Vibumum E.f Perennials Mixed flowering perennials and ground covers June 27,2005 DRB Application Sherry Dorward Landscape Architeclure ' from Land Title (sB)Wed 25 May 2005 09:22:00 AM MDT Page 1of 9 Land Title Guarantee ComPanY C USTONIER DIS I'RI.BUTION r ,:t r x,r r\,1t r c ()frlPANI Datc: (15-25-2005 Properly Addrcss: coNDoMrNtunr uNlr'l-5 (Exc.EP[ UNI'f 3), B.S. CONDOS Otu Ordcr Number: V51m10027 vAtL, co 81657 If Vr[r bave any irquiries or rtquirt liuthcr arsistlrq pleasc c(lntact onc trf the ntm$en beltrrv: Frrr fitle Assistunce: Yail Title l)ept. 108 S. FRONTA(;E RD. W. #203 P.o. Rox 357 vAtL, CO 81657 Pboue: 97ll-476-2251 Fax: 970-476-4732 FIR-S'IBANK OF VAIL l? vAIl, R()Al) v^tr- co tr657 Attn: I'IARK RLSTOIV Plxrm': 9/11476-56lltl Far.; 970-{?9-3309 Copies: I Scnt via liar From Land Title (SB)ttlred 25 May 2005 09:22:00 AM MDT Page 2 of 9 Land Title Guarantee Company Dttt:05-25-2{r05 v50010027 Properly Address: coNDoMrNtur\r uNll'l-5 (ExcEPf uNlT 3), B.s. CoNDOS Buyer/Borrorl'er: I.'TR TRANK OI'VAIL A COLORADO CORPORAI]ION Scller/O*ner: l'rRsrsANK OF VA[-, A COLoRADO CoRPoRA'noN Our Order Number: VAII4 cO 81657 Nccd a map or dircctions for.your upcorning closing? Chc'ck out Lend fitlc's wcb sih at www'ltgc.com for directions to anv of our 54 ollice locrtions. FSTTMATIi, OF TITIiI [,T|ES Idirnrution Binder $750. OO rf Land ritfa cvat.aDree col|F'any yil: b. cfoting this trrrir.ctioD, .bov. fc.3 t"i1l bc colleargd .t thae tii,te. TorAL $750.00 fo5 tOlfACT 06/04 IIIA.IIK YOU T'OR YOUR ORDERI From Land Titie (SB) Wed 25 llay 2005 09:22:00 AM MDT Page 3 of 9 I.AI.D TI TTE CIIAFANTE CMPAI{Y lf\nruCE ( h,r'uer:FIR^STBANK OF VAtr, A COU)R{DO CORI{)RATION Propcrly Addrcss: CONDOI\tlNlUl\,1 UNIT l-5 (E)(CHI'I UNI'[ 3)' ts.S. CONDOS VAIL' CO 81657 Yorr Rel'crence No.: llhen referrirry to lhis ordcr, please rtfercnce our (Hcr No. V50010027 - CHAR(;BS. Irdi rrmatio n Birrl"r $ 150.00 --'lbtul--$1s0.00 Plensc rulit chccks payable tt: l,and Ti0c Guanrntcc Cornlnnv P,O. Box 5tl4(l Dcnver, CO tl02l7 From Land Title (sB)ItVed 25 May 2005 09:22:00 Al\l MDT Page 4 of 9 Chicago 'li0c lnsuranc Cornpony ALTA C(}MMITIVIENT Our Ordcr No, v50010027 ' Schedule A CusL Rcl.: Properly Addruis: ci)ND(xw.truM uNrr 1-5 (D(CEPT uNm 3), B.s. coND(xJ vAtr4 c{) 1t1657 l. ElTective Date: lVlay 11' 201)5 ut S:lXl P.lVl 2. Policy to tre Lssued, and ProElsed Innrrnd: L ormation tsidcr Pmposed Insurtd }'TRS.ISANK OI- VAIL A COLORADO CORI)oRA.UON 3. Ilrc estrtt or intercst in thc land described or referred to in this Commitrnent and stvered hcrein is: A FEESINIPLE 4. f itlc to thc cslatc or in[crcs( covcrcd hcrcin is at thc cffcctivc dalc hcrcof vcskd in: FIRSTBANK 0F VAtr,. A COLORADO CORI{)RATION 5. Thc land rclcrrcd to in this Commitmcnt is dcscribcd as follows: CONDOI\IINruM UNTN 1, 2, 4 AND 5, B,S. CONDON,TbIIUN,f,S ACCORD$I(; T0 TTIE ANIB}IDM CONDOIVITNIUN{ },{,{P TI,INRDOF RIICORDND OCTOR]]R 12, 1984 TN BOOK 396 AT PAGI] 878 ANI) .A,S D!]!'IN,F;D IN 'I'HI, AI\IEND-E]D AND RSSTA'TUD CONDOIINIUM DECI"ARA'I'ION RECORDED OCI'OBER 12, I9TI4 IN B(X)X 396 AT PACE tI?7, COUNTY 0F EA(;I,E, STATE 0F C()LORADO. from Land Titl e (SB)Wed 25 May 2005 09:22:00 Alti,l MDT Page 5 of 9 A LTA COMIU]'I'M-LNT ScheduleR-Sectionl (Rcquirements) I'hc follorving arc thc rcquircmcnts to bc complicd with: Our Ordcr No. V5illlllll27 Itcm (a) ltvmcnt b or for lhc account of thc granlors or rmr(geors of lhc full con idcration for Urc cslolc or iutertst tur be insruud Itcm (b) Popcr irstnmrcn(s) crcalirg lbc csltrtc or inlcrcs! to bc irsurcd ml|st bc c)tccut(d ad drrly filcd for rccord' tr-wit: llcm (c) lrlymcnt of all larcg chargcs or asscrsmcnls lcvicd ond tsscsscd lgairrjt 0lc su[lcll prcmiscs which urc duc and payat e. Itcm (d) Addidooal rcquiruncnls, if any discloscd bclow: 'I1is podlct is for irfonrratiorul prr:rposes only urd does not corsti tute any form of tille grurartee rror insurarre. The liubilily of thc compaly slrall m( crcccd lhc chargc paitl by thc applicant for this pmducl. nor sha]l lhc company bc held liatrle to uny party rtlhcr ran fte applicant lirr ihis pntdut T}If,S CONINIITI\'IENT $ FOR INFORNf,A.TION ONLY, AND N() R)LICY WII.J, BE,L\_SUED PURSUANT HFRI'TO, From Land Titl e (SB)ll/ed 25 lvlay 2005 09:22:00 Al\4 MDT Page 6 of 9 ALTA COMTIITIV1EN T SchedrleB-Section2 (Exceptlrn-s) (hrr Order No. V5m10027 'lhc policy or policics to bc issucd will conlain cxccptions to thc following unlcss thc samc orc disposcd tul' ttr the satislaction r the Cornpany: 1. Rights or clai-cs o[ por{ics in posscssion no( shown by lhc public rccords. 2,. llssements, or claims of easentntg. not shown by Ore prblic rtcords. 3. DiscreEarries, ronltcts in txrurdary lirrs, shrlrtage in areq entnru:hnents, and uuy fu:h wNch a conect survcy ard inspection of the premises would disclose ancl which art mt shovnr by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right &r a licq I'rrr "-ervices, latxx or rnalerial thcrtlrdirrc or bertafter fumisled, imprsed by law iund not sholvn by 0rc prblic nconls. 5. Defoch, liens, ercruntrrnrx; advene clairm or other rnatle$, if ary', creat€{ tir.sf appearirg in fte prblic tecortls or attachirg subsequern b the effective date bercof brt prior to flte date the pmposed insrnrd acquircs of rccoril for valuc llrc cslatc or iobrcsl or rndgagc lhcncon covcrcd by lhis CommitmcnL 6. Taxes or $Fcial aesessments which art mt shown as existir€ liens by 0re public record.s. o the Trearurtr's office. 7. Liens lirr rurpuid waier rnd seu'er chuge,s, il any.. 8. ln addifiorl lhc owmr's policy will bc subjcct to ahc morlgagc' i.[ any, mlcd in Scc{ion 1 of Schcdulc B bcrcol 9. RIGHT O}' PROPRIrfI'OR OI' A VEIN OX LOD!; 'I O &X'T'RASI AND R.EMOVE HIS ORI' TIIERE,FROIVI SHOULD IIM SANM BE fl)UND To PET.IETRATE ()R INTERSECT TTIE PREIT{ISES AS RDSDRVTiD IN UNITI'D STATFJ PATI'NT RNCORDND SNPTTCi\IRI,,R 04, 1923, IN ROOK 93 A'I'PAGFJ 98. 10. RIGHT O}'WAY IORDITCHTS OR CA.I\{AI.S CONS'TRU T'BD -BY I'HE AUTHOR,NY OT'.fiIE UNITED STATE.S AS RESER\ED IN UNITTID STATF^S PATENT RBCORDED SWTEI\IBER 04. 1923, rN ROOK 93 AT PAGn 98. 1I. RI'STRICTryI' COVI]NANTS WHICTT DO NOT CONTAIN A FORTI'ITURII OR RIIVI'RTIIR CT,AUSTI BUT OI\UIT'NGANY COVEI\ANT OR RIIS'I'R]CT'ION BASED ON RAC:I], COI,O& RJ'L.IGION, SD( II,I,NDICAP. FAIUILIAL STATUS ()R NATI0NAL 0RI(}IN UNLBSS AND ONLY T0 TIM TiXTNNT THAT SAIT, COVNNANT (A) TS TJXIIII{PT UNDI'R CHAPTI'R 42, SIiCTION 3607 OF TTD UNI'T'ED S1Al'ES CODE OR (B) RELA'I'HS 110 TTANDICAP BUl'DO-US NOT DIiCRII\'IINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PER^SONs^. AS CONTAINIII IN INSTRUIIEI.IT RECORDED JANUARY 09, 1963, IN ROOK 174 LTPAC'rJ431. 12. IlASI{r\.fltNTS, CONDITIONS, COVIINANTS, RT,STT,ICTIONS, RIISRRVATTONS AND N0rr{s ON 'I'H,b AI\'Itr.NDED AND !'INAL CONDOMINIUftT S'IAP TOR B.S, CONDONI.INIUI\,TS R.ECORDEI) ocToBER 12, t 9{r4 IN B(X)K 396 AT PA(;E 87$. Wed 25 lvlay 2005 09:22:00 Alll l\ilDT Page 7 of 9From Land Title (SB) ALTA COMI\IT1"\{ENT ScbeduleB-Section2 (Exceptions)(hrr Order No. V5U110027 lbc policy or pglicics to bc issucd rvill contuin cxccptions to lhc following unlcss thc samc arc disposcd ol to the satirlactittn oI the Company: IJ, TH(\SE PRoV$IoN.S, CoVENANTS AND CONDTIIONS, F"4,r.EN'IENTTi AND RE.STRIC.II0\S' WHICH ARIi A RURDI'N TO TTII] CONDOI\{TNru]\{ UNIT DTqSCRIRI'D I}i SCHI'DUI,T';\, BUT Ol\[l-r-ING ANY COVENAI\{ l'OR RDS'I'RICTION BASED ON RACb' COLOII RELIGION' SEX' IIANDICAP, FAI\,IILIAL STATUS ()R NATIONAL ORI(;DI UNT,F^CS .{ND ONLY T0 TTIE UTENT T}IAT SAID COVI'NANT (A) IS EXT'JNIPT UNDI]R CHAPNJR 42. $rcTION 3607 OF THI' UNI'I'ED S't'A'fl'-S CODE OR (B) REI-A'l'llS 'l'O HANDICAP nu'r'DOES Ngr'l)lSCRll\'1lNA1I A(;AINST ILINDICAPPED PERSONT- AS CONTAINED IN NSTRU\'IENT RECORDED OCTOBER '12. 1984, rN ROOK 396 AT PAGn 877. 1.I. TNR]\,$, CONDITIONS AI\'D PROVISTONS OF A]\{I'NDI'D AND RIiSTATIID I,MSI' AGRII]IN NNT RECORDED SEI'il{\{BOR 14, 1995 TN BOOK 675 A1'PAGE 917. From Land Title (SB)Wed 25 May 2005 09:22:00 AM MOT Page 8 of 9 LAND TITLE GUARANTUE COMPAN Y DTSCLOSURE STATEMENTS Notc: Puniuarrl trr CR^S 111-11-122, nrtice is hcrehy given lhrt A) Tlre subject rcal trrpeq' may be located in a special trxing district B) A Ccrtificatc of l'arcs Duc listing cuch laxing jurisdiclioo ma-v bc obtaircd fmrn lbc County TluasureC s audxrrized agenl C; The information rtgardirg special dishicts and the bbrurdaries of such dshicts may be obtained from 0rc Board of County Commissiorcrs, thc Counly Cf crk and Rccorrdcr, or thc Cbunty Asscssoc Note: Iffective September 1, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 requrrus that all docunents rcceived for recordirg or filirg in thc clcrk ard rccordcC s oltrcc shall conlaio a top rrnrgin o[ a( lcast oc irch ad a lcll righl ard botlom uurgin of,at least <rnc hall'of an irrh The clcrk und rtcorder may rcfuse t) rccord or file any dtrcrunent that does not colform, except thal the requirernent for Ore top nurgin shall rrct apply to docwnerrts using forrrs on rvhich spcc is pmvidcd for rccorrdirg or frling informnfion at thc top margin of thc documcd. Notc: Colorado Dirision of lrrsuranre Regulations 3-5-1. Paragraph C of Article YII rcquires tlnt 'llvery {i c cnlity sball bc rcsponsiblc for ull ruttcrt which oppcar of rrcord pdor l,o lhc timc of rccordiog whenevcr Orc title entity rondrcts the dosing and is respnsible frrr rtcordi4 or liliq ot legal docunents resultirg fiorn 0rc tansaction which was closed". Provided flut I.and fitle Guamnbe Company corducls lhc closirg of lbc insurrd lracacdon ard is irspociblc for rccordirg (hc legal d<nrments lnrm the transrliorl exccption rnuntpr 5 will not uppear on tlr (hvrpC s fitle Policy ard 0re l-€ndels Policy when issued Notc: Afflrrralive nrchanic's lien pnrtection,ftrr lhe (]rn'ner may lx availatrle (tyftzlly by deletirrn of ltrxception m. 4 of Schedrle & Section 2,of fte Cormibnent fiom fie Owner's Policy b be issrrd) upon compliancc wi(h rc followirg condidom: A) The trrd described in s^chedrle A ol lhis rommiunent must he a single tunrily nsiderre which includes a condominium or towftouse unit B) No labor or malcrials hsvc bccn furnishcd by mcchanics or matcrial-mcn lor purposcs of conibtr:tjon on thc land drxicribed in S'chedrde A rtf tbis Cbmmitnent within be p.rt 6 rnonthr. C; The Comparry rrnr,st receive an appmpriab affidavil indemrifying the Comparry agaimt un-filed nrcchanic'e md rnalcrial-mcn's licrrg, D) Thc Company must rtccive palment of thc uppnrpriab prcmi[rn li) lf tlrerc has been consbuction, inrproverpnts or major rcpaln rmdeflatren on Oe property lo be trmhased wilhio six nronlbs prior to thc Dulc of lhc Cornmitrrcnt thc rtquircrrcnls to ob{ain covcragc tirr unrecrrrded liens will inchdr: disckrsue ttf certain consfirction infirrmadun; tiuarlcial idttrmalion as to the seller, tbe builder ard or the contracbr; paynent of the appopriate premium fully c:rcculcd idcrnnity Agrccrrcnls satisfac{ory l,o 0rc company, aod, any addiliooal rcqruruncnls as may hc neccssary alter an examinatiou of lhe aloresaid infontnlion by fte (ltmpony. No covcragc will bc givcn undcr any circusrslarcs -[or labor or malcrial lor which lhc imurcd h.ns conFactad ftrr or ryrued trr pay. Notc: Pursuanl to Cll.S 10-f 1-U3, rnlicc is hcreb-r givcrt This nltice appliss to owru's gllicy courmibncnts conlnioing a rnirpral lrevcrurre instruruni exceptio4 or excepliors; in Schedule & Section 2. A) 'Ilbat thre is rcctrdcd cvidcncc 0rat a mincral cslah has bccn scvcrcd, lcascd or oibcrwisc conveyed lhrm the nuface estntc and that therc is a suhstantinl likclihrxrd that a $fud party holds some or all inbrest in oil, gas, olher mi eralts, or Seothemlal.eml8y in the prcperty; aul -8) lbal sucb mincrol cshlc ma.y imludc lbc right to cnlcr and usc thc propcrtl. wi0rout 0rc surlbce owrrC s permission No0riug hcrcir contaimd will bc dcqrrd to obligatc thc company to providc any o[ (bc covcragcs rcfercd to hercin rurlcsx tbe ahrve cotdiliom art l'ullv n^nti.slied" tortn DIsclgsVRE 09lifl02 From Land Titl e (SB)Wed 25 li4ay 2005 09:22:00 AM IVIDT Page 9 of 9 .1 0INT N0TICE 0I'PRIVACY P0LICY Fiddity Nutionll Financial ()rrmp ol Companim/Chicago Titlc Inn^uranco Compuny und Lsnd 'fiUc Guaran(cc Company .IulY 1, 2l)lll Wc rccocnizn and rtsxr( lhc orivacv erurlafioru of todur's colr!-trmcni und hc rcquircmcnls of apdicablc fedcral and stun' priiixy luws. Wl hficvri flrat riLrakiinr vtnr uwam of liorv u.c usc voltr nou-rrubl'ic frnond infonrurtirrn ("ltcnitmi lofonno(iori".1, and lo uhom it is discloscd 'rviU lonn 0re bqsis for u ri,latiorxhif of tnit bct]ccn us snd Urc public lhut rvc serrs llris ltivrny Stat(.mcnl pnrvidcs lhll cxplarurtion Wc n:s^cn'c t* rigbt tl) chlngc this ltivttcy Slahmcnl fmrn timc lo dnr coruistcnt-with applicublc-privrc-v laws. ln 0rc cuursc of our busincss, wc may collcct Pcrsonal lnlormafiun about 1,ou Irom thc Inllorring sourccs: i' l'rtm aoolicatioc or olhcr fonns rvc rcctivc lmm vou or vour outborizcd rcprescnhli]c;+ .Furrn yirir tr:lractiorn witb. or fn)m thc :,^cn'it:cs fring pirlirurrcd h1,, us, oiu'ull'iliahs, ttr o0rcn;r' I'rorn bur intcnrct $cb sihs:* .FNun thc rublic rt<xnt\ nurinhrirrcd hy govrrnnrnbrl cntitius tlurt wc cilhcr olrtdn dircctly fnlm th<tsc cnlidcs. oi frarn orrr alfiliahs or othchlanda !\rrrn crrmumr.r or othcr n grrting agcrrits. Our Policies Regarding the Protection ol the Confidenlialily and Security of Your Personal Informa(ion W1 maiptlin nhvsical. clrrtrrnic urd onrccdrrrul sufcguard.i t1 Dn)Lr:t your I't.nttnul lufornutiou ftrrm unntthttrizt'd acccss or inlrisioo lvc limit acccris (d 0r Pcrsornl liilornntioi or y lo Uro6c cmplorccs rvho nccd sttch acccss in <:onrrction with pIrYidirry pndrrct\ or:!-cn'iccs tl) yuu rlr for oflrcr lcgitimat{ tnrsincss purF}s$i. Our Policies and Praclics Regarding the Sharing oI Your Personal Inlormation lVc nuy sban: your I'c.nonnl lnfrlrmalion u'ith orrr rfliliafus. such us in-ur-an:r cumpurics, tgcnt\' rurd (tlbcr n:al cstalr sit0cmcrit scn'ie pmvidcrs, \yc also may disclosc yolrr Pcrsonal lnforrnatiori: i' to agcnk, bmkn or rcprcscnlalircs !o providc you nilh scrriccs you harc mqucshd:+ t(' frrird-d"rty trrntnx:trni or scnir:c pn,i,idcnr wbo prrrvidc scnicis or pcrfirrni mlrtnti r4 or ttlhcr tunclioris ori our bchalf; anda kr olhcn with whOm wi cnlcr intr jrrint rlar{rctiDg agrrcnreft!' frrr pnrduch ur scrviccs that v'c hclicvc you ma_y frnd of inlcrtsL ln addition, wc rvill disclosc lour Pc$ofl Infonna(ion whcn you dirtc( or givc us pcnnission whcn rvc arc rcquirtd bv law to do so. rrr ryh[n $ c 'slrsu..ct fraudr cnt r)r (:rimind uc'tivitics. Wc ulso rna] hst:losc yttrtr I'cn-onrd Lilonnl0on whbn oftcnrisc ocnillltd bv apolicablc orirlcY larvs sr{h es. for c\dnplc, u hcn disclosrc is nccdcd ft' (.nlirmc our rights urising irut of an;- a'gririnrcnl. trinsaction or n'lalionship uidr 1rrrr. Onc of lhc imutdant nsurnsihililits of sonx' rrf tmr allitiatt'd comrurics is tlr n'crrrd d(xrurr '\ in thc ptl ic domaio Srrch docrrrrcnls rnay conldn your Pcruoru lnfonrution - Righ( to Actrss Your Pcrsonal lnforrnaLion und Abilit.r to Corrcct Errors Or Rcqucst Changcs Or Dclcfion Ccriain stahs allord you hc right to acccas your l'crsootrl lnforrnadon and, rurdcr ccrtain circumstarrcri, !o lurd out tr n'honr vorrr I'csori.:rl lrfomuition h:s ht'cir disclrrstd. ALso. t:crllin statts rdftrtd 1-'<nt thc rigbt tl n'qtrsl corrr:ctioi; anrrdonnl or dclction of .rour l'cr:-'onal lnforrna0on Wc rcscrrc thc ri-ghl" rvhcrc pcnnitltd by larr. to t:haryc a ruusonablc fcc ttt covcr lhc cosb incurnid in n^sptnding t) such rLqucsbi' All rcqmsls submillcd to (hc lidclity Nafonal !'inarrial Gmup oI CompanicJChic4o liuc hutrnancc Compuny shall h in wdtirry, ard dclivcrrd tr thc fulkrrving uddnjss: Priracy Compliarre Officer Fldcli(v N ationnl I'inarrcid, Ifi. J050 Cdle Real. Suite 220 Sunta Barbqra. CA 9-1110 Nlultiplc Products or Scrviccs lf r}c Furidc .vou with rmrc than onc financial producl or scrvi('c, ] ou nliry rectivc morc thatl orE privncy noticc frrrm us. \Yc ag ogizr frrr ar5' inconvcnicrrc lhls nuy ('allsc y()lt. s u c\{ \l' N\s- -\\\\Y_j (\,-$ r-:< \ r\. \=\ 2 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com %/ July 13, 2005 Pam Hopkins PO Box 3340 Vail, CO 81658 RE: First Bank - 17 Yail Road/Lot G, Vail Village Filing 2 DearPam, The Town of Vail Staff has preliminarily reviewed the design review application for the proposed remodel and landscaping for the First Bank at 17 Vail Road. The following is a summary of the comments from that review: . Submit a site plan showing the proposed roof plan, demonstrating compliance with the building height and setback requirements.r Submit existing and proposed landscape area calculations verifying no-net-loss of landscape area. Please submit revised plans addressing the above listed items by no later than Monday, July 18, 2005. if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, /r/-L)A. Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail {-a f,t t"r", t ""* f w: arcusggl t -:---- Fcirwarded Message From: Sam Ecker <samecker@comcast. net> Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2005 10;48:50 -0600 Tor'Pam Hopkins' <pam@snowdonhopkins.com> Subject: area summary Hi Pam, I'm faxing a signed copy too. Sam 6/27/0s PamHopkins Snowdon Hopkins Architects Re: B.S. Condomiruums,Varl,Colorado Site coverage summary Dear Pam, I have reviewed the Improvement Location Certificate for the subject site, prepared June 15, 2005 for site coverage. The following is a summary of my findings. Total parcel area = 2 I ,1 94 sq. ft. Areas of landscaping - 5,550 sq. ft. Areas of concrete sidewalks and steps = 1"448 sq. ft. (total = 6.998 sq. ft.) = ++1o Please feel free to contact me if I can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, Sam Eckel PLS ------ End of Forwarded Message ?l l-+i 05 I 1:50 AII Surveying,l-r-c 9t3 s+,Erh F{s(rtnBe htl.Jrrl Wi:91. Fuils rod V.1il, iS $r&i7 {g/{,} t?t'tt698. fdrr tgZD} 4l9"oogg tiealn:// I/Pagd I oI I \ rq\- 22shntL U FN-Jt\FL\r N $fr\J lrrl\\ Rfr $f $rN,{ ) R\I'S S>.\\ r r- -l - r < :lt\-t * -T 1Y"itNt$\ {\ENdNs \\[ $t'P$$- \_ tt ltt-r^-x' <\\l\7fll .L-l)-a-\.\a, -rFl\?-{- \ \t\ \..-T t \\r \ I \\ .\. a \ l1l \ \\\ lttN\r x -.< \l 'l$\lf ,- Y'-t mTn \\\ T $ ET EE sFa.>-L-'f$fi hr'-t $l fiiJ q; \$\n .N NFbi-7\ N s 6a yj R \Ts \$7e s. 7_ $\z E $ I ]f,.' N }NNEN Z NS NNt'> EU \t $ $N $N $ NF $S;; xt *\G- \ o F F,* TGWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 Lo\ * DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTYDEVELOPMENT uc^i\ u,\1...r1- i-19\A 1.r.,-at -\<;(c s0 . o0 ToTAL FEES-----> 5853 . O0 Total Permit Fee-----> $853 . 00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT PCrMit #: MO3-01I6 8o3-G-?3 Job Address: 17 VAIL RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 17 Vail Road lST BANK BLDG Applied . . : 07/1512003 ParcelNo...: 210107107006 Issued. . : 07/22/2003 ProjectNo : 'r1iSO3 oonG Expires. .: 0111812004 owNER FrRsr BAI{K oF vArIJ o7/L5/2o03 phone: C/O FIRSTBANK HOIJDING CO PO BOX 150097 TJAKEWOOD CO 8021_5 License: coNrRAcToR AMERTCAN MECHANTCATT SERVICESoT /L5/ 2OO3 Phone: 303-805-7358 323]- gOIITg ZUNI STREET ENGIJEWOOD, CO 8 011_ 0 I-,icense:128-M APPT,TCAIilT AMERTCAIT MECHANTCAL SERVICESOT /L5/2003 Phone: 303-805-7358 3231 SOIIru ZI]NI STREET ENGI,EWOOD, CO I0110 Licenge:128-M Desciption: REPLACE AHU AND VAV BOXES Valuation: S33.600.00 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 S0. o0 Total Calculated Fees--> $853 . 00 FireDlace lnformalion: Rest cted: Y # of Gas Appliuces: 0 t.l.rtt + a1t:t+:r:t ** 'l:tlMechanical-> 5680 . 00 Restuamnt PIan Reyiew-> Plan Check--> 5170. 00 DRB Fee-.__---_>$0. 00 Additional Fees--->$0. 00 lnvestigation-> Will Call-->$3.00 Payments--------> $e53 . OO BALANCE DUE_-_> $0. OO t.l*t '*l I I l'l * '|:l '|,t * * *:l t 'ta'l ta*:|l** r Item: 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTMENI o?,/r-8,/2003 ccD Action: AP Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEIII CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTfONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. Cond: 23 (BL,DG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANITFACTURES INSTRUCTTONS AND TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I]MC, CIIAPTER 10 OF TITE 1997 I}IC. Cond: 29 (BLDG.): ACCESS TO HEATING EQITIPMENf MUST COMPI-,Y WrfH CHAPTER 3 AND S8C.1017 OF THE 199? I'MC AIID CIAPTER 3 OF rt{E 1997 IMC. Cond;32 (BIJDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE AI{AIYSIS MUST BE TO AN INSPECTTON REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECIIANTCAIJ ROOMS CONIAINING BOII-'ERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH A FI-,OOR DRAIN PER sEcTroN 1004.6 0F THE 1997 IMC. POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY sEc. 1022 0F THE 1997 UI'{C, OR DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, hlled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF ****** * ************** +*** ***++ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * f * ***'1.{.*+*** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + + * * * * i * * * * * * * + * + * * TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statement * *** ****+*** * *+* * + * * * * * * * * * * * + + f * * * * * * + * * ** * * * + + + * * * * {. {. * * * + 't ***{.** * *+ *+'i,t * * * * '} * * * * * ** * * + * i * * Statement Nuniber: R030004355 Amount: $853.00 07 /22/2003]-0:00 AM Pa)ment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: AIqs of Colo o2693L Permit No: M03-0116 Type: MECHANICA.L PERMIT Parcel No: 2LO7O71O7OO6 Sit,e Address: 17 VAIL RD VAIL Location: L7 vail Road 1ST BiANK BIrDG Total Fees: $853 .00 This Pa)ment: $853 . 00 Total Ar.,L Pmts: $853 .00 Balance: S0.00 *** * + + * * * * * t + + * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * '1. * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * + + t + ACCOLINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniotion Current Pmts I4P OO1OOOO3i111OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 680.00 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 17O.OO I,,JC OO1OOOO31128OO I,JILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO L ApplrcArroN wrLL Nor BE AccEprED rFrNcoMpLErF ol;lflma- 0ffi0 Building Permit #: mfirlOPVttn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Mechanical Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 -2149 (I nspecti ons) CTOR INFORMA Permit will not be accepted without the following: Prpvide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale tp include:d Mechanical Room Dimensiqns .I a/ftroJtilr Arr Duct szgfno Lo3uln t ,r -'uL Vec.nd ""'.-i:Hl" "ITl ^ I r.r-tt=dll(lss l.--t-s- l1-72 -r7JItlt Mechanical Contractor:'"*'"i:tryrh\and Phone #'s: E-Mail Address: COMPLETE VALUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT (Labor & Materials MECHANTCAL:$ 3J, bOa Assessorc Ofllce at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel #\0, \D'1 ID 1,hb \bN",/ | tl fu4,1;robAddress/-1 ( A,J kn& Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: OwnersrlagF: /*of Addrev y'ar, ,(r.h Phone: EnEnee):4 ec-^P.f:%," F{fr /uou 4 ll'hoVz'r- ?y'f-Ns'r ) Detailef(escription of work:far./lce ,4*t/ ,t n //n/ ,4v<^ WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Otherb() BoilerLocation: Interior( ) Exterior( ) Other!4 Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (\0 Type of Bldg: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther J( No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Noffype of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Aopliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( Nofiype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) *x**********x*xx****x***FoR oFFIcE UsE oN \\Vail\dala\cdevU'ORMS\PERMITS\N,IECHPERM.DOC 1 i "19-,.1CrJ3 Ins p*ir*urt Requru:+t l{ epo*ti1* 6.54 ern iriltie 1?'rr&ll C(J - Ir]i,j*JFl $F il{t{'i?it*{l InsJ:*:i Da:t.'&"r dr:et"dtt i, -v$!e!' ! i-isr t [, l(il'l: ingnd{.ii6:r Arot l i,'!i$ rlr.Jress; 1,1 \','{;i. RL v'.rul.i'r {a;l Rsrii 1jl ii.j.{i{ r'tLDG s:nb Typfir. Atl.fitur f.l*,;: Pt).rn* -iff3.Ci,\i. 73:lu ;.t11i.f ir. 3S]"8ii€-7151 $tst$s: l$'sl,'Ef) lrlsp Area: GIJ ,, .\. - '..:/ ; t- ./'.'i r-,reErn #l.n #Pf-q-tiD!$!{.iig.! A..tvifJ: l*{}}O'r '.i l''tFs: fi-i$:l{:;t,lco|)* TyF{i 'ir:q14r,:iri1'y "illA.ilc: FifiS-i HAI.JK f-'tr. i/Al:-Apt,tti.:rt At Etr":..!!.il M;:. r-iA$.liL: 11 SFP ,/:,.ri I ,'"Of ,ijp.itrr. Al,tEsi].1,+l [tf ( :-lAFh;A;- 5E? iti-.'. !i ileslriFt.t'.,q, fti:.trL.4if: A,l.!r-t nN{-) l'AV 3fi Efii;;;'iti.:ni FOUiIii 'fO Gftf {"- FCR ttf']rii.:!',/ D: i-Cfif S Fslili.gl l$,ljilspecl1g S,isl Ed{iri*blcr: i:omin€fiS: Acci{flrd; Tn" ,f.c'!ior': rfi ,,r-:*t,w4/ !lt5ss-t!5!-r{.!sgl* "t'tien ;lr,{l ME|'rl'Fo,.rqhl:*trr. J1t fv,|r.li'-f -Hrtiiftfiti$;:. 3i ".r PI" ilD-6as Pifingi!€nr J;ir M; ii+Erhausi i r.-?ii3 Itt |Ti :i:r$ Me Clf Sirf,Frv A:iilertr r"l$ nililCH-Mrschoiri *r${; Mt OH-Frrral 3gi.: !iF:t;fl -ir iit.rl A|l1x i'l;*Ati hi: (::liAt lhjli. $i' irVl(:i il rvih cdil i:r{' j7A;;i.121. tilki.if;Kt A [ {t!*ri,.l i11,. l''t()L:iL;l{ E . (.,i !t. -''.'.-\l'( t:''l-r-' i ''' , ."rl: (."i j l^' ii.r: ltT : i::"Run f 11: 14:i 3 oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OF'VAIL Proiect Name: First Bank of Vail Project Description: New Automatic Doors Owner, Address and Phone: Fint Bank of Vail, 17 Vail Road, Vail, CO 81657 fuchitect/Contact, Address and Phone: Project Street Address: 17 Vail Road LegalDescription: Lot G, Vail Village 2"d Filing Evans-Mendel-Allison Construction' P0 Box 8266' Avon' co 81620.845-0466 Buildine Name:Parcel Number: Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 9123/98 Board / Staff Action Action: staffapproved l' : \EVERYONE\DR8\APPROVAL\9 8\ I stbaok. wpd DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 L Recel.ved: Ju I -02-9a , JUN- 23 -!tlt Qucstiors? Call thc Plaoning Staff ac 479-2 I zit 7/ z/s8 11 :4aAM; APPLICATION FOR DESICN REVIE1V APPROVAL buitdiog pcrmit i; issucd and construction is Startcd' DESCRIPTION OF TI{E REQUEST: TOWN OF GFNERAI rN FoRl!'f ATION quinng dcsign rcview mus{tt is .ppli"",i* is for any pojcct reqrriring Desig R-cvicvv approval' Any polcct ra rc.civc D6igF Rwicq' approv-al prior to $bmiling for a Uuiiding per;nit' For spccific information' scc thc subminal rsquiremmrs fqr thc panicull Ai.otd that is reqicsted' fnc appiication cannot bc acccpted unol all.the rcquired informatisr is subrnittcd. ri. plo;.." tnry also nccd to be rc"ie''td by thc Torvn Council andyor tbc Ptanning and Envipnnrcntal Cornnrission. 6esipp RCtic* Board approval erpires ottc ycar eftcr Entl rpprovrl unless a 3O3 722 Oa51 -> Eva.s-Mendel--Al-lison Const.; Page 3 Plus Associa.tes solzz oesr P-03 OPOSAL: t-OT: Gr BLOCK:- FILING:B.LOCATION OF PROPC P}{YSICAL ADDRSSS:ai\ pARcEL*, aoiG rj.ridi/lq.Zr{ 1l Eagle Co. Assessors Officc at 970-328-E640 for parccl tr)c. D. c. F. G. ZONING: NAMEOF OwNERf S):-L3 MAILINC ADDRESS:-I-Z MAILNG ADDRESS; 658- PHONE: f7t- oYG 6 6 Zo PHONE:Qt o '345 ov6 6H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: D New Constrrrction - f200 E Addirion - s50 Eirunor Alrcrrtioo ' S20 Construcrion of a n6*'building. lnclttdes any addidon whcrc squarc fooagc is addcd ro any rcsidcnrial or cormncrcial builcling. lncludss minor changcs to buildings and sitc imgrovctncnts' such as- rcroofing. painting uirldour additions. landscaping. fcnccs and rctainrng walls. ctc. DRB fccs arc to bc fraid at the dmc of subrnital. L:tcr. when applying for a building Jrcrmit, plcase identiff rhc accurate vatuation of thc project. Thc Town of Vait will adjust the fcc according tc thc projcct vduation. PLEASE SUBMTT THIS APPLICATTON, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUTREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT, ?5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' vArL coLoRADo E1657. OWNER(S) SIGNATUR E{S) : NAME OF APPLTCANT: Recelv€d: 7/29/9A g:1lAM; 3O3 722 OA51 -> Evans-Mende.l-Atlason Const. a page 2 .lu'l jzg-ga oa: s7A Mit.chf p-tu.s Associa.tes soslz oesr p-oz FIRSTBANK 17 VAIL ROAD VAIL. COLORADO VAIL DATE: JTJLY 2E. 1998 9808JOB NO. II sK-1II Mrrcrrer_,r-,455 Stf,Rt,Arr SrRE€!, gJllE 25O, O€I\GR, CO. EO2OJ-,titOJ JOJ-722-9600 FAX 303-722-oa51 Puus ASSocIATES Ilrc. 15 | $0..,^ L. L"t .J V t' a ,''' t Status. .Applled.Issued..Elq)ires. DEPARTMENT OF EOMMIJNITY DEVELOPMEIflT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSTTE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: B98-0289 TOV/Comm' Dev' an-uP DePosit Refund ISSUED 09/24/]'998 09 /2s /1-998 03 /24 / L999 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 97 0 -479 -21,38 ilob Address: l-7 VAIL RDtocat.ion. . .: t'7 VAIL RD (LST BANK)Parcel No.. : 2L0L-071-07-005ProjecL No.: APPI-,ICAI.IT EVANS-MENDEI-.,-ALLISON CONST., INC.P.O. BOX 8266, AVON, CO 81520 CO} TRAETOR EVANS-MENDEI-ALI,ISON CONST., INC.P.O- BOX 8266, AVON, CO 81620OWNER FIRSTBANK OF VAIL I FIRSTBANK HO coMpANy, p o Box L50097, LAKEWOOD CO 8021-5 Phonel. 970-845-0466 Phone z 970-845-0466 Description: INSTALI, AUTOMATIC DOORS Occupancy: R1/82 Multi-Family Type ConsLruction: V 1-HR Type v L-HourTlpe Occupancy: Valuation: 8,000 EireDlace Informacion: Rest!icL€d: Cle9l-uP!(eSl-qenCe W/ lJUSI-,rnnoroveo LCClean-u appro amount Add sq rt:dBtB \OL.,.D , \ o\Zut,c( tr *of wood/Pallet: 329.2s . o0 329.25 *Of Gas Logs: FEE SUMMARY +Of Gas Appliances: Restuarant Plaa Revielr- - > DRB F€c-------- Recraati,on Fee-- --- - --- -> cLean-Up DepoaiE---- --- -> Total calculated Fe€6- - -> Additional Fee6-- -- - - - - - > TotseI P6r-mit Fee- -- --- -- > Pal'Fcnle------- Buil.ding-----> Plan check- - - > :n'/3sEigaEion> I ii,- l Uall,----> 125.00 a! -25 .00 3.00 . o0 20.oo .00 100.00 .....,"..T:T:.iili:;.;::;;;;:;;;:....."....:::;::.".....TT:il.?Yi:::::;;:.:;;::..".........;::... ITCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEITT DEPI,: BUILDING DiVJ.SiON:09/24/L998 JWtl Action: NOTE PLANS TO GARYo9'/24'/a998 ccooDELL Acrion: Appp.IEbM:' O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTTVIENT DCPT: PLANNING DiViSiON:09/24/A998 JRM ACtiON: APPR APPR PER BRENTItbtn:-.056q0 FIRE DEPARTI,IENT Dept3 FIRE Diwision:09/24/1998 'JPJI Actlon: APPR N/AItEm:"05500 PUBLTC I,qORKS '. Dept: PIJB WORK Division:o9/24/L998 JRM Action: APPR N/A r a|}irr tattt ii i *.r i.l i rr irr r *att a See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions LLac may appry ;- Lhis p€r..^--. DECLARATIONS r hereby acknor.ledge that I have read this application, filled out in full lhe inforrnaEion rcquired, completed an accuraEe Plot p1an, and stsaEe chat all Ehe j,nfontration plovided ae tcquired is corrcct. I agle€ !o comply rrith thc information and plot plan, Lo comply with all Town ordinanceE and sCaE€ lare, and to buiLd this sLrlrcturc aecording !o Eh€ Toe.n'6 zoning and aubdiviaion cod€s, dcsign lcvics apploved, uniform Building code end oth.r oldinanceg of Lhe Town applicable tshercto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALI, BE MA.DE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHOIq'AT 41,11.2\35 OUR OPFICE FROM s:00 At'l 5:00 PM S€nd clean-Up Depo€it To: MENDEL ALLISON SICNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRASIOR FOR HIMSELF AND OifiIER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit, #: 898-0289 as of 09/25/98 Status: TSSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Tf49e: ADD/AI-,T COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: O9/24/L998Applicant.: EVANS-MENDEL-ALLISON CONST.,TNC. Issued: 09/25/1998970-845-0466 To Erqpire: O3/24/1999 ilob Address:Locat,ion: 17 VAIL RD (1ST BANK)Parcel No: 2101-07L-07-005 Description:.\'.STALI AIJTOMATIC DOORS Conditions:1. FIRE DEPART14ENT APPROVAI IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2 . FTELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE.3. HORTON AUTOMATICS BRAND DOOR TO BREAK OUT FOR EMERGENCY EGRESS IN ACCORDATiICE WITH T'L LISTING AS NOTED IN HORTON LTTERATURE. t TOMI OA VAII,. COLORADO StsalclulE Nuilbcr: REC-O4s{ Amoun!: 329.25 09/2Sl9S l0:4e Paymcnt Method: CK NotaEionr S trl: l/ Init.: Ktd,-eO sEaErdnE PermiE Nor B9g-0289 fype: A-COMM Parc€l No: 2 LOl. -O?1- 0 7- oos Slte Addres€: 17 VAII, RD LocaEioni 17 VAIL RD (1s? BANK) ADD/AIJT COMM BUILD P Total Feea: 329.25 ToEal Al]L Pnts6 |Thia Paltcnts lccount Code 329.25 Balanc€: .00 BP CO1OOO031111OO BUII,DING PERUIT FEES DR 00100003112200 DESIG'I{ REVTEW I'EEg '. ,1 0.!013112300 Prln-N CHECI( rEEg A.O D2.DEPOS CIJEANUP DEPOSTfS Hc 00100O03X12So0 WII,L CAIJIT TNSPECTION PEB De6cripcion AmounE 20.00 e1 .25 100. o0 3.00 PERIIIT /. . T APPLTCATTON MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR TT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDUr****************************** pERl{rT INFORHATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *,r *,r * * * * .,l [x]-Building t l-plunrbing [ ]-Electricar [ ]-Mechani-car. [ ]-other Job Narne, ..-/t*i\".*lc- y'Ua, { Job Address: Legal Description: I,ot_Q_ Block_ riling_J__ tIrArcnrt.ect2 A)/ /+ ceneral Description:Jo.'.-ts- work Class: [ ]-New J)g-afteration t l-Additional [ ]in"pui, [ ]_other Nunber of Dwelling Units; 31J,o13iil:: l4ooo ELEcTRTcAL:$ orHER:$n-D--"-'.'- y't****'t********************** co,NTR+croR TNF6RMATT6N ***************************F Eeneral Q5rntractor: {.oc...-, ))^Address, 3;:i""i"F11,5?;_"& /:-A_ X EIectrica1 contractor:EC./ Addresst E phone Nurnber: N.Irmber and Tvpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances v ----r-bves'r /f* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :t * * * ** * VALUAT1 ONS Plunbing Contractor:Address: Mechanical Contractor:Address: Number of Accommodation Units: cas Logs_ Wood/pel1et ********************************* Town of VaiIPhone Nunrber: Town of Vail Phone Nurober: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDING PI.,AN CHECK FEE:PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE:RTCREATION FEE:CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURX: PLUMBTNG PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMTT FEE:ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: VALUATION CLEAN I'P DEP.OSIT f,rtu,-^-^ M*^^J.{ 4tti-"-'^ C^(t ^r{- d zill '11 75 soulh fronlage road vall. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 FROI'I : DATE: CITFtTFT'M. oltlce ol communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETolfl-l OF VArL ToFIN OF VAIL pUBtIC WoRKS/cot[,ruNITy DE\rELOPI,IENT ILARCH 15 , 19I8 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & }IATERTAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter., track or deposit any ="ir]-rl"k, sand, debrisor nateriar, inclucring trash bumpsters, portabre toilets andworlunen vehicles. lpon any streetl =ia"waiil -;ii;y or pubricP]9:" or any portiln theieof. --t!u right-of-wuy tn arl Tourn ofVail streets and roads is approxi"_l;i;-s"it."lri po,r"mu't.This ordinance w1t] be.;4.;:ii;"enforced by the Town of VaiIPublic works Department. persln= found viorating this ordinancewilr be given a 24 hour written notice t".i"";""-said material_.rn the event the person so notified does r,ot- "oipry with thenotice within the 24 hour.ti*" =p."i;i;;,"ii"'i"lric HorksDepartment vrirl renove said mare;r;i-;;-ir,""I"iIi=e of personnotified- The provisions of this ord:.nance shaLl not beapplicabre to c6nstruclion, maintenance or-.;;;i; projects ofany street or a1ley or any utiiiti", i; i;"t;i;;i._._r"y. To review ordinance No. 6 in ful', please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtiin a copy. rnan-x you for your.cooperation on this rnatter. D Y ead and acknowledged by: )C*-* 75 30ulh rfonlag e toad v8ll, colo ra do 81657(303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 ottlce ol communlty devolopmerrt BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE T]I,IE FMI,IE If th:ls permr:t requi,res a Toy/n of Vaii Fire Department Approval rEngineel'.s..(.publ.ii llopks) "uvi"" unl'upprouu.l,.a plunninb,b.purtr.nt 1evie1 or Hearth Departm6nt reviu",' un[-u-r;;i.; ti-iilu"iritainsDepartment, the estimated time for'a totar review may take as longas three weel<s. All commercial (rarge or sma|r ) and ail murti-famiry permits willhave to follow the above rnentioned maximum requiremlnts. Residentia.land.s.mall projects shourd take a reise. arnount of time. However, ifresidential or snrarler.projects impact the various above mentioneddepartmcnts r.rith reqard to necessary review, th.;; p;;j;.'ti rnuval so ta ke tlie three we"t< pef ioJ , Every.attempt vrj'll be ry9!e by this clepartnrent to expedite thisperrni.t.as. s,qon as possi bl e. - I, th" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and t.imeframe, ConLmuni ty Development Departrnent. TO: FROM: DATE: FE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS DEPARTMENT PERMIT" IS REOUIRED Job Name: Dale: Please answer the following questionnaire iegarding the need ior a "public Way permit.: YES NO ls lhis a new residence? ls demolition work being perlormed that requires the use of lhe right ol way, easements or public proper;ty? ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed lo sile other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecling the right of way, easements, 1) 3) a\ 5) 6) or public property? 7) ls a "Hevocable Right Of Way permit" required? B) A. ls the righl of way, easements or public property io be used for staging, . parking or {encing? B. lf no to BA, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community . Development? lf you answered yes to any ol these questions, a 'Public Way permii' must be obtained, 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or ai Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, lhe Town of Vail Construction lnspeclor, at. 479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above questions. Contractois Sionature DateJob Name IOWIOFVAIL '5 Sotrth Frontagc Road 'nil. Colorado 81657 03 -479-2I38 / 479-2139 'Ax 303-479-2452 Dcpa r I rn c ttt ol Contntt tti ty D a val op ttt t t t t ALSO BB INSTALL,ED IN 1 z INFORMATION NEEDED WHEN APPIYING FOR A MEC}TANICAI, PER}IIT HEAT LOSS CALCULATTONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN.OF I'IECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUTPMBNT DRAWN IN TO SCALE, WrTH pHySTCAL DTMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF,ALL EQUTPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. SHOI^I SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION ATR DUCTS/ FLUES/ VENT CONNBCTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTB WHETIIER ELBVATOR EQUIPM8NA }IILL MECIIANICAL ROOM. - FAILURE TO PROVIDE THIS INFOR},'.ATION WIIiL DELAY YOUR PERMIT PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: t) 2\ Fill out our check list provided with a buildinq permit apolication.lf yes was answered to any of the above questions then a "public way" is required. You can pick up an application at elther community Developmeni, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. some utility companies iequire up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved sile plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, elc..) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc..). This plan will expire on Oct. 15th. andr,vill need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. 4\Sketch of u,rork being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traf fic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for revievr. lf required, locates lvill be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4B hours to perform. The Public work's construclion lnspector will revierv the applicalion and approve or drsapprove the permit. You lvlll be contacied as to the status and any that may needed. MosL permits are released withln 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one vreek to process. 6) 7) As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to community Development allowing the "Building Permil'' to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" lvith a "Building Permlt" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: The.above. process is.for work in a public vray only. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. cdtPw ay o 75 so uth lronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 479-2r3s oflice ol communlly development NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUILDERS Effective June 20, 1991, the Tovrn of VaiI Building Department. has developeci the foLlowing procedures to ensure thal new construcLionsites have adequately established proper drainage fronr buildingsil-es along and acl jacenL to Tolrn of Vail- roads or sLreets. The Town of Vail- PubIic Works Deparbnrent, will be required toinspect and approve drainage adjacenL to Town of VaiI roads orstreeLs and the installation of temporary or permanent culverLs at access points from the road or street on to ttre construcLion site. Suctr appr:ova I ntusL be obt.ainecr prior to any requesL for inspectionby Lhe 1'ov/n of Vail Br.rildirrg DeparLmenL f or footings or t-emporaryelecLrical- or any other inspection. Please caIl 41 9-2L60 torequesl- an inspect ion f rom t he Public i.lorlis DepartmenL. AIlou a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Tovrn of VaiI PubIii l,^lorks Department vrilI be approvingaII final drainage and culvert installation with resulting. roadpacching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to Fi.nal Certificate of Occupancv issuance. ToviN OF VAIL Id: ACTPI.5o Kelr{ord: UACT UEer: CHARIIE 70/2I/98 AcEivity MainEenance - Insp€cEion Proceesing ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERM Permir.No: 89S-O2S9 ApplicanE: EVANS-MENDEL-ALLISONCONST.,rNC. SEaEue: FINAI Addrese: 17 VAIL RD Inspeccion ltem: 00090 De€cripEion: BLDG-Final InspecEion DaEe InBpecEor AcEi.on NoEaEion IO/I3/99 GP.G APPR FIJLIY FT'NCTIONAI,, CI,EAN DEPE: BUIIJDING Di1': ===== Timee ===== Begin End Elpad EnEry No :15 I EnEer Option:A=Add an EnEry F2=NexE Ilem c=Change an Entry F3=Previous IEeB D=Delete an enery F4=Next f2 Encriee Fs=FirsE 12 Eniries Esc=ReEurn Eo IEem LiBE I]OWN OF VAfL DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT'15 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970 -479-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON APPLICANT CONTRAC'fOR OI^INER DescripEion: ELECTRICAI-., FOR AUTOMATIC DOORS Phone: 97O-241'-3302 81501----Phone: 970-24L-3302 81501---- 80215 ValuaLion: .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E98-025aEI-,ECTRICAL PERMIT ilob Address: 17 VAIL RDLocation...: I7 VAIL RD Parcel No. . : 2IOL-O7L-07-005Project. No.: E C ELECTRTC, rNC.C/O VALL INSUR 747 W. WHrTE AVE.,. GRAND ,fttNCTrON, COE C ELECTRIC, INC.C/O VALL INSIIR 747 W. WHITE AVE., GRAND .]I'NCTION, CO FIRSTBANK OF VAIL T FTRSTBANK HO COMPAI{Y, P O BOX 150097, LAKEWOOD CO StaLus. . AppIied. Issued..Ercpires. ISSUED 10/06/L998 to / 06 /L99804/04/L999 350.00 FEE gUT4MARY Electsrical---> DRB Fcc Investigation> wilI caLl- ---> Tot.al calc\rlatcd P€e6---> Additional Fees-- - --- -- -> Totsa1 Permib F.c--------> PaynenEa------- BAI,ANCE DUE-. - - s0.00 . o0 , o0 3.OO TmAL FEES- - - > 53.00 53 .00 .oo 53.00 53.00 .00 Item: 05000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMEIiIT Dept: BUILDING ,-,-'',-.o. ^-:LO/O5/L998 ,JRM ACIiON: APPR APPROVED .fRM-Itbm:'.05600 FIRE DEPARII4ENf Dept: FIRE Division:LO/06/L998 JRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby ackno{ledge Ehat f have read tshis appl.icalion, filled oug in fufl Ehe ' ' " -.1 conpl€t.ed an accuraLe Pf ol: p1ai, and staLe thats a1l the infordation provj,ded as lequiled is correct.. r agree Lo c.i(ply lrith the information and ploL plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and sEatc 1aw6, and t'o build this sti"eture according to the Town's zo.i'^ .nd sLrbdivision code€|, design reviDq 'a.i-r'-'l lliifc:: : '.-..9 eode and other ordinances of the Tosn applicable bhereto. REQUESTS PoR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TI'IENIY - FOUR HOI,RS IN ADVANCE BY TEI,EPHONE AA 4'9-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:OO AM 5:OO PM *)rt*att**rrrrr r*rrt*+r.ti*rtt TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO scaccmnl Nutrbcr: REc-o459 AmounE ! Pa]/.mcnl. McEhodr CK Notationr 4155 9crtrlllnts 53. O0 10/06l9e 1O: O0 Inic: Lc Prri$ic No: E9B-o25L T!Fe: B-EITEC ELECTRICAIT PBRIIIT Parccl No: 2L01-07L-O7-005 SiEe Addlc6€ | 17 VIIL RD localion: 17 VAIL RD Thls PayRenE Total, Fees: 53,00 ToEaI JIIIL P!lC6: D€scripEion 53.00 s3 .00 Ahounl 50. 00 3.00 Balanc€: .00 *rt*Jr* i * i**r**tt** EP 9:C I c,)i ! OO].OOO031114OO ELECTRICAL PERIiIIT FEES oo10oo03l12goo niLr, clEr, rNsPEcrroN FEE '*.*co,,io" 6/' "c itzo l1 Pr\RcEL/v o rolr PM EyrI-oI-3 ll :PEP"\iI? i, Parcel /,'. Legal Description: J-ot TO}nI OF VArL CONSTP.UCTPERHIT APPLICATTON FODATE..4-S-PF / APPLICATION MUST BE FTLLED OU? COMPLETELY OR TT }tAY NO? BE ACCEPTEDU A * * * * 'k * * * * * * * * 'r * '* * )t * * ?t * * * * * * * * pERl{r1, TNFORI{ATIoN 7r 'r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * )r ,, i * )r [ ]-Buildr"]rLl-p'uhbinS K)_Elecrrical [ ]_Mechani-cal [ ]_orherJob Nane % Job Addre r=, M Block A rr-h i t-anF.Address: General Description: Work Class:_ [ ]-New ffi_Alteration I l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]_otherNuml:er of DwetIi-ng Units:Nu-mber of Accorunodation Units;_€_ Appliances_ cas l,ogs-- llood/pel1et FITTT T\YTT/... t!v4!grr\\J. ?ELECTRTCAL: $OTHER: $lr_,LrMBrNG: g ToTAL: $ 9Ol"8 9,,"R INFORT,IATION * * * rr * )k *,k * * * rr * * * * *,r :r * )r:z * * )i:. -€-- Address: El nct r i r-:1 ra^r-r+F1^-^*.l- <ru \-!.,J! :Address: Plunlcing ContracLor:Addresi: Mechanical Contractor.:Address: * )ixx rt * *** x *rt ***rf *** x**x* :f *)t *rr***BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUJ'IBING PERI,TIT FEE:MFCI{ANICAL PERMIT FFE:ELECTRICAL FEE: OTi.IER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail RecT. No_Phone lrunber: 52t<- a<tT* I;:l""$,k!L""t;,!:# af Town of Vail Reg. NO.f Phone ]r urnber: -----------:-- y'r, Town of VailPhone llunber:Reg. NO. FOR oFFfCE USE * * * * )k * * x * * * * * * *:r * rr * * * *,t x * x * * * x ::uUiLDTNG PI,AN CHEC}| gEE: PLIIHBING PI,AN CHECK fEE:MECHANTCAL PLb.N CHE'}- l-.'IiF. PE ^Dr'l.nf ou rpn .' CI,EAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAT, PEFJ.ITT FE!]S: BUTLDTIiG: STGT{ATI'RI: ZONTNG: SIGNATUR-E: VALUATION I LL|-A-\ UP DPOSIT REFIIM TO: - t _------ icLEAli UP DEPOSIT l o 75 soulh lronlage roadvall. colo.ado 81657(303) 479-2138 or 179_2L39 TO: FROI'I: n I .rr F. . ol llce ol comm unlly developm c n I ALL coNTRAcToRs cupErr.N.nr vr hh^-_.rotr,N OF VArL CURRENTLYL REGTSTERED wrTH THE TO}N OF VAIL PUBLIC I{ORKS/CO}I,ruNITY DEYELOPI.IENT ItARcH 16/ L988 SUBJE.T: CoNsTRUcTToN PARKING & }IATERTAL ST.RAGEfn sumhary, Ordinance No. 6 staperson to Litte ;:.ffi :;'i:*,"uli.IiUni::=" :;3" ii IIi'= ]t' )=':Ii::iiiu :"5iII= p1i:"_:. .,r ;#:t;i;irii":i:::ff"::ff*f5;]ii:r::::FH, il;'-- ilii. ::;i;"';.3"$rii'fl *.1:t*"lT:!:iv -u-rt''Ir;",1)1,"::r .' iiii:!.:?I}:" ":o: ;il5*:".f;ff I{:riiF::iI, :ti,'";" " r -vu i r :l-t!: -"iiri".f,: p.e5son =",,"ti.1;iUi;,"i:Hilfli'":ilil:l:"il:;]:;^:ilnllfn" 24 hour ti"''-= riti rriii " r:.":ii[::ii:':,#r*iiiilri]::1":r;;il,"il;,r:. ".any stree. ;; ;il:i.::r:;i,oiiililllri; :I"Tl;li l*l;I5= o, $lrl"xiilo?i3,ll,"e Nb. 6 in ful "oop.,.ti;;.,:".,;f, ii.mll"::,,"iiil; I'::;r" =.::.:l ;:; ?:1"":1. Re.ad a n:1.acl'.:,._,"iIed.ged by : Y--> r-jEcr_(i... contract -ill'lrl' Date or, owner) 75 s oulh lronlage road vo ll, colora do 81657(303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 olllce ol communlty developmerr I EUILDING PERt.iIT ISSUANCE Til,lE FMNE If'thrls perml:t require,s a Tovrn of Vair Fire Department Approval , .' 5l:il:.i ',,(.Pub) ii r,rorks ) i;ti"; unllupbrouur l-i' piJil,iifi['o.pu.t .ntrevr erl or Hear ah o:-o.3iirqnt. revi ew, unb'u-i"ui.ir tv"tii."d, i r ai nsSirtlll;',1;.[: u'.rru ted time for'a lotat' iuui",,-,ruv"iuii u, r ons All comnercial (larg: or small ) and all multi_famjly permits willhave to fo'lror'r ihe Sbove ;;;ii;";;-r]r,rrr requirements. Residentialand small projects shourd i;k;-;-i";;ir amount of time. However, ifresidential or snra'r ier.proSecir-irpiii the various above mentioneddepartmcnts vith rega.rd to-nu""riuiy-i"vi"*, these projects mayaiso take Ure three week perioJ, ::::{_.I!.Tpt wi|1 be made by this clcparrnrent to exped.ite thispermr.t.as s.qon as possibie. : - l:.i!. unders'igned, understand the plan check pi^ocedure crnd timeTrame. ru,' 'Communi ty Devel opmrnt Department. TO: FSOM: DATE: RE: ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLICMAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY WORKS DEPARTIIENT PERMIl-'IS REOUJRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the fofiovrino question naire regarijing the need for a "public Way permit.: YES NO 'I t) 2) d) 5) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being perforrned thal requires the use oithe rightof !vay, easemenls or public iropefy?. ls any'ulility rvork needed? ls lhe driveway being repaved? ls dilferent access needed lo sileother than existing drivevtay? ls..any drainage vrorii being doneaffecling lhe right of rvay, easements,or public property? ls a "Fevocable Right Of Way permit" required? 6) q\A. ls the right of public properly to be ,- -,l,ir rg cti i-,,e ing? way, easements or I tcod {nr c'ra^i^^atov tgl B, . lf no lo gA, is a parking, staging :r^1:?:19 plan requireo ov commJriliitievelopment? lf you anstvered ),es lc arv n{ lhes , ,.c .:, ,.r , ,. ,,,^,, r-\ !u.,, - 'vvav rei r i' 'iol*, "1", ,;; ;."'J?,ir;";i i#'d"ii;:",r#1":l',irijJT'l;Community Developmeni. . li you truve'anv ouestions pt"ase calt6harlie Davis, the Townof Vail Construciion lnspectoi, at a79_215S1 I have read and answered all the above questions. Contractor's Signalure DaieJob Name PUBLIC WORKS PEFT,IIT PROCESS Horv il relates to Building Permits: tl al e\ q\ 6) 7) NOTE; is.for vrork in a public lvay.only. 21-o tr;rlid onlV lntil ltlor.rp6'[oy 'l g{i.1. Fill out our check list provided vrith a buildinq permit aoplication.lf yes v/as ansr,,rered to any of the above questions then a "public way', isrequire.d. _You can pick up an application ar eiiher communiry Deveropment, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Publlc Works, located at 13d9 Vail Valley Oilve. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All ulilities must field verify (locate)respeclive ulilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies iequire upto a 48 hour nolice to schedule a locate. A construction tratfic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheetof paper.An approved sile plan may also be used. This plan rvill show locationsot all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the rvork zone, (area ofconstruction, staging, etc..). This plan vrill expire on oct. 15th. andrvill need tobe resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sf9!cn of.urork being perlormed must be submittecj indicating dimensions (length,wjdlh & depth of worli). This may be drawn on the traffjc control plan or a sileplan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Worl<s's of fice for revievr. lf required, locates will bc scheduled [or the Tor,vn of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crevi. The. locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4g hoirs to perform. The Public worl<'s construction lnspector will review the applicair..,,r .ir0 approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any thai nrayneeded. llost permils llr: released lvithin 4B hours of being received, bul pleaseallow up [o one vreek Lo process. As soon as the permit is pi'ocessed, a copy will be faxed to community Development allor.nring the 'Building permlt" to be released. please do not conf usbthe'Public way Peimit" rvith a'Building Permii'' to do work on a n.oiect iiself. The.above. processrr.,\rin \Var r porm.itS cdlp\eay A nerv Public way permit is required each year if rvork is not complete. o 75 so uth lronlage road vall, colorado 8.|657 (3 03) 479-2138 (303) 479-2139 off ice ol communlly development NOTTCE TO CONTRACTORS /OI NER BUILDERS Effective June 20, 199r, the Tovrn of Vair Building Departrnent hasdeveropecl the forl-owing procedures. to ensure thai new consLrucLionsites have aclequatery -esIab]ishecl prop".-a.lii-ogu from buildingsites arong and adjacenL to Tovrn of^vaii-roaJJ'oi ".r"".".The Town of vair public works .Depart.nrent wil-r- 'e reguired toinspecL an$ 3enlove drainage acljacent t" roi,.:*of vair roads orstreets and the instar-ratiori or temporary or permanent curvert.s at.access points from the road or street on.to ti-re co'strucLion site.sucfr approvar nrust.be obta.ineci prior to unv i.o"IIa for inspectionby the l'ov/n of vair nu.ircling Deparr-menr- ror rooiings or remporaryelecl-ricaL or any other i-nspecrio.. - pG""; Jarr 41 9-2160 torequesr- an inspeccion from th; pubri" worl"*"o".pirtmenr. Arro,.r:.aminimum of 24 hour notice. Al:o,-.the 'Tor'rn of Vair pubrii !'rorks DeparLment vriJ-I r" upp.orringall final drainage and cuIverL, insuafiatio"'riiti resulting. roac.lpa"r:hing'as nqqg-ssary^. such approval must be-ottaineo prior toFj.nai- Cert.if icate of -Occupincy i""uun"". '5 Sa::rlt Frontagc Roatl 'nil, Colorado 81657 03-479-2138/ 479-2139 .:AX 303-479-2452 'l D cpa r! trtc ttt of Contuttttity D cva lolt tttt't rr INFORMATION NEEDED }THEN APP.I;YING FOR A MECHAXICAI FERTIIT HEAT LOSS CALCULATTONS. TO. SCALE FLOOR PLAN.OF I.'IECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRA$JN IN TO SCALE, WrTH pHySICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF.ALL EQUIPMENT IN I.'ECHANICAL ROOI'I . SHOI"I SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS,'.FLTJES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTD WHETTIER ELIVATOR EQUIPMENT 9]II-,L ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. FAILURE TO PROVIDE THIS INFORMATION WTT.T. DELAY YOUR PERMIT. '?oz OE Faz.o Fi.,2 Fi (JoF{F 2A ; !( o o iqotr d| ; H U Et)F' F] o F :I o FoF' 2o i AFTztl EO o zz FTE F FIH2Z EOts,E J |,tsaz,oFE o FFNZooo.:l < a F zo F EO ztn E r'lO O lrrid a6 F Do FT F o zb FI o : E F]E Erots Q:o. S\,.[ro V^'" d;a*,.o'-,P\ o-x \x-o /J e 7-til X.X.O e ,/Z_\--\--/-\--v Door Codlng Chart X-S[dtng panet O-Flxsd Sldollght P-Unlt Wlthout Sldellght So-swingout Sldsllghi SP-Swlng Pocket Panel SX-Swlng Sllde Panel 25,4 mm= 1" mmx.03937=inch 2.2tb=IkE o-x'x-o el+ X.X"O X-O-X P.XF:-ffiffi PPI Pl_19 i.lg Qr Automatlc 3lldlnll door - whlts palnt flnlrh. Natlonal Code Approval Horton Automatics doors are built to meel nalional building code egress requirements, ANSI starrdards for pedestrian doors and the Arnericans With Disabilities Act of 1990 requirements for barrier-free entrances. Standard products are UL listed and custom products are construcled to meet or exceed the UL, ETL, CSA, BOCA and ICBO requiremenh. For tvind ioad, doors meet Dade County contpliance testing by Miami Test LaboEtones, Inc. Test Dtta Horton Automatics operators have been tested fol'compliance and to lneel certain code criteria. \"4mergency Swing - UL and National Building Code. Wind Load - Tested by Mjami Test Laboraiories, Inc. Forced Entry - Tested by Miami Test Laboratories, Inc. Sorl63 2OOO rutomatlc alldlng door wlth em€rgency cllo'r breakost. x-o-o.x +c neteavect: 7,/2a/go Jul -28-9€! 04: l lP IT 4 .24PM;3O3 722 OA51 -> Evans-Mende]--Al-l-i,son const- a Page 2 P -02naiferl Plus Associates ] ,"" otu, II MlrcHgI-,,1, sK-1 .55 SltEftaafi SIREET, SLrlf 250. OExvER, CO. co203-..oJ soJ-722-e690 FAX JO3-722-0831 FIRSTBANK 17 VAIL ROAD VAIL, COLORADO VAIL DATE: JULY 2E. 199E JOB NO. gEOE Plus AssocrATEs INC. t(+ 6.'-'.-\L- vr7vr,'i\ r/'| ?--"'E TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8165? 910-47 9 -21"38 APPLlCANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE ADD/ALT CoMM BUILD POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PERMT Permit #: 897-0109 Job AddressLocation...Parcel No. .Project No. 17 VAIL RD 17 VAIL ROAD 2t0t-071-07 -0 0 6 Status. . .Applied.. Issued. . . Expj-res . . R.A. NELSON & ASSOCIATES, INCP O DRAWER 5400, AVON CO 81620R.A. NELSON & ASSOCIATES, INCP O DRAWER 5400, AVON CO 81620 FIRST BANK OF VAIL 8 FIRSTBANK H Phone : 3 0 3 9 4 9 5 1 5 2 Phone: 3039495152 B2 V l-HR SHAKES B2 Type V l-Hour Clean-uP DePosit Refund approved YE1=,Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: F i fep Lace lnformation: Restricted: 383.50 DRB 70, 000 flof Gas App t i ances: *' --tuJPt- Add Sq Ft: fof cas Logs: .00 Tota[ Catcu[ated Fees---> Addi t iona L fees--------->.00 **********************i****************lllll*liii;;;;;;;;;***i********liiii;i?******illlHi-lXi;;;;;;;ii*i*ii************ill*** Itqmi .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:05/14/1991 CHARLIE Action: AppR CHARLIE DAVISI!'e.t i',q54q0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Depr: PLANNTNG Division:' 05 /I4 /L991 CHARLIE Action: AppR N,/AIterni',056Q0 FIRE DEPARTMENT '. Dept: FIRE Di-vision:05/14/L991 CHARLIE Action: appR U/a [Eili't?3?9t.ilHRi+3 *3:[i",: AppR N/A Dept: PUB woRK Division: *********f****************t*******************************************************tt*******************************i************** See Page 2 of t.his Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknowtedge that I have read.this appIication/ fitl.ed out in fuLt the infofmation required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. t agree to compty viith the .iniormation and pl,ot pl.an,to compty rrith al,t Town ordinances and state [avs, and to buil,d this structure ing to the Tovn's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances ot thfioy'n aip_!.i'ab L e thereto. *anrJr* FoR INspEcrroNs sHALL BE HADE T'ENTy-FouR HouRs rN ADVANcE By rELE ;. FF ICE FRotl 8:00 Af4 CoMPANY, Po Box 1s00e7, LAKEwooD "o TOV/COmm. DeV, Description: REROOF WITH CLASS "B" HEAVY flof t,lood/Pa I L et: ******************)t*************************t************** FEE SU14llARy ************************i********************************* Bui Lding-----) Ptan check---> Investigation> tli L l. Cal.l,----> 590.00 Restuarant P[an Review--) .0O Recreation Fee---------->3.00 ctean-Up oeposi t-------->.00 Totat Permit Fee--------> 1,226.50250.00 Payment s------- I SSUED05/14/resl05/r4/ree7tL/r0 /|ee7 Send Ctean-Up 0eposit To: R.A. NELSON fOR HIIISELF AND OLINER ****C.**********************************r,**************************************** CONDITIONSPermit +: 89?-0109 as of O5/14/9'l Status: ISSUED*rr****tk*******************r.*******r.***************r.***************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUrLD PERMT Applied: O5/L4/t997Applicant: R.A. NELSON & ASSOCIATES, INC Issued, 05/14/1997303949s152 To Expirez I7/L0/1997 Job Address:Location: 17 VAIL ROAD Parcel- No: 2101-071-07-006 Descript j.on: REROOF WITH CLASS '8" HEAVY SHAKES Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECT]ONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.3. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC CHAP.32 * * * * * * * * * * * !k * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COI,ORADO********************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0273 Amountr 1,226 Payment Methodr CHECK Notation: #12318 ***************** Statemnt****************** .50 0s/14/97 14:05rnit: cD Permit NoParcel No Si-te Address Location Thi-s Payment Account Code01 0000 4131001 0000 4133201 0000 2200201 0000 41336 897-0109 Type: A-COMM 2101-0 71-0 7 -0 0 617 VAIL RD17 VAIL ROAD ADD/ALT COMM BUILD P L t 226 .50 Total Fees:TotaL ALL Pnts:Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITSWILL CALL INSPECT]ON FEE I,226 .50 1, ,226 .50 .00 **************************!k************************************* Amount 590.00 383.50 250,00 3,00 ! 't l )*Concacc Eagle County Assessorsfrr"u O( ar 970-328-8640 for Parcel /l . ToWN OF VAIL CON5TRUCTfoN PEzulrT /l(PARCEL /I: PERMTT APPLICATToN FoRMt DATE ' ;7 '/ 1/ ,/ .) )7 DATE. '//4,/'-/ ) , APPLTCATToN MUST BE FTLLED our ciupr,rrnLy oR IT MAy Nor BE AccEprED x***************************** PERMIT TNFORMATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r, * * * *,l ffi-Buirding [ ]-Plunbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Job Narne: Arichitect i /lit.t,, ceneral Description: Work Class: [ ]-New I Number of Dwelling Un Dll'rT nTar,... arJllJlrJLr-l-tl\r. f PLUMBING: $ Cont_ractor: Address z t 1-" /ir ' Electrical Contractor: Address: ToTAL: $____Z_J!! "__ *************************** Town of Vail Res. No.i7O-APhone Number: cra/o-j't=T- Address: OTHER: $ Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO, oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDING PI.,AN CHECK F8E: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES; BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURS: t/' f:'""( J'l,/A,/ Job Acidre ssr ,/ 7_tZ/ ,frAd Legal Description: Lot Block Filing susprvrsroN, Owners Name:addr"r= : /'l /ol tr; r,' l-Alteration [ ]-Additionat [,J-nepair [ ]-other_/\its: Number of Accommodation Units: Nlrrnber and rvDe of Fireplaces: Gas Appri^n.""-%4 eas ross/1_ wood/perl"t4_ftt**************'t****************** VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *I EI,ECTRICAL: $ 0/*t.B p6.t/:t4*-iL4(, Ph. :::")ff::f"" -:.-.;!8,17-Ol Plumbing Contractor: ,/t',/tJAcldress: Mechanical Contractor: /:/1"/Address. - ********************************FORBUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE; MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE; UKt' }r;t;: Cornnents: CLEAN I'P I}EP,OSIT REFI]ND VALUATION 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 TO: rROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ead and acknowledged by: 't!. oftlce ol communlly deyelopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TowN oF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I,IARCH 16, 1.988 CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG & MATERTAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that, it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soifr-roci, sand, debrisor naterial, including trash durnpsterr, portabre toirets andworkrnen vehicles.upon any streetl siaewaitl-;ii;y or publicpl?:" or any portion theieof. ine risht:;i_;;;-;n a'l rown ofVail streets and.:?ug= is approximately 5 ft. off pavement,.This ordinance witr. be =tti'"liv--enforced by the Town of VairPublic works Department. persLns found vi;laain; this ordinancewil-I be griven a 24 hour writren ""1i""-t"-;:;;;"'="id mareriar..rn the event the person so notified.aoes noi-"conprv with thenotice within the 24 hour.tirn"-=p""i;i;,"if""i"iric worksDepartment wirl remove said mateii"r .t irr"--""pJ"se of personnotlfied- The provisions ot irr:-s ordinance shar.r not beappricable to c-onstruction, riiti"nu.rce or repair projects ofany street or atley or any utilities i" in"-ri!ii_"_r.y. To review ordinance Nir. e in ful1, please stop by the Town ofYlil B"ilding Departrnent to obtain a copy. rnant you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. R Y (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 roulh tronl.ge road Yrll, colorado 81657(303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 ottlco of communlty devclopmerrt BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this pery!t requires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval,Engineer''s (.pubric t,lorks) review and approvai,'i iiiiiiinS'b.pu"t .ntreview or Health Department.review, anir'a-revie* uy ine 6uiiarngDepartment, the estimated time for a total reui"*-ilav"iui.'is r6ngas three weekg. f]] c9mm9r9ia'l (.]arge or sma'il) and ail murti-fami'rv permits w.i1'lhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requiremints. Residentialand.small projects shourd take a resser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smalier projects impact the various ulou" mintioneodepartments with regard' to-necessary review, th;;; ;;;j;.ii"ruyalso take the three-weet peiioJ. Every attempt wi'll be Tige by this departrnent to expedite thispermit as soon as possible. - I' the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and timeframe. Communi ty Development Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOHS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the lollowing questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way Permit": YES 1) 2) ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public propefi? NO Xn,: Xlo X'/r'' xto xt, 3) ls any utility work needed? 4) ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls diflerent access needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging iarkinj ol t"ntins ? - -' ?n l;n., /-? J-B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be oblained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of VailConstruction Inspeclor, at 479-2158. I have read xy,'t rCAll the _above questions..,,,%.. ft Y // Job Name ls Signature F 3 o7.oOE 'z FO zo F' C' D !! F. ci F{ (, -iq I o zd AF a\a r4 U * oF E>, rlotl: F. FFvzI!IEOriE 4> FI o gl FFrH2qlpooAE !1 XFI z F =(Jzla Ello oErF, riO UU F 2 o c z F -; t> rrrO: l, lf or,:(-,,__u(_CJ, f t1t. 1.:, I I ; 1r:(. l{ i e t, l I)l:f ttl )tt.N r ()I: c()]tlllr\tr]. l)t:\']:t-()tilEi\-l- i/ t/ 2,iI r"-'' )M 4tlr: 4lrlaf fft |.o t c: ( -r I f} ZQ .-/.7r'{lf / t /-l t ( | ct ttclis i\tA t)t_ t^ \'A1l t_E 1 .) 't o\\,N ()l: \. tt. 1'()\VN OI: VN II, | 0()00 4 t-5,10 I 0t 000042.il:r ]Ffr,ri[NlFr _ U Ni i i lIl (f a-ODrl ;ri: o0ofa2al-.s ioiiNl r\l,fiiINlc)\-.ttTtlt0(t2tti r,INll dr(lir t,1lat, COI)ii rr I (X,()0 42 ^-il a tN ;{ i, it i, t r "in-ieTr- ttID['il t t, tt ('0ir ti-trr)( ix.s- -- () l ()0()0 4ll l 5-lit oitoir 4-Ts.irr -lil,filt I r{tN rS iti()t 0000 424 | 2 airr&)x-(-drttL-{-()t ()()00 42.1 t2 St'ariitr-,-s _' 0 | (x)00 ,124 l2 'i=O tti, f: t,ieatNip U'il ila I 0 r (x)0() 4 2i 71 lirII l"R'liii -.;/taliJN.\Ti:et-tO ir-- t'i. n r.- ii t, r, i t. rv li t : - (' il 1 :(, K-i:| 1 : - 1 {.ro- l rl: It I il{. 1- --.Oi:tr'ti()tiii:i INsl't.i t t?)tt i.Il,S''' ----- :-J_=_--0l 0()()0 rl ll.t2 (r | ()000 .12_1.r1 (r | 00()0 4 i.1 t?irl (iilr)o 't rl rr - -rir ilrlori :r i.il ri'i (ii)(io 42.r.1a'-tj f oixrrl7ll.i 7 a. AA()l (xr(x) 41,171 .l|00()()45tt() \, I tr\/trt, -ai\/-1 /' (tf atitiiatt n i t ' -ri f -o ii tlii.ii'ii lli rir00riti4:il 0 ,DC: 1T,I;tCATiO\rr:FF -----l. 0 )041 '.r ]t' -:, --s-?fo0 n t)t)t l loNAL (;t(lrn 0t 0000 4 | rrAittnNc t,--- i'1t i.lt; ( ri i ri, n l,4l,i.t l)r4 i,t i fs0 | ()()()() 41130 C()trlIlEN lli psc.oy:7-/i I OWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 910-47 9-2138 Bui Ld i ng-----) P Ian check---> lnvestiqation>$iLt Cal,[----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPI,IENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT I'IUST BE - ^^ /,ADD/ALT COMM BUILD POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PERMT Permit #: 897-0011 Job Address Location...Parcef No. . Project No. 17 VAIL RD 17 vArL RD (1ST BANK) 2L0r-}"t 1-0 7 -00 6 Status . . AppI ied.Issued.. Expires . I S SUED 0r/2e /reelor/2e /ree7 07 /28/ree7 APPLICANT G&GROOFING P O BOX 817, FRTSCO CO 80443 CONTRACTOR G&GROOFINGP O BOX 817. FRISCO CO 80443 OWNER FIRST BANK OF VAIL t FIRSTBANK H coMpANy, po Box 150097, LAKEWOOD CO 80215 Description: REROOF WITH LIKE MATERIALS (SHAKES) CLASS "8" Occupancy: 82 82Type Construction: V 1-HR Type V l-Hour Type Occupancy: Valuation: 4,890 Add Sq Ft: Phone: 3036685552 Phoner 3036685552 Fireptace Information: Restricted:dof Gas App t i ances:foJ Gas Logs:fof !ood/Pa [ [ et: t*********'t************************************************ tEE SUt4l.lARY ********1*****t***************tr*************************** 61 .75 DRB 95. O0 Restuarant Ptan Review-->-00 TotaI catcutated Fees---).00 Addi t ionaL Fees---------> TotaI Perm it Fee-------->.00 100.00 Paymen 259.75 .00 259 -75 259.75 .00 Recreation Fee---------->3.00 ctean-up Depos i t--------> ******************,r********************]?ll!*llii;;;;;;;;;;;i*ii**********ii?;1i-***liilI|i-lli;;;;;;;;iiiiii************il?*** Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DeDt: BUILDING Division:07/29/7991 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISItem:'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Divj-sion:0I/29/1997 CHARLIE Action:' APPR N/A07'/29'/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N7AI9efi',99990 FIRE DEPARTMENT '. Dept: FIRE Division:0l/29/1991 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/AtiiT,t:t?3B9o.fiXRil3 "8:$"': AppR N7A Dept: PUB woRK Division: ****************t*****************************************t*********t********************************************t************t*** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. I , DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, f il,l,ed out in futl, the information required, compteted an accurate ptot Pl'an/ and state that atI the intormation provided as required is correct. I agfee to compty vith the intormation and ptot ptan,to comPty Hith aLI Town ofdinances and state taws, and to buiLd this structure according to the Tovn,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design reviev approved, Unifofm BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Tolrn appticabte thereto- REoUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE hADE TITENTY-FoUR HoURS IN ADVANCE By TELEPHONE Ar 4JrU3' 9| AT O_!R EFICE tRott NTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND O['NERSend Cl.ean-up Deposit To: G & G RooFING * * * * * * * * t * * ** * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** t(* * * rr ** * * * * * * * CONDITIONS Permit *: B9?-0011 as of aL/30/97 staLus: TSSUED ***********tr******************************************************************** Permit Type: Applicant Job AddressLocationParcel No Description ADD/ALT COMM BUrLD PERI,TT G & G ROOFING 3036685552 17 VAIL RD (1ST BANK) 2ror-071-07 -0 0 6 Applied , oL/29 /I99'lIssued z 01-/29 /1997To Expire I 07 /28/1997 REROOF WITH LIKE MATERIALS (SHAKES) CLASS '8" Conditions: 1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REOUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITH 199]. UBC CHAPTER 32 BASED ON TABLE 32-A SHAKES MUST HAVE A CLASS "B'' RATING OR BETTER 4. ALL MATERIALS MUST BE STAGED ON SITE AND NOT WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY I **************************************************x TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO**************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0245 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: ************* Statemnt************************ 259,'t5 OL/30/97 09:10Init: CD#17s81 This Payment **************************************************************** Permit NoParcel NoSite AddressLocation Account Code01 0000 413100t 0000 4L33201 0000 2200201 0000 4L336 897-0011 Type: A-COMM2IOt-071-07-006 17 VAIL RD17 vArL RD (1Sr BANK) ADD/ALT COMM BUILD P 259.75 259.75 .00 Amount 95.006I.75 100.00 3.00 Total Fees: 259 .75 Total- ALL Pmts: Bal-ance: Descriptlon BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITSWILL CALL INSPECT]ON FEE TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0- 47 9-2738 .00 3.00 Job Address Locati-on. . .ParceI No..Project No. 17 VAIL RD 17 vArL RD (1Sr BANK) 2t0I-07 1-0 7 -0 0 6 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AIonREo l--2q-7-7 e-n NOTE! THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT permit #: 897-0011 Status. . .Apptied.. Issued. . . Expires. . APPROVED 0r /2e / rsel 0r/2e /7ee1 07 /28/\ee1 APPLICANT G&GROOFINGP O BOX 817, FRTSCO CO 80443 CONTRACTOR G&GROOFINGP O BOX 817, FRISCO CO 80443OWNER FIRST BANK OF VAIL I FIRSTBANK H coMpANy, po Box 150097, LAKEWOOD CO 80215 Description: REROOF WITH LIKE MATERIALS (SHAKES) CLASS ,,B. Occupancy: 82 B2 Type Construction: V l-HR Type V l-Hour Type Occupancy: Val-uat j-on t 4 ,890 Add Sq Ft : 61 .75 DRB F .00 Additional. Fees---------> .0O-00 Total Permit Fee-------->259 .75 .00 259 .75 Phone: 3036685552 Phone: 3036685552 Fi reptace Informat ion: Restricted:#0f Gas App I iances:#0f cas Logs:#Of Uood/Pa L tet: i**********i*************ff*t***********************t FEE SUI{t'IARY ************ff*f #***rri*H***********ft********#****** 8ui Lding-----) P[an check---> Investigation> Ui l. L ca L l.----> 95.00 Restuarant Ptan Review-->.00 TotaI ca Lcu lated Fees--->259 .75 Payments Recreation Fee----------> Ctean-Up Depos i t-------->100.00 259 .75********************************i*******************************************f***************************************************** Itqmi .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDING Division:oI/29/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR CHARLIE DAVISIlgli,9?1q0_PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNTNG Division:oI/.29 /1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A0 I'/ 29'/ 19 91 CHARL I E Act ion : AppR N7AIle{ri'.95qq0 _EIRE DEPARTMENT _ ___ -_',_ Dept: FIRE Division:07/29/199'7 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A EiTrtt!'ll9o"ilXRllf; t8Bfl"": AppR N/A Dept: PUB woRK Division: ******fftr**lr************ff***'tt***********tri*****i************************i************************ff***ff******t**ff******i***** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknowledge that I have read this apptication, fitLed out in fuLI the information required, compLeted an accufate ptotptan, and state that atI the infornation prov'ided as required is correct. I agree to compl.y with the iniormation and pl.ot pLan,to comply Hith aLt Tolrn ordinances and state taws, and to buil,d this structure according to the Tolln,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Llniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Town appLicabLe thereto- REaUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE I'IADE TI,IENTY-FoUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRott 8:OO A 5:OO ptl Send Ctean-lJp Deposit To: G & G ROOFING SIGNATURE OF OI,]NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI}ISELF AND OI,'NER * * * d.****** * * *** * * ** ******* * ** * * ****** * * ********* *****r.* t *r,** * * ** **** * **** * * * * ** * CONDITIONSPermit #: 897-0011 as of 0L/29/97 Status: AppRoVED**************************************************r.********r.*****************r.** Permir Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUJLD PERMT Applied. 0t/29/1997Applicant:G&cROOFING rssued,0l/29/19973036685552 To Expiret O7/28/t997 .Iob Address:Location: 17 VAIL RD (1ST BANK)Parcel No: 2t0]--071-07-006 Description: REROOF WITH LIKE MATERIALS (SHAKES) CLASS ''8" Conditions:I. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. 2 . FIELD INSPECT]ONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,,IANCE.3. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC CHAPTER 32 BASED ON TABLE 32_A SHAKES MUST HAVE A CLASS ''B" RATING OR BETTER4. ALL MATERIALS MUST BE STAGED ON SITE AND NOT WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY rI\I(L L L O ro"* oF vArL co^IsrRucrroOIt: . 2|0107|O7006 pERMIT APPLIcATION !'oRlI DArEz ?t /la/*7/ . APPLICATION MUST BE IIILLED OUT COI{PLETBLY OR IT }NY NOT BE ACCEPTED,af S* * * * * * * * * *,r * * * * * rr * * * * * * rr * * * * * * pERIIIT f ll f ORMAT I OI.J * * rt * * * * t( * * * * * !t * * * rt * * Jr * * * * * * * ' rv'tx l-Builcling [ ]-1>lumbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical [ ]-other Job Name: 1st Bank of Vail Job Address: -17 vail Roaq-- Legal Description: Lot Block FiIins _ sul,prvrsroN, owners Name: 1st Bank of Vail Adclress: 17 Vail Road,Vail Ph479-3305 ArchitecL:Address:Ph. I'ERTIIT // ceneral lJescription: work class: [ ]-New [ ]-AlLeration I j -AddiLional Nudrer * l-Repair [ ]-other Nulnber of DlrelLingr Units:of Accorunoclation Units: Wood/PeIlet{ptnber ancl Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Logs- Wood/Pellet-q/ figt rt * * rt * rt * rt Jr:t rt:t rt rt rt:t * td ?t * rb * tr * tt rt rt * rt tt * * VALUATI ONS tt rt it !t * ?t * tt t( rt !t rt tt it rt rt tr * * * ** tt tr !t ** * tl *tr lr ttth 817-ooqt BUILD]NG: S 4890.00 ELECTRfCAL:OTIIER: $ PI.,UMBTI'IG: $ MECIIANICAL: $sp ,|fr,r 't,* * * * r' * * * * * t t * * * 't t **'t*'v'tt * CONTI{ACTOR INpORMATIONfl Eeneral Contractor: G & G Roofing,Inc. TOTAL: $ Address: p-o. Rox 81?,Friseo, CO 80443 Phone Nunber: 668-5552 + $ Electrical Contractor: Address: Mechanical. Contractor : Address: * * * * * * * * rt * * tt rt * )t tt * tr * rt * * tr tr * * t! tt * * * rt FOlt BUILDING PEIU'{IT FtrE: PLUMBING PEITMTT FEE: MECTIANICAT PERMIT FEE: trLEC1'RICAL FEE: OT1IBR TYPE OF TEB: DRB FEE: * *lr** * tt * tr*tt**** * ****!k*****tr Town of Vail Reg. No. 124-5 Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: To!.r'n of Vail Reg. No._ Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Nunber: OFFI CE USE :t rt * * Jr * * * rt * * tl tr rr * * rt * * * * *,t* * * * * * * * BUTLDTI{G I}I,AN CHECK IIEB: - PLU}IBII'IG PLAN CIIECK FEII: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FBE: RECREATTOI.I !'EE: CLEAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: Plumbing Address: Contracl-or: t DUILDING: STGNATURE: ZOI.IING: SIGI'IATURE: fnc.P.O.Box B17,Frisco, CO 80443cLE N up D[p.osrr nErruND to. G&GRoof lng, TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORAI'IDUIIl ALL CONTRACTOI15.TOWN OF VAIL PUTJLIC I\4AY 9, 1994 WHEI'I A ''PUBLIC WAY WORI(S DEPARTT'IEI'IT PERI\4|T'lS REOUIRED Job Name: Date: Please anslver the @garcjing tlre need {ora "PublicWay Permit": YES NO ls this a nerv residence? ls cJemolition work being perlonned that requires the use of the right ol way, easemenls or public property? ls any utilitY worlt needed? ls the driveway being rePaved? ls diflerent acccss needed lo sile olher than existing drivevtaY? ls any drainage work being done affecting the rigltt of lvay, easemenls' or public proPerly? ls a "Revocabte Right Of Way Perntit' required? A. ls the righl of waY, easemenls or public propeny to be used lor slaging, parking or {encing? B, ll no to BA, is a Parking, staging or {encing plan required by Comnunily Developmenl? l{ you answcrecJ yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be oblained. "pililic Way peinrit" applications may be oblainetJ at lhe lrublic Work's o{fice or at Community Developmer,i. lf you lrave any questiotts please call Charlie Davis,lhe Town of Vail Construction Inspeclor, at.479'2158. I have read ancl answerecJ allthe above questions' 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Jotr Name Conlractor's Signature Date PUBI.IC \ryORi(S TJER$iIIT PROCE$S How it relates to Building Permits: 1) Fiil out our clteclt list provideci with.a buildirrq perrnit appljcation' tt yes was onr**r*,j to any ;f tlle above iluestions ttten a "Public Way" is roquired. You carr pick up an applicaLion at cil.ltcr comrnunily Dcvelopment' locatccJ at 75 S. Fronlage ilgacJ or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility compatties. All Lrtilities must field verify (locale) respectivJutilities pLior to iigrring applicatiorr. Sorne utility contpanies require up to a 48 hour ttotice to scltedule a locate. A consl.rucl.ion trallic corrtrol/staging ;-rlatt tnust be preparerJ on a separate sheet of papcr.An atpprovecl site plan inay also be usecJ. 1'his plan lvill show locations of all tra{tic cotttrol clcviccs(sigrrs, cones, el,c..) and I'he work zone, (area of Constructiorr, Sragirrg, etc..). TTris plan will cxpire on Oct. 15th. and will need to be resubmitted {or approval through tlte wlnter' Skctclr of work bcirrg pertortnecJ must Lre subrnitted irrdicating dimensions (length' wicll.h & clepth of work). -l-his tnay be clrawn on tlre traffic control plan or a site plan lor thc job. Subnrit cornploLed ap;rlication to the Public Works's oltice for review' lf required, locatcs will ttc sclreclulecJ for the -fown of Vail Electriciatls and lrrigation crew. The looafes talre place in the mortlitrg tlut, may tequire up to 48 lrours to per{orm' l-he Public Worlt's Construction lnspecLor will review the application and approve or disal:prove the pcrrrtiL. You will be ootttacl.ecl as to the status and any that tnay rrecdecl.' lvlost pernriLs arc relcasccl within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one weelt to Jlrocess. As soorr as the pcrrrrit is processed, a copy will be faxed to community Devcloprrrent allowing tlre "Builcling PcrmiL" to be released. Please do not cottfuse the "Public Way Pcrririt" witlr a 'Bullciing lrerrttit" to do work on a project itselt' NOTE: * Tlre alrove process is fr.rr wotk in a public way only' * Public WayPertnits are valicl only until Novernber 15th' " A new putrtic Way l)et'tttit is recluired eaclr year if work is not conlplete' 2) 3) 4) 5) 7\ c(,Pway 6) 75 Soutlt l;rontagc [loud Vail. Colorudtt 81657 3 03 -479-2 I s B / 479-2 I 3e FAX 303-479-2452 1 FAII,URtr Depurtnent of Cottutuutity Devc loptrtcttt INFOru{ATION NEEDED W}IEN APPLYI}IG FOR A MECEAIITCAT PERMIT 3. s. 1IBAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. ,roSCALBlrl,oollI]LAI{oFIIBCIIANICALRooMWITHEQUIPMENT DITAWNII'IToSCALE'WITHPHYSIcALDIMtrNSIoNSANDBTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT TN MECIIAN]CAL ROOM' SHOW SIZB AND I.,OCATIOI.I OF COMBUSTIOI'I AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VEI'IT CONNL|CTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETIIBR ELEVATOR EQUIPMI'NT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN I"lECIlAl'IICAL ROOM. TO PROVIDS A$I5 INT'Oru{A'ITOII WIL& DEI,AY TOUR PER.I{IT. otiice of cottlttlunity developinenl 75 south frolllage road vail, colorado 81057 (303) 479-2138 (303) 479-2139 ,I{OTTCU'ToCONTRACTOIIS/OIiII{ERBUILDTIRS uffective June 20 , rgg),, trre .r.'ovrrr of Vail Ruilcring Departnent i-)as cleveloped tlre f ol-l-ow-i-rrg lrroceclur--es fo ensure Lilat nev/ consLrucLion sites ltave arlequaLel-)' esLalrlisirecl prolrcr drainage f ronr building iii." alont arrcl- acljaient- Lo town of Vail roacls or streeLs' TIreTo!'nofVaitPtrblicl{or]lsDepart:lterrt..vill.berequiredt-oinspecL artcl apprluo -tri"i"uge acijaderrl- to 'rown of vail roads or sLreet:.s ancl the irrstallaLiori of l-eflrporary or. PerltlarrenL culverLs at access 1:oinl-s froin l_he road or s{:relL on to i-he construcbion site. Sucl appro,ral ,,,usf be obtaineci prior'1-o any request for inspection by tlre lI,ow' of Vaif Builcling DeparLtLLertL f or f ooLincjS or tenUrorsry elecl,rical or any otfrer inspecLiot-i' Pfease call 479-2160 to reqllest an irtspec'Llorr f rc.,)r'r the Public Works Depar:l-ntcnL ' Al1ow a rrririinturn of 2'l ltour- no"ice - A1$o, Lhe 'l'or'rn ot Vai-I Public lrrorks Departlllent. w.iIl be approving alI final c.lrainaie'll..l -."r"","c ir-rstali;ruiol w1th resulLj-nq roacl paLciling as nece;sary. such approval rnust be obLained prior 1-o I'j.naL CerIif icate of Occupancy ]-ssuallce ' '{fl luwn u llill 75 soulh lronlage road vail, colorado 81G57 (3o3', 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO: FROM! DATE: SUBJ'ECl': olflce ol comntunlly deyolopment ALL COI.TTRACTORS CURREIITLYL REGISTERED I,IITII THE TOirrl{ OP VAIL TOlfI,l Of Vr\IL PUDLIC WoRI(S/COMIIUI'IITY DEVELOPI"IEI'IT MARCII t6, L9BB COI{STRUC'IION PARKII'IG & }IATERIAL STOIIAGI] fn summary, Ordinance l{o. 6 stal-es that it is unlavrful for anyperson to Litter, l-rack or deposiL any soi1, rocJ<, sand, debrisor naterial , incJ.ud.ing trash dunpsters, portable toilets andtrorllmen velricles upoll ally sl-reet, sidewalh, al1ey or publicplace or any portion tirereof. The right-of-ruay on all. Town ofVail. sLreets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavernent.?his ordinance !/ill_ be strictll' etrforced by the Town of VaiLPubli-c Works Departnenl-. Pclrsons found violating this ordinancewill l:e given a 2,1 hour wril-ten notice to rernove saj-d material .Itr l-he event the person so notified does not comply wiLh thenotice within tire 2,1 hour time specified, the Publ-ic l,torksDepartrirent r+i}I renrove said rnaEe::ial aL the expense of personnotified. I'he provisions of this ordinance strall not beapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street. or al1ey or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance I'Io. 6 in ful1, please stop by the Town ofVail BuiLding DepcrrLrnetrt to obtain a copy. 'firank you for yourcooperat-ion on this nratter. p w ead aud acknowledged by: mp eo FrotCAt-(i.e. contractor, owner) l,fl\,Dat-e o Iilt|{ll il UfiI 75 soulh fro.l lage road vail, colorado 81057 (303) 479-2138 or lr79-2119 olllce ol cotlllnunlly devol<lpttlettl UUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCI TII'IE FRAIII i\fI'tg If tlris l)eplit rcquires a Town of Vail F.i re Department.Approval , Irrgirreer'''s (Pubi ic llorks) reyievl atid apProval , a Planrting Departrilent reijew or lleal th Delrartnrent revier.r, and a revieb/ by the Bu'i lding DeparUrrent, the estinta tetl tinre for a total rev jel/ nlay take as l0ng as threc weeks. All conrnterc jal (large or slilal I ) and all nrul ti-farn.i 1y pernrits wi'l 1 have Lo fojlou tlre abovc urentioned nraxiutunr requiretrtents. Residential apd stilall prujects s|<.ruld talle a lesser arlount 0f tjlile. llOwever, if resirjentjaj 0i'stttal"l ct'pyojects irnpact tlte vapious above nlentjoned clepartnrents witlt regurcl to llecessary rev'i e!'r' tlrese proiects may also take the Lliree l'tccl< pcriod, [ver;,. 61;",,,pt w'i ll be nracle by th.i s dcparttnetlt to exped ite tlt'i s pennit as s.qOl) as l)oss'i ble. I, tlte undersigned, urrr{erstand tlre pian clteck procedure and tinte f rarne. .;_---i-;---IAljreed t0 Dy. Project Narrre s.f,,t / IJate l,lork Slteet vras turncd lllto rne Conutrun i ty Developnrent Dcpartnlcnt. oo ! (t t{J N3.€La.t.tF\r t'l Itlt,'t.t.r:?a_(a ?irc 't ) I \l ,I T .DE \ IEItE t.,V1 o] c< \<U U I \nt I! \J 0 {l.. 4 z z I I 1...s. \ z -Fqr .lFIal -li4t 'Ic. l Izl<l ,-1 lrUI rtl CNz X z t- (n .\JKtr c.l (\el c z F-z Q z'l Fzi-'l a'1F v I r'l z LO tl (nw z z F z cnJ lrl r-lF f-l o m -u;fin3 { oozo-{n o{oz r ,'rb,,ttrlt<t . F g Ef;E Il E 31i9ls i e iE" lfi * il< -r I.t-m=| --r c JT.l T-]fi -< cuL l $41 -- I t_I \-..-:Y =A-y' o <\J I- ! ^EE -A E, -.+! '\- - O:tuN ! (Jr\; \q- i-"'\_l i. q,zZo; --{mir, I t+< I: \J..t1 r- -OomrI F< \o(,, : ih rflxm.l1 -l z a =m CD c'J L-L.' i R<2': rr> 9v o9r.zr-rc3= 1Zgo qt ;=c)=-{oo> oU2"--t m >m -r> _r =m i o€zm aLr-r r @l<,o cl3le =3l rT F- I ..i.,i i'.\t it- '-*lZ Io lo I"ll Flr Io ll IFhll I<ll Pc ll< xtsll< |* ll,- Iltl l]lilllrl -t trmto5l{'lzlo t;ti tm le,lz I' I I -lfi n .j -tI l..rlol€lz l9 I<l>IFlr lnlz ld l=lzlo t:l>IFh l6lz lor tr r Ilrr-nm la\ l;in l€ l=lzl c^l li l(,,ri\' l< li.}co l> lEdI IF IGo l- lF... t; tts€ lo loFtllz lfIo lfi I l(rI loI llj t,v I vl{ lH.tc, ti:| | IcrlnItl lllr(]E =tr<Fr l.n(, Y IIl I I .)K =F.<F t> |nu i Irl I I 1_l\ iio:-oro- l:'"-iF F6E:q l-ii: : ig$; l;tii i;:HF| ,; l:"i :.^xrc=l\\.\ l.-i r1:.o-d ll * Hs sF;l$ '"H g a;I PQq,96.I P*3*=I i6E-A'I o-o i ot l:at. ?;E:; ltiF :q;:i l;if Ai:1l5J- il1'd' d[ gFi$; iF gaif; a 3[ Eiil*s ;i-: ai;:emt- ,=o)::onl- f o -.*I iry € cL:,: 4t : 2Z'= --{ l !lfil tZle I :ld Ett i 3frl o Icrm-CNQ'O zc <l _f FII Ic| |t/I' l-t =z l- !mI =-l zmmom-ll< ' >l =lalzl I I 816 s lgi 9l nl lfro<>n!l+m -t c t? t-t>t,-l.n tq z; r.- I =z = E --l -o c c z an ON9o--rfi Q;t-fuP io6>'n =za)i;qoo1zTAahIo d2 ^? c:za--.{o6 onzz€ I tsq, f-E l:lOFpo 'ts ''gl,.F s lt-1qrtlFq.I't It,. H-p+6'ql.FlJ$:fj ll-.fi H-,sltr tf {ot{!i!tcI rf,lqrt'ltltlll tr< Yl: cP ==EzF Qr >c ;i!or :F<'l'r Yit o iiF6#. c)f ' lt I ol I I\OEtlocpJ'l{c 00(,J t' ll I,t I or l.rf ';l-r I zz st-ozoz -.tma --{ --{ t-.It m ==f]mmU'' € ts FJ'f. c(n m --l X m zc m 2..1 m2 z m Itr{ m m z_nmm 3m - z t- c =z m o o ! zoI c)x g = m = m ='Tlmma VALUATION mu = =z mo z5 =o mt- o.{ o F zo t9o DI ( ).(,\o Oa o C) s, c) t II III I ul \rJ 5 /Pq/Xff1 o#t TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE. /'-,X qz . APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COI'{PLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDt I****************************** pERMIT fNFORMATJON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *'* * * * n ..to ,/' ./' t/ i[ ]-Building 64{nrrmring t{-etectricat lffiecnanicat Ci.ags . rlzltu. Job Name: /5' Ba.<or //+r l Job Address: + /Z y'+t / p< '' o;#is Legal Description: Lot BIock Filing SUBD IVI S ION : ' ;ry'(? Przurrr r 03% /')'^.^tv owners Nane: /5'E+-/( Architect, /)e<tau B Address: Address: Ph. Ph. l-Repair [ ]-Other Accommodation Units: Town of Vail Reg. nO=ffi_ Phone Number: Contractor: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******* **** ** *************{***** FOR BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAI, PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: oFFICE USE ************************** BUILDTNG PI,AN cHEcK FEE: ,5/O'***m BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: t t7 1/,n I Dz General Descrintion: Work Class: [ ]-New Tit'elteration [ ]-Additional t Number of Dwelling Units, I Nurnber of tiutl,otNe : $ ELEcrRrcAu$___/_o*,_*_ oTHER: L_ruoau""PLUMBTNG: MECHANICALz $_za,g-ao=_ ToTAL: W_LZ*,'...............- |1' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 't CONTRACTOR INFORMATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *IteneraL Contractor: Sn&.fi Lauasca,t'r* ,r'/l+thT Ca. Town of Vail aeg. No7-7L:t3- Address z ?.<', 3." /aZ?---E,t/6t Phone Number: 3 Z8-l /.?/ r'Y 7/q Electrical contractor: lt/,f ql E/r-.77/<--Town of vail Reg,. No. /lo-E Phone Number: 7r7-qL{/Address: Plunbing Address: Town of vail Req. Yg. /?/-7) Phone Number: YL7-5744 ** PLI'MBTNG PLAN CHECK FEE: UECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: &a VALUATION CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT RXFIIND /-+'uo-s.aViz.2 1 1c.,2-s-' ry< S 4r2-//a V r-t,,9x rzZ+"vf G,(.; 91dS / r'r' I .'11 C. 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81557 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: oo of f lce of communlty development ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL ToI''iN OF VAIL PUBLIC WoRKS/CoMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE fn surnmary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it. is unlawful for anyperson to litter, traek or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial, including trash dumpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehi-cles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicpl,ace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and. roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VaiIPY!]ic works Department. persons found. violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to rernove-said nraterial.fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tinre specified, the public worksDepartment will remove said rnaterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sni:_t not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or al1ey or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full-, please stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to obtai_n I copy. fnant you for yourcooperation on this matter. /:1:z') ead an cknowledged /4*t onlReIat.ProjecLi (i. r#ra< contractor, owner) ol oO 75 soulh lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 otllco ot communlty developmerrl BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI1E If this permi.t requilres a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval ,Engineepts (.P!b]ic Wopks) reyiew and approval, a planning'Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the AuiliingDepartment, the estirnated time for a total review may take as 'long as three weeks. All commercial (large or smal'l) and all multi-family permits wi1'lhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresrldential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioneddepartments with. regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt wi'll be made by this department to expedite thjspermit as spon as possr'bl e. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame, y_/? t*, - tt Project Name Communi ty Devel opment Department. 1O4OA MAIN ST- P o 80x 340, MTNTURN, CO 81645 (303) 827-5736 S ept embe r 14, 1993 l.,ri! i,i \,'r: i I .,f)n-inrrtr irr- t;e,i t ii:rprnrl rt t i 5 v:-r ii l.r.:'r,1 \.ttl { , iiit,:" ii L : vl i: a h.r lt .t r: -,r I lil-.irlt t.-:]- i::t l:1,':r ii- . t \.rIl- l:; 11c)l'Jitle l.t fleilnrd.rng l'!e.ns - )il1,.-r'i liat;1.i!- l'(lir;Ii('..: exL.'ltlng sllcrwme it tl lut l':e[;] Lrrl - j'iFli Sl1o1fmf,'11. lnstaiitrtg I ,001),000 Lt'ItrH i-)Lrrdc)or boiier, nelr- gas litle from meter to bo.i1er. cja:; lrrre wrri t,e slzed to handle boiler and will be exposed aiong contour c't brrr- tci rng, lnstal Lation will comply wath unrtorm mechan:.ca1 codes. Srncerely, &*F"/ Bechanic.aI Engrneer SB,rms cc:lllr ..,,3*" sTBLEY PLUMBTNG, r.O. Ot ao AASLTilD, ARCHITECI Town of Vail Dept. of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO. 81657 attn. Gary Murrain RE: lst Bank East side Fire Rated windows TOV.COIVlt\/l. DEV. DEPI Dear Gary, As we dircussed I, am submiuing the following items in regards to the 4 East side windows of approximately 8 square feet rough opening in the new addition, as well as the small window within the Terra Cotta medallion. 1. 4 windows tobe3116" laminated firelite using 5/8'steel stops as shown on the accompanying detail within the aluminum and wood clad frame which is on site. 2. 7" diameter window within the Terra Cotta medallions. 3" solid glass block within the wall assembly (8"x8' block). brochures Jlurrre28,19$ BOX 383 VA|L. CO 81658 \8 ,fi 0 ?+ \ b I T-)tt-g s =t4z{- {o tli AI O\T I I.I 'l$i--'" L,tl-" i)ta/-Jg i _5 I) -.1 tF(IrE- qt I I I ) rl iooOoOa'(..F 'rrs5(- D IU' z^,rr--+t I-' \r\t -\ N-5sts F Ag -n v [_ tr +tJ $ Ijr of -+c'l :'?OB\F : ttt-n\ --r-$\l(- qr) -if\tc6s B+rr=)b F +*t lfit->;ftlt otN )*7_L "1$I .JI5T{ o$* F,1ffi\ S sttTIf +qdf3FcrE4tf 'rilfI-1 \,/ EdYrF/ot \ 1r(rt( fi\'l ",t--{3L a$\\ 5 $ Ft E F. .,9 D li( --tt lr\ FrFI' ire-rated glaznry. s probably not your favorite topic. A necessarv evil to bring a building up to code. Just one more obstacle to creating the image you desire fbr r,'our project. If that's lotr view,,vou're looking through the wrong window. TH E FIRELITE DIFFERENCE I;ircLite has changed fbreve r tl.rc appcarancc of firc- rated glazing. For decades, the only option was the rath- er institutional-looking wire glass. V'trile functional, the rvilcs created a somewhilt r,rndesirable nage for high proiilc locations. Iiltt Fi-rclitc is differcnt. No wires (o (urnpromise your :rcsthetics - jut bcaurifully cle ar window glass. Tmnspar- cnt and wireless, Firelite is I technologically advanced ceramic. lt has a mltch lower coefficient of expansion than rcgular glass ancl can withstantl cxtlemcll' I-tigh tcnlperatllres. FIRELITE MEFTS HRE CODES Having undergone hose stream and fire tests, Firelite passed and exceeded such standards as ASTM E-152, ASTM E.163. CAN4 }104, CAN4 }I06. CSFM 43,7, NFPA ti0. NFPA 2i2. NFPA ?57 . UBC 43-2, UBC 43-4. UL-9 e'ntl UL-108. As a result, it has eamed listings with both t jndenvriters Laboratories, Inc., and Wamock Hersey Inrcmational, tnc. Firelite caries a maximum J hour rat- rng tbr sizes to 10o sq. in., a 60 minute rating for sizes to I :21 sq. in. and a ,i5 m rute rating for sizes to 3,325 sq. in. NEW! FIRELITE PLUS MEETS FIREAND SAFETY CODES Irireute Plus, a laminated ve rsion of Firelite, meets the fequirements of both ANSI Z9i .l md 16 CFR 1201, anci is now available. When you need a product that offers both a safery rating.tnd a fire rating, specify Fireute Plus. Call Technical Glass Products for complete information on this revolutionary product. I:t otlt co|er Pholo ReJurbisberl Nu$ery .4.1diso Gilbert Hospitql, Gloucester, Mdssctcbusens. Arcbitect: Anderson-Nichols & Co., Inc. PIJ1 togrlqhe r Kirk Willia rnso n ManuJ\ctt (i tt&/oJJ1. e l:.1( i I i ly Midl4nd crtbi I tc t cI )tt t P. t I t I' Sqn Cerles, (.:tt I iJb t'tt k I I)esignets Rober't )Jt).1'ttkttt'tt1'l l)(tt'r> 7)1(lo st))t PhotogropLre r. .\ us(t t t K.t I I t utn ft I As interpretatiot of toilaittg and frre codes rnaY varY'de" pending on the locale, Please consult with your local authori' ties on the ProPer use of Firelite or anrY other fire-rated glazing material. THE FIRELITE ADVANTAGE Fkelite isn't itlst the \\ irel€ss aLtcr' native. tht.rugl.t. It ollcrs several lclcl' itional advartt:tgcs fi)r \()tlr l)cllcfll. Sizes up to 36" x 96" - \'lrclc allprovcd bv tlrt k>cal rr.rling auiht>rities, -vt>tt eell no\\' instltll larger picct s of Fircl.ite in firc-ratccl locatiilt.ts giving 1'tiu lllore glazills options. ornly 5/16" (5mrn) thick - Sincc l:irclitc is sinll:rl in thickness to wire glass, andll'eighs tlnlr J lbs per srl fi.. il lits in stltrclard tirc-mt( (l ii;tlnr'-t iittrinrtring tltt ne€d tbr special stntctrtral reqLliremellts Crrts with standard glass cutters - 'lhis allows most shipments to bc madc witlln scvcn to ten s'orking days altcr orclers are tlnalizctl-ltvoiding delivcry' pnrl> tems. Available in l grades of clarity - It's no longcr just a matter of "wift or no wire.' Choosc dre specific glazing you want, from the distofiion-ticc Premium Firelite to the pattemed Obscure Firelite Permanently labelled - Meets labelllng reqttire- Inents ol man) local htrilding t otlcs. :ttttl is t esilr idt trlr' fiable for inspection olliciitls. On siz.cs ttp to J..325 sq ilt.. each piece is pennanentl,v labelled with thc FireUte. Wamock Hcrscy and U.L. l,rgo:. For lrrgcr sizes. thr Firelite togo can be applied when approved by the local autho.ity havinS .iurisdiction. FIRELITE" eEA '(ug) al31il liltlfro HRETITEHTS STANDARD FIRE.R'|IED FRAMES Firel-ite is 3,/16 in. (5mm) thick and can be glazed into stah- dard size fire-rated frames. For added conve* ience, Fir€Lite can be purcbased either separate$ or with framcs through Technical Glass Products. IRE.RATED FRAMES NOWAVAILABTE IIIEW A0DE0 CONVEIiIIENGE Technical Glass Products is now offering fire-fated frame systems with the purchase of Firel.ite. Purchase of the frame system through Tech- nical Glass Products is not required, but available as an added service and convenience to orr customes. Fire-rated hollow metal fi:ames for doors, windows, sidelites, transoms afld multiple openings can now be shipped to accompany a Fireute order. There's only one invoice and one order. FRAMING MUST BE FIRE-RATED Frames and glazing must meet equal fire-rating code requirements. For exampl€, where 6O minute ratings are required, both the glazing and frames must be tested and rated for 60 minutes. All frames zupplied through Technical Glass Products have been tested and rated for maximum 60 minute (doors and wixdo$/s) and 3 hour (doors) fire code re- quh€ments. HolLowMEfAt DOORSAND FRAMES SPECIRCATI0I{S All hollow metal doors and frames shall be of the sizes and designs shown on plans, and of an ap proved hollow metal tlpe conforming to the following specifications. MA'lERlAlS Only h$hquality materials shall be used. Steel shall b€ stretcherleveled, frrll pickled and soft annealed. All gauges shall b€ U.S. starndard gauges. Ff.USH D00RS Flush doors shall be l-J/4 n thick, con- structed of not less than 18 gauge steel plates, with edges formed to the coffect thickness of the door. The doors shall have intemal bracing channels of not lighter than 18 gauge steel, placed not over six inches on centers and ex- tending to the firll height of the door. Channel ribs shall be spot welded every four inches to both sheets vefti- cally. Compressed insulating material of suitable size shall b€ inserted b€tween the venical channels extending full length. D00n ANO WN00W fBAME$ Frames shall be the design and size strown on plans and not less than 16 guge. AII breaks, arrises, angles and curves shall be uniform, straight, sharply defined and tnre . The comers shall be mitercd, accurately fitted, electrically welded and ground smooth to prodrice an invisible joint. Each door iamb shall have no less than three anchors on each side. For anchorage at the bottom of the .jamb, a bent plate clip of mat€rial, as specified for the jamb, shal be welded to the bottom of the frame and efiend on the floor. m:[]llill tt .lUtrl EI EtrI nnl Eacb frame ylstem uill be a differmt size and configu- ration, aeording to established plans. Tbe frames depicted here are sboum only as examples. TI !! HREHTE SPECIFICATIONS AIl fire-rated glass designated on the drawings shal be 346 h. ttrick FircUte. The surface condition shall be : Premiurn Firelite (polished surfaces); Standard Firelite (unpolished surfaces); or Obscure Firelite (textured surfaces). Each piece of Firelite is pefrnanently labelled s.ith th€ Fhelite, Wamock Hersey and Under,writers Iaboratories Iogos on sizes up to 3,325 square inches and with the Firelite logo only for larger sizes (as approved by the local authority having iurisdiction). FireUte shall be glazed into the appropriate fire-rated frame with an approved elazing compound (silicone or open cell PVC tape), as supplied by the installer. , If Firelite Plus is desired or required, please call Techni- cal Glass Products for further specifications. For qrestlo*4 ccrh IAOMzfuZ7g CHARA.CTTRISTICS Firelllle'r Wlre Glass Float Glass Thickness in mm (nominal) Weight (approx. lbs./sq. ft.) Visible Ray Transmission Visible Reflection Bgldi"g Strengh Kg/Cnri(AuerQge) Hardness (Moh's Scale) 5.0)\ 87 4.9 500 7.O 6.8 3.4 82.6 4.> 375 o.) 5.0)< 88.5 +.J 500 6.5*FlSures qle fo/ poltsbed Plemlum Ftfeltte, Ftgures uttl d\yet stlgl)tb/ for unpottsbed standard FtleLtte anrtObscure Fl/ellte. 20 MIN 4' MIN* 60 MIN' 90 MIN 3 HOURS- Ure Doors Transoms Sidelites Windows Doors Transoms Sidelites Windows Doors Transoms Sidelites Windows Doors 32 8tyr. 8rr:-" 81y2, 36', 5'', t5' )>' 36', )+ 54', t4. 10" 10" 95 95" 9''. 54', 9'', 95. 9'', 54', // /4 // /4 77 %" )<r )<f Mu. Size Max. Width or Mu. 2,00O sq. in. 3,325 sq. in. 3,325 sq. in. 3,325 sq. n. 1,296 sq. tn. 3,325 sq. in. 3,325 sq. in. 3,325 sq. in. 1,296 sq. in. 2,727 sq. n. 2,721 sq. n. 2,721 sq. n. l0O sq. in.v,' '/r" *These sizes may exceed tbose alloued W some butldlng codes. Please contdct lour tocal autborlq/ haatngJufrsdlctron to determrne m.Lxlrnum attouable srze tn lo r area. May uotd temperature ise fecfiarc ofdoor lf used improperb/. Ml\xrMUM LrsrrNG FoR rrooRs. TRaNsoMs, wnilx)ws. srDElrrrs. Erc. Fir.eLtte't6 avallable ln slzec rryt to 36l x 96" FIRELITE INSTATIATIONS When a product is this revolutionary, it's bound to make waves across the country and across the building sp€ctrum. Firelite has been installed in all 50 states. Here are just a few places you'll find ir: Yale University Microsoft Flower Memorial Hospital laughlin High School Pepperidge Farms Ethyl Corporation St. Joseph Cathedral NationsBank Pern Mutual Lnsurance Executive Plaza Univar New Haven, CT Redmond, lWA Sylvania, OH Laughlin, NV Lancaster, PA Orangeburg, SC Siur Jose, CA Foft Worth, TX Philadelphia, PA Honolulu, HI Kirkland, WA Plano, fi PREMIUM FIRELI]E l, polisbecl strtJitt'es ; spaces u'herc it p)' siofts count ( e.\"ec t t ofrices, bospitals, s.l reception anal cortt areas) specn, Pret l Firelite front Tecl.r, Glass Prodtrtts STANOARD FIRETITE , nonpolisbed sutlit olfering sheet gltrs clariQt uhere sligl.t, distortion is cce/)l (and uire glass ist uanted). 0BSCURE FIREtITE /.a rolled surface allr't priuacy yet letting light Obscu.re Fire t used in locatktts s as doctors' u'a i t i t t.,, rooms artcl ltttll tt ,, entr,es. WIRE GIASS (rzrferl 7 45 minutes.) htrs.1, years, been tlJe oltl flrerated glass au, able to meet codcs. Wbere price is tlle : considerdtio , spc( polisbed wire glas: ff 't University of North Dakora Fargo, ND Chiidren's Presb)'terian Healthcare Center FIREITTE USAGE& HANDLING For the listing to be valid, Fireute must be glazed inro a firc-rated frame with a similar fire-rated listing accordir8 to the fr;rme manufactwer's specifications and with an approved gazing compound (see section on framing for derails). Fireute must be handled with care during transporta- tion, $orage, ifispection and installation. As with any glass produced by the "roll out' method, indiviciual pieces of Firelite may contain minimal varia- tions in thickness. Occasionally, process marks and small occlusions or seeds @ubbles, knots or crystals) may be apparent. However, since they do not generally impair the transparency or affect the technical performance of the glass, they do not fepfesent cause for reiection. ROUGHTTO You 8Y... Technical Glass Products is the ex- clusive Fireute distributor in North America. The company also supplies archi- tectural. commercial. industrial and t€chnical glasses such as Neoceram, X-Ray Shielding Lead Glass, and Illumikns H.T. and U.V. Fireute is manufac$red by Nippon Electric Glass Company, Ltd., an intemational leader in a wide range of glass afld ceramic products - from TV bulbs to cooktops to wall cladding. HARDWARE Suitable sinkages shall be provided in doors and frames fbr all moniscd or counteniu[k hardware, witlr steel reinfbrce- menis inserted fbr attaching hard. ware. Reinforcements shall be of nple thickness and length to sti_ff- en thc shcet mctal against the strain of scrvice required. Rein- fbrcements shall bc provided for door checks and brackets. Whcrc surface hardware occurs, the door and frame shall have interior rein- forcing as required. FINISH ,,Ul mctal surfaces of the doors, frames and trim shall be properly cleaned :urd free from oi.l or other forcrgn rnatter. One protective coat of the proper un- de rcoating is provided as a primc finish. Final painting will be done by the painter at the building site. Srainless steel, Type 304 alloy with :r4 finish is available rhrough'Icchnical Glass Products. Cootnerci.tl ConPle:l A R(. () be o.lal ua rterj, /.//-r . Irlg?1eJ. (-. 1 ,.1 t c Lt I te c | .1 b t ( | I-1o t i I I l' | | !41 i / Lrs | ) t t i a- I' b( ) t | ),q t ( I l )l )r ") l\ i !.t t t t' J l,. ) t ) t . lsj.,r /r//r,j NARSOW FACE FRAMES AVAII.ABI.E Fr.tmcs itre lr':rilablc as nar()\\ 1r\ I in. upor] reqlre st. Plcasc cont:rct l'ccl-mical (illss Pnrtlrrcts ti)r nlor( dcrails. LIMITATION OFWARRANTY Technical Glass Products lncl Nippon El€ctric Glass (irnpanr', Ltcl.. make no express or irnpliecl rcpresentation. ()r v/rrranf).. as t() thc titncss. rnerchanr, abilify, or :rn,v mattcr with rcspcct to the pr(xhtcts q'hether used alone or i.n combination with ;rn\' othcr material or equipment. All warr.rnties, including me r' chantebility, are excluded. t c,"'.8 "",".J,tH.,".,,",",, [::';1;i,L'.,".,, -A\ ro t (o Rt!N r! f ' )r]L\ o4!tt, Cl.zi, rr 1,,1(f nl! | | C r.. 'ie(l tr,' !l r",t.'"' "" rir' ,.,, tr,. i ;i.r. isr, |,( (r):\lin!r ), Exclusive Nofth American Oislributor: TECHNICAL GLASS PRODUCTS 1 (8O)42F0279 {206) 822.4514. Fa( (2061 822-4684' Te16r: 1 52613 2425 C.rillon P0lnl. Klrkldid. WA 90033 " TechniGlass @lla divislon of Johns scientilic (416)6991731 . Far; (416) 699"8731 175 Hanson Slrs€t. Toronto, 0nterio M4C 1A7 Manufaclured by: E Nippon Electic class Co., Ltd. l-14 lrlyeh6ra. 4-Chorn6 Yodogawa.Ku. Ora*a, Japsn Olrcct Canadlan inquhiea to:@ Priirre.l I;r l1 Ls.A -,/91 tr t: I I i \t\t $ €BI Il. & 8IL CITECK RESAEST DArE: ,/zr,/Zt VENDORNAME: / Z-^y'{a .J-, .: __z DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFL^'D FOR BP # / 't-;+,.), NAI,IE OF JOB: -/:. ,:1",22 .-J..?: {!.!,,h,-.' /, - 4--:r.' t-' .,r-'';-/-zz.-, 4-15 ACCOUNTNUMBER 0l 0000 22002 AI{OTNTOFREFU^:D' e {/"' 1; DATE APPROVED:- t1-?a APPROVAL SIGNATI.TRE:lla'z.re FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Mark Ristow, Rick Haltermann, Greg Hall Kristan Pritr December 9, 1993 Repair of curb adjacent to the western exit for the First Bank parking lot Fellow curb cutters, thanks for your help today to resolve the issue concerning the curb location for the First Bank exit. From our meeting, my understanding is that the curb will be moved as close to the planter wall as possible to allow for access out of the First Bank parking lot. Greg agreed to talk to Todd Oppenheimer to confirm the dimension that will be acceptable. The cost for this work will be bid by Rick or Mark. The Town, First Bank and Villa Cortina have agreed to split the cost of the work three ways. This assumes that the project cost will not exceed $2,000.00. Mark and Rick will get together in early March to begin the bidding process. Thanks for all of your efforts on finding a resolution to this concern. Happy Holidays! xc: Larry Grafel First Bank file Villa Cortina file ,f"l{,:f frnF,.PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION June 28, 1993 MINUTES ABSENT Dalton Williams PRESENT Diana Donovan Jeff Bowen Greg Amsden Kathy Langenwalter Allison Lassoe Bill Anderson STAFF Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Shelly Mello Jim Curnutte Tim Devlin Andy Knudtsen This session of the PEC was called to order at approximately 2:00 p.m. The PEC decided to move fonvard on the agenda to approve the minutes from the June 14, 1993 PEC meeting. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve the minutes from June 14, 1993 with Diana Donovan seconding the motion. A unanimous 6-0 vote approved the June 14, 1993 PEC minutes. 2. Update on the First Bank landscape improvements. Planner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen updated the PEC concerning some changes that had been made to the landscaping plan. The changes involved the size of the aspen trees that were to be placed on the island located north of the bank parking lot. Andy explained that Todd Oppenheimer, the Town's landscape architect, felt that these changes were necessary. Conceming the construction schedule for the First Bank site, Andy said that Mark Ristow at First Bank had inquired whether conslruction should begin at the site after July 4, 1993 or should they postpone the work until the fall of this year. The PEC discussed this issue and generally agreed that Todd Oppenheimer would make all scheduling decisions. 3. Council follow-up: .Kandell deck Kristan Pritz told the PEC that the Kandell deck had been removed and it was not known at this time whether Mr. Kandell would be building another deck in its place. Planning and Environmental Comm ission June 28. t993 PLEASE MAKE CHECK L- i\".,., .,- - TOWN OF VAIL D EPA RT;\{ENT OF COlvtlv1LiNITY D EVELO P}IENT' S,\LES,ICTION FORtr{ 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD ,,1- / 7 .vArL'. COLOMDO 8i657;;,txe f r.rs/ 6a" / J-/-I'o-[ _ 0l 00004r510 ZCI\T\C .tu\D A DDR.FJS I'iA-PS 0l 0c00 424 l5 uNmoL\{!u[Dt\c coDE 0l 0000 .r2.{ t5 uMroR-\{ Pl_u}'fi [\c coDE 0l 000042.115 .l UMFOL\I I\GCH.{{CT.LCODE 0l c|000J1{r5 | UNIFOtu\{FIRECODE 0t 0000{2115 | N,rloNeLELECTRJCALcoDE 0r 0000{24)5 |oTIJER coDEDoOKS 0l 0000 .l I 54s BLUE PR,DITS OIYLARS) 0l 0001 12{ l2 | }:EROX COplEs / S'iUDr}:s (6 ?( 0l 00co 1237 |I P):N.\l.TY FIIES / RE.L,\-'SPECTIONS 0t 0co0 { t 132 i t,r-,lv nr.r,inv RE.cllEcx n:E f s{0 FER. HR.l 0l 0000 42i23 OFF I]OUR,S L\..-SPECT]ON FELS 0l 0000.t l{ | 2 CONTL\ CTO RS L]CIL\S ES ITII 0t 0000{r:,,30 U I tt E}( l-l:l:5 SIC N APPL:C,\1'1Oi.I FEE.01 c$00 111l3 0l 000c4t{t3 ADDITION^I. SICNAGE F;E ISI.OO;.'ER SO.IT, 0l c00c 12.i.r0 VTC ART PF,OJECT DON.,\T]ON 0t 0000,11331 PRE PAJD DESIGN R,EVIEW DO^RD FEE OI OOOO424I2 I BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERI'IIT COMPUTER DI 00 41010 TAX (/rZ 01 0000 42371 TNVESTTGATToN FEE (BUTLDTNG)TOTAL DUE: PEci)i P.PUIe;lafi oi\', F.]: .. 0l 0c00i)130 IADDt'noNALGRFA '2J0' I 0000i1330 ICONDI'1ONAL UsE PERUIT I C900 4l 330 0l 0000 .113-i0 EXTERIOR A ATION TLESS TH,\N r 00 SO.n'. SYTEPJOR ALTI:RATION IIiORETHAN ICO SO.FT. 0t 0000 .r 1330 0t 0000 4 | 3j0 SPECI,\L DEVELOP.\IE\T DISTRICT SPECIA L DEVELOP.\,E\-T D I'I^JOR AM E\I) 0l 00cn ! l:]10 SPECI.4L DEVELOPJ\fENT DI CT ll'U^-ilOR A:\l LYD 0r 0is03r33o lsLEDrvtsloN r 1330 ;vA 0l 0000 .( r 330 lzoNTNc coDE A,VE\DI.'1LVTS 0l 0000 4 l ;7 ,/2 z t't / 6,,- / . :rs.!: cor ilvtE NTS:. ** * * * ** *i //.// KVn'f 4*-."f".,_ F ---^c'-- -l-{fklF{ 0F Lrtrl I1- t'liscel I aneou= Cash E;-th-91 Li::1;4:.:i'i' l:if,':C,un t. S r_.,F: +! 1u4ui:,r:t F i F]ST ErFlt'lF:: LrF Lrti l. L'..l'1E:F:.'LrFrF -5 i TE: t-fiiitj:;i-FlF' INfi 5'it'itT.':.!!'_: Fltr'r':,t_tn t, t.eflfle re,d ,, I tem paid 5Er 9ff 5 i 5;: 5 ;j[r Er !3[:i ti.h*nq* r*turne,J .:'lj.i, lJfl THFIhI|< lr.OlJ f,1r,rs' ,;gsfi j gr "Tf l.ltl.t FEFr ilir]r:rli. r:riii Fmatrnt paid r-Ltftfi[!. EliJ -roL,].l ftF lJFl r l- l'liscel lsreo.rs Csh Ei?-1b-95 1?:54:37 F:*c*ipt S 1?€,176 Flccc,unt S CH * lE4BEg FIEST EIF.|IIH OF I.JFIIL'.1,1R8''OFF-5iTE Lff}IDSCRP IHG 5Tl'1T.'??9 Flrircun t t.ende red ) Item paid f,E''9ff5t519?€:E[iB [.heng* returned ] THFIhII< 1fEIJ lr'our r.3shi er JEHHIFER 28S68.66 Hrotnt paid 2S8€8. gS 0.68 qes -Brt*:< { From the desk of. . .Andy Knudtsen t)U4 7.,'1./ /,- ,7 '->d TH /- Jr.*.-- /7 t a72-*L.,..-...- '/? 3- *^--d Z " ( c.-1././- 4 " r c.Jrz-_-- "-^-z a-. t J '/L.. n d c-., .<-U {Z ' {-. / o'fL--- z .u-cr,.a,4--a1-7\ -,7 ft^-^t.;,// L- h; //_ fnt ft-^_ a /..._--r-- { A4 F4"-, /cs,^ty'z* fo--,x 4=-.n *..a.r oq/"^*l a*,-, ) h,^u( /^nn APFK'VED BYTHE TqVN(FVAIL DESKIN REI'IEWBOARD OAIE:Q *tz- 7; PI-^NNER 4< Proiect Name: Project Application F;,s/ 8.^ f b 't7- ?-t ProjectDescriprron, ,*rr/,4 fL -1 n^'Jt"rr- 1' -r- '7 //-t- Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone:f-',s / 8^,,1 Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot rntng //'(/,//..J< z /'{ ,zon" F4 Com ments: Motion by: Seconded by: Design Review Board 4'27' r sDate D ISAP PROVAL Summary: ,'hl{a-,/ ,P-/ro" '-'/t'/ot ? z" tt'/rt't '-1'"'' /tyrt4^^ l/*< Town Plan ner /a-27 fsDate: pS"u Approval a c8P yFfI. T 75 Sortth Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 3 9 FAX 303-479-2452 June 2, 1993 Departrnent of Conunuriry Development First Bank of Vail Attn: Roger Behler, President 17 Vail Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: A request for a landscape variance to allow for the reconstruction of the parking area at lhe First BanVl7 Vail Road/Lot 6, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Dear Mr. Behler: Enclosed is a copy of the minutes of the May 10, '1993 Planning and Environmental (PEC) meeting at which your landscape variance request was approved. The attached copy of the meeting minutes will serve as your record of this approval. Please note that the approval of this landscape variance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction is not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted has not commenced within two years from the approval date (May 10, 1993). lf approval of this landscape variance lapses, an application must be resubmitted for reconsideration by the Community Development Department staff and the PEC. lf you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 303/479-2138, Sincerely, Town Planner Enclosure rll F nnp v'F r., !'*dl 5 Kristan Pritz stated that the Town was attempting to strike a balance between the neighbors and park. She said that they were not anticipating that this area would be used as an active recreation park. She added that they could always decide to go back and pave the road at some future date but that a "natural approach" was being attempted first. The PEC members stated that they did not have any issues with the proposed gravel roact. Sherry Dorward stated that no one was sure at this point how much use the cemetery would actually see. She said that ownership would remain with the Town of Vail and that the Cemetery District would manage it as proposed in the management report. Diana Donovan commented that it was a huge cemetery by anyone's standards and she did not think that the committee had originally envisioned the entire Donovan Park site being used for the cemelery. Sherry Dorward stated that there had been discussion concerning defining the cemetery's boundaries. Greg Amsden stated that he would like to see a detailed road and cross-section. 4. A request for a conditional use to allow furniture sales at the Cascade Crossing Building located at 1031 South Frontage Road WesVan unplatted parcel located west of the Vail Associates maintenance shop. Applicant: Paul Anderson Collection, Ltd.Planner: Andy Knudtsen Kathy Langenwalter made a motion to approve this request for a conditional use permit per the stafl memo with Greg Amsden seconding the motion. A unanimous 6-0 vote approved this item. 5. A request for a landscape variance to allow for the reconstruction of the parking area at the First Bank/17 Vail Road/Lot 6, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: First Bank of VailPlanner: Andy Knudtsen\Mike Mollica Mike Mollica gave a brief presentation per the staff memo and stated that staff was recommending approval of this request for a landscape variance. Greg Amsden inquired what the anticipated construction period for this proposal would be and when it was to be comoleted. Mark Ristow replled that they hoped to be finished with the reconstruction of the parking area by July 1 , 1993. Planning and Environmental Comm lsslon May 10, 1993 Bill Duddy stated that the Town of Vail has requested that First Bank maintain the stucco wall along the inside of the parking lot and that First Bank agreed to maintain the wall. Dalton Williams stated that he was concerned that the project would not be completed by July 1st and that he did not want this slte to be torn up over July 4th. He further stated that he would like to see a condition attached to this approval concerning when construction rrould be completed. Greg Amsden stated that it could either be by July 1st or that construction would be delayed until September 30th of this year. Diana Donovan stated that she was concerned with the Town of Vail doing the maintenance of the landscaping and that she felt that this was the applicant's responsibility. Jeff Bowen commented that he felt this proposal was a positive improvement to the site. Diana Donovan added that she felt that First Bank should be required to contribute to a Town of Vail maintenance fund. After further discussion, Kathy Langenwalter made a motion to approve this request for a landscaping variance per the staff memo with Jeff Bowen seconding her motion. Dalton Williams added that the construction should either be completed by July 1, 1993 ordelayed until Septenrber 15, 1993. Kathy and Jeff their motion accordingly and a 6-0 vote approved this request. o.A request lor setback addition and a garage Schone Filing No. 1. Applicant: Planner:TABLED UNTIL MAY 24, 1993 Kristan Pritz stated that the site coverage which had originally been proposed had been reduced and that staff was recommending approval of the site coverage variances with the condition that the storage area be reduced and that additional landscaping be added and that landscaped steps be added to the retaining wall. lrwin Bachrach, the architect for this project, stated that they were currently only 1.8% over the allowed site coverage and that the closet was an important part of this renovation. He stated that he feels they have complied with the PEC's requests of stepping the walls of the garage. He commented that he felt the garage was now as small as it could be. Planning and Environmenlal Commission May 10, 1993 and site coverage variances to allow for the construction of an located at2409 Chamonix Foad/Lot 19, Block A, Vail das Anneliese Taylor Shelly Mello Project Application n/<- Date Project Project Contact Name: Description: Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Arch itect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Com ments: Design Review Board Darc t-/f- 7J DISAPPROVAL ,/' / '.7 /( au +4.4* ,/tklutr,t7. o/- Su m mary: fu&* tTown Planner I Date:5'rf- 73 E Statt Approval ./> ? tn\ T xT # -<\) :- t s -+ a Fg &$ --.t- ib !F +E qH g$ dS-1r --lrrr_ t {t$ i.$# \; : n T^.iff o \o \ { >errefns\t<ttrfadl , \^oso\ -re\1. - :rtn.= r/+Ye\ \.Jsllcat- non >\L .]vrncie\ q'\'5 ts\*nk5 vcqf i o.u, \,,^$nt +a Post-lt " brand f ax transmittal memo 7671 # of pages > Z- '" l+1 ^, I l?. t,h-l From .'I | .. t//\^ t- E ^.r J j Co.Co. Oept.Phone # Fax# 4'l c/- c'> \ (-Fax # 4% ba 4.?, v ,,0ob tds, (L, L( ilL, JI ( Ir 0 vz ( tr Fo ,rt ttr{' lnfr^ ln TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department May 10, 1993 A request for a landscape variance to allow for the reconstruction of the area at the First BankJlT Vail Road/Lot 6, Vail Village 2nd Applicant: Planner; First Bank of Vail Andy Knudtsen )k Ni?*il"l ft' I. PROJECT DESCRIPT]ON \/dtz: The First Bank of Vail is proposing to create lhree additional parking spaces and to make site improvements to their facility on the corner ot Meadow Drive and Vail Road. Two of the parking spaces would be located in the right-of-way along Vail Road and would be created by realigning the curb. The third space exists at this time (in the summer only); the First Bank plans to gain the use of this space in the winter months by installing a snow melt system for the entire lot. Because snow storage would no longer be needed, another space would be gained. The aisle width ol the existing surface parking lot on the north is being expanded by 11 feet to allow tor better maneuverability. The Public Accommodation zone district requiresT5k of all spaces on-site to be enclosed and does not allow parking in the front setback. Though the First Bank does not meet these standards, they are not increasing or decreasing the degree ol non-conformity. The number of parking spaces stays the same in the lot. As a result, the percentage of covered spaces does not change and the number of spaces in the front setback does not change. The site work that the First Bank intends to do includes the following: 1. Replace the existing sidewalk along the eastern side of the First Bank property with pavers, (per the Streetscape Master Plan). , , / - lz{iTdg 3. Add new trees to the existing planters around First Bank property. 4. Install two "Village lights" at either end of the sidewalk adjacent to Vail Road. 5. Provide for the construction of the landscape improvements on the southwest corner of the intersection of Meadow Drive and Vail Fload per the Streetscape Plan. 6. Remove a portion ol landscaping on-site to expand the existing parking lot. A/1 3 a,* ; /b''fr- 4 N -"4*' //'-1 t a 7. Replace all the asphalt in the parking lot with pavers and snowmelt the lot. 8Provifnch adid66hltothe€nt-Fa-\ce le the barrh: .--- //;./ The reason these improvements require a variance is because the existing amount of landscaping on the property of First Bank does not meet the requirements ol the zone district. The First Bank property is zoned Public Accommodation and is required to have a minimum of 30% of the site landscaped. At this time, the First Bank has 28.6/" ol the site landscaped. The proposed changes include expanding the parking lot area ryryglfj[Igrngye 560 square feet of landscaping-cqrrently on their property. Though the landscaping areas that will be c-reateilexceedlhe amount to be removed, most of tfre new areas a variance is required to allow the reduction in landscaping on-site. the exact areas: are not on-site. Therelore, The table below provides Landscaping gained on-site: Landscaping gained off -site : Total landscaping gained: Landscaping lost on-site: .f Net gain: ._-.-'..-..-- II. ZONING STATISTICS Zone District: Lot Area: Landscaping: A) Planted areas Existrng Proposed B) Hardscape (patios, sidewalks) Maximum Allowed: Existing: Proposed C) Total landscaping: Required. Existing: Proposed: D) Total landscaping including those on and otl-site areas Existing Proposed: 188 square feet 723 sq. ft. 911 sq. ft. 560 sq. tt. 351 sq. ft. Public Accommodation 21,196 sq. tt. 5,172 sq tt 4.90O sq. tt 902 sq. tt. or 20% ot existing planted area 1,515 sq. ft. 1,515 sq. tl. (932 sq. tl. ot this will be converted from concrele to pavers.) 6,359 sq. ft. or 30% 6,074 sq. ft. or 28.6k 5,702 3q. ll. or 26.9% 6,866 sq. ll. ot 3?.4'r" 7,217 sq. ll. ot 34/" |il.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 ot the VailMunicipalCode, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variance based on the followino factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 'l . The relatlonship ol the requested varlance to other existlng or potential uses and structures In the vicinity. Stalf believes that the relationship between the First Bank site and the surrounding properties will improve as a result of the proposed changes. Although there will be a decrease of landscaping on-site in order to accommodate the revised parking design, there will be a net increase of landscaping when both on and off-site areas are considered together. (For the purposes of calculating zoning statistics, statf can only consider the landscaped areas on-site.) Staff would like to emphasize that the improvements to be made at the intersection of Meadow Drive and Vail Road will be part of several efforts. At this time, the Town is constructing the pocket park on the northwest corner; the Sonnenalp is currently redesigning the landscaping to be installed at the southeast corner; and if this project moves forward, lhe First Bank will be providing Jor the completion of the landscaping improvements at the southwest corner. Staff believes with all three properties being upgraded this spring and summer, that there will be a cumulative benefit to the appearance of the area. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites In the vicinity or to attain the obiectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Staff believes that relief from the landscaping standard is reasonable in this silualion because the landscape improvements will be made on as much of the First Bank sile as possible. There are also three new planters which will be created on-site as part ol this project. Two are located on either side of the main entry and are currently concrete sidewalks. The third is a strip of land on the north side of the building. The applicant will plant this area with bushes al the base of the building and will plant aspens on either side of the central window. With the addition of these areas, slafl believes that all of the areas where landscaping could be placed on-site have been identified. Given the constraints of the existing configuration ot the building and parking area, staff believes that it is reasonable to support the variance. 3. The effect ot the requested variance on light and alr, distrlbutlon ot population, transportatlon and traftic facllities, public facllitles and utilitles, and public salety. Stafl believes that the effect of the variance on transportation, traffic facilities and public safety will be positive. The intersection of Meadow Drive and Vail Road will be better defined as a result of the improvements being made by the First Bank properties. Statf feels that there will be fewer points of conflict between pedestrians and automobiles as a result of the lraffic lanes being better defined. Also, the parking lot for First Bank will function more efficiently. There will be betler backing distance for cars in the parking lot which will improve safety. Finally, the safety of the intersection will improve for bus circulation. Currently, the two sides of Meadow Drive are not aligned. With the proposed design, the problem will be corrected and buses will be able to cross Vail Boad without having to make a turn. B. The Planninq and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before orantinq a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classitied in the same district. 2. That the granting ol the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted lor one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceplions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of lhe variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners ol other properties in the same district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the request for a variance. We believe that il meets the criteria as discussed above as well as the findings. Specifically, Finding A is met in staff's opinion as there is not a grant of special privilege as the existing facilities, both the building and lhe parking lot, create constraints which limit the location for additional landscaping. In addition, there is a net gain in landscaping when on and olf-site planting is considered. Staff o believes that Finding B is met as the variance will not be detrimental to public health, safety or wellare. In tact, slafl believes that it will improve public safety. Finding C(1) is met, in staff's opinion, as a strict interpretation of the landscaping standard would result in a practical ditficulty for the applicant. We believe that the applicant's intent to improve the site with the items outlined in this memo are worthwhile. We believe that the development standarcls would resull in a practical difficulty that would otherwise prohibit the improvements that are being proposed. Therefore, staft recommends approval of the requested variance with the condition that the applicant make the improvements consistent with the Town of Vail Streetscape Plan, specifically the paver design, lighting fixtures and bench. Please note that, under Section 18.60.080 of the Town of Vail Zoning Code, the approval of all variances shall lapse if construction is not commenced within two years of the date of issuance and diligently pursued to completion, or il the use for which the permit is granted is not commenced within two years. :l ? ?I*I z a!t' t- s a,tr{t ,g .f ! 3 f+-Ti$fr qrr} aIr tl1I+I "- \ \rb'fts$ iTEa ndrrll!9fi..&rrraE.]=:* l.€ FIRSTBANK OF VAIL VAIL, COLORADO mll-616.ggcrt.oFE.Eto3l'B^.r19e xoqgMIR^s sNesra 12 'llvn lE' >lNvE f----}.ns' t\-l --t j l, i' 1l r 1r,: d- +[f -dm 5 tllqlii:d) iu; ltt, {i;';') II rl I $5ri /(\ r/va I I tlI it' ,I ss ','#lu+laL--i \! l ;11 {. ''i I 0t 1l iifii I{ rFt; \./\(| ,/ \ L,, /,.) lutf/-/-/I 0 $ I i\ L-i->- t 1r+ trl l)jl. MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Community Development Department DATE: May 10, 1993 SUBJECT: A request for a landscape variance to allow for the reconstruction ol the parking area at ihe First Bank/l7 Vail RoadiLot 6, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicanl: First Bank ol VailPlanner: Andy Knudtsen .. . .. ::. : ';: .;';: ' ;;',: : :' ' I. PROJECT DESCHIPTION The First Bank of Vail is proposing to create three additional parking spaces and to make site improvements to their facility on the corner of Meadow Drive and Vail Road. Two of the parking spaces would be located in the righl-of-way along Vail Road and would be created by realigning the curb. The third space exists at this time (in the summer only); the First Bank plans to gain the use of this space in the winter months by installing a snow melt system for the entire lot. Because snow storage would no longer be needed, another space would be gained. The aisle width of the existing surface parking lot on the north is being expanded by 11 leet to allow for better maneuverabilitv. The Public Accommodation zone district requiresT5k ol all spaces on-site to be enclosed and does not allow parking in the front setback. Though the First Bank does not meet these standards, they are not increasing or decreasing the degree of non-conformity. The number of parking spaces stays the same in the lot. As a result, the percentage of covered spaces does not change and the number of spaces in the front setback does not change. The site work that the First Bank intends to do includes the lollowing: 1. Replace the existing sidewalk along the eastern side ol the First Bank property wilh pavers, (per the Streetscape Master Plan). 2. Plant three ash trees in grates between the sidewalk and Vail Road. 3. Add new trees to the exisling planters around First Bank property. 4. Install two "Village lights" at either end of the sidewalk adjacent to Vail Road. 5. Provide for the construction of the landscape improvements on the southwest corner of the intersection of Meadow Drive and Vail Road oer the Streetscape Plan. 6. Remove a portion of landscaping on-site to expand the existing parking lol. I a7. Replace all the asphalt in the parking lot with pavers and snowmelt the lot. 8. Provide a bench adjacent to the entrance to the bank. The reason these improvements require a variance is because the existing amount ol landscaping on the property of First Bank does not meet the requirements of the zone district. The First Bank property is zoned Public Accommodation and is required to have a minimum of 30% ot the site landscaped. At this time, the First Bank has 28.6/' ot the site landscaped. The proposed changes include expanding the parking lol area which will remove 560 square feet of landscaping, currently on their property. Though the landscaping areas that will be created exceed the amount lo be removed, most of the new areas are not on-site. Therefore, a variance is required to allow the reduction in landscaping on-site. The table below provides the exacl areas: Landscaping gained on-site : Landscaping gained off-site : Total landscaping gained: Landscaping losl on-site: Net gain: 188 square feet 723 so. ft. 911 sq. tt. 560 sq. lt. 351 sq. tt. II. ZONING STATISTICS Zone District: Public Accommodatron Lot Area: 21.196 so. h. Landscaping: A) Planted areasExislng 5,172 sq. tlProposed 4.800 sq. tt. B) Hardscape (patros srdewalks). Maximum Allowed 902 sq. ft or N1o ol existing planted areaExisting: 1,515 sq. ft.Proposed l.5l5 sq. ft. (932 sq. tt. ol this will be converled lrom conctete to Oavers. ) C) Total landscaping: Required: 6,359 sq ft. or 30%Existing 6,074 sq. ll. ot 29.5"/"P?oposed: 5,702 sq. ft, or 26.9% D) Tolal landscaping including those on and otl-site areas:Existing 6,866 sq ft. ot 32.4"/"Proposed: 7,217 sq ft. ot 3410 I t |il.CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of lhe VailMunicipalCode, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variance based on the following factors: A. Consideration ol Faclors: 1. The relationship ol the requested variance to other exlstlng or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff believes that the relationshio between the First Bank site and the surrounding properties will improve as a result of the proposed changes. Although there will be a decrease ol landscaping on-site in order to accommodate the revised parking design, there will be a net increase of landscaping when both on and otf-site areas are considered together. (For the purposes of calculating zoning statistics, statf can only consider the landscaped areas on-site.) Stafl would like to emohasize that the imorovements to be made at the intersection oi Meadow Drive and Vail Road will be part ol several efforts. At this time, the Town is constructing the pocket park on the northwest corner; the Sonnenalp is currenlly redesigning the landscaping to be installed at the southeast corner; and if this project moves lorward, the First Bank will be providing lor ihe completion of the landscaping improvements at the southwest corner. Staff believes with all three properties being upgraded this spring and summer, that there wlll be a cumulative benefit to the appearance of the area. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specitied regulalion is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objeclives of this title wilhout grant of special privilege. Statf believes that relief from the landscaping standard is reasonable in this situation because the landscape improvements will be made on as much of the First Bank site as possible. There are also three new planters which will be created on-sile as part of this project. Two are located on either side ol the main entry and are currently concrete sidewalks. The third is a sirip ol land on the north side of the building. The applicant will plant this area with bushes at the base of the building and will plant aspens on either side of the central window. With the addition of these areas, staff believes that all of the areas where landscaping could be placed on-site have been identified. Given the constraints of the existing configuration of the building and parking area, staff believes that it is reasonable to support the variance. I t3. The effect of the requested variance on light and alr, distrlbutlon ol population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff believes that the effect of lhe variance on transportation, traflic facilities and public satety will be positive. The intersection of Meadow Drive and Vail Road will be better delined as a result of the improvements being made by the First Bank properties. Staff feels that there will be fewer points ol conflict between pedestrians and automobiles as a result of the traffic lanes being better defined. Also, the parking lot for First Bank will function more efficiently. There will be better backing distance for cars in the parking lot which will improve safety. Finally, the salety of the intersection will improve for bus circulation. Currently, the two sides of Meadow Drive are not aligned. With the proposed design, the problem will be corrected and buses will be able to cross Vail Road without having to make a turn. B. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos bef ore qrantinq a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interprelation or enforcement ol the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceplions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable lo the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specifled regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Statl recommends approval of the request lor a variance. We believe that it meets the criteria as discussed above as well as the findings. Specifically, Finding A is met in staff's opinion as there is not a grant of special privilege as the existing facilities, both the building and the parking lot, create constraints which limit the location tor additional landscaping. In addition, there is a net gain in landscaping when on and off-site planting is considered. Staff t I o believes that Finding B is met as the variance will not be detrimental to public health, satety or welfare. ln lact, statf believes that it will improve public safety. Finding C(1) is met, in staff's opinion, as a strict interpretation of the landscaping standard would result in a practical difficulty for the applicant. We believe that the applicant's intent to improve the site with the items outlined in this memo are worthwhile. We believe that the development standards would result in a practical ditficulty that would otherwise prohibit the improvements that are being proposed. Therefore, staft recommends approval of the requested variance with the condition that the applicant make the improvements consistent with the Town of Vail Streetscape Plan, specifically the paver design, lighting lixtures and bench. Please note that, under Section 18.60.080 of the Town of Vail Zoning Code, the approval of all variances shall lapse if conslruction is not commenced within two years of the date of issuance and diligently pursued to completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted is not commenced within two vears. aF(I*ILI *I:+*{ ?J J. -t Tt + aaI' 15 N N$i.\ Jh-r i$?1' t{I a rt aEl itt &rer.{ }lod. t ArtiSgE5* -:3FIRSTBANK OF VAIL VAIL, COLORADO .|tvn lo )NvE laElJ ool I - orG.8Eer8. cpe,/qo3 t.€^. tl0c xoq Of t NOSllTl AB SNCIS:IC tr-- --1 i 11,?' 1l rt Illtt/ttt{:/-/:/l {I,l t t: $ 1lt, li,-iir F]dt itr n f-a I it: iffi 0 $ I /K r)lK l.,l' ltl t) 11, T l tiif3 ,g /t' 'I t.9.'H ;6l-"{ 1l { r-j->-; l/ Retum ,o ffi d7 / Town Planner I NTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT:/ 6*/ DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: n-rd./*Orf/ zttf.*^V ar/.(.^-.rJ 442) PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: ./-).. . ,/' --' .//.'; ( - \"-4 Date: ,.;- -."" -'t; .Z--+,d ./,,t". ztT.,.a''. <. ,.,/-rr-. L-t,' - .,t "., . /, t_ t'vi..d llf1[ ,^t ( (, i!-l-'{t \'\lr c INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: tr=/ 6ot/ DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: zz "u/.n Or-/ tt//.*rVJJ aaz)a./{4. PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Commenls: (- 2s--.73 /. /',,L -J 6;/t. .11,2-'---,17- t-,,,d L C',r'rr-t--L / l^ .\ . o_ /., / ,/ y54 -162,r,. r{ Ur''-l Fr'r- L/ri/ E '''"/ f/< gJnl ! L'A 6 ) 2t'a I asPL"' q- "t"-k ('"'"-"- b) ='P.rn a/1.n*^z-to tivl lilt't:t /)t't/t'n1r-* c) o'.\SIa"'+ p.-*,,,1 sl,*J. T,f 75 ,-,4..,'nii,,^ r^.t Ga] n/ ' , ,,, ,J'rf4 /,,7,G.a/rar*.,,-,t p.nn-.-UJ .ry !4tt /f LJ,:21,t\or.Jrtt,1 .'"(..,t rrrr'(/ *'- .(.ta'l/cJ"4 14.? 2)u)...il .-l ,'-cr,r.-|, ".ru ,J of ( t ' J S e-..r.tr u*(t'''^-/ trir.d 'l l/lye2 t o t/(lv r,/ ,Retum to t'\ s Ll / Town Planner INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT:/ 6.^-/ DATE SUBMITTED: DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: nz o/.S.ro ./u / o-ld APt) ro1*../V zz.r{c< PUBLIC WORKS Heviewed by:Date: Comments: \ll\ \ ,x\'*\fin' P, Fh6i5 N-C rt()(or-O a Aba/.rs- Qao.rrs s!_rr o.Lt orrt fwl,yrrt,n fuotulufro,, Irirl foa4 U'c =o-o 8.3co(6*s E€o olsE o6a ,88c-.ioRS trl ,[rl@t Soauw"lp /r,V,r/nr loil, ll lr^l f*l t t,il ,lufud, l/,[Et lou PlV, /ror/,rirurn /fu f/h; r 'lM /arf //ttu/ru' fu'tu lToi/ , @m/o h[,/t/,u, /m/,,ri,i* ku ptz l/ail ,hh@, tbff llr,l tl iltT '-O(o t n|- Eo-oEoo'=t-tt|.Y;ECo oldO o6es8 -F=nRs fi ltrl =ECrlOc)l-O((t I m =c-cEo)r'i =oI {^ =giJ ()lsf, o6 3s9DRg 6lb rl ollh, l,n{ #o,afih - FS rlrlfl4:11,,_19'r8ii (l) o J n-r OiEloEooa-6oo -jEE oth' fvh fulfurna 1. A request for a joint work session with the Design Review Board and the Planning and Environmental Commission to review a request for a conditional use, a paving variance and the cemetery master plan and management plan for the proposed design ol the Vail Cemetery to be located in the upper bench of Donovan Park generally located west of the Glen Lyon subdivision and southeast of the Matterhorn neighborhood. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Vail will hold a public hearing the Town of Vail on May 10, Consideration of: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: THIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of 1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Town of Vail Andy Knudtsen First Bank of Vail Andy Knudtsen Anneliese Taylor Shelly Mello 2.A request for a landscape variance to allow for the reconstruction of the parking area at the first BanUl7 Vail Road/Lot 6, Vail Village 2nd Filing. 3. A request for a conditional use to allow tee-pees to be used in conjunction with Vail Associates summer programs to be located adjacent to the Base of Chair 8, Tract A, Lionshead 1st Filino. Applicant: Vail AssociatesPlanner: Jim Curnutte A request for wall height variances to allow for the construction of a driveway to the residence located at 2346 Cortina Lane/Lot 4, Block A, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Arno BrinkmanPlanner: Tim Devlin A request for setback and site coverage variances to allow for the construction of an addition and a garage located at2409 Chamonix Road/Lot 19, Block A, Vail das Schone Filing No. 1. 4. 5. 6.A request lor a front setback variance and a site coverage variance to allow the conslruction of a garage located at Lot 26, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing/165 Forest Road. 1 1. A request for a conditional use to allow furniture sales at the Cascade Crossing Building located at 1031 South Frontage Road WesVan unplatted parcel located west of the VailAssociates maintenance shop. Applicant: Planner: Paul Anderson Collection, Ltd. Andy Knudtsen 12. A request for a minor subdivision and an amendment to a previous PEC recommendation for approval of a major amendment to Cascade Village, SDD #4, Area A, Millrace lll, 1335 Westhaven Drive, Cascade Village, more specifically described as follows: A part ot the SW %, NE /., Sclion ta Tovrnship 5 South, Fang€ 8l W€sl ot lh€ 6th P,M., describ€d as lollows; Beginning €r a point ot th€ Nonh.South csnlerline of said Sedion 12 vJhsDco an iron dn with a plastic cap marking lh€ c€nlst ol said Section 12 bsa6 SOO.38'56-W 455.06 f€eti th€nc€ along sajd c€ntsrlins N0O"38'56"E 122,81 le€t lo the soulh€rly ROW lino ol l-7O: lhsnce d€paning sajd ROW lin€ N66"53'25"E 39.15 l€€l: thenca depaning said ROW lins $1'23'19"E '|65.42 test lo a point of curvo; lh€nce 12?,83 f€€t along th€ afc of s 143.20 fogt @dius curvs to ths lsh, having a cenrral angls ol49"08'51" and a cho.d lhat b€ars s15"57'4tE 119.101e9t; lhsnc€ s4O32'10"E 3,O0 teel; lhence 66.30 l€gt along th€ arc ol a 77.21 fool radius Curvg lO lh€ righr, having a c€ntral angle o( 49"12'1O" and a chord thar b6rs S15'56'05'E 64.28 fBel; rhsnc€ S8"40!OnV 90.27 t€€l: thsnco N38'42'24"W 224.55 te€t; lhencs 578.10'32-W 10i.44 l€€t lo rtl€ Poinl of gEginniag. Applicant: Michael LauterbachPlanner: Jim Curnutte revis€d Lo istg2 a TPPLICATTON This procedure is requiredvariance. The application inforrnation is submitted. epplication Date PEC MEETING DATE roR I vtR!$rcE for any project reguesting awill not be accePted until allI. A. NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANT enona-47h' 5bf,lt . B.NA}.'E OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE PHONE OWNER (S) (t.ype SIGNATURE (S) V"'l pnoNnJfb 4!3L LOCATION OF BLOCK '__ PROPOSAL: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT-1[9 ADDRESS c. n NAI.{E OF owNER (S) ADDRESS FILING ADDRESS v THE FEE @! BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. Stamped, addressed envelopes of the names of owners ofall property adjacent to the subject proPerty INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHTND AND ACROSS STREETS, and a list of their names and rnailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additionalinformation is needed. No application wilI be acceptedunless it is complete (rnust include aII items required bythe zoning administrator) . It is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff to fj.ndout about additional subnittal requirements. III. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WILL STREAI4LINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE, ALL CONDIT]ONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMTTTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION IM/OLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The retationship of the requested variance toother existing or potential uses and structures inthe vicinity. -') \@/ 4tt .4t0l Snowdon and Hopkins . Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 303 476-2201 81657 April L2, 1993 Mr. Andy Knudtsen, Planner Town of Vail Dept. of Community Development 75 South Frontage RoadVa1l, CO 8165? Andy: As per our meetings and conversations over the past month, the First Bank of Vail is submitting a revised landscape and parking plan for their property at 17 VaiI Road, Vail, Colorado. As part of theirproposll Lne rirst Bank would hopefully tie into the planned expansion ancl upgrade of the intersection of Vail Road and East Meadow Drive. The Fiist Bank has been inforrned by Larry Graeffel (Director of Public Works ) that the Town of VaiI has received bids on this portion of the work and is hoping to start work beginning in early May. Ho\,tever' the town,s budgetinq (with the bids received), cannot afford to do the work on the south side of the intersection. This is perhaps where the First Bank could be of help as they develop their new parking lot. The First Bank's proposal entails revamping their existing northparking lot area, as welI as the eastern si-dewalk, curbing and street parking spaces. The north parking lot would be widened to allow for an improved driving lane to service the existing 13 spaces. In addition, the parking lot area would be snowmelted and, at this point in time, we are anticipating an j-nterlocking paver finish. The eastern sidewalk along Vail Road woul-d be modified (to all-ow for three additional spaces in the right-of-way) and widened to 5 feet (as per our discussions with Public Works). The sidewalk/entry area would also be snowmelted and finished in interlocking pavers to natch the Town of Vail's proposed sidewalks. At the south end of the proposed wal-kway, the First Bank would propose instalting a new tree, grate and light well to match the trees,/grates at the intersectj-on island. However, in order to accomplish this redevelopment, there is a reduction in l-andscaping below the allowable minimum of 30t (Section 18.22.130). At present the property is below the minirnum (approximately 258) and would be further reduced by 380 sq. fL. This would result in a reductj-on to approximately 23.2*. The applicant is creating a new planter area and upgrading the planter area at the northwest corner of the building, as well as helping to develop off- site landscaping within the Town's right-of-way (as previouslymentioned). Our hope is that the off-site upgrade will more than counter the on-site reducti-ons. Page 2 The First Bank's dire need for irnmediate access,/short term parking iscertainly a problem specific to the applicant. This is reinforced by seeing below grade (covered parking within the existing building) go unused while cars are double parked along Vail Road and waiting to parkin the north parking lot. People want to use the closest,/most convenient parking available. I feel this one-of-a-kind situation,along with the First Bank's interest j-n upgrading adjacent areas,contributes to a re-evaluation of a strict and l-iteral, interpretationof Secti-on 1,8.22.L3O. The increased parking and improved parking lotentry will- certainly improve the congestion in the arear as welL asprovide better pedestrian circulation through the area. Being able totie into the Town's efforts and to provide additional funding to an under-funded project certainly makes sense, as well as reinforce VaiI's comprehensive plan. If you have any questions on this matter or need additional information please let me know. Sincerely, t l/,r, ilrfu'/rufr/,r/4ICraig N. Snowdon, AIAPartner CNS/sIh I Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado April 12, 1993 303 476-2201 81657 Mr. Andy Knudteen, PlannerTown of vail Dept. of Conmunity Development75 South Frontage RoadVaiI, CO 81657 Andy: As per-our,meetings and conversations over the past nonth, the FirstBank of vair is subnit.ting a revlsed randscape -and parking pran fort,heir property at 17 VaiI Road, Vail, Colorado. As part of theirpropoear t.he First Bank would hopefully tie into the- planned expaneionand upgrade of the intersection of vair Road and East Meadow orive.The First Bank hae been informed by Larry Graeffel (Director of publicworks) that the Town of vail has received bide on this portion of thework and is hoping to start work beginning in early !{ay-. However, thetown's budgeting (wit,h the bids receivedll cannot l:toia to do thi workon the south side of the intersection. This is perhape where the FirstBank could be of help ae they develop their new parkiirg lot. The First Bank's propoeal ent.airs revamping their existing northparking rot area, as well. as the easter-n s.Ldewark, curbin! and streetparking spaces. The north parking rot woul.d be widened t5 arlow for animproved.driving rane to eeivice f,he existing 13 spaces. rn addition,the parking rot area wourd be snowmerted and, at this point in time, weare anticipating an interrocking paver finish. The eaitern sidewarkaJ'ong vail Road wouLd be modified (to allow for three additional epacee in- !!" right'-of-way) and widened to 5 feet (as per our diecueeiong-with lgb_lic Works ) . The sidewalk,/entry area wouid aiso be enowmel.ted andfinished in interlocking pavers to mat.ch the Town of vail,e proposedsidewalks. At the eouth end of the proposed walkway, the riiet-Bankwourd .propose instarling a new tree, grite and lighl'welr to match thetrees,/grates at the intereection island. However, in order to accomplish this redevelopment, there is areduction in landscaping below the allowable minirnum of 30t (SectionI8.22.1?Ol. At, present, the property is below the minimum(approximately 25t; and would be further reduced by 380 sq. ft. Thiswourd result in a reduction to approximatery 23.2t1 The dppricant iecreating a new pranter area and upgrading the pranter area bt tirenorthwest corner o{ lfu building,-is werl as h6rping to deve}op off-eite. landscaping wit,hin the ?own,s right-of-way lae-previously'nentioned). our hope ia that the offreite upglade witr nore Lhancounter the on-site reductions. Page 2 The Firet Bank's dire need for immediat,e access/ehort term parking iscertainly- a problem specific to the applicant. This ie rei;rforced byseeing bgig" grade (covered parking wiltrin rhe exieting buitding; gounueed while cars.are_doubLe parked al.ong va.ir Road and waiting-io-parkin the north parking lot. pebple want to use the closeet,/most-convenient parking availabre. r feel this one-of-a-kind situation,along-with the First Bank's intereBt in upgrading adjacent areag,contributea to a re-evaluation of a etrict-and literll interpretationof section 18.22,L30. The increaeed parking and improved pa-rxing lotentry will certainly inprove the congeetion-in the lrea, ai werr-aeprovide better pedestrian circulation through the area. Being able totie into t,he Town's effort,s and to provide idoitional funding to anunder-funded project certainly rnakei sense, as weII ae reinf5rce VaiI,sconpreheneive plan. If you have any questions on this matter or need additional informationpleaee let me know. Sincerely, ilrqftturd,u Craig N. Snowdon, AIAPartner CNS/slh Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive 303 476-220.1Vall, Colorado 81657 ApriI 1.2, 1993 Mr. Andy Knudtsen, PlannerTown of Vail Dept. of Community Developnent75 South Frontaqe RoadVail., CO 81657 Andy: As per our meetings and conversations over the past month, the FiretBank of vail ie eubmitting a revised landscape ind parkinf plan fortheir property at 12 Vail Road, Vair, cororaio. AB'part 5t'theirproposal the First Bank would hopefully tie into the-planned expansionand upgrade of the intersection of vaii Road and East Meadow Drive.The First Bank hae been informed by Larry Graeffel (Director of publicworke) that the Town of vair has rlceived bids on tliie portion of thework.and is hoping to start work beginning in earry May-. However, thetown'e budgeting (with t,he bids received;, cannot itroia to do thl workon the south side of the intersection. This is perhape where the First,Bank courd be of help as they develop their new larkiirg lot The First, Bank's proposal entails revamping their exiating northparking lot area, ae werr as the easter-n eidewalk, curbin! ind etreetparking.Bpaceg. The north parking lot would be widened t6 altow for animproved.driving Lane to eervice the exieting 13 Bpaces. rn addition,the parking l.ot area woul,d be sno\,melted andl at t-hie point i_n time, weare anticipating an interLocking paver finish. The east,ern eidewarkarong Vail Road would be modified (to allow for three additional spaces ln. !1" right-of-way) and widened td s feet (as per our discuseione withlyulig works). The sidewalk/enrry area wouid aiso be snowmel.ted andfinished in interrocking pavers t-o match the Town of vails propo-edsidewarks. At the south end of t,he proposed walkway, t,he Fiist'Binkwould.propose instalring a new tree,-grite and lighl'welr to match thefrees,/grates at the intereection islaid. However, in order to accomplish this redevelopment, there ie areduction in landscaping bLlow the allowable irinimun of 3Oi lSectionL8.22.1?Ol. -At, present-the property is beLow t,he mininum(approximately 25t) and wourd be fu;t,her reduced. by 3g0 sq. ft, Thiswourd reeult in a reduct.ion to approximately 23.2t1 The dppli"ani iscreating a new planter area and upgrading tire planter area at thenorthwest corner of fle building, as werl as helping to deverop off-:1t:. Iandecaping within the Town;s right-of-way las-previouely-mentioned;, our hope ie that the offleite upgiade rirr rnore Lhancounter the on-site reductions. Page 2 The Firet Bank's dire need for immediate access,/short term parking iscertainly-a problen specific to the appricant. ThiE ie rei-nforced byeeeing bglgr grade (covered parking wiltrin the existing building) gounuged whire cara.are-doubre parked along Vail Road and waiting-to-parkin the-north parking lot. eeople want to uee the closeet/moet-convenient parking available. r feet this one-of-a-kind eituation,along.with the FireL Bank's inuerest in upgrading adjacent areaE,contributes to a re-evaluatlon of a etrict-and titertt interpretationof section 18.22.L30. The increaeed parking and improveo paiklng lotentry wilr certainly irnprove the congeEtion-in the Lrea, ai well-asprovide better pedeetrian clrculation through the area. Being abre totie into the Town's efforts and to provide iaditional funding to anunder-funded project. certainly nakei senoe, as well ae reinforce Vail'ecornpreheneive plan. If you have any gueetione on thie matter or need additional informationplease let ne know. Sincerely, /. //rt' I////tt.u/t'///tdn"tl t.rttf tt t t tt tt rrnt/v rttt t , . - t f - IlCraig N. Snowdon, AIAPartner CNS/ s Ih Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado April 12, 1993 303 476-2201 81657 Mr. Andy Knudtsen, Planner Town of VaiI Dept. of Cornmunit,y Developrnent,75 South Front,age RoadVaiJ., CO 81657 Andy: As per our rneetings and conversations over the past month, the FirstBank of Vail is subnitting a revj-sed landscape and parking plan fortheir property at 17 VaiI Road, VaiI, Colorado. As part of-theirpropoeal t.he First. Bank wourd hopefully tie into the planned expansionand upgrade of the intersection of Vair Road and East Meadow Dr-ive.The First Eank hae been informed by Larry GraeffeL (Director of publicworke) that the Town of Vair has received bids on thi6 portion of thework and ie hoping to etart work beginning in early May-. However, thetown's budgeting lwith the bids received), cannot affo;d to do the workon the south eide of t.he intereection. Thie ia perhape where the FirstBank could be of help ae they develop their new parking lot. The First Bank'B proposal entails revamping their exiating northparking rot area, as well ae the eastern eidewalk, curbin! and etreetparking.spaces. The north parking lot would be widened t5 allow for animproved.driving lane to eeivice ihe exieting 13 spaces. rn addition,the parking rot area wourd be snowmelt,ed andl at tiris point in tirne, weare anticipating an interrocking paver finish. The eaitern sidewatlalong Vail Road would be nodifieO- lto allow for three additional epacesln-!!e right-of-way) and widened td S teet (ae per our diecussione-withlybiic works ) . The sidewalk/entry area wouid aieo be snowmerted andfinished in interrocking pavers to match the ?own of vail,s proposedsidewalks. At the south end of the proposed walkway, the Fiist- Bankwould .propose instarling a new treer- grate and lighl well to natch thetreee/grates at the intersection island However, in order to accomplish this redevelopment, there ie areduction in landscaping below the alIowable irinimum of 30t (Section18.22.1101. At present the property is below the minimum(approxirnately 25t) and would u-e tuitner reduced by 380 sq. ft. Thiswourd reeult in a reduction to approximately 23.2t-. rhe dppticant. iscreating a new prant,er area and upgrading' the planter area it ttrenorthwest corner o{ !!u building,-5s weti as rrltping to develop off-site. randscaping within the Town's right-of-way las-previousry-nent.ioned). our hope is that the off-eite upgiade wi.ll more Lhancounter the on-site reductions. Page 2 The First Bank'e dire need for irunediate accees,/ehort tern parking iscertainLy-a problem epecific to the applicant,. This iE rei-nforced byeeeing ug]gto grade (covered parking wi-Lnin the exieting buildingl gounueed whire carB.are-double parked arong Vail Road and waiting-to-parkin the.north parking lot. people want to use the croeest/moetconvenient parking availabre. - r feel this one-of-a-kind situation,arong wit,h the Firet Bank's intereet in upgrading adjacen! areae,contributeg to a re-evaluation of a etricl-and literat interpretitionof section 18.22.r30. The increased parking and improvea paiking rotentry wilr certainly improve the congestion-in the -area, ai well-aeprovide better pedestrian circulation t.hrough the erea. Being abre totie into the Town's efforts and to provide idditional funding to anunder-funded project certainly makes sen6e, as well as reinforce vaiL,scomprehensive plan. If you have any guestions on thie matter or need additional informationplease let me know. Sincerely, il,,qfu,,,q/,,, Craig N. Snowdon, AIAPartner cNs/ 8lh TO sN owDo N oi *3t31:i: l"t t'ttttt vArL. coLoRADO 81657 LETiQR @F TRANSnnrrrAL the following items: .b Pt"n"! Samples E Specifications ! ARE SENDING tr Shop ! CoPY (303) 476-2201 You F drawings ol letter Attached E Under separate pl erints E Change order WE cover vra coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 4 4/tc/4t t/h f/e" il/t'r i+ftk/^^n .,,Xul.hl lnnntt t/ fu,n u't 4lwqt 4 iplqt 'Ao/./rtnts,,/rEt'*J'4 *"n ar"/ /thaug mvy/ntc 1'/ti/4t ,/'*#oi:)/ 4 4 [ftr'qg /-'/o/lat' {o--AK. I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED O For approval ff For your use X As requested as checked below: O Approved n Approved ! Returned as submitted as noted for corrections ! n tr Resubmit-copies for approval Submit - cooies for distribution Return-corrected prints { For review and comment ! ! FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS It .nctoturat .ra not ea aot d, ki.rdltt notlfy t)a .t onca.Psoucrzao? R;ai) E c,lrdr 16. !l|'] RPR.12-1993 1-T149 15T BANK OF URIL 3e'3 4?9 A5A5 P.e1 f,TBAN( OF VAIL 17 VA|L ROAD V fi_, COTOHADO 81657 903.476.6686 lfElt0 IOt Orel.g Snorden FROI{I UBrk RlBros DATE; Aprtl tZ, 1993 FAX Nor 476-749L NltltBER 0P PAcEs INCLUDIHa TEI9 pAGE; L NOTE I IF YOU DO T{OT RECEIVE ALL ?HE PAGT's OR tsAVE AITY PROI}I.EUS RECEIVINC,PLEASE CA',L (303)4?6-3686, uEssA0Er Addrecees of, propertle3 edJesent or near FJ.rstBenk of vefi.: Vf.lle Corttne 0ondomlnJ.un AssoclarlonATn{t Rlch Halderrran Box 1012Vatl, G0 81658 ValI ncltglous Foundatlon 19 Val.1 Road Vell , CO 8L6r7 sonnonElD fropertles, F,nc,20 Vell RoadVell, CO AL6S7 Vtll.agc Inn lLaza C on dorn ln turn As soc Lat ion plrae€ VATTN: Josef gtaufor 100 Eest lleadow Dr lveVatl, dO gL6S7 QL c.v\ )L 7o.e3' ro to!tN2 29.29' ^< J {RAt '. r AGE '.1 \ Lu' . zo, *\\ )fr. )^ 70.83' o^ Y".rolNl toit(vz e9.29' na J lRAt '. , AGErl\ Lu' . -, U V\rJ , l ) tP'r o "' ct \rW 0 ',?\( %? \\ u),o\4 \).\zv )^ 7 r R Acr Joot SNOWDON & HOPKINS 201 Gore Creek VAIL. COLORADO (3O3) oSrecr5 81657 t7622orqttn i"t' ' ';,99$ LETil @F TRANSNflITTAL TO WE ARE SENDING YOU A fl ShoP drawings tr Copy of letter Attached ! Under separate n Prints n Change order cover vra ! Plans ! Samples tr SPecifications N t'/{ rrt the following items: coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 4 4ltlqt A -fil(. ffu*l 5"/4tJ t*'-k t THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked ! For approval K For your use I As requested n For review and comment ! FOR BIDS DUE below: n Approved as submitted n Approved as noted E Returned for corrections Resubmit-copies tor approval Submit -copies for distribution Retu rn -corrected prints ! tr tr ! l9 tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS It anclosurca taa not 15 nolad, kindly notity us rt o.rcc.PROOUCT ?t0.2 /&€ssl t^. coton. r|ln 0t1l I HFfi-i;-1JtJ IT: i'i' a fIM Owncrs Forfi 316 eori"v t. Amount Addregs inJ 4?: 0585 ^294L422 $800, 000.00 F. [1:'u4[.Lrr '"iirL l'1 "t l Orater No. SCHEDULE v13? 09 A q-5-q3 Polloy Date:ffirt". at 8:00 A.l'l'1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Nane of, Ineuredl FIREIBAN!( OF VAXIJ ThorrtateorlnttreBtlnthelandldceerl.bedlnthlEschedule-i"a-wrttctr la "ovirea uy thle porloy lo: A Foe SlnPlc |lltlc to the egtate or lntereet covered by this pollcy at thc datc hereof le vested ln: FXRSEBNIK OT' VAI'J The land referred to ln thlr poltoy 13 1f!t1at9f ln EAGr'E t;dtt; cororiao, and 15 deebrlbed as f,ollowst coNDouINIt'uI,NIT5,B.9.coNDo!{INlI'MsAccoRDINGTollHE AITENDED CONDOUTfrTUu MAi-ninnroq nncoennp ocroBER 12' -1e84 rN EOOK 396 AT PACi ;iE- AXP AS DEFINED IN THE AMENDED Al{D RESftAtrED CoNDOUiNirm -nScLAnAtION REC9RDED ocToBER 12, !e84 IN BOOK 396 AT PAG; Aii, COUXTY OT EACI.,'E' STATE OF COLORADO' !tla Page Thls Poli.cy valld only it Schedule B is attached' t 'APR-12-1995 L?'tA lTFFlNl( i:rF uttll fIM Onner Forn 315 order No. v13709 Jt= 4?e asEs P'Es PoJ.loy No' A2941822 SCHEDUIJE B Thls pollcy doee not Lneure agalnet lo83 or danage by reaeon of, the followlng: 1. RtglrtB or clainc of partlcs J.n poeseeeLon not ehoun by the public rBcordB. 2, Eaadnants, or c1a1n6 Of earencnte, not ehown by the publlc recordB. 3. Dlrcrrpan6l,ee, confllcte ln boundary llnee, shortag. in atrsa, encroa-ChnentS, and any f,ACtE ryhloh I correCt survey and iii.p.Etion of 'tne preiniger lrould cllEelosc and rhlch are not Ehown by the Publlc records. 4. Any llcn' or rlght to a lien, for eervices, labor, or lniterlal'theret6fore or hereafter furnlsned, inposed by law and not Ehown by the publlc recordg. 5. 1989 TAXES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABIJE AND AESESSMENTS NOB IET CERTIF'IED TO THE TREASURERS OFFICE. 6. r,rENg FOR UNPAID WATER AND EEWER CHtrReEg, XF At{Y' 7. RIGHT OF PROPRXETOR OF A VEIN OR IJODE TO EXTRASI AND RE}IOVE HXg ORE THEREFROM SHOUIJD THE SAUE BE F'OUND TO PENETRAtrE OR INAERSECT THE PREI'IXSES As RE$ERVBD IN UNITED sTATEg FATENT RECORDED SEPtENbET 04, L923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 8. RIdHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CAI'IAI,S CONSTRUCtrED BY TITE AUTHORITII OF trHE UNITED 6TATE8 AS RESERVED IN T'NITED STAIIIES PATENT RECORDED SEPtENbET 04, L923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 9. REBERTCTM COVENAIIaB !{HxcH DO NOT CONTAIN A FoRrEISttRE oR REVERTDR CITAUSE, BUT OUrfllING RESTRICETONE, IF ANy, BASED ON RACE, COI.loR, RELICiION, OR NATIONAL ORXCTN, A6 CONrAiNED IN INSTRIII'|ENT RECoRDED January 09, 1963, IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 431. 10. EASEIIENTS, REsERVATIONB AND RESERTeBTON9 AS SHOtflf on RESERVED ON IllE RECORDED iUTWOPO CONDOMINIT'M MAP tr'OR E.S. CONDOI'TINIUMS. 1I. ENCROACI|!{ENT Or PITANTER ONfO VAXL RoAD AS SHoWN ON THE RECoRDED rXt{AL PLAT oF B.s. CONDODTINIT!4S As AT,IENDED. Page 2 HFrr-l --,-{5 1 li.l-f tI!{ oflner Forn 316 lEHr*' LrF i"hlL Ordcr No. V13?09 SCHEDUIJE E :i[rJ 4?9 E5E5 P. !J4 llcy No. A294L822o PO 1-2, A DEED or ERU8T DArED July 28, 19?5 FRoM KAISER E. ldoRcus To '!tIE BUELIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COITNEY FOR trHE i'SE OT JUSTICE UORTGAGE TN\TESIIOR8 (iTUI) TO sEcuRE TnE SUI{ oF 91.500'ooo.dti,-eHo anY gp-tls AI'IoLNBS PATABT'rE I'NDER THE TERttg $rnnuorl necoiinn iuguet-it, Ls?5' rN BooK 24L NI PACE 24e' NOTE:AFTEETETHATPORTTONOFTHEFROPERtrYXNSUNEDHEREINCONVEYEDINDEEDinEonoro APRrr., 16, 1979 rN BooK 284 AT PAGE L57' rHI COMPADIY ITEREBY INSI'RES 'I'HE XNSI'RED ACAINSA IPSS OR' DAI'IACB WHICII TIIE IN'URpD SHAI.IJ susTAIN sy REaEdN-Ar-T'{E iiUbONCTUANT OR AIITEI'IPTED ENFORCEIfEFT BlrEREOr AGAINStr THB I.,AIID TW C6MIPCTION WI1!H SATD ITEI'I ADOVE' 13.THOSEPROVIBIONS,covENANTSANDCONDITIONB'EASEI'iENtrSANDREETRICtrIONS', tfHIcH ARE A BUri,DEN Bo BttE coni5r'rinhna-unrr'DnscRxnED IN scHEDUt'.E A' As g9NTATNED IN XNsTR111anxf necoR;sij-ii"iorli tz, Ls84' rN BooK 3e6 Ar FAGE 877' Fage TNTCL P. IZ4 iFR-il-l'l'i3 1?: !?t q flu oun6r3 Forn 315 eoricv ?. Anount Addrese JtJl 4?3 ESES AZ94LE22 9800, o0o'00 F,gt:L: i EHl rf . tJF i.rF r L 3,0 . t't1t Order No. V13?09 ECHEDULE A 1. 2. q-3'q3 Polloy Date3 fu*f-}|f,ld€t at 8:00 A.M. A F€e StuPlr Title to the cgtate or lntereBt covered by th18 datr hereof lr veeted ln: FXRSBBN{K OF VAIL The land referred to ln thla potloy ls :ltuated-A;unit; bolorado, and le dcc-Cribad aE f,ollowEt Nane of fneuredl FIRSTBAI{K OF VAIIJ trhe trtata or lnttcsBt ln the }en4 descrj.bed tn thle sohedul'-inA-wfrfon ls eoveied by ttrte polloy le:3. 4. 5. pollcy at the ln EAGLE coNDo[tINIu}tUNrtS,B.g.coNDoMINIUI.'sAccoRDINGTolfHE m-nllOiO CONDoMINIU!{ !{Ai TIIEREOE' RECOBDED OCIIoBER 12' 1984 IN.d<iOi ggE AT FACE EiE EITP AS DEFI}TED IN TT{E AIIIENDED AND RESTATED CONDO11INiUU obbr,'nmTloN RECORDED OSTqBDR 12, 1984 IN BOOK 396 AT PAGE 8??, COUNBV Of EAGI'E' STATE OF COISRADO' EIIE Page lhls Pollcy valld only it Schedule B is attached' , - hr*-rz-199i 1?r 1E li}BtrNiL. 0F uniL O:r= 4?e EsEs P.83 PoIlcY No. L2941.822orM Owner Fortn 316 order No' v13709 ECHEDUIJE E Bhle pollcy doee not lnsurc agalnst losg or dauage b1' rcacon of the follotllng: 1. RlEhtS or alaimr of partlcc ln 5loesessLon not shown by the publlc records. 2. EaEementE, or clalnF of eaEenents, not 6hown by the pubxlc lecordr, 3. DlrcrrPanotes, conf,llete ln boundgy llnegr 6hortag. ln arear encroalhnenter and any f,aote ryhloh i cogect survey and fnep;tlon of,'ttre preinices would dlscloee and nhlch ara not Bhown by the Public recotrds. 4. Any Licn, or rlght to a lien, -for eervlcee, labor' or rnaterlal'tnerct5fore or hereifter furnlehed, inposed by law and not shown by the publlc recorde. 5. 1989 TAXES NOT XEIT DUE OR PAYABI,E AND ASSESSI{ENTE NOT TET CERTIFIED lNO THE TREA8URERS OFTICE. 6. I,TENS FOR UNPAID T{ATER AND SEWER CHTRCES, XF ANY' 7, RrCHT Otr PROPRXETOR OF A VEIN OR I.JODE TO EXTRACT AND REIIOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM gHOUIJD BHE SAME BE FOI'ND TO PENE1rRATE OR INTERSESI fHE PREMISES AE REsERVED IN uNr?ED sTATns pAtDENr REcoRDED september o4, L92t, It{ BooK 93 AT PACE 98. 8. RIdHT OF llAy FOR DITCHES OR CAIIALS CONS.I'RUCTED Bv rnE AI'ITHOR.XTy OF THE UNIfED 6TATE8 AS RESERVED IN UNIIED STABES PATENT RECORDED SEPIEMbET 04, L923, XN BOOX 93 A! PA6E 98. 9. REBTRIcTM COVENAIITE IIHICH DO NOT CONIAIN A FORFEIIIIRE oR REVERTER CITAUSE, BUT OI,IITTING RESTRfCTIONS, Itr' ANy, BASED ON RACE' COI,OR, RELICiION, OR NATIONAI, ORX,CIN, AS CONTAiNED IN iUSTnUUnWT RECOFOED January 09, 1963' IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 431. 10. EAEEttENtrg, RESERVATIOHE AND RE9TRTCTIONS AS SHOI{N OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED iilfUOSn CONDOI11INX1!'1 l{AP FOR E.S. CONDOI'1fN1UI'{S. 11. ENCROACHUEN! oF PIJAI{TER ONTO VAIL ROAD AS SIIOWN ON TItg RECORDED FXI{AI'' PLAT Or B.B. CONDODIINIUMS AS N,ISNDED. PaEe 2 'HFR-1!-1t9; 17:1'-; TIM Owner ForD 316 5 EHr.il. r:rF I'HIL ordcr No. v13709 SCHEDUI,E B i03 4?'t E5B5 F. E4o PO L2. A DEED OF TRUST DATED July 28 ' r"s75 trROU KAISER E' ldoRc{JB TO ltHE PUBLIC TRUSTEE oF EAcr,E couN?y FoR TiE irsr or JUsrrcE uoRTGAGE xt{vEsToRB ('rilr) To gEcgRE rns su!,t-oF $1r500'ooo,d-d, enp Ar'rY oTHER AI'IoLNTS PAYABLE I'NDER THE TERr.tS rspnnorl epcoiOnO iugust ir, Ls?5' IN BooK 241' LT PAciE 24e' NOEE: AFTECXIS THAE PORTXON OF THE PROPERtrY XNSI,'RED HEREIN CONVEYED IN DEED nniononp ApRrL 16, 1979 rN BaoK 284 er PAGE L57' 'I'ITEC€UPAIIYHEREBYIT{SURESDHEXNSI,REDACAINgTI'SSOR'DAMACEWHICHTHErlrsr,,RcD Br{ALrJ sugrArN By REAB6N-6r-,rHi iirironcrupNT oR ATTE{FTED ENFoRCET'|ENT THEREOF ECErilEi IiN I,AXO IN COI{NECBION T.IITH SAID IrEU ABOVE' 13. rHOSE PROVISIONS, COVENANIIS AND CONDITIONS' EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTION6', WHrCH ARE A BURDEN DO BITE COUilOT'TiXiTJM UNTT DSSCRIBED IN SCHEDUI..8 A' A8 coNtrArNED rN TNsTRuuENT RncoRieij-ijctonet LZ, Lss4, rN BooK 396 AT PAGE 877' llcy No. a7'94L822 FaEe T-,T.'rt :, '! I Order No. V13?09 SCHEDULE A r{-5'?3 Folloy Date?#|.#4rt'- at B:00 A.!1. _ -_r': r-rtr ': s Polrcy t noror,,' Anount $800, O0O.O0 AddreEs .t:,1 EHlt. Lrii ..rFi I L Jtb. t1"t I F', lrl;HF'FI-i;-1g'tl .t?: ii i.l 1!lu ownerE Fortn 316 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Nane of Inauredl FIRSTBATIK OF VAIIJ Theertat€orlnt.r66tlnthelenddescrj.bedlnthleschadu}c-ina-wriicrr ls eoveredl by thie portcy ls: A Fee SlnPIe Tltlr to the cglate or lnterest dovered by thls policy at the datc hereof 1l vceted ln: FXRSTBN'TK OF VAII, lllre land referred to ln thll pollay Le lltuatedl ln EAGr'E-counii, Colorado, and ts deEcrlbed aB folronB: COIIDOMINIUI.{UNIt5,B.9.CONDOI'IINX'UMSACCORDINGTofHE A}TENDED CONDOltINIilir uep THEREOT RECORDED OCtrOBER 12 ' 1984 XN BOOK 396 Ar PACi 8iE 'XO AS DEFXNED IN T}TE A!'IENDED Ar{D 1ESTATED coNDOUtNigu nsCLARAnIoN RESqRDED O4T9BER 12, 1984 IN BOOI( 396 AT PAGE eZZ, COUyty OF EAGI-,,E, SrA1lE OF coLoRADO' IEE! Page ThlB Poltcy valld only lf Bchedule B iE attachrd' 1n-,F .,- rA.--ftPH- I2-19Y-j I i:18 lu]nNr( .F urilL d"= 4?e a58s F.E3 Polloy No. A2941822frt{ owner Forn 316 ord€r No. v13709 SCHEDUIJE B ThlE Bollcy do6B not 1n3ur3 ag.Inst losc or daaage by rcacon of the folloulng: 1. Rlghte or oLalmc of partlee ln poeeeeclon not ehorrn by the public records. Z, Eac€nentB, or clalmB of eaEementB, not Ehovtn by the publle recordr, 3. Dlrcrrpancteg, conf,llcte 1n boundary llnegr.Ehortag. 1n arear eneroaClrh6ntE; and any faOtE tdhloh a corrEot survey and insp.ctiotr oi'tfie preiriEe6 wouldl dlecloge and hthlah are not ehoun by the PubUc records. 4, Any Llen, or right to a lienr -for €ervlceE'. labor' or naferlal'theret6f,ore or hereif,ter furnlehed, imposed by law and not Ehown by the publlc recorda. 5. 1989 TAXEE T{OT IET DUE OR PAYABIJE AND AESESSUENI!8 NOT YET CERTIFIED TO TITE TREASUN,ERS OFFICE. 6. I,IENS FOR UNPAID ICATER AND SEIIER CHARGES, XF Al{Y' 7, RIGHT OF PROPRXETOR OF A VEIN OR I,ODE TO EXTRACIT' AND REUOVE HIB ORE THEREFROII SHOUL,D THE SAI{E BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INBERSECT TITE FREMISES AE RESERVED IN UNITED StATEg PATENT RECORDED September 04, L923' rr BooK 93 AT PACE 98. 8. RI6HT OF IEAI FOR DITCHES OR CANAIJS CONSTRUCTED BY TITE ATXIIIORITX OF THE UNITED 6TATE8 As RESERVED IN T'NItrED STAtrES PATENT RACORDED SEPtEMbET 04, L923, rN BOoK 93 AT PAGE 98, 9. RESTRICTXVE COVENArTIB lfIlIcH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEIOURE oR REVERTER CIAUSE' BUI OUITTING HESTRICTXONS, Il'ANyf BASED oN RACE, COLOR' RELfeIOtf, OR NATToNAL oRrcin, is conraiNED rN iusrnuupllr REcoRDED tanuary 09, 1963, rN BOOK 174 AT PACE 431. 10. EASEtdENlIg, RESERVAfIONE AND RESTRTCtrIONS A9 SHOI{N OA RESEnVED ON TllE RECORDED iUnUpSn CONDOMINIUM tlAF FOR B.S. cONDoIIINIUUS, Xl. ENCROACI|I'ENT OF PLANTER ONIO VAXL RoAD As 6llO!{N ON THE RECORDED FINAL PL'T? Otr' B.S. CONDO}TNIUUS A8 A}IENDED, Page 2 rlPF.-!;-!15: i?:1'-; TIIrl oflncr Forn 316 flBHtit. i:rF 'rHIL order No. v13?09 SCHEDULE B Jur 4fJ U:s)F', B4 llcy No, AZ94L$22o PO L2.ADEEDOTBRUETDAIEDJuly28'19?StrROttKAISERE'IdORCUEfOIIIIEPUBI',IC aRUSfEE or EACLE cosNfy FoR THE uSi or "USTI-CE uoRTGAGE TNVESTORB (iml) To sEeuRB lHE SU!{ oF 9x,5OO,ooo'd6,-illp-iNt gF-t$. AI'IOUNTS PATABLE UNDER TflE TER}ts trr{EREoF; necoiono fuEuet-LL'; Ls75' rN BooK 24). NI PACE 24e' I|OTE: AFTECIIS TTIAT PORTXON OF THE PROPERTY XNST'RED HEREIN CONVEYED IN DEED -ieionoeo APRrr., t6, Lg?s rN BooK 284 LT PAGE 157 ' THlcouPA!|yttEREBxrNSI'RE8-TIIEINSIIRBDA94IIEIl,ssoRDAMAGEwHIcHT'rE INSURED 'HAIJJ SUS?AIN BY RBABdN.i;F--tr'IE iIU-rONgMNXi ON MtUIBtrED $TTORCEIfEIIT TITEREOF AclrNstr-trin r,alrp rx c6mlibriox nrlrtt SAID ITEI{ ABOVE' 13. pffogD PROVIBXONS, COVENANTS AND CONDITXONS' EASEUENTS AND RESTRICTXONS', wHIcH ARE A BURDEN To EHE Coni5r'riniUl-unrr'DEScRIBED IN ScHEDULE A' As g9NTATNED rN rNstrRUMnXr neconfiiii-iioiolri iz' Ls84' rN BOoK 3e6 AB pAGE 877' Page TOTAL P. 8.1 .L r:, i Esl I'.]"1b.L'F ,"1H I Ll1"t I iil:l 4?'J o5E5 F. EiFFFi-i:-13!,-i 1?: iT e fll.t Outners Forn 316 ,orr.r? Lzs4lszz $800, 000.00order No. v13?09 SCHEDULE A Amount Addrees q-3-q3 l. Pollay Date:€tr+r€'tr--ts€r at 8:00 A,l{. 2. 3. Nane of, Ineured: FIRSTBANK OF VAIX,, Tho rrtat€ or lnt.reet ln the lend dcrcrj.bed ln this gaheduLc-i"a-wiioh is covered by ttrtc pollcy ls: A Fce SluPle Titlc to the estate or lntereBt covercd by thts pollcy at the datr hereof lc vested ln: FXRSEBN{K OT VAIL lllre land referred to ln thla polloy Is Eltuated ln EAGLE-Counti,' Colorado, and ls deebribed as f,ollovsl coNDOl{XNIItU ItNIt 5, B.g. CONDOMINIUMS ACCORDING TO THE nf,tbnOeo CONDol,tXNIul Uep THEREor REcORDED ocToBER 12, 1984 IN-di'bi< gg6 AT PACE 8?S AND AS DEFXNED IN THE N''ENDED AND hfsfarnp 69NDOMINIW DECITAIATISN REqORDED OctroBER 12' 1984 IN BooK 396 AT PAGE 877, coUNrY oF EAGI.,,E, STATE oF coI..oRADo. Eat 4. 5. Page ThlB Po1tcy valld only if Schedule B is attached' , 'FPR-12-199S 1?118 ltFNi( nF u*rL fIM Owner For[ 316 order No. v13709 Jt, 4?e Ersss ?.83 FollcY No. A2941.822 8CHEDULE B Thte porlcy doee not lngure agalnet loss or danaEe by reason of the followlng: 1,, RlEhte or clalmc of partlee j.n poeseesLon not ehonn by th. public records. 2. EaEenentE, or claln$ Of earcnenta, not ehown by the publlc record8, 3. Dlrerrpanclea, eonf,llctc ln boundary llneer. EhortaEr {n areat encroa-clunente, and any faotE l{hleh a correct eurvey and lnspectlon of, the preinigee would dLaolose and whlah arc not Ehown by the Public rccordc. 4. Any Xlcn, or rLght to a llen, fot eervLces, labor, or lniterlal'theret5f,ore or hereifter furnlshed, lnposed by law and not shown by the publlc recorde. 5. 1989 TAXES NOT YEII DUB OR PAYABIJE AND AESESSMENTS NOE YEI CERTIFIED TO 1IIT8 IREASURERS OFFICE. 6. LIEllS FOR TNPAID WefER AND EEITER CHARGES, XF ANV' 7. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR I,ODE TO EXOBAC! AND RE}IOVE HIS ORE TBEREFRO!.I SHOUIJD BHE SN'IE BE F'OUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSESI THE PREMXSES A8 RESERVED TN UNIIIED STATES PATENT RECORDED SCPtENbET 04, L92f,1 IN BOOK 93 AT PACE 98. 8. RIGHT OF ?EAY FOR DITCHEE OR CII{AIJS CONSIRUCIrED BI THE AUTNORITY OF 'IHE I'NIT8D ETATES AS RESERVED IN TJNITED STABES PATENT RECONDED SEPtCMbET 04, L923, XN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 9. REtlllRIcTM COVENANTB lfHIcH DO NOT coNTArn A FORPEIIIURE oR REVERTER CLAUSE, BIII OUTTTINC RESTRTCTIONS, Il'ANy, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELICION, OR NATIONAL ORICTN, AS CONTAiNED IN TWSTnUUTWT RECOFOED January 09, 1963' IN BOOK 174 AT PAGE 43X. 10. EAEEMENTS, RE8ERVATIONE AND REETRTCtrrONS AS SHOi{N OR RESERVED ON IHE RECORDED N{ENDED CONDOMINITJM MAP FOR B.S. CONDOMINII'MS. 11. ENCROACHUENT OF PI,JAIItrER ONTO VAXL ROAD AS STIOWN ON THE RECORDED TXNAL PI'A? OF B.S. CONDOMINII,uS Ag AIIENDED. Page Z . 'APF:- 1Z- 1t9.1 t 1IIM owner for! jl'IJ 4?'3 E5B5 F'.44 -Follcy No. Au94r822 I ?: l'-; 316 15T EHI'ii..oorder No. LIF ,]H I L vl3709 SCHEDUL,E E L2, A DBED ol, TRU8T DAIIED July 28 , LITE rRou KAISER E. uoRcus To lHE PUBLIC BRUSfEE Or EAGLE COUNTY FOR TI{E iISg OT JUSTICE UORTGAGE XIWESBORE (iTUX) TO sEctTRE TltE SUl{ OF 91'5OO,OOO'd6,-el'ro-am grt$. A!'touNBS PATABT'E III{DER TIIE TERus IIHEREoF; iic6nieo-i'"gust \L-, tezs, rN BooK 241' NI PlcE 24e' NOtrE:AFFESISTHAfPoRTIoNoFTHEFRoPERTYxNsUnEDHEREINcoNvEyEDx}IDEED iirEonosp ApRrD 16' 197e rN BooK 284 AT PAGE 157' TTII COMPAI{Y ITEREBY TNST'RE8 AHE TNSURED AGAIN6f TJoSS OR' DAMACP WHICH T'IE rNEunED sHAr,rJ susrArN By REAE6N-i;r-'rt{i iiuroncptrslrr on ATTEI'IPTED E}lPoRcE}tENT TnERDOF loeruEr-tin r,axo rn coNNECIIION INI$H SArD lllel't ABOVE. 13. AHOga PRovlsroNg, covENAN'lg AND COIIDITIONS' IASEfiENOS AND RAslntctIONSr t{nlcn ARE A BURDEN To TtlE couiouiXhna UNIT DEScRIBED IN sctlgDut..E A' Aa coNTArNEDrNINStrRUMSNTneconisit-bctor"rrz'Lg84',rNBOot(196LrPAAEB77' Paga TOTPL. tr E.J PLEASE TOWN OF VAJL D EPA RT;\{ EN T OF COfvllvl U]{ITY D EVEL O P}IENT' S,TLES ACT]ON FOR}{ 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD N,l}IE ZCNT\'G tu\D ADDRISS h?lJS0t 0000 4 t5<0 U\TIO L\.1 B LTILDL.-'C COD E U }{ FO L\,I P LU!6 L\*G C OD E 0t 0030 424 l5 0l 0000 {2115 0l oo,io.12.rr5 I uvron-rt lrEcH,r-\'lcil coDE 0l cooo J:{ t 5 UNIFOfu\{ FIRE CODE 0t o0or {2{ l5 | N,\]-ro}rAL ELECTPJCAL coDE 0l m00{21)5 IonJER CODEIOOKS 0t 0000.115..3 BLUE PRD{TS (TlYLA;IS) 0l 0001 .:211 2 ):EROX COPl;S / s'iUD[ES 0l 00c{ r237 |PENA I.TY FEES / R:.i.,.'-'SPECTIONS 0t ooco.{!132 i pl,lv neunv RE.cllEcK FEE Is<0 tER ]iR.l 0l 0000 423?1 OFF I{OURS NSPECT]ON FEEJ CONTL1 CTO RS L] C L\S ES FZES0l 000c .11{ I 2 0l cc00 { r330 SICN APPLICATiO}.I FEE.01 00004t4r3 0l Cr00C{!113 ADDITIONAI. SIGNAGE F;E tSI.OC ?S.q, SO.IT. 0l co0012.{-.10 lvTcARTPR.oJECTDoNAnoN 0t 0000.ir33I PRE PilD DESICN R,sVIE1V BOAR,D F:E OIO&0424I2 I BUILDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT CO}IPUTER DI *.01 0000 41010 TAX 0r 0000 42371 rNvEsTrGATroN FEE (BUTLDTNG) I ,oro" ou", .. 0l 0t'o0 4 t 3l0 I ADDITIONA 0l 0000 { r 330 | coNDt'noNAL usE PER\flT ON ILESSTHAN IOSS0l cp00 41330 0l ctc00.tt330 L1CTERIO;I ALTI:RA]ION I}\jORE TH,A-I'I ICO SO.FT. SPECIAL DEVELOP.\{E.YT DISTR]CT NE\0r 0cb04t3413i0 tsPEctA ELOP.rllS P;51X.1CT l]'t^JOR AM OI OfSO'I3]O' ISPECLAL DEVELOPT'ENTDIS )'fi}\'oR AMA\D 0t 0cr00 41330 sLEDlvlSlON 0l 0000 { t3 ;VARJfu\CE 0l c\100 .r ) 330 I ZOMNG CODE,q"VE\DII LVTS *, * * * * * * * * ,l -l .t-'lrliCl.-E ooza{7cc) =oz'olrln3 { -l a) mIg!-o l-r l: 6tl<: flr:llm: 6lr)^=f; x ''+loi glB* 8l=; 3lit 3 o< oE -(D(ioCI'r3ztn n_o mIt = azoo t- '| I -n!Or- z<oql22o--z () Z a'\ = --r >; R<>A 32 9; c) z;--r cp< 1Z u vO'mz=i:f: -tc)o> 9,--t mnz>m --l >or oI:m €zm z 3m F.Baat P. alo ts o-'mTn O>'f- TII I zo l- i-to H H o o t_io 'n =za P.rKP.FFp 0q Pf'J b. I I I r- --l t-x Im m --{o€z 'Tt rItm zo I 3 -l €zo'r] Irftm z 9 Iu :zo_n ut- moz I -lmrm -t l€lz loI l; $ l -t €zo.tl - Im 9)z Y 1..) f € o x FI N c)o a-i I 0 m I Fr toItrn r- P PJ a ts ! r IUl z Itat F !0 q]z -.t Ymil lc-. t IFc)l<r\tvlnlJ'<lol- 'r'l'\o\O I'urm =J -{ (!mxmtl-l oz c- aIrfl .,\.r' /'. ' / / ' ' l-- -u m =z \rl ' -\ *o N raJ lnOZ : :-i.a y ;0rr ! riF.! : ^i'J ^ > nF.H z oJ \I\ '' \Jlao < z FI " d 'L; z c : -z <h - -i.^,=x'nzz{ |\) l tZCQ _r'lo - .ll 6c I@lrn =@i @ c'z,i t<= Fl lCrm] i o _l z !m =azmm mT1 {o a zm = -lm z o =z : Irn_o I c l 2 ! c_o on o- fo9doq-'<o- q) =xJlaro3{c-(Dio99(D,e Yfo!, !- gO o-ostot6'= *t =EO! + i';X=. 9o:.\ df<= =Lx-= El-0)o =. -.,i-= -o C): (o oo o 3 =.= fo =' 3 j. l x d F(| (-l 1q ==g I {l o j oo f g, o)tI otl ct s. f. a c c o o 5(o - Ev, a 3'(o J c =:9. o oI o9. f JoItf =ooUo I'o o m €zm ft ooz-.t oI -n I (n ml-'rt >z m €zm (\.N; \\tn N at \' \- \- :t\lSq-e L t,,dFd:Al,\d j F-P \,o\--.- 5\)(o o o 0)f c z m m o c z m = m =-T1 mma z =z6I zz sl- zoz{mU) -rp ^, (/) nt5 a)rru;rF-r-l I I I t> tX lo.rff lO I I I I .\I tl I rl -.rl I I I I I -{ -{ t- m ='nmm<, .) m zc m q I I z msln€ m -.toz'"|m c = c 2 4at'/tr z lt/r ^lwt TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE: z/r /f3 - PERMTT * lol-/ 1 -FIT IIIAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ***************************** , APPLICATTON UUST BE FILLED OUT COUPT,ETELy OR I* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PEIIIyIIT INFORMATION [ ]-Building [ ]-Plumbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanical liTf -Ot.}rer - -,. ./nr'v.az'zez Job Nane:Job Address: legal Description: Lot3fl Block Iriling 9"3 susprvrsroNt ohrners Name:@ Address: /7 V u. ' n,l/', Q: pin.47L&F1 Architect:Address:Ph. General Descripti onz r/cTzttt+ L)et* ,, Work Class: [-l-Ne]r [-l-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units: f1/4 Number of Accomnodation Units: ,t/4_ Plunbing Contractor: Address: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: I'Iechanical Contractor : Address: ********************************FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERMIT FEE3 I'TECHANICAL PERMIT FEE3 ELECRRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: (l;, ,DU BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'MBING PIAN CHECK F8E! MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: 5j c,,, BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNAIURE: Conme-nts: CLEAT UP DEPOSIT REFIINI! TO: .'f D,01) I 75 soulh lrontage road yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2r.38 ot 479-2139 TO: FROI'I: DATE: SUBJECT: rn surnmary' ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anvperson to Litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material , including trash durnpsters, portable toilets andworkrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, altey or public PI?9e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on a}l Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. 6ff pavement.This ordinance will be strictly enforcld by the rown of Vailng!]ic works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewirl be given a 24 hour written notice to rernove-said naterial.fn the event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotice wittrin the 24 hour time specified, the puLfic WorksDepartnent will remove said uraterial at the expense of personnot,ified. The provisions of this ordinance stri.tt not bLapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or al}ey or any utitities in the right-a-way. To review Ordl-nance No. 6 in full, please stop by ttre Torrn ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. giranX you for yourcooperation on this natter. ottlce ot communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTEP€D ICTTII II{E TOWN OF VAIL TowN oF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOP!{ENT !{ARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE /rts&r, (i.e. cont,ractor, owner) acknowledged f 5',; <t'147 t 75 roulh lronl.ge rold ftll, colondo 81657 {303} 479-2138 or 479-2139 ottlce of communlty dcvrlopmcnt BUILDING PERI11T ISSUANCE TIME FMf'1E If this perylt requires a Town of Vail Fire Oepartment Approval rEngineerts (Public bJorks) reyiew and approval , a planning'Departrnent review or Health Oepartment review, and a review by the eui'l iingDepartment, the esti'rnated time for a total review may take as 16ngas tliree weeRs. A'll commerci al ( I arge or smal I ) and al I mu'l ti -fam.i ly permi ts wi l lhave to fcllow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentia'land small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if !"esi.dentia'l or smaller projects impact the various above mentioneddepartments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt wrll'l be made by th'is department to expedite th,ispenni.t as sgon as possibl e. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time 'frt{tt t. gtt *; uo /ra,)p,r'4;fin* In the frame, lrlsr ProjeCf Shhet was turned into theDate Wor 0evelopment Deparfunent. a o VAIL PERM TOWN OF PUBLIC WAY IT 1:,'i' irL.;:. r)l v.qI r a '' r:: -' -i PERMIT NO. U. .. r- r., I i Conlractor's copy to be kept on iobsite. t;J.rt_\.1 (.Job Name or Localion ol work) i'1) B(.r ii I fl l:) j?[r-..)/+t] i 3. Work is for (circle one) (Excavating Conlraclor's Name Address. Phone, and License No.) WATER SEWER GAS ELECTRIC TELEPHONE CABLETV LANDSCAPING TEMPORARYSITEACCESS OTHER r\- .r111.a T :)"' -- ---C]TT- Permit Fee Bill to: Paid:Receipt #: INSPECTION REMARKS: SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED C a' . .q- iF.. s -r.? Y'tt ' D'/-.v I ---' ii-\ u (. r ,.i,r r \ Jl (l L,^ r I Da , I>zqBet\r /i,a.,,rir,{,,,.,r4 Qo.3*\ \czi i)f-C'l'/t 2 76 E- Ergavating Contractor Name I r Address F,.l\ t", ( c. Phons # TOV Contraclor's Licans€ Number Water APPLICATION FOR TOWN OFVAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 q3 .,,d1{*,,. & , 1l I 'llll '1. Job Name J.Start Dale 4. Work is for {circle one) Compl€tion Date Legal Description Street Address (Permit Expiralion Date) Utll€l (. , tcr'4<c ( .,-O. ' ii.t ;i l( ',) rv': ,i 16- Landscaping 1-\{::--__.-/// //'Length trc'Depth 3'Trench-width (min. 4') Bond Amount $ ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED. Rubber out-riggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and uiility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one week to process. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanilation (476-7480) Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5892) U.S. West (1 -800-922-1 987) TCI Cablevision ol the Rockies (949-5530) Town of Vail: lrrigation (479-2161)Electricians (479-21 7 1 | Public Works (47 9-21 58\-lD*c, THERE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction traffic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bill 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failfil to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certify that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreements, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notified as required. ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Communilv Development Gold - Contractor permitFee s )5. oO rotatPermitFee $ "15 f t 7. - i> 10. 11. 12. I i- -r ,(, -,,-l''';'-/'Yt+'-:*/ CoI*facto rjs Signature of Agr€emenl l, l)' i ,,!Fi,";^.oN, mouesi t 479-2138PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON ., 1, i ,/ ., WED THUR FRI CALLER TUES AMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D tr n E. FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH o E tl EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT r:l SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E FINAL /bJAPPROVED ionnecrtorus' tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR Project Application o^," -/ r-t f q L Proiect Name: Project Description: Contacl Person and 5r F>A l,.t tt ?arr r/ranr.( "C /ratZus Pt-us .svs/€14'' bn 4>q- 4t z r Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: /1 U6 ( /L2t'4 , Zone - ption: Lot Block FilingLegal Descri Commenls: 'o n/-o, Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL Summary: Slz-e- /tr" < "s" =- /'Z s- h Town Plan ner 'L/r- /q z-n^t^. ,// / | ' Staff Approval ' 1.1 ,-.lil APPLICAT]ON DATE SIGN/AWNING APPLICATION (Please Print or Type)- NAME OF PROJECT I€+ r\'I N U_ d-\4a- -l+.- psonn &3S- \3S() NAME oF pERsoN suBMrrrrNc Dbl^a Bornirp=-. PnowaJ-&Q-'0-Ld- tl ADDRESS NAME OF ADDRESS OWNER t)t\]8o>rs SIGNATURE, OT OWNER 't'l ^ --. f-\ [ LocArroN oF PRoJEcr I I U4-r&' KOdC-l DEscRrprroN oF pRo,JEcr In3rc.\\ Dn< 5\p- [.r'n lCAc.nne\ 'c\" = t,Z\ ire cl\y Q-Ki6+tnQ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REOUIRED FOR SUBMITTAI-, BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REOUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE SIGN/AWNING PROJECTING, ETC), INCLUDE SIGN (FREE STANDING, WALL, MESSAGE. srGN oR Ae{NrNG MATERTAL €t }an lf ["nnvrej uo'+i"B. 11 t" SIZE OF OVERALL, SIGN, SIZE OF LETTERING AND LOGO D. E. HEIGHT OF DESCRIBE SIGN ABOVE GRADE LIGHTING (EXISTING OR PROPOSED)c€rnc)e-- G. H. LENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (TT) CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION APPROVAT (ATTACH) FEE: $20.00 PLUS $1.00 PER SQUARE FOOT OF SIGN AREA. PAID CITECK NO:DATE REOUIRED MATERIALS SUBMITTED WiTTi APPLICATIOI,I D'f. i\ Site Plarr2. f Erevatlons showlng ,exact locatlon of slgn or v awning on the buildlng3. ^ Photographs showlng proposed location4. Colored sca.l-e drawinq Sanple of proposed materials Photograph of slgn if available Sign Adninistrator i v TO: SIGN APPLICANTS When applications for slgns are submitted, the followlng informatlon Ls required: 1. A completed sign/awnlng appllcatlon (attached) . 2. A slte plan showing the exact location where the sign is Lo be 10cated. 3. A photograph tf posslble and building elevatlon showlngthe localion of the ProPosed sign. 4. A scaled drawing which details the design of the sign,as follows: (a) Colored exactly as sign wifl be.(b) A Iist of rnaterlals to be used in sign (metal, wood, canvas, Paint, etc. )(c) Photograph of sign lf available-(d) Specific teLtering style and slze. 5. If an awning is proposed, submlt drawings showingexactly how and where the awnlng ls at-tached to the building and how the awning is to be constructed. 6. Description of lighting that wiII be used in conjunction with the sign or awning. If proposing an awning, lighting is not allowed to shine through the entire awning which calls undue attention to thebusiness. Lighting may spotlight only the arctual sign Iettering on the awning- RECOMMENDATIONS OR POINTERS Check sign code - verify site, height etc- Be specific. Vagueness on design, size, construction may1.2.delay the approval of Your sign.3. Measure frontage of business. APPLICATION FEE WILL BE REQUIRED AT THE TIME OF APPLICATION SUBMITTAL. If this application requires a separate review by any localt sLate or l'ederal agency other t.han the Town of Vailr the apptication fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited Eo: Colorado Departmentof Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, eLc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50t of the application fee. If, at the applicantts request, any mat.t.er is postponed for hearing, causlng the matter to be re-published, then, the enLire fee for such re- publication shall be paid by the applicant. AppllcaLions deemed hy the Community Deve-lopment DeparLment to have significant design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultanEs other tlrat town sEaff. Shrould a determination be made by the town staff that an outside consultant is needed to revlew any appllcation, Communlty Dewelopmenc may hlre an outsideconsultant, it shall esLimate the amount of money necessary Lo pay him or her and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant aL the time he files his application with the Cornrnunity DevelopmenL Department. Upon completion of the review of Lhe application by the consultantr aDY of the funds forwarded by Lhe applicanL for paymenL of the consult.,tnt- which have not been paid to tbe consultant shall be returned to Ehe applicant. Exp.renses incurred by the Town in excess of t he amount forwarded try the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant$rithin 30 days of notification by the Tobrn. PLOT PI.AN Indicate streets, propertylines, area and locationof existing signs; aLsoaay pertinent inforruationto belp crew at tinre ofinstallation. PHOTO: Indicate North T -10 r/r,1, uar' 'a a Proiect APPtittttila// DateFt&SrProiect Name: Project Description: Contacl Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl, Address and Phone: c Block l/, r,// a)Zone - Legal Descri Com ments: ption: Lot (/a J Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: Uoa/*z APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 3- 0 Sum mary: / e",- zP / //5 Fos la 4 Town flan ner l^/D^*' a /r // ?o // f E Statt Approval ., ,VJ0f1i (PIease NAME OF NAI'IE OF ADDRESS NN.TE OF ADDRESS Print or PROJECT Type) PERSON SUBMITTING LO PH)NE 11h -Ebfib sIGNATURE OI IOCATION OF DESCRIPTION APPr.,rcArroN DArE UlXlfi7 STGN/AWNING APPI.,ICATTON V'ail "l?lrl OXXER PROJECT 't 'tl OF PROJECT 1'-b" wi THE FOLIOWING TNFORMATION IS REOUIRED TOR SUBMITTAL BY THE APPLICANT PRIOR TO THE REQUEST BEING SCHEDULED BEFORE THE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD. A. DESCRIPTION PROJECTING, oF THE SIGN/AWNING ETC) , INCLUDE SIGN !r q (C'Li h *l''b" r,u x MATERIAL (FREE STANDING, WALL, MESSAGE. B. \ J \..h\ ( o\\\-lJ i\ \ it oont) ('4lut, " nhlfr,) wtlh tirrldrrrn " OR AWNIN c.SIZE OF OVERALL SIGN,SIZE OF LETTERING AND I,oGO d 4MV I'I'rt nl-.-* 2Yod l '. /(.c HEIGHT OF SIGN ABOVE GRADE DESCRIBE LIGHTING (EXISTING - 1,1 'b" oR PROPOSED) VAhleo IJENGTH OF BUSINESS FRONTAGE (TT) CONDOMINIU}T ASSOCIATION APPROVAL (ATTACH) 920.00 FEE p*o 4<,r- cHEcK # 5,t:B te'(" REOUTRED MATERTALS SUBMTTT8p wrTH APPLTCATTON lx \ tL 5 1 I ,, ,7 D. E. F. G. H. 1.2, 3. 4. 5. 6. Site PlanElevations showing exact location of sign or awning on the building PhoLographs showing proposed ]ocationcolored scale drawing Sample of proposed rnaterials Photograph of sign if available Sign Adninistrator k'r'.li+'t..r n sNowDoNrfS.t['o* 201 Gore Creek Drive vArL, coLoRADO 81657(303) 476.2201 CIIECXED BY ttFr!|rl@|r.r'rt,rr 0lol rE-r -l mI4LO --.{ l-.i 0,-<x f m: i;6a3 =X.', '-:.: ; o..J iI O<-r e"'1 m=-! 1r3 o<!AdPag(io >t7E;'i 3 n!m -i <!P 2== YF rXrXrxrtxitx ,xt T-lf t fxlLrLrl)4 ooz U)-{Fco{oz !mn ={ O- z< 22=o(Jz 9zlqri, il1.,t:l tFc) |-tlG<l-olr- n \o 'Il\omotr J -{o mxm --1 z(- (Da -{m tsI z Ec)p+- 'o (Jl Itc)lro 1".r. z m HF OE =F.FFpp|n r I =l I €zm Z6 qn 3moI z z -ln --l o2p-tc3= d3u ml-m --t = t- z--t -t 2n-tmaz.>m -t> o ..l- =m i A. I \.ntJ I zr zINtI] za,.J l-rlol{lzloItr It t; IR l=tal I Il-l! lllo I QBI-N-Pir-<rl<FIpl<b lu)>1, lzFM I=I r.J loI olzlFltte,tc)l ! lrlE+llnI ci tHo'ltdlzI lxl(/riJl INIt,I*l'I tl <llmlO5t€:tz lop l>l- lfllzt6 I I I I E H B 14c) FzHc)Pt- l--lloI€lz IIt> lFlftItr l!,lzlof I t_lrIr l= I \o5. IN)s' l+ I'nlo l;l€ l<lzllo knIn 'eEIElr- lHlr l+lB lsl; ltrt6 tHIt>llzttHllcjlFl>| '-r ll-{t5llrll'!ltltl s- Il..JF- I z € r- F] c) ld lz t9 l<t> IE l" lo l* 5 Is. ;i g) o -lto O'r;638- OO 'ri:d*-q ;g it =:EF=3Eeo; +(D re (, (D:1 J cf*- == ;i"r;=iE ^-=qroX;l-X: o-oo^.urx 5.6 =@9=(, -ois,o-=E -9or9Io =;'*-f +ii "i a !.6'{oa-rI,o o +.w'i-i= Eeiei=g3 Po,df,x =< ls .= L P "'E =s=;e{9;1Y:.O-X o 3 BE j 3 d 8l $U a 5.,ERd O-O-!!?odE. U -{ FqE --i\- ,o \(F = 5\(o o ,o _^st io 1Olo 5 o (1- o //@L/ -14<-) !. //o o6' Jo o f,'-r ...'-\ ': iVil' :l:t. i,lz ,l' , ',1'- il tlil' II il il il >6z^ozi> mc YM zOm 'YlPotzmIt ooz-{I o-i fl I amr-n om o I l*I I x2o j |-t J z t--o mfl =(t zmm mol< lz t= l'_ @ t(,-llolo 21 I I I-+ ;_|; -T- I I fro<> -Y! -o --l m -l € IP l6fl I lzl(tl-tlI __l- r,z --l m ro zm :0 t= l* IAT€otrri- -z 'z = z>pR :! cid=>oo>ml(,o zcz --l 2m{ -tm zFx a =oz m_o --l !m oc c-, T t c --t 2 rH F-l z ;XH -FF7z: E > F EF 14zF] = z 4 B cl tsz c)Pl- a. c)NFzx2m:l; F Eor>'"|Xzo6c20oazuoa.f o 6 r;< c:z <,tt - --l^tx'nzzt n< 3 rf|tr{ HzH { F- z € cn z Fl zF] Il.) F at C':Fz K E1 H 1.1 H oPFi 9l:' =F lsh a P I=H 5 :tiE : q I'ECIlr loror P.it ;l-l tHc) r{ HH ts t- m =='Tlmm(t cam I ot-m 2 fTl I --.1 mIc)z l'Ism€ m ttl oznm moI z t- l-C z m tn --{2o t- t- zoImox g . !m == mu ==-n mmU) VALUATION .Il mu =2o H FlFl- 3tno z t- m m i; :c z s'L,)tJx -)J o. (,r .{ tJl NJ ro -aalr sfrtE I h., o2 27co{6z!rnF ={ (, & t"= il3g:. g :: EHll !Dt$., 3P >= 2=6oz o @z =IT ir c) -d =mDZ>mo!{>orv I =zo (- :F EItEU?n r I-l I .I4s- ts r.J0 *E E t; oo =! o =(D o(t !o-ao{oCI6o 3o ==D o eDc 7.vl BttE o'E =,.oI =o,o,'oc i.c,= 'to t o '3lo :oit tdiI!iEre CL o.o:3ittroloOlol oiOlclc,liott p- E o c\ao o =o. E.'= =o: o .6 =.o.ti! oi<rO'o o. De e:trc rora , atlroror=rOlo t- olGt((D:o1 ojoio.llE;{tri o o 30t' =.ot T,:ag,o ,ttq)tt'-o(l.9tP. '!. igL toi{;'li'o:.e5',o ioioi('r!|troloi'oto 8,2{':vtl F.t(cli o:sicr=cli =.6': (/, I o bo og ro' o Jo{o:{tttiixo:.t:(o'o5tcl /Qccto' =.o Y io,9iSrPrctio'tt rE' os.otoE1t o o .o, C:.o 3 @ E. 3@ ooo.oot\oIt lc o =(D ololzl>l{lcirlm o.tt o{2 ! otoo{, o{ot ot E33nItlF 2 tn t2m, to9€EFztJ>i9'tltttl 6Al8E!TO:B36z : qlltltl z a =7 -{ 67z|n o aairo ar oizo ! ^2o 2{ -a 2 I r J 0 a ln o!o ! F 2 tn,/ltl.,1sl"l N]/h lr:, 7- 6'fti4F't- cltl ^l t1 lF[, i? T-i!}=il3 -rt, \51t t i., t-O-a 6!Ei;>n2?,QOazC,OA':o 62 ieU2 4?l, r-o '64\.t'!- 0d =\72l. /o o:in z"ra. 6t trF-.s t:F'ilt'I>'lt r V.,IFI tttt" >v I NI X ;o l2t> t:t- lm l> t: -sc\ ftx ol EDI 3roti fltru l' |,, l,t Ir!9:; RF{'\to I I o ! .t = mv, culFt x o Irt 2c!c Ea i2 ! s a.oo uI*-ii ! otm oz mFAJ 3tnoI-6F Ic-Ezo o,o - ! 2o tnot og I2o! !I !n1E3 -{'nmm a,r, vA!uAlroN !mE = -o Itn 2o F !FC3 Ezo (t'lo =o; @c|-o2 ttr a) U\ CI x n c\ 71 I A I 0 x $ B bs $. D o C 4T\\^l tl J f). S.\ No "A .\ ?5 routh fronlrga ro.d r.il. colondo 61657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&'EST: otflce ol communlty dcvclopmcnl ALL CONBRACTORS CT'RRENILYL REGISTERED T'ITH $IE TOWN OF VAIIJ TOVIN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVEIPPMENT Ii!,ARCH 16 , 19I I CONSTRUCIION PARKING & I,IATERIAL STOR,AGE fn sunnary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material, including trash dumpsters, portable toilets and workrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of VailPublic works Department. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said naterial.In the event the person so notified does not conply with thenotice within the 24 hour tiroe specified, the Public Works Department will remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not beapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany Etreet or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review ordinance No. 6 ln fu1l, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for yourcooperation on this uatter. (i.e. contractor, owner) r* Town of Vail Connunity Development 75 South Frontage RoadVail-, Colorado 8L657(303) 479-2L38 PIan analysis based onthe l-988 Uniform Building Code Project Number: 7/L9/9O Name: I-ST.BANK OF VAIL Address: LOT 6 VAIL VILLAGE 2ND. Date: August 7' l-990 Occupancy:82,BL Type of Const: V-lhr Contractor: NELSON ZEEB CONST.Architect: SNoWDoN & HOPKfNSEngineer: NoNE PIaNS EXAMiNCT: GARY MURRAIN NOTE:The code iterns listed in this report are not intended to be a completeIisting of all possible code requirenents in the L988 UBc. It is a guide toselected sections of the code. Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniform Building Code ( l-988 edition) with pernission of fnternational Conference of Building officials FL NAME OCC MAX FLR AREA ALLOWED RATIO STATUS 2 STORAGE Rool,t 82 ok 239 Interior finish only2 office 82 ok 783 Interior finish only TofAL FOR FIOOR L022 Allowed area not checked1 BANK AND oFFIcE 82 ok 8L37 Interior finish only TOTAL FOR FIOOR 8L37 Allowed area not checked B Parking Garage BL ok 5739 fnterior finish onlyB Mechanical Roorn 82 ok 566 rnterior finish onlyB LUNCH ROOM 82 ok 1238 fnterior finish onlyB SToRAGE RooM 82 ok 2447 Interior finish only TOTAL FOR FLOOR 9990 Allowed area not checked BUILDING ToTAL 9L59 AIIowed area not checked o Page # 2 Code review for:Project Id.: I-ST.BANK OF VAILAddress: LOT 5 VAIL VILI,AGE 2ND. OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS Table 17.AELEI.{ENT MATERIAL RATING NOTESfnterior Bearing wall Any L hrInterior nonbrg wall Any t hr See Footnote #5Structural Frame Any t hrExterior Struct Frame Any l- hr See footnote #1Shaft Enclosure Any 1- hrFloor/Ceiling Assernbly Any L hr See Footnote #9Roof/Ceiling Assenbly Any t hrStairs Any None NOTE: See Sec. L706. (a) for Shaft EncLosure exceptions. FOOTNOTES:l-) ilininun on exterior side also based on exterior brg. wall reguirements.5) Nonload-bearing walls within a tenant space that are not part of a Lhr corridor nay be of:a) Noncombustible (nonrated) materialsb) Fire retardant-treated woodc) One-hour construction (any rnaterial) -- Sec. l-705.(b)L.9) In areas with vehicles or airplanes, the floor surface shall be ofnonconbustible, nonabsorbent materials. -- Sec. 7o2.(b) & 902.(b) 1-7) The ceiling of the basement is required to be protected with Lhr fire-resistive construction and doors to basements are reguired to be ofnoncombustible construction or L 3/4 inch S.C. wood. -- Sec. L7O3. OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONSB2-BL Lhr ADDITIONAL SEPARATIONS FOR 82 OCCUPANCY:A Lhr occupancy separation is required around rooms containing a boiler orcentral heating unit greater than 400,000 BTU input. -- Sec. 708. FOR B]. OCCUPANCY:A thr occupancy separation is required around roons containing a boiler orcentral heating unit greater than 400,000 BTU input. -- sec. 708. EXIT REQUIREMENTS:FL NAII'E OCCUPANT NWBER EXIT PANTC RATED DOOR NOTESroAD REQUTRED WrDTH [ft.] HDWR CORRTDOR SWrNG 2 STORAGE ROOI{ 1. ]. O. O NO NO N,/R2 office I L o.2 No No N/RTOTAL 9 1( r.) O.2( 0.2) No No N/R]. BANK AND OFFICE 8L 2 ]-.6 NO YES OUtTOTAL 81 2( 21 1.6( L.7) No Yes outB Parkj-ng Garage 29 l- O. 5 No No N/RB Mechanical Room 2 L O.O No No N/RB LUNCH ROOI{ L2 1 0.2 No No N/RB STORAGE ROOM 8 l_ O.2 No No N/RTOTAL 51 2( 2) 1.0( r-.9) No Yes Out o Page # 3 Code review for:Project Id.: IST.BANK OF VAILAddress: IOT 5 VATL VILI,AGE 2ND. Rated corridors are to have l-hr fire protection on both sides of walls andceiling. -- Sec. 3305. (g) Openings are required to be protected. -- sec. 3305. (h)In areas where 2 exits are required, the minirnum separation is L/2 of the maximum diagonal of the area or floor. -- sec. 3303.(c)Exit signs are required from all areas serving an occupant load of 50 or more. -- sec. 33L4. (a) Door swing is based on Sec. 3304. (b) except as noted. Occupant load is based on Table 33-A. Number of exits is based on Table 33-A except as noted.Exit width is based on Sec. 3303.(b). The nurnbers in ( ) include occupant loading from floors above this floor. -- sec. 3303. (b) FOOTNOTES: HANDICAPPED ACCESS:L) tiandicapped access is reguired to at least one primary entranceto this building -- Sec. 3301-. (e) & Table 33-A See table 33-A for exceptions to upper floors. See table 33-A for exceptions for the basement.2) If a ranp is used for handicapped access, the max slope is L.Lz. -- Sec 3307. (c) STAIR NOTES: The maximum rise of a step is 7 inches and the ninirnum run is Ll inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) The ninirnum width of a stairway is 35 inches, 44 inches if the occupant loadis greater than 49. -- sec. 3306.(b) See section 3303.(b) when occupant loadis greater than l-83.Provide handrails on both sides of a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing. (May be on one side if less than 44 inches wide) -- Sec. 3306.(j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 3o inches. Mininun height = 42 inches, maximum opening size = 6 inches. -- sec. L7LL. The ninimum headroorn is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as reguired for Lhr fire-resistive construction. -- sec. 3306. (n) Provide a landing within L inch (l/2 inch at doors used for handicap access)of the threshold. -- Sec. 3304. (h) The rninirnuur width is same as door width and the minimum length is 44 inches. -- Sec. 3304. (i) The naxinurn travel distance in this building is 1.50 feet. -- sec. 3303. (d) AUTOMATTC SPRTNKLER SYSTEMS:If opening are not provided in each 50 feet of exterior wall or there isfloor area more than 75 feet from an exterior openingr art automaticsprinkler system is required. -- Sec. 3802.(b) o Page # 4 Code review for:Project Id.: IST.BANK OF VAILAddress: I,oT 6 VAIL VILI,AGE 2ND. STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : There is no requirenent for a standpipe. -- Table 38-A A hose is not reguired. -- Table 38-A FOOTNOTES:1) The location is to be per Sec. 3805. (c) , (d) ,and/or(e) WALL AND CEILTNG FINISH: 1,) wa1l and ceiling finish materials are reguired to cornply withSec. 42O4. (a) and Table 42-8.2) carpeting on wa1ls and ceiling are reguired to have a class Iflame spread rating. -- Sec. 4204.(b, INSUI.ATION NOTES:L) A11 insulation material including facings are required to have a flame- spread rating of 25 or less and a maximum smoke density of 45o unlessit is in a concealed space and the facing is in contact with a waII orceiling. -- Sec. 1-7L3. (c) exc.#22) Foan plastic insulations are required to be protected. -- sec. L7L2. GLAZING REQUIREMENTS:L) A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safetyglazing material. -- Sec. 5406. (d) ADDITIONAL REQUTREMENTS :For 82 occupancyIn all areas customarily occupied by humans, provide natural orartificial light and ventilation. -- sec. 705. For 81 occupancyDevices generating a glow or flame are required to be L8 inches abovethe floor. -- Sec. 708. The ninimun clear height is required to be 7 feet. -- sec. 709.(b)5. Parking garages require a ventilation system that exhausts 1.5 cfutper sq.ft. of floor area. -- Sec. 705. Town of Vail Cornmunity Development 75 South Frontage RoadVail, colorado 81657(303) 479-2L38 PIan review based ontbe L988 Uniforn Building Code Project Number: 7/L9/9O Name: IST.BANK OF VArL, Address: LOT 6 VATL VILI,AGE 2ND. Occupancy: 82r8L Type of Const: V-l-hr Date: August 9, 1,990Contractor: NELSON ZEEB CONST.Architect: SNOI,,IDON & HOPKINSEngineer: NONE PLans Exarniner: GARY MURRAIN Portions of the rnaterial contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniforn Building Code ( L988 edition) with pernission of fnternational Conference of Building officials # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED l- A-3 UPPER LEVEL Stairs with more then 4 risers are required to havehandrails. Section 3306 (J). 2 A-3 UPPER LEVEL The ends of handrails cannot be open. Section 3306(r). 3 NOTE ALL FL,OORS Need to provide a mechanical plan for approval before nechanical work can begin. 4 A-2 NoT NOTED This floorlceiling is required to be a I hour assembly. -- Table L7-A 5 ALL NOT NOTED All elements of the structural frame are required to have l- hr fire protection. -- TabLe 17-A and Sec. L7 02. 6 ALL NOT NoTED The construction of interior walls are required to be a l-hr hour assembly. -- Table l-7-A 7 A-1 NOT NOTED The ceiling of the basement is reguired to be a l-hr assembly. -- Section 1703. I A-1 LOWER I-,EVEL Any changes to the sprinkler or alarm systems mustbe approved by the Vail Fire Department. *s- o INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER PROJECT DATE OF CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI tro AM@READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr u tr UMBING: . tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H, TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEI trT tArl/r{'toc tr_ CTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING OUGH o tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR .,;.?.i:l *r. *ril"toNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: wED @ FRr [: JoB NAME \.-f E nx-,F* a ( \r.^J I CALLER MON TUES BUILDING:UMBING: CTtr FoolNGS / srEEL J Q\tr uNDERGRouND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D.W WA''] NG . TUI FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL ELE OT trF trc tr- GTRICAL: TEMP. POWER ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR +ta PEFMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 03-Z.o - qo JoB NAME , .F-tt TNSPECTToN: MoN @ *=o rHUR lV Vtfi- r30Ab rNstnoN REeuEsrTOWN OF VAIL RR6r ?-*Nk or- V*!r=- CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: FRI ------@'" BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr D tr o UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FBAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr F tr INSULATION snEerRocx POOL / H, TUB FINAL B o FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMPT POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR -pEcrIOru REQUEST TOWN)OF VAJLtl...i" i/r"; ,,dt\ IL] DU-) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: t'.t \) rNsflI(-d r-. lr. W tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr o D tr D UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERE tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB FINAL tr D tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR hiF*c NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON THUR FRI ER OF PROJECT \- \\,o, BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB O FINAL ELE trT trF t]C tr MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR L/-tt, ,, (,. rNstnoN REeuEsr NAME '( ---//- TOWN OF Y+rL -n',/a-.(: CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: THUR FRI AM PM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT / / ! | I/^[ \-/ ]U /L/U^rr , , , U JOB BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL n EI tr o D tr D UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr cl ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: C TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o'flNal D FINAL APPROVED r-",tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE ,,' 'l / ,' ./INSPECTOE,, Tbe ltens belowglvlng a peroit Please check off FINAL PLI'MBING AL INSPECTIONIS need to be coDplete a flnal C of 0. ln the box provlded. CO}TPLETED before DATE:tl FINAI UECHANICAL DATE: IMPROVS{ENT SURVEY RESID. NAME: DATE: FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE! DATE ! TEMPORARY C OF O CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAIICY DATE: LAIIDSCAPING DIIE DATE: o , lrtr- b' FROM: DATE: RE: Zone District: Lot.Area: Landscaping: A. Pla.nted Areast 3X:;:::3: , r// IB. Hardscape (patios, sidewalks) : Maximum Al-lowed: July 23, 1990 A request for a landscape variance in order to provide two additional parking spaces on the southern portionof Tract G, Vail Village 2nd Filing, 17 VaiI Road.Applicant: First Bank of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission Cornmunity Developrnent Department PUblic Accommodation 21,196 sq. ft. J"),^ ais-h'i*cA nd {',V {* I. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCE REOUESTED The applicant is qe-qqd.gtillg.i:a,'vdrianCd;froii,:the' landscape :''sf,ayr'dlrdslto add €wd -ccirnpatt "Car 3paCe-s to the parking area s"&'th*of*the lst Bank Building. These spaces would be added on the east end of the existing row, and wouLd be setback 32 feet fron Vail Road (see attached site plan). The spaces would be 9rx16r and would have L5 feet of backing distance behind thern. Three Aspen and two spruce trees wouLd be relocated and L89 square feet of landscaping would be removed. II. ZONING CONSIDERATTONS \ , t, -.rs€ lk4i4r ^'* 4.7-5€9 sq. ft. 4,-}}O.,sq. ft. // l':::. ft. or 2oZ of exj.sting areaExisting: L794 sq. ft.Proposed: 1,794 sq. ft. C. Total Landscaping: Required: 61359 sg. ft. orC3OSof lot areaExisting: '5z.T11 sq. ft. or cg5$lFtiof lot area Proposed: 5*82''.sq. ft. orr2{a{6* of lot area.,. Parking: Requirernent rnet with both on-site uni"S*=lte parkinn Jnu''Interfaith Chapel lot. .l 902 sq.planted /,I/ :l oJ,* "fp) a, y^'l \ ^ gu ^n' t=t'lt' zo '' llk) l' 'l/ fIf . cfaYI'FRIA ,\ND FJNDJNGS Upon review of. criteria and Fi.ndings, Section Ig.62.060 ofthe Vail Municipal Code, -tfre- Oepartrnent ef eslynrrni+.,Developnent recommends deniar of the reque=t"a"'iiii".r""based upon the followint-ii"t"r", Dv1!tP(L A.Consideration of Factors: 1. Tlg relaliolsbip. of lhe Teguested variance to the vicinitv. Tl: i"tllionship berween the Firsr Bank sijHe*:Hl":l1i:g--!T?p:tries does not have the rbu6fthat the fownrs-landscaping ;ianaaras nonnallyprovide. currently the-baf,k pi"p"rty is 949 sq.ft. below the required rnininuin rlnart.p"a-.r"Il'Tl:_l.Td:"ap" ur"-a. also "*"""J.-the maximurnarrowed to be considerea as rina;;;pil;;i"'esz "q..ft: The lac\_of Lan_dscuping^ i;-..rr_o.r,t as thelt]i]fins -h3= iEiir.raq"tpuiifi;.jt [" ir," norrh andsouth and has only a narrow-landscaped setbackbetween the building and tn.-r"iiuce parking lotto the west. Staff believes tne site'Ueneiit"--fron as nuch landscaping as is ieasible tomaintain on the site- ""d a""=-r,JI "upport theproposed reduction in landscaping. the existinclandscaping is very a*racrive uni "i"ir;^;;"^""preserved. | , .t pr9!.l.e9-.et trre Bank. H"r"".i,-'$.:;;ii:.;; f,.,' tb tvu'a'l'c 'r ai;a;yti"t,iii"'rn_inirnurn parking reguirenrent perot orr**/J, *0" the Town of vail zoning boae. 'rr the applicant- .tt ' y:urd like-to go above-and beyond trre zl'ning-"-pttStd'\.' (<2"4t< standards_ roi fiarting, stari-6.,"orrruges First Bank t4" b^^rn""7,1 ii-i&!ii:I.i":;:::il?J*.T:;:"ffi"i"a g"iiiii' | , ,. lanclscaped area.. .Because_the project i3 already. t*t + *i"tWz under on landscaping, staff cannol support a --J 4 (it. ^'i*t''l ;iEH";:,::"::t;:.::: rernovar. of a prairted area Staff believes that. the request is positive to thedegree that it provides aaciit:.onir iariing. -w"-"- acknowledge thai at certain tirnes parking is a il,, + d fh+, \ua sa1 p,. Pltfi'onef,;p ' l"JLrn5 . I wrararL-re 1 s qhcc f"*;"1 'i*h.l (r'* l;lu^!' 2 ' ';Wt&W,"ff 4 fL za-5 cna' 1*[";1 .t1r4yl { ( r({'r ii.,..o.r +ETdI_iiE 'r UftiaQ, '";;51=ttq;";rr"$T."#r""Ti#i'Sdi#tifr^tti# ""u.."",r F.i-"r.bs-r oel rr"j.l3:J_ !" 'rrt I IV. FINDTNGS r^r L A. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a lott, - L ---. ,; grant of ipeciat privilege inconsistent with the i*rporta'-r *:t*.' . ii^itationi on otirer properties classif ied in the same {L to^tn (;*:Ja'lirg6istrict. ^ ,.lr-. ,r i.'arF;.y . t 6\-l)' r. B. That the granting of the variance wiII not be {L;>,-t cJt=-A detrinentit to the public health, safety or welfare' or Sf b.L,:-n tf,:";i3il1.]":"tt"us to properties or improvements in P.{n'!\ f- t "t ' .I . ,- c. That the variance is warranted for one or nore of the 5.9/' et 0?,-trn,t. following reasons: The spaces would function substandardly and could be a hazard to public safety. With only 15 feet of rb-a-gking:'distance, drivers will need to nake seviir{l back and forth rnovenents to access each space. Parking spaces which do not function well aie apt to create accidents. Additionally' a sidewllk fron the Interfaith chapel leads to the conmon drive between the buildings at the location of the proposed spaces. A pedestrian/autornobile conflict biea should not be exacerbated by the addition of these two sPaces. The strict Iiteral interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result inpractical difficulty or unnecessary physical - .irardship inconsistent witn the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulalion would deprive the applicantof privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. I i,+ r,F tW ,21,VV7.WV vAai$aa Fbl+b? ?vA+Yeil h1 ?ry;te'ttu vt? NVd lWWt1 4/ ltt?peY'n+lal1 v L^avdv-Y ( r'-?' ) +VV ebfqg ar+ fiz*f /-^-4 tr '6 t*.h'b J Lu utilities, and,pubLic'safetv. 44 4V vl lz W tZAt /zW,) ?t-A*ea e -4 ;'2.u4/" ,la, v V/'''/ t >2 4 2 t _ _)26!4 A f :! r.t I t-rH.- z^i 4 az--.*!2,.-/3t;jf*,&i# rA ; --VJ -.L-44- - * z,o s \ .t t \ \ .t iF.i.j-:::::T::d:_d:ll.r gf tl9 request to reduce tbe amounrSf_:i"S::lpl:? in. oraei. a; ;; i;;-;;;ki;s^$;::='"E,,.tiE:::::-P":I.ll:ry"v. . in"-.;;;";;-'5;ia^ii: l"ll;i. 3l:ff:iil.!:i:-11:q9 lnd has _""jiti""' il;;"t; ;",;:i.;";iar ana :::^*:::::::i:g :l::lg-"?t re-i[pr"""J' u"I"""I'til*]i;:";"i;3?::rip9.!"" 9? percent of the ilquirement Jt-tni" tirn".Iitl-!h: cglnricitions or-rh;-.;;;;;iIiIi"tlJriil-rij#=u""to the snall backing distance, siatf believes that thereduction is not warranted.. fn order to. irnprovg tle parking situat.ion, staff reconmendsrestripins the sourh rot and ai"o r.rot$; th;-Jiln aa3acentto. lng parking that states 'private parkifrg, unauihorizedvehicles wirl be towed.' perhaps a snarr Jign "i the northrot- indicating additionar parkiir! on the south side of theBank would aLso be helpful-. &*l^..i^ t. |,Loa ai ,,--+ Fl.. crlk, ir,, a'^ Pl*+< x< ;- r,t,.'/,v!,r 4 nsrto -'-- -tl 4 ,^rbul are , l*L 4 lntl.scryMj, oonskuhrm - :-4-\ ,fi* r'{-kx,+ '. ra:,,> r;l^ lesft:t2 '\. Application O.rC 1 I.This procedure is required for any project requesting a variance.vliil not be accepted until all iniormation is'cubmitied. A. NAME 0F APPLICANT FirsEbank of \ra11 ADDRESS 17 \iai1 Road. r,rail. Colorado 81657 The appl i cation PEC MTETING onre Q .o t' av.- 14 zf+/ APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE PHONE 47 6-5686 B.APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE Jay K. PerersonNAME OF ADDRESS P.0. Box 3149, Vail, Colorado S1659 PH0NE 476-0C92 NAl,|E 0F ol,/NER(S) r int)Firstbank of Vai 1 ADDRESS 17 \:ail Road Colorado 8165 7 PHONE 476-5686 nU.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS t7 vail Road F' A list of the narnes of owners of all property adjacent to the subject propertyINCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS SfnEffs, an; their mailing adaresses. - THE APPLICANT WILL BE RTSPONSIBLE FOR CORRECi IINTLiIE'ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE I^liTH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0 )DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITI0NAL INF0RMATI0N l5 ruEgoro.-i,io nppltcnrl0N t,tlLL BEAccEPTED UNLESS IT_Is_C0MPLETE (MUST INcLUDE nll irrus-nEQUTRED By THE Z6NTNGl9!].N$IR4Igl). IT IS THE APpLicANT's RESpoNSTBIIlrf-ro MKE AN App0]NTt'tENTl'lITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMiiiNI NTQUINEMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT.A QOtlPLETE APPLICATION t^lILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FORYOUR PROJECT av oEcREISING-THE NUMER 0F coNDrTIoNs 0F AppRovAL THAT THE pLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL c0MMIssION MAY sTIPULATE. Ali CoruoriroNS 0F AppRotlAL MUST BECOMPLIED t,lITH EEFORE A BUILDING PER],IIT IS_ISSIED. LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC K FILING s". ,ttu"n.a "o"a. E. FEE $I OO PAID cK#FROM THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT l,lILL ACCEPTYOUR PROPOSAL. III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBI4ITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THEREGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESSI l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potentialuses and structures in the vicinity. --" J -' r- 2. The degree to whjch relier'from the strict or literal interpretation andenforcement.of a specified regulation is n.i.rsary.to achieve compatibil.i tyand uniformity of treatment afrong sites in itre viiinitv-or-io iitlin 1.,.objectives of this title without grant or spei.ial priv'i1eg.. - ---- OVER 'f { Vari ance 3. The effect of the variance on transportation, traffic facil |,- light and air, distributjon of population, it'i es, utilities, and public safety. B. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale of at least l" - 20' stamped by a Colorado licensed surveyor inc'l uding Iocations of all existing improve-ments, including grades and elevations. 0ther elements which must be shown are park'i ng and loading areas, ingress and egress, landscpped areas andutility and drainage features. C. A sjte p'l an at a scale of at'l east l" = 20' showing existing and proposed bu i 1di ngs. D. A11 preliminary building elevations and floor p'lans sufficient to indicate the dimensions, general appearancs, scale and use of all builclings and spacesexisting and proposed on the site. E. A preliminary t'itle report to verify ownership and easements F. If the proposal is located in a multi-fam'i1y development which has a homeowners'association, then written approval from the association in support of theprojebt must be received by a duly authorized agent for said association. G. Any additional materia'l necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator.. * For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. t r,Time Requirments The Planning and Environmental Commission meetsof each month. A complete application form and(as described above) must be submitted a minimum PEC public hearing. No 'incomplete applications administrator) will be accepted by the plann'ing nated submittal date. on the 2nd and 4th MondaysalI accompanying material of 4 weeks prior to the date of the(as determined by the zoningstaff before or after the desig- a November 18. 1988 Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, CO 8L657 Gentlemen: Please be advised that the B.S. Condorninium Association agrees with and isln favor of FirstBank of Vail's request to modify its existing vestibule. Speclfically the expansion calls for installation of an Aucomated Teller Machine and expanding the vestibule approximately 3 L/2 feet to the north. Should you have any questions on thls matter, please feel free !o contact me. A. Behler Condoniniurn Association RAB/km Ro s,{|trt!!ry !|r? to|| .rtD r!iloq! !-l!!{|'!t-! loilft 9. AttlL, itoa. raatr.. t. 160{) lro.dr.v, Jltl' lloor, bnv'r' lElF r:otota,to lO?02, lor llt ton.ldorrtlon of Trn llollrrr (ilrl'r)it) 'rrl olhtt 'ood mr, vrlrrrhlr c.inald.ratlon In hrna tald h.?.by r.llr rrll lonv.ta to mff l' GlAlS(}l of 4.tl i.a.ltn. lnr,t, i.''rtd!r, (:r)lorarl6 t.rll'.r t||i t/'lloultla ln:arrat ln d to c.tlal,, r..l r,rdP.rt Y In ?hr lbttnt y ol lr1 l', \!rtt of (lrlot"'!' to Ylr: , -i(. '. .",6!-1 .'lr,,hr | | \. ttYl el 7' { ll.t ' ) '.lrn i ,kr' t ' )0c! tfrO orx|lr {-v 'lr ttrr ,t, t rr,..,, , .' l" ,r. a, rr l. ", ,ltr ,l 'rL(,r'.r i,'", , r.trir' \t, l ,/ , ( lr.4*-rrrr"ry D,,l7l.',,r , i" 'i''ti'!1i l: "';o#+40 . !t',r I rd I orlrr)xli/lllr l, lr $H[f r a, i.s. lnldrtrt lrr llNlT l|' {itlt 1, B.f. Ai.nd.d C.rnd.||t ni un H.P th.1.ot n.,or S!L-. er rrrr\l!,. r'rd&.h'rr;? Co-nd,rrl nlur lbc I rtrt lon I r""r \\ 11 r1lc\a\ I r"r||l t' r't rar l t .\lrrf of lh l,rr r,t,' el t h nll aDtrir r l.nin. . *. cormt I tl lrxi .na rn undtvldd 1r.50 c)tm|| lll tr.'t , lll{, tnrrf rd r. co rd.d \ , tmr, Bllsl' I\I,\GE POSSII}I,E rrcotdrd rr &f ln :)g1l/i l'.,e66,tr{"tllI rr tlll I lll4tf t I l' { .'1. Pl rtr; lont l. lt?ltr a... dat'.. L ll00 lrorlrrt ' cclo?.a. lototr t.t tb a.rt-?.31n " tL Dll"' ral ol||.llr ..ala.tallm In L.. ?'t' htt'ft |.l l' tAtoalSf A. rftntll ot ltttt ftrl't" lr'llo otlt'l th. ,oltodn| llt.taat lr a" to trt'ln 3"1 t?ot'r3t ttrt. of Colotaaor to dt I rtih .ll attuttanan.t.. it^Tt rt cr,Ll|| m ) (llu'lfY t,l tllil l, ) rr'8rlBn(rnoot(tm) tub.crlbad and aiot n rr' !'l.'t' |r thtr 9th 'rt of rlct"brr-'" lrlr, b, lob.ri i, ADF.l. yt?t tf, y HA|lr) AiD .lttfl(:tAL |lt (:o-lrrlon .tfl rai I l{rr vrdr t .'4, lq[', .2. k4,i, Aildt.r. , l/ vrl tr|I.r ocrntt Nlrto lroo ]'oo tath n..r. lrat, (flo.m) .a.n Jd .ra .o ta tt lrtercl. o.l.rat d|t to tb h.3t d l|lar r93l/b."frb. E6t Jff"l'!'l',ii'*l[?l 1.r 17 4 ar ?l '8tl {l.t '.trr , I 'lr: lTAirtllll $llolt rr)tfl I|ftl' ulr'l"l'1 lQ tJ tYl6 )( tt,- BEST INIAGE POSSIBLE .r,r Il ',r. ltn!.1, | ,,' {rrl rt r,r I r" I ,r.tr,rr. i,ll,,vlrlr I' 9 Jrl ,l(rGhft -aa 'l \). lI||nl ll l'tlrlY ( I rl.a r' | ,l . I r\ Lt,l, rnl]lllr? (r {tlrf I I lo . ..i -J-J ,r,l lr'l , f'l' 'r ffirh llttElfl-llFl trrl [D rIlItDt lrr||ln|. ntt l. l[4, - Jar.r. r. lcon rr..a-r. latl tt-rr l-'. c.l.r* l''('r. b tb e L.t.a tor' ,t lbr btl.?. (llo.Ot a- .aLt t{ -a frtraUa ott ataaLa tr baa Fra h.r.bt rll. d 4 ,a t nl! ?. tl/rr t .t ataf f. JFlr ?t&. D'r.r, ..lordo lo2!l tlr ,.lldl trr.F .rt h -a !. -?l.tr r. l t'?.t rry tn th. co{itt ot llh, tala d Olotd.. to rlt t b unatrtal rt ll (l/l) lrr.r.rt l! clfElnll tll? n l.f.t. q'lElnlf rr .. -attta.a a.ltt tr!.tra fr Oltlllofll tton t. l.l. @llmilltt, rccordli lo tlr bra.a .ra L.t.t.a cejdd-tta4r tr r.d !|lb- .3 ! ro tlr hra.a oiadF, lraa, l. b.| 8(L.tra l-a.td Celdd- lt.tr ot Color.ao ?l th rll atFtttanaoca.. t t rt ct ooLCAm cotl|Tl or SIGL! ,) rr. GIIIIEITXBTT) toLcrl b.d .rrd aJora lta1, :t Lb.rt 3. Att l. to b.lo.. - thtr -n dat ot (k t ob.r 9tttttl xY I tD l"D ottrrcr{r, I ft Co-l.alon rrtlt.. I lav.abrr 14. L9it 293170':,# j^'l,f ill'r?ttt&l 1.r l7 4 rr ?l't,l \ Mdr..r l7 vr ll lto.d l{1. ConrtIt.t. Doo. f.o I .r--..2)b -:an(f,-e- r,:,3d-!:rri clr '','FE/Gr- itAn,()rY rr(,ll t{ll|l Dttlr llTIl,rl'l 9All(Ar'1 lls Nrlllll \, ^l'lll. $,i,.. lr,l,li,'^. li ltrrr lr,',r'lr.v, '4ltr ll'rr'1 , lallvar. r,,t,,r!,t, ,'ll.,t l,,r ll,r ,.rrrlrl.rir| "l tr', l!,ll.lt Lllltltr ) rrrrl r'lhrr frr"'l rnrl rrl,rahlr' ,"ntl,lt,.l l,,'| lrr llr,r,r lrr ,! i'rr'l \ .' | \ '.rld ir'rrvtt' lo tlX 'nAilI rrl \lll, ,r (,,l,rti,l', i,rl,'r,t1,,, I '{lll,^,t, lli'1. ,rl rrllrr llhl'f llr. l,ll',v, , l,l.rrrkl lr' .',1 I rr r rr',rl rl'i)l|trI \ t r lllr' tl' I'rltv o' l('tlt I 'trt. ,l l,'l rar1,, |, yli , I l/lr,r,llNlLDr flll xtrl{rlft r\. ll.h. tj()Xlt,XlNtlltlt rl|d rn undlvlaad 1(ll .,,r.r|.'tr li, r,)xlrl.lN |tl !ltT Mfiltt \, i.t. (DilllllllUil' rccttilnl r,, f ll. 4r,.,,,t',t l, n.l,,'rlnl,rl ilrrr rhr.rlrl t.c1'rdt.l Od5ftl- f! ''S, rr.{, '/ ",l''t.,,, 'Af f'r| t |lttr" ' f, lq rl! r:rrljnl'Y r, Lltltl 13317b -. ,,1 '| 1N\r ''tlt llt,; rit ' r'tfll ! t, 4 r, nl'81 (;.