HomeMy WebLinkAbout2187 St Moritz Wayl.1ar 13 O6 O9: 42a Ober I ohn Arthurl. Mears, P.E., Inc. Natural Hazards Coruultants 555 CormtyRoad 15 Grmnison, CO 81230 TcWax: (970)641-3236 February 21,zWG Mr..fonrad Oberlohr 2656 Davos Trail Vail, CO 81657 RE: Rocldatl and debris-flcnr hazard, Lots 6 and 7, Vail Heights Dear Mr. Oberloltn As you know, I visiH L* 6 ffid 7 on St Moritz Wfiy ye$edFy to determine the elPosure of these lots lo rocklul ind debris flour. Tll; frllrilirg summarizes nry conclusions. 1. Lot6 ia not exposed to mckf;ell ordebrilfttlws ard will rtot require mltigation- The relatirely short, east- and soutrcfs*.fiFiog dope above the lot is the face of a broad sodffierding ri@e- Tttis d<tge psEcts fte site ftom debris ffotvs. Furthermore, Br-rs slope does nct support unsilable rock outcroppings that produoe a rodcfiall haatd. 2. LotT (located immadletely to the east o{ Lot 6) b similarly protected from debrls flowe and is notexposed to roclrfall. titigafion will srot be rcquired. Similarto the situation on l.ot 6, unstable rock outcroppings are not located above Lot 7. PkEase contact rne if ytou have addiliond quedions. Sinoerely, Orrt" J i\Uo"a Arthur l. Mears, P.E. p.l mm'l CCitt'l,S*TY C€ ELCPltElrt Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department af Comrnuniu Development 75 South F ontage Road, vait, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:- 97A-479.2452 rr{eb: www'vsilgov.com Project Name: HUBBARD LOTS Project DescripUon: Participants: Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI.ANS (DRIVEWAY/ROOF ELEVANONS) DRB Number: DR8060496 LocaUon: VAIL HIEGHTS LOTS OWNER TRENTHUBBARD PO BOX 8388 2656 DAVOS TRL AVON co 81620 LOl20lZ006 Phone: 418-4806 APPUCANT JOHN G. MARTIN, ARCHITECT LLLOIZOIZOOi PO BOX 4701 EAGLE co 81631 License: C000001843 CONTMCTOR THD COLORADO INC LOlzol2O06 Phone: (970)748-0862 PO BOX 8338 AVON co 81620 License: 280-A 2T79 ST MORITZ WY VAIL Lot: 6-9 Block Subdivision: VAIL HEIGHTS SUB FIL 1 2103-114-0103-7 Motion By: Seond By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvall LLl2Ll20O6 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P[AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Appwal of this proJcd shall lapec and beome void one (1) year followlng thadde. dffnal apprwal, unless a build[tg permft F bsued and qtshrctlon is coffinen4d and is diligendy pumpd toward cornplcdon. Planner: Bill Glbcon DRB Fea Peld: $20.00 Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Deparhent of @mmunlty Development 75 Souh Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 td: 97O.479.2128 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General InformaUon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to strbmiting a bullding permit application. Please refer to the $bmiEal requirernents for the pafticuhr approval that is reqrcsted. An application br Design Rerriew cannot be a@pted until all required inbmation b receh/ed by the Community Dwelopment Deparbnent. The project may also need b be re\rietved by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environrnental Crmmisdon. itesign reviw apprwal lapccs unlecc a building pamit is lssucd and aDnstttrction ommcncc witldn one year of the approrral. l-ocatiorf of the Propoealt Lot: f' Block:- Subdivision:gtar<_ ft€l461aS /-oT ?. PhysicalAddress: Zt1{(TZ l,lailing Mdress: Owner(s) Signature(s): I{ame of Applicant: Mailing Addrcss: E-mail Address: 10vt{ of the Request: thbls af 7k parcef tro.: Zto'1 'Ig-O1r7"7 (contactEagleco.Assessorat970-328-8&t0forparel no.) zonins: (rM"n|- C" \ "g "- il?- 9;Sk -ft*,/i Name{s) of owner(s): -TVeor {'lr 'Ltond Cl N wloro -c*oo\Wyeof Reviwand Fee: ( Changes to Approved Plans Suhnittal Rcqulrcments: /)/ 37 5rfs6 Phns Addressirp Project Changes Signafure of Homeourner(s) or Association For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Rwiew Board. ForOfFe lftelnly: Fee Paid: (+))cnect No.: l9l ( ev, L- tf-6k Flcdev\FORMS\PeImib\Planning\DRB\drb-change-to-appmvedJclans-1-page-osj l-2006.doc f **+***'l'**!|.,* *********+********** *** * * ** **i.r.*** * **'t*******t****+* * ** * * * * ***t***{r****f ****f'}+*f TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement a**l.{'{.:}{,{.1.'t t l.'t**,ft ********+***++'3:}********{.**:t *rt **{.*+*+*******+*************t+**+*{'+****+ttf* Statement Number:: R050001755 Anount:: $20.00 L0/2A/2006L1 :45 AM Payment lletir.od: Check MARTTN fnit : ifsNotation: 1514/aIOHN Perm.lt No: Parcel No:Site Address: IJocati-on: This Paymemt: rr!(tuouat,Yo Ty?e: DRB-Chg to Appr Plang 2103-1.I.1-0103-7 2L79 S'T MORITZ WY VAIL VAIL HIF,GHTS I-,CT 8 Totsal Fees: Tota1 ALL, Pmts : Balance: Des cription $20.00 $20. Oo 90. oo $20.0o {.*t *{.{.:t{.{.r}***r?r******+***1.*****1.:f *:r.*,t *****i. t ir****{.********+******+****ft******itf*+********** ACCOUNI'ITF]M LIST: AccounE Code Current Pmts DR 00100003Lt2200 DES IGN R]iIJ':.EW FEES 20.00 P.OBc f70t Gover temo Bill Gibson -Tovn of Vail Planner Trent Hubbard - Genenal Conbafur John G. Martin - Achitect 10t18t20cE, Hubbard - Lot 8, Vail Heights, 2179 5L Modtr Way, Single-Family Residence TG Cc: Frurr Dab RaE atfr Change b Approved Plans - Sile Plan revisions #1 - explained Dear Bill, We have made some reviskrns trc the site plan which will require your approval and will need b be on fibwith the building departnent The main cdlystbrthe rcvisions is based on tre acfiral dafum finish elevatiors of the St Morits cuL desac. Trent Hubbard, the Genenal Contradorand ornrerof Lot 7 and Lot 8, has inbmed me hat he actual elevation of the culdesac at fre exac-t locafron of the drivaray access is 'l'6" higher in reality than what was shoryn on the civil engineercd plans. We had always assumed a dafum elevation of 7988.5 bet Trent h6 surveyed in an acfrral number at that letion of 7990.0 ftet a diftrence of 18' or 1'€'. He has requested that the entire ddveway and the entire buiHing be naised up 1'6" ftom he apprwed location b take advanbge of this nal intcrmation. It stands b recon that if the driverrrey and the house relatirnship do not cfrange, but are meely raised the 'l'€' dimension, then building heighb at the driveway will emain he same. The thing hat will change b tre relationship of rmf rilge b actual gnade dircc{y belory. For hat reason I have provided revised ridge elevatirns on both the site plan and fie elevatinns. Floor dafum elevations have been revised on the site pbn and floor plans. I can assure you thd ule have not busbd tte 33 foot he&ht limit any^flhere on the building due to these rcvisions. It also stands b reason that site r,v'alls will be afbcted in a positive way witt this change. For instance, uralls that u,ere once 6'4'tall can now be 4'€' tall. Thank you, John. o Page 1 \fotbqrtt- lof* osmfllroelE|.oprElfr Design Review Board ACTIO$I FORM Depattment of Comm unity Development 75 South Frortage Road. Vail, colorado 8tr657 tel:970.479.2139 fax:970.479.?452 web: www.vailgov.corn Project Name: HUBBARD LOT I CHANGE Project Description: Participants: DRB Number: DRB060287 CHANGE TO APPROVED PI-ANS (GAMGE ROOF,MASTER BEDROOM ROOFS, EMTRY) OWNER TRENTHUBBARD PO BOX 8388 2656 DAVOS TRL AVON co 81620 APPUCANT JOHN G, MARTIN, ARCHITECT Lt07IOil2OO6 PO BOX 4701 EAGLE co 81631 License: C000001843 CONTMCTOR THD COLORADO INC 07 lO7 12005 Phone: (970)748{852 PO BOX 8338 AVON co 81520 License: 280-A ZL79 gI MORI'IZ WY VAIL Location: VAIL HIEGHTS LOTS 07 lO7 12006 Phone: 418-4806 Loh 6-9 Block Subdlvlslon: VAIL HEIGHTS SUB RL I 2103-114-0103-7 Project Addressr Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Mouon By: Second By: Vote! CondiUonsl BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 07114120o6 Cond: 8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 .'-\ ri.*{ ,,.s* .. Plannen Blll Glbson Approval of thls project shall bpse atd become vold one (1) year follovlng $c date of final apprornl. unless a buldlqg pcnnlt is issued and @nstruction ls qilrEnced and is dillgendy pursued toruad qndetlon, DRB Fec Pald: . l2O.0O +Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All p@ects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Ctroa Location ofthe Proposal: Lot:3 ,,*r,- Physical Address:ai Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):^enf Mailing Address: Description of the Request: F wr D ).)o -l Owner(s) Signature(s): f{ame of Applicant:'6, C. k/a.fr> Mailing Address: E-mail Address: For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Revie$, Board. Submittal Requirements: 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association Flcdev\FORMS\Permits\Planning\DRB\drb_change_to-approvedlclans-llDage-05-11-2006.doc *****t+*'i+***********++***t+**************{.**+**+**+********+*****t*+***a+++ttt****+++++***+ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Number: R060000944 Amoun!: $20.00 07/07/200603:05 PM Palment Method: Check IniE: iISNotation: 1457/iIOIlN IqARTIN Permit No: DRB060287 Tlpe: DRB- Chg to Appr Plan8Parcel No: 2103-114-0103-7Site Addreas: 2L79 ST IloRfTZ lVY \IAIL,Location: VAIIJ HTEGHTS IJOT 8 This Payment,:$20.00 Total Fees: $20.00Total ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance :$0. oo **+***lf++*++************aa*l**l*f,t*****t**t***********+*****laf*****']+*'l:l****************++ ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: AccolErts Code DeEcription Current Prnts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES Page l ofl oo Hvh?Ace 6t Noerrz Lo( ? f,noerce- hllt,t, 72rx-e http ://www.lightingunivene.com/images/producMarge-image/ I 49873-family-l jpg 4/t0t2006 Products Provided by Lighting Universeo Page I of2 Ot'shllg Pa llumben SKU: knuficfuler: Quantity: Dimenslon! Finbh Opdom: Glass Optona: Lamp Optiotts: Application: Provided by: 391-AC 853708 Landmark Ughting Inc. 1 \Alidth: 12'- Height: 22" - ProFciion: 18'- Antique Copper Amber Scavo (l)l(x}n A19 Med F Extedor Wet Lighting Universe Product Deecription/Notes: This otrtdoor wall sconce features wrought iron/cast iron metalwork, scrollwork details, and is available in a variety of finishes and glasses.Note: Bulbs are not included with this fixture. http ://www. lightinguniverse.con/print/printing. asp Page I 4n0t2006 r wM* Design Review Soard ACTION FOR,M Department of community Developraent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fal:970"479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: HUBBARD LOTS Project DescripUon: NEW SINGLE FAMILY Participantsr OWNER TRENTHUBBARD PO BOX 8388 2656 DAVOS TRL ProJect Address: Legal Descriptlon: Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Number: DR8060100 AVON co 81620 APPUCANT IOHN G. MARTIN, ARCHITECT LL04/13/2006 PO BOX 4701 EAGLE co 81631 License: @00001843 ARCHnECT JOHN G. MARTIN, ARCHmCT LLO4lL3l2006 PO BOX 4701 EAGLE@ 81631 License; C000001843 CONTRACTOR THD COLOMDO INC O4/L3/2006 Phone: 4184805 041 L3|2OO6 Phone: (970)748-0862 PO BOX 8338 AVON co 81620 License: 280-A 2L79 Sf MORITZWYVAIL LocaEon: VAIL HIEGHTS LOT8 Lot: 6-9 BIocK SubdiViSiON: VAIL HEIGHTS SUB FIL 1 2103-114-0103-7 BOARD/STAFF ACTION MoUon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: DUNNING DANTAS 4-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval: 06/05/2005 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): o*tpor"", does mt constltute a permit fo, to,nn. Please onsult with Torrrln of Vail BulHlng personnel prlor b onstruction actlviHes. Cond: 201 DRB apprwal shall not become valH br 20 days bllowlng the date of appmnl. Cond: 202 Approval of thls proJect shall lapse and beome voH one (1) year following $e &be of flnal approual, unless a building pemlt b lssued and constructlon is commened and ls dlllgendy punued toward comple[on. @rd:@N0@7960 Flte sprlnkhr sysem rcqulrcd and shall almpty wlth NFPA 13R(20@) and VFES standads. Oond: @N$07961 Monlbred fire ahrm sysbm requlrcd and shall omply w0r NFPA 742002) and VFES standads. Planner: Blll Glbson DRE Foc Pald: 1650.00 ilew Constructit Application for Dcign Review Department d CommunftY Devebpment 75 Sou$ ftontage Road, Vail, Cofcrado 816t d: 970.479-2128 fu: 97O.479.2452 rv€b: www.vaibor.corn General Inforrnation: All projects rcquirirB d€dgn reyf:vr nx.d reeive approyal prb to srtrnining a buildlrg permit appliation' Pleas€ reter t6 Ure sg-UmiUat requnrenrenS for the partiorlar apprural that b requested. An applicatilm for Design Review cannd be aoaefd untii alt requlreO infunndirn b received by the cornmunity Develrpmert DeparUnenL The proj{S may afo neeO to be rernew€d by the Toryn €ourrcil and/or tfre Planning and Enviroflrnental Commission. ifiign reinry approval lapses unless a buitding p€1ndt b issued and consbudion conrmences witJrin one year ot urc approttal Description of the RequesE l-ootionorf theFropocal, r-* I gb.k Subdivis&rnl 2l1q e r Ptoet Tz Nal ?PhyCcal Address: ParccN No.:Llog t lrl ot o37 (Contact EaSh Ao.Assessor at 97G328-8640 for parcel no-) o F,wooo F.oo Zonins: ?Qn*ev il <En 'r' trf l{am{s) of Orner(s): E-mail Addts: For col$uctim d a rerv hriHing or dermy'rebuild' For an addition where square bege is added to any residential or ornmercial building (indudes 250 additirns & inbrio conversions)' For manor drarEes o buildings and site impnorements, su$ as, rermfing, pr*itilg, windorv additiors, landscagring, fences and retainirg wauq &. For rninor dtanges to hjildngs and sfte improremenb, sudl as, n-roofirp, pai-t*ing, windor.r ' additixx, lardscafirg, fences and retaining walls, etc For revi-dons 'O pl"* already apprs\€d bY Planning Staff or the Deiqn Re./itr 8oard. Type of Reuiew and Fee: t] Signs tr ConceFlal Revietv $50 PhE $1.00 per qrnre fud d &l sign area. No F€e6D tr3{X} $2s0 $20 $20 I{o Fee tr ,\ nervconsrruaintr Addi[m B tr Minor Altsation (muft FfamilylornllErciil) I'lirsAlErdion (dryle-famity/duplex) Changes b Apptoved Plans Separation Regue* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Nurdber r Palment Method I COI,ORADO R050000358 Amount: Check Statement $5s0. oo 04/13/200608:55 AtrlInit: aISNotation: 2OL2/THD oF Permit No: Parcel No:Site Addrees : L,ocation: This Payment: DRBo60100 Tl4)e: DRB - New Conatruction 2103-114-0103-7 2L79 ST MORITZ WY VAIIJ VAIIJ HIEGIITS I.IOT 8 Total Fees: Total ALL Pmts: BalaJlce : $550.00 $5s0.00 $0.00 $5s0.00 ********++++t**+******+*****{'{'*+ttl+***+++++++**********'t**************************a*+****** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account code Description Current Pmts DR 00100003LL2200 DESIE{ REVIEW FEES 650.00 Survey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Communify Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 tel: 970.479.2128 faxz 97O.479.2452 web: www.va ilgov,com *Thls dt&llst must M subn itfud pdor to Public Wod<s review of a prcposed deyelopmene Owners/Project Name: Project Address:Ln q 9'( t4o?,r<z wp'( 7 Applicant: SubmlttalV Stamped survey of propertyo cviYsite ptans-lQ fiegn+rft.g Survev Reouirements: Surveyo/s wet stamp and signature Date of survey North arrow Proper scale (1"=10' or t"=20) Legal desaiption Basis of bearings / Benchmark Spot Elevations E Labeled right of way and prope$ lines; ts including tiearings, distanes and curve tr information. Lot Size Build able Area (o<cludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 4oyo, and floodplain) o E( {tF fl56 6 dv Site Plan ReouiremenB: I. Acc6s (check all)o D;iveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan. , 6 Unheated o Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone) { Sno,r, storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (30o/o of driveway area if unheated; 10% of driveway area if heated) { All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development Standards, p. U. Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade):- 0( Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 Construction Site (check all) Location of all uUllties and meter pib are shown on the site plan. Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan.q I am awar.e that approved Staging and Construction Tnffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Page 12 of L4lLtlt4lOS II.( ,el Phone Number, 3/7 Og17 V Landscape plano Title Report (Section B) { Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanchg wetlands, floodplain, soils) Watercourse setbacks (if applicable) Trees l-abeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, pedestrian, etc...) Topography Utility locafions Mjaaent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property, Desion Review Board MeeUno Reoulrements For ne$, construction and addiUons, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building @rners. All trees to be removed must be taped, The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be aompleted prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative shall be present at he Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Des'rgn Roriew Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that dirussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such Ume as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all onditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuane of atqilding petinitj ' . i''^ ,. ',:' '.: I a StaffApproval The Adnrinbtfator (a qrember of the planning staff);may niigtv,end apffbve Dasrgh,Review applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the applicauon, or refer the application to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are reviewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Additionat Review and Fees :'y- ' ' y'l I t' i "'If this application requires a sepanbe rwiew by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. *amples of such review, may indude, but are not limited to: Colorado Depanxnent of H(lhwayAess Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees in o<cess of 50o/o of the application fee. If, at the applkanfs request, any matter is pos@ned for hearing, causing the matter to be re-publishedT then the entire fee for such re-publicaUon shall be paid by the applicanL : Applications deemed by the Community Develgpment Department to have design, land use or othel issue, which may have a significant impactr on the @mmunity, may require review by external consultanb in addiUon to Town staff. Should g determinaUon be made by Town staff that an odemal cpnsultant is needed, the @mmunity Development Department may hire the consultant. The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall. be forwarded to the Toryn by the applicant at the time of filing an applicaUon. The applicant shall pay e(penses incuned by the Town in exess of the amount forwarded by the appllcaton to the Town within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any o(cess funds will be rehimed to the applicant upon rs/iew completion. Page 11 ot LalfllI4l05 Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction.o I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to constuction. III. Drainagd (check all that apply)O The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Dwelopment Standards, p. 12. S (Note: Valley pan must not be heated)tr 4 Foot Concrete Pan o 8 Foot Concrete Pang Positive and adequate dninage is maintained at all Umes within the proposed site.O Culverts have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan.U A Hydraulic repoft has been provided. (As requested by Town Engineer) W. Erosion Control (Check allthat apply)o Disturbance area is greater than one half acre.o A separate Erosion @ntrd Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stamped.{ Less than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion control devices are shown on the site plan. V. . Floodplain (check all that apply)B \he project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain,o 10Q year Floodplain is shown on the sib plan.o A Flqodplain study has been provided. (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as requSted by Town Engineer)\ The pfrject does not lie within or adjacent b a 100 year Flmdplain \ VI. GeologicayEnvironmental Hazards (dteck all that apply) I Th" project lies within a Geologi{Environmental Hazard area. (See Development Standards, p. 20)O A Hazard Repoft has been providedo The project does not lie within a GeologidEnvironmental Hazard area. W. Gradins (checkall thatapply) - 1o % €NhU(fr*.p- C(vu- ENLIN€OE(. Existing and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan.X All disturbed areas have been retumed to a 2:1 grade. ry All disturbed areas not returned to 2:1 grade have been Professionally Engineered with slope protection and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans. -f0 g€ f$V\fi(?9o Only o<isting contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading. I. Parking (check all) All residential and commercial parking spaces conform to the Dwelopment Standards, pP. 12&15. D(. Retaining Walls (check all that apply)V All retaining walls onform to the standards in the Development Standards, p. 19.V All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans. U All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall construction.o No retaining walls are required for this project. X. Sight Distance (check all that apply)8, Proper silht distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12. fl Proper sight distance has not been attained. Explanation why:- Additional C.ommenb Please provide any additional @mmenb that pertain to Public Works Review. Page 13 of I4ltUMlAS Town of VailSurvey Community Development Department Russell Forrest, Director, (970) 47s-213s Gheck allthat apply Date: 1. Which Department(s) did you contract? Building_Environmental_Housing_Admin_Planning DRB_PEC Was your initial contactwith our staff immediate or no oneavailable ? lf you were required to wait, how long was it before you were helped? Was your project reviewed on a timely basis? Yes/No lf no, why not? 5. Was this yourfirst time to file a DRB app_PEC app Bldg Permit_ 6. Please rate the performance of the staff person who assisted you: s 4 q2.1,(5 is h!sF) f\laryp:_ft noivledge,'r$ponslver 7. Overall effectiveness of the Front SeMce Counter. 54321 (5ls hlgh) d.i'ivridt il ndt"rt tire of day for you to use the Front SeMce Counter? 8. What comments do you have which would allow us to better serve llou next time? Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. We are committed to improving our service. 3. 4. tU14tO5 Page I of I ' Bill Gibson - Hubbald, Lots 7 & 8 From: Bill Gibson To: John G Martin Date: Ml2il2OO6 3113 PM Sublect Hubbard, Lots 7 &8 Hey John, FYI: Fire sprinkler systems and monltored alarm systems will be required at both new Hubbard Residences (2187 and 2197 St. Moritr Drive). Bill Blll Glbson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, @ 81657 (970) 479-2173 (970) 179-2a52fax file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\GW)00001.HTM 04/27/2006 Arthur I. Mears, P.8., Inc. Natural Hazards Consultants 555 County Road 16 Gunnisoq CO 81230 Tel/Fax: (97 0) 64 | -323 6 April 19,2006 Mr. Trenton Hubbard P.O. Box 8338 Avon, CO 81620 RE: Rockfall analysis, hazard evaluation and mitigation concepts, Lot 8, Vail Heights,located on St. MoritzWay Dear Mr. Hubbard: As outlined in nry April 13 proposal, I have completed a rockfall (and debris flow and avalanche) study of your property. Site observations, analysis, conclusions and recomrnendations are summarized beloul. Site observations The building sile on lot 8 is located at the base of a moderately steep south- facing slope. Small sandstone and conglonrerate diffs of the Minturn and Maroon formation crop out approximately 200 - 300 feet above the building site. These small clifb and outcroppings dip into the slope at approximately 20'from the horizontal. Portbns of these outcrops are unstable and can becorre detached and bounce and rolldownslope as rockfalt. Horever, fracture pattems in the rock will cause rocks derived from this formation to break apart into smaller fragnents approximately one foot in length. The slope is vegetated pdmarily with sagebrush and srnall bushes. A forest cover is not developed. Inspection of the slopes during the site visit found only one rockfall boulder on the slopes above the building site. This was a sandstone boulder approximately 1 foot in diameter. Additional rockfallderived boulders rrere not found. This sqgests that rockfall is not a very active process on this slope. Furthempre, the only rock found on the slope was stopfd by a small bush on the upper half of the slope. This indicates that rockfall has been infrequent, and of small kinetic energy and velocity. furalvsis Rockfall motion was simulated by application of the Colorado RocKall Simulation Program (CRSP), assuming a starting position within the small cliffs and a stopping position near St. MoritrWay. The stopping position is below any field evidence of rocKall. The following summarizes assumptions used in application of CRSP: . Starting position - srnall difis;r Rock size & shape -'disk-shapd," 1.2 feet in dianeter, 0.5 feet thick, 93 pounds;. Roughness - 0.3 to 0.5 feet (as observed);. Normal coefficient- 0.3;. Tangential coeficient - 0.7. The following results were output by CRSP: o Percent of "design rocks" reachirg upper building position - 3olo;. Speed (of this 3olo or rocks) - 11.6 ft/sec;r Predicted bounce height (of 3%) - 1.5 feet;o Kinetic energy (of 3%) - 352 ftlbs). The analysis indicates (a) rockfall reaching the building site will be a rare eventl, and (b) the potentially damaging energy of this rare event will be small. Therefore, the simulation supports the field observations. Conclusions Both the field evidence and the rockfall simulation indicate that damage from a rockfall event will be negligible at the proposed building site. Even if the very rare rocHall impacted the back of the building direcdy, this irnpact would be within the lovrrer 2 Get and nnould not cause damage to the wall. Recommendations The building site on Lot 8 is not within range of darnaging rockfall. I condude that the dsk from roclcfall is acceptable and mitigation is not required. Other Hazards In addition to the rockfall analysis, I also evaluated debris-flow and snow- avalanche hazards. The proposed building site is not located in debris-flow or snow-avalanche hazard areas, consequently mitigation is not required. Limitations Additional hazards or constraints to development at this site (if any) are beyond the scope of this study and were not evaluated. 1 lt is 'rare' because (a) a rcddall e\rent of the nalure assumed is rare and (b) the probability of this unusual went reaching doyn to the building site is only 3%. You as my client should know that while our company can and does attempt to uphold the highest professional standards, the state of scientific and engineering knondedge is inconplete, and does not aluays permit certainty. The cornplex phenornena involved in roclrfall, debris flows and avalanches cannot be perfiecdy evaluated and predicted, and methods used to predict physical behavior change as new research becomes available. While we have offered our best professional judgrnent, we cannot and do not ofier any wanang or guarantee of results. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sinoerely, C;vlt*"1 filBad Arthur L Mears, P.E. HPn 12 2006 7: 29P!l Rpr tf a00E ?t+?pn HP SERJET FHX HP Lf,SERJET FAX LFo p.2 e.3 l-}Y 6 uFru ltE(('t+ts rz l$JffuarmrffiLinrmr tror, '-M0pfiZtJ/ "-._i -:-_.[1.\fl1PjXf-tY_g!,!:romA ncmnmmts wlf nd lnprc ny cdrlng c propcrd trdtty ;lrtc, *! & b- ' ' " uily nrtr mtcfrv n{ rcrnn foi rrr igrrrturr-il E"l6E ,rai ;Eiftir *rn plF'rrl rur rf,ts plnr{.*Hltrht ltrE. A.1lda,hodrrrgia-brir}"noi-ln,l"oosrffit . it{hrhrftErtErbrtligslldrr lbrrguet rm nltrUcr. 'Autrc|fr.d fb.Srrt e@ilh Elr ef,E,ro:$t,zB m/ rn.ltrr.ryirfJ\>t./ elu.lf,!7tl(trtt.Y C!rE: SENwiErIrrrEioo 60H.md| 'rstmcl|9n.tfl,.t0rt.&t)no,rn.ror (ldlCrirt Ersfnail +/t/ac lcvfl6.A.lg|G .tu.t{?5rtt Htt7!.9rt.tcr.(tL)ffi.r ,|||vadn|nqiOhndrncqo t!c3[ltec?yr!,$a4@(tu) ertscts!f,tbFtttolSadot{r.nFl|lc cG mutnctwA[Rrlrrilnff utrf[ctgrro.{'f'nil(ul 9t0.,lrt,{68lbocqlBc fu ttr||tuEfFm.m oltclrStcr|E ''L.rA$6ad. umlul91u.16!:aill0U, QtbcB edlbrrrtrJalr {rlilSdc.gncif,fr.[ IOTE* t tf 9rc ||U:ry_.}o'nrd f yiilcrbt IUo trr rtglnrru ltm G.dt C t.}l r,'n, olEflE ||i no oiln'ltt r. ,rnffit m h lbnrr ttp ?uur m ,iln ht frn-r,fi fubd ftd itrd#EffiE -frdll-'""' 1 tt l|/tlfi o4rnt lrn orrcgntrilr EtG toud oaEhdm, m uilU rrycs|uirc drll ilfi dfto, ct 0rt uUryFIqm tufi trr thcn r r eiOtnr-rtrtd *d;b b ;!ohd. Tte bd iliilrtd Urg, n lrufld h rr rurrm rtub hr T0ut d lrrr. fior.rrr,'ercp hrp rn ii6i rrrt i E uc ndi,nffi?i[ frv onrq nd uG .eil.ar blH\nrlG lldPrw|||l'. *,Wffi Ys'l$ W,i$[ffi'ls.esxg].*g glgwt d ermtn|'|hh.towlrdvil(h t|lycrfilc]|errtrcailta llr gnbpr b ruqulcd m.l lgtrts b |rornll rlrtfilrd rtnnirrlr b thc uilter for rlrprovrl f r1'urircibn f drrbrnlltsd $tu rn trg tn rtty wir ltl thc liholblo mmrr d.t trnrrs or-rili;ecr;rV oonaifrii'fr'rilmtfi |rrr ttfiblbrm), ' Oraru.'rnO'tliJcct*a+ffir* W 'lAlohCrtrclliGilrr- -T- - - tEEuvtlwrtcBt -'- SiltfAtDtr'ousrnletItO{IitrS(U I r'gr0.{il,tru(r$ 9r0I€.e869 *, n00(bD 9r0il[t167l(tu}Brbr! t|||DI|Ellr1di{*qOat*.oan+.m --- 9. ltl nficdar do fit !Sp_!F ortrriorottlr'E+f*llfu tr otbh I h.uk wfy FGril|3 rrun tt* DDrUlg|t o?.Fulll tiftd5.t l|lr TbrD d trrl,h any publlsrs'|q*wE hthTqtnCvfl, ffit$r-n*pt wrukdon tun'fir srinra frrn trfr of !r utry 6nurt r, rtr m otrrrtt .l frffi![E st Et ofn!, sE Tiln rt grremlEill:rl .|l m plltfi|s aill tlr 4brEiotmrlan trond. 2. $l ufrIofiDUvt|'qsrnr{Iothc!'opdofwudn?otuilg npc*nEthr ttrlnobdl€dlyor!:rdluf,tmcdct ftm ltr* tfrcc lr r pllt*n nfJdr m!4 b b cl'uri trrc dip-AtrJtouldr E daitd h;-huffi bn;b tnt Torit 0trfit. tir|rlr, CI$ lA h ,Ihd Of Itr Ure rprabilV qf$. rdhy q[FtU U'l tri lnof t,dycilcrtElLdl|EDtila Thr osv4".. 5 tqtr.rt Td .ct!t b abmft ru.rwls drilra,Er tr llG urliltb lbi r...pgmal'f, r$rrrilEr0m tlrlJoiiltlrt prrtr !n dLtd t0 lfv wry iU thc rdt.|H J|il!||t dtb (un|t o$tentfia ip€tiE [y noEl rrtlia Unmrutrnoftfl3 lbrm). Hpn 12 ZOOG ?: 29Pl'l vatff sende avanaulity and loca[on br new @|$rJctop ard $ould bo used lo conjundbn with preparlng your UUW dan and sdredulilg InsElbfsns. A dtc plan, Indudng gradlng phn, floor plan, snd dcvilons, shall b€ $bmhlbd b the bllowhg uilHes br approval anct \rdllcation. 'Autbodzcd Sloneturr Comtncnts D.t a\ L5fr, uArL r+0t6ffi5 r ZtT-l 6f 'f[/@lA]'Z NZ.t UTIITWAPPROVAL &VERrErCATrOrl rmtanvTtls brm sercs b veriry $at ha Fpoced lrpmamcnlp wlll not impact any e{sdng or proposed udfty senlcls, Uld tlso b QrvEsr 97D.587r89 (u) s/0.38t.@s'(fao 970.687.02 (cell) cortaG: Sbnwabrs. s,retersoqweSLcom flCELHIGH PIESSUREGAS 97(1.252..{076.(bl) 970.468.1{t (lb'O ContacE Rich Sgterc HOLYCTOSS qICTRIC e70J47.5425 (ED : 970J45..1081{fax)ConH JefrVrom lmqn0Mrcnsn EICEL ETIERGY 970J62.{03S (hr) ConbcB: f(t Beort 921.262:4024 l(lthcdnc Bogert EAGLE RN'ERWATERA SAIIIfATI()I{ DISTruCT 970.176.7180 (br) 970.476.,f089. (hx) oontacb Fedllclee flrrlce0emrd.oro COUGASTOTBLE 970.468.2Q69 EA 1roo.(El) 9DJ68.2572 (fox)offiA;ni'#;ar -!l^,^ F.",r lt bradelv doir&OcabftF.6fica+.6m .h,rl - . t I .tfUcui rab{c c71 €4r 'tl. t.2-& f,o'tE:iffi-. uiltty apprqrial & nrllldon form has Canaturls from €.dr of the tfilty ompanlcs, and rc ommenE art mr& dlndy on the form, Se Torrn wlll preg,urrc th* her€ arG no prpb|erns and the dwelopment can prceed. 2. tl a uulty @mpany has otrcnrt with ttrc prcposed constructlon,.the uuity reprcsentauve drall noE dliliiy on tht u:tll9 wificatm form thatthere b r probtcrn whldt needg b be resofvd. The lsf,Je should then be detaild ln an attadterl letter b tfie Torrn of Vall, HovsrEr, deasc teccp In rdnd that lt b the rcsponsibllity of tt|e udlty @mpany and $t lppllcant to rusohe ldendn€d pr?blcms. 3. Thcse vedncedons do not rcllac ttrc ontnctrof tfie respondblllty to o6ah a Publlc Way Pcflrit ftom thc Dcplrtmcnt of .RiUk worts dtieTown of v!I. in sny psulc rlghttfrt{€y or eemcnt wt:|hln tfie Tovrn of Vall. A bundlno pcrmlt b not r Prdllc ltre\r. orfldt Irnd mu* !! obtllnd rFlrd% TI1e Devdqcr is rcquired arid lgruca b srbmlt ony rerdsert dnw[rgs b tie utilitrer fur rFappronl & letredldtlon lf tfic submltted gbns are alter€d ln any way afta the authod:ctl slgnahJrc dab (unhss ffiierwlse spedfically noE t wlthln Etc crnflncnt area of thls fbrn). Danhpct's Stgniluru DaE Hpr 1? zOOE 5: 3itPl'l HPa;rsERJEr FHx F\fT@mrffi"**t|k}if'tir*iol!Pr,Eat P.2 TITLD TDEDArTUIIYT. MI,IYENY TNAilSI{IITAL <<TitlcM.Addrcstt>>, <<TitlcBmc'hAderEisD> <<Title Brch Letio> <<Tiflclhud ]bo6>> Foc <(Titlc Drac[Foa> IIIDFIIJNUMII& 6l5JI0ll18fl)'610'BT0 DAIT:AFiItr2,N6 Pa(ffimT ADDIIIEI 2179 St }loriE Way VciLCO 81657 ()WilEn D[tYnn: I&rrd Obcrlohr /TE) XITASE REVISWIflE SNCI'SEDM.{IT.IIAL COMILEIILY AhID TAKB NOIEOFTIIE TOLLOCI|I\IG TERMS OOIIIAITiIXT) THEBEIN:N&lcArrr.fthllr 3icftL l[I: ABOVEISAI.tr'TOFCUENBTOWHOIIiTCBATTAC$EDMAIEEIATTAVEBEENDEIJVEBED gIX'ULDIOU HAv8 Alily QUESTIoD.TS nEOAllIilNO THESE MATEruAI5. OR OLJRNEW ON-IJNB TAANBACnq{ MANAOTMENT iIlIXtnAMriIIEvArrLT, pI&tBEOoI\rTrCtFirreuico{rdgrTrbCoaayAfTmAEO\|BgHOIIENLTUBEL C/E tD{CENELY THANX YOUF(n YOUTEIJ8DiIES& A POL|CY.|SSU| C AGENI OF FliST AlfEllcAll TtrLE !fltulAl{cE comtAflv BdcTilcotrly P.O.Bor 1960 00l0ChdesAve. fl I Ergtc' CO 81631 f, I& (9?0) 32&5252&tAIIr tithrault@ho'ou NO.OTO(EIES t nOUXltnCUfEOIl: tiloValt Trtcnlfottbad FOBot. t33E Avo,CO$620 PIT('ITLFl*:f,.![AIIr !K}, OFCT(FIXS: flpr 12 2006 s:34P1'l HPjTSERJET FHx 7*lT@mmm"** Y.ddDg'frrEtttr Hto Drts AFil12,2406, RE: Buycr/Eonuren IBI)Sdhr(r): Kornd Obctlohr Propcrty Addreu: 2179 St Modtz Wry Vall' CO tf657 XIlo Nunbcn 6rSEOll I8S0{I{FETO We would like to tlunk you for choosing First A$Grican Heritage Titlo Conrpany for pur title innrrance needs. Enclosed plcarc find: El c0MMnMm.IT(s)tr ccR'sI3 SI]PPIORTINGDOCT.'}TEI'ITStr TA)( CER.TIFICATE to fotlow from the Escrow Offlce Schc&le/Tor hrcel Numb€n For all of ycrr o-losing nseds, pur Esoon' Officr is: Ergh Tith Only: Phase f€€l e€e to codad )our clos€r d (yt0t32&5111, fu: (97O) 3l&S2S2, ffil: tldcryeul@rhcocom, P.O. Bor l9EOlIXlO ChlmbcnAve. #I E gh, CO t1531. Fsrall ofyqrrtitle ud comritmet ncds, yanr Tilb Enmincr is: Trb[ I(cycr. Pl€as€ fpol ftec to contact ys6 €xanrincr d (9m) 32t-Sil11, fu (9m) 32&'S2S2, enrail: pke5rcr@frltco.coo, P.O. Bor 19fl1 OlXlO Ctrmbcn An # t Eryh, CO 81631, Once Egain, '' rrk yor for pur burincro, a,rd please feel Scc to aomc your Burincse Dovolopmom ncpreccmadvc fu a log-in and Fscwud to Tidevautt or acw u-lins tra$artioNl meagemed prognm. Wc look frrward b scviqg all of your titlo naode. Sincerely, BintAmcdcrn Heritrgc Tidc Conprny p.3 ler- 0{ll2t7o0'S 4:Pdn PDI *?K HPdrsERrEr FRx STN{DARI) GOIrIlt'tlIMfNT n n. iltl,E INSUBAI{CT ISSTJEDBY Fir$t Americsn lleritsge Title Compeny ASAGXNTTON Flrfr Arctcm ltlc Innruce CmPrrY |NAOTtA'lrOn 11€ Til€ l6rrare Coomiffib abgdom*tbctcr*nymand{re oIryy. It isb$cdb ctolvlbcbasir m wtiorh vre pill isEre aTlth Irc Eolicy to ym. Tbe Folicy x'ill insle Srou rgrind stfu ri8k8 fo frc land tillc' sdjel to the |inn*ioc$mn in ee Pdicy. Tb Cmgy will eirc yor a sr@€ dmE Folict frnn, if yut edc I'tc Cmimt is bss€d o ttc d rftle as of,rbc ConniEncd De. Ary cbtr8F8 itr th H titlc or tlc ummion may drc tt6 Ctnnmitrgtud tte Folicy. ftc Omnntlu is dicd m it; Rtquirottrtt, Emptiml and ffiire. IEIII INfONMAMON ItI NOT PABT OF IET TTII..I II{SI]NANCE COMMINtrUIT. YOU STOUI.D IDAD Tm OmAmr|ENT VDRy CAnff,ULLY. tF y(Nr HAVE Ar{Y QUSSflOITS AEOUI lEE OOMIIIIIX,I{T PITASE OONTACT IEI EISUIUG OATICT. AGREEMENT ?O ISSUD FOLICY llnt Anerlcu Otle llnrncc Cmpuy, rcfund b h tbir mmmiurcut u thc Company, ihm& is ryed nrrtAcrlcntrc.tlrF IlOc Cmprnn raforloatbtDrUs eg€coadao tb Agax, agncsb iran a policy to fon accorrding f 6t ffiir dthic ouunimcat S/hen wt ebow lhc policy emlut od ym 'q'"e re thc pqocert fustEd i! ScffiIc A thic cmiM tcc@s ceqirc n of tbc ComtnitmemDu ghorn iESchgdut€ A. If fu nquiramm lhown in tlc Cmitrrot hlyc trot bcor d witin slx rrrrlftr der tto Coduncot ddc'our-cibligdimrndstie frnnfutwitrcnd- Alco, ardligrtionudrrthisComimwlll€ild qrlro tb Po[cy iB issod nd tb E digilimb 1u rill bc underlt€ Folist, otn SliSsltrr uldcr lhia Cmmitnmt tu linitrd by lhc fllowirg p.4 lilo No: clSHllltlF6ll).Efo Ttr Rcquinole ir ScnotubB-I. The ltisdoeu€r md Cooditftrg osminod hthis Goontffi. Thir Comnttnco ir oot wltd wi&out SCIIEDULE A and ScdLms I snd 2 of SCHEDIJLE B tracbpd" Firrt Amcricu Title Inrnnce Conprry4Vq*fu--By <J '- Prcridcat The hsvisiorr itr ScDcdrlc A lbe tuotrioos in Sc[crlulc B-2. f,ii::i'.;ie\ 4ffi,i9* Qr-.e E .4t-.**t- soasy *W cmr{sed Hpn 12 2096_ .,s_i3JPl'l o4ltTtultc +t4*l lu*rK HP JSERJET FFX .Er.s Fdo Na: 6llf,lltltll{l|}ETr0 a. 3. 4 COII{DIflOIIS DBFINITIOIfS(e) {Mollrgo" mm oorqagc, d.od oftrut or ollw r*urity iffauourL iti p,rtli i-ona, nor-tiiln rwodr rhn dw ooocrustivc potioo of rnffir rffcclilg tfc flo rocodinf !o fib ltw rtc€ |t0 l5td L toosF4(c) nLradn mrnr thc trail * oondoaiaiun unit dsoribod ir $ob!&l! A rtd sy ilrFonrr6t|r oo trr hd ufooh enrnl proPcrtY. I,AIERDEMqNIb Dsoeaimr h Sob.duL B - Scdio 2 lry bc mdod lo rhow dy d.&ct+-licrr or olou!|brstrcs rht .FF.rr ftr 6! fif tDo b plilic reordr mrc mod r cdoal bcrca tb Omniffi Ib ddrb! d66rffi 1l of rho Rlquimfub of Solddr B - 8.ctlr I eru rrr, IFo dd hrrc rc lirtility b rol booeurc of lhir aoducot EloSnMrIEIECrS tf my d4pC+ lior c ocumtnnooc oriCLg f Ooruihdt Ib lt Dt ficil! in Schtdulo E wo mly rorod Sch&h B to rhon' rbo- lf wo do uild SoHdo B to ld lhso ddlFb' liGtt c mhn** nc at I bo lirHo b yul .ocodilg to Prrrgnpft 4 tohw ualon you tnow of thig hbtraatior 6ad did lDt 1o[ lr abort it ia wti6a6 IIT{TI ATI(D{ OF OUR IJABTIITY OrJs qoly oblilFdm ig io i$uo to you rio Fotioy ofortod b in tiir CoflnitDfil wto yol frvo nt in nrqgirrdntr. lf w hcvo my lirbility to you fu rry loo pu imur b*orl d m ona h &ir Comih1cd' ou' lilUlity wiU bc limitd to yart afual bro Aurnd by '"ot t lyhg rm ftir Corunitm@t wid you altrd in good ffih !o:e oon0ly si|h |to noqniqm 6oun in SoDrdrlc B ' Sogtioo l cr oliniarnc wift or qrino oorat sy Excogtiom thona il Sdtodub B ' Sos'tiol 2, Wo rhrll mt bc lirtrlc fu r0rl bn tG }of.ry Amud dorn fu Sohoddo A o'f tiir Conitrot red or liihility b roldc.t lo &. 6tr of tho Policy forn to ba itru.d b yot. CT^AIMS I|I,'$T BB BASED OT{ ]IIIE COMMITITET.IT Any *iar. whcltF ofloa brod 6 {alig!.q q/tiAyw ryhr rgd'lEt Gocrairy tlatilh b 5. Lrd Etrd b hucdorri.CodhitE!trt |trd balbjcctb its h[l. DISCIII$TTTES NOTICD tO PB{rArCrnvE OmfEBE (A STATEICNT IIADB As REQIJIiEI] BY OOIO8ADO INSURA}{CE RE(flJLA,TION) GAPFROTXCITON Wbo rhir Copaly oocdrs 6c olod{g rad ir rcapordbh br rwoading a filit thc lcC docrytcol rccding ton rho Ern36ctitta. thc Connry rhrl bo rorpooriblc frr d aeillat w&io[ ryprr c 6o rccd prkn o *d lioc ofroooding or filing MECIIAI{ICI IIf, I{ IR(yTICIION Ifyol rlt a hr1,rr of a riogh naily nid€mo ysu r!.y toqro.t E ctrir'r lin ovor|p b bc ired oa ptr polky of inanm. If tt. propty bdoj prdrod hrr nd ba th dist of 6ortltdi.s, i4romm c tlgri i! &o lsrt dr rodr phr b lho iho of thb cooadUcA, th! rqdnffi wil tr pryooor of tto +pqrb pmium rd tto cordab dr Alfi.lrrlit ..rrr hd@ity by lt !dl€r. If tto pap*y t*g pEnld wr u.!d!4 ioFsrpd c rqdrld ai$b ir nodlr pb b 6! .t to of ttb ooniuct, ltorqlinaaany iarslrcdbdseofcqlrit 6rreh! b&rdic, pqmntof fuiar, rnd -dcn'.*y, amf ll|tr* fto fncat nqoirmtr stabd rhovc uo rdlrct b tb rwirin od qporl of ttc Copuy. PBCTAL TAXIrc DISInICT NOTICE (A Ncico Givo h Co&sniV Vitb Sornbo f$tl-fZZ C&S.) 'Itc oljoct lod nry bo hcod in r ryo&I fiht .lificq, ..cti6c!e odr-,,.r ea [dbf G.ch tndlg juidsdc rtdl bo ohimd ftoo tte lousrty twtr a do oqry tnrustul rdsind qs[e |od Mnnrtfun lcg|ldiBt 4ocil deciab od tto bqndrrlo of *chdi*iat nry bc otofucd toc {t. bo.rd ofcc!ry oooniriccq tto oocdy clclc rrrd r*ord€r, a lt ooudy {Hfr. PF\TACY Pf,OIIIBI FOR CU TOMInS lfc will mt rrnl mtryul{b perorl inftrnlbn to rey cr.!firl mrflilirird oagrrhdiflt lobr *l lrvo tooc .dhorial by tbotoot, arrr cquied by h* CIONEU}|DN DECIAI'I,IION STATEMEII|ITtb Cmaitnot &r Tifb hruuoo sry hcbdc r Scf,oduh B gts.flioo tterre b Ecdd ovi.ls. rr-t . nbdl rtE r... basi*4 hrad, c drrbo cwrlpd fco SG crt6 corb, Ifd r4moc b dd4 &lc br ubaraid l*cllhood the rffip4y tol& orc q rll intoc* il ofl, grq dcr dmlrk a gpllfrd oo6r h Oo propaty. lls r*rnood niaonl !@ Dry imhd. thdgl b e rrd c! tlo pprty with tle sric cncb Frfoilr, Yq ory bo ablc o otleh fftc iarunaco oo,rs[o rqrrdirS lsy oa[ cfurcood dnonl cro rcwrrdo.lditr cfotr cpc yqr ourr$il Art 5our tith ooqry roreuivc fu rrdrbco yitb ditird!. Rpn l2 2OOG 5: 3ilPM HSERJET FFX First Americrn Heritege Title Compeny Conmitment No: COMI'IITMENT IICEEDIILEA 619HO11r$0.61GETO l. ConnitncltDrlrl Mrrcbil'2m6d8:0OA.D1 2. Policy or policb to be inucd:Poliey Amouil 8 TOCOME(a) StudrrdOwnnPo[cY TBD Propord luured: 3i Fee $inplc intcrrrt in tto lrnd d.lcribcd in tlir Conmitmcnl ir ornc4 et thc Comnitocot Ite bV: I(mradOb€dohr 4 lhc trtrd rc&rrtd to ir Oris Comnitnctrt L dcrcribcd rr frllowr: LotB ? and S, Vail lieiglrtr, Fili4g No. I acrcordiq to thc recordcd pht tfiercd Cornty of Eogle, Staoeof Colorado. (br tufornrtioDal purpoees only) 2l?9 St l\iloritrWay, Vail, CO t1657 PREMIT]M: OwnersPoliayTBD Vll2l2ffi6 4:21:4t PM pk PK $27s.00 p.6 flpr .le 2006 s:3sPM -HPJSERJET FnX {lltl?lRfi +14:07 llrt PIPK FonNo l3i+4'Bl (OO88) ALTA Plt! r r.tr'lr cmtt|[c* trcmDuf.,EB-Sccflon f Rcqoirencnts p.'1 Filolilq: 5t $ffil f e{fl}XfO a. b. c, d. c. L Tbc foll,oving tlqutrcDcrtl mur| bc mct: pay thr agrced arnon$ frr the idc86t in thc laod udicr fu thc rnorQage to bs imured- Pay us thc prcmiumq foes ad chl4Fs fot tte poEsy. Obtain a certjffcale of tarcs dre ftom the ailnty teasulef q tts coltry tlcasureds auttorizal agcfi[' Thc Afrdavit aod hdemity dgned by Kmad Obodohr md nstrrired' ltc following docunc'ft sgifirlory t us ruust bc signed, dslivEred aad recorded' Wanady Dcod sufrsfud to oom/€y th6 fec simplc esEte or id€rest b tho lard doscriH or r€&mod to hencin, to thp Prropeed Insur€4 Schsdule A lbnza. Itis C,osrnifffi ir nrbject to $c.h ftrthcr Excrptions ardlc Requircau'm as mey appcd lloe8tary wben lbe nsrs of thc (Propooed Insured, Schodule A', ltsn 2a) has becn discloscd. Tho foXowlag 610riat, which moy not neoesssily bo rsords4 ml$ be funish6d to tho Coqany to its gatisbctiotr to.wit: f. Coryliuca wi$ftc plwisimr of,Sec*im 3S.l+102, Colordo nevis€d Stdes' resdrhg oottplclion ad filing of a Real Propcrty Tranr&r Deolaration. g. Evidegce s4isfr6mry tro thc Corryany of Ccuplicc with an ordinaace €Daodng a reEl ccte til& tax within the Tom ofVail togsh€rwih all amcndmlnrst€(cto. NOTE: IF TIIE SAI"ES PRICE OF TIIB SUBJECT PROPBRIY EXCTEDS S100'000.00 TIIE SEIJER SHALL BE REQTTTRED TO COMpLy WnTr TlrE DII|CLOSTJRE ORWmIHOIJIII{C PROVFIONS OF c.Rs. 3e-22{M.5 (NONRESTDENT Wm{HOLDINO). Hpn 12 2OOE 5: 35Pl'l l. 2. 3- 4. 5. 6. 7. 9. 10. ll. 12. HPJSERJET FHX o1,/l1t?{n6l:L4tfil ruDf Pf troril lrto. 134482 (CO{8)A|,TAnOlrrguge€brffi SCIEDIII.,E B- Sccdon 2 Erceptiour Any policy ve irsuc will hrvc thc follswitg cxccptionr unhar tluy ere ta}en crr€ of to our rrtbfrtionl Taxcs cud Asscrsm€dgrd cstifcdb tho Trtaslds OfEco' Any frch, rigb, imere*s or olaims whic,h ar€ nd slro{n by tbr public rccords but c,hich could bo as&19;1Ab!'oinrpcctinof$cland cbynafiryirqrdry ofpersuc in poerecsbothercof. Eascm€ds, u cletus of €asdr€oils, nd sho$'! by public reccdr. Olsorcpagpi€s, oonflicti in boundary tines, shcUgo in uta, cacfinchcrts, and a,ny $As rvtirh a corsect surv€y-aDd irsp€cion ofthc land world rliscloso, ad which aft nd shoqm by tlto public rocords. Ary liso, or tigb to a lieo, frr s€wic€r, labor c mderial bscrofuo or hcreaftcr tmlOe4 irpoced by law and not rborm by tbe public rcoodr. Ary ild dl qnid tarcs, asscrstds ud uucdccmed a sal€s- Roservrtiooe and cxceptions in potenB ed b o!.ti Eslhotizing their isruance as lhe same may a^ffect the subjcct pcopcrty od nisciffcaly; &o righ of tho prcpnistor de vob or lo& to Exlrtct d ttrnotrc his ore dp;ofiortr itrorila 1|rp -tamc Ue hnnd to pcareraCI or irf,ersoct tho prreniecs as sct frr|h in Udt€d Std€$ Pffi rccor&d Ofrb€r 14, l9I8 in Eo* 93 at Prge 301; ad auy od all asdgomcro thrr€of s iagect drer€in ncs€n7gtio6 ad mcopi<u ia pOcO od aots ar66izing tbcir issrmc as ttc $.nc may affcg thc subj€ct prop€rty anA siccifiaaily, &c ri$f to ditcbac and resenoirs us€d ia conoction with ve$d aud ac.nrcd-$6tcr rigttstog€th€rwi6ts rEs€n rtion of a rigftdrnayfr( dite€o sd corab cmgtruciledby thc authority of the United Stdoe as let forth i! Unit€d Sursd nctert reaordpd Octob€tr 14' lglE in Book 93 atPago 301. Covpnad$, onditiors and rwtridions, which do nct inchrde a forfeilrrc o rcvcrtcr clause' sct frrth in thc ingfirmout rccordod October I0, 1969 in Book 216 at PUF 153. Plo,isioos rE'gudiqg nrcl, mlc' crcod, and nationd origi4 if aay, redelsed Easemeuts, omditiotrs, terEictios and rcccnmios as shorin or resrred o the rccorded Pkt of Vsil Hcigh* Subdivisioo Filing No. l, rucordcd June 25, 1969 in Book 2 1 5 !t Pagc 4E3. nasorn€ , G@dilios, r€stri.tioor and rcs€ndi@s as $ow[ or r€s€rvEd on tho m4 0f Vail leiSb Codoniniumq rocordcd }lay 15, 1973 in Book 229 atPagE 132. Csrrcosrts, onditionsantlnrtidinq wbic,hdo mt incfudea$rffirc qrovffirrchusc, cat$rth intte ingtrunent reoordod May lJ, l9?3 in Book 229 at Pago 131. Prrovisions regardiry racc, color, crod and ndiod orignq if any, arc ddaed An o.scnd fG Undcrgtoud dgbt of urey ad itrgid€otlt purpos€s $am€d to }Ioly Ctoss Euergy by the instnmeut reoordcd on F*nrary 25, 20fi) d Rccptio No. 7Zt45E. p.8 Filo No. : 613{llllrG}dll'ET0 13. Hpr 12 2006 5:35P1'l HPJSERJET FHx p.9 ' wrz!2o06 4:l+ut Pra !&tr ftloNo': 5|iE[11sd]ETo Foro Na 134{-m (CCtt) fLfAPl&Lt5ur;cOodhilt SCEEDULE B- Scctlor 2, Exccptionr (Contincd) 14. Tcrro, conditioa provirior, agrs€n€dts od obligstiotrt cotaind in tlc lnfrastnrchue Costructbn A$o.mtut rloordod m Juoe t, 20Of at Roc€plio Nrnbcr ft935- 15. Terru, coditimg prwirioor, agremr;dB md Shg4ory sodtdnod in tbe Trcnch, Co!&il md VNrb Agtmflt rccordod m llGt(Xi a RrsioNubcr 395719 - io 'I Ii zoME CHECK Lcgal dcscription: Lot I - Block FiG Ja;! H"rlr/,Addrcss Z/97 3'1 . rn^.,ib. ,", - -aouxs Zt8'7 51 . r/larlhi t-t6rncr__-Tred_Ho,[k-) ' Arch itctt Zonc dislrict 7 Lot sizc ZZ,qt Allorvcd E^-isting Pbonc Phonc jz6'os?L l':t:::o usc t'''ut, 4*il, - Brrildable arca : Proposcd R cmaining t'ztt= 7,G61 Total = 6tr//F , = 7't83 t t6 \3/ 2,966 t Sitc Covcragc Hcight Sctbacks t,s% 05il (30x33) Front Sidcs Rcar , 20. ..15, t5, 'l IMinimum /t/.t1 f.-.-.---.'-- i' 1t lllJ'V Reouircd { G00) (600) (e00) V", / 5+ " , Encloscd (,lD a /7f7t/3 _ l'/ ' Pcrnu'ttcd Slopc /o % proposcd Slopc z to w No No l) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (50) 5) Ccologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Roc[falt c) Dcbris Florv *!l ,/ / t /* I Prcvious condirions ofapproval (ibcck propcrty ftlc): NIAj ls thc propcrty non-conforming? fc.qcribc: 114 lr Ycs ; YATERIALg AND COLOR 9UI1.'IARY AALL 9IDIN6 - CORNER I"IOOD TRIM SWCCA VENEER a1a caLoR *lo5li "PActFlc gAND' '.|PERDECK TRANsPARENT (EVtrK(?KtrtrN,/ dlNDOn AIUV. CLAD 3IERRA PACIFIC - FOREST 6REEN }*E COLOPEP ELEVATION5 ,ELK" 4O.YEAR @LOR, BARKIIOOD g)"ERDECK TRAN5PARENT*1300r (AU-IUMN BROnl.l) AALLEaOS STONE zuFF 5TAINED 51RIP ARENT 5TA|N *13OO (AUT]JMN ARENT STAIN +13OO (AU'IUMN Hubbard - Stlllorih l^ot I tot 7, Yail Hetht tilitrg I 5t ltloritz Drive VriL Colorado o Projcctl _ Scalc tr SITE PLAN Scalc Buitgnrg Heigbr Sitc Covcrage . Q SUR\.EY . o FLooRPLiNS Scalc ..250 additionat GRFA 'Crarvl\Attic Spacc : E BUILDINGELEVATIONS Scalc ' .lolor\Matcrials JLJIJC,I.IDSCAIE PLAN I.r,isting tccs Froposcd hces .Lcgcnd MISCELIAI.IEOUs Condo Approvat ___ | rUc rcport (A & B) Ptrotos ofsfuc Building mpterial sarnplcs C.C. yerilication Ut litics (undcrgrorurd) V. isw Conidors . --:- Vaianccs t.d EavcV0vslhang5 141 Dcclistsalconics Caragc conncction --- Sirc cradc\Slopc Rctaining lValls Fcnccs Drivcrvay (acccss and gndc) - , Snorv Storagc . Firc Acccss