HomeMy WebLinkAboutCreekside Condos IntermountainTELEPHONE 3031328-7srr Board of County Commissioners Ext 241 Assessor Exr 202 Oerk and Recorder Ext Z!7 Sheriff Eagle: Ext 2lI B's€.lt:927-3244 Gilman:827-5751 Treasurer Ext 201 Administration Ext 24L Animal Shelter 9494292 Building Inspection Ext 226 or 229 Community Development Ex1226 ot 229 County Attorney Ext 253 Fndihoor Ext 236 Environmental Health Ext 238 Extension Agent Brt247 UbrarY I]Xt ZJJ Public Health Eagle: Ext 252 Vail:476.5844 Personnel Ext 241 Purchasing Ert 245 Road and Bridge E\1257 Social Services 328-6328 t^orEcouNrYt Community Development--Box 179 Eagle,Colorado 81631 September 2, 1981 Dick Ryan, Director of Community DevelopmentTown of Vail75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8]652 Dear Dick, Please find enclosed a copy of the Creekside Condominiumstplat which was approved by the Board of CountyCommissioners, File number Sp-108-ZB (Z units). Thefinal plat was never signed and we now have a requestby the developer to sign the plat and record thesubdivision. Before we take this action we wouldIike to know if the Town of Vail has any conflicts. Please respond prior to September 14th, at which timeit will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners. Sincerely, Thomas BoniAsst. Director Community Development TB/nkb Enclosure ASSOCIATED INNS AND RESTAURANTS COMPANY OF AMERICA Ri]-' -, MA\ z 1 lvuu Dopt. of'Phnning & Devel. ,l -rl,RCOA If you woul d Al so lease change the addres I Miss) Lee A. Wadsworth Administrative Assistant - Deve'lopment LAW/km cc: Jeff Spanel File No. SU-103-80-F With respect to your letter of April 18, following is the status of each item: 1) !.le have moved the parking which infringed on the greenbelt easement so that we are not requ'ired to vacate the easement. That change has been submitted on a revised condo map from Inter-Mountain Engineering. 2) A copy of the Condominium Declarat'ion 'is enclosed. Itspecifically addresses the balcony liability in Sections 7(b) and (c). 3) Technical corrections have been made and resubmitted by Inter-Mountain Engineering. 4552 South Quebec Street . Denver, Colorado 80237 .3O3/779-1219 May 19, 1980 Mr. Thomas Boni Assistant Director of EagIe County Cormunity P. 0. Box 179 Eagle, C0 81631 Dear Mr. Boni: Planning Devel opment should have any further appreciate your contactin questions with respect to our me at the above phone number in your files to reflect the final plat, I and address. above. CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS CONDOMINIUU DECLARATION FOR HOLIDAY INN-CREEKS IDE CONDOMINIT]MS I RECITALS VAIL H. I. co., an Ohio limited partnership,(Declarant), is the owner of the real property situate inthe County of Eag1e, State of Colorado, described as Lot 1,BLock 5, Vail Intermountain Subdivision. There is locatedon such property one building which consists of seven sepa-rately designated apartment units and other improvements.DecLarant nay acquire additional real property adjoiningsuch property and may subject it to these condominium decla-rations by recording a Supplemental Declaration or Decl-ara-tions and a Supplemental Map or Maps in the Eagle County,Colorado records within five years of the initial recordingof this DecLaration. DecLarant desires to establish a condominium pro-ject under the Condominium Ownership Act of Colorado (theAct) and to define the character, duration, rights, obLiga-tions and limitations of condominium ownership. A condo-minium map will be filed showing the location of the build-ing on the property which is heieby made subject to thisDeclaration. Declarant does hereby establish a plan for theownership of rear property estates in fee sirnple consistingo-f t!e. air space contained in each of the apartment units inthe building and the co-ownership, by the individual andseparate owners thereof, as tenants in common, of all of theremaining real property. II DECLARATION Declarant does hereby publish and declare that thefollowing terms, covenants, conditions, easements, restric-tions, uses, reservations, limitations and obtigations sharl-be deemed to run with the Land, shall'be a burd6n and abenefit to Declarant, its successors and assigns and anyp-erson.acqulring or owning an interest in the real properEywhich is or becomes subjeit to this Declaration "rd- imirov6-ments built thereon, their grantees, successors, heirslexecutors, administrators, devisees or ass j_gns. l. DelinilipnS. As used in this Declaration,unless otherwi se--EIpr6EEf provided : (a) rrApartment unitil means an individual airspace uni-t contained within the perimeter walls, floors,ceilings, windows and doors of a unit in the building asshown and described in a condominium map recorded in-the -1- real property records of Eagle County, Colorado, togetherwith (1) aII fixtures and improvements therein; (ii) tfreinner decorated or finished surfaces of such unitrs perimeterwal-J"s, floors and ceilings; (iii) the doors and windows ofthe unit; and (iv) the interior nonsupporting walls withinthe unit. The term does not include, however, the undecoratedor unfinished surfaces of the perimeter walls, floors orceilings of a unit, dDy utilities running through the unitwhich serve more than one uni.t, or any other general conmonelement or part thereof Located within the unit. (b) rrCondominium unitrt means an apartmentunit together with the undivided interest in the general cornmon elements appurtenant thereto and the right to exclu-sive or non-exclusi-ve use of limited common elements as-sociated therewith. (c) rtOwnerrt means any individual , corpora-tion, partnership, association, trust or other legal entity,or combination of legal entities, which is the record owneiof an undivided fee simple interest in one or more condo-ninium units. (d) rrGenera] conmon elementsrr means (i) theLand included in the real property which at any time is sub-ject to this Condominium Declaration; (ii) the-foundations,columns, girders, beams, supports, perimeter and supportj-ngwal'l s, roofs, balconies, halls, corridors, lobbies,-itairs,stairways, fire escapes, entrances and exits of the build-itg; (iii) the basements, yards, gardens, automobile parkingareas and storage spaces, (iv) the installations, equipmdnt-and rnaterials making up the central services such as power,light, gas, hot and cold water, heating, refrigeration andair condi,tioning and incinerating; (v)-the tanf.s, prunps,motors, fans, conpressors, ducts, and in general all appara-tus and instaLLations existing for common use; and (vi)- allother parts of the property which is not part of an apart-ment unit. (e) Itlimited common elementsil means the partof the generar conrmon elements assigned for the exclusivL ornon-exclusive use and enjoyment of the owner or owners ofone or more, but less than aII, condominiurn units. (f ) rrCommon expensesrr means: (i) all ex-penses expressly declared to be conrmon expenses by thisDeclaration or by the by-laws of the essoliation; (ii) a1lotler expenses of administering, servicing, conserving, man-aging, maintaining, repairing 5r replacin! the general com-mon elements; (iii) insurance premiums foi the insurancecarried under Paragraph 9 of Article II hereof; and (iv) at1gxpenses lawfuIly determined to be cornmon expenses by theboard of directors of the Association. Hotwi.thstanding theforegoing, management fees may be charged to owners as actrrect expense and not as a common expense. (S) rrFirst lienorrt means the holder of apromissory ngle payment of which is secured by a firstmortgage or first deed of trust encurnbering an interest inthe real .property which is subject to this Declaratj_on or acondominium unit. "Mortgage' sharl incl-ude a deed of trust,and rrmortgagee,r shall include the beneficiary of a deed oftrust. (h) t'Associationtr means the Holiday Inn-Creekside Condominium Association, a Colorado nonpiofitcorporation. -2- including the apartment units, the general common elementswhich are not a part of any apartment unit, and the limited cornmon el"ements; (d) the designation by number or othersymbol of each apartment unit; (e) the eLevation plans ofthe building; and (f) the eLevation of the unfinished inte-r:-or surfaces of the floors and ceilings of the building,including the apartment units, as established from a datumplane, the distances between ffoors and ceilings, and the1j-near measurements showing the thickness of the perimeterwalls of the building. Declarant reserves the right toamend the map from time to time to conform it to the actuallocation of the building (i-ncluding all parts thereof) andto establish, vacate and refocate easements, access road.easements and off site parking areas. Declarantts rightset forth in the previous sentence shall terminate on theearlier of the sale by Declarant of aLl condominium units orDecember 31, 1981. 4.General Cofiunon Elements;Encroachments. (a) The general_ common elements shal_l beowned in common by all the owners and shall remain undiv-ided. No owner shall assert any right of partition withrespect to the general common el_ements, Each owner waivesany and.all rights of partition he may hold by virtue of hisownership of an undivided interest in the general commoneLements as a tenant in cornmon with the other owners. Thisparagraph shal1 not, however, limit or restrict the right ofpartltion of a singl-e condominium unit among the ownersthereof, but such partition shall not affeci any othercondominium unit- (b) Each owner shall be entitled to use thegeneral common elements in accordance with the purpose forwhich they are intended, without hindering, implding orimposing upon the rights of the other owners .nd in accord-ance with ruLes and regulations duly estabrished from timeto time by the Association. _ (c) If any portion of the general commonelements now encroaches upon any apartment unit, or if anyapartment unit now encroaches upon any other apartment unitor upon any portion of the general conmon eLements, as aresult of the construction of the buildj_ng', or if any suchencroachment sharr occur hereafter as a result of settringor shifting of the building, a valid easement for the en-croachment and for the maintenance of the same so long asthe building stands, shal1 exist. In the event the build-1tr9, qny apartment unit, any adjoining apartment unit. or lny adjoining general common element, -snltf be partiaity ortotally destroyed as a resurt of fire or other Lasualtv oras a result of condemnation or eminent domain proceediigs,and then rebuilt, encroachments of parts of thl general com_mon elements upon any apartment unit or of any apartmentunit upon any other apaitment unic or upon any portion ofthe general common eLements, due to such rebuil-ding, shallbe permitted, and valid easements for such encroachments andthe maintenance thereof sharl exist so long as the buirdingsha1l stand- 5. be furnished toformed therein Mechanic I s Liens;Indemni fication. (a) If any owner shaLlhis apartment unit oror thereon, no owner of cause any material toany labor to be per- any other condominium -4- unit shalI under any circumstances be Liable for the paymentof any expense incurred or for the value of any work done ormaterial furnished. AIl such work shal1 be at the expenseof the owner causing it to be done, and such owner sha11 besolely responsible to contractors, laborers, materialmen andotler persons furnishing labor or materi.als to his apartmentunit or any inprovements therein. Nothing herein containedshalI authorize any owner or any person dealing through,with or under any owner to charge the general common ele-ments or any apartment unit other than that of such ownerwith any mechanicrs lien or other lien or encurnbrance what-ever. On the contrary (and notice is hereby given) theright and power to charge any lien or encumbrance of anykind against the general common elements or against anyowner or any ownerts apartment unit for work done or mate-rials furnished to any other ownerfs apartment unit ishereby expressly denied. (b) If, because of any act or omission ofany owner, dDy mechanicrs or other lien or order for thepayment of money shall be filed against the general conrnonel-ements or against any other o\,rner's apartment unit or anyimprovements therein, or against any other ovrner (whether 6rnot such lien or order is valj-d or enforceable as such), theowner whose act or omission forms the basis for such lien ororder shall at his own cost and expense cause the same to becancelled and discharged of record or bonded by a suretycompany reasonabl_y acceptable to the Association, or to suchother owner or owners, within 20 days after the date offiling thereof, and further shall- iiaemnify and save all theother unit owners and the Association harmless from andagainst any and all costs, expenses, claims, losses or dam-ages, including reasonable attorneyrs fees resulting there-from. 6. Administration and Manaqement. (a) The Holiday Inn-creekside Condominiumsshall be administered and managed pursuant to this Declaration,the articles of incorporation and the ly-laws of the Association.Each owner shall also be a member of thE Association andshall- remain a member until he ceases to be an or^rner. Eachnember sl,all comply strictly with the provisions of thisDeclaration and of the articres of incorporation and by-lawsof the Association. Each member shall bE bound by and shallcomply with ru1es, resolutions and decisions of the Associationduly made or adopted in the manner set forth in the articlesof incorporation or by-laws. Failure of the member tocomply with such provisions, rules, resolutions or decisionsshall be grounds for an action to recover damages or toobtain iljunctive relief, or both, maintainaUf6 by tfreAssociation on behalf of the other owners or, in a propercase, by an aggrieved olvner. In addition, the Assoliationtsby-laws.may authorize the Association, during the period ofany delinquency, (i) to revoke a delinquent ownerrs right touse general common elements, (ii) to cause utility service Tg.+.delinquent owner's condominium unit to be su-spended and(:-rr) to suspend a memberts voting privileges; however, nosuch suspension shaLl- affect ttre iignts of a first lietror. (b) The Association shall- be granted all ofthe powers necessary to govern, manage, maintiin, repaLr,administer and regurate itre uotiaay inn-creekside condominiumsand to perform all of the duties required of it. Notwith-standing the above, unless at least 671 of the first lienorsof condominium units (based upon one vote for each first -5- mortgage owned or held) have given their prior writtenapproval , the Association shall not be entitled: (i) by act or omission, to seek toabandon or terminate the condominium regime; (ii) to partition or subdivide anycondominium unit; (iii) by act or omission, to seek toabandon, partition, subdivide, encumber, se1l ortransfer the general common eLements; or (iv) to use hazard insurance proceedsfor losses to any condominium property (whether toapartment units or to general common elements) forother than the repair, replacement or reconstruc-tion of such condominium property. (c) Until all of the condominium units inthe project have been sold or until the date which is threeyears from the date the first condominium unit is sold byDeclarant or until January I, Lgg7, whichever occurs sooner,the desigrnation and el_ection of the board of directors ofthe Association may be exercised by Declarant at Declaranttsoption. 7. Maintenance and Repairs (a) Each condominium unit owner shaLl beresponsible for maintenance and repair of his apartmentunit, including fixtures and improvements and a1l_ utilitylines and eguipment located theiein and serving such unitgnly. .In performing such maintenance or repair, or inimproving or altering his apartment unit, nb owner shall doany act or work which impairs the structural soundness ofthe building or which interferes with any easement. the r imit"u ."#:l .T:;.H:3i'li.ii"il:"";*ilili:,:il'::il"n / served, managed, maintained, repaired and replaced by the, Association, which may have access to any unit from time to'' time during reasonabl6 hours for such pufoos.s, or at anytine for the pur?ose of making emergenly repairs therein-orto another apartment unit or units. Without in any wayliniting the generality of the foregoing, the costs of-repairing any damage to the balcony appurtenant to unit no.L, 2, 6 or 7, whi.ch damage results from maintenance of theeasement for sanitary sewer (located within the easement forcreen BeIt, Pedestrians and Utilities as shown on the platof VaiI Intermountain Development Subdivision), shatl 6e acommon expense. The costs of repairing any damage to an', apartment unit resulting from entry therein for the purposes\. specified in this subsection shall-be a common expen3e 6f\ all the owners. Elowever, if the need to make sucir entry\ resul-ts from the negligence or intentional act of any oivner,such owner sha1l" reimburse the Association for all the costsof repairing such darnage and shall be liable to the otherowners for all_ additional l_osses or damages sufferecl, in-cluding reasonable attorneyrs fees (c) Notwithstanding the foregoing, (i)except as provided in the preceding subsection with respectcertain repairs to the baLlonies appurtenant to units nb. 1,2,6 and 7, each owner shall pay tfre proportion of the costsand expenses of maintaining, iepairing aia replacing anyrimited cornmon erements of-which such owner his any-use- and -6- enjoyment, the numerator of which is his percentage interestin general common elements and the denominator of which isthe total percentage interest in general common eLements ofall persons having any use and enjoyment thereof, and (ii)each owner shall- pay aIl costs of repairing any damage tothe general corunon elements (including the limited commonelements ), or to any condominium unit, resulting from theintentional act or negligence of such owner. 8. Assessments for Common Expenses. (a) Except as set forth in paragraph 7(c),each owner shaLL pay his pro rata share of the common ex-penses. Such proration shaLL be made on the basis of theoltners I respective undivided interests in the general commonelements on the date such common expense is i_niurred, exceptthat with respect to unoccupied units owned by Declarant,the Association shaLl assess Declarant onlv to the extentthat such units receive the benefit of the items beingcharged as conmon expenses. The by-Iaws of the Associationshall empower its board of directors to fix, d.etermine, levyand collect monthly and special assessments to be paid bythe owners to meet the common expenses and to create acontr-ngency reserve therefor. The Association shall establishan adequate reserve fund for the maintenance, repair andreplacement of those general cornmon elements that must bereplaced or repaired on a periodic basis, and such reservefund shall be funded through the monthly common expenseassessments and not by special assessments. The by-lawsshal-l also establish the procedures by which the assessmentsshall be made known to and paid by the owners. An actionmay be brought by the Association to recover unpaid colnmonexpenses from the owner liable for payment thereof, with orwithout foreclosing or waivi_ng tne lien descri"bed in thefollowing paragraph - (b) ALl sums assessed but unpaid for theshare of common expenses assessed to any con-dominium unitshall constitute a lien on such unit in- favor of the Associ-atj-on prior to all other liens and encumbrances, except: (i)liens for taxes and special assessments; and (ii) the-lieriof any first mortgage or first d.eed of trust of record en-cumbering such unit. The Associationrs lien shall attachfrom the date when the unpaid assessment sha11 become dueand may be foreclosed by the Association in like manner as amortgage on real property upon the recording of a notice orclai-m thereof executed by the Association setting forth theamount of the unpaid indebtedness, the name of the owner ofthe condominium unit, and a description of the condominiumunit. 11 any such foreclosure the owner shall be requiredto pay the costs and expenses of such proceedings, iricludingreasonable attorneyrs fees. During the period of foreclosure the owner of the condominium unit subject to suchaction shall be required to pay a reasonable iental to theAssociation. The Association ltratt be entitl-ed to purchasethe condominium unit at the foreclosure sa1e, and to ac-quire, hold. lease, mortgage or convey the same. (c) No owner shall exempt himself fromliability for payment of his share of the common expenseseither_by waiver of the use or enjoyment of any of thegeneral conrmon elements or by aranaonment of hLs condominiumunit. (d) fn case of sale or other transfer of acondominium unit with respect to which sums assessed forconmon expenses shal-L be unpaid, except transfers to a first -7- Lienor in connection with a foreclosure of its 1ien, thepurchaser or other transferee of an interest in such unitshall be jointly and severally liable with the seller ortransferor thereof for such unpaid assessments. (e) Upon written request of any owner, mort-gagee, prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospectivetransferee of a condominium unit, the Association shal_lissue a written statement setting forth the amount of theunpaid common expenses, if any, with respect to such con-dominium unit, the amount of the current monthly assessment,the date on which such assessment became or shal-l- become dueand the amount of any credit for prepaid expenses.' Suchstatement, for which a reasonable fee may be charged, shallbe binding upon the Association in favor of any person who may rely thereon in good faith. Unless a request for suchstaternent shal"L be complied with within fifteen days afterreceipt thereof, all unpaid common expenses which became dueprior to the date of making such request shall be subor-dinated to the lien or other interest of the person request-ing such statement. (f) Any party in favor of whorn a lien on acondominium unit has been created may but sha11 not be re-quired to pay any unpaid common expense with respect to suchunit, and upon such payment such party sha1l have a lien onsuch condominium unit for the amount so paid of the samerank as the lien theretofore existing. (S) A first l_ienor of any condominium unit,the name and address of which has been furnished to theAssociation, shal1 be entitled to receive wrj-tten noticefrom the Association of any defauLt, in the performance ofany obrigation under this Declaration or under the Articlesof Incorporation or Bylaws of the Association, by the ownerof the unit in which such first lienor has an inlerest. 9. Insurance. owners: (a) The Association shall, on behalf of the (i) keep all buildings (including allof the apartment units and all fixtures theiein,but not including furniture, furnishings or otherpersonal property supplied or instalted by con-dominium unit owners ) insured against loss ordamage by fire, with extended coverage (includj.nginsurance against loss or damage Uy vandalism ormalj-cious mischief), in approximately the amountof the maximum replacement value theieof, deter-mined in accordance with paragraph 9(c); (ii) provLde and. keep in force, for theprotection of the Association, its officers anddirectors, and at1 the owners and first lienors,general public liability and property damageinsurance against claims for Loaity -injury-or death or property damage occurring-upon oi in thegeneral conrmon elements, in limits oi not lessthan $250,000 i-n respect of bodily injury or death _to ?ny one person and not less than $1,0-OO,OO0 forbodily injury or death to any number of personsarising out of one accident or di_saster, and inIimits of not less than $IO,OOO for damage toproperty, and if higher linits shal_l at any time f9 ."y:}"*ary to protect against possible t6rt1r-abrl-1ty, such higher limits shatL be carried;and -8- (iii) carry insurance in such amounts asthe Association may consider necessary or advis-able against such other insurable hazards as mayfrom time to time be commonly insured against inthe case of similar property in simiLar Locationselsewhere. (b) A]1 insurance required to be carriedunder this paragraph shalL be carried in favor of the Asso-ciation, the owners and all first lienors, as their respec-tive interests may appear. Each policy of insurance shallcontain a standard mortgagee clause in favor of each firstlienor of a condominium unit which shal1 provide that theLoss, if any, thereunder shall be payable to such firstlienor, as its interest may appear, subject, however, to theloss payment provisions in favor of the Association herein-after set forth. AII policies of insurance against damageto any building and fixtures shall provide that losses shallbe payable to and adjusted with the Association, as attorney-in-fact for the owners. The Association shall hol"d andapply the proceeds of such insurance as set forth in thisDeclaration. Each insurance policy sha1I provide that nocancelLation thereof may be made by the insurance carrierwithout having first given 30 daysl prior written noticethereof to the Association, the owners and aIl first Lienors.Each insurance policy shaLL also provide that in case ofviolation of any provision thereo? by one or more (but lessthan all) of the owners, the coverag- of such pcil_icy shallbe suspended or invalidated only as to the interest of theowner or owners committing the violation and not as to theinterest of any other olvner. AII policies of physical damage insurance shall- contain waivers of subrogltion and ofany defense based on co-insurance. Duplicate originals ofall policies of physical damage insurair.ce and of iII renew-aIs thereof, together with proof of payment of premj.ums,shal-L be delivered to a1l_ first lienori at least ten davsprior to expiration of the then current policies. (c) The maximum replacement value of thebuildings (which shall indicate the maximum repl_acementvalue of each condominium unit contained therein), withoutdeduction for depreciation, shal1 be determined by the Asso-ciation prior to obtaining any policy of fire insurance orany renewal thereof by means of one or more written apprais-als made by competent, disinterested appraisersl howewer,appraisals need not be obtained more fiequently than atthree-year intervals. Copies of such appraisals shatl befurni-shed to each owner and each first lienor of a condo-niniun unit. . (d) Each owner sha11 be responsible for allrnsurance coverj_ng loss or damage to personal property inhis condominium unit and liability foi injury,- deith or dam-age_occursjng inside his apartment unit. -any such policyshall contain waivers of subrogation and sha1l" be s-o writtenthat the liability of the carriers issuing insurance ob-tained by the Association shall not be afiected or dimin-ished thereby. 10. Riqht of First Refusal _ (a) If any orrner. (the "Setler") other thanDeclarant or the Association (whether acting as nominee foran owner or owners or in its own behalf) shal_l at any timepropose to transfer all or any part of his interest in a -9- condominium'unit (the "Interestrr) to another or to others(except in a transaction described in Paragraph 10(d) here-of), such owner shall give written notice of such proposedtransfer to the Association, naming the proposed transfereeand specifying the price, if any, and all the other terms,conditions and credits of the proposed transfer. for aperiod of 30 days after receipt of such notice, the Associa-tion (acting for the account of one or more of the otherovrners as set forth in Paragraphs 10(b) and 10(c) hereof)shall have the right to acquire SeLlerrs Interest either (i)in case of a sale, lease, sublease or other transfer of anInterest for value, at the price and on the other terms,conditions and credits of the proposed sa1e, lease, subleaseor other transfer for value, or (ii) j_n case of a gift, thenat the price and in the manner specified in paragraph 10(e). (b) Within three days after its receipt ofsuch notice from a Seller, the Association shall mail ordeliver copies thereof to all the other owners. Each of theother owners shall be entitled to partici_pate in acquiringthe Sellerrs interest by giving written notice of his desireto do so and of the per-entage of the Interest he proposesto acquire to the Association within ten days after theAssociation shalL have placed copies of the notice in themail to the other owners. If sufficient interest in par-ticipating in the acquisition of the Sellerts Interest shallbe expressed so that al-l of the Interest can be acquired,the Association shall give written notice to the Sell_erexercising the right to acquire the Interest and the closingshall take place j-n the manner specj_fied in paragraph J.O(f ).fn effectinq such acquisition, the Association shal1 act forthe accounts of the owners desiring to participate therein(the_ r'Purchasing Ownersrr) who shall be severally liabIe forperformance and observance of the terms and conditions ofthe acquisition (including but not limited to payment of theacquisition price) in proportion to the extent o? thej_r par-ticipation therein. The purchasing Owners may d.j_vide pai-ticipation in the acquisition in any manner to which theyall agree. In the absence of unanimous agreement among thePurchasing owners, participation in the acguisition shall bedivided amongi them in proportion to their iespective un-divided interests in the general conmon elements except thatno Purchasing owner shal-l- be reguired to purchase more thanhe offered to purchase. Title €o the Selierrs Interestshal1 be taken and held by the Association as nominee forthe Purchasing owners. Aiter closing, the Association sharl-hold or dispose of the acquired fnteiest in a condominiumunit according to the written instructions of a majorj_ty inirlterest.in participation of the purchasing owners. Anydisposition by the Association of an acquiied rnterest shallbe for the accounts of the purchasing owners, i_n proportionto their respective participations, and the Association :h"11 promptly distribute the proceeds of such dispositionto the Purchasing Owners, less any direct costs inlurred bythe Association in "onn.ction witl the purchase and sale ofthe fnterest. (c) In no case shall_ the Association or anynon-purchasing owner be liable (by assessmenL, or otherwisl)for any part of the performance or observance of the terms,conditj-ons or credits of an acguisition, and in no caseshall the Association or any non-purchasing owner be en-titled to share in the profits or proceeds of any disposi-tion of an acquired Intlrest. -10- (d) The following transactions sha1l be ex-empt from the right of first refusal_ created by this para-graph: (i) the creation of any tenancy having a term ofless than 90 days; (ii) the grant of any mortgage or deed oftrust; (iii) any transfer by operation of law of a deceasedjoint tenantrs Interest to the surviving joint tenant orjoint tenants; (iv) any transfer by gift, sale, devise, orintestacy to any owner's spouse, his issue (including per-sons who become so by adoption), spouses of his issue andtrustees of trusts for the benefit of such persons or of theowneri (v) any transfer to another owner or owners; (vi) anytransfer by an owner to a corporation controlled by him orby a corporation to its controlling shareholder or share-holders; (vii) any transfer in Lieu of forecLosure by afirst lienor; (viii) any transfer to a first lienor pur-chasing at foreclosure of his lien; and (ix) any transferresulting from exercise of statutory redemption rights. (e) In case of a proposed gift of an Inter-est which is not exempt from the right of first refusal, thepurchase price shall be deternined by a written appraisal ofthe val-ue of such Interest nade by a competent, ficensedreal estate appraiser, agreed upon by the Se11er and theAssociation. If the parties cannot -gree upon such anappraiser, the Seller sha11 select one appraiser and theAssociation shall select a second appraiser. The two ap-praisers so selected sha11 agree upon a third appraiser, andthe three of them shal1 determine the fair market value ofthe Interest. The cost of such appraisal sha11 be sharedequally by the Seller and the purthasing owners. The ap-praisal shalL be completed prior to the closing date, anacopies thereof shall be furnished to the Se1lei and to eachof the Purchasing Owners. (f) In the case of a proposed transfer forvalue giving rise to a right to purchise hereunder, theclosing of title shal1 occur at the place and time and uponthe terms, conditions and credits described in the Seller'soriginal notice to the Association. In case of a proposedgift giving rise to a right of purchase hereunder, thL clos-ing of title shalI take place at Denver, Colorado or at suchother place as the parties may agree, on the 20th day afterthe Association shall notify the Seller of the exercise ofthe right to purchase, or if such date shall be a Saturday,Sunday or a holiday, on the next succeed.ing business day.At least five days before the closingr date the Seller sha1ldeliver to the Associati-on a title insurance commitment.issued by a company reasonably acceptable to the Associa-tion, agreeing to insure marketable title to the Interestfree and cl-ear of all Liens and encumbrances made or suf-fered by the Sell-er. At the closing, Seller shall executeand deLiver to the Association as nominee for the purchasing Owners a special warranty deed conveying fee simple title tothe Interest free and clear of all_ lieni and encirmbrancesmade or suffered by Seller. The purchase price shall_ bepaid by cashier's or certified. chick. The Se1ler shall payall the costs of closJ_ng, includj_ng but not limited to costsof a new title insurance policy. Taxes, rent and insurancepremiums shall be prcrated to the date of closing. (S) The rights of purchase created herebyshall finally terminate 21 years.after the death of thesurvivor of the initial UoaiA of directors of the Associa-tion. -11- (h) Any non-exempt transfer of an Interestwithout compJ.iance with the provisions of this paragraphshall be void and of no force and effect. If a right topurchase pursuant to this paragraph shalL not be exercisedwithin the ti-me provided, the Seller sha11 be free to trans-fer the Interest in the manner specified in his originalnotice to the Association. However, if that transfer is not made within 45 days following the termination of the rightto purchase hereunder, a new offer must be made to the Asso-ciation by the Sel1er before the Seller can transfer theInterest. (i) Upon request by any interested party,the Association shall promptly issue its written certificatein recordable form certifying (if such is the case) that:(i) a proposed transfer is an exempt transaction under para-graph 10(d), or (ii) a proposed transfer has been offered tothe other owners in the manner provided herein, and theother ovrners have fail-ed within the time provided to electto exercise the right to acquire the Interest proposed to betransferred. . 11 . Appointment of Attorney-j-n-Fact. Each ownerby his acceptan ce vesting inhim an interest in a condominium unit does iirevocably con-stitute and appoint (a) the Association with full pow-r ofsubstitution as-his true and Lawful attorney in his name,place and stead to deal with such interest upon damage to ordestruction, obsolescence, or condemnation of the buildingor real property as herej.nafter provided, and (b) Declarantwith full povrer of substitution as his true and lawfulattorney in his name, place, and stead to deal- with suchinterest in order to eifectuate the reservati-on contained inparagraph 21, each with fulI power, right and authorizationto execute, acknowledge and deliver any contract, deed,proof of loss, release or other instrument affecting theinterest of such owner, and to take any other actioi, whichthe Association or Declarant may consider necessary oradvisable to give effect to the provisions of this Declara-tion. If requested to do so by the Association or Declar-ant, each owner shal1 execute and deliver a written instru-ment confirming such appointment. The action of the Asso-ciation in settling any damage or condemnation clain shallbe final and binding on all owners. No otrner shalL have any lights against the Association or any of its officers ordirectors with respect thereto except in the case of fraudor gross negligence. L2. D@ion. In case of damage ordestruction of @art thereof by any causewhatever: (a) If in the reasonable judgrment of theAssociation, the proceeds of insurance shatl be sufficient!o pay all the costs of repairing and restoring the build-ing, the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the owners)shal1 cause the building to be repaired and restored, apply-ing the proceeds of insurance for that purpose. (b) If in the reasonabl_e judgment of theAssociation the anticipated proceeds of insuiance are notsufficient to pay the costs of repairing and restoring thebuilding, and if the excess of such cosis over the aniici-pated insurance proceeds, are less than lO/" of the maximumreplacement value last determined under subparagraph 9(c), -12- then the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the owners)shaLL promptly cause the building to be repaired and restored,and the difference between the insurance proceeds and thecosts of repai-r and restoration shall be a common expense,to be assessed and paid as provided in paragraph 8. (c) If in the reasonable judgrnent of theAssociation the anticipated proceeds of insurance are notsufficient to pay the costs of repairing and restoring thebuilding, and if the excess of such costs are Le% or more ofthe maximum replacement vaLue Last determined under subpara-graph 9(c), then (unless within 100 days after the date ofsuch damage or destruction a pJ_an for repairing and restor-ing the building shal1 be approved by the owners of condo-minium units in such building owning 75ft or more of thetotal interests in general common elements appurtenant toapartment units in the building and by aI] first lienors ofsuch condominium units) the Association (as attorney-in-factfor the owners of condominium units in such building) shaLLexecute and record in the Eagle County, Colorado, realestate records a notice of such facts, and thereafter shall"sell the entire real property on which the building islocated (including the building) together with reaionableeasements for ingress and egress, if required, as designatedby the Association, free and clear of the provisions of thisDecl-aration and the map, which shal1 whotly terminate andexpire wj.th respect to such property upon lhe closing ofsuch sa1e. This DecLaration and any map, however, shallremain in full- force and effect with respect to all otherproperty and buil-dings, and the percentage interests ingeneral conmon elements appurtenant to all apartment unitsremaining subject to this DecLaration shall automatically beincreased by the amount of the percentage interests ingeneral conmon elements appurtenant to all apartment unitsin the building sold free- lnd clear of this beclaration,such increase to be allocated among apartment units in theproportions of their respective interests in the generalconmon elements. The proceeds of insurance and the proceedsof such sale of the real property shall be collected by theAssociation, applied first to the payment of expenses of thesale, and then divided among the owners of condominium unitsin the building and paid into separate accounts, each rep-resentj.ng one condominium unit. The insurance proceedsshall" be divided according to such owners' resplctive per-centage j.ntbrest therein as shown by the insurlnce policies,if so shown, otherwise according to such o\"rners' interest ingeneral conmon elements appurtenant to apartment units inthe building, and the proceeds of sal-e shal1 be dividedaccording to such ownerts respective undivided interests inthe general common elements appurtenant to apartment unitsin the building. The funds in each account lwithout contri-bution from one account to another) shall be applied by theAssociation for the following purposes in the order inai-cated: (i) for payment of the balance of the lien of anyf11st mortgage or d.eed of trust on the condominium unit;-(ii) for payment of taxes and special assessment liens infavor of any assessing entity; (iiil for payment of unpaidconmon expenses; (iv) for payment of junior liens and encum_brances in the order of and to the exlent of their priorityand (v) the balance remaining, if any, shal-1 be paid to thlcondominium unit owner. The provisions of this paragraphsha11 not be construed as limiting in any way thi rilnt- of ar-t.!! ]-ienor (in case the proceedi allocited-under (i) aboveshalr be insufficient to piy the indebtedness secured'by hislien) to assert and enforle-the personal liability for such -13- de_ficiency of the person or persons responsible for paymentof such indebtedness. If within 100 days after the dale ofsuch damaqe or destruction a plan for repairing and restoringa damaged or destroyed building shall be approved by theowners of 75% or more of the general common elements appur-tenant to apartment units in such building and by all firstIienors, the Association (as attorney-in-iact foi suchowners ) shall promptly cause such repairs and restoration tobe.made according to such plan. AII owners of apartmentunits in the building (and no others) shall be bound by theterms of such pIan, and the difference, if any, between theamount of the insurance proceeds and the costs of repair andrestoration shal1 be an expense of such owners only andshal1 be assessed and paid by. such owners j_n the proportionsof thej-r respective interests in general conmon elementsappurtenant to apartment units in the damaged building. (d) Nothing contained in this paragraphshall be construed as imposing any liability whatever on anyfirst lienor to pay all or any part of the costs of repair - or restoration. 13. Obsolescence. (a) If at any time the owners of ael or moreof.the.general common eLements appurtenant to apartmentuni-ts i-n the building and all first lienors witl interestsin the building shall agree that the building has becomeobsolete and shall approve a plan for its renovation orrestoration, the Association (as attorney-in-fact for theowner.s with interests in such building) srrarr promptly causesuch renovation or restoration to be made accoraing to suchplan. All owners shall be bound by the terms of such plan,and the costs of the work stral-r be an expense of such ownersonly and shall be assessed and paid by sirch owners in theproportions of their respective- interests in general conmonelements appurtenant to apartment units in th6 building. (b) If at any time the owners of gOft or moreof the general cornmon elements and all first lienors shallagree- that any of the improvements constituting general com-mon elements have become obsolete and shalL approve a planfor their renovation or restoration, the Asso-ciation (as'attorney-in-fact for the owners ) shal1 promptly cause suchrenovation or restoration to be made according- to such pran.AII owners shall be bound by the terms of sucf, plan, and thecosts of the work shalt be a common expense, to be assessedand paid as provided in paragraph 8. (c) If at any time the owners of gOl or moreof the general common elemenls and all first lienors shallagree that the buildings have become obsol-ete and should besord, the Association (as attorney-in-fact for the owners)shall pronptly record in the rear estate record.s of Eagrecounty, colorado a notice of such facts, and sharl setl the 93fir_e real property, free and clear of the provisions ofthr-s Declaration and the map, which sharr wnbtty terminateand- expire upon the closing of such sale. The iroceeds ofsuch sale shal-I be collected, applied and dividld among theowners by the Assocj_ati.on in the- manner provided in para_graph 12(c). -14- 14.Condemnation. (a) If the entire real property shall betaken for any public or quasi-public use, undei any statute,by right of eminent domain, or by purchase in 1ieu-thereof,or j-f any part of the building shall be so taken, or j_f anypart of the land shalL be so taken and the part remainingshall be insufficient for the purposes of the CreeksideCondominiums, the Association (as attorney-in-fact for theowners ) shall collect the award made in such taking andshall sell the part of the tand remaining after the taking,if any, free and clear of the provisions of this Decl_arationand the map. Such provisions sha1l who11y terminate andexpire upon the recording of a notice by Lhe Associationsetti-ng forth all of such facts. The award and the proceedsof such sale, if any, shall be collected, applied and dividedamong the owners by the Association in the manner providedr-n paragraph 12(c). (b) If such taking shalL be partial onIy, ifno part of the building shaLL be taken, and if the remainingpart of the land sha1l be sufficient for the purposes of theCreekside Condominiums, the Association (as attorney-in-factfor the owners) sha1l col-Lect the award and shal1 promptlyand without delay cause the land not so taken to be restoredas nearly as possible to its condition prior to the taking,applying the award to that purpose. eny part of the awardnot required for such restorati-on shall Ue aiviaed by theAssociation among the owners in proportion to their respec-tive percentage interests in the general common elements. .15. OuaLitv of Work. Any repairs, renovation orrestoration of EhdTEai property or the building covered bythis Declaration by the Association as attorney-in-fact foithe owners shal1 be done in such manner as to make the realproperty or the building at least as valuable after suchwork as it was immediately before the occurrence requiringthe work to be done. 16. Amendment or Revocation. This Declaration Tly.be amended (a) by DG-Iarant at any time prior to thefiling of the map, and (b) upon the w;itten lpproval inrecordable form of the owners of 60l or more of tne generalconmon el"ements and all first lienors, except that theprovisions of paragraph 2(a) and Exhibit B relating tol-nt.erests in the general conmon elements and the limitedcommon elements may be amended only upon such approval ofthe owners of l00f of the general conrmon elemenli and al1fi-rst lienors. This Declaration sha1l be revoked automat-ically upon sale of aI1 or part of the real property pursuantto paragraphs 12(c), 13(c) or 14(a), as to the portion sold,or upon the unanimous written approval in recordable form ofal-l owners and all lienors. L7. Pgrsonal Propertv for Common Use. The Asso-c:.atl.on may acqul_re and hol_d, for the use and benefit of a1Ithe condominium owners, real , tangible and intangible per-sonal property and may dispose of the same by sale or other-wise, and the beneficial interest in any suclr property shallbe owned by the condominium owners in the same- prbporlion astheir respective interests in the general common elementsand shall not be transferable except with a transfer of acondominium unit. A transfer of a condomi-nium unit shal1transfer to the transferee ownership of the transferor?sbeneficiar interest in such property without any reference -15- thereto. Each owner may use such property in accordancewith the purpose for which it is intended, without hinderingor encroaching upon the l-awfuL rights of the other owners.The transfer of title to a condominium unit under fore-closure shall entitle the purchaser to the beneficial_ in-terest in such personal property associated with the fore-closed condomini_um unit. l-8. Registration bv or./ner of Mailinq Address.Each owner shall register his mailing address with the Asso-ciation, and except for monthly statements and other routinenotices, all- other notices or demands intended to be servedupon an o!.rner shaLl be sent by either registered or certi-fied mail, postage prepaid, addressed in the name of theowner at such registered mailing address. A11 notices, de-mands or other notices intended to be served upon the Asso-ciation shall- be sent certified mail, postage prepaid, tothe address of the Association as.designated in the by-lawsof the Associati-on. Duration of Condominium Ownershio-The sep-19.arate estatescontinue untitrts provisions created by this Decl-aration and the nap shal1this Declaration shalL be revoked or untilshall terminate as provided herein. 20. efcb4gSlural Control. No building, fence,wal-I or other sffienced, erectid or main-tained upon the properties, nor shall any exterior additionto,or change or alteration therein be made until the plansand specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height,co1or, materials, and Location of the same shall have beensubmitted to and approved in writing as to harmony of exter-nal design and location in relation to surroundinq struc-tures and topography by the Board of Directors of the Asso-ciation, or by an architectural committee composed of threeor more representatj_ves appointed by the Board. In theevent said Board, or its designated. committee, fails to lPProve or disapprove such design and location within thirtydays after said plans and specifications have been submitte-cl -to lt, approval will not be required and this paragraph willbe deemed to have been fully complied with. 21-. Ge_4ergl Reservations. Declarant reserves (a)the right to ae@ads and streets servingthj-s condominium project for and to public use; to establisheasements, reservations, exceptions and exclusions consis-tent with the condomj-nium ownershj_p of the condomin:_um pro-ject and for the best interests of the condominium unlto$tners and the Assocj_ation, and (b) for a period of fiveyears from the date this Declaration is initially record.ed,an easenent over unimproved parts of the general conmonelements, to the extent necessary for conitruction of addi-tional improvements, which may include recreational_ faciL-ities which will become generll common elements. The opera-ting expenses of such improvements witl be common expenses.However, Declarant has no obligations to construct aaOi-tional improvements.' 22. General_. (a) If any of the provisions of this Decla-ratr.on or any paragraph, sentence, cl-ause, phrase or word,9{ the application thereof in any circumstance be inval-idated, such invariitity shalr not affect the validity of theremainder of this Declaration, and the application oi any -16- such provision, paragraph, sentence, clause, phrase or wordln any other circumstances sha1l not be affected thereby. (b) The provisions of this DecLaration shaLlbe in addition and supplemental to the Condominium ownershipAct of the State of Colorado and to all other provisions oflaw. (c) Whenever used herein, unless the contextshalL otherwise provide, the singular number shall includethe plural , the pluraL the singular, and the use of anygender shalL incLude all genders. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,Declarant has duly executedof ,I9this DecLaration this _ day VAIL H. I. CO., an Ohiolimited partnership General Partner ATTEST:AETNA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY President By By General Partner The undersigned holder of a deed of trust upon theproperty covered by this Declaration hereby subordinates itsinterest in such property to the provisioni of this Declara-tion. By STATE OF COLORADO CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER me this _ day ofas General Partnerpartnershlp. , 198O byof VAIL H. I. CO., an Ohio limited The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before Witness my hand and officia] seal . My comrnission expires : Notary Public -77 - STATE OF OHIO )) ss. COUNTY OF CIIYAHOGA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged beforeme this .-- day of _, Lggo by Robert A. Soltzas General Partner of VAIL H. I. CO., an Ohio limitedpartnership. Wj-tness rny hand and official seal . My commission expires: Notary Public STATE OF COLORADO COT'NTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged beforeme this _ day of , L9 burE LrrJ_ s _ qdy o r _, 19_ Dy _as President and assecretary of AETNA r,rrE-Iffis coMpANy@ Witness my hand and official seal . My commission expires: Notary Public )) ss. ) -18- (Attached to I{oliday EXHIBIT A and made a part of CondominiumDeclaration forInn-Creekside Condominiums ) Interests in General Common ELements Unit Number Percentage Ownership inGeneral Common El-enentsAppurtenant to theApartment Unit I z 4 5 o 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 74.258 L4.258t4.2s8 L4.258 L4.258 L4.258 L4.258Lo-6m The following condominium units shall have theexcrusive right to use limited cornmon elements as set forthbel-ow: Condominium No.BaLcony Parkinq Space Nos. 1 and 1A2 and 2A3 and 3A4 and 4A5 and 5A6 and 6A7 and 7A o, o . co 6F d+) d- . L O.= 3.;-.-;x.- r olrro- OrJ! o'o E<rrc-d.- o o.P o Ei- d or+,kf F rE Ep oo ! ort E o. ..r o E c ci ,r- @ o. o .rJ @ oP 4S- i- 3.'3 -p o I 15 (J-o ! E.-o-!o .P.-h,0J ('9-C - OJ- 5 oo. . ! ''5 !!EOG' o! .r!o 6E curJorlro oPrD dv'ood.o0>o>l (Il l-or <<t ! c E E 15 (J oi u O tr 0J E '! '-<l o.F o qroarF+ie6l P- a o 6 f o cr.ri < d d o crF o c 0,l6o -ceo-< cl (|)- O(Ul ! o"o 0, '..o > o) Ll > 6- o ol€ l6 0<l - N.-|o.,! B lrrI E o- +rtp d'o'E'| €.= |,J ! il1q P q- OI dFTF O' CFF L Ocol o L qJl-c' >, ! 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L ttlo-al oJt<o a Plol x (, c o|- !l .P e olFI O (,.F t! =l EIFCurE.PIOE6l o-O.FrJc cl L<u E4l r(rLca ol {FFol(|Jo-n>la(uoEl gESEt ",l i3 E 5ajl .c.- (, OF El lU!l €rr (rd Fl -o uFl r! c |ll .rl sct.-l ('uodF lO' d e =l .l' .cl !- c,-l 6rF o c €l .P !Fl 'c o .F ....F rl o c.FI .F o. > E lq- oi o 6 cl '!t > 'E.F ot irt F (J ot I>l .F ! .Ft q, | |6.- .-l 6 l -o.PLc rl-cF €l (,5 ',l€Ea€l- ol '3 €l 3.. ol oF <lo aol o< Fl cos col coJlp rlc ol I€ *l P ...; El" Rl s ...i El Ec col !l! olt Fl 'olo ol FP rt .. 51E ELP ,il . ,5F 3t jE slagjE:lE -lHgi::l - P dl 3+tlghli dl SlilEtl d6 =l 6rl.0lE:.Plo zl o,lolr.rrl ;G dfolts(^lL' I txl.!t\h thl u! o.r orl ol -l6o- rll <.o o rl <.o () L - ,'f "a SPECIFICATIONS CREEKS CONDOMINIUMS VAIL INTERMOTINTAIN SUBDIVISION EAGLE COI'NTY, COLORADO APPROVED grt' VAIL lt. 1. COfIP/4!'ry 7801 East Belleview Road, Denver, Colorado 80237 (303) IDE i fql $i,ll, |.!f rp 779 L2$p oyn lrJ CSEEKSIDE CONDOMINIIJMS . SECTIOf, 1AO - SUITIIARY OF TORK &EL!-T.ED pOC0UENTs: The general provisions of the supplenentary couclitions appJ.y to sect iou 10 contract ioc luiling general aud 1-] the vork s pecif ied in this l tl loEL qplgE Ihlg EsslEeqli I b Fork under this contract includes construction of the project as 18 iecribed belor. Landscaping is not included unler this contract t 20 excePt- for stockpiliog topsoil as reguired by section. AllogaDces: Prcvide 54r000 allcvance for Dcor ilardrare. Ap-Plisc!]e Esdesi 24 lpplicable CoCes are described in the General Conditions of tbis 26 CoD tr act 27 gase Bi4.:- Cons+-rucf-ion of seven tornhouse units as descri.led on 29 tire ara"ings and cithin +-hese specif icat ions. The ;tork shal-r De 30 liniteil to 5r-0rr froa the exterior rail,s or Projecticns of the 31 building. s-t!e ileql El{i construction of parkica i-ots foE fourteeu (14) 33 ;t;;, exterioi-Ei 1e$aJ.ks, trash enclosures, and retaini-ng and 3q terracing stEuctures as ilescribeal or the d;arings. The Sork 35 shall be limited to the area Hithin the ProPefty excePt for the 36 tlrivevays aod culverts sborn on the dravj.ngs- 37 END OF SECTTCU 1AO 22 39 sufiIARI O8 coRK 1A0 CREEKSI DE CONDOMINII]MS sEcrlou uq - !89JEE! qlElIIgE EEtATE9 lggglElEsi lbe general Provisions of the supplenentary contlitions aFPIy to section. ETID OF SECTION lDO 10 contract, includiug geDeral aqd 12 the rork sPecified in this 13 14 PEeq,e-usllugtlcn conlgrencgi 16 the Cont-ractor shall attenrl a Precrnstruction confecence uhere 18 a.lninistrative procedures anl i-nitructioos shaIl be discussed 19 includiag: conltructioq superintendert, cocstEuctiou scheduie, 2O schedule of ccntract amounts, subcontraqtoEs' PEogresS Paynents, 21 change orders, contract time extensions, partial occupancy of 22 proiect prior to conpletion, final coostructioa iuspectioD etc. 2l 25 PROJECT I'IEETI}IGS 1DO CREEKS ID E, CONDOMINIIJMS i sBclro!_l9,q - !E5!IIq !A99BA!9EI gAR!-l - g!-!!!A! BEIAIEP !999IE!!5i ?he general provisions of the suppJ.enentary corilit i.ons apply t-o sect ion - 5E8vrgq5 cootract iaclucling general- and the rork sPecified in this 10 12 14l5I [, I qElgBI9M!:. Ees! lqqlcqeqi Froo tine to tine cluring Progress of tire iork, the OsDer lay reguire tlat testing be performeC to deteErrrie that nateEiais p16vided for the !rork reet the speciried requireoeots; such iesting includes, but is-not necessarij-y Iinited to: Segtion "3 - stlgclural lgggggte Three st-andar..l concEete coopressioo cylinders per Cays pcur. Each cylin,ler shaLl be taken fron a different truck lcad- Eelagei !9!X {cssirleq clsefbglei Reguirenents for testing aay be described in various Sections of th6se Specificaticns; rhere uo testing requirements are described but tha C.rner Cecides that testing is requirecl , the Orner Eay require testing to be perforoed un,ieE curreot pertinent staufards for testing. !e,EE lsg lsslg.Segi OUALITY ASSURANCE: QgellEiselrgt:s 9g !99!-!!g Labqrqlggyi 17 l9 21 22ii 24 26 28 29 31 34 35 36 37 39 .o Eg!e.q.!!q! 9! l-gcgtts feEgrqlgEri tl1 The Onner vill use the Linccln-Devore Testing Laboratory of 4l Gl.envcod spring3' colcrado. 44 gsJBgnt for tegllng services: 45 The Ouf,,er ritl pay for ail servi.ces oi the testing laboratorJr 49 except for servicei required for retesting due to non- 50 conformance. 52 54 TEsIING L!EORATCRY SESVICES IJO CNEEKSIDE MNP9UI\ryMSI codes and stanilarCs: Testing, rhen rqquirecl , cilt be in accortlance rith codes ind regu-i.ad,ions aotl rith selectecl staodarcls of Society for Testing and ltaterials: PRODUCT HA NDLI NG: Prooptly PEocess aacl distribute all required reports and relateil .instructions to eBsure retestLng anlr/or replacement of nateriais uitn the Celay io -crcaress of the I'iork. ?AEr z - lEgpuqls_ P!RT_l - IIICUTToN TAKI:{G SFiCT:{f:IS: ;;.";;.;"-."d sampies ror testine vill Subcontractor perfornin; the rork and un,1er the the ceDerai contractor. AlJ. saupiinl eguipneat by the ceceEai contractor; an,l all cleli-veries of sanpJ-es to the testiag laboratory rill be testiog laboratotY. END OF SECTION IJO 56 aIl pertinent 58the Aoerican 59 60 62 copies of test 6q all necessary 65 least possible 66 67 7'l tor in accorlauce 73oE as cthecrise 74 75 87 be taken by the Aysupervision of 91vil1 be providco specioens and 92 perforoed by the i3 94 69 li qAYilrN! Fe! rEsrINq -gEtsllgES: roit-!4I -gggvllcesi Initial tests,rilJ- be pai.d with ArticLe ?.7 of the Geueral CcDCitloos proviled. for ia these Specifications- 71R ele9!!!3i ilhen initial tests inrlicate non-conpliance ritb the Cootract 79 Documents, a1l subseguent retesting occasioned by the oon- 80 conpliance shall be perrormed by the saoe testing laboratory ar.d A2 the costs thereof rili ile deducteC by the Crner fron the CotrEract 83 Suo. I, I..- 85 96 TESTII{G LABORATORf SERVICES IJO CNEEKSIDE CONDOMINII,IMSi sEg!Iq!_!Bq - su!!!!!IA!s A!9 eA!! 1 - g!-!!3al RELATED DOCU!.IENTS: The general . provisj-ons of the supplenentary conditions apply to sect ion SqEgrrggu9{g z contract iucluding genera! aud 15 the rork sPecified io tbis 16 10 o 2ggq'3lPuAiii l8 gorE ilslg4gd:. !lherever possibie throuJhout the contract 21 Oocuilen*-1, ttre ninimur acceFt-lbIe quaiity o! vorkoanship anci 22 naterials has been defined eithei by nanufactuf,eErs nane and 23 catalog nuslber or by reference to recognized industry standards' 24 ?o ensure that the specified prcducts are fucnished and instail'ed 26 in accordance rith Cesign intent, procedures have D3en 27 establishe,l for advance subsittai of design data and for its 28 revien anC apFEoval or rejection by the Architect. 29 lelate,l 1og\ lescriled elgeghergj. ContracturaJ- require'oent for subroittals- Iudivilual subnittals requireC. 37l8qqgqT. !Ai!!!I.N9i t{ake all subnitta.Ls of shop Drarings, Sanp}es, reguests for 39 substituticns, and other itens, in strict accordance vitb ahe ql provisioos of this Section or these specifications. PABT 2 _ PRODUCTS Nunber 9! ptingg rggSlEgcl: JI 33 35 43 SHOP DR A.i{ I:.IGS: 45 47s.qa_!e sesciEcq;. 8,,y6; :tlti: Uuless otherrise specifically directed by the. -, rake arl 50 Strop Oracings acuriately to i scale suf;iciently Iacae to shov 5l all pertinent features of the iten aud its Eethocl ot connection to the tork- 52 SUBI'ITTALS AND SUSSTITUTIONS 1PO 5q CR EEKSI D8 CONDOMINIT'MS ; subnit all shop Dravings in the guantity vbicb is requlretl- to returuecl plus tro copiei rhich ciLl be retainecl by the ,fngirieer be 56 57 59 6l 63 6q 71 7J t> 76 77 76 80 d2 o I s r r{!!Es: Accuragl gf Sanple: 0nless othervise specifically ctirecteil by tbe Englneer :, aIl Sanples shalI be of the precise article ProPoseC to be furnishecl. Iseler 9! sq-Ellgs rgslclEgEi 66 Subnit ail Sanples in the guantity rhich is reguirecl to be 58 ceturnecl pl.us one rh ich trii. I be -retainaC D y the .Engineer (if 69 reguireC). 9oto-BSi Qesggal;. 0nless precise coloc aocl patterl is specificaliy described in the Contract Docutrents, Yh enever a chcice color oE Pattern is ava.ilable in a specified product sublit accurate color charts aad patterD charts to the Englneer ' ror his reviev and selecti'on' SgtssTITUt;oXS: 44/C/.r/EeP'ctlgt"i!9ctji: 4!p roga I gegglre I : The CoDtract is based on the materials, eguipoent, and netirods 85 clescribecl in the coutract Docuneots. Tbe 'Englneer j cill consicler proposais for _ substitutico of 86 materials, eguipueot, anil trethods only rheo such proposal-s are acconpaoied -by- full. and ccnPlete tecbnical data ancl dIl otber 89 iuforoation reguireil by the iEnglneer bo evaluate the proposeri 90 substituticn. Do not substitute naterials, equipment, or uethoCs uuless such 92 substitutiou has been specifically aPPEoved for thistork by the vq Arch it ect. llheEe the phrase rror egUalrr or rtor egual as aPProved by the 96 .Englneer n cccurs in the Cootract DocuoeDts, clo not assuDe that 9tt haterial,. equiPneot, or nethods cill be apProvecl as egual oy the ,Englneer:t unless the iten has been speciiicatly approveC f or thj.s 99 I{ork by tbe rEngineer' :. - 100 The decision of the Bnglneer- shall be iinal. Itl.o [. f, t SiJBJTITTALS tND SUESTITUTIONS 1P0 102 CB EEKSIDE CONDOMINIIJMS' AgailaDllilr of gpegif ie! !gee.g.i. ' 104 verify prior to bittding. that aIl. specified iters rilr be 106 avaititte in tine for initallation duriag orlerly and trnely 1C7 pEogEess of the loEk. 108 In the event specified iteu or itens vill not be so availablet so 111 notif y ghs , Eng_tn-eel , prior to receipt of bids. Costs of delays because of, non-availability oE specified itens, 1lJ chen such Celayi coulcl .have been avoided by the Contractor' rill' ll4 Ue bact-ctrargeil as necessary auC shal.L sot be borne by the Ovner. 115 fr !. I [3 I 117 119 122 'l46 'l q8 150 gAEi 3 - -EIlg!ILo:{ IDEIiTIFICATICN OF SUEiIITTALS: Conpletely identify each subnittal anj resubnittal by shoui-:i9 at Least the following infornation: Clearly indicate alI deviations froD the Contract Docunents. urrg9-qr !!Err!!!LS: geseseli SUB.IITTALS AND SUESTITOTIOIIS 1PO t1 t,Nane and adilress cf Subnitterr Plus nane aacl telephone nuaber 12: of tde individual rho nay be coolacted for frther infor$atj.oil. 126 liane of Project as it aFPears on each Page of these 128specificatilns: - '129 COORDINATIC}i OF Si.JEYITTATS:131 Genera I1 1 s3 Prior to suboittal fcr .{rchitectrs revier' use all Eeans 135 necessary to tully ccorili-nate alt aaterial, including the 1J6 follouing prcceCures: 137 Deternioe ancl verify all field rlinensions and concliti-ons, 139 nateEials, catalog nuobers, and sioilar clata- 1tl0 Secure all necesSary apprcvals forn public ageucies aod otheEs 1l{3 and sigoifiy by starupr-or other means, that tbey bave been 1+4 secured. llake all suboittals far eoougb in advance of scbeiluled tlates of, 153 installati.on to provide all required tiue , fcr reYiers, for 15ll-ecuring n"".""iiy - appl-vatsr - for possiole revisioa auil 155 resubuiital, and foi pfaiing orclers and securing tlelivery. Io schedluling, alloc at least five full rorking 6aYi for the r57 ]lniqge.tgi t6vi", folloring his receiPt oi the subnittar' 158 CBEEKSIDE CONDOMINIWS gelalgi Cost of char ged StsCTICN IIFGR I S NiJItB ER DATA 3A7t 7N8G :( 8S 9G 9T118 X11C { T ESTS x SUSIIITlALS AND SHOP DB AII INGS x SAIIPLES GUARANTEE i,-o nt; [; l-, quEu!!!a! 5gg!29!E! subEittals reguireil by the various section of cirese specifications include, but are not necessarij.y linited to: 160 delays occasioaed by tardioess cf subnittals nay be ;rack- 163 at n"t"stary aird sUift not be borne by the ouner. 16'{ 166 16u 169i te x I x x 173ofrili 174 176 177 17E 17ex 1E0 131 182rai 1d' q ElrD 0F sEcTiC:[ 1P0 188 SUBSTiTUTIONS IPO l'CREEKSIDE COMoMINruMs Use a1l Eeans to naintaiu teoporary facilities proper and safe condition throughout progress of Replqggggn!93 r.a t, I I i Iu the eveat of loss or daoage, inoecliately oake all repairs replacements necessary to the approval oE the Engineei anil at acldit ional cost to the orner. ?ANT 2 - PFCDUCTS SANITART FACILTTIES: TEIIPORARY FACILITIES IND CONTROLS lSO gE-ItirIEs i 67 le8goraEl g!]I!]€gi 69 Qgnera!1 11 provicle and pay a1I costs ior aII Later, e.l,ectricity' ancl 73 telephcne requir.e fcr the perfcroance cf tbe llork. l4 tgmpgglEl !ateq:. 76 Furnisb ani! instalf ail necessary teoPoracy piging and, uppoti 79 complet:-on cf the ilork, reaove all such tenPorarl piping' 8J lentgtei.v clcsltis.ilri 82 Furnish anC install all necessary teaPorary rj-ring- 8q Furnish and insta l1 area ctistributiou boxes so i'ocateil that the ti5 individual tracles aay us€ their oso colstructicn-type extensioo 88 cords to cbtain adeguate Foyer atd artiiicial lighting at aii 89 points vhere reguireC by inspectors anl for safety. 90 !9l9Eho!9 i 92 ttaintain in the job office a telephooe .for the use of tire 94 95'Engineer 1; t-he telephone nay be coin operated- FIELD OFgiCE AXD SiIEDS: 97 Furnish and install a fiel,l office builriiug adeguate in size aqd 99 accoonoclation for a1l Contractorrs offices, superiotenCent rs 1J0 office, supply antl tool rooE; make the fieId. office available to 101 the Engineer: ihrou;hout the eotire ccnstructioa period' 102 aud cootrols in 57 the lork. 59 aod 6lDo 63 65 O I I 10q CN EEKSIDE CONDOMINIIIMS SECTTOlt 1S0 - TEgloR!8r lAqrLrTrE!aup qgxl8otS gARr 1 c!!:RAt: Rt'LATED DOCUITENTS: The geneEal provisio Ds of the suppleureotary contlitions apply to sect i ori. 10 12 coutract including general and 'l 5 the rcrk sPecified ia this l6t-I,'o Ft: I I I I Ili ii,o t I DES9PIPTION: 'Jork !49luded: Tenporary facilities anC controls requirei for this but are Dot necessarilY lioited to: Temgorary utilities sucb as uater, electricity' Field offices. 18 20 Ltork incrucle, 2J and teiepbor:e.26 28 30 32 34 37 Subcoglraclgg egSfPsenti 39 3xcept that equipment furnished by subcootractors shall conply ql rith aII requirements of pertinent safety regulations' -tbe q2 Iadders, hoists, Plaoks, and sinilar itens normaIIl furnisheJ by liJ indivilual traCes ln execution of their oro portions of tbe loric {4 are not .part of this Section of these Specifications. q5 Utilit v hock-uo: 17 rnstallaticn anc hock-up cf the various utility lines- aEe 49 <tescribed in the pertinanl. other Section of these Specifications. 50 SanitaEy facilities. Fencing of the coostruction area- Compliance i,!th saf eq-59gg1aticns: Conrgliance cj-th a1t requiEeoents of pertiuent cegulations is desiribed in the General conditions of the Cootract' PRODOCT HA NDLI NG: glsges!!eqi 52 5q TEI!PORABY FACILITIES !ND CONTSOLS 1SO il CREEKSI DE CONDOMINII'US Fornish anil installtoilets for use of requirenents of the baving juristlict ion; t ioes. PENcING qE IIE cQNSgP'UcIfoN !REAi Qgnera I: Purnish and instali a tetrPocary fence Construction: The teDporary feoce sball' ccnsist than six feet in beight, conPlete rith aIl reguiretl bracing. PIRT 3.- SXECiJTION all teoporary toilet buildiogs ritH sanitary r07 all rorkotn; couply ritb all oininus HeaLth DePaltoent or other public agercl 108 naintaiu in -a sanitary conditioo at all 109 tr_'Or tr l 111 113 around aIl- existing trees. 115 117 of uoveu rire nesh not iess 119letal or cooil Posts and 120 121t ttlil^r tl fli I BEt'!ova!: ilaintain alJ- tenPorarYfor the safe and ProPerteoporary facilitiestork viII pernit oE as END OF SECTTCN 1SO facilit ies conp le t ion a ncl cont rols direc tetl b y ancl ccntrolsof the k'ork; as rapidlY t'ne EY7/'GR 't23 1:,5 as loog as oeeded 127reoove all such 128as progress of the 129.. 130 132 ti LI [] i !-J TE:IPORIET PACILITIES aND COXTEoLS 1S0 cB EEKSIDE CoNDoMINIIJMS, gEgtroil za - gI!-E Et-lalIug grotggtigqgi Provicle telporary feaces, barricades, coveriogst or 12 ;tb";-pr"IEEtions io pr.=.rve existing iteos iaclicated to reoaia 13 anct t; Prevetrt in jury or damage to person,oE ProPerty' APPII 1tr protections to adjacent properties as reguired. Restore ttauagecl vork to tbe conditioa existing prior to tbe start 17 of rork, unless otberrise directed. qo qot !S!9E!9E9 cith nornal traffic on roads, streets' ralks' 19 iia -5it "i--.aJuiEnt cccupied oE used facilities- Provide 20 alternate routes around closeC or obstructed traffic rays as 21 required by governiog regulations. 22 PEotgct gflgtilg !:ggg and vegetatlon shich are to renain :roo 24 FfryriEEf A;;;G;- Do-noa store niterirls oE eguipnent rithia tbe 26 irip line. Surrouuil trees rith sron fence or other tyFe acceptab).e to the i ungfirler'1. 27 a I r tl I I f,r I I(t Litg glgqgflgi Eenove trees, shrubs, irass, - and otLer 29 t, "6!'6t.tioi,-irFFoveEents, or obstEuctions as indicatett or '*hicb 30 L iolerfere rith- neu constructiou. 31 Stlle CSq glgc!-Pifg top-Sgil that rill be reusea iu tbe rork' 3J both above-grade ancl beloc-9EaCe to 35 othervise reguiretl to Persit DeYBe.BqCg exiggigg igPrcveosn!s.the ext€lt indicated or as construction. US,g g,! explggives HilI not be per oit teil.38 gogtro! C-il !elIu!ion caused governing regulations. grggg the grouncl surface to conforn to reguired contours aad to l{4 proviJe surface drainage- Digpose .of trash and ilebris, of f the Ovner rs ProPerty' Surning of waste naterials oD the site is not pernitte'l' ENO OF SECTICN 2A by ilust and dict; cooPlY vitb 40 41 47 50 52 SITE CLEIRING 2r- 1 CB EEKS I DE CONDOMINII'MS sEcrrou 2B - ExclvarrNG, Frllrtfc AU! gsADrXG Eristinq llilities: Locate an{ provide protection frol ctanage. 12 d66ftiife -ilTf,--orner antl utilily coopanies for naintaiuing services. Do not break utility couaections rithout Providitrg 13 teDpora ry serv ices, as accePtable to tbe -gng'lrreer 'i. 14 Repgir gggaggg tc existing utilities as directeal by utility 16 corP an y . EfglSSlCCSi Use of explosives rill not be 'pernitte'l' le Proleqliggsi Piotect structures, utiiities, Pavenents, ancl otber 21 tacilitiEl-in aEeas of york- Coopiy vj,th governing salety 22 reg u lat i cn s. ?,r9y!!19, lgeSleg gg$ ghqEirts as rerluired in excavatj-orrs, to riinlJin -;ia"a- anO- to---piotect aijaceot structures frou sett.lenent, conpiyiug vith local codes and regurations. tlaintain until excavations are backiiiiecl. 2.1 25 2o I gxcagalloni Penove and Cispose of material €trcouDtered to obtais 2a Fq"i;;a-ibgrade elevationl, inclu<1in9 pavenent, obstructions 29 viiiUte on grouod surface, underground structures aeil utiiities J0 indicateil to be renoved. RosE excavalion (boulclers ovex 1/2 cu' I'd" solitl rock' rock io i2 Gdiesl-=liE--io-ctc-hard ceoentitous a?gregate deposits), if 33 enc6uniereC, wi 1l be paid for in accorilance vith contract 34 couditious relative to citanges in the vork. 35 gsgclhg.rrzqg eSgava.!!ons (renoval of naterials beyond indicated 37 ;nbf;ae 6fevalioo.l --ruy be filled rith Lean concEete' or 39 coriectecl by extentling -tbe indicated bottoo elevatioo or the 40 footing to the lover elevation, as acceptable to the Englneer ' 41 StockPiLe excavated naterials rhere directed, until requiretl for 43 backfill and fill. Excavate for structure to elevations and dioeosi-oos shorn, 45 exteniling excavation a sufficient distance to Pernit placinq and tro retroval of other cork and for inspection- Trio bottoo to ttl requirecl Iines ancl gratles tc provicle solid base to receive 48 concret e- E-Ug glguSg gggeE gavgggllg to conply rith cross-sections, :9elevatious' and gracles iudicated. f, | If uosa!!5.,;!actorl 59!I oalerials are encountered at tlesigo 53 e-fevatGns;. -;ti;ue-erEa"ati.on is-airected by the EngLneer i. If 54 co1ilitioDs are not a result of Cogtractorrs BegIigeace, 55 o l, EXCAVATIT{G, FILLING AIID GRA9ING 28- l CREEKSIDE CONDOMINIT'}'IS ; adilltlonal excavation Engineer I andl Pa iC relative to changes in rill be neasureil as directeil by tbe for in accorclance citb cootract conilitioas 55 tbe. rort. 57 geqLlill qlg Eitl!. Place aocl conpact acceptable.soil naterial in GiaG-i"-iequiiEE elevations. use soil nateria1 free of clay, .olk o. gca"6l larger tharr'2n io any clineasion, debris, vegetable Eatter, taste, ancl frozen materials- BackfilL e-Iggva!iolg as promptly as vork pernits' 59 60 51 52 64r]l,^'o 11li1r t- l-j ll grepaEe grguncl ggrfgig to receive fiIl b.y rencviog vegetatioo, b6 a;b.is, uilitiEeaEtorT-soiI naterials and obstruction. Scarify 67 as required so 'Chai fill uaterial rill bonil rith existing 68 surface. Placg DaclEifl 3od !i11 nateriais in layers-nct rore than Er in loos; dapth;-eonpicting each layer to reguiretl nariouo density. Do nct place naterial.s on surfaces that are nudcly, fxozen, or contain ice or frost. Cospgctlotri conpact each layer of backfilt and iill soii rate;G1= End tbe lop 12tt of subgracle for slabs, aod paveneuts to 9Ot naxinun density for cohesive scils and 95frr for cohesion'Less soils. at lavns or unpaveii aEeas, 85fi nar. density for cohesive soils anC 90* for cohesicnless soils- / s.p.r_tsBle !a!gI oa surface of subgrade or layers of ' soil naterial rhere scil is too dry to perrit coopaction to reguired denstiy. Renove ancl replace, 6r scirify and iic dry, soii naterial that is too net to pernit coopaction to required density. 70 71 . 72 73 75 76 77 78 79 81 82 83 84 BggCne4! gglbgsg gg-CESCi PLace specified sutbase naterial in 85 Gi..r-of inaiEiiea-lUiJf-iess, over subgrade surface to suPport 87 raiks anC paveneot. Place single layer for course 5n thidk or 89 less antl egual layers for courses nore thao 6rr tbick. qgattiugi Gracle areas indlicated, iocluding adjacent transi-tioa 9l ;i.u.,-nitb uniforn level.s or slopes betreeD finisb elevations. 92 Shape s.urface oE areas to rithin 0. lOr above or beLov required 93 subgrade elevation' conFactecl as required- 9$ [al4!.ggq!ggi Sepair and re-establish gracles io settletl , eroieil ' 96 ;ntEedr-.i-otUerrise clanaged areas. Io danaged coopactecl areasr 97 scarify the sucface; re-shape, and compact to required density 98 prior io further coostruction.- 99 qigpgsgl:. Renove excess excavatecl naterial, trash, ilebris, aod 101 il;tal;aerial fcoo tbe site. 102 ETD OF SECTIC-{ 28 EXCAVATING, FILLING TND GRADING 28- 2 10rl c8 EEKSIDE CoNDOUTNIIMS, sEcrlox 2g - IIPEAII goNqBE!! guM featlgg lieftqgieSe1 Do Dot aPPly prioe antl tack coats rheo GiiEiit";e-G-ffi1ii-so a"9. r oi- ytreu base is vet. Appll asphalt concrete (a.c.) piviug only uhe' teoPerature i.s above {0 rteg. F aad then base is tlrY. Lavlgg lgfgragceg: fn-place coopactecl a'c' paving viII aot be f5 iEepiall;-if .#;6ain9 the folroving torerances: 16 Thigkuegs 9! lase gogrse. not nore tban 1,/2tt, plus or uiaus' 18 Ease coulse sgcface sgeelhness, not llore than 1,/4tr rhen 20 ueasuretl cith i-Ji' stra ii[tedge. 2'l [qggEi3l5: Use loc1lly available naterials antl aggregate 23 F;e;il;;r, rhich exnilil a sa tisf actory recorcl of previous 24 i nst aI Iat i ons. lglg199 Eggpagg!!qg.: ReroYe loose nateria 1 f ron conpacted 26 subbase tefore .;Pltl;g prioe coat. Do Dot begio paving uork 27 untii unsatisfaciiri suliase conditions have been correctecl. of 0-05 to 0.'1 5 gal. Per sq. Yd. to 29 contact surfaces ancl otber surfaces 30 -lppfJ, prigg g.9g! at the rate of 0- 20 to 0'50 gal' Per sq' yd' 32 over con Fact eil subgracle- Paviry: Place a.c. mixture at Dot less tbau 225 degcee -F, spread 34 antl strike off. Place each a.c. course to required graile, cross- 35 section, and coopacteil thickness. P.roylig j-gint.g betreen o}<t ancl neu PaveBents and betreea 3l Eficersi.ve-Aays; vork for continuous boqil betreen adjoining vork. 3S cleau contact surfaces and apply tack coat. EonglEggJ gCEDg over comPacted paveoent surfaces to cross-sectioa 40 ;b.;;-;r, iE-not shott!, [o tocat standard sbapes' 'l I Rol,L!nq: tsegin rolliug uhen a.c. oixture rill bear roller ueigbt q3 rithout excessive dispiacenent. Repair surface defects vith hot ll4 a.c. naterial as roll.ing progresses. Cut out anil patch defective areas aod roll. tc O16ntl iittr adjacent sat isfactory paving. 45 Continue rolliog uotil naxinuo deosity attained and roller rlarks tlb e li oi nated. protect qcllsg frou danage -ald vehicular traffic until a.c. q8 ;iltur" traE-Eoofed and attainect its narioun ilegree of hardDessi q9 c ll 12 13 II t.l'o r-l t. n lr rlill l,.o i I t I Ap-elf !ec! coat at the rate in-place asPhalt cE concretevhich vill contact Paving- ASPHALT CONCSSTE PIVIIG 2P-l t_ I I : I lll!t.i ti it, tltl tl [r il fttt LI r-l L] iit,i Il LJ L C8 EEKSIDE CONDO}fINII'MS: Trafflg esg Lagg llrkinqsi lpply 2 coats_of chloriaatetl rubber 51 t-lleTiat?Ii-ri-u'e-!;;kfitlEiat-- 1is r1-P-115,. rvpe rrrl . oYeT s2 ciianea paving surface. . tayout area anil revier- ritb' Engineer- | before paint alplication. Usi vhite color, unless otbervise 53 directecl. EIID OF SECIICN 2P 55 rt tl rl I I ISPHALT COf,CNETE PTYITIG 2P-2 [o tl I [' [, l t coalgg eSi! steqlesigi ACI 301 trSpecificatioos for structural ll ConiietE--foi--guiIdings"; ICI 347 rrReconuended Practi-ce for 12 ConcEete Fornlorkrr; ACI 304 trRecooneacled PEactice f or fleasuringr l3 Mixing' Traosportiog, ancl Placing Concretert; cooply rith appli-able provisioni except as othervise iodicatect- 14 concEete Igstils lggyice: Enploy acceptable testiug laboratory 16 tolEiForo niteiiafi evifuatioo, testiog aod design of coecrete 17 mixe s- lhe og.Bg-E uilI enploy a sePaEate testiug laboratory to 19 Atelu;ae-Eoncrete deiivered to and placed at tbe site. 20 CR EEKSIDE CONDOMINIIIMS ; sEcllq! !a_- qg!g!El! Eg.lLif!gg!Cg., signed by coucrete producec and ccDtractor, iubnitted in lieu of naterial testiag vhen acceptable Arch itect. QSa!!!y qgntlef: ovner I s testiug laboratcry riIl saqpling and testing d,uring concEete placeoent, rhich nay the folloring, as directed by the _ Engfuree_r I leepliss: ASTtt C 172. nay be 22to the 23 perlorn 25iaclude 26 27 Slunp ; ASTI! C 1 tl3, oD€ test f or each foad at Poiat of cl ischar ge- 29 31 32 Alt 99s!gs!;_ A srlt c 17 3,strength specinens. qgnprggslve StresEJ!: ASTII C 39, one set for each 50 cu- yds- 37 or fraction thereof of each class of concrete: 2 speci.lens 38tested at 7 days, 3 specimens testeal at 28 Cays, ani[ one 39 retained for Iater testing if reguired. l,hen the total guan+-ity of a given class of concrete is less {1 than 50 cu. ycls.' the strength tests nay be uaived by the 42 Architect if tielct experience isdicates evidence of 'r3satisfactory streDgt-h. Tes! reggllg cill be reported ia vritiog to the Architect. {5 ConEractor, ald concrete prodr:cer on saoe day tests are nade. 46 .laqgfaglgEeE:g Qglgi Subnit nanufacturerrs prodrrct data uith iustallatioo iostructions for proprietary uaterials includinEreinforceoent andl forning accessories, aclnixtures, joiut 50naterials, hardeners, curing naterials, and others as reguested by the Architect 5t oae for each s€t oE conPressive 34 35 I I r'' I I 49 CO NC RET E 3A-I LglgEgtorl BgpoLggi Subnit 2 copies of - laboratorl test oE 53 evaluation reporG-Ecr concrete uateiiats astl oix tlesigus. 54 gif PrelertleBs gnd qeslsl!3 PropoEtioo uixes by either 56 G6'or"f6i|Glal-uatEb-lor EfErriGxperie'nce netbod, conplving rith 57 ACr 211.1. Cn EEKSIDB CONDOMINIUMS 9sg air-entgqigiugless tbao 4X nor nore exposeC to freezing concret €. EesqEgge IsggEr4lg: Subrit ggltteg rglort 1q Engtne_e_I i ror;ir at 1a;Ea-15 diys prior to stait of concrete production until nixes have acceptatle to Englneer 5 each proposetl coucrete 59 rork. Do lot beg in 60 been rev ie retl aod are 6l 63 64 65 lr_-o ntl tl tl i gll qegisgg nay be atljustedccnditioos, reather, testrrarrant. Do uot use revised and accepted by , -rfriqqgg_r- i. rhen nateriaL characteristics' jo,l resuLts or other circuostances concrete uires uotil suboitted to I Tl I I gdgiltgre in al.1 concrete, Providing Dot 67-T[;D lf ent raioecl air f or concrete 6I and thaviog, anri fron 2I to 4I for other gg.rtlqE! Cgggng: AsTlt c 150, Type as required. Aq.SEggqlgg: ASTU C 33, excePt local agglegates of eor;biliti r.y be useil chen acceptable to , Englnee-r-; !g!.eE: C leau, drinkabl.e. A:!g--!ntraiging Adolxllre: ASTM c 260. rg!gg-!educ!!g- AdglrluEe: ASTU c 49q- hive been testecl and accepted io ni.x acce ptable. lelated latgglalgi 63 lto!sturg g4lrigEi Clear 8-nils tbick polyethylene: Polyethylene- 85 coitEE-UaiiieF-[Iper; 1,/8rr thick asphalt iore nenbrane sheet. 85 gg,glEeS*IgEqiqE gSgilg ggEP-g.S!.o: lsTlt c 309, Type r' Jo!q! !!!!eSS: see Sec. 7T. Eqrq lalslie-lg: Pregl0g ESfg galgEigls rith sufficient stability to vithstand 9rl Fi6iEnie 6i-iruEEa-E6iEiete.uithout boc or deflection. es 72 proveu 7q ?0 76 78 CuIy use aclnj-rtures rbich 80 ilesigns, ualess otberrise 8l ri3 90 92 cot|cnETE 3A-2 fr Ir rl. t] r I t, Ir CR EEt(SI D E CoND0MINITJMS ExBg.gg( co0cEegg gCSfCSeSi couditio ns. 100Seirfogcing !atefials: lefor4ect 8ei4!orcinq Bars: ASTII t 615, Grade 40' uoiess 102 6i[.riG" inaiEaGE:- &!qgq glEg FqlErS: Asrll A 185- los Esselgs. es9 l.leciqs gggs.ssle: 107 Jg[Sile ililinSi Ose itruo type batch nachine nixer, oixiug aot 109 Iess thao 1-1/2 ninutes for coe cu. ycl. or soaller capacity. 110 ior..u=. nixiug tine at least '1 5 secouds for each additional cu' vtl. or fracti.on thereof- EeeAr:llireE gggqlelg: Asril c e4- Forarork: Coostruct so that cotrcrete oeobers aocl 6?-E6Eiect sLze.- shape, alignneot, el-evation conplying cith AcI 347- tcceptable oaterial to suit Project 97 98 't 12 structuEes are 11qaqd posltion ' I'l 5 BEgy!!!g gPen-iggg in fornrork to accomuodate rork of other.trades' i'EEoiat"ftlltae and securely suppoEt ite's built into foros- Cleag gld agj-Sg! forns prior to cotrccete placenedt' Apply forn r€Iease agents oi-ret fcrmsT as Eeguired. Retighten foros Curing an4 aftei cooc5'ete placenent if required to elioinate eortar leaks. RelSigEqg-gg-g!: Position, suPFort antl secqre reinforceoent against 123 dGFl;fiil"t: Locate ana suiport vith netal chairs, runoers, 12tl bol.sters, sPacers and hang-rs, as reguired. Set uire ties so en6s are 4irectel into concr€te, Dot [orarcl exposed concrete 125 surfaces. lgClqit CClgeq giqg labllS in as 1on9 leagths as practicable, 127 lappiog at Least ooe mesh. Jglglg: Provicle construction, isol'atiou, and control joints as 129 IiaiE"t.O or reguired. Locate construction joints so as to aot 130 iurpair tbe stiength and appeaEance of the structure. Place inlolation and conirol jcints" in slabs-on-ground to stabilize f31 d,ifferential settlenent and raudon cracking. lgstallallon o! Eulgddg{ I!-9g+ s9t ancl build into the rork lJ-l il;horaga-GviE6s anO-otUer EolEacieO iceqs reguired for other l3{ rork tbit is attachecl to, or suPPorteil by cast-in-place concrete' Ui" r.tting cliagrans, tenplatei- ancl iostructions provicled by 135 117 116 120 121 r t others for locating ancl setting. i COIICRETE 3A-3 ' (i) "Buildingil means the building improve-ments containing condominium units Located on the realproperty subject to this Declaration, and alL other J-mprove-ments constructed on the property subject to this Decl_ara-tion. (j ) The condominium units subject to thisDeclaration shall be known as the "Holi-day Inn-CreeksideCondominiumsrr. (k) rrDeclarationrr means this instrument andalL amendments or supplements thereto hereafter recorded inthe records of Eagle County, Colorado. 2. Dr_viglpn of Real Property into Estates; Useand occupancv offis. (a) The real property is hereby initiallydivided into seven condominiurn units numbered one througlseven, incl-usive, each consisting of an apartment unit, anundivided interest in the general conmon elements appurtenantto such apartment units, and the exclusive or non-exclusiveright to use and enjoy limited conmon elements, as set forthon Exhi-bit A attached hereto. (b) Each condominiun unit shall be insepar-able and may be conveyed, leased, devised or encumbered onlyas a condoninium unit. Title to a condominium unit may beheld individually or in any form of concurrent ownershiprecognized in Colorado. In case of any such concurrentownership, each co-o$rner shalL be jointJ-y and severallyliable for performance and observance of al_l- the dutiel andresponsibilities of an rtowneril with respect to the condo-minium unit in which he owns an interest. (c) Any contract of sale, deed, lease, deedof trust, mortgage, will or other instrument affecting acondominium unit may describe it by its apartment unit num-ber as shown on the map, followed by the name of the condo-minium and reference to ttris Declaration and to the map. (d) Decl-arant shall give written notice tothe assessor of Eagle County, Colorado, in the mannerprovided in the Act, so that each condominium unit will beseparately assessed and taxed. (e) The condorninium units shall be used ando-ccupied so1e1y for dweLling or J_odging purposes. Owners ofthe units may rent or lease their unitl to others for thesepurposes, subject to the provisions of paragraph I0 concern-ing tenancies for terms oi more than 90 aayi. - (f) The Association shal_L have the right tocharge reasonable admission and other fees for the use ofany recreational facility situate upon or which is a part ofthe general common elements. . 3._ Condominium Map. prior to any conveyance byuecrarant ot a condonri.nium unit tirerein, Decrararrt stiaLlcause to be filed for record in Eag1e County, Colorado, acondominium.map (the map), which sfraII cont-ain: (a) Thelegal description of the surface of the land; (b) the linearmeasurements and rocation, with reference to the exteriorboundaries of the 1and, of the buitding and aII other im-provenents buil_t or to be built on the land; (c) the floorpl-ans and Linear dimensions of the interior'oi tne uuilaing -3- il CR EEKSID E CONDOI'{INIUMS T END OF SICTICN 3A Cqaqretg llgceugqt:' Conply-ritb AcI 304, placlng coucrete ia a c-6if$i6us-oFeratl6i rithii ilanoe6 joints or_sections. Do lot U.gi' placeient uotil rork cf other-trades affecting corcrete is conpleted. g,oqqol!{ggg placed concrete using nechanical. vibrating eguipuelt citb hand rcttdiog anct tanpingr so that concrete is corked around reinforcenent and cther eobeddetl itens and into aIl Part of foros. prglect gcncEele fron.physical claoage or reducecl stEeDgth cue to rdther eilielres-curing nixing, placeuent, and curing' lS ggll tgelbeE couply rith AcI 306- iS hSg lgqlbgl conPlY uith AcI 305. qess.segs Ergis!es: qLSg.g9.q:!9.:t!C! lCf€eSegi ProviCe a soootb fioish for exposed ;;;;;te-suiraEes-aio-l"iraces that are to be covere'f uitn a coatinE or covering naterial applied directly to _ coDcEete. ReEove fios ancl proj6ctioas, patch defective af€as rith cenent !lEout, and rub snooth- glg! lgglel Elglshi Apply trorel f i-oish tc ooaolithic slab 156 surfaces that ari-6i!oseaiiolvier or are to be covereil ritir 157 resilient fiooriog, paint or otber thinfi.ln coatiag- Coasolidate concrete surfaces-by'fi-uish troreling, free of trocel nacks' 158 uriforn io texture and aFFeaEance- Qurigg: tsegin initial curing as scon as free sateE has 160 dffiF!.arei -fron expcseil surfices. there possible, keep 161 conti-uously noist for not less than 72 hours. Contirue curiag by use of ncisture-Eetaining cover or nenbrane-forning curing 162 conpouoC. CuEe formed surfaces by ooist curing until foros are renove,l . Provice FEctectioDs as requireri to Prevent danage to 163 exposed concrete sur faces. 137 138 140 141 ri. I r- I|. r l, tr 143 l tt,l 1,16 146 150 152 151 1>4 165 ti l' Ir t I CONCRETE 3A-q lr cREEISIDE coNDOMrNnr,ts, s-Egllor :q - !^Isc.EL!!!fE9g5 glEAt Qorles CSq slesdarilg: i.Isc rrsPecif icatioss for tle Design,. ll Fi6Ffcati6n aaa-rreEticr of Struciural steel for Builclings'r; Acs 12rrstructural l{eltling Coder'; conply vith applicable provisioas 13 unless otherrise indicated. ltl gLgP Pfe!.lgSS ggd q3!e:. Sbov cooplete tletails antl instructions 16 E"i-tuEiiEition, --asieolfy, and instaliation- I|uraish anchor 17 bo1ts requirect for iust-allatioo in otber vork; furnish teoplates l8 for bolt installation.' 19 Igg9.r!g gBg Agqlgg.ggggi Furnish insects and aochoriog devices to 22 UE-l[i]t-into-ot[ei-iEit for iustallation of niscelfaneous aetal 23 iteos; coordinate clelivery tc job site to avoicl delay- gtegl Plqtes4 s!a!es, Bags: AST|I A 36. stegl gilej. ASTI{ A 53' Type E or S, Gcade calssalsg{ Eleel Ebestsiziac coating.ASTU A 526, Yith qgSSEegg lpsertsi l'lalleabl.e iron (AsTll A tl 7) or cast steel (ASIU I-771 -ioseits' ilth steel bcIts, vashers and shins; hot dip galvanizecl . g.bgp lqinti Fs TT-P-86' TIPe II . oE. SSPC-Paint 14- lPPiy to 36 EIEinea-Ina ctegreasecl steel suifaces at rate to provide a 2.0-nil 37 dry filn thickness- 38 fabricgtiog. Ger:g5a1: Use Daterials of'size and thickoess shovn 40 ;; ia""t-Ehoun;-of-required size and tbickness to produce 4 | strength ancl durability io finisheil proiluct. Sbop-paint aIl q2 items uct specifie<l to be galvanizetl after fabrication. 43 seams continuously; griutl exposecl velcls Il5 46 t.r I t; ti I tr za ts. 27 ASllt A 525' Grade G90 29 30 [' I J3 34 48 I{9 Held ccrners anC sncoth ancl flush- ForD exposecl ccnnections uith hairliue, flush joints; use conceal eil rasteneEs uhere possible. Rgugh, !gf4C.eSg; Furnish custon fabricateil'bolts, plates, 51 iiE6o-r.,-[;;teia; dovels, aoC other nisce].laneous steel ard iron 52 sbapes for fianing ancl supporting antt ancboriog roodvork. 53 L-og,ge. gelgiSg Efe!99: Provide for steel itens bearing oE concret€r as sbcun. Drill plates to receive anchor Loose Eteel Li!!g-ls: Fabricate to sizes shova- oD EasouEy 55bolts. 56 58 ITISC ELLANEOiIS IIEIAI 5J- 1 CB EEKSIDE CONDO}'IINIUMS 1 filgggllageogg EgeellS gg{- lgpPoFtgi Provide as reguiretl to 50 "-;FiAG-i6i[ aiE-n6T-inEluaea-if-t6-Elructura]' steel franecork' 5l Fabricate of reraea coaslructiou in as large units as possible; 62 <lrill anil tap as reguired to receive hardvare and sililar itess' lt3 inifoa" reguiretl .oiho." for buildiog into other cork; spaced not 65 core than 24tt o.c- !Eg.9I14!eqCE 5!eeI tg!e;- Fabricat'e to shapes and sizes as 67 ;eani;AA-iii-proElfes s[oin: continuous reldecl joiuts aod snootb 58 exiosed ecaes. use ccncealed field splices cherever possible. 69 provicle cutouts, fi.ttings, and anchorag-s; coordioate asseubly 70 ancl installatior, ',rith 6f her rork- 71 I ti. tl t t Steg! Pigg RaillgSCi bends ancl celded joints shoun. Secure Postsi ndi cated. Fabricate to <lileasions shora, citb smootb 73 usin; 1-1/2 steel PiPe, unless othervise 7I aad iail ends to building constructioa as 75 76 t I lgstalla!!gni Perforn cutting, driLliaE and fitting reEuired for 79 fi;t;lfiti5il set uork accuritely in iocatioo' aligaoeut ?ldelevation, neasured fron established Iioes and levels. Provide 30 anchorage clevices ancl fasteners r,rhere Decessary f or install"atiou 8l b2to other vork. s€t locse items on cleaned bearing surfaces, using vedges or 85 other adjustner^ts as required. sotitliy pack oPeo spaces rith 86 bediling nortar, consiiting of 1 part portland ceneut to 3 E7 parts iand an4 only enough eater for packing antl hydration, or 88 use connercial non-shrink grcut naterial.Ir lggSh:gp EbgE !gi!l after'instaLlation. clean field reids' SoIIEE-EonneEtiol.i-aact abraded areas,. and aPPly sane tyPe paint as used in shop. use gaivaailiug repair Pailt oo tlanagetl galvaoi. ze il surfaces. END OT SSCTION 5J 90 9'l 92 93 95 IIISCELtTNEOUS I{ETTL 5J-2 C8 EEKSIDE CONDOMINII'MS : sEcrIgx EA - BE!!AEBISA!!g IMSE END OF SECTICII 6A 1t cs 253), and Yith tbe 13ot AITC Series- 100 14 15 I It, \'a nI t nli ir t; qe,scEg! lieler EesglEeqgllsl StesdlSjlSi Cooply rith Ps 55 (foroerly appri;tbr- reguireEents and reccooentlatioostrTinber construction Standards. rl lardgacei ProviCe nailsr screus, bolts' rashecs' rocls' E6i'i6dT6is, hangers, plates,. angles, and relclecl connectioa asseoblies as intticatett antl as- requirect for installation of tinber. clean netal surfaces, prioe l{ith rust-inhibitive priuer ancl paiut cith netal eoaoel, prior to j-nstar-lation; 2-oil tlry filu thickress. !inber !abgigegoE: An ATrc licensee. Provide AITC Qua-Lity:tark 25 on each uaia struEEural nenber, ald on each package of deckiag or 26 other sub-qeubers. 17 18 19 20 21 22 28 Dense Laninating- 30 31 o Lauri na!g! !ig!,er g.:. Lani4ating lpsgieg: Dorrg]as Fir or Larch; L2-d' struct. Lae. t 157 ilcr iicllB- !.tEgsg 9r.a{ieg 9E lig!eS:. 2u? (f b - 2t100' ft - 1600' rc - isocl-ana-E-:-i, s0b,o0) l-tci ary secvice- lppearan!9 gradgi Architectural, AITc- Larnigallgg Adhesivgi LaterPrcof ('Het" service)' Prolgction: Uenbers indivi,lualiy vrrppeil -td ith lateE-resistaDt 40 i"pil-"trig handling, d,elivery, itoragl, aad er€ctioa' *1 33 34 36 3d q3 PREFABRICATED TII{BE8 6r-1 L f^ "orti t' I tr CREBKSIDE CONDOMINIIJMS : SECTION 6g - gaBPENTRT ceperal garpen tEI gaterigls3 Lunbgr Stggdard: AB. Softrood LunbeEcoED.t, s4s, 19fr noisture at tiue of othervise indicated 11 std. Ps 20 (U.S. DeP. l3 riressing r excePt as 1q LiS.[g EEqgigg (4x4 uax.) : 'rstat Cardrr gratler dIrI species' l6 s.!ECc!uga! !reininS (2IEL--!9--gIllLi No. 2 or better grade' l8 ilntr;-Ffr,-s6itnErn pine;;-R;A;cod- le stregs Grade: 1200 psi uininun, siagie use factory narkecl . 2l Expgsed Boal.Q Lugbqgr. !-gl Pgjnt ElSi:h-: Reciroocl rrCoEstruction 23 FineEmu5n"-lnrE'l-s"ott,eFn Fine "H;2" (sPrE), or Dougias Fir 24 rt 3 Connonn ('J'ylPA) or [Constructionrr (:JCLIB) 25 Erposeg 9oes4 L!g!er' Egr lgq4glgcssg llllqhi ceciar 2a nConstruc+-ionrr ('rcLIB) - plvnooA !!anqaEg: Softcood. plyuood - Construction and Iniustriai 30 Ps 1 (U.5llep.-Eonn) ' tyPe ina graae as isdicated' -1 1 Proviile plyuood bearica DIPA grade- tradesoarks' 33 Erge.EigE SrEqse4 P.-Urgs4! !e: Be!e! Eleicbi- Exterior tvPe; 35 Eipo"Ea-taEe-ciide a;-;o;;".re5-cr5EE-c' 36 Interigg :ggcsed P]-Wogq4 ES-E Egi49 .!inish: Extecior tyPe; 38 eTpoGa raEE cFiie ll-Eon".urEa-cr5ae-b- 3s !exlurg! llllggE llflSSegl: Exterior tyPe; exposed face as ql indicatetl' ccnceal.etl Gcacle C. *z Blyyggg Sleathilgi Standaril Grade, exterior gj-ue. .4tl P lvgco!! $u!! Iggglgg: Stantta rd G rade ' erter ior g lue. It5 Part!glg!ga5:.d Flsor UndgllqlEglE- -, FilA Ull-28' aocl Nat' tl8 .{tpirticleboartl lssoc- rtFloor Uaclerlayoent[. Eihg.SleegC Sbeqlbigg: AsTl{ c 208, class'8. sl s.izg gq! EQSggi 1/2tt x 4t x 8t, rith sguare eclges. 53 55Xesll rrse!ees!:. Prgggsyati-gg PrgsggIe-TEeqlg!! 9eS4i- AIfPI LP-2' Pressure-treated 57 ;ia[];Gi:Eo rne-F;G;E v;aite;. --- 58 CA BP ENT NT Io 6E- 1 CR EEKSIDB CONDOMINITMS fil!-9r1 tg- L:!-ogj.sture-gontent af ter treatlent, ercept f or :?vood in cootact rith grouoil. tEgll SiIIgg sleepers, blockingr. furriog, stripping aod 63 SiiiIar lGil-in direct contact ritl Easonry' stoaevork or 64 concrete. q.aEPeslEr Iss!4I14!i9ni !tan{qrctg; Except as otherrise indicated, conply lith "llanuar of 68 ii"Ga-F;;6ing,r tI uat. . Forest prcd. Assoc-, including oailing , 69 firestopging, an;:hoEage, rrarirrg an4 braciag' 70 Trggseg BC€lgEej. ConpJ-y sith n Light leta I Conaec tetl iiood 72 Gus=El" bt-i;[=;-Plate Inst. , ancl nitb "iiat- Design Specs. f or 7 i Stress Gradecl Lumber aod Its FasteDersn by NLUA' 74 Uqil elMgq gbeAlhlAS a nd subf loori Dg 6u c' c' at edges or '15 11paoels, and lZtt o.c- at interne'liate suP!crts. q.gg fllq:Sten! cr screr-type nails for plyrood uncierlaymeat 79 ancl coabinatfiu subfloor ana uuderlayDent. Proviclg rood 80 blocking uacler supportetl ecaes of sub-f loor-underlayneat, 8l unless ptyrcoO erl.ges ire tong'-reland-groovecl. - Set uail.s 1/16n 82 beloe surface rh6re resilient or fluid apprieil fiooriog is to 83 be applie tl. qISg Pl-Il2gq to supForts or subrioor, ccnplyinE uitb APA 65 SFe;. AFc:01- a6 Nail !!!e1!oard sleatli3g 3rr o.c- at edges of sheets (ends oi 21 88 ria. ooitEf -a^a O, "-.-;t intermediate supports (4 nails per 2t 89 viiltb) . IeS !l?1 S!CCt!!gg. use 1-172n x 11 gage galv' roofiog nlils ' 91 6d connon naifi,-oi-t-l/Ett x 7/16tt r 16 gage staPies' 92 Iat-I gub€1oorlqg rith 8,1 ccEmoD naiis, 3 per suPPort for boards 95 uiaer tha;-\-in-a Z PeE supFort for soaller boarcls' 96 gog.d fqgfils; 1 r 3' Ieveled to tol€rance of '178" in 10t-0', 98 aqexcept as ct,her u i se shcvn- !grllic!g!garQ Undertgvoen!: CompIy rith . Nat' Particleboard 101 Assoc. recounend.tiil;, u-Iig only- ring-shank nails' lo2 UCit llg! 6l ggilS spaced 6rr o.c- at edges ancl 10r o'c' each lOq "iy-in-lIEfa-6f-pinEf;-excep! for paners less thao 3,/8'r tbick' 105 nuil "ith,ld naiis sPace 3rro.c. aL eitges and 6rr o.c. eacb ray 'ld6 io fieltl. 10? 66 r'la |l 6E - 2CIRP EIITRI tr cnEEKSIDE coNDoMrNltnts EXD OF SECTIOII 5E bIIJ t T t t I l CIRP ETTE T 6E-3 109 l CN EEKSTDL CONDOMINIUMS sEcTrol| 6G - lBCHTlEClo8!! lgg9roRK I General lggdvor! Requiretent5: Generaf t!el!er4i. Couply ritb applicable Ouif ity Stanilardsr by AIII ' excePt in eguivaleot rrl{anua1 of l{illvorkx by:rIC. 1l nArcbitectural floodrork 13 Caiifornia conPIY rith lq 15 Subgit shsl dratlnge for Kitchen ancl Batbroon cabioets' 17 Submig ljplstre! ganple€ of eacb uood species aacl cut as indicatecl 19 t-o reEeIvE a tiauEpaiEnt fiuish. 20 Exterior Hcoirork: 22 coaply rith AI{I 300, 700 antl 900 series standards (sections 7r 8 24 and 9-of IIC). provi.de 3-ninute-dip preservative tr€atment cf 25 fabricated wo.rk, i.a 5I solutico of peotacholorphenol ej-th uater 26 repellant adde<l- 27 lrogidg lremlgc qraalga of rrCedarrr foE transparent finisb' 30 lgovite qus!-gc Q.Sa-qgr of CeCar, for Pairt finisb 33 lrovide !gq-!errous or bot-dip galvanized nails' anchocs aod 35 acceEsoriG;------ 36 r-rigeEigE lseisgsEi. 36 Conply rith AII 300r 600, 7C0 an.l 800 series staDdarals (sectious 40 10,- 1i, 12 and 13 of IIc), as applicable.to standing anil runaiog 41 trim, shelviag, oEDaD€ntal and niscell.aneous iteos and stairrork 42 (if any). 43 Pgovide C-SStg! gsaie, cf [?ooleEosa Pineil foc paint finisb, 45 ei-"pt as-ottreir:.ie-inaicateo. 46 glg]y!!!t; custot0 GraCe ioterior sof trood plyrood r' f or tr9 pair.t ficish- 5l[ar4vage; leileeg elg giEcellesCgg$. provicle barilca re as reguirecl (e rclusive of builders harduare) f or 53 architectural uoodroik, including cabinet hartlrare aud 54 oiscellaneous itens. Refer to Sectioo 8s for builclerrs bardvare. 55 Provicte satio chrcne fiuish, or oearest natch available, except 56 as otherrise indicated. 57 Hagg Begs: steel tubiog.yith satin chroae rinish ancl natcniag 59 Ind-tfanqEs, size ioiticited; GaEc€y uorP-, Knape 6 Yogt' or 50 Builrlers Brass llks. 61 ABCHITECTURAL'JOODgOEK r-1fi\1 ntI t I I Lo I 66- l c8 BEf, S IDE CoNDOMTNIIT$'' nl'-,a-1 IJ lilluglablg ltelet' sbeft E-SgEgEls3 Standaril ut. r r' of tyPe 63 ffieft;EEal cii6i-coi!I-rs;liE-T6!t, rational 6Es., or Graot. 60 Ef,D OF SECTICU 6G l-i U 66 IJ .-1 !_l .-.o : cR EEKS ID E coNDOMrNrIrus sEcTrorf 7a - lrrEgllooFrxG !!D DrIPPBoCPTllc lltaterproof !egb:43g: SbaIl consist of base course of neoPEene base coat as 1l nanuf actured by Gasco lesteEn, IDc. ot Litt.:.eton, Colo- tiork I q shall be perfornecl to the nanufactureEs specifications aatl by an 15 applicator approvecl by Gasco ?estertr' Inc- 16 The Hat€ctEoof neobrane shall be installetl over 3/ttn exterior 18 grade plyrcct. Provide soliit suFFort rel.oy a-tt panel edges. l9 etyrooi snart slope a oiniqun o! 1n in 5'- 20 supgly anc aFply prioer, seal cracks and joints, install flasuilg 22 ana-apgty neoprene base coats. Do not instalj. rearing coarsc of 14 Hypaloa ancl granul.e- Dex-O-Tex rill be consiclered as an approvecl equal. 26 DanppgooliSg e!.9 !oi5tg5g lqgrier5 z 2d Cold !sphal! Dap!pEegfingi Solvent-release blend' cooPounded ior 30 applicatioD as folLors USSi4 !.y!e qqa!i4g' appli'ed in tro coats totaliag 2 9a1' Per 33 100 sg. ft. Prolgglien Course: PEotect danpproofica ag1ll:t back'filI vith a 35 ;ou;G-i- 171;-ElVerboard onJ.y if the backf ill contains rocks 36 Iarger than 6tt tlianeter. END 0r'sEclrcli 7A IIATERPROOFI NG E - DA I{PFRCCFING_ :-- I [r f' r.O ]E 7A- l CnEEKSIDE CONDOIIINIUIIS i sEc,LIg,g zE - lpISrgE! BAERIEES Elgslls sheet Pol Yethvlenepero rating.direction of IssLalIe!isgi Install beloy all interior coscrete siabs cn gratle unless Soils Engineer deternines in rritiog that it nay be ileleted. LaP all seans 4rt nin. END OF SEC?ICN 7E norsTuRE BlRnrEsS s r,I tr'.o nli t I vgrsg lersiesc lE: I t Eleslis Eleel ggi tl-oil potyethylene -f iln, 0.20 lq fi;III1 uoaei-arl-Eoncrete slabs on gratle at tbe t5 the soils engineer.' 't7 19 21 23 tl (o r' I l. ( : I I I' 7E- I cEEEISIDE coNDoMrNruus SECTIOIT 7G - THEB IIAL INSULTTIOU General: 10 provitle insulation thickness inilicatecl, oc provide coobinatioo of 12 thickness an,l k-value required to yielil the rrRrr value intlicated. 'l 3 Beslqcgec e!! us4eEsle! Ilcu]t!!.esi ls 17BelsleE lerL Epesrlre-d l]serlerei Sectiotr 9D - GyPSuu Dryrall - Sound Insu.l-ation 19 Extruclecl PgffglygeSe IlSClellS! ESe54;. rs HH-I-524, Type i1, 21 crastB, sErE:E[LnDad, [:ttrna oi 0.20 in 1tr thickness- 22 Proviile ilstyrofoap Slltr by Dou Chenical U- S. A- or equal' 24 vegtig4l Ap.pligeligS3 Set in oastic aohesive as recooneudeC 26 by-bil;d nrao[iact urer. 27 g.esesc! Egrl4lls Iss!lq!.i9s;. 2" :t!qege! .ElEer greale! ISSg-lqllegi Fs sH-I- 52 1 , 1 . O-l-b niaiuun 31aa;;itt, areroxiuitE-[:varue-oi 0.27. 32 Provi4e aucl install per the follorio; schectule: 3q F-19 - all exterior ualls anC floors over unbeatel spaces and 37 in ceilings of crarl sPaces exposeC to the exterior. R-30 - all other roof or ceilings ns shovn. 39 gtaple llggsgg of faced blanket iosulation securely to 'rood $1 traning nenUJrs 42 IlqeraI liheg IsScleliS4 liu:. Fs nts-I- 1030, tvPe II' 1.0-1b 44 ;i;i;G aEnEity,-iFFiExirite k-vaIue of 0.30. l'!ay be used as 46 Attic i.nsulation -in place of R-30 batts. Install to necessary 47 thickness to achieve n-30 rating. Installaticn. Qgneggl; 49 Cooply rith insulation nanufactureE rs printed instructions aod 51 reconnen3aticos for the instal-Iation for each tyPe of thernal 52 insulation. Proviile adequate aochorage of support for each unit. 53 I o I END OF SECTICN 7G THER IIAL I NSULATION 7c- 1 55 CR EE KSI DE CONDOMINII]MS l1 I\a rNsTAtt.qTJSJ! gorueu tith pagel nlgr s_. !gs!ructiong f or sealers, flashing and tr in for the FroPeEinstallation of paneJ-s, vith provisions for eEected .ir the panel Fattern indicated. conceaL qll fagleners by the use of J-aps and Bemgve +-e:oEoragI -EE9!9q!_i9Ierectioo of each panel-(peeI coat), g,eglgggqggg;. Provicle reatberproofexterior panel rork. END OF SECTICN 7I.t. (leakproof) PREFOBI'ED EXTERIOR PANELS Engineer frcm nanufacturer rs 1E 19 40 anchorage, joint 42 an cl pernaDent 4-3tberual expansiol , 44 45 joiut cJ.ips. 47 irnoediately after 49 .50 seJ.ected by I PLucEg-Carlgg Exlgllgl Flglgh:- l{anufacturer's stanilartl coil 21 coating; includi-ng chemical cleaning, conversioo coatiog (if 22 needed), baked eFoxy priner anct fluorocarboo (KINAR 500) 2J coating, 0.8 niJ"s dry fila thickness, rith 20-year rarranty. 2t+ Ccating on interior face of exterior panel nay (at orrrs 26 option) be the sane as on exterior face but provide uot 27 less than 1.0-ai1 Cry filn tirickeess of baked acrylic euanel. 28 !9S-pSIqII 9SS!gq-l!pSi. Provitle nanufacturerrs staoclarll rrp-oeI 30 coat" oi strippable plastic, not less thau'1 .0 nils ilry fij-s 31 thickness? intencleil f or easy reuoval at +-he tine of er€ction. 32 Apply coating to surfaces for exterior expcsure. 33 QgSbClg;. Provide oanufacturerrs standard penel gaskets' in 35 temale half of panel joint systen, of hoflcr cr fingered vinyl 36or n'eop re ne. i7 perfornance of 52 53 lEcllqr 7r - PREEoS!!! EIIEIIqB PTNEIE l{etaf Pacgl Csgloqen!g; Exteriog !lun!3un qaDgl: ljanufacturerts 16rr vi'1e panel fith 13 stanAfng sean--profifa, -jointing systeo length aod ridth 1'r iodicated, forned of nanufacturerr s staoclard alclad aluninuo 15 alloy sheet; O.032tr thick except as otheruise j.ndicated. Kaiser 16 Aluminun trZip R-5tr or apFroved equal. Eis-!s! geleEi A s standard colors. 7!t-1 55 lood 5!!!lsi 1l geqql E€lgl gf{lggi llesterD Red Cedar 1/2 x I bevel, 5'172'1 13 eipolurer-[oriZontil-applicatioa, SCLB Gracle E Bevel si,ling ' 14 s138, kiln dried., for lianspaEent fioish. 15 Ee.qgt glqlllg] !il S!{igg: IesteEn Fed cedar, 1 x 10 size, 17 aiagonaf.-pittEru, icle ciaae---siding s1s2E. kilo cried, for 13 trar.sparent fiaish CR EEKSIDE C0NDOMINIII'{S I gEqtrox l! - !!c a!! g!!EL ErpM Sidigg lgigj- eesterD Recl Ceclar, sizes as shovn, I'Construction Graderr (t{ctIF) transparent finish. Bgg! lSfgi Pine or Douglas FirTlarch for paint fioish. !.!g{ow ElI-gi Pine or Douglas FirTlarcl for paint finish. Isegel!c!iesi qoglll !:3! gig:qE q!E:s iSSlgCgliglg tor the use of eitber' non- Feiiols ci-[ot:aip zin- ccated fasteners yhich are non-corcosiveanil non-stainiog rhen used rith specified tyPe of siding and finish. Eel! i|lEeElqygeqli ASTu b 2 26, 1 5- Ib t ype, lap joints fron fourCation rall to 4r-ort above toP of foundati'on END OP SECIION 7Ii LAP AIID PAIIEL SIDING Tr Ii. t t t I L r'. I 20 21 23 25 27 30 31 32 ]4fr. Extetrd 34rall- 35 37 7N- l 1-CR EEKS IDE CONDOMINII'MS sBcrror lB - llrsgrnc lND sHE!! gllAr Belatetl lork Scecified Elsbchere: 11 Section ? - tletal Rocf icA 13 Eelslssleq Sheeg -Ie!el.G geseccli ls Qoufggq !g -pEoltlgg and sizes shovn, and cougly vith 17 "-i'iEnitectuiaf Sn-eet-tletal l,tanualil by StIACNA, for each geaeral l8 categoEy of rork reguirecl . 19 lletal flashing and counter flashing. 22 Sheet retal expaosicn joicts. 23 ziaq:qgalgg slesl sheet: Astu A 526, 20 gage sheet; asTt{ A 525, 26 cfi3;-i:ZEl trot:aIp-galvanized, oi11 pbcsphatized. 27 ?ESIflq gglilgleq iIg!:fSSE qgeqg exc€Pt at ooving joints, and 29 Fiotita :oi E[ermal expansion at 10-ft- incervals excePt as 30 otherri-se shocn. 31 LgP4lllg {fCSIqiigE metals anci separate aetaLs froo cbrtact 33 iit[ -ctirei coirCsive nateEtals, by a 15-miI coati'o9 of 34 bitunincus nastic (FS tT-C-491{) oE other PermaDeDt separatiou. 35 ASchql gork pernanently in place rith non-corrosive fasteners. 37 EI{D OF SECTICN 7P I ['\ t o ] 39 PLASHING AND SHEET UETAL 7P- 1 rIt'l rr I I C8 EE KS IDI CONDOMINIUMS grcrrox ?T - JoINT sb4legg Qeneral: 1: Sealatts required for roofing ancl sealaDts required for sindovs 14 aad glass and glazing ar€ included in their appropriate sectios l5 of these specificatioDs. Qqlori ',lhite, excePt as otheruise iutlicated- 17 !oq:9lcs!s!9ris Ssc-Ier! geqpscslsi le AcEllfg:tglgl ggelgSgi Enulsion-tyF€ Po-Lyoer' Pernauent]-y 21 areiiEie; ncn-stJiuing, non-bleeding. 22 calklgg lggpsunCs: 2t1 SInthe!ic-Egs-l! cglklgg !cmpggnd: Fs TT-C-598, except conpounded 26 iith;nly-EyuEn-etic oirs' non:it:aining, non-5leeding, paintaoie. 27 lsslellelieci 2e qlgqq jgiaf SClEgggS and prine as reconnended by sealaut rufr. 31 SuEPgE! Sgglgq! from back rith ccnstruction as shovo, or uitb 33joint filler, or witb backer rod. 34 lnstaLl qgelants !-9 slzg 3!q sLqlg sbcrn or, if not sborn, rith 36 lrighEry aoDatte surface 37 END OF SICTiON 7T iD 39 [' f I JOI:{T S EA LEBS 7T- 1 lb CB EEKSIDE CONDOMINIU{S sDcrlor 8c - !9o-g !Ilp9.!5 Standardsg Conply vith applicable provisioos of I.S. -0 by XIllA, 12 except as inclicatetl otherrise. g.gqgrali Tbe ilrarings ancl rindou schetlule are based on the use I q oi-[ar"i" Ilinitoss. 15 lfaaufactuger: Atry producer of yindors coopJ.yiog rith the 17 requi;eneats, incfuCing any cne of the foJ.loriog: 18 AnCerson corp. 21 caEadco Div.-(Scoville) 22 Certaio-Teecl Products CorF. 23 C rest li ne Co. 2tl' ceorgia-Pacific Corg. 25 l{al ta il f.9 . co- 26 27i'laEvi.D IiinclocsFoiscreeu Co- (9el1a) 2E R.O.t{- tinCov Co. 29 Peachtr€e Door 30 llEgg lgEglgllSgli Dravi.nJs indicate IocatioDs of cperating sasir J3 of, tbe fcllcring types: 34 FixeC units (rri,thout cperating sash). (Stack and stEiP) 36 Arniig units (projectecl out) ; rith balance arls frictioo 39 shoes, iatch rith lever haaille (or pole eye) for projected, out 40 units. (Stack aoil Strip) Provide bar-tyPe uncler-screen oPerators - 42 casen€nt ilnits (sring-out); nith roto-tyPe oPerator. 44 (CaseoasteE) - 45 3lazeal slidinE Coor units; each sliding cloor ritb upper and 47 Loser track antl rolIer asserbly, handles insitle anci out, q8 latch., ancl extrude:l aluninuo silL or threshold as shouu- 49 50- (Patic Dcors) Elass j.fisa!:.cn Jqrqde!: tlatuf acturerr s stanilarcl , as iodicatetl. 52 reatheEstrry-E:ng-: Concealel, Don-ferrous spriog-netal or vinyl- 54 gasket type, applieil to eacb operable sash- 55 0n sliding units provide roven-pile tyPe, conplying rith AAliA 5d 701.1 ,--a l- IOOD TINDONS 8G-1 CFEEKSIDE CONDOMINII]MS Preglggg lnits, except for ligbt sizes in ercess of 100 uoiteil 60 iDahAa: p rovicle either roocl stops, oE r'groove-gIazedt systeE 61 (Don-reoovable stops) glazed during asseubly of sasb rails. 62 Pceglaze rrith nanufactuEer. s standard sealant aucl applicatioo 64 nethocl- 65 9,1aggi llaDuf actureE I s stanclarcl 5/8" double glazing. Use 67 iemperetl g lass in a l1 g lazetl sliding Coors atrd rhere noted ou 68 rindos schedule.,l l4ggSg sclgg-Uii l'!aDufacturerrs stanCaro. renovable units' fcr each operable sash, of extrudeq el,uliDuD or foroecl aluoinun or steel, with 1B x 16 replaceable nesh and vinyi retainer spli,ne. Provide black enoclized aluninuu nesh, 0- 013tr rire. Provide upper and lover track, 9'iiiers, aDd Iatch for screen units on gJ-aze:i s li<ii,rg dccr units. Egl4gqre-:. ltanuf acturert s standard design. Trini Pcovicle exterior casing, undersill or ncsiog (if indicateC) r integcal rullions, exterior nullion coveEs, uatersireii trin anC sirnilar iteos cf trin for each unit or gEouP of units- FacleII l-lg-fS-h:. itlanuf acturer I s stac,clard f actory pref inish- Exterior t!arvin HinCons xL-80, IntericE !larvin liinclovsr flaiout. IgC!A!IC!fgg:. Anchor rinCcu uoits securely in place. Sealeotire gerimeter of each unit (see Secticn 7T) . .\d j ust o.oerating sash for propeE operation and. closure, an.d iubcicate hardvare. EN!' OF SECTTON BG 70 71 72 74 76 77 79 a1 62 3J B5 B6 a8 69 90 92 HOOD IMDOTS 8G-2 t, I CR BEKS IDE CONDOMINII'MS sBcSIO[ 8E - LOO! DOoEs ceneEal locd DAoE lgggiremgnts: 11 Except as otherrise irCicated, provitle vood side palels aad 1-3 tranion panels (if any) to Eatch Hood doors. there i.oclicated, 14 provide - J.cuvers, gliss and glazing, and sioi-Iar iteos into Hooil 15 ioor construction. Fj.nish is-specified in Sec 91. 16 Ere!!!. !-gg-tsCghllg. q4E PEg!!!ig! uood doors at factory oE 16 iloFl-p riE-t;-A;li vei y- 1 r ID add,iticn to lanufacturers Froduct data and iostructiolrs t 21 subnit sanples rePresentative of each type of door aacl fi.aish 22 required. Door lhlgLnesggs: Ertericr doors 1-374" thick ar:l interior d.rors 25 1-3l8n-thictl-eiiept as ctheruise inriicated. 20 EaElagu: Provitle 2-year raEranty, agreeing to rePIace, refinish 2d ina-i"in.tall defective Coors, incj.uding Coors'rhich have uacpecl 29 or shou pbotographing cf ions*.ruction bebird 'ace, oE 30 noucosrpliance to lolerance linitations as dei|ned by NUI'IA. 3'l Exterigg Pane=l AoorSi 33 Provicle 2U gauge galvanizeil steel rith fcrEed e':9es lockeJ iuto 36 roo<1 stiles an,i vails, bcncled by a foaned-io-pIace polyurethane 37 core Avanti door as maoufactured by Peachtree Doors IDc., oE 38 eq ual . IgSg IlAlShi. Panel faces in electrost3ticaily applietl rust inhibitive prioer. lgod Eillgh: ?reat r/PreseEvative anci prine p:int- Iesclesu!9!i speciai 41 o t {J q5 t17 , Inc. 49 50 Interigg DocEs: 52 provicle flusb panel doors ua:ruf actured in accordlance rith product 55 stanilard PS-58-73 and facecl ritb legacy braao cloorskius in Oak 56 toDe as uanufactured by !'lasorite Corporation or equal- Avanti Dcor; PeJchtEee DJcES Inc. Benchmark Insulated SteeI Doors; Generdl Pf,oducts Co. or equa 1. rocD D00as I nst aI 14!!99: 8K- 1 58 [,1 i o cB EEKSI DE 9oNDOUTNTUMS Ilstall rootl tloor ia accortlaoce sith nanufactuEeErs instructions- 50 END OF SECTION 8K 62 rooD DocRs 8K-2 C8 EEKSIDE CONDOMINII]US s-Eguq!-gq - glesg! pFJrlLL Dryva!! !e!eg!elSi. 9rpeSgq q.rEEcg Eessq: Asrn c 36. Provide uranufactur€rrs standarC 4 x u panel. LgSS EgSSgi Stanclard taF€r. lhlglSgSSj- 1/2", exc€Pt as ctheruise sbovn. glleE:Beslsles! gIPscs E-es!!!s geesqi AsTrl c 630- glSlllg.At aI1 bathroon ralls rithin 2 feet of tub, toilet, orvanity counter. !hickngggL 1/2", except as othervise shoua'. Trin {qggspsri.esi Provi.d.e ufr's stanilard oetaL trim accesscries,of the beadecl type uith face flanges for coacealnent in joint conpouncl except nhere seni-finishing or exposed tyPe ls indicateC 8 qgneEql llgedaSft. GyPsuE Asscciation Specification GA-216r dad 12 nanufacturerrs instructions (rhichever is oore stringeot)- I,f l4 l6 18 20 22 24 27 29 3l 32 3J tl i; l5gE.g.vlgC gcrnel bea-€s at external corners. 9.fov!jg gAgg lrin of the shape indicatecl nhere e,ige of gyPsun 37 board rould otherrise be exposecl or semi-erposerl; L-tyPe for 38tight abutoent at eciges, othervise J-type. J9 cypsgq ISgC-E Fa:!gpSrg; TyFe reconnenCed by gyPsuo boarcl air. , 41 except as ctherrise indicated- ,r2 Cgncegle! AcqgS!igg-l gegla!ti Non-shcinking, noa-dryingr ooD- {5nigratiug, nou-staining uastic. E4'-pgggi .4coggllcal Sealgg!;. Later, acrylic, or acrylic-iatex +7type, peroanently elastic and paintable- qd Soun! Attgggqligp Elanlets: Seni-rigid niuecal fiber vitirout 50 uenbrane, Fs HH-I-521, Type I, 3-172n thicknesses. 5: qglBg gqpgi. AsTlt c 475, per f oratecl. 53 Jeig! qggpglllE: ASTI{ c tt7s,.of the type. indicatetl. 55 !g?.ttqC ggedl:mlIe{ ClnlJ:type for interior rork. 57 GYPSUII DRTIJALL 9D- 1 l t I CR EEKS ID E CONDOMINIUUS Provide 2 separate grades of conpountl; one spCcifically 59for beddilg tape and one for topping. 60 orrrell Isslellaliso er0 Eislslilsi ISstglI glPsug leegdg in 'lengths and' directions vhich riII uinioize nunber of encl jcints, aDd avoid entl joints in central area of ceilings. Iostal.l- valls and partitioDs with exposed gypsutr bcards vertical, rith joints offset oo ogposite sides of partitions- OtheEUise, i nstali boards at right-angles vith suPpoEts, rith end Joints staggerecl over supports' excePt rhere reconoen,ded i.n a Cifferent arrangeDeDt by afr. 62 64 55 66 68 69 70 FoEs qglltrg! jSiglS rith 1/2" sPace cetveerl boarCs- InstaII 72 aco[sticif-ieafEnC it base of space, and apply trim accessory at '1 3 face. 74 16 77 78 79 Egrn lllgglfgS: coDstruction for EyPsus boards at iDterLal' 81 coroeril- ataep{ vhere special isolatiou or etlge tria is A2 i ntli ca te d. AcgCgllSgl lgglan!: Ilhere rcrk is indicated as nsound retardiug'l oi shorn yith au STC rating, apFly 2 separate beads of acoustj.cal sealant a11 around at interruptions of tlryrall rork' in the positicns shown or as reconnend.eil by nfr. if not shocn- O Lsclelg eltnalfprovide eCEe trimnfr. gork fron abuttiag stEuctural ancl rDasonry rork; 64 antt acoustical sealalt as recoomendeil by tbe 65 66 Ingtatl Scg!d *!gngCg+g3 blankets Ybere shovo, rithout JaFs; and 39 sup?oEt rhere Decessary to prevent ooverent or clislocation. I-lglqll l4!gr-rg:,-fg!ggt backing boarC vhere shosn to receive 91 tbin-set tile antt siuilar rigiC applied iinishes. Do not aPPly 92 tape and compountl at 3oints. SeaI cut edges, and joilts artd 93 penetEations cith vater-resistant sealaDt prior to installatioa- 9,{ IS!! gI:.qrg! gypsuo boarcl tc rood supForts. Provide finishes as fcllcrs: 96 gg1ge!! EiC:SbllS: ExcePt as otherrise intlicated' aPPIy joiDt ,lt t-pe an,i jcint ccopcund at jcints (botb directions) beEueea 99 gypsue boarcls. At,ply ccnpound at accessorl rlanges' 1U\) penetrations, fasteners heals and surface defects. 101 IaIls behind tile - lic texture Alt other valls sand TextuEe,Acoustical Plaster. 103 105 spEay-on cei).inss - 133 GTPSUS DRTIALL 9D-2 f I I b t1 l. i t Ir fl i cnEEKsrDE coroourNruus -l Cellings - sPray-on acoustical plaster. Insta-ll colpouad in 2 coats (PIus prefill of cracks vhere 112 recoanended 6y lfr.); sanil afteE list coat. 113 t'Li BND oF sEcrrott 9D ' 1t0 1t5 GTPSU!' DE TTALL 9D-3 CR EEKS ID E CoNDOI.{INIUMS sBcTroil 9G - Tr[E lro8K Standards: rtortar aoal gEout oateEials and iastallation standartls 11 oT tEe-A Derican Nat ional Stanttarcls Institute (A NSI) and StandaEd 13 Specification for ceraoic Tile At{sI A 137.1 apply to the rork, except as cthercise indicated. 14 Sgbq!tta1s: Iiith maoufacturerts technical clata and installation 16 ins[iuctions for tile uork, suboit 3 sanples of €ach tyPe, co]'or, 18 aact texture of tile nounted on 12x square backing rith jcints grouted 19 Qlazed t{a!]. !11a: rrBright Graderr, cushion edge. 4-1/4 x 1-1./+ 21 uinueacturers itandard colors- 22 q,gg, lgl.UEaf, g-lqMigg rith ratec absorptico oot excee'ir.r.g 25 3. 0I. I \ i, guarrl Tilei rrstanclard Grad.er.r' square-edgecl' 6 x 6 or B Trlq !!aoSg:. Saoe naterial , sLze, coJ.or, and texture tile. QES.Sqrq ltle Adlgsiygi Alisl A 136. '1. - 1967 ' Ty-oe II at f loors. x 8. 27 as freid 29-30 ralls aal 3l o lEl:sgt qEggt: Factcry-blenct of portiand cenent ancl additives. 35 !atex Grouti Sactory-blencl of pcrtland ceoeDt anci latex 37 idditives. ProviCe rrith nall tile and tloor til-e. 38 lqglaI1q!!9q: comPly uith ANSI A 106. 1 through A 108.7, as ql applicable for type of ti.l.e and nethoil of instalLatioo. coaply {2 sitb nanufacturerrs instructions for application of proprietarl' q3 nate rials- Join! ggllgEgi Use gricl pattern vith 1716rt uide joints' uDless 45 otheiuiie indiiated. 46 EdSg StEips: Provitle at exposed elge of tile meetinq carpet, '18tood, oi resitient fLooring, unless otherri-se indicated. 49 Qleaglgg q PEglggligli clean tile io accordance vitb ANSI t '108 51 ioi-tiFe -ci tile anl metbod of instalLatioo usetl aocl 52 nanufaciurerrs iostructior:s. APPIy heavy KEaft PaPer oE otheE 53 heavy pEot€ctive covering to prevent s.rrface danage. 5tl TI,LE IIORK END OF SECTICN 9G 9c-l 56 cB EEKS I D E CoNDoMINILUS sEcTrolt 9r - !!IS!ING t,r r Subaittals: In a<lttitioo to nanufacturer ts data, applicatiol l1 fi,#;Gtlons, ancl . label ana lysis f or each coating laterial, 12 subnit saoples for Arcbitectrs revier of color arrd telture ool-y' t3 Resubnit sauples if reguesteil untii. reguireti sheen, color aod 'l q texture is aihieved. 15 9,g gglCC] !99,q EgEgqggs. provide tuo rl[ x 8[ sanples for 17 i"tuiir-ana itilneal;od-ffniitr. lii Descriptio! of !gr!: Painting ar:d finishing of interior arrd 20 exterior itens uni-Eiifu""", unless othereise incticated. 21 Incl udes f ieLd painting of bare and covered pipes and d'.tcts 23 (inc1r:ding color codin.g), aoa hangers, exposed steel ancl irco 24 vork, ani grined aetil surfaces-of equi!nent installed under 25 nechari.cal and.electrical rlork. 26 Paint alI stain all exposed surfaces, as indicated, rhether or '2) Dot cclcrs are designaled. If not designated, colors nilr be 30 selectecl by the Aichitect fron stanilaril colors available ror 31 the coatings requirerJ- o ?a1!! cld Stel! lghedulgi lxles-igr !gr!i. tsevel Siding Stain Channel Lap Siding Stain Sidiag Trin Stain'dindov and Door Trim Staiu Roof Tril Pairrt FlashinE Paint Interior Hork: Kitchen ani Batb Halls Paint A.tI cther Ja:.ls Paint:ld baseboarcl Paint Door aad Ilindcv Tri.m Stain 3l 35 olyurpic 710 38 clynpic GreY 39 Olynpic 7 10 q0 olynpic Pilgrim Red 4l Dark Elue 42 llatch Roof Coloill3 45 Doors Il inCorsKitchen CeilingAll other ceilingS Pref inished P re f io ished Pain tPaint Latex,/Enarel tJhiteLatex fhite Latex,/EDa rel late x Late x llatch pre f in ish shop prioing of 57iuciu,leil untler 5dsuch as letal 59like, a Ee not 6 0 not required oa 61 Ih ite Hh itei{hite 47 .ld 49 505l 52 53 5q EqSE !9! ISSlgge4i Unless otheruise inrlicatecl, ferrous retal itens and fabricated comPonents are t-heir respective trades. Pre-finisned itens, toitet partitions, acoustic naterial and Lhe included. Unless otherrise io'licateil, painting PAI tiTIIId 9T- I io CR EEKSI D E CONDOMINII'MS surfaces of coocealed areas ercept for pipiag, eguipnelt aad 6'2 other such itens rithio the concealed spaces. Finished netais 53 sucb aS anoilized aluoiDuEr.stainless steel, bronze, and sioilar 64 Detals uill not be painted. Do not paiot any DoviDg parts of 65 operating urits, or oveE any eguipnent identificatioa ' 56 plrfornance rating, naoe or nonenclature plates or code-required 67 -labeLs. 68 DeliC,egf qllg Slefesei DeIrveE Eaterials to job site in aer, 7O ;iti;tf, ino unoFened containers bearing manufacturerrs ra&e, 71 tratle DaDe, and label analysis. Store Yhere indicated in 72 accoralance ri.tb maDufacturert s instructioas. 73 P-lglgSllSli. Prctect i,ork of cther tredes. correct auy painting iefitea dimages by cleaning, repaicing o! replaciug, aud refinishicA, as directed by Architect. ggglElqelfoSi- Provide finish coats vhich are coopatible rith prine paints usel. Prcvicle barrier coats over imconpatiDle primers rhere requireil . !lotify the Arcbitect in writing of anticipated problens usiDg sgecified coatings rith substrates prined by ctbers lrrrfgce lgeparqllcni Perforo preparatioD and cl€aniDg Proceduresin strict accordaDce rith coating nraoufacturerIs instructioDs for each sub strate coocliticn. Rero-yg hardr4gg and accessories, .nachined surfaces' Flates'fiEhtidg fixcures and sinilar ir.ems in place and not to be finish-painted or prcvide surrace-applied Prot€ction.Reinstall renoved itecs- lgqeEigl lfe-egEgllSSi llix' PreFare, and store painting and finisbing naterials in accorilauce yith uaaufacturerrs dicectious. App]:S-e!:-9-Ei APPIy Fai nti ug ancl f iuishing oaterials ir iccordance Hith the oanufacturerrs directions- Use applicators, ancl technigues best suitecl for the materiai and surfaces to thrcb app I ieC - A pply gd-qfgionC-l ggqtg rhen undercoats, stains oE other conditions shov through final paint coat, until paint filo is of uniforn finish, color and appearance. !in!s! ertegigg doors on toPs' bottons aod eclges same as door j anbs. gqlg fiSe! gggg lprlgqrl o! netal surfaces ' -ich have beea Jt,op-prioetl and touch-up.paintecl , unless otberrise specifie,l. App!1 PEine soat tc naterial vhicb is required to be painted or finisbed, aad rhich has not been prioe coated by otbers. .a 75 76 77 19 80 81 82 83 85 a6 87 89 9') 91 92 9q 95 97 98 99 1J0 102 103 10 4 r07 109 't t0 112 113 PA I NTING 9t-2 Provide g lotel ttgl filg tblslaccs of Dot Less tharl-2-5 rils 115 ?or t[E "itii6-Eoati.ogElter-of Fiine aatl f inisb coat for 2- 117 i coat uork ggonlgteg ggEE;. tlatch approved'sinples for color, texture atrd 119 f ;oveilf- SEnove, ref inish- cr repaint rork not ia coopliance 120 I uith specified requireuents. 121 I cn EEKsTDE Tolf rHousEs Ir I END OF SECIICN 9T 123 t,r r PTI ITI.{G gi-r cREEKSI D E coNDoMINIttMS gEcrlg[ ]-1E - -[gq!E! gaBMg SSeCgqg4gi leeil8legligi Cooply cith IUSI A151.1 for voodl kitcbea Eibinets, as applicable to the rork shoun.. lrovids lCeElif&s! gahiget', seal, of tbe National Kitcbea CabiDet esEoEiat$n tttXEft, aff ixed to each uni-t in a seni- concealeC locatioo. ggI lfqstig -lan:lSgg ccvered rock, conply rith applicable Er-anaaiOE-of -fiticnif Association of. Ptastic EabricatoEs (rii?P). cabinet Hagdsargl conply rith H8$A llo. 201 '|Cabinet Hardrare stEuaaia', as applicable to the cork iadicated. Pgg.llie- glylC CSq !I!1g! of cabinet harciuare vhich is cabiuet uanutictu;e;t; itinaaia-icc the reguirecl cabinet styie and finish. I 12 r3 15- 17 19 20 21 23 24 21 28 .o !.!Zege Shepeg lgg lMSl Prcvi.le the sizes an<l types of units-as JI ;ho;;; "EoffeTe-wIti -aianers, cloors, sirelves, ccugartnents for 32 appliances aud fixtures, antl special. features as indicatetl. gase!'gigsj.ixceptasotheruisej.odicateil,nominal24tld,ePth35i nei-gtrt required for 36rr height of iinished counteE-toP' gyeE:ES.USlel lell llilSi Except as otherrise iodicated ' 37 ;ili;;r-I7n-deFi[-x treigfit re;uired for toP to be 7t-0rr above 39 floor ES!I:.Eg!ghtUlitsiExcePtasotherriseindicateilroatchCepthtl2of base uuits antl beight of vall' units- Blg.ECgllIqlCEeglCEeE!- Provicle one of the folloring: tr4 gqgCga-SlllgEi :lastercraf t; f,enver, Color. 46 p.ggq-ss!;. sierra Kitchen and vaui.ty ctbiriets rith claun finisir, q8 ";-fiiEl as aFproved by the Arcbitect. r'r9 cogptgS Tg-Ei High-pressuEe plastic Ianiuate on particleboard 5l @r- rill-uuir[-ui edges l\-1/2tt, anii integral' back-sprash 52 i,,;t . IEt{A LD'l O. be Zu - tbick general Furpose plastic laoinate ' 53 dr.|it 0.051" thick cherever post-fornirrg is reEuired; color as 55 selected by Acchitect. coqslEggliggi coacinuous sheet (post-formetl) uitb catecfali- 58 fiA:;;;;-lic[-splash and'ro-drip bulj--oose e,19er uaterPrcof 59 a dhes i ve. KITCHE.TI CAEI{9TS tlB - 1 il rl II CB EEKS IDE coNDoMrNltrus Installatiooi anchbr cabinet units securely in p.Lace vitL 61 conce;Ga (tEeo tloors aatl .dlrarers ar€ closed) fasteners, ancbored 63 into structural support . neobers of call coastEuctioD. Cooply 6ll ri-th oanufacturerrs iustruitioos and reconoendations for suPPort 65 of units. qounteE Isps: attach ccunter toPs securely to base uuits.- 67 s[fGE-ana ifo. Joints in counter tops; provide concealed 58 mechanical -ctaofing of joint. Provide cut-outs for fixtures 70 antl appliances al iiaicated; snooth cut eilges aod coat cith 71 vaterFroof coating or adhesive.b ; 1".. I Ill t- t t ro rrli r'1 tl g.ggplelg b.eSdrggg instal latioufor proper operation- EI{D OF' SECgION 1 1B and acljust doors aocl draYers 73 74 76 KITCHETI CABINETS llB - 2 cREEKSIDE CoNDoMTNIWS sEcrrg! 119 - BIEIIENIfIL APPLIISCES Generaf lplf iangg Reqgirenegls; Provi{9 qL lelg] on eacb resiilential lppliances: appliance. ., i tl,O t- I Elecllic Bg.!ge: 30'r, free standing ulrit cith self-cleaning oveD; 18 Alnond. Free StanclinS Range *JBP36GII; Generai Electric co. 20 B.egge EoSA-i. 30r' stainless steel, under-caII cabinet type hood 23 iit[' intEgiaf figUt ancl reoovabie filter; vr.tr integral 2- speeci 2u exbaust ian, rited 160 cfn (uinioun at high speed); Push-buttotr 25 cotrtrols; AloonC- Pange i{ood *JV330; General Electric Co- 27 Refglgerqlgl-FrgezeE: 30rr ride, over enii'unaler (2 doors) e Iio- 30 f rdt;-iiee-Etaaaing ' 16 cu. f t. (net oininuo capacity) , 3l porcelain enanel finish, Aloond. Top freezer - Ref. *TEF-160I; GeDeraI Electric Co- 33 DisL {.qShel;. 2ll'i built-in under-couDter autonatic dishvasi:err 35 p-orcefa in-nauel tub, Push-bcttco contEols, Alnoncl color. 37 Suilt-In Disbrasher +GsD -:C0; General Electric'co. 39 qqrbgge 2iSgoSggi 1/2 hp notor, vall-sritch cootrol' contiouous- 41 Eeea-iction, tEiinless steel cuttiog ring ancl iopeller, stainiess 42 steel sinK flange, connection for Cish rasber clrain, Peroaneot tl3 lubrication, acoustically insulated case. 4rt Stainless Disposal $GFC810; General Electric Co- 46 StacEgg .lgShe:lPEIgE-:. 241' ride; 1 speed, 2 cycLe autoBatic 4d cfothea aaaEei;--poi-eIain enaoel top an<i vasher basiret. Il 9 lutonatic ancl tillerl cycle clcthes dryer, Eear vent to exteEiori 5J A looud t1 13 l5 52 5'r 56 58 59 Launtlrl'Ceuter *LC-3 Frigidaire Div. Instalfaticn: Qouetl u ilb g.e4SEaclgIgE:g i.nstructions- Plovile ggEIiSe ggCgsgtiggg cooplyiug rith regulations of goveruing authoriti.es. RESI DEI{T IIL APPIIANCES 11C - I I I I i; f- I t-il,'a t I io fr cREEKSIDE coNDOMrNil'MS : Tr1! !g!:-EU units as inilicatetl,iork behiod tbe face, 'aod to reat ber proof. Deliger gggratinq aud nainteDaDce to conplete thelake exterior instructions and concgaloelt ofpenetratiols rarranties to 62 53 66 OuDeEi EXD OF SECTTCI 1lC 68 B ESI DETT IT L I PPLIT NCES llc - 2 c8 EEKSIDE coNDoMINIlms s.EE!.Ior l.1D - !8!!A!.EJ{A!E9 Druo corp., 9an Franchioney. ExpbseJ tLy' ----7---:- | -.General: Provide /treestanon the drariags. f covid,e a 1code approval- / ///// FIRE tc E5 I 10 l1 12 14 t5 15 17 19 21 2J 2tl 25 26 29 i ''.' I I.l l,o f, ng pcefabricat repJ.ace as shora ceived buildiog ./,/re Dcuo II; Flre/-connectoE aEo ireplace that l!aterialsg Prefabricat ail be Fi isco, Ca lif-rith fI uee pipe, baff 'es, and firePlace shalL have oatte black giliccne acauer fiois Sxposetl flde pipe Concealed flue s Iss!cl4e!isl:.Adhere to Iocal buiAding uanuf/act ur er I recon ne udat !s. If there is a typ cod c ec o nnenda ti c the oost striDgent r i e. es a ncl tc cbeonflict betreeo equireneut saaj.lcoilp/s an d aPPly- END OI' SECTICN 110 dfi a 1l- h]l be .PREFABEICATED PIBE PLACI -11lD flfBxD oP .**EIID O? rr+END Ol' t+*EuD olt +t*EUD or ***END OF ***END CP ***END OF ***ElfD oF ***END CP DOCUIEI{Tif tttf EllD 0P DOCUIElfTrrrr+rEXD OF DOCt llBtftrt*ttf EUD cF DOCUUEITTtf*++ltiD 0F Docut{EuT**r**rEltD or DCCUtIgNT**+*+*END CF DOCUI'l ENT***'F't:r END C P DOCUIIEIIT****'1.* IND CF DOCU:{Et:T**+*** END CF DOCUl,l :NT****** END GF DOCUIIENTt*+rrtEUD DOCUItEUIT f *rf .Eu0 DCCUIIBNT***t+tEUD DOCoilENtt*t**tExD DOCUItEUT*:r**t'fEND D0CU:tENTt+++'r+END DOC Ull ENT f :r'i ++ + EN D D0CU:tE![T **'f * *!tEN D DCC Ul{Elf T + +**+ * EN D D0CUIIENT**,8+*:rEN D DOCItI!ENfffrr*rf,[! Qf !i DOC0uEllT*ri+*tEuD oF D DOCUltEIT.fr.r.EuD 0F D Docut{EsTrr*.frExD o8 D DOCottENT*rf,fttEdD oF D DOCUUENT+*i**+EUD OF D DOCUT{ENT **+*t'}EXD OF J D0cul{ENT******END CIr D DCCUi.lEi;T*++**+EUD Ci i DOCiil{ENr*+****END Oi D o8 OF OF OF OF ot OF OF OF OF - I I,(i(}, I i i I I r'lr 1i I r1 L- r I t t It- { tL., rlrt I' IIL-, I IL I I I I tliU C( I.'}3NTIJEi{T Or P[ll$II{INO AHA llcl),onald Bldg. 550 Broadway p.O. Box l?9 Creekside Partners c/o Interwest Realty, Inc. 710 East Durant Avenue Aspen, Co. 81611 10 Februarv , - :.".1 !'r .:' L. :; ,,; J r-"." - . . ,.. - Eagle, Colorado 81631 -.-----., -f 4'=fl Re: File No. Zv-41-78 At their Public Hearing on 9 February 19?g, the Zoning Board ofAdjustment denied the request for setback variance. under zoningBoard of Adjustment procedures, at least four members must votein favor of the variance in order for it to be granted. If you have any questions, please conLact this office. /-*/Ad ?errill Knight /Planner t rK/jk cc: Zoning Board of Adjustment Planning Dcpartmcnt/Planning commission: Subdivision, Rezoning, Apprications and Review (J0J) 32g-633sBuilding official: Building permits and Inspection, zoning Administration (J0J) 32g-6jJ9 EAotE 00Ililfy I Action of Zonlnrg Llcard of Approval E conditions: VNRI ( /tlrlol! [1-:p1-lsnTtot{ Atlju:;tn'rcnt on Voricnco Appl ication Note: Sectiorr 9.04.1O Ap;:rcals from tlrc Roard' Any frrrther e,ppcirl from tlre dccision of the Boarrd may bc mado lo the cour ts, ars providcd by la./, provictod, however, thal strch oppcal is nrcdc prior to l..venty (20) rl;nys fol lorving lhc datc of thc nctificaiion of thc Eoar'<l's decision. ..'. Denlal & roasons: (see Order of tlre Board, att:rched) Under Zoning Board of Adjustment procedures, must vote in favor of the variance in order for at least four members it to be granted. : rttoNo":{-?/-.7f, ,, EA&I,E COUNTT Kathleen Lell, Editor Eagle Val ley Enterprise Eagle, Colorado 91631 MSB/kp BEPABTXiEI{? CIT FIIItlI{Iff& AI{D DSVETOFilIEHT McDonald lttdg. 550 Broadway p.O, Box IZ9 Eagle, Colorado 8I0Jl 16 January 1979 Re: Notice of public Hearing Zoning Board of Adjustment 9 February 1979 Please publ ish the attached Notice of Public Hearing as a,rLegal Notice,r in the19 January 1978 publ ication of your pape:.. Please bill and send aff idavit of publication to this office. Thank you, Planning Dcpart ment/Pllnning commission: subdivision, Rezoning, Applications and Revicw (303) 32g-6&lglluikling Official: Building [,ermits anrl Inspcction, Zoning Administration ll0J) J2g-6JJ9 G' z, J'R E E ; i fie F>f,e F I : 6' '';e : fss ggxgi$ z;FlgFE'ft$ ;s F F F z*gg;t;a;i E; 5 E tEsrie=ii ;g I I gF[sr;;lr 3i E ; :;ier*si 'z ;'I - I i.'";6^B?q s.E g ieI:i s I i: esag;l[;: is E]i;lt3:*g3 e.= o' 'q99;c6.! =9 q *€Fif;:38€ s; g? Ar3:'5,3. !B ;<-:. b.i "'E q:{;iE;g eli IltFi SEt F;Fi=93?i gn:FB',Isi g 5;-e;FiglE ,1 fil=;*;l 6q5;FF53 P.E:'^'ba roeE f > 3-'l 7 9to -' t"a € fiFFiFFlgig 'a1gFfs;g;i rF3;EE{? 3;:l =5! o =F x- -;e;[$iF;1f; Fii I[;i;s1: o ;3-e.r< +is alsgEF fniiileii fe; F;;ia; Is; Ai;i:tf a* .; -=q rf; E'-2 E'r -!t9r>3 lrtE.{ ==FE.' =-.1 Ee;.di'ort-€>'=4, =, =-,YCr r:> E==et EI F:rG<! lt:t8r-lGt!. .€3=i C't=-,r{ cb aa F l:l ; 7F "" g s.JN O:o 6 )o:a o.'rPe-o ir:' l'BA-J 6;,. F -.r <-tt9n qcYor !.i N 36 FO vt o s o o it e .'rE p P# , Fi i$ifiili igifirti iliisiiiiiiiiiiii::t'i;ii$gi$F giiiiiE{ig E ;F'i ;i'i FFP:E .O F :E 9 F I3 ifI i:5F6;€; iI;iF;€I :i;p ?eilii;* i1;Iit;*;;i iiri;isi F+Fgii?; isiiiiiii*igiiiil' i $5riiit +;i;i Fi $H 11# if tiF s Ei gFil E; gF i= 98. E gF i n i;;E F ss!SoEi3 F€ -. 6oo:rr t >;'9:! 9s9:."5eg ?o 3h? riEd:o.l l*JBo';.F -=n:E €'o OErEdI g 33P.5.:':. o- "':';o'-(' { elF)2. @dd'o!o FEoR o CF .'i F F F [,tp FrF t, FPF s vI* n :.F s, Prt F flE;t[Er [Et*[gr as;a3[Er sErg$EF H;igFEr r nss*Ear ssF*!rfl Fsiig? El siEli:i q:ii?:t,, ii[;i1f ; iAie.=s ':s;E+r' igi;;ii ;g;;1f i' iF*i 4#;: **; illr ie€ gt;s B-;cl; g i*icr= r ds Et;tf g :E;e; s iEjEt s Ei;EF s EtjE€ :* 4g-Ei:= ; iglFi * g"Ei[ * 49l:s i 4iE*;I sr:;i : Pii;; 5 r$t;q : E;i;t I si;;1il;['t i i;qFi iisI:-l:;ti'li;[*fi iFg€' ! ii'g' € i;is : tFis t iF;r'igla; tgstf iaiii i-i;il FF;sXFi;* Fii- e E;;5 sisg 3i:sE?F ics tea€- tc; tE;3t: )Ee I 1;r :aE lef.Iq? =qi d ;e;aga Bsi c ;#: fji f;icHi ci3 s fli-3 sta rils;5 e;5 t'Fi ei* egl C- g" eo g: gFI I ' I 9€ l- nl; t -.; e P.; F :e p:s ,;iiiiirgsii F;figiiiei iiFilFg*i5iEl i F$irsiFi;iiifi;iliij ;iisig;iii Firiiiiri;iii i lfF;gfFgiiii'F;iiu*r ea;iiig is iFfliiiiiFi.ii * ifl F*igi$f'* sigl F*'ii'i3i ig riig+-giB riFF fsF F' F Fiii i Fi F[g ii Fgiii ;i[ i, i g. = g rFe: i i; lii i i;lli EiE ir fl f * iui; il ii iF$ x iifri tfF ie f, * g e r ' A ; [a;gg i; I (", F-t g F.5 p p i p:,i:, * E Ffisrsilgigii;F*i:' g Fi;gt F;ilr;siiiiii ;s9Fir3;stq*is. FgIFr; fi;€3i$Ei ss ; *;s E;6:5ixgg;I s;aE ileils*HEqir n5.9: ;;iiigll€Fi 6'a gE IialifFiiig 6iEi sifr =fr{ fig;E3 gyFsHe g*e'i [*:; i g3 I; ,if; ;:Ei I ;; H igi:" ,fr* ls F €i € FF; siiF E g* I Ei3 ;;5p ; 9_e E g[F Fati f sF i E' 9;x F. €3 !n,.i:o-4:z =,cf 19N 6 srN " ; 99 = l.r +'": e (r :t:t!'I E;9 ' o o3"' iE.FS:E: i1:iiF+;9- P{6sii:; n?see: -v.D-:5* {drgi5: 9q.*=i o 5 P ='6 0o x i5 d6 *=d 0*o,33 ;s3 ilio b o:f c q " I6,.1 t:9 F 3 = gd err oi XtrI s; *: = *: o9o 6I =.ts? oo -a! I'c *i."O-tFpP 15 gs ,+ !: :q<' :o 6-d- ? ':- *P.i )itF ='t l- " YII sr F $rgriigi; rugiift3Eif;ast i:ti;FF;FqIgrgr Bg;ii= i iffs;tj g siii;issasifrii* irgF;E a?s: a;;; i55;grg'es!II*€ EdBF:E {;EgitE* *F[,:: igF:f;iE F;ig;t3[ilfqt sfrlr9sB';;tEE ioinjc!rlis{gl' gstig F$gF;i; rii;Ei3Efrs i FgsfisFiiF; g ;tteg EFFF[I ' :F P F P; P P fE " 't# r Eifiigfai FiE ;gf'€i ryFntgsat ii+;fiEifEi itelEi+i;r rEi!s+ ;i ;is gEnrl qi;i;EF+;i dsFaiEi?;i es:1ii i; 3;A ;;=,; $i6lf5figi :5;l;lgii* €ifreFr li iai ;f *E ilsea.$sur : rrgi€ liil ;3$sri ii ns; FE ii 1;rc;[g=;iif;eFi$ qi;ifl: Is '33 3f; ra €"Eg'ifE;cH*rir*;s;.[1Fi[ [sgi f- FEiA:;ii s€ +j g 3li$ef ; ;{ ti E 3:g $q':8":l :a I nsli;; E gE 3F ; iBi ?53;qF gI ; ;93:"i! 5 ili f; s *qi i:*Xi;.r 33 T F';=.ro ? o 16 $ 8fl1 3:,:ln# ii I s:F;f; ] sF E* r BBr eF=c Eg ;rlsr;x[] l si ;e; F;I rig-;;si-Ia lges;;5 i; ; lri fg3gt*5F fnrreF E;;43 g=ai''ilf' s i i-q* 3 i Et B! E F'r ; fr'El ( ;) F F[s'} 'lF t, F:'F F ,iiiiiFiiiiiiiiiliii Eg'iFEi'f.giFgig$t fs ;al; r ;; F$EFl $riif5FstFfFFi *i ryEs i f$ igi'' EAOI.I COUNTT (( DEPANTrJIEIT Or PIIIII$IINO AIID McDonald Bldg. 550 Broadway p,O. Box l?g DEUEIEFi,IEiIT Eagle, Colorado 816$l 20 January 19?8 Creekside Partners c/o Interwest Realty, Inc. ?10 East Durant Avenue Aspen, Co. 81611 Re: File No. Zv-41-78 At their regular meeting on 18 January, the Eagle County planning Commission recommended approval of your variance application. This recommendation will be forwarded to the Zoning Board ofAdjustment at their Public Hearing on g February beginning at 10:00 a.m. in the County Commissioners' Meeting Room #103, 550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado. If you have any questions, please contact this office. Hfu^ Planner TK/ik cc: Zoning Board of Adjustment I'Lrnning Dcpartnrent/Planning commission: suMivision, Rczoning, Apprications anrr Revicw {J0J) 3zg-6JJ8Ruilding Official: Building Permits and Inspection, Zoning Administrution (J0J) J2g.6JJ9 '' euotle,.2f-l/.7f FccPald-?5a a zl. Legal descriptlon of property . a. Subdivision NameVail Intermountain Signafure of ized appl owner? .5. /2- i . Eagle County, Colorado I - APPLTCATION FOR VARIANCE(l\, from the Zoning Resolufion of\ , to the ZoniZoning Board of Adjustments (mlnirrr,rm 5 copies required; prlnt or type, except slgnaturqs) . Sectlon 9.04.05 Appli.-tlo* CffiEKSIDE PARTNERS - Marr Address 7I0 East Durant Ave., Asperqlte. etpne, ?25-2772 1. Regulatlon and Section Nurrber(s) of Zoning Resolution frorn which Variance is sanght: 3.05.08 Minimum Setbacks: Front Yard : 2. Present zcne_B/SA_ 3. Goneral locatlon of property (in relation to a Town, Road, Stream or oth€r landmark): End of frontage road south of f-70 to the west of the' West Vail- exit in the Vail Tntermountain Subdivision Lot I BlkJLr orr b. rretes and bounds (may be attached) include sun €y or map: N/A Brlef Purpose and Reason for Variance (may be attached) : Text Atdached '6. Attach a)glaration that on€ or lnore corditions exist under Sec. 9.04.06, 1-5. Text Attached7. Statement: A complete list of all 6wners addresses, of tl€ property proposed for Variance and of all o$rners of all ad properties i hereto; this signatofy is proporly aJthorized to m. offica use Applacatlon accepted 6s clrqglete for Public Hearir€ on Appl lcatlon reJectad 6s lncorrplcte for Pubt ic Hearlng beceuse: dato ( CREEKSIDE PARTNERS APPLICATION FOR VARIANCELot 1, Block 5, VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN L2-30-77 ( 5. Brief Purpose and Reason for Variance: creekside Partners intends to seek subdivision approvalfor seven townhouse _type units to be constructea auriir! tnespring and summer of 1bzg. Each will be sold as a condominiurn. A variance is requested on the minimum front yard set_back. According to Section 3.03.06 the minimum fr6nt yardsetback shall be 75 feet from road centerline or 50 feetfrom front property line, whichever is greater, if the frontageroad is considered to be an arterial stieet or 50 feet fromroad centerline or 25 feet from the front property line,whichever is greater, if the frontage road is- conlidered tobe a local street. rn either case the front setback require-ment severely hampers the developability of the subject lotand creates a substantial hardship due Lo the narrowness ofthe lot and the existence of the greenbelt, pedestrian andutility easement. We are proposing that the front setback be relaxed to10 feet frorn the front property line. since the edge of thepaving of the frontage road is l-3 to 14 feet from the frontproperty line there will be a totar of 23 Lo 24 feet of set-back from the existing pavement. rt is felt that this lessersetback will not create any problems because the frontageroad dead ends at our site. Therefore, there wiII be n6traffic past the site except that resulting from the seventor'rnhouses themselves. Also, it is unlikely that the frontageroad will ever be expanded since physically it can never goanywhere because of the physical limitati-ons imposed by tfrernterstate (which buried the frontage road) and the creek. .A{ ''ll''/( ( CREEKSTDE PARTNERS APPLICATION FOR VARIANCELOT 1, BlocK 5, VAIL INTERMoUNTAIN12-30-77 6. Attach explanation that one or more conditions exist underSection 9.04.05, 1-5: a) The primary condition that exists is: 9.04.06r3that the property for which a variance is requestedpossesses exceptional narrowness, shallowness, shapeor topography which does not occur generally toother property in the same Zone District. The site is a very narrovr and long triangle (6g9r x163r) and is subject to a greenbert, peaestriin and utilitveasement that follows Gore creek leaving a developabre areibet\'veen the road and the easement of onry about 5b feet by220 feet (see attached survev). b) !f-qegondary consideration, the following exist:9104.06,4 that the variance, if granted, will notdiminish the value, use or enjoyment of adjacentproperties, nor curtail desirable light, air andopenspace in the neighborhood, and 9.04.0615 that the variance, if granted, will notbe. directly contrary to the intent and purpose ofthis Resolution of the Master plan. L-'r'l)"// ( CREEKSIDE PARTNERS APPLICATION FOR VARIANCELOt 1, Block 5, VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN L2-30-77 7. a) Ownership of Lot 1, Block 5, Vail Intermountain. The property is under contract for deed from AmericanNational Development Corporation to fnterwest Realty, Inc.Interwest Realty, Inc. is holding title in trust forCreekside Partners. Title will be conveyed to CreeksidePartners in January before subdivision is requested. I. Interwest Realty, Inc.A General Partner in Creekside partners 710 East Durant AvenueAspen, Colorado 81611 2. Dean D. YoungA General Partner in Creekside partners P.O. Box 4946Aspen, Colorado 81611 3. John C. GinnA General Partner in Creekside partnersp.O. Box 256Aspen, Colorado 81G1f 4. The following are limited partners in Creekside partners: Countryside Associates lrwin Howell MalloryBox 256 1230 Snowbunny LaneAspen, Colorado 81511 Aspen, Colorado g16ll John L. Yaw David BorkenhagenBox 2736 Box 3395Aspen, Colorado 81611 Aspen, Colorado 91611 Perry A. Harvey Jerry BlumbergBox 8720 9l_6 nast HopkinsAspen, Colorado 8161_I Aspen, Colorado 91611 David W. Hollingtonc/o Ohio Bank and SavingsLock Box 300Findlay, Ohio 45840 b) ownership of adjacent property: CeeEKStD€ PAA.rlt]r:RS f V*RrAt/er ftPft-raencf wr | , Bt-oc-K €, vhc ft\ftuaqouNTftilJ 4oecetw- arll*sltF FLLLSSHEM J&..JAJHOUSE3 , W Z, t3Uocr( 5, V.r. , uArrr-r t eu-tY-R, R- aoe-oarr.l :rR lLlsT E- '{MHERS- ateCLE DDJ/ER \ C-o 8o73> dptT +z_ Pret@. t LD)ts + ru^Abv 4FeI r g'x 7=o wtu, ao g167 u0 rr If S -iD(,^i6jb , ct+dRLG L. @Y 3zl V#tL , co ttt'-sT UNif- .FS Ho.-nflRD, alftR. .D. lzg N. Prrr sr-. {LEK,tN}Qrfl, VA zz=tt Jpr 8, BrocK 6, v.r. G*TeE / M*PSiIALL D. + /frtRTHA t4. ,+l \d. BRapf Sb Prfr5fi2RD , N.V. 14 g"+ -t.r]T q, BI_rcK b uT. Dtt/ts ) t;,n-ttfrA +! 4 eeutmr{ P zl' uFBe€oK ox-. bffrDN Rou6,g/ LA . 7Dgt9 /- ( w !-, Bt*4 7 , rt'r ta,rr- # t Wrr #7 glNtT 1+ 3 ?lto/"lpsonj, DoNftLD €.t lz19 k*+r sT-., sJrT€ plcurra , c-o 807-f)2_ 5c1-168R, -+'fte€L c. tuK q7f vAlu r eo 8lbs7 z. C .t ztl QtUg.l OeVt- _ Cg.N b M t N t v, tt t S'......--"rr-r--L-- tlotSt^1, 7Dv1N Bo^ 1.,t V*lL I Co $1b97 oa^viN 7 DaJuls { euvve Box 36 Vklt-, to 8tts7 D)flos€, C*Ut- *Nt'J Hfl-Zsr"' , ttott-.f Asft EoX ?-D3+ VHu,eo glbsT Gutx)ts +l}.. EoK ffi|" V*tt, & <lbs7 uutT r+4 t ( ' box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 department of community development Septernber 2I , L98L Ton Boni Assistant Director of Corununity Developnent Eagle County Departnent of Comnunity DevelopmentEagle, Colorado 81631 Dear Tom:RE: Creekside Townhouses Lot l, Blk 5, Vail Internountain\...-...- This is in response to your reguest for input fron rne t"g""iilJllihrplat for Creekside Townhouses located on Lot 1, Block 5, Vail Intermountainsubdivision. Thank you for requesting my input. r do have several concernswith the project in its supposed I'cornpleted'r fonn. However, because the.project was approved and pernitted by the County, there are no prob l erns with'the number of units or zoning on the property. The following are ny conunents and concerns: The green belt, pedestrian and utility e-senent has been encroached uponby the parking area to the west of the building. The parking rdas not constructed anywhere near to what was approved onthe site plan approved by the Planning Conrnission on April t9, 197S. 3. The trees labeled 'tCottonwoods 8t high" whether previously existing orproposed to be planted are not there. 4. the landscaping is inadequate in the following ways: a. The seeded front lawn contains large areas of dirt where the seed<iidn't take, b. The trees planted are unusually srnall. c. The areas south of the parking areas and the units is neglected asfar as lan<iscaping. this area should be re-seeded to nake the projectlook better and to get a strong vegetation base near the creek bankto prevent eros ion. I, t \ni z; s/21/81 5. 6. Culverts as shown There are 4rr x 4rl sticking out. The curb stops forthe 1ot, near the on the site plan were not installed. ties lying near the west parking area with large spikes the west lot have been deposited over the wall suPPortin'g creek bank. ., I feel strongly that these are not correct all of these items to both Cornrnissioners sign the final plat. Thanksn Senior Planner APP:bpr minor iterns and that the developer should your and my satisfactions before the Please contact ne if yourve further questions. tr FIELD COPY BUILDING DIVI5ION OF EAGTE COUNTY. P.O. BOX 789 couRrHousB EAGIE, CO.-PH. (303) 328-6339 BUILDING PERMIT oArE JuIy 13. re ?8 FERMTT No. 10 46 (coNrR's LrcENsE) pERMrr ro Cnnntrrrct ? Torrrnhnrrseg-l sroRy(TYPE oF tMPRovEME NT)NO. NUMBER OFOWELL ING UNITS (PROPOSEO USE) AT (LOCATTOr|).ZON INGorsrR rcr------l-(NO.'(SIREETI BETWEEN ANO(cR055 STREET)(CRO5S STREET'3 ILto odl dz c s UBD rv ts t0N V ell Intermountaln TO TYPE USE GROIJP BUILDING IS TO AE - FT. WIDE €Y - FT. LONG AY . LOTlor 1 elocx --5---------- s rze FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTFUCTION BASE MENT WALLS OR FOUNDATION ( TY PE) Etreet to prevent health & safety hazerds. -REMARKS:Parktng areaa must be located off AREA ORVOL U ME Erlk Edeen plan Check Fee g4S1.So 4rt.5O EsrrMArED cosr g 290.000.00 FEE"'' $903J10-- r' L OWNER (CUBIC/SQUARE FEET) Creekslde c/o Interqrest Inc.AUILOING AODRESS -I PERMIT APPLICATION I Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. A'-zft tJrsr Zi; J Bzk. t Vt+tz .Ttur€amou/(/-ra/.</ U.L 2zz ( 13'E A'tACHED SHEETI 2 c'.t?e,/a MAlL aoolEss Frlor{ E Ltcar{sE xo. e sH,p at C azl 1- atcHt TEct oi DE! tcftEi LtcaNsE l{o.4 ( olc4z e,,LtD ErG[,tEEi MAIL AOOiEIS PFON E MAlt aootEss 6raic{ U5E Of !UI LDIIIG 8 ctasofwork: J*lew D ADDrrtoN trALTERAT|oN D REPATR tr MovE D REM0VE l0 Change of use from l l Valuation of work:70,CIoo pERMf r FEE ?03, oO SPECIAL CONDITIONS: Sile ol glalg. (Total) Sq. Ft. Fire SprinklersRequired [\,,es [NoAPPLICATTON ACCEPTEO AY APPROVEO FOR ISSUANC€ 8Y No. ol Owelling Unlli OFFSTREET PARKING SPACESI NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS AFE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMg.ING, HEATING. VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTFUC-TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS- ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEDFOR A PERIOD OF 12O OAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEFT WORK ISCOMMENCEO. -"7 - 78 ZONING FIRE OEPT. OTHER (Sp6cily) Form 1OO.1 1-77 INSPECIOR EAGLE C&NTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT RE.EI'ED Date *3 2 ' tg a( or O*r'^A)Lt V"-a.-,-t AMOUNT ITEM Buildino Permit Fee Application For Subd ivision Zone Change Conditional Use Special Use Variance Code: (Building) (Zoning) (Subdivislon) Total Received All items are received for no-payment of any item. Ne 3758 oo collection only and this receipt shall be cancelled for i i hbrwc.lrrc nelntMott TtoEostDurontStreet ,lsoencor$816llt6A 3og/92s-2772 ...#.;xH& i) {/r r>ri; /o- (v'-ce *P&e '6*nttao/4a. lf t Gloe-k f UAil -Tn6o'oct,Zzn 6tt,^k T*l fa"n7 #4/''-z .EAGLE couNry BUrLDrf"=*n ,, ApplrcAroN IFINAL: C/O INSPECTION, LANDSCAPE INSPECTION FOtrM Review Routing Form ( ) Primary Routing ( ) Rerouting ?-f o'n ( Date Referred Location Review and return to the Permit No. Plannir rg Commission File No. County Buildirrg Off icial within 6 working days Applicarrt P lanning: Complies with: Subdivi sion Regul at ions Zoning Regulations S ite Plan (Landscaping) Commerrts: Reviewed by: Recommend Approval : No Enu Yes H.& Date: Gounty Engineer: Roads Grading Drainage Comments: Recommend Approval : nntrn trnnI County Health: Water Sanitation Perc. test Final lnspection: C/O Recommend Approval Comments: ND A,Evu Approval ! _ i--.z--4tcz- 7'V--ecomm.end>.,2. 4.'.- , n Firral Inspection: Landscapi Recommend Approval Comments: ngnr c/o Final lssued Filing Date by Date 7^un=cor,rNTY EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 1328.7311TELEPHONE 303 BOARO OF COUNTYcoMMrssloNERS Ext 241 ADMINISTRATIONExt 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 2O2 BU I LDI NG IN I NSPECTI O NExt 226 ot 229 CLERK & RECORDERExt 2l7 CO U NTY ATTORNEYExt 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH Ext 238 EXTEN5I O N AGENTExt 247 LIBRARYExt 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 25 2 Vail 476-5844 PLANNINGExt 226 o( 229 PURCHAsING/ PERSONNELExt 245 ROAD & BRIOGEExt 257 5H ER IFF Eagle Ext 2l I Baralt 927-3244Gilman 82 7-5 7 5l SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURERExt 20 | Creekside Associates c/o Interwest Realty 710 East Durant Street Aspen, C0 81611 TB/J P cc: Board August 1, 1980 Re: File No. Su-103-80-F Creekside Associates S'incerely o At their meeting of 30 Ju'ly, 1980, the Board of County Cornmissioners approved your final p1 at for 7 multi-family units. Upon receipt of the required filing fees of $10.00 per page for my]ar and $2.00 per page for any other documents, this office will file your plat. If you have any questions, please contact this office. -4,/ -y'.-s-/.--'.a--zz z-' .r..-J,t---t-'+*-<--,' Tom Boni /// Pl anner of County Conrnissioners / €AGIE COUNIY' Community DevelopmentP. 0. B-ox 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328.731I BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERSExt 241 ADMINISTRATIONExt 241 ANIMAL SHELTER949.4292 ASSESS0 RExt 202 BUILDING IN I NSPECT IO N Ext 226 or 229 CLER K &RECORDERExt 217 CO UNTY ATTO R N EY Ext 242 ENGINEERExt 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTHExt 238 EXTENSION AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARYExt 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NGExl 226 o( 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNELExt 245 ROAD & BRIOGEExi 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 211 Basalt 927-3244cilman 827-5 75 | SOC IA L SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURER Ext 201 12 March 1980 Creekside Associates c,/o Interwest Realty 710 East Durant Street Aspen Col orado 8'l 6'l 'l At the Development Review Team Meeting on 11 March 1980' the following comments were made on your l'1jnor Subdivjsion: Revegetation and drainage plans. Show snow storage. Applicant should follow Final Plat process since a prel'iminary p'lan was approved on May 24, 1978. Follow Section 4.03, Subdjvision Regulat'i ons. Show greenbelt easement, Because your application was not signed, we have not accepted it for the 16 Apri 1 meeting. If you have any questions. please contact this office. Z---,o-'&='u- Thomas Boni Assistant Director of Planning TB/ kp 01y EAGTE COUNTY CommunitY DeveloPment P.0. Box .l79 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-731I BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMtsstoNERs Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASsE550 RExt 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTIONExt 226 or 229 CLERK &RECORDERExt 217 COUNTYATTORNEYExt 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 E NV I RONM E NTAL HEALTHExt 238 EXT EN5IO N AGENT Ext 247 LIBRARYExt 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG Ext 226 or 229 PURCHASING/PERSONNEL Ext 245 ROAD & BRIDGEExt 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l Igasalt 927-3244 Gilman 82 7-57 5l SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURERExt 201 APril 18' .|980 Creekside Associates c/o Interwest Rea'ltY 7.l0 East Durant Street Aspen , Col orado 816l I Re: File No. SU-]03-80-F At their April l6 hearing the Planning Commission tab'led your final p'lat to their 7 May meeting to allow the applicant to address the following concerns. l) 0btain vacation of 850 +/- feet of greenbelt.easement' 2) Balcony liability should be addressed in Condo-' miniurtr Declaration. (j.e. sewer easement).3) Technical corrections to fina'l plat. If you have any questions, please contact this offjce. Respectf ul'ly yours , fi.rrrr,a"al e^; /,/+" Thomas Bon'i Assistant Directorof Planning TB/J h . .t il{TERfi0Ur{TAilil.TATER D, dr CT c/o Janes P. Collins445 Union Blvd., Suite 123 Denver, Colorado 80228(303) 986-1ss1 ldarch 2,r979 Creekside Associatesc,/o Interwest Realty7lO East Durant StreetAspen, Colorado 8t6ll ' Water Service to Creekside Condominiumsl 7 Units,Lot I, Block 5 Vail Inter-Mountaln Gentlemen i - The VaiI lDtermountain Water District can and willprovide water services to the above referenced property upenyour compliance wtth tbe rules and regulations of tbe Distiictand'palment of appropriate tap fees. If you bave any further questions, please feel free tocontact us. INTE IN I9A ER DISTAICT James P. CollinsDistrict Manager JPC/mp cc: Robert GartonJonine Collins rt^. Sincerely, EAGTE COUIITY DeSartment of Buildinq & Plannin P86 r-lJ.n oroRADo 8'r 631 o s TELEPHONE 303/328.73 | |8 April 1980 BOARD OF COUNTYcot\lMtssloNERSExt 24 | AOMTNISTRATION Exi 241 AN IN,IAL SHELTER 949-4297 AS5E550 R Exl 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTION E-Xt ZZO Of laJ CLER K & RECORDER Ext 2l 7 CO U NTY ATTO RNEY Ext 24? ENGINEERExt 236 ENVI RONMENTALHEALTHExt 238 EXTENSION AG ENT Ext 247 LIBRARYExt 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Ergle Ext 252 Vail 476-5344 PLANNINGExt 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONN EL Ext 245 ROAO & BRIDGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Et qle Ext 2 | I Brialt 927.3244 G ilma n 827-5751 sOC IAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURERExt 20 | Intermountain Engi neeringP.0. Box C-100 Avon, Colorado 81 620 Re: File No. Su-103-80-F Enclosed please find a coDy of the Eagle County Surveyor's 0ffice revjew of your fina'l p1at. It is the applicants' responsibility to be certain the 'items tiitea are chanqed at least 10 days prior to the County Commissioner's meeting. You or your agent may come to this offjce and make the necessary changes. If you have any questions' pl ease cal I me. Sj ncerel y, /2------ Thomas BoniAsst. Director of Planning TBlsg Johnson, Kunkel & AssociateE Inc. LANO SURVEYING .CIVIL ENGINEERING. MAPPING April 8, 1980 Mr. Terrill KnightEagle County Planning DepartmentEagle, Colorado 81631 RE: Sm-103-80-F Holdiday Inn - Creekside Condominiums Dear Terrill, We have checked the Plat of Sm-103-80-F and have found it to be complete and accurate with the following exceptions: The dimensions in the site plan and the dimensionsin the plan views do not agree. which level l's shownin the site plan? No scale is given for the plan views. None of the certificates are signed. The onwer's address is missj.ng.The general and limited common elements are not labeled. No property corners have been shown, what was used forthe improvement location?The street address of the condos is missing. The parking area has not been shown, is it all a G.c.E.or are there reserved spaces?In the upper level on sheet 2 of 3r the dimensions 11.4' appears twice in each unit, but one cannot be correct. The balconies have no dimensions on them. The mechancial equiprnent rooms should be designatedas to qeneral or limited common elements, 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) ql 10) 11) P.O. Box 409 . l13 East 4th Street . Eagle, Colorado 81631 . Phone: (3031 328-6368 Page 2T. Knight L2l 13) 14) No scale is given for The dimensions in thefined in such a way can be figured.The attics should beor G.C.E. the elevations.floor plans need to be re-that the areas of the Units labeled & designated as L.C.E. If you have any quesitons, please call Ken Long& 328- 6368' Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc. Slncerely, KLL:epm Kenneth L. Long EAGTE COUNTYCunnunity DeveloPment P.0. Box .l79 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73 | I BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMrssroNERsExt 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 2Oz BUILDING IN I NSPECT IONExl 226 or 229 CLER K & RECORDERExt 21 7 COUNTYATTORNEYExt 242 ENG I NEE RExt 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEA LTHExt 238 EXTENS IO N AG ENT Exl 247 LIBRARYExt 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLA NN I NGExl 226 or 229 PU RCH A5I NG /PERSONNELExt 245 ROAD & BRIDGEExt 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 socrAL SERVICE5328-6328 TREASU R€R Ext 201 May 8, .1980 Creekside Associatesc/o Interuest Realty 7.l0 East Durant Street Aspen , Col orado Bl6'l 'l Re: File No. Su-.|03-80-F At their meeting of May 7, the Planning Commission tabled your fina'l plat to June 18 so that an easement vacation can be obtained, balcony liabil'ity incorpor- ated into declaration (i.e. sewer easement)' and technical corrections made to fjnal p'l at. ble also do not have a mylar of the final plat. (Refer to letter of April 17). If you have any questions, please contact this office' Respectfully yours, taT**ra-r) &t"-^)/-'/ Thomas Boni Assistant Director of Planning TB/J h o ',.'., l.l .'l.-. l- :-..\. ., i',i' 0l:15 Avon Rord P.O. Box Y Avon, Colorado 81620 (303) 949-s274 March 2, 1979 Creekside Associatesc/o Interwest Realty710 East Durant StreetAspen, Colorado 81611 Re: lTastewater Treatment Serviceto Creekside Condominiums;- 7 Units, Lot 1, Block S . Vai] Intermountain Gentlemen: The Upper Eagle Vatley Sanitation District can and willprovide wastewater treatment service to the above referenceddevelopment, upoD your compliance with the rules and regulationsof the District and payment of appropriate tap fees. . Note also that apparently barconies are stirl calculatedto extend over a sewer easement in the area and per my letterof May 22, 19?8, condominium owners bear any responsibilityfor loss which may occur a.s a result of the placenent of tbebalconies. Otherwise, the Upper Eag1e Valley Sani.ta\ion -District does have excess capacity to provide wastewatertreatment service to its constituents. Additiona.I1y, theDistrict is engaged in a plant expansion program whicb wilLmore than double the capacity of the District to treat waste-water. Accordingly, the District can and wi.11 provide wastereatertreatment servi.ces. If you bave any further questions,please feer free to contact me. r ean be reacbed in Denverat 986-1551. JPC/mp John V. Amato, EsqWj.11iam Cacek, CPACharles SpaneI Jeff Spanel James llinsDistri.ct Manager EAGLE COUNTY Conrnunity Devel o;mentP n Rnv 'l 7QeAdLeI6blbhnoo atosl TELEPHONE 303/328-731 | BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMrsstoNERs Ext 241 ADMINISTRATION Ext 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILOING IN INSPECTIONExt ?26 or 229 CLER K & RECORDERExt 2l7 COUNTY ATTO R N EYExt 242 EN G INEE RExt 236 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTHExt 238 EXTENSION AGENTExt 247 LIBRARYExt 25 5 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLANN INGExt 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNELExt 245 ROAO & BRIOGE Ext 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l I Basalt 927-3244 Gilman 82 7.5 751 SOCIAL SERVICES 325-6328 TREASURERExt 201 o June 26, .l980 Creekside Associates c/o Inten',est Realty 7.l0 East Durant Street Aspen, Colorado 816.| 1 Re: File No. Su-.|03-80-F At their meeting of June 25, 1980, the Board of County Commissioners tabled your final plat to a11ow appli- cant to revise parking plan and avoid the excessive curb cut. The Board will review the final plat again on July 30, .1980. if you have any questions' please contact th'is office. Respectfu'l 1y yours, J/t rr-r'.*l,a) ,6o r..<,., /,lrt Thomas Bon'i Assistant Director of Planning TB/J h cc: Board of County Cornr:rissioners EAGLE COUNTY Community DeYe lQPnent P.O. Box 179 EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73 | I BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMrSStoNERSExt 241 AOMINI5TRATIONExt 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILDING IN INSPECTI O NE\l 226 or 229 CLERK &RECORDER Ext 217 COUNTY ATTO R N EYExt 242 ENGINEER Ext 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEA LTHExt 238 EXTENSION AG ENTExt 247 LIBRARYExt 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252Vail 476-5844 PLAN N INGExt 2?6 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNELExt 245 ROAD & BRIDGEExt 257 SHERIFF Eagle Ext 2l'l Basalt 927-3244Gilman 827-575l SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURERExt 201 June 19, 1980 Creekside Associates c/o Interwest Realty 710 East Durant Street Aspen, Colorado 8l-611 Re: File No. Su-103-80-F Creekside Associates At their meeting of June 18, 1980' the Eagle County Planning Commission reconmended denial of your final plat because the revised parking design is not acceptable, (excessive curb cut). This recommendation will be forwarded to County Commissioners on June 25. If you questions, please contact this office. S incere 1y, y.,,|/zn -ta al /2ao Pl Thomas Boni Assistant Director of Pl-anning TB/)h cc3 Board of county Commissioners the Board of have any TELEPHONE 503/328-73I I Board of County C,ommissioners Ext 24L Assessor Exr 202 Clerk and Recorder Ert 217 Sheriff Eagle: En 2ll Basalt:927-3244 Gilman: 827.5751 Treasurer Ext 201 Administration Ext 241 Anirnal Shelter 949-4292 Building Inspection Ert 226 or 229 Community Development Exr 226 or 229 County Attorney Ert263 Engineer Ext 236 Environmental Health Ext 238 Extension Agent Ert247 Library Exr 255 Public Health Eagle: Ext 252 Vail: 476-58,14 Personnel Ext 24I Purchasing Ext 245 Road and Bridge Ext 257 Social Services 328-6328 EiclEcouNrY t Eagle,Colorado 81631 October 26, 1981 Lee Wadsworth 4552 South Quebec StreetDenver, Colorado 80237 Dear Lee, Enclosed is a copy of our Town of Vail's reviewof the Creekside Townhouses. We would appreciate your cooperation in bringingthis project into compliance with the p1a,ns submittedwith the subdivision application. Thank you. Thomas Boni, Assistant Director, Community Development TB: epmcc: File Sincerely, *-_-,------ Proceldings of tha Board of CounU Conmissioneis- rr.th -day-- ;,ru l9:i0 ihe Ccunty Assesssr recc-nended tnis abaterent be allovred. Co:nissjoner irorel rcved to allo? the lbatement . Cc:r-.issicner Uillia-s seccnCeC the notion anc the vote was declred unanircus by the Chai..:nan. Arncid licttingha:. ai:ear€d and presented a map rith eiqht acres of land .93!- the'jr'i lnor'e Brid're.t!r. iict!inqhan aaiis:: ne h:d maCe alplication to r-he State Land Board t0 leass this 'land. -l'hey inforn'ed hirn it r.culo have to !e iaien to the Soard of Ccurty Co"'ririssioners. Tne 3JtrC agreed io :llow l.lr. llottinghan to purs'Je this project if the State Land Board aarees to lease the leni. Cc:;nissioner I'illiars suqgested drafting a ietter to the State Land Boarc advisino they controi the 'lease but ir;iill come und€r tne Land Use Regulations of Ea<,le County to detenrrine the aporopriate use of the 'lind. At this time the Soard of County Co,'nmissioners adjourned and reconvened as '"he Board of Equaiization. Beth Nhiitier, Coun!y Attorney, advised the County has received three petitions requestinq the County Board of Equalization review the dec'ision of the Assessor for the assessed evaiuation for 1980. The first one is from Roger Bro!.in. His petition states his objection is inadequate consideration of solar eneroy features, inaccurate estimated measurements of qreenhouse, and percentace of coFrpletion nore than actual ly completed.l'lr. Brown and the County Assessor were sworn to testify by the County Clerk, Roger Brown advised he has a greenhouse which is three stories hiqh but has no iloors. It is 416 square feet which wculd make the total house 6000 square feet.f4.. Brown stated, in regards to completion, using the figures of 6000 square feet, ?647 square feet are in various stages of completion but still incomplete.Hr, Brown believes the rea'l issue is that his is the first 100% solar enerq_v house in this county, He advised he had talked to people at the State level and was encouraqed to appeal for'lower taxes. The County in appraising this building has taken the lowest eneor.,ragement of solar housjnq.Hr, Brown discussed the methods of heat retention in his house. Chainnan 6rant discussed the people who can barely pay their taxes and he could not feet jusitified to allow a reductjon of taxes because of experinental stages of solar energy,' l4r'. Brovn stated the intent of the State law is to encourage development of solar enerqy experiments by people who can afford it. Chairman Grant advised the Cormissioners have an obligatjon to the County to collect taxes to operate the County in the best nay possible. Ella Bindley, County Assessor, advised she is only assessing the building at 802 completion which she bel ieves is fai r. The greenhouse .,l3s assessed as two stories. if it had of been assessed as any other greenhouse to include all cf the glass it rvould have been assessed much higher.l'lrs. BinCley advised she had consulted people fron the State Tax Conrnission anc was advised to assess this solar house the sane as any other house. The section of the 'lau which staies solar houses vril'l be assessed at 57 instead of 30i has been rescinded. If this house had been assessed by concrete it uould have been tilorsands of dollars more. It was assessed at S82.000.00 1ess than I'lr. Brown stated he has in it--ihis has been treated as any other class 12 house. Mrs. Bindley stated if the swinrming pool is used to svrim in, even though it is part of the solar system,it must 3e assessed as a s*inrning poo). Chairnan Grant fee1s this would be a case of abso'lute discrimination against people ',rho cannot afford solar syster:s. Cornissioner Troxel stated he would like to see the aDDlicant take this to the State Eoard of Equalization and let then make the decision. The Board of County Connissioners cannot ru'le on this request as a policy i Con'nissicner'l.lilliams moved to refigure the greenhouse to eliminateone floor. The request for so]ar heating purooses be deni€d and sent on to the State. Betn Hhittier, County Attorney, advised two seperate motions vrere needed, Cornissioner Hiil'iams lrithdrew his motion. Cornissioner Troxel noved to approve the request in so far as adjustnent of square footaqe of the greenhorse is concerned in the application of l4r. Brown in his solar home. Coi:.rissioner Willians seconded the motion and the Chairman declared the voie unaninous. Cornissioner Troxel noved to deny the adjustment for solar heatinq as the vhole act is unclear. Cc=:rissioner Uil'l iars seconded the notion and the Chairrnan declared the vote unaninous. Be::r )lhittier acvis€C the next petition is fron liountain Hiqh Properties ?obert Serafin. The reasonfor the letrrion is "r',e lcts are not available for construction and are valueC siniiarly to lots costing twice as nuch in Vaii that are buiidable.Mr. Serafin feels it is unfair to place such a high evaluation on these lots, Evaluation should not have been charged until they were ready for building.Ella Sindley, County Assesor, explained vrhy she had assessed the property at that value. She reconmended the peti tion be denied. Conrnissioner Troxe'l moved to deny the petition. Ccr,missioner !illiams seconded the motion and the Chairman declared the vote unanimous. . Roger Blc..rn llountair:igr Prooert i es Robert { Retsy Serafin B B Lot mucn too t4s. Hhittier advised the next petition is from Robert & Betsy Serafin, - The property description is 12 Block 2 Vai'l Fi lin9 -'3. Tha psiit'ian stlies ii:e Str?fins 3re cbject'ixq to i-he a!setsment he.:arsq tl-,e cor'r!?rihle peoDcrty islorer. They have owned several units in Booth Creek and only this one has been taxed so hiqh.l'lrs. Bindley sta:ed the buildrng is assessed correctly, There uere some in the a!'ea that were taxedlo:r bur yill be corre.ted by 1981 to keep equalization.l4rs. 3ir:dley reccirienCed this petition be denies as it tras correctley assessed. Ccir:i!ssioner Trox'rrl noved to deny the petition. Co;nissioner r/i1lia;s seconded the motion and the Chairman declared the vote unaninous. Request: Final Plat review of 7 unitsLocaLion: Lct I, Block 5, Vail Intermountdin Associates Susan Vaughn, Planner, advised the next tiem was the Creekside Associates. Toqr Boni, Assistant Planning Director, advised this app'l ication concerns a final p'lat revieu of sevenunits located in Vai'l In:errountain at the end of the frontaae road. The Planning Co:"nrission reco'imenCed denial as the parking enfringed on the cedistrian and green beit easef{?nt, 14|". 9oni adv'ised the Eoard had tabled this itern and asked that the develocer revise his par'kino p1.rn. The Staff recor.nends aoproval of this application. Cofl:rissioner 'riill iars moved Su-1-3-80-F Creekside Associates be approved,Cofiriissioner ;roxel seconded the motion and the vote was declared unanimous by the Chainiran. ,('l f-, t I 5u-103€0-F Cfte&sfd€= Assdclatee I :-::1 ;Ju9in, P'lanner, advised the next iten i;as -.:e signir-c cf a :lat for" :he 'ai" :rae-it'ic:t :rhic' '-a 1':-o :.^- -'- ,,',li:-s, i6rini lnspecior, advisei '-t'.i. a. ."a '-t.. '-?1? :le lcard di''l nai :i'- :"e "ir:: :l:: a-a.-,,,.. :,.:.::tiCn because a CertifiCa!e Of tair4S :AiC -u;: :! Si:.!i :v t.e ;r:".!,.:t :.r;,",r '-a ';.- i:.:- :i:::::r.3 signeC. Thai has never been done. iriihjn r.h: lest:10n:i 1:nere nas been a"a:re' ccrclicaiic''.:?a-':,.it in the basenrent of the house.l,r. ,iilliams stated the exenption lras gran',ed on a 2 acre oarcel . 8'/ virtue of :-fe ":trrre of the a,?'1o- i:.-. ;- -'loueC l unit on 2 acres. The Sairs h3rt€ coir.e before the Board after beinq ciies v/ith zonino t.,.,'tz:..ai.3 because they,,rere under the assumption they could have !f tc three exenot:o.s b'/ the n';nber :3 - ::.:: i,1j : n they ol'/n,i'rs. 3ajr -explained r-he second unii in ihe basenenl of the exEr'oti,ln.1'-. /aughn explained the problem is the second unit is a zoning violation and has to bs rsnoved. -tq c:i:" prc5jei is the final plat needs to be filed. The bu jld'ing Demrit yras issued for a sinqle ,'arni ly ur'!'!. Co1.E:issioner Troxel noved the Chairman sign the ol3t for the 53ir Exenption fiie: Se-22J-74. Cor.i.issioner l,lilliams seconded the notion anC in discussion advised the Staff shou'ld take care to ire zcning ! icl ations. The vote was declared unanimous by the Chairman, if '.h:r€ :re confirrned reservatiosn, s. ihittier stated the Board had also rcved there r"'oul d be a public hearing on October 14' 1990 to raviel, the sUP to determine compliance of these conditions. Hs. ',inittier presented a fjnal Resolution to include the additional conditions, Ccr;rissioner Troxel moved, to sign the Resolution. Comrissioner l,lilliams seconded ihe rnotion and the Chairflran declared the vote unanimous. "Hs. i{hittier advised Rl'lA'a application stated if an unauthorized aircraft landed at the airport Rl''iA Eo...j iC consider it trespassing and ihe aircraft riould be physical ly impounded and not alio!/ed to use the ai.sirip fot" departure. this condition r',a s also make a oart of the SUP' Hs. ,hittier reminded the Bcard an airplane had landed at RilA approximatley one year aqo. At that tirne ;-q d'id not submit a contingency plan in the case an airolane had landed in an emergency situation. 0n t:;;s., 7, 1979 the Board paised-a Resolution stating the contingency plan. This plan was only based upcll "-?.=znaJ redical e'/acration or energer:cy use.s. ;ihittier advised that last Sunday a plane, not orrned by RilA, landed at the siCL-9ort. Tin l'ahoney, P.'.tA. stated on August 2-5 a iv'in Beecrcraft ouke landed at the ST0L-port. Just-before.:he cr:f: l3nCed so-ni people told him tiey vrere to pick a friend up at the airport. Aoents of Ri'iA lnfcrmec the p3c::2 'it ./as a private strip and the plane after landinq v,as itrpo,lnded. The oilot clainrs it !,as an emergency landing.' ::.(. irahoney advised he was befoie the Eoard io lrea. tire Co;'nissicner's vieirS anc ce: edv:3: ci thelh3r :9:ine ihe oilot or truck the plane out. Ri'lA is vriliinq to take the Foard's suqggstions. Ccir:-.ssioner Troxel stated they should make sure it lras not an emergency and if r.ot "he clane shouli i:1:sn=i:led and trucked alray. ifs. lihittier feels that by the contingency plan ie: the Resolution by the Soard ii the.e is a ques:i0n 3s -,: an:nergency RilA should make an investigaiion and report it to the Board. 'io: 3oni, Assistant Planning Director, presented the South Scottsvjlle plat and advised at the nee:inq ct ,,ne ?3 th; Board approved thi plat with conditions. 'Ihe condiiions have been met anC the Subdivisicn :r:rc7E-ents Agreefient has been subriitted. The aopliiants are requesting the Board sign the South Scottsville p1at. Co:r:isiioner Williams moved io sign the Subdivision Inprovements Aqreement and th3 plat for South S:ri:sv i l le. Coe:issioner Troxel seconded the motion and the Chairnan declared the vote uaninous. At:xis time the Conmissioners signed the fo11or'iinq approved plats: 5u-i?3-40-F Creekside Assoc i ates SL,- i?-8C-F Par Six S,- -'-:-t-)-F The R'i CAe S--'.?2-20-F SelbY Pl atSr-.:1-80 Sun TechSn-l?2-90 Sun TechSe-22-80 Hollis A1'len Exemption Se-2?4-79 Bai r ExemPtion Cor'::rissioner Troxel explained vrhy the Board had tabled the Don llelch hearinq. Dc'r ilelch, applicant, requested to be put on the agenda Auqust 11, 1980 in the name of S'A.V.E. (Sociei;, ior Advancement of Valley Enviroment). He requested to be put on at the end of the aqenda.' l,;.'r{elch advised basically the reason he is apcearing is to request the Board to ccnsider a delay on an;r zoning changes of the Lake Creek/ECfiards area for 30 days, Durinq that time th€.v would like to ha',re a rublic ne:tinq in that area to make the people al/are of zoning changes. l'r. lelch aCvised everyone is concerneC with rezon'inq ol' the Dicrl prop€r',.'i.,.iie .equ'r5ae'i i.he Boa...i ;-:.e? :J having a pubiic me;ting in the Edrrards area to determine if there is sufficient supeort to have a :.-'zj .rr, zoning changes until such tine as the !'aster Plan is conglete.'Co.:-issicner l/lilliams believes the quickest and nost effective vray to handle this is to siroll/ to lgree or a t];? and place and have a vrorkshop to discuss things in general. If the Eoard thinks it is ai!'ro3f:ate ta ;a<e act'ion they can come back at d schedule neeting and take that action.Sill '/lill ians'requested to make it of record thar- he highly protested the Cormissioners nakinq anv decisi.ns at this tine since they did table this natter unt'il August 11, 1980. .;t'> l:ir ir+:-::ion tar E Be:h l.ihittier, County Attorney, advised on July 14, 1980 the Board had a public hearjnq regardina:he eddiiion cf addili6nal coiditions -oi tne eocfy l\louniai n Ainra,v SUP. At that tifle the Board made a moticr to ir::].;de --i.rc conditicns. The first one being i,*n snatl subnit to the County Cornnissioners, Drior to the first day cf each rispective nonth, an ajr carriei fli-oht schedule for the pursuing month. The second conditicn ,ai Lrtl shalI miintain air cirrier service to thi Eagle County Airport by provid'inq tr'to ninimun trips per dav ' Rocky l.tounta i n Ai .,ravs 5c. Scotisv'ille Plats siqned Con trel ch I l4el Atvlell, County Engineer, appeared with the contract for the Lake Creek Road. Ron Troxel of Trorel Lake Creek Rd Consi.!ciion has been awarded the bid. B?th llhittier, County Attorney, hiqh-liqhted the nrain points of the contract. Total bid of the contract r;:s 5i33,C09.20 vrith the completion date beinq october 17, 1930. A schedule r./3s suhrnitted. Insurance,;:r{-ans Conpensation and Liability for damaqes clauses were included. Cr|.T'ri;sioner '/i lliams moved the Chairnan sion the contract. Chairman Grant secondeC Lhe notion as Ccrniss- i.3rler'ir0/el abstained. The vote r.ra s Ceclared unaniirous of the two v0tinq. 'ar. At..rel I then oresented a bill from Eat4e Val ley teleohone for relocation of lines i'r the State uiqhuav .'.cnr--3f-.iay. After discussion the Board determined not to pay ihe bill. ncre being no further business to come before the Board the neeting 'r,as ad.journed until At'gust 5. it30. -lal i i,_ Cl rr k lc rh.? [io,] r,J Cha i flnan EAGTE COUhITY t t Derra r tnen t of Plann ino Irox 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMtsstoNERs328-6809 ADMINISTRATION328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER949-4292 AS5E55O R328-6593 BUILOING I NsPECT I ON328-6339 CLE RK & RECORDEREaole 328-6377Aa;alt 927 -3244 COUNTYATTO R N EY328.6674 ENG IN EE R328-6337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH328-77 t8 EXTE NS IO NAGENT328-6370 LI BRARY328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Ea qle 328-5594Vail 476-5844 PLANN I N G328.6338 ROAD & BR IDGE328-6s91 SHERIFFEaqle 328-56 | IBaielt 927.3244Gilman 827-5 75 | soc tA L SE RV IC E5328.6328 TREASURER328-5376 t Deve I oomen t t'fny 26 , 197?, Rlchard rt. Ferrel l, lroject l'lanaqer Crceks I de assoc ia tes 710 E. Durant Aspen , Co loraclo 8l6l I Re: File lto. So-103-73 Creellside Associates Prel iminary Plan - Lot l, Flock 5, tlail Interr',nuntain At their special neetino on 2l; f5rr 1o79, the eoard of County Commissioners apnroved vour nrel inrinarv plan, snecif ical lv the nlan shot.rino ? curb cuts. lf you have any ouestions, olease contact this office. Terrill Pl anne r rKlj k cc: Doard of Countv Conmissioners - EAGLE COUNTY Department of Planning and Dev P. O. Box 1?9 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 o elopment BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMtsstoNERs328-6809 ADMINISTRATION328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER949-4292 ASSESSO R328.6593 BUILOING I NSPECTION328-6339 CLERK &RECORDEREaqle 328-6377Batalt 927-3244 COUNTYATTORNEY 328-667 4 ENGINEER 328-6337 ENVIRONMENTAL H EALTH 328-7 7 | I EXTEN 5I ONAGENT328-6370 LIBRARY328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Ea qle 328-6594Vail 476-5844 PLAN N IN G328-6338 ROAD & BR IDG E328-659 I 5HE RIFFEaqle 328-66 | IBaEalt 927.3244Gilman 827-5 751 soctALSERVICES328-6328 TREASURER328.6376 I May 19?8 Richard W. Ferrell , Project Manager Creekside Associates ?10 E. Durant Aspen, Colorado 816ll Re: File No. Sp-103-78 - Creekside Associates I,ot 1, Block 5, Vail Intermountain At their special meeting on 26 April 19?8, the Board of County Commissioners tabled your preliminary plan until May 24 to await the decision of the Eagle County Zoning Board of Adjustments concerning your requested variance. During the discussion, the Commissioners mentioned that any action on this request would be premature until the variance question is resolved. If you have any questions, please contact this office. / ',/r2 jl ?e('/kh.//Lo/./ferrill KnighL /Planner of County Commissioners EAGTE COUNTY Department of Planning and Development P. O. Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMrSSroNERS328'6809 AOMINISTRATION 32a.667 4 ANIMAL SHELTER949-4292 ASSESSO R328-6593 BUILDING I NSPECT I ON328-6339 CLERK &RECORDEREaqle 328-6377Baaalt 927 -3244 COUNTYATTO R N EY328.6674 ENG I NEE R328.6337 ENVIRONMENTAL H EA LTH328-7718 EXTE NSIO NAGENT328-6370 LIBRARY328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTHEaqle 328-6594Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NG328.6338 ROAD & BRIDGE328.659 | SHERIFFEaole 328-66 | |Baaalt 927-3244Gilman 827-5 751 50ctAL SE RV IC ES328-6328 TREASURER328-6376 20 Aoril 1978 Richard W. Ferrell , Project Manager Creekside Associates 710 East Durant St. Aspen, Colorado 81611 Re: File No. Sp-103-78 - Preliminary Plan Creekside A ssociates Lot 1, Block 5, Vail Intermountain At their regular meeting on 19 April 19?8, the Eagle County Planning Commission recommended approval of your preliminary plan on the condition that no dogs be allowed and provided that the required setback variance is granted. This recommendation will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners at their Special Nleeting on 26 April , beginning at 9:00 A.M. in the Commissioners Meeting Room, #103, 550 Broadway, Eagle, Colorado. If you have any questions, please contact this office. M#6Dy'erritt t<nietrt / rKlkp Board of County Commissioners {n n'-t'-"-* oa) E> ..d:Er>.cE iJ(,utca o .'d - O r{ !"c6(j c .e- L ar,r ru e! D >- (t.-:CI05 t >Ct!.- c L a c o ! E o u >-o L!L O(, OCa) .- !J >o socol.) cs ilr ! c_Y u oO4F € O!;.o:€ "s 3 '5 eg9,-, o 0., r! a, c c . o'- I c.-v.tc -El E 'o 6 ru-o- qo.>ot ool.t i! c r u- > ! o.r n ' o cc._tu Eac !rcerur lJa)J:.) C ot:d- aje .:* ru c c O ! E ce coa o o d o o o o Lo J Oet'u uuc qra.:t.-ao-tloa/ors-c o cE > o_! ao.!,cE-oooc.- 6Loa)-6 ".l:3 ;rsi;icE.P: !-'" c 3!c4F .J0L-?at tE.!1t o> oco,:ctc Lcc@ .-icL.!> a-. O u i, .! et Oo+- ! > o e = o co o o o! qreil9ir='8..: {:gl'E :'!! g o (- L o-- :.yc,-c oorEE o .E.o-o-cc.!.--!O > LC v|6<OI t-- rr 3 Cr Olo!fL6q,:F o i o- (- 4 ! q . q ?tst t.r r\>L<+1.-OolEr o -EAUEE< F{J c' CO E.-'ocrda..!!a F tdc" -L!L{JcrC ! o o ! o O -r_ O " o- O o 6 L C | ..o c cGc-!c2.(oc 6utr'- oc|!oL@oL LECr Olorli!a,r!c c^ 6G- !e o (, -r- oFt 6-64.jJ=r . tF\s!o cula-E-o6r! octs-vcq) = a .!4 c c- O p r! qr z a:c u O L . .d.:/vit) iJ r!<co .r |r< ; c: >- >o {, L o ostuf .L o .-f occE - o i o O! oLo 'lJ c >.l: c.-_ o-c >c o-.-E !., L.-LnLr:()cc il : co <IJ O C')qJoc>.-F rtJ i f .-.-L C O! I .-oo<!-.)>e=o>rJ- -.co'i o o o.- o c 0l!L!UO€-c r! 0.- ooLEt-'0cl.- Ecc-c!-c! o o o o x3 C nO! E 0, L ()! O O c.cc-cceu-asoecj a if I L- O Lo >c oLocc6 .; Z.- !.- 0ro o c!! EO.-!-c o C)-d>F L ' O cOo o€th E.- c F. c;.. c o E Et aJN c.- or- o ar u E rd cL- r c ! .YOuaio>conrE-conod-6e6EOoO- I tz' E !-c .9, oc9rl) (,)ar ! fJ ruo'or) .9 n o >oca, oj: o |! o.c o o c o o P {rGo oo] .- c J l-! x o D o oo o r) o,- ux oo0, O.E .c C'- O- !F (''u o-o ! 5 > rr:r oo oec coc .co6)c !LQC r- c.- .- O u O c !L6 O L- - q),- lrD o rD() oeru o 3 L- f o o-65.! i,;i r6o c-cc o u o o E !-uo os5L .-Loo 0, -o n)o-o o l/| o > c,->d oo -o > ro -o rJ!. o o ! cJ l o-'t] {J ooO E e.*.c- E>c 4 Z'C E 3 O E Go rc o oLO OC>o.- r! c o.-.-oLOC c- Z- o ! a)- > O- E > O'- o o.- o-E a>olocr-Feo o!o l- of l: .- !) ic.r,^.- o> bre :rru3 el^q)EI L o-c O.-'lro!F-'0c oFo co!.c c o q- E|!.- E F-'- L . E (/ orl,!..u5€. r z,. o6E6F...t o!! !o! 6 !oco !C u-o !i .,cr r.- o o- I ..: orF a) cee!o E!oerdos i!(, r 9,o o+ osouaocc ocoouo!-?: oc r! Joe- =a).!o)o! l!-6o. o6!.-q,r- dcav'Le)]o ;" 9FE E oc, rr< rr<6 Fao u *, "- ,ri , - ! , . irl ,,; ;il - ii ii ii :ti lirlilt:fiiii i; i'i ir it *:i l;: li o rt,O -e >o o - oo r- o!,erD - |EC > U 6! .!.c I E lD - I rt' CLO 'nCo .- c) O-o 'c.t L :ru o co - o t au .J o -O - O" - O-o oo . o o rl, rD F.a) C rO oo oc .!3 ! o o q rJ - .ie c cl - a, o o tE - ar-ON <'rl- O 'C.- .!o JO 'C'ca!o! 'll0 U| a,{/6 c -cFd o c E .- O .o OOC ' E E O Eo . E< . E o E> .t.s o c oo o-q o !J f o 6o.c o- o er O- c,9 OF ,! Ozar = e'e cLo>cGc s- cr-r- o o c lD > E r!a)lt,!o.e!-* r.co- c o o r! f ! ! a oc-r!LOsrtrdcO- OJr - O oC;o 6li-e>c ! s >l' a d oo.- {- ro,- P o E;co- (oci,rc! oeF!cr.-at a (l c o o aJr c . o o F > r_i.-F - E o -oo-!cy-cF3 rt ..cE.c!'cF.qo o>.-c o! oeN O C- U E !"c O C A Oco6<-< ou<q!<rr c- dr o r.-sJs 5 e .5 Or. c (Joo!uor!ci- ?al.,c ta.ctta rl) oo ocG.- {)r o.)C LEe c.o- arFo ,a) o rD ce a 6 LO -oE ! i)c s : 5EC C .-Oc,! 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OT (,6>cC' :T: F.: 33E 6 6.-< : -- O xCC ztAL' -"oq .?rur 5;q :i;-l t' "- "r;-- O ; ,5 l1:lj.l :: (9 :;!.1' trl ' S d;.;;; q;,i-.,, ---l \,-\ -,'- = .t:$ts o 3 " -5 3: r ! .! ,o'j -! yr> 5 - !t!t:I L drog j.= 6j ';!,- t : ;.tr gE € \. !; :-i ; ip:';3 Sbti ,t ,;qs f -819.: o._!J .oo f o;- o a do ,- lr o c>G- f,!> c oL oo L t o:.-cj;: ;E *:; ; g 6" -i ! ....e 3;!. e i!.tt: 5:!E : {:! :g:.9-"-E t': Lo .- o -"-Ei. .i *jF.r ,:3;g _ 25";E-:;P;o oo -c., € u_qg:-co 0o c,. o l .,' ll :O .-.C.-c!u.c vi (.) u .c o o !.: .5 - !5;y f :.j: ^ 3.p..: i;.q$9" ; +55;.";:"3P!>! 'o: >-ino cr l.- 1D LF ' - "€"?5 b 3.,i39b3-;! G t.-.;co ! r o' rr o =F " f Bte f "" p:; -c E ococ_olo_b3* ;38-33' 6 " *3 3: ! -5=o 'Ec ooc,!o c,.,os E xc-;!e& r4a..: g o a jc;9 Et;r;g ? ;;35 !.: + 8-tF €"!6 '- 3E!te -P"'" I n-.9:e;"5;!d;;, 3:i"C. : ;ig! 'o ; !!.. ;-PaE g ,:-ati :t3s ! !,!:5sb.--r5ic; -6'o66i c u_o o! 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C o* ,c : ! F rD'(, ft ! c P E a.-. E- o cr .D.- >--6.-9 o-c.o uD.EicE>.,! coeo;-3EF: -p€;-3e : t'3E 5.8 2!;-t ""p€.e3';E;-c r>c- .-r- r qo. 4J r o!J Eol-oJc. cuocEE F.! __,LLatTroo-'o.OcOo L <!o O>r ce>6<.-oFE!.-c ^6-cLo!o'rj-o.cc o Fur- !orr L< .JcoLoc!! t!->o c-co!c! o !6.- .O .>co-c.tor- > rLo4!r>-c J: o c o o ar-Eui-cLcc,-.uO o ! o L Oo C o & F E o o =c eE !eere!o!r,,! oo-uc.ol(Jr= .-ccocc,, c=crcr !.< c ,. .- o I u r r,r o ! s O o ,: cloZao-coL(D-ccrc !-co- .'f o L!cocc{o; rc c, 1-of c._aJr of ELc!:,0,r ccr0r-€uc -. rrcctrov >-riocco =\.:.!!L ,-o .cO O--!-LcoLO (tccc.-*,->a- N O, ! C. L1 4a O o u n O.-.-r cra.cq^>c.- !<1 \-oo ! Foo,-c o!_o>oo .r._oo!!.ro_c oq_,_oJ- o cr/_t I c!-t u :'.- o-olu r ie6: c-t:r_ cr- !4i. !oL.! - c c Ec:-!.j e {E< oooe; .r o taL.J>>.- ooc'ro!4alr!r! oo-cccJE:JLc*.9 T ..1 5- B- "-:'E [ 9-'; - 3;1-o o!u E E ru:\ 4: - oa P\''- o rtc o e |t>; r- 6 f ! c o-r Er .i olc!n,- aLF.erur< r,. (9; . ) O cF 0r L o o r !.,! o: a c 0(JorLf ci r' 0r! ( o o r! o,- l| 6 Oo--u.r'e!o Eo6oLvrv).--i= d! r-< or l"'l r $ i $oE*_o!a_ I;* $;jE d; ;E s;3 $ ;.E E E:: liE: i:E I ;; €;;fEi = iErl Egj ; :i! :IEi:*. n ;J ->= ,'! -;;E ?eE *c F"i =5$!.i.;; :IE; ! *i H; '; c? EE;t:; $ ::;* .E? 3r il3 lg;$igg.,Egi*;iI; ii =rp €-.38o-:si=;:E*;i ;q ;*; ;?ii;Bislsrg:;:hd -ll!E:5 :;::!3;i;IiE: FjHE g:jiEg? i:pE!i :sili::i .e:Ei ;!:!ete €i;;l;;:;;;i! !EE; +:l;!le IseftEe:5!EEi E;:! Ei.egtf ! Fii ,E h **"srjs 5!!; '3Fe5*E S5-ito:i*=!;l e E=Ee t*=l E i? gi:iE: iliiE$iI: .16;.- i*E !pF! !;i:;;5 *sl;EEI ;;E; *git;E: :3t;s*?33oiiio .i f,j;.; ;i"i *';.d c Co Co a l< tif hbnrcsltrc ThQontMoll Tl0EoslDurontSlreef nsOenColJoBl6l .l USA 303/925-2772 April L4, L978 Eagle County Conunissioners pFnrlVED eafre counti Planning and zoning '\r-\''i-l ConunissionPlannins office APR L 7 1978 Box I79Eagle, Colorado 81531 '"';.;i, ;;;;;;;,3."" Re: Creekside PIat Gentlemen: In response to issues raised by the Technical Review Cormnittee at their April 6th meetingr w€ have modified our conbined sketch and preliminary plat to incorporate the Committeers suggestions. The following changes have been made and are incorporated on the revised plat attached. 1. The strrrlctures have been shifted northwest to create at least a 30r stream margin. This also el-iminates problems associated with the overhang and access to the sewer line. A front yard variance to permit the 151 setback has been requested 2. A11 parking drainage shall be collected in the existing swale that parallels the frontage road and will be retained in a holding area adjacent to the parking south- west of the structure. Thus, parking run-off will not enter Gore Creek directly but will percolate at the retention area. The direction of drainage is noted on the plat by arrows. 3. As developers' we agree to include in the Projectts- covenants strict dog control or "no dog" policies be- cause of the proximity of the Project to the deer underPass. 4. A11 disturbed areas shall be revegetated. 5. The most feasible deeign solution that meets the 14'parking space regulation creates 3 spaces west of the drainage retention area (spaces *L2rL3rL4 on the plat) A small portion of this parking (183 square feet) en- croaches on the pedestrian and greenbelt easement. we woul-d like to trade greenspace for greensPace. rn exchange for the small area needed for parking, we would expand the easement to the west by a more than equiva-lent area. See plat. Thank you for your review of this matter. RV{FIIRFS Box 386 Eagle, Colorado 81631 APR r ,1 19/B 1,.t1 (,, I , .._;!l Ea!le Crrunly, L_.io.ferrlII Knlght, Asst. Cotmty Elanner % gegte Cornty Hlanning Dept. Box 789Eegle, Colorado 8L63L Aprll lOr 1978 Terri.11: Ttre Creekside Associates sketch-Prelirninary plan was suh[itted to the EagLe Comty Soil Conserryation District for revleul and cournent. We have the follordng counents: 1.) Detelled sol]-g inforsation ghoul-d be supplied for this dwel-opnent. firis soils jnfor:nation should address itselfto the acceptiblJ-ity of hrilding sitee and locations thereof, roads and placenent of utlJ-ities, and for revegetatlon. 2.) A detailed drainage plan shorld also be gubcn:itted. lttis plan should identify the arnount of nrnoff the development wil-l- generate, size and l-ocation of culverts, as well as off-elte dr&inage. 3.) A landscaping and/or revegetation p1-an should be zu'c ltted. lhis shoul-d ldentlfy the species or varietieg to be plantedt w?rere the plantirgs url11 occrrr, and the anounts of the pJ-antjngs. 4.) The floocl.,tay for C'ore Creek shorrld be more definite. This will aid irr ttre Locatlon of parking, houses, and the green-be1t area. 5.) More infor:rnation should be suppl-ied on the grading plan. This would coner the topography of the slte both before and after grading oceurs. This would also correspond with the need for detal].ed soils lnforrnation. Sincerely, :t I --1-6u-L-Wa/*- &rd Gates, President t< RICHARD O. LAMM GovERNoR JOHN W. ROLD Di roctol COTORAM GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES 715 STATE CENTENNIAL BUILDING - 1313 SHERMAN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80203 PHONE (303) 839-2611 April 12, 1978 It:'-n -iiLr-t,:lVID Michaet s. Btajr APR i 7 lglg Eagl e County Dept. of Pl anni ng u1,... !.-ra'nins d{ ir,jver. and Devel opment t,sre counry, colo, Box 179 Eagle, C0 81631 Dear Mr. Blair: RE: Sp-103-78/CREEKSIDE LOT 1, VLK 5' VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN !'le have no obiection to approval based on geologic conditions' The proper set back from the 100 year flood plain should be observed. Si ncerelY' \. .. I .. .i , .r\L. R. LadwiS -' Engi neeri ng Geol og'i st LRL/vt cc: Land Use Commission GEOLOGY SToRY OF THE PAST.. . KEY TO THE FUTURE srArE #"ARrMENr oF "l?.tilT;;'-JACK KINSTLINGER DIVISION OF HIGHWAYS E. N. HAASE CHIEF ENGINEER f?rn*"'*-). APR r z 'tg/B ""io.';il;;'r1;*'' T EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR DISTRICT 3 R. A. PROSENCE DISTRICT ENGINEER (gotr 242-2a62P.O. EOX 2|O7-6OC SO. erH ET. . GRAND JUNCTION. COLO. AlSOl . Ipril 10, 1978 Board of Adjustnent Eagle Ootntlz Plarning ltspartxlEnt P.O. Box 179 Eagle, @ 81631 Centlenen: I4r. IILdnrd W. Fer:rell has asked nE to @ntac"t. 1ou negarding the frqltage road lying souttr of I-70 and raest of ttrc West Vail interctnnge. I€ onsider ttris a dead-ended frontage :oad, and r,ould say that it is exbremely unlikely that this rpad r^riIl errcr be widened. Very truly llcurs, E. N. HAASE CilEF ENGINMR MP/bev cc: File DISTRTCT ENGINEER EAGI.E COI'NTY Department of Plannlnq E Developmentfiox | 79 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMtsStoNERS328.6809 ADMINISTRATION328.6674 Aorll 7, 1978 RicharC if . Ferrel l, Proiect I'tor. Creeks I de Associ ates 710 East Durant St. Asoen, Co. 8l6l I Re:Fi le No. 5p-l0l-73 - Creekside AssociatesLot l, Block 5, \tail Intermountain The Technical P.evievr Conmittee for Eaolc Countv (a orouo of technicaladvisors from various oubl ic aoencies) revlerved vour aool ication on6 Aoril 1978. They ofiered the follor.rinq comments to you and the Planninq Commission for consideration of aprrroval and use of the p roper ty . A. letter from the Sanitation ttistrict concern ino on the sewer line easement is needed. l4ore information about the Gore Creek f lood way needed. 3. A drainaqe ptan must be submitted. Anono other thines,it should shor.r:a. proposed contours, especially for the parkinq lotb. the handlino of oarkinq lot runoff so it will not run into the creek4. Either a no-doo nolicy or e very strict .!oq control Dol icv is necessarv because of this oroiectrs oroxinitvto the deer undernass5, Disturbed areas should be reveoetaten. These comments r.ri ll be forwarded to the Countv Plannino neDartment andPlanninq Conrniss ion for consideration at their meetinq on l9 Apri t 1978. lf you have any questions, please contact this office. /*{-tt/terrilt roioht / P I anner / rK/j k ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R328-6593 BU ILOING I N5PEC TI O N328.6339 CLE RK &RECORDEREaqle 328-6377Ba;alt 92 7-3244 CO U NTYATTO R N EY328.6674 ENG IN EE R328-6337 ENVIRONMENTAL H EA LTH328-7718 EXTEN SI ONAGENT328-6370 LIBRARY 328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTH Ea qle 328.6594 V ail 476-5544 PLANNING328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE328.6s9 r A{, Itt c d' ttIr*-/ lmpacts is SHERIFFEaqle 328-661 IBaialt 927 -3244Gilman 82 7-5 75 | SOCIALSERVICES328-6328 TREASU RE R328-6376 of County Commiss ioners -Ko CC'LG'HAE C' trIEPAFITMENT c'F HEALTH 4210 E.11TH A./ENT€GNVEF| Wn Pffi{E 3€t€t-€11fi EXT.32S, ANTHONY RO!!INS, M.D..M.P.A. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR REC[IVED t"larch 24, L978 NON-STATE ASS ISTANCE REV IET.' AND COMI{ENTS Mr. Michael S. Bl-air Director, Eagle County Department of P1-annlng & Developrnent Box 179 Eagl-e, CO 8I-631 PROJECT TITLE: F1le No. Sp-103-78 Creekslde Assoclates, Lot 1, B1k. 5, ValL lnternountain STATE IDENTIFIER: NA COMI.IENTS DUE BY: APrIJ- L9' L978 DATE: SUBJECT: TO: Yes Yes MAR 2 7 19t8 Dopt. 0t riur.,,,L ,ir. ts r Ftg,s Cou[t], Coto. r E iil trl Y. , l-i No No No No ls this project consistent with the goals and obj ect i ves of th i s agency? ls the re ev i dence of overlapping of duplica- tion with othe r agencies? ls meeting desired with applicant? A | 5- day extens ion is reguested. tr fl Yes l-1 Comme n ts : The Water Quallty Control Division has no obJectlon to this proposal in that water and sewet service appear to be presently avail-able through the UEVSD. Please note that, I-n accordance w'lth Senate 8111 35, any development serving more than 20 people must recel-ve site plan approval from the Water Qlraltty Control Com- nission befote constructl.on of sewer extensions wllL be allowed to cormence. Any constructlon undertaken shoul-d strlctl-y adhere to an approved erosion and of area vraters. For like reason, .--we advlse agal.nst permlttlng de- velopment to encroich upoo ih" Name), Tit-le'6 Phone floodpLaln. SOC-3, Feb 77 Ron Sinsick, Program Mministrator ATTACHI.lENT B 'lc RICHARD D. LAI\illVl Governor C.J. KUIPER State Engineer DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES Department of Natu ra I Besources 1313 Sherman Street - Room 818 Denver. Colorado 80203 Administration (3031 892-3581 Ground Water (303 ) 892-3587 Jeris A. uty State IAD,/GDV:mvf cc: Lee Enewold, Div. Eng. Land Use Comm. R[CFIVFD [4AR l] 1 tg/B Ea,:ie ., r, i,,,,., ,; ,," March 23, L978 Mr. Michael S. Blair, Director Eagle County Department of Planning and Development P. O. Box 179 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Creekside Associates, Resubdivision of Lot l, Block 5, Vail Intermountain. File No. Sp-103-78 Dear Mr. Blair: This is to acknowledge receipt of preliminary plan material for the above referenced resubdivision. JMater will be supplied by the Vail Inter- mountain Water District and, although no letter of commitment for service has been submitted, we feel that sufficient water is available for the pro- posed seven condominium units. We recommend approval contingent upon the developer obtaining a signed commitment for water service from the District. 'J"^.;r""'" /o^^-1"** Danielson Engineer HOLY CROSS OLECTRIC ASSCf,IATION, INC. I3O I GRAND AVENUE P. O. DRAWER 250 GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 8T60T March 9, 1978 Departnent of Planning P.0. Box 179 Eagle, Colorado 4a/\\ AREA CODE 303 94s - 5491 945 - 6056 hlAR N/8 '""ii1';;;:;1'; '*r. _, _., rl]D T OneParkCentral - l5l5 Aropohoe Slreet P. O. Box 840 Denver Colorodo 80201 (3O3) 534-1261 March 8r 1978 Eagle Plarming Departrnent P. O. Box 672 Eagle, CO 81631 Re: Preliminarl' Pl.ot Plans vaiL lntermountain Gentlemen: we have examined ttre above captioned plot plans and find that at tJris tlme western bas no facilities on tbe land to be pLotted. Please note ttrat vre are a gas tranmission utility andl our approval does not reflect our ability to serve subject subdivision. Right-of-way Agent GtI/Lc RECEIVED MAR I5 1978 Depl. !ri rrJrll ,l'r r' "leL Eaglc CountY, Colo\ vetT,-Fruly your "ii EAGTE COUNTY ENVIRONUBNTAL HEALTII P.O. BoX 850 EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMtsStoNERs328-6809 ADMINISTRATION328-6674 ANIMAL 5HELTER949-4292 AS5ES50 R328-6593 BUILDING I NSPECT ION328-6339 CLERK & R ECO RDE REaale 328-6377Baaall 927 -3244 CO U NTYATTORNEY328-6674 ENG IN EE R328-6337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH 328-77 tA EXTENSIONAGENT328-6370 LIBRARY328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTHEacle 328.6594Vail 476-5844 PLANN ING328-6338 ROAD & BR IDG E328.659 r SHER I FFEaqle 328-661|hiall 927-3244Gilman 827-5751 50c rAL 5E RV ICES328.6328 TREASU R E R328-6375 MM.{ORANDT'M TO: Planning Department RECF/TED ^tytAl 6 rclg*Ltm#,*,, FROM: Erik W. Edeen DATE March 6, 1-978 RE: Flle No. Sp-103-78 Creekside Associates COMMNTS: 1) Confirmation in writing is necessary from the Upper Eagle Va1ley Sanitation Distrlct indicating their approval of vacating the air space over the sewer line easement. 2) For safety reasons, turn around is needed at the west. end. .-\ -,1 ---- ,//- - t - a .- -t ttCL,/c(,/ / C/ -(/_hd Z4Ltq EAGTE COUNTY Department of Planning & Development Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 - ;'r ---.--...-5./ .:../A.?..-fi--. -... BOARD OF COUNTYcoM M ts5 toN E R5328-6809 ADMINISTRATION328.6674 ANIMAL SHELTER949-4292 ASSESSO R328-6s93 BUILDING I NSPECT I ON328.6339 CLERK &RECORDEREaqle 328-6377Balall 927-3244 COUNTYATTO R N EY328-6674 ENGINEER328.6337 ENVIRONMENTAL H EALTH328-7718 EXTE N SIONAGENT328-6370 LIBRARY324-7747 PUBLIC HEALTHEaqle 328-6594Vail 476-5844 PLAN N ING328-5338 ROAO & BRIDGE328-659 | SHE RIFFEaqle 328-66 | |BaEelt 927 -3244 Gilman 827-5751 soc tA L SE RVICES328-6328 T REASU RE R328-6375 March 2, 1978 Re: File No. Sp-103-78 Creekside Associates l.ot 1, Blk. 5, Vail Intermountain Applicant: Richard W. Ferrell , Project Manager Creekside Associates 710 East Durant St. Aspen, Co. 81611 Enclosed herewith is a copy of an application and plan submitted to the Eagle County Planning Commission for review and recommendation at their regular meeting on 19 April 1978. In accordance with C.R.S. 106-2-9, 106-2-33 and 106-2-34, 1963, as amended and Eagle County Subdivision Regulations, Section 3.05 and 3.0?, as amended effective L August 19?6, you are required to receive the plan, and you have 35 days from date mailed within which to respond or the plan will be deemed to have been approved by your agency. The Planning Commission would sincerely appreciate your comments and recommendations a few days prior to the meeting date. If you desire additional information or time, please advise this office, in writing. Ttrank you very much, / raZ*--"- Director, Dept. of Planning & Development MSB/jk tif hnrrdlc rhe lJt Molt 71 0 Eost DuronlSlreel Aspen ColorU 81 6l I rBA n3 /925-2772 F I t- E # .J. e..:.!-q -"-:.7.1- t:iGi..f e?. PIAI\1. COlr,'!l'"1. t?, February 27, L978 Board of County CommissionersPlanning and Zoning Corrnission Eagle County 550 BroadwayEaglel Colorado 8163L Gentlemen: Creekside Associatear a partnership managed by Intenrest Realtyr Inc. r requeEts that you review the attached com- bined sketch and preliminary plat submission under Eagle Countyrs Subdivision Regulations. A seven (7) unit tolen- house project is proposed that will be sold as a condonuinium. Therefore, this submission is for condominium subdivj-sion. The project is Located on Lot I, Block 5, Vail Intermountain Development Subdivision. Please find a $L70 check enclosed to cover the subdivisionfee ($100 plus $10 per unit). Thank you for your consideration. si Ribhard W. FeLrellProject ltanager Creekside Associates R!{F/RFS EncLosure ""ni,tr/ WLW"f!d w- FeLr '*il TO: FROM: RE: Eagle County Rick Ferrell Creekside Associates Condorninium SubdivisionVail Intermountain February 28, L978 i'ii:,'-,. ,, : .-) r,t''lY frii::!: : :irj'-:i t ;1 ---l?--4'pt-,.-17!.. of Lot I' Block 5t Proposed Project The accompanying combined sketch and prelj-minaryplat indicates seven (7) proposed townhouse units to besold individually as condominiums. The units will have a 26t x 25t footprint and consist of 3 bedroorns and 2L baths each. The basic building is designed so that it meets a1I setback and other zoning requirements. An optional feature is sirown which will require special action. An architec- turaL projection is shown, off the second story on the south elevation. Since this penetrates the airspace above thegreenbelt, pedestrian and utiltty easements, vacation of the air rights by the County and the sanitation District will berequired. A separate petition for vacation of the air rights is being made. Sketch and Preliminary PLat Requirements 1. Utilities. The site is served by all utilities. The Upper Eagle Va1ley Sanitation District sehrer line runs along the creek south of the proposed structures and has more than adequate capacity. A 6" wate:' line is located in the frontage road. Telephone and electricity is available at the site. 2. Roads. Since it is a condo subdivi.sionrthere are nopublic roads to be dedicated to the County. A 12r wide driveway is shown on the plat. It will be one way runningeast to west. There are two curb cuts. At a later date, we may apply for a variance to reduce the drivewalz width to minimize the area covered by an impermeable surface. 3. Grading. l.linimal grading is in'.'olved. The site naturally slopes toward the creek and the units wiLl follow this con- tour. of course, parking and driveways will be appropriately graded. IrlEI.{ORANDUI',! Condominium Subdivision February 28, 1978Page two 4. Drainage. Roof drainage and run-off from parking anddriveway surface will be handled by a system of dry wells.The swale following the frontage road will be preservedand improved. The road cuts (entrance and exit) wil1 beover a culvert permitting \.restern flow down the swale. 5. Soil and Geology. please refer to original studiespresented with Vail Intermountain Development Subd.ivisionsubmission. Appropriate soil tests will be made for founda-tion design and will accompany working drawings submittedfor building permit. 6. Wildfire. See original Vail Intermountain Subdivisionmaterials. ' 7. Landscaping. All trees by creek will be preserved.A portion of the clump of cottonwood on the west end ofthe overfJ-ow parking will be removed. The swale will be' improved. 8. Owners. See attachment 9. Proposed Covenants. The property is subject to theVail Intermountain Development Subdivision covenants,conditions and restrictions. A standard condominiumassociation will be formed to maintain common areas and pro-vide exterior maintenance, snow removal , trash pickup, etc. 10. Vegetation. The site is mainly pasture grass withnumerous spruce trees adjacent to the creek. There arecottonwood clumps in a few locations. Existing vegetationis drawn on accompanying plat and wiII be preserved exceptas noted in Number 7 above. t CREEKSIDE PARTNERS Lot 1, Block 5. VAIL INTERMOUNTAIN February 27 ' L978 ownership of r,6t l, Block 5r'Vail Intermountain. Attachment to l,temorandum of above date, Paragraph 81 under"Sketch and Preliminary Plat.rr 1. Interwest RealtY, Inc. A General Partner in Creekside Partners 710 East Durant Avenue Aspen, Colorado 81511 2. Dean D. Young A General Partner in Creekside Partners P.O. Box 4945 Aspen, Colorado 8151L 3. John C. GinnA General Partner in CrEeJ<.side PartnersP.O. Box 255Aspen, Colorado 81611 4. The following are lirnited partners in creekside Partners: Countryside Associates Irwin Howell Mallory Box 256 1230 SnowbunnY Lane Aspenr Colorado 81511 AsPen, Colorado 81511 John L. Yaw David Borkenhagen Box 2736 Box 3395 Aspen, Colorado 8l-51-1 AsPen, Col-orado 81611 Perry A. H'arveY Jerry Blurnberg Box 8720 916 East HoPkins Aspen' Colorado 815L1 AsPen, Colorado 81511 David !f. Hollington c/o Ohio Bank and SavingsIoek Box 300Findlay, Ohio 45840 t' A linsto ccrunty.Qoro,ro curt'r'rt"tc^11i "ti'itJ;llil;""'fston rrlc N", Sc- nz- z) Ccrttftcttion ls lrcrcby nrudc tlrnt u copy of nn nppllcntlon subnrlttcd nnrl glvcn thc obovo $f f c N<r. rvn:; cntcrcrl Into thc tl .S. trlnlls. or. lrnnd tlcllvcrcrl, ot Zo.z A, I ? ?7 tothooffices/|)(lr6on5os][tett-!,]::ry'on,pn6csJlf-,o"n.,n'k@ Ccrttftcr' 6 Signoturo : Atl ions raf ercd to: 1. Coloradc Geological Survoy 2. Colo. Ocpartmont of Hoalth 3. Colorado Stato Engineer 4. Eagle County Sanitarian 5. Eagle County Engineer 6. Holy Cross Electric Assrn 7. Colorado Mtn. Collcae Oist. B. U.S. Soil Conservation Service 9. U.S. Bureau of Land Management 10. Coloradc River Water Consv. Dist.\\11. Div. of Water Resources $..Appticotions in Eoglo-Brugh Crcok to Ect$/ards: 1. Town of Eaglo 2. Eagle S arlitat ion D i strict 3. Colorado Division of Wildlife 4. U.S. Forcst Servics 5. Eagte ValleY TclcPlrone Co. 6. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas 7. School District RESOJ G.Apptications in Upper Eagle Valleys 1. Town of Minturn 2. Towri of Red Ct iff Upper Eagle Valley San. Dist. Eagle-Vail Metro D istrict Other Dist. (none at present ti:-ne) B.Appl ications in Basalt Area: 1. . Town of Easalt ' 4. Basalt Water Consv. Dist. 5. Basalt Rural Fire Dist. ;"" 8. u.s. Forest service '9. Mtn. Bell TelePhone Co. 3. 4. 5. 2. Ptanning Representative .'.'..' 6. School District RE5OJ ' 3. School District RE1J 7. Colorado Division of wildlife ' 6. Basalt vy'ater and Sanitation Disi. - '. 10... -__'7- Colorado Division of Wildlife 8. U.S. Forest Service 9. Mountain Bell Telephone Co. : fO. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gas i C.Apptications in Gypsum Area:- 1. Town of Gypsum 2. Eagle County Airport F.Otlror A(lonciL'5 (wttoro ippropri nte-) 1. Cc'loruclo Dcpt. of I liOlrwnyg Public Service Co- of Colo. ..-,-,"2;.--t-;--) ;- -4* v'/24 iri Gore Valley - Vail Area: a i western S lope Gas ) Town of vail /=</ .:. Vail Village West Water & Lions Ridge Water Vail Village West Fire Vail lntermountain Water :r S a,n. 4. 5. 6. i - 3' Cotorado Division of Ii 4.' U.S. Forest Service Authority Wildlife | _ 5. Eaglc Valley Telephone Co. : 6. Rocky Mtn. Natural Gasr;:-t 7. School District RESoJ) | d. G\'osurn Sanitation Aict:lictl ipA-Finfucf-ions in Oolorodo fl iv--'i Arcu: .: _ 1. Sclrool Di:,trict BE5OJ 2. Sclrool Dictrict ll 1 ' I ' 3. tlS Forcst Servico (Eoglc) 7. Vail Sanitation Dist. 8. Sctrool District R ESOJ 9. Colorado Division of Wildlifs 10. U. S . Forast Service 11. Mtn. Bell Telcphono Co. 12. Public Servicc Co. of Colo. 13. Upper Eoglo Vattey San. 5. Eoglo VollcyTolcphono Co. I ,r. i-. ,i..)e -iei.g-Zp 6. Yornpr Vcllcy Elcctrl . .,' ] .';:':t;=;;..il..t;;i: 2. Colo. Stoto Forc:;t Srrvlco F I 1.. E # .....,S1 :: -tQ.J-.: Z.s-. -... - - -. - -. -!:Af l-.i: t:l{1. Fl-,^.:'.1. COMivl, f,L:Ci.l;i|) Ctiy I\1EI i'iili] Ar ./.t.._aF+..:19.... EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT RE.EI'ED oatei-.-:!! -. rc ':{ ntr_ AMOUNT ITEM Buildinq Permit Fee Application For Su bd iv isio n licatio4 ..-' Zone Ch Conditional Use Special Use Variance Appeal Fee Code: (Building)(Zoning) (Subdivision) Total Received All items are received for collection no.payment of any item. N9 3216 By receipt shall be cancell€J for ./ :: BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGTE COUNTY, P, O, BOX179 couRTHousE, EAGLE C9. - pH. (303) 328-6339 PERMIT July 16 79'^" --'-;;i;;; zsor'8.-ganawffitildftmo BUILDING FIETD COPY APPLICANT PERMIT TO VaYl H. I. Gonpany Construct finft bldq.( 1 r ..o""(TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT) NO. ADDRESS (NO,'(STREET](coNrR's LrcENsE) BV,Y?E?noct',r. seven { PROPO5ED U5 EJ AT (LOCATION)ZON ING D ISTR ICT(NO.'(STREET) BETWEEN ANO(cRoss sTF ( CROS S STREET} dt o 'z =o s uBo lv ts roN BUILDING IS TO TYPE Intermmtaln TO BE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LONG BY .ot 1 ".o"* 5 .tiJ. FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR F OUNOAT IOK for 7 tmlts - no kitchenettes ln unlts will u" "ii",i[d. so'PLAT{I{ING DEPT: 0nlyREMAR KSi 3 RE.ISSUE 0F PEm,tIT #1046 Re-Issue Fee 451.50AREA OR V OL UME esr runreo cosr $PERMIT lh OWN ER BUILOING AODRESS (CUBIC/SQUARE FEET) EAGLE FINAL: Review COUNTY BUILf,G PERMIT APPLICATION .C/O INSPECTION, LANDSCAPE INSPECTJPN FORM Routins Form ( ) il)ntffiDhrTReroutins t4z7 Location Review and return to the P lanni County Buildirrg Official wi Applicarrt M* /ot/6 Permit No. rrg Commission File No. thin 6 working days V Planning: Complies with: Yes No Reviewed by:/ \ 'sroaivision Regulations E nZoning Regulations U L-| S ite Plan (Landscaping) Commerrts: Date: trnD tr Recommend Approval : Url X County Engineer: Roads Gi'ading Drainage trntrn nnn Recommend Approval : County Health: Water San itat ion Perc. test Comments: Recommend Approval : n Dtrtr n En Final Inspection: C/O Recommend Approval Co;'nments: nn Firral lnspect ion: Landscapi Recommend Approval Commerrts: ngntr C,/O lssued Final Filing Date oy Date BUILDING DIVISION P.O. Box 179 PHONE: 328-7311 rNseecrGru EAGLE COUNTY /f7q FIEOUEST oorrl)-l?-7A TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen /A./\,' MON ,,, COMMENTS: FRITUE E plnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM E nppRovED I SAPP ROV E D f| nrrNsPEcr E UPOT,T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS j-\./ a BALCONY EXTENSION ,a WASTEWATER COMMITI'IENT I'.|.'l)l':;ll ,i:).\,(j1,.li \i\1.:{,t|'l)' S"\-'it'jl'-\":l .lO-'. l".l i i:i('i 0145 Avon Road P.O. Box Y Avon, Colorado 8162O (3031 949-s274 March 2, L979 Creekside Associatescrlo Interwest Realty 710 East Durant Street Aspen, Colorado 816f1 Re:Wastewater Treatment Service to Creekside Condominiums;7 Units, Lot 1, Block 5Vail Intermountain Gentlemen: The Upper Eagle Valley Sanitation District can and willprovide wastewater treatment service to the above referenced development, upon your compliance with the rules and regulations of the District and payment of appropriate tap fees. Note also that apparently balconies are st111 calculated to extend over a sewer easement in the area and per my letterof May 22, 1978, condominium owners bear any responsibilityfor loss which may occur &s a result of the placement of the balconies. Otherwise, the Upper Eagle VaIIey Sanitation - District does have excess capacity to provide wastewater treatment service to its constituents. Additionally, the District is engaged in a plant expansion program which wiII more than double the capacity of the District to treat waste- water. Accordingly, the District can and will provide wastewater treatment services. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me. I can be reached in Denver at 986-1551. Sin rel -:____-_------.-' James llinsDistrlc t Manager JPC/mp cc: John V. Amato, Esq.William Cacek, CPA Charles Spanel Jeff Spanel o lIl)1)1;':l'' 'l;'.^{:, l l;v t ) J-'J \ i-r.j .\ \r -t-..t.' -\i\ I.l,li')' s,'\ )i I'tr'A',il'loN 0145 Avorr ltoad P.O.lJox Y Avon. Colorado B1620 I,lay 22, L978 Eagle CowrtY DraPartnent of Plarming and DreveloPnent c/o Terrell Kright P.O. Box 449 Eagle, @ 81631 Re: ProPosed Balconies Extending Over Sewer Line Easenent at Creek Side Townhouses' lot 1, Block 5, V?i1 Intermowrtail . Subdivision Gentlernen: The lDper Eagle Va1ley Sanitation District understands that bal- conies are propbsed to be constructed on the above referenced property which r^,oufd exienil over the sewer line easement on the 1ot. We under- stand that the balconies would set 12 feet high over the easenent and even at this height would be 8 feet away frorn the actual-placernent of the sewer line. It iI our r.rrderstanding that the balconies will be anchored to the building and that footings wi1l not be required on the easement. Given these circLunstances, we can see no objection to the con- stnrction of the balconies over the sewer line easenent. The owners have been and are herein agaia adrrised that should it be necessary to-Perfgrm najor construction in-the seuer line easenent' ttt"y ylll be considered to haie assuuned any risk of 1oss. We foresee the prgblbility of_this occur- iittg 6 being ainnst zeTo, but do not waive our rights to utilize this easenent if at sone future date it should be necessary. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us. Sihcerely Collins Manager JPCIdh cc: Creek Side Associates{ Interuest RealtY, Inc. Charles F. Spanel Thonas ll Grimshduri' .. John V. Amato Janes P. o AG LE - BUILDING DIVISIONOCOUNTY OF E County Courthouse Annex Eagle, Colorado Phone (303) 328-6339 $r0P lt0nn NOTICE This building has been inspected and an order to stop work issued for the following reasons: Creekside Condo's, Lot 1, Blk 5, Vail Intermountain, 81 dg. Permit #1479 Two trailers not permitted to be used as temporary housing without a permit. One trailer has sewer line (open end) running within 5 feet of river. One unjt has rough-in for another unit (not allowed) on'ty 7 (seven) units are approved.Building is closer to river than on original pl ans which makes building not 'in compliance with 30' stream setback. Work can cont'inue to solve these problems, but nothing else. "Any pe6on, firm or corporalion violating any p.ovision of this Cods shallb€ d€emod guilty of a misdsmeanor and upon conviclion th€roof, shall be lin€d no! more than $3d).OO, or imprisonm€nt fo. not morg than 90 days, orboth. Each and overy day during which such illegal er€ction, condruction, altera-tion, roconstruction, nraintsnance o[ use continuos shall be deem6d a sapa]al€ otf6nse. g1q Location of Building VMw,u, ,h lp, Date Inspected Building Inspector t Zoning Inspector BUILDING DIVISION OF EAGLE COUNTY; P.O. BOX 789 couRTHousE, EAGTE, CO.-PH. (3O3) 328-6339 oArE July 13.tt 78 PEaMrr No.10 46 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICANT ooo"."sW. pERMlr ro Con struct 7 TownhouseS__) sroRy(TYPE OF TMPROVEMENT) ( C ONTR'S LICENSE) NUMBER OFDWELLING UI,llTSt{o,( PROPOSED tJ5E) AT ( LocAT IoN ) ZON ING D ISTR ICT ( STREET) (CROSS STREET)CROSS STREET Lor I eLoc*;dt oo oz toL TO TYPE USE GROUP must LOT FT. IN HEIGHT AND SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNOAT ION be located off street to prevent health & safety hazards. -REMARK.: Parking areas Plan Erik Edeen Check Fee $451.50 +sL5D $903.00AREA ORVOLU ME EsrrMArED.o.t $ €90 000.00 PER MIT (CUEIC/sOUARE FEET) o,n*r" Creekside c_.,/o Interwest Inc. ooo"r." 710 E. Durant St. , .A,spen, Clo. g1611 BUILDING (Aflidovif on ievois ridc d opplicction fo bc compleied by outhorized ogent of owncr) O to EAGLE COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT io' BUIID|NG DIVISION OF EAGTE COUNTY; P.o. BOX 789 couP.THOUsE, EAGLE, CO.-PH. (3O3) 328-6339 =o;0. 10 46 ^OO"aaS . XUMgER OFOWELL It.IG UN ITS I c oxr R's Lrc€rg!!r PERMIT TO : c-) sroRY(IYPE OF IMPNOVIMENT'l{ o.I P?OP0SE9 rr5E ) b BUILDING PERMIT oore .ltdy 13. rs ?8 PERMIT No. APPTICANT COPY THIS PERMTT NOT VALID UNLES PROPERLY RECEIPTED BY CASHI V A LtO A TI ON ZON ING o rSTR icl---AT I LOCAT ION I (5rR:Er) AND(cFoss STREET) c oo o o EETWEE}I (CFO5! 5l FEaii sugoru's,on '" a illi LOT LOT ---i- ALOCX --.- SizE AU ILO ING TO TYPE IS TO SE - FT. WIDE BY - FT. LO'IG AY FT. rli flir'rlT iliD Si-!i_L a:!rlr" i! C. ::r:-:i USE GROUP BASEMENT WALLS OR FOUNDAT ION {t!PEl R:'wlAFr(S: iREA ORvaLL,H:ES T:i.lAT ED COST f .. L' - ; rii,1,; l (CUEIC/'3C r,tcE FEEI ) 'hti$' BulLDtiO,.',r,"* o, EAGLE COLr.iY, P.O. ECX7T9 couRTHousE. EAGTE, CO.-PH. (3O3) 328-6339 ;l;r" o..=I;=rEEE JOB WEAT [' ] |b4 i LL'._ . FiE: t: 1'EtsEE E HER CARO APPLICATT SUBOTVTSION :tOtlll|GAT (Loc^Ttotrl:i=: tteE lnk"E#!fi-rt .or I "io"* f - - !9L-- , --,-- .l||g, 5q!=-:'-T- .:.{',-r :==;+.- i lPio"ouD ,+i::::F5=='-€ usE GRouP . - arseuexi- wiiis''o;-;oultoATtot{j - - '' :-.-'-: '': ':+j-' - '' (rrtEl - - BUILOI'IG TO TYPE ;-: .IiD '9'oa rO'z:'Eo REMARXS:GFeEs rcr€f,, -E EocaEad oA r*sd, ta bor$t esdetf b--ar*qj -AC6 fta Cbs* rc* ${5!,5O esrrurreo cost $i$srco8.gs s03"G+ (cultc/50u^RE rEETI tlg.. AL,DnEss _iii_i. i-llyel S- " ie:Ec* GiG. G1611 THIS FERMI.r CONVEYS NO RIOHT TO OCCUPY ANY STREET. ALLEY OR SIOEWALK OR ANY PART AREA ORVOLUME OWNER i.r PERI'I^hIENTLY. ENCROACHMENTS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY, NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMIT'ED UNDER THE BUILDTNG CODE, M'.]ST EE APROVED BY THE JURISDICTION. 3TR€ET OR ALLEY GFADES AS YELL AS OEPTH AND LOCATION OF PUBLIC SEt.ERS MAY AE CETA;!!IFROI.I THE DEPARTUENT OF PUBLIC v,ORKS. THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT REL€ASE THE APFLICANT FFOM THE 'OI.!'Tt'OF AI.iY APP LICABLE SUBOIVISION RESTRI CTtONS. '-+a BUILDTNG Uerlrl nBY /_Ix_-l MIN IT'UIN OF THREE CALLIN5C! C TIONS RE AUIR EO FORALL C ONST RUCT ION TIORK: l. FcuNoA1.loNs oF| FooT tNGs.2. P?I'? TO COVERING STRUCTURALME!rn t FS rFE AOY TO LATHI-3. rrr-.L tfr:F:cttcN SEFoR€OCC!PANCY. APFROVEO PLANS MUST EE RETAINEO ON JOE AND THISCARD KEPT POSTEO UNTIL FINAL INSPECTICN HAS BEENMADE. IIHEFIE A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS RE. OUIRED,SUCH BUILDING SHALL NOT BE OCCUPIEO UT{T IL FINAL INgPECTION HP,S BEEN MAOE. vtHERE A PP!t CAB L E SEr-:F:T!:P F iMITS A P L REC U,'. :i ''- iELECTRTCAL. PLUTSF'--a r\r' MECHANTCAL rNST AL LA I tgit:. F+ ai+T TI+ES €ARD 50 lT lg VlSlAtE FF.Gf''r+ STEEET I!'I!DiNS INSFEC T ION A'PROVALS ELE!'TR,CAL I\SPE''IJN }' 9: BESTCOPY AI,AIL{,SE F :FF(.GERATICT'. rN3. I O'HEF wcFri 5{ALl- ftoT PF3CE50 LiNTtL THE,N: ea.':c:i Hrs ;iFncvEc TH5 vAqtous.STra:: OF CO|lSTi UCT i Oii - PER||IT WILL BECOITE NULL AND VOID IF CONSTRUCTION }ORii i5 NOT STARTED I{ITHIN SIX MONTHS OF D^TE T!.t E PERMIT IS I55U€D A5 NOTED ABOVE. I|.S FECT I ONS IN C IC T T:: ' 'Cel 5-: ;nr;;.39C cC: - -.. oF vr; r-TEr t ai r F rLii, - PLUMEING INSPECT tON APPROVALS HEA T I']G INSPE'AING AFPROVALS BLiIL PERtvtlT APPLI roN o CAT Jurisdiction of Applicant to complctc numbered spaces only. NOTICE SEPARAT€ PERfuTtTS ARE REOUIRED FOF ELECTRICAL, PLUM8. ING. HEATING, VENTILATING O i'i AIR CON DITIONING. THIS }'ERTNIT 3ECCi,i9S IJULL A']D VOIO I:'J!D:'1K OR CONSTRUC-TION AUTHORIZED lS NOT (i(Ji,iMENCEO V,jlTHlN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTIO\ OR T1CFK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDOI"JEDFOF A PERIOO OF 12C OAYS AT ANY TIi.4E AFTER WORK IS co:.ri;,,iENcED.r H:nEDY C5;-Tr-\', 'i riA; r ;4..,F eEAcr a.t3 txaf,trNEo TF sr.F?LtarTlc::. /r^ra- ;"f4". 1Pt .....'.'- '(-) fit: -r.,i t \i-, COnREC-i..1LL eqCr\/lS'^r.,i\ ,. F I !..5 : l{ir Or r.'r,laN,-.. .;a1,f RNTNG THrST\/tL or v.'o;l '-ri__,_ t L ci-,.,. _r: !) ..-,,tTH . -gTHEp spaclFtt.)rILRL:i.' ar;: I O'T. Tr.L i;F/r.l'lif..; Oa ,- -:,ir.,.tt DOES NOTPRr_SUl\'E 10 G1,..€ t.! THCrirT"' T3 ViCi A:L OR CANCEL THePROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OF{ LOCAL LAW REGULATII.IGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. o Dli.tc b F e S'orreg oFri;:155'r PAFTKTNG SpA Ce S Covcr r(t ; I Iill IIHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR P€RMIT Change ol ule lo -/- 12; 7 3tn i ;"'.Pl /L J-/?/ 7 e /2 il7 ()(>.d' 7.,?/rtJ flr:t rr,rrc*ro trrstt - .: . .t_.: --;7 ---/ :,;-. 4 a.:\''-'2 i 1- 2r;=a-Flr 7a i-.' .!7-/-:'/> /-J tf' 7la:8. 3.,i-.*-';-t / i. r.all. aooitta tioxt | ( L.. ,-- /-. / t..,t.A-,).-'-'.:j.t (: ,- . /-t,t--,t L72.a-t L tc ax3a ro.- traIrtaa 5 !rctral ro. MAt ! ADOaEat tr^tc( 8 Class oI worK: D NETI/ D AOOTTION f] ALTENATION D BEPATR E MOVE D REMOVE 9 Describe work: l0 Change ol use lrom )) PERMIT FEEI I Vatualion of work: $PLAN CHECK FEE SPECIAL CONDITIONS:Typ? ol conJt. - OccuFancy Grosp :rtre ol B ldg l l ctal) 5a Fr aPF!rCr l rO'. aC!- rt : t O tsY Jw!.,,a9 Unitt NolF!.:|:-.dSl)ecial At,provalt 2C^-lNG HfALTH OE PT. FIFE DE Pi. 5U IL REPORT OTHgR (5t.:''vl M.O. ^APPLICANT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cAsH PERMIT VALIDATION ,,.,JiJ."fi* .=ur(!4,BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER EAGLE COUNTY n ornen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE n pnnrtnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM ftneeRovED I orsnerRovED ! nerNsPEcr fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECnoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE ,TO rNsPE.fiN ,.eo,!(eZtBUILDING DIVISION. P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM .,;17 JOB NAME EAGLE COUNTY n pnnrrnl. READY FOR INSPECTION THUR AM{E a P(APP ROV E D n orsappRovED ! nrrNsPEcr n uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcrroNs: CORBECTIONS D^rE / ^/.5:^ F()4':i'y''-,== a ,o ESTIMATE t, .FIOLY CROSS }l'C1-RlC ASS{;IATION, l.}"$J ! 3Ot GRAND AVENUE P. O. DRAWER 2IO GLENWOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO E 160I Dlb 303 945 . 549 t 945.50s6 .":.Itlr. Pery Harvey .. j .. : -..Intetwest, Inc. ..:r ., r._ .1 . ;',1-.:. 7]0 E. Durant Street Aspen, C0 81 6l I ; ' . - ,-,::.'- '. .', - ':.'. :.- RE: Final Accounting, Creekside Townhouses' - Lot 'l , B'lock 5' Intermountain Dear Mr. Harvey: i .. bJe have completed our crists to date-for providing underground sing'l e-phase.e'l ectric ;;;i;; io'if,. above mentioned deve'lopmeirt. A sunmary of the estimated and actual February 12, 1979 costs fol'l ows . Job#78-7577 ; Cost of Underground Construction Equivalent Overhead Line Credit Eouivalent Overhead Transformer Credit Uncompl eted Constructi on Non-Recoverable Contribution in Aid of Construction Prepayment Received ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Estimated $ 9,637.00 $( 547.00) (1,620.00) 5 ,609 .80( so3. r 2) ('t,620.00) 7l .10 3,557.78 - 7,470.00 3,91?.2? started on the appropri ate Actual 7 ,470,00 lJe will ho'ld $3,912.22 until the payrnent is patched and construction is townhouses. At that time, we r,'ilj finalize our accounting and make the adjustments. If you have any questions at this time, please fee'l free to contact me. chard D. Brjnkley, Chief RDB; I sz cc:1978 Contract File cc : Job#78-7577 251 -4,/ Si ncerely ' )- HOLY CROSS fr-EC-fRIC ASSITIATION, I !OI GRAND AVENUE P. O. DRAWER 250 GLENWOOD SPRINGS. COLORADO 6160I June 23, 1978 I'1r. Perry HarveyInterwest' Inc. 710 E. Durant St. Aspen, CO. 815II . :REF: Creekside TownhousesLot l, Block 5, Intermountain Dear llr. Harvey: I have completed a cost estimate for bringing underground single-phase electric service. to the above mentioned development. Enclosed is a sketch showing the proposed location of facilities.arrived at after talking with Mr. Terry Plampin of GambrellEngineering. Note that the transformer location shown will require that the developer provide paved access. A breakdown of this estimate is as follows: Total Estimated Cost of Underground Construction $ 9r637.00Less: Equivalent Overhead line Credit ( 547.00)Less: Equivalent Overhead Transformer Credit ( 1.620.00) Net Non-Recoverable Contribution in Aidof Underground Construction $ 7,470.00 This is only an estimate. Any final assessment or refund will be based upon the actual cost of construction. As shown on the sketch, an easement will be required along Lhe Northerly boundary of Lot 1. This document must be executed prior to our beginning construction. rt will be the developerr s responsibility to run secondary entrance conductors in conduit from the transformer to the meter l-ocation(s) according to National Electrical Code and HoIy Cross specifications. when HoIy cross Electric is in receipt of a check in the amount of 57,470.00, and one signed copy of this letter agreement (below), I will prepare the easement for signature, and schedule t.he job for construction- The paved access to the transformer location must be constructed as soon as possible to be usable before the first snow in the Fall of 1978. Sincerely, HOLY CROSS ELECTRTC ASSOCTATTON, rNC. IN(.. AREA COI)E 303 94t - !49 t 945 - 6056 o (a EASDMENT AS RECORDED ro,,. *r, ELEcrRrc AssocrArrdn,O*c. UNDERGROUND RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT KNOW A,LL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that the undersigned, Creekside Associates (hereinafter called "Grantor"), for a good and valuable consideration, thereceipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant unto HOLY CROSS ELECTRfC ASSOCIATION, INC., a cooperative corporation whose post office address is Glenwood Springs, Colorado (hereinafter called "Grantee"), andto its iuccessors and assigns, the right of ingress and egress across lands of Grantor, situate in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado,described as.follows: Lot 1, Block 5, Vail fntermountain Development Subdivisionas more ful-ly described in Book 266 at Page 351 in the Eagle CounLy CourLhouse, Eagle, Colorado. And, to construct, reconstruct, repair, change, enlarge, re-phase. oper- ate, and maintain an underground electric transmission or distribution line, or both, with the underground vaults, conduit, fixtures and equipment used or useable in connection therewith, together with assoeiated equipment re-guired above ground, within the above mentioned Iands, upon an easement described as follows: An easement ten (10) feet in width, the centerline for said easement being electric facilities as constructed, the approximate location of which upon the above mentionedproperty is shown in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made apart hereof by reference. Together with the right to remove any and all trees, brush, vegetation and obstructions within said strip of land when such is reasonably necessary for the implementation and use of the rights hereinabove granted. After the exercise by Grantee of any of its rights hereunder, Grantee shall- promptly restore the surface of the ground to its former condition, as nearly as is practicable, and shall promptly replace any and all trees, brush, and vegetation removed or damged by Grantee. Grantor agrees that all faciLities installed by Grantee on the above described lands shall remain the proPerty of Grantee, and shall be removable at the option of Grantee. Grantor convenants that it is the owner of the above described lands and that the said lands are free and clear of encumbrances and Liens of whatsoever character except-those held by the following: -- 7l+77eA:rF 7/zut,r .fr'?,Zpn aT I/Prz qot 7t1-o2*d //,''-c-va-.G/- a;-^- 26>:F7. st6 { -t'xceF /^ {rftf^rfr/;?L.,IN grITNEss WHEREO!; Grantor has cauqed these presents to be duLyT;4 --B_executed on this /|fla^y ot 5R/&.^1p4- , Ig78- CREEKSIDE ASSOCIATES ATTEST: 'r' /-f@,dRJeF7, "f l"t"rr".t Realtfl TI-TLE: BY: ITITLE: STATE Partner in Creekside ) I e<: . rGentIarEner A General President LrqrJFIE HH&IH OU=glFl,lHFf zFrD..oclFl = rrlFIH.4A&()dDt/)Atr| HzlrlEF{FlOHFf,4rll FT\oul e z..)4Ho42oFor'.ZH.trlD(aOHrE>FIE HFl 0FHOozDFlH(D ;iloil'Hll *ll Fl ll (a.)oj \().\.\'--: VAILINTERMOUNTAINWATEIDISTRICT;VJATERCO}IMITUENT ',Ot IilTERltounTAIlt nATER DiSlcT c/o Janes P. Collins 445 Union Blvd., Suite 123 Denver, Colorado 80228(305) 986-1ssl Creekside Associatesc/o Interwest ReaItY 71O East Durant Street Aspen, Colorado 8f6ll l[arch 2, 1979 Re: Water Service Condomlniuns;Lot l, Block Mountaln to Creekside7 Units,5 VaiI Inter- Gentlemen: - The VaiI Intermountain flater District can provide water services to the above referenced-your cotnpliance with the rules and regulations and payment of appropriate tap fees. If you have any further questions, please contact us. L INT James P.Collins ManagerDistrict JPC/np cc: Robert GartonJonine Collins and willproperty uponof the District feel free to IN WA ER DISTRICT Sincerely, LETTER OF APPROVAL EAGLE COUNTY COI.IMISSIONERS 'EAGIE €OUNTY o oPme ,o Terrl I I P I anner DJpartrrent of Pl ann lng Box 179 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 BOARD OF COUNTYcolrMlssloNERs3286809 ADMINISTRATION328€574 ANIMAL SHELTER949-4292 ASSESSOR328-6593 AUILDINGINSPECTION3286339 CLERK &RECORDER Ei$it t'.t;-ttr% COUNTYATTORNEY328€674 ENGINEER3286337 ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH328-7714 EXTENSIONAGENT3285370 LIBRARY32A-7787 PUBLIC HEALTHEeqlc 328-6594Vril {76-58rS4 PLANNING328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE328€591 SHERIFFEaolc 328-561 | 8",,*'1"'g6I;13i3r soclALsE RVrcES3286328 TREASURER3286376 Hay 26, 1978 Rlchard !'1. Ferrell, ProJect Manager Creekslde Assoclates 710 E. Durant Aspen, Colorado 816ll Re: Flle No. Sp-l03-78 Creel<slde Associates Prelimlnary Plan - Lot l , Block 5, \lal l Internnuntain At thelr speclal rneetlng on 24 l4ay 1978, the Board of -County Cormlssioners approved your pret lminary plan'- speclflcally the plan shovlng 3 curb cuts' lf you have any ouestions, please contact thls offlce' E Devel nt rK/j kcc: Board of Countv Conrni ss ioners o EAGLE COUNTY ZONING BOAF,D OF ADJUSTI"IENT I VARTANCE EAGLI COUNTY Department of Planning P. O. Box 1?9 EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 88fi$'?'8''"R?H!"328.6809 ADMINISTRATION328-6674 ANIMAL SHELTER949-4292 ASSESSOR328-6593 BUILDINGINSPECTION328-6339 CLERK & RECORDER f;39!" 3el8fs3z% COUNTYATTORNEY328-6674 ENGINEER32E€33t ENVIRONMENTALHEALTH328-77lA EXTENSIONAGENT328€370 LIBRARY328-7787 PUBLIC HEALTHEeqlc 328-6594Veil 476-5844 PLANNING328-6338 ROAD & BRIDGE 328.5591 sHE RI FFEaol. 328651| Eint"rBZ;lifir 50clALsE RV lcEs328€328 TREA5URER3286376 to and 15 May l9?8 Creekside Associates 710 East Durant Ave. Aspen, Colorado 81611 FiIe No. Zv-45-78 Variance At their Public Ilearing on 11 May 19?8, the Zoning Board of Adjustment granted an amended front yard setbaek variance of twenty-nine (29) feet which makes your front yard setback twenty-one (21) feet from property line. Ttre Board also required that the structure be built according to the Preliminary PIan you submitted as part of this application. Ttre Board of county commissioners will revierv the Preliminary Plan on 24 May 1978. ltre reason given for granting the variance is because the property possesses exceptional narrowness, shallowness, shape and topography which does not occur generally to other property in tbe same zone district. If you have any questions, please contact this office. f o Development /,._/Mferrill Knight /Planner I TK/kP Zoning Board of Board of County Adjustment Commissioners I BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 f NsPEOrroN FrEo "!:('lo?31 EAGLE COUNTY oare //- 1- 77 JoBNAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM flpenrrnl. READY FOR INSPECTION { .a THUR D*rPaovED n orsnppRovED ! nerNsPEcr I UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS {-) ECe oru FtEBr.rEsirBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME ( ,/,I TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER /4',/INSP EAGLE COUNTY n orHen MON COMMENTS: n pnnrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION , /4! r^,i' .'). t / : ."r--. #rRovE D ! orsaeeRovED D nerNsPEcr ! uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRREcrroNS: CORRECTIONS BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 J/4r INSPEC(}ctN FTEOUEST EAGLE COUNTY .'/^ ,u ', {-, / //} t :,: I oarc lA/2 y' JoB NAME -TIME RECEIVE6 / ^@ CALLER f]orne n MON COMMENTS: ! peRrnl. READY FOR INSPECTION WED 6rrRovED ! orsnppRovED E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS fl nerNSPEcr i$r'fg'r '- -tr,r(INsi"sdTctN FTEBUEsiT EAGLE COUNTY JOB NAME {s{8,) y'.{-,1-z' CALLER ! orxen E panrrnu LocATroN florsappRovED fl nerNsPEcr J; 30 APPROVED E uporu THE FoLLowrNc coRRectrorus: CORRECTIONS a /q7q oINSrlEETIctN FIEOUESTBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 EAGLE COUNTY?6 JoB NAME e+o (itr, /r"-,(1rytl" TIME RECEIVED 7.3d@,* DATE CALLER -' ! ornen TUE coMMENrs: ;/t tu E pnnrrnu. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR ,r'i^r)-AM PM (eAoF v r,-f)at 0<. E <1 o f*. c M eppRovED florsnppRovED fl netNsPEcr fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECrtoNS: CORRECTIONS BUIL o DIN G PERMIT APPLI roN o CAT I Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces only, PLAN CHECK VALIDATION WHEN PBOPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT CASH PERMIT VALIDATION A."F#szqy MZa-/-/r//zt-{ttu1,) (f-lset errecxeo sxttr) zL=lrz:-/ de*tea,tf f (/a,(r' {/s./ a"^-)I o E5 Cr. 2 lQ/L r/. t "Ca/{PA,DL/ TtCt z"- EtZzfi;tt/,(O. Zz*,< 3 A//EE/Y6,7y atknCa.2 "HoNE4Zd-924 LrcE{sE No. s7?6 eV/E/z;Qd tr.26r" ///e/e-/ tata -f,rzrt 4 z ,8t22u?ae 482 5-/fae/tv(/8KDY,2 z=tt/2,/e;e 1z c r", .fdCtt? 5 S.rs nze MA IL ADoi E ss EIAIICH 7 cz/)Den/tn/ttz+/1, 8 CIas oI worK: O4EW D AOOITION N ALTERATION tr REPAIR tr MOVE D REMOVE 9 Describework: / - 3Srf/ey' CCrtaTAa*lt/zz/i/S A r/-a cJtA 10 Change ol use from Change of use to PERMIT FEE 45/, g0PLAN CHeCK FEE # lA46il vatuarion ot work: g ZAA eAA - Occupancy Group SPECIAL CONDITIONS: No. ot StorieiSi:e of Bld9.(Totrll Sq. Fi. Fire Sprinklata Required D\l,e. nNoAPP!ICAIIOI! ACCEPI€D AY APPAOVED FOF IS5UANCE 8Y OFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: NOT ICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONOITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUC.TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 120 DAYS, ORIF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDEO OR ABANDONED FOFI A PERIOO OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTEH WORK IS COMMENCED.I HER€BY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYP€ OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DO€S NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. srcU^YUrE/gF CONTEACTOi or AUY'ro HEALTH OEPT. F I RE OEPT, SOIL REPORT OTHER (S9.clfy) Form 100.1 1-77 NSPECTOR &w County of FTT,BCII3ICAL Eagle PMMIT Job name..Y.9. i. L...l:1.'....1.,. .Qq.,:-Ye i.l... l n !.e..r.t!!9 tllt.!.9. !. [. r Creekside Condos. Electricarcontractor..F.le-gl.f i.--99.Ly.g Applicanr.Sltlature APPROVALS Plan Ciecker Ne 1560 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Fermit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $... $............-............... $............................ 236.00 236.00 $.. $.. nate paid.......159.!I.y-..?.-e.Ig.ltq.n Received 8y.... A.u.Su St...lQ"-. 19.29 Receipt # 5444 Bui'lding Permit # 1,479 THTS .tOB (11g. n,E4s FORIU IS TO BE POSTED ON SITE DURING COI{STRUGTION {8 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQ(,IRED FIOR INSPECTIONS ELEcTftAL PERMTT APPLCATToN Juridiction of Applicant to comptetd numbered spaces only. WHEN PROPEFLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATION't1 &W- INSPECTOR FOTln 1OO.3 11.73 INTERNATIo|NAL C(|NFERENCE o'F BUILDING OFFICIALS ' '!60 S. ltloFKMAN MILL iOAD ' W}II'tI'iI CA|.IF' '!'OI l5l&u.o. nsEE ATTACHEo gHEEr)LOr NO. I O asC i. ZIP PXONEia Fl.-D gnql<uaaJ, Co, r PirtN Eo $r, D<n+or G LICENSE NO.3 E'lec.tri - S...- AiCHITECT OR O E9ICN EF LICENSE NO. LICEN9E XO. MA|l. AOOTE !;5 ataNctr IJSE OF B! LOIN C 8 ctas o{ work: El NEw D A00lrl0N tr nlreCnrton tr REPAIR I 0escribe work: Q,ni{ t -temo. Doule( RECEPTACLE Outt€rs L IGHTst TcH TotalLIGHTING Fixtures FIXTURESAPPLICATION ACCEPT€O BYI APPFOV€O FOR ISSUANCE 8Y RANGES CLO. DRYER WTR. HTR. GARBAGE OISP. STA. COOK TOPNOT ICE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINED THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT, ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS TYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. S I GXAYUR E OF CO I.I IIIO AGENT DISH. WASH. CLOTHES WASH. SPACE HTR. STA. APPL. V, H.P. MAX. MOTORS: NO. TRANS. TEMP. POWER LIPOLE TIUNOGO. SERVICE E rew fl cserce PERMIT ISSUING FEE PLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. . M.o.L,^,\I',1g purr^,-t + t+ .,)l-o<r^pt+ s+++ Juridiction of PLUM?I NG PERMIT APPLIATpN Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. PLAN CHECK VALIDATION 2938 South Frontaqe Rd., Lot l, Block 5. Intermountain Deve'lopment Subdivision I o E5C l.(LJ9ca arr^axao 3HaarlIntermountain Dev. Sub. - o*'.^ C tZ(X. S ' Aircoa MAt L AOOia!3 7801 East Belleview Rd.Denver. Co. 80237 corraacYoa M/rrt aDoits3 tBor: LrcENsa 1ro.3 Mac-Vik Plumbins & Hts. Co. 16250 S. Golden Rd., 27g 7g7I ^rcFr YEC t oa oasrcxat M^rL ADOtt3s MA IL AOOiE3! FXONC M/rr L aootag3 at^xch u sE oF !!rLol{ct Condo's 8 Crassolwork: fllrw DA0otTroN DALTERAT|ot{ tr EEPAIR yp. ot Fixlura a ltt||l SPECIAL CONOITIONS:WATER CLOSET (TOILETI LAVATORY (WASH BASINI KITCHEN SINK I OI5P. APFLICATIOIT ACCEPTEO 8Y PLAIIS CH€C(€D 8Y APPFOV€ O 'Oi ISSUANCE EY LAUNORY TRAY WATER HEATER NOTICE I H€REBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO ANO EXAMINEO THIS APPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT. ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THIS TVPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO WITH WHETHER SPECIFIED HEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. '4/t//l/ f- 7,2.r,:f 7-.s--7rcirlrutE or co{Yr4cror o.*!r|.€[+tfo ^cfrr \, rDlrra ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR SINK OR ORAIN TREATING EQUIP. WHEN PROPEFLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS VOUR 'ERMITM.O.PEBMIT VALIOATION M.O. 4-fu?a*/42/rr' 5fil cnc @r INSPECTOR Fotm lOO.2 1l-73 .3o.o.r rior: lilTlRiaATlC,taAL CC't{FCRltact c't rUrLc'ttaC C,7FrCrAL3..x.. BU ILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 TIME RECEIVED AM tNseecloru EAGLE CO FIEOUESiT T\I TVU JOB NAME PM CALLER BUILDING:7--' foorrrvc FOUNDATION FRAMING FINAL +/.fliffifAL .LOGATION: COVER INSULATION -SHEETROCK VENEER - ROOF PART]AL LOCATION, PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPE WDCSFINAL PARTIAL LOCATION: MECHANICAL VENT]LATION HEATING HOODS LOCATION:LOCATION: n orHrn :MoNl n pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM COMM E N TS; I'". . ) EI-nppRovED LI DISAPPROVED REI NSPECT LI UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS DATE ///2BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 rNsPE+toN FIEBUEST EAGLE COUNTY t , / /) ., ')DArE / , / Jo JoB NAME y' TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER n ornen n pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: PPROVED fl uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! orsnppRovED I nErNsPEcr DArE // -1' -'a -a BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 o t4'/ 7'.-tl\tSPEtrll|ctN EAGLE COU FIEOUESiT NTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orHrn MON COMMENTS: TUE E panrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FBI AM PM $ neeRovED I uporu rne CORRECTIONS E otsnpPRovED FOLLOWI NG COR RECTIONS: ! netNSPEcr DATE +#?e rNso=t,o* FtEouEsrBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 EAGLE COUNTY ,4:IC AMcD CALLER I oruen ! pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THURQ: -;AM PM COMMENTS: MppRovED florsaeeRovED LJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIoNS: i CORRECTIONS ! nerNsPEcr C- n7DATE t-/ f"'/ t €no rNsPEtrlr.,N t=@=tBUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 couNTY.EAGLE DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER florHen ?5 ,.'- n pnnrral LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED (f:y9 -':-rar 'it' AMlq) COMMENTS: /. {aeeRovEDp ueoru THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! otsnppRovED REINSPECTT I tNseec*oru nEouEST P. O. BOX 179PHoNE:328-633s EAGLE COUNTY DATE ' '' '' JOBNAME : , ' | .;,. ., ' , T;MEREcElvEg '/t ';ralqpy SALLER ,'; i' :',, , ' | ' ' j".i': ':^,,t) BUILDINGrynL-tY6 FOOTING FOUNDATION FRAMING PARTIAL ,L@ATION:&19'3, Fronf PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPE wDCSFINAL MECHANICAL VENTTLATION HEATING HOODS ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY ROUGH FINAL SMOKE DETECTOR PARTlAL LOCATION: '. .t -- PARTIAL LOCATION: tl.rt*: b f 7 n E orHen MON COMMENTS: 'J,'-,.. ,.- n pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED :, THUR -AM PM I}J APPROVED t-t1UJ UPON THE CORRECTIONS , n orsnpPRovED COR R ECTION S: ! nerNsPEcr Fg-LLowlNG DATE //7777 f NsPECroru neer.iJUt EAGLE COUNTY florxen E plnreu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION a! nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS ft /uarNsee#oru nEBUEsT e '',( ':iil'i"""'i)i' ,, TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 oor= f / li ' r{ 1.'' JoB NAME florHrn I panrtnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PM E/'rrRovED ! orsnppRovED EI.uporv rHE FoLLowr NG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS #? f] nerNsPEcr EAGTE COUNTY Cormuni tv Devel opmentP.0. Box- 179 EAGLE. COLORADO 81631 TELEPHONE 303/328-73t I BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMtsstoNERsExt 241 AOMINISTRATION Exi 241 ANIMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSOR Ext 202 BU I LDING IN I NSPECTI O NExt 2?6 or 229 CLERK & RECORDERExl217 COUNTYATTORNEYExl 242 ENGINEERExt 236 ENVIRONMENTAL H EALTH Ext 238 EXTENSIONAGENTExl 247 LIBRARY Ext 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N I NGExt 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNELExt 245 ROAD & BR IDG EExt 257 SHERIFF Eaqle Ext 2l I Baialt 927 -3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURERExt 201 M. Caroline Turner Homle, Roberts and 0wen Suite 1800 Denver, Colorado 80290 27 February 1980 Re: Creeks'ide Condominiums Lot 1, B'l ock 5, Vail Intermountain All necessary permits have been taken out and approved by Eagle County and the Vail Fire Department. 0n final inspection,. the bui'ldjng was completed. Due to weather conditions, the fjnal exterior grading and parking areas are not completed as yet. If you have any further questions, p'lease contact this office. &,e-'& Chief Building 0fficial LD/adj ITIi):lPOIir\llY . Ccrtificate of 0ccLtPancy CountY of Eag)e Department of Planning and Developrnent Bui 1di ng Di v j s'ion This certjfjca'ue issued pursuant to the requirements of section 306 of the Uniform UuitOing Code certifying'that at the tjr,re of jssuance this structure was in.conpliance r.iiiir th6,rarious resoluiions of the county regulating building construciion or use for the fo11ot'ting: NAiiF Vail H. I. Company Use Classification Construct 7 Unit Building Group R-l Building Permjt I'lo. 1479 Type Construction Oi.iner of Building Vqi! H. I. C an Buildinq Address 2938 S: Froita Road Vtiil Intermountain Buiiding 0ffi ci al uaTe J-- Fire Zone 3 Use Zone RSl4 and l andscapi ng , as wel l as park ing .outlets top bedroom must be fixed.Note: Appl icant mustarea. 0n Unit finish grading2, the switched INSPECIclN ) ,/. r-t.-.; /t" "' FI EOL'ESiT UNTY ,.,:*1.-.' BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE .-' z . -L,. -: -.. JOBNAME ...' LE CO TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER & PARTIAL L@ATION: ' n orHrn n pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED i rHUR It, ,/ fF{ app RovED',.E orsnpP Rov E D *,-,. i,lr .1,' . .f'' E nEtNsPEcr EI upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG coR RECTToNS: \ DATE EAGTE COUNTY EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 T ELEPHO N E 303/328-731 | BOARO OF COUNTY coMMrssloNERsExt 241 AOMINISTRATIONExt 241 AN IMAL SHELTER 949-4292 ASSESSO R Ext 2O2 BUILDING IN INSPECTIONExt 226 pr 229 CLER K & RECOROERExt 217 COUNTYATTORNEYExt 242 ENGINEERExt 236 ENVIRONMENTAL H EA LTH Ext 238 EXTEN5IONAGENTExt 247 LIBRARYExt 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252Vail 476-5844 PLANN I N Gexl 226 or 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNELExt 245 ROAD & BRIOGEExt 257 SHERIFF Eaq le Ext 2l 'l aaiall 927-3244 Gilman 827-5 751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328-6328 TREASURERExt 20 | February 25, 1980 Holme, Roberts and Owen I70O Broadway Suite 1800 Denver, Colorado 80290 Attention: M. Caroline Turner Re: Creekside Condorniniums Lot 1, Block 5, Vail Intermountain FiIe No. Sp-103-78 The referencecl lot i-s zoned Residential Suburban Mediurn density (RsM); and that zone dj-strict will allow seven condominium units on the lot. A pre- lirninary subdivision plan showing 7 units was approved by the Eagle County Comnissioners on May 24, L978. Cornptetion of the Subdivision process will require the submittal and approval of a final plat in full compliance with the Eagle county Subdivision Regulations. This final plat has not yet been filed, and therefore subdivision is not yet complete. Buitding Permit No. 1479, for the construction of 7 units, has been issued (copy enclosed) and the building is near completion. Sincerely. ;/-""o'"11il-PSusan Vaughn Planner sv/jh BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER INSPEC}clN EAGLE CO t47q F|EEUEST UNTY n orHen D pnnrrnl.LOCATION ! orsnppRovED FOLLOWING COR RECTIONS: ffirrR ov E D r?r -,-L{ZI{,PON THE CORRECTIONS ! nerNsPEcr R INSPECTION r ',^"ii'l3tifl gj ":i:i #, couRTHousE. EAGLE co, - pH. ,totr gzitj)r, aPPLrcANr lrll [. l. GonqY PERMTT roffi( --l ) sronv 1NO.l Cn.(coNrR's LtcENsE) NUMBER OFDw EL L I NG uN I rs --..llul!i-(PROPOSEO USE I BUTLDING PERMIT CARD r47 g ( STREET) JOB IUEATHER oor. &rlt t6 _ rg 79 pERMrr No. rooness 1891 [' 8e[!t!dr. Frglmd, AT ( LOCAT ION) ZON ING o tsTR tcT (5T!|EET) ( cRoss stFE ET )( cRo55 5r REEr )2 I!t! o'a0 oz =E l! .o--t "r-ocx t SilesuBD tv ts toN BUILDING IS TO BE - FT. WIOE BY - FT. LONG BY TO TYPE USE GROUP a IE-ISSUE 0f PEHUT tl0a5 AREA ORVOL UME FT. IN HEIGHT ANO SHALL CONFORM IN CONSTRUCTION AAS€ MEI{T WALLS OR FOUNDATION ( TY FE) tttrUlIS EII: hlv fc 7 sftr - p tftchmtt* In cltr slll b! rllnd. 30'trI MAt{Ks: -_-|ttrr-EEEr* esrrvareo cosr $ b-lrrsr F.. FEE"',' $ 151.50 ( C U8IC/ SQUARE FEET) 8U ILO ING OE PT. BY THIS PERMIT CONVEYS NO RIGHT TO OCCUPY ANY STREET, ALLEY CR SIDEWALK OR ANY PART THEREOF. EITHER TEMPORARILY OR PERMANENTLY. ENCROACHMENTS ON PUBLIC PROPERTY, NOT SPECIFICALLY PERMITTED UNOER THE.BUILDING CODE, MUST BE AP.PROVED BY THE JURISDICTION, STREET OR ALLEY GRADES AS WELL AS DEPTH ANO LOCATION OF PUBLIC SEWERS MAY BE OBTAINED FRoM THE oEpARTMENT oF puBLtc woRKs. THE tssuANcE oF THrs pERMtr ooEs Nor RELEASE THE APPLtcANT FRoM THE cgNDtrtoNs OF ANY APPLICABLE SUBOIVISION RESTRICTIONS. MI NIMUM ,OF THREE CALLINSPEC TIONS REQUIREO FOR APPROVED PLANS MUST BE RETAINED ON JOB AND THIS CARD KEPT POSTED UNTIL FINAL TNSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE. WHERE A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY IS RE. QUIRED,SUCH BUILDING SHALLNOTBE OCCUPIEO UNTIL FINAL INSPECTION HAS EEEN MAOE. WHERE A PPLICA BLE SEPARATEPERMITS ARE REQUIRED FORELECTRICAL, PLUMBING ANDMECHANICAL INSTALLATIONS.ALL CONSTRUCTION WORK: I. FOUNOATIONS OR FOOTINGS2. PRroR To cov ERING srauciualMEMBERS (READY TO LATH).3. FINAL INSPECTION BEFOREOCCUPANCY.Tl{ls GARD SO lT lS VlSl tE FROTI STREET BUILOING INSPECTION APPROVALS ELECTRICAL IN 5P EC T ION APPROV ALS FRIGERATION INSPECTION APPROVALS OTHER f -ii$8t/^tJ u6 ,{ORK SHALL NOT PROqEED UNTIL THE INSPECTOR HAS APPROVEO THE VARIOUS INSPECTIONS INDICATED ON CAN BE ARRANGEO FOR BY OR WRITTEN NOT IF ICAT ION. THIS CARO TELEPHON E PLUME ING INSPECT ION APPROVALS W#,{iit4 r'r,n, |u,faj 9ill'ry1t 0*/L 1"2 u.i HEATING INSP ECTING APPROVALS PERMIT WiLL BECOIIE NULL AND VOID IF CONSTRUCTION WORK IS NOT STARTED IVITHIN SIX MONTHS OF DATE THE PERMIT I5 ISSUED AS NOTED ABOVE.STAGES OF CONSTR UCT ION, BUILDING lUVISION F. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 o^rE /- zE-84 NAME T|ME REcEtvEo /,,5O . JOB @ rNseettclN EAGLE COUNTY FIEOIJEST ilnver CALLER E orxen flpennnl LOCATION+; READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR COMMENTS: n nerNSPEcr BUILDING DIVISION ;1,";.P9illi"^^ €461*--. : -.'.PHONE:328-6339 -t INSPEIIctN GLE COU H7fFTEOUEST NTY DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER SHEETROCK VENEER- BOOF PANTIAL LOCATION: STANDPIPE wDCSFINAL PARTIAL LOCATION: _--.- - . '. :'. I orxen MON COMMENTS: E panrrnr.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED , ..: THUR FRI AM PM fl netNsPEcrAPPROVED fIOTSnpPROVED Q unoru rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE .'J+\,. ;a('/fl Ft E GI-L'E Si TBU ILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHON E : 328'6339 DATE JOB NAME il\tseecfiru EAGLE COU NTY TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER BUILDING FOOTING FOUNDATION FRAMTNG FINAT PARTIA,L LOCATION: COVER INSULATION SHEETROCK vENEER -...-i-r,ROOF PARTIAL LOCATION: PLUMBING ROUGH STANDPIPE UltDcsFINAL PARTIAL LOCATION: MECHANICAL VENTTLATION TIEATING HOODS PARTlAL LOCATION: ELECTRICAL TEMPORARY ROUGH ..fINAL TIiJIOKE DETECTOR PARTIAL LOCATION: E ornen n pnnrral.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM f nppRovED tr uporu rnr CORRECTIONS I otsapPRovED FOLLOWI NG COR RECTI ONS: ! netNsPEcr DATE BUiLDING DIVISIoN P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328-6339 rNseeeroN ae{(lZst L D^rE lf f f 6c , ,,= JoBNAME -TfME REcErvEo // {w'pvt cALLER EAGLE COUNTY n orxen E pnRrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION @ '- EfnppRovED n orsnppRovED I nerNSPEcr f] uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS EUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE INS]'ECIctN EAGLE COU tr+q FIEOUESiT NTY JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER BUILDING FOOTING FOUNDATION FRAMING FINAI,. PARTIAL . LOCATION; COVER INSULATION ,. SHEETROCK VENEER -PARTIA,L LOCATIAN, PLUMBING .NOUGH STANDPIPE FINAL MECHANICAL VENTTLATION HEATING HOODS PARTIAL LOCATION ! orHen n pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRIMON COMM E N TS: TUE AM PM E npp RovED tr uporu rur CORRECTIONS ,Qo'SAPPRovED FOLLOWING COR RECTIONS: EnerNsPEcr DATE BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHON E: 328-6339 EAGLE COUNTY DATE., - r./ JOBNAME TIME RECEIVED 11i .;''I I,iiIVI.'PM CALLER f] pnnrral.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR E orHen FRITUEiltotrt..1 COMMENTS: AM PM n appRovED n uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: E-drsnpPRovED El-nr r NsP Ecr BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 ilvsiPEe tctN EAGLE COU FIEBUESiT NTY TIME BECEIVED- AM PM flornen CALLER E pncrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR FBIMON COMMENTS:i .t) I II/,APPROVED L-I UPON THE CORRECTIONS LI DISAPPROVED FOLLOWING CORR ECTIONS: D nerNsPEcr DATE rNspeclloN FIEEUEsiT NTY BUILDING DIVISION P. O. BOX 179 PHONE: 328.6339 EAGLE COU DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER COVER INSULATION -.SHEETROCK VENEER- FooF , .,' PARTTAL LOGATION' HEATING ! orsen E pnnrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION AM PM E nppRovED n orsnpPRovED E nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS :',. / DATE BUILDING DIVISION . P. O. BOX 179 PHONE:328-6339 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED ' AM PM CALLER t rNsPEilroN "!(({=,EAGLE COUNTY florxen E pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI ffaee RovED &uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS florsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr o EAGLE COUNTY Eogle, Colorodo OFFICIAL RECEIPT out" y'- 3 , Ls 3a CASH ITEM Buildino Permit Fee Application For Su bd ivision Application Zone Chan Conditional Use Spec ial Use Variance Aooeal Fee Code: (Building) (Zoni ) (Subdivision) Total Received All items are received for collection no-payment of any item. 6257 AMOUNT Ne EAGTE COUNTY o EAGLE, COLORADO 81631 TE LEPHON E 303/328-731I BOARD OF COUNTYcoMMrssloNERsExt 241 ADMINISTRATIONExt 241 ANIMAL 5HELTER 949-4?92 ASSESSO R Ext 202 BUILDING IN I NSPECT IO NE\t 226 or 229 CLER K & RECO R DE RE\l 217 COUXTYATTO R N EYExl 242 ENG INEERExt 236 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Ext 238 EXTENSION AG ENT Exl 247 LIBRARYExt 255 PUBLIC HEALTH Eagle Ext 252 Vail 476-5844 PLAN N INGE\t 226 o( 229 PURCHASING/ PERSONNELExt 245 ROAD & BRIDGEExt 257 SHER IFF Eagle Ext 2l I Easalt 927-3244 Gilman 827-5751 SOCIAL SERVICES 328.6328 TREASURERExt 201 February 25, I98O Holme, Roberts and Owen 1700 Broadway Suite 18OO Denver, colorado 8O29O Attention: M. Caroline Turner Re: Creekside Condominiums Lot 1, Block 5, Vail fntermountain File No. Sp-I03-78 The referenced lot i-s zoned Residential Suburban Medium density (RsM), and that zone district will allotr seven condominium units on the lot. A pre- liminary subdivision plan showing 7 units was approved by the Eagle County Commissioners on May 24, l-978. Completion of the Subdivision process will require the submittal and approval of a final plat in fuII compliance with the Eagle County Subdivision Regulations. This final plat has not yet been filed, and therefore subdivision is not yet complete. Building Permit No. 1479, for the construction of 7 units, has been issued (copy enclosed) and the building is near compl-etion. Sincere ly, >/^".^l-Xn-#Susan Vaughn Planner sv/th ) \ALL]EY S A NNTA!I'-[O I\ 0145 Avon ltoad P.O. llor Y Avon, (iolorarlo 8l620 lvhy 22, 1978 Eagle County Departrnent of Plannlng and Developnent c,/o Terrell Knight P.0. Box 449 Eagle, C0 81631 Re: Proposed Balconies Extending Over Sewer Line Easenent at Creek Side Townhouses, Lot 1, Block 5, Vail Intermountain Subdivision Gentlemen: The IJpper Eagle Va1ley Sanitation District understands that ba1-conies are proposed to be constructed on the above referenced property which would extend over the sewer line easement on the lot. We under-stand that the balconies would set 12 feet high over the easement and evenat this height would be 8 feet away from the actual placernent of the sewer1ine. It is our r.rrderstanding that the balconies will be anchored to thebuilding and that footings will not be required on the easenent. Given these circurnstances, we can see no objection to the con-struction of the balconies over the sewer line easement. The owners havebeen and are herein again advised that should it be necessary to perforrnnajor construction in the sewer line easenent, tJiey will be considered tohave assuned any risk of 1oss. we foresee the probability of this occur-ring as being alnost ze"ro, but do not waive our rights to utilize this easement if at sone future date it should be necessary. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us. rely Janes P. CollinsDistrict N{anager JPCIdh cc: Creek Side Associates Interwest Realty, Inc. Charles F. Spmel Thornas T. Grfunshaw John V. Amato R LT ll )il)111t lB.\qn.,X1;lDtrS"lt'it{ lti(llt' RECEIVED lfAY z 5 1918 ospt. 0l [r8lo Plarin Cou nt!