HomeMy WebLinkAbout770 Potato Patch Condo #1oz t- =tuJo- c .s al', uJt!u-F = UJo- lTb/-/+ ,-q 6ttSb *zF <\c'\o\ o\ c..l zp F, zz E Ff M (J t 44YZ+zx< ;^ =z IJ IJJF o F Iz = =z otu z 7 =o€ zz uJz3o (J20HN \o.coEloz.r1oo€(Juo .Zfixo.o>Fi trl< aa,oEl Fr 2H lt uto = lr o F2 uJz =o lro Eo FIE 72lg flEE I&p E (! oEo ct) E o E o =l 0) oo CL(u ; .g o .9.D(DE lC (u 4,t flt 'Fl (uq d.| E = oo(! qt o (t .o =o o oc(5 g; =(! o 't': (u '=Og)*tsoE8E Ef sE9)c -.= 6Ffcoxatr-o :fiFd-i =c96 EEE EE-BFOO;Eo EreRi c.=- 6 cL(5 o- sEEvrP o-E€e E6:EE EO6: !E E 'eC6 0'- e --ce*:Ei= '6>9 (6E ;; g .i6 e9E oeEg -(J6 t/1@ rnrn o -tN * F E IJJ z J t g,/ z J F UJJ IJJ 2 . uJ = UIIUl!z tr llJ IJJ o(r o(0 =g [J z 6rlJo F E UJ z uJ o x F uJtt at UJujll-t =E ITJo- -)|-o z (D J F IJJ UJ oz ao =Jo- J ()z () IJJ: FlAH H NOu.V|l'rvA l(-)IH IElolErJ=Pl:.1*---16ittt3lH=ro.lE &,e.= Z Z !-t2 tr - 6zFH; =FE66 EvZ:(JP? sqoq if,g8 Efii9 Aea6t(J Itr IH l*IAtzl*lfrllFf lFIElF{ lE z9F rr UJ \t ulE J zo =oo X '<z tr UJF =UJz trzlz KOo< <u>cRtrX.i<z aL2 ,. 9zit- urO3tror uJf-) (E uJzY i zoF Jlaz I I I z -4 I .) B F dLi 4, FT D.ll' 3 IFIt _.ll= llr![otlollEl 9d zF .o 0 i-l -t I Itl Iolzl:<lCEI<l 1 .{ lr)tr)OO No\ N z z 2H uJF o uJ tsU'ooazo Fo-ulY UJ(o oF tr CE UJo- tLo o-oo luFoz () L4 kH ft t -It\ zoPzzd)o =z o-- I tr uJ l! 7HiiYE<Cll6062e9tt ir'EE =>=ur'-E h=E :*E :FE Ub9 EurE XO_t x>o=Fct 'io-irrE UJ@o|- -]- ts =E. UJo-zoFc)fEFazoo !T "dg =E'==o*6il= z =t! Jcl FoJ E& H =H& t{ ts Hz ii =z o--) E e F*l r{lHlzl<l :l>l 4 () A H o r\F UJ ) = rANrnO' Io\r\\'I F.lH Eo =glt ulG, )a = o- F z Hts &Haz c Eq trl I c") 2,; llJ >1 t!ol z) 31olFI o{u1 .if, Ir\Nco =tr z.; ulG ]t-oz3oF =tr o o 0.1E J u-qz3 01F tr .izi lljI >J t!ozl3lq H =tr o =.) u.lil <l>l t!oz =9 l!JuJ F EuJz = F UJ = c)E g -.r O<FEOuJ<zG. oo <o(JF FS XF-,2fro() E2? s3]Fto, zo o i5=t-z() =<.JIY Y,Z>U (rol-t irul*t l-o2 J<ooy153 IFtr! troizOD.o q H d 'Hov.oOE FInzt8 E{l{ Q(azo|(AEE(,a Io <; o oj <; 6 IIro E AHcEIqlD T F x c o UEr IqH o l,? I'Qot n|En a0naJo I(Jcr H.o aat tOlirrcuro Er,)o tr.ig Por cl oo5 od38 x AHzz E9xax4lH hF2aEO FT(arE rt bHoa.DrlIH'( B ts F(HHZqltrooAIEl .[ EF 6 PH4 li zo EHHEI(){v|ZA ct IEo oEF. tsAor aoD TUuo o Ho B E fi Dico &c Az E lr (alI cl I 1: |J|D T>olqE{rc4 01qa0 cBO tft& o oz E =E 0l OJ ar't UJgJtt tr =G lJJo I I UJF linlul FIE EI:ql J3t;OI € 9lzzt= CEulz3o ]U u ^lJJ;t":ll-I J -lFIe,l/ |Ht c burl ? \8li -t FII )ot >gl{ bzU9 4l"i 'dN.^R ltJuJal, =(coIA oFo G, zo o rlJz3o u. ct o (, A6eo.cl|ac; F o E C' ot oo E ID t f oo G 3c) (, o! ooo q, to <t al, o o o3 6sQ) u,!t oct .!2 9trr6Itc.= rE PE-o =']d.o'i=o6 5't=:\EE!Eoo =oo-si -(E(!a (!;:o9o zi6 ?rg-.o6-Ectr(!E o'-;o*-co€=-3;()> 6X H6;o -oo oo)o6 ()q, (., ttt 1to g aa.gE o o o o (! (!s. at, (s o- o EJ 6 E o !o cto co 6 E o {' o o o .0(, cto at (!o (t 6 ool 0) ' !o(g o' q) \ \rt tK \ i,l\"1v-l'I \ 'i\ e s\r\'L o rOT tr =uJo-ctz J I(, uJ z J 9c UJJ c'z Jo- J oz olrl = uJUJ zotr uJ (,tl,E F at gJ 2 l!JC' x F UJo U' Lulljlt ==UJo- J Fo z J o F ulJIu oz ao =J z otlJE- h/ribrFn'rf,n lrI 9t :..tt f d.Jilqt?;J 39\.* 2t EJ Eofrs,oqr-j<lJ z\' I t loN zz io- 4XtF I o' utOZt-oaJQZr!<oqHqi6-i.i I Ibi l19 l'+ I tlt'-I'\l5l'J zIF { Eo u,L F UJ z E z9F gJ J =UJz tltltltl !) Ez z9gl?6o< i ,.fixr!X.i<z oF3;2= d63E UJ) oulurzxI F IJJ zsF) z tr I (/,r- 3 rir I -.rlslFlzl zl .. >l u,I ulu,z(!,F !Cu, z trdo zYE -t.T l> IU-o --t,t2-+ x>(,z J ]L I I :at d J ( I tl l'- J,+t{C * T aP -*n_-/r [-l' Rc:. UJ J - I ?l '4 :l 1l .*\ Nu \) F6 tf, \ F(J IN,! .l ( |t-4 do tdJlllF I IItlol --t- |)ljt J o/l)-l'a E \ _] ! z uJ*-tc -j t> ttoz 31IF.l u,l IJJ z olll J tlqzBIr-l tltltl *l d=-|-El =l 3I ttllol dfl* I ,lzl.lolutl(El <l ;{l <l ui6l dFI F' () B, = rii =z o-t UJz =o F UJF E --r O<FG() ]l,J <ze, o(J <oC)F FS9FazurO C) 2F =Ed6(J ixYF =3=8 E, i: H*t-t-o2 o C) J<() sg >(.:t, uJ =o o-)zo F UJ:d lr,J rr-Al- ct)tot r!<) o- ^-. ,-\ .Ioz. l>21 fL -1 |C c=lO L)l. r-gl| .xl uJ :^F\Jzo z .rP =ed)0 =z=r)dP J OO 3553 CO ]r,J .olL-l tr UJ :HEZE<ol60E .t,E9Yt( '9trf, E dbF h=E ;tr: >o-I Ou-E 909 5urE'<(Lt x>.:':.iF o-?!i u,ooF F =E, lrJo-zoFc):)EFazo() !! lown 75 soulh fronlage road rEil. coloredo 81657(303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 olflce of communlly devClopmelrl BUILDING PERI.!IT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If thi.s permi.t requires a Town of Vail flire Department Approva'l, Engf neel"s (.fgb1 ii l,lorks) reyiew and approval,' a planning' Oeparimentreview or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estirnated time for a total review may take as longas three weeks. All comrnercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have tQ follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and smal'l projects should take a lesser amount of tjme. However, ifresi.denti.al or smal'l er projects impact the various above mentioned departments wlth regard to necessary rev'iew, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermit as. sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. '-T\ r =T--L)**f <- f .o'.-"".-r ' 6 l>r heet was turned into theDate l'lork Devel opment Department. n:i 75 south lronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: olflca of communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISIERED WITH THE TOI'IN OF VATL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE In summary, Ordinance No. 6 states ttrat it is unlawful for anypexson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial, including trash dumpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alIey or publicpf?9e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVaiI streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. 6ff pavement.This ordinance witl be strillfy enforced by the Town of VailPYllic works Department. persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said material .In the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified., the puUtic WorksDepartrnent wilr remove said rnaterial at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snltt not beapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To.review. Ordinance No. G in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain I copy. tlank you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. (i.e. contractor, owner) Plan Review Based onthe 1992 Uniform Codeg NAME:DANTE FIORINI DATE:6/29/92 ADDRESS:770 POTATO PATCH CONTRACTOR:P.R. CONSTRUCTIONVAIL, COLORADO ARCHTTECT:NONEOCCUPANCY:R1 ENGINEER:NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V PLANS EXAMTNER:C. FELDMANN CORRECIIONS REQUIRED The itens listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of, all possible code requirEments in the adopted codelr. It is aguide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of tbe pro- visions of tbe adopted codes or any ordinance of tbe Town of Vail . 1) SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED PER SEC.lzLO 1991 UBC. 2I FIELD INSPECTION REOUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. PROJECT ;tY/I ,*rt"toN R PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: NAME lLr QUEST TOWN QF L r t^\rdt tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ADISAPPROVED EINSPECTION REQUIRED CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL - trROUGH/D.W.V. tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR niisrop o UJF z =I 6 .6 oz NI!,$ * I I I I I 0ll $1.',l!,<irg-lt!io cn lgtr,2lr l= el f\\$ uJz3 ul -oz o l! uJ F zIa, o)o;o.Yttc) aEg!t6o ;€ i N#\of.tro 5lo v[xl-c\F tiqN EToo-E PE E€oo8o(!oD o.E:E Ed6EoO El Egeg EO.c(6 "=g9 .UE E tiE'=O(,) g8E E!H FBEc-o 9(os =sic9d'- o.! EEE E E-s'FOO-i: o E;Etq! tr ==So.(o 0.*E;g,- cLEfie E6:OE:- c.yO$: EE E_ o..! -r,c6 0'-5ag gEE I g> .Y=Etie .ete9E-oeEg -o6 U' IJJult!F =t UJdJ FoF ts = LIJo. 2 J o z : zz Es ?EP6oo1>E9r!<oqltl ;ai5.;$j J z Eo z9F EuJFJ =llJz .. >l Itl uJu,lz at)F lll J 29Foo llj JJ U'U'lllz!a iF =z, Ozz--iF r!- O]tro- .-l+ c-)c)o ,it / 42 tt IJJuJt! F =E[!o- oz E =EllJo NOt.tVn uJF U)ooazoF0.uJY uJooF E E IJJo- ltlOol>@l8Fla-r --lrl Hurbkz6 i c s4 F5 H rdd!E]I F.r< FT H F-F I z ze =z C! l! Jifia'l a \ = =Fi6d= tr ur t! uJ z oat F I JFtu-!:= duJ>o-OI9o\ IJJxox>lrjJ ltujo tro ECIoo ott 'e: E Eou AO a!o>F =ErE =ti.=i E =E, lrJo-z9F()fEFazoo trntr zl olull 5l <l>l ttlq zl3olFI =.1ol r.lJl 5l <l>l blzl il ,l fll 3 BI =l eOl LuFl l- 9l ol @ Ic'\$ Fl o'rlHl) o)FI E4ts =c|r +Jnl oPd +r |., F{ oF.F. ii =z -) z d) = d toF Fzoo l-(l ir =+|r t--o2 E-rO<F(E(JuJ<zEUJF(82oo J ItFo UJJ oI fED F = (,z J ag an u.,rJ- F =uJ olllFoz zoIl .6 o =z N tlLIJlu,v, = ott oFo F2oo x>< 'Rcit56 r.la'A) b-9gv5 F(!o.9gR\ : (g\\Xr> \\it> \ "lE--EFs0D.u .c .!oFo(Jo I,r{ o 6 g\\ - o\\ 9o) gO o,E )C(! \5g -553o!oD D.= )f z- )o rl ,q, o o gc .!! O)J'=.a;j tgsto935C (). ::a'o> ::tl;,) -!ttl'sripi;.! ( >3ta ,r{ (F.k\u$f30i ict::<l"E) -Eioc r-! ":pg'68;3():$(,I o.c lof :i*tat coo '=b El 'l *';go9 COt-3 l'Q)B'trsE d: 0, E6.g =ooriE =.9v,?o 3oPc -fc:E:1ou :r.r B'do t]f,F;>=,O(! isE =>\E3r o oi or:t_c( =I-r(o o.' -c:- o-(o- cE Et(/,.ec iiC(:oL(D- _ o'- :;os, o =.9o:=3ro) >,'i-=-oF9 ? ()-z^= :- 6)-o - =Q)14i:Br (gs !t.g6': c) E3a alt =:{gYir :o oag = >l-o o.o o(!l9E l;l i- (:- (r(o (l6;--c:r- |i o-(EC t":Ei ' (DE ;o--c r(!!L.=B3o> e?(E: x()-^ E-oEYOcr)(J(! IdIE I:'tgl0) lcl.o ! attIEl5lsacl.-lc | =.I r.t: l'-r o.l O(_=l .9;-;(!4 ==o(o-.!I ..O=,,(E O(o _E (o0 E9;'soJ :)E8Ot! .! -- >.P !o -(J artuJIJ F =rlJc' J F rr, ; gJ o =tUJ zo UJ lU LtJ z tr UJ (Jltl (,z = NOuvn'tvA =>c ! --dllrgs z qaJ> YlJo oz lc)(,o .ri o. ot _rl<ltrl =l J zo -Fo(,OE< .rt u,-o lrJz o F !,trzlz9u,F IIJ<oo<OJ>ii>E!? '!-oo<z l: I rrJl't 5l olol:l t;- TU ol -l;l:l ozx oJ 3 ^c... tr, o!- -J .FHCC+JE{ roqoc lr.l H .t,CLJ--& I =< oJ Ju- (4l -r r-r 9rll.l.v cld .'=lo c rullL (/' !-lu)Elo.s IH ogllrj ! (Ulr! c -lzoo-l,,'ElHE(JI- P,*lz rF o_l!r-[O O., +JIJ p 0JlJ p../71Qo Il! J c!I a<=<rcltla,/o L N6 EE g F^ S*x*;-U:ur od=F-F E .= trJ ; :::q ==> 5=U FI;dF HI Eji HIE'-6 gl EUE rl3<5 - IIJr3 *F* p b 0A rrt F-tCV ItF x ts\S Eq-.q--- UJEq, Glo?zo Fo-l!Y lu @o.F F EE,lrJo-zol- C)fEFazo CJ tl.o o-oo I UJFoz tr!D z,.o =<>zff a-,8 ,^x-dz=zAES =s?6A;H I I I I _l d F- Jt! I>l ()l v,ul CIcI J E l ,lFI I J Ho{ctqJ :8 3 F= rl.- I I Jfl u, =z JO<Fccor.! <ztLUF oC) FC)u,E? C)c, oa UJz =o C) tJJ trOg.J-EF C) oF C) Fz 9F;() =s=tr-d5o J<()ou)3o' rli luwn 75 south frontage road yail. colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 departmont ot publlc works/transporta on TO: FROM: DATE: RE: In surrmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person tolLcEer, track or deposit any soll, rock, sand, debrLs or materlal, includlngtrash dumpsters, portable tollets and worknen vehicles upon any street,sidewaLk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-wayon arl rown of vail streets and roads ls approxiroately 5 ft. off pavenenE.This ordlnance w111 be strlctly enforced by the Town of vail public l^lorksDepartment. Persons found vlolatlng thls ordinance will be given 24-hourwritten notice to remove said naterial. rn the event the person so notlfleddoes not conply with the notice within the 24-hour time specifled, thePubllc l{orks Departroent nill remove said material at the expense of personnotifled. The provisions of thLs ordinance shall not be applicable toconstructlon, mal-ntenance or repal-r projects of any street or alley or anyucllltles ln the right-of-way. To review Ordlnance No. 6 in full, pLease stop by the Town of vail BuildingDepartment to obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation ln this matEer. Read and Acknowledged VAIL1989 MEMORANDl]M AI.L CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT MARCH 16, 1988 ORDINANCE NO. 6 INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ,,,/' ,, JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI ( i.lr,,r,AMJMON'.'' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr o D tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr t{ FrNAL tr FINAL ,Vneenoveo -.- CORRECTIONS: (-tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED -l \ --] INSPECTOR G DATE