HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Heights Lots 5-13aPfea,l ^"1 PUBLTC NoTrcE ,fo* proP*/ trnhrav crvEN that the Planning and EnvironnentalNOTICE IS Co'nnl.ssion .of the Totrn of vail will hotd a public hearing in accordance wlth Sectlon 18.56.060 of the uunicipal code of the Town of VaiI on November 26' L99O at 2:00 p.n. in tlre Eown of VaiI Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A work Eession on a request to rezone Lots 2 and 3, Vail Vlllage West Flling No. 2. . Appliiant: Ebnore, Vall Vlllage west Cor2oration 2'. A request to establLsh a Special DeveloPment District for the Sonnenalp redeveloprnent, located at 20 Vail Roadt A part of Lot L, Block 5-8, v-il village lst Filing.Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. 3. A request to arnend Chapter 18.40 of the ltunicipal Code, Special Development Districts.Applicant: Town of Vail 4. A request to amend Chapter L8.24 of the Municipal Code, cornnercial Core I (Vail Village) .Applicant: Town of Vail 5. A request to anend Chapter 18.66 of the uunicipal Code, Adninistration.Appli.cant: Town of Vail 5. A request to anend Chapter 18.60 of the l'tuniclpal Code, Condltional Use PermLts.Applicant: Town of Vail 7. A request to anend Chapter L8.62 of the Variances.Applicant: ToIiln of Vail Municipal Code, 8. A request for a conditional use per"nit in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot P, Vail viUage 2nd Filing, 141 West Meadow Drive.Applicant: Joan M. Norris g. A reguest for a conditj.onal use permit in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot 78, Vail Village 10th Filing, 930 B FairwaY Drive.Applicant: NancY and Paul Rondeau 10. A request to rezone the following property connonly known as the l{ountain Bell Site located to the north of the nain VailI-70 Interchange fron Agrl.cultural open Space to Medium Density l{ultiple Fanily more specifical.ly described as:t tllountain Bell Site descrLbed as a tract of land iri the SouthHalf, of the Southeast Quarter, Section 6, Township 5 South, Range,80 West of the 5th Prlncipal lleridian, Eagle County,colorado, more partlcularly descrlbed aE follows: l.rhrlis rt r tolrc'b::-i3 1 for21'13' -r i- 1:ra U-:' ' sae-'f -irii iio tlr- tcrrrora rrlant ti lrclrr l. ?.-dt t i.icr€.'luqr $ ?'! rt 9r fgr Htaltrl tatldtrtr-Dt!:l =l'iiiiriil'ir Dr::::t:ir rirl Lltt | !.!!!-rr-E.-L'ac,oll . - 3 -iili:-r-irr rl futraiiri ?!: Ericr r 0[tt!'tl'r rlltt tr.' :f.i:-fitr oi rrfC t G:!.r a t atrtt|.r at Gil.lo tits ll..at ' fiic!!;i1; t-; i'i-ice rr zSzz.tt-.t--2 tt | ,.1t3 't-er at!Li.iirlird ir-rirrirrci..:Trt!!;#::rtt13=t Slltl,.,,.rlo.''.l.t|t:l.r'.|f:'l|t.3.:|:,r3.6^ii.:i:.I5;.?L_..'i.tri q I e:rtrn. t.tc €ttf rig lrtrt a. t!. |!3r.r."1f ItQt" : 3;" $?!ii::tg a't*:::: i!T.i::!'3"*f$Trf' - lir*fiiin i ifr ini,ilifk, lji,:*i:*i*u" i*i:ffi 'fi*i#ifi i,,iiii$i'i*;*fli' ifi$:ilETii::qi*:iiff :r:':*Hr fr t"' r.<:;; ir l:g:: 3dr.?. c,lo'!rF' Appllcant: Corp. Tonn of Vall and Professional Developnent 11. A reguest to rezone the followi-ng property comonly known as the fedotto property located to the south of KLnnickinnick Road in the tntermountain subdlvislon fron Primary/secondaryto Mediurn Density uultiple Fanlly Dore specifJ-cally described as: A parcel of land in the Sw L/4 of Section l4r.Tortnship 5 soirth, Range 81 West of the 6th Prlncipal l'leridian, moreparticularly described as follows: f€Earrlr. a'- | gc!:t! rh.!€r I lcerr GrP tet lss a rf Eir iciacr ?cr Llr lrcrt ltl at rlld trcltan ll*;i-.x ii'jr'$' 1071.0! tct:t l:ce.ca f ?rt ol'lt'i-fc.fi icrtr g':cacc it!.f2 fcor- rioag tlc *e ct Ie.r,r tc-.tfo-stqht tblel .8€ rrlt.ltdr I €t9d F!i:|!t l!t&l'ta' t lal.?a !rr!t llrccl 5 t?'tottl't $.7?imtl t*racc t1?.1! trct rtcng Etr-rr c( I sE?. Ler-irFi vlfc5 iic rubtcads r-clerd brrlag I lt'tarl?'t ttt.f0 lretr tlcace I ?0t5:'5S' t f0t-9t tclBr lllncr!{.1! !cr!.!caq g\. r:i of I F.r:?. Bo tL sttilrrtlclr:c rcteladr r ilord lrarlnt t 17t30'f7' E 11.20 t..lt'tlg:er 3 t{':t:!l'f tl0.3l tretl t{rcacr 3 at'llfCl't $0.00 !co!t Llcace I 19'07'0!'I t0.00 tlats tA.scrt ?i'al'lt' r tio'll-tretl t'rcace t t0'51'rt' l:3.1tt..t; lltcncr lt t?'{o'03' I tt?.z tct: tleacs tl!'5:tlt' t tlo.O0 hct to Uro pclat cf tegian!43, coutrlatag. t.S00a lG.-ttp ltttr cr lcrr. rcr:la9 ttct G.g.o. lccaid tcr Sost! tf2 of rcttoallac bchrccn Sccltarr ll-ll. Applicant: Juanita I. Pedotto, and Professional Developnent Corp. A reguest to rezone the following property located to thenorth of safeway and Chanonix Lane in the VaiI HeightsS.ubdivision, Lots 5-13 froro Prinary/Secondary to Mediunoe4sity Multiple Fanily.epllicant: Konrad oberlohr, tohn w. and Patricl-a A. Rickmanfor John Ytitt, Reuben B. Ihight, and ProfessionalDevelopment Corp. 13. A request for off-street surface parking at the nHoly Crossparcelrr described as follows: A ttacE o! 3rouud ia tbc fE l/4 o! Scctioa t2, TonsliP 5 South,'Baagc tt lJcsc of ahc 6ch Priocipel ltcridian, lying uirhil rlec.perc:l coavcycd qo the Eoly Cross Elcctric lssocieCion, loc. by dc:d ;:cdrdcd eC Eccrpsioo tro. l]5l28 on Janua:7 12, 198!, ia tbc rccords of Es3l,r Cguncy, ColoraCo, desc*bcd ls: Gorarc:e!,ng er lhc llE coracr of i:id section 12; glercc Souel 88'19'29" !Jes!, elon3 lhc aorth llnc of raid HE ll0t t distracs of 43.1 frct to thc inceiscccion of cbc prolongacion of rbc cilc liac oi raid parec.l; cbcocc Soutb 0'01'33" Ea:8, elong raid proloagrcioa' 318.2 !ac! to tb! !orth.3r! coracr of said parccl chich is tle poiar of bcaiaail3; lhcocc Sourh 0.01r33,'East, rl,oog raid c.3B linc, 82.3L !rc! to Eb. touthGsst corn.r o! rai,d parce!,; thcncr norgbecsgcrlt actsts nid parcal lhroutb !b. iollouiag fsur coursci: t) Nortb 28'36'19" tlesc, 53.06 feer, 2) Norrh^. 38'12'34; Best, 81.46 fccr, 3) ltortb 50'48'25'Fcs!, 68'68 fcct, end 4) Sourb 79.49,04;' Ecst, l2l.a5 fcee. to thc norlhscli ccr.lrl' of caid perccl; . rhaocr aor:bcassarly rloag the sortb liac of ra:c palccl nhicb is e i"i:.."s"ii ia raaiat co iai,d aor:bgccc corlcr !ca:s llortb 22'39'28'llcrt), 2715 f,oic radius cuf,! coocave loutlctltr 264.29 fcr: (ceotral mglc cguals 5'34r38') !o lbe poilt of begiaaiog. Tbis r;acr, :s dcsc:ibcc, coareias 151940 rqg:rr !cr3, or 0.366 rctrsr Drt or lcss. Applicant: Vail Associates 14.A request for a parking variance in order to construct additions to the Christiania Lodge, 356 Hansen Ranch Road, Lot D, Block 2 Vail Vlllagre 1st Filing.Applicant: Paul R. Johnston 15. A request for a minor subdivision Ln order to vacate a lot Iine-between Lots 46 and 47, Vail Vitlage llest Filing No. 2.Applicant: AI.IJA Corporatlon 16. A request for a height variance and a variance to the nunberof satellite dishes permitted ln order to allow for theinstallation of two satellite dish antennas on the roof of the Marriott ltark Resort, Lots 4 and 7, Block 1 Vail/Lionshead Third Filing, I,ots c and D Morcus Subdivision, located at 715 L,ionshead Circle.Applicant: Marriott Mark Resort/Tri-County Cablevision The applications and infomation about the proposals are available for public inspection in the Conmunity Developrnent Department office. Town of VaiI Connunity Developnent Departnent Pr.rblished in the Vait Trail on Novenber 9, 1990' | ', 7J Soutb Frontagc Roal Vcil, Coloredo 816f7 7J Sortb Ftosttgc Lotl Ytil, Colendo t1657 Rowl *t-=----:iirr . :r ,/liU. J. t'r r ,nl:.^l :Y 2:'rl -'".1- t ^"1 PUBLTC NOTTCE yo* pro{n/ 2. NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environrnental Counission of the Town of VaiI vill hold a public lrearing in accordance with Section 18.66.050 of the municipal code of the Town of Vail on Novenber 26, ]:ggo at 2:00 p.rn. in tbe llown of Vail Municipal. Building. Consideration of: 1. A work session on a reqluest to rezone Iots 2 and 3, Vail Village West Filing No. 2.Appli-ant: Elnore, Vail Village west Corporation A request to establish a Special. Development Dlstrict for the Sonnenalp redevelopnent, tncaterl at 2O Vail Roadt A Partof Lot L, Block 5-E, Vail Village 1st Flling.Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. A reguest to amend Chapter 18.40 of the uunicipal code, SpecJ.al Development Districts.Applicant: Town of VaiL A reguest to amend Chapter 18.24 Conrrercial Core I (Vail Village).Applicant: Town of Vail A request to amend Chapter 18.66Adnlnistration.Applicant: Town of Vail A request to amend Chapter 18.60Conditional Use Per:mits.Applicant: Town of Vail of the Municipal Code, of the Municipal code, of the MuniciPal Code, A request to anend Chapter 18.62 of the Municlpal Code, Variances.applicants Town of ValI A request for a conditional use per:nit in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot P, Vail Village znd Filing, 141 West lileadow Drive.Applicant: Joan lt. Norris A request for a condltional use pennit in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot 78, vail Village 10th Filing, 930 B FairwaY Drive.Applicants Nancy and Paul Rondeau 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A request to rezone the following property conrnonly known as the Mountain Bell Site located to the north of the nain vailI-70 Interchange fron Agricultural open Space to Mediurn .Density Multiple Farnily more apecifically described as: Mountain BeIl Site described as a tract of land in the SouthHalf, of tlre Southeast Quarter, Sectj.on 5, Township 5 South, Range 80 West of the 6th Princlpal Meridian, Eagle County, Colorado, nore partlcularly described as follows: t .lrrrli€ rt r rtre'b':-ir r i6ru'tJ' r i rtr:rrcr { :' ' He -so iir licr tlf '!.rt!..tt a.F.t .t 3.€:ls! l- ftrrrt' 5 ;.t r!3. l:itr lc &.t rt !'r 3t' HElt ! t t'lct.t. rr:E ='sr:iirta:-.r Dri!r3!:i; r;|. Lltt r t.!!!-|!- !!.-Lt'Jrtlt . - .' . ir ii:-r-rer lt tacrttiin t!: riricr I 0ilct!l'it' t rlltt =r.' :f.ic ltrr c? rr f d t f.tar | , al3!|.cr .t ail.'O 7t.:: ti.!.!iijcl;i:: r-i c. i::rer 0r tf!:.tt tF? r. r t frs .r_!t. t 3tti.il'ir'i lr-rittlrcti--tiier rtrrrg;-q!-q-g-flc|r'E' t -..iiJriritr trt: Dc.!!.? trr. 3 a:s!s.€l d.ltt3!l trr: !t r' '''iiri ra i ianr. rrlC -srrr-ri:a t.lrt .! 9. Bt!!.ltt "3r!" :'3;{: $**il:tg r*:::: iiT'.::::'::"'ill.IT:f; ' - fffiff$#*r.mlll:sjffi* if ifillTf' ;i *E##{:{ *rr!' I j:til i:r" lrc:r:r it !rt:: 3o.t?. Cnts,tg' Applicant: Corp. Town of Vail and Professional Developnent 11. A request to rezone the following property conmonly known as the fedotto property !.ocated to the south of Kinnickinnick Road in the Intelruountain Subdivision from Prinary/Secondaryto Medium Density Multiple Fanily more specifically described as: A parcel of land in the Sw L/4 of Section 14,.Townshlp 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6ttr Principal lrlerldian, norepartlcularly described as follows: lclzrlac at r 9o!.r! rlcacr I lcrrr erg ret lcs rylbel 6oracr ?cs gtr lrcrt f./l ot rrtd t'c'Jan l'tcrr'I 2t':!'ll'l0?1.0a tce:l glca.ca I ?l' Etrlt'i ia.fi icrir 'ircoc.' :!:.f: 33o: ri&f tDc rre ol teJ\l to tlo tlEht tnlc.l .s€ tsDtr''Cr r €!9!l h!::l-!I tl'l:'lo' t tal.?a !rr!, tlrgc: 3 t?'fo':l' t n.??lerll t\rae= t{?.ll trcl rlcng Ltr rF of r s3.-. lc -tfr-irii vhtclt iic rubtesds r-clerd brrlag I tl'tarlt't tI!.40 3.€!t Llanc: I ?0":'tS' l10t.tt tcrl, t!.s€tt{.to tert rlcnq }k r:c of I Frtstr go tlr elghrrilcl.:c rcttEaCi r gtos{ lrarlng t a7t30'3?' E {{.20 t..1,'EcE€r S l{':3!!l' f U0.31 t..tl t\6cr 3 al'tltol'I t:0.00 gao!, Ltcecl I ttr07r03' t, t0-00 tEatt tl.ttc.l'?irl8'11' .r lio.lt trrtl t'rracs .c l0'J1"3' r :a.lt trcD-l !.lcncr I t7'lor06' I l3?.?l ftct: tlcnce Ill'5:tll' t t!0.00 trct to tlc potnt of tcaiaai:g, corrtrtatag.:.t006 lc:at, lst. cr lcss. tarltrg tr€a G.!.0. lcceid lcr Sostl V2 o! roctloallac lchrccn Sccttoar ll-lll. Applicant: Juanita I. Pedotto, and Professional Development Cor?. I t A request to rezone the following property located to the-north of safeway and Chamonix Lane in the vail Heights Subdivision, I€ts 5-13 fron Prinary/Secondary to Medlurn Density t{ultlple Fanily.epplicant: Konrad Oberlohr, ,tohn w. and Patricia R. Ricloanfor John l{itt, Reuben B. Knight, and Professional 13 Applicant:Vail Associates 14. A reguest for a parking variance in order to constrrrct addi{ions to thJchristiania Lodge, 356 Hansen Ranch Road, Lot D, Block 2 vail village 1st FiJ.ing.Applicant: Paul R. Johnston 15. A request for a ninor subdivision in order to vacate a 1ot line-between Lots 46 and 47, Vail Village West Filing No' 2' npplicant: AI{JA CorPoration 16. A request for a height variance and a variance to the nunberof sJtellite dishes pernitted ln order to allow for the installation of two satelllte dish antennas on the roof of the Marriott Mark Resort, Lots 4 and 7, Block I Vail,/Lionshead Third Fillng, Lots C and D Morcus Subdivision, located at 715 Lionshead Circle. Applicant: llarriott Mark Resort/Tri-County Cablevision The applications and infonnation about the proposals are available for public inspection in the connunity Developnent Department office. Town of Vail Corqrnunity Developnent Departnent Published in the Vail frail on Novernber 9' 1990' Develgpnent Corp. A request for off-street surface parking at the trHoIy Crossparcelr described as follows: A rr.cr of 3rouud in thc ltE l/6 of Sccti,on 12, totnslip 5 South,'Eaagc tl tJcsc of shc 6Eb Priacipel tcridian, lying uirhia tlac.parccl gonvcycd to che Eoly crosr Elrc!;ic associecioc, trc. by dccc rlcrjrdcd a! Ecccpcioa f,o. 115128 on Jenua:y 12, l98l , ia tia rlcords of Ea3le Coualy, ColoraCo, dcsc:ibcd rs: Conac::eiag rE lhc [E corlcr of i:id grcgion !2; r5c*a Soutb-88'19'29" ucrr, t!oi3 rhc aorrh linc of raid XE ll|t I di,s:trc-r of -43.1 f!r! to !b! iiiiir...:i" of sbc prolongaeioo of cbc cisc lirc of-reid parccl.; rhcrcc iouttr 0.01'33,. Eare, elong-raid ptoloagaei,oa, 319.2 fce!. to thQ aorthaas! .o-", of taid p.tc.l rtri,itr is rlc poiac of bqi:ai4; lbcacc iiucb 0.01r33,. iasr, rlooE r:id crtB linc, U2-3L trct-to !bc-louthcast Io*"t o! rai,d p.t..l; thlaca aorglucrserty rc:css-rai,d p:rccl_throuEb lbc tiiio":,"g forrt coor:ii: t) Nortb 28'36'19" lJcsc, 5!'06 fccr, 2) xortb 'ji;iZ':l; gcsc, 81.4i-tcce, :) ttorcb 50'48'25'Fcsi, 68.68 feec, end 4)- iouch 79'49'04'i l3cst, l2l.i5 fcec to lhc aorthgesi corlrr of caid parcrl; . ih.n". ao-hcasEatly elong rhc soitb linc of ra:C parsal, sbicb is e "o"]*ni.o. (a radial, to iai,d aorgbgcr! cornrr bcals llorEh 22'39t2E" lJcrt), 27L5 foic t:dius c!f,c cogclvc touthctlt, 264.29 fc:l (ccotral englc cguats 5'34r38") !o !b. poiat of begi'naiag. Tbis !:acE, es desc:ibcc, contaias t5r94o tgnar! !c:c, or 0.366 ecrcs, lorc or lcss. RETI-rRW ilp SEpnsof.i,' ,r-nB Ai' 79 Sorth Frontagc Rotd Yail, Colorado 81657 AODRtSSg[-ul::iil'lTiii f:Irs_.rg sE{vDe tgt nr rHE;ilffiSheila BI 305 W.Ft. Co olia #371ns, CO 8052 J;":t_f o Stil[rtk ::J',,rH6 A&Ess 1 r..rr" il I d $[li'i]t tt ^"1 PuBLrc NoTrcE Y* P'oWl 2. 3. NoTIcE Is HEREBy GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Comnission.of the Town of Vall will hold a public hearing in accordance wl-th Section 18.66.060 of the munlclpal code of the Tolrn of VaiI on Novenber 26, L99O at 2:00 P.E. in the Town of vail uunicipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A work sesslon on a request to rezone lpts 2 and 3, VailVillage West Filing No. 2.Applicant: Ebnore, Vail Village west Corporation A request to establish a Special Development District forthe Sonnenalp redevelopnent, located at 20 Vail Road; A partof Lot L, Block 5-E, Vail Village l.st Fi1ing.Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. A request to anend chapter 18.40 of the lt[unicipal Code, Special Developrnent Districts.Appllcant: Tovtn of Vail 4. A request to anend Chapter L8.24 of the Uunicipal Code, Cornrnercial Core I (Vail village) .Applicant: Town of Vail the Municipal Code, Applicant: Toltn of Vail A reguest to arnend chapter 18.50Conditional Use Permits.Applicant: Town of Vail A request to aroend ChaPter L8.62 of the Municlpal Code, of the Municipal Code, Variances.Applicant: Town of Vail A reguest for a conditional use pernit in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot P, VaiI Village znd Filing, 141 West Meadow Drive.Appticant: Joan M. Norris A reguest for a conditional use permit in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot 78, Vail Village 10thFiling, 930 B Fairway Drive.ApplLcants Nancy and Paul Rondeau 5. A request to anend Chapter 18.56 ofAdninistration. 6. 7. 8. 9. Xo. A reguest to rezone the following property cornmonly known asthe Mountain Bell Site located to the north of the paln Vail f-70 Interchange fron Agricultural open Space to Mediutr Density uultiple Fanily more specifically described as: Ittountain Be11 Slte descrlbed as a tract of land in the SouthHaIf, of the Southeast Quarter, Section 6, lownship 5 South, Range.80 West of the 6th PrLnclpal lteridtan' Eagle County, colorado, nore particularly described as follons: L.frrfr. rt r rfrg-*i-ir r fua21'13' r i atarcr I :' 'n|.'t0 i..t ria gr- Scrtrigi ceanr .t 3.G:tu l. tf-rrrt t i. tor€.' leatr l0 &t! rf 5 Jgl Hlsltrl taflat.tt-lflla Ft . . t'iiiirli:-.r Dri!-tr:: r:r. l.ht . t.!!! rt t:r-lln:tlt - - .' .iiJ:.cr.ier cl itcr*iitr 1!: €dcr : 00t:!'tl' t rlltt 3r " :rri: llrr l7 rrfc 3.c:r!| | | attart .t Gil.to tF:i tlrtl ' [H:ri l ;,:- !" ffi ;;: J.ff.d"ii:i, li:ff ;-fi 'B:'F i .iioti-ritr frt: t.$are? trrr t aitg.c. d t!t::: tr.€ tt r' "'9crri or I G:tit. r.lr i:nr-rl t. lrtrt rr er fer:ri!:=f;$!"'3;:l {.iilfi::g r:*$: ii".i::13?$i.atr -iil.i-e.-:t= cr r i-r :: rrr rF:. trr' GFt ttll! | o.." 'iiiiitt r"ili ir o:c:r'U'. I redtrr .t t!t0.0 rt!?'- i:ii*.i,!it:i, li;. !..F ;.il- tt mt - sa *:: 3 i',ti.$,, I'i.:l:l ii*:fr 'fli,,{i,l$i'!g;$ffiI"" iFifi'l:f iiilT;*lt:{ **iir**T: ' ' lrc:r=ir it trt:.' tsr.?. ctlc'ti!:' Appllcant: Corp. Town of Vall and Professlonal Developnent 11. A request to rezone the following property conmonly knolm as the Fedotto property located to the south of Kinnickinnick Road in the Intermountain Subdivisl.on frorn Prlnaryr/Secondaryto Mediun Denslty uultlPle Fanily more specifically described as: A parcel of land in ttre sw l/4 of Section 14, Township 5 South, Range 81 West of the 6th Prlncipal lteridlan, rnore partlcularly described as follows: lclanlac tt r goltr! rrls!€f t bc$r c!9 l3! tts av:Eir €oncr ?cs tslr xul ltl aI rrtd trcUca llDc:n'I 2toel'tl'lo?t.0! fci:t ctsr.c! l7l' 3trtt'i ir,fl icclr 'tlcnec !tt.l2 tro! ridq tDc rrc ot t i:r,-rr te .tto'rlgtt rbiC! rs-c- rnttrndr . iiffl Fqls:ff l!t&l'ta' t lal.?f !rr!t tlrecr t ?7'10'll' t a:.7timir L\raca l{?.1! ?rrt rlang ttl rF ct I c!:". tstlr irC: rhlc.i irc rubtltd5 r-clq{ brriq I la'larlt't llt.50 gt€tt Llclrc: X 70tt:'55' t l0t.tS fccBr lhncr!{.10 lcrL elciE glr &-3 of . era?. Bo !.1. sltiB }itct .3c rqtqen4r e i'roc{ lerrlnt t l?'10't?' E l{.:0 t|tt,'tleccr 3 l{':tltlr It tl0.3l trell trl$cr 3 al'llrCt't ti0.00 tcott Ll.tcl I l9'07r05' r t0.00 tcatt tl.ttc.t t?'a8'fl' r l'50.11 t..!i tl.lclc! t 10'33't3'l:l.ll!r!:, t:tca€r tt l?'{0f06' I tt?.?2 frcc: ticncc Ill'5:'tt' ! l3o.O0 trct !o tlo pclat ol lcaiaatag, c-t|trtatag. t.t006 l€:!t1 letr ci.tcr:. tcr:lrg trcr G.g.o. lccaid tcr Sost! l./2 of Qctlocllac lcorccn gcctlonr t{-13. Applicant: .Tuanlta I. Pedotto, and Professional Developnent Corp. L2..A request to rezone tlre following property located to the' north of Safeway and Charnonix Iane in- the Vail IteightsSubdLvislon, Lots 5-13 fron Prinary/Secondary to MedlunDenslty Uultiple Farnily.Applicant: Konrad Oberlohr, ilohn W. and Patricia a. Ricloanfor John ttitt, Reuben B. lGight, and ProfessionalDevelopnent Corp. 13. A request for off-street surface parking at the rrHoJ.y crossparcelr described as follows: .t !r.c! o! 3rouad ia llc m l/4 of Sccsion !2, ?.orarhig 5 South,'Ban3c El licrr of chc 6ch Priacipal ltcridian, lying viclia tlrc.perccl .convcyed !o the Boly Cross Elcct;ic Associagioa, Inc. by de:C rrcirded .t EcclPs.ioo Xo. 1t5128 on Jaauarit 12, 198!, ia tbc rccords of is3ic Couagy, ColoraCo, dccc;i5cC r5: Conac::cing .t EhQ lfE coraar of iaid Scclioa l2; clerca Soutb 88'19'29o Tcr!, rtonS lhc 8or!h linc of said f,E !14, s disllrcr of 43.1 tacs !o tbe incciscccioa of cbe prolongacioa oi ebc ci:c li,re of raid percel; stcacc Soutb 0.01r33r. East, along raid proloogaeioa,3lg.? feEt to Ebc aorthca.:! conlcr of taid parccJ, ghich is tlc poiac of beSi::i:3; thcacc Soueb 0.0tt33,. East, elong r:id casB liDc, 222.31 tacg Eo cb. routhcssB corncr o! raid parcel; thcnc. norlbserErrly .ct3ss trid parcel througb tbc folloui:rg four lourrcs: t) Norch 28'36'19' llesc, 5!.06 feet, 2) No*h^. 38'12'34n gcsc, 81.46 fecr, 3) llortb 50'48'25" tics!, 68'68 frcr, end 4) Souch 79'49'04i $csc, 121.45 f.cs to thc norshsas3 ccrDrr of raid parcr!,; . Gh.nc! aor:lrcaslarly eloog lhc Eortb lilc of ra:c pr*cl nbicb is a ioij*os.o. (a raCial to iaid lorlhsclB cornlr bce:s lforsh 22'39'28'9cst), 2715 fois radius culne coocev! routbr3lt, 264.29 fs:: (cralral rnglc cguab 5'34'38") to che poilc of bcgianiag. Tbir tract, :s dasc:ibcC, conleias 151940 sgusr! fe:!, or 0'366 ecrcs, rrc or lcrs. Applicant: Vail Associates 14. A requeEt for a parking variance in order to construct additions to the christiania Lodge, 356 Hansen Ranch Road, L'ot D, Block 2 Vail Vlllage 1st Filing.Applicant: Paul R. Johnston 15. A reguest for a minor subdivision in order to vacate a lot line between lJots 46 and-47, Vail Village l{est Filing No. 2. Appllcant: anf[ Corporation 16. A request for a height variance and a variance to the nunber of satellite dishes petnitted in order to allow for the installation of two satellite dish antennas on the roof ofthe Marriott Mark Resort, Lots 4 and 7' Block 1 Vail/Lionshead Third Filing, Lots C and D l[orcus Subdivlslon, located at 715 Lionslread Circle. Applicant: Marriott Mark Resort/Tri-County Cablevision The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection in the Connunity Developnent Department office. Town of Vall Connunity Developnent Departnent Published in the vail Trail on Novenbet 9, 1990' 7J Sottb Frontagc Rottl Ycil, Coloredo 8l6l ? I]:t.,,utoFJ-' "'' "" *"u,u 5#lio$Ho.o Andrew Deacon Box 2203vail, co 8L658 F-\AY ^c$g'\f lr^.aVn + q+fedt,^"1 PUBLTC NOTTCE yo* Profrtt/ NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environnental CommissLon.of the Town of Vail vill hold a public hearing J'n accordance wl.th Section 1s.66.060 of the rounicipal code of the Town of Vail on Novenber 26, L99o at 2300 P.t!. ln tlre Toltn of vail l.tunicipal Building. Consl.deration of: 1. A ltork gession on a request to rezone Lots 2 and 3, VaLl Village l[est Flling No. 2.Applicant: Elmore, Vail Village west Corporation 2. A reguest to establish a Speciai Development District for the Sonnenalp redevelopnent, located at 20 Vail Road; A part of Lot L, Block 5-8, Vail village lst filing.Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. 3. A request to amend Chapter 18.40 of the Municipal Code, Special Developrnent Districts.Applicant: Town of Vail 4. A reguest to amend Chapter L8.24 of the Municipal Code, Cornmercial core I (Vail Village) .Applicant: Town of Vail 5. A request to arnend Chapter 18.66 of the Municipal Code, Adrninistration.Applicant: Town of Vail 6. A reguest to anend chapter 18.60 of the lrlunicipal Code, Conditional Use Permits.Applicant: Town of Vail 7. A request to amend Chapter 18.62 of the Municipal Code, Variances.Applicant3 Tor,tn of Vail 8. A reguest for a conditional use pernit in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot P, Vail ViJ-lage 2ndFiling, 141 west Meadow Drive.applicant: Joan M. Norris 9. A reguest for a condi.tional use pernit in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot 78, Vail Vlllage 10thFiling, 930 B Failruay Drive.Applicant: Nancy and Paul Rondeau 10. A request to rezone the following property connonly knorn asthe Mountain Bell Site located to the north of the naln Vailf-70 InterchanEe fron Agricultural Open Space to Medium Density Multiple Fanily nore specifically described as: Mountain Bel1 Site described as a tract of land in the SouthHa1f, of the Southeast Quarter, Section 6, Township 5 South, Range 80 l{est of the 6th Prlnclpal }lerldian, Eagle County, Colorado, more particularly described as follotrs: t rtarlrs rt r rtrg'iti:-ll r igau't6'r i ctr:rrce t :' ' ia6.'lO i..t trcr crl- !fitlr.tt Gltt t.t &€1.! l. ?rrrrll 5 ;.' to.e.'l.ttr t0 3.ts .t llr Jsl t"lE{tr! t Fl.lt.tr Dr!!3 =|'l'rl jilr3-rr Dtil:.:tls rirr lrlq r tch! o! !!. tFjtrll . - : .iici:lf-rer It !t!'|aijtr tlr !:dcr t E!tl!'t5' t thtt 9t.' :tri: f lrr l? rr fC Srefar | | att!...r rf f!.ro t..:r ll.+ ' i-Ur::.Zf; r r cri-*r rr t!E.!f ,rF: tr I t.tit..-tL Srriioi.il-ir.i ir-riiiTroti:e-rJl6 -Ftt tts: ericr I 3!3rl'12' t .itarf ritl Err: losta.r? lhr i a:l3fr€t .t--ltl-:: t'?: q-r' ' ' "'iotci ra r d:ne . rrlc i:rt rlts t.tt? 0r tlt &t'Jrtlt etqt" :'ir-drr rf ln*r:::gr 70: :locr !!ctt t la &'+l-.f!t IF'|:'iiril iir-?Jii-i4 r ijtra: l! r-nr::rcr tt t!r'€ tr'! 'fifit'i$ff+rl*irs*ffi* lE$f:gi'ip.tx'*r iriii**il iiF": Lr3t€r" if !:g:3 3dr'?. Ctlt't'i' Applicant: Corp. Town of VaiI and ProfeEsional Developnent 11. A request to rezone the followlng property coMonly knopn as the Fedotto property located to the south of Kinnickinnick Road in the Intertnountain Subdivision fron Prinary,/secondaryto lledium DensJ.ty l.lultiPle Fanily nore specifically described as: A parcel of land in ttre SW L/4 of Section l4r.Tornsbip 5 south, Range 81 West of the 6th Principal Meri.dian, norepartlcularly described as follows: lctaalrc rt r 9€!:t! rhcecr a bcur sP tct fts IigEer €ar:rcr lcc tlr lfcrt l/l qf slC Srcttoa ll bc:rr.x it'3t'tl' lo?1.0t tce:l gtce.ca I7l' ot'lt' 3 lc.ta tcctl 'tlsnce 3l!.62 tcot lioaf iJtc .te cl IGs,'. to .tlo slgtt vhlc.l rse rtlt.tldr r cios€ !.!i5if t!tur3O' t lat.?a !..U tlcecr 3 t7'10'tl' t af.?tlirgr Lrtrac= t{?.lj tmt.lottg gt. rr ct r cl:?. t8tlr irf: uhlclr ir: rultcads r-cled lerrlat I tatlarlt't ll5.a0 lrctr Llcac: t t0rt:'55' t a06.t! ta.e, U.acr!{.!0 !c:t rlctq g\. e.-e cf I cu:?rt Bo t}. sltl!, vU clr- rebtcndr r Elor{ lcrrlng I a7':0't?' E {{.20 t.ct,'t!cr:c= g l{':t!ttr I U0.3t !rt; tlhucr 3 at'tlr0l't t:0.00 tcoll Llcasr- I !to07r0!' lf t0.00 tectt tLnctt ??rl8'ft' r tto.lt !..!r Ll.a€r s to'llrrt' r:a.lltrali !.lcnc: I 17'{0'04' I t3?.?: t.!l! tlcnce Itl's:ftl' t l3o.oo frct !o tto potat of tcainalsg,corrtrblag. t.5006 l€i8r1 !!tr cr.tcss. !ar:18t trca 6.L.0. tccrid tcr 3ort! V2 o! rlc{aellac lctrrccn Sccttoar ll-13. Applicant: Juanita I. Pedotto, and Professional Developrnent Corp. *l L2.A request to rezone the following property located to thenorth of Safelray and Chamonix Lane in the Vail HeightsSubdivision, Lots 5-13 fron Prinary/Secondary to MediunDensity !{ultiple Fanlly.Applicant: Konrad Obeirlohr, John W. and Patricia A. Rickmanfor John Witt, Reuben B. Iftight, and ProfessionalDevelopuent Corp. I 13. A request for off-street surface parking at the nHoly Crossparcelr described as follows: A tract o! 3rouad ia tbc I{E t/4 of Scccion 12, ?.ouaship 5 Southr'Baage El Ecsc o! ll. 6Eh Priacipel. llcridian, lying sirhil llec _g:rerl .convcycd to rhe EoIy C;ost Elcctric lssociaCi,oa, Ioc. by da:C ;:cirdcd lC Bcecpcioa llo. ll5l28 on Janua=7 12, t98!, ia tbc racords of Es3lc Counlt' Color:co, desc:ibcC ls: Coaereia3.r lhc f,E corncr o! jaid Sccli.on.l2; tlcrcc South 88'19'29" lilcs!, rlong Bhc aorrb tine of said llE ll4 t t dis;escc of 43.1 feec to tbr inc,eisaccioa of chc prolongarioa oi sbc cirs lirc of seid parccl; thcocc South 0.01'33" EasE, elong raid g:oloagacion, 3lg.! tlcB ro gbe aortbe:s! coricr of caid parccl chich is tlc poi,ac of begi:ri:3: !h'!c! sousb 0.01r33'East, eloog r:id casg liDc, 222.31 trct co thc toush.ast cornrf o! sai,d parccl; gh€ncr norlhscscar!,y :c?oss raid parcrl throu3h tbc iollo.drg four courrci: l) Norsb 28'36'19" rcst, 53.06 fcct, 2) llortb- 38.11'34n gest, 81.46 fcer, 3) llortb 50'48r25" lLsl, 68.68 fccr, end 4), Soucb 79'49'04;' licst, l3l.,a5 tccr m !h. aorthscs! ccmcr of said parcrl; . Gh.nc! Eo-h?ast.rly along lhc !o;th linc o! raic pa;cc!, sbich is a ioil*"s.oi (a raciil co iaid oorrbsrrt ioracr bca:r llorcb 2!'39'28" tlcst), 27t5 tooc r:diuc cnlnc couclv. routlctlt, 264.29 fccS (clncral angle egualr 5'34':8") to lhc poiee o! begi,aaiag. ?bis Gtact' as dcse:ibcC, conlaias 151940 rqu:rt !c:3, or 0'366 tttt', -"or lcss. Appllcant:Vail Associates L4. A reguest for a parking variance in order to constructadditions to the Christiania Lodge, 356 Hansen Ranch Road,Lot D, Block 2 Vail Village lst Filing.Applicant: Paul R. Johnston 15. A request for a minor subdivislon in order to vacate a lotllne between Lots 45 and 47, Vail Village !{est Filing No. 2.Applicant: ANJA Corporation 15. A request for a height variance and a variance to the nunberof satelllte dishes perrnj-tted in order to allow for thelnstallation of two satellite dish antennas on the roof of the Marriott Mark Resort, Lots 4 and 7, Block 1 Vailr/Lionshead Third Filing' L,ots C and D l{orcus Subdivision, located at 71.5 Lionshead Circle.Applicant: Marriott Mark Resort/Tri-County Cablevision The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection in the Conrnunity Developrnent Departnent office. Town of Vail Conununity Developnent Departnent Published in the Vail Trail on Novenber 9' 1990' 7J Sorlb Frotttgc Rotd I/cil, Colortdo t I6f?ADDRESSEE Ulf Krr;,._ viirV ft,.-t ?'r-1{ ' n{,'?; ,rf#- ^ ia'^ r'-1, r-1 Marcia ReedBox 3182Vail, CO gL65g EazQ.- ct!tg t',/ *s -\,,. {_ q+fedI l ^"1 PUBLTC NOTICE yo* ProYtt/1)l^'n r,11't11 1 .qlgg0 NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environmental Con'nrisslon.of the Town of Vail will hold a publlc hearing in accordance vith Sectlon 18.55.060 of the nunl.cipal code of the Town of Vail on November 26, L99O at 2:OO P.D. in the Town of Vall Munl-cipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A work session on a reguest to rezone Lots 2 and 3, VailVlllage !{est Filing No. 2.Appli-ant: Elnore, Vail vlllage west Corryoration 2'. A reqr.lest to establish a Special Development District for the. Sonnenalp redevelopnent, located at 20 vail Road; A partof Lot L, Block 5-8, Vall Vlllage l.st Fillng-Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc. 3. A request to anend Chapter 18.40 of the Municipal Code, Special. Development Distrl.cts.Applicant: Town of Vail 4. A request to anend Chapter 18.24 of the Municipal Code, cornmercial Core I (vail Village).Applicant: Town of vail 5. A request to anend Chapter 18.66 of the Municipal Code, Adrninistration.Applicant: Town of Vail 5. A request to anend Chapter 18.60 of the Municipal Code, Conditional Use Permits.Applicant: Town of Vail 7. A request to anend Chapter L8.62 of the Municipal. Code, Variances.Applicant: Town of vail 8. A request for a conditional use pertit in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot P, Vail Village 2nd Filing, 141 tfest Meadow Drive.Appllcant: Joan M. Norris g. A request for a conditional use pernit in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot 78, Vail Village 10th Filing, 930 B FairwaY Drive.Appllcant: Nancy and Paul Rondeau 10. A request to rezone the followlng property comrnonly known asthe Mountain BeIl Site located to the north of the nain VallI-70 Interchange fron Agrlcultural open Space to Medlurn Denslty l"ultiple Fanily rnore specifically described as:'-I LDlountain BelI Slte descrlbed as a tract of land in the SouthHalf, of the Southeast Quarter, Section 6, Township 5 South, Range 80 tlest of the 6th Prlncipal Meridian, Eagle county, Colorado, rnore particularly described as follows: kctrfrc rt r rchc'b::-ir r dAry'rl't i or:rrcr i, :' 'ffe.'O iert list !r.'!trt!.|rt alarr rl te:lsr l. i.t|tlt t i.!o€.'tufr t0 3tt! rt t'r 3gr H.€ltal ta?fd!..r-lt!:i =r'iiijcta:-.r D:it-:l:i rirr hlry I t.!!! q lir--lcicttlt - -.'.ilJ:.of-frr cf lrrcrt:iitl 1!: Srlcr I G!::!'i5' f rlltt :tr.' :Li: -f trr c? rr lc 3.G?:u | | attsrcr .f l::t. to rr:: tt.=tiiiol;i:; r-i iti-cr i zs--tt-1vz !r I t.lrt o-e' trtgi'Icirl-i r.i ir-ri ttiiiti'.:-iig4 tri ras'. t:r;cr t 3!33t'u' 3 .iictiritf Ert: !c.ta:a' trr. 3 alrstc. d ltl i::: t.c: lt '' '''iiri o i d:rt . t.la i:r.'t rir lrtri .t !i' *t'.:tt?t 14t" :'g;:: g.'iri*i# l'*$: ii':'.i:5,;;?'f;l.rT:;r' . :iir,rk* :l *q:::'!: i*lE:i'ii!'5??:tii-e*'.il;;; i"i!a:i;1d; ! r-citioej ir 3ir'ro-re::.i!-: iit::'n'' 'iii;t*t';:i*i;li#i,tiil$j;jiii*{i*"' *lll*x *' lj;?'.Ef, ?,':!::,=l ;il :' i:. *=" fi ilo.ii'iii.;; iF: ;ii;€ or nc't 1' gil 3rr!€! rr gtr-r rc i.(a;; ia !:F:: tss!?. ctlc'!:::' Applicant: Corp. Town of Vail and Professional Developnent 11. A request to rezone the folloning property conmonly known asthe fedotto property tocated to the south of Kinnickinnick Road in the lnternountain Subdivision from Prfumry/secondaryto Medium Density Multiple Fanily more Epecificatly described as: A parcel of land in the sw L/4 of Sectlon L4r-Townshlp 5 south, Range 81 l{est of ttre 6th Principal Meridian, more partlcularly described as follows: fqhnfff rt r lolsl r|tcaa a brrrr crg ret fcr rslEir ioner ?cs Llr llcr! ltl at rltC SccUcn tlbc:rr'I 2t!tt'31' lo?1.0t !ci:r utc4ee f 7l' olrlt'i fO;fi icrir tlrcact' llt.tl tro: ridq glc .ts ct Iasa to glo tt€ttt v;1,€.1 .tc n$trrldl I dtosa Ders5gI f!tlj!r3o' t lil.?a !rr!t tlcccl 3 ?7'f0'tl' I ll.7?lirgr t\rac= l{?.ll trc! rt€tlg gt. rF.f I cr::r totfr ir!: sh,ta'r ir: rubterdr l-clc:d brslag I ll'farl?'t 115.a0 gt€:r glcnc: I tott:rtS' t 106.t! fcelr lhac: !1.10 tccl rlcas !k r:: ol I cs!". !o t!. tt6iB ehtc5r-- relgca4r r iiocd lcarlnt , ai'71't?' E la.:o trct,'tlst€ 3 l{':5!51' tl U0.3t t..l: Lhcrcr S ft'tltol'I ti0.00 !oo!r Llcecr- I l9'0?r03'I 50.00 trct: tl.lcl| ?i'18'll' r 160.ll -!rc!; Ctcncl .r t0t5l'Jl' r 3a.lttral, Clrcac: I 17'10106' f :3?.?: trct: lhcncs Ill'5:tt!' t l3o.oo t.aB tE tlo polat o! bcaiaalst, crutrlalag. r.3006 l€lsrr !aa. cr.tcss. tallt.rg trc! G,L.o. lcccid tcr Sostl V2 ol sctlolllac lctvcca Sccllonr l{-13. Applicant: Juanita I. Pedotto, and Professional DeveloPment Corp. A request to rezone the following property located to thenorth of safenay and Clranonlx Lane in the vail Heightssubdivision, Lots 5-13 fron Prinaryr/Secondary to l.tediunDensity Multiple Fanily.Applicant: Konrad oberlohr, ilohn l{. and PatrLcia e. Rickmanfor John Witt, Reuben B. thight, and Professional Development Corp. 13. A regueat for off-street surface parking at the rrHoly Crossparceln described as follows: A rr.ct of 3rouad la tbc fE l/4 of Scctioo 12, TsttltliP 5 Southr'Ban3c tl Bcsc oi rbc 6rb Priaci,pel l{cridien, lyiry ui6in clec.prreel gooraycd to ehe Eoly C;oss Elrcgrii Associ:cioo, tac. by,dc:d;rcdrdcd ac Becrpcioo tro. ll5l28 on Jeaua:7 12, t981, ia tbc ilcords of Ea3le Cquacy, coloreco' desc:ibcd g: cormeri,n3'rE rbc f,E corncr of ieid scctlon t2; gtcrcc south 88't9'29r lJcsr, rloi3 Bhc aorrh tlac of raid .tlE llL . disuccc of -43.1 frcg to lbr inceisccci,ia of tlc prolongacioa o! cbc cisr liac oi raid percal; thcacc Siuch 0.01'33,r E:sE, rloag-raid proloageeion, 319.2 fccs to thc aorshc:sB coracr of rid p:tccl sbich ir tlc poiac of bcai:ai4; lbelc! iousl 0'01t33'i:st, eloog raid crlB llD., Xl2.3L trcs so Eb! roulhcslt io*.t o! reid patc.l; ghlacc norsbnctEcrlt rctcrs r:id parcel throutb tb. 6611eui:rg foor iorrtrcs: t) lforrb 28'36'19" ltcrc, 5!.06 fccr, 2) portb-. 38.12,34'. [crt, 81.46 teer, 3) lforsb 50'48'25o Fcr3, 68.68 ferc, rnd 4)- loush ?9.49'04i liesc, 121.i5 frcc to thQ aorshscr! ccrlct o! laid prrccl; , thcncr tor:hcast.rly rlong thc aoir! linc of ,.:c persel sLich is r ioil-ns.o. (r reciet ro iaid aollbscrc concr bcelr llorgb 22'39'28" llcrt), 27t5 loir ndius cur?. coDcevG roulbrtlt, 264.23 fe:g (ccotral rnglc quek 5'34r38") ro Bhc Aoirc of begianiag. Tbis tract, rs dcsc:ibcc, contelar t5r940 tqusr! fe:E, or 0.365 rcr:r, rtc or lcss. Applicant: VaiI Associates 14. A reguest for a parking varlance in order to construct addi€ions to the Christiania lodge, 356 llansen Ranch Road' Lot D, Block 2 Vail Village lst Fillng. Applicant: Paul R. Johnston 15. A request for a mlncr Eubdivision !'n order to vacate a lot line-between Lots 46 and 47, Vail Village West Flling No. 2. applicant: ANJA Corporation 15. A request for a height variance and a variance to the nunber of sitellite dishes permitted in order to allort for tbe installation of two satelllte dish antennas on the roof of the Marriott ltark Resort, Lots 4 and 7, Block 1 Vail/Llonshead Third Filing, Lots C and D Morcus subdivision, located at 715 Lionshead Circle Applicant: Marriott Mark Resort/Tri-County Cablevision The applications and information about the proposals are available for publlc inspection in the coDmunity Development Department office. Town of Vail Conrnunity Developrnent Departnent Published in the Vait Trail on Novenber 9, l99o' qffie"1 ^"1 PLBLTC NOTTCE yo* p'ofw"/ 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental / Commission.of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.56.060 of the municipal code of the Town of VaiI on Noverober 26' 1990 at 2;OO p.u. Ln the Town of Vait Municipal Bulldlng. Consideration of: 1.A nork sessLon on a reguest to rezone IPts 2 and 3, Vail Village West Filing No. 2.Appli-ant: Ehnore, Vall Village West Corporation A request to establish a Special Development Distrlct for the Sonnenalp redevelopnent, located at 20 Vail Roadt A part of Lot L, BJ.ock 5-E' Vail village lst Filing.Applicant: sonnenalp Properties, Inc. A reguest to amend Chapter 18.40 of the l'[unicipal Code' Special Development Districts.Applicant: Toh,n of Vail A request to anend Cbapter L8.24 of the Municipal Code, Conmercial Core I (vail village).Applicant: Town of Vail A request to amend chapter 18.66 of the Municipal code, Adninistration.Applicant: Town of Vail A request to anend Chapter 18.50 of the Municipal Code, Conditional Use Permits.Applicant: Toetn of Vail A request to arnend Chapter L8.62 of the Municipal Code, Variances.AppJ.icant: Town of VaiI A reguest for a conditional use pemit in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot P, Vail village 2nd Filing, 141 west Meadow Drive.Applicant: Joan M. Norris A reguest for a conditional use permit in order to establish a bed and breakfast operation on Lot 78, Vail Village 10th Filing, 930 B FairtraY Drive.Applicant: Nancy and Paul Rondeau 7. 8. 9. 10. A request to rezone the following property cornnonly known asthe Mountain Bell Site located to the north of the naln vailI-70 Interchange frou Agrl.cultural Open Space to Medium Density fttultiple Fanily Dore specifically described as: . t{ountain Bell Slte descrl.bed as a tract of land in t}re SouthHaIf, of the Southeast Quarter, Sectlon 6, Township 5 South, Range.80 West of the 6th Princlpal lteridlan, Eagle County, Colorado, nore partJ.cularly described as follows: t .krft€ rt e rtrr''bi:-lr r foq1'15' r i rtrsrct d j' 3llj5o ierc lier !.re- 3.rtii.rt'eE t .t &G:!3! l. irrrrtr tic!e. lrorr lo 3'3s rf !'r Jcr rtra'|! t t'lct|.r-hltt =r'iiiirti:-rr ktt-:rii atr. Lttt I t.li! .! tlr Ll:ltlt . -ilci:..t-l.t cf iatrnsrtr tlr 3rnce a 3!Et!'tt'-t sl.tt Et.' :lrig lhr r' rllC 3r3:lc| | t aftt ..t af Gil.l0 ?|r3t Elr.ll ' l-SeV;71: r-i rri-ce .t Zg35,.ra t!.c rr . Ffrs !!-rt. Ar!ioicir:-i t.r ir-rr t tlrcci--rrtil ttl'tt : -tili€s- t -g!ett'u' 3iiiairitl Err: lcrace*r l|t! 3 a:t3rct tt t!3:: t r: lt r'';iil ; a --t . rlr -c:;'l rlr !rl4 .. tt. b'-.:ttlt Ut!t- ''f;it s. r?li*$I r*:::: ii?.i:::!I?Tlf .lT:f ' - ::*3,l1Ji: :i i.fiFi,q r;.ts:i'i$q:iliiFii e*'j:;;;; i"iii3i : 16; i-r-& iirci-ri 111' q1-r9::.i! - : $''.:'r'' - - ?.i.:tifi:i,ei,iir,ir'i *iLll ii:iii:li i.:';:!!:iir'!:H,"i'i'i:iiti.i-ni-rei.$ irii:-i;-r tj3:l't3' t-l ttt::rce tt ic!.io-ii.ii rt 3 iis:r'z:;'!-i ir:'.:asr.rr.'r!i':! ?rt:: rt ' s i:ir33.rs. I I cfrr!r?.r,i itii6t'ra-!.t-E,t35i. . L-rlf;'!,ffi ' lJ;?fi;i'?,':13;l [i ]'i-:Ei: [i'.;i'iiil ;; iE: iit;€ oi'netq 1t j1 3rirrt 'r sl'-t r" L€3tEa" ;f lJf :: 3c..?. c't644' Appli-cant: Corp. Town of Vail and Professl.onal Developnent 11. A reguest to rezone the following property conmonly known as the Fedotto property located to the south of Kinnickinnick Road in the fntemountain Subdivislon fron Prinaryr/Secondaryto Medium Denslty Multiple Fanily nore specifically described as: A parcel of land ln the SW L/4 of Sectlon 14, Tovnshlp 5 south, Range 81 l{est of the 6th PrLncipal }leridian, [oreparticularly described as follows: 'fhahs rt I got:rl rbcacr I lcur Grg tct tss aigEer ioner ?cr gtr !rcr! f./l sf rltC t €tlon t' D,clrr'I 2ttr!',lll' lo?J.0! tcbgl g'rcr.ca I 7ai olrtt' 3 ta.tr. tcctl 'tltsact' !t!.12 tco? lidat tt|c erc ot I€.sr! t", .3$l'righi fbtc.t isE rgbtcnc: i dterS lce*19; 19112r36r t $t.?a !rr!, tlrccr 3 ??.l0ttl. E al.??lirBr tteaca ll?.lt trcl rtanq ttr rt ot I asl tctlr iat: uhlcr! ira rub tltds r-dcd brrsla* I lartarl?'t ll!.50 lrctr tslcae tr ?ot':tls't 106.5t !cr$ thaer s{.lE lcrt elcnE glr r.'a cl I ert !o al. rtEie r*ttc!r:c rcttsa€r r iros{ lcrrlrrg t a?te0't?' E la.:o tttt,'tlcccr 3 t{':!tllr I U0.3t t..lt Ut.rct 3 al'tlrCl'I t:0.00 taotl Lleecr I t9'0tr03'r t0.00 lcct; ifuacl| ?irl8'fl' r ll0.ll treri Lleacl s t0'51'Jt' r:a.ll lrc}.i Llcncr t l7'lo'04' I t!?.72 (rcq: ticncc Ill'5:'t3' t t30.00 lrcl tc tlo P€ltt ct leglaa&t, coulelrtog. t.5006 lc'lrr rqt. cr &rr. rar3j.rg trca c,t.o. fccaid fcr 3ottl V2 o! rcctlollJ;c lchrccn Sectloar ll't3. Applicant: iluanita I. Pedotto, and Professional DeveloPnent Corp. I a L2.A request to rezone the following property located to thenorth of Safeway and Chamonix Lane in the Vail Heights-subdivision, Lots 5-13 fron Primary/Secondary to MediurnDensity l{ultiple Fanily.Applicant: Konrad oberlohr, .tohn W. and Patricia A. Rickman.'for John Witt, Reuben B. Knight, and ProfessionalDevelopnent Corp. 13. A reguest for off-street surface parking at the nHoly Crossparceln described as follows: A stsc! o! 3rouad ia tlc UE l/a of Scctioo 12, TonshiP 5 Soutb,'Bea3c tt L'cst oi rbc 6cb Priacipal, Hcridien, l7ilg rirbia tla!,p:rccl coovcycd to che Eoty cross Elcctric lssociagioa, Iuc. by de:c ;:cirdcd at Ecccpcioo llo. 115128 on Janua:]r 12, 1981, il tbc racords of E:3!c Couaiy, Coloraco, desc:ibcC es: Corac::ei,ag'rc lhc lfE cor:rcr,of iaid Scccion t2; tlcrce Soutb 88't9r29" ges!, elong lhc norrh liac of caid tlE Ll0, t di,c:eacs of 43.1 fcec !o lbr incciseccioa of alrc prolongacioa of rhc aist lirc oi raid parcct; chcocr sourh 0.01'33'. EasE, elong raid proloagdsion, .319.2 fecB so tbe .!ortba:s! ccntc: oi caid parecl uhich is !5c poiac of bcgi:ai:3; !hr!c! soqtb 0.01t33,, East, eloog raid cas! liac, ?l,2.3L !a:c to thc loutheast cor:r.r of said parcel; Ghenc! norEbnerscrly ac:sls said parccl througb lbc foltoui:g foor conrsci: l) Noreh 28'36'19" lfcsc, 5!.06 feer, 2) ltortb-. 38'12'34n Hcst, 61.46 fccr, 3) ltorsb 50'48'25" licr3, 68'68 fcac, rnd 4), Sousb 79.49,04,i Hes!, l?1.i5 fccc to !h. nor!,hee3: c.nGt of raid parccl;. E,hcnc! tor:hGasB.rly along che aoith linc of sic pa:ccl uhich is r ioilJns.o. (a radiat ro iaid Dorthrrcr! ioracr bca:s llorth 22'39'28" llcrt), 2715 loic r:diss cuf,! cogcava !ou!b.t!t, 264.29 fsc'. (ccoCral anglc rquek 5'34t38") Eo EhG poirt of bcginniag. Tbis !:act, rs dasc:i,bcc, concaias 151940 squarr !a:3, or 0.356 rctrtr !ot! or lcrs. Applicant: Vail Associates 14. A request for a parking variance in order to construct additions to the christiania Iodge, 356 Hansen Ranch Road, Lot D, Block 2 VaiI Village lst Filing.Applicant: Paul R. Johnston 15. A request for a ninor subdivision in order to vacate a lotline between Lots 46 and 47r Yail Village West Filing No. 2. Applicant: ANJACorporatioii'| | - - 'r'-' 15. A request for a height variance and a variance to the nunberof satellite dishes perroitted in order to allow for theinstallatLon of two satellite dish antennas on the roof of the Marriott Mark Resort, Lots 4 and 7, Block 1 Vail/Lionshead Third Filing, L,ots c and D li1[orcus Subdivision, Located at 715 Lionshead Circle.Applicant: Marriott Mark Resort/Tri-County Cablevision The applications and inforuratlon about the proposals are available for public inspection in the Cornnunity Developnent Department office. Town of Vail Conmunity Development Departnent Published in the VaiI Trail on Novenber 9, 1990' 7f Sctttb Fronttgc Xotil Ytil, Colortdo t l6f? 4oo8€ssE uNwow (.^^" D'- $CDNO! r6Ns irfi,;l;,5d; 7 -:'..-' APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB MEETiI.IG: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION I,IILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI'IiTTED***** I . PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with_a plann'ing staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any'aliiiionat inforiration is needed. No application wil l be-accepted unless it.is compili.-irltt include all items required by the zoning administrator). ii ii tn. uppriclni;i ieiponsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about aaOitionat suUmittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion wi'l 'l streamiin" in. approval process for.your proiggt by decreasing the number of condjtions of ipirJ"it-lhai ltt"'DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before'a building permit is issued' A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: eoa""ss VAIL tf44lF Descri pti on nto 5'13 Block Filing C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Lega 1 Zoni ng Address NAME OF \ Address NAME OF S i gna tur Address VALUAT I ON n APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : oaruen* The fee wil'l be paid at the tjme a building FEE te1ephonel4l7f3- l/@ telephone tZ:412 telephone &:@C permit is requested. $ o-$ lo,ooo $1o,oo1 -$ 5o,ooo $.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $roo . oo $200. oo $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate prope.iy iinei ana bu1lding corners. Trees that will be removed ihoula also be inarked. This work must-be completed before the DRB visits the site. Z. The review process for NEl,l BUILDINGS will normally involve tlo separate meetings oi-tn" oeiibn Review Soiri,-io plan on at least two meetings for their approval' 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at thejr scheduled meeting and who have'not asked for a post[onement will be required to be reoubl i shed. !IST OF MATERIALS .AI'1E OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET AODRESS: OEsCRIPTION OF P The following inforrnation'i s required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLORur* Y;H#f i.7#?#%*,,L4Bry Fascia Soffi ts l,li ndows l,|indow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues I rasnr ngs Chi mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther 1' tfl'tcr i /t// /r:A77t r Llaav ItrJt tc. Roof Si di ng Other l.JaI I Materia ls B.LANDSCAP I NG :Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED Botanical Name Common Name Asral @Pl,ii'rL, #'ara'.&4ru mLu1-t7-A7 r0 Ey/€1/Na Si ze* lZ"' ,y': z" - j'/"-' /r"- L" l)'L" - !.''-7':7- /2'- /z' P€l-aaatt1!-' . )'/ '':':E gc€tr --76tr €ft*'/!i/,71t: *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for coni fers . (over) dfflFP'tuFaD OPftP 44!N4L€e quolll Ly nf ;l ----:J- eU_ r' ,\ - PLANT I'IATERIALS:Botanical Nante Corunon .Name Quani tv Size(con't) SHRUBS furHtnuA i7 - E6^b E(PrutaWbaZ-U- ,lteuErbrpAld_7s_ flautmln nranmqV_al__ 64L, 5AL 6au 5 bAh EXISTING SHRUBS TO 8E REMOVEO GROUND COVERS Square Footaqe qnn SEED /|tAT, yE zf ', 't TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER:LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaihing wal1s, fences, swimming etc.) Please specify.pool s , suBDrvrsloN vAl L }lEldrFFrS .ros r'rAr,ts aE3EBLa}+fra lor ,6, [!_ar.ocr IIrLu\u .L UTILIfi LOCATION VERIFICATION ADDRESS The location of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines, must be approved and verified by the following accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature Mountain BelI I -634-3778 ldesiern Sl ope Gas Harry Moyes Pubiic Service Company. Gary Ha) I Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Va il Cabl e T.V . Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sani tat'ion D'iscri ct 0avid Krenek - 2LO1 €r. ncGtTe I ines or prooos eCucilities for the Da te /0 -/5-7'O /o - /t-?a/ tP -tr-?/ pl6h;n!!i.';T,i'ii t - at',ached sheettl /oy' s /n ,l/r" NOTE: These verifications do not relieve lhe contraccor of his responsibility to obtain a street cur perrnir from che Torvn of VaiI, Department of Public lVorks and to obcai'n utility locations before digging in any public righr- of-way or eas€nent in the Torvn of Vai]' n building permir is not a Street cut permit. A street cut perrnit nust be obtained separately. Konrad Oberlohr 2656 Davos TrailVailr, C0 81657 0ctober 15, ,l990 Town of Vail Department of Community Development ? N.W. Davos,(o ( RE: .Rezoning Application Lots 5-11, Vail Heights Subdivision As owner of Lots 5-11, Vail Heights Subdivision, I have applied for a zone change on iry property from Primary Secondary to Medium Density Multi-Family designation. This zone change is in conjunctio-n with a multi-family development proposal restricted to rental for local employees. In response to the Townrs concerns that the zone.change may be accompiished without the employee housing being developed I am willing to agree to the following. If within six months of the zone change approval, Proffessional Development Corporation has not purchased my property for the purpose of developing employee housing, I will apply for a zone change to return the property to its original Primary Secondary Des ignation. Itr y Coinissicn Exlttst 8u6JlE' lg9/ t ights Subdivisiron Date October 9, 1990 To Whom It llay Coacerrr: Alptne Englneet'lng, Inc., was requested to determlne fron a topographlc mapprepared by others, the square footage greater or l-ess than 407" slope on Lots6 through 13, Vall llelghts, Ftllng 1. Portions of Lots 6, 7 and 8 had nocontour lofornatLon. The dlfferecce ln elevatlon was divlded by the scaled distance betweenlndivtdual cootour llnes and then shaded wlth a pencl1 ln all areas where thecalculated slope becane 4oZ ot greater. These areas were then converted tosquare lnchee on the nap uslng a planimeter. These numbers are then convertedEo square feet accordlng to the scale of the nrap. The resultlng flgures areas follows: Lot 6 5098 sq. ft. of contoured atea 407" or greater 7069 sq. ft. of contoured area under 402 L26 49 sq. ft. not contoured L27 54 sq. ft. of contoured area 407" or greaterLot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot l0 Lot 1l 3462 aq. ft. of 8151 sq. ft. not 14186 sq. ft. of 9469 sq. ft. of 334 sq. ft. nor contoured area under 402 contou red contoured area 407. or greater contoured area under 402 contou red 40$ or greater under 402 40"1 ot greater under 402 407" or greater under 402 8997 sq. ft. of contoured area 14577 eq. ft. of cootoured areaAll of Lot 9 was contoured 10779 sq. ft. of cootoured area 12308 aq. ft. of coatoured area A11 of Lot 10 was contoured 12507 sq. ft. of contoured area 10144 sq. ft. of contoured area A11 of tot 1l was contoured Lot 12 11058 sq. ft. of contoured acea 401[ or greater 12028 eq. ft. of contoured area under 402 A11 of Lot 12 was contoured Edwards Business Center o P. O. Box 97 r f6yy"t6., Colorado 81632 .303/949-4640 .303/926-3373 Lot 13 7057 aq. ft. of contoured area f6455 eq. ft. of contoured area A11 of Lot 13 was contoured 40% oc greater under 402 RSL/Un "- LAND TITI,8 GU.ARANTEE CO}!PANY Representlng Title.Insurance company of Minnesota TIIA}IK YOU FOR YOI'R ORDER October 10, 1990 Our Order: V16009 BUYER/OWNER: TBD SEI,I,ER: ERICH SCHI,IETZKO and IJfLY SCHMETZKO ADDRESS 3 TBD I,-/ |I'RITZIJEN, PIERCE AIID BRINER 476-6342P.O. BOX 57vArL, co 81558 I Attn: qIIJJ PIERCE 303 476-6342 PTCKED UP FOR DEI,IVERY Al'! PM COVENANTS ATTACHED YES NO FOR TITIJE QUESTIONS CAIJJ KAREN HORTH 3O3 476-225t LAND TITIE MINNESOTATITLEA HOME OFFICE 3033 East First Ave.,Suite 600 P. O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 80217 321-1880 FAX 322-7603 ADAMS 9101 Harlan, #100 Westminster, CO 80030 427-93531FAJ< 430-1572 AMPAHOE 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd., #150 Englewood, CO 801,|2 770-95961FN< 290-9040 AR['ADA 5440 Ward Road. #200 Arvada, CO 80002 4ZO4241lFtJ( 423-1365 EETHANY 11059 E. Bethany Drive Aurora, CO 80014 750-1717|FAX 750-5412 EAST 3300 S. Parker Rd., #105 Aurora, CO 80014 7514336/FAX 745-2569 i ',:;" ,t:r qF $'S.3 ft - : , rr{ Sn' \$' -.\. ." .rr' \:.i -f{;j" t? "i:r',,i; FIDDLERS 6REEN 5400 S. Fiddlers Green Englewood, CO 80111 77145391F^)< 7714526 HAMPDEN 8821 E. Hampden, #100 Denver, CO 80231 75G4223/FAX 75G4.267 JEFFERSON 710 Kipling, #202 Denver, CO 80215 232-3't r r/FAX 238-2956 sOUTHWEST 3609 S. Wadsworth, #1 15 Denver, CO 80235 98&8550/FAX 98G8324 VOSEMITE 3600 S. Yosemite #255 Denver, CO 80237 69,4-l837|FN< 843-0402 BOULDER 2425 Canyon Blvd., #230 Boulder, CO 80301 144{101/FAX 786-8423 Gommitment To Insure 8ffi* lssued throwh the 0ffie of : BRECKENRIDGE P. O. 8ox 2280 200 North Ridge Breckenridge, CO 80424 453-2255{FAX 453-6014 CASTLE ROCK 512 Wil(ox Castle Rock, CO 80104 688-6363iFAX 688-0143 COTORADO SPRINGS 102 5. Tejon. #100 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 6344821 /Direct 595-41 1 3 FAX 634-3190 PARKER 19590 E. Main St., #105 Parker, CO 80134 841-4900 VAIL P. O. Box 357 108 5. Frontage Rd. W. Vail, CO 81658 47 6-2251 lDired 595-961 3 FAX 4764534 AGENTS DURANGO 1201 Main Avenue Durango, CO 81303 247-5850 FAX 247-9089 P. O. Box 357 108 5. Frontage Rd. W. Vail. CO 81658 47 6-2251 I Ditect. 595-96 1 3 FAX 476-,4534 Commitmentb- Insure ALTA Commitment-'l 970 Fw. MINNESOTA TITLE INSURANCE CoMPANY 0F MINNESoTA, a Minnesota clrporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its poliry or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor o11he proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee ot the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or refened h in Schedule A, upon payment of the ptemiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identiU of the proposed Insured and the amount oI $e policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereol by the Company, either at the time ol the issuance of this Commitment or fo subsequent endonemeht. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance ol suci policy or policies ol title insunnce and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the eftective date hereof or when the policl or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, prwided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company, CON DITIONS AND STIPULATIONS 1 . The term "mortgage", when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed. br other security instrument. 2. lf the proposed lnsured has or acquires actual knowledge of arry defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim TITIF I\ or other matter aflecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for arry loss or damage resulting from any act ol reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by iailure of the proposed Insured to so disclose such knowledge. lf the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company otherwise acquires actual knoarledge o1 any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly. but such amendment shall not relieve fre Company from liability previously incuned pursuant to paragraph 3 ol these Conditions arJ Stipulations. 3. Liabi i;y 0f the Company under this Commitment shall be only to ttre named proposed Insured and such parties included under the definition of Insured in the for,n of policy or policies mmmifted for and only for actual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking in good iaith {a) to comply with the requiren ,nts hereof or (b} to eliminate exceptions shown in &hedule B, or (c} to acquire or create the estate or interest or m0rtgage thereon covered by this Commitm, rt. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies commifted fo and such liability is subiect to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the exclusions from Coverage of he form of policy or policies committed for in favor of the proposed lnsured which are hereby incorporated W reference and made a part of this Commitment except as exoresslv modified herein. 4. Any action cr actions or rights of actron that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out 0l the status of the title to the estate or rnterest or the status of the mortgage thereon cwered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS ln addition to t|,e matters contained in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage above referred to, this Commitment is also subject to the following: 1. Rights or clairns of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are notshown bythe public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for servic es, laborormaterial theretofore or hereafter fu rnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. lN WITNESS WHEREOE litle Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporats name and sealto be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A,to be valid when countersigned by a validating officer or other authorized signatory. TITII INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA Jfuituq'/{v'tilt/ Autho zed Signaw TIM f orm 2562 AIJTA COMI{I"TMENT SCIIEDI'IJE A Application No. V16oo9 For Information only TBD - Charges -ALTA Owner Policy $14O.OO $zo. ooTaxcertitl-roto,,-- 9160.00 with your remittance please refer to V16OO9. l-. Effectlve Date: Septenber ZZ, l99O at B:OO A.U. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: IIALTATT Ownerrs pollcy Forn 8-1970 (Anended 10-tZ-70) Proposed Insured: TBD 3. The estate or intereet in the rand deecrrbed or ref,erred to inthis Connltuent and coverEd herein ie: A Fee SlnpJ-e 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested Ln: ERICH SCHIIIETZKO and LILy scHlTETzKo 5. The land referred to in thle Connitnent IE described asfoll-ows: A TRAcr oF IJAND rocATED rN TEE solrtH HArJF sourHEAsr QUARTER oFsEcTroN 11, TOI{NSHIP 5 SOIXIH, RN{GE 81 WEST OF THE SrXTH PRTNCTPATJ MERTDTAN, MORE PARTTCULARTJY DESCRTBED As ForJrows: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHE,TST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTERSOUTHEAST QUARTER oA SAID SECIION 11r THENCE WESTERIJY AIIONG THE NORTHERTJY LrNE oF sArD sourllwEsr QUARTER sourHEAsr QUARTERBEARING souTH 85 DEGREES 20 MINUTES !{EsT' A DISTANCE oF L67.8oFEET TO A POINT' THENCE SOUTHERLY AIONG A LINE 167.80 FEET DISTANT FROM AND PAGE 1 ALTA COltll'!ITI'!ENT SCHEDULE A Application No. v16oo9 PARALLEL TO THE EAST I-,INE OF SAID SOUTTII{EST QUARTER SOUTHEAST QUARTER, A DISTN{CE OF 2O0.OO FEET TO A ptfiri'b$f THENCE EASTERIJY A DISTA}TCE OT 167.80 FEET AI'ONG A LINE 2OO.OO FEET DISTAI.IT I'RO}T AND PARAIJJEIJ TO THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHWESB QUARTER SOUTHEAST THENCE EASTERLY ON A LINE PARALLEIJ TO THE NORTH rJrNE Or TtrE SOUTITWEST QUARTER SOUTHEASTIQUdBTER OFsArD sEcTroN_+1.,i DTSTANCE oF 50.95 FEET TO A prxf ;lbrlt vorN-TTHENCE NORTHEIRIJY AND PAR,AIJIJEIJ WITIT THE WEST IJTNE OF THE EAST HALF SOUTHEAST|,QUARTER OF SAID SECTTON 11, A DISTANCE OF 2OO.OO FEET TO THE PEAT OF INTERSECTTON WITH THE EXTENSION OF THE NORTH LINE OT'THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION l-1t \tHnucn wESTERTJY oN A DEFrJEcrrvE Al{crJE rJEFT oF 95 DEGREEs 2t/D$'MTNUTES oo sEcoNDs AroNG THE ExrENsroN oF THE NoRTH L NE oF TIIE, -+IOBEII}TEST QUARTER SOUTHE.ASE.QUARTER OF SATD SECTTON 11, A DISTANCE OT 50.95 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTIIWEST QUARTER SOIITHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECBION 1]-, BEING THE POINToF BEGINNING, COI'NTY OF EAGIJE, STATE OF COL,'ORADO. ,AGE ALTA COI.IUITUENT SCHEDUIJE A Application No. v16oo9 PARALIJEL TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID SOUTITWEST QUARTER SOUTITEAST QUARTER, A DISTANCE OF 2OO.OO FEElr TO A POINT' THENCE EASTERLY A DISTAIICE OF 167.80 FEET AI,ONG A IJINE 200.00 FEET DTSTANT FROM AND PA8,AI.I.IEL TO THE NORTH LINE OF SATD SOUTHWEST QUARTER SOUTHEAST BIIENCE EASTERLY ON A I.,INE PARAIJLEIJ TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTET{EST QUARTER SOUIHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 11, A DISTANCE OF 50.95 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE NORTHERLy Al{D PARAIJ;EL WITH THE WEST I-,INE OF THE EAST HALF SOUTIIE.AST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 11, A DISTANCE OF 2OO.OO FEET TO TITE POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE EXTENSTON OF THE NoRTH IJINE OF THE SOUTHWEStr QUARTER SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION llt THENCE WESTERIJY ON A DEFIJEqIIVE ANGLE IJEFT OF 95 DEGREES 21 MINUTES OO SECONDS AIPNG THE EXTENSION OT THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTIIWEST QUARTER SOUTIIEAST .QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 11, A DTSTANCE OT 50.95 FEET TO THE NORTHE.AST CORNER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 11, BEING THE POINT oF BEGINNING, COUNTY OF 8AGLE, STATE OF COI,oRADO. I 'AGE 2 A IJ T A C O T.TI.T I"T I.T E N T SCBBDUI.B B-1 (Regulrenents) Applicatlon No. v16oo9 The folLowJ-ng are the requlrenentg to be complled wlth: 1. Palment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors ofthe fuLl consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper instrument(e) creatlng the eetate or interest to beinsured nust be executed and duly flled for record, to-wlt; 3. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY TIIAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 4. WARRANTY DEED FROM ERICH SCHMETZKO ANd I-,ILY SCHMETZKO TO TBD CONVEYING SUB..TECT PROPERTY. NOTE: THE S14O.OO CHARGE DOES NOT REPRESENT THE TOTAL PREMIUM FOR TIIE POLICY AI,IOI'NT SHOWN IN SCHEDULE A. IHE S14O.OO CHARGE IS DUE UPON RECEIPT OF THE INVOICE AND WILL BE CFJDITED TOWARDS THE PREMIW CHARGE UPON CIOSING OF THE TRANSACTION. THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFTCE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES oN DoC(IIIENIS SENI FOR RECORDING! ! PAGE 3 ALTA CO!!I.IITMBNT SCIIEDUI.,E B-2 (Excaptlons) Applicatlon No. v16009 The policy or policieE to be issued will contaln exceptions to thefollowlng unlcgr thr ranr ara dhpor.d of to thr ratlrfaotlon ofthe Companys 1. Standard Exceptlons 1 through 5 prlnted on the cover sheet. 5. Taxes and asseEsnents not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certlfled to the Treaeurerrs office. 7. Any unpaid taxeg or aEsessments against said land. B, Liens for unpaid water and serirer charges, if any. 9. RTGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR IODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAIIE BA FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREUTSES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED August 11, 1900, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 236 AND IN UNITED STATES PATENI RECORDED october 04, 1918, IN BOoK 93AT PAGE 301. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CAI{AI,S CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNTTED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED October 04,L9r_8, rN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 301. ].1-. TEN PERCENT ROYALTY INTEREST XN PROCEEDS DERIVED FROM THE SAI,E OF ANY MINERAL"S PRODUCED AND MINED FROI.! SUR]ECT PROPERTY AS RESERVED IN DEED RECORDED AT PAGE 407. 12. UTIIJITY EASEI'IENT AS GRA!flfED TO HOL,Y CROSS EL,ECTRIC ASSOCIATfON, INC. IN INSTRI'I,IBNT RECORDED Novenber 05, L97L, fN BOOK 222 AT PAGE 17O. PAGE 4