HomeMy WebLinkAboutVail Trails Chalets parkingo .r i.-I ! \k-'lr ' tt -':'*3'r,."l.! -|,.Ztu(o GILBERT BALKIN. M. D. aurt8 aot DENVER, COLORAD(' TOEOI (tot) att.azlal July 31, 1980 Mr. Rlch Caplan, Town Manager The Town of VallVail, Col.orado 81657 Dear Mr. Caplan: We respectfully reques t that Gore Creek Drlve ln front of Vail Trails East, Vall Tralls Chalet and P - 2 be vacated' and the area be nalntalned by these apecific AssocLations. Access would be allowed for flre equipment and other neces- sary or emergency vehicles. This area has been landscapedt and lt is our lntention to contLnue thls malntenance as our responslbillty. Wlth the Drive vacated, owners and tenants of Vail Trails East, Vall Tralls Chalet and P-2 will be in a much Lmp roved posltlon Eo manage the entire area and to minlmize anv future lnconvenlence for the Town of ValL. We sincerely hope that thls requeet will be granted prior to the conlng lllnter Season. Thls request has been reviewed and authorlzed by Charles H. Cowperthwalte on behalf of Vail Trails East. praf Za-- Gilbert Balkin for Vall Tralls Chalet GB:rmb cc: Charles H. Cowperthwaite, Attorney (Vai1 Trails East) 2450 Colorado State Bank Bulldlng Denver, Colorado 80202cci Jerry Whlte, President, P-2 Corp. 415 Vail Valley Drive Vai1, Colorado 81657 t, .^l . \' \'o r\ )(t'1\ VAIL TRAILS CHALET CUNDDMINIUH ASSOCIATIOI.t As mentioned in the last noti ce\ our primary push thi6 suJnmer hraselectrical . This has been compieted, that ig we have brought theelectrical service from the trans{ormer to the building andinclr-rding the electrical meter-s up to code. There was no wor'(done f rorn the el ectri cal rneters i nto the lrni tg as thi s i sconEidered to be personal property and any de{icienciesapparently do not ju=ti{y the association getting involved. Thisdoe's vary {rom utrri t to utnit. In addition to this we did install{ I Lrorescent 1i ght-s in aI l f urnace rocrrrrs.were no proj ects.Other than this there Thr =. *all activities wiII include. baeically, that which were notcompl eted thiE sLrmmer. These include finishing the planter in{ront of r-rni ts I and 3'; f urrnaces in the c ornrnon f urnace rooms wi l lbe cleaned, ad jursted and oiled; metal flashing will be installedon the edge of the roofl and the trim will be painted. One item o{ general interest, at the Sopeci al Heeting on . September ?:.,,19ts?, a policy regarding bay windows was developed."---arl first floor urni ts can have bay windows and the gecondfloor urntis which are not canti-revered out can have bay windows.Those units which are already canti -levered out can not have baywi ndows. " De,ar Members: Enclosed please fiand limited comrnon nd your copy, o{ the assesgment for your September t7.l9A? f al I bi I I i ng of the cornmonurnit in Vai I , Colorado. managprs thatthis tirne wF asgi 5t in theon eli penseE. I have yoLrr It has become very murch apparent to the board o{pro{es=ional management is becoming neceseary. Atare considL.ring some f orm of I imi.ted rnanagement tooperations. Un f orturnatly this wi I I have an impact Basically I am brolle. so with this in mind mayremitances as soon as possible. trul y, oh n Ei Cui Secret ar o box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 off ice ol the town managet March 29, L977 Mr. John S. CurrY ].2343 East Arkansas Place Aurora, Colorado 80012 Dear Mr. CurrY: onMarch24,LSTTt]neDesignReviewBoardunanimoustyapprovedyour application to"-"pitoIer placementtr for the P-2 parking Lot. At that meeting, there was not enough time for them dissuss what they would like to see loiated within the planters other than iust trees ]-- no specifics were discussed' If you would like some ideas "" io w'hat kinds of trees would grow within in. "p*". affocaieA by the planters, Rika Elrick from our staff would be glad tb spend some time with you' As you know, you will have to return to the Design Review Board with a .otpi"i" ianascaping plan -for their approval' I would appreciai;-ii ii yot' *ottia send the needed information to me as soon as your ptans are complete so that I can schedule it on tnL-nesign Review Board's agenda' If you have any questj-ons' please feel free to contact me' SincerelY, DEPARTIilENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT cc: GerrY White I o March t?, 1977 Ms. Jo KramnerCity 0ffice Building Town of Vailvail, Coforado 8L657 Dear Ms. Krammerr Re r Planter PermitLot P-2 I recently'-,had a conversation with Miss Elrich who requested some additional information on the proposed planter for LotP-2. Basically it is as follows: planter construction will be timbers 6" x 8". timbers will be teted, howeverl they wiltIeft to weather' i.e. no staining or painting. 3. The present thought is the proposed planters will. be 2 timbers high on the uphill side of thepl-anter. The ground within the planter will be levelr therefore, the downhil] side ofthe planter will be anywhere from 3 to 6 timbers high, depending on the need to lceeplevel grade within. As trrou may know, the request for consideration at this time is for- approval of the planter design. Unfortunately at this time the landscaping has not been finalized, however, landscapingof the planters wilt be submitted for the Design Review Comnittee next month. With this in mind, will you submitthis information to the Design Review Conmittee along with theplans, which I understand you have, to the Design Review Committee for their approval. I have requested Gary White to rnake a presentation on behalf of P-2 Association to the Design Review Cornmittee. If you have any questionsr please do not hesitate to contact me- 1. The z. lt'ne be JSC r shc . cc r Mr. Gary White L23+3 E. ArkansasAurora, Colorad.o TeIer ?55-05?2 Place 80012 Yours o TIONVAIL TMITS CHALET CONDOMINIUM AS5OCIA March 2, 7977 Ms. Rika Elrich Landscape Architect Town of VailBox 100Vail, Colorado 8L557 Rer Lot P-2Associationvail, col0rado Dear Ms. Elricht 0n behalf of the Lot P-2 Associationr I am enclosing for yourconsideration and approval the enelosed parhing plan for l,otP-2t YaILr Colorado. As you are.no doubt &war€r p-2 Assoeiation has reeentlyaequired" title to Lot P-2 and is now seekii:rg to sub-dividethen land.scape said area. Zoning for this use has beenobtained. and it is our intent with your approval to do thissubdividing and landscaping this summer. Would you please consider the enclosed plan and if you haveany questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. When-this plan meets with your approval , would. you pleasesubmit the fi1-e to the Design Review Committee witfr- tnerequest this be included in their agenda. Yours trulyr VA]L TR.AILS CHAI,ET CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION L2343 E. Arhansas PlaceAurora, Colorado 80012 Tele r 755-06?2JC r shc cc r John S. Stoddart Gary White John S. CSecretary-Tre DATE OF MEETING: MEMBERS PRESENT: SUBJECT: // - TAKEN BY BOARD; DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AU'I'I\JN MOTION: VOTE: SECOMED BY: AGAINST:FOR: ABSTENTION: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUllltlARY: o CHARLES H. CO\^/PERTHWAITE 24EO COLORADO 6TATE EIANK BUILDINC I6()0 EROAOWAY oENVER. COLORAOO eO202 AREA COOI 909 TALTPHONI 688.5535 January 24, 1977 (b r" Vail Police DepartnentVail, Colorado 81657 RE: Vail Trails East Parking Areas Gentlenen: On behalf of the Board of Managers of Vail Trails East Condorniniun Association, this will serve as authorization for the following Vail Trails East residentsto contact your Department to request assistance in ticketing and removing unauthorized vehicles : Charles H. CowperthwaiteVail Trails East No. 5 476-3782 Dr. Richard Foster Mr. Mark FosterVail Trails East No. 12 476-5228 Mr. George M. Repetti tuin D. RepettiVail Trails East No. 14 476-5s80 our Association has adopted a systen of permanent and tenporai'y guest parking perrnits to facilitate identification which should make monitoring quite simple. In addition, the above authorized persons intend to coordinate all calls for assistance to your Departrnent in order to mininize any inconvenience. We appreciate your willingness to help. Please call or write should there be any questions concerning this authorization or the procedures involved. 'l.' fivLnt / t'\ CHC: skcc: Mr. Kent Rose Ms. Diana ToughillDr. Richard Foster Mr. and Mrs. George Repetti Mr, John s. Curry Very truly yours, VAIL TMILS EAST CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION By Charles H. Cowperthwaite, Secretary-Treasurer box 100 vail, colorado 81657 13031 476-5613 off ice of the town manager November 22, 1976 Mr. John Stoddart 2101 East Fourth Avenue Denver, Colorado 8021 6 ' RE: Design Review Board Approval of the Street Closurefor Vail Trails Chalets Dear Mr. Stoddart: 0n November .l8, 1976 the Design Review Board approved the submitted drawings for the street closure of East Gore Creek Drive. Their approvalis for six months only -- after that time, if the experiment proves successful , a forma'l , concrete plan must be submitted. If you have plans to erect parking sjgns, these signs must go before the Design Review Board for their approval prior to erection. If you would 'l et me know ten days prior to the meet'ing at whjch you want to present them, I would appreciate it, If you have any quest'ions, please fee'l free to contact this office. Thank you for your cooperatjon, Si ncerely, DEPARTMENT OF NITY DEVELOPMENT ). l/)t^. . .| ,/t,t / .t llt...I f v\.'. 1 amer DNSICN nEvln\\' noAnD ACTION TAKEII BY BOARDT: / J./// IlorroN,"'-ho/d- - SECoNDED BY: DATE OT IIUIiTING: [,IE}.IBNRS PRESENT: SUBJECT; VOTE: FOR:AGAINST: Wrt-ro AI}STENTION: APPnovED , {--fV, QPto, DISAPPRO\'lJD: SUlrlIlAIiY: tl ,on1 t0t Ms..Diana ToughillAonrn]-strative Of f icesTown of Vail October 29, ff:,t" :""0*,inium As socia r ion /al w-,*ar' Vail, Co 81657 GoreVail,Creek Drive Colo rado Dear Ms Toughi t 1 : ii.tj"t.""tT',r'h?r# &:1f"r1',i: vairrrrairs Easr condominium Association andTown of vait in ."."i"ir*-1i "lljll,1" "":I the active assisrance ;i il"-respective u,rirlirrfi.tol"ine the parking probJ.eur "*i.ting in fronr of our As you are aware. f f -,':*5:xrff i'i:i:;i"";a'f""!":i::",1T".T#;,'""T"',""";..''"";,; jluiraings anj in'"'oo the public right of .""y r,r*-l-i;;tt in fronr of ourou"..ruiiJing; ;:"""ffi":\::"i:?i,i::::';":1":;":i;;:Hl.'i,:*"".".. nesiaents -Ji or way, while rhe road i'self l" f"""*; o., pr**";;;;";;: T;"r$;:"rd:f::;iri::'r:;":*:::: and welr n".'"-r"-ii"^1.r" and To:r particurarry to the vairand obcain "ooou."-llttead of being abl rheir guesc,, .r,;-o-"t'.."1 in. 'o'ouin-g ;JTii:i'"":..tno:r;Tr""i":"t:'".;i;]iiii ;f i ;;; :"; ii' "" li' I i inl:' :".' i:fi J." l" ff : il : ; t::n:. "*; i'; ll lli, f :i; #, i:::""-* 'ilJiF'_T,'l':::: ."'.,o,nl;.0."""1i"#;.#."iny:1"" rhe vacarionmarntenance bv the surrounding o*r";;; #""""""":,:o:1:t^_it its ownershrp ""J iitrl'JrtT ,t;oli,"ii."-"Toti"r,. .iv"iii"^ ;t1F::i:J:":"' ;t"t'r"r".'.'"'r"":1"J"?:" ffjthe basi! ;;;:"-";:';:H"*:;t"li:ii";lleviate ""'" "i'inJ probrens and ror:n 1. ch .,.o oou:y1v .."rti"-,iliirtl: :;:tj::.:"'tern on Gore creek Drive in this areaiupossible in ,o,,,e ryi.i",g "i-;;t.;.;o,T:n":il"rJ.""rorr;rrr"r,l._:rr; o;;;i";i;;the winter when con"idu..utu-.**^.."",i1ir"a", on borh "id"".no", "urrl.u a".iri VaiI Trails r.l il isII il rthnai t e TMILS CHALET CONDOI'TINIUM ASSOCIATION Ua. Diana Toughill 0ctober 29, L976 Page Two 2. Grant temporary permission (in the form of a ticense, lease or permit) for residents of the two condominiums to park their vehicles in fronc. of their respective buildings, thus enabling the Police Deparcment tojustify the Eicketing and impounding of unauthorized vehicles. Vail Trails East Condoniniun Association, for instance, already utilizes a form of parking permit to identify vehicles belonging to its residents and their guests. Short of a total road vacation, a more lasting solution would involve the actual relocation of the road right of way to the actual Present location of the street itself. In any event the residents of both buildings consider this a matter of highest priority and concern to them and have requested us Eo cooperate with you in every way to obtain a solution. We would appreciate meeting with you to discuss the plan in greater detail and urgently request your iuunediate assistance. Very truly yours, VAIL TRAILS EAST CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION Charles H. Pres ident VAIL '/ John S. Curry Secre tary-Tre as Vail Trails East Condorninium Aesociation c/o Charles H. Cowperthwaite 2450 Colorado State Barik Building Denvet, Colorado 80202 (303) 893-5535 Vail Trails Chalet Condminiun Associetion c/o John S. Curry 12343 East Arkansas Place Aurora, Colorado 80012(303) 75s-0672 By: By: