HomeMy WebLinkAbout1325 Westhaven Dr Commonooz(n{7coJo =Tm7 ={ aotto3o:ooo33c5CLoott' o5 EfiE I;!i! legE" IEl=.tfNDE3Pz=\2ooz --E@mla-a-moo-m{mr-^o c z mon m = z.O-'r --{nrn 9nsidE4t-Oazt---t c3=1Z96)n oom=i+o=--.|o=-too>o9"lmvz>mon-r>or-u ,T=moi o€zm oqt2!T=(Dttcl=0,(D=Eo,5(-f =(D cfttr Pf,aAo>'t-t-{r--ntrz-{mt-m titol€lzlol1lt<t>lFl:ttmle,lz a I€z'tl1-mF,zo Hot=trlol-rlt<t>t;lmf t-{lot{lzlolIt>h-l*folz TI:l{lol€lzllt>r-lr I=a(D-lo=tnci-J o(- o5 o=Pl-m I=o==l-m zm zo-{m Ioo! o'n l,mI I -{o 0 -{m (tl I (o I t\) (D mx'm-!{-z C- 9-lm (]FHa-r Ci) E3d"o9ddPg q ii =o o:8€. iF.FJ-+(D=f --o tt=-*o=-!tJl-= 2ior o Q 3.aigtaF= E-(2 s- il€o o)!qr -;'-:r + ii a 9.6o =. --oo+ ?r5o -<: B. o =sgJo -.odr=< =d r'=silq o-f s.6 I? E.i5aE 3 a'3 38A l,CD=- $ i.s 0) =!, q,f o = 6' o o Doo ef(o o 5o -lo€ _0 No ='(o !t o- aD ocl a'.o ooooI CLoo. 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Tt'.\ <lPol'- -n 1'mt =i{-o mx-m '{ ozco @a =m €iiEsIs€r i-atEi 3 * 1*e'5 (r o:1 = EiiifP9o96. $a.g g; a;e *;-:...9 J a 9.3\\+r ^ f f t \orI-:Y= NE ilEAS Ni.i:sB\ '].n - JE -.\\SP o, d r Ssti \R3$E 9\his*qy-5u a'5 s;3€A ",ii EPRt lo--* z {Imo€z l- € m,-m X m -{ m ^it-H;g- z<t, - z. otrobt'nc)5+m P=e 6nlis= .(rJ . l= i I 18l=coo>z2B8 Eg3EXz ;a" z{ l-l*l=[ zm€ X {m =z =ozF TI nl :l (, FE11 arl c! p I l ^z EF* -ma4 I awii*?g c> .4: g4 {6oz=, )r?2-$r) t@) =r H=qr-O:At9\93 H I r-t o ^mbrfi@, I?PXox-"n .o<, [exo sdJU1x H NJF)rrcl p)rtct tp PJrtrt !m \o o\(, N\H:dIzm N)(Jl o\o\ :0( t -q * I O ryH\o r n - m -to-t-!m = ='nmm(t, cU'm{ x in zc! m o I om2oz m m{ (D mo m =z'tmm .p = zo 2 m m -l: 't z anoT F zo m -o mft =-i.Tl mma)) VALUATION Tm-I ={ z9 I I =mc) 2or 'o-c3Izo mt-Itto{ 6 o H \o s'!@ ._J @ \o@ H(, H NJ O \l "(, (.Ilu) qJ 5t Soc\o \ N. \v |Al \0 (,\ \ a\\t 0 G, $\ t s N t\J $ n iY \N\J sa \ \ \ Q\. t 0/ R tq \q I 1 0 [.r 'At "s \)$\)N+dI\ttlJ-4,-lrsl/I c st TIJ \--, fr i,t'f f,''i ''2t?'?:o:t] -*ll il(i ,.. it-\ ,. -.'/. '"t 'ir i J $ oltj .$ lll$l trlF Itl\, zt I t\'"/ i J $ sej h t v * I $i -iIt cl t,/ I I, ---s (\l .!,' 4^4oe @ ,tl a,o, --.- ,lal 1'-(s'r-ib.'eraf - II;\eij - I i r'l 2,72q'' - ll,'- 7"b W;,J\LL ',,./',1\.'' \.', ' rrrt',1lzr)l I-r jt r il,o\lo\i- -1 2tt = l\O aEaT taN +'?1-D \I\ N_, t 0 -dt :\,N t; 4'- 1'l ll "'. r'l 4'- at l,frz'-'\ "AI t :$.,q -f4jl: 4-tl l'-ot " 'u'A'l Ec. I-: I 4'-at 1 V, 4'- Iol +t- z4) -l'' 4 .l *''?'\,rt .'l4'I ,ni I I i qtl "c\ N rt\ I t ( E .\) !Lt_Jp K\iz\ITtr Nr t.{r { xI -p-{- ,u);t '.].- l- I -{J I:0 -l \- - \---r+- (\ t - I ,l ;r '=ro; 1-r"dt), q'- +'l , 1)' ' +- --\r - Itr 6I kls$ti il-lt\ i[l,h sl\)l 6l HI):inl ' u st ,\' I 0Jl ,lLlL 5t!up ulN ^ all- -)Jl'-+.t'- I t\l i_'_'l_ I\i ; I:tr] v1 ---! I -- rl|d 4-a' I-T-1--- ---1 tl? ', z'-'l!n'-dl --___i-?^r:& t,.:- *- iHALtUxccs bJ___,,'| | 2-t I 'i." :0 -tn I r(ANSN,il | rAL LLTTER AIA DOCU^ITNT CBIO I'R Ol t CT: (nlnre, a dd ress) r TO: lllesthaven Apartments 1325 l,Jesthaven DriveVail, C0 Town of Vail Building 75 South Frontage Road Vai l, C0 Chet Horton Departmef,t l,lest ARCr rlTtcT's PROJECT NO:8018 DATE: August 13, 1982 lf enclosurcs are not as noted, please inform us immcdialely. tf chcckcd below, plcase: ( ) Acknowledge receipt of enclosuret,( ) Return enclosurcs to us. AT'I N : L lVE TRANS,\4lT:(xl hercs'ith ( )( ) in accordancc with FOR }'OUR: ( ) aPproval ( ) revierv & comment ( ) use T1.I€ FOILOWING: J undcr scparatc cover via your requcst distribution to pa rties recofd ( ) information ( ) Shop Dran'ing Prints ( ) SamPIes ( ) Shop Drawing Reproducibles ( ) Product Literature !x) Fei'l d Refrort and Stressi ng Record O, for ri6n:turc:nd lorwrrdinS.r not€d bclow uodcr REMARI6 E. Sec R€MARKS bclow (xi() Drarvings Spccifica t ions Changc Order ACIION n. Aclion indicatcd on ilcm l.rnrmillcd CODI B. No iclion rcquited C. for rirnrtvrc .nd rcllrn lo thit officc RENIARKS If you need anv other documentation reqardinq the P.T. slab please contact me, at your earliest convenience. coPlEs AtA t'()cL,r^rtNT c8r0 'rtit A\tt F,tcAN lrisllTUrt (with cnclosures) D D D D D . APR . 19:0 tDn rON r,1AS5ACBUSt Tl 5 AVt.NUt, MORTERA PFOFESSICI'IAL . Ar i . cofYl cllT o 19t0 N.\v., \YASHtNGrON. O.C. 20016 FISHER ARNOLD, AIA CORPORAIION FON AACHITECTUNE VAIL '43 EAST MEADOW ORIVE8165/ 303/,175.5105 TRA;\-S\llIl L ttITtRof ARct Ttcr S, 1;8t coP lt s DATi RIV. NO.DESCRIPTION ACTIONcoot 1 7 /2e/82 J.V.A. Feild Report 8/4/82 High Country Steel Stressinq Record CROSSROADS' AT VAIL. COL Saunilra Smi th ON€ PACE JOFINSON -VOILAND-ARCHI." ETA. INC. ( tur:rrlt rag L)tgttretr s 2JO5 CAnYON EOUL€VAFO 6OUlOER. COLOAAOO aO3O2 a:t1t95r 6!85 WIST 52NO AVCNUE AnVAOA. COLORAOO aOOO2 am 2055 ,o Morter,/Fisher/Arnold, Architects 143 i'leadow Dr i ve o"' Jufl ), lgsz 'oo n"' 27g I Proioqtl,lesthaven Apartments Loc.l ionVai l, Col orado Contractor Hyder Con s t ruct ion OwnerMansfiel d Propert ies W€alhor c I oudy romp.50 "at l:15oet AM PM Prossnl at Sits Saundra Srni th, Rudy Fisher, Oon Herman, Buff Arnold, Bob Hunnes fu€ THE FOLLOWING WAS NOTED Visited job site at 7:15 a.m. to observe placement of concrete in the post-tens ioned slah. Vail, Colorado 31657 in the western most 40' of the building. Approximately 72 yards of concrete was p I aceil with a PumPer truck and concrete testing was performed by Chen and Associates. The placement process went smothly and was finished at approximately ll:00 a.m, tl' l" Robert B. HunnesColorado PE #12373 coPtEs To oxt nfrl FfF fltfittlr< 87 4-844: August 4, 1982 STRESSING OF DECK}C WEST HAVEN APARTMENTS Copper Cable from East l. 4 3/4 -2. 4 3/4 -3. 4 3t4 -4. 4 3/4 -s. 4 3/4 -6. 4 3/4 -7. 4 3/4 _ 8. 4 5/8 -9. 4 5/8 -10. 4 5/8 - 11 . 4 5/8 -L2. 4 5/8 -13. 4 3/+ - to lvest 4 5/8 - 68,0004 5/8 - 68,0004 5/8 - 68,5004 5/g - 58,OOO4 5/8 - 68,0004 5/8 - 68,0004 3/4 - 68,0004 3/4 - 68,5004 3/4 - 68,5004 3/4 - 68,0004 3/4 - 58,ooo4 3/4 - 68,000 3 1/16- 68,0003' - 69, oo03 Ll76- 68,0003n - 6g,ooo3n - 69, ooo3 tlL6- 68,0003' - 69,000 3 'r - 59, oo03" - 5g,5oo3 7/16- 58,0003'r -'69,0003" - 68, OOO3" - 69,00034 - 59, OOO3' - 69, O0o3 L/L6- 68,500 68, ooo 68, ooo 68, 000 68,000 68 , 000. 68, ooo 69,000 68 ,5oo58, 090 68, 5oo 68 ,000'68,000 69,000 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.2I. 22. 23. 24. 25. Silver Cable from South to North 1. 3"2. 3n3. 3"4. 3"s. 3 L/r6-6. 3'7. 3"8. 31/16-9. 3"10. 3 L/L6-11. 3nL2. 3x13. 3'l14. 3 L/L6-15. 3,r16. 3 1/16-17. 3n 68,000 68,000 68,000 58,000 68, 000 68, ooo 58,000 68,000 68, ooo 68, 500 59, 000 68,000 68,000 69,500 58,000 68 ,00068,000 18. 19. 20.2I. 22. 23- 24. 25.26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. High Countryaniel Thole Steel, fnc. ,E-.*-€- August 4, I982 STRESSING OF DECKTtr WEST HAVEN APARTMENTS Copper Cable from East to West 4 5/8 - 68,0004 5/8 - 68,0004 5/8 - 68,5004 5/A - 68,0004 5/8 - 68,0004 5/8 - 68,0004 3/4 - 68,0004 3/4 - 68,5004 3/4 - 68,5004 3/4 - 58,0004 3/4 - 68,0004 3/4 - 68,000 3 LlL6- 68,0003" - 69,0003 LlL6- 68,0003'r - 6g10003.' - 58, O0o3 LlL6- 68,0003" - 69,0003" - 6g10003r' - 6g,5003 LlL6- 68,0003" -'6g,ooo3' - 69,0003'r - 69,00034 - 68,99$i:.3" - 6g,0oo3 LlL6- 68,500 ,i 25'92 BTVi;WEB TOR GEiIEAAL ARNAilcEA.IEIIT III|I coilPuapct tvlTH SIBUCIUfiAL 0tslctl. HAXE CCgSCgTtolts ltolE0. ExcEPT t(le fiiAt{ols sPEclflcALLY AUIH0BIZE0. BEVltlf 00ES .:.I titl,tUt THE C0l{IRlCT0n F1i0[l c0flFt?BlillllE T0 rlE c0ftTRACT 00cUtlltllls. fioT 8ts?0ll3l8lI fofl 0ETllL lllMEllsl(ll{s Ail! $TAilTITI€C J0Hll$lll V0lLAtlo ABCHULET|. ilC. 1W Pfrm. ttOfitd'{ 87 4-84 0Ar n$u 1. 4 3/4 -2. 4 3/4 -3. 4 3/4 -4. 4 3/4 -5. 4 3/4 -5. 4 3/4 -7. 4 3/4 _ 8. 4 5/8 -9. 4 5/8 -10. 4 s/8 -11. 4 5/8 -12. 4 5/8 -13. 4 3/4 - 68,000 6g,000 68,00058.000 68 , 000. 68,000 69,000 68,500 58, 0C0 68,500 68,000'68, ooo 69,000 14. 15. 16.77. 18. 19. 20. 2L. 22. 23. 24. 25. Silver Cable from South to North 1. 3n - 6g, ooo2. 3" - 6g,0003. 3" - 69,0004. 3" - 6grooo5. 3 L/L6- 68,OOO6. 3" - 6g,0007. 3" - 6g,ooo8. 3 rl 76- 68, OOO9. 3" - 6g,00010. 3 1/ 16- 68, 50011. 3" - 69,000L2. 3" - 59,ooo13. 3n - 5g,o0o14. 3 I/ 16- 68,50015. 3" - 6g , 00016. 3 Ll 16- 68, O0oL7. 3.r - 69,ooo 18. 19. 20. 2L. 22. 23. 24.25. 26.27.28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. High Country Steele Inc.Qaniel TholeqQaniel \"*\ ,trt{ t- 'lbe Ctngtneenng , .rq-.ry*'o' ctrfiersbrpfrL. *6lffigt{' 14t4 P(art street BlttAer, Colorado 80302 3o3 4446O-J8 Ma1y. 26, l-982 Ms, Saundra Smith Morter-Fl,sher-ArnoLd Architects 143 East Meadow DriveVail, CoLorado 8l-657 Re: Westhaven Apartments Our Job no. 8f140 Saundra; Regardlng the above referenced project, thb follow-lng soluti'on has been reached, Jack l{hite and I have deeided t,o make 4 - 3\" sLeeved openings spacedone foot apart through the waLl behind the elect-rical rnain dlstribution center for all of the conduitto the neteri stack and another 31" sleeved openingbehind the house paneJ. circuiting. These openi.ngs shouLd be made at an el-evation of 49'3". In theeLectrlcal equipment room, provid.e 5 - 3!" conduletsand conduit to run down to four sectlons of meterstack and to one house panel. There should be a 3'high x 3r deep x 5' wide pullbox on the wall behlndthe main distribution center and another pulJ-box l-0" high x 10" deep x 36{ wide after the first ceiling change. Please note that slab open.tngs and holes must be formedor sleeved prior to concrete pl-acements. Saw cutting and coring will not be permltted in post-tensioned s labs. PLease issue to al-l- concerned bidders. questions , pJ-ease cal-1. Sincerely'. If you have any -,4/U^,., t € ,l)ao-r"-sLA'{-a*'"Claire E. Danos ced: rp cc: Jack White - JVA ARCHITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS AIA DOCUMENT G710 (lnstructions on reverse side) /-a, Owner Architect Consultant Contractor Field Other v n!nntrn PROJECT: (name, address) OWNER: TO: (Contractor) lrles thaven Apartments Cas cade Vi 1 l ageVail, Colorado Mansfield, Ltd. Hyder Construction Co. ARCH ITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTION NO: 3 DATE OF ISSUANCE: l{ay 27 , 1982 ARCHITECT: MORTER FISHER ARNOLD' AIA Li CONTRACT FOR: Construct'i on ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 8018 The Work shall be carried out in accordance with the following supplemental instructions issued in accord- ance with the Contract Documents without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. Prior to proceeding in accordance with these instructions, indicate your acceptance of these instructions for minor change to the Work as consistent with the Contract Documents and return a copy to the Afchitect' Description: 1, Sheet 42 - all columns at garage level to be surrounded by expansjon materiil at slab col umn connection.2. if.1..t-nS - itair at grid line '3' - there are to be no openings at west landing' See R4.3. Sheet 43 - stair at grid line'7' - there is to be no 5'-0" openinq at west landing. There is t6 be one 5'-0" opening at east.landing.. See R6.. 4. Street [q - openings on either side of stajr at grid line'3' are to be 6'-LOL.'in lieu of 5'-10]-2".5. Detajis 4/56 and TlSl - post tensioned slab and beam may be poured as one pour with 8" walI above s]ab. AttachmentS: (Herc intetl listiog ol do.umentt that supporr desctiption') AIA DOCUMENT C71O '@1979 ' THE AMTRICAN ARCHITECT'S SUPPTTMINTAL INsTRUCTIONS' INSTITUTE Of ARCHIIICTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE,, |) MARCH 1979 EDITION ' AIAO N.W.. WASHTNCTON, D,C. 20006 G710 -1979 -r\', r n ARCHITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL TNSTRUCTIONS AIA DOCUMENI C710 (lnslructions on reverse side) Orvn e r Architcct Consu lt.r n t contractor rreto Other D!! ml! PROJECT: l,les thaven APartments (name, address) OWNER: Mansfield, Ltd. TO: HYder Construction Co. (Contractor) ARCI.I ITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL INSTIIUCTION NO: ?- DATI OF ISSUA\CE: llaY 19, 1982 ARCHITECT: MORTER FISHER ARNOLD' AIA CONTRACT FOR: Construction ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 8018 Thc W<)rk shall be carrieCl out in accord.rnce witfi the follorving suplllcrncrrtal irrstrLlctions isstred in accor(l- ance w,ith thc Contract Documents rvitlrout clrange in Contraii Sunr or Contrrct Timc. Prior to proceeding in accordancc lvith tlrcse instructions, indicate yow o.."1rtn,.|cc of llrcse instructi0lrs for minor change to the Work as consistcttt wif h thc Contract Documerrts an(l return a cofy to the Archirtect. Dravijng Itens o(ulllellt5 dllLl rr:ru'rr.r LU},/ (v Jt/r242-- /,.M z'zz /2-"- tluz&1 'rlL noisturezf*Description:)escription:i.'-ti".Liuf - All sjll plates at foundatjon walls and slabs on grade to be treated and sealed'Z. General - Contractor to call for special inspection durinq each pour of post- tensi oned slab.3. A-2 - All wood frame construction at garage level shall.be fire treated, to have a ftame spread r;;l;g-;;i-to exceed 26. Each piece of lunrber to be stamped UL-FRS Class A. ' 4. A-2 - Stair landjng at vlest stair to be 6'1" where door swinqs into landinq' East landing to become 4'-1" at same stalr' 5. A-7 - landicapped grab bar at toilet to be 33" from floor' 6. A-14 & A-15 - ztiO'f.i*inq at roof of all stairs shall be framed with Simpson A35N hangers .: -:.-...... .: - .r.: ^,, ^r r-rl7,A-16-C.learanceoffluetoadjacentframingtobel.,minintuminlieuof|z'..g. Sheets Sl, E3: Entrance of electrical lines fronl transfornter to be individua1ly iun ttrrorgf'.12,, concrete wall as per Johnson-Voiland-Archuleta des'i gn, to follow-. -sle-eiIj-q3l-l-qL-ll9rs 1. Section 03300 - Cast-in-place concrete - be taken at each concrete pour. If pour cylinders are to be taken. An additional additional 50 Yards Pourecl . 2.A.: Add; Six (6) test cylinders are to exceeds 50 yards, an additional 6' test set of tests will be taken for each ISSUID:ACCIPTED: BYBY contraclor Dateli itec tn R(.IlitcI's SLIPPLENItNTAl. lN5lR(l(.ltoNs ' '\lARCll 1979 tl)lTl()N ' rrsiiiurr or ,rtcitttrcrs, 17.]5 Nt\v Y()RK A\/t, N w, wASlllNcT()N' D c'c710 - 1979AIA DOCUMTNT C71O 91.)79. rHL A,\ltRlCAN 20006 t , 1-r lt:-. ARCHITECT'S SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS E AIA DOCUMEN'l C710 (lnstructions on rcverse side) Mansfjeld, Ltd. MORTER FISHER ARNOLD, AIA Johnson-Voi I and-Archul eta Hyder Construction ComPanY Enqi neeri ng Partnershi P Owner Architect Consultant Co n tracto r Field Other aa E E! m PROJECT:|,lesthaven APartments (nanre, address) VaiI, Colorado OWNER: Mansfield, Ltd. ARCHITECT's SUPPTEMENTAL INSTRUCTION NO: 1 DATE oF ISSUANCE: APri I 30 , 1982 ARCHITECT: MORTER FISHER ARNOLD' AIAHyder Constructjon Co.TO: (Contractor) CONTRACT FOR:Constructi on ARCHITECT,S PROJECT NO: 8018 The Work shall be carried out in accordance with the follou,ing supplemental instructions issued in accord- ance rvith the contract Documents without change in Contracl sum or Contract Tinle. Prior to proceeding in accordance with these instructions, inclicate your acceptance of these instructions for minor change to the Work as consistent with the Contract Documents and return a copy to the Architect. [)escription: Specjfication Items 1. Section 06400 - Arch'i tectural Woodwork: Kitchen and vanity cabinets at first level units to be Regal 0ak Classic by Diamond Industries, ilillsboro,0regon. Kitchen and vaniiy iiuinets at upper ievel units to be Concept Series, white, as manufactured by Home Crest Corp., Goshen, Indiana' 2. Sectjon 07570 - ii'uitii lopping 2A: All exterior decks and walks shall be finished wjth Polyiok deck'.oaiing 131 system, as manufactured by Toch/Carboline Company, St. Loui s , M0 ' , standard col or. (see attached sheet for more descriptions) AttachmentS: (tlcrc insetl listinl ol documcntt IhaI support clesctiPtion J 1. R-1A - Revised site plan showing nevl buiiding location' 2. l/R - Spandrel beam detail. 3. 2/R - Revised N.bl' stair Plan.4. :7n - Sf.i rack detail for E or tlJ wall of outside storage closet all units'. 5. 4/R - Revised window schedule. 6. Letter frorn JVA re: Detail 1/R- ISSUED: BY ACCEPTED: BY Contractor Date ARCITITECT's SUPPLTMINTAT INSTRUCTI()N5 ' '\IARCH 1979 [DITION ' INSTITUTT OF ARCHITECTS, 17]5 Nttv YORK AVT,, N.W., WASHINCTON, D'C'G710 -1979AIA DOCUMENT C71O 01979 . THt AMIRICAN 20006 a,-,-{REHITECT'S SUPPLEM I NSTRUCTI ONS WESTHAVEN APARTMENTS Apri l 30, l9BZ Page 2 DRAWING ITEI'IS in Iieu of 51'-10".-7- Sheet S-l: ToP of wall Iieu of 34'-10''. elevatjon at Grid Line l wall opening to be 36'-l0" jn 4. ( Sectjon 08600 - tlood l,ljndows - 1,8: Manufacturer shall be Pozzi \'lindot'l Company' Bend, 0regon. Adiustments in dimensions on drawjngs pertaining to windows to fol I ow. Section 10300 - Prefabricated Fireplaces - 2,A: Model to be Temco Tec 36-2AD' iireplace with black trirn. See Drawinq Item #3 of this document regarding framing changes to accontodate fireplace. Addendim 6nel Item #13 - Section tSS:0: Standpipe run at Garage to !e.6" diameter plp.. All siandpipe risers to be 4" diameter pipe. Run center standpipe on1y, to roof manifold wi th 2\" diameter pipe. - l. Sheet A-2: Edge of planting area at drive N.E. corner of building to be 5'-6" from outside eige of stair in lieu of 7'-0" as per Revised Site Plan. - 2. Sheet A-3 and Al4: Top of concrete walk elevation at ll .W. corner of building to be 49'-8.' j n l i eu of 47'11". See Revj sed Detaj l 2lR. - 3. Sheet A-4: Detai 1 I/A4l. Dimensj on 2'-6" should be l'-9"' -4. Sheet A-16r d.tuil'z/na - opening height of fireplace should be 3'-l 5/8" in lieu of Z'-I;;.' 2'-li" becomes 2'-4 7/8". Detail 4/AL6 - fireplace rvidth openings should be 3,-5ri" in lieu of 3'-912". 0pening center remains as shown. - 5. sfreet A-fl: Detajl 16lA17 - Delete extruded alurninum thresho'ld and note 26 GA metal flashing under threshold and deck membrane' -6. Sheet S-l: T6p ot watl elevation at northeast conner of building to be 50'-10" -8. Sheet 5-1: All top of wall elevations between Grid A wall to be 46'-2i'. Spandrel beam to be as typical face of 12" bearing wal1. See Revised Detail 1/R' between 3 and 7. Lines 3 and 7 at Grid Line - 1y detailed but flush wjth Detail 1/56 no lonqer aPPlies - 9. Sheet S-1: Top of footinq elevation of northwest stair top of footing at planter walls to be 40'-0"'i n lieu of 41'-0" respectivelY. -10. Sheet A-2 and S-1: The d'imension string from Grid Line 7 to 11 south of.Grjd- Line A, should reaa (o;-s';1-- (s'-10"): (9:-61).- (9'-6").- (13:-g::) - (2'-6") - iz;-6';j - (l:;-o;)--'(:'-ot) -'(3'-6',) - (9'-i0') - (t'-0'l) -.(:l:q").- ^11.ineetS-q-Detaiis/s+'Giu-limhan9ertobeSimpsonU-414jn]ieuofSimpson HU-414.12, sheet s-7 - Detai1 7/57: "1" shaped 12" concrete bearing wa11 rnay. be.poured as- onu por" if conirol joint remains and wall above control iojnt is.held-back %" i1t,rl, ' de ) from exteri or faces of wa l I . No scupper .bl ockout at detai I '13. Sneet S-Z - Detail glSt: Face of concrete to be held lr" from face of bearing wall along entire exterior face of detail walls at Grid Line A and 44'-6" and in lieu of f.z MORTEH FIS}.IER ARNOLD, AIAA pnor i.,::t()l.lAL Conno,tATtoN ron AnclltIEcrt,rit ctios:jlto^r):. Ar v tL 143 EAST MIADOW Dt]tvfvArL. corori^ljo ljtt;57 3O3/a /6 - a) rO5 ADDENDUM NUI'{BER ONE TO DRAI^IINGS AND FOR t^JTSTHAVEN APARTMENTSApril 12, 1982 SPECIFICATION ITEI,|S 1 L/8" T & G exterior grade SPECIFICATIONS 1. Section 06100 Rough Carpentry, 2.8.:piywood. 2. section 07200 Insulation, 2.E.: Delete ,'with Kraft paper face', 3. Section 07500-Menibrane Roofing,2.A.: Delete,,and 2 p1y at all metalroofs". Add c, Menrbrane roof-shall be 2 ply felts at ail nretal roofs.All naterfals and methods of jnstallation sirall be 30# organic feltsby Johns l'ianvi I I e. 4. section 07500 Membrane Roofing, z.A.: specification to be 4GNG in lieuof 731. 5. section 07500 l'lembrane Roofing, 3.: Add F. upon conrp'l etion of thisportion of the work and as a condition of its'acceptance, deliverto the o'erner a-written guarantee signed by the inslaller guaranteeinqthat the jnstalled nrembrane roofing-will remain intact and f.ee i.or"leaks for a period of three years. 6. sectiorr 08700 Finish Hardware, 2.c.: Finish of butts to be poiishedchrome (USl4). 7. section 08700 Finish Hardvrare, 3.: Add B. Bi-fold finish hard|arepulls to be nrounted at outside panels of all door groupings. B. section 08700 Finish liardrvare, z.: Add H. Bi-fold finish hardlarepulis to be Daldwin 4960, brushed chronre. 9. section 09500 ceiling Suspension systems: suspension syscem andhanger wire shall be-cold rolled sieel and lz bA. steel-respectivelyin I ieu of alunninunr. 10. Section 10550 Postal spec'i a lties: Add l . General , A. Locations of .iteurs in this section are described in this Acldendurn One, sheet A3.B. Aii vrork ,rnd products shali conrpiy with the United states postalService standards.rnd rcaulations. c. verify all locat.i ons andruounlirrq.heights.with Architect prior to instillation. 2. products,A. Furnish and install 20 vertical steel mailboxes as manufacturedby Bonrrner Industries, Inc., Landrunr, South Carol.i na, or approvedequ.r1 by Architect. t'lodel I'lo. 9010-B & 9010-12. Eich nraiibox shallbe supplied with a lock keyed uniquely from all other boxes on theproject. \., ADDENDUI4 NUIII.}-IR L/I,IE TO DRAI,II NGS i\ND SPECI FI CA\{N: FOR I,IESTHAVEN APARTI4ENTSApril 12,19t12 Page 2 11. Sect.i on 10800 Bath and Toilet Accessorjes, 2.c.: Delete "hooks" and add "shot'/er rods " ' 12. Section 11900 Appliances: Itern A. Range shall be GE JBS03., Item B. D.i shvrasher sh;ll be GE GSD400., Itc't D. Disposer shall be GE GFC310. 13. scction 15530 Ft're Protection - Dry standnipe systenr : Provide contplete class I dry standpipe systeril. Run standpipe in northtvest corner of each stai r and provi<Je -brass Zri" hose val ve and 115" reducer wi th cap at eacn ltarage.ind floor level . Connect al l standpipes via qaraqe ceiling ipuc6 to brass wall sianrese fire deparl'ent connection at northeasr corner of bui1din9. Piping shall be ntinimurn Schedule 20. coordinate sjanrese locatjon with local Fire Department and submit shop drar.ring to-Architect. Provide al I necessary pioe supports and drai ns a t I ow Poj nts i n Pi Pi ng. 14. section 16130 0utlets, Iten B: Fiberglass junction boxes as manufactured ty stoer city or Allied nray be.used, with a cornplete groundinq conductor systerrt jn ljeu of nletal specified. 15. Sectjon 16530 Exit lights: Provide vrall-nrounted double faced exit liqhts vrith arro's, flilo #3616, at.stair entrances at each of the toiro"iig, f!l at garage level, (6) at first level and (6) at second level . coniect"to adiacent PE controlled liqhtinq circuit. 16 Section 16620 Fire Alarnr Systetn: Genera I : B. Provicle a cotttplete ntanual and heat detection fire alarnt systenr as required by the local Fjre l4arshall to include the follor.rinq: (coordinate all locations vrith Fire Marshall to jnsure conrpliance with Tovln requirements.) Therntal ceiling rnounted detectors at qarage 1eve1 , near^ coluntn lines B-2, 4, 6, B and 10 and C-2, 4, 6, B and 10' l.lanual double action pul lstations and audjbic alarnts below c,rch cxit l ight at acccss to stainvells as follorvs: (3) a-t gara!te Ievel, (6) at first level , (6) at second level tlodi fv 120 vol t scl f-corrtained iortization dctecto|s shown orl oriqinal p)ans for (2) level units to provide audjble alarm frorrr both levels sitnuitaneously upon detection frotlt either level Add thernral rate of rise detectors adiaccnt each unjt's sntoke detector shown, for connection to the buildinq central fire alanl systenr described below. A. D. U ADDENDUI'1 NUMBIR II{E TO DRAI,IINGS ANi] SPECIFICATIV{S FOR WESTHAVEN APARTMENTS April 12, 1982 Page 3 F. Add central battery backup Fire Alarm Panel , with faceplate nrounted zone and tiouble indication, in northeast stairuell iajui.nt standpipe riser, or where djrected by local Fire Maishall. provide conrplete zone extension and line vo'l tage po*et suppty rviring as'required, includinq 3 #12-I/?"C lo 2_20Atp breakers ai p,rnel ,,Hp" , and I oiv vol tacle rvi.i nq -to r'anual dnd (-lutoratii sVste',r ,icvjces as required by manufacturer'S wiring diagrarrts for the systenl described' 2. Products: A. General: The nurrrbers listed below are those of the Pyro- tronics Conrpany and constitute the type and quality of equiprnent to be furn.i shed. 0ther manufacturers considered uqruis are Edlards , Si nlpl ex, Ki tte and Gamer^rel I , and may be bid based upon equivalent equipnent. B. Control Panel: The fire alarm control panel sha11 be Pyro- tronicssystenrlIiandsha.llbecomposedofthefo]lowing sol jd-state plug-in niodules factory jnterconnected- to.meet the spec'ific inital lation requ'i rements of the local Fire Marshal I and Ci ty of Va j I . Thea.larmsystenlshallbePyra-A-LarmModelCP-3l.Itshajl- be listed by Undenvriters Laboratories, Inc' for service jn accordance wittr ltrpR standards 72A, 728, 72C and 72D. It shall - . jnclude lanrps for systenr alarnr, trouble and ground detection. l,lorrrentary aontu.t s"itct'' shall be provided for "Reset/Lantp Test", ,'Trouble siJence,', and "Alarm silence". The trouble sjlence switch shall silence the internal trouble siqnal sounding device. The,rlarnr sjlence switch shal'l silence audjble signal appliances connected to supervised audible siqnal circuits. The qround detection ljqht shall be jllunrinated by a single ground fault on .. any detector"circuit, audible s.i gnal circuii,-or DC power line vliihin the systern. A single ground fault shall not prevent. proper opetuiion of the system. DC power shall be. provide{ ..,-'. by a systerrl power supply ?.0n, a three-wjre 120/208 VAC supply with grounded neutral, with battery standby. C. Porver SupplY: The power supply for the alarm systerl shall be Pyr-A-Larnr l4odel PS-31. fnc Lhii shall'provide a full wave rectified 24 VCD output rated at 10 anrperes, sufficient to simultaneously power (24) detectjon zone nodules and (12) Model ZN-30s. ADDENDUM NUM FOR I^JESTIIAVE Apri I 12, l9 Page 4 ("':i BER NA B2 ONI TO DRAI,JINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS PARTMENTS arrro-tested fronr the control panel Battery Charging: Battery charging capabi)ity shal1..be provided by a Pyrotronics B;.;;.i f i.'urlrtoirirer N6aut e, Modei BC-34 ' capabi 1i tv shal 1 i"-pro"uil.a to recharge batter.i gs.to their fLrll capacity, luto-|l|iti.iiiy-at a h.i9h rite vrhen the battcry voltage output value .i s Iovr and shal1 iloat charge the batteries c0ntinuously to nrajntain ful l charge. Supeivision of battery connections' battery fuse and bittery condition shall be provided by tne Ba:j4 inA-itratt produie"a iystem trouble siqnai when any condi- iion uppuurs whjch would prevent proper battery operation of the sys teil. Detection Line: Dual protection 'l ine circuit nronitorinq shall be provided by u-Ay.ln-luinr Dual Ion Zone l"lodule, Model ZN-30. tach detector iinL sf..'u1 consist oi o-t*o wjre circuit tennjnating in.an.end of thc line device. Upon operation of any detector or-device insialled.i n the cjrcuit, the systern shall lock into alarm and the red LED atu.r inii.oii"t-rii-p-1"n" fot each circuit) mounted' on the face of tne moAule shall iliunrinate. A yel1ow LED-trouble inAi.uting lamp (one for each circuit) also on the face of tbe nrodule snilt iiluninate should a break occur in the detection circuit or detector line leakage to ground beconte excessive' Audible Siqnal Cjrcuit: An audible signal circuit for operating audible devjces shal I be ploU,r.OUV a Fyr-A-Larnt Alarm Extender f"lodule, Model AE-30' Lrpon i..uipt of an actuating signal, the sol id-state circuitry iiiiir irppiy operating pon.i foi e'ither 30 AC bells or 15 DC horns. For 0C obv;les, jt snili potu"t 20 bells or 10 horns' The nraximum.' ortpri ir.."nt shall be lim'ited to 1.5 arrrperes'-.flt,au!ift9 devices shall require a tt/o-lvire fused circuit fitted wl[h an end of line device. The rnodule shall contain a yellow LED n F nJiiator ianrp to indicate ejther an open or a shorted alarnl ine when the svtent is in norntal condition' The LED shall be G. Povrer 5uPP1Y: To supply povrer to thc systenrs. there sfralI be provided a Pyro- tronicsuattery'uo,lrtutloOetgtq-:i'Thisshallconsistof a 24 volt leaO-aijd battery systenr of the sealed gelled elec- trolytc type rated at 9 amperL hours at a 20 hour discharge rate, UL listed. L/f .'-*.j\rJ SPECIFICATIONSADDENDUI'1 NUI"IBER ONE TO DRA!"IINGS ANIJ FOR l,lESTIJAVIN APARTI''IENTS April 12, l982 Page 5 u Label i ng of tions establ I. Alarnr Sjgnal Transm'i ssion: Capacity for the transnrission of the alarrn siqnal to the local fire departnrent shall be acccomplished by a Pyrotronics niu-,otc st;tio; t'lodulc, I1ode1 LP-30. A ntonually operated, Ji.rionn..r svrjtch stiil prevent sjqnal transnrission and shali cause the LED to i'l I umi nate. Encl osure: The Pyr-A-Lann enclosure' Serjes EA-35 are to accomodate SVtt.ir 3 control panels,'input and output rnodules and al1 power ;";;ii.; ulitizeo'jn the system. _unit_shait be installed r,rhere directed by the tocat -rire"Marshal'l . Zoning ql thg central Panel sha.ll be "itoyished to provide a separate indjcatjon for each of the fo1 l owi ng a reas : l. Garage heat detectors. 2. Garage ntanual stations. 3. Fi rst I evel manual stations ' 4. Second I evel manual stations. 5. thru 24. Each apartnrent separately zoned (heat detector only) zone jndicators shall conrply r'rith final unit designa- ished by Owner at project completion' As required by manufacturer's wiri nqJ. K. End-of-Ljne CaPaci tors. forrnat. Autornati c Detectors: Provide 120 volt self-contained ionization-photocell detectors ;n-eain unit as revised per this addenda for snroke detection unO-iocat alarnt . Two level units shall be interconnected to p.oriO".ouruonalarntuponactivation,ofeitherlevel'Nocon; i,".tion to control tyti"n, is required of this corrrponent, Pyro- tio',riis #3052TCM. In addition' each unjt shall be provided rvith separate detectors rrrounted adiacent to detectors listed above for connectjon to the nrain fire alarm panel . Detectors to be Pyrotronics #DTI35R rate of rise type' Alarrn Horns: Atlas #VT157U vrhooping hornltransdycel'--l4ount ifusfr, at each unil entry ceiling' Horns shall be fu11y super- vised, painted red. L. v SPECIFICATIONSADDENDUI4 I{UI'IBER ONE TO DRAWINGS AND FOR I^IESTIIAVEN APARTMINTS April 12,'19B2 Page 6 l,larranty: The comPl ete varranted as Part of the Division 16 require$ents Break Station: Pyrotronics MS-5, semj-flush mounted' itilion shall be keyed to nratch fire alarm panel' Thermal Detector: DT-135R rate of rise 1350F surface detector' Tone Generator: lrlheelock #873 located jn fire control panel to nrovide r'rhoopinq tone iignat to transducer r'rith an override ,i;;;;;;r;;"ii. iiie Natstrat I vojce sisnal throushout alarnt sys terrr speci f i ed lJirinq Diagrams: Supplier of Fire Alarm Equiprnent:hull !!, iuspoiisible for ptouidingl a1 part of the shop drawings package' ;';;;;i"i" wiring schenraiic for purposes of installation' iorrpi!t"-Jelai f s"or [r,e-inituitulion tr,at I be coordinated wi th ir'.'intturl ing contralior, to their satisfaction and meeting all operatjonal requ'i rements of the system' lvl N. a.systenl , Parts and I abor, shal I be. !tectiicat inslallation per ear'l ier DRAl,jING ITEI4S 1. Sheet 43: A. All "13" doors at laundry rooms in stajrs in handicaPPed units' to be B. One 3'-11" bank of mailboxes shall st,rir vlall .rt grade level landing, bank of nra.i lboxes shall be recessed west exterior stairs. l4ailboxes to i andi ng. typical units and storage under " 12', . be recessed at north of interior centered on grid line 7. One 5'-9" and centered in east vtall of far ' be accessible frorn grade )evel L.sheet A6: Fjrst and second level unjts at walls betleen storage r00ms iOf-anO 311 and living space shall be 2x6 franring' Sheet A7: ' A. ll,rndicapped unit, second level to be sound insulated at walls between urri ts. B. t'l,r'l ls betvreen storal;e roonrs 311 and 120 (as relabelled'i n Item C' U"fo*l ,-and living ipace shall be bf 2x6 franting' C. Handicapped unjt first level storage room to be 120, in l'i eu of 112' D. Finish schedule: 1.) Roorn 101 floor to be concrete, all r'ta1 ls and ceiling to be paini"o qvpruir board. 2) lloonr Il2 f.1.oor to be vinyl jn lieu of concr.;;. il Roonr 112, storage at.handiclnqed unit' to be roorn 120, at f"*ijft-inJ-ieiiin! to ne-painted gypsun board' ADDENDUI'I NUI{BER ONE TO DRAWINGS AND FOR l.lISTIIAVEN APARTI'IENTS April 12, l982 Page 7 of all stairs. B. Sheet Al5: Details 2/A15 and fel t. 9. Sheet AIB: ir'v SPECIFICATIONS 3/AL5: Metal roof to be on 2 layers 30# i| 4. Sheet AB: Detail 6,/48, metal roof to be on 2 layers 30# felt' 5. Sheet A10: Details 5/410, 6/A10, 7/AI0 and 8/410: All notes to read, 1/2" exterior sheathing. Delete all "p1y^rood sheathing"' 6. Sheets A11, A12, Al3, A14, 416 and A17: All floor systenls to be l1l8" piy*ooa in Iieu'of 3i4" plyrvood structural floor with 3/8" plYwood under- l aynrettt over rosin PaPer- 7, Sheet Al4 & A15: All top of handrajl heights to be.32" above nosinqs tl,t I .J - 10. - 11. 'A. End kitchen elevation at second and third level units, drywall to dryrail dinrension to read 7'-LA 3/4", in lieu of 7'-111a". Fixed ^ panel dimension to read 6", in lieu of 7h"- iA. North kjtchen elevation at second level units, cabinet base to be n i/q,'(50), in ljeu 0f Zl 5/8" (55). Clear open'i nq for refriqerator to be 34 l'/i, in lieu of 33 7/8". 0verfreaa cabinet lo be 9 7/8" (25)' 'i n Iieu of 11 3,/4" (30), filler to be 3L", in l'i eu of l7/B' c. south kitchen elevation at handicapped units, cabinet'base to be \,, 15.'3/4"(40), jn Ijeu of 13 3/4"(35). / jo. End kitchen elcvat'i on at handicapped units, drylall to drywalI dimen- sjon to be g'-io 3/4", in licu oi'10'-2!"' l5 3/4" cabinet base is to be elinrinated. 13'3/4"(35) overhead cabinet is to be elirninated ' and overheao.uuinet is to be Lg 3/4" (50), jn lieu of 21 5/8" (55).'- Sheet 5l: Structural wood franling note f': Delete "and wall sheath'i n9"". Sheet 53: A. Gener.rl franring notes: wall sheathing shall not be plyvrood. l|lalls to be sheathed rvi th ti" gypsurn board B. All interior headers shalI be 2-2x4', s unless noted othervise. n. Sheets 54 and 55: All interior headers shalI be 2'2x4's unless otherwise noted. 13. Sheet ll13: Non-typical unit duct layout to include duct run fronl range hood south to deck soffit.1 .4q l ' ' , ororuortt NUMBERXT r0 DRAWINGs AND spECIFIcArtoF FOR WESTHAVEN APARTI1TNTSApril i2, l9B? Page 8 L4 . Sheet l''14: Typ'i ca) uni t duct 1 ayout to i ncl ude duct run f rom range hood north to walk waY soffit. 15. Sheet 115: Typical duct layout to include duct run from range hood north to exteri or wal I . 16. sheets M3, 1,14, and l,l5: De lete al I duct runs from al I bathroom fans . Convert fans to ductless 17. Sheet E4: Snroke detectors at level one to be at east entry wall. adiacent to north bcdroom door and on oppotinq-r^rall from bedroom doors of hallway' enter.inq two southern bedroorns.betectors at level two to be on outside stairh,ril centered between opening to kitchen and opening to bedroom. 18. Sheet E6: A. Lurninair schedule: Key F, Description: Delete "and exhaust fan" ' Catalog nuntber to be 9660N, in lieu of 9665N' B. Lumjnaire schedule: Key G, Cataloq number to be 4322, 432q, and 4326, in I jeu of ?322, 23?4, and 2326 respectively' c. l,lechanic.rl Equipnrent Schedule: Add, Key EFl1; exhaust fan, ventlesS, wall nrountedi ttso HP; 120 V; Rush Hampden, series A' rt fr-L JOHNSON-VOILAN Conutlting Engineers D-ARCHULETA, INC. April 28, 1982 Ms. Saund ra Smi th Morter Fisher Arnold, AIA 143 East Meadow Dr. Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: l^/es thaven Apartmen ts Dear Saundra: Having reviewed your architectural section 1R, Edge of PT slab at wall A from Gridline 3 to 7, dated April 22, 1982, we believe that it is an acceptable revision of our structural section 156 provided #5 x 3'-B dowel s are used instead of #5 x 2r-5 dowels and that the I l/2" 1D pipe s leeves are grouted prior to backfi I I in9. Sincerely, JOHNSON-VO I LAND-ARCHULETA, INC. JM:jk W. B. Johnron FlolJort H. Voiland S. J. Archtrleta Davi(l M. Hor/deshell Rol)ert B. t lrrnnes H. (;ary Howell F rancis L Wclls Robert C. Alson Ceraldrne M. Huhl 8ou LDL n,CoLonADo 8Olo2 .,144 1951 co LoFrALr() aooo2 420 2o55 #2305 CANYON BOU Lf VA Fi D 0385 WL 5T 52NO AVLN(JL t- ..,',".., .t/2tt 4r# 4H9;l{;N?,-Ia bu ?LlJz:tH A/-F?<-e eF atL,- .:, -lldx'a'tz'.t alrb-_'1o ?:re '/'-t frto\?oaV* r^a, :tlA,o. c,^wL-^--.-l-larruf. , 't'n/*l a.1tJu-aaAoSEae, L6 oB* hTl a- .. II EAGEq ?T.fe 2Z-A2 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE AUTHORIZATION AtA DOCUMENf C713 (lnstructions on reverse side) ,L/.- Mansfield, Ltd. Hyder Construction Co. Owner Architect Consultant Con tractor Field Other trn! m trn PROJECT:Westhaven Apartments (name,adclress) 1325 llesthaven Drive OWNER: Mansfield, Ltd. CONSTRUCTION CHANCE AUTHORIZATION NO: 2 DArE oF ISSUANCE: 6/I/82 ARCHITECT: MORTER FISHER ARNOLD, AIA ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 8018 TO: (Con tractor) Hyder Constructjon Co. C()NTRACT FOR: Construction In order to expedite thc Work and avoid or or Contract Time, the Contract Documents Work promptly. Submit final costs {or Work in a subsequent Change Order. Descriotion: minimize delays in the Work which may affect Contract Sum are hereby amended as described below' Proceed with this involved and change in Contract Time (if any), for inclusion 1. A1 I square footings at grid line 'D', on compacted fjll, shall be 6'-0" by 6l-0" square. Reinforcing shall be as jn all column footinqs' 2. All column footings at grid line'C'on compacted fll l,or on soi'l that has a m'i nimum bearing cipacity of 3,000 P.S.F., shall be 7'-6" by 7'-6" square' 3. Sleeves for dowels sha'l I be PVC in lieu of steel at post tensioned slab. AttaChmentS: (Here insctl listing, ol documcnts that supPort descriplion ) The following is based on information provided by the Contractor: Method of Determining Change in the Contract Sum: ! Fixed ! Estimated I Maximum Architect T & M plus fee--as-lcr-eSl ct (lump sum, unit prices, cost plus fee or other) Cha of$ nge in Contract Sum Chanee in Contract Time o1 to"be determjned ----:;*:l CONFIRMED: AV Date Contractor AUTHORIZED: G713 -1979 MORTER FISHER ARNOLD, AIA AIA DOCUMTNT G713 ' CONSTR(/CTION CIIANCI AUTHORIZATI()N ' @1979. THE NMTRICAN INSTITUTE Of ARCHITECIS, 1735 NEW YORK AVE., N'lARcli 1979 EDlrloN ' AiAo N.W., WASHIN6TON. D.C. 20006 \ i CONSTRUCTION CHANCE AUTHORIZATION AIA DOCUN4tNT C713 (/nslructions on reverse sirle) PROJECT:Westhaven Apartments (name,.rcjdress) OWNER: Mansfield, Ltd. Orvn e r Architcct Consu ltan t Contractor Field Otlrer CONSTRUCTION CI.IANCE AUTIIORIZAI'ION NO: DATE OF ISSUANCE: MaY 19, 19Bz ARCHITECT: MORTER FISHER ARNOLD' AIA ARCI"IITECT'S PROJECT NO: 8018 i Kn T E! T -:- \,.,.1]\ .Ji\ (, TO: (Contractor) Hyder Construction Co. CONTRACT FOR:Constructi on ln orclcr to extreclite tilc Work and avoid or or Contract Tirne, thr: Contract Documents Work pronrptly. Subrnit final costs forWork in a subsequcnt Change Orcler. mininriie dcl.rys in the Work rvhich nra,v affect Contract Sunt are hereby amenclcrl as dcscribcd below. Procced rvith this involvcd and change in Contra<-t Tinre (if any), for tnclusion Description: 1, Excavation for footings along grid ljne 'D' is to be over excavated to reach granular beari ng strata as approved by chen and Associates. 2. Rock outcropping, encountered at grid ljne 'A' . excavatiorq shall remain and be doweled into'is fier design by Johnson-Voiland-Archuleta, to follow.n AttaChmentS: (ijctc injcrt listin( ol do(umants that suppotl dc\cttPt;on ) Report from Chen and Assocjates and design by J'V'A' to follow' The ISSU ED:.; Architect BY CONFI BY Date ContractorOwnern G713 - 1979 MORTER FISHIR ARNOLD, AIA 14ansfield, Ltd . c()NSIRUCTION cHANCt AUT'IORlz^lloN ' INSI ITUTE OF ARCIII'TCTs, 17]5 NT\4' YORK AVE., Hyder Construction Co. l'4ARCH 1979 tDlTlON ' AlAa N.\^/., WASHINCTON, D.C. 20006AIA DOCUMENT G713 €)1979. THE AMiRICAN ;'- - -1"ili- chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 50& iD,la4 6LEI{WOOD E irrO3,COlOnAOO triOl t0t/9.3-ta5t ltl€y 26, I9B2 Sr:bject: D<cavaLion Ocsenration, ltlest Haven AlErtfiEnts, CascadeVillage' vail' Oolorado Job lb. 24,072 I4ansfield Limited 1000 South Frcntage lt)ad vbstVail, @ 81657 Sandra Sn:Lth Gentleren: As requested, we wisited the subject site on Wy 2Q,21 and 24, L982 tD obsenre ttre forrdation eccavalions at the subject site for suitable bearinq conditions. In tJ:e o<carrat-ion for footilgs along O T,ine from approxirrately Colurn Line 3.5 to Coh-u,nr Line 7.5, soft clays and topsoils vJexe observedin tJ:e bottcrn of the excavatlon as di-scussed in or:r previous letter. A relatively undisturbed sanple was taken and reLurned for laboratorytestilg. The results of a srrel-1-onsol-idation test are preserrted on ttre attached figr:re. The test results indicate tlnt th-is naterial is u'tsuitablefor sul&ort of the 5,000 psf desigrn for:ndation loading, O: lby 25, 1982, the urdersigrred ret w"ith Don lierrnan of l\'der ConstrucLion and Buff Arnold of l4crter, Fisher & Arnold to discuss tlre ornditions and for-r'rdation desigrr. At the tire of our neeting, the area lnd been alnpst conpletely subexcavated to be&ock r^rj-ttr the exception of 2 large boulders jl excess of 6 feet jn dialreter. In ttre east end of the subject e><canriation, oorpetent gnanular bearing soils r'rere visible at a depth of ap,proxirmtely 6 feet belcrw existing adjacent' surface grade. It \,uas agreed anong a1I trErties that the 2 large boulders artd any distr:rbed soils t'rculd be rqrcved ard that tJre eccavation r,'ould be bacl<fitled wittl granular soil corpacbed to a mjnimr-rn of 1008 standard- Proctor density to tlre prolnsed footilg g6ades. Structr:ral fill strould extend laterally beyond ttre footing lirnits to a distance at leasl equalto the depth of fill or to undisturbed natural coarse grravels. Forndations placed on cr.-inpacted structural fill should,be redesiqned for a rnarjrnun so:-t Uearing pressure of 31000 psf. Foundations outiide of tJ:is sub- e><cavated area slpuld be placed on ccfiqEtent natural coarse qranular rnaterials. OFFICES: CASPER . COLOFADO $PRI (t3. DENVER . SALT LAKE CITY I'4ansfield Limited I'Iay 26, l9B2 Page 2 As of this date, the open excavations for footings along tlre entire €olrnm Lile L, the entire CoLr:rrr: Line A and Pads Cl and C2 harre been observed an<l fould to be bearilg on naturaf @arse granular subsoils suitabl-e for 5,000 psf bearing pressure. I^ile resrurend crcntinued observation of exca-vations and testing of structural fill as reguired. If you have any guestions or require additional service, please ca1l. Ve4/ trul' Yours, CIISI AI\iD ASSOCIAIES, INC. MJB/dc Rev. By:cc: JVA I4orter Fistrer Arnold Hyder @nstruction 6p3tiit+\lri 1s222 ":, W.t-r,$, 'L 0 c)k.to" J A chen and associates, inc. APPLIED PRESSURE - ksf Moistute Content = 19,5 Percent Ory Unit Weight = 103.9 o"t Samgleof: silty clay From: €XCav&ted at D4', 6' depth il24,072 SWELL.CONSOLI DATI ON TEST RESULTS Fig ENCINEtRS HYDER CONST CONTRACTORS 4850 fackson Street Denver, Colorado 8O216 303/399-1405 March 14,1984 Mr. Gary Murrain0ffice of Cormunity Development Twon of Vail 75 South Frontage RoadVaiI, C0 81657 Subject: Building Permit #1043 Westhaven Apartments Dear Mr. Murrain: I discussed your letter dated Marchsaid that he has been discussing the Andy will get a copy of this letterIf there is anything else I can do, 7, 1984 with Andy Norris, 0wner. Heproblem with Steve Patterson. together with a copy of your letter.p'lease Iet me know. Very truly yours, HYDER I NC. HllH : dbcc: Andy Norris w/enclosure ..:,1.i crl TOW ... 4,. ':t"' N OF REQUEST VAIL DATE ,.i:,,i:. INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON €r{Ltffl TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: B HEATING tr ROUGH B EXHAUST HOODS D CONOUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL El APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED L--- tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE t-- --INSPECTOR ,*r#"toN neouisr TOWN OF VAIL WED THUR FRIINSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUI OF trF OF rrF-F trll os tr_ LDING:PLUMBING: B UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING NSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr o ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL .EI APPBOVED GORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREO DATE INSPECTOR IINSP=CTION REOUEST VAIL DATE JOB INSPECTION: MONREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr u tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR aINSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL .r !.:. J' JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE REAOY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEET PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr D FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING T] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr E tr FINAL O FINAL ELE trT trF trc tr- CTRICAL:MECHANIGAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL - E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*#"roN neouisrTOWN OF GATEER. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES AM PM BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr o FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ,E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION -.^>'. __l_ DATE INSPECTOR *INSPE CTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME ,l t-,,! |'1 i,t-- CALLER '-.c.Cr t- MON TUES WED THUR i.TNI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PLUItIBING: / STEEL UNDERGROUND ON / STEEL tr ROUGH / D,W.V tr tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOO NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL u ! a tr APPROVED EORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED N REOUIRED i' -/ t'-..2-t I DATE INSPECTOR *,*r#"toN neouisrOF VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER .'- i THUR AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr tr o tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MEGHANIGAL: tr o tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOOOS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ',.,-: "'.c.':'Xi ;: , -".' .,? j -DATE INSPECTOR ,"#"toN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE JOB READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMB!NG: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL - tr ROUGH/D.W.V. tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: I] HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIB EI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR DATE ,a' . ,*rf["toN neouisrTOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME . ' ,.i .;- u- . -. .. .'f -. ,.. ... -. '.): READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr o tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING EI GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL T] FINAL ELECTRIGAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr B tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONOUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr o FINAL g APPROVED EoRRECTION$. tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t DATE INSPECTOR ,*rfr"toN REeuEsrTOWN OF VAIL DATE MON TUES WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH /WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER E HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT I] SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR ,*#"toN neouisr TOWN OF VAIL WED THUR FRIINSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLEff. TUES DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL B FRAMING n BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL O FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED GORRECTTONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED .. t ? 'a DATE INSPECTOR ,*#"toN4 ,, TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE ' -., t ..'..' i, t-. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRI ------ AMi PM BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND T] BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER ROUGH ) t':t : CONDUIT tr FINAL tr FINAL .hr.Aeeaoveo " CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED f I t DATE INSPECTOR ,*#"toNTOWN OF neouisr VAIL DATE G' . ' : JOB NAME INSPECTION: e,AttEfi MON TUES WED :4 THUR FRI AMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr utr tr FINAL I] FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL CT APPROVED 'GORRECTIONS* tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ;INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr D tr o tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNOATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL D tr tr FINAL E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,*#"toN neouisr TOWN OF VAIL ,.-) WED THUR FRI DATE (-.z i'-?-- INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON €*trtEff TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: /-/ PM BUILDING: FOOT]NGS / STEEL PLUMEING: - tr UNDERGROUND _ trROUGH/D.W.V._ * tr ROUGH / WATER T - tr GAS PIPING - tr POOL / H, TUB t-l _tr - tr FINAL TIEGHANIGAL: - tr HEATING a - tr EXHAUST HOODS - tr SUPPLY AIR - tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT t-l tr FINAL tr FINAL + t .E,APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 'N# , ;'. .,'I F .'l o DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON AM PM )r CTION REOUEST TOWN VAIL THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED boRnEcrtorus, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t DATE INSPECTOR 'N# DATE L.- /" F'Z- JoB NAME -l CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL AM PMINSPECTION: .-Ga*I#R MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: r] UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL 1 FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr F]NAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHAN!CAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL Gtr APPROVED -COFng6g-16,1'19+- tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE ,/4.-tr;a MORTER FISHER ARNOLD, AIAA PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION FOR ARCHITECTURE CROSSROADS AT VAIL 'I43 EAST MEADOW DBIVE vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 303/476-5105 May 25, 1982 Mr. Chet HortonBuilding Inspector Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road, l,rlestVail, Colorado 81657 RE: Westhaven Apartments (formerly Cascade Village Employee Hous'i ng) Dear Chet: I have recejved the Undemiters Laboratories description for Design No. U026 from Mason'i te Corporation; and am forward'ing a copy to you along with some additional information per our conversation of last week. This materia'l verifies that the Masonite spec'ified for Westhaven Apartments is approved by U.L. for use in a one-hour bearing wal1 assembly. If you have any further questions, please contact me. 0urs, MORTER FISHER ARNOLD, AIA RLA: de Encl osures - -rrt f Tm, MASONITE CORPORATIOII I4ay 19, 1982 l4r. Buff Arrpld l4crter, Fisher & Arrold 143 E. lGadovr Drir,eVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Arrold; Enclosed is a copy of Urdervrriters laboratories' Design No. U026 which is a one hor:r fire rated wall design incorlnrating l4asonite brand hardboard siding. I am also sending you a copy of a reportin which 1/2" fi-berboard sheathirg replaced /2" gypsun sheathirqin a one hour wall design Vtre appreciate lour interest in Masonite brand sidirgs. Please feel free to contact us anytine if we can be of any othen senrice. Very truly yours, MASCTiTIIE CORPORATTCN It-- t**-i< R. D. Kesselrirg iJ Pr"oduct Assurance l4anager RDK:gf cc: W. E. Wiederaenders WESTERN HARDBOARD DIVISION 300 FoRD ROAO, UKfAH. CALTFORNTA 95182 (7O7) 162-2961 €;, .t!vooic::Ef $Ei:€i:;:t i!;:iEi'iii;;ig;i- cio r ,;cd-{!;= , '";*.iI;sq i":rioE {ia: i5l gr9€ *E a.6,ii.i"3!:; Ii:p E!;E;5:g --I :i:;c€; E; F.!956-i':iEo?= 5;6,:5: i-q i5 EE;i;!!5g- .'i rj s ";,;3r u' -d i.hr.- rl i r.l!-$ W)W t tt 3 ..' c COioe! IttEe2:9 tl t z 3 t,. '; 9tB(J r9CF'_l :d3(,cE 3l :r-t E!-c;>tsi t; s t .4 .Orr!E :95 EE : ;iiliiii iiiilii,i iE :;i, li i,i ii#fi{iiiq <.irtr' 'a; E! gq;: ;ro.9! 9g o3 'oE a-s! -Pa> :3E€ E ol3iljs ! 3;si &;- :F:gif,og ii:!:-;5,!::.:tg 9sE^ol! !n - c tr. - j6 i:i;!s; !9 -c:ii;E| !-c EFEi e F Eiip- Ee33oT9 .!.S ii:irI P :) I ! E c I Ac I = R;Eo tv)9==-,: (o e:#5 s .eE; 3atr! ao<F o lu 2 Tt c; a9'.t :> ;; -9i6 €6 'i .g.r g :E r 3 eii3:€;€: iit:ii;iii i tg i 3 g is l5:5 5 iii!:1 "=*i:€i:i?i iiii:iii l;i-is;tii !i"l:E; Aii * !i!iii;,:i;ii; - .i ai {'rtd ID <J -|!1.|- ^iF =-l=o5 &,io d= Pozd EEc >-BiI.95 E o2 Ez-d Xo !- eo o);olt;(o:o-xC IJJ t .) , . F.JfootGz'ov {: E ot|.voo-a !, c !.9! i.,i= :.9!!i }E ;!:(J a-t9 !P a: o .:l! rt (\l mmm rn m [ilardboard Sndflrng o Fflre Test One Hour Fire Test on Exterior Wood Walls Using Hardboard Siding Building Codes have varying exterior wall requirements based upon factors such as type of. occupancy in a building, location, and type of construction. Recent changes in code provisions prompted the wood products industry to initiate a test program to develop more economical exterior fire rated assemblies. This brochure describes a fire test of an exterior wall assembly consisting of 7/L6 inch hardboard siding, 1/2 inch fiberboard sheathing, mineral wool insulation batts, wood studs and 5/8 inch type X gypsum board on the interior. In the past, the assembly would require gypsum board or cement plaster on the exterior of the studs to achieve a one-hour fire ratinq. 5/8 " TYPE X GYPSUM WALLBOAND $l POLYETHYLENE FILM WALL CROSS SECTION HARDBOABD SHIPLAP EDGE PANEL SIDING 1t2" FIEERBOABO SHEATHING R.r3MINERALwooL BATTS MID.HEICHTOFWALL ,,-)_ r uu stffi ffitrIEF glffimffilHr,ffitffi Oine-[Icountr Fflre Tfest @m Extcrflcr [Mood [Ma[[s Usfling fiilardbeard Sfldfmg INTRODUCTION On March 17, I8, 19 1981, the Fire Laboratories Division of Warnock Hersey International. lnc., witnessed the construction and testing of a 10'x 10' wood stud partition using hardboard siding. The purpose of the test was to determine if the partition was suitable for a l-hour fire resistance rating when tested in accordance with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) 8119-80' Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials. DESCRIPTION AND MATERIALS The Load Bearing Partition was constructed using 2" x 4" (nominal) wood studs 16" on center, assembled between 2" x 4" top and bottom plates and fastened with two 12d common nails in each end of stud. One side of the partition was faced with a layer ol r/2" Fiberboard Sheathing, applied vertically and fastened to the studs wilh |Vz" galvanized roofing nails spaced 6" on center in the field and 3,, on center on edges. Hardboard Shiplap Edge Panel Siding, 7/16" thickwas rrn gEtffil w mffiffi / { .f-?\ | appliedverticallyovertheFiberboardSheathing.TheHardboardSidingwas fasiened to the studs in accordance with the AHA Application Instructions for Hardboard Siding, Mineral Wool Batts, 3Vz', lhick x |5V2,' wide with a 2'74 lbs,/cu. ft. density were friction fit into the stud cavity' The fire exposed side o{ the partition was faced with a 4 mil thick Polyethylene film stapled to the studs. Then 5/8" thick x 4 It. wide x 10 ft. long Type X Gypsum watluoara was applied vertically and fastened with 6d cement coated box nails 7" on center. The wallboard joints were taped and received one coat of loint compound, The nailheads also received one coat of joint compound' TEST LOAD The partition was loaded to 1,985 lbs. per stud. This loading imposed a working stress of 385 psi perpendicular to the grain' The allowable design stress perpendicularto ihe grain is 385 psi. Thus, the applied load was full allowable design stress. THE FIRE TEST The partition was tested in a furnace meeting the requirements o{ ASTM E119. The test load was applied to the partition using four (4) hydraulic jacks equally spaced and located between the test frame and the lower sill' THE HOSE STREAM TEST After the {ire test, the assembly was removed from the fumace and subjected to the impact, erosion and cooling effects of a hose stream test. As required by ASTM ElTg-7g, the hose stream was applied at a rate of 30 psi for a period o{ 1 minute. The hose nozzle was set twenty feet from the fire tested partition and on a line normal to the partition's center point. Hosing was begun at the center of the partition and slowly moved over the entire area in a zigzag pattern. HOSE STREAM OBSERVATIONS The partition satisfactorily withstood the erosion and cooling effects of the Standard Hose Stream without allowing the passage of the hose stream' The hose stream washed away what remained of the Gypsum wallboard Polyethylene film and the insulation of the wall. The wall continued to support the applied load. CONCLUSIONS This test assembly met the conditions of acceptancefor a one-hour fire endurance rating when tested in accordance with ASTM E119-80. The conditions of urr.f,Iun " were satisfied for both the Fire and Hose Stream tests. The finish rating was 25 minutes. A copy of the complete test report is available on request from the American Hardboard Association. a: i.tA-a l<+,\b 4.rjfr Aboutt IilARDE@ ID[N$G Hardboard siding is a reconstituted wood based building product which has been specially treated to pro- vide excellent long term resistance to weathering when adequately protected by house paint. Hardboard siding is manufactured by many companies, by many different processes and in a variely oI smooth, tex- tured or embossed surfaces. Hardboard siding is sold in three general surface treatments: (1) Unprimed to be stained or otherwise field finished; (2) Factory primed coated to be field finished after installation; (3) Factory preflnished which includes prestained for short term service (1-3 years); prepainted for in- termediate term service (3-5 years); and long term finish for service in excess of five years. Each manufrc- turers warranty must be reviewed, for service expectations on the prefinished products. ' t'- American Hardboard Association . . . The American Hardboard Association is the national trade organization representing manufacturers ol hard- board products used for exterior siding, interior wall paneling, household and commercial {urniture, and in- dustrial and commercial products. The nineteen manufacturing plants of the AHA member companies represent more than 80% of U.S. hardboard shipments. AHA serves as the central clearing house on in- dushy and technical information for architects, builders, contractors, distributors, dealers, government agencies and the general public. The Association is concerned with statistical reports, standard,/specification programs, research activities, building codes, environmental affairs, educational publications, manufactur- ing and safety activities, and governmental relations. The Association also administers a quality conform- ance program for hardboard siding. For additional information and literature, contact: The American Hard- board Association American Hardboard Association 887-8 Wilmette Road Palatine, lllinois 60067 (312) 934-8800 ' Abitibl-Price Corporation P.O. Box 501 Birmingham, Michigan 48012 {313) 649-3300 'Bolse Cascade Corporatlon sDelard Iowers - Jt€. luzS 600 South County Road 18 St. Louis Park, Minnesota 55426 1612\ 545-222r Canadian Forest Products Ltd. 440 Canior Avenue New Westminster, B.C. V3L 3C9 16,041 521-9656 ' Champlon Internatlonal Corpotation Building Products Division One Champion Plaza Stamiord. Connecticut 06921 {203) 358-7000 Evans Products Company 1115 SE Crystal Lake Drive Corvallis, Oregon 97330 {5031 753-1211 'Forest Flber Products Company P.O. Box 68 Forest Grove, Oregon 97116 (503) 357-2131 ' MacMillan Bloedel Buildlng Materials 50 Oak Street Weston. Ontario M9N f Sl @t6t 244-1741 'Masonile Corporation 29 Norih Wacker Drive Chicago, lllino's 60606 B72l 372-5642 Superior Ftber Products, Inc. North Fifth Street & Bayfront Superior, Wisconsin 54880 (715) 392-825r Superwood Corporatlon 14th Avenue West & Watefront Duluth, Minnesota 55802 (278) 727-6897 F 'Iemple-Eastex, Inc. P.O. Drawer N r Dboll, Texas 75941 (713) 829-5511 'Producers of hardboard siding as described in lhis brochure. * DATE f i /,' INSPECTION: JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION: llr#crtoN REQUEsT TOWN OF VAIL TUES WED THUR FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr o tr o tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING O BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS .- tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr FINAL B APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR wi {r'u, '^ tnorAt ---- 4rvaA E COP | ru"oi*"*"" 75 soulh trontage road vail. colorado 8'1557 (303) 47!t-2138 (303) 479-2139 office of community development March 28, 1-991. Mr. Andy NorrisMr. Frank FreyerVail Ventures 1000 S. FrontageVail, Co 81657 RE: Westhaven Condominiums Dear Andy, As we previously discussed, there is growing concern with the currentcondition of the Westhaven property. After speaking with you on Decernber 28, 1,990, you indicated that at this time Vail Ventures isthe owner of the Westhaven/Ruins property and that there were noplans for work on the project. Frank Freyer later indicated that theproject was part of the reorganization plan for the bankruptcyprocedures. At that time, Frank indicated that the Town would besupplied with a plan and explanation of the intended irnprovements tothis project. At this tj-ne, I have not recej.ved any docunentation orresponse to the Town's previous request. The Town is in agreenent with neighboring property owners that someaction needs to be taken to clean up the property. Our departrnentfeels it would be in everyone's best interest if this were to takeplace in the near future. If dernolition of the project is notpossible at this tirne, the Town would suggest extensive landscapingthat would screen the foundations frorn all possible viewing points. The Town is also interested in discussing the possibility of the sitebeinq used for affordable housing. Please contact meTown's concerns.Let's hope we can thank You, as soon as possible with your response to the Thank you for your assistance in this matter.find a nutually acceptable solution. ll'ull'- Town Planner cc: Kevin llcTavish, Millrace and Cold,stream Condominiurns Ron Phillips / Toun council Gary ilurrain 75 louth fronLge md v!ll, colorado 81657 (303) r7$2r38 (3(E) 4792139 olftce ol communlty deYelopment February 27, 1991 Ms. Dianne Harnell-Cohen Harnell-Cohen Associates 295o Rivermeade DriveAtlanta, GA 30327 Re: nesthaven Foundatlons Dear Dianne: Thank you for your letter concerning the Westhaven foundations. Ur. Xefin McTavish did send a letter to the Tohm Council expressing your condoninium association's concern over the appearance of the ioundations. At this time, the Cornmunity Developnent Department has sent a letter to the owners of the site, requesting that they try to improve the appearance of the foundations. we hope that we wiff be lUle to enCourage the owner to at least improve the exterior appearance of the foundations. However, because- the project is having some financial difficulties, it nay be difficult to oUtain these inprovements. The Town staff will try its best to address your concein and, hopefully, arrive at a resolution that is acceptable to the condominium association. If you have any further questions, Please feel free to contact Shelly Mello of the Conrnunity Developrnent Department at 479-2L38. Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention. Sincerely,,l I n ,v.t t/.1l.{fh\ {trKristan PrLtzConnunity Development Director /abcc: }layor Kent Rose and Council Dtembers Ron Phillips, Town ManagerShelly Mello, Town Planner r-f I Ftfi corPY 75 south frontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (3(B) 479-2138 (3Gr) 479-2139 January '7 , L99I Mr. Andy NorrisVail Ventures l-O00 S. FrontageVail, CO 81657 oflice of community development RE: Westhaven Condorniniums / The Ruins Dear Andy, Attached please find a copy of a letter frorn Kevin McTavish on behalfof the Coldstream and Millrace Condominium Associations. After speaking with you on December 28, 1-990, you indicated that at thj-stime Vail Ventures is the owner of the westhaven/Ruins property andthat currently there are no plans for work on the project, The Town is in agireement with the condominiurn associations that soneaction needs to be taken to clean up the rproperty. our departmentfeels it would be in everyone's best j-nterest if this were to iakeplace in the near future. If demolition of the proiect is notpossible at this time, the Town would suggest extensj-ve landscapingthat would screen the foundations from all possible viewing points. The Town is also interested in discussing the possibility of the site bej-ng used for affordable housing. Pl-ease contact me as soon as possible with your response to the Townrs and the condorninium associationsf concerns. I will then pass on the inforrnation to Kevin McTavj-sh. Thank you for your assistancein this matter. Letrs hope we can fi-nd a rnutually acceptablesolution. Thank You, @NQa fvvllA- I Shel1y Mel1o Town Planner cc: Kevin McTavish, Mi-llrace and Coldstream Condomj-nj-ums Ron Phillips / Town CouncilGary Murrain if$s uEC t4\gs0 ITILLRACE @NDOIIIINIUI,I ASSOCIATION AND COLDSTREAIT @NDOIiIINIUU ASSOCIATION 1000 S. Frontage Road W. ' Suite 200Vaill Co 81657 (303) 476-6953 December L2, L990 To: Vail Town Council Ron PhilLips, Town Manager Conmunity Development From: Kevin Mactavish Re: "The Ruinsr Since at least L982t westhaven Apartments--ironically, originallyscheduled for enployee housing--has stood unfinished. It has been called several nanes since, "CIub Condorniniumsr and now nThe Ruins . n On behalf of the Coldstrean and Millrace CondominiumAssociations, this blight on the neighborhood needs attention. We are not sure why the Town has perrnitted this situation topersist as long as it bas, but the time has cone for you to takeaction. Have the developer complete the job ASAP, or have themtear it down and plant some trees. It is unanimously agreed anong over seventy-five property ownersthat this foundation structure has affected property values long enough' and this hasnrt been to increase !hem! It is al.sor andhas always been, unsightly. I department of community development vail, colorado 81657 13031 476s613 May 12, 1982 Morter, Fisher, Arnold, A. I.A. 143 E. Meadow Dr. Vai'l , Colorado 81657 Subject: Gent'l emen : P'lans for above project have been checked and may correction at the Bui'lding Department office, 75 Vai'1. be picked up for South Frontage Rd., this plan check, p'lease contact or 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. Monday l.lesthaven Apartnents Comments and correctjons are noted in red on the p1ans. Please return two sets of corrected plans a1 ong with the checked set upon completion of corrections. Upon approval of p1 ans 2 sets will be stamped approved, l for thejob and I for our fi'les. If there are any questions regarding the undersigned between 8 and 9 a.m. thru Friday. Si ncerely,H4&# Chet Horton Building Inspector CH:df ||flI Project Application Project Name: .1,.'' Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: l- | Legal Description: Lot Comments: Design Review Board t/-n".oate ,P/ '/ /t':--1/ DISAPPROVAL Su m mary: Stalf Approval Slll,i) .loli t,ot' Al)l)lf ljSS L325 'l'lrc I ocut j on of ut. j I i t. j cs , I inos, nnr:;t be allpr.ovcd and accompanyjng sitc pliu). Mountain ljcl I l{estcrn Sl ope Gas Public Sclvice Compurrl, llo) y Cross llIcctric Assoc. Viti I Cabl e T. V. Uppcr [aglc Valley l{atc} and Sanitation Distr.ict Desiqn District SD4 Col orado l;t.: I11;1 i1t 1 t',,,,t- t lt r-. f'ol loru'ing |.i rt t, :; or proposed ut ri litics lior rhc NOTE: These vcrifj.cations <lo not rcl .i cvc tltc cotltlactor. of his responsibilitl' to obtain a stlc(:t crrt pcrniit flrorn tlte Town of Vai 1, l)cpartirrnt o.f l)trbl ic li,.r lk s and to obtlin utifity locatior.rs before digging in any public r:ight- of -way ot' c?rscnent jn the 'l'ornr of Vai I . A buil ding lrerrnit rs not a street cut permit obtainccl :i()l);lratcly. .4 st l'cct crrt pcImi f nust bc 'l'his folru .i.s to vcrify scr't,jt:c :rv:ril;rblity ancl .l ocirtion. This shcrul d be uscd in corr.i trrrr:tiotr u itir Prrrlxrlitr! ),our ut.i I ity 1;lrrn nrrd schcrlrrrl inll irr:.t:rIIIrI iorl:',. ,- ENGINEERING CHEiK LIST Subdivision Lot Bl ock Filing 1- Submittal Items (A) Topo MaP (B) Site Plan(c) utility Plan (D) Title RePort(ii sruoiu'ision Agreement (jf appiicaule) 2. Enqjneering Requirements- (Acceptable) (llot AccePtab'le) -"/ __;z_,*.8 - o , xtlelrsft'.c Errta< 3. Sou rce of Uii 'l i ti es 1CI ectr as e'i.Je r a -Ler el epli lf .[. t. ,'an4', E6*t'f F.raa @ Approved: Disapproved: Departr,ini of Bil I Arrdrcr,:s PutrtIc Worfs r..,1.* lri l,r.i l; .r Ii, \'.,' '.. l:a :; c i:r Soffi rs It'i lr rlll;s ljinti,r:: 'i r. j n IJo o r'.s l)oor i :'i r,r llan<l o: i).,c1. 1.,:ril s F I tr<.-s S tucco !.'r t(r1' AEP zrruc 6.eftyB-!l lt_:up ,gravel --- Dafb Gray__ lruelh lsarg tig-ilq ___ _ _.1:-g!!. gl.y__ Standinq sedm metal roof Dar.k -e.ry.1 uhi te Meta I Dark Gray Smooth board sidinq Li ght Gray Wood clad hfh i te Wood l.Jh i te Wood solid core }Jhite Wood Whi te lletal Tube l4eta I Dark Gray Dark Gray f""ryt rl 72,q?..J ,U,t "iLLASr Viarch 22, 1e82 ., 20 Unit Emoloyee Housinq pro-iect for Cascade Villaqe 1325 Westhaven Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Flas)r i:,1;s Clt i Ll,, r'r -s 'l'ra s lr l.:::.1 ii:. u ).r..s Gr'C''.'trir, ::: i.jr Ot lr t'r. u. LAUDSCnp;lit; llame of Designer: CHNMB C.M.U. w/stucco Metal Dark Gray l.lh i te phcne: Pl4irl_ r.'1lT_r.,ltj.:L! 82 I - 3500 litd!.ul!a_l l:,.__ Piesa-lugens.__ _Ptgea__Purtge-ts _ _"Glauca" Co:; .,tr; e-ol orado Spr_uce C-o l_orO_do -91ue- Spruce S_ee__l andscape pl on*forsize and quantity. S rzc I HitS Pop_q !qs -Trenu I o i d-es Agpen Coloneaster Api cul ata . Physgcqlpus Monogynus Rhus _Gl abra Ci snrontana Spiraea Nipponica C_ranberry Co,tonea s ter llounta'i n Ni ne Bark -Ro_gky .l'lounta i n Sn:oth Sumac Snor',rrcund Dlre rf Sc irea lil?:'5; - \H_qIP-t e Lea r rrtunei l,Ji ntercree_oer) See landscape olan Mahoni a Repens-- (Creep-n9 Mahonia) SIED *_B-Iueq1q1s_q5_: _(&qIp[i_, _Fyl t.,i n-q, _and B_alrqrl___ _ TYPi 10i,_ T jmothy_, lQ._ Key Bl ueqrlass : !,,',1; Fir.:1,:lGt : '-t',i.','t See landscaOe plan 50 J-bs/acre- See landscape plan TYPi OT tiilGATl0:i 1O-._lla1c!.91_ lfo'lq, I 5' _Creep i Lq 8eq l._'Lg:_ 19__Iq.!g'f lo*Eil, 1!. clqyer, 10', Ledak Al fa lfa, 10., Croi.rn Vetch sprinkl€.r-qr dni p-irriqalion-systems;t_a,u..soddad an_d..ol-anre_o-areas. TYPt 0ii i:! iIi0i tit0s I c:l ci:,Ti.i [qsq]ati qr_ ) it l!.-.c t : !u. larrdscale pl an- stJi,l)tvIStoii [.lestern oortion of Area "A", Special Desjqn District SD4 NAtlrl l,.lesthaven Apartments.l0ll r,0i'BLOCK lj I l,I.\ (; AIJDIII]SS 1325 ldesthaven Drive Vail, Colorado 'l'hc 1ocati.on J incs, ltust accompanyrng of rrt. j i i f i cs, whcthcr tlrcy Lrr; nrlin 1 r'rurk be approvc.d and vcrjficd iry thc followjngsitc p1iLn. l inrs or proyrosedutilitics for the Authorizcd !Uno1l,t_S Dat e Mountai.n Bcl l t/Nestcrn Slopc Gas . Public Service Company lloly Cross lll ectric Assoc. Vail Cablc T.V. Upper Eaglc Val 1ey lrJater and Sani-tation Dis t r.i ct ,a' ^----/19-:J.lnZt'lstze/{/e-. A: s--3>-- NO'|E: These verifications do not rclicvc the contractor. of his responsibility to obtain a stt'ect cut permit from the 'lorvn of Vail , Dcpartinent of Publ ic liolks and to obtain util'ity locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easemetrt in the I'orvn of Vail, A building pernit is not a street cut pernit obtained scparately, A stl'cet cut permit nust be This form is to verify servicc avrrilablity ancl location. This should be used in conjrurc.tion rsith prcpar.itrg )'our utility plan ancl schcclulitrg j,rr s t i: I I a t j on s . oo \ltestern Slope Gas Compa ny I planner 598. 2- I*lansfield, Ltd- will provide wsrco" \^'i th line based upon tlre new as-built survey' 3. Western Slope Gas Conpany wiD Quit Clairn to Mansfield, LtCl. as recorded in Book I97 at Page a new 25' easement for the PiP:- the original PiPeline easbinent 1I1 ' Eagle County, Colorado. ,.' 4. Mansfield, Ltd. agrees to sign wscco' License Agreements crossings anit a temporary retaining wall during construction' for any piBeline 5. Hansfield, Ltd. agrees to contact the WSGCo ' 468-2529, prior to any construction near the pipeline trith the conditions 1isted above, l{estern feels a be rnaintained. It there are further guestions regarding this proposed developrnent, please let me know. Very tru1Y Yours, WESTERN Si.OPE GAS COI'IPANY/ ./, n 4:A/*(-,{.;!*t Right-of:!fay Agent LLR:plf cc: Hansfield, Ltd- oo ()nc Park Cenlral - lsls P. O. Box 840 Denver January 29, Mr. Bill Andreus, Engineer Toun of Vail. Box 1O0 Vail, colorado 81657 Re: cascade village,/l:ansfiel{r Ltd- Dear Bi 11: western Slo;le Gas Company has been working directly sith the owner and on the above referenced ProPosal. After a review of the Cascade Village plan as it affects l'!'estern SloPe Gas Co'' facilities, it has been determined that the pipeline easement, ?s recordedl iir fagle county, colorado, does not conflict with the ProPoseil building Ptans; houever' tlrc Western Slope pipeli* ao"t cross the property in another location' 1' fo COrrgct tlr;;;; ;i;;;-;i;"1i"" d-o"r "ro.= the property in a"otr,er rocati-ot. l' To correct tlre problem and for the protection of tfr. pip"fitl, Nansfield, Ltd- hasiagredd toithe l following conditions: +. :I .{,,;}iin s f idlal, : Ltd j*a-ii?e€S-=t o-survey,-' at- i t€ :expen se t piri.ti";"";;;;i^i;";ii"r-i=-r"cated by ioscco. peisonnet. rhe as-built survev will - - r ----l---- EOr r:;"-;;-;";;-;;; lit=.ir," wscco. pipeline survey shown on plat sheet numbers 59A and division office in Silverthorne, easement. compatible relationshiP can I N,-. Project Name: Project Description: Project Application Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Block Filing , Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded ay: DO l'llrt i;i4 Patlatxea-\ --=.-nppnovnA oH LY +-+< / \_-_-_----/ DISAPPROVAL A aS 7f d tro'-,t - (<t4-<-6trz at,.-\ Su m mary: E statt Approval ' 1.t:; i,.l I ril; (,1: WESTHAVEN loli: l,,l o f,l'o.,1.i. i 20 J Ii I:.,, CASC.VILLAGE Unit Emoloyee Housinq Project for Cascade Villaqe 'llrt' I'ollr,t.'i1" i.trl.9rr:i:rt isrr i..llolrrtl lx.lrrrr: it J-ir1r I itpp1.r,y.1l /\. llllll.lrli{(; i1f.l'l:l{lAl,S Ilc.ro f Siding 0 Llt r,. r' l','a I I lulrtcri als Fasc ilr Soffi. t s lYindor,rs I,/indovr 1'ri.rn Doors Door'l'rirn lian<! or Dcck l{ai 1 s Flues Flash j ngs Chinn e1,s l'raslr ]jnc] osures Grccnirorrs cs 0tire r. B. LANDSCAPING Narne of Designer:phone : PLANT MATERIALS TRI ES Spiraea Nipponica t r'r1tliIrrrl f'1r1' .;,ilri:rr1 l;r I ir)' i itt: ir|1rl j, ;1111 t.o tlrC l)t::; ir:t llt.Vj.clv,,,rtr Ir(: 1;iVcrr: -]fltt:_ql l''t itr:r.il_t ()olgr B_uill-_up_ grayel._- _ _ fq99!!_E9l!._11_q.itg --___ .- Ljqht Gray Standinq seam metal roof Dark Gray Stucco White Meta I Dark Gray Smooth board sidinq Lioht Gray l,lood cl.ad. - Wood t^lh i te Whi te Wood. solid core l,lood |rlh i te Whi te l{etal Tube Dark Gray l4etal Dark Gray Metal Dark Gray C.M.U. w/stucco llh i te CHNMB-T4i-sl-r21-_3300_- Sotanical Nanlcr Conrnrorr.l'larle_ eol s r.a-d,o- -S_p-t"J_c e*. Colora{q Blue Spruce Picea Punge[s_*_ ffeeq_Punlels_- "Gl auca " _P.:og{L!.8_I:g[U]_qr_des ASgel_ Co_toneas ter lp i cu 1 a ta _llylqgsryqq Monogynus Rhus Glabra Cismontana 0uarrti-ty_ !!ae_ ..See lan_dscape plan forsize and quantjty.- -Cy_qn ! e_q ry. Co ton e a s te r Snowmound Dwarf Spirea SIIRI.IDS - .'.^r:"rTYe9lMnei'uo I oratus ' s,), r (r0r /\(ir, see--la1!5cape olan _Jl_qrple _L-e.f_ _[i[s r: c r-e.e11'e_d_ _ - _ Mahonia Repens-T Citrepi n !i -MaTrbh'i a I SOD SEED _A_l_UeS&gs.€5_:_(Adel phi . FyI ki ng and __ TYPE 10% Timothy, 10% Key Blueqrass 20% Manchow Brome, 15jU Creeping Red Fescue, 10% Meadow Foxtail, 15% Clover, 10% Ledak Alfalfa, t0% Crown Vetch SQUARE FOOTAGr See I andscane pl an SQUARE FOOTAGE 25 | hs/acre See landscape plan TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR I"IETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. 0ther Landscape Featurcs (reta'i ning wa1is, fenccs, srvinunjng prools, etc.) Pleasc specify. See landscape plan. Vt/6r&r/af @ taD^/U ftc, ,%er6 3o tu(oav?zz urafl 6rf -'-/q' /?44{ - 6o' Fen heaYu'Yg/f , /%r-?/i/ EltUhte5 jo dN/75 7,rz / fir+L zerzszl ilcuroel /t/r"p 2D /o /o dx/ry/ Hn, Z E/z/rla rE- ,/egZ u//r ?_ 8 y"( u,{/T@Z-7 /o ,*TzutetArunno4r 4Z*t // t 4oo kzav€ 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ofllce of communlty development March 7, .|984 Hyder Construction 4850 Jackson Street Denver, Colorado, 80216 RE: Building Permit #1043 l,lesthaven APartments Gentl emen, We have checked our records, and they indicate that the above referenced building permjt has expired. You have had no activity on thjs permit for ovei iaO Oays ( date of last inspection B/1,6/82), therefore' your permit has expired. Before you can resume work on the project you must contact this office for a new building Permit. Please contact thjs offjce fjfteen days from the date of this not'ice to inform us on the progress of thjs project. Failure to reply will result in further action. Si ncerely, a)tzt'L//?ot'Gary Murfain I,4*--- Building Inspector GM/rme