HomeMy WebLinkAboutMillrace Condos CommonI F,iE r]O,p;n Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r38 FAX 974-479-2452 May 19,2000 Mr. David Nudell P.O. Box 3715 Eagle, CO 81631 SENT VIA FACSIMILE, E-MAILAND U.S. MAIL Re: Cascade Viltage / Special Development District#4 (SDD #4) Dear David: This letter will summarize our conversation this morning regarding the above-referenced property. Following is a descripiion of the procedural requirements for a change in use from restaurant to office space within SDD #4. Pursuant to Section 12-9A-2, Town of Vail Gode, any proposal to change uses, increase gross residential floor area, or change the number of dwelling units within an approved special development district shall constitute a "Major SDD Amendment." Major amendment procedures are as outlined in Section 12-94-10, Town of Vail Code (attached). The process usually involves at least two meetings (each) with both the Planning and Environmental Commission and Vail Town Council. lf you would like to discuss this matter in greater detail, please do not hesitate to contact me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, P=*-'*-a-e-..---- t Brent Wilson. Planner ll {p *uno"r ror"" Questicns? Cail the tn,nn Staff at 479-?138 sPECTAL DEVELOPMENT DTSTRTCT (SDD) suBMrTTAt_ R.EQUTREMENTS This application is ior any projec rhat is acarving for a new SDD, or making an amendment to an existing SDD. I. DEFINI-JCNS Maior.Amendment - AnY lrooosal ic cnange uses; increase gross residential floor area; change the number- of Cweiling or acccmmocation Jnits; modify, enlarge or expand any approvec Speciai Development Distncts. Minor Arnendment - Mooificaticns io buiiding plans, site or landscape plans that do not alter the basic intent and character of the approved special development district, and are consistent with the design o1teria for speciai devebpment districts. Minor amendments may include, but noi be iimited to, variations of nct more than five feet to approved setbacxs and/or building footorints; changes to landscape or site plans that do not adverseiy ,mpact pedestrian olrehicuiar cjrculation throughout the Special Development Districl; or cnanges io gross floor area (excluding residential uses), of not more than five percent (596) of the approved square footage of retaii, office, common areas and other non-residential floor area. PRE-APPL]CATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with e planning staff rnember is strongly encouraged. No application can be accepted unless it is compiete. It is the applicanfs responsibility to make an appointment with the staffto determine additional submittal reouirements. SUBMITIAL REOUIREUENTS tr FEE: $1,500.00 - Estabiisnment of a SDD $1,000.00 - Malor Amendment$ 200.00 - Minor Amendment The fee must be paid at lhe time of submittal. r stamced, addressed envelopes and a iist of the names and mailing addresses of all properW owners adjacent io the subject propefi, including properties behind' and across sfeets" The :pplicant is responsible tor correct names and mailing adciresses. This information is avaiiabie from the Eagie County Assessor's office. X A massing modei Jepicting ihe prooosed cievelopment in reiationship to development on adjacenr parcels. t Ii. uI. I Fcur (.i]i ccoies of ihe ioilalyllo: r r-l i-1 n - l-_. 'A surve'/ siamped b'r a iic:nsec surveyor ndic3rlng exrsting condit:ons ri the:rcoery :o be inclucec in rhe soecja: Jevelopmert disirrct, to incluoe in location of improvements, exisiiirg ccntour iines, :atural features, existing vegetaiion, water courses. end Del'rmerei- propeiq lines of ihe parcel. A vicinity plan ihcwing ilre proposec improvenrents in relation to atl aojacent :ropefties at 3 scaie nc; smaller than 1"=10'. A proposed site pian. at e scale nctsmailerthan 1" = 20', showing ihe aoprcximate iocations ano dimensions of atl buildings and strucures, uses ther.ejn, and ail princrpal site de'/elopment feetures, such is iandscaped areas, ,,valkways, service entries, dnvewa'/s, and off-streer parking ;nd loading areas with proposed contours arter grading and site ie'/eioprent; A preliminary ianciscaoe pian, at a sc=ie not smailer than 1" = 20', showing existing landscapei features to be |etained 0r i-emoved, and showing proposed landscaping and landscaped site cevelopment features, such as outdoor recreEtronal facilities, bike paths and trails, pedestrian plazas and walkways, water fe:tures and cther elements. An open space and reci'eational pian sufficient to meet the demands generateC by the de'reiopment withour undo burcen on available or proposec public facilities; Prelirninary buiiding eievations, :ections ancj flcor plans, at a scale not smaller than one-eighth equals one foot, 1n sufficjent detaii to determine floor area, gross residential flccr area, interior circulation. iocations of uses within buiidings, and general scaie and appe3rance of the proposed development. A .cmplete set of plans depictjng existing ccnditions of tie parcel (site plan, flocr plans, elevarions), if applicabie. A complete zoning anaiysis of ex'sting and propcsed de..relopment ro include a square fcotage l:reakdown cf ail proposed uses, parking provided, and proposed densities. A written statement describing the nature cf the prolect to include information on proposed uses, densities, nafure of the de'relopment proposed, contemplated ownership patterns and phasing illans, and a state.rnent ouflining how and where the proposed lerrelopment deviates from the oeveiopment standards prescribed in the property's underlying zone district. Photo overiays and/or other acceptable techniques for demonstrating a visuai analysis of the proposed develcpment in relationship to existing conditions. An Environmental Impacl Report shall be submitted to the Administrator in accordance with Chapter :8.55 hereof unless waived by Section 18.56.030, exempt projecE. I n J -hrr lhal_1 Additional informatjon or materiai as deemed necessary Adminisiratcr, PLEASE NOTETHAT ONLY COMPLETE APPL]CANONS CAN tsE ACCEPTED. ALL CF THE REQUIRED INFORMATION rqusr BE SUBMITTED IN ORDER FoR THIS AppucATjrtN To BE DEEMED COMPLETE. TIME REOUIREMENTS A' The Planning and En'/ironmental Commission meets on the znd and ,+th lvlindays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying matenar (as described above) must be accepted by the community Deveiopment Department by the appropriate submittai date, which is a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC nublic hearing. Incomplete applications (as determinec cr/ the planning staft will not be accepted. B. PEC approval shall lapse if construction is not commenced within hvo veers cf ihe date of approval and diligenuy pursued to completion. ADDMONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. if this application requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agerry other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Depaftrnent of Highway Access permits, Arrny Corps of Engineers 404, etc. B. The applicant shall 0e responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50o/o of the application fee. If, at the applicanfs request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-pubiication shall be paid by the applicant. C. Applications deemed by the Community Development Department to have ciesiEn, iand use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require re.riew by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town $aff that an outside consultant is neeCed, the Community Development Department mav hire the consultant. The Deparunent shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay $re consuttant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by rhe applicant at the time cf filing an applicaUon. Expenses incurred by the Town in qcess of the amount fonvarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town, Any $(cess funds will be retumed to i}re applicant upon review completion. VI, 12-94-10: AMENDMENT PROCEDURES: A" Minor Amendments: 1 . Minor modifications consistent with the design criteria outlined in subsection 12-9A-2 (definition of "minor amendment") of this Article, may be approved by the Depa(ment of Community Development. All minor modifications shall be indicated on a completely revised development plan. Approved changes shall be noted, signed, dated and filed by the Department of Community Development. 2. Notification of a proposed minor amendment, and a report of staff action of said request, shall be provided to all property owners within or adjacent to ihe special development district that may be affected by the amendment. Affected properties shall be as determined by the Department of Community Development. Notifications shall be postmarked no later than five (5) days following staff action on the amendment request and shall include a brief statement describing the amendment and the time and date of when the Planning and Environmental Commission will be informed of the staff decision. In all cases the report to lhe Planning and Environmental Commission shall be made within twenty (20) days from the date of the staffs decision on the requested amendment. 3. Appeals of staff decisions may be filed by adjacent property owners, owners of property wiihin the special developmenl district, the applicant, Planning and Environmental Commission members or members of the Town Council as outlined in Section 12-3-3 of this Title. B. MajorAmendments: 1. Requests for major amendments to an approved special development district shall be reviewed in accordance with the procedures described in Section 12-9A4 of this Article. 2. Owners of all property requesting the amendment, or their agenls or aulhorized representatives, shall sign the application. Notification of the proposed amendment shall be made to owners of all property adjacent to the property requesting the proposed amendment, owners of all property ad.iacent to the special development district, and owners of all prope$ within the special development district that may be affected by the proposed amendment (as determined by the Department of Community Development). Notification procedures shall be as outlined in subsection 12-3-6C of this Title. (Ord. 21(1e88)S 1) 1 2-94-4: DEVELOPMENT REVI EW PROCEDURES: A. Approval Of Plan Required: Prior to site preparation, building construction, or other improvements to land within a special development district, there shall be an approved development plan for said District. The approved development plan shall establish requirements regulating development, uses and activity within a special development district. B. Pre-Application Conference: Prior to submittal of a formal application for a special development district, the applicant shall hold a preapplication conference with the Department of Community Development. The purpose of this meeting shall be to discuss the goals of the proposed special development district, the relationship of the proposal to applicable elements of the Town's Master Plan, and the review procedure that will be followed for the application. C. PEC Conducts Initial Review: The initial review of a proposed special development district shall be held by the Planning and Environmental Commission at a regularly scheduled meeting. Prior to this meeting, and at the discretion of the Administrator, a work session may be held with the applicant, staff and the Planning and Environmental Commission to discuss special development district. A report of the Department of Community Development staffs flndings and recommendations shall be made at the initial formal hearing before the Planning and Environmental Commission. A repoh of the Planning and Environmental Commission stating its findings and recommendations, and the staff report shall then be transmitted to the Town Council in accordance with lhe applicable provisions of Section 12-16-6 of this Title. The Town Council shall consider the special development district in accordance with the provision of subsections 12-3-7D through G of this Title. (Ord. 21(1 9S8) S 1 ) 1 2-94-5: SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS: A. Information And Materials Required: The following information and materials shall be submitted with the initial application for a special development district. Certain submittal requirements may be waived or modified by the Department of Community Development if it is demonstrated that the material to be waived or modified is not applicable to the design criteria (Section 12-94-8 of this Article), or other practical solutions have been reached: 1. Application form and filing fee. 2. A written statement describing the nature of the project to include information on proposed uses, densities, nature of the development proposed, contemplated ownership patterns and phasing plans, and a statement outlining how and where the proposed development deviates from the development standards prescribed in the property's underlying zone district. 3. A survey stamped by a licensed surveyor indicating existing conditions of the property to be included in the special development district, to include the location of improvements, existing contour lines, natural features, existing vegetation, watercourses, and perimeter property lines of the parcel. 4. A complete set of plans depicting existing conditions of the parcel (site plan, floor plans, elevations), if applicable. 5. A complete zoning analysis of existing and proposed development to include a square footage breakdown of all proposed useS, parking provided, and proposed densities. 6. Proposed site plan at a scale not smaller than one inch equals twenty feet (1" = 20'), showing the approximate locations and dimensions of all buildings and structures and all principal site development features. 7. Preliminary building elevations, sections and floor plans at a scale not smaller than one-eighth inch equals one foot (1i8" = l') in sufficient detail to determine floor area, circulation, location of uses, and general scale and appearance of the proposed development. 8. A vicinity plan showing the proposed improvements in relation to all adjacent properties at a scale not smaller than one inch equals fifty feet (1" = 50'). 9. Photo overlays and/or other acceptable techniques for demonstrating a visual analysis of the proposed development in relationship to existing conditions. 10. A massing model depicting the proposed development in relationship to development on adjacent parcels. 11. A preliminary landscape plan at a scale not smaller than one inch equals twenty feet (1" = 20'), showing existing landscape features to be retained and removed, proposed landscaping and landscaped site development features such as recreation facilities, bike paths and trails, pedestrian plazas and walkways, water features and other elements. 12. Environmental impact report in accordance with Chapter 12 of this Title, unless waived by Section 12-12-3 of this Title. 13. Any additional information or material as deemed necessary by the Director of the Department of Community Development. B. Copies Submitted To Town Officials: With the exception of the massing model, four (4) complete copies of the above information shall be submitted with an application for a special development district. At the discretion of the Administrator, reduced copies in eight and one-half inch by eleven inch (81 /2" x 1'1 ") format of all of the above information and additional copies for distribution to the Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council may be required. (Ord. 21(1988) g 1) 1 2-94-6: DEVELOPMENT PLAN: An approved development plan is the principal document in guiding the development, uses and activities of a special development district. A development plan shall be approved by ordinance by the Town Council in conjunction with the review and approval of any special development district. The development plan shall be comprised of materials submitted in accordance with Section 12-94-5 of this Article. The development plan shall contiain all relevant material and information necessary to establish the parameters with which the special development district shall develop. The development plan may consist of, but not be limited to, the approved site plan, floor plans, building sections and elevations, vicinity plan, parking plan, preliminary open space/landscape plan, denSities and permitted, conditional and accessory uses. (Ord. 21(1988) g 1) 12-9A-7: USES: Determination of permitted, conditional and accessory uses shall be made by the Planning and Environmental Commission and Town Council as a part of the formal review of the proposed development plan. Unless further restricted through the review of the proposed special development district, permitted, conditional and accessory uses shall be limited to those permitted, conditional and accessory uses in a property's underlying zone district. Under certain conditions, commercial uses may be permitted in residential special development districts it in the opinion of the Town Council, such uses are primarily for the service and convenience of the residents of the development and the immediate neighborhood. Such uses, if any, shall not change or destroy the predominantly residential character of the special development district. The amount of area and type of such uses, if any, to be allowed in a residential special development district shall be established by the Town Council as a part of the approved development plan. (Ord. 21 (1 988) S 1 ) 12-94-8: DESIGN CRITERIA: The following design criteria shall be used as the principal criteria in evaluating the merits of the proposed special development district. lt shall be the burden of the applicant to demonstrate that submittal material and the proposed development plan comply with each of the following standards, or demonstrate that one or more of them is not applicable, or that a practical solution consistent with the public interest has been achieved: A. Compatibility: Design compatlbility and sensitivity to the immediate environment, neighborhood and adjacent properties relative to architectural design, scale, bulk, building height, bufferzones, identity, characler, visual integrity and orientation. B. Relationship: Uses, activity and density which provide a compatible, efficient and workable relationship with surrounding uses and activity. C. Parking And Loading: Compliance with parking and loading requirements as outlined in Chapter 10 of this Title. D. Comprehensive Plan: Conformity with applicable elements of the Vail Comprehensive Plan, Town policies and urban design plans" E. Natural And/Or Geologic Hazard: ldentification and mitigation of natural and/or geologic hazards that affect the property on which the special development district is proposed. F. Design Features: Site plan, building design and location and open space provisions designed to produce a functional development responsive and sensitive to natural features, vegetation and overall aesthetic quality of the community. G. Traffic: A circulation system designed for both vehicles and pedestrians addressing on and off-site traffic circulation. H. Landscaping: Functional and aesthetic landscaping and open space in order to optimize and preserve natural features, recreation, views and function. l. Workable Plan; Phasing plan or subdivision plan that will maintain a workable, functional and efficient relationship throughout the development of the special development district. (Ord. 21(1 988) $ 1 ) 1 2-94-9: DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS: Development standards including lot area, site dimensions, setbacks, height, density control, site coverages, landscaping and parking shall be determined by the Town Council as part of the approved development plan with consideration of the recommendations of the Planning and Environmental Commission. Before the Town Council approves development standards that deviate from the underlying zone district, it should be determined that such deviation provides benefits to the Town that outweigh. the adverse effects of such deviation. This determination is to be made based on evaluation of the proposed special development district's compliance with the design criteria outlined in Section 12-94-8 of this Article. (Ord. 21(1988) I 1) Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 March 2, 2000 Bill Kanowsky Prudential Gore Range Properties SENT VIA FACSIMILE Re: Cascade Village / Special Development District #4 (SDD #4) Dear Bill: This letter will summarize our conversalion this afternoon regarding the above- referenced property. Following is a description of the procedural requirements for a change in use from commercial floor area to gross residential floor area within SDD #4. Pursuant to Section 12-gA-2, Town of Vail Code, any proposal to change uses, increase gross residential floor area, or change the number of dwelling units within an approved special development district shall constitute a "Major SDD Amendment." Major amendment procedures are as outlined in Section 1 2-94-10, Town of Vail Code (attached). The process usually involves at least two meetings (each) with both the Planning and Environmental Commission and Vail Town Council. lf you would like to discuss this matter in greater detail, please do not hesitate to contact me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, 19*--.*r (/,-1- Brent Wilson, Planner ll {p """t"uo 'oo'* '4 V' I t4j+2 C*ca"k* tr 4 /-nL7 o , fu-c 7 TTMES TSSUEDoa/04/ree7 oB /o4 /reejot /3t / reeB TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 97 0-4'19-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST aoo/er_,t MF BUrLD Job Addressl 1320 WESTHAVEN DRLocation. .. I MIL,LRACE CONDOSparcel llo. . l--ffiffii-11-oooProject No. I PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920 | AVON CO 81620 PI-,ATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81620 MILLRACE CONDO ASSOCIATION BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE AT ALL PERMIT Permit *. 897-0246 Status. . .AppIied..Issued...Expires. . APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: REROOF Phone: 9709491905 Phone: 9709491905 Phone I 970-476-6106 Occupancyi RlType Construction: V 1-HRType Occupancy: MuIti-F amily Type V 1-Hour Valuation: Fireptace Information: Restricted: Plan Check---) 100.75 Investigation> !,i l,L cal. L----> Add Sq Ft: fof Gas Logs:#Of Gas App[ i ances: DECLARATIONS IO | 32t flof !ood/PaL l,et: **********Jr*****-t*********ffi******************rt**********tr* FEE SUttllARY **i**************************xa*************************** Bui td'ing----->155.00 .00 Totat Catculated Fees--->Restuarant PLan Revi e!,--> DRB Fee--------,00 AdditionaL Fees--------->.O0 Recreatioh Fee----------> C I,ean-Up 0eposi t-------->.00 100.00 Payments------- TotaI Permit Fee--------) 358.75 .00 358.753.00 ******r******'r******r******************lllll*lii.l;;;;;;;;;;;*i*i**********iihli-***?lillli-lll;;;;;;;iiiiiii************ill*** rte.m: .05100_EVrLDrNc DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:eg/04/\s_97_cHARLTE' AaEi6;i: EpFn cHenLrE DAViF-'rt'em:' 05400_PLANNING DEPARTMEN!_ , -- -- Dept! PLANNTNc Divisionr08/O4/1997 CHARLIE A.Eion; APFR N,/AIte{r;-,g5qq0^EIRE DEPARTMENT Depr: FrRE Division:0B/04/1997 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/Artem:' 05500^pUBLrC WORKS ____ _':_ Dept: puB woRK Division:08/04/7997 CHARTJTE Actj_on: AppR N/A ********************i************************************************************************************************************* see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. I hereby acknoutedge that I have read this apptication, fiLLed out in futt the infonmation reouiped.pl'an, and state that att the information provided as required is correct. r agree to "omptv.rljitr ifi"completed to -compty Hith aLL Toun ordinances _and state-Laws, and to buiLd this stnucture according iri{" io""icodes, design review approved, unifopm Buitding code and other ordinances of the r*",i6iip46\" i REauEsrs FoR INsPEcrIoNs sHALL BE t{AoE T!,E}try-FouR HouRs rN ADVANcE By reLeptote erl429- an ion and accurate ptot and ptot p [an, subdi vi sion Send Cl.ean-Up Deposit To: PLATH CONSTRUCTION TURE rng H I}lSELF ***************************************************************************tr**** CONDITIONSPermit #1 897-0245 as of 08/05/9? Status: IssuED******************************************************************************** Perrnit.Type! ADD/ALT MF BUILD pERMrr Applied: 08/04/1997Applj-cant: PLATH CONSTRUCTION risuedl. OA'/04'/Igg7e?09491_905 To Expire t Or/3r'/1,ssT Job Address:Localion: MII,LRACE CONDOSParcel No: 2L03-l2I-1 1-000 Description: REROOF Condi-tions:1. FIELD INSPECT]ONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQU]RED BETORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. * *,* * * * *.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOWI\ OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************tr************************************************* Statemnt Number: REC-0308 Amount: 358.75 0B/OS/97 11:44Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #19882 lhit: CD 358.7s **************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Si-te Address:Location: This Payment Account Code01 0000 41"31-001 0000 4133201 0000 2200201 0000 41336 897-0246 Type: A-MF2703-1"2I- 1l_-0 0 0 ].320 WESTHAVEN DR MIIJLRACE CONDOS ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER 358.7s 358.75 .00 Amount 155.00 100.75 100.00 3.00 . Total Fees:Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE TOI,{i,f OF' VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 97 0- 47 9 -21,38 APPI-,ICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Descrj-ption: REROOF Bui Ldi ng-----> Ptan Check---> Invest'i gat i on>tliLL catL----> 155.00 100.75 3.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT ADD/ALT MF MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AI,IJ BUILD PERMIT Permit *: P-97_0246 Status. . .epplied..Issued...Expires. . ISSUED 08/04 /res't08/04/t,ee7 01/3r / reeB TIMES accurate ptot and p[ot ptan. subdi vi si on Job AddressLocation...Parcel No..Project No. PI,ATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81620 PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920t AVON CO 8l-620 MILLRACE CONDO ASSOCIATION 1320 WESTHAVEFT DR MILLRACE CONDOS2lo3-L2 L-11-000 Occupancy: R1 Multi-FamilyType Construction: V 1-HR Type V l-HourType Occupancy: VaLuation: L0,321 Add Sq Ft: Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--> DRB Fee--------.00 Recreation Fee---------->.00 Additionat Fees---------> -0O Phone: 9709491905 Phone: 9709491905 Phone: 970-476-6106 TotaL Catcutated Fees---> 35E- 75 TotaI Permit Fee--------> F i reptace Information: Restr'icted:dof Gas App I iances:dof cas Logs:fof Uood/PaL l.et: t********************************tr************************* FEE SUI'tt4ARy *****-******************************rrJr***********t********* .00 C Iean-t p Deposi t--------> TOTAL fEES.---. 358.75 358.75 EALANCE DUE---- .00 100.00 358.75**************t*************************************************i***************************************************************** Items .05100 qUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:99/04/!997_CHARLTE- AAEiont -Appn cnanlrE DAtiS-IIeM:. O54OO-PLANNING DEPARTMPNT- -,- _-- _-'N6[t: PLANNING DiViSiON:08/04/1997 cHARtrE- -AcEioni AppR N,/AItEm:' O56OO -FIRE DEPARTMENoB/04/L997 CHARLTE--Actionl AppR N,/AItem:'05500_PUBLIC WORKS ,-__ --',- Dept: pUB WORK Division:o8/o4/1997 CHARr_,rE acLion: AppR N/A ****************************************************************|H********************i******************************************* see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. I. hereby .acknolrtedge that r have read.this app[ication/ f il,l,ed out in ful,l. the information requp[an, and state that atl the information provided as riquired is correct. I agree to i.rpti,,r]jto -Gompty with al'l' Toun ordinances and state Laws, and to buil.d this structure accordino !codes, design review approved, uniform Building code and other ordinances of the rown ai6[ DECLARATIONS REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I,IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEIEPHOHC EI479- jled, completedth the i D,f6rmat an ion and IO. oFt Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: PLATH CONSTRUCTION Town 'rng H II.IS ELF ********n*************************************************t(********************* CONDITTONSPermit +t 897-0246 as of OB/05/97 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** PCrMiI-TYPE: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT APPliCd: OB/04/!gg.IApplicant: PLATH CONSTRUCTION Iisued: OB'/O4'/Igg797o949t905 To Expire z oI'/3t'/1998 Job Address:Location: MILLRACE CONDOSParcel No: 2L03-121-11-000 Description: REROOF Conditions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE.2. F]RE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. **.*****t******************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COIJORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statennt Number: REC-0308 Amount: 359.25 OB/OS/97 llz44Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #19882 Ihit: CD Permit NoParcel NoSite Address Location Account Code0l- 0000 41"3r0 0l- 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 4l_336 897-0246 Type2ro3-L21-11-000 ].320 WESTHAVEN MIIJLRACE CONDOS ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER: A_MF DR This Pavment 358.75 * * * * * * * * * * * t * * * * * * * * * * * * ir * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . Total Fees:Total ALL Pnts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 358.75 358.75 .00 Amount 155.00 100.7s 100.00 3.00 DEPARTMENT OF ^t"nrr"4 O9'5-?7 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENTroirry or verl75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT permit #: 897-0246 Job AddressLocation...Parcel No. .Project No. 1320 WESTHAVEN DR MILLRACE CONDOS 2103-121-11-000 Status. . .Applied..Issued...Expires. . APPROVED 08 / o4 /7ee'l o8 / o4 /1.ee7 oL /3r /7ee8 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: REROOF Occupancy: R1 Type Construction; VType Occupancy: Valuation: Fi reptace lnformation: Rest ri cted: PLATH CONSTRUCTTON DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81620 PLATH CONSTRUCTION DRAWER 5920, AVON CO 81620 MILLRACE CONDO ASSOCIATION Multi-Familyl-ItR Type V 1-Hour lo ,321 #of Gas Apptiances: Add sg Fr: #0f Gas Logs: 100.00 358-75 Phone z 97O94919O5 Phone: 9709491905 Phone:970-476-GLO6 #of l,lood/Pa [ let: 3s8.75 **f*************!t**trlffirtr****r.*H**tt**ffi********t*ft FEE SUfil|ARy *id*#***tr*l********t**ffi******t**rr***ffft********rr** Bui tding-----> Pl.an Check---> Invest i gation> tli tt calL----> 155.00 100.75 Restuarant Ptan Revi elr--> DRB Fee--------.00 Recreation Fee----------> 3.00 Ctean-Up Deposit--------> TOTAL FEES----- .00 Tota[ CaLculated Fees---)-O0 Additional. Fees---------> .0O.00 Total Permit Fee-------->356.75 .00 354.75 Payments------- BALANCE DUE----*f,*************rt**t***ffi**trr.***ff**ffi****ir*****ffi***************************rrti********i*******tri*********t********** Ileryr; .Qg1q0_ElrrI,DrNG DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:08/04/7997 CHARLTE Action: AppR CHARLTE DAvrsItb.m:'.05400_PI.,4AINING DEPARTMENT Depr: PLANNTNG Division:08/04/L997 CHARLTE eciion:-AFpn llZeIte!ri'.056q0_EIBE DEPARTMENT _ DepL: FIRE Division:08/04/L997 CHARIJIE Action: APPR N./AItemi'.05500_EqBLIC wORKg Depr: pUB WORK Division:08/04/L997 CHART,TE Action: AppR N/A *l******f,'tffi*****tdr***#ff**ff****rt******f,t*t****t*************t*********tr********t**#****************i****************tff See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I_hereby aoknou(edge that I have read this apptication, fitLed out in ful,l. the infornation required, compl.eted an accufate ptot Ptan/ and state that atl the information provided as requi ned is correct. I agree to compLy rJith tire iniormation and pl,ot lrtan,to colaP [y gith al.t To]rn ordinances and state LaHs, and to bui l,d this stfuctuFe aceording io'the Tounr s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design reviev approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Town appt,icabLe thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIAOE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-2138 oR AT otJR oFFrcE FRoI'I 8:OO AIt 5:m Pn Send Clean-Up Deposit To: PUTTH CONSTRUCTION SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR TOR HT SELF AND OIINER * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * * * * ** ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t * CONDITIONSPermit #t 897-0246 a6 of OB/O4/97 Status: APPROVED**************************************************************tr***************** Pernlt Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMTT Applied: o|/04/Igg7Applicant: PLATH CONSTRUCTTON Issued: O|/04'/lgg797O949L905 To Expire. Ot/3L/t998 Job Address:Location: MfLLRACE CONDOSParcel No: 2103-121-l-l_-000 Description: REROOF Condi-tions:1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED, *,*Con raL [ 'at 970 I penael ) Of flce o TOWN OF VArL CONSTRUCTTON PER}IIT /I DATE: - t APPLICATToN MUSf BE FTLLED oUT CoMPLETELY OR IT MAy NoT BE AccEpTED x***************************** PERMIT INFORMAUON *****************************rl [ ]-BuiLdinq [ ]-plunbing [ ]-Electrlcat [ ]-Mechanlqal_ [ ]-other ,fob Name:@ Job Address: Legal Description: Lot_ Block fifirs SUBuTVTSION, owners Narne:O.Gor.fr,o+, Address, t4l[ t^l" h Cou0f - ti Architect;Address:Ph. Assessors ar cel tl .u^ooa EyrPt- gle -B 64ro3 fiori'g l*AadiEional [ ]-Repair 2(1-ottrer Nurnber of Dwelling UnJ-ts:Number of Acconmodation Units: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEEI MECHANTCAIJ PERHIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER'TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: 17-RMATToN ********************* Town of Val_l Phone Number: Town of VailPhone Number: Town of VaiIPhone Number: Town of VailPhone Number: Reg. NO. Reg, NO. Reg. NO. FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE:PLI'MBING PLILN CHECK FEE!MECTANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERUIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE! ZONING: SIGNATUREI * *****tractorAddress: Electrical contracLor:Address: Plumbing contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: CLEAN I'P DEP,OSIT f,EEIIIID o page 2 of4 Aprtl 17, ftt? tSo" R*fI. TEAROF$/}Ir8CELI,ANEoUS: .t] Rernovc ec<isting soil fiom roof and save for re-use. Remove the exirting insulation /"protedionD boerd from the incide of the verticar wafls and aispose ofthe sime. netrrcon$rustion will kep thcjobdte as clean at possibie and practical d"ti"g tt" ;"$ruction, and atho.rough 9!t*it g of Plathb work areas will ul perroitn"a upon completiin. riartr constructionwill take all reasonablc precautio'n$ to prot€ct tt. intoior otthe builiing frorn*ate. and weather.Howcrrer, Plath Construction will not bc nao table for any interior aui"e;;"*hired from leakscaused by gudden and/or unforseen storm$ that occur during the tear orpnase of trris wort. 2l Ptarh construction will provide all insurance and permirs rcquired by rlrc;ffii#i*iffffitBuilding Department. Erclurionr and eualificrtionr:1l This proposal inchrdes saving tht existing soil and re-installing the same. plath Construction :fyT"t no responsibility or liab-ility.for maintaining or restoring any of rhe existing plant life.2l I! is our opinion that some oithi leaks may be iming from the top of the stone parapg wrlt.If after the new roof system is installed *a oirting l*nks nert lo rny of lhc walls rsoccur inthose same locations, it woutd be advise.d ltrat a qriamea masonry company remove the existing lllt:.fr."t thetop of the Psrspet walls and a di$ance down the fronr of the walls of no less thano". I hls would allow for the installation of a new membrane up and ovcr the parapet walls.Pricing for this item is in the Optlonl{f s€ction.II. Srucr,npll Thoroughly clean the epristing mcmbrane, 2l Water test the o<isting membrane for positive roof slope. (The water strogld be directed to thedraiB |nd teave no mqe than l/2" of rlanding wster in any location.) If thcre ir cvi6cnce ofetrnding wetor whicb wourd indicetc poor roof rrope, rcfcr to option #2 for pricing on rtapcr ryrtem thrt wourd co'cct thc probhm. we rdl proceed *irt tt i, option only after anownsr or ownEr's reprctentative is shown the problun and give s written authorization io proceed. 3l Instdl stone mfll over the existing nwmbrsne to s€fve as an addhional protection layer. 4l Install ballasted,iHif$il EPDM according to spccifications by ,Firestone* or nshueiler,,. Extend membrane up walls to the base ofthe stone parapet cap sl 01 puryls Gap at location over sliding glass cntry door, remwe the existirg redwood trim and 3ssociated flashing that is attact€d to the top ofrhe parapet cap. watorproofiop ofprrapet cnpin 'het location only wirh EPDM membrane flashing tnstall paintJock drip eage flashing (overtheEPDM membrane flashing) thrt will extend onti the top ofthe parapeicapioown ttre face ofthewall and provide a drip edge that erttends out and over tlrc cxisting siding. Strip in ths metglflashing with EPDM membrane waterpraofing to keep moisture on to! of tfr parapet cap from zo'd vgE:OT 4a-g7-tdv pagc 3 of4 migrating under,the flastring and pot€mtislly behind the siding. Install new Redrvood trim over rhenew watcrproofing and paint-lock drip edge. No painting or finish has been figured for theredwood. 6l Cover membrane on horizontal and vcrtical walls wirh mira-drain 9000 protection board. ?l Ballast mcmbrane.with existing soil that was remwed. Price for work ar rpccilied above : Ercluriont rnd Qurlifi cationr: -{-\( /so,snno )\----l ll This work has been bid to ra.ke place after July ?th, ard during the sufiner months of 199?. tfworft is dclayed ufiil the winter months of lOl6M through 4/3-0/9t additional costs will apply.2l No rdditional soil has been figured to recover the new menrbr-".3] Acccsrto onsite restroom facilities to be prwided for plath conrtructio4 Inc. workers.4l A licensed electrician to install heat tape it, urd continoustlrough, thc oristing 3,' drain pipet,F, otrnd thmugh thc wall, This work to be coordinatea and coripieted after plath construction has install€d the new membrane and before the roil is put back in placc ilI. Gwnnnr,Norns: l I Pleare be advised thst materials for this proposal have beeer bid at cuff€nt market prices. Due to volatilily ofthe mrrket, material prices cannot be guaranteed prst 3O days.I Plt$c tekc notc that a trlettcr of intentr' rcccived by Plefh Conrtmction, lnc. witbin thc 30 dry period will rllnrr uc to 'rlock in', curretrt mtrtCrisl pricel eyen if rctu{ purchrra ercmadc sevcral monthr htcr. 2l Plath Construction caries property damage liability insurance in thc amoutrt of $2,000,000.00p€r occutrence. Plath Construction carries auto iusuranca in the amount of $2,0O0,000.00. Plath Construction carriet appropriate Workman's Compensation insurance through Colorrdo State compensation. No firrther iruurance coverage is included in our price, and i-f required, the additional cost will ba added to the contract price. 3] Upon roceipt of the contract price, Plath Constnrction will issue a warranty certificate guarantecing new EPDM roofing against leakr dne to lllws in worknanship for a period of 2 years from the date of roofing completion. (Erccpt es noted on pegc 2, scction I, Exctusionsrnd Qualificetiorr iten #2,) L€aks quali$ing under the terms of said wananty will be repairedpromptly at no cost to th€ owner. ThiJwuranrty does not oovor any subsequent interior damagethat may occur. lV. Oerrons: lJ Additional charges, a$ identified below, will apply for roofwork done between October lsth and April 3fth.4.. Ice and snow removal, daily covering and uncovering ofthe roofdeck with plastic, and bb| * Ft' t'4tf r :-Jr'-F!/'! ; 5t P".o eoit^'* fla Y c:' l{" tt< ljoeJlr 9qvf3 llt ' P'fL Lo D ^n^. aFBl^'1 4 s.APPLri / Dca^t ePauc-s \ hVclar fsarrss ho-sn-^ f. rte^our- S*o,te ", T-of t+ doi{ 4 Ryio"t 5" '[ Q.-ou*'{ g- tr- ot o cle.L s lope c-{t". Cieo" FPCrn Ac\a Fnt. rto-, ;1)eo O PTr o{ {or 5 oi( \t Fe^r..re }'sui' €ro* CJoil tJaoe- i€ n'f ? l^"d ft"plo.- i-f S, i { ,:d CPT;64 He^: *aroc- i a . Fr:4;\ cirairp;7a " .6v a*icr's (. EPAr/, \ f "'k d n".d./ op*i.n €n -f27",^ SyS{''n- 0'v @ Dff | rsN Fat Sta^"odlt @ fi"F"J s*ffo THEWESilNRESORI\atl Don MacLachlan Condominium Operations General Manager 1300 Westhaven Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657 (970) 47S6106 Fax: (970) 47G4946 I $ .{gxu,*ot**:.. .._,_.._.....r",*j. t' -,*..-.,-,.)' cr-rECK REgUEST', I'RDPAITIID DY:DAl'U: VENDOR NAME: VENDORNUMBER: A DESCRIPTION Oll EXPENSE: CLIIAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND FOR Bp # NAM[, OF JOB: fr: ACCOUNTNUMB 0l 0000 22002 AMotINr oF REFUND, fuaa, '3 DATE APPROVED: A}PROVAL SIGNATURE:- t3-97 ,.! REPT T31 tA/3A/97 87 t9,fl ToHN OF VAIL, COLORRDO REOUESTS FOR INSFECTInN UORH SHEETS FORT IAl38/97 trtrGE NREA: CD Activity: 897-4e46 tB/3&/97 Type: A-l{FAddress: 13PO WESTHAVEN DRLocation: MILLRACE CBNDUS Far^ce I : ?1O3-181-1 1-rAra0Deseription: REROtrFApplicant : trLATH CONSTRUCTIONEwnet: MILLRACE CONDO ASSOCIATIONtrontractor: trLATH CONSTRUCTI0N St at r-rs : I SSUED Con st r: AltlF Occ:Use: U l-HR Frh on e : 97O949 1985 F,h on e : 978-476 -G 166 F,hone z 97fi949L98t3 Inspeet i on Fequest I n forrati on. . . . . Requestor.r STEVE Req Tine: B1:0OItens requested to A@A9A BLDG-FinaI Comarent s : be 'Inspected. . . Fhone r 949-1988 Act i on Csnnent s Time Exp ;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;. ::. . ---- Item: EA51O driveway grade finalIten: fi8010 BLDB-Foot ings/SteeL Iten : EraEEtA BLDG-Faundat isn/SteelItem: O05gE F,LAN-ILC Site F'lan Iten : ggr03g BLDG-FramingItemr 0004Ct * * Not On File * x Itemr @AOs€t BLDG*Insulationltem: 0SS6& BLDG-Bheetrock NailIten; 60680 * * Not 0n FiIe * * Item: 0407ft BLDG-Misc.Item: ESff9O BLDE-FinalIten:. 0@534 BLDE*Tenp. C/u Item r firzr531 FIRE-TElrlF . tr/trItem: 66538 trhf-TEMF'. C/eIten: Oer533 FLRN-TEMF,. tr/OItern: 40537 F'LAN-FINAL C/AItem: 4ft53e FIRE-FISIAL C/OItenr er05Sg trtJ-FINnL C/uIten: S@544 BLDG-Final C/O o Project Applicatlon r- 7-t0 Proiect Nam€: Project D€scription: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board 4-4-Po DISAPPROVAL Chief Building Official ^\' t.:': ' -.., /t )t' | (b/. Project Application .; o^r" 3 J4- r() ,'t.Project Description: I --1 Owner Address and Phone: Architeci Address and Phone: / ';1 3 Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board -24- Q)-go Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: Zoning Administrator Date: Chief Building Official ' Project Application ^A -7 '? ,,,')-ts,/- /r,/{c Project Name: , Owner Address and Phone:,,s l{-t ''r.1t'- -xi-t'. t-,:-. 3.:s-"'-/76 - 5,/, Architect Address and Phone: _Zoning Approved: S r.,c-; Design Review Board Date !::- 9c' !'O DISAPPROVAL y^-l; i : t)),'.J.t .t\.'i.",1,.y'/. Chief Building Official Project Appllcation t e,i pV*-f f-9s-tt Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Architect, Address and Phone: iAL!* E{ _,+" -' F rng tt)4 , Zone Owner, Address and Phone: Design Review Board ,1 t'//; r-Date 'l/' T Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: slGN AI,t)1-tCATl0i.l Fce Paid'.l Da t.e l'lanrc of Prr-rjcct Millrace Co-[dorniniums Pha5_e_l_i]1d II Nanre of Pcr:,on Subrnj ttins fl0RTEX-flSXIR-ARN0ID,-AIA---- Pltone 426-5tOS Location of Projcct. Cascade Vjllage (fU4) -_Dcscription of . Projcct Phasp I - th ltniL--Condoninim-Proiecl-- Phase II :-- 14 Ufr jt Coldominium frfect' The fol lol'rinq inforrtation is rcqui red f or to thc Dcsi gn Rev j ctr' Ijoard lref orc a f ina I Sign subnittal fee is $20.00. A. Sign l,ial.crial _ -B-Iack tletal,_ submi t.ta 1 by approva 1 can the appl icant bc given. rl B. Description of S'ign Indjlj_dual -l_e_tte.rslo_Ue__[r-o_unled_Sn s-lgEqo_eE concrete: hlock entry walls --_-----_- C. Size of S'i 9n Two equal s'i ze signs q,t_qpproximalely -Q..-5 5_q,-_f!=__ eacn. D. Conrnents !1/\U llr /[ j. s_Ll_l]r i n I I l),1 i l -l i_i _i,lll i. L_C /! L I iLil_ I . Si te I'l irll ._. X.?-. p1';11i1rt;r siiir';irii L'.act local.iort -X- -- 3. firotorlt al,lrs slror'rirt9 pt-ol'(ri'crl lot'al.iott 4 , /rcl.trirl :; i 5n . __ _5. Colot'cil ::cali: -rlr:.iii;iug -_-X- ---6. l'lro1()(Jt'irl,lt ol' '; i 9rt /rplrrrrvcrl f lt' ltllli Srrl,rrri l:l.al l)i t,;rpprovr',1 t trt' lllili !ilrlrlrt it t.r I Sign ? --1Hi a\ t F sxI N l,o'l*?-t ifi ifi gE pd $F i+im-in60 $gfis;B iDafr Ft \ Fce Paid' Thc fol lovinqto thc Dcsilrn Si gn subrn'i tta 1 A. S'ign l.iat.crial _,-916ck t'ietaL_ SIGN lrPl'LICATI0N inforr:ration is rcquired for submii.tal by the applicant Rcvier.r lioard beforc a fjnal allprov;rl can bc given. fee is S20.00. Da l.e llanre of Project Millrace Condplniniunls Phqse I'and II Nanrc of Pcrson Subrnitting flORTIB_;ISHELARN0In. AIA_ Pltone 476-S1OS Loc.-rtion of Projcct . Cascade Lill_age-(SD4) Descriptiott of.Projcct phasp T - t6 ilnjt,Iondominirrm project __!-[ase__I_L_--!4__Ud!_,c_o_tdo_ryir1q!_Prqject____ \t B. Description of S ign Indjyad_uat -t_e1te.15lo_be-_trp_q,l0jed_e!_Slg_Eqo_ed _.--qanc-rsta.block-en.tnuda]-}s---- --. - . --. ---- - C. Size of Sign Two eoual size signs q_t_approxi[ately 8.5 5_q.-_j1,_ D. Conuterrts llirl l lllir!-S S_L!llli11-l I l) lJl'lii /rl'i'i ! C/illitjl l . Si te l''l arr X?-. Dr'.rr.;irrit3 r.iiiiiriiit iTact local iorr .-.-;13. Pirotrrrtr';rl,lrs slror.ri rrg |r()l'l:,e(l ltrt o l. itirt4. /rct.tr;rl :, i gn . __ -5. Color'.',1 ::cllii-,[:.'i.,rll.rg ___X-.___6. l'lrol.olyt'l1,lr o1' 5 i gri /rppltrvcrl f ot' ltllli Srr!,rrri l l.,rl l)i :,irgrltrovl',1 I ()l' lllil; lirrlr:u il t,r I .lt',tlrtt' o $ sxI\t 1r- f ,"'-1. sggf; 6' f,H ,l li? H* Hi