HomeMy WebLinkAbout433 Gore Creek Dr #1AAPPLTCATToN foR HoME oCCUPATIoN (Required as per Section lg,5g.'130.Thjs js supplemental form to businessttcense appl ication, ) NAME OF BUSINESSi YAIL Loc6no^J Sezurggs LOCATION: 431 e. _Cm,e_crZre:f Oa NAME OF CONTACT PERSON: P+T tSrl PH0NE 47a:ro99 _ _ * HoHE occupATroN: pLEAsE INCLUDE, T.HE FOLLOWINC. SpEC IFJCS :l. r,tltly tes-criue- tneffiJlature of the bus jness.?. Number of empioyees -'3. Hours of operation1. lguiRment/machinery to be usedl' Ant'icipated numbeiot critor.rs, crients or students6. Anticipated number nunber oi-ir.friiii tripi Sg;""ii;d to and from the businesstocation on a da.ity and-w."itr-iljiii7-. Parking proviSions8' Approval of condominium or tovrnhouse association if appiicabre.(fJ:.ffr?;:3!n.,ilEl!3lnts on separate sheet to this form alons with the application APPLICATION IS: K AppRovED Conditions of approval /reasons DENIED for denial: F-F if|-^ ^^rcE )CU. UU n.l Zon ing inistrator VAIL TRAILS BAST COITDOIiINIT'Ii ASSOCIATIONc/o Charles E. CowPerthwaite 303 E. SeveDteenth AvenueSuite 1000 Denver, Colorado 80203 August 18, 1987 Town of Vail Town of Vail Municipal BuildingVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Home Occupation ApplicationPat ParrishVail Trails East - Unit 1A Gentlemen: By letter dated July 22, 1987, Vail Trails East Condominium associltion has been asked to approve of the Horne Occupation Application of Pat Parrish to do business in said Unit 1A as Vail Location Services,/Vail Talent. Provided that such business is conducted consistent with Ms. Parrish's letter of July 22, 1987 and the Statement of Nature of Business Done in the Home' copies of which are attached, and provided the conduct of such business involves no significant increase in the use of the Association's parking area' you are advised, on behalf of the Association that we have no objection. CHC:do Enclosure cc: Board of Managers ( JuLy 22, 1987 charles Coppertwa i te Pendleton & Sabian 303 E. iTth Ave, Suite 1000 Denver, CO 80203 Dear Mr. CoppertwaiLe, It is necessary for me to obtain a business license from the Town of Vail and as part of that I musb also complete an application for home occupabionsince I do run ny business f rorn one of the roomsin the condominiun I rent in Vail Trails East. Since I free lance and do not have custoners or clienbs cominE to ny house, it never occurred to me that I would need a license, but of course I ain happy to conply if thatrs Yrilat the tolrn says. But, as part of the Hone Occupation application,I must have the permission of the condominiuraassociation and so I am enclosing a statement to that effect that I hope you vill si.En and returnto ne. I si.ncerely betieve thab my business,vhich is 98% telephone calls, has no inpact on my neighbors or the surrounCinE units. If you have any questions regaro'ing tilis, i iiope you vill call ne. I'rfl enclosing a self-addressed starnped. envelope for your convenience. Pat Parr i sh VA|L LOCATTON SERVICES l.J O 8OX tt,(il, . \Ari (eri t,iiAt)O 8i658 . 3031 476-1099 ( STATEI'IENT OF NATURE OF BUSINBSS DONE In- TtlE HOME NAME OF BUSINESS: VAIL LOCATION SERVICES,/VAIL TALEN,I (, NATURE OF BUSINESS: I am a free lance film production coordinator, working on television commercials and print adverlising' In addition lo coordinating film shooLs, I supply talent for print advertising (houet brochures, etc') and for television commercials. Part of my uork is done on the phone in my "home of f ice,' and the res! is on location throughout Colorado. NUN1BER OF EMPLOYEES none HOURS OF OPERATION N/A EQUI PMENT/].{ACTI I NERY none ANTICIPA'TED NUMI]ER OF CT]STOMERS I go to rny clients. they do not come Lo me' ANTIClPATED NUI.,IBER OF VEHICLE TRIPS Varies. 0 a lteek to 4 a week. PARKING PROVISlONS N/A -- -\._- 1