HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-03 Amend Chapter 7, Development Standards, Lionshead Redevelopment Master PlanRESOLUTION N0.3 Series of 2007 RESOLUTION 3, SERIES OF 2007, A RESOLUTION TO AMEND CHAPTER 7, DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, LIONSHEAD REDEVELOPMENT MASTER PLAN, PURSUANT TO SECTION 2.8, ADOPTION AND AMENDMENT OF THE MASTER PLAN, LIONSHEAD REDEVELOPMENT MASTER PLAN, TO ADDRESS CONFLICTS WITH THE ZONING REGULATIONS, AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, on December 15, 1998, the Vail Town Council adopted the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan; and WHEREAS, on April 6, 1999, the Vail Town Council adopted Ordinance 3, Series of 1999, which amended the Zoning Regulations and created Lionshead Mixed Use 1 and Lionshead Mixed Use 2 Districts; and WHEREAS, Section 2.8 of Master Plan outlines a procedure for amending the Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission has held a public hearing on the proposed amendment on January 8, 2007, and has forwarded a recommendation of approval, with modifications, of the amendment to the Town Council; and WHEREAS, the u ose of this amendment is to remove an confusion betweenprpY the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan and the Zoning Regulations; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the proposed amendment improves and enhances the effectiveness of the Master Plan without negatively affecting the goals, objectives, and policies prescribed by the Master Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO: The Town Council of the Town of Vail hereby amends the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan as follows: The amendments to the text of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan are indicated in bold (additions), e#~ileeagp (deletions), and italics (change to grey text). However, all insertions, deletions and text color changes will remain in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan as shown below with bold and strikethrough) in order to track the history of the changes. 1 Chapter 7: Development Standards The intent of this Chapter was to outline recommended development standards for zoning in the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan study area. Since the inception of this plan, the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 and 2 Districts have been established in the Zoning Regulations, which outline development standards for these districts. Therefore, this Chapter remains for historical reference purposes only. This section outlines recommended development standards far private property in the Lianshead study area. In same cases, impler»entatian of these standards will require revision of appiicabte provisions in the Town of Vail zoning regulations. Adoption of special provisions far redeveiopment of properties that already violate existing development standards should also be considered. !t is critical to Hate that alt of the fallowing recommended standards apply equally as future projects are reviewed for compliance. When one standard is more restrictive than another, that is the standard that shall be the limiting factor. These standards do not represent entitlements ir7 any way. Far example, if the GRFA ratio of a project cannot be met after the buNding height setback, and other architectural guideline standards have been applied, then that project is not entitled to the maximum allowable GRFA. In this case, the quantitative and qualitative standards of the architectural design guidelines would take precedence aver the potential GRFA allocation. 7,1 Landscape Area The master plan does not recommend rnadificatian of this standard far Lionshead. The Town's current standard, which applies to the majority of sites in Lionshead, requires that at least 2tl ma of a parcel be landscaped. This standard should be flexible far properties along build-ta Nnes and in the pedestrian retail care area so they maybe able to decrease planted area and increase handscape r`n order to create the functional pedestrian corridors and spaces outlined in the master plan. This potential reduction of landscape area is Hat a right ar~d should require tl~e apprava! of the Planning and Enviranrnental Carnmissian. 7.2 Site Coverage The master plan does Hat recommend changing this standard. The Town's current standC~rd, which applies to the majority of sites in Lianshead, prohibits site coverage by structures in excess of 70°% the area of a site. This standard should be flexible for properties along build-ta lines and in the pedestrian retail care area sa they maybe able to increase site coverage as required to create the functional pedestrian carridars and spaces outlined in the master plan, This potential increase in site coverage is not a right and should require the approval of the Plannr"ng and Environmental Commission. Below-grade development is Hat-caunte~! av site-coverage. 7.3 Setbacks The master plan does Hat recommend changing this standard. The current setback requirement on the majority of sites in Lianshead is 10 feet from the property line on all sides. This requirement shall be waived in areas with 2 designated build-fo lines, and leeway should be considered in areas of significant hardship that otherwise meet the intent of the master plan and da not negatively impact adjacent properties. 7.4 Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) An important component of the Lionshead Master Plan process was the analysis of GRFA's effectiveness as a teal far insuring the quality of architecture and the built environment within Lionshead. 1n short, the masterplan team found that GRFA was not effective as a primary means of providing for architectural quality. Based on this finding it is the conclusion of the master plan learn that GRFA should not be the primary means of regulating building size. Ta accomplish this, one of two options must be pursued, First, GRFA could be eliminated. Secondly, fhe GRFA ratio could be increased so that it functions as a safety valve fa insure that buildings da not exceed the maximum residential floorplafe area that would otherwise be allowed according fo fhe criteria of the architectural design guidelines. It this secarrd course of actiar7 is pursued, the fallowing recammendatians are made: a.The retie of Grass Residential Floor Area (GRFA) to lot area should be increased an all properties within Lionshead, excluding the residential properties south of Gore Creek, sa that the site and architectural design guidelines, not GRFA, are the primary building size and mass constraint. b.The method of calculating GRFA should be greatly simplified and changed to include common space sa that basic floor plate area calculations will SUfffce. 7.5 Density (DweNing Units Per Acre): The allowable density of development in fhe study area should be increased to provide ample incentive and create the financial mechanism for redevelopment of properties. Additional cansiderafion must be given to existing properties that currently exceed fhe density limitations. A model developed during the master planning process showed that an increase of at least 33°% aver existing zoning or existing dwelling units on a given site wautd be needed fa make redevelopment an attractive option. In order fa encourage the development of live beds or warm beds in Lionshead, fhe master plan reeamrnends That accommadatian units, hotel rooms and fractional ownership units not be counted in fhe calculation of density. Further, because it is a carnmvnffy goal to increase the number of permanent residents in Lionshead, employee housing units That are deed restrr'cted far local employees should not taunt toward density. 7.6 New Unif Definition The master plan recarnmends that fhe zanir7g regulations be modified to include lodge unit" as an additional definition of a residential unit. This product is defined as a small cortdorninivm dwelling unit with limited kitchen and floorarea. (The flaararea usually averages less than 650 sq. ft.) Units of thr"s small size are most likely to be in short-term rental pools, with occupancy rates similar to those far hotel rooms. Because an increase in tl~e chart-term bed base in Lionshead is a key objective, fhe planning Team recommends that lodge units count as one- quarter of a normal dwelling unit (i.e. 4 lodge units count as one dwelling unit). 3 Further, it recommends that units of this size in existing praperfies be treated as lodge units far the purpose of calculating density. 7, 7 $tlliding Height This standard is addressed in the Architectural Design Guidelines (see chapter 8). INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 16th day of January, 2007. Rodney Slifer,lVlayor, wn of Vail ATTEST: i GC%~~- releit5onaldson, Town Clerk GJ o o OQ~tCO 4 RESOLUTION N0.4 Series of 2007 RESOLUTION 4, SERIES OF 2007, A RESOLUTION TO AMEND CHAPTER 4, RECOMMENDATIONS -OVERALL STUDY AREA AND CHAPTER 5, DETAILED PLAN RECOMMENDATIONS, LIONSHEAD REDEVELOPMENT AMSTER PLAN, PUSUANT TO SECTION 2.8, ADOPTION AND AMENDMENT OF THE MASTER PLAN, LIONSHEAD REDEVELOPMENT MASTER PLAN, TO INCLUDE TWO NEW PARCELS AND AMEND THE TEXT OF THE MASTER PLAN FOR THE AREA IDENTIFIED AS WEST LIONSHEAD", AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN REGARD THERETO. WHEREAS, on December 15, 1998, the Vail Town Council adopted the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan; and WHEREAS, on April 6, 1999, the Vail Town Council adopted Ordinance 3, Series of 1999, which amended the Zoning Regulations and created Lionshead Mixed Use 1 and Lionshead Mixed Use 2 Districts; and WHEREAS, Section 2.8 of Master Plan outlines a procedure for amending the Master Plan; and WHEREAS, the Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission has held a public hearing on the proposed amendment on December 11, 2006, and has forwarded a recommendation of approval, with modifications, of the amendment to the Town Council by a vote of 4-1-0 (Dewitt opposed); and WHEREAS, the purpose of this amendment is to include two new parcels and amend the text of the Master Plan for the area identified as "West Lionshead" to facilitate the redevelopment of the area and creation of a new portal to the mountain; and WHEREAS, the Town Council finds that the proposed amendment improves and enhances the effectiveness of the Master Plan without negatively affecting the goals, objectives, and policies prescribed by the Master Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO: The Town Council of the Town of Vail hereby amends the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan as follows: The amendments to the text of the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan are indicated in bold italics(additions), and deletions). 1