HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-04 Authorizing the Purchase of Land commonly known as Parcel no. 210311415018RESQLUTIQN NQ. 4 Series ^f 21Ifl2 A RESQLUTIQN AUTHQRIZING THE PURCHASE 4F LAND IN THE TOWN OF VAIL CQMMDNLY KNQWN AS PARCEL NQ. X143 114 15 Q18 BY THE EAGLE COUNTY ASSESSOR'S OFFICE, AND LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS PARCEL B, RESUBDIVISI~N DF TRACT D VAIL DAS SCHQNE SUBDIVISIQN WHEREAS, the Vail Town Council considers it in the interest of the public health, safety and welfare to purchase the property commonly known as Parcel No. 2103 114 15 D18 by the Eagle County Assessor's Office, and legally described as Parcel B, Resubdz~ision of Tract D Vail Das Schone Subdivision ("the Property"}. NOW THEREFORE, be it resal~ed by the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Colorado: 1. Tlae Town Manager is hereby authorized to enter into a contract to buy and sell the Property. 2. The Town Manager and the town staff are authorized to take whatever steps are necessary to complete the purchase of the Property by the Tawn of Vail from Vail Commons Managezxi.ent Partnership, an Zlliraois general partnership. 3. This resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. INTROD~[]'CED, READ, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this l 8'~' day of .lone, 2Qa2. ATTE T: e orele' Donaldson, Town Clerk Ludwig ,Mayor SEAL Re.Sa~~~-~csri. ~{ ~ boa. RESOLUTlDN NO.4 5erles n# 2002 N° STATE OF CDLDRAOD COUNTY DF EAGLE 3aa PRD~F DF PUBLECATIDN SS. I, Steve Pope, do solemnly swear that I am the Publisher of The Vail Qaiiy, that the same daily newspa- per printed, in whale or in part and published in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, and has a general circulation therein; that said newspaper has been published continuously and uninterruptedly in said County of Eagle for a period of more than fifty-two consecutive weeks next prior to the first publication of the annexed legal notice or advertisement; that said newspaper has been admitted tv the United States mails as a periodical under the provisions of the Act of March 3, 1879, yr any amend- ments thereof, and that said newspaper is a daily newspaper duly qualified for publishing legs! notices and advertisements within the meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado. 1-hat the annexed legal notice or advertisement was published in the regular and entire issue of every number of said daily newspaper far the period of ..........~... cansecut' nsertions; and that the first of publication at said notice was in the issue of said newspaper dated .......... ~Lr'rl.~.....e--~..• ~.•...••-•• q,^, .._..~~'~]..~.., and that the last publication of said notice was in the issue of said newspaper dated..... ............. .t~:............tr,.}~..r~~..... A.O. s~•~~ ~ eve hereunto set m hand this ...day af~.In wltnesswhereof I h Y ••°• •~~•'~°~°~°~ ""°~~' Publisher Subscribed and sworn to before a notary publiv in and far the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, s. da of ......... ........7.t:-!,s..ti...~0~-this .............. Y I ~,q Notary Public My Commission expires ........".~:~.f .•_-• •-'•• ••~:~~ A tiESCLUTfUH AUTHORRING THE PUR• CHASE l7F LAND 1N THE TUWH QF YAIL COM- MONLY 1fHOWN AS AARCFI NO. 2109 114 i5 018 BY THE EAGLE COUNTY ASSESSUR'S ^F- F1CE, AHD LEGALLY DESCREBED AS PARCEL B, RESUI3DIVISH]N OF-?RACY D VA1L DAS SCHOHE SUr3DlVl310T! WHEREAS, the Val! Tpwn CounciF can~ders i[ In the Irtterast of the public health, safely and welfare o purchase the ,....,....~ comrrtoniy known as Par• eel fJO. 2ivci l14 is Ota by the ~ t.ounty As- sessors Clfice, and. IeaslN described as Parcel e, Resubdlvision of Tract D Vail Qas Srirwre Subd'nri- Sian f'the Property'}. NOW THEREFORE, be it resdlrgd by the Taws Council of the7own of Vail, Cdarado: 1~ The Town Manager is h au0tailed- to en• ler into a c~ntractlo huyand sbfl thei'..r:...,. 2. The Fawn Manager and the loom staff are au- thorizaa to fake whatever steps are nacacsary to ,.... ~- to the purcttx3e of . the Properly by the Town awl Vail from Vail Com- mons Mena,,=...:... Partnerstdp, an IlGrrois•general partnership. 3. This tesaltltiort shall take 'effect immediately upon its pa INTriODtIC O~READL APPFOOVEi3 AND ADOPF- ED this 18th day of June, 2rxYz Ludwig Kurz, Mayor xrEST: Lorelei Oonaldsarl, Town Clerk Pudished in the Vail Daily Jae 21,2002.