HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-19 Finding Substantial Compliance of a Petition for an Annexation Election Concerning the Annexation of Certain Unicorporated Territory locating in the County of Eaglerr~• ~I7 Arr RESOLUTION NO. 19 Series of 19$6 A RESOLUTION FINDING SUBSTANTIAL COMPLIANCE OF A PETITION FOR AN ANNEXATION ELECTION CONCERNING THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINCORPORATED TERRITORY LOCATED IN THE COUNTY OF EAGLE AND STATE OF COLORADO. WHEREAS, at least ten {10} percent of the qualified electors, who are resident in and landowners of the area proposed to be annexed, described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof which is situated in a county of less than twenty five thousand (25,000} inhabitants, filed a petition for annexation election with the Town Clerk of the Town of Vaii on the 3rd day of July, 19$6; and WHEREAS, the Town Cleric has referred said petition to the Town Council of the Town of Vail as a communication at a regular meeting of the Tawn Council an the 15th day of July, 1986; and WHEREAS, having received the petition for an annexation election the Town Council is required under the Municipal Annexation Act of 1965 to determine whether said petition is in substantial compliance with C.R.S. 31-12-107 {2), and if so, to follow the procedure set forth in C.R.S. 31-12-108, 109, 110, and 112. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Town Council of the Town of Vail, Colorado that: 1. The Town Council hereby finds that the petition for an annexation election has been signed by the required number of qualified electors, who are resident in and landowners of the area proposed to be annexed which is situate in Eagle County, a county of less than twenty five thousand (25,000} inhabitants. 2. The Tawn Council hereby finds that the petition for an annexation election is in substantial compliance with the requirements of C.R.S. 31-12-107 (2}, as amended. 3. The Town Council hereby finds that it has the necessary jurisdiction to commence proceedings for an annexation election regarding said territory. 4. The Town Council hereby determines that it shall hold a public hearing to determine if the petition complies with Sections 31-12-104 and 31-12-105 C.R.S., as amended, to establish whether ar not said area is eligible for annexation under the Municipal Annexation Act of 1965, as amended, said hearing to be held at a regular meeting of the Town Council on the 19th day of August, 1986 at 7:30 p.m., in the Municipal Building of the Tawn of Vail. 5. The Town Cierk is hereby directed to give notice of said public hearing in accordance with the provisions of 31-12-108 (2) C.R.S., as amended. fi. This Resolution shall take effect upon its adoption. INTRODUCED, REAa, APPROVED"AND ADOPTED this 15th day of July, 198fi. Paul R. John on Mayor ATTEST: randme er To~lerkPamelaA. B y , 2- r LEGAL D£SCREPTi~N A TRACT DF LAkU BElku :~ PuKTIU+. OF THE NORTH ONE-HRLF OF SECTIOI: 14 AND A PORTION DF THE SOUTHEAST UNE-CaARTER Of SECTION ]1, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 81 WEST DF THE S1xTN PRINCIPAL MERIOIAk, EAGLE CDUIITY, COLORADO, AND BEING HDRE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED A5 FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE QUARTER CORNER COMMON TD SAID SECTIONS 11 AND 14; THENCE ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTIDN il, NO1`51'00'f A DISTANCE OF 532,50 FEET; THENCE ALONG 7HE NORTHWESTERLY BOUIIUARY OF YAIL OAS SCNDNE FLING NO. 2. A SUBDIVISION FILED fOR RECORD AT RECEPTION HO. 110984 1N THE OFFICE OF 7HE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, FOR THE FOLLOWING FIVE I5) COURSES: 1.) N59"6'00"E A DISTANCE OF 246. DO FEET; 2,) N19"20'DU"E A DISTANCE OF 122.U0 FEET; 3.) 1128`08'UO"E A DISTANCE OF' ?32,50 FEET; 4.1 N42`05'00"E A :IISTANCE DF 150.50 FEET; 5.1 N46'02'T4"c R DISTANCE DF 43b.75 FEET TO THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHWEST UNE-QUARTER SAJD SOUTHEA57 ONE-QUARTER pF SECTION 7i; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH L]NE N86'20`00"E A DISTANCE OF 425.80 FEET T4 THE SOUTHEAST ONE-SIXTEENTH LOANER OF SAID SECTION 11; THENCE ALONG 7HE WEST LINE OF 7HE EAST ONE-HALF DF SAID SOUTHEAST ONE-Q1IARTER OF SECTIDN 11, NU1'39'OD"E A DISTANCE OF 1$6,50 FEET; THENCi ALONG THE BOUNDARY OF YAIL HEIGHTS FILING ND. 1, A 5U8DIYJ5IDti FILED FOR RECORD AT RECEPTION N0. 110985 !N THE OFFICE OF THE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK A;1D RECORDER, FOR THE FOLLOWING TWELVE I12) COURSES: 1.1 N58`40'OD"E A DISTANCE OF 610. 82 FEET; 2.) N55'2e'DO"E A DISTANCE OF 785.00 FEET; 3.I 537'07'52"E R DISTANCE DF 270.49 FEET; 4.} 566"SZ'08"W A DISTANCE OF TOO.QO FEET; 5.) 112.47 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAYING A CENTRAL A1tGLE OF 15`33'08" A11ll A RADIUS OF 414,37 FEET; b.) 551'19`00"W A DISTANCE OF 273,50 FEET; 87.77 FEET ALONG 7HE ARL OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAYING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF D4"07'29" AND A RADIUS OF 1135,80 FEET; 8.} 555'26'24"W A DISTANCE OF 364.86 FEET; 9.} 134.54 FEET aI.aNG 7HE ARC DF A CURVE TU THE LEFT HAYING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 35'10'29" AND A RADIUS DF 227.38 FEET; 1D.) 520'16'00"W A DISTANCE DF 284,00 FEET; T1.) 270,55 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A LURYE TO THE RIGHT HAYING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 64`57'33" AHD A RADIUS OF 238.44 FEET; 12.) S85'13'33'W A DISTANCE OF 162,82 FEET TO SAID WEST LINE OF 7HE EAST OHE-HALF, 50UTHEA57 ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 11; THENCE ALOIIG THE BOUNDARY OF THE INN AT HEST YAIL, A SUBDIVISION FILED FOR RECORD IN BOOK 372, AT PAGE 866, IN THE OFFICE DF THE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK AHO RECORDER FOR THE FOLLOWING S1% Ib) COURSES; 1.1 5E5'13'33"W A DISTANCE DF 104.34 FEET; 2.) 59,57 FEET RLDNG THE ARG OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAYING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 45"30'33" AND A RADIUS OF 75.00 FEET; 3.} 539"43'00"W A DISTANCE OF 89.04 FEET; 4-} SZ8'09'DO"E A DISTANCE OF 98.50 FEET; 5.) 245.63 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE 70 THE RJGNT HAYING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 72`Z3'Q1" ANp A RADlllS DF 194.43 FEET; b,} 534"52'53"€ A D]STANCE OF 177.75 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE DF INTERSTATE 7O, A PUBLIC RDAO; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHSIESTtRLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF INTERSTATE 7U FDR THE FDLLD:fiNG TWELVE 112) COURSES: I,) 681.89 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A LURYE TO THE LEFT HAYING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 06`30'42', A RADIUS OF 6000,00 FEET ANO A CHORD WHICH BEARS S45`51'S4`W 681.52 FEET DISTANT; 2.) 542`34'45"w A DISTANCE OF 6.30 FEET; 3.) 562'02'9"W A DISTANCE OF 282.20 FEET; 4.) 52b'18'46'W A DISTANCE OF 463.30 FEET; 5,} 528'44'23"W A DISTANCE OF 458.90 FEET; 6,) 546'15`45"W A DISTANCE OF 118.42 FEET; 1.1 215.18 FEET ALp[tG THE ARC OF A CURVE Tp THE LEFT HAYING A CENTRAL ANGLE DF i5"41'51", A RADIUS OF; 800.OU FEET, AND A CHORD WHICH SEARS 546'29'36"W 218.50 FEET DISTANT; 8.1 538"44'00"W A DISTANCE DF 414.59'FEE1; 9.) 545`48'18"w A DISTANCE OF 422.13 FEET; 0.1 521"36'24"w A Q]STAHLE DF 392.37 FEET; li.) 285.23 FEET ALONG THE ARC DF A CURVE 70 THE RIGHT HAYING A CENTRAL AIJGLE OF 09'17'08", A RADIUS OF 1160.00 FEET, AHD A CHORD WHICH DEARS 559`23'18`W 284,92 FEE DISTANT; 2.) 567'03'24"N A DISTANCE OF 259,45 FEET 0 THE WEST LINE OF THE EA57 ONE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST 011'-QUARTER DF SA1O SECTION 14; THENCE ALONG SAID WEST LINE NO1'20`00`W A DISTAk E OF 1439.22 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY 80UHUARY OF YAIL R pGE, A 5U80JY]SION FLED FUR RECORD AT RECEP7IOH N0. 103252 IN THE U -1CE OF THE EAGLE CRUN7Y CLERK AND RECORDER, FOR THE FOLLOWING THREE [3) COURSES: 1"} N56'19'QO"E A DISTANCE OF 100.50 FEET; 2.) N31`16'00"E A DISTANCE OF 524.00 FEET; 3.1 Nla'34'32"E A DISTANCE DF 468.37 FEET TU THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 14; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH LINE QF SECTI011 14, 1l8b"22'~:D'E A DISTANCE f?r 803.92 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGIN+JiNG, NOTES; i, THIS ANNExATIUN PLAT I5 BASED UPON RECORDED PLATS AND LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS FOUND IN THE OFFICE OF THE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK AHD RECORDER. IT IN ND WAY REPRESENTS AN ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY OF 7HE DESLAIBEU PROPERTIES. 7HE PURPOSE DF THE ANNEXAi)ON PLAT l5 TD LEGALLY DESCRIBE 7HE AREA OF LAND BEING INCLUDED WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF 7HE TOWN OF YAIL. THIS PLAT SHOULD NOT BE USED 70 LOCATE OR ESTABLISH REAL PROPERTY CORNERS FOR ANY OF THE SUBJECT PARCELS, 2. RECEPTION N0, ANO 800K/PAGE REFERENCES REFER TO THE RECORDS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK AHO RECORDER. 3. BEARINGS ARE TAKEN DIRECTLY FROM THE PLATS OF RECORD, E%CEPT FDR THE UNPLA7TED LAND SHONN AS L07 21, SECTION 14, THIS PARCEL WAS DESCRIBED PEA THE DEPENDENT SURVEY AND RESURVEY OF THE NW1l4, SECTIDN 74, PREPARED BY THE BUREAU DF LAND MANAGEMENT, THE BEAR111G5 OF LOT 21 HERE ROTATED IN A CLOCKWISE DIRECTION BY 06'18" 70 MATCH THE PLAT OF YAIL RIDGE, 4. PERIPHERY OF THE AREA TD 8E ANkExED I5 14,169.75 FEET. PERIPHERY CONTIGUOUS WITH THE EXISTING TDWH OF YA11 BOUNDARY I5 2,858.91 FEET. 017E-SIXTH OF iOTt;l PERIPHERY 15 2,361.62 FEET. PUBLIC NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE there will be a public meeting before the Town Council of the Town of Uail pursuant to Resolution No. 19, Series of 198fi, attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part hereof; to determine if the area proposed for annexation to the Town of Vail set forth in said Resolution meets the applicable requirements of Sections 31-12-104 and 31-12-105, C.R.S., as amended, and is considered eligible for annexation to the Town of Vail, Colorado. Said requirements are: 1. That not less than one-sixth of the perimeter of said area proposed to be annexed to the Town of Vail is contiguous to the Town ]imits of the Town of Vail. 2. That a community of interest exists between the above described territory and the Town of Vai], and that the same is urban, or will be urbanized in the near future, and further that said territory is integrated or is capable of being integrated into the Town of Vail. 3. That in establishing the boundaries of the above described territory, no land held in identical ownership, whether consisting of one tract or parcel of real estate or two or more contiguous tracts or parcels of real estate, has been divided into separate parts or parcels without the written consent of the landowners thereof, unless such tracts or parcels are already separated by a dedicated street, road or other public way. 4. That in establishing the boundaries of the above described territory, no land held in identical ownership, whether consisting of one tract or parcel of real estate or two or more contiguous tracts or parcels of real estate, comprising twenty 20} acres or more (which together with the building and improvements situated thereon have an assessed valuation in excess of $200,000 for ad valorem tax purposes for the next year preceding the filing of the within petition), has been included in the above described territory without the written consent of the landowner or landowners thereof. 5. That no annexation proceedings have been commenced for the annexation of part or all of the above described territory to another existing municipality. ' 6. That the annexation of the proposed territory will not result in the detachment of area from any school district. Date of public hearing: 19th day of August, 1985. Time: 7:30 p.m. or as soon thereafter as it may be held. Place: Council Chambers, Municipal Building, Town of Vail, Colorado. At the public hearing, any person living within the area proposed to be annexed, any landowner of lands therein, any resident of the Town of Uail ar the Board of County Commissioners of Eagle County may appear and present evidence upon any matter to be determined by the Town Council. TOWN OF VAIL amela A. Brandmeyer, To~ln Clerk July /S 1986 To be published in THE VAiL TRAIL on July 18, 25, August 1 and 8, 1986 and in THE EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE on July 24, 31, August 7 and 14, 1986. LEGAL DESCRIPTION A TRACT DF LAND 8E17:~ ~. PUK71Ui. OF THE NORTH UNE-!lALF OF SECT101: 14 AHO A PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST UNE-G;IARTER OF SECTION 11, 7ONNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 81 NEST DF TNL SIXTH PRINCIPAL HERIDIAN, EAGLE LOUISTY, COLORADO, AHD 8E1NG MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE QUARTER CORNER COMMON TO SAID SECTIONS 11 AkD 14; THENCE ALONG THE NEST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST DHE-QUARTER DF SECTION Il, NOl"51'00'E A 015?ANCE DF 532.50 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY 8DUt1UARY DF VAIL DAS SLHONE FLING N0. 2, A SUBOIYISION FILED FOk RECORD AT RECEPTION N0, 110984 ]k THE OFFICE OF THE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDER, FOR TkE FOLLOWING FIVE 151 COURSES: 1,} N5y"5L'DO"E A DISTANGf DF 246, DD FEET; 2,} N19'20'OU"E A OiSTANCE DF 122.00 FEET; 3,1 N28"08'00"E A DISTANCE OF 232.5G FEET; 4.1 N42"05'00"E A JTSTANCE DF ]50.50 FEET; 5,) N4G'02'14"~ A DISTANCE DF 436.75 FEET TD THE NORTH LINE OF THE SOUTHEEST UNE-QUARTER SAID SUUTH£AS7 ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 11; THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH LINE N86'20'00"E A D]5TANCE DF 625.8O FEET TO THE SOUTHEAST ONE-SIXTEENTH CORNER OF SAID SECTION I1; THENCE ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE EAST DNE-HALF DF SAID SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTEk OP SECTION 11, NU1'39'00"E A DI5IANCE OF 168.50 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE BOUNDARY DF YAIL HEIGHTS FILING k0. i, A 5U80IYISION FILED FDR RECORD AT RECEPTION N0. 170485 IN THE OFF]CE OF THE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK AfID RECURUER, FOR THE FOLLOHiNG TuELYE 412) COURSES: 1,} H56'40'00"E A DISTANCE DF 610.62 FEET; 2.) N55'2e'~0"E A DISTANCE OF 1E5,Ua FEET; 3.) 537'01'52"E A D]STANCE aF 210,49 FEET; 4.} 566"52'08`N A DISTANCE OF 100,00 FEET; 5.1 112.47 FEET ALONG THE AHC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAYING A CENTNAI. ANGLE OF 15'33'08" RIIU A RADIUS OF 414,37 FEET; 6.) 551'19'00"N A DISTANCE OF 273.50 FEET; 83.77 FEET ALONG THE ARL OF A CUR YE 70 THE RIGN7 HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF a4'OI'24" AND A RADIUS OF 1135,80 FEET; 8.1 555"26'29"u A 0I57AkLE OF 364, BS FEET; 9.} 139.59 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAY]NG A CENTRAL ANGLE DF 35°10'29" AND A RADIUS OF 227.38 FEET; la.) S20`16'OD"W A DISTANCE OF 284.00 FEET; 11.} 270.55 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A GURYE TO THE RIGHT HAYING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 64'57`33' AND A RADIUS OF 238.64 FEET; 12.) 585`13'33"N A DISTANCE OF 152.82 FEET TO SAID WEST LINE DF THE EAST ONE-HALF, SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 1i; THENCE ALONG THE 80UNDARY DF THE INN AT HEST VA1L, A SUBOTYISI011 FILED FDR RECORD IN 800K 372, AT PAGE 866, 1N THE OFFICE OF THE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK ANU RECORDER FDR THE FOLLOWING SIX {C) COURSES: 1,) 585'13'33"W A bISTANCE OF 104.34 FEET; 2.) 59.57 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 45`30'33' AND A RADIUS OF 75.00 FEET; 3.} 534'43'OO"N A DISTANCE OF 84.04 FEET; 4.) 528'09'00"E A D15TANGE OF 48.50 FEET; 5.1 245.63 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TO THE RIGHT HAYING A LEK7RAL ANGLE OF 72"23'01" ANp A RADIUS OF 194.43 FEET; 6,) 539'52'53"E A DISTANCE OF 171.75 FEET TO THE NORTMNE57ERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF INTERSTATE 7D, A PU$LIC RDAO; THENCE ALONG 5AT0 NORTHWESTERLY RIGHT-OF-NAY L1 NE OF INTERSTATE 7U FOR THE FOLLOWING TWELVE (171 COURSES: 1.} 681.89 FEET ALONG THE ARC DF A CURVE TO THE LEFT HAYING A CENTRAL AN1ilE OF 06`30'42', A RADIUS OF 6l}OO,DO FEET AND R CHDAD HH]CH 8EAR5 S4S`51'54"N 6$1.52 FEET UISTAN7; 2.) 542"34'45"W A DISTANCE OF 6.30 FEET; 3.1 562'02'59"W R UI57ANCE DF 282.20 FEET; 4.} 526'18'46"N A DISTANCE OF 4b3.3O FEET; 5.} 528'44'23"W A DISTANCE OF 458.90 FEET; ~~ 6,} 546'15'45"W A DISTANCE OF 17$.42 FEfT; 7.) 219.1$ FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE TQ THE LEFT HAVING A CENTRAL ANGLE DF 15"41'51`, A RAOiUS OFj 800.00 FEET, AND A CHORD NHICH BEARS S46'29'36`W 216,50 FE T DISTANT; 8.) 538"44'00"W A DISTANCE OF 414.59 FEET; 9.1 545`4tl'18"W A DISTANCE OF 422,13 FEET; TO.} 52]`36'24"W A D]STANCE OF 392.37 FEET; 11.} 285.23 FEET ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE 70 THE RIGHT HAYING A CENTRAL ANGLE DF 09`77'08", A RADIUS OF 1760.00 FEET, AND A CHORD NHICH 8EAR5 559'23'18"W 284,92 FEE O]STANT; 12.) 567"03'24"N A DISTANCE DF 259.45 FEET D THE WEST LIME DF THE EAST DNE-HALF OF THE NORTHWEST OFT'-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 14; THENCE ALDHG SAID WEST LINE NO1`2O'00"W A DISTAN E OF 1439.22 FEET; THENCE ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY BOUNDARY OF YA11 R pGE, A SUBDIVISION FILED FUR RECORD AT RECEPTION N0. 103252 Ik THE U FICE DF THE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK AND AELORUER, FOR THE FOLLOWING THREE (31 COURSES: 1.1 1156'19'00"E A p15TANCE OF 100.54 FEET; 2.) N37'16'00"E A DISTANCE OF 524.00 FEET; 3.) N19`34'37"E A DISTANCf OF 468.37 FEET T THE NDATH LINE OF SAID SECTION T4; THtNC£ ALONG SAID NORTH LINE OF SECTION 14, H86"22'CD'E A DISTRNiE ('r 803,92 FEET TD THE POINT t7F 6EGINNING. NOTES 1. TH15 ANNEXATION PLAT I5 BASED UPON RECORDED PUTS AND LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS FOUFfD IN THE OFFICE DF THE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK RND RECORDER. IT IN NO NAY REPRESENTS AN ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY OF THE DESCRIBED PRDPERTI£5. 7Hf PURPOSE OF THE ANNEXATION PLAT IS TO LEGALLY DESCRIBE 7NE RREA OF LAND BEING INCLUDED NI7HIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF 7NE TOWN DF YAIL. THIS PLRT SHOULD NOT BE USED TO LOCATE OR E5TA8LI5H REAL PROPERTY CORNERS FDR ANY OF TH£ SUBJECT PARCELS. 2. RECEPTION HD. AND BOOK/PAGE REFERENG£S REFER TO THE RECORDS OF THE EAGLE COUNTY CLERK AND AECORUER. 3. BEAZING$ ARE TAKEN DIRECTLY FROM THE PLATS OF RECORD, EXCEPT FOR THE uNFLATTED LAND SHONN AS LOT 21, SECTION 14. THIS PARCEL NAS DESCRIBED PER THE DEPENDENT SURVEY ANO RESURVEY OF THE NW1l4, SECTIDk 14, PREPARED BY THE BUREAU OF LRND MAkAuEMEN7. THE BEAR111G5 OF LOT 21 HERE ROTATED IN A CLOCKWISE DIRECTION BY 06'1$" TO MATCH THE PLAT OF YAIL RIDGE. 4. PERIPHERY OF THE AREA TO 8E ANNEXED I5 14,169.75 FEET. PER]PHERY CONTiGUDUS NITN THE EXISTING TOWN 4F YAIL 80UNDARY IS 2,858.91 FEET. ONE-SIXTH OF TOTAL PERIPHERY 15 2,3b1.b2 FEET. p N n cD -~ ~Q~7=np~~ - Y'i ~ Q ? ~. ~ ~ Q'~Q.Q~~~~p Q `v tp p Q ~ ~ ~ N 6~ `t~ ~~34Q ~ ~11 fj~[ N o m ~p Epp ~ m ~ m ~ Q o~ °~°~~~cD~°-_ a ~ ~ f ~ ~ ~. O nQc~D~..p~c3p~G a ~ ~ p Q cD ~ p ;~ ~ ~ p- =. ~ ~ 6 D_ o I ~ ~ 6 ~ ~ QQ~~~~Q{~cv ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~ n~Q c o ~ ~ g.o-~p p~ n y ~ p ~ p ~ ~ ~~m~~cD 7 ~ ~- Q Q ~Q~~p~-pmcD O ~ 3 3~~Q~~ mH cD n ~ ~ ~~~~pQ3~fl ~N~ ~ m ~ ~ ~,~ ~~~ Q ~~ ~ 7 $ 4 ~ ~ ~ ? n~x3~n~ 6 ~ ~ ~ O C Q ~Q~~~ ~ ~~~ - W o a rt y a ro~:~~.! ~ ~p~ ~ z7 n~ ao ma~ is ci~n4~aS'~na ~ s~n i ng ~ s - 16~r~~~'~ 4~47 ~3a TO $45.7 OYD w o ^~~ ~z Riu;g~ ~a~ m a ;~. S. c J _~7~~~ ,~~~~ N~gN R~ Q{Q{ ~ ~~ n ~ ~47 ~~~d 9A ~i~ ~~ p ~mv c 97~ l3~S3~ ~' 7 p ¢ p~ Q~• O iy S9p ~ g 0 ~ r o C i3:~ ~~~ R ~~° ~~ rm ~I g ~ ~ i+ o A 7 O Z m O T O r m O a i~ T Z G o , ri~n~toi •. - ~~ t:., r ' .. w.. r• .. ,. .j.. ,.. ~.wi r , of err Wrwr ~ ~atoorr~~ ta~a b artrd^eW taou111aaNOne4rrarMrof>TaatiaNlWa1 N 01. ,, 31'06" E a r Of (~.101Mt Ntance along the Northwagerly boundary d Vail der SCf WM FilWtp No. Z, a wbtlhrf^ion HI^A fnr record K Re{:rl>hirn No.110664 in Via oMld o} the Eagle County CNnt and ftacordar, for the followinti Hrr {5) eour^^^: 1) N 6o r^n 58'00" E a distrtcr of 216.00 f^el' 2) 19 20'00" E i diatanp OT 722.00 feN; 3) N 28 tla~reaa 06'00" E ^ dialana of 232.r1p laal: q , N 12 , , 05'00"EadNtrnaof tS0.60hM; 5} N 16 . 02'14" E a dtatanCr Of 136.76 feat t0 fhi North Ihta M 1M SOUtllweat OM quarter, raid Soutlrerat on^ quut~ of SecNOn 11; ihanp aforg wkl North lin^ N a6 i 20'00" E ^ dNtrnce of 62b.60 INt to tM SoythrMl oaa sillh^n1h ., of raid 8ec0on 11; iFanLY afon~ tfa WeN IIM d the East ant haH of raid Sa 3 ors quaMr of S^eUOn 11, N 01 . ., 36'00" E a dNtana d 106.601ea1: thenCr aforry tfr DouMMry pf VMf. 1~NI6Mi FlNrrp No. f. ^ ar~vNigt . for f60Ma f!f Raagbn flp. Y 10616 N 1f~ o18oa of SfM E~6pp~~ County CNrk aryl! K . , . for tllr f06orrfirp twafw 12 earreeN 1) N 66 Ea ~; 610.62 fa6t 2) N 66 Z~fIO"f.i dNtanee of 766.60 fart 31837 , - , ~'E4" ~ E • dNtanpe of 27QN hate 11 B 01 r ~ sz'a"w.aln.,w.ofla6.aof..xm.sla'd'f..t rorty qlf: arc d ^ wrre to Nit s cnttrai a-rgN d 16 _ ~ _ " tnp r r _ -- >+„ ie.~ tp tl 66 . ". "' w : aMtiifiaf~a x61.66 h.t m 1y6.66 frrt ahoy t1M ~ of a wrw to rite NR r sonar art~le of ~ i 10'26" N1dh a raaiu^ of 227.96 fN~,~ S 20 ~, 16'6y° w. artace a 264.00 leek 11) 2?•O.i6 faNt alone tfa are w a pIM to #ht rtyhl havlrq a 0164 , 67'ss' and a radlw ~ 236.64 /2} s 66 ddgqrasa 13'33' W r , . , of 162.62 foal to aab Vya1f ling Of tM Elat one half, SouthaaM oM quarq# of f' 11: tltalree alorq the bwrndrry of 1hf: Inn at WWIYaN, a scledYWa}on fNad for . ,,. , lek Book 372, a1 Pays 160. M 11M oftlpr Ol tM E~ CounlyCNrltandR .. IortMldklwinya~ i61 eaurerc t } S 66 . I 13'39- W a Watarrpw of 101.34 flint; 21 56.51 tent along tM are of R ewer to 1M tell her a r, anpN of dryraw 30'39" and a w W 73.00 het 318 13'00" W a dNwroe W16.01 frrt:/) S.fiO feat 06'00' E a d d fl1.60 faa4 alorty tits arc d a cvrra b rtes iradlNus of it1lASf~iakq 8 ~ ~ero21'6S- d d171.76hMto0at , rlyM of way NM d ~ 7p~,yarp~~fb~NC17napfnla~p 70 rOI t11i 10N~np~watrrwc111aa1.M rala afvp~to m~ I~fthavrn6 ~ and i cGiorA.wh h bwa a 46~ ~", ~ `. MSt•a1- wesf.62 hrr aslant; 2) a 42 . , 3x'46• w s .. , . oR6.30 Nat; S) S 62 , 0736" W a , apxaz26fa.t 11 s as ~ , t6'4e- w atlytancai airt~o~oF4~5ti.>fUlfit~slyrrr.4t~16 w a diatnp of 17s.42 fast 7) 2t~[16 f..t abnpthearcof ^ Curvy to~tta loft luring a eslttrai~ anyN d /5 . , 47'51- r rrdku of 600.0laseand • Chard whkdr bear^1 S 46 dayrew 14'00" W a1 dk+trnp t~itd.6q fast W ~' 46 dsyrrM 48'16" W ^ dNUnq of 422.13 het 10 8 21 drprap 36'21" w a dlatanp 3N2.37 hat; ~1)265. Earl ~ ny tfta arc W a curvy to 1M rl~hther{~ r gnlrff angle of OY . 4706 aradiusof1780.001se~andaehordrNNeh tuars8syd.o,...2r1a• w2NS.Nx f.ae dNrlah;lN~f} s6r w :ti~lraw2s1i,.WF~ If°fof~m. Nprt °hwNta one 99wrbr- of aakf Saetbn 11; afprtyartdWantIhteN01 . ~ 20'00' W a dNfarweof1136.22 fast: tfagr~+do~~pon6 the [Iprth at fi f Vahan fro. t042d2 in Ifra o8~cad, fWk~inp {^tra I~h ootrtaa 1)~l 16 da~raa~lt19'00" E a dlMNnoa of 100:pGfe~t, 2) ?I 37 da6+wa f0'00` E a•, , of E21.Q0 hrt 3} N16dayreM31'92" E ! dlatall,pi Of 466,37 het lrtfaNonhOraofMidsats6aaiF~ eking ,slNd North Nna o1 8aaticn 1L ~~22'00- E a , . of 6o3.a21r6t tofha~ .baylnnlrq. NpT~Bc Tlrr TlOa N1al N hllrat~ fou~ild Ht ~ the Ea~Cawtty CNrk' , IIMd ~urvr~ 8~~~ ~~ ,~~~,. P~aR Of ~ +~0+r~i^iNa~i1 ,p~'ij tp _ '_.' deeedbe tfli area of Nod thr .. .. , la flntFta of tIM TSiMt MVaR .: plal ahauW'rrol a urrd p r. „ , a ~ reef .. for arMP of fhe aUEFf{g P~erreN~q~21 ~R~tl~ No. sad bpokl~0a~7aa±cou~~rny Clerk fr-ae~drI R.cordir; 3j s,jrjt;;taken dirrclfy 4rlld~ plate of record, MvapkKfortheI , t arfae21,.!14. Tyr p~qf leas tlM~7ibd pry "'~ q: i f4.~~ ~ wr Iknar, AA , 11ra SaMri/gr of Let $t .tw al dlr0 r Pt , N Thy Vail Trri< A on ,prty 18.46 sad Auyurt 1 and 6, 1600 o a~ a~ Q Q g. ~ Q ~ ~ Q ~ o o ~ p~~ Q~ro f ~ c m 3~~~Q~~p~3 ~ ~ ~ ~j ~ ~ ~ m ~ mQ~Q.~o~o m o ~ ~ ° ~ QgQ4~~~~~ g ~ ym~ ~_ a ~ (may Q g Q ~ ~ p~ $ ~~„ ~~ Q~N ~ ~ ~ n ~ (D f' Q O ,.~, Q ~ -a p ~ O o ~ ~ ° Delp m Q a m~mQ~'mgy o~.Y o ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~.~ ~c Q m ? -• ~ ~•~~ Q Q,n~ ff~ ~m a ~ p ~~@ ~ oQ N ~ ° O~ c H~-" p~ ~~ a N I" n ~ $ ~~D3°_°~mQ 3 0~(Dp O y p ~ ? ~ O ~ ~~3~~077,~ t7 ~~~ ~ n~ ~f~D C ~ S(D Cp ~ 4 CZ p C OMB ,7 -~v, 0 ._ o~ s~ ~~ gz a 8 a ~~~~ a~~ Q s a~ s~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~ s q ~w~~Qi$i ~ z 8 ~~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~ ~1L~ O z O o r n r- F O Z l m s m O RR~~m s S._ A tract o1 tartd a , . d Ihs North utta hW N 6aaaart~4 ttnd • pttraou of tlial;~. SouthYatatnquMM~dM~llef~/t,T~M~- ~ d fOlipWe: - .. -. t~harwy~~o~iyaawN~ ~ ~ , . ~rt.daaorytaa~r.~ ~- vra daa 9ehone Fuk,p trio. 2. a airbdlvhion feed for racond at IoR No. f 10864 in eta de1k1 of dq Eaph Cow CNrk and ~ ~ ., . , for tllsli;follow five Isl ootKaaa: 1) N 69 ~ e56'60"" a dlatarta of 246.00 tart x- N 16 i 2adees"p°fra.~ao~e•go E:IaKt.Gnao ~so°rt.:~p N 42 degrees 06'OQ" E a dlatence of f 56.50 feet 5) N 48 dapreea 1)2'14" fire diatartee of 436,73 tart to the North line o! the Southwest orN , quarter, said Souttreast one quarter of Sscdon 11; thence aFOnp uld North Ilns N 86 deprave 20'170" E a distance of fMQBO last to the Southeast one elxtaartttt comer of aaitl Section 11; thsnw aF~ann9q the Wuat line of the Erat oar ". hell of sNd Southept one gwrtel of Section f 7, N Ot degrees 39'00" E a distance of 186.50 feat , thane along the 6ountluy of Vail tlalphti Fll[np No. 1, a subdivlsipn filed for record d Reception No. 1169x5 in the atflt:a of the Fa~!e County. Clerk and Recorder, for the follcwfrtp twelve {12) courses: 1) N 58 depress 40'60" E a ' dlatantx o1610.t12 tatty; 2} N 3S degrees 28'50" E ' a distance Of 7115.00 feel; 3} S 37 .: ,,. , . 0752" E a distance of 270.49 feet 4) S OB dsonM 52'68" W a tlistaaee of 100.06 feet: 3)1 t 2.17 faM along tl» src of a curve to the left hevlrtg a central anph of TS rag 33.08" end a radlw ' of 414.37 feet; 6) S 31 deprave 19'00" W a distance of 273.50 fast; 7} 81.77 teat stoup tits ' arc of a curve to the right having a central suety of 01 daprsea 07'29" and a radius of 1135.60 , feet; 6- 3 55 dagroes 28'29" W a dletanGa Of f384.68 feet 9- T3~.5p het abnp the rc d? curve Er7 the left having a central angle d 36 degrees 10'29" and a radlua 01227.38 fee[:10} S 20 depress 16'00" W a distarree of 284.00 plat t i- 270.55 feat ebnq the arc of a curve to t1~~ t right having a central angledf 84 degr4!es 57'Sffi' and a redlua of 238.84 feet 12] S 85 dspraea ' 13'33" w a dlatana at 192.82 feet to saidlAlMt hna of the East One half, Southeast one quarter"; Ot Section 11; thence storep the boundary oohs. ~ Enn at WetN YaN, a subdirhlon fNSd tw recordtn 900k 372, at Pat1a x66, in tIN offip Of the Fettle I of 104.34 Iwl; 21 S9.6Y feat along tl-e src d a curve h the leh ttarirtp a thtttrai angle of dagnar 43'60" W as ndidNtatwa of 66.411est3J 41 26 . 09'00" E a d", of 96.30 fast: ., 246.6 feat along the arc d a curve to the hating a central angh d 72 x'01" e radius d f 91.74 hat; 6) 8~ d 62'57'' a dlatance of 171.73 het to ate . +f right of wayngaha d Intaratata 70, arpipuhbtBc31IntMetab70krtMfoOaw{np~Wa1W txwraaa: t}061.89 feel abng fire arc d a to tM Nit having • certtrat angle of 0$ 30'42" r ndiw of 11000.00 feet ana a whlGh tsars S iS degreaa 51'64" W 661.62 einane; 2) 942. , 34'46" W a ~. 6.36 feet; S) S B2 . 02'39" W ataatanM 2x2.20 feat 4) 328 ~, tm4a" w edratrtaw- or .ea.ao rra; sri a as . 4re•a9 • wdlttanoeol4t1a.90hat;di$4bd 15' a diatanee of 176.42 feN; 7) 211~.f11 het the arc of • curve t0 the Nit havlrlp e angle o1 16 dpreM 41'51" ^ radlw d 800. lest and a chord which Bann 3 18 d , ~ 29'36" w 21e.56 tsN dlatanr, a} f$ea~t ~ ;s g44'00" W • distanp al 411.69 2dpdrae.~ae4~a•1~6.~wawdlatanoa 3~ ~~3in«;286.23 het riany the are of a W Iva to the fiavlnp a eentnt ang~ltee o} 09 asspprrsae 11'p8 radius o11760.06(seianda rdtordwMeh 59 dpross 23'18" W 284.92 fttat dhtfark;l2) S degrees 00.21" W a dhGtrtCS of 259.961ent to tHi <:West tine of tM East orte hall of the NoRhwaal;.: one quarter of veld Seetbn f4, thence elortr-,Bald West Iles N 01 . , 20'00" W ^ dislanp ,of 1439.22 het t![lN1CQ done 6te Northweatsrly , n~R f flail Ridp~ a aubdWhbn filed ! aoepttylon No, t09262 !n the offlts sT " tip ~ro thine {31 ~ -i f~N ~ d• ~bre~a~~ltroo" r? ^ dlarartce of 160. roar 2) -hl 3T."depnsa 16'00" E a diatartca 01324.00 feet; S) I!'. tn°aN°igarnr"a+ IM. aaua s~c°~i « i ~ aria aaltl North krta of Seetiott 14, N 86 d. ; ..i,,;~'22'00" E a t'. , . of a0a.92 fast to ttte point at~~bepkrninp. NOTES: f) Tills anttexalbn plat h uvort recorded gists and ~gtl desut-tfoundintMoftipdtMEaplsCounty and Recorder. It in noway an act field turvsy of the described p ". Aurpow o} tM annexation plat N t0 IsW[ deeerihe the rtes of land Oelrtg included w i the OOrpanh limits at thf Town o} VMI. Thisplatehculdnetbeused ~ i0cahd areah011 real Property"comen for any of the su paroeh; 2) „ . pn No. and tttxokl reteraneaa refer tD the raadrda of tits COURIy Clark, end R . ,. ~ , 3J 6sarlrtgs e , taken directly frtrrt fife pieta AI record., tM~unpIal6W Nnd spawn as Lot 2t. ~ ~ . perwi was dspandairh4 eunrgr and.raaurwy of #~ W 1A ~ 'fha f~ ~ tM ~ ~ of Land rotataQ in ^ el... , ~ i by t~fa' frtatCfi ~a+« Pht Df Yea 4y ~phNy at11q arse to be anttaaa~ k1~T6teat rota wah ate tatm N 2,161.tHI ~ Arta-4hth ~ Pubtblraa M The Vag Taal! tfrt Nrtray711, 2s, xtgtlat t arts L t9~