HomeMy WebLinkAbout1980-18 Authorizing and Directing the Enlargement and Improvemet of King Arthur's Court Parkt I~ESOLUTIOV N0. 1.8 Series of 150 A TIESOLUTIOI`~ OI` ;.'Hls TOWN .COUNCIL AUTHOItiTZIivG AND DIH7;CTIi1G T"r.II~ IJidL,.'~I;GIa~'IIaNT AND I~,IPROVE3IL~AdT Oi' I~IidG As TIIrJR'S COGRT PAIII~; FIivDIi~TG it I~IECESSITY FOR TIIE ACC},U I S I T I ON OF ADD I T I Oi~IA; PROPERTY I;OR SAID PAi,,il; i~~IAIiING CE;LTAIN FINDINGS; ALTT-IO?IIZI'JG TJI,7IiFEidT DOMAIN PI'LOCEEDINGS; Ai~~D S't?;TTIivG FORTII DETAILS RELAT I i1G TIIERETO . S'~I-IElrE~1S, the Town of Vail owns certain property known a,s the King Arthur's Court Park; and, WHEE~EAS, the completion of the park requires the acquisition of additional property to ensure access and full utilization of the park; and, YHEF~EAS, East National Bank of Denver, formally, Colfax National Bank, and I.A.C. /Bailey own the property that is necessary for the parr ; 2nd , jYHEREAS, the Town of Vaal has eminent domain authority under the Constitution an c_ Statutes of the State of Colorado and the Charter of the Town of Vail; NOW, TI3EREFORE f3E IT RESOLVED, BY TT.,iE VAIL TOWN COUI~iCIL OF THE TOWN OF VA IL , COLORADO , TIiAT Section 1. The Town Council :~anc~s as_ follows: F a) the Ding Arthur's Court Public Pa:ek and open space area owned and maintained ',~y the Town needs to be enlarged and imp~•oved. b} The enlargement and improvement of the Park is necessary for the proper use, access and enjoyment of the Park by the citizens of the Town of Vail. c} The property described on E~hibat "A" attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof as necessary for the enlargement and improvement of the Bing Arthur's Court Park. l , Resolution No. .~~ Page ~' d) Tlie Town a1' Veil 4~.nc1 the c>4vner.s a!' {,lie required property haE-e been unable to agree to tie sale/ purchase of the property. e) The residence and locati~~n of the owner known as K.A.C. /Bailey is not I:nown. Section 2. Based upon the within stated findings, the Town Council authorizes and directs that all necessary steps and actions be tai;,en or comrlenced to acquire said required property by eminent domain. INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED, AND ENACTED this '~ day of /,(/yt~ 1980. 4lajrttr _ _ ~J, ATTEST: G ~~ /~ Town Clex'~'"'~ Y A PARCEL 01; LAND SITUATED IN Ti3E SOUTHEAST ONE QUARTER OF SEC'FIOIV 12, TUh'Ir'SHZP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 80 t,~EST OP TIDE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MER7DIAi`1, MOPE PARTI:,ULARLX DESCRIBED AS F07;LOt,TS: BEGIN~;I~IG AT A POINT WHICH IS THE SOUTHEAST' CORNER OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 5 OUTH, RANGE 80 WEST OF THE SIk"TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN: THENCE r,ORTH S9 DECREES 53 MINUTES 24 SECONDS Iti~EST 867.25 FEET TO A POINT ON THE ARC OF A CURVE: 'THENCE NORTH %4 D>±:GREES 4$ MINUTES 38 SECOA'AS WEST ALONG THE C1iORD OF THE CURVE 96.26 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BECINNING. THENCE NOitTH R9 DEGREES 53 MINUTES 24 SECONDS WEST 161.61 FEET: THENCE ALONG THE ARC OF A CURVE WHICH SUBTENDS A C?iORD BEARING NORTH 31 i}irGREES 02 MINUTES 00 SEC01`'DS WEST 111.46; THENCE NORTH b2 DEGREES 04 MINUTES 00 SECQ~^JSi,'EST 150.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 27 DEGREES 56 MINUTES 00 SECOir'-S EAST 117.40 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 62 DEGREES 04 MINUTES 00 SEC01`TDS EAST 388.43 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 27 DEGREES 56 1~SINiJTES 00 SECONDS WEST '99.43 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. J '/ V