HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969 Vail Town Council MinutesAGENDA THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES -THE TOWN OF VAIL JANUARY 13, 196 1. CONSIDERATION OF IVIINUTES OF PREVIOUS IVIEETING 2. SECOND ANI~ FINAL READING OF AN ORDINANCE (Gas) 3. CONSIDERATION OF ENTRANCE S'T'REET RIGHT-OF-WAY ALTERATION. ~. CONSIDERATION OF SET'T'ING HEARINGS ON LIQUOR VIOLATIONS 5. REPORTS ~. MAYOR AND TRUSTEES 7. CITIZEN' PARTICIPATION ~~~~~ ~2~~ ~.~~ ~~ 1~ 1~~~.- ~~-~- ~~~ ~-`~~. ~ ~f-~ ~ ~~ L~ • AGENDA MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF VAIL FEBRUARY I0, 1969 u ].. Minutes o£ Previous IvYeeting, 2. Financial Reports. 3. Consideration of an Ordinance Adopting the Abbreviated Edition of the 1~b~ Fire Prevention Code, 4. Police Activity Repoxt. 5. Other Reports. 6. Citizen Participation. • r~ ~. AGENDA VAIL BOARD OF TRUSTEES TOWN OF MAIL APRIL 14, 1.969, ?:30 P. M. , MONDAY • L. CONSIDERATION O1~' MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING 2. FINANCIAL REPORTS 3. CONSIDERATION OF AN EMERGENCY APPROPRIATION OR DINANC E 4. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE VACATING A CERTAIN STREET RIGHT-OF-ViTAY ~i. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL 6. PUBLTG HEARING ON CASINO VAIL LIQUOR LICENSE 7. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS -TOWN COORDINATOR 8. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS -TOWN ATTORNEY 9. MAYOR AND TRUSTEES I4. CITIZEN PARTICTI:?ATTON u i AGENDA BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE 7'O~l'N OF VAIL MAY ~.2, 1969 (Convene as Liquor Board to consider transfer of Gallery Liquor License? ~.. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES Off` PREVIOUS MEETINGS 2. FINANCIAL REPORTS 3. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE EZONING) 4. DISCUSSION OF BURNING CONTROLS 5, DISCUSSION Off' STREET VACATION PROPOSAL 6, CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE 1987 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE. 7. DISCUSSION OF LAND DEDICATI(7N PROPOSAL FOR SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS $, REPORTS 9.. MAYOR AND TRUSTEES 10. C ITTZ EN PAR'~'IC iPATrON l~J AGENDA MEETING OF THE VAIL BOARD OF TRUSTEES 3UNE 23, 196 `7:3q P. M. l.. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING. 2. FINANCIAL REPORTS 3. APPOINTMENTS TO BOARD OF ZONING AD3'USTMENT AND BOARD OF BUILDING APPEALS. ~. APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO SIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE. ~. DISCUSSION OF NEW STREET SIGN PLAN. o. DISCUSSION OF EAGLE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT-CORPORATION REQUEST ~'OR WATER SERVICE, 7, DISCUSSION OF DOG CONTROL, t3. DISCUSSION OF SUMMER PARKING SITUATION. 9. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS: a. LIQUOR DECISION. b. MUNICIPAL LEAGUE REGISTRATION. ~.q. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. AGENDA BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF 'T'HE TOWN OF VAIL MEETING HELD JULY 14, 1.969 '7:30 P. M. 1. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING 2. ~`INANCTAL REPORTS 3. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING A TRACT OF LAND TO THE TOWN OF VAIL ~. CONSIDERATION OF SOLICITING SIDS TO PAVE BEAVER DAM CIRCLE ~. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE 1.9G? UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ~. REPORTS 7. MAYOR AND TRUSTEES 8. C1ITT7 EN P#lR2'TC IPATION 1 ~J AGENDA for the VAITa BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING AUGUST 13, 109 I, MINUTES Off' PREVIOUS MEETTNG. TI. COMMUNICA'T'IONS. III. FIN.~.NCIAL REPORTS. It7, CONSIDERATION OF ELECTRIC UTILITY S'T'UDY. V. REPORT ON MEETTNG ~Ti7TTT3 POST OFFICE OFFICIALS, VI. SIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE REPORT. VII. DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED SUT37JTVISTON REGULATIONS. VTTT. STREET SIGN REPORT T~. MISCELLAN'EOUS REPORTS. A. STREET FT~USHER, X. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. **THERE U'ilTLL BE AN EXECUTIVE SESSION OF THE LOARD OF 'T'RUSTEES AF'T`EI? THE REGULAR MEETTNG, Ci • AGENDA FOR THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING SEPTEMBER 8, I9S9 I. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING II. FINANCIAL REPORTS III. CONSIDERATION 4F STREET VACATION f~ PROPOSAL IV. MAIN PARKING LOT AND AREA NORTH OF COVERED BRIDGE V. BUS TRANSPORTATION VI. REPORTS VII. MAYOR AND TRUSTEES VIII. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION AGENDA BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING TOWN OF VAIL SEPTEMBER 22, 1969 7:30 P. M. CONVENE AS LOCAL LIQUOR LICENSING AGENCY: i. Set Hearing date for Beer and Wine License Application II. Set Hearing date for Hotel and Restaurant Liquor License Application CONVENE AS BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN 4F VAIL: I. Minutes of the Previous Meeting II. Gulf Oil Co. Protest III. Presentation of Core Area Traffic Circulation Plan for Winter IV. Unit l Sign Presentation V. Preliminary Presentation of l9`7g Budget VI. Consideration of Applications to Operate Loudspeakers VII. Appointment of New Planning Commission Member IX. Discussion of Need for Additional Recreation Programs and Facilities X. Discussion of the Regulation of Transient Sellers XI. Discussion of Municipal League Requests XII. Town Attorney Reports: A. Means of Restricting Delivery Vehicles B. Prohibiting Motorcycles in Core Area C. Regulation of Winter Construction XIII. Reports: A. Refuse Disposal B. Bus Transportation C. 3uly Sales Tax Comparison D. Subdivision Regulations E. Water and Sewer Bond Election XIV. Mayor and Trustees XV, Citizen Participation EXECUTIVE SESSION TO ~"dLLOW AGENbA VAIL BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING NOVEMBER l4, 169 2 : ~ J P. M. MANOR VAIL CONFERENCE ROOM ~~ ~J L.~' CONVENE AS LbCAL LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY: 1.. Consideration of an application by Richard M. F~:ancho for a B.,er and Wine License at Toph's Downstairs, to be located in the Lazier/Arcade Building at Vail. 2. Consideration of an application by Boulder Vail Restaurants, Inc. , for a Hotel and, Restaurant License at the Rid Ram, to be located in the S~tzmark at Vail, 3. Consideration of an application by Casino Partners, Ltd.. , for a Hotel and R~:staurant License, to be located at corner of Brid.~~e St, and Gore Valley Drive, Vail. ~. Consideration of local liquor license renewals for calendar year 1974. CONVENE AS BOARD OF TRUSTEES: 1. Minutes of previous meeting. 2. Financial reports. 3. Discussion of a proposed ordinance to restrict motorcycles from the core area. 4, Discussion of a proposed ordinance to regulate ioud.speakers. 5. Consideration of winter bus program, 6. Consideration of an ordinance re~~u]atinc~ transient gelling. 'l. Consideration of an ordinance vacating a portion. of Vail V..~,iiey Drive. 3. Discussion of settlement with U. S. Government on litigation pending in the U. S. District Court. 9, Discussion of providing regulated permit parking for the r~lain parking lot. 1:}. R ports: A. Post O.i_fice. B. Water and sewer band. issue. C. Dedication of area no.cth of covered bridge, D. Main parking lot lease. E. Paving requirernencs. ~~'. Buildinn perrz~its issued. ll. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. TRUSTEE EXECUTIVE SESSION ON TAXATION SUBSEQUENT TO PUBLIC NiEETING. AGENDA DOARD OF TRUSTEES MEE'3'TNr DEC EML ER ~, 1g~9 LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY: 1, Decision on Vail L~.onsHead Hearing/Application for the Starting Gate and Camp One, to be located in the lower gondola terzx~inal at LionsHead. 2. Consideration of 197 liquor license renewals. 3. Consideration of Hotel & Restaurant license transfer from Manor V~.i.l Corp. to Dr. William C. Winter to be effective January 1, 1~~7~, for the Lord Gore Club at l~~anor Vail. • BOARD OF TRUSTEES: 1. Minutes of previous meetings. 2, Fina.nc ial Reports. 3. Diucussion of proposed par~i~in J log lease. ~. Discl~.ssio~~ of proposed Covered Bride and. Variaufer Park land dedications, 5. Consideration of an ordinance a_ylend~nc~ the Town of Vail ~aies tax ordina.n~;e. u. Board. of Zanii~~;~ Ad~ustrxle~~t x~ecornrriei~.d,ation far' rrkinor change to Loninc~ Ordinance. • '7, Reports: A. Vail A ~sociates' land, offer for municipal. building site. B. Do~~ canto ol. C. Parkin~;~, D. Proposed. vehicle purchase. E, Homeowners' Association. F. Vvater and sewer bond election. G, Electric uiility study. TRUSTEE STUDY SESSION AFTER REGULAR MFE'TING • .AGF'~]'DA PC.ARP~ CE TRUSTEES VF~'~'ING -T_' !a'CENIPER 72., l~;ba 1. r'xecution of land z~edic3tions from V it .!y^sociates. ?. Eiscussion of refuse disposal pra6ler~~-. ?. EisCUSS1On of ~rrunici~al build ins; site. ~. ~`iscussian of _z-.3in aarkin~; lot lease. 5. Liiscussian of sleiab sAxvice. ~, ~' iscussian of Y{~ly C ~°oss T"lectric and .iVlauntain ,States Tele- phone Co. track sales ta;~es. .- ~ 7. Emergency apt?rapriation ordinance. 8. 12 epo its ~. Pas service. P. Underground utility report to Harneowners' aAssociation. C. "olive report. T. Sanding {use of cinders). F. Eire report. E. Subdivision Re~ulatians. G. Julia a-i1nexation aetitian. H. ~io~; control. 9, Citizen participation. [. OFFICE COPY DO NOT REMOVE ~~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING VAIL BOARD OF TRUSTEES -THE TOW N OF VAIL HELD JANUARY l3, lgb9 On Monday, January 13, 19b9, at 7:~0 P, M. , the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Vail was called to Order by the Mayor, John A. Dobson, in the usual xr~eeting place in the Mi11 Creek Court Building. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Members present: John Dobson, Mayor John Kaemmer Joseph Langmaid C. E. Kindel Thoxx~as ,5teinberg John Donovan Richard Bailey Also present: F. Blake Ilynch, Tovan Manager ~., CONSIDERATION OF MTNUTE~S OF PREVIOUS MEETING. After reading the Minutes of Decerx~ber 23, 1968, it was noted a word change was in order. With this correction, Trustee Kindel moved that the Minutes be approved as corrected; this was seconded by Trustee Langtna.id and unanimously approved by the Board. After reading the Minutes of Decexxaber 27, 1968, it was noted there was a correction in the Ralf Call. With this change Trustee Kindel made a Motion to approve the Minutes; it was seconded by Trustee Langmaid and unanimously passed by the Board. 2. SECOND AND FINAL READING OF ORDINANCE NO. 1, 1969, ENTITLED: "AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A FRANCHISE BY THE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, TD CONSTRUCT, PURCHASE, ACQUIRE, LOCATE, MAINTAIN , QPERATE, AND EXTEND INTO, UTITHIN AND THROUGH SAID TOWN, PLANTS, VaTORKS, SYSTEMS AND FACILITIES, FOR THE PURCHASE, STORAGE, TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION OF GASEOUS FUELS, OR MIXTURES THEREOF BY MEANS OF PIPES, MAINS, CR OTHERWISE, OVER, UNDER, ALONG AND ACROSS ALL STREETS, ALLEYS, VIADUCTS, BRIDGES, ROADS, LANES, PUBLIC WAYS AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES IN SAID TOWN OF VAIL, TO SELL, FURNISH AND DISTRI- BUTE SAID PRODUCT TO THE TOWN OF VAIL AND THE IN- HABITANTS THEREOF, AND FIXING THE "PERMS AND CON- DITIONS THEREC?F. " Mr. Higday presented to the Board Proof of Publication for the Notice as to Further Consideration of Ordinance Granting Franchise to Public Service Company of Colorado, published by the Eagle Valley Enterprise. He stated the P. U. C. Hearing was set fox January 21 at 500 Columbine Building, 1$25 Shexman Street, Denvex, at 10:00 A. M. • PAGE TWO Trustee Kindel moved that the proposed Ordinance granting a Franchise to Public Service Company of Colorado be read in full by the Town Clerk, which was seconded by Trustee Steinberg. The Franchise was read in full by F. Blake Lynch. Trustee Kindel moved that the Ordinance, which had just been read, , be passed and adopted as an Ordinance of the Town of Vail; it was seconded by Trustee Donovan. The Board was then polled as to their understanding of said Ordinance in the order followings Trustee Bs.iley - yes Trustee Donovan - yes Trustee Kaemmer - yes Trustee Kindel - yes Trustee Langrrxaid - yes Trustee Steinberg - yea r~ LJ The Board was then palled as to their approval of the Ordinance ~,n the same order: Trustee Bailey - yes Trustee Donovan - yes Trustee Kaemmer - yes Trustee Kindel - yes Trustee Langmaid - yes Trustee Steinberg - yea Mr, Higday secured the necessary signatures and stated he looked foxward to being part of the caxr}n~unity. He introduced some of the people who would be working with Public Service; all were welcomed by Mayor Dobson, 3. CONSIDERATION OF ENTRANCE STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY ALTERATION (RELOCATION OF THE WATER MAIN) Vail Associates is willing to give up b0' of right-af-way: 32 112' to the west and 27 1/~' to the east of the island which divides the main entrance/exit, A decision was not necessary immediately. It will be considered again later. 4. CONSIDERATION OF SETTING HEARINGS ON LI£?UOR VIOLATIONS The Board reviewed a memo from Chief Holmes regarding liquor license violations. Mayor Dobson stated the basic question was whether the Town wanted to enter into the matter of policing and controlling the liquax violations as they occur or would they prefer the State to handle these? Chief Tdalmes stated the State will handle these cases where the Town does not; hawevex, if they are handled by the Town, the State is less liable to enter into the matter. The Police Department is instructed by law to note these violations. .After same discussion, it was unanimously agreed by the Board that the responsibility was with the Town. The Mayor asked Blake Lynch to look into the procedure setting up hearings far consideration on these vial.ationa, It was agreed a meeting would be called for the Board and Jahn C. Philpott, State Liquor Control Officer, before two weeks in order to decide which cases should be heard. i ' Page Three 5. REPORTS Blake Lynch reported th~.t TV xeception shauld be ready in two weeks. The Mayox stated some of the delay was due to a problem encountered with property owners who did not wish the cable to cut acxoss their land, making it necessary to place pales on the highway. Blake Lynch submitted a schedule of dates fox approval as to up-coming Meetings, which the Board agreed was acceptable. Mayor Dobson suggested Larry Robinson, Town Attorney, shauld begin researching in prepaxation for annexations. 6. MAYOR AND TRUSTEES Trustee Bailey asked as to the status of the dog pound. Blake Lynch reported the pound was constructed and located at the sewer plant. Trustee Steinberg asked as to the status of the new Town Assistant Manager. Blake Lynch said his beginning date would be February 1, lgb9. Trustee Kindel inquired about the telephone problem which had existed in Vail. Blake stated he had written Mr, Don Capron and the trouble was due to the fact that there are not enough trunks out of Vail. The Telephone Company has indicated they will give close attention to this matter. Trustee Kindel also inquired about police coverage on a 24-hour basis. Chief H~'_raes reported that 2:00 A. M. to 8:00 A. M, coverage is in effect two night^ a week, with no set nights scheduled. Sarneone is always an duty from $: QO A. M. to 2:00 P. M. Trustee Kindel asked if the Town would replace any bent ox mutilated signs. Chief Holmes said he would look into this. Trustee Kindel asked about the ice overhang on the Lazier lding, Blake Lynch stated this had been cleared, It was suggested a roof be a future requixement in the building Cade and covenants in axder that the ice overhang problem could be abated. ?. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Robert Parker asked if the Town would donate toward the flags for the races coming up in Vail. He also inquired as to the general clean-up program for Vail. Mayor Dobson suggested securing a promise from each owner before cleaning up. Trustee Donovan suggested donating one person from each business in order to help. Mr. Lynch indicated that Town equipxraent would be available to help upon hearing further fxom Mr, Parker. With no furthex business to come before the Board, the Meeting was unanimously adjourned at x;40 P. M. ~~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING VAIL BOARD dF TRUSTEES -THE TOV~IN OF VAIL HELD DECEMBER 27, 196$ • On Friday, December 27, x.968, at 1:30 P. M. , the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Vaii was caked to Order by the Mayor, John Dobson, in the Rib Room of the Lodge at Vail. ROLL CALL: Roll Ca11 found the following Members present: John Dobson, Mayor Trustee Kindel Trustee Langmaid Trustee Kaemmer Truste_ e Ba~ley ,,j}~7 /~ J J ~VI,'~-"i y' 1. Absent: John Donovan ~}~:.. _ y 1. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES CONVENED AS THE LIQUOR LIGENSII~TG . AUTHORITY i~odae Liquor License The Board noted that it was only necessary to consider the moral character of the applicant for the proposed new owners of the Lodge. Police Chief Holmes was called upon tp present .his findings on investigating the moral character of the applicants. He reported. that their fingerprints had been taken, that letters of reference had been received and nothing derogatory has been found concerning their moral character. The Board voted to approve the liquor license application. 2, THE BOARD CONVENED AS THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 1. Structured F~.rking • Mr. Lynch discussed the progress being made with structured parking. He explained the probable location, the basic elements of an arrangement with Vail Associates on the land and the most loc,~cal vehicle for financing the project. No vote of final approval was given by the Board on the project, nor were afiy objections voiced, 2. Selection of Attorney The Board had previously decided that it would be desirable in terms of saving money and obtaining more immediate service to hire a Town Attorney on a salary basis. It was anticipated that the attorney would reside in Vail. A committee of the Mayor and the Chairmen of the three Districts had met and narrowed the potential selection down to two persons: (1} Stewart Brown and (2) Larry Robinson. Mr. Robinson of the firm of Robinson and Sullivan in Boulder was selected for two principal reasons: (1) Mr. Brown had a case pending against the Town in the Supreme Court and (2} The Town would actually be obtaining the services of an assistant working under Mr. Brown rather than the full attention of Mr, Brown himself. V+Iith no further business to come before the Board, the Meeting was unanimously called to a close; it adjourned at 3:00 P.1VI. MINUTES OF THE MEETING THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES -THE TOV~IN OF VATL DEC EM~3ER 23, x.96$ On Monda December 23, 1908, at '7:85 P. M. , the Meeting of the Baard of Y~ Trustees of the Town of Vail was called to Order by the Mayor, John Dobson. ROLL CALL: Roll C~.ll found the following Members present: John Dobson, Mayor T, I. Steinberg Richard Bailey Jahn Kaernmer C. E. Kindel Joseph Langmaid Absent: John Donovan Also present were F. Blake Lynch (Town Manager), and Peter Cosgriff {Attorney). . 1. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Board reviewed the Minutes of the Previous Meeting held December 9, 1908. Trustee Kindel made a Motion to approve the Minutes as read which was seconded by Trustee Bailey. The Motion was unanimously passed by the Board. 2. FIRST READING OF A PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 17, "AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A FRANCHISE BY THE TOWN OF VATL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Off' COLORADO, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, TO CONSTRUCT, PURCHASE, ACQUIRE, LOCATE, MAINTAIN, OPERATE, AND EKTEND INTO, WITHIN AND THROUGH SAID TOWN, PLANTS, WORKS, SYSTEMS AND FACILITIES, FOR THE PURCI-IASE, STORAGE, TRANSMISSION AND DIS'T'RIBUTION OF GASEOUS FUELS, OR MIXTURES 'T'HEREOF BY MEANS OF PIPES, MAINS, OR OTHERWISE, OVER, UNDER, ALONG AND ACROSS ALL STREE'T'S, ALLEYS, VIADUCTS, BRIDGES, ROADS, LANES, PUBLIC WAYS AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES TN SAID TOV+IN OF VATL, TO SELL, FURNISH AND DISTRIBUTE SAID PRODUCT TO THE TOWN OF VATL AND THE INHABITANTS THEREOF, AND FIXING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF. Attorney Cosgriff asked Mr. Higday of the Public Service Company if he had proof of publication for the Notice of Application for Franchise by Public Service Company of Colorado. Mr. Higday presented a copy of the publication to F. Blake Lynch, which had been published by the Eagle Valley Enterprise. Mr. Higday gave a brief report. The final reading of the ordinance will be January 13. The application will be filed with the Public Utilities Commission the next day; it will be set for hearing January 21, 1909, with the PUC. Certain changes in the original presentation of the Franchise to the Board have been noted and exist in the final Ordinance. Maps were presented to show the plans for the area. Mr. Cosgriff noted he had reviewed the Ordinance and the changes as discussed in the last meeting, had been incorporated. He stated everything was in order. Trustee Kindel moved that the Board of Trustees consider the Franchise ardanance applied for by Public Service Company of Colorado and that it be read in full by the Town Clerk. Trustee Steinberg seconded the Motion. Page Two After being read by the Town Clerk, the Board was polled as to the reading and understanding of the Ordinance in the order following: Trustee Bailey Trustee Kindel Trustee Kaemmer Trustee Langmaid Trustee Steinberg Blake Lynch then polled the Board as to their approval of the Ordinance; all were unanimously in favor as follows: Trustee Bailey Trustee Kindel Trustee Kaemmer Trustee Langmaid Trustee Steinberg • Trustee Kindel moved that the Board of Trustees should further consider the application of Public Service Company of Colorado at its regular meeting to be held ~'anuary 13, 1969, and that a Notice as to Further Consideration be published with franchise text for three issues in the Eagle Valley Enterprise. It was seconded by Trustee Bailey and unanimously approved by the Board. 3. CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 18, SERIES 1908, "A SUPPLEMEN-~ TAL ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURES OF FUNDS BY THE TOWN OF VAIL TN EXCESS OF THE TOWN BUDGET FOR 1.968, AND DECLARING AND DEFINING THE EMERGENCY FOR SUCH APPROPRIATION. " The Ordinance was reviewed and generally discussed by F. Blake Lynch. After being read by the Town Clerk, the Board was polled as to the reading and understanding of the Ordinance in the order following: Trustee Bailey Trustee Kindel Trustee Kaemmer . Trustee Langmaid Trustee Steinberg Blake Lynch then polled the Board as to their approval of the Ordinance as follows: Trustee Bailey Trustee Kindel Trustee Kaemn~ r Trustee Langmaid Trustee Steinberg Trustee Kindel made a Motion that Ordinance No. 18 be accepted and adopted as presented. It was seconded by Trustee Langmaid and all were unanimously in favor. 4. CONSTDERATIZ7N OF THE 19$9 APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE NO. 19, SERIES 19C~$, "THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE: APPROPRIATING SUMS Off' MONEY TO DEFRAY EXPENSES AND LIABILITIES OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, FOR THE TOWNS FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1.969, AND ENDING ON THE LAST DAY OF DECEMBER, 1969. " Page Three F. Blake Lynch reviewed the Ordinance briefly. He then polled the Board as to the reading and understanding ~f the Ordinance as follows: Trustee Bailey Trustee Kindel Trustee Kaemmer Trustee Langmaid Trustee Steinberg The Board was then polled as to their approval of the Ordinance; all unanimously approved as follows. Trustee Bailey Trustee Kindel Trustee Kaemmer Trustee Langmaid Trustee Steinberg • 5. CONSIDERATION OF THE RENEWAL OF THE CONSOLIDATION AGREEMENTS WITH THE VARIOUS SPECIAL PURPOSE DISTRICTS FQR ANOTHER YEAR. After a brief discussion by Blake Lynch, Trustee Langmaid made a Motion to authorize the Mayor and Tawn Clerk to renew the consolidation agreements. Trustee Steinberg seconded the Mation and all were in favor. G, REPORT ON THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE NUISANCE ORDINANCE. Mr. Blake Lynch reported on recent nuisance ordinance enforcement measures. Some further discussion was held as to the nuisance charges against Robert T. Lazier; i. e. , ice overhang, parkin ti ets, trash. Chief Holmes suggested witnesses be present in court to these charges. Peter Seibert noted these nuisances have been de~i~ite .hazards and that the ordinance was written not to harass people but to protect. The matter was left in the hands' of Mr. Lynch for the present, 7. REPORT ON 701. PLANNING AID Mr. Lynch reported the Tawn had received a X10, 000 Planning Grant. He reviewed briefly the plans and some of the things he hopes to accomplish with the funds. 8. DISCUSSION 4F STRUCTURED PARKING POSSIBILITIES, After a brief discussion by Blake Lynch, Mayor Lbbson stated he would. call a Special Meeting after the Christmas Holidays on the subject. He advised Mr. Lynch to ga ahead on this project. 9. OTHER REPORTS It was reported the ice skating rink had opened and was doing well. 10. MAYOR AND TRUSTEES None. Page Four ~.1, CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Chief Holmes stated the State Liquor enforcement officers were working under cover to observe the crowds staying in Vail during the holidays. ~t was noted the Tawn had received a letter from hack bison thanking the Fire District for its aid on the fire an his ~iroperty He sent a check in the amount of ~~5~. 00 to the bistrict as a donation, With no further business to corri~ before the Board, Trustee ~angmaid made a Motion to adjourn. Tt w~.s secnndod by Trustee BaiJ.ey and the meeting came to a close at 9:30 P. M. .. ~ .~ :, `- . ~' h'S iR F•F.w Lx',~.i;1~3, A`}~~a ~... 1.:1+ 1 e3'.: - ~ r-. .~,. ~.. .r ra.r .}.~,lA', ~r ~~~ ~.~ C.-r ..r ..5 i' Y1 ~'.?q.Y c':ts;Ia ~is. ,~ .a',.r~, !~'.17F~ ~.~.".SG,".I s'. „i'f'.,,,:4:>~. .r a.. . 1: !! ~.~ ~+ °~ fi' Y ppyy yy • L (. ~~] Ze~. ~A t.i'?..-i,• ~f~•'~,''a .~. ~.'1~~.. I?L ';t. i;: ~ ~~~..'..' i, ;'. e ~. ,~.;1 i»`il.,:. tr~~')`~~i7' .:.~~? :.`1Ts~:f.'?f$ I `IaN'~.,`9 ~~t ,~J ~~.r.. 5'° +.. ~?~ ~' .31:,i 4p • ~. rN •i ~r i, .. a;",. r a. .~',r ~.k~~ ~ ...r n"!.[..d, 3~f~. `` ~~'.1 my, rl. ~F,on 1. 5r ~. i.:L•. 1, ._ F~t1~.T.t3~.s1;. Y.t3 iiiw~.i.i F.i ..,..., '~~€;x.. .. ~:t^t~!;3t;;z!", ,. °°.. ,. -Joan Poi S~,n <_' +p,,~. .~ F,>"; Char?-er }~~: ~tirid+:l, Jo~ep~~T T,an~rti~i,_d..^.-iZz.chMx.'~I ~~.'....z~~l.~~-'<rT.._ ~.`.'. 'L'I~CUnau ~I.M S~.einl~e~r~aw....,.,.:..:.. 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','". ~~`Ll~']3i `i~31'~ ~.3~3~F, .~ :+~'.;-'~;,~.a. `'!.a,,, c.~:i +.. ~ir «' i:a:t" "1P~:!, ,~t4~< <~'~s ~. :b~.~ ~"f^•;f}.~~h.~~";R 1i~F.}~.;~~.. ~'~,'~~'7Il J.~f.i} .l`~;t~wlZ;fi: `:r?' ,"r~si.: Y~''fi.}:]^,r.:°r'',a 3'%'s'' ~,<~':y6,„i~: w,1.'',:~.e.a '.?7`~~.Yl`~1~~ ~?fl Y.PZ1!':~~.~k1.y;1>~,y ~.'a >t~~ti~ ~~r.~t.h ~.~~~:,z ... ~~:~.~.r9.~L~:~~'~,. -,~~ t:~-, ~~ :;>.,.~~•. ,,:.n;r:=~~~ra;~~~~ ~~~ ~'~e~ ~::~~.~~ "IE~~.t,~~l~r {•., 5 is i{ A' F . 137-alce ?~y ch .~!~. ` • ~" ~7l!~4, C, ! ~- ., w ,.~. ., ~ ~~ ORDINANCE N0, ~ 1 ~~ ~"`~ I ~`~' / AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A FRANCHISE BY THE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO, ITS SUCCESSORS AND .ASSIGNS, TO CONSTRUCT, PURCHASE, ACQUIRE, TACATE, MAINTAIN, OPERATE, AND EXTEND INTO, WITHIN AND TT~ROtJGH S~.ID TOWN, PLANTS, WORKS, SYSTEMS AND FACILITIES, FOR THE PURCHASE, STORAGE, TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION OF GASEOUS FUELS, OR MIXTURES THEREOF BY MEANS 0~' PIPES, MAINS, OR OTHERWISE, OVER, UNDER, ALONG AND ACROSS ALL STREETS, ALLEYS, VIADUCTS, BRIDGES, ROADS, LANES, PUBLIC WAYS AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES TN SAID TOWN OF VAIL, TO SELL, FURNISH AND DISTRI- BUTE SAID PRODUCT TO THE TOWN OF VAIL AND THE TN- HABITANTS THEREOF, AND F1"XING THE TERMS AND CON- DITIONS THEREOF, a~~~~~at-~~-x•~ BE IT ORDAINED BY T~iE BOARD 0~' TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTX, COLORADO: ARTICLE I. Whenever the word Town is hereinafter employed it shall. desig- Hate the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, the grantor, and whenever the word Company is used it shall designate not only Public Service Company of Colorado, a Colorado corporation, the grantee, but also its successors and assigns. Whenever The Public Utilities Commissa.on of the State of Colorado is referred to, it sha1.1 be deemed to ~,nclude any authority succeeding to the regulatory powers thereof. ARTICLE IS. Section 1. Grant of Authority. There is hereby granted by the Town to the Company the franchise right, pri~r~.lege and authority to con- struct, purchase, acquire, locate, maintain, operate and extend into, w'~.thin, and through said Town, plants, works, systems and facilities for the storage, purchase, transmission axed distribution of gaseous fuel, natural, artif~.cxa1, synthesis, liquefied natural, liquefied petroleum, manuf actured, or any mixture thereof) for heating, cooking, cooling, or other similar utility purposes, with the right and privilege for the period and upon the terms and cond~,tzons hereinafter specified to sell, furnish, and distribute said gaseous fuel to the Town., and the inhabitants • i .: thereof, by means of pipes, mains, or otherwise, over, undex, along and . across all streets, alleys, viaducts, bridges, roads, lanes, public ways and other public places in the Town and oven under, along and across any extension, connection with or continuation of the same and over, under, along and across all new' streets, alleys, viaducts, bridges, roads, lanes, public ways and other public places as may be hereafter la~,d out, opened, located or constructed w~.thin tha territory now or hereafter included in the boundaries of said Town,. Section 2. Manner of Use - Repair. The. Company a.s fuxther granted the right, privilege and authority to excavate in, occupy and use any and all streets, alleys, viaducts, bridges, roads, lanes, public ways and other . public places under the supervis~.on of properly constituted authority for the purpose of bringing gaseous fuels into, within and through the Town and supplying gaseous fuels to said Town and the inhabitants thereof and in the territory adjacent thereto, provided,. however, that the Company shall so locate its plants, works, transmission and distra.bution structures, equip- ment, mains and pipes within said Town as to cause mina,mum interference with the proper use of streets, alleys and other public ways and places and to cause minimum interference with the rights or reasonable convenience of property owners whose property adjo~,ns any of the said streets, alleys or other public ways and places. Should it become necessary for the Company, in exereis~.ng its r~.ghts and performing its duties hereunder, to interfere with any side- walk9 graveled or paved streets, roads or alleys] or any other public or private improvement, the Company shall repair in a workmanlike manner such sidewalk, graveled or paved street, road, alley, or other improvement after. the installation of its mains, pipes or other structures. The Company shall use due care not to interfere with or damage any water mains, sewers, or other structures in said streets, alleys or other public places. Section ~. Town Held Harmless. The Company shall so maintain its structures, apparatus, mains, pipe and other equipment as to afford all - 2 - reasonable protection against ~n~jury or damage to persons or property therefrom, and the Company shall save the Town harmless from all liabi- .lity or damage and all reasonable expenses necessarily accruing against the Town arising out of the negligent exercise by the Company of the rights and priv~.leges hereby granted; provided, that the Company sha7,l have had notice of the pendency of any action against the Town arisa.ng out off' such exercise by the Company of sa~.d rights and privileges and be permitted at its own expense to appear anal defend or assist in the defense of the same. Section ~. Changes at Company Expense. If at any time it shall be necessary to change the position of any gas main or serv~,ce con- nection of the Company to pexmit the Town to change street grades, ox make stxeet or sidewalk improvements, such changes shall be made by the Company at its awn expense. ARTICLE III. Section 1. Heating; Value. The natural gas to be supplied here- under shall contain a monthly average gross heating value of not ~.ess than the heating value set forth in applicable and effective Rules and Regula- tions as are from time to time filed with The Public i3tila.ties Commission of the State of Colorado. Section 2. Adequacy of Sup,~yl . The Company shall, at all times during the term of this franchise, ta1~e all reasonable and necessary steps to assure an adequate natural gas supply, but i~' unable to reasonably pxo- cure the same, the Company shall and is hereby authorised to supply an adeY quate amount of other gaseous fuels, as hereinbefore defined, or mixtures thereof, to satisfy the requirements of the Town and the inhabitants thereof. The Company shall have the further right to supply said other gaseous ~'ue7,s, or mixtures thereof, at periods of peak usage or at such other times or for such purposes which w~i.ll result in efficiencies in the operation of the Company`s system, provided that the supply of said other gaseous fuels will not impaix service to the Company's customers. Such other gaseous fuels, ar mixtures thereof shall be supplied by Company ~,n accordance with all • applicable rules and orders of The Public Utilities Commission of the State of Colorado. ARTICLE IV. Section 1. Rates - Regulation. The Company shall furnish gaseous fuels within the corporate 1im~,ts of the Town or any addition thereto, to the Town and to the inhabitants thereof, and to any person ox persons or corporation doing business in the Town or any addition th~re- to, at the rates and under the terms and condit2ons set forth i,n the Rate Schedules, Standards for Service, Rules and Regulations, and Service Con- nection and Extension Policies as are from time to time filed w~.th or fixed by The Public Utilities Commission of the State of Colorado. Section 2. No Riscriminataon. The Company shall not, as to rates, charges, service, facilities, rules' regulations or in any other respect make or grant any preference or advantage to any corporation. or person ox subject any corporation or person to any prejudice or disadvantage, provided that notha,ng in this grant shall be taken to prohib~,t the estab- lishment from time to time of a graduated scale of charges and classified xate schedules to which any customer taming within an established classifi- cation would be entitled. Section 3. Extensions. Company will from tame to t~.me make such enlargements and extensions off' its distribution system as the business of the Company and the growth of the Town justify, in accordance w~ath its Rate Schedules, Standards for Service, Rules and Regulations, and Service Con- nection and Extension Policies for gas service currently in ef~'ect and as are from time to time Filed with or fixed by The Public Uti~;i.ties Commission of the State of Colorado. Section 4. Rules and Regulations. The Company from time to tame may promulgate such rules, regulations, terms and conditions governing the conduct of its business, including the utilization of gaseous fuel and payment therefor, and the interference with, or alteration of any of the -~+- • Company's property upon, the premises of its customers, as shall be neces- nary to insure a continuous and uninterrupted service to each and all of its customers and the proper measurement thereof and payment therefor, provided that the Company shall. keep on file in its office in. Leadville, Colorado, available to the public, copies of its Rate Schedules, ,Standards for Service, Rules anal Regulations, and Service Connection and Extension Policies currently in effect and as are frown time to time filed .with The Public Utilities Commission of the State of Colorado. .~RTZCZ~ vo Section 1. Franchise Payment. As a further consideration for this franchise, and accepted. by the Town, ix~ Lieu of all occupancy or occupa- tion and license taxes and all other special taxes, assessments or excises on the right to do business or upon the pipes, mains, meters, or other property of the Company, or other levies that might be imposed, eitYaer as a franchise tax, occupancy or occupation talc, license tax, permit charge, or for the inspection of pipes, mains, meters, or other property of the Company, or otherwise, the Company shall pay to the Town a sum equal to two percent (2~} of its gross revenue derived from. the sale of gaseous fuel within the corporate limits of the Town, excluding all revenue received in excess of 2500.00 derived per annum from the sale of,gaseous Biel rendered to each customer at any one location. Payments shall be made an or before the first day of March each year for the calendar year next previous. Pay- menu for the portions of the initial and terminal years of this franchise shall be made on the basis of revenue as above derived. for the months anal portions of months in which this franchise is in effect. For the purpose of ascertaining or auditing the correct amount to be paid under tYze provisions of this paragraph, the Town Clerk and~or any committee appointed by the Board of Trustees of said Town shall have access to the books of said Company for the purpose of checking the gross revenue received from operations within said 'town. i ' i Tt is expressly understood that nothing in this Section sha~.l be deemed to limit or prevent the Town from imposing a sales tax or other similar tax, the obligation for payment of which is passed on to the consumer, or limit or prevent the assessment of general ad valorem taxes ~,pon the property of the Company within the municipality. The term "gross revenue" as used herein shall, be construed to mean any revenue derived under authorized rates, temporary or permanent, within the Town from the sale of gaseous fuels after the net write-off of uncollectible accounts, corrections of bills theretofore rendered and any adjustments of charges theretofore made. aR~~cr~ vz. Section 1. Term - effective Date. This ordinance sha~.l become • effective on March 1, 1969, upon acceptance in writing by the Company before said date, and the terms, conditions and covenants thereof sha11 remain in fu1.l force and effect for a period of twenty--five (2~) years from and at`ter said effective date. Section 2. Removal. Upon the e~cpiration of this franchise, if the Company shall not have acquired an extension or renewal thereof and accepted same, it is hereby granted, the right to enter upon the streets, alleys, bridges, viaducts, roads, Lanes, public ways and other public places of the Town, for the purpose of removing therefrom any or all of its plants, Structures, pipes, mains, or equipment pertaining thereto, a~ any time after the Town has had ample time and opportunity to purchase, condemn or replace them. Tn so removing said pipes, mains or other property, the Company sha11, at its own expense and in a workmanlike mannex, refill any excavations that shall be made by it in the graveled or paved streets, alleys, bridges, viaducts, roads, lanes, public ways and other public places after the removal o#' its mains, pipes or other structures. Section 3. Assignment. Nothing in this ordinance shall be so construed .as to prevent the Company from assigning all of its rights, title or interest, gained or authorized under or by va,rtue of the terms of this ordinance, subject to the condition that any assignment must be approved by the Town,. Approval of the Town shall be withheld only upon reasonable grounds, - C - t wh~.ch shall be stated to the Company. Tn the event of any' proposed sale or transfer of the plant or system of the Company w~.th~.n the municipality the Tows shall be promptly notified and shall be given the right of first refusal tp purchase said plant and system upon the same terms offered the Company by any bona fade third party offeree. Section ~, ~'o~.ice Pourer Reserved. The right is hereby reserved to the Town to adopt, from time to time, in addition tQ the provis~.ons hexer contained, such ordinances as may be deemed necossaxy in the exeareise of its police pow~Gr, provided that such regulations shall be reasonable and not destruotive of the rights herein granted, ar~d not in conflict with the laws of the State of Colorado, or wa,th orders of other authorities hav3,ng jur3.sd3.ct~.on in the premises. ~~ TN'TRODUCED, READ AND ORDERED PUBLZSI~ED, the day of Il 1 ~i~ , A. D. ~9~„~. PASSED, ADOr~r~;~ AN~7 APPRQVED, this ~ day of ~f , .A.. ~, ~9~~. ~Iaypr SEAL ATTEST: Town Clerk "7- ~R Roa _~ ~~ ~Ar~'B RESO TO: -~ T~ OM: SU}: EJEC'T` The Town of 'WAIL, ~®larad~ I~nx 631 ~ Vai1, f ;nlc,r.: ~~, , 's t < , M January, 1 ~ ~~ 130ARD Off' '~'RTJSTEES CHIEF HOLMES T_,I~~UOR LICENSE VIOLATIONS During the last few weeks, the State Liquor License inspectors have been conducting investa.gations in the Town of Vail. A number of violations have been ovserved and reported to the State and to the Police Department. Some os these violations may require administrative action by the Board of Trustees, acting as a Liquor Licensing Authority. ~ T~ no hear•incls are held, locally, it is my understanding that the State T.,icensin~~ authority rna.y pursue administrative action concerning thcsc violations. Linder normal situations, apparently, where the local licensing authority tapes action in these matters, the State doers not. The Board has a major policy question to answero Does the Board want to exercise its authority in this area by holdirrg administrative hearings concerning liquor license violations `? It is the feeling of the undersigned that it the Board does choose to e~~c:rcise its authority in this area, the Board should be prepared to de. al firmly with violations and to suspend or revoke licenses when this action appears to be appropriate. Ia'ollowing are summaries of violations reported to the Police Del~artr~~c:~t. by the State Inspectors, and my recorr~mendations as to what course o:i action the Town should take: VAIL VILLAGE INN VIOLATION: On .17ecember 31, 1968, at '7:3~ Pd 1111. , agents from the State Liquor Control Division apprehended an 1~3 yeas. old in possession of wine in the lobby of the INN. ' LIG~UOR LICENSE VIOLATIONS PAGE T~Ti10 RECOMMENDATION: The undersigned recommends that a letter be sent to the INN, advising them of the circumstances described above and putting them on notice that action may be taken by the Board if any further violations are reported, DONOVAN'S COPPER I3AR VIOLATION: On January 3, 1969, the State Liquor Inspector issued a warning to the Cowper Bar concerning their food and beverage operation. RECOMMENDATION: The State has already issued a warning in this matter, and the undersigned recommends that no further action be taken. TF(E GALLERY VIOLATION: On December 29, 1968, the State Liquor Inspector issued a warning to the Gallery concerning their food and beverage operation. RECOMMENDATION: The State has already issued a warning in this matter, and the undersigned recommends that no further action be taken.. THE NU GNU VIOLATION: On December 2'7, 1968, the State Liquor Inspector issued a warning to the NU GNU concerning their food and beverage operation. RECOMMENDATION: The State has already issued a warning in this matter. , and th.e undersigned recommends that no further action be taken. VAIL DELICATESSEN VIOLATION: On December 30, 1968, at 5:~0 P, M. , the State Ligl~or Inspector discovered a 16 year old in possession of 3, 2 ~, beer in the Delicatessen. The youth had a false identification, although he stated, he had not been asked to present it, LIQUOR LICENSE VIOLATIONS PAGE THREE . RECOMMENDATION: In that this is the first violation that has come to the attention of the Police Department in the Delicatessen, it is recommended that a letter be sent to the licensee, advising him of the circumstances described above and putting him on notice that action may be taken by the Board if further violations are reported. VAIL HOLIDAY INN VIOLATION: On January 1, 1969, at 10:50 P,111I, , the State Liquor Inspector located a 20 year old drinking alcoholic beverages in the var at the Vail Holiday Tnn, The youth stated he had not been asked for his identification. RECOMMENDATION: Tn that this is the first violation that has come to the attention of the Police Department in the HOLIDAY INN, it is recommended that a letter be sent to the licensee, advising him of the circumstances described above, and putting him on notice that action may be taken by the Board if further vi~~lations are reportedo LIQUOR STORE AT VAIL VIOLATION: On December 31, 1968, at 12:30 Po M. , State Liquor Inspectors apprehended a 19 year old who had purchased liquor in the LIQUOR STORE AT VATL. The youth had presented identification belonging to another when making the purchase. RECOMMENDATION: Tn that this is the first violation that has come to the attention of the Police Department in the T~.quor Store, it is recommended that a letter be sent to the licensee, advising him of the circumstances described above and putting him on Notice that action may be taken by the Board if further violations are reported. CASINO VATL VIOLATIONS: On December 30, 1968, at 10:55 P, M, , the Liquor Inspectors located a 20 year old drinking alcoholic beverage in the CASINO BAR. The youth had in his possession identification belonging to another; however, he stated he had not been asked for identification prior to being served. '..~ LIQUOR LICENSE VIOLATIONS PAC7E FOUR On January 5, 1.969, a 19 year old was discovered drinking alcoholic beverage in the CASINO BAR. The youth stated that his identification had not been checked. The bartender on duty at the time admitted to the State Inspectors that he had not checked the youth's identification. RECOMMENDATION: In that two similar violations have been reported by the State Inspector in a short period of time, it is recommended that a hearing be held by the Board as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority for possible administrative action against the CASINO VATL Liquor License. ~~ ~~ D LION INN VIOLI~.TIONS: On December 30, 1.968, at 6:50 P. M. , State Liquor Inspector. s discovered a 17 year old drinking wine in the RED LION INN. The youth stated that he had been given the wine by his father. The father admitted that this was the case, and that the management did not know that the youth had been given the wine. On January 3, 1969, three 20 year old girls were located in THE RED LION INN in possession of alcoholic beverages. The three were together, and had presented false identification to the waitress at the TNN. RECOMMENDATION: In that two violations have been reported by the State Tnspector in a short period of time, it is recommended that a hearing be held by the Board of Trustees as the Local Liquor Licensing ~.uthority, fox possible administrative action against the license. F. H. HOL1ViES Chief of Police I~'eh.rLxary `L4 - Trustee Meeting' ! Adopt Fire, Elec. , and P1~,i~ing Codes. February 25 -Planning Board Roaring on Zoning Ordiannce March 10 - Trustee Meeting Water & Sanitation District Meeting -Finalise Extension Policies. March 11 -Planning Board Hearing on Subdivision Regulations. M.~ i•ci~ 17 _ Trustee Hearing on 7_,oning Ordinance /1k.~~'il. :l - ]:'1.anrt:ii~ky i3o~tircl mccts to d:isctiss 1'ulis a~ui T ion's f-icad l~nnexaf:io~~s. April 1~ -- Trustee Meeting; Water & 5an.itation Finalirc Ratc Siticiy S~2uesi:ions. r_ _ -- ~~D ~~ ~ / ~ ~~ ~iW~, <h ~~ ~F%1 ~6~.'f~C`~ ~ ~_~ i5 ~;~ 7.'~ ,,~~ ,1 ~w, o~s~~~ .a~'3"'~1 ~a~w~- ,~ -• April 30, 1969 Financial Statement TQWN OF VAIL - PAYROLL ACCDE3I~T TREASURERtS REPORT Balance in Bank of Vail as of 3!31/69 Transfer of Cash from General Fund $ 470.05 17,161.63 $17,637,.88 Payrol.7. Distribution - April. Administration and Finance $ 2,?24.64 Planning 87.2.20 Street Maintenance 1,235.60 Build~.ng Inspection !05.39 Police Department ?,099.9?~ Parks and Grounds Maa~nt , 2 2 3 ,1 ~+ Recreat~.on Da.strict - G©1f 1, 529.41 Ice Skating 73.3& Water District 862.05 Sanitation D~.strict 2,532,18 Landscaping 1??.03 Re imburse,able Expenditure s 2 , 3 2 2.7.3 19,697.26 Less: Payroll. Taxes Payable 5,036,08 Actual. Cash Outlay ' Balance in Sank of Vail, ~'as of 4/30/69 -t Respectfully submitted, ~', B1ake Lynah ~Seeretary/Treasurer 14,867..18 $ 2,97p,50 Includes 2 weeks overtime pay TOWN OF VgIL GENERAL FUND Z'REASURER~ 5 REP~IRT April 30, 1,959 Financial Statement Balance in Bank of Vai3. Regular Account as of 3/31169 Receipts during April Property Taxes $ ~:669.33 Sales and General dccupation Taxes 35,4x0.25 Utility Occupation Tax 1,295.61 Court Fines and Fees 31.8.00 Parking Fees 25.00 Highway Users Tax 187.90 Building Inspection Fees 2,184,50 Reimbursements 30.19 Miscellaneous Revenue 9.9f~ Accounts Payable ":893,5a Disbursements during April Board of Trustees $ 6,702.52 Police Magistrate 1,50.00 Administration 1,493.27 Planning 73.60 Police Department 3.,x19.45 Stree°t Maintenance 242.34 Building Inspection 55.30 Parking Lots 22•}-6 Street Lighting 100.24 Fire Protection District 575.75 Recreation District 430.12 Water District 1,175.09 Sanitation District 2,379.74 ice Skating 20.12 Contribution to Working Capital Fund 2,tJ00.0i3 Liability Accounts 6,O1fi.28 Contribution to Payroll Account 1?,3.61.63 Reimbursable Expenses 523.25 Balance in Sank of Vail Regular Account :as of 4130/69 a 8,111.37 49,394.1$ $58,105.55 40,].41, $6 $1'7,963.fi9 Respectfully suhri~~.tted, ~ ~ , F. Blake Lynch Seeret~ry/'"treasurer ~t V -- K NG CAPITAL FUND TOWN OF ATL WOR I TREASURER'S REPORT April 30, 1969 Financial Statement Balance in Bank of Vail as o~ 3/3./69 Recea.pts during April Billings for Serv~.ces Gas and Oil Sales Contributa.on from General Fund - to be reimbursed at a later time. Disbursements during April Lease -- Purchase payment on Loader Lease - Purchase payment on Compressor Balance in Bank of Vail as of ~l30l69 $ 105.00 95.65 2,000.00 $2,000.00 .272..00 Respectfully submitted, ~'. Blake Lynch Secretary/Treasurer $ 69S.OS 2,200.65 $2,895.70 2;772.00 $ 623.7a ~J CK, NO. DATE 1Q11 4/29 1.0.2 4129 TOWN OF VATL ~- WORKING CAPITAL FUND DISBURSEMENTS DURING THE MONTH 4F APRIL, 1969 PAYEE DESCRIPTION McCoy Co. Lease --,Purchase Loader Western States Lease -- Purchase Machinery Co. Compressor TOTAL: Respectfully submitted, u ,_ F. Blake Synch Secretary/Treasurer AMOUNT ~2,U00,09 2/~f~`~ $2,272.0Q _~ _ ~ =~ ac~ou~~oooonoooc~c~c~nooc~~c.~cac~ _a ~7C~ GQChL~Q00C:70©CJOO OQOU>e:~~:1 pcJ F-' V-J f.L k", h.' W N h~ 3-' 1-' I~ hj I~ 4-~ i-~ 1-r 1-~ }.r }~' #-~ l~ f,.~ Y-~ - Id3~Sri~"NNt~NNNf`7NNNNiV NNNr`v.`.9iJ `JN h~ c~.i' w'L.] W CAS N N rJ FU F•.7 N N N r:J K1 ~ N }-} l,`' '~~ F--' F-~ ::°t ~ ca7 ~^.) h•' G7 t:.7 i,l,1 ^~7 c"~] Ln -~' i,W f~cJ G~ J Utz ~U ~1 Cn U4 .{- W i • ~ - ~ i ~ ~ , N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N W W W W W W W W W W W W w W W W W W W W N N N 1-a 1-a F-~ +•~ F-~ w k-'' N N k~' o o a a c'~ t~ t~ a c~ a cc~ cn ~o co 00 ~ rn u-+ -~ w N I--~ G7 cty o~] ~ rn cn ~ W N 1-~ r~ cx~ ao a N N N I V N N N N N N N l v N N N N~ V N N N N N N W W W wIV NNN NNNNNNI--~}~I~'F~1-~k-~F^a F^'N wNF-aOtpDD VCfICJ~ ~wNWC~cDQO~rrcn ~'wNF-' ('3tr~'zf~dcn~*iH~-CCH~7Ct~~xG'~G~H~*JHC]~C oaam~* ~ror~~oosvoo~acn~• a• • r-~~~crr~ mow•co~~~~~~om acs 0 ~-' *i rt ~. tra ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ to m ~i x ~ w• ~ cn • o ~C ~3 -~ rid ~ tad rt w W w ~ Rv c-~ • rt • • orr was~~~.aa~x~~•~mw o t~~~cz x'-~ ~ ~~•ro m cirrw m x~f~y'Ti ~ w ~m rt~ ~~r~ ~ b m ~c o f~• o b ~~~ o ~ ro cn~ 9 M• ~ w~ o vs w ~ n ~'~ t'-Fwridcnfa~w m ~ ~ N~rna ~n r+ ~N•n a~cc~.~ a~~nrt mnwmmE-n ~r-~o ~ mo r~mcn a. o ~~ ~ ~ ~ w• a ~ ~ n u, rt f+• cn w• ~ ca rt x G1 o m ~+ ~ ~ ~ m o ~ h n~• cn ~ o a~ ~• p. ~ m c~ o ro b ~-h C7 r} CT1 ~ O • ~ 'Z7 c~ o n ~ ~ ~, o • o au ~ o ~c m c n ~ tp C'] • O ~ O • G ~i tD b c'~~iHCn~iMcncn~G'~bd[ncf~v~f]bycrlcn~"1 L~TiOCi"d ~ ~ ~ d b ~ d ~ d d ~ b b ~ ~ 1 ~ b *d 'C ~ Li. 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ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Members present: T. I, Steinberg John Dobson C. E, Kindel Joseph Langrnaid Jahn Donovan Absent: Richard Bailey John Kaemmer L. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING After reviewing the Minutes of January 13, 1989, Trustee Kindel noted a, correction for a word on. Page 3, Section a. Trustee Donovan made a Motion to approve the Minutes as corrected; Trustee Langmaid seconded it and the Motion was unanimously passed by the Board. 2. FINANCIAL REPORTS Blake Lynch reviewed. the financial reports. Trustee Kindel noted a copy of the 19~i7-198 Sales Tax Analysis should be sent Bell Forest, c/o The Rocky Mountain News. Blake Lynch suggested waiting until the December figures were added which was to be at the end of the week. Trustee Steinberg made a Motion to approve the reports as submitted. It was seconded by Trustee Kindel and unanimously passed by the Board. The reports included: Treasurer's Report -Working Capital Fund for Jan 31, 1989 Treasurer's Report -Payroll Account for Jan. 31., 1969 Treasurer's Report -General. Fund for Dec. 31., 196cs Treasurer's Report -General Fund for Jan. 31., 1969 Vouchers for December, ].968 Vouchers for November, 1968 1968 Operating Budget for Year ended Dec. 31, 1.968 3. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDSNANCE ADOPTING THE ABBREVIATED F:UI`I'ION OF THE 1965 PREVEN'I'.LON CODE, "AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A FIRE PREVENTION CODE PRESCRi~3ING REGULATIONS GOVERNING CONDIZ`IONS HAZARDOUS TO LIFE AND PROPERTY FROM FIRE OR EXPLOSION. " Blake Lynch reviewed the Fire Prevention Booklet of 1965 for all present. The Mayor asked Fire Chief Ruder if he had a?Zy comments an the ordinance. Chief Ruder stated he had read it and found it to be an advantage for the Fire Depart- ment. Blake Lynch the~~ polled the Board as to their understanding of the Ordinance in the fa1lawing order: John Do o n n va C. E. Kindel Joseph Langmaid T. I. Steinberg PAGE TWO He then polled the Board as to their acceptance in the order following: John Donovan C. E. Kindel Joseph Langmaid T. T. Steinberg The Ordinance was unanimously approved by the Board. 4. POLICE ACTIVITY REPORT Chief Holmes reviewed the mid-season reports for the 15th of November through the 1st of February, 1903-1969 Season. He stated the total affenses were up slightly anal ski thefts were up a great deal. He felt the Police .Aid had been a great help to the Department. He stated the number of parking tickets given this year as slightly down from last year, and, hopes to find a way to cut this figure down further. He summarized that the radar had been of great assistance, and the police officers are better trained. He felt the areas for improvement lay in working towards preventing illegal parking (possibly by making it more specific to the guests where they may and may not park), controlling more fully the delivery trucks and passenger transpartatian vehicles. Citizen Goerge Knox asked about the problem of trucks blocking Bridge Street. Chief Holmes said he had spoken with most of the delivery truck drivers as to lirr~iting their deliver~.es to certain times only, but found little support. Citizen tinny Crowley stated the specific time limit idea was tried in Aspen and failed; the drivers threatened not to make any deliveries under those conditions. ~. U'T'HEI~ REPORTS The Mayor stated there would be a Special Meeting for the Planning Commission at '~: 30 P. M. Wednesday, February 12, 1909. Mayor Dobson stated Vail had just received its first picture on T, V. that afternoon. He invited Mr. Knox to view it the following day stating three channels came in quite clearly and the entire progz°arn would be improved once the micro-wave system was incorporated latex. 6. CI'~'TZEN PARTICIPATION There was some discussion concerning the complaints Vail has had with the Telephone Company, mainly due to trot having enough circuits or operators. Tt was stated complaints should be -sent to the Colorado State Utilities Commission. Trustee Steinberg noted the Telephone Company stated the only complaint they had had was from the Vail Valley Medical Center. Trustee Kindel asked Blake Lynch to draft a letter to the Telephone Company stating the complaint. Blake Lynch stated the Board had not yet finalized its opinion on the Recreation District 1969 Golf and Tennis Rates. He asked for any suggestions from the citizens. Blake Lynch noted the ace skating rink had been doing very well. There is a good passibility for breaking even on an operating basis next year. There is a program set up for the school children now to take part in the sport. r PAGE Ti1REE Citizen George Knox asked it there was any discussion on golf course supervision this year. Blake Lynch stated the Bistrict would hire a manager for the Pro Shop. Blake Lynch also reviewed the "When You Build in Vail" folder for the Board. This booklet will include current information helpful to a~f.y potential builder in Vail, V+lith no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Kindel made a Motion to adjourn the Meeting. 1t was seconded by Trustee Donovan and the Meeting was unanimously called to a close at ~: ~.0 P. M. • • t r~ ~J • TQWN L`F VAIL SALES TAX ANALYSIS MONTH Januaxy Februaxy Maxch April May June July August September October November De cex~ber Tntal 1x67 - 1568 167 1968 Percent ~nexease 15, 67$ ~; 17, 880 ~ ~ I4, 0°fo 19, 439 23, 565 ~~' " 20, 8`~~ 27, 834 25, 920 7. 5% 4, 4$2 Q, 728 117, 0% 80 5, 913 60D + °~a 2, 980 a . `''S, 5l 1 ~ 84.9% 4, 673 8, 032 ~~ 71, goro 5, 754 ~ ~, 272 60, 3°Jo 4, 054 8, 369 104, 4%Q 1, x;53 3, 405 70, $% 5, 758 ~?, 083 73.. 4°fo 22, 492 27, 500 {est.) 22, 2% 116, 2za 159, oz8 f' ~~~~ ~~ • ,~ a ~. .~ ~96~-~~.,~69 ,,,: The :Eo13.ot~r~.z~g it•~orrnat'~.on is a ma.d-~oason repori; on po3.:~ce , . y. ac~,~.vi~ies. ~'~~e period co~rer~:d is From, ~~ idove~ril~~x', un~a.lg k, ~ , ,, ~. ~'e3~ru~.ry9 ~'or tl~e ~.968~-69 season as coir~pared •~o '~h~ sa~~ae ?.y da~~.es for ilia 3.967.6 scasana ::.. i ' ~~_s s~~.son ~;ast soason ':~ ,- a ~~'~~~ ~~+I~~I~~;,~ 3.~3 1~~. ;;; s -z '~ '. • t~her Tha~'~s 33 X13. Ais~ur~.nce Gases ~ 9 Narco~~ics ~~ . , G rx~.t~a c~s~~ _ ~ ~. ~~ x~.~.sce~.3.ancous 3.f3 2~ ~ ~ '.. ,L~ALf~~~~d,~ d_4J ~f J.,~J.EJ11r1~Si,F1~1.J ~ _ ~. ~ ~e - ,~ .. .g . i .l''iOV',i.Th ~6 `~ 'a ;~ ' TS ~~. 8 ;'s ~;? 1 ~:~~~ ,,., _ _. u TOWN OF VAIL - WORKING CAPITAL FUIdD TREASURERS REPORT • January 31, 1569 Financial Statement Balance in Bank of Vail. as of 12/31./68 $ -0- Receipts durin~Janua~r Billings for Services $705.00 Gas and Oil Sales 23.80 728.80 728.8 0 Disbursements dur~.n~_Januarv Lease - Purchase payment an Loader $500.00 Maintenance and Repair -- Loader 55.58 Other 3.50 559.08 Balance in Bank of Vail as of 1/31/69 $169.72 Respectfu],ly • submitted, F. Blake Lynch Secre-~ary/Treasurer • TOWN OF VAIL - PAYROLL ACCOUNT TR£ASURERtS R~~ORT January 31, 1969 Financial Statement Balance in Bank of Vail as of 12/31/68 $ (16.43} Transfer of Cash from General Fund 10,500.00 $10,4$3.57 Payroll Distribution - January Administration and Finance $2,671.10 . Police Department 4,256.99 Street Maintenance 2,033.30 Parking Lots 614.64 Parks and Grounds Maint. 168,99 Ice Skating 1,277.51 Fire District 16.77 Water District 785.85 Sanitation District 1,871.21 New Nine 104.80 ~.. $13,801.16 Payrolx Taxes Payable 3,460.79 Actual Cash Outlay 10,340.97 Balance in Bank of Vail as of 1/91/69 $ 143.20 Respectfully submitted, F. Blake Lynch Secretary/Treasurer TO~TJN q~' VAIL, GENERAL FUN#~ TREAS~R~R:'.S RE~~~'~ December 31, x958 Financial Statement Balance in Bank of Vail Regular Account as of 11/30/68 ~ 6, 26?, 5H Receipts during December Bond Deposits ~ --- Sales and General Occupation Taxes 6, 390. 53 Utility Occupation Tax 3'78, 78 Parking Fees 2, 287. 50 Ice Skating Revenue 6€35.45 Liquor License Fees -State 595, 00 Liquor License Fees -Town 105.40 Court Fines and Fees 468.00 Building Inspect ion ~'`ees -- , Street Repair Fees 79'7.41 Highway Users Tax 133.99 Management Fees ---. Accounts Receivable 3, 425.00 Building Permit Deposits --- Reimbursements & Refunds 52. 62 Miscellaneous Revenue 583.94 X15.884.22 X22, 151, 80 Disbursements during December Board of Trustees X3.,169.33 Police Magistrate 100.00 Administration 823.27 Planning 633.90 Police Department 1, 033.3? Street Maintenance 1, 224.48 Building Inspection --- Par.~ing Lots 1, 11 Street Lighting 65. 10 Parks and Grounds Maintenance w - - Fire Protection District X99. 72 Recreation District .188.40 Water District 2, 005. 73 Sanitation District 2, 347. 73 Ice Skating 3, 227.82 Liability Accounts 2, 008. 20 Payroll. Accounts 4, 350.00 Reimbursable Expenses 132.99 Ice Skating Operating Fund 25.00 Parking Lot Operating Fund 20.00 All TJepa.rtment, Capital Outlay 5, ?25.45 X25, 7'79. 20 (~ 3, 52`7.40) Respectfully submitted, F, Blake Lynch • U TOWN OF VAIL GENERAL FUND TREASURER'S REPORT January 31, 1968 Financial Statement Balance in Bank of Vail Regular Account as of 12/31/68 ($3,627.48) Receipts during January Safes and General occupation Taxes $14,585.48 Utility~:Occupation Tax 807.84 Parking Fees 869.75 Ice Skating Revenue 576.13 Court Fines and Fees 850.OQ Street Repair Fees 161.50 Highway Users Tax 69.68 Management Fees 20,000.00 Miscellaneous Revenue 58.65 Accounts Payable .95 37,929.98 $34,302.58 • Disbursements during January Board of Trustees $ 1,361.61 Police Magistrate 150.00 Administration 1,448.28 Planning 31.06 Police Department 880.60 Street Maintenance 1,159.78 Parking Lots 67.55 Street Lighting 597.75 Fire Protection District 557.35 Recreation District 183.31 Water District 1,518.30 Sanitation District 2,343.34 Ice Skating 868.39 Dog Pound 175.91 Liability Accounts 5,765.55 Payroll Accounts 10,500.00 Reimbursable Expenses 149.16 Refunds 90.00 27,827.9cT Balance in Bank of Vail Regular Account as of 1/3l/69 $ 6,474.64 Respectifully submitted., F. Blake Lynch Secretary/Treasurer ' t caoooo nac7 cynoooooocacaoc5o 000 ~ d ooooa oao oooooaoocac~vaa ' ooQ ~ o O Q Q O O 0o ao 0o ao no O O O ~ ~ • C O C ~ CS p p d p Q 0 0 0 C7 + O C t7 ~j o a rn s ~ rn rn a ~ cr rn rn s or rn a~ rn ~ ~ ro 0 0 0 0 0 0 .o .o .n .o .ti oa .a .a .o ao ao oa o0 oa ca m oa as LTA ~P W N -~ O ~D 00 •.1 Q~ ul .D W r•+ O m ~1 CT t1~ FP W N ~ O x ~ *~ M O ^^ W • T Y W H M~+ F•r N i-~ F+ i M•~ F+ N 1••+ M M F~+ 1«+ I•w Fw 1•~-~ M+ F••~ i--~ 1•••~ F~ N N OO OD 06 00 00 00 AC OQ 00 00 fl0 QO 00 00 00 OD 00 00 00 OD OD OD 00 OD ~ 00 00 00 OD O~ ~ CO 00 00 p0 ~ DO •.] ~ ~ ~1 •.1 ••.I ~7 -mil p~ Q'~ O~ d+ a .o 00 ~ o~ ~n ~A W N wr ~ a ao ~ ~ tP w N ,r G ,o Ao ~ rn ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M ~ ~ ~ ~ M ~ M ~ ~ ~ ~ M ~ .n .o ~.O ~o .o .c~ .o .d ~o .o ~d .o .o .d .~ .s~ .o ~o .c> .v .o .~ .c~ rn .o ~~+ W N ~ O ~.D 00 ~1 d` V'i ~R W N O ~O OD ~1 Q~ csr tP W N r O .O cdr~~~+ny~ti ~d-~n~ynr~~rot~roro~~xr~ O W N (~ O 0 0 0 r• H O n 0 0 ~-' iv cD W C9 A~ O Sv (C ~-'' Q. ~ .d n ~. o ~ ~ o o n bd xo ~ o ~~ n~ ~~~,rm n°,n~ nrnr to O O ,"i '"" Vi A> '~ b~ -y ~ H ~ fD to 'r cn ',D O '°tl w a ~ UQ ~• n x w a ~ ~ ~ a ~o ~~ o ~ r ~ 1W~ (f} ~ cT n cc a 0 ~•-+ c~~~~a~r~, ~~~oro~~bd~~roro~~ ~ro~ ~ ~ ~ ro ~ +a• ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~ y ~t ~ ~ o ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~' o'' n ~ r ~ m ~ H H H H H~ o ~• m Q x~ o ~, ~•~~• ~• ~~ a, '~ ~ O~'^t3 ~ 'fib ro m ~ co n ~ ~ ~ r. ~ ~ ~ u, ~, ~. s~ m ~ rn c~ ~ m to m m N ~ pHs ,~ ~ ~ O, cD ~• N O ^l ~ b f!q bhp ~''' ~ ~ 'i'3 ~r ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~ . 4 ~ O ~ ~ O b ',y ~' v, ~ m N ~i ~ m H Q x n 0 ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ b H '~` N N r+ .. 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O O~ l71 O O~ .~ ~ u'r t~ t-+ ,A ~O '~y OD O -ri O i-•' ~1 N .fl . . . . . . rP W 0o W H O q~ O~ rP 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 0 Cr 0 0 i71 O OD N r+ r-+ C OD O O O Vr Cri C7 O r-+ w 00 O eta G7 w ii7 -J O G'a d Q O O O O~ C7 O W W o0 4 ~I Y .; • THE TOWN OF '~lATL 196$ OPERATING BUDGET APFROPJ~TATION AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR YEAR ENDED DEOEMBER 3~., 1968 • • SUMMARY C'F R~V~NUE An~ic~ia~ed Actual Total Tr~tal RECIi.IPT5 1~fi~ Tv~ielve Marith~ Sales and Genera's Cccixpa~ion Taxos X131, 20~. 00 $162, 532. 31 ~ ~.~ ~tilit~r Occupation Taxr~ 7, 200. 00 b, 332. 87 Parking Fees 4, 600. 00 2, b77. 50 Liquor Fees -Town's Share 1, 600. 04 1, 33$.75 Court Fines and Fees 1, 400, 00 2, 743. 34 Building Inspection Fees 3, 000. 00 3, 384, 50 Stxeet Repair Fees 3, 500. 00 4, 608. 67 Highway Users Tax 1, 900, 00 2, 024.90 Ice Skating Revenue - - ~ 666.45 Miscellaneous Revenue 5, 000, 00 8, 534. 39 Management Fe: s - Water and Sanitation 98, 100, 00 98, 1.00. QO Management Fees - Fire Department l2, 400. 00 i4, 204, 00 Management Fees - Recreation District 49, 300. 00 37, 300. 00 TOTAL REVENLFE $31a, 200. 00 $340, 439.68 This az-nount does include sales tax on December's Lift Ticket Revenue, but does not include an estimated $20, 000. 00 far Decerr~bex's Sales Tax on general sales, which will be received from the ~5tate in February, • APPROPRJATIC~N AND EXPENDITURES REPORT l Appropriation Actua 1Q68 Expended T7 nexpended ACTIVITY Total Twelve Months Balance BOARD C`F TRUSTF..ES: Personal Services Othex Pexsonal Services $ --- $ 1, 580. 00 ${1, 580. 00) Contractual Services Advertising $ 1, 800, OD $ 899. 56 $ 90D, 44 Dues and Subscxiptions 1D0, OD 101. b6 (1.66) Pro#essianal Fees 32, 000, DO 14, 750.30 { 2, ?50.30) Travel Expense 500. 00 138. 52 3b1, 48 Other 300. QO 2?6. 02 23.98 Sub-Total $ 14, ?00, OD $16, 166. 06 {$ 1, 466, 06) Camnlyd~t~ea Other Cornrnodities $ 300. 00 $ 363.26 $ (b3.2b) Sub-Total $ 300. 00 $ 363. 26 $ { 63.26) Boaxd of Txuatees TOTAL $ 15, 000, 00 $1$, 109. 32 ($ 3, 149.32) POLICE MAGISTRATE: Personal Services Other Personal Services $ 1, 200. DO $ 1, 000, DO $ 200. OD Sub-Total $ 1, 200. 00 $ 1, ODO. 00 $ 200, 00 Contractual Services Rent $ 600. 00 $ - - - $ 600, 00 Other 200. DO 8b. 15 113. 85 Sub-Total $ 800.00 $ 86.15 $ 71.3.85 Gomm oditie s Othex commodities $ 200.00 $ 38.39 $ 161.61 Sub-Total $ 200, 00 $ 38. 39 $ 161, 61 Police Magistrate ~~~ TOTAL $ 2, 200. 00 $ 1, 124. 54 $ 1, 075.46 APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES REPORT • ~i Appropriation Actual Total Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY ~ 196$ zTwelve Months Balance ADMXNISTRATTON: :; ~. , Personal Services Insurance Charges $ 370.00 $ 347.$8 $ 22.12 Pensions & Soc. Security 600.00 741.03 (141.03) salaries & Wages--Fula. 14,350.00 16,823.63 (2,473.63 Salaries & Wages Part Time 1.,300.00 --- 1,304.04 Salaries & Wages Adj. 500,00 --- 500.00 Sub-Total $17,120.00 $17,912.52 $ (732.54) Contractual Services Advertising $ 25.00 $ 95,72 $ (74.72) Car Allowance 350.00 105.Ofl 245.00 1]ues & Subscription 50.00 70.00 (2©•OD} Tn~urance Charges 150.40 299.66 -- (149.66) 00) {50 Maint. & Repair--Bldgs. 50.00 . Postage 120.D0 1.44.80 (24.8©} Printing 150.DD 163.18 ~ (13.1$) Pro~ess~.onal Fees 200.0fl 363.58 (163.58) Rent 1,200.00 1,59$.00 139$.00) Retarding & Abstraction 1.00.00 30.00 170.00; Telephone ~ 2,440.00 1,924.37 479.63 Travel Expense 350.OD 876.53 (526,63} Other 200.40 1,432.15 (1,232.1.5) ~4 Sub-Total $•5,345.00 $ 7,099.09 {$1..754.09) C~,~,LL..odities Books & Periodicals $ 140.DO $'106.41 $ (6,41} License Tags 50.00 7.15 42.85 Office Supplies 500.(30 1,184:75 (684,75) Other 140.04 327.57 (227.57) Sub-Total $ :" 750 4 Ofl $ 1, fi29.88 ($y,. B~5 ~ 88) 'C api to l~ O~u tl a~ Office Equipment $ 440.DD $ 437.5'4 $ (37.50} Radio Equipment 375.00 379.3.6. (4.17) Sub-Total $ 7!75.(30 816.66 $ (41.6 Administration TOTAL $23,994.00 $27,454.17 ($3,464.1'7} • • APPRUPR1ATIdN AND EXPENpITURES REPORT Appropriation Total ACTTVXTY 2968 PLANNING: Personal Services Salaries & Wages $ 2,500.00 Sub-Total $ .2,500,00 Contractual Services Prafessional Fees ~ $ 3,500.40 Other 50E}, 00 Sub-Total $ 4,000.00 Commodities Banks & Periodicals $ 100.00 Office Supplies 75.00 Other 75'.00 Sub-Total $ 250'.00 Capita']. Out~.a~ O~fice•Equipment $ 200.00 Sub-Tota.~. $ 200.00 Planning TOTAL $ 6,950.00 Actual Expended tJnexper~ded Twelve Months Balance $ 5Q0.00 $ 2, 000 , X30 $ 500.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 1,390.24 $ 2,109.76 18.80• 481.20 $ 1;409.04 $ 2,590.96 $ 62.25 $ 37.75 34.40 41.00 58'.25 x.6.7 5 $ 154'. ~0 $ 95.50 $ ---~- $ 200.00 $ __~. $ 200,40 $ 2,463.54 $ 4,886.46 • • C7 • .~~p~'~'i9~~'~.~.~~,t3~. ~~~~~ p~l~~C~ ~ar~az~~.~. S~xv~~~~ ~nsu~ance Ch~~'~e~ ~ X85. t3~1 P~n~~.o~~ and ~~~~ ~~~ur~t~ ~., ap f i7~ sa~:~~~.~~ ~xnd W~g~ ~~Y~Slxl~~n'S~y~b&~ i~~yT~C~~e~ :~~4 ~ ~i0 174a~~.,4. ~epe~ ~Uf kx Y'1 f~.'q~~rp~ .P ~y ~~~~~ Y ~~L~Y1~~11~.~1t7~ w.ww Auta~nbil.~ ~.~.1a~~n~~~ xn~uranca ~a~.n~.. ~ R~p~~r ~Z^~.1'3'~~.11~ . R~r1t m~ ~,+~phc~~a~a ~x'~.~.r~in~ Ex~c~n~~ T~a~v~~, L~xp~z~~~ ~~~~~ y7 ~iJ ~' L~~~~~ Commadf ~,QS~ ~oak~s ~ ~'~riadi~~~.~ Cls~e~,zn~c~17,~ drug ~ ~Y~ • 5~~~~~~~5 c.~.c~~hing t~~3~~r ~uk-~~o~,al ~C~~3~.~~1. au~~a~ ~~~COx' V+a4~,sC~.Q~ Rac~~.c~ ~qui~;:~~n~ ~~~~~~c~ C~~~x~~n~~~ ~~~~~-~1~c~~a~h~ ~3~~~n~~ ~~10~~~0~~ ~1~0+r~~~7~~iBrr~~~~y ,l~Y~~ 3.a~G~y'f Ywr+,+ '~ ~ (rt~'~ ~4y /~~ Ply ^ ~qA . +6y ~q J{3'~¢~q~[ : ~} ~ ~ `A~~sV~ ~~~a~h~ ~-lJ~ ~ yMV' t~~ r jn~~ f~tl/ IAN y~ !v/ M i W V */ Lf 4 P V W iY bfi(i /~~~ f' ~ ~ 1d 1! ~1 V ~ 75. Qty aµ i7 •~.f Y Y b7 1.., ~.4~. ~~ ~~~. ~f~ ~0t9,(?~ 'n~ J V I tlM f ~ Rf .. .~ .. ~ ~.r~~'~~y3,£if~ ~~LJf ~ll 37~.4~ W~~I~~Gfr4~V ~. ~'7 . ~ 6~r~ 4 ~ µ~y/ Y e~}g 6~Iy~ ~~gg ~~ / M ~~jyv/ ~,r~2~.p~A f W {i ~~So-i~ ~~~ E ~~ ,fir F ~7 9 ~~ r r ~~yy. 7AA ~ .4 f~ ~,I..p +7 hl~f 1~ ~~~Y~~ ~4~,«~~? 'i ~ ~ ~ S.7 R ~ ~r9~f/f./wI ~.~~o~~ ~qqla ~~ H ~nl J /~~ ~ .k r ~ +~~ ! ) .~ , ,. ~~e~~ ~/ y ~fi ~~¢ 'fig/ . ~'#p~~ i SN M M B M W ~~~.~~ K~~~j~~g~~~ i.vyy7 [~i~s s 3 d~leJ/f~~ T ~~ ~ W~~ 6 ~s~~ `1i ~ y ~ ¢. Y ~~ l ~~7~•~~) ~3~. ~.~ ~~f~°~~ // ~+~yy~YM ~~,a~~s~~~. ... .., .. ~,PP~QF~t~1~~~QN ~.~T~ ~~~NI3~~`tJ~E~ ~P{~~t`~` • .~pprc~pria.t~.gn A~tu~.~. ~~t~.1 E~p~n~~d Une~cpenr~c=d ~CT~V~T`~ 1~6f~ T~v~l~•e ~I~n~ha ~, E~~~.n~e STET ~'~~~°,~`~;It1'ra?~C~ ; k~er~ona~. 5orv i ~e~ ~ ~ `~y ~ns~iL7.~~t.nCe l,'~I c"~~'K~'G^~~4 +~ +yryR ~y/~ b ! d a IJ~ (}{'~ ~ ~ ~~ r G4l ~y 3 C g '@q ~ ~ ~ ~~. 51 a f?~~! A7 Q~~~1 L.~ ~~ a V~ ~%~ 0 47~ Sv)~~ a Q~~ S~rlari.c~~ ~ Wage ~`ll~,~. ~4ty~~RJ.~~ ~+~t, l~~ml {~, f i~,t~61 Sa3arie~" ~ ~tage~ ,~.~.~. 50~.OQ ..~7•~~ ~5~,7~ ~~~.~,ri~~ ~ GGat~~S Temp. ~p~,~fl ~1} e~i.,~~~r~7 €~.,1~~.~~ Excav~:~ion & RestQra~ ~~.4Y1 '" Wc'~'~G~ '~c~p ~onnect.an~ _M~ ~5~.r~0 €~a~,.~~) Excava~~.an ~ Re~torat ~~~i San. ~ew~r ~anneo~i ~n~~~~ ~~~r6~ (~.~~.~Q~ Equ~.pment M~.~.ntQnan~e ~., ~~.1. ~~. ('x'.'2~.'~. r~4~~.) dub-~Tota~. $ '~.~1',~'~~~~~~.~~~ ~ •~'2~I.~x~~.'~7.~~~ ~ E9, ~~'~ Y ?~) C~'ri~r~ctu~:~. S~r~x~vi'ce~ $ c~ o a x ~ far A~ l w Q .4 ~ ~ 1.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ~x ( ` ~ q~ g yr ~p y ~~ iiA. L~~ ~~W gW~ ~ A.i~ Q 4 ~ ~ n s A 1 ~V4 ) ~ . {~ 9 /~ l ~ V F / ~ ~ ry ~ty ( [ 4~~fk~ N/ ~ t '} ' .p w ry p ~ .F.~ -7 ~r.~~A~~ie u.16 . i f~ ry / ~ / ~ / ~ .L~iJ-ll it q q g / ~ r~lJGYnF 4J y ~~~~a1 w7~~ a x ,{ ., r YJta.1.n 1.~r VL ~tepa~.r ~O~v~~ 5~.~t~~ ~~~.~•~5~ ~]L11C4p .,. ~... ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~. , ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ MisC~'1.~.YlE: '3'~.111C .~«.,.: ~~~ . S'r~E ~ ~~.~ . ~~;~ Sub-~'Sa~.a~ ~ ~,~}~Op~c~ ~ 7, 85€3.4 ~(3r'7~~.~~~ .C'om~i~'d~~: ~~.'e ~ 5tx~~t Rep. ~ Ma~.nt. Maeh~.nc~ry & ~+C~L1~'G~r P~,x't~ & Supplies ~ y ~~Q r ~?C1 ~~~ . ~. ~, ~5~ . ~.~ r Ftze a. ~ & ~ub~ M c~ t G ~ ~ . ~ 7 ~ ~, , ~ ~ .. ~ ~ } 4 ~ (~ a ~. a ~~ y y ! ,~ y1 t` i yq A! 0.j ~ iy [ w pY { ~ Sma~.~: Too1.s 4(3.04 ~~~.8~ ~0.~,~ O~h~r 5f3~3. ~?f3 ~ X78. ~~ ~~1. ~3 1.7 uh7 ~' A dte~ ~ ~ ~~ y ~ ~ ~ s Sl V y ~ r ~C+ ~.,J 'Y a ~ G ~ h~ ~ y ~ ~ ~ a ~~.~ ~G~~:S~.t~~ ~~ i.• . r ry p F a~ p e £'t Ili C tX ~„ V'(~ X't a /~ yy V r V ~ ~ L 7 ~ r f .' . Mr'el `C . , : " • o/~ ~y / ~ +~ t3 V V • ~ r.'J Ms~han. E~uip• ~~ `~ /~ / 'y ^-YVCTL~,C{~ ~k .'f,1~f~6.59 ~ y ~~~N~.~~5r73 Sub~Tatal ~ 3, 810. ~~ X14, ~.~~. ~9 {~~fl,~~~. ~`~' STREE'~ 1~I~TENANCE `1'Q~'1~.I+ A I~{~ ~~ay~~~y6J41 ~'~~a~~5~.~~ {~~8y6~~,2~i APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES REPORT • Appropriation Actual ~ Total ~ Expended Unexpended . ACTIVITY ' .. .. Twelve Months . ' . 'B'al'ance BUILDING INSPECTION: Personal. Services Insurance Charges $ 90.40 $ ---- $ 90.04 ~. Pensions & Soc. Sec. 160.40 --- 160.00 Salaries & Wages Full ~ 3,600.40 - . 6'03.00 ~~ 2,997'.00 Sub-Total. $ '3,'850.00 $~ '603.'00 ~$ 3,247.00 Contractual Services Car Allowance $ 54.40 $ -- $ 50.00 Professional Fees 500.00 -- 500.00 Travel. Expense 11}0.00 -- I00 , 00 Other -- 1.4.70 (14.70 Sub-Total $ 65'0»'00 $ ~~ 14.70 $ 635.30 Co~ruriodities Books & Periodicals $ 50.00 $ 18.40 $ 31..60 Office 5txpplies . . ' .. .1..0.0...00 .. "3'3.'11 ~ .. 66.89 Sub_Total. .~. .~ . .1.5.0.•.00 .:$, . ...5.1,..51 $ 98.49 Building Snspection TOTAL $ 4~, 650.00 $ 66~. 21 ~ 3.9$0'.79 PARKING LOTS: Personal Services Pensions & Soc.Sec. $ 100.011 $ 13.63 $ 86.37 Salaries & Wages Temp. 1,800.00 322.72 1,477.20 Sub-Total $ 1.900.40 $ 336.35 $ 1,503.65 Contractual Services Insurance Charges $ 200.40 $ 175.00 $ 25.00 Printing 100.00 8.00 92.00 Other 1,00LT:00 320.25 679.75 Sub-Total. $ 1..300.00 $ 503.25 $ 796.75 C~~~u«odities Other Commodities $ 200.00 $ 28.51- $ 171.49 ` sub-Total $ 200.00 $ 28.51 $ 171.49 Parking Lots TOTAL $ 3,400.00 $ 868.11 $ 2,531.89 APpROPRTATZON AND ExPEiVDTTURES REPORT Apprapr~.ation Total ACTIVTTY~ 1.368 STREET LIGHTING: GOn'~~'aCtUc'~1 SerV1CBS ©ther Contractual $ 900.00 Street La.ghting TOTAL $ 900.00 r~ ~ J PARKS AND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE; Pexsonal Services Salaries & Wages-T. $ 150.00 Sub--Total $ 150.00 Contractual Services Insurance Charges $ 3.00.00 Utilities Expense 400.00 Other 200.00 Sub-Total $ '700.40 Commodities Seeds & Plants $ 1.00.00 Small Tools 200.00 Other --- Sub-Total $ 300.00 Parks & Grounds . Maintenance TOTAL $ 1.150.00 CONTINGENCY: $ 7,573.00 Actual. Expended Unexpended Twelve Months Balance $ 1$50.26 $ 1,$50.26 $ 1,305.35 $ 1,305.35 $ 65.00 141.50 269.72 $ 476.22 $ 152.00 8.80 39.00 $ 193.s0 $ 1,981,37 $ .»_ _ $ {950r26) $ {950,26} $ (7.,155.353 ${7-,}.55.35} $ 35.00 258.50 (69.70 $ 223.7$ $ t52,ao} 3.91..24 (39.00? $ 1o4.~a $ (83]..37) $ 7,573.00 ~~ ~J u APPROPRIATIQN AND EXPENDITURES REPDRT • Appropriation Actual. Total Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY 19fi8 Twelve Months Balance RECREATION DEPARTMENT: (ADMINISTRATION) Personal Services Salaries & Wages $ 560.00 $ 240.00 $ 320.00 Sub-Tvta~. $ 560.00 $ 240.00 $" 3x0.0© Contractual Services • • • Advertising $ _-~- $ 150.62 $ (156.62 Insurance 1,14fl.00 1,178.75 (78.75) Planning Consultant 750.00 ~ 175.15 574.85 Lease Rentals 11,200.40 7,307.42 3,892.58 Utilities 500.00 776.83 (276.83) Offiae Equipment 1,000.40 264.fi9 735.31 Property Taxes 2,100,00 3,123.76 (1.023.76) Sub-Total $16.650,04 $23,064.68 $ 3,585.32 ADMINISTRATION TOTAL. $17,214.00 $x.3,223.22 $ 3,986.78 (GOLF} Personal Services Pensions & Soc. Sec.$ ---- $ 1,559.19 $(1,569.x.9} Salaries and Wages Administration 8,400.00 3,378.90 5,021.10 Salaries~& Wages Maintenance 9,750.00 15,153.08 (5,443.08) Salaries & Wages Rep. & Maint. Equip. __-- 124.54 (~.2~4.54} Sub-Total $x.8,150.04 $20, 225.71 $ (2,..075.71} Cani~ractual Services ~~ Advertising $ 500.40 $ 501.00 $ -`- Equipment Repairs ---- 361.93 (361.93} Gold Cart Lease 5.000.00 5,444.00 (400.40} other __~- 1, 285.75 (1, 285.75) Sub'-Total $ 5,500.04 $ 7,548.68 $(2,048.68 Commodities Luilding Maint. $ 340.04 $ 255.16 $ 44.84 Equip Rep, & Maint. 1,000.00 536rt23 463.77 Gas, Oil, Grease 704.00 810.58 (1.0.58} Miscellaneous Suppl ies 540.00 3,779.36 (3,279.36} Water S~s~em Rep, & Man.504.44 545.65 (45.65) Fertilizer 1,400.00 1,337.43 (337.43) Seed ].00.04 196.46 (96.4fi) Fungicides, Insecti cid. 500.00 355.23 144.77 Tcap Dressing Materi als 500.00 ---- 500.00 Sub-Total $ 5,104.04 $ 7,816.10 $(2.7~-6.10) GOLF TOTAL $28,750.00 $35,594.49 $(6,84.40 APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDIT[1RE5 REPO~`tT . Appropriation Actual • Total. Expended Unexpended ACTIVTTX~ 1968 Twelve Months Balance (TENNIS) Personal Services Social Security $ ---- $ 43.48 $ (43.48) Salaries & Wages Administration 2,240.00 865.64 1.374.36 Salaries & Wages Equip. Rep. & Maint. --_ 255.83 (255.83) Salaries & Wages-Other 400.D0 --- 40D.OD Sub-Total. $ 2.640.DO $ 1,164.9~a $ 1,475,05 Contractual Services Advertising $ -__ $ 140.D0 $ {14Q.00) Other -^~_ 106.45 ' 0 ' ' { 3.06.45) 04} {1D0 Miscellaneous Pr©,5er. 10 0 0 . . Sub-Total $ ~ --- $ 346.45 $ (346.45) C....~.~.odities Equ~.p. Repairs & ~, Maintenance $ =~-~ , .- $ 43..63 {43..63} Halls, misc. 700.DD1,705.39 {3.,005.39) Courts - Repairs & Maintenance --- 1.90.D3 {19D.03} Sub-Total $ ~ 700.00 $ '1, 937.05 , $ ('1, 237.05) TENNIS TOTAL $ 3,340.00 $ 3,448.45 $ (208.45) RECREATION DEPARTMENT TOTAL $49,300.00 $52,262.16 ${2,962.16) WATER DEPARTMENT: Personal Services $28,750.00 $ --- $ "-"" Water Treatment Plant Maint. & Oper. ---- .4,471.13 Water Trans. Lines & Valves Insp. & Mtce. _-- 1,3.19.31 Fire Hydrants Insp. & --- 258.85 Water & Tap Connections --- 551.14 Spring Taps & Water Storage-insp. & Nitre. -_- 1,578.36 Equipment Maintenance --- 214.36 Other ---- 15,946.06 Sub-Total $28,750.00 $24,139.21 $ 4,63.0.79 APPROFRI:ATION AND EXPENDITURES REPORT r ~ u L._J • • Appropr3,ation Total ACTIVITY 1.9.5.g . WATER DEPARTMENT (C~ontinusd) Contractual Services Architectual & Engineering $ Misc, Professiona3. Auto. Allowance Postage Travel & Training - Printing Power Purchased Electricity (Other} Heata.ng Fuel Te3.ephone Grounds Maintenance Bldg. Repairs & Actual Expended iTnexperided Tt~elve .Months Balance 50.00 23 . X40 26.60 25.00 4l~~l.88 - (419.88} 250 , 00 ~ 63 x`35 x.86.65 300.00 59.92 230.08 35{~ . 00 232.00 118.00 50, 00 75.40 (25.00} 4,590.0{3 4,807.46 {217.46) 125.40 8.7'7 115.23 1, 20fl. flfl ~., 249.65 {49.65 750,00 935.45 {385,45) 3.50.40 - ~~ 150.fl0, 9a.ofl 10.00 Ma~:ntenance 100.00 - Street Repairs 400.00 254.00 Z46.Qb Equipment Repairs 340.00 733.86 {.433.86) Automotive Repairs 175.00 4.48 170.52 Snow Removal 175.00 3:00:. 172.00 Qainting' 50.00 -yc~ ~ ~"~ • 50.44 Off ice Cleaning 50.00 9.50 (42.50) Office Equipment Rental 200.00 109.2.2 90.78 Office Building Renta3. 500.00 ?75.00 {275.00) Misc. Mental 50.Ofl 667.74 (53.7.74) Social Security 1,000.00 1.,053..68 ,{53..68) Surety Bonds 50.00 •~-- 50.00 Workmen's Comp. 400.00 279.50. 3.20.50 P'ire'•Extended Coverage 550.00 8360(} 467.00 Automobile Insurance 250.0.0 1].7.50 132.50 Liability Prop. Dam. Ins300.00 ••93.87 206.13 Employee Graup Insuran~e604.fl0 530.25 ~ 69.75 Association Dues 25.•00 --. 25.00 Reception 5Q.00 --- 50.OQ Newspaper Subscription 13.04 ~ 3 0.0 0 • (1.7.0 0 ) Special. Use Permit 25,00 13.75 1.1..25 Sub-Testa1 ~ '$'1'3,'10'3.:00 $3.~2,7'S'9.23 $~ 343.77 ~C~u:~LL~~od:i ties Office Supplies $ 650.00 $ 473.48 $ 175,52 Maps & Publications 25.00 15,00 10.00 Bldg. Maint. Supplies 700.00 ~ 83..98 61.8.02 Grounds Maint. Sup. 400.00 --- 400.04 Painting Supplies 50.00 ~ 67.92 {17.92) Hdware & Sma11 Tools 840.00 ~ 1.35.08 704.92 Institutional Supplies 250.00 41.1.5 208.85 Gas & oil 800.00 ~ ..526.60 273.40 .Automotive Supplies 400.00 112.95 287.05 Uniform Accessorl.es 100.00 68.67 31.33 Photographl.c Supplies 10,00 -~-- 10.00 Misc. C~~~u~~odities 125.00 206.12 (81.3.2) Maintenance Suppl~.es 585.00 1823.77 ~ (1,238.77 Mat. & Sup. (Chemical)1 ,500.00 336.68 1,103.32 Parts for Machinery 85~O~.flO 1,549~:~06° {669.06; Sub-Total. $ .7 ,285.00 $ 5.498.46 $ 3.,786.54 WATER TOTAL $49 ,~1~38.'00 '$~4'2,~3'9'6.'9fl '$ 6,741.'.10 ~J APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES REPORT ACTIVITY: SANITATION DEPARTMENT: Personal Services Apprapra.ation Total 1968 $2$,750.00 Treatment Plant Maint, & Operation Sewer Trunk Line, Manholes, Maint. & Rep. Sewer Connections Installation Equipment Maintenance Other Mid-Vail Sewer Plant Actual Expended Twe:l~ve Months $ --- 8 , 092.,16 2,331.61 --- 425,71 --- ~ 217.62 --- 19,926.69 ---- 431.13 Sub-Total $28,750.00 $31,424.92 Contractual Services Unexpended Balance $ --- $(2,674.92} Architectural & t r~ ~J Engineering $ 50.00 $ 23,40 $ 26.60 Misc. Pra~essianal 25.00 360.87 0335.87) Automobile Allowance 250.00 91.35. ~. 158,65. Postage 300.00 69.91 230.09 Travel & Training 354.00 251,14 98.86 Printing 50.00 75.00 ~ (25.00) Power Purchased 4,410.00 4,846.94 (436.94) Electricity {All Other) 125,00 8.77 116.23 Heating Fuel 2,800.00 5.847,5. (3,047.:51) Telephone 750.00 935.49 (185.49) Bldg. Repairs & Mtce. 100.00 51.50 48.50 Graunds Maintenance 150.00 47,00 103.00 Street Repairs Mtce. 400.00 --- .400.00 Equipment.R~pairs 300.00 233.77 76.23 Automotive Repairs 175,00 4.47 17E~.53 Snow Remaval 175.00 ~ 3.00 172.00 Fainting 50.00 --- 50.00 Office C,keaning 5q.00 92.50 {42.50) pffice,Equipment Rental 200.00 109.23 90.77 O~~i.Nc.~ Building Rental 500.00 ~ 775,:00 (275.00} Misc. Rental 50.00 666.74 (617,74) Social Security 1,000.00 1,364.75 (364.75) Surety Bonds 50.00 --- 50.00 Workmen~s Compensation 400.00 •279.50 120.50 Automobile Insurance 250.00 117.50 132,50 Fire-Extended coverage 550.40 $3.04 467.00 Liability - Property Damage Insurance 300.00 93.8 206.14 Emplouees Group Ins. 600.00 530.25 69.75 Assaciatian Dues 25.00 --- 25.00 Reception 50.00 ---- 50.00 Newspaper Subscriptions 12.00 5.00 ~' 7.00 Special Use Permit --- 13.75 (,13,75) Sub--Total $14.497.00 $16,972.20 $02.475,20) APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES REPORT .. Appropriation Total ACTIVITY ~ ~ 1.968 SANITATION DEPARTMENT (CONTINUE} ~: Commodities • Office Supplies $ 650.00 Maps and Publications 25.00 Building Maintenance Supplies 700.00 Grounds Maintenance Supplies 400.00 Painting Supplies- 50.00 Hardware and~Small Tools 5&0.00 Institutional Supplies 250..00 Gas .and Oil. ~ 8€30.00 Automotive Accessories 400.00 Un~forrte Accessories 100.00 Photographic Supplies 3.0.00 Miscellaneous Commoda.ta.es J.25.00 Maintenance Supplies 295.00 Materials and Supplies {Chemicals) 500.00 Parts for Machinery and Equipment 8513.00 Sub-Total $ 5.715.00 Sanitation Department TOTAi,: $48,962.00 • Actual Expended Unexpended Twelve Months Balance t $ 457.27 $ 192.23 --- ~ 25.40 106.62 593.38 --- 400.00 124.85 ~ (74.85) . 152.06 407.94 128.79 121.21 461.73. 338.29 180.27 219.73 68.69 ~ 31.31 --- 10.00 9$.51 26.49 508.77 (213.77} 2,635.1.5 {2,135.15 1,124.80 {274.80} $ 6,047.49 $ {332.49) $54,444.,61 ${5.482.61} • e APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES REPORT Appropriation Total ACTIVITY 1968 FIRE DEPARTMENT: Personal Services. $ 5,400,00 Salaries to Regular Employees --- SaZarzes -~ Equipment and Maintenance ~---- Sub-Total •5.5,000.00 Contractual. Services .Misc, Professional Service $ 80.00 Automobile Allowance ~ 30.00 . Postage 50.00 Travel and Trainl.ng 104.00 Electricity 300.00 Heating Fuel 500.00 Water and Sewer 200.00 Telephone 550.40 Building Repairs & Mtce. 140.00 Equipment Repairs 300.00 Automotive Repairs 150.00 Painting 50.00 Miscellaneous Repairs and Maintenance 25.00 office Equipment Rental 1.50.00 Land Lease 500.00 Miscellaneous Rentals ~ 50.00 Surety Forgery and Burglary Bonds 200.00 Workmen's Compensation 250.00 Automotive Insurance 650.00 Fire and Extended Coverage 54.00 La.ability and Property Damage Insurance ].50.00 Personal Injury Insurance 600.00 Association Dues 100.00 Miscellaneous Contractual 225.00 Sub-Total $ 5,40.0.00 Actual Expended Twelve Months ~° $ .... 2,342.50 802.76 $ 3,145.26 ~ 57.39 55.36 300.00 355.67 625.53 120.00 1,302.33 73.62 1.57.80 145.25 .3a.a4 91.92 458.27 287.00 535.00 305.00 223,08 652.86 20.00 234.75 $ 6,033.83 Unexpended Balance ~ $ ~,_- $ 1,854.74 ~ 22.61 30.00 (5.36) (200.00) (55.67} (125,53) cso.aa) (752.33} 66.38 142.20 4.75 50,40 (8,00) 58.08 41.73 50.00 240.44 (37.00) 115.00, 0255.44) {?3.08) (52.86) ~o.4a {9.75? $ (633.83; APPR4PRIAT~ON' ,l~ND ~~P~l'~DI'x'~RES REPCiRT Appropriation t Total ACTIVITY 196$ FIRE DEPARTMENT (CONTINUED ): Commadities Office Supplies $ 250. 00 Maps and Publications 25, 00 Building Maintenance 125. 00 Grounds Maintenance 50.00 Painting Supplies 50. 00 Hardware and Small Tools 175, 00 Institutional Supplies 100. 00 Gaa and CCiI 300. 00 Autnrxiative Accessories 150, 00 Fire Fighting Supplies 500, 00 Unifoxm: Accessories 25. 00 Miscellaneous C amrnodities 100. 00 Materials and Supplies (Chemicals} 100, 00 Paxts for Ms:chinexy and Equipment 50, 00 Sub- Total $ 2, 000, 00 Actual Expended Twelve Months Une~cpend ed Balance $ 349. $9 $ (99. 89) 4. 04 20.96 60.03 64.97 23, 87 28. 13 - - 50. 00 30. 75 144.25 97. 36 2. 64 251.62 48. 38 17. 30 332.90 120. 66 379. 34 122.40 (97.40} 65. 16 34.85 219. 74 (119.74} 71.59 (21.59} $ 1, 432.20 $ 567. 80 Fire Department TOTAL $12, 400. 00 $10, 611.29 $ 1, 788.71 • r1 LJ i APPROPRIA'rIC~N A~1D EXPENDITURES REPORT • r~ ~J Appropriation Actual Total Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY 1968 Ttxrelve Months B~.lance ICE SKATING Fersonal Services Salaries - Seasonal $ - - - Social Security - - - Sub-Total $ - - - Contractual Services ~Ttlities $ - - - gther - - - Sub-Total $ - - - Commodities Ice Skates $ - - - Refreshments - - - Other - - - Sub-Total. $ - - - Capital Outlay Maintenance Equipx~nent $ - - - Building Materials - - - Protective Cover - - - Sub-Total „$ - - - Ice Skating Total $ - - - Dad Pound Capital Outlay Buildi:n,g Materials $ - - - CAPITAL OUTLAY; $10, 000. 00 $ 1, 686.29 74. 19 $ 1, 760.48 ($ 1, 686.28) (74. 19} {$ 1, 760.48) $ 9.47 { $ 9.47 ) 69.44 ( 69.44} $ 75.91 ($ 78.91) $ 860. 00 78.00 ~ 3.µ32 $ 961.32 ($ 860.04} { 78. oo) r 23.32) ($ 961.32) $ 841.00 659.25 1, 109. 33 $ 2, 60q. 58 $ 5, 410. 29 $ 175.91 $22, 612.40 APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURE REPORT GRAND TOTAL; $319, 200, 40 $34?, 475. 58 ($ 841, 04} ( 659.25) ( 1, lOq.33} ($ 2, 609. 58) {$ 5, 4101.29) ($ 175.9X) ($l2, 612.44} x$28, 275. 58} 4 February 10, 1969 TO: VAIL BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM: BLAKE LYNCIi RE: PENDING LEGISL,ATIt~N LE'T'S ACT NOW, BEFORE IT ZS TGO LATE Please write to our State Senator and Representative regarding these ixrxportant bills now pending in the Legislature. We must voice our opposition now. SCR. 1 and HCR. 1002 both propose a constitutional arxzrnendrnent to authorise state collected locally shared sales and excise taxes. Currently the State Constitution prohibits the State from engaging in this type of tax collection and sharing practice. The bills, both of which are in cvsnmittee, would authorise submission of the question to the voters at the next general election. The bill confines itself to the constitutional issue: of the State's taxing powers, and makes no provision on the details of what the tax would be, how it would be shared, etc. Our concern, of course, is that the State could conceivably prempt either ore or two percent of our local sales tax and redistribute it to the governmental agencies in Eagle County an a population basis rather thsn point of collection basis. .A few years from now, Vail could lose $100, 000 annually in tax revenue if this were the case. The proposed bills da not xx~ake these specific provisions, but open the door to possible legislation of this kind in the future. A estate collected sales tax, shared locally on a population basis, would have to overcome three hurdles before becoming law. (1) Approval of SCR. 1 and HCR 1002 to get the rriatter on the ballot, {2j Approval by the voters of the State and (sj Legislative action . on the specific tax measure. Legs stop it at the first hurdle:' Other bills you shoexld oppose include: ~ ,, .* page two (l) H, B. 1045 -Repeal power to unilaterally annex territory having 2/3 boundry contiguity. (2y H. B. 1058 and 1060 -Repeal power to unilaterally annex enclaves and territory having 2/3 boundry contiguity. We are fortunate in that our Representative, .Zahn Vanderhoof, happens to be Speaker of the House. He is an extremely powerful and influential legislator. In addition to writing, make an attempt to meet him sometime this year. He is going to be around for a long tune. His home is in Glenwood Springs, and he and his brother own the Industrial Bank. Our Senator, Fay De Berard, is President Pro Tempore of the Senate. He is frorx-~ Kremmling and is a rancher type. Bath men are Republicans and represent Large rural districts. Addresses: Hon. Fay De Berard State Senator State Capitol Building Denver, Colorado 80203 Hon. J'. D. Vanderhoof State Representative State Capitol Building Denver, Colorado 80203 The Town will type your letters anal provide postage if you wish. Let us 7erox your letters before: they are sent, so that we will h.s.ve a consolidated record. • '. } " .z 19G~~3.9~~ r. the ~oz~.o~~r.~nt i'r~ox~~;~at~.on ~.~ ~, ~.dAscakon ~^c:paxt on pa~,sce ,, act~.v3.t~.es. ~'he pe:ca.od, ao~rex°ec~ is f:~oi~y ~5 ~~Tave~~~c~x9 .,~.~~t~,~-9. ~, ~'el~ruaxy, ~'ax 'L-l~c ~.Sb~~69 e;~.sa°.~ ~s colnps.xec? 'uo '~h~ :~~~~~}e "' da~;cs :iax ~L-I~e 7,9b7mG~3, seauo~.~ '~~:I.s s~~sa~~ ~`.ast se~,uan ~'Q~~~'a ~;I~~ ~I~3s~~ ~ 53 ~-3~~ ski 7'~~efits 5~. 3~- ;' ~:, :, .. (:t~ia.d Va~.:l) 8 ~ I .S -~,tt~banee Gases ~~ g a t~~arca~rics ~~ i ~ ~.'x~~.f'fi'3.c ,Accidents 25 3~ _, T+'x~~.ud Gases ~ ~ ry ~~ I ~~.sce~.l.aneov.s lt3 20 '~ ~. ,.~ '' ~~5 ~ Parking ;.` ,~ f~~ova.n; 26 I °. .3~ a OFFICE COPY DO NOT REMOVE ~' MINITTES OF THE MEETING THE BOARD OF TRUS'T'EES OF THE `TOWN OF "tTA~L HELD MARCH 3i, 1~~9 _~ The Meeting was called to Order by the Mayor, John Dobson, at 7:30 P. M. lVfareh 31, 19u9 in the Police Station located in the Mill Creek Court Building. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found. the following Members present: John A. Dobson Richard Bailey John Donovan John Kaemmer C. E. Kindel Joseph Langmaid T. I. Steinberg Also present: F. Blake Lynch, Stewart Brawn, Terry Minger Planning Commission -Albert UVhite 1. CONSIDERATION OF VRA REQUEST Joseph Staufer, PresideL~t of the Vail Resort Association, appeared, and requested that the Town contribute ~6, ~J00 toward the VRA program for advertising the Tawn. He explained that the work load on the VRA was increasing tremendously and. that the advertising program needed support. 'T'rustee Donavan moved that the Tawn appropriate the surn of ~fi, 000 from surplus sales tax funds to meet this emergency situation that has a direct effect an the safety and welfare of the inhabitants of the Town. He indicated the money should be used to advertise the social advantages, natural resources and. scenic attractions of Vail. T'he Motion was seconded and approved unanimously by the Board. An erriergency appropriation ordinance will be presented. at the next meeting for passage. ,,-- 2. CONSIDERATION OF INCIDENT REPORT ON CASINO NAIL LIQUOR VIOLATIONS. Chief Holmes reported that the Casino had again been caught serving liquor to under age persons with rather imperfect fake I. D. ~s and that this is the fourth such incident this winter. The first two were discovered by the State Liquor inspector in December. 1 The Board decided that it should hold a hearing concerning these violations to determine what action should be taken, and that we should notify the State authorities on this matter, 3. ZONING The Board of Trustees, after discussion, made the following changes with respect to the coning o~°dinance draft: ~a} Increased the FAR fr~r the HDMF District from 1 to 1 to I.. 5 to 1, {b) Reduced, the off-street parking requirement for office, restaurant and retail floor space from five spaces per ]., 000 PFA to three spaces per ~., 000 PFA. (c) Changed multi--family dwelling from a conditional use in the CSC District to a use by right. (d} Removed all rear and side yard set-back requirements from the HDMF', PA and HS Districts pending further study. (e) Discussed the definitions of apartment, condominium and. structure and recommended appropriate changes. (f } Decided. that Black A., Lot 3, 7th Filing, should be MF until the potential land use and/or access in the area changes. With no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at ]. i : 00 P. 1111, • _~_ OFFICE COPY DO NOT REMOVE MINUTES OF THE MEETING VAIL BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOV+TN Off' VAIL APRIL 1.4, 1969 Mayor Dobson called the Meeting to Ordex at 9:00 P. M, in the Conference Room at Manor Vail. ; ROLL GALL: Roll Call found the following Members present: ~'rustse Bailey Trustee Steinberg Trustee Donovan Trustee Kaemmer 'trustee Kindel Mayor Dobson Absent: ~'rustee Dandmaid Also present: F. Blake Lynch 1. CONSIDERATION OF MIlVUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING, After reading, the Minutes of February 10, 1969 were passed and approved by the Baard. 2. FINANCIAL REPORTS After review by the Baard, the following- financial reports were una~a3'mously passed and -approved b~ the Baard: Town of Vail -Working Capital Fund ~-- Treasurer's Repo-rt February 28, 1969 Town of Vail -Payroll Account - Treasurer's Report February 28, 1969 Town of Vail -General Fund -Treasurer's Report February 28, 1989 Town of Vail -Working Capital Fund -'Treasurer's Report March 31, 1909 _~ Vouchers Paid -February, 1959 Vouchers Paid -March, 1969 Blake Lynch reviewed the 1969 Operating Budget Revenue and ~xpend~t~are Report for the threee- months ended March 31, 1969. 3. CONSIDERATION OF, "AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS BY THE TOV~N OF VAIL IN EXCESS OF THE BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1969, AND DECLARING AND DEFINING, AN F~F',RGENCY FOR SUCH APPROPRIATION. " Blake Lynch discussed the Supplementary Budget Request for 1989. He explained that a revised revenue estimate made it possible to request authorization to expend an additional X35, 000 for the purposes outlined in the report. Terry Minger, Assistant Manaa~er, summarized an analysis of Vail's street cleaning needs. He stated a mobile street sweeper would be needed and that it is a logical municipal function. Mr. N!-inger also pointed' "~ out that Hans ~'ileibel had just recently agreed to provide the sweeping service on a contractual arrangement for X12.40 per hour. This was based on an estimated schedule of twice a week at five hours per time. A decision as to what course to follow was"~,eft-up~ to the adxninistratian. and ~2, 000 was allocated for this purpose. PAGE TWO • Peter Seibert gave a report concerning the West partion o.£ 5B leading toward the Talisman Lodge and a possible auto bridge at a cost of X15, 000 to Vail Associates, He suggested that the Town might pay for paving the approach road, the lights and stone wank on the bridge. Blake Lynch polled the Board as to their understanding of the emergency appropriation ordinance in the following order: Trustee Bailey -yes Trustee Donovan -yes 't'rustee Kaemmer _ yes Trustee Kindel .. yes, Trustee Steinberg _ yeS He then polled the Board as to their approval of the emergency appropriation ordinance in the following order: Trustee Bailey .. yes Trustee Donovan .. yes Trustee Kaemmer _ yes Trustee Kindel -yes, Trustee Steinberg _ yes With this, the Board unanimously approved the ordinance. ~~ CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE NO: 4, "AN OR~bINANCE VACATING A CERTAIN STREET RIGHTwOF-WAY LYING BE'I'WEEI~] U. S. HIGHWAY NUMBER 6 AND GORE CREEK DRIVE IlV THE TOWN OF VAIL, COUNTY OF EAGLE, S'K'ATE OF COLORADO: SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO: AND, .____._-_....-.--DFrLAR~NG_.AN.._E1VI~RGENCY THEREFOR-..."__W.__ ..._._-.____.__...__._------_.-__.___._ It was explained that the main entrance road was not within the xow dedicated to the Town for this purpose, The street row west of the existing road and Crossroads of Vail is seeking to purchase this land from Vail Associates. Vail. Associates will dedicate a new 00 foot row to the Town which will include the actual road. In addition, Crossroads of Vail has agreed to relocate the water main from the old row to the new rove at their expense. 'This ordinance vacates the street row, It was moved and seconded that Ordinance No. 4 be passed. Blake Lynch palled the ~:'rustees as to their readzng and understanding of Ordinance No. ~ in the order following: Trustee Bailey -abstained Trustee Donovan -yes Trustee Kaemmer -yes Trustee Kindel -- abstained Trustee Steinberg -yes Blake Lynch polled the Trustees as to their approval of the ordinance: Trustee Bailey -abstained Trustee Donovan -yes Trustee Kindel -abstained Trustee Kaemmer -yes Trustee Steinberg -yes r" • • PAGE fiHREE 5, CONSIDERATION OF AN' ORDINANCE ES'I'ABLTSHING COMPREHENSIVE ZONIlVG REGZJLATIONS FOR THE TOWN OF .V;ArL .. .... . The Eoax~d decided that these were still important considerations that had yet to be reviewed by the Board and they hoped to have a final draft just as soon as possible. They desired to have the Final Draft presented. in a knowledgeable and complete form. The Mayor stated this to be a continuation of the Public l-fearing for Consideration of the Final Draft of the Zoning Ordinance. ~, PUBLIC I~EARINC C3N CASINO VAIT~ LIQUOR LICENSE `the Meeting was briefly adjourned at 9:45 P. M, in order for the Board to meet as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority. (See separate notes on the subject). '7. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS -TOWN' COORDINATOR Mr. Lynch reported that Deane Knox would Like approval to extend the Gallery porch two feet onto Bridge Street. He stated his proposal was very similar to the recent Clock Tower extension. Trustee Bailey asked to see the plans and be informed of exactly what is involved. Mayor Dabson asked Blake Lynch to arrange a meeting ruith the Board for an on-site discussion. 8. MISCELLANEOUS_MAT'~ERS -TOWN ATTORNEY None. • 9. MAYOR AND TRUSTEES It was decided there would be a meeting 7:30 P. M. , Manday, April 21, at th.e Manor Vail Convention Room to continue the Public Hearing on the Zoning Ordinance Final Draft. 10. CITIZEN PAR TICIPA'TION Mr. Peter Seibert asked why the hearing an the Casino Vail liquor license had been held at this late date Cthe end of the season) and if the Trustees were familiar with the frequency and number of other violatians to which they eluded at several times. The Mayor stated. the matter had not been brought to their attention until about two weeks prior to the hearing as the last and most critical violatians occ~.rred during March and this was as saon as they could hold the hearing, With no further business to con3e before the Beard., the Meeting adjourned at ~1:15 P. M. • u TO: VAIL BC3ARI) 4F TRUSTEES FRO11li: F, FLAKE LYNCH' DATE: April l2, 19;9 RE: SUPPLEMENTARY BUDGE'' REQU~TS An origitiaZ operating budget for tie 'T'own provided for X389, 550 ~n revenues and expenditures. Since the budget was. prepared in September, I have revised- our revenue estimate upward. by approximately ~45, 000 to ~434,'~05. This ir~cludes a ~~`.i, s700 increase in sales tax estimates, ~3, 5(k'} in revenue from ice skating and pa.r~cing functions and X1.5, 855 surplus carry-over from 19a8. Since adopting the budget, we have anticipated sales tax increaes and have already made certain additional expenditure commitments for 19(x9. These are set forth in Schedule T of this r~ imposed additional budr~etary authorization. Schedule II lists those expenditures that I recommend the Board of Trustees authorize to carry out important functions not currently provided for in the budget. Together the two schedules represent an additional budget authorization of ~3ci, 540 for a total projected expenditure level of X426, 050. This leaves a revised estimate of , 855 in surplus carry-over for 1969. ~ we continue to develop a favorable reven~:e picture for 19e9, we may wish to add the seventh man to the Police Department sometime this summer, since it will not build in any additional cost far 19?Q than is already provided for by Schedule TI. Other items not mentioned here that may warrant consideration before the end of 1959 include: an ice planer for the rink; parking lot paving, public transportation and the start of a building fund reserve. . • SCHEDULE I 1, POLICE - ~5, 300 {a) Salary raises and other salary adjustments already authorized by the Board of Trustees Acct. No, Amount I3 ~ 3~0 1.4 3, X60 i~ 10~ ~~ ~a~ tP~ a 000 • {b} Additional cost anticipated. far the purchase-of State Patrai Radio Unit ~ X300.00. 2. BOARD OF TRUSTEES - Diu, 000 {VRA Acivertisinal Expenditure with the Vail Resort Association to ad.vertize the scenic: attractions and natural features of Vail. • 3. STREET MAINTENANCE - X3.000 Part of cost of hiring additional full-time man {P, Burnett} ~. PARKIlVG LO'S'S - ~~.. 700 Expense incurred in operating pay parking lot from January through March. Not anticipated in original budget. Offset by equivalent revenue from operation of lot. 5. ICE SKATING - ~;1, 200 The amount spent in excess of the ~3, 000 originally budgeted for this function. TOTAL SCEEDULE I w X1.7, 200 y~ r' .s 1 r'Y.~ SCHEDULE II I. PaLICE - $2,100 ~a} ~l, 350 for seventh man added. November ~.. This will provide twenty-four hour coverage seven days per week. ~1rTe will not have this type of blanket coverage until we add the seventh man. (b) ~?40.00 to provide full-time Police secretary beginning in November. Secretary has been apart-time position so far this year. 2. STREET SVdEEPER - ViIORKZNG CAPITAL FUND - ~3, 500 This is a cost estimate. It is not economical to hose down the streets outside the Care area. This is a piece of equipment we should purchase to maintain a dean looking resort area 4See attached memo). K T C - 3 600 3. ICES A INx ~, (a) Additional operating casts for November and December of 1950: ~~, 500 (b) building and Grounds Improveme.~.ts ~ 550 (c) Additional lighting and purchase of tapes for music system. 450 ~3, 000 tSee attached memo) 4. FIRE DEPARTMENT - X4.000 Additional funds necessary to hire full-time experienced paid chief. The Loard. of Dixectars of the Fire Protection District have already decided this is a necessary addition but the Fire District does not have the funds. 5. PLAYGROUND ~~i~IPMENT _- CAP~TAU C?UTLAY - X500 Purchase of three hose, two belt and one bucket swings, plus two seesaws. Miracle Eciuipment Company Products. Necessary to provide more activity for younger children at playground. ,. ,.y I4 ' ~ f f • n. PARKIl~TG L~3TS ~ ~v00 Operating expense f©r next November and December. 7. PARKS AND GROUNDS - ~~.. 000 Additional funds necessary to keep trash pick-up man for the remainder of the year. This function performed on a gradual basis keeps the Village looking clean on a continuing basis. (The Aspen Times commented. favorably an this aspect of Vail in a recent editorial} . 8. LANDSCAPING - ~~l. Q00 It is extremely important that we begin making this type of yearly investment in improving the appearance of Vail. We should spend, at least X40, 400 over the next five or six years on landscaping. This year's expenditure would be devoted toward improving the appearance of the area north of the Covered Bridge, and additional seeding and rock work along streets and streams. 'I'QTAL SCHEDULE ~I ..,-_ ~19.3'JO TOTAL SCHEDULES I AID II - 3~ ~Dp • - 2 - ., .` r } TO: F. BLAKE LYNCH FROM: T. ~T. MiN'GER DATE; April. l1, 1969 RE: STREET SWEEPERS Per your request, I have conducted an analysis of our street cleaning needs for this simmer, The study pointed out the need for aself-propelled. three- wheel street sweeper with a two to three cubic yard. capacity, This type of machine would be more than adequate to sweep all five miles of Vail°s street at least twice a week. There are four workable alternatives for providing such sweeping services in the Town of Vail, 1„ Rental on a monthly basis. Rentals of this type are based on high frequency use and run approximately X700-~€i00 per rnanth for a five month period. Obviously this is too high a price for our limited seasonal needs, Z, Contractual arrangement with private party; Hans Weibel has expressed interest in buying a used sweeper and contracting the Town's sweeping for about ~i.8.00 per hour. Estixnating a minimum sweeping tune of five hours per day once or twice a week, the cost to the Town would be X90-180 per week. Problems I forsee with this approach are: a. The problem of scheduling the contracting agencies needs and. times with those of the Town, • b, Very little control or supervision on the type and quality of service being provided. c. No assurance of continuity of service far the next few years. 3. Purchase of a new street sweeper; The Town of Vail could purchase a new machine on either a straight cash or 3-4 year lease with option to buy plans. New sweepers will vary in cost, but some average costs would be: Wayne Sweeper X13, 000 Austin-Western X11, 000 Mobil X13, 500 Elgin X12, 500 It is my opinion that a new machine would, be wasted in terms of our present and foreseeable needs. 4. Purchase of used machines: There is currently a large selection of used street sweepers an the market which could. be available in a matter of weeks. These include: 19ao Elgin 4 yard ~ ~'~, '~5D. 00 1962 Elgin 4 yard ~ 3, 750.00 1958 Wayne 4 yard ~ 2, 950.00 1958 Austin Western ~ ~., 500.00 These amts appear to be in good shape and far a few hu-r~dred. dollars mare, could. be purchased with a complete warranty for one year. It would therefore be my recommendation that the Town should consider the purchase of a used sweeper preferably the Austin-Western, which is the smallest and most suitable for our needs. Advantages to the Town include: a. As the Tawn expands, we will eventually need, oczr own sweeper. b. Street sweeping is a logical municipal function -one over which the Town should. have direct supervision and responsibility. - 2 - f • c. The Town currently has the manpower to operate Such a machine without additional help. . d. A used sweeper represents the lowest total and cumu~.ative cost to the Town, aver the next three to five years. e. The Town will gain experience aE~d cost analysis figures regarding sweeping functions, while establishing trade-in potential for a new machine when justified.. • • 3 - TO: THE VAIL BOARD OF TRUSTEES • FROM: BEN' KRUEGER DATE: April t2, 1969 TCE SKATING ~T VATL -.FUTURE An ice skating rink in Vail should be a "must" facility for the total resort concept. The acceptance by all skating enthusiasts agree that it would be a great asset to the community: -- For tourists who only ski accasionally or do not ski at all. • -- A great pastime far a part of the day for those waiting far skiers to finish. ~-- For the serious skater who would vacation in Vail if first class facilities were available. -- An added something to do in the evenings, especially for faznilies. -- For an organized hockey or broom gall program, ~'unior and Senior. -~- By far the most popular for Vail children and neighboring towns. C, A, Temporary - withaut increasing capitol outlay no provisions for shade, and providing na serious damage has resulted to tennis courts from use during the ~8, 89 winter season. Operation at existing location from, December 15 to March 1, B. Temporary -with additional capitol investment, if the tennis courts were used for at least two more seasons. 1. Amore permanent skate building and bench area erected. in the hillside west of the rink {south of present build.ing): a. would provide a safer, easier entrance to the rink, b, need not be moved at the end of the season; . c, could. be used. for tennis house or storage d~.~ring the summer; 2. Purchase own tape recorder, skating music, and more extensive loud speakers (less conflice with ski operations at Golden Gate House). 3. Ac~ditionai flood lights, minimum of 1, 000 watts in each corner, four tirnes present lighting. 4. Investigate possible ice planner purchase, a "must" for first-class ice condition. 5. Improve on hot water situation for spraying ice. ~. Improve on refreshment and warming facilities. 2nventory of skates at present should be sufficient for the needs of the next • few years. The Skate Sharpener does an excellent job and will last for years. The snowblower with brush and blade handled the 68, ~9 situation very well. Far the t~9, 70 season, promotional plans far skating should start early. ••-- Have skating included in the physical ed~~cation program for the ZTail school. -- Organize more extensive hockey, broom ball or game sessions (possibly with competition between business, etc.) --- promote special skating parties -- Advertise in surrounding town including Denver plus more newspaper radio, poster coverage for greater publicity. -- Hire a top name skater on a part-time basis, for demonstrations, lessons, etc. -- Entice national figures of visit far "specials"`. . C. Permanent -Vail should have in its long-range plans ayear-around Olympic or hockey size skating rink, located. where it could be the center of attraction. Artificial ice is a must, with shade. A building could be constructed so that either the sides could be opened or not have walls at all. A roof with a part plastic dome affair to let in filtered. light would protect the ice plus give the outdoor effect. The area should have facilities for grandstands (both side 300 to 504 people), a rental, skate retail shop, snacks, dressing rooms, lockers, etc. Again, this one adds a popular sport and pastime to an area which has a minimum of off-hour things to do. It would prove popular to the majority of locals plus a great attraction far tourists .l2 months of the year. An ideal location for worldwide competition, champiar~ship hockey and ice skating shows. "VAIL, SITE OF THE 3.973 WORLD FIGURE SKATING CHAMPIONSHIPS" • - 3 - s~ -• Ti~WN OF VATL - WORKING CAPITAL FUND TREASURER'S REFORT February 28, 1969 Financial Statement Balance in Bank of Vail as of 1/37/69 Receipts during February Billings for Services Gas and Oil Sales Contribution from General Fund-- to be reimbursed at a later tame. Disbursements during February Lease - Purchase payment on Loader Lease - Purchase payment an Compressor Maintenance and Repair - Loader Other Balance in Bank of Vail as of 2/28/69 $ 770.00 189.06 1,00(}.00 $1,000.00 272.00 4.28 14.9. $ 169.'12 1,959.06 $2,128.78 1,291.19 $ 837.59 Respectfully submitted, F. Blake Lynch SEcretary/Treasurer TOWN OF VA~L -- PAYROLL ACCOL7IVT TREASURER'S REPORT • • February 28, 1969 Financial Statement Balance in Bank of Vaik as of 1/31/n9 Transfer of Cash from General Fund. Payroll Distribution -February Administration and Finance ~ 2, 735.28 Planning 406.10 Street Maintenance 1, 2i~2.29 Parking Lots add. 80 Police Department 4, 446. 60 Parks and Grounds Maintenance 155, 63 Ice Skating 1, 071. 57 Fire District 16. 77 Water District 431. 59 Sanitation District 1, 981.. 75 New Nine 1 ~4. 80 X12, 979. 18 Payroll Taxes Payable 3.215. 5'7 Actual Cash Outlay Actual Cash Outlay Balance Less: Bank Charge Balance in Bank of Vail as of 2/28/69 ~ 143.20 ~ ~ , ooo, 00 X12, 143.20 9, '763. 61 2, 3'79. 59 3. 00 2, 376. 59 Respectfully submitted, F. Blake Lynch Secretary/Treasurer • TOWN OF VAIL GENERAL FUND TREASURERS REPORT • February 28, 1969 Financial Statement Balance in Bank of Vail Regular Account as of 1/31169 $6,474.64 Receipts durin~.February Sales and General Occupation Tars $28,92.1.94 Utility Occupation Tax 41fi.03 Parking Fees 407.75 Ice Sk~~ing Revenue 4~ig~34 Court Fines and Fees ~7flg,~5 Street Repair Fees 70.86 Highway Users Tax 151.71 Building Inspection Fees 1,742.60 Property Taxes 36.61 Re imbuz~ s erne tit s , ~ 3 , 2 0, Miscellaneous Revenue ~1,7~ Accounts Payable 301:36 33,232;75 39;70739 Disbursements during February Board of Trustees $ 2,144,34 Police Magistrate 162.00 Administration 1,511.74 Planning 12.00 Police Department 3,186.79 Street Maintenance 1,913.87 Parking Lots 49,68 Street Lighting 121.87 Fire Protection District 2,106.90 Recreation District 2,182.27 Water District 1,84$.51 Sanitation District 4,864.15 Ice Skating 861,15 Contribution to Working Capital Fund 1,000.00 Liability Accounts 2,586.58 Contribution to Payroll Account 12,000.00 Reimbursable Expenses 384.70 Refunds 3~Op To set-up imprest "petty cash"fund 25.00 37,064,55 Balance in Bank of Vail Regular Account as of 2/28/69 $ 2,642,84 Respecti£u11y submitted, F. Blake Lynch SECretary/Treasurer • TOWN OF VAIL - WORKING CAPITAL FUND TREASURER'S REPORT ~I March 3l, 1969 Financial Statement Balance 3.n Bank of Vail as of 2/28/69 $ 837.5g Receipts during March __. Billa.ngs for Services $ 930.00 Gas and Oil Sales gp~38 Contribution from General Fund - to be reimbursed at a later time. 2,000.00 3,020.36 $3,857.95 Disbursements during March i , Lease - Purchase payment an Loader $2,flflfl.00 Lease - Purchase payment on Compressor 272.flfl Purchase of Gasoline and Oi3. 454.9fl Maintenance and Repair - Loader 435.02 Other .98 3,3.62.90 Balance in Bank of Vail as of 3/3]./69 $ 69S.fl5 Respect~'u3.3.y submitted, ~', Blake Lynch Secretary/Treasurer t c~ v ~,, ~,, .., w a o o a o ca o 0 0 o Q o 0 0 o a a a c> a o 0 o a a v a v o 0 0 o v a o 0 0 o v ©o ©o ©Q o o c.~ c.~ u u u u u `C .Q ~ ~ O O O q C7 0 C,~+gID.D~D~~D~Q~O~O~D~ 4.~~9~17~~fS.~~D .o .Q .o .a .a .n o0 00 0o ao 00 00 00 oa oo oa ~ ~ a •a -a •a ~ ~ ~ -.~ cr o- ~ s u+ rA w N ~.•~ o•D as a ~ v, •A W N r a.O oo ••.t cr ts~ ~ W ~v ,-• p.p oo -.1 0~ • v N N [V N N [V iV N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N as OO QaaC~OO00aaO(~oOC}OOCacSCaOd0000 00 00 OQ 00 ~7 ~i -J ~1 -.1 ~ •+l •.1 ~1 ~ O~ fl* O~ C7~ ~ ~ ~ E7~ C~ Cr [}'i l11 !a'r lJ7 Vt tT1 W N r O ~A 00 ~] O~ U7 ~A W N +-+ ~} ~p OD -d O~ rP U7 W N r+ p `D AO ~7 [7~ Vr `A N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N r r AJ r r-+ h-+ w+ w r r r r s.+ r w~ r+ r-+ N w r.•• M-+ w r r w~ s-+ r r r ~~,~~ ~~ ~m~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~,~ W N Q~ Ca .O d0 ~1 Q~ Ul ,~ W N r Q .O OD ~I J ~ In W N r C~ .L7 00 -,1 C7~ 41'~ ~P ~nnnnnbro~ny~~~s~~~~y~~nrom~yn~~t~ny ' W ~~-' ~ ~ ~~-' ~ pf ~' ~ ~' c0 n~ ~ ~ m ~ tp W K' y ~• O O ~ O• ~ ~ ~ H !~ c-r ~ r+• ,'~ ~ ~ ~ r• -~ n w w ~ N bi a ~ ~• ~ to tTJ cn ~ fi ~ ~' ~ ~, x ~ ~ ~ ° ~ n C ~ ~ xi w r-r UQ W ~' A+ ~, '~ ~, q O to '~ r.! 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I~ W N O Cn GJ }-~ h' U'~ W C7'i i^+ [ap W W ~~1C~c{7Cr+WC7 QQG7 ~WC~cOOo ~1 C7 t~ F Un U"t tsa C7 to O <Y7 O C~ p O O -~" d O ~' C? n • • .• 1 i W t ro t~'# e t*~ *d y w~ H 4' THE TOWN 4~' VATL x.969 d~P~RATIN(~ BtiD~ET REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE RE~'ORT F(TR TFtE 'L'HRF.F. ~fQNTFiS ENliED MARCH 31, ~. ~ b ~ -t April 5, 1969 This repart was prepared on the cash basis at March 31, 1969. Generally, the repart represents the financial activity that has transpired for the first quarter of 1969, although a true picture of revenue is not possible as we have only received January's sales tax as of this date. Sales tax for February and March could easily exceed $5U,000.00. The report is divided into four sections: C Section I: Revised Revenue and Expenditure Repart for the year ended 1.2/31/68 Section TI: Summary of Revenue for the three months ended 3/31./69 Section III: Summary of Expenditures for the three months ended 3/31./69 . Section IV: Working Capital Fund Reports Stan Bernstein Accountant, Town of vail • • • • • • Following is the revised Revenue and Expenditure Report for the year ending December 31, ].968: Revenue per or~.ginal 12/31/68 Report Add: December 1968 Sales Tax $22,131.50 Fourth Quarter Uti3.aty Occupation Tax - Mountain States Telephone 4~-S•Q8 Total. Revenue Applied to 1968 Budget Expenditures per original 3.2/31/68 Report Add; 1968 Accountants ~'ee - McClave and Wall. Final 1968 Recreation District Property Tax Payment to Eagle County Less: January, 1969 rent erroneously charged to 1968 Budget Total. Expenditure Applied to 3.969 Budget 196$ Revised Surp3.ue Carry-~v€rs~fo~^~~own $ 675.00 1,522.fl2 2,197.02 550.00 $340,439.68 22,547.53 $362,987.21 $347,475.58 3,,647.02 $349,122.60 $13,864.63. SUMMARY OF REVENUE Anticipated Actual. Total Total RECEIPTS 19 6 9 Thre~~~M©.nths Sales and General Occupation Taxes $174,400.04 $39,21.fl,203e Ut~.lity Occupation Tax 9,500.00 ----- ~'arking Fees 250.Ob 1,633.90 Liquor Fees ].,600,00 ---- Court Fines and Fees 2,5b4.40 2,356.75 Building Inspection Fees 3,508.00 1,729.54 Street Repair Fees ].,000.00 -..-- Highway Users Tax Rebate 2,400.04 391..47 Federal. 7 41 Grant 1 , • General Property Taxes 25,000,00 36,61 Ice Skating ----- 1,1.90.84 Miscellaneous Revenue ---- 83.45 Water and Sanitation Management Fee 99,294.04 20,000.40 Fire Management Fee 1.4,160.00 ---- Recreation Management Fee ++6,'750.00 ---- Unencumbered Cash Balance Carried Forward From Prior Years ------ 15,855.28 TOTAL REVENUE $389,550.04 $82,498.00 This amount represents sales tax received on Vail Associates lift revenue far January and February, and general sales tax received from general sales for January only. • AFPROPRIATIDN AND EXPENDITURE REPORT SUMMARY Appropriation Actual 1969 Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY Total Three Months Balance Board o~ Trustees $ 15,750.fl0 $ 3,041.64 $ 22,708.36 Police Magistrate 2,100.00 512.00 1,588.00 Administration and Finance 54,725.00 13,164.87 41,560.13 Planning 20,390.00 3,819.05 16,570.95 Police Department 69,843.00 17,698.11 52,144.88 Street Maintenance 34,050.00 7,844.52 26,205.48 Ouilding Inspection 6,530.00 9.00 6,521.00 Parking Lots ---_ 1,616.60 (2,616.60) Street Lighting 3,500.00 673.31 2,826.69 Parks and Grounds Maintenance 3,000.00 499.11 2,500.89 Contingency 3,322.00 -~-_ 3,322.00 Recreation Department Golf Course 49,480.00 Recreation Dept. - Tennis 4,550.00 1,038.36 35.95 48,441,64 4,514.05 Recreation Department Pro Shop 12,500.00 ---- 12,500.00 Water Department 34,950.00 4,687.46 30,262.54 Sanitation Department #2,450,00 12,856,47 29,593.53 Flre Department 11,410.00 3,103.89 8,306.11 Ice Skating 3,000.00 4,198.71 (1,198.71) Street Paving 7,000.00 200.00 6,800.00 Gravel 4,000.00 -_-- 4,000.00 Working Capital Fund 7,000.00 3,000.00 4,000.00 TOTAL ALL DEPTS. $389,550.00 $77,999,05 5311,550.95 C7 • APPRQPRTATION AND EXPENDITURE REPORT Appropriation Actual. 1.969 £xpendec~ Unexpended ACTIVITY Total Three Months Balance BDARD OF TRU5TEES: Personal. Services Salaries 8 Wages - Part $ 2,75U.0O $ 690.00 $ 2,060.00 Contractual Services Advertising $ 1,800.00 $ 56.52 $ J.,743.48 Dues and Subscriptions 100.00 91,00 9.00 Professional Fees 9,000.00 2,1.27.81 6,872.39 Travel Expense 5Q0.00 ---,- 500.Ofl Other 1.,300.00 76.51 1,223.49 5ub~-Total $1.2,700,00 $2,353.6 $10,38.36 Cornrnoditie s Other $ 300.00 ---- $ 300.00 Board of Trustees - TOTAL $1.5,750.00 $8,041.64 $1.2,708.36 FDLZCE MAGISTRATE Personal Services Salaries 6 Wages - Part $1,20fl.00 $300.00 $ 900,Ofl Contractual Services Rent $ 600.00 $2fl0.00 $ 400.00 Dther 100.00 1.2.00 88.Ofl Commodities Other $ 20fl.00 ---- $ 20fl.00 Folice Magistrate -~ TDTAL $2,104.00 $512.00 $1_,588.00 • • • ~~ l` _J ~~ APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES REPORT Appropriation Actual 1959 Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY Total. Three Months Ba~.ance ADMINTSTRATTON AND FIAIANCE Personal Services Insurance $ ~., 500.00 $ ~.&8.25 $ ]., 331.75 Social Security 1,500.00 365.34 1,13+x,66 Salaries 5 Wages - Fu11 29,20fl.Ofl 7,5].1,04 23,588.96 Salaries ~ Wages -- Part 4,000.00 ---- 4,000.00 Salaries 8 Wages - Overtime ~.,ODO.Ofl ----- 1,000.00 Salaries 8 Wages - Adjustment 500.00 ---- 500.00 Sub-Total $37,700.00 $8,x.44.63 $29,555.37 Contractual Services Advertising $ 150.00 $ -..--.. $ 150.00 Car Allowance 350.00 100.00 250.00 hues and Subscriptions 250.00 71.00 179.00 Insurance - B1dgs. 8 Equip. 25(}.00 90.00 150.00 postage 550.00 105.86 544.14 Prin-~ing 1,500.00 85.25 1,414.75 Professional Fees 700.00 --~-- 700.00 Rent 4,500.00 1,606.79 2,893.21 Recording and Abstracti ng 200.00 ---- 200.00 Tex.ephone 2,800.fl0 358.62 2,441.38 Training 200.Ofl .--.-- 200, fl0 Travel 35Q.00 248.05 10]..95 Other 1,800.00 997.73 802.27 Sub-Total 513,700.00 $3,663.30 $10,036.70 Commodities Books and Periodicals $ 100.Ofl $ -~---- $ 100.00 Food Supplies 125.00 42.35 B2.6a License Tags 100.00 7.85 92.15 Office Supplies 1,900.00 406.74 1,493.26 Other 600.00 -----_ fi Ofl . 00 Sub-Total $ 2,825.00 $ 45fi.94 $ 2,368.05 • • ,-~ APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES REPORT Appropriation Actual 1969 ~' Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY Total Three Months Balance AD1`?INIST~RATION AND £IA;ANCE CANT. Capital Outlay O~'fice Equipment $ 5Ef0.00 $ 900.00 $ (40fl.flfl) Administration and Finance - '.COTAL $54,725.00 $13,164.87 $41,560,13 Note: Three month total actual. Administration and Finance expendi- tures will be charged to a1.1 the districts as follows: Town 40o x $13,164.87 - $ 5,265.95 W. ~ S. District 40°~ x 13,164.87 = 5,265.95 Rec. District l.5% x 13,164.87 - 1.,974.73 Fire District 5~ x = 658,24 $13,1.64. $7 APPRDPRTATTON AND EXPENDITURES REPORT Appropriatian Actual 7.969 Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY Total Three Months Ba7.ance PLANNING Personal Services Insurance $ SO.flfl $ _..__ $ 50.00 Social Security 7.40.00 x5.80 84.2fl Salaries ~ Wades - Full 3,000.00 7.,162.50 1,837,50 Sub-Total $ 3,190.00 $1,27.8.3fl $ 1,977..70 Contractual Services Professional Pees $17,flOfl.flfl $2,600.75 $14,399.25 Commodities 00 $ 100 Books ~ Periodicals $ 100.Ofl ----- . 00 100 Other ZOfl.flfl --_- . Sub-Total. $ 200.00 ----_ $ 200.00 Planning - TOTAL $20,390.00 $3,819.05 $16,570.95 • ~J APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES REPORT Appropriation Actual 1969 Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY Total Three Months Balance POLICE DEPARTMENT Personal Services Insurance $ 2,26?.00 $ 932.00 $ 1,335,00 Pension 1,700.00 522.54 1,177.46 Salaries ~ Wages - Full 47,075.00 11,790.00 35,285.00 Salaries 8 Gdages - Part 1,950.D0 1,061.25 888.75 Salaries 8 Wages - Overtime 1,266.00 ---- 1,266.00 Salaries - Adjustment 70D.00 ____ 700,00 Sub-Total $54,958.00 $14,305.79 $40,652.21 Contractual Services Advertising $ 400.00 $ ---- $ 400.00 Car Allowance 200.00 --~~ 200.00 Dues 80.00 14.5D 65.50 Insurance 975.00 509.00 466.00 Laundry 30.OD ---- 30.OD Cleaning 360.00 ---- 35D.00 Vehicle Maintenance 500.00 12,50 487.50 Postage 50.00 {.78) 50.78 Printing 175.00 2.54 172.46 Professional Fees 400.00 62,00 338.OD Rent 1,8DQ.00 600.00 1,200.00 Telephone 1,Oa0,00 161.39 838.61 Training 700.00 ---- 700.00 Travel 200.00 139.95 60.05 Otfier 1,620.00 167.76 1,452.24 Sub-Total $ 8,49D.00 $ 1,fi68.86 $ 6,821,14 Commodities Books and Periodicals $ 75.00 $ $ 75.00 Chemicals and Drugs 50.00 ~~~~ 50.00 Clothing 940.00 9,20 930.80 Food 200.00 ---- 20D.00 Motor Fuels 8 Tube 1,600,00 400,05 1,199.95 Office Supplies 250.00 72.71 177,29 Other 1,400.00 ---- 1,400.00 Sub-Total $ 4,515.00 $ 461.96 $ 4,033.04 Capital Out1a~ Furniture $ 225.00 $ --~- $ 225.00 Radio 1,375.00 1,141.50 233.50 Other 280.00 1D0.00 180~OD Sub-Total $ 1,880,00 $ 1,241.50 S 638.50 Police Department - TOTAL $69,843.00 $17,898.11 $52,144.&9 • APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES REF©RT App ropriation Actual Tota3. Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY 1969 Three Months Balance STREET MAINTENANCE Personal Services insurance $ 800.00 $ 342.32 $ 457.68 Social Security 80U.f~0 219.92 580.08 Salaries 6 Wages -- Full 18,500,00 4,404.'15 1.4,095.25 Salaries 6 Wages - Part 1,000.00 ---- 1,OOtJ.00 Suh-Total $21,100.00 $4,966.89 $16,133.01 Contractual Serv~.ces Car A3.lowance $ 600.fl0 $ ----- $ 600.00 Dues ~ Subscr~.ptions 50.00 ----- 50.00 Insurance 90D.00 308.00 592.00 Laundry 200.D0 23.28 17&.7l Maintenance 6 Repair• -- Machinery ~ Equip. 5fl0. t3fl ---- 500.00 Professional Fees 400.00 ----- 400.00 Rent 3,500.00 2,135.00 3,,365.00 Other 1,fl00,00 W--- 1,OOD.00 Sub-Iota]. $ 7,150.00 $2,~+66a29 $ 4,f83.73. Commo'd~.ties~ ~ ., . _. .. . Street Repairs and Ma~.ntenance Ma:, '. terial.s $ 2,700.00 $ --__- $ 2,700,00 Machinery 8 Equip. w Parts ~ Suppli.es 300.00 300.00 Motor Fuels 4x0.00 x87.74 212.26 Signs 200.00 207.&3 {7.63) Sma11 Tools 200.00 --~-- 200.00 Other 2,000.00 3.5.87 4 1,984.3.3 75 388 $ 5 Sub-Total S 5,800.00 $ 43.1.2 . , Street Maintenance •~ TpTAL $34,050.00 $7,844.52 $26,205.48 • APPROPRIATION AA1D EXPENDITURES REPORT A ro riation PP P Actual. Total. Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY 1.969 Three Months Balance BUILDING INSPECTION Personal Services Insurance $ 200.04 $ --- $ 20D.00 Social Security 230.00 ---~ 230.OD Salaries 8 L~lages - Ful1 5,200,00 --- 5,200.00 Sub-Total $5,630.00 $ --- $5,630.00 Contractual Services Professional Fees $ SOO.OD $9.00 $ 59I.OD Training 50.OD --- 50.00 Travel 100.OD ---- IOD.OD Sub-Total $ 750.00 $9,00 $ 741.00 Commodities Books and Periodicals $ 50.OD $ ---- $ 50.OD gffice Supplies ID0.00 --- 100.DD Sub-Total. $ 15D.00 $ --- $ 15D.00 Building Inspection - 'i'U'i'AL $6, 53D, 00 $9. DO $6, 521.00 PARKING LOTS Personal. Services Social Security $ --- $ 70.73 $ (70,73) Salaries 8 Wages - Part ----_ 1,,481.49 (1,481.49) Sub--Total --- $ $1 552.22 $(1,552.22) Contractual Services Insurance $ --- $ 16.DD $ (16.OD? Printing ---~ 22,15 E22.15i Utilities --w 3„8.20 (18.20) Sub-Total $ --- $ 5G.35 S (56.35) Commodities Machinery 6 Equip. - Part s 8 Supplies $ ----- $ 8.0 3 $ ( 8.0 3 ) Parking Lots - TOTAL $ --- $1,616.60 $(1,616.60) • APFROPRIATIOIVT AND EXPENDITURES REPORT Appropriation Actual Total Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY 1969 Three Months Balance STREET LIGHTING Contractual Services Other $3,000.00 $673.31 $2,326.63 Commodities Other $ 500.00 $ ---- $ 500.00 Street Lighting - TOTAL $3,500.00 $673.31 $2,826,69 PARKS AND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE . Personal Services Social Security $ -___ $ 22.86 $ (22.86) Salaries 8 Wages - Temporary 500.00 ~#7fi.25 23.75 Sub-Total $ 500.fl0 $39.11 $ •89 Contractual Services Insurance $ 140.00 $ ____ $ 1fl0.00 00 ~Ofl Util~.ties X04.00 __-.. -_ . 700.00 1 Other 1,700.00 --- , Sub-Total $2,2fl0.44 $ ----_ $2,244.00 Commodities Seeds and Plants $ 100.04 $ _..__ $ Ifl0.04 Small Tools 200.40 ---- 200.00 Sub-Total $ 300.00 $ -~-_- $ 304.Ofl Parks and Grounds Mainte- 000.00 TOTAL $3 $499,11 $2,500.89 nance - , Contingency $3,322.00 $ ----- $3,322.0? • APPRaPRIATION ANC EXPENDITURES REPORT Appropriation Actual Total Expended ACTIVITY 3.969 Three Months • RECREATION DEPARTMENT GOLF COURSE Personal Services Insurance $ 54D.D0 Social Security 700.00 Salaries 6 wages - 5easonal 17,ODO.DD Salaries ~ Wages - Adjustment 500.00 Sub-Total $18,740.00 Contractual Services Car Allowance $ 50.00 Dues ~ Subscriptions 2~F0,00 Insurance l,1DD.fl0 Mtnce. ~ Repair - Mach. ~ Equip. 500.00 Printing 3.00.00 Professional Pees 500.00 Rent 17,500.00 Travel 14D.00 Ut~lx.t~.es 2DD. DD Other 4~DOO.OD Mtnce. ~ Rep. - Bldgs. 2D0.00 Sub-Total ~ ~ ~ , ~ yt~ . tt u Commodities Machinery ~ Equip.- Parts ~ Supplies $ 500.00 Motor Fue3.s 750.00 Seeds and Plants 3,600.00 Smalx. Tools 5fl0. DD Water Pipe ~ Supplies 4D0.00 Other 500.04 Sub-Total $ 6,250.00 Golf' Course - TOTAL $~+9,480.OD $ 283.00 x2.96 270.flfl $ 565.9fi $ .. -.._ 10.04 32D.00 2D.2fl 17.2D $3.00 ~i 5 0.4 C1 $ --.... 22,00 $ 22.flD $1,038.36 Unexpended Balance $ 257.00 ss7.D~ 3.6,73D.00 5 Q D. D U $x.8,174.04 $ 5D.D0 230.OD 78D.DD 5t]O.flO 1DD.oD ~DD.Da 17,500.fl0 ].OD. DO 179.8D 3x982.80 x.17 .~fl Q ry'L~k,E3~`~.6f1 $ SDD.Dn 75fl.OD 3,600.00 500.OD ++Ofl.00 x+78.00 $ 5,228.00 $48,441.54 • APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES REPORT Appropriation Actual Total Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY 1968 Three Months Balance RECREATION DEPARTMENT TENNIS Personal Services Salaries ~ Wages - Part $1,500.00 $ -a~-x $1,5013.04 Contractual Services Other $ 500.04 $35.95 $ 464,05 Commodities Building i~faterials $ 500.00 $ ----- 500.00 . Recreation Supplies 550.00 ~~~~ 550.00 Seeds and Plants 1,504.00 1,500.00 Sub-Total $2,550.00 $ ----- X2,550.00 Tenna.s -- TOTAL $4,550.00 $35.95 $4,514.05 RECREATION DEPARTMENT PRO - SHOP $12,500.00 $ ----_ $12,500.00 Recreation Department - .._.____. TOTAL ~ $66,530.00 $1,074.31 $65,455.63 • APPROPRIATION AND EXPEND2TURE5 REPORT A ro riata.on PP A Actual Total Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY 1969 Three Mpnths Balance WATER DEPARTMENT Personal Services Insurance $ 750.DD $ 539.34 $ 210.66 Social Security 750.00 81.23 668.77 Salaries 6 Wages - Full 15,35x.00 1,692.2$ 13,fi57.72 Salaries 6 Wages - Part 1,500.00 __.... 1,5gx.D0 Salaries fi Wages - Adj. 5D0.00 ----- 50x.Dx Sub-Total $18,85x.00 $2,312.85 $16,537.15 Contractual Services Insurance $ 1,1DD.xx $ 3D3.fl0 $ 797.fl0 Laundry 1Dfl.Ox 41.41 58.59 Mince. ~ Repair - Bldg. Dx 15D and Improvements lSD.DD ---- . 00 5D 1 Mince. ~ Repair - Mach. 1,5©.00 ----_ . . p0 00 3 Printing 100.x0 ..__.. . . Professional Fees 200.00 --»-- 200.flfl Rent 1, 200, 00 -~_.._ 1, 200.00 Traa,ning 2flfl.00 51.00 149.00 Travel 150.Ox 61.x0 89.00 Utilities 7,20fl.x0 1,D32.59 6,167.41 Other 1.,2flfl.00 ____ 1,200.Ox Sub-Total. $11,75D.00 $1,488.00 $10,2fi1.00 Commodities Building Materials $ 600.x0 $ _--- $ 6x0.00 Chemical Supplies and Lab. Equipment 1,60fl.x0 30.].5 1,569.85 Machinery 8 Equipment Parts 6 Supplies _ 60D,Ox 699.88 (99.88) Motor Fuels 600.D0 50.D3 55 105 549.97 94.45 Small Tools 2flfl.x0 . 00 500 Water Pipe and Supplies SDO.Ofl . x0 25D Other 250.00 ___w . . Sub-Total. $ 4,35D.Ox $ 885.61 $ 3,464,39 Water Department - TOTAL $34,95fl.Ox $±x,687.46 $30,262.54. ~~ i i AFPRDPRIATIQN AND EXPENDITURES REPORT Appropriation Actual Total Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY 1969 Three Months Balance SANITATION DEPARTMENT Personal Services Insurance $ 750.00 $ 539.34 $ 210.66 Social Security 750,00 267.64 482.36 Salaries ~ Wages - Full 15,350,00 5,575.83 9,774.17 Salaries 6 Wages - Part 2,500.00 ---_ 2,500.00 Salaries 8 Wages - Adj. 500,00 ---- 500.00 Sub-Total $19,850.00 $ 6,382.81 $13,467.19 Contractual Services Insurance $ 1,3flfl.00 $ 303.04 $ 997.00 . Laundry Mince. 8 Repair - Bldg. 1fl0.00 41.40 58.60 and Improvements 15fl.00 86.00 54.00 Mtnce. 6 Repair - Equip. 6 Mach. 150.00 61.49 88.51 Printing 100.00 ---_ 100.00 Professional Fees 2fl0.D0 ---- 200.00 Rent 1,5oo.ofl ____ 1,5ofl.Ofl Training 200.00 51.00 149.00 Travel 150.00 6I.Ofl 89.00 Utilities 10,300.00 3,336.37 6,963.63 Other 1,200.00 19.24 1,280.76 Sub-Total $15,35fl.00 $ 3,989.50 $11,380.50 Commodities Building Materials $ 900.00 $ 254.95 $ 645.05 Chemical Supplies 6 Lab. Equipment 4,200.00 1,967.85 2,232.11 Machinery 8 Equip. Parts 6 Supplies Motor Fuels 600.04 600.00 178.$8 4 803 421.11 551.97 Sewer Tile and Pipe 500,00 500.00 Small Tools 200,00 48.20 151.80 Other 250,00 6.20 243.80 Sub-Total $ 7,250;00 $ 2,504.16 $ 4,745.84 Sanitation Department - TUTAL $42,450.00 $12,856.47 $29,593.53 I~ u APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES REPORT Appropriation Actual Total Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY 1969 Three Months Balance FIRE DEPARTMENT Personal Services Insurance $ 250.D0 $ 815.75 $ 1565.75) Social Security 75.00 1.54 T3.46 Salaries 8 Wages - Part 3,960.00 532.00 3,428.00 Sub-Total $ 4,285.DD $1.,349.29' $2,935.71 Contractual Services Dues and Subscriptions $ 100.00 $ 38.25 $ 6~-•'~5 Insurance 1,500.00 585.00 915.00 Mince. 8 Repair - Bldg. and Improvements ldO.OD ---- 100.04 . Mince. 5 Repair - Equip. and Machinery 500,OD 233.53 266.47 Rent 500.00 ----- 500.00 Telephone 6D0.00 148.8 9 x+51.7-~- Training 150.00 -_-- 1.50.00 Travel 200.00 ----- 2DO.OD Utilities 1,600.00 334.08 1,265.92 Other 450.00 12.10 437.90 Sub--Total $ 5,9{10.00 $1,351.65 $4,348,15 Car~adi~~es~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ . _ Chemical Supplies $ 250,00 $ 58.00 $ 192.00 Janitorial Supplies 75.00 ------ 75.OC Machinery 8 Equip. - Parts 8 Supplies 100.00 1.34.54 {34.50 Motor Fuels 350.00 197.9Q 00 150 Small Tools Other 15D.00 504.00 ---- 58.1.1 . 441.89 Sub-Total $ 1,425.D0 $ 402.75 $1,022.25 Fire Department -~ TOTAL, $11,410.00 $3,103.89 $8,306,11 APPRdPRxATxON AND ExPEI~DITURES REPORT Appropriation Actual Total Expended ACTIVITY 1969 Three Months • ~.J • rCE SKATING Personal Services Insurance Social Security Salara.es ~ Wages Seasonal Sub--Total Contractual. Services Advertising Insurance Pra.nt ing Ut~.1it~.es Other Sub-Total Commodit~.es Machinery 8 Equ~.p. Motor Fuels Ice Skates 8 Assec. Other Sub--Total Ice Skating - TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY Streets and Grounds Improvements Gravel Working Gapital Fund Capital Outlay - TOTAL TOTAL - ALL DEPARTMENTS $ 100,00 12~.ao 2,175.00 $2,~+a0.fl0 $ 100.00 $ 1.00.00 $ 25{1.00 250,00 $ 500.00 $3,000.fl0 $ 7,oa0.00 ~,oop.oo 7,000.00 $18,800.00 $3$s,5so.oo s 1a5.aa 121.9 2, 5+0.75 $2,767.89 $ 73.25 4~4.fl0 x.66 21.92 313.20 $ 57.03 $ 457.~+a 8~, 23 262.2~F 53.12 $ 856.99 $4,198.71 $ 200.00 3,000.00 $3,2110.00 $77,999.05 Unexpended Balance , $ {~.aa) s.a6 (365.75) $ (367.69} $ 26.75 {4.66) (21.92) (30.20) $ {2fl7.~D) (8-+.23} {12.2+) {53.12) $ {356,99) ${1,].98.71,) $ 6,800.00 ~+,oaa.ofl 4,OOfl.00 $1~,SOO.aO $3].1.,550.95 TOWN 0~' VAIL, COLORADO WORKING GAPTTAL FUND BALANGE SHEET MARCH 31, 1965 ASSETS Cash in Bank $ 695.05 Gasoline and Oil Inventory ].66.21 Equipment - At Cost: Caterpillar Loader 6 Backhoe $17,347.96 Air Compressor 8 Accessories 2,~l25.fl0 Hydraulic Blade far Caterpillar 3,182.50 22,955.46 TOTAL ASSETS $23,81.6.62 LIABILITIES Lease Purchase Contracts Payable: Caterpillar $3,347.95 Compressor 285.00 $ 3,632.9fi Lang - Term Liability i]ue to General Fund 18,278.50 21,91.1.46 SURPLUS Profit January 1, 1969 - March 31, 1969 1,905.16 TOTAL LIABI ~~TIES_._AND_SURPLUS $ 2 3 , 81.6.6 2 ~'D©praciation mill be computed at 12/31169 • r~ ~J s TQWN OF VAIL, coLORAnO WORKING CAPITAL FUND STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSE FOR THREE MONTHS ENDED 3/3,/69 ~~Od~~~ Billings far Services ($l0/Hour) ~a2,4E}5.0{} Gasoline and Oil. Sa~.es '. 303.22* TOTAL INCOME $2,708,22 EXPENSES: ., .~ • Cost of Gasoline and Oi]. So1d $288.79 Operating Expenses: Maintenance ~ Repair Loader $494.85 Miscellaneous Operating Expenses 19.39 514.27~~` TOTAL EXPENSES 803.06 Net Income excluding Depreciafiion $~-,905•l6 ~ This represents only two months :c}'No depreciation has been taken into ron~idera~'ion C7 ORDINANCE N0. Series of 196 AN ORDTNANC E AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS BY THE TOViTN 011 V.AIL IN EXCESS OF THE BUDGET FOR THE YEAR 1969, AND DECLARING AND DEFINING AN EMERGENCY FOR SUCH APPROPRIATION. ~T~THEREAS, the Town of Vail, subsequent to the adoption of the budget far the Town for the fiscal year 1909, has determined through its Board of Trustees that certain expenditures are necessary and desirable for promotion of the health, safety and welfare of the community; and 'Sh]'HEREAS, the revenues for the Town have exceeded the amount anticipated at the time the said budget was adopted, and, it has been determined that s:zfficient funds will be available to the Town to provide for the municipal services referred to in this ordinance; and. ViIHEREAS, the items specified in this appropriation are necessary for the preservation of the public health, safety and welfare, the Board of Trustees for the Town of Vail determines that an emergency exists and. that supplemental appropriations should be rr~.ade to the budget for the Town for the fiscal year 19e9, in accordance with the schedule of authorized expenditures set forth below; therefore, BE TT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES FOR THE TOULIN OF VATL, COLORADO: Section 1. There is hereby appropriated to the general fund for the Town of Vail., the sum of X35, 000 for the m~icipal purposes set forth hereinafter. Section 2. The following expenditures frorri the general fund are hc~re~ay authori7efi, ~g a s~ipple~ent to the budget for the fiscal year 19n9: Palice Department ~'7, g00. 00 Street Maintenance ~5, 000.00 Parking Lots Maintenance ~2, 300. 00 "~~ Fire Department ~~, 000.00 Tce Skating Facility ~~, 800.00 Parks and Grounds Maintenance ~l, 000.00 Landscaping ~4, 000.00 Playground Equipment 500.00 Advertising Expenditures through Vail Resort Association ~6, 000.00 Section 3. The Board of Trustees finds that an emergency exists and. that the passage of this ordinance is necessary for the preservation of the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Town of Vail, and that this ordinance shall become effective five (~~) days following publication thereof. Mayor ATTEST: -~; _---- ._._.._._. -_-Town Clerk _~ ORDINANCE N0. AN ORDINANCE VACATSNG A CERTAIlV STREET RIGHT- OF-WAY LYING BETWEEN U', S, HIGHWAY NUMBER ~ AND GORE CREEK DRIVE IN THE TOWN OF NAIL, CbUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO; SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO; AND, DECLARIIVG AN EMERGENCY THEREFOR. WHEREAS, Vail Associates, Inc. , a Colorado corporation, has requested that part of the street right-~of-way previously dedicated to the Town of Vail, lying between U. S. Highway No, d and Gore Creek Drive in the Town of Vail, Colorado be vacated; and Vii~HEREAS, Vail Associates, Inc. , has agreed to dedicate a new i right-of-way to conform to and correspond with an existing roadway in the vicinity of the right-of-way vacated by this ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees for the Town of Vail deems it in the public interest that said street right-of-way be vacated; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BARD QF TFUS'T'EES OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO: Section 1, That the following described street right-of-way situate in the Town of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, be and the same is vacated, and the title thereto vested in those as set forth by law, to wit: A part of Tract C, Vail Village First Filing, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of said Tract C; thence S. 7Jo45' 13" E. and along the Northerly line of said Tract C a distance of 73.34 feet; thence S. 09°5S' S5"W. a distance of 1.11. 56 feet to a point of curve and the true point of beginning; thence along a curve . to the right having a radius of 44. DO feet, a central angle Qf 39o~.21S5", an arc distance of 27. 37 feet to a point of tangent; thence along said tangent S. 49°40'00"W. a distance of 50.9 feet to the Southeasterly corner of Lot P, Block 5-D, said Vail Village First Filing; thence 1 • S. 4°23'00"E. and along the Easterly li~~e of said Lot P extended a distance of 2, 4~ feet; thence S. 80°06'45"E, a distance of 44. 7g feet; thence N. 0~053'S5"E. a distance of 67.20 feet to the true point of beginning; containing 1163.24 square feet or 4, 02'7 acres, mare or less. Less a parcel of land more particularly described as follows; A part of Tract G, Vail Village First Filing, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more particularly descrived as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of saki. Tract C; thence • S. 79045' 13"E, and along the Northerly Tine of sand Tract C a distance of 34, 80 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing along the aforesaid course a distance of 50.40 feet; thence S. 9©53'55"W. a distance of 178. 72 feet; thence N. 84006'05"W. a distance of 4$. 2J feet to a point of intersection with the Easterly line extended of Lot P, Block 5-D, said Vail Village First Filing; thence N. 0°23'00`fV+~. and along said Easterly line extended and the Easterly line of said Lot P a distance of ~. 58 feet; thence N. ~°53' S5"E, a distance of 169, ci4 feet to the true point of beginning; reserving all easements and rights-of- way record. Section 2. The within vacation is not to be construed as vacating any other easement or cross-easement lying within the above described area, area. Section 3. That as the above mentioned street right-of-way is no ~.onger needed for street purposes and as said street vacated herein con constitutes as unnecessary burden on the abutting property, in the opinion of the Board of Trastees of the Town of Gail emergency exists and this ordinance is deemed necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, property and welfare, and shall, therefore, take Pffect immediately upon its passage as an emergency measure and be published ..2_ S Y Q as such in accorda~ice with the appl.icabl~ provisions of the ordinances of the Town of ~Ta~. and the Taws of the State of Colorado. i ;; . ,. ~~ IN'~'2~DDUCEL), 1~E.A~ ~lIVD DR~'?ERE~ P~~ISHED this i day of , . ,. ,i A. ]~~ ~ ~.~t39: Mayor ATTEST: i Town Clerk C, -3- I~ ~~ . ~ .. i ti MEMO~ANr~UM or A~REE~r~NT T'~IIS AGREEMENT', made and entered, into this day of M~.rch, .1.9~i9, by and between the Town of 'Cl'ad, a Colorado municipal corporation, party of the first part, hereinafter referred tp as the `"Town", arrd Croseroads of Vail, Ltd. , ~. Colorado corporation, party of the ;second part, hereinafter referred to as "Crossroads": WTTNE~~ET~: S11~HERE.AS, Vail ~;~saciates, lrrc. , a Colorado corporation, was the owner irr fee simple o:~ certain real estate described in this agreement ar~.d conveyed ana dedieatc;d to the To~,vn of Vail a fifty foot right-of-way for road p~zrposes generally lying between U. S. highway Number ~ and East Meadow Drive wit~~.rr the Town of Vail; arrd WHEftEA~, the Town, subsequent to the dedication of the riglrt- of-way referred to above, caused to be constructed ~, roadway ~vith a rr~.edian divider in the approxirr~ate location of the dedicated right-of-wo,y but said roadway did riot coincide with the dedicoted right-of-way; and 1~1l~ERE.A~, Crossroad: des#.res to acquire part of t~~e dedicated rig'ht~of -way which is corrticiu.ous to other real estate owned ~by it, cammorrly lcnown as Lot F, Bloclf b-D, Vail Village First l~ ding, Eagle County, State of Colorado and the 'T'own wishes to acquire a dedicated right-of-way which conforms strictly with the paved roadway c©nstructed perpendicular to U. S. Highway N~,mber ci arrd referred to in this agreeme~1t; and WHE.RErAS, a land survey h~.s beerL :~~rade by Meurer, Serafirri and Meurer, Tiec~3.stercd Land purveyors of tyre real property described ire this ar~recrzrezat, wl~f,ch is attached to this agree~.nent arrd incorporated herein by reference as EXHIBI`T` "A". NOW THEREFORE, in cansidexatian of the xnu~z~.al covenants • az~zd promises herein ;made, it is agreed l~etweerz the parties as follows; to v,~it t, The Town agrees to vacate the x~~,ght~of~-way previously dedicated to the Tow.rz of Nail, more specifically described in EXHIBI`T' "13" wEzicrz is att~.checl to this ar~reexz~erzt axzd incorporated by reference herein, upozi tkze follawi.~~ag terms and conditions. {a) That prior to or coincident with the vacatian of tree said dedicated ~right~-of wway Edoscaribed in EXHIBIT "B"1 trze Town acquires by apprapriate • dedication conveyance a x~ight~of-way correspondirzc~ to the existing roadway which is more specifically described in EXHIBIT "C" which is attacrzed to and incorporated in this agreement by reference; said coraveya:,~.ce shall be duly executed by the fee ©wner of said real estate, Vail Associates, Irzc. , a Colorado corporation. (b) Crossroads sha11 assume az~d agree to pay all expenses incidental to or otherwise entailed in the rer.rzoval of a water trar~srxtission line presently located in axz existing utility easement along the easterly lica.e of Lot P, Block ~~-~~, Vail Village First Fililxc~ arzd replacing same #n the right~of-way described irz EXHIBI'T' "C`r. ~. C~°assraads ac~x°ses to indemnify arzd. hold harn~elss the Town • from any costs or obligatiozas whatsoever x~elatirzg to the removal arzd reinstallation of the water trarxsxnission line referred to above and shall be solely responsible for all. work, including but not necessarily limited to erzgineerinc~ arzd. co.~str~.ictian, related to the water transzriissi on line, ~- ., ~ ~. ar~d sha11 generally r. estate the roadway to its ~aresent condit9.on following the placement of the water transmission line in the dedicated right-of- way. ~. `t'he 'row~~ shall by ordir2ance and approp~°idte conveyance vacate the rig~ht~-of way described in EXIiTBIT f'B" arze~ ~.ut claim raid property to Crossroads irnrnediately u~r~ ccar~~pliarrce with the provisions of (1} (a} above ~y Vail Associates, Irrc. Notwit~asta .ding ariy conveyar~cc rr~ade pur~"a,it to this ar~~r~en~rent, the obligation of Crgssro~~ds small be a continuing one to move the water trar~srnissiarr lane referred to above, which word. s~3all be :;ornplt;ted r~o late:r~ tha;r A~,~~~u,st 1, l~u~. . This ac~reerr~erit shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their assign ar,.d. legal representatives. IlV VWI'TNESS WHE,~<EQF`, this agreexx~er~t has been duly executed orr tx~e gate first above written. TCJWN {~ ~~' ~T,~ IL ATTEST; BY: MAYUR • T4VJN CLERK ATTEST: SECRETARY • ~3- J CRUSSRtJ.ADS C7F `TAIL, L`Ti~. 1;3Y': PR ESU?El\TT ~,.~ STATE 0~' ~.~~i.aORA~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ `i4 ss. S courrTY a~ ~A~LE ~ ~~ T~~~e fore~oinc~ ir7.strurnei~t was d~;~ s~bsoribed aT~d SV~ori~ by ~~ Jahn A. Dobson as 11flay~or and .~'. Bla~~e Lynch as "~'owrx Clerk :for thy: ~, i. ~. Town of V~.~.l, Colorado and by ~ as Preside~it and as Secretar~r of Crossroads of Vail, Ltd. , a Colorado carporat3.~an this day o~ • ~y NOTARY PUBLIC • '1 ~1 a_ ~,q.. • EXHIBIT "~~~ A part of Tract C, Vail Village First Filing, Co~Irrty of Eag1.e, State of Colorado, rxzare particularly described as follows: CurnrYlencirrg at the NortYlwest cox°a~IC~;r of said Tract C; thence S. 7Jo45' ~. 3"E. and along the Northerly line of said 7"ract C a d.istarxce cf 7~. 3d fer:t; txzencc~ S. U~3° ~33' ~~;"W. a distance of 1.1.1. ~u feet to a paint of curve acid the tr~r.e p~~int of betyinninq; t~•Iexz,ce alone a curve to the right havirlc~ a radius of 40.00 feet, a central an le o:C 9°l2'J:~" an g , arc distance of 27. 3'T feet to a poi~.t of t~.ngent; thence along weld tangerxt S. ~~~o~'oo"w. a distance of ~0. ~g feet to the Southeasterly career of Lot P, mock 5-]~, said Vail. Village :E'ix°st Filirxg; Cher}ce S. a°~3'UO"E. axxd along the Easterly lirxe of said Lot P extended a distance of 2. 44 feet; therxce S. GOoO~'05"E. a distance Of 4~Q. "~9 feet; therxce N. a~o~3'S5"E. a distance of U'7.2U feet to the true paint of begirrrlirlg~; cont~,inirl~,l l.~.c~3. 24 souare feet or 0.02x1 acres, z~rlore or less. Less a parcel of land more particularly described as follows: Apart of Tx°act C, Vaii Village First Filing, County of E~.gle, State of Colorado, more particularly described. as follaws: Comxnencirlg at the A]~orthwest corner of sa3.d Tract C; thence S. ~(9°4~' 13" E. and along the Northerly line of said. T ~~act C a distance of ~0. ~~0 feet to the true point of beginning; thence continuing along the aforesaid coczx•se a distance of 50.00 feet; t~Ience S. 90 ~~' S5"Vv'. a distance of 1'7~.j. `72 feet; the;.ce N. ~0°(3~i'05"~. a distance of ~:~. 2U feet to a point of int~:xee~~tion with t}:I:.} Easterly line extended, of Lot P, ~J J `" E 5 i $1~ck ~...p} sa3d. ~I~.i1 V'iil.a~~ Far ~tF313ng; the~1ce N. fl°2~°40"~hT. and }. alaiig r~a.id Ea~ater~.y i3zae exte~-d.ed ar~d the ~~.~t~:rl~ line et paid 3aot P a c]3ata+~t:E'. a~ .~. ~~~..; feet; thar.icc, ~T. ~ au ~~ ~. a di.wtancs of 1e~~. ~0 feet I to tl~t~ tr~..c. pa3r~.t al: iaegi~.ninc~; re~erv3x~c~ ~.li ease.rn.e~.t~ and ri<~ht.s~af- way of s~~card.. u • • ^ • ~~~T~YT ~,C~~ A part of Tract C, V~.il Village is first ~'ilin~~, Cat~.~~ty of E~,~le, St~~,tcz of Colo ~~ado, rraore ~p~.x~iic~xlarly described as fellows: Comn-zencing at Ehe Northwest corner of said Tract C; thence ~. ~~0 4a~' 1 "E. and alone the Northerly line of said Tract C a dist~.nce of 73. ~4 feet to the tr~.e p°i~~t o.f t~e~inn.i.r~c~; thence ~. 0~° 53' ~~"~. a distance o:~ 1'7r3.'~U feet; thence S. ~;~}° Ot.' O,z"E. a distaa~ce of 7. 50 feet to a point of c~r~re; thence al~~ng a c~ar~re to the right ha~ring a r~,~~.iu, o:F 1.1.9. ~~ feet, a central arz~l~le of ~~i° 02' 3~", an ax°c distance of v~. ~~ feet to a point; thence N. 090 ~i3' ~i5" E. a dista~xce of 1.90. ~a4 feet to a po~.nt of intersection with tree Northerly line of tiaid Tract C; tl~erace N. 790 4~' 13"W. aF~d alar~cl said Northerly line a dista~ ice of X0.40 feet to the true paiT~t of berlinning$ contair~ir~~ 1.0, ,~21.. 1 squ°,re fcc°t, xnor~ or less. r1 ~..~ • o~F~cE Co~~ •~ ~ DO NOT REMOVE MAVUTES Off' THE MEETING BOARD OF TR1TS'I'EES Off` THE TOWN OR VAIL MEETING AS THE LOCAL LIQUOR LICEi~SING AUTHORITY ~~ APRIL 1~4, 1969 Mayor Dabsan called the Meeting of the Trustees acting in the capacity of the Local Liquor Licensing Authority to Order at 10:00 P. M. , April 14, 1960, in the Conference Room at Manor Vail. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Members present: John Donovan Richard Bailey C. E. Kindel '~'. I. Steinberg Jahn Dobson John Kaemmer Absent: Joseph Langmaid Mayor Dobson read the public notice concerning the "Matter of Conducting a Public Hearing Regarding the Possible Revocation or Suspension of a Liquor License Issued to Casino Vail, Inc. " Attorney for the Town, Larry Robinson, stated he had conferred with Mr. Allen, the Attorney for William Vv'hiteford, President of the Casino Vail, earlier in the day and both had hoped to keep the hearing brief and in fact make statements in lieu of testimony in the interest of time. Mr. Alien confirmed this. Attorney Robinson stated the Casino Vail has had eight liquor violations in the form of serving or dispensing spirituous beverages to minors. I3e said the Town of Vail is interested in enforcing these laws and. hopes Mr. Whiteford would be more aware of this, The first witness, F. H. Holmes, was called to the stand and sworn in by the Town Clerk, F. Blake Lynch. F. H. Holmes stated he was the Chief of Police for the Tawn of Vail and he had certain responsibilities for policing the laws within the Town of Wail and was familiar with Casino ~--- Vail. Chief Holmes stated the first recording he had was an arrest made by the Liquor Licensing Authority far the State, Agent Philpott, on the 30th day of December, in the evening hours after lO:OD P. M. , 1.068. On that occasion, a young man was arrested in the Cornuti Bar which is the lower part of the Casino, The young rnan was under age and he had been served liquor. His driver's license had not been checked. On January 6, 1969, another young man was arrested in the Cornuti Bar. He had been served liquor and he stated he had not had his I. D. checked. On the 23rd of January, F. H. Holmes made a bar check and found two young men, bath 24 years of age, both served liquor and each had false I. D. s and had presented these and then were served liquor. Chief Holmes- presented these to the Board. Attorney Robinson stated Attorney Allen had seen these and he had no objection as to their being given in evidence. -- ~ Tt was further stated that on the 3lst of March at 5:34 P. M. , Officer Bustos observed four young men he knew were under age going into the Cornuti Bar, He waited for some tune .and .then went in and arrested these men. Attorney Robinson gave their names as follows: C Terrance Lee Harris Larry A. Kubitscheck Dana Ray Powell David Allan Hale From the 31st of December through the 31st of March, there had been eight juveniles arrested on four different instances. Attorney Robinson asked F. H. Holmes if there had been other bars guilty of similar violations also. Mr. Holmes stated there had been. Mr. Robinson had no further questions. Attorney Allen asked Chief Holmes if the arrests made from December 30, x.96$, through January ~, 196g, had been made by the State Revenue Department by Officer Philpott; Mr. Holmes answered in the affirmative. The Vail Police Department did not become involved. with these arrests until the latter part of March he said. S Attorney A11en asked. if Officer Bustos was familiar with the four men arrested that day to which Chief Holmes replied he was. The Chief stated one of the yo~.zng men is a neighbor of Bustos. He had seen the four men go into the bar - he went in and noted they had not been served, so he waited a while, then went in again and they had been served, so he made the arrest. At this time, Officer Bustos was called to the stand and was sworn i.n by the Town Clerk. Attorney Robinson asked if Officer Bustos had actually made the arrest. Officer Bustos stated he had. He was asked to identify the violators which he did, pointing them out and naming them. He stated this had been on the 31st of March. Officer Bustos stated he first saw them going into the bar and knew they were not of age. He stated he waited approximately five minutes which would be sufficient time to order a drink. After that, he did go into the bar. The first time he had entered the bar, there had been money on the counter. When he event in the second. time, they had three mixed drinks and a malt drink. He asked them if they had had their I. D, s checked, and they said no. He also asked the bar tender if he had. checked their I. D. s and he stated he had not. The bartender's name is Henry Yeagley. Officer Bustos asked the gentlemen if they were 21 and they said, "You know better than that. " Attorney Robinson asked the ages a€ the young men. Officer Bustos stated Terrance Lee Harris was 20, Larry Kubitscheck was '~~, Dana Powell was 20 and David Hale was 20. • With no further questions for Officer Bustos, Mr. John Philpott was called to the stand and sworn in by the Tawn Clerk. He stated he had been employed by the State of Colorado since February, 1965, to enforce the 3. ~ Beer Act and Liquor Code of Colorado and make licensed visits to liquor establishments. He had visited the Casino Vail. He stated in the last five month's period, appro~~m~.tely December 2?, 1968, through January 10, 19e9, and every day during those dates, he had been in the Casino more than once a day. The first violation that W2- he came across occurred at 10:55 P. M. , December 30, 1968. A party • was sitting at the bar drinking a glass of scotch and water who was under 21 years old, No action was taken against the licensee, but a warning was issued to the owner, William Whiteford. The party who was charged was Stewart A. West, born in 1948. Attorney Robinson asked if there had been any other violations in the Casino Vail before December 30. Mr. Philpott stated on January 5, 1909, at 10:35 P. M. , there was a party inside the bar drinking malt liquor by the name of Leroy Beard, born January 15, }.949. He did show a fictitious Canadian driver's Iicense. Attorney Robinson presented this to the Loard. Bartender David Garton was issued the violation for serving Beard. Attorney Allen asked Officer Philpott if he had occasion to personally observe any violations since January 5, 1909. He stated he had not. Attorney Robinson stated the Town had no other witnesses, Attorney AIIen called William ~I~Thiteford to the stand.. Blake Lynch . swore him in. Mr. Whiteford stated his narn.e as the Respondent. Attorney Allen asked Mr. Whiteford to relate to the Board what he felt the conduct of his outlet to be in these violations and whether or not he knew anything about these violations that would shed light on testimony; specifically, the foar young men, Mr. Whiteford said. Hank Yeagley had told him the four young men in question had been in the bar on at Ieast two previous occasions and they had been checked and he had identified them by some cleverly wra~~ght I. D, s. On the occasion on which they were caught, the bartender did not ask them for I. D, s. He stated if they had shown their I. D. s, they probably would have been served. again, He stated if there is any doubt at a11, service is refused. and sometimes service is being refused to 30 year old people. Attorney Robinson asked what instructions had been given the personnel. Mr, Whiteford stated he told them that after the last violation, that it would be important in view of the tight situation in the Village, not to permit another violation and that every customer who looked near his middle 24's should be checked; if there was another violation, the f~~ility wvzald re closed down, He stated the bartender was fired after January 5, 1969. There was a mayor change in personnel after this date. Mr. Whiteford stated two people came in to see him when they learned new management was needed. These were Mr. Cameron and his son. Mr. Cameron had been in the restaurant business for 25 years. He asked these men to manage the bar and was impressed with the way they handled it; clean, good food. Attorney Allen asked Mr. Whiteford if Mr. Cameron had had any food and beverage vielatiorFS to which Mr, Whiteford replied, "Not that I know of. " There had been none at the Casino Vail establishment. Attorney Allen asked Mr. C1Vhiteford how he felt about this most recent incide,~~t. Mr. Whiteford stated. he felt the Cameron's had done a _3_ conscientious job and had taken special care in the operation of the bar. He stated he felt it an important situation and would be willing to close down the entire place. He also stated it impossible to detect every fake T. D. He spoke of plans to sell the Casino and the Cameron's possible interest as buyers. Attorney A11en had no further questions. Attorney Robinson asked Mr. Vi7hiteford his position as an officer of the Casino Vail, Znc. Mr. Whiteford stated he is president of the operating company. The Attorney also asked if the restaurant should not be sold, would the bar continue its operation? Mr. ~1Uhiteford. stated it would not be his disposition to operate it. He said he had been informed of all violations mentioned that evening. He said further that they had had violations in the past and he had asked all the people in the bar to familiarize themselves even more thoroughly with the situation in order to c~zrtail any further violations, lllir. Cameron was present at the hearing, Attorney Robinson had no further questions. Attorney Robinson summarized the hearing by stating they had tried. to simplify what might have been a lengthy hearing. No panic ular purpose would. be served by expanding on the witnesses. He pointed out other placed have also committed these violations. He believed Mr. V~hiteford had tried in a diligent way to operate the bar; also that he had tried and is now succeeding tv tighten management at the bar. He stated it was not the Town's intention to ask or urge the license be revoked - at most that he be reprimanded and if the license should be suspended, that it be only for a short time. The purpose of the hearing was to make Mr. Whiteford more aware, if that was possible, so that he may improve the situation, and that in fact, he was already trying to do this. He did not recommend punitive action be taken. Attorney Allen thanked the Board for their time and the proceeding. He pointed out Mr. Whiteford has operated for many years and not had a violation essentially different from other establishment's violations. The number of violations is not outside normal statistical bounds he said.. He said it was the kind, of thing everyone has, it just depended upon how diligent the operation was. As Mr. Virhiteford testified, this was a • transitional period - he is selling Casino Vail and this is directly related in terms of the present situation which is essentially going to be eliminated. He asked. the Board to dispose of this matter one way or the other that evening. He pointed out it was not wilfully done. He asked for a reprimand,not a revocation and felt a warning was in order. Mayor Dobson stated. the Board would convene to decide on the matter as soon as possible. There were no other questions. The 't`rustees later decided upon the following: 1, "That the Respondent violated the laws of the State of Colorado in the operation of a restaurant and liquor establishment within the Town of Vail, and more specifically violated CRS (19633 75-2-3 as amended. 2. "That certain sanctions and penalties should be imposed. on the Respondent as a consequence of the aforesaid violations. " zt was their final decision and determination that the Respondent, Casino Vail, Tnc. , shall have the liquor license suspended for a period of seven days, commencing at 12:00 noon, April Lc3, 1969, and that during said period the Respondent cease and desist from exercising any privileges related to said license. The Hearing came to a close at 1Q:44 P. M, -~- !~ N° 26~~ PIi40F OP PUBLICA-1'IOIV STA'i't: OF COLORADO, ~ -' as. TI4 x ~COUIVTY 4F EAGLE CC1T~F; ... .......~..,~~. ..~.~.;-c1o solemnly swear that 1 am ~( _ ~.vxs~ the ..... ~ -..C,:4..:~..c~~C.~,z.~Q2~-.......of The 17AGI~E 'V'ALLEY DNTDRl'1tI~E. . r' L1C that a same is a weekly newspaper printod, in whole az• in part and published, C<A~* in the County of Eagle, State at Colorado, a-nal has a general circulation therein, C~a~iur that saki newspaper has been puhlislzed cantinwously and unizzterru~p:tedly in said ('.aunty of Ea.~le fez• a poric>•i of mono than fitty~two consecutive weeks next prior bo ~ O.: the first publicatirnz of the annexed legal natico or advertisement; that said news 1,rZ~o,; paper 1~as beau admitted to the Unitrsd. states mails as second-class matter under !~I'.rit tkae pz~uvisions of tho Act of March ;;, 1879, or any amendments thereof and that said newspaper is a weekly newspaper cLixly qualified for pzzblis'hing Toga] notfees PLTFI and advertismnonts wiblidn the meaning of the laws of the State of Colorado. --i~v::= That the annexed legal notice or advertisement was published fn the regular ~ Viz' and antire issue of every number oP said weekly newspaper far tine period ot., Valli . ;. ~_ fo: ...............consecutive insertions; and that the first publicattion of sold notice was ;,,:;;;.i~„ in the issue of said newspaper dahad ............~,[.. ... --- ..,/ -U-.-....--A, D. 19C7~ and that the lamt publication of said natzce was in 'the issue o2 said newspaper dated ....................................................................A. A. 19........---- In ~~ztness wlzereaf I halve hereunto sat my hand this ..--.....,/.. ,..Jf...r..........daq od Subsrzribed and s~warn to before men a notary public in and fiar the Cauntyof ~~ ~~~~ Raoar; ~~ hoti~r- Eagle, State of Colorado, this.... /---.... f...-.--....~.....-.-... . A. 19C~--~7 ;April:7 ::.. Jp . Notary ul~lic day ~~_ /'~" Fubli 14Iy commission expires/~~fu .. ........... .......... . . ............. 19.-y~.~^. 1N 7:HE MATTER OF CONDUCTING A PUBLIC ) ' HEARING REGARDING THE POSSIBLE REVOCA- ) TION OR SUSPENSION OF A T~TQUOR LICENSE ) FTNDTNGS~AND D.ECTSION ISSUED TO CASINO VATL; INC., a Colorado ) ,.;;.x corporation, Respondent } ;: . } ; i THIS MATTER, coming before the Board o.f Trustees for the,. Town of Vail., Colorado, sitting as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority ~,~ ..~ for the Town of Vail, at a public hearing .held pursuant to notice to';,.~',:~~ ,, the above-named respondent and the general public, in accordance With' Colorado Revised Statutes Chapter'75, Article 2, Section hl, and the:'°`'~`.':' .~ .Authority having considered evidence and the testimony of witnesses - `' ~. finds as follows: 1. That the respondent violated the laws of the State of Colorado in the operation of a restaurant and liquor establishment :. ~:: within the Town of Vaii, and more .specifically violated C. R. S. (19:63 )~.,.° ,;'~;~a§ 75-2--3, as amended. r ` 2. That certain sanctions and penalties should be imposed.'' ~. ~. on the respondent as a consequence of the afaresaid violations. . ~ , NOWT THEREFORE, it is the decision and determination of the. ~` Local Liquor Licensing Authority that the respondent, Casigp Vail, 2nc.~. ;~ shall have its liquor license sus ended fora eriod P p of seven days, ' ' i I THE TOWN OF VAIL ` .' STATE OF COLORADO . „. , ,' TN THE MATTER OF CONDUCTING A PUBLIC ) ~` - `+ HEARING REGARDING THE POSSIBLE REVOGA- ) TION OR SUSPENSION OF A LIQUOR LICENSE ) FINDINGS AND DE CISION ISSUED TO CASINO VAIL, INC., a Colorado ) corporation, Respondent ) '~ ) ,~ -': THIS MATTER, coming before the Board of Trustees for the , Town of Vail, Colorado, sitting as the Local Liquor Licensing Authori'ty.`,.'~t for the Town of Vail, at a public hearing held pursuant to 'notice to the above-named respondent and the general public, in accordance with '4. Colorado Revised Statutes Chapter 75, Article 2, Section 11, and the = •',;, Authority having considered evidence'aind the testimony of witnesses,,"` ,; finds as follows : ~;;' . 1. That the respondent violated the laws of the State of '. , Colorado in the operation of a restaurant and liquor establishment within the Town of Vail, and more specifically violated C. R. S. {1.963.},;`:.1 -~ ' 75-2--3, as amended, ~~ ~~~ ,,. ,- 2. That certain sanctions and penalties should be .imposed '''' .: on the respondent as a consequence of the aforesaid violations. ., . .::; •: NOW, THEREFORE, it is the decision and determination of the - Local Liquor Licensing Authority that the respondent, Casi~~ Vai1,~Ine. ~.~ .shall have its liquor license suspended fora period of seven days, commencing at 12:DO noon, April l~, 1969, and that during said period~~ ..,: ~" . the respondent shall cease and desist from exercising any privileges; related to said license. Dated this 15th day of ,April, 9 Chairman, Local Liquor Li ~nsing _..~__~_ .___ _. Authority ~ ~. , . :~~ ~ ., , ~ ~~~1 ~, THE TOWN ~-0F VAIL ~ ., STATE OF'COLORADO ;: ,I - IN TH£ MATTER OF CONDUCTING A PUBLIC ) ~ .,,, ~`~ HEARING REGARDING THE POSSIBLE'REVOCA--. ) TION OR SUSPENSION OF A LIQUOR LICENSE ) FINDINGS-AND DECISTO~N t;~~' ISSUED TO CASINO VAIL, INC., a Colorado ~) corporation, Respondent ) '' ~~ ,:: ,.:~ t . i' '. THIS MATTER, coming before the Board`of Trustees far the, . . e:. . Town of Vail, Colorado, sitting as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority ,for the Town of Vail, at a public, hearing held pursuant to notice to'.> `~ the above-named respandent and the general public, in accordance with :' :~~t Colorado Revised Statutes Chapter 75, Article 2, Section ll, and the` ;'~ . ~ ,.- . Authority having considered evidence and the testimony of witnesses,;, . ~. finds as follows: 1 .t . 1. That the respandent violated the laws of the State of ~~ Colorado in the operation of a restaurant and liquor establishment'; within the Town of Vail, and more specifically ;violated C. R. S. C19~3) .. ,.. ~ 752--3, as amended. .. -. ~~. ;;- 2. That certain sanctions and penalties should be imposed.;`' f`'~ t ~' ~ ~. ~on the respondent as a consequence of the aforesaid violations. ~~~ ~~ ;,: f f ' ~ ~: NOW, THEREFORE, it is the decision and determination nf.the~' , 'Local Liquor Licensing Authority ,that ~Che respandent, Casi~~ Vail; Ind '~~ shall have its li uor lice q nse suspended ~'or a period of seven days,. commencing at l2 : DO noon, April L5,', 1969, and that during saa,d period'.. ' ~ ~ ~~ ~~ the respondent shall cease and desist from exercising any privileges p ~.. ' related to said license. '' ~~' s '. Dated this 15th day of April, 9 ~ ' ~ ~ .. ~:~ ,tiy Chairman, Local Liquor Li ensin~ '{ 3 ~ Authority . ~; ~;,. ~ ~ ; v.-. OFFICE COPY DO NOT REMOVE MINUfiES OF THE MEETING THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TC'}~T+I'N OF VA~L APRIL 1`7, ].969 The Meeting was called to Order by the Mayor, Sohn Dobsan, at 7:30 P, M. to discuss the zoning ordinance. The Meeting was held in the '[rail Police Department. ROLL CALL. Roll Call found the following Members present: Mayan Sohn Dabsan Trustee Kindel Trustee Langmaid Trustee Kaemmer Trustee Donovan Trustee Bailey Trustee Steinberg Also present: F. Blake Lynch, Stewart Brown i The following decisions were made: 1. Add Bawling Alleys as a conditional use for the HDMF, PA and CC Districts and as a use by right for the CSC and HS Districts. 2. No additional FAR credit should be given for the PUD District. 3. That no set-back should be required for those portions of residential lots that border on National Forest Service land. ~. The off-street parking requirement for Hospitals, Mecical and Dental Clinics should be altered to make use of the PFA concept. 5. The FAR for the MF District was raised from 0. 50 to 1 to 0. 75 to 1. 6. Decided not to attempt to exclude living accammadations from ground floor usage in the Commercial Care Distract. With no further business to come before the Board, the Meeting was adjourned. D~ 1~T R MOVE MIlV'UZ'ES OF THE MEETING THE BOA1~D OF TRUSTEES 4F THE TOWN OF VAIL MAY 12, 1.969 The Meeting was called to Order by the Mayor, John 3Jobson, at S;.SO >r'. 3U1..~ Monday, Ma.y 12, 1969, in the Manor Vaii Conference Room, ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Members present: Mayor John Dobson Trustee Joseph Langmaid Trustee C. E. Kindel Trustee John Donovan Trustee Richard Bailey Trustee T. I. Steinberg Absent: Trustee John Kaemmer • 3. CONSIDERATION 0~' MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS After reviewing the Minutes of the previous meetings, "s'rus~e Kindel made a Motion to approve them as read. The Motion was seconded by Trustee Donovan and unanimously passed. The Minutes included: March 31, 1969 April 14, 1969 April 1 `~, 1989 2. FIl~ANCIAL REPORTS After a brief review o~ the Financial Reports by ~: Blake Lynch, the Board unanimously approved them as read: Treasurer's Report -Payroll Account -April 30, 1969 Treasurer`s Report -General Fund -April 30, 3.969 Treasurer's Report - ~iiorking Capital Fund -April 30, 1969 3. DISCUSSION OF BURNING CONTROLS Blake Lynch reviewed a memo concerning this subject sent to the Board May 11, 1969. He explained that the proposed ordinance prohibiting burning could be revised in a number of ways. Trustee Donovan pointed out that Leo Duran who currently picked up rubbish for the Town of Vail, would not haul large items, such as timbers, trees, left-over construction material or large quantities of leaves, and there was no way to destroy these items except by burning, It was noted articles as described above could be hauled to the dump in trucks. Trustee Kindel stated he felt incinerators are offensive and rubbish could be hauled away. Peter Seibert pointed out the Covenants state there will be no open burning; the intent was that there would be no leftover trash or debris in Town. He felt this trash should be hauled away. ~' F. Blake Lynch polled the Board as to their having read and understood the Ordinance as follows: .~ Trustee Bailey -yes Trustee Donovan yes Trustee Kindel yes Trustee Langmaid - yes Trustee Steinberg yes PAGE TWQ He then polled the Board as to their approval: Trustee Bailey - yes Trustee Donovan - yes Trustee Kindel - yes Trustee Langmaid - yes Trustee Steinberg - yes Ordinance No. 5, Series 1969, "An ordinance prohibiting open burning under certain circumstances: Repealing any inconsistent prQVisions of the ordinances of the Town: setting forth details in relation thereto: and, declaring an emergency therefor ;was unanimously passed by the Board. 4. D7,SCtTSSION OF STREET VACA'T'ION PROPOSAIE This concerned vacating part of Hanson Ranch Road and a portion of Gore Creek Drive {in front of the Grey and Whites and Red and Whites}. Blake Lynch explained that Albert G. White had discussed the question of whether or not the Planning Board would approve the proposed street vacation. Mr. Lynch stated it was not the intent to have the Trustees approve or disapprove a vacation ordinance right away, but to present the idea for consideration. Blake Lynch reviewed a letter he had urritten George Beardsley on the subject. He stated Mr, Beardsley had proposed to divide the area and improve it with landscaping in the vicinity of the Rams Horn, All Seasons, Valhalla, Tivoli, and Row Douses. It was felt vacation of the area should be done after the asphalting is done. Blake Lynch stated an agreement and proposed ordinance would be presented at the next meeting. ~. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE 196? UIVIFQ~M BUILDING CODE. _ ~____ Blare Lynch introduced Mr. Bynum, the new Building Inspector for the Tovvn of Vail. Mr, Bynum reviewed the main differences between the 1964 and 1969 codes. Mr. Bynum recommended the Trustees adopt the 1967 Uniform Building Code by reference. Blake Lynch then polled the Board as to their having read and understood the ordinance in the full©wing order: Trustee Bailey - yes Trustee Donovan - yes Trustee Kindel - yes Trustee Langmaid - yes Trustee Steinberg - yes He po1].ed the Board as to their approval in the order following: Trustee Bailey - yes Trustee Donovan - yes Trustee Kindel - yes Trustee Langmaid - yes Trustee Steinberg - yes Ordinance No. 6, "A,n ordinance for the adoption by reference of the "Uniform Building Code, " 1967 Edition, Volume I, and Uniform Mechanical Code, 1967 Edition {Designated Uniform Building Code, Volume III, regulating the construction, alteration, repair, removal, dernalition, equipment, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings or other structures heretofore or hereafter erected in the 'T'own of Vail: providing for the issuance of permits and collection of fees thereof: and providing penalties for the violation thereof", was unanimously passed by the Board. PAGE THREE 6. DISCUSSION OF LAND DEDICATION PROPOSAL FOR SUBbIVISION REGULATIONS Terry Minger, Assistant Town Manager, reviewed a memo concerning park land and public open space acquisition for the Town of Vail. The Board thanked Mr. Minger for his presentation and work on the subdivision regulations. Blake Lynch explained that the primary purpose of this presentation was to obtain Board reaction to this major policy consideration as a part of the subdivision regulations. {a) Blake Lynch announced the State had granted the Lancelot Liquor License. {b} The Board reviewed the Voucher list for April, 1960. A question was raised as to the monthly rental rate on the radar unit. Trustee Donovan made a Motion to approve the Voucher as submitted. The Motion was seconded by Trustee Steinberg and unanimously passed by the Board. • {c} Blake Lynch reported on the landscaping progress for the park by the Vorlaufer. He said the job had been well done by Ernst Larese and seeding was all that remained to be done for the axea. He toad of plans for the north side of Lot P2 to be landscaped. (the lot north of the Christiania}. Culvert entrances will be repaired and landscaped. There are plans to landscape the entrance near the Covered Bridge also. Many different ideas have been proposed for this area. Vail Associates plans to dedicate this piece of land to the Town, and the question of parking in this area should be discussed. Complete landscaping cannot be carried out until the end of the fall when the parking question has been answered. It was noted there had been several offers for financial help in landscaping this area; however, it was finally decided it would be better for the Town to do the pr©ject independently and free of obligations. Mayor Dobson suggested having a joint meeting with the Planning Commission and the Board of Trustees in order to review the plans for the area. Trustee Kindel suggested a landscaping priority list be prepared. Pete Seibert stated he felt landscaping improvements should remain on the natural side and any hint of urbanization should be avoided. It was agreed the Planning Commission would set up a suggested priority list on landscaping. ,, ,, . ; (d) Bake ,Lynch reported,4street'bumps ar.e going ~n:and,,would b~. co~g~~ted within the next two weeks. 't`rustee Lang~n.aid stated it would be desirable to have the holes in the road filled in at the. same _time„ ., , . 8, MAYOR AND TRUSTEES... i:~. ~ ~:z.. -_~ . ,_ ~ ._. -f:;I -. .r .. i The Board reviewed, a rnerx~o.uTr~tten by Ch~.ef,.H,olmes,~~ki:z~g the.f. they appoint a subst~.tute--judge forthe V.~~1,JViunic.ipal.;Coux:t.. ~ucige,Ge,r~ard has agreed to take,':thrs posi~tapr~..; . It vas gated the,. County ,Court ~ 1V~i.nturn would be moved tq,the Va~l.:Cpurt,~.ocation. ~,,T~,u~tee ~4nc~va~ mach ..Motion to appoint fudge Gerrard as; a }ude~e far. the, ,Va~~.,.. ~/Iunicpal ;Court., whc~.was seconded by Tru~t~e:Kind~~,~-,~.~d appxoved-by the.~Rard. ,:- , .._, . .,- PAGE FOUR Terry Minger, Assistant Town Manager, reported on the street sweeper stating it was not financially feasible at this time to buy it. Trustee Kindel suggested the Fire Department hose down the streets again this year as was done in the past to clear the streets. Trustee Kindel noted there was a considerable amount of litter around the Park's residence. Mayor Dobson asked Blake Lynch to follow up on this. Peter Seibert stated the litter referred to was actually on Recreation District property and not on Park's property. Mayor Dobson again asked that Blake Lynch and Larry Robinson look into this. 10.C4NSIDERATION CF AN ORDINANCE EZONING) The Board considered minor changes in the zoning ordinance. Mr. Mosley, Attorney for Vail Associates, eras present and submitted a letter from a Mr. Neal Thrasher, Attorney for the City and County of Denver. Mr. Thrasher is a zoning expert for Denver and his comments and suggestions were reviewed item by item. Mr. Stewart Brown, Zoning Attorney for the Town, then suggested that if there was no immediate emergency, he would like to incorporate some rxa.inor wording changes as suggested by Mr. Thrasher. After a lengthy discussion which ended at x.2:30 P. M. , the Board agreed and decided to continue the meeting to Thursday, May 15, X969. It would be held at 'T:30 P, M, at Manor Vail, ~J t _~r, ': - ~ -~ u ,,il_ .fir '. ! 1.?>:) ~~.. ~ ~~. _ n ~ r3 ~~~ .i l , t ~., i. r~ t~- f - _, l.r #.~- ~i~ ~ k~~.:~n ~;~~7'~c'~.:~tr--~~ th~7t t11~~ ~J'dEFs'n oLlght tc~ ~?c1U~G c~l.r•';a, 1r,~:~,1~.1%iaa~ ,~ fF:'t}1"[II)?t1.,.1c1 ~~")!> ~>>1,7`i'1~Y1f7 ter ;'!''~U,r~E' ].?~ ~';1~,, ['. ~'r"Cl't;~'r,:~'.1.Vd' (.'.(7Vf`.YI~.Ctt' O ~~.11. ~T)1,1.3c~;.~ ~'~);~.=:~"1.FV .., t~:t1~.C)1F"`; ~,, i-,r ~.ft~, ~)1.1:C'?~1J.ilj of Y'!3f11:";tv C~ilj. Oil ,:~Ur~~:.;i23,1~. I2U4 7;,~c:> ?~r''1Re;l'lik.~.r'~{~ #.tl ~/?14 ~, Vi i.l;:LC~c?~ !.'~1.7^`_:t ' 'l1."iil`•:;o ~:Z 1.C7C:].11~",?~cl.{:rJ~' 'J Y' Utk1C'i" il,''t/)C'.?' rC7t' thC? 1J ~i3't'lli'1C~ U} T'C.'.i.il'.. 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C~~ ~. ~~. {.~,y .. ~~~.~:C~•- .C, ~. ~-..i~.ir~ir~.c~' tr;s~,t it al"jr ~^ thr, deai.rr~ aC ',:'C?~'~ :F:~a~~)^c3 t.c"i ~.c.c)~~t le~~.~i._~1.::~tiorl "r~. i i,'II'.~., Ttl~•lttt'x' ~).I){.~.':l.x' tC ti~1Es 1UT'CJsJ7-'.3C??-` C'..`~.i'1t~?lY"]c'~i i.i"1 i,~"l•",' (,:C)~,~'F1'1`.i,Tlt;;, ~~r^ 5 ;'i?t ia.1.3 ()iC~ k7-'].fa `~" ~' ''~C'i~'"C_'i~.(':{.s,15J j:~'Lr7`:. ~`~;3~'>~.1~'l'}, '1.17.1'"" i:'.'T.i"1. i,s,' - .~i•~ c~iua.n~~tc:x~ a~~ :~,t~'ac~r~c~~c~ :.~.17~~~ 3.}~~ .c,~.i,; z' ti.~ - _ ~~' ,•~~, ., ~~.. C)R DINANC E N0, Series of 1969 AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING OPEN BURNING UNDER CERTAIN ~,~ CIRCUMSTANCES: REPEALING ANY INCONSISTENT PRQVISIONS OF THE ORDINANCES Off' THE TOWN: SETTING FORTH DETAILS IN RELATION THERETO: AND, DECLARING AN EMERGENCY THFRE~'Ul~. WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees for the Tawn of Vail, believes that the burning of paper, trash, refuse and other combustible and flammable material within the `T'own of Vii] should be regulated for the health and safety of the community, and to preserve a wholesome and. healty environment for the Town; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees is of the opinion that the sire Prevention Code adopted by the Town in 1.969, should be supple:rn.ented by regulations relating to open burning and incinerator burning; NOW, THEREFORE, BE I'T' ORl7AINED LY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOSTiTN OF VAIL, COLORADO: `'"~ Section 1., No person shall burn nor permit to be burned. any trash, paper, rubbish, waste paper, wood, weeds, brush, plants ar other flammable or cumbustible material, nor kindle or maintain any bonfire on any open premises awned or controlled by him, or in any public street, alley, park property or other land adjacent to such premises except under tk~e fallowing conditions: {1) The burning is for the non-commercial cooking of food for human beings or for recreational purposes; {~} When the burning is a smokeless flare or a safety flare used to indicate sQrne danger to the public, Section 2, Open burning within the Town of Vail shall be prohibited at all times, except by special permit which may be granted by the Mayor, upon written application of any person, providing such burning may be done without hazard to the community. -- ~ Section 3. That if any part of parts hereof is far any reason held to be invalid, such shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance, Section ~. That all sections, or parts of sections of any ordinances of the Town of Vail, in conflict or inconsistent herewith, are hereby repealed, provided however, that the repeal of any part of the ordinances of the Town of Vail shall not revive any other ordinance heretofore repealed or superseded. Section ~, That the within provisions are designed to further restrict and. control burning within the Town of Vail, sa as to reduce fire hazards and prevent fires, and the same are deemed immedi~.tely necessary for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare; therefore the Board of Trustees is of the opinion that an emergency exists and that the within provisions shall be adopted as an emergency ordinance and shall be published in accordance with appropriate Taws of the State of Colorado and the ordinances of the Tawn of Vail. ~ ~ INTRODUCED, READ AND ORDERED PUBLISHED THIS Z2th DAY of MAY, 1969. ATTEST Mayor i;.';~'7 F`7Prk ORDNANCE NO, Series of 1969 i AN ORDINANCE FOR THE ADOPTION BY REFERENCE OF THE "i7'NIFORM BUILDING CODE, " 1967 EDI`T'ION, VOLUIVIE I, AND UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE, 1967 EDITION (DESIGNATED UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, VOLUME II), REGULATING THE CbNSUTRCTTON, ALTERATION, REPAIR, REMOVAL, DEMOLITION, EQUIPMENT, USE AND OCCUPANCY, LOCATION AND MAINTENANCE OF BU~~DINGS OR OTHER STRUCT:~.CRES HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER ERECTED IN THE TOWN OF VATL: PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS AND COLLECTION OF FEES THEREOF: ANI~ PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIQLATION THEREOF: SECTION 1. ADOPTION OF THE BUILDING CODE Pursuant to Chapter 139, Article 34, Colorado Revised Statutes 1963, there is hereby adopted as the Building Code of the Town of Vail for regulating the construction, alteration, repair, removal, demolition, equipment, use and occupancy, location and maintenance of buildings or other structures heretofore or hereafter erected in . the Tvwn of Vail, that certain document, three {3) certified copies of which are on file in the office of the Town Recorder, Town of Vail, Colorado, being titled, marked and designated as the "Uniform Building Code, " 1987 Edition, Volume I, and "Uniform Mechanical Code, " 1967 edition, (Designated "Uniform Building Code, Volume II}, published by the International Conference of Building Officials, and hereinafter referred to as the Building Code. SECTION 2.._DELETIONS,~AMENDMENTS AND CHANGES The adopt~.on of the "Building Code" is subject to the following deletions, substitutions, amendments and changes: AMENDMENTS TO THE 1967 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE VOLUME I Section 408 -Grade Delete and Substitute, "The average of the finished ground level at the centers of all of the walls of a building. " Section 2305(c) -Snow Loads Delete and Substitute, "The basic design snow load shall be fifty pounds per square foot on the horizontal projection of the roof. " Section 2314(a) Amend by adding the words, "for seismic zone ~.", at the end of the first sentence. Section 2$06(a} -General Amend by adding exceptions as follows: Exceptions: 1. In lieu of extending footings below the frost line, one of the following may be used but in no case shall the footings extend less than three feet six inches (3'-6") below finish grade. (a) Place faotings on natural sand or gravel compacted to a minimum of 950 and to a minimum depth equal to the ].east lateral dimension of the footing; {b) Place faotings on a minir.~.urr~, of four feet (~') of J5'Ic~ compacted s~.nd or graves backfill, the minimum width t~f the backfill to be depth plus the tNidth of the footings, except where the water table %s within the depth of frost penetration, i.n which case the footings shall extend below the frost line. (c) Place the footings at a depth and in such soil wherein allowable soil bearing pressures may be calculated as prescribed elsev~rhere in this code. A IVIE NDME NTS TO 'I''~IE 196 7 UNI la OR M BUILDING CODE VOLUME II Chapter 3 ~ Permits and- Inspections Delete Chapter 3 and Substitute, '"Permit fees shall be covered by the building permits as required in Volume I. Inspections will be required to insure the safeguarding of life, health, property and. public welfare as covered. in Section 10~ of this code. °' SECTION 3. AMENDMENT, OFFICE OF BUILDING OFFICIAL Section 20~ of the Luilding Code is hereby amended to read as follows: "The Board of Trustees of the 'T'own of Vail hereby creates the office and position of Building Official. The Building Official. shall be appointed by, and serve at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Vail, but in no event shall his appointment continue . beyond one week after the qualification of the members of the Board, of Trustees for office following their election as prescribed by law. At such time the Bu~lding Official may be reappainted. The functions, responsibilities and duties of the Building Official shall be the same as those set forth in the Building Code. " SECTION ~4. DEC LAR A`I'lON O F ~]'IC1 LA'~'ION It shall be unlawful for any person, firm. or corporation to construct, alter, repair, remove, demolish, equip, use, occupy or maintain any building or structure in the Town of "[Tail, or cause the same to be done, contrary to or in violation of any of the px•ovisions of the Building Code. SECTION 5, PENAI.~TIES Any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of the Building Code or of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and each such person shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which -2- any violation of any of the previsions of the Building Code, or of this ordinance, is committed, continued, or permitted, and upon conviction of any such violation such person shall be punishable by a fine of not more khan $300, or by imprisonment for not more than 90 days. SECTION 6, FILING COPIES After the effective date of the adoption of the Building Code, three Copies certified to be true copies by the Mayor and the Town Recorder shall be filed in the office of the Tawn Recorder where they shall be kept for public inspection duri ng the regular office hours while this ordinance is in force. SECTION 8. EFFECTIVE DATE This ordinance sha11 be in full force and effect within thirty days after its approval by the Board of Trustees and final publication as prescribed by law. . SECTION S. SAFETY CLAUSE "The Board of Trustees hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper to provide for the safety, preserve the health, promote the prosperity, improve the morals, order, comfort and the convenience of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. " SECTION 9. SEVERABILITY "It is the intention of the Board of Trustees that this ordinance or any part or provision thereof, shall be considered severable and, if any provision of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held, invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the ordinance which can be given effect tivithout the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are declared to be serverable. " Introduced, read and ordered published as provided by law by the Board of Trustees of the Town of Vail on this f 2_J~'' day of ~l~ 1. g 69. Mayor Town Clerk .. 3 • ~,~. ;.art =: u l~J J ~J }~~""'I ~' ~ ~'' ")'i"'1 r'" ..I... .~, .r'7', 4~~ 'i'i')'!~~'j~.~~i~;'I ~`1i'.7 !~. `,~ ~~-~'~.~ I.:l~ .r~:.~ t~c ^.. ~ ~'^ vl.: F~~.~~'•'.r 3;~ - ! s r,C f7r' 'Trh'~'C1 T:,T]}.l V`),C.;3.~f` TI.•;-3.~`'•`}?~ ~".':`.T1':;L'3 P'1'~,f; ~'1~~.l7;.,li Jt~ .r..l;a. y ~ r ) I ~ ' i r~ •~ r n llj'?~:Y''i;ll' Cl`TJe;IE:~n ~~ tCl„7 1~ -.•1 .t 711 !'~ 11J]17i~ ~+:1 f - ~' L . ~~ {~ p~, ("~'i~l.l {J~'.."~''r3.r?E-.~t t~{3 n~' ~i3%~, 1, ~~r~~'~Rfl Z v~;. L- ~l'~ .., f - ?. 1 ~ 'k I!;!~ fll. ~~ir.' !-:ail(.' •3(J ~`). r'. (e r3'~ 6r~7 f y~~ .- f.~?- - 1"'~C ] 1~',j LT+ tf9 ~:-, i'- ~ 1 ~_ rl ''..~~'' ')`dlil. '~~1'Jr, r~~'\,=*['1 '!'71!.~.:~~ (:I;.'? 'l•1 r+~}; );s !,I1~.~~3~' ..~~J~. ~i'')"i)` +')~7 ~ r~~.~i. '" '-1.1 I'll;':}~?it:`-11,c711 ~'i`aii,`';I !1 I';~i., i.i,) l",'t'- ,,. =(.~.~~Ll„~ i •i.'., 1'~i _a l-3~~r h~rr'L•L~:} a 5 ~a; .. 'i"Jf.~~'.t.:-~fi~l~j ~ 3r!'. ~ s ~I„!r ._~.>5' 7'1 ,~~. h~_r~, yr°l~-v, -Y{j(".;~rf 'f.fi 'ri,'~ ~Y'. ?i, r^•l~ll,~`- !!, lx"J. irl}i:. ., r. .~i' ~_Si .i Y~~i Ci _~, ~~.~j ~Jr', _~'-',r i,, ~f~l'~.li~j l? C ~.1': 3~ 1`.{ ,,_ .-r ~'~ r ' t, i r.., .ti ...Ji ,, ~.~1.7C'.l.t t=~ ;lei. .~I Ir ~~ ~ ~l, Y!, ,,jl .. ,~~ ~I '~"II"tai ~, r' . i .~;; ~ ',. , ~ ~ i~" ~ :i ~~ . , t'~~Y~ n O~ ~~~ ~ ,~ 'the awn ~ ®f V,A,,IL, C®~c~rad ,.. ~: . . ,. ~}~=°.~ ~ y, ~ '~ _ B07iL U~~ ~ ~11~p Cri~oNac~o ~~~.5~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ Telephone 343 ~~7~ 563 3~ ~~' ~ , • April 8 1969. ;; ,, ... i r ~ ' , ~ t , ~'i ~ ` ,;~ ;: ~; TO: THE VAS PLANN~hTG COMM~S~ON .. , ;:~~ ,~ ~~ ~; , ~ i~'ROM: TERRY' 11~ING~R ' ` {, i i RE: PARK ~A``ND A1~TD PUBLIC OPEN SPACE ACQU~S~T~Ol~' FOR THE 'TO'WN`OF VAZLo r „ << :~~, . ~~;n ~ ''~ ~~ , As the Town of Val c,antin~e~ to grow at its phenomenal rate, .many ~;°~~ ~{ ' ~, ~ ' potential park, pl~.ygrqun~,, `and recreational sites are being lost to the '~ ~„ ' public. Such areas' ark 'critical even fora "resort" oriented community i. I ~ 4 i i~ ~ - surrounded by thou5arids o~ acres of forest land. Growth is inevitable . far Vail and. such gro~th and. population will create a demand. for playfield.s, tennis courts, ball parks and other public open space. {; , '1 ` ;; Th.e ur.>derl in, hii,oso h behind an exactment for ark ~.a , round p Y Y p ~ p Yg ~. Y g p , j, h ;~,` '' ~' . and. recreational S~t'es; x~ that in a rapidly grawiny` area such as Vail, ~ iI the great influx of rie~ development makes the local municipality hard-- ; pressed to meet burc~~oning park and recreational needs. Nat only will . this growth bring a~.~~ncxc~ased. demand for new and expensive facilities , but in many cases it'w11 ngt~be possible for the local jurisdiction to ~, acquire adequate siEteS -- suitable in terms of sire and location -- ahead `~ ' ` ~ of the immediate needs., ~ ~~ ~ a.f~ ~`~+' ~''' ~~. This results in ineff~etive Manning and inefficient use of cammunit~ ,_ ,.t ~~+~ ~`~` resources. By rec~u~'ing d.~velopers to dedicate same land fog schpol, , and/or park and rd~xeation sites at the time the residential dEVelopm.ont is taking place or .to pay a"fse in lieu of this dedication, so that a~ advanced site acqu~'i~.ion fund can be set up, perhaps these needs could. be met before the ~.emand, for sites exceeds the supply, ar open land is ~~ ~ exhausted ar prohzb~.tve in cost to the Town. ~ ~ : ,. ~ . ,. While it is ackna~rl.ed.g'ed' txia:t the proposed land obligation v~ill a.n .reality' , , _ , i . be passed on by th~i deve~.oper to the eventual residential buyer dr renter;: it is felt that the aclditianal need for such sites is directly attributable to the new d.cvelopi~.ent and. consequently it is reasonable that it should: _ ~t _ ° ~ assume at least soarae'of tie burden for providing these facilities: ;. . ,; '~ ~: j .i~ ~~ ~ ~ ,. . Ei e ~ i. .+! I. ! 5~ '.. '. ; '~ r ~ {, !. - .. 1. S f! In.',1 . ~ .; t, ~ 1 4 i 1 I ~ ~ I ~~' ~a ,; f ~ is ~ ' t. Throughout the Un~t~d States,'~there has existed in recent Years ~ wide :R: "' '~'" variety of approacY~`es ~Sro~zding for mandatory dedication df eert~:ri' ,. land far public pax~l~,s# rec.r~ation areas, and open spaces. `There are , . ' also a significant h.~mber' o~ localities which allow an equivalent :fee in lieu of such dedication.: `' ]reformation regarding a number of fihese ' ~ ' regulations was cox piled ar~d a brief summary of the approaches used ,~ ;;, ~,~°F. by communities re~uixing an equivalent fee is given in Tak~1e ~. Of' ! `~~ ~~ ~ particular interes~~. 'ale the. approaches being used in Scarsdale, New ' York; Mequon and ~~n:omonee Falls, Vlisconsin; and Los Angeles County, E ~~ California. The P~a,z~n.ing;~ommission of Scarsdale, New York, :for t° ,, example, requires ; a~ ;a, condition of the subdivision plat that the applicant ~. ~- ~ ';~ `° ' pay to the village "~.ri .mount :substantially equivalent to 10 per cent of the F ~~ ' ' ~ °`'~~ ~ :.. value before subd~vi.sion nr a.n e uivalent combination of land. or move " , a y q y ,. ~ , ,. ~ •€.~ ; . :f` Mequon and Menomor~~.e Falls, ~TiTiscansin; suburbs of Milwaukee, use '" I essentially the san~e:'technique. Land or a fee in the value of $20Q. 00; ~ i I per subdivided ].ot~s. as>5essed, and is allocated 60 per cent for school i site acquisition and; 40 per cent for park sites. ' ~ , ~ t ~, ~ i ,. m ~ ^' ~; ~; , ~ . ~ . i. zn addition these ardinanc~s rovide a means for reservation„(i, e. p "~ I~:~ ~~ I' ~ acquiring a public o~~ioh .on) potential public sites for a period 'not to ,~ ,.~` ~ exceed three yearn. ` ' ~.; ~' ~4 i !~ ll' ~ !, xt is obvious that r~4~ ;only are an ever increasing number of cbm:munities using some form off' the .mandatory or equivalent fee technique, but that in the states where;; ~I~Qre ~~ adequate statutory authority, the couxts `~' ; k ~ ~ ,~. have upheld such qr. ci3.nanc~s. "The fallowing summary was made by the r f ~~'` ~ ~r faint Committee on ,~ontizi~.ing Legal Education of the ~Tirginia St~.te { ., r ~ ~ ` 4 /ll,. I ~, n . Bar Association ~.n~a;recerit` study of zoning and land use planning. I 4 Irl. F 'i It would appear cleE~.r ,that~~the objectives of these required dedications. ,f ~ ' ' ' ! . are permissi~al~ under the police power of the cities as ;.' i .'~ y~ ;~~: activities clearly ~.~r~pox~tant to the general welfare of the ~I '~ community Since there is significant value left to the ; ;'~ Ir ~ subdivider and ;since. the regulations are required to obtain the objective ;su.ch required dedication of parks, schools, ' - . and playgrou~.d~, would appear to avoid the barriers of ' `~ ~ ~;' ,; , confiscation ~:r~;~he same view as do the requirements far `* # , ~': _; streets, ut11~,t~ES, aid drainage easements. I"F .` ; ,,:"' ~ It would appear th~;~ `~.,~ additional population resulting from annexation; and subdivision plac'~s; a rsu,;bstantial burden upon the park and recreational ~,,~, a means for providing such lands . must be facilities of the coz~;i~~znity,. ,,, ' , found. ~! '~ '' E' ~ ~ i S` e r °i ~" 1 ~~ ~ ~, :~ , r ;4 F ~ ~ , - 2 ~r, E .q .t .., ' i - , i . S, ~ ~, ~. ~ ~. ~, ~. . ~ t ~'~4'~ ~ °~ 44 ~a~~ i , ~. ~i~~ _ f '4d - ~ ~ ~ a I ~ ' £ ii N1~~ i~ , ~I: s' , ~ y I I y ~ ~~ ~! T ~~lN ~ p :' dl ' W W o ~~~ ~ I ~, ~~ ~ o ' ,o ' 0 4 0 0 0 O 0 0 „ ~ ~ ~ o I > o . ,, 0 0 0 0 0 ~ o ~ ~ `' i~ c3 ' o co o ~ o 0 Z ~ r--, ~ c~ Ica . o : cam' 0 c~ 0 ~ o .--~ c:v ci ~ ~, ' ` ~ . H~ ~ , I . ~~ I ~ ~ .. ~ t. ~5 ~Sf~' ~~+~ ~ f 3 O ~ n l ' j w a c_T l' K ,- f I I n 1 P[ ~ _. . a 1 I,e I ~ is ~ ^ m UZ ~ -[I ~ n I.. _ ,. r r ~~ ~' ~ r' sl i' F-I }'-f ' ~ Q ~ '~ ~ ~ I ~ -E-~ F era ~ O ~ _ { r ~, ~ I Ii I,. ` ~~ Ai ~ ~ t' N ~ . ' _ '~' d , c '-' [d U~ '`~ ~ N ~ O +' ~ ~ ~ , ~ ~ a O ~ ~ ~ ~ ?~ ~ I- ! ~ ~U1+ ~ Cd ~3 ~4y7 nN~ C) ~C)t O ~ ~~y C-OI ~ DUI ~ rr11 ~t 1 ~ - ~~ Fyi ~YW ~ ~I s-~i H U~ ~4 ~ , ' ' ,,. E-, W W a F, ~ I , ~ . ~ ~ ~+ .. w ~~~ a a ~ ,~ ,. ~ , ~ • .i . E .~ F•~~I 1Hy ~ ~ ~ 'V~ ~ O:; ~ 0 ~-I F-I ~-I ~-I ~-l ~-I :~~ ;r ~,;~ ~ ~4f r~ p~ ,, ~~ ~ ~ 1 ~ a a a a a w ~ , .,--{ ~ - w o ~ ~ ;, ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ O ~ ~~ -i ~s ~ s' ~. { t,~; ; cd ~ ~ ~ O U •r ~ ~ cd ;:e :t~ Sr ~~, 4a ~ ,, ! r r1 ~ ~~ H f~ U d O .~ ~ O ~ { ~ I: I ~ fl I Ti ~ I:.~ ~ I ~'i ~ ~' o ~ r-~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U2 U~ ~, ~~> ,, .# , I, A~ . i `; , . ~°,~; ~~ ~' ~. ~ ~ i ~'~~ a ~.; ~ , i ~J °~:3 ~-. 5 r k i ~'~ i r _ ~l1 _„~ t I _.~ i~ i ~~ .~ 1r h, ~ ! ~i' ~ : kk ff 5 .4~~ '~ I 1, ~. ~ ~~ .~, i e 'F .; ~ r;~ § t I d: ~. ~,i° ",`~ . ir,, Although it is not I~e~l~st~.c; ,td try to measure accurately the actual ~. i ~} ;~f~ f' '~~, `f needs for park, r~~~aton,.and open space facilities, as sorn,~ persons _~; ~ ; ~~ ,~ probably never use publ.a,e~ park or recreational facilities w~i:le .others" :: - , make: extensive use d~ ~~:em Certain desirable standards have b~:en , ' s i~ I~~i:' ~~, ~ - ~~ fx estal~li~;lu~d, howet~~x~', by such agencies as the National Recre'atian ' r y ~ ~~ Association. Th~~ grbup ~ec~xnmends the following standards foz pa 'k Nx;'. ~'L ~ '~~,, t~ 3 ~ . x end recreation needs ' - ~,~ i ~ ' x t: ~; li f ' .i~ 1 ~ . y ~ `` TABLE II ~~ - ° !~ ~ i; ~ , ~ iy, 3 ~ ~ ~~' r - i e Acres Per ~' ' ,Y': Type of Area ~' ' # ~ '~ 1,000 Population Minimum size of s'a:te .4S 0 i~ ~, ~ ~> , ~ ,~ ;: ~3 9 •.~1 ~ ~ ~ ~ - Playgrounds ~ ~ ' >~¢ 1. 5 2 a~`~es ~~ ~, .,,' ,, fi ~ ~ ~'~ ,~ ~ Neighborhood Parrs ~~ ~ ~ 2. 0 5 acres ' . ; , ' ~ . : . , Playfields ~ ; 1. 5 10 acres ~ ;~'~ ~ ~ Community Parks''" ` : '' 3. 5 40 acres ,' ,,, ~'.. i I i~ 1 f ~i ~ f ~ ''' ~+~' ;, ` i Zt would. therefore,e~in, reasonable that a provision of 5 acres o~ iand ~~: ~ ,, 1 ; per 1,000 popuJ.atgrikcould be considered a reasonable objective. This ~~ :~ ~'~' a ~ ~~: wolald fulfill the de`~~i~aktl~ criteria for neighborhood park facilities, and" _~ ~+~"~,, ~ ~ provide for a parti~ achi~~rErr~ent of the need for playground, pl~yfiel~s.y;~ 4 q ° ~, ~ ~ ~ ' : ,~~ and co mmunit y par~~~ faci],~z~s. . ze ` r Possible Alternatr~re~ • ~, ~~ , e i' ~ ~<, There appear to b~' at last'"four workable alternatives far" ob~a~riing ~ . {< ;: ,: ,. y ~a ° park and recreat~$~ ~ands i'n Vail ;~ , ;, . i '~ ° 1. A flat 5 p~rce~it. land dedication requirement; r j I~„ ' ,, ! f ~. ~' ` ', - ,, 1 ~ Ir 2. E~,tablzshment-~t~f a land dedication requirement on a slzdirig ~ ~' E scale of :percentages based on dwelling unit densities;; V ~~ ~ :,. ,~ ~ ~~ .' ~. ~ . 3. A flat ~t~;n,dard.: of 5 acres per 1, 000 persons, or ~,r ~~ , ~ . ~ „~ ~~ 4. A per ~~rell~.r~g unit fee, based upon the desirably, , ~: ~ ,, standa~d;n~, 5 .acres per 1, 000 persons; the number' ;`~ of per'~;an.s to be 'accommodated; and a reasonable ~ n `~ " ~ ' raw land ~ pric e E An analysis of the tapproach~s suggests the followin problems:` ~ ~ i k" 1~ r, r~`' h ~ ' ~ e, g * . ]_. The 5lp~r~~~~ `dedication policy proves to be inegtzit~ble • ;, , ~ y dr Y,~ ,pk S w~~ere~ ~.ensa~tie,, are greater than 2. 5 units per ache,; and ; ^a ~• '' ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ . ~~ ~ r ~~}i'= I t ~ - ~ - ~,~~ ~ ~ ~ } .. r ~L ~X ¢i: &. f: ;k v 3: ~4 , ~, ~ i I i i ~' it wall ~.o~ ~~verf provide one--half this amount of laid . , a';. an are~,s'~rh~r~densities are over 4. 5 units per"acrd,: ,. ~r `T'hus t~,e;;5 ~~~~exat dedication requirement when ~ ~'` cons~d'~x~~d c4~; th~,~~asis of~~ "created need" illustrates ~- that the ].n~est~'densaty developments will prov~.de ~noi^e ~. than their ~c~so~~.ble share of park and recreatiom~lanc, ~"„ while the?l~gh~`r densities will not come close to fulfilling `~ `` ,,. , the de~~.~'~1~]e standard. >> ,I ~ ~. ~ ~'~ „' 2. The ,sla;da.~~ sc~:le technique would operate in a manner , `~ ~ . samalax±~',to the,~~ percent requirement except that the propo~~~a~, cif; landrequired would increase as dwelling unit de~sty~ Yncreases. In evaluating this approach, ~an : :,; attem~~ ids rr~a,cle. ,tp come as close as possible to',th~ . ;r achaev~ri~enl of 5, acres per thousand. However, t i~ ~ , appare~at f~orr~.the figures shown in TABLE TII that same t ` } cut-off spaiht wouid have to be designated in order rto"~avo7d ~,. penall~!~ri~l d~velopdrs o£ multiple units. `_ - ~` i ~~ ~ , ,. ~: ~ .. Two examples of ~~~.l~s o.f ~pericentages are as follows: - r , ! ' ~~ ;~ '},' ~; ~ TABLE N ~~, ~ ~: X f'' ~~ ~ ~`v. Proposal A ' y" !~P ' 8 .I Fox Developme'nt' ~ ~t ~ }, with DEnsities'~f: '~ N '':~ Land. Ded.ication~Roaured" 3. 5 units/acre or ~es~s~, ~': t :' , , 4~/0 of gross residen~i,al' land a'r~a 3. 6 t0 11, ~ LinitS/~,C'~?eS ~~0 rr rr r, ;.~,, ! tr ,'ri „,x ~l i . 12. 0 units/acre 01~~ T7k0'z'e : ' .., ~IO rr „ r, i~ rr ~ .rr"" I ~ ' ,, < ~'roposal B ~ ~n ~; I 3. 5 units/acre or ~k~~s 4~Io of gross residenta:al lend area 3. 6 to 7. Q units/a~~e ~ , ,~ goo ., „ ., „fi ; ~ ,r ~ 'r,~; 7. 1 to 11, 9 units /ac~'~a 1 a~/o " " ~ ;, 12.0 units/acre or°Pxr~ox~ .` > `, oIo ,. n , _. „ , ~ rr E ~- 5 ;~ i ~,-> . ~ Y ~ ~.. ' .ti Table TrI on the r c~d~~~' '~ ~.~ e illustrates the com arason bet,ween'~.he p4 g~?g p , sliding scale requ ~ ~~hts;; tl~e 5 percent requirement, and t~.e. dive '~ acres per thousan ' r~q~i':re,rz~ent. " ` '' ' , .,, ; v The slidin scale ~chn~ u~ ti1 does not rovide five acre of ~` s 1 d er g '~ q. S ,~ p ~~ :,: p thousand persons f~.~ ' ~~r,~it1e~' over 12 units per acre. lts m.aan ;drawbac~~ is the per-unit co~~',Qf ~~ZS? requirement to the developer, Fo~~ e~~rripld , a developer of lanc~at~~.'c3ensity of 33 units per acre could, be ~equired~ to' absorb aper-unit ~c~~t v~h7c~h y~ould be two to three times the per;;-unit' ~, cost incurx~e~d. by t~t~~ lov~l6per of land at 2. 5 to 3 units per acre ` ~~° , ,3" J ~ ~' i' r j ~^.f. ~': h t{~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~"! ~ J t { ~. 1 I F _ yy.. H riY rE I ~ t"~C ~ v~ I- ~t? ~ ! 'z .' ~ ~ F,. 5 L ; ~.. I~ r I ~V E h k F Ire d, ti ,~ ¢~~:I I ~ ~r_ :~ x ~ , ,~ ~ t ~ ~ I t. ~~; f :'}, r, f ~S ~ r I[ ~ r " 9 P. }~. 'i'r. E ~ ~' i I, f '~ :: d ~ i ~ ~ ~_: ~ ; 3. The r~c~u~~rexz~nt pf; land dedication of five acres per ~" ~„ k`~ thousa~cl' persons' represents a fairly high degree ,off equity ,,~' .from t~~~;~T~~rn'~ standpoint. it's chief advantage~,%s t',hat it is a~~al;~ca~~.~; to ~ll types of residential developmeri~ ~i in that ~,k~ ~xno~irit" of land dedication is based ex~].~c~.t~.y on the ~yc~~,~nat~d: `~hi~~ can be expected from each new dwellinc~k unit wl~~.G,h,xs a~,d~d. to the Town total. '''` ~~` ,. ~ =t ~; ~ E:~ Tn pr. actice, this p.~o~o,s~,l rn~.y3 not be as feasible as it appPar~, ~i.nce ~ ~t'~ ,;. results i.n an unre~,~~~~,b1~e~.c~i~i.~z~cation of land from the high density ~~ developer. As an ~~~arnple~; the developer of 3 units per acre;~o~Zld' be .``"" required to dedica~~ ~, 33 p~rcert of his land for park purpose:; ~rhi~:e ~~e. developer at 22 un~.l,s ~pe~ ~.~x e ,would require 21.. ~ percent dedication ~an~ the developer of 50'~~~~~ p~x;~~acre 3S, 5 percent of his land zSuc re u"i~'~,ments are not reasonably ~~ ~sd ~uc~ . an a ~ q `'~;, ,, ~: pproach could foreseeably ~~sult in a per-unit cost to ~het,~~~~,~h--c~~nsi~~y developer as much as six to, eight ta.m~~s' the per-unit cost o~.~ ~in~le~br lbw density units. ~ ~ ~ , ,' ~1. Perha~ Ec~ne q~. tk~~,rsimplest approaches, based upon lard ~ costs, ~ ~}r~a1~le standards, and population derisr,~e~,i ~s ~ , « ~,_~~ the us~o~, ~.'ys'p~;c.fic fee per dwelling unit. This ~'a~p path '~~ ~} is pre~3~~:~1~ed on ~~ following paints: ~ is ,~° {a} Res~~~de`r~t~~ti~la.nd.values in Vail have been avera:~.n,' °°; bet~r~~E:'n ~1:~`; OOa'`.- X15, 000 per acre. A part7~~ila~: ,~ unlq~l~~~~,`rc:~~, xnay at times be more costly, bu'~;.a~ ;: a gP ~~r~l~'rule, ,the X10, 000 - $15, 000 should„pe~a~l,. ' I ~, (b) if l~z~c~~ ~.~r ~a b~ acquired i n the determined am~.r~t o~f ° 1 `'F~; 5 ad'~~~.,pex~~~housand people, at least $50, 000 ~x~u~t~ l~~ "°~ ~~_ coll;~gtGd for ever additional 1 000 ersons „rM Y ~ p ~~ ~ e .:~: pop~~.a~~,pz~ de~~isity based on 2. 5 people per multiple unzt ~,~ and~.~' ~' 1)~~~l~,.per single-family unit (average~.d~~;errr~~,~.'d fro ,~~960~c~nsu~ figures), it would be necessary to~~ , obt~r~ ~a` fee y~f ~1"24.00 from each multiple unYt ~ ~~ ~ s 1?(~; ~10~~~~Q,~~.oi'each single-.family unit. An av'ei~ge' ~ ~ ' "~' figu~;r ,~f 13~~ OQ~ could easily be applied to eat} u~i~t, 4 , bui~.~ ; ~~t~ardless of the type, in order to mak~ the ~ ~; ., . con.~:~b~,~t~,or~r~gtiita.ble. The Town could then ta1~~ th~s~ , fund ~~~1d p~~chase available land in the aria of ~ ~ ~~ dev~4ac~p"r~n~~ntt Sher from the developer or ath~'~,~ ; 3 ' ' ~ ~ ".' or ~a~~~~~°~R{~~.~~t~ option on land which might have~'laeen , °~;`~' re~~'~ ~~>,!~~ ~~~~r~ earlier date for park and. recrc~~~t~cl=a° , p E c _ F purp~~"~ j; ~ r c ~ ~ ;! ~ ~ a.~ Y' I ~ ~,~, ~ ~ ~ ~_~ r t ,>.~. L 13 1 !~. 4 ~ Itl F ~' f ' ' ~ f F ,. F ;i~ ,~k ~ i 4. ,~ ~' ~ I R~ ~ ~I ~~'~~ k, - i:' .. I ti" ~~r 3, 1 3' f~ ~~ 31 ~~ ~ yy yl'{ s~~~''~IFF ~'~'~~ Y - ,~ V ~ ~ i: ;Ht II I' ~~ '~` E 7 §`~~ M'~ ~ Fu S r , c'iF d~~ Y ~,~, ~ ~ '~'~;~ ~,f ~''~~ This method seer ~ ~ "' ~ t ,,, , ~ ' I ~ ' oaf mandatory ded ~'~ ~ ik .~f ' tf r~ site planning can it ~ r ~{l~4~ . ~ pos ion to reser ~,;~. , ~Ea`~'~ then obtain it at t §. ~ ,~',w~ fij~~,;, developer on noti ~,, ~ ~'°'i ~ before he begins ~~~,';~Y~ ~4 ~ ~ 7 ~ ~" ~' ~I;~ ,t recognises create , ~~,.~',~,» ~, N1~~Y, of the ultimate d.v ~~. ~ °r ,~;, ~~ ~ of such a fee and ,eta _ .;~° n~ - The procedure wE ~~~~~; ~~ ~ the flexibility to ~ ~,~ ~ ` ~ ~' ,1' ~ F cost per unit wou L4 F ~ ,, 4 h~.~f_ ~}y~ ~ °~~~ "~ ' `~~ ~ ' '~ These dedication '~~~~ F ~' ~ ,~;~ of Trustees, undE ~~ ,~+4 , , 5 ~~ ~~~~,~ ~~'.~ 1. When ~~~ ~~ ~ +No, have s ~ _ ~, +~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ ~ Es 2. A ded ~~~,rd~~ ,.y,i, ,. :E ,f > P i. !iP `i ,1 ~ i~ fE ~~ ! ~ ~; ,~. ' ~ ~,~' >:~', ,~ r, r h ~ i~; ' ~ ' 9 ` to ~~ ~ `~ ~ ~'L :1~.~~ ~f~~'ti- ~ t+t`mber of advantages over othe~~. rrzr~s~1,1 ,,~ 4s~~ `~.~1 ,t. e first place, better park and ~~~ ~ , ~ ~,,ti~'~ ~_ ~.., t,t~,~ ' 4,,ii ,c`e to the fact that the Town ;1ui.11~~ t, it et q :~~~ i ~ ~. ~e.riod of time at a particular ii1s~~'ez ~ I, , ~;`~~ ~-t1'', il~~~~~e~.~ment beg~.ns. Secondly, ~t p1;t~~ ~ ;~'~~ ~r~ ~`~;~! r ~'~~ r ~: what will be required of him, ~ i~_ ~r ~~~`~ ~ l ~ ~ ~''~~~~ _,~~ 31 1~1~" ;f 3i Finally, the flat fee per uni'~-'r,l; °~-~,,1 ~,fi .~~~` ~~ `~ , ~,7 ~t applies equally to all units, re~;~ r E E1 ~~ ~~, ~ ~ ~' .' ~~ r;l ' f~sity involved. Tn addition, tlir~~~ ~ ~_,1y,~ t r~r~~'' ?I~~,I,~~, ~ ~~~~ac~n+'accounting would be relat~v~ 9 1, ~ , -'i, I~~ I ~~ ,'Irt~;~,rt~~E~~~§'annual review of prevailing 1'ji ~,~~~~~~ F ~~~ ,:nd ~~~ ~ ,~ ~~ ~ * necessary. using this metho~~~ "Fig ,_!~°_f k .~~~~~~' "1 ~~ Sri, ~~p ~~;;percent of the total unit cn~~f a'.. , ~r ~ ~ ~~.'",~ ~~ ~' , ~ ~: ~ ' ~ ,~!~Y~ereof, could be waived b,~H'"~~I ~~, ,t-'~ r~';~ ~'~~ '`I~ ~, 7; , ~ J .~~ ,ti € ~ circumstances: ~ << ~' ~'r~ '':€~~ 4 h~as ` . , *` ~,; ~~ ~_ i , ~ I'~pi i, a ~ ~~z, ~~ ~I, recreationa]. and park arcs ~~~ ~ - .I~ ~ ' `'~ ,,e { ~,'`lwi~ ,~ "' y the developer or subdivl~l~ j ;I' } . ~,4~1';,,,,: ,. ;I{aa ~ ,1 ~ ~~~ ; i , 6 ~;~~ ~~~'~~^~~~,vrously been made. ~" s,i ,''r ~~ ~, ;f~ ~ ,~~ ;I ~~' r +~4W ~:1, e& 99~~l~+ Iii ~i Ff ~.. ~i I Y y [py~~" ~~~ g'4 t~ y ~ ~7 iu. ~ a 'f ~ ~7 ~.I1.~ h ~ }~({~{ RJR y~ '~~'`d ! t ~~'~ ~E~ ~ Ali lq~ ~$ ~~ M1M1 ~~' 'i ~ alb a' i ~, ff ~';~y, 6# ~ i {: ~~ , ~ 1 t!'.hY~l - ~~ .' i ^: Id.l EII la ky! ;~r ~,, 1 ~y ,r - '7 .. -r May 7.2, 7.969 TO: THE VAIL BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM: CHIEF HOLMES RE: MUNICIPAL JUDGE For a period of four or five weeks during May and June of, this year, our Municipal Judge will be away on Vacation, It is reguested that the Town appoint Judge Gerrard of the. Eagle County Court as an alternate judge for the Town to take care of Ordinance Violations during Judge Lrofos' absence, Fudge Gerrard had agreed to fill this position, Tt is further recommended that Judge Gerrard be paid X25. d0 for each sesszon he holds of the Vail Municipal. Court. -t ,, ~ s~ ~ , is . ;t~!'--:: li I ~ .i ~ '- • `1 +' ~ kk I {~ ~, S ~. k a a - f 1 ~~ ~ ~~ F, e TO : THE VATL ~'LANNING~ CON~~'~SSTON, TO~dN OF VATL `~ FROM: THE VATL BOARD 4~~ . TRUSTEES <- SUBJECT: PROPOSED V1~TL ZQ~iTNG ORDINANCE -~ ' ;~: DATE: May 15, 1969 - ~ .. Gentlemen: ~f . ,. ,. ~,,,~ Dn March 1$, ~1g69; ' ~,he Vail Plainning Cozramission 'submitted ~ I ,~, ; to the Vail Board of ~ Trustees its report in regard to the proposed ' ~~!, ,,, ~ *, ', ~ Vail Zoning Ordinance, ~ S~:nce the Commission submitted its report f ,Pa•; '' °,.,n_ the Board of ~r~stees has; given the proposed ordinance. add~,tion~l ' study, and, during.'t~e course of several meetings open to the pub- lic, has recoiled 'public .reaction in r::spect thereto. As a result of its study, and',. of~many valuable suggestions received from the public, tYia Board `~~of,' Trustees has adopted the following changes, deletions and add~~iona fxor: and in respect to the draft ordinance ,,,; ~ ~~ `submitted by the Punning, commission on March 1$th: ~~ ~,. ~ ;' :ARTICLES ` , ~~ .' i E ~ ~ ~ ~~` SECTION 5. Definitions - ' Accommodation.Uriit~- changed t, '~ - Alt~;ration - ;'cY~anged" ;~..~~ Apartment -added Arena -added .r Business Offi:~ce -added Convention Facility -added " Condominium .-~ de]:eted k ~:~. ~ $ ~ Condominium, ?Full :,Service -deleted ~ • *°~ '' `' ~ Dwelling -added ,;. xj °,,rv;~.~~ Dwelling, Mu1t~.wFamily -changed h: ,~ ~:.! Floor Area -".'c;h~n~e~i~, Floor Area R~t'n w than ed ~, g Motel - changed ~ , OpenSpace -' ;deleted . Park -added € ., . 4;.. .,~. P~.ayground added ' ~~ ` ;,;" Professional' Q7:;~'ice;~ changed '" Publ~.c Transportation Terminal -added ' _, J"~ Recreation Center, added . ,~.; Service Court - :deleted ,~. I ~' ~ Structure -added - ' ~` t.`'.'` Studio - added ; '~ ~ ~Jse, Conditional ~- changed Yard. - chan~~d.`~' {, ,~ : , i ~:,„ ~~ .A; ARTICLE II. ZONTNG. DISTFtIC~' REGt7LATI0NS . Section 1. ~t~e~idential ~: • (a~ Uses Permitted ~` ~ ' '~ ~:3~~ .~ ,. .. ~';~ 3) ,Go~nditiat~al uses ' j '~" ~, , ~ ~ " ~ ~~ ~,,: ~~ - ~ ~ . Public and Private recreational fac~l~tles deleted,; ,• , ~, .. Recreation Centers -added ~; ,. r ;, ~~ ,_ (b) Re~u:Lation,~ {1) Minimum lot area reduced from 12,000 square feot to 10,000 square feet. Side and rear setback require-~ went eliminated where side and/or rear of lot abut on Forest Service land. Section 2. Multi Family (a) Uses Permitted (3) Conditional Uses: Added: Hospitals, Recteation Centers, Playgrounds and Business Offices. Deleted:Public and Private Recreation Facilities, rublic Transportation Facilities. • (b) R„~ulatians. (1) Sid a and rear setback requirement eliminated ~rhere sa.de and/or rear of lot abuts on Forest Service land (2} floor area ratio changed from 0,50:1 to 0.75:1. Section 3. High Density Multi-Family District (a} Uses Perm~,tted (1} Uses by Right added: Frofessional , service and business offices and studios, Recreation Centers, Libraries, Art Galleries and museums, Private Clubs, Parks and Playgrounds. ( 3) Conditional Use s added: hospitals, convention:..:. facilites, commercial parking facilities, including structures and lc~s, arenas, bawling alleys; deleted: assembly halls, service and business offices, public and private recreational facilities, private clubs, parks. (b) Re~u~.ations {1) side and rear setback requirement deleted {2) floor area ratio changed from 1:00:1 to 1.50:1. Credit added fnr arcades and malls. {4) off-street loading requirement added Section ~+ rublic ;Accommodations District (a) Uses Permitted ' j 1 - ,(1} ,U~es by flight ;'`added: single-family and two-family dwelling structur es p~n~,es.sional, service and business- offices , ,:, j: ~- ~~ p ~.~. I. Ili , ~ 4t r' ,i ~ ", ' ~, j, i . ~ ,' ~ '~~ ,. ~,~, ~' ~;",g ! i ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ j~' ~ ~ and studios, recr~~ta;,o~~,~eriters, libraries, art galleries and ~: museums, private c~;ub~~,~:;parks and playgrounds. .- ! :E !. . _,. ; f ~r~ Conditional Uses ,;,`, ~ ~, ~ ~ i~ added.; conventiona~_ facilita,~s, com ,~ ,~~,~~ ', ,yrj9>: mercial parking faci~a.ti;es, :.bowling alleys and arenas .,~ -~!° .-, ; ~:: g. ~ ` deleted: civic office build~ri s ~ ~ ~~ private clubs, profes,s~ianal offices, public and priva~,e . :~ recreational facil','~''te`s .;parks , A ~ ,; ;;'{~} side and rear setback requirem~r~tdeleted 3 ~ " ~~ ~ ' .ti ' ~ `; g;l; {~) credit added far arcades and malls '„ , ~.~ ~~ ;. , ~,; « ~ ~, . Section ~. Commez~c'~.al Core Aistrict 4 {a~Uses I'ermit'ted x ~. ,.; r ' ~ ., ~ {l~ nUse~s by Right ~, - ,; . `~~ ~ ~ '~ ~ - ~A.dded: multi--family dwelling; struct~u~s,. E v ~'! ~t .motels, recreation Ecent~r's libraries, art galleries and museums; , - ,~~t private clubs, parlcs rand ,.playgrounds. i} ;. ', •~. 4 ~ t E 3: f N #, ~{~) Conditional uses . N:. .. a •, i ~ '. `° ~ ~' E~ ~ ~ $ (added: convention facilities; arenas, ;' `'` banks , post offic Es ~' ~.~ ;, ' ~~ ~ :deleted: publa.c and private philan- , ' ~f, ~~,~,,thropic institutior~~~ private clubs, parks, public and pr~.vate z;~ ~,' art galleries, museums.. ,` s (b) Regulations ~' ~ 2 acld~d credit far malls and arcades ~. ~ _: , ~~~°; >, ' ;,{ ~.) ' offs-street loading requirement deleted - pp~I f 9 ' [~ i~ ~' , i - .I' ~ „1.: ~~S , Section bo Commdxci°al Service Center ;; {a) Ue'~s~Permitted {'~-) Uses by Right :~ , ~" . ~~ ~ ~ ''.~ .,'.: `" ~ a'dded; commercial storage facilties; ,. .:;'.' ,,. _'~~~~n~~' :'theaters and conve`nt~ion ::facilities rofession service and i .,,business offices, studios:, multi-family dwelling structures,. `recreation cent ers,'':~Libraries, art galleries and museums private clubs, parkland playgrounds, bowling alleys. `~~ , t. ~:.« ~ ~; ' ~, ' N i k., ~ i i~ r. X11 _ ~ I- a j~ ~~ ~i f, r ' ~ ~ ~,... ~- r (3) Conditonal Uses. added: cammercial parking facilities, commercial. laundries deleted: public and private recreational facilities, private clubs, parks (b) Rg~ulations {1) read and side yard setback requirement n deleted (2) floor area ratio changed from 1:00:1 to 1:50:1. Credit added for arcades and ma11s. Section 7. Heavy Service vistrict (a) Uses Permitted {1} Use by Right added: multi-family dwelling structures, bawling alleys, bakeries, restaurants, professional, service and business of,~ices and studios, greenhouses, public utility and public service structures and installations, public transporta-~ ti on terminals. (2) accessory uses • deleted: apartments appurtenant to the principle use, incidental and accessory thereto, and necessary for the operation thereof. (3 } Conditional Uses added none deleted: public utility, public service structures and installations, public transportation facilities, (b) Re~ulatior~s {2) floor area ratio changed from 0.50:1 to 1.Q50: 1 Credit added for malls and arcades. Section $o Agricultural (b} Regulations u {1) minimum lot size changed from 20,000 square feet to 2 acres. -~.- r- ARTICLE III. SUPPL~.~MENTARY REGULATIONS Section ~.. Accessory Uses (a) prov~.sion added exempting fences, hedges and walls and unenclosed parking from setback requirements Section 2. Off Street Parking and Loading (d) prp vipion added authorizing off-site parking lots; provision added requiring parking lot aisles; provision prohibit- ing parking areas within required yards deleted Suction 3. Schedule of ~7ff Street Park~,n~ and Loading Require-- meats {a) M~.nimum space requirements: space reequirements reduced for public accomodations, hote~.s, motels and lodges; medical and dental clinics; retail shops; public, commercial and professional offic.=:s and banks; space requirement added for restaurants and bars; method of calculating space requirements for churches, theaters etc. changed. ARTICLE TV. EXCEPTIONS Section 2. Conditional Use Permits {f) deleted: requirement that conditonal use con- form to setback, building size, lot size and FA,R regulations prescribed by ord~.nance for district in which ifs is located. Section 4. Planned Unit Development {a) added: FAR credit for malls and arcades. ARTICLE VI. NO1~-CONFOR~ZTNG USES AND STRUCTURES Section 5. Change of Use added. Provision exempting from prohibition on change of use the relocation on the same lot of a parking space or the enlargement of a parking space. In a meeting of the Board of Trustees to be held at 7:30 P.M. on Thursday, May 15th, at Manor Vail, the Board wi1J. again consider adoption of the ordinance in the form submitted by the Planning Commission as amended above. Tt would be of value to the Board to receive comments of the Planning Commission in re-~ sped to the amendments aforementioned and it would be appreciated if members of the Planning commission ~rould plan to attend the meeting. BOARD OF TRUSTEES, TOVTN OF VAIL - 5 - MINUTES OF THE MEETING THE BOARD QF TRUSTEES OF THE TOVi1N OF VAIL MEETING AS THE LOCAL LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY MAY 12, 1969 q~ Mayor Dobson called the Meeting of the Board of Trustees acting in the capacity of the Local Liquor Licensing Authority to Order at 8:10 P, M, , Monday, May 12, 1969, in the Jim Bridget Room at Manor Vail. ROLL CALL: RoII Ca11 found the following Members present: John Dobson Joseph Langmaid C, E. Kindel John Donovan Richard Bailey T, I. Steinberg Absent: Jahn Kaemmer Attorney for the Town, Larry Robinson, reviewed the liquor license application for the Gallery which was before the Board for transfer to new owners. Mr. ~.~ Robinson recommended transfer of the license be approved and introduced Mr. Richard Easeman, Attorney for the new owners of the Gallery. Mr. Easeman asked the Board to transfer the license to the purchasers of the Gallery who were presently in Seattle. He stated they owned restaurants in Sun Valley and would operate essentially a steak house in Vaii. John Dupres, one of the new owners, was present. He stated a lease had been negotiated. with the Gallery but had not yet been signed; however, an agreement had been reached on the details of the transfer. Mr, Dupres indicated his plans for the restaurant. He stated it would be very much like the Cork 'N Cleaver in Denver and would be run somewhat like the restaurant he now owned in Seattle. He presented. a Seattle magazine to the Board showing his broiler and broiler chef at work in his Seat#le operation, He also presented the menu used at his Sun Valley restaurant. Trustee Kindel asked if Mr. Dupres was familiar with the Colorado liquor laws and asked how they significantly differ from those under which he was now operating. Mr. D~xpres stated he felt the Colorado liquor laws to be much ~~ more liberal; i. e, , in ~Ti~ashington, ladies cannot sit at the bar; persons must riot see the bar Pram the restaurant, etc. Trustee Kindel asked if Mr. Dupres had had. any problem. with proof of age and i. d. 's. Mr. Dupres stated he required three pieces of identification and had never been given warnings of any sort. They are especially careful at vacation times. A question was raised as to how many directors were to be listed in the Colorado Corporation. There were to be three. Trustee Donovan asked how the specific floor plan compiled with the zoning ordinance. Mr. Dupres reviewed it again and said he would not need as many feet as were allowed, He stated he hoped to open the Gallery this summer, in about 45 days. Larry Robinson stated Mr. Dupres had had his fingerprints taken that day by the Vail Police Department, but that the other owners still had this to do, Should the Board approve the transfer, it should be done with the stipulation that this be done. Mr, Langmaid made a Motion that a transfer of the Gallery ~~-~ license be given the new owners with the understanding that all members be fingerprinted in compliance with the State Liquor provision. It was seconded by Mr. Donovan. The Board adjourned as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority at 8:34 P, M, • STATE OF COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE LIQUOR ENFORCEMENT DIVISION IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION FOR A ) BEER, WINES AND SPIRITUOUS LIQUOR LICENSE ) EXECUTIVE DIRECTORtS FINAL DETERMINATION By: LANCELOT INC., ) (DD No. L-5) ) Applicant. ) Hearing was held before John H. Heckers, Executive Director of the Department of Revenue, and the State Licensing Authority of the Liquor Enforcement Division for the State of Colorado, in the State Capitol Annex Building, Denver, Colorado, a.t 9;30 a.m., on Wednesday March 12 1969. > > The applicant appeared by its attorney, STEWART H. BROWN, Esq.; opponents appeared by their attorney WILLIAM C. JENSEN, Esq.; and the Department of Revenue by CHRIS J. ELIOPULOS, Esq,, Legal Staff Counsel. FINDINGS OF. FACT 1. Applicant is a corporation, incorporated under the Laws of the State of Colorado, and is and has been doing business as a restaurant in Vail, Colorado. 2. Upon application, hearing was held before the Board of Trustees of the Town of Vail. on the 25th day of November, 1968, and said application for a hotel, restaurant and liquor license was approved subject-to the approval or disapproval of the State Licensing Authority. 3. Persons signing petitions and letters received by the State Licensing Authority favoring the granting of the license number 203. Persons signing letters and petitions opposing the granting of the license are 8 in number. - 4. Premises for which application was made is numbered as Tract A, Blk. 5B, 1st filing, located on Gore Creek Drive just west of Bridge Street, Aspen, Colorado. ~~~ .- ~i i 5. Proper application was made by the applicants and all other procedural prerequisites to bringing this matter to hearing were ro erl satisfied includin ade uate ti P P y , g q , me1y, and suffic~.ent notice of the hearing. 6. Prior to hearing, applicants made formal requests for subpoenas to issue requiring certain Vail businesses to appear at the hearing, and further asking for each to bring extensive business financial records and documents. Subpoenas were issued and motion made to Quash Subpoenas was filed. 7. Applicants moved that the hearing be dismissed upon several grounds, including that the State Licensing Authority did not have the authority to hold a hearing; that said hearing was a review of the action of the Local Licensing Authority and such review Was a prerogative of the courts and nat of an administrative agency; that the state has been granted legislative or investigatory powers only and not adjudicatory power; and that the State Licensing Author-- ity was void of any power whatsoever to deny a license when the local authority has acted upon such application. , ISSUES 1. Does the Executive Director have the authority to issue subpoenas. 2. Does the State Licensing Authority have the power and authority to hold a hearing and grant or deny a state liquor license. 3. What are the reasonable requirements of the neighborhood and the desires of the inhabitants as shown by the evidence. , DETERMINATION DOES THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR HAVE THE AUTHORITY TO ISSUE SUBPOENAS Provisions in the Colorado Liquor Code in regard to subpoenas state as follows: , CRS '63, 75-2-6. Duties of licensing authority.,- ~~(~) To hear and determine at pubii.c hearing, all... u ~~;. _~.. complaints against any licensee and to administer oaths and issue subpoenas to require the presence of persons and production of papers, books and records necessary to the determination of any hear- ing so held." CRS '63, 75-Z-11. Suspension and revocation. - '*(1) **~ Any licensing-authority sha11 have the power to administer oaths and issue subpoenas to require the presence of persons and the production of papers, books, and records necessary to the deter- mination of any hearing which the licensing authority is authorized to conduct.'° Although these provisions of the statute do not directly con- tern themselves with hearings on application for a license, it would necessarily follow that if such power to issue subpoenas exists upon hearing of complaints, suspensions, and revocations, the same power would exist in the case of the issuance or nonissuance of a license upon an original application, Additional evidence for this authority to issue subpoenas appears in the Administrative Code of Colorado at CR5 ',63, 3-18-4(4} wherein it is stated: "Any presiding officer shall have authority to: - *~~ sign and issue subpoenas ***" Accordingly, it is ruled that the Executive Director of the Department of Revenue as the State Licensing Authority does have the power to issue subpoenas. However, the Motion to Quash Subpoenas was granted in the . instant case upon the following grounds: (1) The production of books and records in Denver of an operating business in Vail, Co]:orado, during a peak seasonal time was an undue burden, and {2) The evidence to be obtained from the books and records was not material to the determination to be made.~4That the question of the economic success or failure of an existing business, and the effect which an additional license might have upon similar existing outlets is not a basic element needed to make a determination of needs of the neighborhood and desires of the inhabitants. • _,_ ~;,r~~.~ is Accordingly, it was ruled that the subpoenas be quashed and that no evidence concerning the issue of economic success or failuxe be offered during the hearing. DOES THE STATE LICENSING AUTHORITY HAVE THE POWER AND AUTHORITY TO HOLD A HEARING AND GRANT OR DENY A STATE LIQUOR LICENSE Argument was made by the applicant that when an application for a liquor license is made at the local level and such application is approved, the State Licensing Authority has no authority to grant or deny a license, nor in fact does it have: any authority to act on the application. This basic philosophic premise has been presented before to the State Licensing Authority. With such a premise the State Licensing Authority must disagree. In an effort to clearly sum up the State's position, a com-- plete review of the historic and statutory background and sequence of events is warranted. Chapter 75, Article 2 of the Colorado statutes was passed into law in the yeaar 1935. At that time the law contained about 36 sections and was emtitled "The Liquor Code of 1935." (See CRS T63, 75-2-36) . Xn examining the first 36 sections of the Liquor Code, we find. the following sections that are an existing part of the law today; 75-2-1. Exercise of police powers. - "This article shall be deemed an exercise of the police powers of the state for the protection of the ecanoi~ic a.nd social welfare, the health and peace and morals of the people of this state **~." (emphasis supplied) • CRS '63, ?5-2-3. Unlawful Acts, states as follows: "(S}(a} *** but it shall, be unlawful to sell any malt, vinous or spirituous liquor at any place until permission so to da shall be gr~.nted by all the licensing authorities herein provided for, (emphasis supplied) "{8)(b) In permitting such change of location such licensing authorities shall consider the reasonable requirements of the neighborhood =~~~ CRS X63, 75-2--4. Definitions, states as follows: T,{13} Liquor licensed drug store means any drug store ~~~ which has been granted a license by the state licensing authority to sell malt, vinous and spirituous liquors **~ (emphasis supplied) -4- ~C . .: ' CRS '63,,75-2-5, Regulation and control of licensing, states: "For the purpos-e of regulation and controlling the licensing of the manufacture and sale of mal~E, . vinous, and spirituous liquors, there is hereby created the state licensing authority. (emphasis suppl~.ed) CRS '63, 75--2-6. Duties of licensing authority, states as follows: "(l) The Executa.ve Director of the Depart- ment of Revenue shall be the executive in charge of the enforcement of the terms and provisions of this article, and as the state licensing authority, his duties shall be as follows: "{2) To grant or and sale of malt, vided for by law, upon a violation adopted by him in supplied} • • refuse licenses for the manufacture vinous and spirituous liquors, as pro- and to suspend or revoke such licenses of any law or any rule or regulation compliance with this article (emphasis "(3)(a) To make such general rules and regulations and such special rulings and findings as he may deem neces- sary for the proper regulations and control of the manufacture, sale and distribution of malt, vinous or spirituous ligttors and the enforcement of this article, in addition thereto, and not inconsistent therewith, and may alter, amend, repeal and publish the same from time to time. {emphasis supplied) "{b) And not by way of limitation such rules and regula- tions may cover the following subjects: Compliance with, enforcement or violation of any law, rule or~regulation; specifications of duties of officers and employees under him; instructions for other licensing authorities and law enforcing officers; all farms necessary or convenient in the administration of this article; inspections, in- vestigations, searches, seizures and such activities as may become necessary from time to time; sales on credit; limitation of number of licensees as to any area or vicinity; misrepresentation; unfair practices; unfair competition; control of signs and other displays on licensed premises; use of screens; identification of licensees and their employees; storage; warehouses; trans- portation; health and sanitary requirements; standards of cleanliness; orderliness and decency; sampling and anal ysis of products; standards of purity and labeling; records to be kept by licensees and availability thereof; practices unduly designed to increase the consumption of alcoholic beverages; and such other matters whatsoever as he may deem necessary for the fair, impartial, stringent and compre- hensive administration of this article, but nothing herein shall be construed as delegating unto the licensing author- ity the power to fix prices. The licensing authority shall make na rule which would abridge the xight of any licensee to fairly, honestly and lawfully advertise the place of business of or the commodities sold by such licensee. All such rules shall be reasonable and just." (emphasis supplied) It is to be noted that nowhere in 75-2-6 is any limitation • placed upon the power of the State Licensing Authority except in the area of fixing prices and the fair, honest and lawful advertising - 5- I of a place of business or the commodities sold by such licensee, The broadest possible powers are placed in the Executive Director as the State Licensing Authority by the legislature. CRS '63, '15-2-7. Application for license, holds as - follows: "(1) Applications for licenses under the provisions of this article shall be made to the state licensing authority on forms prepared and furnished by the state licensing authority and shall set forth such information as the state licensing authority may . require to enable the authority to determine whether a license should be granted. Such. information-shall include the name and address of the applicant, and if a partnership, also the names and addresses of all the partners, and if a corporation, association or other organization, also the names and addresses of the president, vice-president, secretary and managing officer or officers together with all other informa- tion deemed necessary by the licensing authority, Each application shall be verified by the oath or affirmation of such person or persons as the state . licensing authority may prescribe. (emphasis supplied} "(2} Before granting any license for which applica- tion has been made, the-state licensing authority or one or more of its inspectors shall visit and inspect the plant or property in which the applicant proposes to conduct his business, and investigate the fitness to conduct such business of any person or the officers and directors of any corporation applying for a license. in granting licenses the state licensing authority shall _ consider the reasonable requirements of the neighbarhoad . and the desires of the inhabitants as evidenced by petitions, remons~rances..or otherwise. (emphasis supplied) CRS' 63, 75-2-8. Refusal of license, states: "(1) The state licensing authority shall refuse a state license if the premises on which the applicant proposes to conduct its business do not meet the requirements of this article, ar if the character of the applicant or its officers or directors is such that violations of this . article would be likely to result if a license were granted, or if in its opinion licenses already granted fox the particular locality are adequate for the reason- able needs~of the community. (emphasis supplied) "(2) Upon written demand by an applicant who has been refused a state license said licensing authority shall state in writing its reason for such refusal. The refusal of said licensing authority to grant a state l~.cense according to this article may be reviewed upon application for writ of certiorari or otherwise, by any court of general jurisdiction having jurisdiction of the place for which the application for license was made, and if such court shall determine that such action was capricious or arbitrary it shall order said state licen- sing authority to issue such license. (emphasis supplied) "(3) Each licensee shall keep a complete set of books of account, invoices, copies of orders, shipping instruc- tions, bills of lading, weigh bills, carrespandence and all other records necessary to show fully the business • transactions of such licensee, all of which shall be open -6- _-. ' at all times during business hours for the inspection and examination of said state licensing author~.ty or its duly authorized repxesenta~ives, the state licen-~ sing authority may require any licensee to furnish such information as it may consider necessary for the proper administration of this article *~*." (emphasis supplied) Section 8 can hardly be construed to be ambiguous or in any way intended to detract from the State Licensing Authority's power to refuse a license. More clear and unambiguous language cannot be found . CRS t63, 75--2~-9. License issued, states in part: "(3) *~~ Credit shall be given for the unexpired portion of any existing state license." Section 9, although depended upon by applicant, contains a very clear an,d succinct reference to state licenses as quoted above. This again clearly shows the legislative intent that there Shall be two licenses, local and state, with full authority in the state to grant or deny a state license. CRS 'S3, 75--2--16. Classes of licenses, states as follows: "(1) For the purpose of regulating the manufacture and sale of malt, vinous or spirituous liquors, the state licensing authority in its discretion, upon .application in the prescribed form made to it, may issue and grant to the applicant a license to manufactu~~, rectify or sell malt, vinous and spirituous liquors of the fol-~ lowing classes, sub,~oct to the provisions and restric- tions of manufacture and sale as to manner, place and license fee and as otherwise provided by this article: (emphasis supplied) ,~(~) (8) ( 5) (6) (7) (g) . (9) Manufacturer's liquor license; Wholesaler's liquor license; Wholesaler's beer license; Retail liquor store license; Liquor licensed drug stare; Beer and Wine license; Hotel and restaurant license; Club license." Applicant,~in his argument, contends that the state has power to grant fix'refuse a manufacture~c's license and a wholesaler's license but no other. This argument would again attribute to the legislature a capr~.cious act contrary to all legislative interpretation and would. . hold that by the enactment of Sections 38 through 43, the legislature did, witktout amendment or modification of Section l6 (supra),. repeal the State's right to issue or deny all liquor licenses. Such repeal must be specific; it cannot be inferred. 'the statute as set forth -?-- by the legislature in Section 16 is in effect as it always has been and the State's authority, in its discretion to issue and grant licenses, must of necessity apply as the legislature intended, to all categories listed in Section 16. If any question exists as to the requirement for a state license and the authority to issue the same by the state, it is noted that a payment is required to be paid to the state for a state license. These requirements for fees for each separate type of license are set forth in Sections 19, 20, 21,, 22 and 23. As remote as it may appear to applicant, it is abundantly clear to the State L~.censing Authority that the legislature would liot require a state license fee if there was no authority in the state to issue such a license. CRS `63, 75-2-24, Contents - display - renewal, states in part: "*~~ Neither the county authorities of any county, nor the officers of any municipality shall issue, transfer location or renew any license to sell any malt, vinous or spirituous liquors, until the person applying therefor shall produce a license issued and granted by the state licensing authority covering the whole period for which a license or renewal thereof is asked." {emphasis supplied) If any confusion or ambiguity in the language and intent of the legislature exists in any part of the Liquor Code, such confusion and ambiguity should be clearly erased when reading the above-cited section. The language used by the legislature again, supports the ~. ~ contention that it is the State Licensing Authorityts pawer, under . .. the police power granted to the state, to issue a license, An applicant has no standing to be granted a license as,a matter of right, and the issuance of such a license is a privilege granted by the state. Schwartz v. People, 46 Colo. 239, 104 P. 92; Pxnzino v. Supervisor of Liquor Control, 334 S.W. 2d 2a. In July, 1963, the legislature passed Sections 38 through 44 of the Liquor Code. It is to be noted that at this time the legislature did not amend, revise or repeal any of the existing sections excep- ting 75-2-],U. -8- ' Historically, prior to 1963, the State Licensing Authority in some instances issued a state license upon application by axe individual which individual was subsequently refused a license by the local licensing authority, This action resulted in a multiplic- ity of actions, the cancelling out of the issuance of a state license, the refunding of fees, and clarifying of state funds. In an effort to provide an orderly process and permit the local authorities to first approve or disapprove an application for a license, the State Licensing Authority enacted Regulation 16(A} which reads as follows: • "subject: Instructions and recommendations to local licensing authorities. A. Licensing authorities of cities, towns, counties, and cities and counties are requested to cooperate with the State Licensing Authority in the administration and enforcement of laws and regulations governing the manufacture and sale of alcoholic liquors. To this end, they are requixed to furnish the Executive Director, Department of Revenue their opinion concerning the desires of the inhabitants and the reasonable requirements of the neighborhood in which a licen- see or applicant proposes to conduct his business, _ the character and reputation of the licensee or applicant, and other pertinent matters, and to indicate their approval~~or disapproval of the issuance of a~license or permit to change location upon each application." The Regulation worked effectively and upon implementation the local authorities for many years acted upon state liquor license applications, which • forms were supplied by the state. The local authority would then note its approval or disapproval of a license on this form and submit it to the State Licensing Authority. Regulation 16(A), prior to 1963, was never intended to nor did it replace or depreciate the authority of the state to grant or deny a liquor license as provided by statute. The regulation was an effort by the State Licensing Authority to implement a cooperative methodology between sate and local officials far control of liquor licenses, But many applicants, when refused approval by the local authority, challenged such action in the courts upon, the basis that there was no statutory authority for the local authorities to deny upon applications made to the State Licensing Authority on state forms . _g- :~.a;;.;:.,, ., t • As a result of this situation, the legislature in 1953 enaC~ed what is now contained in Sections 38 to 43. A careful. reading of these sections of the statute will clearly indicate that the legislature in this enactment did not intend, any more than did the State Licensing Authority by Regulation 16(A}, to substitute ar~thorities or depreciate in any way the State Licensing Authority's power for the issuance of state liquor licenses, but merely imple- mented by statute the authority far prior consideration by the local officials on the application for a state license. Counsel's contention, is that after the 1963 enactment the State Licensing Authority merely became a rubber stamp on applica- Lions prepared by it for the issuance of its license after the 1oca1 authority had taken action in connection therewith. An examination of Sections 3$ to 43 is now important. CRS '63, 75-2-38{1), states as follows: "After the effective date of this section, any provisions of this article to the contrary notes withstanding, the state licensing authority shall not grant nr issue any 'new licenses}, as de:~ined 3n subsection (2).of this section,, far the c~.asses of licenses as specified in said subsection until the local licensing authority has approved the application as provided in Sections 75-~-3~ to 75-2--43.T' (emphasis supplied) This .provision clearly provides that when the local author-~ ity refuses to approve an application for a state license that the State Licensing Authority shall not override such refusal and grant a state license to that applicant at that location. This section implements by statutory enactment the provisions of Regulation 16(A). There is no specific language in Sectioza 38, nor in the fol- lowing sections that void the State Licensing Authority's power to grant or deny a license. CRS '63, 75-~-40(1), reads as follows: An application for any new license specified in section 75--2-38(2)(d) shall be filed with the - appropriate local licensing authority on forms provided by the state licensing authority and con- taining such information as the state licensing authority may require.Each application shall,be verified by oath or affirmation of such person or persons as prescribed by the state licensing authority." -10- This section requires all applications for liquor licenses to be made on state forms drafted by the State L~.censing Authority. t CRS 63, 75-2-42, reads ~.n part as follows: "(3) Any decision of a local licensing author- ity approving or denying an application shall be in writing stating the reasons therefor within thirty days after the date of the public hearing, and a copy of such decision shall, be sent by cer- tified mail to the applicant at the address as shown in the application. (emphasis supplied) ' "(5) After approval of any application, the local licensing authority sha3.l notify the state licensing authority of such approval, who shall investigate and either approve or disapprove such application." (emphasis supplied) Section 42 contains specific language granting the State Licensing Authority the power to approve or disapprove a license after the local authority has approved an application. This section continually refers to approval of an application; it does not state that after approval the local authority shah. grant a license. How a capricious act can be attributed to the legislature by applicant in stating that the language of Section 42 did not in- tend to retain at the state level the authority to approve or dis-- approve an application for liquor licenses in the State of Colorado. i,s beyond the concept of this hearing officer . It is a well founded rule of law that in interpreting legis- lative action and enactments the entire context of the subject must -~ be read with a reasonable and plausible relationship between each of the sections contained in the over-all Act. It is also we11 founded ;~~. that where existing law is amended or modified by the addition of •.. aew sections, the presumption exists that the legislators in enact-. ing such amendment or modification reviewed the entire article or chapter of 'existing law to which such amendments have been made. The argument of counsel challenging the power of the State Licensing Authority to issue ar reject licenses and to hold hearings in con- nection therewith cannot be logically supported when both rules of law are app~.ied and the statute analy2ed in its entirety.. -11- Reading all of the statutory provisions and analyzing the historic background of regulations and statutory enactments, the hearing officer is compelled to the conclusion that the argument of counsel, challenging the authority and power of the State i~ Licensing Authority, is a spurious one with no basis in fact, in 1 the statutes, or the case law cited in connection therewith and must be denied. The statutes clearly confer upon the State Licensing Authority full, broad, and complete powers and authority for the enforcement and administxation of the entire article, including the issuance, reissuance, granting, denying, suspension, revocation, and summary suspension of licenses and all other matters in connec- tion with all liquor licenses in the State of Colorado; notwithstan- • ding the provisions of the X63 Act and the arguments presented by applicant in connection therewith, and the cases cited in support of its contention. Accordingly, all motions for dismissal of the hear- ing and other motions based upon the State's authority to hold a hear- ing presented by applicant throughout the hearing were are are hereby denied. Additional comment is not r~quired~'on the question raised by counsel of whether such hearing was legislative, investigatory, ar judicatory. Ample comment and statutory references are set forth above to indicate that the hearing was not a review of a local licensing authority's action although, by statute, the local record may be considered as part of the evidence by the State Licensing Authority. Such hearing was under the proper authority of .the Liquor Code and is a combination of legislative and investigatory powers and is not to be considered as a judicial function, usurping the power of the judicial branch of government nor in any cc:~text a judicial. review of a local authority's actions. WHAT ARE THE REASONABLE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND THE DESIRES OF THE INHABITANTS AS SHO~YN BY' THE EVIDENCE Upon consideration, study, and examination of the transcript of the hearing before the State Licensing Authority; the transcript • -12- . of the hearing before the Town Board of Trustees of•the Town of Vail; the reports of the State Liquor Inspectors; a viszt and inspection in the Town of Vaal by the State Licensing Authority; the petitions and letters of the inhabitants; and having fully considered the record and being advised in the premises, the State Licensing Authority makes the following findings and conclusions; That the desires of the inhabitants as evidenced by petitions, remonstrances, and otherwise are weighed heavily in favor of the granting of a license. This desire is evidenced by the receipt of numerous petitions and letters favoring the issuance of a license to the applicant. It is noted that persons apposing the granting of a license were less than ten in number and the majority of whom are licensees of existing outlets. Further that the reasonable requirements of the neighbor- hood show a need for this license. The existence of the desire by a sizable group of residents in the neighborhood for the license in the instant application is some evidence that the reasonable require- ments are not being met. See~Anderson v. Spencer, 162 Colo. 328, 42C, P . 2d 9'74. Although other determinations of other applications in. the same neighborhood are not controlling, nor should they be considered, some comment on another application is warranted. This hearing officer has taken administrative notice of editorials in a Vail newspaper, letters, and other utterances by residents and officials in the Town of Vail which make direct reference to the instant application and the application of Avanti Corporation for a liquor license in Vail, Upon this basis only a comment is now made to distinguish the determination made in the Avanti application. Circumstances existing at the time of the Avanti application differed materially from those existing at the time of the present application. The facilities proposed for licensing Avanti differed both as to • -13- • .K physical structure and type of operation; The evidence submitted by Avanti showed a location in a xesidential area ox proximity to a residential area, whereas the present applicant is located in the general business or commercial area of Vail. Avanti was substan- tially opposed by a number of resident property owners while in the instant application there was no such opposition. The capacity of the existing liquor outlets of a similar type have also changed at the time of the present application with the closing of the ma~ar part of the building of an existing outlet which was one of the larger establishments in Vail, Based upon the foregoing, it is determined that upan 2:pproval of the premises by the Mate Licensing Authority, or its agents, a license for the sale of beer, wine and spirituous liquors shall be granted the applicant. Dated at Denver, Colorado, this 6th day of May, 1969, John i~. 'Heckers Executive Director Department of Revenue • OFFICE COPY DO NOT REMOVE MTNUTES OF THE MEETTNG VAIL BOARD OF TRUSTEES ,~ DUNE 23, 1.969 The Meeting of the Vail Board of Trustees was called to Order by the Acting Chairman, Joseph Langmaid, at 7:40 P, M, in the Vail Police Depart~xient in the Mill Creek Court Building on Monday, ~'une 23, 1969. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Members present: Trustee Kaemmer Trustee Langmaid Trustee Donovan Trustee Bailey Trustee Steinberg Absent: Trustee Kindel Mayor Dobson 1. MINUTES OF THE PREVTOUS MEETTNG After reviewing the Minutes of the previous meetings, Trustee Bailey made a Motion to approve them as read. Tt was seconded by Trustee Donovan and the Minutes were unanimously approved by the Board s,s follows: April 14, 1969 {Liquor Board) May 12, 1969 (Trustees) 2. FTNANC TAL REPORTS After review of the financial reports, Trustee Bailey made a Motion to approve them as read, This was seconded by 2'ruste~: Donovan and the Reports as follow were ui~.animously passed. by the Board: Treasurer"s Report -General. Fund May 31, 1969 Treasurer's Report - ~Iorking Capital May 31, 1969 Treasurer's Report -Payroll Account May 3i, 1969 Vouchers for May, 1969 ~~ 3. APPOINTMENTS TC7 BOARD OF ZONING ADJUSTMENT AND BOARD OF BUILDING APPEALS. Trustee Donovan made a Motion to appoint five men to serve on both the Board of Zoning Adjustment and the Board of Building Appeals. Tt was seconded by Trustee Bailey. These members were: Ted. Paliac Mitch Hoyt ~. Robert Young Robert Clark George Knox, J'r. 4. APPOINTiVlEN'I' OF IVTEMBERS Z"D SIGN R'EVIEVtil COMMITTEE 'I"he Board selected five women to serve an the Sign Review Committee, 2'hey are: ~~ Florence Steinberg Isabelle Schober Ginny Crowley Ellen ~'acobson Ann Bridges Trustee Donovan made a Motion these women be appointed the members of the new Sign Review Committee. It was seconded by Trustee Bailey and unanimously approved by the Board. 5, DISCUSSION OF NEW STREET SIGN PLAN Chief Ted Holmes reviewed a summary he had presented to the Board on this subject. After a lengthy discussion on the Chief's presentation, Trustee Bailey asked if the Chief would run a tally on how many signs would be eliminated by the new proposed signs. They felt this should. be done before putting up the new signs. 6. DISCUSSION OF EAGLE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATSON REQUEST FOR ViTATER SERVICE As there were no Water Board directors present, Blake Lynch stated he would. convene the ~Nater Board at a later date to decide on the issue. He reviewed a letter he had written to the Trustees, Water and S~.nitation Directors and Planning Commission on the ECDC annexation. The Trustees agreed to recommend that the Water and Sanitation District should not provide. water service to the 232 acre ECDC tract unless they agree to annex to the • Town before development occurs. '7. DISCUSSION OF DOG CONTROL Chief Holmes reviewed the provisions of the ordinance now in use. Some discussion was held concerning possible revisions, i., e. , a leash law. Chief Holmes stated the pound was now in good condition and dogs would not escape. He encouraged the citizens to sign complaints against dog violators and that the violators be fined,. The subject was tabled for further discussion. 8. DISCUSSION OF SUMMER PARKING SITUATION Blake Lynch stated parking for the tourist should. be made easier. Plans for clearing the area north of the Covered Bridge are under way for parking for the tourists and the situation would be discussed at a later time more extensively. 9. MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS a. Liquor Decision Blake Lynch stated the liquor license pending for several months had been issued by the State Liquor Licensing Authority as a result of a District Court Order to issue the license. The Court decision also stated that the State Licensing Authority was without power to determine the needs of the neighborhood. b. Municipal League Registration Blake Lynch invited any of the Trustees ar Boa.rci Dix•ectox•s connected with the gown Municipal gove~•nment to attend any of the Colorado Municipal League functions while the convention was in Vail. It was to be held from ~'une 25-27. iO.CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Florence Steinberg stated there had been youngsters on the golf course driving the golf carts. Blake Lynch stated he would notify the Golf Pro of this as the drivers were required to be over 1o years of age. PAGE TWO A disc~xssion of noa,se and loud music from loudspeakers in the Village was held as there had been a letter written to the Trustees on the subject. Chief Holmes stated he had had a few complaints on this but that the business people he had questioned felt this was a public area and something to be expected: Trustee Steinberg asked as to the status of the telephone service for the Vail area. He stated he had 6Q complaints against the Telephone Company in .April alone, where he was unable to call. out of Vail quickly. It was suggested the persons having complaints sign a petition against this poor service. Speed bumps were a topic of conversation. it was decided more should be put in the Village, especially across from the Covered Bridge, near the intersection of Main Vail. Road and E, Meadow Drive, out by the golf course, one by Ptarmigan Road, in front of the Grey & Whites and Red and Whites. Trustee Steinberg made a Motion to remove the signs and paint the bumps. It was seconded by Trustee Donovan. Trustees Langmaid, Donovan and Bailey carried the Motion which was o~,N~sed by Trustee Kaemmer. With no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Donavan made a Motion to adjourn the meeting, It was seconded by Trustee Bailey and unanimously adjourned by the Board at 10:25 P. M. PAGE THREE TOWN OF VAIL GENERAL FUND May 31, 1969 Financial Statement TREASURER'S REPORT Balance in Bank of Vail Regular Account a5 of 4l3pl69 $17,963.69 Receipts during May Sales and General Occupation Taxes $35,743.88 Utility Occupation Tax 552.06 Court Fines and Fees 110.00 Highway Users Tax 181.23 Building Inspection Fees 422.00 Reimbursements 375.fl5 Miscellaneous Revenue 34.36 300 00 716.58 37 Accounts Payable . , 55,682.27 • Disbursements during May Board of Trustees ~ 606.82 Police Magistrate 150.00 Administration 2,129.08 Planning 3,549.40 Police Department 734.27 Street Maintenance 176.33 Building Inspection 50.50 Parking Lats 8.40 Parks and Grounds Maintenance 1,475.49 Landscaping 1,212.25 Street Lighting 95,66 Fire Protection District 558.fl8 Recreation District - Golf 11,791.35 Recreation District - Tennis 30.00 Water District 795.15 Sanitation District 1,365.09 Ice Skating 12.00 Contribution to Working Capital Fund 2,000.00 Liability Accounts 3,603.75 Contribution to Payroll Account 15,948.86 Contribution to "Pro-Shop" Account 4,000.00 Reimbursable Expenses 1,042.15 56 107 442.10 51 Fund Balance . , Balance in Bank of Vail Regular Account as of 5!31/69 ~ 4,240~fl8 Respectfully submitted, F. Blake Lynch SecratarylTreasurer r., F i TOWN OF VAIL ~- WORKING CAPITAL FUND TREASt1RERtS REPORT May 31, 1969 Financial Statement Balance in Bank of Vail as of 4/3fllS9 Receipts during May Billings for Services Gas and Oil Sales Contribution from General Fund - to be reimbursed at a later tame, Disbursements during Ma_y Gas and Oil Purchases Lease - Purchase payment on Loader Lease - Purchase payment on Compressor Maintenance on Loader Balance in Bank of Va~.l as of 5131/69 $ 260.00 11.90 2,000.00 $ 155.72 1,347.96 153.49 1,236.03 Respectful3.y submitted, $ 623.70 2,271,x0 $2,895.60 2,$93.20 $ 2.40 F. Slake Lynch SecretaryfTreasurer • ~ ~ r 1 U TOWN OF VAIL - WORKING CAPITAL FUND DISBURSEMENTS DURING THE MONTH OF MAY, 1969 CK. N0. DATE PAYEE 1013 5/28 McCoy Co. 107.E 5/26 Western States Machinery Co, 1015 5/28 Continentax. Oil 1016 S/28 McCoy Co. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Maintenance on Loader $x,,236.03 Lease-Purchase - Compressar 153.49 Gas and Oil x.55,72 Lease-purchase Loader ~. a 347.96 TOTAL: $2,693.20 Respectfully aubmi.tted, F. Blake Lynch Secretary/Treasurer l TOWN OF VAIL - PAYROLL ACC4ClNT TREASURER'S REPORT May 31, 1969 Financial Statement Balance in Bank of Vail as of 4/30/69 Transfer of Cash from General Fund $ 2,970.50 15,948.86 $18,919.36 S 2,952.35 838.40 1,477.19 759.80 4,513.68 329.26 2,983.46 1,379.42 2,211.59 486.10 6,193.28 5].5.48 154.50 24,794.51 6,221,81 Respectfully submatted, F. Blake Lynch Secr~e~tarylTreasurer Payroll Distribution - May Administration and Finance Planna.ng Street Maintenance Building Inspection Police Department Parks and Grounds Maint. Recreation District ~- Golf Water District Sanitation District Landscaping "New Nine" - Reimbursable "Pro--Shop" Other Reimbursable Accounts Less: Payroll Taxes Payable Actual Cash Outlay La'l.ance a.n F3ank of Vail as a~' S/31/69 18,572.70 $ 346.66 • ,~ f~G7C7CavvOdOOOdAOQOClC~L1bC~ClgC~~1C5C~000QQdC-00 C 7w O COQ ")~"f0 ©Q OOOC3000d OCw1QCa O OQOgC7dC~000C?C~pC.]d O ~ Y !-~ F-+ M h-- W F~•a N N ~ h-' F+ h•' i•~ !-~ N I-s H M-' N W k•~ 1••~ ?••' Y F-+ Y F-+ i•-~ h•+ N !-~ t-} N N F-' ~' `C WW(.t?WWW WW WW WWWWWd~t~WWU.}W WWWWWWWW WWW WWW W ~ v GT111~U7CA'ti(J1U7CT-U1~ ~.~'.~~~F•~~~ W W W W W WW W W WNNN~7NN1V N ~1O1U'ti ~ W NF-~GICS}tlD~ld(ii~ WNWC3tDaRri d~.~WNF..+q~,ppp.~pfN.~WN M W ~ cXa v ~ [D O N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9 F ~WGJ W W W W W W W WNNNNNNNNN Nf-•i'-•k^-+M'F-~Nl--'!-'1--•F-'gc7oa F-+ocono~rnvs~'wN~-~+ocaaavrnu~.~wN#-+ocnao~rnu+~wN1-'C~coQO.ta~ H z .. __ .w...._._ 4 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N [~ t/'1 C?1 GT! 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The Post Office will. be moved from the core area. Anew bridge is being constructed in the northwest corner of Lot ~wB. Continenta3. Tra~.lways has been notified that they wzll be unable to use the core area for buses. It is felt that the entire area east of the west side of the Lodge and west of the ~'ost Off~.oe~ can be used as a pedestrian area in much the same manner as Br~.dge Street ~.s today.. Although there will. cantinas to be the same types of prablems in this area that there are on Bridge Street today, the elimination of oonges-~ion and reduction of the traffic acca.dent pcten~tial makes these traffic restrict3.ons. An attempt wi1.7. be made to restrict traffic by the use of signs sitp~x~ernciZ~;ed by ~x7..y~aica~. po~,ice presence durzx~g peak periodso In that we are rapidly approachi~ig some of the or~.gir~a:7. gon1.:~ sn the coinm~xxa3.ty ~eVEa~.vpmcaIJ'~:~ ax- ~t~F~mpt t;a e1-~m-i.z~a~;~a rrtany of the traff~.c signs, parta.cularly "N4 PARKTNG'~ s~.gns~ should be made this year. We are planning to remove most o£ the "NO PARKINGr' • s3.gns from the v3.~.lage ~ Szgns will lac erected at each entrance to Town and specific key locations not3.fyang motorist that no on- street parking wi7,~. be perm~.tted except ~.n areas signed to permit on-street parking. Th~.s reverse usage of signs wall allow us to have fewer and moxe attractive signs. Tt a.s very poss~.i,le that enforcement of parking regulations under this system could be attacked fxom a legal standpoint, and we are running the risk of having some guests in the village cited when they did not fully understand the parking • restrict~.ons. Thosets~,gns~ such as "SPEEll LT~T" si.grzsi used, to restrict hazardous traffic violations shou~.d remain` Along with th3,s program? we have ~.ncluded a minimum amount of street signs naming the streets in town.. SP1~Cl;'lC SIGIQS IP,NOLVED A short run~doUm of the specific signs to be used and the~.r lo- cations is included in this seat3.on of the reporto i At each entrance to tawny a larger reada.ly'v~.sible sign will be installed reada.ng "NQ 0i~-STRE~'T PARf~ING IN VATL 7aXCFFT t~iHEFtE PEI~•iITTEP BY 3lGNr'. At the fallow~.r~ locat~.ons~ s~.gns wa.11 be installed stating "DNS ST~r,~~.' PARKING r~tu~TTE~I BEYOND TH2S ~'OINT - SHFFIa.~~s+iT STREET ACCESS MHST BE MAINTAAVED TO ALLOW PASSAGE OF FIRE EQUIPMENT": Seaver Dam Road; Forest Road; Vail Valley Dra.'ve by the Go~.f Course east of Manor Vail; the area between the south s~.de of the nEw tennis courts and the intersect~.on of Gare Creek Drive and Mill Creek rrive. On the reverse side of each of these signs a notice will read "NO ON-STREET PARI{ING BEYOND THIS P02NTF'. In additions s3.gns reading "ND ON-STREET PAPKING'~ wild. be in stalled on East Meadow Drive; West ~~Teadaw Drive; Gore Creek ~3rive; Hanson Ranch Road and ~.n the Willow Road area. • i• In the refill Creek Circle areas a sign will be insta3.led reada.ng~ "NO ON-S'~REET FARKING 8:00 A . P ~. TO !~ : 00 P. M. ~ AFTER ~.: 00 P. PST. SU~.~'.~'1CIENT AOOESS ~'~iJST BE ALLOWED FOR FIRE FQUIPMENT". A map is attached as Appendix No. 1 po~.nting out the location of these signs,. Attached as Appendix Nn. 2 is a list of the minimum number of stxeet Hama signs needed. COSTS 't'he casts of having '~YiesF3 signs mach ix~ Vail, Associates Sign -Shop is 89t7.srta'~ed t0 be between X800 and ~~IDOD. ~n~e are sure that casks could be cvt by having meta. stenciled signs males however? it is felt! that there is an off setting advazr~age ga3.ned by hav'a_ng all the signs an town relatively uniform. No estimate is ava~.~.at~.e at tYtis tasrie as to 'F,he labor cost ztivoSved 9.n installing these s~.gns~ however, these costs cou~.d be absorbed by use of existing Town employees. No cost estimate has been made for the pores to use in mounting these sa.gns. Metal pokes can be used. These would be the cheapest and wou7.d save labor costs. ~. X ~ poles trould be more attractive, more expensa.ve, require more installation time, and need to be replaced mare frequently. The decision as to how much money should be spent over and above • the actual cost of the signs should be made either by tine hoard or administratively from the Town office. Si7P~ARY The costs of this program are high and the total enforcement potential is a problem, however, the aesthetic value to be gained is great. if the tra£fa.c si.gn3ng program is not sucaessfu~., the Town can revert to its current signs progra~z. i• • r s ~~'-s ~~, ~~~;~ VAIL, CO LOE~ADO ,~ SFl.V i.;{x F..~li fl r / rr ~~ ~~ rrr _ ,\ _n _ . , a ~l Ir F~l -Golf G,~rSr _.~l~ ~ ~ `~ ~ irr/r ',. ~yY ~ 4 ®,xlr' lfr;nu v ~ ~y lr~ri I ~ ~ y.~ CI1~rlift al I ~ SNI SV1VC]l ~ ® ~~ ~ rl ~~ MFEIIidG f'Lnl_F ti ~t~\ _ I'y ~ ~ \SII;Grr,k L'Irrl;'~~~r^.9 s' 20 1 ~~ rl rrr~i r/ ~' ~ > Con~nla Te~yr,~;' aly~q r ' rr' V I ~ ~ _~ ~~~ rtrh Hd. 22 ® 2~~ ~~~~~ ' ~' ~Y r ~3Wd+i.- 5 rs [purls ftr ~ ` v9 "~ ~ ~~~ ~, flrnvrr,r r O ~ t ~' ~ ~2T ~ ~~~ 4~^_~^~ ~~ ~~E ~"'~.•1I~~ J1...~~ ~1:-;_j~k~o-rei,roRxO~ 4 4A., ~ L~~~~ ,ice) Fi' AppencL;.x ~~ ~. hAi fi[u{n ~`~~~ ~} ___ / un~.rr Xd. L~ J~ ~ ~ ~~ ' ~ Prianln I/omr n ~ ~~ ® ~.,1 _ ~f~ ~~~~~v ~ . '~. _„~ .... -.r . ~f 11s iv~3 ~ -'-,-fcr J ,$ ~ ~ r e ~J s.. o~reo~;, ~,-, ~,1 ~ ~ ~' b Porl:iny L~r feat MPUljnW6 ~ l7 31 ~~~ _ f - ~, .. , L '~ n, nrnrv, ~~~" Parking f,~r ~ .': ~, nncr ~ 1~ ~ ~ iNTfR57Aif 70 •~-~` '+:L vrrill r rn~~ la 8afr ~r,~ , ~ -.~ RAT 30 i `' 1, NO ON-~S'ri3.E~1~ 1='A#~Ii~ ~'iG TiL VA~S~ T~:~C~PT WH~~ 1'7I`~7~~1 I3Y S~Cud ~. Olt-~STH.LT~ P~,~NG P~~~~'~~T1 ~Y~3ND ~`H~S T'UIN'~ «~ S'U~~'~'TC~~;NT ~" , ~, ACCESS 1~NST BE 1~1ATN'PAD TQ ALLQt~' PASSAGE E7F E~ EI,~1U.~PM.~NT ~. NG O1V~aT~T Pl~~~NG loo NQ QIr1--S:~:rs.~~~ PAT~~C~Id~ $:4~ A.T. T~ x:00 F,iT. -~ A~"~~ ~.s00 P.M. 5UF~GTENT ACCESS MUST ~`A~Q~~D FC]Tt ~'TR~: ~U~PNi~NT .. Appendix Nom ~ t-ITNIMUM NUM~R 0~' RHG?UIRED STREET NAME SIGNS FOR VA~S~ VI~,ZA.GE Beavax Dam Road 2 Foxest Road 3 Rock kedge Rca d ]. ~r~illow Place l Wa.ll.aw Road l Vaal Raad ~ East A~eadow G~;est l~~eadow 2 Gaxe Creek ~3rive ~ Hanson Ranch Road ~ Bridge Street ~~' I1ill Creek Circle ~ Homestake Circle l Ptax~igan Road ~ Vail Valley Drive 3 Gory Creak Road 3 Chalet Road ~ Beavar Dam Circle T Soave s~tree'~,s in the village do not have names. It is felt at this times that na pxob];sm wll.l. be cxeatec~ because of this and no signs need be an these streets. The streets are: The short one-way street southwest of the Lodge; The short one-way street east off' the ~~fil~. Creek buil.cL~.ng; The double ana~.n entraaice to town.. TD: THE BOARD OF 'l:'RUSTEES OF THE 'J'C)WN OF" VAIL THE VAIL WATER ANI~ SANITATION L7TSTRICT THE VAIL PLANNING CQMMYSSION I±RUM: ~'. BLADE LYNCH RE: ECDC ANNEXATION At our last meeting, Long Hoyt mentioned the passibility of agreeing to some sort of staged. annexation pracedare, whereby we would gradeally annex the X32 acre tract in parcels after initial development had taken place, This might be guaranteed through deed restrictions, Tn this fashion, the tract would became part of the 'T'own of Vail, but the Town would not have initial development controls, There are a number of side issues on this matter relating to water rights and water .rates, ete, However, at this point I think ~,re have before us for a decision the very basic question of whether wE take a firm stand on our existing iaalicy, or whether it makes more sense to settle for less initial. control with eventual annexation. This matter should. be decided Monday evening, ~`~ne 23 at a joint meeting. Please plan to attend. June 18, 1.969 r • MINUTES OF THE 1VIEETING THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF VATL ~ ~---- JULY 14, 1969 ~~ The Meeting was called to Order by the Mayor, ~"ohn Dobson, at 9:10 P. M. , Monday, July 14, 1969, in the Conference Room at Manor Vail. ROLL CALL: Roll Ca11 found the following Members present: Trustee Kaemmer Trustee Kindel Trustee Langmaid Trustee Bailey Trustee Steinberg Trustee Donovan Mayor Dobson Absent: None 1. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING After reviewing the Minutes of previous meetings, Trustee Kindel made a Motion to approve them as read; it was seconded by Trustee Bailey and unanimously approved by the Board. These were: May 12, 1969 dune 23, 1969 2. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING A TRACT OF LAND TO THE TOWN OF VAIL After reviewing the Treasurer's Reports and Vouchers, Trustee Steinberg made a Motion to approve them as read; it was seconded by Trustee Donovan and unanimously approved by the Board. The Reports were as follow: Treasurer's Report: Working Capital Fund -June 30, 1909 Treasurer's Report: Vail General Fund -June 30, 1969 Treasurer's Report: Payroll Account -June 30, 1969 1969 Operating Budget -The Town of Vail -Revenue and Expenditure Report for the Six Months Ended dune 30,1969 Vouchers Paid: June, 1969 3. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING A TRACT OF LAND TO THE TOWN OF VATL After some consideration of this ordinance, Mayor Dobson asked that a map be submitted to the Board before approval. This showed that the area included was from South Highway 70 by Mc~llister's land, east to Earl Eaton's and up to the Forest Service,~t~a~e I'a~~~r. Trustee Steinberg then made a Motion to approve Ordinance #8 which was seconded by Trustee Bailey. Blake Lynch polled the Board as to their having read and understood the Ordinance in the following order: Trustee Bailey - yes Trustee Donavan - ~ yes Trustee Kaemmer - yes Trustee Kindel - yes Trustee Langmaid - yes Trustee Steinberg - yes PAGE TWO • He then polled the Board as to their approval: Trustee Bailey - yes Trustee Donovan - yes Trustee Kaemmer - yes Trustee Kindel -- yes Trustee Langmaid - yes Trustee Steinberg - yes Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1969, "AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING TO THE TOWN OF VAIL CERTAIN TERRITORY SITUATED IN SECTIONS SIX (6) AND SEVEN (7}, TOWNSHIP FIVE, (5), SOUTH, RANGE EIGHTY (80) WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN: AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS TN RELATION THERETO. " was passed by the Board. 4. CONSIDERATION OF SOLICITING BIDS TO PAVE BEAVER DAM CIl~CLE Blake Lynch reported he had talked with Pioneer Construction and this would involve the area by the Hitchcock house and on around to the east to remove the existing meter, and paving material in order to pave the area. The cost estimate is approximately $10, 000 and it would be the Town°s responsibility, as the roadway has been dedicated to the Town. g~kP ~_STnch r :c~~~~a:~~u~za~~1 .~1vi~.~got~.a~.C`this-wv~.k ~~.,~ After further consideration by the Board, Mayor Dobson stated the question of priority would b considered at a later date at which time the Board would. decide ~~x~ ~~ {~ Beaver Dam Circle. Trustee Langmaid felt there were too many other places needing paving before Beaver Dam Circle was paved. ~ "b,~~A~ furtz ~~~ ^tc~ th~-t at the ~,pSC~I11g tr~ICTL-~v~~ u ~ ~.J~ Cl. ~Jac6i1 lllcl. C,l -tliia area as zoP'ity _ ~,ri~~ c~,l~~.~-~~E'~.~ra„ ~ ~~, r r~,~,r r;~~. A j • ~ .~:~~'~-]~ yam, t .. .- V 1R 5. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE AIVIENDING THE 197 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE Charles Bynum, Building Inspector, reviewed Ordinance No. 9 for the Board. It was the general consensus this was a reasonable amendment to the Uniform Building Code. Trustee Steinberg made a Motion to approve Ordinance No. 9, which was seconded by Trustee Donovan. Blake Lynch polled the Board as to their having read and understood the ordinance in the following order: Trustee Bailey - yes Trustee Donovan -- yes Trustee Kaemmer - yes Trustee Kindel - yes Trustee Langmaid - yes Trustee Steinberg - yes He then polled the Board as to their approval of the Ordinance in the order following: Trustee Bailey - yes Trustee Donovan - yes Trustee Kaemmer - yes Trustee Kindel - yes Trustee Langmaid - yes Trustee Steinberg - yes PAGE THREE Ordinance Na. 9, Series of 1969, "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. SIX (6) OF THE ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN OF VATL, 1969 SERIES, ADOPTING BY REFERENCE THE "UNIFORM BUILDING CODE: 1967 EDITION: CHANGING CERTAIlV REQUIREMENT'S FOR CONSTRUCTION; AND SETTING FORTH DETAILS RE`s SATING THERETO. " was unanimously passed by the Board. 6. REPORTS Blake Lynch reviewed the status on Vail's TV reception stating Micro wave should be installed within the month. 7. MAYOR AND TRSUTEES Mayor Dobson asked Larry Robinson to check into the possibilities of any legal pitfall or liabilities in the matter of speed bumps as he wanted to make sure the Town was not unduly liable. 8. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Claude Martin approached the Board regarding a discrepancy he felt pertained to his ~]"ater tap fee bill as well as building permit. I11layor Dobson asked Trustee Kindel and Trustee Bailey to review the,~atter and present their opinions at the next Town Meeting. The water discrepancy would have to be discussed with the Water and Sanitation District and he advised the Trustees would relay his message. Robert Clark approached the Board with a few comments regarding signs. He felt more current directional. signs were needed in Vail and perhaps some of the outdated signs should be removed. He stated. the Trustees had recently authorized the removal of several of these signs he felt to be obnoxious; he felt there were other signs still standing more offensive that shout d have been removed instead and submitted pictures of these to the Board. Mayor Dobson asked that the VRA be consulted on this and then asked for an opinion as to the placement of new functional signs. He also asked for suggestions as to sign wording. Ella Knox asked if the street signs had been pasted. Blake Lynch explained Vail Associates had asked a consultant to come to Vail an this issue and he was waiting to coordinate with him before posting. Mayor Dobson suggested waiting three or four more days far the coordinator; if he were not in Vail by that time, the Town would go ahead and past. F. H. Holmes asked that all persons with loudspeakers obtain a permit from the Town. He was given authori2ation to write these persons advising them of this. He also reported two young ladies, 17 and 18 years old from the Outward Bound group coming to Vail, asked for permission to hold a street dance in Vail. After same consideration, the Board decided the best area would be that North of the Clinic Building. /'~'~y ~ ~'" ~ ~~J`y,~ t.~6~LC,~^ ~~e~L'~'a. C3L'L Y d C~C.L''v! Sar_1.~-~G-- Chief Holmes also spoke to the Board about the~and/e3.-e~~rem for the ad.d,iLi~~~~-golf course,regal~r~g t'^~aa.#~r~st ppd.. 1Vlayor Dobson stated this would be reviewed carefully and thanked Chief Holmes for his presentation. PAGE FOUR Citizen George Knox mentioned the unsightly and unsafe area around certain job sites; i, e. , the Lodge building. Mayor Dobson stated he would ask C axles Synum, Building Inspector, to check into this and have the area cleaned. ~X~~ tt Mr. Knox asked what the Town's feeling was on the electrical "out~~'~ which had occurred in Vai]. several times recently. 1Vlayor Dobson stated he would hold a study session as to the reasons for these electrical failures recently. With no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Donovan made a 111lotion to adjourn the ~ilfeeting; it was seconded by Trustee Bailey and unanimously approved The Meeting came to a close at 11:00 P. M. • • ~. , TOWN OF VAIL - WORKING CAPITAL FUND TREASURERS S REPORT June 30, 3.969 F~.nancial Statement Balance in Sank off' Vail as of 5/31/69 Receipts during June Billings for Services Gas and Oil Sa3.es Disbursements during June Gas and Oil Purchases Maintenance on Compressor Balance in Bank of Vail as off' 6/30/89 $840.00 167.05 $ 2.40 3.,007.05 1,009.45 $].84.55 15.55 3.50.10 $ 859.35 Respectfully submitted, F. Blake Lynch Secretary/Treasurer i ~ • TOWN 4F VAIL - WORKING CAPITAL FUND DISBURSEMENTS DURING THE MONTH OF JUNE, 1969 • 1 CK. N0. DATE PAYEE 1017 6/25 Continental Oil 1018 6/25 Western States Machinery Co. DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Gas and Oil $13~.b5 Maintenance on Compressor 15.55 TQTAL: $150.10 Respectfully submitted, F. Blake Lynch Secretary/Treasurer TOWN OF VA1L -- PAYROLL ACCOUNT TREASURERS REPORT June 30, 2969 Financial Statement Balance in Bank of Vail as of 5!31/69 S 346.66 Transfer of Cash from General Fund 21,500.00 $21,846.66 Payroll Distribution - June Administration and Finance $ 3,023.09 Planning 88.60 Street Maintenance 984.76 Building Snspection 670.72 Police Department 4,483.05 Parks and Grounds Maint. 243.61 Recreation District - Golf Recreation District - Tennis 3,842.10 408.72 Water District 1,38.76 Sanitation District 2,810.65 Landscaping 1,28fi.51 "New Nine't -- Reimbursable 6, 4 $ O . fi 0 „Pro--Shop" 798.18 Other Reimbursable Accounts 50.60 $28,348.96 Less: Payroll Taxes Payable 8,999.06 Actual Cash Outlay 20,347.90 Balance in Bank of Vail as of 6/30/63 $ 1,498.76 Respectfully submitted, F, Blake Lynch Secretary/Treasurer TOWN OF VAIL GENERAL FUND TREASURER'S REPORT June 30, 1968 Financial Statement Balance in Bank of Vail Regular Account as of 5/31/69 $ 4,24q.08 Receipts during June Sales and General Occupation Taxes $17,899,35 Court Fines and Fees 280.00 Highway Users Tax 13q,60 Building Inspection Fees 3,115.50 Reimbursements 3,399,18 MiscEllaneous Revenue 105.45 Accounts Payable 1,395.00 Management Fees 22,000.00 48,325.08 52,565.16 Disbursements during June Board of Trustees $ 1,597.11 Police Magistrate 2g0.fl0 Administration 2,817.25 Planning 54.68 Police Department 1,764.4? Street Maintenance 731.12 Building Inspection 168.10 Parking Lots 3.50 Parks and Grounds Maintenance 86.00 Landscaping 834.25 Street Lighting 91.50 Fire Protection District 1,009,96 Recreation District - Golf 1,520,54 Recreation District - Tennis 315.40 Water District 3,213.76 Sanitation District 1,070.31 Liability Accounts 4,395.65 Contribution to Payroll Account 21,500.00 Increase Petty Cash Fund 25.80 Reimbursable Expenses 3,914.87 Fund Balance 876.55 45,390.02 Balance in Bank of Vail Regular Account as of 6/3q/69 $ 7,175.24 Respectfully submitted, F. Blake Lynch SecretaryfTreasurer ~..,~ ooc~caoooH~noo~.ntacaNNacaooNCacacaa>caoddr-irn~.nooo ©ca ca co n o o ,,rs v'y c~ cc3 rn Q o ~- .~ ca a ~ N a ~- N r- cn a ~• m o0 cO ~--~ as sa A . . . O +n o o rn n ao ,--i m co o .~• N m U~ o ~ Q c~ r-1 ~ ~ CA c'+'3 r-i ~ Q ao .~ a r-•i ~ N Co n m m co us o c~ ao m ,--i v~ c7 N aD ~ r-I M c+~ ~ ,-E eri ~ r-i at'~ a ~ .~ ~ un ~ ~• N rl N r-•I .~ N N . 'N N N N <!]• •ri •~-i to V ri rli OJ •r-I .~+ ~ •~ Ol ~+. ~ ~ ~ ~ O H ~ V N c~ H ~" r~•I A N r•i r~•1 ttiU ~ ~ • ~ ~" ~ va ab u ao ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ W • a,a •~ A,a~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,--~ ~ ~ ~ u sn at ~ sw ~ ar ~+ U cu a~ ar ar cn F a i u, ~, ~ u ••~ ~ b ~ v ~ an•~a ~ ~ U cs a A a~ O •~ ~ #-~ a~ V .~ ~ cn ~C ~ cu m N ~ m N +-a +~ O GL ~+ U ul ~ c{7 u~ ci} S~ u3 RS N 3 ~ ~ •W ~ S~ ~+•~ V 4-i C~. ~ 5 ~ •N U ~ O, U ~ N ~•+ ~ FA b 'C~ Fa ~ N I 1G R1 ~ fU ~ CA •U Ql {7] •ri ~ •ri V1 ~.. (!] bi}U3 V] ¢-' ~ ~ pa rcf • ri P+ x b.Cl U u] U u1 ~ ~ d ~ u-s rd cA .~ tq ~--- rd ~ ~" r-•I .L" U] C.. ~ U ~ Q3 H U 4-t ~ N U) QY (~ L" us tiS Qf 4) QS ',~ ,'T ~+ L1+ V -1-r ~ U •ri •rl R3 •.•! U ~! N t!] U O ~ •~ ~ •rl •~••{ Ul ,C V] r10 ~ ~+ ~+ Qf ~+ •r-l CJ 'C7 4? rl L+ ri U} U U] U •r-i ~., V1 Q1 b ~-! ~7 r-1 Fa -~ V! V~., ~.. u~mr••i~mob•.~~~a~a+•~•,~ao•~~ ~~~~~o, ~ aar~+~ ~~ ° `~ n~ awo ~ ~ ° ° ` ~ ° n ° ° ~ ~ ~~~a ~ww A r iw E • c a a ia wr ncn~F+wa~w c av c c a~ + c . 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[,} u7 to u7 u] !~ i.!) r.A t1Z j O O C]QG7AOOC.a . ~ 00000c~OG } N O n m A d H O H OFFSCE COPY-- DO NOT REMOVE MINUTES OF THE MEETING VAIL BOARD OF TRUSTEES AUGUST 8, 1969 The Meeting of the Vail Board of Trustees was called to Order by Mayor Sohn Dobson at 12:15 p, m. in the main floor Conference Room at the Holiday Inn on Friday, August 8. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Members present: Mayor Dobson Trustee Langmaid Trustee Kaemmer Trustee Steinberg Trustee Hindel Trustee Bailey Trustee Donovan Others present: Messrs. Lynch, Minger, and Robinson. Mayor Dobson opened the meeting with the specific topic of discussion at this special Meeting--the matter of substandard services the Trustees feel we have been receiving from Holy Crass Electric Association. Blake Lynch introduced Mr. C. H. Hoper of Hoper and Associates, a consulting engineering firm which specializes in utility evaluation. Mr. Hoper proposed an approximate set fee of ~3, 56Q far his services, based on time and cost. He stated that he could begin the Preliminary Study imme- diately but that--due to prior commit~r~ents--he could not make the report available until after November 30, or perhaps the first of the year. Subse uent to Mr, Hoper's self-introduction, Attorney Rabin~- q son was queried about the legality of conducting such a study. He stated that there was nothing which would preclude our making this study as far as our relationship with Holy Cross Electric Association is concerned. Other aspects of the con- sequences of such a study were discussed by members present. Robinson reported we could not condemn Holy Crass Electric if we wanted to--since as an REP, the Federal Government has a mortgage on the company's assets. It would take an Act of Congress to have this condemnation approved. It was suggested that further personal references be sub- mitted by Mr. Hoper for further consideration by the Board of Trustees, and that he submit a proposal in writing. ~+lith no further business to come before the Board, Mayor Dobson adjourned the meeting at 3:55 p. m. OFFICE COPY-- DO NOT RElV.CO~TE i MIl~U~l~r;S O F TAE MEET~'NG VATL BOARD 4~` TRUS'~`EFS AUGUST i3, 1969 The Meeting of the Vail Board of Trustees was called to Order by Mayor ~'ohn Dobson, at 7: ~; 5 p. m. , in the Manor Vail Conference Room an Wednesday, August 13, 1969 ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following M~rnb~~s ~r~sent: Mayor Dobson Trustee Kaemmer Trustee Steinberg Trustee Bailey Trustee Langmaid Absent: Trustee Donavan Trustee Kindel Others present: Messrs. Lynch and Minger. 1. Minutes of the previous special meeting held on A~~.gust $ were read and unanimously approved, TI, Street Numbering System for Vail. Blake Lynch read a letter from Rod Slifer proposing that local streets be numbered, The Board agreed that this problem very definitely exists_-it was decided that the matter should be taken under consideration, with a subsequent recommendation to be made in the future. YIf. Financial Report. The Treasurerts Report and Vouchers .far duly were read and unanimously approved. rV. Gonsideration of Electric Utility Study. After some discus- sion, it was decided that the Eaard of Trustees should approve or . disapprove a formal contract with C. H. Roper and Associates to conduct a preliminary study evaluating services currently rendered Vail by Holy Cross Electric Association at a set fee of ~3, 500. Trustee Steinberg moved to accept the contr~.ct; Trustee Eailey seconded the motion. VUTE: Approve contract with C. H. Roper and Asso- ciates to conduct preliminary evaluation study of Holy Cross' local services. Mayor Dobson: YES Trustee Kaemmer: YES Trustee Steinberg: YES Trustee Bailey: YES Trustee Langmaid: YES Preliminary study will, be conducted as stated above. • • Page Two V. Report on Meeting with Post Office Officials, Flake Lynch summarised the meeting held on August 11 with Ernie Chaves of the local Post Office, and Mr. W. W, Churchill of the Past Office Department Denver Regional Office, to discuss imminent future relocation of our local. facilities. The lease an the present space expires in December, and we have offered to keep them apprised of any space of which we gain knowledge. Their space requirements are 2, 000 sq ft for the winter, and 4, 000 sq ft for future permanent quarters. They are interested in constructing their own building or obtaining along-term lease on a suitable site. Discussion ensued regarding the desirability of retaining the Past Office in the core area. Although it is convenient to core businesses, there is no parking space or loading facilities and there is a great deal of traffic congestion at this location. Ft was thought that a civic complex out of the core area might well include the Post Office-- as well as a library and municipal. building. After discussion on • the matter, the Trustees asked Blake Lynch to query Vail Asso- ciates an possible civic center sites--namely, the area adjacent to the chapel and the fire house, In view of the Past Office's pending move out of the core area, Trustee Kaemmer posed the question of their providing door-to-door mail delivery service, Blake Lynch is to inquire about the possibility of obtaining such service locally. VI. Sian Review Committee Report. Anne Bridges, Chairman, reviewed recent actions of the Committee, stating that for the most part there were no serious problems with enforcing the procedures set forth in the Sign Ordinance, with the exception of the fallowing three eases: A. Correspondence and meetings have produced no agree- ment between the Committee and Gulf Oil vn the sire of their sign at the entrance to Wail, They insist an erecting an 18' -high by 12' -wide sign, which exceeds the limitations of the Ordinance. If the Committee enforces the Ordinance, it may possibly involve court action. to im le- B. Although the Conoco srgn was erected pr~.or p mentation of the Sign Ordinance, because of its recent removal for purposes of alteration to the station and sub- sequent re-erection, it now falls under the jurisdiction of the Ordinance. Continental Oil Co, in Denver was warned that the sign would be removed by the Town if they d.id not do so themselves within the given warning period. To this date {tomorrow is the deadline) no action has been taken by the station to remove the sign; if it is still standing tomor- row, it will be removed by the Town. • Page Three C. Because it was erected prior to existence of the Ordi- nance, the sign at the Holiday Inn is not bound by the Ordinance However, the Sign Committee plans to work Frith the Holiday toward a mutually agreeable compromise. The Loard of `T'rustees unanimously agreed to support the Sign Committee in its enforcement of the Ordinance. VII, biscussion of Proposed. Subdivision Reculations. Terry Minger reviewed. the third draft of the Proposed. Subdivision Regu- lations dated. August 1959, for the reaction and comment of the Board. Terry stressed that Colorado's statutes were weak as to whether subdivision rules should be in regulation or ordinance farm. Regulations allow maximum flexibility for the Planning Commission in dealing with the subdivider to obtain a~,~,~oval of his plans: A. Pre-application Procedure: basic concept for develop- ment submitted to Planning Commission, at which time any immediate problems can be foreseen and discussed, B. Preliminary Plat: complete preliminary plan pre- sented to Planning Commission. This is the most impor- tant step; the flexibility of the Regulations enables the Commission to bargain with the developer to achieve a mutually satisfactory plan, C. Final Plat: formalizing of the preceding in terms of a legal document; the Final Plat must conform substantially with the Preliminary Plat--if any major changes were involved, the subdivider would have to go back to Step B. The Final Plat is reviewed by the $oard of Trustees and approved by the Mayor, Terry brought out potential policy decisions inherent in the third. draft; i. e. , all streets shall be paved--with mat and. 3" base (this would not be as sophisticated a requirement as it is in urban areas, with curbs, etc. ). A policy on parkland d.ed.ica- tion should be included in the Regulations--Vail presently doesn't have enough public open space--thus making it especially impor- tant to insure it in the future. The $oard of Trustees agreed to study the Proposed. Regulations at greater length. VIII. Street Sian Report. Llake Lynch reviewed the memorandum of advice from Attorney Robinson regarding the physical appearance of traffic regulatory signs in Vaii. The State Department of High- ways follows certain specifications in placement and maintenance • Page Four of traffic control signs from which deviation is not currently allowable. The American Association of State Highway Officials is presently considering major revisions for traffic control device standards_-to be completed by the end of 1969. They will advise us of the changes so that we may alter our signs to con- form to the new standards should such revisions make it possible for us to experiment along the lines favored by the Board of Trustees. In the meantime, the Highway Department has advised that we can safely experiment with "v~rarning" type signs such as "speed bump ahead"), as distinguished, from "regulatory" signs. At this time discussion was held. regarding posting of parking directional signs at all entrances to town. Blake suggested that we get together with the gentleman who is currently conducting a sign study for Vail Associates. He also proposed that VRA • make an official determination on the appropriate type of lodging direction signs to be erected. in the village. Mayor Dobson stated. Vail Associates should. be advised that any signs they erect on public property should first be approved. by the Board of Trustees-their signs c~~rrently standing in the village have not been approved. TX. Miscellaneous Reports. A. Terry Minger sumrnari~ed the various advantages of the street flusher proposed far purchase. A 1, 425-gallon Tord tank truck outfitted as a flusher truck can be pur- chased for a total of ~~5, 970, as opposed to a cost of X10, 000 for a custom built vehicle. Zn addition to being a one-man street flushing operation (as opposed to the present six-man operation), its other uses include: backup as fire pumper; sewer cleaning and flushing; snow and, slush flushing; basement/excavation pumping; tree/landscape spraying; water remote or inaccessible areas; and water transport. Trustee Langmaid made a motion to approve the purchase; Trustee Bailey seconded it. VOTE: To approve purchase of street flusher. Mayor Dobson YES Trustee Kaemmer: YES Trustee Steinberg: YES Trustee Bailey: YES Trustee Langmaid.: YES Street flusher will be purchased for ~4, 9`70. r~~ ~~ Page ~~'ive $, Leaver Dam Circle 1Paving. The Board felt that Vail Associates' proposal to pay l/3 of the total $l0, 000 cost of paving Seaver Dam Circle was not adequate, and. that there were other paving projects of mop~e importance. C. Dr. Steinberg commented that Vail Associates may have changed their plans to construct a tunnel to the west of B~:aver Dam Road--he has heard a rumor that a bridge will be erected instead. A letter should be sent to Vail Asso- ciates requesting them to advise us on the current status of the tunnel plan. D. The problem of day skier (at Lion's Head) parking on Forest Road was discussed. Avery definite need for signs exists to prohibit illegal parking in this residential area. X, Citizen Participation. Hans Weibel reported that lug vehicles have been seen moving in the village before 7:00 in the morning. Movement of these vehicles is illegal at all times; Police will be advised to curtail this activity where it exists. ~14lith no further business to appear before the Board, the Mayor adjourned the meeting at 9:50 p. m. (An Executive Session of the Board of Trustees was held subsequent to this meeting. ) • OFFICE COPY-- DO NOT REIVIOVE MINUTES OF `THE MEETING VAIL BOARD O.F TRUSTEES SEPTEMBER :s, l~ ~a TTie lUleeting was ~:alled to order by Mayor Dabso~i at '7:35 p, rn. in the Conference Rooi~n at Manor Vail on September ;~, 1~~~:1. ROLL CALL: Roll call found th-e .following members present: Mayor John Dobson Trustee C. E. Kindel Trustee Richard. Bailey Trustee John Donovan Trustee ~'ohn Kaemmer Trustee Joseph Langmaid Trustee Thomas Stei~~berg Others present: Messrs. Blake Lynch, Terry Minger, Larry Robinson, and Charles Byn~~m. I. Min,.~tes of the Previous Meeting. The Tx•ustees read and unanimously approved thy: minutes of the previous meeting, II, Finarxcial Reports. Treasurer's Reports and Vouchers were reviewed and ~~nanimo~~sly approved for the month of July. It was noted that sales tax receipts at th:~ end of June were ~~~, X72 as conipareti. with ~~a, 711 last year at the same period, III. Coi~siaeration ar Str°et Vacation Proposal. In reviewing the status of the H~.rkson Ranch load vacation proposal, Blake Lynch noted that the proposal had been approved by the Planning Cainmission a~1d that the lodge owners involved were ,;ointly willing to assun3e tiie cost of improveme.~ts necessary to re~~der the road saitabie tar parkin,;. Larry Robinson summarized Dx•aft Ordinance lg, Series o.f l~a~, settiric~ fort~i the details of the Hanson Ranch Road vacation betwee:~ Gare Creek Road. acid Gore Cree'~ DY•ive. Blake I.,yneh polled the Board. VOTE: `To adopt and. aj~rri ove Orci.inarzce l~, Series o~: 1~~~, An Orci.inance Vacatii~ig a Public Right-of-Vi7dy Known as Hanson Ranch Road Lying Betwee~~ Gore Creek Road, and Gare Creek Drive i~l thu Towrz of Vail and. Setting Earth Details in Relation Thereto. Mayor Dobson YES Trustee Kindel YES Trustee Kaemmer YES Trustee Steinberg YES Trustee Langrn.aid YES Trustee Donovan YES `I'rastee Bailey YES Ordina:~.ce No. 1~ will be approved and. enacted as written. N. Main Parking Lot and Area North of Covered Bridge, Mayor Dobson reviewed the status of the main parking area north of the Covered. Bridge; Vail. Associates plans to cease this area to the Town for a nominal fee. During a preliminary discussion regarding this area, Vail Associates suggested that a 1D--year lease to the Town would be appropriate; however, the Town feels that a longer term lease--with a renewal clause-- vvauld. be more desirable. Mayor Dobson feels that a mutually agreeable arrangement will be made in the near future. The possibility of engaging Chris Moritz, Landscaping Architect, to create a suitable village entrance area on the north side of the Covered Bridge was considered. Although vve have received a cast estimate from him, acquisition of his ser- vices is, of course, contingent upon receipt of a definitive statement from Vail Associates and approval of the landscaped entrance concept. Blake Lynch queried the Board as to their thoughts on what should be done with the area in question-- should it be preserved as is for short-term parking, or shou~.d there be a formal entrance area with a ld~.d.ing loop? Blake noted that Gaynor Muller and Pieter Crarneras, owners of the property adjacent to this area, are interested in main- taining uniformity of design ire this area and in sharing the cost for same. Blake felt that this is a significant entrance into the village core, acid that we should approve the general co~~- cept at this tin~.e. Trustee Bailey offered that, if it were a short-term parl~inc~ area, enforcement would be a definite problem. He suggested a 30-minute maximum. Trustee Donovan suggested. short-term parking be provided in the . large parking area on the north side of East Meadow Drive, and that the area near the Covered. Bridge be totally land- ~~~~ ~~ scaped with a loop for loading and unloading o~~ly. Trustee ~'~+~~~~~ ~or.l-~ ~~ Kindel suggested that the businesses onrid.ge Street should~~~~~ ~.re~ c~~~~~~-. be q~~Eeried before any decision is made. The Board. agreed ~~ eU ~~ ~~- 4~ ~~~ ~~~ that parking facilities sho~~ld be of secondary for the ~c~~e' P¢~~ M;„u~-~~ tract north of the Covered. Bridge and south of the road.. A brief da.sc~.~.ssion ens~~.ed. at this tune regarding the feasibil- ity of parallel parking on Gore Creek Drive if it becomes a one-way street this winter. Ma;Tor Dobson asked. that the Police Department, the Planning Commission, and. Blake Lynch meet and present their alter~iate plans for this possible addi- tional parking area at the next Trustees' Meeting to be held ox~. September 22. V. B~ s Transportation. Mayor Dobson brie~"ly reviewed the meetings held. with Vail Associates, the Town, and San Juan Tours, Inc. , for the purpose of considering shF ~tt1e service between Lion's Head. and Vail Village. This item aroused a great deal of disc~.~ssion, with M::ssrs. Sirnor~ ~.~~d Parker of Vail Associates participating from the audience. It is generally recog~~~.zed that shuttle service is imperative cluri~~tg peak hours--x:03 a. m. to 10:00 a. m.. acid 3:00 p. rri. to x:00 p. rn. However, there also seems to be a very defi~~.ite need. far service after ~:~.}3 p. m. --until possibly midnic~~ht--for people parked. at Lio~~'s Head who have been dining, etc. , in Mail Village after ski hours. It was also suggested. that between 10:00 a, m. and ~:0~? p. m, a Vail Village shuttle service would be very popular with shoppers and lodg~e~-to-lodge comuters, 4:t major consideration at this point is woo slio~ald. pay for this bus service--the Town and.Jor Vail A~:sociates; and if the cast is to be shared •-on what basis. Also discussed. was the q~{es- tion of whether or riot the b~.~s traveler should pay a noYninal fee--d~~rfng express hours and for in-•town shuttle service, ar for shuttle service only. Bob Parker pointed out that there will be no businesses to speak of at Lion's Head. for quite a while; the business potential is in the village, and. it is there•~ fore in the interest of the business owners to consider the trans- portation of the skier who parks at Lion's dead to get him back there. Trustee Kindel said that if we are e.Lcouraging skiers to park at Lion's 1-Iead, we can hardly charge them to sti~~ the them back from the village after express hours. It _~~. was generally agreed that even taken payment would be unwise in consideration of Vai:'s commercial image. Tn any case, with the figures prese~tiy at hand. it doesn't appear that it would. be ,profitable unless the individual fee were exhorbitant. • Trustee bonovan noted that the service should be free and. that he tl~raght Vail .Associates should ass~arne the cost for the ~~i'.~ ~ 7g season, by purchasing the buses and. peri~aps leasing them to the Town. The buses might there be p4trchased. by the Town for thL next and s.~bsequent seasons; or the Town could b~: y the buses and lease the m to Vail ~~ssociates. Clay Simon stated. that short-stop service co{old be ol:'fered from 10:~J~ a. m. to 3:0~ p. m. , and after ~:~~ p. m. , if we want to o far this service. He outlined the fo .~r main stops duri~rg express hours: 1) Golden P..:ak; 2} Covei ed Bridge; 3) VVI/Holiday; and 4) Lion's Hamad. Round trip would take about 1/2 ho;.~r. Trustee Langmaid suggested that recornrrrexidations xor San .Tuan's services be obtained from .Aspen and. Snowrnass--both of which have E~~tilized their ser~rices. Citizen Weibel suggested, float a r:_:n to Mintt{rn twice daily would. free approximately ~4 parking spaces in the Lion's Head and Vail Village areas. It was remarked that sash service to Minturn couldn't be free. Mayor Dobson reiterated the basic question---what is the community's obligation separate • from V~.il Associates' responsibility? Vail Associates feel their basic co~nrnitmer~t is to shuttle skiers at peak hours; we have the problem of people who want to spend. money in Vail. Village from 1~:!JO a. m. to 3:O~J p. m. and after flee express hours. The Mayor polled the Trustees for their views on sharing the cost of providing bas service. Trustee Kaemmer said. that we should share the cost; Trustee Kindel said we should share the cast on an open~~end. basis--the cost would be absorbed. by sales tax; Trustee Bailey thought we should share the expense this winter on an experimental basis; Trustee Steinberg agrees with Trustee Bailey and. believes the service should be free; Trustee Langmaid. agrees to shared cost and thinks hours should be extended beyond peak periods; Trustee Donovan agrees with Trustee Kindel. Blake Lynch will meet with Clay Simon a.nd. work out a firm service sched.~:le and cost- sharing breakdown for presentation to the Board, at its next meeting on September 2~. Blake noted. that December 15 is the c,srrent projected cornmeraceme~~t date for this service. Bab Parker added tl-~at the express b..s sorn Denver to Vail d.oesc7~t begin service ~ ntil December 19; so except for a brief shake- down period, as suggested. b Trustee Kindel, flee service rreedn't start airy earlier. VI. Reports. Blake L3rnch reviewed the following: A. Subdivision Regulations: Vail A:.~sociates will rr~eet this week and. the Plan~iin Commission will meet Monday, September l'~, to disc .:ss this s b j ect. B. Conve,.tio~~ Cc;nter: Blake reviewed dim Cunningham's recent letter to the Town outlining the various services and businesses w _;ich would appropriately be included in a civic complex. Mr. Cunningham proposes the area west of the ~,izdel i~in as most suitable for such a complex. C. Golf Clubhouse: Blake noted that the Recreation Dis- trict is going to construct a new golf clubhouse. It is hoped, that construction will commence in October aril that it will be finished, 'tor next playing season. D. New Fire Chief: Francis Bush--formerly Fire Chief of Cheyenne, Vi~yoming, came on board. September l as V~,il's new Fire Chief. ..~_ E. Loudspeakers: Acting Chief K~~~.ath has d.istribated. applications for permission to operate outside loudspeakers. Applications will appear before the Board of Trustees for approval /disapproval. • F. Street Numberin Still under consideration• concl~x- g sions forthcoming. G. Winter Construction: It was Suggested that Larry Robinson present the Board with an opinion on the lgeal aspects of winter construction: Trustee Donovan suggested it be done as soon as passible. V1I. Manor and Trustees: A, Trustee Kindel: 1, Streetlights near residences should be altered Sb that they don't create a nocturnal nuisance. One h~me- owner has painted "his side" of a streetlight black. Trustee Kindel suggests we might consider developing a policy an this. 2. Trustee Kindel queried as to the status of local TV reception. Mayor Dobson responded that, upon advice from Cable TV, reception should. be improved. very shortly, Until last week Cable TV hadn't received approval from the BLM to build the road to their transmitter site. Mayor Dobson was assured that a Glenwood Springs contractor would have the road built within three weeks, and that a pre-fob building to house the transmitter would be completed in the two or three subsequent weeks; thus making a total of five ar six weeks before improved reception can be expected. 3. Residents of Vail Trails East and ~+lest have expressed a desire to have their streets made one way heading west to preclude currently heavy traffic. 4. Trustee Kindel noted that he personally had seen cars repeatedly parked in front of Gorsuch/Post Office for longer than 1D minutes, as well as hearing reports of same from other local citizens. Chief Knuth will make a special effort to see that this parking privilege is no longer abused. 5. The trash pickup situation was discussed. As this is a recurring complaint, Blake Lynch outlined the three basic systems we could utilize for trash pickup: a) free enterprise (the present system); b? a Town- regulated system; and 3f a Town operated system. It was concluded that Mr. Duran should. be advised of the widespread dissatisfaction with his service and. that constructive guidance should be offered., as well as an outline of the standards to be met for the service he renders. B. Trustee Bailey inquired as to the status of the bridge on the west end of Plat 5B. 'The Town is going to pave the bridge and build the approach road. We are presently acquiring excavation fil~.~-Wat no cost--to level off this area. -4- C. Tr~..~stee Stei~zberg repartee. that the Recreation Dis- t r~ict had illegally dug into Gore Creek to provide fill for the golf course and had therefore polluted the Creek. He stated that although 'Prout Unlimited was aware of it, • they didn't press the issue this time--but that they would if any similar actions occurred in the future. VIII. Citizen Participation. A. ~'o Staufer stated that clients had. checked out of local hotels on Fridge Street due to noise created by outside loudspeakers at the Red. Lion Inns Bridge Street hotel operators have signed a petition against outside music, according to ~'o. He stated that he thought neighbors of a loudspeaker applicant should. be allowed. to express their opinion before a permit is granted,. B. Editor Knox mentioned that there are several trash accumulations in town that should be cleared.-wnamely, the one behind. the Blue Cow on Vail Associates' land. Mayor Dobson asked Blake Lynch to write letters requesting those responsible to correct the situation. Clay Simon said that . Vail Associates would look into the problem. behind the Blue Cow. C. Mr. Knox also brought up the traffic nuisance prob- lem created. by service trucks which re~~ain parked in loading zones after completion of their deliveries for pt.~rposes other than business, Discussion ensued regarding the passibility of an ordinance limiting deliveries to certain times of day. Bob Parker thought this would. be feasible in a resort community like Vail. ~'o Staufer brought up the fact that most of the companies serving Vail have a delivery radius of 500 miles and that such a time restriction would be unreasonable with winter weather and. traffic conditions. ~I,Thile on the s~.bject of traffic nuisance, motor- cycle noise was briefly discussed. Some cities prohibit motorcycle traffic within given downtown areas; it was s~~ggested that this might be appropriate for Vail. Per Bob Parker's suggestion, it was decided. to present a reasonable circ~~lation control plan for the core area to i a subsequent Trustees' meeting, considering views of the Planning Cornrnission, citizens and the Police Department. D. Bob Parker asked what plans were forthcoming for repair of our "street moguls" and. street cE..ts. Street cuts are being filled as they occur; and it is planned to experiment with rolling the moguls. E. It was suggested that, d.ue to the traffic problem they are currently creating near Riva Ridge Chalets, Stalder and Sons complete the parking ramp at the Lodge at Vail as soon as possible. Mr, Bynum will urge said completion. With no further business to be discussed, the meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p, m. n -5- MINUTES OF THE 1VIEETING OFFICE COPY- - ~ '~'O~N OF VAiL JOINT $OA12DS UO NOT RE1V10VE SEPTEMBER S, 1969 Blake Lynch called the meeting to order at 2:15 p, rn. ROLL CALL: Roll call found the following members present: Mayor Jahn Dobson Trustee T. I. Steinberg Trustee Joseph Langmaid Trustee C. E. Kindel Director Francis Drofos Director Don Almond Director Josef Staufer Director CLsare Moretti Absent: Trustee Richard Bailey Trustee John Kaemmer Trustee John Donovan Director Gerry U~hite Director Rodney Slifer Director Robert Parker Director Larry Burdick Director Mitch Hayt Also present: Messrs. Lynch, Minger, and Bernstein. Al Bridges of Vail. Assoc, I. Messrs. Churchill and May of the Denver Regional Post Office Department joined the Board members to stress the urgent situa- tion presently confronting them regarding their location. The attorney, Mr. Niay, stated. that although the Government is imrrlune to eviction, they did. not wish to press the issue of remaining in their present location--the P. O, space has been promised by Mr. McBride to Gorsuch Ltd. fpr purposes of expanding their sport shop. If a formal contract exists between Gorsuch and Mc$ride, the P. O. Department would be legally liable for breakage of the contract. Mr. May added that they could exercise their right to condemn the space, but they are definitely apposed to such an action. If no suitable space is found, they might have to abandon mail service to Vail, At the present time the P. Q. is paying ~3. 50 per sq ft far their space, per Mr. Churchill. Director Staufer asked him if he was willing to pay the going Vail rental rate for space, and Mr. Churchill replied in the affirmative. Trustee Kindel suggested that a temporary building might be erected behind the Blue Cow in the parking area; this space belongs to Vail Asso- ciates. Mr. Bridges of Vail Assoc, inquired as to how long after October 31 (expiration of current lease) the P. O, could stay in their present location without seriously jeopardizing the plans of Gorsuch. 1Vir. May replied that they wouldn't wish to stay any longer than 30 days after the expiration--December 1. Mr. Bridges suggested the space east of the access road at the Crossroads and west of the clinic as possible locations for a temporary building. Mr. Churchill suggested that they would be happy to lease or rent space provided by erection of a temporary structure owned and built by a local concern. It was generally agreed that such a temporary building would be of the metal Butler variety. Regarding the proposed municipal complex, in which the P. O. would have its awn site and separate building, Mr. Churchill stated that as. soon as the land. is available, the P. O. could begin construction almost immediately due to Federal funds authorized for this purpose. Being as ail available locations for a temporary structure are owned by Vail Associates, Mayor Dobson suggested to Mr. Bridges that Vail Associates submit three or more sites to the P. O. Department far their consideration/approval and subsequent approval by the 't'rustees. A site should. be firmly established within l5 to 20 days. fi page 2 zI. 1970 Budget. Blake briefly reviewed his mernorar~durn to the Board regarding 196d-69 ice skating statistics and outlining the projected revenues and expenses for the 69-70 season. Hc~ then reviewed the specific cuts made in the supplementary request to reduce the total from X148,150 to X114, 000. The "CTRA advertising item was reduced by 5010--to ~7, 500. Yt was suggested that we augment this figure from funds derived from sales tax exceeding the budget revenue estimate. The Police request was decreased from ~8,'T00 to ~5, 200. Uandscaping~Paving was cut from ~4t3, 000 to X30, 000. Sign replacement was cut from ~2, 500 to ~2, 000; Recreation/Golf teas cut from X22, X94 to X13,140; Recreation,~Tennis was cut caz~npletely (~1, 500), The ~`ira Department request was cut 50 Jo--ta ~4, 000. T'he base budget is generally approved; mill levies for Tawn and Districts will be certified before dctober l5, III. Terry IVlinger approached. the Board regarding expenditure of ~I, 000 to ~1, 500 to have a snow plow mounted on our dump truck. The Board of Trustees unanimously approved the expenditure of iii, 000 far the plow; the additional to be authorised for snow tires for the vehicle at a later date. With na further business to be discussed, the meeting adjourned at 4:15 p. m. .UiINU'I'~° S CF 'I'1~F MFA'TI1~TG 1?CA.R D C~F TRUSTFFFa SF'?TFM~.~'R ??, 1~36~ • Prior to the Town rr~eetin~, the Poard of 't'rustees convened as the local I.,iquor 1-fearing F;~ard to establish 3 hearing d~.te for the following applicatinas: 1. Richard Fvancho: application for beer and wine license for "Toph's Downstairs", to be located in the La~~ ier Arcade £~uilding. ?.,. J~rnes Hinson: applicafion for hotel/restaurant license for the "Red Ram1°, to be located in the Sitenark. -• .• Hearings far both the aforexx*entinned applicants will be held at 2: JO p. rr. on Navembex 10, 1`69, in the C,~nference Room: at V+~,nar Vail. T',^e 1VFeeting was called to girder by M:~yor t^`^bson at 7:40 p.rx~. RCY,L CALL: T2~11 call found the followin, rr~eir_bers present: i~!~__,yor John Dobson Tx•ustee Joseph Langrr~aid Trustee G. F'. Kindel T~°ustee Thomas I. '`:~teinbexg 7°rustee John P.~navan Trustee Jahn K~er?irner 't'rustee Richard P_ _~.iley Others present: i4lessrs. F. Flake I.~vnch, Terrell J. MY.nger, Charles Pynum, Gary Knuth, L~.rry Robinson. I. Minutes of Previous i'~~eeting. t"~ith the followin; exception, the Minutes of the Meeting held September 8th were unanimously appxoved. Cn line 2.7 of page 2, the words "secondary area" will be changed to read "secondary use. " Can line 24 of page ?, the sentence be~inning~ "Txustee Kindel" will read: "Trustee K~.ndel aungested that the businesses on Bridge Street should be c~uexied before any decision is Trade--he feels that the area just north of the C:~vered bridge should iae a primary parking area. ~' II. Gulf Cil Protest. IVIa~yor L}nbson stated tias.t were advised by Gulf C'il this afternoon of theix intent not to make a formal protest regarding the erection of their con~rr_.ercial sin. T'-~ey have agreed to discuss the matter with the ni(;n Committee to corr~e to a t-r,utus,ily s.t;reeable arrangerf~ent at a meeting an t.' ednesday, Septerr•bex ~4, at 1:^•0 p. m. III. ":'resentation of Core Tea Traffic Circulation .Plan fox SrTinter, Acting Chief 'unuth presented the proposed coxe area traffic circulation plan approved by the '~l.anning Commission. _~fter some discussion two changes were made to the plan--these were to (tj make Manson R~.nch Read one way go inn west from Gore Creek Road to the inter- section near the CE~ili Eowl (per 13ob Clarkts presentation to the Trustees), and f') leave ~`' illow Read one way doing west. The Circulation Plan is attached hereto as ~`xhibit ~~. l~!'ayor Dobson made a tration to vote an approval of the plan,; 'T'rustee Langrraaid seconded the rr.~otion. VOTE: Approve Circulation Plan with two a.forerr.~entioned exceptions. ~r'.ayor LSObsan Yla Trustee: Langxna.id YE a '€'rcxstee '~'indel Y~'~S Trustee ~lanovan YES Trustee Steinhex~g YE5 Trustee K.aexr±mer Y~'~ Trustee }?ailey Yli:'S iVew Txaffic Circulation ?lap will go into effect as soon as possible. SFThile on th.e discussion. of c-inter traffic, Trustee 3 indel suggested that the corners of H~.nson'~~'lnch Raad near the Tivoli be widened to better accoxrsxr~adate vehicles turning into the i~.oad. Giti~en Robext '?arker suggested that a stag sl,fl'~~l be erected near the Mill Creek Court Building; on Gore Creek Lrive to preclude any collisions between vehicles pat able to stop as they deseer~cl the hill north of Care Creek P_rive and those proceeding east on Dare Greek Drive. C'"~ief Y'nuth will subYr.it tt~~e new elan to the Veil Trail for pub= lication in several successive issues to inaure that all V~.il citi~,ens are apprised of chances. Unit 1 Sign '?resentatian XV . . ~Iipssrs. Duane .s`.iens and Gg1uclc Danford of C7~it 1 presented a group of slides depictin; moclrLxps of proposed individual directory/telephone/ trash. units; facsin•iles of non-regulatory traffic signs in comparison to presently utili~~ed signs (their models showed the internationally recogni~~:ed symbols--with tt~e appropriate english explanations underneath), various cornnzercial signs with one basic georr_etric theme; and signs color-coded to coincide with different areas of the village--all stressing graphic continuity througt?taut the Town. 'T'rustee Kindel questioned the legality of utl.lizing international symbols, but it was noted that an appropxiate english explanation appeared on the signs. Mr. K..indel also mentioned that it would be illegal for the Town to erect any directional signs for local businesses--Blake ~~ynch noted that a letter has been sent to Jim Cunningharrx--President of VRA,-~-asking thex~ to summarize their design standards for local. comxxiexcial directional signs. Mayor 1~abson pointed out trhat~the fabxication of standaxd signs for Vail Village and Lion's Head should be a joint venture arxiang VItA, V .il Associates, and the Town. Unit l stated that an 18" x 18" xxxetal sign could be fabricated in lots of 10 for $5 or $b each. Mr. Parker said that Vail .Associates is asking Unit 1 to design signs for use all over the mountain, far restaurants and restrooms, or by Vail Associates--for parking areas, directional signs involving Vail Associates facilities and information centers. A11 these things would be on Vail Associates' property, Nlx. Seibert asked Unit 1 to da a preliminary investigation on street signs because of Vail Associates' interest in stimulating thinking at the Town level. Aix. Parker suggested. that an outline be drawn exp of the Town's needs. B1~ke noted that we should work with Unit 1 on establishing an hourly rate--with a definite rr±axirzaum.--far designing parking signs, speed limit signs, street signs and Town infoxn~ation signs. i~!tr. L`a nford offered to come up with a proposal and estimated cast- h~: could perhaps set the project up in phases and give definite prices for each individual phase. Unit 1's proposal will. be presented to the Trustees at the Joint Board meeting on Friday, September 26, to consider the proposed 19'~p Budget. -2- V. P~eliminaxy Presentation a£ 19fi0 Budget. Blake Lynch xeviewed the preliminary 170 I'udget presentation. He noted that there is ~I00, 000 available to be allocated among requests made by the Districts and the Town. $?5, 000 has been placed in con- tingency for things which will occux next surr~rrer. $30, 000 was cut out of the Recreation District request; $S, 004 capital outlay reguest was cut from the Fire District; the extra Police vehicle was cut; and the Public "4hrorks Director was_..cut. There will be a joint Board meeting at 2;00 p, m. , on Friday, 'SP ptember ~6, at the Holiday Inn, to discuss the above. Next year, due to the Town's assessed valuation of $6, 500, 000, each mill levied will be worth $6, 500--based on next year's con- struction. That will be $l, 500 rrsare per mill tlm.n this year with an assessed valuation of $5, 000, 000. VI. Consideration of Applications to Overate Loudspeakers. Applications were introduced far the Red ~~ion Snn, the Clock Tower , Inn, and Maunta.in Music. Soxxze discussion e~xsued regarding outside rn.usic--Mr. Parker said that it is xeasonable to assutxxe that same citizens turn in early, in which case outside music past a certain hour might be very undesirable; this refers to applicants who might want to have music Later than ~:00 p. m. Trustee Kindel asked if one infraction of the permit was sufficient to revoke it. Trustee Bailey agreed that an infraction clause is necessary in the permit. Citizen Bob Clark stated that he didn't think background music should be used far advertising purposes. Trustee Steinberg agreed and added that background music shouldn't be audible beyond the premises of the establishment playing it. Editor Knox suggested that permits be given only where instrux-nental background music would be involved--vocals being undesirable. Trustee ~'indel asked if such permit could be revoked by the Trustees without showing good cause. Berke Lynch stressed that there should be a uniform cutoff time each night to preclude enforcement confusion. Trustee Langrnaid brought out that if out- side music were heard in winter, it would be strictly for advertising purposes as the winter weather prohibits outside dining. Trustee Langxx~aid said that he was not in favor of any outside music, and that we should either allow it or not allow it, without minutely qualifying who can and cannot have perzx:ission, as it is very difficult to dis~ tinguish who should arxt shouldn:'t be allowed. This will be taken into further consideration•~befoxe any permits are issued. VII. Appointment of New 1'lannin~ Commission Iviexmber. To be discussed at next ~?^eeting. VIxI. Discussion of Need for Additional Recreation Programs and Facilities. To be discussed after further consideration by the Board. IX. Discussion of the 3~e~ulation o£ Transient Sellers. Mayor Dobson reviewed the fact that we have na ordinance covering transient selling--wwe should give some consideration to a "Green River" ordinance. Attorney Robinson reported that the Colorado Municipal League has provided us with a publication dealing spe- cifically with this subject, and it was his thought that it would be necessary to refine a system of licensing to regualte transient selling, ire need a more stringent means of licensing than we presently have. Thee should be a time gap to afford the Town adrrinistxation the opportunity to investigate individual or company that is applying; -3- i. e. , five days after ~.p,~licatian. Slake and Laxxy are to dxaft an ordinance exGludin~ txansient selling nn public property in the business areas. It was deeided that such a.n ordinance should include door-to-door salesmen, who could continue their sales activities by making telephone calls to prospective clients and establishing appointments. ~. Discussion of Municipal League Requests. A. Regarding Public service Rate Increase, Blake queried the Board about cor~nmitting $50 with which to use the Colorado lv.Eun.icipal League as a vehicle to participate 3n proceedings before the PUC to determine whether the pxoposed rates should be approved. Trustee Langrnaid rraade a motion to commit the $50 for representation.. Txustee ~teinbexg seconded the ~x;otion. VOTE: CornnZit $50 to Colorado Munici~2~1 League to participate as representative before PUC. 1V~.aynr Dobson YE5 Trrustee Langrriaid YES Txustee Kindel AF?STAI~ `T'rustee Steinberg YES Trustee Ba.iiey Ylt;,~ ~'rustec Donovan YES Trustee Kaemrrrer YES $50 is committed to Colorado Municipal League for above purpose. B. Blake reviewed Colorado Municipal League rr~ernorandurn re Doing Away with ~inall Town street Departments, with the counties assurraing ~ .t their functions. 'T'rustees will considex and sub~ait their xecomxr_enda- tions to flake, 1'T. Town Attorney R~pori;s. .A. Means of Restricting Delivery Vehicles: Trustees can, adopt any reasonable xegulations they feel appropriate in this regard»-there are no.legal ob~staxles. B, Prohibiting Motoxcycles in Core Area: If we prohibit motor- cycles from specific areas, we must have a legitimate purpose in mind--such as public welfare and safety; and we should deal with noise as such, C, t~Tintex Construction: iii aesthetic considerations are the basic reason fox desiring such an ordinance, it goes somewhat beyond the authority of a legislative body; however, if it were fox the welfare and safety of the public, it would hold up. 'T'he thought was brought up that soxz-~.e projects which are started in spring ox summer may extend well into the winter. Construction cannot be curtailed in only one part of the community»-we cannot dis- erim.inate without sound reasons. Discussion on Attorrsey's Reports: Enforcement of delivery vehicle schedule is definitely a :manpower problerrz for the Police Departxxxent. V'r. Farker suggested th~.t we become more stringent in this area. Mayor Dobson suggests that we send diplaxriatic letters of warning of possible arrest if delivery vehicles do not comply with parking xegulations. TrusteeK.indel suggested that we keep copies of such letter available to hand, out to delivery personnel and that their supervisors be informed to call the Police Depairtment sub» -4- sec~uent to such a warninU. VTe will see if ~?olice personnel situation is adequate enough to consider this. Regarding motor- cycles, it was consluded that further study was needed; in the rrieantixr..e the Police wi11 attempt to enforce the noise axdinance. Reference winter construction, Attorney Robinson stated that it makes sense to say th:~t constxuction cannot be commenced after a certain date. xf we can't completely stop construction, perhaps we could be ~r_ore stringent on the areas in which con tractors can build because of the traffic pxoblem it creates. lVir. Bynum offered that if construction work is abandoned for more than 1Z0 days, the. contractor i.s penalized by the requirement to apply for another Building Permit in order to resume construction. The E~oard would like to have the Town staff's recommendations as soon as possible after staff has researched what other states and towns within Colorado do about this, Trustee ateinberg brought up the matter of hauling trash away from winter construction sites after the snow falls. XII. Reports. Blake Lynch reviewed the following: .1~. Refuse Removal: Blake has sent a letter to Leo Duran; Mr. Duran flans to see us regaxdxng his Rubish Removal business--he rr~ay be working with a manager in the future to resolve his operational problerx~.s. L'. Bus Transportation: Final report is not available at this time. Vlre plan to meet with a Denver bus company to explore the possibilities of leasing buses. Hopefully, at the next Trustee meeting we will have a final report incl uding all pertinent financing. C. July Sales Tax Comparison: Blake reported that July 196 sales tax is $11, 863 as compared to $8, a0Q for 3uly of last year. D, Subdivision Regulations: It is hoped that these regulations will be revised and ready for adoption at the next rr?eeting of the Trustees. :~'. yirater and Sewer Eland Flectian: The ~~jTater & ,Sanitation District will probably hold a band election this fall, The public will be con- tacted at the appropriate tirr_e. YIIi. Ma ox and Trustees. v No items, X1V. Citizen Participation. Sob ~'arker queried the Trustees and audience as to their feelings about sonic booms cxeated by the supersonic transport currently being devel- oped. He stated that jets are currently flying aver Vail once every three xxainutes, but because they axe usu~.lly in a land take off pattern, their speed is not sufficient to create a boom. However, coxnxxzercial SST's will be flying non-stop from coast to coast at a very high rate of speed which wi11 create a boorr~. Mr. Parker feels that tah.is is: very bad for our business. He suggests expressing our opinion to President Nixon, who is due to approve /disapprove the continuation of a Government subsidy far SST develop:~x~.ent tomorrow. ~~fith the exception of Trustee Bailey who abstained, the Trustees voted unanimously to send the following telegram. to President Nixon: - 5- "To President Richard 1~I. Nixon/yThit~ House/~,n,~ashington D. C, / Supeasoni.c jets On COY.Y~I'~1Ercla.l sCf7lEdulEg o'Vex Rockies would irrepaxa~.y daxr~age tourist industry and defile rn.any beautiful and historic western landmarks. Say na to sonic boorr~s over continental U.S. /Respect£ullylBoard o£ Trustees/Tovsrn o£ Vail, Colorado. " ~i:i ith no Further business to be discussed, the meeting adjourned at 11:05 p. m. _ ~_ • • ~ ~3 • OFFICE COPY DO NOT REMOVE TviIIVU'1C':~ S C F THE HEFTING VAIL RC ARD G F TRUSTEE' SF?aTEMbIER 26, 19~~g The Meeting was called to ordex by Mayox Dobson at ~E:10 P. Ni. ROLL CALL: .~~oll Call found the fallowing xnexnbers present: ~/.±ayox John Dobson Trustee John Kaen'~rxr.er Trustee J':seph Langmaid Trustee Richard Dailey Trustee 'T'homas Steinb~er ~. .Absent: ':~'~°ustse John Donovan ".Custee C. E. Kindel Qthers pxesent: iVs.essrs. Blake Lynch I. This meeting called to discuss Unit l proposal far design) fabxication of vehicle and pedestrian signs fox Vail. Blake Lynch reviewed their proposal (attached hexeto as Ezzhibit A) and sug- gested accepting it, e.~cluding pedestxian signs, on an hourly basis with a maxinrxuix~ fee of $l, 500. `T'rustee Bailey advocated approporiatin; $1, 040 for this purpose a~ad having Unit 1 start on vehicle traffic signs-excluding pedestrian sins far the time being. Txustee Steinbexg made a motion that we spend up to $l, U00 on. design fort vehicle signs only, and xeconsider the proposal at the end of that design phase. Notion was seconded by Trustee L.a.iley. VC)TE: Appxove above proposal. Mayor Dobsan YE5 Trustee Kaemm.er YES Trustee bailey YEa Trustee Steinberg VE::a Txustee Langmaid Y__`±`S Blake Lynch will notify Unit 1 of decision and advise them. to begin work. T~rith no further "r~usiness to discuss, the meeting was adjouxned at 4:30 P. M. t t u I I~ I \Y ~~ .~ ' t,~ ~ -~~~-.. I. I i~ r i ~~ ~~ ~/'~ ~/ C ~~ ~~ ~ -~ .~ <<~ -: ~_ .~ ~, . U~ T r°-f u N ~~ ~~ N ~, v • ` ^~ i. Ji 1 1 ~ ~ Q M 'y ~. N f~ ~ N ~ i~°~ S` O O M U a0 ~ ~ C N SS -~ ~ ad U ~ N ~ ~ ~ fxfl ~ 'U R ~ .~ ~ ~ ~{ u ' u rtl u, ~ N ti e ~ r f -i ' ~ q] .~ U] ,- ui ~ ~ ',-i ~i i ~ ~ ay . 'Cis ~ p '~' ~.; ~ fl7 [~ ' 7 ~~ .N ~ ~ •li ~ 't7 4 ~ . '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~i GD ,{~ 'C7 ~ ~ ~ ~ Q1 ~ U N r! ~ w i Ph C~ ~ p U •ri C; rl v-! U7 ~; i E-I H fx] , ~ ~ ~' 4-r U; i .o .~ u o *~ ~ r-'I '~; ~ ~ ~ ~~~' ~ O 'Z7 ri ~'' a-~ ~ ~ ~D ~+ o"a r ~~ x~•i ~; ~ '+~ r-i ~ ~n .~ ~ .-~. (X1 p rL O r-{ 4-i ,N Clf - ~ ri ~ ~ N !H i-~ ~ N G ,~~ q1 ri ~ r-I ~ ~ r ~ ~ ~ o m W a m ~ in o ~ ci ~ ~, o ~ :v .~ s U ~" •ri ~ ta[3 ua O m ttf7 •rl •rl b) ~rl .C, r-I ~.,' ~ ~ U ~ ~ O ~: •r-~ Ui ~ r ~ 4 ~ ~ t i0 d cC :~ ~ ' •rl C~ C7 ri ~ i~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ O U ~ ai Z ~ U] " cd q 4-i ¢~ ~ 7~ ~ U O 0 0 ¢7 f 3-i +~ " - 0 ; •r{ ~ v ,a 4^, O C> -+~ @ C_ F-i U} 'C] ~ ~ ~ti U} ..{ ~ O S; ~ ? ~ /a '(~ U Xi ~ ~ 4 ~ •~ ~ C~ Ua ~ ,-, r I f; cp ~~ ~ ~ F-I `'~ e; ~" Sri i O ~~ S-i O M 37 rl O ~~ U v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " 7 f ~ ri ~ ,.C CSC -+ ~ ~ ~ R r--f ~ ~~ cd ~ •r-I SM~ ~ r S O s ~ ~ ~ b.0 !W b ~•~ ~ ~ -F~ o ~ o C} o n ~ ~ N x acs ~ o ~ •~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ a C " 7 " ~ 7 + 7 C C3 i N ~ ~ O ~ ~ri ~ "(~ ~ N ~ tH ~ ~ .af ~) ¢3 43 Q ~i U d q Ill ~ •r-Z O 4--t +~ u~ • • r7 a~ ran ~ ~ ~ ~ U ~ +-7 ~ a~ .~3 n ~ rya v .+~ ~ v ~ ~~ ~ ~j bD Q+ 'LS •r-1 .r{ .~_> ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :n ~ - ~ ~ ~ ua `y ~ sd •r-I ~~ tii ~ O -Q O ~ r~ C] ~ ~ ~ ~ t~ .si .r4 F~ -F3 ~ };1 ~ ~ p ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ O ,t-1 .ti-~ ~ U i~ ~ ? • T't 1 ~ •~ ~ ~ ~ U5 ~1 ~` ~ ~ UJ ~ ti7 ~1 ~ ~ !!1 G~ ~ r~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • '~'~ 4.{ ~ ~~ ~ * U t""~ ~ Q ~ U) .~J f""i U'+ d-'~ Sri ~ ~ ~" Uy l'-{ ~ O . ~, ~~~-~ ~ tits ~ ~O+ ~ ~ ~ ~u S-+ -~ N ~ r ~ f.{ C~ '~ kZ U V7 U7 cSS ~-e ~ ~. ~ U ~ t L1-~ cL ~ :~ ~ ~I I~, w ~,- _.. • • • .~ w ~ ~ .~ ~ ~:, ~~~~ ~ 43 •r-1 ~d ~ N ~; _ k • ni +-3 S i cd N ~ 60 r-f O G) •rf ~ ~, ~ ` ~ . ~ ~.~ ~.{ ~ ~ ~d • cd •rl U •r~ [il ~ ul -f a ~ 4-i O ~i G b ~ f~-i G ~ U G, ~ f ~ S-i ~ u3 cd I~, ti ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U 4) r-i 40 tp.l .~{ CM ~~-{ ~ ~J ,ii S:. 4.: .r{ .~a f~, U~ n1 b •r~ c1 r-i rl Ei r C ~ ni ~-~ ~ ~ ~ a d3 w ~ ~ ~ U3 J r •~ ~~ d) d •O •ri 4~ Z1 ~ •i-5 ~ Ql ~, F~ d ni {~ d`~ ri f~, Q) ~ ~~ ~ r-~ u) p Q -Ei. o ° N fw L+7 4 ~~ G O ,S] O O (~} U3 r^-I U t11 rH i~ a ~ ~~ ~ O r-l 'd `Cj U F-+ e3 „? ~ a3 a3 a3 .~ a7 m ~, t--; -~ ~ r i ~ ~a N r-i ~: •ri .r-I Sri L) .x'i r-I r~ .~: cd .a .i: u] ca H ita I N 'CY O ~~ O 4-1 U rti ,~ .{ a v I Cf.~ 4) 4? [~ v3 W -~' ~ (U ~ ~ •r l •ri ~r~ ~ . u) I ~ ~ •N ~~ ^~ ~ u) ~~ O II F-1 '.:a ~' CJ I 1 MINUTES OF THE MEETING VAIL BOARD OF TRUSTEES OCTOBER 14, 1969 Meeting was called to order at 10:x0 a. m. by Mayor Dobson in the Town Municipal Office for purposes of adopting proposed 1970 budget, approving 1970 mill levy for the Town, and. to consider Vail Lion's Head Restaurants, Ines application for liquor license hearing. ROLL CALL: Ro11 call found the following members present: Mayar Sohn Dobson Trustee Richard Bailey Trustee C. E. Kindel Trustee Sohn Donavan • Absent: Trustee ~'oseph L~,ngmaid Trustee Thomas Steinberg Trustee ~'ohn Kaemmer Also present: Blake Lynch I, AoAroval of Budctet and Mill Levu. Trustee Kindel made motion to adopt proposed 1970 budget and create 1974 mill levy of 5- 75 for the Town; motion was seconded by Trustee Bailey. Orie-quarter mill was transferred from the Town of Vail to the General Improve ment District; and 2 mills were transferred fraxn the Water and Sanitation District to the Town. Last year's mi'1 levy was •~. This figure of 6, 7~a was reduced. by one, fora 19 r9 mill levy of 5. 75. VOTE: Approve mill levy of 5. 75 for 1970 ~br the Tawn, anti. adopt proposed 19'70 budget. t Mayor 1/obson YES Trustee Bailey YFS Trustee Kindel YES Tr. ustee Zfonovan YES 1970 mill levy for Tawn of Vail is 5.'75, and. proposed 1970 budget is hereby adopted. , II. A pplication for Liquor License. Vail Lion's Head. Restaurants, Inc. made application for a liquor license hearing. Mayor Dobson polled the Trusties for the earliest quorurrz availability--hearing date is set for 2:00 p. m. on November 17, k9~9, at the Manor Vail. Conference Room. -i~vith no further business to be diswussed the meeting adjourned at 13:40 a. m. • OFFICE COPY- MINUTES OF THE MEETING DONOT RE111IOVE ~ j-~ ! VAIL GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ~ ~~'' `~ i OCTOBER 14, 1y69 ~vc`,~ _ , IVi:eting was called. to order at 14:00 a. rn. by Mayor Dobson for purpose of adopting 1970 budget and approving 19x70 mill levy for the G.:~neral Improvement District. Meeting was held in the Town of Vail Municipal. Offices. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following members present: Mayor Jahn Dobson Trustee Richard Bailey Trustee C. E. Kindel Trustee John Donovan Absent: Trustee Joseph Langmaid Trustee Thomas Steinberg 'T'rustee John K~,emrner Alsa present: Blake Lynch Trustee Kindel. made a ;rn.otion for a levy of 2.25 mills--trans- ferring . 25 mills from the Town to the General Improvement District; Trustee Bailey seconded, the motion. VOTE: Approve mill. levy of 2. 25 for General Improvement District, and adopt proposed budget for 3.9`74. M~.yor Dobson YES Trustee Kindel YES Trustee Bailey YES Trustee Donovan YES 1979 mil]. levy for General Improvement District is 2. 25, and budget as proposed for 1974 is hereby adopted. V, ith no further business to be discussed. the meeting adjourned at 14:9:0 a, m. t MINUTES OF THE MEETING VAIL ASSOCIATESfTOWN OF VAIL UCTUBER ~0, 1969 The Meeting was called to order by Mr. Seibert at 12:30 p. x3r~. in closed luncheon session at the Holiday Inn. ROLL CAI..L: Roll call found the following members pxesent: Vail Associates, Inc. n ~, Peter Seibert Clay Sirnon Robert Parker Mitch Hoyt 'T'own of Vail (Trustees) Joseph Langanaid Richard Bailey Mayox Jahn I?obson (Planning Commission} Mayor John Dobson Gerry White Dave Gorsuch 4tt~rs present: F. E41ake Lynch Terrell J. Minger Larry Robinson Rodney Slifer I. Mr. Seibert began the discussion an the subject af• dedication of open ground. He stated that Vail Associates, Inc. couldn't make a fiat state- 1~ argent that they wouldn't dedicate any open space. He stressed thaAx Vail is a resort area--not a typical town, and that they are trying to sell an attractive village. There are ~ same areas they definitely xnay not want to dedicate--if they remain in private hands, the control aspect of the property will be greatly sixr~plified. Mr. Seibert said that local ordinances did not provide as strong a control as private ownership does. He noted that the park area west a£ the Varlaufer has been dedicated and mast probably won't becoane a problean due to its relative seclusion. The public park in Aspen was rr~entianed as an example of what could happen in Vail if large open spaces were available to the public. Although Dave Gorsuch agreed that the park had became a hippie haven, he advocated establishment of a playing field area where local children could participate in soccer, football, etc, lvtr. Seibert replied that there is rooxr~ for a soccer field adjacent to the golf course, as well as an additional tennis Court. Bob ~'arker noted that Denver has an ordinance which closes public parks at night to prohibit camping. He suggested that we might enact a more stringent ordinance slang these lines. Discussion followed regarding the "own leasing land for public use owned by Vail Associates. $nc. Attorney Robinson stated '~ that, although the Town has the right to condennn any land we lease, current property values prohibit doing so. Mr. Parker posed the question of who wn uld have legal and administrative control over land under lease. Mr. Robinson stated that specific purpose clauses rr~ust be written into the.land lease agreement. Mr. Seibert said that when Vail Associates, Inc. and the 'T'own reach a general consensus we can warp out arrangements for individual spaces tract by frost;. Mayor Dobson stated that we couldn't spend taxpayers' xz~oney on land belonging to Vail Associates, Inc. ; he added that the Gore Creek tract shnuld be public land and that laws would have to be enacted to keep undesirables nut. It was suggested that caxxapers and trailers be prohibited from the major parking areas. Clay Siaxx,an reported that Vail Assoccates, Inc. lawyers are currently drawing up a lease for the main parking lat. Aedication of the park adjacent to the Vorlaufex and the area just north of the Covered Bxidge has been discussed and their surveyors are currently obtaining legal descriptions fox these areas. Their dedication has conae before the Executive Committee of Vail Assoicates, Inc. and has been approved. Returning to the subject of lease of the main parking area, F. Blake 3i~~ queried what the rental axxangement would be and Clay Simon replied that something nominal--like $l. 00 ax x,10. 00,-would be applicable. Clay also stated that there was to be na corrimercial use made of the area just north of the Covered Bridge--a bus pulloff will be available. There was some discussion regarding re- tention of air rights above the main parking lot by Vail Associates, Inc. for possible future carnmerical use. If they developed a structure over the parking area, they would have to insure the same number of surface' spaces plus an adequate number for the coxnxnercial concerns involved. Clay Simon stressed that neither Vail Associates, Inc. oar the Town could develop carnmercially without mutual agreement. In sunamary, the Town will g'o ahead with plans for landscaping the area just north of the Covered Bxidge, and for assurxaing rnanagem.ent of the main parking area. V[Te will continue to meet with Vail Associates, Inc. to reach agreement an specific open spaces and the Creek tract. II. Clay Simon reviewed the relocation of the i`bst Office . It will be temporarily (for one year} located on the lot west of the planned clinic addition. He brought out that this location might be in conflict with the zoning ordinance--this area is a multiple family zone. Blake lass already asked Attorney Bxo~na to give us an answer re the extent to which we must comply with the zoning ordinance in this case. We shnuld have this sorxaetinze tomorrow. The structure will kneed approval of the Architectural Cantral Gaznmittee. III. George Beardsley presented a lQ-year projection for the local area, which is attached as Exhibit A. IV. Lion's Head Master Plan reviewed by George Beardsley. Sixty-two percent of the total 74 acres will be devoted to public use (public buildings~l8°jo, 10 acres; major roads-10%, 5. 7 acres; public parking, surface-14°fa, 8.2 acres; open recreation-14. $%, 8. 7 acres). Municipal complex is proposed for the area south of I=°70 and north of the frontage road east of the W estwind. The Lion's Head Master Plan will be legally reocrded and enforced to prohibit excessive numbers of structures being built in the area. Under Phase~I, Vail Associates, Inc. plans to construct a dense plaza area next sumrxier--Phase II, in subsequent years, will see construction branching out from this main plaza area. Bab Parker introduced the problem of parking in the new area--anrl who will administe~r~earne. Mr. Beardsley replied that the 't`own and Vail Associates, Inc. would have to come to some mutual agreement. It was disclosed by Mx. Sixnan that Vail Associates, Inc. is leasing {roughly on an 80-2Q basis) rather than selling the land in the new area. Mr. Beardsley stated that an Owners' Association will be established at Lion's Head. To be a n~.ennber, an owner must agree to financially support maintenance of publ~.c spaces and common ad- rr~inistrative costs of the area. The Association would also arn.artize capital improvements and landscaping. Gerry White queried Beardsley about the construction of structured parking by several different establishments sharing a carnmon parking area. George replied that the parking facility could be built by one owner and leased to others, or it could- be on a shared cost basis; but, in any case, the total -~_ structure would have to be completed at once. ~/Ir. Parker noted that the Owners' Association must ire farmed before any rraore land is sold or leased, and that the Town shoexld be apprised of the specific functions~of~.~•he association, which will be a sort of government within a government. Mr. Parker cited the jurisdiction problerxas inherent in the Snawmass situation, and stressed the importance of writing this as well as other pertinent aspects into the agreement with the Owners. The functions of the Town and the Association must be clear to all concerned. Clay Simon noted that there may not be one large association, but sevexal srxaall ones. In the Lion's Head Master flan, Vail Associates, Inc. has required •., adequate parking for the carnrra•ercial area. The existing zoning xegulatians do not require parking in the commercial coxe, Aftex some discussion on the Lion's Head zoning situation, it was decided that Vail .Associates, Inc. should submit zoning recomrnendati.ons to the Planning Commission as soon as passible, It will be necessary to zone this area temporarily with existing zones lay Nov~rriber 15„ .l9'69•. With no further business to discuss, the Meeting was a.djo.ir=red at 3:p5 p.rn. • - 3- • H ~ OFF`ICE COPY DO NOT REMOVE MINUTES OF THE MEETING BC7ARD OF TRUSTEES ' ~ NOVEMBER lQ, 1969 The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Dobson at 2:1§ p.n~, in the ~~ Conference Room at Manor Vail on Novembex l0, 1969. The Board first convened as the local .liquor licensing authority, then n~.et as the Board of Trustees. ROLL CALL: Roll call found the following members present; Mayor Jahn Dobson Txustee Joseph Langmaid Txustee John Donovan Txustee C. E. Kirxdel Trustee Thomas I, Steinberg Trustee Richard Bailey Absent; Trustee John Kaemmer Also present: F. I31ake Lynch r ~ Terrell J. Minger Larry Robinson Gary Knuth LIGUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY 1. Consideration of an application by Casino Partners, Ltd. , far transfer of a Hotel and Restaurant License, to be laeated at coiner of Bridge 5t, and Gore Valley Drive, Vail, Colorado, ~~GDb~~ Id Attorney Robinson introduced Measxg, Ronald 14~..~.: and Jah~yAm~to, ~~ ~~ ~u ~ and stated that their applica~,onwas ' ~oxder. Representing Mr. MeD~..~~..~ , Mx. Amato stated that Mr, a~ o-na ~s character was mast probably the prime consideration far the Baaxd of Trustees in this application, since it merely involved the purchase and transfer of ownership of the subject e lees;-not consideration far a new license. He also ex lamed that Mr. ~a ~u a ~ p ownership and title possession were based on a specific pex- forrxaance agreement whereby Bale of the Casino woi1j3 be final only after this liquor license is granted. He added that they planned to begs.n aperat~an -~ December 4th; although na format rexx~adeling plans are anticipated, xninox structural renovations--BUCK ass roof trusses-wwill be completed before ?:na.t time. 1''uture plans include covering txash areas, gas meters, etc. , or, the outside of the buil•~in.g. Also, the downstairs bar will be expanded, ;pith a limited food operation. They stressed their intent to obtain well qualified people to operate the establishment, Mayor Dobson asked the audience and the Trustees if there were any abjactians to the granting of this license. There wexe none. Trustee Kindel made motion to grant this license; Txustee Donovan seconded. VOTE: Approve Casino partners, Ltd. , application far Idotel-Restaurant License. Ivlayor John Dobson YES Trustee Joseph Langxziaid yEr~ Trustee John Donovan YES Trustee C. E. Kindel YES Trustee Thomas I. Steinberg YES Txustee Richard Bailey YES License is granted as applied for. 2. Consideration of an, a,pplics.ti.on by Richard M, Evan^ho for a~;per a.nd Wine License at Taph's Downstairs, to be 1aclted in the Lazier~~.rcade Building at Vail, Color~,da; and consideration of an application by Boulder Vail Rest~~.+Yrants, Inc, , for a Hotel and Restaurant I.,~t:c:nse at t?xe Red Rarr~, 1~o bP ycr::~.•,N.~~i i.n. ~~:,u Sztzrr't,~.~k ~.t V:-tit, Colorado. ;. t Attorney for the applicants-"-Stewart Brown--suggested that, since the evidence €ar bath applications was identical, the two applications be " considered simultaneously, He made a formal rrxatian that the hearings be combined €vr the purpose of taking evidence. Attorney Robinson nt~ted that the Board should be assured o£ neither party being injured by hearing the applications together. Mayor Dobson asked if there were any questions from the Board regarding Attorney Brown's motion. Tx•ustee Donavan made a motion to gear the applications together; Trustee .i,ar~gxnaid seconded. VOTE: Bear applications f~~r Toph's Downstairs and the Red Ram simul- taneau~ly. Mayor John Dobson YES Trustee Joseph Langnnaid YES Trustee John I}onovan YES Trustee C . E . K tndel YES Trustee Thonnas I. Steinberg 'Y'ES 'T'rustee l2i+chard $ailey YES Applications will be heard simultaneously as stated above. Upon query from the Mayar, Town Clerk Blake Lynch and .Attorney Larry Rabinsoxa stated that all requixements of application had been met by both applicants. Thexe were no cluestians fxorra the Beard. Acting Police Chief Knuth then read his findings of investigation for bath applicazite. When queried lay the Mayar, the Tau~n Clerk reported that he had received no lEttex of approval ar protest of the applications. Attorney Brown outlined the four ei.ements of pxaof which would justify the operation. of the two new facilities. l\~r. Brown then presented the following witnesses, Mx. Gin W.tiight, ac~~auntant for Vail Assacia±es, Znc. ;Acting ClZief Gaxy Knuth; F, Blake Lynch, 'T'own Manager, ; Brooke Franzgen; Shirley V~Tard; Jiro Slevin; Byron Brown; George Knox. Sr. ;James Hinson, Maxrager of the Red Rant, ;Chuck Ogl~;st~y, Assistant Manager of the Red Ttarrr, ; anal Richard Evancha, owner of Taph's Downstairs. The last three Lvitnesses outlined the type of operation they planned for their opening season, sty flog their feeli!xg that: Vail definitely needed additional restaurants to accommodate the increasing numbeA of tourists and skiers, as well. a.~ the local papula.ce. At this paint Attorney Brown moved~thht all exhibii:s presented during the hearing be submitted to record. There being no api>osif:ian from thy; Board of Trustee:•, this was done. Mr. Brown briefly sumxxraxi~ed h:,s applicants' evidence--noting the growth pattern and rxeec~ its this area. Mayor Dobson again asked the audience and the Beard of Trustees for comments and/ar protests. There were nave. He adjourned the hearing, stating that within the subsequent 30 days the Board of Trustees would con~,e to a decision an the applications. 3. 1970 Local, Liquor License Renewals. 'T'he following renewal applications were considered and approved by the Board of Trustees: 5t. Mor° itz Tavern Vail Delicatessen Red Lion Inn, Inc. The Nu Gnu Donovan's Gopper B ~ r Clock '~'owex Inn Liquox Store in Vail Gaurm.et Corner Wine Shap Lancelot, Inc. 2~ • VOTE: Approve 1974 Liquor License renewal applications for abo•, named estabiishm.ents. Mayor John Dobson YES Trustee Joseph Langmaid YES Trustee John Donovan YES Trustee G. E. Kindel YES 'T`rustee Thcsrns.s I. Steinberg Y.ES Trustee Richard Bailey YES Aforerraentioned licenses are renewed far 1974 calendar year. Z~Tith no further business to be discussed, the Meeting was adjourned at 3:55 p. m. BO.A.RD OF TRUSTEES MEE'T`ING At 4:15 p. m. the Baard of Trustees convened for their regularly scheduled meeting, with the carne Baard of Trustee rnezn6ers presQnt. Mayor Dobson called the nra.eeting to order. I. Minutes of Previous Meetings. Minutes of the Board of 'T'rustees meetings ©n September 22, 1969; September 2b, 1969, ©ctober 14, 1969 (Vail General Irrxpravennent District); October l4, 1969; and Dct©ber 24, 1969, with Vail .Associates, Inc. ; w+sre read and unanimously approved. Mayor I3abaon Hated that Robert Glark had been appointed to the Planning Commisssian and that Gerry y?'hite is the new Chairman of that body. Dave Gorsuch has expressed a desire to remain nn the Comrn.ission; all Commission members concur. IX. Financial Reports. Treasurer's Reports and Vouchers far the rr,~nth of Septennbex were read and unanimously approved, as well as the Third C?uartexly Fin.an-c:ia ~. Review. III. and IV. Discussion of proposed ordinances to re_s_4:rict r~oto:•cr~cles from the core area and regul~,tioix of loudspeaker. s. Mayor Dobson reviewed an earlier conversat;.on with At.axney R•^~=~,~oL1 and Blake Lynch. He stressed the ixnpartance of de':errxai.nin~; tha ir.Len": of such ordinances and the proper way of expressing that xnt~x~t. '?'k~~.sc two ordinances rraight bc~ handled spearately or lu-tnl,e~a tr~~;ether, Ar=3:~~~ eart~e discussion, the Board of Trustees generally Zgreed than i~o ~,~z,~r±h,Ur loudspeaker applications would be granted. In assen.re, t~zere will `:,e ~_:, outside loud speakers in the Tovvn of Vail. On, the topic of ma+:or: i'~'';.~~s, Mayor Dobson noted that public safety should be the gen4ral in.tE..t ,f a restrictive ordinance. Acting Police CE~ief l.~nuth ».c^teci th:,.,`, the~~e i;.LV.;n`~. been rx~any cases of extremely loud motorcycles in -Vail-~tiiase that do create a disturbance should be ticketed. He added that the majox•it.y of cycles in the area. are locally o~;~Tned, and that he ha.:l had ver~~ few ho7r,.d. plaints regarding cycles. In additix~n, he said tha~ ~xjaforc•-~~ler.:.3,~e r..,rft rx7ore hazardous than standard vehicles. A,n orclin.ance :-~lxeady {~~:ir~:,3 prohibiting vehicles without mufflers from the vil?^ge- :~!,!~._~. rcr I~oj~~o;.s caked .~'~cting Police Chief Knuth to fixrxillr enfcrr,Rs ~~1~;~ .~x°d.i.r_^s~r-;::;;~==.a.ling with excessive noise as it applies to motoxcyc~~_ ~a V. Consideration of Z~inter Bus Program. Blake Lynch reviewed his correspondence to Txu.si:•,~~; u~?d Z°.~..~~ .s~s~,~:~c;.s.te~, and the 'VA repty frarn Clay Simon stating that they would tike to ;~haxc 50- 50 on the winter shuttle bns service. He then out- lined the various alternate routes for bath express hours and regular service. It was noted that sorr-e of the local residents might very posei4~ly express an interest to have their areas in- cluded in the bus service routes. Mayor Dobson emphasized that a policy decision on the coat sharing would have to be made scan-- to a: sure timely implementation of service. Blake Lynch Hated that San Juan Tours plans to keep accurate statistics on utiiiza- tian of this service. Trustees informally agreed to proceed with negotiations per the cost allocation formula outlined in Exhibit A. attached. The Town is not prepared to pay more than, ~4d'% of the total operating cost of this shuttle bus service during express hours; and will pay 1/2 of the regular operating cost in the evening anon-express3. VI. Cansidera•cion of an ordinance re~;ulatin~ transient setlin~. An ordinance is proposed prohibiting door-to-door selling unless the owner or occupant of a residence personally invites a sales- man to come in. It is suggested that anyone falling into the cate- gory of transient salesman be required to make wrii:ten applicay tion to the Town and pay a nominal fee for registration--which would cover coat of investigating the applicant. Penalties inherent in the ordinance axe a fine and jail sentence. Religious and charitable organizations uvauld be exsmpt from the +~eq;xirements of this ordinance. Trustees generally agreed that •ihere might be attempted viotation by fraudulent religious organiza{ions, arzd therefore suggested that only local such arganizatians be ea:exn;~i, with out-of-town agencies i~eing required to cornp?y with the ordinance. Door-to-door salwsmen will be able fn solicit zn commercial areas; this ordinance applies to residential ares.s. Subject license, or permit, will be good for ono g~•eax. It was suggested that the words "car services" be added to ":he approprz:a.te areas of the ordinance dealing with definition of a4tivitiea of a peddler ar solicitor. Attorney Robinson will amend tze pa-o~~osed ordinance to include the aforementioned additi.o». and the ordina.•^.ce will reflect that, alt-zaugh religious and charitable organizations must register with. tine ToSx~xa, the fee requirerx~enic w:i11 be waived. VQ'CE: Approve Ordinance 1V`o. 12, SerieF ex k9b9, with above chs,::gas to be effected by Attorney :Robin.ran, Iv,a•yr~r Sohn TJabson ~k'~+:5 Truntea Joseph Langmaid Y'y;~: 'f'rux*,ee Sohn Uonova..r: YFS Txasise C, E, Kindel Ya~~S Trustea Thomas I, ,gz:eingerg Y~.:S TrixstFe Richard Ba.i~.ey 'YE5 Ordinance No. 12 is lloreby approved subject to afare- mentianed changes, S VII. Consideration of an ardinanee vaeatinp a pc.1rtiran :ai "v~a,i'1 Valley Drive. This ordinance amends and repeals Ordinance ~~to, 7, Series of 1968. Trustee Kindel made motion to approve said nrdinaxice; Trustee Donovan seconded. VU'I'E: Approve Ordinance No. lt, Series of I~16~, as writter~.~. Mayor John Dobson YE'S Trustee Joseph Langmaid YES Trustee John Donovan YES Trustee C. E. Kindel YES Trustee Thomas I. Steinberg YES Trustee Richard Bailey YES Ordinance No. ll, 5ex~ies of 1969, is approved as written, VIII. Discussion of settlerx~ent with U. S. Gov't . A formal offer of compromise has been rn.ade to all plaintiffs in the case of Kaibab Industries vs. People of Vail Valley regarding cutting of timber in the Piney Lake area. Attorney Robinson Hated that all other local plaintiffs in the case have refused the offer, and that since we are supporting them , it would be appropriate far the Town to also decline the offer, Trustee Donovan, one of the plaintiffs, remarked that the cast of this litigation is being picked up by national organisations such as the Sierra Club, Colorado Magazine, and Redfield Magazine--to name a few. Very little is being contributed from the Town of Vail and its citizenry. Trustee Kindel made motion that Town of Vail decline offer from U. S. Forest Service in ease C1368; Trustee Langrriaid seconded. VOTE: Decline compromise offer and continue as plaintiff in this case. Mayor John Dobson YES Trustee Joseph Langmaid YES Trustee John Donovan YE5 Trustee C. E. Kindel YES 'T`rustee Thoixaas I. Steinberg YES Trustee Richard Bailey YE5 Attorney Robinson will advise Forest Service that Tawn declines corxspromise offer and will continue as plaintiff. IX. Discussion of pxovidin~ xe~ulated permit parking foY the xxiain parking lot. Mayor Dobson noted that several requests far perr3zits have s.lxeady been received in the Town Office. Tlxe matter of the nurxibe:~ of spaces to be leaped to the Town by Vail Associates was discusses at length. It was concluded that 7t1 would be an apl~ropriz,te amount. Terry Minger reported briefly on the cleanup of the main lot; iae noted that Gaynor Miller's building xnateria.l rnicat have to be re- rraoved by the Town, as Mr. Miller had not talren steps to da so himself. Ne added that Dudley Abbot has proposed to pay rent for space to be utilized as storage for building materials to be used near the Blue Cow next spring. The 'T'rustees unanimously agreed that the twin tees should be removed from. the areas as they are eyesores. X. Reports. Blake Lynch digressed slightly froxr~ the agenda and reported an the following: .A. Post Office. Mayor Dobson received word this rrzorning that tt~e Post Office Department wilt send its real estate personnel to Vail on next ~~ednesday tv dose the rental agreement for use a£ a xxxajor portion of the Crossroads T?xugstare's basen'zent for the next year. a B. Signs. Dlake I.,ynch re}?orted that 125 signs aye on ordex fxorn Unit 1. Mr. Wiens o£ that organization has recoranmended that wa • accept a bid o£ $l, 250 far Fabrication of these signs. A. lower bid of $850 was tendered; however, Mr. Wiens recomrszended the higher bidding company because of the superior quality o£ their products. Slake discussed the main entrance sign with the Trustees. It will be a comprehensive directional sign Hating service areas, lodges and public parking. C. Trustee Donavan cam.mented that he and Teary Minger had dis- cussed the refuse collection problem with owner Leo Duran. They considered the possibility o£ having the TOWn's accounting depart~- xr~ent assume the billing For Mr. Duran, since he has no systexx~ for same established. Although the Trustees were not unanimously in favor of such an endeavor, they encouraged further x~reetings with Mr. Duran with the intent o£ resolving his xaute and twilling problems. Trustee Donovan and Terry will work with Lea and repaxt back to the Board. With no further business to be discussed, the meeting adjauxned at 6:15 p. rn. \J J , P~tOPOSED BUS SERVICE Cost Allocation Formula 1. Vail Associates will pay the full hourly cost for all express service. 2. The Town of Vail will pay the full hourly cost for all normal bus service. 3. The `T'own of Vail and Vail Associates will share equally the hourly cost of all bus service after 4:30 p. m. , provided such ser- vice includes a stop at Lion's Head. Schedule A Bus No, 1 8:00 - 9:30 a, m. Express 0:30 - 3:00 p, m. Normal {half hour iunchl 3:00 - 4:30 p. m. Express Bus No. 2 8:30 ~ 9:30 a. m. Express (Town driver) 3:00 -- 4:30 p. m. Express 4:80 - 10:30 p. m. Normal {half hour dinner) Total Express Hours 5-1/~ Total Normal Hours-Day 5 Total Normal Hours-Evening 5-1/2 Total Hours 10 Vail Associates Cost ~, 82. 50 Town of Vail. Cost 7`l. 50 'f'atal Cost ~ 160.00 Schedule B Bus No. 1 8:00 -~ 9:30 a. m. Express 9:30 - 3:00 p. m. Normal {half hour lunch) 3:00 - 4:30 p. m. Express 0 0 -- s Bus N 2 3:0 4:30 p. m. Expre s (Reserve) 4:30 - 9:00 p. m. Normal {no dinner) Total Express Hours 4-1/2 Total Normal Hours-Day 5 Total l~k~~rma] Hours-Evening 4-1/2 Total Hours 14 r - Vail Associates Cost ~ 67. 50 Town of Vail Cast 72.50 Total Cost ~ 140.00 Schedule C Bus No. 1 5:00 - 9:30 a. m. Express 9:30 - 3:00 p. m. Normal (half hour lunch) 3:00 - 4:30 p. m. Express Bus No. 2 3:00 - 4:30 p. m, Express (7-hour shift) 4:30 - 10:30 p. m. Normal {half hour dinner) Bus No. 3 8:30 ~ 5:30 a, m. Express (Town driver) (Reserve) 3:00 - 4:30 p. m. Express {Town driver) Total Express Hours 7 To tat Normal Hours -Day 5 Total Normal Hours-Evening 5-112 1 Total Hours l7-l/2 Vail Associates Cost ~ `~'~. 50 Town of Vail Cost '77. 50 Total Cost $175.00 Recommendation Start with something similar to Schedules A or B and allocate cost on basis set forth in proposed formula. This enables us to accurately and fairly allocate costs as we juggle schedules. Schedules A, B, and C are merely illustrative of vario~.s allocations based on the formula. • -2- • TOWN 0~' VAIL - WORKING CAPITAL FUND TREASURER'S REPORT October 31, 3.969 Financial Statement Balance in Bank of Vail as of 9130f69 Receipts during October Billings for Services Gas and Oil Sales $ 311.25 12.58 $1, U68. lit 323.83 $1,393..97 Disbursements during October . Payment to Town for Pickup Truck Maintenance ~- Loader Cost of Gasoline Ba3.ance in Bank of Vail as of 10 / 31 f 6 9 $1,250.00 X6.52 3.4.00 Respectfully submitted, F. Blake Lynch SecretaryfTreasurer 1,~~0.52 $ {48.55 • • i CK. N0. 7.024 ].025 7.026 TOWN OP VAIL - GdORKING CAPITAL ~'tFND DI5~3URSEMENT5 DURING THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, 1969 DATE PAYEE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 1Q/16 Town of Vail. 505 of Town's cost ~- P~,ckup Truck X1,250.00 ZO/18 Town of Vail. I~tnc, - Loader 46.52 7.Q/31 Continental Oil. Co. Gasoline 7.44.00 TOTAL: $7.,440.52 Respectfully submitted, ~'. Bl~.ke Lynch 5ecretarylTreasurer • TOWN OF VAIL GENERAL FUND TREASURERS REPORT October 31, 2969 Financial Statement Balance xn Bank of Vail Regular Account as of 9130C69 $ 3,855,13 Receipts during October Sales and General Occupation Taxes $12,532.60 Court Fines and Fees 234.00 Highway Users Tax 284,22 Building Inspection Fees 756,00 Reimbursements 9,586.74 Miscellaneous Revenue 5x.22 Accounts Payable 614,98 Management Fees 6,580.00 Street Repair Fees 3,519,33 Utility Occupation Tax 979;71 Property Taxes 4,395.50 37,483.20 $41 338.33 Disbursements during Qctober Board of Trustees $ 846,55 Police Magistrate 15q,Oq Administration 1,870.b~• Planning 120.00 Police Department 1,57fl,75 Street Maintenance 243.59 Building Inspection x45.54 Parks and Grounds Maintenance 270.20 Landscaping 35,89 Street Lighting 207.24 Fire Frate~tion District 543.38 Recreation District - Goxf 333.68 eater District 3,427,65 Sanitation District x,103.34 Liability Accounts x1,301.27 Contribution to Payroll Account 15,50Q.00 Reimbursable Expenses 3,009.78 40,678.56 Balance in Bank of Vail Regular Account as of 10/31169 $ 659.77 Respectfully submitted, F. Blake Lynch Secretary/Treasurer • • TOWN.OF VAIL - PAYROLL ACCOUNT TREASURER'S REPORT October 3~., ].969 Financial Statement Balance in Bank o£ Va~.l as of 9/30/69 $ 904.94 Transfer of Cash from General Fund 15,500.043 $16,~0+~.9~ Payroll Distribution - October Administration and Finance $ 3,295.56 Planning 943.20 Street Maintenance 2,181.87 Building Inspection 884.60 Police Department x+,662.80 Parks and Grounds Mtnce. 3.67 Recreation District -Golf 1,393.77 Recreation District - Tennis x.27.31 Water District x.,649.52 Sanitation Distract 1,025.03 Fire District 890.80 "New Nine" - Reimbursable 3,041,76 $?0,079.69 Less: Payroll Taxes Payable 4,756.23 Actual Cash Outlay 15,323.46_ Balance in Bank of Vail as of 10!31/69 $ 1,081.4$ Respectfully submitted, • F. Blake Lynch SecretaryiTreasurer • • • t oc~c-~c>cooot~t,~Oar~oc~ocrcaeac.~o crocac~c~c~[7c~Cac~caCi C ooc~c~©o~sc~c~c~oocSOOC~c~ca©c~ r~oc~c~OC~c~cicyOgc's C~ n h•' N N N N W I-' F•a 1-~ F-' I-' W ~-' N N N h-• F-' I-~ I-' I••a F•' F•' FJ F-' N ~-? 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N N {~ • • • • • ~°, Ci's O G1'1 CTi C1'i ~i C7 Q U'1 d E~ 4-~ z~ 1 _1 THE TOWN OF SAIL x.969 OPERATING BUDGET RE~IENUE AND EXPENDITURE R£F'ORT POR THE NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, ].969 1 October 10, 1969 This report was prepared on the modified cash basis at September 30, 1969. Generally, the report represents the financial activity that has transpired for the nine months ending September 30, 1969. The report is divided into three sections: Section I: Summary of Revenue for the nine months ended 9/3Q/69 Section TI: Summary of Expenditures for the nine months ended 9/3Q/fi9 Section lll: Working Capital Rund Reports t ~~ ~__~ Stan Bernstein Town Accountant • • SUMMARY OF REVENUE Anticipated Total RECEIPTS Sales 6 General Occupation Taxes Utility Occupation Tax Parking Fees Liquor Fees Court Fines and Fees Building Inspection Fels Street Repair Fees Highway Users Tax Rebate Federal. 70~. Grant General Property Taxes Ice Skating Miscellaneous Revenue Water and Sanitation Management Fee Fire Management Fee Recreation Management Fee Unencumbered Cash Balance Carried Forward from Prior Years TOTAL REVENUE 1969 $200,000.00 9,500.00 2,250.00 1,6oo.oa 2,500.00 3,500.00 1,000.00 2,000.00 10,000.04 25,000.00 1,500.00 99,290.00 14,160.00 40y750.00 15,813.15 $++28,863,16 Actual Total Nine Months a~ ~ $152,946.22 ~:s~ 3,333.59 1,658.90 48.75 3,785.75 14,157.50 4,448,44 1,433.98 $, 500 , fl0 .},,194 w 84 351,24 53,000.00 13,000.00 35,500.00 ~~fi~:~: 13,042.19 $327,822.68 Pra~ected Total 1969 $225,000.00 9,500.00 1,660.00 1,600.00 5,000.00 15,000.00 5,000.00 2,OQO.flO 10,004.00 25,000.00 ]., 500.00 500.00 99,290.00 14,160,00 40,750.00 13,oao.ao $468,960.D0 ~kRevised ~~This amount does not include August and September's sales tax. x~'~~Tax for first quarter only. ~~~~This amount has decreased by $2,770.97 as miscellaneous bi11s trickle in from 1968. This figure should not decrease anymore. - APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURE REPORT SUMMARY A ro riation pP P Actual Pro'ected 3 Total Expended Total ACTIVITY 1969 Nine Months 1969 Board of Trustees $ 21,750.00 $ 14,997.67 $ 20,OOD.Dfl Police Magistrate 2,100.00 1,412.00 2,100.00 Administration 6 Finance 54,725.00 41,734,67 57,000.00 Planning 20,390.00 21,384.42 25,000.00 Police 77,243,00 54,643.60 77 ,fl00.Oq Streets 37,050.00 20,465.80 31,400.OD Building Inspection 6,530.00 3,952.77 5,50q.00 Parking Lots 2,3Dfl.00 1,661.16 1,70D.D0 Street Lighting 3,500.00 2,632.73 3,000.00 Parks 8 Grounds Mtnce. 4,5D0.00 4,?66.66 5,500.00 Landscaping 4,000.00 10,103.D7 11,000,00 Recreation - Pro-Shop 12,500.00 16,501.54 16,540.Ofl Recreation - Golf Course 43,480.OD 38,6D4.13 48,000.04 Recreation - Tennis 4,55fl.D0 3,82D.88 4,Ofl4.00 Fire Department 15,410.00 9,014.77 15,040.00 Water Department 34,950.00 27,556.14 36,000.00 Sanitation Department 42,450.00 40,809.73 50,000.00 Ice Skating 7,800.00 4,304.19 7,500.40 Street Paving Imp. 7,000.00 2,700.fl0 7,OOO.DO Gravel 4,000,00 - - 4,000.00 Working Capital Fund 9,000.00 17,500.00 20,DOfl.00 Contingency 13,635.16 _-_- -___ TOTAL ALL DEPTS. $428,863.16 $338,5$5.93 $446,800.00 • • APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURE REPORT A ro riat~.on~~ PP P Actual Total Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY 1969 Nine Months Balance BOARD OF TRUSTEES Personal Services Salaries 8 Wages - Part $ 2,7&0.00 $ 2,070.00 $ 680.00 Contractual Services Advertising $ 7,800.00 $ 6,798.15 $1,001.85 Dues and Subscriptions 100.00 91.00 5.00 Professional Fees 9,Ofl0.00 4,952.61 4,047.39 Travel Expense 500.00 ----- 500.00 Other 1,300.flfl 1,085.91 214.D9 Sub-Tatal $18,700.00 $12,927.67 $5,772.33 Commodities Other $ 300.00 $ ----- $ 30D.fl0 Board of Trustees -- TOTAL $21,750.00 $1+,597.67 $6,752.33 POLICE MAGISTRATE Personal Services Salaries 8 Wages - Part $ 1,200.00 $ 900.00 $ 300.00 Contractual Services Rent $ 60fl.00 $ 450.00 $ 150.00 Other 100.00 62.00 38.00 Sub-Total $ 7Da.fl0 $ 512.00 $ 188.00 Commodities Other $ 200.00 $ ----- $ 200.00 Police Magistrate - TOTAL $ 2,100.00 $ 1,412.Ofl $ 688.00 Revised per Ordinance #3 - Series 1968 • APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURE REPORT . Appropr~at~.on 1 Actua Total Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY 1969 Nine Months Balance ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE Personal Services Insurance $ 3.,500.00 $ 405.50 $ 1,094.50 Social Security 1500.00 1,152.32 347.68 Salaries ~ Wages -- Fu11 34,700.00 25,656.44 9,043.56 Sub-Total $37,70D.00 $27,214.26 $10,485,74 Contractual Services Adverta.sing $ 150.00 $ ---- $ 150.00 Car Allowance 35D.OD 324.30 25.70 Dues and Subscriptions 250.00 157.00 53.00 Insurance - Bldgs, 6 Equipment 25D.OD 189.00 61.00 Postage 650.00 536.45 113.55 Printing 1,500.00 691.90 808.10 Professional Fees 700.00 502,50 197,50 Rent 4,500.00 3,735,27 764.73 Retarding and Abstracting 200.00 82.50 117.50 Telephone 2,800.00 2,287.33 512.67 Training 200.Oq 66.42 133.58 Travel 350.00 579,66 (229.66) Other 1,800.00 3.,786.59 13.43. Sub-Total $13,700.00 $10,978.92 $ 2,72]..08 Commodities Boo]cs and Periodicals $ 100.00 $ 20.00 $ 80.00 Food Supplies 125.00 118.69 6,31 ~,icense Tags 100.00 15.80 84.20 Office Supplies 1,90D.00 1,696.31, 203.69 Other 600.00 75.69 524.33. Sub--Total $ 2,825.00 $ 1,926.49 $ 898.51 Capital Outlay Oft'ice Equipment $ 500.00 $ 1,615.00 ${1,115.00) Administration and Finance -- TOTAL $54,725.00 $41,734.67 $12,990.33 Note: Nine month total actual Adm~.nistration and Finance expendi- tunes will be charged to all the districts as fa3.lows: Town 40o x $41,734.67 = $16,693.87 W. 6 5. District 405 x 41.,734.67 = 16,693.87 Rec. District 15o x 41,734.67 = 6,260.20. Fire District 5~a x 41,734.67 = 2,086.73 $41,734.67 ~~ APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURE REPORT Appropr.zat~.on Actual Total Expended ACTIVITY 1969 Nine Months Pi,ANNING Personal Services Insurance 5oe~.al Security Salaries S; Wages - Full Sub-Tota]. Contractual. Services Pro~eesi,onal Fees Commodities Books 6 Periodicals Other Sub--Total Planning - TOTAL • $ 50.00 140.00 3,040.00 $ 9,190.130 $17,000.04 $ 300.00 144.4D S 2oo.4fl $20,390.fl0 $ 266.10 297.44 6,187.50 $ 5,750.60 $14,600.75 $ 33.07 $ 33.07 $21,384.42 Unexpended Balance $ f 27.6.10) (157.00) {3,167.54) $(9,560.64} $ 2,399.25 $ 66.93 104.4fl $ 156,93 $ (994.42) • APPROFRIAT3;ON AND.EXFENDITURES REPORT A ro riatiori Actual Pp P Total Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY 1969 Nine Months Balance POLICE DEPARTMENT Personal Services Insurance $ 2,267.00 $ 1,BD3.4D $ 463.60 Pension 2,130.00 1,676.86 453.14 Salaries 6 Wages -- Full 52,735.00 36,857.63 15,877,37 Salaries ~ Wages - part 2,755.00 2,363.82 393..1.8 Salaries 6 Wages - Overtime 2,171.00 2,1.60,00 13..00 Sub-Total $62,058.OD $44,861.71. $17,196.29 Contractual Services Advertising $~: '+00.00 $ 99.45 $ 300.55 Car Allowance 200.00 1.03.10 96.90 Dues 80.OD 24.50 55.50 Insurance 975.00 529.00 446.00 Laundry 30.00 .55 29.45 Cleaning 360.00 240.00 120.00 Vehicle Maintenance 500.00 744.10 (244.3.0) Postage 50.00 14.82 35.18 Printing 175.00 62.69 13.2, 31. Professional Fees 400.00 382.50 17.50 Rent 1,800.D0 1,350.00 450.D0 Telephone 1,000.00 654.20 345.80 Training 700.00 306.44 393.56 Travel 200,Ofl 260.96 {60.96) Other 1.,620.00 223.56 1.,396.44 Sub-Total $ 8,49D.00 $ 4,995.87 $ 3,494.13 Commodities Books and Periodicals Chemicals and Drugs $ 75.00 50.00 $ ---- 90.73 $ '15.00 (40.73} C1oth~.ng 940.DD 555.47 374.53 Food 2DD.DD 25.D4 175.DD Motor fuels 8 Lube 1,600.DD 1,1].1.83 468.17 0~'fice Supplies 250.00 33.0.27 (60.27) Other 1,400.00 324.12 1,D75.88 Sub-Total $ 4,515.00 $ 2,427.42 $ 2,087.58 Capital Outlay Furniture $ 225.00 $ - -- $ 225.00 Raaio 1,675.00 1,948.50 (273.5D} Other 280.00 41D.10 (130.10} Sub-Total $ 2,180.Ofl $ 2,358.60 $ {1.78.60} Police Department-- TOTAL $77,243.00 $54,643,60 $22,599.40 • APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURE REPORT A ro riation pp Actual Total Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY 1969 Nine Months Balance STREET MAINTENANCE Personal Services Tnsurance $ $00.00 $ 869.47 $ (69.47} Social Security 900.00 579.75 320.25 Salaries 8 Wages - Full 22,400.00 1I,723.75 10,676.25 Sub-Total $24,100.00 X13,172.97 $x0,927.03 Contractual Services Car Allowance ~ 800.00 $ ~---- $ 600.00 Dues 6 Subcr~.ptions 50.00 - --- 50.00 Tnsurance 900.00 308.00 592.00 Laundry 200.00 220.88 (20.5$) Ma~.ntenance 6 Repair - Machinery ~ Equip. 500.00 - 5U0.00 Professional Fees 400.00 700.04 (300.00} Rent 3,500.00 2,665.00 835.00 Other 1,000.00 28.52 971.48 Sub-Total $ 7,150.00 $ 3,922.10 ~ 3,227.90 Cornrnod it i e s Street Repaa.rs and Maintenance Matera.als $ 2,700.00 $ 58.04 $ 2,641.96 Machinery 8 Equip. -- Parts 8 Supplies 300.00 467.57 1167.57) Motor Fuels 400.00 377.60 22.40 Signs 200.00 491,02 {291.02) Small Tools 200.00 78..41 121.59 Other 2,000.00 1,898.09 101.91, Sub-Total $ 5,800.00 $ 3,370.73 -$ 2;429.27 Street Maintenance - TOTAL $37,050.00 $20,465.80 $16,584.20 r-~ ~LJ APPROPRIATION AND EXPENbITURE REPORT ria-~ion Approp Actual Total Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY ~ 1969 Nine Months ~3alance BUILDING INSPECTION Personal Services Insurance $ 240.00 $ 77.fl0 $ 123.00 Social Security 230,00 3,56.51 73.49 Salaries 6 Wages - Full 53240.44 3,260.56 1,939.44 Sub-Total $5,630.flfl $3,494.07 $2,135.93 Contractual Services Professional Fees $ 640.00 $ 145.9fl $ 454.10 Training 54.04 ----- 5D.00 Travel. 00 100 195.7(3 (95.74} Other y 18.90 (18.60) Sub--Total $ 754.40 $ 36D.50 $ 369.50 Commodities Books and Periodicals $ 100.00 $ 45.3fl $ 54.74 Office Supplies 50.44 52.90 (2.90) Sub-Total. $ 154.44 $' 98.20 $ 51.80 Building Inspection -- TOTAIr $6,53fl.Ofl $3,952.77 $2,577.23 PARKING LOTS personal. Services Social Security $ 100.44 $ 70.73 $ 29.27 Salaries 6 Wages - Part Z,9flfl.40 3.,481.49 2 ~ 41.8.51 78 $ 447 Sub-Total $2,Ofl0.04 $3.,552.2 . Contractual Services Insurance $ 25.00 $ 16.00 $ 9.00 Printing 25.00 22.15 2.85 Utilities 3.44.04 59.29 40.71 $ub-Tota3. $ 154.40 $ 97.44 $ 52.5& Commodities Other $ 15fl.fl0 $ 11.50 $ 138.54 Parking Lots - TOTAL $2,300.40 $1,661.1b '$ 638.84 • APPROPRIATION AND EXPENAITURE REPORT A ro riation Actual PP P Total Expended ACTIVITY 1969 Nine Months STREET LIGHTING Contractual. Services Other Commod i.t ies Other Street Lighting - TOTAL PARKS AND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE Personal Services Social Security Salaries 6 Wages - Temparary Sub-Total Contractual Services Insurance Utilities Other Sub-Total Commodities Seeds and Plants Small. Tool. s , Bldg . Mat . Sub--Total. Capital Outlay Parks and Grounds Nainte-- nance -- TOTAL $ 3,000.00 $ 2,632.73 $ SQO.Ofl $ 3,5flfl,00 $ --_.. $ 2,632.73 $ 3.flfl. fl0 1,400.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 3,00.00 400.00 1,70fl. flfl $ 2?2fl0.00 $ 100.00 200.00 $ 3fl0, fl0 $ 500.00 $ 4,500.00 $ 77.93 1,761.9fl $ 1,839.83 $ ,.___ als.5a 1,227,flo $ 2,043.50 $ ----- 53.66 $ 53.66 $ 629.67 $ 4,766.66 Unexpended Balance $ 367.27 $ 5flfl.fl0 $ 867.27 $ 22.x7 (361.90) $ (339.63) $ 100.x0 (41.6.50) 473.00~'~ $ 156.50 $ lOfl.00 1.46.34 $ 246.34 $- (329.67} $ (266.66) • ~ r APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURE REPORT Appropriation Actual Total Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY 1969 Nine Months Balance LANDSCAPING - PROJECTS Vorlau3'er Park Personal Services Contractual Services Commodities Sub-Total. Bride St. Planter Contractual Services Mill Creek Rock Work {2) Personal Services Contractual Services Commodities Sub--Total East Brid~E Personal Services Commodities Sub-Total Entrance Island Personal Services Contractual Services Commodit i.es Sub-Total Landscaping - TOTAL CONTINGENCY RECREATION DEPARTMENT PRO-SHOP Personal Services Salaries 6 Social Sec. ~. Ynsurance . Sub-Total $ ---- $ 681.37 $ ---_ _.,.._ 1,435.71 ---- ___.. 512.72 ____ $ _.,.._ $:2,629.80 $ _...,.. $ -_-- $ 300.7. $ $ ____ $ ~-,285,52 $ _---- ---- 7.55.96 ---- ~_,~_ 613..95 .._.... $ ---- $ 5,053:43 $ --- , $ __--- $ 808.13 $ _-__ ---_ 517.64 ------ $ ---- $ 1,325.77 $ $ --__ $ 456.8, $ --...~ ___.. 263.22 ---- ..__- 73.33 ---- $ ..__- $ 793.36 $ __.~.. $ 4,000,00 $10,103.07 $(6,103.07) $13,635.16 $ ---_- $13,635.16 $ __~.w $ 7, 397.501 $ ---- --.... 34.20 _...._ $ _..__ $ 7,431.70 $ ----- APPROPRIATION AND E!{PEND>:TURE REPORT A ro riati.on PP P Actual Total Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY 1989 Nine Months Balance RECREATION DEPARTMENT PRO-SHOP (cont.) Contractual Services Freight $ __.._ $ 43.00 $ -~_--- Utlllties ••-...•-. 83.29 ...•--~ Telephone ----- 1.30 , 4 5 ---~- Liabi].a.ty Insurance -----_ 77.00 ---- Janitorial Service ---- 14D.40 ------ Sub-Total $ ----- $ 474.14 $ --_- Commodities Merchandise Purchases --- $ - $ 7,807.31 $ ---- Trophies --~-- 307.97 ---- Supplias, Chains, Locks ---- 480.42 --~--~ Sub-Total $ -- $ 8 , 5 9 5.7 D $ --_--- Pro--Shop - TOTAL $12,500.00 $16,501.64 $(4,OO1.5~) GOLF COURSE Persona3, Services Insurance $ 544.00 $ 424.40 $ 115.60 Social Security 700.00 839.37 (].39.37} Salaries 6 Wages - Seasonal 3y7~500.00 18,41.2.49 ~ . (912.49} Sub--Total $18,740.00 $19,676.26 $ (936.26) Cantractual Services Car Allowance $ 50.00 $ ---- $ 50.00 Dues 8 Subscriptions 240.00 108.00 132.00 Insurance 1,100.00 373.00 727.00 Mince. ~ Repair - Bldgs. 200.00 96.40 103.60 Mince. ~~8~,~tgpar--- Mach. 6 Equip. 500.00 824.15 175.85 Printing 100,00 ---- 100.00 Professional Fees 500.00 8,00 492.00 Rent 11,500.00 11,160.00 340.00 Travel 100.00 ----~ 100.00 Utilities 200.00 399.20 (199.203 Other 4,000.00 3,41?.49.: 582.51 Sub-Total $18,490.OD $3.5,886.24 $ 2,603.76 APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDxTURE ~EPO1tT Appropriation Actual fiotal. Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY 1969 Nine Months Balance RECREATION DEPARTMENT GOLF COURSE -- (cont.) CORlmOdltiE35 Machinery 8 Equip. - Parts ~ Supplies $ 500.D0 $ 727.54 $ t227.5Q) Motor Fuels 75Q.00 1,42.05 607.95 Seeds and Plants 3,60D.00 1.,569.55 2,030.35 Small Tools 500.00 365.23 134.77 Water Pape 6 Suppl~.es 400.D4 ---_ 400,40 Other 500.44 237.24 2fi2.8Q Sub-Total $ 6,250.00 $ 3,042.53 $3,208,37 Golf Course -- TOTAL $43480.04 $38,604.13 $4,875.87 TENNIS Personal Services Salaries 8 Wages -- Part $ 1,540.00 $ 1458.74 $ 41..2.6 Contractual Services Other $ 540.00 $ 282.95 $ 217.05 Commodities Building Materials $ 500.00 $ 158.37 $ 341.53 Recreation Supplies 554.00 642.29 (92.29; Seeds and Plants 1,540.00 ].,278.53 221..47 Sub--T©ta1 $ 2,550.44 $ 2479.1.9 $ 470.81 Tennis - TOTAL $ 4,550.00 $ 31824.88 $ 729.1.2 Recreation Department - TOTAL $60,530.04 $5$,926.55 $16(13.45 APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURE REPORT Appropriation Actual Total Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY 1969 Nine Months Balance WATER DEPARTMENT Personal Services Insurance $ 750.00 $ 1,019.08 $ {269.08) Social Security ?50.00 554.08 195.92 Salaries 8 Wages - Full 17,350.00 11,342.74 6,007.26 Sub~Total $18,850«00 $12,915.90 $ 5,934.10 Contractual 5arvices Insurance $ 1,100.00 $ 303.00 $ 797.00 Laundry 100.00 237.68 (137.88) Mtnce. 8 Repair - Mach. 150.04 727.82 (577.82) • Mtnce. 8 Repair - Bldg. and Improvements 150.00 -_-- 150.00 Printing 140.04 111.48 (11.48) Professional Fees 200.00 106.23 95.77 Rent 1,200.00 710.00 490.00 Training 200.00 198.99 1.01 Travel 154.00 72.00 78.00 Utilities 7,240.00 4,161.79 3;038.21 Other 1,204.04 94.71 1105,29 Sub-Total $11,750.00 $ 6,723.70 $ 5,028.30 Commodities Building Materials $ 600.00 $ 103.40 $ 497.00 Chemical Supplies and Lab. Equipment 1,600.00 2,fi89.10 (1,089.10) Machinery 6 Equipment - Parts 6 Supplies 600.00 2,211.93 (1,611.933 Motor Fuels 804.00 192.76 407.24 Small Tools 200.00 188.18 33.82 4dater Pipe and Supplies 500.00 2,468.60 {i,9fi8.60) Other 250.40 84.97 165.08 Sub-Total $ 4,350.04 $ 7,916.54 $(3,566.54} Water Department - TOTAL $34,954.00 $27,558.14 $ 7,393.86 ~~ APPROPR7ATICN AND EXPENDITURE REPORT S Appropriation Actual Total Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY ].969 Nine Months Balance SANITATION DEPARTMENT Personal Services Insurance $ 750.00 $ ].,013.05 $ 1269.05) Social Security 750.00 899.94 {149.94) Salaries 8 Wages - Full 18,350.00 1.8,821.11 {471.11) Sub-Total $19,850.00 $20,7~#O.IO $ 1890.10) Contractual Services Insurance $ 1,300.00 $ 303.00 $ 997.00 Laundry 100.00 237.69 (137.69) Mince. 8 Repair - Bldg. and Improvements 150.00 96.00 54.00 Mince. 8 Repair Equip. 8 Mach. 150.flfl 1.05,79 44.2], Printing 1fl fl . 00 111.47 { 13..47 ) Professional Fees :~. 200.00 23.23 3.76.77 Rent 1,500,00 300.00 1,200.00 Training 200.00 198.98 1.02 Travel 150.00 72.00 78.00 Utilities 10,300.00 7,886.21. 2,413.79 Other 1,200.00 74.92 3.,125.08 Sub-Total $1.5,350.00 $ 9,409.29 $ 5,940.71 Commod~.ties Building Materials $ 900.00 $ 663.52 $ 236.48 Chemical Supplies 8 Lab. Equipment 4,200.00 3,781.60 418.40 Machinery 8 Equip. - Parts 8 Supplies 800.00 1.,838.57 (1,338.57? Motor Fuels 600.00 183.58 416.42 Sewer Tile and Pipe 500.00 3,723.35 13,223.35) Sma11 Tools 200.00 1.36.50 63.50 Other 250.00 233.22 16.78 Sub-Total. $ 7,250.00 $10,660.34 ${3?410.34) Sanitation Department - TOTAL $42,450.00 $40,809.73 $ 1,640.27 l~ APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURE REPQRT Appr opra.ation Actual Total Expended ACT3:VTTY 1969°~ Nine Months FIRE DEPARTMENT Personal Services Insurance $ 450.00 $ 297.00 Social Security 275.00 42.34 Salaries ~ Wages 7,560.00 1,882,00 Sub-Total $ 8,285.00 $2,221.34 Contractual. Services Dues and Subscriptions $ 1.00.00 $ 38.25 Insurance 1,500.00 3.,103.75 Mtnce. 5 Repair - Bldgs. and Improvements 3.00.00 36,00 Mince. ~ Repair -- Equip, and Machinery 500.fl0 868.10 Rent 500.00 -.--_ Telephone 600.00 83.4.45 Training 150.00 I60.68 Travel 200.00 757.07 Utilities 1, 600.00 83,2.97 Other 450.00 1,504.39 Sub-Total $ 5,700.00 $5495,66 Commodities Chemical Supplies $ 250,00 $ 1.65.50 Janitorial Supplies 75.00 --_-- Machinery 6 Equip. - Parts 6 Supplies .~. 3.00.00 365.70 Motor Fuels 350.110 362.47 Small Tools 150.00 29.04 Other 500.00 375.06 Sub-Total $ 1,425.00 $1.,297.77 Fire Department - TOTAL $15,410,00 $9,03.4,77 ~- ~ Unexpended Balance $. 153.00 232.66 5,678.00 $ 6,063.66 $ 61.75 396.25 64.00 (368.10} 500.00 {214,45) {Zfl.88) +2.93 787.03 (1,054.39 $ 20#.34 $ 84,50 75,00 {265.7fl) (3.2,47) 120.96~~ 1.24.94 $ 127.23 $ fi,395.23 • • t ACTTUTTX TCE SKATING Personal Services Insurance Social Security Salaries ~ Wages ~- Seasonal 5ub~-Total Contractual Services Advertising Insurance Uti~.ities Other Sub~Total Commodities Machinery ~ Equip, Motor Fuels Tce Skates fi Assec. Other Sub-Total Tce ~Skatin~ ~- TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY Streets and Grounds Improvements Gravel Working Capital Fund Capital Outlay - TOTAL ALL DEPARTMENTS - TOTAL APPTiOPRIATIQN AND EXPENDITURE REPORT Appropriation Actual. Total Expended 1989 Nine Months $ 200.fl0 225.00 3,9?5.0D $ 4,40fl.Ofl $ 20fl.0fl $ 73.25 $ x.26.75 500.00 444.OU 56,fl0 100.00; 34.24 65.76 600.00 34.86 565.14 $ 1fl5.00 ].25.30 2,610.75 $ 2,841.05 Unexpended Balance $ 95.00 99.70 1,354.25 $ 1,55$.95 $ 1,400,00 $: 586.35 $ 813.65 $ 904.00 104.00 940.flfl 100.fl0 $ 45"x.40 $4.23 262.24 72.92 $ 442.60 15.77 637.76 27.08 $ 2,000.00 $ 7,900.00 $ 7,Of10.00 4, QOfl. 00 8,000,00 $ 20,044,00 $ 8?6.79 $ 4,304.19 $ 2,700.00 l7, 500.413 s 20,204.44 $ 1,123.21 $ 3,495.81 $ 4,300.00 4,000.fl0 c8,5ofl,4a) ~ t2oo.ao) $428,$63.16 $338,565.93 $90,297.23 ~ ~ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO WORKING CAPITAL FUTdD BALANCE SHEET September 39, 1969 ASSETS Cash in Hank $1,068.14 .~ Accounts Receivable 3,794.63 Current Assets $ 4,862.77 Accom. Book Equipment - At Cost: Cost Deprec. Value Cat, Loader ~ Backhoe $17,347.96 $1,3Q1.09 $16,046.87 Blade for Above 3,182.50 238.68 2,943.82 Compressor 2,425.x0 363.75 2,061.25 X69 Ford Pick-up Truck 2,500.00 138,83 2,361.17 Water Flusher Truck 4,970.Ofl 165.66 4,804.34 X69 Dump Truck 5,25fl.00 309.37 5,140.63 Cement Mixer 239.36 62 4 7.97 325 35 $2 231.19 33,589.27 $35,91 . , . Total Assets $38,452.04 LIABILITIES Accounts Payable $ 46.52 Long-Term Liability Due to Gen. Fund 33,987.66 Total Liabilities $34,034.18 SURPLUS Profit from Operations ~ 9 months - 1969 4,417.86 Liabilities and Surplus - TOTAL $38,452.04 • TOWN OF VAxL, COLORADO - WORKING CAPITAL FUND STATEMENT OF PROFIT AND LOSS FOR NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1965 INCOME: Billings for Services ~ 58,695.63 Gasoline and Oil Sales 51,37.19 Cost of Gas and Oil Sold 1,253.03 Gross Prafit on Gas and Oil 44.36 Gross Prafit from Operations $8,739.79 EXPENSES: Maintenance 6 Repair - Equipment $1,829.46 Depreciation - Loader 1,301.09 Depreciation - Loader Blade 238.68 Depreciation - Compressor 363.75 Depreciation - 1969 Pickup 138.83 Flusher Depreciation 165.66 W Depreciation Mixer 7.97 Depreciation - Dump Truck 109.37 Other 167.12 Total Expenses 4,321.93 Net Profit from Operations $4417.86 • • • • ogor.~ooc~ooooc~caoac7ctioooc~caflo~scacsoacscac~o L7 q C10Ch tlOC? C]G~C1 OC]«CJOOCaoC30 QC~C3GC3O C:30bCJC?q W h+ I-~ I-•' I-' N W N N N W N 1-' 4-~ N I-~ E-~ i^' F-a N F^' W i••+ W H !-' F' F-' N F-+ #--' !-+ N 00 tl0 OD OD pp OO dp pp pp 00 flQ 00 CQ 00 00 00 00 Qp OD QD OD OD dD d0 C70 03 OD .t tiJ •.I V V .7 NNNiVN NNF•~NHW NI-'I•''N!-~W COOOQQG?OC'fOUDcp(DCptQt4 cri cn .F' W N #-+ t~ Cp Oo •.t O W .~ W N }-+ q tc~ W v O? tl^+ ~ W N I-+ C3 cD Go ~t [ss tsi -F' NNNNN NNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNivNNI~ NNNNNN cCy W cf7 (17 c0 LA t0 co c~ i0 CC OV Oo O] W W Ocf 00 O:s Co OC W Lb 4D Oq OD dD OD 00 O~ b0 CO N Ca C? C7 C:7 G7 C7 t~ O q p tt) t~ tD to W cE7 CO CG GD [l? 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M w r ~ b cn - • ro Q • W $ Cn bd k I ' c cn C i ~ ou v o t-I, y iw ~ ~ ~ . + ro ~ + ~ `C 'd rt --~• n E • a c~ ca h a cn cn n .+ I-- ~ w • w oa ~` w o cn v ~ • t ~ o ~ ro s ~ ~ tr W ~ r~ ~ ~ ~I-~w ~ o r~•7c~cnC ~d rtro dcnm ~~d ~' >~~~ ~ rrw rtsv n a ~• rt I•~• ~ n ~C o ~ rt ro o r~• ~ r•~• ro ca w. ~s ~ cn m v, a~m~+~ I oW c~cnortonor w ~ro ro A ~ ro C"~ ~ N• sD ~ noa w ~i w• ~ ~ cn~ m yaw r+o ~ m rt m• w ~ rt~ m ro ~ 1 l ~• V o r~~~ O ~ v a % h F'i 'd '..f' H i F ' ~ i-h ~ ~ n~~:'o ~ o n c o roro~ ~+ h t~• ~, • C O n cn n w• ro m (D () O ~ N (~ r-#~ ro n ~ ~~ ~oroo m~mm~a~n ~~ ~ wo~wmmwa~ l carol-~rr~~r~• cumca rtorort-~*~~~~ ~~oa v~c~~ rr ~' ~• • ,~. cn rnz o ~• +~ ~s w >~• s-r a. ~ ~ ~ m ro a ro • w n n c~ c~ rt ~ *+~ o rn ~ ~ W a ~3 ~ - rt _ _ _ ~ -~ ~ ~-~+•~d ~ ~nw po rt w ~l~ I IJ•+-~•~~Cro cn~rl~ w•moY IaaocnrtwC 'd~-+ m~ri~ ~Nw• v~ WW ~ WcD ro ~ rS W•0'~ N• M h ti cn rtb ~ ~} ro ro Iv c%J +"ri rl• ~ 0'Q O ~ ~ lD C O 4ti} n ~ b' I•-'• m W4q ~• ~ ~ tJ ro ro t~• ~ r~ W ?<NhN•~*iroQrt wC tir•'•C W "i rocc+d -~, ~ n H• O [~ Ui {D [A Y "3 w lU UI hr 4h {!J C U! ~ ~ I•~• :xs h' ~" ro~Fhro oa roET4rt Carta saw rt a ~ ~ s .:ymC f/) ro w w 1 ro ro ~i fi ~ n I "T# tD h t7'd U1 fD rF t0 tD ~ C (D Oro ro O tD 1 lb ~• ~ ~ ~ ~ fD rm h ~ }*! w ~ -d c~ f-i ~ ~a Oq fj U1 F•'• tD Oq N I ''C7 fL w c"1 O Iw ~ h ~ C i~ O Q ~ Oq ~ cn w• w m ~ w ro ~ c~ ~3 ~ Y ~ ro ro h ( D d'Q ~ fv us rt ~ ~ ~ ~ G C "rJ O W ~ rF 0~4 W .. .. 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N-' f.r ~ • _.._ _~~ww i1. ~"'~ N• ~ (U fD ~ ~ ~ ~ w. w. o ~ ~ __~..~~ m y 0 r M c~ wi b H H O y V II!]~~~yy O NNNNNNC7iW NU~~1E•-~ CP~NO W W W W W WCriC?CSffJ~~,l CTS CJiV1V'ifJ7CnCJ1©C7<D~CnNC]C7C7OOOOOCIt~gO]C] d~ r • • • • s • • s a . • • • • • • • • • • r r • • • • v. d © o o r~ c] r~ ca ca ca o ao o ao c~ ca o d o o ca cs ca rn o -~ ~ w c~ o o© o c~ c~ c~ n a c~ o c~ cn o c~ a o© ca o c~ o ~ c~ .~ H . • _• TOWN OF VAIL - WORKING CAPITAL FUND TREASURER'S REPORT September 30, 1965 Financial Statement Balance in Bank of Vail as off' $/31169 Receipts during September Billings for Services Gas and Oil Sales $ 683,81 $s0~.~a 83.37 696,87 1,37.68 Disbursements during September ^ ~ a so e Cast f Ga lin Balance in Bank of Vail as of•9/30/69 Respectfully submitted, F. Blake Lynch - Secretary/Treasurer 306.54 $1,U68.14 r ~~ ~J TOWN OF VAIL - WORKING CAPITAL FUND DISBURSEMENTS DURING THE MONTH OF SEI~TEMBER, 1969 CK . N0. DATE PAYEE DESCRIPTION 1023 9/1.5 Continental Oil Co. Gasol~.ne TOTAL: Respectfully submitted, ~~ F. B1,ake Lynch Secretary/Treasurer AMOUNT $306.54 $3136.54 t TOWN OF VAIL - PAYROLL ACCOUNT TREASURER'S REPORT September 30, 1969 Financial Statement Balance in Bank of Vail as of 8/31/69 Transfer of Cash from General Fund Payroll Distribution - September Administration and Finance Planning Street Maintenance Building Inspection Police Department Recreation District - Golf Recreation District - Tennis Water District Sanitation District Fire District "New Nine" - Reimbursable "Pro-Shop" i• ~,ess: Payroll Taxes Payable Actual Cash Outlay Balance in Bank of Vail as of 9/30/69 $ 3,295.56 943.20 1,002.44 864.60 4,366.76 4,160.04 44.23 2,175.04 ].,274.33 890.80 5,328.39 947.83 $25,293,02 6,268.55 Respectfully submitted, F, Blake Lynch Secretary/Treasurer $ 1,929.41 18,000.00 $19,929.41 19,(124.47 $ 904.94 ,.. ~~~~. -~~;; OFFICE COPY !~ DO NOT REMOVE i MINUTES OF 'THE MEETING SOAR]'1 OF TRUSTEES NOVEMBER 17, 1969 Mayor Dobson called the meeting to order at 2:~5 p. rn. in the Conference Room at Manor Vail. The Board first convened as the local liquor li- censing authority, #hen rrzet as the $aard.of Trustees. ROLL CALL: Roll call found the following members present: Mayor Jahn Dobson Trustee John Kaernxner Trustee Richard Bailey Trustee Thomas Steinberg Trustee C. E. Kindel Trustee John Danvvan .A Absent: Trustee Joseph Langxxzaid Others present: F. Blake Lynch, Terrell J. Minger, Larry Robinson, & Gary Knuth LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY: 1. Decision nn application by Boulder-Vail Restaurants, Inc. , for "Hotel- Restaurant" liquor license (hearing held on November 10, lg6q}, Mayor Dobson briefly revievt-ed the application, stating that all was in order. Trustee Steinberg made motion to approve this application; Trustee Bailey seconded. VOTE: Approve Boulder- Vail Restaurants. Inc. , Hotel and Restaurwnt Liquor License application. Mayor John Dobson YES Txustee Sohn Kaexnrner YES Trustee Richard 1:3ai,ley YES Trustee Thomas Steinberg YE5 Trustee G. T~. Kindel YE5 Trustee John Donavan YES Boulder-Vail Restaurants, Izxc. application is hereby approved. 2. Decision on application by Richard M. Evancho, doing business as Toph's Downstairs, far "Beer and Wine" liquor license (hearing held o~= November 10, 1,969)• Mayor Dobson reviewed the application and declared it in order. Trustee Kindel made rraotion to approve thus application; Trustee Steinberg seconded. VOTE: Approve Richard M. Evancho's Beex and 'Wine liquox license application. Mayox Jahn Dobson YES Txustee John Kaemmex YES Txustee Richard Bailey YES Txustee Thomas Steinberg YES Txustee C. E`. Kindel YEa Trustee John Donavan YE5 Richard M. Evancho's application is hereby approved. With the approval of these two new liquor licenses, the Mayor queried the Board as to their thoughts relating to the new establishments. It was generally agreed, uer Trustee Steinberg's comment, that a local xesta~arant t could not exist successfully without a liquor Facility. Mayor Dobson __ noted that there had been na protests €rorn the local citizenry regarding these two applications, and that the majority of the witnesses at the joint hearing for these two applications were very xx~,uch in favor of additional facilities to augment the overcrowded ski season conditions. Several of the,Trustees cited specific instances where they wexe unable to gain admittance for dining at local restaurants. Trustee Bailey noted that the needs of the neighborhood in which the applicants will do business are not satisfied by the existing restaurants. Trustee Steinberg agreed. 3. 1970 Local Liquor License Renewals. The following renewal. app- li cations were cansid~ered and approved by the Board of Trustees. Trustee Donovan made motion to approve; Trustee Bailey seconded. La Cave ~'he Blue f/ouv La Pinata Chili Bawl VQT~: Approve 197tI liquor license renewal applications fox above-named establishments. Mayor John Dobson YES Trustee John Kaemy.Ya.er YES Trustee Richard Bailey 'Y'ES Trustee Thomas Steinberg YES Trustee C. E. Kindel YES Trustee John Donavan YES The above-named applications are hereby approved. 4. I~u Gnu Application far Remodeling. This application was considered jointly with the above renewal applications and was approved in the same vote. 5. Consideration of an application by Vail Lion's Head Restaurants ,Inc. , far a Hotel and Restaurant License, to be located in the new I.,,ower Gondola. Terxx~inal Building at Lion's Head. (Miss Eileen Charles, Court Re- porter/Denver) Referencing the application, Mayor Dobson asked Attorney Jim Schroeder to clarify which trade names would be utilized at this new facility; Mx. Schroeder replied that the two names to be used in conjunction with the multi-room facility wexe Camp One, Inc. , and The Starting Crate. In answer to a question from the Mayor regarding the facilities to be located on the mountain at Lions' Head, Mr. Schroeder commented that Lion's Ridge Restaurants, Inc. will operate them.. He noted that this corporation had applied to Eagle County fax a liquor license, and that its officers are ti~Tilliaxn Brown, Ririe Flewelling, and Vt~. J. Wright. The Mayor then asked the Town Clerk if the application was in order, to which Blake Lynch replied in the affirmative. Upon query fron~x the Mayor, the Trustees had no comment about the application. At the request of the Mayor, Chief Knuth read the findings of his investigation of the application, stating that he found everything to be in order. The Board unanimously approved and adopted the Chief's findings. The Town Clerk stated that he had received no petitions or letters of protest. At the request of the Mayor, Attorney Schroeder introduced Mitchell Hoyt, President of Vail Lions Head Restaurants, Inc. Mr. Al Bridges, called as first witness for the applicant, outlined the growth pattern in the Vail area since it inception. He noted that, with the exception of less than one acre on which the l1L'estwind is built, Vail Associates owns all the land in the Lion's Head area. ~.nd that Vail Associates, Inc. has been publicizing this area for the coming ski season. In conjunction with the anticipated 2 ,. 4 4 additional influx of people this year, he cam.mented that this proposed xestarurant facility will serve 30Q people at one sitting. Mr. Bridges noted the inconveniencE to the skiing public to move them from Lion's Head to Vail Village for dining and apxes ski. activities. At this time Trustee Donovan inquired if the gondola at Vail Lion's Head would be operated in the surnmertirne in lieu of the gondola at Vail Village. Mr. Bridges replied that he understood it would be operated in addition, to the Vail Village gondola. The next witness called was Mr. Arthur Kelton, one of the developers of V~restwind. He very definitely favors such a facility in the Lion's Head area. Clay Simon, next witness, briefly reviewed an economic research analysis illustrating the growth in this axes. He noted that this restaurant--the only one planned in the area for this season-- will not only serve skiers at Lion's Head but also those who cross aver from. Vail Mt. to ski. Mr. Aldo Bertozxi, next witness, President of Vail Business Services, spoke briefly about the manner in which his company planned to operate this restaurant facility far Vail Lion's Head Restaurants, He remarked that no Vail Associates personnel were stockholders or directars in his company. Next witness, Mx. Rodney Slifer, whose zeal estate company is in charge of selling and leasing the space in the adjacent condominium unit with apartments and camYnercial areas, agreed that it was mast desirable to have a liquor outlet in the Lower Lion's Head Gondola Terminal. The last witness, Mr. Francis Bxofos, agreed. In summary, Attorney Schroeder noted that this facility would sae in a co::~nixxercial zone, and that landowners in the area agreed nn tho de- sirability of such a facility. M:r. Lynch interjected the thought that, although Mx. Schroeder had referred to Lien's Head 2s a sepa.xate neighborhood during the hearing, there was a chance t~zat it might not be considered such when coned. Mr. Schroeder replied that even if such were the case, there axe no other facilities in the area s.t this tixxae to serve sl;i.err~ as well as property owners. There were na further r~uestions from the l~ioaxd ax the audience; Attorney Robinson announced ths.t a de.~ cisiu:~ ~,v+nuid be reached regarding this application within 30 days. The Trusi:ees adjau~•ned as tl'te Local Liquor Licensing .Ciuthority at 3:45 p. rn. BCtiARD OF TRU ;TEES The Board of Trustees convened again at 3:30 p. m. 1. Lion's Head %oning. (Proposed Ordinance #13, 1.969) Gerry ~rhite, Chairman of the Planning Commis lion, presented the proposed zoning for this area, noting that the Camrx~ission concurred with the xxxap as prepared, with the following e~L- ceptions: 1) the core area would have to be rez~onec~. in `he future ber:ause parking facilities are not presently required and they will be a necessity ikZ the new area; and 2} boundary of the residential ~-,one should be extedded to include most of the "potato patch" area. Trustee Steinberg suggested that enforcement authority over the State-owned access road be looked into, so •that Vail would have jurisdiction over activities such as deer crc~s3inb in that area. Clay Sixnon represented Vail Associates, Inc. who agree that the core area of Lion's Head should tae xez•oned to include specifi- cations for public parking, as well as some setback requixen~ents with respect to the stream. Tl~e Mayor fornnally polled the Trustees, VOTE: Approve Lion's Head proposed zoning with understanding that it will be subsequently changed to require public parking +n core area; developers concur. 3» A • }. Mayor Jahn Dab;,an yEs Trustee Jahn Kaemmer Y~5 Trustee Richard $ailey YES Trustee T'harnas Steinberg YES Trustee C, E. Kindel ABSTAIN 'Trustee John Donovan YES Ordinance Na. l3 of 1969 is approved as written. 2, Shuttle Bus Service, Discussion ensued an the cast-sharing base for Vail Associates and the Tovrn. Clay Simon proposed a 50-50 split, with Vail Associates, Inc, paying for the opexating casts of the express buses when they exceed 50% of the fatal expxQss/regular schedule operating costs, The Mayor polled the Trustees , V'4TE: fi~prave Vail Associates offer for cast sharing as stated above. Mayar Dobson Trustee Jahn Kaernzxxer Trustee Richard $ailey ~'rustee Thomas Steinberg Trustee C. E. Kindel Trustee John Donavan YE5 YES YES YES YES ~~ r• a',. Shut~~Ie b~xs sex .s.ce will lae effective at Tk~anksgiving ~~n 'oasis Mated above. 3. Dad Problerrr, It was gn:nerally agreed that the dog ordinance, which states that a dog rriuat be under the control of his master, is not strictly enfor.r.~~~l. The $aard discussed the possibility of a dogcatcher; and auh~.. segasn~l.y decided that this would be the most effective rrrearrs of can.- trollirig ".his problexxi. Effective Mpxxday, Navexn.bar 24ih, clogs without licenses will be impounded. Those licensed but running loose •vitl incur wa~•r..ing tickets an their masters. This will bM done on an expexin~.ental basis to discexn the xxzagnitude of the probleix3., The Tnwn will grravide a man to do this for at ].east two weeks. 4. Na~v Police Chief. Mayax Dobson reviewed briefly the deliberations of the Police Chief Selection Caznrnittee~and coneludpct that, fox sevexa.l..~~:~ ~~,~sy. Acting Chief Gary Knuth was best suited for the position. He asked for the Saard's concurrence. Trustee Bailey razade xnatic~n tb concur with the selection; Trustee Steinberg seconded. VOTE: Appxove selection of Acting Chief Gary Knuth as permanent'aolic:e Chief. Mayar Dobson YES Trustee John Kaexnmer YES Trustee Richard Bailey YES Trustee Thomas Steinberg YES Trustee C. E. Kindel YE5 Trustee Jahn Donovan 'Y'ES Gary Knuth is Police Chief effective Navembex 17, 1969. ~1'ith no further business to be discussed, the meeting adjourned at 4:25 p. m. _4_ OFFICE COpY • DO NOT' REMOVE MINUTES OF '~`H~ MEETING BOARD OF TRUS'T'EES NOVEMBEI't 28, 19b9 '~"he Meeting was called to order ~y Mayor Dobson at 3;15 p. xn. RC7LL CALT,: Roll call found the following rxienzbers present Mayor John Dobson Txustee John Kaexnm.er 'T'rustee Thoxnas Steinberg Trustee Jahn Donavan Absent: Trustee Richard Bailey Trustee G. E, Kindel Txustee Joseph Langrnaid Others present: Messxs. ~`. Blake Lynch and Larry Rolainson BOARD OF TRUSTEES A5 LOCAL LIOUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY: 1. Consideration of remaining liquor license renewals for calendar year 19?~. Per the motion of Trustee Steinberg and a second by Tx°~istee Kaernxxa.er, the Berard voted to approve the renewal of the fallowing applications: Tl~e Slope The Keg Holiday Inn `T`he Lodge at Vail Gasthaf Gramshammer KJ Supexmarl~ets VOTE: Mayor Dobson YES Txustee Kaemrrxer YF5 Trustee Steinberg YES Trustee Donovan YES Above renewal applications approved. 2. Consideration of hotel-xestaurant license transfer from Crarn.er~a.s, Inc. to Michel DeLaache, fox ownership of the Vail Village Inn. Since character refexencea, fingerprints, etc. were previously furnished by Mx. DeLeache as one of the stockl~alders in the original Cxamerus, Inc. applicatiant the Board agreed to waive that requirement and vote on Mr. DeLaache's application. Motion by Kaemrrzer, seconded by Steinberg, to vote nza application. VOTE: Approve liquor license transfer far Vail Village Inn from Cxarxzerus, Inc. to Michel 7.~eLaache. Mayor Dobson YE5 Trustee Kaemmer YES Trustee Steinberg YES 'T'rustee Donavan YES Mx. DeLoache's application is approved as applied for. ~- 3. Consideration of request to modify Carina Vail by Casino Partners, Ltid. , to truss roof, make other structural improvements. Txustee Kaemmer made oration to approve request; Trustee Steinberg seconded rr~otir~n. VOTE: Approve r~xadifications to Casino Vail. A ~ ' ~ IV.[ayor Dabsan YES Trustee Kaernxx~er Trustee Steinberg Y'ES YES Txuatee Donovan YES 1Vlodificatians to Casi.na Vail will be xnads as appt'ovec~ by Board. ~Tith na f=trther business to be discussed, the meeting adjourned at 3:45 p. m. 1 • OFFICE COPY-- DO NOT REMO'CI'E MINUTES OF 'T'HE MEETING VAIL EOARD OF TRUSTF,FS DECEMBER $, 1~3~:~ Tire M.~~eting was called to order by Mayor Dobson a.t `~:4~ p. r~~,. in the Manor Vail Conference Room. ROLL CALL fou~ic~ the fol~.ovcring members present: Mayor .T~ahn Dobson Trustee ~"ohn Kaernmer ~~', ustee Joseph Langmaid. Trustee C. E. Kindel 'T`rustee Thomas Steinberg 'Trustee John Donovan t • Others present: Blake Lynch, 'Terrell Klinger, I.,a.rry Robinson. Irv ~ th unanirrious consent, the T:. ustess decided to defer the portion of the agerid,a devoted to local liquor licensing ~nattat N lzntil a.ftpr the general Board. of Trustees meeting. ;l ~~ .. S. MINiJ`rES Off` PREV'IDU~ it/IEETII~]GS. R~;~arda.n~ Item ~.C. of the November 1~ minutes, Trustee Kindel asked what the standards were on trash pickup above ground level, He noted. that current ser- vice did not :~o above this point, and asked that an inquiry be made by the Town Ot3ice to the PUC to deterrr~in.e what i•t;yY_i3.a,t~r~n~ were en~- forced. by the~;~. It was noted that 'Ierry Minc,~er and Stan Bernstein would. be having ~~Zeetings with 1'.e~ i"~zran in the very near future to try and. reach a practical solution to his administrati~re problems. Typographical error in Item 1 will be changed from "R~,nald. McDonald" to "Ronald lV[acI3:znald.. " Per .motion by `T'rustee Steinberg and. second by Tr~zstee Briley, the minutes of November l~, 1~~~, were unanimously approved.. Per motion of Trustee Bailey and. second. by Trustee Steinberg, the minutes of November 17, lg~~, were unanimously approved.; as ufere those of November 28, 199, per a motion and. second. by Trustee Steinberg and. Trustee Kaemmer, respectively. II. FINANCIAL_RFPORTS. Financial reports and. vou:;hers for November were unanimously approved after motion by 'Trustee Kindel and ,:~c~cond. by Trustee Donovan. SIX. DISC~[.JSSION OF ,PROPC7SFD ~'ARK~3G _LQT I.,EASE. Blake x•eviewed that we have laud.geted ~2~, 000 for paving and ~~~, ~~J~ for landscaping the main parking lot. As part of the lease Vail ALSO-- ciates originally wanted us to complete `7~~Io of this the first year; but lease will be changed to provide a total irnpravernent period. spread over three years. ~Gve cannot char~~e rent for parking spaces without VA approval. 'T'rustee Kindel noted. that a number of the local lod~~e sites were sold, by Vail Associates with the und.erstan~;.ing that adequate parking facilities would. be available for lodge clients. The only way for them to co~r~piy with this requirenle~zt waulci be to allow the Town to erect structured parking in tine main lot. ~ittorn~:y Robinson noted that their responsibility ~ior lodge parking becar~zes ours, as tr.~e Town has the 49-year lease on the space. 'Ti~ere will be a letter of ag~reernent each year, supple~me~~tiny the lease, which states the number of spaces to be used for pay parkin~~. Va,ii A~;sociates has no rie~ht to build. any- thing in this area w~~ile this lease is in effect. Blake suggested. that wording be inserted. to the effect that the Town could charcje a reason- able space rental fee to cover cost of maintenance. It was decided. that Blake will, .Lor~nally request Vail .A sociates to dive us a letter of ~5 S _ intent and, philosophy regarding usage of the main parking ].ot, stating whether or not they wish to completely phase out tYie day skier. '7~he agreement will be executed when they have clearly stated their philosophy. There should. also be an indication of their feelings on eventual si:ructured parking, an=.:x. the ca~r~pensa-- tion they expect fraia~. such an endeavor. IV. DISCUSS~ON_bF PROPC}SED VORLAUF~R PARK~COVERED F3RZDGE~LAND I~EDrCA+`I'IONS EY VAIL ASSOCIAT_~;5. The re- strictions outlined iri the .ac~reer~~ent for ded.icatlon of the Vorlaufer Park are acceptable to the, 'trustees. The Covered Lridg~e ayreeme~lt is also acceptable, with the ~~ceptian that a clause should. be added, by Vwii A .•sociates ailudinr~ to tl~e Covered. Erid.ge rem~.ining a covered. bridge far the foreseeabld future. B~.sed on the anticipated addition of this one exception, T~~.ste~ L~.rigmair~ rn.ade motion, Tx~u.stee B.,.iley seconded., to accept these two agreements ds w~itterls VOTE: Accept Covered, Fridge and V~rlaufer Park land dedications, with above exception, as jxrritte~a.. . • M~.yar Dobson YES Trustee Kaernmer YES Trustee Steinberg YES Trustee D~.iley YES Trustee Langrriaid YES Trustee Kindel YES Trustee Lbnovan YES l~creemenis for land dedications for these two sites are hereby approved.. V. SALES 'I'AX ORDINANCE. (Proposed. Ordinance l~To. l~l, Series of loti~3} Attorney Rubinson stated that in July 139 the State Statute d.ealing~ with sales t~.x had, been amended to include taxes an services which had not previously been spelled- out in the Statute. Our elec- tric service is a prir~1e example of the type of service now taxable. hlthaugh it is clear that in the future Ho.~y Cross E.~ectric and 1Vlt. States Telephone will have to pay a sales tax, i;he question arose as to whether we could collect back taxes fr:~rn Holy Cross Electric based on this ruling. <~ttorney Robinson noted. that, if we d.id. ask for this back tax retroactively, Holy Cross waulc~. most probably retaliate by passin:~ on the tax to the Vail consumer. 'Trustees will take this ~na.tter urxder advisement and. came to a decision at next re ;~ular meetinc~~. Proposed. Ordinance No. 14 amends Van's original sales tax ordinance, Na. 14 of 1867, to assure compliance with the State's sales tax laws. P~.ssage of this ordinance is mandatory. All Trustees verbally affirmed. that they had read. and understood the ordinance. VOTE: Approve Proposed. Ordinance Na. 14, Series of 169. Mayor Dobson YES Trustee Kaemmer YES Trustee Steinberg YES Trustee E:~iley YES Trustee Langmaid YES Trustee Kindel YES Trustee Donovan YES O~ dinance Na. 14 of 1~~~9 is hereby approved.. VI. $O~RD OF-ZONING ~D3USTMEivTT RECOMMLIVDATIwO1~T FOR MINOR CHANCE TO ZONING ORDINANCE. 4ri behalf of the Doard. of ~~-~r~ing 1~:.~justrtient, Robert Clark requested that a minor change be made to the Coning Ordinance requirin ~ that neighbors of ~~~ variance requestors be notified via certifies? mail of said variance ~. request. 'Trustee Kindel inquired as to what constitutes adjacent property. Mr, Clark replied that it is the property touching on the property in question as well as that directly across the street. The question then arose as to how "across the street" is accurately defined. The board of Ad.,iusta~~ent will submit thzir recommendation to Attorney Robinson to be framed as an a~x~end.ment to the honing Ordinance, VTX. REPORTS. A, Vail _Associa.tes' Land Offer for Municibal_p~ildin~ ~~~F.., R~~~s~~ Lynch reviewed the November 25 letter from Clay uiinon of-VA to Mayor Dobson in which the area north of the T-Tolid.~.y T~~n/Fronta,;;e Road. and. south of T--'`~0 is being offered to the Town for a municipal co~x~plex. Llake has asked, the Planning Co~rirn~ission to consider the desirability of this location for the purposes proposed. It is obviously desirable from a vehicular standpoint for the fire and police functions; it is not, however, the most desirable fror~l a pedestrian access st~.ndpoint for other municipal functions, due to the heavy traffic on the Frontage Raad. Terry Minder reported. on his study {See Exhibit A) outlining the squa~^e footage requirements for the municipal. complex. H<. said. that money could. be saved by buildin~~ as quickly as possible, thereby preclud.in.~ the cost of leasing equivalent space ~-which most probably would.n't include the meeting and. library space available in a munici.pal_ building. The fire house require>:nents have not been included. in this recommenda-• tion. Terry remarked. that it night be possible in 1q7,~ to get 500 matchin;, f~ands for a public library, which would- help to sell the bond. issue for ~7,.iN ~lomplex. Fa.ttor~-ey Robinson wi11 prepare a recomme~.dation re,~ardin;; such bond. itisue. Tt mar be that such an election roust be held. coincident with the bi-annual `T"z~ustee election this April, or we inay have 'to wait another ~tvro years for such an ~leCtiO[l. U~1der 'the agrees ~:n.Pnt f~~z- ~~.ccar~t.~.1~c:c ~_~y 41r:~ Tc~~hfr~ ~.~ this land. is the vacation or rrzoving of i:he present fire station building within 5 years. Gorge Olson of Carver ~~~:~chitects Kati bee~1 requested. to snake an appraisal of the 'puildi~~.~, as well a.s determine the feasibility of moving a portion of it to another site.. Blake will set up a joint meeting during early January with the Trustees and, Fire Eoard to discuss this n~~atter. B, Blake- L~nch_ reviewed the do~_control situation since strict en:torcement began on November 24. Aa of tod~.y i3 do:~s have been impounded.--two of these twice. A total of ~d2. ~0 has laeen collected. in irllpound~nent fees, etc. Tt was noted that none ox the anirr~als impounded. had. V~:~.il licefise tags. C, AEtev sorx~e discussion on the reserved area_pf_the main parkin lot, the `T'rustees -unaniz~aously d.ecid.ed to increase lhu number of available passes b~; 2~, lout not to increase the vehicular limitations of the fatal area until necessary. L'. Elake_L~nch asl~e~ the Trustees to a.pp~ove Pete Eurnett's trip to Pueblo to look at taro vehicles for possible purchase by the V. ales anc+ Sanitation Distr ict. ~i7ith the exception of Trustee Ldnrsma~.d, who voted ~~.o, the 'T'rustees voted unanimously 'to authorize Pete this trip. E Llake re sled. that t;~e ~~1~.ter and. Sewer Bono li.'lection scheduled. for December ~^ has been cancelled, indefinitely uue to recent court cf.ecisions cloudin the issue of wh.o may vale, l;t's pos;~ible that this el~;ction may be held. in March or ^spril. F. Mrs -Rover's, electric; utiiity_stud~ is ready now, except for the portion dependant on i~zfarmatian to be supplied. by Holy C.c°oss ;Electric. T ~... VIII. GULF OTI.~ Z~E~UEST, Terry Minger reviewed his recent conversation with Gulf Oil representatives in which they requested. the Trustees to e~~.dorse a logo sign to be erected on the Inter. state Highway near Vail. Such a sign would have the la~g~as of all. major service stations in the area. The local Gulf station is at a definite collln~ercial disadvantage d.ue to the Canoco's large and highly visibl.~ si~;lns-~~-afferin:~ ~`onaco a spot an this proposed. Interstate logo sign m.i;~ht be a ~bar~!di~ning paint by which to o'otain their co~n- pl~.ance with the sign ordindrace. CTulf feels i:hat an endorsement of this type by the `trustees might: pc;rsuade the Highway Departrs~ent to consider such a Sign, which is common in some other states. It was brought out that ii service stations are given this type of adverµ tisin~,; exposure, x°estaurant az~d lod~,linc~ facili~tips si~ould be afforded. ch.c sar-ne oppar~unity, although most prc:hably the II'tigiiw~.y ~ne~:~:~ l.-.~ZOnt would. be the final authority on the type of est~.t~lishrnents reflected on such a sign. Elo Steinberc,; of the Sian Review Board rerx~arked 'chat the Board agx'ees with Terry reyardinr~ it bein~~ a c;ood bargaining tool for the Conoco situation; she added tk~~.t Mr, Troxel, iVlanager of the Conaca station, has infarrrially told, T~Y•ry that they would like to remove their present signs-dif they could, have sar~le form of ~.d•vertiserr~e~ft ors the highway, i~ was decided. that IVlrs. Steinberg would ask her Board. to submit their offi~.ial reeonlmendations re~- yard.in~ this xx~atter to the TruskeeS for their pos~.ible subserl~zer~t recornmeizd.ation to the State High~,vay Lepa.rtrnent. IX. CLEANUP .~1T_CONS'l'~~.IG'I'TO1~T_S1TES. Buil.di.~1c~ Official Charles Bynum ~~ill inform all local contrac:~c~rs to clean up their trash on site. He: will also contact the cnt3str}kr~.ir,kti w~lrir~r•M residing in house trailers on the sites on the golf course-~•-unless properly installer. they are a health hazard.. Dr, Steinberg noted that in his capacity as Public Health OfTicer, he plans to have all. the trailers of this nature removed, from the L;onstlead. lov~rer gancl.ola terrrrinal construction site, Nfeeting with. Lime and Vail A.ssaciates will be held soon to discuss This proble~i~. ~~lith rio further business to be disc~tssec?, ~thF r~,ce~,arj°:~ a.!~.jnti~r.~~:ed at 1~: ~{~ p. rn. ~LI~UC~R l'~:tCEI`~SZ~CIr ALT`I'lIORITY: 1. Dc:cisian on Application by Vail L~onaTies.d. R sta,urants, Inc. , for "Hotel. & Restaurarxt'' Liquor License (hearir~~ held. on November l`7, l~a~?. Nf~.yor Dobson briefly reviewed. the application, stating that all was in order, `Ta~ustee Steinberg made :k~otion to approve this application; Trustee Bailey second.ed.. VOTE: Approve Vail L~~c~n~H :acl. IIo#~.el R :ftes~.~.ura.n.t licl~~ar license application. Mayor Dobson YES Trustee K ~emmer YES Trustee Steinberg YES Trustee Lailey YES Trustee Langmaid YES Trustee Kindel YES 'Trusteer;anovan YE'S d b .. y approve Vail L1onsHLad. Liquor L tense application is here .~, L~ . . J 2, Application by Dr, V~illian~ C. V4~~inter, as aperatar unr~.er lease agreement, for'H'otel & Restaurant!' Liquor License at the Lord, Gore Club located. at Manor Vail in Vail Village. Trustees felt that there were a number of possible discrepancies in Dr, V+i~nter's applica~ tion; it will be deferred. until the ii:ems in question have been elari~~~ Pied. ~, i970 Renewals of Local Liquor Licenses. Upon a motion by Trustee Kindel ane~. a second by Trustee Lang maid., renewal appli~ cations for the Ore House and. Casino Vail were approved.. VOTE: Approve applications for Ore House and Casino Vail. r~ ~J Mayor Dobson Trustee ~aerrrm~r Trustee Steinberg Trustee L~.iley Trustee Langinaid. Trustee Kindel Trustee Donovan YES YES YES Y'ES YES YES YES Said. applications are hereby approved, • ~J Vvith no further business to be discussed., the meeting ad~ourne;c?. at 11:1 ~ p. m. ~. O~"FICE COPY-- DO NOT REMOVE MINUTES OF TH.E MEETING VAIL BOARD OF TRUSTEES DECEMBER 11, 1969 r The Haard of Trustees convened as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority at 9:15 p, m. in the Manor Vail Cpnference Room. Mayor Dobson. called the meeting to order. RC7LI.~.CALL. found the following members present: Mayor John Dobson Trustee G. E. Kindel 'Trustee Thomas Steinberg Trustee John Donovan Trustee Richard Bailey Trustee Johnny Kaem.m.er Trustee Joseph Langmaid Others present: Blake Lynch; Robert Showalter & Lauren Mall , Attornies for the Applicant. CONSIDERATION OF' APPLICATION BY DR. WILLZAIVI C. W-INTER FOR TRANSFER OF "HOTEL & RESTAURANT" LIQUOR LICENSE FROM MANOR VAIL CORP, TO HIMSELF AT THE LORD GORE CLUB L,OCA`I'ED AT MANOR V1~IL IN VAIL. Some discussion ensued. regarding the discrepancies originally encountered with this application at the Trustee; meeting of December S. Upon inquiry, Dr, Winter's attornies replied that the application was to be in his nazx~Q only, under a lease agreement with Manor Vail, Corp, --the owners of the Lord Gore Club--with an option to buy the premises durinr~ 1970. There was question regarding the license fee checks, which were signed by 1VIr. Ted Keefer and bore the name of an association heretofore unrelated to either Mr. Keefer or Dr. Winter. Mr. Showalter Hated that the Doctor had established this association to handle his business affairs. When inquiry was made regarding Dr, Winter's actual aperati.on of the Ci.ub starting November 27, Mr. Gersbach of Manor Vail Corp. remarked that there is an existing management agreement for Dr. Winter tv operate the Cub from November 24 through Decen~er 31, 1969, under Manor Vail. Corps. license. Dr. Winter's attornies were advised to add footnotes to the application explaining the option agreement and other circumstances peculiar to this license transfer. Trustee Donovan made motion to approve license, 'I~rustee Bailey seconded. VOTE: Approve transfer of license .Cra ~~ Manor Vail Corp. to Dr. William C. Winter for operation of Lord Core Club. Mayor Dobson YES Trustee Kindel YES Trustee Steinberg YES Trustee Donovan YES Trustee Briley YES 'T'rustee Kaemmer YES Trustee Langmaid, Y'ES License is a roved as a lied for, pP Pp With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 4:05 p. m. C' _~ November 3 0, ~. 9 0 9 Financial Statement TOWN OF VAI L G£NFRAL FEJI~D TREASURER'S REPORT Balance an Bank of Vail R~:gu7.ar Account as of 7.0/37./69 $ 659.77 Receipts during November Loan - Bank off' Vail $85,DD0.00 Sales and General Occupation Taxes 7.0,537.26 Court Fines and Fees 526.5fl Highway Users Tax 2D2.64 Reimbursements 3,073,95 Miscellaneous Revenue 1D6.37 Accounts Payable 3,463.75 Management F~:es 5,OOO.DO Street Repair Fees 273.33 Utility Occupation Tax 1,693.05 Parking Fees ].,075.00 Liquor License Fees 1,211.25 62,!63.10 $62,822.87 Disbursements during November Board of Trustees $ 753.66 Police Magistrate 150.00 Administration 2,864.20 Planning 295,50 Police Department 1,259.05 Street Maintenance 761.87 Building Inspection 502.80 Landscaping; 28.17 Street Lighting 114,08 Fire Protection District 641.54 Recreation District -- Go1~ 481.59 Water Distract 3,733.12 Sanitation District 7.,666.21 Liabila.ty Accounts 3,608.56 Contribution to Payroll Account 13,000.00 ~ ~ Reimbursable Expenses 1,329.30 Fund Balance 1,047.00 Street Paving 4,408.00 36,644.71 Balance in Bank off' Va~_I Regular Account as of 11!30/69 $26,7.79.!.6 Respectfully submz~.-fed, ~.~~.....~~_._._ F. Blake Lynch Secret 3ry/'i'reas carer TOWN OF VATL -- PAYROLL ACCOUNT TREASURER'S REPORT November 30, 1969 Financial Statement Balance in Bank of Vail as of 10/31/69 Transfer of Cash from Genera]. Fund Payroll Distribution - November Administration and Finance $ 3,385.88 Planning 959.20 Street Maintenance 2,137.46 Parking Lots 361,56 Poxice Department 5,283.59 Parks and Grounds Mtnce. 110.04 Recreation District - Golf 469.29 Ice Skating $02.74 Water District ~., 693.5]. Sanitation District 1,209.41 Fire District 89Q.80 "New Nine" - Reimbursable 500,00 $17,$07.48 Less: Payroll Taxes Payable x,359.34 Actual Cash Outlay Balance in Bank of Vail as of 1,1./30/69 Respectfully submitted, ~ 1,081.8 23,600.0© $14,081.x$ 13,x+48.3.4 $ 633.34 F. Blake Lyneh Secretary/Treasurer • TOWN 0~' VAIL - WORKING CAPITAL FUND TREASURER'S REPORT November 30, 1969 Financial Statement Balance in Bank of Vail as of 10/31/69 S(48.55} Receipts during November Billings far Services ~-66.00 111.5 nisbursements during November Cost of Gasoline 159.33 Balance in Bank of Vail as of 11/30/69 $(~7.$$) Respectfully submitted, . F. Blake Lynch Secreatry/Treasurer • • ' TOWN OF VAIL - WORKING CAPITAL fiilND DISBURSEMENTS I3URING THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1969 CK, NO. DATE PAYEE 1027 11/28 Continental Oil. Co. DESCRIPTION Gasoline T[}TAL Respectfully submitted, F. Blake Lynch Secretary/Treasurer AMOUNT $159.33 $159.33 r~c~opnnpooooooooonc5oo©oocaocaOnooc~©c~ ~ OoOOC70G700CC]dC~C?~C700QC~C7©CSC~A©C]Ot~OC7t~C~ C1 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N k~7 N N N C, OO t70©G1 C7 CJC~ OOC~CSCJC~OOOOQCspOOC,oQC~G7 CJOCa O C] ~1 U7 Cn Cn tl~ CT1 di Q7 07 Q? 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N (J'I C7'I O • e • ^ C ~1 C7 q iJi U'T C7 J!~ © C7 '~ ~ ggooc~~oo H OFFICE COPY-- DO NOT REMOSTE . .; MINUTES OF 'TT3E MEETING WAIL BOARD OE TRi.TSTEES DECEM$ER 22, 199 Mayor Lobson called the meeting to order in the Manor Vail Conference Roorn at 7:30 p, m. ROLL CALL found the following members present: Mayor John Lobson Trustee Joseph Langmaid Tz~ustee R chard Bailey Trustee Thomas Steinberg Absent: Trustee G. E. Kindel Trustee John Donovan Trustee Johnny Kaemmer • • a Others present: Blake Lynch, Larry Robinson. Clay Simon and Robert Parker of Vail Assoc. 1. Execution of Lund Dedications from Vail A»saciates. These items will be deferred until final documents are prepared anr~ transmitted to us by Vail Associates' attornies. 2. Discussion of Refuse Collection Problem. In view of the fact that Terry Minger and work out some practical solutions to Leo that we allow a period of time to elapse i improve his present collection situation. should make a very thorough analysis of t tions to Leo which would provide adequat growth as well as its present needs. 3. Discussion of Municipal Building Site, Stan Bernstein are attempting to Duran's problems, Blake suggests n which Mr. Duran may be able to The Trustees agreed, that we he problem and. recommend solu- e service for V'an's inevitable Clay Sixnon appeared briefly at this time to distribute his letter of ~Dc:cezn- ber 2~ to the Trustees, in which he noted primarily that Vail Associates' land. offer north of the Holiday Tnn was contingent upon the Town setting aside an area within the 2. 8 acres for the local Past Office. Vail A;~soc. has made a verbal commitment to the Denver Regional Post Office offi- cials to establish a permanent site in Vail. When asked if acceptance of this land were contingent upon commencement of construction this summer, Ml~, Simon replied that it was not. Blake noted that the Planning Cammis~ Sion considers the site adequate for future needs. I:~ it ever becomes too small, perhaps the whole site could be converted to merely the police and fire functions, and municipal functions could be moved to a different loca- tion. George Olson of Carver is preparing an appraisal. of the proposed site. Mayor T~obson suggested. that a 3xzeeting with Vail Associates be arranged after the holidays to discuss whether this is the best site, what the alternatives are--if any-and any inequities involved in the present proposed. site and. its conditions. Trustee Langmaid thought it appx•apriate to have an architect draw up a rough plan for the complex; Trustee B~.iley remarked that, paramount to such a plan, a study should be made on traf- fic ingress and egress and feasibility of this site for a municipal complex. ~. Disc~.ssi.on of Main Parking I~ot Lease. A. The Lease cannot be finalized until Blake's letter to Clay Simon of December 11 is answered.. Briefly, this letter requested that a minor change be made to the lease allowing us to maintain reserved parking 4 spaces at a fee designed to only recover costs. It requested. a policy statement from Vail Associates on whether they visualise the usage of the lot as primari7.y for the day skier or as prirr3.arily for use by others than d~.y skiers. B. At this time, Mr. Robert Parker of Vail Associates presented their Town Parking Plan dated. December 22. (See Exhibit A) This comprehen- sive breakdown of the local facilities and their uses was coxx~.piled. for dis- cussion purposes between tk;e Town and Vail Associates. VA has no objec- tion to ezx~ployers issuing stickers to their employees and cliar~ginr~ f©r them. Business owners would. pay annual space rental fees, Long-stay skiers would stay in lodges which pay for season rental passes. In, effect day skiers would be the only ones whys mark free. (Ac~reer~.ent with ~'oxast Service does not allow us to charge day skie;~~,;.) :fin early-morning shuttle service from LionsHead to Nail would. provide transportation fox employees parking at LionsHead.. Mayor Dobson Nur~g~PSted, that as soon as we have a detailed ).otter of intent regarding this proposal the Town can begin taking steps to effect it. At this titre iVlr. Parkerw-as a private citizen--suggested that the Tx•ustees seriously consider allotting spaces on a long-term rental basis for local rent-a-car agencies, Ha noted that, although he had asked the companies for their proposed space reci~airPment estimates, they had not responded, C. Mr. Parker relayed Don Almond's feelings that the current parking situation on Gore Creek Drive prohibits expeditious mover~sent of emer- gency vehicles .and is definitely a hazard to public safety. Mr. Parker proposes that the area from the northeast corner of the Casino to the northwest corner of the Lazier Building be reserved. exclusively far Continental Trailways buses only, He also suggests that there be no parking for passenger vehicles between the west end. of Mill. Creek Rr. idge and the new bridge near the Si.tzmark; there would. be parking between the new bridge and. Mill Creek Bridge only in front of Gors«.ch, Ltd. , on the north. side of Gore Creek Drive. This suggested plan is to be imple- mented in the very near future. 5. ]~iscussion_ of Sleigh Service. Blake Lynch reviewed John Mahaney's proposal to operate locally a horse-drawn transportation system. The horse-drawn wagon would travel from LionsHead to the Crossroads ,Shopping Ce:r~ter-Covex ed $ridge- Manor "Nail for ~. 50 per person. Sleigh rides would be offered in the evenings at an hourly rate. Mr. 1vlahaney has obtained the appropriate insurance coverage for this venture and he will check into the PUC aspects of the service. He may not need PUC sanction d.ue to the horse- drawn nature of his service. Per Ordinance No. ~ of l~S'7, this type of vehicle is allowed on Vail streets. The Board unanimously agreed infor- mally to endorse Mr. Mahaney's service an a trial basis. Although the service will be available on Gare Creek Drive, it will not be allowed on Bridge Street. After a trial period we can better discern the best routes and times for such a service. (~. Discussion of Holy Cross Electric and Mt_. States ~'cle~hone Co. Back Sales Taxes. On December ~2, Llake Lynch sent simii.ar letters to Mr. William Holland, local Manager of Mt. States Telephone, and Mr. George ~, Thurston, Manager of Holy Crass Electric in Glenwood Springs, advising them that they will be expected to collect the 2 percent Town sales tax effective ~'anuary 1, 19'7J, per Ordinance No. l4 of i9~9, newly enacted. This ordinance reflects statutory amendment adopted by the State Legislature during the Iasi session, which clearly includes utility service as taxable items; and it supersedes Ordinance No, l4 of 1967. After some discussion on the matter of back taxes--including those due ~2- _ for the 6Wmonth period beginning duly 1, 1969, wizen the amended statute went into effect--Trustee Steinberg made motion to ignore back taxes due; Trustee Bailey seconded. VC1TE; Do not attempt to collect back taxRS from Mt.-:,4.,tes Telephone and. Holy Cross Electric. Mayor Dobson YES Trustee Langmaid YES Trustee Bailey YES Trustee Steinberg YES Back taxes due are hereby waived; commencing January 1, 197!J, these utilities will collect 2 percent. ?, Emerc~enc~Appropriation Ordinance. Blake Lynch reviewed, proposed Ordinance No. 15, S:ries of 1969, "A Supplemental Ordinance Authorizing the Expenditures of Funds by the Town of Vail in Excess of the Town Budget for 1969, and. Declaring and Defining the Ena.ergency for such Appropriation. " This appropriation of X45, 000.04 will enable the Town of Vail 1969 Budget to corz~ply with State budget laws. Trustee Bailey made motion to approve, ~r'rustee Langmaid seconded. VOTE: .Elpprove proposed O~~dinance No. 15 of 1969. Mayor Dobson 'YES Trustee Langmaid. YES Trustee Bailey YES Trustee Steinbex g Y~~~ Ordinance No. I5 a:~ 1969 is Y~er•ek~,y appx•oued. 8. Rex~orts. A. Bus S: rvice. Exhibit B attached reflects the operating bus schedule until further notice. During express hours two buses will accommodate skiers from L ansH::ad to "[Tail Village; during this time each bus will depart golden Peak and LionsH~:ad every 15 minutes. During non-express hours it will depart these points every half hour. Blake suggested that the buses be purchased for the next season as their administration is being ha.nd.led largely by the `d'own--rather than by San Juan, as anticipated, B. Underground Utility.Repo~~ to Homeowners' _.A~sociat~on. Blake Lynch reviewed his memorandum o~ December 20, 1969, to the ~omeo~vriers' Association, pxoviding rough estimates of the cost to install underground utilities in the Forest, Beaver Dam and Rock Ledge Road areas. Holy Cross Electric and Mt. States Telephone are willing to assurxxe a pardon of the expense, but there is a cast of ~~, '740.00 not cuz~rently assigned to the homeowners or the two utility companies; and it ;s anticipated that the Homeowners' A:~sociation may solicit a contribution by the Town for this purpose. C. Felice R~::nort. On behalf of Ghief Knuth, Blake reported that a major narcotics raid had been effected the evening of the 21st; LSD, marajuana and. other unidentified drugs were found on the premises. Chief Knuth is in Denver at this time having the drugs analyzed. The two people involved in the ~°dic~ are currently being held in Eagle County fail. D. Sa ndi:l u~~; as cinc3.ers). Although they are not as aesthetically attractive as sand., cinders are more practical for sanding our local streets; and. Blake asked the Board for their approval to switch from sand to cinders. Bob Parker interjected that sand. is more practical on Bridge ~~- Street and Hansen Ranch Road, as many skiers ski frorx~ the bottom of the mountain to their lodgings, and sand is less abrasive to ski surfaces, 'I'he $oard unanimously and informally agreed to the use of cinders, except in the areas above mentioned by Mr. Parker. Remaining reports on the agenda were deferred to a later meeting. STil~ith no further business to be discussed, the meeting ~.djourned at g:55 p. m. • • • _.~_ f V • • e c ~ zi ~r M E ~~] O R A ~1 D u M December 22, i969 T0: FROM: RF: The Town of Vail Vail Associates, Inc. Town Parking Plan The following is an outline of Vail Associates, Ines proposal for a master parking plan for Vail Village. 4~e would appreciate your comments and suggestions, and propose a committee consisting of representatives of Vail Associates, Inc, Vail Resort Association, and the Town of Vail attempt to finalize a parking plan at the earliest possible date. •or the purpose~of this memo, we are identifying available parking lots as follows: Golden Peak, Blue Cow, Main Lot, Convention Site, Kiandra, Fire house and LionsNead. We have also identified potential user groups as ~ollaws: Day skiers, long stay skiers, business owners, shoppers and diners, rental cars. Our proposal for this winter is as follows: A. To divide the main lot into four areas, each accommodating approximately 100 cars: Section 1: Employees Section 2: Business Owners Section 3: Lo ng stay skiers Section 4: Day skiers B. Divide Golden Pea k lot into two sections: Section 1: Golden Peak employees Section 2: Ray skiers and tang stay skiers C. Devote Convention Site lot to shoppers and eaters, on a paid, attendant basis, D. Assign rent-a-car space in Biue Cow and Fire Ftouse lots; if feasible. E. Devote remainder of Blu e Cow and Fire House lots to day skiers. AREA GODS $03 476-5601 0[VE WALL. STF2EET, VA[L„ COLORADO $1857 k N 1 ~ ~'~ M~N(flRANDUM Page 2 December 22, 1969 Assign bulk of rent-a-car valurae to lots farther out. The above plan would necessitate the following permits or systems: Permit 1 Business Owners Permit 2 Employees Permit 3 Rent-a-cars Permit 4 Long stay skiers this would be a temporary card issued by lodges, or a permanent sticker sold to condominium ar apartment owners. System 1 Attendant at Convention Site - w.50 charge for two hour parking, daytime only. fVight parking -Free. When and if the Convention Site, Blue Cow and Fire House fats are. sold, day skier and rent-a-car uses will be relegated to LiansHead and other ~reas, which should be identified and reserved in a Valley Parking Plan. t is anticipated that by that time, the Anholtz properties will generate enough day skiers and long stay skiers to replace the original Main Lot day skier volume, Also, the shoppers and diners will replace day skiers in the Main Lot, and should at that stage have metered spaces instead of parking lot attendants. By the same logic, it is hoped that metered spaces might be provided far these users in structured space an the convention site lot. A r SCHEDULE ~REE_SH-t7TT.LE SUS SER~tTICE LE ~~~1"ES GOLDEN PEAK for Lion's Head. o stops near Vailnaila, ~zorth of Cca~rered E.~i~.;;e, Cxo~,sx~aad.s anc~ COiloca on tine ~aay. A.1V1. ci:l5, :;:zsJ, ~:4~i, a:J~, ~~:15, ~:~s,:~, x:45, 1~):JO, 1~:i5, 1~:~~, 1):45, ll:i~, & I1:45 P. M. i2:4.5, 1: E ~, ].:45, x:15, 2:45, 3:i~, ~:3~:~, <3:4~, 4::)3, 4:15, Y':~.J, t'~:'~~, ~:3~J, 0::s~, 7:~J~, ~~:u~~, L7: ~V, L: LM, UL ~:~~1! LE.~'~VES LION'S HE~~D for Galclen Pea, - wt©ps ~,t L;unoca, Crarsrca~,~.~, north o:f Co~~erecl L ~~.c~.~e, & near Valhalla. A.. M. ~: 3~, ~: ~ '~, ?: )~J, ?:15, ~: ~J, 3:45, 1 ~;`J~J, 4_'x:15, 1 ~}: 3.), I'. M. 12:~~J, ].: )~~, l:3'?, 2:'3~, 2:3~, ~:')0, ~::~!.~, ~: ~J, 3:4.5, 4:`)?, 4:15, 4:ks~, 4:45, ~i:i5, 5:15, x:45, `r:15, 7:45, p~ r Hus will r~~~~e u~schec'uled. stops alori~ the r=oute if e.c~equate :xi~~nai by prospec~i~~e passen.,,e~, ~ff~ctive Dece~r~ber 24, 1;)~i:~. 1