HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968 Vail Town Council Minutes1 AGENDA VAIL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT VAIL, COLORADO APRIL 17, i.968 '1:00 P. M. 1. 1V~inutes of Previous Meeting 2. Treasurer's Report 3. Consideratioi~z of Bank Resolution 4. Appointment of Acting Chief 5. Citizen Participation • • AGENDA THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ~- THE TO~1~IN OF VATL June 24, 3.968 • 1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting held June 10, 3.968. 2. Consideration of Structured Parking Study. 3. Consideration of an Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 4, Series of 1967, by the addition of a new article making it unlawful to obtain or to attempt to obtain the use and enjoy- ment of skiing facilities and services or other recreational facility by naeaa~,s of any false pretense or unauthorized, false, simulated, bogus, spurious, sham, forged, counterfeit ar mutilated ticket or device and declaring the possession., use, offer, presentation, sale, gift, making or manufacturing of any unauthorized ticket or device unlawful, 4. Consideration of an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 17, Series of 1966, making the giving of false reports to the Police unlawful. 5. Consideration n:~ an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 17, Series of 3.966, making remaining on private property when requested to leave unlawful. 6. Consideration of an Ordinance amending Ordinance Na. 17, Series of 1966, to include federal law er~f orcen~.ent agents within definition of Peace Officer. 7. Consideration of the type and location of gas lights for Bridge Street. S. Miscellaneous Matters from Police Chief, ,; _ `~k` ~ 9. Reports. ` ~ s 'f_ ~. ,,,ate ~_ ~ -:, ~_ l i ~,~ f r ', ' y~ ; ! 1,11 .- ! _ i ~~~.u a '~ ~ 3. ~ ~ . ~:., . '~ l ~ `, ~;~_~...~, 1,_.'. ~ ~ td ~ .. ~ , R Es ..:_~. I ;~ i `_ •Z- ,, ~ ,..~ ~- ~- AGENDA November 25. x.968 BOAR D O F TRUSTEES AS THE ~'AI~ LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY 7.. CONSIDERATION OF HEARING ON K~J SUPERM.ARKETS, INC. , FORA 3.2 BEER LICENSE APPLICATION. 2. CONSIDERATION bF APPLICATION FOR RENEWAL OF A 3~ 2 BEER LICENSE FOR THE KEG. 3. OTHER LIQUOR LICENSE RENEWALS • MEETING OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF VAIL 1. CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 15, '°AN OR DTNANC E AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 18, SER TES OF 1966, DEFINING PUBLIC NUISANCES WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL BY MORE SPECIFICALLY DEFINING CERTAIN NUISANCES RELATED TO TRASH, GARBAGE AND REFUSE CANS OR CONTAINERS AND JUNKED AUTOMOBILES. " 2. DISCUSSION OF GAS FRANCHISE 3. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS 4. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION ~~ • AGENDA MEETING OF TSTE VAIL BOARD OF TRUSTEES DECEMBER '~, 1968 A`T` '7:30 P, M. 1. COMMUNICATIONS ~~ 2. CONSIDERATION OF N~INUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING 3. DISCUSSION Off' GAS FRANCT-IISE ~~ ~. CON~T~~`s°°T~ :~-~;~ ""`~;A`"`~,':~~ -QPRIATIUN 5, REPORTS (a} TELEVISION (b} TCE SKATING (c} LEGISLATIVE MATTERS 6. MAYOR & TRUSTEES 7. CT'I'IZEN PAD`I'ICIPATION AGENDA THE BOARD OF TRUS'T'EES -THE TOWN OF VAIL DECEMBER 23, ].~~~3 1. CONSIDERATTON OF MINUTES OF PREVTOUS MEETING, 2. FIRS'' READING OF A PROPOSED ORDINANCE GRANTING A 2:~ ~~ YEAR FRANCHISE TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY TO OPERATE ~~-~ ~ ~ THE GAS SYSTEM. ~_ j 3, CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING SUPPLEMENTARY ~'_ ~ ~,~ APPROPRTATYONS FOR .l~e~t3, °~~ 4. CONSIDERATION OF THE I~6~ APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE. ~~ :~'~ ::~. CONSIDERATION OF THE RENE~hTAL OF THE CONSOLIDATION ~ AGREEMENTS WITH THE VARIOUS SPECIAL PURPOSE DISTRICTS FOR ANOTI-~ER YEAR. ,~. REPORT ON THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE NUISANCE ORDINANCE, ~ ~~. REPORT ON 7~1 PLANNING AID. 3. DTSCUSSION OF` S'T'RUGTURFI? I'~RK~NG P~:?SSIRtI~ITIES. ~. OTHER REPORTS 1S, MAYOR AND TRUSTEES 1 I , C" 1`1'Z~~ EN ~'1', I~ TTC; IT~A'I'ION, • ... r ~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES -THE TOWN OF VAIL HEL.~D JANUARY 8, 19b8 The Meeting was called to order by Mayor C. E. Kindel in the Meeting RoozYx of Vail Associates, Inc. at 7;30 p. na. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following membexs present: Mayor C. E. Kindel Trustee Donavan Trustee Langmaid Trustee Seibert Trustee Dobson Absent -Trustee Burdick MINUTES OF THE MEETING . 1. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING NOVEMBER 27, 1967 Mayor Kindel requested one change regarding the study session ~ "the Board of Trustees would. convene as the liquor licensing authority after a study session on November 29, 19b7. " Trustee Donovan xxaade a Motion to accept the minutes as recaz•ded with the change incorporated. It was seconded by Trustee Sei.h~rt s,nd approved lnanimously by the Board. 7.. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A FRANCHISE TO COMMUNITY TELEVISION IN- VESTMENT, INCORPORATED, TO :OPERATE A CAB.L~E TELEVISION SYSTEM IN VAIL. Mr. .~3ill Brazeal, Division Manager, and Mr. Doug Kemsey, 1Wi.~Mager csE the CATV of Glenwood Springs, attended the Meet- ing. Mr. Brazeal gave an e.xplanatign of the type of installation intended for Vail, (1} three major networks, {2} National Educational Channel, (3} entertainment, {4} means of communication for local organizations and local interest, (5) and, one channel for the use of the Town for transmission of local origination prograrnrr~ing. There will be a weather channel that will run 24 hours a day, In addition, there is a possibility that FM radio signals might be added into the system. Mr. Brazeal noted that the quality of the rx~icrowave signal will be as good as the signals available in Denver. Mayor Kindel then called for a Motion approving the first reading of the Ordinance. Trustee Willett made a Motion to approve the Ordinance on the first reading. It was seconded by Trustee Seibert and approved unanimously by the Board. 3. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. i8, SERIES OF 19b6, DECLARING ICE ACCUMULATION ON ROOFS OVER A PEDES- TRIAN AREA, AND ICY SIDEWALKS OR PEDESTRIAN AREAS TO BE A NUISANCE, AND PROVIDING FOR THE ABATEMENT OF THE SAME. The Town Coordinator, Blake Lynch, read the .. ~ • Page 2 -The Berard of Trustees Meating held .lan;~azy $, 1968 Ordinance; then polled the Txustees fax undexsts.nding and approval. Ordinance, #~., Series of 1968 waa~ approved unanimously. ~. MAYGR A.l~iia THE TRUSTEESa 1Vlayar~ Kindel read a communication :froxxa Mrs. Grace McKnight wherein the Fire ~Jepa.rtrx~,ex~t of Vail vrras hzghly commended far their prompt action during the Dobson fisre. The Beard alas comir,.enc~ed the Department personnel tar the fabula~us joie. Mayor Y~Cindel gave a brief repaxt ozx the consolids.tion of the adrx~inistration of the vaxious special districts. He noted that the new offices were located in the inner court o£ the Mill Creek B~zilding. 5. It.EPORT FROM MAYOR`S ADV.IS©RY GC3MMITTE~: ON EIVIPLO'~''EE HOUSING. Richard Bailey gave a progress repaxt. Nineteen answers to the ~,uestionnaixe have been xettxrned. Three or four axe actively interested. Txustee Donavan suggested that a questionnaire be sent to the erx~playees to get the general feeling concerning exnpioyee housing. 6. REPORT FROM M.A.YOR'S ADVISfJRS~' COMMITTEE ON A CONVENTION CENTER. Rdd Slifer was not in attendance to give the progress report:, Mayor Kindel again stxessed the need fox tt~; gency. 7. MI,S~ ELLA.NEOUS MATTERS FR£~M THE TOWN MAID' .,GER. . .Bl~.'{e Lys~.ch noted ths.t we planned to open the bwnlc a,ccoun+: for the Tawn o€ Vail wifh the Bank of Vail. ~'he Coioradt~ Munac~pal League promoted the home rule for small towns and wa.s able to have the proposal added to the Govexnars' Call. It i® an issue of vital importance to the develapment a£ municipal government in Vail. Mr. Lynch bxaught the lease for the new offices to the attention of the Soard. Trustee Willett made a Motion to accept the lease subject to approval of counsel. It was seconded by Trustee Lang- rxiaid and approved unanitxa.ously by the Bc~arrl. Mayor Kindel and Blakh.: ; _~~r~., the authorized xx}.a.nb agexx~ent, would execute the lease ors behalf vt ~i~e '1"ovvn. S. REPORT FRUM THE POL~IC:~; CHIEF" Police Chief, Ted. Holmes, gave a resuxxze o£ the activities o€ the Police Iepartment -ski thefts are clown 25 to 30 pexcent. The Department will pick up loose skis wherever they are and hold them for the claimants. There has been xnaxe coordination with the Sheriff' ^~ Department and the State Highway Patrol. through the exchange of serrrices. ~ • Page 3 -The Board of Trustees Meeting held J'a;auaxy $, 1968 In. the event of an emergenc situation, the patrol can have five men Y here within an hour providing that the Town notify by letter later that a state of emergency did exist. Chief Holmes noted that he had received rxia~ry favor- able comments regarding the new uniforms as well as compliments for all the members of the Police Department. With no further business to come before the Board, a Motion was made by Trustee Dobson to adjourn the Meeting at 9:30 p, m, It was seconded by Trustee Seibert and approved unanirriausly by'the. Board. • • ~. ~ ~ • • MINUTES OF THE MEETING ' THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES - THE TQWN OF VAIL January 22, 19b8 The Meeting was called to ordex by Mayor G. E. Kindel in the Fire House at 8:30 p. m. ROLL CALL: Roll Ca11 found the following rrxexxibers present: Mayor C. E. Kindel Trustee Burdick Trustee Donovan. Trustee Seibert Trustee Langmaid Trustee Willett Absent Trustee Dobson • MINUTES OF THE MEETING Two visitors to Vail froze Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Mr. Doumar and Mr. Ferxero, attended the Meeting and presented letters of greeting to Mayor C. E. Kindel frnnz the Mayor of the City of Fort Lauderdale, The Honorable Edmund R. Burry and Governor Kirk, as well as a cer- tificate of honoraxy Commodore of the State of Florida. The two Rep- resentatives from Fort Lauderdale extended an invitation to the citizens of Vail to visit their City. 1. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING HELD JANUARY w8, 1968. Trustee Willett made a Motion thai the Minutes of . the previous Meeting held January 8, 1868, be approved as recorded. Trustee Seibert seconded the Motion and the Minutes were approved unanimously by the Beard. 2. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 2, SERIES OF 19b7, AND SPECI- FICALLY DECLARING PARKING IN MUNICIPAL PARKING FACILITIES IN VIOLATION OF PAktKING RESTRICTIONS OR PROHIBITIONS TO BE A VIO- LATION OF THE ORDINANCE. The Tawn Coardinator read the Ordinance. After a lengthy discussion with citizen participation, there was a recomxx,en- dation not to regulate parking on private property; therefore, Section No. 1 of the Ordinance was deleted. With this change, a Motion was made by Trustee Donovan to accept and approve the Ordinance as amen- ded. It was seconded by Trustee Willett and approved unanimously by the Board. 3. THE SECOND F,~ADING OF A.N' ORI:iINANCE GRANTING A FRANCHISE TO COMMUNITY TELE- VISION INVESTMENT, INC. , TO OPE RATE A CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM IN VAIL. The Town Recorder, F. Blake Lynch, polled the Trustees far understanding and approval of the Ordinance -The Ordi, Hance was passed unanimously. . . M ~ • Wage 2 W Minutes of the Meeting -Board o~ Trustees - 3anuary 22, 1868 4, fviayor and 't'rustees Trustee Donovan recaxnmended that a STOP Sign or a Yield Sign be erected at the exit froxxi the Lodge to prevent ari accident. A discussiozx was held regarding the STOP Sign adjacent to the Vail Bridge Chalets. The reason for the sign was paox visibility for those who were going across a main artery to Forest Road. 5. C,1TiZEN PARTiCIPATTON F`rorn the floor the question was raised concerning ice removal in the center of town on Bridge Street. ~t was felt by the citizens that any major ice removal should be done during the week instead of a weekend when there are many people in the village. With na further business to Come before the Board, Trustee I?anovan made a Motion to adjourn at 9:35 p. rxi. It was seconded by Trustee Burdick and approved unanixx~ously by the Board. • • r r MINUTES OF' THE MEETING THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES -THE TOWN OF VAZL held February 14; 196$ Mayor Pro-Tem Jnhn Dobson convened the Board of Trustees as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority; The change of Owners of I.;a Cave, Inc, , was submitted to the Board for approval After discia.ssion Director Burdick made a Motion to approve the Addendum. It was seconded by Director Donovan and approved unanimously by the Boards With na further business tb Goine before the Board, a Motion was rxaade to at#journ the Licensing .Authority at 7:45 p. m. It was approved unanimoc~.sly by the Board. Mayor Pro-T~m John ~7obson. reconvened the Meeting of the Board of Trustees at 7:4s pl m. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the fallowing Members present: Trustee Burdick Trustee Willett Trustee Langmaid Trustee Donovan Trustee Seibert Mayor Pro-Tenn Dobson Absent: Mayor C. E. Kindel MINUTES OF THE MEETING 1. Consideration of the Minutes of the Previous Meetang. Trustee Burdick made a Motion that the Minutes of the previous Meeting held January 22, 196$, be approved as recorded. It was seconded by Trustee Donovan and approved unanimously by the Board. 2, Consideration of an emergency appropriation ordinance appropriating funds to operate the Water and Sanitat- tion District, Fire District and Recreation District. The Town Manager, Blake Lynch, read the ordinance wherein expenditures for the various Districts were noted; Vail Water and 5anitatian District - $98, 100. 00; Vail Fire Protection District - $12, 400. 00; and the Vail Metropolitan Recreation District - $49, 300. 00, which had all been approved by the various District Boards. The Trustees were polled far understanding and approval . Ordinance No, 4, Series of 1968, was adopted unanimously. 3. Consideration of a Resolution supporting H. B. 1005. (Home Rule Arnendxnent). Trustee Donavan made a Motion to adopt the Resolution as presented. It was seconded by Trustee Seibert and approved unanirx~ausly by the Board. 4. Consideration of Personnel Regulations for the Town. '.:_ The Town Manager reviewed the Plan and noted that the classifications and wage scale would be presented within one rrxanth. 1 1 w Page 2 -The Board o£ Txustees Meeting held February 14, 196$ Trustee Donovan suggested, that three weeks vacation should be allowed at the end of five years rather than ten years: The suggestion was incorporated in the Personnel Manual. Trustee Willett made a Ivlotian to accept the Personnel Pion so long as we stay within the confiines of the budget. It was seconded by Trustee Buxdick and approved unanimously by the Board. 5. Miscellaneous Matters from the Town Coordinator. Blake Lynch stated that nomination petitions fax the April 2nd Txustee Election would be available at the Town Office any time after February 17, lq6$, and that they should be returned by March 8, 196$, to the Town Clerk. 6. Report from the Vail Police Department. Chief Holmes coxnrnended Officer Gary Knuth for his e~ex~nplaxy work on apprehending persons involved in thefts in a local lodge. 7. Citizen Participation. Frarn the floor the eomn~ent was made that a good deal of publicity was lost due to the results of using slag on the Tawn streets. It was noted by ~. Mitchell Hoyt, Public Works Depaxtnzent, that the slag would no longer be used on Bridge Street or lower Gore Creek Drive and that an investigation would be made on obtaining sand front other sources, but reminded the citizens that it would be expensive. It was noted from the floor that the aesthetic values were more important in many instances and the cost was relative. With na further business to corx~e before the Board Txustee Donovan made a Motion to adjourn at 9:00 p. m. It was seconded by Trustee Willett and approved ~xns.ni.mously by the Board. • • • MINUTES OF THE MEETING THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES -THE TO"V4~N OF VAIL February 26, 1868 The Meeting was called to order by Mayor C. E. Kindel. in Vail Associates, Inc. , Conference Raom at 8:00 p. m. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Members present: Mayor C, E. Kindel Trustee John Donovan Txustee John A. Dobson Txustee Harry Willett Trustee Joseph Langmaid Trustee Loxence Burdick L Absent: Trustee Peter Seibert MINUTES OF THE MEETING 1. Consideration of the Minutes of pxevious Meeting. A Motion was made by Trustee Langmaid to approve the Minutes of the Meeting held February 14, 196$. It was seconded by Trustee Burdick and approved unanimously by the Baaxd, 2. Consideration of Decernbex, 1867, and Januaxy, 168, Vouchers , There was a Motion by Trustee Buxdick to appxove the vouchers for the months of December, 1967, and January, 196$. It was seconded by Trustee Donovan and approved unanimously by the Board. 3. Consideration of the selection of a Meeting site. • The Board approved the Meeting site at the Vail Country Day School in the Vail Clinic Building, and directed the Town Manager to secure folding conference tables. 4. Discussion of Proposed Second Nine-Hole Golf Course. Mayor Kindel commended Blake Lynch for all the work done to get the financial planning accomplished for the second nine hole course. The Town Manager then gave a report and explanation of the proposed second nine, noting that the Town would be utilizing Ben Krueger s' talent and experience to do most of the work ourselves and the anticipated completion date would be Ig70. A large 10" water line is proposed for the golf course, that will be utilized fox the golf course, but at a later date will also be used far domestic puxposes. The cost o£ this line will be shared by the Water anal Sanitation District. Trustee Dobson recoxnzxiended that good cozx~munications to the voting public be continued. 5. Discussion of 1968 Golf Rates. r~ u The Tawn Coardinatox reported that the Recreation Board was considering golf rates of $4. 00 and $6. 00 for the 1968 per day rate. He noted that this was a preliminary discussion only. It was irnpor-- tant that the property owners get a special rate and residents who are not property owners would have a special weekday rate on season passes. It was the consensus the suggested rates were reasonable. Page 2 -~ Board of Trustees Meeting -February 26, 1968 b. Mayor and Trustees. The Town Coordinator brought to the attention of the Board that the area or alley between the Kuehn Building and the Red Lion belonged to Vail Associates, and they agreed to maintain it and keep it free of ice and snow. George Knox asked about the breezeway between the Casino and Donovans'. It was determined that it was Pieter Cramerus' problem. Trustee Donovan questioned the feasibility of the loca- tion of the proposed shopping center. Zt was noted that the Master Plan was not a final decision and that if one area was developed other parking space would be provided. Mayor Kindel questioned the possibility of amending an existing ordinance to prevent the blowing of horns in the village with the exception of an emergency. Blake Lynch was directed to investigate this. Blake Lynch was directed to work with Ted Holmes and determine if signs explaining traffic laws could be accomplished, 7. Miscellaneous Matters Exam the Town Coordinator. In working with George Beardsley and others it has been determined that we may have 701 Aid available by May Ist. There was a discussion of an agreerxient with Vaii Associates, the Christiania and the Town of Vail concerning the easement for the road just east of the Mill Creek Building (During the time of the road construction, the location was changed). Trustee Donovan made a Motion to approve the agreement subject to approval by Counsel. It was seconded by Trustee Langmaid and approved unanimously by the Board. George Knox asked if it was true that the Night Latch will be moved to the maintenance area. It is a possibility, but it has not come before the Planning Commission. 8. Citizen Participation Robert Parker brought two iterxas before the Board: (1) Making Forest Road aOne-Way Road to the east. It would be a distinct advantage to abet snow removal and alleviate the traffic pxoblem. The suggestion was approved unanimously by the Board. (2) That a priority list of capitol improvements be made and of prime irnportan ce to the Town is the Convention Centex. Mr. Parker cited the need if we are to have the proper community progress, and gave a recapitulation of estimated revenue that would be brought into the Town. Mr. Parker suggested that the Town Coordinator be directed to rraake a financial study of a Convention Center sixnilax to the one prepared for the second nine golf course. F . Page 3 -The Board of Trustees -February 26, 1968 Trustee Dobson noted that the Vail Resort Association which is vitally interested, should make a concentrated e€fort to promote such a center. Mr. Parker Hated that an 18 hole golf course and a convention center go hand-in-hand, and bath projects are needed for the developmen.f of the suxn~ner program, The Convention Center Committee has not submitted any recommendations to the Board of Trustees and it was felt that the Members of such committee should be alerted to the urgency of the project. With no further business to come before the Soard of Trustees, a Motion for adjournment was made by Trustee Donavan at ID:DD p, m.. It was seconded by Trustee Langmaid and approved unanimously by the Board. • • r • • L MINUTES OF THE MEETING THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES -THE TOWN OF VAIL February 26, 1968 The Meeting was called to order by Mayor C. E. Kindel in Vail Associates, Inc. , Conference Room at 8:40 p. m, ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Merx~bers present: Mayor C, E. Kindel Trustee John Donovan Trustee John A. Dobson Trustee Harry Willett Trustee Joseph Langmaid Trustee Lorence Burdick • Absent: Trustee Peter Seibert MINUTES OF THE MEETING 1. Consideration of the Minutes of previous Meeting. A Motion was rx~.ade by Trustee Langmaid to approve the Minutes of the Meeting held February 14, l96$. It was seconded by Trustee Burdick and approved unanimously by the Board. 2. Consideration of December, 1967, and January, 1968, Vouchers . There was a Motion by Trustee Burdick to approve the vouchers far the xx~:onths of December, 1967, and January, 1968. It was seconded by Trustee Donovan and approved unanimously by the Board. 3. Consideration of the selection of a Meeting site. • The Board approved the Meeting site at the Vail Country Day School in the Vail Clinic Building, and directed the Town Manager to secure folding conference tables. ~. Discussion of Proposed Second Nine-Hole Golf Gourse. Mayor Kindel commended Blake Lynch for all the work done to get the financial planning accomplished for the second nine hole course. The Town Manager then gave a report and e~cplanatian of the proposed second nine, noting that the Town would be utilizing Ben Kruegers' talent and experience to do most of the work ourselves and the anticipated completion date would be 1874. A large l4F' water line is proposed for the golf course, that will be utilized for the golf course, but at a later data will also be used far domestic purposes. The cost of this line will be shared by the Water and Sanitation District. Trustee Dobson recommended that good cornxnunications to the voting public be continued. 5. Discussion of 196$ Golf Rates. The Town Coordinator reported that the Recreation Board was considering golf rates of $4. (?4 and $6. 44 for the 196$ per day rate, He noted that this was a preliminary discussion only. It was impor- tant that the property owners get a special rate and residents who axe not property owners would have a special weekday rate on season passes. It was the consensus the suggested rates were reasonable. ~. Page 2 -Board of Trustees Meeting -February 26; 196$ b, Mayor anal Trustees. The Town Coordinator brought to the attention of the Board that the area or a11ey between the Kuehn Building and the Red Lion belonged to Vail Associates, and they agreed to maintain it and keep it free of ice and snow. George Knox asked about the breezeway between the Casino and Donovans', it was deterrr~ined that it was Pieter Cramerus' problem. Trustee Donovan questioned the fusibility of the loca- tion of the proposed shopping center, It was noted that the Master Plan was not a final decision and that if one area was developed other parking space would be provided. Mayor Kindel questioned the possibility of amending an existing ordinance to prevent the blowing of horns in the village with the exception of an emergency. Blake Lynch was directed to investigate this. Blake Lynch was directed to work with Ted Holmes and determine if signs explaining traffic laws could be accomplished. 7. Miscellaneous Matters from the Town Coordinator. In working with George Beardsley and others it has been determined that we xx~,ay have 701 Aid available by May I st. There was a discussion of an agreerraent with Vail Associates, the Christiania and the Town. of Vail concerning the easement for the road just east of the Mill Creek Building {During the time of the road construction, the location was changed}, Trustee Donovan made a Motion to approve the agreement subject to approval by Counsel. It was seconded by Trustee Langmaid and approved unanimously by the Board. George Knox asked if it was true that the Night Latch will be moved to the maintenance area. It is a passibility, but it has not coxxie before the Planning Commission. 8. Citizen Participation Robert Parker brought two items before the Boards (l) Making Forest Road a Cane-Way Road to the east. It would be a distinct advantage to abet snow removal and alleviate the traffic pr©b1em. The suggestion rues approved unanimously by the Board. (2) That a priority list of capitol ixnprovernents be made and of prime importance to the Tawn is the Convention Center. Mr. Parker cited the need if we are to have the proper community progress, and gave a recapitulation of estimated revenue that would lac brought into the Town. Mr. Parker suggested that the Town Caordin.ator be directed to make a financial study of a Convention Center similar to the one prepared for the second nine golf course. * ~ ~+ Page 3 -The Board of Trustees -February 26, 396$ Trustee Dobson noted that the Vail. Resort Association which is vitai}.y interested, should xx~ake a concentrated effort to promote such a center. Mr. Parker Hated that an 1 S hole golf course and a convention center go hand- in-hand, and both projects are needed far the development of the surrimer program, The Convention Cexatex Committee has not submitted any recommendations to the Board of Txustees and it was felt that the Members of such carnrnittee should be alerted to the urgency of the project. V4~'ith na further business to con~.e before the Board of Trustees, a Motion far adjaurnrnent was made by Trustee Donavan at 30:00 ~a.m. It was seconded by Trustee Langxnaid and approved unanimously by the Board. • r1 ~~ • w MINUTES OF THE MEETING THE BOARD OF TRUSTEE -THE TOWN OF VAIL March ll, 1.968 The Meeting was called to order by Mayor C. E. Kindel at 8:50 p. m, the 11th of March, 19b8, in the Vail Country Day School in the Vail Clinic, Vail, Colorado. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Members present; Mayor C. E. Kindel Trustee Lorence C. Burdick Trustee Peter W. Seibert Trustee John Donovan Trustee John Dobson Trustee Harry Willett Trustee Joseph Langmaid MINUTES OF THE MEETING 1. Consideration. of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting. Trustee Burdick made a Motion to accept the Minutes as recorded. It was seconded by Trustee Seibert and approved unanimously by the Board. 2. Consideration of February Vouchers. Trustee Burdick noted that he had inspected all Vouchers and made a Motion to approve the February Vouchers. 'It was seconded by Trustee, Donovan and approved u~zanixn.ously by the Board. 3. Report of the Suzxxxner Paving Program Town Manager Blake Lynch reported to the Board that he and the Director o.f Public Works, J: Mitchell Hoyt, had, attended a Meeting of the Eagle County Commissioners ax~.d discussed paving the roads in Vail. The Commissioners agreed to bring, their hot xnix plant to the area and pave five xxiiles of road with the Tavs~n of Vail furnishing the material; The prograzx~ calls fo.r ~ ~" or 3" asphalt mat on almost all of the roads in Vail, as welt a~ res{~rf~.~i3~g some of the roads that were paved last suinme~'. Mr, Lynch said that with the help of the County, the savings in cast will be around $30, 000, 00. Through the Highway Department and Vail Associates, we will be able to get 5, 000 tons of aggregate at $1.00 per ton, which will be an additional savings of $10, 000, 00. Mr, Lynch then requested authorization by the Board to issue the remaining $45, 000. 00 of bonds. 4. Consideration of Pay Scale Study to be done by Carl Becker. The Town Manager, F. Blake Lynch, infoxxned the Board that for this type study it was best to have an objective outsider rather than have it done locally. The study would lay the ground rules by comparison with other municipalities for the frar3n~: woxk of job descriptions, pay raises and personnel policies. After a lengthy discussion Trustee Burdick made a Motion to retain Caxl Becker to make the study. It was seconded by Trustee Dobson, The Town Recorder then polled the Trustees for approval. The Vote was five in the affirmative and one negative. 7 '? • • Page 2- The Meeting of the Board of Txustees -March 11, 1968 5. Consideration of the Appointment of Judges of the Election to be held on April 2nd, 1968. The Txustees appointed the following: Judges Alternates Barbara Parker Robext W. Parker Phillip LaMantia Deane Knox Rodney Slifer James Wolfe Clerks Charles Crowley Elisabeth Baribeau Ellen Jacobson Fxan Maxetti 6. Cansidexatian of " AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO, 7, SERIES OF ].967, BY DELETING SECTION 20- 5 PROVIDING THAT N4 PERSON SHALL OCCUPY A TRAILER WHILE IT IS BEING MOVED UPON A STREET". The Town Recoxdex, Blake Lynch, read the Ordinance and gave a brief explanation. He then polled the Txustees far understanding and acceptance. The Ordinance was passed with unanimous approval. 7. Report froxri the Police Department, Police Chief Floyd H . Holmes informed the Board that the Police Pension Fund had been transferred to the Bank of Vail. Mr. Holmes also noted that a new Law would go into effect July 1, 1968, that would snake the use of Drugs and L.S. D, a misdeameanor and that at this time the usex is only retained until the effect wears off. 8. Cansidex~~.tion of the Purchase of a Back Hoe.. The Director of Public Work, J. Mitchell Hoyt; reported that the Austin Western kfoa.d Grader t~vouli~ be. sold since the Loader-Back Hoe would perform a nui~.bex of uses, and with the paving of the streets it would not be necessary to Have the Road Graderi IVJ.x. Hoyt noted that he had found a Used Caterpil~a:r; 92,28. The consensus of the Trustees was that the Loader-Backl-loe s#~o~ld be puxchased~ 9. Consideration of remuneration for the Mayor and 'T'rustees. After a lengthy discussion, the question was tabled pending further infornZation from oxganizations and citizens in the Town. The Board can only vote on this issue as a stipend fox the foxthcoming Board that will be elected on April 2nd. With no further business to come before the Board, the Meeting was adjourned at 10:15 by Motion of Trustee Donovan. It woes scc[~ncicd by Trttstcc~ Burdick and appruvecl ~sna.nimozts;y by the Bcza.rd. r • • MfNUTES QF THE MEETING THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES -THE TOWN OF VAIL HELD MARCH 25, 19b8 The Meeting was called to order by Mayor C. E, Kindel at the Vail Country Day School in the Vail Clinic at 7;30 p. m. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Membexs present: Mayor C, E. Kindel Trustee Seibert Trustee Donavan Trustee Burdick Trustee Willett Trustee Langmaid Txustee Dabsan MINUTES OF THE MEETING: 1. Consideration of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting on March 11, 1968. A Motion was made by Trustee Burdick to approve the Minutes as recorded. It was seconded by Txustee Donovan and approved unanimously by the Board. 2. Consideration of remuneration for the Membexs of the Board of Trustees. Aftex lengthy discussion. with participation froxxi the floor, a Motion was made by Trustee Burdick that the salary for the Trustees be limited to $30. 00 pex month and $50. 00 per month for the Mayox when the Town Budget will allow it. The Txustees were polled for understanding and approv- al. It was with unanimous approval that the Tawn Attorney was directed to dxaft an Ordinance to this effect. A Special Meeting of the Board of Trustees was set for Wednesday, March 27th at 3:30 p. m. 3. Report by the Public Works Director J. Mitchell Hoyt on the purchase of a Laadex-Backhoe. Mx. Hoyt reported that the Austin Western Grader was sold and that the new Backhoe would be delivexed the first of May, 19b8. 4. Report by Rodney Slifer, Chairman of the Vail Metro- politan Recreation District. Mr. Slifer gave a bxief recap of the issue to be decided by the citizens concerning the issuance of bonds for the second nine holes of the golf cauxse. He also noted that at the end of 49 years the land would xevext to Vail Associates and the Pulis Interests. The Board of Directors have xequested that the Lessors refund the Recreation District for the improvements at a straight line depreciation rate. Mr. Slifer also discussed the uestion of a waiver for the first three years payrrxent. The obvious problem is that the first three years we do not have any revenue generated froxxi that investment of $185, 000. 00 • • Page 2 -March 25, 19b8 The Board of Directors agreed unanimously not to issue these bonds until everything was in order. Mr. Seibert indicated that Vail Associates would work with the Vail Metropolitan Recreation District. He noted that at this time there was a tentative agreement already approved. 5. Mayor and Trustees Mayor Kindel stated that anyone in the village who had questions, suggestions, and constructive criticisms should bxizxg them to the attention of the Board. A discussion was held regarding the condition of the roads in Vail. Mayor Kindel pointed out that the roads are in a state of emergency and something should be done even though procedures xxxay be expensive, and that the VAIL TRAIL should have a resume and analysis of the road project. :7 Trustee Seibert brought to the attention of the Board that there were hazardous conditions on Vail Road at the time the children are going to school and suggested that a Police Officer should be on duty there. If this were not possible there should be signs placed in the middle of the road to prevent speeding. Trustee Seibert also brought to the attention of the Board that Vail is no longer a pedestrian village with the amount of traffic through the core area, and that there should be consideration of a bridge ovex Gaxe Creek. There was a report to the Board that at the last VRA Meeting, a suggestion was made that additional lighting be considered as an impravernent for the Vail image. Mayor Kindel noted that a decision would be xx~.ade within the Town Administration nn whexe the lights go. With no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Donovan nnade a Motion to adjourn the Meeting at $;25 p. m, Zt was seconded by Trustee Burdick and approved una~iiti~ously by fhe Board. • 1 ~ ~ • MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES -THE TOVti7N OF VAIL HELD MARCH ~7, 1968 The Meeting was called to order by Mayor C. E. Kindel at 3:30 p. m. in the Municipal Offices of the Town of Vail. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Members present: Mayor C. E. Kindel 'T'rustee Dobson Trustee Burdick Trustee Seibert Trustee Langmaid Trustee Donovan Absent: Trustee Willett MINUTES OF THE MEETING: 1, Consideration of "AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR 'THE PAYMENT OF COMPENSATION 'TO THE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF TH1J BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE 'TOWN OF VAIL" . The Town Recorder read the Ordinance. After discussion the Board was polled for understanding and approval.. Ordinance No. 6 was passed unanimously. 2, Consideration of an expenditure to prepare a study for the feasibility of structured parking, After discussion, the Board approved unanimously to approve the proposed expenditure of a fear hundred dollars to further explore the feasibility of structured parking. With na further business to came before the Board, the Meeting add Darned at 4:15 p, m.. r~ L ~ • MINUTES OF THE MEETING THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES -THE TOWN OF VAIL HELD APRIL 10, 1.968 The Meeting was called to order by Mayor C. E. Kindel at the Vail Clinic Building in the Vaii Country Day School at 9:10 p. m. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Members present: Mayor C. E. Kindel Trustee John Donovan Trustee Peter Seibert Trustee Langmaid Trustee Dobson Trustee Lorence C. Burdick Absent: Trustee Willett MINUTES OF THE MEETING 1. Consideration of the Minutes of Previous Meetings. Trustee Langmaid made a Motion to approve the Minutes for Meetings held March 25, 1968, and March 27, 1968, as recorded. It was seconded by Trustee Donovan and approved unanimously by the Board. 2. Consideration of March Vouchers. Trustee Burdick of the Finance Committee noted that all Vouchers were in order, and made a Motion to approve the Vouchers, It was seconded by Trustee Seibert and approved unanimously by the Board. A Motion was made by Trustee Dobson that the Meeting be adjourned at 9:15 p. m. It was seconded by Trustee Langmaid and approved unanimously by the Board. At 9:15 p. m. the Town Clerk, F. Blake Lynch, administered the Oath of Office to the Board of Trustees elected on April 2, 1968: Mayor John A. Dobson and Trustees Thomas I. Steinberg, Charles E. Kindel,, Joseph Langmaid, Richard Bailey, Peter Seibert and ~'ohn Donovan. At 9:30 p. m. The Board of Trustees convened as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority. Mayor Dobson gave a brief explanation of the necessary papers to be submitted for the New License for the St. Moritz Tavern located in the Wedel Inn. The Board considered the moral character of the applicants only, since this was a change of ownership for existing premises. ~ ~ Minutes of the Board of Trustees Page #2 Meeting Held April 3.0, 3.588 Trustee Donovan made a Motion to approve the application. ~t was seconded by Trustee Seibert and approved unanimously by the Board. The Liquor Licensing Authority adjourned at 5:40 p. m. The Board of Trustees convened at 5:45 p. m. Mayor ~ok~n A. Dobson called the Meeting to order. He presented an engraved gavel to Ex-Mayor Charles E. Kindel, as a taken of apprecial~n for outstanding service to the community. 1. Appointment to the following Offices; Ma ar ~'ohn A. Dobson y read the R-:;solut~on appoa.nta.ng F. Blake Lynch as Town Clerk and Recorder and Town Treasurer; Peter Cosgriff as Town Attorney; Floyd H. Holmes as Town Marshal and F. Blake Lynch as Town Coordinator. A Motion was made by Trustee Langmaid to accept the Resolution as presented. Tt was seconded by Trustee Steinberg and approved unanimously by the Board to accept the appointments. Trustee Kindel brought to the attention of the Board the exceptional work done by Richard Bailey as the Police Magistrate and expressed tl~e appreciation of the Town. 2, Consideration of Police Reserve Proposal. The Town Marshal gave an explanation of the plan to supplement the regular officers to be known as the Police Reserve Force. A Motion was made by Trustee Kindel to authorize the Town Admi.n.istrator to proceed along the lines as outlined, and. report back to the Board as further needs develop with tentative approval of expenditures in 3.95 of ~1, 800.00. It was seconded by Trustee Seibert and approved unanimously by the Baard. ~. Consideration of Summer Recreation Program. Trustee Donovan made a Motion to authorize the expenditure of x;800, 00 to purchase recreation equipment. It was seconded by Trustee Kindel and approved unanimously by the Board. A discussion was held concerning the engagement of a Tennis 3:nstructor. Blake Lynch informed the Board that notices had been sent to various colleges and several applications had been received. Mr. Lynch recommended that the Town provide this service of hiring a man because the Vail Metropolitan Recreation District could not afford the expenditure. i .~ Minutes of the Board of Trustees Page #3 Meeting Held April 1.0, 196$ Trustee Seibert made a Motion to authorize ~~., 200.00 to be spent during the summer season to employ a Tennis Instructor. Tt was seconded by Trustee Lang~naid, and approved unanimously by the Board, 4. Citizen Participation. Al Bridges asked the Board that if tract land wexe dedicated, is there any plan for the development of the area. Blake Lynch noted that there is money available for landscaping, George Beardsley was to supply a plan for such development. With no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Donovan made a Motion to adjourn the Meeting at 10:35 p. m, It was seconded by Trustee Steinberg and approved unanimously by the Board. • r~ ~_J ~ ~ R E S O L U T I O N Town of Vail WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Town of Vail hash duly convened this 10th day of April, 1968, at its regular meeting place within the Town of Vail; and WHEREAS, this meeting of the Board of Trustees of the • Town of Vail is the first meeting held after the regular elec- tion of this Town held April 2, 1968; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has unanimously approv and adopted by ballot the following Resolution appointing the persons hereinbelow named as officers of this municipal corpora- tian to serve until the next regular elect~.on for the Board of Trustees of the Town of Vail, or until such officers shall resign or be removed from office; BE IT RESOLVED that the following named persons are • • appointed to the position set out after their name and are deemed officers of this municipal corporation and are tv hold such positions until the next regular election of the Town of Vail, or until their resignation or removal from office, and are to assume the functions, duties and responsibilii:ies as spec if~.ed in the ordinances hereinbelow identified; NAME POSITION F. Blake Lynch Town Clerk and~Recorder Functions, duties and respons~.bili- ties as described in Ordinance No, 1, Series of 196b. F. Blake Lynch ~ Town Treasurer Functions, duties and responsz~bili- ties a:~ de~cri_~~ed in Ordinance No. ~, Ser ~.es of :i~~bb. ,~ • :7 • • NAME pOS ITION Peter Cosgriff Town Attorney. ~~ Duties, responsibilities and I qualifications ,as set forth in Ordinance No. 3, Series of 1966. Floyd H. Holmes Town Marshal. Qualifications, functions, duties and responsibilities as set forth in Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1966. ~ F. Blake Lynch Town Coordinator. Duties, responsibilities and ' qualifications as set forth in li Ordinance No. 5, Series of 1966. !~ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said municipal officers (shall receive the same compensation as their predecessors in such position received immediately preceding the general electio held April 2, 1968, subject to the condition that said compensa- tion may be increased or decreased at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees. Dated April 10, 1968. - TOWN OF VAIL • r~ L__~ By (ATTEST: (Town Clerk -2- Mayor • 1 I I ~~ 2442 I i I I I I E { I I i I I I 1 4 I } 1 I I I I I i 1 1 I I I PROOF OF PUBLfGATlOlV STATE OF COLORADO, ss• CO OF E~A~GILE ~jj_ /' .. ~.lC~.. ~../'i'L..C... ~-~"~-e~.~.,~- clo sglc~~nn.ly swear that i am ...:.G..-~...:of i'he EAGL.F V~I,LF.Y ENTFRI'RISE: the ......-... ~-c. that t game is a weekly new+spa+pea' printed, in whale or in pai^t~ and published in •the CSavn~ty of Eagle, State of Calorada, and has a general circuiation therein; that said nenvs~paper has been published con,tinu~ously and uninterru~p~tedly to said County Of Eagle Yor a period of more •than flifty~twa consecutive weelsg next prior to the Uirs't publication t>Y the annexed Iegal mice or advertisement; that sadd news- parper hn,s been adm~.itted to Vhe UnGted. States snails as secand~cIass matter under the provisions of the Act o4 March 3, 1879, or any amemd¢nen'Es thereaf~ and that said scativspa~per is a weekly newspaper duly qualified for ptublis'hing legal ~n~otices an•d advertisements wiUtiin the meaning of the laws vP the State oY Gol~orado. 'c`hat the aauiexed legal notice or advertisainen~t was pwblis~hed in tha regular and entire issue of every n~um~ber of said wealely newspaper Yor •tdie period oY .......1 ....conaecurt,ive insertions; and tlxat the first publication. of~~//s~a~id• natioce wpas in .the issue of said newspaper dated ............. ..../....~"__kl. D. I9-~.g-.... and that the last pabliaa'ti~on of said notice a.s in the issue oR sai~3. ne'wsipapar dated ----------------------------~ - --....... ----........... A. D. 1J. - In w+itnass wb ~ Y I inane lzereun:ta ao~t any hand this .....,r?"...°.----..... _day oaf ....--•------•...--•---- ......... ....... .....--...... A. D. 19..~ ......- .• Snnbacrlbad and s•w'orzt to be~fare nze~ a notary gu~blic in anal furtl~e Caunty(af Eagle, State aY Colorado, this.~'..~...d ...-~ ... .A. P. ... Q.. "i`irntary PiLb•Iic ;vly CQITLtIIiSaiall expil'ea ..... ... ......~~• ... 19 ~./........ /~ ~ ~' / • Tt~~a d~ ==Va~li, :.~oio~a, ~n - . ~- an l~lv~- iir _ ~a~~sy.--tie=. ~~nd'=~~y QY A~rr~l, 1868.. - - _ Z _ _- - ~ ~ =-o- ~O - . ' - ~ - o _ ~ ? .. . _ _ - ~+ rtl- Names oit -daa~did~te~- `. n - ~ .° - - - _ .. - -- . ~ : ~ 6~_ .- -= .d~st~~-~~Yison .- __. iKayo~ .. - . - Jcihn. 6~ .. _ ~'e~~'n~A~cei~; ~ ._ ~Iayox (write-in - ~ -._ -~~er '_. - - i4layox` (write-in) ii~rt. ~ .. ~r ' - Ti~IS'tree ~~_.. ~~ ~tax'~.ic1~ ~ - Trti~teE... - 4], - - ~~ del - - - Trustee ' Trustee '~$.- -. . ~]. - _ _-~P~~ &~~ = _ - :. Trustee 3U - e~ rt _= -_~i`rustee 49 ~~- ~=~ erg- =_ - Trustee. ~ , 4T - - tub, _?~~~:= ~ .-_ ... - - ~,'~~~~~g~ed, vassers oP=tlie Eleetfon R~turn~ - t~a`n<~~~~ kief~ ft~ _i~l Tov[m of .Vail, in the State Qt . 1~~~~~u~c~ayRfhe_~e~bncl day of April, A».D._1988-- i'~ _°t_tr~~ won a~ OI~F~ -11'~YQR ..AND STX TRUS'~~E~; d~_-r~~rt~ty=~k~at-th~.at~aye:ar~d foregofng fs -a true- and-~a~: a~at,~~e~ o~ the`;votes past at said election,-as shQVkr1.~~T2,~~~~s;fc~r the ~everai voting precincts. in _ - _ - - _~ • • • • ~ ~ R E S O L U T I O N Town of Vail W~1#~1t~(~',aw;, ~:he Board of Tr~~stees of the Town of Vail, has duly cnnvened tk~~..^ 3.Oth day of April, 1.968, at its regular meeting place w~.thin the Town of Vail.; and WHEREAS, this meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Vail. is the first meeting held after the regular elec- tion of this Town held April 2, 19b8; and WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has unanimously ap and adopted by ballot the following Resolution appointing the persons hereinbelow named as officers of this municipal corpora-~ tion to sezve until the next regular election for the Board of Trustees of the Town of Vail, or until such officers shall resign or be removed from offa.ce; BE IT RESOLVED that the following named persons are • • appointed to the position set out after their name and are deemed officers of this municipal corporation and are to hold such positions until the next regular election of the Town of Vail, or until their resignation or removal from office, and are to assume the functions, duties and responsibilities as specified in the ordinances hereinbelow identified. NAME POSITION F. Blake Lynch Town Clerk and~Recorder Functions, duties and responsibili-I ties as described in Ordinance No. 1, Series of 2966. F. Blake Lynch ~ Town Treasurer Functions, duties and responsibili- ti~:s a~ descra.hed in Ord~.nance No. ~a • • I 1 u • NAME Peter Cosgriff Floyd H. Holmes POSITION Town Attorney. Duties, responsibilities and qualifications .as set Earth in Ordinance No. 3, Series of 1966. Town Marshal. Qualifications, functions, duties and responsibilities as set forth in Ordinance No. 8, Series of 1966. F. Blake Lynch Town Coordinator. Duties, responsibilities and qualifications as set forth in Ordinance No. S, Series of 1966. BE xT FURTHER RESOLVED that said municipal officers shall receive the same compensation as their predecessors in such position received immediately preceding the general election held April 2, 1968, subject to the condition that said compensa- tion may be increased or decreased at the pleasure of the Board of Trustees. Dated April l0, 196$. • • TOWN OF VAIL B~ ATTEST: Town Clerk i ;; ;' -2- Mayor .. ~ i ` TO: BOARD OF TRUSTEES FROM: CHIEF HOLMES SUBJECT: POLICE RESERVE FORCE The following information is submitted to the Town of Vail Board of Trustees for consideration of a Police Reserve Farce. It is herein proposed that the Town initiate an eleven man Police Reserve starting in January of 1969. If this proposal is adopted as presented, training of reserve officers would commence in June of 1.98$, thus allowing the reserve officers to be fully operational by January, GENERAL INFURMATIOIv The organization and use of civilian police reserves have become widespread since ViTarld War Two. Reserve organizations exist in almost every major department in the country; however, they serve to the fullest advantage in towns with small police departments such as ours. Such a unit can be used to improve police service and crime control activities. Besides the obvious use during disasters, such a unit can be used for traffic and crowd control during special events, and assisting the regular force in routine police functions. In Vail, it is proposed the police reserve be used largely to supple- ment the regular department to give more extensive police coverage to the Town, and to be available for assistance when special problems arise requiring more manpower than is regularly available. PROBLEMS INHERENT IN A POLICE RESERVE Frequently small towns, when initiating a police reserve, have erred by allowing almost any male citizen of the community to become a part-time police officer. As a result, a number of persons become reserve officers who should not be allowed to perform in a law enforcement capacity. In the section of this report covering recruitment, we have • attempted to eliminate this potential. by carefully selecting reserve personnel. Frequently reserve officers are not adequately trained or gain no real. police experience, thereby poorly representing the regular department or the town in which they work. We have again attempted to eliminate this PAGE ~r2 problem area by adequate training and by having the reserve o~~icers work . with regular members of the police department on a continual basis. A police reserve costs the Town money, It is erroneous to think that money can be saved, even on a long-range basis by the use of a police reserve. The regular police department should continue its development in both manpower and funding. The advantage to the reserve force on a day-to-day basis is that it affords greater police protection at a limited cost, The individual reserve policeman carries some burden. He is required to give of his time and energies; and he frequently must spend some of his own money, He will work for no pay, and expose himself to the same potential dangers as a regular officer. The creation of a police reserve also puts an additional administrative load on the regular police department. We have attempted to reduce this problem by designing a police reserve that will largely be self -administered. (See "Police Reserve Organization"). ADVANTAGES The advantages of creating a police reserve force outweigh the above listed disadvantages. There are advantages to the Town itself, to the regular police department, and to the individual reserve officer, The Town will benefit from more extensive crime prevention activities and generally better police protection. There will be a trained, readily available manpower pool to assist in major or special police problems. The individual reserve officer will benefit in a number of ways. He can gain i n police training and knowledge if he is interested in eventually getting into police work. He will obtain valuable experience in dealing with the public under the most adverse conditions, and he will be able to have . the fulfillment of providing a real service to his community. The regular police department will reap the largest benefit from the establishment of a proper police reserve. Reserve officers can be used to supplement officers who otherwise would be working alone during P.l~GE #3 his duty shift, wick assistance for rapidly developing special police problems will be available. Training facilities will be expanded, and regular officers will be able to take advantage of reserve training classes. The department will have a greater pool of special ta~.ents {i. e. , language skills available. And finally, reserve officers can be used far under- cover work in areas where the regular officers are too well-known, RECRUITMENT It is our intention to recruit reserve personnel from the personnel available in the total valley. This would include ~ rsans who live here or work here. Recruiting would be done much the same as it would be for regular police department members. A written general achievement test would be given and oral interviews held. A brief background investigation would be made prior to acceptance into the reserve. This seems, at first, to be a rather extensive procedure, but these steps are felt necessary to insure that proper police reserve personnel are selected. Each reserve officer would be required to successfully complete the training pragrarn outlined below, and to pass an examination at the completion of his training. Reserve officers will be required to qualify in firearms training. These qualifications will be geared toward the knowledge of firearm safety and use more than actual shooting accuracy. All reserve officers will be placed on probation far one year after they have completed their initial training, This thorough selection and training process makes good sense in view of the potential problems listed earlier in this report, and the duties and responsibilities listed later. POLICE. RESERVE_ORGANI2ATION . The proposed organization chart for the Vail Police Reserve is attached (Appendix A). It should be noted that there is a chain of command within the organization and it should be largely self-administered, One regular officer from the police department will be assigned to coordinate • • PAGE #4 with the reserve and assist with detailing their worts shifts, etc. . Reserve officers vrhile on duty would work under the direction of regular on-duty police personnel, no matter what the reserve rank involved. TRAINING Attached as Appendix B is an anticipated training schedule for the reserve officers. Tt is proposed that during the coming summer, officers attend weekly training sessions of two hours each and spend two additional two-hour periods with the range officer on the department's pistol range. After graduation from this training program., the officers would be required to attend one two-hour additional training session a month. RESPONSTBTLTTTES AND DUTIES Reserve officers will have fu11 police responsibilities and duties while on duty with the department; however, they will have no more than the regular legal authority vested in private citizens when off-duty. They will not be authorized to carry concealed weapons while off-duty. Reserves will work one eight--hour shift per month, and will. handle minor cases. They wi11 assist regular officers with investigations requiring follow-up or subsequent investigations. Although reserve of~Cicers may be assigned to work alone on patrol or on foot, they will only be assigned to work during the time a regular officer is on duty. Reserve officers will be given the authority to give citations for both parking and moving violations, and will make arrests while on duty. PAY For the initial year of operation, the reserve force will be entirely voluntary in nature, and members will not be compensated. Tt is possible that we wi11 want to, in future years, make hourly payment for duties • performed beyond the regularly scheduled monthly eight hours. There may be opportunities for reserve officers to obtain pay from private citizens for working at special events like last year's jazz festival. f PAGE #5 U COST TO TOWN The first year costs to the Town will be the highest years costs beoause o~ the initial purchase of uniforms and equipment. The total. cost is anticipated to be about ~1, 800.00.. This figure is broken down as follows: Uniforms and equipment ~1, 200.00 Training material 250.00 (including ammunition Insurance and contingency 300.00 ~1, 800.00 • St is possible that existing Town insurance expenditures will cover reserve officers. The Town's insurance carrier is currently checking on actual additional costs if there are any. Subsequent costs for continuation of the police reserve, without additional personnel should be less than ~l, 500.00 per year. CONCLUSXON We have discussed the type of reserve organization it is felt proper • for the Town of Vail. It might be important to point out what we DO NOT WANT in the way of a police reserve. This organization should not be made up of persons who want to be issued a badge to carry to impress other people or police officers. This will not be a social club or a group of amateur policemen, but rather a working pola.ce reserve that sh~l_i1d c~kve c~.•edit to the ~xnmi~n3~y and the organization's members, • • APPENDIX A TRAINII~TG SCHEDULE FOR RESERVE OFFICERS 1. Orientation -general police philosophy and ethics 2 hours ~, Patrol _ crime prevention activities 4 hours 3. Traffic -traffic control and accident investigation 3 hours 4, Colorado Law -legal and Court procedures 2 hours 5. Investigation ~ general procedure on various types of police investigations 4 hours 6. Interrogation ~ general and legal procedures involved in police interrogation techniques 2 hours 7. Identification =fingerprint and photographic work 2 hours 8. Firearms - ~afethand use (class room) 2 hours field training 4 hours 9. Special Police Problems -handling of unusual police assignments 2 hours 10. Crowd and Riot Control -techniques and procedures 8 hours 17.. Public Relations 2 hours l2. Oral reports by class members ~.2 hours 13. Report Writing 2 hours 1~. Communications -use of radio, etc. , in police field, l hour 15. Narcotics and drug control 2 hours 16. Class Review 1 hour 1`7. Testing 2 hours 18. Test Review 1 hour • • • • APPENDED B VAIL POLICE RESERVE ORGANIZATION • Reserve Lieutenant ~_ Reserve Sergeants i _.~ ~~ r -~ Reserve Officers • VAIL GENERAL INi.~xOVEMENT DISTRICT MINUTES OF T! MEETING HELD APRIL 17, 1968 The Meeting was called to order by Chairman ~'oseph Langmaid at 7: ~0 p. m. on April 17, J.96$, in the Vail Clinic Building, second floor. ROLL CALL found the following members present: Trustee Joseph Langmaid Trustee John Donovan Trustee C. E. Kindel Trustee T. Steinberg Trustee Richard Bailey Absent: iVtayor J'oh~~ Dobson T:~ ustee Peter Seibert Also present were Rev. Livingston and Virginia Crowley. I. A. Convene as Vail General Improvement District to consider Resolution issuing remaining ~~5, 000.00 in bonds for paving purposes. Blake Lynch reported on the program as follows: 1. Cost of materials would be X30, 000.00 far five miles. Grading, fill and manhole casts all an extra X10, 000.00. Any amount remaining left over could be used far street improvements, etc. There is about a ~5, 000.00 contingency. We are getting all this at a very reduced cast. 2. Forest and Beaver Dam Roads will be paved their full width. Private pavers in Vail at that time wi11 be encouraged tq also participate in street improvements on these two roads in working on them around pribate areas. 3. Trustee Bailey asked if there would be any more work on drainage before paving. Blake Lynch said the entire situation would be re•aevaluated before beginning. The crown on the roads should help the drainage problem. 4. The bonds must be reviewed before we can really decide what can be paved. 5. Blake Lynch pointed out that the worst situation now exists on Gore Creek Drive. There are other places in poor condition also, but this is the worst. He felt that because the Town was getting this paving service at such a reasonable cost, we should go ahead with our major paving plans now. Vail General Improverrient District Page #2 Minutes of the Meeting held April 17, X968 6, Trustee Donovan asked what qualifications the Eagle.Caunty contractors assigned the job have. They did the airport and streets of Eagle and it was agreed they were quite capable. 7. The reason Gore Creek Road didn't hold up was mainly because the drainage was very poor. Trustee Donovan suggested we get the original construction group who did the roads to at ].east fill in the holes at their expense. B. Debt Service Schedule - 2 Mill Levy Jn the near future, we can maintain at 2.0 levy. If we carry forward about ~2, 000.00, we should balance it off. This was approved. 1.. Blake Lynch brought up the matter of bid requirement on the sale of the bonds. We need to set a date to open at 2:00 o'clock, Zt was voted that Monday, June ~, 1.OG8, at 2:00 o'clock, would be the date and time set, and the bid would be awarded that night. The bonds will be callable at ~.0 years. First National Bank of Denver will be the paying agent. 2. Special session at the school, Blake Lynch read the Resolution authorizing the sale of $45, 000.00 in bonds. The Notice of Bid will be published on May 2 and 9. Trustee Kindel moved tk~at the Resolution be adopted and Trustee Donovan seconded it. It was passed and approved. Money will be needed about June 3. We will get the bond money about July 1. In the interim., the Bank will loan us money on a short-term basis if we pass a resolution agreeing to sell the bonds at less than six percent. Trustee Conovan moved adoption of the following Resolution; "BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE VAIL GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT that: Said Board of Directors intends to award the sale of ~~5, 000.00 in bonds to the lowest bidder on June 3rd, provided said bid has an effective interest rate of less than six percent, • Vail General Improvement District Page #~ Minutes of the Meeting held April 17, 1.968 "BE IT RESOLVED BY' THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE VAIL GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DS,STRICT that the Tawn Coordinator is hereby authorized to borrow funds for street paving purposes in anticipation of bond sale receipts said short--term borrowing authority not to exceed X1.0, 000.00. " The Resolutions were seconded. and passed unanimously by the Board. II. Re-convened as Board of Trustees Meeting 1. Consideration of appropriating ~1, 000. DO far landscaping. a. Blake Lynch suggested landscaping tie island at the entrance of Vail, the Mill Creek banks, Willow Road, etc. Vail Associates owns a lot of this land but we dkd zt last year and Blake Lynch felt that we should follow the same policy this year. All this landscaping would begin about the middle of May. b. Blake Lynch wanted to have authority to go ahead then and stated he would consult with the Mayor at the time but wanted permission to coo ahead with the work in May. These are not the exact locations but are suggestions for now. Money to be used would be about ~1., 000.0D. Town and tract property will be landscaped under this suggestion. Trustee Donovan moved that we approve this Motion and. it was seconded by Trustee Bailey and. passed. 2. Consideration of street lighting program. a. The Administration presented a proposal to install 50 street lights in accordance with the memorandum. submitted, with the exception that Holy Cross Electric Association would purchase the lights and we would lease them. Blake Lynch would like to have this work done between May 15 and ~"une 1.5. b. The question was raised as to where we should put these lights. Blake Lynch passed around a memorandum proposing the lighting for the Town and showed a map indicating suggested locations. Trustee Steinberg asked abaut other than steel lamps, but it was decided the steel would be the mast practical. and economical. Some would be put in the residential areas, and others in Town, Blake Lynch will go ahead and and order the 50 lights through Holy Cross Electric Association. •~ Vail General Improvement District Mir~utes of the Meeting held April 17, 1968 Page #4 • A Motion to proceed in accordance with the provisions set forth in the memorandum was made by Trustee Donotran and was seconded by Trustee Kindel and passed. Trustee Donovan suggested a Committee of Mitch I~oyt and Barbara Parker choose which gas lights will be used. This suggestion was passed unanimously by the Board. 3. Consideration of Ordinance No. .7, vacating a portion of the turn-out adjacent to Lots 7, $ and il, Block #~, 7th Filing, on Vail Valley Drive. a. It was agreed that we should vacate. The emergency clause was struck. Trustee Donovan moved far this Motion, and Trustee Steinberg seconded the Motion. It was unanimously approved by the Board. i 4. Communications from the Mayor concerning Planning Commission appointment, Police Magistrate appointm.ent.arid Finance Committee appointment. a. Trustee Donovan moved that we appoint Trustee Kindel as a trustee member to the Planning Commission. Trustee Bailey seconded the Motion and it was passed. A citizen for the Board members was suggested: Joseph Stauffer or Bud Parks, ~ They will be asked about their interest in joining. b. After some discussion, it was suggested that Bill Brawn be appointed as Police Magistrate , Alternate suggestions were Charles Crowley, Cesare Moretti and Deane Knox. . c. Trustees Langmaid and Donovan were appointed to the Finance Committee. 5. Miscellaneous matters from Town Coordinator. a. It was agreed that Forest Raad now be made a two•-way street again. b. Trustee Kindel mentioned removing traffic signs we have no intention of enforcing, such as the parking signs in front of the row houses. G. Citizen Participation a. Virc,~inia Crowley expressed concern aver local residents speeding over Gore Creek Drive. Blake Lynch said he would discuss this with the Chief of Police, It was suggested stop signs on Gore Creek stopping traffic at Bridge Street be posed. Also that a 5•-mile an hour sign be posted in that area. .y Vail General Improvement District Page #5 . Minutes of the Meeting held April 17, 1.968 b, Virginia Crowley suggested we publish the agenda in the Tail Trail along with the notate on meetings, even of the agenda. posted is only partial and posted at the last minute (in Past Office, etc. , if not in paper). With na further bus).ness to come before the Board, Trustee Kindel made a Motian to adjourn at 9:45 p. m. It was seconded by Trustee Donovan and approved unanimously by the Board. • • • • • MINUTES OF THE MEETING THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES -THE TOWN OF VAIL HELD APRIL 29, 1Q68 The Board of Trustees convened as the Vail Liquor Licensing Authority at 11:00 a. m. in the Town Office, Mill Creek Building. Mayor John A. Dobson called the Meeting to orc].er. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Members present: Mayor John A. Dobson Trustee Peter Seibert Trustee T. I. Steinberg Trustee C. E. Kindel Trustee Joseph Langmaid. Absent: Trustee John Donovan Trustee Richard Bailey MINUTES OF THE MEETING The Liquor Licensing Authority considered the application of a change in name from Gitana, Inc. , to Charles and Elizabeth Baribeau, After discussion, a Motion was made by Trustee Langmaid and seconded by Peter Seibert and approved unarm mously by the Board. With na further business to come before the Board, a Motion was made by Peter Seibert at 11:20 a. m. to adjourn. It was seconded by Trustee Kindel and appr. owed unanimously by the Board. At 11:25 a, m. Mayor John A. Dobson called the Board of Trustees to order and brought to the attention of the Board. the vacancy of the Police Magistrate, He then recommended the appointment of Francis Brofos. The Board approved unanimously and Trustee Kindel made a Motion to appoint Francis Brofos as the Police Magistrate. It eras seconded by Trustee Seibert. Trustee Kindel brought to the attention of the Board the cleanup problem in the Village. Blake Lynch indicated that the Town would begin very soon on the cleanup of the Village. Peter Seibert indicated that we could work with Bob Parker and Bill Brown to straighten signs, take down signs that are not applicable now, painting sign post, 1and~- scaping and police the area. A discussion was held regarding the roads, such as sweeping, etc. The Director of Public Works would handle the project, With no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Kindel made a Motion to adjourn at 11:50 a. m. It was seconded by Trustee Langmaid and approved unanimously by the Board. ~ • MINUTES OF THE MEETING THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES -THE TOWN OF VAIL HELD JUNE 10, 1968 The Meeting was called to order by the Mayor, John A. Dobson, in the Vail Clinic Building at 8:40 p. rn. ROLL CALL: John A. Dobson Tharnas I. Steinberg Peter Seibert C. E. Kindel Joe Langrnaid John Donavan Richard Bailey MINUTES OF THE MEETING I. Consideration of the Minutes of Previous Meetings held April 10th and April 29th. Trustee Kindel made a Motion to accept the Minutes as recorded. It was seconded by Trustee Donavan and approved unan- innously by the Board. 2. Consideration of the Financial Report. Mayor Dobson asked the Town Manager to review the Financial Report. Mr. Lynch noted that both Revenue and Expendi- tures were within the Budget. The Financial Report was accepted by the Board. 3. Consideration of Selection of Engineering Consultant far Structured Parking Study. Mr. Lynch explained that we had obtained proposals from three engineering firms to do the engi.neexing work for a structured parking garage. The work would be done in two phases; { 1) a feasibility study and (2} the actual engineers ng work if the project is approved. Vail Associates and the Forest Service have indicated a willingness to cooperate on providing the land. The two sites of partic- ular intexest at this point are (1} the area south of the Lodge and (2) the paxkang lot north of the Christiania. The three engineering firms., Nelson, Haley, Patterson Quirk and Carpenter; Robert H. Vailand and Barrxxan/Melcher & Assoc- iates, have indicated that their fees were similar - a percentage of total cost or on an hourly basis if the project were not completed. Mayor Dobson tabled the issue for further study. 4, Paving Problems Mayox Dobson requested Blake Lynch, Tavern Manager, and 3. Mitchell Hoyt, Director of Public Works, to report on the progress with the Street Improvements. Mr. Hoyt noted that B & B Construction was doing some work on shaping the roads and that additional culverts for drainage will be installed. The County Commissioners have indicated that the people who will pave the roads will be in Vail scan and the project will take approximately two weeks to complete. • Page 2 -Minutes of the ~Illeeting held ..June 10, 1968 George Knox, Sr. , asked the Board if the chuck hales could be filled before the Conventions began corning to Vail, Mr. Hoyt noted that this was anticipated and that them would be some widening of the streeta in certain axeas pxiax to paving. 5. Consideration of Loader-Backhoe Lease. • Approval by the Board of Trustees has already been given on the sale of the motor gxader and the purchase of the Back Hoe. There is a lease axrangement for the BackHoe for the balance of $10, 000. 00 spread over a two year period. 6. Consideration of'an Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 4, Series of lgb7, making it unlawful to alter or unlawfully obtain a ski pass. After discussion Robert Parker nnade the suggestion that the Ordinance be changed to read any xecreational facility in the Town. It was the consensus that this change should be rrxade and then placed on the Agenda for a futuxe Meeting. 7. Miscellaneous Matters • (a} Street Lights - Mr. Blake Lynch reported that Holy Cross was doing the wiring for the electric lights that would be in the outlying areas. The Town was installing the poles and work had already begun. Holy Crass will be buying the electric lights and we will be leasing them. Mayor Dobson tabled a decision on the question of gas vs. electric lights for Bridge Street fox a study by interested citizens. {b) Liquor Hearing - A Hearing for a new application for a Liquor License will be held ,Tune 24, 1$b8 (Date changed to July $) (c} Refuse Disposal Site - Mr. Mitchell Hayt informed the Board that a fence was being installed around the disposal site that we now have in Minturn. As far as a pexrnanent site is concerned, the only site available is in Wolcott. However, a refuse site must be designated by Septexnbex 1, 19b8. (d} League Conferex~zce -Mayor Dobson urged Members of the Board to attend since Vail will be Host next year. (e} Back Hoe Operatox -The Director of Public Works brought to the attention of the Board that thexe would be Borne changes in personnel and that it was imperative to secure an Operator with mainten- ance experience, and an investigation was in progress for the right man. Mr. J. Mitchell Hoyt informed the Board that there had been a very good working relationship with Mr. Bill Brown, of Vail Associates, on the cleanup in the village. ..~ ~ ~ Page 3 -Minutes of the Meeting held June 10, 19b8 $. Mayor and Trustees A discussion was held concerning the Liquor Hearing to be held. The Town Attorney, Peter Cosgriff, noted that Vail was a typical resort area and suggested that a campaxison might be helpful to the Board. Trustee Seibert asked what plans have been made for speed limit signs, particularly in view of the pawing which will encouxag~ speeding. 1=1e suggested a dip on either side of the intersection of Gore Creek Drive and Bxidge Street. Trustee Kindel questiar~ed the possibility of landscaping the planter in the turn-around. He suggested using local. plants and noted that the U. 5. Forest Sexvice had indicated at one time that they would supply the markers indicating the type of foliage, Mr. Lynch indicated that he would investigate the project. Mx. George Knox brought to the attention of the Board the hazard of the entrance road to the Holiday inn off 'N'ail Road. Mr, Mitchell Hoyt was asked to discuss the situation with Mr: Tibaldi. Mx. David Gorsuch asked the Board if the sign, at the Holiday Inn could be dimmed during xainy pexiads. A discussion was held concerning the non-conforming sign and the question was referred to the Sign Review Board. Trustee Peter Seibert asked if the Town Marshall could contact Continental Trailways concerning the undue noise of the bus in the village. With no further business to come before the Board, a Motion was made by Trustee Kindel to adjourn at 1Q;35 p. m. It was seconded by Trustee Donovan and approved unanimously by the Board. • • • MINUTES OF THE MEETING THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ~ THE TOVi1~N OF VAIL Held June 24, 3.968 The Meeting was called to order by the Mayor, John A. Dobson, at the Vail Clinic Building at 8:30 p. m. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Members present: Mayor John A. Dobson Trustee C. E, Kindel Trustee Joe Langmaid Trustee John Donovan Trusted Thomas I, Steinberg Trustee Richard Bailey Trustee Peter Seibert • MIlVUTES OF THE MEETING 3.. Consideration of the Minutes of the previous Meeting held June 10, 1968. A Motion was made by Trustee Kindel to approve the Minutes as recorded. It was seconded by Trustee Donovan and approved unanimously by the Board, 2. Consideration of a Structured Parking Study Mayor Dobson asked Blake Lynch to give a recap of the program. Mr. Lynch noted that he had requested permission to secure an Engineering Firm to do a study for the proposed structured parking building and investigate two proposed sites -one by the Lodge and the other by the Christiania. Mr. Blake Lynch reviewed the reasons for recommending we hire an engineer to perform a structured parking feasibility study this summer, • The possible sites in question are the area immediately south of the Lodge Cafeteria and the lot north of the Christiania. It seems that a revenue bond financed structured parking lot might be feasible, especially since the sate south of the Ladge could be ~.cquired far free. Board of Trustees Minutes 1l~eeting Beld dune 24, 1968 PAGE T~TiT4 • The Planning Board feels that it will be necessary to develop fringe area parking for the core area in the future to accommodate persons wishing to spend time shopping and dining in the core. The lot west of Pepi's will be developed and will not be available for close in parking in the future. In short, the Planning Board feels that fringe area parking is absolutely necessary to maintain a viable pedestrian core. A structured parking garage at the site south of the Lodge would not block the view of the maountain and the roof could possibly have an ice skating rink at a grade slightly above the plaza level. adjacent to the Lodge dining room. Goerge Knox noted that the original concept of Vail was to have been a walking village and a resort. "1 have never seen a parking building that has any beauty attached to it -this type of building would encourage more automobile traffic into the core. I think we have to consider the aesthetic profile of Vail. " Mr. Merv Lapin asked the Board if Vail Associates had designated certain areas that will always remain for parking, or will it mean that the Town wi11 have to continue to build more structured parking as time goes on? Mr. Seibert of Vail Associates informed the Board that through an agreement with the Forest Service, they must supply parking for the skier, plus the fact that it is their business to encourage the skier and ane way to do it is to provide parking. George Knox, Jr. , asked the capacity of such a structure. Mr. Blake Lynch said at this time it was possible that the structure would hold 100 cars or the number that the lot next to Gramshammer's Lodge would handle. Mr. Robe rt Parker felt that it was very important to have the study since we must think in the future and from the study the Board would have the information to make a decision. The Board of Trustees approved a Motion that the Engineering Firm of Borman and Melcher, be retained to conduct the study at a proposed cost up to ~2, 000.00. Board of Trustees M.~.nutes Meeting Held June 24, 1968 PAGE THREE 3. Consideration of Ordinance No. 9, Series of 1988, "An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 4, Series of 1967, by the addition of a new article making it unlawful to obtain or to attempt to obtain the use and enjoyment of skiing facilities and services or other recreational facility by means of any false pretense or unauthorized, false, simulated, bogus, spurious, sham, forged, counterfeit or mutilated ticket or device and declaring the possession, use, offer, presentation, sale, gift, making or manufacturing of any unathorized ticket or device unlawful". After discussion, Mr. Blake Lynch polled the Trustees for understanding and approval. The Ordinance was unanimously approved. 4. Consideration of Ordinance No. 10, Series of 1968, "An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 17, Series of x.966, making the giving of false reports to the Police unlawful". After discussion, Mr. Blake Lynch polled the Trustees for understanding and approval. The Ordinance was unanimously approved. 5. Consideration of Ordinance No. 11, Series of 196$, "An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 17, Series of 19fi6, making remaining on private property when requested to leave unlawful". After discussion, Mr. Blake Lynch polled the Trustees for understanding and approval, The Ordinance was unanimously approved. 6, Consideration of Ordinance No. 12, Series of 1968, "An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 17, Series of 1966, to include federal law enforcement agents within definition of Peace Officer". After discussion, Mr. Blake Lynch palled the Trustees for understanding and approval. The Ordinance was unanimously a~N.~~oved. Board of Trustees Minutes Meeting Held June 24, 1948 PAGE FOUR • 7. Consideration of the Gas Lights for Bridge Street Mayor Dobson requested a report from the Citizens' Committee. Mr. George Knox, Jr, , felt that the consensus was that the gas lights were the favorite and that they should be similar to the ones in front of the Red Lion and the Rucksack. Mayor Dobson asked Mr. Rod Slifer to submit something from the Vail. Resort Association and when the Board received that recap, a decision would be made. • $. Miscellaneous Matters from the Police Chief Mr. Ted Holmes informed the Board that the Department would like to rent a radar unit to be put into use as soon as the streets are paved. It is the safest and most effective way to determine speeding and is the most substantial evidence in the event of court proceedings. After discussion, Trustee Kindel rx~ade a Motion to authorize the expenditure and procedure. ~t was seconded by Trustee Steinberg and approved unanimously by the Board, A suggestion was made that Stop.. Signs be placed at the corners of Gore Creek Drive and Bridge Street, The Police Chief felt that if Stop Signs were there, it would compound the problem during very busy seasons. ~,vid Gorsuch said that every time the bus comes in or goes out, there is a hazard, especially for the small children in the area. Mayor Dobson requested Ted Holmes to contact the officials of the Bus Com~aanv to curtail the noise and momentum. Mr. Ted Holmes noted that the Department had been considering the purchase of a radio unit that tied into the State Highway ~e~t. The Company furnishing the units to the Patrol wi11 allow us to purchase this equipment at the contract price for the State if purchased by the end of July. A Motion was made by Trustee Kindel to authorize the purchase, It was seconded by Trustee Donovan and approved unanimously by the Board. Board of Trustees Minutes Meeting Held 3une 24, 1968 PAGE FNE 9. Reports r _ .~ ~ ` ~~ rw ,. / ~ ~a S- ?a j ~=c r~~~ -- .~ `f' ,~~<~ cry !~..t , ~ N ~[,c~.~- ' ~ ~ `~.;, •:d is .! rq. s ,,~ `^ ._<, ~4.) --_ ~. J.. The Director of Public Works informed the Board that the County would move in over the weekend and the paving would begin on Wednesday. It was anticipated that the job would. be complete within three working weeks Robert W. Parker suggested that rather than starting in the core area, that the ini~~~~ mat be laid on west Meadow Drive, Rod Slifer asked if the Town intended to buy a sweeper for the streets. Mr. Hoyt noted that it was a definite consideration and that it would probably be in next years' budget. With no further business to come before the Board, the Meeting • was adjourned by a Motion of Trustee Steinberg at 10.20 p. m. It was seconded by Trustee Donovan and approved unanimously by the Board. • • • • THE '~'OV+IN OF VAIL x.958 OPERATING BUDGET APPROPRrAT~ON AND EXPENDITURE REPORT FOR SYX MONTHS ENDING 3UNE 30, 196$ • • • • RECEIPTS Anticipated Total 196$ SUMMARY OF REVENUE Sales and General Occupation Taxes Utility Occupation Tax Parking Fees Liquor Fees Court Fines and Fees Building Inspection Fees Street Repair Fees Highway Users Tax Miscellaneous Revenue (Note: Sale of Town G ~~acler ~7, 000.00) ~J 1 Management Fees Water and Sanitation Management Fees Fire Department Management Fees ~. Recreation District TOTAL REVENUE x;131, 200.00 7, 200, 00 4, 600.00 ~., 600.00 1, 400. ao ~, ooo, 00 s, 500.00 ~, 9ao, o0 5, 000.00 98,100.00 1 ~, 400, 00 49, 300.00 X319, 200.00 • Actual Total. Three Months ~ 47, 331. 77 ~, 971.86 210, 00 961, o© X71. o0 ~~~. ~.~ 123, 00 21, 500.00 ~ 73, ~, ~~9, 74 Actual Total Six Months X104, 630.61 3, 375.38 210.00 101.25 1,184.00 2, 540, 50 G91, 5~i ]., x.51.21 7, 161.20 31, 500, 00 6, 200, ao 2, 000.00 $160, 745.71 • • APPROPRIATION AND ~~PENDITURES REPORT, l A t Ap propriation ua c Total E~~pended Unexpended ACTIVITY 1968 Sax Months Balance BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Personal Services Other Personal Services ~ -~ ~ 460.00 (~ 460.OQ) Contractual Services Advertising ~ 1, 800.00 ~ 385.86 ~ 1, 414.1 Dues and Subscriptions 100:00 83.16 16: 84 Professional Fees 12, 000 00 C~, 606.24 5, 393: 76 Travel Expense 500:00 -- 500.00 O-~.er 300.00 06.40 233.60, Sub-Total. ~ 14, 700.00 ~ 7.141.60 ~ ~, 558.34 Commodities Other Coxmodities ~ 300.00 ~ 180.48 ~ 11~. 52 Sub-Total ~ 300.00 ~ x-80.48 ~ 11~. J2 Board of Tr~~stees TOTAL ~ 15.000.00 ~ 7, 753.04 ~ 7.24d. 96 POLxCE MAGISTRATE: Persona]. Services Other Personal Services ~ 1.200.00 ~ 400, 00 ~ E00.00 Sub-Total ~ 1, 200.00 ~ 400.00 ~ 800.00 Contractual Services Rent ~ 600.00 ~ - - ~ 600.00 Other 200.00 34. 50 165. 50 Sub-Total ~ 800.00 ~ 34.50 ~ '765.50 Commodities Other Commodities ~ 200.00 ~ . 94 ~ 19~• 06 Sub-Total ~ 200.00 ~ .94 ~ 199.06 Police Magistrate TOTAL ~ 2 , 200.00 ~ 43 5.44 ~ 1, '764.56 n u • • APPROPRTATTON AND EXPENDT'I'URES REPORT Appropr~.at~on Total ACT~1'TTY 1908 ADMINISTRATION: Personal Services Actual Expended Six Months Insurance Charges ~ 370.00 Pensions & Soc. Security 000.00 Salaries & gages - Full 14, 350.00 Salaries & Wages -Part Time 1, 300.00 Salaries & ~lages Ac],j. 500, 00 Sub-Total ~ 17,120.00 141.20 49)..27 9, 492.58 ~ 10,125.05 Unexpended Bal~,z~.ce ~ 228.80 108.73 4, 8 5'7.42 ~., 300, 00 500.00 ~ 0.994.95 Contractual Services Advertising ~ 25.00 ~ 17..1.6 ~ 7.3.84 Car .Allowance 350.00 9.00 341, 00 Dues & Subscriptions 50.00 60.00 (:10.00) insurance Charges 150.00 59.00 91.00 Maint, & Repair-Bldgs, 50.00 -- 50.00 Postage 7.20.00 110,15 9. S5 Printing 150.00 163. 18 (7.3.18 ) Professional Tees 200.00 299.23 (99.23) Rent 1, 200.00 848.00 352, 00 Recording & Abstrac~cion 1.00.00 20.00 50.00 Telephone 2, 400.00 717.07 7., x82.33 Travel Expense 350.00 272, 91 77.09 Other 200.00 :~. , 079.64 { 579.64) Sub -Total ~ 5, 34 5.00 ~ 3 , 649.94 ~ 1.69 5.06 Commodities Books & Periodicals ~ 100.00 ~ 91 56 ~ 43.09 License Tags 50.00 _ 50.00 Office Supp7.ies 500.00 33c~. 98 163, 02 Otte r 100.00 168.8 5 (68.8 5) ,Sub-Total ~ 750.00 ~ 562.74 ~ 1.87.26 C abital Outlav Office Equipment ~ 400.00 437. 50 (~ 37. 50} Radio Equipment 375.00 379.1f~ ( 4.17 Sub-Total ~ 775.00 $ 816. 60 (~ 41. 6G) ,Acl.~ninistration TOTAL ~ 23.990.00 n 15,154.39 ~ 8, 535.0: ~ ~ ~ ! APPROPR~'AT~ON AND EXPENI~~'TUR ES REPORT Appropriation Actual Total Expended Une~pe~~.ded ACTNr'~'Y 1908 Si<~ Manths Balance PLANNING: Personal Services Salaries & Wages ~ 2, 500.00 ~ -- ~ 2.500.00 Sub-Total ~ 2, 500.00 ~ --- ~ 2, 500.00 Contractual Services Professional Fees $ 3, 500.00 ~ '725.28 ~ 2, '~~~. 72 Other 500.00 -- 500, 00 Sub-Total ~ x.000.00 ~ 725.28 ~ 3.274.72 Commodities Boobs & Feriodicals ~ 100.00 ~ 62.25 ~ 3`7.'7 5 Office Supplies 75.00 -- '75.00 Other 75.00 12. 50 62. 50 Sub-Total ~ 250.00 ~ 74.75 ~ ~-75.25 Capital Outlay_ Office Equipment ~ 200.00 ~ -- ~ 200, 00 Sub-Total $ 200.00 ~ ~-- ~ 200.00 Planning TOTAL ~ 0.950.00 ~ 800.03 ~ 6. ~.~~. 97 r~ • • • • APPROPRIATION AN)7 EXPENDITURES REPORT AC TSV~TY POLICE: Personal Services insurance Charges Pensions & Sec. Security Salaries & Wages-Full Salaries-Part Time Solar. ies & Wages Salaries & Wages - Equipment MaintenancE Sub-Total Contractual Services Dues & Subscriptions Insurance Mai~it. & RepairwBldg, Maint. & Repair-Vehicle Postage Printing Professional Fees Rent Telephone Training Expense Travel Expense Other Sub-Total Commoc]ities Boobs & Periodicals Cherriicai, Drug & Lab Supplies Clothing Motor Fuels & Lube. Office Supplies Other Sub-Total Capital Outlay Motor Vehicles Office Equipment Radio Equipment Sub -Total Police TOT1~L Appropriation Total ].068 885.00 ~., 55a. 00 38, ~. 2 5.00 ~, 300.00 500, 00 X42, 360.00 80, 00 700.00 50, 00 200, 00 40.00 100.00 300,00 1., 500.00 1.,100, 00 400.00 ~ 50.00 1, 000.00 5, 020.00 $ 7 5.00 165.00 1,100, 00 600.00 200.00 1, 232.00 ~ 3.372.00 ~ 1, 950, 00 150.00 375.00 ~ ~, 475, 00 X53.827.00 • Actual Er~pended Silo Months 442.40 739, 43 18, 486.26 33.00 125.91 ~, 1.9, 827.00 ~; 50.00 660.00 22.36 80.30 170. 50 00.00 480.96 348.88 97. 56 372.29 2, 997.65 16.19 9.70 551, 30 721, 31 104.16 048.00 ~; 2, 050.66 Unexpended Balance ~ 442.60 810, 57 19, 638. 74 1, 2G7.00 500.00 t .125.91) ~ 22, 538.00 ~ 30.00 40, 00 50, 00 200, 00 17.04 ~~. 70 (123. 50 CJOOs 00 61.0.04 51.. 32 52.44 62'7. 71 ,~ 2, 622.35 58, 81 155.30 548. 70 (121.3.) 9 5.84 584.00 ~ 1, 321.34 ~ 1, 956.95 (~ 6.95) 99.50 50.50 366.00 9.00 ~ 2.422, 45 ~ 52, 55 ~ 27.29'7.76 ~ 26, 529.24 • • • • n .~ APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES REPORT AC TN1TY STREET MAIlVTENANCE: Personal Services Insurance Charges Pensions & SoQ~. Security Salaries & Wages -Full Salaries & Wages - Adj. Salaries & Wages -Temp. Sub-Total Contractual. Services Car Allowance Insurance Charges Laundry Service Malnt. & Repair Rent Other Dump Machine Time Sub-Total Commodities Street Repair & Maint. Materials Machinery & Equip. Parts & Supplies Motor Fuels & Lube. Signs Small Tools Other Sub -Total Capital Outlay Pipe and Culvert Mechanical Equip. Sub -Total Street Maintenance TOTAL Appropriation Total 1968 ~ 270.00 4 50.00 10, 000.00 500.00 500.00 ,~l ~ ~, 7Sias as ~ 50. o0 600.00 140.00 300.00 ~, ooo, ao 1, 000.00 ~ 4. o9n. 00 $ 5, 000.00 3, 200.00 750.00 300.00 400.00 500, 00 ~ 10, X50, 00 800.00 3 , 000.00 ~ 3, 800.00 29. Tao. o0 u Actual Expended Six Months ~ 254.60 526.36 3,142. 51 270.00 38 5, 56 ~ 9 , 579.03 ~ 2~., 54 571, 00 61.30 31, 80 3,.39 5, 9 7 ~., 024.50 1.88.84 ~ 5, 294.95 ~ 1, 094.11 93.36 660.74 28. 50 235.12 87.86 ~; 2,199.69 ~ _- 3, 201.29 ~ 3, 201.29 Unexpended Balance ~ 15.40 (76, 3C~) 1, 35`7.49 500.00 230, 00 385. 56) ~ 2,140.97 ~ 2s.4~ 29.00 78. 70 208.20 ~, ooo. 00 ( 2, 39 5.9 7) ( ~., 024. ~a~ ~ 1$8.84) (~ 1,.204.95) ~ 3, 905. 89 3,106. 64 89.20 271, 50 164.88 41.2. 14 ~ 7, 95a. 31 ~, 800.00 ( 201.. 29 ) ~ 59 8. 71 ~ 20, 274.96 ~ 9.485.04 • • APPROPR]'ATTON AND E`~PENDITURES REPORT i Appropriation Actual Total E1 ~pended Unexpended ACTNITY 1968 Six Months Balance BUILDING INSPECTION: Personal Services Tnsurance Charges ~ 90.00 ~ -- ~ 90.00 Pensions &Soc, Security 100, DO -- 100.00 Salaries & Wages -~ Fu11 3, 600.00 321.00 3, 279.00 Sub-Total $ 3, 850, 00 ~ 321.. 00 $ 3.529.00 Contractual Services Car Allowance ~ 50.00 ~ --- ~ 50.00 Professional Fees 500.00 ~- 500.00 Travel Expense 100.00 -- 100.00 Sub-Total $ 650.00 $ Commodities Books & Periodicals $ 50.00 ~ --~ ~ 50.00 Office Supplies 100.00 -° 100.00 Sub -Total $ 1.50.00 $ -• - $ 150.00 Building Inspectian TOTAL ~ 4, 650.00 $ 321.. 00 ~ ~, 329.00 PARKING LOTS: Personal Services Pensions &Soc. Security ~ 100.00 ~ ~- ~ 100.00 00 00 1 Salaries & Wages •~ Temp. 1, 800.00 . ..8 Sub•-Total $ 1.900.00 ;~ -- _ $ 1. , ~J00.00 Contractual Services Insurance Charges ~ 200, 00 .~ 175.00 ~ 25.00 Printing 1.00.00 ° - 100.00 Other 1.000.00 296.1.0 `703.90 Sub-Total $ 1, 300„ 00 $ 471.10 $ 828.90 Commodities Other Commodities $ 200, 00 $ -~• $ 200, 00 Sub-Total $ 200.00 ~ -- $ 200.00 Parking Lots TOTAL $ 3, 400.00 ~ 471. 10 ~ 2.928.90 APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES REPORT App rapriatian Actual Total, Expended Unexpended ACTLVITY 1968 Six Months Balance STREET LIGHTING: Contractual Services Other Contractual ~ 900, 00 ~ 535,12 ~ 334. 88 Street Lighting TOTAL $ 900.00 ~ 505. 12 ~ 334.88 • PARKS AND GROUNDS MAINTENANCE: Personal Services Salaries & ViTages -- Temp. ~ 150.00 Su~~Total ~ 150.00 Contractual Services Insurance Charges ~ 100.00 Utilities Expense 400.00 Other 200.00 Sub-Total. ~ ?00.00 Comrno dines Seed & Plants ~ 104.00 Sma11 Tools 200.00 Sub-Total ~ 300.00 Parks & Grounds Maintenance TOTAL ~ ~.,150.00 CONTINGENCY: ~ 7, 573, 00 ~ X27.85 (~ 477.85) ~ 027.85 (~ 47'7. ~35~ ~ 05. oo ~ ~~. 00 ~- 400.00 209.50 ( 09.501 ~ 334.50 ~ 365.50 ~ 2a o0 ~ ~o. 00 8.80 191. 20 ~ 28.80 ~ 2'11.20 ~ 991.15 ~ 158, 85 ~ -~.~ ~ 7, 5`73.00 • APFROPRZATZON AN~XPENDITURES REPORT Appropriation Actual Total Expended. Unexpended ACTZVIT`Y 1068 Six Months Balance RECREATION DEFARTMEI~TT (ADIV.CIN~STRATIOI~T~ Personal Services Salaries and Wages ~ 56D. 00 ~ 240.00 ~ 320.00 Sub--Total ~ 560, 00 ~ 240.00 ~ 320, 00 Contractual Services .A.dvertising ~ __- ~ 49.92 (~ 49, 92) Insurance 1,1 C}0.00 330. 75 769.25 Planning Consultant '750.00 151.65 598, 35 Lease Rentals 11, 200, 00 A-- X1, 200.00 Utilities 500, 00 51.0? 448.93 O:£Iice Equipment 1, 000, 00 51.20 948.80 Property Taxes 2,100.00 --- 2,1.00, 00 Sub-Total ~ 16, 650, 00 ~ 634. 59 ~ 16.015.41 Administration TOTAL ~ 17, 210.00 ~ 874. 59 ~ 1C~, 335.. 41 RECREATION DEPARTIt~ENT (GOLF?: Personal Services Pensions & Soc. Security ~ --- ~ 455.09 (~ 455.09) Salaries & Wages a. Administration 8, 400.00 502.75 7, 597, 25 Salaries & Wages - Maintenance 9.750.00 ~ , 443.31 3, 306.69 Sub-Total ~ 18,150, 00 ~ 7, 401. 15 ~ 1.0,'743.85 Contractual Services Advertising ~ 500.00 ~ 500.00 ~ ---- Ec:uip, Repairs --- 283.04 (283.04) Golf Cart l..,ease 5, 000.00 --- 5, ooo. 00 Other -«•- 383.27 (383.27} Sub-Total $ 5, 500.00 ~ 1,1.06. 31 ~ 4, 333, 69 Commodities Building Maintenance $ 300.00 '70.00 230.00 Equip. Repairs ~ M~.i~~t. 1, 000.00 7.74.28 825.72 Gas, Oil, Grease 700.00 21.3.17 48G.83 Misc. Supplies 500.00 819. 70 (37.9.70} Water System-Repairs and Maintenance 500.00 311.14 :188.86 Fertilizer 1, 000, 00 449.93 550, 07 Seed. 100.00 40.00 60.00 Fungicides, Insecticides 500.00 35.00 465.00 Tap Dressing Materials 500.00 ~-•-- ~~00, 00 Sub-Total ~ 5, 7.00.00 ~ 2,113.22 ~ 2, 98u, 78 GoII TOTAL $ 28, 750.00 ~ 10, 680.68 ~ 18, 0~9, 32 APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES REPORT ACTNITY RECREATION DEPARTMENT {TENNIS?: Personal Services Salaries and Wades -~ Admin. Salaries & Wages ~~ Other Sub-Total Contractual Services Advertising Other Misc. Professional Services -Tennis Pro to be paid by Town Sub-Total Commodities Equipment Repairs and Maintenance Balls, NLiscellaneous Courts _ Repairs and Maintenance Sub-Total Tennis TOTAL RECREATION DEPARTMENT' TOTAL Appropriation Actual Total Edipended Unexpended x.968 Six Months Bala~~.ce $ 2, 240.00 ~ 133. 32 $ 2,103.08 400, oo ~ ~ 400.00 2.040.00 ~ 133.32 ~ 2. 500.68 ~ _ _ ~ 140.00 { ~ 140.00) . _- 53.45 { 53.45) .._ loo. oo { 100, oo~ .,- ~ 203.45 (~ 293.45) __ ~ 41, G3 { ~ 41, G3) `00.00 55.10 044.90 .-_ 190.03 { 1.90, 03) ~ ~l00.00 280.70 ~ 413.24 ~ 3.340.00 ~ 713. 53, ~ 2, 020.47 49.300. oo ~ ~~. 268. ~o ~ ~~, 031.20 • • • Ar.~xOPRIA'TION AND E1~PENl7ITURES REPORT Appropriation Actual Total Er~pended. Ui~zei~pend.ed ACTIVITY 1968 Si~~ Months Balance uTATER DEPAR'T'MENT: Personal Services ~ 28, 750.00 ~ --_ ~ ~.-- trsr~ator 'T'reatment Plant Mtce, & Oper. -- 2, 800.98 ~. - Water `Trans. Lines & Valves Insp. & Mtce, -_ X14, 78 •ti- Fire Hydrants ?nsp. & Mtce. -- 107, 25 -_ t~Tater & 'T'ap Connections -- 9, 75 ~.-~ Spring Taps & V~Iater , Storage-Insp. Rx Mtce. ~-' 395. 68 w- Equipment Maintenance -- 05.00 -m Other - - e, 500. 50 a S b t T l u o -- a ~ 28, 750, 00 X12, 093.94 ~ 16, 650.06 Contractual Serv~.ces Architectual and Engineering ~ 50.00 ~ -- ~; 50.00 lVlisc. Professional 25.00 383.31 ( 358.31) Auto. Allowance 250.00 53.35 18G.55 Postage 300.00 55.07 244.03 Txavel & Training 350, 00 128.00 222, 00 Printing 50, 00 75.00 ( 25.00) Power Purchased 4, 590.00 2, 534, 01 2, 055.99 Electricity (Other} 125.00 8. 77 116, 23 Heating Fuel 1, 200, 00 295, 05 J04, 9'S Telephone 750.00 455.20 284. 74 Blclg. Repairs and Maintenance 100,. 00 - -~ "100.00 Grou~~ds Maintenance Street R~:pairs 150.00 400.00 w- 254.00 150, 00 145, 00 Equipment Repairs 300.00 299.99 .01 Automotive Repairs 1?5.00 2, 73 1.72.27 Snow Removal 175, 00 3.00 1.72.00 Painting 50.00 -- - 50, 00 Ofi'ice Cleaning 50.00 25.00 25, 00 O:~fice Equipment Rental 200.00 55.98 344.02 O%,:ice Building Rental 500.00 400, 00 1.00, 00 Misc, R.:.~ntal 50, 00 47, 25 2, 7~ Social Security 1, 000.00 X31, 03 4~u8, 97 Surety Bonds 50.00 ~- 50.00 VJorl~men's Compensation 400.00 279. 50 1.20.'50 l~uto:mobile Insurance 250.00 117.50 132. 50 Fire Extended Coverage 550.00 -- 550.00 Liability Property Damage Ins. 300.00 77, 37 222, 63 Employee Group ~1surance 500.00 250.25 349.75 Association Dues 25.00 --- 25, 00 Reception 50.00 50.00 Newspaper Subscription 13.00 u4 1.3.00 Special Use Permit 25, 00 1, 25 23,'75 Sub-Total ~; 13,103.00 ~ 6, 352.67 ~ x,'750, 33 ~~ ~ • i APPROPRIATION ADD EXPENDITURES REPORT Appropriatian Actual Total E~,pended Un~x~enc~ed ACTNIT"Y 1968 Sig lVlflriths Balance V~IATER DEI~ART'MENT (Continued Coanmadities Oftice Supplies ~ 650.00 ~ 138. 20 ~ ~~8~-, 7`1 Maps & Publications 2 5.00 - ~~ 2 5.00 Building Maintenance Supplies 700, OU 50. 60 043.40 Grounds Maintenance Supplies 400.00 - -~ 400.00 Painting Supplies 50.00 42.86 '~• 14 Eardvaare and Small Tools $40.00 09.25 '770.75 Institutional Supplies 250.00 17.80 232.20 Gas and Oil 800.00 193.94 600.00 Automotive Supp3.3.es 400.00 34.12 365. 88 Uniform Accessories 100.00 51. 44 4g. 50 Photographic Supplies 3.0.00 -- 10.00 Misc. Commodities }.25.00 57.56 07.44 Maintenance Supplies 585.00 573,. 74 3-3.20 Materials and Supplies (Chemicals) 1, 500.00 169.00 1., 331.00 Parts :for Machinersr and Equipment 850.00 941. 71 ( 91. 71) Sub-Total ~ 7.285.00 ~ 2, 374.28 ~ 4, 910. 72 ~T+Tater TOT_l`~L: ~ ~ 20, 820. 89. ~ 28, 33.'7. 3.1 • i ! APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDI'T`URES RI~PORT Appropriation Actual • Total Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY -7968 Six Months Balance SANITATION DEPARTMENT: Personal Services ~ 28, 750.00 ~ -~ ~ -- Treatment Plant Maintenance & Operation -- 4, 382.17 ® - Sewer Trunk Lzne, Manholes Maintenance & Repairs -- 2, 057. 7$ -~- Sewer Connections Installation - - 9.75 - - Equipment Maintenance -- -- --~ Other -- 10, 040, 41 M m Mid-Vail Sewer Plant -- 232. 22 -- Sub-Total ~ 2$, 750.00 ~ 16, 722, 33 ~ 12.02'7.67 • Contractual Services Architectural, & Engineering ~ 50.00 ~ -- ~ 50.00 Misc. Professional 25.00 .. 299.30 { 274.30) Automobile Allowance 250.00 06, 35 183.65 Postage 300.00 55.06 244.94 Travel & Training 350.00 128.00 222, 00 Printing 50.00 75.00 ( 25.003 Power Purchased 4, 41:0.00 2, 39$. 63 2, 07.1. 37 Electricity (All Other) 125.00 8. 7'7 11~r. 23 Heating Fuel 2, 800.00 3, 387.24 { 587.243 Telephone 750.00 465.28 284. 72 Bldg. Repairs & Mtce. 7.00.00 -- 1.00.00 Grounds Maintenance 150, 00 47.00 103, 00 Street Repairs Mtce. 400.00 -- 400.00 Equipment Repairs 300.00 59. 77 240.23 Automotive Repairs 175.00 2, 72 172.28 Snow Removal 7.75.00 3.00 172.00 Painting 50.00 p ~- 50, 00 Office Gleaning 50.00 25.00 25, 00 Office Equipment Rental 200.00 55.99 144.01. Office Building Rental 500.00 40q. 00 100.00 Misc, Rental 50.00 47.25 2.75 Social Security 1, 000, 00 728.99 271.01 Surety Bonds 50.00 -- 50.00 Vi~orkmen's Compensation 400.00 279.50 120. 50 Auto mobile Insurance 2 50.00 117. 50 132. 50 Fire w Extended Coverage 550.00 --~- 550.00 Liability -Property Damage Insurance 300.00 77. 36 222.64 Er~~ployees Group u1s. 000.00 250.25 349.75 Association Dues 25.00 -- 25.00 Reception 50.00 -- 50.00 Newspaper Subscriptions 12.00 -- 12, 00 Special Use Permit - 1.25 ( 1.25) Sub-Total ~ 14.497.00 ~ 8, 979.21 ~ 5, 517. 79 APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES REPOT Apprbpriat~.on Actual Total Expended ACTNITY 1968 Six Months SANITATION DEPARTMENT (CONTINUED}: Commodities Office Supplies ~ 650.00 ~ 1.52.01 Maps and Publications 25, 00 -- Building Maintenance Supplies 700, 00 32.27 Grounds Maintenance Supplies 400, 00 -- Painting Supplies 50.00 1.00, 05 Hardware and Small Tools 560.00 68, 70 Institutional Supplies 250.00 17.80 Gas and Oil 800, 00 1.90.53 Automotive Accessories 400.00 34, 13 Uniform Accessories 100.00 51.45 Photographic Supplies 10.04 -- Miscellaneous Commodities 1.25.00 60, 49 Maintenance Supplies 295.00 73.25 Materials and Supplies (Chemicals) 500.00 1, 368.85 Parts for Machinery and Equipment 850.00 `109.20 Sub-Total ~ 5, 715.00 ~ 2, 858. 73 Sanitation Dept. TOTAL: ~ 48, 962.00 Unexpended Balance ~ 49`7.99 2 5.00 567.73 400.00 50.05) 491., 30 232.20 609.47 365.87 48. 55 10.00 64.51. 221. 75 868. S5} 140, 80 ~ 2, 858.27 ~ 28, 560.27 ~ 20, 401. 73 • ~~ ~ • i APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES REPORT Appropriation Actual Total Expended AC TIVTTY 1988 Six Months FIRE DEPARTMENT: Personal Services ~ 5, 000.00 ~ -- Salaries to Regular Employees: -- ~-, 467. 50 Salaries -Equipment and Maintenance -- 384.00 Sub -Total $ 5.000.00 ~ 1, 8 51. 50 Contractual Services Misc. Professional Service ~ 80.00 47. S9 55. 36 Unexpended Balance ~ -- ~ ~,148.50 ~3~2.11 JOr 00 5. 36) 100, oa 173. 64 x.55.13 ~. 70.00 45.24) 87.26 214.1.7 54.75 50.00 Automobile Allowance 30.00 Postage 50.00 Travel and Training 100, 00 Electricity 300.00 Heating Fuel 500.00 Water and Sewer 200.00 Telephone 550.00 Building Repairs & Mtce. 140, 00 Equipment Repairs 300.00 Automotive Repairs 150.40 Painting 50.00 Miscellaneous Repairs and Maintenance 25.00 Office Equipment Rental 1.50.00 Land Lease 500.00 Miscellaneous Rentals 50.00 Surety Forgery anr1. Burglary Bonds 200.00 Workmen's Compensation 250.00 Automobile Tnsurance 650.00 Fire and Extended Coverage 50.00 Liability and Property Damage Insurance 7.50.00 Personal Tnjury Tx1s~~sance 600.00 Association Dues 100.00 Miscellaneous Contractual 225.00 Sub-Total ~ 5.400.00 126.36 341. 87 30.00 59 5.24 52, 74 85.83 95.25 -- 25.00 47.98 102.02 --- 500.00 - 50, no --- 200.00 287.00 ( 37.00) 535.00 104.00 ( 54.00) 223.08 { "73.08? 652.80 ( 52.85) 20.00 80.00 183.25 41. 75 ~ 3.483. 71 ~ 1, 910.29 • . F APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES REPORT Appropriation Actual Total Expended ACTNTTY 7.908 Six Months FIRE DEPARTMENT (CONTINUED): Commodities Unexpended Balance Office Supplies ~ 250.00 ~ 17.0.39 ~ 1.39. Cil Maps and Publications 25.00 3.00 22.00 Building Maintenance 7.25.00 5. 84 119.10 Grounds Maintenance 50.00 -- 50.00 Painting Supplies 50.00 -- 50.00 Hardware & Small Tools 7.`75.00 29.09 7.45.91 Institutional Supplies 100.00 6.30 93.70 Gas and Oil 300.00 17.`7. 51 7.82.49 Automotive Accessories 150.00 7.'7.10 1.32.90 Fire Fighting Supplies 500.00 91.00 409.00 Uniform Accessories 25, 00 7.22.40 ( 9'7.40) Miscellaneous Commodities 100.00 41.15 58.85 Materials and Supplies (Chemicals) 100.00 210.85 ( 17.0.85) Parts for Machinery and Equipment 50.00 71.59 ( 21.59 Sub-Total ~ 2.000.00 ~ 826, 22 ~ 1,7.73. 78 Fire Department TOTAL ~ 12, 400.00 ~ 6,7.67..43 ~ 0.238. 57 CAPTSAL OUTLAY: ~ 10.000.00 ~ 1, 329.90 ~ 8, 6'70.10 APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURE REPORT GRAND TOTAL: X319, 200.00 X1 43, 205.28 X1 75, 994.72 Y .~, i Mrn~v~rES of TxE ~EET~~ Tx~ BoARn a~ m~usT~~s - ~xx Tou~~ o~ vA~L • HELD ~ULX 22, 19d8 The Meeting was called to order by the Acting Chair~:nan, C. E. Kindel, at 7:50 p. m. in the Vail Clinic Building, ROLL CALL: Roll. Call found the following Members present: Chairman C. E. Kindel Trustee T. I. Steinberg Trustee Peter Seibert Trustee Richard Bailey Trustee 3'ohn Donovan Absent: Mayor ~'ohn Dobson Trustee ~'oseph Langmaid ].. MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Trustee Seibert questioned the progress of the feasibility study on the structured parl~ing lot. 'The study is related basically to the site south of the Lodge. Mr. Lynch informed the Board the study is under way -the Engineering Firm of Borman and Melcher has been working on it and will have to proceed in various stages. Chairman Kindel asked if the radar unit had been acquired. It was confirmed that the unit was here and already in use. Trustee Seibert questioned the desirability of raving Melcher determine the merits of the different operational features of the proposed garage, e. g. , metered versus attendant parking. This will be discussed at a later date. A Motion was l~tiade by Trustee Bailey to approve the Minutes as recorded. It was seconded by Trustee Steinberg anc?. unanimously appro~red by the Board. 2. FINANCIAL REPC7R'~' Blake Lynch reviewed the Appropriation & Expenditure Report for six months ending June ~0, 19B$, with the Board. He; pointed out that although the budget had overexpanded in some instances, it had under expended in others and had basically evened itself Drat although there xnay be some problem with the street maintenance account. A Motion was made to approve the Report as submitted, It was seconded and unanimously approved by the Board. 3. CONSIDERATION OF ADDITIONAL STREET DEDICATIONS After the Board read letters submitted by itii~~. Lynch from Al Bridges on this matter, he reviewed the subject. I-le felt it advisable to have the area North of the Covered Bridge landscaped and is willing to accept this dedicati.atl under the c~ndi.t~ions set forth by Nail Associates in their letter. It is premature to pave the area around Manfred`s building, and the overall plan ~€or the Recreation Parking lot m.~.ast be looked over bc~foro paving. -t , Board of Trustees -Minutes Held July 22, 1958 PAGE TWO • Some improvement and paving is planned for the area in back of Manor Vail. The problem on the drainage on Wall Street is being corrected. Mitch Hoyt reported on its progress and assured the Board the situation would be cleared up. He also stated the street paving shau~.d be completed about the end of August, It wi11 be necessary to spend mare money on the paving program than ora.ginally anticipated. One major reason far this is the seal coat that will be applied this autumn. The specific gai.de lines on the additional paving will be: Wall Street first, Recreation Parking Lot second and Manor Vwil last. Tt was suggested we go back to the Forest ,Service for help on the road to the structured parking area, as the felling was that this road should be widened before doing any other work there first, Dr, Steinberg suggested it be ~.sed for parking in the ViTinter. 4, CONSIDERATION OF CLOCH TOST~IER LAN'DSCAPTNG S`T'REET ENCROACHMENT Blake Lynch reported that some of the Trustees had met at the site and determined that the landscaping West of the Clock Tower building would be allowed to encroach on Bridge Street a maximum distance of five feet from the proch, or thirteen feet from. the wall, provided that portion West of the drainage swan was cantilevered. Mr. John McBride made a presentation to the Board and requested that the West edge of the landscaping be allowed to touch the street rather than be cantilevered. He said that any drainage problem would be taken care of. Trustee Seibert stated he felt this would be a good addition to the corner; his only question was the possible implication for the otl~ rs who may want to do the same thing. Tt was felt that a plan should be worked nut and that each case should be considered on its own merits. Blake Lynch suggested Harmon and O'Dannel should take up a study on this and Attorney Peter Cosgriff would draw up a license agreement. It poses a problem mainly because anyone else on Bridge Street may want to do the same thing. Mr. McBride stated his intent was not for commercial purposes, "out primarily for aesthetic value. Trustee Peter Seibert made a Motion to allow the lvt to proceed as specified by the plan provided the drainage problem. is answered adequately and further that we hire Harmon O' Donnel to complete a study of all of the core area iBridge Street in particular} in order to determine now where future encroachments might be allowed. Tt was seconded by John Donavan and approved by the Board. C. E. Kindel abstained from voting. John McBride requested a letter granting as follows: i.. That he build what he plans to in the way as outlined and solve the drainage problem. 2. That he realizes and acknowledges that at his awn expense, the construction will be removed if the street traffic is jeopardized or a hazard to the tourist or if water and drainage is jeopardized. ' ( ~. ~, • Board ox Trustees -~ Mi~~utes H~:ld ~~.~.ly 22, 1.9G8 PACE THR EP 3. That t~~,e Board w:~uld not act arbitrarily in insisting the str~~cture be torn down: 4, He will re•~build the gas line; if it breal~s dawn. 1 • Blake Lynch assurecl i1!!r, McBride that Attor~~? wy Cosgriff vsroul.ci c~-raw a lice~i~se to this e~~fect, but would make no guar~.ntee relating to any verbiacje limiting the action of future trustees an this ~:~~atter, Trustee Seibe~°t stated he felt the Town should hold the right to take w?~atever steps necessary to tear it down if it beoo_:nes necessary. Trustee Toh~~. 7bnova~i adc~.ed. to the l~ilotian: ~`~?dex' proper legal arrangements to bu ~~3ade by the Town :attorney. ~' Mr, Lynch stated the burden or risk we:~~t with ~'ohn McBride. This addition to the Motio~.~. was seconded. and app~.~oveci i7nan3.mously by the Boarci, 5, CI'S`S~EN PART~CL~ATTOIrT Citizen Don ~l`T~lllian~.s of California, brought ~:a the Board's atte~~txo;~~. the transportation pro~~ie_:, between Red. Cliff and Gi1~~.~aA1 to Vail, There are perhaps 20 to 34 persons in the Summer tin the ~rrla~lter this is doubled) v~+ith this transportations 'ileec~, and only about six drivex~w, These have ~. l~~onopv~.y aid chat°ge a~~aut ~~, 00 a day which Mr. i~;7~illfar:~~.s felt too high consicti.ering the wages earned by most of these people;. Dr, Steinberg suc,~c~-c~sted using the mine bus t~°o«~ Gzlman. He stated there was an abr,olute necessity f©r a taxi servica. `T'rustee Kanc~:~ ]. sugges~teci. the passibilat~ of a PUC licensed driver helpiz~g alleviate the problei~~. He also mc~~.taoned Father Stone as having so:~:r~e influence in this ciirectian. ~Tr, Ki~~de1 asked Blake Lynch to tal~z L;rith Mr, Staufer a~t the VR~`, on the subject. l~.~ir, Vtrilliams said the Halic`µ~~ Tn~~. manager suggestec'.. the various lodges st~tc c;er their employees' hours an order to make a b~~s service schedule applica'alc. It was agreed the Boar:--. ~~Jould male an ca".fort to l~~elp with this situation. Trustee Seibex~c mentioned the problem of trash barrels and it t~vas felt the Town should hire aclean-•up r~~.an for the streets of Vail and to vrater the flowers, etc. ~ac.~ Tluber was suggested as the e,.;~.l~loyee for this ,jab. ~'ahn Mc$rid~ asked i,t the `T'own was doing a>:}.ytJ.iing about establishing a park. ~l'e;cl Kindel said the area South of Colon Peak is a playground, and in tira~ at is hoped Vail wall have a be.sehall and soccer field. The status o:ik tl~e street lights is that the ~x~a'~e:~ial'a are all here and a month from row ~~e wil7. have the manpower to lit'-t them up. V+lith no furthe~^ business to come before tl~e Board, T:~ustec ~nc~va~z r:c~ade a 1.Vlotivn to adjourn the meeting at x.0:00 p. rn. It C~.~~S Sccc~n~1PC13aSf '~;'~;~tt.st~r.? S~ib~~-t ~n~. ~.t,-~:t~~i.rr?r?i~~~,Ss a.Zi~~~-vvof~ '~i~r i:hA ~at~". u AGENDA BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEE'T'ING, JULY 22, x.968 1. MINUTES OF PRE'~IOUS MEETING 2. FINANC?AL REPORT 3. CONSIDt~RATION OF ADDITIONAL STREET DEDICATIONS 4. CONSIDERATTON OF CLOCK TONER LANDSCAPING STREET ENCROACHMENT 5. CITIZEN PARTICTPATION TO~TdN OF VAIL GENERAL FUND TREASURER'S REPORT nn July 31, 19ao Financial Statement Bala~ace i~l Bai~~ o~ Vail 1Z~gular Account as of .~/30JiU X19,153. QO R ceir~t~~ during July Bond Deposits -- Sales ~a General Occ~?yaatian Taxes ~ 0~. 41. Utility Occupation Tara 383, J.1. Parkinct Fees -•-- Liquor 'License Fees -• State •--- Liquor ZricensL Fees • ~ Town ---- Court Fuzes & F`~es 51., 00 Building Inspection .Fees ~J92.00 Street .R~:pair Fees -~- Highw~tiy Users Ta~~ 1.3'7, 57 iVTanac~era~ent Fees •~- .!~ccou?~ts Receivable 2~, 723. u2 ~~liseellaneaus Reve~~.L.?e ~;0.2> 2r~, 85c3. ~~s R cfund to Police Depw.rt ~ ~?ent 11 u. 40 ~~3, 022, 0~- Disl~ursc3-rients durinc.; July Poarc? o~° Trustees ~ 1, S 51. ~~ Polic4 ~V~~gistrate 73. ~~5 .l~d~aii~iistration 350.00 P1an~~.inc,;- 'Ili, '75 .Police D^partinent 1, 533, 10 Street 1~'laintenance I3~aiic?i;~.c:~ Ti~spection 8, 313, 9~ ].'7'~. v5 ~'~.~^.l~i~~.q Lots Street Lightincr U~. 33 P~,rl~s ~; Grounds T~ai:.s~e~.a?icc JO. 75 mire Dwpartr~ent 1, 3'75.25 R creation Departme~, c 3, 533.10 1J~rater District 1, 019, 3`7 Saylitatio~.i District cJ32. QO Liability Accounts 9, p00, 39 Payroll Accounts 15, 303,10 .~tiei ~~~.bursable Fr;pense= ~ 14, 940.1'7 RC:~Lll.1C~, -Sales Tc1$ U~. ~~. e~~7,0~~. ~2 Balance in Bank of Veil Rcr;;zal~.r !.!~~ni~nt ^~ ~~ `l/~~./G3 (~~~.~, 078. ~~~) Respectlull~ submitted, js/ F. Bla?~a Ly~~.ch F. Blake: 1_~~r~~ch Sccretary..'1':~ easurer .. ~ ,,. .. ~ R+ ~~~ ~, w O Q© O O O O O 0 0 Q 0 0 0 O O O O Q O Q O O O O C O O O p 0 0 o 00 o pooaoo oagoc~car_aooooooaoocaoooa o OoC~COOOOO ooC~c~c`SOOC~pcaooOCC]c~oC~cSOC~ ti r t-+ w+ w. r-.. ~.. r w w• r r r r w+ r r r r r r r r r r r r r w w --+ 40 •.1 •.1 -.ti ~1 ~.1 -+1 .ti} w3 ~•.~ •.1 C7~ q~ Q+ ~ ~ O~ O~ O~ G~ tT V'e Vt ~7n [J1 X77 CTt Un lri tTe Vt O ~ OC ,1 Or In ~P W N --~ C) ~o Ot3 ~1 ~ t1t EA W tV r O ~ W ~ O~ vt FP W N r O ~ z O -•+ i••+ w+ h•+ h•'+ 1»• w 1-~+ i•+ rw }-+ r r ~-+ t-•~ F., M r r r» ~*+ ~-+ r r r r r r r r rti W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W~ W W W W W W W W W W W W ~ O~ ~ fT ~ 4~ O~ VI lJ1 lri l7+ 1,7~ t3'1 V1 U1 LT1 U7 ~••~• EP ~ rP rP rA ~ ~ fP ~ FP W W 4` tJl rR W N r Q ~D 00 +1 O~ U7 rA W N r O N ~O o0 ~+1 Q~ U7 rA W N r+ O ~1 flp ~ Z H 4 C! x w+ M-• ~.-~ i•-+ r r•^ r w ~.•+ w+ s-+ r-+ w ti a-+ r w r r r ~.• w r-+ w+ r r r s.• i-.+ r ~ ~P ~P rP rP FP rP rP ER tP ~P rF ~P ~P ~P ~P :P ~ ~ ~ ~ rP rP ~ ~ rP rA fP rP ~P rA ('Z ~ ~ O~ O~ T O~ ~ O~ Ue cJ~ Cn lF~ ~ In Ut Ln lJy tJ~ ~P tP sA. ~ +F* FA ~ ~ ~ rP W W r~s +I 4~ CTt rW W N r O ~O 00 w.] o~ t]'~ ~P W N r O ~ do -~] ~ V7 ~ W N r C7 -~I Cs* 0 ~ xx~~aooc~noro~roc~~annnn~nbwro~~~~~ro ¢,oaooa~orocnora~m rrooa~ oro~-~~w~~oc~ © vi rn ~ ~ ~~ o,y~o ~~ b o n ~ ~ n a ~ a; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x~o~n~n~yor~ob~x~xo~d~yr~~y~oro w• o o K o o ~ a g ; o ~ ~ ,~ m ~ o ~ ~ o ~a ~ ~ o ~ co ~` 'U ~ ~. ~ s'i O' *'' w. 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G W O Q t1t ©N p p p 0 • • r ooo~oc>ooo ob ooooQoc>c~©ooOC>oooo0000 ~ 'b acac~r,5baa 400ooCSOOO oocaoc~©r~aoar,~csoaocataoc>©o oC7ocaC7d©ovooC7C~vooQOVC~Q ~ N N N N N N N N N --' O O O O O C7 O i7 N N N+ ~-+ r+~ r... ~..+ H. ~..~ t... p.+ p.r f.+ w pr ~..n r F.., }..a ~..~ Fr O C7 .D ~b ~D ~ .D ~O .D .o .b ~D 00 00 04 00 DO fx1 QO o0 00 ('~ " j' ~ b~OOD-,3o`tnrPWN wQ•oOo~lo~tit~PWNwO~CO~.1tTtnrl~W Nw , i ~ N ~ } ~ O *~ w cT cso M W N+ }-+ .[~ M..~ Fr N M }~+ 1~ F~ F~ W !++ F~ Y M M+ !R+ }~+ F++ 1~ M F++ F~ F~ M w k~ W W W W~ W W W W W W W W hP W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W W ~O ~D ~ ~O ~ .O 00 00 CO OD po OD 00 O QO OD Cd ~] -J •~ -.1 ~.I ^+I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CP 4~` FP W N w ~ O ~C1 00 ~ O~ til W -P c3't tV ww C~ .D oD •.l ~ t1t rP W 1V t-+ O .d pD -J r~ t-~ F»+ w r-+ r r~ r-+ w+ ~..• r-+ w w r-^ r i-+ w --~ w w w r-+ w w w ~.-+ w r-~ ~-+ r n rP rR ~ ~+ rP ~ FP rP rP s}a aP ~ FP iP iA ~P ~P rP rP rP tP rP FP FP r? rP ~ s~ rP .D .D ~D .O ~O .4 ~D .C 00 00 00 00 00 C7C3 Ov Od 00 Ob ~] -.1 -,! ~+] -.] -J -+.7 -+! 11 Q~ (T ~Y ~ rn cr{ ~ W N w o tU .l ~ cn ~ ~ w N w o.fl ao ~ ~ cn +~* W w O •~ ac ~ O ~~H~ ~v,HdrnO~~~bbH~b7~b~~~~~ bil7xx ~ w ~ ~ o'ti ~ (~ ~ v, x ~ ~ o ~ ro `~ ti ~ o ~ o w~ ~ a~ C7 ~ ~ ~, O ~ R° ~ 'ry'. 0 O ~ o ~"~ in^! rip ~] (gyp N ~• N "~ ~ rflF, e•P K ~ b rti ~ '~~ ~! 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FP pp , pp, pp, ~P~P.EP~P dP~~'+A ~~~wwwwwwwwww~ `~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -h-fY~P ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ + C * .O 00 ••} Q~ V1 +3+ W N r S ~ W N w O ~O Oo rl O~ c.i~ ~P W N r-• C .D 00 ~ ~ tat ~ z H z 0 t,.1 ~ j x M+ w w w w r•• w r r-• i-+ t-~ w w+ w -... r~ r-• r-~ w w ,.+ w~ W t l ' ' ' ' ' w w w w w r.+ 137 l3i U7 l71 iJ1 (j1 [~ ~ lP LTt Vti tiZ V'1 ~ Cri C77 N l11 lri J 1 lft 4s3 [) I U t U lS- ISl lSi Cl 1 ~ l7 P ~ ; P W W W N N N ! + C7~ ~ (T VZ C1'~ lJl + + lri Cif c3'l Vti l7~ U'1 l]'i FP ~ ~ ~P rP !A +P + ~ N -~ Ca ~O QD +.1 O~ V1 EP W N r•• G ~ 00 ~] cJ~ ve rP W N r-+ O r, N w O .o flo -.1 W O .n + • • ~rbrye+~zz~~~~r~~ x~~a~~x~r~nn~xnt~r~~~ ~p I4 ~~ h• ~ A~ Sv IY (~ N• ~t (D flD~ ~, iirhrh+++y+y P~ Fo~+ cD !v o A~ O ~ w o {t.-• l'D ~ O •f~~~17 ~i+ phi. ~.~i. ~ ~ fr.+ -'~ ~ f+ ~'+ ~ ~ fff ~. G+~..t ~ ~. ~ b f~-+ a e~` ~ CQ w m m rn ~ n ~ cn "~ ~~ ~' ° ~ ~d ~ f17 ~ ~3 fD h ~ ~ r"f ~ cD R~ ~ o ~ o b ~' `° `9 " n °~ n m' m ~ rd as ,~ '~ ° C7 m o ~ 'ti n "~ ~ 00 ~su°a~ ° ~ rv ~ ~ `~ b ~ ~ w ~ ~ `~ ~ t~~~snn~sn~exro~~~n~~ nrot~ro~o~ roro~~~ ~ m x r'' ~ '''' co m b rn co co an ~ w m ° ti ~ cra ~ ~ ~, cta ~ ro ~ ~ ~° ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ m ~ x ~ ~' ~, b 0 z N r F~ pp },,, N .a w' ~^' W r~-+ N ~-+ FP iP ~1 O r+ r-• ~ In ~.1 ~ N ~P th In OD W 47 W ~'+ W W W iJ't ~3 N W sP N QD i}~ 00 U1 l]'~ W q ~D rA +A ~] W ~ W CiS iA 00 -P W O O V~ f~+ ~ O W lJ7 • • • • • • • • • • • ~ • • • • • M • • • • • • • • • • O ~1 .D ~ N Up O N .O d ~D r ~+ N 00 O V'{ ~P Q O N N l7'~ Ca N FR ~-' rP Ut w ~" o lJt N O Q~ Q O C7 O lTt 06 0~ O~~ V7 q` O N E .D O O O r+ w V'e O S~ as c~ ti r~-~ `~ w . _ .. '~ X14 ti ~ ~aov C7 ~ ~aoooocsoo CSn ~ o©cacanQ~ ocannaon~°nooc°~,oc°5ooc°.aao ,~ ~., oa~,ncycsca ~,,,~Nr.~ro~~a~ ~ ~ ;V N N N N iV N N ~ v +1 ~.1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~00ODpb40~~~.AQ~-J~`triEP~~''~~~ ~~ • ~.l Sri un rA W N ~ ~` 03 ~P rR ~ rA~ tP ~` ~ ..,y wa C'+ c3• cri O'~ Q'` ~` rn C!'+ O` t7" • • C~ "~ s ~t .. H O N 'i-~ p~ t --+ w t~it w ~ ~ c7 0 ~ ~ N C7 N ;I'' °° .ri5 w ~n ;'" 'p y A O ~ t~y'- C O ~ .WO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ C7 +"' ~" ~-' ~,,., w-+ tµ r+ ~ ~ "w' ~ r ~"~ ~ t~7's lfl c3'i ETt t3~ lft U1 c31 Q~b~-,I--I~-,}~~-y•J-,1~ O`~`~.1d`lT1rP~ ~ *"~ ~ ~ ~ C ~ 4 ~ ~ ~ O a ~ ~ £ -t ~ "• D ta ~ ~ ~ ~ j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ K tD ~' W • ~. ~ M. fJQ ~ Ca ~ ~ (~ rt 4Q ~ ~ ~ fJ] rt ~ M N V! ~ r~. Q ,,. Uq Cl '~ t'+ b Q y...~ ~ O ~ ~ tai ~ ~ O `~ ~ `~ W `C ~~dar~n n~~~~b~ ~ ~~~ ~ e4~; ~ ~~~ o ~+ ~ C1 I,1} Fw. r} tD ~ ~ ~ G ~ err tt~ b '~^' +~ 'b ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ° ~ ~„ ~ ~ o ~ ~ as K ~ ~~ ~ ~ ro ~ ~ M ~ N i. • r TOWN OF VAIL GENERAL FUND TREASURER'S REPORT 3une 30, 196$ Financial Statement Balance in Bank of Vail Regular Account as of 5/30/08 X39, 000, 70 Receipts during June Bond Deposits Sales & General Occupation 'Taxes ~ 7, 642, 37 Utility Occupation Tax 407.25 Parking Fees - ~- Liquor License Fees -State -~ Liquor License Fees -Town Court Fines & Fees 69.00 Building inspection Fees 2, 492. 50 Street Repair Fees 20. 5a Highway Users Tax 139.67 Management Fees 6, 200.00 Accounts Receivable 858. 79 Miscellaneous Revenue 26.40 ~, 856. 54 X56, 857.24 • • Disbursements during June Board o~ Trustees ~ 1, 579. 7C~ Police Magistrate 124. 50 A~.ministration 1, 027.00 Planning 12, 54 Police Department 1, 276.07 Street 1lliaintenance 538.44 Building Inspection 253. 50 Parking Lots -~- Street Lighting 64.33 Parks & Grounds iV~'a,intenance 840.00 Fire Department $19.00 Recreation Department 2, 863.08 Water District 1, 658.84 Sanitation District 1, 705. 52 Liability Accounts 176.00 Payroll Accounts 13, 712.72 Reimbursable Expenses 11, 240.04 X37.693.25 Balance in Bank of Vail Regular Account as of 6/30/68 X19,163.99 Respectfully submitted, F, Blake Lynch Secretary-Treasurer t t iVTINUTES OE THE MEETING THE BOARD QF` TRCJSTEES -- THE TOV+TN OF VA1L HELD AI.TGCIST I~, 1.968 The Meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order by Mayor John A, Dobson in the fail Clinic Building at 8:50 p, m, ROLL CALL: Roll Ca~.1 found the following Members present: ~"ohn A.. Lbbson Thomas I. Steinberg Richard Bailey Joe Langmaid C, E, Kindel Peter Seibert l~bsent: ~'ohn Donovan iVI1NUTES OF THE MET`TING ! . Consideration of Minutes of Prev' ous M etin z e g Two correctio~a.s were brought to the attention of the Recorder. Trustee Richard Bailey made the Motion to approve the Minutes with the noted corrections. It was seconded by Trustee C. E. Kindel and approved unanimously by the Board. 2. Consideration of the Vouchers for the month of July, After discussion, Trustee T. I. Steinberg made a Motion that the Vouchers be approved.. It was seconded by 'Srustea Seibert and approved unanimously by the Board.. 3. Consideration of the Treasurer's Report After an explanation and review by F. Blake Lynch, Town Man~.gex•, Trustee Langmaid made a Motion to approve the Report. It was seconded by Trustee Steinberg and approved unanimously by the Board. ~. Consideration of Excavation Permit Requirements The Public ~i'~~orks' birector, ~', Mitchell Hoyt, brought to the attention of the Board that there have been some proble:~ns in Vail with indiscriminate digging. Mr. Hoyt suggested that the present Ordinance be broadened to inelud4 an excavation permit. This would give the Town more control primarily to cover any kind of excavation. After discussion, the Board instructed the To~,vn .Attorney to collaboratF~ with Mr, Hoyt to draft an ordinance to cover this subject. 5. Reports {a) Street Paving Mr, Mitchell Hoyt reported that the County had completed the paving within a three week period and had moved their equipment out of the area. Pioneer will furnish the material at a reasonable cost to finish the jab. pioneer wall start their P}.ant one vcreek from today. The service road will be paved. • • Board of Trustees Minutes Held August 12, 1.968 PAGE TWO Mayor ~'ohn Dobson questioned if B & B Excavation Company would be doing the driveways and parking lots for private individuals. Mr. Hoyt noted that the decision had not been finalized, There were several companies who were interested and the decision would be made shortly. (b) Street Lights Mr. Hoyt reported that 27 lights have been installed around the town area where electric lights are to be installed .. 5 more to be located in the Beaver Dam area and Forest Road. Bridge Street will have gas lights, Iillr, Don Purdy of Holy Cross Electric Association would be starting to place the electric cable underground in the seventh filing (Golf Course Area) and then the standards will be wired. The question was raised from the Floor if the power cable would be ].aid underground on Forest Road. Peter Seibert noted that there was never any representation that any line would ga underground on Forest Road; however, it was suggested that the lines should be restudied. Mayor Dobson questioned the feasibility of Holy Cross Electric Association and the Television Cable collaborating to use the same excavation. A discussion was held and Mr. Mitchell Hoyt was instructed to investigate this possibility. (c) Cable Television Mr. Lynch stated that the target date for completion was October 15, 1968. Tl~.e Head End Building will be down near Dowd ~uncfiion and the office will be in Vail. The completion date stated in the Franchise has been waived because of the delay by the Federal. Communice.t:ion Commission. There has been no protest to the Hear ing so that issuance can be assun~~ed. 5. Citizen Participation Trustee Seibert asked if the Telephone Company could be approached. to landscape their junction boxes, etc. After discussion where paint and timbers were suggested, Mayor Dobson requested Mr. Hoyt to contact the Telephone Company on this project. Trustee Langrnaid questioned the type of license to be issued to Sohn McBride for the construction of planters, etc. Mr. Cosgriff, Town Attorney, noted that permanent usage of the street sho~zld not be granted by the municipality, but rather a license which is revocable for any reason or in any ~a~anner according to the discretion of the Board,, This Board of Trustees could not enter into an Agreement that another Board could not rescind or cancel. Mr. Cosgriff had informed Mr. McBride that it was his reco~~n~~ncia- tion that the license be granted at the sole discretion of the Board and would have no vested rights. Zn other words, the Board would not give any of the rights and Mr. John iUlcBride would accept all the risks. The Boax•d i~.structcd. the Town Attorney to draw up a license for the approv~.l of the F3oard. Mr. Kindel informed the Board that. some of the adjoining property owners have had their Attorney write that this use was not legal and no private citizen should Ue allowed to have this use. At this time the letter had not been received. • • Board of Trustees Mznutes Held August 12, 1968 PAGE THREE Mayor Dobson requested the Public Vi~arks Director to check the drainage at the site. Trustee Kindel noted that the footage agreed upon should be checked and that no further ground should be used. Mr. Kindel brought to the attention of the Board file possibility of using the lower end of Bridge Street as a mall and used for emergency vehicles only, no service vehicles at all. Trustee Kindel asked the Board to instruct the Town Coordinator to take the necessary aneasures to enclose all garbage cans completely from view that are located outside of a building. Mr. Lynch advised the Board that the e~zisting Ordinance can be amended or a new one formulated. M:r. George l~nox questioned the enforcement of the Dag Ordinance, Mr. Lynch noted that tl~e Dog Pound was to be constructed in conjunction with the expansion of tl~.e Sewage Treatment Plant. The Pound must conform. with State Regulations and the site chosen is the only location. Rather than attempting to have a leash law, the ordinance indicates that the dog should be under reasonable control of the owner. Enforcern.el~.t of the Ordinance that is in existence is difficult because of the limited ~d~.anpower of the Police Department. Mr. Knox noted that the primary consideration in the area is safety of the youngsters. After discussion, Nlayor L~bson indicated that the question would be considered further in a study session. Trustee Seibert suggested that some contact be made with the Conoco Station to fence their wrecked cars, In addition, Mr, Seibert suggested that some efxort be trade to coordinate the signs used for inforrnatianal purposes so that uniformity throughout ~~ze Town could be established. It was suggested that traffic signs be outlined with wood. Ted Holmes indicated that there doesn't seem to be any reason to pa^event this except the expense. Trustee Seibert suggested that a letter be sent to the County and • Eagle Valley Enterprise thanking the County for their help in the paving program. Tt was unaniA~a.ausly determined by the Board that the Town Nlanager be instructed to handy this. V,rith no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Kindel made a iVlotion to adjourn at 10:00 p. m. It was seconded by `l.'rustee Uaz~gmaid and approved unanimously 'ay the Board. • I MINUTES OF THE MEETING THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES -THE TOVv~T OF` VAIL HELD SEPTEMBER 9, 1.98 The Meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to Order by Mayor John A. Dobson in the Vail Valley Medical Center Building at '7:~0 p. m. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Members present: John A. Dobson Thomas I. Steinberg Richard Bailey C. E. Kindel Peter Seibert John Donovan Absent: Joseph Langmaid MINUTES OF THE MEETING ~., Discussion of V~inter Parking Mayor Dobson called on Trustee Peter Seibert to report on the current situation of Winter parking. Mr. Seibert asked for a study session on this matter and expressed the following thoughts for 1.9~i8-d9 Winter season. The Main Parking Lot is the Long rectangular one between Highway ~6 and Meadow Drive across from the Wedel Inn and Poor Pichards, This should be kept far transient skiers. The Canventio~~ Site West of the Wedel Inn and Nottingham-Rumford Lodge should be maintained for transient skiers also. Near the Telephone Building and immediately ~'Jast of the Nottingham- Rumford Lodge is a Iarge triangular lot which would also be for transient skier parking. If we can open up the Fire House lot North of the proposed church and the site East of the Blue Cow and make these basically employee parking, transpox•tation would then be necessary. There has been a proposal from Buz Burlarid on a shuttle bus service from these lots for our employees. A si~.all shelter would also have to be provided. The alternate to the above would be as in the past: the first ones here have the best parking places -skiers who come later will not fare as well. The 5B lot and the Christiania Iot will park approximately 60 to 70 cars. Trustee Seibert felt that if these two lots were split between the upper and lower core of Bridge Street, this would be adequate. Short-term parking between the Wedel Inn and. the Night Latch dust North of the Covered Bridge was discussed. It was suc~-c,;ested we could purchase double parking meters 'for approximately X120 and that these could be are^anged for on a no-interest basis and 50-50 split of cast until. tr~~ meter is paid off. A small island would make head-on parking possible. These meters might go up to two hours. After 6:OQ p. m. they would no longer be controlled. Trustee Seibert stated there is a net gain of over 225 cars so there is na effective loss in parking space and iii ~l.t we co~ilrl keep up with the need for the Winter. • AGE T~"il'O George Knox asked if 5B would be a fee arrang~ernent? Trustee Seibert answered there probably would be as maintenance, signs and watching the area would be an expense. This would not be aprofit-making concern. Trustee Donovan asked if any new foot-bridges have been proposed. Trustee Seibert answer~:d that a dam with afoot-bridge over it is planned between the Rumford-i~ottingham Lodge and Manfred Schober's new building. dust East of the Blue Cow, a pathway will be built between the Texas Townhouses and the Red and iNhites to service that upper lot. Trustee Donovan asked about the parking for the Lodges such as the Plaza, Golden Peak, and Gramshammers. `T'rustee Seibert felt there is enough space in 5B for these lodges this Vvinter only (until the space is used for buildings). George Knox asked how Crossroads planned to control tl~.eir parking lat. Trustee Kindel answered. the plan was to have one exit and two entrances, have an attendant, and charge for anything over the short-term parking. Trustee Seibert stated an improvement can be .:~~ade over last year's situation and Vail Associates would cooperate with the Tawn on this. Mayor Dobson stated there would definitely be a study session. 2, Consideration of R~nfiina Additional. Office Space The possibility of renting the Western Shop space for the Police Department and a holding cell was discussed. Blake Lynch reported as follows: The rent is X250.00 (ro3. 50 a sq, ft. ). He felt this a fair rent and an opportunity the Town should take paw. He submitted w floor plan of the space available showing the cell area, a storage cabinet, a partitioning dawn the center with a blackboard, etc. The Meeting Room could possibly serve for court and Trustee 1Vleetings as it would hold 30 to 40 people adequately. There would also be a chemical toilet in the cell. Zn all, it ~Taauld be about a ,~~±~00 or h~500 investment in im.pl^oveinents. The lease runs up to December next year. Trustee Donovan felt that an option for addition~.l years should be stated in the lease and Trustee Kindel felt this necessary. Trustee Kindel made the Motion that the space as approximately outlined, at the price stated, with the stipulation that an option be obtained for one or two years, be voted upon. Trustee Donovan seconded the Motion and it was approved unanimously by the Board. Mayor T,bbson asked Blake Lynch to check on this. 3. 1Vliscellaneous Reports a. Budget Blake Lynch reported he was in the process of preparing the budget now with r~ieetings scheduled for September 20, He wa~~.ts to present a basic budget subject to evaluation at that time as he felt it is ~~.eeded. for the Town to continue operating at its current level. He mentioned that the Trustees and District Boards should, ~~Zeet in joint session to evaluate the budget and especially the supplementary requests. b. Structured Parlcina Blake Lynch reported that we have consulted with Vail Associates on the site South of the Lodge and they have agreed to give us some land at this location. Tt was suggested this be brought up with the Planning Board in order to get their ideas and i~~~pressions so we would be in a position to present the Trustees with only two or three plans. ~iTe are looking at a potential parking of 200 cars and an ice sl~atin~ rink at this 1c>cation. Other sites will be evaluated "ay the Pl~,nn.ing Board. • PAGE THREE Mayor Lbbson stated work is proceeding on this and we will have more in the f~.ture. c. Building Inspection Fee for Chapel .After some ciscussion, a Motion was madL by Trustee Seibert that the building inspection fee for the Interfaith Chapel be waived by the Tawn. The iVlotion was seconded by Trustee Donovan. Peter Cosgriff noted that he had advised the Water and Sanitation Board that where they are serving non-profit organisations of a municipal character that has taxi~~cj powers itself, that the lT~rater a~~d Sanitation District should charge the full a1~lount. If a District needs to raise money, they can do it through their own mill levy. Peter Cosgriff felt that with careful deliniation of policy for non profit institutions, the fee could be waived. Legally it is probably under some question by the taxpayers. Mayor Dobson put a vote before the Board as to whether the building inspection fee should be waived: All in favor were Trustees Seibert and Donovan; all opposed were Trustees l~indel and Bailey; Trustee ,ateinberg abstained. Mayor Dobson then cast tl~.e tie breaking vote to approve the Motion waiving the building inspection fee. d. Club 20 Mayor Dobsof~ stated Garry White had requ, sted the Town donate funds to Club 20. Club 20 is formed by the 21 Western Slope counties to prov~.e represel~tation regarding highways on the Western Slope and tourist proination through shows and publicity. The Club is supported emir ely by organisations on the Western Slope. Tl}.e Vail Resort Association has submitted a pledge as has Vail Associates, Tl~.c Town of Eagle and the Lion's Club. We need representation in the big travel shows which Club 20 wo~~71d provide (especially for Sumr~~.er publicity). St was decided that something around X200 was a reasonable figure for a pledge from the Town of Vail and this combined with the others would be in the ~:t, 000.00 range which would. be matched by Eagle Gounty Commissioners. This is their lobbying area on roads which would be to our advantage as well as the tourist attractions. Mayor Dobson asl~ed the Board if action shou~.d, be taken right away as far as a donation was concerned. Ou r budget should. be prepared well. before our election in I~?ove~nber, but he felt this was a food time to make a decision. Trustee Steinberg made a Motion to appropriate X300 from the Town of Vail to Club 20. Trustee Donovan seconded the Motion., A11 were in favor but Trustee Kindel who abstained. e. Ice Skating Rink Blake Lynch reported on this stating it would cost about ~1., 000.00 for the vinyl rn.aterial ti~hich could possibly be used later for structured parking. The site vaould be the Tennis court. Manor Vail leas expressed some interest in rentincj the Tennis courts for this purpose for their guests, but Blake Lynch said it must be available to everyone in Town -possibly they should charge . something for renting the skates -but did the Board want to charge for the rink or support it out of general sales tax revenues ? He stated he would do some investigating on the cost of skates, etc. ,~ ' PAGE FOUR George Knox suggested that the Vail Villacje Tnn has skates and possibly they would be willing to sell these to the Town at a small fee, ~l~o felt the rink would have to be policed w .a skate patrolman ~~ught ~e necessary. It was the general feeling thai an overall fee should be charged and that the program should be self supporting f. Ground Breaking Cere~nonv Mayor Dobson announced the graund breaking ceremony on the site for the Interfaith Chapel to be held September 10, 193, at x:00 p. m. with a service to be held by Father Stone and Reverend Simington and encouraged everyone to attend. 4. Miscellaneous Nlattea^s from Tawn Attorney Attorney Peter Cosgriff discussed the need for passibly two prdinances: One concerns the coveri~~g of trash and garbage cans and the other the passibility of eliminating jur~~ cars from filling stations. He asked the Board its feeling on these matters and just what was wanted. It was felt private trash cans should be prohibited outside that were not enclosed in any structure. Peter Cosgriff doted there was a compliance prablem, and possibly the ordinance should be passecJ, now, but put it into effect later -perhaps November 1.5. Mr. Cosgriff stated ~che elate would be left blank. It was decided the junk car prablem would also be included in the same ordina:~acc. Mayor Dobson ,tated Conoco is working toward a possible solution, but the prablem should be followed up with an ordinance. ~. Citizen Partici~~ation George Knox 'rl~.cntioned the problem of a public rest room and lacke~~ space in Vail. The tVlayor .stated it certainly was a concern and that the legality involved was beincj checked. He felt Vail Associates and the Town should share this obligation. Vail Assaciates is consic~,c~^ing the Lodge Cafeteria Hostroorns far this purpose. Mayor Dobson felt it a c~.~.~cl responsibility and. it will be discussed further in the week. George Knox also asked what has been done about the lighting situation on the streets prograr~z`' Blake Lynch stated :most of the olectric street lights have been installed. by t~?e Town. Holy Cross Electric Company has not completed wiring them. The gas lights for Bridge Street are expensive a~~.d. the need for these should be reµevaluated. Trustee Steinbcr g noted that a need exists for a cemet ary in the Village. Blake Lynch noted the Town is paying on the Minturn District now. .Voter Seibert as~~ed about the progress on the i;.~.tentional bumps in the road. The 11/layor stated the Police Department should be approached for so~~ne recomr~iendations as to where the bumps should be placed. Bob Parker felt the resirlential areas need these bumps even n~.ore th~.n tl~le downtown areas. The i~iayor said the Board would hold a study session anc~. have this ready for a Motion at the nett meeting. The Mayor asked Bla'.Le Lynch to advise Chief I~:olmes to set up a plan far these bumps. Hans ~Teibel suggested a guard rail or a reflector be installed on the narrow curve of road by Bob Parker's and Roger Brown's house. The Mayor suggested Chief Holmes be asked to check the roads far danger spots. PAGE FIVE Florence Steinberg questioned the air palutiokl problem which exa.sted a shoat time last week. Blake Lynch bxiefly explained their system fox controlling this, and Trustee Seibert stated Vail ~.ssociates has a lettex of agxeernent with the Pioneer Construction Company to kelp the dust to a n~inimuan. Peter Seibert questioned the status of the doc; pound. Blake Lynch stated it was to be lacatec~. over by the Sewage Treatme~~t plant and plans for this were progressing, Mayor Lbbsan asked if there were any further questions or discussion aid as there were none, Trustee Kindel made a Motion for the ~J~eeting to adjourn which was seconded by Trusted Steinberg. ~Tilith no further bL~sihess to come before the Board, the 1~Zeeting was adjourned at 9:40 p. m~ • • • • • TOWN OF VAIL GENERAL FUND TREASURER'S REPORT August 31, 1968 Financial Statement Balance in Bank of Vail Regular Account as of 7/31/68 ($13,076.98) Receipts during August Band Deposits $ --- Sales and Genera]. Occupation Taxes 6,201.21 Utility Occupation Tax -~-- Parking Fees -~- Liquor License Fees -- State 276.25 Liquor License Fees - Town 348.75 S Court 1''ines 6 Fees 1g5, 00 Building Inspection Fees 246.50 Street Repair Fees --- Highway Users Tax 3.25.78 Management Fees 23,000.00 Accounts Receivable 6,079.40 Miscellaneous Revenue 153.50 36,626.39 $23,549.41 Disbursemen~ts_ dur~.n~ August Board of Trustees ~ 736•$8 Police Magistrate 204.00 Administration 246.55 Planning 22.80 Police Department 480.92 Street P~laintenance 57]..59 Building Inspection 70.90 Parking Lots --- Street Lighting 60,83 Parks and Grounds Maintenance 194.20 Fire Protection District 7-8~-• g6 Recreation District 524.97 Water Distract 741.34 Sanitation District 887.55 Liability Accounts --- Payroll Accounts 15,960.53 Reimbursable Expenses 32.00 20,917.03. Balance in Bank of Vail Regular Account as of 8/81/68 $ 2,632.40 Respectfully submitted, F. Blake Lynch Secretary-Treasurer • ~- ~ t MINUTES OF THE MEETING LIQUOR LICENSIlVG AUTH~RI'TY ~- THE T4~d°N 4F VAIL HELD AUGUST 26, 1968 i- The $oard of Trustees ox the Town of ~l'ail convened as tl~e Liquor Licensing Authority at the Vail Valley Medical Center, 7:30 p. rn. Mayor John Dobson called the Meeting to Order and the following Members were present: ROLL CALL: John A. Dobson C . E. Kindel Richard Bailey Thomas I, Steinberg John Dobson absent: Joseph Langmaid Peter Seibert The Liquor Licensing Authority received the application of the Lancelot Corporation for a hotel restaurant liquor license and an application from the Gourmet U`~Iine Shop for a change of location. The date of Qctober 7 was set for the Hearing to be held in the Lodge Cafeteria beginning at 7:30 p. m. It was seconded by Ted Kindel and approved unanimously by the Board. A discussion was held concerning the fee to be charged for a change of location. The Board determined the fee should remain at X300.00 since the procedure was the same as an application for a new license. ~Iith no further business to come before the Licensing Authority, the Meeting was adjourned at 7:~5 p. m. The Members of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Vail convened at 0:00 p. m. 1. Consideration of the Minutes of Previous Meeting A discussion was held aild Trustee Kindel suggested that a letter outlining the limitations and restrictions for Mr. McBride be sent to the Attorney who registered a Protest of a License issued to Mr. John McBride for the use of the right~of~way of Bridge Street in 'q'ail. A Motion was made by Trustee Steinberg to accept the Minutes as recorded. Tt was seconded by Trustee Kindel and approved unanimously by the Board. 2. Consideration of Additional Office Space Mr. Slake Lynch gave a brief statement concerning the additional office space to be used by the Police Department. He explained that the space now used by the Department was too crowded and there would be less traffic in the Office. Chief of Police Floyd Holmes noted that if the additional facilities were available, it would make the Police Department functions easier. After discussion, Mayor Dobson directed the Town lV~anag~er to contact Keith Brown far a reduction in the cost of the space, and asked Ted Holmes for a plan of the improvements contemplated as well as the estimated cost of the project. The matter was tabled until the next Meeting. 4 ~ - AGE Two 3. Consideration of Refuse Disposal. Site Mr. Blake Lynch reported that the County Commissioners had notified him that the County will operate a site at Wolcott which will be ready for use September i, 19G8. In addition, Mr. Nottingham had approached the Town concerning the rental of his land for a site. The cast would be X300. d0 per month and the crown would have to erect the fence. Mr. Nottingham would handle the fill. A discussion was held and the matter was tabled for the ~Zext Meeting so that additional information would be available, such as the raise in the cost of service by Leo Duran using the ~J~olcott site. ~. Consideration of an Ordinance Providing for the Registration of Employees, at the Request of Employers, Providing for the Forwarding o:~ Formation to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Providing Penalties for Violation hereof, Police Chief Hoomes informed the Board that the Police Department has received a number of requests by employers to get into the registration of employees so that the FBI will process the fingerprints. The cost would be X2.00 per registration. • lifter discussion Trustee Kindel made a Motion that the Ordinance be approved. It was seconded by Trustee Steinberg. The Board Mei~ibers were polled for understanding and approval, Ordinance No. ~.3, Series of 1968, was approved unanimously and adopted. 5. Ma.tteps from the Mayor and Trustee Trustee Steinberg brought to the attention of the Board that the mine at Climax had diverted the tailings from the mine into a tributary of the Eagle River and was polluting the waters. After discussion, the Board felt that some letters of protest should be written to the Climax Mine and the Department of Game and Fish. Mayor Dobson requested Blake Lynch to get the documents and the infarznation from the Pollution Act and contact the Colorado Pollutia~7 Control Board, Eagle County Commissioners and the Colorado State Game and Fish Department, The question arose from the Floor concerning the status of the Helicopter Air Line Service and the availability of a taxi service. Mr. Lynch indicated that Mr. Borland was considering the feasibility of the taxi service and was to have submitted a proposal at the Meeting, but since he was not present, there was no information available concerning either transportation facility. Mayor John Dobson informed the Board that the Zoning Board held its most recent meeting last weep and it would appear that we vrill be able to have a Public Hearing in the month of November. Also at the next Meeting, the Board expects to have a statement from Nail Associates conger. n9.ng the general plans for winter parking. 6. Citizen Participation Mrs. Steinberg asked the Board if it was possible to have a sign indicating tNo Through ViTay' on Vail Valley Drive, because so rna~~.y visitors are not aware that they cannot return to the Highway via this street. The Board approved the installation of such a sign. • AGE THREE Mr. Hans ~TJ'eibel asked if the T wn would be responsible for taking the stray dogs to a Pound. After discussian, Mayor Dobson noted. that the Vail Dog Pound was under consideration and would be eompleted a.n conjunction with the expansion of the Sewer Plant as soon as possible. The Pound must conform with the Humane Society standards. V~ith no further business to come before the Board, T~~ustee Kindel made a iVlotion to adjourn at 9: ~. 5 p. m. It was seconded by Trustee Donovan and approved unanimously. • • r~ u • • 0 o c~ o 0 o a o o a o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o 0 0 0 o a o 0 o r~ O a O b 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ©a o 0 0 0 0 o C~ o 0 o C] O o 0 0 0 ©o 0 o a o o c~ a o a ©4 0 0 0 o n o o a a o o ©o 0 W W W W W W W lrJ W W 4r.1 W W W W;1 W W W W W N N N N N N N N N W W N N N N N N N N ~-+ r-~ r-~ r 0 0 C? d d C~ ~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ W ~ 00 r1 fT CIt ~P W r-+ q0 cR N r 00 ~ (Si N ~+ O ~b 00 U7 {a N r.+ p .O o9 M F1 F-+ 1--+ .~ }r r F-+ 4-a Y-+ !-+ i-+ F-r !ti Y Y--+ W+ Fr F..a ~ 1-+ y..w M' M 4~ F-d }-~ }..r py cn u7 cn u7 0 >~ u, u, u, ui r? +A ~ o sA ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ rP ~+ rP ~ ~? ~? ~ ay c> c~ o 0 00 0 0 o O •o .c1 .n .fl .o s~ .o s~ .c1 00 on ao 00 0o ao m ~ +1 O~ u7 ~ ~ W VJ N r+ O ~ m ~1 ~ p~ U7 tR W N ~ O ~ 00 ~l O~ V7 r A ~ Q` ~ ~ ~ U'Y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CS Q~ O~ O` U7 U7 1.17 ~..r~.-~o oooooaooo oo.o.o.o N r-' O .D ~! 00 ~ O~ In rP w N r-a O .~ 00 -.1 ~ b ~~ o w ~~ o o w w ~,. 0 0 ~ •~- ~ ~ ~ r ~ N ~ rt 0~ ' ° ~' a b w N rn ~ ~ ~ "~ ~ o ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.ro ~ m ~ ~; y ~ ~ ro ~~ , ~ ~~ ~ ~: ~ ~ ' r ~ r• ~ ~~ ~ ~n ~ `~ ~ r-r ~' w o n su O (D R+ ~ ~ µ >n ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ o o ~ Cl ro `~ 0 ~ ~ rn ~d ~ ~ Q+ ~ ~ ~y ~ o~b ~ b~ ~ ~ ~ry o m ~ ~ av vi ~ ~ Q° ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' rn ~ "o b ~ ~ ~ w ~ b b ~ w ~ ~ ~ N co ~, m ~ ~ ~' ~, ?,; rn m ~ w ~ v1 ° ~ Q° ~' m H N d ro ~ 0'4 ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ a ed~t~~ w• w Q x~c~ n~ ~~' ~, ~, ~ Q° o ro ~ w ~ ~ ro o~~~~ ~~~ M ~ c ~ ~~ m ~ ~' ~,' o ~ Y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ `~ n c-M r• f9 ~ ""~ ~ ~ b n ~~ rt x Y• ct M s-r r ~-+ ti-+ w r-• r M Cyl C!l U7 lF1 CTl CT1 U7 U7 lSl v7 ,~A w N s o u7 w N b~ bd d ~ 4+ "~ t~ "d ~ fO4 PD '"'' 'tD ~"~' ~ ~' Y e-r ~ K `~ ~ • N O N ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ x ~ ~ ~• r ~ ~ ~ ~ K rt C7 ~ ~ a ~• Q° ~ ~ ~ ~ F.'~ K a C~ w K a' c' . ~. ~ ~ o -~ n ~t ~ w ~ ~ rn `* a ~ ova ~ ~ » ~ ~ u' ° c ~ s `~ ru ~ ~, ~ - 0 ~t m ~t "(~ r U~ ~ W ~ --+ 1--~ w C3 V7 N ~-' U7 N w ~ ~ tP W m ~ Q~ QO sP rP U7 00 ~l Oo N N N N r m l37 ~ -.1 O 00 I-+ Q W O N N ~4 00 Q O 6+ oo~o~ c~omNrPawo otnmoC~ r N W r ~ L)7 --' N C3 In U7 F-+ ()i ~l O l7i rn O N O d o~v7o~ooao o.o,~c~cnoooo n n O H O c~ x n x O b d W H 0 z H 0 r a F-+ ~P OJ O n ri~7 f..~ b .ty,e~. i ~ 0 0 0 C7 C7 O 43 C'3 A O G? 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() r~ t'T' N ~ ~, ~ N y { ~ ~ +^" A n O f1 f7 C7 ~'f' N r' '~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ N• ~ ~' ~ m m "~ ~ t~ 00 'b ~ ~ W ~ H ~ ~ (D Q D '~+ tt W N rh {~ '~ N -' 3 O O~ ~ ~D v ~-+ r-~ rr w OO FA N w ~O to oo r^" N N tP r#~ ~A w to W N ~-' f-] ~, ~] . ~O N . ~--~ w W sA .... ~-' . ~ . in . O oo .. ~ . ~ oo ~ O O .D ..... o . r, O t-+ O w w ~P 0~ W ~1 O O w ~A tP O ~7 O O rA In r~ .D O .A tP p w oo O r-~ p ~r+ w p O to O O m N '~ OFFICE COPY • -• DO NOT REMOVE MINUTES OF THE MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS O F` THE TOViI~N 0 F VAIL ~~ HELD SEPTEMBER 23, 1908 The Meeting was called to Order by the Mayor, ~'ohn Dobson, at ?:40 P. M. in the new location for the Vail Police Department in the Mill Creek Court Building: ROLL CALL: Roll Ca11 found the following Members present: Robert Parker Donald Almond Rodney Slifer F, Brofos Peter Seibert Richard Bailey C. E. KirLdel ~'ohn Dobson -~~ Joseph Langmaid Cesare Moretti Josef Staufer Lorence Burdick ~'ohn Donovan Absent: Albert G. White, Dr. T. T. Steinberg Also present: Ben Krueger, Blake Lynch, Chief F. H. Holmes. MINUTES OF THE MEETING l~~9_ Supplemen~al_ Budged Reauests The Mayor explained that this was a joint meeting of the Trustees and District Boards to allocate the ~,nt3cip~.ted funds ~.v~.il.a~~+~.~ beyE~nr~ ~;he basic budget requirements of each of the jurxsdzctic~Y;s. There is X20, 000 available to allocate and more than ~~0, 000 in -, supplementary requests. The Mayor stated that each of the supplementary items should be discussed. ~.. VRA Summer Promotional Solicitation (E:~hibit T? -- X10, 000 Mr. Staufer, President of the VRA, reviewed. a letter written by him to Blake Lynch asking the Town of Vail for a contribution of X10, 000 to a new Advertising Program which has already been d.evelopec~. in order to make it possible for Vdil to become a strong year-round resort. lair. St~.ufe?° is hoping to get ~~0, 000;40, 000 from the local businesses and ~~.0, 000 fa: c:~n the Town. So far, there has been a total pledge amount of X28, 000. Mr. Staufer felt a joint effort irr support of this program would help bring more guests to Vail and in turn, generate more funds for the Tawn. 2. Police Department (Exhibit TT} - ~9, 809 Police Chief F. H. Holmes reviewed the 9, 809.00 supplemsnt~.~~y request for the Vail Police Department. He stated this would 1-~a.siclally dive the Town 24-hour a day coverage as ~9, 3l9 of this umour~~~ ?.s the 2~~:t~ci~.~atPd cost for an additional man. The hours between 2:00 a. m-.. ar,". 8:00 a.. ~~.s would then be covered, The emphasis dur 4.ng ~chese ~ r ie,-- R~• ould be on ;. ~r~ ~'?s i'-r b~a.rc~?ary protection as well as for those persons ~'~ror',.rg late ~~rsu.r.•s. PAGE TVtiTC 3, Fire Department (Exhibit III) - ~2, 065 Fire Chief Steve Ruder reported the Vail Volunteer Fire Department with a Class #6 rating, is the best volunteer department in the State of Colorado. In order to keep this rating, he felt it necessary that water, men and, tools be kept in good supply. There are now dour firemen living in the Fire House; there will be six He felt X30.00 a month for the live-in Fire Captail was reasonable since this man Spends extra time on fire matters. Chief Ruder also explained the radio and deluge gun rack requests. ~. Golf Course (Exhibit 1V} - ~~.1., 250 Mr. $en Krueger reviewed the Recreation budget request. It v~~as pointed out that the play is too slow, especially fox the better golfers who are delayed by the poor players. 1t was felt a ranger to patrol the holes especially during peak play times would help alleviate this problem, Trustee Kindel felt this essential to increase the play on the course. Ben Krueger reviewed the other Recreation District supplementary requests totaling X11, 000. 5. Steel Wheel Roller (Used} - ~3, 000 It was agreed this is not ahigh-priority item. The roller would be used for street repairs to roll the asphalt, etc. , and would be an advantage to own it outright rather than renting one. 6. Public Toilets Mayor Dobson raised the question as to whether or not the Town should do some of the financing and what could be expected as help from Vail Associates and the businesses in Town? Trustee Kindel asked what exactly was required and Mr. Lynch stated the location, etc. , had not been worked out yet, although some discussion and. t.hougYrt has been given to expanding the Lodge at Vail Cafeteria facilities. Director Parker felt the Trustees should. study this matter further so that cost, location and the possibility of working public toilets in with structured parking might be considered further. Citi2en Nancy Kindel brought to the Board's attention the fact that the public toilet facilities in the Recreation Building require attention. The Mayor asked Ben Krueger to see to this matter. It was finally agreed further study will be necessary before any decision can be made on the subject. 7. Ice Ska~ing It will cost approximately ~1., OCU for the vinyl piast.ic and ~,'oou~. another 250 for the labor but Blake Lynch stated he f alt it 1?assiblF. to s?t the Ice Rink up within a price range of x`750 to ~1, 000. Director Lang~:~~~~~~id. questioned, the expense for maintenance. l~ias~~~r Dobson asi~ect ho~i~a impor~~nt . it was to i gave a skating rink. Nancy Kindel felt a.t very important. Trustee Kind.c~l s~.vported this statement by adding many people v~ill not consider visiting a winter area unless this facility can be provided,. Tarzes Sle~~':ir?. stated at least ~40~Io of the guests visiting Golden Peak House inquire about a rink. It tiaas generally felt, however, that if an ice skatir.F~ r~.°.k i~~ p~~.~aiued, it should be done in the best possible manner. The subjec': z~rG;~ ~~~~.~-.~~~~fcr further discussio~i. SAGE THREE 8. Lan~.sca~ing This was discussed in a general fashion; although no specific proposals were mentioned. •~. Street Improvements Blake Lynch :mentioned some of the needs in this area: widening some street areas such as around the Texas Town Houses and around Bob Parker's house; hand rails and footbridges and paving Beaver Dam Circle. Mr. Clark asked when the black topping project would be completed especially in front of the Christiania. Mr. Lynch assured him that street wat~ld be finished soon. The question was also raised as to street cuts done by the cable TV crew. Mr. Lynch stated any cuts or digging would be put back in order at the expense of the TV company. Trustee Kindel stated he felt the Tawn should put Cable TV on notice that they must take ce,re of the edge of the road where they dig it up. Mayor Dobsan asked Blake Lynch to check on this. 10. Town Vehicle Blake Lynch stated he hoped to soon have a foil-time public works director. Tn this case, it would be especially necessary to have a town vehicle available . X500.00 in car allowance could be cut from the Town budget if a vehicle were acquired. 11, Entrance Sign Bob Parker stated now that the Interstate Highway is near completion, a first-class entrance sign is needed for Vail. The requirements Interstate has set up include one major sign leading up to the exit, and another at the interchange. Tn addition to this, there will be the Standard Interchange sign. Mayor Lbbsan asked that ~'osef Staufer and Bob Parker work on this project with the VRA and sign experts as to the signts content, size, design and. location. Mr. Parker felt a petition should be signed in order to eliminate the Holiday Tnn neon sign; in this way, i t v~ras felt the other signs of similar nature would come down. i.2. Structured Parking Deficit Discussion on this subject was waived until a further date. i.3. Public Transportation Deficit Blake Lynch discussed this, stating a higher contingency is necessary for items of this nature. S4. Town Clean-up Fund This was generally di.scusseci earlier in the meet~.ng und~:r. "1.and~- sc~.ping". ~1, U00 to ~1, 500 is needed far this project, ~t~uro main t~rpes of pick.-up clc~ening is necessary -one big clean-up in May, and the other during the busy winter season, when so~neane will have to be avai:~a.'c1e a.t least t~avice a week, General D~.scussion Basically it must be decided whether the Town r,..an c~.om~ni.t X1.0, GGC~ in suprnr, t of the VRA Advertising Progr~.m or whether. prier. i.ty s~Zaj~ld. be ¢.. • • C~ LJ PAGE FOU~t established on other things first? There are still many areas where further study is necessary before a decision can be made. It was noted during the meeting there is a new taxi service head quartering at the Vail Village Inn known as "Little percent Taxi'r. Gne jeep and one taxi are now in operation; five vehic~.es are planned for use in the near future. With no f made, se ~.G~.~O p. r. • • NAIL, COLORATX? ].900 SUPPI..~EIVlEI~T'1`AI., BUDGET REQIJES'TS X20, 000 Revenue Available with 20~Io ~a.Ies '~'w~~ I~~.crease and Same mill Levu as 1908 1. ~tTail Resort Association CExhzbit T) - sfi3.0, 000 2. Police Department (Exhibit XI) m ~~J, 809 3. Fire Department (Exh.ibit TII) -~ ~~2, 085 4. Golf Course (Exhibit TZT) ~ ~~11, 250 5. Steel Vlheel Railer (Used) ~- p3, 000 0. Public rroilets 7. Ice Skating 8. Landscaping 9. Street T:~~~pravements 10. Town '~Tehicle (could reduce street budget by X500) 1 ~.. Entrance Sign ~.2. Structui eel Paring Deficit 13. Public '].~ransportation Deficit 14. 'T'own Cleanup Fund X30, 004 plus in requests COPY COPY Exhibit I Septexxtber 17, lgb8 • Mr. Slake Lynch City Manager Town of Vail Vail, Colorado Dear Blake: This is a follow-up to my letter of July 30 to Mayor John Dobson. in which I astced that the Town of Vail consider contributing to the advertising efforts. of the Vail Resort Association. Since writing this first letter, anew program -- the $140, OOQ Advertising Program -- was developed. And, we Nape that the Tawas of Vail will see fit to contribute to this program in the amount of $ln, 000. It is my sincere belief that we will be able to make the summer months as attractive to the traveller as at present the winter months are to the skier. Gansidering that at this paint most establishments still have "give-away" rates in surnrner, vrith an effective advertising pragram we can build a demand that should autom~ticaily increase our rates and make there comparable to our "high season•"rates. Needless to say, I would assume that the additional revenue pro- duced by this effort would rr~are than pay far the Town's cantri- butian in taxes received. If we truly believe that we have a year-round resort area, then we have to have faith in a campaign that would sell our product. I readily admit that in the past we have had limited efforts to sell summer with the expected insignificant results, However, we - at that time -were not really ready far the surnraner guest. I think that this suxx~xxzer's experience with the golf course, the tennis cauxts and other attractions {all enhanced by the paved streets} proved that the prime summer n~anths can be just as effective as February and March. Our proposed Advertising Program is mainly supported by membe.xs of the VItA. However, we feel very strongly that other entities - especially the Town of Vail - should enter into it, 7'he eco- nomic stability of the Town is dependent upon a profitable year- round tourist operation. The past six years have shown us that the summer is not going to develop by itself and that there is a definite need for extensive prorr3otion to establish this stability necessary fox all businesses to suxvive and to continue to con- txibute in order that, f.l~e Tnwn of Vail can continue to maintain Mr. Blake Lynch - 2- September 17, 1°, &8 their high standards of services essential for a resaxt of this calibex. It has been the VRA Board of Directors' decision to retain the Denver agency of Broyles, Allebaugh and Davis for our summer promotional prograrr~.. Mr, Arnold Grossman, ac~dunt executive for Vail Associates, spoke to the general xxxernbership at the September genera, meeting in an effoxt to briefly explain how the agency operates, and for whom, and what could be done for Summer/Nail in teixx~s of pure media advertising. Other accounts of this agency are ~ Gates Rubber, May b & ~', Amexican National Bank, Forward Metro Denver, Denver ~Olympie Corinimittee, and, most importantly, the State of Colorado's Depe.rtxnent of Tourism. Mx. Gxossman wily present a formal pxograrn to the rriexnbership at the C'ctober general meeting, indicating his choice; of media for surnmex promotion -- e. g. , "New Yorker", "Holiday", "Venture", of whichever if not all. There has been a great des,l of enthusiasm arrrong the members with comrnittxnents totalling between $25, 000 and $30, 000 to date. I can only say, in closing, that we -the Board- feel this prograrx3 to be the most important step taken since the actual founding of the VRA and one, despite the ambitious pricetag, which will prove not only beneficial to the coxnxnunity as a whole but at this time in Nail's continuing gxowth - absolutely essential. I thank you for your consideration of the above. Very truly yours, NAIL RESORT ASSOCIATION Josef Staufer, President JS:bsf • • .~ :~:~ c ~~ ~ ~ r' Cr ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 ~ ° ~ ~ `~; ~- ~ c~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ G ~ ~ ~~ a ~~ ~. ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ c~ ,~ ~+~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~° ~~ ~~ r~ ~ ~ ,~.~ rn~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q ro Q .~ ~" ~ ~ ° ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ n, ~, ~ ~. o ~ ~, ~' 4 N r~ s '~' ` ~,` ~ o '~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ M ,,,,~,,,~ r~ ~,~ C`~ ~ b ~ ~~ ~~ i C~ U ~~~ n ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ }" ~~ N ~ ~ o-3 ~ ~ F,,, ''~ ~ ~` o ~ a ~ m o~ ~ m ~ C7 ~ ~ ~ `~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ''' o cv ~^ ~ ~ ~ ,~• ~, .... ,~ ~~ ,~. ~ o w ~,~z3 o r~ ° ~'' o ,. Ica ~ ~ o ~ ~ o o ~ ~ ~: ~ ~~ ~ N p ~ ~ Q ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~+- c~ ~ ~ Uro~l ~ O ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~` f? U ~ u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~? ~ ~ ~ ~ `~` o to rd ~ ~ ~ © +~ ;~D-. ¢ ~ ~ ~"' ro ~u Ca ~ © ~ a ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ n ~' t-3 r" O ~' C~ ~ '~~„ r~-r ~~~ ro~~ ro~ ~~ ~~ ~. ~ ~ ~° ~ ~ a ~ ~'~ ~. ~~ ~ ~ v ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~~ ~ mm ©Q~ ~~"~ "~ Q O c~D Ca ~ ~+- ~ ~ ro ~~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ro ~ ° w ~ ~ m ~~~ o~ ~, ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ U ---~ H d ~L'~7 CQ Q ~S t~..+ Q ~` ]'t-~ !' 4 c,~ ~ r l 3 (~,] , (Q r-^' ~ ~. ~ ~ ~} i-~ ~ ~ ~ c~'~' ~ , p"' ~ ti..x C~ --~ f~ ~' C~ C~ ~ n ~-'' r~ Eft ~~ 1 ~+ ~ ~ CJ r ~ ~' {~ w ..~---"....---""..~-- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~' W, ~ ~ ~ tla O ~' ~ ~ tC~ '~ ~' ~ ~. ""Y V' ~i y~y^~~ ~• ~ VF ~~ c~ ~ i` " a ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~*, ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ u} ~,- cs ~-~- ~, ~ ~ ~-s ~; ~ ~ ~ sa, o ~~ ~ ~~;~ ~ ~ ~ m o ~~ ~ ~ coo ~ ~ =~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~' o j 1'-"^ /~ ~1 ~ :~ C~ `c-~'~ 4 r ~ ~J ~J • ~ ~; O ~ y c r © ~ O ~ ~ ~ o S 0 0 0 0 0 0 o O ~.~..,. __ ~~---~ _ H ~• " ru n c~ ~ O r ~; .~ d U rN ,~~. ~ ~' N t Cam ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~ A~ ~ ~ ~ ~ !! c m o a m~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ` r n ~ `~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, o ~ ~ ~, ~ ~ , o ~' ~ ~ ~~ O ~, Q 00~ ~' O ~ ~ ~ ~ cti ' i~ ~ C3 ~~ ~ ~`'~ Ut ~ ~, ~ {p A~ "" ('J ~ 'a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ,~ ~ ° ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~• Y ~ CD ~~ ~ ~ o - ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~- ~ ~ .. ro a `~ ~ ~ o m ~ ; ~ ~ ~: n ~ ro~ ~ ~ `~ ~. 0 ~~ ~ Y' 0 ~- c~ 0 n n r ~~ ~ ~~~ O ~~ ~ H ~~ a d ~ b y ~ ~ H y L"J O MINUTES OF THE 1VIEETTNG JOTNT BOARD MEETING -THE TOWN OF VAIL HELD OCTOBER '7, 1968 The Meeting of the Members of the Board of Trustees, Vaal V~Tater and Sanitation District, Vail Fire Protection District and Vail Metropolitan Recreation District was called to Order by 11/Iayor John A. Dobson in the Lodge at Vail Cafeteria at `7:30 P. M. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Members present: John Dobson, Mayor C. E. Kindel Peter Seibert Richard Bailey Rodney Slifer T, I. Steinberg Donald Almond Cesare Moretti Lorence Burdick Josef Staufer Joseph Langmaid Absent: John Donovan, Albert G. White, Robert Parker and Francis Brofos Also present were F. Blake Lynch and Peter Cosgriff. MIl~TUTES OF THE MEETTNG 1. Rescheduling' for Liquor License Hearings Mayor Dobson announced the hearings on the liquor license applications, one for a new license for the Lancelot Corporation and the other far re-location of the Gourmet Corner Wine Shop-were to be re-scheduled. Blake Lynch reported this due to a legality in publication for notice which .~ was a d.ay late. Tt was stated an Amended Notice for the Lancelot Hearing would be necessary for publication and posting on the premises; publication would be necessary five days prior to hearing and posting an the premises 15 days prior. Trustee Langmaid made a Motion th~~t the Lancelot public hearing be re-scheduled for October 28 at 1:30 P. M, in the Lodge at Vail Cafeteria, and the Re-location hearing for the Gourmet Corner Wine Shop be re-scheduled for November 12 at 7:30 P. M. (preceding the Town Meeting) in the Lodge at Vail Cafeteria. Trustee Bailey seconded the Motion and it was unanimously approved by the Board. ~. Review of Minutes and Reports Trustee Kindel asked if Chief Holmes had checked the danger spots in the roads as mentioned in the Minutes of September 9, 1968. The Chief reported some of the roads were stall being worked on; however, he had reported to Blake Lynch as to where the bumps should be located. The _~ Mayor asked Chief Holmes to report on this at the next meeting. Director Seibert made a Motion to approve the Minutes as read and Trustee Langmaid seconded the motion. All were in favor and the following reports were approved: ~ i PAGE TV~O Minutes of August 26, 1968 Minutes of September 9, 1968 Town of Vail General Fund Treasurer`s Report for August 31, 1968 Police Pension Fund Treasurer`s Report for September 9, 1968 Vouchers Paid for August, 1968 3, Review of Actual Yearly Cost of Government Combined Districts and Town - 1969 Mr, Lynch reviewed and discussed the General Fund Operating Expenses far all the Districts and the Town, Citizen Charles Crowley questioned the cost of the new tennis pro. 1Vlr, Lynch stated he was guaranteed a minimum income and his fee was ~1, 050 per year at #350.00 a month for three months. Following was a lengthy discussion concerning the $6, 700 not yet allocated. Tt was felt this could possibly be used for a promotional expenditure such as landscaping and Vail entrance sign or the contribution for a promotional project, The Vail Resort Association request for X10, 000 was discussed. Mr, Knox felt this an investment that would increase sales tax revenue in the 't'own, Mr. Merv Lapin felt there was na objection, but that a limit should be established. He also questioned a decrease in taxes. Tt was the general feeling that we are fortunate to maintain taxes at their present level, and not wise to decrease them. Citizen Kaemmer felt the Town would want to participate in the Vaal Resort Association program as he thought it important we take part in our summer program for promotion. Dr. Steinberg felt some of the property owners might want the program but some do not want to see Vail grow any further. The question is not spending the funds, but where to put the funds? Tt is necessary to beep the Town at its present high quality. Mr, Knox asked who would do this, and Trustee Kindel stated it would have to be the Town's responsibility, Charles Crawley felt we should improve the product more first and, upgrade the Town before spending more on advertising, Ginnie Crowley noted if the 'T'own was going to review VRA advertising costs, then it must also review the X300. 00 already spent for Club 20. She stated Vail businessmen are allocating a sum to the VRA program and felt the Tawn should match this. The Mayor stated it would have been helpful in making this decision if the 50 persons signing the petition to have the Town allocate a portion of its budget for the VRA promotional advertising program, had been there to speak in its behalf. A good many people are still very much interested in some sort of participation from the Town as far as the VRA is concerned. There is a sufficiently gray area so the Board in reaching their decision, will have to discuss this together in order to come to a f final judgment. PAGE THREE 4. ORDINANCE NO. 14: AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1969, TO DEFRAY THE COSTS OF MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF VAIL, COLORADO FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1969, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1969. It was necessary that an ordinance be passed for the Budget approval. It was not necessary to allocate every penny at this -stage of the game. The Mayor stated the thing to do was to adopt the resolution adopting the budget with the X20, 000. 00 in it as a contingency fund and not spelled out. A Poll was taken from the Board on the Resolution Adopting Budget by Blake Lynch as follows: (Richard Bailey read the Resolution). Richard Bailey C. E. Kindel Joseph Langmaid Peter Seibert T. I. Steinberg He then polled the Board as to whether they approved it or not. All did as in the above order. Ordinance No. 14 was read by Trustee Bailey and a poll from the Board by Blake Lynch was as follows: Richard Bailey C. E. Kindel Peter Seibert Joseph Langmaid T. I. Steinberg The Board was palled as to its approval and. all were unanimously in favor. The Mayor stated the Ordinance stood as approved. He also stated it would not be necessary for publication to be made. All Members of the Vaal ~en~~?al Improvement District were polled for the Resolution of the Budget Certification, of the Mill Levy by Blake Lynch as follows: Richard Bailey C. E. Kindel Joseph Langmaid Peter Seibert T. I. Steinberg Polled for approval and all were unanimously in favor. The Mayor stated the Budget stood as approved with the entire sum as represented subject to further revision by the Board. 5. PARKING The Mayor reviewed the correspondence with Vail Associates regarding permit parking lots for this winter. On February 23, the Town received a letter from Donald Almond for Vail Associates on this subject. He read the letter to the Board. George Knox voiced his .:opinion that there should never be a parking meter in Vail to which Stewart Brown agreed. PAG.~ FOUR Chief Holmes noted the skier-loading zone worked well last year. Citizen Ginny Crowley noted the parking necessity for guests dining in Vail. Citizen John Kaemmer stated part of the problem was that people did not know where to park -they must be informed. George Knox felt since there are only two entrances to Vail, they could be attended. Trustee Kindel felt this could be done but it would require several attendants. Mayor Dobson stated a committee would be selected to study the parking problem and it would be discussed further at the next meeting. 6. Present TV Situation Citizen George Knox asked Blake Lynch to report on the TV situation. He stated the FCC still had the application and the Cable TV crew was unable to install the micro-wave until this was approved. Community TV had stated they would install this just as soon as they could. They have installed the basic cable system. Mr. Burdick stated Peter Dominic is aware of the problem and. is doing everything passible. As a community service, the Town will take the names of those persons interested in TV and forward them to Community TV when they have an office in Vail. 7, Garbage Cans There was some discussion as to whether this service is a monopoly in Vail and how the rates should be established. Mayor Dobson asked that the PUC be questioned as to the base rates far this service. Stewart Brown suggested contacting the Town of Minturn as they are setting up their franchise now. The 1Vlayor stated this w~ uld be investigated further, 8. Street Lia~htina Program Sohn Kaemmer asked if the Tawn would have their street lights in by ~rVinter. Blake Lynch stated there were still two lights to be installed -one by the Covered Bridge and the other by the Plaza. The electrically run lights are installed waiting Holy Cross hook-up for service. Trustee Bailey suggested a bulb be installed in the outlet on the Bridge at the foot of Bridge Street for the sake of safety. Citizen Heather Slifer suggested a light by the Casino and Plaza buildings. Mayor Dobson stated this would. be investigated. With no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Seibert made a Motion to adjourn the meeting. Tt was seconded by Trustee Bailey and unanimously approved by the Board. at i.0:1Q P. M. • September 27, 1968 FIon. John A. Dobson Town of Vail. Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mayor Hobson: Members of the V. R. A. present at the last Town Nesting were quite unaware that the Board of Trustees would have been more impressed with my presentation had the members further backed me with vocal support. The Board o£ Directors of the V. R. ~.. and an important major-- ity of the businessmen of this community strongly believe in the need for the proposed program and believe, just as strongly, that the program should be supported by a substantial contri- bution from the Town of Vail. As explained at the meeting, we feel this joint effort will help bring more guests to Vail, and in turn, generate mare funds far the Town. Black--on-white should be more persuasive than just a few voices. Please find here below the list of those who not only will be joining in this additional effort but who also hope the Town of Vail wi11 recognize its vapidity and support it with its contribution. Sincerely yours, VA1L RESORT ASSOCIATION r ~~ ~' ''L~k '~'~ ~, , k 1 .~ J~ ref ~t ufe; , resident t JS :I~b s f ~ 1 ~. f ;~~ ~ ~ ~ ,`, P ~, `-~ ~-~ ~~/ , t /y ^'- I~.~ ~_n~t~.FI _/~%C_/y f: r;r-~ ~//`1iE~'~,/l. .,! ~ . 6i ~ ~Sill111f f, ~j~ ~ ~ yr ~i.~ !~ ' C ir- U ~'~- ~ ~'` ~ ~~ ` ~~~~ ,~~ ;~/~)1 r, _ _.. N ~ x j .. r ~~~ i~ ~~ _ ,~ [. ~~'a1__ ~~~ vc~'~',~~'~. s ~~~ t E ~? vv~ ~r -~~ ~ r ~ 1 7 ,~~' y s ~ ~1~,,~~~ ~ ~ f .-~~~~, ~ ~' f `~~L~.~ ~" ~~ ~1~~~ ~~r~~ ~-~l. ~. i .~ f pa~j 5~ t;`. ~ r i"sb ~Y ~ ty i, 1 'S ~' ~ i~ ~{. d ~ ~ 5 I~1 1 ~ 3 •i _`~r0-Q~i.4~L4 ~~ '~4~ lT' w~ yl @~~`. ~ ro ~ ~ s HnN~'t~f` i ~ ~.i'?~I ~~ ~yy ',amt; ~,' ,~f~~~~~so~~~~A~snc~~~~~oN ~ `, ! ~ r ,. ,.~ j '~~~'~f i Jf. ~ /' ``~'i~L'? ~~-~z~,,' l-l~ ,~ ,~;f~ ~~. /~~ ~ f ~, ~.-~ ~~ ! l/ ,A '.~~~_ Cry Jf (/{ Y ~ J/I / !`, Jam... ..,~.,.~dL~.. _.r „! \~~i • k~S{i?: ~i t ~ k:-, - ~"f"f~ .. ti '`. r .- Colorer ~~<~ Cpen Space Coord2nat2ng Council Inc ~ ~~• • Workshop of COSC. `~ ~'' - ~~ A' We are mast appreciative of your personal interest in the relocation ''-,:i`'i of the boundary signs to a site that better defines the Gore Range- i ~ F ~' Eagles Nest Primitive Area boundary. That, and the physical barrier across the trai3., will, we are sure, be a great help in `;~ . deterring vehicular invasion of the area, We also appreciate the fact ~' that your East Meadow Creek timber sale boundaries were altered in :~ urdex that they would be no closer than one mile from the present Primitive Area. However, our proposed addition to the Primitive ' ' ~`' ~. Area extends up to three miles in this area. , ..` ~:. , v ! 'G'qp' , t °n~V •.~<*i,' ~ 5850 East Jewell • oenver, Colorado $0222 Aree Code 303, 757•b439: ~..~.. - ~` r ~~ . Septem.her 25, 19b8 . ` ~`` .. II,~, Mr. David S. Nordwall !,;~i`. IZc:i;ional Forester l,W. F::. U. S. Forest Service !~`~::~ry~ Rocky Mountain Region Denver Federal Center, 131dg. 85 ~: Denver, Colorado 80225 ~ ~~.; Ref: 2320 ~ ~~` :: ~ .~ ~: Dear Mr. Nordwall: ~~~ '~~p : ,;. Reference is to your letter of September 6 with the enclosed copy of - ''~~~ ,~t~ your letter to Congressman Rogers, which was in reply to the letter ~ '.~.,`;~P,~',. of August 7. from William Mounsey, Consultant to the Wilderness ~" .. ~~~~'' As to the matter o£ the timber sale, number 26, in East Meadow ~ ~~:~ Creek of seven million board feet, the Workshop does have several ~ ~` °i <. ~ questions. a` ".~.. .~_ Your letter for Congressman Rogers states that the sawtirribex in the ~; East Meadow drainage should be harvested to make room far more ; ''' productive young stands and expresses a concern that the present w :;~`,~. . stand may be damaged by future spruce bark beetle activity, You '~ ,~ ~, ,' `~~-. <, `~, :.. ~ 1 . d, ~ .. '-COORI~~NATIOi~J tl :_="ADEf:ul~ii;=' c ~=:E.~E.:A~CI-i ~ ~ ~ r . ~ ' ~ ' • Mr, David S. Noxdwall Page 2 September 25, 1968 give as your reason fox deciding to continue with the timber sale the need for orderly harvest and use of the timber, The Workshop questions several of these points. First, is the question o£ the necessity of building the road and continuing the timber sale plan at this time. The East Meac]ow drainage is recognized as a de facto wilderness. St is contiguous to the Gore Range-Eagles Nest Primitive Area. The Primitive Area will be considered by Congress within the next few years as an addition to the National Wilderness Preservation System. A citizens' group, the Colorado Open Space Council, made a preliminary recommendation in October, 1967, that the East Meadow Drainage be included i.n the Gore Range-Eagles Nest Wilderness, it would semi that postponing development of thfs area until Congress could decide whether or not it should be in the Wildern~;ss, an adjust- ment of maybe two years in a plan that covers same 150 years, for regrowth o£ haxvested timber, would not be contrary to the concept of orderly harvest. On the other hand, a decision to press on with devel- opmont at l;hi.s time could be ir~texpretsd as an attempt by the agency to pxevent the area from being considered by Congress. So the first question boils down to "Why now? " Your expressed concern abo7~t beetle damage may be part of your reason for deciding to cox~tinuc with the timber sale. However, in considering the effect of possible beetle damage, the economics of the situation must be studied. Need for use of the East Meadow timber is mentioned. The Workshop recogni2es that there is need £or sawtimbex in Colorado, but questions the need for the use of the East Meadow timber specifically. The East Meadow sale is for only 7 million board feet. This is a very small hart of the potential sawtimber in. the White River National Forest, not to rnent~-on the state of Colorado. What are the indicators that this specific t~mbex is needed in place of 7 million board feet i.n some less critical part of the forest? The second question is "Why here?1° w ,~~,. ~;~:> -~; ~~. r~, ,~ ~ u'; ,,; I-:, On the surface it would seerx~ wino to dispose of a mature resource that I may be threatened by insect infestation. This might be true if there was I. a need far the xesource and if the resource could be sold at a price that 1 ;~ would produce a reasonal;le income to the nation. That there is no over» whelming need is indicated by the price that the buyer is willing to pay, Tn the White River National Forest the average rate of return to the ~. l~"orest Service is $4. ~9 per thousand board feet. Standing timber is a cheap commodity. The East Meadow sale might produce a gross income 4~ to the p~xblic that owns the forest o£ $31, X30, ~' ~; 7 f Il ' . s~: ~. <~;. i. ~` ,~ .:~~ :~„< '~jt'. z. ~<~:. ~:. ~ ~. i. i ~: ~; ~. ~. I '°; ,. ~.` r " ~ Mr. David S, No r~ll Page 3 September 25, 1968 .,, .. Vii. The East Meadow drainage encompasses about 2400 acres of de facto +; wilderness, At the elevation of ibis timber salE (9, 250 to 10, 000 feet} t .. ,,~ ~ the regrowth cycle is from 100 to 200 years. Using an average 150 ~~-` year figure, the yearly return to the nation for the use of this land for timber production rather than for wilderness would be less than 9~ per ,'!9; `, acre per year, But the public would not realize even this tiny profit. ~ ., To rnalce the timber accessible, roads must be built. About 2. 5 miles of road have already been constructed leading to the edge of the area; :>*;''' at least two more miles of road must be constructed into the area. At #~ ! an average cost of $25, OOD per mile for this type of road in this area, ~~ r '; ~ .. Lhe cost of the basic road construction necessary for this sale would ~' came to about $112, 500. This is over 3-1/2 times the tixx~ber sale in- r~ ~ ,; - come and would indicate a net loss to the nation of over $$l, 000. It °~~~' I ,_ would cost the public 22~` per acre per year to have this timber sold! The third question is "Is it economically feasible? - --- ~~ ,fir.: An alternative to the road building and timber sale is to designate the - ', area as Wilderness through an act of Congress. An immediate result would be to save the taxpayers over $$1, OOD. A high quality recrea- 6: Lion area would be assured thy: growing population. The summer ~ _~~ ~ range a~L an important elk herd would be protected from vehicular ~ disturb~~ncc. Seven million board feet of timber would be cut some- ' . ~~ where c1sc, hopefully at a lower elevation with less than a hundred - 'fig: - E~ yc<~r regrowth cycle and where it might provide much needed winter ,. ,.,,~,. : ~ ~~~` ran`re for bier game. Access to the future Wilderness Area would b b t-, ~?~ ~~ still be possible in this area aver the existing 2-1/2 miles of new , ;~,9: ' ` road leading to the base of the East Meadow drainage. s 4 ' ~ y ~ N~F(~. The eni:i.re Gore Range-Eagles Nest Wilderness would be enhanced fox ~'` scientific and educat ional purposes as well as for recreation. In this one place there would be no attempt to "ixxaprove on nature" or to stop time in i.ty tracks by man's management, The slow processes of nature ; .~i; ._ would contir~i~e. Beautiful trees would mature anal die and make their contribution to the building of soil and the protection of the watershed, :~; fnr certainly dead trees (and even trees attacked by bark beetles) have ~~~: , ,~,, , a definite place in Wilderness Areas. Their death and the beginning of ,:.: ~~-' a new forest among their decaying logs is certainly in line with the edu- ;. cational and scientific provisions made passible by the Wilderness Act. ' , ;~; The soil and timber would always be there for use if zx~.an in some fu- - _. .:{, tune time of desperation was .forced to cut and till. The final question I;= ~~ is "What if we never cut East Meadow Creek?" .~. ~ 1+ i. ~.< . ' ~. ' I,; ~ ~~,' . ~ ~;,, ~a ilk `-~ ~` #. , . _.. - ,i y ' ~~: .~ ~, ~~ #"- . ~ ~~ ~ ~ • Mr. David S. Nor~ll ~ ~° 1. Page 4 September 25, 19b8 ~ ~ ~ ,; '~ •We are fully aware of and fully support the Multiple Use concept of j'j the National Fa rests. However, in this'" case we' earnestly request r " that you reconsider and at least postpone the proposed timber sale `~ in East Meadow Creek. j L4 Sincerely, ~:.. Edward Connors Chairman, Wilderness Workshop of CSC ,. ,^ Y_ • • ,k;, cc: Senator Peter Dominick Con~;ress~rzlan Byron Rogers Secretary of Agricu3.ture Orville Freeman ~" James I'olkestad, Superv'i.sor, White Rivex National Forest Bruce Batting, Chairman, Vail Wilderness Workshop ~ ~~<~ William B. Mounsey, Wilderness Consultant f ii-' ~,, _~; ~. . i fl,. 'p ~'~ ~~ .~ f `~ ~ • A ~ ~~, • ^• M ~ C ~ Nw~ 1 September 23, 1968 Mr. Blake Lynch City Manager Town of Vail Vail, Colorado Dear Blake: Vail Associates, Inc. would like to request that the city assume the responsibility for the permit parking, permit parking would cover the following; 1. The lot across from the bank and bordered on the east by Gasthof Gramshammex. 2. The lot located between the Wedel Inn and the Night Latch. Tt is my understanding that the city will consider the installation of parking meters on this lot, as per conversation with trustee, Peter Seibert. 3. The lot located across from the Christiania. 4. The lot adjacent to the tennis courts and the Golden Gate House. Vail, Associates, Inc. would lzke to request that these lots be handled as i.n the past, with the city selling the permits, policing the lots, and pxoviding snow plow services. All revenue from the permit sales will be xetained by the Town. Al Bridges has xequested for Vail Associates, Inc., ten permits for the bank lot and ten for the Christiania. If you have any questions, please contact me. Yours truly, Don Almond Mountain Manager DA:mk 7El.EPMONE'. 476.5601 • u aepten~.ber ~~3, 1~33~ Mr. ~..onald .~lmonc,. Vail :'associates, Inc. Vail, Colorado 8~.~~7 -'- ~> ~/ Dear Don. t / J /I I h~7:u~~ the follawin~ 1uesti.ons on the ~V~il ~~~bci_Lt~;~~ proposal to hav^ ~,,~ `~bwn opcr. ate ccs°tain parl~~.n~~ Tots for t~~ wi:~~cu c~. ..._. ' , ,, . 1. Does V~~_i1 ~!~.saoe;lwtes exp~dt that~;~ ~}.:~^~::<~~. '~~et~vee~n ~?epi's ~tin;.~ Man~'red's wi11 b~ used for p~:v~~~_ingl Ii. ti a, what narti ~. anc?. will thgre be az~. s~ll:~,~ in bank of k'epi's ~,:ad. t Q, Covered~:~ridc~~: Stor~:,~% __ ,'. 2. I don'.t~ ~?tli~ve the rl'r~stees hove an.a~.e a :,.~:cision to ~ ta11 ~.rki g n~.eters in the lot east of the j~7edp1 ~Dde~, Vai Assoe~.ates plan to d~:dico.tc: this area to'~tY~e Town`f i ~`` ;,~; 3. noes ~4~r~soci.ates Irish to abtain i.ts `',(j permits free of charge Sincerely, ~~~. Make Lynch Town Manager ~`I3L~:bd I'~~ • i LJ Mr. ~'. Blake lynch Town Manager Town of Vail i'.0. Bow 361 Vail, Colorado September 30, 1968 Dear Mr. lynch: The following is in answer to your letter of September 28th, Subject, Parking Lots: Item ~kl: The area between Pepi's and Manfred~s will not be used for parking. There will be a service road in this vicinity, however. Peter Seibert will brief you at a later date regarding the service road. Item ~~2: Vail Associates, Inc. does plan to dedicate the area east of the Wedel Inn to the Town. Item ~~3: Vail Associates, Inc. does not expect any charge for the twenty permits. The charge will be offset by allowing the city all the lot revenue. Yours truly, DA : ml< i VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. ti Don Almond Mountain Manager TELEPNONE:476.56O1 •-, ~ 'ar- can Qoor~ooo4ooocaoobaiocioboaaoc~ao n aooooooc~ooocabnci oo~aoc3oooo0000 ~ Q~~oQ~ado~a©c~a~~~ov~©c~oaoc7oao n .wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwcwwWNNNNNNNNN -x W W~ N N N N N N N I-+ f~ IW r C~ O O H O q ~0 ~~ -~ `D `~ `~ ~~ Fh W WO ~3 O~ Cri rA w r~+ 03 cat N r 00 CJ~ vt N w t:7 ~ {7o Cn ~ N r O •D L7o ~_ n r r r..s r~ r r M r-~ r w r~ r~ r --+ s-.+ w• r-+ ~ r r i--~ F.-+ r r r r r-~ u, ut vt vt ~ ~P cn v~ cn vt ~P ~P ~a ~ ~ ~A. ~? ~ a~ Q ~A ~A. ~ ~ ~? .A ~R ~A ,~ ~ a o 0 o w o a o o ~a .o ~ .o .o .o •o .s~ ~ oo ao 00 00 0o r~ oo -,t ~a~ut~~wwN+-~ o.c~o~~~rnv~EAwNbo.aaoacrUtrp~o Z r3 O 1+~ Y+ r r h-~ 1~ ti 7-+ F~ F+•' H h•+ r o--~ F-~ F-+ M r l-+ M h-+ W r V-+ t-~ f-' 1~ CT O~ ~ ~ lJ"1 O~ O~ O~ ~ ~ Q* ~ ~ O~ (J7 l71 V7 U't U'! lJt U"l U•t U'l t•17 Vt [37 t~J r M w C7 00 O O C7 4 © O O C~ C7 •C> r0 ,.D .D ~O ~ ~O ,~ .O ~ Oo Oo N r C~ ~D ~1 QO •+1 d~ tri sP W N ~-~' O .O Oo ^~ vt ~ W N r O In W N -~ ~ ~dn c~md~~~nro~ ro d e n w~ w o o~ w ~ m~~ ~ w w o n o ca :~ ¢' '~' ~+ r'f `"3 A~ ~ ~ "~ ~ Fi ~ C!a ro R+ M e~"T' ~ ~ ~ ~ O r~r- f9 ,~ ~'~' ~roN ~ fD ~~ n '-'~ o ca ~ ~~ ti~ o ~~ r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tad ~ ~ a~a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o a ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '~ ~ ~ r~r- ~ Q~ d ~ -t '~ `C K ~ ~' W . n ~ m b ~ ~ ~ ~' ~ rb a' ~ 4+ ~ ~ ~ O ~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ H n ft f6 H o~ro r~ro~a~~r~~o o~r~c~ro n~r~~~ro~ ~ ;'• ~ ~' b a; ~. ~: can' ~• 'ti n• ~ ~ ~ ~• n a x ~ K ~ m ~ ~, n 6"Q CI] ~ Q° ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ ill iA ~ ~ ~ ~ o f4~ 'U ~ ~ ~ P~ ~ d ~ ua m ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~' ~ N ~ Y ~ ~, ~ ~ ~ 3TS w ~ n Aa ~ fi ~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ 'tl K ~ b ~ v} pt ~. CD ~ 4~ '~ z N ~ ~. ~ c~ ~ ~ x r• ~ W ~O ~] r N W ' y r lS+ 1P W ~ ~-" r-~ w d cst N ~ r to N N N N N ~ t r ~"~ O~ Vt r N O Vt u cJ't ~ O lri ~ O N O O ,'D ,~,, W qp Q, oo ~ ~ ,~ ,#~. cn po r ~ P Cs tst O O O C? o C] (T O •.1 O O W N rP O W O bo 0 0 O Q ~ f orc m m O n a • ocio©c~c~oooc~c~t~oooaac~ca ~` aQooc?t~oc~t~Cacsc~G~cc~?oooob s i~ Q b o o b 0 C C O C] o o G o 7 C Ca Ca a b wwwwwwl.lwwW W wt;.lwwwt7.rwca ls~ u7 ls1 to trc u~ +P ~A ~ ~ i~ ~A ~ +3~ ~P to w w w ~ O~ ~ W N O ~ CO U7 ~.] fA W N 1-w 65 ~D ~l fl` CT ~' ~ ' " } r - r h•+ h-+ r h-' F~+ h-+ r M h~ Y F-+ h+ i-~ M 4~ N F•+ t4 ' ' ~ ' ' f ~ 7 F U7 lJl 157 V7 V ! U 1 1,77 lJ 1 177 U7 V7 iTl lJ7 l77 lJ7 U7 1.17 lJ N GO N N N N N r+ r r r -»~ r ~-+ r r r© O ~* tP oo N M o w ~ -.1 ao ~ u7 tP W N M o ~O OD ~„~ O r r-~ r r r r +-r `-+ i--+ w r r+ N r-+ r+ r r r r lT1 lP W ~ Q` 4` o` O~ ~ ~ ~ o~ O~ O~ O~ Ch o~ O~ Q~ ~,, OD Oo W N N N N N N N N N r-+ r-+ r r-~ >~ ~ r-+ rP 00 O~ ~] C1~ U7 00 ~A N W r-r O .O 00 -.3 0~ V7 ~ w 7i d • 'Ui~'•d~ ~ d ~~~~~ '~ ~C~C Ly ~ 7d n so 0 ~ ~' ° ro W ° ro • p Q° rr} o ro o zra U, o p , ~ ~ , n H ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ ~• ~ ~• ~ '~ ~ ro ~ ~ '~~ ~ `~ ~ ~° ~ ~ n ~~~ o x ~ G b m '~ p+ ~ ~ n ~. ~ ~ o ~ n ro~ w, o *~ s r ~ ~ o ~ ~, ~ ~ O R~ ~ ~ ~ ~ •~ ~ • ~r «~r~ d b~~ ~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~~~m~ ~ ' o ~ ~ rn ~ rn ~ ~' ~ ~ % ~ d ro ~' ~ ao co c ~ yr N. tD to F .. ~ m t zf oa ~ r ~ ~ ~ ,~ . p, ~ ~ ~ ro ~ ~ ~~ u7w ~ ~ o H n ~ ~ ~ x~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ~, ~. p, r+ ~ '~ y.r Y ~.. by ~..-{ ~ V '1' m . T • n w rA ~ rn n Z G ro rt ~ ~ N H 0 0~ -•~ ~ .o r >/ po W r-• N y r--~ t-+ W rP N ..ti u7 00 N N to ~ ,A w V7 W ~-+ ~ • ~O N • r w . a W . fP r-+ •+l l77 0 00 ~ rr OA w C] O ~f,? • • a • . • ~ • • ~ • ~ C7 r b +~ G3 W W +~+ L~~ W •+3 O G W rP FP O ~1 C7 O ~P 1S't r ~D Q rA ~ C? W oo C7 r C:1 ts7 w C~ C~ lJ7 O C~ cSr N • POLICE PENSION FUND TREASURER'S REPORT • • Funds Deposited Sank of Va~.l 3.968 Interest Earned 1968 Total Amount in Account Funds Accumulated for July anti August, 19fi8; To be deposited with September Funds at end of Third Quarter Total TO Date 5,828.87 3~-.63 $x,$63.50 ~97.2D $5,360.70 Respectfully submitted, September 9, 1968 Financial Statement F. Blake Lynch Secretary-Treasurer TOWN Off' VAIL GENERAL FUND TREASURER'S REPORT August 31, 1968 Financial Statement Balance in Rank of Vail Regular Account as off' 7/31/68 ($13,076.96) ReceS.pts during August Bond Deposits ~ --- Sales and General Occupation Taxes 6,201.21 Utility Occupation Tax --- Parking Fees --- La.quor License Fees - State 276.26 Liquor License Fees - Town 348.75 Court Fines ~ Fees 195.00 Building Inspection Fees 246.50 Street Repair Fees Highway Users Tax 125.78 Management Fees 23,000.00 Accounts Receivable 6,079.40 Miscellaneous Revenue 153.60 36,626.39 $23,549.41 Disbursements during August Board of Trustees ~ 736.88 Police Magistrate 204.00 Administration ~ 246.55 P3.anning 2 2.80 Police Department 480.92 Street P~iaintenance 571.59 Building Inspection 70.90 Parking Lots -~-- Street Lighting 60,$3 Farks and Grounds Maintenance 194.20 Fire Protection District 181.95 Recreation District 524.9'7 Water District 741.34 Sanitation District 8$7.55 Liability Accounts -~-- Payroll Accounts 15,960.53 Reimbursable Expenses 32.0(1 20,93.7.01 Balance in Bank of Vail Regular Account as of 6/31/88 ~ 2,632.40 Respectfully submitted, F. Blake Lynch Secretary-Treasurer ^ t ~ ~ VATL,, COLORADO AC'T'UAL YEARLY COST Off' GC?VERNMENT COMB]NED DISTRICTS AND TO~iIN 1969 {Excludes initial bond fund expenditures whac~~ are amortized over a period of years through debt service. e. g. , golf course construction funds) General Fund Expenditures x;39 ~, ~'~~ Non-Management Fee Expenditures: ~~~ater and Sanitatian Distract ~I7, :~2 Eecreation District '~, ~~~ Fare District 4, ?:~U 29, 3?2 Debt Service ~T~ater and Sanitatian District 130, 28u Recreation District ~~-, 8~.3 Fire District 14, ~SU Genera]. Improve~~~ent. District 13.,1.1 ~;1~7, u00 Bond Reserve Fund na,yments 1~, 304 TOTAL: X624, 342 ,. :~ VAIL, COLORADO 1969 PROPOSED MUNTCYPAL GOVERNMENT MSLL LEVY'' x.968 x.969 Entity' Mill Levv Mill Lavv Town of Vail 4 5 Vail Mater and Sanitation District 14 9 __.A: -. l • TO~1vN OF VATli 1969 GENERAL FUND REVENUE General Property 'f'ax { 5 Mil~.sj X25, 000 Sales Tax {20~Io across the board increase 17~, 000 over revised 196$ estimate} Utility Occupation Tax { 20~Io increase, 9, 504 plus ~1, 000 for T. V. franchise} Farking Fees (non-structured} 250 Liquor Fees (300 fees plus X50 per License) 1, 600 Court Fines and Fees 2,.540 Building Inspection Fees 3, 500 Street Repair Fees 1, 000 Highway User`s Tax Rebate 2, 000 Federal 701 Grant ~.0, 000 Water and Sanitation M~,nagexnent Fee 99, 2~0 {incl. X21, 890 for administration} Fire Management Fee 13,.680 {incl. ~2, 750 admin~.stration} Recreation Manage~ne~~t Fee 52, 750 {Represents X21, 030 deficit from X73, 780 in Management Fee expense, incl. ~8, 250 for administration}. TOT1~L: X395, 0'70 _ : _. ,, ~ ~ 1 • • TOWN 0 F VATL ]:969 PROPOSED GENERAL FIND EXPENDITURES General Government Board of Trustees X15, 750 Police Magistrate 2,100 Adxninistratian and Finance a4, 72.5 Planning 2o, 390 Police Public Vilarks ,street Maintenance ~~, a5a $uilding Inspection ~, 530 Street Lighting 3, 50a Parrs and Grounds Maintenance ~. , 500 P-.ib~.ic Utilities tuate r 34, 9 50 Sewer 42, 454 Recreation GoII Course 4$, 4 a0 Tennis 4, 554 Pro Shop i.2, 500 Fire Capztal Expenditures P4:rchase oI Gravel 4, 400 Contribution to ~T~larking C~.pital 7,.040 Fund Contu~aenc~ ~aTAL: X92, 905 68, 843 45, 5$0 77, ~a0 65, 530 3.a, 930 11, 000 2, X322 X375,070 i r 1 VAIL ~',IATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT 19fi9 REVENUE ES'TIMAT'E General Property Tax (9 Mills} ~ ~~, 000 Sales to General Customers 143, 000 Tap Fees 45, 000 Connection Charges 4, 000 Interest Earned 500 Reimbursements 500 iViiscellaneous Income 1, 000 Unexpended Baia~ace (Pri.or Years} 20.000 T47`AL: X259, 000 i " Y • • • VAIL VJATER AN'D SAN't'I`A'TION DISTRICT 1969 PROPOSED BUDGET Personal Services: Board of Directors Contractual Services: Auditing and Accounting Legal Services Legal Notices and Advertising Other Capital Outlay: Debt Service: Principal Interest Bond Reserve Fund Ma~.gement Fee Payment Contingency TOTAL. ~ 1, 5aa ~ 1, 500 1., 5(30 3, OOa 500 540 5, 500 ~, aao ~~, oao s~. 2ss 1so, ~~~ i.2, 300 J9, 290 9,122 ~. j X259, fl00 VAIL ME'TROPOLITA.N RECR~ATIC?N DISTRICT 1969 ESTIMA'T'Ell R~ ~"ENUE Debt Retir~- Operating ment Fund rand Total General Property Taffies {4 Mills) 20, 000 X20, 000 Golf Revenue: q0~ ~5Q iVlemberships (based an 45~Io increase, 5, 000 part number and part price}. Daily Fees (based on 20~o increased 34, 000 - Electric Car anc~ Cast Rental 3, 500 Hand Cart and Car Rentals ~., 000 Tennis Revenue: ~ ~3, 500 Memberships (based on ~2, 50025/0 2, 500 increase, including price and nuana.berj Daily Fees X00 'T'ournament Fees ~~0 Rental of Euuipment ~.~ g1g 1 ~ gl~ Sale of Merchandise S, 500 0~ 500 Bo d F d T f n un rans er 10, 000 TOTALS: X60.250 ~i31, 813 X92, Ou3 ~~ ~~ • VAIL METROPOLITAN RECREATION DISTRICT 1969 PROPOSED BUDGET Personal Services: Board of Directors Contractual Services: A.ud.iting and ~~counting Legal Services Other Professio~~al. Fees Legal Notices anti Advertising Other Capital. Outlay: Debt Service; Principal interest Nlanac~'ement Fee Payments TOTAL: ~ ~.. 500 ~ 1.500 1, 300 3, 000 500 100 xoo ~, o00 ~., 000 zo; o00 21.83 31,813 52, 750 X92,063 ^ • • VAIL FIRE PRO7`EC7`TON' ~?TSTRICT ~.~J69 Estimated Revel~ue General Property Taxes (G Mills) X34, OOD Fire Protection Agreements 1, 000 Other 818 unexpended Balance -- Prior Years 3:.000 X32.33.8 1969 Proposed Budaet Personal Services: Board of Directors ~ 1, j:~OD 1, 540 Contractual Services: .Auditing and l~ccounting ~7~Q Legal Services 1, C~00 Legal Notices and Advertising 25~J Other o~p0 2, 500 Capital Outlay: Motor ~Tehicles 75J 750 Debt Service: Principal 10, OJO Interest 4.335 1~4, 383 N.~~.na ement Fee Pa menu: g y 13 o8D ~ TOTAL: X32. g18 1 ~ ~ ~. ~.~. ~ r .. ~~Xr" u~ e F' _~yd ~,... ..,. Vr RESOLUTION ADOPTING BUDGET l A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF VATL, COLORADO, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING ON THE 1ST DAY OF JANUARY, 1969, AND ENDING ON THE LAST DAY OF DECEMBER, 19b9, ESTIMATING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY BASED ON THE SAID BUDGET SO ADOPTED; ESTIMATING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY TO BE DERIVED FROM OTHER REVENUE SOURCES; AND SETTING FORTH THE TOTAL ESTIMATED • EXPENDITURES FOR EACH FUND, ~~ WHEREAS, the Town Clerk designated to prepare the annual ;budget for Vail, Colorado, for the fiscal year beginning January 1,, 19b9, and ending December 31, 1969, has prepared said budget and .`submitted it to the Board of Trustees, and I} WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees held a public hearing on 3said budget on October 1968, AND, WHEREAS, the assessed valuation of taxable property for the year 1968 in the Town of Vail, Colorado, as returned by the County Assessor of Eagle County, Colorado, is the sum of $5,171,175.00. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF VATL, COLORADO: Section l: That the estimated revenue for the various funds of the Town of Vail, Colorado is: See Exhibit rrArr attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. Section 2: That the estimated expenditures for each the Town of Vail, Colorado are as follows: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. !~ Section 3: That the budget far the Town of Vail, Co1o- ~lrado, for the fiscal. year beginning January 1, 1969, and ending I# December 31, 1969, as heretofore submitted to the Board of TrusteE I~ by the Town Clerk, and as changed and amended by said Board of Trustees be, and the same hexeby is adopted and approved as the ~i budget for the Town of Vail, Colorado, for said fiscal year. Section 4: That the budget herein approved and adopted ~ shall be signed by the Mayor and the Town Clerk, and made a part ~~ of the public records of the Town. F ~( READ AND ADOPTED this day of October, 1968. j~ TOWN OF VATL I i~ I `I~ fund of I~ ~~ ~' ATTEST : By Mayor iF Town Clerk f. i • TO~dN OF ~TA~L 1.909 GENERAL FUND REVENUE General Property Tax { 5 Mills) Sales Tax (20~Io across the board a.ncrease over revised 1968 estimate) Utility Occupation Tax {20% a.ncrease, plus ~1, 00.0 for T. V. franchise) Parking Fees non-structured} Liquor Fees {800 fees plus X50 per License) Court Fines and Fees Buildi~~g Inspection F es Street Repair Fees Highway User's Tax Rebate Federal 70]. Grant ~Nater and Sanitatior~ Management Fee (incl.. X21,, 890 for administration) Fare Management Fee {incl. ~2, 754 administration) Recreation Manage~ne~~t Fee {Represents X23., 030 deficit from X73, 780 in Management Fee expense, incl. ~$, 250 for ad-rninistration}. TOTAL: ~~ ~, o00 ~, 74, 000 9, Boa 250 ~, soo ~, ~Oo ~, ~Oo ~, o00 2, 000 10, 000 99, 290 1.3, 680 52, 750 X395.070 - . - TO'SNN OF VAIL 1969 PROPOSED GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES General Government Board of Trustees X15, '750 Police Magistrate ~,1.Op Ad.rninistration and Finance ;~4, 725 Planning X0,390 Police Public V,~orks ,Street Maintenance 34, 050 Building Inspection fi, 530 Street Lighting 3, 500 Parks and Grounc?s Ma~.ntenance 1, 500 P~.~blic Utilities water 34, 950 Sewer - 42, 450 Recreation Golf Course 48, x:80 Tennis 4, 5!`~0 Pro Shop 1,~, ~Q0 Fire Capital Exoenditures P~.rchase of Gravel. 4, Opp X92, 965 fib, 843 45, 580 ~~, 400 . 65, 530 lo, 9~0 Contribution to Working Capital 7, 000 1.1, 000 Fund Continaenc.ir ~, 822 v T4'I'AL: ~3?5, 0'70 • VAIL, COLORADO 1989 PROPOSED MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT MILL LEVY x.968 1969 Entity Mi~.l Levy MITI Lew Town of Vail Q 5 Vail Vlater and Sanitation District 14 9 Vail Recreation District 4 4 Vail `ire Protection District 6 6 Vail General improvement District 2 2 2~ 26 _. - 1 __ ._ . .. ~ !~ ~- ~ ~- . . ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ / ~ ,~ Y 2 ~~ _ ~ '~ ~ ~ fJ ~ b b, ~ ., `' R E S O L U T I O N I` ..__ ----- BUDGET - CERTIFTCATTON OF MILL LEVY f ;~ ~TATE OF COLORADO ) ss COUNTY OF EAGLE . ) ! ' • Improvement District are hereby authorized to certify to the Board of County Commissioners, Eagle County, Colorado, the following aggregate amounts which the Board deems necessary to raise from the taxable property of said District to finance the expenditures of operation, maintenance and improvements of the Vail General Improvement District; The undersigned, Chairman and Secretary of Vail General Improvement District, do hereby certify that a meeting of the Board of Directors was held on October ~ 196$, ~nd the following Resolution was adapted by a majority of ~' At least. four Directors, constituting a quorum, were present at the ~j meeting . ,, ~' BE IT RESOLVED, That, whereas the assessed valuation of taxable property located within the corporate limits of the Vail i! General Improvement District far the year 196$, as certified to ~~ by the Assessor, Eagle County, Colorado, is $5,147,215.00; I' ~~ THEREFORE, the Chairman and .Secretary of Vail General ~; See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this re~'erence incorporated herein. r i BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Directors of Vail General Improvement District do and hereby does adopt as its budget for the year commencing January 1, 1969, to and including December 31, 1969, Exhibit "A"; BE TT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Directors of the Vail General Improvement District do and it hereby does levy upon all property, real, personal and mixed, within the corporate limits of the said Vail General Improvement District, for valuation purposes as herein described, a mill levy of ~, mills. The mill levy from the preceding year was ,,~, mills. Dated: October ~ , 3.96$. VATL GENERAL TMPROVEME DISTRICT ATTEST : ~' Ch'airman r~~ "V ~'~ , ~ Secretary 1 J r ' -i t ,f • • 1969 BUDGET VAIL GENERAL IMPROVEIVIENT DISTRICT ANTICIPATED REVFNUIJ Properiy Taxes (2 Mi1Is) CJnexpendea Balance - I~ra.or Years TOTA L ~~o, ooa 2, 249 X12, 249 ~1N']:':CCI~:>11TIiaD I~fXPT~NDITURFJS Debi Service: Principal ~~3, 000 Inierest 9,249 X12, 249 TOTAL: X12, 249 • • • i i~TO'~f'TC.t~ AS TO PROPOSED BUDGET ~'oT~ TT-~ L V!lIL U.T~TFJR & SANI`T'ATION DISTRICT, VI~TL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, VATL T~IfETT;O:~OLTTAN RECREATION DISTRICT AND THE T'OV+71~] O l~~' V/] TLS T~TOTJ:Cr IS HERE~3~Y GIVEN that a proposed budget kzas been su'uznittr~d to the Board of Directors of the Vail ~IatPr & Sani~`atioxi District, Veil Fire Protection Distract and the Vail T1/Tetropolitan Recreation District a Well as the Board of Trustees of the Town o~ Vail for the ensuing yC'~L:~~ 0'1' I~6yn Tl:lat a copy of such proposed.~..budget has been filed in she O:t~ice o:f. the Town ~;lerk whore sarr~e is open for public inspection That si.u;~~ proposed but~c~et wi11 be considered at a Special Meeting of the Beard of Directors for the above mentioned, Districts as we11 as the F~oard of 'I'r~.stees i'or tl~.e Town of Vail to be held. at the Lodge at Vail Cafeteria on. October 7, x.965, at X1:30 p. a~z. Any taxpayer within such Town of Vail tnay at any time prior. to the fina]. adoption of the budget file or regzster his objections thereto. By /~/ F. Blake Lynch Seer. etary (s~ ~) NOTICE AS TO PROPOSED BUDGET FOR THE VAIL ZVATER & SANITATION DISTRICT, VAIL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT, VAIL METROPOLITAN RECREATION DISTRICT AND THE TOWN OF VAIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a proposed. budget has been submitted. to the Board. of Directors of the Vail Water & Sanitation District, Vail Fire Protection District and the Vail Metropolitan Recreation District as well as the Board of Trustees of the Town of Vail for the ensuing year of 1969. That a copy of such proposed budget has been filed. in the Office of the Town Clerk where same is open for public inspection. That such proposed. budget will be considered at a Special 111leeting of the Board of Directors for the above mentioned Districts as well as the Board. of Trustees far the Town of Vail to be held at the Lodge at Vail Cafeteria on October 7, 1968, i7nmediately following the Liquor Licence Hearings which will be held in the same location beginning at '7:30 p, m. Any taxpayer within such Town of Vail may at any time pr for to the final adoption of the budget file or register his objections thereto. t f ~, ~.i 9 f ~ #r .c' 33 ~. S. r S' } r TO THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES AND DIRECTORS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL THIS IS TO ADVISE the Liquor License Hearings scheduled. for 7:30 P, M. October 7, 1968, have been cancelled. The Special 111leeting for the 1969 Proposed. Budget will therefore begin promptly at 7:30 P, M, , Monday, October 7, in the Lodge at Vail Cafeteria. There will be an earlier Meeting the same d.ay at 2:00 P. M, to be held in the Mi11 Creek Court offices in order to discuss the Budget prior to the Special Meeting. BY /s/ F. Blake Lynch Town Manager V~~ s ~ ; ~.° . '-t -• .~ '~:J i i~, I! ;;~ .:a ,..,1 „ ~i i } ti ~i~ ~~ -, ~ ORDINANCE NO ,. ~~~ E Series of 1968 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,~ I . `I AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 18, SERIES OF 19bG,;. ~ ~' .` ~,~ DEFINING PUBLIC NUISANCES WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL BY MORE SPECIFICALLY DEFINING CERTAIN NUISANCES RELATED ~~`:~.~ TO JUNKED AUTOMOBILES. ~ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN QF VAIL: ~ '~ ,., Section 1. Amendment. '~, I That Section 2, subsection (b) of Ordinance No. 1$, ~ `~I Series of 7.966, entitled "AN ORDINANCE DEFINING PUBIC NUISANCES ~ ~ WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIQN AN33~ .; PROCEDURES FOR THE ABATEMENT~THEREOF." is hereby amended by the ~':' addition of the following sentence to follow Section 2, sub- ~ '~~ section (b): It is further specifically provided that "junk" as referred to in this Ordinance shall be expressly deemed to include, without limitation, any motor vehicle that is incapable of operation under its own power; a motor vehicle shall be ~, ~ presumed incapable of operation if it has remained in one ~.ncation for a period in excess of thirty days. Section 2. Effect of Amendment. ' f l i ~~~ ~, ~a ~ ~ I, ''I ;;f { Except as hereinabove mod~.fied and amended, all other terms and provisions of Ordinance No. I8, Series of 1966, sha~.l" be deemed to remain in full force and effect and not cancelled, modified or amended by this Ordinance. 4 Section 3. Emergency. The Board of Trustees finds and determines that the passage of this Ordinance is necessary, for the immediate preset-i nation of the public health and safety of the in~.abitants of ~t~e' Town of Vail, and that this Ordinance shall become effective ',, Five (S) days after publication. READ, QASSED, ADOPTED AND ORI?ERED PUBLISHED this day of 1968. John Dobson, Mayer ATTEST: F. Blake Lynch, Town Clerk ~4~ ` • ' ~ ~~~ ..~~ z ~ i ., ij l "j i ( . NOTICE 0~' APPLICATION ~'oR FRANCHISE . i , ~' , ~~ F~ E , ~~ FUBLT_C sE~vlr,~ caMP~.~vY o~ coz.~RADO I ; 4 Pursuant to the Stctutes of the State of Colorado notice is ~ ,,: ~ ~ ,sl ' Y~~rehy given that at a regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of tiae a, ~: ~' ., ~~, . T'o,~~ oP Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, to be held on Decernb~r ';~~' " ,,~; ~;i . ~3 1968 at the hour of 7:3D o'clock P.M., at its usual ;"~ ,f place of taeet~.ng in the Mi11 Creek Court ~3uilding in Vail, Colorado, ~~, _. the 1'UBLTC SERVICE COMPANY OP COIARA.DO, a corporation duly organized Ne; 'i~ - ~ er,~ exi.ating under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Colorado, F5~ ,~.a will make application to said Town for the passage of an ordinance grant- ,.~ :~` , ,. 3 ~; ing to said Public Service Company of Colorado a franchise to provide - °~x '~ gas service in said Town fora 25-year period. Y' #:{ The proposed franchise provides for the supply of gas servd.ce ,, _ '"' ~'~ . . ~:. " in accordance with Rate Schedules Standards off' Service Rules and Rego- ~: , , 1ata.oxzs and Service Connection and Extension Policies in effect and as {, _.,. ere from time to time filed with or fixed by The Public Uti.liti~s '~ _ Co°rmiseion of the State of Colorado, Provision is made for en adequate "; ='~?' - sunp~.y of natural gas, with the right to supply other, gaseous fuels or t~: ,~. ,..~ . mixtures thereof in the event that a natural gas supply cannot reasonably ~' {';i be obta~.ned. In consideration of the grant of the franchise, a payment ?i j to the Town of two percent (2°~0) of gross revenue derived from tha sale of has, with certain exclusions and qualifications, is provided. `~ Th d f hi i bl ' il i e propose ranc se a s ava e ~ or nspection and eopi.es thereof may be obtained in the office oi' the Town Clerk in the Town Hall ~ '' in the Tom. DATED AT DENVER COLORA?70 this ~~lth day of November , , , A. D, 1868. , ` ;. ~~ PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLOP,{~PJ By ~~ ~~""'1' sident ;',; ;:; -" ~ ~. " .. . - :. ~~;~ II~ ~„" I~ ~~ ~i • f ORDINANCE N0, Series 1968 ~ ' ; I AN ORDINANCE LEVYING TAXES FOR THE YEAR 1969, TO ~ DEFRAY THE COSTS OF MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT OF VAIL, ~ COLORADO FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, ~ ~ 1969, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1969. r WHEREAS the Board of Trustees of the Town of Vail, ~ IColorado, has adopted a budget for the fiscal year beginning ~Tanuary ~., 19&9, and ending December 31, 1969; if ~~ AND, WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has determined that ;the proper mill levy upon each dollar of the assessed valuation of i `a 11 taxable property within the Town is 5 mills. ~~ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES ff - `OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO: I~ ~ ' Section l: That for the purposes of defraying the ~expenses of the General Fund of Vail Colorado Burin the fiscal > > S ;year beginning on January 1, 1969, and ending on December 31, 1969,1 'there is hereby Levied a tax of 5 mills upon each dollar of the ~'i j~total assessed valuation of all taxable property within the Town !;flf Vail for the year 1969. ~ ~~ ~ ! Section 2: That the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and ?` directed to immediately certify to the County Commissioners of ~ '~Eag1e County, Colorado, the total tax levy for the Town of Vail j , ,'Colorado, as is herein set forth. i INTRODUCED, READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this ~~ day of October, 1968. ~; TOWN OF VAIL ~ I€ ~~ ~~ By ~ is i ' Mayor {F j !' TTEST : ~. ai it Town Clerk i~ si ~' • • • '~. i R E S O L U T I O N BUDGET - CERTIFICATION OF MILL LEVY STATE OF COLORADO ) 55 COUNTY OF EAGLE ) The undersigned, Chairman and Secretary of Vail, General Improvement District, do hereby certify that a meeting of the Board of Directors was held on October , 1968, and the following Resolution was adopted by a majority of At least four Directors, constituting a quorum, were present at the meeting. BE IT RESOLVED, That, whereas the assessed valuation of taxable property located within the corporate limits of the Vail General Improvement District for the year 1968, as certified to by the Assessor, Eagle County, Colorado, is $5,147,215.00; THEREFORE, the Chairman and Secretary of Vail General Improvement District are hereby authorized to certify to the Board of County Commissioners, Eagle County, Colorado, the following aggregate amounts which the Board deems necessary to raise from.,the taxable property of said District to finance the expenditures of operation, maintenance and improvements of the Vail General Improvement District; See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Directors of Vail General Improvement District do and hereby does adopt as its budget far the year commencing January 1, 1969, to and including December 31, 1969, Exhibit "A"; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Directors of the Vail General Improvement District do and it hereby does levy upon all property, real, personal and mixed, within the corporate limits of the said Vail General Improvement District, for valuation purposes as herein described, a mill levy of v2 mills. The mi11 levy from the preceding year was ~, mills. Dated: October 196$. ATTEST: VAIL GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT By Cha~.rman Secretary • • • • TpWN OF VAIN,. t~~N~RAL ,FUND TR~A.SUftE~' S RBPO~tT Oc~~.:ober 31, 1968 Financial S~atem~nt Ba'.ance in Bank of Va~.l Regular Accqunt as of 9/30/68 $32~fl35.33 l:ecei~ts during October. Bond Deposits $ -~_ ~~~«es and General Occupat a.on Taxes 8 , 9 3 ~ . tt 6 Utility Occupation Tax 71?.12 ?-'arking Fees .-~- Liy uor License Fees - State --- , Liquor License Fees -Town ---- Court Fines ~ Fees 219.75 Building Inspection Fees 95.50 Street Repair Fees 546.28 Highway Users Tax 192.65 Management Fees ---- Accounts Receivable 3,612.55 Buildzng Permit Deposits Sfl.flfl Reimbursements ~ Refunds 154.72 Miscellaneous Revenue 113.72 14,594,7'5 $4S,63fl.fl8 ~:~isb~~zrsements during October Board of Trustees $ 814.8$ Police Magistrate 100. p0 Ar~ministrat~.on 8 3 0 , 46 P.Lanning -~-- r~,..1 ice Department 1, 4 Q 8.7 7 Street Maintenance 986.92 Building Inspection 25.75 Parking Lots ---- S~:reet Lighting --- Parks and Grounds P~aintenance ---- y y~,u Protection District 563.91 'recreation District 8,?37.27 :dater District 1,1~~6,20 :an:;.t'ation District 1,528.2fl Liability Accour,;.~c; 15,368.84 r:~yro1l ~_ccu~.:nts 13,318,49 Reimbursable Expenses 313.22 .4'1.7. Lepartments, Capita. Ou-[:' ~y 6,OQa.U0 5,3.,16?,9 Balance in Bank of Vail ?~g~itar Recount as of 1QI31I66 $!',532.85) Respect: rul ~. ~~ ~E1'.;na.':t~=d , F. B1~.ke Lyr,ch Secretary/ ar~~.asu:^e-^ • • TOWN OF VA~L GENERAL FUND • • TREASURER~S;R£PORm September 30, 1968 Financial Statement Balance in Bank of Vail Regular Account as of 8/31/68 $ 2,632.40 Receipts during September Bond Deposits $ ...._ Sales and General Occupation Taxes 1.3,608.68 Utility Occupation Tax 370.64 Parking Fees ..-.. Liquor License Fees - State --- Liquor License Fees - Town --- Court Fines ~ Fees 415.00 Building Inspection Fees 401.00 Street Repair Fees 892.94 Highway Users Tax 1.54.06 Management Fees 63,600.00 Accounts Receivable 2,963.46 Miscellaneous Revenue 143.00 82,548.78 $85,181.18 • Disbursements during September Board of Trustees $ 732.32 Police Magistrate 111.65 Administration 1,028.57 Planning 9,00 Police Department 1,228.99 Street Maintenance 3,073.29 Building Inspection 81,00 Parking Lots ---- Street Lighting 64.33 Parks and Grounds Maintenance 1.9.55 Fire Protection District 950,58 Recreation District 8,543.41 Water District 1,996.92 Sanitation District 1,663.96 Liability Accounts 5,468.75 Payroll Accounts 18,965.55 Reimbursable Expenses 1.08.98 A11 Departments, Capital. Outlay 11,100.00 53,145.85 Balance in Bank of Vail Regular Account as of 9/30/68 X32,035.33 Resgec:~.fu1.1y. submitted, F, ~31ake Lynch Secretary/Treasurer t • • t 00C7Q4Q QOdO004COdCCOQO O d d d O d d 0 0 0 0 d Odd C? O O d Q Q O Q G7 Q Q O O O O O O A O C3 C:~ d d C~ C~ A Q w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w W w w w w on oo ~ -.1 ~1 ~l -.~ ~7 ~ ~1 -.l ~ Lri O~ O~ CT C7r O~ cr T LT ~-•+ O +O Qo ~l O~ In fP w N w p rD po ~1 ~ c.1ti EP W N w r ti w r w w t••+ h.. --~ ~.+ +r ~ w w ~-+ i..E f••+ i-+ r w F.+ CTt tT LT LT In Ut u l31 tat tJt t7~ k13 t]'1 l7i t» LA t.f! tlt CT1 E~j11 tJ'1 N Q~ O~ O~ ~ O~ O~ O~ t]~ tri to to t1t to l~'i lJ1 tat ~P !P N Or O~ tP to w N r+ O ~D 00 ~1 ~ LTA +~ W N w G3 ~ Oo to n • • i.j+ w w t•r w w w w w F-+ w +•+ -•+ w w w -••~ w t+~+ w ~..+ +-~ +•+ r•W w'"[~ l' ~C~O~CrG~ O~rn C~G~cTrn~~~crrn~~rn~rn ~a~~ -J CCYZ77 W V •.1 ~.1 •.1 -.1 O~ ~ fS O~ Q~ d~ C~ fT O~ i7~ to t1~ tr tt~ w W trJ N W EA •rl N ~ +-~ A .fl 00 ~] <T W FP W N ~•- O ~A Ao -•# 4` w ~ N s? ~"` ~" ryc~~-~n~nbyb~x~c~~~y~~~ dd~o ~ ~ro ~ "~ ~'" tJ~:~~ti~'•w ~'~ p K~ xm~w~n ~°~,..~~a~'Krnro~ ~ m ~ ~ ~' ~ tr1 psi va, ~ d o bd ' ~• w bd ~ ~ `~ ~ ~ , ~ ~' ~n p H+ a~ ~ ~ ~ `•`• # `C ~• can ~ n ~ a ~ ~ ~ ro n ~' 0 a e ro ~ ~ c~ H ~ ~ p ~ d ~ ~] b bd dd bd hd bd bd Gd 'Y1 b b x ~ N C ui ~ "~ ~ w w o ~ ~ a ~ ~+ N W ~: o ~ A~ w ro n ,~ x ~, to n ~ K+ K ~ w ~ K r~a K~ ca.a ~~ aa ro~ ro ro w ro ro o rt~~ t+• ~+ p ~, W ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~'"' ~ y HH HH HH ~ ~ ~ ~: ro a d ~ ~^! 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V1 UI ~ ~ Qi° ~ ~ t UQ 'Ci K y M "C1 tp w ~ ~ n ~ ~ t -t ?~ fD C/S ~ ~ N ~ +~ ~ ~ to ~ ~` { p 4 rs a ro ~ ~ ors • ~ w w cv a iv cv a n~ u~ ul -.s ca ,p ,.~ O c31 O cat »,l Ljl .D ~ w ttl tip ~ •.] Q r • w • • • • ~ • • • • • O ~D r+ -J .D rA 00 Oo t-+ O rP rP tlD H O Ul Vl O C'~ t+ p0 V'~ t-+ O N O~ ~i r • • • • TS~IE TO~tN OF VAIL I968 OP£RATZY~G BUDGET APPROPRIATION A~xD EXPEivDITURE REPORT FOR NINE MONTHS ENAI~vv SEPTEMBER 30, x.368 • • SUMMARY GF REVENUE RECETFTS Sales and General Occupation Taxes Uti~.ity Occupation Tax Park~.ng Fees Liquor Fees Court Fines and Fees Building Inspect~.on Fees Street Repair Fee s Highway Users .Tax ~•Iiscel.laneous Revenue Management Fees - Water and Sanitation Management Fees - Fire Department Management Fees -- ~ . Recreation District TOTAL REVENUE ~1 ~~ • Antica.pated Tata3 x.968 $131,2D0.00 7,200.OD 4,6D0.00 1,600.OD 1,400,OD 3,OOO.OD 3,500 .OD 1,900.00 S,OOO.OD 98,100.00' 12,~DO.DD X9,300.00 $319,200.00 Actual Total. Nine Months $3.24,~F2~.60 ~,~29.13 2,0.00 4sD.Da 1,86.00 3, 280 . u~3 ~,58~'r ..t'SE} 1,568.52 7,53.95 98,100.00 6,200.00 22,000.04 $2?1,635.80 APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES REPORT Ap propriation Actual 1958 Expended unexpended ACTIVITY Total Nine Months Balance BOARD Off' TRUSTEES: Personal Sarva.ces Other Personal Services $ --- $ 920,00 $ (920,00) Contractual Services Advertisa.ng $ 1,600.00 $ 752.52 $1,047.x+8 Dues and Subscript~.ons 100.00 101.66 (1.66) Professa.©nal Fees 12,000.00 8,780.19 8,219,81 Travel Expense 500.00 ~ 138.52 361.45 Other ~ 300.00 108.36 193.64 Sub-Tota1 $ 14,700.00 $ 9,879.25 $4,820.75 Commodities Other Commodities $ 300.00 ~ $ 303.58 $ (3.58) Sub-Total. $ 304.00 $ 303.55 $ 13.58) Board of Trustees TOTAL ~$15,004.00~ $ 1].,102.83 $3,897.17 POLICE MAGISTRATEc Personal Services Otter Personal Services $ 1,200.00 $ 700.00 $ 500.00 Sub-Total $ 1,240.00 $ 7110.00 $ 500.00 Contractual. Services Rent ~ $ 600.00 $ --= $ 604.00 Other 200.00 56.15 113.85 Sub-Total $ 500.00 $ 8$.15 $ 713.$5 Commodities Other commodities. $ 200.00 $ .35.39 $ 1.61.61 Sub-Total $ 200.00 $ 35.39 $ 161,61 Police i~agxstrate TOTAL $ 2,200.00 $ 824.54 $1,375.46 • APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES REPORT Appropriation Total ACTIVITY 1.988 ADMINISTRATION: Personal Services Insurance Charges $ 370.00 Pensions 8 Sac. Security 640.00 Salraries 8 Wages--~Fu11. 14,35fl.Ofl Salaries 8 Wages Part Time l , 3{30 , 00 Salaries ~ Wages Adj. 500 Sub-Total $17,i20.~00 Contractual Services Advertising $ 25.00 Car Allowance 350.00 Dues 8 Subserzptions 50.00 Insurance Charges 15(3.00 Mainfi. 8 Repair--Bldus. 50.00 Postage 1.20.00 Print~.ng 150.00 Professional `r'eel 200.00 kent 1,200.40 'recording 8 Abstraction 100.00 ~:c:lephone ~ 2,400.00 Travel Expense 350.00 . Other 200.00 Sub-Total $ 5,345.00 Cc~rnmoaities ' • Actual Expended Nine Mofiths Unexpended Balance $ 22I.20 636.15 13,317.55 $].4,].74.90 $ 52.20 9.00 70.00 265~6~6 144.80 1.63.18 304.73 2,1.48.00 30.00 1,31.2.82 475.53 1,209.75 $ 5,169.67 $ 148.80 (36.15) 1,,082.45 1,300.00 5ao.oo $2,945.10 $ €27.2[11 341.00 (20.00) {115.65) 50.00 (24.$0) (18.181 (104.73} 52.00 7fl .00 1,087,1.8 (1.28.58} (1,009.75) $ 1.5b.33 books 8 Periodicals $ 100,00 $ 56.91 $ 43.09 Yaicense Tags 50.00 7.15 42.85 Office Supplies 500.00 564.25 [84.25) Other 10(3.00 239.82 (139.82) Sub-Total $ 750.00 $ 868.1.3 $ (118.1.33 Capital Outlay Office Eclui.pment Radio Equipment Sub--Total Administrative TO1.'AL $ 400.00 $ 43'3.50 ($ 3'7.53) 375.00 373.3.8 ( 4.17) $ 775.00 $ 81.6.66 ($ 41.66} $23,990.00 $2I,04g.36 $2,940.64 • • APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDITURES REPORT ~ .J • • Appropriation Actual ' Total Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY 1968 Nine Months Balance PLANNING: Personal Serv~.ces ualaries 8 Wages $ 2,500.00 Sub--Total $ 2,500.00 Contractual Services Professional Fees $ 3,500.00 Other 50fl.00 Sub-T'o'tal ~ $ ~+ YOOa .00 Commodities Books 8 Periodicals $ 100.00 Office Supplies 75.00 Other 75.00 Sub-Total $ 250.00 Capital putlay Office Equa.pment $ 200.00 Sub Total M 200.00 Planning ' TOTAL $ 6,950.00 $ --- $ 2,500.00 $ --~- $ 2,50x.00 $ 725.28 $ 2,774.72 18.80- 481.20 $ 744.0$. $3,255..92 $ 62.25 $ 37.75 43.00 32.00 58.25 16.75 $ 163.50 $ 86.50 $ -__.~- $ 200.00 $ ----- $ 20fl.00 $ 907.58 $ 6,042.42 ~ ! APPROPRIA'.~'ION A'_VD' EXPENDITURES RETORT Appropriation Actual Total Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY 3.968 Nine I~©nths Balance POLTGE: Personal Services Insurance: Charges $ 885.0a $ 762.4D $ 122.60 Pensions and Soc. , Security ~ 1,550,00 1,1.27.13 422.87 Salaries and Wages ~'u11 38,125.00 28,3DO.a2 9,824.98 Salaries-Part T~.me 1.,300,00 33.a0 ],,267.00 Salaries 8 wages 500.00 ~ -~- 5aa.00 Salaries 5 wages -- Equip . Mai.ntenanee --- ~ 12 5.93. ( l 2 5.91) Sub-»Total $42,36a.OD $ 30g34S.46 $1.2,011..54 Cantractual Services Dues 8 Subscriptions $ 80.Oa $ 60.00 $ 20.00 Insurance ~ 70q.0€? $66,66 (166,58} Maint . 8 Repair-B3.dg, ~~ 50 , as -- 50. DQ Maint. ~ Repair Vehicle 200.00 ~ -- 20a.00 Postage ~~0.00 ~ 22.36 l'7.64 Prinking ~ 3.00.00 80.30 3.9.70 Professiarxal Fees 30a.a0 223.50 76.50 Rent 1,500.a0 1,000,D0 50a.00 Telephone 1,100.OD 867.29 232.7,], Training Expense 400.00 423,08 {23.x8) Travel Expense, 150,00 147.56 2.44 Other 7.,a0D,D0 534.04 465.96 Sub-Total $ 5,82(3.C~J $ 4,224.75 $ 1,335.23. Commodities Books 8 Periodicals $ 75.afl $ 31.39 $ 43.63 Chemical, Drug 8 , , Lab. Supplies 165.0a 157.(35 {2.05) Clothing 3.,100.D0 ],,a41.56 58.44 Motar Fuels ~ Lube. 600.00 931.93 (331.93) Office Suppl~.es ~ 20a , a0 149 , 83 5D .17 Other 1,232.(30 7"78.22 453.78 Sub-Total $ 3,372.00 $ 3,099.38 $ 272.02 Capital Outlay Motor Vei:ieles $ 1,950.00 $ 1,956.95 $ (6.95) Off~.ce Eq.uip;aent 1.50. as 99.5a. 50, 50 Radio Equ~.~nment 375.00 903..64 (526.64) Sub-'T'otal $ 2,475.00 $ 2,958.(}9 ($ 485.09) Yolic~e: TOTAL; $53,827.00 $413,631.32 $13,1.95.68 • • • APPROPRIA'T'ION AI~iD E~;PENDTTi3RES REPORT Appropriation Actual Total Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY 1968. Nine Manti3s Balance ~ ~ STREET i"fAIN'PENANCE Personal Services Insurance Charges $ 270.00 $ 446.60 $ (176.80) Pensions 5 Social Security ~FS0.04 8SZ.53 (402.53} Salaries ~ Wages Fu3.1. 10,000.00 12,428.37 (2,428.37) Salar~.es 5 Wages Adj. b00,44 147.26 352.74 Salaries 6 Wages - Temp. St30:00 1,566,67 {1,066.673 Excavation 6 Restora-~ tian - Water Tap Connections «~-~~- 242.78 {242.78} i::xcavation 5 Restoration San. Sewer Connections M-~-- 71.,50 ( 7I.50 ) Equipment xlaintenance 775.38 (?75.38) Sub-Total $11;720.00 516,531.49 ($ 4,811.08 Contractual Serva~ces Car Allowance $ 5E3.00 $ 21.54 $ 28.48 Insurance Charges 500.00 777.68 0.77.58} Laundry Serv~.ce 140.00 3.27.53 12,47 Maim. ~ Repair 300.00 226.58 73.42 Rent 2,004.00 544.04 1,455.00 Other ~ ,3,,004.00 3,394.43 (2,398.43) Dump ~..a 1,524.50 (1,524.50) -~iacr~xne Time -~- .. 1.88.84 (188.84) Sub-Total $ 4,090.40 $ 5,809.3.0 ($ 2,73.9.10) Comr~od~.ties ' Street Rep. 8 Maint. . Materials $ 5,00(}.40 $ 1,269.07 $ 3,73p.93 Machinery ~ Equip. Parts ~ Supplies 3,200.00 439.42 2,'160.58 i~~gtor Fue3.s 8 Lobe 750.(30 1,3.35.23 (435.23) Signs 300.04 133.40 166.60 Sma11 '1'oo3.s 400.00 372.08 27.92 Other 504.00 215.86 284.14 Sub-Total 53.0,3.50.00 $ 3,63.6.fl6 $ 68533.94 Capital Out3.ay Pipe and Culvert ~ $ 8U0,00 $ w-~ $ 800.00 Meehan. Equip. 3,000.00 3.2,037.59 9,037.59 Sub-Total $ 3,800.80 $12,037.59 $ 8,23'7.59 STREET .~1AINTENANCE TOTAL $29,764.(30 $38,993.34 (5 9,233.84). .9PPROPR~AT~ON AND EXPENAITURES REPQRT Apgragr~.at~.on Actual Total Expended Unexpended ACTrVITY 1.968 Nine Months Ba3,ance BUTLDTNG INSPECTION: Persona3. Serv~.ce5 Insurance Charges $ 50.00 $ .---~ $ ~©•40 P~:ns~.ans ~ Soc. See. 160.00 ---~- l64•.QO Salaries ~ Wages ~'u3.1. 3,600.00 605.00 2,937.0(3 Sub-•Tota1 $ 3,85Q.~}Q S 60.00 $ 3,247.flE~ Contractual Services Car Allowance $ 50.04 $ ~ -- $ 5fl . fl4 Fro~'esszonal fees 540.00 -- 500.04 Travel Expense 100.44 ---- 144.00 Other -~_ 7.35 17.35) Sub-Total. $ 650.00 S 7.35 •$ 642.65 Commodities Books ~ Per~.odicals $ 54.00 $ -- $ 54.00 O~fa.ce Supp3.ies 100.00 40.20 59.80 Sub-Total $ 1.50.00 $ 4A.20 $ 109.80 Bui3rding Inspection TOTAL $ 4,650.00 $ 65t?.55 $ 3,999,4a FARKIP~G LdT5: Personal Services Pensions ~ Soc. Sec. $ 104.00 ~ $ --~ $ 1.40.00 Salaries ~ Wages Temp, 1,800.00 _- . 3.,640.00 Sub-Tota3~ $ 1,90fl.00 $ ---~ $ 1,900.00 Contractual. Services Insurance Charges $ 200.40 $ 3.75.04 $ 25.4fl Printing 1.04.04 -- 3.0 0.00 Other 3_,000.00 296.1.0 703.90 Sub-Total $ 1,300,00 $ 471.,14 $ 828.90 Coinrnod~.ties Other Cornmadit~.es $ 200.00 $ --- $ 240.44 Sub-Total. $ 204 , f30 $ --- $ 244 . b0 Parking Lots TOTAL - $ 3,400.40 $ 471,1.0 $ 2,328:90 • • APPROk'RIATION AND EXPENDITUREa REPORT Ap~arapriata.4n Ac~ua1. Tcatal Expended Unexpended ACTIVITY 19Fi9 N~.ne Y~onths Balance RECREATION bEPART*4ENT: Personal Services Sa3.ari®s ~ C~lages $ 560 , 00 $ 240.04 $ 324.Ot~ Sub-T©ta1. $ 560.44 $ 24t3.OQ $ 32x,44 Contractua3. Services Advertising $ ---~ $ 1.56.62 $ 0,56.62 ) Insurance 1.,1.00,40 1,1.78,75 (78.7x) Plannzng Consultant 750.04 1.75.15 &74.85 Les.se Rentals Z~.,200.40 •»-_ 1,1,204.04 Utilities 500.Ofl 644.x+5 (1,04.453 pf#'~.ce Equipment 1,fl04.4C1 742.7.9 757.$1 . Property Taxes 2,100.00 ~~-_ 2,140,04 Sub-~xata~. $1.6,550.00 S 2,3a7.~1.6 ~ 51~,242.8~ ADMINISTRATION TOTAL $17,2].4.40 $ 2,59'7.16 514,612.84 (GQLF) Personal Services Pcnsa.ons u Soc. Sec. $ --~--- $ 1.,27'+.58 ~$ 1.,2'74.5$3 Salara.es and Wages Adntina,etrat~,on 6,444.04 3,183..65 5,218.35 Salaries ~ wages Maintenance 9,'754.fl4 1.4,219,65 (4,463.65) Salaries 6 adages Rep. ~ Maint. Equip. ---~- 124.54 (124.54) Sub-Total 518,150.OG~ 518,840.42 $ (554.42) v. Contractual Ser ~.ces Advertising $ 500.4q $ 54p.Qfl $ -~-- Equipment Repairs . ~---- 361.93 t9s1.933 Go3.~ Cart Lease 5,000.44 3,300.84 1,740.04 Other --~_ 861..27 ( 861, .27 ) Sub-Tata1~ $ 5,504.40 $ 5,423.2{) $ 478.84 Commodities Building Maim. $ 300.04 $ 7.43.78 $ 1.56,22 Equip. Rep. 6 ~~Iaint. 1,OOO.OC1 520.03 473,37 Gas, fli3., Grease 704.00 610.58 fZ1.0.583 I~~Iiscellaneous Supplies 540.04 3,66S.a1 (3,188.43.3 Water System Rep. ~ Maa.n. 54FJ.~30 531.34 (83,.30) Fertilizer 1.,040.40 1.,337.43 (337.433 Seed 204.00 1.46.49 {45. t-93 ~'un~i.c,ides, Insectic~~.d es SQ0.40 309.41. 194.59 Tap Dressing Materials 5©0.40 ~-a 500.00 Sub-Total $ 5,1.00.00 $ 7,487,03 $(2,387.03) GOLF TOTAL $28,'150.00 531.,310.E5 ($2,56(1.653 APPROPRIATT©N AND EXPENDITURES REPORT Appropriat~.Qn Total ACTSVITY 1~6g (T£NAi25 ) Personal Serv3.aes Social Security * _..- Salaries ~ [Wages Adm~.n.istration 2, 2 0, 0 0 Sa~.ar~,es ~ f~fagee Equ~.p. I~ep. 6 Maint. -w- Salar~.es ~ Wages -- Other 400. n0 Sub-Total $ 2,6~(3,OQ • Actua3. Expended Nine i°Ionths Unexpended Balance "f'J w~L? 865.64 255,83 $ 1,16.95 1,37u;36 {255.83) ~OQ,ao $ 1,475.i3~5 Contractual Serv~.ces Advertising $ ~-__ ~$ x.40.00 $ (140,00) Other x.06.45 C106.45) Miscellaneous ~'ro, r~~ Ser. 100.0(3 (100..Ofl) Sub--Total. $ _--_ $ 36,45 ($ 36,45} Coinmadities Equip . Repa~.re ~ . i~a~.nt~nance ~$ ~w~. $ 41.63 $ (1.63} Ba3.~.s, ?t~.sc, 700.00 1,705,39 (1,005.39} Courts - I~epa.~.re ~ Ma~.n.tenance ----_ x.90.0 3 (190.0 3 } Sub-Total. $ 700.00 $ 1,937.05 {$ 1,237.05) 7:`ENNIS TOTAL $ 3,34O,Q0 $3,x+48,45 E$ ' ZOB,45} RECREATION DEPARTMENT TOTAL $49,300.00 $37,356.26 S11,g43.?~ ~. ~ ~ + WATER DEPARTi.EN`1' Persarxal Services $28,750.00 $ -- $ ---~ hater 'treatment Plant Saint. ~ Orer, --- 3,695,97 ~~ Grater 'Frans . I~~.nes ~ Valves Insp. ~ r~itee. -- 1,~.1J.31 Fire Hydrants Insp. 6 Mtce -- 195.00 Glater ~ Tap Connections --- 302 , 0~. Spring Taps & Gdater Storage--Insp. ~ Puce. 981,99 . • Equipment P~aintenance -- 199.#2 ether -w- 13,241.27 .. Sub Total $28,750,00 $198734,97 $ 9,0.5,03 • • APPROPRiATI()N AND EXPENDITURES REPORT Appropra~atiori Actual. ~'cstal Expended Unexpexzded ACTIVITY 1968 Nine Months ~3~lance WATER DEPARTMEI`iT {Continued) Contractual Services Archi.tectua7, ~ Engineering $ 50.00 a 23,40 $ 26.60 ~~iisc, Profes5~.onal 25.0!? 383.37. (358.31.) Auto. Allowance 250.flfl 63.35 l.Sfi.65 Postage 300.00 ~r9,92 230,08 Travel ~ Training 350.00 232.00 11.8.Q0 Printing 50.00 75.00 (25.00) Power Pux~ehased 4,590,40 - 3,671..83 Electricity C~ther) 126,00 8.7'7 116,23 I•teati.ng Fuel. ~3. y200, 00 677. ~8 522.1.2 Telephone 750.00 ~ 702.017 47.93 ~11,dg, Repaa.rs and - tiaintenance 1.00.00 ~- 100.001 Grounds TM1ai.ntenanae 150'. 00 ~- ~ 1.5U • 00 Streat Repairs 40fl.00 0fl 234. ~ 146.00 Equipment Repairs ~ 300.(10 310.79 {10.79} Autamotive Repairs 1.7 5.0 0 4.4 8 .1.7 D • 5 2 Snow• Removal, 175.00 3.00 3.72,00 Painting 54.00 -- 50.00 Office Cleaning 501.40 50.001 -~° Offa.ca Equipment Rental 2fl0.001 82.60 1.17.40 Offa.ce $ui.lding T',enta3. 500.00 550.fl~1 {50.00 ~~isc. Rental 50,00 80,35 034,363 5oc~.a1 Secur~.ty 1.,004.00 8~a5.54 14.46 Surety nonds 50, 70 r~- 50,fl0 Workmen's Comp. 4G0.00 279,50 1,201.50 Autor~obxl.e InSUranCS: 250.00 1.17.5a ~-32.50 Fire Extended Coverage 550 ,fl4 -~- ~ 550.00 Liability Prop. Dam. Ins. 300._00 93.87 246,].3 ' Employee Group Insurance 800.00 386.25 213. 75 Associ~.tion Dues 25.04 -~- 25.00 Reception 50.00 50.00 newspaper Subscription 1.3.00 20.00 {~=Ofl) Special. Use Permit 25.00 7.,25 23.75 sub-~Tota~. r~.~,~.o3,a4 ~ fi,ss~.s7 ~ ~-,~ns.~~ Commou'ita.es pffa.ce Supplies $ 6501.00 $ 21.5.33 ~ 434,69 :Maps ~ Publications 25.04 15.00 10.04 131dg, tta~.nt . Supplies 700.00 70 . ~+4 629.56 Grounds A~aint. Sup. 440,80 _-- 404.00 Pa~.nt~.ng Supplies 54.Ofl 67.92 {3.7.92) ~idware , £ Sma~1. Tools 84(1.00 100.38 ? 39 , 62 Snsta.tuta.anal. Supplies 250.80 41..1.5 208.85 Gas 8 Oil 800t .4f1 351,.31, 448.69 Automotive Suppl~.es 44D.00 94.31. 305.69 Uniform .accessories 100.00 51.44 48.56 Fhotctgragh~.c Supplies 1.0.00 _ 10 , f30 F~S~.cs . Cammadities 1.25 , 00 7'7.92 47 .28 ila~.ntenance Supplies 585.010 1,2'71..~~-Z 0585-.'~1) t4at. 6 Sup. {Chemicals ) 1,5001.(}0 22..68 1,278.32 . Parts for Machinery 85p.04 1.,23.63 72 0884.63) ?B u'12 8 3 Sub-Total. S 7,285.0f1 S 3,81,2. . , Water TOTAI~ $49,7.38.00 $32.544.36 $16,593.64 • U • APPROPRIATION ANA EXPEi•1I3ITURES REPORT`. ACTIVITY FIRE DEk"ARTMENT (CO~tT1NUED 3 Commoda.t~.es :=gpropr~.atzon Total 1968 Office Supplies $ 25fl,00 Mapu and F'ublicat~.nns 25.00 Bu~.ld~.n~ hZaintenanee 3,25 . d0 Grounds tiaintenance 50,00 Paint.in~ Supp~.ies 50.00 ~iardware and Small Tools 175.00 I nst~.tutional Supplies 0 t~ 0~ 1 0, [/ .~. Gc`3S and Oil ~q {f 4~ { 3V0.Ofl Automotive Accessories 3.50.00 F~.re i:'~.ghting Supplies 500:00 Uniform Accessories 25.00 riiisael~.aneous Commodities' 10fl.00 Materials and Sup~a3.ies (Chemicals} 100,00 Par-~s for Machinery and Ec~u~.prnent 50 , 00 Sub-Total. $ 2,000.00 Fare Department TOTAL $12,400.Qt1 CAP'I'TAL OUTLAY: "~3.O,Ofl0.Ofl APPROPRI.A.TION AND EXPENDTT'URE ~ZEPORT . ~RANi4 TOTAL: ~ 4 $31g,20Q.Q0 • Actual Expended unexpended N'~,ne ~~or~ths Balance ~ 152.95 $ 97,05 4.04 2fl.96 60.Q3 64.97 23..87 2$ . ~.3 -~-- a0.00 22 9 9 . fl , 91 14 5 ..}} ~M / ~ V / .5v y, n VL R43. I93.45 3.fl8.55 17.x.0 1.32.9fl 91.00 409.00 3.22.44 (97.40} 4x.25 54,75 219.74 {3.19.74} 71.59 (21,59} ~~1,096,10 $ 903.90 $ 8,669,23. $ 3,73(1.79 $12 ,+~29 .90 (~ 2 ,429.90 } s24s,~~x.74 ~s~,~s~.as • • • APPROPRIAT24rd ANA EXPENDITURES REPORT Appragx~iation Actual Total. E~€gended ACTIVITY 1.968 ~. Nine Months FZ~ZE DEPAP.TMEI~T PerSOndl. 4~~1. v~. t. ~F7 ~ 5 ~4U~ a ~U Y rr Sa~.ara~es to Regular Employees ~-~ 1,917.50 Salaries ~ Equipment and P~iaintenance -•-~ ~~~ • 76 Sub~Total. $ 5,0tf0.fl#~ ~ ~ 2,690.26 Contractual Services Milo. Professional. Service ~ 80,04 S 47.89 Autontiob~.l.e Allowance 30.40 "'" PastaB;e 50 .'0~3 55.96 Tr~v~i ~~d T~~~n~~~ ioa.4o 3€~0.0~ ~~~~~r~~.~~.ty goo . oo ~~o , 50 ~ieating Fue3. ~ 500.04 4#3.93 4~a~Cer and Sewer 2U0.04 94.00 Tel.ephane 554.04 936.44 Bu~.].din~; Repairs 8 Mtce . I40.00 52.74 EgUi'prsent Repairs ~ 300.00 $5 , 83 Automotive ?epai.rs 150.00 95.25 Pa~,nt~.ng 50.40 '"" ~Siscellaneous ktep2i.rs and Ma~.ntenance 25.00 ""' Offa.ce Equipment Rental 1.50 . nil 69.95 Land Lease 54©.4t} 485.27 Pliace~.laneQUS Rentals 54.40 `~' Surety ~`orgery and 1~urglary Bands 201 • t10 "~` Workmen' s Compensation 25E1. t}0 2 87 • DO Autamot3.ve Insurance 650.40 535.00 Fire and Extended Coverage 54.00 ZD~+,00 Liability and Property ~ Damage Insurance Z54 , 00 08 223 . Personal Tn~ury Znsuranoe 6x0,40 652.86 Assoc~.ation Dues 10x.00 20.00 ~4isce~.Zanevus Contractual 225.00 224.75 Stab--Total a 5,40(1,00 S x+,892.95 Unexpended Bal.anee ~ ~w $ 2,3~.9.'~~ ~ 32.11 3f1.00 (5.361 c2~a.~~~ 99.50 ~~.~~ ZZO .fl0 X386.44) A/ 8 7.26) .w ~ ~ R ~ / 54s75 50.00 X5.00 80.05 41.73 50.06 240.0a (37.fl0~ 1Z5.DEl (54.00) 173.06) c~a.s63 84 ,i30 ,25 $ 507.15 • • • • • • APPROFRZAT?~(3N ANb £XPEN~ITURES RIa~'ORT Agprogr~,ation Actual Tatar. Ea~}~ended Uxaexgended ACTIVITY 1968 nine x~onths Salanne SANITAT~:ON DEPAIZT~:RN`.I' (Cpd~1'STNU£D) Cammada,t~,es Office Supp~.~.es ~ 650.40 $ 19Q.08 ~ ~a0.92 Maps and Publications 25.00 --- 25,04 Bui~.din~ Maintenance SuQg~.ies 74Q.00 ~6.1~. 653.89 Grounds raintenance Supp~.ies 400 . Q4 -~- ~L3fl .00 Paintz.ng Supp~.~.es 54.04 1.9.36 (69.96} Hardware and Small. Too~.s 560.00 89.68 X74.37 Institutional 8upg~.ies 25Q.04 43..15 246.85 Gas and Oil. 80'.40 37.92 462.08 Auton3otzve Accessories 400.04 46.4I 358.59 Uniform Accessories 100.00 51.4b 48.55 Photographic Supplies ~ 1Q,QO -~- 3.0,00 :Miscellaneous Commodities 125.00 8Q.65 X4.35 Maintenance 5upp3.ies 295.44 368.78 {78.76) I~aterial6 and Supplies (Chemi.cals} 500.00 1,385.00 (685.0[3) Parts fox+ tiachinery . and Iaquipment ~ 85Q.OQ 3,,fl~32.55 0.82.553 Sub-Tota3. $ 5,715.00 $ 3,808.49 $ 1,906.93. 5s.nitatic~n 7epart.nent TQTAL; ~4a,962.00 $44,777.74 $ 8,I84.26 u • APPR03?RIATICN ANri EXPEFd3a1TL'RI~S RFP(3R~' • ACT?"V1xX Agprapriat3on Tr~tal ~.'~ 6 8 SAId3:'~ATIQN AEPARTMENT Personal Services Treatment Plant t~a~.nt . $ 4perat~.an Sewer ~'rur~k Line , P~anhal.e:~ , P~iaint . ~ Rep . Sewer Connections 7nsta1lat~.an 3:qu3,pment Maintenance gther P~a.c3~-Vail Surer Plant $26,750.t3p • Actua3~ Expended Na.ne Months ~ ~w 6,09$.08 Unexp~:nded Ba3.ance ~ ~~ ..» . -_ 2,331.63. .. _,. ~- ~- 3 ~ . 6 3 -~ ~.-~ 22.37 ~~ _~ 16,260. $S ^~~ ~-~ 351.83 -~ Sub~Tcztal 528750.00 ~+25.x99.4(1 ~ 3,650.60 • • Gantractual Services Arch~.tectura3. ~ Eng~.neering $ SA.flQ $ 23.4fl S 26.6Q Mi.sG. i~ro~essional ~ 2x.00 299.3Q (274.30) ~`~utvmob~.3.e A3.laraance 254.OD 93„ 35 158.55 F~ostage 3QQ . 00 69.93. 2 30 , 49 Tr~ve3. ~ Tra~.ning 350.00 253.,1.4 98.86 Pr~,nting 50.0(1 ~ 75,00 (25.fl0) Power Furchased 4,43.O.fl0 8,547,(17 862.03 Electr~.c~.ty (A3.3. Other) 3.25. DQ 8.77 3.3:6.23 Haat~.ng Fue3. 2,8QQ.gQ 3,955.77 (1,155.77} Telephone 750.0(1 702.09 47.93. m1~3g. Repaa.rs 0 Pftce. 1©0.00 ~- 1Q0.40 C,rounds ~~la~.ntenar~ce 154 , OD 47.00 10 3 . U 0 Street Repa3.rs ~~Itce. 40Q,DQ 4aD.Ofl Equipment Repazrs 3Q(1.04 59.77 240.23 Automotive Repa~.rs 175.00 4.47 3.70,x3 Snow Remc~va3. 3,75.©(3 3.gfl 3.72.00 Painting 5fl . fl0 ~-~ 5(3 . Qt1 Office Cleaning SD.flf1 ~ SO.0~3 ~~ u~.pment ~:ental 0~'tice Ec~ 20fl . 04 82.61 3.1.7 , 39 , Of~'ice Bui3.da.ng Rental 504.14 55fl.(30 (5fl•00} Ff~.sc. ?2enta3. ~ Sfl . OR 8Q . 36 ( 30.36 ) Social Secura.ty ].,t3p0.0(i I,D85.68 {85,88} Surety Bonds 50 . p4 ~'~' S0.OE1 C9arlcrnc~n' a Cnrnpensat~.on 4fl0.flp 279.5fl 120.50 Automobi3.e Insurance 25fl.flA 3.17.5t3 132.50 Fare - ErtendEd Coverage 55(3.4Q -W 550.OA , La.alai3.ity -» Fraperty Aama~;e Insurance 384,00 93.88 20G.14 Emp3.oyees Group Ins . 6013.00 386.25 23.3.75 Assc~c~.ata.on Hues 25.OQ -_ 25 . QO Reaeptican 50.40 -~ 5fl.00 Newspaper Subscriptions 1.2.Ot1 5•QQ 7.Ofl Spenia3. Use Pcrm3.t ,. 1.25 {1.25) Sub-Total $14,457.00 X11,870,25 $ 2,626.75 r ~~ i i APPROPRIATION AND EXPENDSTURES REPORT Appropri.ata.an Act~.al . Total. ~~€pended Unexpend~:d ACTIVITY ~.~358 Kane ~~onths Balance STREET LSGHTING: Contractual Services Other Contractual ~ 9DD,p0 $ ~.,2D2.DD $ {3D2.CtD? Street Lighting TO TAL $ 90D,DQ $ ~.,2D2.D0 {$ 3D2.D0) PARKS.AND GROUNDS F~3AIN TENANCE» Fersonal Services Salaries 8 i~lages - TemP.$ 15Q.D0 $ 1,25x.35 {$ 1,3.D5.35} Sub-Total $ 15R.DQ $ x.,255.35 {$1s1D5.353 Contractual Services . Insurance Ch~.rges $ 1DD.E10 $ fi5.4D S 35.OD Ut~.I.it~.es Expense uDO. DD 1~cx..5Q 258.5© Other 200,D0 269.5Q {fi9.5~) Sub-Total $ 7G0.0(l $ 476.OD $ 224,DD Commcd~.tie s y ~ ~~~~ Ct Plants ~ y ~y/~ iVLisDD $ ry 1~2.DD $ {52.~~1 Sma11 Toox.s 2DO.DQ B.SD 191,2(3 Other --- 39.OD {39.OQ) Sub-Tata1 $ 3DR .00 $ ~.99.8D $ ~.D~1.2D Parks ~ Grounds kia~.ntenance TOTAL CONTINGENCY: $ 1,15D.DD $ 1,931.15 {$ 78I..3.5) $ 7,v73.i3D $ w» $ 7,573.flt3 t OFFICE COPY D'O NOT REMOVE MTNUTES OF THE MEETTNG THE BOARD OF DTRECTORS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL HELD NOVEMBER 12, 1968 The Meeting was called to Order by the Mayor, John Dobson, at 5:30 P. M. Tuesday, November 12, 1068, in the Lodge at Vail Cafeteria. ROLL CALL: Roll Ca11 found the following Members present: Trustee Langmaid Trustee Kindel Trustee Bailey Trustee Steinberg Trustee Donovan Mayor Dobson Absent: Trustee Seibert and F. Blake Lynch 1. CONSIDERATION OF TREASURER`S REPORTS & MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING. After reviewing the above, Trustee Donovan made a Motion to approve the Reports and Minutes as read; it was seconded by Trustee Langmaid and unanimously approved by the Board. These were: Vouchers Paid - September, 1068 Treasurer's Reports - September, 1968 Treasurer's Reports - September, 1968 2. REPORTS Blake Lynch noted the ice skating rink had been approved and the materials were on the way. A warming but was also discussed. Tt was decided skates would be available at the rink for rent. 3. PARKING Lot 5B just north of the Lazier Building would be spot checked; the price suggested for a season pass was $100. 00 or X150.00. It was felt the area across from the Covered Bridge in the horseshoe lot be used for loading and unloading only. Chief Holmes felt this an especially good suggestion as it would lessen the congestion on Bridge Street. Tt was further suggested there be two types of parking: 1. Main Lot across from Wedel Tnn @ $50.00 per season pass, and 2. 5B Lot would be approximately $150.00 for season pass. It was felt there was not justification for the expense involved in short-term parking. Lot 5B would be attended. Snow plowing would be done one day a week. Mayor Dobson stated the Trustees would do all they could to come to a decision on this by the end of the week. With no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Donovan made a Motion the meeting come to a close; it was seconded by Trustee Langmaid and the Meeting was unanimously adjourned at 10:00 P. M. -• TOWN OF VAIL GENERAL FUND • • • • TREASURER'S REPORT November 3b, 1568 Financial Statement Bgla,nee in Bank of Vail Regular Account as of 10!31/68 $ 0 ,532.85) R~ceapts during November Bond Deposits $ --- Sales and General Occupation Taxes 8,249.24 Utility Occupation Tax ---- Parking Fees .4--. `: Liquor License Fees - State 4,441.25 Liquor License Fees - Town 788..75 Court, Fines ~ Fees 285.59 Building inspection Fees 414.00 Street Repair Fees 781.49 Highway Users Tax 3.29.64 Management Fees 29,300.00 Accounts Receivable 4,374.44 Building Permit Deposits 50.00 Reimbursements 6 Refunds 7.2.41 Miscellaneous Revenue 352.50_ 39z~74.31_ $34,641.46 Disbursement s__durin~ _November Board of Trustees $ 3,956.47 Police Magistrate 100.00 Administration 579..77 Planning ---- Police Department 1,255,88 Street Maintenance 528,37 Building Inspection ---~ Parking Lots -_-- Street Lighting 69.26 Parks and Grounds Maintenance ------ Fire Protection District 462,16 Recreation District 4,558.09 Water Distract 691.24 5anitata.on District 1,085.19 Ice Skating 43.75 Liability Accounts 2,246.90 Payroll Accounts 7.2,000.00 Reimbursable Expenses 163..80 All Departments, Capital. Outlay 625.00 28373.88 Balance in Bank of Vail Regular Account as of 11/3D/68 $ 5,267.58 Respectfully submitted, F. Blake Lynch Secretary/Treasurer ~, ~~ ~ C. ~~:~ U'' :-~ Y TOWN OF VAIL GENERAL FUND TREASURER'S REPORT September 30, 1968 Fanancia~. Statement Balance in Bank of Vail Regular Account as of 8/31/68 $ 2,632.40 Receipts_durin~_September Bond Deposits Sales and General Occupation Taxes Utility Occupation Tax Parking Fees Liquor License Fees -- State Liquor License Fees - Town Court Fines 8 Fees Building Inspection Fees Street Repair Fees Highway Users Tax Management Fees Accounts Receivable Miscellaneous Revenue Disbursemen-~s_durin~.. S~t.~mber • Board of Trustees Police Magistrate Administration Planning Police Department Street Maintenance Building Inspection Parking Lots Street Lighting Parks and Grounds Maintenance FS.re Protection Distract Recreation District Water District Sanitation District Liability Accounts Payroll Accounts Reimbursable Expenses All Departments, Capital Outlay Balance in Bank of Vail Regular Account as of 9/30/68 $ --- 13,608.68 370.64 415.00 ~ol.oa a92,3~ 154.06 63,6!30.40 2,963.46 x.43.00 82,548.78 $85,181.18 $ 732.32 111.65 1,028.57 ~r40 1,228.99 3,073.2) 81.00 64.33 18.55 950.58 8,543.41 1,998.92 1,663.36 5,468.75 16,965.55 108.98 31,100.40 53,x.45,85 X32,035.33 Respec;~fully, submatt~d, F. Blake Lynch Secretary/Treasurer -~ o*o~MOC~¢c~©oodo0oootnoo~t+oLnoo ~ N~QOO,..,oocaca0aaoo~oooooavoN~C3G7 F, ~t+ ~ o ~ ~+ Co [`• N~ M O u'1 O O Q O O O C7 0 [^~ [~ N Cs .D 00 W N C . . i~ 1~ ~O 00 N N N O M M M M ~ M ch to r+ .-r .-i ~D Ss .p `d' H 00 ~ N r-i ws N ~-i !V M ~^"~ .O • • • • r~ a w x ~ U O U A w a 0 z x U U H F}+ A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ N ~ ~ •~ ~ ~ pq ~ o d ani aoi aoi aoi w aoi ~ ~ U ~ V ,; m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m ~ ,~, an ~ G td H H H H H H ~"~ ~ Ny ~ v~ F ~ td (d ~ W W ~ 0 i , x~ U V i ~~ ~ u ~ ~ ooon V zi ~ 'C1 'ti ooo~ b b '~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ar ;; N .~ '~ q ~ rl a ~ ~ ~ o N ~i ~i ~1 ~I ~a ~ cd ~ . 1i ~1 ~1 tH ca ~ ca o m V w „~ ~ ~ a~ ~ V ~ ~ Q1 y ~ sd ,~~ i ~mo ~+ .+ oooao oo0~ca •M ~ ~ ~~ ~•~ ~ ~a~+ w~~ wxa w a~~a~~ wwa~ac~ A~ ~- ~H . 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M. Tuesday, November 12, 1068, in the Lodge at Vail Cafeteria. The Board convened as the Local Liquor licensing Authority. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Members present: John Dobson Joseph Langmaid C. E. Kindel Richard Bailey T. I, Steinberg John Donovan Absent: Peter Seibert and F. Blake Lynch The Mayor noted the meeting had been called to consider the application for the Relocation of the Gourmet Corner Wine Shop and also to consider various renewals of licenses. Tt was further noted the finding of fact for the K-~' Supermarket's 3. 2 Beer Application would be reviewed. The hearing would be set for another date. The Chief of Police, Ted Holmes, read the Finding of Fact to the Board. The Board reviewed the K-J Supermarket file. Trustee Steinberg made a Motion to approve the Finding of Fact as read by Chief Holmes. Trustee Donovan seconded the Motion and all were in favor. The Mayor stated the Licensing Authority would now address themselves to the Gourmet Corner Wine Shop application. He submitted the application to the Board. Trustees Bailey and Kindel disqualified themselves from voting, but the Mayor painted out this vote would be only for the Finding of Fact; both Trustees then voted in favor of this only, The Mayor stated Chief Holmes had presented his Finding of Fact and had advised there were no subsequent facts that had come to light. The Board stated they had no further questions as to the Finding of Fact on the Westbye application. Mayor Dobson read the statute for approval or denial and declared the public meeting open. Harold Westbye spoke for himself i.n answer to the question as to persons present either for or against the application. Mayor Dobson stated the decision would be made within 30 days of this date and the Hearding came to a close. The Liquor Board then considered several liquor licenses which were before them for renewal. Mayor Dobson asked Attorney John Dunn if he had any comments. Mr. Dunn stated there were a couple of discrepancies in two of the applications, i. e. , A & D had a blank space; The Keg needed further inspection because of the change from a corporate to a non- corporate organization, which had just come to his attention that day. He stated the latter would be taken up at a later date. The other applications appeared to be in order as follow: Lord Gore Club The Slope Casino Vail A&D The Clock Tower lnn ~ ... '~ PAGE TWO Chili Bowl (3. 2) Donovan's Copper Bar Vail Delicatessen St. Moritz Tavern Red Lion Tnn Holiday Inn Nu Gnu La Cave, Tnc. Vail Village Txn La Pinata The Lodge at Vail The applications were submitted to the Board for their review. In considering the list of application renewals, the Mayor noted the only one which would be considered at a later date would be The Keg as the Attorney for the license needed further review in that case. It was noted there had been no liquor license violations reported for any of the applicants ~tor renewal before the Board, Trustee Steinberg made a Motion to approve the application for renewal as they had been submitted. It was seconded by Trustee Langmaid and unanimously passed by the Board. ~Tith no further business to come before the Liquor Licensing Board, the meeting unanimously came to a close at 8:20 P. M. • • S ; OFFICE COPY DO NOT REMOVE MINUTES OF THE MEETING ~~ BOARD OF TRUSTEES - TO~lI~ OF VAIL HELD NOVEMBER 25, 168 On Monday, November 25, 1968, at ?:45 P.1Vi. , the Board of Trustees of the Town of Vail convened as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following members present: C. E. Kindel ~. Langmaid ~". Donovan S, Dobson, Chairman T. I. Steinberg ' Absent: deter Seibert Richard. Bailey Also present u~re F. Blake Lynch, Sohn Dunn (Acting Attorney} and a court reporter. ~.. Hearing on K-S Supermarkets. Inc. , fora 3.2 Beer License Application After a brief hearing, Chairman Dobson advised that a decision of the Board would be sent by Certified Mail to the applicant. 2. Consideration of Application for Renewal of a 3.2 Beer License for The Kea. _.~,..... W~._ Since there was a change from a corporation to a propriotorship in t11~ renewal application for the Keg, an investigation of the moral character of the owner was necessary. Chief of Police Ted Holmes gave a report on Steve Ruder, the applicant, which attested. to his character. The Board reviewed the list of references and complete file. Everything was in order as stated. by Attorney Dunn. Trustee Langmaid made a Motion to approve the renewal. It was seconded by Trustee Donovan, and unanimously approved by the Board. 3, Other Liquor License Renewals The Mayor brought before the Board the consideration of liquor license renewals for the Gallery and Gastof Gramshammer which were to be approved. The Board proceeded to review bath applications. Trustee Steinberg made a Motion to approve the license renewals subject to the case of the Gallery for Signature. The Motion was seconded by Trustee Kindel and unanimously approved. • PAGE Tv~ro The Board now convened as the Board of Trustees of the Town of Vail. ~., Consideration of "An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 1$, Series of .19fi6, Defining Public Nuisances Within the Town of Vail by More Specifically Defining Certain Nuisances Related to Trash, Garbage and Refuse Cans ar Containers and Junked Automobiles. " The Board reviewed a memo written by Blake Lynch concerning the ordinance. After considerable discussion, Attorney Dunn submitted a suggestion as to the wording which was accepted and approved. Mr. Dunn said he would word this section of the ordinance so as to encompass the following: Trash and containers for trash and garbage must be enclosed as to protect same from view and to protect same from access by scavenging animals. The final printing of the Ordinance to be published will be corrected as approved. It was decided that the original wording concerning junked automobiles. was not satisfactory, and Attorney Dunn was requested to draft another ordinance to cover this matter of concern. The Board was polled as to having read and understood Ordinance #1 S, Amendment #1$, Series 1968, as follows: Trustee Bailey Trustee Donovan Trustee Kindel Trustee L,angmaid Trustee Steinberg The Board was then polled as to their approval of the ak~ave Ordinance; they ~.nanimously approved in the same order as above. 2. Gas Franchise Matter The Mayor stated there would be a statement in the next few days regarding a possible gas franchise. 3. Town Meetin s g 7t was suggested that at the two meetings held each month for the Town, one be a formal meeting and the second, if necessary, be more of an open forum address to the specific town problems. Tt was felt this a good idea particularly during the busy winter months. There were no comments, so Mayor Dobson suggested the Board and public give this some thought. He stated basically they wanted to have enough meetings but not too many and if there were major subjects for consideration, this would give a full evening for discussion. 4. Citizen Participation Mr6,Steinberg asked about Pepi's sign and its legality. The Mayor stated it was legal and that its brightness was noted by Pepi and something was going to be done to tone it down a little. Steve Ruder asked about the hand work put out in front of some of the buildings, Bob Parker felt this sort of sign could be covered under the sign ordinance as junk. Mayor Dobson stated he would. look into this further and enforce the ordinance. ~ ~ ~~ PAGE THREE Bob Parker asked what could be done by the Town about the clean-up a , problem before Thanksgiving. Mr. Lynch stated he had sent out a letter to all contractors that day advising them they had 48 hours to el.ean up before steps would be taken, After some discussion, the Mayox said he would see to it the Town was cleaned up soon. ~. With no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Kindel made a Motion to adjourn the meeting, Trustee Langmaid seconded the Motion and it was unanimously carried by the Board. The Meeting came to a close at 10:15 P, M. • • u ~$~R R~~~ ~^,d ~ ~~ti ~t~'E R8S0 T1ear The Town of VAIL, Colorado Box 631 • Vail, Colorado • 81b57 Telephone 303 476 - Sb13 fJn Monday, November 1 ~., 19E$, a clean-up day v~ras scheduled to remove the everyday litter and construction debris that had accumulated in the Village throughout the summer and early fall. unfortunately, the snowfall of the weekend prior to November ~.]. was heavy enough to cover most of the debris, thereby cancelling the clean-up day, We feel, however, that it is necessary to make sure that the larger, more abviaus debris collected around t~ze areas of construction must be removed, both to avoid leavfng this clean-up fvr next spring and to avoid the unsightliness during the tourist season. As early as the first week in December we will have Warren M,ller and Wean Claude Killey in Vail on tv+ro different filming projects. Accordingly, the `t'own is requiring tkxat each cvntractar clean any excess debris, trash, and building materials surrounding the project{s) of his respar~sibility by November 2$, All debris accumulated heirafter should be either cleaned up daffy or kept indoors, Vve hope we can taunt on your cooperation urith us in this matter. Sincerely, /s/ F. Blake lynch Town Manager Vail, Col©rado • • • TO: FROM: REFERENCE: Bd2t~d of Trustees flake lynch Refuse Container Ordina~ Attached is a copy of the Nuisance rdinance amendment, dealing with refuse containers, drafte by Peter Cosgriff the direction a£ the Board. Rather than say "fu11y enclo uildings" as i 'tial directed by the Board, it migh b ors desirabl a u verbiage like "obscured £roxxi p c view" whi al ugh slightly more axr~biguous in to of enforceme is are to the point on the desired end. t offers mor e~'bility and may avoid the probl of deali with a si u 'o h t complies with the intent but ~o~t the letter of the law~~ ; CI In addition, i fight a irable to r ui "construction terials n i current~us ' cr this provisio ., 11 i ~1 ~ 1~% ~ ~YI ~' i 1~ i ~ % ~~ -at y with ' I u ,'~ • • ORDINANCE NO. 15 Series of 1968 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 18, SERIES OF 1866, DEFINING PUBLIC NUISANCES WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL BY MORE SPECIFICALL'Y' DEFINING CERTAIN NUISANGES RELATED TO TRASH, GARBAGE AND REFUSE CANS OR CONTAINERS AND JUNKED AY7T4MOBILES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF VAIL; Section 1. Arnendm.ent. That Section 2, subsection (b) of Ordinance No. 1$, series of 1966, entitled "AN ORDINANCE DEFINING PUBLIC NUISANCES WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND PROCEDURES FOR THE ABATEMENT THEREOF." is hereby amended by the addition of the following sentence to follow Section 2, subsection (b): It is specifically provided that trash, garbage and refuse containers, barrels and cans must be Located in fully enclosed buildings for the storage of the same, and that "junk" as referred to in this Ordinance shall be expressly deemed to include, without limitation, any motor vehicle that has been incapable of operation under its awn power for a period of days. Section 2. Effect of Amendment. Except as hereinabove ~rx~udifiecl and amended, all other terms and provisions of Ordinance No. 18, Series of 1966, sha11 be deexxaed to remain in full force and effect and not cancelled, modified ar amended by this Ordinance. Section 3. Exnex~ency. The Board of Trustees finds and determines that the passage of this C3rc~inance is necessary far the immediate preser- vation of the public health and safety of the inhabitants of the Town of Vail, and that this Ordinance shall become effective Five (5) days after publication. READ, PASSET?, ADOPTED AND ORDERED T'UF3JrI51I~;Z3 This day of October, 1968. John Dobson, Mayor ATTEST: F. Blake Lynch, Tawn Glerk • ORDIlVANCE NO. 15 .~ Series of 1968 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1$, SERIES OF 1966, DEFIlVING PUBLIC NUISANCES WI'T'HIN THE TOWN OF VAIL BY MORE SPECIFICALLY DEFINING CERTAIN NUISANCES RELATED TO TRASH, GARBAGE A~TD REFUSE CANS OR CONTAINERS, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF VAIL: Section 1. Amendment. That Section 2, subsection (b) of Ordinance No. 1$, series o£ 1965, entitled, "AN ORDINANCE DEFINING PUBLIC NUISANCES WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND PROCEDURES FOR THE A$ATEMENT THEREOF. " is hereby amended by the addition of the following sentence to .follow Section 2, subsection (b): It is specifically provided that trash, garbage and refuse and trash, garbage and refuse containers, " . barrels and cans must be obscured from view and not accessible to scavenging animals. Section 2. Effect of Amendment. Except as hereinabove modified and amended, ail other terms acid provisions of Ordinance No. 18, Series of 1966, shall. be deemed to remain in full. force and effect and not cancelled, modified or amended by this Qrdinance. Section 3. Emercrencv. The Board of Trustees finds and determines that the passage of this Ordinance is necessary far the immediate preservation of the public health and safety of the inhabitants of the Town of Vail, and that this Ordinance shall become effective Five (5) days aftex' publication. READ, PASSED, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED This 25th day of NOVEMBER 1968. Sohn Dobson, 1Vlayor ATTEST: F. Blake Lynch, Town- Clem • ,~- ~' ~ ~ ~ O FICE COPY DON~TREMOVE?!~ MINUTES OF THE MEE'T'ING BOARD OF TRUSTEES w TOWN OF VAZL HELD DECEMBER 9, 1968 `~~: On Monday, December 9, 1903, at 7: ~4 P. M. , the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Vail was called to Order by the Mayor, John Dobson. ROLL CALL; Roll Call found the following Members present: John Dobson, Mayor T. I. Steinberg Richard Bailey C. E. Kindel John Donovan Joseph Langmaid Absent: Peter Seibert ~., COMMUNICATIONS The Mayor read a letter written by Trustee Peter Seibert submitting his resignation to the Board. It was regretfully accepted by the Board; Mayor Lbbson stated a letter should be written thanking Mr. Seibert for his service. A Motion was made by Trustee Steinberg to this effect which was seconded by Trustee Bailey. Zt was passed. unanimously, 2. CONSiDERATTON OF MII~TUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Board reviewed the Minutes of the Previous Meeting held November 25, 198. Trustee Kindel inquired as to the reaction of the letter sent to all. contractors by F. Blake Lynch concerning general clean-up of their building sites. Blake reported this project was in the hands of Barbie Bowes of Vail Associates, who was keeping abreast of the situation. After some discussion, the Board decided a very strong letter should be sent to those not responding to the first request, and Attorney Cosgriff asked that he be consulted on this before issuing so that it may be legally enforced. Tt was agreed that Mr. Lynch would proceed on this matter. Trustee Langmaid asked about the hand work in front of the Nu Gnu. It was stated the Architectural Control Committee would be consulted regarding this. Trustee Kindel made a Motion to approve the Minutes of the previous meeting as corrected. It was seconded. by Trustee Donovan. It was unanimously approved by the Board. 3. DISCUSSION OF GAS FRANCHSSE The Mayor called on Blake Lynch to discuss this matter. He read and reviewed the Franchise which had been submitted to the Board. It was agreed that Peter Casgriff and F. Blake Lynch would, xequest Public Service Company to consent to the ordinance changes recommended by the Board. . '~~~ ;~ PAGE TWO • 4. CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE NO, lo, Series 1968, "AN ORDINANCE AIVlENDING ORDINANCE NO. 18, SERIES OF 1966, DEFINING PUBLIC NUISANCES WITHIN THE TOWN C3F C]AIL $Y' MORE SPECIFICALLY DEFINING CERTAIN NUTS~NCES RELATED T4 BUNKED AUTOMOBILES. The Mayor asked the Board if all Members had read and. understood the Ordinance and they were polled as follows: Trustee Bailey Trustee Donovan Trustee Kindel Trustee Langmaid Trustee Steinberg They were then palled as ta.agreernent of passing the Ordinance, in the following order: Trustee Steinberg Trustee Langmaid Trustee Kindel Trustee Donovan Trustee Bailey Tt was unanimously approved and passed. 5. REPORTS a. Television The Mayor gave a brief report on the T. V. situation. A temporary permit is needed from the Bureau of Land Management to use the "head end" site. There will be a reduction in rates until the micro- wave is put in. The microwave will not go in .until next spring. b. Tce Skating Blake Lynch gave a report to the effect that the rink would open Thursday, December 12; there would be free skating the first day; there were 110 pairs of skates on hand. The Board approved the 54~ admission charge and the 75~ skate rental fee. 6. MAYOR AND TRUSTEES Trustee Batley asked the status on the dog pound. B~akc Lynch reported it would be built next week. Chief Holmes gave a report on the incident of marijuana which had occurred that day, and also a general surnma.ry of the various incidents that had occurred during the last two weeks. Citizen George Knox questioned whether or not a snow mobile rental business would be allowed on the, golf course area, The Mayor stated, Mr. Pulls and Vail Associates both decided against this. The subject had been discussed previously by the Recreation Board. Trustee Kindel asked about the ice overhand at the Lazier Arc~.de. Blake Lynch reported this matter had been brought to court. f` ~ ~ . s PAGE THREE . The Board discussed the Liquor License application for the Avanti Corporation. Mr. Heckers, the Director of Revenue, had been ill and the Board of Trustees had done all they could to get in touch with hire, but had nothing further to report. Citizen George Knax asked about the status of the Zoning Ordinance. Blake Lync~r reported Attorney Stewart H. Brown was handling this and that the Avanti matter had held up its progress for a month. A public hearing is now expected fox the end of January, With no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Kindel made a Motian to adjourn the meeting. It was seconded by Trustee Donovan and unanimously approved by the Board, The Meeting came to a close at 9 : 2 ~ P, M. • • • a ~ ~FFICE COPY DO OT REMOVE ~~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES - `T'HE TOWN OF VAIL DEC EMBER 23, 198 ~~ On Monday, December 23, 1908, at '7:35 P, M. , the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Vail was called to Order by the Mayor, John Dobson. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Members present: John Dobson, Mayor T. I. Steinberg Richard Bailey John Kaemmer C. E. Kindel Joseph Langmaid Absent: John Donovan Also present were F. Blake Lynch ~ Town Manager), and Peter Cosgriff (Attorney). 1. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING The Board reviewed the Minutes of the Previous Meeting held December 9, 19G8. Trustee Kindel made a Motion to approve the Minutes as read which was seconded by Trustee Bailey. The Motion was unanimously passed by the Board. 2. FIRST READING OF A PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 17, "AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A FRANCHISE BY THE TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, TO CONSTRUCT, PURCHASE, ACQUIRE, ,_ LOCATE, MAINTAIN, OPERATE, AND EX'T'END INTO, WITHIN AND THROUGH SAID TOWN, PLANTS, WORKS, SYSTEMS AND FACILITIES, FOR THE PURCHASE, STORAGE, TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION OF GASEOUS FUELS, OR MIXTURES THEREOF BY MEANS OF PIPES, MAINS, OR OTHERWISE, OVER, UNDER, ALONG AND ACROSS ALL STREETS, ALLEYS, VIADUCTS, BRIDGES, ROADS, LANES, PUBLIC WAYS AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES IN SAID TOWN OF VAIL, TO SELL, FURNIS~T AND DISTRIBUTE SAID PRODUCT TO THE TOWN OF VAIL AND THE INHABITANTS THEREOF, • AND FIXING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF." Attorney Cosgriff asked Mr, Higday of the Public Service Company if he had proof of publication for the Notice of Application for Franchise by Public Service Company of Colorado. Mr. Higday presented a copy of the publication to F. Blake Lynch, which had been published by the Eagle Valley Enterprise. Mr. Higday gave a brief report. The final reading of the ordinance will be January 13. The application will be filed with the Public Utilities Commission the next day; it will be set for hearing January 21, 1969, with the PUC. Certain changes in the original presentation of the Franchise to the Board have been noted and exist in the final Ordinance. Maps were presented to show the plans for the area. Mr. Cosgriff noted he had reviewed the Ordinance and the changes as discussed in the last meeting, had been incorporated. He stated everything was in order. Trustee Kindel moved that the Board of Trustees consider the Franchise ordinance applied for by Public Service Company of Colorado and that it be read in full by the Town Clerk. Trustee Steinberg seconded the Motion. • • Page Two After being read by the Town Clerk, the Board was polJ.ed as to the reading and understanding of the Ordinance in the order following: Trustee Bailey Trustee Kindel Trustee Kaexx~mer Trustee Langmaid Trustee Steinberg Blake Lynch then polled the Board as to their approval of the Ordinance; all were unanimously in favor as follows: Trustee Bailey Trustee Kindel Trustee Kaemmer Trustee Langmaid Trustee Steinberg Trustee Kindel moved that the Board of Trustees should further consider the application of Public Service Company of Colorado at its regular meeting to be held January 1.3, ].969, and that a Notice as to Further Consideration be published with franchise text for three issues in the Eagle Valley Enterprise. It was seconded by Trustee Bailey and unanimously approved by the Board. 3. CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE NO. 18, SERIES 1908, "A S~TPPLEMEN- TAL ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURES OF FUNDS BY THE TOV~1N OF VAIL IN EXCESS OF THE TOWN BUDGET FOR 1968, AND DECLARING AND DEFINING THE EMERGENCY FOR SUCH APPROPRIATION. " The Ordinance was reviewed and generally discussed by F. Blake Lynch. After being read by the Town Clerk, the Board was polled as to the reading and understanding of the Ordinance in the order following: Trustee Bailey Trustee Kindel Trustee Kaemmer Trustee Langmaid Trustee Steinberg th n fled the Board as to their a roval of the Ordinance Blake L~Znch e po pp as follows: Trustee Bailey Trustee Kindel Trustee Kaemme r Trustee Langmaid Trustee Steinberg Trustee Kindel made a Motion that Ordinance No. 18 be accepted and adopted as presented. It was seconded by Trustee Langmaid and all were unanimously in favor. 4, CONSIDERATION OF THE 1969 APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE NO, 19, SERIES 1968, "THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE: APPROPRIATING SUMS tJF MONEY TO DEFRAY EXPENSES AND LIABILITIES OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, FOR THE TOWN'S FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1969, AND ENDING ON THE LAST DAY OF DECEMBER, 1969. " ~~ Page Three F. Blake Lynch reviewed the Ordinance briefly. He then polled the Board as to the reading and understanding of the Ordinance as follows: Trustee Bailey Trustee Kindel Trustee Kaemmer Trustee Langmaid Trustee Steinberg The Board was then polled as to their approval of the Ordinance; all unanimously approved as follows: Trustee Bailey Trustee Kindel Trustee Kaemmer Trustee Langmaid Trustee Steinberg 5. CONSIDERATION OF THE RENEWAL OF THE CONSOLIDATION . AGREEMENTS WITH THE VARIOUS SPECIAL PURPOSE DISTRICTS FOR ANOTHER YEAR. After a brief discussion by Blake Lynch, Trustee Langmaid made a Motion to authorize the Mayor and Town Clerk to renew the consolidation agreements. Trustee Steinberg seconded the Motion and all were in favor. C~. REPORT ON THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE NUISANCE ORDINANCE. Mr. Blake Lynch reported on recent nuisance ordinance enforcement measures. Some further discussion was held as to the nuisance charges against Robert T. Lazier; i. e. , ice overhang, par~~n ~ti~kets, trash. Chief Holmes suggested witnesses be present in court to~~c_~ these charges. Peter Seibert noted these nuisances have been definite hazards and that the ordinance was written not to harass people but to protect. The matter was left in the hands of Mr. Lynch for the present. 7. REPORT ON 701 PLANNING AID Mr. Lynch reported the Town had received a X10, 000 Planning Grant. He reviewed briefly the plans and some of the things he hopes to accomplish with the funds. 8. DISCUSSION OF STRUCTURED PARKING POSSIBILSTIES. After a brief discussion by Blake Lynch, Mayor Dobson stated he would call a Special Meeting after the Christmas Holidays on the subject. He advised Mr. Lynch to go ahead on this project. 9. OTHER REPORTS It was reported the ice skating rink had opened and. was doing well. 10. MAYOR AND TRUSTEES None. Page Faur 11. CITIZEN P.AR TZC ~~'AT~4iV Chief Holmes stated the State ~,iquor enforcement officers were ~vorkinc~ under cover to observe the crowds stayi~ig in Vail during the holidays. It was noted the T'ouin had receit~ecl a letter from hack blsan thanking the Fire District for its aid on the fire an his praperty~ He sent a check in the amqunt of X250. UO to the District ~.s ~. donation: With no further business tci corns. before the Hoard, Trustee Langmaid made a Motion to adjourn. It Maas seconded by '~'~ustee Bailey and the meeting carne to a close at 9:30 P. M. • • • ~° 2581 ~ ~;- ,e Pursu~.nt to tr.e Statuit:; of nROa~ of Pr~Bt_icATtanl tale Stag o~ f:olUratlo, f1('~~.iCe. . is h~sreby gi=r:~lx tli~~f :,~i a x;ei- f STATE OF COLCJRADO, tt1~~tr .enCntis?-n or: `.1?^ I=:o~z~ci F~£ s5. ,Trustee, Uf ~tl~i, i',oIs,°~a ,~,F "Dail, . .~.~ OViVTY OF EAGLE COLllitjr p$ I~`ir;l~', ~t`.iid C•_i ~:'al- ;- ` ,~ " oxat3n, tci tie "Lr>icl or; D~c;.ixi» Y~.fG-~1~'.FG~~..-. ~~'f.~:-. , ' beI' v3 ~_:3i3 pit tl;~ €tt~l.tr• pF ...... . ..-~-t__ cio soleu~n]y swear that I xm ~~ % ~.~Q o'c'acls ~~ y~~, fi~:.i's;i L3S th0 .. . ~:"....w.:~rt--~r----~'y.4..,E~C.-.12-~:of The FAGI.F! VALI.EI Ll\TE~tPR1w~: ~`~ ~`~~' G`~ Y?i ~ its, Gri '~i;G' , (/ ... ~ ~~~. ~`i'Ci~IC ~.(Tt'r~. a~LlaiiirifT, in `, ~isaL the same is a tiveekly netvspapor printed, in n''?~zrle ar in part and published Vail,' i=olozatin, f.Y:2 ~'l:ia;~vC. in the County of ]/agle, State of Colorado, znci has a ~ SE• ~~"~~`;f; ~-~ ":I t'1: ~`+ ~: ~. general circulation therein; ; .:: that said ue~•a a er lies beeu CAL'C?d't.I~riJ, <~t ~.;~°~-:,;'?.'~`r;n p P pt:blis]~rd con,tinaously and uuinterrup~teclly In said ~ . a,~y a,/;~A,1~^`~ f,A`Ci a, •;<i4~~ Co~lnty of ~a~le for a pericxl of more than fift}•-two consecutive weeks next prior to ts~del' aim lsy t`ii~'i-tt~ t:w t sE~ the t'irsi publicstion of the annexed lega€ notice ar advertise`ment; that said news- l~a;irs OT f:z1° ~ .~~.L:G ~~ ~ol~- ' paper ]gas been admitted to t::e Llniiecl Mates wails as second-class matter under Y'aij0, wjjl Il:F2t`s? al,plx~^f,;an ~a . tke prar•isions of the Act of March S, 13 i J, or any amendments thereof and that ~'j~ ~i'or,Ynz -Far ila4 jr=ws:;a~~ ~~ said t:enspaper is a weekly newspaper eLuly qualified Par publishing leg•aI notices &n crcljna~l; U ~rai~.ti;`ag; i:a 5~~ , ~enel ad.ertisements within the mEaning of the laws of the State of Colorado, pu'oliC ai:.'t'V1~.C, ``amjar~J ~~ 'c'hat iL2E annexed leSai notice or advertisement 'was published in the regular Goio~da ~ ~ ~i]]t'1?2Sn tp ~tyy- - - , ' aid eatfre issue of ever}• uuznber cY said tit•cekiy newspaper fox the period of ~~~ gas S'"rviCG ilz ~Elt! i~1vt2. far a 25-ya~ar ,period. Tile ~rr€~~Iaa~,.tl t.%?SC.IisL' is,~., .........._....cansecutlvo insertions; acid that the first publication of said notice Srae v~ides ft~r tj~e .; _;,;,.1°~ , service in accorcZ:~.nce t*~iv,i .._. / in the issuE of sa€d ne~t"apaper dated ......... c. ~ _ R~.i:C SChCt3ul~~; ~(r:3.n~:,]•~r„ ~$.' Service, F~ul~:; and 7i;.e~;ula- • Lions a.rtd ,Si'rvice Cannectinr] and that the iaet publication of sa€cl nuttcc; ~~•aa in the issue of sa~ld ne.wapaper , and F.,xtensiar4 PAiiG-ics ,n ef- f~~ feet ar]rl as are fr~]xri tme to Led ................../w~S~.C..~'.......~ ... ~.: ' ~ . i.. v. ]s.....~ . ~ time filed witj~ or fi etl ~y The Ptll7lie Uti.iities CaTrztriis- ~tness whereof I I~uve here« ntu et m • hand t13is ~`~ da o8 sian of 113e '9.a,tc pf C~3a,a~, ' Iu ~ y .....~:.... ~' ..-~--- y Prov~i~sion is ~~zaue~ for an ai3- (-~ equate :;llpply o~ xia.tural gas, ..-.....- -~ . ............~~-~:r ~.-........---... A. D. 19 ...~.?...!~...- with #3~ie ri~•ht to supply oth- /~j ~ er gaseaL~s 9:uels or mixtures ~ ~'~GLr ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~ ~ t' thercn74' in ties event th~it a natural gas supply . cannot 3uhs~:rfbed and sworn to before men a note reasoxiaioly ~~ obta~ti2d. In c`3' public iu and -for the County of COr2SiCl~n'dti.0]2 Of ti2~ writ. O~ - ~ ; ~C'} .. the fralichise, a. laayrrient tp ~agla, Gtute of Calvrado. this....~...~.-. ~of ..............:'.": "?:~:::........ U. 19~~..~! the..Tav~n ref two j~ei~;ent (2= :, ~~ ;~ • %) of grass reventa.e dci~ere;a -_ •,- ~ . ~~~%". ~..?l~?~`~°...._.. ~~?~~,~/ >:rarrt tkle sale r~:C' ~Y_AS; v~atii :... ` ' L Notary blic cex•Yain e~clusiarrr;. ~nt~. qu~1i. ~ ' ...~.y ......................... Ys... ~~ f3cat3ons, is„;rz'avidc,~3. ~~ .. fF The prol~ascsi ~ranc~Yisi' ~s CIS ct~mmisaion expit•es .~........... .. . ~. available frxA xnspectYgn and copies tliere4~ may be obt~.iYi- ecf in the i~Lfire.,of the .Tosvri ------------ __- Cler1~ in the TnvY-n~Ha11-'in ifi~ . •~ .. •r .. ~~ r1~~ \ l ~ ~~~~ '~' ,~,, . Ca-~~~I~ ~ ~~~ ~~ btu ~~ ~,~ ~x~.~ ~,y ~;~ '~ l^x~~t. FL~ATk~Ek Ct7~'i"~ ~,~,~+ft Ct3ne~3.d~r~x~i~ its ~b~~~~:~d ~"~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~.~ t~ ~~a~t ~~ ~~~t~~~rx~~. ORDINANCE N0. 19 Ser~.es of 1968 THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE; APPROPRIATING SUMS OF MONEY TO DEFRAY ERPENSES AND LIABILITIES OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, FOR THE TOWN'! FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY l., 1969, AND ENDING ON THE LAST DAY OF DECEMBER, 1909. WHEREAS, The Board of Trustees has, by ordinance, adopted a budget for the Town for the fiscal year beginn~.ng January 1, 1969, and ending on the last day of December, 1969; 'WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees haa, by ordinance, made the proffer tax levy in mil.l.s t1~~on each dollar of the total. assess valuation of all taxable property witha.n the Town, such levy representing the amount of taxes for Town purposes necessary to provide for payment during the Town's said fl.scal year of all. properly authorized demands upon the treasury; and WHERL'AS, the Board of Trustees is now desirous of making a-~propriatians for the ensuing fiscal. year. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORI}AINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO: Section 1. That the following a~aproprl.ations are here made for the Town of Vaal, Colorado, for the fiscal. year l~egl.nn January l., 19b9, and evading on the la$t day of December, 1.969, from the General Fund for the payment of operating expenses and capital outlay of the general. g©vernment, public safety, p~~blic works, recreation, public health and contingencl.es; General Government $ 9~,96~.flfl Police ~&9,843.Ofl Public Works ~+7,Q~30.00 Public Utilities 77,40[x. DO Recreation 66,53Q.0® Ice Skating 3 , OOC3.Ofl Fire 11.,41.0.00 Capital. Expenditures 18,000.00 Contingency 3,322.00 TOTAL: $3~39.5~0.00 INTRODUCED, READ, PASSED, ADOPTED AND ORDERL,~ PUBLISHED t~~is day of December, 196t~3. ATTEST: Mayer Town C3.erk ORDINANCE N0. 18 Series of l~~S A SUk'PLEMENTAL ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE EXPEN- DITURES OF FUNDS BY TIDE TOWN OF VAIL IN EXCESS 4F THE TOWN BUDGET FaR 193, ANA DECi.ARING AND DEFINING THE EMERGENCY FOR SUCH APPROPRIATION, WHEREAS, the Town of Vail. bas received certain revenues not budgeted fc~r ~revivusly; az~d WHEREAS, the population of the Tawn of Vail, and the use and demand for mun~.cipal services w~.thin the Town, .has expanded at a greater rate than prev~.ously antici.pated;;and WHEREAS, the Tarn leas been obligated to expend a+~~li- tional funds for the purpose of CQmp~.eting a street paving project; and WHEREAS, the Town hart previously adapted a budget which has not taken i.nta ctznsiderataion the increased revenues received by the mun~.cipa~.ity this calendar year, nvr ~xas sa~,d budget taken into consi.derati.an the ~.ncreased exp®nd~.tures necessary to ~~rovide adequa~ke mun~.cipal seruices fc~r the Town, a..nc~.udi.ng the necessary street ~~av~.ng pro,~ect referred to above; and WHEREAS, by reason of said facts and the Town's municipal obli.get~.ons thereuzYder, the Bosrd flf Trustees considers an emergency exists and that e~~~ergency appro~~r~.atians and ex- penditures be authvr~.zed as hereinbelaw provided. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF T#iE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO: Section ~.. There is ~~.areby ap~aropriated to the general fund (eubsect~.on Street Ma3,ntenance}, the sum of $3~.,~343U.0~. Section 2. Th,et there is hereby author~i~ed the e~cpen- diture of the sum of $~~., OOU. Dt~, during the year ~.9~5, fc~r general mun~.cipsl purposes and, in particular, for street msin- tenance ar~d paving. Secti.can ~. Erner~encv. The Beard of Trustees finds and determines that tt~e passage of this ord~.nazice ~.s necessary for t immediate pr®servatian of the pu~ilic health and safety of the inhabitants of the Town of Vail, and that this ord~.nal~ce shall become effective Five {5} da s after publiCataLon' READ, PASSED, ADQF'i~ED AND 4RbERED PUBLISHED tbi~t day of December, 19~iFl. ATTEST: Mayer Town Clerk • - r~ t s ~r+ ~ a ' r ~ C9 '~::-.~r.':,~~~...~-~~.,oJi.,~~.~~-~.... -___ ._..~-~,n,~.m..~~.~g :r:ea~~>.~aar.~~,.~,;w<`aaa^ra~~atni ff~.:',..:.m:SSelraivr`',:t+~«z3'e:._ux~s~:+.u ,r,:. :.~ti.~.~ - r,tt.•.,. ~ _ ,... _.. ._.__ y ~ ~; ' ~,~~~`~ ~ y0.?.1~C ~f e ~ ~' ~E,94~s ~.~?'f~rt~',,r~4~, ~~ y ~ ~~•; A: ~r I30Ai~D OF TRUSTEES ~. ,i ~9 d. c~i3 -.__. Gr'~S FRANCHISE - a ~':tt;~.chcd please rind a copy of the letter Peter Cosgri~f sent xegaxdiLzg i'-.h nrit'in~.'rrce Char7c~es we renuested, the letter frorri public Se:cvic;e ' ~~~~,~~x,~l~~,r i.ndicc~.tsnc~- c:omplian.ee with this .request, a gas rate comparison .. ,.te~:::xtx~~i ~, copy of the revised ordinance, 1!~?fir. ll.gday has developed iz~fo~~nlatio3a to sk~.ow thai-. approximately ~.8 ~~ -~ ~ , ~ ., t {~ ~ t i~ ~ abov ,the ~'2 u 0.00 ' .._x~~.t~, of ~ntal. dross .rev~nLe w ll be re~,elved. e ~ 0 ~.?:w off. .[`his poz•centage of gross will not be ,subject to the 2 perceizt _~•'rcxnc~xi.se Tax. The tax on this would ~.snount to approximately $300. ~?~. I ~.ssuzne this meets with the approval of each and. every Board Nier~il~er. - 1~~Pase let rrze know before 1Vlonc.~ay night if any of you object to ibis ur ~xny other, feature of the orc].inanee. ` - , :"'~ ,~~~ itch to 1- ublic Service Company ~a111 .rr~ean a~~ aggregate carnrY~unit;~ gas kill x~eductzon for the first year of at ].east .~~~0, 000.00. `iit?~ is ~uiv~.le:nt. to a ten mi~.l red.lzction in,proper*~ taxesp '; . . !i ~.~~ - ' ~ ~ ~ .a .. ~ y~, '§ :5 ' ' ,r .i d~~ • • 1 t ' ~~~ ` P O. Ei V X 1I .. ~. ~ .. ..~:^~ Lv.'t'~til:r! E.EACIVILI.E', CC7~.C]f~i4b[~ t~O~CI ~ 7F1 ~'r~~innkc.s. ~'• '' _': _.: .. - . - - _ '.< < ~~ a _.. - ti z i j ~) ~" ,r: /~ .gam ~ ~' _y ,~~~:W V,~.~~cf 6,8 ~j~~4~6~~~~N ~t~ puJt;~di~.ah7~~C`s~.%}.:.i' ~ .. .. ~ f .4 ~~`.~ ~ ~1~9G~~~~ ~xH ~~C~Q 1 i ~.~~~ ~ 3 i 1`~ :,A~Lu~~ , - ~ ,r `` p ~ L i~r'1 j~~ti ~~€~~j4=J ~a~~?~~'Sn .~~k~~ ~~:~ } ~~.!,.~~~y~~~k~~:"•,d ~,~>4~ai.~.di d~~Fr~~3 ~~i~ i;s~ i~,~„~~rl~~ ... j .. j s~~ ~A~~~~i }.:~.~ $R.a 1S. i,le~~ Lfl~~.4i i.,or ...~.. ~~';tv. W: .%..~:~~ ~.1 'i}`~a~~~ P E ~ s ., ,r , . ,. "'a, qqy~~.g~ E~7 r {{ : F7C"!'~ Fo^~ z~~AA ^,, qq Q~Pt rr s .~.~- ~4 R ..y'~'~1 ~. ~~~l~i~ ~~?'. ~~~~.i ~, 1.~~r~Mw~ia ~, 3.~ 4a C~l~s.::..`A~S.>'{~ a.i,+hd t'~.~. ~w F~~. Fe, ~'y, k .4:~.. .g. t;; y-~ - - ~~ ,~ i y y ~ i~M ~K~~ i.~ [~q~ l'~. ~A ~i~~ ~:k`q'a~a~. 5.~:1~~'~~,a:s~~?ycS ~ ., ~ ~ ~~i.~s ,1' t' -S~ _ : , ~, . ~~ .. - ~ ~ ~ . . ~F k.2d Y~~,: ".'D 8..~S~,v~Vnl 77b Y:. e. 1 ` r Fi ~ ' », c f ,~ ~ - ~.l ~ ~. . ` . 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Ei~.i 3.w ~6~.G".~.1.Ve'a ~aa ~:['~ry~T~>Ti~~.o e - ~~ - ~. , ~ ~ ~ - 3 .. •, ~ '' :i am sez~.d~nc~ a cn~,~y c~~' ~.',.~~s ~~.,~:~:~~~° ~a ~'ini Ij;~.~;;ci~,~. ~~c~ ~ _ d , 1':;3 1.:~ 4,~~;C1 ~~G"].I1C.f Sc:Klj~ ~"}l;-a s.~V'sa,:A3C.d;1 j?c°lC~r' ~3~L",~7,63 ,{»11:G~7XG":~16.~.1_+17. 15,~':°~.. r - ['.'.fi?i"t~`~.3 .iL1CO)_j]C~~7.~1.Yl.j f:.~l~ C: ~~~li°3.~'f::~. ~CiL1 ~bct`YYG: :a1XC~~aG'i`sa.^.C~~. ~'-.nC°~?~';~ 's . •, ,,. ... . ~u~~ ~t~°vi7,y yoi~~~& , ~. .~ i ~~ .. • ,. .. ., ,. <i `~ ~ ~ 1•T.~. • ll Ctit1V i? J.lo AS ~,~el [.~y .- ~ ~ - ~ - _ ~ ~~ ' i ~d:'.c1C~V~..~ ~ fw p ~~4~~.Q~r"3iC~Q 5~~~~J3 : ~ . :.;,. -: . . 3 r ~ ' 3 { ,. ' - - :, ,: .. ,. :: - t . -~ ~ .- - , F ., , ~ • . ~i • - ~ ; ••. ~, ,,_ , .. a e i - .. .. ~ - ~ ' ~ ~ 9 ~` f ,~ - .i. ' - .. ., - ' :. ' • ~ ~. .. _. .r ~ r • GAS RATE COMPARTSCN DECEMBER 1, 1968 GAS FACILITIES, TNC: -Vail First ~, 00o cu. ~t. Next ~, 000 cu. ft. Next 5, 000 cox, ft. Next 5, 000 cu. ft; Next 25, 000 cu, ft: All Over 40, 000 cu. ft; ~0. 13 per C X0.12 per C ~0. 11 per C ~0; 10 per C X0.09 per C ~0~ 08 per C Monthly Minimum X3.00 U PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY - Alamosa, Antonito, Breckenridge, Del Norte, Dillon, Frisco, La3'ara, Leadville, Manassa, Minturn, Monte Vista., Red Cliff, Romeo, Sagauche and S~.nford. First Next Next Next Next All additional 400 cu. ft. 1, 600 cu, ft. 6, 000 cu. ft. 6, 000 cu. ft. 6, 000 cu, ft. Average..Y~arly. Rate Per CCF Public Service Company -- Mint~xrx~.: ~. 08'70 $.1085 x;1.45 ~0. 135 per C $0.085 per C X0.0?5 per C X0.0'70 per C X0.063 per C Gas Facilities - .Vai 1 .'. 4 ~~ '~ ORDINANCE NO. ~ y AN ORD:I.~(ANCE G:RA3.V"I'TNd A ~'RANCIITSE }3Y THE TOWN OIa' ~~ VAZT;, EAG~:,E CDUNI'Y, CO~~ORfyDD, I'O PUIiL:~C ~EI~V~CZ ' t CdMC'1~_NY OF' COLOk~ADD, IBS SUCCE~SDRS AND ~,S>ZGkV~, ~ ~D CGNSTHUC'Z, k'URCx~1.5k;, .A.CQUIRE, DOCATE, r~.:CNZ`AIN; °, OPERATE, ~ EXTEND ZI~T`~'O, WIT'H1N AND Z'rD:~OUG:~I S~.I'D. t ,s. `~'OI~?N, i'T~ATdTS, WORKS, S~'S`1'EMS AND ~ACZ~~I'.I'~:IaS, FdR 3'I~ PL]RCIIASE, Sl'OR~.GE, TRANSM~:SSTON AND DTSTR~'DUZ':CdN ~,t,, c,-AS~;oUS ~'~E~s, DR r~x~~~'~, ~"xE~~or ~aY ~rc.~.~rs o1i, ~~~~~s, rL~~cNS, DR DTHERWTSE, D~I~R, U.~1DI~:R, A~G~TG AI'?D A~ :~~tiS AI,h S'1'RRanE tS, AZ~~EYS, VTADT~C`i'S, ht~~.DGES 9 . R4?1~75, IsAi1ES, I'U]3ZIC WAYS ~'iND D~H~'R PlJBLTC P7~'~CEa ZI3 SAID TD~r1N Off' VAIL, I'd SET,., FUftNT.SIi AND Ia~CSTft~C.~. ,~ I3"J'?`E SAD] T'RODiTCT TO `.CI3E TO~r7IV OF V'Axh 1LN.D TI~:~ I:tV ~° HA~3Z'~Ax~~l"S I'HE_P,E4F, ANI) Ii'I~TNG ~'I-IE `SET{MS .A].1TD C",dN'- DZTIdidS TI•~OF. ` ~_~ f BE lT 4FDA_C1~zEk] BY TIIE ~30AR.D OF 'ZRliSTEES 0~' TIi~ TOWN ~ 3 OI`' VAIL, EAG7~,' CdUN~.'Y, COT,ORADO: R ,€ ARTSCLE S. :~ I7heneVer the ~rrord Ta~,m ~.s hereina~'-~er emplayed. it shams. desig- naive tt~e 'Town. of Va3.l, Eag~.e County, Colorados the gr2.utor, and ~rhenever ~~ 3 ~ ~ ~.~ tine ~rrord Company is used it sha~_1, desig~.ate nat ori].y Ptzbl.ic S~rva.ce Company ~~. ~~ ,:I of CoZor.ados a Colorado corporation, the grantee, but also its successors a n.,~d ~~ssir~ns. t~ihenever 'Zhe Fub~:~c Utilities Commiss~.on of .the State of '~ ~5 `• ;;c,:!~~.r:~wdn 1.s re~'erred tqs it shah. be deemed to include any authority `~~ s,.~cccedit~ to the regulatory powers thereof. r , AS~'TICLE ZI. ~ ' Section 1. Giant o~ Autkzority, xhere a.s hereby granted by the `• i~o~rrz ~t~o Che Company the :franchise right, priv~.lege and authox~ty to con- . ~~ ~~rae. ~ s purchase, acquire, locate, maintain, operate and extend into, ''x ~ri.th~.~., and through said 'Town, p:~~,nts, works, systems and T'wcil~.ties ~'or t}ic storsg'r~ , purchases t.ransmi~ sion and d~.stribution of gs,seous ~'ue1s, . ~z~r:~~Ua.~w7_, art~.~'icial, syntk~es7.s, .l~,quefied natural;, .~:ique~'a..ed pe~:ro~.eum, r~a,nu~'a.ctured, or any mixture thereof) ~'or h~s.~ing, eoo?r:~ng, caol~,ngs or other simx.Zar utility purposes, with the right and p,rivi7.~ge,~'or the y p~~ri.oc~l ~,nd upon the terms and conditions hereinafter speciF~ed to sell., ,~ ::~ ~.',zrn~~_~;h, and distxibute said gaseous ~'ue1 to the Town, and the a.nhabitants ~~ _ ~ ~~ `~ ,~ ~.. ~ ,Ii I ,I` ~ ;; ,~ F 1. jj r , .f~~~~IIE~t~~~~ I, a~i, ~ { ~y, ~ ~~~LL ~~ ~ ~,~ I ~ II~~ i ~ 3 thereof, by means of pipes, mains, or otherwise, overt nd~er, aZoxz~ and across, a~,~. etreets, alleys, viaducts, bridges, roads, lanes, public ways and other public places in the Town an'' over, under, along and acro s any extensior. connection w.= th or continua ~iot~ of the son ~ and over, un ~r, e.long axed across all new streets, al~.eys, viaducts, bridges, roads, ~.o.nes, pubJ.ic ways and other public places as may be hereafter laid out, opened, located or constructed within the territory row or hereafter included in the boundaries of said Town. Section 2. Manner of Use - Repair. The Company is further granted the right, privilege and authority to excavate in, occupy and use any and all streets, alleys, va_aduets, bridges, roads, lanes, publ~.c ways and other public p~.a.ces under the supervision of properly constituted authority for the purpose of bringing gaseous fuels into, w~.thin and through the Town and supplying ~ gaseous fuels to said Town and the inhabitants thereof and in the . ~~ t~.xritary adjacent thereto, provided, however, that the Company shall so locate its plants, works, transmission and distribution structures, equip- ment, mains and pipes wit~iin said Town as to cause minimum interference with the proper use of streets, alleys and other public ways and places and to cause r~;.n~.mum interference w~_th the rights or reasonable convenience of property owners whose property adjoins any of the said streets, alleys or other public ways and places. Should ~,t become necessary for the Company, in exercising its rights and per~'orming its duties hereunder, to interfere with any side- walk, graveled or paved streets, roads or alleys, or any other public ar private improvement, the Company sha~_1 repair in a workmanlike manner such sidewalk, graveled or paved street, road, alley, or other improvement after Y. the insta~.lation of its mains, pipes or other structures. The Company shall tzse due care not to interfere with or damage any water mains, sewers, or other structures in said streets, alleys or other public places. Section 3. Town Held ~~armless. The Company shall sa maintain its structures, apparatus, mains, pipe and other equa.pment as to afford all .. 2 ,. :` i { t +_ :~ ~ reasonabl: protection against injury or damage to persons or propea y ` . therefrom, and the Company shall save the Town harmless from all li~bi- lity or damage and a7.1 reasonable expenses necessarily accruing against the Town arising out of the negligent exercise by the Company of the rights and privileges hereby granted; provided, that the Company shall have had notice of the pendency of any action against the Town arising out of such e~sercise by the Company of said rights and privileges and be permitted at its own expense to appear and defend or assist in the defense of the same. . Section 4. Changes at Company Expense. if at any time it shall be necessary to change the position of any gas main or service con- nection of the Company to permit the Town to change street grades, or make street or sidewalk improvements, such changes shall be made by the Company at its own expense. A~T~cI~ xzr. .. Section 1. Heating Value. The natural gas to be supplied here- . under shall contain a monthly average gross heating value of not less than the heating value set forth in applicable and effecta.ve Rules and Aegula- Lions as are from time to time filed with The Public Utilities Commission of the estate of Colorado. Section 2. Adequacy of Supply. The Company shall, at all times during the germ of this franchise, take all reasonable and necessary steps - to assure an adequate natural gas supply, but if unable to reasonably pro- ., cure the same, the Company shall and is hereby authorized to supply an ade- quote amount of other gaseous fuels, as hereinbefore defa.ned, or mi~.tures thereof, to satisfy the requirements of the Town and the inhabitants thereof. T3ie Company shall have the further right to supply said other gaseous fuels, or mixtures thereof, at periods of peak usage or at such other tames or for such purposes which wi.l.l result in efficiencads in the operation of the Company's system, provided that the supply of said other gaseous fuels will not impair service to the Company's customers. Such other gaseous fuels, • 3 ~- ~ ~ or r~a,xtuz~es thereof, shall be supplied by Company in accordance wa.th alb. applir_ab.:l_e rizlc a.nrl orders of The Public Util.aties Commission of the State of Colorado. ARTICT~E 1V. Section 1. Rates -- Regulation. The Company shall furnish _ gaseous fuels within the corporate limits of the Town or any addition thereto, to the Town and to the inhabitants thereof, and to any person or persons or corporation doing business in the Town or any addition there-- to, at the rates and under the terms and conditions set forth in the Rate Schedules, Standards for Service, Rules and Regulations, and Service Con- neetion and Extension Policies as are from time to time filed wzth or fixed by The Public Utilities Commission of the State of Colorado, Section 2. No Discrimination. The Company shall dots as to rates, charges, service, facilities, rules, regulations or in any other respect Make or grant any preference or advantage to any corporation or person or subject any corporation or person to any prejudice or disadvantage, provided that nothing in this grant shall be taken to prohibit the estab- lashmert from time to tame of a graduated scale of charges and classified rate schedules to which any customer coming within an established e].assifi-- cation would be entitled. Section 3. Extensions. Company will from time to time make suc'n enlargements and extensions of its distribution system as the business oz the Company and the growth of the Town justify, in accordance with its Rate Schedules, Standards for Service, Rules and Regulations and Service Con- nection and Extension Policies for gas service currently in effect and as are from time to time filed with ar fixed by ~'he Public Utilities Commission a~' the State of Colorado. Section ~. Rules and Regulations. The Company from time to -time may promulgate such .rules, regulations, terms and conditions governing the conduct of its business, inc.ludang the utilization of gaseous fuel and payment therefor, and the interference with, or alteration of any of the - !4 -~ ~ ~ Company's property upon the premises of its customers, as shall be neces- nary to insure a continuous and uninterrupted service to each and ali. of its customers and the proper measurement thereof and payment therefor,. provided that the Gompany sha11 keep on file in its oi'fice in i,eadville, Colorado, available to the public, copies of its Rate Schedules, Standards fox Service, Rules and Regulations, and Service Connection and Extension Policies currently z.n effect and as are from time to time filed .wi.th 'fhe Public iJtilities Commission oi' the State of Colorado. ARTICLE Vo Section 1. Franchise Payment. As a further consideration for this franchise, and accepted by the Town in lieu of ali. occupancy or occupa~ tion and license taxes and all other special taxes, assessments or excises on the right to do business or upon the pipes, mains, meters, ox other property of the Company, or other levies that might be imposed, either as a franchise tax, occupancy or occupation, tax, license tax, permit chax'ge, or for the inspection of pipes, mains, meters, ar other property of the Company, or otherwise, the Company shall pay to the Town a sum equal to tyro percent t2~} of its gross .revenue derived from the sale of gaseous fuel within the corpors.te limits of the Town, excluding ai.1 revenue received in excess of $2500.00 derived per annum from the sale of gaseous fuel. rendered to each customer at any one location. Payments shall be made on or before the first day of Niarch each year for the calendar year next previous. ?'ay- m°nts for the portions of the initial and terminal years of this franchise shall be made on the basis of revenue as above derived for the months and portions of months in which this franchise is in effect. For the purpose of s,scertaining or auditing the correct amount to be paid under the provisions of this paragraph, the Town Clerk and~or any committee appointed by the Board of Trustees of said. Town shall have access to the books of said Company for the purpose of checking the gross revenue received from operations within said Town. • ~.:. I. i' 6 ~,i i'.~ ~~`~ ~,'.. ~f ~_, f~ Y { !I sI i.. • It zs expressly understood that nothing in this Section, shall be deemed to ,limit or prevent the Town from imposing a sales tax or other simile r te.x, the obligation for payment of tehich is passed ari to the consumer, or limit or prevent the assessment of general ad valorem taxes upon the property of the Company within the municipality, the term "gross revenue" as used herein shall be construed to mean any revenue derived under authorized rates, temporary or permanent, thin the Town from the sale of gaseous fuels a#'ter the net write-off a~' uncollectible accounts, corrections of bi11s theretofore rendered and any adjustments of charges theretofore made. AHTZCI~ vx. Section 1. Term - Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective on March 1, lg6g, upon acceptance ~.n writing by the Company before said date, and the terms, conditions and covenants thereof shah. remain in full farce and effect for a period of twenty-five (25} years from and after said effective date. Section 2, Removal, Upon the expiration of this franchise, if the Company shall not have acquired an extension ox renewal thereof and accepted same, it is hereby granted, the right to enter upon. the streets, alleys, bridges, viaducts, roads, lanes, public ways and other public - places of the Town, for the purpose of removing therefrom any or all of its plants, structures, pipes, mains, or ec~,uipment pertaining thereto, at any tame after the Town has had ample time and opportunity to purchase, --`~ condemn or replace them. In so removing said pipes, mains or other property, the Company shall, at its awn expense and in a workmanlike manner, refill any excavations that sha.11 be made by it in the graveled or paved streets, alleys, bridges, viaducts, roads, lanes, public ways and other public places after the removal of its mains, pipes or other structures. Section 3. Assignment. Nothing in this ordinance shall be so construed as to prevent the Company from assigning all of its rights, title or interest, gained or authorized under or by virtue of the teams of this ordinance, sub,~ect to the condition that any assignment must be approved by the Town. Approval of the Town shall be withheld only upon reasonable grounds, -6 - 3 { } I f ' f ,': '~ `f _' Al i which sha.~.l be stated to the Company. Tnmthe event of any proposed sale ~' ax transfer of the plant or system of the Company within t~ze municipality the Tc~~rrn shall be promptly notified and sha11. be given the right of first ~ i ref~±sE.1. to purchase said plant and system upon the same terms offered the Company by any bona fide third party offexee. "_ Section ~+. Police Power Reserved. The right is hereby xeserved ' ~..: r to the Town, to adopt, from tame to time, in addition to the provisions z i. herein contained, such oxdanances as may be deemed necessary an the exercise i- ,: ~.~ ;; of ats police power, provided that such regulations shall be reasonable and ~'" <;a. not destructive of the rights herein granted, and not an, conflict with the f` ~:' lags of the State of Colorado, or with orders of other authora.ties havan~ F jurisdiction in the premises. :~~ ~sa: INTRODUCED, READ AND ORDERED PUBS,TSHED, the day t of A. D. 19b PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, this day of , '~' ,, A. D. l96 ~~ i ~, ~. . Mayor ` SEA7~ ~: . 'f, ;. AmTEST: moi,m C 1e rk • 1 .. f - , ~,,~ '~ r~¢ ', ~~ ~ .~Yaa~~~.-.. ..~4.~.. ..~.~.f.c:SY.+~~.•amzct'_,~'•~.mns~r'sa~en~~sfs+ar~ra-ssui~r :: a~~.x.ia_... . ... T':i.x -..•~.~~f%~rcn:W~c>~.:zsY>,P~'=.SV:SS~•al~M1r.~s'•.. s .f~ p5,r .,~." .~..e'li:~'s~3ltl~G' '}RD'S .d"l&j ,'h'~~~ ,~' s ~ a~y.:.~ 4 ~,p.' ~'.~ +'~~~ r• .-w ~ ~ .. i. ~ '~ ., '~"~7: Boaxd of Txus4:ce5 ~:~ 4. ~' ~ s \' n 1:'L'tiL~~: ]"3laJcc Lynch ~ ~-, JJecember lc}, 1gb8 9 , t ~, i:~': ConsaJ.i.cJ.atian A,gxee~xent Re~ew~,ls _~. L 3 J:~ncJ.ased yna ~vi11 £i;~d ~. copy a~ the consoli.cJ.ation agxee;~ez~.t ' ,~ :~xr;1 l~secJ J~.st year. ~ waul~ 1iJ.ce to aht~.axx 4he Boaxd4s :`- c.t~p~o~r~l to entcx into i:his agxeurxic:nt vri.~ih eae~h a~ the i~1Stx'1Ct9 r~.€,2in. foi ~.iiothe Y~ yeax. ~~ - } } 4 . - ~ - ~Z•ic 10 511.3. L "c `~, ~ i ~ ~~ ~, ,- F . , .+ #: k ,a ~- Y S . - ~ :; ~ '~~ j S , .. ' i ~ - ~ - ~ '. ~ ~ • .~ GR~EMENT TOWN C}F VAIL THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into as of January 1, 19&9, between the Town of Vail, a municipal corporation, and a political subdivision o£ the State of Golorado, t WITNESSETI-I: A. Definitions. "'Town" as used iri thus Agreement shall mean the Town of Vail aril the B+aard of T`rust`ees of tie 'Town of Vail. "District" as used in this Agreerr~ent shall mean the and the Board of Directors of the B. Texm. This Agreement shall be izx full force and effect from January 1, 19b9 to January 1, 1970, unless sooner terminated or modified as hexein provided. C. Performance. For the cansideratian hereafter expressed, the Town hereby agxees to operate and maintain the facilities of the District and do all things necessaxy and incident thereto including, without limitation, the following: 1. The supexvision, direction, operation and management and the maintenance and repair of all physical facilities of the District and all personnel connected theretx~ith. 2. The managersaent and supervision of all con- structian pro,}ects of the District. • 3. The collection and accounting for all charges, bills and accounts receivable by the District and the related administration thereof. 4, The payment of all expenses incurred by the Tawn in connection with its performance of this Agreement. of the District. 5. The enforcement of the rules and xegulations D. Consideration. As consideration for the operation and maintenance of the District's facilities by the Tawn as hereinabove provided, the District shall pay the Tawn those particular sums which have been budgeted by the District far the year 1969 for operation and main tenance as more particularly set forth in Exhibit °'A'1 identified as "1969 Annual Budget - Payment shall be made to the Town by the District as soon as said sums are available to the District for tax revenue ar other budgeted sources. GENERAL CQNDITIGNS 1. The Town and the District shall comply with all provisions of Colorado law relating to 2, The Town shall comply with all applicable rules and regulations of the District in connection with its operation of the District's facilities, including those rules and regulations adapted subsequent to the date of this Agreement. The Town shall promptly notify the Distxict of any violation or breach of said rules and regulations. 3. The Town may submit to the Distxict from time to time recommended suggestions and changes concerning the existing rules and xegulations, and the District agrees to pro aptly review and consider such recommended suggestions and changes. The District agrees to promptly notify the Town of any change in its rules and regulations. _~M • 4. During the life of this Agreement and in connection with its perforrrxance, the Town shall have and be entitled to the exclusive use of all real and personal property, equipment and supplies of the District. Upon terrrAination of this Agreement, all such property shall be returned to the District in the same condition as on the date of this Agreement, reasonable wear and tear excepted. Except fax office supplies, the Town shall replace all consumed supplies and merchandise or account therefor by payment for the deficiency. 5. At all times during the life of this Agreement, the Town shall have and maintain accurate books and records of its receipts and expenditures under this Agre~*xnent. which books and records shall be open at all reasonable times far inspection and copying by the District, Upon request by the District and in any event one rn.onth after the terrninatian of this Agreement, the Tawn shall furnish the District with an accurate written accounting of alI its expenditures made and payments received pursuant to this Agreement. 6, The Town shall submit to the District on yr before September 1, 1.969 a proposed budget covering the anticipated . expenditures necessary to provide for the operation and functions of the District for the 1970 calendar year. 7. The District shall designate the Town Coordin.atox as the Secretary-Treasurer of the District, and in such capacity he shall; {a) Keep in a well bound book a record of all of the District's proceedings, minutes of all :meetings, certificates, contracts, bands given by ex~nployees and all District acts, which baolc shall be open to inspection of all ownexs of real property in the District, as well as to all other interested parties; and he shall, {b} Keep atrict and accurate accounts of all money received by and disbursed for and on behalf of the District; and he shall, {c} File with the Clerk of the District Court of Eagle County, at the expense of the District, a corporate fidelity bond in an arr~ount not less than $5, 000. 00, conditioned on the satis- factory performance of the duties of his office. 3., • i $. The District agrees to promptly inform the Tawas of any matter which might affect the operation of the District's facilities including;, without lirr~itation, the following: (a) Receipt of any petition fox Annexation or Exclusion from the District, projects. {h) Proposed ar anticipated capital improvement (c] Pxopoaed or anticipated borrowing of money by the issuance of bands or otherwise. {d} Any change or modification. of the By-Laws of the District, its rules and xegulations, its rates and charges or changes in the District's budget, {e} Suits or actions by or against the District, including eminent domain proceedings. (f} Purchases or acquisitions of real ar personal property by the District. (g) Any change in directorship of the District. {h} Proposed budget far the District for the year 1970, including furnishing a copy thereof. {i) Resolution certifying the proposed mill levy for 1970, including furnishing a copy thereof. (j) 1gb8 audit, including furnishing a copy thereof. g, The Town shall indemnify and hold the District harmless from all claims, demands, charges and costs of actions arising out of ar in any manner connected with the Town's operation of the District facilities or the Town's perforx~ance of this Agree- ment. l0. It is expressly understood that ail rights not herein granted the Town pursuant to this Agreement shall be xetained and reserved by the District. ~'M1 ~J 11. Upon 30 days' written notice each party is granted the right to terminate this Agreexx:ent. In the event of such notice each party shall render to the other party an accurate account- ing of all surr~s received and expended under this Agreement to the termination date. Adjustments will be made to the termination date according to standard accounting practice and pracedure. IN WITNESS WHEREQF, the parties hereto have executed this !agreement as of the day and year first above written. TOWN OF VAIL ATTEST: By Town Clerk ATTEST: B Y Secretary Mayor • _ - i - ~ _. . E ` ~ r u _ 'z ~ ~ .t -Y- `'~ -- N ~ _ < v rL .'~ - - ~ FIB ' ~ - - ,_ _ _ M $ l ~.- Y ~ ..' - r~ _ __ ~- ~~.- -k r _ e w 3' - r i- ~ r .~~ ~ a _r - .. , - - ~ z -'~ - Y,- ~' --t r~ -~, -- . ~9'. - 'h :d .S~inc~ au~horf~~,~ng preliriii~iary s.~e~ring wo~r~ o~, a s~t~~t~~ur~~. {r~* ~ ~Y ' .. ~° t -, ... - - ~e ~~ vv~ :have. ~.ev~~oped rough- plans fog .t~~ ki~oatipn~ y ~on~ c y ~ar~inc~ g~~,~~g -; - _ 'A _ _ .~.t _ .C~.. ~ ~~ a ~ t~eYath~~'~~ ~h~ ~a~n Parkine~ - _ - ~~ ,;fin the aria: ~o~th ~f ~h~ ~d~~ ~a~ ~ ~ x >.~ - - n 4- S -. ~ t - ~ ~ C t :dot. ~ rI'h~s r~~,~~ex s~been dl~4t~ss~d ~,t v~~lo`us ~ ~ a ~ the` ~laing-, ~ ~ ' ~_ `~~ L f ~ ~ 1 - Irn ~ - ~`i 1' ~` - Yia-- 9 ~ ` ' ~`~ g. ~ '~ "~ ~ ~ bar Lf - or :and othe~~. rum Q _ ~ - °~o~;rd, ~ax11 A ~sQeiates ~ the iu~ay _ - _ - _ - , $ ,~~- _ _ f ~- ~ - ~ ~ AAA - ~ s es a~ erence o~ ~ - - - ..:rea~or~~~ ;not~the~ lca~~s~o~ w~ ~~~ l it ~~ ~1~,~ ~ n - ~ ~ ~, ~, y 4~ ~ ire. the l b~.~, a ~ i~' the ~~.in . ~' M 1~ ~` =~ ~ ~ri terms o~~n~-,, g - i~ ~- R f as ~ ~ -~ ~ - ~ .• _ - - -- - - 4 ,. ~,~, ~# 1~ax~k~ng ~©t ~9nth ~~ eov~r4 9.~dge ~' ~~xnis =most ~ui~tabLe at ~~s t~ J ~ ~ Y ^^. 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F5. h a -~ - ~~,~ ~ ~(TNt s ~ ~' - F -..~ s ~ r_ t~ -,~ 3 Fitz _ - -• ~~ "~ -,-. _ _ _ 5- p - ~ - ,a - „~ - - ' ~ ~ x S '~ . < 1~ . L. r.: _: .. '.:: •, ~~ - _-.: :-..t~,~ :--..~~'~!~ t .-..~'_4 y..a1..5z•?&.~.s,~-~~~~_~r~°~~r."iF{A".P,S~.?r:~e4.~x'~.a~~':a..u.- ~ "~. ~ ~ i ... i ;E s '~ ORDTNANCE N0. l~ Series of 19b$ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 18, SERIES OF ~9Cb, !`? DEFTNTNG PUBLIC NUISANCES WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL BY MORE SPECIFICALLY DEFTNTNG CERTAIN NUISANCES RELATED ` TO UNKED AUTOMOBILES. J BE TT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF VAIL: ~`, Section 1. Amendment. , ,. ~, That Section 2, subsection (b} of Ordinance No. 18, ~ '' Series of 1966, entitled "AN ORDINANCE DEFTNTNG PUBLIC NUISANCES WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VTOLATT~3N A~~7 ~ ,. PROCEDURES FOR THE ABATEMENT THEREOF." is hereby amended by the addition of the following sentence to follow Section 2, sub- SeCtion (b}: ~ ~l It is further specifically provided that "junks' 'j as referred to in this Ordinance shall be ~ ~~} expressly deemed to include, without limitation, any motor vehicle that is incapable of operation under its own power; a motor vehicle shall be a ~ presumed incapable of operation if it has ~ ~ ~~ remained in one location for a period in excess of thirty days. ~ . `; Section 2. Effect of Amendment. ¢ `~ V ~ I ~' Except. as hereinabove modified and amended, all other terms and provisions of Ordinance No. ~.$, Series of 1965, shall } be deemed to remain in full force and effect and oat cancelled, modified or amended by this Ordinance. ~ ~', # i{ Section 3. Emer~encv. ~ ~' ~~~ The Board of Trustees finds and determines that the ~ passage of this Ordinance is necessary for the immediate preset- ~ vation of the public health and safety of the inhabitants of the "~. Town of Vail, and that this Ordinance shall become effective ~ :I Five (5) days after publication. '' READ, PASSED, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this ',~ day of 1968. ~ ~ ;: ~ l Jahn Dobson, Mayor ~ ~.-'. ATTEST: F. Blake Lynch, Town Clerk 4I .. ~ ~ ,.~ . ~ ' } >:~ . ; . NOTICE OF APPZ,ZCATZON FaR FRANCHISE '}.~I ~ ~ .. ~ ]3Y P[JQT,IC SERV3'CE COMPANY 0~' COLORADO _~'- " I . ~ ~~:„ . - Pursuant to the Statufies a~ the State of Colora~~as ~zut~.ce ~.~ ,, ~h~~by given that at a regular meeting of the Board of Trust~;ee oP the County of Eagle, State of Cq~.orado; to be held on D~Cemb01 ~~~ of• Vail , lg&8 at the hour of 7:30 0' clock ~'.~~. , at its ~~ ~=~ ...... , place of meeting in the Mi11 Creek Couxt Building in Vail, Colorado, " t~-.e f'G'BLTC SETiVTCE' COMPANY OF COLORADO, a corporat~.on duly organized . aT,~3 existing under and by vixtue of the laws of the State of Golorz,dag f '°~~ wi21 make app:~ication to said Town for the passage of an ordinance grant- " . . - _ ins to said Rxblic Service Company of Colorado a franchise to provide ,,y• _ gas service zn said Town fora 25--year period, (:' $~ The proposed franchise provides for the supply of gas service - in a.ccorde:nce with Rate SchEdules, Standards of Service, Rules and Regu-- ~ - ' ~.~:i~~ aryd Service Connection and Extension 1'o1~.cies in effect and as '° are from time to time filed with or fixed by The Public Utilit~.es r;, °" Comm~.esian of the State of Co~.oxado. Provision is made for an adequate ,- supply of natural. gas, with the right to supply othe.~ gaseous fuels or . ~.~ mixtures thereof in the event that a natural gas supply cannot reasonably ~, be obtained. In consideration of the grant of the Pxanchise, a payment - ~ t4 the ToVm of two percent (2°~0} of gross revenue derived froth the sale of ;- . i gets, with certain e~tclusions and qualifications, is provided. E. ~" ~-'` F. ~:' The proposed franchise i.s available I'or inspection and copiers thereof may be obtained in the Office of the Town Clerk in the Town Hall - in the Town. - DATID AT DENVER, COZORADO, this 27th day of November ..:' . . A. n, 1g68, ~U.~z~~c sERVIC~ caMPA~vY aF co~,aR~~a ~'. ~ ` ~ ~ By ~ t ~ ,. ,. r ~ .resident ,; - ',~ - - - -- --- --- ------_._ ... _. .. -----_- .~. __ T_.._ ---- - ; - ~.,-. . I A ff ORDINANCE NO. ~~ U AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A FRANCHISE BY THE TOWN OF VATL, EACxLE COUNTY, COLORADO, TO PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO, TTS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, TO CONSTRUCT, PURCHASE, ACQUIRE, LOCATE, MAINTAIN, OPERATE, AND EXTEND XNTO, WITHIN AND THROUGH SAID TOWN, PLAINTS, WORKS, Sv~mF AND FACILITIES, FOR THE T~RODUCTION, CMANU~'ACTURE, PURCHASE, STORAGE, TRANSMISSION AND DLS'rxlBUriON OF GASEOUS FUELS, OR MIXTURES THEREOF BY I+'IEANS OF PIPES, NIATNS, OR OTHER- WISE, OVER, UNDER, ALONG AND ACROSS ALL STREETS, ALLEYS, VIADUCTS, BRIDGES, ROADS, LANES, PUBLIC WAYS AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES IN SAID TOWN OF VATL, TO SELL, FURNISH ANA DISTRIBUTE SAID PRODUCT TO THE TOWN OF VATL AND THE INHABITANTS THEREOF, AND FTX- TNG THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEI;EOF. • BE IT ORDAINID BY TIE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF NAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO: ARTICLE I. Whenever the ward Town is hereinafter employed. it shall desig- nate the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, the grantor, and whenever the word Company is used it shall designate not only Public Service Company of Colorado, $ Colorado corporation, the grantee, but also its successors and e,ssigns. Whenever The Public Utilities Commission of the State off' Colorado is refexred to, it shall be deemed to include any authority succeeding to the regulatory powers thereof. ARTICLE TI. Section 1. Giant of Authority. There is hereby granted by the f w Town, to the Company the franch~.se right, pra.vilege and authority to con- struct, purchase, acquire, Locate, maintain, operate and extend into, within, and through said Tawas, plants, works, systems and facil~.ties for the production, manufacture, storage, purchase, transmission and distribu- tion of gaseous fuels, (natural, artificial, synthesis, 1~.quefied natural., liquefied petroleum, manufactured, or any mixture thereof} for heating, cooking, cooling, or other similar utility purposes, with the right and privilege for the period and upon the terms and conditions hereinafter specified to sell, furnish, and distribute said gaseous fuel. to. the Town, ~ ~ and the inhabitants thereof, by means pf pipes, maa.ns, or otherwise, over, under, along and across all streets, a1..leys, viaducts, bridges, roads, :Lanes, public gays and other public places in the Tows. and over, under? along and across any extension, connection with or continuation of the same and aver, under, along and across aZl new streets, alleys, viaducts, bridges, roads, lanes, public ways and other public places as may be here- after laid out, opened, .located or constructed within the territory now or hereafter included in the boundaries of said Town, Section 2. Manner of Ilse Renair. The Company is further granted the right, priv~,lege and authority to excavate in, occupy and use any and all streets, alleys, v~.aduots, bridges, roads, lanes, pub.lie ways and other public places under the supervision of pxopc.rly constituted author~.ty for the purpose of bringing gaseous £'uels into, within and througYz the Town and supplying gaseous fuels to said Town and the i,nhabi- tents thereof and in the territory adjacent thereto, provided, however, tY~at the Company shall so locate its plants, works, transmission and distr~.bution structures, equipment, mains and pipes withj.n said Town as to cause minimum interference with the proper use of streets, alleys and other public ways and places and to cause minimum interference with the rights ax reasonable convenience of property owners whose property adjoins any of thc~ said streets, alleys or other public ways and places. Should it become necessary for the Company, in exercising its rights and performing its duties hereunder, to inter~'ere with any s~.dewa3~, grave Zed or paved str~:ets, roads or alleys, or any other public ox private improvement, the Company shall repair in a wark- manlike manner such sidewalk, graveled or paved street, read, a~..ley~ or other improvement after the installation of ~.ts mains, pipes ox ether structures. The Company shall use due care not to interfere with or damage any water mains, sewers, or other structures in said streets, alleys or other public places.. Section 3. Town Heald Harmless. The Company shall so maintain its structures, apparatus, mains, pipe and other equipment as to afford all • xeasonab,l.e protection against yr~jury or damage to persons or property therefrom, and the Company shall save the Town harmless from all .liabi~ .1ity or damage and all reasonable expenses necessarily accruing against the Town arising out of the negligent exercise by the Company of the rights and privileges hereby granted; provided, that the Compa3~y shall 'have had notice of the pendency of any action against the Town arising out of such exercise by the Company of said rights and privileges and be permitted at its own expense to appear and defend or assist in the defense of the same. Section ~. Changes at Com~oanv Exiaense. If at any time it shall be necessary to change the position. of any gas main or serv~.ce con nection of the Company to permit the Town to change street grades, or make street or sidewalk improvements, such changes shall be made by the Company at its own expense. ARTICLE xTI. Section :1. Heating Value. The natural gas to be supplied here- und~;r shall. contain a monthly average gross heating value of not less than the heating value set forth in applicable and effective Rules and Regula~- bons as axe from time to time filed with ~'he Fu,blie Utilities Commission of tYae State of Colorado . Section 2. Adequacy of Sup~p~. ~'he Company shall, at all tunes during the term of this franchise, take all reasonable and necessary steps to assure an adequate natural gas supply, but if unable to reasonably pro- cure the Same, the Company shall and is hereby authorized to supply an ade-- quote amount of other gaseous fue.Ls, as hereinbefore defined, or mixtures thereof, to sat~.sfy the requirements of the Town and the inhab~tantS thereof. The Company shall. have the further right to supply said other gaseous fuels, or mixtures thereof, at periods of peak usage or at such other times or for such purposes which wi11 result in efficiencies in the operation of the Company's system, provided that the supply of said other gaseous fuels will not impair service to the Company's customers. Such other gaseous fuels, • ~ ;. T or mixtures thereof, shall be supplied by Company in accordance w~it~. all applicable rules and orders of The Public Utilities Commission of the State of Colorado. ARTTCIE TV, Section 1. Rates - Regulation. The Company sha11 furnish gaseous fuels w•ith.in the corporate limits of the Town or any addition thereto, to the Town and to the inhabitants the~°eof, and to any person or persons or corporation doing business in the Town or any addition ther~;~ to, at the rates and under the terms and conditions set forth in the Rate Schedules, Standards for Service, Rules and Regui,at~ons, and Service Con- nection and Extension Policies as are from time to time filed with or fixed by The Public Utilities Commission of the State of Colorado, Section 2. No Discrimination. The Company shah. not, as to rates, charges, service, facii.ities, rules, regulations or. in any other re-~ spect make or grant any preference or advantage to any corporation or per- son or subject any corporation or person to any prejudice or disadvantage, provided that nothing in this grant sha7..1 be taken to prohibit the estab- lishment from time to time of a graduated scale off' charges and classified rate schedules to which any customer coming within an established classifi- cation would be entitled. Section 3. Extensions. Company will from time to time make such enlargements and extensions of its distribution system as the business of the Company and the growth of the Town justify, in accordance w3,th its Rate Schedules, Standards for Service, Rules and Regulations, and Serv:iee Con- nection and Extension Policies for gas service current~.y in effect and as are from tame to time filed with or fixed by The Publie Utilities Commission of the State of Colorado. Section 4. Ru~.as and Regulat~.ons. The Company from time to time may promulgate such rules, regulations, terms and conditions gover~.ing the conduct of its business, including the utilization of gaseous fuel. and payment therefor, and the interference with, or alteration of any of the • Company's property upon the premises of its customers, as shall be neces- sary to insure a continuous and uninterrupted service to each and all of its customers and the proper measurement thereof and payment therefor, provided that the Company shall keep on file in its office in Leadville, Colorado, available to the public, copies of Sts Rate Schedules, Standards for Service, Rules and Regulations, and Service Connection and Extension Policies currently in effect and as are from time to time filed with The Public Utilities Commission of the State of Colorado. ARTICLE V. Section 1. Franchise Payment. As a further consideration for this £x°anchise, and accepted by the Town. in lieu of all occupancy or occupa- Lion and license taxes and all other special taxes, assessments or excises on the right to do business or upon the pipes, mains, meters, or other property of the Company, or other Levies that might be imposed, either as a franchise tax, occupancy or occupation tax, license tax, permit charge, or for the inspection of pipes, mains, meters, or other property of the Company, or otherwise, the Company shall pay to the T~owr~ a sum equal to tyro percent (2°fo) of its gross revenue derived from the sale of gaseous fuel within the corporate, limits of the Town, excluding the revenue received from the Town for gaseous fuel furnished it and excluding all revenue received in excess of 2500.00 derived per annum from. the sale of gaseous fuel ren- dered to each customer at any one location. Payments shall be made on or before the first day of March each year for the calendar year next previous. Pa ants for the ortians of the initial and terminal ears of this fran- ym p y chise shall be made an the basis of revenue as above derived for the months and portions of months in which this franchise is in affect. For the pur- pose of ascertaining or auditing the correct amount to be paid under the provisions of this paragraph, the Town Clerk and~or any committee appointed by the Board of Trustees of said Town shall have access to the books of said Company for the purpose of checking the gross revenue received from operations ~rithin said Town. • ,- F J The team "gross revenue" as used herein sha11 be construed to mean any revenue derived under authorized rates, temporary or permanent, within the Town from the sale of aseous fuels after the net writ rraff of ~ e uxzcollectible accounts, corrections of bills theretofore rendered and any adjustments of charges theretofore made. ARTTCZE Vl, Section 1. Term - ~ffectiv~e date. This o~°dinance shall become effective, as prov~.ded by law, thirty days a#'ter its publica~tior~ fo~.lowin~ final passage, upon acceptance in writing by the Company with?.n. said per~.od, and the terms, conditions and covenants thereof shall remain in fL~l~ force and effect for a period off' twenty-five (25) years from and after said effcc- five date. Section 2. Removal. Upon the expiration of this franchise, if the Company shall not have acquired an extension or renewal thereof and ac- cepted same, a.t is hereby granted, the right to enter upon the streets, a7~leys, br~.dges, viaducts, roads, lanes, publ~,c ways and other public places of the Town, for the purpose of removing therefrom any or all of its plants, structures, pipes, mains, or equipment pertaining thereto, at any tirr~e after the Town has had ample tame anal opportunity to purchase, condemn or replace them, Tn so remov~,ng said pipes, mains or other property the Company sha~.l, at its own expense and in a wprkmanlike manner, refill any excav~ati4ns that shall be made by a.t in the graveled or paved streets, alleys, bridges, via- ducts, roads, lanes, public ways and other pub:],ic places after the xemgval of a.ts mains, pipes or other structures. Section 3. Assignment, Nothing xn this ordinance shall be so construed as to prevent the Company from assigning all of its r~.ghts, ta.t3,e or interest, gained or authorized under or by virtue of the terms of this ordinance. Section ~+. Police Power Reserved, The right is hereby reserved to the Town. to adopt, from time to time, in addition tQ the proyj,sions Yaere- in contained, such ordinances as may be deemed necessary in the exercise of • fi. ~ w its p017.Ce power, provided that such. regul.ation.s sha1.1 tae r~:asonabZe and not destructive of the rights herein granted, and not in conflict with the Zaws of the State of Colorado, or with orders of other authorities having jurisdiction in the premises. INTRODUCED, READ AND ORDERED PUBLISHED, tk~e day of , A. D. 195. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, this day of , A. D. ig6~. Mayor SEAL ATTEST: Town Clerk • _ 7 • iF' R • • -yy . ~, t i• i. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8, 9. 10. 11. 1.2. 13. 140 1 ~, s LJ PROJECTS Zoning Subdivision Regulations Structured Parki ~ r Annexations Capital Improvements Planning Public Transportation Analysis Data Processing Feasibility Refuse Collection Evaluation Cemetary questions F///// Y 1• V Electric J~ility Study Mater and Sewer Rate Study and complete Tina ia1 evaluation of District. Fixed Asset Inventory Vi~rite and Print Information Packets. e, g, (a} "~T57hen you Build in Val]." (b} Vail Growth Statisti s (c) Other form. Letters - Adequate Code Enforcement Program Five year Financial Projections ~ ~ • r~ ~J DECEMBER 1, 1908 GAS FACILITIES, 1NC. -Vail First 3, 000 cu. ft. Next 2, 000 cu. ft. Next Next 5, 000 cu. .5, 000 cu, ft, f j,~ Next 25, 403 eu. ft. All Over 40, 000 cu. ft. Monthly Minimum X3.00 GAS RATE COMPARISON ~0. 13 per C ~0. 1 ~ per C ~0. 11 per C ~0. 10 per C ~0.Og per C ~0.OH per C ,~ .~ 3 • l d '~,~D ;~~ ~ ~ U ~~~ ~-1•~~~ .~ ~~~ PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY - Alamosa, Antonito, Breckenridge, Del Norte, Dillon, Frisco, Larara, Leadville, Manassa, Minturn, Monte Vista, Red Cliff, Romeo, Sagauche and Sanford. First Next Next Next Next All additional 400 cu. ft. 1, 600 cu. ft. ~, ono ~u. ft. 6, 000 cu. ft. ~, oao ~u, ..ft,. .,~~~eG1~ ~1, 45 ~0. 135 per C ~o. 085 per c ~o. 075 per C X0.070 per C ~0, 063 per C Average Yearly Rate Per CCF Public Service Company -- lVlinturn: Gas Facilities _ tai 1 r~ i~ ,v ~, 0870 ~, 1085 ~j ~ .~~ ~, ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ .Z j`~5 . ~'~ ~~:~a ~~7~ ~~.y9 1 TOWN qF VATL GENERAL FUND ~~ u r~ ~J • TREASURER'S REPORT November 3p, 1968 Financia3 Statement Balance in Bank of Vail. Regular Account as of 10!33/68 $(4,532.55} ~teceipts during November Bond Deposits Sales and General Occupation Taxes Utility Occupation Tax Parking Fees Liquor License Fees - State Liquor License Fees - Town Court Fines 8 Fees Building Inspection Fees Street Repair Fees Highway Users Tax Management Fees Accounts Receivable Building Permit Deposits Reimbursements 8 Refunds Miscellaneous Revenue Disbursements during November Board of Trustees Police Magistrate Administration Planning Police Department Street Maintenance Building Inspection Parking Lots Street Lighting Parks and Grounds Maintenance Fire Protection District Recreation District Water District Sanitation District Ice Skating Liability Accounts Payroll Accounts Reimbursable Expenses A22 Departments, Cap~.tal Outlay $ __.. 8,249.24 ..... , 4,441.25 783.75 285.59 424.00 782.49 129.64 19,300.00 4,374.44 50.00 22.41 352.50_ 39,3.74.32. $34,641.46 $ 3,956.47 1(10.00 579.77 2,265.88 528.37 69.26 462.15 4,558.09 691.24 2,085.19 43.75 2,246.90 7.2,000.00 7,61,, 80 625.00 .28,373.88 Balance in Bank of Vail Regular Account as of 11/30!68 $ 6,267.58 Respectfully subm~.tted, • F. Blake Lynch Secretary/Treasurer TO: BOAR D O F D1R EC TORS VA1L WATER AN3~ SA1~TxTATION DlS'1'~IC'1' FRO11~i: F. }SLAKE LYNCH DATE: 12/5/~t~ RE: THEATER TAP FEE ASSESSMENT The preponderance a~ data collected concerning water usage to movie theaters, some of which you have received, suggests that theaters use an average of 5 gallons per seat per day. Taking the equivalent tap average of 300 gallons per day, we arrive at 60 movie seats per equivalent tap. For these purposes, we can assume that an equivalent tap equals a one~unit change. The movie theater at the Crossroads will have 3'70 seats. 3`70 ~:- 60 = 6. 1d'7 equivalent taps. The owners of the shopping center have suggested that the 5 gallon national average type figure should be reduced for the Vail theater to the extent that air conditioning units are not being used. Ken Richards suggests that air conditioning units that are properly functioning da not really use that mach water and that no mare than a 5 percent credit would be in order in this case. Therefore, it is my recommendation that the tap tee be determined by reducing the 6.167 equivalent taps by 5 percent. 6, 107 ~- .308 5. 859 equivalent taps X X300. 00 ~ ~~., 75`7. '70 C • • MTNU'TES OF THE 1V~EETrNG VAIL $OARD 41~ TR.~JS"~'EES. ~- ~'~HE 'T'OWN OF VAIL HELD? DECEMBER 2'7, X96$ ail On Friday, December ~7, 198, at 1:30 P, M. , the Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Vail was called tv Order by the Mayor, ~'ohn Dobson, in the Rib Room of the Lodge at Vail. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Members present: John Dobson, Mayor Trustee Kindel Trustee Langmaid Trustee Kaemmer 'T'rustee ~~,ile~. i r~c,rte~.- ~t ,~ Absent: John Donovan 1, THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES CONVENED AS 'THE LIQUOR LICENSING AUTHORITY e Lodge Lrauor Lrcens The Board noted that it was only necessary to consider the moral character of the applicant for the proposed new owners of the Lodge. Police Chief Holmes was called upon tp present his findings on investigating the moral character of the applicants. He reported that their fingerprints had been taken, that letters of reference had been received and nothing derogatory has been-found concerning their moral character. The Board ~roted to approve the liquor license application, 2, THE BOARD CONVENED .AS THE BOARD C?F `T'RUSTEES. 1. Structured loa,rking Mr. Lynch discussed the progress being made with structured parking. He explained the probable location, the basic elements of an arrangement with Vail Associates on the land and the most logical vehicle for financing the project, No vote of final approval was given by the Board on the project, nor were a~~y objections voiced. 2. Selection of Attorney The Board had previously decided that it would be desirable in terms of saving money and obtaining more immediate service to hire a Town Attorney on a salary basis. It was anticipated that the attorney would reside in Vail. A committee of the Mayor and the Chairmen of the three Districts had met and narrowed the potential selection down tv two persons: { 1) Stewart Brawn and {2) Larry Robinson. Mr. Robinson of the firm of Robinson and Sullivan in Boulder was selected for two principal. reasons: {1) Mr. Brown had a case pending against the Town in the Supreme Court and (2) The Town would actually be obtaining the services of an assistant working under Mr, Brown rather than the full attention of Mr. Brawn himself. '~ With no further business to come before the Boa.xd, the Meeting was unanimously called to a close; it adjourned at 3;00 F, M.