HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967 Vail Town Council Minutes~_ ~ • ~ MINUTES 0~' THE MEETING HELD .~A1~~7ARY L ~ X967; TO~~?N OF VAIL VAIL, CO~~IFtADE? The Meeting was called to order in the absence of Mayor Kindel by Mayor Pres4~em Mitchell Hoyt at $:~0 p.m. ROIL CALL: Roll Call found the fa~l.t~wing Members present: Trustee Willett T;:us tee Dobson Trustee La;~gmaid Trustee Hoyt Trustee Seibert Mayor Ted Kindel and Trustee Burdick were absent. P4i~?E3TES OF THE MEETING 1. The first topic on the Agenda was the consideration of Ordinance ~~1, Series of 1967, imposing a business and occupation tax on certain utility companies - within the Town of Vail. Mr. Blake Lynch, Town Recorder, read the Ordinance. Mr, Don Capron, ReprerQ.ntative from the Telephone Company, had no comment. His Office would be glad to answer questions and indicated the Te~.ephone Company has r..:~ objection whatever to this tax. Mr. Capron requested a rnap indicating the lir;its of the Town of Vail. V^ry oftcz this tax is coupled with a Franchise, but at this tuna the Town of Vail is not granting any franchises. Zt should be very clearly stated that the tax is net a granting by the Town of a franchise. It is expressly understood that none of the ter~!:s of this Ordinance be construed to mean that any utility be granted a franchise within this municipality. Tr.~.stee Willett made a Motion that the Ordinance be accepted and Trustee Langmaid seconded the r:~~tian. It was passed unanimously. 2. The second topic was the cansideratio~- of an agreement with the 1J±aited States :.wrest Service to pay a portion of the cast for constructing a bridge across Gore Creek at Vail Road. i:l°. estimate for the construction of the bridge would be $32,000,00 to be appor- tior~ed as follows: Town of Vail, $7,000.00, Eagle County $8,000.00, and the Forest Service will pick up the balance of $15,000.00. Plans were sub.ii.tted to the Beard fax consideration. Several points were brought to the attention of the Board: 1. Is there clearance under the bridge for hanging utility wires, etc., 2. Is the construction in keeping with the alpine nature of construction in the town of Vail, 3. Is the commitment from the Caunty in writing? 4, Is the construction conducive to the ease of snow removal? 5. Does a two lane bridge xequire a walk lane? b. Is there a limit on the cast of construction? The estimate at this time far the construction is $30,000.00 and the Caunty will supervise the building. Mr. Cosgrif£ suggested that in view of the comments made ;~1:±s the fact that Vail is the only one designated as a cooperator that the eati~-~ate be in writing and with specific approval of the Forest Service. A I~lotion was made by Trustee Dobson to accept the proposal subject to the fallowing: 1. A letter of commitment from the County and 2. Possible change of the railings. The Motion was seconded by Trustee Seibert. Board of Trustees. It was unanimously accepted by the 3. Discussion regarding the authorized signatures to be affixed to all ch~~ks a.nd other orders for the payment of money drawn in the name of the ^ 1 ~ • Page L - Town of Vail - January 2, 1967' There are two ways of handling the finances of the Town of Vail, 1. The Warrant System and L, the Direct Checking Account. Colorado Law specifies that all bills must be published, The bills should be listed, brought before khe Board, the Board gives approval for payment and payment is made. T:•_p ~ir~~~t C'_~~ckf_ng P_ccount System was recommended. Trustee Langmaid made t'~e Mcti.an t~.at the Direct Checking Account System be used, to be signed by the Tres.s~rrer ar~d one of the ]3oard of `frustees, ;::.;:stee Seibert seconded the Motion. A Motion was made that Ava Jane Sudbeck and Blalce Lynch as well as the Mayor and a'1 of the Trustees be authorized signatures. The Board voted unanimously to a~• i ~ ,;ve the Mo t ion s . ~+. Miscell.ar.eaus matters from the Town Coordinator: A. Report on the Parking Lot - The Season parking spaces are ready and som^ have been sold. There are sti11 approximately twenty H2O) spaces still :vai_lable. The short term parking wi11 be in effect within a few days. B. Ir,.ti tractions regarding r+ayrnent of the occupation tax have Lr^rl sent to all businesses. 5. Miscellaneous matters from the Town Attorney - None ,,, The Board discussed a flat rate specific occupation tax proposal sa'umitted by a Committee of the Board, appointed by the Mayor. The Committee proposed a flat rate yearly tax on ski. schools, barber shops, beauty salons, 1~.:~yers, architects, secretarial services, newspapers, real estate offices and home management offices. In the discussion that followed, it was the general consensus t..at home management offices should be exempt from this tax since ta~:ing these offices might constitute double taxation in lieu of taxes that have already been passed. In additio:~, it was felt that the fee for the taxation on the newspaper and some of the other categories might be too high. Trustee Seibert moved that this i::em be tabled for further discussion at the next Meeting. It was seconded by Trj~^ ~-~~ aaagmaid 7, Consideration of Ordinance ~~L, Series of 1967, regulating traffic uFo:~ the public and private streets in Cho Town of Vail. The Tawn of Vail would like to adopt the Model Traffic Cade. This Ordinance is an emergency Crdinance and will only be in effect until. the Model Code is adopted. The urgency of transfer or dedication of the streets was stressed. r»^ading wi11 be handled under reckless or careless driving and the speed limit wi11 bQ a maximu*n of 2S miles per hour. Tire Motion was made by Trustee Seibert to accept the Ordinance with the various changes incorporated. It was seconded by Trustee Dodson. With no further business to come before the Board, the Meeting was adjourned at 11:CJ p.m. The Motion was made by Trustee Seibert and seconded by Trustee xoyt. • LICENSING AUTHORITY MEETING MELD JANUARY ~, 1967, TOWN OF VAIL VAiL, COLOitAAO The Meeting was called to order by the Mayor Pro-Tem, Mitchell ~Ioyt, at 8:OQ p.m. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the fallowing members present: 'Trustee Dobson Trustee Langtna id Trustee Hoyt Trustee Siebert Trustee Willett Mayor Kindel and Trustee Burdick were absent MZNUTE3 OF THE MEETING The primary purpose for convening ~.s to consider the application for a license by Jahn Donovan who is operating the Copper Bar. Mr. John Amato, attor- ney for the applicant, submitted the statement that in effect the application was for a renewal of license rather than an application of a new license, citing Regulation 16-C-3 of the Colorado Liquor Code, "All applicants far the issuance of a license by reason of a transfer of possession of the licensed premises by operation of law (bankruptcy, receivership, fareclpaure, evict inn, etc.), renewal of an existing license or a purchase and sale of the licensed premises shall not be required to comply with the provisions of C.R.S. 1953, 75-~-35 through 75-2-43, and 75-2-10, provided the character of the new applicant shall ba considered." Mr. Amato, therefore, maintained that h1s client was not liable to pay the $3OO.flO fee set by The Town of Vail for new licenses. In accordance with the Colorado Liquor Cade, 75-2-41, which requires public notice - posting and publication, Ntr. Dnnovan has complied. Zn addition the following was offered to the Board far review: 1. Application form filled out as described by the State Liquor Code. 2. The necessary letter to show that the applicant will have access to the premises. 3. A letter indicating the type of nperatinn. 4. A check in the amount of $25.00 5. A check in the amount of $325.00 imposed by the State Liquor Board. 6. A duplicate copy of the applicatinn. 7. Three copies of iette~"s by persons who have made character re~er- encea. 8. Finger prints have been taken. 9. Copies of the lease agreement. lfl. Copy of the financial statement. Mr. Amato reiterated his position that this should not be treated as a new license, and a considerable amount of the investigation could be considered irrelevant and those that were necessary would be borne by the applicant such as, fingerprinting publication and costs of hearing. Trustee Willett indicated the issue of cost should be postpa~-ed. Mr. Amato indi- cated that he knew of no statute that indicated that costs be absorbed by the applicant in this case. Trustee Willett made the Motion that the license be granted. Trustee Dobson seconded the Motion. It was unanimously approved by the Board. Trustee Willett suggested that the status of the new license fee in the case of a change of ownership be determined by the Town Attorney in the near future. With no further business to come before the Liquor Licensing Authority the Meeting was adjourned. c' 1 • MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ,TANUARXl, 1967, TO'~JN OF VAIL VAIL, COi.OiZADO The ~~eeting was called to order in the absence of Mayor Kindel by Mayor Pro-Tem Mitchell Hoyt at 8:40 p.m. F.^yL CALL: I?o11 CaJ.I found the following M°mbers present; Trustee Willett T::us tee bobson Trustee Langr~aid Trustee Hoyt Trustee Seibert Mayor Ted Kindel and Trustee Burdick were absent. t4 ~i?UTES OF THE MEETTNG 1. The i:irst topic on the Agenda was the consideration of Ordinance ~~1, Series of 1967, imposing a business and occupation tax on certain utility companies within the To;vn of Vail. Mr. Blake Lynch, Town Recorder, read file grd3.na.nce, Mr. Don Capron, Reprec°ntati.ve from the Telephone Company, had no comment. His Cffice would be glad to answer questions and indicated tb{e Telephone Co~.npany has r~o objecti.on ~~'.Zatever to this tax. Mr. Capro~t requested a map indicating the ? i..n~~its of the Town of Vail. V~.ry of tr~ this tax is coupled with a Franchise, but at this time the Tow_z of Vail i, not granting any franchises. It should be very clearly stated that the tax is r,~t a granting by the Town of a Franchise. Tt .s expressly understood that nine cf the ter,~.s of this Ordinance be construed tp mean that any utility be granted a franchJ.se with. i.~! this municipality. Trt~.stee Willett made a Motion that the Ordinance be accepted and Trustee La.ng^~aid seconded ti~.e F"otion. It was passed unanimously. 2. The second t:~~pic was the consic'oratio^ of an agreement with the [J~~.it~:.c. S#.ates Forest Service to pay a portion of the cast far constructing a hridue across Gr_re Creek at Vail Road. l::n estimate for the construction of the bridge would be $32,000.00 to be appor^ tio~-ed as follows: Town of Vail, $7,000.00, Eagle County $8,000.00, and the Forest Service will pick up the balance of $15,000.00. Plans c:Tere s~~b:~ti tted to the Board for consideration. Several points were brought to the attention of the Board; 1. Is there clearance under the bridge for hanging utility wires, etc., 2. Is the construction in keeping with the alpine nature o€ co:~struction in the town of Vail, 3. Is the cairmitment from the County in writing? 4. Is the construction conducive to the ease of snow removal? S. Does a two lane bridge require a walk lane? 6. Is there a limit on the cost of construction? T':'~e estimate at this time for the construction is $30,000.00 and the County will supervise the building. Mr. Cosgriff suggested that in view of the comments made i).iis the fact that Vail is the only one designated as a cooperator that the est_raate be in writing and with specific approval of the Forest Service. A i4otio~z was made by Trustee Dobson to accept the proposal subject to the fallowi-ng: 1. A letter of commitment from the County and 2. Possible change of the railings. T1~.e Motio*~ was seconded by Trustee Seibert. It wa.s una'^.i.mously accepted by the ~B.card of Trustees. 3. Discussion regarding the authorized signatures to be affixed to all ch~clc.s s~!c'. other orders for the payment of money drawn in the name of the T,~..... c . `~a.{..~ :` y • • Y Page L - Town of Vail - January 2, 197 There are two ways of Yiandl~.iag the fiffah~es of the Town of Vail, 1. The Warrant System and 'L, the Direct ~heck~.rig AcCou~it: Colorado Law specifies that all bill's mush be published. the bills should be listed, brought before the Board, the Board g~ves approva~ for paymer-t and payment is made, T.ap I3ircct Checking Account System was recommended. Trustee l.angma~.d made the Plotion that the Direct Checking Account System be used, to be signed by tide Treasurer and one of the Board of Trustees. Trustee Seibert seconded the Motion. A Motion was made that Ava Jane Sudbeck and Blake Lynch as well as the Mayor and all. of the Trustees be authorized signatures. The Board voted unanimously to apk~rove the Motions, 4. Miscellaneous matters from the Town Coordinator: A. Report on the Parking Lot - The Season parking spaces are ready and some have been sold, There are still approximately twenty {20) spaces still available, The short term parking will be in effect within a few days. B. Instructions regarding payment of the occupation tax have beet sent to all businesses. 5, Miscellaneous matters from the Town Attorney - None .,. The Board discussed a flat rate specific occupation tax proposal submitted by a Co~rmittee of the Board, appointed by the Mayor. The Committee proposed a flat rate yearly tax on ski schools, barber shops, beauty salons, lawyers, architects, secretarial services, newspapers, real estate offices and home management offices. In the discussion that followed, it was the general Consensus that home management offices should be exempt from this tax since taxing these offices might constitute double taxation in lieu of taxes that have alreauy been passed. In additio:~, it was felt that the fee for the taxation on the newspaper and some of tt~e other categories might be toa high. Trustee Seibert moved that this stem be tabled for further discussion at the next Meeting. It was seconded by ' Tr:.~^tee Langmaid. 7. Consideration of Ordinance ~~'~, Series of 1967, regulating traffic upo:~ the public and private streets in the Town of Vail. The Town of Vail would like to adopt the Model Traffic Cade. This Ordinance is a}i emergency Ordinance and will only be in effect until the Model Code is adopted, T1.e urgency of transfer or dedication of the streets was stressed. Speeding will be handled under reckless or careless driving and the speed limit will be a maximum of 25 miles per hour. TI_e Motion was made by Trustee Seibert to accept the Ordinance with the various changes incorporated. It was seconded by Trustee Dodson. With no further business to come before the Board, the Meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m. The Motion was made by Trustee Seibert and seconded by Trustee Hoyt. MTNUI'ES Ol! THE MEETING HELD JANUARY' 9, 1967, TQWt~ Ole VATL VATi,, COLORADO The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Ted Kindel at 7:45 p.m. ROLL CALL: Roll Ca11 found the fallowing Members present: Trustee Willett Trustee Burdick Trustee Seibert Trustee Hoyt Trustee Elobson Mayor Kindel Trustee Langmaid was absent. MIN~]TES OF THE MEETING The first item on the Agenda which was discussed is the proposed flat- rate specific Occupation Taxes. Tt is the intent of the Board to make the occu- pation tax as fair and equitable as possible. Trustee Seibert commented that since many of the businesses involved are just get- ting started and the oceupatianai tax should be low this year. Mayor Kindel stressed the point that the Trustees are interested in a fal.r distribution of the tax burden. Tt was recommended by Mayer Kindel. that Trustee Burdick and Trustee Dobson meet with Blake Lynch and make whatever recommendations are necessary and draft a pro- posal that can be voted upon. A discussion was h~:1d concerning the types of categories. Mayor Kindel requested Blake Lynch to begin work on an Ordinance regulating transient sellers. Report from the Tawn Caodinatar: 1. Office Partitions - A bid was submitted by James Reinecke for 31 feet of wall partitions at a cost of $2'90,40. Mayor Kindel requested that Blake Lynch verify Office Layout with Trustee Burdick. A Motion was made by Trustee Seibert subject to office layout approve]. by Trustee Burdick to approve the partition bid submitted by Reinecke. Tt was seconded by Trustee Willet and approved unanimously by the Board. 2. Traffic - The center of town should be restricted to pedestrian traffic and restricted parking, such as delivery trucks` Part of Gore Creak Arive should he a One Way Street tc~ g~.ve better control and help eliminate traffic as we11 as eliminating the cost of one traffic employee. The only place where parking will be allowed wi11 be at the east end of Mill Creek Road and will be mainly emergency parking. A reasonable fee was eseablished for the Parking Lot across from the Casino and adjacent to Gra[sahantmers'. A twenty five Cent {25fi) Per hour fee will be charged and the season permit will be $L5.00. There wi11 be tines when Bridge Street w1.11 be strictly a pedestrian street when the amount of traffic will warrant it. Tt was suggested by Trustee Seibert that the chains be lacked on bath sides of the street by The Casino Vail and Gramshammers when pedestrian traffic is heavy; however, it was determined that the problems that would ensue relating to late deliveries or late arriving guests far The Plx~a and The Golden Peak douse would make it undesirable to take such action. Page 2 - Town o£ Vail - January 9, 1967 3. Bridge - Vail Road A letter was read that was sent to the County Commissioners. The Board o£ Trustees recommended that the bridge be lighted. 4. It was brought to the attention o£ the Board that a used Austin Western Motor Grader was for sale by the McCoy Caterpillar Company, which was traded in by the City of Aspen when a larger Grader was purchased. Mayan Kindel requested Trustee Royt and Blake Lynch investigate the terms o£ sale and the condition o£ the machine. Xt was recommended that Jack Monroe be contacted regarding information concerning lease and purchase options on equipment. 1t was brought to the attention of the Board that financial arrangements should be such as not to burden any future Beards with the debt. 5. Blake Lynch reported on the general traffic. Mayor Kindel reported that he had received letters from John Amato and Charles Gersbach concerning the high gas rates in Vail and that Mr. Amato submitted a report he had obtained from an attorney regarding the various methods that the Town of Vail might employ to obtain lower gas rates for its citizens and that the essence a£ the Attorney's recommendations had to do with getting the Public Service Company to operate the gas system in Vail. It was pointed our that rho Town could possibly incur a great deal o£ expense in trying to implement the proposal submitted by Amato's Attorney, and that this wi11 be discussed again in the near future after receiving recommendations from Mr. Campbell. Mayor Kindel requested that Trustee Willett or Blake Lynch contact Mr. Campbell on this matter. With no further business to come before the Board the Meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. The Motion was made by Trustee Seibert and it was seconded by Trustee Hayt. • • • I.ICENB~G Ai~THORITY MEETING HBLD JANUARY 2, 19b7~ SOWN by VAIL VAIL, C©LiJ~ADO The Meeting was called to order by the Mayor Pto-hem, Mitchell. Hoyt, at 8:00 p.m. ROLL CALL: Ro11 Call found the following members present; Trustee Dobson Trustee Langmaid Trustee Hoyt Trustee Siebert Trustee Willett Mayor Kindel and Trustee Burdick were absent MINiJTE3 0~' THE MEETING The primary purpose for Convening is to consider the application for a license by John Donavan who is operating the Copper Dar. Mr. John Amato, attor- ney for the applicant, submitted the statement that in effect the application was for a renewal of license rather than an application of a new license, citing Regulation 15-C-3 of the Colorado Liquor Code, "All applicants for the issuance of a license by reason of a transfer of possession of the licensed premises by operation of law (bankruptcy, receivership, foreclosure, eviction, etc.), renewal of an existing license or a purchase and sale of the licensed premises shall not be required to comply with the provisions of C.R.S. 1963, 75-2-38 through 75~~»43, and 75-2-10, prov~.ded the character of the new applicant shall be considered." Mr, Amato, therefore, maintained that his client was not liable to pay the $300.00 fee set by The Town of Vail for new licenses. In accordance with the Colorado Liquor Cade, 75-2-41, which requires public notice -posting and publication, Mr. Donovan has complied. In addition the following was offered to the Daard far review: 1. Application fora: filled out as described by the State Liquox Cade. 2. The necessary letter to show that the applicant will have access to the premises. 3. A letter indicating the type of operation. 4. A check in the amount of $?5.00 5. A check in the amount of $325.00 imposed by the State Liquor Board. 6. A duplicate copy of the application. 7. Three copies of letters by persons who have made character refer- ences 8. Finger prints have been taken. 9. copies of Che lease agreement. 10. Copy of the financial statement. Mr. Amato reiterated his position that this should not be treated as a new license, and a considerable amount of the investigation could be considered irrelevant and those that were necessary would be borne by the applicant such as, fingerprinting publication and costs of hearing. Trustee Willett indicated the issue of cost should be postponed. Mx. Amato indi- cated that he knew of no statute that indicated that costs be absorbed by the applicant in this case. Trustee Willett made the Motion that the license be granted. Trustee Dobson seconded the Motion. It was unanimously approved by the Board. Trustee Willett suggested that the Status of the new license fee in the case of a change of ownership be determined by the Town Attorney in the near future. th no further business to came before the Liquor Licensing Authority the Meeting Wi was adjourned. • • MINUTES Of° THE MEETING HELD ,7ANUARY 9~ 19b7, TOWN OF-NAIL VA TL, COLORADO The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Ted Kindel at 7:G~5 p.m. ROLL CALL: Ro11 Call found the following Members prese~tt; Trustee Willett Trustee Burdick Trustee Seibert Trustee Hoyt Trustee Dobson Mayor Kindel Trustee Langmaid was absent. MINUTES OF THE MEETING The first item on the Agenda which was discussed is the proposed flat- rate specific Occupation Taxes. It is the intent of the Board to make the occu- potion tax as fair and equitable as possible. Trustee Seibert commented that since many of the businesses involved are just get- ting started and the occupational tax should be law this year. Mayor Kindel stressed Che point that the Trustees are interested in a fair distribution of Che tax burden. It was recommended by Mayor Kindel that Trustee Burdick and Trustee Dobson meet with Blake Lynch and make whatever recommendations are necessary and draft a gro- pasal that can be voted upon. ~A discussion was held concerning the types of categories. Mayor Kindel requested Blake Lynch to begin work an an Ordinance regulating transient sellers, Report from the Town Caodinator: 1. Office Partitions - A bid was submitted by 3ames Reinecke for 3l feet of wail partitions at a cost of $290.00. Mayor Kindel. requested that Blake Lynch verify Office Layout with Trustee Burdick. A Motfon was made by Trustee Seibert subject to office layout approval. by Trustee Burdick to approve the partition bid submitted by Reinecke. IC was seconded by Trustee Wi11et and approved unanimously by the Board, 2. Traffic - The center of town should be restricted to pedestrian traffic and restricted parking, such as delivery trucks. Part of Gone Creek Drive should be a One Way Street to give better control and help eliminate traffic as well as eliminating the cost of one traffic employee. The only pleas where parking will be allowed will ba at the east end of Mill Creek Rnad and will. be mainly emergency parking. A reasonable fee was establ3,shed for the Parking Lot across from the Casino and adjacent to Gramshammers'. A twenty five cent {25~) per hour fee will be changed snd the season permit will be $15.00. There will be times when Bridge Street will be strictly a pedestrian street when the amount of traffic will warrant it. It was suggested by Trustee Seibert that the chains be locked on bath sides of the street by The Casino Vail and Gramshaxmt-ers when pedestrian traffic is heavy; however, it was determined that the problems that would ensue relating to late deliveries or late arriving guests for The Plaza and The Golden Peak House would make it undesirable to take such action. ' ~~ • • Page 2 - Town of Vail January 9, 1967 • 3. Bridge - Vail Road A letter was read that was sent to the County Commissioners. The Board of Trustees recommended that the bridge be lighted. 4. It was brought to the attention of the Board that a used Austiirt Western Motor Grader was for sale by the McCoy Caterpillar Company, which was traded in by the City of Aspen when a larger Grader was purchased, Mayor Kindel requested Trustee Hoyt and Blake Lynch investigate the terms of sale and the condition of the machine. It was recommended that Jaek Monroe be contacted regarding information concerning lease and purchase options on equipment.. It was brought to the attention of the Board that financial arrangements should be such as not to burden any future Boards with the debt. 5. Blake Lynch reported on the general traffic. Mayor Kindel reported that he had received letters from John Amato and Charles Gersbach concerning the high gas rates in Vail and that Mr. Amato submitted a report he had obtained from an attorney regarding the various ttethods that the Tawn of Vail might employ to obtain lower gas rates for its citizens and that the essence of the Attorney's recommendations had to do with getting the Public Service Company to operate the gas system in Vail. It was pointed out that the Town could possibly incur a great deal of.experise in trying to implement the proposal submitted by Amoco's Attorney, ahd that this will be discussed again in the near future after receiving recgmmendaCions from Mr. Campbell. Mayor Kindel requested that Trustee Willett ax 81ake laynch contact Mr.• Campbell on this matter. With no further business to come before the Board the Meeting was adjourned at 9:flQ p.m. The Motion was made by Trustee Seibert and it was seconded by x~ustee Hoyt. • • -~ • MINUTES Off' THE MEETING HELD JANUARY 23, 1967, TOWN 0~' VAxL VAIL, COLORADO The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Ted Kindel aC 7:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Members present: Mayor Kindel Trustee Willett Trustee Burdick Trustee Hoyt Trustee Langmaid Trustee Dobson and Seibert were absent, MINUTES OF THE MEETING 1. The first item to be discussed was a letter to Vail Associates from the Board of Trustees regarding dedication of the roads. The proposed letter was read by Mayor Kindel. The Board o£ Trustees feels [hat the Town would be assuming a considerable financial obligation if the streets were taken over by the Town without some help from Vail Associates, Incorporated, in so far as possible encroachments of roads on private property. Trustee Willett suggested that the $5,000.00 indemnification the Town is requesting of Vail Associates is not sufficient. Discussion followed, and further consideration wil3 be given to the matter before the letter is sent to Vaii Associates. 2. Ordinance 963, Series of 1967,, "AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING REVENUE AND IMPOSING A TAX UPON CERTAIN OCCUPATIONS AND PLACES OF BUSINESS WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAiL, TO SECURE A PROPER DiSTRIBUTiON OF 'rHE BURDEN OF TAXES, TO PROVIDE PEiVALTIES WITH RESPECT THERETO, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY THEREFOR" was read by Blake Lynch, The Town Recorder. Mr. Rod Slifer mentioned that many businesses were not covered, such as, Allen Brown; Weibel Janitorial Service; General Contractors who come to Vail in the summer and build and who work over 90 days; sub contractors, who are here more than 90 days; landscapers; Audio-Vail; Nursery; etc. Discussion followed regarding real estate offices. Mr. Slifer feels this Ordi- nance will create a hardship on real estate businesses, which are already paying a 2% gross receipts on rentals, and would have an additional tax on employees involved in these rentals. A change was suggested in the .Ordinance as follows: to strike the clause referring to leasing in the definition of Real Estate Office. Mr. Robert Parker made the suggestion that a new business coming into Vail not be taxed during the first year of business. He referred specifically to the Barber Shop. He suggested that the Board consider a moratorium of one year. The problem of the Conoco Station was discussed. Thia business is covered by the Gross Receipts Tax, but the imposition o£ the tax would practically eliminate their profit on gasoline safes. It was suggested that the tax could be put an other items they sell, and regarding gasoline sales, that they be taxed per pump. A Motion was made by Trustee Willett that we exclude the Conoco Station from the 2% Gross Receipts Tax. It was seconded by Trustee Burdick and approved unani- mously by the Board of Trustees, ~-0, d ude stadn Ordinance 963, as amended, was read. The Trustees were pone Far n r n i g and approval. Ordinance 963 was passed unanimously, 4-0. .~ • Page 2 - Town of Vail - January 23, 1967 3. Ordinance ~~4, Series of 1967, "AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THAT LARCEidY' AND RELATER OFFENSES SHALL BE iJNLAWFUL AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF" was read by the Town Recorder. The Board was then polled for understanding & approval. Ordinance ~f~4 was gassed unanimously, 4-0. 4. Ordinance ~f5, Series of 1967, "AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE EXTENSION OF TkIE SOCIAL SECURITY SXSTEM TO THE EMPLOYEES AND OFFICERS OF THE T04]N OF VAIL AND Ai]THORIZxNG TkIE MAYOR AND TOWN CLERi~ TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY, STATE OF COLORADO" was read by the Tawn Recorder. The Board was polled for understanding and approval. Ordinance ~~5 was adopted unanimously, ~-0. 5. Miscellaneous matters from the Town Coordinator were discussed; a. Blake Lynch advised that we have not finalized our liability coverage, but that we are going ahead with Ken Grunwald regarding bond coverage as required by law, far the Town Coordinator, Tawn Secretary , the Police Magistrate and Town Marshal, b. The County Commissioners will meet on Wednesday, January 25, 1967, regarding the new Bridge. The lighting will cost $$40.00, which the Tawn will probably have to pay. Mayor Kindel suggested that perhaps we could get the Forest Service tv bear a part of this cost, and Blake suggested that the Board authorize payment of this $800.00 by the Tawn in the event that it was not pos- sible to get them to share the cost. Trustee Burdick made a Motion that the Board approve payment of $800.00 for lighting as specified. It was seconded by Trustee Langmaid and approved "unanimously by the Board, 4-0. c. Blake reported on the Parking Area, and said that 33 spaces have been purchased at this time and feels certain that more will be sold during the season. d. A letter was received from Gordon Teller of the Vail Village Inn addressed to the Town of Vail advising that as of February 1st, he would be forced to charge $100.00 a month for services rendered by the Vail Village Inn in con- nection with the operation of police and fire phones, attd radio equipment located at the front desk, The possibility of finding a new locati on will be studied this week. e. Blake Lynch reported on the amount of occupation tax thus far col- lected. f. xt was suggested that it would be desirable to have one of the Trustees meet with Blake Lynch fifteen minutes before each meeting to go over the bills to be paid, and Trustee Burdick was appointed by Mayor Kindel to serve as the finance committee for this purpose. 6. Chuck Lewis brought up the fact that Vail Associates, inc., has not yet paid its tax for the i7ecemher period as yet, and since the 'lawn does owe Vail Associates a considerable amount, he suggested that the late penalty be waived. A motion was made by Trustee Willett that we waive the penalty requirement for Vail Associates, Inc., pending the approval of their accounting to us, at least until the 13th of February. It was seconded by Trustee Burdick and approved unanimously by the Board, 4-O. 7. Gas Facilities Franchise - a letter from John Amato is being sent to Leonard Campbell, 8. A letter was received from the County Engineer regarding the standard of the roads. It will be discussed later. 9. ORDINANCE ~~6, Series 1967, "AN ORDINANCE FIXIiVG THE SALARIES OF ALL APPOINTIVE OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL FOR THE YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1.967", was read by the Town Recorder, The Berard was polled for understanding and approval. Ordinance ~~6 was adopted unanimously, 4-0. ..,r • Page 3- Town of Vail - January 23, 1967 10. A Resolution was read by the Town Recardar, "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND TOWN CLERi~ TO NEGOTIATE AND PROCURE LgANS FRAM THE FTRST NATIONAL BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN 4F VAIL ANQ TO ACT AS AGENTS FOR THE TOWN ZN OTHER MATTERS WITH S_,TD BANK". Ik was pointed out that khis does not authorize the Mayor and Town Clerk to procure loans without the approval of the Board o£ Trustees, but merely authorizes them to act as agents for the Town in dealing with the Bank on matters approved by the Board, The resolution was approved and adopted, 4-0. ll. Lieutenant Wayne Schuyler asked the question from the floor if an ordinance could be passed regarding the eluding o£ a police officer. The Town Attorney, Peter Cosgriff, had strong reservations about whether this could be done. Trustee Willett will contact Chief Elliott dnd make a report at a lacer date. With no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Willett made a Motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Trustee Hoyt. The Meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m. • • ORDINANCE NO. SERIES 1969 "AN 012D7.~lAI3CE FIXENG THE SALARIES OTC ALL APPOINTIVE OFP`ICERS OF THE TOWN QF VA~L FOR TIE YEAR BEGINNING JL~UARY ~., 1969. rr WHEIL'~AS the Town, Board is required by laar to fix the salari.ee of appointive officials for the Tawxx of Vail far the year begint:ing Ja:.uary i, 1967. BE IT ORDAINEA BY 'fHE HOARD 4I' TRUSTEES Of' TIE TOWN Qf' VAIL: 5ectidn 1. That the salaries of the faliaraiag~ sppoin~» ti.ve officials of the Tawn of Vail for the year begiz:n3ng 3anuary 1, I967, axe hereby fixed anr3 detercaiaed to be as foilaw~s; to ra3.t: ~~ Town Treasurer -Town Clerk (Tam Coordinator) $if3,0€3p.00 per year Police Mag~.strate $ l0O.p0 psz' month Town M,arhhai $ 55U.OO per month IIVT~'ci:~~rC~J,3~ R~?~~~1, ADi7FTEI7 ANb {)RDEIiLD PUBLISHED this !day of Jane~ay'y, 1967. M$yar Attest: T~ . ._ .~... .._ 't'own Clerk • Fina~.ly passed, adopted and approved an this day of ].~6 APPROVED: ATTEST: SEAL) • Mayer Town Recorder • • • Finally passed, adopted and apprvv'ed on this day of 19b APPROVE3~ : Mayar ATTE~~' Town Retarder (SEAL • u 4 • C~ Finally passed, adopted and approved on this day of 196 ,APPROVED: ATTEST: (SEAL) Mayor Town Recorder • ox~ ~r~.nre~ nTo . ~ AN ORDINANCE FOR THE REGULATION OF TRAFFIC UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, ADOPTING BY REFERENCE "THE MODEL TRAFFIC COME FOR COLORADO MUNTCTFALxTTES 1.966," AS AMENDED HERE TN, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATTdN THEREOF. BE IT ORDAINED BX THE BOARD dF TRUSTEES dF THE TdWN OF VAIL, COLORADO: Section 1. Adoption by Reference. Deletions, Amendments Pursuant to Chapter 139, Article 34, Colorado Revised Statutes, 19b3, there is hereby adopted fox the purpose of regulating traffic within the Town of Vail, County of Eagle; that certain ordinance known as the "Model Traffic Code for Colorado Municipalities, 1966" officially approved, adopted, and published as such by The Coivrado Highway Safety Council. and hereinafter zeferred to as the "Municipal Traffic Code", the same being adopted as if set out at length save and except the following articles and sections which are subject to the follow- ing deletions and amendments: A, All of Article XTV is hereby deleted from this adoption by reference. B. All of Sections 3, 4, 5 and 7 of Article XVT are hereby deleted from this adoption by reference. C. All. of Article XVII is hereby deleted from this adoptions ~~ ~J by reference. D. All of Section 5 in Article XXT is hereby deleted from this adoption by reference. E. Article TV, Section 4~1, subsection (b) is hereby amended to read as follows: (b) Except when a special hazard exists that requires lower speed as described in section 4-4, the basic prima facie speed limit in this J(L IM ~ ~ r~e.a~ o~S ~c 1 ICS t~ ~ . ~~- ~ ,,,._ page 2 - Ordinance No, 7 municipality shall be l5 miles per hour in any business district and Z5 miles per hour in any residence district, unless otherwise posted with appropriate signs giving notice of a different prima facie speed limit as provided in sections 4-2 and 4-3 of this ordinance, Section ~;~''Agplicatian of Ordinance This Ordinance and the Municipal Traffic Code shall apply to every street, alley, sidewalk or sidewalk area, driveway, park and to every public or private way and public or private parking area, whether within or outside the corporate limits of the Town, the use of which the 'Town has juris- diction and authority to regulate. The provisions of section 5-1, 5-2, 5-11, and 23-3 of the Municipal Traffic Code respectively concerning careless driving, reckless driving, unauthorized devices, and accident investigation shall apply not only on streets and highways but elsewhere within the Town. Section ~~ Violations and penalties Thereof It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any of the provisions of the Municipal Traffic Cade as adopted and amended herein, or of any provision of this ordinance and any such violation shall be punishable as hereinafter provided. Every person convicted of a violation of any provision of the Municipal Traffic Code or of any provision of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars (300.04) or by imprisonment for not mare than ninety (4O) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. J Section ~~~ Filing Copies After the effective date of the adoption of the Municipal ,e . ~ -~ ,~ • page 3 - Ordinance No. 7 Traffic Code, three copies certified to be true copies by the Mayor and the Town Clerk sha11 be filed in Che Office of the Town Clerk where they shall be kept for public inspection during regular office hours while this ordinance is in farce. Section ~-;~Repeal All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with or inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed, except that this repeal sha11 not affect or prevent the prosecution or punishment of any person for any act done or committed. in violation of any ordinance hereby repealed prior to the taking effect of this ordinance. Section ~ 5everability It is the intention of the Board of 'Trustees that this Ordi~ nonce or any part of provision thereof, shall be considered severable and, if any provision of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the Ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are declared to be severable. Section. Effective T7ate This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect within thirty days after its approval and final publication as prescribed by law. ~./ 3 s r.~ a rr } ~ ( { ~ 3' - ,ti_ SL's F S 1 ( F ~ / ~ F ^ LJ # c - I le.! ~ ~.} to r~ + ~~ ~. / 1 s - a ~ ~ d ~~~~+g - s. _ ~ :. _ ~ _ :~ f~~ - r y 1 ~` ~ `'~Is4~~ ~~ ~' ~ b~. ~~ `~ ~~~`.+~ii,'~ ~~ ' Ayp~r ~1# ~+t~ 9 t r I L4 •F' ' -~l• { '+4 '"~R~~~ ~,7f'j~{~ -!S^~~ >,I~~i~/ '~lS, °,.~~L ~ 'q(jM~N ~ 1G ~.y _-s- _ _ _ _ ~ -.r,^3`~3r~°- 4, i q '-_ c' F _ ~ . 7 - ~ k r I;_ f t ', ~, k f~ 4- ,~. f,. ,, ! ! ro ~ ~ --: ~y ;r y~ ~t ~yy~ s~ ,~.(~ y~ ~t y ~ ~~r - ~r~~~~ir _:y~~,~~ ~ _~~~is# s+~(1.3`~Wt~l~~~~ ~_ ~~!~~k#A'4~t~~~r~ V~~~~-,~y~~~r-~~ ~1~~~ '~~i!i~ i ~' .. a F,3 ~~ ;~ ' ,~yr ~ ~R~+1~y~~~#1 ~p~ti +~~ !I~~'M~~~_i`~ - ~ ~~/- ~'p~'~~~q' -~:}~~Mfli••,y~i~~y t~y~ F?' ~~' t- ry { v _ + 3Y ,(~,~~F~h, ~a~~~sl~o y~~ ~ ~~lif ' ~~+F~- _ ~L f~~~~ '~'~~~~~ ~~i ?.' ~~!'~-1'~4~~ ~ ~f R#.~iKi~ z# .r T~ 4 ~# rt Y #" R~~ ~~~T ~-~~~~{~i~l ~~p ~-`i""'~~ ~ I,~~~}~ 3"'~~5r~y_ ~~F 91~~~jy,, ~f *Y-i~~--_ ~` %r 5- 4 ~ ~~+ ~ k ~?~ ~.P ~Y In ~r. ~Yk ,, ~rF~fy-~c`y"'~."-~~- ~~lruFSl+'~ a~~~.. ~~--7'~ ~`~Q,~~ { _ _ $ Fr S R, - ~4 .f. •: •J ~~1~~~~~ lI-, -~ _ ~~i~~1!~~T', '~~'~~! ~II'~"'n,~~R~# 1 M~+1A~^~ _ ~~~~ 11R'~AR~~ST~- .l: ~ f r~ ,~( ~j Y ~~~i+ ~~~`- ~ ~R lt~~'R ' ~~'i~`~~~ ,~~A~~~ ~ ~~ _~~~~' ~~~~yyYy ~ ~' e _ Y f 4 .~ ~ .,r ( 1 ~.~~'~~ ~~~~ '~Mr:i `F~(R ~~` '~e ~~+~'`. ~ !F#(~,~_ ~~,,~~~~41F?"~. 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' 1,._~~ r ~3 III" ~/' ~ ~~~ ~"~~ ~ ~~ ~ f , ~~ X ~ - -~ - i `~ ~- ;~ ~~ A i~ir• _' Ili ~~I\A ~~h, .l~~~i ~ ~: 'y~/- ! - -'a e --~ ''. -' -y~ -,~ .s ~ ~'~ r 3~i' ~ o .~ s $ < .~: , ; +' ~ 1 r -y , { ~- ~, ~ Y~ r n ~~.~ ~ . ~*'~, .~~a~ : ~~~ ` ~s~.~~ :fit ~ ~, , ~ r~' ~~~ ~~~~ E~ + st - i ~ .pY'GV~~~~4~,, "y+4f~ ~~'M'~.~Ilfi -'~r~ r4, rli -'- .> Y,~ ~ ~P ; ryr > y i ~- ~, Y ~ ~ -~ -~. 4 S C- '~ - - - y - -- ~ s r~ _,: ' r t~ - - '-' -1 ~: $ ,i t s,e~t a . ~ t . - - 8~ ' fis ? ' s -r. ~ -~ 4,,, ~ _,... c - ~ S ~ - E -~~... } e ' ~ ~; ,. i - ~ ~ i~ i 4 f_ lF"~Sr; ~ 1'' ._ - ~- ~`Y~R - - - ; _ L A Z 4 I l r _ i r -- , + - ~' ..- }%. xy+. •.+p,sr• ~~+ac..'m..:v'J~4 ~ ~-. -., „-'r. ~.. .., .,. Y.Y.4 ~.~-..st ~.~..-F~...aS ~.-~~ 't_~~~I s,. .. x.. -, ~, ~ _..,. n~ ORDINANCE N0. SERIES 1967 ~'AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THAT LARCENY AND RELATED OFFENSES SHALL BE UNLAWFUL AND PRO- VIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF.' • • BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO: SECTION 1. Definition and Offenses . Larceny is the felonious stealing, taking and carrying, leading, riding or drives ing away the personal goods or chattels of another. Larceny shall embrace every theft which deprives another of his money or other personal property, of those means or muniments by which the right and title to property, real or personal, may be ascertained. Larceny may also be committed by feloniously taking and carry~.ng away any bond, bill, note, receipt, or any instrument of writing of value to the owner. It shall be unlawful for any person to c~s~u~~it larceny in the Town of Vail. SECTION 2. Larceny by Bailee. It shall be unlawful for any bailee, by finding or otherwise of any money, bank note, ar note, or goods or chattels, to convert the same to his own use with an intent to steal the same. SECTION 3. Lodger Taking Goods. It shall be unlawful for any lodger to take-away, with intent to steal, embezzle or purloin any bedding, furniture, goods or chattels which he is to use in or with his lodging. SECTION 4. Penalties. Any person convicted of violates ing any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not more than X300.00, or by imprisonment for not more than ninety days. SECTION 5. Emergencv~ The Board of Trustees hereby finds, determines and declares that an emergency exists and this ordinance is necessary to the immediate preservation of the public health and safety because of the nature of these offenses to the public health, safety, welfare, morals, order and convenes fence of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof, and the necessity for the immediate control of said offenses. SECTION 6. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in fu11 force and effect w~.thin five days after its approval by the Board of Trustees and final publication as prescribed by law, • SECTION 7. Safety Clause. The Board of Trustees hereby finds, determines and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper to provide for the safety, preserve the health, promote the prosperity, improve the morals, order, comfort and convenience of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. • SECTION 8. Severability. It is the intention of the Board of Trustees that this ordinance or any part yr provisions thereof, shall be considered severable and, if any provisions of this ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circttm stance is held invalid, such invalidity shall not affect other previsions or applications of the ordinance which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are declared to be severable READ, PASSED,. ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this ~~ ~~' day of 19b7. Mayor • ATTEST: T I Town Clerk ~~ -2- • ORDINANCE N0. `i SERIES 1967 4 t'AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE EXTENSION OF THE SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM TO THE EMPLOYEES AND OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL AND AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND TOWN CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY, STATE OF COLORADO." • • WHEREAS, it is the considered opinion of this body that the extension of the Social Security System to employees and officers of the Town of Vail will be of great benefit, not only to the employees of the Town by providing that said employees and officers may participate in the previsions of the 01d-Age and Survivors' Insurance System, and wi11 also be of great benefit to the Town of Vail by enabling it to attract and retain in em-~ ployment the best of personnel and thus increase the efficiency of its government. WHEREAS, the 38th General Assembly of the State of Colorado, in regular session, enacted a statute, known as House Bi11 No. 291, which is the enabling Act provided for in Section 218 of Public Law 734, $lst Congress, which designated the De- partment of Employment Security, State of Colorado, to act as the Department to implement the coverage of employees and officer; under the said Old--Age and Survivors' Insurance System. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO: SECTION 1. The Town of Vail is hereby authorized to execute and deliver to the Department of Employment Security, State of Colorado, a plan, or plans, and agreement, required under Section 5 of said enabling Act and the Social Security Act, to extend coverage to employees and officers of the.T~own of Vail {except those employees and officers in elective positions or part time positions or where said employees and officers are paid on a fee basis) and do all other necessary things to effec- tuate coverage of employees and officers under the Old-Age and Survivors' Insurance System. SECTION 2. The Clerk is hereby authorized to establis a system of payroll deduction to be matched by payments by the Town of Vail to be paid into the Contribution Fund of the State through the Department of Employment Security,-and to make charges of this tax to the fund, or funds, from which wage or u 7 • • salary payments are issued to emplayees of the Town of Vail. Such payments are to be made in accordance with the provisions of Sections 1400 and 1410 of the Federal Insurance Contribution Act on all services which constitute employment within the mean- ing of that Act. Payments made to the Department of Employment Security, State of Colorado, shall be due and payable on or beforf the 1$th day of the month immediately following the completed calendar quarter, and such payments which are delinquent shall bear interest at the rate of z of 1% per month until such time as payments are made. SECTION 3. Appropriation is hereby made from the proper fund, or funds, of the Town of Vail. in the necessary amount to pay into the contribution fund as provided in Section 5 (c) (1) of the enabling Act and in accordance with the Plan, or Plans, and Agreement. Authority is given to the Mayor and the Clerk of the Town of Vail to enter into an agreement with the Department of Employment Security, State of Colorado, which agreement shall be in accordance with House Bill No. 29l and with paragraph 218 of the Social Security Act. Such plan and agreement shall pro» vide that the participation of this Town of Vail shall be in effect as of March 1, 1967. READ, PASSED, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this ~ 3 TG day of January, 1967. Mayor • ATTEST: Town Clerk -2- ~, I ~r • ORDINANCE N0, SERIES 1967 "AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARIES OF ALL APPOINTIVE OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL FOR THE YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1967." ~J WHEREAS the Town Board is required by law to fix the salaries of appointive officials for the Town of Vail for the year beginning January 1, 1957. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF VAIL: Section 1. That the salaries of the following appoin- tive officials of the Town of Vail for the year beginning January 1, 1967, are hereby fixed and determined to be as follows; to-wit: Town Treasurer - Town Clerk {Town Coordinator) Police Magistrate Town Marshal $10,000.00 per year $100.00 per month $SS0.00 per month INTRODUCED, READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this day of January, 1.967. • Attest: Town Clerk Mayor • ... • ORDINANCE N0. ~. SERTES 196~~ "AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE OPERATION AND REGULATION OF TRAFFIC AND PARKING AND PRO- VIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF,'} • • BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO; SECTION 1. Reckless driving. Any person who drives any motor vehicle anywhere within this municipality in such a manner as to indicate either a willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of reckless driving. SECTION 2, Careless driving. Any person who drives any motor vehicle anywhere within this municipality in a careless and imprudent manner, without due regard for road and traffic conditions or the safety of persons or property, is guilty of careless driving. SECTION 3. Parking not to obstruct traffic or main- tenance. No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or high- way or trespass upon any private property in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. SECTION 4. Obedience to sto~pin~, standing or parkin ~e~t~}ations. On any street or at any place within this munici- pality where official signs are pasted giving notice of stopping or standing restrictions or prohibitions, no person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle in any manner in violation of the pro- visions contained on such sign or signs except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic, or in compliance with the directions of a police officer or official traffic control device. SECTION 5. Authority to impound vehicles. Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle, attended or unattended, standing upon any portion of a street or highway right of way or trespassing upon any private property within this municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this ordinance, or Left unattended for a period of 24 hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by 13-5-71 C.R,S. 19 b3 as amended, such officer shall require such vehicle to be removed or cause the same to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this municipality, and the charges for said impounding and storage shall be ,charged to the owner of said vehicle. „ .~ . -~ • t • SECTION 6. Speed Limit. Upon the basis of engineering and traffic investigation it is hereby determined that the maxi- mum speed limit allowed within this municipality shall be d.~ miles per hour. This speed limit shall be in effect except where official signs are in place, giving notice of a lesser speed limit, in which case the speed limit on the signs shall control. SECTION 7. Special hazards, The fact that the speed of a vehicle is lower than the speed limit established by this ordinance, or as set forth on any official sign, shall not relie the driver from the duty to decrease speed when approaching and crossing an intersection, when approaching and going around a curve, when approaching a hill crest, when traveling upon any narrow or winding roadway, or when special hazards exist or may exist with respect to pedestrians or other traffic or by reason of weather or roadway conditions, and speed shall be decreased as may be necessary to avoid colliding with any person, vehicle or other conveyance, or object on or entering the street in compliance with legal requirements and the duty of all persons to use due care. SECTION $. Busses. Busses or other vehicles carrying the public ~~ ~~~ shall be permitted to stop and engage and discharge passengers only at points designated by the Town Marsha SECTION 9. Penalties. Any person convicted of vio- lating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punished by a f ine of not more than $300.00, provided that each separate act in violation of the provisions of this ordinance or each and every day or portion thereof during which any separate act in violation of this ordinance is committed, continued, or permitted shall be deemed a separate offense. SECTION 10. Emergency. It is declared that an emer- gency exists and that this Ordinance is necessary to the imniediat preservation of the public peace, health, safety and general welfare, and shall be in force and effect Five (5) days after publication. READ, PASSED, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this day of 1967• Mayor ATTEST: Town Clerk/ ~ :. -~- • ~ • • • • MINUTES OF THE MBRTTNG HELD JANUARY 23, 1957, TOWN Olt VATL VATL, COLORADO The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Ted Kindel at 7;30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Members present: Mayor Kindel Trustee Willett Trustee Burdick Trustee Hoyt Trustee Langmaid Trustee Dobson and Seibert were absent. MINUTES OF THE MEETING 1. The first item to be discussed was a letter to Vail Associates from the Board of Trustees regarding dedication of the roads. The proposed letter was read by Mayor Kindel. The Board of Trustees feels that the Town would be assuming a considerable financial obligation if the streets were taken over by the Town without some help front Vail Associates, Incorporated, in so far as passible encroachments of roads on private property. Trustee Willett suggested that the X5,000.00 indemnification the Town is requesting of Vail Associates is not sufficient. Discussion followed, and further consideration wi11 be given Co the matter before the letter is sent to Vail Associates, 2. Ordinance ~~3, Series of 19b7, "AN ORDxNANCE CONCERNING REVENUE AND IMPOSING A TAX UPON CERTAIN OCCUPATIONS AND PLACES Of' BUSxNESS WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAiL, TO SECURE A PROPER DYSTRIBUT?ON O1~ THE BURDEN OF TAXES, TO PROVIDE PENALTIES WITH RESPECT THERETO, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY THEREFOR" was read by Bl.alce Lynch, The Town Recorder. Mr, Rod Slifer mentioned that many businesses were not covered, such as, Allen Brown; Weibel Janitorial Service; General Contractors who came to Vail in the summer and build and who work over 90 days; sub-contractors, who are here more than 90 days; landscapers; Audio-Vail; Nursery; etc. Discussion followed regarding real estate offices, Mr, Slifer feels this Ordi- nance will create a hardship an real estate businesses, which are already paying a 2% gross receipts on rentals, and would have an additional tax on employees involved in these rentals. A change was suggested in the Ordinance as follows: to strike the clause referring to leasing in the definition of Real Estate Office. Mr. Robert Parker made the suggestion that a new business coming into Vail not be taxed during the first year of business. He referxed specifically to the barber Shap. He suggested that the Board consider a moratorium a£ one year. The problem of the Canoca Station was discussed. This business is covered by the Grass Receipts Tax, but the imposition of the tax would practically elirsinate their profit on gasoline sales. It was suggested that the tax could be put an other items they sell, and regarding gasoline sales, that they be Coxed per pump, A Mvtivn was made by Trustee Willett that we exclude the Conoco Station from the 2% Gross Receipts Tax. It was seconded by Trustee Burdick and approved unani- mously by the Board of Trustees, 4-0. Ordinance #3, as amended, was read. The Trustees were palled far understanding and approval. Ordinance #3 was passed unanimously, 4-0. • ~ • ~ Page 2 - Tawn of Vail - January 23, 1967 3, Ordinance #4, Series of 1967, "AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THAT LARCENY AND RELATED OFFENSES SHALL BE UNLAWFUL AND PROVInING T'ENALTIES FOR TTIE VIQLATION THEREOF" was read by the Tawn Recorder. The Board was then polled for understanding & approval. Ordinance ~~4 was passed unanimously, 4-0. 4. Ordinance ~~5, Series of 1967, "AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE EXTENSION OF THE SOCIAL SECURI'T'Y SYSTEM TO TEiE EMPLOYEES AND OFFICERS OF THE T04lIV OF VAIL ANTI AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND TOWN CLERK TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY, STATE OF COLOiiAD4" was read by Che Tawn Recorder. The Board was palled for understanding and approval. Ordinance ~~5 was adopted unanimously, 4-4. 5. Miscellaneous matters from the Town Coordinator were discussed: a. Blake Lynch advised that we have not finalT,zed our liability coverage, but that we are going ahead with Ken Grunwald regarding bond coverage as required by law, for the Town Coordinator, Town Secretary , the Police Magistrate and Tawn Marshal.. b. The County Coaunissioners will meet on Wednesday, J~snuary 25, 1967, regarding the new Bridge. The lighting will cost $840.04, which the Town w1.11 probably have to pay. Mayor Kindel suggested that perhaps we could get the Forest Service to bear a part of this cost, and Blake suggested that the Baard authorize payment of this $800.40 by the Town in the event that it was not pas- sible to get them to share the cost. Trustee Burdick made a Motion that the Board approve payment of $800.00 for lighting as specified. It was seconded by Trustee Langmaid and approved •~ananimously by the Board, 4-0. c. Blake reported on the Parking Area, and said that 33 spaces have been purchased at this tune and feels certain that more will be sold during the season. d. A letter was received from Gordan Weller of the Vail Village Inn addressed to the Tawn of Vail advising that as of February 1st, he would be forced to charge $200.00 a month far services rendered by the Vail Village Inn in con- nection with the operation of police and fire phones, and radio equipment located at the front desk. The possibility of finding a new location will be studied this week. e. Blake Lynch reported an the amount o€ occupation tax thus far col- lected. f. Tt was suggested that it would be desixable to have one of the Trustees meet with Blake Lynch fifteen minutes before each meeting to go over the bills to be paid, and Trustee Burdick was appointed by Mayor Kindel to serve as the finance committee far this purpose. 6. Chuck Lewis brought up the fact that Vail Associates, Inc<, has not yet paid its tax for the Aecember period as yet, and since the Town does owe Vail Associates a considerable amount, he suggested that the late penalty be waived. A motion was made by Trustee Willett that we waive the penalty requirement for Vail Associates, Inc., pending the approval of their accounting to us, at least anti]. the 13th of February. It was seconded by Trustee Burdick and approved unanimously by the Board, 4-0. 7. Gas Facilities Franchise - a Tatter from John Amato is being sent to Leonard Campbell, 8. A letter was received from the County Engineer regarding the standard of the roads. It will be discussed later. 9. ORDINANCE ~~6, Series 1967, "AN ORDINANCE FJXING THE SALARIES OF ALL AP°OINTIVE OFFICERS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL FOR THE YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 196i", was read by the Town Recorder. The Board was palled for understanding and approval. Ordinance ~~6 was adopted unanimously, 4-4. • • • • Page 3~ Town of Vail - January 23, 19b7 l0. A Resolution was read by the Town Recorder, "A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND TOWN CLERK TO NEGOTIATE AND PROCURE LOANS FROM THE FIRST NATIONAb BANK OF EAGLE COUNTY ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN OF VA II AIQD TO ACT AS AGENTS FOR THE TOWN IN OTHER MATTERS WITH 5<~ID BANK". It was pointed out that this does not authorize the Mayor and Town Clerk to procure loans without the approval of the Board of Trustees, but merely authorizes them Co act as agents for the Town in dealing with the Bank oxt matters approved by the Board. The resolution was approved and adopted, 4-0. 11, lieutenant Wayne Schuyler asked the question from the floor if an ordinance could be passed regarding the eluding of a police officer. The Town Attorney, Peter Cosgriff, had strong reservations about whether this could be done. Trustee Willett will contact Chief Elliott dnd malts a report at a later date, Wa.th no further business to came before the Board, Trustee Willett made a Motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Trustee Hayt. The Meeting adjourned at 10:10 p,m. • • • MINUTES OF THE SPRCIAL MEETING HELD FEBRUARY ~, 19b7, TOWN OF VAIL VAIL, COLORAb0 The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Ted Kindel at $:4S p.m. ROLL CALL: Roll Cal]. found the following Met~bers present: Mayor Kindel Trustee Robson Trustee Burdick Trustee Hoyt Trustee Langmaid Trustee Seibert and Willett were absent, MINUTES OF THE MEETING The Trustees were polled for receipt and acceptance of the Minutes of previous Meetings. Trustee Burdick made a Motion to accept the Minutes as recorded. It was seconded by Trustee Dobson and the Minutes were approved unanimously as read, 4-0. The Town Coordinator read the terms of the rental agreement for the Austin Western Grader. It would be paid off before the next Board of Trustees take Office. After the final rent payment ownership reverts Co the Town of Vail. The Lease was approved by the Beard of Trustees, The Vouchers were brought before the Board for examination and approval. The Vouchers will usually be made and approved monthly, but it was necessary to consider immediate payment of some bills. The Trustees were polled for understanding and acceptance. Trustee Burdick made the Motion to approve the bills as itemized, Trustee Hoyt seconded the Motion and approved unanimously by the Board, ~-0. Miscellaneous Matters from the Town Coordinator It was suggested that a presentation be made to the Vail Resort Association urging individuals to write to their representatives in the State Legislature in support of the sales tax for towns. An investigation is underway concerning the purchase of four wheel drive vehicles for the Felice Department that will be marked. Mayor Kindel discussed the Breckenridge incident where a large amount of damage was done by organized vandals. A discussion was held cancern^ ing the formation o~ an emergency control group to handle any type of~ emergency in the village, Trustee Hoyt and Blake Lynch were designated to investigate this formation, Mayor Kindel made the camxnent that the Beard of Trustees would enterw Cain any suggestions zo deal with this situation. With no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Hoyt made a Motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Trustee Dobson and unanimously approved by the Board. The Meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. • • SPECIAI. HEARING - BOARD OF TRUSTEES HELD FEBRUARY 6, 1967 The Hearing was called to order by Mayor Kindel at 7:45 p.m. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the fallowing Members present: Mayor Kindel Trustee Dobson Trustee Burdick Trustee Hayt Trustee Lan,~,znaid Trustee Seibert and Willett were absent. MINUTES OF THE HEARING This Hearing is to consider adopting by reference the Model Traffic Code as amended herein. The Ordinance was read by the Tawn Recorder. The deletions and amendments were noted and discussed. There was a question Pram the floor whether the 15 mph speed limit was enforceable. It was determined that this was in order and someone driving at excessive speeds could be cited for careless driving much more easily by the Police Officer when radar equipment is not in use. Mayor Kindel pointed out that some of the regulations of a Traffic Code are not necessarily s~.gnified through a sign system. We are all. expected to know that parking is prohibited within five feet of afire hydrant, etc. A suggestion was made by George Knox from the floor that perhaps an addition should be made to control smoke or pollution of the air. He cited an example given from Aspen where diesel busses must run all day and have been causing a problem. Mayan Kindel suggested that perhaps a separate ordinance dealing with Air Pollution would be in order since Chere were some other areas that r..~ed to be covered. Robert Parker suggested that our Officers should be trained in the handling of our guests. He was invited to a meeting with the Police Department to be held February 9th at 4:30 in the Tawn Offices. It was also suggested that an Officer could be available during peak periods to direct traffic and explain to tourists that there are certain areas where you can not park as well as give tourist information, The Hearing was concluded and the Board of Trustees decided to con- sider adoption by reference of the Ordinance at its next regular Meeting. • • ~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING HBLA FEBRUARY' l3, 1967 The Meeting was called Co order by Mayor Ted Kindel at ?:40 p.m. ROLL CALL: Moll Call found the following Members presents Mayor Kindel Trustee Willett Trustee Langmaid Trustee Bilyd ick Trustee Hayt Trustee Sefbert Trustee Dohson Peter Cosgriff, the Tnwn Attorney, attended. MINUTES OF THE MEETING 1, APPRG~'AL OF MEETING MINUTES The Minutes of the Special Hearing and Special Meeting held on February 6th, were read by Mayor Kindel. Regarding the notation in the minutes that a separate ordinance be instituted to deal with air paliutinn, Trustee Seibert suggested that instead of the words air pollution, it should be changed to a posi- tive approach. Trustee Eurdick made a Motion to accept the Minutes as amended. Trustee Seibert seconded the Motion and the Minutes were accepted unanimously by the Hoard. 2, ORDINANCE N0. 7 - "AN ORDINANCE FOR TME REGULATION OF TRAFFIC UPON THE PUBLIC STREETS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, ADOPTING BY REFERENCE "THE M~(}DEL T.,.A~'FIC CODE FOR COLU:~'^~O MUNICIPALITIES l9bb, A6 AMENDED HEREIN, A1W PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THgREOF. The Town Recorder read the addition concerning penalty assessments that was not considered at the special hearing. A discussion was held regarding these fees, Mayor Kindel stated that although the penalty assessment far failure to stop at a stop sign may appear to be high, it is far the protection of the ped- estrian, and the accident rate at intersections is much higher than: in most other . areas. It was mentioned that the purpose of the penalty assessments is to serve as a convenience to the motorist who feels he is guilty and does not wish to spend the time to ga to court and plead guilty, These fees are set by the Trus• tees and the Police Officer may not change the amounts, although he may exercise his discretion by refusing the penalty assessment and demand the violator appear in court. The assessments, of course, vary with the nature a£ the violation. Town Attorney, Cosgriff, pointed out that any person who wishes to appeal the ticket may do sa in court, and the Tawn will not be represented by a prosecut'.ng attorney unless the defendant retains an attorney. From the floor, George Knox asked why it was necessary to make Gare Creek Drive a one-way street. He suggested that the police direct traffic rather Chan set up restrictions through signs. Claude Martin made the suggestion that the one•way street be reversed in direction, Trustee Hoyt made the recommendation that a penalty assessment should be added for going the wrong way an a one-way street. The Trustees determined that the assesc:ne:st for this offense should be $~.4,4Q, The Trustees were polled, and Ordinance ~~7 was approved unanimously. • • n Page 1 - Minutes of the Meeting Held February 13, 19b7 4. RESOLUTTON N0. 3, SERI$S, 1967 - HpUSE BTLL ~~ll4l - AUTHORIZING STATUTORX CITTES ANA TOWNS TO LEVY A SALES TAX. The Town Coordinator read the Resolution. It was amended to read r'municipal Facilities" instead of "tourist facilities" upon the suggestion of Trustee Seibert. The Trustees were polled for approval of the Resolution and it was approved unanimously, 6~0. Trustee Dobson brought to the attention of the Board another bill that is important - the Sunday Stare closing bill which ifs it were passed would be detrimental to resort areas. It was moved that the Board of Trustees write a Resolution opposing the passing of the Bill concerning Sunday Stare Closings. The Trustees were polled for approval of the writing of the Resolution and it passed unanimously. 5. CONSIDERATION OF APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS Nfl, 24 THROUGH N0. 40. Trustee Burdick indicated all was in order. Mayor Kindel asked if there was any discussion or questions. The Trustees approved the payment of the Vouchers unanimously, 6-0. 6. LTQUOR BILL - A LATER CLOSTNG HOUR ON SUNDAYS. Mayor Kindel requested the Town Coordinatnr write a resolution for consideration at the next trustee meeting supporting the bill pending in the State Legislature that would extend liquor hours from 8:00 p.m. to 12;00 p.m. on Sundays. 7. SLEDDING Trustee Dobson stated that there is a traffic hazard where children are sledding on the streets and drivers cannot see them unto they are immadfaCely upon them. He suggested that some area be designated for the purpose of sledding to make Vail a total winter resort community. Trustee Seibert said it should be the consideration of the Vail Recreation District and perhaps the driving range would be suitable. 8. REPORT FROM THE TOWN COORDINTATOR; A. Parking lot - 50% of the people are using the Pay Lot for less than one hour, and 'LS°/o are using it for more than four hours. Mayor Kindel asked the question if the public in genexal were aware that the municipal, parking lot was available, Not posted too well, The Vail Traf- fic Attendants haSe been told about it. Trustee Seibert made the suggestion that we had to be very careful about signs, and felC that signs north of the stream referring to parking should be of good quality and not mention price. He also felt thaC the parking attendants should emphasize that this tat is for short-term con- venience parking for shoppers. Mayor Kindel. asked Trustee Dobson and Blake Lynch to make the appropriate sign changes for the Municipal Parking Lot. B. The Tawn Coordinator read a letter from Mr. Morgan of Eagle, who asked that the Board consider granting his firm a CATV franchise, Tt was determined that the request should be referred to someone with specialized Cech- nical knowledge. A franchise would not be granted to anyone unless there was a guarantee of a clear signal. The question was eked from the floor, "Do we want TV in Vail?" A discussion was held with Sohn Donavan asserting that TV would be • detrimental to Vail and Trustee Dabsan maintaining that it would be wrong to deny a c~....,.xnications media of such importance to the poeple of Vail. C. UTTLITY FRANCHISE A letter was read from Leonard Campbell, legal consultant an utility franchises. Mayor Kindel requested that .copies of the letters from Leonard Campbell be sent to Mr. Sohn Arcata. The letter essentially maintained that there is no way the Town can obtain any gas service from Public Service Co~~oy rarhex than Gas Facilities. Page 3 - Minutes of the Meeting Held February 13, 3.967 • The Board felt that Mr. Campbell should go ahead and conducC nego- tiations with Gas Facilities after the telephone and electric franchises have been handled. 9. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION A. Fred Froehlich made the following comments from the floor: The Police Department has failed in not notifying people of the changes in traffic signs. Residents have become accustomed to areas where short term parking ar parking is permitted and then a sign is pasted with- out notice and the resident gets a Cicket. The Public in genexal should be warned, The Police Department would receive a lot of cooperation if they would issue warning tickets to both the locals and the guests. "Improper knowledge or administration by the Police Department was quite evident," B. Bob Parker asked fnr the floor to defend the Police Depart- ment. In fairness, Number One, the Police Department is in the process of having - developed, and printed a warning ticket which would be a polite and even a posi- Live public relations measure when received by a guest or a resident. Number Two, Y had a meeting with the Police Department the other night and felt that all of them were very responsive to the idea which same of have felt that should be the kind of police work in Vail. 'Vail owes its existence and livelihood to the tourist and they must be taken into consideration. Due to the loads that the Town Coordinator and the Police Commissioner have, it would seem that the time element would prohibit ar would have prohibited action in some areas. Per- haps it would be a good idea to have the Publisher of the Vail Trail call. on the Town Coordinator and the Police Commissioner to get the facts and publish them. In all fairness, T don't know when they have had time to do anything regarding that and to do all the other things that they are trying to do. I personally think that they have been considerate and for the most part tried to wear two hats - one of law enforcement and the other the "care and feeding of the tourist" too. Z personally think that in view of the difficult situation that the Police Department should be given a vote of thanks. Mayor Kindel said Z don't think that it would be safe at all ~. to say that we are satisfied with the Police Department or that we are satisfied caith the performance of anyone relating to that responsibility. We have in mind some improvements, same of which will be underway very shortly. Perhaps we assumed that if we had posted "NO PARKING SIGNS" that they would be taken seri- ously. Tam sorry we had to learn the apparent disregard for them by our citizens. Fred Froehlich - Z am not critical of the Police DepartmenC in other areas. I just think it is a question of public relations, Z think the Police Department should have worked more diligently prior to this time. with you. Trustee Hoyt made the comment that we are not in disagreement With no further business to come before the Board, the Meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. The Motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Hoyt and seconded by Trustee Dobson. • MINUTES QF THE MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 27, 1967 The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Ted Kindel at 7:44 p. m. ROLL CALL; Roll Call #ound the following Members present: Mayor Kindel Trustee Burdick Trustee L^ngrnaid Trustee Seibert Txustee Hayt Trustee Willett Trustee Dobson MINUTES OF 'THE MEETING 1, APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES The Minutes of the previous Meeting were submitted to the Trustees. Txustee Burdick made a Motion to accept the Minutes as recorded. Trustee Langrnaid seconded the Motion and it was adapted unanimously by the Board. 2. COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Kindel read a letter front Ragex Larson dealing with the comments of a guest at The Lodge at Vail regarding the disturbance of barking dogs. It was painted out that some type of control might be initiated in the near future. Mayor Kindel assigned Trustee Langrnaid and Trustee Seibert to rs~alce a study and report to the Board on methods and xx~eans of handling the nuisance of rampant dogs. A letter from our Town Attorney, Peter Casgriff, was brought to the attention of the Board regarding television permits. There was no questiarn of constitutionality of the Board of Trustees having the express authority to make the determination an whether or not to issue a CATV Franchise. Mayor Kindel requested the Tawn Coordinator to secure a financial staten'~ent from each appli- cant to determine solvency and "good intent" of carrying out the terms of the franchise. 3. DISCUSSION ON ESTABLISHMENT OB' A PQLICE PENSION FUNDk It was brought to the attention of the Board that our Tawn Attor- ney, Peter Cosgriff, had indicated that the Police Department was not covered under the Social Security Laws and that the State has set up the procedures where- by aTown can have a Police Pension Fund. It would be a matter of equal partici- potion by the employee and the ernployex. The questiar~ of percentage i.nvolvrrxent was put before the Board In the open discussion that followed two questions were raised fra~n the floor - 1. Is Social Security to be ruled out completely, and 2. Is there another source where protection benefits might be obtained. Trustee Hayt felt it was necessary to have same type of program. Mayor Kindel asked the Town Coordinator to further research this item and discussion will be held at a future date . 4. ST.A TEMENT OF ~ CCOUNT A list of expenses incurred by The Town and paid by Vail Asso- ciates was presented to the Baaxd far consideration far reimbursement, All costs `~ except the legal fees connected with incorporation and the fixed assets of the Police Departrrxent were incurred after December 15th when 'Nail Associates started paying taxes. The total credit established by Vail Associates according Page 2 -Minutes of the Mee#ing -February 27, 1967 to the list was $14, 181.38. Mayor Kindel brought to the attention of the Soard that Blake Lynch had spent a great deal of time going over the list item by item. The estimate charged for the Police Department inventory is a very fair market value price. The largest item, of course, is the legal fees for the incorporation. $7, 000. 00 was budgeted for this item and the bill was $$, 800. 00 with Vail Assoc- iates absorbing $1, 600. QO of the total cast, Trustee Burdick had indicated that he had Hat had adequate time to study the entire list, but it appeared to be in order. A Voucher will be prepared far consideration at the next Meeting. 5. DISCUSSION OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS A discussion was held concerning the feasibility of a paving program far the center of town and the methods of financing available. Construc- tion costs would be less if Highway #~70 goes through and the Town is able to use the interstate contractor. The relative importance of having paved streets in the center of the fawn to the overall picture of a resort town at a cast of $25, OOD. 00 to $30, 000. 00 per mile is a matter of values. From the floor Fred Froehlich made the statement that he felt it was hazardous to proceed too fast on this program because of the drainage problerris and also the necessity of pavement Cuts for the installation of utility facilities. The Town Coordinator made the fallowing comments: 1. If we plan to pave this sulxxrn.er, the program must be initiated soon in order to complete the financial arrangements, and have the band election. 2. Since the paving would be done in the village center only, the first yeax there would be relatively few pavement cuts. by Mayor Kindel: The question of delay in dedicating the stxeets was summarized 1. A determination of the request by the City to Vail Associates far same sort of indexnnification against future legal action. 2. The establishment by Vail Associates of a contribution to being the roads up to a certain acceptable standard. S 3. The reservations held by Vaii Associates regarding the dedication of Bridge Street. Questions frann the floor: 1, Can the County be taunted on fox any funds at ail? ar the Forest Service? Txustee Seibert suggested that Blake Lynch find nut what is being done for other towns. 2, Trustee Willett indicated that he had received inforxxiation to the effect that we could receive federal aid for the paving of streets -Mayor Kindel asked Trustee Willett to work with Blake Lynch #o secure additional infor- ~natian on this assistance. . 3. Has anything been done to get street lights out by the entrance. Is there a possibility of State Assistance? Trustee Hoyt and Trustee Burdick were asked to make a survey. 4, Where will the batch plant be located? Txustee Seibert replied that we will be notified of location of the batch plant as well as stack Hiles for gravel, crushing plant, etc. i • Page 3 -Minutes of the Meeting -February 27, 1967 5. The problem of the burning of the trash at the area now used by The Town of Vail far dumping was brought to the attention of the Board. Trustee Seibert indicated that the use of this site would be short lived and at the latest June 1. It was necessary to burn at present because of the problem of blowing debris. If bulidazing was used it must be done frequently. The possi- bility of using the Eagle County maintained dump at Minturn, was explored. Mayor Kindel requested that Peter Cosgriff should be contacted to discern the county responsibility because of sanitation and health requirements. b. The matter of drainage throughout the Town of Vail was further discussed. Trustee Langmaid made a Motion that the Berard of Trustees authorize a drainage study by a competent engineering firm. Trustee Seibert defined the area as - West - Vaii Road North -East Meadow Drive East -Manor Vail Forest Service Property on the South Trustee Hayt seconded the Motion and the Board agreed unanimously. b. SIGN CONTROL ORDINANCE Trustee Seibert, Trustee Dobson and Blake Lynch are working on this proposal and will have a proposal as soon as passible. 7. POLICE CHIEF Trustee Hoyt, Acting Police Chief, made a report on the activities of the Police Department. 1. Active recruitment for a Police Chief in the local area as well as advertising throughout the State. 2. Parking and Traffic Control - xnest people do not understand the situation. Nat that they can't read asign -the problem is mainly that they are not aware that there is not parking in the xniddle of the village. Trustee Hoyt felt that this information be covered in the summer and winter brochures. Gore Creek Drive has been made atwo-way street. It seems the basic complaint that . most ticket payers had was that they couldn't find the signs or they were hidden. 8. LIABILITY RESPONSIBILITY ON ICY' WALKWAYS The question was raised from the floor for the responsibility of the area around the Plaza Building and the icy walkway between the Drug Store, and The Red Lion. Mayor Kindel asked that Blake Lynch check with the town attorney, Peter Cosgriff, to discern the Town liability in the two areas. 9. CHANGE OF THE POLICE UNIFORM Consideration has been given to purchasing new police uniforms that would reflect the Vail image. $ob Parker suggested the possibility of the western innage far sumxra.er. Trustee Hoyt commented that it was absolutely neces- sary to have a heavier jacket far winter. Trustee Seibert suggested Richard Olson be contacted far possible design and price reduction. 10. CLEAN UP PROGRAM Trustee Willett suggested that aClean-up Program be initiated before the International Races, and that The Vail Resort Association be contacted far support and seek some means of clean up of the public property. 11. FRANCHISES From the floor Bob Parker inquired as to the feasibility of • • Page ~ the Town of Vail taking over utilities. He felt that we would be derelict in our duty to the citizens of Vail if we issued any franchise before examining all the possibilities of obtaining the best service. Trustee Willett made the comnxent that Vail A ssociates had more or less issued a franchise to Gas Facilities and wondered if we didn't have some duty to honor this contract. Parker countered that as fax as he knew there were no franchises with any legal status ever issued, and secondly, what is the exper- ience in other communities? Minturn, for example, have men on call 24 hours a day and Tower gas rates. V4Te should look into this situation before we issue a franchise. Trustee Willett said that he knew of no more than six facilities in the State of Coloxado that were owned by municipalities, and raised the question con- cerning the m.oraiity of the question regarding Gas Facilities. We were very happy to have them initially. Bob Parker felt that there was no morality involved, It is simply a ~r_atter of practicality. W ~ should Zook into the matter very carefully. Mayor Kindel suggested that further investigation be made regard- ing condemnation of Gas Facilities by The Tawn. - With no further business to came before the Board, the Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p. rn. The Motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Burdick and seconded by Trustee Willett and accepted unanimously by the Board. ~_ J • ~....,_a,..- MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD MARCH 13, 19b7, THE TOWN OF VAIL Vail, Colorado The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Ted Kindel at 8;{30 p. m, ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Merxtbers present: Mayor Kindel Trustee Burdick Trustee Dobson Trustee Langmaid Trustee Hoyt Trustee V~Iillett Trustee Seibert was absent. Peter Cosgriff attended the Meetirig- MINUTES OF THE MEETING i : APPROVA L CF MEETING MINUTES The Minutes had been distributed to the Members of the hoard pirior to the Meeting. Mayor Kindel asked if there were any corxectians or adt~itioii~: Trustee Burdick made a Motion to accept the Minutes as pxesen- ted~ "!'kie 1V~otion was seconded by Trustee Dobson and approved unanimously by the Board. 2 . COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Kindel read a letter front Senator Fay DeBerard regardixig the Sunday Closing Bill. It was beaten by 3(3 to 5. Mayor Kindel stated that he was advised that legislatiron dealing with Sales Tax fox Towns was to be out of Committee on this date. There was an optimistic outlook. He also commented that a great deal of the future of Vail hangs on this bilk. 3. CONSIDERATION OF THE ADOPTION BY REFERENCE OF THE 19b4 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE. Mayox Kindel asked if there were any further cozxxments or additions. The Town Recoxder gave a brief xesume of the Ordinance and then polled the Trustees for understanding and approval: Trustee Langrrtaid Approved Trustee Dobson Appxoved Trustee Burdick Anpraved Trustee Hoyt Approved Trustee ~Tillett Appxoved Ordinance #8, Sexies lg6? was adopted unanimously by the Board of Trustees. 4. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE POLICEMEN'S PENSION FUND .P.ND AUTHORIZING THE TOWN OF VP..IL TO CONTRIBUTE 4% OF THE MONTHLY SAL~_RIES OF THE POLICE DEPART- MENT TO THE PENSION FUND. This subject had been discussed at a previous meeting and was tabled to further explore the nossi.bilities of Social Security Coverage. The Town Attorney, Peter Cosgriff, stated that policemen were excluded from .. • • Page 2 -Minutes of the Meeting -March 13, 197 the Social Security .E! ct. The Town would cantxibute 4%a of the monthly salaries of the Police Departxnent to the Pension Fund. The Board of Trustees would have the option of lowering the percentage participation in the future. The vercen- tage cannot exceed 5%. Mayor Kindel asked if there were any questions regarding this Ordi» nonce. After a discussion the Trustees were polled for understanding and approval: Trustee Dobson Approved Trustee Hoyt Approved Trustee Langmaid Approved Trustee Willett Trustee Burdick Approved ~!pproved 5. CONSIDERATION OF PA YMENT OF VOUCHERS Trustee Burdick indicated all was in order. ~ Motion was made by Trustee Hoyt to approve Vouchers No, ~2 through Sl. Trustee Burdick seconded the Motion and it was approved unanimously by the Boaxd. 6. Consideration of allocating $1, 000. 00 of the Town Coordina- tor Budget for Planning Comrrsission expenditures. The Town Coordinator Blake Lynch made the connrnent that we did not go through the process of establishing a separate budget for the Planning Commission and requested that the Board approve the allocation of $1, 000. 00 from the Town Coordinator Budget for Planning Coxx~xxnission purposes. Mayor Kindel suggested that the Planning and Zoning Coxnmis- sioxx get in touch with the Gore Valley Development Group to perhaps coordi- nate plans . Trustee Dobson approved this ~all:ocation and Trustee Burdick seconded the Motion and it was approved unanimously by the Board. 7. CONSIDERATION OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS Mayer Kindel gave a brief suxxnrx~ary of progress to date. We. are working an the beginning phase regarding engineering on street irxiprov~- ments. 1~-~ithin two weeks we will have the engineers on the scene. We will pxesent our plans for street irnpxovernents within the next few weeks. 8. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS FROM THE TOVI'N COORDINATOR The school children have been out doing a txemendaus jab picking up the trash. They have been conning Monday and Friday. It has been necessary to call upon the shop people to pick up theix areas. 9. MAYOR AND TRUSTEES Trustee ViTillett has done some research on the possibility of some federal aid for street improvements. He received a telegram from Senator Dominick who stated that he had contacted the Urban ]aeveloprnent Program to see if we can be classified as a rural community and indicated he would contact us later. y . ~~ ~ • • • Page 3 -Minutes of the Meeting -March 13, 1967 A discussion was held regarding the lighting for the highway entrance. Trustee Burdick and Hoyt nrzentianed several possibilities; 1. Going to the Highway Department to get signal lights. 2. important thing is to get some lights out there._ It was left up to Blake Lynch to get in touch with Holy Cross to see haw soon we could get them out there. Street lights can be out there in' one week. 3. Trustee Burdick and Hoyt' sliottld select site for the amber warning lights. Trustee Hoyt reported on th'eVail Police Departrr~ents • 1. The equipm~rtt lxas been ordered for tie auxiliary police. 2. ~' e have looked into w~.rning tickets . ~ n envei.ope is designed and we hope to have therri this week and tHey ct+ill be used for the remainder of the season. 3. additional pa.$~Citigsigns have been put up. Parallel nark- ing along the Texas Row Houses - .fairly good compliance. ~. Some of the r~sads h~.ve beexi graded and this will continue through the season. The Countjr bias brought u~ some gravel for a few of the holes . 10. CITIZEN PARTICiPATI~N George Knox cornm.ented thafi he did not think that policemen should travel together and asked the status 'of television. requests. Mayor Kindel indicated that we had received on+e and expected to receive ~.E least tW0 TY2pre. V~rith no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Burdick made a Motion to adjourn the Meeting. It was seconded by Trustee Dobson and passed unanimously at $;50 p.rn. • • • • SPECIAL I~EARiNG HELD MARCH 13, 1967 BC)ARD OF TRUSTEES The special Hearing was called to order at 7:45 p. rn. by Mayor i~indel. ROLL CALL; Roll Call found the foliov~`ing Members present: Mayor G. E. Kindel Trustee Sohn Dobson. Trustee Lorence Burdick Trustee Joe Langmaid Trustee Harxy V+'illett Trustee J. Mitchell Hoyt Trustee Seibert was absent. Mayor Kindel opened the Meeting by explaining that a Special Hearing was being held on an Ordinance to adopt by reference the 1964 Uniform Build- ing Code. He also commented that it had been analyzed by Trustee Hoyt. There is one exception » Chapter l3 in the annendix dealing with existing buildings . Trustee Langmaid questioned the possibility of adding to the Code for special types of building. Mayor Kindel said this could be handled by amend-- anent later, but most types of construction ~liould be covered. Fred Froehlich, Fire District Manager, recommended the adoption of the Uniform Building Code. The Town Clerk, Blake Lynch, noted that the Hearing Notice was pub- lished in the EAGLE VALLEY ENTERPRISE February 23rd and March 2nd. 'mete Buxnett of Gas Facilities, incorporated, indicated ths,t they had been trying to hold a standard on all of the houses of 30 lbs. of pressure far one hour and would like to have the Board enforce this through the Building Inspector. The Ordinance creates a Board of Appeals which consists of five members to consider exce*~tions to the Gode. The Board of Appeals would be appointed by the Board of Trustees. It might be a good sounding board for any future amendments. Mayor Kindel entertained a Motion for adjournment of the Hearing. The motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Lurdick and seconded by Trustee Langmaid. It was approved unanimously by the Board. • r r MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD MARCH 27, 19b? -THE 'I'0~41rN OF VAIL The Meeting was called to arder by Trustee J: Mitchell Hayt, Mayor 'oro-Texas, in the absence of Mayer Kindel, at 7:50 p. m: ROLL CALL: Roll Cali found the following Members present: Trustee Hoyt Trustee V~rillett Trustee Burdick Trustee Dobson Trustees Seibert and Langmaid were absent. MINUTES OF THE MEETING: 1. P PPROVAL OF VOUCHERS The Town Coordinator, Blake Lynch, explained that the largest disbursement was for $7, 000. 00, which is oux share of the bridge to be built this surnnxer over Gore Creek at Vail Road. Eagle County is contributing $8, 000, fl0, and the Forest Service is contributing $~.5, OOO. Ofl. Trustee Burdick indicated that all was in order and made a Motion. that the Vouchers be approved for payment. Trustee Dobson seconded the Motion and it wa.s approved uanani- mausly by the Board. 2. CONSIDERATION OF SETTING A DATE FOR THE DESIR- ABILITY OF HAVE TELEVISION IN VAIL. The Town Coordinator, Blake Lynch, said that we should have a decision on this by the end of ~ Aril so that the Company would be able ~o .work on it in May. From the floor George Knox- said that he didn't think it was constitutional to deny a CATV Franchise. Trustee Dobson commented that the Board. must deterrn.ixie the purpose of the Hearing rather than having a free for all. S The Hearing was set~for Monday, April 10, I9b7. 3. STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The Town Coordinator, Blake Lynch, gave the following report; A. A Fact Sheet has been distributed and he would be happy to answer any questions. The Engineering Firm of Meuer, Serafini & Meuer has been retained to work with Harmon, O'Donnell & Henninger. C. Boettcher & Company will be handling the bond sales. Trustee Dobson requested that Vail Water & S anitation be requested to give us something in wxiting regarding the lowering of the mill levy. . 4. MP. YOR AND TRUSTEE S Trustee Hoyt, Police Commissioner, gave the following report: A.. ~'arking - It was necessary to allow parking on the streets r., • a Page 2 -Minutes of the Meeting -March 27, 19b7 this past week since half of the Vail Assi~ciiate ~~:rkin lots could oat be used i due to mud conditions. Beginning 1Viarch z8t~, 1.867; Vde are going ~o ~n~~urage parking in the parking lots and not on the streets. B. Children -The large number of teen-alters in the vzllage has created some problem, pximarily, on noise, nothing serious. Also ~vve have been receiving a few complaints from condornin.ium owners concerning children sleeping in the Gammon areas and hallways. It is actually a prable~ of the owners unless they sign a complaint. 5. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION None . 6. APPROVAL OF THE MIlVUTE'S .s Trustee Burdick made, a Motion to approve the minutes of the previous rrkeeting and it was seconded ~by Trustee VL'illett. It was approved unanimously by the Board. Trustee Burdick commended 'T'rustee Hoyt for the outstanding job he has done as Acting 'Town Marshall in handling the myriad problems occuxri;ta.g during the last ,two weei€s: With no further business to come before the Loard Trustee Burdick made a Motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Trustee V~Iillett and approved unanixously by the Board at 9:~J4 p. m. • C, ~~ U r` MINUTES OF THE M~ET1f~G BOARI3 OF 'I'RUSTE`.ES HELD APRIL 10, 1967 Mayor Kindel called the Meeting to order at 7:~5 p. m, ROL1+. CAI..L: Roll Call found the following Members present: Mayor l~indel Trustee V4 illett Trustee Langmaid Trustee Purdick Trustee Hoyt • Trustee Dobson and Seibert were absent, MINUTES OF THE MFETING i , CONSIDERA'I'IflN OF AESIR.A B]:LITY OF GIt.ANTING R CA T V FRANCHISE Mayor Kindel stated that the Board of Trustees was inter- ested in obtaining the feelings of the citizens of the Town regarding the instal- lation of CATV. .P discussion fxoxx~. the floor was held. Comments: George Knox: Guests that same here like the idea of no tele, vision, but the year round residents should have exposure to television, No one has to watch television. Felt the Town could not or should not legislate against it. Fran Moretti: Doesn't feel it's fair to deny it. Definitely in favor. Morgan Douglass. Felt no one should be able to tell his next door neighbor he can't have T. V . Rod Slifer; Felt the Town having television is not the issue, rather it's who gets the franchise. ~ iclcBailey; Said he wholeheartedly endorses the concept of television coming to Vail. Robert Parker: Felt that the having or not having television should not be considered from a personal standpoint, but should be considered. from the standpoint of the Vail image and community benefit. That Vail. is unique and is a unique experience for guests coining to Vail is well known, W e are selling the great outdoors. nature, wild flowers, horseback riding, etc.. and because Vail is differezxt this duality difference should be maintained.. In addition, the quality of the television shows is deteriorating, In the years to come, it would be a selling point for Vail that we da not have TV. Rod Slifer Felt that it was an individual choice to make and that the installation of TV would not have any particular effect on the image of Vail. Trustee Willett w,~,s requested by Mayor Kindel to submit a pl~+rr for soliciting public opinion. 2, Blake Lynch, the 'T'own Coordinator, gave a brief resume and explanation of the financial report, Mayor Kindel called for any further C ~~ ~~ Page 2 -Minutes o£ the Meeting -April 10, ~9b7 comments or c}uestions from the floor .~ ~t~~ion was made by Trustee Hoyt that the financial statement be accented as p~Eesei~ted~ It was seconded by Trustee Willett and approved unanimously by the Board. 3. MISCELLANEOUS REPORFt'5 • • A . P. Sign Ordinance has been drafted a#xd is hieing per- used by Trustee Seibext and Trustee Dobson. It will be submitted to the Boaxd at a later date. B. Trustee ~Fillett gave a brief report on the government aid available for the paving of the stxeets. Senator Dominick and .~ spinall have both responded and directed us to a man ire Fort ~TOrth far further i.nfoxw motion, Both felt it would take a year to get any money and probably would not be available until. the second or third pahase of the paving. C. Mayor Kindel requested Blake Lynch to get the infor~ motion regarding the new Sunday liquor hours and fees. D. The Town Coordinator gave a brief resume of the activity on the street improvement program. The Engineexing Firm,Meuer, Serafini and Meuer, have been at work on the drainage study. The petitgon was completed and wi11 be published the required number of times. The election will probably be some time in June, The state highway is still coxi~zing through and as a result we will probably be able to realize certain street con- struction economies. E. J, Mitchell Hoyt, the T?alice Comrnissionex and Acting Police Chief gave a report concerning the activities of the '?alice Departnnent. He gave a breakdown of the types of violations handled. The Department has ordered a 1867 Chevxolet Suburban Station ~4+~agon with foux wheel drive as the police vehicle after taking verbal bids. ~`rustee Hoyt commended the Police Magistrate, Richard Bailey, for the exemplary jab he has done. Trustee Hayt tendered his resignation as .~ eting ??olice Chief and requested that he be returned to his position as Plice Commis- sioner. In the interim period, until a Police Chief is hired, he recommended that Lieutenant V:'ayne Schuyler be appointed ~ cting Police Chief, In addition, he recommended that Officer l~.ornero be retained at Ieast until the 1st of May. Mayor Kindel then stated he would entertain a Motion to accept this resignation. Trustee V4'illett, made the Motion. It was seconded by Trustee Langxnaid, and accepted unanimously by the Board. Trustee Hoyt then made a Motion that Lieutenant ~~ayne Schuyler be appointed A cting Police Chief. It was seconded by Trustee Vti'illett and approved unanimously by the Board. F. Blake Lynch brought a report from the ASPEN TIMES to the attention of the Board concerning the likes and dislikes of ?people going to Aspen. It should be of interest to everyone. In addition: he noted that the Town had uurchased a durnn truck that will be used for sanding in the winter and for spreading asphalt emulsion in the sumxx~.er. ~1' ith no further business to carne bef ore the Boaxd, Trustee Langmaid made a Motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Trustee 'Vitillett and approved unanimously by the Board at 9107 p. rx~. • ~~ MINUTES OF THE METING BOARD OF TRUSTEES -THE TOWN Ok"" VAIL HELD APRIL 24, 19b? The Meeting was called to order at 7:45 p. xn. by the Mayor, C. E. Kindel. ROLL CALL; Roll Call found the following Members present: Mayor G. E. Kindel Txustee Langmaid Txustee Burdick Trustee Hoyt Trustee Willett Trustee Dobson Trustee Seibert MINUTES OF THE MEETING ~.. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS. The Trustees were polled far changes or camxnents on the minutes of the Meeting held on March 2?th and April lt}th. Trustee Burdick made a Motion that the rr~.inutes be approved as recorded. It was seconded by Trustee Langmaid and approved unani:x~.ously by the Board. 2. REPORT ON TELEVISION POLL BY VAIL COUNTRY DAY SGHOOL Peter Seibert, fir. ,. made a report on behalf of 21 students who felt it was beneficial to have television in Vail. Kristina Steinberg reported fox seven students who felt it was detrimental to the health and welfare of the youngsters to have television in Vail. Mayor Kindel xxlade the comment that the latest result an the television po11 was gl for and 1? against. He indicated that the Town is presently looking into negotiating a T. ~V. Franchise. 3. CONSIDERATION OF VOUCHER APPROVAL An itemized list of vouchers to be approved far payment was submitted to the Board. After consideration Trustee Burdick made a Motion to approve the Vouchers fox payment. It was seconded by Trustee Willett and approved unanimously by the Board. 4. CONSIDERATION OF AN ENGINEERING AGREEMENT WITH MEURER-SERAFINI-AND MEURER FOR A STRE7GT IMPROVEMENT STUDY AND ENGINEERING SERVICES RELATED THERETO Mayor Kindel gave a brief resume of the contract subrx~it- ted by Meurer, Serafini and Meurer, r ~ Page 2 -Minutes of the Meeting - April 24, 1967 The Town Attorney, Peter Cosgriff, suggested that a change be rrxy.ade in the condition under 4 a~ TerirLination:. , , either party by seven (7} days= written notice in the e~ettt of substantial failure to perform in accordance with the terms hereof by the one party without cause and the Owner can terminate. "' In add~tioit, he #elt that the contract documents, such as maps of elevations, drainage study, etc: , should remain in the possession of the Owner, even, though the usual practice is for the Engineering Firm to retain them. With the two changes incorporated, Trustee Willett xnatle . a Motion to accept the Engineering Contract. It was seconded by Trustee Hoyt and approved unanimously by the Board. 5. CONSIDERATION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH BOET'TCHER AND COMPANY FOR SERVICES REL:~TINC TO THE ORGANIZATION OF A GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT AND THE MARKETING OF STREET IMPROVE- MENT BONDS The Agreement has been in the hands of the Trustees fox a time. Since Boettcher and Company gave the lowest bid that Company was selected. Blake Lynch stated that the agreement was standard. They are not guaranteeing to buy the bonds and it is required by law to hold a public sale. The cost of handling the sale is less if all are sold at once rather than over the three ear eriod. Ma ar Kindel called for a Motion Y P Y to approve the Agreex-n.ent with Boettcher and Company. Trustee Dobson made the Motion and it was seconded by Trustee Hoyt. The Board approved the Agreement unanimously. 6. REPORT FROM THE CITY A T`I'ORNEY Recently there was a case in the Police Magistrates" Court and -while the case was being set for trial the defendant in the case went into District Court in Eagle and moved that the proceedings be stayed and that the local Judge be prevented from acting from the stand- oint that he did not have jurisdiction. The matter was allowed in the P District Court and the Judge sustaining the Motion of the Defendant that r Page 3 -Minutes of the Meeting - .~.pril 24; 1967 r~ the local court be prevented from proceeding. The season llaat was allo~vved in the District Court is of some uniqueness anr~ some great importance, not only to this Tawn, but other towns throughout the State o£ Colorado. The Courts of Coloxado get their authority sped#ically fxom the Constitution and then in addition, under the Constitution i.t speci£~ ically sets up certain points that the Legislature will set up rules and regulations for their procedure. The Legislature originally set up the towxx COUrt&, and did not provide new rules or regulations, therefore, the court was without authority. The Legislature quickly corrected this and in 1885 provided that rules and regulations shall be the same as for the Justice of the Peace Courts. The Justice of the Peace Courts were abolished in 1965, and no provision was made for new rules and regulations for the Police Magistrate Couxts in towns under 25, Ua0 people. The decision as it stands would, in effect, indicate that no town or city has a court system. upon which it can rely. The Town 1~ttorney suggested that the course of action should be determined by the Boaxd of Trustees in a study session rather than in a public meeting. 7. 5ALE5 TAX LAW The Sales Tax Lavv for towns under 2, 0€?0 has passed the Legislature and is awaiting the .Gove.rnors' signatuxe. Mayor Kindel coxxlrnented that we were extremely pleased that the bill has moved along as well as it has. $. LAV~' ENFQRCEMENT The Police Commissionex made the announcement that even though this is the end of the season, the. traffic regulations are in effect and will be enforced. 9. UTILITY EASEMENT A request was made to the Berard of Trustees that the Page 4 ~ Minutes of the Meeting :April 24y 1qb easement involved in the purchase by Gary W"liite be vacated by tfie various Util.iti.es. Gary White has asked for a ~'uit Claixi7i Deed to vacate the e~.se rr~ent . The Motion to grant the request was rriade by 7'xustee Hoyt and seconded by Trustee I;obson: It was passed unanirnt~usly by the Board. 10. ADDITIONAL LI~'UOR LICENSE ~ LATE CLOSING Trustee Seibert brought to the attention of the Board that the late Liquor closing do Sunday was passed. It will be necessary tb purchase a separate license to stay open. Llake Lynch wi11 investigate the necessary requirements. 11. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION FR~3IVi THE F1.4QR 1. George Knox -Since the sales tax bill has passed do we automatically have the authority to charge a sales tax? Blake Lynch answered that it would not autazx,:atically 'occur, but would require an election. 2. Fred Froehlich .. Is there a guarantee to the Torn from the Engineering Frim, Meurer, Serafin,i & .Maurer, as tv the accuracy of their recoxnxnendations of their drainage survey. Peter Cosgriff answered that it is very unlikely that any engineering firrxi would guarantee their recommendations. Their recommendations ors given: to the best of their ability and. knowledge. Has- the Town considered the= financial background of the. firm or individual who might receive the franchise so that. they would be able to withstand. the cost of laying all cable underground and' running the tie ends to various Lots. Mayor Kindel answered that the criteria for selecting the firm whti would receive the TV Franchise would be,' jay finan» cial responsibility, (by history of the principles, and (c) the Town has under consideration a street cut ordinance which would become a part of Page 5 -Minutes of the Meeting ~ April 2~, 1967 the franchise. With these items in zx~.ind t~.e Board is proceeding' with deliberate haste. 3. Bob Parker -Will the Town have a guax~.ntee of the quality of race ption. Mayor Kindel answexec3. that naturally, this would be pw :xne consideration. Do 1 understand carxectly that in effect, we have na effective court of law at this point? Peter Cosgriff answexed that this was not true, and that the decision handed down by Judge Luby applied. to anly one case, narnely, Stev~art Brown. The Town attorney gave his ;recommendation t'na~ the Court operate as it has before. It would appear to be an open invitation to challenge the validity of the court. Mayor Kindel commented that unfortunately it was going to be costly for the Town of Vail. 4. John Donovan -When will we receive a financial report on the Town. Mayor Kindel answered that such a report was distributed at a previous Meeting and wexe available in the Town Office. 5. Jim Cunningham - Daes the Town know how much variation on road elevations there will be? Blake Lynch answered that it o 1 t this tixxx t wool b visa 1 a ch ck with th was n t possib e a e i d e ad bet e e Office and the information will be passed on as soon as it is known'. 6. George Knox -What is .going to be done about the grading of the roads? Mayor Kindel answered it is impossible at this time because the surveyors have their stakes in the road and it is costly to replace. We have a tank that will be oiling the roads at xegulax inter- vols. Those large uncovered areas where the wind wi11 scatter -dust particles will be investigated and perhaps owners will be able to work with the Town and Trustee Seibert said that he was very willing to negotiate re ardin the arkin lot areas that belon to Vail Associates. g g p g g 7. Fred Froehlich -Made the report that the new fire truck would not be delivered until a later date because the United States • • Page b -Minutes of the Meeting - Aprii 24, I.9b7 Governxnent had more o£ a need and the one we were to receive was sent to DaNang Air Force Base. With no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Burdick made a Motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Trustee Dobson ar_d approved unanimously by the Board at 8:45 p. m. r~ C • -- ,~, MINUTES OF THE MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES ~ THE TOWN OF VAIL Held May $, ~ 1967 Th e Meeting was called to oxder by the Mayor, C: E. Kindel, at 7:30 p, rn. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Members present: Mayor C. E. Kindel Trustee Burdick Trustee Hoyt Trustee Langx~xiaid Trustee Willett Trustee Seibert and Dobson wexe absent. ~/~zNUTE5 OF THE MEETING 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING After discussian Trustee Burdick made a Motian to approve the Minutes as recorded. It vas seconded b Trustee Ho and Y Yt approved unanimously by the Board. 2. COr1SIDERATION OF AN ORDIN~`,x7~E ORDINANCE NO. 1 ~., AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE DEDICATION TO PUBLIC USE OF' CERTAIN ROADS, STREETS, PUBLIC VtiiAYS, CIRCLES, DRIVES AND EASEMENTS .AND RIGHTS OF WAY BY VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC., AND THE ACCEPTANCE THEREOF AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY RELATIVE THERETO. , was discussed. The Town Recorder noted the special exclusion of easements for the specific purpose of control of placement of utilities. The circle at the head of Bridge Street has been specifically included so the Boaxd of Trustees may control what wi11 be installed there. After a discussion frann the floor the Town. Clerk polled the Board of Trustees far understanding and approval: Trustee Burdick Aye Trustee Hnyt Aye Trustee Langrnaid Aye Trustee Willett _ .Aye With unanimous approval Mayor 1~indel declared that Ordinance No. 11 was hereby adopted. 3. REPOF~T ON REFUSE SITE Blake Lynch reported that due to the new Inters#ate High- way construction, we would have to discontinue using the present dump saxxxetixxze 5 Page 2 -Minutes of the Meeting held May 8, i9b7 in June. In addition, the State Legislature has xecently passed a bill requiring all refuse disposal sites to meet minimum health standards. This will became law in lgb8 and will necessitate increased expenditures an the part of mast fawns in maintaining their refuse disposal sites . Since operating bud own disposal site under the provisions of the new law would be expensive, ~. caoper- ative and regional approach to this problem seexxas desirable. Mr. Rs.lph Sherbondy is proposing to operate a disposal site near Wolcott on land leased from the BLM. If the rates are reasonable this appears to be a suitable solution to our refuse disposal problems. A discussion was held and Mayor Kindel to n th m r ed a after over to Blake Lynch for further lnvestigatzon. 4. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS -BOARD OF TRUSTEES Mayor Kindel made the announcement that Trustee Burdick was appointed to the Municipal League Resolutions Committee by Municipal League President, Robert Keating. Mayor Kindel announced that the 45th annual con,fexence of the Coloxado Municipal League will be held in Estes Park and all of the Board Members are encouraged to attend. Information will be distributed later. Trustee Hoyt reported on the gravel crusher and batch plant that would be set up in the area. The State Highway I;epartxnent will have a wet plant. The biggest problem is securing a source far the purchase of gravel. The County will be using their gravel resources on the Airport and several smaller jobs in the area. When these jobs axe completed the County will bring their asphalt batch plant to Vail and will supply the manpower and equip- ment fox our paving. This will substantially decrease our cast from $12, 000. Oft per mile to $6, 000, OO.per xnile. Mayor Kindel made the announcement that it would be appreciated if the Members of the Board arrived at the Town Meetix~ on time to prevezat delay in the proceedings. Trustee Hayt noted that we have not given tickets, warn- ing or otherwise and asked the cooperation of the local citizens in observing the posted signs. y Page 3 _ Minutes of the Meeting held May 8, 1967 Mayox Kindel reported on the Stewaxt Brown Case and said that Judge Luby has been advised to shove cause within l5 days. The decision from the Supreme Court will probably come in the latter part of June or in July. Blake Lynch made the announcement that a special Meeting would be held in the Town Office on May 10th at 9:00 o'clock for the purpose of setting the date for the Bond Election authorizing the Vail. Genera]. Impravexnent Distxict to issue bonds for street paving purposes, 5. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION 1. Vtrould the savings on the paving with County parti~ cipation increase the road area that will. be paved? Mayor Kindel answered that there would be a further study made. 2. When would the bridge be started? The Town Coordinator answered that the Forest Serviee was still investigating the reliability of the low bidder and at this tune it was anticipated that it would begin on the 22nd of May. There were some pxablems that had to be worked out on the engineering. 3. Fxed Froehlich asked if it would be possible to get some grading done on Beaver Dane Road. Mayor Kindel answered that our maintenance man was on vacation now and to adequately take care of Beaver Dam Road, it would be necessary to find a gravel souxce. With no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Burdick made a Motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Trustee Langrrtaid and approved unanimously by the Board at 8:35 p. zn. • f:. ;.o" MINUTES OF THE MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES -THE TOWN OF VAIL - _ . June lz,. 19b7 The Meeting was called to order by the Mayar, C. E. Kindel, at 7:40 p. m. ' ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Members present: Mayor C. E. Kindel Txustee V~; illett Trustee Burdick Trustee Dobson Trustee Langx-rzaid Trustee Seibert anal Hoyt were absent. MINUTES OF THE MEETING 1. APPROVAL OF THE M3NUTE5 OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING There were n,o changes or additions to the Minutes. Trustee Lurdick made a Motion to accept the Minutes as recoxded. Trustee Willett seconded the Motion and they were accepted unanixnausly by the Board. 2, OLD BUSINESS A . Bridge -Mayar Kindel reported that the equipment was being moved in to start construction an the Bridge and we hope that it will be underway soon. B. Roads -Road Contractors have indicated that there would be a substantial lessening of cast if we could do upwaxds of three miles of paving. It is quite possible that we may ga this way, assurriing the bond issue is passed tomorrow. Further investigation is being made to determine the durability of soil cement. vs. asphalt. Blake Lynch was designated to work with the Engineers and get the specifications. from them. There will be gravel .spread in the circle at the head of Bridge Street and signs are to be installed on Bridge Street in the hope that the txaffic situatioxt will be cleared up. A d[acussion was held concerning the actual lacatia~ of the two new roads to be opened because of the publication and printing of ~, - • .~ Page 2 -Minutes of the Meeting held June 12, 19b7 r~ the Vail Resort Association Summer Brochure. Since a final answer could not be given, it was deterrriined that the vxoposed roads would be ins exted with dotted lines. Trustee Willett asked if a decision had been znad~ regarding encroachments an dedicated roads. In particular, he recozx~.rnen~.ed tizwt we grant a permit for the nxesent encroachment of Fitzhugh Scotts' garage. Blake Lynch will present a recommendation an this matter at the nsxt meeting. 3. CONSIDERATION OF PROCEDURE FOIL ESTA BYa7~'T-lIl`~TG CONSTRUCTION VALUATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT: FEE PURPOSES. The Administration recommended that the Town adopl. a ~;;:'i~y of establishing construction valuation for Building Permit Fee purposes at $13. QO per square foot, except in such cases as construction of g~.xages or other auxiliary buildings, After fuxther discussion, Trustee Dobson made a Motion to approve this method of determining building value as being most equitable. Trustee Burdick seconded the Motion and it was approved unanimously by the Board. 4. APPROVAL OF VOUCHERS The Board was given copies of an itemized list of alb. Vouchers. A Motion was made by Harry V!'illett to approve the Vouchers ae listed. It was seconded by Trustee Dobson. 5. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS Mayor Kindel. xxxade the report that the Tawn has received over fifty applications fox the position of Police Chief and have personally. interviewed five applicants. There are xx:are scheduled.. A discussion was held regarding the initiation of a Dag Ordinance. The Tawn should license dogs in the village rovith xequi.rements for rabies innoculation. George Knox felt the basis for the dogs running in packs, biting and fighting was the female dog in "season". a ~ =~ • • Page 3 -Minutes of the Meeting held June l2, 1967 In order to control the situation and pick. up dogs it would be necessary to have a dog pound. At one tiime there was discussion with the County Commissioners to establish a County Dog Pound.. Mayor Kindel requested Blake l.,ynch to meet with the Commissioners and discuss the possibility. Peter Cosgriff was instructed to draft an oxdinance on this matter for consideration. at the next Meeting. The Tawn Coordinator asked Ralph Sherbondy far a report on the dump arxangements. Mr. Sherbondy indicated that he did not have the actual figures at this time. Mayox Kindel requested lvlr. Sherbondy to campiie the necessary figures and submit them to the Board. Mayor Kindel requested a report Exam Peter Cosgriff, the City Attorney regarding the Supreme Court Case which is pending. The Municipal League has filed a supporting resolution and the decision should be rendered sometime this month. Signs -George Knox felt that there were a lot of unsightly signs being put up in the village. Mayor Kindel indicated that a sign oxdinance was in the formation stage and said that conformity would be necessary. Trustee Dobson and Trustee Seibert axe on the &~ign committee. Mayox Kindel reported on the Interstate Highway. The starting date will be between June 12th and the 19th. Clarence Bi`own, of Pioneer Construction, plans to keep U. S. 6 open all winter. 'I'he construr.- tion will be just east of Dowd through the Big Horn Camp Ground. With no further business to come before the B.oa:rd, Trustee Burdick made a Motion to adjourn and it was seconded by Trustee Willett and approved unanimously by the hoard at 9:25 p. xn. ~~ ~ ~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES -THE TOVi'rN OF VAIL HELD JUNE 26, 19b7 The Meeting was called to ordex at ?:45 p. rn. by Mayor C. E'. Kindel. ROLL CALL Roll Call found the following Members present: Mayor C. E. Kindel Trustee John Dobson Trustee J. Mitchell Hoyt Trustee Joe Langrnaid Trustee Harry Willett Trustee Peter Seibert Trustee L. C. Burdick was absent. MINUTES OF THE MEETING 1. CONSIDERATION OF THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Mayor Kindel briefly commented on various items covered in the Minutes and he noted that Pioneer Construction was given a contxact for the Interstate Highway beginning at I~~owd and ending just short of the Big Horn.. Trustee Willett made a 1V,Eotion to accept the Minutes as recorded. Trustee Dobson seconded the Motion and it was approved unanimously~by the Board. 2. REPORT ON STATUS OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS Mayor Kindel made a report on the Street Irnpxovements, From the floor Robert Parker suggested that the merchants be contacted and consulted regarding the best time for the streets to be tied up. A discussion was held regarding the composition of the street impxavements, 3. CONSIDERp TION OF AN ORDINANCE RELY TING TO t'~ND REGULATING DOGS. Mayor Kindel read a recarnn~.endation by the Town Attorney Peter Cosgriff, that could be added to the Ordinance regarding vicious dogs. x~fter a lengthy discussion the Ordinance was returned to Peter Cosgriff for re-writing with the following changes included: .~ . Delete accompaniment clause, 2nd paragraph of Section 2, and indicate that dog should be under reasonable control. B. Further definition of age of a dog on licensing -aver six (6) months xxzust be licensed. ~ ~ Page 2 -Board of Trustees Meeting held ;curie 2~5; 1967 C. Change the defimitiori Q£ stray clog.. D. Include a Sectiaii ch vzcio~is dugs; The Dog Ordinance will be submitted to the Bciard ~.~ the next xegulax meeting. r'~t a later date an aniirnal ordinance should be initzs.ted, but a bridal path will have to be constructed before horses can be restricted front the cextain areas of the Town. 4. GON5IDEIt,F TIO N OF #~ N ORDINANCE ANNEXING A GERTAIN TR.~'~CT OF LAND TO TAE TC)~I411~T f~~` V.P~L {Puliat Lots Mayor Kindel identified the Ord~sa.r-ee~ Rakiert Pa~rlce~ o the Vail.Planning Board indicated that the Planriing~ $oard shauld hsve been consulted before bringing this Ordis~:nc.e be€ore the :Board of Z'i~ust~es-, ~ fter discussion Mayor Kindel se~.t the O~tXina~ce tQ the Vail Planning $oaxd which will xx~,cet Tuesday, Junk 27th, Ygb7, at 8Q~ p.°: F special meeting of the Board of Trustees vrill be Meld Sa.tuxday,• xuZy l st.. at 8tQ0-a, m. , to considex~ths rriatter. 5. CONSIDERAT'I©:N C3F ~~ REQL7E~'I' BY` FI~'ZH[T:~rH .S~aD''T`T 'TO' VACATE A SMihI.L 'PORTION' Off' MILL CRE`FI{ CIRC°L.I~ T•:rustee Wi7:tett read a; xecomrnendatic~n by Blake .Lynch; He also stated that there were cex.ta>n p.r4bleirn.~s that the Board inhe:xted' where people have encroachments on'the town streets.. He indicated that his. arec'oxn- mendation would be to vacate the area where the encroa:chxrient :was prtnr' to the incorporation. A discussion was held' concerning the va:cati;on,~, Fred' Froehlich cornmente.d that 4 feet from the- c.o~xner of the ga.ra.ge is the sewer line. If the lane breales ~a:nd -it i.s necessary to dig up the stxeet, it would be practically impossible and would undermine the foundation:, therefore, it 'rini~ght he suggested that the sewer line- be rnover3 since we require at Zeast lfl feet n.armally. The Board of Trustees refexred the xxkatter to the Planning and Zoning Board for fuxther study with the xecorrfinendation from:MayorKindel that it be studied carefully since i,t was a precedent making matter. ~ ~ Page 3 -Board of Trustees Meeting held June 26, 196`7 6. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS w` . Revenue Report The Town Coordinator noted that this was just a revenue report and that a more detailed quarterly report would be forthcoxn- ing in July. B. Refuse Site The Town has secured a disposal site for a period of three months at a cost of $100. 00 per month. C. League Conference Blake Lynch reported that the League is nnaving along to effect municipal home rule provisions in the State of Colorado which would be a great asset to towns such as Vail. The debt limit stipulation would be alleviated and more flexibility would be allowed in governing their own affairs. This requires an amendment to the Constitution, and thus would have to be voted on by the people in 1968. D . Police Chief The Town Coordinator gave a brief history of the backgraun,d of the new Police Chief, Flo d Holmes. Ma or Kindel re uested Y Y q that time be allocated during the first Meeting in July for the introduction of Ivlr. Holmes. 7. CITIZEN P~~RTICTP.FITTON Mrs. Pownall made the comment that Vail needs xx~.ore trash cans. The Mayor requested the Town Coordinator to research this nraject with possible coordination with the Vail Resort Association and recom- mended that a different kind of trash caxx be used.. With no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Willett made a Motion to adjourn at 10:00 p..m. Tt was seconded by Trustee Langmaid and approved unanimously by the Board. • • MINUTES OF THE MEE'T'ING B0~1RD OF TRUSTEES -THE 'r'01NN Off' V~!.IL HELD JULY 14, 196'7 The Meeting was called to oxder by the Mayor, C. E. Kindel, at 7:50 p; m; ROLL CALL; Roll Call found the following Members pxesent: Mayor C. E. Kindel Trustee L. C. Burdick Trustee Peter Seibert Trustee John Dobson Trustee Tae Langxnaid Trustee Willett was absent. MINUTES OF THE MEETING 1. CONSIDERA TION OF THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING With no request for changes Trustee Langmaid made a Motion to approve the Minutes as recorded. It was ,seconded by Trustee Seibert and appxaved unanimously by the Board. 2. COMMUNICATIONS r~ letter of resignation that was submitted by Trustee Mitchell Hoyt imrn.ediately after the Meeting held June 26, 19b7, was xead, Mayor Kindel spoke of his contributions and devotion to the Town of Vail, ~~ particularly last winter when he participated in all phases at Town business. Mayor Kindel expressed his regret that it was necessary that we accept the resignation of Txustee Hoyt. ~. Motion was made by Txustee Burdick that the letter of resignation be accepted. It was seconded by Txustee Lang- maid and approved unanimously by the Loard. Mayor Kindel indicated that the vacancy would Sae left open at this time and that he had na appointment to make now. ~; communication from Doris Bailey, Vail Resoxt ~ ssociation Convention Centex was read. It noted that the comments fronn various conven- tions was that their sta in Vail was a hu h su s a y g cce s, h wever, vara~aus com- rnents wexe made that there was not adequate lighting, particularly on Bridge Street, to provide safe walking. Page 2 -Minutes of the Meeting held July Z 0,' l qb7 Mayor Kindel ziequested Trustee Burdick to look into the street lighting situation by contacting Holy Cross Electric Company and concentrate on the Bridge Street are2~ ~.nd Manor Va~.~.~ It would be appreciated if the recommendations could be given a~ tfi~ ~~xt Meeting. 3. M.~ YOR AND TRUSTEES REPORTS Mayor Kindel reported on the status of the Street ~tx~.prov- ment Program -after meeting with the Engineers we have decided that we should use 6"' of concrete with an exposed aggregate on Bridge Street and that the paving for the remaining areas would be 6" soil cement covered by a double coat of chips and oil. r^.t this time the schedule calls f©r construc- tion to begin on August 10th. Mayor Kindel stated that the area behind the Red Lion would be landscaped from Hanson Ranch Road to Gore Creek Drive. r~ bid has been presented by Steve Ruder for the work in mind, but that time would be needed to look over the bid. 4. CONSIDERATION OF t! N ORDINANCE RELATING TO t1ND REGULATING DOGS ANTJ DECLARING AN EMERGENCY Mayor Kindel requested the Town Attorney, Peter i Cosgriff, to briefly go aver the various points that were to be changed as correlated from comments and the wishes of the Board of Trustees. After discussion the Board was polled fax understanding and approval. The ~3oard Members present approved the Ordinance unanimously. Therefore, the Mayor declared the Ordinance adopted. 5. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS FROM THE TOWN COORDINATOR The Town Coordinator, Blake Lynch, discussed the laying of the cable in the core area for the Cable TV Project priax to the completion of the xoad paving. If the Town did this, it would give the Board more tine to select the Franchisee. Whatever the Town invested in this would be sold to the Franchisee at cost. • • Page 3 -Minutes of the Meeting held July I0, 1967 The Town. Coordinator alto reported on the refuse site. We are still looking for a temporary site penc#itzg a study of the proposal submitted by Ralph Sherbondy. There should tte some recommendations f a rthc oxning soon. 6. MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS FROM T~-IE TOWN ATTORNEY Peter Casgriff stated that we still did not have a decision from the Supxeme Court regarding the Stewart Brown Case, but he expected some information soon. 7. REPORTS FRaM THE PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Kindel announced that we have not yet officially received the recamm,endatians of the Planning Board regarding the Pulis A nnexatian. 8. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION Mayan Kindel made the comment that the Board was always interested in hearing the comments and constructive suggestions from any resident of Vail. Communication is so important. In nearly every incident where exception has been taken to activities of the Boaxd it was because of the lack of understanding ar perhaps lack of knowledge of the background of the actions. George Knox asked if there was something to be done about the parking lot across from the Casino. Mayor Kindel reported that the Town is in the process of negotiating a lease for this area. Peter Seibert also made the con~n~.ent that George Beardsley who is waxking an a Master Plan will be in Vail. on Thursday and that the parking lots will be one item that will be gone over. Hans Weibel asked if something couldn't be done about the landscaping of the parking lots along the highway, because it was our fxant door and at this time they are an eyesore. Peter Seibert indicated that aftex the parking lots were graded, the area would be cleaned up and given a shot of ail. ~ ~ • Page 4 -Minutes of the Meeting held July 1 ~, 19b7 The question of the drainage problem was discussed. Vail associates will work with the Town to try and come up with so~x~.e reasonable solution far it. Mayor Kindel suggested that we push some type of impr ovennent there . George Knox asked if there are more building sites platted for the plaza area. Two additional sites are platted; however, plans have not been finalized. Gary White asked if the street improvement program • called for landscaping along the rights of way. Mayor Kindel answered that as it stands right now our plans do not include landscaping. Pexhaps it is an individual responsibility for the cleanup and landscaping. The • matter will be further studied. The road will be widened, particularly the extension of the culvert, nn East Meadow Drive. With no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Burdick made a Motion that the Meeting be adjourned. ~t was seconded by Trustee Seibert and approved unanimously by the Board. The Meeting adjourned at 8:55 p. m. • • ~ MINiJTES OF THE MEETING BOAR1~ OF TRUSTEES -THE TOWN OF VAIL HELD JULY 24, 19b7 The Meeting was called to order at 7:45 p. xx~.. by Mayor C: F. K_inde], ROLL CALL Ro11 Call found the folldvving Members present: Mayor C. F: Kindel. Trustee Seiuert Trustee Burdick Trustee Willett Trustee Langxnai:d Trustee Dobson MINUTES OF THE MEETING 1. CON5IDERt~ TION OF THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING With no requests for corrections or additions td the Minutes for the Meeting held July 10th; 1967, Trustee Dobson made a Motidn to acce~at the Minutes as xecaxded: It was seconded by Trustee Langmaid and approved unanimously by the Board. 2. REPORTS FROM THE MA YOR A. ND TRUSTEES Mayor l~indel reported. that the bids for the street impxove- meet program would be xeceived at 11:40 o'clock a. m. on Frida.}r, 3uly ~$th, 1967, and the bid will be awarded thereafter. Trustee Burdick reported that the landscaping pxoject along Mill Creek was progressing very nicely. 3. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING REVENUE AND IMPOSING A SALES TAX UPON THE SELLING OF TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY AT RE T.E! IL ~ This Ordinance repeals Ordinances #13 and #14, Series of 1966, and authorizes the initiation of Ordinance #14, Series of 196?; however the tax will not be collected by the state until January 1st, 1968: The Loa'rd of Trustees will pass the OrdinancE, 1ciut it must be xatified by an electi.oii 124 days prior #o January 1st. It will also be necessary to advise the electorate. The Mayor requested that the Trustees be po11Ed fox under- -~ standing and approval. The Trustees passed the ©rdinance unanimously » 5-(3, s ~ ~ i Page 2 - Loard of Trustees Meeting held July 24; 196'7 4: CONSIDERATION Off'` A RESOLUTIC'1N CQ~GERNII~G ~'HE PR4FOSED INTER5TA T.E 7Q - R:ED BUF~'p L(J R4U`~`E The Rescslution was read by the Town LAttorney~ Peter , Casgriff. The Town Recorder was requested to s~ric~ copies of the resiilu.tian to those a~enciea in the State aid Fedexal Government that would be instz~ixrneu= tal in formulating the route: The Motion to approve tie Resolution was ixxade by Trustee Langx~naid and seconded by Trustee .Dobson. It was approved unan~ innously by the Board. 5. CONSIDERATION OF FINA NCIp L REPORT AND VOUCHERS The Voucher list for the month of June had been distributed to the Trustees at the Meetixxg held July 10th. Trustee E~urdick made a. Motion to approve the Vouchers as listed. It was seconded by Trustee Willett a.rid approved unariixnously lay the ~oaxd. The Town Coordinator, F: k~lake Lynch, gave a brief explanation of the 2nd quarterly financial report. There was an over expendi= tuxe fox Chase items that were not anticipated i:tt the budget, such as, the dump truck, playgxound equipment, the pickup, grader payments grid the police vehicle. It was his recomrriendation that we postpone any new financial coxnmit- merits; hbwever, we can go ahead and plan for some and by Se~ptexnber we should have a better idea of our financial situation. The Planning Commission has reconz~xendex3 that we consider the construction of an ice skating rink ar othex non-skiing activity: Mayor Kindel made the cflz7nxnent that the over e~penclitures represented non.-recurring expenses. A Motion was made by Trustee Burdick to approve the financial report. ~t was seconded by Trustee Seibert and approved unanimously by the Board. 6. PLANNING BO~±ft,D NS~IVUTES AND REPORT Mayor Kindel asked the Chairman of the ~?lanning Eornmis- sion,, Fred Froehlich, to give a report. Mr. Froehlich spoke on tlae pi~rp.ose Page 3 - Board of 'Trustees Meefix~g field J'u~.y 24, 19G7 of the P~.anning Bba;rd ~ It acted s,s an advisory boari to the Board ~~ ~`rustee~. The IGoxxxzxrission is prfitx~a.rily concerned vuith the forrzlulatior~ of ~. lu~as~e~ P~a~ at~d a. land, use pi.an for the entire Vail area... The Town. Coclydinator teas been forxhti~.at~.kig a Sign Qrdinar~ce that is still being studied,. The Planning Coinission is also cancerneci with niiblzC • impraverx~ents; is e: , the playground area that has been developed behind the Golden Peak House. Ghaixzxzan Fxoelilicli cox~i~iented. that the Planning Ceirzixx~is- sior~ was wctxking very closely with the Va.ii A. rcl3ihectural Board and Vail,.. A saoci,ates, Incorporated, for a logical and orderly develaprxient of Vai.1 and; of course, a uniforxi?,ity of growtlZ in keep~.n.g with the basic- eoz~eept~ of an alpine village. 7: MISCELLANEC)US l1hA. TTERS The Tawn Coordinator indicated that the Dog Ordinance wauid ia~. effective on the nth of August. $: CITIZEN PARTICIPATION • Doris Bailey a.slced if existing sigmas ark not in contorirn.tjr with the Sign Ordinance;. would they have to Iie changed.. Flake Lynch respeandecl that non--confo.rrriing signs would ,be rexxxaved over a specified time period: The quest:ion:froix~,the hoar. was.; "V4That uvas nee:essaxy to build a building in Vail.?" Peter Seibert answered that ~l) plans must be subirni,t- ted to the Vail :F rclxitectural Boat=el;. , (2) aP1:r~Ye~d by the .Plan~i~ig :& Zon;ii~g Corr~:s- sion and t3} ~a permit appr:ove~d by the. 'Town of Vail Qf£%ce. from the. floor Robert Parker b.rou. gl2t izp the. a:s sine of horses • in the core of the Village: The Mayor refer.r:eci the cltt~.st~io.n to the P1a~nnpg Boar. with a strong xecoxx~.:tx~ex~ciaton that hearses. riot be al~.ovs~ed an Br.e~ge 5tre~~: Fred Froe hlich carnn~ented that at last. the new fire truck had arrived' and perhaps.a type of ''Oven House" would lie held so that t'~e Vail citizenrycould see it. • • Page 4 -Board of Trustees. Meeting held Juiy 2~, 196' T' forth r business to core before the Board, Tx'ust,~e ~~bsox~ ode U. ith no e ~- ~#i~i.bii td atlj~u~ri the Meeting; It t~ra.s ~~ca~irl~d lay' '~'~~~t~~ wi~~~~ ~.x~~ approved unanimously by the Board: xh~ eet~g ~d~~auzi~es~ ~~ 93~~ to#~~+~~~ p. m. • • • MINUTES ©F THE MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES -THE TOWN OF VAIL . HELD AUGUST 14, 19b? The Meeting was called to oxder at ?:30 p. m. by Mayor C. E. Kindel, ROLL CALL Rall Cali found the following Members present: Mayor C. E. Kindel Trustee Lorence C. Burdick Trustee John Dobson Trustee Joe Laxzgmaid Trustee Harry Willett Trustee Peter Seibert MINUTES OF THE MEFTING 1. CONSIDERATION OF THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Trustee Burdick made a Motion to accept the Minutes of the July 24th Meeting as recorded. It was seconded by Trustee Seibert and approved unanimously by the Eaaxd. 2, CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE ERECTION OF SIGNS WITHIN THE TOWN ~OF VAIL AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THFREOF. F. Blake Lynch gave a brief resume of the Ordinance and noted that the Ordinance was approved by the Architectural Board and that it had been presented to the Planning Board. Trustee Seibert noted three items that he felt should be changed: (1) specifically cite neon~as "verboten". (2) Luxxiinous -should say any sign that reflects light rather than saying reflect in the dark. (3) Conformity - 2 years is too long a period far coxrxpliance - it would seem that one year is adequate. Trustee Langmaid stated that 45 days was too long a period for an applicant to wait for approval of his sign. Mayor Kindel pointed out that 45 days was a maximum time limit and was noted to allow far absences especially in May, of members of the Review Board. A lengthy discussion was held concerning illuminated signs., ~~. such as those with tubular lighting, whether inside the sign ar those with letters formed with lighted tubing. Jahn Donovan suggested that a restxic- • • Page 2 -Minutes of the Meeting -August 1!I, 1967 tion be placed on all other gaseous lighted type signs. Robert Parker asked some questions in relation to control- ling signs with the Zoning Ordinance. Concern was e~cpressed over the possible use of neon inside a window. Blake Lynch noted that this Ordinance was designed to restrict the most offensive signs and specifics of all kinds were not included because the appropriateness of a sign could be determined by the Review Board. Too many specifics might unduly confine the applicant in many cases because a sign might be appxopriate in one area and not in another. Mayor Kindel conducted a poll of the Trustees regarding the maximum number of days the Review Board should have to consider an appli- cation. It was unanimously stated by the Board that the Ordinance should xead a maximum of 30 days rather than 45 days. Trustee Dobson agreed with Trustee Seibert that two years was too long to conform, to the new ordinance in view of the small invest- meat and where the need of removal tied in with public health and safety. Mayor Kindel palled the Trustees far the time limit on conforming to the Ordinance and it was the unanimous opinion of the Board that one year would be adequate. Trustee Willett felt that if the definition of sign was changed it would cover the neon probleam. inside a window. George Knox suggested the adoption of the Sign Ordinance of Williamsburg, Virginia. Robert Parker commented that the sign Ordinance is not complete and that perhaps a little xxa.ore work on it would give us the things that we would want to cover. Mayor G. E. Kindel appointed 'Fred Froehlich, Chairxxzan, Robert Parkex and George Knox as a citizen sign committee to study the Ordinance and bring their suggestions to the next Board of Txustees Meeting and the Board would appreciate having something prior to that time. • • Page 3 -Minutes of the Meeting -August 14, 1967 . 3. STATUS REPORT ON STREET PAVING Mayor Kindel said that the Company who would be paving approximately two miles of streets with soil cement base and oil and chip cap will be in Wednesday the 16th. They have 45 days from the 10th of this xxxonth to complete the job. The first work will be on drainage, culverts and some road reconstruction. The matter of Bridge Street has not been xesolved as we have not yet decided what should be done on Bridge Street. It is very difficult balancing the cost consideration and the esthetic values. George Knox asked what was going to be done an the out- lying roods. Mayor Kindel responded that it was intended that the roads would be repaired with the use of new material whexe there wasn t enough in the roads to be reworked. We were trying to find another source. Trustee Seibert noted that Vail Associates did not have the gravel available to thexxx as they had anticipated. The crushing was to take place this fall and now it has been delayed until next spring, Isabel Schober asked if the read by the Condominiurras Vail Trails' East and West could be oiled. Trustee Seibert suggested that perhaps any paving that would be done in that area might be corLtingent upon . a landscaping program by the owners. Mayor Kindel indicated that the oiling would be done. Robert Parker suggested that signs be installed that would alert the tourist to construction problems, such as, dust. at the time of actual work of construction on the roads. Mayor Kindel requested Blake Lynch to carry this out. 4. CONSIDERATION OF VOUCHERS Trustee Burdick made the Motion to approve the Vouchers as iterxxi.zed, It was seconded by Txustee Willett and approved unanimously by the Board. 5. CONSIDERATION OF ANNEXATION PETITION FOR LOTS i - 9, VAIL VILLAGE 8TH FILING Mayor Kindel stated that the Board had received from the • • Page 4 ~ Minutes of the Meeting -August 14, 1967 • Pulis Interests an annexation petition far Lots No. 1 - 9, Vail Village 8th Filing. We have xeceived a communication from the Planning Coxn- xxiission regarding this annexation wherein the Caznrnission feels that the Town of Vail should carry out an annexation program of logical annexation, therefore, the appropriate action would be to deny by Motion the annexation of Lots 1 through 9. Trustee Burdick ms,de a motion to deny the annexation. It was seconded by Txustee Dobson. Trustee Seibert abst~.ined Exam voting. The Motion was approved by the Board. b. MAYOR ANU TRUSTEES • Mayor Kindel pointed out that there was a vacant' on the Board of Trustees because of the resignation of ~. Mitchell Hoyt. To fill this vacancy it is necessary to appoint a citizen of Vail. Trustee Dobson made a Motion that the Bvard of Trustees appoint Jahn Donovan as the citizen to fill the vacancy. It was seconded by Trustee Burdick and approved unanimously by the Board. Mayor Kindel administered the oath of office. Mayor Kindel stated that an election would be held the 29th of August, 1967, to initiate the sales tax in Vail. Trustee Joe Langmaid made a Motion that Florence Steinberg, Barbara Parker and Doris Bailey be appointed Judges of Election; that Janet Cunningham, Julie Cox and James Wolfe be appointed Alternate Judges of Election; and that Nancy Millex and Diane Laziex be appointed Clexks of Election; that Marijke Brofos and Sohn Robert Porter be appointed Alternate Clexks of Election. Txustee Willett seconded the Motion and it was passed unanimously by the Baaxd. Trustee Dobson reported on the proposed skating rink. Some of the pxeliminaxy investigation had been done, but that further work was necessary. At this time he felt that the cost would probably run axound $1, 2(3a. Op, Trustee Seibert suggested that Steve Bradley of the Winter Paxk Recreational Association be contacted since he has done a good deal of waxk in this axes. Txustee Seibert brought to the attention of the Bvard the • • Page 5 -Minutes of the Meeting -August 1~, 1967 . seriousness of the accident that occurred in Vail on August 14th, 19b'7, and suggested that the Vail Police be asked to check on the obvious dangers involved with tine construction of certain areas and point out these areas to the Gontractors. This was particulary important since our Building Inspec- for has left the area. Trustee Burdick also brought to the attention of the Board the danger of the exposed culvert on Mill Creek where a child could be swept into the culvert especially when there is high water. Mayor Kindel asked Blake Lynch to investigate the possibilities of installing some type of wire xn,esh at the east end of the culvert. With na further business to come before the Board, Trustee Burdick made a Motion at 10:15 p. m. to adjourn the Meeting. it was seconded by Trustee Seibert and approved unanimously by the Board. r~ ~~ ~~ ~ • • MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING T~~OARD OF TRUSTEES ~» THE TOWN OF V.A,.IL HELD AUGUST 30, i9b7 The Meeting was called to order by Mayor G,. E. Kndei at 7;45 p. m. ROLL GALL Roll Call found the following members present. Mayor C, E. Kindel Trustee Peter Seibert Trustee Joe Langrxzaid Trustee Lorence Burdick Trustee John Dobson Txustee Willett and John Donovan were absent. • MINUTES OF THE MEETING 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING HELD AUGUST 14, i967. Trustee $uxdick made a Motion to accept the Mixxutes as recorded with the exception of the m.ispeiling of two names. Trustee Seibert seconded the Motion and the Minutes were approved unanimously by the Board, 2. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE APPLICATION OF VAIL AIRWAYS TO PROVIDE AIR SERVICE BETWEEN EAGLE COUNTY AIRPORT AND ASPEN, COLORAIO. Mayor Kindel cor3r~xxkented on the advantages of maintaining • good air service between the two points. Trustee Seibert made a Motion that the Board adopt the Resoiution as submitted. It was seconded by Trustee Burdick and approved unanixously by the Board. 3. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION RE~3UESTING THE COLORADO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS TO CONSTRUCT AN UNDERPASS UNDER INTERSTATE ?Q IN THE VICINITY WHERE FOREST ROAD ANA RED SANDSTONE RQAD INTER- SECT THE HIGHWAY. A .discussion was held regarding the location of this sugges- ted underpass. and the advantages of bettex accessibility to our guests and better fire protection service. A Motion was rr~ade by Trustee Burdick azxd seconded by Trustee Langmaid. The Board approved unanimously. 4. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORI3INANC.E, "REGULATING THE ERECTION, CONSTRUCTION,. REPAIR, AL'I'ERA- ATION, LOCATION, AND MAINTEN,ANGE OF SIGNS, ' BILLBOARDS AND OTHER ADVERTISING STRUCTURES Page 2 =Special Meeting ~ Board o£ Trustees -August 30, 1967 VrITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL; PROVIDING FOR THE POSTING OF BONDS OF INSURANCE POLICIES; THE ISSUANCE OF PERMITS ANTI FEES THEREOF". Mayor Kindel suggested that the Merxibexs of the Board take the sign ordinance and make a study with the recommendation that any questions be submitted to the Tawn Office prior to the next regular xxieeting of the Board of Trustees. Trustee Langmaid questioxi.ed the definition of wall. A discussion was held. Mayor Kindel indicated that signs should be usEd for identification rather than merchandising. The Ordinance was tabled until the next regular Meeting to be held September 11th. 5. CONSIDERATION OF A PROPOSAL FROM THE CARL S'. BECKER COMPANY TO STUDY THE RELATIONSHIPS BETVi~EEN THE OPERATIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL AND THE VARIOUS SPECIAL SERVICE DISTRICTS IN THE TOWN. Mayor Kindel informed the Board that Garl Becker visited Vail where some of the problems were discussed. Mr. Becker submitted a proposal to the Board of Trustees. Mayox Kindel then pointed out that the price had been cut in half from. the original figure and the savings of the first years' operation would be more than the cost of the study. Mr. Becker is highly recommended because of his vast knowledge of municipal operations. Trustee Langmaid questioned Trustee Seibert as to the quality of a report made £or Vail Associates. Mr. Seibert responded that he felt that Vail Associates, Incorporated, were favorably impressed and that they had followed most o£ his recommendations in the development of Vail Village. Mayor Kindel commented that Carl Becker had just finished a study for the Town of Littleton -the relationship of the Littleton Fire Protection District and the Town of Littleton. Trustee Seibert recommended that the study be done and coxnznented that in a study of this kind it is better to have as objective an opinion as possible. • i Page 3 -Special Meeting - Boaxd of Trustees -August 30, 19b7 • A discussion was held concerning the participation of the Districts with the Town., The Districts will be contacted concerning percentage participation. Trustee Dobson made a Motion that we retain Mr. Caxl i Becker as per his proposal in his lettex of August 29th to the Town, and the study be financed by the Town and the Special Districts with 50% to be absoxbed by the Town subject to approval of the study and the balance appor- boned to the Districts. Trustee. Seibert seconded the Motion and it was approved unanimously by the F.oaxd. Mayox Kindel requested Blake Lynch, to secure operating budgets for the Districts. 6. MAYOR AND TRUSTEZS Mayox Kindel suggested that the Berard of Trustees adjourn the Meeting. With no further business to come befoxe the Bnard, Trustee Burdick made a Matian that the Meeting be adjourned at 8:00 o'clock p. rn. It was seconded by Trustee Seibert and appxoved unanimously by the Board., At this time the Directors of the Vail General Improverxlent • District convened. A discussion was held concerning the type of construction to be used on Bridge Street. Blake Lynch reported on his findings concerning the cost of concrete, approximately $12, 000. 00 to $13, 000. 00, versus the cost of soil cement, approximately $5, 500. 00. .ti. discussion was held con- cerning the color of the chip to be used on all the streets. A Motion was made by Dixectox Seibert that the light chip be used on all the stxeets and sail cernex.~t be used on Bxidge Street. It was seconded by Director Burdick and appxoved unanimously by the Directors. In addition, a Motion was made by DirectorLangxx~aid that West Meadow Drive and the cul-de-sac be added to the paving program at a cost of appxoximately $7, 000. 00. It was seconded by Director Seibert and approved unanimously by the Dixectoxs. The Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p, m. The Motion was made by Director Seibert, seconded by Director Langmaid and approved unanimously by the Directors. '' MINUTES OF THE MEETING BOARD OF TRUSTEES -THE TOWN OF VAIL held September 11, 1967 The Meeting was called to order by the Mayor, C. E. Kindel, at 7:35 p. xxa.. ROLL CALL: Roll C~.ll found the following :members present: Mayor C. E. Kindel Trustee John Donovan Trustee Joe Langm.aid Trustee Lorence Burdick Trustee Harry Willett Trustee John Dobson Trustee Peter Seibert was absent. MINUTES OF THE MEETING 1. CONSIDERATION OF THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Trustee Burdick made a Motion. to approve the x~ninutes of the Meeting held August 3flth, 196'7. It was seconded by Trustee Willett and approved unanimously by the Board. 2. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF AN APPLICATION FOR A RETAIL LIQUOR LICENSE Harold Westbye presented an application fox a retail Iiquar license to the Board of Trustees. Mayor Kindel announced that there would be a public hearing on Wednesday, Octobex l 1, 1967, at 7:30 p, rn. S 3. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE REGULATING STREET OPENINGS, EXCAVATIONS AND PAVEMENT CUTS ON STREETS IN THE TOWN OF VAIL. Mayor Kindel announced that this Ordinance was still in the planning stage and requested a Committee of Jae Langmaid, Chairman, John Donovan and Blake Lynch to make a further study and further commented that the Ordinance was vital and urgent. ~. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE ERECTION OF SIGNS WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF Mayor Kindel noted the appreciation of the Board of Trustees to the Citizen Sign Ordinance Committee, Robert Parker, Fred Froehlich and George Knox, Sr. . • Page 2 -Board of Trustees Meeting - Septernbex 11, 1967 After discussion the following changes were recom- mended: { 1) Section 2 - #21 -Warding changed in the first sentence from unobstructed to major and the second sentence to be omitted. (2) Section 2 -~ #~22 - be omitted completely. WindoW~ Display would be handled in a separate amendment. Mayor Kindel asked that the Citizen Sign Comrn.ittee draw up an amendment dealing with Window Displays and asked John Dobson to act as consultant. • (3) Section 22 -Orrin Corripletely. {4) Section 29 -The word repaired be omitted to read as follows: "Every sign or other advertising structure lawfully in existence on the adoption of this Ordinance shall not be altered ox moved unless it be made to comply with the provisions of this Ordinance. Trustee Burdick made a Motion to accept and adopt Ordinance No. 15 as amended. It was seconded by Trustee Willett. The Trustees were polled as to understanding and approval. The Trustees unan- i~nausly approved and Ordinance No. 15 was adopted. .: _~ 5. CONSIDERATION OF VOUCHERS Mayor Kindel asked if there were any questions or changes concerning the Vouchers as listed. None were noted. Trustee Burdick made a Motion to approve the Vouchers. It was seconded by Trustee Donovan and approved unanimously by the Board. 6. MAYOR AND TRUSTEES Mayor Kindel presented tl~,ree corx~x'x~unic~.tions to the Board: (l) from Peter Dominik expressing his approval of a Day Letter sent to him. commending him for his stand an the Red Buffalo - Vail Pass issue, (2) from Robert Ps.rker concerning the intent of the Planning Commission regarding a scenic overlook on the new Interstate 7Q. • • Page 3 - Boaxd of Txustees Meeting -September ll, 1967 (3} from Carl Becker -reiteration of the Management Consultant regarding the feasibility of Borne adrn.inistrative consolidation of the Town of Vail and the various special purpose districts. 7. CITIZEN PAR,TICZPA'T'ION There were na comments fxorri the floor. With no Further business to come before the Board, rohn Dobson made a Motion to adjauxn the Meeting at 9:07 p. m, It was seconded by Trustee Lorence Burdick and approved unanimously by the Board, r~ t • MINUTES OF THE MEETING • BOARD OF TRUSTEES ~ THE TOWN OF VAiL HELD SEPTEMBER 25, 19b7 The Meeting was called to order by Mayor C. E. Kindel at 7:30 p, zn. ROLL CALL: Roil Gall found the Following members present: Mayor C . E . Kindel Trustee Lorence C. Burdick-~ Trustee harry V~Tillett Trustee John, Donovan Trustee ~'ohn Dobson Trustee Langmaid and Seibert were absent. I4;iNUTES OF THE MEETING 1, CONSIDERATION OF THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER ll, 19b7. Mayor Kindel asked for corrections or changes in the minutes as recorded. Trustee Dcibson rr~:ade a Motion to accept the Minutes as recorded. It was seconded by Trustee Burdick and approved unanimously by the Board. 2. CONSIDERATION OF AN "ORDINANCE REGULATING STREET OPENINGS, EXCAVATIONS AND PAVEMENT CUTS ON STREETS IN THE TOWN OF VAIL Mayor Kindel Hated that the Ordinance was in rough draft form anal asked F. Blake Lynch to give a resume of the Ordinance. Mr. Lynch camxnen.ted that rriembers of the various utilit cone anies h m~ t a ask y p ad e nd ed for various changes which have been incorporated. a. The Utility Companies requested 24 hours notice far street cuts so that the work can be scheduled. b. Permit FeE - $i0. 00 to cover the cost of the insp~ctinn. .!acid a. Fee of possibly , 05 cents per square foot for cut over 500 square feet. Annual perxx~.it is $250. 00 which allows for multiple cuts applied primarily to Utilities. This is to protect the Town from being left with inadequately repaired cuts. c, Section ~k. J. The Utility Companies felt that the work- ing hours £roxn 7:00 a. m. to ?:00 p. xn. was reasonable with the exception that f~ago 2 -Board of Trustees Meeting -September 25,, 19b? erne~•guncy VJerk COUId be done at any time. The Building Official can authorize weekend work. With the exception of errsergency work, na permit will be allowed between November 15th an,d April 15th ~-No tourist inconvenience and ~Jeat'aer would prevent cement fxor,~. waxing properly. Tl~.e ~ioaJn will be stockpill.*_~g the ilpecial slag chi~5 so they will be s.•v~.il.a.ble ar..d h~.ve the sarz~c; color. ~`~_ discussion ~,;~cs held conc€:rnixrg the ma~irraum time of • notification - It could be Ies:.~ne1 fxam 3u hours to 30 for the town since the utilities are requiri:ng ?~~ l~ou~s nc~ice. `.~ rtxstce '.yillett felt ths.t the di^cretioraa.xy powexs of the Puilding Uf~:ici 1 sho•al~l ;~e bro4.cl.cr so that some of t"ne smaller Sobs would 1.~.oL hG ve such a pr. ol~lem com.~aleting their woxk. Cs.rl ~3eckex•, 1Vlanaoeza.ent Consultant, commented that this Oru?_rxancv shoulu inspire th to~~rn to grow, but yet have cartrol, and the Jrdinance should not be unduly cornple:r~. x/l=ryo~• Kindel requested the Town Coordinator to chock • ~lze O.'diri<~:nv;, f-sr :~i.r.1pli.fication., Trustee Donovan felt that the TorNn should make ali '~~:3~ ~.txeet repairs. Fred Froehlich corroborated this and as a result all the :cepairs would be tb.e same. Tlxe utilities would bear the cast. However, Mro 1=ilalce Lynch brought tc~ tlae attention of the Trustees that the Town. would not .~4cessari.ly have the equipment or the xxianpower to undertake this project a{- this time, so the option trJas left open in the Ordinance. Inspection costs of certain large jobs will be added to the $lp. 00 pexrrxit fee. Section 5. E. May rather than shall w does not relieve • the owner from his responsibility. 3, C01~TSID:~RAT10N OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDII~I'G ORDi- NANCL NO. l?, 5:~.~:~.TES OF 196b, PROHIBITING THE • ~ Page 3 -Board of Trustees Meeting - September 25, 1967 TI-ll~, OPERATION OF I UG WHFFL VEHICLES UPON THE PAVED STREETS OF VAIL. The axx~endment was read and discussed. Thereupon the Trustees were polled for undexstandin~; and approval. The Board of Trustees approved unanimously and the Amendment was adopted. ~, CONSIDERATION OF' A MOTION APPOINTING TI•iE SIGN REVIEW BOARD o Mayor Kindel announced that there would be five members appointed to the Sign Review Board and that Trustee Burdick would assist him in appointing the citizens to the Board. 5. TvIAYOR AND TRUSTEES Mayor Kindel. announced that in conjunction with the Master Plan, a Hearing would be held by the Planning Commission on October 16, 1967, At some future Meeting of the Board of Trustees there y„'.?111 }-1P a 3i.scussion of the traffic pattern fox the winter season. Mayor Kindel brought to the attention o£ the Board the gratification that Vail felt toward Mr, Dick Gibson far promoting the Town through the Jazz Festival held September l5, l6 and 17th. He read a letter informing Mr. Gibson that he was appointed an Honorary Trustee. A Motion was xx~.ade by Trustee Burdick. It was seconded by Trustee Willett and approved unanimously by the Board. Mayor Kindel requested Charles Gersbach and John Dobson to res~;arch a type of group for those who contribute a great deal to the exner- genre of the 's'own of Vail. Carl Becker, Management Consultant, gave a brief coxxk- rnentary ors l;he progress of the report to be subrriitted to the Town of Vail con- ce~rniiig the administrative consolidation of the special districts 4vith the Town. 6. 11~ISCELLANEOUS MATTI~RS FROM THE TOWN 000RDIN- ATOR . T". I31a.lcr. 31}rnch gave a report on the streetimprovement prograr~t. Iic al:;o cc~i~l::rr~•i~tec~ that: the Bridge would be open for traffic early in October. It was the consensus that there should be aribbon-cutting ceremony ~ • x k Page ~ -Board of Txustees Meeting - Septembex 25, 1967 with Mayor Kindel officiating, Mayor Kindel noted that with the large amount of rain in recent days that it was deterrrained that the culverts were working adequately. 7. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION George Knox asked if the fee paid last. year fox parking would be in foxce for a year or for a season. Mayox Kindel indicated that this was a seasonal pxoposition. With no further business to came before the Board, Trustee Dobson made a Motion fox adjournment at 9:15 p. m. It was seconded by Trustee I?onovan and approved unanimously by the Board. • • MINUTES OF THE MEETING BOARD OF DIRECTORS - VAIL GENERAL IMPR©VEMENT DISTRICT HELD 5FPTEMBER 25, lgb7 The Meeting was called to order by Mayor C. E. Kindel at ?:15 p. xn. Roll Call: Roll Gall found the following Members present: Mayor C . E . Kindel Director John Donovan Director Loxence C. Burdick Directox Harry Willett Director Jahn Dobson Directors Seibert and Langmaid were absent. MINUTES OF THE MEETING 1. PUELIC HEARING ON 1868 GENERAL IMPROVEMENT DIS- TRICT BUDGET Mayax Kindel gave a brief xesurxze of the 1968 Budget. Director Burdick noted that the Vail Water & Sanitation Dis- trict approved the lowering of the mill levy from 16 to 14 mills. Director Burdick made a Motion to approve the Budget as subrriitted and the adoption of the resolution of a two nn.ill levy. It was seconded by Director Donovan and approved unanixnausly by the Directors. A Motion by Directox Willett for ad3ournment of the Meeting was rraade at 7:30 p. m. It was seconded by Director Donovan anal approved unanirr~.ously by the Directors,. ~J • P. n MINUTES OF THE MEETING ~~ THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES -THE TOWN OF VAIL HELD OCTOBER 9, 1967 The Meeting was called to order by Mayor C. E. Kindel at 7:30 p. m. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following members present: Mayor C. E. Kindel Trustee Loxence Burdick Trustee John Donovan Trustee John ~., Dobson. Trustee Joe Langxnaid Trustee Peter Seibert Trustee Harry Willett MINUTES OF THE MEETING 1. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE PREVTOUS MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 25, 1967 Mayor Kindel asked for changes or corrections. Trustee Burdick made a Motion to accept the Minutes as recorded. Trustee Donovan seconded the Motion and the Minutes were approved unanimously by the Board. 2. CONSIDERATION OF SEPTEMBER V4UCHER5. Trustee Buxdick stated that the Vouchers were all in order and made a Motion to approve the Vouchers, It was seconded by Trustee Dobson and approved unanirn,ously by the Board. 3. RECEIPT OF LTQUOR APPLICATIONS AND SETTING OF HEARING DATE Harald Westbye notified the Board that he was withdrawing the Liquor License Application that had previously been submitted to the Board. Mr. Westbye then submitted a new application. Mr. Benito Tibaldi submitted an application for Mr. Paul Bailey of the Holiday Inn. Mayor Kindel accepted the applications and set the Hear- ing Date fox November 13th, 1967, in the Lodge Cafetexia at 7:30 p. m. Trustee Burdick suggested that those establishments applying fox the 1968 licenses submit their applications by this date, November 13th, so that the Liquor Licensing Board can act on all applications at that time . r ~ Qage ~ - geare~ 01 Tru~fe~~ 11~1eetiri~ held ~GtobEr 9, 1967 4. CQNSII]ERATION OF AN ORDINANCE REGULATING STREET OPENINGS, EXCAVATIONS AND PAVEMENT CUTS ON STREETS IN THE TUWN OF VAIL Blake Lynch, the Town Coordinator, gave a brief resume of the changes that wexe incorporated into the original ordinance dxaft discussed at the last Meeting. Fred Froehlich, District Manager of the Vail Water and Sanitation District, noted that the size of rnatexiai for backfilling should be limited #o an I $ inch maximum. There was a discussion of various areas of Town liability concerning barricades. The Tov~+n Attorney, Peter Goagriff, indicated that the Town was not assexming full responsibility for the installation of the signals and this would be within the jurisdiction of the Building Inspector. Mr. Cosgriff also noted that the Town has the right of injunction or civil suit to recover any damages or cost9 incurred by any utility who has not satisfactorily returned the street cut to its forznex condition. Mayor Kindel then asked that the Trustees be polled far understanding and approval. The Trustees unanixously approved the Ordinance. Ordinance No. 18, 5exies of 1967, was adapted unanimously Uctober 9, 1967. ~ ~ MAYOR AND TRUSTEES Mayor Kindel noted that it is very important that the Vail Resort Association establish liaison with the Town regarding the arrival of groups to Vail. He asked George Knox, Sr. , to contact Rod Slifer fires- ident of the Vaii Resort Association; regarding the communications to the Town Office. I~~ns Weibel suggested that the Town contact the groups and welcome them to Vail. Mayor Kindel asked George Knox., Sr. , a Member of the Vail Resort Association Board of Directors, to also contact lVir. Slifer as to the feasibility of this procedure, pexhaps with a form letter. .., w • i Page 3 - Board of Trustees Meeting held October 9, 19'b7 b. MZSCELLANEOL7S MATTERS F~LOIvI THE TOWN' COORDINATOR Blake Lynch introduced Morris ~'er~u~on, Gerie~af Foreman, for Valley Paving Company. Mx. Ferguson shcivv~d samples of the soil cement taken fxoxn various locations of the paved road. The samples tested b60 pounds of pressure pex square inch. Mr. Langmaid que~tionot~ the uneven surfaces and erosion in certain areas. Mr. Ferguson e~~l~i~tned that the surfaces were uneven because of the varying depths of the deposi~~ of sand that covered the seal coat on the soil cement. When the sand was rennoved and the oil and chips were laid the road would be szr~,ooth. Mayor Kindel noted that the roads would be center lined and Well as outlined. 1n addition, Mayor Kindel stated that the Town would be using one of the by-products of the crushing plant to begin work on the outlying roads. By using this material, it will give the Town the oppor- tunny to build up the road bed. Geoxge Knox, Sr. , asked when the Bridge would be open far traffic. Morris Ferguson reported that Mr. Weeden had indicated that the bridge would be open on Thursday, October 1Zth, lgb7. Peter Seibert, reported that the Light at the entrance would be replaced in the island and trees were to be planted. Mrs, Ella Knox asked if there could be a light installed on the Covered Bridge. Mr. Seibert indicated that plans were to light the under portion of the bxidge. Mayor Kindel requested Trustee Dobson and Trustee Burdick to work together to find a means of lighting the bridge. With no further business to came before the Board, Trustee Seibert xx~ade a Motion that the Meeting be adjourned at 7:40 p. m. It was seconded by Trustee . Burdick and appxaved unanimously'~y the Board. r i MINUTES OF PUBLIC HEARING ON MASTER PLAN THE TOWN OF VAIL October l6, 19b7 The Meeting was called to order by Mayor C. E. Kindel at 8:00 p. m. ROLL CALL Roll Call found the following Members present: Mayor C. E. Kindel Trustee Joe L,angrnaid Trustee John Donova~x Trustee Peter Seibert Trustee Sohn Dobson Members Absent - Trustee Burdick and Trustee Willett. r!.1NUTE5 OF THE MEETING Mayor Kindel gave a brief intxaduction of the Master Plan ~..__. which was being submitted to the Board of Trustees. Those Members of the Planning Commission which were present were: Mayor C. E. Kindel, '."~`iustee Jo~.n Dobson, Chairman Fred Fxaehlic~i, David Gorsuch and the Planning Consul*ant from Harmon, O'Donnell and Henninger Associates, George Beardsley. Mayor Kindel then tuxned the Meeting over to Chairman Fxed Froehlich, Mr. Froehlich stated that the Planning Commission was a legally constituted body appointed by the Trustees, and their prirxie concern is anticipating the future needs of Vail as a developing community. Mx. Froehlich ir_Aroduced Blake Lynch, the Planning Director. Mr, Lynch noted that coxx~prehensive planning is needed to guide and regulate the future physical development of the can~;xnunity, and although it is primarily concerned with the physical development, it is obvia,xs there are certain social anal economic considerations that go into it. The ,. ~ Planning Boaxd acts in an advisory capacity. The Mastex Plan is a conceptual plan and through the years there will be changes made; because there is a Master Plan in existence does not mean, that it must be blindly adhered to for years to come. Zoning is a tool to implement the Master Plan. Capitol budgeting might be a phase that would involve the Planning Con~rnission. It would be allocating funds far public facilities. Chairman Froehlich then introduced Mr. Peter Seibert, Gen- eral Manager of Vail Associates, Incorporated, who complimented the large at':~ndance which showed an interest in the developments of their Tawn, and indicated that all were welcome to contribute suggestions. Mr. Seibert noted that Vail Associates, Incorporated, were not ignoring summer facilities, but basically the thing that rrsakes us grow now is the develapnzexxt an the mountain. At this time the development on the mountain is approximately 25~fo complete. Some of the future plans axe, {1} another lift into the North- east Bawl, {2} another to the top of the Gal.den Peak, {3} Lions Head area lifts, and (4} lifts to bring people in from Vail Fass or Slack Gore Creek. This would be at least 5 to 15 years away, and involve a l5, OQO skier day. We have to stay in there in this recreational business and grow. Chai.xman Fred Froehlich introduced Mr. George Beardsley ar_d Mr. Don Payne from Harmon; O'Donnell and Henninger Associates, who presented expla,nt.tory materiai for the projections resulting; in the proposed I+/Iaster Plan. • Page 2 -Master Plan Hearing -October 16, 1967 1. Lift Capacity Miil Greek 5, 404 Lions' Head 5, 400 Vail Pass Access 3 - 5, 000 2. Custorner Break Down Mill Creek and Lions Head {Spend the night) Resident 7, 540 Non-Resident 2, 540 14, 04a Vail Pass Access Non-Resident 3 - 5, 040 3. Resident Guest Requirerrxents Skier Guests ?, 540 Non-skier Guests 1, 340 8, 800 4. Development Requirements Future Existing Lodge Beds 6, 160 980 Apartment Beds 2, 200 1, 400 House Beds $80 500 Perms,r_~;nt Beds 3, 124 Restaurant Seats 4, 200 1, 120 Bar Sew tw 1, 404 560 Vil?~.ge Shops & Service $164, 000 $54, 004 Snooping Center 40, 000 Highv~t y & Heavy Service 5 Acres Pax~i:ing 16 Acres 5. Community Facilities Conference Centex Ferfoxxxxing Art Center Clinic, Health Genter Chux the s Elenn.entary Schools & Athletic Fields Visitor Information & Transportation Genter 18 holes of golf and additional tennis Swimming pools -one covered Ice Rinks ~~ovie, Bowling, R~.cquets With the uaQ of slides of the Master Plan, Mr. Beardsley presented the proposed land use Master Plan. Questions 1. Fred Froehlich -Question of the Planning Cornxnission - What is going to happen to the core area here when we start developing the second core, perhaps in 10 or 15 years. Answer -The firs'c core will be saturated before the second core wi11 be develoi}ed a.nd it will be a natural growth. • • Page 3 -Master Plan Hearing -October l6, 19b7 2. Fred Froehlich - ~Juestion of the Planning Coxxzxxiission - If the land now used for parking lots will be developed, what will be the answer to the parking pxoblem. that we axe now faced with. parking facilities. Answer -Parking will then be supplied through structural 3. George Knox -- With the projection of two core areas, it looks to me like it would be more logical to, in the beginning, establish your shopping censer half-way between the two cores. of Bridge Street. Answer ~• The normal shopping center should be an extension 4. George Knox -When you do that you are creating a bigger parking problem. In effect, you will have two sets of paxking. Answer -- It is planned to have at least two levels of structured parking ~ short term -fax the shoppers or visitors to the core and at night that parking is free for those visitors wishing to visit restaurants and bars in the area. 5. Unknown -The end product you will have no surface park- ing existing an site? Answer - There will be no surface parking in a few instances however, some will be maintained at all times. 6. Bunny Kopff -What about Employee Housing? Answer - S% of the housing will be residential; 38% will always drive from outside of the valley; the balance, which is about 60%, will be people who need close-in housing, i. e. , split shift, etc.. There will be an area that will be developed for them.. Thexe will possibly be some long term residential above the shopping center with the structural parking below the surface. 7. Unknown - To what extent is the Master Plan and recom- mendations of the Planning Commission the thinking of the Board of Trustees? Answer -There has been a considerable exchange of coxxes- pondence, numexous meetings of the Commission and the inclusion of their suggestions that have been incorporated. 8. Unknown -How close is it to being zoned? Answex -The master Plan is implemented by a zoning ordinance and it wi11 be three or five more months before it can be drafted and wi11 be the actual enforcement tool to put the Plan into operation. 4. Warxen Pulls - On your original plan the ratio o£ lodge beds in comparison to Apartment beds is three to one in the future; right now it is one to one -with the increased interest in condominiums, is there a passibility that the trend would be more toward managed condominiums? Is it conceivable that this might change in the future? Answer -Large fu11y rx~anaged condominiums might sub- stitute far a lodge function in some areas. • • Page 4 -Master Plan Hearing - Octobex 16, 1967 1 Q. Is Manox Vail an example of this concept. Answer -Yes, the size that it takes to financially suppoxt a management type condominium would be somewhere around 100 units. It would have to have a food area and most of the condominiums tend to be too small. It is very difficult to maintain a pedestrian village and Planning does not warrant too many condominiums. Peter Seibert said that during the slower periods of the year lodges have a higher occupancy rate than the Condominiums. ll. Have height factors been talked about? Answer - We will get into that with the implementation of the Zoning Ordinance. 12. Bunny Kopff - Is there any way that we can make this more than a two or three story town so that the village could have a sky line? Answer -What we are talking about here is controlled limits on the heights to limit any blockages of the facilities that we already have here. We surely don't want a 10 ox 12 story sky line. We are attempting to maintain an alpine village here. 13. Ginnie Crowley -- Is the village at the bottoxxx of the Bowls a myth? Answer -This Plan does not encompass that particular area. Our ling range plan does ca11 for facilities coming off of Vail Pass at the bottom of the Bawls. It wi11 be a vexy small fraction of what you see out front. 14. Bab Manthoxne -What consideration has been given beyond the present Town limits by the Texaco Station and the Vail Village West. Answer -Essentially we have been dealing with Vail lands only. It doesn't mean that we are ignoring the rest of the valley. The rest of the valley will be most important. The next step for the Planning Commis- sion is to take a longer look at the whole valley, open space and land use control. The statutes give the Planning Commission limited powers to plan for areas three miles beyond the corporate limits of the Town. The Commis- sion wi11 be taking a longer look at a larger regional plan for the valley. 15. George Knox -- Can we request the County to zone this whole valley? Answer -The Gounty has the power to zone the valley. It would not have any strength unless there were a County Master Plan. An un- incorporated area can be zoned. 16. Will we contribute to landscaping on Highway Interstate 707 Answer - No, it will be u to the federal and state Govern- P ment. 17. Wouldn't it be to our advantage to supervise this? This would add to our growth potential. Answer -The Planning Commission has approached the State Authorities on a scenic overlook. • ~ Page 5 -Master Plan Hearing w October lb, 1967 18. In the studies that you have made, has there been any comparison made between the week long guest as opposed to the one day guest? Answer - We have looked at the two spending patterns in lodging and the propensity to some commercial shopping. We hope to do more this winter. l9. It would seem to zne that in the long range plan it would be determined that it is not a zeal economic advantage to have the one day skier in the care. Answer - It is important to have them as an advantage of growth and £or midweek business. 20. Does the Master Plan essentially change the zoning in this Village as we know it. Answex -The Zoning Ordinance is the implernentatioxz o£ existing use and for future use. 21. Would there be any interest in ccndominimizing Lodges on a very laxge scaleF Answer It is a financial tool to Finance some big devel- opments, but it is unlikely to completely condorninimize the village . 2~. Do you ever feel that there will be a need for a high school? Is this beyond our growth? Answer -The plans here do not call for a long range plan for a high school. It calls for a large elementary school. There is an area being reserved at the western end of Vail which would be opposite the lumber ~rard•. Mayor Kindel indicated that the County was planning a High School down near Avon, Colorado. The County would have a consolidated school and the possibility of a. High School mere is very slim. 23. Concerning the possibility of the installation of a cable ox monorail, what space has been left or would it mean conderrzning cextain areas? Answer ~» Space has been left in the event there is such an installation as far as rights-of way. It is a flexible plan. Probably the use of a bus systerx~. would be most feasible. 24. How can the parking in the Shopping Center be reserved? Answer -~ A ticket validation system. would be the xx~.ost workable and the ticket could be validated by the merchant. If the car is parked for a longer period a ticket would be issued. 25. George Knox -Why does the Shopping Center need to be in the middle of the parking area? It would seem that you have two paxking problems, particularly, i£ merchants limit this space. Answer -Actually there will be more parking and none will be eliminated until there is a replacement. There will be a limit o£ two (2) hours. • Page 6 -Master Plan Hearing -- October 16, 19b7 26. Byron Brawn -The Parking Areas are so much less than the beds, it would seem that we donut have enough parking. Answer -Structural parking does not show and would be m.ulti- storied. 27. Who is going to come up with the money for the structure? Answer -This could possibly be a requixement of the sale of the site. The Developer could consider it as expense, and expect a limited pxofit. The space could be rented commercially or the Town could build this with a Revenue Bond issue; could be repaid through a higher tax rate or :metered parking meters. _ 2$. Charles Gersbach -Has there been any thought given to keeping the traffic north of Gore Creek and transporting the guests from the parking areas to the various lodges? It would eliminate the traffic that you have now. Answer -There are too many things that have to be served. The Chaixman of the Planning Commission mentioned that traffic control will probably be discussed at a Meeting of the Board of Trustees. The Chief of Police, Ted Holxxa.es, would give the presentation. 29. Charles Gersbach - What is the present situation on the Annholz Property. Answex -There are a number of areas belonging to private interests that have been indicated in white on the Master Plan, since we have not contacted the owners to know their plans for development. This will be the next step to consider all of the surrounding areas. Chairman Froehlich closed the Meeting with the comment that the Planning Corxinnission and the Board of Trustees appreciated the excellent attendance and interest that was shown. if anyone has any questions., maps are avail- able in the Town Office and any one of the members of the Boaxd of Trustees or the Planning Gommission would be happy to answer any questions that anyone might have. The Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p. rrl. MINUTES OF THE MEETING THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES -THE TOWN OF VAIL HELD OCTOBER 3Q, 1967 T1ae Meetin was called to order b Ma or C. E. Kindel at 7:30 , zn. g y Y P ROLL CALL: Roll Cail found the foilawing members present: Mayor C . E . Kindel Trustee Peter Seibert Trustee Lorence Burdick Trustee Haxry Willett Trustee John Donavan Absent -Trustee Jae Langm.aid and Jahn Fiabsan. MINUTES OF THE MEETING 1. The Board of Trustees convened as the Liquor Licensing Authority and received three applications for 3. 2 Beer Licenses. The Board appraved unanimously applications from The Delicatessen, The Chili Bowl and The Keg. Trustee Burdick made a Motion for adjournment at 7:45 p. m. It was seconded by Trustee Donovan and appraved unanimously by the Boaxd. The Boaxd of Trustees reconvened for its regular meeting. MINUTES OF THE MEETING 1. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING HELD OCTOBER 9, 19b7. Trustee Burdick zxxade a Motion to accept 'the Minutes of~the Meeting held October 9, 1967, as recorded. It was seconded by Trustee Willett and approved unanirriously by the Board. 2. APPOINTML~'NT OF CITIZENS ADVISORY COMMITTEES Mayor C. E. Kindel appointed a Con3xnittee at Citizens to research and recomrr~end solutions for: A. Employee Housing Roger Larson George Knox, Sr. Richard Bailey Al Bridges J' ahn Donovan B. Conference Center Rod Slifer Doris Bailey Robert Parker Lorence Burdick Joe Staufer Mitchell. Hoyt . Gordan Britton Mayor Kindel recommended that the Committees begin work as soon as passible. The groups will meet and elect their own Chairman. a Page 2 -Board of Trustees -October 30, 196? 3. COMMENTS FROM THE TOW' COORDINATOR The main paving work has beetz completed with the except tion of some cleanup and raising the manholes as ',well as the valve boxes. The Town is applying material secured from Pioneer Construction an the unpaved xoads and hone that it will ameliorate the dust and mud problems. There will be some guard rails at various corner's that will be marked with florescent metal tabs. Railroad ties will also be ',used in the various parking lots. Additional material will be in the 5-B Park~.ng Lot to elirr~inate the mud problem in the spring. We should have approval tonight for the suggested planter to be installed in the turn-around in front of the Golden Peak House. Vail associates has very generously offered to install ~. tree. We are in the pxacess of receiving bids. The cyst will be estiz~x~ated between $700. 00 and $1, 100. 00. George Knox, Sr. , asked if the Contractors had been notified to remove construction material before t~.e snow comes. Mayor Kindel noted that the Buildexs were now making a',special effort. Trustee Burdick suggested that because of an erroneous statement made in a recent issue of D~I.~~BEAT,' the Mayor write to the Editor concerning the fact that there was a paving',, project in progress at the time of the Jazz Festival. Blake Lynch stated that there wexe three CATV proposals, one of the most recent was from Community Television in Denver - a meeting was held recently and their representatives will c'orrxe up again and discuss the proposal with the Board. Mr. Lynch recommended that a decision be made before Christmas sa that the Company selected can go before the FCC to get approval for the microwave. Mayor Kindel', recommended that an immediate study session be scheduled. It was noted that most of the a~plicatians have complied with the recommendations of the Town and are faixly uniform. Trustee Seibert noted that it was very important that we get as much information on background as possible. ~, With no further business to come before the Board, Trustee Burdick made a Madan for adjournment at 8:20 p. m. It was seconded by Trustee Willett and approved unanirxxously by the Board. ', r ,~ ..: ~ • MINUTE5 OF THL~' MEETING THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES -THE ~'C~WN OF VA~L HELD NOVEMBER 13, 19b7 The Board of Trustees convened as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority to act upon renewal applications for liquor licenses for I96$. The following were subnnitted and approved uxzanin~ausly: A & D Enterprises Casino Vail Clock Tower Donovaxz's Copper Bar Gallery, Incarpoxated Ga~thof Gram.shammer The Lodge at Vail The Lord Gore Club La Pinata The Red Lion Inn The Slope The Wedel Inn Thereafter a Public Hearing was held concerning applications for new liquor licenses by Paul Bailey, to be located at the Holiday Inn, and Harald Westbye, to belocated in the Lazier Building. A Court Reporter, Stuart Nicholson, recorded the proceedings. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES The Board of Trustees reconvened at 9:50. ROLL CALL: Roll Ca11 found the following members present: Trustee H. L. Willett Trustee Lorence Burdick Trustee John Dobson Trustee Joe Langmaid Trustee Peter Seibert Trustee John Donovan Mayor C. E. Kindel MINUTES OF THE MEETING: 1. CONSIDERATION OF THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD OCTOBER 34, 1$b7. Trustee Burdick noted that the name of the Magazine that carried an article about Vail should be DOWNBEAT instead of Druxnbe~t. Trustee Burdick made a Motion to accept the Minutes as recorded with the one exception, It was seconded by Txustee Donovan and approved unanimously by the Board. • • Page 2 •- Minutes of the Meeting held Novernbex 13, 3.967 2. CONSIDERATION OF AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECw TION 2 OF ORDINANCE NO. 3, SERIES OF 1967. By Deleting the Provision Taxing Part-Time Ski Instructors. A Motion was made by Trustee Burdick and seconded by Trustee Seibert, The t3aard approved the An;xendment unanimously and Ordinance Na. 19, SLries of 1967, was adopted. 3. CONSIDERATION OF VOUCHERS FOR THE MONTH OF OGTOBER, ].967. 'Trustee Burdick noted that all the Vouchers were in order and rxa.ade a Motion that the Voucher List be approved. It was seconded by Trustee Donovan and approved unanimously by the Board. ~. MAYOR AND TRUSTEES M2.~yar Kindel announced the appointment of Sarah Carton to the Citizens Advisory Committee an the Convention Center. The letter mailed to ail construction supervisors was read and Mayor Kindel stressed the need for cleaning up the Town before the Season started. November 2Qth was the date announced for the Hearing on the 'Yawn of Vail Budget for 1968. 5. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION TO ADOPT HELI- COPTER AIR LIFT SHUTTLE SERVICE BETWEEN VAIL AND ASPEN, Trustee Willett gave a brief resuxrae of the proposed resalu-- tioxx and indicated the convenience and direct benefit to the Town. The service is based in Denv~r at Stapelton and would eventually be increased to include several ski areas. After a discussion it was suggested that rewording of the Resolution would be helpful and with the various changes indicated that such service would be advocated, Trustee Donovan made a Motion to adopt the Resolution. It was seconded by Trustee Burdick and approved unanimously b;r the Boar3. ~ ~ . Page 3 -Minutes of the Meeting held Novern.be r 13, 19 b7 b. C(aNSIDERATI©N C?F TRAFFIC ANTS PAIZI~ING PLANS FOR THE WINTER SEASON. Chief of Police Floyd 1-Inlmes gave a resume of the winter traffic plan. Fred Froehlich asked if it was absolutely Necessary to make Forest Road one-way. Mayor Kindel indicated that because of snow rexxxoval and the narrowness of the road, ~it was necessary, axzd .the.. entixe plan would be tried for a period to determine its workability. Blake Lynch xeviewed the parking plan and the categories assi ned to the various lots. Spaces would be soled at $20. 4El per space g and would be available in the Town Office. Petex Seibert, General Manager for Vail Associates,. Inc. announced that the jitney service would be available for the vc+inter season, With no furthex business to come before the Saard, Trustee Donovan made a Motion to adjourn the Meeting at 11:1D p.rt~. It was seconded by Trustee Langmaid and approved unanimously by the Bard. • t n MINUTES OF THE ~EET~NG THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES -THE TbWN OF VATL HELD NOVEMB~'R 20, 1967 The Board of Trustees convened as the Local Licensing Authority at i f30 p. m, to act upon renewal. applications for liquor licenses far ].968. The following wexe subixi,itted and approved unanimously: Vail Village Tnn The Nu Gnu Mayor Kindel announced that the application far a new license fox The Holiday Tnn has been approved. With no further business to come before the Liquor Licensing Authority, Mr, Langmaid made a Motion to adjourn the Meeting. Tt was seconded b Mx,• Y Burdick and approved unanimously by the Board. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES The Board of Trustees convened at 7:45 p. rn, ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the follo~~ing members pxesent: Mayor C. E. Kindel Trustee Donovan Trustee Burdick Trustee Langmaid Trustee Willett Trustee Dobson Absent Trustee Seibert MINUTES OF THE MEETING 1. CONSIDERATION OF A MOTION AMENDING DETAIL lgb7 APPROPRTATTON AMOUNTS. Blake Lynch, the Tawn Coordinator,. gave a brief resume of the 1gb7 financial status and gave an explanation of the revenue report. We have projected a deficit in some of the, c.ategnxies.-.and in the capital item there is a surplus, so it is best to transfer funds in the form of a Motion. The purchase of equipment not originally anticipated and unforseen litigation is the reason fox the anticipated over-expenditure in the operating budget. The total appropriation remains the same. Trustee Burdick made a Motion to transfer funds from the capital fund to the appropriate accaunts.in accordance with the exhibit set for~h by the Town Coordinator. It was seconded by Trustee Donovan and Page 2 -Minutes of the Meeting held Naveznber 20, 19b7 approved unanimously by the Board. 3. 19b8 BUDGET HEARING Mayax Kindel read a letter fxom. the Tawn Coordinator to the Board of Trustees wherein she 1967 accoxxxplishments were recapitulated. The Town Coordinator, ~'. Blake Lynch, gave a resume of the 19b$ Budget. Fxed Froehlich asked how this 19b8 Budget tied in with the Street Ixxlprovement Prograzx~, Blake Lynch indicated that there is no rela- tionslzip at a11. ;t ~t,~ :s noted that the Plannin Baaxd had not recently held g a Meeting; therefore, no detail capital impxovernent projects had been recan~- xn.ended to the Board of Trustees, although alump-sum has been provided far this puxpose in tl~p Budget. Fred Froehlich asked if any provisions had been made to pay a stipend to the Mayor and the Members of the Board of Trustees. Mayor Kindel requested the Town Cooxdinator to investigate with the Municipal League of Colorado. Trustee Burdick xnade a Motion to approve the 1968 Budget. It was seconded by Trustee Willett and approved unanimously by the Board. 4. CONSIDERATION OF THE APPOINTMENT OF AN AUDITOR TO AUDIT 19b7 TRANSACTIONS. The Mayor noted that it has been suggested that McClave and Wall be selected as the auditing firm for the Town of Vail. Trustee Burdick noted that this fixrn had done the prelin~.- inary work on the accounting for the Town; they have an Office in the village; have a goad background in municipal auditing. Trustee Willett Hated that the firxn of McClave and Wall were highly recommended. Txustee Lan maid rrxade a Motion that the firm of McClave b and Wall be selected as the Auditors for the Town of Vail far the year 1967. It was secordcd by "i rustee Donovan and approved unanimously by the Board. i ~ ~ Page 3 -Minutes of the Meeting held Ndvernber 20, 196? 5. MAYOR ANl7 TRUSTEES The Mayor noted that the instances of speeding has been ir_c~easing. Ghief Holmes responded that an active program of reducing the offenses was in progress. Chief Holmes also Hated that the Initiation of a ski xegistra- t~.on policy was in effect, and there seemed to be a lack of enthusiasm in the village. The registration of skis would help in the restoration. of stolen or lost skis. Mayor Hindel also Hated that the County Commissioners were ~:~orking toward locating a disposal pit and the Board was hopeful that the si{:e would be in operation in the future. 6. CITIZEN PARTICIPATI~IV I?octor Steinberg announced that he had assumed the position ;~aca~ed by the death of Doctor Gibbey of Eagle, that of the County Health nspector. He also noted that he was returning 1/3 of his salary to the County with the provision that a County Sanitarian be hired. ",iti`.h no further business to come before the Board, 't'rustee 3?anovan made o a 'Dorn the Meetin at $:~0 .m. It was seconded b Trustee a Motion t d~ g p Y Burdick and approved unanimously by the Board. • .IL '~-. MINUTES OF 'L'HE` MEETING THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES » THE TOWN OF VAIL HE`I..D NOVEMBER 27, 19b7 The Board of Trustees convened as the Local Licensing Authority at 7:00 p, zn. to consider the renewal application for La Cave, Inc. After consideration a Motion was made by Trustee Donflvan to approve the License. It was seconded by Trustee V~illett and approved unanimously by the Local Licensing Authority. The application for a new license by Harald We.stbye. was held in abeyance. The Local Licensing Authority adjourned at 7:10 p. m. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES The $oard of Trustees convened at 7:10 p. rri. ROLL CALL: Roil Call found the following members present: Mayor C . E . Kindel Trustee Burdick Trustee Langmaid Trustee Donovan Trustee Willett Trustee Dobson Trustee Seibert MINLfTES C}~' THE MEETING 1. CONSIDERATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS HELD N~VEMBE.R 13TH, 196?, AND NOVEMBER 20TH, 1967. Trustee Burdick made a. Motion to approve the Minutes as recorded. It was- approved by Trustee Willett and appxaved unanirraously by the Board. 2. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1968, AND ENDING ON DECEMBER 3l, 1968, ESTIMATING THE AMOUNT OF MONEY NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAXES, AND SETTING FORTH ESTIMATFD EXPENDITURES. Trustee Burdick mad¢ a Motion that the Resolution be adapted. It was seconded by Trustee Langmaid ai'~d approved za.nanixx~ously by the Board. 3. CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION APPROPRIATING SUMS OF MONEY TO DEFRAY E~PEN5E5 AND LIABIL- ITIES OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JANUARY 1, 1868, AND ENDING DECEMBER 31, 19~i8. A Motion was made by Trustee Willett to adopt the • • Page 2 -Minutes of the Meeting -Board of Trustees -November 27, ].967 • Resolution. It was seconded by Trustee Donovan and approved unanimously by the Board. 4. Mayor and Trustees Mayor Kindel announced that a study session would be held at 7:30 p. m. , November 29, 1967. The Board of Trustees would convene as the liquor licensing authority after the study session. The announcement was made that the County Commis- sioners were working on the disposal problem. A Meeting 'with the Com- missioners was held in an effort to find a solution, not only for Vail, but Gilman and Minturn. Leo Duran is dumping in Gilman now as an emergency measure. Jack Oleson has land available, however, he requires that the site be policed and sanitary landfill is necessary. Trustee Dobson reported that a group of Protestant Lay- men headed by Reverend Simonton were in the process of installing an. advent wreath and a nativity scene in the turn-around in front of the Golden Peak House. 5. Citizen Participation George Knox asked why the parking was being moved • back from Gore Creek. Mayor Kindel explained that a walkway was being installed. With no further b usiness to come before the Board, the Meeting was adjour- ned by a Motion of Trustee Burdick at 7:~0 p. rn.. it was seconded by Trustee Willett and approved unanimously by the Board. • • MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD NOVRMBER 28, 1967, TOWN OF VAIL VAIL, COLORADO The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Ted Kindel at 7:55 p.m. ROLL CALL: Rall Call found the .following Members present; Trustee Langmaid Trustee Dobson Trustee Burdick Trustee Willett Mayor Kindel Trustee Seibert bias absent. MINUTES OF THE MEETING 1. A discussion was held cancernin~; office space for the Town Offices. There is £i00 square feet available at the Mill Creek Court at $200.00 per month. Trustee Willett approved the legal aspect of the Tease. Liability insurance was discussed and a consultation with an insurance authority was recommended. 2. The PIayar reported on his sessions with the County Commissioners concerning the problem of snow removal. Securing equipment and cinders from the County was discussed. 3. Tt was suggested that the Eagle Valley Enterprise be officially designated as the publication in which all Town Ordinances, etc., be publl.shed. The Board of Trustees agreed to use the Eagle Vallev Enterprise for this purpose. 4. Mayor Kindel requested that all those attending the Town Meetings to please come on time and plan to stay the entire Meeting. The Editor of the VAIL TRAIL teas complimented for his effort and contribution to the large attendance. 5. Mayor Kindel requested Trustee Willett to clarify the work "occupation" as used in the proposed Ordinances. In legal terms "occupation" means a business, not individual employment. The point was raised to emphasize that wages and salaries were not to be taxed. b. Mayor Kindel requested that the Town Recorder read the proposed Ordinances and stated. that pending approval, the effective date would be December 15, 1966: a. Ordinance #Z0, "AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING REVENUE AND IMPOSING A TAX UPON THE OCCUPATIONS AND PLACES OF BUSINESS OPERATING SKI LIFTS OR SKI TOWS WHOLLY OR PARTIALLY WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL, TO SECURE A PROPER DISTRIBUTION OF THE BURDEN OF TAXES, TO PROVIDE PENALTIES WITH RESPECT THERETO, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY THEREFORE" vas read. The Tawn Recorder polled the Trustees as to understanding and then for approval. Ordinance ~F'l0, Series of 3.966, for the Town of Vaal was passed, 4-0. b. Ordinance ~~11, "AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING REVENUE AND IMPOSING A TAX UPON THE OCCUPATIONS AND PEACES OF BUSINESS PROVIDING OVERNIGHT OR SHORT TERM LODGING AND RENTALS WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL, TO SECURE A PROPER DISTRIBUTION OF THE BURDEN OF TAXES, TO PROVIDE PENALTIES WITH RESPECT THERETO, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY THEREFOR" was read, The Tawn Recorder polled the Trustees as to understanding and than for approval. Ordinance ~~ll, Series of 1966, for the Town of Vail teas passed, 4-0. c. Ordinance ~~12, "AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING REVENUE AND IMPOSING A TAX UPON THE OCCUPATIONS AND PLACES OF BUSINESS OPERATING RESTAURANTS AND BARS WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL, TO SECURE A PROPER DISTRIBUTION OF THE BURDEN OF TAXES, TO PROVIDE PENALTIES WITH RESPECT THERETO, AND DECIARING AN EMERGENCY THEREFOR" was read. The Mayor called for discussion among the Trustees and then from the floor. Page 2 - Tawn of Vail - November 2$, 1967 George ~inox asked hoc,` this could be referred to as a tax, crhen the businesses could not represent it as such to their customers. It was stated that this tax is perfectly legal and the individual business could either absorb it or raise prices to cover it, but could not charge customers over and above an established price and represent such as a tax. The difference between a tax to raise revenue and a license was discussed. Trustee Willett stated a tax is to raise revenue only, whale a license is to control and regulate. It was stated that licensing would not be necessary, except in the case of liquor dealers, t,rho would be licensed by the Town of Vail Certain other businesses not covered in any of the proposed ordinances, would be assessed a flat fee, such as personal services. A question from the floor was raised if this Ordinance included businesses selling 3.2 beer. That section of the Ordinance was re-read and it was pointed out that this does apply Co 3.2 bear outlets. The licensing of liquor d~:alers~ as opposed to that of 3,2 beer dealers was discussed. A11 liquor licenses renew on January 1 of each year, while licensing of 3.2 beer dealers occurs each year from whatever date the first license was obtained. The Town Recorder polled the Trustees as to understanding and Chen £or approval. Ordinance No. l~, Series a£ 1966, for the Tawn of Vail was passed, L+-O. d. Ordinance ~~13, "AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING REVENUE AND IMPOSING A TAX UPON THE OCCUPATIONS AND PLACES OE BUSINESS RENTING OR SELLING TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY AT RETArL WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL, TO SECURE A PROPER DISTRI- BUTION OF THE BURDEN 4F TAXES, TO PROVIDE PENALTIES WITH RESPECT THERETO, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY THEREFOR" was read. The Town Recorder polled the Trustees far understanding and then for approval. Ordinance No. 13, Series o£ 1966, for the Town of Vail was passed, ~-0. e. Ordinance ~~ILF, "AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING REVENUE AND IMPOSING A TAX UPON THE OCCUPATIONS AND PLACES OF BUSINESS OPE~tATING RETAIL LIQUOR STORES WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL, TO SECURE A PROPER DISTRIBUTION OF THE BURDEN OP TAXES, TO PROVIDE PENALTIES WITH RESPECT THERETO, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY' THEREFOR`` toes read. The Town Retarder polled the Trustees £or understanding and then £or approval. Ordinance No. 14, Series of 1966, for the Town of Vail w:~s passed, LF-0. f. Ordinance ~~15, "AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE TOWN'VF VAIL, COLORADO, FOR THE FTSGAL YEAR BEGINNING ON THE 1ST DAY OF JANUARY, 19b7, AND ENDING ON DECEMBER 3l, 2967, ESTIMATING THE Ai~CU1RT OF MONEY NECESSARY TO BE RAISED BY TAXES BASED ON THE SAID BUDGET SO ADOi~TED; AND SETTING FORTH THE TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES FOR EACH FUND" was read. The Town Recorder palled the Trustees £or understanding and then £or approval. Ordinance No. 15, Series of 1966, far the Town o£ Vail was passed, LN-0. g, Ordinance ~~lb, "THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCE APPROP- RTATING SUMS OF MONEY TO DEFRAY EXPENSES AND LLABTLITTES OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, FOR THE TOWN'S FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING 3ANUARY 1, 19b7, AND ENAING ON DECEMBER 3l, 1967" eras read. The Town Recorder polled the Trustees for understanding and then for approval. Ordinance ~~16, Series of 1966, far the Town o£ Vail was passed, 4-O, h. Ordinance ~~17, "AN O~tl]INANCE ESTABLISHING CERTAIN ACTS, TTITNGS, CONDITIONS AND USES AS OFFENSES AGAINST THE SAFETY, HEALTH, PIROSPERITY, MORALS, ORDER, CQMk'ORT, AND CONVENIENCE OF THE TOWN OF VAIL AND THN INHABITANTS t THEREOF, DECLARING THE SAME TO BE UNLAWFUL, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF" was read. j There were several points discussed concerning "drunk and disorderly", distur- bing the peace" and dangerous weapon`' clauses.. A change was made in Section S. Drinkin in Streets Co include "e•~ce t b ermission of the Board of Trustees g ~ P Y p , and in Article III, Section 2. FALSE ALARM, to include "avalanche, missing person, or other emergency or disaster". The Town Recorder polled the Trustees for understanding and then for approva•1. Ordinance ~~17, Series of 1966, for the Town of Vail was passed, 4-0, i. Ordinance ~~18, "AN ORDINANCE DRFINING PUBLIC NUISANCES WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL ANA PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND PROCEDURES FOR THE ABATEMENT TIiEREOF." was read, Achange was made in Section 6, ABATEMENT PROCEDURE OPTIONAL, to read Police MagistraCe rather Chan Police Court. The Town Recorder polled the Trustees for understanding and then for approval. Ordinance ~~1$, Series o£ 1966, for Che Town of Vail was passed, 4-0. With no further business tq cone before the Meeting Trustee Willet made the Motion to adjourn. It was seconded by Trustee Dobson. The Meeting adjourned 4 at 1.1:15 p.m. 5 i, • r~ • . . • MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 2I3, 1967', TOWN OF VATL VA IL, COLORADO The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Ted Kindel at 7:55 p.m. ROLL CALL: Roll Gall found the following 1~Iembers present: Trustee Langmaid Trustee Robson Trustee Burdick Trustee Willett Mayor Kindel Trustee Seibert was absent. MINUTES OF THE MEETING 1. A discussion was held concerning office space for the Town Offices. There is $00 square feet available at the Mill Creek Court at $200.00 per month. Trustee Willett approved the legal aspect of the lease. Liability insurance was discussed and a consultation with an insurance authariCy was recommended. 2. The ~~Iayor reported on his sessions with the County Commissioners concerning the problem of snow removal, Securing equipment and cinders from the County was discussed. 3, It was suggested that the Eagle Valley Enterprise be officially designated as the publication in which all Town Ordinances, etc., be published.. The Board of Trustees agreed to use the Eagle Valley Enterprise for this purpose. 4~. Mayor Kindel requested that all those attending the Town Meetings to please came on time and plan to stay the entire Meeting. The Editor of the VATL TRAIL was complimented for his effort and contribution to the large attendance. 5. Mayor Kindel requested Trustee Willett to clarify the work "occupation" as used in the proposed Ordinances. In legal terms "occupation" means a business, not individual employment. The point was raised to emphasize that wages and salaries were not to be taxed. 6. Mayor Kindel requested that the Town Recorder read the proposed Ordinances and stated that pending approval, the effective date would be December 15, 1966: a. Ordinance ~~10, "AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING REVENUE AND IMPOSING A TAX UPON THE OCCUPATIONS AND PLACES OF BUSINESS OPERATING SKI LIFTS OR SKI TOWS WHOLLY OR PARTIALLY WITHIN THE TOWN OF VATL, Tfl SECURE A PROPER DISTRIBUTION OF THE BURDEN OF TAXES, TO PROVIDE PENALTIES WITH RESPECT THERETO, ANA DECLARING AN EMERGENCY THEREFORE" was read. The Town Recorder polled the Trustees as to understanding and then far approval, Ordinance ~~10, Series of 1966, for Che Town of Vail was passed, 4-0. b. Ordinance #11, "AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING REVENUE AND IMPOSING A TAX UPON THE OCCUPATIONS AND PLACES OF BUSINESS PROVIAING OVERNIGHT OR SHORT TERM LODGING AND RENTALS WITHIN THE TOWN OF VA IL, TO SECURE A PROPER DISTRIBUTION OF THE BURDEN OF TAXES, TO PROVIDE PENALTIES WITH RESI?ECT THERETO, ANA DECLARING AN EMERGENCY THEREFOR" was read. The Town Recorder polled the Trustees as to understanding and then fax approval. Ordinance ~~11, Series of 1966, far the Town of Vail tras passed, 4-0. c. Ordinance ~~12, "AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING REVENGE AND IMPOSING A TAX UPON THE OCCUPATIONS AND PLACES OF BUSINESS OPERATING RESTAURANTS AND BARS WITHIN THE TOWN OF VA IL, TO SECURE A PROPER DISTRIBUTION OF THE BURDEN OF TAXES, TO PROVIDE PENALTIES WITH RESPECT THERETO, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY THEREFOR" was read. The Mayor called for discussion among the Trustees and then Pram the floor. ~ * ~ ~ Page 2 - Town of Vail - November L$, 19b7 George Knox asked how this could be referred to as a tax, tahen the businesses could not represent it as such to their customers. It was stated Chat this tax is perfectly legal and the individual business could either absorb it or raise prices to cover it, but could not charge customers over and above an established price and represent such as a tax. The difference between a tax to raise revenue and a license cans discussed. Trustee Willett stated a tax is to raise revenue an1y, while a license is to control and regulate. It was stated that licensing would not be necessary, except in the case o€ liquor dealers, who would be licensed by the Tawn of Vail Certain ether businesses not covered in any of the proposed ordinances, would be assessed a flat fee, such as personal services. A question from the floor was raised if this Ordinance included businesses selling 3,2 beer, That section of the Ordinance was re-read and it was painted out that this does apply to 3.2 beer outlets, The licensing of liquor c~ealers~ as opposed to that of 3.2 beer dealers was discussed. A11 liquor licenses renew on ,7anuary 1 of each year, while licensing of 3.2 beer dealers occurs each yeax from cahatever date the first license was obtained. i The Town Recorder palled the Trustees as to understanding and then for approval. Ordinance No. 12, Series of 1966, for the Town of Vail was passed, 4-0, d. Ordinance #13, "AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING REVENUE AND IPZPOSING A TAX UPON THE OCCUPATIONS AND PLACES OF BUSINESS RENTING OR SELLING TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY AT RETAIL WTTHI_N THE TOWN OF VAIL, TO SECURE A PROPER DTSTRI~ BTITTON OF THE BURDEN OF TAXES, TO PROVIDE PENALTIES WITH RESPECT THERETO, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY THEREFOR" was read. The Tawn Recorder polled the Trustees for understanding and then for approval. Ordinance No. 13, Series of 1966, for the Toc~an of Vail c,~as passed, 4-O, e. Ordinance ~~14, "AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING REVENUE AND IMPOSING A TAX UPON THE OCCUPATIONS ANA PLACES OF BUSINESS OPERATING RETAIL LIQUOR STORES WITHIN THE TOWN OF VATL, TO SECURE A PROPER DISTRIBUTION OF THE BURDEN OF TAXES, TO PROVIDE PENALTIES WITH RESPECT THERETO, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY THEREFOR" was read. The Town Recorder polled the Trustees for understanding and then for approval. _ Ordinance No. 14, Series of 1966, for the Town of Vail w1s passed, 4-O. f. Ordinance ~~15, "AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF VATL, COLORADO, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING ON THE 1ST DAY OF JANUARY, 1967, AND ENDING ON DECEI~6EIt 31, 1967, ESTIMATING THE AI~CUi4T OF MONEY NECESSARY TO $E RAISED BY TAXES BASED ON THE SAID BUDGET SO ADOPTED; AND SETTING FORTH THE TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 1{OR EACH FUND" was read. The Town Recorders polled the Trustees for understanding and then for approval. Ordinance No. 15, Series of 1.966, for the Town of Vail was passed, ~}-0, g. Ordinance 916, "TH13 ANNUAL APPROPRIATION ORDINANCI; APPROP- RIATING SUMS OP MONEY TO DEFRAY EXPENSES AND LIABILITIES OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO, FOR THE TOWN'S FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING 3ANUARY 1, 1,967, AND ENDING ON DECEMBER 31, 1967" was read. The Town Recorder polled the Trustees far understanding and then for approval. Ordinance ~~16, Series of 1966, for the Town of Vail was passed, ~-0. h, Ordinance 1k17, "AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING CERTAIN ACTS, THINGS, CONDITIONS AND USES AS OFFENSES AGAINST THE SAFETY, HEALTH, PROSPERITY, MORALS, ORDER, COMFORT, AND CONVENIENCE OF THE TOWN OF VAIL AND THE INI3ABITANTS THEREOF, DECLARING THE SAME TO BE UNLAWFUL, AND P1tOVTDING PENALTIES f'OR THE VIOLATION THEREOF" was read, There were several points discussed concerning "drunk and disorderly", distur- bing the peace" and dangerous weapon" clauses. A change was made in Section 5. .. ~ ~ ~ ~ Drinking in Streets, to include "except by permission of the Board of Trustees, and in Article iii, Section 2. FALSE ALARM, to include "avalanche, missing person, or other emergency or disaster". The Town Recorder palled the Trustees for understanding and then for apprava~l. Ordinance ~~17, Series of 19b5, far the Town of Vail was passed, 4-0. i. Ordinance ~~18, "AN ORDINANCE DEFINING PUBLIC NUISANCES WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION AND PROCEDURES FOR THE ABATEMENT THEREOF." was read. Achange was made in Section b, ABATEMENT PROCEDURE OPTIONAL, to read Police Magistrate rather than Police Court. The Town Recorder polled the Trustees for understanding and then for approval. Ordinance ~~18, Series of 1R6b, for the Town of Vail was passed, 4-0. With no further business to come before the Meeting Trustee Willet made the Motion to adjourn, it was seconded by Trustee Dobson. The Meeting adjourned I at 1].:15 p.m. ,i t • ~ ~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING THE BOARD 0 F TRUSTEES - THE TOWN O F VA TL .- December 21., I95~ A Special Nieeting of the Board of Trustees of the Town of Vail was called to order by Mayor C, E. Kindel at 2;15 o'clock P. M. on Thursday, December 21, 1.957, in the offices of the Vail Associates, Lazier Building, Vail, Colorado. Roll Call found the following Members present; Mayor C. E.. Kindel Trustee Sohn A. Dobson Trustee Peter Seibert Trustee Joseph Langmaid Trustee Lorence Burdick Absent; Trustee ~'ohn Donovan • Trustee Harry Willett Mayor Kindel stated that a quorum was present and that this Special Meeting was called to give consideration to certain agreements in connection with the operation by the Town of Vail of the facilities of the Vail Water and Sanitation District, Vail Fire Protection District and the Vail Metropolitan Recreation District, and to take up any other business to come before the Board, Mayor Kindel noted that each member of the Board had previously received a copy of the proposed agreement between the Vail Water and Sanitation District and the Town of Vail, and each member present stated to the Mayor that he had so received a copy of the proposed agreement between the Vail ~Nater and Sanitation District and the Town had been reviewed and approved by the Vail Water and Sanitation District at a special meeting held that day. Thereafter the agreement was discussed at length and, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the following Resolution was adopted; RESOLVED, that the proposed agreement ' between the Vail Water and Sanitation District and the Town of Vail concerning the operation by the Town of the District's facilities presented to this meeting, be and the same hereby is approved and adopted and, further, that the Mayor be authorized in behalf of the Board to execute said agreement, and the Town Clerk be authorized to attest said agreement. Thereafter, the Mayor was instructed to notify the Town Glerk to attach a copy of the executed agreement to the copy of these minutes and file it with the proceedings of the Town. Mayor Kindel noted that each member of the Board had previously received a copy of the proposed agreement between the Vail Fire Protection District and the Town of Vail, and each member present stated to the Mayor that he had so received a copy of the proposed ~~ • • agreement and had individually read and reviewed the same. The Mayor stated that he had been informed that the proposed agreement between the Vail Fire Protection District and the Town had been reviewed and approved by the Vail Fare Protection District at a special. meeting held that day. Thereafter the agreement was discussed at length and, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the following Resolution was adopted: RESOLVED, that the proposed agreement between the Vail Fire Protection District and the Town of Vail concerning the operation by the Town of the District's facilities presented to this meeting, be and the same hereby is approved and adapted and, further, that the Mayor be authorized in behalf of the Board to execute said agree- ment, and the Town Clerk be authorized to attest said agreement. Thereafter, the Mayor was instructed to notify the Town Clerk to attach a copy of the exec~.ted agreement to the copy o£ these minutes and file it with the proceedings of the Tawn. Mayor Kindel noted that each member of the Board had previously received a copy of the proposed agreement between the Vail. Metropolitan Recreation District and the Town of Vail, and each member present stated to the Mayor that he had so r. eceived a copy of the p~eoposed agreement and had individually read and reviewed the same. The Mayor stated that he had been informed that the proposed agreement between the Vail Metropolitan Recreation District and the Town had been reviewed and approved by the Vail Metropolitan Recreation District at a special meeting held that day. Thereafter the agreement was discussed at length and, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the following Resolution was adopted: RESOLVED, that the proposed agreement between the Vail Metropolitan Recreation District and the Town of Vail concerning the operation by the Town of the District`s facilities presented to this meeting, be and the same hereby is approved and adopted and, further, that the Mayor be authorized in behalf of the Board to execute said agreement, and the Town Clerk be authorized to attest said agreement, Thereafter, the Mayor was instructed to notify the Town Clerk to attach a copy of the executed agreement to the copy of these minutes and file it with the proceedings of the Town. There being no further business to come before the Board., upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned. • _~.~ ~ • • iVIINUTES OF THE MEETING 'LIQUOR LIC ENSTNG AUTHORJ.'I`Y THE TOWN Off` VAIL HELD DECEMBER 21, 197 The Meeting was called to order as the Local Liquor Licensing Authority by Mayor C. E. Kindel at the Vail Associates. The Board considered the approval of the renewal of the application by the Gourmet V~Tine Corner for 198. A Motion was made by Trustee Burdick to approve the request. Tt was seconded by Trustee Seibert and approved unanimously by the Board. The Board also considered the application of the change of ownership addendum by the Slope. Trustee Dobson made a Motion to approve the application. It was seconded by 'Trustee Langmaid and approved unani~xiously by the Board. With no further business to come before the Licensing Authority, the Board was adjourned. • ~~