HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966 Vail Town Council MinutesS MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD NOVEMBER l2, 19b6, TOWN OF VAIL VAIL, COLORADO lair. C. E. Kf.ndel was given the oath of Office by Charles E. Lewis, Ghairman o€ the Commissioners' Election. Mayor Kindel administered the oath of Office to Alr. John Dobson, Mitchell Hoyt, Peter Seibert and Harry Willett. The Meeting was called of order by Niayor Kindel at 1:30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Members present: Nluyor Kindel Trustee Dobson Trustee Hoyt Trustee 5eiberC Trustee Willett Trustee Burdick and Langmaid were absent. MINUTES OF THE MEETING 1. Election of a Mayor Pro Tem - It was decided by the Board of Trustees th::~tthe Trustee receiving the greatest number of votes in the election should serve as rlayor Pro Tem, which caauld mean that Seibert would be named. Trustee Seibert declined. Therefor, Trustee Hoyt, who was next in line, eras dESignated. Trustee Willett-made the Motion that Trustee Hoyt be named for the Office of Mayor Pro Tem to serve in the absence of Mayor Kindel. It was seconded by Trustee Seibert and approved unanimously by the Board, 4-0. 2. Appointment of an interim Town Recorder - Mayor Kindel asked for a Motion to appoint Blake Lynch as interim Town Recorder. The Motion was made by Trustee: Dobson. It was seconded by Trustee Willett and approved unanimously by the Board, 4-0~ 3. Discussion of Procedures for Conducting I~ieetings - It was decided that the RODLRT'S PULES OF ORDER, a procedure for conducting Meetin,gs,be adopted. A motion was made by Trustee Seibert. It was seconded by Trustee Hoyt and approved _ unanimously by the Board, 4-O. -- - 4. Consideration of Resolution No. 1, "A RESOLUTION ESTA33LI5HING THE DAXS AND TIME FOR REGULAR MEETINGS 0~' THE BOARD QF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, AND SETTING FORTH PROCEDURES FOR PROPERLY NOT~`YING THE PUBLIC REGARDING THE PLACE WHERE SUCH REGULAR MEETINGS SHALL BE HE~.D", After discussion, a Niatian was made by Trustee Willett that regular meeting dates. for the Board of Trustees would take place on the second (2nd) and fourth (4~~i) Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m.. ~It was seconded by Trustee Seibert and approved unanimously by the Board, 4-0. 5. Consideration of proposed Ordinance ~~1, "AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE PtISITTON OF TOWN RECORDER OF THE TOWN OF VAIL AND SETTING FORTIi THE FUNCTIONS DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF 5AID TOWN RECORDER." which was read. A short discussion pexiod followed. From the floor, Nfr. R. pl. Hauserman asked the question if any appointments to the positions being discussed were to be made. Mayor Kindel explained that the positions were merely being created at this time, with appointments to be made at a later date. He further explained that all ordinances t~rould not rake effect until thirty (30) days after publication, with the exception of emergency measures which would take effect five (5) days after publication. Trustee Seibert made the Motion that the Ordinance be adopted as read. It was seconded by Trustee Willett and approved unanimously by the Board, 4-0. b. Consideration of proposed Ordinance ~~~, "AN ORDINANCE CREATING T~?E POS ITIOI`1 OF TOWN TRE/~SURER OF THE TOWN OF VAIL AND SETTING FORTH THE FUNCTIONS, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF SAID TOWN TREASURER", which was read. A Piotion was made by Trustee Dobson to adopt the Ordinance as read. It was seconded by T;:ustee Seibert and approved unanimously by the Board, 4-0. 5 C7 • • PaSe 2 - ;:oTJn ^f Vail. •- ITave~'~er ?1., 1966 7. Cor:sirlerati_ou of proposed Ordinance ~~3, "AN ORDINANCE CREATING T~H..E POSTTIO°T Os.{ TO.dN ATTOR~;EX FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL AND SETTING FORTH THE DUTIES, I:CSYC~ISII?I1,ITIE,,, L`,IT~7 QUALIFICATIONS OF SAID POSITION," wYtich was x•ead. A Motion was rctarla Iay Trustee Hoyt that the Ordinance be adopted as read. It was second^c' 1';; Tr:xstee Sei.i~ert snd approved unanimously by the Board, 4-0. ". Consid~aration of p~°oposed Ordinance ~~4, "AN ORDINANCE CREATING TIi? OFFICE ,~1.,~ Pt)SI':i?ON Ot` ~~Ol,i~:~ MAGISTRATr FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL AND SETTING I'C'I;TI' 'LIT JTJ?:CSDICTT;,':i, DUiIEa, ?1?~SI'.^„1SBXLITIES ANA QUALIFICATIONS Off` SAID ~' ~T.':i'~,d~', r,*1~.~'_ch was reed, A Mot;.c,~i wa.s made by Trustee Hoyt that the Ordinance b~ adc,r~d as read. st was seconded by Trustee Willett and approved unanimously by tr.r card, ~-~0. 9, Co~.sidnratio;~ of proposed Ordinance ~~5, "AN ORDINANCi; CREATING 1'T?. PC^a ITIO"? OF TO':~IN C~}OrDIIdATOR FOR THE TOtidN OF VAIL AND SETTING FORTH THE D?]T~:FS, I'~vi.' ~,iSTIL;~~;IT?:, ANT) QUALIFICATIONS OF' SAID POSITION", whi.Ch WSS read. A Motio:l L3~.8 zs~!'~ by Try±sr_pe Seiber that the Ordinance be adopted as read. It was sccoa:r?n~1 Ley Truste^ 4Jillott aid appXOVed unanimously by the T3oard, 4,0. 10, Ca-~si.c'.eration of propased Ordin.~!nce , "AN ORDINANCE CREATING T;T~; POS?:.~~~L; `.''W' TO':'i'd I"A'~:rL~1? O'i"~. T04JN Oi'` VAIL AND SETTING FORTH THE QUALIFI- rA.TLOIdS, Fu".'.C'~'~.C~V", i}UT:i:S AND RESPOIJSZBILI'.~IES OF SAID TOWN MARSHAL", which ....~ r^^~I. Aft~cr. di.scusricn it was decided that the ordinance be tabled far cl~-^_nges, C; Motion sr.~s made by Trustee Willett that the Ordinarce not be Consid- ered for aE~~;,~rov..l at this ti.nr?, i,Q~.ding further investigation of Clause 6F. It ~:~:~: s~~G::,dGCI by `1'rue::a~e Sei.l~art ^nd approved Ur;animously by the Board, ~-0. ll~ Co::si~?^~•~~.ti.a~.: ~.,f proposed Ordinance ~~b, " AN ORDINANCE CREATING A T :`4?ii '? J! r''.i 'T~i ~ CG'~r:;.:;'S 'SOFT FG:~ i':N, TOWN OF L'AIL, AND SETTING FORTH THE NUI~ER CF I~~~";:.:~~si ~ C SA;,:D COQ ~iSS XON, TiiE QUALIFICATIONS FOR APPOINTMENT, THE PROCEDURES FOR TII?? ".~Li,fiT'i~V pi STJC?i M':~I~`~ERS, A?~D SETTING FORTH THE POWERS, RESPONSIBILITIES AiTO I??~T;:_° ~ 0" ~.':ID G~.~r:CSSiON," ra~I~ich was read. A Motion was made by Trustee Willett that the Ordinance T,a ac':apted as read. IC was seconded by Trustee Dohs on and a.l;nrc~.:d u.i-~~~imo:?s.':~ Iay Yh^ Boa.rd, ~+~0, 7.7.t i;onsiderati_a:a of proposed Ordinance "AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO Ti~T n~~.RVITTG !!.YTa SAi,~, Ob' .~ I,CO=i~~LSC LIQUORS AND FERMENTED MALT BEVERAGES AND THE LTCENST.':dG .E!.P]D REGUT~c!~":~'.0^T '1'I?.'_~,T`;0:? 411'TiiIAT TIIE TOWN OE VA3L, CREATING A LOCAL LICENSING AUTi~IO:?l'Ly ;.~"r"! l~IG F:`'sTli 1"i~'~ I~f'si~";1a.P.5HIi?, P06~LRS, FUNCTIONS, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBIL- ITIE:i TIiPI4E0F, ESTABLISHING TF,~ ST.F.NDARDS, RULES, FEES AND PROCEDURES FOR LICENSING THE Su~?TICINi~ AI~';D SATaE 0~~' ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS AND FERMENTED MALT BEVERAGES WITHIN THE TOWIv' OF VA%L, AID PROVI~7ING PENALTIES GIITH RESPECT THEREOF", which was read. A discussion follot~rad. from the floor, twlr. John Amato raised the question regarding expiration dates of licenses. He stated that presently licenses for sale of fermented malt beverages runs for twelve (l2) months from date of issuance, rather tT2n the oale:.da.r year, as do other licenses. He felt that the licensing by Vail sl.ould cc-~.fcrm to the state l~*.as. The question arose as to renewal of present 'ice:~ses {.n effect. It was agreed that most licenses for 1967 have already been issued, and that this Ordinance would not be effective until next year. Trustee Wi.llatt si;~gr'si:~~d that it- might he advisable to make this an emergency measure which caulcl thril be adopted five (5} days after publication. Trustee Willett made tr^ T:r,_a.or.. that co~:sideration of this Ordinance be postponed until the next meeting a'.3 t~n.l,o in 4o cons id, rat ion Mr. Amata's suggestion that we conform with the state 1w~, ccnceri:.i.ng e::~piration date of licenses for the sale of fermented malt beverages. It eras secor,.dhd by Trustee Dobson and approved unanimously by the Board, 4-E1. ?3. Consideration of proposed Ordinance #7, "AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING T.'.~ L~'aSC~.T, V.^AI; ^OR "~'~;;: TUr7N OF VAIL", which was read. A Motion was made by Tr~~.stea Seibext to adopt the Ordi.r!ance as read. It was seconded by Trustee Hoyt a:~d a,~I;roved ,rnr±.:~imously by the Board, 4-~0, 14, Consiclurati.on of prcposed Resolution No. 2, ''A RESOLUTION ADOPTING ~:IT 5':AL Cri Ti:? TO:JiT Opp V1ITa AND ESTABLISHING THE TOWN RECORDER AS THE CUSTODIAN OI<` T=~:s SLA:C," and the Tat•rn F~^corder ~rould he custodian. A discussion followed. "~.. I'c, M. I'~:~.ser:~.~•:i suggested that the Vail Logo be incorporated in the seal. The .. .. ~ r-!G-:tcd u.r^an.imously by the Board. Mr. Hauserman and Mr. ICnox will ar:-."~:i i:7_~i.li..~ ~.,,~ _..__ - SI1CZ h3VC '•~~~TP. ~P_A~ T11"Qf1AYPC~ 1T1 h}SP. nP,,,]~~ 'FQU7 [~RVR ~ . . Pa e 3 - Town of Vail - November 12 1966 g 15. Ntayor Kindel suggested that we invite the Public Utilities to make application to the Town of Vail for franchises. After some discussion from the floor, 'Trustee Willett made a Motion that we accept applications for utility franchises. It was seconded by Trustee iloyt. Trustee Seibert abstained from voting. The Board approved the Nlation, 3-0 . 16. A Motion was made by Trustee Hoyt that the public hearing on the budget far The Town of Vail be held at 3:00 p,m. on Sunday, November 20, 1966, at the bodge at Vail Cafeteria. It was seconded by T~:ustee Seibert and approved unanimously by the Board, 4-0. 17. Citizen participation - suggestions for types of nuisances that should be controlled by Ordinance. Some suggestions from the floor were: Control of dogs Fublic intoxication Discharge of firearms within the corporate limits Skidoos, motorcycles, etc. Adequate toilet facilities for the public Adequate public telephones {with a suggestion that the VAIN TRAIL PUBLISH locations of all public telephones). That the music from the PA system be curtailed at a reasonable hour at night. hitter in the streets rir. Hauserman asked if the Board had considered collection of xubbish and trash by the Town, and was advised that this problem had not yet been considered, and that there should be a public hearing on thi:;. Mr. Hauserman mentioned khat now that the ticket office has been removed from fridge street, could something be done to restore and grade the old site an Bridge Street. Mr. Lewis said this would be done shortly. It was also mentioned that the Town should find a way of communicating with the "young people", and as time goes on, they will be getting stranger in numbers. He feels we should find a way to work with them. Mr. Seibert stated that Vail Associates, Inc., has taken a definite stand on beards, and will not hixe anyone with a beard, He feels that all Employers and business men in Vail should follow the same procedure. Mr. Lewis suggested that at future hearings, extra copies of Ordinances should be available and passed around to the public, as it is much easier to fallow proceedings by reading along. Mr. Lynch said this would be done. A discussion followed regarding a possible location for a municipal bulletin- boaxd, and Mr. Hauserman has volunteered to look into this and report to the Board of Trustees. Trustee Willett made a report of his attempts to line up a Town Attorney, and thus far, he has had no success. Tweedy's Pirm has disqualified itself and any of its members because of possible conflict of interests since they do represent Vail Associates, Inc.. He has made several other contacts, but has nothing concrete to report at this date. He will continue his efforts. With no further business to come before the Board Trustee Seibert made a Motion to ad,~aurn. It was seconded by Trustee Hoyt and approved unanimously by the Board at 3:45 p.m. • ~• ~ 9 • MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 12, 196b, THE TOWN OF VAIL VAIL, COLORADO Mr. C. E. Kindel was given the oath of Office by Charles E. Lewis, Chair- man of the Commissioners' Election. Mayor Kindel administered the oath of Office to Mr. John Dobson, Mitchell Hoyt, Peter Seibert and Harry Willett. The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Kindel at 1.:30 p. m. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Members present: Mayor Kindel Trustee Dobson Trustee Hoyt Trustee Seibert Trustee Willett Trustee Burdick and Langxnaid 'were absent. MINUTES OF THE MEETING 1. Election of a Mayor Pro Tem - It 'was decided by the Board of Trustees that the Trustee receiving the greatest number of votes in the election should serve as Mayor Pro Tem, 'which would mean that Seibert 'would be named. Trustee Seibert declined. Therefor, Trustee Hoyt, vrho was next ixa line, •was designated. Trustee Willett made the Motion that Trustee Hoyt be z~arned for the Office of Mayor Pro Tem to serve in the absence of Mayor Kindel. It 'was seconded by Trustee Seibert and approved unanimously by the Board, 4-0 . 2. Appointment of an interim Tawn Recorder -Mayor Kindel asked for a Motion to appoint Blake Lynch as interim Town Recorder. The Motion was made by Trustee Dobson.. It •was seconded by Trustee Willett and approved unanimously by the Board, ~ - 0. 3. Discussion of Procedures for Conducting Meetings - It 'was decided that the ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER, a procedure fox conducting Meetings, be adopted. A Motion was made by Trustee Seibert. It was seconded by Trustee Hoyt and approved unanimously by the Board, 4 - 0. 4. Consideration of Resolution No. 1, "A RESOLUTION ESTAB~ LISHING THE DAYS AND TIME FOR REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF VAIL, AND SETTING FORTH PROCEDURES FOR PROPERLY NOTIFYING THE PUBLiC REGARDING THE PLACE WHERE SUCH REGULAR MEETINGS SHALL BE HELD", After discussion, a Motion was made by Trustee Willett that regular meeting dates for the Board of Trustees would take place on the second (2nd} and fourth (4th} Monday of each month at 7:30 p. m.. It was seconded by Trustee Seibert and approved unanimously by the Board, ~ - 0. 5. Consideration of proposed Ordinance ;~1, "AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE POSITION OF TOWN RECORDER OF THE TOWN OF VAIL AND SETTING FORTH THE FUNCTIONS, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF SAID TOWN RECORDER." which was read. A short discussion period fa11o•wed. From the floor, Mr. R. M. Hauserman asked the question if any appointments to the positions being discussed were to be made. Mayor Kindel explained that the positions 'were merely being created at this time, with appointments to be made at a latex date. He further explained that all. ordinances would not take effect until thirty (30) days after publication, with the exception of emergency measures which would take effect five (5) days after publication. Trustee Seibert made the Motion that the Ordinance be adopted as read. It was seconded by Trustee Willett and approved unanimously by the board, 4 - 0. ~ ~ Page 2 -Minutes of the Meeting - The Board of Trustees -November 12, 19b6 6. Consideration of proposed Ordinance #2, "AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE POSITION OF TOWN TREASURER OF THE TOWN OF VAIL AND SETTING FORTH THE FUNCTIONS, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF SAID TOWN TREASURER", v~hich was read. A Motion was made by Trustee Dobson to adapt the Ordinance as read. It was seconded by Trustee Seibert and approved unanimously by the Board, ~ - 0. 7. Consideration of proposed Ordinance #3, "AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE POSITION OF TOWN ATTORNEY FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL AND SETTING FORTH THE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES, AND QUALIFI- CATIONS OF SAID POSITION, " which was read. A Motion. v~ras made by Trustee Hoyt that the Ordinance be adopted as read. It tivas seconded by Trustee Seibert and approved unanimously by the Board, 4 - 0. $. Consideration of proposed Ordinance #~, "AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE OFFICE AND POSITION OF POLICE MAGISTRATE FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL AND SETTING FORTH THE JURISDICTION, DUTIES, RES- PONSIBILITIES AND QUALIFICATIONS OF SAID POSITION", which v,~as read. A Motion vaas made by Trustee Hoyt that the Ordinance be adopted as read. It was seconded by Trustee Willett and approved unanimously by the Board. 4 -0. 9. Consideration of proposed Ordinance #5, "AN ORDI.NAN:CE CREATING THE POSITION OF TOWN COORDINATOR FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL AND SETTING FORTH THE DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES AND QUALI- FICATIONS OF SAID POSITION", which was read. A Motion was made by Trustee Seibert that the Ordinance be adapted as read. It 'vaas sego nded by Trustee Willett and approved unanimously by the Board, ~ - 0. 10. Consideration of proposed Ordinance, "AN ORDINANCE CREATING THE POSITION OF TOWN MARSHAL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL AND SETTING FORTH THE QUALIFICATIONS, FUNCTIONS, DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF SAID TOWN MARS:HAL't, Which vvas read. After discussiar~it -was decided that the ordinance be tabled for changes. A Motion was made by Trustee Willett that the Ordinance not be considered for approval at this time, pending further investigation of Clause bF. It was seconded by Trustee Seibert and approved unanimously by the Board, 4 - 0. 11. Consideration of proposed Ordinance #6, "AN ORDINANCE CREATING A TOWN PLANNING COMMISSION FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL, AND SETTING FORTH THE NUMBER OF MEMBERS OF SAID COMMISSION THE QUALIFICATIONS FOR APPOINTMENT, THE PROCEDURES FOR THE SELECTION OF SUCH MEMBERS, AND SETTING FORTH THE POWERS, RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES OF SAID COMMISSION," which vas read. It was seconded by Trustee Dobson and approved unanimously by the Board, ~-0. 12. Consideration of proposed Ordinance, "AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE SERVING AND SALE OF ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS AND FERMENTED MALT BEVERAGES AND THE LICENSING AND REGULATION THER- EOF, ESTABLISHING THE STANDARDS, RULES, FEES AND PROCEDURES FOR LICENSING THE SERVICING AND SALE OF ALCOHOLIC LIQUORS AND FERMENTED MALT BEVERAGES WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL, AND PRO- VIDING PENALTIES WITH RESPECT THEREOF", which tivas read. A discussion followed. Froze the floor, Mr. .john Amato raised the question. regarding expiration dates of licenses. He stated that presently licenses for sale of fermented malt beverages runs for ttivelve (12} months frozx~ date of issuance, rather than the calendar year, as do other licenses. He felt that the licensing by Vail should conform to the state laws. The question arose as to renevaal of present licenses in effect. It was agreed that most licenses for 1967 have already been issued, and that this Ordinance would not be effective until next year. Trustee Willett suggested that it might be advisable to make this an emergency zxzeasure which could then be adopted five (5} days after publication. Trustee Willett made the Motion that consideration of this Ordinance be post- ~ • Page 3 -Minutes of the Meeting -The Board of Trustees -November 12, 19b6 • poned until the next meetin and take into consideration Mr. Ama ' $ to s suggestion that we conform with the state law coxa.cerning expiration date of licenses for the sale of fermented malt beverages. It was seconded by Trustee Dobson and approved unanimously by the Board, 4-0. 13. Consideration of proposed ordinance #7, "AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE FISCAL YEAR FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL", which was read, A Motion was made by Trustee Seibert to adopt the Ordinance as read. It was seconded by Trustee Hoyt and approved unanimously by the Board, 4- 0. 14. Consideration of proposed Resolution No. 2, "A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE SEAL OF THE TOWN OF VAIL AND ESTABLISHING THE TOWN RECORDER AS THE CUSTODIAN OF THE SEAL" and the Town Recorder would be custodian. Adisnussion followed. Mr. R. M, Hauserman suggested that the Vail Logo be incorporated in the seal. The suggestion was adopted unanimously by the Board. Mr. Hauserman and Mr. Knox will investigate the matter and have the seal prepared in the next few days. 15. Mayor Kindel suggested that we invite the Public Utilities to make application to the Town of Vail for franchises, After some discussion from the floor, Trustee Willett made a Motion that we accept applications for utility franchises. It was seconded by Trustee Hoyt. Trustee Seibert abstained from voting. The Board approved the Motion, 3-0. 16. A Motion was made by Trustee Hoyt that the public hearing on the budget for the Town, of Vail be held at 3:00 p. xn. on Sunday, November 20, 19b6, at the Lodge at Vail Cafeteria. It was seconded by Trustee Seibert and approved unanimously by the Baird, 4-0, 17. Citizen participation - suggestions for types of nuisances that should be controlled by Ordinance. Some suggestions from. the floor were: Control of dogs Public intoxication Discharge of firearms within the corporate limits Skidoos, motorcycles, etc. Adequate toilet facilities for the public Adequate public telephones (with a suggestion that the VAIL TRAIL PUBLISH locations of all public telephones). That the music from the PA system be curtailed at a reasonable hour at night. Litter in the streets Mr. Hauserrn.an asked if the Soaxd had considered collection of rubbish and trash by the Town, and was advised that this problem had not yet been consid- ered, and that there should be a public hearing on this. Mr. Hauserman mentioned that now that the ticket office has been ren~aved from Bridge Street, could something be done to restore an,d grade the old site on Bridge Street. Mr. Lewis said this would be done shortly. It was also mentioned that the Town should find a •way of communicating with the "young people", and as time goes on, theywill be getting stronger in numbers. He feels we should find a way to •work with them. Mr. Seibert stated that Vail Associates, Inc. , has taken a definite stand on beards, and will not hire anyone with a beard. He feels that all Employers and business men in Vail should follow the same procedure. Mr. Lewis suggested that at future hearings, extra copies of Ordinances should. be available and passed around to the public, as it is much easier to follow pro- ceedings by reading along. Mr. Lynch said this ~wauld be done. • • Page 4 -Minutes of the Meeta.ng - The Board of Trustees -November 12, 196b A discussion followed regarding a possible location for a munica.pal bulleting board, and Mr. Hauserman has volunteered to look into this and report to the Board of Trustees. Trustee Willett made a report of his attempts to lane up a Town Attorney, and thus far, he has had no success. T~weedy's Firm has disqualified itself and any of its members because of possible conflict of intexests since they do represent Vail Associates, Inc.. He has made several other contacts, but has nothing concrete to report at this date. He 'will continue his efforts. Wath no further business to come before the Board Trustee Seibert made a Motion to adjourn. It 'was seconded by Trustee Hoyt and approved unanimously by the Board at 3:45 p. xn. • • MTNU'TES OF THE MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 21, 19$6, TOWN OF VAIL VAIL, COLORADO The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Ted Kindel at 7:30 p,m. The Oath of Office was administered to Trustees Burdick and Langmaid by Mayor Kindel. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Members present: Mayor Kindel Trustee Burdick Trustee Dobson Trustee Iloyt Trustee Langmaid Trustee Willett Trustee Seibert was absent. MTN~JTES 0~ THE MEETING 1. Consideration of Ordinance ~~8 creating the position of Town Marshall of the Town of Vail and setting forth the qualifications, functions, duties and responsibilities oft said Town Marshall. 'Town Recorder~Lynch pointed out that the wording under section 6{e) had been changed in compliance with a request by the Trustees at the last meeting to change "sale" to "sale in connection with legal proceedings." Trustee 1]obson moved Ordinance ~'~$ be adopted. Trustee &urdick seconded the Motion and it was adopted unanimously, 5-0. ~. Consideration of Ordinance ~~9 relating; to the serving and sale of alcoholic liquors and fermented malt beverages and the licensing and regulation thereof within the Town of Vail, creating local licensing authority setting forth the membership, powers, functions, duties and responsibilities thereof, establishing the standards, rules, fees and procedures for licensing, the servicing and sale of alcoholic liquors and fermented malt beverages within the Town of Vail and providing penalties with respect thereof. Town Recorder Lynch pointed out that changes had been made in Section 7 regarding the term of the license for fermented malt beverages at the direction of the Board of Trustees. Trustee Willett moved that Ordinance ~~9 be adopted. Trustee $urdick seconded the Motion and it passed unanimously, 5-0. 3. Consideration of an Ordinance concerning revenue and imposing a tax upon the occupations and places of business operating ski lifts nr ski tows wholly or partially within the Town of Voile The proposed ordinance was read by the Town Recorder and discussion frollowed. Niayor Kindel pointed out that Trustee Seibert objected to the use of the word "occupation" in all these tax Ordinances since they were not really a tax on occupations and the term might be misleading to the general public. Charles Lewis questioned the u.se of the phrase "wholly or partially" in this Ordinance should merely read ''within the Town of Vai11f. The Board decided Co table this Ordinance for further discussion. 4. An Ordinance concerning revenue and imposing a tax upon the occupations and places of business providing overnight and short-term lodging and rentals, including all lodges, hotels, motels, room~,ng houses and short term rental agencies within the Town of Vail. The proposed Ordinance was read by the T Charles Lewis raised an objection to the that the taxpayers should be allowed the ar accrual basis. The Board o£ Trustees suggested that all the taxing Ordinances own Recorder and discussion followed. phrase "actually received" and felt option of reporting on either a cash concurred with Mr, Lewis' request and include provisions to this effect. In page 2, To-an of Vail ~ November 2l, 196b addition Air. Lewis felt that all the taxing ordinances should use similar phzasealagy in the gross receipts definitions as much as possible; for example, the Lodging Or:lina~zce says fees, changes and payments, while the slci lift Ordir_an^e says "paS-~nrnts or revenues", and the others all say something else. The hoard of Trustees agreed that the gross receipts definitions in all the ordinances should have F:;ora continuity and uniformity. The Ordinance was tabled for further sttf3y ar..d discussion, 5.. Co-:~.sideratio:~ of =:z Ordinance concerning revenue and im posing a tax upott re:;taurants and l;ars within the Town. of Vail.. The proposed Ordinance was read by th^_ Tow.z ktecorder. In conjunction witt- previous comments on the tax „rdinances, this Ordin4rxce was tabled for further study and discussion. G. Co: ^ic'.~,r::-t~.on of an ordinance concerning revenue and imposing a tax upo;z the occupations and places of business renting or selling tangible p4rso:zal prc.^^.arty at retail. within the Town of Vail, In conjunction with pre~,~.ot'.s ca~~.~,::ents ~ ; tl,_e tax ordinances, this Ordinance was tabled for' further study and di_sct+ssion, 7, An Ordir!.ance concerning revenue and imposing a tax upon the accupat~.a~~..s and places of business operating retail liquor stores within the ".-'o,~:z of Vail, y:z co.zi+znction with previous comments on the tax ordinances, thiw Or iW^^~:,r'~ w_,n tab?wd fox• further study and discussion. ~. A prc~:^sed nuisance ordinance was informally discussed and su?zject to t~ze headings were ready by the Mayor. 'she Me^r..rg ~.djc~+~.1nd at 10:00 p.m. t • ~ ~ t MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 23., 19b6, TOWN OF VAIL VAIL, COLORADO The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Ted Kindel at 7:30 p,m. The Oath of Office was administered to Trustees Burdick and Langmaid by Mayor Kindel. ROLL CALL: Roll Call found the following Members present: Mayor Kindel Trustee Burdick Trustee Dobson Trustee Hoyt Trustee Langmaid Trustee Willett Trustee Seibert was absent. MINUTES OF THE MEETING 1. Consideration of Ordinance ~~$ creating the position of Town Marshall of the Town of Vail and setting forth the qualifications, functions, duties and responsibilities of said Town Marshall. Towri Recorder Lynch painted out that the wording under section 6(e) had been changed in compliance with a request by the Trustees at the last meeting to change "sale" to "sale in connection with legal proceedings." Trustee Dobson moved Ordinance ~~S be adopted. Trusted Burdick seconded the Motion and it was adopted unanimously, 5-0. L. Consideration of Ordinance ~~9 relating to the serving and sale of alcoholic liquors and fermented malt beverages and the licensing and regulation thereof within the Town of Vail, creating local licensing authority setting forth the membership, powers, functions, duties and responsibilities thereof, establishing the standards, rules, fees and procedures for licensing, the servicing and sale of alcoholic liquors and fermented malt beverages within the Town of Vail and providing penalties with respect thereof. Town Recorder Lynch painted out that changes had been made in Section 7 regarding the term of the license far fermented malt beverages at the direction of the Board of Trustees. Trustee Willett shoved that Ordinance ~~9 be adopted. Trustee $urdick seconded the Motion and it passed unanimously, 5-O. 3. Consideration of an Ordinance concerning revenue and imposing a tax upon the occupations and places of business operating ski lifts or ski tows wholly or partially within the Town of Vail. The proposed ordinance was read by the Town Recorder and discussion followed. rlayor Kindel pointed out that Trustee Seibert objected to the use of the word "occupation" in all these tax Ordinances since they were not really a tax on occupations and the term might be misleading to the general public. Charles Lewis questioned the use of the phrase "wholly or partially" in this Ordinance should merely read "within the Town of Vail". The Board decided to table this Ordinance for further discussion. 4. An Ordinance concerning revenue and imposing a tax upon the oece~pations and places of business providing overnight and short-term lodging and rentals, including all lodges, hotels, motels, rooasi.ng houses and short term rental agencies within the Town of Vail. The proposed Ordinance was read by the Town Retarder and discussion followed. Charles Lewis raised an objection to the phrase "actually received" and felt that the taxpayers should be allowed the option of reporting on either a cash o•r accrual basis. The Board of Trustees concurred with Mr. Lewis' request and suggested that all the taxing Ordinances include provisions to this effect. in '.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . Page 2, Town of Vail. - iVovember 21, 1966 addition Per. Lewis felt that a1.1 the taxing ordinances should use similar phraseology in the grass receipts definitions as much as possible; for example, the Lodging Ordinance says fees, changes and payments, while the s~Ci lift Ordit.an.e s~.ys "Pa;•monts or revenues", and the others all say something else, The Board of Trustees agreed that the gross receipts definitions in all the, ordinances should have z°iore continuity and uniformity. The Ordinance was tabled for further stt?:Zy ar_d discussion. Sr Co:°~ideration of u. Ordinance concerning revenue and im posing a tax upon restaurants and tars within the Town of Vailo The proposed Ordinance t:*as r.-gad by thr To;~~t Recorder. Tn conjunction with previous comments ott the tax ~•rdinances, this pzdinance was tabled for further study and discussion. G. Oo;^,_doration of an ordinance concerning revenue and imposing a tax upc.t the occt:;~~i.ions and places of business renting or selling tangible personal prc,^rty at retail withitt the Town of Vail. In conjunction with prc~; ionc~ co:•~~:~^nts c^ t':Ze tax ordinances, this Ordinance was tabled for further stu_ty and Ci"!.aCU.SSio:l~ 7, Ar. Ordinance concerning revenue and imposing a tax upon the occupatie~.s and places of business operating retail liquor stores within the '"s?•::z of Vail. ~:t cotlj~;ncti.o-i with previous cc:nments on the tax ordinances, this Or ......:_.c~ w^ : i:ablod f'or Further study and discussion. ~. A prc,~csed nuisance ordinance was informally discussed and stthjcct to the headings wert~ ready by the Mayor. The IZe^t:i.ng s.djt~s:~ect at 10:00 p.m. • MINUTES 0~' THE MEETING HELI? DECEMBER 12, 1966, TOWN OF VAIL VAIL, COLO12AD0 The Meeting was called of order by the Mayor, Ted Kindel, at 7x30 p.m. ROX,I, CALL; Roll Call found the following members present: Mayor Kindel Trustee Willett Trustee Dobson Trustee Hoyt Trustee Seibert Trustee Burdick Trustee Langmaid MINUTES OF THE MEETING 1. The announcement by Mayor Kindel was made that the Offices of the Town of Vail would be locate~t in the Mill Creek Building. Ava Jane Sudbeck was introduced as the Secretary for the Tawn of Vail. Mr. Peter Cosgriff was introduced as the Attorney far the Town of Vail. 2, Municipal Parking Lot - The parking lot across from the Casino s'~i1 and ad~aceat to Pepi Gramshammers' Tyrolean Tnn will be leased from Vail Assu~~.w:.ps, Incorporated, from the cou~mencement of the lease to May lst, 1967, to be used for town parking. After cost of operation of the parking lot, equip went, materials, construction labor, etc., has been covered, the first $2,4()(}.04 of the neC profiC will be divided (50-54) between the municipality anc~ Vail Assoc- iates, Incorporated, This would produce $1,200.00 far Vail Associates, Incorpor- ated, which is roughly the prorated amount of taxes for the period of time the lot will be leased. After the $2,400 net level is reached ~S7e will go to Vail Associates and 75°1, to the Tawn of Vail. It is the intent of the Board that the lot will be used in two different ways - 1, temporary parking (shopping, etc.} and 2. parking far shop people on Bridge Street and Lodges, such as, The Plaza and Gasthof Gramshamrner. Thera are ninety (90) spaces available. John Dobson made the Motion to sign the lease with Vail Associates, incorporated. It was seconded by Peter Seibert, The Trustees unanimously approved the action. 3. Liquor Licenses - The normal procedure will be for all applica- tions to be submitted to the Liquor Licensing Board of the Town of Vail. How- ever, due to the change over there has been considerable delay as the licenses were submitted to the County of Eagle, subsequently sent on to the State of Colorado and then returned to Vail for approval. The following were submitted for approval: Renewals: 1. A & D Enterprises, Inc. 8, La Cave, Incorgorated 2, Black Bear Corporation 9. Lord Gore Club 3. Casino Vail, Inc, I0. Red Lian Ian, Incorgorated 4, Clock Tower Inn ll. Slope, Incorporated 5. Gallery 1~, Vail Associates, Incorgorated b. Ga~thof G~amshammer. Inc. 13. Wedel Inn 7. Gitana, Limited A Matian was made by Trustee Hoyt that all licens es be approved, and it was seconded by Trustee Willett. They were approved unanimously, 4, It was discussed among the Trustees regarding the need for designated bus stops in the interest of public safety and traffic control, it was decided that some sort of clause restricting busses Pram stopping at other than designated locations either be inserted as an Amendment to Ordinance ~k17 which deals with certain acts, things, conditions and uses as offenses against the Town of Vail, or incorporated.as part a£ any traffic control ordinance that might be attempted in the near future, page 2 ~» Town of Vail ~ December 12, 19d6 5. Mr. Kindel reported that in accordance with the provisions of the grdinance creating the Planning Board, Ordinance ~~6, he was appointing three Vail Citizens to serve on the Board. They are Dave Gorsuch, Fred Froehlich and Bab Parker. By Ordinance the Mayor is an ex officio Member and the Trustee elected John Dobson as their representative to fill out the five man Board. 6. R~.chard Baily was appointed Police Magistrate and consented to take the job. He will be available to hear cases once a week at a regularly appointed time and a regularly selected location. 7. Mr. Kindel read a letter that the Trustees had received from their special Counsel, Leonard Campbell, discussing the possibilities far flat rate occupation taxes, additional percentage occupational taxes and licensing measures. A great deal of discussion followed. Same of the paints raised from the floor included an observation by Mr. Jack Munroe that licensing provisions were not really a revenue measure and were complicated from the point of view of establishing proper standards and the administration of these licenses by the Town. Mr. Cosgriff, the Team Attorney, stressed the need far simplicity in dealing with these occupat~.on taxes and felt that the Town should not tax servica4on a Y~rcentage o£ gross receipts. He felt that a flat fee would be more fea~~.ble for these 1t8iAS, The desirability of taxing the Ski School was discussed and Robert parker, M:!rketing ~ Vail Associates, po~.nted out that Vail was dependent upon the Ski School and the promotional value would indicate that the Ski School should riot be taxed. "~s addition, Mr. Charles Lewis expressed reservations concerning taxes of any s~v.f.stantial amount upon the Ski School. Tile matter was tabled for further discussion and Mayor Kindel appointed Trustee Dobson, Trustee Willett and Blake Lynch to serve as a Committee on this matter and prepare a proposal for the Board to consider at some future time. With no further business to come before the Board Mr. 3;.~> Dobson made a Motion that the Meeting be adjourned at 10.15 p.m, It was seconded by Mr. L. Bu~cdick. • • ..-. • MINUTES Of' THE 1+~fEET ING H,?.LD DECEMBER l2, 198b, TOWN OF VAiL VAIL, COLORAAO The Meeting was called of order by the Mayor, Ted Kindel, at 7.30 p.m. ROLL CALL: Ro11 Ca:l1 found the following, members present: Mayor Kindel T~±Tstee Willett T ^.~u roe aoSson Trus lee Ho;~t Trustee Sci'~Qrt Trus tae a~~,tdick Trustee Langrnaid MINUT S OF THE M ETII?G ].. The annountccEtent by 7~sj~oi ?~indel was made that the Cf£fices of the Town a£ Vail would be lacar.~d i.n the Mill Creak E=.zil.d,?.~ Ava Jane Sudbeck was inF~rc~i~.ccd as the Secretary for the Town o£ Vail, Mr. 1:'ater Cclsgr3.£f was iz.L-ro :aced as tine Attorney for the Town of Vail. Z. Mu i.cipal Parking Lot - The pa~~.~.~.~tg lot across from the Casino { l and adjacent to Pe.pi Gra+nsha:~~mers' Tyrolean rnn will be leased from Vail Assu_....~~5, ;nc:,rporated, from the commencement of the lease to May 1st, 19b7, to be used for town ~sr:ci.~tg. After cost of operation of the parking lot, equip- ment, materialu, co.~a::~.~z.±cl:ic;n la'~or, et:c., has been covered, the f~.rst $~,44D.OU of the net profit will be d~,vided (50-50} between the municipality and Vail Aasac* isles, Incorporated. Th.s would produce $1,2Q0.00 far Vail Associates, IncorporW sled, which is rough?.y the prorated amount of taxes for the period of time the lot w:.?1 be leased. After the $2,40Q net level is reached - zS°!, will go to Vail Associs~tes and 75/o t::~ t?ie '^~;,~~~n o£ Vail, It is Che intent of the Board that the lot will be used in two dif~£erent ways - 1. temporary parking (shopping, etc.) and 2. parki.rg for shop people on Bridge Street and Lodges, such as, The }plaza and Gasthaf Gr~..,;~3_a:~i:.aer. Tl:re are nint~ty (90) spaces available. ,Torn Dobson mst::e the t?~:ti~~u. to sign the lease with Vail Associates, Incorporated, xt was secondc3 by 1':Csr Se;.':.err. The Trustees unanimously approved the aCCian• 3. Lic~L;cr L:.ce~~ses - The normal procedure will be for all applica- -'' Lions to be submitted to the Liquor Licensing. Board o£ the Town. of Vail, How- ever, due to the cl:^nge aver there has been considerable delay as the licenses were submitted to the Gounty of Eagle, subsequently sent on to the State of Colorado and then ret~~r;:ed to Vail far approval. The following werW su'?*~irted far approval: Rr^rsewals : 1, A & ~? Ez;.:.erprises, Inc. 8. La Cave, Incorporated 2. ~.aClc Bear Corporation 9.> Lard Gore Club 3. Casizlo Vail, Inc. lfl. Red Lion Inn, Incorporated 4. Clock Tower Inn ll. Slope, Incorporated 5. Gallery 12. Vail Associates, Incorporated 6. G^~ L~I~n~ r~dm~?:a:zu~pr 3fnc. 13. Wedel Inn 7. Gitana, Limited A Motion was made by Trustee Hoyt that all licens es be approved, and it was seco~zded by Truste e Willett. They were approved urax~i.znausly. 4. It was discussed among the Trustees regarding the need for designated bus stops in the interest of public safety and traffic control, it was decided that same sort a£ clause restricting busses from stopping at other than designated locations either be inserted as an Amendment to Ordinance ~,~17 which deals with cer:.ain acts, things, conditions and uses as offenses against the Town of V~i1, or incorporated as part of any traffic control ordinance that might be atte+_-:~11!:cd in thn near future. - - , .~ • • Page 2 - Town of Vail - Decembex l2, 1966 5. Mr. Kindel reported that in accordance with the provisions o£ the Ordinance creating the Planning Board, Ordinance ~~6, he was appointing three Vail Citizens to serve an the Board. They are Dave Garsuclt, fired lroehlich and Bab Parker, By Ordinance the Mayor is an ex officio Member anti the Trrustee elected Sohn Dobson as their representative to fill out the £ive malt Board: 6. Richard Bally was appointed Police Magistrate and consented to rake the jab. lie will be available to hear cases ante a week at a regular~,y appointed time and a regularly selected location, 7. Mr. Kindel read a letter that the Trustees had received f~otn their special Counsel, Leonard Campbell, diacuss~,ng the possibilities for fiat rate occupation taxes, additional. percentage occupational taxes and licensing measures. A great deal of discussion followed. Some of the paints raised £xam the floor included an observation by Mr. Jack Munroe that licensing provisions were not really a revenue measure and were complicated from the point of view of establishing proper standards and the administration of these licenses by the Town. Mr. Cosgriff, the Town Attorney, stressed the need -for simplicity ire dealing with these occupation taxes and felt that the Town siloul.d not tax serv~ce~san ~ ~aercentage of gross raceipts. lie felt that a flat fee would be mare fea~ihl~ : for these items. The desirability of taxing the Ski School was discussed and Robert Parker, Marketing - Vail Associates, pointed out that Vail was dependent upon the Ski School and the prr~mational value would indicate that the Ski School should not be taxed. In addition, Mr, Charles Lew~,s expressed reservations concerning taxes of arty substantial. amount upon the Ski School. The matter was tabled for further discussion and Mayor K~,ndel appointed Trustee Dobson, Trustee Willett and Blake Lynch to serve as a Committee an this matter and prepare a proposal for the Board to consider at some future time. With na further business Co come before the Board Mr. J.•~~ Dobson made a Motion that the Meeting be adjourned at 10:1.5 p.m, It was seconded by Mr. L. Burdick, l~ u • MTNl7TES OF THE MEETING HELD DECEMBER 20, 1966, TOWN OF VAIL VAIL, COLORADO The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Ted Kindel at 7:30 p.m. ROLL GALL: RoII Gall €ound the following Members present: Mayor Kindel Trustee Willett Trustee Burdick Trustee Seibert Trustee Hoyt Trustee Dobson Trustee Langmaid NIINUTES OF THE MEETING 1, Parking Lot Discussion The Board discussed the proposal for pay parking in the ].ot west of Gasthof Gxamshammer leased to the Tawn by Vail Associates, Incorporated. It was estimated that there were eighty parking spaces available. It was decided that €orty spaces will be made available on a season rental basis to Bridge Street businessmen and the remaining spaces will be used for short-term shopper parking. The season rate was set at $'LS.00 per space per season and the short- ~term space at 2SG per hour. 2, Liquor License Renewals The Board approved liquor license renewals for the Vail Village Inn, the Wedel Inn, the Slope, the Black Bear, and Gitana, Ltd. 3. Appointments The Board appointed Blake Lynch as Town Treasurer. The €ollowing probationary appointments were made to the Vail Police Department and temporary salaries were set: Glare Elliot - Tawn Marshal - $550.00 per month Wayne Schuyler - Police Lieutenant - $500.00 per month Wayne Trimm - Police Officer - $475.00 par month Gary Knuth - Police Officer - $475.00 per month 4. Utility Occupation Tax The Board decided to consider an ordinance at the next meeting which would set forth an occupation tax of 2% of locally earned gross receipts on the electric, gas and telephone utility companies operating in Vail, S. Discussion of Flat-hate Occupation Taxes The Board discussed the philosophy o€ taxing other businesses in town on a £lat-rate basis not already paying a business and occupation tax. John Dobson, Harry Willett and Blake Lynch were designated to serve as a eo~rsnittee in this regard and submit a proposal to the Board on this matter at the next meeting. With na further business to come before the Board a Motion to adjourn was made by Trustee Dobson and seconded by Trustee Willett. The Meeting adjourned at $:.30 p,m,