HomeMy WebLinkAboutRow House #5Aoz E =tIIJo- c.{ FT -$14 rn(aN anululLL ts =E UJ(L llo-h€9 \?i)-Ish, *# FI c\t z b \2 z v, z o\c'\!! .{?.o€ z z 14a -.r ts<AdDnzILM 0>lzAAZ =<= F o linluJIFxlztrlo *El=al -)zl ) =t,!ol.6<1,"zlzzl7 '=oo;<o sbE;8 =.e s? 3:itge:F=3:3 € 9E€*" =IFiF: i; re <\\o Ln c') e,.l rn-+rn \t frl =trll,o-(Jzo lao Y ltl Ioz o E.Fo u, oz = c J 2 UJ UJuJ z tr UJ CE(J uJd o c) =LU;IJJEz 6UJ E uJo =z lll x Fujo aL! UJlJ- tr =E. UJo- J F E-€'= .s o 'c 3ol-qo) ro E- otc Ep o9E\9(gn! ifgE Eoo o.9 H9 .:- ;i(5 -O)=€ o1,Lc Oo dtr -a lil It! uJfiGvrl t! <FZ r.t \YZ,-a < zoJ f(D J E L!J z =Jo- .J Iz uJ Fr NO[Vn"lVA F()P Htt) zH FJrn HX f.{ Fl E ; =zzb-9 00F^tDz!ii>r,=)==;-YaoEz>-(JPe frtL<v==UJ:?;o- '.-,/ ii::H Z dl\lo =>E -I z tr :) {ctr o-l o UJ F (nc{ oa o- & z Eo REzotr E TJJFJ 3 z -zlz9aFIU<(,)o< >Ex r.rX.i<z Fz ,.lf,9=-Fdo! LirOI zlxl .. >louloujulz U'a ulo- z Eoo Llll UJz o I z F Jl CNz llJo z cc z F -r C f tl.l .c; (I) (a c ,- ar! o OSt: * -:I =;ori u >.=d. o(g=;o ..:6F;i PoE oo X n-d6s5' n $ H$g* fi-oo'vi El I cr)o \-JOO ,l /- 'l I -.'1 |/l IH'oFlUI z utz ltIF U) z F utY luo oFF =(E lrJ(L t! .L IIJF z Ol F\r{ Hffl4Y I|i lr,F o \l zH rn Y (J =|-=< rdcoo F4>zL i9 "-r** o J."i6 =E=- ||tvdd= =Eulo- ll-o UJoz loo FE tr Jt-uJ-h=:(rIuJ>(LO|!9o5tux>fiFJJtr LIJ F trq, ECIo{t {) E E EI ao I CET !,l>trl.- i:,-F =*=€ E =E lrJo-zo Fo E,Fazo C) tsrlitt l o,t I I<ilNI{l -lzt --:6t gHl |lAl r+<lEI t<flH d(Jolnj EO rlNHH v, E EJ lu =z tl ao =E u) & & XNHH& F.l ui z (D Fr z (a Bo 4 IL llztlol IHIFq Itsl | |()lor IDl6r IPdl-' IHt Iru:llztlRl cil"l zl sl sltrrl c(lf&l ,l;-r | =l=t <lil:l-l 6llzl>l 3lEt olu-l Fl tal\o I $ c!N I q- FiH = M C.l TJJco E F c{ I -ir I -lTI\olr"r Ir{l I =.1 uJlEl JI <l>l t!lol zl3lolFI F- O.l IOl-ir tltl.l p., IiEt rlC)l \o Irdl '{ |tl- |zttOl -ilEI YI<t :l Et sltEl F_rt Jl <l slFrt ,. I l;la:lrll Fl I I I I Iol =.1 ullclJl al>l tr.lol 9l rol uJFI F LIJz. = =FOrlJ J >H =sf,F!z z. -C)uJ F LIJ =r(J E. tv <F uJ<z.Er.iJ Ftrz fti. =-Eo2LUJ gEE ltrIJtutlqt: ICElot\IGt9IFlo Fzoo o EutzBoG t4 ul6Z 'JIcr \r ] IJJ ETZ.\ =zo< (, tl- o, q,.Ft at', hl (\l H 3=i6.rPco ;z tF9 E.i 3so dEF.Jr -l He'o_?zl!31 E;€ F'= o ln ;( oggE;E F.s:?€=?Eg8: =5.8sE 5giEN :g:FN ;f:;t*e.;aee\ iEFFi- E6EgE: -ot 3d.! o.-: -E= o .a l: eg;:s E Fa;e' igii$ ^c.. td oF -.l 'e|.-. tO p =<,€c( q, cz-ALZ: (5 0- xt I z< (u\.'41 i:gft- |J-vc --.-_ c .3J 8;E. arE.l a (ot\ to3I\ rr.r -o o,r.tJ E'-zoo(JE x IluFoz 'I r.r tsE=<aEUJs.t c Eb Esu *==fi EH 9'FE.:- gcdE =!g>F+, J F ==ltl'-E_ F = €5s F Eii H E;E i €q= rF*I ts =ElrJ4zoF() :)EF CNzo C) z c) LrJ = zo9zEoo =zffdP J (J()zG 3553lD lJt a "ss $ v) ,'l ,il .) {S .io .nl,tltl,t! F =4s J Fo r],{98..',3ur€ =.o.a(-<€J -2oo ea =29E9\.(o*sgFc'..ci zl .. >lLIuJoululz at,tr =GUJ4J zo F6o t, El2IF 6ot:oott I anF2f0 =j ulio Iurlflit<t?IG Il.t,tv,lutlz,tl(, IF I lru t>lF t..ll2 EItJlttll.A Ilzl I III a|llo 4rJ,lG dz I FIAzF o u,I gvlJ \41oel l$t9L--bJJ ll- \, $v,q $\ !'r IJJ =ztoo-} $l $li. $l '\$t H.iJ>g5 v \ 3 q ?g i NJ \tis ,\ss N t\ C. b it C\th l" INl\ > \ s \s N i$ F()u, =cr E dPGC)uJ<ztlr,F(J5 (J EoF() GFzo() gF =.3fF-d5 oF() z.o(.) UNU BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this penTlt requlres a Town of Vail [ire Department Approval,Engineel's (Public r,/orks) reyiew and approval,'a planninii'oepa"t "ntI:yj:I_gi-Hea't th Deparlmqn!. review, anit' a revf ew by the 6uiiirrnsuepartJxent' the estirnated tirib for a total review may take as l6ngas three weeks. l]] "gry:.Sial (large or smail) and ail mutti-family permits wiilnave tq follow the above mentioned maximum requireminis. Residential :19,:rul) projects-should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresrdentral or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned 9911"!T:nq,-wtlth regard. to necessary review, these proje.ii'ruyalso tal(e the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermit as seon as possible. I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe, 75 south tronlage rord wll, colorado 81657(303) 479-2L38 0i +tl-Ztazs Date Communi ty Development Department. otllce ol communlty devclopment a =L luwn n l|tl 75 soulh fronlage road uail, colorado 8'1657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce of communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I,IARCH 15, 1998 CoNSTRUCTION PARKING & MAIERTAL STORAGE rn summary'.ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soi1, rock, sand, debrisor naterial, including trash bunpster!, poriable i.oilets andworkrnen vehicles upon any streetl siaewait<, ;li;y or public.ql?:"_:r any portion rheieof. rhe risht-";-;;t-;n art rown ofvalr sE,reets and,Iga_ds is approxiurately 5 ft. off pavement.this ordinance wirl be striliry enrorcLo by the iown of vaitll?*i: works Departnent. persins found viiratinq this ordinancewrrr'_ Ee glven a 24 hour written notice to remove said material.rn the event the person so notified. does not conpiy wiirr th;--notice within the 24 hour tirae specified, in.-p"[iic worksDepartment wirl remove said mateliar at it. ."p""se or personItotifie-d: The provisions of this ordi.nance snifi-nor beapprrcable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right_a_way. To-review Ordinance No. 6 in ful},Vail Building Department to obtaincooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: please stop by the Town ofa copy. Thank you for your uace o Plan Review Based onthe 1988 Unifo:m Codes PROJECT NUMBER:61991 NAME:PRITZKER RESIDENCE ADDRESS:303 GORE CREEK DR DATE:6-19-91 CONTRACTOR:GEORGE SHAEFFER CONSTOCCUPANCY:R-I- ARCHITECT:SNOOWDON & HOPKINSTYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V-1HR ENGINEER: DRB APPROVAL REQUIRED:YES PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK coRRxcTroNs REQUTRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listingof all possible code requirements in tbe adopted codes. It is aguide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not tobe construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro-visions of, the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Eown of VaiI . 1. EXISTING FIREPLACES CHASES TO BE 1 HR CONST,2. ALL SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED TO BE ON THE SAME CIRCUIT.3. GUARDRATLS AND HANDRATLS TO MEET REQUTREMENTS OF CH. L'7& CH. 33 OF THE UBC.4. MECHANICAL VENTTLATION REQUIRED FOR BATHROOMS THAT HAVE NO NATURAL VENTTLATION.5, AREA SEPARATTON WALLS TO BE INSPECTED AT FRAMTNG AND FIRE RATING TO BE KEPT IN TACT.6. ANY STRUCTUAL QUESTIONS THAT ARISE ON SITE TO BE RESOLVED BY ENGINEER.7. NEED TO VNRIFY COMBUSTION ATR FOR MECHANICAL ROOM. I ll :I oz tr =EuJo- tal n g1uj LUu- tUJ(l- TbueTmqffi,tft c'\o\ @ v - \l 4 F a | --r 'F IF<. r IUH lAl z <= +z5M 2r.42=< Fl F1z H&[dHzH FI.1 \za B = j FT LllF. o ln 6l? HIE =laol".<l'"2lzztA tr IJJz3o UJIFoz .ooH r'l./) \Oao@ F.pdrnO tq)<hO . 14 FC Fl EO<(nP.i> ts z j ll- tro i IL F z ulE.lF z U) (uo ] F q) (JI (6c q c)E o (! (l) o g) .5 ==(I] E =f o 3 .9 q) o i'i (I' .Y'.--o(/,;(dipi9Eh;co o 9o'- 0) !l':-oouE9-oF=E: 9UP:9c-o> c I sE:8 6; =pF-; >=:cY'-(B t5;5.'*>6q) E oNi!Eo :€3F.9;ssfr5;..,,Y- (!; o-.8 o--*Easo!Esr'F o- c=6EtP6(56 EEEH o, 6: '-i;He,r d tr 5: !: o (/)F-E.^ e9 I .i: 3E==.gilE' = E >.=.O(!=;c - !*-Ti F9 a$;Ev oo - E F gg N\0 n ft l+ F =ut z J 4l x UJ z EF t!JuJ az EfJ Iz-C)|.lJ LuluTLz tr uJE(J UJ(r o 3uJ;LIJ zo6u.l E (L uJo o-fz L!J x F uJol (nutL! LLb =LU J F (9zoJf 9eF(J UJJu.l z6 =lJ 2 UJ = I --t :-r NOrtvnlvA F F Fx E Y =tl- z trg(r(J t!o z >c( -r.Y' zz tr^6xfEP o utOZt-6>rJ- < d9 FOr.\i = z Ek lr- cc 3o o- F o ro F{ oa J z Eoo }{X tr ul : =UJz. IItltlll =zlzQoFL!<oo< =ft>eo--8;<z tz,f,[2z..'iF dd3trOI .. >l luo uJ u,JzaF tr LUrL zItroo lu J ct a z () IF z F lU)z u.J z ir o 2 F Jd) I I cr)C!G -l.\-|Oc) I I I r t I I I i I IJJFo @ -z F ulY UJto; OotFF{ = r-.(!rduz |!-OE izdoOE,H I HuJbEzo D< ZF x.^ = =< :1 =z;'=-aE ."i5 =E==t!Xdd= ts EIuo-rl- ll, z oo F =0- Jt-Itl i--h= (L IJ.J>(LOlLOl-r 5uJFttx>fiF.JJtr IJJ(Il F o Etloo $ .gc E Eo(, Ao 6E ll! -Fi-FgsE -lt-=! i F =E. lrJo-zoF(J3 E.Fazo() trTE I I I&l14l 14lt IIHlHlH!*l U)l<lEI *l uJl>l 4 E Hut vNF'H UJ =z 1 ral FT zE] B z J LL lr) Lrl I4\t llzt Iot III IFQ IFrlllCJ lo\ |Fr lc,t IP4 l-{ |F.r | |at IFl;lulzl ^, | <cllj I url El:lkrl<l<l>l rnloltzl =l 3l trl Fl I t"_. INI e.lll| \o,lr I I Il'.IHt<I' Fo rl C\ E --f E _lzlt-{lMItulol q zl EI zl-l =l5I 3uJl :l <l>l rLlol zl3l9lFI tltltt|ltt lelltrlI ulllcl l=lloltzl!31qol I I I I dl =.1(tlull:l?l>l tr.lol2t .: FI E tltlllltll.ltol| =.1tolI lrilI cclliltilloltzla:l FOUJ F I ZY =#fF)z|.Lo E <F(E(Jl!<ztlll l'-(1 Z c) F Fz \JZ J<()<59uJ urJO TDT |'|Jo- I Eo Eo PGFzoa G.o El!- =o |r, oz lcttEio rG) 'ctlo;dioio 'oFoE otoo a6Cr E'o o E 6 oE o p t0 = -io 6 3 -g o ou'.i€i 63 8* -Od.9gE .€s-og;epF E.g cD-CO 1C G CDc .o tc 'F @ ,ED ()o o a, o E. 6 o!' l6)gi| '6t!,or(J ag :o 3oF 6 3 o, o E qt (g c o 3: oo) 6. i- er?i q ioci'! r:88 :..2 g ;EE.=r!'tc ;o6cr]6O!'F5=96 3iE>gE EEoo EC' 65S€ =-E.6 o.'6x -o@i 66?rcE.ot-6 E= ;o 0'- aE! d3()>,o-oCtisfisEoEE o6 o 6 E o oE o Eo o G -9 o-6 g, ltGo o 6 6 @ctr o; !, G' o' o ta\ @ z EsEEo9 =>6:lt <(o* HdrO J l! (' G .. >l l,rJ UJ IJJzoE lll zo F E u, E oou,zYI F =gJ o =-z Fo @ !lnU\oz IL j ,i { .\! ! \l9l S\l 'N \\ I{ _s.|cI .dgl dct J<I- t vt n \ G $rl rl^N\iL .A\ N \\) Fol $ NI\lrl \ ^lNl dGIol CT: - vl RI [| \x| ?t\l$l $l il "lE I ol "'lJIq g g ttt\s { \s s olz,| uIl JI <lilq =lqH -rO<(FEOuJ<2e,UJFe6 c) d \ ctz E =Gu,o. z\ u c stoo \ ==\dE, !DE tr: !JAltoEE E<ctf€8E9tt; '9EE => =l!r-5 h=.) dftE =o-E UB! \urE XO_r x>B. q-o-:!E gJ .0o z o UJ = J oc)z= =o=ultouJ!nn IUtrU' @oazo Fo- UJY IIJto O-F > l--E_-Irl .-' o- -*tr:lo=l> __lf :-lar L1l- r-- |Yol 'l *t lrJ IJz.o E =Ell.Ia-zoFof E,Fozoo ttle mj mueller co., inc. 27 June 1991 Pan Hopkins SNOWDON & IIOPKINS ARCHITECTS20L Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 8L652 Subject: Pritzker Residence RemodelVaiL Townhomes, Units 5A and 58Vail, Colorado Dear Pam: at_y-oqr reguest this office has been asked to review the structuralnodifications to the above referenced project. All nodifiedelements neet the i.988 uniforn Building code ds adopted by the Townof vail Building Department and are based upoi arctiitecturiidrawings dated 5 ;rune 1991-. The folroving'items have leenfeviewed: a) NEw LTNTELS FoR OPENTNGS rN l{AsoNRy-windows 3f 6,1-t and l-3 willbe cut into existing gn urasionry warls. Ttre windovs nust ne-placed to conform with existing nasonry coursing (openings inurultiples of I"). rnstatr an L 6 x 6 x-5/L6 as riniei rnaiinrunopening to be.5r-Otf). llininum bearing each end to be 4r.connect the lintel to the existing masonry with s/g* diameterTrubolt wedge Anchors e l-6rr on center aC arternate cerlsgrouted solid. crout alr bearing points and each cell arongthe sides of the proposed openingl tull height. b) sPA Rool{ UNDERPTNNTNG-The existing concrete slab wirr bereplaced with a nerd concrete slab up to 24' louer than theexisting. This will be accourplished with a two stagefoundation underpinning proceis (see Figrure r. attacrrlal. Allhorizontar reinforcementlo have mininum-32r' rap splice ietweenstages. The existing wood foundation walt totrre east of theroom is inadequate for being backfirred with earth, replacewith an all-weather l'rolmanized wood waI1 . Field coordinale anyassociated details. c) T,EVELTNG ExrsrrNc srRUcruRAL sr,AB BETWEEN tNrrs-The existing8f' thick structurar slab has deflected approxinateiy i-a/4r;:r am unable to v.erifv if this defrectiori -occurrea duringi - construction or is the result of creep over the years.conseguentially, this stab is not to releive additfonal topninoto level the slab without being reinforced. Reinforce*iii 'consists of adding a new bean phrallel to and rnidspur,-i"lr""" cfvlf, archltectural and structural englneering o p.o. box 2747 vail,colorado 91659 476-2627 Page 2 Pam Hopkins27 June l-991- the party walls spanning 1.6r-Oil from the front wall to thebearing wa1l. The beam can be 4-ldl 1 3/4 x tB or eL A 3/4 x.LE L/2 or wlo x 39 or w12 x 30. Each end must be supported bv4'2x6 or Ts 3 x 3 x L/4 to foundation. r.evel trre exilling slaLwith Glpcrete or lightweight'concrete. Grout or shin i1lbearing points. rf this beam is to be added, field coordinateall associated details based upon seleeted option. d) NEw RooF BEAI'I BETWEEN uNrr 58 DTNTNG RooM AND r-,rvrNc RooM-Aportion of ttre 8rr masonry warl will be removed. The nelr beamabove mu6t be 4-2xl-0 or 3-ML L 3/4 x 7 L/z with a beam pocketat each end. Minimum bearing to be 4r with a clip angJ_e at. each end to connect beam to uasonry. e) ExrsrrNc HEADER RErI\TFoRcEI'fENT-The existing header over door 4consists of 2-2x4 and supports the gl thitk slab above andassociated 8rr masonry wal1. The existing header must bereplaced sith a Z-Zxb header. Shim and drout bearing pointsas required. f) DECK BEAM RETNFoRcEuENT-section L/A3 on the architectural plansreferences 2-ltl I 3/4 x l-4 added to an existing unknown Lean.The unknown bearu is a Doug Fir 4xl-c which nust be repositioned.as shown in Figure 2 .attached. supporb the new bean in a beanpocket in ttre nasonrf'qlarty wall on the east end of the beam,minimun bearing to be 4.. see Figrure 2a for saddle detail tobe added to the existing 3 L/zt diameter pipe column on thewest end of the beau. The nerr 2-2xB € L6" on center deckjoists must be connected to the existing 8r' masonry warl on thenorth with a 2x8 ledger with 3/4r dianeter x 6 {12n Trubol_tWedge Anchors 0 15" on center into grouted ceIls. 9) NEW sKr rscKER-A ski locker wirr be added to the exterior ofthe existing g't masonry wal_ls on the south side of thebuildlng. rhe ski lockir will be supported by 2x6 shear walls.The edge 2x5 of the valls and the rooi must be connected to themasonry with 4-518'. diameter x 5 l/2^ Tr,rlbolt l{edge Anchorsinto grouted cells. l{alls and rooi are to be constructed of2x5 € 16rt on center, wa1l openings top and bottom are to bereinforced with 3-2x8. sheath root and walrs with S/Bn plywoodglued with PI400 and nailed with 1Od @ 6il on center. h) MrssrNG wrNDow HEADER-windows l-6 and l-7 do not have a headerabove. The new windows require Z-Z&LZ or 2-ML L 3/4 x g L/zheader with 4-2x4 mullion between bearing upon new beambeneath. i) suPPoRT oF RooF ovER IJNrr sB LowER LE\IEL NoRTH DECK-Renovingthe existing roof for the new upper level deck requires thai Page 3 Pam Hopkins27 June L99L the renaining roof over the existing main level declc besupported. Add a 4x4 column above the existing deck colunrrbelow. Support the roof with two Z-Zx-LO beams placed roughlyabove the existing edge of deck similar to deck beams feior*.Field verify that the column is bearing upon an existl_ng padand pier at grade with adequate frost protection. j ) sTRUcTttRAr, spEcrFrcATloNs-see Figrure 3 for structuralspecifications. upon review of these structural nodifications contast this officeto discuss which options have been chosen and to coordinateassosiated details. ff you have any guestions regarding thisletter please contact this office at the phone nuuber sho!,rn on thecover sheet. Sincerely THE I{J MarkPresi IrLIM/tc tco., rNc. ller, PE 4tcb+etuoz e4/+@q.@-q!:N^?(+&L Tfr*\, u F +\ Vxt6t4? trfrtltue A,tD FatA)ilttoat t4frqt-t/r fraJee- 1,I4x@na-t@ *rgM Ae*no,fia.'.I gh<tsnM WUVQ *! ry 9 laFac wAl@,t*to 4wrd6 t@ntUz ad, fuaeo u/ t toft . 5'1,p+t* Wr*4.*ra Wrleb A*f, A# Ff: n aol- mreap- AAaorlr u/Ab@eant.rcUr@. LJ)M tlqt (42C^tW wrxe'?te |xt(' HeA taVl%xu"tet -.=-\ 7+1th vrrcutnt4 (4as ti f,S'a,c ( a,A 9 \ Wrg'fir{a T MOvlude. NatJLsxb*I4 LHe ? +.tt W ?o"! <,?^ tN:mdew'ac. rtw) 9ee. /+ fri€ ffiE WaP, o N&l saY lfuxto ( i Lu*t: br'&tr'rt1ft - I t-Extgb{z *z"Q tzer'rw I 1l FE btttt<x Per(a*oLrfj Ftatqa. WWlt-l S@llar'1 ludotua' 4. QtE elv,|a9 ov( fttor'4 W r2^8. IluBag/,,q,ue o-vd+ H.e. wbq'{2*Ae 14'xo'\V' 4'8 cr" o'ao" lhn"t>d' e? -Jtlr-r€ l?? l ? 3y ,l'+Li s:!8ltcntRil, SPECITICI:IIO$; 1) 2l 3) 4) A]'l concret€ nu8t attain ninluuu eo4prees!,ve atreDgitu of 3ooolgllfler 28 alays. Deelgn based updn nur-rbruc cooeREAIIIREI{ENTS roR REINToRC-ED CONCRETE (ACI318), 1989.Relnforelng Btael 18 craal€- {to for f l ' ana- l-s' 'L"., f G andgreat€r to be Grads 60. Relnforcenent placerent elira1l confornuiln,UANUAL OF STANDARD pRegIICE r rgge -as -preparca Uy CnSi.--All lulber sbatl bo Doug-Flr fz br betteriiif sofaillfzEa - Iurber Eball be E€o-Fir -lZ or bettergtructural Bt€el Bhall b6 t36 or b€tt€r, rncbor bolts and bolts6baU be A3o?. AIt Etructural st€ql is €J-fe detailed, --- -fabricated and ere€tect ln accordance sltU efSC SPECIFICA'TIONS,1989 and CODE OF 8AANDABD P&ACTICB. Hf wefa.ing- to -be----' p:I!90-?9_ry a certlf,ted uelaler ana contom ut-{f XiC.na erweIRIfCntRAIJ r|BlDIt{Gi coDE, 1990. Alunrbolt WeaSe Anabor6 ;dRa!se!9 to.be fuEtalfed acoordltrg to Danufacturergapeclflcatlona.l(icEolr"'q are aE lanufactured _by I,hX'SS{OIS! CoRpOAAIION. A1lb+lt:up t{lcrolan bearE uu8t bi glued rltU pUOO anal nalha-ulEu Z roPt ol 15d st'ikes t 9r OC. t{lctl]lrtrF. d€eper than 117^/8. fri't. be bolteal togetler nftU z roin oC -f]1. aiaret r mftse ,l8r oc top and bottdn.Sheath floors wlth 3/4r pu'nood or orientad Btaand board ult-h*t+1-+ 6pan rarlns' ot_ iojzo ;r-Delt€r-;; ir"" rttu-pr.loo.I.ll_ply.-9d r,ttb :'od € 6n-oc to al1 JoiaG. cover dgcl€ sItJr2x6 Rednood sith z Ecreua per teartnd rotnt.!I9,"th rootB rlth s,/si plfr,ooat or oif6nGa -etrand board sltbxJl:llT epan rartng ot 4o/2o or better. Balt pu4rood sltli ad:9-^.oc _a_r pafret- edges and 12, oc aC lnterruedilto reuberB.DaeaEd arr ert€r'.or salla rd,th l,/2r plyrcod or oriented rtraadI?ar^d-titb uJ'nlu.-:6pan rathg br Z'ry'o Lr *tter. rali-nftU:? E g- oo aE panel ectges andl 12r oc at lntsrDediat€ studE.Ilive loads used for deaign--noof-8o psf anos.-trIoor-{O psf resldential.-Deck-100 psf. -fl1nd-25 Psf.-Ealthqualce-Zone 1 I'BC.10) A11 constructlon uusg _coDply vi!! th9 1988 ltnlforr auilillngCode as adoDt€(l bv the -Tosn oi3 Vall Buildllng Oepartlent an-ije' rc€Deral co-nattf6ns of th€ co*;t ;;r c5riednrction" liuA - . Doculent .1,201) .1l) construct sall ae follous--D<tarLor-2rd € 16r oc. -^. _ -Int€rtor-zr4 e 16i oc., un1esE notad othenrlEe.12) l!1- bo€!a, Joists and raiters are to-;; upon vatls or beansOR_b€ Dung vltb SIltpSOl{ StronE-Ble langerg of approved €{uafa:alt connectl'on barduare as nanufacturEa rn; sii6s-o'-s-taig-dior approved equals.13) AII_ Btructural llelbers are shorrn ln their flnal poeltton.durlng aonEtruction Lt ray le necessarl,-L-.ii"-".-ii-riiiii! "ttb. strjuatur€ wb:tle g.!b€r pofrlona ars-belng conl5i|xrctaa. _ contaot tb€ rtructural. ^engineer tor eoneuftalf-on -aJ i.qufi"ea.14) contractor Is. reE_ponelblJ for atf non-tpecifi€d ;m#ti;d;contact Etrustural eng:ineer for detailE Ls requfred.15) contractor ie to coordiaate a1I diapnra$ perieGiiionE (la,9hiuley9, pl'r"hing -aeser6 r etu.) tri""d f,ioore, rootE ina'foundatl.on r.atlr iLth- appiopriale eul-6ontractoie. ceneiifContractor ie reeponeibfi t6r rcaas, rctUoas, tecbnicrues,. Bequ€nces and_ _Ilrocedlres assoclatfd iitb thls pro: ect.- - llolf eVenglneeE of all conflicta or orlssions betce€n various etelentlof tb€ vorhlng dtraslngB and th6 eristing condliG;; Ui"-re -- couenclng - witlr tbat portlon-o! the proJ-ect. faentfty- oi aff:ltlllg hldctEn structurat erercnte'Uas-ea upon vlEuafrnBpercrtoD of deuoutlon of nelgbborinS untts.16) Al1 &rterl'ara exFoffid to G*eri6t anaToi roisture condrtloneshall.be treated -tor qrcs.e coaaftions-li-e-, nrrenrfi1 iig"d;"t,stainlng, paintl.ng, etc. ) sB reqrdied bt'code. 5) 5) 7' 8) e) LZ Juua 4a r o 2 iluly l-991- Pan Hopkins SNOWDON & HOPKINS ARCHITECTS 201- Gore Creek DriveVail, Colorado 91657 Su-bject: Fritzker Residence RemodelVail Townhomes, Units SA and SBVeil, colorado Dear Pam: The purpose of this Letter is to confirm the following pointsregarding the above mentioned project as dl-scussed between SffisffnnCONSTRUCTION, Dan Stanek, TOV Building Inspector and [MC: a) GLUTJAI*I BEAM oPTroN-The Grulam beam option referenced in partc) of the letter by this office dated 27 irune l-991 has blenselected by tle gyner to help support the additionar loadingon the concrete floor above. Ttre existing concrete floor iiserf-supporting, the new beam is not the lrinary structuralmember. Due to this fact, Dan stanek, rov Buirdlng rnspectorwilt -r.rot reguire that the Glulan beam be wrappea witrr aiywarifor fire protection. b) coDE col.lPLrANcE-Atl structural elements which are altered inany way uust comply with L988 uBc as adopted by the Town ofVail . Due to the linited amount of altere-cl structure it is notnecessary to upgrade unaltered structural elements to presentcode. c) IIPPER LEVEL uNrr sA-The existing north half of the froor isframed of random.lay-yp 4x5 decking spanning up to l_4'-6il.This floor is noticeahly spongy ano aoel not Joniorn to presentuBc code- The owner has authorized replacing this flgor. seethe attached plan for franing informaiion. t. g) NORTH DEcKs-The existing north decks are framed of 2x4 joistse 32r on center, and are noticeably spongy. neptace fheeTisting ledger vith a 2x6 redger c-onnEct6& to the brock wallwith 3/4tr diameter x s L/2,' Trubolt wedge Anchors e 24r oncenter.into grouted cells. Reinforce the existing joists withDoug-Fir #2 2x6 € L6" on center hung both ends. e) RAFTER coNNBcrroN-The existing rafters in the bedroom of theupper r-evel of unit sB are bearing upon a 2x2 ledger nailed to the mj mueller co., inc. clvlf, archltectural and structural engineering o p.o. box 2747 vait,cotoraclo 81658 476-2627 f) TNFTLL oF lrfasoNRy opENrNGs-An old window was filled in withframing during a previous remoder. This "oneition c.r, u" --- r9!-ai1gd provided the inside face of the rrani.ng is coveieawith 5/8tr dr1rwall. lge tn9 retter by this office dated 22 June i-99r_ for the baranceor engrneering information concerning this project. rf you haveany guestions regarding this retter trirease c]ontict tnis oiri"" "ithe phone nunber shown on the cover sheet. Page 2 Pam Hopkins2 July J-991- the existing bean.bearing condition. IrlJMltc cc: Rick Winkeller-SHAEFFER Dan Stanek-TOV Building Add hangers to all_ rafters lrith this CONSTRUCTION Department Sincerely yours, ffi*'{ rfi?s?E st-'- rel*r.*; l4rcll4 ltlJs -.Sxrl sl ui ,lN l|l \t N t N eg26"6n uvut fl{nat\. 4 A<6{e &bwz*rot@-b/ 46r QYz'(tatutVtM h*c+ws g. W a.c, tArQ Or2&o@rt. *,z aF O @, tZt aa 2 4 ac-, &, yd Are kne ii{foe +-?q!dN fuA /"^l tuufS1<Pt4 /-Z,tto e-xla -Ml-%4?z 6fl Yl rlL \ NM. AAD fu|OINftC)+at 6e ID ag-Ftwa@. t a x N s x N t e{\ OP- PaEtE 2 r. O fuhekrot@PtA/ ft.!4,,6yo.tatfu{ 4 t<, Ia e bkW AJ,a*ee-s a (ot' a, c, | 6,.r O, c, . rry2gi & :s=UNr6A H-lLd' nYrltw-w,7,8tr,tr:ffi#,ifu uw{ pob 0.9.c. as pa6 fiwnT v^tL. ?rry #ry .lArtutce. ? e i4' o o eLVAIL'TaYlF+tta Ae g U N t f q ^,Ya, lu, coL.o?a.Da aJULa FFtr ,/ qso PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE I rowN oF 7 y ln--a 2- INSPECTION THUR FRI our.f\ut't REQUEST VAIL INSPECTION: a-.) JOB NAME MON OLL CALLER ES k- READY FOR LOCATION: PROVED CORRECTIONS: N DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED l-L"6 il,-tqt-aln BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING ._r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING N GAS PIPING N POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL INSPECTOR __fr-:-?iYYL-.YL't--t \.t\ - --- MAXIMUM COMFORT POOL & SPA 40928 U.S. HWY.6 & 24 E AG LE.VAI L AUS/NESS CENT ER P.O BOX 2666 o VAIL, COLORADO 81658 . (303) 949-6339 JuIy 31 , 1991 TO: George Shaeffer Construction Company Addendum to Pritzker Spa plan Dated 7 /7 /91 RE: Reinforcing st.eel schedule Reinforcing steel to be as noted in "general notes"on spa plan. Additionally, reinforcing steel bars areto be #4 bar 6 inch maximum distance on center between horizontal bars and 12 inch maximumdistance on center between vertical bars. I r l,.a ^ -<J(J:.4) .. : 1,;::: ,l- -INSPECTION REQUESTPERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT TOWN OF VAIL oor= 7 -tt -f / JoB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: PECTION:FRI lPr'tt BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: NDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D D tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER -.PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATIONI O SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL N FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING D ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr trtr .FtNA{_FINAL p(6eenoveo COHRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED DATE INSPECTO t OF PROJECT INSPECTION REOUESTTOWN OF VAIL I JoB NAME /rl" READY FOR INSPECTION: MON ----@"t1h LOCATION: $Aecnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR r.,i' INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: , JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES I THUR o"@ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V,tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOoD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT N SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED -2 i'j6s1E ,/- -.\ / ' i// |NSPECTOFI :# INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAILT JOB NAME MON CALLER $ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ftnoveo D-DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTION$: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor. \-.\' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL {, PLUMBTNG: tr UNDERGROUND.rt1 pffouGH / D.w.v. lkftouor / wArER 'ohos PTPTNG D POOL / H. TUB _ D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr_ tr__ tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr ROUGH D SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL INSPECTOR NFisnop -!i JOB NAME MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECT CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ BOOF & SHEER.- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D E]FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr ROUGH N EXHAUST HOODS .tr CONDUIT -tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL O DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER DATE 8/ OF PROJECT TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL READY FOR INSPECTION: :, LOCATTON: U|i L L tr.I-t TUES WE THUR JOB NAME MON ft\\'"2 . ,r. tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUJLDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ID ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr n D FINAL MECHANICAL: HEATING EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL OVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTOR TIONTOWN OF REOUEST VAILPERMIT NU BER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER ?Ar-er \/ nt t.t^1 7 (,.? er i) r <,qr r/oN ruEs wED rHUR @ AM\PM( rr)3b\ ( \urr-t- Cr;r.rrr D *5 U,-i r]_-{': \'--- ,; Feppaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER.' PLYWOOD, NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr O FINAL - tr FINAL MECHANICAL:r*,.tr HEATING Inouon tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr trtr FINAL FINAL nffisno" REQUEST VAIL rNs CTIONWN OFPERMIT NU DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR FRI PLUMBING: D FOOTINGS D FOUNDATI tr FRAMING . tr UNDERGROUND ON / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING - tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAtL ____.........- tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ffeeaoveoCORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR dffisrcp INSPECTION REQUESTPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT D^rE ii'j) -q/ Jo8 NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI IVON WED CALLER TOWN OF rHUq FRI//.^.-* BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING dlvsuurroN - N POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: U TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH - tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL C FINAL APPROVED D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION:READY FOR LOGATION: 4 -a -?/ JoB NAME TION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL -------@" U/.\L L tr Ft =S WED THUR FRI (1er"oveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N FRAMING ,__ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr trtrFII\IAL FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINTAL INSPECTOR PEBMIT NUMBER PROJECT . NSP TION TOWN OF VAIL' REQUES DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: 50 - JOB NAME ;o^L.-R q tr.F "L_/.ULt ryED /- rHUR l{ L9,'t.t-.,-1t --4 B REINSPECTION REQUIRED PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING -D INSULATION tr POOL i H. TUB fl sHeernocK NAIL E. tr tr o tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: N ROUGH O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr_tr tr FINAL tr FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: mSsrop PERMIT NUMB TIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPEC/' LOCATION: r-4-ION: MON t. TUES":"- | *-+;*1)n 41'Oto t' wED rHUR FRt U * //KA--.) p, " n .l{. 7,:a . k_*' -/ {t"tA uuot hr { BUILDING:PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUNDtr FOOTINGS / STEEL -tr FOIJNmATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D,W,V. O ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING EI GAS PIPING D POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOoD IS{IhING N SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: N HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS N SUPPLY AIR - o tr trFINAL APPROVED N DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ECTIONS: rb DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES INSPECTION REQUEST THUR FRI A[/@ PERMIT NUMBER OF PFOJECT TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V. N ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL N FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING 'tltr GAS rf rerruc tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB D SHEETHqCK NAIL,'\tr ! tr FINAL ELECTRICAI-: t'\EI TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH -tr EXHfiJST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr z-'.Dtutr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED COBRECTIONS: DA|E //- ,/ y' - ?/ tNSPEcroR -.'.: INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE \- \_\ JoB NAME READY FOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT LOCATION: CALLER rfuleenovrn boRRecrrorus, O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED )5 \-*rw. t\\ \\s"'.r. BUILDING:PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FoorNGS z sfeel D FOUNDATION / STEE- D FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER.- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS N CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr_ O FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR :rriii -INSPECTION REQUEST DATF T TOWN OF VAIL JoB NAME ,/l tTZkrf(T- READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION N POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr INAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELAPPROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ItNAt Il{sPEcIrON'S CO!{PLETED -The ltens below ueed to be couplete beforeglvtng a pernit a final C of 0. Please check off io the box provlded. lI I EAST SIDE:I{EST SIDE: N7-I YJ,'--- K I -;-lu---1-- i-,lr t--lr CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY FINA], ELECTRICA.L DATE: