HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail CCR's 1972f a := _& Fl1e #13a14 t,i. 'i #rtr3111-FtLed''f J t':'. _.;_ ro" n""ol: \/ 2L7/53r l,lay 5,1g?o ar 1,40 p.rU! {' 1 DECLARATION OF COVENAIiITS,CONDITIONS AIID RES?RICTIONSESTAALISHING A PTAN FORCONDOMINITJM OWNERSHIP OF THE IODGE APARTMENT CONDOMINTUMVAIL COI,ORADO IN ,i ;. .tKNOW AI,L MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: Walter J^.-Stalderr Jr. and. RoBs E. Davis (herelncalled xDeclarants,,) do fr"i"Uy-r.Xe the fotlowing granta,submisaions and a"ciaratio;;;' --' 1. Purpose. The.purpose of this declarationis to submir tE-ek,. the fi;;;;!menrE rhereon and theproperty inrerests'as herein f.".iiU"a-r;-;;ilni;i,_form of ownershio-ana use-in trt!-i..r"t provided ln riarell8l.A{ti:le 15,-coloriao ne"irJa"sratures of 1963, aeamendedl herein called trr.-c""aorinium Act. This dectara-tlon incorporatei uv J"t iurlJ"Ii"-""rrdorninium map. ual. air space "" u""ilLo"ffi#*"^:;:;""l"tti:":i:hibits hereto attached,, "f,i"fr-i""contained within theinterior burfaces or ii,s ferir;l"; walrs1 floorsl ceiringalwindowg and window tr"rn"s'-"nJ;;;;. and door frames. corridors, lobbies, stairs; ?iil;, ltliiiipJl,'!..ii#lrir,entrances and exirs of the conaominium uiiiai"g-,;Jr. p"r_ti.cularly described in sectionJ-ilz and 3.I(b) -hereinafrerithe basement, var4r.parking-ir".-""a storage spaces on theland and in ifrt-aidominiuri buij.ding; the janitor and maidrooms, service roons, equipment storage rooms, ^"irrl.ri.rrElshop, washrooms ana 6tir6i ;;;;i.;-"nd storage areaa in rheqondominium buirding;. the initiii.tiens "i-;;"t;;i'services!31.gowerr righi, gis, hot *ta-""ia.wate!, learingr ref,ri_g-eration, qraste removal ana ventii.tirrg fi".i"ai"g."I1 pip"",ductsr.flues, wires, cables .rra-"onauits used, in connection:l::"Yi.i, fireplaces, ptunbing, -ind,. fixrures which servemore_than.one apartrnent unit, ifr"ifr", Iocated in conunon:::=_"r-in apartment unirs) i trr"-"r.vitoisr-t""r.", pumps,?i.lli:-i?"ll.compressors, aucti, dunbwaitei",-t"ii"rs and-...:,rr.r4clr art aDparatus and lnstallations existing forcqmmon use that -are rocit;e;ithi;-tt "-"iliaiiiiiiii=uuirdlns;the. easemenr', rights ;d-i";;;!i" in .cerraln faciririeg.. ; 1::i^p:,1-' :,l"Tly . qeiilrrffi:i*;.:1"(excepr the indiirid,ual. ;;;;.*;";-iiii'"'l ;' ii:r r:ff;:ti:;::33]lTf:-"iT::I?1-b"T::' ";peiit"l' warrs, roorsl harls, .a '.i ! ' -11't and portlong of nh?_r$gg.at vail pr?p:r!y yhich iO spect_fically descrtbed. in seEtlo;"-t:i and 3.1-(c) hereinafrenand aII othaa parrs..oi-irr.-"I"tiirr,rr* butldtng and tandnecesaary or convenl,ent to it"-.if"cence, nalntenance andaaf,ety, or normarly r;-.;r*;;-"il: on the varioug exhrbitshereto, general coiqnon er"rn.nti'-iie ebo,rn by sorld rrneeand horizontal hatchlnS. -- {>(c) _I.imiteg gommon elernente nean thoso::":::I-:"mmon eteneriri =E;ffilf-ll:_.,":."::: _:l- ;l;-iiaiiii"Ji-"i;-.;::."{"i::":,.1*..:}ttcularly aeeciibea i" i.iti""-rli'nlf!ff.;H:ta aa tnore pa!- ('l) condominiumapace unir togeth#Tffiappurtenant f.o euch unit.ntereat in the cormon ua1 alrelemente I Itf alr exhiblta a*achej"l"rffiffi: ;:l:"3;:y:l: *ycorporated hErer.n an..which a".".""t-wrii-u"-i"lira"a por-auant ro cororado nEvtsed-3-tir"i.l s lrg_ls_s (1.9G3) r as anended. Z. Development plan 2.rl_- Land,... The declarants atre the ownera ofall 0f the land shownJ:r- the survey attached hereto as Ex-hibit A and recalrv de"l]tiilla-Ii'i*r,iuit a-r. A portlon ofthe condominiu; buileirs-h"J-uJen-constructed on a part ofthe A-r land, wtrigt-r i"-i.g"iri-ilscriu"d in Exhibic A-2 andls ourrined bv dotted-rin6 ""'n"niuit a. -.ir,.--ii"iiding con-structed on the l-r.rd descriU"a-i"-n"hibit A_t i;-;.part ofthe condominiurn uuilaing-;I-i"-ii.r.in referred to as rheoNOfth Wing. n --r q'r -e ..srs4.r rErEIt€lcl EO . The hotel structure eo-rnrnonly known as and r€_ferred to herein 3: gr" "ila;;-;itv"ir rr.r"""!"d on a part _of the A-1 tand a?3_rhe a."ili"ii" have, as a part of thecondoridniun buildingl constructed a rwo_atory a.dditlon on::f_?I the.orisin*-ioasf-at ;;ii, said rwo_srory addlrLon :therero being an integrir part-oi'the condominiui buirdingand referred to hereii ." lU.-',iouth- Wing.., The Lodge atVai1ls1oeatedonrana-unJi]irviiJthatfabov".tr,E.'or!ace' ::"1_!=?p.rry.descriu"a i" i*r,iuii a_s, .r,i-trr"-eJutrr wrnsor the condomini'm buitding is'iocatea-rn -irre-;"f,ive_trre_ surface" rear prop:r!y..regiIly aeJcriuea i"--i"rriuir A_3 a4Cas snown on Exhibit 4 by i aairr"a-rine. The declaranta aresubmitting ro condomi"iirr-";;;;!iip trre air space d,escribed''' Exhibit A-3 (i) abovJ tn.--.i!"ition 8,19I.62 feer abovemean 6ea level anil rlg air spi-" described ln Exhibir A_3(iiy above the elevation gri-on.ag-t"et above mean sea level.This air space, or estate above ihe -surfacel is shown bye'revation notation on Exhibit l ina by slde and end sectionson. E*ribite B-Ir B-2 and i_5. " -" rhe lalg- delcribed in Exhibit A_2 and the airsPaee described in nxhibii-a:5-*" in thie declaration cor-lectively referred i6 ;;-!h; ;rilE. " ri,.-sorril;i;g (con_si'stlng of the tr,ro storie" t"""':Irre Lodge at vair) and thelort| wfls are referred i; h";;i"-as rhe ,,condomlniurn.Butrd,-ing' r The building- berow tfi;-;i; 6pace deecribed in ExhibltA-3 is referred to-trerein ;-th;-',Lodge at vair" and sharlbb.deemed to includE tf,. U"ifiiig "tro"tore and all appurt_ ;enances, irnprovernents'and "tr,.i--i..irltieg related thereto. unit means an indlvid- ..1.'| -2; I '.1.*o, )J.,o i 2.2 Condominlurn buildinE. The noittr wing ofthe condomlnlun butrffie conrplete storl.esabovg ground level and a basement below ground level. Thinorth wing contalne 57 separate apartmena uniter 23 apartrnentunite on the fl.ret floor, 15 apartment unita on the secondfloor and 19 apartment units on ttre thtrd floor. 'The baee-ment of the north wing contains a garage area of approxfunately221000 aquare feetr with roon for the storage of at least 59cara. In addition the baeement contains a boilerr equlpnentand Dotor room, a washer and dryer room, ewimroing pool equip-ment room andl maintenance shop including space for paint andeguipment atorage for use by the manager, lnd ltE employees.Eaeh story anf the garage of the north wing are shown ln e1e-vation ln E:*ribtta B-4, B-5, 8-6 andl B-? Uy ttoor plan onExhibtte Cr Dr E, F-I andl F-2 hereto, and lhese exhibits re-flect the locatlonl dimenslonsl size, floors, cellings andexterior perlmeter walls of each condoroinium unit wiih theappropriate nurnber of each condominium untt indlcated thereon. The south wlng of the condominium building, ie Io-cated in the air space above the Lodge at Val,I. That partof the eouth wing of the condoroinium building which is withinthe air space described in Exhibit A-3 (t) it conrnonly refer-red to as the fourth floor of the condlomlnium building andcontains eight separate apartment units. That part of the6outh wing of the condominium building within the air spacedescribed in Exhibit A-3 (ii) is commonry riferredt to ai tlrefifth floor of the condominium buildJ.ng and contains 12 apart-ment units. Both the fourth and fifth floors of the southwing (as weII as the third floor of the north wing) conelstof two levels. The floor plan of the trdo levels of the eouthwing is detailed on Exhibits G-I and G-2 hereto whfch .reflectthe location, dimensions and size and the exterior perimeterwalls of each condomj.niun-unit as weII as the identifyingnumber therefor. The vertical dimensions of the south wingof the condominium building are shown on Exhibits B-11 B-2indl B-3.hereto, which reflict the elevations of floori andceilihgs of each level. 2.3 Easements with Lodqe at ValI. Because ofthe structural Lnteg een theLodge at ValI andl both the north and south wings of the con- .,doninium building, rnany facilities are ehared 6etween the '' condominiurn building and the Lodge at Vail. The aouth rf,allof the north wing of the condorninium building is common withthe north wall of, the south wing of the condorniniunr buildizrgbut is independlent of the north wall of the Lodge at VaiI.Hallways, stai:*laysr entries and exits of the condominiumbuilding and of the Lodge at Vail at point of Junction are common and unobstructed. The elevator Iocated in the southwing of the condominium building serves all stories of theLodge at VaiI. The same iE true of the three staimays Io-cated in the Eouth wing of the condominium building. The utility llnes and related equipment f,orservicing the condorniniuro units in the condorniniun buildingand for services to the Lodge at Vail are partially locatedwithin the condominiurn building anil partially within the Lod.geat Vail. Although certain utility services are independentas to charges between the two properties, lines and relatedequipnent may be locatecl in either property although for use by. the condoniniurn building and the Lodge at Vail or.one or .the other j3- t_ -o The watle and other structural feaiuree of ther'odge at vall are neceaaary for th" aupport of the south wlngof the'condonLnr.'n buildlni ;a ronveraery th€ froor of .lre:.o"tlr wing of the condqnrni'rr uu:.iarng-r"iv""-"i-Irr" roo! ofthe lrodg€ at Vail. Becau6e of the contJ.gruous nature of the twopropertiee and open acceaE between €t" ""rn r-ei"Irn"ntg foraceess between th€,trro_properties are necessary. The maidell_anJ'tors,-repairmen..ana-otirer -.lroy."r of the'Loale at valrltdho may arso serve the condoniniirm luriaingr--r,"iJ-ir," right-6fuse of.the eenricel.linen, mechanicat .na:;io;.il ioorns ro_cated ln the condominium iuilding. 3. Submisslon of nroner{. lhe 'propertyo orl::"::l,illun pffiand, rhe condominiurn buird-:-ng and the eagementi and ricenses neierniti"i-a.rtrrbed lnSectlon 3.1. 3.1 Grant and submissionl.I:aV.granr, conveyffiaorrohrtng ProPertys described on exbibi.til, *#;"n1lii iiitn3l:ffi':{.:H:i:"t""tT rined in thla a."r.'il].o'H#; ""ll:'"::ril"ollilil;g' r3:-cated on and within the surface estat,e described in ExhlbitA-2 and in the estate above surface described in Exhibit A-3. and- rishrs. or use ortll" "ffi"*""ii:$:.'right of acc€ss tp.and from any lirt of the condomini'ru build-:H..:H:"gl:"T_-"I.in tle ."ortiioi", stairs ana- siainraye, The declarantanit to contlonlniurl ownerahip tlre elevator and robbies.of the r.odge at Vaill iiil-r;itit! iinesand related.equi'prnent as rocate6 in or on'the irJp"rty of theLo99g'at vaiLr necessary for continuance and maintenance ofutllity eervices to the-condomLniurn buifaing ""-i"y p".t,thereof;_ (rri) srructural facilities of sufiicl.ni'strength toadlequatery support the entire souttr'wing-"t-lrr";cJnaomintunbuirding and of the sourh warr of the n5rth ;i;s-;f the con-dominium building g! rhe poinr or Juncii""- ritii'tie nortrr warr.of tJre-Lodge at fair; (ivi-.i"erenf tor encioicr'o."t"IiG"v---part of the condominiun-building- -ncroaches "p"""""V part, ofthe Lodge at Vail , or lf any su6h encroachment shalr occur..hereafter as a resurt oI seitring or shifti"g-"i--.itrrer of thebuird'ings or for any other r.a"oi, or if, the condominiurnbuilding and the r,odge at vail,' "rtfur be rebuirt after destruc-tion or condernnation-of either Uulfai.n!. 3.2 Reservation. The .declarants hereby reservElI?T .1,". foregoing gFiiE-Eifr,dnveyance tor trrem"eives andEnetr nelrsr personal representatives , succeasorsl assigng, em_pl-oyees and invitees easlmentl and riirrts-oi-"".-6t tbe fol.)ow-ing: (1) the nonexcruEive right of .Ec"rg-t"-""a-i"onr theL,odlge at V,ail through, on or in the corrld,ors, siairs anastairways, elevatori, lobb.ies, garage and maintenancer eeuip_ment, mechanicarr -senricel' meeting ind confer""". ro" s in the .condominium bulrding and arr othei areaa of the condorriinir*bui lding _ not wi thin - the perime te i-warir - "i- ""-'ip!I'tn"nt .,,,ri r iJii)_gtifrty.lines and rElarea "qurpm"nr aa located in or on-e conoorrnlun-ploperty necessary for continuance and main-tenance of urillty.eenrlces to tha lodg "t viii-properry orany'part tlrereof r (tit) etrucrurar faciutreg oi Eur-ticiint' :... -4- ! . r,/,Q ..J " . t- t I '-t .l j *o-1 strength to_adequately support the north wall and'to provideroof covsr for the Lodge ll vair buirdtng; (iv) the n-onexclusl.veright of accege to and from the Lodge at-Vail property on, ov€rand acroes the land of the condorninLum property on whictr ihecondomlniun building is not presently localedl- (v) the rightto use that part of the Iand described ln Exhibic A-2, belowgrade and up to and through the preaent south waII of thegaT1g9 ln the baeement of the North t{ing of, the condominiurnbuilding _and to construct thereon addLtional undergroundparking facilitlee and to use the gouth wall of thi basementln_the north wing of the condominir:m bullding as a commonwall and for structural support for the additional parkirigfacilitlee incruding the right to create openings tlerein-forvehlcular and pedesirlan triffic between the baiernent of thecondloroiniurn buirdlng and the underglound areae of the Lodgeat ValI propertyr (vi) tfre right to 9o upon any part of tf,econqomrnlum property at any time to rnake repairg to the con-oomrnlum propelty or to the lodge dt VaiI property if necee-sat? to prevent damage or inJury to tbe Lodge at VaiI properiyor any- part thereof; (vii) the restrlction or negative- eaee- - ment that no additional stories, gtructures o! ofher improve;menta shall be constructed on the condominium building lndthat the condominium property not be changed or used in eucha way aa to overload or endanger the Lodlge at VaiI buildingor any-part thereof; (viil) easement for encroachrnent if, anypart. of the lrodge at Vail building encroachea upon any partof the condominirun buildling, or ii any such encioachminishall occur hereafter as a result of Eettling or shifting ofeither of the .buildings, or if rhe condornintrln building indthe Lodge at vall buirding sharr be rebutlt after destiuctionor condemnation of either buirding; (ix) the right to conBtruct'irnprovements on any part of the f,oilge at Vail pioperty withoutobjectlonl restraint- or hindrance b! any condoirfnium irnit 9Yn9r, mortgagee or the Association by claLm of eaeement of -light and air. 3.3 Divielon.of condominium property into units.The condlominium prop known aa condominiun units aE listed on Exhibit it and identifiedon the Exhibits hereto attached. Exhibit H refrects the coirdo-miniun unit deslgnations, rocation withln the condominium buird-'5,n9 appurtenant lfuoited conmon elements, and appurtenant per-centag€ of interest of each unit in the generar- couunon ellmenteof.the condomLnium and comrnon expenses. 3.4 Designation of limited common elements. ApoTllgn of the generbuilding is eet aside and reservedl for use of the ownere ofspecific condlominir:n units, and such areas shall be known andreferred to as the ,, limited cbmmon elements.', The owners ofcertain condominium units sharr have the exclusive use of thoseportiona of the general common elemente as set forth in Ex-bibit Il hereto attached. Balconies are limited conunon ele-.mentE for exclusive use of the owners of the adJacent'apartrnentunlt through wlich access to a,+articular balcony is af,iordedland of the invitees of such erh6r. A garage epace adeguatefor one automobile shalt be a 1iroited ionunon element.ai re- ' f,lected in Exttiblt Br but the Board of Managerg of the Asso-cia-tion, _through the Managere sha1l designate garage apac€ . nurnberg f,or each condominiun unit entitledl theietol whlchmay be changed from time to time- 3.5 Easements for encroachments of cormron ?l?ryItiE er.r3 aeartrne nerements now encroacheg upon any apartment unlt, or lf any -5- a,1t- l- . oo -o l+ apar-tment unlt norr encroaches upon any other apar'tment unLt'. or uPon arly p'ortion of the comm6n ereinents, a8 a resurt of tlre| ' conEtructlon of tha buildrng, or r.f any euch encroachmentsbalr occur hereafter as a ieeurt of eittrtng or srri-rint otthe condominrun buirding or of, trre r,oa!" at vail bulldingr orfor any other reason, a-varia ""i"roEni-i""-trr.-"""i"iliii3"tand for-the maintenance of the sarne so iong "s the condomin-. r iuT-buililtng standa, shalr exiet. rn the event the condontnrunr- Dur.rqrnftr -5n apaltment unit, any adJoining apartment unit,;' or any iitiotnrit.,-;;;. ar6ntai.,+ orrqlr r^^ ---!.i-.rr.. ^- !-::.,?ly-:9i9l$lg cotnnon etementl eniu u"-pii,ii"iiy o, to-carry destroyed aa_a,result of, fire or othEr casuaity oras a result of condemnation or erninent d,omain proct"llngs,and. then rebulltr encroachrnents of parts of thi comrnon ere_T:3T_:!9"_f!{. anartrnent unir or of- any apartmeni rurfi uponany ot'ner aparteent unlt or upon any portion of the corlnonelementer due to rlrie rebuilding, g-n"it u"-ii.rriit.a, "rravarid easementa for such encroa6hmenta and the maintenanee:*::"f ghall exier eo rons as trre'conaominir:, iliieilt grrau ' up"'tment o"r. 3i! ,r:it"r.-mon elemenq-.ld any .Ifunited comrnon elernentd appurtenantthereto shall-be inieparable and ,n"y be -onveyEi, Ieased orencumbered only as a condominiun unit. 3.7 Description of condominlum unitg. EverATieei, iease, -r-r--g_-g nE, maylegally describe thE 'condoninir:rn unir by fti faeniffying'apartment unit nurnber- folrowed by the w6rds "rrre roai---.fp""g,-ment condominium' with further reference to this declaraiionanq-T"p. Ey.tl such description shall Ue-aeemJa tood andlsufficieht for all purposes to convey, trari,sfer, !""*u.i, ""othemise affect not onty the apartrnlnt unit bui also therinited common elerlentar-if anyl appurtenant thereto and tlredesignated intereet of ihe apaiirne-nl unii rn trre-g"neral obm-mon elemente. 4. Occ3g!!g..331! use. Each owner (which term agused herein shffiiduare inaivi.ariii", fitn,corporatiofl partnerphip, assocLation or other tegit entity,'or-any conbinatlon thereof r who ohrng one or more iondominiiurunite or an undrvided l-nteregr thereinf striri ue -pecirtcaity subJect to the folloning rights and reltrictions: ' 4.1 Exclusive possession and use restriction.Each owner ehaU bE - session of such ournerr s apartnent unit. Each ownei may usethe general courmon eremen-ts in accordance with the purposesfor which.they are-intendedr 'without hinder5.ng oi eircr-oach-rng uPon the lawful rights of the other owneri. Each apart-ment unit ehall be used and occupied solely for the purpoeeof, lodging or as a dwelllng bv iie'owner oi Uy the bwner,Eramlry, ltuests, agentsl employees, inviteee, licensees or::l:1:"., e?'fep! for such cond6rniniun units."ihat rnay b;';;-ta'ned by the declarants for rneeting roomd.'or for Lornrercialservices.rendered, to owneie and oth6r., witrr-oi-rotttoot charge. 4.2 Riglrt of access and emergency rEpairs. .' . The BoarA of Manager tgtrtof accese to each apartnent-unit and iis "ppuri.rritrt rirnltedcqrnnon erements frqr tlme to time 'during rliEonable.houre ae. 1'1y_!:_1""e:sary.for the rnaintenance. ripair or repli."r"rri- ;or connon erementS, or at any ti.ne 'dee'ried necessary f,or tlremaking of energency repaire io prevent damage to the cormoner€menta or to tlre'apartment unlt or to another apartnent unlt.;.,. i I i.I.i -6- .i'1',. "' jr o 'L !e o. pedr i,, - "#;i o$iii*ilif;*. #::" ":s"3n:ii':*""fnil1divided, and no mnei gharl brlng any acii-n-ioi p""titr,on ordivleion of ttre 'cortmon elernents. Each condominlun unit andthe part' thereof- i.ncrudllng specifJ.carrv trre ipirtrnent urttsharl be lndivldible andr n5 oirner ehau-rii"g--;-iction forpartltlon or for divlsLon of the condoninium-unit or anypart therof. 4:4 Righg to mortqaqe. Each owner shall havethe right fron time @e or enc'mber his inter-eet in hie condmini'm unit by deed-oi trust, roiig"ge or otrrersecurity I'nstnrment. A f,lr8t mortgage or deed of trust (herelnreferred to aa a lmortgage") sbarl-b6 one whlch hae first and9::.?l3Tt_prlority urder applLcable taw. An owner ,"y creii"Junror mortgagea on the.following condLtions: 1|w1ve be eubordrr,".i'lo ili'"i"{n:"::iilt::,,H:::::":Jl"trditions, restrietLonsr usesr iirnitattons,'ourfgiiions, Ilenfor-cqunon exp€ng€g1 and other olrigitio;"-;;;i;;a uy- ttrtsdecl,arationt and used herein sharr o,qll"".:l':"1;J:l:n:n;:"jl*i:J.il.$ ideed of trust) of any junior mortgage sha].]. releaeer for thePurpose of restoration-of any lmprovementE al.l of siia nort-gageers_right, title and intirest itt ata io itre-lroceeasunder all inEurance.policJ.es that may have Ui-n iiaced uponthe-enc'mbered premiies by the Aseoeiation. sucir rereasesnarr be furnished innediately by any such Junior mortgageeYl"l^l.l!!en request-of the eisoiiation _andl l.f such rEd""tla not grantedl sucb,_release may be executed by the Aea6ciatlonas attorney-in-fact for such junior mortgagee. - 5. Owners Association and common expenses. The - - adrninistrationffi property sharl Fe governedby this Decrarationr rhe Arrictes 6t inco-rp;;;iio; and rheBylaws of The fodgg Apartment Condominiurn issociation, inc.,a-colorado nonprofit corporatlon, herein referred to aE the"Aasocr'ation.' An orrner of a condominiun unlt or undivl.ded'interegt tlrerein, upon becomrng-;uch an otrner, sharr be a men- :: ,ber of the Association andt shair remain a member fa; ihe pe;:iod..of hl.s ownership. 5:l DuFles of Board of Manaqers. The Aaso:.ciation, by grdl thro iected in ac_cordance with the Articres of rncorporati5n and, the Byraws of,the Association, shaLr have the duties of the general raD-agement, operation and, mainten'ance of tbe cond6minium build-ingr- the apartment units and the enforcernent of the provisionsof this Declaration and of the Articles and aylaws of theAssociation'andt :nrres and regulations adopted- thereunder.The Board of Managers may deiegate aII or-any part of its'obrigatioTF to a roanagin-g "g"nf^ herein reteiria to "s-t[e"Manager. i - O 5.2 Assessment for conrnon expenses. AIIbnners shall be obli "=^"rrts. imposed by tlre Board-of t'lanagiri to meet the common expen.esof mainteninc€1 operation an6 rnanagement of the condorninium.:rhe assessments sharl be nade pro iata according to'each:yl?I's percentage-ornershfp-filerest as set forth in Ex_ ,hibit H hei,eto. -The Board 6t-Uarr"ge!a, or the l,{anager, may::.::l::l :lI f:"".onable _'sysrern ioi coirectio" p"h5ai;"iii 9--.co.tntr,9t.e1pensear ln advance 'or arreare as deEnedl aesli_l _"?19. Inrtlauy assessments for the 'estinated comnron ex_Pelse8 0n ai annual'baeie sharl be made by the Board and ehalr -o t{.- !9 payalte in egual guarterly installmentg Ln advance on thefiret day of. each calendar guarter. At the end of, each cal-endar year the board sha1l dete:mine .actual expenses andeither aaseas each owner or cred,it againet thE next ensuingcalendar guarter, as the case may be. AasesamentE rnade shirtbe based upon the eetLmated cash regulrementa deemed to be Buchaggr€gate aun€ aa the Board shalr from time to time determlneto bE paid by al.l of the'ownere. Estimared expenses includetbe coats of maintenance and operation of the general comtonelementsr expenaea of management, taxea and sptcial aEsegg-menta unless geparately assessed, Ineurance piemiurns for in-suranc€_coverage as deemed desirable or neceeaary by theBoard, landscaping and care of grounds, comnon l-ignling andhgating, repairs and renovationi, tragh and garbaie coilec-tionsl yag€E, counon nater and utllity chargesr legal andaccountlng feesr management fees, expensee indl Iiabilltieaincurredl by -tlre Board of Managerg or- the Manager rrnder orby.reaeon of tlris Declaration, paynent of any-def,Icit re-nalning from a prevlous aesesemLnl periodl the creatLon ofa reasonable contl,ngensar or other rCserve or surplus fundas well aE other costs and, expenses relating to the generalcommon elementg. the omission or failure oi the Boaid, orof th9 llanager, to fix the assessroent f,or any assesamentperiod ehall not be deemedl a waiver, nodlficltion or a !e-leaee of tlre oqrners from their obligation to pay the earne 5.3 Nonpayment of assessments and lien. AIIsums asseseecl but rur eachargeable to any condorninium unit Eha1l,' congtitute a Lienon guch unit e'uperior to all other liens and encurnbranceaexcept for (1) tax and special assesrsment,liens on .the unitin favor of any taxing authorJ.ty, and (il) all s.trmE unpaidon a first mortgage of record, inctuding all unp.bid obliga-tory suns aE may be provided by such encunbrance:. If anyassessment shall remain unpaid after 15 days af,ter the d,uedate thereofr the Board of, Managera may impose a penalty on'suclr defaulting owne! in an anrount egual to I percent ofsuch aseessment. LikewiEe-a'penalty egual to I percent ofthe unpaid aaseesment may be inposed on the ftrst day of eachcalendar month tbereaf,ter so long as such aasessment shall . be unpaid. To evidence the lien as hereLn permittedr theBoard of Managers may, but shall not be required to, preparea written notice setting forth the a,nount of Euch unpaidindebtednessl the aqrount of accrued penalty thereonl.the nanneof.'the ordner of the condominium unit and a description ofthe condoninium unit and record the eane in the office of, th€Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County, Colorado. Such lien -for assess[rent 's]rall attach from the due date of the assessment.The lien may be enforced by foreclosure of the defaultLng,ownerrs condominium unit by the Associatlon ln manner eirnilarto a mortgage on real property upon the recordling of a notLceor clairn thereof. In the event of any such foreclosure theowner shall be lilble for tlre amount of unpaid asseasments,any penalties tlrereon, the costs and expenEes of such pro- . ceedlings, ttre costs and expenses for filing ttre notLcelorc.'aim of lien and all reasonable .attorneys I fees. The AsEo-ciation shall ]rave the power to bid in the condominiurn unitat foreclosure sale and to acguire and, hold, Iease, mortgageand convey the same. The anount of the conmon expenses aa-sessed against .each cond,ominLum unlt shall also be a. pereonilobligation of tlre owner tbereof. Suit to recover a moneyjudgment for unpaid assessments, and any penalties there-onshall. be maintainable without foreclosing or waiving.the.lien securing ttre sane. Any mortgagee h5lding a li6n on a.condlominium rurit may pay any unpaid assessment payable withrespect to euch turilr-ana.u!on iuch payment the-mortgageeghall have'a ll.en.on such unit tor ttre-amounta pald of-theeane priority ae ttre lien of the mortgage or deld of truet. o -8- *o 5.{ Statement of ageessmenta and ilabllitvft-.-* ii.:?"i ' -o dominium uTtt, trre soird "i-u-.g"r"l'"i-iiE;;;.;:r, shalrissue a written ataremenr ,ettirri i"itrr-url-;;;E-of theunpald asa€asnent8r lf ."V, ,fitr-respect to the subject untt,the anount of the current-periodic asseaBment and the dat€that ruoh alrcransnt becomie au"l-."rv penat-ice--aue, anacredit for advance payments or for plebaia ft"^"1-wfri"f,statement ahall be concrusive upon itre-l,ggocraii6n'in fa-vor of all persone yh9, rely rheleon in j""a--iitt . Thegrantee of a unlt-sharl-be- Jointrv and EevJr"iii--ir"ureylll^P:^gt:?!or for al1 u"i"ia-i'""essments asainsr theraE,Eer.-ror hi'a proportionate sbare of the conion expenseauP to the tine of ttre grant o! conveyancer without irelu_dice to the grantee,s- iijtri t" "."""i, rriro ltre-tr"rrto,the amounte pald by ttre irantee therefor; pr".rialal rrql_:::r:-1i!_upon payrnent 6f a reasondble i"a-;e;iin writ_::n_regu9str u! such prospective grantee ehall bi entitledto a statement from the Boerd of Managers, or ttre Managerlln the_ fo::m as set f,orth .u"".,-riirch ghal1 be concluslveuPon the Asaocl'ation. unless such reguest for a statenentof lndebtednegs shall ue cornpried ,riali;itnri-ri iays otsuch-reguest, then such grani".-"n"rr not ue--ri"bl;'ioll ,rorshall the condomini'm utrit """v.v.a u. auujJct-to-i ri.nfor. any rurpald assessments accruing prior ["-tfr"-a.te ofauch requeat. 6. Maintenance and altelationE. Responsibilttyfor tbe rnainte "ili-I"a restric_tions upon the alreration ttr.ie"i strait-u"-""-i"rior"", . 6:1 gy the owi€r. The ordner shall have theob1igationtonainta@.ngoodrepiiitr.einteriorsurfaces of watrsr ceirings .ni flo5rs trniiuaing-""iiliiii,lil:l -wallpaper,-paint or'otrrei -overing) ""-r.ii as at1rrxturea_ ancl appliances r.-whether the same are common elernentEo-r !ot, located wlthin sGch ownerrs apartmeni u"i1. An or.rnersharr not be responsibre' for-repair "'.;""i;;;a-ty-casuarry as.defiired in sectiln.s hereinafl;;; unress such ci'suarty ie due'to the act or negrigence of the owner, rrie-tueslsl inviteeeor tenanta. No owner sharl arter atry comnoi elerninte wLthoutcongent of the AssocLation. 6.2 By the Association. The Associationsharl maintatn an9 fffi, "r--" ;;;;" exp€De€7all of the condominium-prop5rty nol required to be main-tained and kept in good-relair'by "n o\dner. 7. Insurance. Insurance which should be carrtedupon the condorn@operry shall be as roriowsl ?.1 Coverage_, The Board of Managers shallobtain and_pay trre pFfriiffi-for, as a cornmon expenael insuranrceon the condlorniniun buirding in an anount egual- to the ;a;i*u.I-i=1t1*t: reptacement varuS thereoi,-iiiq,;ei;; iiotect:.onagarnst loaa or {"T"S" by fire'and other trazaiai covered bya_Atandard exterjdted toveiage endorsement, and such othert+:1." as may from time to €irne ue customiriry insured against .-rdith respect- to buildings simr.lar rn conJii"iti"", rocatlonand use as the'condlomini'm bulrding, inciuarng-bi'w"v of ei-anrpre vandalism andl rnalicious miscfrief . rtre 6oaia oi .Manaqeresharl determine ar reasr annuarly the repri""il;l;;i".-ii'iil .condominir:n building_and in so a-oing r"v-.",pi"i--eucrr "xpert----i:_P:-::?:al-$y feel necessary. rlre soard-of-Man.sers mayarso obt,atn and qtay the premiums forr as a common expenae,such add,itionat .ney1ap9! a" il"y may deem ne"essary or de_gl'rable -for pubrlc rlabtltrv, woir.r"ir,s-cor;en"iti"n .or othertypas of {neurance. -: -9- ' ; :-''r"' ' :' -..--o L 7.2 In€grglrce €overage with Lodqe at Vail.The Board of Uanaler - intereets of the issocialLon and the c6ndomLniun uuilaingto cqnbl,ne Lnsurance coverage, or any part thereof, with-in_surance coverage for the Iodge at Vail property, with anarrangemel!-for proration of the prernium bEtweEn the condo-mlnium building end thc Lodge at tail propertrz. flrc soardol llanagcr. 18 author:lzcd to comblne Lnguianci conerage insuch a manDer, provided tlrat in sucb case an insurance tru8t€€agreement be entered Lnto between the.Assocl,ation, the Lodgeat valr and a bank or other instituti6n capable oi acting iean insurance trustee. The Lnsurance trust-ee aqreenent sf,alrprovJ.de a procedure satisfactory to the Board 6i uanagersfor receipt of insurance funds and disburEement ttrereof fordarnage to part or all of the condorniniun building anar/or partor all of the Lodge at VaiI. . ?.3 Policies and certificates. The orJ.ginale ..'of all Lnsurance pol and kept 6y ttre PoaTg of Managers, or if under an l_nsurance trustee lgreenent!y tle insurance tsustee with certified copies thereoi to ieltby t$e Board of Managers. A certificate oi coverage of Ln- - surance sharl be furnished by the Board of Managera upon re-guest to any olrner or nortgagee of a condorniniui unit: 8. Repair or reconstruction after casualtv. Repairor reconstruct orii-ioJof.irnprovements.to substantiarry the sarne condition which theyexisted prior to ttre damage or Easualty, with each apartment - unit in the commoD elements having the saroe,horizontll and,vertical boundaries as before. .. 8.1 Insuiance proceeds sufficient to repair.In the event that prfLcl,ent to cover the cost of repair or reconstruitlon after adamage_or destruction of ttre cqndoninium property or any partthereof, then suctr repair or reconstructLon l}tatl be pronpttyperformed by .the Board of lrtanagers, as attorney-in-fact fbr - tlre owners pursuant to Section 8.5 hereinafter. . 8.2 Insurance proceeds insufficient to repalr.Il insurance proceed tthe d.arnaged or destroyed condominium property the followingprovisS.ons ehall govern: (a) Partial damage. For the purposes 6ithis section 8 total ttarnaf6-dl6ffGsrruction ii aitteaas such damage or destruction as to render, in the judgment ofthe Board of l,tanagers of the As'sociation, all of the apartrnentunits in the condominium building untenantable. Destructionof either the north wing or the south wing of the condominj.urnbuilding so that no4e of the apartment units are tenantabLe ineither wing so destroyed, shall also constitute total destruc-tion for the purposes of definition. Any danrage oT destructionIese than total destruction as so definedl is partial damagefor the purposes of this Section 8. A partial damage to the'condominiurn property, whether insurance proceeds shall be Euf- .'ficient to cover the same or not, shall be repaired as prornptlyas.possible under the direction of the Board of Managero, andany coat of such repairproceeds available shall condominium build,ing as or reconstruction in excess of insurancebe assessed against aII owneri of thea conmon exPense. a (b) Total destruction. In the €vent oft9t11 d,eetruction of the ffing or.of eLther tlre -10- tt' .'(-o north wS.ng or aoutfr_ w5.ng thereof , as defined in subpiragraph(a) abover and in trre rirttrii-t"i"t trrat rnsuiirr.e-proceedgare egt{qatea to be l.nsufficr.ent to reial.r a"a i"c""struct _the same, in the Judgrment or trre io"ia-oi-fi;;;;; then tbegg?tl of Managere-ehilr advLse all owners cJf such decisionwhich notl.ce itratt. aavisJ-oi-a sleciar neeii"t-oi &^"rr,Pursuant to the Articres of rncoiporation and-ayraws of ttreAssoclatLon, rrhl,ch meeting sharr Le herd as "ooir i, ,""rorr-ably poesible after trre aite "i-trr" aestruction--oi-aanageior th9 purpoBe of detqmining-wh-ther or noi-tfre-repair orrecon'truction ehourd be donel rf 75t of the wneisl prus:ll f*r. morr-gageesr shall iireE-to adopt i-piin-ior recon_atructlon then a1l onners stralt be bound-by the ierrns anaprovieions of tlre pran. rf the total aestiuciior-i" of oneof -ttre wings of tlre condouriniun buirdin!-;;it-th;" appro'arand adoptig! of tlg pf"tt of reconstructlon mirst also-be ap-Pr?y:{ by_75f of tbs-onners in the wi.ng o- tfr"-""rra".ini'm _building damaged or destroyed. Arry ,,".""aary aaaeasmentmade ln connection with th-e pran slall be a iommon expenaeand charged ae an a'Bessnent-to eactr-owner-auiing the courseof reconBtructl.on at the tlmeE deemed necessary 5r desirabreby-the Board of trtanagers. Any such assessment-shall be anobligation of each oiner ana i iien on such swnerrs condo-miniun unl't and rnay be enforced and corlectedl as co*.oo *-Penseg. :O I i .i IL Il,:: mortsasee", ,"lf H*"ii,:}: :Tifi 3I='$!;":*":11"",or :-r totar trestruction Ls of one wing of thE condomini.un*ildiiq-"nly and 75t or roi" oi-trte 6wners,in such wingtarr lo_approve a glan of reconstruction within six monlhsrrom rhe (late of the damage or destruction then the Board'ofManagert shalr forthwith iecord a notice setiingJorth suchfact.and upon the recording of such notice the Entire re- Silllg_preml.see of the coidominium property shall be soldDy the Board of Managers, pursqant to the p-ower-of-attorneyhereinqfter set forth, frel and clear of tire provisLons con-tained Ln tbie declaration and otlrer condomini'm documents, . rn such case the insurance proceeds payabre ii i iesurt ofthe darnage or destruction, -if any, sirair be colrected by theBoard of Managers and, after palient of coste of collectionEnereor and of otler-outstanding obligations and charges :::3_.:y_9e Associarion or as a-resulf, of the damage 6r de-struction and establishnent of a reserve as may be necesaaryto accomplish the rebuirding of the roof of thE lodqe at vailas provided hereinafter, stritt disburse the proceedS to thet'owners in accordance with the interest of eaih owner. such ET:::"_d: ?s may be necessaTy to.satisfy rhe mortgage of anyrlrsE mort'gagee on any condomiriiurn unit sharr be advanced Lot'he mortgagee in reduction of the interest of the owner forthe unit so mortgaged. 8.3 Reconstruction of Lodge at VaiI . TheBoard of I'lanagers sh a<rreiment,-with the owners of the Lodge at vail, who. are the deciarants (' as of the date of executioi of this declaration, which "gre--ment rn-ay Pe contained in the Lnsurance trust agreement de_acrlbeat above whereby.ttre r,odge at vair owners-sharr agree in ..the. event of destruction of tfre Lodge at viii-p""p"rty to re-construct the sarne-or-to prgvide stiucturar suipolt and accegsfor ysg Uy th9 condminiuin building. rhe agieEin"rrt ,h"Uf,urthei pronlde for use of insuranle funds ittriuutaule todarnage or destruggio! of the Lodge at Vail by the Board ofl'lanagers on beharf of the condominium ot""tri'in--t-tre event tlrattbg f,,odSe at VaiI ..shall fal.l or refuse to satlsfactor.Lly ., I I I I I:i . . - .-' . t. .' .- n '. -r1- "a repair or recoDatruct Ltg building. The agreenrent miy furtlrerprovide for reconveyance by ttre s5ard of Minaseri ag attornev-in-fact for the condqniniui orivnera or 'trre- esGi;-"b"";-;#;i"elig.trng above. the r.odge at viir in tlre "n"ri Ji aestructionof the coutlr wLng of the condqniniurn uuirarnt ina-euuiequ;{failure of the ownerg to erect to reconatruct the aame. 8.{ Obsolescence. The owners r€presenting an . intereBt of 85t or rn6ffiffE@e that rtre conaoiintun tuita-'i1e ia obsolete and, adopt i pian for the r""o"st "ctionthereof, which pran musl havi the unantnoui "ppiovar of ar,rflrst ngltyaseeE of record at the tirne of the-idoption of the!1?T:- 1! a plan for the renewat or reconstructLoir is .aopi-a,notice- of such-plan shall be recorded, and the expense thireoi:El}_!" payable by alJ. -ownera as cqnunon expenaesi provided,novrever, tlrat an owner dissenting fron the pran of ienewar orreconstruction rnay give trritten notice to tie Board of Managerawithin 30 days aftei the adoption of sueh plan trrit suctr dls-.sent:-ng owner'a unit sharr be purchased by-the Asrociationfor the fair narket varue therLof. The Alsociation, throughthe Board of lrlanagerQr shall then have 30 days wittrtn which tocancel such plan. .rf the plan is not caDcer-led then the con-doniniun unit of, tlie dissenting owner shall be purchased ac-cor9ing to the following proceiures: rf the owirer and the Boardof_Managera can agree on lrre fair market varue thereof then suchsale shall be consutunated, within 3O days thereafter. If theparties are unable to agree, the date irhen either party noti-fies the other that he or it is unabre to agree wrtrr trre othersharl be the "cirnnrencenent date" fron which-atl periods of ti.rnementioned herein sharr be measured. within ten iayt roriowiG-the conunenceroent date, each party sharl nominate ii, writing - (and give notice of such nornination to the other g"yivi irr'"p-praiser who shatr be a member of the American rnsi.ttuii otReal Estate Appraisers. rf either party fails to nake sucha_nomination, tlre.-appraiser nqninatld sirarl, witlrin flve dayeafter default by the other party, appoint and aesociate witthirn another appraiser who sharr- aLs6- be a ni'ember of the arnerL-can rnstLtute of Real Estate Appraiserb. rf the two appra:lsersdesignated- by tle parties, or i6lected pursuant hereto in theevent of the default-of one^party, are unable to agree, .Eheyshall appoint a tlrird appraiser ivlio arso shalr be i meiruer -or ttre American rnstitute of Real Estate Appraisers to be r:mpirebetween them, if tbey -can agree on such lerson. If they Lreunabre^ to agree on such umpire, then eacl appraiser preiiously.appointed shall norninate two persons, each.oi trrern slarr bemembers of ttre Anerican' rnstilute of Real Estate Appraisers,and from the names of the four persons so nominatei-one shail'be drawn at lot b_y any i.gg. of.any court of record in coroiaao,and the name so drawn sharr be.the-unpire. The nominationefrom whorn the unpire is to be drawn u| rot sharr be subrnittedIllhl" ten days of tlre failure of the trdo appraisers to agree,\itn'-ctl, fT ltry event, should not be later than 20 days followLigthe appointrnent of the second appraiser. The decision oi theappraisgrs as to ttre fair markecvalue, or in the case of.theirorsagr{-bment, t}re declsion of the umpirel shart be finar andbinding. The expenses andl fees of sirch appraisers sharr beborne lguqlIy by the Association and the d-issenting o\dner. Thesale ehould be consummatedl witlrin 15 days thereaftEr, and the.Board of uanagers sharl disburse the pr-oceeds in the-follow- 'ing order: (i) palzoent of the balance of any first lrortgage,(i.i) -payrrent of taxes and speciar assessrnenti; (tii) payfreit-otunpaid'co!iloon expenaesi (iv) patrment of JunLor 1iens lna en-curnbrances in order of and to-the extent-of prlorlty and (v)balance iernaining, if any, to the disaenting swn€r. *o U-; rL II .i I I it i -r2- -- ' . a I .l It 8:5 power of attorney. This declaraiion doerhereby make the irreffit oi-trre soard ofItlanagera 9f the Assocl.ation aE attorney-in-fact for arl orrnerato deal wLth the condominLum property irpon its destruction,obsoleecence, repair or reconltruction, and title.to each con-doninlun unit is.declared and expressly nade subjeet to theterma and conditione hereof and icceptince by th6 grantee ofa d,eed frqt the declarants frqn any owner strltt trievocabl,y.constitute and appoint the Eoard o? Managere of, the Assocl,i-tion thel.r true and lawful attorney in their name, place andstead.for_tlre purpose of dealing with the condqniniiul propertyupon lts alestruction, obsolescence, repair or reconatruction. 9. night__g!._E!IE! refusal. No owner, except de-ciaEar-.-r-5, n y ffi='"-"ota"",ttti * unrG orany. J.nterest therein except pursuant to the provialons of tlrl.aSection 9. IIII , .tt II I .!,t I 9.1 Bona fide offer. Anv olvner. except de-ciarar.ts, wiro receiv6ffiiliile or-fer-for shi saie'or lease(other than a lease for a term of one year or less) of his con-dominium unit whLch he intends to accept, sha.Il give promptwritten notice to the Board of Managers of such offer-and-ofsuch intention, the name and add,ress of the proposed purchaeer .or lessee, the terms of the proposed traneaction, and- suchother infornation as the Board of Managers may reasonably re-quire, and such owner shall thereupon offer to sell or tolease such unit, tbrough the agency of the Board of lrlanagersto the remaining o\rnera of the condominir:m building, whetlrerone or more of tben, on the same terms and,conditions aE con-tained in the bonfide offer. The giving of the notice shallconstitute a warranty andl representation'by the owner who'hasreceived such offer., to tlre Board of Managers, and to thetlanager, for the bEnefit of the renaining-owners, that euchowner believee ttre outside offer to be bona fide in aII re-'spects. g.2 Notice to remainins ordners. Vfithin fivebusiness days after bona fide of-.fer, the Eoard of llanagers shall mail, by regular United Stateamail, postage prepaid, to each owner at the address of suchordner as ehown in the records of the Associationr.the Lnfor-mati.on as to the bona fLde offer obtainedl frorn the offeringowner. For a period of 20 days beginning on andl includtngthe date of.the actual mailing of such information, the re--maining unit owners, whether 6ne or more of, them, shall hav'ethe right to purchase or to lease the offering ownerrs con-dominiuro unit on the sane terms and conditions as containedin such outside offer. 9.3 Exercise of riqht. In ordet to exercLse.the right of first rffiing owners, whether oneor more of thern, must on or before the end of such 20-day Tpriodr,actually deliver to the Board of lrtanagers a writtenbonuoibirent or comoitments to purchase or lease the unit being'off,ered. If only one onner shall submit a written cortrml.troentthen such owner shal.l be deenred to have the sole right toacguire. the offered unit by lease or purchaae purEuant to ttre.tems of the bona f ide of fEr. If rnore than onE writt€n com-mitrnent is delivered the Board of lltanagers shall give im-mediate notice by telephone or lelegram to aII ownere'whodeli.vered such written cqunitnoent of the fact of multiple .conmitmenta. For a periodl of six days beginning on and, in-iludling ttre day of telephone or telegram notLce, .the ownerswho.subnLtted'the nrrltLple cmroitments nay agree anong -13- a oo -o 9.7 Purchase !!r Association. The Associationltself shalL have noTiffiEr,Esc,rr snarr nave_no trglt to purchase a unit pursuant tothis section 9 without the pri6r written corrs"irt of arr o themserves as to a fo:m of undivided. qrrnership and prbcedurefor purchase or lease of the offered unlt. nitice 6f suchagreenent shall be delivered to or reciived by the Board ofttlan-agers in wrLting within the six-day time perfoa. If nosuch agreemeat is deLiveredl to or recEived uy trre Board ofll!1":9?:. tlmely, tben the Boardl of lrtanagers ihalt prooptlyconduct a drawing between the owners who submLtted the-mui-tl-ple comitmenta to deterrnine priorities as between thlln-and the prJ.orities so determined shall ue conciuiive. Theolrner, _or g'rener6, who sharl have varidry exercised the righthereunder, sharr enter Lnto a contract iitrr trri offering.o!rner, t9 purchaae or lease the offered unit upon t-he sinetems and' conditione ab contained in ttre bona iiae ofrer andtender to ttre offering owner any d,own paym-n- ;;-deF;ii --- theretofore made undei the bona fide oit-er. 9.4 Non-exerclse of right. If no orrner shall:I:':: : :_l_i: :i gl,t hffi "- p"ii"I "-p. ",ia"i,.Ene orrering unit owner shall be free to accelt and ciose uponthe basis of the bona fide offer with the G;:;"-;; personawho made the bona f ide offer. rr lrre ;ii";iil-o*i"" shalllp! yithin the period provided in the bona fide offer cloaeEne sransaction on the ter:ma and conditions as originally con-tained theretn, S"l_ttre offeii;s-";;-=ii"D-U!-i!quired to:SalT conply wLth all of the terfrs and provisfons-of tfrtesection 9 in order to subsequently se[ or rease t]re unit. 9.5 Faj_lure to cornglal Any sale or leaee ofa condomintun uirit wiEEdEErr?,6t$riance- of the terms andprovisLons of this seetion 9 sharr be voidabre at the erectionof the Board of Managers. ,4. 9:6 CettificqLqe. After full conrpliance by anoffering oiiner wi.ui 6-ffin 9, and after ari periods of -tirne provided for prrrchase by renain$t ;r";;r-r,""E-"*;i;"d; T:1.-llg l9i=d qf .Manasers ol the Rssociation shalt prip"r",execute, acknowledge, -and sweai tg a certificate, in-reiord- - -able form,-stating ttrat the provisions of this slction 9 havebeen_conplled wit6 and rhat iny ii!rr--oi-rGfits-oi fl_rst re-fusal theretofore vested in thi refraining "iit-"r"ers havebeen terillinated. -such certificate may b6 signedl by any nen-ber of the Board gf t'tanagersI o! by tire rqani6er, iia siatr ueconcrusive.upon the Association, tie Board oi uitragers andthe r'emainina unit onners in favor of ar1 p"rrotr- ino in goodfaitlr rely tf,ereon. 'l consent of all 0f tlreremaining owners andonnera will pay their.necessitated by such an express agreenent that such rernainl,ngproportionate parts of any assessmentpurchase. 9.8 Exceptions. The following transfere.orconveyances of a coniidfir,fi'-unit are bereby 6xpiessry ex-ceptecl frqn the provl.sions of ttris Section.-9: . (a) A-transfer to lr purchase by a bank,rrte tnsurance company, Fecleral 0r state savings and-I0an as-.sociation or other-mortgage lender which acquLies its title3s a result of owning_g mortgage upon ttre c6ndqnLniuro unit,. by foreclosur€ proceedings oi -onveyance in lieu thereofi indta transfer, sale or lease by any such mortgage lender afteracquisition of the condominirun rurit by foreclosure or convey-ance in lieu thereof. -14- \-o \r' : ' (b) A transfer, conveyance or lease be-tween or among owners who are cotenanta of the sanne condornl,nLununit. by an owner, ;r " ""l:l.r,Tn3,terect tn the unit ].ess thanshlp of tbe condominl.urn unlt. (d) A transfer or conveyance by gift,devlse or I'nheritance or by operation of law-of a deceaeedJoint tenantre interest to tfri surviving joint tenant. transfer, conveyance or leasea condorniniun unit bf an in-I00 percent of tlre fee owner- (e) Any transfer or conveyance by de- I0.3 Compliance with declaration. Each o\dner clarants. 10. Miscellaneous provisions. 10.1 Separate tax assessrnent. Declarantsshalr advise the asse@rorado of thecreation of the condominium own6rship of-ihe cond,ominiurnproperty, as is provided by law, so that each condominiumunit shall be deemed a sepirate parcel of real property andeubJect to separate assessment and taxation. 10.2 References to o\dnershi_p interest.Wherever in this decl orpo-ration or Bylaws of the Association reference is nade to- aspecific percentage interest of owners such reference sharlbe deemed to mean the total aggregate ownership interestsin the condoninir.:m property at-reilected on exiiUit H at-tached hereto and shall not be deemed to mean a percentageof owners by nurnber of individual persons, partnlrshipsr-corporations otr other entities. shall co-rnply strictly declaration,the Atticles of Incorporation, bylaws, rules, regulations, re-solutions and contracts of the Alsociation ai tfre same mayfrom time to time be in force and effect. Failure to complywith any of the same sha1l be grounds for an action to reloversums due for d,amages or injunctive relief or both, maintain-able by the Board of Managers, or the I'lanager, in behalf ofthe'owners, or in a proper case, by an aggiieved ordner. 10.4 Rdeistration of addresses. Each o\rnershall register his rna@sociation, andall notices, demands and statements shall be sent by regularUnited States mail, postage prepaid, addressed in the name ofthe owner at such registered mailing adhress. AIl noticesand demands intended to be served upon the Board of Managersof the Association shall be sent by regular United Statea mail,postage prepaid, to the following address: Mr. Ross E. Davis (t 2230 First National Bank BuildingDenver, Colorailo 80202 until guch address is changedl by notice of address ch.angegiven to the owners. 10;5 gererabilLty. If any of the provisionsof 'this declaration oF?'iffiira!?aph, sen-tence, clluse, phraeir,word or section, or tlre application thereof in any circurn-stance be invalidated, such invalidity shall not affect thevalidity of the renainder of this declaration, and the appli- ,g?ltott of any such provLsion, paragraplr, aentence, clause, -15- .t. larants have executed,1970. I .i I me thisStalder, WIINESS my hand and official seal. . Uy cmisel,on expiree _ The foregoing instrument was#"ii".:l-,ek*--'acknowledlged before .. I9?0 by Wal.ter iI. (-!(, :t6-' \L; phrasel word or ee_ction J.n any other circrunetances.sh31l notbe affected.thereby. - 19:i .llngpdmenr of declaration. Thla declara-::9..::X 13::l"u-p@r ii'au ol,:nersisron may D€ anenaled by th@r oi-arr olr:nerprorrlded, howeverr. thit_any suctr-arnenament ahall have been ap:":::-11.,Silit?.bl "u-iirll;"ilil;#: "iil^il:iifi.iE lnliiba affscrivo untr,r placcd ot rocora-ri-i.i:..'.E;;;, cororrdo. IN WITI{ESS WIIEREOi., dtlrLg declaratl.on thir ?o+(;"t-;i _l STAAE Or Cor.oRADO ) crry AlirD corrNTr oF DEN'ER i tt' .5I :ip.ol! 3;' it.t :i \F=- ; :t za I-..-];;:-Tl! ''$1''-!-; ii:i ':-' : r:r*lm tili .--41-; i iiiltj':Y' t- '6 I ', ! Fl , i$i ,'i I ..?:'' ..-, -'*-:-'- ?-(: \ e \'\7 .[-\!-4--e ,'ii ir\t4''-- $:r .ra\a l- ?rtffi t.-,b I I ,{ I I %,-;$ I \,j THE IODCE APARTMEM COIIDOMINIUM EKHIBIT A-1 IXGAL DESCRISTION OF PROPERTY OWNED BY DECIARA}IIS AS OF DATE OF DECI.ARATIONEXECI.]TION OF (Thls lc for tnforoatton purlrosea and descrtbesmore real property than is beLng eubnttted codhe condooinfiuo oioershtp.) - A part of Iocs ar- br'3nd ", BLock 5-C, Vatl Vl1lager FlrsrFlllng, county 9! Eegle, scace of colorado, oore laittcularrydescribed as follons: 'BegtonLng at the Souttnrest, corner of Lot a, Block 5-C, Vallvillage, Flrsr Ftrtng; rhence Norrh 24'rlroo'tsasc'a distanceof 119.57 feet; thence North lsel7.OOrtsasr, a dlstance of' 143.00 feet' to a potnc of curnre; thence arong a curi\re to the Iiql!.I1-v.f"g a radtus of 96.00 feec, a .enrrit angle of64"00'00'r, and an arc dlst,ance or r02.23 f,eet.'to I point of -ltangenr; rhence along said tangenr North 7g.Ll,OO;t!"i " -._i distaoce of 245.42 feec to a polnt of cu:nre; theoce arong a ; cur!-ve t9 !!g Tlghr havlng a radtus of 582.79 feer,, a cenEralangLe of 2'03r54trr.and an arc length of 21.00 feei to a poLnc;chence souch 10'30t16'tsast a dlstince of 369.21'feer to Lhesouth llne of satd Ior a; rhence sourh 89c44r00'Test and arongsaid South line a dlstance of 490.63 feer ro the polnc ofbeglnning. CI .f rj THE I'DGE APARTMEM CONDOMINII'I{ EKHIBIT A-2 I.ECAL DESCRIPTION OF TIIE REAL PROPERTT. ON IIHICH THE NOR3H WI}IC OF THE CONM}'INII'M BUILDING IS I.OCJTED (SHOWN BY DqITED LDE ON EKHIBIT A) That part of Ipte a and b, Block 5-C, VaLl Vtllage Firsc Ftling,County of Eagle, State of Colorado, Eore partLculerly descrlbedas follors: Comencl.ng at the Sotrthuesc corner of Iot a, Block 5-C, satdVaLI Village Flrst Flllng; thence N.24'I1r00'ts. and along theNorchwest line of said l.or a, Block 5-C, 119.67 feet; thenceN.15'17r00'ts. and aloog the Norrhwest 1lne of eild Ioc a,Block 5-C, 109.65 feet Bo rhe trrre poLnt of beglnnlng; thenceN.15'17t00'ts. and blong the Norrlwels Ll.ne of f.ot ar-Block5-C, 33.35 feet to a polnt of curve; thence along the NorthIlna of Iot -a, BLock 5-C-and a cunre to the rlght havlng -aradlus of 96.00 feet, a cenlral angle of 64'00100rr, an ari_distance of 107.23 feet to a polnt of tangeDt,; chence N.79o17r ' 00rts. and along the North ltne of Lot a, Block 5-C, and aIong.said tangept, 245.42 feet to a pol-at of currse; thence along Lhe North. ltne of l.ot b, Block 5lC and a cunre to the righthavlng a redlus 9f 582.79 feet, a cenrral angle of 02'03f54rr, aD arc dlstance of 21.0p feet to a poinrl thence S.10'30t16thrr'.78J7 feet; rhence S?9lZgr44'tr., 146.,65'feet; theDce N.1O3Or-16'\'I., 15.00 feer; thence S.79c29 r44't{. , 29.85 feet3 chences.10'30t16tb., 6.00 -feet; rhence s.79'29r44,'t{., 16.35 feec; theoce.'S.10'30r15'ts., 8.90 feet; rhence S,79'29t44'\1., 8.35feet; thence S.10'30r16rts.., 5.00 feet; rhence S.79'29r44't{.rf67.81 feeg to the tnre poLnt of beginniag. .': I THE IDDGE APANTMENI CONDOMINII'M EKHIBIT A-3 I.DCAL DESCRIPTION OF THE REAL PROPENTY WITHIN IIITICH THE SOUIH I{IT{G OP THE CONDOMINIUM BI'ILDI}TC Is IOCATED(stowN gt oasHgo LrI.IE oN Exnlgrr .A\ (1) Iegal descrtptl.on of the northerly portion of the sotrthwLng of the condonlotuo bulldlrrg (comonly referred to aethe fourth floor of the condooLnluo bulldtng) The alr epece above the elevat,lon 81191.62 feet abone eaosea level over the folIcrlag-descrlbed property3 That parC of Iot a, Block 5-C, Vall Vl11age Ftrsr Fl1tng,County of Eegle, State of Colorado, nore pertLcularly descrlbedas follons: Co"-'enclng at, the Souttpest corner of Iot a, lbtk 5-C, saldVall VlIIage F1rst.F111ng; rhence N.24'11r00'ts. and along theNorttffesterly llne of aaid Lor a, Block 5-C, 119.67 feet;thence N.15'17rOOrts.--and along the Northwesrerly llne of , ,-.Lot a, 81ock 5-C, 109.65 feer; rhence N.79'?9'44'ts., l5t:81 .feetcothetnepotitofbeginning;thenceS.l0.30,1'6'ts., 44.30 feet; thence S.79'29'44'\.t., 10.00 feet; rhence S.10'30r16'8., 40.70 feet; thence N.79c29r44'ts., 10.00 feer; rhences.10'30r15t8., 15.05 feer; rhence- N.79'29'44'ts., 15.65 feet; tEence N.L0'30r16'tI., 20.10 feet;- rhence N.79029'44'8., 90.25feer; rhence N.10'30115't{., 28.00 feer; rherrce s.79.29r44'l{.,38.35 feet; theace N.10'30'16't{., 57.95 feet; rheoce S.79'29t44tt.,8.00 feet; theDce N.10'30r15'b., 15.00 feet; thence 5.79'29r44'T., 29.85 feer; rbence S.10'30115'E., 6.00 feet,; thence s.79'29r44tt1., 16.35 feec; thence s.10'30r16'ts., 8.90 feet;thence'S.79'29r44't{., 8.35 feet; thence S.1030r16'ts., 6.00feet; thence S.79'29r44tt{.;6.00 feer to the.rrrre polnt of begtnnlng. (ff) Legal descrlptl.on of the soui:herly portlon of the south wLng of the eondouloluu bul.ldlng (comonly referred to as' th6flfth floor of the condoulnluo butLdlng). The alr €pace abow the elevatton 8r20lr.89 feec above B'p sea,level over che follontng-described propercys (! : ' That part of Ipg a, Block County of Eagle, State of as followe: le 5-C, ValI Vlllage Flrst Fl1lng, Colorado, Eore pertLeularly &ecrLbed t.I I ! i I I i : Co"'-enclng et the Southrest corner of Lot a, Block 5-C, saidVail Vtllage Flrst Ftllng; thence N.24'I1r00rts. and along the Northnesterly lLna of sald Iot a; BLock 5-C, 119.67 feet,3 thence N.l5'I7'Oq'ts. and aloog the Nortkresterly llne of Lot e, 'B1ock 5-C, 109.65 feet,; thence N.79'29tlAtE.' 151.81 feec;' \.t' : -l I .. tirenca 9'ro'qg' {l!:r -f-:30 f-eet; thence i.zg'zg r44"t{., t0.oof,eer; thence S.10.30t1{,-E:, 40.70 feer; rhence lr.Zg.iii+4,8:; 19:30 f99ti r,hence S.tO.3Ot16',E., 15.05 feet; ti"o"" N.Z9.t9ital!:, F.q.5 feer to rhe cnle poiot of beglnnlog; thences-.10'301{iE: r -sl.J0 fegt; theirce N.z9.29Y4AiE.l'0.00 feer;thence S.10'30r{l!:r gg-.I0 .feet; rhence N.?9.2i rt*,8.; e.OO: f:.li :h€fe 1.1003-0_']{1!:, lr-66 feet,; rheoce N.89.44,00;t.,za:f teetl thence N.79.29r44,ts., 23.9O feet; Ghence N.IO.3O|161!,? 16.00 feet; thence N.Z9.2itt4tB., 9.30 feer; thenceN^.10'30'lf 1!:r.l!9:80 !:"!l thence s.Zg.zii44'T:; Og.U feat;thence s.10'30rr6'E., 20.10 feer ro the rnr€ pJrir oe ueginnisg. -i (,cr -2-' II IIi I It..I It.'I ; : i I.! I t,ti- THE I'DCE AP.ERTMEM CONDOMINII'U EXHIBTT H Condorotnl,uoUnit No. AppurtenantLloited Couroon Eleoents - AdJacent, Balcony (B) Garage Space (G\ ?ercentageInterest ln Couoon Eleoents and Comon Exoenseg - Iocatlon North'side Souch side North side South sl& South slde North 6ideNorrh blde South sLde North slde South elde Norch slde Souch slde North sl.de Soutb slde Norrh slde L32' 133 134 136 ul8 139 140 L42 L44 145 146 15O L52u3 154 u6 158 . 159 150 t62. 'L64 I ros 166 232 233 238 239 245 246 248 249 252 253 256 259 262' :265 268 North [{l.ng - North SouEh Norch Norch Norch South North' North North South =: Norch = North " '?i1 - North Sorth Norch North North' South North North' .. Norch' Sorth . North North l{lng Flrst Floor sl.de ! slde sLde etde side slde slde slde side sLde sLde side- sLde side side side sLde slde slde side stde elde slde - Second Floor .94 1.28 .58 .58 .58 1.28 .58 .58 .62 .95; .79 .52 .51 ' L.28'.51 .51 .51 L.28 .51 .51 ' .51. .92 1.09 .89 1.28 L.26 1.28 .96 .91. .97 .59 L.27 L.28 .90 1.28 L.27 .92' .89 G G G .-t-1 G G G cr BC BG BCBC/ BG BC BC BC BC BG BG BG .8C 8C tll'r"i't .. r .a t v*t I.: h''t'"r' li; CgndonlnluoUntt No. PerccatageIntercst ln Comon El.enente and Coooa Bcpeoses 331 332 337 338 339 340' 343 346 347 348 351 352 354 3s7 359 360'362 365 368 401 4M 405 406 407 .4r0 411 4L2 .515 516' 520o 52L, 522 523. 526 527 530 533 534 .535 .a BG BC BO BG BG BC 8C BGBG ., BG 'i BG BG BG BC BG. . I 3G..BG . BG BC 1.87 1.16 L.79 1.9'o 1.79 1.84 1.89 1.80 L.26 1.15 1.45' 1.75 BG., BG BC BG BC BC BG BG BG BC BC.BG \ J.r.z+l' 1.71I L.74 L.73 L.74 1.73 1.98 L.73 1.05 L.79 1.97 L.g2 L.73 L.74 L.74 1.73 L.73' 2.00 1.96 '; ,I. .l':rlI G BG BC BG BC BG BC BG 1.11 1.94 L.72'L.77 L.72 1.07 3...07 L.32 ' .- ) THE I,/OEE APARSMEM CONDOMINII'I.I EKHIBII H (Contrd.) :AppurtenantI_trrrlted Cor,,oOnEleente - AdJacent (B) Sotrth stde North slde' South slde' Norrh ilde South sl,de North st& South sl.de North sl& South slde North sl.de South slde Norcb el&No*h aide South sl.de Souch stde-:-.- Nor*h atde =- Nottb 8l.de South sl.ale North sid€ East elde Wesc eide West elde EasE std€ Ifeet stde Eesc elde I{est el.de East sld€ West slde East slde' I{est at& East stde ' Iocatton lforth l{lng - Ttrttd Floor fottttt llLng - Fogrch Flogr . East eldellest glde East slde ' tleec stde Easc elde . I{est slde East slde West slde South l{lag - Fl:fch Floor' !9lconyGarage Soace -2- Fj{:o t*>l ct . THE IODCE APAtrTMENI CONDOMINII'U IRCHTTEST I s CERTIFICATE - I, ROBERI A. HIESTER, Regl.stered Archltect,, herebycerctfy that rhe Exhiblts B-I through B-7, C, D, E, F-l andF-2 and G-l end G-2 of the Declaratlon of covenanEe, condltloneand Rescrl,ctlone for Ttre Iodge ApartmenE CondoulnLuo, VaiI,Colorado, whlch exhlbl.ts, together with ExhibLt A to saldDeclaration, constltute the Map of The Iodge ApartoenE Con-doolnlu_o, fully and eccurately depict the rocatLon, dl-nensions.,slze, floor elevatlon and cell.ing elevailon and exterlorpertoeter walLs of each condooiniuu unit wLth the approprLacenuober of each condooinlun unit ind.icated Ehereon, and r furthercertl.fy that, the turproveoents as constructed on Che real prop-erty described tn Dchlbits A-2 and A-3 of the Declararion foi.The Iadge Apartloenr, Condouinluo conforo subscanttally to thelisted exhl.bl.rs which eonstl.r,ure the Map for The Iodge Aparc- Eent Lun. CITY A}ID COUNIY OF s8. Archlcect I s Cert,if lcateAprll, 1970 by Robert A. i I I ST ') ) DE{VER) The foregotng before ne thle 7ch day of r:t1;il;ti;';' was acknonledged Htester. WIINESS ny hand and offLcial sea1. CO-"rLSSlOn eXplreSfr o Hiester,gcE fi r<- ln--? ...' -l \ IIta2-a!_r :i3t il.lil!i:r ;I :s'9ri!IE;t!rirll 3:.a :tEr iE::i :. I t !\iIitliiW $* NE =Q *il il FzhJ.>FF_-(ri ff3 'illt!rl LrJ(tooJ trl F t; riii Itlrt|i*r;trrrylrelr$$ilb,ll --.,.-'d, t!';!"i {-'--'- = =z =oozo() I i.! ;t! !ili sI5 I -- --4'----\ It,, c() + 9Ji'tP)oU| I I t It %