HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail COMMON 1974-1978Tl"at Vai /' , 4u ,\({ )*n \Tr)L"l 7u SvTply SA op r( oFFrcE F7 -.,,, -7nz -Iy' -'P(,nilt+ E, @re CraeK Dr DESIGN OATE OF I'IEETII'IG: I4EI4BERS PRESEIIT: RTV I EI,' BOARD Serrtenber 26, 1974 Rouff. Bill Abbott, 'tludTeY / Hanlon, Bill SUBJECT: LODGE ARCADE - addition of handrail in ACTION TAKEII BY BOARD: MOTION VOTE: 0 Parker, Lou Sage, Dave ,o ^rrrou. o, -h/%T{rEcoNDED sv D'i-/zrt AGAI NST: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY: App I l canE, \ DONALD L ELISHA GENERAL T'ANACEB Ru tl0v 201s74 November 21, 1974 Mr. Jerry A]drich Town of Vail Building Department Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Jerry: At your nequest, I have temporarily remove the Jim Relnecke Comp'letes wal'ling to be completed t,{e are also looking at tioned and will call if asked Eagle County Thrash Company to containers from our nerv addition until the dry wall. Jim anticipates dry sometime this week. the door closer problem that was men- any questions. Sincerely yours, .,.J-/ . "?l ,,'-.':/-/P"r*a"'j f ,' n".".i...1,.x.1 , ;' Homer N. Brown Manager HNB: I k cc: Mike Car'lisle P. O. 8OX 1168, VAIL, COLORADO 81557 . TELEPHONE: VAIL 303-476.5011 . DENVER 303'222'7074 a o DES IGN DATE OF MEETIIIG: I'IE]4BTRS PRESENT: REV I EI.I BOARD 0ctober 3 t97 4 Abbott, DudleY Hanl on, Bi l l Sage, Dave LODGE AT VAIL- proposed additional wall TT6-FrE[6r--SUBJECT: ACTIOII TAKIN BY BOARD: MOTION VOTE: ; sEC0NDED au #-ay'm,- \-4 APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUFTI4ARY: ,/"') chairman of the goaid- :iO F o(, z- c E- z tHl sz <Fd d:ra> FF_kg":g <- ?zF-IFF <(,z,.rJr!4PFLCFl9io9Es\2-<a;<ozo =zzAs>a.Ei Q<9<JA2: " -i.la:6*i9:;<e- <Gr:jo'.:Y li, <cQ> *{,/)<ot=qroE<d < >,1 .J Eo,o- ul z J z iHY* oul ccL! zl F o z (r F IL c! J uJ J J tu J J F F2 L ,E =tr=HlJ-oO =,2 =ql--f o o NO |lVn'lVA 3 z cc UJo) zul :- J<l>(,('t 2*N o9 z Fq*d.6 9tt=>:z:< >OFO ;ni -1 INSPECIGIN FIEE|JEST DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER I florxen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE ! pnnrrau LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM E appRovED D orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr ! upolrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR .l $ zo=o>lt::F;fto. o-ACI o|ltE!l oozt N \l\l i!ES ulE cEoo tt FoF ?a!tulltI(, IJJI z J4 E AulG 2o 66 29F IEuJFJ a|lt2 |9z ctIf6tto aI F.tl 2 FIC, Llt v,F =Iz flto cjz xc l" -o TJ JIE tto uJ o !lt:-Ert>(,cl |r|F =o2o9 -4,-r!5 z9F33-oFE9oF>x(, ^,L <IEtt;r{ t Er Irl 0, g z -o Jf o -l Lbet --eth t'tr trs ton --.=-Jeglo sraso f€aqfiH -------sa)ctsJ sal€s ------------seed PIle seuld unoc sastrecr-I ronbrT ---------------- ednoFcedstrI'8plE Eorl.Ona,cO -EltEr&rd EUHJ€d on'o/ *hht ao;aFg sl,.l:'oa GCV ous cls^Igcgn r?,ag 6N IISAJo uaoJ. erIJ JJITCCf, FQ Fzo() 2 o o F 2 {9tstz<F1<:tF.>F:i-n9.,9 < :- | z ,- I t .. ' z_ <-.-AHtEii -ir?Eg\z - <2;<ozo/.zzA)>c<45iiFrotrO<L)<oHz;,nifri.:<o- < 4:ico .i: lEo<co>*lo<c*Br'l€:<r(<3,1 + E cc ) G I z J z KH(JL-r! oulE (Jzl oz ccCC ut cc )l! F J J F F ll,JE J F F Fzul t .E =tr= olll t9z -o Jl n lLo =, =ol- NO IIVNIVA = z E llJ ) UJzllJ t$>(,c, \t!N 2r.l 9 z trqt4.6 9o;> -z*< >O -ci +f\.rT b.t ?.f;EElculc ! ul (,2 JG o uJGgJ ooz !to2s co:r atzo Ezt E z () lrc|z o tFr E4-FQ|6 YZ E lrl. ts TT 9otFn<9lrdEEc <. t IF E trlG cooJtt LllE o J o ul CE !too tt J FoF v,7{rl oFz UJ- u,l6 UJ ! 5|r=r= lllolretu -Z--oE'IL -.-l E E 4|l,1E zo Foo 2 F GuJF 3ur2 (9 =oJ foltogl 3 Fzf ouJJul E o uJC'cott out l! 6tIIGv, G, uJJIz Ecv, IJJIEt! 0F2 (92: tto ci2 zo IJEG tto uJF o Gl :-l!>t,(r' =o=o9 -ah 5 zoFaJo5f!lol- !tq9 =>xo:z6fH3FEi .,i \ I I .* <-"_ : - =:=:- :: : :::: : ---------------- ed uor+oedcq .tilf -Btlurred 8gtryod 88e9 6N FT6r'Fva IIEAtro uaol eqI IdIG}TU 1 I Uhtl.d 8l r ltap artaranl ofFoFrt t.?rlca b. ,-. rlcn tro r. |\tno ol rrta storsgc Atee l. Cord no. (21I Permission is hereby granted to Iodgg Propcllleot Inc. trf 2230 rtffi mttonsf Bsnb Bui , hereinafter called the permittee, to use subject to the conditions set out below, the following described lands or imprcvements: I posslm o! tbr lBtst$It. sec. 8, I58, n8og, 5tb ?J. .r d.scrlbcd m Gb. rp deslgnrt d 'lbdlbtc lr. drced llUilT4r.tt cbod Go lod r.d. I p.rc of tbl. p.rrlcr Thispermitcovers0.95acresMndisissuedforthepurposeof: Parklng, atoroge ahcd, od ladrceptng oD [ettfial Eos..t Lod rdJrcolS to tb. '!Iodg3 ,t V.llFl Ghatm ataar 0.34 ectrer psdrtog (ulnue threr l0rr30r U8t8 rprcr) od rtotr3prhr&-&&tbtt A. orse 42. l{qFcharqo aroas 0.61 eeres landrcsplng and teqorray cmaBauctLo tcccat. l. Construction or occupancy and use under this permit shall begin rithixlrrmdlaEely.- onthdpdd@dsnaD mdr:o{Fhtc( 'rrr-r""{ Ubdfeal ioo!tritiogr 2. In consideration for this use, the permittee shall pay to the Forest Service, U,S. Department of Agriculture, the sum of SovonCeea Euadred SlfW-- Dollars($ l'750.00-----------', for the periodfiom Jaauerv l- 1976 l9-, to Deceober 31. , Lg---ll-, and thereafter annually on . Jaouery I SPECIAL USI] PERMIT Act of June 4, 189? Thlr pcrnlt le revocable ard nontnn3f.s.blc (Rrf. FSM 2710) One llrouqend Senerr ltndrarl ['{ fty--------- Dollars ($ 1- 75O.O0-----------------------.) Prooided, houeaer, Charges for this us-e may be made or readiusied whenever necessary to place the charges on a basis commensurate with the value of use authorized by this permit. 3. This35 permit is accepted subject to the conditions set forth herein, andto conditions and made a part of this permit. tol8 . 2-/3->/ o. Rocord no. (1.21 70 lbly Groeo 0Z 9. Sror. (16-17). Colorado 0ll h. Cosnry .(18.201. Ecgle 032 SIG ATURE OF. AUTHORIZEO OFFICER TITLE 'h.Ln TIT LE Fotest PERMITTEE attached hereto (CONTTNUED ON REVERSE) ffiJPTE 22"11 n|0,0.a l, /7 tl 7. The permittee, in exercising the privileges granted by this permit, shall of the Department of Agriculture and all Federal, State, county, and municipal tions which are applicable to the area or operations covered by this permit. , revlsion of 1"yout 0r construction pl#"f,f,is area must be appmved in "du.n"ld iir writing ly the forest supervisor. Trees or shrubbery on ihe permitted area may be remdved or destroyed only after the forest officer in chargb has apprcved, and has marked or otherwise designated that wtrich may be removed or destmyed. . Timber cut or destroyed will be paid for by the permittee as follows: Merchantable timberat appraised valub;j young-gmwth timber below mercbantable size at current damage appraisal value; prottided that the Forest Servic€ reserves the right to dispose of the merchantable timber to others than the pen mittee at no stumpage cost to the permittee. Trees, shnrbs, and other plants may be planted in such manner and in such places about the premises as may be. appmved by the forest, officer in charge. 5. The permittee shall maintain the improvements and premises to standards of repair, orderliness, neatness, sanitation, and safety acceptable to thg forest.officer in charge. 6. This permit is subiect to al,all valid claims. cbmply with tlie iegulations I aws, ordinances, or regula- 8. Jhe permittee shall take all reasonable precautions to prevent and supprcss forest fires. No ma- terial shall be disposed of by burning in open fires during the closed season established by law or regul a- tion without a written permit from the forcst officer in charge or his authorized agent. 9. The permittee shall exercise diligence in pmtecting fiom damage the land and proper ty of the United States covered by and used in connection with tbis permii, and shall pay the United States for any damage resulting fiom negligence or fmm the violation of the terms of this permit or of any law or regulation appli- cable to the National Forests by the permittee, or by any agents or employees of the permitts€ acting within tlre scope of their agen cy or employment. . 10, The permittee shall fully repair all damage, other than ordinary wear and tear, to national forest mads and trails caused by the permittee in the exercise of the privilege granted by this permit. I L No Member of or Delegate. to Congress or Resident Commissioner shall be admitted to alry share or part of this agreement or to -riny benefit-that may arise herefrom unless it is made'with a porPoration for its ceneral benefit. 12. Upon abandonnlent, termination, revdcation,. or cancellation of this permit,thq penlittee shall remove within a rcasonable time all structures and improvements except those owned by the United States' and shall restore the site, unless otherwise agreed upon in writing or in this permit. -_lf the permittee fails to nemove all such structur€s gr improvements within a reasonable period, they,sh.all becorne. the property of the United States, but that will not relieve the permittee of liability for the cost of their removal and restoraiion of the site. 13. This perm'i t is not transferable. If the permittee through voluntary sale or transfer, or through enforcement of contract, foreclosure, tax sale, or other valid legal proceeding shall cease to be the owner of the physical improvements other than those owned by the United States situated on the land described in this permit and-is unable to furnish adequate proof of ability to redeem or otherwise reestablish title to said improvements, this permit shall be subject to cancellation. But if the person to whom title to- said improvements shall have-been transferred in either manner provided is qualified as a perm.ittee and is wiiling that his future occupancy of the,premises shal,l be subject to such new. conditions iand.stipulations as exiiting or prospective "ir"ur"t"n""i may warrant, his continued occupancy of the premises may be authorized--by.p"rrit tu him if; in.the opinion of the issuing officer or his successor; issuance of a permit is desirable and in the public interest. 14. In case of change of address, the permittee shall immediately notify the forest supervisor. 15. The temporary use and occupancy of the premises and improvements herein described may be sublet by the permittie to third parties only with the prior written approval of the forest supervisor but the per- mittee shall continue to be rcsponsible for compliance with all conditions of this permit by persons to whom such prcmises may be sublet. 16. This permit may be terminated upon breach of any of the conditions hercin or at the discretion of the regional forester or the Chief, Forest Service. l?. In fhe event of any conflict between any of the preceding printedclauses otany provisions thereof and any of the following clauses.or any prcvisions thereof, the following cleuner w[ll conrrol. oro rr.rrr --i - "'"-f v 18. A setrlce charge ln addltlon to the regular feee ehal1 be uade for fallurc to rneet tt. f"I Palnoent due date or .o| of the datee epectfled for subolseion o! atatenenta requfiea for fee calculatton. The aervlce charge shaD be one (1'0) percen3 per uonth of tbe fee fron the date atatenent end fcee vcrc duo or $l5t rlrlcherver la greater. If a due date falle on a nonmrkdry, tha tetvtcG ChrrSc rlll not apply untll tbe end of the next rcrkday' , Thle porelt nay be terElnated for nonpayuent of fcer end/or euy eddlclooel cbarSc for latc PaYucnt. 19. Ihrrlng the perfornanc€ of thla Pctrltr the Pernl'ttec agteetl .. In coa;1ectlon wlth the perfornance of rrork under thls Peralt' lucludtng conatrustlon, DelnteDance, and oPeratlon of thc facllltyr-th. P€nDlttGs sh8ll Dot dtscrtDlnate agalnet auy eoployec or eppllcent for enployncnt beceua€ of race, colorr rellgloo, e€rx r or natlonal or1g1n' b. The perrlttee aad hla enployees shrll Do! dlscr&olnatc by aeSreSatio! or otherrlBe agrlnlt any persoo on the barla of race, colorr rellglonr SOII Or netlonslorlgtnbycurtelltngorrefuelngtofu:nlahaccomdatlooe'facll!,tlee, aell|lcea, or uae prlvllcgee offered to tho publlc genersllt' - c. The pernlttce ohall toclude and regulre conpllance rrltb th€ ebqvc nondlscrluin.tlon provlalone ln any eubcontiact nade r6th reepect to tho oPeratlon! under thla Pernlt. d. Slgna oettlng forth thtl pollcy of, aondiecrlninatlon to be furnlehed by tho troresr Servtie wtll be coaepicuorsly dlaplayed at the publlc eotraocc to the prcnlsce, and at other axterlor or lnterlor locetlona ar dlrected by the forcet Senlce. 20. By acceptlng thts perm{t, the persrtttee hereby aSre€B to cmrply wlth tltlc Vt of the Cfvii nfifrta Act of i9Ol} ana all requlrements tsposed by or Purtrsot to rha regularlou of .he Untted Staiee Departnent of Agrlculture (7 CPR, Part 15) la8ued pursuant to ttEt Act, and hereby oaaureE that ln the opefatlon and perfornoanca of thle permlt to take ftooedlately any neaaurea d€ceaaary to elfectuate thta require'ent. If aoy real property or strucBure thereon lt provided or tuprovea wlth the ald oi Federil flnanclal eaststence extended to the perrnlttee $y Che Untted States Departmeot of Agrlculturer th18 eoautanc6 sha1l obllgate ihc pcfml.ttee, or ln tire case of any tranefer of, euch proPertyt aoy tranaferee, for the perlod durlng whlch the real. property or atructurc . ta-ueed for a purpoe€ for wblch the iederal flnanclal aaalgtanco le excended ., or for enother'prripo"" lovolvlng the provlslon of alnll'sr gervtcea or beneflte' If aoy petraonal property le ao provldld, thle aaaurance ehall obllgate the perrllttec tor the perlod durlng nhlch he retalna ownerehlp or poeeeeelon of thr property. In all other caeea, thla aasutance ahall obllgate ths penltcee for iil-p."ioa durlng vhlch tha Fcderal flnanclrl atrlt3eacc 1r extcodcd to hlD 27?9 - Iodge Propertles' Inc. ' storage Area' -3- ro I ?7?O -,Iodge Propcrtlea, Inc., Storage Arel by thls Perult. Thla aseurance le gtveo ln conalderatlon of the Federalflnaoclal aaslstance Gxtended ln thte pernlt to tho pemlttee by the Uottedstatet Departnent of Agrlculture. Ttre pernlttee recognlzes and sgreer thsc euch Federal flaanctal asslstance wlll be extended la rellance on the represcntatlona and agreementd uade ln thls aaaurance. The permlttec furthcr eSrees thst the Untted Statee Lo addltlon to any other rlghte and reDedleoprwided by thla sasurance, the Ctvll Rtghta Act of 1964, or th6 regulatloDr lcsued thereunder, rhall have the rlght to eoforce thie agrecoent by lulG forcpeclflc perfonuance or by any other evrl.lable reoedy under the lewa ol theUnlted St.t€i or th6 Ststs 1n whtch Bhe breach or vlolatlon occurs. 21, The pernlttee rhall !.odeonlfy tho Uulted Stetec rgal.art rny llebtltty for daoage to llfe or propGrcy arlelng fron thc occup.ocy or u.6 of llrtlonrltroraot landr under.thlr petltt. 22. fhe perultted area v111 be Datntalned to prerent a clean, ncat, aad orderly . aPPGaranc!. fraahr debrla, unuasble nacbl.Dcry, luproyeneatle 9tG., rdll b. dtapoaed of currently. Bulldlng !n8ter18l6, f,lrewood, .tc., vlll bc aeetly etacked. 2t. Avalancbee, rlelng eat€re, btgh wlnde, falllng linbs or treea, and other hererdtare natural pbenonenooe ln 3he forast that present rlsks rblch the perulttec.rauoet. Th6 p€mtttee has tbe reaponalbtllty of lnepectlug hir rlte, lot,right-of-vay, .and l6€dbte adJolalng area f,or daogerous tree8, banglng llnba, 6Dd othcr evldence of hazerdouo coodltlone anrl, rftor rocurlng pcnfurton frol thc trorcrt Senlce, of rwvlng such hazarde. 21. No narle or byproducte rhrtl be d{echarged 1f tt contalna any subatancee ln coacentret{ono rblch wlll rccult 1o subrtantlal barn to ftrh rad vlldllfr, orto htmaa natcr suppllea. Storage facllltles for naterlala capable of cauolng water pollutlon, lfaccl.dentally dlecharged, ahall be located ao aa to prcrucnt any aptllagc tntowoterlr or channolg leadtng lnto rater, that would rerult ln cubrterithl haruto fl.h and r1ldllf6 or to hunan water euppllee. 25. The per:nlttcs chall protect thc scenlc eathetlc valuea of tha arca undcr tbtr Pernltr aad ths sdJaccnt tand, re far ae poralble vltb th6 authorlzed ura, dur!.ng constnrctloo, operatton, and nnintenance of the lnproveoeota. 26. The penlttee wlll take reaeoaable meaeurea to prsyent and dlacourage vandall.er or dlsorderly conduct, and rtren Deceasary n111 call la theapproprl.ote law enforcenent offlcer. 27. Nothlng 1o thlr pernlt ehaU be conctnred to Lnply perals.loa to bu1ld ornslotal.n any .tntcture not lpeclflcally aamed on the facc of thlt perult,or epproved by the trore8t Senrlce Ln the forn of a aew perDLt or psnnlt lonndncoc.Addlttodal rtnrctureo regulrlng speclflc approvel rhall lnelude, b'ut arc notllaltGd tot slgDa, fencoa, uaoeplatee, Eallbxec, Borrp.pGr bcrl, boeghoutcr,docll, plpelllcr, rnd telwlslon eotenaa. i a v -4- 2720 -, Lodge Propertloar Inc.r Storage Are,a 28. Unleee aooner terrlnated or revoked by the Reglonal Foreeter, ln accordance eLth the prorrleione of the perult, thla pemlt ehall exPlre and become vold on Janrrary 1, 19.99, but a nor pemlt to occuPy snd uee the 88oe Natlonal forEi'fffilJTE granted provlded the penolttee wlll conply vlth the thoa- exieClng lawe and regulatlone governlng the occupancy and uae of Natlonal Forest landa and ehail bave notl.fled the Forest Supenrleor uot lera thln atx (6) uonthe prlor to sald datc that auch aev petnlt le dealred. 29. Thc peralttee la reeponelble for proper dralnagc of Nattonal lorcaB lead cwered by ttrlr pemlt. 30. Unleag othenrlae authorlzed by the Foree! Senrlcc, tbc rtoragc/ecrvlcc rrce w111 be rnatntalned lu accordance rith the ordlnancaa or coder ol the Town of Vail ag re.ll aa cou!,t)7r atate, aud federel regulatlone.or codot. 31. Area 1a of Ethtbtt A rrltl be f,ul1y landecaped and ualntalued by thc . perDltte€ before JuIy l, 1974. The landecaptng plen rtll be epprwed by the U. S. Iorecl 8enlce Prlor 3o coustructlon. 32. Area lb of Bxhlbit A wlII be teoporarlly landrcepGdr cloted lo v.blclorr |nd r€Yegetatcd by July L' L974. 33. Tenporary coastrnctLoa accesa (1b) to area 3 of Ertrlblt A w111 be granted aa needed ln rrltlng by thc U. S. Foreat SentLce. Upon conpletlon of, couetrucGloD, area iU vfff be fully landecaped and ntlatained by the perDltteG. The landecaplng plao 1111 be approrcd by the U. 8. lorcrt scrylcc prlor to eonatructloo. 34. Three 10f x 30r parklag apacea la area 2, Exhlbtt Ar wlll be reaenred for parlc- 1ng uoe aoslgned by th- U. S. ForeEt Servlce. Speclftc r8rlSnnctrC. for thll pailfos 1111 bo conftrned to tbe petulltee ln rrrltlng by tbc U. 8. lorcrt Ssnlcc. 35. Parktng r11I not be ellowed aloug 3be l{1ll Creelc Roed. -5- August 19, 197{ Lodge Propertlcs, Inc. 2230 Flrrt lhtlonal Eank Bulldlng Denver, Colorado 80202 Ro: Vrlance rppllcatlon for trash and storage bulldlng Gentlenen: Please Consldcr thls lettar ag r varlance permlt to rllor the constnrctlon of approxlnatoly 600 squre fcet of hrlldlng for trash contalners and storagc for the Lodge at Yall. The hrtldlnggtulk control varlance ras granted unanlmoucly by the Tonn CounclllforlDbe Tom of Vall on Argust 6, 1974. If you have Curther grastlons, please don't hesltate to call or rlte. Yours tnrly, DEPARTI.IEilT OF COEftJTITY DEVELOPHEIIT Dlana S. Toughlll Zonlng Adnlnlstraton cc: llmer Brorn - Lodgc at Vall :. r' APPL ICAT ION FOR VARIANCE And/0r COND IT IONAL USE PERM IT Ord I n e No. I (Series of 1973) I i cat lonApp li Hea r i Flnal cat lon 0 Pub Heang 0a fe Decl s n oa do he16by request pernisslon to appeaF.Commlsslon to r€quest the foltowing: in eQ t Zong For the followlng des Flling Number Variance f rom Arf icle9 , Sectton 2, €-O 6 Zon I no Chanoe {rom - toPark i ig Va rfanceCondltional U9e Permlt fo allovr Phone the Vai I Planning C learly s+ate p u rpose ntent bf fhis app I icat !on f v ) bgfore Wha+ do you feel ls the basis for hardshlp In this cas€? July 9, 1971 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICt lS HERE0Y GTVEN that Hr. Rodery E. Sttfrr reprcsonttngJohn llc8rldr, hrr rppt lrd for a porktng vai. llnco or cxearitlon In - accord rlth Soctlon 14.60 1 oJ Ordlncncc No. I (Serlrr of tg?i)In ordrr to ol lor rn apartnont unlt to be convcrtsd to colrtcrclrlspoce for oCountfy Flalrn. Thc unlt lr locatsd In tho HcBrldoBul l dl ng on' Ooru Crcok Drl vc. IOTICE lS ilSREBY 6f YEt{ thrt }tr. Robert Rudor rrproronf f ngItCgEdl$; hcr appl lod f or o bul tdlng butk coirtrol varlancc dcco.t d rl tb Srctlon. 8.!06 of Ord I nnncr f{o. I ( grrlcr of 1975)ordqr to al.lor the rddl?lon of s tru8h cnd storrgr Uul ldlng toofrccdy nonconfornlng rtructurc. Sald propored bullflng rouldatiachcd to thr ortglnal Lodgr at Val l. A publ le hcarlng vf | | bo hold In occordanco rlth Scctton21.400 of thr ronlng ordlnlncr on lr,rggrt l, 1974 ot 5t00 p.n. Inihr Vrl I tlunlctpal 6ul tdtng. SoloGFTiffiiliTt I br hoard bcforoth. Tofn of Yrll Plannlng Connlsrlon and flndlngc rlll bc trcnr-rtttrd -to thr Torn Cocncl I for thc Torn of Val l. TOIN OF VAIL Dlanr $. tough.l I IZonlng Adrlnlstrrtor ln In'tn bo E zo c !1zF h EE F' z(, aDq ' 'T ,\ \.nr\-s.l* H_+>-T-'FE II: rof- +F t-t tr ir or(?n vo|ll z G o!ttul ozl B}. tgke li F\!lF,F-- 'E'ut E 2<<o2z6< lit<c)oe =cFX<o2o lrEA><o!IEE< uJo2g EoF2ut =u,lah uJ IF E ultt EooJat ulIE oJJ F t- uJ EooJtt o ! ,: =tr= lrto g z -oJ -fo lret -,-G't- zo oJiQtttto F cto z tr c||lFJ 3u,z Fzt .J!,1Jgl c ouJacott c,IIJF o u,lJIz ao!r IEtt \\'tvt,{\[ arlJJ 3 F2 u,F =l (:,z ftto c,2 (''d \$ s\J -!t>(9c' UIF 2 ,z\ C, 9|-\ atv' =o Fc*d,6FC9gA>996f|rlJdQtt ;Gl vc63l!o2o F E at||lo zot- 7G4 tto u,lF o -t. INsiPECTclN Ltf sEP17t974 FIEBUEsiT TOWN OF VAIL a'DATE 'I lr .JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM.PM. CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: E panrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE FRI AM PM ElappRovED ! otsaeeRovED E nerNsPEcr D upolrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNS: CORRECTIONS \. INSPECTOR oF .-!t ; 'tn . tthe Lrdo e u/csf e hd . ao" 9''-- (#,! t\ S-f,,On Cfefq\\l\l\\\\\\\ \\\\\.\ _\. nt g// Gar Y1 Re. F ?ro(ot7+ '^\* Con o v^ et u w a//"-\....-.*'..-*-.*-* Go ru.Cr. " fq Dr p. o. Box 1168, vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 TELEPHONE: VAIL 3O3.476.5O1I DENVER 303.222- 7078 'tl-,oDGE at DONALO L. ELISHA GENERAL MANAGE R October 28, 1974 Ms. Diana Toughill Zoning Administrator Box .|00 Town of Vai I Vai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Diana: /---\-Th(fodge at Vail-rbuld like permission from the Town of Vail toerectMcanvas tent, for approximately€r days, commencing June 25, 1975. l+ Location: Area for erection is know as the International RoomERl-Tolaro'id snapshots are enclosed. Purpose: To accommodate the meeting room requirements of two groups booking conventions during the above specified period of time. }{e will be looking foruard to your reply at your earliest con- venience. Thank you. Sincerely, dd,*r44r**r*., Homer N. Brown Manager HNB: I k Size and Erection Information:The tent is 40' x 80' with 7' Erection would be by Colorado Colorado. Any special 'i nsurance The Lodge and/or Colorado Tent s'i de poles and f iqcenter poles. Tent and Awning C6mpany, Denver, requirements will be handled by and Awning Company. IN THE BROADfi/|OOR MANNER P. O. BOX 1168, VA|L, COLORADO 81657 TELEPHONE:303 - 222 -7 078 r ,r/')C-l ffi tt'z <61 /// Q,4,,. ;<4' ---1 -o- *i, L ".'4 -&-z'-.*'' tu"Lo oDG August 23, 1974 Ms. Diana S. Toughill Zoning Administrator Town of VaiIP.0. Box 100Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Diana: Regard'ing our recent telephone communication on our requestfor Town of Vail permissjon to erect a tent next summer, I would'l ike to present the follow'i ng information: The tent is a canvas material with side fl aps. It is 40'* gO 'in size with 7' ease and approximately 16' center ridge po1 es. The'l ocation in mind will be on top of the present International Room deck between the Main Lodge build'ing and the gondola bui I di ng. Colorado Tent and Awning Company will be contracted to erect and disassemble the tent using proper materials and keepingin mind the safety of our guests. The dates we are requesting are June 24, .|975 for approximate'ly B-10 days at which tjme the tent will be completely removed. Diana I would appreciate hearing from you at your venience as we have two tentative groups for next are predicating their final decision upon yours. Homer N. Brown Manager HNB: I k earliest con- summer who p. o. Box 1168. VA|L, COLORADO 81657 TELEPHONE: VAIL 303.476' 5011 DENVER 303.222 - 7078 tu*LoD% September 3, 1974 Ms. Djana Toughill Zoning Adm'inistrator Town of Vail Vail , Co]orado 81657 Dear Diana: Can you tell me if it would be necessary to applyfor a permit to replace part of the fencing be- tween Riva Ridge North and the private residence next door from split rail type fencing to a stock- ade type fencing? Please let me know at your earliest convenience. Yours sincerely,/4d,,*,71d/,",,* Homer N. Brown Manager HNB: 1k p. o. Box 1168. vAtL, coLoRADo 81657 TELEPHONE: VAIL 3O3-476-5O11 DENVER 303 - 222.7078 FLUMEilNG/ MECHANTCAL TOWN OF VAIL PEFIMIT 3--7 -75 NAME L oJ 4 e . .-/- Cr n, l ll -., / (o(- .5 h. ,+t * B-.n.ft P/urnb,^r pnone P77-.,ffoz OF BUILDING:L" I I t- oF woRK: I rtrew E eootloru E neuooel DEscRrPrfoNoFWoRK: t 11q,I= f ( r1e11gr e f ho,'Df' b (o'u" >''/ PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANfcAL: NUMBER /0a n VALUATION $vALUArloN$ lAaa 1i- REMARKS:REMARKS: /r -' PERMIT FEE PERMfTFEE // 7dt-1,U (.)v19) 't fi1 Xo*rouro Eor rorAl FEES: , 7, {O INsiPECTI+ TOWN OF FTEEUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orxen D pnnrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION rxui FRI-AM PMMON COMMENTS: TUE El.app Rov E D E orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr El uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR a DATE tNSPECTTq'U TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED 3 J& AM PM I ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrrel. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION Oiq)THUR ,^, 'j' I i,,; AMPM fliner Rov E D E otslppRovED ! nerNsPEcr f] uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG GoRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOB o PEFIMIT;TLU MEII NG' / M ECHAI\t I CAL TOWN OF VAIL OF BUILDING: oF woRK: E new E eoolnoru E nemooel .fi *rro,, MECHAN'CAL: nVUeeA /ffi VALUATION $VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE PERMf T FEE '7 -t--":- - 1,,'"1 ,.'4.o"'ou'o TOTAL FEES: $ lro c zo gl &EzB Ec z(, o a tvtzo z arl E Iz I EE ot rt Fr> trLG.: !E()t<9eFiH'o, Aa(92<<o2Zo<Fe<()()q.lcECco<o9,o ET!|o><oEEc< E Fa, z v)!I z z aB 2,.d3 jrt F B t EaEI IJAo ouJ UJ o(t2D UJoz atFzuJ-ulv, ul IF ul.E E 8Jtl ulE Fo Fo u.E .Eoo ttJ FoF ! Er lrlo oz -o Jfo = LLG' -,-el- F =GutE (9zoJ3o l3 EulE zoFoct oF2f (92 Jlto c,2 6 F Eu,FJ =ul2 (:,z J E v t0 FoJ Gt :-Ert> C, .,) 2*N!,1 G =ozo9-o t 2oFaJ ll5f.oFE2e =>xo:z^*<ur:EOtt; c.i zo I Gc tto uJF o ffi $ R .,! I HlrzF*k:l..FFaoirO+U f '. 9 21-l'<gXEraFi4 ts Xv 22 Z2<rzEzzA)o <;5 <oQlrlZ:5d':FXe!<9 < Fr<cQ> -.,< o *3AleE<ts < t,J N $$ \$;\i 5\! F E o ccul oz lll zs 2uJ: UJo F ulc c lt IJ' F -,1J F IJJ Jtt J F \rJ \t\l \- o!l r:l t Er ul o oz -oJ -lo -l> lr-e - =et- tT t uJ v,Fxlll z tottrl.o zo ttn r! F E |lJ z J o IU IJJtt Y IIJIo2 J g UI 2 Foo tutFJ BuJz .cI z J ott ul l Fz (JulJ IJJ IJJ() It Ftt =tI uJ IIJ 4-oz F o ul J zutrt E t!vo = JJ 3 Fz o ul lJ- 6 uJ o-th IJJ Yz lll ll tto Ftt ul Fq t! z =z z It 2 ll- t{ )(9cl 2,;9 z9 Yin6 ul 0x>-z*< |JJr)o- (J>9 ;6i '+Ixd ( ) J v J Y 3 oz9 Eo ulo J o J 0+ d j n.t )l -v)vJ! .Uvt 9J44 F 0 't\ =+ c I .,DF.r \>' tr A I \J U U\ o E z Fl r.l r.i 0 d Eutfc J aE t- \! { t n\ .-. )iJJtc o E ozf E YJ F J-C:llrHcuv .".1*-. , { $ ( t. ;i : 3I '\\ .$ $ Rh-.',|;i\l) \{ I \ 1.,n'I ,ri\[ -f. Kr\R\ i*o.'\ st+$.\ l\ FL*\ I t'4 si .-. $ii $s NTrlr o s;l iA,I \.t,t R $ $L.'ae $.' $ $-s {.1 \ $:.iSh'fi 3I {-\ s R F-2!r" s{), { \ Y , \l: t".. R.l16'\ F.q\ *s t\)F i p1 ri\J \.{ \q S I\$ iltp \.tN|1It\ rL l..lI \ \- s,$ i$ 1i':. i.:fi g. {fi Q\I(|': R-si- ill I \! \ R R \0 3$ t-,1:f :l 1i: ,.t.:.ll ' ,ll'' . i,, r. l I . i: I 't 'r ll' .ir. , " 'rtl.. 'i 'ilir"'i. , ':"I:!'i.' i r'.: :' I' i( '..;,iI'f..+ rl ir-. i : lrti:[,lir''.ti t.:' I'+i; il,.],; t1. - iL{:.': ' t itfi ts"if'r; s' :! h! :,'r'lr,t!' ''i''iii' ';.J 1 Iir..'.'L |. ' it.l '.1'l i) j ;id!'r., ::trl r.. . .,I1ii^ li-l$I; , ' i$.k-,t+,' .Flili':' ' ', tl :.- ' DESIGN RUV] I];W BOARI) DATE OF MEETING MEMBERS PRESDT'IT: .SUBJECT ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MorroN ,fl/ Uf sEcoNDED * F l. VOTE:FOR: (r^ '' "' APPROVED i t DISAPPBOVED: SUT'IMARY: AGAINST i..r? [(it:: ,Eor/taf {h Oa O1 loo tr Town of F'T,NCTRICAL Vail PF..RMIT rob Name...... L ...d4.* ... Lt.. .o- ., I u.,( (.[n Date of Application---....-...-l!.:-.1...1.--..-..-............. ..-...........ts".7.;.1--.... Erectricar contractor..... ..13"gr..* "1 /: E-L:. ='fr- : : . ......118 t.#:-'-:Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee lnspection Fee Total Fee Date Paid... Received By N9 s,i.<t-o..e.,2..o *...,1a-.3 $.. $.. yn..r-tu^rr d-,(. , -.!- /Oat- rppt"u,r......ft .&.* n. {& e t...r..c..7... Slgnature APPROVALS THIS FORM IS TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURIT{G CONSTRUGTION 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED F]OR INSPECNONS s /a/ta t|la a, a. toa!rtr ao., c:tvar a0rlll 717 E =E[!d I I I I l9J I I I I I I '<lortrltL l(,tzr6 3$3't=<FA.,- =r-:r-i-<Q,^9 < :- P Z F "!n.^lli;;ii -do9!oe!z- <z--<ozdlzZT)z: - q;)Yt-FCQ < 9'rl Z: "iiii:;6;;;<or,t?o-i!? li,oro> *i,<c i-cr!a=<tr < tJ NOllVntVA -'E =Z.ZtL h r 6zXf>Yr9 0f,66 a2..,(Joo9.QzXrL<rr=zu.J -5XrJ.l-XzH(\o e. o-L!E J z Eoo z F EUJF =TJJz =zzzl'-*:<e f;: F5-r*'"H33 E ilE =94.4o-66i,!i6(JL!uJ<Oz<co(l6Z) F i:> Z --Lf<<rOzE:*3l!":5BCoooo z TL J o ltl =z uJ o a = -o- F =tr Llleoo I F =Etr LUEoo ==E UJ oo1 E tr a UJE.oo J =ttr aL! oo J,a Etr IJJ oo Ja I(L = ulz = F ulb- <F(rO l.lJ <zE (42oO <oOF i."< *, E. >Y =#=F:JZr.Lo c) JIY<FYF 33 iz=o-c) E t-E irI o2 () <On8fo ,.iz () tiJ-)oE(L uJF o -z lz |' .- \JE YFtl =<o coog =<g -',;,- ^-YlPC LIL IL ]ErlE=lE .rl .^rE B lI =fi8 $, nn!w E =E lrJo-zoFof,EFazoo 'o rrusllcrroN REeuEsr '/t '/ ? JoB NAME rlU i i;' )lf?n i' --1r- "J.,.tc-/,1!fJ-U,u rlc_CALLER "TO,,) - -1 DATE o'l' READY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL - .,+4J- INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING . tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB F/FINAL \ 41rt . ,i,','.'r.nin ( fi,u -'iJLl rt'* ^ Y' MECHANICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL Ynppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED '|\,// DATE INSPECTOR U) UJ UJIIt =tul kv otllF zoz I I l., .Ft<to I I I I Ilo. IFt< lbz t=to lotz =S\tru- z 9H:t;:>'I-igr'r.F"^k:p;IE:<,"IEe-'!rd!1io9!1Z-<;<oz2618lFaOa<iJ<OI{ZriiiliE'ct9o{:T;io> _<ciIrlO=E<;l ==tll z6J z ao fJL o@;uJ uJ z 6ulo a UJ UJIIt =E rJ.t Fol-- z co = NOtlVn'lVA -r_ F) ,,, (! ool<'r zzoo F^q,q5rP o z>- a)zrJ- < \J= EE .i(\i o(,zzsEaa-o f-2EyrP=f ;EEPSEOEO a tr '. ()lrru,J<Ozto o?z>tna73 I THF2 E=d e--r<gFEE =dr= 955o(,()rzo zfz tr = o z tr J U)z UJuJltIL F F o2 o! Eu,F =J ii UJF z) O IJ,J tn E ul z E zoF qJFJ =IJJz o LUz- = (\'\'o olz. LuF o z6 ==Jo- n zo ftr] ! cq, EILo 6' ott .E 5FE:-:>slvetr o*5*E>EF€CLo!--- ts =E.lrlo-zoF(JfE,, zoo izz--oU-Z r;95-<v 3u u- Ji6ia qfitr= l! z =t! .D FoJ * +q U\ -0o \ ui z c0.) ( lr an u,.lEo F =tr U>U'uJ oo = r =o 4( < P4 { $t- J =tr Il2\I +-' lYl t_--l-: \\--| \al.autlE)oo<l4 E J c tr L./ E tr aaUJ cl E tr UJ ao - =tr tt LIJ o Etr aa.tl UJ = t t tJJz^lJ F uJ - t -rOt 5!^[rrJ < |zgbIJJF^(n Z '.)- 8cr <oOF FSgn C) 2?9?Zt 'd6 C) <xYF =?.+(riFil= =u t-oa tr =o2 C) J<Oa !.'r.r|l llJ =o ,tla*J,.I a ..' Rrolect Name: Proj€ct Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Project Appllcation Filing sl*{-t Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: "* T'frn DISAPPROVALnr.l',f e liWrt^at/{ APPROVAL Uqqt^ t'.ut o"t2 Summary: Chief Building Official o t-;'oI t t,r5R CN \ \\t $s t\8\< ! \ts\x\tF\a\_.-- \ya NJt-laf-t $ N s R s F5 ,F\ fst.t}q\ \0 \ ra \,)N ",s'sN Ys CE $ .c Fx F ,:ffi, Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Architect Address and Phone: Legal Zone: Description: Lot Block Filing Zoning Approved: . f rL\r !1^,, .. t r 'i i.'r-'--' Design Review Bo, ; 'q 1.. t*j t?,rl -f ,. 1r\. 6*-, :,5-i..r |f1.r rz\-i Y I Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Zoning Administrator Chief Building Oflicial .L DATE OT ltElttBERS PRESE"iT,: , !,IEETING: o DESIGN NEVID1II DOARD Bill Ruoff Lou Parker Bill BishoP Ron Todd Abe ShaPiro SECOMXD BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: TAKEN BY BOARD: DISAPPROVID:I SUlrllrlARY: sBt=e ,iiEfi rSirE?\F : a EEq : iIE?E Xl t r.o A}Ei E-0; e UJF o9-o-6t z F9qe6FGt4 t2;>xo:z6fufo- c)>(,FO >(,:o F.a hz I !l2 kl F z uz J F o J ou, llJ z uJ()2 :<GI zurEu,lo u,l tr ar utG llooJII utt Fo J F F G EooJtt F F ! :r ulq. oz -oJ -l o = l-(= --€ Itit =': F Town of Vail ELECTRICAL PERMIT N9 247 V'A /"Xr'- /f4 U"J Job N.*e.&e.*atz tJe*A X.r*";. Date of Apptication-.-. .dV--/ .a.e............-......-....ts..?-(..........-... ,4 Aqnlicant. - - - - tKUlz.<z*t APPROVALS Bulldlnt Oltlctal THIS FOR BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURII{G CONSTRUCTION 2{ HOURS| AI)VANCE NOIICE REQI,JIRED FOR INSPECTIONS eWe?,/tzt Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee $-..............-............ 8...../€.Q..'4..... s.........d.Q.' &....... t..........{ : d- -....... s.......{..f:.P....... Pltn Chrcfcr Date Paid....... .f./g t/-z -u-. ./) ,--t//,A /--,/ 4 q,/,2 2Received SV -....P-/. -. --. --...-....a-../. -*-.-/' rxr a, r. F0ralra !o,, 0lrivll l10a5z -o Town of Vail F:I,TTCTRICAL PERMIT Job Name...... -1..1.1 " *- .... U-...r..r...!......... Date or Apprication.... t/ag- / 7--6-.............. -rA ,.2 . /-}l -Appricant....... . m-& a".,. ffi .....Sll!atu$ APPROVALS l9 N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 245 $.....................-..-... s ..t.q..e.s..1::- N........2a.:..... s.......1.?--* $.....t.+ Plrn Ch.ckrr cc Date Paid....... /h*/2A... . Received "r.......AR. .€-g. y q THIS JOB SITE DURING BE POSTED ON CONTTRUCTION 24 HOIjRS] ADVANG NOIICE REQI,JIREII FOR INSPECTIONS o rNsPEcfrrv TOWN OF FIEGIUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orsen MON COMMENTS: TUE l' I pcnrrel.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM D eppRovED ! uporu rse CORRECTIONS ! orsereRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTI ONS: ! nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR o DESIGN RI'VIEW BOARD DATE OT MIIETING: MET1BERS PRESENT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD; MorroN ' /I4 VOTE: FOR: ffio/,,rl'-{/tt,,,- * nu l" / r//i c t ilt rt < o' rt''l/' z "/t "''7 i (; tt r'-' sEcoNDED w' fll/-'r-': - AGAINST: ABSTENTIOT\: r/'APPROVED: ,' - )4 DISAPPROVIiD: DESIGN DATE OF MEETII'IG: REVIEI.I BOARD 0ctober 3, 1974 I4EI,IBERS PRESENT:Abbott, DudleY Hanlon, Bill Sage' Dave SUBJECT: OVERLAND & EXPRESS - exterior alterations - ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MgTIgN to aPProve V0TE: FOR: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUI'l|'IARY: EC0NDED au 4/u- , 66''-*z*h,-- AGAINST: 0