HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail COMMON 1995-2001TOWN AFYAIL o : THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT AtL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E95-0263 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Cslorado 81657 970-479-2138/4792139 .Job Address: 158 GORE CREEK DRFAX97O479-2452 Location...: LODGE AT VAIL Parcel No.. : 2101-082-21-001Project No.: Department of Community Development Status...: ISSUEDApplied..z 17/06/199!Iseued...: ll/07/L99.Expires..: 05/05/L991 Phone: 30347 66272 Phone l 3034'166272 APPLICA}IT DOUBI,E DIAI,IOND SERVICES 2111 N FRONTAGE R, VAIL CO CONTRACTOR DOUBIJE DIA}fOND SERVICES 2111 N FRONTAGE R, VAIIr COOWNER IODGE PROPERTIES INCL74 E GORE CREEK DR, VAIL Description: WAX ROOMS 81657 8165 7 co 81657 Valuation:5,000. 00 *ffiffiffifH**t****f*|*ffir#r***ffi*ffiHtt#r**rhH* fEE SUI{I.IARY ffirr*rrrHr*t*ffr*}hbi**t**ft****}r.*ffi*******lr**** E tectri cat-> DRB Fee Investigation> ui t t ca t t--> TOTAL TEE$--> 90.m .m.m 5- 00 93.m Total Catcutated fecs---> Additionat Fees-------> Total Pernit FeF------>Paymenls-_---_.*---> 93.00 BALANCE DUE--.00 93.00.m 93.00 Ite.m: _05000 ETECTRICAL DEPARTMENTlL/06/L995 CHUCK Action: APPR DeDt: BUILDING Division: lr**lr****th***ttt*trt*f*ffi*t**tffi*ltr***#r*:tffirffitffi*lt**tit***t*t*****tnt*ffiffiffitffiffi CONDITIOII OF APPROVAL **lrt*tf*|t*f,****lrffitr*ttrr***ffi*fffir.*ffi**ffi******ftfff*t****ffi*rrffitffi,rtffi**ffi*rffi*ffiH*** DECLARATIONS I _ hercby .acknoHtcdgc thst I h€ve r.ad this apptication, fi Lt-d out in futL the informtion rcqui red, corpt.ted an accurate ptotptan, and state that att thc infornation pnovided as requiFd ls corfect. r agpee to coryty rjith the iniornation and ptot il,an,to coopty gith a(L Tom ordinances and state taxs, and to hJi td this structure according to thc Tovn's eoning and subdivisiirncodes, design reviev approvcd, Uniforn Bui Lding codc and otlcr ordinances of the totn appticabLe theneto. REqTESTS fon INSPECTIoNIS SHALL BE IIADE TtlEllw-FouR HoURS lll TDY NCE BY TELEPHoNE Al 1?9-213E OR AT OtR OFFICE FRO S:OO A[ 5:q, P]t $**otuo **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** statemnt Number: REc-0096 Anount: 93.00 tt/07/95 !4.30 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #8686 fnit: LRD ELECTRICAL PERMTT Total Fees:93.00 Total ALIJ Etnts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address:tocation: This Payment Account Code01 0000 4131301 0000 41336 895-0263 TIT)e: B-EI'EC 2107-082-21-001 158 GORE CREEK DR LODGE AT VAIL 93.00 93.00 .00 Description ELECTRICAIJ PERMIT FEES WILL CAI.,IJ INSPECTION FEE Anount, 90.00 3.00 TOWN OFVAIL TIIIS PERMIT MUST ELECTRICAL BE POSTED ON PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Perrnit #: 895-0263 75 South Frontage Road Yail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 Job Address:FAX970-479-2452 Location...:Parcel No..:Project No.: Department of Community Development APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: DOUBLE DIA},IOND SERVICES 2111 N FRONTAGE R, VArr-, CO DOUBLE DIAMOND SERVICES 2111 N FRONTAGE R, VAIL CO I,ODGE PROPERTIES INC 174 E GORE CREEK DR, VAIL wAx RooMs Valuation:5, 000.00 FEE SUllllARY ****t**ffrffi*** 158 GORE CREEK DR LODGE AT VAIL 2101-082-21-001 8.16s7 81657 co 81657 Status. . .epplied.. IsEued. . . Expires. . Phone: 30347 66272 Phone: 3034766272 93.00 .00 93.00 95.00 .00 ISSUED tL/06/Lee5 LL/07 /Lee505/0s/Leee E Lcct r i ca t--> DRB F.. tnvestigation> tli t t Catt--> TOTAL FEES_-> 90-(x, -m-m 3-(x)93-m TotaI catcutated Fees--> Additionat Fees----> Tota I Pcrni t Fee----->Payncnts-_-- BALANCE DUE-_-------> *ffiHft**f*1ifr**iH**ffi**l**ffi*ffi*HirH***ffiM***}}*lrffii#ffitffi****f********rrttr*****H*******#*ffi Item; 060OO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT7f/06/L99s cHUcK Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: ffi***tr***t****tt*t**i****i*t*tir*ffitffiHrH**l*******ffitf*f**tf**f*****tttf,t**t**** CONDITION OF APPROVAT **ttt**Ht*ft**t***#ffi*****ffi *fHff rh*ftt**iffi ***it**f **R DECLARATIONS I hereby rcknoulcdge thlt I havc reed this apptication, fiLl,rd out in futl the infornation rcqui red. coopl,cted an accurat! ptot Ptrn, and state that att the information provided as required is cofrect. I agree to compty vith tha infornation and ptot pLan,to corpl'y vith al,l, T6.n ordinances and state taus, and to buitd this structure according to th. Toynts zoning and subdivision codes, design revicv approved, uniforD Bui tding Code end othcr ordinances of the Toyn appticabte thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIOIS SHALL BE llAOE TIIENTY-FOLR HqrRS IN ADV NcE AY TELEPIIoNE AT 479-2138 OR Af oUR OFFTCE FRoll 8:q) Af 5:OO P {S"r"nuo^o* **********************t*****************j************************ TOltlN OF VAft, COIORADO Statemnt ********************************************!*:******************* statemnt Nunber: REc-0096 Amount: 93.00 ll/07/95 14:30 Payment Method: cHEcK Notation: #8685 Init: LRD ELECTRICAL PERMIT Total Fees:93.00 Total AIJIr Pmts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address:Location: This Payment Account Codeo1 oo0o 4131301 0000 4t336 895-0263 Tlpe: B*ELEC 2101-082-21-001 158 GORE CREEK DR LODGE AT VAIL 93.00 93.00 .00 Description ELECTRICAI, PERI'IIT FEES WILL CALL TNSPECTION FEE Anount 90.00 3.00 lrr,y'4"lu+-xv -/1'-'{o)t--' TIMES.]OBSITE AT AI,L ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 895-0263 Job Address: 158 GORE CREEK DR Status...: APPROVEDLocation... ! LODGE AT VAIL,, epplied.. : LL/06/L995Parcel No..: 2LOL-O82-21-001 Iasued...: TL/O6/L995Project No.: Expiree..: 05/04/L996 APPLICANT DOUBLE DIAI,IOND SERVICES Phone z 3A34766272 211-1 N FRONTAGE R, VAIL CO 8L657 CONTRACTOR DOUBLE DIAMOND SERVICES Phone: 3034766272 2111 N FRONTAGE R, VAIL CO 81657OWNER LODGE PROPERTIES INC L74 E GORE CREEK DR, VArL CO 8L657 Deecription: WAX ROOMS Valuation: 5,000.00 ***i*t****H**ffi**f***m**r*******rrur******ff*trtrH FEE SUi ARy NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE 90.00 .00 .00 3:00 9:t.m Totat Catcutatcd Fees---> Additiona! Fees--------> Total Per.it Fee-----> Paynents------- BALAI{CE DUE-*- E lcctfi ca [---> DRB Fc€ InvestigEtion> UiLL catl.----> TOTAL FEES_-> 93.00 .00cJ.q) .m 93.00 lrffi *rr*trlt*t$*frnHr**#t**rrlrrr*fit*t*rr* ITe,m: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENTLL/06/L995 cHUcK Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Divisj-on: CONDITION OF APPROVAL ****t**********i*tt**t****t*** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknorrlcdge that I have read this application, fil.Led out in futl. the infornation requi red, completed an accurate p[otpl,ar, and state that att the inforration provided as required is correct. I agrcc to corp ty r.ith the inforEtion and ptot ptan/to coipty vith al,t To n ordinances and state [aus, and to buitd this structure accordi]rg to thc Tornr s zming and subdivision codeg, design reviex approved, tniform BuiLding code and other opdinances of the Toyn appticable thereto. REOI'ESTS FOR INSPECTIOI{S SHALL BE I{ADE TI.IENTY-FOIJR HOURS I}I ADVAiICE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRO}I 8:OO AII 5:(D P}I SIGI{ATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OUI{ER POSTED ON ..*,P ry!!?;xl*,ffiltffiFff1v/Hill'**#-- iYa.y,lp,,,y".#Jg?#,Il;#fuiltr,il,'ffii.#H,*- NOV- 3-95 FRr 1?:81 P.gz T0LIN 0l uRrL coM-DEv o'3os-qz )-2432 ,hyft'fi*..t1'5 l. .010 p .01 . n55'''L.rrt'n srvDu n'E rrIrIJED ouT COUPITEBEf,I'i 0R llylfillU, lil&y,ddEfdcEpt,ED.Trrfrr*tr*.**rr*rrt*itr*******r* DERIIIT INgonuATIoN **ri*****l******frf,*****r*t**7l-[ l-gultctnE t t-]lurnblnE l-flgtectrtcat I J*Meotrrnlcar I l.othcr _*-_son Nane: uls?&.t ,ttf-RAq. .- ,Tob Arldreest fiMEq ng*r+ ,lltu I tadet*f4,,1 IJBgal DorCrlptlon r uwnars ttlne: utq tc lrchltect; tqt^..........._ EIo,: tr4q.. FIUnE_.. Frlnprvrsl Address: *d&t4 {arc-. . *,fr,ful Addrerer bh General Dceorlptiotrl tl'tn lep".14rr.rutSqf ,I*T /ntc- ( v./ rllor.cfr9, nork Claeer I J-l{eT I Nuhrhr of helllng un I l-lddttronal I lln"parr , *rn "{*P,I -Alteratltrn Ltzt Nunber of lccorrnodat{on Unltr; 1pr"l*r and lype of, Firepla€Bar Gsra lpPllances_ Gac LogE_ Ifoodr/Dellrt_ fi*r****rt****t****t***i*ttt*****rr VtUtATIONg ****t***************i*r**rr*****r SJIlp*S: p!TgrRrcAr,,!_Foeo.+ orHERs $ Jrur''rNc; F- _ upcxiiiiEi;; rF_ ffiiil; _Ila*******rrr***l***r***r**** gohtnacron rNloF$ATrGlN rrrrr*********r*****r******7 Eencral Contractorlfaar"snl --_r.____- Town ol VaiI Reg. NO.____ Elaotrl,eal Co-ntractgr; In.-,t'rc -Li'.+*1 SFU ,aair"iil--- -?ii'"r. e";.,,{rc-vrzl---T $f,I|.'f.,ffi:}, *.ti*I*# nlunblns contractorr 275-OAb3i;$"t.: by,.er,,Fr.LrJr. _ _- , _ ._ , ___ , Igyl-".t yfll nrs. No.Phone Nurnber: llrchanlerl ContrqctoriAddreFti fown of vall Rrq. NO.Phone Numbs?! ******lt**** *** rtt****tt*** l**r tr lfon oFFrcE u6lE **r*******rt***r*rt***rr*****r.BUTLDINC DEIrfifT SEEI PLUI.IBINC PERI{trI FbEIlfEotlANIcAIJ FEru{ft tEE:UT,EqIRIC.AL FEEIoIHER TypE oF FEEIDRB FEET BUILDTNC! StGtfAIunEf E olf ENG IglctrAtuhEl EUTLDINC PIAN CHECR F!E: DI,T'UBTNG PIAN OTTECN FEE!I{ECITAI{ICAIJ PI.AN CTTECK FEEI RECRE.AITOil NEEI CI.,EAN-UP DEPO8ITI (e{ WrE fi5,fl\ln*a TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657970-479-2t38 Fireplace InfolBalion: RegCricled: *Of DEPARTME} T OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMEN:T NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/aT.T coMM BUIIJD PERMT 'JOb AddrESS: 174 GORE CREEK DRtocat,ion- . . t t74 GORE CREEK DRParcel No.. : 2LOL-092-21-000Project No. : PRiI98-0074 ON .]OBSITE AT AI,L TIMES Permit #: B9B-0304 Status...: ISSIJED (LODGE Applied. . : Lo/07 /L998Issued. . . : L0/07 /1,998Elq)ires. . : 04/05/L999 Phone z 9709495L52 Phone: 9709495L52 I " rr''A\Tf R.A. NELSON & ASSOCIATES, INCP O DRAWER 5400, AVON CO 81620coMrRAgroR R.A. NEr_,SON & ASSOCTATES, rNCP O DRAWER 5400, AVON CO 8L620 OWNER LODGE @ VAIL 174 GORE CREEK DR, VArL, CO 81657 Description: BUILD CHASES OVER SPRINIGER PIPES ALL HAttS occupancyt R3/B2/ALNot in table!\pe Construct,ion: IIf 1-HRTlpe III l_-Hour Tlrlge Occupancy: Valuation:20, 000 Add 6as AFplianc€g:#of tlood/Pa1let: *r+r*1*J**r**.* FEA SU!4MARy rrr*rr**rr******ra r**la***ir r r* Building-----> Plan Check'-- > Investig4t,ion> Hill call----> 245 -OO 24S.00 3.O0 ,00 50.00 . oo 100 .00 .00 Re6t'uatant Plan Rcvi€tr- -> DRB F.'c-------- Rocleation Fee----------> Clean-Up D.poBi!-- ----- -> roTAtJ FEES----- Addillo.ral 8ee6-- - -- -- - -> Total PerBit Fe6--------> Total Calculrtsed Fees---> 802.25 Pa!ments-------- 202.25 BALAITCE DUE---- .00 *r+*r*rr*ra*at*itr*r!rr***lr****r Dept : BUILDING Division: Dept : PLANNING Division:. Item:' 05o!07/L9 N/A DepE: FIRE Division:PER MEGEEDepts: PUB WORK Division: r *****tt***r*a*rtt+ttt*r*trt**rtt ttt*rftttr*tr*t*itrtirtrrrr**rr*t**ti*it*tr*tltr { fr***rtrfr***rr*!r**r*rt**r** *tr ** r * ** * **rr See Page 2 of this Document for any condit.ions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS f hereby acknorrl.dgB that I haw. r.8d thi. apltlication, flllcd out in full thr infornatlon requi-red, conFl.!€d an acculete ploc plan, and 6E.te th.C .11 th. lnf,orlnabLotl plovid€d ae rcquLred is corr€ct. I agr6e tso conply sifh Ch6 infornaEion and plo! plan, to cotoply r,'ith .11 totrn ordinanccd .frd 6ttEe laes, and to build thi6 .Eructure according aubdivi6ion codce, deaign rGvicf approv€d, UniforE Building code and oEher ordinanceF of the JMR REQUESTS FOR TNSPEETTONS 6HA'.I, BE UADE TWANTY.FOUR HOIJRS IN "BDUANCE BY send Clean'-Up Delroelt To: R.A, NE!€ON CE FROM S!00 I T@W6ornsR40etq11 Clean-up approved amount date Sq Fts: #of, Ca6 trogF: IEEMLO/O FOR HIMSELP AND OWNER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 898-0304 as of lO/07/98 Stsatus: fSSUED:r*********************tl********************************************************* Penrdt Tlpe: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applied: t\/T7/LgggApplicant,: R.A. NEIJSON & ASSOCIATES, INC Issued: LO/07/L9999709495152 Io E>c.pire: 04/05/L999 rfob Address: LocaEion: 174 GORE CREEK DR (L,ODGE AT VAIL)Parcel Noi 2101-082-21-000 Descript,ion: BUITD CHASES OVER SPRTNKLER PTPES Att HALLS Condit,ions:1. FIRE DEPART14ENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE AIVY WORK CA}I BE STARTED.? FIELD INSPEETIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE..',. T., IRE PEITETRATIONS MUST BE SE,AI,ED USING APPROVED CAI]I..KING ,.-..1 ''4* con i "c t6lr'"c 9to-st{ PARCEL #:.fit o Tar Lt ]}M ou f o, gle C ,gfo:z6 ,rr" O.r"rt" o r Parce l. /l . 0ff ic e TOWN OF VAIL CONS.IRUCT P F Pr!r 'i- /.PXRMIT APPITCA?ION rOnl.nF. a/ APPLTCATToN llusr BE FTLLED Our coMpLETEty oR rr lrAy No? BE AccEpTED fi****************'r******rt***** PEIWTT TNFORMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:k )r rr * * * x * )r * * * )iI j-Building [ ]-P]uhbing [ ]-ELectrical [ ]-Mechanical I J_otherJob Narne:,Iob Address: Legal Description: Lotsv:, q+ ,JEE er.rI., t-J-(JIl ; IJOE- BIOCk Filing owners Name: {o,tl, *r l/*t,t_ -;;r", Architect:Address:blr General Description: Work class:- [ j-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]_Additional f :i*"nuir i l_other SUBDIVISION: BUTLDTNG:ELECTRTCAL! $HECHANICAL: $ FOR OFI.ICE USE ** * * * * :t * * * * x * * * rf rt, :t * :r :r * :r :t x * * x * * :? Electrical contractor: ff lO Vt- _rr"L\rr-' V lJ - Town of Vai). Reg. No.Phone Nuhber:.Pludoing Contractor:_ _ ____..J vv..sl.quL\.rl;Address Town of Vail Reg. NO.phone Number: Mechanical_ Contractor.:Address: - Town of VaiI Reg. NO.'IO Phone Nunber:. P]-,UMBING PERMIT FEE:MECIANICAL PXRMIT FEE:ELECTRICAL IEE: OTHER TYPX OF },T]E: BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:PI,IIHBTNG PLA}i CHFCK FTrtr.HEcHANTcAL tiAN";;il"i<"irn, I{XCREATION FEE:CI,SAN-UP DEPOSTT:j,.L|(Itlr rirS: BUILDTNG: STGNATI'RE: ZONING: SIGNATURT: GROUP VALUATTON o 75,sotrlh trontage ro adva l|, colorado B 1GS7(303) 479-21.38 or 479_2I39 SUBJECT; CONSTRUCTION PARKING & },IATERIAL STO*^GE i:'::fli:{ir3i3l"'::' Io. 6 states that it is u ;i.fr !fl:* l"*it:l iil*.:Lfl ;m: ::- r''v' o ir I -=;li, iiig l"5"ill= place or any ;#.i*;;;li":i:::il":ifitrlii':ii"",'::';i;,iF' -- Iii + . i =:{ff .5; " : ;:, l; rs:'i;. i:r*;l: : ii !i l;'f ;: ;i,'; ", lli;5:s: ".I?Pli: h'orks n.p"ii*II.]"';::jI-:'f:.::td !r tne ,,.,or+n or Vair i:li : i'iiiii ";ri;i:l=,*. =r. Uiili ii i$ :!ry {1$$- :1; + ii r r " il:;];:-:i.'nilrin: .: n i "". -tii" -i riii rrirr " il."ii:r* = i,l,':,*rl rlTljri"::l';iliiiriir**" "'.any stree; ;; ;iii;-::.:;l,"Hil:i::t* ;il"T1*l itl;3t= or fi:i]ii;l;?i$'l:'"e Nij- G in rurr, pleasg srop by the ro.vrn or""op"iuii;;"3n";f;i5"ffii1":: obtain I ""py.--ituir. you ror you. ro: FROI'I: OOtU, Read o fllce ol communlty developm e n t +""ilr.3Irfriloo. cuRRENTLyL REGTSTERED l.rrrH rHE TO}rN OF VAIL PUBLIC I{ORKS/COI.O,ruNITY DE\TELOPI,IENT IIARCH L6, L98 B ii:i -/lz -'- to projEq Date (i.e' contractor, owner) I TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRO}TTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTTVIENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVEI-,OPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE ADD/ALT COMM BUITD ON .IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 898-0260 status...: ISSIJED(LODGE)Applied. . : 09 / 04 /L998Issued. -.: LO/29/t998 E>cpires. - : 04/27 /L999 Phone: 3038251-3i-3 Phone: 3038251313 Phone: 303 -476-50LL TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up D POSTED PERMT 'fob Address:Location. . . :Parcel No..:ProjecL No.: 1.74 GORE CREEK DR 174 GORE CREEK DR 2LQ1,-O82-21-000 PRJ 9B - 02 LB HYDER CONSTRUCTION, INC 1"020 wEsT 1sT AVENI'E, DENVER HYDER CONSTRUCTTON, INC].020 WEST 1ST AVENT]E, DENUER IODGE @ VAIL ]-74 GORE CREEK DR, VArL, CO co 80223 co 80223 8l.657 Description: INSTALLING ACCESSIBLE LIFT Occupancyz B2/A3/BLBusiness w/ AssemblyT)rpe Construction: ff l_-HR ..ry[le II 1-HourType Occupancyi Va1uaLion: l-50, 000 Fileplace Infornalion: Restricted: #Of Gae Appliances:*Of Wood/Pall.et: Investigation> wi 11 cal l-- -- > Recleat.ion Fee---- ---- --> cL€an-Up Deposit------- -> .00 3,O0 .00 500 . oo 2,.154 . O0 2. 154 , O0 it Refund approved a €HrOrWlt date Add sq Fr: *Of Ga6 T,096: FEE €WMARY r****rr*r*.**tr BuiLding-----> 94O.O0 Regtuarant Plan R6vierr--> .OO Toha1 Calculabed Fee6---> , 2,154.00Pfan Check---> 511,-Oo DRB Fee--------- .,..."',..:::t.lili:;;;;;;:;;;...i_.......ir11i;11"...._.liH::.:y:,:::;;:;;;;;;:........._._;::_". Ilqmi .051q0 BUILDING DEPART}IENT DepE: BUIITDING Division:09/.0+/.1998 JBM AcLion: NOTE PLANS TO GARYlO/29/L998 GGOODELL, AcE,ion: AppRItem: .05400 PI-,ANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division:o9/04/L998 .lRM acEj.on: EFFn epp pER DoM--Iteqri .05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Depts: FrRE Division:o9/04/L998 ,JRM Action: NOTE PLANS TO FrREIleqri ,q55Q0_PUBLTC WQRKS Depr: pUB woRK Division:o9/o4/L998 JRII Action: APPR N,/A *arr*+.ra***i*i* r***ri*****r**a* See Page 2 of t,his Document for any condit,ions t.haL may apply to t.his permit. DECTARATIONS I heleby acknowledg€ that I have lead this application, filled out. in full the information required, conpleeed an acculate plotplan, and Etsate that al1 the infonnation provid€d as lequired is correct. I agree to compl.y lrith the inforhatsion and plot ptan,to comply with all torrn ordidences and ebat.e lawe, and to build bhis st.ructure according !o t'he To!rn,6 zoning and Eubdivisioncodee, deeign review approved, Uniforn Building code and othe! ordinances af the Town appl.icabLe thereto. REQUSSTS FoR INSPEqIfoNS SHALL BE UADE TwEl.lTY-Fot R HoURs IN ADteNcE By te,teexOvt,.Ky'elg-213s oR AT OUR OFFICE FROM Send glean-Up DepogiC To: HYDER AM 5io0 Pli ?.r J ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: B98-0260 as of t\/29/9e Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMTApplicant: HYDER CONSTRUCTION, INC 3 03 82 51313 Job Address:Location: 174 GORE CREEK DR (LODGE)Parcel No: 2l_01-082-2L-000 Appli-ed: 09/04/]-998Issued: t0/29/1998To E>cpiret 04/27/L999 Description: TNSTALIJING ACCESSIBLE LIFT Conditions:r.. FIRE DEPARTITENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANy WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPT,IANCE.3, ].,/2I' PLYIVOOD SPECIFIED BY STRUCTI]RAL ENGTNEER FOR ELEVATOR SHAFT WAtt MUST BE APPROVED FIRE-RETARDANT-TREATED PLYVIIOOD.4. ELEVATOR MUST ALSO BE INSPECTED BY NWCOG ELEVATOR INSPE TOR.5. ANY NEW GUARD RAILS PROTECTING A CIIANGE OF ELEVATION GREATER THAN 3ON MUST BE AT LEAST 42'I HIGH. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIIJ, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMTJNITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT PROiIECT TITI-,E: LODGE @ VAIL FIRE SPRINK ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT PETMiT o DEiIELOPMEI{T /, ALIJ TIMES B98 - 010 9t+.tt- JOb AddTESS: 174 GORE EREEK DRtocation.... L74 GORE CREEK DR Parcel No.. : 2LOl-082-21--000Project No. : PRJ98-0074 APPLICAIiflT HYDER CONSTRUCTION, INC 1O2O WEST 1ST AVENUE, DENVER CO 80223 CONTRA TOR IIYDER CONSTRUCTION, INC 1O2O WEST 1ST AVENI'E, DENYER CO 80223 OWNER I,ODGE @ VAII-. 174 GORE CREEK DR, VAIL, CO 81557 staEus. -.: ISSITEDApplied..: os/L3/t99t Issued. .. : 05/L4/1"99tExpires..: LL/L0/199t Phone: 3038251313 Phone: 3038251313 Phone: 303-475-5011 Descriptsion : CAULK HOLES Firaplacc Information: RoscricLcd: WHERE PENATRATfONS FORNumberKofRDwelling Unitss: 001 Town of Vail AdjusEed valuaEion:500 *of wood/Pa1lats:*Of cas Appliancoa:*of Gas Log6: 8EE SIfiMARY 20 .00 13 .00 . o0 3 .00 BUILDING DEPARTMETflI Dept: BUILDING Division: .]RM ACEiON: APPR APPROVED 'JRMPLAI'INING DEPARTMENT DepE: PLANNING Division: Bullding-----> Plan check--- > Invcstiga!ion> 9ri11 cr11----> Restuarant PLan RewLcs_ _ > .00 DRB Fee-------- 2o'oo Recreatsiotl Fee_-------_-> .o0 Clean-Up DcposiE-----'--> .oo TOTAI, FEES- ---- Toial Calcula!.al F€69--- > 56'00 AddiEional Fees------- --> '00 .foEal pcimi! Fee--------> 56-O0 Pal nantB----__- 55'oo sAGNcE DU8---- ^oo Item: 05100 05/L3 /L9e8IEem: 05400 os/L3 /LgeBItem: 05600 IEem:05500 ,JRM Action: APPR N/A FIRE DEPARTT,IEI{I PIJBLIC WORKS Dept 3 FIITE Division: oelt: PUB woRK Divisj-on: see page 2 of uhis DocumenL for any conditions Ehat may apply tso this permitr DECI,AR,AT]ONS r heleby acknowledge Ehrt r have read thl6 application, firled ouc in futr Ehe inloroation regulred, conrpreued rn aecurate ploE plan, and staie that atl th. infor abion provided as reguircd i6 correc!. I agEee to coRply lrirh the inforqraEion and plot Plan' Eo coopry rrlrh all roe!! ordinancca end 6tat'c raws, and, lo build this gllucEurs according to thr Towt!'6 zoning and tubdivlgion codeg, deoign revier approvcd, unlforE auilding code and oEher olilinanceE of lhe Toern applicable theretso' REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAL', BE MADE TI{ENIY-FOIJR HOI'RS IN ADVANCE BY S.nd elcan-Ult Deposi! Tor HYDER CONST stolaTnRg PAGE 2*********************************************************:*********************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 898-0109 as of o5/L4/98 staEus: rssUED ******************************************************************************** permir gpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: O5/L3/L998 eppliciirt: IIyDER CONSTRUCTION, INC Issued: O5/1'4/L99e .fOb AddTESS: 174 GORE CREEK DR LOCAE1ONI L74 GORE CREEK DR Parcel No3 2101--082-21-000 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** 1. FTEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO cxIECK FoR coDE CoMPLIANCE' 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDRooMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 0F THE 1991 ttBC. :'or,.o. s Eagra counEy A""o""orlf f r""at 970-328;p640 fqr Parcelil. TOWN OF VAfL CONSTRUCTIO\RcFr. ltl/Dl- OE-?' ?-l-Arb t N\EEL lt2/0t- oez' 4-d>v prdgrr AppLIcATroN FoRlrK{ t-/-'u t - Q'a L -t -": PERMIT APPLICATfON FORM .^. A ,-- r--"--DATE:-- 7/JEtr - UA7( APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COHPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * J. * PERI'{IT f NFORHATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :t * * * * r9r r[bq-Buirding [ ]-pr-umbing [ ]-Erectrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other _lArob Nahe: L-o,Jty \r- ,J,trr- Job Acldress: I Block__ f ilinq slRnrvrqrnN, .\rchitect: ;eneral Description:.tL,4r9-fL-. lork class: [ ]-New Dd-att.ratlon I lurnber of Dwelling Units: fmber and rype of Firepraces: Gas Appriances-_ cas Logs_ wood/perret_ r * * * * * * * * * *1.* * * tt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,r * * * :k * * * :v * * * *) -7gzo l-o- lyMIIg' )* , Er,EcrRrcAL: $ orHER: $?LUMBING:' $ MEcHANIcAI,: $] _----l ror;;; $- iddress: ,lumbing Legal Description: Lot lwners Nahe: tddreiss: ilectrical- Contractor: f4qr- \dvL PER.\IIT f Address: Address: Ph. Ph. l-Additlonal [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Acconnodation Units: INFORMAI,ION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * * * r. * * * * q Town of vail Reg. No. /o9-4t Phone Nunber: Contractor: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiL Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. No.rddress: tor.l-ranir-r'l \ddress: Contractor: :rt:t:t:l * rt*********** ** * *** ** * *** **FOR}UTLDING PERMIT FEE:)LUMBING PERMI'I FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ;LECTRTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: OFFICE USE ** * * * *'t * * * * * ** * * * **)t * * * * rl* * * * * * BUTLDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLTIMBING PLAN CHECK TEE:MECHANICATJ PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERI.IIT FEES: Reg. NO. BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE:lonment,s: VALUATION I CLEA}I IP DEPOSIT REFTIND TO: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArt, co 81657 970-479-2t38 Job AddresS...:LocaEion......:Parcel No..1..:Project. Nurnber: DEPARTMEIflT OF COMMI'NITY DEVETOPMENT NOtrE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECIIANICAL PERMIT 174 GORE CRSEK DRL74 E GORE CREEK DR 2LO1--082-21_-000 ON \TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit, #; M98-0046 StsAEUS...: ISSUEDApplied..: 04/20/t999Issued...: 04/22/t998Expires..t L0/L9/L998 3 032883 901 3032883 90L 303 -476-5011 140, 000 . 0o *of wood/PaIIec: ,oo AddiLional FeeF---------> .oo 3.5o3 . oo ToLal Paroit P.c--------> APPLTCANT ALt STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC Phone: 5045 E 75TH #l-2, COMMERCE CrrY CO 80022 CONTRAqTOR ALL STATE FIRE PROTESfION, INC PhONE: 6045 E 75TH #12, COMMERCE CrrY CO 80022OWNER LODGE @ VAIL PhONC: 174 GORE CREEK DR, VArL, CO 81657 DescripEion: ValuaEion: INSTATL PARTIAI SPRINKI,ER SYSTEM IN EXISTING BT.,DG F1lcphca fnfot'dation: Re6E!1ctsed:lof oas Appl l ancc!:#Of Gas Logs ! "tr*rr*rrrr*rr rrrrrrtrrrr*r** FEE su MARY *rrrrrirr+rtt**tr.r*i'.rtri*trtrt .0o Total Cal.cu1at6d Fees- - ->I,503.00MechanicaL - -- > PIan Ch.ck- - - > Invcot.igat ion> wiII eall----> 2.8O0.00 Restuar:ant PIan Revier- - > ?oo . OO DRB Fac-------- .OO TC'TAI, FEES- -... 3 ,00 3,50!-OO Palmene6------_- 3.503 . oO BALANCE DUE---- .oo l_.2.3. 4. 5. 6. 7. L 9. ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI,IENT DEPE: BUIT.DING DiViSiON:O4/22/L998 iIRM ACt,iON: APPR APPROVED .'RM-iEbm;'o5eoo-FTps DEPARrtrtENi - Dept: FrRE Division:O4/2O/L998 iTRM ACTiON: APPR PI,ANS AT FIRE DEPT/MMO4/22/L998 MIKE M Action: APPR COI{DITIONAL APPROVAL EONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPECITIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIiICE. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF TIIE 1991 t'MC.INSTALI,ATION MUST COftFORM TO MANTTFAETURES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO APPENDIX CIIAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 I'MC. GAS APPLIANCES SHAI,I-. BE VEI{TED ACCOR.DING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHAI,' rsRi,IrNATs_AS SPEEIFIED IN SBC.9O5 OF THE 1991 UMC. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.sO5 AND703 0F THE 1991 UMC.BorLBRs BFAr.,t BE MoIJNTED oN FIJooRs oF NoNCoMBUSTIELE coNsr- T'IILESS LISTED FOR MOI'ITTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORTNG. FER$,Irr,FLANS eno cOop er.tar-,vsrs Mrusr BE PosrED rN MECHANTcAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPEqTION REQI'EST.DnernAcE-op larcrranrrcAr, RooMs c0NTATNTNG ITEATTNc oB HQE:wATERSUpFi,Y-sorLeRs-B-H1i[t ss-EOUrpFrD wrtn a FtooR DRAIN PER sgc.2LL9 0F flrE 1991 ltl4c.rl--apirrovif-is-cidn€ed pendinq review of hydraulic calcg.2. ttfain-scai--id subiect-Lo rdview. on site reviery-t4iEhunqineei of necoidl C6ntiacEoi(s), propercy owner, BldgDeFt, and Fire Dept'is required. proyigli,access wiEbt enEeri4g a confined-Bpact4. Sul]tntt scope and Eecruence f6r-review and -approval .5. Elements Eoncainedi-'in Enginee-ts -eport mir-st. be reeolved *******'***************!t!t**!r!r***************!t************************************ DECT,ARATIONS I h.r.by .cknorlo€c that I hrvr road thi6 appticagion, fi11od out in full ths inforlqlion requlred, couPlet.d .n qcculatse ploc phn, and .crtr Ehrc all the lnfonaclon provld.d rr r€quir6d 1,6 oorrecE. I agr.. to co[pIy !.tth th. ilrforlltlon .nd Ploc pL|n, Eo coEply yiEh rll tosn ordlnrnc.€ rnd Ecatse 1ewe, and co build ChL. Etructurr eccordlng to th6 Town'E zoning and subdLvislon codar, dGaigm rrvl,.i agprgvcd, lrtrlforlr Building cods and ochcr ordlnanceo of gh€ Tovn appli.oablg gltreto. REOInAIS FOR IIIBPEC'ITONA AI|AI,L BB III,DB TI|ENrI.FOUR IIOUN€ IN ADVIIICE SROU g!0o tll 5:00 Ell SIC A?I'RA OT Of IIR OR CIIITRAqTOR FOR I{II'8EIJF AND -2139 OR At Otn OPFTCE s ry.fig-c&6 PERHIT fowN oF vArL coNsrRucrronlPERurr AppLrcATroii-ioir-r" v oare' 5l lcrPQ& ---- --' 'a . APPLTCATTON MUST BE FILT.ED OUT COMPI.,ETELY OR IT !.tAY NOT BE ACCEPTED\ffl****************************** PERMIT TNFORMATIoN ************ ** *** *******i** **,,1 ftto[ ]-Building t l-plurnbing I J-Erectrrcar I J-Mechanicar tX]-other ftwdnUn Job Narne:Job Address: Block_ Filing sunorvrsron,Legal Description: Lot_ Owners Nane: Architect: General Description: Address: Address: Ph. Ph. o'work class: fd1-w"r [ ]-Alrerarion ]\-addirionat I J-Repair [ ]. Number of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accommodation gnits: -Other Electrical Contractor: Address: Plumbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor:Address: ******************************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING FERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAT FEE: CTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Tovn of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR OFFTCE usE ********************i********** BUTLDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PH'I{BTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: I.IECIIANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATT'RE: ZONING: SIGNAT'T'RX: VALUATION CLEAN IIP DEPOSIT REFTIUD TOWN OF VATL?5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD\IAIL, CO 8L557 \r70-479-2L38 APPLICAIiE CONTRAqIOR OWNER Description: ]'.IIqTTI,IJ CO DETEETION AIiID EXHAUST SYSTEM -r 'lrf .-:'t!.'tlon: Pc6tsricEcd: Y *Of OaE Appliencc6: Phone: Phone: Phone: Val-uation: 97 0 -949 -O259 970-949-0259 303 -476-5011 15, 320 . 00 *of, wood/Pallet, Mechanical- - -> Pl.n ch.ck---> InveBcLg.!1or!> r:11.1 CEll----> 340.00 95 ,00 .00 .oo 429 . OO 428 . OO .00 424 . OO 429 .OO ReEtuarant Plan Rsviau-- > DRB P.c-------- TOfAl, PEEg- -- - - *Of G.E LogB: Total calculatsed Fees- - -> Additional Fees---------> Total PcrBit Fec--------> PtyoenEs-------- 1.2-3. 4. 5. 5- 7- 8. 9. L=,!:' j.Kr<- \\c5< DEPARII{ENT OF NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANIEA]-, PERMIT Permit #: M98-0198 .JOb AddTEBS. . . ; I74 GORE CREEK DR SIAIUS. , . : ISSI]EDIJocatsion...... : 174 GORE CREEK DR (LODGE @ VAlAppli_ed.. I LO/L3/L999Parcel No.....: 21_01--082-21-000 Issueit-.., L0/L4/L998Project Number: Extrrires ... O4/L2/L999 b.^^\\),L(o+^ r\L coMMrNrry DEvELopMEL T*.,-'_ L;\,-U:\.^^6c<,^.*. ROBINSON MBCHANICAL COMPANYP. O. BOX 6459, AVON CO 81520 ROBINSON MECIIANICAL COMPAIiIYP. O. BOX 6459, AVON CO 81620 I.,ODGE @ VAIL L74 GORE CREEK DR, VAIL, CO 8l_657 r*t***rftttti****t****ir***trr!,r**r.r***r***rr FEE suMMARy rr'rr**r*i.r*.***r**'rr*i*****r*r*+ir**r*rrrr SATANCB DI'E- -. -**ttt**rt*rrtr+rt*tttttr** * * r i r rrr'rarrr raitt | * * | *r*|,*tri.rrt ItsC-M: .O51OO BUILDING DEPARTIVIENT DCPE: BUITDING DiViSiON:L0/L3/L998 JRM Action: AppR APPROVED ,JRM-Item: .05500 FIRE DEPARII{ENI Dept,: FIRE Division:LO/.L3/.L99B iIRM Action: NOTE PLANS TO FIRELO/13/L998 ,fRl4 Act,ion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAJ. FIETD INSPEEIIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE EOMPLIAIiICE.COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 507 OF TIIE ].991 IJMC.INSTAIJI'ATION MUST CONFORM TO IUANIJFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF TIIE 1.991 I]MC.GAS APPI,IATiICES SITAIJL BE VE}flTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALI TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF TIIE 1991 UMC.ACCESS TC HEATING EOT-TIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITII SEC.505 *urD703 OF THE 1.991 IJMC:BOILERS SIALL BE MOIJIiTED ON FTOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST,III\TIFSS LISTqD rrOR l.:OijlllffNc ON COMBUSTTFT.Ii Err.^/lPrr.'^. PERMIT, PLANS AND CODE ANAJ-,YSIS MIUS ' AE POSTED IN MECXIANICALROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPEqTION REOI]EST.DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS COTTTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATERSI'PPLY BOITERS SIALL BE EOUIPPED WITTI A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F rHE 199r- iJMC.AIJIJ PENETRATIONS MUST BE SEALED WITII FIRE RESISTIVE MATERIALTO MEET CODE i.**rr**************************************************************************** t DECI,ARATIONS I haE lf slcnoflL.dg|! thrg I h.vo !.rd tstrl. .ppllcrtlon, fl.ll.d out ln full ch. lnfor[aelon r.qur,r.d, cgttplrc.d rn .ccunc€ plocPLn. at|d a!a!a th.e rll th. ldotrErtlorl proyld.d r. r.quLr.d l. coE.ct. I rgr.. co cdPly rlbh thc Lnfon tiorr and plot plan, co. caqtly rtth alt Toin ordlnancc. lnd .bat. k'!, rnit to hlld Ehi. .crucgur. rccording !o !h. Torn.. zonl,rE ed rubdlv!.el,onc€d.., d.tlgn r.anirt .PP8ovrd, fhifolr Butldtng Cod. rnd oLh.r orilinrnec. of Chr To|,tr qrpltcrbtr th.E to. nE UEe{t tcn tfgtEemorg gHAtrL BE !{ltDB EtiENr'!.-FO0R HOURs rlr t r"f. o'F cFftw oR cottRAcftx. FoR HIT6ELF ArD OflltER .ltri. E BY TELBPHONE AA 479-2134 OR AT OUR OFFICE EROII g!00 ll,t 5r0O PARcELt'W Owners Name: Architect; TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTO}I PERMIT APPLIC4TTpN FoRI"ID^'rE, to/R/qg PERfiIT # ^ t APPLICATToN MUST BE FILLED oUT COMPLETELY oR rT MAY NoT BE AccEpTEDITl****************************** PERMIT INFORI.IATION **************************i**rl [ ]-Building t l-prumbing [ ]-Electrical {]-uectranfcal I l-other Job Nane:A.Ale,-.fob Addre"=, lva/ E, 4o,- Dr,'ve, //nt/ Legal Description: Lot Block_ Fillng susotvtsroN: dig_ Address: 174 6. Go.e A Pln. tl7b56rl Address:Ph. General Description:QohrAo* t{ork Class: [ ]-New (-art"ration t l-Addit1onal t l [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units: r.,/ro -Repair ^ rypmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas epptiances_l/lh Gas Logsru/+ r{ood/pellet jlA_vlr********************************* vALUATToNs ********************************* ' !' I:y:}pllg! ! -/o ELEcrRrcAr,:$ -- orHER:s _PLUMBTNG: T- - l,Ec;dr'i;;;; r--rry ;ffiil; Wvfi************************* j* coHrnecToR INFORMATION ***************************tf;!::::,contractor: nu_/A - ----.-----,' T:yl_o{ v3ir Res. No._ Electrical Contractor: Mechanical Contractor: EoAddress: PLUMBING PERI'TIT FEE! I'IECHANICAIJ PERUIT FEE sEIJECTRICAIJ FEE: OTIIER TYPE oF FEE! DRB FEE: lfYf - Fhone Number: Nunber of AccommodatLon Unitsz p/n Phone Number: Town of Valt Reg. No. /17-MPhone Number: Q./?-oZT- eddresJ: -- --'euur; I Tqypr of valt Reg. No. ^lflfh" Number: ill*::? contracto'' {/ } l(tL, m: or Vair ""r. "-= co ******************************** FORBUILDING PERMIT FEE!oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLIJMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE:RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI-, PERI.{IT FEES S BUTLDINGs STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNA1TURE: i r1 \' ,,'r5i-f+.'t.+ {n.r{r:f*x$r T{)WN nF VAI|-.' trUL.ORADII. i,;' iJillt99g la€tJ3 tilr.iltJ[Sl ili * iNSF,ECTN l,l0RK SriELTS l-:SRr li:lri,i i.994 FhonEi 4l[i-SrZrli lEb Ar;t :i.t:rr tc'ntlent g it,. U'.i\ \),.t!*1rrs|^\ L.,t+- J u"iloeslr"-4^.r* A^----- F'tlGE ;itzt ARIIA: Fi6 .5lr*t i vity: 896^(iit51 tc.tEJ:/ r': Typn: A*CDlvlM . SitaLuri r IS$UI:D (jonstrr Atul'l Address I L74 $tiRE trfiEEl( t)R L.ocet i 0n ! 174 iif,RE utiL"El{ IJft tLODriH UT VAIt_) Frar-ce I : ;jl l3i -tltBc-.,ri:.t ..rZrtlrlt Orc: Iil LJser II FR Ltescript ion: CtrNVl:fi"f L;i:iNl-[.RCNuE: Ftf{HA lO 4 ilDA Ht1] i.:1. RCrOliS tippl icant r HYD[:.R C(JNS].t'lt.lcTIOl.ir INC F,hnne: .iEr..iAI:$l:r1;ilJwner: LOIIGL B VA}L F'irc'neI 3t/1J-47t-5tZt11llontr*actor.r HYDL.R Cfil''t$TRLl[fIlli{} INC F,fione; irZt"rif*i?5J.Ji-] i.rrspect i on Requart In l'or"urat j, un" . , . "I'ieqrrest or l [-'lr[Jl t(LUtiHtiLis Req Ti me r r31 : [tS Comfiefi h s I.ltens reqtrested -Ls be lrrspecbed.., OmrATrA BLDG-F inal Tine Hx6i i.nsp*ct ion Hi6tory..., ".Itemr rara63& BL-D6'-I:?'am ing 11/ I 1,/9fl Insprerl; nr': 6RfiIt en r, tagt05qt BLDG'Insrrl ab ianlteml AtOOStZt Bt-DG--SheeLi"ilek Nai I Notes: AF,F,fiOUhiD i*lLt-lyERii uF 6Yt-' tdrr.ll-L BORRD nl'q CnNnEALID Sil-,ACE Ohl f,iJJVq.L r-az q Itemr 04tfr94 Iteml tArAS"rUl It em : 410f31 Item: UlA53* ,tt en r lZtCtSSJ lter ! 4fts37Itenr Ota53€t I t em I rtrril53g It eil'!r.{arzr54a_ .- r.cL.\ INS]DI: I.JF HLiUIH EAST ilOI{RIDOR Hf.]N bETI^IE,ffi THf TJONL:86]LED _l;#rr:,jiruf.{ Lll.\i.rTs AND r-ruTEL. LntsBV l!ffi:Htx: :iii Ft"l*TEl4F" [,/O lill..*fllft !ii] Al>0, p lea>e'ins{ail F 1 f{b'-- Fr lNr:l|- C ', U ; I t-,1,,1-FIi\iAL, [:,1i] ,r -lf ' I FLDG- r-inai Li,zo 5g ll - C (OS€4S o/1 (- eil sl , nt1 o(a a,'s -f o 9-furaie 4,r€Q, ( Ayurle4 Len': iifil;3i'?;T::[.", ::, ut)W,' lT{r*#..',/^M!,r", WeJbyvi 4 o-,l(r lrnr ' +11'A J 1t")5' alll:! vtli/ord"'q t'00.J, anct 4lil a*atrf 't/thrWq n[,nW2,l ,+ llr] AOUSU LfiN Nfi rrror{--ru .sAs n/:l ]UNIi-:IUIJ BES6fi !rE+J WUf r,ro1;adru1 A6/Bl/el I$?r_rr.J--lll{-ll-1 06400 | r€ +I H€]NDH H3.l!{NIHdS_3HIJ SEEQO I.9A1I pulo.rE,.,rapun*gkl-l,J OIEfrA r uB + J. . . . .,4*rolsrH rrorXcadsul LgHr-nt l.Hu :rD+rarl€uI E6/t.l /ll{ w l, 'l '*:o4,1!'lo!*Etdld g?1gg :r.ll dx3 aurl IEU!J-gl{U UOeStAEluauuo:l un r +.rt ...pa1ladsuI €cl oq palranb6J sua+T-1HNIJ |l0l :ri+usru ro:] Bra!80 !6ull ,b€U I/_e/-S6g-fOg E auot-t,J -lngul :;a lsanbag. ' . . 'uoT _1Eur*{oJuJ qsenbag uo11:radsul .-...-*-----:-- 5!---i---- /-Hlll-lltr6frzrr : suoU'l I Itlg-gL+/-f Dr ! auot.l,J 9!t{ I {t{n-lcl -lHIOl' !..{o +rEr +ulo|-1IHd fJ 3E1fl0't !'{|uilo 4a46-,=t6sgrr' rauoqd F1Frrtthn-td .19+qr :xuec1.1ddpr st^|00u f'l3N t -luNnlrlflfiu |Jfl:t slNIEHn-ld ruol4dr;;:rag!e5fl ,:rno €t{'rfl-Ta-eg,a-tar;f\rasrpd:(-lIUr1 l.U 3gfiO-l) H0 ).{33H31 HUf) +/aT rr.loT4Pso"l J'JUN !r+suo3 OS1SSI isnlFls Eht"1'J-g radr{1 Hfl H_l3t{f, 3}rO$ ttl !Bsa.rFpqt, cr:i t uruuee 39Hd H66I/ Ir/Ar ;UCtC gl33l{5 oflHU0-tof, HUOI"1 NJ,ISdSNI - S.t$3nO3U AI!68 F66TI.WIFT '-'tlurl lil tqflnr I .tr,Lir: J'(i ; t'2 a \) ".-^\ t).L!.-.t^ t$() V.oL.<* J \)*^\(\ 12{1-2000 lnsuection Fleouest Reoortino Paoe 4 8'?3 am - ' \/ait, Co'- Cify flf IUP/O hrirx rrrdiult Antivltv: BO(L0n6? Tvnp A-lrrF .Sr.rb Tvpe: AMF $al,,s lS$l.lEDcon3f tvij6: occuobir'cu - - 6ii: tnsoniia: ihi't - Paicel: 210108223009ADDlicant: VRD L;ONSTRL,CTION COMPANY Phone 9T()-e45"2354L,Ulfl:dL'tut. vl(iJ \.\Jt\tJ I llu\J i!\-rl\t \,\JrytFrttr I F||ulttr. 9l u_o+:FZJJ.tA.na:. l r.ln/-'E A\ rr/ttl Dlli.lr,EE]TlEe .th^h^. OTil .n'l^ a.}rl D?srjrir{ifi: FEMODA 55 GI-IE.ST RMS.BATHFM.S E FIXED FINISHES.- - hl'oii;;: crr D ls bbb AMour'it'aECAajSE b-HEcvprnHrtT-WAS wnoruc nMouNr - JNoLENConnnent: Asbestos reocrt deiermined no asbestos in arca of const. NO CONDO LETTER REOD, BUiLDll'lG OWI.IERS DOINIG TH€ WOKR. . KA IhY Eaouested Inspecti'$(s! Araiaa-:r Ta 4.fl14n: Requested_Tlme: 09100 F.MPnone y/r,Lu45-1J54 E^r^r6'l ah, l/^/llrODEi I |/Lr,r!rwv pr, Item comments: xDuTficbFntTs- I ' a\ rrlcTAl I QEI c nl ,.\qcoe n[r ia4rnLa r\r /'\cETc t-lr"\r-\p c Tu,1 t. li taig li\LL gi:LF L.LVarLatv IN # 214 & #312 INTERFERE 'I IIOOKS FROM DDORS TO UT'iI iS .I HA I UPhN UIREU-I LYunti { (,t fF} to. ,ntYu \,rb I t\ { cT,^ r) \^ll?rJarr r-|- 0n l^tnt nnl'! i IJAH T (JF I AiLPi€ULi F{",Fi LAI'/ T '/\ /.) \^llTlJ/'rl rT Item Cornments: AtttlTL COMMS - rotr on ltlrr n/1r\9 E/lE) rtllAl a\ n OR.S $TILL I.;EED -qMOKE GASK.EIclo$ii,lG & LATC!1lrliiNDOWS WITH M RS TO 'Ai|NDOWS WITH MULLION iN MIDDLE THAT TILT BACK SLIGHTLY FOR VEI.ITILAT|OI-I OI'ii.Y & ;,i'ir:o.i (JPLN l-oH EGRESS ptrRp(JsEg. MUST HAVE A1- LEAS I OivE upFtlAl{-lj L tjiiF:Sjs wr uu!,( \(bo ,, '{ft,q4 12-01-2000 lnsoection Reouest , Comments: Urnts 418 - 434 even #d uniis.'Anv new wobd blockino wlthin #all or ceilinq as$emDlres must be | ^ t gpproved lirsretardEnt-trcgted wobd. The onty excopiion ls thst the pr+mranifactued wood frames - Urry *o ioz6;oo ll,:JT,"jj" €Hg ooors mtv bc trcit#ln'iF'iF[15u'fo'"" - t / Corn:'i'leiits; ?X4.7XA & pt sood bloclons has been reohceai with apprcved tire relardrnl ircated #ood. U ,t tt n , 05i12100 Inspector: JRM I nrTale( {f "ffito li,i,X!'0i*iii*"I g n^hF-^.. AnhTl r\alltnreH r1/lfi A? BE FIFtr TAPED ( -,": 7 / Corn:'i'leiits; 2 X 4. ?X€ & pt sood bloclong les been rephceai with apprcved tire relardrnl ircated #ood. qY:y9Ji^'4i#-ffi #rfiiiii '8F " l]:::, :::iffi:::::]:: - Kemore daar CIWC| f flcommerns: 2n_2z6even_#dmiis. ,',,_U/O^ hOaK,E'.{lZ,,"tt*,t#iii#"'u;ri'il.1ffi Action: PAFAftTiALAPpRovAL nd/ n I ftem: 60 BLDGSheetrockNair {optionat) ".AoDroved* PO'?n 3/8tJ .t tr ^ , 05i12100 Insoector: JRM Action: PAPARTIALAPPFOVA.Lt fiht-n I bn .'J-/ conrnenrs: f,ART|AL APPR0VED crVER : L-,r t L.(-uFFtrt.- rn\ v '/\t I frcrtET1e n^hF-^.. AnhTt r\allt n r eflng ry o6iol,0o fr'#'551^F-%| . ,.,r^-,1 .^^ Comments: 301-309 OOD#S V Ar I rrcllETftATr/.)^rC irl lr:'l D,A.LL SEAMS TA.PEDAction: APPR APPROVEDI,l(fIU ?'. 06iolr0o fnspeuor: cn-c - -Aition: nppnAipnbvEo a ^ t / - iiiiocfia,:i'-.-,&il3; tr#$k".:Jr.q.,, n*,on: papnl;;.;;;""",' uafrvryl 7 r ftW hd":ffi*l ,,p,:n#'ffi' fi:::, il;:flfiffii.;"r',1,i://"fIo!*I//Lq fY :ffii#i iiruFff::+hel:. A*ion: pApAR,ALAppRovAL€lner'4€n4/ €Xrfoy/(d/(d, cm'r*,'" f;Pffi3lt-tl.t#14'218'415 o** uoo*ur.,p*uvE' / ,, - -,/. i' '- t ''"[1. -;t colr-"ith'.iiiii-,ibEas06- ffiffiilffi /064Y/lrt.f/an<q?'vrylrt :""m"# ili{.'.1*,,.i#fi^ ;ji], i;T;-,F,cArEoro""u,o,""" -'' J'''" /afrC;eLtiffi,Et]1 fih1ii3i:*qil:J:;. ncron: pnpAR'ALAFpRov^L-;--Qpr. lnlohin,t { lail tr l-7 ""mfi n*i;';ii' $Fi', 423 425- "fl|!H{iffi.ii:; lt ul war€ neef5 I n/c{rli rt0l llff:}} $iJ.}$LiilJr"l*###13$*!"tpxsleltl$Jr" ^ usedonvamwff iu st rnrrt ' 11 I l{/{r){rn t^-^^^r-' r:f'C. ^ri^a. CtA n^Qil'\r ADclnl.llr^l vI v' I \ t doot, ", ::ilHffi ffiffF'5*::].;;,;.rviriifrBinil'" - '#qfVe-il.k) . - {y\njd9' :##, 1a##l'*u'.. - il::, :l:i:litffi:il: * Co* 4u- ,l I r !L-' - "#i,;-r;f,q $;,?_:i?i ,r?i?r, .^crion: pA pARrl^LAppRc,/AL (/uu t ./ rlol{fr*: # Btgsgli?+(/"t -- ^ t\l)t 1 L. ^^tP.Jlttlx) F gg$Pl-,^#,W Aciion: DN DENTED # rl pz tAA rt a L z-,-,/. f-tfi'n,t' n(* "#{*[{ ffifiif''{*H :]:, ::::ffi ,,**#ofr({,* rnist H{.' I AV-, 1. .4"1 /) COMM'?FIS: ADDTLCOMM.S.lIg{LMINDOORREQIJIFEDAT#2l4TO,STAIRENCLO.SURE,2)SMOKE r-/r>{r- IY .fL ')LVl GASKETSREOUIREDOALLROOMDOORSTOCORRIDORS.3)2GMII'JUTELABELS (4C/O'_ 1L.t 41 r - -[ I --,^ REQUIRED @ ALL RoOl/l DOORS TO CORRlDoRs.4) INSTALL LATCH HARDWARE @ ALL (| - | D- t,.b - I r\L-$l!r(\t:u lr, r,|LL nvvrtt)-rt 41 .r --{ La . BEQU-IBED_@ALL-RoOI, DooRSrocoRRlDoRS.4)-l v' -, | /(ra- I FiiiEiiuoiiq5tAuTivAiEspRrNGH|N(jES@ALLFT 'n\bhT fi't .rl r!1oi*t,* l-#l:J",, oRG Acrion: 0r.r DENTEDI t',-'- . ^ ) l(4 J - Cornmenls CC1trRECTION.S .-l AL// aa t '. 07103/00 InsDector: GRc Action: COCERTIFI/ I V,/\J , / /, CoMments: ADDTL COMMS - CORRECTIONSI 1) INSTALL $ELF Ct L/./ | -- ^* I L/ |,, THATOPENIN|OEXII LURRiDUR;2)|NSTALL9&Mi| i frl,iii It: a I'i, A ,t ':' t 1l TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970479-2738 NOTE: Fireplace Information: Rcshicted: Building---> Plan Check-> Investigation-> wili call_> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OWNER I-,ODGE @ VAIL 174 GORE CREEK DR vAIrJ, co 81657 l,icense: COTiERACTOR HIGH PEAKS CONSTRUCTION P.O. AOX 2500 EDWARDS, CO 8163 2 License:145-S APPIJICATflT HIGH PEAKS CONSTRUETION P.O. BOX 2600 EDWARDS, CO 41532 License: 145-S Desciption: Lodge at Vail - (emove pavers and replace with stamped concrete Occupancy: R1,S3 Type Construction: III 1-HR Type III l-Hour Type Occupanry: ?? Valuation: $15,000.00 04/21 /2OOL Phone: 303-475-50L1 04/27 /2007 Ptrone:970-925-5374 a4/27/2oo! Phone:970-926-5374 Permit #: 801-0090 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: o4/27/2N1Issued...: 05/08/200L Expires. . .: 11/04/2N1 0 0 # of Gas l,ogs: 0 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees____> Total Permit Fee.-----> Paymmts----------> BALA\ICE DUE--> #of wood Pellel 0F*+*****+******i* **** FEE SUMMARY $195 . oo Restuarant Plan Review-> $126.75 DRBFee--______--> $0. 00 Recreation Fee-------> $3 . oo Clean-up Deposit-----> TOTAL FEE$_---_-.> $0.00 $50. 0o $0. oo $0. oo $3?4. ?5 $374. ?5 so. o0 s37 4 .15 9314 .7s $o .00 lu*.'ts \s.l<.- _ t-\\r, s<_ \).,_^\\).K-,r,^ $!L...f*..dt ,.--t THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES O (Ca-*t*trt. Js-4i-d ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT |ob Address: 174 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location.......: stampedconcretepatio Parcel No....: 210108221000 ProjectNo. : PpSO\-Ot(?- Add Sq Ft: # of Gas Appliances: Approvals;I€em: 051O0 BUILDING DEPARTMENI 05/07/200r CDAVTS Action: AP Item: 05400 PTANNING DEPARTMEIfI Item: 05500 FfRE DEPARTMENr Item: 05500 PIJBL.,IC WORKS ;-""..-#*-,.*-,***r*t*,hir*r*ffi r See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatio4 fiIled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plaO and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strucfure according to the towns zonin6 and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: na AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI PAGE 2|H****{i*!t**r*****;'r***|H|*#rt**r*#*****************!t******x****************:t****f*d.t****rt*!t***rt*rr*)i***** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Penrrit#: 801-0090 asof05-0&2001 Status: ISSUED **|l'"lnl|*lt!t!}i****#li**t*************************#**********x.ffi:t'r**:*r.iirtnffi**!H*!H#***** PenrritType: ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Applied: 04/27/2007 Applicanl HIGHPEAKSCONSTRUCTION Issued: O5/M/2007970-92G5374 ToExpire: 11,/04/2007 Job Address: 174 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: stamped concrete patio Parcel No: 210108221000 Description: Lodge at Vail - remove pavers and replace with stamped concrete Conditions: Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0004595 NON-STRUCTIRAL SLAB BEING CONSTRUCTED.NO PLANS SUBMITTED. MUST COMPLY TO DRB APPROVAL NAD CHAP 16 7997 I.JB,C. Fnffy: 05 / 07 /2001" By:CDAVIS Acrion: AP tl APPLICATION OR UNSIGN Buifding Permit # : -tbOl I 97 o - 47 9 - 2149 (Inspecrions),-'u-% TWNOFYATT 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town of Vail Reo. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: COMPLETE FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials Parel ************************:r****'rt?*******FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******'t:l******t r****Jr***************tr* ot rer Fees: DI E Fees: Public Wan Permit Fee: F: /everyone/forms/bldg perm of Construction: For Parel # Contact Assessrc Office at 970-328-864O or visit 'o*"4\*u.m\st 'fi4'ffito Q"h D. Lesat Description)fioe ll alocr. ll ritins'Subdivision: otHlN"tr't \lrL llndoress:llA c,il! (rbr. n. ll Phone: Architect/Dbtigner:Address:Phone; Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:lrlprrf"c.rc}_ g*e-^,rad,nuhO work class: New ( ) et I L**[o WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior(p Both( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial (y) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No; of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of AccommodaUon Units in this building: No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Aopliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( Noffype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Eqrryls 0!qf-ALLoWEp)- Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) REc',0 APR 27 20r/l rr\ TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vAIL, co 81657 ' L'+:'I: )'Gse ' \5\\< sc- . . f t r{970479-2738 Uc-^.^\ U r$arx.t': \-, tH tNOTE: THIS pERMiT MUST BE POSTED ONJOBSITE AT ALL TIMES LcA.1^-.',:t-r'-',tc^-i'\<f '\[ {l ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: 801,4O97 \!\t q-\--u.a,: ) Lo\rY$ (J Job Address: 174 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSIr'ED Location.......: MICKEY'S, LOBBY, Applied. . : 05/01/2001 ParcelNo....: 210108221000 Issued...: 05/02/2ffi1 Project No . : Fxpires . . .: 10/29/2001 t OWNSR I-,oDGE @ VAIL o5/0L/200I Phone: 303-475-5011- 1-74 GORE EREEK DR VAIL, CO 81557 ticense: colflrRACTOR HIGH PEAKS coNsTRUcTfoN 05/0]-/2oor Phone: 9'10-925-5374 P.O. BOX 2600 EDWARDS, CO 8L632 License: 1-45-S APPLICAI\TT I{IGH PEAKS CONSTRUCTION 05/O!/2OO1- PhONE|. 97O-926-5374 P.O. BOX 2600 EDWARDS, CO 81532 License:145-S Desciption: REPAIR FIREPLACE FLUES (4) Occupancy: R1/B Type Construction: III 1HR TypeOccupancy: ?? Valuation: $22000.00 Add SqFt 0 Firepl,ace lnformation: Restricted: # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas I-ogs: 0 # of Woo<t Pelet: ARY ********** Building-> 9329. OO Restuarant Plan Review-> SO . O0 Total Calculated Fees-> 9595. 85 plan Check--> 9213.85 pft! pge----._--> $50.00 Additional Fees_*-> 90.00 Investigation-> $0. OO Recleation Fee------> S0. O0 T()tal Permit Fee-..-> 5595.85 WilI Call-> $3 - 00 Clean-up Deposit--> S0 . 0O Pay.ments--.-..--> $595 - 85 TOTAL FEES----> Sses. ss BAt {NCE DUE-> So. 0o Approvals:I€eim: 051-00 BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 05/01/2001 ,JRM Action: AP APPROVED WfTIt CONDITIONS THAT COT\ruRACTOR SUPP],Y INFO ON MATERIAI,S AND WORKMANSHIP, SPECIAI. INSPECTOR MAYBE BE REQUIRED. Item: 05400 PIJANNING DEPARTMENT Iten: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENr Item: 05500 PIIBI-,IC WORKS *+!rr**Hr*r*rafrrirh* ***h|**i*i***f,#* See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infororation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state lawt and to build this stuucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniforrr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR PM. Send Clean-up Depoeit To: N/A AT '179-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 NTRACTOR FOR HII\,{SELF AND OWNEI ?'. PAGE2 CONDMONS OF APPROVAL Pemdt#: 8014097 asof 0t02-2001 Statw: ISSUEDffi PermitType ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Applied: M/m/2ffi1HIGHPEAKSCONSTRUCTION Issued: A5/02/?f0L'87C9265374 To Expire 10/29/ZWI ]ob Address: 174 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: MCKEY'S,LOBBY, ParcelNo: 210108221000 Descriptisi REPAIR FTREPT-A,CE FLUES (4) Conditiurs: Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCA}IBESTARTED Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLIRED TO CHECK FoR CODE coMPLhr{cE. ;. lit I 's APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #: BUDG Mechanical Permit #: 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) 75 S, Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 accepted without the following: Provide Mechanical Room Layout drawn to scale to include:r Mechanical Room Dimensionsa Combustion Air Duct Size and Locationo Flue, Vent and Gas Line Size anda Heat Loss Calcs.n EquipmentCut/SpecSheets CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town ofVail Reg. No.: /4E -s COMPTETE VATUATION FOR MECHANICAI PERMIT Labor & Materials ConE.t Assessorc Offrce at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) 2_t OinRaAlOOI .- O?+, :oo wamel0 |If.F,L[mE AIVqTL rob Address:tt4 F**Cd"v i) Legnl Description ll Loh ll alocr: ll Hting:Subdivision: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed dnscription of work:ads6ffiS^^ S*'- (a \. rnnror lr,RR/ l\.la-. ?,',hcs \ worklclass, INew( )Addition( ) Alteration( )["f"i,9X Other ( ) Boiler Location: Interior (!) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: \ ves ( ) No ( ) TypeofBtdg: Single-family( ) Duplex( ) MultFfamily( ) Commercial\() Restaurant}() fther( )\ No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this bui\ing: Noflype of Fireplaces Existinqr Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buminqg) Nofl-ype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning tru\f n{$f Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) \_t U.l ************************* *** ** ** *...-?;l.f: *.. * F: /everyone/forms/mechperm 4# FOR OFFICE USE ONLY***** Other Feesr Planner Siqn-off:AcceDted By: DRB Fees:Date ReceiYed: TOWN OF VATI 75 S. FROMTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARIIVTEIiIT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENI oi"mu ON .]OBSfTE AT ALL TTMES PernriL #: 900-0090 Status...: ISSUED LODGE Applied. . :L05 / Qs /2000Issued...: 05/L5/2000 Erqgires - . z IL/LL/2000 NOJE: .THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED R.OMM BUTLD PERMT .Iob Address: l_74 coRE CREEK DRLocaLion. .. z L74 GoRE CREEK DR,Parcel No. -: 2L01"-082-23-009Project No. : pltfoo-0099 APPI,IEAITIT CONTRACTOR OWNER VRD CONSTRUCTION COMPAIiIYP.O. BOX 7, AVON, CO, A/K/A VRD CONSTRUCTION COMPANYP.O. BOX 7, AVON, CO, A/K/A VAII-, RESORTS VAIL RBSORTS Phone: 81,620 Phone: 8L620 Phone: 970-845-2354 970-845-2354 970-476-501LLODGE @ VAIIJ PROPERTIES 174 East Gore Creek Dr, VaiI, Co. 81557 *of wood/Pa11er: Building-----> Platr chrck- -- > fnveetigation> 9{i1I call.----> RcaCuarartt Plan R€wiew-- > Recreatlon Fee----------> Clean-Up Deposit- ----- -- > Total Calculated Pees- - - > Adaitioial Fee6--- ------> Togal Peruit Fee--------> Payment6------- 1r304.00 450 .20 . o0 3. O0 .o0 200.00 ,00 500,00 2, E6!.2O .00 2,66!.2O 2,56!.2O Description: rnn,hF^,, -_--Clean-up Deposit RefundRBMovE ExrsrrNc SPA/DECK.ADD 4 spAs,NEW srt4pD *.Sppioudo J , ,= Occupancy: R1 Drpe ConstrucEion: V N T)rpe Occupancy: valuation: 242,000 Fir€placc lnforuation: ResEricu€d: *Of cas Appliances: FEE SUl,nIARy Mult.i-Family Type V Non-Rated Add Sq Ft: +Of Gaa Logs: TOV/Comm. Dev. amount date ."."*';;;;;;;; ;ft';;;;;;***.'i*;*";#';;;;;;;';;;;;;;*''*O5/AO/2OOO KATHY ACTiONI NOTE ROIITED TO ,JR!IO5/L2/2OOO JRM ACIiON: APPR APPROVEDrTC]n:..05400 PI,ANNING DEPARTI,IENT DCPT:. PI.ANNING D1VJ-SiON:05/L0/2000 KATIIy Action: AppR DRB AppROVAt- 5/5/00 ILe.mi .055Q0 EIBE DEPARTMENI Dept': FIRE Division:O1/LO/2OOQ KATIry Action: APPR N/AIICM: O55OO PIJBLIC WORKS DCPT: PUB WORK DiViSiON:O,(LO/ZOOO KATIIY ACEiON: APPR NOTIFIED BY E-MAIL05'/LO/20O0 KATI{Y Actrion: APPR IJEONARD REC'D STAGING ;; ; ;; ;;;;. ;;;;;;;; ;;";.;";:;;; ;; ;;; DECLARA'TIONS I hcreby acknorledge tshat r hars read ghie applicacion, filled out in full ghe inforuatsion requLred, coEplebed an accutate plob pl.n, and statse Ch.t all th€ infomaEion provided aE rcquirod is correcU. I agree to sonply lritsh tsh€ inforrnation aid plou Flan.to conply wifh all Tor.n ordinanc€g and Etsa!€ 1aw6, and to build EhiE etructuf,e eccordiag go thB To n'|r zoning and eubdiwiaion codeg. d€Eign r.evie$ approved, uniforu Building code and other ordilances of che Tosn aFplicable thereco. e oR At ouyDPPrcE FaonREQITESTS AOR INSPEeIoNS SHATL BE MADE TWENTC-FOUR HOTTRS IN AD\TANCE BY lEt EP$ONE Aq 47 AM 5 :00 Plil ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 800-0090 as of 05/LS/00 Srat,us: TSSIIED***************************************1**************************************** Permit, T\pe: ADD/ALT COMM BUIIJD PERMTApplicant: vRD CONSTRUCTTON COMPANY 970-845-2354 Applied: os/05/2000Issued:05/L5/2000To Expire z LL/LL/2OOO 'fob Address:Locat,ion: L'14 GORE CREEK DR, LODGE @ VAIL POOL AREAParcel No r 2101-082-23-009VAIL VILLAGE FILING 1- tOT A BLK 5C Description: REMOVE EXISTING SPA/DECK.ADD 4 SPAS,NEW ST14PD DECK Cond,itions:1. FIRE DEPARIT4EI T APPROVAL TS REQUIRED BEFORE A}IY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIEI.,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.3. PIE,ASE REFER TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 4 REFERENEE TO BARRIERS FOR SWTMMIMG POOLS, AIID SPAS. - - l.997 VBC4. NO PLAI{S SIJBMITTED,ADA RAMP AND STATRS MUST MEET BLDG CODE AND ACCESSIBI-,E CODE REQUIREMENTS.ANSI AL1-7,L L992 ** * ttlllt|}arr***+*aa ta 'l.\l!t**t+rl **!i a.* !r* * ** *****tlt rtr{:+ + +t t** | *!ra* ****a. Tolllt of IlAIi, cDIpRADo ;.state@r ta*tatltttiatlttrl**t*atarr*******rl*t****+tt******t*r*ala***tt***att Btatetrrt lnDb€r : REC- 0628 AnouJrt :2,AAL.2O 05/L5/ho OS 102 PalD€nt lletbod: 77255 Notatioir: VAfL RESoRig Itrit : illi . Petrit No: 800-0090 Type: A-colt!{ ADD/AIJT Ooill{ BmLD p Perccl No: e101- 082-23- 009 6ite Addreaa ! 1?{ @RB CRBK DR IpcatioD: 174 @RB CREEK DR, IJoDcE O VAfIJ FOOL AREA Ib16 PayG|lt tt*ta *** ftat* a* ***itltl * *t*tl**t trlt ** * t t **tt +if *****f ** *t *** ** *t* aA Acoount Code Dee('rlptlon BP 00100003111100 BUILDTIK! pERtrrt FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DBSIGN REVIEfl FBES PF OO1OOOO31123OO - PI,AN CHECK FEES AD D2 -DEPO8 CIJEAIII'P DEPOSITS lfc 0010q0o31128o0 TIILL CALL, nISPEC:TION FEB Total FeeB ! 2,A4r.2O Total AtrJLr PEte:. Balance: 2 , A6L .20 2,55'-.2O .o0 Atount 1,308.00 180 . O0 850,20 500.00 3.00 ,ili.i;',..ifF!4"{:Jii i ,,i!i: IFol .oO:E ; C.ozob.o ttFI oc .;o |o ctct c UT arl o 6 FI =at{cEtqlD !iUE{ o dEt! B 5 EoE{( EI ..e11 Df;88"He8 Eq19E| rii9. '.H dE 5Lo o EI s F EIdJt q h ooEF. 'd8>!qo IAcq9A EE BEE-x1 n!C. .t l. Fl FE E8aa 'd e rrF 2E EEt !c E. E{rJt z,tDpoo&:a EEr 6 d, l! E H IH BTqHE!t=(,'{rD;EEnS BHE iEoD l|Uo() cl t{qI B I E F nt 6F.D EIgd ed Ex F.Hqlo gA F? riD.!||,l dit->H-*5toat'ilco to|!| oerO.Ft e AppLrcArroCLL.Nor BE AccEprED rF rrucoMpLEil* u*r, Building Permit #: 97 O-479-2L49 (Inspections) mvuopvln 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657 Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc,l Conbct As*ssorc O{ftce at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel #Parcet* -tolOB? Z=C>o? Job Name: /apg AT /esz p*. ?errow JobAddress: ?+ E. &2, vsssaDz. Legal Description tor,4V*cllarocr<:5=<-llr;riWS#^r-llrrnoiu,r,on'-/.oowners Name: 2fu /6,.a5 Address:ft z\ ?s? aratl.Phone: Sztf- 236? Architect/Desig n"r r,4 71a,jt4 Address: gl43zf)o Bo< lt^&.-, futhza enone: eZ6 _ Z/?? Engineer: tV/f Address: p /*Phone: ,lA Detailed description of work: Qaaavai I <rraaq,eZ S4S A tLtt' At€LJ 3.i'.'tt6D ?)Da?E7= D*: WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (;Q Repair( ) Demo(7Q Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (X) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) MultFfamity ( ) commerciat (r{ Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buiiding: p /,rX No. of Accommodation Units in thisbulldine: n1/^ Nofrvpeof FireplacesExisting: GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq t I VA No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) WoodiPellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) NIA l[Does;Fke Sprinkler System Exist Yea (F NoTl P COMPIEfE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials).)-/.9?6 BUILDING: #=Zia,c,rc o ELECTRICAL;$D orHER: $ -<. 4;rO PLUMBING: $ O MECHANICAL: $ O rorAL: s Z-C+7. Oq) REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO '4=r- %a;z;s ?r-u. b.,/zct-{ lzUtzt.CONTMCTOR INFORMATION 8'(72=c' Contractor Signature: tr** **** ****** **r.** ** ****** **'t *-r ***t!****FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*** ************ ********rr**********ri** APR er 2000 F :/everyone/forms/bldg perm Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Department of Com munity Development Project Name: ProjectAddress: '7? E. (<"A. azaag 1Vz. / This Checklist must be completed before a Buildino Permit aootication is acepted. Mlt pagesof application is complete o Has DRB approval obtained (if required) provide a copy of approval form &ondominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a MultFFamily complex! Complete site plan submitted n Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) s- Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster.oarkinq or material storaoe allowed on roadways and shoulders without written aooroval -r-dsbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurrino n --Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Mulii far;iry) o--Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) e<-Window and door schedule tL/- Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) a/itructural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) trsloils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Vfne resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated e-S6ofe detectors shown on olans fTypes and quantity of fireplaces shown Applicant's Signature: Date of submittal: F :/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Enginee/s (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned depaftments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that i must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Print name Signature Project Name: Date: F: everyone/forms/bldperm3 MWXOF WHEN A *PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PLEASE READ AND CHECK OFF EACH OF THE FOLLOWING OUEfiONS REGARDING THE NEED FOR A.'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT": *o4 Does demolition work being performed.;equire the use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? yES X NO_ No-x- YES NO V Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing driveway? YES- NO-JL Is any drainage work being done that affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property?YES -NO X a tr is a "Revocable Rightof-Way Permif'required?YES Is the Right-of-Way, ejrsements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing?YES_ NO "x If answer is NO, is a pqrking, staging or fencing plan required by Public Works?YES_ NO x If you answered YES to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Development (a sample is attached). If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval in Public Works at 479-2L98. i HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL THE ABOVE QUESTIONS. Job or Project Name: Date Signed: iJ o o O a o Is this a new residence? YES is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? NO CJ). Company Name Utugi e€n F:/everyone/forms/bldperm4 'eu6>eC TUmV0F PUBLIC WORKS AND THE PUBLIC WAY PERMIT PROCESS IIow it relates to Buildinq Permits: Fill out the attached chec< list @If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" permit is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Elkhorn Drive. Notice sign-offs for utility companies. ALL utilities must field verif,7 (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic control/staging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for consideration for approval through the winter. Be aware that your resubmission for winter may be denied depending on the location of construction. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled fortheTown of Vail electricians and irrigation crew. The locatestake place in the morning, but may require up tc 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or deny the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of beinq received, but please allow up to one (1) week to process. As soon as the permit is approved, the Building Department will be notified, allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Pubiic Way Permit" with a "Building Permit". NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. Re-application each November 15th does not mean an automatic renewal. I have read and understa /-rr,rcSignature F:/everyone/forms/bldperm5 the above. Date Signed DRAINAGE AND CULVERT INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED BY PUBLIC WORKS! Please read and check offeach of the items below: { The Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new construction sites have adequately established proper drainage from building sites along and adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets. {me Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required to inspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads or streets and the installation of temporary or permanent culverts at access points from the road or street onto the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any requests for inspection by the Town of Vail Building Department for footings, temporary electrical or any other inspection. Please call Leonard Sandoval at479-2L98 to request an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. { Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Depaftment will be approving all final drainage and culvert installation with resulting road patching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior to any Final Certificate of Occupancy issuance. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date Signed: A_rrr , - u/A;ao>a_ Print Name /. Signature F: /everyone/forms/bld perm6 Please read and check off each of the items below. (Copies of complete text are available upon request) ,..., CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PUBLIC WAYS PROHIBITED d-Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. ll' Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifl7 and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to vioiate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dit, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed frorn any street or alley at the expense of the notified. dsr- ontand Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section L-4-t of this code. qz Notice and Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section I 4-1 of this Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979). CODES 7-3A.1 AND 7-3A-3: PARKING OBSTRUCTING TRAFFIC & IMPOUNDMENT AUTHORIZED t' No person shall park any vehicle upon a street or at any other place within this Municipality in such a manner or under such conditions as to interfere with the free movement of vehicular traffic or proper street or highway maintenance. (Ord. 2(1968) ! 1)-/ o,/Whenever any police officer finds a vehicle attended or unattended, standing upon any poftion cf a street or upon any place within this Municipality in such a manner as to constitute a violation of any section of this Article, or left unattended for a period of twenty four (24) hours or more and presumed to be abandoned under the conditions prescribed by Colorado Revised Statutes section 42-4-1102, as amended, the officer shall require the vehicle to be removed or cause it to be removed and placed in storage in the nearest garage or other place of safety designated or maintained by this Municipality, and the charges for towing and storage of such vehicle shall be charged to the owner of the vehicle in addition to a ten dollar (910) impoundment charge. (Ord. 2(1968) S 3: Ord. 28(1981) g 1) I have read and will comply with rhe above code provisions: i^eO> (rgtmU Position or Relationship to Project: Date Signed: ?, t8,rc ryrliamg F:/everyone/ibrmslbldpermT Vntl REsoRrs DEVELoPMENT CoMPANY Co ru srR u cr ro N D E PART M E N T June 20, 2000 Mr. Charlie Davis Senior Building Inspector Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: Lodge at Vail - Swimming Pool Remodel MECHANICAL ISSUES Dear Charlie: This letter is in regards to our conversations during the week of June 12, 2000 and the Mechanical Permit issued on June 19, 2000. It is our intention to utilize the boiler, located to the west of the pool, only for the spa-deck snowmelt and hot tubs. The snowmelt, in the pool are4 will be an in-slab installation that will be connected when the Lodge at Vail replaces the boiler in the east-end ofthe parking garage. This is not in the current scope of work. The current use of the boiler is for the laundry services and pool. It will in no way be altered for the above-mentioned project. Please contact me if you have any questions, concems, or require additional information. Sincerely,cc: Rick Caudel File Todd Goulding, Construction Manager Vail Resorts Development Company fix;; Vail Resons Development Conrpany, I37 Benchmark Road. Poet Of6ce Box 959'Avon, Colorado 81620-0959. (970) 845-2.350.1ax (970) 845-2358 ' r,rvr,v.snow.com !'ail' Breckr:nridee . Keystoneo. Beaver Creeko. Bachelor Gulch" 'Arrovhead TOI{N OF VAIL?5 S. FROIq:TAGE ROADvAlL, CO 81657 970 -479 -2138 APPIJTEAIflT coMrRAcroR O!fNER El.cbricrl- - - > DRB Fc. Inv66ELgqtsion>will call -- -- > TO4Arr PEES- - - > Tot.l Ce]culatcd Fcc!- - -> Ailditlonal !c€E- ---- --- -> Total P€r'ult F.a--------> DBPARIIIEI{T OF COMMItNIff DSVEIJOPI',IEISI NOTE: THIS PBRMIT MUST BE POSTED ON aTOBSITE AT A.LL TIMES ELECfRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 800 ilob Address: 174 GORE CRBEK DR StaEus... r Issi:Locat,ion. . . z L74 GORE CREEK DR, LODGE Applied. . : 0S/ iParcel No. .: 2LoL-092-23-009 rsgued. . , : o;l{Project. No.: P[il,f00-0099 Ercpires.-z a1-/' TRI PHASE BLEC:TRIC PhONE: 970-524,0325 HARDSCRABBTE ROAD, GYPSIJM CO 81637TRf PHASB ELECIRIC phone: 9?O-5240325 HARDSCRABBTE ROAD, GYPST'M CO 81637toDGE @ VAIL PROPERTTES phone: 9?0-475-5011 ri4 174 EasE, Gore Creek Dr, VaiI, Co. gj-65? Description: ELEC FoR 4 Hor rtBs/pwp MoroRs/poolJ Bovaluation: 2,50i1 00 t**rtt***rttt*tta'ti*+tt**rilttt*'ttti+i,rrtlt*ttta+.t*trttrt trllE 6t llMlllly *"i'r*rr**ral'ri*rir]**arrti**r*rr*er***?r*r*iriat** , 54.O0 .00 .00 r.oo 57 .00 57.OO ,00 5? . C{.}PalnnrnlE-------- 5?.00 BAI,ANCE DUE.-.-- .OO tttattirttttat*a.artrr**rtr*rrrtlrarrrr*r**rt?trrrlria*rtrr|l*{* ?trtt*airir*r***, IEgqU .Q6840 EIJECTRICAIJ DEPARTTUENf Depts: BUIIJDING Diwision95/OL/2oo0_tc+Urv accioniapFri-appnoveD pER-KwI9+ri .8s600_,!'ILE DEpAFtlrErFi' ----- --.- -Di:pUi rrnn DivisiorO6/OL/2000 KATHY AcEion, AppR N/A ****r\r***Jar*t'rtrttr*tt**i!rtrtrr*t**r*rr*tar*ri*at*r+ar****** CONDTTIOI{ OF APPROVAIJ 1. FrEtD rNsPEqrroNs ARE RTQUTRED To cHBcK FoR coDE coMPIJrANcE. r**+r**ra**t***r**a********rl**a*|,a**t*rr*trr* DECTARATIONS r h.r€blt rcknot !..dgc lhats I !r.vt r..d chir .ppliciblon, filLed ouc ln f,ulL the inforuation r.qulr€d, eoElrlltad qn accutrate :: i.-plen, and etrc. that all Eh. infoFAAeion provi.d.d r! rcqulr.d il corrcct. I agrr. to colrply rrirh thc information rnd lrlotLo eonply xtth r11 Town ordLnanc.. and ttsate he6. and to build t'hi6 Etructur. aecording !o chc Tovlr, E Eonlng and subdlvl6i:code6, da6lgt! rcvict cttprov6d, unlfor Butldtng codo and othcr ordlnanc66 of ehc Torn rpplieabh tshcr.lo. FROU 8:00 Al,!REQUESTS FoR rMtPBcrrolllt 9HAr,rr BE ITADE ll'itB$rt-FottR HottR6 rlr ADITN|CE By tBLEpHoNE OF O&iNBR OR COMIRACIOR F'OR HIMI'EIF **************************************************************** TO90N OF VArr,, coLoRADO statennE**************************************************************** sEaEennts Number: REC-0G35 Amorxlt,: F7.oo o6/au00 15:05Palrment, MeEhod: cHEcK NoEat,Lon: #L2z7s/TRrpmSB rnit: KMW Permit No: 800-0084 Tlpe: B-ELEC ETEqIRICAL PERMITParcel_ No: 2101-082-23-009Site Address: 174 GORE CREEK DRLocaIion: 174 GORE CREEK DR, LoDGE AT VAILToLal Fees: 57.00This Payment 57.00 TotaL ALL PmE.s: Balance:**********+****************************************************rt Amount 54.00 3 .00 57.00 .00 Account Code DescripE.ionEP OO1.OOOO31114OO ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEESWC OO1OOOO31128OO T{ILL EALL INSPBSTION FEE AppLrcATroeLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLES* u*rrq*ro Project #: Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #t ES- 97 O- 47 I -2149 (Inspecti ons) 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657 ffic'DMAY 302000 COMPTETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (tabor & Materials) Contact Assessorc Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel * Parcel # (Reguired if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Jobuame:/ -o$e a* (/o,l F"-t robAddress:/JL/ 6uu Cr.-l- 0riw Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name: ll Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed descriDtion of work'"* //--'ft"+'T-L,n rl."l;.,^A,^nrt u,'4ort * Pr"l d",^Jioq Remodel (d) nepaii ( ) Temp Power ( ) other ( )Work Class: New ( ) Addition ( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (p Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ()O No ( ) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ 2,5Ot) CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Electrical Cqntractor:(4vrc- Iile-h , Town ofVail Reg. No./ tt F-E Contact and Phone #'s: '. ) 61..*- CJcl.ft ,t2Y -71JS -J9o--39o-S Contractor Signature:fi'r'- LJd * :t ** * * rt :t:t* ** * :ii ****\***rrF*** *********-* ****FOR OFFICE USE ONLYo*+**r<*********t ^r/.r.:t*****:t+*:!*t it**rr** /- FFeweo MAy :j 0 7000 rnii-cilM.pEV. F:/everyoneforms/elecperm In mr4bott Ij-,u3j?run'l TOVIN OF VAII,75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L39 Mcchanical- - - > Plan Check---> Inwa 6t igaCl, on > wllI Call- - -- > DEPARIT{ENT OF COMMT]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERI{IT MUST BE POSTED MECITAI{ICAL PERMIT iIOb AddTESS...I L74 GORE CREEK DRI-,ocatsion......: 174 GORE CREEK DRParcel No. .... : 2101-082-23-OO9Project Number: PRfo0-0099 APPTICAI{T ROBINSON MECHATiIICAIJ COMPA}IY 5541 CENTRAL AVEN['E, BOUT.,DBR, CONTRACfOR ROBTNSON MECHANICAI., COMPAI\TY 5541 CEI TRAL AVENUE, BOI'TDER, OWNER I,ODGE @ VATL PROPERTIES 174 East, Gore Creek Dr, VaiI, Description: l.lEW SNOVil MELT TUBING AI\ID HX's FOR POOL, AREA Fircplace InforneELon! Restrictcdr Y #of GaB Appliancc6: ON JOBSITE AT ATL TIMES PenriU #: M00-0058 SLaEus...: ISSUEDApptied..: a6/t5/2000Issued...: 06/L6/2000 Expires . .: I2/L3/2OOO co 80301 co 80301 Co. 81657 Valuation: *Of, Gas Loge: Phone: 970-949-0259 Phone: 970-949-0259 Phone; 970-476-50Lt 75, 000 . 00 *of wood/Prllet ! 1, A7S. OO .00 rrr'***r*.*.lrri'rrtrriti.*a*t rtt.******r**r FBE suntARY *tti*rtrr$rrtt L r 50o. oo ResUuarant Pl.an Roviatr--> 375,0O DRB Fee-- -- - -- - .oo TolaL FEBS- - -- - 3 .00 .00 aotal ctlcuLated Fees- - -> .oo Addltsioltal FeeE---------> 1,g79.0o Total Pqrtlits Fcc--------> 1,478.o0 Pa)dtenC6- - -- - --1, g7S .00 .,",..,.....THll.311;;.;;;;.;;:;;;".."",.,-..,;::..- IEemi.051Q0 BIIILDING DEP.ARII,IESIT Dept: BUILDING Division:05/1512000 .lRM Action: APPR APPROVED IEEMi.,O56OO EIIRE DEP4RT!,IEI{T DCPL: FIRE DiViSiON:06/L6/2OOO JRNL AcEion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAJ-, 1_.2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. L 9. FIELD INSPESTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI'ICE.coMBusTroN ArR rs REQUTRED PER SEC. 701 OF TIIE 1997 UMC, ORSEETION 701 OF TIIE 1997 TMC.INSTAIJLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANT'FACTURES INSTRUETIONS AI{DTO CIIAPTER 1-O OF THE 1997 I'MC, CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VE}trED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 ATiIDSIIALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC, ORCIIAPTER 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COI'PLY WrTH CIIAPTER 3 At{D SEC.1O17 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC AI{D CHAPTER 3 OF TI{E 1997 IMC.BOILERS SHALL BE MOIJNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST..UNIJESS LISTED FOR MOI'NTTNG ON COI,IBUSTIBI.'E FLOORING.PERMIT,PI.ANS AI'ID CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOI]EST. DRAINAGE OF MECITANICAI, ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-T{ATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHAI-,IJ BE EOUIPPED WITII A FIJOOR DRAIN PER SEC.Lo22 0F THE 1997 UMe. OR sECrrON 1004.6 0F THB 1997 rMC- NO ADDITIONAI., HEAT PRODUCING EOUIPMENT CAI.I BE ADDED WTTIIOUTFT'LI, MECITAI,{ICAL DRAWINGS SHOWING EXISTING AND PROPOSED PLANA}.ID FIR"E ATiID BLDG APPROVALS *************il****it!t**********:l*****it*************************!t**************** DECI,ARATIONS orl.€c thrt I havc rcad chi. rppllcatsion. fillsd out iB full thr inlolatlo,n raqulred, ca,qrlaEed .n tccura!. plot TgPACTIODB aIIlI,L B! t|t,D! 5I{EfU-FOITR HoURa tN AD\rNtCr BY lff,EPEO[E Al a?9-213s OR tT oIrR OFFtcB FRONI Sroo Att 5:OO Etl I b.rr!!r .d4 p1a6, rnd sllfr thrt r11 utr. inforu.cidt plqvid,rat .r r.qul.red i! correct. r agre. to coEply rltsh ch. {nfo: rtion rnd ploc plrn, to coqrly vtlh r11 tovn ordLnanca. urd sgrh l$E, and to build lhtr slrucCurr accotrdLng bo bh! Tovn'6 Eoning tnd subdiviriosl co&r, iLrigf nvl,.r +Drdvcd. I'nifor[ Building cod. .nd othor ordinancca of the lorn rppllcrbl. th.r.to. nsesrsrrs lor j l sr(noTuil ot QlfIlR on coltllAslrR roR HrunBrrF rl|D oHlllR Feroft No: Parcfl No: Slte A$ress: Locftion: Account Cfde It^irl lv ***-*******af r**ra*rrtrat*t.rrr**r******ra**lrrr**t*r.*r*****r**a* Toflt{ OP VAII., CTXORADO srarsrnt *t*t******tit*t'l*!r***itta*******t**it********+*********it*t***t**t*'stat€mt N{rnber, RBc-0643 Anount: 1,8?g.o0 o6/L6/oo L32o4 Pa:memt Hpthod: CK Notation: *looo38/ROBINSoI Init: LrC -----------L i Total Pees: 1, S78.00 lblF Payugnt 1,87s-00 Total AIrIr hts: 1,8?8.00 , Balance: .00 ****tart*t*f i**i+*i******t**l**t**l******t*tt**'t*********t*iti** !'l0O-0058 Tytr e: B-t'lBcH 2101- 082 -23 -009 174 CPRB CRSEK DR 1?4 @RB CREBK DR UECIIANI CAIJ PERMIT Deecription lIP O0100OP311130o UECIIANIC.AIT PER!,IITFEE8 PF OO1oOOO31123oO pr.,AN CHECK irEBS rC OO1OOO$31128OO WIIJII CAIJ.| INSPEqTION FEE Anount 1,5OO. O0 375 . O0 3.OO ,PARCEL il:TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT APPLTCATTON FORMotrnl h/tzlrc oO b&' :?rtnn t , APPLICATToN I'TUST BE FILLEDUl***** * ***t* *** ** * *** ** !t ** * ****at [ ]-Buildtng t l-plunbing t OUT COI'IPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERUIT INFoRMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * i * * J-Electrlcal \7(-uecnanfcal [ ]-other ovrners Nane: Architect: Number of Dwetllng Units: G $ftu.t and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances {* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECEANICAL PERUIT FEE:ELECTRICAI. FEE: OTHER TYPE OT FEE: DRB TEE: of AccommodatLon UnLts: cas Logs_ Wood/pellet Nunber ********************************* Py.13pII9, ELECTRTCAL: t_ orHER: $ BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNAIURE: Job Name: I 'r,ot/,'l V rob Addre=", fT4 G*,,,-C:rrrLYriva r\LlLegal Description: Lot BIock FilinS suBDlvrsroN: Address: ceneral Description: tfork class: I J-Neh' f(-erturat,ion t ]-Additionat t l-Repalr [ ]-other eLUMBTNG: T-_ 1recnaiiiiiiii i-==r""- ;;;v *ff i: i . ;li ; ;: lll I I . . iri.I . . i "o) *F::"* Eo""*"o" "'rsytf Electrlcal contracto"r -,/n r rA?orS{r-u"r,Address:Reg. NO.Phone Number: Plunbing contractor: nr/q F.y'll V rown of vail Reg. NO.Address:Phone Number: Address: **** ******i * !l * **** * * * * * * * ** ** * * *FOR oFFrcE USE ************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: I.TECHANTCAIJ PIAN CHECK TEE:RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: Address: ?n Bav 9S9 4rgo ph. y4f - Ph. ,35c,r@ ************ Mechanl,cal Contractor: UP DF-PN!iTT NNFT|rIN Tft. VALUATION h+ trgp , W4 E O vutt vlttt't a 1g'e' Lal,*-r'*tzi'i DE'ARTME.*T oF coMMUNrry DEVEL''MEMT q}"rrr_^ Aerr.wrt-TOWN OF VAII,75 S. FROTiITAGE ROADvArL, co 91,657 970-479-2L38 APPLIEAi\TT CONTRAEfOR OWNER amount ?a'!$#E!ffi;::; date le Proiect No.: NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON,JOBSITE AT ALIJ TIMES TOV/COmm. DeV. ADD/ALT MF BUrLD eERMTT permir #: 800-0062 Clean-up Deposit RefundaPproved g= ilob Address: -iEeErri3n...: 174 GORE CREEK DR ].74 GORE CREEK DR 2101-082 -23 -009 PR,JOO-OOB7 SEaLus. . . LODGE Applied..Issued... E>cpires. . : ISSIJED: o4/L4/2ooo, 05/0s/2000t 1,L/ 01"/2000 VRD CONSTRUCTION COMPANYP.O. BOX 959, AVON, CO, A/K/A VArL VRD CONSTRUCTTON COMPANYP.O. BOX 959, AVON, CO, A/K/A VArL LODGE @ VAIL PROPERTIES 1-74 East Gore Creek Dr, Vail, Co. RESORTS RESORTS 81557 Phone: 8162 0 Phone: 8L620 Phone: 970-845-2354 970-845-2354 970-475-slLL Description: REMODEL 55 GI'EST RMS,BATHRMS & FIXED FINTSIIES. Mult.i-FamilyOccupancy: R1f1pe Const,ruct,ion: T)rye Occupancy: Valuation: 00ts, 788, l_00 Fiieplace InfoEnaei-on: ReEtricted: yES *of ea6 Appliancea: Buildlng-----> Platr check---> Iltve.tiga!ion> tfill call----> 3 ,496 .OO 2,272.40 ,00 3.00 Realua-aDt Plan Rcvieir- -> DRB Fee-------- Recreation Fee----------> Clean-Up Deposit-- ------> TOTAL EEES.---- .00 .00 .00 ToCal Pernit Fee------ --> 750 ,00 6 ,52L .40 6 ,617 .OO 6 ,677 .OO . oo Palmentss------- BAIANCE DUB---_ ITEM: .051-OO BUILDING DEPARTT4EI\I"T DCPI,: BUTLDTNG DiViSiON:O4/2L/.20O0 KATHY Action: NOTE ROUTED TO JRIII05/02/2000 JHM Act.ion: APPR approvedII.E.M: .O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTIIIENT DCPT: PI,AI\TNING DiWiSiON:O4/2L/2000 KATITY Act.ion: APPR N,/AIt,EM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTT/IENT DCOT: FIRE DiViSiON:O4/.2L/.2000 KATIIY Action: NOTE Not,ified bv b-mail04/24/2000 KATIIy Action: NOTE Office set-to Mcceertem: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKSo4/2L/2000 KATI{Y Action: APPR n/a Dept: PIJB WORK Division: *** * t+*rrttri'rtt|tr* * rr* * *a * * * * See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions thaL may apply to tshis permit. I hereby acknocledge thal r havc read lhis appllcation, f,illed out in fuLt the lnformaeion required, conFlgLeal an acculate plo! plelt, and EtaCs thaL all the infornarion pror-j.ded as requlred ia coarecc. I agree to courply wibh lhe infoloaLiot! and plot plan, eo cooply rith all Toltn ordiaanceE and 6cate lars, and !g build ChiE strucLure according Eo the Tonrr, s zoning anil gubdivieioEr codes, desiF r€vlew af,proved, UniforB Building Coale and olheta ordinaltcsa of the aowlr appli<1abl€ th6f,eeo. ,s2a.40 seld clel-up Dcpoeie To! \a.rr, RESoRT ort*"*slclTATURE ""t. oR coNTRr.croR 'oR HTMSELF AND .!{NER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit, #: 800-0062 as of OS/OS/OO SEatus: ISSUED* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t **************************** PETMiT TIPC: ADD/AJ.T MF BUILD PERMIT APPliCd: O4/L4/2OOOAppJ-icanr: vRD coNsrRucrroN coMpAr{y iisued,: o5/05/2ooo970-845-2354 To Elcpi_re: LI/OI/2OOO Job Address: I,OCAt,iON: ]-74 GORE CREEK DR, LODGE AT VAII-,.ParceL No: 2L0L-082-23-009VAIL VTLLAGE FILING 1- LOT A BLK 5C Descript,ion: REMODEL 55 GUEST RMS.BATHRMS & FIXED F]NISHES. Conditions:]-. FIELD INSPESIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHEEK FOR CODE EOMPLIAIiICE.2. ALt PENETRATIONS IN WAI-,LS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEAI.,EDWITII AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAI-,.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED rN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORYAS PER S8C.310.6.1_ OF THE 1997 UBC.4. FIRE DEPARTMETVT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANy WORK CA]\I BE STARTED.5. FTRE ALARM PI,ANS REQUIRED PRTOR TO ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PERMTT. PROPERTY REQUIRED TO RETRO-FIT ALARM SYSTEM. '), , ,, *trtittt+tttt***+**+**************t************!t**tttt**rla*t****_** ?o!f,f, oF IIeIr,, eoroRArx, . srar.emrt ***+!t****:l*****it*t**tl*******************tt***********t*********+, Statectt ltumber: REC-0624 Amount,: Z, j79.OO OS/OS/OO LE.:26 Pa |Eent Metbod 3 74454 Notation I VAIIJ RBSoRTS Inlt: .llil Permit No: 800-0062 ?14re: A-MF ADD/ar.r ur ggu,D pER Parcel l{o: 2101-082-23- 009 Eite Addres6: 174 @RE CREEK DRIocation: 1?4 GORB CREEK DR,_ I,ODGE AT VAIIr Total PeeF: 6 ,67'l .oo Tlrj.s Paynent 2.379-Oo Total AIir ptrts: 6,67.t.oo- BaLanee: -0o ****tfttlt****ra***:t***+***rlt***:*******!t**!t***il*+*++.1*t****:l****** AccouDt Code Deecription Anount PF 00100003112300 PLAN CFECK FEES 1,470.40 AD D2 -DEPT}8 CT;EANTIP DEPOSITS 905.60 wc 00100003112s0o wrl|r cAr,rr rNspEcrroN FEE 3.00 :.oz d8 Bt |n r:.o,a\o9 IJI E l.+Ee8otrEHaqle8EHoo EA t eEEIID B E e j* ; I U F6 I At{Eag o F o E tl dE:{ EE() tJl. o |I 0 o ot o LoooCei rloaC! 'E OFco!l qFraa EOE=x< En E( EEnb E9g(t t"Fo2artigH(ttI1B liF,146D89E{ EITi ? z x6{EA t 6 I. t{nd-<, 'B'crEEE t"l. 4Aa aoD I('9(, CItl i.ln IE el Ig FI o, EEe l. !!o E ?ox E BN->a:r86"pa tEf;€ \ 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) 75 S. Frontase Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657 Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! Assessorc Office at 970-328-864O or visit for Parcel # 'r'Farcel I tae-*g -7t o I Q87-z3od#" "' 1ffi&f-{ttrfeq'4 6s7 rzeF robAddress: n+ EAgT 6r.A&Lfui4t Legal Description to,ft€f fl uro.t,s -a lffiF,r.*""N/k owners wame: l/y'tL llenh \*Address: l.o,fux QEq *lr/,'b enone:Jfa,2+S. Z_rg+Atchitrtlpesisner:kTVAlfT\A#iff'uoxab Ewaut\ttb'enone: f7o. %a.Zt1A Engineef:N/,L Address:y/*Phone:tt /* uetaffeo oescnpnon ot work: . 'u i6ul"ai+ a,hfus ua, lmntms 4 hfllrm frx,n (wt#r6 workclass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodepi( Repair( ) Demo( ) other( ) Work Type: InteriolF4 Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) TypeofBldg.:Single-fami|y()Two-fami|y11N,tti+u'@5taurant()other(). No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No, of Accommodation Units in this building: 1i 4r Nonlvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: l Gas nppliances l>fGas Loqs ( ) wood/pellet ( ) wood Burninq ( ") Noflvpe of Fireplaces Proposed:%a, nppfin."< I Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/peltet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yeslqf- trto ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ftf No ( ) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) BUTLDTNG: 5 ffio,@ /ELECTRICAL: $ 16,6b OTHER: $ PLUMBING:S fu, lOO MECHANICAL: $ .A rorAl: s 784, trc REFLINDCLEANUPDEPOSITTO: VCTI YA, N,,,L1IOP CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: *€ -ZllP *.CauDeL 4j6-4-" * * * * * FOR OFFICE USE ON LY* * * * *,i * * * * * * * * r. * * :r * * rr * ?r * + + * * * * * ^s ^r * *,t * T6OO f"pur-O r ).rCT - Nse,ESTrr: A, I 14 2000 ******************************r.* i I I j { I ; FR T4'W ' ATE@ Associcrles, Inc' LAl??FFl V tr Pt_.,mt CSET eV zAsB+;.!)D }4 te1-z4.8Lo Thr:;'r 611Vail --;y$* Dcar Ms. Carollo: ATEC Associatcs, Inc. (ATEC) bas complcrcd a Phase I Envimnmeobl siE Assessmcnt of thc abovc.refmcd proPefty. This report ittAtta*"tf," -tottftt of our ntid"et toT lrsd rrcorutarssance, a pretimiiary -*""ttitt n[wy fot' asbcstos, bistocical owncrship and lad uso ;-igilfi.5age risearch, tecooot and reeutBtory rcrriew, urd other related sources' Bascrt upon Our assessment tfte necd for firrttref enraluation iS mt indicalpd at this dma ATEG apprcciUes lhe opportunity to proride hdcpendcnce one Bank of califsrnis with thcsc srvices. If yor have ii*Gt'tt ,it ittf*tag; in this relut or if we er lrc of fit1gt€f assistance, ptease contacfttris officc at your convenience' r RespectfuUy submittcd' American Testi4 and Engtneering Corporatiou dba ATEC ASSOCIATES' INC. +A'nx,J"!& A. !^r.!;)PeftrMhalik, C.P.G. Brandr Managcr furtutti.g Emitottltt?'t'J' @t'f,'init,/, air" Mtlafizls Engin"r5 -rgt-SEE7I '!sl vte+r-rt tuqP no'd rbro.. I'hil lt S3r7 *aa+cacnao mE7 im&r'e' Frx@'r12{^r7!ov January 18, 1995 Indcpcrnlence otre Bank of California 267i2 Plera Drive, Suite 120 Mission Viejo, California 92691 A[antion: M!. PcggJt Carollo RE: PhN$I Envimnmenal SiteAssxsnent The Indge al Vail VaiI, Cohndo ATDC Report No, 4r{r/-95{fi102 Erica Scttoctld Projcct lvtanager t I t oPLSIoAPR 1,4 'gB LA=e7p'"1 V A P.3/S EIECUIIYE SIIMI'iARY orrDecerrrber .,3'L*ATEC Asrocialcs,Inc. (ATEC) uasailhoriglbyndepcadcoccorcBulE ofCalittorrriabconductaPtraselEnvironmenalsiEAss6s'tEnt(ESA)ofscl.odgostVsila$d ofassdaadresiderrtiaturdrdailcotdominiumslocat€dinVail,Colorado,rcftrredtoarfrc.sib.' Thisinchdedarecormaissancevi$ittotrezubjectsitc,vi$alscf€€''isgf6Act[s,s8milfu'gand analysisofsuspocrnCMs,intcwiews,arwie.*of0reavaitabtcecvirgrrnerrnrrbnbascsandftlatd aBency inftrmation fur thc se end s'rounding P,op.,ties, pt$lisbd geslodc infdlatioo' dtd an dLt "* rnarrials indicalcd "none deEctcrt" for asbestos' Intewicws conducted indicatcd the siE u'as vacatlt Pssture prior to dwelopmcof in f962' i i . . _^_ --r.. /rrcr nere obscnrcd on tlro subject sic. Botlr tarrls cqrtain fuet ff"fffiIl*"fi:ffi **iTfiffi :il;;aodarenainuiradud muraged bY Vait Associatrs' our rwiery of daauases ftom fedcral, stats and local environmsrbl rcgulatry ag€ocies ltdicalctl twofacilitieswithrcatingUsTswerelocatcdwifinaorp{uartgmileradiusofthegiE.gou,w6' thesefrGiliticsafclocatEdcross.gradienturilarenotconsidered!obeaconccrnatSfstins.olg orrphan lcaXing undcrground storage 1p1 (LUSD *as listcd as bcing locatcd in thc vail Sri erca' ATECperformerlarecordsreviewandoondrrgtedintcrviev,swithvailAssociatcspersmratu0 dgcrminedthatthcfacilideswgrenotinthesievichty.Giventhis.adtli|i$alinwsdgafs'is8ot Pcommended I I T ll 'eB 1A32BAt't V A PLANo P.4/B mehufacturcd prior to 194 may concrin small qrrantilies of PrCBs. Duc b acccss Emihtions, thc light ballasts *crc not emmincd for |abels idcnrifying ttrcir FcFconEot They ar'a considercd a potrnu'al sorlrce of PcBs. IlowevEr, duc to tho dates of buildins sutruction ud since eviderrce of damage or lcalage rvas not ssewed, thcy do flot Pos€ en immedale conccrn. During rcutine maintenancs tbcy should bc ctroc'kal for "non-PcB' labcls' If Iabds arp not obscnrcd they should be conridcrd as PCB-conoinfug. rf leaking ballas|s erc obsenledorlargenumb€rrofbatlassarr:bbeditcafdEd,rhcy*rouldbchan(Illda''d disposcd aeording b tocal waste hardling ftxlukcmenis for PCB uniu' ASBESTOS-COT{TAINING MATERIAIJ (A(xI,15) 2.4.1 Vrsual Recoonaissarcc A preliminar5| visual scrcerring was corduaEd to idcotify suspect ACMs and to ideotif, thdr gmcral condition. Thts screening focttscd PIfuDaIity on building natrrials urd fircprmfing' suspoct AcMs idcntificd consstcd of drctrin acouslic cailing trles, vinyl floor 6les, minc pipe insulation on tlrc back-up g€nerator urd sprai-on ftepoofittg' 2.4.2 Sampting rnd AndYses Seven nondesfuctive samples were collectcd and analyzerl by poluizert light microswpy (PLM). Analytical rcsutts indicated all of the materials sampled Y'€fe noo-asbcstllt containing. A coyy of thc uralyicat rEPon is includcd in Appendix B' I]TIIJTIES Drinking u,'aEr and sewrgg serrrice to he sit€ is supplied by 0re tow'n of Vail' I Electricity is supplicd by Holy Cros Elacuic essociation' , RPR 14 ',@ 1A:zgRlY'l V A H_Slo P.5/8 AXDHITDIXB kboratorY (asUcsc) Tcst B'sulti o i P.6/e. PR 14 ',Vn tA.ffil V A PLAI{ CCI\TST 11 I t I I I I I I I I IIt Itil IHtolllrl c e t a .Jt F i i IiI'iI i I I 3= ?iE Lr l€ta ., Ll3,ta ol€ - It'-Es. I la-l=-ts =3l> It ICl-=IL t:t t€12ItI'JIo Els t|' l.it6 z goo @0 o = Tct J otrl .N 4 oT oot- U)f O I E.o Iz T O .l:!JC6-AF ;G $\ EE alt a arr, vl a = c -I L'o E. 1 crl sl 1 u a, o Ert *()s FF= ; r!7gD 6fFo ts; rr € gZ c, - g:jr^aR+ t!=E= g> qL e ;E l;e. =3tE:.ivt | -a slqt= I q..; | ..8 3; l3;!'d I si I I I I I I I I t I FR L4 '@ lA:&i''t V R P.?/A ll t r I r l1t 1l I I | | I I | | | | I PLANIa- t i E agteEaaeffiEa,1BEeaHaaE fro{Bl r{-; i.iraztEiaLl.6'!-{Rg ?. i60 6 Ert * B';; idt?! O.Oq: . o;E E ^A gl Ua, r irGt ze- a G o a 9.9 .J- OD - .. .r € G :3JodOO{| fi q o rr5 9: ?. E, arll,(too53 orrg lllE =iaB,r4l-s s; ERgiETEEg-bE E""giEEH5^o?=EE€Ar!t:.;83368;a - > rl'l:rz- ElE, " "a E;f. erQAAo& eEEFEIEEc*s;eBEenxiHeEl q P.B/ACONSTPLNFIoFPR 14 'W] LA.?gFN V A'.f: ,CC o !rocari-- O*.h>>!a555; E5>>lrB t.oo 14C!.olf>l.aUO .n ec.!t l{EI 6- EEE In C'ttIo(|l 'rl r,oEr|OEIto E.tloraIE 56 BE.t{i-,t$6+Ut t{ "l rt '{ EEE: !. U8E8ss€8-'Eit9$1*1.,;g*s6LEA-e'r94* ei{ toE iHc4AoD gs2e?e2 2EA222? E22?Ez2 L'a- .Ft -{o(, +laE C|rg.< eo nffifil c 3I aE irlrrO\- !t dtiAaE ;l -" H E afrg ii 'EES E Hgg ^, rEr HE; 'l e.rE -g E"E t, CI ,. EG o.lt .'!otB E6e -gsEot- UF@|! r!l' 8,8cla\ |lO:H '=€a tssg6 l- Ct i.n d|!4 fi-2ril gl C{ ta4Jcl(J gJAE4an .{ rrs tl r9 tl O F Keystone Dcsign 3/31/001- Lodge At Vail lE, . , Specifications for Remodeling of Guest Rooms These specifications do not include rooms 108, r22,124, tz6 n g; #-"Ht General Note: The vendors and manufacturers specified are for design dirb;;"l 'tLb'I 'r/ail CEPY Supplier: Contact: Manufacturer: Product: Color: Content: Tufted Yam Weight: Price: Installer: Contact: Price to Install: Pad: Price: Keystone Design Karen or Brenda Pacificrest Mills Summit II - sM - 58017 Boreas Dupont XTI Nylon 30 oz. $12.78 tax, freight, handling additional Trinity Carpets Emest De La Vega Interloc III $2.50 per sq. yard (estimate) Medium Hawk and Trowel as in Room 106 Guest room walls and ceiling as required Bath walls are smooth finish w/ wallpaper prep. Sherwin Williams Antique White # SWl137 Eggshell Guest room walls, ceiling, beams, bath ceiling and Interior window trim 2 coats Note: Supervision of carpet installation will be by VRDC. Drvwall Paint P-1 Contractor: Texture: Location: Note: Supplier: Manufacturer: Color: Finish: Location: Application: P -2 Supplier: Janet Elich Decorative PaintingContact: Janet Elich in Frisco (970) 668-3805Color: Custom color to match beams in Room 106 Color to be approved by Keystone DesignFinish: Faux finish glaze paint over SW I137Location: Beams on ceilings of guestrooms Wallpaper Supplier: Keystone DesignManufacturer: F. Schumacher & Co.Pattem: Wobum Meadow # 521530 Custom Type IColor: NaturalSize: 27" width, 30 sq. ft per single roll Packaged in double rolls Pattem repeat: 27" ver1ical,27" hoimntal straight matchPrice: Quote in processInstallation: Ananged by VRDC Note: Accurate measurement by installer is required for order placement. Please forward this information to Keystone Design as soon as possible. Granite Supplier: Balentine Carpets InternationalContacf Maria or Buddy in Breckenridge (970) 4534555Product: Giallo Veneziano %" SlabEdge: %" Demi-bullnoseBackspash: See CT- 2 Note: Finish sinkhole edge for installation of undercounter sink. Mirror Supplier: Size: Custom Size. Minor to wrap three walls starting at edge of countertop, extend full width of countertop, and extend above wainscot over water closet to comer of shower wall. See architect's drawings. Provide wood or chrome trim piece at unfinished edge of mirror. Ceramic Tile CT-l Supplier: CapcoContact: Pat at Silverthorne Store (970) 513-7899Product: Jurastone Beige PorcelainItem: RFJBEI3Size: 13.25" x 13.25"Size: 13.25" x 3" Bullnose RFJBEI3EPrice: $5.32 per sq. foot retail, Bullnose $4.08 eachLocation: Floor, tub surround, wainscot to 36" height apron ofcountertop and wall end (see elevation) Note: Threshold to be cut field tile beneath pocket door. CT -Z Supplier: CapcoContact: PatatSilverthorneStore (970)513-7899 Product: Tumbled StoneItem: Decorative Accent StripColor: Travertine LightSize: 4.47" x 20" piecePrice: $29.98 retail Location: Backsplash at vanity, top of wainscot, accent border in tub/shower sunound at 36" above finished floor. Grout Supplier: Florida Tile in Denver' Contact: Wayne Lewis (303)744-2433 Manufacturer: C-CureColor: Macadamia # 36Location: Bathroom Floor, wainscot, fub/shower surround Soap Shelf Supplier: Florida Tile in DenverContacr Wanye Lewis (303) 744-2433 Manufacturer: AC ProductsColor: 703 bone MatteSize: Comer ShelfLocation: Two per tub/shower surround. Install as in Room 106 model room Price: Note: Option - Cut field tile at 45 degree angle for shelf ACCESORIES Towel Bar Supplier: Keystone DesignContact: Karen or Brenda' Manufacturer: ConcinntySize: 18"Style: 108-62-18"Finish: Polished ChromePrice: $145.00 ListLocation: One per bath, see elevation drawings Paper Holder Supplier: Keystone DesignContact: Karen or Brenda Manufacturer: ConcinnitySize: StandardStyle: 108-65, Sculptured/Double PostFinish: Polished CluomePrice: $90.00 ListLocation: One per bath, see elevation drawings Robe Hook - Supplier: Keystone DesignContact: Karen or Brenda Manufacturer: ConcinnitySize: StandardStyle: 108-64, SculpturedFinish: Polished ChromePrice: $39.00 ListLocation: One per bath, see elevation drawings Make-Up Supplier: Keystone DesignMirror Manufacturer: pe French Reflection (800) 4214404Model: 7l0ll3){ Long Arm Electric UL Listed Wall MountedFinish: ChromeSize: Extends 9" from wall, 9.5" diameterLocation: To be located on architect's drawingsPrice: $179.00 per Denise 3/7/00 Note: Available Direct Wired or with a Power Supply Cord. Wolfgang would like this to be direct wired. Wall Mount Supplier: Keystone Design Hair Dryer Manufacturer: The French Reflection (800) 421-4404Model: Conair 1600 UL Listed 1600 Watt Wall MountedFinish: WhiteSize: 6" height x 5.5" widthLocation: To be located on architect's drawingsPrice: $ I 7.50 each, packaged in increments of 6 Security Supplier: Keystone Design Hangers Contact: Karen or Brenda for Artwork Source: Arden ArtSize: One size accornmodates all frame sizes Price: Approx. $3.00 each PLUMBING FIXTIJRES Lavatory Supplier: Total PlumbingContact: Mark Streczywilk in Eagle (970)328-8022 Manufacturer: KohlerModel: Caxton Rimless Lavatory- K2210Material: Vitreous China Size : 1'1" x 14" basin area, 4" water depthStyle: UndercounterColor: WhitePrice: $85.00 reail Water Closet Supplier: Total PlumbingContact: Mark Strecz,ywilk in Eagle (970) 328-8022' Manufacturer: KohlerModel: K-3458, 12" Rough-inSize: Elongated with Sloan Flushmate (pressure assisted) Style: WellworthColor: White, PC trip leverPrice: 5447.35 List Bathtub Supplier: Total PlumbingContact: Mark StreczywilkManufacturer: KohlerModel: K-721Left outlet, K-722 Right outletMaterial: Cast Iron, 350 lbs.Size: 60" x32" x 17 7116"Installation: For three-wall alcoveColor: WhitePrice: $880.00 List Faucet Supplier: Total PlumbingContact: Mark StreczywilkManufacturer: DeltaModel: Neo Style 3577 LHP,lever handles H25 3-hole installation. 8" centersFinish: ChromePrice: $268.75 plus $41.00 for handles - list price Tub/Shower Valve Supplier: Total PlumbingContact: Mark Streczywilk Manufacturer: DeltaModel: Single Handle 1448 LHP Series, lever handle H75 Size:Finish: ChromePrice: $152.60 plus $27.15 for handles - list price IUILLWORK Baseboard Supplier: iurkett MillworkContact: Chuck Burkett Wood Species: AlderGrade: Frame GradeFinish: Catalyzed VamishStain: Custom stain - match color in Room 106 (Stain with glaze over) Sample to be approved by Keystone DesignSize: 4" HeightProfile: Ogee Edge as in Room 106 Casing Supplier: Burkett MillworkContact: Chuck Burkert Wood Species: AlderGrade: Franre GradeFinish: Catalyzsd VarnishStain: Custom stain - match color in Room 106 (Stain with glaze over) Sample to be approved by Keystone DesignSize: 3" WidthProfile: Ogee Edge as in Room 106 Shelves Supplier: Burkett MillworkContact: Chuck Burkett in Denver (303) 292-6831 Wood Species: AlderGrade: Frame GradeFinish: Catalyzed VamishStain: Custom Stain - match color in Room 106 Size: See millwork drawingsLocation: Beneath Bath Countertop Cabinets Supplier: Burkett MillworkContact: Chuck Burkett in Denver (303) 292-6831 Wood Species: AlderGrade: Frame GradeStyle: Panel Style ShakerFinish: Catalyznd VamishStain: Custom stain - match color in Room 106 (Stain with glaze over) Sample to be approved by Keystone DesignPulls: Installation by Millwork Installer (see spec below) Note: Cabinets have crown molding at top - this was set approximately Yz" fuom the ceiling in Room 106 as the ceiling was not level. Level ceilings will be required in order to set t}re molding flush with the ceiling. Note: Right and Left upper cabinets are equipped with light boxes and switched to tum on when the cabinet door opens. Note: Venting for room refrigerator is required. In Room 106, the cabinet depth of the center cabinet was narrower to provide venting behind the refrigerator and mirror. This was in tum stopped by wood btocking which was installed by the contractor in Room 106. Chuck Burkett maintains that if this had remained clear, adequate ventilation would have occurred. Installing louvered doors on the center cabinet where the refrigerator is installed rnay also provide ventilation. Cabinet Supplier: McGuckins in BoulderPulls Contact: Mike Boylston (303) 449-3779' Manufacturer: BaldwinStyle: 4704-XXX-BINSize: Diameter 1", Proiection .937"Finish: Oil Rubbed Brorvr # 102Packaged: 25 per containerPrice: $6.10 each List Note: Installation to be provided by Millwork Installer Register Supplier: Burkett MillworkCover Contact: Chuck Burkett in Denver (303)292-6758 Wood Species: AlderGrade: Frame GradeStyle: Custom Design- match Room 106Finish: Catalyzed VarnishStain: Custom stain- match stain in Room 106 (Stain with glaze over) Sample to be approved by Keystone DesignLocation: Provides egress throughwindow on ltt floor room Decorative use in other rooms as desired. Entry Door Supplier: Burkett MillworkContact: ChuckBurkettinDenver (303)292-6758 Wood Species: AlderGrade: Frame GradeStyle: 2 Panel Stile and Rail finished (bore and dap by others)Finish: Catalyzrd VamishStain: Custom Stain - match Room 106 (Stain with glaze over) Sample to be approved by Keystone DesignSize: 36" x78.25" x1.75" (verifu) Entry Door Specification by VRDG Hardware Bafh Door Supplier: Burkett Millwork(Pocket) Contact: Chuck Burkett in Denver (303\292-6758 Wood Species: AlderGrade: Frame GradeStyle: 2 Panel Stile and Rail with pocket door Frame and hanging hardwareFinish: Catalyznd VarnishStain: Custom Stain - match Room 106 (Stain with glaze over) Sample to be approved by Keystone DesignSize: 30" x79" x 1.375" (veri$) Pocket Door Supplier: McGuckins in Boulder Hardware Contact: Mike Boylston (303) 449-3779 Manufacturer: QualityHardwareManufacturingCompanyModelNo. No. l02SlidingDoorPrivacyLock Fully Reversible, Adjustable for 1.375 to 1.75 doors Packed 30 per cartonFinish: Etched Bronzej, oxidized, relieved and lacqueredPrice: $16.00 per unit LIGHTING Wall Sconces Supplier: Keystone DesignContact: Karen or BrendaManufacturer: Munay Feiss Model No. Single swing arm fixture, WB 1093, UL ListedFinish: Weathered PatinaPrice: $59.50 ListLocation: At besides. see elevations Note: Two fixtures will needed between beds in Queen rooms, or use lamp as a light source. Ceiling Supplier: Keystone DesignMount Contact: Karen or BrendaFixture Manufacturer: Murray Feiss Model No. FMI l6 IWWPFinish: Weathered Patina Medallion Pan, Matte GlassPrice: $27.50 List, packaged in 2'sSize: 13" DiameterLocation: Guest rooms where a junction box is able to be installed. Flush Mount Recessed Supplier: By ElecticianLighting Manufacturer: JunoModelNo. TCIR-l4WTrim: 4" Whit€ BaffleLamp: 50WPAR20ru0 Shower Supplier: By ElectricianLighting Manufacturer: Juno or similar Model No. To be selected by electricianTrim: White water proof trimLamp: 50WPAR20ru0 WalI Supplier: By ElectricianSwitches Manufacturer: DecoraFinish: White \ l0 TOWN OF VATL75 S. FROIiflTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTIVIENT OF COMMUNf TY DEVELOPMEI''fl| NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST ELECTRICAL BE ?OSTED ON PERMIT JOBSITE AT AtL TIMES Permr-t #: E00-C06i Job Address: 174 GORE CREEK DR.LOCAI,iON...: 174 GORE CREEK DR, LODGEParcel lfo. . : 2L0L-082-23-009Prolect No. : PRJo0-0087 status- . -: IssItEDApplred..: 05/0e/2000 Issued. ..: 05/19/200AExpires. - : LI/'t 5/2000 APPIJIEAIiIT TRT PHASE ELE TRIC PhONE: 970-524-7L35 0325 }ARDSCRABBLE ROAD, GYPSI]M CO 81537 CONTRA TOR TRl PIIASE ELECTRIC PhONE: 970_524-71.35 0325 HARDSCRABBTE ROAD, GYPST]M CO 81537owNER toDGE @'/Art PROPERTTES Phone: 970-476-5011 174 East Gore Creek Dr, Vail, Co. 8L657 ::::::::l::: ::::::T:::: l:::::,:::"::: :ll:::::: " li:"llll' Elecirical - - - 'DRB Fee InveetlgaEion> will:all----> TOTAT, J8ES... > TotaL calcuLatsed Sees-_-> Additional Fee6------- -- > fota.L Per.ld! Fee----- Fal,menEs------- BAIANCE 'UE _ : ,1,62 . OO .oo . o0 3.OO 1, 155 .00 1,155.00 .00 t , 155 .00 L , 155 .00 .00 rt'EM: O6OOO ELES|RICA]-, DEPARTMENT DEI)E: BUILDING DiVJ-SiON: O5/OB/2OOO !(ATITY Action: APPR APPROVED PER-KW IE6.m.,-OSEOO FIRE DEPART'IT,IEIIIT DepE: FIRE DiWiSiON:os/oB/2000 I(ATIrv Acrion: AppR N/A ** r i * I rr ti t rrr * t * CONDITION OF APPRCVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CTIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECI,ARATIONS I her.6by acknowledge thab I nave reaq ,-.ij.B applrca€ion, filled ouf in full Che infomation lequired, coEPleted an accurate Plou pla!, and gt,atse t.hal all the j.nfofinacr-on provided ae reqr.rired is correcE. : agree co cotuply lrith the inforuation and pi'oC plan, Lo couply wi€h al1 Town ordinances and stale .Lal's, and to build lhis strucEure accordi.ng f,o lhe To!.n s zoning and aulodiwision codc!, dadigm f,evier appro./ed, UniforB BuildinE code and oEher ordinances of the Tottn apFlicable therecc. CTJR CE tRoM s :00 A.l4 5 :00 ?MRBQITESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALI, 3S I4ADE L{ElIrr - FOUR Hotr'Rs iN -qD1/ANcB BY TELEPHCI.IE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND O9{NEI? APPLICA rF INcoMPLEf* unrruNED-\ /...-Project #z Y Y-) -OO'Lxt Buifding Permit +=d\'<to ' oct Electrical Permit #: 97 O- 47 9- 2149 (Inspections) 75 S. Frontase Rd.Vail, Colora"do 81657 /rs rh Lf // Li/ Ft t,tAY oB zoo;/i Contad Assessorc Office at 97O-328-864O or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit * is proviAea aUovey '!:" "4'Js' ^+ U,l robAddress; / 7Y 6" n Co.L f,, Legal Description ll Lot: ll abct: ll ririns:Subdivision: owners Nane: l/A Addressp4$ 6.t A.p^. G enone: f,VS _ZJ 6y Engineer:Address:Phone: Waled description of,r,lork: 5.f r,Col(oan r--noll<- \>) '{.* &-. 3.d Qtb-ar\ .+r(t'L^- - riJ GJ.* btaq Work Class:New ( ) Addition ( ) Remodet fi) Repair ( ) Temp power (Othpr. ( \ (l ) Work Type: Interior p<) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type oiBldg.: Single-famiry ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial S<) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) No Xj Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes 0{ No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Ves ${ No ( COMPTETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (l.abor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICALVALUATTON: $ 65 au o CONTRACTOR IT{FORMATION Electrical Contractor:i J Fl"t. E/tr:/. Town of Vail Reg. No.:!andPhone,#'s; 3 7d -39d ^ /^Jn,hre- szv- -7l3s Contractor Signature: +******r.***************-&***************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*******rr:rr.**********r.*,!*,r************ RECEIVED MAY 0I 2000 TOV-COM.DEV. F :/everyone/formVelecperm TOUIN OF VAIL75 S. FROIiITAGE ROADvA,rL, co 81557 974-479-2]-38 APPI,ICA}TT CONTRASIOR OWNER Description: 'Job Address: 174 GORE CREEK DRLocation...: 1_74 GORE CREEK DR,Parcel No. . : 21-0L-082-23-009Project, No. : PRJo0-0087 St.aLus...: ISSIIED LODGE Applied. . : 05/08/2000Issued...: 05/08/2000 Elcpj-res - -: Lt/O4/2000 Phone: 303 -393-727L Phone: 303 -393-727L Phone:. 970-475-50LL DEPARTMEIiIT OF COMMUNIT'Y DEVELOPMEIVT NOTE: T"HIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES PIJIJMBING PERMIT Permit #: P00-0038 TOTAL PLI'MBING 4701 N. COLORADO BI,VD, DENVER TOTAL PLI]MBING 4701 N. COLORADO BLVD, DENVER IODGE @ VAIIJ PROPERTfES174 East Gore Creek Dr, Vail, PLI]MB]NG TO RENOVATE BATHS IN 55 UvaluaEion:215, 000 . 00 co 80216 co 80216 Co. 8a657 FEE SUI4MARY Plunbing- -- --> Pl.a! Check- --> Inv€eti.gation> WilL call----> 3 ,225.OO 805 -25 - oo 3. O0 .00 4, s34 -28 4 , O34 -25 . o0 4,OX4 -25 4 ,03 4 -25 Reetuarant Plan Revier-- > TOTAT FEES- - -' Total CaLculated Feee---> Additsi.onal Fees- - - ToEal Penit Fee--- ----- > Palmente------- BAIANCE DUE-..- -OO IEEM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT DCNT: BUILDING DiViSiON:O5/08/2OOO KATHY AcLion: APPR APPROVED PER.KWI!eqri-.q5qg0 FIRE DEPARTIiTENT Depr: FIRE Division:05/0e/2000 KATHY Act.ion: APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPESTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. rri*fttitr**r*, rrr*trrirrrlirir *ttrttrtit'lt*** DECI,ARATIONS r hereby acknonledge tl'ae I havc r6ad thie apptication, filled out, in full the information required, comple€€d an accurag€ pl,ot plan, and eEaE. that alf the infor[lation provided as required is correet - I ag-ee to coqrply rel"Eh the inforaaeion and plot p1an, to codply sith all Town ordinanc6s and state laws, and to build thi6 seruceure accordinE !o lhe Town'6 zonirLg and aubdl.vieion codea, dorign rcviei. approved, UniforE Building code arld olher oldinajrces of the Tor.n appficablc tshcrelo. REQUESTg FOR INSPEdTTONS SnA'.L BE UADE TflENTC-FOE? nOURS IN ADl/ANeg BY _ **t****rt**iltl********+*****t*t!t+********+rt*!t*******************+* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO StaterErt **t*f *****************tl******************+*!t**********!r********* Statetnnt Number: REC-O625 Anount :4,o34.25 o5/o9/oo O9 t43 Payment Method: cEEcK Notat.ion: #1340/ToTAL pLt4B Inir: I0.tw P00-0O38 Type: B-PI'UB PLUITIBfNG PERMIT 2LO'-- O82-23 - OO9 174 GORB CREEK DR 174 GORE CREEK DR, LODGE AT VAIL Total FeeE: 4, O34 .25 4,034.25 TotaJ_ ALL Pmts:4 , O34 .25 .00Bal-ance : *:t***f t***tt*********{***+******************f *:}***********tif *** Account Code Description PPOO1OOOO31112OO PLT'I4BINGPERI,IIT PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CHECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILI, CAIT, INSPECTION FEE 3.OO Permit No: ParceL No: Site Ad&ess: Location : This Palment Anount FBES 3,225.00 805,25 AppucArror{ltr- not BE AccEprED r, ,nao"r.rt}. uirsrcr{ED Project #: 75 S. Frcntage Rd. Vail, Cobrado 81557 Building Permit #. Boo- 006* Plumbing Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 - 2149 (I nspctions) 38 @nbct AssssorcOtrreat9 or wtsit # Parcel # (Requited if no bldg. permit # is provided above) Job Namer lopee € Vnrc Job Address: ;74 fue Cpeez Dnp?_. Legal Description ll LoU ll Block: ll Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name: y4r, StgefS llnddress: tt74f^ffl9?n.r PD llPhone: ttl- ZSso Ensineer: N/A Address:Phone: DetaiteO description of work: Kgiloaelop oF 5i Etsrttto this - n+*t as WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Rtteration(rzf Repair( ) fther( ) Type of Btdg.: Single-fdmily ( ) Duplex ( ) Muhi-family ( ) commerciat 1yJ nesaurant ( ) Ot|er ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is tnis a conversion from a wood buming fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No (tzl Parel COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUMBII{G PERJTIIT (LAbOT & MAtCTiAIS) PLUMBING: $ 215, OOO N' CONTRACTOR INFORJT,IATION rpgg Slnec ut 3a8-80re Plumbing Contractor: Tarcc Pcunatilo, I Town of Vail Reg. No.: F/everyone/fu rms/pl mbperm REPT'.31 F'AGE B f,REFt: EG@7/tJ1/?A@E 1Or3B REnUESTS - INSFEf,TN WOf?t{ Sl-{EETti FjORr 7/ 5r3tZt Activityr E[tff*8065 7/ s,lga Type: B*E[-EC Status: ISSUED lionstr": AAtrT b [Jcc r55 UNITS Fhone: 97tD*514"-713I1 F,hone : 97r1.-r+76 "501 t P,hone ! 978-5;:4-7135 a ..TOl.tN Of,i. UAIL, C0t-ORADfl Addr"egs z 174 GOtiE f,RfaEK Dft Locat i on : 174 GOIIE CREEK DR. I--ODGE E VAIL Far.ce I : 4181-ft8e-e;-..tz'U'9 Descr.ipt ion: ELEC REMODEL IN BATI-IS nFApplicant: TRI F,HASE ELHf,TRIC 0wn er. : LODGE B VA 1L F ROF,ERI'I ESf,ontraetor.: TRI trHRSE ELECTRIC Us e : Inspect ion Request Informat ion. . . , ,Requestor: BRUEE TJILCOX c1. 6A 6t 6t Fhone: 33 1-636S Req Tine; E8:rZul Comments: Jbl-Jib,e-t+,e"18 & ot601c-Items Feq[ested to F.re Inspected"Act i on Comment srZ'0196 ELEtr::Finai ".*---.- --*,---./lnspectron H15rp1.y..... , /Iteilg.Er0l IO ELEC-Ternp. prw I t en f S@IaO ELEC-Ror"roh It en:- Itpm;Iten: #6/AA/AA In+pector'; EG V3/ 3A/ QA I n sFect t-.r' ; EIsEG Ab/fi?./$fr Inrpe*tor.: EG A6/0BlBfi Inspcetor"l EG06119/*0 lnspectnr; L.FVla6l19/6O Insp€ctor': L[:VNotes: CSlt'IFLETE STRAF,S UNIT UFEN UFF,ER CnNDr,..4JLD rA0lE'a ELEf,.-Conctr_rit Ut6E14rA ELEC'-f4i,;c. lAml9E ELEC-F-inal t-r't I fr It \16 -i)/< 3t0- o^ 7t* ' L"{1' -- -- (e* i\e/,'/, tv -sd( 3dd J/d . .l7t1Lt? - x( Action: f{ct i on ; Flr::t i on :Action: flct i on rffctionr erh6;10a. d<. 6k- o/s o/c o RAPF,R r-rn i t f,D 1 3tZ'; 3Ul5 387 3Og AF,F n cbr7,*- g'ftr--f't{t --J t rzr-J t E -J.l4 RFF'F r.rni.ts 31s 4160< dF tif( fiF,F,R ;'iEl Emg E|AS ;ltzt7 E'49 e14 AF,PR AF'F,ROUED RF,T-.R RTJF.RNVED Ti me Exp r ,N(4 -l+,u"" !aFrFF.f { 5 anc.F I r.f l'TOHN fiF VFIIL, COLORADO PACE 1 flREA; EGf,6 /3b/efiaff 08rle REnuEsTfl - INSF,ECTI'I t'l0RK SHEETS FOR: 6/38/EO & /34/2$-- *fiLL-x -. {'ALL* "-r SELECTION CRTTERTA INSF.EDTItrN DATE f]FF ICE INSPECTOR AREA RETIUESTS SELECTED ,, f gDl fuhr""rre# { MrY J e> eftt s , L-* o& 3 a:" '-' \+ 'f .4' h 1q r-) |v / :-/ ) (g -x Aaon --4f \JI ''..{- 6l oK_ Dx PN .-f\i'l- F+ rffir3 /1 --4/lArf ,[/D F'---- ffif,:L)fs ,o*ffi Application for Design Review Departnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vaif Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: This application b fur any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review mustrece,ve approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refur b the submittal requiremenB for theparticular apprwal that is requested. An application for Design Revielv cannot be accepted until all requiredinbrmation is received by the Community Developrnent DeparUnent. The pmject may abo need to be reviewed bythe Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Boald approval tapsesunless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:_ Subdivision: Physical Addrass: parcef No.: J ( O t O I X+l O8"{"o Easte co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcet no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): e-lo Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant:V ck Mailing Address: * /fu, Type of Review and Fee: O New Constnrtiontr Addition iR Minor Alteration D Changes to Approved Plans $200 $s0 $20 $20 For corEfuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residenbal or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversiors). For minor changes to building and site improvernents, srh as, rermfing, painting, window additions, landscaping, funces and retaining walls, eb. For revbions to plans already appmved by Planning Staff or the Design Rs/iew Board PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. 75 SOUTH FROMTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLOMDO 81657. @t @ @ IEE Hrnging Flowcr Bsskets (Tlpical at All Lighr StNndsrds)TUbe Steel Railing (TYpicrl) it Planters with Mixturr of l,ow Floriers & Shrubs ($picel) Eristing Vents Screened by Low Shrubs & Flowers Light Stsndards Optional l,ocrtion of B€nch J Eristing Transformer Scrcened by Tall Shrubs Entry Vestibule Varying Arthitecturrl El€ments Provide Inter€st to Strc€tscap€ Stucco Planter withMixturc of Low Flowers & Shrubs (Ilpical) D€corrtive PsvlDg Patterns Accent Major Entry Points Gore Creek Drive Streetscape Vail, Colorado July 27, 2001 I Conceptual Design Check Point Chrrlie - lr - l0'_0r AU(J, U U VI lrvrultr ut l\) Rouncl lioflarcl ' f|,:Yg* Ballastslloun(l Bollztrd.,..1! lnn-01 ONl acrylic lens TnD-n0 Decoratile cnsl qrill, opill ftrylic lcns TRD-Vll Vandal resistanlcast 0rill, qlal acrylic lens TBD-UN Unlil bollard wilh n0 cast grill seclion Opl,iorrs 00$90 dcgrce shield. li(rl(l inslitll0d 100s 100 (le(.lr()c slriold, field irlslallfll Quarlz rcslrikc conh'oller & soctet lor ii T-4 tllirli (:arxl 0al00ol liln)p, Hl0 vcrsior) only Sockel for a T-4 nririr.and hatrlo0en lanlp nlisl b€ field wired l0 a separalc 120 voll, lllD vetsion only 341 120f2771347 voll l-llD trallasl ft-05 85 Walt indrnlion lamp li0l in0 syslem l0r 12.012081240[27/ volls ({r:cirrvvdri{r) Exanrples SAr.LiSt OTIIONS TfID.DC ATG TffD.i)L '210 Colors I BtK Blacl( I DBZo'11T', r ,ITG Anliqoe Groen I VGR Verde Green r 2t0 DG!I Dark Greon I CRT Corten See 0a(|e I l0r color slleciticalioDs (,r 32 or 42 wall conJ)ad lluorl)sccnl, 120l2ll ,ilatlt\ric lrallasl, rrso 4-pin lamp SOMFI 50 wnll rnclal halide rlullilap I)allasl I0r 1201277 urlls TOMH 70 wall nl0lal halide orullitap ballasl lor 120120812401277 uolts 100Mt-l 100 |{,atl melal halide multilap ballasl for 120120812401277 uolts 50t'il)s l;0 wltll hr0h pressure s0{iium mullitap ballilsl lor 120/27i volls 70llPs 70 watl hiuh pressure sodiurn multilap ballasl lor 120208/240/277 volls 'l00FlPs 100 watl hi0lr pfessure sodlum multilap balasl lor 120/200/240/2/7 volts Nota: Use nlelium base clear E-17 /arnp"^. La,llps not i!1cluded. Af l tixtur€s pl€wired fo( 277 volls 210 2(J0 0Rs tlL i()MH 90sVGRcl: Bollard at base ls 12'l305uu routttl. Mounling holcs are .87'122mu diantelet. Anchor bolts (1 0"/255t'tlt lorlg) washers and rluls supplied arc l)ot dipped qa lvanizcd. TITD.OL TRD.DC TRD-UN 42"/ll\70 tAt'i Aftcv! GRAI)C [-JNL[ vE rsroN: 30"/9lSMM ALrovE cfr^f)E Loc.tion oJSt.ps & Floserb€d. ^r. Ersed -r---l:pon Eri$ling Euilding Propo.tnrns \ -_- ErlstlnS \trrcScr..n.d b} Lo* Shrub3 & Flos.rt Eriitlnl lirnsfornrr S.rc.ned bf Tr[ Shrubs !|rtinsArchilecrurrl Ehmenls Pn,!id! Inreretl io Slrrcrscrpr FEIDc6) 19 @ f\) O Srocco Pbnr.r *hhllittur. of Los Flo*.rr & Shrub. (Tr-picrl) L- Deco..rire P$ing PrttrrrsA(ccnl lbjur t:rr! Poirts LlSht str||fu.ds Oprlonrl Lo..rlon of B.[ch Gore Creek Drive Streetscape V.il, Color.do Conceptual Design Scale: l": l0'-0" gucco Pbnr.rr wlrh Nltor. oJLo* Flo$ers & Shrubi {T}plc.l) Hrnging Fl.,$.r Eislets (Ttpicrl rl All l-ipht Sl.trdrrtl1) .-ZEHREN 7/'^:':.1'::,|"-:-' t9 ^ ?.*6-_rJ'a t ",:' Department of Community Deve lopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I 38 FAX 970-4r9-2152 www.ci.yail.co.us June 21, 2001 Tim Losa, AIA Zehren and Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 1976 Avon, CO 81620 Re: The Lodge at Vail - pedestrian walk and planter walls Tim: At its June 20th meeting, the Town of Vail Design Review Board (DRB) reviewed the above-referenced application for design review. The following is a synopsis of the board's comments from this meeting: . The DRB feels strongly that concrete unit pavers would be a better (and longer lasting) treatment than stamped concrete for the interior pedestrian walk adjacent to the storefronts. Some low-level lighting should be integrated into the wall to delineate the steps and walk. This is preferable to additional overhead post lights that may bleed into the windows of residential units above the first level. A stone (preferably sandstone) cap would be a significant improvement over the proposed concrete coping on the planter walls. The use of "year-round" plants (such as evergreen shrubs) is recommended for the planters to ensure aesthetic quality during the winter months. A more irregular or staggered dlstance between stair openings is encouraged in order to avoid monotony. Please consider a revised, upgraded enclosure for the transformer on the western end of the walk adjacent to Checkpoint Charlie. The proposed entry feature arch for the Wildflower Caf6 is a good element. Perhaps il should be made a bit larger and placed closer to Gore Creek Drive. A concrete ledge or curb should be placed between the stucco base of the planters and the street to avoid damage from snowplows. {2 *"""""o 'o'"* ' The planter wall should "engage" the paver circle adjacent to Checkpoint Charlie to provide a fluid connection between the public and private spaces. ' CMU walls can be problematic-especially when moislure is introduced. ls concrete a viable option for the planter walls? Please contact me when you are ready to schedule a meeting with the Vall Town Council and a final review by the Design Review Board. lf you would like to discuss these items in greater detail, please contact me at (970) 479-2140. Sincerely, F^-,-f fuZ^ Brent Wilson cc: Charlie Viola Depar tme nt of C ommun ity D eve I opme nt qt TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us September 27,2001 Tim Losa, AIA Zehren and Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 1976 Avon, CO 81620 Re: The Lodge at Vail - pedestrian walk and planter walls Tim: The Town of Vail Public Works Department has reviewed the above-referenced plans. The following revisions are requested prior to the issuance of final design review approval: Prepare civil egineered plan and profile, of the curb and gutter and dranage improvements, stamped by a Colorado Professional Engineer. Plan should incorrporate the following: 1) Standard 6" barrier curb heads are required. The curb should extend beyond the line of the stone caps to avoid damage by plows. Ensure all stairs meet both ADA and UBC regarding railings and stair noses. The center railings are of concern regarding plow damage. How will these be protected? Tie into the existing curb and gutters on both limits of the project. The survey should be revised lo show these match points. The curb on the east is incorrect. 4) The plan does not accomidate the dumpster wesl of the Wall Street Building. How is this to be handled? All roof drains and drains provided for the planters shall tie into a storm sewer system. Provide 2 village lights at the stair at the Cos Bar. Vail Today requests a location to place 2 combination larger lighVbanner poles on either end of the project. These should be shown as a future location by others. The alignment of the improvements needs to be corrected to address existing utilities and the paver work at Checkpoint Charlie. In addition, the two western most concave 2\ 3) 4) 5) bJ 7) 8) {2 *""'"""o 'o"" curved sections are unplowable and shall be revised to curve outward verses inward. Contact Public Works lor details. 9) The planter widths of 1' for the shrubs is too small. These need to be revised and the plant material needs to more accurately fit the space provided. 10) All the planters and the mainlenance of the landscaping shall be the responsibility of the applicant to maintain. 1 1) A revocable right of way agreemenl will need to be signed. 12)The pan will not drain without significant rework of the roadway. The cross slope of the roadway causes the grades of the bump outs to drain up hill. A storm drainage system should be installed to handle the drainage. The minimun size pipe will be 15". 13) What extent of the pavement treatment in the roadway is heated? 14) There should be a 30' clear zone from the opposite side of the street to a curb head or a fixed object, 15) The planters will need lo accommodate the relocated loading and delivery signs. lf you would like to discuss these items in greater detail, please contact me at (970) 479- 2140. Sincerely, &"-^-yr-- Brent Wilson Q{ TOWN OF VAIL D epartme nt of C ommun i ty D eve lop ment 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us ,} ,"7 October 17,2001 Tim Losa. AIA Zehren and Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 1976 Avon. CO 81620 Re: The Lodge at Vail - pedestrian walk and planter walls Tim: The Town of Vail Public Works Departmenl has reviewed your letter dated October 8th regarding Lodge Promenade design services. The Town concurs with your statements in the letter, with the following conditions: . The Lodge at Vail is responsible for connecting new downspouts and planter drains and the Town will provide one inlet. Any additional inlets due to your engineer's design will be the Lodge at Vail's responsibility. . The Town will not accept any concrete patches. . All asphalt, curb and gutter, pan and storm sewer work must be completed by no later than November 15, 2001. . The anticipated Public Works review period for civil drawings will be one week. ll you would like to discuss these ilems in greater detail, please contact me at (970) 479- 2140. Sincerely, (E^-.-'f U----- Brent Wilson tp un"""o'^'"" 0ct. 8.2001 2:30P[{ZDi|RTN AND ASSOCIA No.?096 P. t/2 From:1294 TEHREN AND ASSOCIA1 [S, INC. Mr. Charlie viola The Lodge at Vail l74 East Gorc Crcck Drivc Vail, Colorado 81657 October E, 2001 \*:1*' v{ J.i).-$ RE: v0robdge Promcnade Design Services Projcct Number 99 I 294.00 u.u\ Charley: To follow up on our discussions last week, wc arc currently atternpting to complete construction documenls by October I 5, 2001 . We havc contracted with ME enginecrs for o -, r J electrical engineering/lighting documents; Monroe and Newell Engineers for stnrctural ,( \" documents rclated to retaining walls, structural footing dcsign, and ties to the existing .n " . V structural deck; and Peak Engineering for civil cngineering services including storm )aY ) .y \e scwcr design and utilify relocation. / \ ^rfl . i Enclosed is a letter received on October t, 2001 regarding comments {iom lhe town $*b,3( engineers- Irr subsequmt conversations with town slarlil is my urrderstanding that aU &' ^ cJ comments listed can be achieved with only minor modifications to the submitted plans .O$ /)- ld" with the exception of items three and twelve. Because itEms three and twelve would " ^J b* require that the Lodge at Vrtil ossume substantial engineenng and construction costs V \r) r\directly related to the installation of a new storm sewer along the Lodge Promenade, it is \()I"^ t' my undentanding that the Town of Vail has offered to pay for all costs related to the ({ -r, " instatlation of the new storm sewer systern with ttre exreptlonifril curt and gutter if . .. o it}properties with the Lodge at Vail would agree to pay for engineering fees associatsd with s/ \ ' the desigu of that systein. * ,,.V ),,iJ' \'.s It is our feeling rhat the proposed sptem would represent a substantial benefit to the Q" }' street directly idjacent tL the Lodge Promenade. The system would eliminate a ' G" considerable amount of surlace water from lhe slreet front by tying all roof drains, arlb X"gutters, and surface drains on both the north and south side ofthe stre€t to the systan and - V by increasing the street slope from the cunent l% slopc wesr, (1/2Yo cross-slope south), - S)' _ .,,"tto t3Yo4o/o slope ftrough an increase in the number of surface drains. Our engineers '\c' dr estimate that the enginiring fees for this system would represent an adtlitional $3,500- J" ^$4,000 dollars 6b . }d".s.r\.\' -)a''v nof \U)\ ARC-I IITTC'I URT . PI^NNINC . INIERIORs . IANPSQ\PE ARCHITECTURT. It(r. lrr|r l97tr . Avm. Colorddo 8lfi20 . (9701 9.lt-0157 ' FAX (970) 949-lO$0 . c-mail: vl rlcrflcr.!'lzthrcn.( otn r wwr r.Telrtm.C(Jnl 0ct, 8, 2001 2:30PM EIlREo N AND ASSOCIA Our othcr conccrn is thc construction schcdulc for thc project Our orginccr has infonncd us that most aspbalt companies cannot install of nsphaltic paving matenals afler November I due to the lower ground temperature. lt is my feeling that coustruction could procced this fall and bc complcted by Deccmber 15, 2001 if the town were willirtg to accep[ a tempor.rry concrete patch for this coming winter, with drainage improvements and the storm sewer to be completed in the following spring. As I have had little contact with your contractor, I do not know the current status of the pre liminary pncing, the availability of matenals and/or subconhactors that would be needed to complete the project by December 15, 2001 . I will assumc that unlcss I hcar from yon or any other interested parties by end of business, Wednesday, October 10,2001,1will assume that all informalion contained within this letter is accurate and complete, and will instruct all consultants to proceed with construction documents based upon the cunent approvals from the toum, written correspondence from the town datcd 9127/01, and verbal commurications with you. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questiods or concerfls. No. ?096 P, 2/2 From:1294 ^L%4 T4LA A:gh-tl ,S*or*'**"/- \ ootb G,"t4<t , P'ry' C,4Vl'' '\ nbY lsTim l-osa, A.l.A. CC: Greg Hall, Town of Vail Brent Wilson, Town of Vail Jim Ellerbroek, Peak Land Consultans Bcrr Klett Sincerely, ooDesign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Lodge at Vail Project Description: Addition of stamped concrete pool decking; ADA ramp & stairs Owner, Address and Phone: Vail Resorts, PO Box 959, Avon, CO 81620 ArchitecUContact, Address and Phone: Todd Goulding, VRI)C, PO Box 959, Avon, CO 81620 Project Street Address: 174 E. Gore Creek Dr. Legal Description: Lot A, B, C, Block 5C, Vail Village First Filing Parcel Number: 2101-082-23-009 Comments: Project#: PRJ00-0099 Buildine Name: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Action: StaffApproved Conditions: Pursuant to Chapter 12-11 (Design Review), Vail Town Code, all utility meters and mechanical equipment must be screened from public view. This will be verified upon inspection. A construction staging plan must be approved at building permit. Contact Leonard Sandoval, TOV construction inspector at 479-2198 for approval. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 5/5/00 FTEVERYONIi\DRB\APPROVAI.\97\l DRBA PPR.FRM DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 euestions? catt Otan n,^n rof,( "{r1t:( * APPLrcArroN FoR o_11915=vr Ew AppROvAL G^r nrreurr ) GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any pmject requiring Design Review approval. Any prolect requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. A, DESCRIPTION OFTHE REQUEST: A7Z/< ,2A,.q? -'- = --7-.zTzS. LOCATION OFPROPOSAL: LOT: 2,.R, L BLOCK: 3--1 RLING: ZONING: f B. L. n E. F. G. NAME OF OWNER(S): MAIuNG 499P555' a> Fox owNER(S) STGNAruRE(S):-'J!one 5- NAME OF APPUCANT: PHoNE: Eqf ' 236 ? t-.1 TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: New Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. Addition -S50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial buildinq. Minor Atteration - $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when apptying for a building permit please identifo theaccuratevaluationoftheproject. TheTownofVail will adjustthefeeaccordingtotheprojectvaluation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. trfI ,* PARCEL #t Z / a/ - oga2 - 3ooq (Contact Eagle Co. Assessors ffice at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ;;;***:'#- I0{4'N0f y,,lltffi AND srrE rMpRovEMENrs o GENEML INFORMATION This applicauon applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional building square footage is added will require an "additions" application. I. SUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS ! Photos or sketches which glggly convey the o<isting condiuons. 3"'Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). */ An rebvant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. Condominium Association approval (if applicable), If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Mministrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. w' { Lodge at Vail pool Remodel VRDC- Construction Todd Goulding -CM84s.2369 E oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Lodge at Vail - Vail Room Renovation ] Project Description: minor alteretions to previously rpproved plans Owner, Address and Phone: Vail Resorts, P0 Bor 949, Vail, CO 81658, Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: 36,tJr*,iil*nlZehren & Associetes, PO Box 3205, Avon, Project Street Address: 174 East Gore Creek Drive Legal Description: Lot A, B, C, Block 5C, Vail Village Fint Parcel Number: Comments: Building Name: Lodge at Vail Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: staff approved Seconded by: Vote: . Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: September 16, 1998 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 FIEVERYONEU)RB\4PPROVAL\98U,ODGVAIL.WPD o D o ,et esign Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL Project Name: Lodge at Vail Project Description: Conversion of conference space and lobby area to 4 AU's Owner, Address and Phone: VaiI Resorts, Inc., PO 949, Vai! CO 81658 EmW Lawson, Zehren & Associates, PO 3205 Avon, CO 111- toB, (tr+ Building Name: The Lodge at VaiI Comments: See Zoning Stat analysis attached fuchitect/Contact, Address and Phone: Project Street Address: 174 East Gore Creek Drive Legal Description: Lot a, b, c, Block 5-C' Vail Vilage lst Parcel Number: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproved Fire Department approval required prior to issuance of Building Permit Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: &12-98 F:\EVERYONEIDRBWPROVAL\98\I.]ODGE.E I 2 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 Qucstiorrs? C,n. Pla:rning Strl i ai .i7i-l i 2il APPLTCATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcviov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigrt rcvicrv nrust rcccivc Dc.sign Rcvicrv approval priorto subnrifting fora building pcrnrit. Forspccific infornration, scc thc subnrirtal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc rcquircd inlbrntation is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Planning and Envirortntcntal Contntis.sion. Dcslgn Rcviov Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aflcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issucd and construction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: TO|//N OF VAIL B. c. n E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL. LOT:,tIbI d, BLOCK: 5 . 4 FILING: PI+YSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #:(Contact ZONTNG: (or",telcta\Ln.. t Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) NAME OF OIVNERTS):) F. c. MAILING ADDRESS: PO, owNER(S) STGNATURE( NAME OFAPPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: H. ryPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: El Nov Construction - 5200 Construction of a new buildinc. Bo* 'l,t 1 !a,i b\*ah gtviE PHoNE: S{S 'X35O PHONE: 41o'117 :a4J tr Addition - filf inor Attuation - S50 lncludcs any addition rvhcrc square footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or cornrncrcial building. 520 lncludcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc itnprovcnrcnts. such as, rcroofing. painting. rvindorv additions. lzurdscaping. fenccs and rctaining walls, ctc. DRBfccsarctobcpaidatthctinrcofsubnrittal. Latcr.rvhcnapplyingforabuildingpcnrrit.pleascidcntiff thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. Thc Toua cfVail rvill adjust the fcc according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLTCATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREIUENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIVIMUNITY DEVELOPIVIENT, T5SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. VAIL. COLORADO 816s7. OoDesign Review Action Form Project Name: Lodge at Vail Project Description: Conversion of conference space and lobby area to 4 AU's Owner, Address and Phone: Vail Resorts, Inc., PO 949, Vail, CO 81658 fuchitecVContact. Address and Phone:Enily Lawson, Zehren & Associates, PO 3205 Avon, CO Project Street Address: 174 East Gore Creek Drive kgal Description: Lot a, b, c, Block 5-C' Veil Villege lst ParcelNumber:Building Name: The Lodge at Vail Comments: gss Zoning Stat analysis attached TOWNOFVAIL Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: StaffApproved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Fire Depertment approval required prior to issurnce of Buitding Petmit Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: &12-9E F:\EVERYONEIDRB\APPROVALVtUODGE.S l2 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 t! Memorandum TO: Lodge at Vail File FROM: Dominic Mauriello, Qfiisf sf plnnning DATE: July 30, 1998 RE: Addition of 4 AU's at Lodge Vail Resorts, the owner of the properfy, has requested the addition of 4 AU's of approximately 1,504 sq. ft. The proposal converts 1,380 sq. ft. of conference space and,l45 sq. ft. of common area, into hotel rooms and common hallways. An agreement sign in 1983 by the Town of Vail requires that at least 7,400 sq. ft. of conference room space be present on the property. The parking required for the conference space of 1,380 sq. ft. is 11.5 parking spaces. The parking for the 4 AU's is as follows: AU (445 sq. ft.) = 0.845 sPaces AU (382 sq. ft.) = 0.782 sPaces AU (324 sQ. ft.) = 0'724 sPaces AU (353 sq. ft.) = 0-753 sPaces Totalspaces = 3.lM spaces $rrmmq;y of Zoning Statistics for the Lodge At Vail: Zoning: CCI lot size: 91,040.735 sq. ft. (2.09 acres) lgltUqll AlbUrdlB9gl[ed f,drdns trq0lcc Remrininq Density: 5225 DU's (l{X.5 AUs) 4l DU's (E2 AUs) 2 DU's (4 AUs) 725 DU's GRFA': 72,832.6 sq. ft. 32951.4 sq. ft. lJ(X sq. ft. 38J772 sq. ft. - 7,012.8 sq. ft ffi*.*n*. Common Arca: 25J91.4 sq. ft. 32.6562 sq. ft. - 152 q. ft. -7,012.8 sq. ft.r Parking:AU 3.1fi spaces nls, ola nla Conf..: I1.5 epaces nla nla S396 sp. credlt Conferenoe 7J00 cq. fr. E,E90 sq. ft. -13t0 sq. ft. 7Jl0 sq. ft.'m Space Note: .7gl2.t of the common area cormts as GRFAr*One conference room mu$ be at bast 6,0ffi sq, ft. in aize F:\EVERYONE\DOIr|\tr!1EMO9E\ITDGE@V.73 0 'to .t{l A as ^.(;Ii,',l,:!r.:;'.1''iJlJi.: Ar;tUil.,irliiii'I,r.:ut.r.r.r.rt irrl.o l.lr.is ___ (li:.y oI. _____--, .l!)g:Jby nnd bc:t.$ccn thr. !64,,,, l,rrryrcl.l. jcs, In<:., ;r Cr,l11p1ala, C{.)r.l)r)1.:lL ion, ( "'l'hc cor'1r.r'alIi'tt") and thu 'r'rvrr (rr vail, u crloraclo ltunir:i1.r;r r corpor.n r.. i .r' ,( "Thc Tou.tr', ). . I NDCITALS 1. 'l'h(- Corl)oratlon is the Otultcr of c(.r.l,tlin rcal pr()pcl.tl, ,r.nd lrnpu.()\,e_ 'ments rocatcd thereon rvhic' are colrcctivcly knorvn as the l,odge at vail ( "The'todg6";. Being more particularly described on the attached Exhibit ,,A,, and contalning 2.090. acres. 2' The Lodge is rocated within tlie commercial core. r Zone District ttre Town of Vai I . 3. A dispute has arlsen betveen the Corporat j-on ancl the Torvn asr"lhethcr 're zoning ord.inances of the To$n woulcl a110w the additlon of 'erv accommodation units and one dvrerring unlt (correctively referred to "Units" ) to the Lodge. 4, The dispute reLates to whether certain of the cls,elling unitsof trre Lodge Apa'tments condominiunls l.catecl on a parcel 0f air space above the real property orvuecl by the Lodge, 1s attributa.ble to the land owned by the Corporation itself. 5' The parties now rvish to conrpromi.sc ancr settr.e all differcnces rvhichremain between them. I I AGREEIIIEI,IT NOI? TIIERD FOnE, the parties agree as f ol.lorvs: . 1. Tlre parties agree that the density control section of the- zoningordinance for conunerciar core r shalr not p'ohibit tbc Lodge from.buildingthe Units. 2' Berore 're Lodge shall rJrc,ceed rvith the construction or the unitsit shall be 'equlred to solnpry wj.th alt tl.re approlrlate or.dinances ot theTo$n and obtai'n pelmission {!om the appr.opriate boarcls and cornxnlssions ofthe To$n aud fur.thcr obtain all required antl nebessary peJ:nlts. 3' shourd the Lodge go ror*ard rvith thc crinstruction of the uuits 1tshall be fulthcr requirc<.I to constr:uct er:p-nrtred co'ferenr:e. and meeting rcromIaciliti.cs in urc Lodge so that Nhcn such c\na.nsion is completc ure Lodge u,r/tq, /qF3 r.lt:! | J 7 ,400 0,000 i, $1 (",lll.;r lrJ 1..'1.:tl (:rrtt lr.t.t.l||:(! ittr(l It:t,1. itr s;izt.., tR(!t.(i (,r Jctj$ oJ. lr(.rrl.j||;'. t.:(r l silril(i(r tilt!r-ir i:i tlL JCltril wltl(:lt 0 (J l.(r()D shlt.l | (..,,rt;rtn At l(.,;4;l Stlui.il"(r JCCL nor:c r)1. lc,lis. 4. T'c crrrlx)rati'rt s'u.ll nuL itrsIil.uLe any le!;nl *cti,r' ag;rlnst th(]'l'ot';n concsrnitrg any o.t ute dispulcd issucs.; sct .torttr hcreil , l,he Lodge b.vcDtering into uris ,'gre.'mc't docs not $alvc its righte to 'cquest an additionars1x accornmodation unlts nor does the Torin waive its right t(, oppose suchrequ.est. rN IfTTNDSS I{IIEnEOF, flre parties have signect this Agreement thisday of , 1989. TIIE LODGE PROPENTIES, INC. TOIfN OT VAILA Colorado Ltunlc ipal Corporation by I. ID:otlro- lgl--l i ' E.e itill | ' I,il.l;l I f i€l-l€l-l.l-? l? jPldl 6 I 3---a|ffi Page 1 tl -A - )b/st/a/ ; , &6- Aet ---Zs,?-JE' tet: -*- --:9/--t--'=*" -"-- kld^d-L/- - ---3!'-a( o-s-ss--d---- - Ld{f n--.-t 4, s at. .o-t4''-4! '- ''33 - *lr*^ -&xt-o:":r"!s+4+' l:-rL' - ft* *xsfrun 0l7 4E zt.6b:-134 142+o'+ tl 4fn- JUl..r+r 28. 1998 ll:l4Alt APPLICATION FOR DESICN REVIEW APPROVAL TOyflNOF GENEML TNFORNIATTON This applicarion is for any projcct roquiring Dcsig Rcvicrvrpprornl. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rwicrv must rtccivc Dcsign Rwiov appmvrl prior to stmitting for a building pcrnril. For specific informrtiqr. scc lhc subnritrrl rcquircntcnls for thc particular approval that is roqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc eccqrtcd until alt thc rcquircd ittfornration i$ submittc{. Thc projcct may also nocd lo bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or t[c Planning and Environntrrttal Comnrissim, Dosign Rcvlcw Eorrd epprovrt crpiror one ycrr rfrcr finel rpprovrl unte$ r . building pcrmit ir irsucd rnd conrirucion ir rtartcd. DESCRITTION OF THE REQUEST: 't*'AssocrA [0. 9325 l. ?./2 qu.r,ion*trhcnra,rninssll,qlr;n*srsr1=,r* c. D. E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: PTTYSrcALADDRESS: ll PARCEL fl: ZONING; donnrrua\ (n.o I BLocK:-5:g--51LIN6:\LiIl,{rta - (Contact Eaglc Co, Atsc&lors Ofiicc at 970-328-t640 foTparccl #) F. c NAMEOFOWNER(S): MAILINC 9ll, PHONE:6{S .t}50 owNsR(s) srcNAT NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: PHoNE.t10 tfl-6?3-t [Minor Attcrerion - Conshction ola ncl building lncludcs any addiliss rvhcrc quarc fooagc is addcd to any rtcidcntirl or comrncrcial building. I20 Inchrdcs nrinor changcs ro buildingp and sirc irnprovcmcnr. such as. . 6roolirtg painting. wiudw additions. lardscaping fcnccs and rcraining walls, ctc. DRB fccs are to bc paid at thc timc of submitbl. [^ltcr. rvhcn appllng for a bruilding pcmit. plcasc idcntifl thc scturatc valuuion of thc projcct. Thc Towa of Vail will adjust thc fcc rccording to the projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBM]T THISAPPLTCATION, ALL SUBMITTAT, REQUIREMENTSAND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMEI{T OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMEM. 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vAlL, coLoR Do 81657. H,TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: O Nsw Construction - SZ00 E AdditioD - $50 q u.r,i o,rf, t h c P la; rn i n g S t a t'i u i .i 7',r - I i 2.J APPLTCATION FOR DESICN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION Tlris application is for any projcct rcquiring Dasign Rcvicrv approvll. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigrr rcvicrv nrust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicrv approval prior to subnritting for a building pcrnrit. For specific infonuation, scc thc subnrinal rcquirctncnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc acccptcd until all thc rcquircd inlbrnration is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvi*vcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Etrvirolt tttctttal Colttnrission. Dcsign Reviov Board approval cxpircs one ycal aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is started. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: TO|//N OFVAIL B. C. D. E. F c. I{. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL. LO'I.A.b. A BLOCK: 5 ' C. FILING:\A\T.I{\ PITYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #: - (Contact Eaglc Co. Assessors Officc at 970-328-8640 for p:rrccl #) ZONING: - Jeg-crcta\ h.. I NAME OF OWNER(S): Va^\ R.:o/f S \n,o.pqyr!) MAILINC ADDRESS: PO. Bo.t 14,1, !a.i\ Lo\*ah 8|V56 PHONE: StS '135O OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: 416' 1+7' 6XS-) TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Nov Construction - $200 D Addition - filrrinor Altcration - ss0 s20 Construction of a ncrv building. Inchrdcs any addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or conrrncrcial building. lncludcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc irnprovcnrcnts, such as, rcroofing, painting. rvindorv additions. landscaping. fcnccs and rctaining rvalls. ctc. DRB fccs arc to bc paid at the tintc of sLrbnrittal. Latcr. rvhcn applying for a builcling pennit, ple:r-sc identiff thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. ThcTorvn of Vail rvill adjust the fcc according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBI\,IITTAL REQUIREI\{ENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIVIMUNITY DEVELOPNTENT. T5 SOUTII FRONTAGE ROAD. vArL, coLoRADO 816s7. 1-a\or /RotE D(5|TNG FOOL BAR,SnACK --a_-_-------1- 7- -11/ tl OVE E(gITNG WAI.Is. DOOgg, ANDltDow9 gnowN DA9r-rED rTt\1 il/-| LOBBY---lT-l ---------t 7-NEUJ LIFT (SEF. PROJECT) /- Q t@2'-3" STORAGE AREAf-?f?- J /). \\2,4 N\,/ll\\ tt./\ t-,2ZEHREN AND ASSOC|ATES, tNC. ATCHIECIUTE. P|^ NING INTB,IORI . IANDoOAPE ARCI{ITECrutt P.O. Bq 1976 Arqr Colcedo 61620p7a yn57 FAX B7d 9a9-l(m .f7/ - FtIASE: 5}IEEI: AI Rf:6 FROJECf MME; PROJECTNO: 94609,@lle Lodge at Vail Vail Room Renovalion DRAIVTN€ TTfI!: Demolitian Plan si.AtEl llt - t'4 OAIE: 7-27-96 DqfllNG VAIL ROOMDOOR5 +ffi- +F##-- -7/ - ZEHREN AND ASSOC|ATES, tNC. AIC}IIECNff. NANMI{C hfiBrcns. ul06c^E lncrfiEcrurE P.O. 8q 1976 A!Do, Colo..do ll6:Xt 97{'194e{ns7 FAX 97ol ga$,rOCO PROJEC MME: PRO.ECI NO: | 237.@lle Lodge at Vail Vail Room Renava tlan DRAWI}GTflE: Existinq ElewaLion 9Crd.E: t/s' -rf -d DAtt: r*y 27, '99a PH 9E: 5D SHEfr: ta-L R!: 6 a(|5NNG DOOR AID STAIR TO LOEOYD(sflNGFOOI-tsAF F EE RETOVED TO EE REMOVED NEW FLANTER9 +TERRACES--r STORAGETflTI o ZEHREN AND ASSOC!Aru, INC. AlcHmcruRE. ?tANNlt{c NIRIORI. I.AISSOIPEARCH]IECTT'TE P,O. 8or r 976 AvoG Cdado E152lt g.7o9,/,{/257 F t( 9tu 9a+r@ FROJECI NAIIE: FROTECT NO: t237.@the Lodge at Vail Vall Raom Renavation DRATT4IG'ITlr: Pool Area Plansc,J& llle'- l'4 OAIE Jt*t 27 tgea FttASEr 5D SHtEr: A-? RE6 z't'-to"+-oW&'o'ffi&&Wp* 93'-9"+- I) --aa.F o ZEHREN AND ASSOCIATES, tNC. Anc}trr8cn Rl. Pt NMI{C INIBIOR9.1AXI'CCJiPEAnCIIIECIUTE P.O. Bd 1976 A\,qL Gola.do t162O (9to) 9t9.rol57 FA,( F70' 9{Sr0@ PROJ€CI MME: FRO.IECT NOr t237.@ the Lodge at Vail Vatl Raom Renova lion DR/rUN6llTlf: Neu Floor PlanX ljlt lle' - l'.O DAIE.. Jrty27, llEO FTI'9E: 50 sHEET: Atl RE6 ###,## ll Newuuesr Koon a, q O ;6uest Roorrr--tf.- New ,,,\Guest Roon\ ) A\,/ l-ttl /\v New ( | lLdrl 6uest Roon FAINT TO MATCH D(I5TIN6 NEW RETRACTABI.E AWNI N65TO MATCH EXI5IING 9TONE TERRACE AND PTANTER WNI . gTONE TO MATCII EXISTING AT FOOL NEW Drf DOOR NEW GUEgT ROOM DOOR9 AND WrNDOrlrS - TRIM PAINT TO MATCH D(|5TING ,r97'-ttv ?ool Dcr* tt | || | L----------ltt I I tlI tlI tlL------------J----I-t-L-----LL-----------J----t--Il-----LL----------J-----I-J-l-----IL-----------J----l-J ttlttl ZEHREN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. AtalfiBcrutt. |rANMI{G tl||T|oNS.LA DIIOTP€ANC}ITEIT,'G P.o. 3d. 1975 Arrn, Colado al5;ro p70| e{e{857 F r O70) s}r00 FROJECI MUEr ?RAIECI NO: t237.@lle Lodae at Vailr,Vail Room Renova tion DRMT}IG IITTf: Ncu ElcvaLlon*^IfJ lld " t'g OAIrj W27, tfia FtlAFEt 5D *|EEr: A-3 RE: 6 5 ro 5Q. FT,- 430 5Q. rr.! corrrrr*cr I_ .oYEt1 TIIF-I src 6E !/ coilfEnatcE CE6.000 5A. FT. Level Two lnt ernailonal Wrn Conference Areas: Level | - 6,C,00 430 5lo+ 2AO 7 | 40 eq.lt. Level 2- 37Osq.ft. Total - 75l O iq. ft. ZEHREN AND ASSOCIATES, tNC. ^ICHNECruRE. MNNI{G NrRroRs.ur{Ddc PE Arc}rrtcn nE P.O. Bor 1976 Aron' 6la.do tl6iE P7O 9,rgE!t7 FA( PTOgelO|, FRo.,ECI MME: PRCUECI No: 98t237.@ 7tre Lodge at Vail Vail Room Remodel DRAWINGITII!: Existinq Conferenc,e Areas scAl-E t/reYt'o o\lto J*rz?, 1996 FtlASE, fr 9tlEgl! ,'1-t3 ?&C t-i-l| | | Level One lnternahonal Wlrr.a v u?sign Review actit Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Lodge at Vail Project Description: Parking lot and guard shack improvements Owner, Address and Phone: Vail Associates Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Zehren and Associates, Inc., PO Box 1976, Avon, CO 81620 Project Street Address: Lodge at Vail, Vail Road Legal Description: Vail Village ls Parcel Number:Buildine Name: Comments: 2"d application regarding the guard shaclg see PRJ 98-0260. Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: JeffHunt Date: l2-10-98 Board / Staff Action Action: staffapproved F:\EVERYONE\DRB\AIPROVALBt[.odseVs2 DRB Fee Pre-Paid: =--rl ooDesign Review Action F TOWN OF'VAIL Project Name: Lodge at Vail Project Description: Parking lot and guard shack improvements Owner, Address and Phone: Vail Associdtes Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Zeluen and Associates, Inc., PO Box 1976, Avorg CO 81620 Proio Street Address: Lodge at Vail, Vail Road ,:,1 r ,i' Legal Description: Vail Vrllage 1" Parcel Number: Building Name: orm RECEIVED ocT 2 6 pss ZEIRE{ & ASSOqAIES, INC. Best copy Available IlamWoldrich 2. The guard shack to be green with brown trim to match the visible adjacent building. 3. The design of the keypad will be integrated with the guard shack. DRB Fee Pre-Paid:$20 'il .F: Conditions: l. The approval is subject to Public Works approval of the retaining walls. :{i ' lt, t-r{' @.^ "*"|.sL".h L *5- .-+ V,.'\ 7\.: - 6*: \ts ;^r.'[( ).^fa."'-^- :f =]r<g a( 6o\L'*> (2..^ -- [ Lso- - **..-., -t' 7 7 >iGAbD& c&'. s? '- FlrT"y AJ;t r-rtr *^1 =L.t) flATcr-{ GUARDgl..tAcK1 \ BOARD3 \ ROOF 9Y9. TO tlATCt-{ GUARD g|.IACK 3' UJOOD FAg,C.A tsOARD lx1 UO2D TRltl BoARDg NEII' CONTROL tsOX II/HITE gTUCCO INFILL l5"xl" TRIH tsOARD 4" DEEP STONE CAP 10 IIATCI] GUARD gHACK gTONE VENEER 1O NATCH GUARD gI-]ACK tsATTER PER DII'lENgIONg. EXlSTll-lG'1" DlA. ?O91 1O REIIAIN. REI'IOVE PIPE AND CONTROLg AB'O)r'E'. r--r- rttl-r- | ---i- L_-L--J ROOF PLAN l-1f2"x3" CORNER(rYP.) 5IUCCO INFILL ON PLYWOOD (TYP.) EXIgT. POST NEUJ CONTROL B,O)( v, gOUTH ELEVATION NOTE9: I. ELEVATICN..I TYP. ALL 9IDE9. REF. PLAN FOR DIHEN9IOI.I9, ROOF PLAN rcR ROOF FOFMg., 2STUCCO TO tsE U,|+.lrTE TO f,rATCl-] EXr5T. ALOG-,\OOD TR[-l TO tsE DAFK BROU}{ TO T.IATCH EXI9TIN6 tsUILDING. 3- TI]EgE DRA[UIN69 ARE FOR AESTI-IETIC DEgIC$I PIIRPOSEg ONLY. COI..ITRACTOR TO PROVIDE gTRUCTURE TO HEET LOAD REC'I1Tg, AND MOIgTURE A{D UJATER PROTECTION RAM'Tg. CoNTRACTOR VERIFY glZE -1ru LINE OF U.D. BAND tsELOTU gTONE CAP B1ELoJJ-PLAN ZEHREN AND ASSOCI{TES, INC. AE}fIEru$.nlXNII{6ll|IEnS. UrGtC Pt AXC!fiiCnrE P.O. lot 19'16 Aruu 6lcr& tl52o g.7094*1Ert r^x 970 9{&100 FEJECT r.{ArlE, ?@,E.Ctt{c,9t2EOO Lodge at Vall CALL ?OX ENCLOSURE DRAUN TITLE3 DE9IGN Dt}f:lg SCI!-'E n' . l-o' DAIE: ll Nav |ErA PHtgE: $|EET: A-t FE: I CEDAR gI-]AKE ON EXIgT. ROOF TA IIATCF.I EXIgT. LODGE EXTEND EAVEg PAINT EXI5T, UOOD FASCIA DK. BROIIN REIIOVE EXI9T. ujooD glDrNG. PAINT EXi9T. TIJOOD TRII1 tsOARD Di< BRCUJN 4'DEEP gTCNE CAP, OVERIANG STONE VENEER aE /1 | l_l/atl NEIIJ STONE VENEER 9TREA].1 9TOI\E TO ]=lATC* EXISTING TLALL g-CNE OR CULTUREgTONE PER OIINER AND IIANUF. RECCCI-IENDATIONg REI'1OVE EXIgT- DOOR TRll-1. NELU l'x3" II,]OOD TRII1. PAINT DK. BROIN, NEII] LEVER DOOR I-.{ANDLE AND LOCK. OI1NER TO APPROVE- REPAINT DOOR DK. BRCLIN. LEAVE PCRT ON OF EXISTING WOOD BA5E BELOUJ DOOR TI-.IRESIOLD. PAINT DK. BROUN. PAINT ALL EXIgTING uJINDOUj TRII.,1 LT. PINK. REIIOVE EXIgT. TIJINDOTIJ TPIF'1 ETI 1/-/-4, I IYIF.C. T/'\ IIATCI-.I OTF{ER u.JINDOIIJ ]?" TYP- UJEgT ELEVATION gOUTH ELEVATION NORTH ELEVATION II,JHITE STUCCC o PLAN NOTE9, f. These d.awlngs are inlended For de$ign revieur eubmittal and indicalion ol aethelic exterior design onlg. These dr auings are nol inlended lo glve technical dlreclion. Please coordinate, consLruclion methodg and malerial sele,c,lions uith oulner represenlaLive. 2. All noLed materiale and colors called oul are tgpical, all elevations. 3. Lfhite 9tucco, Pink uJindour Trlfi Paint. and B,roun Aood 9tatn to match existing materiale on existing Lodge Building. ZEHREN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ATC}||IECruRE. PU\NNltlG |NIR| TS . IANDSCAPE ANCH|IECIUTE P.O. Bq 1976 Ar,bo, Cola.do El62O P7A9{]94257 F X (970) 9,1$10t0 FROJECI tlAHE, FROJECI NO, a62l1OOLodae at Vail Guard thack Remodel DRAI'I}€ TITLE: ElevaLions *.ALE: lt4" . l'-O" DATE, ll Nav |gsa P}IA9E, gr.{EE , A-1 RE: I coNDlTloNg. :EHREN AND ASSOCTATE-;f NC. *'*"xst*?,"*"fr 'n'{ri.;*Kro LtrTTE r TF TRANSnflITTAL AVON, COLORADO 81620 WE ARE SENDING YOU tr tr Shop drawings D Copy of letter Attached fl Under separate cover via D Prints E Change order ! Plans PHONE (970) 949.02s? FAX(g7o) 949-ro8o. emall:zehren@yall.net THESE ARE TRANSMTTTED as checked betow: fl For approval E Approved as submitted 'I Resubmit --copies for approtralE For your use , E As requested E For review and D FOR BIDS DUE comment ! D D Approved as noted ! Submit---copies for distribution Returned for corrections ! Return -- corrected prints D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO USIEMARKS . SIGNED: It anclocurea ara nol aa noted, klndly no ly us at once. oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Lodge at Vail Project Description: New Dumpster Enclosure Owner, Address and Phone: Vail Resorts, PO box 959, Avon, CO 81620 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Tim Losa, Zehren and Associates Project Strcet Address: 174 E. Gore Creek Dr. Legal Description: Lot a, b, c, Block 5-C, Vail Village lst Parcel Number: Buildins Namc: Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Dominic Mauriello Date: 12-2-98 Board / Staff Action Action: Staff approved DRB Fee Pre-Paid: r/a Quc.stions? C ,n. Pl;rnliirg Stall'at 479-ll2ii APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Design Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicw must rcccivc Dcsign Rcvirrv approval prior to subniltting for a building pcrnrit. For spccitic infornration. scc thc submitial rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc acccptcd until all thc requircd infornration is subnrittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council antVor thc Plaruring and Environnrcntal Conrnrission. Dcsign Rcvicrv Board approval cxpircs one ycar after final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is started. A. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: TCIWNOFVAN B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:_ BLOCK:_FILING: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL #:((;ontact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-32E-8640 for parcel #)C. D. E. H. Construction of a new building. Includcs any addition whcrc squarc footagc is added to any rcsidcntial or conuncrcial building. Includcs nrinor changcs to buildings and site improvcnrcnts. such as. rcroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping. fenccs and retaining walls. ctc. F. G. ZONINC: &ly'rF|@t'.r,.u @E;. I NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADD MAILING ADDRESS: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr New Construction - $200 tr Addition - $50 XMinor Altcration - $20 DRB fces are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit. pleasc identifr thc accuratc valuation ofthc project. Thc Town ofVail will adjust the fcc according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBIV1IT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUTREIIIENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. vAIL, COLORADO 81657. PHONE: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: PHONE: o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS BUILDINC MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trinr Doors Door 'I'rinr Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys Trash Encldsurcs Grecnhouscs Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other + Please specify the manufacturer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip *+ All cxterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcase indicate the nunrbcr offixhrcs and locations on a sqraratc lighting plan. Identi$ each fixture type and provide thc height above grade, lumens output, lunrinous area. and attach a cut shect ofthe lighting fixtures. N/A. x/n NIA N/A r.Pfttz- TVA tyAt- hVA 4-MtF Updated 6197 PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Nanrc Comnron Namc Ouantity Sizci PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTINC TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Mininrum rcquircments for landscaping: dcciduous trecs - 2 inch calipo conifcrous trccs - 6 fcct in hcightshrubs - 5 gallons Tync Souarc Footagc GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE fgafUnes{retainingwatts; fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please speci$. Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximun height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Mardmum height of walls elscwhere on the propedy is 6 fect Updated 5197 o BUILDINC MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trinr Doors Door T'rinr Haud or Dcck Rails LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:+ NArrlF+{ N/A IJIA N/A .tN/A il/a f r>Pfr\Z t^rVA Flucs Flashings Chinrncys Trash Encldsures Crecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other + Please specify the manufacturer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip ** All extcrior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcase indicate the nunrbcr offixturcs and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identif cach fixture type and provide thc height above grade, lumens output, lunrinous area. and aftach a cut shect ofthe lighting fixhres. re +v\c' Updated 6/97 mt-t(fi _ L__ _ I tltltl r-r| | lFLooR FIAN #ffi '1t ZEHREN AND ASSOCTATES, tNC. ARCIITECruRE. PI.AINING. INTERIORJI P.O. 8q 1976 Arroo Colaado 81520 oo3) 9,19{257 F '( (303} 94$1000 FHAS: OF PROJECT NAFE, TI.IE INTERNATIONAL IUING lAE LODGE AT VAIL DRAT'N6 TITLE: Trash thed - Plan 9CALE, Ar Notsd DAIE, I2AAA Cedar Shakes Cogper Flaehing 2x12 Fasc.ia (2) 4xl2 lleader axg PosL lxb a 1" a.c.Cabol's !9lAO 2xb Cross BraceCaboL's *O)3b 2xb Bollon Railcabol's 3433b 12" Dia. 5ona f ube FtasL Line __ l__ t- ZEHREN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ARCH]|rECTRI . PI.ANNING' INIIRIORS P.O, 8o(l975^vorl ffi SI52O {303) 9.f9{257 fN( (303) 94910rO t--t| / lSouTl-..I ELEVATTO\ PROJECT NAFIE' TI.]E INTERNATIONAL IIJING TI{E LODGE AT VAIL DRAllJlllG TITLE, Trash €zhed - Elevation 9cALEr Ar Notsd DAIE. l2Alaa PHASE. 9r1EEf , 3<-2 66 4,12 ?ltc,h Copper Flashing 2xl2 Fascia-Cabot's *O33b (2) 4x12 llea dx6 Post-Cabot's *433b lxb a 1" o.c.Cabol'e 4lOO 2xb Croge Bra 2xb BoLton R.ail Grade 12" Dia- Sana lube -___E ZEHREN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ARCHftCruRE. FIANNINC. IMEruORS P.o. lo( 1t6 Arn||, colqrdo al6ao BO3l9l9{2s7 FAX BCr) 9{'$1080 Froet Line __.j _ l_ _, ,_r _F ___ rl l |_lItl t-=-1I 3 IEAST/WEgT ELEVATION FRoJECT NA1E, TI.'IE INTERNATIONAL IUING TI-.IE LODGE AT VAIL 9F,6r![,r3 TrrLE, Traeh Shed - Elevation 9C4LE3& Nor.d DATE, EAl?a Pr.lAgE' 9l.lEEll 9K-3 G6 li12" Dia.9ona fube--?-l ll Fraet Line _ -L r .l , I | 1 lNcRrH ELEvATtoN Copper Flashing 2xl2 Fasc\a (2) 4xl2 llead 5teel ?osL Ca AxA Posl Cabol'o *@V36 glidlnq DoorsCabo{s FIOO Grade ZEHREN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ARO{]IECruIE. nJNNl G. lNIBf,rS ?.O, 8q I95 Aro||, Colqldo 01621, 603) 9/t!02t7 FA( 603) ta9108o PROJECT NAllE, rleoJecl NO:a4aOa.Oo TI]E INTERNATIONAL IJNG rl../E LODGE AT VAIL DRAlll€ TITLE' Tragh thed - Elerzatlan6GALE'&NCI'd DAIfu t2A/9A -f -- rl-i I I PHA9E: SHEET' 9K-4 6b ZxlO a 12" o.c: a/4" Plgwo Door llardwar e axa Post Grade 5Leel Poel Base 12" Conc. FooLinq- 1lo?e. lop from-cenler FrosL Line ZEHREN AND ASS@|ATES, tNC. ARCIIIECruRE. Pt ANt{tNG. [rfIBtORS ?.o. ld( t9t6^mn, Colado 816a0 BO3) e4r!O157 f X Bosl gelolo FROJECT NAIE, TI{E INTERNATIONAL IJJINC lUE LODGE AT VAIL DIRAIIJIT€ TITLEI Trash *':e,d - 9eetion OCAl.Ei & l.letccl DAIEi l,Atfi I f-,, I c.E-T l-rNlI J I vl-\-,, I lL/l \ PHA9E: €*{EET'gK-5 Gb l> + -...R??rll] aeoiz', '. E-rt..lai* BBMM ZEHREN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ARCIIIIECIUR€. HJTNNNG. NIBIoRS P.O. 8q 1 976 Ar!||, Color.do El 520 (303) e,r942sz FAr( Bo3) 9a9-1080 FHA3E, ?\-(2 G6 Jr -='- j FROJECT NAIE: TI]E INTERNATIONAL IIJING lHE LODGE AT VAIL DRAII'II'IG TITLE, 9ite PlanSCALE)".2@'-O' DATE nAna ooDesign Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Lodge at Vail Project Description: Parking lot and guard shack improvements Owner, Address and Phone: Vail Associates Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Zelren and Associates, Inc., PO Box 1976, Avon, CO 81620 Project Street Address: Lodge at Vail, Vail Road Legal Description: Vail Village l" Parcel Number: Comments: Buildine Name: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Bill Pierce Seconded bv: Hans Woldrich Action: Approved Vote: 4-0 Conditions: l. The approval is zubject to Public Works approval of the retaining walls. 2. The guard shack to be green with brown trim to match the visible adjacent building. 3. The design of the keypad will be integrated with the guard shack. TownPlanner: JeffHunt Date: 10-21-98 DRBFeePre-Paid: $20 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL9S\I-odgcVai + Please specify thc nranufacturer's color. number and attach a srnall cotor chip **All extcriorlightingntustrneettheTown'sLightingOrdinanccl8.54.050(J). Ifexteriorlightingisproposed, plcasc indicate thc nunrbcr of fixturcs and locations on a sqlaratc lighting plan- IdentiS each-fi*tri" typ. -a provide the height above gndc, lunrens output, luminous area. and attach a cut shcct ofthe lighting fixtures. - ' BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Windorv Trinr Doors Door Trirl Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Grecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting*+ Other LTST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: ' ) oot Stto., ,- = 11-oPt€ COLOR:+ (\ f4 A-;rctt, .'.zt>rr s \ /( (l Updated 6D7 From the desk oJ. . .JeffHunt rrl'.L r.^: l4 l-o.*t 9ovt 1'{?- O?''t'2'57 APPLTCATION FOR DESICN REVIEW APPROVAL qucstio,'sflutl thc Fla;rning Stat'ili .i7>r-l i2.l ?dslB -C,>6 CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigu rcvicrv rrrust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicrv approval priorto subnritting fora building pcrnrit, For spccific infomration, scc thc subrrrittalrcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application .o*ot be acccptcd until all thc rcquircdinfornratiort is subrnittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Council and./or thc planning and En virott rnctlta I Cortrnrission. Dcsign Revierv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a rbuilding pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd. TOWN OFVAIL DESC B. D. E. F. U. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LOT:_ BLOCK:_ FILING: PFfYSICAL ADDRESS:4o PARCEL #:(Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Oftice at 970-328-8640 foTparccl #) ZONING: $50 lnclrrdcs any.aCrlition *'hcre squarc foota.qc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or conirncrcial bui lding. $20 lncludc.s rninor changcs to buildings and sitc inrprovcnrcnts, such as. rcroofing. painting. rvindorv additions. landscaping. fcnccs and rctaining rvalls. ctc. NAME OF O\\4!ER(SJ: (Ltt- /+<<ac-tl.z-es MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: owNER(S) STGNATURE(S) : NAMEOFAPPLICANTi llY.:'s'p Cn*tt11..-rtcTtr,\^t, t,,rc_ _ MAILINC ADDRESS: p11651E.3o3 t)r t3/3I{, TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:E Nov Construcfion - 5200 Construction ol'a nerv buildinq,D Addition - E.l({inor Altcration - DRB fccs arc to be paid at thc tintc ofsubnritral. Latcr. rvhcn applying fora building penliit. plcasc idcntiff thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. ThcTorvn of Vaitrviii ad.just thc fcc according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THTS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREI\TENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOP|VIENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. vAIL, COLORADO 81657. . , ..i .Pre-ApplicationMcctingDatc: '''' : ' :' o o --'-- =:-5 rE F !l- : ALPINE ENGINEERING, INC -- -+E Ocrobcr 13, l99E Mr. JefiHunf Town of Vail 75 S. Froongc Road Varl,C0 tl65t RE: Iadgert Vril Jef[ As diccusscd *ifilTcrry P. st lbc Torvn of Vail l\rblic Works, sbe noed that for'comrnerrcial projccts, frc parking arca crocs slopc$ should not crcecd 4yo for commacial prtpeny, which is a cor€ctio to your lefier rtded Seternbcr 30, l99E (whcre Eo/6 maximuD cmss slope is noted). The pdm$y intsnt of the pr*.ing lot ioprveoenr plan is to i[lercep( runoffdraining toward the par*ing lot &om thc sorth (ski alea) and carry it in a concr& pan whicb dirccts nrnoffto inlets; ovorlay, rcpair rnd patoh $e Erdsn.ng pdking lot wbich shows sigrs of werr aad failure; provide tretEr slope auay from the buildingr in rcas whctt icing pmblens occur (moct likely &p h inadequc puting lot slopc, i.e' Oal or lcss 6an l%). fhc cxisting puldng lot corcntly ha5 sideslopes, which eqrrel or cxcccd E% soutb of ftc Etard slaclc In othcr arear, a cro$ slopc of 4 !o 5% is proposed in order to pmvide ?26 mhimurn oway fmm [uil{ings. Wc sbdicd what would bc needcd in ordcr to provide cross slopeg of les thm t%, aod have rhc follovring commcnls: l - tf the sreas 6ar o<ist at 8 to 97o slope wsrE flrtlEned to lcss than 4olo, cxicruive rcgrading ofthe sib wotrld be rcquirc4 it *ould lilcly *cepcn tbe slope of tho drivevay d the cmectiotr to Gotl ChGk Drivc to around t% (move thc stcep slopc condition clsewhcrc), and would lllcoly not allow a continuou downward slopc on the concretc paa from &€ soutb tor lhe r6fft- tf8| inlct ff€czes' ice will develop * thc low Poiats, 4orJ6EEnr Ft}J *t4= t t zz4; lnle+ h#q{,.1lct15 PTF,L: *e4'Bil'"J .,Ent*ing flat areas aru propoggd to hwe a nrinimum 296 stopc rway Aom buildingr, rrld.ch in sonc .rer5 criaL sme sidcslopcs in rhe 4 to 5% rmgc. we fccl rbd.it is mqE itnpotts[ to h:we a ninirnurn 270 slope ur arphalt md tmpcfuUy mitigae thc exirting icing problcms than to havc sidrrlopcs lcss th"n 496, Swar& &rsines Center P0. Bor 97 ' tdwards, Cohrado st632 ' t970) 92G3373 ' Fu (970) 926lBn I /.4 o tsa Vduoc b dod h cdrr o bvc slopco In grccse of4Yr, plcuo coddcr tLb lo e icqpxfutbrcbca ' . ffycu truc ary qrrd*iorr.pfqso ftat Fsc b curbct m+ Si.rcq.b, 61ry?'u,r Ckm D- Pihftr, PE GDPrnn Eoctcurc Ce .hfrtrt!-VAl Enilyk*rou-Zdno FACSIMILtr TRANSII$SION: Ed$rerds Business Centei\P.O. Box 97 Fdwrds,CO 81632 PH: (970)ezG33R FAX; (970)92C3390 I)rtc: Time: Job: /J To: Co: Fax #: To: Co: fax #; Tor Co: Fax #: +J*To: Co: Far#: To: Co: Foc#: To: Co: Fot #: tr'ren: for your use rre ory problcms concerning this FAX please call Matian ^t y26-3373) Number of Prgcr (including covcr shect): 3 Trrnrmitbd: for approvel for revicw and comment Rcurrkr; as rcquested for your rccond ot[cr rwiewed Coi0d.drtrty St !.dnt: Tbis bcsimilc tsmsnissiotr and any acconrpmying doqrtnoG conain infornotioo bclcnging to 6c sco&r which nay bc coofdentiEl and legrlly privilcged. This infrmrtiot is iuended orly fq tte u* oitti itraluitrat or €dlity to whom dris facsimile tansnission was sc$ t indicrred above. lf you arc not lhe infcodcd rccipi:nf rny disclosure, copying, disfrihtrion or nction talcn in rclirnco qt trc contlois of the ;ntrrruion ion11ind io tf,3 Acsi-ite is fidly pohtbhcd lf yol have rcctivcd &is ransrnision in trru' plcasc call ue cdlcct lo rrfargc fu ilrc rcturn of dre dcqrmentr to us al our expclrs€- Thank you. TO ZEHREN olB i::,99: 'Un"'0048 E. Beaver Creek Blvd. Suite 303 AVON, COLORADO 81620 PHONE (970) 949-0257 FAI (970) 949.1080. enail:zehren@vail.net) '4 U*....1 LtrrTEl @F TRANSnflITTAL n Samples the following items: ! Specifications WE ARE SENDING YOU ! Attached ! Under seoarate cover via n Shop drawings ! Copy of letter n Prints D Change order E Plans n DArE I (. r? - 1R | 'o" *o q6tza ATTENTION RE: lo!..-. r" \lJ,\ Pt.-J- t) COPIES DATE NO.DESCRIPTION )Orz-rs t-\ \HarttaV-,-- Ka.I^- )+au^+r A to \-L- 1*(\ tr(at., Yn^r Vr[a,,"rrt,.^r \rL', ,^!l'tr\ t\^1" THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval E For your use D As requested I For review and comment ! FOR BIDS DUE Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections E Resubmit -copies for approval ! Submit - copies for distribution n Return - corrected orints n ! ! n PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO n'lq tl enclosures are not as noted, klndty nottly ue aa onca. TOWN OF VAIL Department of Ctsmmunity Development 75 South Frontuee Road Vail, C,tl,tradtt E 1657 September 30. 1998 Emily Lawson Zehren and Associates, Inc. PO Box 1976 Avon, CO 81620 Re I odge at Vail Parking lmprovements Dear Emily. The building plans that were submitted for the improvements were reviewed today by the Design Review Team (DRT). The following items need to be addressed by October l2th in order for the plans to be scheduled before the Design Review Board (DRB) for review on October 2lst. .4A design stamped by a registered engineer must be submitted for any rock walls over 4' in height. The improvement plans need to indicate building elevations and proposed Gntours for those parking areas that are to be regraded or completely resurfaced. The parking area cross slopes should not exceed 8%. A stamped survey must be profided. If a 4' pan does not exist at the ./ 1- ,y, and the entry is regraded, then a 4' panyith a 2" invert must be placed. The gatefrust be a- minimum of 2l' from the road and the keypfd 8' from the gate. Material samples of the guard shack will need to be provided at the final DRB meeting. Please feel free to contact me at 479-2140 to discuss the project. Sincerely, /U'ft/(6 JeffHunt Senior Planner {2 *"'"uo '^'"r o 3)' { o P*^^ 4- osL"+lf "f*^ ,o-tl,^ -u-l{ 1J]'. ,..]^) .,r_t \ S:\\: s{c,\,- t*-2 ;ytqr 5 [w^/(r- $c<,^ fn"-' vtull^-J C"1 sh1/.- S,-rt , " *3^..d v.,,.-{-k &,t ,{ Ll+, >L+ /,- caa o.,, -Dr,*,^'. k'7 y* ,,^1.1.^Y. -.t bUj \ l$.b^ Ff-"" '- u,ro gxt L* -t S{a*.n es f .t7t'v/ COIL.'. f n;-* *r7 ,J|f- o t bvy,'r.., >+ ,- e\t'- lJ',.-1c ' 4.-T* -f^' .f;--" v *(r) $,-"rL --t6 , $ :t ( u4o.G r n(C, . ,4 h.s,'tL1.ut l- fN Oft*l tf f;1. *.lG a J ors '. . . g nr,.,^ , 3o,,,.-., )ht^ * ,n-{, h 9:5:Llc ok ; €o'l- \fA fr 1-|-rn^*r +l bAJ FL^e 2-r c-yr.+*q +l bAJ FI OPY o LEC TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 September 30, 1998 EmilyLawson Zehren and Associates, Inc. PO Box 1976 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Lodge at Vail Parking Improvements Dear Emily: The building plans that were submitted for the improvements were reviewed today by the Design Review Team (DRT). The following items need to be addressed by October 12th in order for the plans to be scheduled before the Design Review Board (DRB) for review on October 21st. A design stamped by a registered engineer must be submitted for any rock walls over 4' in height. The improvement plans need to indicate building elevations and proposed contours for those parking areas that are to be regraded or completely resurfaced. The parking area cross slopes should not exceed 8%. A stamped survey must be provided. If a 4' pan does not exist at the 'l''ry, and the entry is regraded, then a 4' pan with a 2" invert must be placed. The gate must be a minimum of 21' from the road and the keypad 8' from the gate. Material samples of the guard shack will need to be provided at the final DRB meeting. Please feel free to contact me at 47g-2l4}to discuss the project. Since:-l:,, ./ ut't,K'/{^^$- JeffHunt Senior Pl::::, {g^"*uor ru, /t =o -o CDott .D I p -'^J tiroQ- E Ft 9Vl+au::,-,-: (D(D='(!c)o>tc,F}gF} FEEgr.j?escvta=. v,o votrg ED Utro E tDo. tt! tr Ho qRo00 xii-tfl-l F o 'c'E R!J 0E) !too DoF t!5 @ F'q)9''c, \oI OrI\o@ oHt EIt > t-1Fo'FH(D F..<yona6tDf(D \' F+(DE e, €or_i,rvt I I I II >r3E a (Do- I I X II I oF (Do. o (D AtD st (DA (D D]?A (t) II II I I E'c' tDa. € c) g (tr H st+€D'5ooovt3o oE.ra p t! (D suo" (D (D o o(tclso. tDo p + !IIt € It NJ o o o cr(Dto Doo0. 'g6-gtu)(D 'E a a.(D F VI 90 BttoA tac (! BI Ffilael&qlE .!l(.Hl36'lFrl s -tl.)glF',-ttrlEIEpto.*l od-l B ,-r | :f.rlfslHEl 3c. l 3 ng irs FT I H FFI H H$lI* | e'EE I EHet ff FEIEfrs I s8e | +8.i | 3sq'l €' (Doo @e. \o \o@ 6 tD€taa (D Ft (!o-\o N)\o\o@ Fos.o€(Dqc (DF'vt(D vtEat 3 etatD AD 0a t! 6oF{te ano (D 5 F(D (Dvt 0ap E v) q(! qt F3Eoo d F 6ga o tDF!@ (o q9. otDtl :'tlt (D zr! 2o Fi A ro r. € bx F sd a -- -;,---1241*15i- ^ t-,'--t^."" 8' 5),.".,*\ . _lo''36 e-r>*r.-cib- oa ^-'so( i/r{t- q,qr^4 S h^c/rs U*.- ( ^^su (;/,te t^l.f("-..-- SL- ff,"r-( -F -. Io''34 3,t Mo',Q lil I !li +t .JrF iff Qu..oO CaI the Planning Staffat 479-2138 APPLICATION FOR C€FIFTESfr'N APPROVAL WVkpVliralld* GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission. For specific information, see the submitlal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application can not be acccpted until all required information is submined. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and,/or the Desisr Review Board. A. TYPE OF APPLICATION:tr Additional GRFA (250) tr Bed and Brealdasttr Conditional Usc Permit tr Major or tr Minor Subdivisiontr Rezoningtr Sign Variance O tr Variancetr Zoning Code Amendment B. DESCRIPTION OF TFIE REQUEST: TOWN OF VAIL tr Amendment to an Approved Developmurt Plantr Employce Housing Unit (Type: _)tr t'taior or[Vtinor-CCl Extcrior A]teration (Vail Village) tr Major or tr Minor CCII Exterior Alteration ( Lionshcad) Special Development Disrict Maior or E Minor Amendment to an SDD tr tr C. D. F'lrtrei NAMEoFowNER(S): Lo4t Pr"?r*lVs, lrv. MArLrNc eooysss: li4 f)*<* lqorr k oL-- D' lb PHONE:41t"-5otl F, OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): C. NAMEOFREPRESENTATME: MAILINC ADDRESS: qrvl A uie FEE . SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. SI.'BMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQTJ'IREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPAR,TMENT OF COMMTINITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. P:giovr: 741-0?-57 VAIL, COLORADO EI657, For Office Use 0nly: ,""rff.?n.'l4'\4'/A l'\'tQCW: twltl Bv:- Application Date:q trz.FlT ful,rrongDate' io/ts P\? MAILING ADDRESS: Revised 6/96 Agenda last revised 10/15 10 am DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, October 15, 1997 3:00 P.M. PROJECT ORIENTATION / NO LUNCH - Community Development Department MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT SlTE VISITS 1 . Lodge Properties - 162 Gore Creek Drive Driver: Dominic 2:15 pm 2:30 pm PUBLIC HEARING - TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Linn - Final review of a new single family residence. 1350 Greenhill Court/ Lot 14, Glen Lyon Filing.Applicants: Robert & Alexandra Palmer Linn, represented by Urban ArchitectsMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 2. Lodge Properties, Inc. (Lodge at Vail) - Loading dock alterations, deck replacement, chimney addition. 174 E. Gore Creek Dr./Lot A,B,C, Block 5-C, VailVillage 1st Filing,Applicant: Lodge Properties Inc., represented by Tim LosaZehren Associates MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: Vail Associates - A request for approval for an awning at Single Track Sports/ Vail Snowboard Supply. 600 Lionshead Mall/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing.Applicant: Vail Associates, Inc. MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: Staff Approvals Lipton - Add new door. 162 Gore Creek Drive/Lots A,B,C, Block 5, VailVillage'lst.Applicant: Philippe Courtois 3. 3:00 Lauren Dominic Lauren Dominic Cornice Building - Interior conversion. Mike 362 Vail Valley Drive/A part of Tract B, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Daniel Heard, dba the John H. Carter Company Orthodontics Associates of Greeley - New doors and windows. Lauren 2355 Bald Mountain Road/Lot 25, Block 2, Vail Village 'l3th Filing. Applicant: Orthodontics Associatesof Greeley Off Piste Sports - New sign. Lauren 230 Bridge Street/Lot B, Block 5, Vail Village 1st Filing.Applicant: Mike Grant Belleville - Addition of boiler for heated driveway. Lauren 4440Glen Falls Lane/Lot 14, ForestGlen. Applicant: Walter and Linda Belleville Lodges at Timber Creek - Revised site plan and building footprint for D19 &D20. Dominic 2897 Timber Creek Drive #19 and #20/Lodges at Timber Creek. Applicant: Stan Cole and Chuck Ogilby KatzlDauphinais-Moseley - Landscape modification. George 1890 Lionsridge Loop/Lots 27, Block 2, Lionsridge Filing # 2. Applicant: Lot 27 LLC, Steve Katz Creekside Candy - New awning sign. Dominic 183 Gore Creek Drive/A part of Block 58, Vail Village Filing * l . Applicant: Derek Freedman Monfort - Door addition. Dominic 284 Gore Creek Drive/Lots D&E, Block 5C,Unit 24, Bridge St. Condo. Applicant: Christine Monfort Suverkropp - Interior 250 and window addition. Lauren 1660 Sunburst Drive #12lLot 1 Sunburst 3rd Filing. Applicant: G.H.J. Suverkropp McDonalds Restaurant - Repaint, soflit lighting, addition of No Parking signs. Dominic 2171 N. Frontage Road/Lot 28, Vail das Schone #3. Applicant: George Greenwald Gray - Interior conversion. Dominic 2672 Kinnickinnick CourVLot 6, Block 2, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Harry Gray The applications and intormation about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. tt I Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL / --lt t, , (-" ll _. .1r Category Number t' [VllF( (,F'vw /t(J Date \ t,i--lL/l V I LProject Name:(tu Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: ArchitecVContaci Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot - Block- Subdivision Zone District Project Street Address: Comments: Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval A Disapproval }(stattnpprovat ,r.1 L le 'a f t ), a.{.stf A A ,tw ..r* 7i .a-f , q) .ii/,,,,. Mr /{ ,Ltr ( tt L&-./t Town Plann6r *? id . \ Ar- Dare: /tv /O 2 J DRB Fee Pre-pa -_._., . ,/:u Development Review Team Community Development Large Conference Room Wednesday at 9:00 a.m. October 25. 1995 \ I Attn:Gteg Hall Todd Oppenheimer Terri Martinez Gharlie Davis Jeff Atencio Mke Mcgee Dii< Duran Sally Lorton Larry Grafel Tom Sheely Holly McCutcheon Pam Brandmeyer Comm Dev Special Events / BusinEss Licenses X GoldEn Peak House Address Change X Lodge at Vail - Srsoi Lbttts Goldon Peak Redevelopment Vail Commons Roma Driveway X x Susan Connelly Mike Mollica Jim Curnutte Russ Fonest Andy Knudsen Randy Stouder Lauren Waterton George Ruther Fred Haslee UEVWSD (fax #: 4764089) Staff Lori A. 1. GR 2, RS 3. LWJC 4. AK 5. AK 6. Police Eirs XX XX x XX XX XX X X X P.W. X X x X X x Landscapino X FINAL COMMENTS ARE NEEDED ON THE FOLLOWING: Staff Gomm Dev Police Fire P.W. Landscaoino 1S "v ft{.tli cR 1. Dauphinais/MosetyDuptexPtar * ,. ^birfi${GR 2' Gibson'^*tn"onw:fo^ ' / r t,l *[12 tt "*fr/*i ntM;-- ; -^;<tr^.t- {i,ti v,, \l'c$);'u"'W' .,- u [r,t4 d(r,"ig:lflli ovw1"Pl.! *,!|^hr,q odt$c O t"r Y, *r^,ir*x ( gf,t$",,rW k{#-ffiu,' !-i,*tr{'\ ry' c ln4'{-il0t",.\:J- A irt$1 ^etr'"* n- ('o'e (t't"\ tW @ flot R& F Ie x I a)I , F lo6|t6h x- Fxisri^l1 Liah'l) iN'TAUFD BY TOttN o+ vATL O - Pt?oPoXFD-Lidhf (t ,l ^ffl2z ( h,/o,nn"). # ( qP-v tr ltF' -) 41'\r llrttrrllItirl in I r,' I ! Ii aI -i,: l!t'i!,[L?' mcit '.ofl Irrltll lprrtI I : Ihe Itt Iod3c EoU'ao F{trl Eac5trv, t,to)aU ..{ F{.,{h q FaNIt\'-.O..1 Ft F{.e{ !d .:o.o oH Ndf'l .'-{ -a ldllFaoE orq {J\O -l-aOst,u.o(, L iIaaUo!{HTg' Fhl Hl{- tdou E ],?ttrurlHoDrJH ? €o E ord sH .ti oo 5n tso U,tH *l{!oXEIUi"EIFtrI;rd,-.IEH H trlBHH<ztrt6)U )rH hw F{hlt,)tst IHz7{t) t{ EH 9 *t***I*I** Utrltnr) Httt HH z l*lFlt6 li at ut ll qll F<||E'>zp.O OPJ€ ElP.rtO Fp-o t{o55(n Hrr t{^Ft {e9utooct ooo5 .)^{taPN'LO^o 'to)o l!'11f lP{*ll: 'oE oP-I 5ilc oo - oft:15r. t-t FJ| EH{ 9rfitsoFlNPOrr<P-P.Oo5{ ^ .t'}{}Noo oo t,UUFtrt(n :" l"JfF"0t tn t- pfi rD U()trtElo z Etrl otrl o€zt{F v) ; c{H\'+\ ;Y o-t \s\hl \ F\, I x7 .s, tr. { .r\ v-l o Y\ E{trloPt'r UtrluoFHru FiHo 3 rro fi tI'Poo)f I a, ttots. P.oP.op c) 11 F o -o r"gHooFnocrOt,!'B FtP.P.Ota 13 tdr"OF' P. FIttocrrd 5 r,( lJrts- P.O15 taP,ur"ofts- !, ooutoFoo. tltt F-Fl ttoo< 0.,F.ottOK og,5 =Frooor"oottF' 0,FIFFrpfrottooEirtooo0l Cf H9ro5tqgA, Hp, ftr" F'oJ NozHzo 53-.{ =z9, )tP-=Pt{H.50iQ El PPFl,ldcL rdFt tiOHooUtl,..2 lr- € [-Ft::. H t[ fi'hI txE hH lrF EF 0,r? 0r F =z9ryP.FH trlP.50QEI p) n o pr lo F F h"}{ B F a Bp, P.P ts.p al yop, Flogl t: k ttl F. I'tr< 9, r" U O Iht (n o 9r It P- rrt o Dtrht oF'lJ3td 5 E15 gryO pl t{Id F'F,F,K Td Q H H pO t_. !l Fnt{ ts. DU . O Oiq .. !t lil'. Ft!, o P. Fjo, rntr u tr cth 5'Rggd 3 aqP-l' C?F, Cr H| U -cty r"o lJ Fioottpro r-t lrFPu) o tt. ct tt |-.ltn F'o t' Eo.o olFh0, |-l oroP- gl HO c"O5cf F.E F, urlq itut Ffi bE ttg,.O!t b!O r-, r-15 O PrX O. OU{ rj }rthlidS 'tJ 5f+ tt 5t! F 6" EFFg& E Rqo- 11o p ai{ ..tt< tt ti. Fl tt l-O p hie r_ r_.. o tic"{OOp o"H3H E E 5Fn o SH t4 .F.5 rr Or l' <P. o dFlgro *lO r-.5 ttHrf o O$e "*F'. EO t-.K 6 pr hiP Op. }.'OPc"FlqItr o Fi tar< Ftpro 0,.. t-t ol {. ct (atDq'P !t HOtrOOct G)-3Pril Frn Fl Fl E $S $oo h HDU lt,qtt,td tt,Egr ElA'FH Il3oo tny<z loFY E!€Fru ldtr .ut luUC< E. ZH &s;##a>& t,E{ !{ urts tdE- o(turtr F'v, oooo()ca t!O o ooo()l, lt 1.1 ooo(> yn tsFrlJlroFtrtr c!c_ ' | ' ,ItH' BF t! A#re&<>g j-lu\t tsP oHzE ZZO oouttso< oooul(rtsy oooo<)ortt ts{td oooo()ol, hl oooo()o!<X oooo()ot{t€HFHb@3t H8 E !{ aa<r+a}1&trl< (raNrPU!n ooooLrNrtrtl' ooooc)oElDF . . trlz ooooc)oU' oooocro OE 8FthF3 itlI'H FF ':FH 2 Pryro E{Hovz : v, FtrlroFtdtnl{zF;l!FlH t{ og Floo ln t/) 0l o to!toH o 5,.\l E'\ IL'l F roioTo s..{ OiI Ytr rdF FI o e,c'!l o IE€t6 tr a.a-- - =bfl-t --gs I I z Et{ ott, |0Foq Ft.oa (aE{€ ttjFCttrlt,t{FFlUtr' trlUu)U()Ffrttl H(alutD F,:l.. l{o.zs F5oFl iFoc)P H8rfx tJ l'tlFt llrf SraF.Ct- Ut.u 83 00-g)FH $8 F€oi/<oP.oir{otsttt tsooFr{FI F.o.TqtroF-rrt IornFtooFl7p, 9, f"rt F.1,. otF F,HF. @ 9,.t5 FtTJOHrlog<F.9' FlHOooF,|nI'0 r.l ETOott'O ttP.B<F-Ociilcr.. 0,H cro rtio UooP.q 5 P rttorhFt!fircrF.OColrQJoHOOF.ht{F. r-t !t t!,CIH€z0,oHHE3Ep, htr"FOHFt ttP.F9, utHgl trn O {l O. El r{ !C U U { d .hXoFttt!ttsHpr66l.-.1.-.ocr(ocrH.0rtr!loo55haArQp.T.tto0.FtFrO,p,FrlFiP.Fl'Siroobbts.f'P S .0 li- o € { { rro!1' q HHEdluiAl-,-rJ.. cl t[ O t, U 3 FaE{ots6r'.}-,.E 0r O o. 7q,Fr(,x!'F{Cr+ H r-,1 Flr- ]n o p,E'rnts.'ofr P E{Olrcfzrttrtour ftoPrdHzc) €r<\t!d otr Frt hlFHt FrHv, F3 olrl EDHFFHPFIA zt, =o ottl Uo(,tro P-vqol5(Do r-t -I H oo 5F 19-24-199E lEl:43AM tooeE flT vFIL FRO{ JMGE J BGCH ID:5034767425 3EE 3EA 5322 ocT 25'95 ambct23,l99lt T.ornn of,YdI Cutwtttzdt Dttclryunt Itt S. fut 43 nnd Wat vd| co 81657 Des tlin: Itle Ldss ANrt 'r,rl coru/tr,'|,i'lfun atwcililion fu qryf',owdbdrefiu oI dr lmp.p* ;';i;fri;d; * ui nw,rat. fltc ptupon ol this frgtn'* b ft b-"nn't-*t A a-;; Lodgc hofu ttdcvalk ud bludtcr celuw' thc qpco'wcc of iltc W*rs arr{ fu lvn SYail. Snccrct*J Mr.,Iar 3a W,h PnstuIeit, I'dgc Apflaau UmdudtM Awlclcirtn; .L'-..a',tff frReM'flfff si I l(rrl s Vol.C4l,or!.lt tlffbT :t(SaTStOtI FrrSOsl'f7S74SE P-2 tl :50 No .005 P.02 lil F,o* ('ttn: Cfick |tlve Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnert of Community Development 75 Sou$ fr,ontage Road, Vail Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proi€ct l{ame: Stamped Concrete Patio to Match Exist. DRB Number: DR8010085 Prcject Description: Lodge at Vail - remove pavers and replace with stamped concrete Pafticipants: OWNER LODGE @ VAIL Mlr6l200L Phone: 303-476-5011 174 GORE CREEK DR vAIt- co 81657 License: APPLICANT Vic Sperling 04/1612001 Phone: 970-376-3590 High Peaks Construction Po Box 2600 Edwards, Co 81632 License: Project Address: 174 GORE CREEK DR VAIL lrgal Description: [ot: Block Subdivieion: Parcel l{umber: 210108221000 C.;trmment3: lrcataon: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Apprcvalt Ml25l200L C.onditione: Cond:8 (P|AN): No change to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Design Review Board. Planner: Brent Wilson DRB Fee Paidl 120.00 Questions? O,n. Planning Staff at 479-2138 T0nt APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the pafticular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. A. B. -c.D, F G. FILING: pHysrcAlnoonrss: 174 Ctrc Clrr'k. i\Qrw PARCEL *: ZlOlOE??^lOOl,- OlGontact Eagle Co. Assessors ffice at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) NAME OF OWNER( MAIUNG ADDRESS: I owNER(S) Sr TU NAME OF APPLICANT: OF REVIEW AND FEE: New Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. $50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building.$20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when appVing for a building permit please identify the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the poect valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL COLORADO 81657. s): TYPE tr tr \ H. Addition - Minor Alteration - oa s--; Questions? C.lt" Pbnning sbff at 47g-zl3g MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE E'(TERIOR OF BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPR.OVEMENTS GENEML INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or ocerior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional building sguare footage is added will require an \dditions" application. t Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the o<isting condiUons. Photos or sketches which clearlv convey the proposed building or site altention(s). All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be used. Condominium Association approval (if applicable). If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are nsessary for the review of the application. r0n&,m n n u u o DEVELOTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIIJ, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARITiEMT OF COMMT'NITY NOIIE: TIIIS PERMTT MUST BB POSTED ON PLUI,IBING PERMIT PMENT iIOBSITE AT ALt TIMES Permit #: P98-0161 APPLICANT COI{TRAqTOR OWNER iIOb AddTEAA: L74 GORE CREBK DR LOCAtsiON. ..: L74 GOR ECREEK DRParcel No.. : 2LOL-082-21-000Project No. : PR'J98-0188 TOTAL PLT]MBING 4701 N. COT,ORADO BLVD, DENI/ER CO 80216 TOTAL PIT]MBING 4701 N. COLORADO BwD, DBI{VER CO 80215 LODGE @ VAIL 174 GORE CREEK DR, VArr-,, CO 81657 STAt,US...: ISSTJED (LODGE Applied. . z tLltL/L998fssued. . .: LL/LL/L998 Expj-res . . z 05/LO /t999 Phone z 303942-0727 Phone: 303942-0727 Phone: 303-475-5011 Descriptsion: PLUIvIBING FOR ADDITIONAL 4 NEW RooMvaluation:33,890.00 (r***r*****rrrrr FEE EUlll|,ARY il*lrt*t'rr***rrrr*rrtrttrttttttttttr*i*rit*t Plan Check---> Inve6tslgalion> $ill call----> Raetuaranc Pll!1 Revielr- -> TOTA', FEES----- REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONA SEALL BE MADS TWEMTY-FOI'R HOURS IN ADltAl{CE BY PluEbing-----> S1o .00 L27 .50 .00 3.OO .00 540.50 640 .50 .00 540 .50 ToEal calculaLed Fce6- - - > AdditionBl Fees---------> Total PeddiE Fee--------> Pa)rDenta - - - -- - - a.********a.**i .--""..---TH:1.?T;;;:;;;;;;;;;:.........--";::--. Item: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI,IENI Dept: BUITDING Division;1-L/LL/1.998 JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED .]R!T ,rEbm:"05500 FIRE DEPARTI,IEI\IT Dept: FrRE Division:LL/LL/L998 ,tRM Action: APPR N/A ,. ,*tltt*t*ra*rrrr rr*ra.rrrrr*atrr*t*r*t**rrr**t CONDITTON OF APPROVAI-, 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE.2. FIRE DEPARTMEI{T APPROVAI-, IS REOUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE. STARTED. }'''tt'i''',tt'ttg''t!r'i'''''t',''*'t't',rt'tr!}tt.!r!r'Jt''I''jr'r'''t*''r*|}'i!r'*t*t*ttt*lt*i''ii DECI-,AR:ATIONS I her.by .cknorl.dgc thrt t hw. r.rd tshL! .plrllcrllon, fill.d oue ln full fhs Lnfomtsl,on tcquired, coePl.ts.d .n rccurate plots plan, and Etage that all bhe inforEatsion provldea as required Ls correcE. I agree co couply t{ith the info!ts Cion .nd Plou p1an, co coEply iith all Town ordln$rcc6 end s!rt. hir, rnat eo bulld thl. rcruceur. accordLng to tsh. Torn's zonLng rnd .ubaliwigion codee, deslgtr rewie* approved, tlllifoln Building code artd obhe! olalinanc6B of the Tor,n applicable lheretso. FG,E Nto. 2t2 tL/og '98 19:06 ID:TOTAL H-tftslllc *r*tr* + 3Et 3st B?t 0780 a 30s 3s ToHN of VAIL aONS|IRUCTfOII DDNXIT APDT/ECArIOT 'ONM. DecErJl:3jUi_ 15:86 Ml.634 PffiE 2 w. ;gg:fircr tegh CauncY Arsr'rtorrt". ll0-330..t660 for lrtccl l.Otlter r^-rtEl. ,; $-q,g.oa51 Aridress: . Plunrbinglddrcsi: I{echerrlcalddrel e; }r a**r ***'*** * rtlf * * r a ** * ** ****a* BI|IIJD:NG PERttIf DSE: PL'IUE T{G FERIfTA FEE: ilE:gAf fCAL, PEBI{IT FI.:E:EII:CIFICAI FEB:ocitEl' ryPE OP fEEl DNB TEE: : ilurber of Accorunoclation gnlts: .{ llown of Vnil Req.Phoh'e Nunber: G i-lp}ogD4,lq_Oz!7 | ^ N,Fnber ana I'lpe of Filepracgg; crr lppllancee_g Gas Logs-llL wood/pellat_-u!_v I**-**t*rr*irltt**lr.********t*rf r*t vAIrtAlIoNs *******rr!r***!r*frr**t***********rtt' [uIl,DINc! $ = EIfc?RICAL,r l_ o?HER: $ .,!rrr{DrNG: T-Ert'lT i-nnfrcE;i: ;;ili;L--:- I--.......J-D*r.*****.r t** *. **tl*rf ***r** colflgJ|emR IHFoRHttloN t!l*r**trr**1r*******r***.. rTVenerrl contractor: ' - --,,- -!ACdrssE; Ehone Nunber: - ---:- El.ectrLqal contrastor: FOR B{g-ozstIERlttr t-,egal Dascriptloa: Iot - Dloclc- FtlinS sulorvrsrox:. , . Otrners l{anF :lddres!! ?o.qo(qf.l AUrr .CO, "o. bo( qfl Arnrq .Co _ph.l!.9n-!lr-zs Arcltiteot: 2e15c1 -+ Asrrc Addrars: P.o. Err l.l?9 ^|nrr. cr. General Descrj.ption: cgodc Class:- I l-Iev [ ]-Altoration [X-AdCl,tlonol [ ]-Bepair I l-othsr lfurbBr of Dwel t-l-ng unttr.: towir of Vail teg. Ne. llO-PPhonB Nu$er:i4lrl9!:?E I -Town of V.iil Reg. No.Fbgne Nunber:. oPFICE UEE **tr******it***r*tr*t*t**r***i*' BUfLDING PLdUt cHEcK tEErPUII| TNG PIiII CITECK TEE:}IEctilNTCNJ PIAtf CflECK 'EE:REGFEATtrON IEE:clEtrtf-UP' DEPOSIE: 8OlAIJ PE$fIT FEE6: BITTI,DINCT SIG'NAIIURE: zoxrl|c: STGNAEUNE: I CLS,.N ;:.P DEPOSIT I.E.FIITD !O: Fft"E t-lo. 2t2 Lt/W 'S 19:07 ID:T0T0L PLUAING .,o-r*lnrrno r s:r ,uB mE 0780 a 303 3S PRGE 3 ecl lLt1lg.* ,x '-, ' ;i.f,.': ' ''t 'r. t5:6 TOr FROH: DATE: 6UEJECT: ?5 ralrlh lronlrra ,ord .l.ll. cole..aa ol6lt(toct 479-1t36 er 479-1139 ho.a34 olf lac ol conrnunlly dcYatoprncnl lLL CoNTnlcEons cuRnEl|[LyI. REGISTEREo wrTH .itHETolfN oF VAII, TogtN oF V fL EUBLIC Wonxs,/com,ruNlst DEvEIopi,tENT uAncH 16, 1988 CON8TBUC IION' PAX,XIN6 E T.I,ATERIT\L SIOA.;.GE I!- ?!Ir!^oly,,Ordinanar No- G strtes that it is unlar,ful for anypa'.son to J,ltter, tfack gr dcpo6lt any soll, roc)a, sand, clebr-i.s .oE naterlal , including tEa.h dunpstcrl, portable i,oilcti end!,ertErrcn v,=hLele,s.upon 4ny etreet, siCar.ra-I\, alley oi-publicFli ce or *ny portion theieof . rira right-oi-1rav -on iri'rown orva'r strr:etr and roads 1s approrinatery s ft. aff paJcrnent.ah i ordlhance virl ba'stri.Ltry e,nforctd ri ttrc-i"ln of vatrpul,lic.tforxe Dopertnent. Fersins rouna viltiiins iiitr-oraiian"evrrr. r'c'grvcn a 2,1 hour vritte,n notice to lcnove said mate,ria!-rn the event thc Fcrson so notified does not conpry viir, trr"inotica vithin thc-za hsur tiue iprclftcd,--ih"-;ffiIic'iworks .:DcparEnent wlrr rcmove sald nerei.iar it irr"'-"xi;l;-o;-;;;*.,inotilied. Iha provisions o! ChiE-og.Unan"; iiiifi n"t r.aFpllcabr-a to conitru€tion, Igl1!?na49a or repair projecte of. any etrcSt or alley, gi any-utitities in.thc rigbt:i-w3y,.;'.To rcview..orAirranca N6: 6.-1n full , please stop bi-ttra Toun ofYii :^ll-ilglnq e:p9rrh.nr ro obratn -a copy. r'nanii y-u fo. your.coc 'eration on this rlatter, \|' ?e-s,rr ar+rre,o6.*. firTni{- ?lu.,rr[rer0.:Po5 tilon/Rel.sti.onship to projeqt (i.a. contractc!, ownerf F#t3:1! FILE No. 212 tl/@ 'S 19:07 ID:T0TAL PLUtsllS 303 3S 0780 r€.d14 PRGE 4 w tL/?E 4B ' i'. ls!6 *r*ltt* r st 3ttrt rr* ..11...l.t do lllt? 1:ar1 4t9-2ll!or ,r?9-2[39 BUILOING PEBI.IIT ISSUAIICE TT}IE F8AIIE undcrstand thb plrn chech phcedure nnd tlne olrlc! al Eomnuntltf d.y.lopmc l lf this Fer,ntt requltls a Town of Vail Flre Dcoartnent AporovrlEnglntcp's (Publ li llorksl reyien and'.pprovtl ,'a Plannln'9'Orprrinr'ntrcvle$0r He,\lth Dspartm€nt fcyleu.'lnd'e rcvlsw by the SuildinEDrpartncnts lhr estlnated tlpc for r totrl revier mry tak? as l-ngas threo wee;is, All comerciirl'('large or snall) rnd all rrultl-frnrily pernitt nlll have to fol'lrw the aboye mentloned nrxlnun rcquirantntl . letldrnthland'snall pfr jrcts shou'ld tate r lessr emuni, of tlne.' horcveri ifresldenttal ( r srnrlltr proJeetr imFect thr varfour above neotiolrrd dcpartncnts. r.' ith rcgrrd. to nlcerrarJ'reviar, ttesc prcJects nryalso. t kc the thrce *cek period, Every attempt uill te.4.9e by this deprrlncnt to erpedite thls'.- permit_a-s Eeon as Fosiible. .l, the unders igned,-frame. : tl Lose s @- tJ Arr l-t- Prr'iect ilame , il-q'q8 'Coirrunl ty Develo$mant DePertoent. ,Ft Town of Vail ?5 South Frontage RoadVail, Coloraclo 815 57 1303t 479-232r Plan anaLysis based onthe 1991 Uniform BuiLding Code Project Number 3 898-0251 Name: IJoDGE @ VAfIJ CONVERSION TO ADA ROOMS Addres s : occupancy: R1 Tl4)e of Const: II-FR FL Touvn of Vrif OFFICEEOPY Date3 October 5, 1998 --.. -r-ac bor: HYDER CONSTRUCTIONArchitect: ZEHREN & tggo3lLT;S Eng j.neer: MONROE & NEWEIJIJPlans Exaniner: Gary Goodell NOTE: The .ode items listed in this report are not intended to be a completel-istlng of a1l possible code requirernents in the 1991 UBC. It is a guide toseLected s..tions of the coile. Report created using Plan AnaLyst software by b w & a. (7I9) 599-5622Portions of the material contained in this proqram are reproduced from the Unj.form BuiLding Code ( 1991 edition) with permission of fnternational Conference of Building Officials. OCC MAX FIJR AREA AIJI-'OWED RAT]O STATUS 1 4 ADA Hotel Rooms R1 ok 2436 Interior finish only T0TAL FOR FIJOOR 2435 ALLowed area noL checked BUILDING ToTAL 2436 ALlor.ved area not checked OTHER BUIIJDING ELEMENTS Table L7-AEI,EMENT MATERTAL RATING NOTES-r.erior Bearing wall Nonconbustibl-e 2 br,::'-1:ic:: nonbrg wall Noncombustible t hr See Footnote #?Structural Frane Noncombustible 2 brExterior Struct Frame Noncombustible 2 ht See footnote #1Floor/Ceiling Assembly Noncombustlble 2 hr Roof/Ceiling Assembly Nonec. -"sLib1e L hr See Footnote #8Stairs Noncombustible None See Footnote #14 FOOTNOTES:1) Elements tn an exterior wa1l located where openings rre not permltted or where proEection of openings is required, sha1l be protected aqfainst external fire exposure as required for exterlor bearing waLls or the structural frame, whichever is greaLer. -- Table 17-A, fcctnote 1 4) Fire-retardant treatecl wood nay be used within interior non-bearing thr waLl- assem.blies. -- Table 17-A, footnote f27) NonLoad-bearing wal1s within a (rwc*'rng unit that are not part of a corridor may be of: a) Noncombustibl-e (nonrated) naterialsb) Fire retardant- treated wooil c) Combustible franing with noncombustlble eoveri..- r" ' " -unstructron -- Sec. *rv:. (lr)2. 8) If roof is greater than 25 feet above floor, see sec. 1905., 1806.14) Finish material on stairs to be hard no..:cnbustibLe l,o.r-crrd-Ls. -- Sec. 1905. OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONS -- Table 5.8 None required ADDITIONAIJ SEPARATIONS tI FOR R1 OCCUPANCY:A thr occupancy separation is required around rooms containing a boiler orcentral heating unit serving more than one unit. -- Sec. 1213.L lhr occupancy separation is required around corn '. storaqfe and Laundryrooms. - - Sec. I2O2. (b) .'. lhr f ire separation is required between dwelling units. - - Sec. 7202. r;-') EXIT REQUIREMENTS 3FL NAME OCCUPANT NWBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NOTESLOAD REQUIRED WIDTH HDWR CORRIDOR SWING 1 4 ADA Hotel Rooms 1"2 2 0.2 No YFs N/RTOTAt 72 2 0.2 No Yes N/R P.ated corridors are to have thr fire protection on both sides of wal1s and reiling. -- Sec. 3305. (s) Door openings are required to be protected. with 20 minute assemblies and window openings are required to be protected wlth labeLed 3/4 hour assembLies. -- Sec. 3305. (h) In areas where 2 exits are required, the ninimum separation is X of the naximum diagonaL of the area or f1oor. -- Sec. 3303. (c) Door swlng is based on sec. 3304. (b) except as noted. occupant load ls based on Table 33-A. Nunber of exits is based on TabLe 33-A except as noted.Exit width is in feet o.,.1 based on Sec. 3303. (b). Exit width is to be divided approxlmirely equally anong exits. Width shown for all areas is based on other exits. (0.2) Width shown for 1s! floor is based on other exits. (O -2)Width shown for other floors & basements is baseil on stairways. (0.3) For the minimum width of doors, see Sec. 3304. (f) For the mininum width of corridors, see Sec. 3305. (b) For the rnininum width of stairways, see Sec. 3306.(t' FOOTNOTES: HANDICAPPED ACCESS :1) Hanilicapped access is required to at least one prinary entrance to this buildins. -- Sec. 3103. (a) & (b)3, 2, If a ramp is used for handicapped access, the max slope isL:L2. ' - Sec 3307. (c) Provide a landing within 1 inch (% inch at doors.-used for handicapped access) of the threshold. -- Sec. 3304. (I) The minimum width is same as door width and the minimurn Lengtb is 44 inches. - - Sec. 3304 . (i ) The naximum travel distance in this building is 150 feet.-- Sec. 3303. (d) AUTOI4ATIC SPRINKIJER SYSTEMS : If openinqs are not provideil in each 50 feet of exterior wal1 or there is floor area more than "- :eet from an exLerior openinq, an automatic sDrlnkl er system is required. -- Sec. 3802. rur --*\rr,ng contains 15 or more dwelling units, an automatic sprinkler system is required. -- Sec. 3802. (h) If there are 100 or more sprinklers, the automatic sprinkler system shal-l- be supervised by an apn-oved central , proprietary, or remote station service or a 1ocal alarm which will qive an audibLe signal at a constantly attended location. -- Sec. 3803. STANDPIPE REQUIREMENTS : There is no requirement for a standplpe. -- Table 38-AA hose ls not requlred. -- Table 38-A FOOTNOTES:1) The location is to be per Sec. 3805. (c), (cl) , anil,/or (e) WALL AND CEILINC FJNTT AtJ. 1) waLl, and ceiling finish materiaLs are required to comply withSec. 4204. (a) and Table 42-8.2) carpeting on the ceiling is required to have a class I flamespread rating. -- Sec. 4204. (bl 3) Textile vrall coverings sha11 have Class I flame spread rating. and shall be protected by arrtomatic sprinklers or meet theacceptarce criteria of U.B.C. Standard No. 42-2 -- Sec. 4205. INSULATION NOTES:1) A11 insulat.ion materiaL including facings are required to have a flame- spread rating of 25 or less and a maximum smoke density of 450.-- Sec. 1714. (c) 2) Foan plast.ic insulations are required to be protecled. -- sec. 1713. GI.,AZING REQUIREMEM!S :ALl glazing in hazardous Locations is required to be of safety slazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d) ADDTTIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R1 occupancy A11 chimney enclosures for wood burning fireplace factory-buil.t chimneys shal-l be protected by a t hr. fire resistiveconstruction. ALl- projects larqer than four dweLling units shall be supplied with stamped drawings from a qualified archiEect and/or structural engineer.aiL buildinq within the Town Of vail with 20 units or more, or overthree stories, ancl containing any dwelling units shall" be supplied with engj.neer fire aLarm anil fire sprinkLer syst,emsfor approval be the T.\"- ^F vail Fire Department. ORD.3 of .JJ. All crawl spaces within the Town 0f vaiL shaLl- be Limited to 5' height f ro'n floor to sLrucEurcrr rioorTcerrrng, have a dirtfloor onl"y, with ventilation as per UBC code, and minimuma^:ess as per UBc c.d3 :: maximum access of 9 sq. ft. All R-1 occupancieg within the Town Of Vail will be required to have ai-i landscaping aiiri eo.r ir.ilg facilities complete to obtain' final inspection approval . Address numbers shaIl be posted p]ainly visible anCl legible from the s treet .If there is 16 or nore dwelling units, a fire al-arm syslem isrequired in this building. -' Sec. 1211. Provide a window or door to the ext^ri.\r froa. every room used i--- sleeping. -- Sec. 1204. A window nust provide a cLear open p'aa of 5.7 sq. ft., a clear heiqht :f 24 :1-i!es, a::il a clear w.i-,.rr-u vr . v rrre.r.3 (minimum) ' - - sec. 1204. AlL habitable rooms require exterior gl"azed openings equal to 10t or nore of the floor area. (min 10 sq. ft.) -- sec. 1205. (b) A1l- habitable roons require an operable ext-erior ooenings equal to 5% or more of the floor area. (min 5 sq. ft.) -- Sec. 1205. (c) Provide a smoke detector in alL sLeeping rooms and areas having 3..cess t.' sl-eepin? rooms. -- Sec. ],2L0. (a| 4. The minimum ceiling in a habitable space is 7 feet 6 inches except kitchens, haIls, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 feet. -- Sec. -- t207. (al HANDICAPPED REQUIREMEI{TS : NOTE: Section numbers listed beLow are from ANSr A11?.1 1985 IIIATER FOIJNTAINS : 1) One must have a spout within 36 inches of the fLoor. -- S.^. 4.75.22) Spou! must be aE the front of the unit. -- Sec. 4.15.3 ') Ccntrcls must be at or near the front of the unit. -- Sec. 1.15.4 & 4.25.44) A cantiLevered unit is required to provide a clear area under the rrnit of 27 inches high, 30 inches wide, and 17 inches deep. -- Sec. 4.15.5 (1) 5) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is required at the fountain. The clear area ig required to provide for a forward approach with a cantileveredunit and for a side approach otherwise. -- Sec. 4.15.5 & Fiq.27 b.^,d TOIIJET FACII'ITIES:1) A 5' diameter unobstructed turning space is required in the toilet room. - - Sec. 4.2.3 & Fig. 3 (a) 2) When water cl-oset ls not.in a.compartment, the clear area required is3a) 48 inches wide by 56 inches deep with a side approach.'- Sec. 4.16.2 & Fis. 28b) 48 inches wide by 55 inches deep with a front approach.-- Sec. 4.76.2 & Fig. 28c) 60 inches wide by 55 inches deep wlth both approaches.-- Sec. 4.16.2 & Fig. 28d) siile bar is requiretl to start within 12 inches of the back wall and extend to 54 inches from the back wa1L. -- Sec. 4.!6.4 & Fiq. 29 The rear bar is required to be 35 lnches Long. -- Fig.29 3) When water closet is in a compartment, il.e area required is:a) 55 inches deep by 60 inches wide with a grab bar at the ba-'' 'nd one at the side. Door is at front or side. -- Fis. 30(a) orb) 55 inches deep by 35 or 48 inches wide vrith grab bars on both sides and door at f ront. - - r'ig. 30 (b) d) If a floor mounted water closet, is used, the depth dimension shown above must be increased 3 inches. -- Fis. 30(a) a (b) e) Side bars are required to start within 12 inches of the back vr.r'l- and extend to 54 inches from the back wal-l. -- Fis. 7.56a & 7.56b The rear bar is required to s:art within 6 inches of the side wall- and be 36 inches 1ong. -- Fis. 30(a)4) The bars :-^ ro be 33 16 ?6 i rrahos 6ln.'a fho floor. -- FiS. 29(a), (b) & Fis. 30 (c), (d) 5t The lop of the seat on the water closet is required to be 17 to 19 inches above the f1oor. -- Fis. 29 (b) e pis. 30(d) 5) Urinals are required to be staLL type or have an elongated rim and be wi",.,.. *l -,,.-r,.es sf Lh- -,JJL. - - Sec. 4.L9.2 & Fiq. 29 (c) 7) A cl.ear area of 30 x 48 inches is required in front of the urinal . :.-. ..""" 1 8) Accessible lavaLories shall provide a clear area under the lavatory of 29 inches. -- sec. & Fiq. 319) A clear area of 30 X 48 inches is required in front -j Lhe lavatory.-- Sec. 4.19.3 a Fig. 32i0) The bottom of mirror is required to be within 40 inches of the flooi.-- Sec. 4.79.6 & Fig, 31 R-1 HANDICAPPED REQUIREMEIirrS! Adaptable dwelling units are reguired. -- sec. 3108. (a)8. Public-use and common-use areas shall be accessible. -- sec. 3103. (a)8. # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED Glazinq in a hazardous location is required to be L glazed with safety naterial . -- Sec. 5406. This area is required to have an automatic sprinkl-er sysLem. - - Sec. 3802. "-i1 and floors separating dwe1.ling units in the same building sha1l be of not l-ess than one hourfire resistive construction. UBC 1202 (b) This project will require an j.rritial inspection bythe Town of Vail Public works department to approvesite drainage and a driveway suuninspection sha1l be approved prior to any inspection request by the Town of VaiL BuiLding Department. A smoke detector is required in this location. NOTE: A11 detectors are to sound an alarm in bedroom area. - - Sec. 1210. (a) 4. All'elements of the structuraL frane are required tohave 2 hr fire protection. -- Table 17-A and Sec. t702. The construction of interior wa1ls are required tobe a thr hour assembly. -- Table 17-A Fire a1arn rnanual puLl staLions shall be doubleaction, Noee: ManualLy operated edge or surface -rnounted f l-ush bolts are prohibited. -- Sec. 3304. (c) # SHEET IDENTIFICATION CORRECTION REQUIRED Door(s) indicated are required to be 20 minute fire assemblies incluilinq Labeleil door and frame, cLoser, smoke sear, *^icl laLcn. -- Sec. 3305. (h)1. The open side of aLl ilecks, porches, stairs, etc. which are more than 30" above grade sha11 beoror - ' r I '..ri th a guardrail . Openings can not exceed6r'. witbin R-L occ. and aLL R-3, height min. -. 35" -outside R-1 occ. height nin. is 42". UBC 1711 Stalrways having 2 or more risers for dwellings siiaLl be provided with handrail-.S. Such handrail shal1 be between 34-38" ht. above tread nosing. bp grippab3.e, and ends sha11 be returned. stairwavsthciA6a ^f th6 gtaif, 110.1,i1? 1 t'rF\zr.Fud n-^-.:r^ LL^ "^gUired 29 in." l-:ight, 30 inch clear width, & L7 inch clear depth under atleast one lavatory. -- ANSI A117.1 Sec. 4.19.2 &Fis.31 1"0 11 L2 13 A-3 oo o F c IH3B'oO:E F oj o o F H3E.oOU a.lT!l r: oo a; F oCI F oo F F o c, F o 6 E Ell art" " rnx EEHrtd!EIaa arB lg.E EI oAt! AHsl'D o oo il JEFI^e ii..8HIiE 6aotsUEFr. EE[:6t b EEp-Ia &TF. I HEE9B.rt e ?aHIH<too Ecl HT.t{E HTE. EtcI!E E6 A *I ul.la ED E TE A eLFc l{t{ EAIA F: ; o'|'l)pB;*E E:Blt''g8t EEf o DEVELOTOWN OF VAIL 75 S, FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-21-38 DEPARTI4ET{:T OF COMMT]NITY PMEMT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TI}JIES Permit #: P99-0032PLI'MBTNG PERMIT .Iob Address: 174 GORE CREEK DR Status. . . : ISSIIEDLocation...: LoDGE AT VAIL MECIIANICAL, Applied-.: 05/07/1999Parcel No..: 2LO1,-O82-21-000 fssued...: 05/LL/1,999Project No.: PRJ99-0722 B)q)ires..: LL/07/a999 APPLICAIiIT MID VAILEY SERVICES, INC. PhONC Z 970-949-424OP.O. BOX 7752, AVON, CO 81520 CONTRACTOR MID VAL,LEY SERVICES, INC. Phonez 970-949-424OP-O. BOX 7752, AVON, CO 81620 OWNER LODGE @ VAIL 174 GORE CREEK DR, VAIL, CO 81657 Phone: 303-476-5011 DescripEion: EXCAIINGING HOTWATER HEATERS FOR STvaluation:S 19, 000 . 00 FEE SUUTiIARY Pl'.tfibing-----> Plan check- - - > Invc.gigetion> will caLl-- -- > ....."."-.--THll"?T;;:;.:;;;;:;::..,,.--.....;::,.. ILCM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTI/IENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:05/07/1,999 CTIARI.,IE ACt,iON: APPR CHARLTE DAVISIEem: .05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIiIT Dept: FIRE Division:05/07/L999 CHARLIE Act,ion: APPR n/a i**attatri*r*at *tti a.tai 'l*r. r* CONDITION OF .A,PPROVAL 1. FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO C]IECK FOR CODE COMPTIANCE. DECLARJATIONS I herlby acknouledge chat I have lcad this rpplication, filled outs in fu1l the infonacion requircd, coqrl,eted an accurate plot p1an, and stabe t'hat' all t'be inforuation provided ae required i6 corlect, I agree ho couply sith th6 infotdrcion arrd plot plan. to conply rith .11 Toi.n ordinance6 and Btate 1av6, and to build Ehi6 dtructure according to thc Tor'n'B zoning and eubdivision eodes, deaign reviee approv.d, Uniford Building code and othe! ordlnancea of Che Tosn applicable thereto. REQUESTA FOR ITSPECTIONS SHAI,IJ BE IiIADE TI{EIITY-FOI'R HOURS IN A.DVAIICE BY TEIJEPHOIIB Af Ii'\'OR AT OI'R FROM 8:0O All 5.OO P 285.00 , oo 3-00 . o0 asg.2s .00 359 .25 Rcalualant Plan RGvi.c*- -> TOTAI, FEES.---- Totsal, CaLculetsed Pee6- - - > Additional Fees---------> ToCal Pcroit' Fce- -------> Payoenta- --- - -- SIGNATI'RE OF OR COSTRACTOR TOR HIMSEI/F AND OWNER P.nlr l|o! P99-0032 flDr. B-PIJG PIT|IiBIIfG PEnllIT P.r6.1 lto: a1O1-OA2 -21-OOO sit. ldat .a3 17a coRa CI.IIG m Ipcrtio! i IODOE .[MIt LEctlNflcll Rootl I'|16 P.y!.nc Togrl Faca: 359.23 Totrl IIJIj Prts ! Ealanq.: 359.25 !59.2S .oo lccoune Codc E)..crlpcl,ot Pp 00100003111200 pllrtGtt(l PBRI|I! taEE Pt 001,00003112300 PLr{ $llcK ?BEa lfc 00100003L1.u800 rM, Cllt DTSPECIrION rAl lror.Si 285.00 71.25 3.00 TowN oF vArloNsrRucnoN pERMrr l|lceroN FoRM INTORMATION MUST BE COMPLITE OR TEE APPLICATION WILL BE REIECTI,D Contacf the Eaole Counfu Assessors Office at 97G326-8U0 for Parcel # rarcer* ?lOf- o8J-21 -OoO Date: 1- L1 -n9 neooit* PPT?4 - 6l2L louNane: Lodgc rnz VArL (i> r"dos, Builditrg( ) Punaine({ Ekctical( ) JobAddrcss: l]Lt €. - 6s..4 Cse.r-!. C* Mun^rld<d other( ) Phone# Legal Description: Lot Owners Name : Architect: Block_ Filing Suhivision Address: o{z Ol ze-^r..KSDescription of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Alt€ration ( )Additional ( ) Gas Logs VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $MECIIAMCAL$ Ztb*ooQ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Repair(f Other( ) Number of Accommodation Units: WoodlPellet OTHER: $ TOTAL $ bo Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances BIJILDING: $ PLIJMBING $ lq,ooc> Town of Vail Registration No. E!@..lContractq: Town of Vail RegisnAion No. Plumbinq Contrector: hNI Town of Vail Registration No. Mechrnical Contrector: FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING:llAr 0 5 fiee SIGI.IATURE: ZONING: vrcc Address: P.O.lt9Z Aro"" Co e,gzoiii-e Fe-*?**u lxq-YzY o @ Addre.ss: D-@- lrSz- Alo*rCo 6't'z'> Town of Vail Registration No.lB0" r.n Mqq,ooto CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: SIGNATURE: TO: FROM: DATE: SIJBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CI,JRRENTLY REGISTERED WTTH T}IE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PT]BLIC WORKS AND COMMT]NITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY 1. 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PIIBLIC WAYS PROSIBITEIT A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereo4 it is unlavfiil for any person to litter, track or deposig or cause to be littered, tracked or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mu4 dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street sidewalh alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: The Director of Public Works may notifo and require any person who violates or causes another to violate the provision ofsubsection A hereof, or who has in the Director's employment a person who violates or causes another to violate the same, top rsmove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or other authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel, rocks, mu4 dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be removed from any street or alley at tlre expense of the notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of subsection A hereof shall not be applicable:l. Within the immediate area of any constnrctioq maintenance or repair project of any street or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity ling gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance tlereto;2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection ofthe public safety; and 3. To public areas designated for the dumping or depositing of said materials. Summons; Penalty: As an altemative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes anottrer to violate the same, may be issued a summons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violatioru, and upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunderbe punished as provided in Section l-4-I ofthis code. Notice; Penalty: It is unlawfirl for any person to fail or refirse to comply with the notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereot and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works, as provided in subsection B hereo{ upon being found guilty ofa violation hereunder, be punishable as provided in Section l4-l ofthis Code. (1997 Code: Ordinance 6 (1979) Read and acknowledged by: Position or Relationship to Project: Dare: 1'lu-ql D. E. (i.e. contractor or owner) TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUAI\CE TIME T'RAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Departnoent Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Plurning Departrnent review of Health Dopartment review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small prqects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned deparunents with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take the three (3) week period. Every attempt will be made by this departnent to expedite this pcrmit as soon as possible. I, the undersigled understand the Plan Check procedure and time frame. I also understand tlat if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date:"-99 Community Development DePt. tP*'uo Work Sheet was tumed into the TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAME: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN.OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WHEN A "PIIBLIC WAY PERMIT: IS REQUIRED ., J. 4. 6. No'/ Is dsmolition work being performed that requirctfhe use of the Rightof-Way, easements or public property? YES_ NO__!Z_ No_y' Is a different access needed to the site other than the existing drivenay? YES Is any drainage work be!(g done tbat affects the Right-of-Way, easements, or public property?YES NO T/ 7. 8. Is a'Revocable Right+f-Way Permit" required? YES No t/ A. Is the Rightof-Wayrrasements or public property to be used for $aging, parking or fencing?YES NO { B. If-i6-io m, is a pq6ing; saging or fencing ptan required ty Commrmity Dwelopment?YES NO J If you answered YES to any of these questiong a '?ublic Way Permit" must be obtained- "Public Way Permit'' applications tmy be obtained at the Public Work's office or at Comnunit5r Development Ifyou have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Wofts at 479-2198. I IIA\IE READ AND ANSWERED ALL TIIE ABOVE QI,JESTIONS. Is any utility work needed? YES Is the drivevay being repaved?NO--L No-Z Fl"^l'l srsl<,-r- DATE: PLEASE ANSWER TIIEFOLLOWING QI.JESTIONNAIRE REGARDING T}IE NEED FOR A*PUBLIC WAYPERMIT': l. Is this a new ttsideNrce? YES \l,rrt\c q .- 11o -nr TOWN OP VAII,75 S. FROI{:TAGE. ROAI) VAIL,, CO 8L557 970-479-2t38 Job Address...:Locat,ion......:Parcel No.....:Project Number: NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECIIANICAI., PERMIT ].74 GORE CREEK DR I.,ODGE .A,T VAIIJ MECIIANIEAI, 2L0L-082-21-000 PR.I99 - 0122 st,aEus...: IssuED ROOM Applied. . : 05/07/L999Issued...: 05/LL/L999 E:qrires . . z Ll/07 /L999 iIOBSTTE Permit, AT AJ-,I, TIMES #: M99-0040 APPLICANT CONTRAqTOR OWNER MID VAIJLEY SERVICES, INC.P.O. BOX 7752, AVON, CO 81620 MID VALLEY SERVICES, INC.P.O. BOX 7752, AVON, CO 81620 I.,ODGE @ VAIL 1-74 GORE CREEK DR, VAIL, CO 81557 Phone: 970-949-4240 Phonel. 970-949-4240 Phone: 303-476-5011 28, 000 . 00 *of wood,/Pall€t. Totaf calculated FeeE- - - > Descript.ion: REPTACE 4 HOT WATER HEATERS W/BOIIERS AIID Eireplace InfordaElon: ReeLricced: Y *of caa Appliances: Valuat.ion: TATiIKS #of ca. Logs r rtttrrrrrri'r'rrr EEE sul.tMARy 'j*ttatttrtill€cbanical--- > PLart Ch.ck- -- > fnv.6!lgatlon> will call----> Rescuarang Plan RcviGr.--> DRB F..-------- TOTAIJ FEES--'-' Fca6---------> 560 .00 140 . OO .00 3.OO .00 .00 703 .00 703 . OO .00 703 . OOfotrl P€rllt Fee--------> BAIANCE DUE----.oo irrrlrrri*rarar, tttrrrrrrrr.rr* BUILDING DEPARIT'{EMT Depts: BUII.DING DiwiSiOn:CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISFIRE DEPARITI{ENT DepE: FIRE DiwiSiOn:CIIARLIE AcLion: APPR N/A Item: 05100 0s / o7 /L999rEem: .0560005 / 07 /L999 CONDITION OF APPROVAT 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRBD TO CIIECK FOR CODE COTIPIJIANCE.2. COftIBUSTION ATR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701- OF TI{E 1997 t'MC, ORsEerroN 701 0F firE 1997 rMC.3. INSTAI,I,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANTIFACTUR-ES INSTRUqTIONS ANDTO CIIAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IJMC, CIIAPTER 10 OF TIIB 1997 TMC.4. GAS APPLIAT.ICES SIIALI., BE VEIirfED ACCORDING TO CIIAPTER 8 AND SIIATJL TBRMINATE AS SPBCIFTED TN SEC.8O6 OF TIIE 1997 I'MC, OR CIIAPTER 8 OF TIIB 1997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPI,Y WITTI CHAPTER 3 AtiIDSEC.1O17 OF TI{B 1997 ITMC A}ID CIIAPTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.6. BOII,ERS SIIAIIJ BB MOI,IiITED ON FLOORS OF NONCOI,IBUSTIBI-,8 CONST. T'NI,ESS I-,ISTED FOR MOI'IiITING ON COMBUSTIBI.,E FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PLANS A}ID CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAI ROCM PRTOR TO AI{ INSPECTION REOI]EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECEATIICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR IIOT-WATERSI'PPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.L022 0F TrrE 1997 tMC, OR SECTTON 1004.6 0F TIIE 1997 rMC.9. TTIE STATB OF COI,ORADO MUST INSPECT AND APPROVE TIIESEBOIIJERS DI'E TO THE FACT THAT THEY ARE OVER 1 MILLION BTT]S nlQ@sTs t4 ttrSPErtorg ltrolL Bt !|lDE mrT!-Fot R EOnRg !t lt'lrtlrcE Br aEalllotra Ar glqqIlJRE ot d tR oB co|tnaellcR ton Errttt .ErD otDER. OR At oOi. OtlICl lRot Sroo AX 5!o0 P p.r.!ic I|o! lf9g-Ooao El'tr.: B-XlCtt ECHI!'ICII P&UII Prrcll fo3 2101-082 -2t -000 8lC. lddt r.: 17{ conB CA.Eq m, ' Ioc.glon. LOEE lt VlI! lllClllNICA.r R@ll Itri. P.l'u.og Tot l taa! ! 7O3.OO Aotrl lLL h.: Balanc! ! to3 .00 703..00 .o0 l€co!8rt coda Daacriplion rP 00100003111300 nEcflArrrcrlr PrnllrT PEttt PF 00100003112300 pDt CHECK PBES rc oo100003112soo tErn clLL rJfsPBcrte PEE lrcurC 560.00 140.00 3.00 o DEVEIJOPMEMTTOIIN OF VAII.75 S. FROIrIAGE ROADVAIL, eO 81557 970-479-2L38 DEPARI!,TEIflT OF COO,IT'NITY NOIE: ITIIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON ELBCIR.ICAI. PERI,IIT ilob Address: 174 GORE CREEK'DR L,ocation. . .: L'14 Gore Creek Dr. , Parce1 No. . : 2L0L-082-21-000 Projects No. : PRJ99-0L22 APPLIEANT WIIITE RI\IBR ELESTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 8L620 COI{TRA TOR WI{ITE RI\TBR EIIECTRIC P O BOX 1118, AVON CO 81620OIII.IER LODGE @ VAIL 174 GORE CREEK DR, VArr,, co 81657 JOBSITE AT .AI,L TIMES Permit. #:899-0078 SEatua...: ISSUD LodgeApplied. . 2 aOS / Lg / L999 Igsued. . . :Erpires. . : Phone: 970-949-1403 Phone: 970-949-1403 Phone: 303-476-5011 Description: Electrical wiring tot 2 new boilers/pumvaluation:700. 00 trrirrtiarlrr,rrr frrllt*rttrrrr'rr*rrrtrrrrrttrtr FBE su xmy tttll.littttt.l*ttttrttt*tt*ttt*l,ttt*tt*.rir$r* EIccglicrl- - - >50.00 DRB t.. .00 Invlaltgrtsion> .0o will c-11----> 3.00 TO:!A"L lllg---> 53.00 tolEl crlculatrd Facs-_ _ > AddiEiobrl Paaa---------> lot.l Parait Fee-- - -- - -- > Pay|!.nt!-------- EAIAIICA DI'A-. - -. 53.OO .00 53 .00 53.00 .00 r i t at,rrrtttt rrrir i itii r', i r rr r ri * * rttt t a ttt rat tttttttit aotat trtttttlaa ga t t 't t ia!ttatt tt a a ttr tat t tr Irem: OSOOO BLBqTRICAIJ DEPARffBlrr _ Dept;_ BUILDING Division:6il5t/t999 KAITIY ---Asti-eIL APPR Approved pef KWiEAm;'os66o'?-iils DEPCFnIENT Depts: FIRE Division: rittttr't*rtrifrrrr*arl'rrrrrrtritrr*lrt'rttttla* trr+tirtttrrrr*i'ttlttt t*ittt''','ttt1*al}tt ti ttttttr'tt"t' COIIDITION OF APPROVAIJ 1. FrBLD Ir'ISPECTIONS ARE REQUIRBD TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPTIANCB. ra.ra ar*raa,, rararrjr lri.r.tr ra tttr,r rtttarr rtr+ar t rr ii'rrr rtrta tti t'rtt.ttttttttttttai t a ttt trtlt'traat ttlrrt ttt't t'rtr DECLARATIONS t hcreby aqkno{ledgc thrt. r hav6 read chls applicatton, flllcd oug ln full lh€ inforualion requlred, couPlotssd an acdurllr Ploc plan, and stqEa Ehat sll Eh€ lnfo!flrtlon provtdcd ra r.qul,!.d i! corract. r aglc€ Eo colrly rlth tsh. I'nfor.t lLon |nd plot Pl'n' :o coqtly rith .It Tortt ordi$.nc.o .rd .tabc L.rs, rtrd to build thlg .trucgut. eecordJ.ng to tsh. Tot,n's soning and eubdiwlglon cod.r, d€aigm r.vict rptrloved, tnlfon Building coda .nd olhcr ordin.ncEE of thG Torn ipPlicEblg chcrtco' RTQUEETA FOR rNSpEc'rrONS SrrALT, AE MADE tt{BtfTC-r'OUR ttolrPlt rN ADItAltc! Br EE.EPHONE Af 4?9'2L3S OR AT OUR OPFTCE FROtt g!00 Al{ 5.0o Pu lo|G or I!, coto[rDo 8G.En|G Statl]rE fuEras nlc-05r6 lHnC r hllrd|t x.th.dt cl( Xoarcioar! tl5a5 3t.Oo Oglzalrt gr.L1 Itrlr r itl P.n.t noe l99-o07a Tlpr! B-l&lC EElCllICl! Dlnl.Xl Pras.l Io! r1ol-0ae-11-000 glc. lddr... t 17t @ffi Cnllf m. trcc.c,jloor 1?{ Oga. e..t Da. . lddt-\t tf rch.d.ql roor Ilotal Fa.a. 53,00 ttl' Prtrrrrrt,33.00 lotrl IrI. hE ,5!.00 llalancar .00 l€court ood. lrrcrlpBlon tD 0ol0oo0!111400 lbEelitclt Plnaal lllt lC O0lOOOO3112aOo |II;L Clt& It'EPlcllqt rlr IF|.[|t 50.oo !.00 os/L|/gg L7:20 FAI 8?0 940 874s fflIlE RMR ELEC 1il" ; i::' f:*.3T::1'f ::i Til;Tff' "' vArL eoNsnucrro'(r;ncEr, *3 ZlOl- oFZ-zl-o_9o pERlrrT Apprrcf,f_roN Fon}rrV Oetn: f-li'?? PLim. 6l2L woot owners Name: ArchitEct:rrr./n Addreee: Address: Ph. BF. General Description:R€PrAc ,*rr4a r* L** **+******* t** ** ***** ** **r ** FOR OFffeE USE r**** * ******rr******* *i* t** **** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLI'I{8ING PERMTT FEE: }OCEA$TCAL PER}IIT FEE: EIJECTRTCAL FEE: OTIEB TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUII,DING DI.AN CEECK FEE: PLI'}IBING PI,A}I CEECK FEE:HEEINNICAI, PI.AN CEECK FEE: ti$ffi$i%iRefe Recei rorAl, PERlur rEEs,lAY l8 lggg VF BUTIETNG: STGHA1IURE: ZONING! SIGNA1TIIRE: pERilr* Eig.Nlt- 53* . APPLIC}ITON }TUST 8E FII.,LED OgT CO}iST.FI?LY OR TT UAY IiTOT EE ACCEPTEDt(U****.****r*******t***!r:r!r:r*rrr pERtrEr rt{FoRtdrrrroy *at*tttttitt***t**r*******i**A\-[ J-Bulldtnqr t ]-Plunblng \-Electrl-cal [ ]-]lecbanibal I t-other l1q OcLi {t?. .Dp. Iegal Description3 Ipt Block_ FiIinS slrEpr-vJ$roN' .. Iilork Class: [ ]-Nev N4-ltt"""tion 1 l-AdditLonal [ ]-Repair I J-otsher Nunber of DnellinE Units:Number of Accqunodation Units: UUnber and Tlpe of Flreplaces: Gas Appliances_ eas lpgs_ TloodrzPellet_vlr**rl,t** ** ***********it*t*it***!t**t** VALUA1IIONS *******t***** ****ltrt**rt* * ****t*** rl iurr,plttc: I Er.EcaRrcAt: | 7o0,- GrTHER: I lr,trllBrNc, T- uEcttu{rcALt$- TorAL! - I **********t ***************t CONIIRACToR INFORI.IATION **ttr* r*********rr****t*r*rrIlenerat contractor: ,-.- Towa of Vail Reg. NO.--r Adf,ress: -- Phone Nunber: l_Ellctrl-ca1 contraetoil wtlnr Rt(Et. itEcrttlL Town of vair RcE. No. /q5 tAddress: 33f r.4.Eir.'\r@ phone Nuuber: 4qe-t PIunbJ-ng Address: Contractor! DTOSIT TWf,D 03/Ll/gg t7.29 Flttr TO: FROM: DATE: FE: 9?0 9{9 0?4S f,EIlE RIvm MEMOHANDUE ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBUC WAY PEFMIT'IS REOUIBED @ooe 1) '2) ri 4I'Jttl,.'..,---.-. ptease answer ttrE6-ttowing questionnaire regarding the need lor a 'Public Way Permit': YES ls this a new residEnce? ls demolition work being performed lhat reguires th€ use of lhe right of way. sassments or public property? ts any ulility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent aocess needed to sile other than existing ddvewaY? ls any draingge work being done affecting th{ righl ol way, easemBnts, or publio PrCpetty?I ls a'Revocable Right CI Way Permil' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be usg! for staging, pafting or lencing?tlB, It no tp 8A, is a Parking, staging or fencing plan required by Gommunity Development? lf you answered yes to any of thEse qu€slions, a 'Public Way Permif must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applicalions may be obtained at the Public Work's office or al Community Development, lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis. the Town of Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-2156. NO X V\t u V v V \( X s) I 4) lsl 6) 7'.) lI' read and answered allthe 0'/LT/S8 17.29 FAI 070 549 8748 TXIIE RII'ER EI.EC @ oor o'tilc. of comnunltt'rbdopmcftl ?l roulh t6n11g! to.d nll, eElorrdo lf557 (105) 479-2138 or 479-2139 . EUILDING PER}iIT ISSUANCE TI}IE FRAfiE If this peryr_lt lgqui.re! a Town of Vai'l fire Departnent Approval IEngineer's (.Publ ii t'Jorks) review 6nd approva'|,' a planninb' Departmentreview'or Health Department review, and a review by the Builiing ' Departrent, the egtihated tinc for a total review uray take as l6ngas three rreekr. A'l I conrrercial flarge or small) and all nu1 ti-farnlly pennits wlllhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements- Residentialand small projects shoulrt take a 'tesser amount of time. However, ifresidentfal or snaller projects impact the varlous above mentloneddepartnmts with regard to necessary peview, these prcJects nayalso take the tliree week period. Every attenpt will be made by this departnrJnt to expedite thispermi't as soon as possible. I. the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timefrane. fH;. fi. f!lrn - Corrnu n i ty Develorn?'rt Departnent. 06/17/gg L7i28 FAI 070 S49 07{g 75 reslh lrunlrge rcld vail. cclcrado EtE5t (303) 679-2I3E or 479-2139 @ ood oltlc. of oomrnunly dcyGlopm.nl contrastor, owher) WEITE RIYER ELEC Tot FNOH! DATE: ALL COIfiTNACTOFS CT'RRENTLYI, REGISTERED WITII THE TObJN OF VAIL ToI{N 0F VAIL !'UELIC t{oRxs/cot8{nNrTy DEVEIpPIIENT Ii|ARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARICING & UATERIAIJ STONAGE Il_:ly:*,.f1a1na1ce l{o- 6-Etares that 1r ie unlstlfur for anyperSonlifi,ter, track of deposit any soil , roct, sand, a"lii= thi:.ordifianpe wirr be stritltv cnr$rcla by thi roiin ot vairPYPlig wofiks Departnent. persons found vi6rating this ordinancewrrJ.. be g+vgn a 24 hour written hotigg tc retnove said nat,eria!.In. the eyqn! the person so notified does not compl,y wlth thenoErce wrqhrn the 24 hour tj_ne specified, the puLfl.c r{orks or uateriFl ,lincluding trash duupsterl , pori,arl" ioilets andI?lfT.l vFnrFres. upon any streetr sidewalk, alley or publicpr+g" 9r Fny, portion thereof. The pight-of_way on ali Town of :3li ::I??!sl and.:9"9s is approxinafery s ft. off pavenenr. P:p?:tn:"! witl rernove said uatciiel at ihe e><per,=- ot personnoE-rrled. I The provj.sions of this ordinance shall not bLapPricabrg to construction, uaintenanca or repair project,s ofany streeC or a1ley or any utilities in the right-l-way. iTo.review lOrCinance No. 6 tn full, please stop by the Town ofYliI 8ui+ding Depa*,roenr to obrain a cepy. Thank you fsr ysurcooperatiqn on this nauter. t\ I vad O "rrroM-LrNEI NSU LATED STORAGE TANKS MODELS TJV AND TJH A-@-ultDil Large volume tanks are designed tor storing potable water. Fitling locations of these cuslom-line tanks match the needs of normal installation plus those for the Cer-Temp 80 or Shure- Temp systems MEETS OR EXCEEOS THE REQUIREMENTS OF ASHRAE 90.1b-l992 STANDARDS FOR STANDBY LOSS FEATURES SIZES FROM 140TO 1,000 GALLONS - ASME code steel tanks are construcled ol code material. For extremely severe or special applications, ASME code lanks are available in stainless steel or silicon bronze. Larger sizes, consult lactory representative. ASME CODE CONSTRUCTION - All tanks are constructed to the requirements ol the ASME. ASME code tanks are available in 100, 125, 150 and 160 psi working pressures ( 125 psi working pressure - standard). Consult factory for ASME code tanks with greater or lesser working pressures, with special conf igurations or materials. INSULATION - Entire tank is surrounded with high density fiber glass insulation to reduce costly heat loss; non-sagging and vermin-proof. To meet ASHRAE 90.1b-1992 standard depth of insulation cavity requires use of remote bulb-type tank temoerature control and thermometer. CABINET - Heavy gauge steel with baked enamel finish and bonderized undercoat provides additional insulating qualities for greater energy savings. LININGS AND COATINGS - Each lining and coating has particular capabilities and limitations. Please consult the factory for recommendalions on the uses of linings for specific applications. Thorough investigation on the service life of steel tanks with protective coatings or linings has led to the recommendations of lhe tollowing linings: . Glass-lined - These are normally stocked tanks for water storage up to 1800F, wilh glass lining to prevent corrosion and addilion of rust to water. The glass lining was developed over many years of ceramic research lor a wide variety of conditions. a Cement - A soecial formulation of cement orovides excellent corrosion protection. Available on 200 gallon and larger sizes. A manhole or handhole is included lor application of cement lining. . Epoxy - The application of specially tormulated epoxy makes this lining suitable for cold or hot water storage. A manhole or handhole is included for application of epoxy lining. Available on 200 gallon and larger sizes. CATHODIC PROTECTION - Glass-lined, cement and epoxy lanks are furnished with anodes desioned for maximum orotection. ACCESSORIES - Tanks will be supplied with the {ittings located as indicated on the drawings unless specified olherwise. A manhole or handhole is included on cement or epoxy tanks. A manhole or handhole is optional on glass-lined tanks. Revised September 1996 A 413.0 T-l' rl H"T_t3"f._ 4 F"+" Ji-T TJV.I40 THRU TJV.IOOO FIGURE 1 NOTE: Inspection openings, i.e., handholes and manholes, are oplional and are to be included with glass lined tanks only when specified. Tanks so equipped are f.o.b. Seattle. Other tanks to 66" diameler and 3500 gallon are available on special order. All openings Female Pipe Thread except as noted. "F" opening Male Pipe Thread. MODEL AND GALLON CAPACITY A B c o E F G H TJV-140 87 30 20 53 8 1 1t2 21t2 5 5/8 TJV-zOO 83 36 22 45 't0 1 1t2 2112 7 3t4 TJV.25O 93 JO 23 58 10 1 1t2 21t2 7 314 TJV-350 100 42 23 112 57 14 't 1t2 21t2 91t2 TJV.4OO 105 42 23 1t2 64 14 1 112 21t2 9112 TJVT.sOO 100 48 27 52 16 1 112 J 115/t6 TJV-5OO 84 55 27 3t4 33 1t4 18 1 ',U2 3 123t4 TJV.75O 116 55 27 314 65 112 18 1 1t2 3 12 314 TJV-1000 150 55 27 3t4 97 1t2 18 1 1t2 3 12U4 A 414.0 F.O.]FfFtrt QFr-rrE-ts tzatzP EAIHY tr- EQEEE}|AIItIIIIII I I I I I I I I I 3:ttl!l 11*o FI II I I I I I I 3(! |,'i) I I I I It rt_Jt A- -Ya F frtH nroF I I Ii_ €la o ivircfi Sizes 320,000 to t,000,000 BTU/ha The Right Glroice MIGHfi MAX - the right choice on oll counts: ' High energy efficiency and reliability reduce operating and maintenance costs. . Compact size increases usable building space. . Low NOx emissions. . Precise control of water and building temperatu re. . Easy installation means less disruption and lower first costs. 8f96 Etficiency A unique venturi system precisely premixes.air and gas before it reaches the burner, automatically adjusting the proportions of gas and air. . 857o high energy efficiency. ' Lower oPerating costs and maintenance. TFTELEDYNE LAARS Rco r\\\ D (l€', ,i '[.o"r<- q-a.v( ()e-^,v r.'ru S -r.') $> r\o; .-J \ t$c.'*,r c -, . Applications Hotels F4 u lti Unit Housing lnstitutions Re stau ran ts Launory lndustrial Processes and many n.rore Low NOx Emissions l'llGHTY MAX is the boiler for tomorrow s clean air requirements. At less than 20 ppm NOx, Mighty Max's low emissions beat even the strictest of regulations. ' A tough, proven burner material (FeCrAlY) with dependable flame retention . All without the extra costs and headaches of add-on equ ipment. Cl,.u^L'., \", A r-."c U€97' D. ! 'Rrl rV'}u,r-.'\L13 1i^,L lu r-,'L'''*<-/ \ ,-P Jo:f- \ r:ii'i-.-r An Allegheny Teledyne Compony Fast, Easy Installation Compact size, low iacket temperature, 45o water connections - vertical or horizontal pipint. Accessories Vent terminal for outdoor installations Through-wall (horizontal) vent terminal Side panel combustion air connection Through-wall (horizontal) combustion air intake terminal Vertical combustion air intake terminal Venturi Provides precise input control, self adjusts to van/ing conditions, simplified construction for ease of inspection. Burner Woven metal fiber burneq namely FeCrAlt an alloy of iron, chromium, aluminum and yttrium. Venturi system automatically compensates for changes in combustion air or vent restriction. lgniter Shock resistant constuction. Combustion Chamber Small volume, utilizing lightweight alumina-silica insulation board. Chamber is inclined to allow front service of burner assembly. Gas Controls Redundant automatic gas valves with netative- pressure regulator. Smaller models utilize combination control with redundant operator. Larger models utilize redundant valves with separate netative- pressure regu lator. Operating and Safety Controls Single stage operating control, manual reset high limit, water flow switch, manual reset low water cutoff with test button, venturi pressure switch and stack pressure switch are all standard components. Venting (Veft ical and Non-Vertical) Vertical - Category l, B-Vent Non-Vertical - Stainless Steel Direct Vent - Vertical or Horizontal No extra power vent required for horizontal venting up to 50 equivalent feet. Recommended Minimum Clearance From Indoor Outdoor inches (m-) inches (-m) ToP Water Conn. Side Opposite Side Rear Front Vent Connector Flooring 18 (457) Unobstructedt2 (30s) t2 (30s)5 (ts2) 6 (ts2)6 (ts2) 6 (ts2)Alcove Unobstructeo,r.6 ( | 52) Combustible Combustibre * | in. (25mm) if double wall vent is used. We're Ready To Help You The hot warer and hydronic heating specialists at Teledyne Laars are ready to put their over 40 years of experience to work for you. For assistance in choosing the right unit for your application - or if you'd simply like to know more about our products, seryices, and extensive warranty - just call the Teledyne Laars office near you_ Simple Installation MIGHTY MAX is designed for faster and easier installation ,ust about anywhere. . Compact size and low jacket temDerature oermtt tnstallatron in smaller sPaces, closer to walls. ' 45 water connectrons allow verttcal or horizontal PrPing wrthou t adiustments or sPecral adaPte rs. . Quick conversion from top to rear exhaust. . Venting Options direct, indoor, ou td oo r. and stde wa... Superior Comfort and Economical Operation in One Reliable, Easy-To-Service Unit l'4lGHTY MAX s advanced technology provides on-demand hot water in domestic hot water applications and fast temPerature pull-up when used for hydronic heating. Precise temperature control means SreateT co mfo rt for occuDants. IYIGHTY MAX is econonrical to oPerate, too. The reliable, easy-to service design keeps maintenance costs low. And the wide acccss door plus easter parts change-out v rLc d >,,dP. =:x*,l:i I,s =_ I ; : t : te,,.fl.ls,i f'{ } 1..:{r-1 Venturi pre mixing system delivers B5olo efficiency at any input rate. Direct venting option. Can duct and exhaust up to 50 equivalent feet wrthout assrstance. No extra fans or venters required. = 45 angle orientat ion of water co n nection s enables easy vertical or horizontal hookups witho ut extra p ip ing or special adapters. Converts qu icl<ly from top to rear exhaust no draft diverter necessary. Low jac ket temPerature resulting from minimal heat los s of less than lolo. I ( I Dimensrons shown are Inclres (mm). 3 (76) 15 (381) I l.__,, 6 'l tt (279) (152) (7s6) Left Side View Front View Right Side View OUTPUT MBTU/h (kW) 72 (80) t-lr40 (r00) | U2442 0 30) | ) sr r (rs5) 26s8 (r93) I 2 850 1149) | 2ll2 PERFORMANCE AND DIMENSIONAL DATA INPUT MBTU/h (k Volume Water Heaters --)WIDTHin. (mm) r0o I / 56'c 330 (3 4l | \432)s36 (s63) 644 1676)7e8 (838) r030 (r082 VENT vwo320M vw0400M vwo520M vwo625M vw0775M vw | 000M vwo320M vw0400M vwo520M vw0625M vwo775M vw | 000M 1028 ( r079) r339 (r406)l6l0 (r59 r) t996 (2096\ 2576 (7705 320 (94) 399 (r r7)s20 (rs2) 625 ( r83)tls (227) 1000 (293) ) \4.29) (6.6e) (8.3 3) ( r0.73) r803)(r546 7 7 r0.5 t 0.5 t0.5 r 0.5 (r78) (r/B) (267) \267 ) (267) mm) (rs2) (26 6 7 I 8 9 t0 t7.75 17 .75 t9.5 t 9.5 t9.5 t9 5 (4s t) (4s r) (4es) (4es) (4es) 495 (r78) (203) (201) (22e) RECOVERY TABLES GPH mVs OELIVERED - REQUIRED WATER TEMPERATURE RISE f/ € MODEL 4OF I22c,60'F / 33 C 70\F /39C 549 685 893 r073 r33 | t7t7 (s 76) \7 t9) (e38) (t t27) (BeB) 471 587 765 920 4l | 472 (6 r6) (803) (966) (re8) 457 595 7t5 887 1t44 (384) (480) (625) (7s r) (e3 t) r20r) Hydronic BoilersPERFORMANCE AND DIMENSTONAL DATA INPUT OUTPUT MBTU/h MBTU/h 272 140 442 53 | 658 850 t!q\ rof / 6 c GPM (LPS) 54 68 88 t06 t32 t70 WATER NPT tn, 5. WIDTH SHIPPING WEIGHT tn.(mm)in, (mm lbs. (80) (r00) (r30) ( rs6) ( re3) 17.(4s r) (4sr) (4es) (4es) (4es) 33s 355 400 440 485 596 (ts t7.75 t9.5 | 9.5 1 9.5 t 9.5 (495 (r6r) (r8r) (200) (220) (270J 2O"F /25I / t4'C H/L ft. H/L (m)H/L ft. H/L (m)GPM (LPs) .5 4.0 5.7 9.4 t 6.5 (3.s) (t2) lt.7) (2.e) (s.0) 27 ( | .70)ls (2.2tJ42 (2.6s)s2 (3.28)68 (4.2e) 7\'TELEDYNE LAARS 6000 Condor Drive, Moorpark, CA 93021 . 805.b29.2000 FAX 905.529.5934 20 Industrial Way, Rochester, NH 03867 . 603.335.6300 FAX 603.33b.3355 480 S. Service Rd. W, Oakville, Ont., Canada L6K 2H4 . 905.844.8233 FAX 905.844.2635 Ltho in LJ.S.A.OTe edvne Laars Doc 107:JE 9708 ).7s (s27)24 (6 r0) 50 \t 270) 2e.25 (7 43) 33.75 (8s7)40 (r0 t6) 33s ( | s2)rs5 ( r6l) 400 ( r8 r) 440 (200) 48s (220) aoF l44c taol 167 c t40I I 78'.c 822 (861) t072 (t t26) r28B (r352) ts97 (t677) 41 2 (43 s r4 (540) 670 (7O4) 805 (B4s) 998 ( r048) | 2BB (r 3s2 r43 (160) 446 (468) sl7 (554) 66s (698) 8s9 (902) 294 (309) 183 (402) 460 (483) s70 (see) IBR RATING MBTU/h (kW).s (69) 2e4.9 (86) 384.4 (r r3) 462 0 (t 15) 572.8 ( r58) 739.t tzt7 320 (e4)399 (t t7)s20 ( r s2)62s ( r83) 775 (727) 1000 (793 7 (t78)7 (t78) r0.s (267) r0.s (257) r0.s (267) 74 (5 t0) 29.25 (743) 11.75 (8s7) 40 ( r0 t6) 6 (rs2)7 (t78) 8 (203)8 (203) e (22e) RATE OF FLOWAND PRESSURE DROP DESIGN TEMPERATURE RISE ACROSS BOILER rs} / I c H/L fr. H/L (m)H/L ft. H/L (m 26.2 (8 0) 8.e (2_7)12.2 (3.7) 22.s (6.e)37.3 l|.4 45 (2 84)s8 (3.66)70 (4.42)87 (s.49)r3 (7.r3 44 (2.78\s3 (3.34)5s (4. r0) 6 6 (2.0)2.6 (0.8)3.3 (r .0)s.2 (16) |.e (0.6)7.6 (0 8)3.4 ( | .0) An Allegheny Teledyne Compony 9424fjodc.a * 7 vJ'': ' . --{- -- ,.,,irli i i*r-iii €:i. i!i'*i-- 'rni f0lt*r*nDl bJg v)a trl2 TI?\t 1) -.I-*-lr Re,Llv r\)aaag< s*.. 5f< Co-.lo L*oz wa&-,- \J</df?r( : :. ' flor krg' ,qq o..,\ PPa 6rurw- 9.-Ll-11 .i : t ..' | .i f . U p:q u -L'. 5.,nP-z-S i;.'i Ut'!€ orL - ii g * -( an''it-s (A,€{V r.t l7 Cot*b fu!{L t><'t'r^"-c '-l aO'+'lL L i\ V>r.*t^-.eP B,gt|q;4-4 ( P4pr"lo,rr- o^rn ? : :. ,. Iff+.o+ 9{- tcrzrr/r's t; X 16.in^c- fu* $1 N{\94:G"\ t I I {*t {a'*V*, bd i7 ta7(7t 1'o3 f Fr/o CorwbvgTrg1\ \J ElgnR"\/ 0YS-VLV e Ec,c'pa + 91 BEAVER CREEK PLTCE (!v7o1949424{0 fr^ ?ry17 $lI:tolArGSA3-l-lvrldIH gtz}6t6als Er:9T 6661190/95 Installation, operation "nflnr"n"nce Instructions o Document 2064A. === =====- ===__J =EES*- =======-== =-==-_ _JSi (,(\o) I FOR YOUR SAFETY: This product must be installed and serviced by a professional service technician, qualified in hot water heater installation and maintenance. lmproper installation and/or operation could create carbon monoxide gas in flue gases which could cause serious injury, property damage, or death. lmproper installation and/or operation will void the wananty. 7I^TELEDYNE LAARS AWARNING lf the information in this manual is not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may result causing property damage, personal injury or loss of life. Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS. Do not try to light any appliance.. Do not touch any electrical switch; do not use any phone in your building.. lmmediately call your gas supplier from a nearby phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions.. lf you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the fire department. Installation and service must be performed by a qualified installer, service agency, or gas supplier. An Allegheny Teledyne Compony TABLE OF CONTENTS sEcTloN 1. General Information14. Intoduction ............................ 118. Wananty........ ........................11C. Technical Assistance ............. 1 sEcTtoN 2. Installation lnstructions2A. General lnformation ...............228. HeaterP|acement.........................................22C. Installation of Outdoor Heaters ..................... 22D. FreezeProtection .........................................42E. lnstallationoflndoorWaterHeaters .............42F. GasSupplyandPiping ..........42G. WaterSystemPiping....................................5 2G-1. Water Chemistry........................................... 5 2G-2. Water Piping .......................... 5 2G-3. Pressure Buildup in Water System ............... 5 2G4. TemDerature and Pressure Relief Va|ve.......5 2G-5. Pump Requirements..................................... 7 2G-6. CombinedSpaceHeating/Potable Water Heating Systems .........72H. Venting and Combustion Air Information ...... 821. Top-to-Rear Vent Collar Conversion ............. 82J. Venting ...........8 2J-1 . Vertical Venting - Category | .........................82J-2. Vertical Venting - Non Category 1..................8 2J-3. Horizontal Venting - Non Category 1............ 112J4. Side Wall Vent Terminal ............................. 112K. Air for Combustion and Ventilation.............. 11 2K-1. Air From Room ........................................... 1 1 2K-2. Ducted Combustion Air............................... 11 2K-3. Conversion for Ducted Combustion 4ir.......122K4. Combustion Air Piping ......... 132L. Electrical Wiring............ ....... 13 sEcTroN 3. Operation3A. Start Up Requirements ........ 1538. HFLimitCheckout....................................... 153C. Venfuri and Gas Pressure Regulator System ............................. -......... 1 5 3C-1 . Overall Operation ........................................ 1 5 3C-2. Venturi Adjustment ..................................... 1 63D. To Start Up System ............17 3D-1 . Setting Temperature Controls ..................... 173E. To Shut Down System .........17 sEcTtoN 4. Maintenance 4A. General lnstructions..... ........'1748. HeaterExchanger....................................... 18 4B-1. Inspection of the Heat Exchanger...............18 4B-1a. Extemal Heat Exchanger Inspection........... 18 4B-1b. lntemal Heat Exchanger Inspection ............ 18 4B-2a. Cleaning the Heat Exchanger- External ..... 18 4B-2b. Cleaning the Heat Exchanger - Internal ...... 194C. Gas and Electric Controls ........................... 19 sEcTtoN 5. Troubleshooting5A. Sequence of Operation ........ 1958. Venturi and Gas Pressure RegulatorSystem ........ 195C. Electrical Components................................ 19 5C-1. GeneralTroubleshooting ............................ 19 5C-2. Electrical Troubleshooting ....... .................... 21 sEcTtoN 6. Parts List for Mighty Max W\l Heater64. General lnformation ............24 Mighty Max Volume Water SECTION 1. General lnformation 1A.lntroduction This manual provides installation, operation, and maintenance instuctions for the Mighty Max Volume Water Heater, Model WV, Sizes 320M,400M, 520M, 625M,775M, and 1000M. Review all application and installation procedures completely before proceeding with the installation. Consult the local factory representative or Teledyne Laars factory with any questions regarding this equipment. Experience has shown that most operating problems are caused by improper installation. The WV heaters zue offered in an indoor version and an outdoor version (see Figure 1). Table I lists the input/output ratings for each heater size. The indoor version is convertible for outdoor use with the installation ofa conversion kit (see Section 6, Parts List, for part number). 1B. Warranty The Mighty Max VW heaters are sold with a limited factory warranty. Details are specified on the back cover of this manual. Make all warranty claims to an authorized Teledyne Laars representative or directly to the factory. Claims must include the heater serial number and model number (this information can be found on the rating plate), installation date, and name of the installer. Shipping costs ar€ not included in the warranty coverage. Some accessory items are shipped in separate packages. Inspect everything for damage immediately upon delivery and advise the transporter ofany shortages or damage. Any such claims sbould be filed with the tansporter. The transporter will not accept a claim from the shipper, Teledyne Laars. The warranty does not cover damage caused by improper installation, operation, or field modification. 1 C. Technical Assistance Consult the local factory representative or Teledyne Laars factory with any questions regarding the specification, installation, and operation of Teledyne Laars equipment. An experienced technical support staff is ready to assist in assuring the proper performance and application of Teledyne Laars products. Heater Sizo lnput Bru/h (kw Output BTU/h (kw) 320M 400M 520M 625M 775M 1000M 320,000 (e4) 399,000 (117) 520,000 (152) 625,000 (183) 775,OOO (227) 1,000,000 (293) 272,000 (80) 339,150 (99) 442,000 (130) s31,250 (156) 658,750 (193) 850,000 (249) Table 1. InpuUOutput Ratings. INDOOR OUTDOOR Front Side (Water Connections) Side (Opposite Water Connections) ===€E_n===il llil+tl tlll ll :E:::=':: Rear Flgure l. Mighty Max WV Heater Gonflguration, Page 2 O a fl'TELEDYNE tAARs sEcTroN 2. Instal lation Instructions 2A. General Information Install the Mighty Max VIV heater in accordance with the procedures in this manual (or the Teledyne Laars warranty may be voided), local codes, and ordinances. In the absence of such codes, install the heaters in accordance with the latest edition of the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI 2223.I/National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 54. In Canada, the installation must be in accordance with CANI-B149.1 or .2 and local codes. The authority having jurisdiction may require the installation be in accordance with the American Society o1 l4gshenical Engineers (ASME) Safety Codes for Controls and Safety Devices for Automatically Fired Heaters, CSD-1, and in Canada, Canadian Gas Association (CGA) 3.3. Any changes to the heater, its gas controls, gas orifices, or wiring may void the warranty. If field conditions require chznge, consult the factory. The Mighty Max VW heater is desiped-certified for installation on a combustible floor, if a non- combustible base is first placed under the heater. Do not install the heater directly on carpeting without placing a metal or wood panel between the carpeting and the heater. The metal or wood panel must extend beyond the tull width and depth of the heater by at least 3 inches (76.2nrr) in all directions. If the heater is installed in a carpeted alcove, the entire floor of the alcove must be covered by the metal or wood panel. The panel must be strong enough to carry the total weight of the heater and all piping, pumps, and any other equipment attached to the heater. Table 2. Minimum Heater Clearances From Combustible Surfaces. 28. Heater Placement l,ocate the heater to provide adequate clearances on all sides for mainteuance and inspection. There must also be minimum distances maintained from combustible surfaces (see Table 2). The heater must be isolated or otherwise protected from any source of corrosive chemical fumes, such as trichlorethylene, perchlorethylene, chlorine, etc. Install the heater so that the gas ignition system components are protected from water (drippings, spraying, rain, etc.) during operation and service. 2G. lnstallation of Outdoor Heaters [Caution Outdoor installations are not recommended in areas where the danger of snow blockage exists. l. Locate the heater to provide at least the minimum clearances as listed in Section 28. "Heater Placement." VW heaters require an outdoor terminal kit when installed outdoors (see Section 6, Parts List). Do not locate the hbater in an enclosure or through- wall recess. Avoid locations where wind deflection off stuctures might cause down{raft. When such wind conditions are possible, locate the heater at least 3 feet (.9m) from shuctures. Never install the heater under any kind ofroof overhang. Do not locate the heater below or adjacent to any doors, windows, louvers, grills, etc. which communicate in any way with an inhabited area ofa building, even though such communication might be through another stuchre such as a garage or utility room (see Figure 2). 3. Clearance From Combustibles lndoor Inches (mm) outdoor Inches (mm) Top Water Conn. Side Opposite side Front Rear Vent Flooring 18 (457) 12 (305) 6 (152) Alcove 6 (152) '6 (152) Combustible Unobstructed 12 (305) 6 (152) Unobstructed 6 (152) Combustible Service clearance = 24 inches (61omm) at front of heater. "1" (25mm) if double wall vent is used. WINDOW xb*e Flgure 2. lncorrect Installation of Boiler. Mighty Max Volume Water Air Shutter Blower Motor Regulator Automatic ano Redundant Gas Valve Manual Gas Valws When Used On Canadian Unit or U.S.Unit Requiring CSD-1 Code Manual Gas When Mixture Plenum Used On Canadian Unil or U.S.Unit Requiring CSO-1 Code SIZES: 320M,400M SIZES: 520M,625M MixfurE AutomaticPlenum Main Gas Valves SIZES: 775M, 1000M NOTE: The above diagram is a representation, actual venturi assembly may vary depending upon heater size. Figure 3. lleater Gas Valve Arrangement. Distance from Gas Meter or Last Stage Regulator 0-100 feet (0-30m) 100-200 feet (30-60m) 200-300 feet (60-90m) Natural Propane Natural Propane Natural Propane Size tn.mm ln.mm in.mm tn.mm 1n,mm tn.mm 320M 400M 520M 625M 775M 1000M 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 32 32 38 38 5l 51 1.25 1,25 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.50 32 32 32 32 38 38 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.50 38 38 5t 51 51 64 1.25 1.25 1.50 1.50 't.50 2.00 32 32 38 38 38 5l 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.50 3.00 38 51 5'l 51 64 76 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.00 2.00 2.50 38 38 38 5't 51 64 Notes: 1. These numbers are based on 1/2 inch (13mm) water column pressure drop. 2. Check supply prcssure and local code requirements before proceeding with work. 3. Pipe fittings must be considered wh6n determining gas pipe sizing. Table 3. Natural Gas and Propane, Pipe Size Requirements. 2D. Freeze Protection Although Mighty Max VW heaters are design- certified by International Approval Services (IAS) (formerly AGA CGA) for outdoor installations, such installations are oot recommended in areas subject to freezing temperatures unless proper precautions are taken. Consult the local factory representative or Teledyne Laars for additional information. 2E. Installation of Indoor Water Heaters Combustion Air Supply and Ventilation: There are a variety of options available to the installer when it comes to venting and combustion air; venting can be vertical or horizontal, it can originate at the top of the heater or the bach and combustion air can be obtained from the room where the heater is installed or ducted directly to the heater from outdoors (see Sections 2H through 2K for details). 2F. Gas Supply and Piping Review the following instructions before continuing the installation. l. Gas piping installation must be in accordance with the latest edition of ANSI Z223.1NFPA 54. In Canada, the installation must be in accordance with CANI-B149.1 or.2 and all local codes that apply (see Figure 3 for heater gas valve arrangement). Check the rating plate to make sure the heater is fitted for the type of gas being used. Teledyne Laars heaters are normally equipped to operate below a 2000 foot (610m) altitude. Heaters equipped to operate at high altitudes have appropriate stickers or tags attached. The figures in Table 3 should be used to size the gas piping from the gas meter to the heater. Check local codes for BTU/h capacity required. Install a sediment trap (drip leg) ahead of the gas controls (see Figure 4). Fit the trap with a threaded cap which can be removed for cleaning. When required by code, install a second manual gas shutoff valve. Do not remove manual shutoff valve supplied with the heater. Disconnect the heater and its individual shutoff valve from the gas supply piping system during pressure testing of the system at pressures higher than l/2 psi (3.5 kPa). Isolate the heater from the gas supply piping system by closing its individual manual gas shutoffvalve during any pressure testing ofthe gas supply piping system at test pressures equal to or less than 1/2 psi (3.5 kPa). 7. Gas supply pressures to the heater are listed in Table 4. NOTE: The heater and all other gas appliances sharing the heater gas supply line must bc firing at maximum capacity to properly measure the inlet supply pressure. Low gas pressure could be an indication of an undersize gas meter and/or obstructed gas supply line. Table 4. Gas Supply Pressure Requlrements. Do not exceed the maximum inlet gas pressures specified. Excessive pressure will result in damage to the heater's gas controls. The minimum pressures specified are for gas input adjustment. The correct differential gas pressure is stamped on the rating plate. Thc regulator is preset at the factory but may need adjustment for altitude per Section 3. Before operating the heater, test the complete gas supply system and all connections for leaks using a soao solution. flCaution Since some leak test solutions (including soap and water) may cause corrosion or stress cracking, rinse the piping with water after testing. 8. 9. J. 4. 5. 6. Gas SupplyInlet \ T* --Fltting ---\ To Equipment lnlet ,'"-I (76mm) Min.---^-t-----_-ft-\\'cap Figure 4. T.Fltting Sediment Trap Installation. Supply Pressure Water Column Natural Gas Propane Gas tn.mm ln.mm Minimum Maximum 5 v 127 229 I 14 229 55t) 10. Mighty Max Volume Water 2G. Water System Piping 2G-1. Water Ghemlstry Teledyne Laars equipment is designed to be used in a variety of water conditions. The water velocity in the heat sr(sfianger tubes is kept high enough to preveot s,snling from hard water, yet low enough to avoid erosion by soft water. The water in 95 percent of the urban centers in the United States is compatible with this equipment, but in some areas a water supply will contain a large quantity of scaling chemicals or the water may be extremely soft or erosive. In rare situations the water will contain both scaling chemicals and erosive chemicals such as calcium or sodium chloride. These conditions may be caused by well water or a nearby pumping station, and the particular condition may not be characteristic of the etrtir€ city water system. NOTE: It is possible to have hard and soft water in the same city. Check with the local water company. If an installer sees damage to any water handling equipment at the installation site, it should be repaired as soon as possible to help reduce maintenance costs. If there is erosion, resize the pump to reduce water velocity before the tube ruptures. If scaling is bad, set up a heat exchanger tube-cleaning maintenance schedule to prevent heat exchanger tube cracking and wear. Not fixing the condition may cause serious damage to the heater and the water system. Scaling is a layer on the inner surface of the heat exchanger tubes which restricts the flow of water. Scale can be any color or texture, smooth or rough, granular or amorphous. Erosion is usually identified by pitting, cavitation, ridges and "islands" on the inner surfaces of the heat exchanger tubes. If this is caused by extremely soft water, or a water softener in the system, the intemal copper surfaces will be very shiny. Other chemicals, such as chlorine or chlorides in the water, will cause dark patches of erosion. NOTE: Teledyne Laars does not warrant heat exchangers damaged by scaling, corrosion, or erosion. 2G-2. Water Piping VIV heaters are intended for heating large volumes of water at constant flow rates, uzually for storage in a tank. Heaters in this type of application are sometimes called circulating water heaters. Figure 5 shows the VlV heater with tank and t'wo pumps. One pump (recirculation) only circulates the hot water through the building plumbing. The other pump (heater) circulates water between the tank and the heater. This heater circulating pump is essential for proper operation ofthe beater (see Section 2G-5). The heater circulating pr''mp must be sized to provide snsngh flow to prevent damage to the heat exchanger, and must handle the hardness or softness of the water being heated. Generally, hard water must be pumped at higher velocity; however, soft water will erode holes in the heat exchanger tubing if pumped too fast. The Mighty Max WV heater comes standard with copper tubes, but in areas where the water supply is soft or corrosive, the 6"u1 sxshenger should be factory ordered with cupronickel tubes. Consult the local factory representative or Teledyne Laars factory for additional information. 2G-3. Pressure Bulldup in Water System The water utility supply meter may contain a check valve, back flow preventer, or water pressure rcdusiag valve. This will create a closed water supply system. Contact the water supplier or local plumbing inspector on how to control this situation. During the heating cycle of the heater, the water expands creating a pressure buildup in the water system. The pressure and temperafure relief valve may discharge hot water under these conditions, causing a loss/waste of energy and a buildup of lime on the relief valve seat. NOTE: Do not plug the relief valve. There are two methods to prcvent the water heater pressure relief valve from discharging hot water in a closed water system: I . Install a pressure relief valve on the cold water supply line. Make sure that the discharge of this valve is directed to an open drain and protected from freezing.2. Install a properly sized thermal expansion tank on the cold water supply line. 2G4. Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve For protection against excessive pressure, the water heater is equipped with a pressure relief valve. When the water heater is connected to a separate storage vessel, a temperature and pressure reliefvalve must be installed on the storage vessel. The temperahre and pressure reliefvalve must be design- certified by a nationally recoglized testing laboratory that maintains periodic inspection of listed equipment or materials, in accordance with the requirements for Relief Valves and Automatic Gas ShutoffDevices for Hot Water Supply Systems, ANSI 221.22. (in Canada, in accordance with the requirements for the Standard for Temperature and Pressure Relief Valves and Vacuum Relief Valves, CANI-4.4). The temperature and pressure relief valve must have a BTU/h ftW) capacity rating that is greater than the BTU/h ftW) input of the water heater. The temperature and pressure relief valve must be marked with a maximum working pressure not to exceed the maximum working pressure shown on the rating plate of the water heater, or the maximum working pressure of the separate storage vessel, vfrichever is the lower pressure. The temperature and pressure reliefvalve must have a zr aximum working temperature not to exceed 210"F (99"C). Do not place any shutoffvalves between the temperature and pressure reliefvalve atrd the storage vessel. The relief valves discharge water in large quantities should circumstances demand. l. The discharge pipe: Must not be conaected directly to a drain. The Discharge pipe must terminate 6 inches (l52mm) above a floor drain or extemal to the building. If the discharge pipe is not directed to a drain or other suitable means, the water flow may cause property damage. Must not be smaller than the pipe size of the relief valve. Must be of material capable of withstanding 210"F (99"C) without distortion. 4. Must be installed to allow complete drainage of both the reliefvalve and discharge pipe. 5. Mwt not have any valve between the relief valve and the end ofthe discharge pipe. Do not tbread, cap, plug, or block the end of the discharge pipe. Do not install a reducing coupling or other restrictions in the discharge pipe. AmnNrue Hot water can scald! Hot water can produce third degree bums in 6 seconds at 140'F (60"C) and in 30 seconds at 130"F (54"C). Manually operate the relief valves at least once a year. To prevent water damage, discharge pipe must terminate at an adequate drain. Standing clear of the outlet (discharge water may be hoQ, lift and release the lever handle on the relief valve to make the valve operate freely. 3. Mlghty Max VW Heator Cold Water Conventional Tank KEY Dd? \ I Valve Check Valve Gauge Hot Water Retum From Bldg. NOTE: Intermlttent pump must be used with EM2 and remote t€mperature control. To Drain Flgure 5. Water Piping Diagram. Mighty Max Volume Waterfter t Page 7 2G€. Pump Requircments Table 5 specifies water flow rates for the Mighty Max VW heaters, and the pumping head required for typical piping configurations. Table 5 allows for 30 feet (9.lm) of piping and typical fittings (see Figure 5). Piping with a shorter length or larger diameter may reduce the head requirement and pump power consumption. Contact a Teledyne Laars representative for assistance. The correct flow rate can be verified by checking the temperature rise of water as it passes through the heater. To check the temperature rise, measure the diference in water temperature between the heater inlet and outlet to determine flow. For example: If a Size 320M VW heater is installed and normal water is used; the inlet water temperature is 160'F (71"C); the outlet water temperature is 17t'F (77"C). Then there is a I l"F (6"C) degree temperatwe rise. Per Table 3, this is essentially correct for normal water. If a higher temperature rise is measured, flow must be increased by changing the piping or pump. 2G-6. Gombined Space Heating/Potable Water Heating Systems When using the Mighty Max VIV heater as a source ofheat for a combined space heating/potable water heating system, be sure to follow the instructions of the space heating system. Do not use water piping, fittings, valves, pumps, and any other components which are not compatible with potable water. Do not connect the heater, which will be used to supply potable water, to any heating system or components previously used with a nonpotable water heating system. Do not add boiler treatment or any chemicals to the heating system piping, since the piping contains water for potable use. Do not use solder containing lead in the potable water lines. Ifthe space heating system requires water temperafures greater than the water temperafure for potable hot water use, a tempering valve (see Figwe 6) or other means should be installed in the potable hot water supply line to limit the risk of scald injury. Mixing Valve I cotd waterI Suppty Figure 6. lnstallation of Tempering Valve. Model Pipe Size Soft or Normal Water Hard Water Flow Headloss Temp, Rise Flow Headloss Temp. Rise in. (mm)gpm (lpm)ft.(m)'F fc)gpm (lpm)(m)ft.'F ('c) 0320M 1.5 (38)2.o (51) 51 5'l (1e3) (1e3) 25.9 13.9 (8) (4) 10.5 10.5 (6) (6) 68 (257)68 (257) 46.0 24.7 (14) (8) 7.e (4)7.s (4) (X00M 1.5 (38) 2.o (51) 51 51 (1e3) (1e3) 26.0 (8)14.1 (4) 13.1 (7)13.1 (7) 68 (257)68 (257) 46.3 25.0 (14) (8) s.8 (5)s.8 (5) 0520M 2.o (51)2.5 (64) 85 (322],8s (322\ (7) (4) 22.4 14.0 10.2 10.2 (6) (6) 114 (431)114 (431) (12) (8) 39.5 24.9 (4) (4) 7.7 7.7 0625M (51)(s)2.O 2.5 85 (322)85 (3221 22.4 14.2 (7) (4) 12.3 12.3 (7) (7) 114 (431)114 (431) 3s.8 (12)25.2 (8) s.2 (5)s.2 (5) o775M 2.o (51)2.5 (64) 85 (322)85 (322) 22.6 '14.4 (7) (4) 15.2 15.2 (8) (8) 114 (431)114 (431) 4o.2 (12)25.6 (8) (6) (6) 11.4 11.4 1000M 2.s (64)3.0 (76) 85 (322)85 (322) 14.6 (4)11.3 (3) 20.0 20.o (11) (11) 114 (431)114 (431) 26.'l 18.8 (8) (6) 14.s (8)14.s (8) Note: 1. Pressure dop includes allowance for 30 feet (9.1m) of piping and normal fittings. lf piping is shorter or of larger diameter, pump power may be reduced substantially. Contact Teledyne Laars Representative for assistance. 2. Heaters for soft water application should be equipped with cupronickel heat exchangers. Sofi Water: 0 to 7.5 Grains/gallon Normal Water: 7.5 to 17 Grains/gallon Hard Water: More than 17 Grainsr/gallon Table 5, Pump Requlrements for Mighty Max VW Heaters. Some jurisdictions may require a backflow preventer in the cold water line. In such cases, the temperature and pressure relief valve may discharge water due to expansion. An expansion tank approved for potable water will eliminate this condifion. Follow the manufacturer's inskuctions for installation of the expansion tank. 2H. Venting and Gombustion Air lnformation Provisious for venting and supply of air for venting and combustion must be done in accordance with these instructions and applicable requirements of the latest edition of ANSI Zz23.lll.IFPA 54.ln Canada, installation must be in accordance with CAN/ CGA B149.1 or.2, and applicable local codes. There are a variety ofways to provide venting and combustion air for the VW heater (see Figure 7). The Mighty Max WV heater is certified as a true direct vent unit when installed according to the instructions for horizontal venting and ducted combustion air. This can be done even if the runs are vertical. 21. Top-to-Rear Vent Collar Conversion The Mighty Max WV heater is shipped with the vent collar on top of the heater. Follow this procedure to convert it for rear connection (see Figure 8). 1. Remove the adapter plate from the top panel. 2. On the heater jacket, remove the top panel and ease its lip from under the edge ofthe bonnet to gain access to the flue collector. 3. Remove the vent collar/stack from the flue collector. Do not damase the vent collar/stack during removal. 4. Remove the blank plate from the rear of the heaterjacket. 5. Remove the blank plate from the rear section of the flue collector. Be careful not to lose the insulation attached to the plate. Apply high temperature sealant and install the blank plate (previously removed from the rear section of the flue collector) on top of the flue collector. Install the blank plate (previously removed from the rear ofthe boilerjacket) over the stack opening on the top panel ofthe boiler. 8. Apply high temperature sealant (see Table 6) to vent/collar stack and install on the rear of the flue collector. 9. Slip the adapter plate over the vent collar/stack and install it onto the rear heater jacket (see Figure 8). 2J. Venting Venting must be in accordance with these instructions and applicable requirements of the latest edition of ANS[Z223.LNFPA 54. In Canada, installation must be in accordance with the latest edition of CAN/CGA B149.1 or.2, and applicable local codes. 2J-1. Vertical Venting - Gategory | The Mighty Max WV heater has a "fan-assisted" combustion system, so vertical vents must be installed in accordance with the special code requirements for Category I - Fan-Assisted Appliances. These requirements can be found in the latest edition of ANSI 2223.I/NFPA 54, Appendix G, Table l, and in Canada, CAN/CGA 8149.1 or .2, Amendment No. l. These codes permit installation as a single appliance or in combination with other Category I appliances. However, there arc very important requirements for minirnum and maximum vent diameter and length. Make sure vertically-vented installations comply with these codes. NOTE: If a vent cannot be installed in accordance with the requirements of these codes, it must bc installed as a horizontal vent. even if it is mainlv vertical. 2J-2. Vertical Venting - Non-Gategory | When venting does not meet the code requirements for Category I - Fan-Assisted Vertical Vents, it can develop positive pressure. Such venting must be installed in accordance with this section or Scction 2J-3. The following requirements must be uscd for Non-Category I venting: Teledyne Laars specified vent pipe material (Table 6) and sizes (Table 7). Pipe insulation and sealing tape. 6. 7. l. Term Description Pipe Joint Sealing lnsulation Type 304, Type 316, or294C stainless steel, 24 gauge minimum 3M Type 433 sealing tape with 400'F (204'C) rating or high temperature silicone sealer with 500"F (260'C) rating, Dow No. 736 R5 minimum with protective cover Tablo 6. Required Horlzontal Venting Material. Mighty Max Volume Waterfter I Page 9 Gategory | Vertical Venling (Calegory l) Combuston Air ln Through Louvers For vertically ducted combustlon air:. Combustion air intake must terminate at least 3 feet (0.91m) lower than vent termination. if it is located within a 10 foot (3.O5m) radius.. Combustion air intrake must be at least 1 foot (0.3m) above roof top and normal snow levels. Screen Provided On Vertical lntake Alr Terminal Vertical Venling with Ducted Combustion Air Non-Category | Exhausi Terminal Detail Horizontal Venting Any Vent Whicft Does Not Meet Category | Combustion Air Th@ugh Louvers Horizontal Intake Terminal Detail (Combustion Aio Horizontal Venting Duc'ted Combustion Alr (Certified As Direct Vent) NOTE:A|I views are shorm from rear of heater Side Mew Flgure 7. Venting and Combustlon Alr Options. Page 10 TFTELEDYNE TAABS Blank Plate On Jacket Top Panel Blank Plate On Flue Collector Blank Plate (Heater \Jacket) \ dr 1. Removal of Blank Plate and AdaDter Plale From Heater 3. Blank Plate Placement Over Stack Top Opening Blank Plate (Flue Collector) 2. Removal of Blank Plate From Rear of Flue Collector 4. Connecting Vent Collar/Stack to Flue.Collector N N N N N N N N Figure 8. Top-To-Rear Vent Collar. Heater Size Plpe Dlameter Max Pipe Length Max No. ot Elbours Side Wall Vent Terminal Part Number Side Wall Combustion Alr Terminal Part Numberin.mm ft.m 320M 400M 520M 625M 775M 1000M o I I 9 10 't52 178 203 203 229 254 50 50 50 50 50 50 15 15 15 15 15 15 5 D2004500 D2004600 D2004700 D2004700 D2004800 D2006200 20260701 20?,60702 20260703 20260704 20260705 zuczoYuo IMPORTANI Maximum pipe length allowed is 50 feet (15m), regardless of the number of elbows. Maximum number of elbows allowed is 5. Vent pipe minimum clearance from combuslible surfaces is 6 inches (152mm). Table 7. Vent Plplng Specifications (Combustion Air Exhaust). Mighty Max Volume Water 3. Routing vent pipe through spaces which, except for the terminal, remain above 60'F (16"C) during heater operation. 2J€. Horizontal Venting 'Non-Gategory | When venting is horizontal, or cannot meet tle code requirements for Category I - Blower-Assisted Vertical Vents, it can develop positive pressure and must be installed in accordance with this section. The following requirements must be used for Horizontal Venting - Non-Category I: 1 . Teledyne Laars specified vent piping materials (Table 6) and sizes (Table 7). 2. Teledyne Laars side wall vent hood. 3. Pipe insulation and sealing tape. 4. Routing vent pipe through spaces which, except for the terminal, remain above 60'F (16"C) during heater operation. 2J-,4. Side Wall Vent Terminal The side wall vent hood must be used when the heater is vented through a side wall. It provides a means of installing vent piping through the building wall. and must be located in accordance with ANSI 2223.INFPA 54 and applicable local codes. In Canada the installation must be in accordance with CAN/CGA B1 49.1 or.2 and local applicable codes (see Figure 9). Consider the following when installing the terminal: l. Locate the vent terminal so that it will not be damaged by pedestrians and other traffic, and so the discharge is not objectionable. The National Fuel Gas Code requires a through-wall vent terminal be at least 7 feet (2.lm) above grade if located at a public walkway. 2. Locate the vent terminal so that vent gases cannot be drawn into air conditioning system inlets. The National Fuel Gas Code requires that it be at least 6 feet (1.8m) above any such inlet that is within l0 feet (3m). 3. Locate the vent terminal so that vent gases cannot enter the building through doors, windows, gravity inlets or other openings. The National Fuel Gas Code requires that it be located at least 4 feet (1.2m) below, 4 feet (1.2m) horizontally from, or 3 feet (0.9m) above such openings. 4. Locate the vent terrninal so that it cannot be blocked by snow. The National Fuel Gas code requires that it be at least 12 inches (305mm) above grade, but the installer may determine it should be higher depending on local conditions. 5. Locate the terminal so the vent exhaust does not settle on building surfaces and other nearby objects. Vent products may damage such surfaces or objects. But the actual construction ofthe vent terminal and the flow of vent products must not be altered. 6. Locate the terminal at least 6 feet (1.8m) horizontally from any gas or electric metering, regulating, or relief equipment, or building opening. 2K. Air for Gombustion and Ventilation The heater requires air for combustion and the space around the heater requires ventilation. Combustion air can be provided by standard practices as specified in the installation codes (ANSI 2223.1/ NFPA 54, in Canada, CAN/CGA Bl49.l or.2 and local applicable codes), or ducted directly to the heater. Ventilation air must be provided in either case. 2K-1. Air From Room Standard requirements for providing air for combustion and ventilation are provided by ANSI 2223.1/|IEPA 54 and in Canada by CAN/CGA B149.1 or .2. These codes require passages be provided for air flow into the space where the heater is installed. The size ofthese passages is based on the firing rate ofthe heater and the path of air flow into the space. In general, installations which take air from inside the building require larger passages than those which take air directly through an outside wall. Failure to provide adequate combustion and ventilation air can cause the heater. and other appliances occupying the same space, to operate with dangerous and inefficient combustion, and can cause overheating ofthe space. Be sure to provide air passages in accordance with ANSI Z223.1NFPA 54, in Canada, CAN/CGA Bl49.l or.2 and local applicable codes, and do not pennit any other condition, such as an exhaust blower, to affect the air supply for combustion and ventilation. 2K-2. Ducted Combustion Air Combustion air can be brought directly to the heater through a duct of suitable size and length (see Table 7). Consult Teledyne Laars about installations not covered by Table 7. Combustion air must be taken &om out-of-doors by means of the Teledyne Laars side wall terminal. Locate the terminal within l0 feet (3m) of the heater vent exhaust terminal, but no closer than 3 feet (0.9m) (centerline distance). ,'FTETEDYNE TAARS 4 fr. (1.2 m) Min. 3 n. (0.9 m) Min. Vent Terminal Less Than 10 ft. (3.0 m) 4 ft. (1.2 m) Min. 6 ft. (1.8 m) Min. l2 in. (305mm) Min. Figure 9. Building Extorior, Do not locate the air inlet terminal near a source of corrosive chemical fumes (e.g., cleaning fluid, chlorine compounds, etc.). Locate it so that it will not be subject to damage by accident or vandalism. It must be at least 7 feet (2.lm) above a public walkway Use single-wall galvanized pipe for the combustion air duct. Route the duct to the heater as directly as possible. Seal all joints with tape. Provide adequate hangers. The heater must not support the weight of the combustion air duct. When combustion air is ducted to the heater. other provisions must be made for heater room ventilation. VW heaters lose less than I percent of their input rating to the room, but other heat sources may be present. Provide enough ventilation air to meet comfort specifications. Make sure the ventilation air is not directed at the heater, water piping or other equipment which could be damagcd by freezirll.. 2K-3. Conversion for Ducted Combustion Air The conversion to ducted combustion air requires the parts listed in Table 8. Follow these procedures to convert the heater (see Figure l0): I . Remove the louvered plate fiom the left side of the heater. 2. Remove the adapter plate from the shipping container. 3. Install the blower motor housing collar in gasket. 4. Slip one end ofthe inlet pipe over the collar on the adapter plate. 5. Slide the inlet pipe and adapter plate into the heater opening until the pipe is aligned with the blower motor. 6. Slip the end of the inlet pipe over the blower motor housing collar, 7. Secure the adapter plate to the side ofthe heater with the 4 screws. Mighty Max Volume Water Boiler Size Assembly Number 320 400 520 625 775 1000 2025810',1 20258102 20258103 20258104 20258105 20258106 Table 8. Combustion Air Assembly. o Air Pipe Figure 10. Ducted Combustion Air Conversion. 2K.4. Combustion Air Piping Run piping of the appropriate size between the aA intake terminal and the heater (see Table 7). Table 9 lists the materials for piping the heater. 2L. ElectricalWiring 1[,mnltrHe Electrically ground the heater in accordance with the latest edition of ANSI/NFPA 70. In Canada, use CSA C22.1. Do not rely on the gas or water piping to ground the metal parts of the heater. Often, plastic pipe or dielectric unions isolate the heater electrically. Service and mainlenance personnel who work on or around the heater may be standing on wet floors and could be electrocuted by an un- grounded heater. 1L Check heater wiring and pump for correct vohage, frequency, and phase. Wire the heater and pump exactly as shown in the wiring diagram supplied with the heater (scc Figure ll). Elechically interlock the pump and heater so the heater cannot come on unless the pump is running. Connect all field-installed devices (relays, timers, temperature devices, etc.) to the heater wiring at points labeled "Field Interlock" (see Figure I l). 3. 4. Term Description Pipe Joint Sealing lnsulation Single-wall galvanized steel pipe, 24 gauge minimum. Permanent duct tape or aluminum taoe Not required, but recommend R5 insulation for cold installations (consult American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHME) handbook Table 9. Required Combuslion Air Piping Material. liEg ciozz EA se =9Bi3.6()OaEs56e H66lu il3 Yz.^GZE;-'Ei< ^<-=! ultlu-z3ooo5o olllNa, tzo ul.JzulE!llrulE t! 6 ulI Eo o t* lltN (\lP ul 6 t!No *E,FEEE UJtPd 3A FG =utUJ ujt EO<dd.j-uzg8 FJ or- 2EEb5e9Z68 t=Ed Y@> @ 3l Itl Er HI - o ulBo IN rE re = uJ.L4Edooz;oaoONJ =#ut5o<>2.U' C;2.8Y6ES1o #(,H E @=o =E(,so (:,zE = I i=eriEcs$gninrllfii EoJoo Figure 11. Wiring Diagram. Mighty Max Volume Water SECTION 3. Operation Awantttc Do not use this appliance if any part has been under water. lmmediately call a qualified service technician to replace the appliance. 3A. Start Up Requirements Lighting: Safe lighting and other perfonnance criteria were met with the gas manifold and conhol assembly provided on the boiler when it underwent tests specified in ANSI Z2l.lO3 Standard. Before placing the heater in operation, check the automatic safety shutoff devices. Once the heater is connected to the gas piping and after all of the requirements in Section 2 have been met, follow this procedure: 1. Before beginning the tests, make sure the main manual gas valve, and any other boiler firing valves, are in the OFF position. NOTE: The gas valve is turned offas follows: . Size 775/1000 Valve is OFF when handle is at right angle to gas pipe. Tum clockwise to OFF and Press in gas control knob slightly and turn clockwise to OFF. Knob cannot bc tumed unless it is pushed in slightly. Do not force it. Make sure the power switch on the heater is in the ON position. Reset all safety devices (high limit, pressure switch, Low-Water-Cutofl, etc.). 3. Normal Operating Sequence When the circulation pump is running, the heater will turn itself on and off in response to the water temperature. When the water cools below the set temperature, the following sequence occurs: a. The aquastat powers the ignition control. b. The ignition control tums on the combustion fan. After about a l5 second pre-ipition purge, while the fan clears the combustion chamber, the igniter is tumed on. The igniter takes about 25 seconds to heat up. You can see a glow through thc view port (see Figure l2). NOTE: The manual gas valve must bc ON for the bumer to ignite. This valve is tumed ON as follows: . Size'775llOOO Valve is ON when handle is parallel to as pipe. . Sizes 32O|4OO Tum counterclockwise5201625 to ON. c. When the igniter is hot, the ignition control hrrns on the gas valve and the burner ignites. You can see the burner flame through thc view port (scc Figure 12). d. The heater operates until the aquastat senses that the water is hot enough, and the bumer shuts off. The combustion fan runs for about one minute to blow all combustion products out of the boiler. If the igniter fails to ignite the bumer in stcp 3 (for example, ifthere is air in the gas line), the ignition control shuts offthe gas valve after a few seconds of operation. The purge and ignition sequence is automatically repeated. Ifthere is no ignition in three tries, the ignition control "locks ouf' until the problem is corrected. Contact a qualified service technician. 38. Hi-Limit Checkout After running thc boiler for a long enough pcriod to bring the water temperature within thc range of thc hi-limit, slowly back offthe high limit setting until the boiler shuts off. The main bumers should re-ignite when the hi-limit is tumed back up to its original setting and the hilimit is reset. 3G. Venturiand Gas Pressure Regulator System 3G-1. Overall Operation The gas control system of the Mighty Max heater is similar to that of a carburetor of a gasoline . Sizes 520/625. Sizes 320/400 Front View of Boiler NOTE: Sight glass location may vary. Sight Glass For Flame Observation Figure 12. Periodic Flame Observation. Page 16 a a 'I'TELEDYNE TAABS Equalizer // Tube v Negative Pressure Regulator t1' Figure 13. Typical Venturl System. engine (see Figure l3): a venturi pulls the gas into the combustion air stream. In this system, changes in combustion air flow automatically change the gas flow. The flow of air through the venturi creates a pressure difference. At the narrowest point of the venturi, the throat, high velocity creates a low pressure condition which pulls gas in through an orifice. For a correct gas/air ratio, the gas pressure must be the same as the air pressure, but with a slight negative offsct. A special gas regulator (called a "ncgative pressure regulator") which has an cqualizer tubc connected to the venturi inlet, maintains the rcquired gas pressure. When the system is operating, a combustion fan forces air into the venturi, creating pressure at the inlet. The gas regulator sets gas pressure, and gas is pulled through the orifice. The sizes of the venturi throat and gas orifice are factory set to provide the correct airlgas ratio. 3G-2. Venturi Adjustment The field checkout involves measuring gas and venfuri pressures, and observing the flamc through the sight glass. Ifnecessary, the gas input rate can be measured by timing the gas meter. Use a single, inclined manometer or digital manometer with a 4.0 inch water column range. Install shutoff valves at the gas orifice (regulator outlet) tap (red), at the venturi inlct tap (blue) and at the venturi throat tap (yellow). After installing the shutoff valves, be certain they are closed. Figure 14. Measurement of Venturi Throat Pressure Differentlal. I . With the heater off, connect the positive side of the manometer to the shutoffvalve on the venturi inlet tap (blue). Open the shutoffvalve. Loosen the nut on the blower damper to allow for adjustment. Tum the boiler on so that the blower is running and the heater is not firing. In this unfired condition, adjust the damper until the venturi inlet pressure (blue tap) is 1.2 inches water column. Approximately 40 seconds after the blower starts the gas valves will open. The heater is now firing. If the heater is not running, check all manual gas valves and heater safcty devices. Ensure proper gas supply pressures according to the table in Section 2. Now that the heater is firing, use the blower damper to readjust the venturi inlet pressure according to the installation's altitude in Tablc l0 (+ I .6"w.c. at sea level). 2. J. 4. Elevatlon Ft. Venturi Inlet Pressure (Blue Tap) "WC Hr0" Gas Pressure Offset "wc H,0" Throat Differentlal Pressuro "wc H"0" SEA LEVEL +1.6 +0.4 +2.6 1000 +1.5 +0.4 +2-5 2000 +1.5 +0.4 +2.4 3000 +1.4 +0.4 4000 +1.4 +0.3 +2.2 5000 +1.3 +0.3 +2.2 6000 +1 .3 +0.3 +2.1 7000 +1.2 +0.3 +2.O 8000 +1.2 +0.3 +1.9 9000 +1.1 +0.3 +1.9 10000 +1.1 +0.3 +1.8 Table 10. Venturi Pressure Settings. Mighty Max Volume Water ).Leaving the positive side of the manometer connected to the venturi inlet tap (blue), connect the negative side of the manometer to the shutoff valve on the gas orifice tap (red). Open the shutoff valve to take a pressure reading. This reading is called the gas pressure offset. Using the regulator only, adjust the gas pressure offset according to the installation's altitude in Table 5 (*0.4" w.c. at sea level). REPLACE THE REGU- LATOR CAP BEFORE TAKING GAS PRES- SURE READINGS. Tum the regulator screw clockwise to decrease the gas pressure offset, tum the regulator screw counter-clockwise to incrcase the offset. Using the toggle switch, tum the heater off. Tum the heater back on and check the gas pressure offset after the heater has fired. If the gas offset pressure is not according to Table 10, adjust the regulator as needed. 7. While the heater is still running, close thc shutoff valve on the gas orifice tap (red), then removc the manometer hose from the shutoffvalve. Connect the negative side of the manometer to the shutoff valve on the venturi throat tap (yel- low). This reading is called the venturi throat differential pressurc and should appear according to altitude in Table 10 (+2.6" w.c. at sea level). If it does not appear according to Table 10, contact a qualified service technician. After setting all pressures, turn the heater offand replace each shutoffvalve with the factory installed threaded plugs. The venturi has now been adjusted for proper operation. 3D. To Start Up System (See Section 34' for Startup Requirements) l. Be certain the system pump is running. 2. Set the thermostat or aquastat to its lowest setting. 3. Tum off electric power to the appliance. 4. Remove the control access panel. 5. Turn offthc manual gas valve. 6. Wait five (5) minutes to clear out any gas, then smell for gas, including near the floor. Be sure to smell next to the floor because some gas is heavier than air and will settle on the floor. flCaution This appliance is equipped with an ignition device which automatically lights the burner. Do not try to light the bumer by hand. WHAT TO DO IF YOU SMELL GAS . Do nottryto light any appliance.. Do not touch any electric switch; do not use any phone in your building. ' Immediately call your gas supplier from a neighbor's phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions. lf you don't smell gas, go to the next step. 7. Tum on manual gas valves. 8. Reset all safety devices (manual resets on high limit, low water cutofl etc.). 9. Replace control acccss panel. 10. Tum on all electric power to the boilcr. I l. Set thermostat to desired setting. 12. If the boiler will not operate, follow the instructions to tum off gas to heater and call your service technician or gas supplier. a. Tum offmain elcctrical switch. b. Close all manual gas valvcs. 3D-1. Setting Temperature Controls To set the temperature and highJimit controls:a. Set thc tcmpcraturc controller at the system design temperature.b. For heaters with thc temperature controller bulb at the heater inlct, set the high-limit 40oF to 50'F above temperaturc controller setting.c. For heatcrs with the temperature controller bulb at the heater outlct, set the high-limit 15"F to 25oF above tempcrature controller setting. 3E. To Shut Down System To shut down the boiler. tum offall manual gas valves and elcctrical disconnect switch. SECTION 4 Maintenance 4A. General Instructions l. Oil the water circulating pump in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 2. Oil the blower motor bearings every 6 months. 3. Ifa strainer is used in a pressure reducing valve or in the piping, clean it every 6 months in accordance with the manufacfurer's instructions. At startup and every 6 months after, look at the main burner flame for proper performance. The bumer should not require maintenance in normal operation. If any malfunction indicates that thc 6. 4. 5. 7. 6. bumer needs service (e.g., a flame that is yellow, or entire bumer surface glowing red), call a professional sgryise fsshnician. Flame characteristics may be inspected during the lust 30 seconds after ignition. Characteristics ofa good flame are: a. Blue flame color b. Dark-colored burner surface with occasional glowing fibers on surface. NOTE: After 30 seconds of operation the combustion chamber will heat up and prevent reliable flame observation. Inspect the venting system for blockage, leakage, and corrosion at least once a ycar. Kecp thc heater area clear of combustible material, gasoline, and other flammable liquids and vapors. Be sure all combustion air and ventilation openings are not blocked. After installation and first startup, check the heat exchanger for black carbon soot buildup after the following periods of operation: 24 hows, 7 days, 30 days, 90 days, and once every 6 months thereafter. 48. Heat Exchanger Black carbon soot buildup on the external surfaces of the heat exchanger is caused by one or more of the following: incomplete combustion, combustion air problems, venting problems and heater short cycling. As soon as any buildup is seen, correct the cause of the buildup. Scale can build up on the inner surface ofthe heat exchanger tubes and restrict the water flow. Inspect the heat exchanger in accordance with Section 48-1. If the heat exchanger needs cleaning see Section 4B-2. 4B-1. lnspection of the Heat Exchanger [wannlruo lmproper installation or maintenance can cause nausea or asphyr<iation from carbon monoxide in flue gases which could result in severe injury, property damage, or death. 4B-1a. External Heat Exchanger lnspection Disconnect electrical supply to the heater. Tum off the gas supply by closing thc manual gas valve on the heater. On indoor models, remove the vent pipe, top jacket section, flue collector. 4. On outdoor models. remove outdoor vent terminal, top jacket section, flue collector. 5. After removing the flue collector, inspcct the finned copper tubing using a flashlight. 6. Ifthere is a buildup ofblack carbon soot or other debris on the heat exchanger tubes which may restrict flue g.rs passage, refer to section 4B-2a. 7. Ifthere is no buildup ofblack carbon soot or other debris which may restrict flue gas passage through the heat exchanger, reassemble the heater. 4B-lb. Internal Heat Exchanger Inspection 1. Remove the inlet/outlet header of the heat exchanger. 2. Remove the retum cover ofthe heat exchanger. 3. Inspect the internal surface of the copper tubes for signs ofscale buildup and erosion. 4. Ifbuildup exists clean per 4B-2b. 4B-2a. Cleaning the Heat Exchanger - External NOTE: Thc hcat cxchangers are heavy and may requirc two peoplc to rcmovc to avoid personal injury. 3. l Disconnect the 120 Vac electrical supply to the heater. Tum offthe gas supply by closing the manual gas valve on the heater. Disconnect and remove the wires and conduit from the low water cutoff. Remove the top jacket section, venting and the flue collector as mentioned in Section 4B-l "Inspcction of the Heat Exchanger". Isolate the heat exchanger fiom water supply. Drain the heat exchanger. Disconncct thc flangc and adapter tee from thc hcat cxchangcr inlct and outlet. Remove temperature sensing probes from the inlet/outlet header. Remove the heat exchanqer from the heater. 2. l. z. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. [Caution Black carbon soot buildup on a dirty heat exchanger can be ignited by a random spark or flame. To prevent this from happening, dampen the soot deposits with a wet brush or fine water spray before servicing the heat exchanger. Mighty Max Volume Water 10. Remove the heat baffles from the 6"u1 slsfuanger. I l. Clean the heat exchanger: A light accumulation of soot or corrosion on the outside of the heat elsfoanger c6n be easily removed after the heat baffles are removed. Use a wire brush to remove loose soot and scale from the heat exchanger. Do not use water or compressed air for cleaning. NOTE: While the heat exchanger is out of the heater, inspect the firewall refractory insulation blocks for cracks, wear and breakage. Replace if necessary. 4B-2b, Cleaning the Heat Exchanger - Internal l. Remove the inlet/outlet header of the heat exchanger. 2. Remove the refurn cover of the heat exchanger. 3. Clean the internal surface. (Teledyne Laars offers a tube cleaning kit part number R0010000.) 4. Reassemble in the reverse order. 4C. Gas and Electric Gontrols Thc gas and electric controls on the heaters are designed for both dependable operation and long life. Safe operation of the heater depends on their proper functioning. A professional service technician should check thc following basic items every year, and rcplacc when necessary. NOTE: The warranty does not cover damage caused by lack of required maintenance or improper operating practices. I . Water temperature controls. 2. Ignition control system. 3. Automatic electric gas valve(s). 4. Flow sensing safety devicc. 5. Low water cutoffs, including flushing or float types. (Every six months). Other maintenance requirements include: l. Periodic cleaning of filters, when supplied. 2. Lubrication of moving parts (when applicable), with the correct type and amount of lubricant. 3. Pcriodic examination of the venting system. 4. Periodic cleaning of vent terminal screens, where applicable. 5. Cleaning flue gas passageways. SECTION 5 Troubleshooting 5A. Sequence of Operation To troubleshoot the heater properly you must first understand the sequence of operation of the heater: l.Upon a call for heat a 24 Yac signal is sent through fusiblc links and high limit(s) to the ignition control "TH" terminal. The "IND" terminal of the ignition control is cnergized for a 15 second pre-ignition purge period during which the combustion blower purges the combustion chamber. After the purge period there is a 20 to 35 second igniter heat up period. The glow ofthe igniter can be seen through the heater sight glass. Thcn there is a seven second trial for ignition. During this time the gas valves are energized and the main bumer ignites. The gas valves will remain energized throughout the call for hcat as long as the ignition control igniter senscs a stable flame. 3. 5. After the call for heat is satisfied the ignition control closes the gas valves and operatc the blower for a thirty (30) second post purge cycle. This clears the combustion chamber of combustion products. The ignition is attempted thrce times. If ignition is not successful, the control shuts down and "locks out". It remains in the lockout condition until the heater is turned offthen back on or 120 Vac power to the heater is intemrpted. 58. Venturiand Gas Pressure Regulator System Field Checkout See Section 38 "Venturi and Gas Pressure Regulator System" for proper setup procedure. 5C. Electrical Components This section describes guidelines for checking the operation of electrical components installed on the heater. Refer to the wiring diagram for correct connection locations. 5C-1. General Troubleshooting This section describes guidelines for checking the electrical components of the heater. Experience has shown that most complaints about heaters failing to 2. 4. 1. Check low water cutofi 2. Check power supply 3. Check transformer Check fuse NOTE: Blown fuse may be a sign of a short. DO NOT BYPASS. 24V at N.Ol Terminal of temperature 1 . Check for a call for heat 2. Check temperature control 1. Check tusible links 2. Check manual reset hi-limit 3. Check auto reset hi-limit 1. Check igniter wiring 2. Check igniter resistance 24 Vac at gas valve? 1. Check blocked vent switch 2. Check venturi oressure switch 3. Check burner temoerature switch 4. Check flow switch 1. Check gas to unit 2. Check that gas cock is on 3. Replace the gas valve YES NOTE: These safeties must be tested during the 7 second trial for ignition period only. YES Figure 15. Troubleshooting Chart. Max Volume Water fire have nothing to do with the heater itself. Usually, one of the protective switches in the heater system has shut down operation. Any of the following can prevent proper operation. Check these items first: l. Be sure the heater has been properly installed (see Section 2). 2. Make sure the pump is not airlocked, clogged or otherwise inoperative. 3. Make sure the gas valve is on and there is sufficient gas pressure in the line. All extemal gas valves must be open. AGaution The ignition control and igniter operate on 120V power. Keep this in mind while servicing the heater, and take care to avoid electrical shock. VeriS that the elecrical circuit serving the boiler is ON Make sure the toggle switch on the right side of the boiler is ON. 6. Check the fuse inside the black. twistlock fuse holder. If it is bumed, replace it with a 2-amp tuse (part number 80084400). 7. With the power offinspect all electrical connections and wiring. Finding a loose connection or charred wire can save a lot of time and money. 8. Make sure the temperature controller is set high enough to call for heat. 9. Make sure none of the manual reset conhols, i.e., low water cutoff, high limit, etc., have tripped. Reset any tripped switches If the pump is circulating water and the foregoing items check out okay, the trouble may be in the boiler control system. IMPORTANT: Disconnect power to the heater before removing or replacing any component or wire connection. If the power is not disconnected, 'Jumping" the gas valve or accidentally grounding the wire hamess or component terminals to the heater frame or j acket could cause the ignition control fuse to blow. 5C-2. Electrical Troubleshooting Troubleshooting procedures should only be performed by professional service technicians quali- fied in heater maintenance. Some electrical components are wired in parallel, so it is necessary to troubleshoot in the order that they appear on the wiring diagram or the troubleshooting flow chart (see Figure l5). The following steps should be used when noubleshooting the heater: l. Remove the lower front panel (see Figure 16). 2. Tum the manual gas valve on the heater off. 3. Ifthe heater has locked out tum the togglc switch offfor 5 seconds then back on to reset the heater. 4. Usethe troubleshooting flowchart (Figure l5)to determine what components and wiring should be tested first. Test each component by checking for 24 Yac or 120 Yzc entering and exiting the device. Ifthere is voltage entering the safety device, but none leaving then there is an open circuit and it must be determined why it is open. When testing components between "MVl" of the ignition control and the gas valve install a meter and let the heater cycle through one complete sequence of operation. During the sequence of operation these safeties will only be energized for the seven second trial for ignition. Tum the manual gas valve on the heater on and fire the heater. AGaution Label all wires prior to disconnection when servicing controls. Wiring errors can cause improper and dangerous operation. Verify proper operation after servicing. Figure 16. Lower Front Panel Removal. f- 4. 5.6. Front Vlew \ \\o MewRight Side Mighty Max Volume Water t- i- l- t- s- l- s- Rear View Front View Left Side View Right Side View Page 24 SEGTION 6 Parts List for Mighty Max \Ml Heater 6A. General lnformation To order or purchase parts for the Teledlme Laars Mighty Max VW heater, contact your nearest Teledyne Laars contractor or distributor. Ifthey cannot supply you with what you need, contact the Customer Service Department, Teledyne Laars, 6000 Condor Drive, Moorpark, Califomia, 93021, Telephone (805) 529-2000, or 20 Industrial Way, Rochester, New Hampshire, O3867, Telephone (603) 335-6300. In Canada, contact the Customer Service Department, Teledyne Laars, 480 S. Service Road, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6K2H4, Telephone (905) 844-8233. Item Descrlptlon Part Number Base Assembly320M................ 20157801400M................ 20157802520M................ 20157803625M................ 20157804775M................ 201578051000M.............. 20157806 Bumer and Bumer Plenum Weldment320M................ 20157901400M................ 20157902520M................ 20157903625M................ 20157904775M................ 201579051000M.............. 20157906 Venturi Assembly320M................ 20158601400M................ 20158602520M................ 20158603625M................ 20158604775M................ 201586051000M.............. 20266400 Combustion Chamber Weldment320M................ 20159101400M................ 20159102520M................ 20159103625M................ 20159104775M................ 20'1591051000M.............. 20159106 Gas Train Assembly320M................ 20254901400M................ 20254902 520M, 625M ............20260100 (U.S.) 20260101 (Canada) 775M................ .......20260200 (u.s.) 20260201 (Canada) 1000M.............. .......20265600 (U.S.) 20265601 (Canada) ?I'TELEDYNE TAARS Item Description Part Number Gas Valve320M.425M...... ................ V2003900 520M. 625M...... ................ V2003700 775M. 1000M.... ................ V0046700 Pressure Regulator 520M. 625M...... ................ V2003800 775M. 1000M.... ................V2003600 Orifice Holder320M.400M...... P2017500 520M, 625M ...... ................P20't7700 775M ................. ................ P20185001000M............... P2022200 Motor, Blower 320M thru 520M Nat. & Prop. Gas ............. A2088100 625M, 775M Nat. & Prop. Gas ................... M087500 1000M Nat. & Prooane Gas ....................... A2003900 Electrical Controls High limit Control .............. ... E0015900 Toggle Switch E0109200 lndicator Light .................. .... E0071300 Fusible Link E0099403Transformer...... E0086100 Fuse Holder...... E2000300 Fuse, 2 Amp ........................ E2043600 Flow Switch....... E0013000 Bumer Temperature Switch . E2076100 Low Water Cutofi................ . E2075100 Pump Tlme Delay ................ E20777008. Sight Glass F00448009. lgniter, Hot Surface............. W0038001 10. Gasket, lgniter Hot Surface ............. 20409800 11. Control, Remote lgnition. ..... E2101300 12. Control, Temperature ..... ......E21O140O 13. Display, Temperature..... ...... E2101600 14. Heat Exchanger Assy., 2 pass, Copper Tubes520M,................ 20256003625M................. 20256004775M....,............ 202560051000M............... 20256006 Heat Exchanger Assy., 2 pass, Cupronickel tubes520M................. 20104603625M................. 20104604775M................. 201046051000M............... 20104606 15. Heat Exchanger Assy., 4 pass, Copper Tubes 320M................. 20259601400M................. 20259602 Heat Exchanger Assy., 4 pass, Cupronickel tubes320M................. 20104701400M................. 20104702 16. Cover, Machined In/Out ................ 20150200 17. Plate, Mach. Adapter320M,400M 20150302 520M,625M, 775M................ 201503061000M............... 20150307 6. 7. 1. 3. 4. Max Volume Water Item Descrlption 18. Flange, Machined320M,400M..... 20255400 520M,625m, 775M................. 20255401 1000M.............. 10391304 19. Cover, Machined Rear.................. 20150100 20. Pressure Switch, Differential 32G.77 5........... E01 1 5200 Pressure Switch. Difierential 1000 ................ E0161400 21. Flue Collector Assembly (with gaskets) 320M................ 20155401 400M................ 20155402 520M................ 20155403 625M................ 20155404 775M................ 20155405 1000M............... 20155406 22. Jacket Assembly (Not Shown) 320M................ 20255201400M................ 20255202 520M..............., 20255203 625M................ 20255204 775M................ 20255205't000M............... 20255206 23. Covering Plate (side)....... .... 20256500 24. Collar. Jacket 320-775. ........ 20258300 Collar, Jacket 1000 .................. 20266300 25. Bonnet320M................ 20156801 400M................ 20156802 520M.......,........ 20156803 625M................ 20156804 775M................ 20156805 1000M............... 20156806 26. Panel Top,320M................ 20157501 400M................ 20157502 520M................ 20157503 625M................ 20157504775M................ 201575051000M.............. 20157506 27. Panel, Top Side, Left ................... 20152800 28. Panel, Side, Left 2O1527Oo 29. Panel, Boftom Side, Left ................................ 201 52900 30. Panel. Access 320M................ 2015740'l 400M................ 20157402 520M................ 20157403 625M................ 20'157404 775M................ 201574051000M............... 20157406 Part Number llsm Doscription Part Number 3'1. Panel, Back320M................. 20157201 400M................ 20'157202 520M................. 20'157203 625M................ 20157204 775M................. 20157205 1000M............... 20157206 32. Plate, Blank (back) 320M................. 20256201 400M................ 20256202 520M,625M 20256203 775M................. 20256204 1000M............... 20256205 33. Panel, Side, Ri9ht........ ........20157100 34. Panel, Top Side, Right ................. 20157000 35. Panel, Boftom Side, Right ............................. 201 56900 36. Blocked Vent Safety Switch ........................... E21 03000 37. Cover Plate For Gas Conn.320M.400M...... 20262701 520M. 625M...... 20262702 775M. 1000M... 20262703 38. Tile Assembly 39. 41. -.- Teledyne laars Warranty Mighty Max Volume Water Heater This Teledyne Laars product is backed by this warranty to assure your complete satisfaction. 1 . Controls, pump (when provided), combustion blower, and refractory tiles are wananted against defects in materials and workmanship for one (1) year from date of purchase. 2. Copperand cupronickel heat exchangertubes are warranted against defects in material, workmanship, and thermal shock for five (5) years from date of purchase. 3. Allother parts are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship forfive (5)years from date of purchase. The above wananiy applies only if the installation and For warranty replacement, ship inoperative parts with serial operating instructions applicable to the model purchased number and purchase date, transportation prepaid, directly to are expressly and completely followed. These instructions address belowto the attention ofthe CustomerService Manager. are furnished with the unit and are alsoavailable bywriting This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You mayalso have or calling Teledyne Laars. The liability of Teledyne Laars other rights which vary from slate to state and by province. shall not exceed the repair or replacement of defective Some states and provinces do not allow the exclusion or parts, and shall not include transportation to or from limitation of incidental or consequentialdamages, so the above factory, field labor, or any consequential or incidantal limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. damaoe. ffi @ 6000 Condor Drive, Moorpark, CA 93021 . 20 Industrial Way, Rochester, NH 03867 , 480 S. Service Road West, Oakville, Ontario, Canada LOK 2H4. TFTELEDYNE LAARS An Aregneny iereoyne compony O 805.529.2000 FAX 805.529-5934 603.335.6300 FAX 603.335-3355 905.844.8233 FAX 905.844-2635 Lnho in U.S.A. @Teledvne Laars 9704@ Pr'int"a on necvcbo e"p". F{EF,T 1 31 lor* oF vRrL, .EL'RAD'PA6E 9 AREAI JRA3/e4/ 1999 €rgr15 REtrUESTS - INSPECTN IIBRK SHEETS FORI 3/?4/1999 ilctivityr S9g-t1e51 3/?4/19 Type: A-COI4M Sbatuer ISSUED Constrt ACOM Address; 174 6ORE CREEK DRl-ocabion: I74 GORE CREEK DR (LODEE RT [-'arce 1 : €10t1-O8?-el-fioBDesr:i'iption: trONVERT CONFERENCE ,IREA TO Applicant: HYDER CONSTRUCTION, INU Owner: L0DGE tc VAILConLi'actor: I-IYDER COhISTRUCTIONT INC VAIL) Occ: Rl4 ADA HOTEL ROOMS UEp: II FR Frhone r 3O38P51313 F,hone : 3tl3-476-50t1 1Fhone: 3O3S851313 t ion Request Informat ion. estor r John/Hider Eon st, Aet i on I ri s pec Reqr-t heq Items t-tt,54fr 'f ime r tZt6: tZrE Eomments r tli I I Fhone: 3S3-lO7*'4845 ill call abot.tt 9am Eomr ent s roRRrDoR AND BETWEEnT $rTeI-IOTEL LOBEV Actionr DN Time Exp Inspec Ib ItIt tion Hisboi'y.....em: OOOJTI HL-D6-Fjraning 11,/11/96 Inspector: GRG em: tZtOtZrSO BLIIF-.InsuIat iorr en: tZt€t06O FLDG-Sheetrock Nai 1 tt/ L9/98 Inspector': CD Item; @AA7A BLD6;Mise. lEt/gJl9S Ins.,!ectur: QRl Nobes: IrF'FROVED P LAYERS ntr INSIDE OF SOUTH Ef,ST UNDER UNITS ANI)Itemr rZrErZr9O BLDGItr.nr ${'EJA BLDG Final i'eqr-rest ed to be Inspeeted ETLDG-FirraI CiE erl p. C/QlPriiEl98 In eet or: GRE lten: 9tO531 FIRE-TEMP. C/Q LE/?A/9A InBpector: 46O Iten r AB53e trlr-TElrlF. CltJItenr OO533 FLtrN-"tEMF. C/0 I bEM: QIIZI537 F'LRN*FINAL C/OItenr SA53B FIRE-FINAL C./OItenr OO539 trhl-FINAL C/OItem: oo54o'BLDG-Final c/O t+g:--trF$--= - Ae L' i .rr:--Dtrl- - an.IU5-1-nflnE-CLOSEES" -t4-LSll -- -llrlotes: lti0T REFi tJR IUO, FIRH DEFT RElURhlIhlG l4ED le/eJ F l:BtZt TEST F I RE ALARM SYSTEM. pLEfrSE CfiLL & RESCI{EDULE BLDG TC I4INUTE DOORS TO STORREE AREAS TO l-HR. trCC SEF' DOORS. REVERSE SI.IING OF DOOR FRBM LOBBY TO SWING IN DIRECTIOI'I OF EXIT TRAVEL FOR PBTENTIALLY DISRBLED ECCUPRNTS OF THE 4 GUEST ROOMS. ALL TO BE DONI.I I4ITHIN 3A DAYS BY I/?4/ CIIMF.LETE EXTERIOR DEtrKS RND IJERMNNENT EXTERIOR STRI EXIT CT]RRIDOR IN SF,RIN6, Ftct i on: AtrFR pending door sw! o REF.T I J T TOWN trF VAIL, COLSRADO F.AGE B AREA: JRa3/t4/1999 rzr9:15 REUUESTS - INSF,ECTN WORK SHEETS FOR:5/34/t999 gctiviby: ltl?S-OEE9 5/E4/19 Type: F*MECH Status: ISSUED Constr": ffAFT. Addresst 174 6ORE CREET( DF{Location: L74 E 6ORE CREEK[-,arce1: Eltltl-tlBe-f f .-AAra Desr-'ri;rtionr ADD BASE SuAl{D HEAT Appl ieant : RttSINSON |,IECHANICALftwnei.: LtrDGE Li VAIL Con blact or': ROBINSON ITIECHANICFIL Occ: AIID VENTILATIi]N TD RBOMS Use ! EO14F,ANY C6MPANY Fhone:978-949-Oi59 F,lrone ; 31213-476-301 I F,hone : 97tZt*949-Et5? Lor:k s, Holds, and Notiees. FICTIV] TYNotice: SLOf *€1 Inspect i on Reqr.rest Inf ormat i on, . . , Rer: ue st ol^: John/Hider Consb. Req Time: 0tB: OO Conment s I t"lil l Items reqr-leEted to be Inspected.., AflEUt' ltlEtrH-Rough ratAS9O f'tECH-Finel Fhone: cell/he will call at ffct i on Co mn ent s 303-go7*4845 9an Time Exp Inspection Itemr Item: ItemrIten! Item: Jt em :Item: lteml ltem: History..... tatzrgBo FlEtrH-Ror.rgh @OEE5 FIRE_SF.RINKLER ROUGH 6Oe4O F,Li4B -Gas F i pi ng ooSler MECH-Heating etOSgB ilECH-ExhaLrst Hoodsgr0330 MECH-E;upply Flir la0S4el HECH-ltli sc. Oe39@ MECH-Final OO53S FIRE_FINAL C/Q ,l l I _l \. t REFl131 TOWN CtF VAIL, COLORAIIO r.AGE 7 AREff: JR@3/e4/ 1999 E9:15 REtrUESTS - INSFECTN t gR!( SI-iEETS FORI 3/?4/'1999 Jlcbivity: F,98*tZt16L 5/:E4/19 Type: B-trLl4B Statr-rs: ISSUED Constr'; NfltrT Addr*ess z t74 GORE CREEI( DR Locabion: 174 GgR ECREEK DR (LODGE AT VAIL) F6r.cel l 31O1*€rBe-el-AOUr 6cc; Deseriub ion: FLUFIBING FOR ADDITIONAL 4 NEl.l ROOMS Use: Aprpl ieant ; TOTAL F'I-UMBING Owner.: LODEE Li' VAIL []oriLr"actcl]' : TOTRL FLUMBING Fhane t 3oE94?:-A7?7 Fhone: 3tD3-476-5tll f Fhone: 3O3948-O787 Irspection Request Information... Req r-re st or : John/Hiden Const. Req 1"irne; rZtS:OO Commentsr l.li I I Iterns reqr-rest ed to be Inspected.. rzrrTli::"o F,LMB-F' i na I ;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;. . . . . --- cal l- Act Flione: lI c.a11 at nrments 3|a3-eO7-4445 9am Time Exp ltem:Iten: lLern; Itemr Itemlltem! I t em !Item! S0elO F,LMB-undeFgPoLrnd ETAEEE F,LlrlB-.Ror_rgfr/D. tl. V. LL/ L3/9A Inspectort ART OOEES FIRE-SF.RINKLER ROU6H OBESqt F LMB-Rough/l.lat er' IL/Ls/gA Inspector: trRT AAZ40 FLlrlB-Gas F,ipinggOe5,A trL-MB-F,oo I /Hot Tub A9.?68 trLMB-Misc. OO?9O trLftlB-Final L?/ tA/gA Inspector: JRM lg/el/9A Inspector: GRG ffct i on : Af-'F R Aetionr RFFR Water head on sys. BK Aetive with bldg sys. Actionl DNFction: DN NOT READY NU IIRTER SUFFLY TO fST.. - - -Y : . .-[gnffi;T":Hff11,Ig*iEHfih-iUfllb:1Hl,Eilgi"1lL$Hl"- PLRS] IC TENT I Itenr 6638S FIRE-FINAL C/0 lEZliii:::=:3:::=:::::::llili:ii:!:l!h:i!EEi!l::*r:*:::*===-==:!!l!=::-l Activity: M99-O64O 6/ ?/Lq Type: B-f'lEtrH 9tatus: IS€IUED Conetrr flEOM Address t L74 GORE CREEK DRLocetionr LODGE AT VAIL MECHANICAL ROOM Farcel : glOl-raBe-ef -AOO Occ:Uce rDescriptionr REF,LACE 4 HOT WRTER HERTERS H/BOILERS AND TflNKSApplicant: MID VALLEY SERVICE$' INtr. trhonet 970-949-4?4fi Ownerr LUDGE tr UAIL Phonet 3O3-476-5011 Contracton: llID VALLEY SERUICEST INtr. Fhoner 97O-949-4P4O Inspect ion Reqt-teetRequestot': JERRY Req T i ne: O8: tl0 It ens requested to 'z'oeqro FIECH-Ro r-r gh Inforrnation.... Comment g: l.lILLbe Inspeeted... Fhone r CALL F.LEASE REOUEST Act i on Connent s 445-4e4ra trHARLIE Tine Exp fl'to€40 FLHB-Eias Piping tataslrzl MECI{-Heat ins Inspect ion Item r Item: Item: Item: Itenr: Item: Item l Item: Item: Histor'y,.... 'a'agcro f'IECH-Ronqh OAPSS FIRE_SF.RINKLER ROU6H euAe4rzr F,LlvlB-Gas F,i pi ng c'rzr31o I'lECH-t{eat in g ErUtSgtZt l'lEtrH-Exhar-rst Hoods BOI33O MECI{-Sr-rppl y Air' eila34a MECH-i4i sc. 6A39rZr MEtrll-Final OS538 FIRE-FINAL tr/O Rnc* kc P+rcrP{nctil9 Sr,.reU Oc(.rQruc/ SeAeefzzovs trAGE 1O AREAc CD I! I REtrTI31 @6/6?/1999 OBrPI a/ 1999 Activity; tr99-BO3P 6/ el19 Typer B-trLMB Status: ISSUED Constrr Rddress z 174 6tlRE trREEK DRLocation: LODEE ffT VRIL FIECHANItrAL ROOM Fancel: €1O1-OEZ-?L-0QA Oecr UEe! Degcr"iationr EXCAHNGING HUTWATER HEATERS FOR STORAEE TANKS Applicantr MID VALLEY SERVItrES' INC. Fhonez 976-949-4?4O Ownerl LtlDGE B VAIL Fhone I 3tl3-476-5811 Contrac'tor'r MID VALLEY SERVICES' INC. Fhone I 97O-949-4E4tZt AtrOl'l Inspection Request Infor nation.... Request or r JERRY Req Time: @8rOO Comnentg: WILLItems requested to be Inspected... OC'E3O F LMB-Ror-r gh /t^lat er' lzlutggo F,LMB-F i na I Fhone r CALL REOUEST CHNRLIE Act ion Comment s 945-4e4gl FILEASE Tine Exp Inspection History. . ... en r OO€1O FLMB-UndergroLrnd ernr OOPEO trLMB-Rouqh/D, br. U. em: II\EI€Es FIRE-SPRINKLER ROUGH enr I tZlOPStZt FLItlB-Ror-rgh/t"lat er. eml O0IE4O trLl'lB-Gas Fiping en ; OOESO FLMB-F'oo I /Hot Tttb em: OOE6ti FLMB-tYli sc. em: rlraE913 F,LMB-Final en: EtO538 FIRE-FINAL C/O ItIt T+ ItItItItItIt DEPARTMEIflT OF COMMUNITY DEVELO /oB, ,g/'K t **{(vt'rtyn r ' ,tr 'r nF, VAfLr75 S. FRONTAGE ROADitAlrr, co 8t657 t 70-479-2L38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Permit #: 898 -O25I ilob Address:tocation-..:Parcel No..:Project, No.: 174 GORE CREEK DR174 GORE CREEK DR2t0L-082-21-000 PR,l98 - 0188 St,atus...: ISSIIED (I-,ODGE App1ied. . : 08/31-/L998Issued...z 1o/L4/1998 E>cpi-res. . : 04/t2/L999 APPLICANT ITYDER CONSTRU TTON, INC ]-O2O I{EST 1ST AVENT'E, DENYER CO coNfRAcToR HYDER CONSTRUCTTON, rNC 1020 WEST 1ST AVENIE, DENVER CO OWNER LODGE @ VAII, 174 GORE CREEK DR, VAIL, CO 91557 DericripE,ion: CJI,IVERT CONFERENCE AREA TO 4 ADA HOTEIJ ROOMS Occupancy: R]- Multi-FamilyIlpe Const,ruction: II FR .I:pe If FireTl|pe Occupancy: R]- Not in t,able! ValuaEion: 700,000 80223 80223 Phone: 303825131-3 Phone: 3038251313 Phone: 303 -476-501-L Building-----> Pl,an ch.ck- - - > Inl.cstigation> will call----> t,14O.00 2, 041- oO .00 3 .00 R6stuarqnt Plan R.vLcir- -> DRB Fee-------- RacrctEion Fec----------> clcan-Up Dspo6i!- - -- -- -- > totsal calculated Fea6- - - > Addicional Fee6----- ----> Total Pcrltit Fee------- -> Pqtnentg--_--- - .oo 400.00 .00 750 ,00 6,334 . 00 6,334.00 6,334.00 Itsem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENIO8/3I/L998 iIRM ACIiON: NOTE PI.ANS TOL0'/05/L998 GGOODELIJ Action: APPRIEEM: .O54OO PLANNING DEPARTMENToe/3L/.1998 JRM AcLion: NOTE PLANS TO09/0L/L998 DOMINIC Action: APPRIICM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTT'IENT0813L11998 JRM Act,ion: NOTE PLANS To 9?/03/\29_8_ MIKE M Action: APPR appvd asIt,em: 05500 PI]BEIC WORKS Division: TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up De approved ResistiveamOUnt date Add Sq Ft.:2435 Fireplac6 Infoldatsion: R€stlict6d!*Of Oa6 Appllanc.s:*of oe6 Loge:*of wood/Pa1let: TOTAIT FEES----- 6.334.00 BALANCE DUE---- .Oot***frJ****rt*rt*i**ra*a*r***ttt***t**a****tnJ*t**lta*ri**tl ***tr{r*tt*i*** * t t * i t * I * * r * } r t t t t + * * r * * } Dept.: BUILDING Division: GARY Dept: PI,ANNING Division: PI,ANNER DEPE: FIREFIREnotedDepL: PIIB WORK Division: ***tir**rrr*rlr ... *r * * * rr. ++ r r **ll r* r ** ** * * * * * See Page 2 of this Document, for any conditions that may apply to this permiE. DECLARATIONS I ltirc!'/ BcknovrlGdga that I have read lhLs appl,ication, flll.d out in full the Lnforrration reguireil, corlplcted an accuraLe plot pl,an, and 6caEe lhats .11 lhe infortnatsion provided 16 rcquiled is colrect. I agree to codply eith thc infomarLon and ploe plan, to conply !.ibh r11 Town ordinanceg and 6Eat'6 ISHE, and to bultd t'hl-e stluctule accordlng Lo Ehc Tonn'6 zonlng and €ubdiviaion codqa, alcsign rcvie* approved, Uniform Builatlng code end other ordLnanccg of th. Torn apltlicable chcr.to, /s,/ Refund rwENrY-FouR HouRs rN ADVAN.B BY * rrrux REQUESIS fOR INSPECaIONS SHAIJL BE IIADE :t****************************************************!t************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 898-0251 as of L0/L4/9g Sr.aEus: ISSUED:r******************************************************************************* s.nd clcrn-ttr D€po.lr To! EyDER I Permit T!pe: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD pERr,{T Applicant: HYDER CONSTRUqTTON, INC 3 03 82 513r.3 .fob Address:tocation: 174 GORE CREEK DR (LODGE AT VAIL)Parcel No: 210L-082-21-000 srol.IATuRB o"]" oR co*,RAcroR FoR HrMsEr,F AND owNBR Applied: 08/3L/L998Issued: LO/L4/L998To Expire:. 04/12/L999 Descript,ion: COM/ERT CONFBRENCE AREA TO 4 ADA HOTEI., ROOMS Conditions:1. FIFS DEPARTMENT APPROVAI_, IS REQUTRED BEFORE AI{r WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.3. 1- Submit fire sprinkler plans.2. Submit f ire alarm pJ-ans.3. Storage rooms on opposite side of corridor wa1l need abatement, -4. I'DESTGN-BUILD PROJEE| . '' DETAII.,S ON INITIAL PLANS SI]BMITTAL ARE NOT COMPLETE. ALL CONSTRUCTION MUST MEET MINIMI]M REQUTREMENTS OF 1991 tBC.5. V'IALL AT{D ANY OPENINGS BETWEEN NEW I-HOUR EXIT CORRIDOR AND EXISTING STORAGE AREA MUST PROVIDE SAFE FIRE SEPARATION BETWEEN THB 2 AREAS & IS SI'BiTECT TO APPROVAT BY TIIE FIRE MARSITAL & THE BUILDING OFFICIAL. Ur irra rrr !t tt 'r rrii i r r *t tr t * a ** lJ t I t To|{N OP VAIL, COLORADO gEre.nnc *rrrirfr rr**rtttt*trttr.r*rtr*tt!r **!rrr r at**rt t t*r*rtttt*r t+trt.rtr* gEaL€UnE lfuEb.r: RIC-0463 luounE: 6,314.00 loi/1{/98 08t46 Pal lenC t{cEhod: CK Noettlon: 31a20 fnl,E; t<if Pe!.dit. No: Bta-o251 Tlpe: A-COuu rDD/.eIrT COMtt BgIfrD p Parcel Nor 2101-082-21-000 Site Add!6ss: 174 GORE CRBEK DR I,ocaeI,on: 1?4 GORE CRBEK DR (I,oDGE AT VAII,) Totel F..6: 6,33{,00 Thi! Paytlent. 51314.00 Tot.l ALL P[t.: r t* *aJ**i**r**r, **rrr**r***.rrnti **r*|ttttt*ttt t r*t**tttt*rr+ rr t**r AccounB codc De6cript.ion Ballnca I 6,334.0O .Luount 3, 1{0. 00 380.00 2.0{1.00 750,00 3.00 BP OOIOOOO31111OO BUILDTNG PERIITT FEES DR OO1OOOO3I122OO DESIGN REVIEI{ FEES ' I ^,'o'13:.1,?30O PI,}II C'IECK PBES AD D2-DEPO8 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 9{C 00100003112600 t{rl,r. cALr, INSpEcIIoN FEE '1t4*irr c t Eagle County Asse-ssors office ff,,if.3Jol328-8 640 f or parcell'ggilr?i_xl$irsiili3$'F3tl l1 -;- DA*Eza.RZ-?F APPLICATION MUST BE FILTED t1-aritaing t 1-rlunrbing [ ]-Electrica1 t Job Narne:Job Address: Legal- Description: Lot Block Filing owners Narne; V /+ Address: Architect:Address: ceneral Description: Address: PTUMBING PERMTT FEE! MECIIANICAL PERMI? FEE: EIJECTRICAL FEE I O?HER TYPE OF FEE:flDll FFF. lttrD\f YT t^ --' I** ** * * **** * * !t*** * * * rt *** * *,i I -Mechani-cal I J -other :-.._-. 1 Nurnber of Dwelli.ig'Units; 4 Nunber of Accommodation Units: : -;INlnber and TvDe of FirepJ-aces: Gas Applrances- Gas Logs_ wood/per].et [* * * * * * * * ** * * * * * *. -. ;: :;. :;;-:.. vALUArroN" ..;.:...::::;-:- ;::-" - :- ;'l llrcrnrcal: $otnfn: $uncgeNICAL: *TOTAL: $ CTOR TNFORMATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Town of vail Reg. No. ffno". Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Sown of VailPhone Nurnber: Reg. No. .PLurnbing Contractor:Reg. NO.Addresi: MechanicaL Contractor.: work class:- [ ]-New f'T4tteration [ ]-Addrtional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Electrical Contractor: Address: Town of VaiL Req. NO.Phone Nurnber: . - FOR OFFICE USE rt***rrr*********rr**** *:r.*******:r**BUILDING PIJAN CHECK FEE:PLWBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:MEC}IANTCATJ PI,AN CHECK FEE:RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: ?OTAL PERT.IIT FEES: BUILDINGz i_?oo K Pr,uMBrNG t T-.....-.--..,.gv 4Uf ***** **** ************ * tr tenerat contractor: ,*,Address: VALUATION BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNArURE: I]P DEP.OSIT TOV.C O [iliI'4, DEV. DEPT. "l r TOWN OF VAII,75 S- FRO} TAGE ROAD VAII-, ' CO 8L657 97o_4.7a_)138 DEPARTT4EIfT OF COMMUNITY PMENT NOTE: THfS PERi'iiT MUST BE POortiD ON JOBSIIE AT A;L TIMES Permit #: o DEVELO ELECTRICAL PERMIT 'fOb AddTCSS: 174 GORE CREEK DR LOCATiON. ..: !74 GORE CREEK DRParcel No.. : zl..0l-082-21-000Project No. : PR'J98-0188 E9g-026'7 Sta r., ^ TS STTED (LODGE Apptied. .: 1-O/L6/t998 rssueci. . -: LO/L6/L998Expires..: 04/14/L999 Phone:949-609q Phone: 949-6095 Phone: 303-476-501,1 FEE sU}TMARY APPLICAIVI RIVIERA ELECTRIC CONS'I'., CO P . O. BOX 18193 , AVOIV, eO 10110 CoNTRACTOR RMERA ELECTRIC CONST., COP.O. BOy 18L93, AVON,CO 80L10OhINER LODGE @ VAII., 174 GORE CREEK DR, r_'ArI-,, CO 81657 DescripEion: ELECTRICAI-,, FOR CONF RM REMODEL ElccErical--->1,111.00 DRB Fee .00 DECI,ARA'TIONS Valuation:6l ,734 . OO ana plot. plan, subdivisi on Totsal caleulated Fces---> Additional FeeE-- - ---- --> Total Permit Fe.: 1r 114.00 - o' 3.00 **J**t*******!* IIEM: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTMET'IT DEPT,: BUILDING DiViSiON:LO/L6/1,998 'JRM AcLion: APPR APPROVED .]RM-Iibm:.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DepE: FIRE DiViSiON:1o/1,6/t998 JRM AcLion: APPR N/A CONDIT'ION OF APPROVAL *t*****i****t*t r**r*,'*r****i* Inve6tigation> will call----> l, !J lAlr lE!:'- -- > pLan, and state !ha! all Ehe informarion provided aa required i6 corr.ecc, I agree lo conply wilh Ehe informalion co codlply lrith aL1 Town oldinancca and Btate lans, and co buiLd thi6 aElucture accoliling tso the Town's zoning end I hereby acknoiJledge !na- I r.avs RSQUESTS FOR IN9PECTIONS SHAI,I, BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT {?9-2138 OR AT OT'R O!'FICE FROM S:OO A.Iit 5:OO PM .a t I '-.-''-''; FO!{N OF VltL, STORTDO Stat.GurlL gEeEcidng tfueb!! ! REC-0455 .Lnoutrt: Pat@enE !{etshod: CK t{otsation: 166E 1,1t4.00 LolL6/9e rr.1? 1, 11{ . 00 .00 PcruiE No: E9A-O267 Type, B-ELEC ELEerRICI'I! PERUIT Parc.l Bo3 21O1-OB2-21- ooo glce ltddrede ! 174 GoRE CRBEK DR Ijocation: 1?4 GORE EREgK DR (LODGE TT VTIL) Total FeeE: 1,11{.00 Thi. PaldcnE 1,114.oo Tot'al AIrL ltntE: Balance ! Description EP OO1OOO031114OO E],ECf,RICAI, PERMIT FEES wc 00100003112100 lrrl,l cA!r, IN6PECIIoN FEE .f,nount 3.00 SContact' liagle CottntY at 9f0-l2t)-8640 for TOWN OF VAIT, CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATIQN FORM D ru-b// tu AsFcrisof$ Pnrc e l. /. 0 [ f tcc PARCtsL fl: APPLICATION I{IJST AIl FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR TT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ***************************r.* FERMIT INFORITTATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 3l?6-ou 5-1, PER}IIT I' Leg.1l Dcscription: Lot BIock Flr lng sunnrlll s roN , _.._ {prnber and ltype of Firetr)Iacesi Gas Appliances. _ll. Gas Logs - Wood/Pellot--_:.tJtf ****'*****:************************ VALUATfONS *******t *******************r.****ll,a-dull,nrwc' t er,EcrRrcAl! + 6/ ??4 - orrrER: $ ry,tHBINGr I_T_:--. u"cnANrcAL: +-::- roTAL! +-- _ '_PIJJHBING: f I'{ECITANICALDY.U*****.r***l*******'l*rt******* CONTRACTOR INFORI{ATION ***'r.****Ji******.**********.1* Ecneral contrar:tor: F{tcr,&- . QSusSorr-ns{_ Town of vail neg. No._ Mechanieal contractor: AddresE: **r!*********************rt******* FOR BUILDTNG PERI'IIT FEI': PLUMBING PERMIT FEEI !,TECITANTC'\L PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICALT FEE; OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FNH: VALUATION Torrn of VaiI Reg. NO.__._ Phone Nuhber!,€).{9.-;.*9,€?_ OFFICE USE **rr*******:r************ **** ** * * BUTIIDING PI,AN CHECK I'EE:pLUMBTNG pLAN cHEcK f,EE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHDCK FEE: .RECNEITION PEE: CLEAN.UF DEPO5IT: TOTAIT PERII{IT FEtrS t.-- - -; ffiL:6,B'TLDTNG! | [ lr-- SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATUREI ownerri uo^.: Uaff.,- Rqsoerl . Addres:r: P$ - Bov-J_-.--.-.*Ph.*Qgq-:Elt{ Architect: Zc-*eSN-A\9 A{lGc- Ad,clress: Sof H?g AVg{r}.. ?Llt- oz97 ceneral Description; -B.ei$ppcr- jax.f<rrfrc-s €,rcn*rl zrrtr t{olcr- l?ooia\S-- Wcrrk Class: [ ]-New4{-Alteration t l-Addttlohal [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Numller of Dwcllinq Units:Nunber of Accomnodation Urri,ts: Addre6s; SYJ forol'Phone Number: . 9_z€_:{r!!- ul.ectrical contractor: KC.uCefS_- (fF(-tg4c-_ Town of vail Reg. No-_Addrc$E:: ^i fj? Phone Nunbert _-fl3-.glg?S' P1trnbingcontractor:-?nn.oLb,'o','ofVaiIReg.No.-Address: Phohe Number: CI.FJIN UP I'IPOSIT IEFOT{D TO: 80' d 900- oN 0Z: 8 86,9I rfO tuwn ?3 roulh filnlrg" rcrd r.al. cdlo'|da 61ct':l(rfi) 479-2138 or 479-2139 TO: FRO}I: DATEs suBrEct! r oftlcr ol somnuntry devllopnenl In sunnary, OrdJ.nanee No- 6 statee that it ig unlawful lor any Ferson to l.ltter, track or deposft any soil, rock, sarrd, debrisor naterial, lncludLnE trash durpsters, portabla toiletg andvorkben vehiclee upon any etreet, aldewa1k, aIlay or publicpl+qe or any portlorr thergol. The rlght-of-say on all Town ofVaiI. streetg and raadg Is approxiuately g tt. -f,f, paveuant-Thls ordinance 1111 bc strictly entorcid by the Totrn of vaitFubric tforks Departrent. Petsons lound uLolatLne thie ordinancev111 be given a 24 hour wrl,tten notlce to lemove-gaid naterial .In the event the parson so notif,led docs not conply wLth thenotJ-ce rithin th6-z4 hour tLue specified, ttre puific.tyorks Departuant will reuove eaid naterial at the ercpensa of p€rEonnotified. The prqvlslons o!'ttrls ord.Lnanca shift not biappllcable to sonitnrctlonr ns.intenancs er repalr proJects of,any street or al-Iey oE any utilities in the rlght-a-way. llo review Ordinance t{o. € in 1u11, please stop by the Town ofVail BuiLdLng Departsent to obtaln a copy. thank you lor yourcooperatj'an on ehls lattea. AI]L COI{TRAqIOS.S CITRRENIIYI, REGISTERED ITITH TIIE Towr{ of vArL :rowN oF vaIL, mBffc naRFs/coHMIINITt DEltEISpt{ENr ITARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUC TON PARKTNG S UATERIAT-. STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner) 'I Read and acknowledged by: osition/Relationship to Project 60'd t00' oN IZ: B 86. 9I 110 :(I o luttn 7l rfidh trlnr.g0 ttd nllr colofldo tll57(ffi, 479-2f38 or 479-2139 otilc. of co|trEtunlly drurlo9anailt If thls penllt lgqu{res I Tonn of Vrll Flre Deprrtnent Appruvrl, Englneep rs..(Pgb! fc lhrks) revf ery and approval,' a plannl nb' Departncntrev{ew.or llealth Oeparh€nt revl'm, and a ravlat by the EullilngDepartme'nt, the estlnated ttm fbr a total revleu rnry take fs longas three lteelt3. All cornmerclal flarge or small) and all multl-fanlly pennlts wlilhdve to follov the above mentfoned maximun requlremlnts, Resldent{aland snall pr.oJects should tale a lesser anount of tlne, . Horever, lfresldentfal or $nller proJects lnrpact trhe various above mntfoneddepartnents wl.th regard to'nacessary revlen, tlrese pnoJects nayals'o talre the tltree reek pertOd Every attenpt ttlll be mrde by this departnent to expedite thlsporTnlt.as s.eon as po$ilble. BUILllIilE PERIiIT ISSI'ANCE TIME FRAiIE undersignedr understand the plan check prccedure and tlmel, the. frame, r Connunl ty Development Oepartneflt. o//{/9 5b€et s turned into zI'd 900' oN ZZ:8 86,9T LlO :0I TO:- FROM: DATE: HE: t ALL CONTRACTOHS TOWH OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEP MAY 9,1994 WHEI.I A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT"|S REOUIHED o ARTiIENT o YES 1) ls this a nsw residence? 2') le demotilion rvork being porlprmsd that requires the use of ths right of way, eas€monts or pubmc property? 3) ls any utility worlt needed? 4) ls the ddveway belng repaved? 5) ls different accsss n.€ded to stte olher than exlsdng ddvaray? 6) ls any dralnage work bdng done affedlng the right of way, €asomants, or publlc prop€rty? 7) t$ a -Flevocable Right Of Way Pormlt' requlred? , 8) A. ls the rlghl of u'ay, saltements or publlc prop€rty b be used br staglng, . paftirrg or fenclng? 8. lf no to SAiis e parklng, staglng or fencing plan raqulred by Communlty I ir 128 _, F-eEilowang qrrastlonriaire regardlng lhe need for a'Publlc Wcy Permlt': N.o u/ ,./ ,/' -/ Development? lf yot answered yes to any of th€s€ qusstions, a'Publlc Way PermiF must bs obtained. "Pubtic Way P€rmit' appilcations may be obtalned at the Fubllc Works office or at Communlty Developmehi f you have any qu.estions please call Chedie Davis, lhe Torn of Vail Constructiolt Inspstor, a,479'215f3'. ' I harc read End ansr'trcred all the abow que$ions' '&-? Job Name 86,9I 1109I'd t00'0N zz:8 /s Slfndure :0I '{i €t TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 NOTE; THIS ValuaLion: #of cas Log€ : Total calcul.atsea Fees- - - > Phone:co, AVoN, Phone:co, AVoN, Phone: Total Permit Fee--------> Paytflcnts-------- AT AI.I, TIMES M98-0229 970 -949 -02s9co 81620 970-949-0259co 81620 303-476 -5011 10, 000 - 00 *of tfood/Pallet: 253 .00 Job Address...: 174 GoRE CREEK DRLocat,ion...... : 174 E GORE CREEKParcel No..... : 2101--082-21-000Project Nuniber : PRiI98-0188 APPLICAI\M ROBINSON MECITANICAL COMPANYP. O. BOX 6459, 5541 CENTRAT-, COTTTRACTOR ROBINSON MECIANICAL COMPANY P. O. BOX 5459, 5541- CEI{TRAL OWNER TODGE @ VAIL 174 GORE CREEK DR, VArr.,, CO DescripLion: ADD BASE BOARD HEAT AND VENTILATION TO ROOMS *of ea6 AppLiancee:Fileplace Infoflnatsion: Reatsricted: Y t*rrr**.****tr'r* FEE SU!.{MARY Mechenical_ _ _ > Plan check'--> InveB!igration> will call----> 200 , o0 50 ,00 . oo ResLuaranE Plan Rewiew--> .o0 DRB Fee-------- .oo TOTAI, FEES----- Additional FeeB------ ---> .00 253.00 1.2-'t 4. E '7 tt- rrem: o51OO BUILDING DEPARTI4ENT Dept: BUILDING Division:11lci9/1998 twt Act.ion: APPR APPRoVED JRM-rrbm;' 65e60-Fins oTpARTT4ENT Dept: FrRE Division:tL/09/L998 iIRI\t AcLion: APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE' cdMsusrroN ArR rs REoUTRED PER sEc. 607 QF TEE-1-991- uMc. INSTAI,I,AiiON MUST COfrFORM TO MANUFACTITRES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF TITE 1991 I'MC. GAs- apFtralvcEs sIaLL BE vENTED AccoRDrNG To qHAPTER 9 AIiID SrIAr-,L rrmritrArn As sPEerFrED rN src.906 QE-TIIE-1-99L uMc- AcceSs-To ttEArrue EQUTPMENT Musr coMPLY wrru sEc.sos AI'ID703 0F THE L991 UMC.e6r r-,Eirs - s-HAl,l - sp -M6UNTED oN Fr.ooRs oF NoNcol,Eq TI,ELE coNsr . I'NI,ESS I,ISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIEIJE Ei'q9RIITG.FERMrr.Fi,INg-AtrD- cbDE atiArlvSrs -Mrusr BE PosrED rN MEcHANTcAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECT]ON REQUEST DFAr-NAeu - or - l,tu criaNi cai, - BoOlas cOI{TATNTNG UEATINq- 98: Hor -wATERsirpFr,V-eoiisRS-sIraLL BE EQUTPPED wrrll A Fr,ooR DRArN PER sEc. 2119 0F THE 1991- UMC. DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY PMENT PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TIOBSITE MECIANICAI, PERMIT Permit, o DEVEIJO Status-.-: ISSIIEDApplied- -: aL/09/L998rssued. . -: tt/09/!998 E>cpires . .: O5/08/!999 AVE BOIJT-,DER AVE BOULDER 8]-657 ************************J.******************************************************* DECLARATIONS , n a.an .o*"rrr€-ag€ thrt r hrv. rcaal orlrrra..tr"rr, firtcd out ln full trr" f .rot""lreguircd, cooplac.d an accutr!. Plots planl rid rbatse t'hre rll thc inforEarioa provld.d lr requircd tr corr.cts. I rgBc.. to cop].y with th. ltlfoluation ana plob plan' to corltrly rlt'h .11 Torn o-rdLn.nc.s snd gtsaCe 1rr., .nd to bulld tshLs atructura eceording to the Torrn'. zdlLttg rnd gubddvl.Lon codca, dc.t gn rovl€l* rpprovad, gnifor|! BuildinE eodr E il otsh.r ordLlrtlcas of thc Tovrr rpplicable thar.to. REQUBITE FqR rNstr|EcI:tONS SHALrr BE MaDE T,r{Erffy-FOUR HOUAS rN tD! AIICE BY TET,EPHONE AT 4?9-2138 OR AT OtR OFFTCE SRoM atoo Al.t s:OO pM ll sr6llAfr,R'E qP oHllER oR CO!|IRAeIOR FOR HTMIIELF ArirD OWNER : Job Name: /abq,;- .+a- l/*t t_ Job.Address: Legal Description: Lot bTOC}C Filing Oi{nersName: | ^ Address: Architect: -Zel+Z.ez{Address: General Description: Work Class:I [ ]-New ffifteration t j_Additional [ 1_Repair [ ]_otherNurnber of Dwelliig'ng Units: 4 Number of Acconmodation Units: BUILDING: $ 2OO KPLUMBINc: T=--_.- .Dh .-----' -...-.._-: -.......-.-' * EI,ECTRTCAL: $ MECHANTCAL: $ CTOR INFORMATf ON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :r * * *Address: Electrical_ Contraccor:Address: _Tg*n of VaiI Reg. No.f fhone Nunber:rl . Plurrlcing Contractor :Address: Town of VailPhone Number: Town of VailPhone Nurnber: Town of VaiLPhone Number: Reg. NO. FOR OFFICE USE ******************************x Reg. No. Reg. NO. BU-il,DTNG PLAN CHECK FEE: .llgIgrNc PLAN cHEcK fEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE:RECREATION FEE:CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT:TOIAL PERUIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: STGNATURE: Mechanical contractor: po=rz'tSo,</Address: r-'-'/ 'eu'\ PTUMBING PERMIT FEE; MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE:ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE;I]PR TTF'E.. VALUATION ?u- \.,/ brye tr,k oJ DzB lIp"",lr- o€ bacu,t> l^ave / faea+t+ a.6.d all1lta DESIGlI I. A. RB\,ltElf BOARD APPITICATISI - Tol|l{ OF VAIIJ, COLOR.TDO DATE RECETVED: 7'l'?bDATE OF DRB MEETINGz n11.?6 Ievel terraces to accessed ocaE ].ons . *tttta!rllt atatt!t*ttt PR(XIECII INFORIiAEIOT{ : B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construcrion (9200.00)Addition (950.00) x Minor Alteration (g20.00)_-tConceptual Review (90) c. D. ADDRESS: IJEGAI DESCRIPTION: Dniver Vail, Colorado Lot drbrc Block 5{, Y9i1 VillageSubdivision If property is described bydescription, please provideto this applicati.on. ZONING: Conunercial Core I a meets and boundson a separate sheet J.egal and aEtach E. F. I. J. NAIIIE OF APPLTICNiIT:Mailing Address:vail, Colorado 81657 phone NAME OF ldaiil.inqr APPIJICAI{T'S REPRESENTATfVE: Tim Losa Zehren H. G. NAI.IE OF OWNER(S): Phone Add,ress: P.O. Box 1976 Avonr CO 81620 MaiLing Address: I Condomj.nium Approva1 if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at theEime of submittal of the DRB appJ.ication. Liter, whenappi.ying for a buircling pernit; please identify tie accuratevaLuation of the proposal . The iown of vail wilr adjust thefee according to the table below, to ensure the corrlct feeis paid. Ine. FEE SCHEDTII.IE: VAIUATION$ o-$ 1o,ooo$10,001 -$ 50,000$50,001 -s 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500, 001 - 91, 000, 000g Over 91,000,000 DESXGN RE\EB|I BOAND APPROVAIJ EXFIRAS APPRO1TAIJ UNIJESS A BTITLDIIIG PERTIIT ISIS STARIED. FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 s100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 OT8 YEAB AF:TBR FIIIAIJ rssnED llrD corgllRucaroN APPr',rcA3IoNs Jlrrrrr Ner BE PnOf'EssEf) wrreow onNER's greMAlnrRB II I A pre-appl.icat,ion meeting with a member of the pLanningsbaff is encouraged to deternine if any additionalapplicat,ion information is needed. It is the applicant'sresponsibiLity to make an appointment with the slaff todetermine if there are additional submiutal requirements.Please note that a coMpr,ETe application wirL streamrine thereview proceEs for your projecL. rrr. rMPoRTAilr NorrCE REGARDTIIG .l,r,L BIIBMrgsroIls ro trlrE DRt: A. In addibion to meeting subnittal requirements, theappLicant must, stake and tape the pioject site toindj.cate property lines, building fines and buiJ_dingcorners.' ALl trees Eo be rernoved must be taped. eirsite tapings and staking must be completed prior Eo theDRB site.visit. The applicant, must eneure that stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review procees for NEw BUIIJDTNGS normal.ly requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review aoardi aconceptual review and a fina1 review. C. Applicants who faiL to appear before the Desigm ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeLing date and who have notasked in advance that diecuEsion on their iterr bepostponed, wilL have their iLems rerroved from the DRBagenda untiL such titne as the iten has beenrepublished. D. The foll.owing items may, at the d.iscretion of tbezoning administrator, be approved by the ComnunityDevelopment Department, 6taff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. windows, skylights and^ similar exterior cbanqeswhich do not alter the existing plane of EhebuiLding; and b. ruilding addit,ions nor visible frosr any other lotor public space. At the time such a proposal issubmitted, applicants must incLude letters from. adjacent proplrty or^rners and/or from the agent foror m€rnager of any adjacent condomj.nium associationstating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property ie Locat,ed in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc.), a hazard study must, be submitged andthe owner must sign an affidavit recogmizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building pennit.applicants are encouraged to check with a Town plannerprior to DRB application to determine Ehe relationshipof the property to aL1 mapped hazards. F. For al.l residential const,ruction: a. C1early indicate on the fLoor plans the insideface of the exterior structural wa11s of thebuilding; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior facE of thebuilding wa1ls or supporting collunns. G. If DRB approves the application with conditions ornodificacions, alL conditions of approval must beaddressed prior to the appLication ior a buildingpennit. ACCOUNTING EXI9TIN6 PARKINGTO REI1AIN r ----\: NEUJ gTUCCO PLANTER UI/gAl.lDgTONE CAP REPLACE EXIST.VEGITATION REI1OVE EX. DOORSPATCII SIUCCO TOIIATCH EXISTING NEU,| 2 HRRATED CORRIDOR NEIIJ DOORIUAY.CENTER UNDER EXIgT. IIJINDOU,, RE9ERVATIONg FROJECT NAt'tE, PROJECT Noti1689@a The Lodge at vail f errace Rooms DRAIIJITIG TITLE: Firet Floor Plan SCALEIVA"=I'.O" OAIF. b/1/ ZEHREN AND ASSOCTATE$ lNC. ARCHIIECTURE. PL\NNING INTERIORS . I,ANDSCAP€ AROIrrECruRT P.O. 8ox I 976 Aw.t, Colordo 8l 620 19701 94257 F X (970) 949-1080 F1{49E. DO At.l RE, lof2 9ECURITY 6UE9T ROOt'1r-w-1 REI1OVE EXIgT,IUINDOIU.REPLACE REIIOVE EXIgT.U,INDOU,.REPLACEUl DOORTYP. c4lEgT ROO|'IrT6- NEIIJ TERRACE /t' I n / till .,/ t'IL Ell Fr]l ENEN 3vooo -l)3\ !..iHz:. PF(l)F uo[!l{Yl|lEUin 3ooz3 uz Faxut L F t-(')oxFul V.to0JFo<tUE 3$ 8s(J0fF68 a<Zdt 0- ot H! FH H3 P9 ZEHREN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Arc}fiTCTURE . PLANNING INIERIORS ' TANDSC,\P€ ARCHfTECIU Rf P.O. 8o( | 975 Avon, Colo.ado 81620 197019194257 FAX (970) 9'l9lo0{t PROJECT NAFIE: FROJECT NO, a4Cba@) The Lodge at vail ferrace Rooms DFAIIJIIIG TITLE' UJest Elevalion SCAIE VA"=|-O" OA1E.6/1/ Pt{A9E. AZ -l re.. ? ol , ENEE t:lltfTTT-ntlilrrrr--ilt-l ZEHREN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ARCTIITECTURE. PI.ANNING INTERIORS. TANDgCAPE ARCHITSCIURT P.o' to,( 1976 Arcn, Colondo 8tdt0 (97tr 9194257 f/r"\ (9701 949-1080 ElFg TO flATCr.l EXI9T. NEuJ DOORIIJAY SANDSTONE CAPr-\/'\l I IEI ?\r'Fl- l 6xl2 9AND9TONE TILE S].1EET IIATERPROOFING TYP, ,,MIRADRAIN" OR ECUAL TYP. l2xl2 9AND9TONE TILE LINE OF EXIgT. TIJINDOI1J EIFg TO I-1ATCI{ EXIgT. 5" COLORED CONCRETEgEE L2b 1Y?. " CRAVEL tsAgE TYPICAL " CI,IU TUALL TYP.SEE L2.1 TYFICAL FROJECI NAFIE: FROJECT Nota4aAA@ZTfu Lodae at Vail Terrace, eSome DRAUJlrlr6 flrLE: 5ec,lion DetailgCALE,l-tr2" =\',-O" DAIE,6/4/& Izut 0_o { d Xllt Iz uolq u ulz z E s ;rl PI]AgE, OD S+.lEFT, A3.l RE:3oF3 CONT. IIJEEP TI]ROtJ6I..I UJALLg ?IIC,I+ UA" FER 12' TYPICAL Olign Review Action Fo; TOWN OF VAIL Category Numbef Building Name: I nrtrs Project Description; Owner, Address and Phone: ddressand Phone: 'T ', ,"t La-"t 7.0. 84 lcrl f, il.-r-,-t 1o ,-1 tI-^xtA, / t, I Legaf Description:Lot/-l i>( Bbck fl.L Subdivision ZoneDistrict (/ f Project Street Address:11 4 €r+=,t- boae I ,t *z- -Dz. Board ,,*> Motion by: Seconded by: f] Approval E Diqqpproval F,StaffApproval Town Planner DRB Fee Pre-paid