HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail COMMON 2002-2006l! r0r4nvt) Proiect Name: Lodge at Vail re-roof Proiect Descraption: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vall, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxz 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail,co.us DRBNumber: DR8030461 Remove shake roof from Lodge at Vail above Wildflower restaurant only; replace, same-for- same 10/14/2003 Phone: Pafticipants: Project Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: OWNER LODGEPROPERTIESINC C/O THE LODGE AT VAIL 174 E GORE CREEK DR vArL co 81657 License: APPUCANT EARL F. DOUGLASS ROOFING CO L011412003 Phone: 303-288-2635 7281 EAST 54TH PI-ACE COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 License: 200-5 CONTMCTOR EARL F. DOUGLASS RoOFING CO LOlL4l2003 Phone: 303-288-2635 7281 EAST 54TH PI-ACE CoMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 License: 200-5 174 GORE CREEK DR VAIL LocaUon: Lok A Block 5-C Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 1 210108223009 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Apprcvalz I0lL4l2OO3 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (Pl3N): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. o.. DRB Fee Paid: $O.OO o Eckel at Planner: Elisabeth OCT-14-aS63 14:67 FR0l4: 997A4713749 TU.!363e894567 P.ge3/AA3' ccT,'9:20r)3'lt:'gRN 0olss (oolrns ulivi O ,.r-- _7h/.,{r**l 'dEh-ffi APPlication for Deslgn nevi& /"';'? ,*m ^"";ffinpro,*gtmt" i f,iffi :S?$Xl?1".1;h19,1**y1.5.gf.;:?ffi )etr'#,::'[1gtu1:'fr :qffi f ffiSiff[Hnm"*[rens:ru;li]ffii'';'',r55'**ih*lot**169*6*;;5l#,r"trStffiitrifi $:trffi Jiffi #.F,n'.Hm*,u:mig6ry'*i;,6rff n,ixrl*E.tlx=J:,Hqil*ilffd;Tyffi $'1*"*""qruffi "?sll* JiliCaiotureaPPmv!\P-i (oa1o n t'\ rA Locagon of tfi e PrcPosa lt ur%w*g2-'subdNGlon: Physical Address: Parcel No": Zonlngn Name(e) of O/viler(s): Hailing Addressl owner(s) Slgnahrre(s)r Name ofApPncantl Mailing Address; *L Co. '$oool TyF€ of Revibw and Fes: 6 Signstr ConceptualRevlerv tr NervrftnSuctiontr Addttion { vinor.Aentior5fih{bFt - ftnulti-farfi ity/commrclrl) MlnorAheraUon (slngle:f amlly/dupl€x) ChaflgeshApPrcved Plans Separation R.equest $50 NO FeQ $6s0 $300 Phone SoF-.;jFP - a&Ss EIU $1,00 pcr square foot of bhl sign area, such as, p,if,ting, wtndow addltions, iandscaping, fenccs Foronsttdion of a ney'building or demo/rebttlld' 6r in aaoiuon when square dohqe b added to any rasldential 6 $20 tr tr For Officc Use onlY: Fee Pald: . Check Ns.r_- BY; Ir tw rctlining wdlr, etc. fqi mtn6r AanEes !o bultdings and slte improvanenE, suCh 45, iJ;fi,E, pirtitine, wtrfod addiuorrs' landsceFng, tences and r€bihing uallt €tc $20 F6i i.ri*dni-'to fans dreadr appro/ed by Plonning Sofl or thc Destgn RcView Berd. No Fee Appf,catm Date: rcf-LA-?W3 L4tA7, ccl g,2003 FROT4: I l': '9Ail1 99744775749iJtass ltoating Dctvc'Ua3e8s4s6[u. .,rru r,' ;'*'* 'OITT PROPERTYOWNER WRITIET{ APPROVAT LETTTR I, (print *1"1 \*r-- \{rtJ.*g,.-. a Jolnt owner of poperty |e@1scl 6t (addrus/legal descripton) D4 €. fu- (z<aL N -- provlde this bner a5 wdttcn apptoval of tre plans dated which have been $,bmltred to the Toun of Vall @mmunlty Development Deparuncnt for the proposed lmprovemenls to be completed at $e address noEd above. I undergand $at the proposed lmpro\renrents indude: ?)r r \r zr-k- D^Si,^, O il*-(;. t fuGher undcrsbnd that minor rrpdificafions may be made b the plans over the course of Ure revieul pmccas to ensu€ comgliance with thc Townb applicable cpdes and reguldolts' Pago 2 d rpo2lo7/0z +' ,l |.lnl!ru llEiM r Fil I,t ".i, l)aqe I of I oell' u) I o ;i.| F-T'fi-ro-.', I o T'tfr :\{l\ I i, i iiI|-- I qa frtslr F ,1 9o\ lB.-.' .\N;"...\-, t-] ,o' 3g I// 'i 5'41 *+t ,: -1. il* * , otl: f' ffilt'r rt kcs* ffi lilef i,: r-'r* -- .+ r -'.r _ .ffir;'4;- fllc: tA i\lVC-008F .lPG | 0i I o,'t)-l t *. e. 1fr#,irri I;ffi '$.. ffi EIAE n O t flIe i/A \N4\'t'-009F.JPG I 0/ | 0i0i -l-_1-- i Itrt*I I Page I of I fi le://A:\N{VC-007F.JPG I 0/ I 0/03 l)it!.:.r I o1' I &h-' i.l .|:.1..{€.''J ilifl{nfl '-,1----*.'-' '' isc i r' -\ o S -r' T q..n aI ffi::,rS- :l '{f: *. lr) lo (rt n.' . t. Pace I of-I jai fi|e i.iA \N{\'C-00rllj JPG rl I 0/ I 0/01 l)u lre I o1' I I*(s, I - t-l-i j firGfi -:.+rI'' {qf HI # Ia)',I0.orflle ii,\ \Nl\ C-00,ll JI'jCi Page I of I t: *.^.-. '1,I I l I T ti I I t I'll i I -]'r" , -. -'-. l0/ t0/01 I), I flle t/A \NI\'C-002F JPG I !'l I ,i'l i,'!lfr I iI I ,l ItII,1I I l i I i I I I i I I 'I1,"ll I I J'rj II l' ''., .i 'ti I .i f'' I T'1, / ,I:' I .t'tIi, II '.J ,i I cI ! I l"l iI .., Itit,f''ilj i'tI il ,lIl I I t Ilt li I i:.t. ".1 t,lrlifri Il. I tt, i| , .lI l.: Ii ,tj jl :l 't.. I ,I -l l)i! 'I'l1. ! I' ,l ll'.rljrl', Itl-t t, I I : . ;l i: I. ,f Page I ol I lf il:lri I I j't't.i I lili ti..i. i.t rl'I .' l:' ,i I I t It t.I i.r;,f ,,.1I rl7l3i,: Ij I I .f t ! I I I! I r!tt !, , i 't !1 .i.. i nl I t,l I t ,l Il | 0/ I 0/0_lfile.//A \N{VC-00IF JPC o Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparfunent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, C-olorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Lodge at Vail Project DescripUon: Reroof 5th floor of Lodge at Vail (same for same) Participants: OWNER LODGE PROPERTIES INC 04/2112003 Phone: C/O THE LODGE AT VAIL 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL CO 81557 License: APPLICANT EARL F. DOUGLASS ROOFING CO 04/2112003 Phone: 303-288-2635 7281 EAST 54TH PLACE CoMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 License: CONTMCTOR EARL F. DOUGLASS ROORNG CO 04/2112003 Phone: 7281 EAST 54TH PLACE COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 License: 200-S Project Address: 17 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: Lodge at Vail Common Element Legal Description: Lot: Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIL.I Parcel Number: 210108200004 Comments: DRB Number: DR8030118 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovalz O4l23l2OO3 Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005814 The re-roofing shall include the re-installation of the existing roof gravel, and ooarry neM, grar/el material Installed as part of O|e re'rcd shall rnatch $€ o(tsung gravel in color ard size. EllGibson DRB Fe Paid: $O.OO o I0mr P","e|No''@(ContactEag|eCo'Assessorat970.328-B640forparce|no.) Zoning; Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of ApPlicant:,.,r Gr-*s: Mailing Address: a-,.^L€c{C-rd 8aa?Z Phone: E-mail Address:de ax:-.86- g@- t)r..-... Type of Review and Feel tr SignsD Conceptual Review E New Constructionll Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-familY/duPlex) E Changes to Approved Plans D Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area' No Fee i'{e s650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' ;;il ;;;;; ilid; where square-footag-e. is adl9dj:,anv residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements' sucn as' reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping' fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 for min6r changes to buildings and slte improvements' such as' reroofing, painting. windoi additions' landscaping' fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 ioi t"uLi"nt io plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board' No Fee Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application' -Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested' An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Community Development Department'. The project may atso need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission' Design review approval lapses unlss a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Descriptionof theRegue*, ?ZPt.;+<'- Lf.=fv-., f{*a^'& Vt kt^O, Locationoftheproposatz tot:S[LBlock: 5C Subdivision: Uai[ Ul(aia 14 Physical Address: Fl//^IL Mailing Address: For Office LlPqO-PlY: Fee Paid: 1-+' check No.:- BY: t JOINT PROPERTY OWI{ER WRITTEI{ APPROVAL LETTER description) provide this been submitted to the Town of Vail C-ommtnityDweloprnent Departnenlor t* proDosed implwerlft to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that er i 'r.r ' |b .rrll|l I further understand that minor modifications may be made to tne'pDns oi"r. n. .oilllof the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable odes and.regulations. I, (print nu*.1 Jagro tlzszrJerg .a joint owner of property tocated at (address/tegat b letter as written approval of the plans dated 3 ' " which have/ \\ the proposedr improvements include: Page 2 of t2102107102 /<-t -rr1 Photo I : Overall view of the roof. The 5'h floor roof is in the upper left, the 4tr' floor roof is in the middle, and the 3'd floor is in the foreground. The Lodge at Vail June 2002 WJE No. 2002.2266 \TJE I \.{.,1 '. t l :1. \ \ti, |l t lt\ | \ \l \lllil ,.i. \( ll\ll. j\ Photo 3: A major feature of the roof are the valleys which drain the roof runoff to one drain per valley. The Lodge at Vail June 2002 WJE No. 2002.2266 ru;tr?,\,+ ,t,0,'(ttk {c o(llt.|'llY [ElEuttcHt Design Review Board ACTIO]I FOR]I Department of Community Development 75 Sflth Frontage Road. Vail. Colorado E1657 t€l: 970.479.2139 tar; 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgo%com Project Name: Project Description: ProjectAddrecs: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: DRBNumber: DR8050478 THE LODGE @ VAIL{OMMON ELEMEi.{T-RNAL APPROVAL TO RE.PAINT DfiERIOR SAME FOR SAME Partcipants: OWNER RIED, JEAN M. HOURIGAN 9211UNKMEADOW HOUSTONTt 77025 APPUCATTT THE LODGE @ VAIL WOLFGANG TRIEBNIG 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: THE LODGE @ VAIL 09/09/200s 09/09/200s loh A Blodc Subdivision: LODGE APT CONDO CftlE) 2101-082-2100-2 SEE CONDITIONS lrlotion By: Smnd By: Vote: CondiUons: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOT{ ACtiON: STAFFAPR DaE of Appoval: 09/09/2005 @nd:8 (P|-AN): No changes to $ese plans may be made without the written @nsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review ommittee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB appro\ral does not onstihrE a permit for building. Please onsult with Town of Vail Bulldlng personnel prior to conslruction activities. Cond: 201 DRB appro\ral shall not become valid for 20 dap following the date of approval. C.ond:202 Approval of this proJect shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approrral, unless a building permit is issued and construction ls commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0fi)7517 COLORS ARETO MATCII DCSTING COLORS ON BUITDING. Cond: CON0007518 PUBUC WAY PERJI,IIT IS REQUIRED FOR STAGING IN STREET. Planner: loe Suther DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO ,,-ffi Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.48.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Informaton: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submitbl requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences withan one year of dre approval, Physical Address:E.6e4s cREEf /y'E fep U'.foq Co*r"O, (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s)of Owner(s): V*lL Mhl*-< -tvOtuau.*t o''tvfl'!{ Mailing Address:7V f-+tr Phone: Locationofthe prcposat: lou /t slock:- suooiuision, lo$z /Fl- Cou-Jo '4/z- Name of Applicant:.n Mailing Addressr oAF d /rE' Phone:-37s7 s,a{Eax:477- s 74 3 (-o'|7 ' $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior conversions). $35S- For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No F€e 6- b \_,f Il\'wc'vlotvs ta Type of Review and Fee:tr Signs tr Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr A$lition t!/ Minor Altemtion (multFfamily/commercial) E Minor Alterauon (singlefamily/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Reque* Description of the Request: Owner(s) Signature(s): For Office U*lgnlr' -.,./Fee Paid: nnnnsoup, 7 'LFo{ - DRB No.:- pfanner: JS projectNo.: E'\rED TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAT REQUIREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS** tr Stamped Topographic Survey*' o Site and Grading Plan*tr Landscape Plan*u Architectural Elevations* .-a Exterior color and material samples and specifications.o Architectural Floor Plans*o Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixturesB Title report, including Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements* Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable. - i! Wfitten approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicableo Site-specific Geotogical Hazard Report, if applicable*o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies olthe materials noud with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior changes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Namei b06L ftf vq/L contractor signaArc fu4 : r,__ ?_r/_ OyDate Signed / Page 3 of 13106106105 Topographic survey:r Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor. Date of survey. North arrow and graphic bar scaleo Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20). Legal descripUon and physical addressr Lot size and buildable area (buildable area o(cludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 4Oo/o, and floodplain). Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey. Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown.. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established comer.. Show right of way and propefi lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.r Indicate all easements ldentified on the suMivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions.r Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunk with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade.. Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.).. All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).. Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils)o Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback). Show all uUlity meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities tojnclude: Sewer Gaso Telephone Water Electrico Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property. . Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of l"=20'or larger. Property and setback lines. E{isting and proposed easements. Existing and proposed gradeso Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines, This will be used to calculate building height,. Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect gnde. ' A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction.. Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures. Page 4 of 13106106105 Buildinq Materials Roof Siding Other Waf f MaFlnals ( grs o[) Fascia Soffits Windows WindowTrlm Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Ralls Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Ughtirg Other PROPOSED MATERUIIS TVoe of Material EXf€tu* f,h.-f EQtTw\kzt<- /fr,,.-6- Ept&-pr- Pn,,.r Golor Yt*fz.t* lbYStSlza..tt U+fz4 fusrsnrc l4+Ftf €)oSr5r-rv(> 0v74.n phtnq rqhTlf fustsrz.v6 44.1+T'et EXVsr 16 nft?b fuS/STz..G khZe* fuSt siz.rtc ffiy4rotu- /4*r M4wtt P/estsn^.-6 Notes: At C 56(1/wtr- w/Lut44 t feoootTJ Please specify the manufacture/s n9me, the color name and number and attach a olor chip. APttrqo*- ?'h'-r Pase 6 of 13106106105 o Proposed surface drainage on and off-site.r Location of landscaped areas,r Location of limits of disturbance fencingr Location of all required parking spaces. Snow storage areas.r Proposed dumpster location and debil of dumpster enclosure.o Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevatlon drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height.e Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable . landscape Plan:. Scale of ln = 20' or largero Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the slte plan.r Location of o<isting trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indhate trees to remain, to be relocated (including nerr location), and to be removed, Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not belng affected by the proposed improvements and grading.. Indicate all exlsting ground cover and shrubs.. Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the s\isting and proposed plant material including ground cover.. Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction.r Indicate the location of all proposed plantings.. The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation.o Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. . Ughting Plan:. Indicate type, location and number offixtures.. Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous arear Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. o REPAINT PROPOSAI-S . For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: . @lor chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)r Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffiits, etc.) Page 5 of L3l06lO6lO5 LoO66 UA/ L- t7q €+tf 6oBC cReEK 0R/ u€ r'4ArcL4 EX SrS 7-/A/ G cot-orz 9 L1PT 7F-*cK f'r<trzf of oFF F4oH WILC y''or TRn4t 1'a2//-L- (*Alz/PO Lor- ' pE lAPKQ //"'' Lo26[ wtL-L &E u-5€2 //v /)t <-1 totl G, c oP€D (s*f*'"r1 PE o t|sTR tA/',2S TfzlFnc ia 4AFF6<ru ' TOWN OT V'AII DESlGll rr-:'"';EiV STAI t.'i -' ',tAt- 4 6t osr,tYL E RE - Pft/r - MA/tvrEPEatcQ \t* ul41,,a t ,-tD Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Roa4 Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax; 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Proiect Name: DRB Number: DR8050151 ProJect Description: TREE REMOVAUREPLACEMENT Particapants: OWNER LODGE PROPERTIES INC 0/,IL8IaOO' gO THE LODGE AT VAIL 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT BETH MASON 0411812005 Phone:445-0134 MASON HOME SERVICES, INC. PO BOX 1120 MINTURNco 81645 Project Address: 158 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: LODGE AT VAIL Legal Description: Lotr A Block Subdivision: LODGE APT CONDO (TllE) Parcel Number: 2101-082-2100-1 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Seond By:Vote: DateofApprovalz O5lL7l2AA5 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PHN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate re\riew committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN)l DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to @nstruction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paad: l2s0.qt w REfi,IiVtrt} web: www.vailgov.com General Information:APR}" All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building.refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. en apcannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Oevetopment oepartment. the ?, Locationof the Proposal: Lot: /T Physical lddress: l? Parcef No.: &toto9^Apl; l (Contact 328-8640 for parcel no.) oll!- Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): EV. t1.J U,' . Assessor at Mailing Address::uhl Mailing Address: E-mail Address: project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental commission.Design review approval lapses unless a buildinE permit is issued and construc{ion commences withinone year of the approval. unless a byilding pqrmit is issued and construction commences within %e!^gQ]"* als?y dy t ve arco,- 6 tzofdytvearao-A t49W! Owner(s) Signature(s): ffiir^fiils-,tl ot$6s0 $300 $2so $20 ,7> Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (mu lti-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee Construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. An addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as. re-roofing, painting, window 'additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. Minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 Revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee D E ( For Office Use Only: Fee Paid:CheckNo.: / By: mnrnsout", f -/8'6{ DRB N".; bT(Boso rsll Planner:No.:oS-otZC ,l Art{',n'. >Lg P^l: E^Xh ,l Mor,n t+ltg /os Flawc- Ma*n f+or,< *tr.vtct/>tfnc ,w'. %'A ^* lA4@\h^0 S* 4'fr not 4r<-i€ f6no'* # i^+;rerK tfu.y6 ,1 '?^ef?wJ lqu* as* wn ptF,{[f*WS4+o udxa^rcure W\t ,,.,",a$^E i : *^*- ffi ,fffir,a"ffi V*^dto v''lDt rY W ly .^"q ( *. {u*4;;ryr ;;,rtd t; ke_ '{o W,4^Bd l)pd in ca?, ltt- ini2{5 orr/,q1T444\eu*g e-wLuLt'b{ fu*ld 0P @ grDrL( o rll" -,),T @^r cyuld cutcz\ffihtif it futus er -l lr,! l&,!A,tLrA aJfu.Aak_ l/*8., naiVi - WPwule April 18,2005 Town of Vail Community Development Vail CO 81657 Please be advised that Beth Mason of Mason Home Services will be pursuing a permit for replacement of trees at the Lodge at Vail. Best regards, vevQ Charlev Viola +174 East Gore Creek Drive, Vail, Colorado 81557, USA Telephone (970) 47G5011 Facsimile (97O) 47G7425 Intemet www.lodgeatvail.comRocrRpsonrs I I PROPOSED IANDSCAPING Common Name Size 7Y 7x lx_ Ouantity e 3-4 -Ia- Botanical ilame PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please speciff other landscape features (i.e. retaining wallt fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of L3lI2l0Zl04 Mo.rrltl+o?n/- 9-rvtq,tartc -.(q+ Maawt\ .W?WYffi, ,ne,a?-r,,*;-qw w M; ;6*w7Ja"k- +"' ,t, fO,Ob"eeA T,',,$EJfo.Cos',- i tln t!+irL u,titt fu lrco{id. , Nott't ,q *k-ld<& o4^s1r-b l,D,^r 4 Jl,'a a^/';; ;b{ *l;*io rlag l'x'vrrWr*le{c-' _$ ,"rg to' g,sp-r; + ^brt{-v {.P tlN p-,s l"=Wp,s , _'_oufiKv /1\4l\\'2t H t r "r' 7 Vo*WlLq-4*,4b+ow'I CgtfttJ|{TY CETELOPIIEhT Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fex:, 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Project Name: LODGE AT VAIL REROOF PHASE IV Project Description: DR8 Number: DR8060138 Location: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A REROOF PHASE IV-SAME FOR SAME Participants: owNER LODGE PROPERTIES INC 05/0412006 C/O THE LODGE AT VAIL 174 E GORE CREEK DR vArL co 81657 APPLICANT EARL F. DOUGLASS ROOFING CO 05/04i2006 Phone: 303-288-2635 7281 EAST 54fi PLACE COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 License: 200-5 CONTMCTOR EARL F. DOUGLASS ROORNG CO 05/04/2005 Phone: 303-288-2635 7281 EAST 54TH PLACE COMMERCE CITYco 80022 License: 200-5 Proiect Address: Lodge at Vail Common Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: 17 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Element Lot: Block: SuMivision: VAIL VILLAGE RL.1 2101-082-0000-4 SEE CONDMONS MoUon By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 05/04/2006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the wrinen consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 'Approval of this project shall lape and become rroid one (1) year following the date' of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construcdon is ommenced and is diligenUy pursued toward ompletion. Plannor! Joe Suther DRBFeePaid: f2O.00 Department of Community Development 75 Sou$ Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.railgov,com General Information: All projects requiring design review must re@ive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departrnent. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review of the Reque *'., ?rouf n t', ^yrr1 ; physicatAddress: 04 €' Goro G<*L Wivv- parcetNo.: / t ol 0", t Lt oo{(contactEagleCo.AssessoratgT0-328-8640forparcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Phone: owner(s)signature(s): V&W as ru'!h^.;z-c! aSoJ -(^aL o Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:e. Eq&'bo1/L Phone: )1"5 - 'Llb -Fax: '5t 3 - Lih : "St "c'4- Type of Review and Fee: O Signs O Conceotual Review D New ConstructionO Addition r.' o ' '1) ' (Z''e}'- Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Atteration (sin gle-fa mily/du plex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request refaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Location of the Proposal: Lot:-Block:- SuMivision: $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 ,wt $20 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For consfuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as. re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and tr tr E-mail Address: hl; -'.J E-- r': trtJ+ G' #' l$,.rr*r:&*":4*S TOWI+OF VArL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Job Address: 17 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location,,.....: Lodge at Vail Common Element ParcelNo....: 210108200004 ProjectNo .t'? '13- OtO t- \\--owNER rroDcE pRo"pERTrES rNC 05/L2/2004 C,/O THE I.ODGE AT VAIL L74 E GORE CREEK DR vArlr co 81557 Iricense : DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 804-0109 Status . . . Applied. . Issued . . . Expires . . . Phone: : ISSUED: 05/12/2004: 05/17 /2004: l1ll3/2004 CoNTRACTOR ARjAPAHOE ROOFING & SHEFT MET05/L2/2004 phone: (303) 466-7385 11936 Wadsworth Broonfield, Co 80020 L,icense: 675-S APPLICANI ARjAPAHOE ROOFTNG & SHEET MF.TOS/L2/2OI4 phone: (303) 46d-7386 11936 WadsworLh Broonfield, Co 80020 L,icense:676-S Desciption: Reroof of Lodge at Vail (Common Element) Same for same Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy:2? Valuation: $120,000.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Building--> Plan Check-> Investigation-> Will Call--.-> Add Sq Ft: # ofcas Applianc€s: 0 #ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Peller 0***l***+r'r'r**,r,rd'*,r1'ti*'*,r****:r*******:trf:++,r*ri**rr*:r*rrr'rr**+****'*,'a*ar+** FEE suMMARy :rt+r'aa'r:.*** $1, 105 .75 Restuarant Plan Review--> 9718.74 DRBFee---_--------> $0. 00 Recrcation Fee-'---> $3.00 Clean-upDeposit-*---> TOTAL FEES.----_-.> $0.00 $0. 00 $0-0o $t ,427 .49 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees------> Total Permit Fee-----+' Payments-_---._-1 BALANCE DUE_-_-> s]., A21 -49 $0.00 i1, , A27 .49 $t,a2'7 -49 $0 .00 Approvals:ftem: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMENT 05/12/2004 JS Acrion: Ap IEem: 05400 PITANNING DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARI'I{ENI Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS i.+:.++,1**,t*:t+**Nr**,1*+:ft ,r:t,t,tt*+f:lrt*'t*:***t**!t**:!*'r+'l'*t*:l'f:ttta:t**:l++a*rta'G*:itt See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATTONS I hercby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and $ate thaX all the informafion as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infonnation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stale laws, and to build this skucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. SIGNATI.JRE OWNEROR CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF REQUESTS FOR INSPBCflON SHALLBE MADE TWENTY-FOURHOURS Ill ADvANggJgFPrp.n neauO oR AT OIIR OFFICE FRoM E:00 AM - 4 PM.'/^ -{.e/4,-^- , /, /- PAGE2**:i'i{.******++*:tt'tt*t!t+:f 'tt!t't******'t***:t****:tr***:t**,t,t*f :t,t+:f ,tt*r}*,t*+,t+**************f *rt**,t,t,F*,**********,t**** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 804-0109 as of 05-17-20041 Status: ISSUED :* 't:** **++:t * + * 't * * 't ***'f *t|t'|!****d(+{r,t!*'lr*t * * * * * * {. * * + * *:i{r 't '} | * *f **t * * | {+* **+ ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * * * * + '} * '} '} {.**** ** * ** * Pennit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applicant ARAPAHOE ROOFINC & SHEET METAL,INC. (303) 466-7386 Job Address: 17 E GORE CREEK DRVAIL Location: Lodge at Vail Common Element ParcelNo: 210108200004 Description: Reroof of Lodge at Vail (Common Element) Same for same Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQINRED BEFORE ANY WORKCANBE STARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS AREREQUIREDTO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Applied: 0511212004 Issued: 05/17/2004 To Expire: 1111312004 ,a APPLICATION wlLL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Project #:A 3- olo Permit #: RECEIV mechanical, etc.l ; EN NrNOF 75 S, Frontage Rd. Vall, Colorado 81657 Prrhlic Wav Per"nlt Fae: F:\Users\cdevf FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact and Phone #'s: e{Y- L.a-l,{ llf . ,t}1- 9l.l-- ,lXh I - General Contractor: ;.+ 5l^""\ Town of Vail Reg. No.: address: COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING:S I ZU,UOOA ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit **fr**rs***r**+*Er******t****i**FoR oFFlcE usE oNLY********************t*rt***t****+t*** L, L'_. C ,..u DJob Name: 11r, Phone:q t D- tlt L- sDt Address: t)9tl Asbo,'1 ,5Gi*<' llD oLLl I Engineer: Sq. ,n €- q5 o,U o ,,._ tevo#. .No"'J,;- + t/v )". L\u Cl"-r.'q :I tt1 b;-+ -1 "t Work Class: New( ) Addition ( ) Remodel ( ) Repair ff Demo( ) Other ( ) Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ()0Work Type: Interior ( 1 Exterior sir( Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two{amily ( ) MultLfamily ( ) Commercial (f Restaurant ( ) other(X) tlu}EL No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: : Gas Aooliances ( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Gas Loos ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALL Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) lgL?'t1' Design Review Board ACTION FORM DeparbTent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 faxl. 970.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail.co,us PrcJect Name: Lodge at Vail DRB Number DR8030118 Proiect Description: Reroof 5th floor of Lodge atVail (same for same) Participants: OWNER LODGE PROPERTIES INC 04/2112003 Phone: c/O THE LODGE AT VAIL 174 E GORE CREEK DR vArL co 816s7 License: APPUCANT EARL F. DOUGI-ASS ROORNG COMl2Ll2003 Phone: 303-288-2635 7281 EAST 54TH PLACE COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 License: CONTMCTOR EARL F. DOUGLASS ROOFING CO 04/2112003 Phone: 7281 EAST 54TH PLACE COMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 Ucense: 200-5 Proiect Address: 17 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: Lodge at Vail Common Element legal Description: Loe Bbck Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIL.I Parcel Number: 210108200004 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approvalz M12312003 Conditions: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constltute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building p,ersonnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005814 The re-roofing shall include the re-installation ofthe existing roofgravel, and TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEI,OPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT PCrMit #: BO5-M62 8o4-oto7 Job Address: 17 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Satus . , . : ISSUEDLocation.......: Lodge at Vail Common Element Applied . . : MfiSlZC[sParcelNo....: 210108200004 Issued...: 04ll8l2Cf],5 ProjectNo .: Prto3 -otol Expires. . .: l0ll5l2C[l5 J owNER IJODGE PROPERTIES INC O4/t5/2O05 E/O TI{E I,ODGE AT VAIL T74 E GORE CREEK DR vArr_, co 81657 APPIJTEAI'IT EARI' F. DOUGLASS ROOFING CO O4/L5/20O5 PhONE: 303-288-2535 7281 EAST 54TH PITACE COMMEREE CITY, CO 80022License: 200-5 CoNTRACTOR EjARr_, F. DOUGLASS ROOFTNG CO 04/!5/2OO5 phone: 303-288-253s ?281 EAST 54TII PI,ACE COMMERCE CITYco 80022Iricense: 2O0-S Desciption: Reroof of lodge at Vail (Common Element) Same for same, 3rd Phase Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $175,100.00 Fireplace Infornution: Restricted: Add Sq Ft: 0 # of Gas Appliauces: 0 #of Gas l-ogs: 0 #of Wood Peuet: 0:irii.**:i!t*:l'a:i***tr'a'f *,1***i.*'t******:t+++:t:a,l{.a*'t't rtdr******,1***xr*****,t*'t:tt*:t* FEE SUMMARY+**t+++*t,l**i*****,l.ir'*:*,t+'f*****r.*:t't******,**+*'t:t*:t+:l,tr*!t't:i*t,tt * Building--- > 91,419.35 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plsn Check---> 1922 .ss DRB Fee----------------- > g0 . 00 Toial CalculaEd Fe€s-> 52,344 .93 So. o0 Additiorul Fecs------>s0.00 Investigation- > will cdl----> s0. 00 Toal Permit Fee----> 52 ,344 . 93 $0. 00 92,344.93 +'f:f|!.*.lt*+*|**!t**i.+t*tt+{4{!|t.t****------J-o;1l-|-l-l:;;;;;;;;;;**.*--*----j-,;ll.;ii------l*Tf**?*;;;;i* Approvals: Item: 051-00 BUfLDING DEPARTMENI o4/L5/2oo5 ,Js Action: AP ITEM: O54OO PIJAIINING DEPARTMENT ILem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item3 05500 PUBI-,fC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. So. oo Recreation Fee------- > g3 . 00 Clean-up Deposit---..-> DECLARATIONS Ilrcreby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, end to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto, REQTJESTS FOR TNSPECTION SITALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOtjRS rN ADV PM. AT 479-2149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:m AM - 4 CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNET PAGE 2:s+{"t'l'***********************:t******************!*,*******+:r.:f **t***************+**:r+;t*:tc***,r******{.********* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0062 as of 04-18-2005 Status: ISSUED * ** ** *** ** ** ** * ** !*** ** ** *'k ** * {< * * *,1* {. * {t:t {c ** * {.* r. *ri *{< * X.* {.'F {r ** * **** * 'r ** *'f** * rt! * ** ** ** * *rk *** **'} * {. * i.'f *d. i. + rt * r< * 't* * Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Apptied: O4ltSt2Ws Applicant: EARL F. Doucl.Ass ROOFING co Issued: 04/18/2005303-288-2635 To Expire: l}ftslzCflls Job Address: 17 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: Lodge at Vail Common Element Parcel No: 2101082m004 Description: Reroof of Lodge at Vail (Common Element) Same for same, 3rd Phase Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQURED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FQR CODE COMPLIANCE. TION WLL NOT BE AGCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR ITIRT{OF 75 S, Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Permits ar6 required for elec-trical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.l CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contact and Phone #s: 3 o'3 - Go"av DgGE M*r+Lt, loi -t t 6 | qSS f,o<rnte9...o-4 ,s- / VS ,/ €O-: #Con|lciForParcel Assessorc Ofrce at 970-3?€.Eil0 or ylslt Parcel# zt6(oOz ztq)t - 77 Job Name:ln*t-Q6t"-Job Address: l7q E. ci,qC'zt* Da. Legal llescription ll Lot: I Block I Flllng:Subdivision: owners Name:6 coGt 6zv+t<_AdcFess: l7{ t- G-<e crztr D*.Phone:??.1 rrlt.3TSZ ArchitecuDesigne. lvlb Address:Phone: Erqineer Address:Phone: Detaileddescriptionofwork ZLA< €&San^t R=SZ r rtS,t-+.r /lent a 3a,.at Ul4vtLEa .S.tt<fu<8 (3-,1161 Stz-kc€o &t,w,t-v? f1,ooF, B.ttvr_J e tLqqF- f..t.ffA4- , /r\U-L Lt+ss fl WorkClass: New( ) Mdition( ) Remodel fif nepalr( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interir ( ) EXaior !1J' Boft ( ) ll tloes an EHU exbt at this location: Yes ( ) No( ) Type of Bldg.: Singlefamily ( ) Trrvo-iamily ( ) Mulli-family ( ) Commercial f{-Restaurant ( ) Oher ( ) No. of Existing Du,elling Units in this building: k No. of Accommodation Units in this building: l,lalTvoeof FireDlacesExistino: GasAoDliances{ 'l cesLoos( ) Wood/Pellet( ) Wood Aunindtf43H"Ffr &- No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Aooliarices ( ) Gas Loos ( I Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buminq TNOTALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist Yo K) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exish Yes M No ( ) Cr.^Cv sde z€8 --63f :T:]-.;rrl _.1 oFFIcEUSEoNLY*-'EtE-FiEl-1.- ffi rvpffilDRBFees: | ffilPuHiclYavPermitFee: | ry t - rtll.'1 '/F:\US€rs\od€\,\FORMS\PERMITS\SLDGPERM.OOC QAZY T Ni-^J A'-'/ 9 rdp,.9', cilrLl.Lg: .ft*=S.:::":: fFpted Sr . l-PtannersidndF I 1 t I )rl"=' tccx rs D'A /J*L' ': \ C:r-lTr,v \Jl'Vr*tD 'TtG. Ptfat,(oqpaa4 ovwt'n+e /a-sf Z ftz+2.s, 05-09-2006 Inspeciion7:s2am '--V;ii.C-.t:airtirf-'-'--' Requestgd lnsp.ect Dale: fgesday, May 09, 2006Inspection Area: JS Site Address: 17 E GORE CREEK OR VALLodge at Vail Common Elem€nt Activitv: 805-0062Const Tvo6:OWrier: LODGE PApplicant: EARL F. I Requested Inspecllon(s) Item: 90 BLDG-FinalRequestor: EARL F. DOUGLASS ROOFTNG CO A/P/D Information Inspection Historv A-COMM NG CO Contractor: EARL F. DOUGLASS ROOFING CO Description: Reroof of Lodge at Vail (Common Element) Same for same, 3rd phase Sub TUpe: ACOM Phone: 303-288-2635 Phone: 303.28&2635 Status: ISSUEDInsp Area: JS em: :em: .€m: :em: .em::em: :em:em:em: .em:em: .em:em: em:em: .em: area (970)539;\61y' TimeExp:33lA 4'r,"*1) w fu P]*n-s *.o,""Q#1fl;^f' Phone: 970-539-1613 Entered By: DGOLDEN K o4'Dltl1 t (r t It:Y REPT].31.Run Id: 4646 t\ TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARM PERMIT Permit #: 403-0010 Job Address: 174 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 168 E GORE CREEK RD Applied . . : 04/22/2003 Parcel No...: 210108223009 Issued . . : ltll3/2003ProjectNo: Expires..: 05/1112004 oI,{NER L,ODGE PROPERTIES I}IC 04/22/2003 phone: C/O THE I-,ODGE AT VAIIJ L74 E GORE CREEK DR vArL eo 815s7 License: coNTRAcTOR IJfFE SAFETY SoLUTIoNS 04/22/2003 Phone:. 9'7Q-846-1562 C 875-1490 License: 625-S AppLrcAt\E LrFE SAFETY SOIJUTTONS 04 /22/2003 phone 3 970-846-9577 e 875-1490 License: 625-S Desciption: ENTIRE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM FOR HOTEL.LODGE AND RETAIL Valuation: $263.760.00 +,*.1*t **,* * 4,* t**1,** trlsctiical---> S4 . 545. OO DRB Fee------> Investigation--> wi[ calL---> $0.00 $0.00 $3.oo Total Ctlculated Fe€s-> $4,548.00 AdditionelFees-------> $5,545.50 Total Permil Fee----> $r0,094. s0 P8'ments--_.-.> $10, 094 . 50 BALANCE DUE----->$0.00TOTAL FEES--> 94, s48 . OO Approvals:ITEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT 05/o2/2o03 Mccee Act j-on: DN 1. Plans do not reflect existing ( remodels 2. Plans are not stamped by Colorado Registered Professional Engineer. NICET fII acceptable for this proj ect . 3. No review stamp by engineer of record. 4. Applicant signed sheet noting required information but failed to provide it. 5. Applicant failed to provide any docnmentation, submittals, cut sheets, scope, monitorj.ng information, and other required information except for the drawings. 5. Plans are not submitted on reflected ceiling pIans. O8/28/2oo3 Mccee Action: AP Conditional Approval Tl.is permit as submitted, is apporved with the following conditions: 1. Accurate reflected ceiling plans shall be subnitted with device location, 1/8 mj.nimum, device address, the use of the room, and ceiling heigth prior to rough inspection. Tlpicals are allowed for sidewall mourxt ing within NFPA 72 and device lietings, 2. Rough inspections are req3rired per section per f1oor. 3. Detail selected options in submittal package. a- Submit a complete list of materials by description, model nurnber ald count. s. Submit wire t1pe, size and amount. to 5. Manual pull stations shall be Model 4099-9003 with break gtass.7. Zorle nomenclature sha1l reflect actual use of the room in which the device is8. Terminal strips are required, No wire nuts are pennitted, new or existing,9. A11 speaker circuits,strobe circuits, and detection circuits shal1 be ohmed ou Readings shall be recorded on a seperate set of plans and funished to the owner prior to t,inspection. 10. Identify the location of the AC source for the FACP. L1 . Existing single station detectors referenced in Note 1 must be within 8-10 ye, range and meet minimum manufacturerts performanee specifications and sensitivity.12. Lrocations of devices on floor plans as submitted are not shown in sufficient , for approval except as to general location only.Existing device locations may be reused provided the location is in strict compli, NFPA 72 and no environmental conditions pose a false alarm threat or condj.tion de the performance of the device. New locaLions and relocated devices shal1 comply with NFPA 72.13. Device count on plans shall be verified with existing devices, esepecially fl, switches and tamper switches on fire sprinkler floor control valves. 14. The elevator machine room in the garage must comply witn ANSI standards. The ' fail to show a smoke deEector. 15. No sequence of operation was sr,rbmitted. 16. Floor plans as submj.tted fail to reflects some existing features and devices. existing areas are itx need of additional devices that are not reflected on the pt, of main lobby). Existing areas that lack detect.ion must be provided with appropriate detection an, notification 17. Final termination and system checkout must be performed by factory authorized manuf acturer representive . !{ork is authorized to proceed with caution. Pending items must be resolved in a t nanner. Material progress is required. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ;rd*;.r"J+++tt+:.+**:|'r'**'r*'*r****tr*'t'r**'*r"l**'i't*:t*:t:r*'****'r**'r'*********'l't I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. AT 479-2135 FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. OWNEROR CONTRACTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION S]IALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI]R EOURS IN ADV TOI^AI OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN]TY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL,CO 81557 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE TIOSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALTCOMMBTIILDPERMT Permit #: 803-0332 3o3-o411 ]ob Address: 174 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.......: 174 E GORE CREEK DR Applied . . : 10/17 /2003ParcelNo....: 2101,08223009 Issued...: t0/17/2003 ProjectNo.: -7KIOj-6-)GO Expires...: 04/14/2004 owNER rroDGE PROPERTIES rNC IO/17/2OO3 phone: c,/o T.HE rroDcE AT vArr, I74 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL CO 81657 License: COIqTRACTOR EARIJ F. DOUGL,ASS ROOFTNG eO 1O/L7/2003 phone: 303-288-2535 7281 EAST 54TH PI,ACE CoMMERCE CITY, CO aoo22 I-,icense: 200-S APPIJICAI|IT EARIJ F. DOUGIJASS ROOFING CO LO/1.7 /2003 PhONE: 303-288-2535 7281" EAST 54TH PI-,ACE CoMMERCE CITY, CO 80022 Lricense: 200-S Desciption: EMERGENCY REPAIR BROKEN PIPE NEAR POOL Occupanry: Type Construction: TypeOccupancy: ?? Valuation: $18,851.00 AddSqFf 0 Fireplace Information: ResFicted:# of Gas Appliarrces; 0 # of Gas l-ogs: 0 # of Wood Peller * EEE SUMMARYBuilding-> $30?.25 Restuarant Plan Revierv-> Plan Check-> $199.71 DRB Fee-> S0. oo Total Calculated Fees-> 5509.95 s0.00 AdditionalFees-_._>$0. 00 Investigation-> WillCall--> $0.00 RecreationFee-_-_-> $3.00 Clean-upDeposit--> $0 . 00 Total Pendt Fee-> $509 . 96 so.oo > $s09.96 TOTAL FEES:-_-_> gsoe. e6 BALANCE DUE-->$0.00 Approvals:I€E:M: 051-OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMEN:T Lo/1-7/2oo3 DF Action: Ap Iten: 05400 PLANNING DEPART'Ir{EIflI IICM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMBNT Item: O5500 PUBLIC WORKS 'ra PAGE2**rtit*.lt*rhtrt{d!*r**!Ertit!tll{i* **{lrt.4*#ti*rffi*ttti*i*'Hrit*tr**#** CONDITIONSOFAPPROVAL Permit #: 803-0332 as of 1&.17-2003 Status: ISSUED **ffi *r**H!*|H********#{i**riHlrli*{i****ffi **ffi ***ffi PermitType: ADD/ALTCOMMBTIILDPERMT Applied: 70/77/2ffi9 Applicanl EARL F. DOUGLASS ROOFING CO Issued: 70/77 /2009303-288-2635 ToExpire: U/L4/2004 job Address: 174 GORE CREEK DR VAIL I-ocation: 174 E GORE CREEK DR ParcelNo: 2101W223009 Description: EMERGENCY REPAIR BROKEN PIPE NEAR POOL Conditions: Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL ISREQTIIRED BEFOREANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLnRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPUANCE. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fulI the information required completed an accurate plot plan, and state ttnt all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zonin6 and suHivision codes, design review approved, Unifomr Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECIION SI{ALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:(X) AM - 4 PM. SIGNATI.JRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 coNrRAcroR rNFoRMAn t.bbV-6 t3> General Conbactor: bo.*\a<+ ?""S*a, Town of Vail Reg. No.: JDD 5 Contacl and Phone #s: trrric).*p | (o L''r. - 3D3 - ae,e.J48i Emailaddress: LM Co l^,, < O b4>.--* la6qLe&*tn . b^ COMPLETEVALUATIONS FoR BUILDINe pk'ff (Labor& Materials TorAL:$ l$ For Parcel# hntacl Assessors Clffice at 970-328-8il0 or visit 2lct o O223oocl Job Name: LOD o] 1)o'^l tD,trLt ar JobAddress: l>q E $oo" Grek brlo Subdivislon: U".) U;)\ Phone: y7p_ 47? 4pAddress: Do Bax z uo,\ (b /6165b Detailed description of work, n R e-^-Al ,-tt+ D @V A/4D.r<- uc', \d Work Class: Ne\fl( ) Addition ( ) Remodel () Repair( ) Demo( ) Other Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (/) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Sngle-family ( ) Two{amily ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercialfy') Resteurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buiHing: Gas ApDliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( 'l Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood : Gas ADDliances { ) Gas Loos I ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burnino {NOT AL Does a Fire Alarm Exist Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System ExisL Yes ( ) No ( ) +**jr**!r$t***!E'lr*r,F+jl:}rt**titt***rFoR OFFICE USE ONLY*"***rii*.t'.1}Et.t,.*lrF*!}rt+**.** \VaiMatabd€,r\F ORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.OOC ''/'a.r TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JMTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 803-0150 Job Address: 174 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: Lodge at Vail Applied . . : 09/082003ParcelNo...: 210108223009 Issued. . : 09/17D003ProjectNo: Expires,.: o3flSDO}4 owNER ITODGE PROPERTTES rNC 09/08/2003 phone: C/O THE I,ODGE AT VAIIJI74 E GIORE CREEK DR VAIIJ CO 81657 License: eoNrRAcToR ENCORE EIJECTRIC 09/08/2003 phone: (97O)949-9277 PO Box 8849 Avon, Colorado 4L620 L,icense: 331-E APPIJICAIfT ENCORE EIJECTRTC 09/09/2003 phone: (9?0) 949-9277 PO Box 8849 Avon, Colorado 8152 0 License; 33].-E Desciption: add new wire to meter bank Valuation: $2.500.00 El€cuinl_> S54 . OO $0.00 $0.00 93 .00 TOTALFEES--> 95?.00 Approvals:IIEn: O5OOO EIJEETRICAI. DEPART!{ENT DRB Fee-> Investigation ---> will ca[-*--> 09/1112003 .tRM ITCM: 05600 FTRE DEPARTI,TENT FEE SUMMARY *l+**l{ll*lil}ll*.raataaL:t{.*r**:f *r,rr,*******'*'r'**'r*'***:**'t:}**'r:*** Total Calculated F€es-> $5?. o0 Additional Fees-*->$0. 00 Tohl Permit Fee------> S57. o0 Payments-----;' $57. O0 BAL{{CE DUE----.-.> So. oo Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond; 12 (BLDG.): FrEL'D INSPECTIONS AR.E REQITIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPITIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. ({ REQUESTS FOR INSPECNON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY AT 479-2 149 0R AT FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF l APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #: Building Permit #:$51'- CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Electrical Permit #: 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) TOm(AFVnt 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 fus -otfo twta'ol' S-/*r/-,.- Contact and Phone #'s: COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUITDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALt OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRTCALVALUATTON: $ I raz .o o 6ntact-h Assessors o*"""r r{o-eo+)r ritit for Parcel # Parcel f)Z2/O/OeqAs5x>J\-- =)-Job Name:,/-Jz--- / il'',/Job Address: /7/ ,/)*/ t6'o /"'& Legal Description Lot: -Block: -Filingr Subdivision: owners Name: Vl,/ /,/. llAddress: RA, $ox 7 ll Phone: /b,/4 !.ein*f1 -*+nt /z{rr-&,I llmaress: ,n// Z: z6- 21i.*4flenone: /r'p Detailed descriotion of work: ^t'fid./ .fr"v At)/-/2-A-- .,&r-2, WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( ) TempPower( I Otherp Work Type: Interior ){ Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) MultFfamily ( ) Commercial{ Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: fra No. of Accommodation Units in this building: /vA Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) NX<d Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Vesff No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes() No ( ) ************tr*,t**rr**********rr*t ********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**********trrr******t<****************** .b?tsg? \WAiI\dAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\ELECPERM. DOC o7i26t2oo2%P r-t TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: fiIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTNCAL PERMIT Permit #: E:02-0170 Job Address: 174 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 174 GORE CREEK DR Applied . . : 09105/2002 ParcelNo...: 210108223009 Issued. . : 09/27/2002ProjectNo: Expires..: 03/26/2003 owNER LODGE PROPERTIES INC O9/O5/20O2 phone: C/O THE IJODGE AT VAII., L74 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL CO 8L657 License: CONTRACTOR A.K. ELECTRIC 09/0s/2OO2 phone: 970-390-3258 2103 ZEITIATT I,ANE I'NIT 2103-A VATIJ, CO 81557 I-,icense : L]-7 -E APPIJICANr A.K- EIJECTRIC O9/OS/2002 phone:920-390-3258 2103 ZEMATT I,ANE UNIT 2103-A VAILT, CO 8L657 I-,icerrse: 117-E Desciption: NEW STREET LIGHTS Valuation: $3,000.00 *l+*t++l+lltlla**'l'l*:l*+:l+r*,***a,t**:t:t**,1,|:ttl+++*,tt*'r*'r*'r't,l*'r**+*fr:rrt1 FEE SUMMARY **'|**,tt:|i:i+'t*,r Electrical----> Ssit. oo DRB Fee---> Investigation--> Will Call-----> $0. oo $0. 00 $3.00 Tolsl Calculated Fees-> $57. 00 Aklitional Fe€s_-> (95? .00) Total P€rmit Fee-----> S0. 00 Paymenls-----------> BAIANCE DUE.--_>TOTAL FEES--> S57 .00 Approvals:Item: 05000 ELECTRICAIT DEPARTMENI 09/os/2oo2 DF IICM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Action: AP $0.00 $0.00 ,!,1* t *,lta+*a*,*,1** *it*t,l+l l'|* ll:l **,tttt{ *'}'l *'t*'a,i CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strucfure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF APPLTCATTON UfitL I{OT BE ACCEPTED IF INCO\ '"'fff":f#NSTGNED Euitding permEl Electrfcal perrnit #iN)VnaFyn 97A-479-2t4sM (Inspections) .-(rl /') I rorLrt # (Rgq[i - Job Name: /V €r +s/"r.< a ;oht< il,o0, er +1(/ 6oto /.-,.-nz t-.e9ut Description Lot:L-r'*. ilE,*--(rl'rneFE N5ha. ---:-: , -...w ,,. r,,,e rJuil<rrng; [No. of Ac ffi -- AMOUNT 9I_5A ry IN STRUCTURE: zuCTRIOAL VALUATION: $.o an ^al* CONTRACTOR ITIFOR!,IATION conactan?FE6iffi *********a************ rrlercryEne/fu nnVdecperm !i TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8I657 970-479-2138 OWNER LODGE @ VATI-, 174 GORE CREEK DR vArIJ, co 81557 I-,icense: COI:{TRACTOR ATLAS CONSTRUCTION P.O. BOX 276 MI$TTI'RN, CO 8154s L,icense: 255-A APPTJICANT ATIJAS CONSTRUCTTON P.O. BOX 276 MINTURN, CO 81545 L,icense: Desciption: moving of plumbing/interior modifications new tile and new lighting Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy:?? $68,260.00Valuation: Fireplac€ Information: Restricted:# ofGas Appliances: 0 !^o\: A R'5'--j3\k:r* DEPARTMENT oF COMMI-I{ITY DEVELOpp1g1.,11\-,.^-^ \ Ul \\ *. t-lL \. o8c1 u .-\{-;t^-.[- O C_C,-.t.,^-- - NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Job Address: 174 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location.......: 174 E GORE CREEK DR ParcelNo....: 210108221000 ProjectNo. : PRJ02-0366 Permit #: 802-0319 Status . . Applied . Issued . . Expires . .: ISSUED . : 09/2512002 . : 09/26/2002.: 03/2s/2003 # of Wood Pellel 0 09/25/2oo2 Phone: 303-476-5011 09/25/2002 Phone: 09/2s/2002 Phone:97 0-748-0240 Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofGas [ngs: 0 Building---> Plan Check-> In vestigation-> Will Call---> $585. oo R€stuarant Plan R€view--> 5380.25 DRBFee*..-.-----> S0.00 R€cr€ationFe€----> S3 .00 Clean-up Deposit-----> TOTAL FEES--*--------> $0. oo $0.00 $0. oo $0. o0 s958. 25 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fecs------> Total Permit Fee------> Payments---------> BALA}JCE DUE-.> $958.2s s0. oo $958 .2s s968.25 Approvals:IIEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMEI{II 09/25/2002 DF AcLion: Ap Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT rteM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{ENT Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS |*,t*,i.t+*r*tt,t*,***,t+*:r**,tt****,****ti****,it,F+*,**,r:***t+:|t**'t****+t:t+t+'t+*,t**f*t,|* PAGE2*+****,}:|.*{.*{t'}*{t*'[*****'t!!i'*+*{!*,****+'i'l*:*********'t'ti*****l'{.***!t*:i*:*:t************+t****,t.**'t'****,|l|f***:i'i't.**** CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Permit #: 802-0319 as of 09-26-2002 Status: ISSUED***:|t'lf****'|.**'.:t{.,F'|t,l+*'|.*!***,t***'t.+:l.'|.******!t(*{.'F+:r**'*,f***************,}*******'t****'tt****,|.'t***'f***:t(,!{.**|***** PermitType: ADD/ALT coMM BUILD PERMT Applied: 09/25/2002 Applicant ATLAS coNSTRUcrIoN Issued: 09126/2002970-748-0240 To Expire: O3/2S1ZO03 JobAddress: IT4GORECREEKDRVAIL Location: 174 E GORE CREEK DR ParcelNo: 210108221000 Descripion: moving of plumbing/interior modifications new tile and new lighting Conditions: Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCANBE STARTED Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may appty to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe applicable REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR Y AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. TURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF APPLICA MW{-AFV/ITI 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 for a' CONTRACTOR INFORMATION etc.! General Contractor: A*lo. I'^ohr'Lr"n Town of Vail Reg. No.:2t€-+Contact and Fhone #'s: Clrnns[^*n ]\o 54o Emailaddres;i -n n *]|eS Co'z:l-.k)-Ya"Wo ,C-e",n COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit *****************t**************!t**t**FOR OFFICE USE O N LY***********************t*********i**** ELECTRICAL: $ 9f6o'3BUILDING: E bEz,ZL,oe TOTAL: S Gb.ZaogMECHANICAL: $PLUMBING:$ B?oo- Job AddressT,trCd* i,ulelt-r *WJ #t ea* nt,,'E Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( )WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( )Work Type: Interior ${ Exterior ( ) Both ( ) Type of Bldg.: Singte-famity ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial (y) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Accommodation Units in this building:No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) Woo! Gas Loqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) Wood BqqtlS-(NOf-ALlOWEq ETireEprinxler System Exist: Yes ( \Wait\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 81657 g',t0-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICALPERMIT Permit #: E02-0226 iCAotSG-'3o1{311 Job Address: 174 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: I74 E GORE CREEK DR Applied . . : 1012112002 Parcel No...: 210108221000 Issued . . : 1012812002 ProjectNo : -?R5o4 4'Y"G Expires. .: 04/2612003 OWNER I-,ODGE @ VAIL tO/2t/20O2 phone: 303-4?6-5011 174 GORE CREEK DR VAIL, CO 8L65'I I_,icense: CoNIRACTOR A-Phase Electric, I_,LC LO/2L/2OO2 phone: 9?0-845-0188 PO Box 1554 Avon, Co 0749 Deer B1vd. #3 Avon, Co AL62O License:313-E APPLICANT A-Phase Electric, LrLC L0/ZL/2OO2 phone: 970-945-0i_88 PO Box 15 64 Avon, Co 0749 Deer B1vd. #3 Avon, Co 8162 0 L,icense:313-E Desciption: LOBBYRESTROOMREMODEL Valuation: 52,500.00 FEE SUMMARY E lectrical-----> DRB Fee----> Investigation--> Will Call-----> TOTAL FEES-.,> ss4.00 $0. 00 $0. oo $3.00 $s? . oo Total Calculatcd Fees-> Additional Fees-----> Total Permit Fee-----> Payments..---------> BAL{VCE DUE----.--> $5?.00 s0.00 $s?.00 $57.00 $0. 00 Approvals:Item: 05000 ELECTRICAI-, DEPARTMEI'flr L0/2L/2OO2 DF Action: Ap Itsem: O55OO FIRE DEPART!,IENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BL,,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, uniform Building code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPBCTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOlru IN TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNE} L6/27t28A2 APHASE E FCTRIC PAGE O1 ^ccEPrED rF rNcoilP|ilil3f;l Building Electrig l Permit #: 970-{?9'2149 (InsPectiortc) T(MNWTIIL ?5 S. Fronuge Rd. Vail, Colorado E1657 cortpLETe sQ. FEET FoR I{EW IUILDS arrd VALUATIOI|S FOR ALL OTHERS (r'abor & }letsrials) ar*r rr*'ri *r *ttrr ir**:r**..**tr *** *rrrrt*rFoR oFRcE usE ol{Lyr**ar ***r i*** *r r***tr **r ar** ***a**+.* !E! FCGa E' Bv:PlrnncrSbndft f :/erE yone/fumildcryerm CO}ITRAGTO R INFORIIIATIOIT Contactand mone r's:s,/1'olB$ EIfCTRIC LVALUATION: | 1-'5OOAMOUNT OF 5Q FT IN STRUCTURE: ]tttad Eaale &unV Affirs OFte at970'3Zg-864o or Pard Job Name: uqxa@ {kl'.robAddress: tl{ GAa D,vf Legal Dcsqiptlon I t-oe , _ ^ _[ plgdc ]l Flling;Subdivision: C;ersn-affireg:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone; DeEiled description of workr I nebt f?.,G2IWo^^ VemOW- Work Class: tttew ( )Addltion ( ) Remodel fu/ n"pair 1 ) Temp puiler ( )Othet ( ) WorkType; Interiorff- Extedor( ) Bodr( )Does an EHU Edst at this locationi Yes ( ) No ( ) Type ofBldg.: Singbramily 1 ; orpf*fi lrrrru+alnfy 1 ) cormercial ( ) Resburant f ) Otpr ( ) I'lo. d E(btirrg Dwelling Unlts in this building:No. 0f Accorrtmodation Units in this bullding: Is this permlt for a hot tub: -Yes/( ) .o D( Oc r Firc Alarm Exish Yes'S<L_L" (Docs a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (X No ( TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 174 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location.....: 174 E GORE CREEK DR ParcelNo...: 210108221000 Permit #: P02-0136 ProjectNo : -45aLot g $0 . 00 Total Calculated F€es--> $205. 50 so. oo Additional Fees------>$0,00 $3.00 BAIANCE DUE--->$0.00 +* +++++,t+t+t +tf *'tIIEM: 051OO BUIIJDING DEPARTI'IEMI !0/I7/20o2 DF Acrion: Ap IICN: 05600 FIRE DEPARTIqEIiTT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (B]-,DG.): FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL]ANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. Plumbing---> Plan Check---> Investigation-> Will Call-----.> $90.00 Restuannt Plan Review-> S22 . s0 DRB Fee-._.-----.-_-> $90.00 TOTAI FEES--.__> E2os.so Torrl Permir Fee-----> $205.50 Palments----------> $205.50 -go2 o*li1 Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 10/17/2002 Issued. . : 10123D002 Expires. .: 04/21n003 OW}IER IJODGE @ VAII-' 1.74 CIORE CREEK DR vAIIr, CO 81557 ]-0/L7/2002 Phoner 303-475-5011 I_,icense: coNrRAeToR SCHNEIDER MECHANTCAL LllL.t/2002 phone: 970-827-9443 P.O. BOX 7314 AVON, CO 8162 0 Iricense : 113 -P APPLICAI\TT SCH}TEIDER MECHAT{IICAL tO/L?/2002 PhONE: 970-82'?-9443 P.O. BOX 7314 AVON, CO 81520 License: 1L3 -P Desciption: bathroom remodeVlobby/excerise room Valuation: $5.484.43 Fireplace ldormation: Resficted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ??# ofGas Loss: '2 # of Wood Psllet: ??r*'r*+**r:rtttta'taairrar'ra'r+r*r*,r,ir+*a+ra+a+,'+ll+**tttt+tit+ttt***r**** FEE SUMMARY REQUESTS FoRrNsPECrloN SHALL BE MADE rwENrY-FouR HoURS rN *uy::*tr"r""T Ifirt,n,nlrT "*oFFrcE FRoM 8:00 AM-4 pM. - )(lwtt0t Lt,r.\UYUn'r/ SIGNATURE OF CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF OGT-a?*el l' ' 56 PROI| ' Tov-Gstr-"3r' , APPI.ICATIO'I TIt T'OT BEIGCEPTED IT tt|( ESFltdornd'!fi&cd-d t|l6slt *s Ptmtfig tnilit*: Gr4qrio.B) JS&rrss: t-Oa* \taA ulh*CF ra*t() lOttlt{oo( } @ rt. *raoruofilo" L!*s h this tutldltg:67 rridB n*sre tr*s h tde lultts: COIft EIE VlLUAfUri Fon PUtr'Flr|G FEnruT (La!s a n#bk) @f(]r cro3.lllFoRx Tlotl .attf t*rtittltt.*tt'!ttt' *'rlr*** I r**'*+rrFDlR Ofinct aaff *r.rii!a+lP!t!++i!ia**+rl*l"l't'6tliltti prup f/cYrndrdfo.ildbltnbp.Fr TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Building------> Plan Chcck-> lnYestigation-> Will Call--> 51, 419 . 3 5 Restuarant Plan Reviow--> i922.58 DRBF€o--. > S0. 00 ftesr€ation Fee-*----> $3 .00 Clean-up Deposit---> TOTALFEES > DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT U-*\ Permit #: 803-0071 U,L(,2.\+L{r NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BI.JILD PERMIT Job Address.: 17 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location......: Lodge at Vail Common Element ParcelNo....: 210108200004 Project No...: ?r?3:D_}oto I 04 / 2L/ 2oo3 Phone: co o4/2L/2O03 Phone: eo 04/2!/2003 Phone: 303-288-2635 Add Sq Ft 0 # ofGas tngs: 0 Status.....: ISSUED Applied...: 04D12003 Issued ...: 05/1312003 Expires...: 1l/0912003 # of wood Pellet 0 OWNER LODGE PROPERTIES INC C,/O THE IJODGE AT VAII., L74 E GORE CREEK DR VAIIJ CO 81657 License: CONTRAETOR EARL F. DOUGTASS ROOFING 7281 EAST 54TH PI.ACE CoMMERCE CrTY, CO 80022 License: 200-S APPIJICAI{'T EARIJ F. DOUGLASS ROOFING 7281 EASIT 54TH PLACE COI{MERCE CITY, CO 80022 Lricense: Desciption: Reroof of Lodge at Vail (Common Element) Same for same Rl Multi-Family Ill l-hr TypeIII l-Hour 't,l Valuation: $175,200.00 Fir€Dlace Information: R€sbicted:# ofGas Appliances: 0+aill,l:|l*t+{ai'lla+'t+t*aa'****rt,rrt**+ $0.00 $0. 00 $0 .00 92,344 . 93 Total Calculaled Fees-> Additional Fees_----> Total Permit Fee--> FFnenls----_-; BAT,ANCE DUE.---..-> 52 r344.93 90.00 s2,344. e3 12,344 .93 $0. oo Approvals:Item: 05100 BUIITDTNG DEPARTI{ENr o4/28/2oo3 cdavis Action: AP inspect.ion ftem; 05400 PIJAI.INING DEPARTMENT IICM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI,EIJ.T Item: 05500 PI'BLIC WORKS Subject to field il PAGE2*'|''}{!'t*!****+**'r*:&:t{t{tt|**;********:}***+*{''|t*++*+*+*****:}*t**++*+:**:i+*:t'}***!*+|t|i|.:i+**t|t|}*'t*:**:8*tl'!|( CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 803-0071 as of 05-13-2003 Sratus: ISSUED,ttt|**+++,t'ttt:t*,}*'}+:ti.**+***!*i**:f,*+,t*!***ti**'t***,t'*,t*!*****'}'t{.*********+:|.:}+:t+'i*lt'}*{.'f*:{(l}:|.l******** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: 04nln\O3 Applicanr EARL F. DOUGLASS RooFINc co Issued: 0s/13/2003303-288-2635 To Expire: tUWn003 Job Address: 17 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: Lodge at Vail Common Element ParcelNo: 210108200004 Description: Reroof of Lodge at Vail (Common Element) Same for same Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: l6 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.g.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE A}.IY WORK CAN BE STARTED. See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in futl the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the infomration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinaoces and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigr review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicqble thereto. REQI.JESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOTJRS IN ADV OR A-T OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OFOWNEROR NTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF tl rcwNwyAn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNS Project #: AIL BUIL IT APPLICA Separate Permits are required electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! GONTRACTOR INFORMATION ..,;;* K-Fr^rd- and Phone #'s'.7rr3- aA(!. ?-g 3t Emailaddress: 7{qe,+$a+ Q *ug.ltrrr.' COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Materials BUILDING:$ l?5 26o9-"ELECTRICAL:$OTHER: $ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 97O328-8640 or visit www. P-arse!"t 2 loto g^z-oo oo Y JobName: (_so1g -. Vnt,._Job Address: lTrl t. 6.rl-C,4(,Qa, Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: Owners Name:(p*L4 l/AtL Address: \al t. &Ctrt2a. v.+r<*Phone: ffio-3?s1- ArchitecvDesigner: V*{ jE.iStS$? .,.r^ Astat A*t &.st-,,q g''nflEr7*sc ee Engineer: Sr,|,..t Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: frAl, o*& .t P.l 6:ry/. * d,.,r,c,u,. NSzl,,, ,t t. ,tt- r Yzv vlf .t 4./ct 4l< he f4'- WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel ( ) RepairMDemo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior $ Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) TwoJamily ( ) Multi-family Qf Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: f4r..tr No. of Accommodation Units in this building: ;l4.-ttrl Noffvpe of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) WoodiPellet ( l lf/9Sq-qC!!!Sl No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) WSod Buming (NOT AL Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No (Does a Fire -prinlrler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ****************i***sfl.*#***FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******l*ue#.*********************** \Vail\data\cdev\FO RMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM. DOC 07 n6i2002 \rJE I EN(]IN[[RS Wirl Jamcy, Elsuw &soci.Er, Inc 10881 W. tubury A\€. suire I10 bkewood, Colorado m227 20962J688 tel | 20.%23488 fax ww,wli.(om February 18,2003 The Lodge at Vail Ath: Mr- Jason Hasenberg Director ofEngineering 174 East Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Report on Limited Stuctural Engineering Evaluation ofRoof Stnrcttue on The Lodge at Vail WJENo.2W2.2265 D€arMr. Ilasenberg: Per our propoml of September 3,2002, we are providing engineering and architecural services associated with the desigrr of the upcoming reroofrng work for The Ircdge at Vail. As part of our services, we have performed a limited stnrcttral engineering evaluation of portions of tre roof stnrcture on the building. The purpose of our evaluation \ ras to determine wheftsr the roof stilrctur€ appears adequate to support potential ponding loads resulting from the lack ofoverflow drains, and to observe whetherthe roofstnrcture appeared to be of relatively consistent construction throughout the building. This lefrer is our report on our evaluation. Background The otisting roof is sloped such that runoffflows into internal drains. The roof drains do not have overflow drains, as required by dre prescnt building code to protect against the unintended weight of ponding water should the primary roof drains become plugged For the upcoming re-roofing project to be in compliance with the p€sent building code, either new drains and independent drain lines would need to b€ installed (which would be very oqrensive, disruptive, and unrealistic), or else a stnrctural engineering analysis needs to be performed to demonstrate thd the roof is adequate to support the load of ponding water should the existing roof drains become plugged. Also, the Town of Vail building offrcial recalled that an original portion of The Lodge may have had a roof stnrcture that was originally desigrred to support much smaller mow loads than are presently rcquired. As part of the re-roofinS projecq the building official requested WJE to evaluate this matter. Scopc ofEvaluetion The scope of our limited structural engineering walu*ion consisted of tre following: l. We searched for original architectural and strucural dr"wings of the roof at the Town of Vail building departuent and were able to locate portions of fte original 1962 architecilral drawings peparcd by Fietugh Scot, Architect, of Milwaukee. The drawings were for the'oThe Inn at Vail', which was the original name of the building. The original building consisted ofjust the south wing of the present building and had a 3-sory portion and a 4-story portign. As noted in the following the building was altered in around 1969 such that the original roof stucture was rcmoved. Heedquanns & taboralories-Nonhb@k, lllinojs AtlantalAustinlBostonlChiogolClevelandloallaslDenverlDerroitjHonolululHousron:lvlemphis Minneapolis I New Haven I New York I Princebn | san Franciico I Seanle I Washington, DC The Lodge at Vail Ath: Mr. Jason Hasenberg, Director of Engineering February 18,2003 Page2 2. J. 4. \Y/|tr li[,Ti::i,l, ) l: I r.a,vrnrers scrcNrsrs We searched the files in the engineering office at The Lodge and located portions of the architectural and structural drawings for the additions and alterationq prepared by Robert Heister Architect which we believe occurr€d in approximately 1969. The alteration primarily consisted of removing the existing roof sgucture on the south wing of The Inn at Vail, and adding one floor, creating tre present 4-story and S-story portions of The Lodge. The addition primarily consised of adding the 3-story north wing. Importantly, the drawings indicate that the same roof struqture was constnrcted on both the addition and the alrcrcd parts ofThe Lodge. We visited The Lodge several times during the fall of 2002 to observe the readily visible portions of the roof structure in approximately half of the top floor rooms, to mdce approximate measurerD€nts of the typical structural dimensions, and to generally detcrmine whether the as-built roof stnrcture appeared to be generally similar to the roof stuctre described in the Robert Heister drawings. Based on the above information, we performed a stnrctural engineering analysis of typical portions ofthe roofstructure to develop professional engineering opinions as to whetber the existing roof structur€ typically appears to be adequate to suppofi its design loads, including the snow load and ponding load. fia{ingsand Opinions The typical cross-section ofthe roofstructure on The Lodge at Vail is shown on the attached figure. This is the typical roof structure shown on the Heister drawings and typically was observed in most of the rooms we enterpd. It is a relatively unusual wood structur€ that relies on the nominal 6xl0 beans of adjacent gables to provide an end thrust r€action against each other. To maintain the end thnrst reactions in tbe gables, the gables at each end ofeach roofsection wer€ oriented perpendicular to the typical gable, and the beams in these end gables had teosion ties insalled from end to end to achieve the end reaction. In locations where a ponding potentiat must be considered the beams bear on masonry load-bearing walls. The design loads are shown on the figure, and qonsist ofthe following: * Snow load (80 psffora4:12 toofslope).* Weight of the new roofing system (10 psf for aggegate-surPdced built-up roofurg membrane on + inches of polyisocyrururate insulation and lD nch cover board).* 2-inch thick tongue-and-groove wood roofdecking (6 psf).+ Weight of the 5xl0 roof beams (15 plf).* The weight of the ridge beam and the floor loads suspended from the ridge beam, which total approximafely 470 lbs. and are as follows: + Weight of floor glulam beam (8 plf)* Floor live load ('10 psf x 5-5 ft = 270 plg* Floor dead load (10 psf x 6-5 ft= 65 plfl* Partition load (10 psf x 13 ft= 130 plD \(/lF lix:il+:H,,, ) ^Lr lrlATERtArssctENrrsrs The Lodge atVail Ath: Mr. Jason Hasenberg, Director of Engineering February 18,2003 Page 3 The roof drains in the rcof valleys will be 4proximately 4 inches lower than the open ends of the valleys, an4 if the drains should plu& wat€r may pond to a depth of approximately 4 inches before it overflows the ends of the valleys. As shown on the figure, these relatively shallow ponding loads rezult in practically no load on the roofbeamq and instead the weight ofthe ponded water is directly supported by tbe load-bearing masonry walls. We perfonned a structural analysis of the rmf sfucture depicted in the figure subjected to the design loads described above. Based on the above infomation, the results of the analysis, reasonable assumpions rcgarding tte allowable shesses for the wood members, aard our professional engineering judgment the typical roof stucture on The lodge at Vail appears to be adequate to support its design loads, including the design ponding loads. The tpical roof stnrcture we observed in the top floor rooms we entered appeared to be similarly constructed. Our opinion is limited to the qpical roof structure described above. There are portions of the roof stnrcture which we did not observe or which are different such as the end gables which have the tension ties supporting the base of the roof beams. We did not waluate these non-typical portions because they are not subject to ponding loads, the reroofing will not practically increase their total design loads, and they appear to have adequately supported their actual loads for more than 30 years. We believe this was a reasonable limitation, as our strucilral engineering involvement was initiated due to the need to comply with the roof drainage provisions of the present code which w€re not required when the roof was constructed more than 30 years ago. Sincerely, WISS, JANNEY, ELSTNER ASSOCIATES, INC. nd*L(H lnren D. Flick, P.E. Project Manager ?*twffif{ -4ht**S '$iR-f,.ffi isrc* ' rd. \TJE Wiss, .fanney, Elstner Assoclates, Inc. 10881 W. Asbury Avenue, Suite I10, Lakewood, CO 80227 ADE EY LDF SHEET I{UTIBEB Ctosrs - 5e o{ior os ,{pr*t RoF 94n c,Lre-Thc, L"Jg. of Vai\ : CHECKED EY PROJ. U BEE oz zzbbDATE - /c,/o3 ( Snora * Rorg;,.5 + u?\Dc-rri'r3 ) s"/+ i lo ,.,ood roos Leoa @ 6'-d' o."- - (*p) brlZ R id5c. tz4-, Roof 4oh, 4n po"L.J.o,e*cr(ryr) L"oJ- be.crlnl r4.asny ,.>ail (' Sospc"leJ$l"q lacls I Iln')n'+ Flpr l4 03 Ol:OGp JHN-JU-AUUJ TII L'2 Clank Rheem I. t I{bS I UNE. LIJS ILfiER sVU Undettrritels Laboratories lnc-. Ianuary 30, 2001 Firesbne B,.rilding Products Co' Div Of BFS Divcrsificd Products LLc Mr. Gteg Btan& 525 Congressional Blvd Q36gl t}l a6032 OwRefErence: R95I6/03MC48ll DerrMr. Brandt: Roberl F Keogh (Exl' 415I0) Projcct Engineer Fire Protecriorr Division a4 tf ttilrnt!f nl .rnl['tllron n0it'nq 303 756 35511 p. I tJUUl{dlLAhA v.u!/vr fcr||ttnt!|rar 313 lfnllun b.6 utruro0t(. teooez-dg |Ar r*Y.ul.com hl I €17 ,2 08m Thcfo||owittggyslamsmccrchssAcrileriainaccordancculirhULTg0..,Tes$forFire Resisturcc of Roof Covering Materids." ASPHALT FELT SYSTIT4S WIIH HOT ROOFING ASPHAI-T Chsc A 1) Dach: C-! 5/32 in Inclinc: 4 lnsulationr 'IISO 95+OU',4 in' tlriclq mechanically fxteaed' iiruirii.n, uL classific<l wooc tiurlo*a, l/2 in- thick, mcchanically fasleoed or adhercd urith hot moPPing xPhrlt. Blre Shcch "Typc lVl', fout pli".' adhorcd wirh hot asphalt' Surfaciug: Gnavel,400 lb. / sg- 2) Dlck: NC Inclinc:4-'inrot"tion (oprionll): "Ist5 os+€u" 4 in' thick' rnoc'hanically fastened ot adheftd with hot mopping rsPhrlt. lnsulation 6<ipti*ooat1: tn Ct".;ifi.aoood 6bcrboard. l/2 in- tlrick, mechanically fasened or adhercd with hor firoFPing asphalt' Base Shert: "Type fV", four plics, adhercd with hot asphal t' Surfacing; Gravel,400 lb' / sq. lfyou should have any quesriong, plcase feel &ee to conrart the \vriter' Very truly yours, Reviewed bY' -rfuof"/d"?L-/=:F-# Douglas C. Miller (Ixt- 43262) Enginc cring GrouP Leader Fire Frotection Divisiorr t!lrr l,ulld |,r!h iil6nlrlr. Or 'rrrl0q !!' gnl''l'dl' ovfiry D^<r-it" Fax Note 7671 ;;4Iilluli"*", , F.on /),, u A /L,t1t-., .4)'" (&t1 A&igE CoJOEPI. Pnone IPhone ts Fax n Far * TOTRL P.91 r.l 8tJl#os tnref,ryffHlfi€mdns Pase 1 Requecnd Inspect Dac: Thursday, July { 7, 20(13 Ir||Dactlgn Ar||: odSlbAfilrece: {7 E CORE CREEK ORVAL Lodgf Etvrll Common E|3|lt|nt AIPID lnformauon A.livity: B0g.OO71 Trrc: &MF Sub TrD : At F Cons[ TwE: OccuDait\f, [Ite: l[ 1-hrOiflri.r LODGE PRC,PERTIES l|.lc'Aprilcont EARLF.DOIOIASSROOfhI6CO Ftpne: SF28&2635CtiiMoT: EARL F. DOIJGLASS ROOFn|G CODmcfidon: Rarmf ol Lodgo Ei V.ll {Coof,flon Elem.nf] Some lbr soms Cosdn nfi P{ancbCha[r-cDAVls SHrn: ISSUEDlmp Arae: cd Reoueebdlnspectodsl ( r$lv Item: 70 BLOGflIsE: I Re$$$or: Con$tanrlr: Anlgnod To:- A.fo{r: EARL F. DOUGLASS R@FNG CO l0sEacilofl Hlsbrv lem: 3Il BLDBF mtlqhflr; 50 BLJlGr|s*r0ilrh'm: n) BLDGlilsc.bm: S ELDG'Flnd 246 FNE DEPT. N|oTFICATK'N RequestedTlme: 08:@Afl' Pho||: ![f28&285.or. 4}3.gr1. 1458 €nbrrdBy: OGOLO€N K ,ryaQc[r€