HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail TENT PERMITS 1994-2003TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit *: 896-0365 Job AddressLocation...Parcel No..Project No. 174 GORE CREEK DR VISTA BAHN 2t-01-082-21_-000 Status. . .Applied..Issued... Expires. . ISSUED L2 /L3 / Lee 612/L3/7se6 o6 /L1- /7se7 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: TWO TEMPRORARY TENTS VISTA Occupancy: A3Type Construction: V NType Occupancy: Val-uation: 1 Fi reptace Informat ion: Restricted: DISTINCTIVE TENT RENTALS 25OO W. FOUR AVENUE, UNIT 1, DENVER 1, DENVER , VAIL, CO 81657 Phonel 303-922-7200co 80219 Phone t 303-922-7200co 80219 Phone : 3 0 3-4 7 6 -5 01 1 BAUHN A3 Type V Non-Rated t54r flof Gas App I i ances: Add Sq Ft: fof Gas Logs:flof ood/Pa| let: ******ir*************f***********************************tr* tEE SUI'll'lARy **t************************t*t**************************** Bui Lding-----) P Lan Check---> Investigation>l,litt catt----> 53.00 34.45 Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--) DnB Fee--------.00 Total catculated Fees---).00 Additional,Fees--------->.00 Total Pernit tee--------> .00 90.45 .@ 90.t 5 90.45 ,00 Recreation Fee----------> 3.00 Cl.ean-Up Deposit--------> Ite.m: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTI2/13/1996 CHARLIE Action3 AppRrte.m:'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT12/13/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppRItE.m:',O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT12/13/L996 CHARLIE Actionr AppRItEm:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS12/13/I996 CHARLIE Action: AppR ********t****tr****ff***********ff**********ff****t*****************t************t*****************************t*********ff***t*ff* see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this perrnit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknowtedge that I have read.this apPtication, fitted out in ful.l, the information required, compteted an accufate plotpl'an, and state that atl the information Provided as required is corfect. I agree to conpty riith the information and ptot il.an,to compty trith al'l' ToHn ordinances.and state taHs, and to buil,d this structure according io-the Town's zoning and subdivisibncodes, design reviev approved, uniform Buil.ding code and othef ordinances of the Town aipL.icabl.e thereto. . Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: REQUESTS FOR INSP€CTIONS SHALL BE TIADE TI.,ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AI 47gr?138 on nrz6un oFTrcE FRo}t4/ */t--S SIGNATURE OF OI'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OIINERctcan-Up Deposi t *********************************************************************t*********,* CONDITIONSPermit *: 896-0365 as of L2/L3/96 statu8: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit T!pe: ADD/ALT COMM BUrLD PERMT Apptied: L2/I3/Lgs6Applicant: DISTINCTIVE TENT RENTALS iieued: t2'/L3'/Lgg6303-922-7200 To Expire2 o6/Lt'/L997 Job Addrees:Location: VISTA BAHNParcel No: 2101-082-21-000 Deecription: TI'O TEMPRORARY TENTS VISTA BAUHN Condi-tions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.' 2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK F'OR CODE COMPIJIANCE. **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statennt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0238 Amount: 90.45 L2/L3/96 Lt:56Payment Method: CK Notation| #2243 lhit: DS This Payment **************************************************************** Pernit NoParcel NoSite AddressLocation Account Code01 0000 4131001 0000 4L33201 0000 41336 Total Fees:90.45 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 896-0365 Type: A-COMM ADD/ALT COMM BUrLD p 2101-082-21-000 1.74 GORE CREEK DRVISTA BAHN 90. 45 90.4s .00 Amount 53.00 34 .45 3.00 TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvAlL, CO 81657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 896-0365 Job Address Locati-on. . .Parcel No..Project No. 174 GORE CREEK DR VISTA BAHN2l0t-082-21-000 Status. . .App1ied..Issued... Expires. . FINAL t2 /L3 /ree6 L2 /t3 /tee 6 o6 /tr/tse7 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: TWO TEMPRORARY TENTS VISTA Occupancy: A3 Type Constructj-on: V N Type Occupancy: Valuation: f i neptace Infornation: Restricted: DISTINCTIVE TENT RENTALS 2500 W. FOUR AVENUE, UNrT 1, DENVER CO DISTINCTIVE TENT RENTALS 25OO W. FOUR AVENUE, UNIT 1, DENVER CO LODGE @ VAIL 174 GORE CREEK DR, VArL, CO 81657 Phone : 3O3-922-7 200 80219 Phonet 3Q3-922-7200 80219 Phone: 303-476-5011 BAUHN A3 Type V Non-Rat.ed ********ff*tr***ffif**#*#***ff************H******** FEE SU1lllARY **********ffi**ffi******tt******ff***ffi***********S* Bui Lding-----> 53.0O L ,54I #Of Gas Apptiances: Add Sq Ft: #0f Gas Logs:#0f l,,ood/Pa L l,et: 90.45 90.45 90.45 PLan Check---> Investigation> tli tt Cal,l.----> 34.45 .00 3.00 Restuarant Ptan Review--> DRB Fee-------- Recreation Fee----------> C Lean-Up Deposi t--------> .00 TotaI CaIcutated Fees---> .00 Total Permit Fee-------->.0O Pavments------- -00 Additional. tees---------> .00 Dept: BUILDING Divj-sion: DepT: PLANNING Division: DepT: F]RE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Divj-sion: Item! -O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTL2/13/L996 CHARLIE Action: APPRItem:' 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT72/13/I996 CHARLIE Action: AppRITEn:, 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT72/13/L996 CHARLIE Action: AppRItem:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS72/73/L996 CHARLIE Action: AppR *****ffiffffi*ff*tffi**ffiffi*t*********t*****i*ffi*ttt*****ff********ff**************t**********ffi*****ffitffi**** See Page 2 of t,his Document for any conditions that may apply to this perrnit. DECLARATIONS I.hcreby acknoutedge that I have rcad.this apptication/ fiLl,.d out 'in ful,l, the information requircd, corpLlted an accuratc ptotpl'an, and state that alL the infofnation provided as required is correct. I agree to compl,y vith the in?orrnation and ptot ptan,to comPl'y |rith al'I ToYn ordinances _and state [avs, and to bui I,d this structure according io'the Town,s zoning and subdivisibncodes, design review approved, tniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Town afplicabl,e thereto. REQUESTS tOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE llADE TUENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 479-?138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI! 6:0O At't 5:00 pM Send Ctean-Up Deposit To:SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI.INER *******************************************************************t************ CONDITIONSPermit #: 896-0365 ae of 0L/L7/97 SLatus: FrNAI-r *************************************************************i*:*****f*!t******!**** Pernrit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUrLD PERMT Apptied: LZry3/L996Applicant: DISTINCTM TENT RENTALS l88ued: t2'/L3'/L996303-922-7200 To Expirez 06/LL/L997 ,Job AddreEE:Location: VISTA BAHNParcel No: 2101-082-21-000 Description: TWO TEMPRORARY TENTS VISTA BAUHN Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARSIIENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED,.2. FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 9? O-47 9-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 896-0365 Job AddressLocation...Parcel No..Project No. 174 GORE CREEK DR VISTA BAHN 21,0L-082-21-0 0 0 Stat.us. . .Applied.. Issued. . .Expires. . ISSUED 12/13 /7ee6 L2 /73 /tee6o6/LL/tee7 APPLICANT DISTINCTIVE TENT RENTALS 25OO W. FOUR AVENUE, UNIT ],, DENVER CONTRACTOR DISTINCTIVE TENT RENTALS2500 w. FouR AVENUE, UNIT I, DENVEROWNER LODGE E VAIL 174 GORE CREEK DR, VAIL, CO 81657 Phone ; 303-922-7 200co 80219 Phone z 303-922-7200co 80219 Phone: 303-476-5011 Description: TWO TEMPRORARY TENTS Occupancy:Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fi reptace Information: Restri cted: VISTA BAUHN A3 A3VN TypeVNon-Rated 1,541 #0f Gas App I i ances: Restuarant Ptan Rev i err--> DRB Fee-------- Add Sq Ft,: fof ood/Pa t tet: ******ff*******ft******tr*****************t***fi********H* FEE SUi 4ARy *******ff jd*********ff**t***t*ff****ff****ff*ft********** fof Gas Logs: .00 Totat Catcutated Fecs---) 90.45 Dept,: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: Bui Lding-----> Pl,an Check---> 51.00 31.15 .00 Additional. fees---------> .00Investigation> .00 Recreation Fee----------> .00 Totat pefmit Fee--------> 9O.4,l.li l.L CaLt----) 3.00 C[ean-Up Deposi t--------> .00 payments----------------> 90.45 TOTAL FEES-----******************t******ft***********t***********ff**********************************t******fi*************i******************** Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT12/1,3/L996 CHARLIE Action: AppRItQn:'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT12/13/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppRItem:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT12/73/1996 CHARLIE Action! AppRItQm:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS12/73/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppR *lr*****fi******************f**t**t****'t**ffi**lr!t******************************t*******ff*ff*******tr******ffi**rt**t*"ffi**t***** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknowtedge that I have read.this appl,ication, fil,ted out in tutt the information required, completed an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the infornation provided as riquired is correct. I agree to compl,y iittr tire information and pl,ot iLan,to comPty with atl' Tovn ofdinances,and state [aus, and to buiLd this structure according io'the Toyn's zoning and subdivisibncodes, design revie!, aPProved, Uniform BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Town aipticabl,e thereto. REouEsrs FoR rNsPEcrroNs SHALL BE ttADE T[El{Ty-FouR HouRs tN ADVANCE By TELEPHoNE Af 4lgfz1|3a ol lrz6un oFFIcE fRo4/ 7futu-s SIGIIATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTON fOR HI}ISELF AND OIIIIERC lean-Up Dcposit To: ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 896-0365 aE of LZ/L3/96 Status: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permir-Types ADD/ALT COMM BUrLD pERt{? Apptied: L2/B/rgg6Applicant: DISTINCTIVE TENT RENTALS iisued: LZ'/13'/Lgg6303-922-7200 To Expirez O64L/L997 Job AddreEs:Location: VISTA BAHNParcel No: 2101-082-21-000 Deecription: TWO TEMPRORARY TENTS VISTA BAUHN ConditionE:],. FIRE DEPARII,TENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHEdK FOR coDE CoMPLIANCE. Parcel TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCT PERMTT APPLICATTON FO o ION RM PER.}IIT iI Legal Description: Lot Owners Name: Architect: General Descriptj.on: Block_ FiLing Address: Address: Ph. Ph. Plumbing contractor: Address: Town of VaLl Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber; Town of Vai.I Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: "7;r'i;# Reg. NO. Reg. No. Mechanical Contractor: Address: fNt 4-Reg. NO. ********************************FOR OFFTCE USE *******************************BUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAI.I PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE! PLI'MBTNG Pr,AN CHECK FEEsUECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAI, PERMIT FEES: work class: [ ]-Ne]r [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair g 1-otner_fev,7 Number of Dwelling Units:Number of Accomrnodation Units: \yrnber and rype of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances-. cas Logs_ wood/perlet_Ylr********************************* VALUATIONS *********************************t ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: TOTAL: T'roN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *{€*T*-*F* Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATIIRE: SEnnurCLBAT UP I'EPOSIT m: o luwn n ufll 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colo.ado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 TO: rROM: DATE: SUBJECT: olllce ol communlly deyelopm€nt ALL CONIRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner) rn sunnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to ritter, track or deposit ""v-r"ir]-rocx, sand, debrisor materiar, including trash hunpster-s, p-it.ui" toitets andworkmen vehicles. upon any streetl ,ia"raix, -Iii"V or publicprace or anv nortion theieof.- rt.-iighr:;i;; on arl Town ofVail streets ino.roaai--is-iip.oxir"tery 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wir] be =trililv enforcld bv-irr" Town of vailPublic works Department. -p"i."ns found .'iirrili'g this ordinancewilr- be given a 24 hour writien notice t"-i".o*r" said nrateriar.rn the event the persot ro ttoiiti"a-ao"r-"1i*Jorply with thenotice within the 24 to"i-tir" specified, the public worksDepartment wirr remove said-rnite-ri"r at irr"-'I,"p"r,se of personnotified. The provisions or irrii-"iai""""Mlr not beappricabte to construction, uralntenan;;;-r;;iir proiects ofany street or alrey or any utilities i" itr.-tlgni-i:"iy;-- -- To review ordinance No- 6 in futr, prease stop by the Town ofvail Building Department to ouia:-n a copy. riranx you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read anlacknowledqed bv:Y tR lcitz6luJIEIFto loz toroz4t2 uJEFtr | 9rr E# t6 5E2t =O =fHE3o o.2 ?,-0 Hgtrulro a-- FpE<9ootrtrEaO Fgtr Io oo $e Eo ezcg Eo E 6 Eo Eo8! ODeecqo!ltdEO EEot!E €oc =E: i3dg E€EEOF:E 8oc!tr '-lFP E5r g Otr L;E Fg;.s g;'=o trtr'8 EfEE d =r-gf; -ri Fg frE5 gH H# 8E* zF2 l-d raflLllariFtErr#l ,\ rlra'\ afH 6ra-trttrt -a tFlE Ar+rf ELr ra|l+{f.tflI EEFtt6q EE FzrJF t4loIEtirle tgI lrtlolco .EII E o d.c E oo Et!z F Fl I X >o\ A a tL tIEEo E .9 o s o ,""t"a.,Joe s-rurN3tt r'3r 3..,rrc'rrslr .,z.@r rell e6-sr-u3cso 'd oo L$ _L t,?I V3 )rv Odx? N \L) sl,' \TJ Eq\i<a/ Al,' vsr\r) Aaa(91," J CJ4{ Fagl. oo7 Mjt) N7e tN F rn tstl u tLthL ,<--_) o r' f tNsH frF{ft df..tP (rrtG 0F UAtl. - l\dcLil\{P V4 rL uru-qGt S ITE PUNrI Tfte /\ov ntTA rN t4 t t116 llt3oAa,- J Vtf TeXT q\Je.€ oa-x\) I' TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT Job AddressLocation...Parcel No..Project No. MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permir #: B96-0119 17 E GORE CREEK DR Status..174 GoRE CREEK DR THE LODApplied.2101-082-00-004 Issued.. ExDires. ISSUED 0s /22/Lee6 APPLICANT OWNER CONTRACTOR Description: INSTALATION Occupancy: A3 Type Construction: V N Type Occupancy: Valuation I 1. Fi reptace lnformation: Restr i cted: EK DR, VArL CO 91657 LODGE PROPERTIES INC174 E GORE CREEK DR, VAIL CO 81657 LODGE AT VAIL174 EAST GORE CREEK DR, VAIL CO 81657 Phone: 3034765011 Phone: 3034765011 A3 Type V Non-Rated 150 d0f Gas App I i ances: Add Sq Ft: #0f l.lood/PaL let : ****************************************t****************** FEE SUlllrARy *****************t**************************t******Jl*t**** Bui tdi ng----->41 .00 Restuarant Ptan Revie!r-->.00 Total Catcutated Fees--->90.65 Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTlI/Ll/L996 CHARLIE Action: AppRrtem:'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENTLI/LI/1996 CHARLIE Action: AppRItem:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTLr/Ll/1996-CHARLIE Acrion: AppRIt'em:' .05500 PUBLIC WORKSIl/IL/7996 CHARLIE Action: AppR flof Gas Logs: Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Divieion: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: ***ffi*t****t*t******ff****t**********rrtr**i*t*********ff******t***tr***ffi****ff***ff************kt***ff*t***r****ft******** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknowl'edge that I have read.this apptication, f il,l,ed out in futt the information requ,ired, compteted an rccurate ptotpl'an, and state that alt the inforrnation provided as required is correct. I agree to conrpty iith tire iniornation and ptot itan,to compty with all Town ord'i nances -and state.tavs, and to buil.d this structure according io'the Tovn's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design reviev approved, Uniforn Euil,ding code and other ordinances of the tovn aip(icabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SI{ALL BE ITAOE T9ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAI{CE BY TELEPHONE Af 179-213A OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII 8:OO AIrI 5:OO P}I Send Ctean-Up oeposit To:SIGNATURE OF OI.'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OT'NER I************************************************************f******************** CONDITIONS IPermit *: 896-0119 a6 of LL/LL/96 Sf,arus: ISSuED************************************************************[******************* Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMTApplicant: LODGE AT VAIL 3034765011 Applied z o5/22/t996Ibsued:To Ei<pire: Job Addreee:Locationz L74 GORE CREEK DR THE LoDGE AT VAILParcel No: 2101-082-00-004 Description: INSTAiATION OF TEMP.TENT Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR i I ANY WORK CAN BE coDE col,rPLIANCE. TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81557 97 0-4'7 9-2L38 APPLICANT OWNER CONTRACTOR DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: B96-0119 Job AddressLocation...Parcel No..Project No. Restuarant Plan Revi ey--> DRB Fee-------- Recreation Fee----------> Ctean-Up 0eposit--------> Add Sq Ft: ,of Gas Logs: .00 20.m I SSUED 05 /22 / Lee6 90.65 90. 65 17 E GORE CREEK DR Status...174 GORE CREEK DR THE LoDApplied..2101-082-00-004 Issued... Expires. . Description: INSTALATION OF TEMP.TENT Occupancy: A3Type Construction: VType Occupancy: Valuation: F i rep lace Information: Restricted: Ptan Check---> 26.65 A3N Type V Non-Rated 1,150 fof Gas Apptiances: Phone: 3034765011 Phone: 3034?65011 ,of Uood/Pal. tet: Totat Calcutated Fees--->90.65 LODGE AT VAIL 174 EAST GORE CREEK LODGE PROPERTIES INC T74 E GORE CREEK DR, LODGE AT VAIL174 EAST GORE CREEK DR, VAIL VAIL CO DR, VAIL co 81657 8165 7 co 81657 *************************************************rr********* FEE SUftiARy ***************t***********t***t*****ff**t*******r*******r 8ui Ldi ng-----)41 .00 Additionat Fees---------> .00Invest igat i on> l,i l. L cat l.----> .00 3.00 .00 Total Permit Fee-------->.00 Payments------- I1,/11,/\996 CHARLIE Action: AppRIt'e.n ;'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT!! / II / \29.Q^c!48!rE__4s!iq4 : AppRrte.m: ' .05 600 FIRE DEPARTMENTLl/17/L996 CHARLTE Action: AppRItQn:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKSIT/II/L996 CHARLIE Action: AppR Dept: BUILDING Divieion: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Divisionl ***#****************************t***************t*****ff***ff***********t********r***************************ff**************** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknow tedge that I have read.this appl'ication, fil.ted out in futl, the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atI the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty riith tire iniormation and ptot i1an,to.comPty with aLl' Town ordinances-and state taws, and io buitd this structure according io'the Town,s zon.inl and subdiv.isioncodes, design review approved, unitorm Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIAOE TI.'ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AOVANCE BY TELEPHONE A1 179-2138 OR AT OUR OTFICE FROII 8:OO AI'I 5:OO PI,I Send C lean-Up Deposit To:SIGNATURE OF OI.ITIER OR CONTRACTOR IOR HII{SELF AND OIINER ********************************:l*********************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 896-0119 as of LL/LL/96 St.atus: ISSUED*************'******************************************************************* permir.Type: A?P/-lLT coMM BUrLD PERMT Applied: os/zz/tgg6Applicant: LODGE AT VAIL lisued:3034765011 To Expire: Job Addreee:Location: 174 GORE CREEK DR THE LODGE AT VAILParcel No: 2101-082-00-004 Description: INSTALATION OF TEMP.TENT Conditione:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUTRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ********************t******************************************* TOYflt OF VArL, COLORADO Statennt*****************************************************r*********** Statemnt Number: REC-0231 Anount: Palzment Method: CK Notation: *76588 70.6s tL/LL/96 11:48Init: DS 896-0119 Tlpe: A-COMM ADD/ALT COUM BUILD p 2101-082-00-00417 E GORE CREEK DR174 GORS CREEK DR THE I,ODGE AT VAILTotal Fees: 90.6570.65 Total ALL Pmts: BaLance:**********************it***********:l**************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Addreee:Location: This Payment Account Code01 0000 4131001 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Deecription BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLA}T CHECK FEES YIILI, CALI, INSPECTION FEE 90. 65 .00 Anount 41 .00 26.6s 3.00 Sffi '- r ;i:i i d Hi*'-{L: t.,' hrx"$ xt*, stilir**$lv DATE:- PERI'IIT /I - t APPLICATfON UUST BE FILLED OtIt CO!,IPIJTEIJy OR rT !.tAY NoT BE AccEpTEDUIi*!:*************************** PERI{IT fNFORI,IATJON ***************** ************/l [ ]-Building g 1-el.rnbing [ ]-Electricar [ ]-I'rechanibal [ ]-other Job Narne: t*\t *lVc,l ,f"+*rJi.^*t l*^'f ilob Address: Iegal Description: Ipt_ Block_f{ owners Nane: t-*)q.:*qel-es-Aa- Address: @ln. 4v4- sotl Architect: rr ltr .-=-_Address:Ph. I{ork Class: [ ]-Netr pd-Alteration [ ]-Additional Nunber of Dnelling Unlts: O Nunber [ ]-Repair [ ]-other_ of Acconnodatlon Units: Electrical Contrastor:Address: . Plurnbing Contractors Address: Mechanical Contractor:Address: * * * * * ** * ** * * * ** * * **** ** * * * * ** * **FORBUTLDTNG PERMrl FEE:PLWBING PERtitIT FEE! I.IECITANTgAIJ PER}'IT FEE:ELEefRTcAL FEEr OTHER TYPE OF FE8: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Nunber: oFFICE USE ****** ********** *******n******r BUTLDING PI"AN CEECK FEE:PLWBING PI.AN cHEcK FEEsUECIIANICAL PIATI CHECK FEE:RECRE.ATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERI.IIT FEES:-5d,!a__'..'''''......-7a-- BUTLDTNG: STGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: CI.EAII I'P DEPOSIT XEFT'ID !O: lnwn TO: EROM: DATE: SU&TECI: 75 louth t?ontage rold v!ll, colorado 81652 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 rn sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states {--hat it is unlawfur for anyperson to titter, track or aepoiii ii:y-sJirl-"""i, sand, debrisor naterial, i":t-:gil9 traslr tunpsters, portabte toitets and,workmen vehicres. upon any street,-;ie;;.i;;;ii:y or pubticplace or anv porti-on ttr"i""il- irre rigtrt-of-way on arr. Town ofVail streets ina.roaa=--is-"ip""iirutely 5 rt. ort pavement.This ordinance virl be ;ari;ir;"enforced by the Town of vaitPublic grorks Deoartment. --p"r!'"ns found .*ri6r"ri"g this ordinancewilr be siven a 24 hour r"iat;;';"ii""-t"-;;;;;;="uid nareriar.In the event the person so noritiea-aoes-";;-;;;p1y with thenotice within an:_31 rroui time-Jpecitied, the pul:.ic worksDepartment will remove said nateii.t -.t the expense of personnotified. The nrovi=ions-or-tils orainance shalr not beapplicable to cinstruction, -ruiii"tr.nge or repair projects ofany street or atrey or any "tiiiii", in the ri!rr[_._".y. To review ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to ouiiin a copy. tirani you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. -. - Read and -acknow] prtrrael hrr. olflcc ol connunlty deyclopmant ALL CO}TTRACTORS CURREMILYL REGISTERED I{IIH THETO!{N OF VAIL TOI{N OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKS/CO!,rMI,NITY DEUEIOPMENT lilARCH 16, 198e CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG & MATERIAL STORAGE acknowledged by: "o * evorcr. Se..uiu Fum (i.e. contractor, ohrner) luwn 75 roulh frontlge ro.d u.ll, colorudo 91657 ls03l 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 otflcc ol communtty dcvrlopmc[t BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMTIE If thi.s permit requi.res a Town of vai] Fire Department Approvar,Engineerrs (.Pubrii ry*:l "ivie* anJ'approval, a pranning Departnentreview or Health Departnint.review, ani'a-review uy ttre duiiainglsri[;3!k"ll: .'.i*ted time ro,'"-tot"r ;;;;,-;"J"Lll'i, r6ng Al] conmerciar fraroe or smail) and ail mu'rti-famiry permits wilrhave to follow ttre ioove ffiii6.;; iliimum requirements. Residentiarand sma'll projects shourd tat" J-ieiier"'amount of time. However, ifresidential or smailer.projicis-iirpiit' the various above mentioneddepartments with reoa.rd to-necesiiiy-""uie*, these projects mayalso take the three-week period. Every.attempt wilt be made by this department to expedite thispermit as soon as possible. - L'rPEt., r's erl I, the frame, undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time |t \rnrr/A - \, t---+.v r -/t- -r-l' l.l<---- Agreed to by. Cormuni ty Develooment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOBS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name: Date:' Pfease answer the following queslionnaire regarding the need lor a 'Public Way permit.: YES 1) ls this a new residence? 2l ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? 3) ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls difierent a@ess needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right of way, easements, or public propefty? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit" required? NO L" 1.,- ,./ -/ lr/ V.' -.' 4) s) 6) 7) 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? !l_f9u_ algwered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit" must be obtained.?ublic Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the public Work,s office or alC9.r.n1u1ity Development. lf you have-any questions please callGhartie Davis,lhe Townof Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-215g. I have read and answered allthe above questions. .t-4r J v",l r"+-"Jr*J r",.+ . -l&\12 s , ' Job Name Contractor,s Signalure Date PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buildino permit apolication.lf yes was answered to any of the above questions tnen 'a "public way" isrequired. You can pick up an application at either community Developmeni, located at 75 S. Frontage Boad or PublicWorks, located at 1309 VailValley Diive. 2) Notice sign otfs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (tocate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies iequire ui to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction traffic controystaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan wil! show locationsof all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc..). This plan willexpire on Oct. 1sth. and will'need tobe resubmitted for approval through the winter. 4') Sketch of work being performed must be submitted rndicating dimensions (lengrth, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic controt ptan oi a -site plan for the job. 5) Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. tf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrdgation crew. nelocates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4g nows to perform. 6) The Public Work's Construction Inspector will revierr the application and approve' or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the siatus and any thai mayneeded. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but pteasi allow up to one week to process. 7) As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to community Development allowing the "Building Permif'to beieleased. Please do not confusethe "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: : Ihg ?b9ve process ts for work In a publc way onty.* Public Way Permlts are valid onry uhtil ltovemUer iSttr.'A new Public way permlt ls required each year lf work is not complete. clllptrty TOWI,IOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 3e FAX 303-479-2452 Depanment of Comnuniry Deve loprnent INFONUAIIOI f,EEDED NHEtt APPI.iITG FOR T IIBCHITICAIJ PERI|II 1 . HEAT I.,OSS CALCI'I,ATIONS. 2. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECITN{ICAL ROOM VIITH EQUIPMENTDR.AWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AIID BTURATINGS OF ATL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. 3. SHOW SIZE AND TOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. FLUES, 4. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPI.IENT TILL AISO BE INSTALLED TNMECHANICAL ROOM. FArr.uRE !o PRo\flDE rllrs rrrorultrrox wu.r/ DEr.at touR pERtlrr. lnwn 75 louth lrcntlgc roid rdl,colorrdo8t657 (cxtl47$2138 (303) 47S2l39 oflice ol communlty dw€lopmenl NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OITNER BUILDERS Effective June 20, 199r, the Town of vaiL Building Department hasdeveloped the following procedures to ensure that new tonstructionsites have adeguately established proper drainage from buildingsites arong and adjacent to Town of vail road.s oi screecs. Tbe Town of vait public tforks Department will be required toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of vail roads orstreets and tbe installation of t-enporary or permanent culverts ataccess points from tbe road or street on to tle construction site.such approval must -be obtained prior to any request for inspectionby the Town of Vail Bui-rding Departrnent ror tobtings or remporaryelectrical or any other inspection. please call 4i9-2160 t;request an inspection from the public works Department. A110w aminimun of 24 hour notice. A]9o, the Town of Vail pubric works Department wilr be approvingall- final drainage and curvert installation with resulting roadpacching as necessa_ry. Such approval must be obtained prior toFj.nal Certificate of Occupancy issuance. I t':--' I PesQn Review Action ror# TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name:lf r,r Building Name: Proiect Description: =,O ' Y 1D' 1e ut'k crvtrt, 2-t)' V 40' *e vtl on" l\M\? o,1e Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: Legal Descripti on:aLSQ. ewcx4 -C-- Subdivision Project Street Address: Comments: ZoneDistricr (C t --=f-'Board t{tatt Action --) . -, .-:rli_l_-: :-_:*---., Motion bv: Vote: Seconded by: fl Approval 3 Disapproval ftStaff Approval Gonditions:?nl i i,i.rf ,ta- L[ )e, {cyto u^.- Town Planner o^t", ttul^\ ?) , 1io DRB Fee pre-paid \ o BOARD TYPE OF REVIEITI: New Construction ($200.00)Addition ($50.00) ADDRESS: L74 E. Gore Creek Dr. Vail APPLICASION - rO}JN OF DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:t*!r****trtt rtatta*****!r !t b.vt..a T lllltl DESIGN RETTTEW v VAII, x Minor Alt,erationConcepLual Review I. A. B. ($20.00) ($0) br c. DESCRTPTION: r''stailation of one 30rx90r tent and one 30rx40r tent . c. D.LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: IJoTSubdivisionrc].al core c0 81657,of lots a, BLock 5-c If property is described bydescription, Fldase provideLo this application. a meeLs and boundson a separaEe sheet lega1 and aLt.ach G. H. E. F. ZONING: CCI NAME OFMailing APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATTVE :Address: Mailing Address. L74 E. Gore Creek Dr. Vall CO 81657 APPLrcATroNs wru' Nor BE pRocBssED wrriloUtr orfl\tBffs srcIVe?uRB Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as showri above,\ are t,o be paid at theLirne of submir.at-of E.he one appli.larion. --r,-a[ii, wtrenapplying for a buirding permic,-plbase iaentiiv-ih. "..'r"t"valuation of Lhe pl0posa|. The town of vait wilt adjust thef ee according to t.he table,below, t.o ensure the correct f eeis paid. FEE SCHEDUIIE: VALUATIONs 0 $ 10-00i}$ 10, 001 ' $ 50, 000$ s0, 001 - $ 1s0, 000$1s0,001 - $ s00,000 $500,001 - 91, 000, 000$ Over 91, 000, 000 DESIGN RSVIET{ BOAXD APPROVAT EKPIRESAPPROVAL I'NI.ESS A BUII"DING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. I. 'J. FFF ; 20.00$ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YE,AR AFTER FINAIJ TSSUED AITD CONSTRUCTION I -Br.t' \ s( F;IFJIFt-rLJIHF-l i: r-Tl-.I :l it L-ll-J tl l--=r e-ltI 11 r-r !l -t-ti-i-r r LJLJ ll'l rrr- lTrlr# | l-iTTTlf -TiT -f i -T- l---l . -l T tllti-trilE l-Er. _trjsu t-Eirtri,Lt'i 11 rt-EIF ImFIrltl+rulxfrT4i.Tjilill-l lllllt_IT_rlil:lll-_[_-: -- rvNar[vlfd-]$f ooao z ?. 3 E{i ".1 2 o(J?Eo.ct EflEO 8F tb{roo:=zJ =o3F Hbdll.3on'7NEu.ggfi 0.n f;eETEooctrE ilO FStr 5Hs 'l- i EEg : igeri i ig.E3 io9il ; i I tfe I i i;F; i i I EEi iEEg : I E:[ ; i igEl a Ii!!" ,: =;g F :'p,E EE-iEi Er s = EHEEr F E ,f,ff,E. F H :Ef $t*i : ** t::tE, e, * i d E En;Er. 'l{nE iiF.si ,Ei,iEB E$!E;i ,:-lH;H E'EEEE- iE rNHH EI!O-Ei IIgB Egr;!i; s- tt 1l .9a $o eo,rtl t! h l) o !)bF I 6I g s r! o Io Es trooa Itstt .t o.n t0! .E .g o ct E tlr tr bo o d 6 F 4 ! I o 6 fE*l.-] HEEi Fi C)Z eI c* HH HEg iHi'Ei EE Eg BE6 EFz n|tlFH -wq{ E[IFRrlH *lI}H:let -t tf-f 11 ilFTt.(tJ rO ri.-v tvzztlt'. gG. <- {qfjr F ' ,':ll E, ^ - i1 llF='lF ' ;'IJ: ; I f,,I I fr :n1!:I: ,. I tlr TclrrrFt oF ilJFr./ t:litrcrllnflrr Cr li6-a45 lt . .J.r'' Rrartst * ffi79 l' flecgr'trrs I i1. Lm€E P*FERr!ES\0RB IFEE5flounr. ierdorid yi i , Ir.r Prtd . i, hot olaFrtsstosg :: ' i- Ctlrngr rcWrrnd t l.l ..1' THFIH'< I.VOL' | .t. Vour cashirr JtDV____.:___ JLz Category Number'1L Proiect Name: Building Name: OeQn Review Action forl TOWN OF VAIL o^o /. /{ f S' ./;'./t Projec{ Desqiption: ArchitecU0ontact, Address and Phone: LesalDescriptiont6, l,l,L etocx {rC sunaiision l/^^r/y'u%"y /t zoneDistrict (( [ Proiect Street Address: 0n t7 Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval E Disapproval fstattRpprovat Conditions: Town PlannerTown Planner ' il, " / on , /o - / (' K DRB Fee e,"-p^i{- &- t!- I 3 s.vlr.it 7/lal9t DESTGN REVIEW o BOAru) o APPIJICATTON ' TOWN OF DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG:******'t*t* BE A. pRoilEcr rNFoRIr{ATroN. *****ttt*rt .COlt4II, DEV, DEN B.TYPE OF REVIEW: Nerir Cons truct ion ( $Z0O . O0 )Addit,ion ($SO. OO) x Minor Alterat,ionConceptual Review ($20.00) ( $0) DES.CR.IFTION,d""k. T"Ba .o b. io"..ll;a ctober. c. D. ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPIfON: LotSubdivision BLock 5-c a meets and boundson a separate sheet ts a. b. c. legal and aLtactr If properfy is d.escribed bydescripLi.on, Fleiase providl.to this applicat.ion. E. F. ZONfNG: QCI NAME OFMailing APPLICANT: Address:rti c.re Creek ve, Vall. CO Phone l{. G.NAME OF APPIJICANT,S REPRESENTATM: Charlev ViolaMailing Address ! 174 Eacr Cnra r.*aaL n-r,,^ rr^{ 1 ^/\ o NAME qF OWNER(S) OWNER (S .9TGIVATURE: Mailing Address: APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE PROCESSTD WITHOUT OWNER"9 .'TGIVATURE Condominium Approval if applicable. J. DRB FEE: DRB f I. ees, as shown above,l are to be paid ab thet3I.9{. Lhe DRB applipacion. Later, whenLime of submitrar.of che pne-ippiib;;r";: appl yins r o;-; -u, i ii ril"oilfi ,iloiiE3!l"l;"".l?i'[;"'lEls!,vryJ.'9 rul d, Durrotng permiL, please idenUify Lhe accurat,evaruation of Lhe propoiai. The iown of vair wiri adiusr rhewill adjusL thef:u_19:otdins t'o ilie- rabre uerow, ro ensure rhe "oiilli"t!!is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: FEE' iD zu.uu$ s0.00 $100. 00 $200.00. $400.00 $s00. 00 ONE YE.AR AFTE& FTNAIJISSUED Ar{D CONSTRUCTION 60 VAI/UATION$ c $ 1o,coo$ 10, 001 - $ s0; 0oo$ 50, 00L - $ 150, ooos150, 001 - $ s00, o0o$500,001 _ $1,000,000.$ Over $1.,000,000 DESIGN REVIEI{ BOARD APPROVAI, EXPTRESAPPROVAIJ I'NI,ESS A BUTLDXNG PERI,IIT ISIS STARTED. ,-rt tii*cellmrouq Crdr s6-14-95.-1--i------i-- 69:64: ll ftecc'ipt I lpF49€Hccq|l'tt iltW FRQFFRTIES\4EFflIDlro{rfit tender€d }DR8 FEE ?8.88 Ir* e66 ho.'lr peirt olmg04lssl666 3e.88 Chgl$r retu,rrrcd ) B.oe Tl€t{|( l,rfrLl oo RECETPT NO. OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE /1q s.-f.--- CEECXS MAI'E PAYAELE TO ToWN OP VAIL aqtlxrrtNo.rTIf,I 0l 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS M]t'S $5.00 0t 0000 42415 UMFORM BT,]ILDING CODE $54.000l 000042415 UNIFORM PLI,JMBING CODE $39.00 0r 0000 424r5 T]NIFORM MEC}IAMCAIEODE $37.00 0t 0000 42415 I]NTFORM FIRE CODE Ji36.000t 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $37.000l 000042415 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 01 000041548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)ti7.000t 00w 42412 XEROX COPIES $0.250l 000042412 STUDIES 0t 0000 42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 01 000042371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0l 0000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CTIECK FEE T$4OPERER.I0l 0000 42332 OFF IIOURS TNSPECT]OilI FEES- 0t 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES0l 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE $20.000l 0000 41413 A-LIDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE tSI.OO PER SQ.FT.I0l 000042440 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 0r pfrn 41331:-BB,EPATDDESIGNREW I ))o'-.26ot NtffiTtTI I}.4/ESTIGATION FEE (BUILDINC) 31 0000 451r0 TOV PARKING FUND ot oow 22027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND* 0t 0000 2lu2 TAXABLE @ 4% ISTAE)* 0l 0000 4t010 TAXABLE @ 4% 0l 0000 4237t BUILDINC IN\,'ESTIGATION L'I'HT,R 0 t 0000 4l 330 Irz0u.u00r 0000 41330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $200.000t 0000 41330 EXTERIORALTERATIW $200.000t 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IMORETIIN_IOOSO J-T:]$500.000l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRTETINEW-$1.500.000t 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELOPMEM $l.our.(ru0l 000041330 SPECIALDEVELOPMENTDrc $200.000l 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION 0l 0000 41330 VARIANCE $250.UJ0r 0000 41330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS $250.000l 00m41330 RE. ZONING $200.00 OTHER E- COMMENTS: A\,/lcAsur f-l 1cK{l rM.oLl "-.*V- -1 TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3or-47s-2r 38 / 47s-2 I 3s i::.ti:l::: ;FAX303-479-2452 Parcer No..: APPLICANT LODGE E VAIL 174 GORE CREEK DR' OWNER LODGE E VAIL ACd Sq Ft: fof Uood/Pa t Let: **r*rkffi*****ffi****ffi*tnt**ffir*'**i#***ritffi** FEE SUI{I{ARY ***lrHrr**ttst*trir***ffi * Description: TEMP TENT FOR NON PROFIT OccuPancY: Type Construction: A Type OccuPancy: Valuation: Fireptace Infornation: Restricted: Not in tablet L t250 fof Gas Appt i ances: Bui tdi nE-----) P l.an check---> Investigat i on>tliLt CaL L---> 44.00 Rcstuarlnt Ptan RrvicL'-->28.60 DRB F Recreation Fee--------> Ctean-Up Deposit------> TOTAL FEES----- fof Gas Logs: .oo Totrl ctlculatcd Fc.s--->.00 Additionat Fc!s---------> .00 5.00 .o0 .00 75 .60 -, ota I Perrni t Fcc------> Payments------ BALANCE DUE---- 75.fi .00 75.60 .(x) 75 .60 *t***ffi****r.rffiffiffirffiJr***rrr.**************ffi****t**#ii*#|H.*ffifflrffi***t***t*tf*lr*ffi***ffi*ffir Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING DiviEi-on: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: Dept: HEALTH Division: Dept: CLERK Division: REOI,ESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-fOUR I.IOURS IN ADVANCE BY send Ctean-Up Deposit To: TASTE 0t VAIL Ite.m: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTI'IENT04/03/L995 TRYNIS Action: APPRItbm:' 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT04/03/L995 TRYNIS ACTiON: APPRIIbm:, 05600 FIRE DEPART!{ENT04/03/7995 TRYNIS Action: APPRItbm:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 04 /03 /1995 TRYNIS Acti-on: APPRII,CN:, O57OO ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH04/03/L995 TRYNIS Action: APPRIt'em:' 05900 LIQUOR04/03/1995 TRYNIS Action: APPR *f,t*****trtffirlffitirt*lr*rnH*-t**Hri|*f**ffir**i#*#uttffiiffirtH***f****f,r|tfr**ffi See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIOT{S I hereby acknolrt,edgc that I hrvc read this apptication, fitted out in futl the informtion requircd, comptltcd an accuratc Plot ptin, "'nO state thlt atl, the inforration provided as requircd is correct. I agr"c to.cotpty.yit! th: inforration snd ptot ptan, io conpty rrith att ToHn ordinancca and statc tavs, and io buitd this structure according io'the Toln's zming and subdivisim codes,'disign revieu approved, Uniforr Buitding Code and othep ordinanc.s of the Tovn sPPticabt€ thereto- D 2p/-a??-z/-off NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED OI{ JOBSITE AT ALI., TIMES 174 GORE CREEK DR 174 GORE CREEK DR, 2L0!-082-21-000 vArL, co 8165 174 GORE CREEK DR, VAIL, CO 8165 CONTRACTOR DISTINCTIVE TENT RENTAIS ?30 S JASON, SUrTE 23, DENVER co 80223 Departrnent of Community Deve lopment Status...: APPROVED LoDGE Applied. . : 03/.30/.1:221riiued...: 04/03/Lee5 ExPires .. z 09/30/1995 Phone:303-476-5011 Phone:303-476-5011 Phone z 3037228368 895-00 61 olfftrnu,be ******************************************************************************** permit *: Be5-0051 a!"X?tliiil3Zrt statue: APPR'vED******************************************************************************** .pernir TIT)e: ADD/ALT COMM BUrLD PERMT Applied: 91/,3^9/,\222Appliciirt: r,opbE e vArt rssued: 9!/,91/,\222303-476-5011 To Expirez 09/30/1995 Job Addrees:Location: 174 GORE CREEK DR' LODGE C VAIL Parcel No: 2101-082-21-000 Description: TEMP TENT FOR NON PROFIT Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. t, o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUSI BE POSTED OI'I JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 303-47s-2r sB / 4zs-2r 3s i::"t?:l::: :FAX303-479-2452 Parcel No..: APPLICANT LODGE E VAIL 174 GORE CREEK DR, OWNER LODGE E VAII 174 GORE CREEK DR, VArL, CO 8165 CONTRACTOR DISTINCTIVE TENT RENTALS ?30 S JASON, SUrrE 23, DENVER co 80223 Description: TEMP TENT FOR NON PROFIT Deparonent of Community Deve lopment 174 GORS CREEK DR SIATUS...: APPROVED 1?4 GoRE CREEK DR, LoDGE Applied. . : o3/.19/,\9-e-5-inyoaz-21-000 ri6ued... : 0!/93/.1:9-22 Expires ... 09/30/L995 Phone:303-4?6-5011 TOWN OFVAIT Occupancy: Type Construction: A Type Occupancy3 Valuation: Fireptace tnforration: Restricted: vArL, co 8165 Phone:303-476-5011 Phonez 3037228368 Not in table! t,250 #of Grs AppIiances:fof Gas Logs: Add Sq Ft: #of ttood/Pa I' tct: ffi*rk*f,**t***lrH*Jrf#Jr***ffi**ffffir*r.ffiffi$t*rttt tEE SUllllARY ***H*l******f,*t*ffffi* Bui (ding-----> 44,00 R€stusrant Ptan RevielF-> ,00 Total cal'cutrted f.ca---> 75'& Pf,an chack---> 2A.60 DRB Fee-------- lnvlstigation> ,OO Recfeation Fee----------> .00 Total, Pcrmit Fee-------> 75.60 uit|'ca|'|'_-->3.ooc|'ean-UPDePosit-------->.ooPayments-_.----_---_-> TOTAL FEES-----***ffiffirn**ffiffi******t-*ffitiffit**rr***************ir********Jr*ffiffi*'**'Hr*ffr.******t*/r*it,r****trlf**l*f,**f*tHr Dept: BUILDING Divieion: Dept: PLANNING Divieion: DeDt: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: Dept: HEALTH Division: Dept: CLERK Division: Ite.m: .05100 BUILDfNG DEPARTMENT04/03/1995 TRYNIS Action: APPRItbr:' 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT04/03/1995 TRYNTS Action: APPRII,en:' 056OO FIRE DEPARTMENT04/03/L995 TRYNIS Action: APPRItbm:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS04/03/1995 TRYNTS Action: APPRItEm:. O57OO ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH04/03/1995 TRYNIS Action: APPRIte-m:',05900 LIQUOR04/03/1995 TRYNIS Action: APPR ffi********firl*rrffi**ffi**t**rrffiffii*rltrfit**irt**#rfi**rr:*rt*****t***#r***f,**fttir*f*t*f,}*f******f,1*i*f*****tf** See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that nay apply to thie permit. DECLARATIONS t hereby ackrrcvtedge thrt I have rcad this apptication/ titted out in futt the informtion required, co0Ptetcd an sccurltc ptot pt"n, alna .t"t. ttii al,t thc infornrtion provided as rcguired is correct. I agrre to.coBpty riitl tnc illgl1'ti* and ptot ptan, io .6rpty Hith al,t Tonn ordinancr! and statc [avs, and io buiLd this structurc according to'thc Torm's zoning and subdivision codes,'disign reviev approved, Unitoro Buitding code and other ofdinanccs of the Tovn aPpticabtc therlto. REOIJESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHALL BE IIADE TUEI{TY.FOUR HOIJRS IN ADVANCE BY send Ctean-up Dcposit To: TASTE oF vAlL frlfftro#,bv 89 s-0051 AT 47+-213E-OR AT OUR OFFTCE FROr 8:00 Ail 5:m Ptl oF oifNER oR co rmcroR FoR HIIISELF AND otlNER t," ********************tr******************Jr**************************************** perrnit #: Be5-0061 aS"X?tBIiilSZrt statue: APPR'VED ****************************************************************************!t*** .permit Type: ADD/AIT coMM BUrtD PERMT Applied: 93/,10^/,\222Appticiirt: r-,oobE e vArL rssued: 0_!/,91/,\225_303-476-s011 To Expirez o9/30/L995 Job Address:I-,ocation: 174 GORE CREEK DR' LODGE g VAIL Parcel No: 2101-082-21-000 Description: TEMP TENT FOR NON PROFIT Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS RSQUIRED BEFORE ANY V'ORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ]'l WE' -t l-Building t l-plurnbing [ ]-Electricar t l-]techanicar _$pr-otrr"rr-.brh-lol farne: Job Addre =='. 1s Block y7? 7Architect: ceneral Description: Town Phone of Vail Nunber: I VailIunberi Reg. NO. **************************** BUTLDING PERIiIIT TEE:PLWBING PERUTT FEE: I.fECHAI{ICAL pERl{IT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE3 OTHER TYPE OF FEE:DRB FEE: *** Reg. NO. r********************* I FEE:I FEE: ;CK FEE3 48.d6 BUTLDTNG: SIGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: STGNATT'RE: work crass: [ ]-New [ ]-Arteration [ ]-aaaitionar [ ;--nepair b<-otrrer_k4rr Nunber of DnellLng UnLts:Nunber of Acconnodation Units: ftl"t and Type of Firepraces: Gas Appri^n""=1L eas LogQ wood,/pert"t_6_ fi*****):;;2p-wtlthtf .**** vALuArroNs ********************************* BUILDTNG: T *7++ TIOO- ELECTRICAL: Ii;#iil; un.rsrNr.-rr. i- 9IIP3t^ <.LUrIIEING: I II1ECHANfCAI: $- I * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * ** * * * * * {]oNTIU{,CT9R INFORUATTo:I Eeneral contractorr T)1.*,..n+,,i.] .z t D^ r Phone Number: qzT- 7)p-- l*:::::tr contractot: . x - rown or vail Ree. No.Addraec. Ea---5- Yye. <rrEil. Plunbing Contractor: ryAddress: - Mechanical Contractor: Df/' -Aoztt:l l,t3 Address: --'-'----- - 6 q_d a#qza_a ^\,FoR o - (u*tt *-a*t ( (ct&.i.-l-a CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI.|IT FEES: CI.EAN IIP DEPOSIT REtrI'ITD trO:{o*6 UarL htns /.-.81b57 rb: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUi' ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTilAY g, 1994 WHEN A -PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED Job Name: Dale:nnas arding the need for a "public Way permit.: YES 1) ls this a new residence? 2') ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public propefiy? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4l ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different a€ess needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done afiecting the right of way, easements, or pubtic prop€rty? 7) ls a "Revocable Right CI Way permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements orpublic property to be used for staoinoparking oi ten-cingz - ---v"-w' B. lf no to gA, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? I have read and answered allthe above qu€stions. It-r9u- algwered yes to any olthese questions, a "Public way permit" must be obtained.?ublic way- Permit' applicationl may be obtained at the public work,s office or at ?.TTtttti y Developmentt ff vou hlve any questions please "allCrt"tri" Davis, the Townof Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-21Sg.' NO tr I Ni 't,utu.fu Job Name Contracto/s Sifnature a-ilil's/zz/s OPUBUC WAY PEnMr PROCEC How it relates to Building permit: 1) lf yes was answer€d tg 3nv of the ab.ove quesiions then a 'pubric way permit. isrequired. you can pick up an aporicatid; a;tth;, 6Jmmunity Deveropment,located at 75 s' Fronlage Rbad or plunc worki, ro."t.o "t 1go9 vairVailey Drive.2l Notice sign offs for utility companie-s. Alt utifities must field verify (locate)raspective uril*:lpr ro signing aeetication. sil;d;it companies require upto a 4g hour notice to schedute I dcate). - ----. 3) A construction traffic contror pran mus!_b prepared on a separate sheer of paper.This pran wiil show rocarions or arr tramc-i;fii;-;'""1'f,gn., @nes, erc.) andthe work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.) 4) sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length,widrh & deprhof *rt). nir iltb; drawn on il,! ti"m" controrpran or a siteptan for the job. 5) submit completed application to the Public work's otfice for review. lf required,locates witlbe scheduied rortne iown 9f vail errari"i"nJ"icr trigation crew. Therocares are rake prace in the mornint, uur ,"irrq;;;il 48 hours to perform.6) The Pubtic Wotr_gonlrucrion lppe1o:r^I_illlgvieyrhe appticarion and approveordisapprcve the permit you wit f,Jco't"aeo as to ilre sir* anct any changesthat may be needed' Most permirs aia reteased *ff inJi ioirrs or being received,but ptease allow up to one'weekio pio""*. 7',) As soon as permit.is.pl0cessed, a copy wifl be faxed to community Deveropmentallowing the 'Building Permit'to o" i5r'""sed. prease o" r"l contuse the 'publicwav permit'with a "-Buirding etrmit;il oo *o* on;fi# sile irsetf. Note: .The above process ls for work In a rlght-of_way only. 'Publfc Way permlt't.. 'A new Publlc Way permlt ls required each year. lnttn 75 routh trontrgc rolal v.ll, color.do E:1657(303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 otflcc of comnunlly dcvolopmo||l BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TII,,IE FRAME If this permit requi.res a Town of vair Fire Departnent Approvar,Engineer''s ( pubr ii .!g*: l r.uien ana'approvar,' a ptinnini'Departmentrev i ew or Hea r rh Dlp3f lrint. rev iew, .ni'i-ii"i"; Li"i;;;'Eu i r ai nel:rilH:"h"ll: ""r*ted time ro"'a-tot"r ;;ui;,,-;"i"L[! as rons l]] .gry:"gial (large or smat't) and all multi_family permits willhave to follow the above mentt6ntJ-maximum requirements. Residentiarand smal'l projects -should t"i" J-ieirer amount of time. However, ifresidential or smal'ler,proieiis-imi.ii''r" various above mentioneddepartnents with regard' to-n.""riili-ieni"*, these projects mayalso take the three-weef perioa. Every attempt wir'r berpge bv this department to expedite thispermit as soon as possibl e. ' s^Ps\r I r's I I' the frame. undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time L Jae. El l/a",Q- -- -h.r- Projec Sheet wa i-turnEii-TiT6-tDate XoiI Devel opnent Department. 75 roulh tronlsg. ro.d U|al. color.do 91657(303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlcc of communlly dcyclopm.nt AI,L CONIRACTORS CI'RREIITLYL REGISTERED WITIT THETO!{N OF VAIL TO!'N OF VArL pUBLrc !9oRKS/CO!0[,NITY DEVELOPUENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTIoN PARKING & II{ATERIAL SToRAGE rn su'Daly, ordinance No- 6 states that it is unrawfur for anypetson to litter, track or aefosi.t anv-soir]-"J"i, sand, debrisor rnaterial, including_11.11r-t"rnsters, portable toilets andworknen vehicles^yqon..anv street, siaewaiil -"fi"v or publicplace or anv oortion theieor. ii"-;i;;i;i;;i=:n ar.r. rown orvail streetl ina.roads is "pproxin.i"iv-s-it.-iti pavenent.This ordinance wirr be ;r=r-;ii;^!nforced by the Tonn of vailPubr'ic works oeoartnentl--p"ilins touna vi6ra[i.r,g this ordinancewilt be siven a 24 hour ,-ii;;;";di;;1;-;:;;;:r=.id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified.aoe=-not-Ioiprv with thenotice within tr5-31 rroui-tii.-liecj.fied, the pultic r{orksDepartnent wirl remove said, mareii"r-ii-inJ'!*iJire of personnotified. The provisions-or-'trrll orainance srrirr not beappricable to cinstruction, -".ii["rr.nge or repair projects ofany street or alley "r iny'u[iiitr"= in the right_a_way. To review ordinance No. 6 in ful1, please stop by the Town of:::i.::ii3i"g"Tf,lfn:*"::"";;;i" a copv. rirani you ror your (i.e. contractor, ohrner) o lown 75 touth trontrgG rold vdl, colondo 816d1 (38) 4?$2138 (303) 47$2139 offfce of communlty dcrulopment NoIIcE To coNTRAcToRs/oI{NER Buru)ERs Effective June 20-, 1991, the Town of Vair Buirding Department hasdeveloped the following procedures to ensure that new constructionsites h_ave adeguater.y eltaulished _prope. o.ii"age rrom uuiroinfsites along and adjacent to Town of vail roads or- street.s. The Town of, vail pubric ttorks _Departnent wirr be required toinspect anl approve drainage acrjaclnt to rown- or vair roads orstreets and tbe installation of tbnporary or permanent curverts ataccess points from tbe road or street on to tle construction site.such approvaL must be obtained prior to any r"qrr-it for inspectionby the Town of vail Ruilaing oepartment tor robtings or temporaryelectrical 0r any. other inspection. please car:. 47g-2L60 toreguest an inspect,ion from the pubric works Department. Arroh, aminimun of 24 hour not.i.ce. Also' the Town of Vail pubric works Department wirl be approvingaLL final drainage and culvert. instaliation with resuLting roadpacching as necessa-ry. Such approval must be outain;J-;;i";-;;Fjnal Certificate of Occupancy iislrance. 75 South Fronmge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Depanment of Comnwniry Development rxFoRlltllof ruEDED llltEx aPPLlrf,c FoR A ltEcutrrctl pERxrr 1. 2. HEAT LOSS CALCULATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF I{ECTTANICAL ROOM WITH EQUTPMENT DR.,AWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DII{ENSIONS anO BruR,ATINGS OF A].,L EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAI ROOM. sHolr srzE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES,VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NolE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUTPMENT YtrLL ALso BE rNsrAr.,rJED rNMECHANICAL ROOM. 3. 4. FArr.tRE ro PRovrDE lltls rl{FoRilMrotr wrr.rJ DEr.at rouR pEnurt. Plan Review Based on the 1991 Unlform Codes NAME: TEST OF VAIL TEM TENT DATE: 3-31-95 ADDRESS: 174 GORE CREEK DR CONTRACTOR: DISTINCTIVE TENT VAIL,COLORADO ARCHITECT:NONE OCCUPANCY:A ENGINEER:NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CoRRECTTONS REQUTREn The ltems listed below ere not lntended to be a complete listing of ell possible code requlrements in the edopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violafon of any of the provisions ofthe adopted codes or Nny ordinance ofthe Town ofVail. l. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQURED BEFORE ANY WORK CAl.l BE STARTED. 2. FrELD TNSPECTTON rS REQURED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE, BEFORE BEING USED FOR OCCUPANCY BYFIRE,BUILDING A}.ID IIEALTH DEPARTMENTS. oFiiUE'ilbtlft/lt '/'5 e!4s'i' 11 ( 10-r 7-._v2 oo J'6"p'*V"t fi,W&-"R**u BcDta DlstirJctlve Ten! 4entals, Inc,, _ W,tttQo'* (*'*@1;atr ,Yo* /o Sca t"t Touvn of Vdl -orMPJ* {v, S Vu, y 2500 lV, ,tth Ave,, Unil I Denvcr, Colortdo E0219 (30:t) 923-7200 FAX 922.7284 . -! .o-:'- I'1(J r'+=L( U ISTIH|]TIVE TENT REHTALS 6939227244 P.A2 3538fneemenrN9 Denvcr, Colorado 80219 (303) 922.7200 FAX e22-72E4 TASTE AF VAII) EOX 5663vAIt/, co. 8t658ATTN: DEBRA EAREE LODGE AT VAII) HOME PHONE FD(No.t79-ozao GUEST CQUNI CLIENI 8,%ot DEBna E^FLE EVENTo^le 4/6,7,8195 F"I'fiE 47s-? t6z su, o^rE+/r/9sf D. OAf?:416195 PHONEiSITE:EVENT TIME:, t t I 1 4 I I I Po' * so, w*r,rE F*a,nE rENr lseo, x 7, FRENcn :';ruDol" uALL , wlrrl ERAME tENr ttg*2o I 13 lOO 80.Fr AsrRo taRF cARpETrNe - BLACB/OREy 1170 rsru PRoPANE sPAcS ttEAtgRS ILEAD vErcHrs ITRACT( LIGHTINE IN ALL TENTS llEss DrscoulvT 3le $ 12s0,00 $ 370.00 $ 220,00 $ 108s .00 s 450,00 $ N/c $ 22S.OO $-J55.00 oll.rvAYtFucf(l!ut xltitt ttFt.c0[cratE At?XALT oFAtS xxxx w000 xKxxx crtLtg COI{TFACT PTICE s3 21s.00 Nt F#lal thr/ rfitla,tl lh lult nd .u|,Plar 4rLtu Dalryi. lra f{lnh. r''.' tienilc Dt tL Latr.. J|d t.''trm6 to oltt''t;thria eunatl.ua' tlQt'lhaLtuttnj lN lo,qolar' lhla A9ft{ft'iad lr tv|/rdBJ to .r.l{lbr,(y al tm a a.;at aad ,avtgntant (h.etr,oc han|'' d c th. d.r. h. w ara.cuw Agta'ral It t&rtutC 0t gni,r]tiva Intl Fralatr, lftc. ?hL lgTaatnant la albFEt lo th. h.ma |nd ooadllhna |.l hnh !n th| b.at rrl| lt.a€f. iihh t|.n. rnd oorldl0e'la.rr m|!| !.rt ol thhAttqant (lllat-. I 8y__-- ETATE TAX s 97,3s ctrY r^x s FTO TAT wt ! (r! valtlDff'ffI 2,YrtY \tV'Qpnan rl r1190.78 B^LANCE s2161.s7 lliili: coD 1/6/es WHITE . OFFICE YELTOW - CUSTOMEn PINK .- Pnoouq7loll 6010 - Fr€Lo .n€I N I HzlF.tlFI |JattL€ GU. b0 .= oG , hE !o o EoE ooa0 7, .{- >'-l >1 't-lFI't-lf-l (!F 6ritrl -llEFl- Eooo5rhaaQ OJg.g 9FI'L l,gtrot!>'!t E _L (' ff#truf EsF: -rtL( .= iid o$ EFI FJtrr!=,roi :613 tl nUli, crl =olioli.l:lrll i dll I:ii .dli"ltgt.g i8 :'61{'14.iul iEr' attrtt I iei rrr iE;|lt.lr !ufxat o'ct i E: =ETrU !)-rEcl .(,i ={a!'i5: E|!eEoats,!grr 9.otLc FEF=EG E() EEg- $oio!E sE-o r3, tnE iE,'o lrt:llr iE i r Erio- i€irel'F': EiEI-9 1-Ei tt!l€i*rF-+eia.E+. tl.!54Eccc E5.e? Eo t, !t!t E CLe.t! EaE|E e6 E.|!iE tl' 4.l!:'I E!t Rr E o!,l€!o:>.:at .ts-.!olE!,ci r b'i(J; ura5G+.C E'l6G|.rE'5lDc€C'-n9cit!E+r Itco.E IEa!(! T.qEO llt oItt! Ehtlt rl,a Q EC' f!,tti Ecr.erl UJ at I i I I I I I I I I&.Hif.n,r{,c.llllli l-(J 0 lrzl.lts FHT{(,)z) F{lol o!1 E7x & H ag C' E'oc (l' = .lJ C)k <) @x o$ Ea !0(, E E E .E B.E I aat 14Hl{ B 4 A14 ;4 N];IEl olgl *lEI rl El BIEI ;lF1 -tI 0 t/, z J ic'l '.zt-llrtlEl rrP,Lu E!t!E(! tt?|! E! Fit-f ,Erl{ EIrl'-trlA.H rfT =3dr{ FE fH trl g.rFtal{r {Hr f l.,ttitf{tfB ttutt tt rE€ C'rD.cl+ EEXle5.9oEEE E'.'EgEfl Ec-c+. '!lE .-rEf ti lE HE.'g e,=.E,28 ggff '=b FEgtt gis o Eg s-'luIH3u .L H3J. 3,\r r..r)..rr I sItI 6f: t t nHI q6_aE_ut,HbBzLzz629B 'd =aro 624 IF2UJE C'r-r|olt o-ct- rFo 0 Eo o EoE, oo Hl-xo6lI-foo.z Ht6ii(t,5EFUI -.o FBtFI LE<ti Erstc ooErgb=tr olFllEIEIxl :1 | I I E .9 g CLoo ota {) = E.EgI fsll €EflI f; HHI $€El E;HIt' trTto o@ E${gEF E+t iEE fiEiE i; rB HEEg EEEE Efi$fi t!F Fo l-E uldl il,.1 Iul fil El iiE 2 E.E o ;o r!o :clltTI .E E {, Esqo "to rd.C6 E-' €Eoo.glCLqrtI,o 9f,,!! 6b! EE .g o'+..6EIUEE-e.> tu g.E!tcraoOc otr'-c.9 gr+oF-eg E{Ul-l h |{(! p< o E. r.l E c -; iU o C,o 'alEEI oE|ri F ,*tr..J s-'luLH=tl rNBr 3A r J-:r 1'l r '',-=f *o: ? r nHr t"-t=-tt"te' e CIDo € p( o ao H l" JIH \l? $E EIEFl' 0o EEBfEoOEtrF f;6r-Oo:=ZJ =oEtr .RLxio6lt =oo.l sl 6iio =rFTJb _g uJt.L-ofl- FpEft-{itr) #.E -FooCGF3tr ! {,ts Ft'l t/v, iJ .+ o€t x (n EEIIFsll EE I I f;rei I E€il I .:8El I =c I I3.; I I 8 E8 | E$q I EEF I E€il | EEEgq gE;gd EEEEi EE$# g a() lu Fa GG Eg E dt Eo ;oo3 o IE-cu EF +EECLQT€aaoEbh]?i!EEto{J.o EE-E>6 ==ttrEtgtr ot':c.98foF.Etr AL,Io =IL -uIF u.oaElrlGf bf52 E z EEtrlI ctu, -EE bBldao 5too.EG 2t! o =O=ltl hEi HEEi2i tr9ostrnl() ={ H[fl-Ehl HT AIl-a{FEI -)Fl r|} 11 1l*rdr-rtHl*'lfFr+r |{elg qttl ou .J 0,t{ {,P +JI ..{u th a Fo UJE zEEg tt-Z tr(, .EF o.o 00 !a toq, ,.1ore No r'r tI EIIJ o E.9 3EEtr oTal dF nH J- S6-Ag-Bt 1,l o sB9 o E J_f.! ! rs-trrl_H3H rl.t3t 3^Il_3HIl5IieeL4z6sa'd o o CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE ISSUE DATE Mar 06, 1995 l,l'l Harbour Insurance Management lll ENTERTAtitMENT,/ SPORTS / SPECtAL EVENTS 114OO West Olympic Concsrts,.Tours, Touring Artists, Thearre8th Floor Film Production, Amateur & professionat Los Angel6s, California 90064 Sports, Festivals and Strset Fairs Telephons: 310-477 -4A86 | Fax: 310-477-1364 THIS CERTIFICATE IS TSSUED AS A MATTER OF I'{FOFMANO ONTY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES ITIOT AMEIIID, EXTEIID OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED 8Y THE POLICIES BELOW COMPANIES AFFORDING COVERAGE i#iA""n Retiance Nationar IndemnityINS U RED Tast.e Of Vail .4p. O. Box 63qtato 2Vail, CO 81558 Tef: (3O3) 476-3734 Fax: (303) 47&3680 ii#!i-" e CoMPANY nLETTER COVERAGES THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POUCI€S OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE IIISURED IIAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATEO, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REOUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITTON OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY 8E ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLTCIES DESCRTBED HEREIN IS SUBJECTTO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDTTIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE EEEN REDUCED BY PAIO CLAIMS. co. LTN wPE OF |[{SURA'TCE FOLTCY t{Um8En POUCY EFFECNVE OATE {M[/DO/YYI POUCY EXPNATOI{ OATE IMII/DD/YY)Ltt| TS A GE ERAL I.IASITTY Ecoltr,lencrll ceruEnll LIAB. Ecunms uaog Eoccun. To Be Determined 04/06/:-995 12:O1 AM o4/to/tee5 12:Ol AM GENERAL AGGREGATE $1,000,000 PROOUCTS.COMP/OP AGG $1,000,000 PERSONAL & ADV. INJURY s1,000,000 El Liquor Liabil EACH OCCURRENCE sl,000,000 FIRE OAMAGE lAnv one fi.6 s 50,000 MEDICAL EXPENSE I AUTOMOULE LtAt[irY E srneo rwos fl Hor-owneo ruros D COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT $ AIYD EMPLOYEN'S TIAEILIrY STATUTORY LIMITS EACH ACCIDENT t DISEASE.POLICY LIMIT t I o€scBtPTtoN INSURED EVENT: Wine Tasting EvENr DATE(st: 04/o7 /L99s-04/08/r99s FRoM LOAD tN (O4/06/Lggs) ro LOAD OUr (O4/Os/rg9s) ADDITIoNAL INSUREDS: vail Associates, rnc. Their officers, Agents & EmpLoyees. Town o! Vail OFFICF NOPY CERTIFICATE HOLDER cANcELLAnoN -' //'7/77: t.>,-- Vail Associatses, fnc. P. O. Box ?Vail CO 81558 I et: \/ sHouLD o*" o,,re/*{tffikc tlrdioiri* BE .AN.ELED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION OATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL 3 O DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER NAMED TO THE LEFT, BUT FAILUFE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY OF ANY KIND UPON THE COMPANY, ITS AGENTS OR BEPRESENTATIVES. ESE NTATIV E ,Joseph Hallct14 BR 4236CSM F R9145 950232 '"t ar,,uf r a"8 Jer .25 6sBa fL ..ru*, orru STAIE gf,att o, Et.t. ot tbe Statc otI ' UATAI'I8 AEIEB, Colo8rdo tottbl o.tttt, Aoootiltzg to tb TAEIE C&,p,R^DO ot thtt ottlo. vEIr, trfct.orxP @nEonilt'.or) ',hla ottto. ot DEcExDEn 6, 7990.tttc | fil,tc{'lo' vu ttleatradlavs of t!.-Sttto ot ColEtanilt!' rsd cutlo.stsad08 to oolduot ttt 'jtt.ts|a ttti ttl. .t.t., Dttcds Dlclxlla lt, ,eeg Dlto.blt rtr|oYt',toaE ot th.-o- td oa iltt ilatc ts tt good ooJlnta'lt to t8a!88ot Dustt|388 Town of vail FFICE EOP\J /r//r vq{ Sqhel/ uJF Eg, t2z =o IH lo .i.l ?l.vl F{lt.cnl I I Il-J Erd 315a/lt(9tz ?t9oli &ulz3o ul F z t!JuJo =cott Eoculz =olro uJElF c; EoE Ec .Eoooo CD .EI c0 E o =c:) o o o.o.6].g E ccnooo atoEoo i6o.NE"e 3+-_F Eg :o EgD EEwo 58.E6 Ee e6.E= o, -oE.g EE'Ip AE EeoEoc-oo- P.3;'! E.E6'5E E8c.9 .=E =0,F];q;0,cL'-ooo5o-0) =EE>c9'- o. -E6.9 O.!og .FO CCeeJqiI=o.o-c E, og OE 6 qt o- oq {' EJoo(t tr(sIto -9ct Eoo d\J 6ldtdl6ltrti] rElr i- - =ll ? $$\ I .-\ I al{J\s vz1 !J J ut tr.iz Fz. 9z fio3d (n UJlIJII E =E IJJo- J FoF al* YGo; ozo Fo- a,o g,o q. UJzulo .>E -f(''EuiS =ot\l zz99hagXfEP C) ano1>E9l!<o* F(JE8 'i r,i -o.UJ J zoF6o H14zo F eulF oz E =G, LlJo- tsz H ltj{ 'l ,F-i9i Hz fr1 |lH €, F.] uJ =z I .l z*1 tAl 14lr-{lLultllA] gl ;l ".1- 4 |')' Y trl .if\I aatlt ocl3J = tn I i r\rn\o F-lH F E auJtr o J = F .n Hzr'lIIl]E F-1 xa-1d I oz.l oluJl 1l <l>lttl zl3tolFI lr)..f u'') -d- I UJ UJF =E oz dutE Ja ltoz =oF =t oz oIIJG J l!oz3oF =g o2 oltl Ja ttoz3oF =c I ci2 du,q a1 ttoz3lotF uiJqt F, IJJz =o F() uJF () -.r O<FEQuJ<zEUJF-oo JE<o()F FSqE -3 o2o =Ja I ?) z)J dE 13 E6 E.o f. i) =+EOz () <(JqF I z o9 =eoo ==dP ) =E;#Hs tlJ ts(t>oo.? zoFo- LrJvt!o oF E*xdqttlo'l>:lo.l8gltglgu, iF.,x 6 tr so-t!oE1{5vE<cf€8E9!L EEt> =uJ:E FE = >cE 8bE irE ;t5. u.l €= UJ..o oF (rE ,*€ E =Elrlo-zoF() :)E azoo !!d Hrn oz tr =G,uJo- U' UJ UJlJ-L =E UJo- trr: :;.l h, l/..-r/ : .'/ I I IH lo {.1 tl {r'll c.l I I t_,V,<'rr lO ?r*ts,o(/lt(5tzz,tA<;=el= uJF F FIz = zz ou,lF z z6 l q6 (, zz ltJ UJ(t) I CE l! CEoFo EFzoo Go cruJz3o UJ .z o (E UJz3 ul-Foz a;**s 'EetEfr :EEiiiiEg; i€F!Eg"; E"g *o=-o"6: O-!siigj :EE;g60'-:-4=O(,tr sHiiS iBiig (r:(\ F =uJ z J lEI Y(J TJJ z J t! uJ oz6 z C)rlJ = ul{lJlI,z F IJJ uJ .o-uJ UJ z a u,J F uJ fz |.lJJ x F IJJU'f -.1J J 3 atulf!l! E = uJL) oF z CO J uJ IJJ oz6 =f o J = uJ- NO[Vn]VA Il- lrol-ol().s 19* l-o- .l("l E<9:z iZ tLvo oo_tr ^ 6z=q 5 >eH Ea" "E!zl()-8e q3Hi 3EiE E*!-rNO h xlrlF Fd F] F7, f-{ ftJ F 7, RF1 |C.Ill r: FTlF{t7,l- toto r z tr tr tll F E (LllJE j zo E o xRidzo EtrtF =uJz I I I I Ezlz <oo< =FRtrdo<z Ez Ozz- -Fdo =trOI llJ .J (l (,)uJzY iF uJIL z tr J az = =F UJ o 3 <l zl z1 .. >louJouluJzoF t uJo- J z Eo =F c) l-t[T Illlll"lI zltYl t<lttl.l Fd tue F{ ( r') @ taJtU'tooIzo Fo- uJ!( r.rJdtI =Fo!+ Otd3bJ> 'rlo-loFloxlr$lHur,^Fvzo z..,,9 Z*.(D0 =zrOCL TL J o(J .\F =o=llltr] llj F CEuJo-lI- luoz oL F E Jl-llt -h=:G >o- 9o\UJx>fiFJ lt uJ @ F ts =E,EIo-z9FC)fE,Fazo(J !! Er rdt{ A. 2 T uJ = fr: 1.: lr ts z J .,l Jcl "lul tnl "l FoJ tsz t{ l-a t{ uJ =z c) -) z thItlH E4( A A.r uJ z x rll\' F\ u,Eo J I i |.\ \C) rl E =tr </1aht! c :- () -l ? a EHH x tx tr z d UJ J l!oz3I .t -.' I (Yt cl\ I I] =tr oz uJ = II z =F =tr 2 ti ul J IL z3 F =E z ti Itl ! lt z3 F uJ UJ uJz = Fo LUL-c) E. -,r O<FE()r!<zEr!F(aZoo J&<o(JF E3fiFG z; =f,z ix ::F 13s! =u E oa i\ =92 J<OfJflfol rXrrrI!4ILI o PERMIT APPLTCATTON TORMoerez J _/-f/ APPLICATTON MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETEIJY OR IT I'!AY NOT BE ACCEPTED O nrc'u l,rAR r r r99-T ,*-1 ToraN oF vArL coNsTRUcTIoN pERr'lrr ,{fufu_ -'-T-taa' rr''rrr!rr********* pEJtlrrr TNFORMATToN '****** * ********* * * * * ********/./,4[lr]-Building [ ]-prunbing [vf-nlectrical It (-uechanical [ ]-other Job Name: Ttw lrlg' rJ)vcc\. Job Ad.dressz t7/ fc,s\ (noe ct.\v fr Legal Descriptiorr, "oa or\t Brock -5 - _C Filing susprvrsroN, or^rners Name: r"/g. Dpp*-f ,^"tr.Add,ress . /// {- 6oe (c. \t, en. tz7-sbflLd,c Architect: G.:neral Description: work cr-ass: [ ]-Nehr r*j$i$":$.#;^Pte"frJ ff-oa""-Ten-L . Nurnber of Dwelllng Units:Number of Acconnodation Units: nPnler and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances {* * * * * * * ** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * VALUATTONS Gas Logs_ Wood/pellet ,I BUILDING: ELECTRTCAL: S OTHER: IPLUMBTNG: F-_ r.re*re'iclfi; i - ;;r;i; Wvr*it************************:t CoNTRACTOR TNFORMATION ***************************r Eeneral contractor, #4-n++ ,&y r4t+ -- Town of vail Reg. No.Address: tW phone*"*iir'-Ef4,euT- ******************************** BUTLDTNG pERMrr FEE: _ SS-PLUMBING PER}TIT FEE: ITIECHANTCAIJ PERMIT FEE:ELECTRICAII FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: GROUP sQ. rr. Conments: * * * * ***** *********** *** * ********* Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. No. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: 23-PLI'ITIBING PI,AN CHECK FEE3 MECHANICAL P],AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: Electrical Contractor:Address: Plunbing Contractor:Address: Mechanical Contractbr:Address: Address: CLEAN TTP DEPOSIT REFTIND TO: VALUATION SIGNATURE: lnwn 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 81657(303) 479-2138 or 479-2t39 offlce of communlty devclopmorl BUILDING PERIIIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAIIE If this perqrit reeuile; a Town of Vail fire Department Approval,Engineeris (!ybli. w.gIFI reyiew anJ upp"ou.t,'a pjinnini'b"p."t .ntrevfew or Health Deparunint review, rni'a_review by the BuildingDepartment, the estimated time tor-a iJtat review may take as longas three weel(s. f]] cgmmgrgial (targe or smat'l) and a.|l multi_fami]y permits witlhave tq follow the above menti6ned maximum requireminti. Resioential 1$.1mall projects-shourd take a teiier amound of time. However, itresidential or smaller.projects impact the various auov" mentioneodepartments wi th reqard' to- necessai-y "eu.,'e", -ilr.i" i".j..ti' ruyalso take the three-weet< peii.oa. Every.attempt will be made by this department to expedite thisPermiit as. soon as possible. - |,. the undersigned, understand the pran check procedure and timeTrame. Communj ty Development Department. 75 south tronlaEe road v.ll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SURTECT: offlce of communlly deyelopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTI,YL REGISTERED WITII THETOIVN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPI,IENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunnary, ordinance No. 6 states that i.t is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit ;t-=;ir]'"J"i, sand., d,ebrisor material , including trash &urnpsters, portabre toitets and.workmen vehicles upon any streetl siaewair, -;li;y or publicp1?:" or anv porti-on trreieoi. --irt" rient-oi-;;t-;" alr rown ofVaiI streets and.road.s is alproxirnately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance wilr be striEliv"enforced. by the Town of vair.PubLic lforks Departnent. -p".=ins round viorating this ordinancewilr. be siven a 24 hour r"iii;;";o[i""-t"-;;;;;;'""id nareriar.fn the event the person so notified.does not comply with thenotice within the- 24 hour.tir.-.p""i;i;;, "if"-ii.tric worksDepartment erirl rernove said mate-.i"t _.t the expense of personnotified. The nrovisions "r irti= ordinance sharr not beapplicable to cbnstruction,-riitti.tunce or repair projects ofany street or altey or any utilities i; t;"-;iiii_"-,""y. To review Ordinance No. G in fu'l, please stop by the Town ofvail Buirding Department to obtain a copy- rrranx you for yourcooperation on this matter. z/*(1.e. IAL Vler 1. contractor, owner) fu,,.,- 3-t(-V FRgt'l :PHtrNE NO. : FAI TRAilS}GfIAL FR,Oi{: PAnTt TrrrE RErftA.L. fifc. 207' S. PLIITI! RIYER DRIVE DENYER, @ 80223 P!|OIE (3O3) 935-454s Ftr (3O3) 93F6731 nt ,o il'r'.[t"- t,^.> XI}TAL PAGEi IIICU'DITG ITTTS OND -5 comms fle.e- a.e- \*ae >+*p t'oo t E f yo, ' hove , g$Y ques{,.r,*s P\ecsq r Co.Lt 'For o Porly wlththat fieclol Touch' (303)93$4315 FF.x: (3Og) 93&731 ?OEt 8o. Plollo lllvor Drlvo Dcnver, Colo,todo 4t2?3 CLc)C} tLJ(-)lr-Ll-a g oc Er,td Iv, (i iii i::'i .,'1 :l', !,i- :\i. i'c?!) -5 :!g -. q)5C) tl _$ E!Ero Eeep gE EE EE .g cr€x\ .Ps S. 3s* E: tn sEi HF$S F EF€EIaIg iLb-E g \.:.)-- t*-. (Dsil8F i.::$$-'.;l (Iiq ::." gH 5 1it.5.t::ii iE'(t * '-- =6 UEE.. !.. c: o.'-j -' .:? 3 ;l I ",t.gi,llE l: lt s$,r i;;': :€i-: ;i. ._ >. '\,d|eo /' 5,:Pl5.-o lu-B\l { 54Iv !sl\ Otgn Review Action folr TOWN OF VAIL oae /t' /t -1? erqeaName: /-t/1e Building Name: Proiect Description: Owner. Address and Phone: nrcniteqdnfuodress and Phone: '"tA LegalDescriptionivsl A,0,C Btocx {'C sroaiui"ton l,/*,/ /r//qr, t& Zone District k.T ProiectstreetAddres: fa.*-t &a 4J>tL'r Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval n Disapproval zfi Stafi Approval Conditions: o^t"' /0-'t? ' 9'/DRB Fee P,.-p^id^t 21) f{ r.rt.d. 7lLltl DESr6r 6"&t - t+Y^oYWn;v / I'C.,\'\ t'''. L.*')"t-o-t. I "*W6ry,"G€qwne teut and one.30rx40t tent stP 1 4 is94 :r:u{t{:ru*?pr{r#ff, T A. REX'ITET| BOARD APPIJICATTON . TOI{II OF DATE RECEIVED:DATE OF DRA MEETING:tttttttt** t!art!l*ttttt DESCRIPTION:qtallatioD of oneroa TYPE OF REVTEITI: Nevr ConstrucLion (gZ0O.0O)Addi t,ion ( $50 . OO ) the Internat B. ADDRESS: L74 E. Gore Creek Dr. VaLl D.LEGAL DESCRIpTTON: Lor,Subdivision CO 81657, part of lote a, b, c. Block a meet,s and bounds legalon a separate sheet. and attach If property is described bydescriptlon, pldase provideEo this applicaLion. F. F ZONTNG: ccl NAME OFMailing H.NAI.{E qF OWNER(S) : NAME OFMailing APPLICANT' S REPRESENPATIVE :Address: Mailing Address; 174 E. Gore co 81657 APPIJTCATT0NS wrLL Nor BE pRocEssED wrrilol4 owNER's ITGNAT?RE Condominium Approval if applicable. APPLfCANT: Lodse properties Inc..Address t . t J.DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shornrn above,l are Eo be paid aE theLime of submit,tal .of.the ons ippi.paEron. Later, whenapplying for a buirding perrnir,^prbas. iaent.iiv-lh. u..rrrut,.valuaLion of the proposal . The iown ot vaif wifi adjust thefee according to the- cable Ueiow, to ensure the correcL feeis paid corsh FEE SCHEDULE: VAI.,,UATION$ 0 $ i0.00n$ 10, 001 $ s0, o0o$ 50,00L $ 150,000$1s0,001 - $ s0o,0o0 $500, 001 - 91, 000, 000$ Over $1, 000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAL EXPIRESAPPROVAL I'NIJESS A BUTIJDING PERIIIT ISIS STARTED. qlA FEE $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00. 00 ONE YE,AR AFTER FINAI. ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTION o PRE.APPLTCATTON MEETING :TT IIT A pre-applicat.ion meeEing wirh a member of Lhe planningstaff is encouraged to determi.ne if any addicionalapplication information is needed. It is the applicant,sresponsibility to make an appointment, with the ilaff todetermine if Ehere are additional submitLal requiremenes.Please note that a coMpLETE applicat.ion will streamline thereview process for your project F. In addition Eo meet.ing'submitLal reguirements, Lheapplicant must st,ake and t.ape the project sice coindicace properry lines-, building tines and buildingcorners. AIl trees to be removed must be taped. AIlsite t.apings and sLaking must be conpleted piior to theDRB site visit. The applicant. must ensure that stakingdone during the wint,er is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUITDINGS normally reguirestwo separat.e meetings of the oesign Review goardi.aconcept,ual review and a final review. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting dat.e and who have not.asked in advance t.hae discussi.on on their it.em bepostponed, will have t,heir items removed from the DRBagenda until such Lime as Lhe it.en has beenrepublished. The following iLems may, at the discretion of Lhezoning administ.raLor, be approved by Lhe CommunityDevelopment DeparLmeriL sLaff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may noL be required) : a. Windows, skylighcs and similar exterior changreswhich do noL alE.er Lhe existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions not visible from any oEher lot.or public space. A[ the Eime such a pioposal issubmiLLed, applicants must include. Iet.teis fromadjacenL property owners and/or from the agent foror manager of any adjacenc condominium associaLionsLating Lhe associatj.on approves of Ehe addit.ion. ff a properLy is locaLed in a mapped hazard area (i.e.snow aval_anche, rockfalI, flood plain, debris flow,weLland, etc. ) . a hazard st.udy mus! be submit.ted andthe owner musL sign an affidavit recognizing Lhe hazard.report prior to the issuance of a buiidinq permit.Applicants are encouraged Lo check hrith a-town plannerprior ro DRB application to det,ermine the rerationsnipnf lhp nrnnari'r, f .\ r11 nr^^^t t-^-^-r-e..v rJ.vyv! ! j io all mapped hazards. For all residential const,rucEion: a. Clearly indicace on Lhe floor plans the insideface of the exlerior sLructural walIs of thebuilding; and b. Indl_cate wtt.h a dashed line on t.he site plan afour foot. disLance from Ehe exterior facl of thebuildinq walls or supporLj.ng columns. If DRB approves the application with condiLions ormodificacions, aII conditions of approval must. beaddressed prior Lo Ehe applicaLion ior a buildinopermi L. A. n E. A. Thleg copies of a recelt topogrJphic survey, sranped bya cororado professioual r,ic-enied- sunreyot, at a scareof 1" = 20, or larger, on which tne foifowinjinformation is provided: 1. L,ot area, and buildable area when different thanloL area 2. Legal description and physical address. 3.frlro fooL contour intervals unless Lhecousists of 6 acres or more, in whichcontour int.ervals may be accept,ed. parcelcase, 5, 4. Existing trees or qroups of trees having trunkswith diameters of 4" or more, as measured from apoint one fooE above grade. 5. Rock out,croppings and other significaDt naLuralfeatures (large boulders, iutermittent "trear",etc. ) . 5. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, eLc.),cenLerline of strearms or creeks, required creek or.stream seLback, and 100_year flood plain, ifapplicable. Slopes of 40t or more ltratt UecLearly delineaUed by cross hat.ching. 7, Ties to exiscing benchmark, either UsGs 1andnarkor sewer inverE. Tbis information must, be clearlyslated on the survey so thaL all measurement,s arebased on the same st.arting point. This isparLicularly importanL for determining buildingheiqhu and driveway slope. see eolici on surveyInformaLion, for more information regi.rdingsurveys. 8. Locat.ions of the following musL be shown: . a. Size and Eype of drainage culverts, swales,etc. b. Exact 1ocaEion of existing ut.ility servicelines from [heir source to the st.iucture,includinq: Cable TvTelephone Sewer WaLer GasElectric c. All utiliLy meLer tocations, including anypedesLals Lo be located on sice or in theright-of -way adjacenL t.o the site. d. ProperLy lines - disLances and bearings and abasis of bearing. e. IndicaLe all easements identified on thesubdivision plat. 9. Provide spot, elevat.ions at bhe edge of asphalt,along the sLreet frontage of the properCy-at.LwenLy-irve tooL incervals lZS,), and a minimum ofone spot elevat.ion on either side of the 1ot,. Site Plan 1. LocaLions of the following must. be shown: a. Exiseing and finished grades. b. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. B. o Proposed driveway, including percent slopeand spot elevat,ions ae the property fine,garaqe slab and as necessary along thecenterline of t,he drive to accurately reflectdriveway qrade. A 4' concrete drive pan at the edge ofasphalL for driveways that exit the st.reeL inan uphill directj.on. 2. A11 existing improvenent,s including st.ructures,Iandscaped areas, service areas, sEorage areas.,walks, driveways, off -street parking, ioadingrareas, retaining wal1s (with top and boltorn ofwall spoE. elevat.ions), and other existing siEeimprovernenLs. 3. In order to detennine proposed building heightselevations of all top roof ridqes, and eavei whendetermined necessary by the zoning adninisLracor,shal1 be indicated on the site plan hrith exist,ingrand proposed contour lines shown underneath. d. LandscaDe plan (!rr = !Q, or larger)3 copies required n F. 1. At. a minimum, the following informat.ion must beprovided on Lhe 1andscape plan: a. Location of exisEing t.rees 4', diameEer or'l : rrro r45-r'v., b. Type, size and locat.ion of all exist,ing andproposed plant material, c. Location of all t.rees Co be transplanted, d. A detailed legend of all proposed .p1anrmat.erial i.ncluding common and Lat.in names. 2. The location and type of existing and proposedwatering sysEgm! Eo be employed in caring- forplanr macerial following its insE.atlatio;. 3. Exist j.ng and proposed conE,our lines. Retainingwalls should be included wiE.h the cont.ourinformaLion wit.h top of waLl and bottom of walLelevaLions listed. 4. CompleLe the attached landscape materials list. $iqn gff fr_om eaqh utiliLv conpanv verifying rhelocarion of uciliLy service ana avaifabiiici ii""at tached utility verj.ficaLion form) A prelimina accompany alIand identifyproperty. submittals,al1 easemenE.s mus LE.o lnsure propert,y ownershipaffecting Che subject. ArcLiCeclural.Plans (!fg" = 1, or larger, !/4,, ispreferred scale for review) 3 copies ire'required. 1. Floor plans and all elevations of the proposeCdevelopment drawn Lo scale and fu1ly aimeiiioneA.The elevarion drawings musr show bolh exiiiing anafinished grades. 2. One set. of floor plans musL be "red,_lined,, to showhohr the gross residential floor area (GRFA) wascalculated. 3. ExLerior maE.erials and colors shalt be specifiedon Lhe at.E.ached maLerials list,. fhis materiif slisL musr be completed and submiLred ui-i-piit otthe application. Color chips, siding ""*pielet,c., shal1 be presenEed at the Oesign Rlview G. tOU meeting. Details incluilfng, buL not limited. to fascia, trim, railings, chinrn6y cap, mJtI;----locations, etc. must be snown graifriciifv-anafully dimensioned. @!.$ (at,tached) must be compreEed if theprolecE rs locat.ed within the Single_Family,Primary/Secondary or Duplex zone iistriccsl' Phot,os of the exist,ing sit,e and where applicable, ofadjacent structures. The Zoning Adurinistrator and/or DRB may reguire thesubmission of addiLional plans, drawinls, '- specificaE.ions, samples and other nat.eiialsr(includinga model) if deemed necessary to deLermine wtreifrei- aproject witl comply with peliqtr Guidelines. H. I. r)\ \ \hf\* ,,t\\\"? ' \,l" vI . A. original floor prans with al'r specifications shown. B. Three seEs of proposed fLoor plans L/gt = 1, or J.arger(L/4', = !, is preferred) C. Three copies of a siLe plan showing existing andproposed construct.ion. rndicaLe roof ridqe erevationswit.h exist,ing and proposed grades shown underneaLh. D. Elevations of proposed addit,ion. E. photos of the existing st.ructure. F. specifications for ar1 maLerials and coror samples onmat.erials tist (attached) . AE, the request. of the Zoning .edninistrator you may also berequired to submit,: c. A staLement. from each uLirity verifying rocation ofservice and availability. See act.acUea utilitylocation verification form. H. A site improvemenL survey, stamped by registeredColorado professional Licensed surveyor. r. A preliminary tiLle report, Lo verify ownership ofpropert.y, which liscs all easemenLs. VII. FINAL SITE PIJATV ( )n,-6 . trrr ! | -{ r_5_-ri4..y t.;e-...i L .ras i.regn isrrteri, arrd consc.rucE,ron isunderway, and before the Buildinq Department, will sched.ule aframinE inspection, two copies oi an- ImprovemenL, LocaLionCert,if icat.e survey (ILC) st,amped by a regist.eredprofessional engineer must be submitted. The followinqinformacion must be provided on the IIJC: A. Building locaLion(s) with ties eo property corners,i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to the nearesl, Eent,h of a foot. A11 utility service linematerial used, and size o as-builts, showing tlpe ofand exact locat,ion of l_ines. c. n E. Basis of bearing to E.ie to section corner. A11 property pins are t.o be either found or set andstated on improvement, survey, All easements. Garage slab elevations and aI1 :of ridge elevaLionswit,h exi.st.ing and proposed gra, shown under the ridgelines VIII.CONCEE{TUAL DESIGN REIIrEW A. Sgbmi.ttal fequireme+tF: The c r or auLhorized agentof any project reguiring desi, pproval a" pt.""riu"Jby ehis chapt.er rnay submit pI for conceptual_ reviewby ehe Design Review Board t,c , Department ofCommunity Development. The c ptult review isint.ended Eo give the applican basic underscanding ofthe compat.ibility of their pr. aI with che Town,sDesign Guidelines. This proce ie is recommended :primarily for applications more \romplex than sinjfe-family and_two-family residences. However, deveiopersof single-famiry and two-faniry projects shall not'te-excruded from E.he opportuniLy Lo reguest a concepLuardesign review. compret,e applications must ue su6miiiea10 working days prior lo a scheduled DRB meet,ing. The forlowing informaLion sharr be subrnit.t.ed for aconceptual review: r-. A conceptual siLe and randscape plan aE a minimumscale of one inch eguals twenty ieet; 2. conceptual elevations showing ext.erior materiarsand a description of the character of the proposed s truc t.ure or s Lruct.ures; 3. Sufficient information Lo show the proposalcomplies with t.he development st,andards of Lhezone district in which the project is to beIocated (i.e. .RFA, site coverige calculat,ions,number of parking spaces, etc.)t 4. CompleLed DRB application form. B. procedure: Upon receipt of an rplication forconcept.ual design review, E.he L- .,artment Of CommuniEyDevelopment. sharl review t.he sr nitted maL.erials forgenerar compliance with the ap rpriate reguiremenE.s ofthe zoning code. If the prop ,1 is in basiccompliance wit.h t.he zoning cod eguirements, t.heprolect sha1l be forwarded to oRg for conceptualreview. If the application is ,t generally ineompliance wi.th zoning code regi .rerients, theapplicacion and submit.tal mat,ei: r1s shall be returnedto the applicant wiE.h a writt.en :xplanatio" a" i"-rtvLtre community Deveropmeng Depar::,eirE staf f has found.the project not Uo be in conpJ j.-,,ree t.nth zcning ccdcrequJ_rements. Once a complet.e ;lplicat,ion has beenreceived, the DRB shall review inL submitE.ed conceptuarreview applicacion and support.in,f mat,erial in orde; a;-determine whet.her or noc the project generally comprieswith the design guiderines. The-DRB 6oes ,,.or. vote onconcept.ual reviews. The property owner or hisrepresentaLive shall be present at the DRB hearing. 6', IJIST OF MATERTALS riIAME. OF PRO.TECT:at Vall. Internatlonal Deck Tent. I.EGAL DESCRIPTIO$?T : LOES arDr &-C.BLOCK 5-C SUBDIVISION Comerclal Cori I STREET ADDRESS: reguired for submittal to the Design approval can be iiven: TYPE OT UATERTAIJ Tent materlal COI.oR TeDt materlal A. The folLowing information is Review Board before a final gUTrcNgC !!,ATERIA!S: Roof Siding other wall Materials Fascia Soff i ts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim I{and or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses ReEaining wal1s ExLerior Lightinq OLher LANDSCAPING: N/A Designer: Phone: Creek Dr. Vdll Co. 81557 B.Name of o TERIAL TREES o Comnon NqmePIJANI II,IA PROPOSED AND SHRUBS N/A S: Botanical Name Ouantitv Size* *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.t F rooq**Indicate size of5 qallon. - Minimun_r caliper forner.ght. for coniferousinches.. Indicat,efproposed shrubs.Minimum size ofJhrubs is TyDe Square Footaqe GROTJND, COVERS N/A soD SEED TYPE OF IRRTGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSTON CONTROL LAITDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exrerior lighting is proposed, pleaseshow t.he number of f ixtures and locations on-a -separat,e Iiqhting plan. rdenrify each fixture from t.he li;heing planin the space below and provide the height aro.re-qiaae, -rype orliqht.proposed, lumen out.puc, ruminous area ana i-cut sheet ofthe Iight. f ixrure. (SecLion J) n OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpooIs, etc.) prease specifv. tndiiace heights o- retaininiwall"s. Maximum height of walrs wichin t.he front set,back is3'. Maximum heighe of walls elsewhere on Lhe piop.rty is 6, sttBDrvlsroN JOB NAI.TE IrOT BI,OCK FILING ADDRESS The locat,ion and availabiLity of utiLitj.es, whether!rg$ lines or.proposed lines, must be approved andfollowinq utilit,ies for Lhe accompanyi"S--"ii" ;r;. Authorized Siqnature Lhey be maiDverified by the ' Dat.e ;-U. S. west Comrnunications1-800 -922-L987 458-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949 - 5781Gary Ha1I Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949 - s892Ted Husky/t'lichael Lavert.y Heritage Cablevision T.V.. 949 - 5530Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle ValLey wat.er& Sanitation Districe * 47 5 -7 480Fred Haslee NOTE: z. 1 .t This form is Lo verify service availability andlocaLion. This should be used in conjunction ,oittrpreparing your uLility plan and schedufinginsCallations. For any new conFtruction proposat, the.applicantmust provide a bomplered uriiir,v verificiiion-iorm. If a utiliLy company has concerns with the proposedconstrucLion, the utility representative snout-cl noc,di'recLry on Lhe uririry veriiicacion form Lht--thereis a problem which needs to be resolved. The issueshould Lhen be spelled out j_n det,ail in an att,ichealett.er to the Town of vail. However, please keep inmind char ir is rhe.responsibiliry of tne uriri[icompany to resoLve ident.ified problems. If the ut.iIit.y verif ication form has signatures fromeach of t.he ut.ility companj.es, and no commenls aremade direcLly on the form, the Tohrn will presumet,haL Lhere are no problems and thaE the dlvelopmentcan proceed, These verifications do not relieve t.he contracLor ofhis responsibility Lo obtain a sLreet cut, permitfrom the Town of vail, DepartmenL of publil worksand Lo. obtaip UEilit.v locations before diqqinq inany public righL-of-way or easemenE-in cne rown ot Y3il-. L bu j. lC:_nc. perni t is not a sLreeL cut oermit.A st.reet cut permit musE be obEainea separatefy. Installation of service lines are at t,he expense andresponsi.bility of Lhe property owner. *. Please bring a siLe plan, floor plan, and elevaLions whenobtaining upper Eagle valrey wat,er & sanitation signatures. FirefLow needs must be addressed. .l. 6. ^ZONE CHECR 'Single family Residence, Duplex, primary/Secondary :ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: LEGAT, DESCRIPTION: Lot _ Block _ subdivision ADDRESS: OWNER PHONE PHONE ZONE DTSTRICT PROPOSED USE ARCHITECT LOT SIZE BUTLDABLE LOT AREA TOTAl GRFA Primary GRFA +425= . Secondary GRFA + 425 =_ SeLbacks Front Sides Rear Si f,e Coverage Landscaping ReLaining wall Height.s 3, /6, Parking carage Credit Drive: 20' 15, 15' No NO Allowed Existino proposed Tot,al Heisbt (30) (33) Reqrd Encl (300) (500) (900) u.200)_ PermiLLed Slope % proposed Slope % Complies r.t'ith T.O.v. Lighcing Ordinance yes water Course Setback (30) (s0) Do Finish crades Exceed 2:1 (50%) yES Environmental/Hazards: 1) Flood plain 2l Percent S1ope (< > 30%) 3) Geologic Hazardsa) snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris FIow 4 ) wetlands View Corridor Encroachment: yes Does chis i:eqlies L irrvuive a 250 A<idi tion?How much of the arlowed 250 Addition is useE-Tffi-EEis requesL? Previous condiE.ions of approval (check property fj.1e) : 10 .|?@||IhI CTF IJFIIL lltrctllrrouc Cdr e9-rHr 09r50r9{ ffi.ffi hounr prid n.w B.OB l.€l|-f Ftmtpi * I$SJZ4 Rc@uD! * CTfi1-19 UIDT|/LODGE PR(MRTIES\PREMID DRBholnt trndered > lr} p.id ota00e{r53r@9 Cllmgr rrurrnad > TlSth{< Your cashicr |€IDI ,. ti Oesign Review Action(}rm TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: / ) tl ,/ ^It /--tl) ttr,4 T oate slttl44 Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecUcontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot' Block 1L Subdivision Project Street Address: Comments: 14 L- Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval a Disapproval S Staff Approval Conditions: /.fly'/,--.' 'c r Town Planner Date:s/th4 DRB Fee Pre-paid I ?c,. f,-, DRB CNIION - EO'IN'OF VAIL, eb .atPLr **t*****l* TEIS .EPP&ICAIION NII,L NO! BET'}IBIIJ AlI. REQSIRED INAOR!,IATION********** eb rEvised, slalsL coLoRN)O :itll.j'0lvlAR l 1994DATE APPIICATION RECEIT/ED : DATE OF DRB MEETING3 ACCEPTED IS r. PRO{IECT TNFORMATTON: 1oA.DESCRfPIION-: 1g3!g3l"" of " Jq' j_tB' j"'t .\ of the Int tional- . Deck. puttine up tenporary 1lghtig9_!-!llg. tr,4 B.TYPE OF REVIEW: i rvvNewconstrdct,ion(s200.oo)xMinorA1t,eration($20.oo) Addition ($50.00). Conceptual Review ($O) Jr.ADDRESS'. L74 East core Creek Drivc, \ia11, CO 81657 'J LEGAL OU"yt' A ,\21*ll D. G. If property is described bydesgription, please providlatt,ach to this application. Subdivision ZONING: LOT AITEA: If, reguired,stamped survey showing a neets and bounds legal.on a separate sheet, and applicant must, provide a currentIot area. E. E'. \--') H. NAl,lE OF APPLICANTTS REPRESENTATIVE: paul A. JeppsonMailing Address: I ?a FFqt core creek_Drlve. v"rt. CO 81657 I. *STGNTEURE (S) :Mailing eddress:l Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are t,o be paid atthe tine of submittal of DRB application.r...s r.J.u,ui er surrmtE:1+ or DRE applrcat,ion. Later, whenapplying for a building pernit,l-please iAentiiv-iirey theaccurate valuation of the proposil. The town 'of VaiIwill adJust the fee_according'to the taUfe-lefow, toensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDUTE: VALUATION! 0-s 1OrO00I 10r 001 - $ 50, ooo. $ 50,001 - s 150,OOo $150,001- - $ 500,000 $500r 001 - $1,000, oo0I . Over $1r 000,0OO * DESTGN REx,llE?f BOARD .e!PRo\rdr. ExprREs oNE rEiaR al.tER arNAr,IPPRo\rAl ItNLEss A .BurLDINc PEBldIt Is rssuED AND coNsIRuctroN rsSlAR:f,ED. *tNo aPPLrcAlroN wrr.r. BE DRocEssED wrrEouE otfNER,s srcNAagRE 1 J. K. FEE$ 20.00$ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 ss00.00 jltE', NAl,lE OF APPLICANT: Lodee prooerties Inc.Mailing Address:_lZ@ rr,{.1 ^ co Rr6,57' phone 426-50rr - '':i!tA:' J _- z----> ,---\_ r^. __ 'c- .97F.uorueert'r,/ 97&nrrTEOI zzroao '9"1 //ufrt n<oPEAtT 4b/e:D bf APP.-' a,vfPAAr 4P ft/gL ------.--.- erlrt& t.aweR I ie t IE F P4/e,<-3 E r/ t7'A- 7a 99,.a c.ae. (6raL(-) Ev/57A, WAL|- 24AptEDNGvv ttA Lla,( n/tD?,t/EO) reRe^/A//*L'FLo4'Et4S ale Qz PzA, r0\I Itt \l. v .l[ ^qY\72.rz-tts PAr'ER' __=_=--:-_ /rzlav, e/<4DE norun -.." 3 / cAL, I I I:.. A J 'a 977ua,74e4,/ gtttttvt trTEA 1 zztooo 3,.F. //U/vt FI<OPEAtT AAle.t2 bf APPLJ 4.vfPAAr 4ra tHEL op -v ,4,,?/ cr<. P,/, t CAlt E/"t7O'2a aa,a o€, (6laL() E7/9f'6 ,yALL PaDpt@tUerV t44 L,(.( O, Ok1/EA) reREi^t^rtt+L'FLo4tEr4S A.vE t/.-AtL /zA, .o\ e \ )rl. v ),1.\ ^(lv\ -- ,/,.-, - ,/_ - -irR/e-rr/* - -,/ PAr'EE'F//v'c.<4./Y A'PAN .,.,3 " 4t1L, I I I A ffihq*fa,trAE AELO4TTD(er7ED) *% '\,droo., t rPlss-- x t,td I(/) tt,r\, o lu-B\ E, (:-sE(\\ \ o i ' \rdlao/ 9rpl5 - * a,t6 uu) tt,i lu-a5 !'s TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvAIL, CO 81657 9'7 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE PoSTED oN ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0019 Job AddressLocation...Parcel No. .Project No. 174 GORE CREEK DR VISTA BAHN 270I-082-21-000 Status. . .applied..Issued...Expires. . I S SUED 02/13/1ee7 02/13/1,ee7 a8 /12 /ree7 APPLICANT DISTINCTIVE TENT RENTALS2500 w. FouR AVENUE, UNIT L, DENVER COCONTRACTOR DISTINCTIVE TENT RENTALS2500 w. FouR AVENUE, UNIT 1, DENVER COOWNER LODGE O VAIL1?4 coRE CREEK DR, VAIL, CO 8165? Phonel. 303-922-7200 80219 Phone:. 303-922-'t2OO I0219 Phone: 303-476-501-1 Description: TEMPORARY TENTS 2_22_97 TO Occupancy: A3Type Construction: V NType Occupancy: Val-uation: 1-5, t i reptace Information: Restficted: 3-L7 -97 A3 Type V Non-Rated 000 #of Gas App t i ances: Add Sg Ft: fof Gas Logs:fof !,lood/Pa t let : Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept! PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: TOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up approved amount date ********t****************************lct*******i***t***t*** FEE SU14l,lARY ********************************Jr*************************Buitding-----> 195.00 Restuarant ptan Review--> .OO Totat, cat.cuLated Fees___> 424 -75Pf.an Check---> 1?6.75 DRB Fee--------Investigation> .0o Recreation Fee----------> .oo Totat. permit Fee--------> 4z4.zst|i|.|'ca|.t---->3.0oc[ean-uPoeposit-------->1oo.o0Payments--------_-------> TOTAL FEES-----*******************************************************************f************************************************************** Ite.mi .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTQ2/13/\99'7 DLN Action: AppnIleml'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT- 92/r3/Le_e-7 _DAI{ ___AS!f_St: AppR N/AItgm:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 92/13/19_97- DAN Action: AppRIte.m:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKSo2/13/t997 DAN Acrion: AppR N/A *******************************)t*************ff*******t****ff*************************************ft***********ff****rf************ See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions t,hat may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtedge that r have read.this appl,ication, fiLLed out in fuLL the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that att the information provided as required.'is correct. i agree to compty with the infornation and ptot pl,an,to compty uith aLt ToHn ordinances_and state [aws, and io buiLd this structure accofding io'the Tovn's zoning and subdivjsioncodes, des'ign revieu approved, Uniform Buil.ding code and other ordinances of the Town af,pticabl.e thereto. REaUESTS FoR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE TIIENTY-FoUR HoURS tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE A't 479-2136 oR AT oUR OFFICE FROII 6:00 Al4 5:00 pf,l Refund send ctc.n-lrp Deposit To: VAIL vALLEy FoUNDATIoN SIGNATURE 0F oltN€R oR coNTRAcroR FoR HltsELF AND ouNEi t. ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 897-0019 as of 03/04/97 Statu6: TSSUED******************************************************************************** permit.Typet A??ll!T coMM BUrLD pERMr Applied: oz/t3/1.ss7Applicant: DISTINCTIVE TENT RENTALS Issued: o2'/L3,/Lgg73O3-922-'|2OO To Expire I OB'/L2/tgg7 rlob Address:Localion: VISTA BAHNParcel No: 2101-082-21-000 Description: TEMPORARY TENTS 2_22_97 TO 3-17-97 Conditions:]-. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BESTARTED.2. BUILDING AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS APPROVALS ARE REQUIRED BEFORE OCCUPANCY ****************************************************************t TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Stat,ennt Number: REC-0250 Amountz 424.75 03/04/97 10:52Payment Method: CHECK Notationt #2IO2S Ihit: CD This Payment **************************************************************** Permit NoParcel NoSite Address Locati-on Account Code01 0000 4131001 0000 4L33201 0000 2200201 0000 41336 897-0019 Type: A-COMM 2101-082-21-000 174 GORE CREEK DRVISTA BAHN ADD/ALT COMM BUILD P 424.7s 424.75 .00 Amount 195.00 126.75 100.00 3.00 TotaL Fees:424.75 Total ALL PmLs: BaLance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE FEB-15-97 THU g:56 DISTINCTIVE TENT REHTALS 3939227244 P -92 ss{r By;/ t6l-otL'T|-{r-zs-s? ; s:l2AM ;vAlL vAt'y *oo?on sogizzTzo,t#ntn .'-Ly.t"Hi1!tlih^!'[h-'Hhi! *.#;i.'i]II::'0" uLr ur'e9.-- ]#uu No 'uub r''uz ['if'rJt,j''i-r'"'"':" H*ffjffiiflffi" pEi!{*' at tDDr'rclllott ltrtlr ts ITItlD olt[ Gf,rltBrrr,T oi, t! nr rfer !G ,rc..D'rD I f,:rrtr'*rrrrt*tltt*e '*ttr'tlrr D!rutr rNloililBtolt 't*ltrirri..rrrrrr.r*r..r*.*i!'l I'tulldlng t t-rtrubtng t i-tlrctrtcet t l4frehrnr.srl (4-gthor |e*fu* tfrmr tit t/+tkl frrri,.t+^,-.- .7ob rddn'r y'a;l Mtn. //r/* o,t:,ttgil Dmorlptlonr to!4_ 11o€n__,. Otrnrrr ttrDrt Vo;l t/rtlc hlrln . tdinrrr f,rohtCesir lddrrrtr Ornar|l DilorlFtlon:'i Aa FFfiaEjT:2fu ,_: ttot&i ./) ttor, Pb.-- /- S.yZT l||ebrnlsrl oenttrotots Toun of vru 8.g. l|o.Fnqll uurDcrt __ '- otrJc! utl r.rti.*f rtrt**lt*ltttr( tr.rt*.til#,flgHSrrsmi ":,;*-- SEpI!t_!r1'1- e,iEctr tEE;*g1II gtp-!!!,f --ffi *-rir rsg$sq[El9IS!'uD'aIDoEirr!oDN. r'fnEf irhir rlrrtfirlat..rtrrrllal taaairf ttlf t1DRlUflOH0 Etruttr tEEt '-- -Y -lqqtrEErr grnnrr iiE- *- -g=!!IE!! lErtrrr trtr - llfamlcr& rt& - mHI- el rlEr lidrmr: ;uIrD:I[ot llOtMUtxErloFiltf0rttO||t[URlr t-Ia t $ $ F t||togTtttE'II =E d EE I iErs' : PIt 5tm I9 f; \ t N F1* E f,t b H g I $ Enp $ EF cpIa H +.r} HH EH cH \\ N$r il. T. \ ST I NCT IVE TENT RENTALS 36 27244392aDIaFEB-I5-9? THU 8:56 Nl^s\s s P \\, \ B E s{ \s { $rl r \ I hscIsrI \ttt\vt $ $ q{ \ s r( c\o i* t $ $:q' r't tlc x s tlr. t t\{ {{: \ tl $ {o- I oTT-Tt C- E ( 1 FFB-13-9" THU 8:5? DISTIHCTIVE TENT REHTALS 3A39227284 : SEM B?: rUBN l r-rr-rt ; -o:t2AM rvArl vAluy o*ton.uF UHlr- Lutl-DEV ID;lg6-4;t-r4b' uU'i.'riJ'uo luun Il|rfirnt;lrit,r.h||dtlflD|lrl rt9-r[r or {rg-atl rot ffisry1*' at'''m&It& rE",'e,"D ftrra uo Itr0llr to||t Ot vffi& luErte rqnnE/Co!!frnrltT DFUrInDlElttElrlr xf,rq lt, rrtf . $UltEc,Tr Ggmtsetror prR$:sE I ttrtrlttl, Ff,0nrEEil""Hii'i' M$ttrtr+liii"it ffiff ;i'tri.#;il'i**. P.64 aw0n?284;#l$/lsI ).Ul Nu.uUJ r.!rr, ||lSe rt cnr111q frm;.mril FEB-13-9? THU 8:5€, DISTINCTIVE TENT REHTALS 3A39227284 P- 95 'seu tV.: lUb,il. Uf vHiu t-01'l-llEV 'i ' To: Fnoffi OATErilt lt-rr-", ; g:lfAil ;vArL vrrr.rEy o,*iloo lD ! 30J-479-2452 oCT {Jl ',eb 300S22?204; #15/rsls:u2 flo.uu5 r-u). utmF4{$lrf AtLoOffipr1pps lptl! orvAtl Furuc woirll eEp FfrEr{rUAV e, fna wH$t A ',tutuc ry^v plililTr 18 nEOUtilD Pfrrneturr-|Fffffi $r ft lhb e nrw nr|drncr? fl dilnofilon worlc betng pfrlOrmCtlnt dqdnr fir rm or-rfd ii-ii'--of wry, arrtme,ur or nilo]ffoplry? n ury'urmy ro* nrrfrC? lr tlm ddnrvry bdnn rpred? h.rttfh-nd &il nrrrtrdb drllh$thlt "daftdrhffdi-- e.tuortbrtry &nrryqp hr rlglrt af tny, iltmrm,orpbfc Fropcryt lr r.BftmHo Ftght OtWry Fffm[,tequlnd? . A. .. b the r[t1 dt*"t, rmmirnr or ffi ii'-*12ffi :ii"*o-"fi fr ;' i'*r#rli,H!*f t'ul*,*li ffiffiiffimfrfiffi$H#ffiffi r) 3l el {) 5' 4 il t trrrr.nrU fnd rnurnd.ff n..Ao,r. t$orJoJu'n FFE-13-97 THU s:58 I)TSTTNCTM TENT REHTALS 3A392272A4 P-96-t sflT BY; - l-20-97 : srlsAM ;vAlL vA,u-Ey FNDA'[0N-I 300022220{;fl4l19 futrN.ul- vHIt Lrjl'l-uEv IDtcuJ-419-2452 utl Ur'90 lr;vl No.uvf r'u" lmn tlelilror-||| rdill!!L|l|bfi||[l{q 179-119j or rrt-lH9 tullDtffi PEnrur lssttticE rIilE puilE ffiffi$i':tfiriltnnlf:fu*tiltr i$irlif;r, ;;fq{;i;lffffiffirrpl'#fffrfltn:rft dh' . EYC{ lttrrpt rlll bc rr& hu fhte ,t.--e-^-^ ^puroh.ar"i5in ii'po"lrfli!.Dt thls &pr'tmrt tr c*p:df tt thtr . hl*'undffrl0rrrd, undrrrtrnd .*, Ot.n chrst pto4dure ard tfrm clflo, .f fnnxnry drrrbfnut €$r It uNt Distinctiv e' Tent Rentals, Inc. February 4, t997 Charlie Davis Town of VaiI?3 Frontage Rd.vai1, CO 81-657 Dear Charlie, Enclosed is our application for tent permits as per your request.The Vail Valley Foundation has three sites at which we will beplacing tents. I have Listed these below for clarity. Site #1 - Vista Bohn - Install 2/24 Remove 3/L7 1- 4Ox]-OO TENT PAVILION2- 20x40 TENTS4- PROPANE HEATERS1- 1OOO GAT-, TANK4- 100tBs TANKS7- 1OX1O VARIOUS LOCATIONS - POP UP TENTS SI?E #2 - LODGE AT VAI].,, -INSTAL], 3/'/ REMOVE 3/17 ].- 4OX8O TENT2- PROPANE HEATERS3- 1OOO GAI-, TANK SITE #3 . VAIL MOUNTAIN,/TENNIS COURTS 1- 82X115 TENT4- HEATERS4- 1OOO GAl, TENTS Charlie, please Let me know if you needfrom us. Thank you for your time. -rNSTAr,L 2/26 P*EMOVE 3/IB anv additional information sincere 2500 W. 4th Ave,, Unit I Denver, Colorado E0219 (303) 922-7200 FAX 922-7284 ",- TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE PoSTED oN ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0019 Job AddressLocation... Parcel- No. .Project No. ].74 GORE CREEK DR VISTA BAHN2I0I-082-21-00 0 TSSUED 02/13/Tee7 02 /13 /7ee7o8/12/tee7 Status. .Applied.Issued.. Expires. APPLICANT DISTINCTM TENT RENTALS phone z 303-922-72002500 w. FouR AVENUE, UNIT 1, DENVER CO 80219CONTRACTOR DISTINCTIVE TENT RENTALS Phone: 303_922-72002500 W. FOUR AVENUE, UNIT 1, DENVER CO 80219OWNER LODGE G VAIL phone; 303-47 6-5011174 coRE CREEK DR, VAIL, CO 8165? Descript,ion: TEMPORARY TENTS 2-22_97 TO Occupancy: A3Type Construction: V NType Occupancy: Valuation. 15, F i neptace Information: Restricted: 3-I7 -97 A3 Type V Non-Rated 000 dof Gas Appt iances: Add Sq Ft: fof Uood/Pal. Let: **************************************************lrt******* FEE SUIIMARy ********************************************************** Bui tding-----) 195.00 Restuarant P(an Review--> .oO Totat cat,cul,ated Fees---> 424.75Pf.an Check---> 126.75 DRB Fee--------Investigation> .00 Recreation Fee----------> .OO Totat permit Fee______-_> 4l4.lsUil,L CaLl,----> 3.00 Ct,ean-Up Depos i t--------> 1OO.O0 payments________________> 424.75 TOTAL FEES_----********************************************t*************************f*********************************************************** Itemi .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTO2/L3/L997 DAN Acrion: ADpnIt94'i'.q5400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT-92/13/l2e-7 _D4\ ___As!_asuq ADFn u/eIteUi'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTo2/L3/1997 DAN Action: AppRItem!'.05500 PUBLIC WORKSO2/I3/I997 DAN Action: AppR N/A *ff*ft**********it**ff*f*****iff*ff***********t***jr******t**i*t**t*i**************ff******ffi*****i***ff***fi*fi**tff*ffff******* see Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hefeby acknoutedge that I have read_this apptication, fil,ted out in futl, the ihformat.ion requi red, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the information provided as riqu'ired. is correct, r agrie to compty uith the information and pl,ot pLan,to compty with aLl' Town ordinances,and state [aws, and io buil,d this st ru cture-acco rd.i ng io'the Toyn,s ionint ana subdivisioncodes, dcsign review approved, uniform Buil.ding code and other ordinance" oi ttri Town afiplicabl,e thereto. REAUESTS FoR I|'ISPECTIoNS SHALL BE IIADE T|IENTY-FoUR HoURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Al 479-2138 oR AT ouR oFFICE FRO E:OO AM 5;OO p[ fof Gas Logs: Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: Send CLean-Up Dcposit To: VAIL VALLEY FoUNDATION SIGNATURE OF OIJNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII.ISELF AND OINER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 897-0019 as of o3/04/9't status: rssuED********************************d.*********************************************** Pernit.Type: AggllLT COMM BUrLD PERMT Appliedt 02/73/1997Applicant: DISTINCTM TENI RENTALS rlsuedt O2'/I3'/Igg7303-922-7200 To Expire I OB'/!Z'/ j,gg7 Job Address:Location: VISTA BAHNParcel No: 2101-082-2I-000 Description: TEMPORARY TENTS 2-22_97 TO 3-17_97 Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAI., IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. BUILDING AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS APPROVALS ARE REOUIRED BEFORE OCCUPANCY **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0250 Anount:Payment Methodt CHECK Notationt *21025 424,75 03/04/97 10:52rnit: cD 424 ,7 5 **************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No!Site Address:Location: This Payment Account Code01 0000 4131001 0000 4133201 0000 2200201 0000 41336 897-0019 Type: A-COMM 2LOt-O82-21-000 174 GORE CREEK DR VISTA BAHN ADD/ALT COMM BUILD P Tota.l- Fees:Total ALt Pmts: BaLance: Description BUILDING PERM]T FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CIJEANUP DEPOS]TSWILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 424.75 424.75 .00 Amount 1"95.00 126.75 100.00 3 .00 $,wtiftrstr ui lumr T$wirtuRru ISSUEO BY ANCHOR INDUSTRIES INC. EVANSVILLE. INDIANA 4771 1 MANUFACTUBEFS OF THE FINISHED TENT PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN This is to certify that the materials described have been flame-retardant treated(or are inherently noninflammabte) and were supplied to: DISTINCTIVE TENT RENTAL 25OO W 4TH AVE UNIT #I DENVER co 80219 Certification is hereby made that: The articles described on this Certificate have been treated with a llame-retardantapproved chemical and that the application of said chemical was done in conformancewith california Fire Marshall code, equal to or exceeds NFPA zo1, cpAl g4, ulc 1ogThe method of the FR chemicalapplication is:ne mernoo oT Ine FH cnemlcal appltcation is: Senal #: REGISTERED APPLICATION NUMBER tlI Fr21.4 | Flame Retardant Process Used Will Washing And ls Effective For The Not Be Removed By Life Of The Fabric Oescflption of rtem cenrfied: FI EXP MiD 2OW X 10 VL W W Name of Applicator of Flame Flesistant Finish ARTMENT-ANCHOR INDUSTRIES INC. 6,t rsE sf iJ lumr T$txistunrr BEGISTERED APPLICATION NUMBER ISSUED BY ANCHOR INDUSTRIES INC. EVANSVILLE, INDIANA 4771' MANUFACTUFERS OF THE FINISHED TENT PROOUCTS DESCR|EEO HEREIN oate ot franutaclu rs7/?I/94 fu€r Number067ZZA This is to certify that the materials described have been flame-retardant treated(or are inherently noninflammable) andDISTINCTIVE TEIfT RENTAL730 S JASON UNIT 23 were supplied to: DENVER co 80?23 Certification is hereby made that: The articles described on this Certificate have been treated with a flame-retardantapproved chemical and that the application of said chemical was done in conf6rmancewith california Fire Marshall code, equal to or exceeds NFPA 701, cpAl 94, uLc 109Method of application: Serial #:8001800 ( 0002 ) Description of item certified: p: 1 TOP 20t/ x 30 vL 1/ t{/ Flame Retardant Process Used Will Not Be Removed By Washing And ls Eftective For The Life Of The Fabric - Signed: @wtiticste sf flumt $itsistsnn ISSUED BY - JOHNSON CAMPING INC.BINGHAMTON, NEW YOBK 13902 _ Manufa.cttrerc of tltd Finest t ent ptducts DE,scrif€,d Herain l:H"E :ri".T$?r?$Ti,Rt;n}!lJlJrlve.been manuracturcd rrom mareriar Inhercnuy frame rerardanr NAME: CITY BEGISTEHED FABHIC NUMBER Datc of llanufacturr February 1994 Dist.inctive Tent Rentals STATE The articles described on llrig T].rtificate have been n1y1lgtureo with an approved flame retardant chemical incompliance with califomiastate eire Maiirrirb"iJ, r.iiil-zo1',tnJr,"i" ;;niSs-t"o in accoroancewiththe FederaiTest Method specifications and meei;i;""d;r;;'iliritary Frame specificationi of MrL.c430o6G. Cenlflcation ls hereby made that: Flame Retardant process Used Will Not Be Removed By Washing AndLife Of The Fabric t Largo Scale Typ€. color and woight ol mareriat la oz Vinyl Whi.te bl,ockout 40x40 2PC ls Effective For The o o $ F $ $ s!r Efi I igFs'lo Im()sI ts E3m e E 1 f, q t \ t N H N N I I I .,. g gH f; F4E E Hq $E"9 q E FE 9Hut'lg m $g f,;f,aEf; EE \\ s\s ll" I $. \ FEE-13-9? THU A:52 I}ISTINCTIVE TENT REHTALS 3O39227244 FTs,s RIJ t-t' F \ I hJII sJ 6'\$ s.il^ i!.. $ $ It', Sv \v g {\${ $ X oo a -.hN{t)!N\r I_r PF $: r'l Nc x FdIfol4.ot ^-J { 'r. t\r {1\ q $ -"\:l N x PnEPfE !l3L/7t, 1.4351!3O DEPOSIT REPIDD IEFOEt-IIPDITB DM! 1 6 r PRO6RA|' m{lsuLtt'g _ ad- cttflt-tD coglo$BR trlb T(PE CHAR6E DBPOSIT DEpOSIT-l.Dit AITTUATUENT A8"ER-R!rIr!lDcoD8 DSACRTPTTOS I:T-DATE Ai'-DA?B N| T'l]r NiOT'!|T I'IOTIIE |oIDIT 633 B9?-0019vrtt VLLJ.Bf tot NDAETO$I D2 DEPOS Dep-Cllrnup LllLlgA 3/3L/99 100.00 1o0.oo ro0.00- lorrrJ FoR cssro..rER rfpE: D2 ------;;;:;;- -'-'--;;;:;;- ----- ;;;:;;: .00 .00 GRAND TOTNJ: 1oO'0O lo0'oo loo'oo- DEPOSIT cOItrI: 1 G,/L B.ITCH CREATED: BI'TCII-0O817 1999,/03 UlrERlD-atPOPBCf, lP HBIJD COtl![T-1.00 tliolDlr-100. o0 I TOhIN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 970 -479-2L38 APPLICANT COIiITRACTOR OWNER /o4e/r/t f,/t e U,f/7t-(. E/k5c Ul/ye tstDEVELoPMENT Y/DEPART'IITENT OF COMMI'NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT iIOBSITE AT PermiE ALL T]MES #: 897-0010 ilob Address: I-,ocaEion. . . :Parcel No..:ProjecE No.: 174 GORB CREEK DR VISTA BAHN AREA 2101-082 -21-000 DEM/ER CO sEatus. . AppIied.Issued.. Elqgires. FINAI, ot/27 /1,997oL/27 /L997 07 /26/t9e7 DISTINETIVE TE}TT REIiT.TAJ.,S 25OO W. FOI]R AVENUE, UNIT DISTINCTIVE TE}fI REIiTTALS 25OO W. FOI]R AVENI]E, UNIT Phone: 303 -922-7200 802L9Phone: 303 -922-7200 802L9 Phone: 303 -476-501t *of cae Logs;*Of wood/Pallet: Total calculated Feea- - - >90 .45 L, 1, DENVER co LODGE @ VAII., 1-74 GORE CR_EEK DR, VArL, CO 81657 DescripEJ-on: TEMP TEIfT Occupancy: A3 1l4)e Const,ruction: V N'Ilpe Occupancy: Va1uatsi-on: rircplace Informabi.on: Re6criclcd: A3Tlpe V Non-Ratsed 1, ,542 Add sq Fr: *of cas Appliances: Building-----> Plan Check- - - > Inwestigation> wil.l call----> ReEtuaran! PIan Revielr- - > DRB Fee-------- clean-Ub Det o6it--------> 53.00 34.45 .00 3.00 . o0 . o0 , o0 - oo Additi.onal FeeB---------> -o0 Tofal Pelmit Fee-- ----- ->90 .45 90 .45 TOTAL FEES-- -- -BAI,A.I{CE DUE---. .OO *****t***Jt****i**t*iritrr*l*r*t * *** ** * l* t *a***t*r** t** t ITCM: O51.OO BUILDING DEPARTUIBIfT DEPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:OL/27/L997 CHARLIE ACTiON: APPR CHARLIE DAVISIt.qm:'.05400 PI-,AIiINING DEPARTMEM Dept: PLANNING Division:oL/27 /L997 CHARLIE Act,ion: APPR n/artbm:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTTVIENT ' Dept: FrRE Division:oL/27/L997 CHARLTE AcEion: APPR n,/attbm:"05500 PTJBLTC WORKS " Dept: PUB WORK Division:oL/27/L997 CHARIJTE Actsion: AppR N/A See Page 2 of tshls Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECL.ARATIONS I hereby acknooledge ChaL I have rrad this applicalion, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate Plot plan, and dtate Lhat all the information provided ae required is colrect. I agree Lo conply wi.th bhe infornati.on and plot plan, Lo conply with all To$n ordinance6 and Etate 1aws, and to build this structure according to the Town'B zoning and eubdivieion code6, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinanceE of the Town apPlicable tshereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPE TIONS SIIALL BE MADE TT{ENTY-FOUR ITOURS IN AD\NNCE BY TETEPHONE AT 4?9-2138 OR AT OLIR OFFICE FROM g:OO AI4 5:OO FM send Cl€an-uD D€poBit To, ECLIPaE T.v.SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR'COMRAflOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER *********************!t********************************************************** COD{DITIONS Permit, #: 897-0010 as of O3/3L/99 Status: FINAL******************************************************************************** PermiE Tlpe: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERl.fT Applied: OL/27/L997 Applicants: DISTINCIM TEIl:f REMTALS Issued: Ot/27/L997303-922-7200 To Expire: 07/26/L997 ilob Address: I,OCATiON: VISTA BAITN AREAParcel No: 2101-082-21-000 Description: TEMP TEIIT Conditions:1. PIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODB COMPL,IAIICE-2. A FINAIJ INSPE TION FROM FIRE, AIiID BUILDING DEPT. IS REQ'D PRIOR TO OCCT]PYING TENT. A CERTIFACATE OF FLAME REDARDENTCYIS REQ'D AT TIIIS TIME .f -tt**********!****************************************************** TOIVN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0247 Anount: 90.4s o2/oj/sl olzssPayment Method: CHECK Notationt #2472 rhit: Co permit No: 897-0010 Type: A-coMM ADD/ALT COMM BUILD pParcel No: 2L0t-082-21-000Site Address: 1?4 GORE CREtsK DRLocation: VISTA BAHN AREA Total Fees: 90.45This Payment 90.45 Total ALL pmts: 90.45Balance: .00* * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *d. * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * t * * * * * * *Account Code Description AmountOT OOOO 41310 BUII,DING PERMIT FEES 53.0001 0000 41332 PLAN CHECK FEES 34.45OI. OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO oL/27/07 ll0N 10:12 FAI T0l',N' 0F VRIL C0M-DEV l.o.-or, -26s2 Nov Oe6 [E ooz 11 :30 Ns . O06 P .03 ?ENIET ,r,lGontacr Bagle Gounty AEFcgeorB Off-r-1c- '( ^iito-lzelgteo fo-r Peqcel l. tIOm Ol VtIIr ootgfngcf-toN|fiicii-oi ti o i'alz:al:@ sEnEE aPPtrcrffEoll lo8!lU--- Dmrzz2fullz TPPLICAEIONilI'STIEFII,I;EDWTCOTCI.EIIEI'TSITtiAXf,OTBETCCE TED rr*ttra*rt*r*r**t**t*rr.rrr.r ffnAr lf,Folutalrlol r*ltrif *ttll*.t.rttrlrrrrrti*t ( l-tulrdlDg t I-Plu|IbtBg t I'-Elcctslsal' 1 1-peadnl-cal D(t-o'tber tEPf- .loP xanq; f,z t€b eddrcs-? r,agal Deecrlptl'qnl El6k- fllfng:. .surorvtsrort lrclrltect: tddrccat lddreEE3 cene*l oeccrLPtlor: ttork CIaEE: t l-[er I J-Alteratlon t ]-Addltlonrl f,u&or of rrelltng untter ;ft frr$aa b75 U.L;onqhad lhlleu *fr4.-E#t ul.-o:iiIlat-@-] loaouodatlor unlEr;e-t oC Ph. !-rsFalr - lfprnbar anlt t'Ilre ot Flrapl,ac€Br Ccs lDrttltanclE4 trae bga;fi Wood/PeIl*L Y*..***.r*.r*****rarr.t*****rt*art vrrr;.if,totlg^ ftt**a*tt*rt.t]*i+f tt*.rt**r***t*!tfll 61.1^@to' Bs',.DDre: L- Er'Grto-c.,.sl-+ ggi WZ-irrr*nrtc, T- xEcErilre,lL: l- - 19:lll,': t- ^ lrrrlsrttca 'iT rEcuurclLt l--.....=- 19:ll!': l- I* r.. *. * * r r. r l a r r r.. r. l ** r r 6of,*rr*t6 r,,Ftf'f,A1rg6{ t t a t t t t.f t t.l r *r l r * t. t. l t r t'!m::},*;Hz m"'f#l,E-E;*w contrqgtorl lh .PlunblnE contractofi Addregs: HechAnlael Contraetot, . tl/f .-,,,, .,, . :!oen of Vall neE. lto-- Phone Xrubrr: Tonn of vall Plronc l{trnber: Town ot vall Phone lttnbert RsE. lro. Rcg. NO._ Addreeg: .irrrtra*ala **J*a aal r atttt**trtal OFrICB USE *rrr**rrlti**lttt****.r ttt.t.l**F0& El IITDIIfC 'PlAl{Xl FEE; PII'IIEIXG PENUIf 'EDSHECflI TC[f PERIII! EEE: ETSGIRITCI& EB8: OIBEA TYPI OF EEE: DNE FEE: 'TTPE ICNOTJP EO=n I vNnAirlof, eonaeDtE! DUT'DIT'G II lr CIIECS FEE: SI.TIIIEIN6 PIAtr CHBCB FEEsIISCtrIflIClI. PI.TU Cf,EqK PEE' Ilcnrr8loDf FEE: CLlAlf-UP DEFOSIT; TO,TBIJ PERIIIT FEES; EUIIDING: SfOSilNtnEt ZOllIlfGr SIGIIAE{'RE: (I.n^tf [D DElsf,l rtrf,[D for ,0L/27/97 XoN 10:12 FAtr Touhf dF uflIL C0M-DEV lnwn ![i0: EROI|: DATEI EURTEC:S: tt ..dh tlnrlgo '!taf,lt coffr|.o cllatl$rt 479-21.38 or 0llzttg @ooo 1 1 :30 No ,006 P .04 cllcr d cq['ltr|tu d.IltoFrrfttl l.o.-ozr -24s2 rlov fso l"r- q,ilEalcrcrs ctrrnnlt&t! nectsirarD rrru IHEllo$tf ot YIIL 80wr oT ulxt ?uB[,re tERE/colotuf,lnr DEVErSutE rr nABcE 15, lggg coNsEnogutofl E|BKTNO,r'ttAtERrA& srtnrcE In su'rla/, grdtnuncf to. G rt:t€s t$tt tt_ ic unlarrfrrl lor a4rpergoh to litter: F.aot or arpoiii.ary ""if,-ro"lc, E!bd, debrisor ret'rirr, i.ncru-drF _**l-i6iiten, portable totlcta andL'o',o6n vcrrr.crsg_ypon. gny atrear', rieirhiil dfu; pubtic Elii"rE"r":t5 #fta" _trriiroi. --ir,s ;isdi;;i-;n*ari -rovn or rhc . ;rdrd;d irii_T! li"iEEfi '.:l!::g.Ut":tg":l?ii. -' PTllic norrr o"partuent;-;;;h;"gri.n.EiiioT'irrroiii*rEli.;,_ff Jr:H:i:""H1";tlHi:" I1r- lhc went rhe Foruon ro notlfftnatree "ruiin?lia- zr rioui .rr"=Frdrllli, "8f;"TffilDepartrsnr slrl ranovc-."raEt#+:ii-tr*6#; or perronnotifLad. rbe nrrylsiorr-ocEii-o=arn nce rhsu nor b€a5ryIicabre to c?rlrctmstl.bn;-dd;*aiFGtr".i # Hi"v or-i,ri'utririi::"il $"T$ii_lTl;:" "' _To.revl,cnr ordlnenee tto.-6-ln .!g1|r plcase etq by ure Town ofvall Bulldlng oepartent to out fitrooperatlon on thlE tttter. a coPy' Tbanl( you lor your Rsad anA aclurorrlrdged byr ,0L/27/57 XoN ToLIN 0F VRIL 10:12 FAX c0il-DEv O'sos-oz s-2452 Hov le6 @oo1 11:31 No.006 P.05 lnun Ittt5rqlftt"trf rri,l|lo.t.*ilolr0ft tt9-213! sr {?9-2139 dJ|&, ol c.iltrodv ahthFiltrl BUILDIIG PERHIT TssI'IT{CT TIIIE FM}IE lf Urte Frylt- fqsrfrcl I Torn of yril Ffie Eprtrent Appruwl ,SPllFf!..(pygltr E$l loi"'', rno'ipirorrrl I planntr6 Dcnrt'edreuiw or Heltth Dcoartrcnt.ievtC, eni-i-rwfir by the Bullilng l5riil"T"*"uie estimtco trlr ioi'r-Eur ieyr*-foi'iril'ii' i lng All comerclal 'flarae or suall) and rll urltl*fluily pennlts uillhaye to_follor ttre SUove nnttined-dirn ruqrlrcments. Residenfialand snrll pr.oJects should tl*i-J-icasc;;0,mi-;i1t e.' fio'ffiar, tfrasidentfal or snller.frejCis-triel;i' the yarjous above uenttonrddeparsnentr wiui naaad'5'nd;ilF-;;iL. unie priiict#lytlSO ttke tne t;free-Week pentOO.--'J ''-'--t rlrE-t PrvJt€rD ln Eyery.rttsnpt wl.ll Ee mds ty ttrls dcpartnent to erpedlte thls .Derntt.aq qOOn ;s possfbll. l:-9" underslgned. underctrrd the plln chect procedure and tlneTrane. Conrnunlly Devel ogrent Deprrtnent. .01/27/87 I0l{ l0:1N FlX. ExW AR# TtrrT- hu- I eidel ,11 / Iv - u.tifh *op' 3o dDc)r 'l 3oV (\:tr ib ,r'I ,{ 6icn-O ,-'l ctL 30vd zsbztst-a6ae.sz 'Ig3g-A3g-llo$-493.1999J ?8. I I a8-a r -t{vf qE oos q0 0L/27/87 ' .rAN-t 7-S? ION 10:13 FAx I I r22 lloilr rOUtll-DEv-DEpT. / (vtovririfrlN @ooeFAGE E,/E,D.s".?24s2 Fr,vrcq Lr^lE F rx tr# cafrf,hL fiN$H frE€ft -frrf pun^t ^ v+t vqtL utt-tqht JF€a 27 -- mef^ *-q7 VrI Tt*r q\)e.<r oqx \) v-'-----> o OL/27/57 XoN lo:U FAI tsoo1 FR}I MRIL OffIE: FflII #: tnlt # : t9?-0L1?9:5581 PH0NE # : t9?014?9-5581 Fnov, 6trb\9lrLlW COMMENTS: deL 74J *&,+>*e rtiel //u4 PfiGES m FotttllUz- Eclip:e Telwirton & Sports lvlorkcting. ttC | .f r.-ll - rr...r ,^n olaET t T.1....1 --- oTfl 47oaE,c't '' ttrrl\i/.i'zr\clA TOWN AFVAIL TE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE ADD/ALT COMM BUILD POSTED ON PERMT JOBSITE AT Permit ALL TIMES #: 896-0034 75 South Frotnage Road Vail, Colarado 81657 970-479-2 I 38/479-2 I 3 9 FAX 970-479-2452 APPIJICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Job Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. DISTINCTIVE TENT RENTALS 2500 w. FouR AVENUE, UNrT DISTINCTIVE TENT RENTALS 2500 w. FOUR AVENUE, UNIT LODGE E VAIL 174 GORE CREEK DR, VAII-,, 174 GORE CREEK DR LODGE AT VAIL 2t0t-082-21-0 0 0 DENVER CO 1/ DENVER CO co I165? Department of Community DevelopmentStatus...: lSSUED AppIied. , | 03/26/.Lge6 Issued. '.: 03/26/1996Expires..z 09/22/L996 7l Phone z 303-922-'1200 80219Phone: 303-922-7 200 80219Phone: 303-47 6-5011 Description: TEMPORARY TENT FROM 4_3_96 TO 4-5-96 Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: #0f Qood/Pa t Lct: ffi*rrffirffitrffi(**ffi*JrtiH:tffi*ffiL*riffi*ffi FEE SUlll4ARY f*ffi**'t#(/.*trffitrt***l*ffi*'rlr}*/rJ(ffir Restuarant PLan Rev i eu-->.00 TotE[ catcutatcd Fees---)75.60 75.60 Valuation I Fi repta6e Infornation: Restri cted: Bui tding-----> 14.00 1,250 fof Gas Appt i ances: Add Sg Ft: #0f Gas Logs: Ptan Check---> Invest i gati on> ui tL caL t----> 2E.60 .00 3. 00 Rccreation Fee----------) .00 C[ean-Up Deposi t--------> .00 Paynent > 75.60 Dept: BUILDING Division: DeDt! PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: DeDt! PUB woRK Division: > .00 Additiona[ Fees---------> TotE[ Permit Fee------> TOTAL FEES-_--75.60 BALAT{CE DUE----.00 ***.t**'drriiffi*lr:**#ffiJ**ffi(ffiffi#dr**rH(*ff*lric*ffirr*#****ffiffit*r|trr**trtstffit#*trffiffi Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT03/2611996 DAN Action: APPRItbm:,.05400 PJ.ANNING DEPARTMENT 03 /26 /L99 5 D.Frli Action ! APPRIt,em:' O56OO FIRE DEPARTMENT03/26/1996 DAN Action: APPRIt'em:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS03/26/1996 DAN Action: APPR ffi #i*i'ffi ffi Jr*ffi *ffi ffi**t*#tr*ffi #ffi fr *ffi ffi ***rh* See Page 2 of this Document for any condi-tions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I her.by acknovledge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in futl, thc infornation requi red, compl€ted an accurlte plot ptan, and state that atl the information pnovidad as required is correct. I agree to conpl,y with the inforFatjon and ptot ptan, to cornpty uith alt Tovn ordinances and state [avs, and to build this structura according to the Torrn's zoning and subdivision codes, design revieu approvcd, Uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinsnces of the Town appticab[e thereto. REoUESTS FoR INSpECTIoNS SHALL BE IrADE TUENTY-FoUR HoURS tN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoN'AT.479-2138 QR AT oUR 0tFlCE FROIi 8:00 Ail 5:00 Pt'l .11 ^ l.\/7 lA Lt. xJ tL 4.a--. SIGNATURE OF OI|NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND OI,INERscnd Ctean-Up Deposit To: TASTE 0F VAIL {p **'"uo'ut^ t, ---TATN-AEYAIL ************************************************************t 75 South Frontage Road CONDITIONS Department of Community Development WLr{Abr@N66zooza as of o3/26/e6 status: ISSUED ***97O*479*3188/47*2,*&************************************************************* FAX 970-479-2452 Permit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applicant:' DISTTNCTIVE TENT RENTAL,S 303-922-7200 Job Address: LocAtiON: LODGE AT VAIL Parcel No: 2101-082-2 1-000 Applied: 03/26/Les6 rssued: 03/26/t996 To Expirez 09/22/7996 Description: TEMPORARY TENT FROM.4-3-96 TO Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL STARTED.2. FINAL INSPECTIONS BY THE TENT CAN BE OCCUPIED. 4-5-96 IS REQUIRED BEFORE FIRE AND BUILDING ANY WORK CAN BE DEPARTMENT BEFORE {7**tt"uo TOWN OFVAIL OTE: TH]S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT ON JOBSITE AT Permit ALL TIMES *: 896-0034 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-2Bq/479-2139 FAX970-479-2452 174 GORE CREEK DR LODGE AT VAIL 2101-082-21-000 DENVER DENVER 8t657 Departnrcnt of Communiry Development Status...: ISSUED Applied . . z 03/26/.t996 IsEued. ..: 03/26/I996Expires..; 09/22/I996 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. APPLICANT DISTINCTIVE TENTRENTALS 2500 w. FouR AVENUE, UNrT 1, CONTRACTOR DISTINCTIVE TENT RENTALS 2500 w. FouR AVENUE, UNrT 1,OWNER LODGE E VAIL 174 GORE CREEK DR, VArL, CO Phonez 303-922-7ZQQ 80219Phone: 303-922-7 200 80219 Phone:303-476-501L #0f Gas Logs:fof l,ood/Paltet: co co Description: TEMPORARY ?EN? FROM Occupancy: Type construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: tirrptacc Infornation: Rest ri cted: 4-3-96 TO 4-s-96 r,250 fot Gas Apptiances: Add So Ft: ffi*ff**tr*****ffi**ffitrffi*ffi**ffioht FEE SUl,l[AnY *****tt#r**ffiffiffififfit**t*ffirLtttffi*ff,r* Bui Lding---)44.@ Restuarant Ptan Reviev-->.@ Tota[ Catcutstrd Fccs--> 75.60 Pl,rn Ch.ck---> 2E.60 DRB Fee---------lnvestigrtion> .00 Recreation Fee------> .00 Totat Pcmit Fce------) 75.60Ui|'tca|'t--_>3.00c[can-UPDePosit-------->.00Paybents-_---_----> TOTAL FEES----------> 75.60 BALANCE DUE-- .00*ffi***ffi *H*ffi *ffi ff*ffi *i-ffi #fi ff **rH*tr*ffi*ffi *lrftrrt*#r**t*ff ***tr****#ffi IIem: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTO3/26/L996 DAN Action: APPRItb.m:'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENTO3/26/L996 DAN Action: APPRItbM:, 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTO3/26/L996 DAN Action: APPRIt'em:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKS03/26/1996 DIJlt Action: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: --/ f1r, h.*tt'*.-. ffi *firrffii**ti*ft r***ffr****t***tr**ffi **ffi **tr#**ffitff,ffi***tffi **rt***ffi *k** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hcncby acknovtcdgc that t hav. read this rppticetion, fitt.d out in fuLl the inlormation rcqui rcd, conptcted an accufate ptotptan, and statc that at[ thc infornation provided as required is correct. t agrec to compty r?ith the infofmation and ptot ptan, to conpty with al,t ToHn ordinances and stEte [avs, and to buiLd this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes, dcsign ravicu approvcd, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Toun appticabte thar.to. REOUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS lll ADVA]ICE BY TELEPHO{€.AT 479-438 QR Ar oUR orFIcE FRol{ 6:00 A 5:00 P VAIL SIGIIATURE OF OI'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI}ISELF AND OI,I}IERSend Ctean-Up Deposit To: TASTE 0F {2 u*uo'u'^ * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * ** * * * * !* t* * * * ** * * * 75 South Frontage Road CONDITIONS De partment of C onzmunity DevelopmentF$L#fur*H66zooz+ a6 of o3/26/e6 status: ISSUED *xxQV&#i9+2Jt&4V94*1************************************************************** FAX 970-479-2452 Permit Type: ADD/ALT CoMM BUILD PERMTApplicant: DISTINCTIVE TENT RENTALS 303-922-7200 Job Address: LocAtiON: LODGE AT VAIL Parcel No: 2101-082-21-000 applied: 03 /26 /L99 6Issued: 03/26/1996 To Expiret 09/22/7996 Description: TEMPORARY TENT FROM 4-3-96 TO Conditions:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL STARTED. 2. FINAL INSPECTIONS BY THE TENT CAN BE OCCUPIED. 4-5-96 IS REQUIRED BEFORE FIRE AND BUILDING ANY WORK CAN BE DEPARTMENT BEFORE {p**uo'*" , APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED Ir* *** * * ******* * ** * * * * ** *******rl [ ]-Bui1ding [ ]-pturnbtng t .) PERMTT APPLICATION FORM PER}IIT iI DATE: OUT COMPI,ETELY OR IT I'TAY NoT BE ACCEPTED PER!,IIT f NFORUATf ON * * !r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal tKJ-otrrer Teru r- Job Narre:Job Address: Legal Description: Lot_ Block_ Fifi.S suBprvrsroN, L*,[, Address: i-lt( hr.rr ('rzr lr t\,rr. ph. r-l-Jtr.-r-.t/ Architect:Address:Ph. General Description: work crass: [ ]-New [ ]-Arteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair ]e-other_ft1gf__Number of Drvelling UnJ.ts:Nunber of Acconmodation Units: ^ lpnber and Tlpe of Firepraces: Gas Appliances_ c)Gas Logs c, I{ood/perlde__v 4*******il;"}:ft..***************** VALUATTONS ********************************* BUILDTNG: $Elecrntclr.,: $OTHER: IP^LUMBfNG: $ Address: Electrl-cal Contractor:Address: f.own o-! vail Res. No.+54-:iPhone Number: ?-Z -ll<rc-.-7 Plunbing Contractor:Address: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMTT FEE: PLU!,IBING PERMIT FEE: MECIIANTCAL PERUTT FEE:EI,ECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: VALUATTO Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VailPhone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber; Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLT'!,TBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECIIANTCAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON trEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATT'FJ: Mechanical Contractor :Address: Stt j.cr.E1 r ItP rlEPosIT BEFItm Tirb c/ L,ila 8)t, rlqt//,"1 U /it-s-7 75 soulh |rontage ro.d ural, colo.rdo 81657 (3031 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: offlce ol communlty deurlopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RRENILYL REGISIERED WTTII THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC ITORKS/COMMITNITY DEVETOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & }TATERIAL STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner) rn surnmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to ritter, track or deposia ;t-";ir]-rJ"r, sand, debrisor material . incluging trasrr tunpsters, portable toilets andwortqnen vehicres-upon-any street, ,id;;"i;, -;ii;y or publicplace or any portion theieof. The right-of-way on arr Town ofvail streets lnd. roads is approi-ir.i"iv-s-it.*iri pavement.This ordinance wirr bE at"i;ii;-enforced by the Town of Vair.Public Iilorks penartnent. --p.rllns founa ,ri6r"[rng this ordinancewilr be siven a 24 hour rri;;;;-';"ti"e-to-;;;;;'=.id nareriar.rn the event the person so notified.does not cor'ply with thenotice within *:^lt rroui-tiie-Jpecitied, the puLr:c worksDeparrrnent wirr renove said nate;r;i-;i-irrJ'E"ilire or personnotified. The orovisionJ-of-tfril o.or.nance sha'l not beapplicable to cinstruction, ,"ini=rr.rrce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any u-iiiir". in the right-a_way. To review ordinance No- 6 in fur-l, please stop by the Tor.rn of:::i.::ii:i"g"o:f;?*n:*"::""iiii" a copv. rirani< vou ror y-ur lnwn 75 loulh tronlage rord urll, s6le66e 6557(303', 479-2t38 0t 479-2L39 ottlce of communlty dcyGlopmoltl UITDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If this permit requires g Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Ensi neer,,s ( pubt ic ft11 i ""vie, .nu'ipp"ouuil'i' piiliitli'bepartnentreview or Hear th Department review, -rnl'"-""uiu; ;i"iil;"8"it aing liotffiS'fu"9,i "'.i'utea ii,nu't"'u-iotur ;;;;;,,-foi"iui!,", rons All commerciar ('1arge_g1 sma'f r ) and alr mu'rti-fam.ilv pennits wi'have to follow ihe above menti6ned rJii*r* requirements. Residentiarand smail projects shourd tJt.-i-i.lilr amount of time. However, ifresidential or smalter,projeJis-irpiii the various above mentioneddepartments with rega.rd to-neiesial!-review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. !y."{.attempt wil't be Tgge by this departrnent to expedite thispermi't aS SgOn aS pOSSibi e. ' -'-'- --F-' E"e"r w s/^PEtJ I Lt L I:"j!" undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeTrame. -t ,/ t')f f)rl l,'-L"r ^k_{w Corrnuni ty Oevel ooment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1994 WHEN A'PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED NO 4 / I I $ ) I I I !f19u_ algwered yes to any of these questions, a'Public Way permit" must be obtained.?ublic Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the public Works ofiice or atC-o.TTryity Development. lf you have any questions please ""rf Cf,"rfi" Davis, the Townof Vail Construclion Inspedor, at 47g-215g. Job Name: Date: Please answer lhe fotlowing queslionnaire regarding the need for a "public Way permit": YES 1) ls this a new residence? 2) ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public propefy? 3) ls any utility work needed? 4') ls the driveway being repaved? 5) ls different access needed to site other than existing driveway? 6) ls any drainage work being done atfeAing the right of way, easements, or public property? 7l ls a'Bevocable Right Of Way permit. required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, slaging or lencing plan required by Community Development? I have read and answered allthe questions.t, 4Fe/ft_ Job Name Contractol's Signature o PUBLTC WORKq PEBMTT PROCESS How it relates to Building permits: 1) Fill out our check tist provided with a buitdino permit aoolication.lf yes was answered to any of the aoove questions tnen a 'public way,' isrequired. You can pick up an application at either community Developmeni located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at t gds Vait Vailey Diive. 2) Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must fietd verify (locate)respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies iequire u[to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. 3) A construction traffic controUstaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. ' Tnis plan will show locationsof all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area ofconstruction, staging, etc..). This plan willexpiie on oct. 1sth. and will'need tobe resubmitted for approvat through the wintei. 4) Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length,width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the tratfic iontrot ptan oi a iiteplan for the job. 5) Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required,locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crer. fnelocates take place in the morning but, may require up to 4g hou-rs to perform. 6) The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approveor disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the siitus and any thai mayneeded' Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but pteaseallow up to one week to process. 7) As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to communityDevelopment allowing the "Building Permif'to be released. Please do not confusethe "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: ] Jh9 above process is for work in a pubtic way onty.* Public Way Permits are vatid only until ltovemUer iSttr.* A new Public way permit is required each year if work ls not comptete. c(ypvsy 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 38 / 479-2 t 39 FAX 303-479-24s2 IlSFORlrlAllOf, IfEEDEI! rWEl| Appl.ttltC FOR A D e pa rtme m of Comm u n i ry- D eve Io pm e nt MECIIIITIC.AI, PERUIT HEAT I.,OSS CAI,CULATIONS. TO SCATE FLOOR PIAN OF MECHANTCAL ROOI{ WITH EQUIPMENT DR"AWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTURATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOI{. sHo!{ sIzE AND TOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FruES,VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE VIHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED INMECHANICAL ROOM. PATLITRB To PRovrDE Tlrrs rnFonriarron rrrr DEr.Ay rouR pER[rr. l-. 2, 3. 4. { lmn office ol communlty development75 roulh kontags rc€d v.ll, colorado 81657 (3q04&2138 (36)fi$a3e NorrcE To coNTRAcroRs/oltNER Burr_,DERs Effective June 20, Lggr, the Town of Vair Buirding Department hasdeveloped the following procedures to ensure that new constructionsites h_ave adeguately eltabll-shed proper drainage from buird.ingsites along and adjacent to Town of Vail road.s oi screers. The Town of Vait pnblic rtorks Departuent wirl be required toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to TowD of vair roads oratreets and tbe installation of tenporary or pernanent culverts atacceas points from the road or street oa to tie construction site.such approval must _be obtaineci prior to any request for inspectionby the Town of vail Ruirding Department ror robtings.or temporaryerectrical or any other inspection . p.lease catl 4'l 9-2160 tirequest an inspection from the public works Department. Allow aminimum of 24 hour notice. Also' the Town of vail pubric hrorks Department wirr be approvingarl .final- drainage and culvert instariation with resurting r-iipacching as necessa^ry. such approval must be obtai_ned prior toFjnal Certificate of Occupancy ilsuance. lntft6Q|t)iSir-ti6 Xt t r't vrs V -fa// 6l&)g opuolo7'r?aueq I Uun "ady Wl 'Al 00SC 4 \rf|/ti "tA Nt t-r! , O/X-.og I tvpl i otlI t' !ri /1:.1 ,vvi ti t-.,f lJd fl pQ,rrtvu.2i4t,vf l!|?,'^i 9e w6 -H+rU6't>1 vr+11P.l4tn 'JuI \lptuaa flral ^illrultslr I qQTg -nflv*r*fi] ,*ltfw r,rFrR-15-96 LrED 7=24 J) ISTINCTIVE TEit.r RENTALS !7 Distinctive I'cnl Renlals. Iuc, 3.!39227 =8 4t AGREEMENT P. E: N: 38002500 W lth tue., Unit I Drnrer, Colorado 802I9 (303) 922.7200 FAX 922-7281 rAgTE OT VAIL Box 5663vLrlr. co. 81658ArttV: EEVERTY D€lVoss IJODGE AT VAIIr t .lr,.t : r:/ b/.f lrn{M"'^' t)1b-?') -2., /l,nf,ri',L, I yr\-n'k6.?lts Aplt> €Ki frV't't ,/fLT-- GU€SI COUTiI:cLreNlHEP A1sit! gEvERlY DiftCSS !,!flfi.E rzo-r.a s-usl S.U. DAtE:6/?,/96 |.D. DAIE 31eis5 JO, X 90' WHITE ERA]'E TE]/T?320' X 7' TRENCH tlINDOn V ALrJta, x 20' IIHITE AF.qI..g TS,rrrf3too sQ .Ff AsrRo tuR! cA&pErr$a - ELACX4GREr 17O Ng?U .P.RoPAI,IE SPTCE IIEATERS EEAD IIEIGiTTS TRACX, L'IGHTINC' IN ALIJ fEUTS DE&.rVEiI .EESs DJSCOT!'? sJ2so.00s J70.0Js 220.00 .ti0d5.00s ,s0,0c 5 'flcs 225,OOs 2s0.00 s-Js5,00 si495,0J ErArE lAX $ e7,35 TOTAL 3s92,35 s1180.78 21Jt.5' coD 4/2/?6 tll|,.crc,a,tA.,txi/rtrlluta'dccdDlalt?aaw,b*-itr!.d.rrhr.4ridth,latraa^at4irr.at2fhtrrat,r,rtartF.rrfrl er9, fittt bla^drrt litr lbrggtrg ?rrt itca'rr3tt O tllracl lC t.anattry O, tl! rnrlo.t r .rd .qt .Drr.d 6.r9,io|l' rann a, !r ft dff fha furf ri+crltrd l,rt..aanl \ rE ir* by Orq.? tr ranl er.1!t'1. tnc ?hlt lt?x{rail L rslla.l lr lh. tarF. rd rordrloht aal (e{rh 9n th. b.rt ,.1. i.ficl ihtctt t.rh. .ad aondilnt 'l. h.+. ?.n er rntr,t-trfl( ltl[\ ) E f€nl Rent€ls, Inc. l.|lal YFIIO'r,r-n.rltl'Mtt Drrrr - ct.|nrrr'rraN lntrrMountaln lnsurance lfl ftll lrtn, !0 lllEl_, pocr-tri Fax Nore tFrn lt0{{sr6Ec 0rq|r|{fir I|||t otVrll, lilG. F0lu EIHl|[, $ filEl ul Vdl, tts. lnuolce Tom Drd*, St. eE! lqlrdllltlqtlE l[ltJtrJ-t||-nl- - . . ., ., 0{oEE6-olff,ll 2310395 12130{0 0z29/96 I 0tiu3r90 H{00urlnilmcr GEI{, LIABILfIY 825.00 8et,m Thuk You E|'.ElII'9P'YYIn ztrl'trs ^TOHTlarrl I fri . lia,{ ltrth 3l t..tlulrti, ilV ll0tl llE-ull-Lat ffisffi? TOLH IELgI. oc?lt$ AtFonilFCoYlilAG ffir xalta? ffih* r thr Ldtr rt Vrlltilnl xr. iola J.crr lta E, Cfto Crrrl Drlvl vrl IC0 llflt captrt -lflln V Sffii'o ffiFr ffiffiffiM#it).13 ts ro cEnlfF{ffirTE9,ru|lcEnrfEAta MA' Excllr8EfiS AN ['-t, iflir#Eiu*Rif,Str#tr'!ffi EffiUIt TGi I AISrl'C T V FESVFE!'ENT.t BE tcflrEo oR ev penrrr..r ilc'i6.rhiiid; iftotroly-tft-folC5E-fEcneqD t+.nen s sn'Ecr lo ^LL ll€ lEs'rs' i E6iffi6Ns'o'i3tm-por-seg.iLili sirowxuiv rivs BEENn€ilFEo tY PAE cL^r s' -a*l - lnf, A gErrr r lrnlJqlrrlr JfifiilnrlXlmr.u||r.t I c0twt ttnr. ilf-tll-fl4-00 f/ot/il ctoltaa 0anr l*qll 200!000 rffifri-oot/of alL | 1000000 nll{$Ll M,liJf,t I lcocooo r Hr cotf,td I rooloo0 ?ttt Ul ll.' r lka | .laloo r|tr lfiltrtfellut!!!i000 Ma+.lurrrt tn r0rc A$ flo {rlot t0*El:0 r&01 ||*0 r|116 fl.rul|l0l a$l ttr||$IY co'||rt lrtlrHl a tdtr tll||ll.r t.| f I l0lrr |llJlrOr rd*{I fltrilfv urAt I a^or ffiirbE t lnull f.ElttlH|rtr H ]it ;ttrnr|lr I ttelutn urrg taw ^codlf,l l- rut/Ill-tllrc' rml qtt^|l-trot aftfti I a,r rutnrr|||'nllfiflDn|JtD|r n a lrrtr cl Vrll B/o l.vat ly g.Xrrl f ? .tlrnrl l?.ttl1.0, lrr 1?fi Edrr r lr ^ CO ltltl SHOIJLD At'lY OF Il'E ASOVE EE$CFEEO FOLIGES E GAFIGELLEU utl'{.It | }E ExtnATrN OrlE Tt€nEoF. * lgstlfc cot,Pltlv wl"L lNGrvon lo Mlt lL Drvgwl l r E {t€ | lct t c' I lt LltR I t$r I E }'lllltsllNr[/Eu I u r t*' LEf f . gJr rflUE IO MrL 8UCl.l a.lOI ICE St{rLL TVFOEE t€ OSLIGATION On Lr^ll|rlv 0r ^HYKi[| tPgNTlt coirf ^NY.lt 5 AolNl gofr rE lcsENlAllvEs' 5m-tat.FtIwflj-amlru 000??t000 FEF-26-f6 rug r!r{llsrrHcrrvE'rEHr pG}iraL9 gssl"264 Distlnctlve Tent Rcnlals, I nc, p. 6 t Ftr cowi iHSlt gOXllXI! rtlll nr It ru|r3R oF PtoEN, ITGGUDETO OgVEi If l0Eil, l$Glr Or Pf,cEf rRE UOtHnrgl eN,r. (303) 9tz-?200 OUI tl* r$xlEl 13 (lO3) 912-?l8t n*u'S- iEetlYtD, fTa\-L {fifr1; L( uJ ea''-'' hL}P' U ztfu W *h An.r lhlt I Dtnvv, Cdorvdlo t02lg (rot) 92r.?2n F Xr]z.fzr. (fiefiifirutr trf ffkffi Affitrftncr ff-,/ffi\ rx",.onffiisrmnt.rwffi llllE rrrtnfcllrr rEr llxrrl. _ _crw DilP -...- -..... .. srArE * Olilalorb fr'*tmd.orcftrlrtOrt-Orjirlai on lill Gstcb tnr fn hild ;lth rh{Srlrr lNchrlCa J|d il|| trt rppHton of t-l ctn*t!|l rrr du: -h cofllflr|5n riGr C!ilIorilr Ffrhr;11;fl OC, rqii b q'@d3 ra;pA ?Or , Ct l tt G3ft EilfflEilr CCimEEo uB g$ 5od d dcrdsr: - lr|mt|AtED uI- -214 rI-.C-1tr6o tfVC-37.-Gi-S, tlb b b c-ttft i|rr tt onrr* o|Eft.d lEr. b.il fl;.rrirdnt rr-d (or ft ffififf rnfrfirmrlhl rtd t G rm|od rot (A Washing Atrd lD EflccUrc Fot Thc tE ot The Febrlc .IIt{ EclYLErco. sT TESfirllEltc Era-Et ,72551t 2l2U9r SEffUIL}: E{t25000 f1rr.d.?dq|td.{*ft|! tt O!' (rl 30 r to Fr E! trc t3c3rroI[| TtFilffi | -'-l @rttfisstt rf Slnur AwHtunce Tllr b to G.ilril ffi fi! nrtr's nsbd trt immlA nalfifuntt ed rm rryPfrf o: ta ,E ?irtinetiw +lc ' tEqTy Dctrtrr $T TE OrUic*nbffiilr*Urttt rfld! aratldiE-Orrmcrf h.tb;rttrfrd r'lilrr fenrc<ffi ltlfrldcliltcd1,5fnqrry ;. 1adcr.t*drrdqaInoqrfornnsrilfGnfra'frIrrirlCoC.qfrO*oto.G.rFDf ffr.Cf-ff fr sm fiInE zr ruE r.-.^.^-.r -t ^--.r--r-. LEllD UtGd Will Hot 8; nqntqu?d- BY WaCring And ls Eff€G:fiuc Fa The r|lnlr c FfT Alrqron ilut$rHEs llrc.FlSllI'nn'Fnr artrlntrtrrtEatElf fFrttlflEmE rr-hEi rwtg?ttoo UUtl bsr fhrcrrffitilt# (orrl llrffiof rFPlctr ItFr*d-||l-c iq: (r) lJt nld/lor Prrtt Teat IGDeqc^'rurn | ""*"rl Onttftrub st thiltr tr*nunn rI-|l ^rFHfl nol'tirilt', lllc|vrnllrurJtlrr#?ffiffi318 Ttrit is r csd-tnt thr ntrrhls F|qriFd l|.U. till firGrbnrn rrl. (n il lt- rrfrl-irritanrittct nr trr spplir{ lr:} Grdincdrn ir h.dt cldrfit;iffi ;ffi TifriElitm.r nr. r..r tutr rrrr r iern"rgqgrlgr1g-cxg i5 :ffie"ff;fi#;iEi: Eifi.fi .i'11 e q'.g:gx-:nf*T:l H"H:frrffi;;;fi EENSf,A:IEI 3s4f,) ;lilf lrtrffiPocrrr Ut d m Xot t' lnd |l Ctircilivo Fr The Uh Ol lhc F$tlc h{I* 7-l-s3 ttmd f h.r df rd rrlill d nt 12 oe. GilA GBt f, ErIl) oE*r aa i-r cfld: aO' rJ.llcJ.[ Yl. rF,H r"-, F.E H-rFL f, .59. llls II !l EI !I Il !$tt EI It lt I T t I I I I I i I I II I I 8l I H lff lii! iiE .*It I E I T T fs II iEtg II,n! Fr frt tIIE H .gItr# n EIt -IE ts Tfi EtiLiltr a\ DEPARTMEIiIIT OFTOWN OF VAII75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L3A Valualion: Fileplacc rnformati.onr Regcrictedr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/AIT COMM BUILD PERMT .lob Address: 174 coRE CREEK DR LOCATiON. ..: L74 CORE CREEK DRParcel No. . : 2101-082-21-000Project. No.: APPI,ICAMf DISTINCTIVE TEMT REI TALS 2500 w. FouR AVENIJE, UNrT CO}TTRA TOR DISTINCTIVE TEMT REN.TAIJS 25OO W, FOI'R AVENUE, UNIT OWNER LODGE @ VAIL ].74 GORE CREEK DR, VATIJ, co co DescripEion: Temp Tent (MAR 3,99-MAR9 98) Occupancy: A3 A3Tlpe Construction: V N Type V Non-Rated T]4)e Occupancy: Clean-up approved amount dateFI:4, 000 #of Gae ApplianceB:$of ca6 Log6: Building-----> Plan chcck-- - > fnv€6bigation> liil1 cal.1----> s5.00 .00 3 .00 ,o0 . o0 ,00 100.00 ResEuarant Plan Revien-- > DRB Fee-------- Recreation Fee---- ------> clcan-Up DepoBit--------> TOTAL FEES. -. -.BAI,ANCE DUE- -.. *of t'Jood/PalIet: 243 .28 . oo Pavmentd- -- -- - - COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT r/Vrsf Itil AK ' ON .]OBSITE AT AIJL TIMES Permit #: 898-0004 1, DENVER 1, DENVER co 81_557 Add Sq **r*t***t*tt}'tr*l'lt+*'r*t**a*r**r***t**lr*tt1****t*t***a+**tr FEE SWMARy ti****.}t*t*.}***att:.rrra**r*r*r*.t*******it*****r*t*|}tt*'rl*!, Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT DepL: BUILDING Division:OL/1"4/L998 .]RM ACLiON: APPR APPROVED JR}'TiE-bm:'.05e00 Frnr'wrNc DEPART'I4ENT Dept: PT,ANNTNG Division:0r/1.4/]-998 irRM Act.ion: APPR N,/A JRMI--b.m!'.05600 rrnu DEPARTT4ENT '. Dept: FrRE Division:OL/L4/L998 ,JRM Action: APPR N/A JRMiEemi'.055q0 PIIBLIC WORKS - Dept: PIIB WORK Division:oL/14/L998 JRM Action: APPR N/A JRM *r*i**fr**i*rar*rrt****a*a*ir**r***l,r*ia***r*1i*'r*ilt**i***, *r***t***r*r***t****ti*r**t:|'rt*r*ii*rJirt See Page 2 of this DocumenL for any conditions EhaE may apply to this permit. DECI,AzuITIONS I hereby acknoi l.dg. that. I havo read thiE applicatsion, filled ouc in full the informatsion required, conPleced an accuratsc plog p1an, and ataCc thrt al1 Chc infohnation paovided as requi.red is colrect. I egrce to conply rri.gh the info-eatsion ahd ploc plan, to co$ply wieh all Tor,n ord:lnanceB aaa Btate IawE, and to build thls sbructu!€ aceording tso tshe Totn's zoning and Eubdivi.6ion codce, degign rcvieu rpprovcd, Uniforllr Building code and oghcr ordinanceB of the To$n atrtplicab].€ bheteEo- REQUES?S rOR INS9ECTTONS SHAT,IJ BE MADE TI4EMIY-POUR HoURS IN AD\rANeE BY ?EtrEPHOl{E P{t 479-2r1e OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM a:00 A s:oo PM ISST]ED oL/1,4/1998 04/24/1"99e L0 /2L/L998 g,r"^hSq- Status. .Applied.Issued. .Expires. Phone: 303-922-7200 802]-9 Phone:303-922-7200 802].9 Phone; 303 -476-50LL TOV/C Tobal CaLculatsed Fees---> 243.25 Addilional Fees---------> .oO Total Pernib Fce-------'> s€nd Cl€rn-Up D€posit To: DISTINCTM TEIfT SIOI.IAIUR& OF OwlIER OR CONaRACNOR FOR HTUSELT AND OVINER REFTISl fiA,/97 /98 L7 zQ4 REGUESTS ffctivity: FBS-O0O4 Address z L74 EORE CREEI{,Loeation: 174 G$RE CREERParcrl r 310r1.-Et8E-r:i-ftrz'ADescription: temp tent (NAR' 3r9B-MRR9 -Appl icant r-DISTINf,TM TENT RENTALS 0wner: LODGE l-" UAIL iF--, 'r rl T0l,',N OF VAIL' COLURRDCI FOR INSFECTIUN i^IBRR SHEETS FOR:. 3/ ?/9& F.A6E AREA:cn 3/P/98 Type: fl-Ctrl{M DR DR 98) Statr-rs; AFtrR0VED ConEtt'; AC0M 0cc; Use: V N F,hone r 30t3-988-78€t{t F,hone: 383-476-5011 trhoner 3OS-9P*..7P6O, Gontractor: DISTINCTIVE TENT RENTALS Inspeet i on Request Inf ot'nation,...Requertorr SCOTT BLUHM Req Tine: EI&rOEt Comments: TElrltrIt.ets r'equest ed to be Inspected... O@S3S FIRE-FINAL C/O 6OF4CI BLDG-Final C/O Incpection History.,...Itemr glClslUl dr.iveway qrade final Item : Utftfi18 BLDF-Foot ings,/5teel' Iten: Cr@OEEr BLDS-For-rndat ion,/5teelItem: AAEPE FLRN-ILf, Site trlan Iten r CrtZrOS0 BLDG*Fram ingIten: grfiqt4tzt * * Not On FiIe * * Iten l A$rZrFB BLDG-Ins'-r1at i on Iten I Aq'q6ta BLDG-Sheetroek Nai IIteol A0ff8ra * * Not 0n File * *' Itenr 0@Q7f BLDG-t{isc,Iten: BOE9O BLD6-Fina1, Itam: ft{tSSff BLDG-Temp. C/tr, It em r '0t1531 F I RE-TEIr4F. C/0Itcn: 4053e FH*TEMF. ClA' ftenr OO533 FLAN-TEMF', C/0Itern: 0ra537, trLAN-FINnL C/0Item: A6538 FIRE-FINAL tr/OIternr tAA539 FW*FINAL C/0: Itenr et054tD BLDC-Final C/O -\f.'.,' t' Fhone: TENT INSPECTION I^IILL Act i on Comnent s 4rr 53tt Time Ex s49*t 999 CPLL 'f /Rq n 4Ks//4t fllft?ovrat R,rSura(g , C'ap 'r13 L f &*lukfrt rt r":!+ U r.4 r s : TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICATfT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTIIENT OF COMMT]NITY NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT .Job Address: 174 GORE CREEK DR LOCAE1ON... Z 1.74 GORE CREEK DR Parcel No. . : 2]-01-082-21-000 ProjecE No.: DEVELOPMETIT ( ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES P{rmit #: 898-0004 i SE,ATUS...: ISSITEDApplied..: OL/L4/L998 Issued.. .: 04/24/L998 Ercpires . . z Lo /2L/a998 Phone- 303-922-7200 8 0219Phone: 303 -922-7200 802l.9Phone: 303 -476-5OLL +of ca6 Log6:*Of wood/Pallle. DISTINETIVE TEI{T RENTALS 25OO W. FOI'R AVENI'E, UNIT DISTINETIVE TENI REIiTTALS 25OO W. FOIJR AVENI]E, I]NIT LODGE @ VAIL 174 GORE CREEK DR, VArI-.,, ]-, DENYER 1., DENVER co 8r-557 co co Description: Temp Tent (MAR 3,98-MAR9 OccuPancY: A3 T\ape ConsE,ruction: V N Tlpe OccuPancy: Valuation: Pir6place fnforoatlon: RestricEod: Building-----> e5. oo Plan cheek- -- > 55.25 InvcstigatLon> '00nill Call----> 3 .0O 98) A3 Type V Non-Rated 4, 000 *of ea6 Appliances: ReeEuarant. Plan Rewl.et--> .00 DRB Fee-------- .00 Recreacion Fee----------> .00 CLean-up Deposie--------> 1oo. oo TOTAI, FEES-... - ToEa] calculatsd Fees-_-> 241'25 .oo 247.25 243 .25 Add Sq Ft: .rrrti*ttrrirr.{ rrr.rra**{*rilrrrl*!*rtra***.. FEE sulttuARy * r * * r ir r.r r * * t r * t r * r r i f r i t t * * * * r * t t t t * * * * * * r r * ' a t } t * t 1* r r r r 'r AddiEional Feee-- ------ -> ToLrl Permic Fee--__-_-_> PaymcnEs--_-_-_ BAITANCE DUE..-- .OO IEem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEI{r _PepE: BUILDING Division: 077I4/199e-'JR-t{ Actj-g4: APPR APPRoVED iIDM-f!em: 05400 PLANNING DEPARtT{'E!t --.-- --- - -bt'pt: PLANNING Division:ol7Ia'tIgg6-,rnu Action: APPR N/A .tRMiiafi;' 66660-'rf'eE DEpAEi'MEi'ir Depu: FIRE Division:dIlI+t7g96-'rnM Acts-lon: APPR N/A iIRMItem: 05500 pIIBLIC WORKS '.- :--- Dept: PLB WORK Division: 67-tiatlg-gd-snt"t---- Action, APPR N/A ,]RM See Page 2 of Lhis Document for any conditions EhaE may apply Eo this permiE' DECIJARATIONS r h€rBby acknoelcdEe that r hrvc read thi€ application, filled out in fult th€ inforoalion required, conpl€c'd an accuraec ploc plan, and EtaLe tha! aLr tsh6 infornation provided aa required :16 corEecE. r agrcc to conply wit,h lhr information qnd pIoE Plan' !o couply rich aII Tolrn ordinanceEl and €Eacc Larrs, and to build tshi.6 scructur6 according tso th€ Torn'€ zoning and dubdivltion codc!, desigri rcvi.atr approwed, unifoFr Building code artd othor ordj.nances of che Torn appJ.icable Ehercto' REQUEST9 FOR rNspECrrONS SttAr,r, BE UADE T9{ENIY-FOIJR HOUR6 rN Ar}\TANCE AY TELEPHONE AT 479-2L3g oR AT OUR OFFTCE FROM 8:00 A!4 5:00 PM S€nd C1€an-U!t D€PosiE To: DIStINCIIVE TENT SIGNATI'RE OF OWNER OR COIITRAC'fOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 898-0004 as of 04/24/98 SEaEus: ISSIJED******************************************************************************** PermiL Tllge: ADD/ALT COMM BUrLD PERI,ff Applied: OL/L4/]-998 Applicant: DISTINCIM TENT RENTALS Issued: O4/24/L998 303-922-7200 To Expire z LA/2L/1'998 ilob Address: LOCAtsiON: 174 GORE CREEK DR Parcel No: 2101-082-21-000 DescripEion: Temp Tents (t"lAR 3 , 98 -MAR9 98 ) Conditsione:1. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE A}IY WORK CAN BE STARTED.2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHBCK FOR CODE CoMPLTANCE. 3. FIRE AIVD BT-,DG DEPT NEED TO APPROVED PRIOR TO TENT BEING OCCT' PIED TOtOf OF VArt , C1ct ORADO ScatelnnE t!rr'r.rri*Jitriitttttr*trtirirt*t r**itt*t t tt t*rri*.r, gBfEeunc [urber. REc-0391 A[ourc: 243.25 O4l24l9s \atls P.yDenr lLchod: C:K NoEacion: ?192 InLt: MAtl P.rllle No: 898-000{ Typc: A-COMM ADD,/AIrT couM BUILD P Parcel Nor 2101-082-21-000 sic. Mdr..r: 1?{ GoRE CREEK DR toc.Eion: 174 OORE CRBEK DR 243.25 243,25 Balance: .00 ToEal Fce6: Ttri6 Pald€nr 243.25 Tor.al ALL PnLa: Aecounc @d€Drsc!ipEion BP oo1oo0031Ll100 BWIJDINe PgRrilIT FEES PP o0100003112300 PLAII CIIECI( FEES AD OOrO0002{o3100 cl/8tltuP DEPosrTs wc 00100003112800 WIIrl, CltL TNSPBCIIOII BEE Auount e5.00 100.00 3.00 I Ut0N UF VRIL COI'I-DEU S/O/-06t-zt - w r,egol Oarorlptlonr lot-- i5U5-4 re-Z.l)Z :to||f or vtrll cotf8TBustloN PENilIT T?PDICIEION TOilDAtAtJ:/1-?4 ftco*t 4azV-N TER}IIT ' tvr A-zlpDtICtrfON UU$T EE FTLLED our cOltELglfBLI'OR IT UAr xdr sB lccEP'IDED t*it*ftrar.-..r*tr.*****lr*111 DEf,[It fNFOnHIAION i***1.*.tt.r...****.**l*l.l.t -t'l-Bulrdi,hg ( f;PlgublnE I l-El.otrtaal t I rob Ndr.6s /aa!fuL^z ,ro,b A.ldr€Ess - lrohltsott Addrescr cencrll Deecrlptlonl $ork claddr t l-Nor [ ]-AltoEatl.on I J-rautttontl I li.nepalr ly1"sslr*^fu7- Nuilrcr of Dvelllng Unlter E_ltrrubcr ol loooEnodatl,on unlter - {pnbet and ttpe'ol Ftreplrcllt Gaa }pplianc€s- oaa lpgs- lfood/Pellot-- 1Uxr*i*rr***irr*r.*tt***r**r**tittrr vNItf,tEIoNg ***rrrrr****ir*t****t*.**tttit*rr - V--------- ^ :---.- .^,----- ^ t - /n^,.,@ orynerg Ninqr . /(S fuo {&o -',rmdrerst .EUIIIDINCI ELEClRfCN,rr I Addrasel contiasf,ort *rrfrtti**ltrt WIIIDI}IOsllnlSlNc l|EClrl}tfClIrtaITFGIRfClI, ON$8, TYPE DRB tEEr ornEnr | fu)'- _llBllLI..r I!80ElEr ***ra***tr*trt*aara***r*tlrrorm of vrll nrg. No-,-M- Phone Nnnbert h3- YZZ-7?6- Ereotrleer conrraqtot, - bqt-ffi{Mdrersr Plunblng ^f,ddaiaE! tfechanlcal eontraotor t lddreaet Tonn of vlll AcA. No..-- Phon6 l{urnbcr: Town of, VaiI Rog. No.--*-* Fhone Nunbsft Tonn of Vall 8eg. No Phone Nunber: orFrcE UgE rtt*.*r*lrita*rl*****tr*lt*r*sr bUI'.DTNC PIilN CHESK TEEI PTtrHBINg EI.TN CHBCK trEEt UECEANICAL PIAN CfiECK FEEI:i NECREATION TEBI CISIN-OF DEPOOITT " So!!Al, PEf,l|trl FEESI HruDrNol SIONATURES 'ONINOIgIG[IAfihE: I 134 !"[0 FEEor ? tl3 8Q.Ftf . Cmsnt ffi 7ezr2.nl./s,z^c \t {.{ ]tt$ri $\\ x, NN\,N N s -[ vr${ $. $$$ .\t-t \$ Qs.xxs'3\q )N\\ * \ G -: sEE"! "t: K t3 e2 Bg HqQSoroA-eb6eehEoo ( -E t} $$H pllo\59- ur aci gux9nb HAs ul =zFzulfo ut Ehz.$h Pz|r| ==o0cl AulE,5oulG g E $st e s Ntrls$ .EI _t rownbpvau, 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970479-2738 Location.......: Lodge at Vail ParcelNo....: 21.070822'1000 Project No . : OWNER LODGE @ VATII 174 GORE CREEK DRvAIt, co 81657 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE T,OSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Permit #: 801-0M2 job Address: 174 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Ldql_ c1-r&.1 DE'ARTMENT oF coMMUMry DEvELogHf ", ff,rf, Status...: ISSLIED Applied. . : 03/27/2007Issued...: 06/L0/2003 Expires. . .: 12/07/2003 03/2!/20oL Phone: 303-476-5011 Lricense: APPIJICAIiIT DISTINCTIVE TE![T RENTAI-'S 03 /2L/2OOL PhONC: 303-593-1800 25OO W. FOT'R AVENT]E, I'NIT 1 DENVER, CO I0219 Lricense:454-S Co!{TRACTOR DISTTNCTTVE TE}rr RENTALS 03 /2I/2OOA Phone: 303-693-1800 2500 w. FouR A\rENtE, ItNrT 1 DENVER, CO 80219 License:454-S Desciption: temp tent for Taste of Vail Occupancy: Type Construction: TypeOccupancy: ?? Valuation: fi2,412.85 Add fuFt 0 Fireplace Information Restricted: # of Gas Appliarres: 0 # of Gas togs: 0 # of wood Pelleb 0tffi*fr'**F****,#*ffi**i{******f*r**.irl***ff*|*** FEE SUMMARY ni******l}:t*ffi Buildjng-> 975 , Oo Restuarant Plan Review-> g0 , 0O Total Calculated Fees-> 9L26 -15 Plan Check-> 948.75 DRB Fes--> gO.oO Additional Fees-> $0.00 lnvestigation-> gO . O0 Recreation Fee-> S0 . O0 Total Pamit Fee-_-_> S126 . 75 Will Call-> $3 . 0O Clean-up Deposit-> $0. oO Paymmts---------;' 5!25.7s TOTAL FEFS_-- - > 3T26 .15 BALANCE DIJE--_> $O . OO Approvals:Ifen: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT o3/21-/2ooL Ic Action: No routed Lo .rRM o3/22/2}0r JRM Action: NO RoUTED TO FrRE 03/26/200l cdavis Action: AP see Fire Dept aprpoval ItEM: O54OO PI-.ANNING DEPARTMENT Ltern: bs6oo FrRE DEpARTMENI O3/22/2OOL rnvaughan Action: ApItem: 055O0 PIIBLIC WORKS ****P*t**:r*.*tr**rar.****.*****r.**1**********e****tr#iffil|i**r*.r*******fir*i************i***rffi See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fulI the information required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the inforsration and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strucfure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desig:r review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQ{JESISFOR INSPECTION SHATL BE MADE TWENry-FOURHOURS IN ADVANCE BYfiLEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR ATOUROFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNAruRE OFOWNER ORCONTRACTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNET PAGE2 Permit #: B0'L-0042 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL as of 0G1&2003 Perrrit Type ADD/ALT COMM BLIILD PERMT Applicant DISTINCTIVE TENT RENTAI-S 30$693-1800 job Address: 174 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Iocation: Lodge at Vail Parcel No: 210108221000 Description: bmp tent for Taste of Vail Conditions: Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORKCANBESTARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLIIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Status: ISSLIED Applied: 03/n/n07 Issued: 06/10/208 ToExpire 12/07/2003 it *+** '****ta't ** **ta+ 't * * ++ * + * *'*****+*'* * *++* ***,Ft+ **** ++*****t * * * * * * * * * * * *******'i** 'i * +*** * **** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Staterncnt * l't*f* + ** * +**** *******!i*f* *****tr +* * **** + ***** * f+*+l* *+ ** * {.++** *,t*+*** *+** *{. *+* +** * +*** *,r *** * Statement Mmber: R030004133 Amount: 955.00 05/AO/2Oe3A0:28 AM Palment MeEhod: Check Inits: LC Notation: #3 028Distinctive Tent s Permit No: 801-0042 Lvpe: ADD/AL,T COm4 BUIIJD pERl,IT Parcel No3 210108221000 Site Address: 174 GORE CREEK DR VAII, Location ! Lrodge at, Vail Total FeeE: 5126.75This Payment: 955-00 Tot,al AIIJ pmCa: $55.OOBaLance: $7L -75+*****tt *'l a**++ ** * **+**'* ***+* * ** * * +**** 't *tt*** * * ++ * *{.** * * *'}*+ *+ *'t f*+ * * * f+*******,} **+** ** * *+** ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 55.00 l+ **+ *+a**+** + ** + ** *+ + * *i**+ t ******+** ****+ * ***** ++ * t******'] {r**** * {' * ** ** * * * ** ** * +* ** * f+***** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statemenr +* ****'tl* * * f**t+ *****+*****++**** * | +*** **t+*+* ****+{' * + * ++* !t* f+** ***!t************ ** * ***a * ** * + Statement Nurnber: R030004134 AnounC: g7]- .7S 06/tO/2O$a0:29 AM Payment Method: Check Init: IrC Notation: *3 051/Digtinctive Tenrs Permit No: 801-0042 Type: ADD/]$T coMM BUILD pERl,lT Parcel No3 210108221000 Site Address: 174 GIORE CREEK DR VAIIrIrocation: L,odge at Vail Total- Fees: 5L25.75Thi6 Payment: $71-25 Total ALL pmtE: $726.?5Balance: $0.00 **1.+*++ * ** ******* ***** * ****** *** * * * ** * * i * ** *** * ** * +** * * * *** 's *r' * * * i* *** *l'****+*** +***+++* **++ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Curnent Pmrs BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 2O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 48.75 t^lc 00100003112800 l.llLl CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 3.00 Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us May 16,2003 Distinctive Tent Rentals 15335 East Freemont Englewood, CO 80112 Re: Building Permits not picked up: SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL 801-0042 Lodge @ Vail, Taste of Vail 2001801-0043 Marriott. Taste of Vail 2001 8,02-0012 Lodge @ Vail, Taste of Vail2002 To Whom lt May Concern: A review of the Town of Vail Building Division files indicates that the above mentioned permits have not been picked up or paid for. The 1997 Uniform Building Code, Section 106.4.4, requires evidence of construction progress each 180 days to avoid expiration of a permit. As per Uniform Building Code Section106.4.4, your permits have expired. lf the work has been completed you must come in to pay for these permits. lf no response has been received within 20 days of the above date, this file will be voided, and the file will be placed in the permanent file, with no further inspections authorized or deposits returned. You will also be invoiced for the plan review fee on these permits. A lock has been placed on your contractor license until these issues have been resolved. Feel free to contact me al 970479-2142 or Lynne Campbell at97Q479-2150 with any questions. Chief Building Official CDilc {S^nt"r*r*o C. Date ot Detivsry addEss differcnt fiom item 1? El yes If YES, €nter deliv€ry address betow: E No 1. Artlcte Address€d to; DISTINCEVE TENT RBNTAIS 15335 EAST FREEMONT ENGLEIiIOOD, co 80112 2. Articls Numb€r (Transf€r from san/ice E Express Mail& Fetum Rsceipt for Merchandise El c.o.D. 3. Servic€ Typ€ € Certfi€d MatlE Registercd E Insurcd Mail 4. Restricled tle very? Extra F€e)E Yes ?00e 1EE0 00uq hla0 b{90 PS Form 381 1, eugust Z0O1 Dom€stic Return Beceipt 102595-01-i,t-2509 T0I//l'l0PtrAtt Department of C ommtmity D evelopment 75 South Frcntage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 r 38 Fil( 970-479-2452 www.ci,vail.co,us April 18,2003 Distinctive Tent Rentals 2500 W. Four Avenue, Unit 1 Denver, CO 80219 SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL ?00a 1it0tl 00ur+ b1a0 Eb05 Re: Building Permits not picked up: BO1-OM2 Lodge @ Vail, Taste of Vail 2001 801-0043 Maniott, Taste of Vail2001 802-0012 Lodge @ Vail, Taste of Vail 2002 To Whom lt May Concern: A review of the Town of Vail Building Division files indicates that the above mentioned permits have not been picked up or paid for] The 1997 Uniform Building Code, Section 106'4.4' requires evidence of construction progress each 180 days to avoid expiration of a permit. As per Uniform Building Code Section'|06.4.4, your permits have expired. lf the work has been completed you must come in to pay for these permits. lf no response has been received within 20 Oays otine above date, this file will be voided, and the file will be placed in the permanent file, with no further inspections authorized or deposits retumed. You will also be invoiced for the plan review fee on these permits' A lock has been placed on your contractor license until these issues have been resolved' Feel free to contact m'e at 970479-2142or Lynne Campbell at970479'2150 with any questions. e{A*=a^ Chief Building Official CD/lc {g*n"*r"* I = ctqo tr 2 E tr .a1:' eI 6E*F^r5,rEr.r||du!< ->T.=69-=.alqt o)-!t (D (tZocE38tr.F{ l, ,,': c t! o \o\o coo\l, .il .1 N a\ o o E.E zx x.p ie 6'.$ g cL ao 6o E ,- E (\ : E oLLo FIH<HE-t 7 'll^.o\H Irl -.Z>$llt]<oH .€i EEe:IF!.().!i EEfig HO P.9 tAOZg H rn frl.{ AN A o9lQt(/,xaro'x =--: (1, . f, q#e iE*; F;EC.lU 8.,- FE.gie-3 f,6P 6: P 3}; E.=; F g; E EE;'-J - d d|€ou- !; = -, E: c,i: s E FE:6 6 3.EE sE; Itl i I 9o,ztrtr EA=6 o ttr.= glE*EN =.dEtDoirc€E>F .> ui€99= r'|oJtJI o COu..i 2'EoE! Poqtage Corlllled Fe€ Rgtum Roceipt Fe€ (Endorggment Bequir€d) (f ruEE}r- (3 Bestrlqted Delivery F6eC! (Endorg6m6ntRoquired) Total Postago & Faos s*t reSo ^j,:1 v'<-ttrre *e'.,.-\"9 :,'Bt#'^f.'' >SGb 1D vfur<r- A't-<-A-l cilY's'te' zt?S1.,vvr-<r c-a qt@t1 " t..TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL CO 81557 970-479-2738 Job Address: location.......: Parcel No....: Irroject No . : OWNER ITODGE @ VAII-, 1.74 GORE CREEK DR VAIIJ, CO 81557 I-,icense : APPTJICANT DISTINCTIVE TEII'T RENTAI,,S 2500 w. FottR AVENUE, UtIrT DEIIVER, CO 802L9 License:454-S CONTRACTOR DISTIIICTIVE TENT R T.ITAJJS 25OO W. FOI'R AVENUE, UNIT DENVER, CO I0219 License:454-S Desciption: install tent for taste of vail l,* +oc llltr ic_ Va'tl vti ls+ DEPARTMENT OF COMML]MTY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALTCOMMBUILDPERMT Pennit #:802-0012 Status . . Applied. Issued . . Expires. 174 GORE CREEK DR VAIL .: ISSLIED.: 02/74/2W2.: 06/10/2n3.: 72/07/2003 02/a4/2002 Phone: 303-475-50L1 02/L4/20O2 Phone: 303-693-1800 o2/t4/20o2 Phone: 303-693-1800 Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: Fireplace Inforrnation Building-> Plan Check-> Investigation-> will ca[-> A3 43VN TypeVNon-Rated ?? $2,300.00 Resticted: 575.00 Reshrarant PIan Review-> $48. ?5 DRB Fee--> S0 . 00 Recreation Fee-> $3 . 00 Clean-uP DePosit-> TOTAL FEES--> Add Sq Ft: # of Gas Appliarrces: 0 0 # oIGaslogs: 0 #of $0.00 $0. oo s0. 00 $o. oo $126. ?s Total Calculated lees- > Additional Fees-.-> Total Permit Fee_> Paymmts-> BALANCE DI.JE-> $125.75 $ss.0o $181.75 $181.7s $0. o0 LODGE@VAIL 210108221000 Approvals: Ttdm : 05100 BUII-,DING DEPARTIT{ENI o2/L8/2oo2 cDAvrs Action: Ap INSPECTIONS Item: 05400 PLANIiIIIIG DEPARTMENT Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARII{ENI Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS SI'Bd'ECT TO FIELD ii**t**r*****r*******tr.'*rr*****t*ffii***i*r',***!t**.,r:ffi*ffi*****h+ ******r**lrffidffi See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requiled, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infomration as required is correct. I agree to coarply with the inforrration and plot ptan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUES'ISFORINSPECTION SHALL BE MADE IWENTY-FOURHOURS IN ADVANCE BYTELEPHONE AT 479-249 ORAT OUROFFICE FROM 8:(n AM-4 PM. SIGNATTJRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2*ril***l*******{i**rit*!t!t*******t*********ti********li*******{r****tr*******1!*tt**tffi**r+:a**!t t**!****tffi CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Pennit#: 802-0012 asof 0G1G2003 Starus: ISSUEDffi* ***:Ht***rt**rt****fii Penrrit Type: ADD/ALT COMM BUILD PERMT Applicant DISTINCTIVE TENT RENTALS 303-693-1800 ]ob Address: 174 GORE CREEK DR VAIL l.ocation: LODGE@VAIL Parcel No: 270108227000 Description: instal tent for taste of vail Conditions: Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQI.IIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQIIIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Applied: 02/1,4/2ffi2 Issued: 06/70/2003 To Expire: 72/07/20f,3 *********++++ +*****+ * * * ** * **++* ** * tl ++ + * ** * *** ** * * ** tt ** 'i 't * ** tr * '! +* ****** * **++*+:t+ ** * * + ++*** * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO StAtEMCNt*+ +*+ + +++ + * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * + * * * + I f + + ++ * 't * **.* {',t' * **** {' * !* * * * * * *** * **** * **** + * + + + + + + ++ + * * + + ++**+ ** StatemenE l{umber: R030004132 Anount r 9181.?S 06/LO/2OO3L0:23 AM Payments Method: Check Init: LC Notation3 #3 02I /Distinctive Tent Renlals Permit No: 802-0012 [pe: ADD/ALT COMM BUITD pERI,itT Parcel Nor 210108221000 Site Address; 1?4 GORE CREEK DR VAILLocation; IJODGE @ VAIIJ TotaL Fees: $181.75Thj.s Payment: g1S1.z5 Total AI,L pmts: $181.75Balance: S0.00**** *** * * * * * * ** * * '; ****+ +++** *** *!t! * * * *r! * * * * **'i *a 'ilrt ** +**** +**** + * *+ * ++ + +'t+ + +,* + + +**++ + + ++ +++** ACCOI,]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Curnent Pmts BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES cL 00100003123000 C0NTRACT0R LICENSES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES lllc OO1O()OO3112BOO W]LL CALL INSPECTION FEE /5. 00 55. 00 48.75 3. 00 t t-v| E, g,grgr l. lll-l'1 a N0.429 P tr/7 'l TOWtlWnn ?5 S. tr'rontrgc Rd. Valt, Colondo Bl6t7 plurnbing' 93 bq? /7o<.r ffif-ooo rffi loor,,*"fasp ot\,bi| Aers sL'a4,4t :ounoo*, Vd7^+U,', LqrlDocdptlon Itot| |llock IFillng:Subdlvbionlgffillr' QooA; tle:+o' tuchltrd/Deshnen IaAr€ss:Phone: Engincn ne: Dctalled descripoon of wofi: WorkClass: Ncw( ) A.ldl$n( ) Rsnod€t( ) ncpair( ) Dtno( ) Otlrerr() G4* workTYpq tntrdor( 1 oerur( ) Eodr( )Does an EHU erlstatthB location: Ycs ( ) N0 ( ) TyFof Elqr srnerc-6nty( ) Ilohmlly( ) tluld'ftmiv( ) Commctdd( ) Rctlhttntt I otrcrgl)fZnf tto, of EtttnS owclilng Unlts In fi16 bulldlng: D No, of Accornmodation Unis in tib bulldingr n No/TyDeof FlrcolacesBFtlnq: GtsAoelhnccs( -LGlalLags( I WoodndFtl ) Wmd8urniml-l---O '- NdTyE of Flrcotoces ProOocd: CarAppia[egtl Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellct ( I Wood Bumha (l'OT Al'tOWED'td IIra*lt. t.i r tl a.t r...t I it.r I t. rir riiriFOR oFFICE USE oNLY..ttirtt' rtltlt*r 't' tttrirt t t 'trt'i rr t r F:/a|g1EnqfumwdgFm DEC - 20-O I osr2o FRDM. ToUN OF VAIL CLERK lD,97O47gZazo A pictwe or manufac{uroE brodrurc of th9 tcnt (color, styb, dc.);tqt: PAGE 20/ 2@ TAWIIOFVAIL 75 Sorth Yail. Colordo 8I 970179-2lN Far 970-479-2157 wr,/.ci.wil.co,w ATTACHMENT H TEMPORARY TEHT PERIIIIIT . SUBiIITTAL REQUIREMENTS Plaase submit a completed buiHlng pcrmit application and thc iollowing information"ilUhinum gf 14 davs_pdor to thc cvent to lhe Town of Valt Department of Community Developrnent, 75 South Frontage Road, Vait, CO 81657. Contaci theTown of Vail Bulldirq Departmentat 970-'.47$' 2325 to get a building permit application. 1. Sitc plan showing the layout and size of thc tent, vehisrlar dellrcry, and emcrgency acceas. 2, Planofthetentshowingallarits. 3. 4. tnstat\ r-^radx*lu*.^g:i':;Date of inslaflation, evcnt end brcakdown 'ii',r-!.au),f T2r-* gr; | (oA Certificate sia[ng the last dete of l}: retardanttreatment. 6rawoa^ n 5. 6. 7. 8. Cost of the installation estimste. I occupancyloacproposed. t n+-adl*ro'C0;c- w\^4 la Pa#- Dascription of all electridty, gas, hetting and lighting thet is proposed. AN INSPECT1ON BY THE FIRE DEPARTMENT IS REOUTRED PRIOR TO THE EVENT. PICASE CONtEd thE Vail Fire Dcpartnent at 970479-2250 b 3et uP an Inspection time and date. 9. Shou size of fuel stoiaEe sourcc. IF THE TENT IS TO BE LOCATED ON TOWT{ OF VAIL PROPERTY (I.E. FORD PARK), THE FOLLOWING ADDITIOML REAUIREMENTS MUST EE SUBMITTED: 10. Ftoors arc required for ell tents on To/vn of Vail prope$. Dccribe tha tentfloor that is proposed. '11. Locatee for irigation is reguir€d at Ford Park. You rnust mect with a Tortn of Vail representafive on- sitc prior to irctalletion of the tent. Call Todd Oppenhcimcr at 970-47S215E to $t a meeting. fg,*c,r'a"m NO,4e9 P.?/7 Q!.restjons? callthe Bullding Team rt 479'Z3Zs Deportm€ilt of Conmunlty Devslopm$t PnJectllana: PrcjectAddressl r' Thb chaklgt mt#/. be anQEte<l Mto',l a aatldlm Permft aootication}s o o o g eqM. All plges of tppfication ls complete Has DRB apgrolal obhlnd (if requlred) novide r cogy of apptwal form Condomlnium ASoclauon letter Of rpproval auached if project F a Mult'Famlly complex Complets sita Phn submitted (4) Publk Way Permit lpplicrthn tncluded lf apdicablc (refer to Rrblic Worls checklbt) Sbglng plan (4) inclurled (rc{€r h Pubtlc wo*s ch€ckllst) t{o frnoetrt park]nq or mqteda! ddddiltoiilLl on rcaitwrrc-rod *rouldge wtthotrt wdtlen apurwal lsb€sbs tcst End rceulE submhhd if demolltion ls occurrlng Arctritect stamp 8nd slgnature (All commerclsl snd Multl familv) Fullfloor ptrns lnduding buiHlng sedons and devations(4 se$ of plans for Multi'Family and Commeftial) Wndol ancl dorxhcdule Full structrnl plans, Includlng ddgn cflteda (le.loeG) Struci|nl Englnecr sEmp end slgruturt on sttuctural Cans (All Comrnercial and Multi Familv) Solb Rcport must be $Jbmittcd Ptior b tuctin€ Inspection Flrc rcdstive ssibllcs specified and penetsaUong indiceH Smoke thtectots shovn on Plarc 'tlpqs and qu.ntity of fircpllces sholn o o o <-- I I Apptlcunrs!ilenrtrrc! 4d.l ' .A]h +r.L''-- Datrofsubrnitt l! 3 o c, F:/anf ortc/|bnulldPcrtttZ Rselvcd Byt t tv. qc: WHE'iI A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED PTEASE READ AND CHEO( OFF EACH OF THE FOLIWING QUE5]]ONS REGARoING TNE NEED FOR A "PUBUC WAY PERMI'I*: o ]s tlris a new residence? 5c a al at t-l YEs.- No y o Docs @moliuon wort being poformed requife thevte of the Rjght-of'way, eesemenB or public troperty? YEs- No-.-"&- Is any utjliV work needed? YEs- NO X Ac there any improvernenb being done tr the driveway ? YES-- No IS a different lccess needed b the site o0rer thrn the existing drivewayr YEs- N0 Is any drainage worlSdeing done that affecb the R'rghtof-Way' easemenB, or public poperty? YEs_ N0 >-' Is a "Revocabh Right-of-Way Permit" requirerl? YES- No I Is the Rightd-way,,easeffl€nts or public property to be used |or staging, peddng or fencino? YES_ to_x.-- If answer ls N0, is a paltrng, staglng or fencing plan required bv Public woil€?yES_ t\O_ lf you answEred YES tn any of these questions, a "Public way Permif'must be obtalned, ',Public way Permit" appliotioru mry be obblned at the Public worKs office or at cornmunity De\dopmnt (a sample is attached), If you ha'yE rny questions ple6e Call Leonard Sandoval in Public Worla at 479-2198. I HAVE READ AND ANSiIVERED AU THE ABOVE QUESTIONS' €^-,, NAI -ft+uo|Va;t- Conltctor signdure ,.0 ., il* rr..i""'A ?t't'- S lc,' '1? rni Date Slgn€d; Company Name F/svcrFn./fotms/bHpc!rn4 ),7.,? Wdawful deposiE: Subject b subsedion C thereof, lt is unlawful for any pemon b litter, track or deposit, or cause b be littered, tracbd or depcited, sand/ gravel/ rocl$, mud, dl|t, snow, lcer or Bny other debris 0r mateflal upon any steet, sidewalk alley or public place, or any porflon thereof, d/nsfice; Abatenrct The Directfi of Public Worls may notifu and rcquire any person who viotates or causes anofier b violaE the provt$on of gubGectlon A hereof, or who has in the Dtrectors employmerr a peruon who viobtes or causes another b viohte the same, hp remo\€ such sand, gravel, rocls, mud,dirt snov{, ice or eny o$er debris or material within twenty lbur (2a) hours after receipt of said notice by Urc Dircctor d Public Wotls. tn the ewnt the person so notified does not mmply with the notice Mthin tie pedod of tiFnc hereln spclfled, the Dlrecbr of pubtic work, or othcr aumorired agenl, may cause any auch sand, grevd, rocl$, rflud,, dlrt, sngw, ice, debris or any other rnahnal to be removed frorn any s$eet or slley at thE expense oF the notiiled, g,zSummons and Pemltyl As an alternative b the notic for renrval Drolided in subsection B above.tny pe|!}0n who vlolates of cauges anoher b vblate $e $me, may be issued a sumrnons to aooear before the Munlclprl &urt of Hrr Town for sald violations, and upon bang tound guilty of a vidatlon hereuncler be punished as providcd in Section 1.4-1 of this code. ytnoUe and Fenalty: It is unlawfirt frcr any peson to fail or refuse b complv with the notjce of the Director of Publlc Worls as provlded in subgection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to payment of the expense of rcmoval inoned by tfre Director of Public Wods, as provlded in subsection B hereof, upon being found guilty ofa vlolauon hereunder, tre punishable as provided in Sectlon 1-4-1 of this Code. (1997 Coder Or<tinance 6 (1929), CODES 7.3A.1 AND ''3A-3; PAR.KING OBSTRUcTIIIG TMFFIc a IMrouI{DMEtIT AUTHoRIZED g/ llo pat*t shall part any vehicle upon a street oi'at any othef place wtthin this Muntcipelity in Euch a manner 0r under such condltions as b int€rfet€ with the free mordnent of vdricular traffic or oroDer street or highway matntln€nce. (Ord. 2(1968) 5 t) g,"whene\Er any polioe officer finds a vehlde ettended or unalt€nded, standing upon any portion of a streEt 0r upon any place witffn thb Municlpalify ln such a manner as to constitute a vibbuon of anysrtion of thb Article, or lelt unatEnded frt ! period of twenty four (24) hours or rnore End presumed tobe abrndoned undcr thc conditiotts prcscrlbed by Colorado Revlsed Statutes sedion 4i"4.1102, as afiend€d, the offlcer shatl require the vclride h be removed or cauge it !o be temoved and placed indor|ge in $e- n€grest garagg ot other pltrr of $fety designated or maintained by this Muntcipality, and the chtrues for towing and shrege of such vehlcle shall lre charged to the ownef of rhe vehicte rn addition b e ten dollar ($10) lmpoundment charge, (Od, Z(1968) g 3: Ord, ZB(1981) g t) I havc rcad and will comply wlth trc abova codc provisions: Position oI RclslionNp to hojccl: Datcsignert t>-20'Ol F:,/cwyonc/fcrnlbldgcrn7 N0. 4?9 Plcrge r€ad and check off ersh sf the iterns below. (Copics of cornplet€ tod are available upon request) coDE s.I.Tft DEPOSITS OfI PUBUC N'AYS PR,OHIBITCD {+r'fi..;*.,f vt', ) N'J, q:'3 ;' , 3 i tf this permit requlres a ToWn of Vail Firc Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) reriew and approval, a Planning Deparfitent reMev, or Hearth Department r€viewr and a revlew by fie Butlding Department, the estimated Ume for a tolal re^/iew will bake as iong as three (3) weeks, All commercial (large or small) and all multl-famifi permils will have b foltow the above mengoned maximurn requiremats, Residential and small prsjects should take E lesser amount of ume. However, lt' rasidentiat tr smaller groteas impact the various above mentl0ne6 departments wtth fe$rd to necessary review, these projecG may also take thrce (3) weeks to review and approve. Every Etgmpt will be rnade by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possible' t, the undersigned, understrrd the plan check procedure and time frame, I also understand tlrat tf Ure permit is not picled up W the expiratlon drte, lhat I must still pay the plan check fee and that lf I fail to do so it may affect firture permits that I aprply for' Asreed tc rr'%tr\" g"":- o,o:**" ,dJIl*{ Vo,'l ilPrd:i gf ,'1;''J Date:l2'- )o,c> t Slgnahire F: /6rq.yoff /forfiE/bl dpermS {.e$itkste of flsnre iBesidtsnm ISS{JEO BY JOHNSON CAMPING INC. EINGHAMTOI'I. N€W YORK 13$2 itaftrlac[rr€rt ot t/ro F/nocf femfuaduFls Dd9f.tD,ed t{e,a,io Thls ls to certlty that lhc poducts horeln have bcen manufaclurod lro*n materlal Inherently flame retardant as hcre after specltled by the materlal cupptler. Dist lnct ir,rg Tent Rental CITY Dernlei Cerft|crrlon lr heraby made lhrt: The arlictos dercribed on thk @rtificat€ have ben msnufado(ed wlft a$ apFo€d flame tdardar* cfiemical lt qilpliaoce with Californaa Stal€ Fire Marshalhe. NFPA-701*, and havs been lesld h acoordano rith the Fedord Test Method Specificalirns and rn€€t a( €xcs€d the Mllitary Flarne Spec{ications d M1L-C-|{XF6G. Iyp.. €olor erid wetght o{ matoriat: 1 white Cenes is 30 ' rLid f'or 60 'OrBorirlor d llom 6rdtisd: Flame Retardant Process Used Wilt Not Be Removed 8y Washing And ls Effective For The Life Of The Fabric $ryder ftlanufacturing, lnc. Manrhcturr of F!ar-.|o Roiardant \|nr 1-amioatr6 ' Lrrga scolo REGISTEREB FABRIC I(JMBER I F.140.0.1 I ortc ot llmutlcl|?. ltrrdr 1992 1€{T OEPTATIE {r, JotlSOt{ cACP||tG. rNc. :r) al.\) IO -:= clr-Y l'\)co = @ertififfite of flnrue jBegistsnce FEGIST€RED FASRIC MJMBER ISSUEO BY JOHNSON CAIIPING INC. BINGHAMTON. NEt{ YORK 13902 ti&.tw*,cd,,res of llr Fin6€l Tonl Prc<tuc{s O€r.'ltB<l ll?,'ain Detc qf '.mufeetrrl ltarch 1992 Thls ls to certily tfial rhc p(oducts hcreln hrYc been manufaclured lrom mat€rlal Inhelently flame tetardanl as hers after sp'eclflod by the dat€.lal suppller. NAME:Dist fuigt i\re 'Iient Reital Denver STATE Ce.tlllcatlon ls herebY made thal:il;;;;;;J * ,r,it cottificde have bsGn 'rEotfadrr€q,within ary-o'*-{g:-j1*:11,.:PP5i!iJI..;HE;;dff;; sfi#;; rffiU;<iry1 tlSf i*1,$ Iletf:lg1* il,?g1iq?lg*h the F€dsal ;:iffiiff iiig;ffi ;;ft ;"d-*-*""ctri"uiirayni.especillcationsotMll-c4.30ffi Flame Retardant Process Used Will Not Be Femoved By Washing And ls Effective For The Life Of The Fabric Snyder Manufacturlng, lnc Msoutactoror ol Flamo Rat:lrdaol vlotl Laminatos ' trrge Sc*a cene6is 3O' mid for 6Ol a $-- lE|{r OE?ARIfCltt, Jolrft)Od CA|tF'l'rc' ${C' :Ez, ra\) O|.\) c c) :'. -_E3 O 6ertitimte of flsme Sesistsnce REGISTERED FABfIIC NUMBER ISSUEO BY JO}TNSON CAMPING IT{C. BING}IAMTO}.I. NEW YOAK 13g)2 ttt'ri..h&Jeit8 ol at'€ Finesl fen? &e{trcts U*t i N l',€fo,i o o.r. ot Hral|!€cunl r'tarctr 1992 Thlt ls to cedlly that the producte hereln haw boon manufactured lrorn materlal lntrerer{ly llame letatdad as hge alcr speclllcd by lto udcrlel suppller' NAME:Disf- illcti\,€ Tent Rentals g11y Denver srAtE c0 Ccrttttcalbn l* hercbY madc that:#;*"; i*.in'rtt ..ttnc*" rrave geeg gqng$"eq J{! 31qry:1tr3ff;;,g$"m5[}ffi fi :ffi""lffi :ffi #i'fi "'ft:'ffi #iqfJf.Ti:Pii'if tXy3H:*n,ffiffi*theFedorarruIfr ilff $i#ffi #]i;;;;-;;*"d-t6etumtaryrtirnespecrhatbnscrMrL-ciL3oGG' Flame d Will Not Be Removed BY Washlng And ls Effective For The Llfe Of The Fabric Snyder Manufacturlng, Inc. M{ufad|lror ol Flame Fotaadaotvilt L nales TgNr oEP^Rlf,ENr. .tQ$r6Ct{ GAtrPlilc, INC' t ttt1e Scalo T1,po. color and welgtt ol .rd6tial 1602 Gerreeis oi lbm sdlied: Retardant Process Use :Dz, I f\) \) .E = dHN-lq-uc nuN ug;ql flfl DI STI NCTIVE TENT RE NTAIS/5335f. Frcmont Drive Bnglevooe Cotorado g0 I 12 303493.1 t00 Fat i0J.693-2077 ol,14 02 T&9fE OF VArrRONDI ,HSSSONP.O. BOX 5653vArr., co 91658 P, 02 AGREEIITilT ilO 02000? I,ODGE, AT174 coREvArr,, co VAIL - AFRES C.REEK DR. PAGE: 1 liol/l! Pt{otrtE FrJ( t{o )70* 925- s6ao GUEY' COUNT OLISNTIE AYSI'E RONDI TIES?ON EVEHI OATEI 04 / c4/ 02ofFrc€ PHONE HeirE ptreh'g 970-926-1494 e S,u, oAYE: t{-ffif T.0.o^rF: 04/a5 HVENT I E: ' ' '1 .r,.tri.r, lwF1 lwrr lwn200 lt{r22 11i llrI1 11 : !r. 20x 12x 9X1 Frn 100 170 EME. FIR. DEL N ', ...j: ... ..1i.. !:!:.. .....,j,1r.,.,Lj.j,r,!iF_T?,:.,iiilr'1:30 IIHITE CANOPI12 wHrtE CANOPY (1Pe)O WHIfE MARQUEEOF 7I WINDOI{ STDEWAI,Tt I'IEIGHT K BfU HEATER HTED EXIT SIGN RGENCY ],IGTi?S E, EXTINGUI$HER IVERT PF-ICE .1' {00.00 17 5. 00125,00 500.00 220.40 4 90. 00 80.00 50. o0 40. o0 100.00 OIt!.\,v^YTHJCXrtE PRICE 40.o0*T.irii[.l:ffi;;:.= WrFfi ernD'dr(i h.-,.t, ,,tlclt ,rtrr,x1d ua rr,. Nt ort,, ,gv'*t* t1"*/ "- "-K'^MW.u rirHrrF - O|FDE yELLOrv - CUStOi,rn F!NK_ p;OOUgT{rN GOLD, STATETAX 14 9.80 ClrYTAX RIDTAX TOTAL 2.2,89.80 DEPOSIT BALANCE 2,289.gO NET 10 DAYS FIgLD .j rit o6 3 TAo3 EtDe a6r.rp-"8LDG DOOR ./}. fr-eave RooM FoR ooo* ,oiiiorr. Btr It IrI artyCAD 2000 IASTFOF VAIL/ rua<*r^rrlV ,/,/ / ,/'/ .J..'.-// ..' Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 MX 970-479-24s2 www.ci.vail.co.us May 16,2003 Distinctive Tent Rentals 15335 East Freemont Englewood, CO 80112 Re: Building Permits not picked up: SENT VIA CERTIFIED MAIL 801-0042 Lodge @ Vail, Taste of Vail2001 801-0043 Marriott. Taste of Vail 20018,024012 Lodge @ Vail, Taste of Vail2002 To Whom lt May Concem: A review of the Town of Vail BuiHing Division files indicates that the above mentioned permits have not been picked up or paid for. The 1997 Uniform Building Code, Section 106.4.4, requires evidence of construction progress each 180 days to avoid expiration of a permit. As per Uniform Building Code Section106.4.4, your permits have expired. lf the work has been completed you must come in to pay for these permits. lf no response has been received within 20 days of the above date, this file will be voided, and the file will be placed in the permanent file, with no further inspections authorized or deposits returned. You will also be invoiced for the plan review fee on these permits. A lock has been placed on your contractor license until these issues have been resolved. Feel free to contact me at 970-479-2142 or Lynne Campbell at970479-2150 with any questions. /'-)-€TLL Chief Building Official CD/lc {su"t ttornro r uompteto items 1, 2, and 3. Also comptete _ item 4 if Bestricted Delivery is desired., I Print your name and addiels on rne revarse_ so that w€ can refurn the card to you.r Aftach.this card to the back of thd mailpiece,or on the front if spacs permits. 1. Artlcte Addressed to: DISTINCTIVE TENT REIITALS 15335 EAST FREEMONT .ENGLEIIOOD, CO 80112 2. Article Number (f,/ansfer fiom se ice 3. Sorvice Type € Cartlfied MailE Registered fl lnsurod Mail E Exprass Mail& Fetum Receipt tor Merchandise 4. Restricted Delivery,t (Exta Fee)E Yes ?00? t,000 00urr E1S0 bqt0 ot Delivery O. ls deliv€rl/addr€ss diff€rent torn ltem 1? It YES, enter d€tivery address betow: PS Form 381 1, Augusr 2001 Domestic Retum Beceipt 10as95-o.1+4.25@ TOWN OFVAIL Department of Commmity Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 138 Ftw 970-479-2452 www,ci,vail,co,us April 18,2003 Distinctive Tent Rentals 2500 W. Four Avenue, Unit 1 Denver. CO 80219 CD/lc SENTVIA CERTIFIED MAIL ?00e 1000 000rr b1a0 hb05 Re: Building Permits not picked up: 801-0042 Lodge @ Vail, Taste of Vail 2001 801-0043 Marriott, Taste of Vail 2001 BO2-0012 Lodge @ Vail, Taste of Vail2002 To Whom lt May Concem: A review of the Town of Vail Building Division files indicates that the above mentioned permits have not been picked up or paid for. The 1997 Uniform Building Code, Section 106.4'4, requires evidence of construction progress each 180 days to avoid expiration of a permit. As per Uniform Building Code Section106.4.4, your permits have expired. lf the work has been completed you must come in to pay for these permits, lf no response has been received within 20 days of ihe above date, this file will be voided, and the file will be placed in the permanent file, with no further inspections authorized or deposits retumed. You will also be invoiced for the plan review fee on these permits. A lock has been placed on your contractor license until these issues have been resolved. Feel free to contact me at 970-479-2142 or Lynne Campbell at 970-479-2150 with any guestions. Lfu Chief Building Official $*n"a.*r "o '':. i:r:"::. " . .:, :. ,:,''''':.,, ''.:::1.:.. ...:.t..' .,1 .,,1." .1 ; :j.' 'i:.. :.. ' r Complets itsms 1, 2, and 3. Also complete ilem 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired.I Prlnt your name and address on lhe reverse so thall we can return tho card lo you.r Altach lhi6 card to the back ol the mailpiece, or on the ftonl if spacs Permits, '1. Arlicle Address€d to: DISTINCTIVE TSNT RENTAIS 2500 w, FouR avE., wIT I DENVER, cO 80219 3, Servlc€ TypeXl certitieo Mail E Express Mail Cl Registered lEfReturn Receipt lor Merchandise , E lnsured Mail tr C.O.D. i 4. Fl€strlcted Delivery? Extrd Faet E Yes 2. Article Number (fianster trom service label)7002 1000 0004 6980 6605 I Ps Forrn 381 1, Ausust 2oo1 I l .- _. __. ,r.|_ .. *.,r-F-::::. .:. Domestlc Rsturn Beceipt t02595.01 -M-250S B. Received by ( Pintd Name) D. ls ddivery address diff{ent lro.n item 1? lf YES, enter dollvery addrsss below: Ves tl E -gJI o CO d" -o -Eoct clc!Erl rucforr P6tqs C6. n d F.. Fatrrn F€c€ipt Fe€ GndoG€m€nt R€quir€d) F6niciad Deliv€.y F€ (E dorg€meflt B.cuir€d) liotrl Postage & F.€s -e-+t'.x--T.^-{- ;ffi'#,''#:' LS6b Lr> Fo*.-r A.*V-'l Ce qr@t1