HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail Truck Idling Complaint 1986W,INTERDIPARTMENTAL I,IEET ING May 12, 19g6 10:00 am 2. 3. 4. 5. f,a. 7. 8. Ron Phil I ipsStan Berryman 8i I I Andrews Pete Burnett Dick Duran Mike McGee Pat Dodson Curt Ufkes Betsy Rosol ack Gary Murrain Peter Patten Tom Braun Rick PylmanKristan pritz Pam Brandmeyer Susan Scan'lin l. icb Palace video Kiandra Lodge Hand Gun Range: TOV police Oept Gorsuch 0utdoor Dining DRB: Johnston l*luel ler Sheehan Lauterbach Lodge at Vait Truck Idling Complaint Vail Village Inn Steps Cascade Village Lift : ,-2 ./ -- t&a,/-<--/ )fi-',-' *t/uat&n t -.- A; / ''7'<1 ' C4 ; d"'- .),.!^--^-l e*z-/;Z-L ^1zZ; L.^*7 5%-*,1* ,/-'1tzt:.--"",- ,/ ).- r,//G//,/.,1la */'t-+rt,'tta.<-z o MtsstoN Rt(]'ir APR-81986 THE UNITED STATES SENTENCING COM I33I PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, NW sutrE | 200-A V\/ASHtNGTON. D,C. 20004 wllll.m w. Wllklnr. Ji, ChltrmanMlch..l K. glock Stc9hen G. Br.yerHolon G. CorrotherS G6or9e E. MacKinnonllenc H. NagclPaul H. RoblntonBenrlmln F. B.€r (ex otflclo)Ron.ld L. Gain€. (ex ottlclol April 1, 1986 Mr. Ron Phillips :f oh/n lianager 75 S. Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 81557 Dear Mr. Phillips: . My husband., S. Ja]r Plager and I are owners of property inVai1, specifically unit 266-268 at the lJodge at vail . - Our-unitfaces on core Creek Drive, and is the corner unit on the secondfloor across from sweet Basir. The street irnrnediately below ourwindow is posted rrLoading Zone-15 Minutes.rr Trucks park in the early morning below our windows on aregular basis to unload, prinarily f believe to service thestores and restaurants in the Gore creek plaza building acrossthe street. It is not unconmon for this to begin as early as5:45 or 6:00 a.rn. The truck engines are typically left iunningon full idle while the drivers go about their unloading. - The Lodge does not have central ai_r-handling eguipment,hence of necessity we nust have our windows open it nlgtrt torventilation. The consequences are that not only are w! insultedby the early morning roar of the engines, but we often wake to aroorn full of diesel funes frorn the vertical truck stacks. The problern is not a new one. It has been a cause ofconcern to us personally when we occupy the unit during theseveral years we have owned it, and it has adversely beencommented upon by guest of the Lodqe who have occupied the unitat other tirnes. From conversations we have had with Lodqemanaqement, we know that other owners on the Gore creGkEriveside are equally distressed. . Based on inquiries the Lodge management has nade into thissituation at the reguest of affected owners, we understand. thatseveral Town ordinances are involved yet appear to be violatedregularly and continuously. Specifically, -in addition to 2 exceeding the posted 15 ninute parking period, the trucks aregenerally left unattended with thelr engines ldling, andregularly left idLlng for more than 10 minutes (these appear notto be refrigerator trucks) . . We would appreciate very much your looking into whetherordinance violations are in fact occurring, and if so, whetherspecific enforcernent actions could be taken by the Town. Ibelieve that the Lodoe management has several tirnes previouslyrequested that some action be taken by the Town to aelt witn tnissituation. but it is not clear to ne that consistent and long-J-asting acti-on has been taken--and it is clear that whatevei hasbeen done tras not been effectlve. We would also appreciate it if you would look into othersteps that night be taken to reduce or alleviate this rnostdisturbing problem. For example, might it be possible torelocate the loading zone to the other side of-the street? Thebuildings on that side are prinarily retail establishrnents wLthwhat appears to be only lirnited J.iving units. More irnportantly,the structures are set back frorn the street so that the trucks - would not be inrnediatery under windows as they are on the Lodqeside. And, if I arn correct that the trucks inlubstantiaf pEFare servicing the establishrnents on that side, this would-producean efficient as well as desirable result. My husband and f are on the whole delighted with being apart of the vail conmunity, and !t/e adnire very rnuch the cle1n andtasteful way in which the Town is naintained. I^le would begreatful for any help you could give us in this rnatter. It has leen a problen for some time and we would like very much to haveit solved in a way that does not reguire constant lttention,annoyance and complaint. Mr. Chris van der Baars, Executive Assistant Manager of theLodgre, has been rnost helpful to us, and is informed about thisshould you wish to speak with hirn concerning this rnatter. We look forward to hearing from you soon. eLyyours, s ,M* Ilene H. Nacr U.S. Sentenc ng Cornrnissioner cc: Mr. Chris van der Baars Rtt]'0APR*Bi9B6 Willlam W. Wilkins, Jr. ChalrmanMlchael K. Block Stephen G. BreyerHelen G. Corrothers Geoa9€ E. MacKlnnon llone H. Nrgel Paul H. Roblnson 8€n.ia.nin F. Baer (ex olficio! Ronald L. Gain€r (6x offtcto) THE UNITED STIATES SENTENCING COMMISSION I33I PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, NW sutrE | 2OO_A WASH|NGTON, D.C. 20004 April 1, 1986 Mr. Ron Phillips 'l'own Manager 75 S. Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Phillips: My husband, S. Jay Plager and I are owners of property inVail , specifically unit 266-268 at the l,odqe at Vall. - our unitfaces on Gore Creek Drlve, and is the corner unit on the secondfloor across frorn Sweet Basil. The street irnrnediately below ourwindow is posted rrI-,,oading Zone-15 Minutes. rr Trucks park in the early morning below our windows on aregular basis to unload, primarily I believe to service thestores and restaurants in the Gore Creek plaza building acrossthe street. It is not uncomrnon for this to begin as early as5:45 or 6:00 a.m. The truck engines are typically left runningon full ldle while the drivers go about, their untoaAing. The Lodge does not have central air-handling equipment,hence of necessity we nust have our windows open at nlght forventilation. The conseguences are that not o-nly are w-e insultedby the early norning roar of the engines, but we often wake to aroom full of diesel furnes from the verticaL truck stacks. The problem is not a new one. It has been a cause ofconcern to us personally when we occupy the unlt during theseveral years we have owned it, and it has adversely beencommented upon by guest of the Lodge who have occupied the unitat other tines. From conversations we have had with Lodcremanagement, we know that other owners on the Gore Creek Driveside are egually distressed. Based on inguiries the Lodge management has nade into thissituation at the request of affected owners, we understanct thatseveral Town ordinanceE are lnvolved yet appear to be violatedregularly and contl-nuously. Specifically, in addition to z exceeding the posted 15 mLnute parking perlod, the trucks aregenerally left unattended with their engines idllng, andregrularly left ldlLng for more than 10 ninutes (these appear notto be refrigerator tnrcks) . I{e would appreciate very nuch your looklng into whetherordinance violations are in fact occurrlng, and if so, whetherspecific enforcement actions could be taken by the Town. Ibelieve that the Lodge management has several tines previously requested that sone action be taken by the Town to deal with thissituation, but it is not clear to me that consistent and long-Iasting action has been taken--and lt is cl-ear that whatever hasbeen done has not been effective. We would also appreclate it if you would look into othersteps that night be taken to reduce or alleviate this nostdisturbing problen. For example, night i.t ba poeslble torelocate the loading zone to the other ELde of the street? Thebuildings on that side are prinarlly retail establishnents withwhat appears to be only linited livingunits. More inportantly,the structures are set back fron the street so that the truckswould not be inrrediately under windows as they are on the Lodgeside. And, lf I am correct that the trucks in substantial partare servicing the establishnents on that side, this would produce an efficient as well as desirable result. My husband and I are on the whole delighted with being apart of the Vail comnunity, and we adroire very nuch the clean andtasteful way in whlch the Town is naintained. We would begreatful for any help you could give us in this matter. It hasbeen a problen for some tirne and we would like very nuch to haveit solved in a way that does not require constant attention, annoyance and complaint. Mr. Chris van der Baars, Executive Assistant Manager of theLodge, has been nost helpful to us, and is informed about thisshould you wish to speak with hin concerning this matter. We look forward to hearing frorn you soon. sin ely yours, Ilene H. Nag U.S. Sentenc ng Connlssioner cc: Mr. Chris van der Baars ds[lrlmlnl nl rulice box 567 . vail, colorado 81658 . 303-476-5671 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Peter Patten, Director of Com.munity Development Curt Ufkes, Chief of PoliceS)J"^April 30, 1986April lst Letter to Ron Phillips from lrene Nagel Per your request, lam submitting two Town of Vail ordinances regarding unattended motor vehicles and motor vehicle noise. As you can read for yourself from the attached copy of the Motor Vehicle Code, it is illegal for any person driving in or in charge of a motor vehicle to leave that vehicle unattended without first stopping the engine, locking the ignition, and removing the keys. According to Town of Vail Ordinance 8.24.060(Gl),it is illegal for any person to leave their vehicle running in excess of twentyminutes. This does, however, exclude refrigerated vehicles within Commercial Core I and ll. lt would also appear that if a vehicle exceeds the decibel level at any time while idling, this would be a violation of Town ordinance. As one might imagine, the strict enforcement of the ordinances to the letterof the law could have a negative effect on moving vehicles in and out of the Village core area in a timely manner. Also, from my limited experiencesin walking through the Village as of late, it appears that most of the non-refrigerated commercial trucks turn their engines off while loading andunloading. There could, however, be times when a diesel truck might keepits engine running due to the extreme frigid temperatures that could occurthroughout the winter. These severe cold temperatures could affect thegelling of the diesel fuel . But I do believe for the most part the majorityof vehicles do shut off their engines. I have a few concerns about relocating the loading zone alono the LodgePromenade. First of all, it goes without saying that we definitely need a loading zone at that end of the Village under the current situation.To totally eliminate this loading zone would put severe pressure on other existing loading zones around the Village. As far as relocating the loading zone to the other side of the street,I do not see any real problem with this, but I am sure the property owners April 30, 1985 page 2 on that side of the street would object. And one might also keep in mind that you would also have to consider any fire hydrants, fire lanes, or stand pipes that exist on that side of the road. Also, the north side of Gore Creek Drive is shorter and would not be able to accommodate as many vehicles. This would, of course, displace several vehicles from parking at the west end of Gore Creek Drive. As everyone knows, the parking loading zone situation in the Village is inadequate, and we are already seeing vehicles illegally parked in and around the area of the Childrenrs Fountain and in front of Pepits and the Casino Building. As I have mentioned several times in the past and probably will continue to in the future, I encourage all staff members and community members alike to solve the Ioading zone problem in the Village. This I think can be easily accomplished by establishing a distribution center that is conveniently located to the Commercial Core I area. lf I can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to ask. cc: Ron Phillips {{li ( 75 south tronlage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 May 14, '1986 Ms. I lene H. Nage'l U.S- Sentencing Commissioner The United Staies Sentencing Commission 1331 PennsYlvania Avenue' NW Suite 1200-A }jashington, D.C.20004 office of lhe lown manager Re: Lodge at Vail Loading Dear Ms. Nagel: 0n receiving your letter dated Apri'l l, 1986 concerning truck loading adjacent io ir,"-L"ogE it v"il, I asked the Town. of vaiI poljce Department to investigate the rort'.it"ciiu. t.y to hand'l e this issue. Curt Ufkes, Chief of p;ii;;,-reviewed the ordinances that wou'l d apply to this situation' - Three sections of the Municipa] code re'l ate to truck loading- section-- .1g.24.100 G relates io *otor'vehic'le noise. It states, "No person sha'l 1 op.rri. nor shal'l the owner permit the.operation of any motor vehic'l e or combination of rnotor vehi;i"! "i "ny time or place when. such operation. exceeds the fol'lowing noise levels for the category-of motor vehic'l e and for the i.iisrit"d iire period specified in the table set forth below." Section 18.24.1o0 G.'l . states that "It sha'l 'l be unlawful for any person to id.leorpermittheidlingoftheengineofanybus,truck,oranymotor vehic'l e of any x:na whatioever, for a peli od of time in excess of 20 minutes within the Town limiil of the iown of Vail." However, refrigerated. vehicles ]oadingwithinco'oerciatCoreslandliareno!requiredtomeetthe s'"andards of Secti on 18 ' 24.100 G ' I ' coloracio Revised S'"atutes, Artic'l e'l 0, Method of Parking, section 10-4' Unatiended motor Venici",'"".a.t "No person driving o|i n charge of a notor vehic'l e shall permit it io stand unattended without first stopping the-engine' itlti"g ir't. :g":tion, removing the key from the ignition and effectively sertin! the biake thereon, anl, when standing upon any grade, said person shal1 turn the front wheeis to the curb or side of the highway in such a- manner as to preveni tr'. u"t,i.t e f rom ro1 1 i ng onto the trave'l ed way ' I' P'l ease see the enc'loseci copies of these three references' t l''1s. Nagel May 14, 1986 Page Two The Town be] ieves that the strict enforcement of the ordinances to the letter of the law could have a negat'ive effect on moving vehicles in and out of the Village core area in a timely manner. The Police Chief has also stated thatit appears that most of the non-refrigerated commercjal trucks turn their engines off whi1e loading and unl oading. There could, however, be times when a diesel truck might keep its engine running due to the extreme frigid temperatures that cou'l d occur throughout the winter. The severe cold temperatures could affect the ge1 ling of the djesel fuel . In general , the Police Chief felt that for the most part the majori ty of the vehic] es do shutoff their engines. The Police Chief has proposed that the Town of Vaj'l traffic control'l ers work with the truck drivers to ensure that they completely shut down their trucks when they are loading. The Police Department would pfefer to work in thespirit of cooperation with the truck drivers to see if the problem is resolved. If this approach is not effective, the Police Department will have to enforce the letter of the law. The problem with the second approach is that it wi11 great'ly reduce the efficiency in which trucks may unload their goods i n the Vi'l 1age. Town of Vail departments feel very strcngly that to remove the loading zone from the Lodge Promenade area would put severe pressure on other existing loading zones arcund the V'i 1lage. Until such time as an actual loading station or l'rarehouse is constructed adjacent to the Village area, every loading zone is needed. As far as re] ocating the loading zone to the other side of the street, it was fe'l t that the noise from the trucks reverberates no matter what side of the street the trucks are actually on. Also, the north side of Gore Creek Drive is shorter and would not be ab] e to accommodate as many veh'i c1es. The Town of VaiI realizes that loading is a very important problem that the Town staff and community must address. However, until a distribution center is established, every loading zone is needed within the Vi11age. The Town of Vail will respond to your request by having the Village traffic controllers insure that truck drivers shut down their trucks when loading in the Village area. I am requesting that you give this approach a chance to seeif it a'i leviates the noise problem. If the probiem continues to exist in the future, please 'l et me know and we wiII ciiscuss further actions. The Town of Vail is very concerned ihat t,he Village area continue to provide our guests with a pleasan! mountain experience. I hope that the proposed so l uti cn wi'l I resol ve the prob'l em with the trucks. Si ncere ly yours, Rcnda'l I V. Phi I'i j ps Town liana-cer cc: lir. !hri s van ier 3aars 14r. Curt Uf l,.es HEALTH AND SAFET\ l*St shall be unlawful for-any person to idle or permit the idling of the engine of any bus,- truck. or any motor vehic-le of any kind whatsoivet, for a period of time in excess of twinty minutes within the town limits of the Town of Vail. 2. Notwithstanding paragraph G' t; it shall be unlawful for any person to permit any idling whatsoever of the e ngine of'any unattended bus' truck or any motor vehicle' .*.ipi tot refrigeration vehicles, within the Commercial . Core I or the iommercial Core II zone district of the town. H. Amplified sounds: No person-shall .play or permit to be- - of"u'.d the amplified sounds of any bells or chimes or the l.'tfin"a reproduction of the sounds from any bells.^or .itii"ii.i,r,.'iounds from any loudspeaker or sound amplify- ing equipment on any of the public streets' parks' ways or fiicei, oi attow sameio be projected onto any public streets' i"itl'*uy* or places within th! town without first obtaining i permit from the town clerk. i.' ,l,pptications must be acted upon and approved by the town manager.2. Applicatiois for such permit shall be filed on forms pt'ouiA.a by the town. Forms shall be made available lrom the office of the town clerk' 3. The following information shall be pro-vided by the upfli.unt for i permit to play such amplified sounds: a. The address of the prlmises or location where such sound is to be PlaYed;b. The name of the ierson having direct charge of the PlaYing of such sounds; c. The proposed trours during which such sounds are to be PlaYed;d. A geniral description of the sound amplifying equip- ment which is to be used; e. The maximum sound producing power of the sound amplifying equipmeniwhich is-to be used' including the wattage to be used; thc volume and decibels of the sound which will be produced; and the approxi' mate distance from the premises which that sound will be Projected; (vril t{!)t26-2 o PUBLIC NUISANCES . the publicstreets, alleys, highways or freeways;o. ,n".:guld{ ot any permitted bells or chimes or theamplified reproductions of the sounds of anv -U"lts o,crumes played between the houn of eight a.m. to sevenp.m., provided that said sounds,shall not exceed eightydecibels. owner pe-rmit the operation of any motor vehicle or combi_nation of motor vehicles at any iime or place when suchoperation exceeds the following noise levels for ihe cate-gory of motor vehicte and for the designated iime perioAspecified in the table set forth uetow.-ttre ,t;;;;.dr;iforth in this table shall apply to all noise .riit.a frorn penon shall operate nor shall the 3",r-"-r ::-1.!s including-any and all equipment thermn,underunder any conditions of acceleration, deieleration, idle,greater load, and whether or not in motion. Maximum' allowable noise levels for motor vehicles shall be as iollows: TyF of Vchiclc Tine pcrbd Vehicles wcighing less any timc than 10,()0{) pounds, manufacturer's gross vehicle wcight Vehicles weighing any time more than 10,000 pounds manufacturer's ttoss vehicle weight Mrxilnum Allowablcl{oi. l,€veb 80 decibcls 90 dccibels Mcr*uement Dirtrnca fron Vchlclc 25 fect 25 feet It is unlawful for any penon to drive or move or for theowner of any motor vehicle to permit to be driven orrnoved, any motor vehicle or combination of motor vehiclesat any time which is not equipped with an exhaust muffler.It is unlawful for any person o; for the owner of uny moto,vehicle to change or modify the exhaust muffler, .i. int.k.muffler, or any other sound-reducing device in ,uch a m.n_ner that the noise emitted from the motor vehicie (l) ex-ceeds the noise levels as established in the maximum allow_able noise level tabte for motor vehicles o. (ij-is Lcreaseoabove- the sound pressure level of ttre vehict-e ai originallymanufactured. t26-l {v.il l{.El) c.R.s. 42-4-l105* c.R.s. a2-4-109( lXa) 42-4-ltO5* N.M.T.O. I t-z c.R.s. 42-4-209* c.R.s, 42-4-tt06t ARTICLE X METHOD OF PARKING Sec. l0-1. Parking at curb or edge of roadway. - (a) Except where angle parkinS is Permitted by thls uode ano' ln rne case ol State highways, is approved by the State Department oI Highways' and except as otherwise provided by this Code every vehicle stopped or parked upon a lwo-way roadway shatl be so stopped or parked with the right-hind wheels parallel to and within l2 inches of the ritht- hand iurb or as close as practicable to the riSht edte of the riSht- hand shoulder.(b) Except as otherwise provided by this Code' every vehicle stopped or parked upon a one-way roadway shall .be.so stoPPed or par'Gd paraitel to the curb or edge of the roadway, in.the direction of iuthorized traffic movement' with its right-hand wheels within I2 inches of the ritht-hand curb or as close as practicable to the riSht edge of the righl-hand shoulder or with its left-hand wheels within twilve inches of the left-hand curb or as dose as practicable to the left edge of the left-hand shoutdert'(SECTION REVISED' 197l). Sec. l0-2. ObeCi"n.u to .ngle-P..\inR, , - on t66s6JiEEts w@signed or marked for angle parking, no Person shall stop' stand or park a vehicle other than at-the anglJto the curb or edge oI the roadway indicated by such signs or markin8s. Sec. l0-3. Lampi on parked vehicles. - (a) Whenever a ve- hicle-is lawlully parEEl-@oi--frftfiilay -d-'uring the hours between sunset and sunrise, and in the event there is sulficient light to reveal any person or obiect within a distance oI 1,000 feet upon-such high- way, no lights neid be displayed upon such parked vehicle.rr-'(b) Vhenever a vehicle is parked or stoPPed upon a roadway or shoulder adjacent theretor whether attended or unattended' during the hours between sunset and sunrise, and there is not sullicient litht to reveal any person or obiect within a distance of 1,000 Jeet upon such highway,'such vehicle so parked or stopped shall be equipped with orie or'more operatint lamps meeting the following require- ments! At least one lamp shall disPlay a white or amber light visible from a distance of 500 feet to the lront of the vehicle, and the same lamp or at least one other tamp shall display a red liSht.visible from a distince oI 500 leet to the rear of the vehicle' and the locatiorr of said lamp or lamps shall always be such that at least one lamP or a combinaiion of limps meetint the requirements ol this section is installed as near as practicable to the side of the vehicle which is closest to passing traJfic. The foregoing provisions shall not aPply to a motor-driven cycle.l r(c) Any lighted head lamps upon a parked vehicle shall be de- pressed or dimmed. veFiaie-Feil permit it to stand unattended the engine, lockin8 the iSnition' removing the ,d3;tfkb'- No Person driving or *As amended without first stoppint l4 Ed. notes l7-l9r Appendix c.R.s. 42-4-504(2) 42-4-I104* *As amended c.R.s. 42-4- l0e(lXa) 42-4-ttO3 c.R.s. 42-a- 109(lXa) N.M.T.O. I4-2 c.R.s. 4z-4-rr04(2) c.R.s. 42-4-109(lXa) c.R.s. a2-a-l0e(l)(a) key from tl when standi to the curb vehicle fron Sec. l0 No pEil6ili manner on.\ ment of v*l Sec. 1.0 vehic-lETitT loading and(b) llcin such poii ProPerty. Sec. 10. a veFiEiEE area or awa. Sec. 10.stand---frii than 2 fee& r Sec. 10.driveT6iEi another vehl space shallr Iof such lear parking spa sTol Sec. ll- fied EiaEEsI wnen necess with directi< any of the t<(l) on(2) vh(3) on(+) ee: feet of poin. zone, unless or markings;(5) Atc when stoppiq c.R.s. 42-4-109(lXa) 42-4-t t03 c.R.s. 42-4-109(lXa) N.M.T.O. t4-2 c.R.s. 42-4-l104(2) c.R.s. 42-4- 109(l)(a) c.R.s. 42-4-109(lXa) c.R.s. 42-4-504Q1 42-4-t104+ *As amended kev frorn the ignition and effectively setting the brake thereon, and, *hen tt"nding.ipon any grade, said person shall turn the front wheels to the cwb oi side of the hithway in such a manner as to Prevent the vehicle from rolling onto the trave.led way. (REvlSEDr 1977). Sec. lG5. Parkinq not to obstruct traffic or maintenance. - No person shall park any vehtcle uPon a street or nlSnway ln sucn a manner or under such conditions as to interlere with the free move- ment of vehicular traflic or ProPer street or highway maintenance. Sec. 10-6. Parking in a.lleys. - (a) No person shall park a vehic-lE-IfiFi an Ellev-eTceF-i?i7ing the necessary and expedi tious loading and unloading of merchandise or freight. (bJ No person shall stop, stand or park a vehicle within an alley in srrch position as to block the driveway entrance to any abuttint ProPerry. Sec, lG7. Moving unattended vehicle. - No person shall move a veh-iEiE-not owneii-Ey-i i6EEilE-isu_dF person into any Prohibited area or away from a curb such distance as is unlawful. Sec. 10.-t. Clearance between vehicles. - No person shall stand-ii-FEiFa ve-fiiElE-in suc-h a rnartrier as to leave available less than 2 feet clearance between vehictes when parked.ro Sec. lG9. Vaiting for parkinq space being deared. - The driver o-IET6hicle eared bY another vehicle which is in the actual process of leaving such parking space shall stop on the roadway side of and immediately to the rear oi such leaving vehide and shall remain in such position until the parking space has been cleared.2r ARTICLE XI STOPPING, STANDING OR PARKINC REGULATIONS (NO SIGNS REQUIRED EXCEPT AS NOTED) Sec, lt-I. StoDoins. standinc or oarkinq Drohibited in speci- lied places. - (a) No person shall stop, stand or Park a vehide except GfiEi-iEEEssary to avoid conflict with other traflic or in compliance with directions of a police olficer or official traffic control device, in any ol the Iollowing places:(l) On a sidewalk;(2) $rithin an intersection;(3) On a crosswalki(4) Between a satety zone and the adjacent curb or within thirty leet of points on the curb immediately opposite the ends of a safety zone, unl6s the traflic authority indicates a dillerent length by signs or markings;(5) Alongside or opposite any street excavation or obstruction when stoppint, standing, or parking would obstruct tralfic; ;|| Ftt rr|t I5 Ed. notes 2G21, Appendix INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEETING May 12, 1986 10:00 am l. Icb palace video 2, Kiandra Lodge 3. Hand Gun Range: TOV police Oept 4. Gorsuch Outdoor Dining 5. DRB: Johnston Muel ler Sheehan Lauterbach \,-a -7o. Lodge at Vail Truck Idling Complaint 7 . Vai I Vi I lage Inn Steps 8. Cascade Village Lift t Ron Phill ipsStan EerrymanBiII Andrews ..Pete Burnett Dick Duran Mike McGee Pat Dodson Curt Ufkes Betsy Rosolack Gary MurrainPeter Patten Tom Braun Rick Pylman Kristan pritz Pam Brandmeyer Susan Scanlin ..