HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail Unit 133DEPARTMENT OF COMMT]NITY /alrc D Ufr///o# ft,l *c PMENT Bl(.1p'""* i,' il//ffe /*o DEVELOTOV{N OF VAIL 75 S, FRONTAGE ROAD VAIIJ, CO 81657 970-479-2J,38 APPLIEAI{T CONTRAqTOR OV{NER NOIE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSTTE AT AI.,L TIMES ADD/AIT MF BUII,D PERMIT PeIrnit #: 899-0265 Job Address: 174 E GoRE CREEK DR Status. . . : rssItEDtocat.ion. ..2 ]-74 B Gore Creek Dr #133,App1j.ed. .:aL0/Oa/L999 Parcel- No..: 2LO!-082-21-002 Issued. -. z LO/07/1999Project No. : PR;t99-o291- Er<pires. . : 04/04/2000 coLoRADO CRAFTSMEN Phone t 970-949-L645P. O. BOX 1_405, 23]-L OLD TRAII_, ROAD, AVON, CO 81620 COTORADO CRAFTSMEN Phone: 970-949-L645P. O. BOX 1405, 23L7. OLD TRArL ROAD, AVON, CO 8l-620 RIED 'JEAN M HOI]RTGAN 9211 LTNIO4EADO$I, HOUSTON TX 77025 TOV/Comm. Dev. Description: . Clean-Up Bath remodel/fixtures & elec/no wa1ls Eo be *oraSpfOVed Occupancy: R1 Multi-Familyfipe Construction: IlI 1-HRT)rlge III 1-Hourqpe Occupancy: amount Valuation:1"2 r 000 Add sq Fr: €as AppliancaE: +of 6as IJogB:Pir.plac. hforert.Io8r: R.lttictssd: ye. *Of *i*tr.!rt*'r*ttrrrttt*tt'rtttr.rt***r**rr****+.rt*rrir*-l*+***r* FEE sullMllY .t****alr*a**t* BUIIJDING DEPARTI4ENTKATIIY Action: APPR ApprovedPI.,ANNING DEPARTIVIENTKATI{Y ACtiON: APPR N/AFIRE DEPARII{ENTKATITY AcEion: APPR N/APIIBLIC WORKSKATHY ACEiON: APPR N/A ***********t*i* See Page 2 of Lhis Document for any condiEions that may apply to this permit. I hrr6by acknotrledge that f have xead this applicatsion, fi11ed ouL in fuLl the inlornatsion required, conFl.!€d an accurace plo! p1an, and state lhat all the inf,ormation provided aE requircd ig correct, I agree !o conply with the inforrlratj.on and plog plan, to cornply ||lth .11 totrr.r ordinanccg and Btlee laws, and tso build thig structuae according Co the Town'e zoniaq and €ubdivigion cod€E, design rerrie* approved, UniforR Building code and ochar oldLnqnceB of the Tonn applicable thereto. RAQUISTE FOR rr{SPEqIIONS SHALL aE I4ADE T',WEr[TY - FOI,R HOURg Ir] A.DVA.I.ICE BY 8ca gliG-qr Eatrrorit To: colonado craftsn€n date Addicional- Feea--- -- --- - > totsal Peruit Fee-__-----> Palnnenta - - - _ - - - BAIANCB DT'E- - -. *of wood/Palleu: BuildinE----- > Plan chcck- - - > InveFtigatior!> 9ltll caLL----> L65 . OO to?.23 .oo 3.00 Re6tua.ant Plan Revier--> RecreaElon Fee----------> clean-up Deposit-- -- - -- - > TOTA], FEES.'- - - Toeal cafculaEed Feee---> 175.25.00 .00 100 .00 .oo 315.25' 3r5.25 ' 00 It.em: 05100 1-0 / 04 /L999Item:054001-0/04/1,999Item: 05600t0/04/L999IEbm:' 05500t0/04/1999 Dept: BUILDING Division:per- I(W-Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: DCPT: PIJB WORK DiViSiON: it Refund t) ***********************!t**********************:*************************.********* CONDITIONSPermit. #: 899-0265 as of lA/A7/99 StaLus: ISSUED**rr'***************************************************************************** Permit, Tlpe: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: a0/O4/L999ApplicanE: COL,ORADO CRAFISMEN Issued: L0/07/L999970-949-1,545 To Expire: 0a/0a/20A0 Job Address:IJocat,ion: L74 E Gore Creek Dr #1-33, Lodge @ VaiIParcel No: 2101-O82-2L-002 Description:Bath remodel/fixtures c elec/no walls to be moved Conditions:1. FIELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WAI,LS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WTTII AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL,3. SMOKE DETEeTORS ARE REQUTRED rN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY As PER S8C.310.6.1 0F TIIE L997 UBe.4. FIRS DEPARITVIH{T APPROVAT IS REQUIRED BEFORE AIiIY WORK CAN BE STARTED TF THERE IS A FIRE AIJARM OR SPRINKLER SYSTEM EXIST- ING IN TIIE AREA OF WORK TO BE DONE. perqt -bait TowN oF vALGNsrRUcroN pERMrr eefcAnoN FoRM INT'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETf,, OR TIIf,, APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEI) Contacl the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcet #Parcelit -qol -oqL- Z\@Z t.IDate: tslt{ l'i4'Permit # loullame: Le*a. e-\.J.L *t?3 JobAddress: Building Ql-nfurnbing\t'Electrical trd Mechanical ( )Otler ( ) Legal Descri$ion: Lot Block_ Filing_ Subdivisron o,"*"Rffi@ naa,..,, ?Z{ urnl r,r.e^Ao l-[",4]tl1non.* 77029 Architect:Address: Description of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Altuation fu{-Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Wood/Pellet OTFIER: $ TOTAL $ I Zooo Phone #4ag-zq oq Address: FOR OFFICE USE NumberandTypeofFireplaces: Gas\Wliances Q Gaslogs /. VALUATIONS BUILDING: S ZJOO PLUMBING $ Bloc> $#*',* "ono""ro", Town of Vail Registration No. Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Regisftation No. Plumbing Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Town of Vail Rcgistration No. ELECTRICAL: $ leDoMECHAMCAL S CONTRACTOR INFORMATION pnon"* 4 71 - 798 { --.-------o_+Address: Phone # Date Received BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: e&yr con*ra-c*a..- +c) pdL( f,3R-,.\h.ae- qrDn OcT 0 4 1999 t DEVELOTOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 97Q-479-2138 APPLICANT CONTRAETOR OWNER DEPA,RTMEI{IT OF COMMTJNTTY NOTE: THfS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON PLI]MBING PERMIT 'fob Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DRLocation. . -: L74 E Gore Creek DrParcel No. . : 2LOL-OS2-2L-002 ProjecE. No. : PR.f99-029L PEAK I PLIJI,IBING & EEATING tLC P-O.BOX 953, EDI{ARDS, CO 8L632PEAK T PLTT,IBING & HE,ATING LLCP.O.BOX 963, EDWARDS, CO 8L632RIED iIEAN M HOI'RIGAN 92]-]- I-IINKMEADOW, HOUSTON TK 77025 Status-.,: ISSUED #1-33,Applied. . .aLO / 04 / L999Issued...t Lo/04/]-999 Ercpires . .: 0a/OL/2000 Phone: 970-926-8L3t Phone: 970-926-8131_ PMMqT JOBSITE Permit, AT AIIL TIMES #: P99-0L21 Descript,ion: Pluttdring for bath remodel Valuation:8,400 . 00 Plu&bing----- > Plen 6heck--- > InvceCigatsion> will eall---- > Restuarart Plar Review- ->Total calculated FeeB- - - > Additionql Fees---------> ToEal Peruit Fee--------> PayDents------- 135 .00 . oo - 00 L7!.75 t7I "7t.00 L7r -75 --..----....Tflf .:T;;";;";;:;;.""""-"-----:::"," Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEI{I DeDt: BUILDING Dj-visj-on:LO/O4/L999 KATHY .A,ction: AppR Approved per-I(W J!e,q: ,q5qq0-_FIBE DEPARTMENT 'Depts: FIRE Diwision:1,0/O4/L999 KATI{Y Action: AppR N/A **tttr********* i*r*ttri*j***** CONDITION OF APPROVAI 1. FrEr,D rNspEerroNs ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. DECTARATIONS I hereby acknowLodg. chat r hal'. rsad thiE application, fill-6d out, in fu11 t'ho infoftdatsi-on required, co$pleLed an accuraEe plobplan, and sLate that. all the infolEation provided ae required is colreet. I aglee to co|Ilply with the inforDation and Flot pJ.an,co co&pl.y rJith all Torn or:dinances arld staEe 1ars, and !o buiLd this structuro accolaling to th€ Tgrn?s zolring and su.lrdiwisi-on codeE. desj.gn revicw approwed, ItniforE Building codc and other ordittaDces of tshe Torn applicable Lhereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAIL BE MADE TWEIf,TY-PO('R HOURS IN ADTTANCE BY SICNATI]RE OF OWNER OR qSMTRAqTOR DEPARIT{EI{:T OF COMMT'NITY PMEIff NOTE: flIIS PBRMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRTCAL PERMIT Permit. #: 899-0187 o DEVELO ilob Addreas: L74 E GORE CREEK DRtocat.ion. -.: L74 E Gore Creek DrParcel No-. : 2t0L-082-21-002ProjecE No. : PF{ir99-029L Stsatsus. . #133,App1ied.Issued. . E)cpires. Phone: 970-468-2404 Phone z. 970-468-2404 Valuation:1, 500 . 00 . : ISSIIED . zaLO/04/L999.: L0/L2/L999.: 04/09/2000 TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FROMIAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2L38 APPLICAIiIf COMTRAqTOR owt{ER DR8 Fe. Inve 6tiga b i on > wtlt crll----> TOTAIJ PEES- -'> IIUGIIES & SCIINEIDER ETECTRIEP. O. BOX 3925, DTL,LON, CO HUGHES 6. SCHNEIDER ELE TRICP. O. BOX 3926, DTLLON, CO RIED iIE,AN M HOI]RIGAIiT 9211- IINIiO,TEADOW, HOUSTON TI( 8043s 8043s 77025 Description: E1ect.ric for bath rembdel ****il***'r*r*'r*tr*+r*tj.rttatti* FEE sulrMARY ******t****i*** Total calculatsed fec€---> 53 .0050.oo .00 ,00 3.OO .o0 s3.o0 53.00 . oo Adaitioaal Fees---------> Total Pcrnig Fse--------> Paldenls------- B.&IANCE DUE- -- - rrrt**tr*r**r*t ILCM: O6OOO ETECTRICAI DEP.ARTUENT DEPI: BUILDING DiViSiON:Lo/o4/L999 KATITY Act,ion: APPR ADDroved Der-KwItbm:"05600 FrRE DEPARIT{ENT -Dept: FrRE Division:L0/04/L999 KATIIY Act,ionr APPR N/A *****i*r*"*"*"*. r.rr"tt+it*tittt*rttttt CONDITION OF APPROVAI-, 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. **i*t***1ri**** DECI,ARATIONS I hcreby acknorlcdgc €hat I have rc.d rhis applicat.ion, fi11ed out in full Ehe lnfontrati.on required, completsed an accuratsc Plotplan, and state lhat all the inforftaEion provid€d as required i6 correcl. I agree to comply with the informaEion and plot P1an, to conpl,y with at1 To$n oLdinance6 and strate lat,s, and co build lhis struct.uao according Eo ths loHn'E zonj.nE and 6ubdivi6ion codee, deoigrr revi,ew approwed, Uniform Building code and oEher ordj.nances of the Town applicable thereEo. REQUESIS FOR IIISPECTIONS sl{ALL BE MADE TIIJEIVIY-FOIJR HOITRS I}l IDr/ANCE Bv TEIJEPHONE CE PROM A:o0 AM S:00 P sIGttlATItRE oF otlNER oR CoNTRACToR HII'SELF 1@-47-19El6, 1@.47AM TVAIL EXEC OFF 19'A476p,ffi1 OcroberT, [999 Dr, and Mrs, tlubert Ried 921 I Link Mcadow Rd- llouston TX 7?0?5 Dcar Dr. and Mrs. Ried: Thc Bocrd ofMansgcrs for Lodge Apanmolt Condominium Association has rcccived yout regucst to rcnodcl pur battuooms. We have rcvieilcd thc pleq whioh includc tlc following itcms: I . Dcmolition of cntire existing balhrooms.2, Replacement of all fixtruee and faucets.3. Ncry cabinetry.4. Ncw coonter tops and tilo. Subject to thc following conditions tlc Board of Managers heroby approves of thc proposed plans: 1, Ao approved condominium coffitruction document is signcd and all conditions are adhcrcd to.2. All rcquircd pcrmits arc obtaincd tom the Town of Vail. We wish you wcll ln yorrr codcavor. Sincercly, va\lP Churlcy Viola Director of orln€r Scryicas FRO}"I LODGEA o P.3 Date Received ocl u ? 1999 The kdgE rt Vail, r74 East Go qreek Drive, rr'ail Colorado 81657, USA Telcphirne (970) {7650f1 Facsimile (90) O(F7+25 Intornet www,lodgeatvailcom FatFT t t1 t-lot./ ltrDrt at.aDe |lSo.-rll?a TCL||\| CtF UF|IL. Ctcta-Ctnatttt - I i.aF3C?N go < -lrGET- FCtFt| r,a/I t t).r.D FAOT AREa . JFttl tlfriaglGlri lll.-rta3E tet t rl? TyF-r fi-fiF lF||riF.e . r a7.) : alctFat eFatE}< trr La--t1o'r. l:74 t O.,F- CtF--t EF *1tI. t-.tcrE- F-Fc.l' I aa-a-Oara-Gl -aoe t U-a A ClrF€ ! a3-tu-. t3-lJ-D Ccfr-tFa ;ltraF Llt-. ltt t -l{iD-aGFIFCacrra D-tlr ?a)cd-t/? l,xt.rt-aa I -laGr./!.ro L-alr to AtFa a--rt! . Elcrl-clitlDct CTFftF'rat tttN Fho'|- 'CLt.a.F a tlED JErlha |r| |{CIJR !OA|r| ptt.trr- r Ci.rrrtF-0t.rF a Clclt-CrtaAttct CliAFTatlrtN ttticr| r I lt- -ov-cl .TO-t+t- 1-.alt rtTc-t4<D-13a5 Sll|rt-ct l, ltr R-alu-alt ltarr.r.l cF. lrLti|ta fuq ?1,--r aa.OO t t a a. Frlraa alt -!a t o OOGTO aLfta-Ft !r-L ttt.fcv.--t Iorr- - - - acrDiErJt ec---art a r lrNlt b- IrrrF arcr{t -d- - - Flolla r rDo4-ga=1 ttt FlcI! I €r'r Cc---'rt r Tt -- :r.F llliataat l -tr HlrtcFtr----- ..T-A FI iII DEF'. NC''TIFtrCi'ITTCIN a#l t a dFl vair-tr EF-cl- f tr.i.'l Oltral' a DLDC-Fo.rt I rr g. /€t . - l' aaaaa aL-E al-Forrft rt-t I or.r./at -- 1, aiDEG- FLAIY-II-C tlt- PL-rr aaraAa al-E !-FF--ano arD-ltG Dl-ItC-:h-irl,-lr t or! atf,a3al lI-E !-aa! - -t F€€L h|-,LL alaa?a Dl-ttt|-ii I r€. Atlaf a lt-E)O-F .' i|- l. tl-r I It-rt Itrrr ttara Ita-a li-t a It.aa' It.r I Itar. It-- a ttrr* It ra.. It-la lGtl a I!att lC.tatr tt-r. Itar. &l*?.:tfr lPAFlt-F.rt.r--,q/rp.--E!! FaIII-TGI"IF- ClCt -aEtl Fhl-TElrlF- c/ct afattt' atl-alil-fGDlat - cttct arl'a!:7 FLahr-F l|i..lL C,,Ct OGt'- FT FG..SIINL fi'FI a-3tt FB-F thF||- c.r'ct aollrl- Dl-t''a-Flt|-L crE,