HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail Unit 338/ , 6) coNsrRucrtoN PERMIT'*ffifl l'"-"", BE KEPr oN JoBsrrE *$N \\r\ 3,\rt ..^ 003888 NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO sslg 6/24189 tntilrilll7 coprmrnt of community devclopment TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT WPEOF PERMIT EI eurLorruc ! pluuetNe n elEcrnrcll D FoUNDATtoNfl MECHANTCAL n r.wPE oF CONSTRUCTTON lll lll lV V 2. OCCUPANCYGROUP AB E H I R M OIVISION 122a34 GENERAL oESCRIPTION OF lvoRl( : - TNqTAT-T- CTEN REN. NT-NST'T C]rI'.T.IlFq PERiflT NO.------ 29F l) BUILDING $ 4.000.00 ELECTRICAL I .000 . 00 PLUMBING AND INSULATION mEcHAf{rcAL TOTAL $ 5.000.00 WPE GROUP G.B.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES LEGAL r DESC. LOT 174 Btl(______5=C_BUILDING PERI'IT 7 2.OO cftlt 2ia7 a#6rf 6/a k FtLtNG Vall- Jt11-aee-+s+---PLAN CHECK 36.00 TLoe nlue, aalnes Rernod .d_- "our" c/t?]?t ELECTRICAL 44.OO OWNER Hlue Mrs. Stanie-V*Gairte+-NEW AL1ERATION (J,AODITIONAL RFPAIR PLUMBII{G MAILADoRESS 330 Alexander st DWELLING UNITS - AC@MMODATION UNITS i,ECHA ICAL CITY Princeton. NJ PH.HEIGHT IN FT. - NO, FIREPLACES RECREATIOT FEE ARCHITECT rrnu Galen Assland DESIGN REVIEW EOARD lrAlLADDREss P.0. Box 3255 CLEAN.UP DEFOSIT r00.00 CIW Va{ 1 PH. Exr.wALLs | | |'-USE TAX GENERAL CONTRACTOR FrRm Nelson/Zeeb Constructi FOOF TYPE OF HEAT ELEC. SOLAR GAS wooD rowN oF vArL REG. No. 170-A TOTAL PERMIT FEES 252,00 TEr s f?n?\ OtrO-ql {?.l9e_Nor:19 _ *5_2U82 __ DING OFF|C|AL DATE Betgl Rosolac,k _ _6/34/89 __ NG ADMINISTRATOR DATEHr,'-'^Hlr F|RM New Electric ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr. cur I I I rowN oF vArL REG. No. 918 rELE. (303) 949-4651 BLASTING ING & BUILOING NOTES: PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM D.N.A PARKING MECHANICAT FIRM D.N.A.I hereby acknowledge that I hav€ read lhis application, till€d out in full the intormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that allthe information provided as required is correct. I laws, and to build this structure according to the Tgfu,h's codes, design Ct<.-an -it/ - lety*-12., ,{:"""e2 ^)):y:^:2-/c SIGNATUREn;;12".u ANO THE OR CONTRACTOB FOR HIMSELF TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO L;ON I HAU I (,I{ OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO TELE. .{r'rSt €r.:CONSTRUCTION PERMIT . ronioiiirp (rcf,nrlnlr..rtl of cornrngrrily rtevclo'rne'lr.**f,LEnsr f:tt.L 0un nrEnE lrE (i) i.rnnr<s nrrrrTo s€ r,LtEo our cor.rpt i r€tyenroB ro rssunflcE oF pERMr r DI:l t_l m t_JU TYPE O': PElI'.IIr 8UIl]||lc E r. Ec ililcAL MEcl tAiltcAL Pl_urrtBlilc FOUNDAITON X /\ I-EGAL DESC, tor I74 or_xj-C---- p111116 Vai l Vi l l age 1s O N^ME: P.0. Box 3255 Co 816fi1 Ga i nes nemodei \f;lttStan 1ey--GaThE -!'-+RANCHIIECT GENEN^L coNInAcIon E tECrntcnl PLU[IOING coNrnACro,r -E--_-M gctt4NlcAt CONIRACTON :=----:+ oIl{En eolt I nAclot gl]_!.rirce&n N.Jpji- sl-30!t e4e-5152 anr't l\ew El ectni c -!ErE.(303) ffi I ILE. - fl M INOTE- COpy oF-FERM|T TO BE KEPT ON JOBS]TE r. tvpe br coHsrnucrlgx :, occuPArcY cnouP lililtfvy AOE TR 2. 2 Sets, frla conrllleto drar.ringslerpi,lu0t . DtVtStOtf lZ2'ra ow€rLtNc uNtrs _ Acco rrtbirrrron urr[s _ X n.v LtuE tLOOn €xt. w^tts nooF ---- r(€c. soL^n AOOIIIONAL PENMTTS NEEDED: tN|ltAL .r.-|-- - TONINg & gUILOING NOTES: ErtS fonre ,-r*#IIIE fOLLOI,IIi{G Is iIEE.DED FOR FILtiIG PTRI{Il. Lerrer from condo assn. (iF'rippliinsr 1 ,000 . 00 000. 00 v^tUA'|ON PENI,IIT FE€S ou[.otNc FtnHrr PtAN C'tccx EtEctnrcltntirnaiidiiiPtur,tsr c oIsrcr{ nIvttw uoAID cLtAr.up oEPOSt J USE TAX :=::?.-=::-=_-.:=.=:= leJ^t PEnMtr FEES ol^sl| o . uu .u||rc EI ECtnrc^t lr(c,l,lNtc/lt :--t -r OO IYPE oF, rEA if 75 south fronlagc road Yail. colorado 81557 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 TO: FROI',I : DATE: SUIJECT: ottlce ot communlty dev€lopmonl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WoRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOP!,IENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I,TATERIAL STORAGE rn sunnary' ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , ;;i; sand, debriscr material, incruding trash iunpster3, p"iiaui- ioilets and'''orkrnen vehicles. upon_ any streetl siaewaii, -;ii;y'or publiciI?9" or any portion theieof. The righr_"i-;;t-;n at.l Town ofVail streets and.Ig.gs is approximat,ely S ft. off pavement.This ordinance wirl be striii:ry enrorcia rv-ine-iowrr of vai-lPublic worlcs Deoartnent. pers6ns found "iirr"ling this ordinancewlll- be given a 24 hour written -notice to remove said materiar..rn the event the perso' so notified does not cornpiy with til--notice within the 24 hour tlne up""iii.a,--It.-p"[iic worksDepartment lrilr renove said nateiiar at irr" -."p""se or personl"tifi.9: rhe provisions of thii ord,inance =rriii-""t u"appr)'cabre to constnrction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utltities in the ,ifrr-_"_r-y. To review ordinance No. 6 inVail Building Departroent tocooperation on this natter. full, please stop by the ?own ofobtain a copy. Thank you for your rii '- Qu;...ss-\)lNS I PE CTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES ,Li-l THUB FRI AM PM ,-i BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: EI UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ O FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr tr tr POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr o FINAL FINAL ELE tr1 B.F tr( tr CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL tr FINAL IAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED ''(, i','1 /''l/ ,.''i INSPECTOR qt zFF T'INSPECTION REQUESIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAILz-1 i;;JoB NAME (2,,'.,,,,,,f i', ,2r-.:i<'c- .rt/" lZ/ltl JJf/ CALLER MoN (1".,) PERMI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr n D tr tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING E INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL d-rrrunl tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL; tr tr n ROUGH tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL ED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR \r{ FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belor items need to be complete beforeg'iv'ing a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING MECHANI CAL DATE: DATE: FINAL BUILDING DATE: Z-Z-?.a CEFTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY .i TOWN.OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL. co 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: TUB,TOILET UPGRADES Occupancy:Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Valuation: tireptace Information: Restricted: Y lodlt @ Urt//,) /;t(,+,grc,b/(fr t/,'l/r//rrye '/4 coMMUNrrY DEVELopMENI /DEPARTMENT OF Job Address: L'l 4 E GORE CREEK DRLocation...: LODGE AT VAIIJ #338ParceI No.. : 2101-082-21-042Project No. : PRJ9?-0053 ADAMS CONSTRUCTIONP O BOX 21L9 | Eagle, CO 81631 ADAMS CONSTRUCTIONP O BOX 2L19, Eagle, CO 81631 GAINES STANLEY N & GAY H1446 N OCEAN BLVD, PALM BEACH FL 33480 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALI.', TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUTIJD PERMIT permit #: Bg?-0089 Status. . AppIied.Issued..Expires. ISSUED 04 /30 / reeT 04/30 /tee71O/27 /tse7 Phone: Phone: 303-949-1913 303-949-1913 Clean-up De approved amount date #of lJood/Pal.tet: TOV/Comm. Dev. INSTALL DOOR & WALL IN LOFT R1 Multi-FanilyI-FR Not in table! 29 t800 Add Sg Ft: #0f Gas Apptiances:flOf Gas Logs: ******ff************lrt**************t********r************ t EE SUl,tl,lARy **rrt*****t*ff************ffi****************** jrt**ii*Jr* Bui tding-----) 550'00 Restuarant Ptan Revieu--> .OO Totat cat,cutated Fees---> EJO.sOPf,an Chcck---> ??7,5O oRB Fee-------lnvestigation> .00 Recreation Fee----------> .OO Total permit Fee--------> g30.50|it|'ca|.|'---->3.00ctean-upDePo3it------->25o.o0Payments----------------> ****************r*********************lllll*liii;;;;;;;iiii**********iil;il*******3lllH.i-ll.i;;;;;;iiiii***********i?l*** I!e,{ri,q51q0_PqII,DING-DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:9+/30/L997-CHARLTE Acrionl AFpn cuenlrE DAViSIge4i"g54Q0-qI,ANryING- DEPARTMENi' --:------ ---DAFL : PLANNTNG Division :04/3O/1997 CHARLTE Action!--EpFn ll/aITEM:' O56OO-FIRE,DEP4RTUENT - , ' ," DEPT: FIRE DiViSiON:e4/30/!997 cHARLTE -AcEiori; AppR N./AItbm:' 05500_pUBLIC WORKS _ ',' Dept: pUB WORK Division:04/30/L997 CHanr,rn Action: AppR N/A ********lr**ff***ffi***************rrt********i***ffi*i******tti********Jrt******tt**fit******t*********************ff************** see Page 2 of this Docunent for any conditions that may apply to t,his permit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknowtedge t!"t .l^h?y:-l:1d. thi s appl.ication, fil,Led out in fuLt the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the intornation provided as required. is correct. t agree to compl,y r.,ith the information ano piot iian,to.compty uith aLl' Tonn ol9il"n,9::-and state.taws,.and io buiLd this st ructure-accoro i ng to the Tovn,s zoning and subdivisibncodes,, design review approved, uniform BuiLding c6de and other ordinances oi the rorn alpticabLe thereto. REQUESTS FoR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE IIADE TIIENTY-FouR HoURs IN ADVANCE By TELEpHoNE At 479t2138 oR Ar ouRrFF Refund Scnd Ctc.Ft p Dcposit To: CHRIS ADAI|S ******************************************************************************** CONDIT]ONSPermj-t #: 897-0089 as of 04/30/97 status: rssuED*********************************************r,****************J.***************** Permit TypeApplicant Job AddressLocationParcel No Description TUB, TOILET Conditions Applied I 04/30/1997 Issued I O4/30/1997To Expire: IO/27 /1,997 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT ADAMS CONSTRUCTION 303-949-1913 LODGE AT VATL #3382101-082-21-042 UPGRADES INSTALL DOOR & WALL IN LOFT 1. FrELD rNsPEcrroNS ARE REQUTRED To cHEcK FoR coDE coMpLrANcE.2. ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLSTCEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALEDWITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORYAS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC.4. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BESTARTED.5. PERMIT IS GOOD FOR COSMETIC REMODEL ONLY **************************************************************** TOWN bF VArL, COLORADO statemnt**************************************************************** Stat,emnt Number: REC-0268 Anount: 830.50 04/30/97 14:23Payment Method: CHECK Notation: *4927 f'nit: CO 830.50 **************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address:Location: This Payment, Account Code01 0000 4131001 0000 4L3320l- 0000 2200201 0000 41336 89?-0089 Type: A-MF2LOI-082-2L-042 L74 E GORE CREEK DR LODGE AT VAII #338 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PER 830, s0 830.50 .00 Total Fees:Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILD]NG PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CTEANUP DEPOSITSWItt CAIJT INSPECTION FEE Amount 350.00 227 .50' 250.00 3 .00 TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvAILl, CO Bl-657 97 0-47 9-2t38 E Iect ri ca [---) DRB Fee Invest igat ion> Ui (L Cal. L----> TOTAL FEES.--> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E97-0069 Job Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. 174 E GORE CREEK DR LODGE AT VAIL #3382101-082-21-042 PRJ97-0053 I SSUED o4 /30 /ree'to4/30/ree'l 1O /2't /7ee7 Status. . .Applied..Issued. . .Expires. . APPL]CANT BARE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING, INCpo Box 2403, #171 NIGHTHAWK EAGLE RMR, CONTRACTOR BARE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING, INC PO BOX 2403, #171 NIGHTHAWK EAGLE RIVER,OWNER GAINES STANTEY N & GAY H1446 N OCEAN BLVD, PALM BEACH FL 33480 Description: ELECTRICAL FOR REMODEL Phone z 970-926-'1 L52 AVON, CO 8t_620 Phone | 970-926-7'1.52 AVON, CO 81620 Valuation:800.00 -*********************************************************** FEE SUnl'lARy *******************t*********************************t**** 50.00 .00 .00 3.00 53.00 TotaI catcutat.d Fees---> Additionat Fees--------->Total Permit Fee--------> Payments------- BALANCE DUE---. 53.00 .00 53.O0 53.O0 .00 *********************************i****"t************************t******************t***********t**********************ff*********** Ile{ri ,gqQQo_EI_,EICTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDTNG Division:9+/3O/199-7 CHARLTE Action: AppR FOR ERNSTItem:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: *********ff********Jrirr*****t*****'t***ff************'Hr********************trt******tr****************irrr*******i********************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ***********************Li******ir****Jr******|t|t**************irt(*****i*************i**************ff***ri************************* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknolrtedge that r have read this apptication, fil,l.ed out in fuLL the in{ormation required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to conpty with tire information and pl.ot p[an,to comPty with aLL Town ordinances and state [aws, and io buil,d this stnucture according to'the Town's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform Buil,ding Code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabte thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I4ADE TTIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AOVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 179-2'I'S OR AT OUR OFFICE rROII 8:OO AI,I 5:OO PH SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR TOR HII.ISELF ANO OUINER li ********,'r******************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statennt Number: REC-0267 Amount; Pafment. Method: CHECK Not,ationt *4927 ****&*****i****************************************************** *********** Statemnt s3.00 04/30/97 L4t23Inil! CD Permit No: 897-0069 Type: B-EtEc ELECTRICAL PERMTTParcel No: 2101-082-2L-O42Site Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DRI,ocation: LODGE AT VAIL #338 Balance: .00****************************************************.************ This Payment Account Code01 0000 4131301 0000 41336 Total r'ees:53.00 Total ALIJ Pnts: Description ELECTRICAL PERI'{IT FEESWILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 53.00 53.00 Amount 50.00 3.00 TOWN'OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THTS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PermitPLUMBING PERMIT AT ALL TIMES P97-0046 Job AddressLocation...Parcel No..Project No. L74 E GORE CREEK DR LODGE AT VAIL #3382101-082-2t-042 PRJ97-0053 I S SUED o4 /30 / LeeTo4/30/ree7 to/2'7 /1.se7 01897 Restuarant Ptan Rev i ew--) TOTAL FEES----- Status. . .Applied.. Tssued... Expires. . Phone: 30339 .00 Total catcutated tees---) 59.?5 Additional, Fees---------> Totat Permit Fee--------> Phone : 3 0 3 3 9 0 1" 8 9 7 Description: PLUMBING UPGRADES FOR TWO BATHROOMVaIuation:3, 000 . 00 -*******ff*****************r(******************************** FEE SUHl,lARy ********************************************************** APPLICANT EAGLE RIVER PLUMBING & HEATING PO BOX 4987t VATIJ, CO 81658 CONTRACTOR EAGLE RIVER PLUMBING & HEATING PO BOX 4g8]. , VArL, CO 81658OWNER GA]NES STANLEY N & GAY H1446 N OCEAN BLVD, PALM BEACH FL 33480 P Lumbi ng-----) Ptan Check---> Invest i gat ion> ui L l. Ca l,l.----> 45.00 11 .?5 .00 3.00 59 .25 .00 59.25 ************,r********************icr***i***************t*******************r************ilfilli-lli;;;;;;;iiiiiii************ill*** Item: .05100_EqMINc DEpARTMENT Dept: BUIITDING Division:e+/30/!997 CHARLiE Aalioii; -EpFn cHanr,rE DAViSIt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT ---D;pt: FIRE Division: ******Jr**ff*******t*********it****t*S*****ir******************************.k********Jrr(******tr**************i************************ CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FTETJD rNsPEcTroNS ARE REQUTRED To CHECK FoR coDE coMpLrANcE. ***********************************k*****|ht****i************************************************************************ff******** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoutedge that t have read.this appl,ication, fil.l,ed out in futL the information required, compl.eted an accurate plotpLan, and state that at[ the information provided as required.is correct. I agree to compty iith tlre information and pl.ot pl.an,to compty vith atl' Town ordinances-and state [avs, and io buiLd this structure according to the Town,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved/ ljniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Tovn appLicabte thereto. RcouEsrs FoR rNsPEcrIoNs SHALL BE I{ADE TttENTy-FouR HouRs IN ADVANCE By TELEpHINHI il-21i8 oR AT oupFgrcE FRor.r 8:oo A[ 5:00 pr46/-r") ,{.L-- SIGNATURE OF O$INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND ONNER -* * * * * * *tlSj* * * * t* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TOI$l'oF VAIIJ, COr'ORADO * * * *'|* ** ** * *'** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Staltennt, Number: REC-0262 Anount,: 59,25 04/30/97 L4222Palm€nt Method: CHECK Notationt #492't l;rit: CD ************ Statemnt Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address:Location: Shie Payment Account Code 01i 0000 4L31101 0000 4133201 0000 41336 Description PIUMBING PERI'{IT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALIJ INSPECTION FEE P97-0046 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT 210 L-0 82-21-042 T74 E GORE CREEK DR LODGE AT VAIL #338Total Fees: 59 .25 Total ALL Pmt,s: Balance: s9.25 59.25 .00,. * * * * * *.* * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Amount 45.00 LL.25 3.00 t... I I t*Contect-Eagle County A.""""otlf f i"u/ ;;:';il5filiiqo"r." ^D'cu".,r-'r r'r'ce L'AR.EL #,z'"t - o *i-hi:";,tk'39X"?[ Xlilr8iili3$"F3ifflf hl4rF. Lt- 3a - Q7 o NIT APPLICATION FORMDATE: 4- Sa - ?7 PERI'IIT # I APPLICATION l'tUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETEIJY OR IT l.tAy NOT BE AccEpTED xi**************** * ***** * * * * * * * PERMIT INFORMATToN **********************!r******rl ffi-nuilding .to4J-ptumbing 1'{-Etectrical [ ]-Mechani-cal [ ]-otherI / ' ':'arJob Narne: @ Job Address: /7q E. &.-- G-*A e-, Legal Description: Lot Block Filino qnRnrrn qrnN. owners Nane: Mnt Address:Ph. Architect:Address:Dh.I Number of Accomrnodation Units: 3 tiuttprne : t 1(-az-o,6-.rr,rctntcel: $ Tozt 'o-' MEC}IANICAL: $qLUMBING: $ 3fu-t._oe INFORMATION **********************i*****Contractor: 7 Address: O rea Electrical Address: _ PJ.unbing CoAddress: Mechanical Address:Contractor: ******************************** FORBUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PI,UMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAT PERMII FEE: ELECTRTCAII FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE; DRB FEE: ceneraL Descripti"":tszl-.- 4=l'=+, ,i e te:A/#rfi. Z,ootz% /.o.4 /,-. teEfi&-tu <- 6. .a- 1!",/, a-l-8-twork Class: [ ]-Ndw [e{-Alferatioh I ]-aaaitiinar 6g:sepair [ ]_orher Number of DweLling Units: !Ptu.' and rvpe or FirepJaces: "'= PE+qiT;:r={ cas Loss- $ze"rret-is-D********************************* vadldfroilg-?R******************************\ Town of VaiJ- Reg. NO. | 7?.6Phone Nurnber: 1z - fffi7a" r conr,ractogt &r< /sz*- ' efl dotr*n or vair #f7b'.328?E{u-.-# A phone ll"*f..r-'- (e-+ Reg. NO. oFFrcE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PI.AN CHECK FEE: PLITMBING PIAN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI.AN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATT]RE: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO._370 - ,/ ?77 ToTAt:fW P-a A//78q 4--- CLEA$ I'P DEPOSIT NEFUND !0:C4r).Eo4**?rr.= r 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL ottlce of communlly developmenl CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE ?I TowN OF VAIL PUBLIC I{oRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOP}IENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAIJ STORAGE TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: rn surnmaryr.ordinance No. 5 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit. any soil, """i, sand., debrisor rnaterial, incruding trash bump=ter., portabre toirets andworkmen vehicres-upon. any srreerl =ie;;.I;; -;ii;y or pubricpraee or anv nortion theieof. The rrght-of-way on arr- Town ofVail street3 ina.I3"g" i" apiroiimateiy s ft. ifi pavement. iThis ordinance will be it=iEirv--lnforced by the Town of vail IPubLic works Deparrment. p;;;;n; found. vi6riiing this ordinancewilt. be siven a 24 hour "riil;;-';";r;1;-;;;;;;'="id nateriar..rn the event the person so notified. aoe= noi---comprv with thenotice within the 24 trour tilne-"p".iii";,"il"";ffiIic worksDepartrnent h'irt remove said nar;;i;i-"i-inJ'I";;". of personnotified. The provisions-or-lrti! "r,rr.nance sharl not beapplicabte to c-onstrrrction. -riittt"tr.nce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utirities il il"-;iiii_u_r.v. To review ordinance No. e in ful], prease stop by the Town ofvail Buirding Departrnent to outiin a copy. riani you for yourcooperation on this matter. Rea Y d and acknowledged by: .e. contractor, owner) 75 3outh trontage ro6d vail, colorado 81657(303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 otflce of communlty developmeul BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TIME FMME If this permi.t requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval ,EnsineerLs (publ ic !g1fs) 1"vien una'ipb.ouui,'i iiii'iini"b.purt .ntreview qr Hea't th Departmint. ieview, -.;[';-;;;i"i Lv-iii."duTi oi ngDepartment, the estimated time to"'"-totur review may take as longas three weeks. A'l'l commercial flaroe or small) and a'l'l mu]ti-family permits willhave to follow dire Suove r"nii6n"J-rI*irrr requirements. Rtisidentiarand.small projects shourd tat(e t-le;;er-'amouni or-iime.' Hoiever, ifresidentia'l or smar'rer .projects impaci the various ;il;" mlntioneadepa rtments wi th reoa rd' to- necessii.v-ieu i "", -;h;;; ;;;j;. il' ruvalso take the three we"t pe"ioJ.v- r/' !r Every.attempt will be B9e by this department to expedite thispermit.as sqon as possible. - -e !'rrsv I' the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. ,/F#tu-f re.Y i":Y Conrnuni ty Development Department. -'..MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JobNanet UE- 4a., r3tY Dale: 4-3a - n Please answer the following questionnaire regarding lhe need for a 'public Way permit': ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utitity work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed lo site oiher than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting ihe right of way, easemenls, or public property? ls a'Bevocable Right CI Way Permit" required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or lencing plan required by Community Development? ?-so ,- 7' 1) 2l YES NO K K K K ( D( 3) 4') s) 6) 7) 8) ff_V9u_ algwered yes to any of these questions, a 'Public Way Permit" must be obiained.?ublic Way Permit" applications may bE obtained at the Public Work's ofiice or atC9.ry1u1ity Development. tf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Town ef Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-2158. Conlraclor's Sig natu reJob Name Date ?-29-tS97 t.46PM LUUbT, HI VHIL *t:ff:r,irr** * =*'ffi,1 ,:13 No.oor p .or''' Apilzt.lW Mlt. $trnby Griacs 1616 N. Occ{n D}vd. Itlor BczaL fL t3ft0 Dcrr Mrs. GrirFe: It ir $c urdddrnding of rlc lodgs Aprrtnrnl Codornini|ln Armciatio r&rr yw nould litc lo rsrodclyqr tlfidssuirduru" TLF rsnodcl $,ill conrist olthc following; l. RcDltoo Uto tllh tub, tilc, rnd loikre in bob tdhroonn of l3tr.2. lnnall Prrncb rhon In rhc opclilg b ttrc loll bcdrmn .quurd io llrc condidons of lbc fltrcicd conrbniniun rEnodd doorrrcflt to bc duly dSrEd bf tlrc MmrScr of 0rrrr Scrvics rrud Chicf Eryinccr for kilSc tbopcrtics Inc, rd tlc wntnclo,r rr )qrrre+rcs,ntntivbi l)r0 Asmiatior qpprsv$ yOur rcmdct and rrt$cl pr udt h prr cr{gavor. Silcsuly, Thc Lrd6r rt Vai l, I 7{ llert Cron Crctl l)rivr:, Vaif, Cdondo 81657, IfiA Tdrphwa (9)9t1p6.5011 Fmrimilu (fi) rftr?a2r w'ffi rrliiffi.trt Prrsidmq Lodgs Aprunort Gondminiwn'-Asaiation 05/08/S7 10:35Ail Job |B0 Pago 1/1 ln: |- lcm: uf,ie; Chris Adans lThe Tonn of Vallr Corrmnity Developrrunt Arlanrs Construction 05-08-97 Atkr. Dpn l^llli!^t.ife,to r:hanse the eluct.rtnal sub contraetor on my jotr at. theLtr8e at vail rrnlt ft3B. Ttre electri.cal prermlt No. is Eg7ffiZg for thisprg.lect. The sub crrntracLor on the permit is Bare gfeciric. t would likcthls chanflerj to PTL Elcctric, Jim Overrease ls the owner of prL Errr:trlc..nm's Fnnne Nc. is 471-OZ1B and hI$ Ltc. No. is E-2146 . Tlrsrk You&Lr&-* AqansCfst nnf.ion PRO@I6 rm{lsu DtgOOlf lltlfE REP€|ll-IDDlrA P,MIE I cttrt9-tD cltsro$ER mliB cHlB€E DEFOSIT DBEOgtT-tN lttituBrsErr aFIER-REFUnD cu)E DBECBIPTId Ttr-DirrB fuT-Irf,TB ltioltrfT rrrourar |oum ll|owt Ltf'a TIPE 5?7 89?-0089 IDl|'tS COIIERUC:IION D2 DEPOA Dqr-Clcanup LlLLlga Z/31/ 99 ToIIIJ FoR CITSTOMER !YPE. D2 950.00 250. oo 250.00- .00 250.00-250.00 250. O0 .00 (n'ND T€4It!3 DEPOSIT C€UNT: G,/I, EA"CI' CREATED: 1 BATCU-OOe1S 1999/03 UEERTD-irpOPBCK 250.00 couNE- 250. OO 250.O0- Alrot !cI-1.00 250.O0I^P HEIJD ,-t)Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Dooley window change, L. @ Vail DRB Numben DR8030195 Prcject Description: Replace windows with French doors and replace window glazing Participants: OWNER Thomas & Barbara Dooley 0610512003 Phone: 519-922-2195 243 Cleft Rd Millnec( NY 11765 License: APPLICANT Slifer Designs 0610512003 Phone: 926-8200 Shelly Miller 216 Main St Suite C-100 Edwards, CO Shelly@sliferdesigns.com 81632 License: Project Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Lodge at Vail #338 174 E Gore Creek Dr Location: Legal Description: Lot: A Block: Subdivision: LODGE APT CONDO (TFIE) Parcel Number: 210108221042 Comments: Consentapproved Ldff-+0.^\ BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Hans Woldrich Action: APPROVED Second By: Margaret Rogers Vote: 5-0 DateofApprovalz 0710212003 Conditions: C.ond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Pald: $25O.OO TOI4'NM Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.21 39 tax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirenEnts for the particular approval that is requested- An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Ccuncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and constructlon commences within one year of the approval. Location of the Proposal: Lot:1 Block: I Subdivision: * Physicaf Address: Id-g-geP*- * =zg. Parcel No.: ZlOliOf,iZ-- Zl':9\Z (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8il0 for parcet no.) Zoning:Cc I Name(s)of owner(s): M ?^ r-A r'' a C---tt\te-\ Maiting Address: Zia-ef-p.e< p> , VtUUrJt'zV -A\-t:L"g - Owner(s) Signature(s) : Name of Applicant: Type of Review and Fee:. Signs. Conceptual Review . New Construction. Addition . .,,/Minor Alterationr (multi-family/commercial) . Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) . CtEnges to Approved Phns . Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For corstruction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or_ commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversior€). /-Sza-1 For minor changeslo buildings and site improvements, such 6,l-------/ reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. - ... - . ^; -$20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, Sdras, . ' I r'' ' Description of the Request: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plarB already approved by Planning Design Review Ebard. No Fee 3L$'eJ"-pFs{qN3. J TOft-) oN rE( S"H r, andti ,'-.,.t i the For Office Qse Onlyi Feel%id: iSD .<r-Cl6lr*1 *o.,5935D Application Date: Hanner: 1l^ 6/27/@3 A2! l6Dm P, @L *',f;y,'),'u May26,2003 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dooley 174 E, Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Dooley: The Board of Managers for Lodge Apartment Condominium Association has received your requesr to remodel your condominium. The construction will include the following projects; I . Renpve and replace kitchcn and appliances.2. Reconfigure stairs and walls.3. Addition of a powder roorn4. Reviso enfy doo! to a single width with matching exterior look for existing doors.5. Eliminatioa of the door to 336.6. Reconfigure existing bathrooms.7. Reconfigure interior balcony and stairway area aud enclom balconies at stairs and be&oomr8. Addition of French Doors to the balcony from the downstairs bedroom. The Board has approved the project including addition ofthe French Doors subject to the following conditions: l. An approved condominium consruction docunrent is signed and a)l couditions are adhered to.2. All necessary Town ofVail petmits are obtained. I wish you well in yorn endeavor. Sincerelv. w{a Charley Viola Executive Assistant Manager *#.174 Eaet Gore Creek Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657, USA TeJephone (970) 4765011 Facsimile (970) 47(-7U/5 Intemeh wwwlodgeatuail,comRocrRrsonrs nh4 f, cLoSET )l T.IAIN IN,RY KITCHENEE LIVIN€ ROOMEE] t-H gelK APPROVED BY THb TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW BOARD DOOLEY RESIDENCE REMODEL The Lode ot Voil, Unir 338, | 74 Gore Creek Drive, Voil, Colorqdo gEOROOH rl Exisfing Windows to thot will open to the Deck. Exterior color lo motch existing exlerior frim. Living Room WindoVAwning with UV Protective gloss. Exterior iim Color ond Style lo remoin the some. drowing nol to rcolc P]ANNER:$rf-,liesign KIT6HEN tqt v. ?ecRoov LrvrN€ RooM Reploce Living Room Windor/Awning wi$ UV Protective gloss. Exterior iim Color ond Style to remoin the some. drowing na b rcolc DOOLEY RESIDENCE REMODEL The lodge oi Voil, Unit 338,174 Czore Crek Drive, Vqil, Cok rodo uirrr$esign Reploce living Room Window,/Awn ing wifi UV Protective gloss. Trim ond rough openings fio remoin the some. DOOLEY RESIDENCE REMODEL fhe b{e ot Voil, Unit 338,174 Gore Crek Drine, Voil, Colc,rqdo uifer$esign Bedroom wilhout mullions. (Photo of Unil 526 ot the lodge ol Voil.f DOOLEY RESIDENCE REMODEL The lodge ot Voil, Unit 338,174 Gore Gek Drive, Vqil, C,okrodo $nf-rgesign 400 Frenchwood@ Ourwing Like Andersen 400 Series Frenchwood@ hinged patio doors, Andersen 400 Series Frenchwood@ outswing patio doors are built to function beautifully. These doors swing out, saving up to 28 square feet of interior space, and feature quick-release removable panels for ease of installation and finishing. Naturally occuring variations in grain, color, and texture make each wood door panel one-of-a-kind. These defining features create a charcter unattainable in vinyl, steel or aluminum products. Page I ofl Andereen@ 400 Series Frcnchwood@ Outswing Patio Door Overview 400FWOutswingOverview. u,. 6/3 l03 400 Frenchwood@ Outswine Unlt ffmembn bseiAatiq I AvailaUe tn J hr.rghts ll'I Itttl/ltlll{irille/rder nber: ,ffH3r68 ,,/ tuH3161'l.. tlfH31g)HilliifrF Fto 3158At Ff,t! 316rS FIo 3r61rtt FUo 316!15 Ffo 3180il. tuo 3180$Ff,O GO8OPAIR ffiffiilAYailable in 3 heqhts Unit llimeftsion Rorg 0pa*ry UnobEtnEed Glass' flo 29684n fro 29611tnflo 2980tR 3''0r./a" rr- rgtBtli] L.j_J__1 I isrol II ?41/r" i I r(532) I 2' 8'tq" : (8161 II z-s' Ia------------+ I (838) |v4i {ss01l i rm 2!r58N. fuo 2s611ltffo zlnofi. 3''() !r'!" I i91B) r;iI 3"1' jF--- *t I isroi i| )n'ir't.l J - ,r j I lisizli I tro 296ES Fro 296115ilo 2S80s (918) Ffo 5{68tPtR tro $a6r1APmfl0 lt st 0) o_ua-<(18?C) 24t/a. 24ti..i'+'F-------',i632)l l832ir FtrO s{E8PilN FXo 5161rPil-n tHo sr&)PtrR i1s l0l ; 6',.)' ('t829] '14 i/t' 24 ira' H jH r(6321 i i6il)i 3',ll 1/n"1'^l1 r/{- ?'-8 t/s' {838) TOVe' i(s3fff ---==.-----t-- ' Unobstruded glass measurement is for single-panel width only. . Andersen@ art glass panels are available for all sizes on this page. . "Unit Dimension" always refers to outside jamb to iamb dimension . Dimensions in parentheses are in millimeters. . Combinations of window units ioined together may require horizontal or vertical reinforcement. This reinforcement should be sp€cificd by a probssional engineer. . Wten odering, be sure to speciry color desired: White, Sandtone, Terratone@ or Forest Green. Unit ldentification Basic Hinging Units viewed ftom the exterior. Left hinged: Hinges mounted on the left stile of the panel. Rlght hinged: Hinges mounted on the right stile of the panel. Crilla dder riimb[r: FfH2968 fuH?9611 Ff,ll29U' Page 2 of 4 J.l '/.1 Fllo 60ffuPtx FIL T c[}Py DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, July 2, 2003 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION, LUNCH - Community Development Department MEMBERS PRESENT Clark Brittain Bill Pierce Hans Woldrich David Viele Margaret Rogers SITE VISITS MEMBERS ABSENT 1. Windstream Condos - 4295 Columbine Drive2. Parks residence-4246 Columbine Drive3. Vail East Lodging - 4093 E. Spruce Way4. Children's Garden of Learning - 551 N. Frontage Rd.5. Middle Creek - 160 N. Frontage Road6. West Vail Lodge - 2211 N. Frontage Road7. Gerstenberger residence - 1320 Greenhill Court8. Dooley residence - Lodge at Vail, Unit 3389. VailVillage Inn - 100 E. Meadow Drive Driver: George 12:00 pm 2:00 pm PUBLIC HEARING . TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1. Windstream Condos DRB03-0245 Final review of proposed re-paint 4295 Columbine Drive/Lot 7, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision 3d Addition Applicant: WindstreamCondoAssociation MOTION: Woldrich SECOND: Pierce VOTE:5-0 Approved with 2 Gonditions: 3:00 pm Warren 1. The applicant shall paint all vents and stacks on top of the roof Elkhorn Cactus (8654M) to match the siding and roof color.2. The applicant shall paint all stucco areas Desert Tumbleweed (8723M), all siding, window trim, and the roof Elkhorn Cactus (8654M), and all shutters on the building either Wilderness Green (8626N) or Western Reserve (8716N) as an accent to the proposed re-paint 2. Ransburg residence DRB03-0248 Matt Final review of proposed tree removal 463 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 5, Block 4, Vail Village 3' Filing Applicant: David and Alexandra Ransburg MOTION: Pierce SECOND:Rogers VOTE:S-O Approval with 1 Gondition: That the applicant replaces the removed evergreen tree with two, 20'tall spruce trees on the site. The two new trees shall be planted by no later than October 15, 2003. 3. Children's Garden of Learning DRB03-0200 Allison Final review of proposed play area 551 North Frontage Road / Lot 8-A, Block 2, Vail Potato Patch Applicant Eagle Coun$ School District, represented by ARC MOTION: Woldrich SECOND: Pierce VOTE: 5-0 Gonsent Approved with 5 Conditions 1. The applicant shall provide revised drawings of the boulder retaining walls, including a 4 ft. bench between walls, a single tier wall, and a PE stamp for all walls over 4 ft. in height. This shall be submitted with the building permit application. 2. The applicant shall indicate the proposed revegetation material on the site plan. This shall be submitted on the building permit application. 3. The applicant shall indicate a limits of disturbance fence on the site plan. This shall be submitted with the building permit application.4. The applicant shall provide a bond for removal of the temporary fence by September 1, 2003. 5. The applicant shall use a fencing material that matches the existing fence at Red Sandstone Elementary. 4. Middle Creek DRB02-0060 Allison Final review of proposed landscape plan 160 N. Frontage Rd./Lot 1, Middle Creek SubdivisionApplicant Vail Local Housing Authorig To approve the MSE wall with the 3 colors blended. MOTION: Brittain SECOND: Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 To approve the roof material in thunderstorm gray MOTION: Brittain SECOND: Rodgers VOTE: 3-2 (VieleMoldrich) 5. Gerstenberger residence DRB03-0210 Allison Final review of proposed exterior alterations 1320 GreenhillCourULot 16, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant: Allen Gerstenberger MOTION: Pierce SECOND: Woldrich VOTE: 4-0 Tabled to July 16, 2003 6. West Vail Lodge DRB03-0152 MatUAllison Conceptual review of proposed addition and exterior alterations 2211 N. Frontage Rd./Lot 1, Vail Das Schone 3' FilingApplicant: Raj BhaktaMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Conceptual - no vote 7. Dooley residence DRB03-0196 Matt Final review of proposed window replacement Lodge at Vail , Unit 338, 174 E. Gore Creek Drive/Lots A,B & C, Block 5C, Vail Village 1"t Filing Applicant: Thomas and Barbara Dooley, represented by Slifer Designs MOTION: Hans SECOND:Margaret VOTE: 5-0 Consent approved. 8. Vail East Lodging DRB03-0225 Elisabeth Final review of proposed re-roof 4093 E. Spruce Way/Lot 4, Bighorn Subdivision 3'o Addition Applicant: Woody KiehlMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Tabled to July 15, 2003. 9. Alpenrose DRB03-0072 Matt Final review of a proposed addition and major exterior alteration '100 E. Meadow Drive/Lot 0, Block 5D, Vail Village 1"'FilingApplicant: Edna & Claus Fricke, represented by Fritzlen Pierce Architects MOTION: Viele SECOND: Brittain VOTE: 3-0 (Pierce recused, Rogers not present) Approved with 1 Gondition: That the applicant submits the proposed exterior deck railing treatments to the Community Development Department for review and approval by staff. 10. Parks residence DRB03-0217 Warren Conceptual review of proposed new single-family residence 4246 Columbine Drive/Lot 20-5, Bighorn Subdivision, Resub of Lot 20 Applicant: Timothy C. Parks, represented by Miramonti Architect PCMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Conceptual - no vote. 11. VailVillage Inn DRB03-0190 Final review of proposed repaint 100 E. Meadow Drive. Lot 0. Block 5D Applicant: Village Inn Plaza Phase V Gondo Assoc MOTION: Bill SECOND: David VOTE:4-0 Matt Tabled to July 16, 2003. Staff Approvals La Cantina DRB03-0206 Allison 1 Display Box and 2 window signs 241 E.Meadow Drive/Tract B&C, Block 5D, Vail Village l" Filing Applicant: Richard Wheelark Village Center DRB03-0224 Judy Temporary site development sign 122E. Meadow Drive/Lot K, Block 5E, Vail Village 1" Filing Applicant: VillageCenterAssociation Klinga/Birch residence DRB03-0220 Elisabeth Re-roof 1773 Shasta Place/Lot 13, VailVillage West 2no Filing Applicant: Kathy Birch Hyatt residence DRB03-0230 Allison Deck extension 1200 ftarmigan Road/Lot 14, Block B, VailVillage 7h FilingApplicant: Eileen Hyatt Slifer Designs DRB03-0215 Judy New sign 230 Bridge StreeULot B, Block 5, VailVillage 1"'Filing Applicant: Slifer Designs Christiania DRB03-0229 Judy Replace fire damage same for same and paver path addition 356 Hanson Ranch Road/Christiania Applicant: Christiania Lodge Sunwood at Vail Condos DRB03-0195 Elisabeth Deck reconstruction 4507 Meadow Drive/Sunwood at Vail Applicant: Sunwood at Vail Condo Association Vail Resorts DRB03-0132 Warren Facility wash 862 S Frontage Rd. WesUUnplattedApplicant: VailCorp Dyroff residence DRB03-0182 Warren Addition, landscape improvements 1451 Buffehr CreeUlot 6, Cliffside Applicant: Matthew C. Dyroff Ford Park SchoolHouse DRB03-0237 Judy Re-roof 841 VailValley DriveA/ailVillage 7h Filing Applicant: Town of Vail Glenn residence DRB03-0243 Allison Walladdition 2389 Chamonix Road/Loi 16, Vail das Schone 1"'FilingApplicant Joanne Glenn Hannen residence DRB03-0239 Warren Addition Millrace Condos, 1320 Westhaven Drive/Cascade Village Applicant: Kevin Hannen Rigney residence DRB03-0202 Matt Window & skylight addition' Lodge at Yail, 4Q2&404, 174 E. Gore Creek Drive/Lots A,B&C, Block 5C, Vail Village 1"t FilingApplicant: Lee & Heidi Rigney West Vail Mall DRB03-0216 George Delete awnings 2171 N Frontage Rd WesULot 2A, Vail das Schone 3' Filing Applicant: West Vail Mall Corp Village Center DRB03-0218 Bill New skylights 122 E Meadow Drive/Lot K, Block 5E, Vail Village 1't Filing Applicant: Stanley & Cecil Schocket Village Center DRB03-0219 Bill New skylights l22EMeadow Drive/Lot K, Block 5E, Vail Village l" FilingApplicant: Banner Properties Inc Gore Creek Meadows DRB03-0233 Elisabeth Re-roof 5020 Meadow Drive/UnolattedApplicant Gore Creek Meadows Association Walker residence DRB03-0238 Allison Replace deck 5089 Gore Circle/Lot 9, Block 2, Bighorn stn Addition Applicant Steven A. Walker Evergreen Lodge DRB03-0214 Allison Re-paint same-for-same 250 S Frontage Rd WesULot 2, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2n0 FilingApplicant Evergreen Lodge at Vail LTD Cohen/Joss residence DRB03-0244 Judy Re-roof 1467 Greenhill CourULot 10, Glen Lyon Subdivision Applicant: EllenoreJointVentures Vail lnternational DRB03-0160 Matt Landscaping addition 300 E. Lionshead Circle/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 2no Filing Applicant: Vail International The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project plannels office, located at the Town of Vail Community Devefopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please cr,114792138 for information. Sign fanguage interpretation available upon request wilh 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. v .. l. ***************llr{.'t'l'lt'f**+t**a*****+**a'l*****a**************l********l********l*****a******* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ** +'| * ***** **** *'l**ra * a*i. a**!t**** * * a*** lr**** ** * *:ll.l l.rt**1. *1.1.:***********l*****a++ lf+ aa++***+**'l statement Number: R030004113 Anount: $250.00 05/05/200304:20 PM Pa:ment Method: Check Init: iIAR NotatLon: 53350 Slifer Designs Permit No: DR8030195 Type: DRB-Minor Alt, Comm/Multi Parcel No: 2aOt0822LO42 Site Addrese: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL IJocation: Lodge at Vail #338 174 E Gore Creek Dr Total Fee6: $250.00This Palment: $250.00 Total AIIJ Pmts: $250.00Balance: $0.00 * *:|*r.* rr r. r. r.* r.**'t * {. * ii,} **** ****i i ** +** t **** *****+'ra.**** * *r**,r*r*,r * *** * ******* t*f++*+ ** **** *** * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Cunrent ms DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 250. 00 tr r.. ll Protect Name: Project Description: Design Review Board 433K ACTION FORM Depaftnent of Community De\rdopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Olorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax| 970,479,2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us DRB l{umber: DR8050364 Add air conditioning condensing unit to rmf of lodge at Vail for Unit #338: see conditions Partlclpants: owNER DOOLEY,THOMAS E. & BARBARA 0il2512005 243 CLEFT RD MILINECK NY 11765 APPUCANT BECK BUILDING COMPANY 0712512005 Phone: 970-949-1800 P.O. BOX,t030 VAIL co 81558 License: 117-A Project Addressz 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL LocaUon: LODGE AT VAIL UNIT 338 tegal Description: Lot: A Blod<: Subdlvlslon: LODGE APT CONDO CIIIE) Parcel Number: 2101482-2LOS2 Comments: seecondition V/bqo4t'7 | r+bw/ort"^ Modon By: Second By: VoE: Conditions: BOARD/STAFFACTION Action: APPROVED Dah of Approval: 08/16/2005 Cond: CONmO7,t47 (PLqN); No changes to these plans may be made wiiltout the wrltten consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the approprlate rwiew ommittee(s). @nd:0 (PLAN)r DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to constsuction activities. Cond:201 DRB apprwal shall not become rralid for 20 daW folloring the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of flnal approval, unless a building permit is issued and consUuction is commenced and is diligenUy pursued bward ompledon. Cond: CON0007,148 Prlor to Final Certificate of Occupancy by the Community Dwelopment Department, the _..'l . r.r!t!. ...i1^,.! . t\ f *r,.; . . : appllqant $a[ ompleHy srde tfie nenv @ndensing ut urith yrhib ahrminrrn Planrr: EfisabedrHd DREFcPlftt: l2!O.0O l-Iut os o5 o3: o5p " JUL. 8. 2005 I :39PM Doo 1 e.U$ BUILDIIIO C() 518424816Sr IlU. l/lY p-" LL Application for Design Review Departmenl of Confiunity De\'eloPmeot --75 Sonth Fmntag€ Rod, Vail, colorado 81657 tel: 970-479.2139 la1; 970.479.2452 wob: www.vailgov.com one year of the aPProval. Descrlpuon of lhe Request: Locailon of tho Proposal: Lol: Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Slgnature(s!: Name of Appllcant: Maillng Address: Type of Review and Fo€i . Signs. Conceptnl Review . Naw conslruclion. Addirion t). Vtl BY'flt t (t\eo. b($o5-d3o\)a(: $so No Fes $6s0 0300 >.)g r/ E:t'/gJ o )t4o $F t'. Minor AltsEtlon -\ $ZSO( . (mufiFfdmily/conmercial) \ . Mlnor At\btation $20 (sin gb'family/duplex) . qsrgEs to Approved Pl 3 $20 . Septralion Requ6t No Fee ^"f ;W* t!' ror*l !u,f}r,t4 vtt+lof J- Ito*rvr" -/'r/as General Informallon: Al ;;d; ;ili'i's desen revial must recelye approval p.lor to 5{bmltting a blilding Permit apdlcatlo'l' He25e Gfer to the submittal *q,.|lrrn"nb i;i tr"-pa,ldtA; appm,ral ttrat's reqrrested. An 4plication for Design R€view carrnot be aocepted untit an requirec iiiorframn is re&rcd by the cdrnrnunity DovBlopment oePartnsnl The p.lr" r*V *b ned to be r-f.*a Uy he Torvn Council-and/or the Planning and Environtrtnt6l Commlsslon ij"iis" *rt"* approval Irp*" uni""i i i,rltalng permlt ls lssued and constructlon commences wiihln Plrls $1.00 por ss.lare foot of total slgn area. Fbr corFlruclion of a new buildlng or damo/rebuild. fu an addltion where square footag€ Is added to any resldential or csnmercial buildng (indudes 250 additions & interior conrorsirs)' For minor changes to buildings and site imProvemen?rs' sudl as' relooling, painting, window addi{lons, hndscaPing' lences and retahing lrCls, etc. Fq minor changes to buildings ald sito implovgmenls, srch as' reroollng. palnting, Wnttow addruons, bndscaplrE, tenc€s and retaining r/valls, etc. For revilions to plans atready app.Dvgd by Planring Slaft or lhe oeslgn Review Board. 0/tf,+' u4O?o3tf tr - I t TRANSM ITTAL BI[|{tut!!ttec0f,tANv TO ATTN FROM Town of Vail Joe Suther Bruce Norring DATE RE VIA [ ] Prints I X J Specifications I I Photographs July 25, 2005 Dooley Residence AC 338 Lodge at Vail Hand [ ] Plans I X J Copy of letter I J Bidding Guidelines We are sending you the following items: I J ShoP Drawings I J SamPles [ ] Change Order COPIES DATE 7t25t05 7t25t05 7t25t05 1 1 1 I These are transmitted as checked below: lXlForapproval t l [ ] Approved as noted t l [ ] For review & comment t l Approved as submitted Returned for corrections For bids due DESCRIPTION DRB Application HOA approval letter Cut sheet book Payment Check tl tl tl For your use As requested Remarks: Any Questions or commenb contact Me a1904.1297 ,rrn"o, Bruce Norring M :\WPFI LEStDoCsiTEli,l PLAlABeck Building co word\Transtnitlal.doc BUILDING A I.fGACY OF TRUST FOR OVER 30 YEARS P6t Oftics Box 4030 Vall Colorado 81658 Te|9709491800 Fax 970 949 4335 beckbuilds.com Copy to: File To:9?894943S P,?.?1ru--a4r-;lgt65 11 r5? From: Mr. arrd Mrs. Tlronras Dooldy 243 Clefl Road Mill Neck NY I 1765 DearMr. and Mrs. Dooley; 'l'hc Associati,on has roviewed you plans to add air conditioning to your unit. Wc hcrcby approve irnd authorizo constiuctiun. Plcrrsc providc ns witb a copy oL 0rc building prxruit prior to constructiol). Best regards, vAw Charley Viola Exccutivc Assistant Managcr I 7l [u51 firrc grcsk Dnve, Vall, f-okrrndo *l (r17, Ulir\ Tr.lcphilnr (9Zt) 'tTtLilll t liilGirnilc (9701476 7{tt lntornct: nvwJody,r.ntvnil.nrm ,'h1v.l'RocxRnson'r's tr M I NOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBM ITTAL REQU IREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alterations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addition of retaining walls. I. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS e Stamped topographic survey*, if applicable 0 Site and Grading Plan, if applicable* o Landscape Plan, if aPPlicable* e r,Photos or drawings which clearly convey existing conditions* o 4hotos or drawings which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s)' e Exterior color and material samples and specifications. e Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures, if applicable o.//Vritten approval from a condominium association or joint owner, if applicable s rJlhe Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies ofthe materials notedwith an asterisk (x). Topographic survey:o Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyor o Date of surveye North arrow and graphic bar scalee Scale of 1"=10'or 1"=20') s Legal description and physical address 0 Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40%, and floodplain)o Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey e Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner. e Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. e lndicate all easementg identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions. o Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty- five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot. e Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals e Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade. e Rock outcroppings and other significant natural featu res (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.). All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.). Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) l%ge 3 of 12l$4l01lU lr rl Building Materlals PROPOSED MATERIALS Type of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Facia Soffits \Mndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Ederior Lighting Other Notes: flAroL rnxru qc-, , .l f(\\ "'rl !'Ni' llnrr '- Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. , Page 6 of 12l%l01lM Mr. Slimu Systems: Redefining Comfor"t o (lorrrlirrt is 1 corrccPt l-l-lrnt, 0f Lls scclll nr think ebout onlv r.r'hcn u'c're either rurrcorn fbrta blc or crtrcurclv coInlirrtrble. ,.\t Nfitsubishi F.lt'ctric cunrfirrt rs all u c think abor,rt, rncl our \1r. Slrm ductless hcating rntl crxrling svstcrrs rcHect thet thrnkrng.,{t honrc or ilt \\'ork, ()ur \lr. Slirn slstcms urc tlcsrgnetl to nrakc lllrv sl)acc irrvitilrg. \1a1'lrc 1,or-rr hotlc hrs lt roolrr [hlt's r]l\\'ll\'\ t()() hot or ttxl col<1. Or pcrlrrrps t ott rc lookitrg firr lt u et trr cffcctir clv control tlre clirnlte in rlif-fcrc'nt rrxrnrs firr bctttr cornfirrt enrl efhciencr'. No rnattcr \\'hilt \'oLrr hertting lncl ctit.rling problcnrs rnar [rc, \[r. Slinr is tlre'pcrfi:ct rllt\' to rnrkt rrnv rr)()nr ilt vottr honre or rr,,rli1'1.r6' lll',r( c',|lll"rl.lhl(. Mr. S im lndoor Unit What [s Mr. Slirn't Ductless Technologyl For many years ductless air condition ing systcms have been the quiet solution fbr cooling and hc:rting problems around the rvorkl. (lur popular ancl pror,,cn Mr. Slim systems have t'"vo basic cor.r.r llonents: an indoor and an outdoor unit. These units are easily connected by refiigerant lines running thror-rgh a small 3-inch opening in the lvall or ceiling. Thc outdrxrr unit cycles the refrigerant through thc lincs to and fiom the indoor unit, r,r'here the air is conditioned and distributeri into thc spacc. Installation is as sirnple as mounting the incloor and outdoor units, connecting the refrigerant lines, and making a fevr, electrical connections. An easy installation fbr your contracror rncans you'll be enjoying the comfbrt Mr. Slim providcs f:rstcr. Why Mr. Sliml Mitsubishi Elcctric is the industry leader in ductless air conclitioning tcchnology. Our innovations have definecl cutting- edge technology fbr years. Cornpare, and you'll see no one surpasses Mr. Slin-r's pcrformance for quiet, easy-to-use energy efficient operation. And since our ductless technology carries the Mitsrrbishi Elcctric name, you knou'eve ry un it is built to last. The bottom line is that Mr. Slinr dclivcrs the ultimate control of con-rfbrt frrr your homc or ofhce. It's true today ancl will be cornfortably sclf-cvident for years to come. Add Line Hide'" lineset nnvpn cvctom i-n holn protect fefr ig e ra nt line s and beautify exterion. Mr'. Slim lndoor Uni[ Sure you can t4se d u,indou uttit. But they will block the view from iust about any windolv. They're also an open invitation for burglars to pay you a visit. Oh, and don't forget that old window units are also ugly, sweaty, and noisy and add no significant value to your home whatsoever. C)n the other hand, Mr. Slim units from Mitsubishi Electric are easy for your contractor to install; they work quietly, and they don't leave a largc, easily-accessed opcning in your otherwise secure home. And ductless systen.rs like Mr. Slim also add value to your home. All in all, window units may be the easy solution, but Mr. Slim systcms from Mitsubishi Electric are the srnart solution. You get what you pay for when it comes to air conditioning. Where Can Mr. Slirn't Be Usecll , Mitsubishi Electric Mr. Slim systems are thc pcrfcct attswcr f,.tr irlmost any spot c,-roling or heating situation. For example. our tluctless systems can make an uncomfbrtabl,v hot or cold room in an existing building comfortablc. Pcrhaps you are remc,cleling or rcnovating un older home or business built befbre ducted air conditioning was available. Because there is no ductwork to run, Mr. Slim ductless systcms arc both plaster-u,all antl brick- f:rcadc liicnclly sr.r there's no neecl to cor.upromise the integrity of 1,o1r. 1"r.,t.r-r. or ofhce iust to make e:rch room comfortablc. In addition, Mr. Slirn systems arc pcrfcct ftrr schools, universities, nursing homes, hospitals, restaurants, hotels, equipment rooms, office buildings, and churches. The versatility and variety of applications fbr Mr. Slim arc r irtuallv trnlimitecl. If r ro,,tl it too hot or c,rlcl. N'Ir. Slinr alnrost rlrr'avs vi'orks! To find more information about our Mr. Slim ductless product line or to find a contractor near you, please visit our website at mrslim.com. .!l Fl.Fl.Flp $.' I ilu0Ex M-SF.R I I..S: 9,000-10,000 Btu/h Residential & Select Commercial Air Conditioners €r Heat Pumps Pages 06 07 Wireless Rcm<tte Page 07 MS/MSH WA I,I-,MOLJNTL,D SL,RIt,S: 9,000-24,000 Btu/h Air Conditioners & Heat Pumps Pages 08 09 INVERTER MSZ WALL MOUNTED SERIES: 9,000-12,000 IJtu/h Inuerter Driuen Heat Pump System Paga 08-09 MSM NfULTI WALL MOUNTED SERIES: 18,000 Btu/hAir Conditioner Pages 10-11 IhIVERTER Mtltill ZONE WALL-MOUNTED SERIES: MXZ 30.000 Btu/h Inuerter Driuen Muhi Zone Heat Pump System Page; I2- 15 MSM M!lti GTOSSARY AIR C( )NI)lTl( )N lr.R: ,4 mechqnical dcuice used to control temp^eruture, humidity, cleanliness, and mouement of air in a conJlned sPace. Btu/h: British Thermal Units per Hour. A term that is used to mcasure cooling or hcating capacity. CAPACITY: ,4 refrtgerating rating system usuelly measurcd in Btu/h. Cl( )MPRESSOR: A pump found in a ryfrigerating or air eonditioning syaem uhich punps refrigerant through pipes betwecn an outdoor and un indoor unit using pressurr. HEAT PUMP: ,4 n air conditioning system that is capable of reuersing the direction of refrigerant fotu to prouide either cooling or heating n the indoor space- IISPF: Heating Season Performance Factor. A rating of the auerage tfi.cien4 ofa heat pump unit tuhen operating in thc hcat, tng tnoae. HVAC: ,4 terrn u,,hich aands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. INDOOR UNl f : The qir hand.ler of an air conditioning systcm uhich connins a heat exchange coil, fihers, andfan. Prouides cond.it;oned air into the sDace. GENERAL SPECIFIC,\TIONS: Prrgc ?7 P,SI..R I l..S: 12,000-42,000 Btu/h Large Residential or Varied Commercial Pages 16-17 Wircd Renotc and Outdoor Unit Comparison Page 17 PK,'?KH tFK,FLI WALL,I,,IOUNTED SERIES: I2,000-16,000 Btu/h Air Conditioner & Heat Pumps u,ith Wired C, Wireless Hand- He ld Remote C onrol lers Pagcs l8-)0 PC/PCH CEILiNG,SUSPENDED SERIES: 24,000-42,000 Btu/h Air Conditioners tx Heat Pumps Pages 21 -23 PVPLH CEILING RECESSE,D SE,RIES: 12,000-42,000 Btu/h Air Conditiontrs & Heat Pumps Pdgcs 24 26 Rf'.1-'RI(;l-.Rr\NT TLIBING & ,\()(IESS( )RI ES: Pdgc )7 ( il-( )SSA RY: Rrloa, PLlPLH IN\/ERTER TECHNOLOGY: Mitsubishi Elecnic's MSZ and MXZ outdoor units use ;naerter comPressor technology (Variable Frequency Driue) to prouide exceptional indooa high:pecd cooling and hcating. By rcsponding to indoo| tenperature changes, these systems reduce pouer consumPtion by uarying the comprcssctr speed for exrra energy saaings, The system oPerat€s only at the leuels needcd to maintain a constant and comfortable indoor enuircnment. MICIROPRO(IESSOR: lz c lcctri cal component consii ting of integrated circuits which mdy accept, store, control, and output infotmation. OUTDOOR UNIT: A component of an air conditioning system uhich contains compressor, propeller fan, circuit board, und heat exchange coil. Paffips rcfrigeran, to/from indoor unit. REFRIGERANT LINES A copper tubing through zuhich refrigerant fous to and from the iidoor anttlutdool unix. S.E.E.R.: Scasoaa I Energy Effciency Ratio. A rating of the auerage cficiency of an air conditioning unit in cooling mode. SPLIT-DUCTLESS SYSTEM;,4 sys tem q.,hich u compried of a rernote outdoor condensing unit connected by refrigerant pipeJ ,o a natching, non4uctcd indoor air hand.la. Special cases for intro- ducingfresh air may call for limited ducting to air handler from outstde. t@* MS/MSH.T/I\,1S2t-r:r- MS/MSH-E PK/PKH Small Size, Big Pcrformance While all .f .ur l\f r. Slitr' ttr.tits rre coml)irct ancl lrghtri,cight, thc M Series is clesignetl spccificllll' firr tight splces. Rrrt clon't bc fixrlcrl. Thc po*,erful lv{ Scrics rlelivers plentv of c'n)l r)r \\,tnn ;tir t,r ltltr,tst iur\ \r./r' roonr. ,\ntl ttnlikc n inrlou rrnits, NIr. Slirrr'* srn.rll rizt . c, '1, 'r. .rn(l Ilt' 'tl nl it)q position nrcans it blcntls irr rvell. No I )trctw'orli Nccrlcrl IIr. Slirn s\,stcn1s rrcetl rro rluctu ork. Thcre's onlv e snrull, i-rnch opcning corrrrccting thc intlrxrr lntl ,ruttlrxrr rrnits. Ttris rnclrn\ clr\\ irrstlrllltion. lcss rncss, entl u bettcr looking honrc. F,ffi cient. (]trict. Secure. Pick All Tl'rrcc. 'l'hat's right. trlr. Slrm units tlclir t r ull ofthcsc- First rts snrrrll tlcsign, smlrrt lirnctionrrlitr'. untl llck ol' tlrrcturrrk pltts invt'rtcr tcchnolosv (NISZ, ,u'lXZ) rnakc it Wall-Moun[ed Air Cond itioners And Heat Pumps [Ps o8] cncrgi -cfficicnt. Scconrl tlrc trrrit's lnrr is rlcsignctl to rlt'livcr :rir rltrictlr' u'ith onlt, l gcr)tle $'h(x)sh. (That s u lrv tr{r. Slirn rs thc 6rst clroicc tirr tlrotrsarrtls ol-chttrchcs. scho,,ls.,tncl libr,r rics. Shhhl) ,\ntl becausc cuch st'stcrn installs r.,'ith only a 3-irrch opcning lirr corrrrectirrg tlrc irtrlrxrr ,rnrl orrtrlrrrr unirs, \'ou.lon't havc trr rr',,rrr .rlr,,rrt thit.rc. :,ccirrS.rrr inriting rvirrrlorr trrut u lriclr is cusr to rcnror c. \\Iith \{r. Slim svstcnrs vou can slccp irr quiet cornfhrt rrntl u'ith l scnsc of sccuritr,. .lr,.i. ?I; t lht. tnbl. t; li)i rt"t,1l ,itn|,tn,, t'nh tlltrtrrtl ,tnntut,t' .n\ l,rt/r tr,) \,tr) &tttl ,/,,lttq / h.dtir! D.cli I'l n t.,ht,! \.tr ,,',rulr o .rl,,thrht 1:l!trL li t,,. t.tltdk teklDti,ttxn] .'l jr4 il'klk toa|,!,t htann! tLtl; ; t lLlr L-. il-i.- a ; N/ulti Wall-lvlounted Air Conditioners lps lol Nv{tIlR - :E- IVSH.E Wall-Mounted He at Pump With x ilia ry Electric He at lPe oI I ffi*Ip tnverlen Multi Wall-l\,4ounted Heat Pumps I?c.121 I)erforrlancc t oo .35o Sr2. Fr. q(r5 - 5^l5 Sr.r. [r'r. I t).t)tx) - I 5,( |oo r i1,ooo - 3o,rx,,o Il rr-'/tt r-5;.. ' MS/MSH-T/MSZ AU ,\' if; css F!.rf;:a acf t':r riirtI.r .: .,r 'i-.,,-, -l -,: a: i_ .tl-r i-r ' ,. .- 'al.: !: ,i i- ; i.r S I 2.1 il, i'." , ' , . - t:t *:'i=#' ;r .q # '44': q 1. fd tl"'..f'#d ) iit \[ss iitr - - *t -tr3,1 Ain Conditioners E Heat Pumps --;.iEr::-%-f-l d MS/MSH -T Indoor Unit tl llllll r,' )-l lll l{l I3tu/h Orpricitv MS/MSH-T/MSZ Remote Heat Pumps MSZ Indoor Unit MUZ 0utdoor Unit (),0()0 to 11.000 13tu/h Orrpacitv I# What is comfrrrtl Comfbrt is a home that's cool and dry in the sunrme r and cozy and warrr in winter. This is what you get with the Mr. Slim' system, perf'ect year-round comfbrt. The MS,A{SH systcm installs casily. Mounted on the wall, thc indoor unit blends into nrost roorl environl.nents without taking trp any windovv space. Our MS,A4SH systems are the perf-ect way to cool or heat any roon-r in your homc. Thc MSZ invcrtcr scrics providcs thc prccisc emount ofcooling ancl hcating to keep your honre cozy yeirr-round. No L)uctwork Neeclecl Mr. Slim systcms nccd no cluctwork so you clon't havc to trc into an existing systenr to steal cold or !r'arnr air for a roonr lcldition. This advanced technology means better room control and incrcascd comfort lor your homc or officc plus grcatcr cfficicncy'. Wireless Remote Controller Mr. Slinr's M-Series systems of-fer three remote controllers: tn'o comprchcnsive rcrnotcs that oflcr complctc control and a simplificd one when only control oftenrperature and fln speed lre neeclecl. Each runs three modes: Cool, Heat and Dry. They control fan spccd and tcrnpcraturc sctting and havc l2-hour on'/off timcrs, giving you one-button control over your cor.nlort (Jur new MS/MSH24WN moclels :rclcl tr,,r,o exciting new fertures to the controller. First is a WIDE \ANE button, which distributes airflow to a wider angle (150 deg.) evenly from right to left to ensure that a rnuch more comfortable temperature is rnaintainecl across a wider area. Second is a button marked LONG, which boosts airflow reach to up to 36 [eet. Together these two new features olfer seven dilTerent airflow patterns, so the conclitionecl air always flows where you need it. Hot-Srart Technology N4r. Slun heat purnps use our Hot-Start technology to provicle warrnth f-rom the beginning, which reduces drafis, so when you want warm aiq you'll get it. , MSH-E Indoor Unit 15,0()() I'rtu/h (laprrcitv l\/SHERemote H S PF,C IF I(]ATI0NS MSA/SH/MSZ WALL-MOUNTED nrn corunmoNEns & HEAT puMps 6 year warranty on compress{rr. I ycxr wrrrnnty on parts. Specifications subject tr:r change withour notice. SYSTEII MS0ltw itsl2T I'l$15Tll ItlEl?Tll itsztwll r{s[0glw fisH't2Til t{sHrsm sHnil itsH2{wtl ilsz0gull I{SZt2Utl ilsxl5Ell Capacily Coolino'Btrth 1 8500 I6q L ljq L l 22,000 8,800 12 900 14600 16.200 22.000 ! 3001? r0oe /0!)14 200c,p.rq ]rqrinq ty/t:r:'l 10.500 13,500 14,800 17,200_i r-23,600 14.500(r9.6ml Capacily Heatinq t/,F Eluh '2 10,000 11,600 8,70003,000) Power Consunrplron Cooling W'l Po$,er Consumplion H"oalinq W'1 E.E.n.Coolinq ua 1,130 1,400 : r.6m ?.170 10510.1 10.2 r05 l/ ris0sTtv titslzTil rtrslsllr Mst?n i!s2*rll{ Whilt rt.rro rrsreo f rrs,rno rrstoo I lrs.rso 890 1,310 1,380 I 580 .^r [ '- ,; 2.220 980(290-1,250) 1.320(2801 7701 r.r40(29{ 1,4m) 1,430 1.590(28&2050) 1,340 (2,840)t8902.na 9.999s810.6 103 10.4s.t.t.F 10 10.2 n8 68 346 317 lstlg' 115JS0 r rS,r tO 10.7 10.0 12.4 130 10 71 6.0I68686.8 -11rrsnawi 7.7 c0P 334 2.73 2.95 3.2 til000n uil|T lrlslllsTll ilslllTlll lr5 r.6! r r5.r.60 MSZOSUT 1r51,60 filsztzutl |XSHlsEll rrsJ60 T lrsJ €o FxlernalFinsh Powersupply V Phase Hz r15 r,60 Max. Fuse Sizo lT me 0elay)A J5 15 r5 t5 15 15 t5 15 15 r5 20 0.5 06 06 07 t,l 0.82 0.5 0.6 06 4.7 1.1 m, 05 0.6 17 o.c i o, I 130{ffi) Fan Motor F.LA.0.37 043 0.43 0.s1 -- n.1/ 043 043 051 0.3/ Aux lhry Heat6r Amps (kW) lrtlow Lo+el-ttl ory CtM r,rro"Lo u*-lil werCrtr Moislure Removal Pinls,,h I Sound L".vel d8(A)Lorv Med Hqh 431-491-565 oz-or,sss 7.3 1sr237.28s 360.3e54s2 360*u!1_g1lLllll1-r*r98.24,1.297',t60-195-{52 360-395-452 406.441-4!l l145-187 233 3r1 339388 293.321.361 U2311413 zl _ e: .47 5r 184.237.297 360 395 452 280.375-425 'J8. U-226 314-1^2-19? 29J 32"367 i46-J/a-41/ r02-48-a-5b5 23 3.2 4t 51 76 r24-r80-233 2.3 22.29.36 is 331/2 7-1t2 to-tyte 2D 3r1-339-388 2.8 35 39 42 26$355,40s 4626 31.36 36-3$!2 16.J9 !2 40-4J-45 '9-4r-4/58 s8 s8 ll lt 26'31.36 36.39-42 36-39-42 40-43-45 33 43 47 Cond omm Conneclion 0 D. nches lrd.rr tir',lvv'dlh Inches IndoorLlnil Deplh i [,rh" YA Stg S,t 5/8 5/8 5/8 3915/16 5/8 :s':l-33.112 39t5i16 39,15/16 39-15/16 43.5/16 33 1i2 39.15/16 39 r5i 16 ttn f it,t f t"tz 3915/r6 7-1t2 wStRr0-15/16 r2-5/8 12.5/8 43-5/16 8-15/16t1t2 - 71i2 | t1.2 | tfl 8-15/16 1-112 1 ndoor ljnil He{lrt InchesIWei0hl Poxnds 10'15/16 12 5/8 , 12,5/8 12 5/8 1213/16 12n3/r6 12.5/8 31 tiflJtt2ut{ 14 3/16 37.5 ilUHlSEtl Mt"tSY65'r 20 tu00Tw ,, ul ilUl2TI 31 3l 40 2A 3l 3l 3l 40 runzlwn Munsel 5Y//1 ssl grnDlluxl 1 l{u15Til liul7n U2lwli llUH0gTU MUHl2Tll iluHl5Ttl itufil7nl uzmuil Sound Leve d9(A) Munsell5Y7i11 MunseilsYTil Munsell5fl/1 Munsell5YT/l Munsell5YT/1 Muisel5rT' M nal5,/ Vrnrer )fl' Mun$ 5Y7' no 4rt; - 53t; 53o46.0 49.0 52.0 520 55.0 4S 49 550 Pov/er Suppy V thase Hz 115,1,60 2082301,60 208/2301,60 208/230.r.60 208/230.1,60 115,1.60 208i230,1,60 208/230,1,60 208230I,60 208/2301.60 208/230. r,60 208/230. r. 60 208/230,1 60 Il,lax Ftrse Sze (lme Delay)A 15.0 15.0 20.0 20.0 2s.0 r1"o l 1ri 14.0 rso zzo 06 0.d2 0.52 0 12 0 8/ 20.0 150 20.0 20 0 .O rS O 05, - o?5 grBozrulor gxz:rN 25ll 15 15 200 16.0 14.0 22.0 14 14.0 Fan Molor F.LA.06 042 0.87 043 SHV,]3OFEA 0.43 SHV'13OfEA nrmimLCompressorModel(Type)RHIJ0WGJT RHl67{HD- c-207I-D- qF'31[r0- PH33l\P8'RNl4OW6JI I]H189NHDT PH33NPBT Conpressor 11.0 12.0 10.0 42.0 35.0I cd'tL, 10.0 350 11.0 38.0 ryTute t6.0 9/ 410 9.1 t0 00ll111l 1 tRA:4r.0 29.0 35.0 38.0 58.0 580 41.0 35.0 Bddgerail Coillrol CaPrlarj/Tub"o Capilary Iube Ddrost Molhod -l teveft Cycie ie Cyc s lRr*^, qrtt n x-112 lo. ts rr-ziro 0uldoor Uniwidth lnches 0uldoorllnitDeplh nchss 30-3/4 30.3i4 33-7i 16 33.7/16 v1t4 30-3i4 30-3/4 33 7/16 3414 341t4 28 10-1/1610-1i 16 11-5/81Gfi6 I7116 11,7/16 1tr1/16 10-1/16 11.7116 23-13/16 1r-5/8 r 1.5i I onldoor Llni Height , ncies Weiohl Pounds 21 1t4 211t4 23,13/16 2313/16 33.112 21-114 21.114 33r/2 33.1/2 2t lt4 211t4 23,718 71 0 84.0 92 0 97.0 152 I Wfetess TVpe 1-21ry _ !!q c 12vDc 12vDc I 82.0 86.0 ,ruo, [ "--l s9.0 128.0 I rrrt, ""t I 154 75 75 1050 RemoleConlrcller ss Type Wireless TyDs ConlrolVollage (Byguin ln Tran$omer)12VDC 12\iDc 12VDC Relioeranl Pip nO Sizo (tiquid r Gat lnches 1/4 x 3/8 1l4r1l2 l/4 x 5,t 1i4 x t8 3/0 x 5/8 1l4x3l8 114\112 1l4xg0 1/4 x 5/8 3/8 x 5/8 li4x 3/8 114x1n 114 tSn 8eh/wef ldml & Oltimr \.1& ftuqt lNcqhi x Lrgtr) tl 25x49 25x19 25x4g 25x49 25x50 25r49 25 i49 25r4S 25x49 25r50 25 )(49 25\49 25x49 .1,'2,.3 See page 27 for rating c0nditions.IlI,IMI']'F]I) WAITRANTY Conditioners . I i "'*-P' i,. bt'i: $, 'JMS-NW Indoor Unit 18.000 Btu/h Capacity tDual MSU9 Units) Possibilitics. That's what the MSM system is about. The MSM features a versatile multi-split design, meaning two MS@NW indoor units can be connected to a single outdoor unit (the MUMI8NW). MSM systems are adaptable so you can install iust onc indoor unit 6rst and add a second unit later. And reducing the number of outdoor units reduces electrical costs and mcans a cleaner, better-looking exterior. The MSM system is the easy way to have effi cient, zoned air conditir-tning. rTOO /;\ r TOO 'm v-,- 0 i \-} MoDE FAN VANE9U SW NG \.Jr s-lgi lsroP.JJ., . tltN.*.) g All Mr. Slim* M-Series systems come with a wireless rcmotc controller that puts you in command of your personal comfort. By replacing those u.tindotu units tuith Mr. Slim, you'll be left aith a clean and pleasing erterior. Add Line-Hidc'" lineset couer system for enhanced beautifcation.MUM l BNW '*ltgts#,$i' MULTI WALL-M0UNTED ArR coNDITIoNERS Power Consumption W Power Supply V, Phase, Hz Fan Motor FL.A. Airllow Lo-Med-Hi Dry CF[4 MSM18l,tW 8,400 (Single)/ 16,800 {Dual) 850 (Single) / 1700 (Dual) 10.0 MS09 W (each) White 115,1,60 15 0.5 0.37 208-265-328 177-226 279 2.3 42Sound Level Cond. Drain Connection Pints/h dB(A) 0.0. Inches tncneE tncnes Indoor Unit Height Inches 10 13/16 Weight Pounds 0ulD00R ur{rr dB(A) l\4an. Ampacity ---- Fan Motor FL.A. 33-1/2 11-7/16 23 7t8 122 fiLtMITED WARRANTY 6-year warranry on comprcssor. l-ycar warranry on parrs. Speci6cations sublecr ro changc t rthout norice. -1 See page 27 tor rating conditions. -==.a' -a='-' p9 !: '.{ :" i. lv & ;N t!r INVERT ,f *n* l:-lltlII I tr illrr*,iIISffiffiITB#fsflnry* ,,.*----)ts{ s t Dq o--r E ed Tinte * High-Speed Flcating ^ | t"\ l'Ancl uoollng Oompressor speed is controllcd to maximize cflicicncy, changing speeds according to the cooling and heating load of a room. The desircd tcrnperlture is, thereforc, reachecl much faster, saving both energy and cash. lnverter Model: U n i fa rm tem peratu res are maintained by finely tuned cantrol of campressor speed. 0ptimum Comfort in Any Situation (-E-xtra tr-nergy )rvlngs For optimum performancc, inverter tech nology controls thc clcctrical current to the compressor, delivering only the energy needed to match the cooling ancl lreat load ol' l room. thercby rcdtrcirrg ert.rgy consttntption. When operating iust one indoor unit at a time, the MXZ outdoor inverter unit can provide up Eo 5O%o better heating performance when compared to a standard single-speed heat pump system' MXZ3OTN MUHlsTN lleat Caprcitt: respectahle 14,800 (Btu/hl Eoa a/) Conventional Model: Temperatur?,s are adlusted by swtchntg the compressor alf and on. A MSlllS Mar lleat Capacity: 23,180 tBtu/ht (See page 15 lor more dctails.lr(Jptrrnum (.ontforf Year-Rouncl Unlike conventional units that st:rrt and st()p rcpctitrtely. inr erler ttnits arc able r,, detect subtle changes in room temperature and adjust comprcssor speed autorn:rtically. The result is less tenperature variation and a more comfbrtable climate. Ask about how the CI'fY MULTI" systenr and the Mr. Slim' invertcr systcrns give you even greater perfbrmance capabilitics and flexihility, n-raking Mitsubishi Electric prr,rducts the best choice fbr any of your cooling ancl heating applications. \rlrl I fi,4XZ30TN 0utdoo i|.1)l){) IllLr lr ( rrl,rr, I r Unit II\ I-rxrkin.q to rrrlrl strpcrior c,xrling or hcatint to llrore tltln ont' roLrrn:' The NI-XZ svstcnr is the srilutiorr. It clelivcrs pos crfirl coolirrg enrl hr';tting firr up to tlrrcc u ull,rnountcrl intlrxrr units u ith onlr' ()n(.{)Lrtrl(x,r unit. gir ing votr grcutcr tlcsign tlcxibrlitv entl multi-z,rn,',1 uir corrtlitiorring.'l hc IlXZ three to onc s\istcll-l pror irlcs Hcribilitr ol' lll) tr) \(\crl rlrl'li rt lrt itt.l,u'r trnit conrbinltior.rs. Tivo popula r cxarnplcs arc shou,n at thc lorr cr right Ths 3 T muL sysrem provdes up Lo 30 500 Btr,h of coo rng of 38 000 Btu/h ul lredt ng l\4XZ30TN 0uLdour Unrl MSH T zTN I1] lndoor Llr L l\ilXZ3 0T N 0utdoor l.lnrr {l a;'%i'- .-i IVISHl2TN (2] In doof Urr|Ls 'tl:=l [,4SH09TW t2] Indoor 1-ln ts lhs 2:1 mut system p.ovdes !p to 27 900 Btulr ol cooling or 36 Bg0 Btu/h oi hear ng * FeqLrires toint p ping adaptef accesEory tsee page 15 for mofe detai s l 1''SFia q ,,!!rf Un I 's-d. ,'{@* .l--l@sTEil;-.:nltrc st,l-lcIFI(:.\Tl()NS MXZ3OTN HEAT PUIVIPS REOU RES CONNECT ON OF AT LTAST TWO NDOOR I]N TS FOR PROPER OPEFATON sYslEll MXZ30[: ltlSH09TW(2), MSHlfl (t) Capacity Cooling Btu/h .'1 28,400 Capacity HeatjrE 4f F &!t .1 Zb.bUU Capacity Po\,ver Consumption Pow€r Consunption Healir€ lrF ffiVi -2 Cooling W'1 Heating W *1 1E,]UU z?n Power Consumpflon S.E.E,R. HSPF r/lv) H€aling 17"F 8Wh '2 Cooling Heating 2,3',tU 11.0 -c0P Heating 47'F'1 3.UE OI'TDOOR UIIII ltxz30Til External Finish Munsell 5Y B/1 Sound Level Power Suppty Max. Fuse Size 18(A) V Phase, Hz Ome Delay)A 4E.U zoe / 230J,oo 30n Minllllacrty Fan Motor C"rpressor EL.A. M"d"l (Iype) t5.u 0.6 IIN.247fBA Compressor Compressor C,ompressor Refrigerant Conlrol Winding Reslstance (@ 68"00 R,L.A. L'RA uv0.61 v-w0.61 w-uO.61 10.0 37-0 LEV Defrost Method OLrtOoor tlnitWiOttr orrtdo", ljrt D"pth tncnes lnches Heverse uyde 35-7l16 1frl8(.1-3/8 w,feet) 0utdoor Unlt Height Weight Remote Controller Inches Pounds 3b-//l b 179.0 Wirebss fype Control Volta06 Refrigerant Piping Size (By Euilt-ln Transtomer) (Liquid x Gas) Inches ]zVUU a-- t tq x 1123-- 1la x St8, C= t /+ x 3/8 *1,*2, See page 27 for rating conditions.fiLIMITt'.I) WARRANTY 6-year warranLy oIr compressor. I year warranty on parts. MsHosrw 8 o0o 1r,f,69$0r't ,ul.q:&r 4.s a.0 '.rlot os."l",ooot 116 105 E.600 8,800 8000 /q7id.iii{o, ,/ib:"a:500} 15' -1 See page 27 tor rating conditions. MSHrz r,,{ 13.500 o.ol8t9%r, p,o63i9l,*r ,"6:1%0, ro4 e4 igo.^ T l^?'^o^o^j- l,ou ilil?l#,!'zi' z,azo 7,820 12 e60 All models 60 Hz. Retur to the Servrbe Manual for additional indoof and oltdoor unit specificatiolrs i tThis combrnaLion requrr€s loint piping adapter accessory Piease refer to ch€rts beow lor morc detarls MXZS0TI{ outdoot unit noftl0erant Piping Site Ckcuit Liquid Suction A 1/4 B 1t4 3/8 1t4 3/8 FLABEo CollilECTlot{S Pipe Lengh and Height Difference Limits Pipe Length Po. Indoor Unit 82it. tlax, Total Pipe Length tol li4ulli.Syst.m 197 tt, !lax. tleighl 0iflerence 33 tt. Max. llo. ot Bends Per Indoor lrnlt 25 Max. Total ilo. ol Bends lor Mulli-Ststem 60 lllar Specifications subject to changc without notlce. Thc P Scries N1r. Slinr r.rnits riclivcr llcrible rrn<l conlcnicnt cooling lntl lreat, irrg solutions to alntost ltrt'cortrrncrcill or lurgc rcsitlcnti;rl sctting. \\/hcthcr in e chtuch. lrr olllcc builtling. u scho,,l. a Itttrsing h,rnrc. ll rc\tlrlrilnt. lr rct;til storc. or c\ clt iln ctlrrilrrrt nt roo r. tlrc c()ntpilct tlcsign of thc It-Scrics rnrrkcs coolirrg arrri hcrting tiithcrrlt slreccs .r brt t zr.. \\'ith ,,r rrll,rn, rrrnt(.(l. cciling rccesrc,l.,rn,l ccilirrg-sLrsJrtrrrlttl,rpti,,ns. tlrt I) Scrics is tlrc pcrfi'ct solLrtiorr lirr ulrrrost:rrrl ilPpltcilti()n. -l'lrc I) S,.rits pror irlcs rrp to -ll.t)lrrHlrr l1 ,'1 1,"'1j111 ,rr lrr.rril.-.1. Flcriblc (lontrol ( )ptions (lrinvcnicttt rrntl t litr it nt zorrc corrlrol r)t(lllls \'ou c.ilt c,r,,] or ltcltt onlr tltt \l)llccs tllltt itr( ill u\(. \',rLr c.ttt corrtrol crrch inrlir irlrr:rllr' ,,r Lrl) t() 5{) tlilfcrcnt tlnits lronr lr stnglc rclrr()tc c,rntrollcr. ;\ntl tlrc Hcrilrlt corrtrol rlcsrgn ,rf thc l)-Scrics I))(ilrl\ thrtl r,rrr crrn hlrre sirrglc ('r cltrttl c,)Irlr,rll(r\ cr)llncct((l t() (]n( slstcnr. Tlrt crrnrrol]t r rlocs rrot cr crr hrrrt t,r hC irr tlrt rPrrcc sltrrrttl u itlt tlrc inrloor rrnit. P Serres Femote Co ntro I er ?5' | 8oo Lon' .\nrl)icnt /\( ,l)r'ril I t( )n 'l his fcaturc rtllorvs firr rr sprct' to lrc .rrr..,,n,lrtr"n.'I I'r' rlrL l'I lirr,,,l IrrorlLrtts e rtrr uhtrr it is (l l: {)utsi(lc.-l'his fi ltrrrc i\ ir)rp()rtlt)t s'lrcrr <ltrrlirrg u itlt clcctt.onit crlrriprrrcrrl roorrrs. telc corn strbstlttions. srrr r r.illrrrrcc rrrecllrniclil r()onrs, rcstiiur.lnt liitchcns, lrnrl rrrorr'. TIrc rvincl brrlllc rrcccsson is rctlrrirctl u hcn I'Li rnrirltls urc instrrllcrl in lon lr)rl);('r)t rpplicrrtions lrclou l.l Fl PClPCH Ceiling-Suspended Air Cond itioners And He at Pumps lPg :t1 Ir l ,r.l | ,-l\( (ll- ( llilr:l('(l )\ \t( n)\ I)-Scries outrl,r,rr trrtits c,rrnc u itlr cn,rrrgh rt irigcrirnt t() lx instrrllt.rl rrlr to l0l) lLct l\\;r\ lrorn llrc inLlorrr trrtits. I.irl, .ct. r.ln lr( t lln lr, .l t I l,r\ rl tulll tlistrtncc of l(r'{ icct u ltcrr rrrIrIitiorrrrI tlrrrrgt is rrritleil. (l)LI( i/H .\\'ll) Hot-Strrrt Svstcrn Ilr. Slirn hc.it PrrDtlts rrsc Orrr IIOt-Strrrt T'eclrrrol,rgl to pror itlc \\'rlrntth frorl rhc lu girrrrirr;.(, \\ll(r) \(ill \\.lnt \\.rnr).rir. thut's u hrt voLr'll gct. PLlPLH Ceiling-Fecessed Air Cond tioners And Heat Pumps Its.2al PK/PKH Arr tffi#&f' -',j il'.,,__--.----*rr tFK, FL) Wall Mount Cond it io ners And Heat Pumps It,s.t8l Easy Controller Connections Only two non-polar wires are needed to connect the rcmote controller to the indoor unit, a feature which helps avoid installation errors. The conncctiotr wires can also be extended up to 1,650 fcet. Service All P-Series outdoor units are designcd with easy service and maintenance in mind. Maintenance points are located behind crsy-access panels to make installation and scrvicing a breeze for a trained technician. For-rr-way piping access allows connection in fotrr directions: fiont, rear, right, and basc. (all PU,?UH models) P-Series indoor units incorporate a washable lilter design, meaning less 6lter replacement headachcs. ls PU/PUH PU/PllH stirn-tine llorir0ntal 0ischarge Mt Slin's campact. harizonlal a[ d]scltarge untts have a small foatpnnl and ca| ftt tnto t/ghl spaccs. This featue allows far greater appl icatton f reeda m. fEAIIIBES: . 0 F law anbienl opetatian wtth optianal wnd ballle . Compact space-sav/ng desiqn . Qutet aperatian . Easy lo seNlce attd nartatD u.tl through lront access pane/ . tledi charged up lo 104 ft PUG/PUGH Iigh ltficienct llertical 0ischarge The velJcal dischaee outdaat unt can be cambtned w ll lhe Mr. Slim P-Series indoar units - nakes fot one af thc most cost e/tectlve ductless systcms an the matkeL PUG/PUGH tAYB] TEAIUBES: . 1 8,000 ta 42,AAA Btu/h nadels . Verlical atr dsclarge. C,enpact design . Pre chargcd for 25 ft. . Pedect lor rooftop apphcatiarts. Mesh cail pratec.tian g\ard FAN SPEED INDICATOR. This t.xturc di5Flrlr thc lD speetl setting (HICH or LOw). ROOM TEMPERATURE DISPLAY 'l'he d,m tempcrature clisplar is mex$red a h. in{l,xr un,r. SELF,DIAGNOSTIC DISPLAY Thc LCD m,.roprocess.rr qri.klv (lerrLt! nulfunctions and pinpoints rhe locarn,n whrh is rhcn shown oo the t.CD displ.l. VANE CONTROL, 'lhe dngle ofthc l lrt vrncs crn bc adiu"cd t,' one offrrrr positrns Lv prcsing the air dischrrgc LIP/I)(JWN hurt,tr,. 24-HOUR ON/OFF TIMER. Operanoo cad bc sct Io nd( ^nil/.r srop l speri6etl timts. Thh scquence mey be repearerl rhilv ifdesircd. . (]rttr:r ( )r,r*.r,'t tos \bu cen hokl ir boarcl meeting or telch I class in rhc quiet cornlirrt of lr1r. Slim' IJ Series. There's no need to shutdou,n tirr n-rajor constrrrctioni IIr. Slim installs quickl-v and easiJl'. Cool antl heat c,nly those spaces clesired fbr m.'r inr r rnr conrrol ,rn,lr ncrgr <llr. it rrt r'. [)ricr air mcans healthier air and less rlamage to books or fitrnirure. Built-in electronics cnsure ethciettl oprltiott antl rraximum perfbrmance frrr oprimunr comlort Anv,rucro Mrcnopnoclssotr CourloLs o No I)r,r:'r'wonx Nlt trt . f)EHUMTDI FICATToN PK/PKH Indoor Unit 12,000 to 36,000 Btu/h Capacity Like the MS/MSH wall-mounted models, the PIi?KH-Series fills larger spaces with substantial cooling or heating from a compact, wall-mountcd package. Walk into any room where a PK system is installed, and all you'll notice is the perfectly comfortable climate. What you may not notice is the unit itself, for it mounts high on the wall and blends into the space. Auto Flap Shutter With a simple flip of the O/switch, the vane closes to cover the air outlet for a clean presentation while not rn use. During operation the vane can be adiusted or will automatically ad just itself to rhe perfect position to direct the airflow to the floor in heating mode or horizonrally in cooling mode, kceping the room temperature even and comfortable. Slim Lightweight Indoor Unit Design The largest PK unit measures only about 66" wide, 13" tall, and 9rr deep and weighs 66 pounds. This feature allows for easy installation high on any wall and above windows and doorways. In most cases iust two people can do the installation quickly. PK/PKH-FL PK/PKH.FK These Mr. Slirn systems come with e ithcr a wired (FK) or wirclcss remotc conrroller (FL) that puts you in command ofyour personal comfort. Easy-Clean Filters Convenient tabs enable the washable filters to be quickly and easily removed for fast cleaning. You won't need to replace the filters as often as with other systems, saving money and time. Easy to Install Mr. Slimo PK-Series models require no ductwork. They don't need a huge hole cut in a wall unlikc a motel-rype or window unit. In fact PK-Serics systems install into the toughest spaces even in brick and block walls because only a small 3-inch round opening in the wall or ceiling is needed. Ultimate Comfort Meets Ultimate Convenience The hand-held Mr. Slim LCD wireless remore conrroller is casier to use than most TV remotes. The set-temperature display is large and easy to read. Using the 24,hour timer, operation can be set to start and stop at specified times and to repeat daily. And the convenient remote provides easy control of the Fan Specd as well as the Cool, Heat, and Dry modes from anywhere in the room. lst'nt:lll<:.rrrolsri,l'ruttontzo'..t',rt-.tllrst-llt-t-t\F.,t1.l-!,,,,'a,,t] I pvprH WALL-MOUNTED ArR .'ND'T,.NERS & HEAT purvps O'F LOW AIVBIENT CAPABLE' ttLIMITED WARRANTY 6-yexr warranly on compressor' l-year warranty on parts.*1,.2,.3 See page 27 for rating conditions. 10oF low ambient operation possible on slim-line horizontal discharge outdoor units with optional wind batfle. 18,000 1.56 (3,16/3.46) 3.1 3.2 2.2 '1.75 10.6 34,200 3.41 =s.9 10.2 Power Consumption Heatng Btu/h'2,'3 Heating kW'2,'3 Cooling Muns€ll I 4Y7 i/0 0 M|]ffrll 3 4n.7/0.8 i l'l|unsell 3.4n.7i0.8 Muns€ll3.4n 7/0.8 Mursdl3.4n7i0.8 Llusll3.4n./ro8 115,1,60 15 208/230,1,60 208/230,1,60 0.7 7 6/8 4 t].6i1.9) 8.79t(18/24 tt1-t9 tA-49 44-t9 1.0" 0.D. (3/16 t.0.) I 66{/16 I oe-lno' +1a i 9.i/4 13-3/8 13-3iB 53 62 62 115,1,60 15 49-114 55,1/8 7-7t8 9-114 11-13/16 13-3/8 55-1/8 s-1/4 13-3/8 Airllow Lo.Hi Airflow Lo-Hi Indoor Unit Depth lnches Indoor Unit Height Inches MLlnsell 5Y i/1 Munsell5Y 7/1 Munsell5Y 7/1 Munsell5Y i/l 208/230,1,60 208/230,1,60 208/230,1,60 208/230160 16.0 0?5 16.0 3i.0 13,9n6 rzvoc I rzvoc ] rzvoc rzvoc 12v0c ttzru I nrgl3/8rvs I .ls'5/s I ii8-vs 3/8 x 5/8 112 t 314 Munsell 5Y 7/1 Munsell 5Y 7i 1 Munsell5Y 7/1 55.0 55.0 55.0 CapillaryTube 11-5/B 33-1t2 208.0 I 220.0 Reverse Cyde Max. Fuse Size (Liquid x Gas)lnches d8(A) V Piase, Hz Spccr6crrions "ubiecr rr,r tLarrgr 'r ithorrt notice SYSTEM PXGI SFXiTI-PKC2lFX/rr PXG30FIVFT PI(G3OFK/FT PKGHt8ft(ft PKGHz{FIVFI. PI(GH3||FKifl.PKGffi6FT/FL Capacily Coolino EIUA'i Hearlnq efU/h't,'l Heating 8T!,4r'2J3 Cooling 19,400 23.400 2S,200 3{.200 17,900 ru,loolzs,soq 23.400 29,6000 342m Capacity CaOadtv EER ^_10 65 11 60 10 20 rr oo 1140 10 25 23,000 (29,500)30.0m(37.sm)35,000(12,500) rsJ0qm,i 00) 9.85 107 9.80 11 00 9,@0 05,500) 10.0 13,700 (20,200) 9.2 10.5 r6,m0(24.300) 9.85 rfu11s 33S 2.12 HSPT Heatng'1 Healing '2 f-7.45 .l 780 341 236 "2.30 c0P cop Iil0008 uItT PI(18FX/TL PK21F(,fL PXgoFK/Ft PK36FX/IL PXHIOFX,iFL PXH21FKtrt P(H3OFIVFL Ptft36tX/rt Extemal Finish V, Pluse, Hz (lime Delay) A FLA n uwt Dry CFM Wer CFM Pintvh d8(A) lncnes Incnes lncnes Incnes Pounds MLJnsell3 4I/ /n I 115JS0 15 I QI I 530-7r0 480-640 ]53 l 4r,48 I 118 l e 1/4 |13 3/8 53 Muns! 34Y17[ I 1rsffo 15 1 0l 530,7r0 480.640 t2 41-48 55 1/8 9114 r3-yB 53 780 990 /80 990 /00-8e0 I 700,890 ru ] 105 41,49 4449 1y16 O.D. (1 1n 66 3n6 66-3n6 9-1/4 I wl 13 3lg I n-v8 62 62 Vrnsr 34Yl7rt I Vume I 3 4Y7 rn 8 lP l -,i lMunssll34Y77/0.8 I zowzro r oo | 'tI '' l| 05 ft*0r,.*r.r) ]| 530 710 I | 480.M0 Ilt'I| 41 48 l 6lD. or 7/8 LD )I ss-vofl.u I I 13-3/8 ] Munsell 3 4W 7/0 I men3ot 60 15 12 05 z.oru.l (1.6/|9) 530-7r0 480-640 1 4t,48 55.1/8 9 t/4 I 13 3/8 57 Munse l3 4Y7 7,0 8 zoazmt to 15 13 0.6 atn a ( rni 780-990 700-m0 41-49 663/16 9'1/4 i 13 3/8 Mume 134r/ //0 8 P0wer5[ppry Max tuse size Min. Ampacity Fan Motor euxitiary tlearer Arow Lo-Hi Arrol1 Lo Hi lrorslure Rsmoval Sound Pfesslre Level LFH| Cond. Dfain Cooneclion lndoor Unrl Widtr tndoor tl nrt Deptr Indo0r Unil Hei0hl Woi0hl 208/230,1.60 15 13 06 a.wstrwit 780-S90 7m-890 105 16.50 66'3/16 g-u 13-3i8 m 0ur000B uiltr PUG18AY8 FUG2{TY8 PUG3IIAYB PUG36AYB PUGHISAYE PUGH21AY8 PUGH3(}AYB PUCH36AYB Ma.r fuse Sre 208230V 1PH fan Molor 20e/230V 1PH d8(A) F.LA. l 2A rzs I I_l 0.5 i II:T 2sI Eaked Polyesler JU JJ I Ile8 1 221 ] 1.4 1r$ Coalin! l 12 5 25-30 l 35 zz.1 13 ,:; , ,;-Clmpressor 208i 230V 1PH R LA. Compressor 208/230V1PH L.R.A. llnitTohl F.L A 15 96 68 82 94 8268 94 Compressor 20U230V 1PH 128 13.3 14.7 166 96 rrul 14i Un lolal 208/230V lPfl t0.t 16.1 17.9 101 '"+161 179 Crankcase H€ler Beli0erantConSol o€kusl Melhod ouldoor Un W drh outdoor Unt Dep$ ll"qt Incnes Yes Yes Yes yes IMel'rqo rce nlldlpda l\eo-ldoo unl I,o' -oohng oD€?lcf, | Reverseisl3s35:il2323p3a] Cycle 35 23 f,, I crpil les F sd on';'ert orida 1v '49!!!q!! * IJ? yes r uoil lorcooliq ^. 23 Yes 3l 23 0uldoor unrl Hei0ht tncfles fgy 8r,[ It Tta^lan,erf 17 1T rg |rs-J 19 19 25 21l{''sL lemote Contro ler ControlVollage 1s2 L oclrv , rg2 Iiez . 1eL[ With Indt Dci2v I ocrzv f ocrzv T 171 I 171 189 ror ljnrt ocrzv I ocrzv oc12v 209 DC12V Reftigeranl Piprnq Srze (Liquid x Gas) hches 3/8 x 5/8 3/8 r 5/8 112 x3l4 1l2x3l4 36xY8 3/8 x 5/8 1n\314 112x314 Fiffi 'fiH*,,^, & HEAT PUMPS '1,'2,*3 See page 27 lor rating conditions. LIMITED WARRANTY ] 6-year warraory on compressor. l-ycar warranty or pans. I -, 13 Operates in cooling to 50'F or to 25'F wirh optional low ambient kit. Speci{ications subicct to change wirhour notice. ,t PC/PCH lndoor unit l+.()(x) ro +1.000 l3trr/h (.apacitv Porr'erf ul heating irnd c<tttling pcrlcr.rnauce is .,r'hat thc I'Cl,/PCH-Scries is rlesignetl to dclivcr. Thrs ceiling-sus1-rnded unit delivers en,,ugh cold or hot air to make any space more comfortable . Manually adjusted jurnbo su'ing louvers direct thc airllow left or right, covcring the elrtlre space quictl,v. Accessory irlters are av:rilable to increase efficiency and increase the time span betu,een service calls. The P(I/PCH Serres is perfect fbr restaurants, kitchcns, ancl other large corrmcrcial spaccs rvhere ovens ancl othcr cquipment arltl to a n alrcrdv taxecl heating or cooling load. ' ' 'l..rtt'Auto-Anglc Alrl With thc rvircd rctnote controller, firttr clifferent airflow, positions can be set. When rrsing the Autoudne mocle cluring Cooling, the .rnglc cqll :lJiusrs into.t horizontal position to circulatc colcl air n.rore effcctivcly. Dr-rring Ht:ttting, the vanc forces the hot air cl,ru'nlvard torvard the Hoor, q'here it will rise ancl circulate, keeping your room comfbrtable from the top to bottorn. Hot Stlrt Systern Mr. Slim'' heat pur.r.rps use our Hot-Start technology to provide warmth frorn thc beginning. So r.r'hcn you u':llrt r'vlrnt lir, you'll gct it. All Mr. Slim P(],?CI I-Series r.noclels come ."r'ith a u'ired ren'rote controller that puts you in command 'l' vou r cottt l, u t. Fresh Air lntrrkcs With minin-ral on-sitc work, dr-rcting can be installccl to bring iu otttsicle air, crcrrting e lrt;rltlrr.r itrrl, urt environtrrent. Autornatic Cooling/Heating Changeover (Fleat Pr-rrnps) Whe n set to Auto POH units r.r'ill irutomatically srvitch back ar-rd forth fion-r cooling to heating to cornpensate for tl-re rlrastic rising and falling temperaturc in a roorn. This liature nreens total hands-fiee comfort and cfficicnt conditi,mir-rg of yotrr space. SPF-(]IFI(]r\TIONS WITH HORIZON'I'I\I-:\II.I SI-I\{ I,INti oLITD(X)R LiNIT PCIPCH CEILING-SUSPENDED rn coruorlorurns O"F LOW AMBIENT CAPABLE'& HEAT PUMPS TILIMITED WARRAN I Y 6-ycar warranty on cornpressor. l-year warranty orr pans..1,'2,.3 See page 34 for ratin0 c0nditions. t0"F low amblent ooeration Dossible on slim-line horizontal discharge 0utdoor units with optional wind batfle. SYSTEM PCz4GK PCS()GK PC36Gr(PC42GK PCH24Gt(PCH30Gt(PCH36GX PCH42GK Capacity Coolin0 Btu/h '1 25.000 31,000 36,500 42,500 24,000 30 000 35,400 42,000 Capacity Heating Btu/h'1,'3 27.0m 134.000r!5.5m) fi.mo140 500/4? 5m)3E Otr (45 500/4/ 5m)45 m0 62.50015.4 5m) Capacity Heatin0 Btu/h '2,-3 2.61 r4.8m (2r.80013 3{0)20.00 {2/ sm29 50t)210mp850030,5tr)23 800 01.3!0/$ 3ml 4.10Power Consumption Cooling kW '1 3.18 3.62 4.10 2.51 323 3.60 Power Consumption Heating kW -1,"3 2 46 (4 49t4 .94)3 00 (5.2515 i6)3.32 (5.57/6.08)3.76 (6.01/6.2s) Power Consumption Healing kW '2.'3 1 95 (3 98/4 43)2 58 (4.83/5.34 2.63 (4.88/5.39)3 00 (5 2sls.76) E.E,R.'l 96 9.7 10.1 10.4 9.6 9.3 9.8 10.5 S.E.E B 10.4 10 10.3 10 8 10.3 10 10.3 10.3 HSPF c0P Heating'1 6.8 7.0 70 7.2 I 3.2 3.2 c0P Heaung'2 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.3 I[000R Ur{rr PC24GX PC30GX PC36G(PC42GX PCH24GK PCH3l}GK PCH36Gr(PCH42Gr( External Finish Mlrnsrll 0 70Y I 59/0 97 M!$el 0 70Y I 590 9/l,ilunsel0/0Y859097 Munsell 0 ioY I 59'0 9/l/lnsell 0 70Y 8.590 9/ M!flsel 0 70Y 8 5$0 9?Mungl0 70Y I5U0 97 ]\ll]Nsl 0 70Y 8 590 97 Power Supply V. Phase. Hz I15.1,60 115,1,60 115,1 60 115.1.60 208/230,1,60 208/230,1.60 208/230,r,60 208/230,1,60 l\lax. Fuse Size (Time Delay) A IJ IJ 15 15 20 25 25 25 [,,lin. Ampacity 2.4 30 3.0 3.0 1s r-t 17 17 Fan lllotor FLA 2.4 1.1 13 Auxi|ary Heater A (kW)98i10&20/25> t0 8i12 0<2 3/2 8> -"T."^,.^""^,"^ lJ0t1tu<t,tta0> ru 0r ( u<l J/z 0> 1240-990 r 1240,990Aifow Lo-Hi Dfy CFtl A[rr Loi+ ] Wa Crm [,losiu,e Rerotd T P ntvh So,,nO P,esst,,e Leuef Lo+i d80) Cond Dra n Connection 0.0 nches Indoor unit width -|*hm 880,710 1240-990 1240-9S0 1240-990 880-710 1240"990 810,640 1130-880 1130-880 1130-880 r-* rrqr-4.6 4.3 1130-880 1130 880 48"43 1 51-9/16 1 63,3/4 63-3/4 4.6 4812 1 sr sfi6 I 52 /4 106 51,45 51-45 51-45 -,rl63.3i4iOS.Va!3-yl Indoor Unit Depth mcnes 26-3t4 26-3t4 26-314 26-3t4 26-3/4 26-gt4 26-3t4 26-3/4 lfdoor Unil Hei0h1 ncnes 10-5/8 10-5/8 10.5/8 10-5/8 10,5/8 10-5/8 10-5/8 10-5/8 Weighl Pounds 82 95 99 99 87 101 106 106 OUTDOOR Ul{IT PU24EK PUSOEK PU36EK PU42EK PUH24EK PUH3OEK PUH36EX PUH42EK7 Externa Finish lllunsell 5v 7/l lllunsell 5Y 7,' !lufse | 5Y 7/1 Munsell 5Y 7/1 l\,,!unsell 5Y 7/1 lilLrnsell 5Y 7/]Munsell 5Y 7/1 [.,lunse]l 5Y 7/l Solnd Pressur€ LBVei dB(A)55.0 55.0 55.0i 1-. 208/230.1,60 208/230.1,60 208/230,160 56.0 550 550 550 56.0 Power Supply V. Phase. Hz 208/230.1 60 208/230.1.60 208/230 1 60 208/230.1,60 208/230,i,60 40.0lvlax Fuse Srze (Tirne Delay)A 20.0 16.0 30 0 30.0 20.0 22A 40.0 200 300 30.0 It4in Ampacity A FLA Modrlfypr) R.L.A, ^ 270 160 20.0 22.A 270 Fan l,Iotor 0.75+0.75 0 8+0I :^::;; 1 - --u oc+u bc u /c+u /l 0.75+0.75 0.8+0.8 Compressor !qPt,t* Cornpressor NH33NBO NH4l NAD NH4TNAD NH569NXA lrtro:"teo f MlruAD NH4TNAo * NH569|\JXA 11.5 14.0 200 11.5 14.0 17.5 200 540 730 870 17(39) r05.0 r;ttqCnnkcase Healer A(w)17(3s)17(39) ReiriOerant Cofko Capillar)Tube Reverse CycleDefrost l\4ethod 0uldoor Unit Width nches 34-1t4 la"va f se.ro 38,3/16 34-1t4 38-3/15 38-3n6 38-3n6 0uldoor llnrt Depth nches 1r-5/8 1r-5/8 13-9/16 13-9/16 11-5/8 13-9/16 13.9n6 13-9/16 outdoor Unit Height ncnes 49-9/16 49-9n6 49-9/16 208.0 - ,r00 1207 0 49 S/16 49-9/16 49-9/16 49.9/16 49-9/16 268-0WeightPounds260.0 ,0r0-ljr4s0 -l 246.0 flemot€ Controller 0c12v Dcr2v ocrzf With l dcor Unrt Contr0l Voltaqp rBv 8u,l rf trdn5torrc DC12V DC12V DC12V DC12V DC12V 1l2xgl4 tln xtnReiriqerant Piping Slze {Lrqu d r cas) Inches 3/8 r 5/8 1l2x3l4 112 x3l4 112 x 314 3/8 x 5/8 112 x314 Specilications subject to changc without notice. PCG/PCGH CEILING-SUSPENDED ntR coruotrtoNEns & HEAT PUMPS \.I-RTI( ,\I- ,\IR I)IS(]H.\R(;F] OL]TI)00R LI\'.IT .1,.2,.3 See page 27 for rating conditions. Operates in cooling tr-, 50' F or to 25'' F u, ith optiona I low ambient kit. rl,lN,ll1ED WARRANTY 6-year *'arranty on comprcssor. I year watranty on parts- Spe, ih, rrions rllhlect to chrnge s rrhout noticc, SYSTEM PCG24GK PCG3OGd PCG36GX PCG42G(PCGfl24G(PCGH3OGK PCGHS6GK PCGH42GI( capac ly Cooling Blu/h'1 24,400 29,800 36,000 T 41,500 25 000 30,200 35,800 40,500 Capacitv Heal n! 8lu/h 'l '3 24,200132,700)31,000(40,s00) 36,200(45,700)45,000(s4,soo) Capacity Heal nC 8lu/h '2 '3 14.400(22.900)17,400(26,900)20,000(29,500)28.400137,900) E,E.R.'l 935 10.50 10.05 9.50 9.00 933 965 10.25 11"5011.00 11 20 10.00 r0.00 1000 10.50 HSPF COP c0P 76 7.8 Healin0 '1 3.10 3.33 2.40 I Lrs 3.24 Healino'2 2.28 2.46 II'ID(]OB UNIT PC24Gt(PC30Gr(PC36GK PC42G(PCH24Gt(PCHSOGX PCHS6GK PCH42GK External F nlsh M!$dL0 70Y 8.59n97 Munsel 070Y859/097 f,lmsl 0 701 & 59/0 97 MoNel 0 /0Y I 590 9/Mm$li 0.70Y 8.59/0 9 MLrise 070Y859097 Munsell0 70Y I59/0.97 Mlm€ 0 70v 8.59/0 97 Power Srppy V Phase Hz 115,1,60 115,1,60 115,1,60 115,1,60 230,1,60 230,1.60 230.1,60 2301,60 L{ax. Fuse Size (lillDerayi1 F.L.A. 15 15 15 15 20 25 25 25 IU n. Arnpacity 2 3 3 3 15 1l 1.3 l7 Fan l\,lolor 1.9 2.4 2.4 tl 13 ro.silz o tz3i2 s)Auxiliary Healef A (kW) r:c0i90 I t effi90 I 8,10 I (2 0'2 5)10.8/t?.0 (2.v2 8)10.8/12 012 3/2.8) Airow Lo-Hi Dry CFIII 880,710 1,240-S90 880-710 1.240.990 1.240-990 1,240,990 Airow La-Hi Wet CFM 810-640 1,130-880 1,130 880 1,130'880 810-640 1130.880 4i 43 1 r30-880 1,r30-880 Moisture Remuval Pnlvh 4.6 | 52 48-42 5r -45 1 7.4 10.6 63 51-45 1 103 51-45 1 lr*d P*st,t, L,r,rl [Ffr f dB6)51-45 51-45 48 43 51-45 Cond Dnln Connection 0.0.Inches 1 l I lndoor unit wrdth Incnes 51 9/16 63 3/4 63 3/4 63 3/4 6iA 1 26 zt4 51 9/16 633/4 63 3/4 63 3/4 lndoor lJn t Deplh Incnes 26 3t4 26 3t4 263/4 26v4 26314 26 3/4 lndoor Llf t Heqht Incnes 10-5/8 82 10-5/B 10"5/8 10-5/8 10 5/8 10 5/8 10-5/8 tot - rol 10-5i8 We0ht Pounds 95 99 99 87 101 ()IJTOOOR UNIT PUG24AY8 PUG3||AYS PUG36AY8 PUG42AYB PUGH24AYB PUGH3OAYB PUGH36AYB PUGH12AY8 ErtsrnalF ftsh Baked Pol,der Sound Pressure [.4ar. Fuse Size 208230V lPH 250 30.0 350 450 25.0 30.0 35.0 400 Mrn Amoacilv 208/230V lPH 18.9 214 264 12.8 198 22.1 24.2 Fan Motor 208230V 1PH 0.5 0.5 1.3 1.3 14 0 r6.7Compressor 208/230V1PH 9.6 126 7 61 6.2 10.6/89 12 5i 10.1 17.3 / 16 3 Cornprcssor 206/230VlPH 73 82 129 68 82 s4 109 Compressor 208/230V1PH 12.1 14.t r6 0 20.00 12.8 14i 18.3 ljnit Total 208/230V lPH 12.6 t5 2 17.4 21.4 13.3 16.1 17.9 19.6 Lhit Total (jrankcase Healer te3 Yes Yes re5 Yes tes Yes Refr0eranl Conlrol Delrosl Melhod M€ref0q o, fcs nslalkd al lie ourdoo' !n r lof cco Inq cprdlon Revers CycLe 35 Firdorlce al odldoor url to' '1!re nsia ed arlhe nd00rur 0utdoor Unit Width lnches 35 23 23 35 35 35 37 outdoor Unrt Deplh lnclres 23 23 23 23 23 27 outdoo. Ljnil Heiqht nches 17 19 19 19 I9 19 19 21 Wel0hl Rernote Contro er Pounds 192 0c12v 192 192 192 Wth lnd octt -- Dcrrv T--Dcw )or Unlt ocw 189 209 230 Conlro Euiit-Ln DC12V DC]2V DC]2V Relrioerant Piping Siz€(L1qu d x Gas) lnch€s 3/8 x 5/8 112 x3l4 112x314 112x 314 3i8 x 5/8 1nxy4 112x314 112x7.8 ---=- (also dsed as an opei.g PLlPLH Indoor Unit I1.000 to J1,000 I)rtLr/h (irrprrcitr' If thcrc's at least a foot of space ahove your ceiling, tlic PUPLH, Series is fbr you. The PI-IPI-H- Scrics combines porverful cooling and helting in ln elcgrnt casscttc design that recesses into the ceiling. When installcd, the attractivc, Hush-r.nountecl grille is ell you scc. With its fiesh air intake capability and four-way discharge airllow, the PI -/PLH-Serics gives you plenty of fresh, cornfort- able a ir. There are even branch duct knockouts for either a rouncl or:r rcctangul:rr duct, allolving fbr the corrdirionirrg uf a :rnrrllcr adya ce nt sprce. All these f-ertrr res e re in a vcrsatilc, attractive design made to disappear cliscreetly into thc cciling. Easy-To-Maintain r t . a T-.1Long-LlIe I llter The u,ashable filter provides about 2,500 hours of use in a norrnal office environment betbre clea n ing is needcd. Aut<r /-\ l' lIIL,oollng/Flc:rtrng /-\|L,nungeover PLH heat pun-rp unirs will ar.rtomatically srvitch back and fbrth from cooling to hcating to compensate fbr the drastic rising and lalling temperature in a ror>m. (luston-rize The Airflow Parttern tcr Mect Your Nccds The PITPi-H offers 2,3, or 4 -w:ty <'urlct sclcction, en,rbling effective air conditioning in places such as halls, showroorns, ancl shopping rnalls.' * Optional rir oLrtlet shutter plate is ncccssiir) fbr 2 or i uly airdou,serting. E:rsy To Install PL/I'LH units are abotr 40%, lighter than prcvious models, making suspension work easier. The height can be adlusted without rentoving the grille through thc corner pockets. :--F-' Drain Lift For Cclnclensate Water Dispos:il A built-in h igh -perforrnance drain pump means improved condensate water dispt.rsal. Thc pump lifts the water up to J3 inches above the unit to help simplify drain piping. A built-in clrain scnsor shuts off the indoor unit if a drain is clogged or if in the unlikely event the pump malfunctions. \1,t.(:11:l(:.\l-lr )\S \\'ll l{ tlr )RIZr )\'1 .\l_ .\ 1R S I_ III I_l\l-. r }L l l)r )i ili L \ll PYPLH CEILING-RECESSED AIR CONDITIONERS & HEAT PUMPS O'F LOW AI\4BIENT CAPABLE I SYSIEM PTlzAK Pll8At(Pt24At(PUXIAX PLiSA(PL42AK FlJIlETI(Put24AX Rlt30ax PLJI3SAK PL}I42AK Capacity Cooling Btu/h '1 12,500 18,400 24,000 31,000 36,500 42,500 18,000 24,000 30,000 35,400 42,000 Capacity Heating Btu/h "1 ,'3 19m0 {245m25,s00) 26.0m (3r 500132,500 33,000 (39,500{r,2m} 38,000 {45.S00/47,600) 44,300 (52,200/53,S00) Capacily Heating Blu/h "2,'3 11 000 {r6500/175001 16,500 t22m123000 18.500 (25.000/26./m)23 000 26,000 130.900/32.60 (34700/35.4{0} Power Consumplion Cooling kW'1 1.26 1.85 2.65 3.17 3.64 4.08 1.75 2.57 3.17 363 3.98 Power Consumplion H€atlng kW'1,'3 r.s9(3.1M.49)2 5t(4.1 l/4.41)3.M (4.E5.14)3.45 (5 7t6.25)3.82 6.r 16.64 Power Consumplion H€atng kW'2,'3 | 3212E|t3.4 2 r513.7X4.0$2.ss (443490 2.93 {s23,5.73)3.24 (s.546.0r) E,E.R.'1 9.9 9.9 9.1 9.8 10.0 10.4 10.3 9.3 9.5 9.8 106 S.E.E.R.l0.l 10.2 10.0 10.6 10.5 r0.8 10.5 10.3 10.4 10.0 10.7 HSPF 7.2 7.0 6.S 1.1 1.0 c0P Heatinq'1 3.5 3.0 3.2 3.2 3.4 CoP Heating '2 2.2 z.l 2.3 2.4 IilD00B Ul{tT PIIzAK PI-I8AK PU4AK PLIOAK PI,35AX PI-42AK PLHlSAK PLH24AX PLH3OAI(PI.H36AK PLH42AK Exlernal Finish PowerSupply Max. Fuse Size lVin.Ampacity Fan lvoto. Auxiliary Heater Aifiow Lo Hi Airflow Ld Hi V Phase, Nz [Ime Delay) A F L.A A (ktrtl Dry CFM Wet CFl, 115,1,60 15.0 2.0 1.2 420-560 390-530 115,1,60 15.0 2.0 1.2 530 710 490 670 15.0 3.0 2.6 7t 0 990 6i0 950 115,1,60 15.0 3.0 2.6 780 1,060 tuo 1 .420 Galvaniz 115,1.60 15.0 3.0 2.6 i80 1,060 740 1,020 ed sheets with 115 1 ,60 15.0 30 2.6 780 1,060 1401.420 qray near Int! 20&230,1,60 20.0 15.0 0.7 77r$ el9 530'710 490,670 fiDn m8430,r,m 20.0 15.0 1.2 77 8,{1}19 710,990 670,950 209230,1,m 25.0 17.0 1.2 sl 10dr.924 780,1,060 740 1,020 zrnnm,r ,m I zoazm,r m zsl I x.o 17.0 17.0 1.4 1.4 11.112{J.2g 111124t:2g 780-1,060 780,1,060 740-j,020 740,1,020 Ilroisture Femoval P nts/h 38 7.2 9.6 .l 5.3 7.0 10.9 12.3 Sound Pressure Level Lo-Hi dB(A)27-12 31-37 33-41 43-45 37-45 37 -45 3t 37 33 41 35 43 37 45 31 45 Cond. Dnin Connection u u tncnes t-t/4 1-t /4 1-1t4 1-114 1 r/4 1 1/4 1114 1114 1114 Indofi Unl Width Incnes 33-1/16 33-1/16 33-1/16 33-r/16 33.1/16 33-r/16 33 t/l6 33 146 33 1/16 33 r/16 33 ]/t 6 Indoor lJilt Depth !ncnes 33-1/r6 33-t/16 33-t/16 33-r/16 33-r/16 331/16 33-1/16 33-1/16 33-1/16 33t/16 33-1n6 Indoor Ufit Heiohi tfcnes t0-3n6 l0-3/16 I1-3/4 11-3/4 1l-3/4 11-3/4 10-3^6 11-3/4 11-3/4 11-3/4 11-3/4 Weighl Pounds 49.0 53.0 66.0 71.0 710 570 i1.0 71 0 750 750 Decorative lndoor Grille Extenal Finish Munsell0 7Y 8.59/0.97 o€corative lndoor Gille Wdth tncnes 37-3/8 37-3/8 37-3/8 37-3/8 37-3/8 37-3/8 37-318 37-3t8 37-3/8 37-3/8 37-3/8 D€corativ€ Indoor Gillo Deplh Incnes 3?-XtB 37-3/8 37-3/B 37-3/B 37-3/8 37-3tB 37-318 37-3/B 37-3/8 37-3t8 37 -318 Deconlivo Indoor Gille Heiqhl Incnes 1-3/16 1 -3n 6 r-3ir6 1-3/16 1-3/16 1-3/16 1-3/t6 1-316 r-3/16 I -3ll6 D6malv8 Indo(r Grille Woiqht Pounds lt.0 11.0 I1.0 lr.0 11.0 |0 110 lt.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 ()IITDOOR Uil|r M2Et( P{'18EX PU24E(PIJS}EX PU36€l( PlJ42En PUfl18E(PUlt24tK PU}I3OEK PUII36EK RJH42EK7 En€malFnrsh MLrns€ll 5Y //l ilunsell 5Y //1 Munsel 5Y7i!MLrns€ lsl /i 1 Muns€ll5Y //l Munsell5Y //1 MuNell5Y //1 Munsell 5Y 7/1 Munsell5Y //l unsall 5Y //1 Sound Pressure Level dB(A)50.0 53.0 55.0 55.0 55.0 56.0 53.0 55.0 55.0 55.0 56.0 tower Supply V, Phase, Hz m&230 t,m m&230,1,60 208'230,t,m 20&230,1,m 20&230,1 60 208.,311,1,m 208230,1,60 m8,230,r,m 208/230,1,60 2I'?30 r,m 200,?30,r,m Max. Fuse Size 0ime t)elay)A 15.0 20.0 20.0 30.0 30.0 40.0 20.0 20.0 30.0 30.0 40.0 Min.Ampacity 11.0 16.0 16.0 20.0 22.0 28.0 16.0 16.0 20.0 22.0 27.0 Fan Motor F L.A.0.65 0.75 0.65+0.65 0.65+0.65 0.75+0.75 0.8+0.8 0.75 0.65+0.65 0.75+0.75 0.75+0.75 0.8+0.8 Compressof Model frype)RH167NA8 RH247M8 NH33NBD NH4INAD NH47MD ZR42K3PFV RH247NAB NH33 8D NH4l NAD I.IH47NAD 2R42K3PFV Compressor R.L.A.8.S 12.0 14.0 20.4 12.0 11.5 14.0 20.4 Compressor L.R.A.2S.0 37.0 54.0 73.0 87.0 10s.0 37.0 54.0 73.0 87.0 109.0 Crankcase Heatef A(w)0r1n.1aa28 0.r rn.r aB.a)016ll lTt3m)016[ I7$ns)0.r6nr7FW 0.160.t TiFns)011n.12la@ 0 t64.17834E 0 r6n.113]K)016[.17G3n9 016m]7Bngl Fefnoerant C4ntrol Capillary Tube Defrost Mehod Reverse Cycle outdoo. Unit Widtr tncnes 34.1/4 34-114 34.1t4 34-114 3B-3/16 38.3/16 34.1t4 34-1/4 38-3/16 38-3/16 38-3/16 outdoor Unit Depih tncnes 11'5/B 11.5/B 11.5/B 11.5/B 13.9/16 13-9/16 I I -5/8 t1-5/8 13-9/16 r3-s/16 t3-s/16 outdoor Unit Height ncnes 25.9/16 33-112 49.9/16 49.9n6 49.9/16 49'9/16 33-1t2 4S-9/16 4S-9/16 4S-S/16 49-S/16 Weight Pounds 105.0 154.0 207.A 208.0 220.0 2600 131.0 202.0 245.0 246.0 268.0 Remote Controller With Decorative Gnlle Conboi Voltage (By Built'ln Transtorner)12VDC 12VDC 12VDC 12VDC 1zVDC 12VDC l2VDC 12VDC 12V0C l2VDC I2VDC Befrigerant Piping Size (Liquid x Gas) Inches 3/8 x 5/B 3/8 x 5/B 3/B x 5/B 112x314 1n x 314 1nx3l4 3/8 r 5/8 3/8 x 5/8 112x 314 1nx 314 112 xT lB *1,*2,*3 See page 27 for rating conditions. '0'F low ambient operation possible on slim-line horizontal dlscharge 0utd00r units with optlonal wind bafile. f l-lMlTt,l) WAItItANTY 6 vcar $,arranry on compres\or. I,year w;rranry on p;rrs- Specihcations subject to change,,r'ithorrt notrce- SPF,(]IFI(;A-I'I()NS WITH VF-ItTI(],\I-,\II{ I)IS(JH-{II(;F] OU'fI)O0R U\IT PLG/PLGH CEILING-RECESSED ArF coNDnoNEFS & HEAT puMps sYsTttil PLCl8AK PI.G24AI(PIMI)AK PI.G36AK PtG42Ar PtGIIlSAI(PI-GH24A( PI-GII3OAK PI.GH36AK PtGH42A|( Capacity Capacily Coolin0 Blu/h.1 Heatjnq Blu/h'1 20 0m 24,0q0 28.400 35.6m 40,!q r9,200 24.400 27,8m 35,200 40 000 192m(25.7m)24.200i31.7m)30.20q38 4m)36.400(45.mI 45,000(54,500) CapaciV Healino Blu/h'2 10,100(16,600)14,40qm 9m)16,9m(2s,1m)20,200(29.700)28,400t37.9001 'l 10 5 9.0 9.3 9.9 9.25 10.0 8.9 8.9 95 11.6 s.t.E.R.11.4 10.0 r03 110 r0.0 10I r00 100 10 0 110 HSPF 7.0 68 10 7.0 75 c0P Healin0'1 3.6 3.0 3.2 3.2 32 c0P Healino'2 21 2.3 2.2 2.2 23 Dt000R UMT PL'I8A(PI24AK Pu0 (Pt-36At(PU2Ar(PLH18A(Pt-H2rA|(PtH30Ar(PrH36Ar(PLHIzA|( Exlernal Finish Galvanized Sheets Wilh Gmy Heal Insulation Power Supply V Phase Hz 115.1,60 115 1 .60 115,1,60 115.1,m r15 r.60 20E230.1.m ro&?0.r60 2m230 r 60 2081130160 2m2&,1,60 l,,lar. Fuse Size (Time oelay) A 15 0 150 15.0 150 15.0 200 200 250 250 2s0 Min Ampacity 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 15.0 15.0 17 0 17.0 17.0 Fan Molor F.L.A 1.2 26 ?6 0.7 lns{r grg 12 12 t4 t1t-r2-'(23p0Auxiliary Heater 77{311619 9fro41924) 111-122{2}281 Ahou/ Lo-H ory CFM 530.ir0 710-990 780-1.m0 780-1.060 780-1,m0 530-710 710-990 780.1060 780-r.060 780l.0m Airow Lo H WetCFM Moislte Removal Pinrs/h 490 670 53 670 950tT 740 1,020 740 t.m0 7401,020 126 490 670 53 670-950 740I 020to i gr 740-1,020 10I 740-1,020 1231 Sound PressLrfe L€ve1 Lo-Hi dB(A)33-41 43-45 37-45 37-45 33-41 3t43 37-45 37-45 Cond. Drain Conneclion 0.0 Inchss Indoor Uiitwidtr ' Inches 11t4 33t/16 1 1t4 33-1/16 1 114 33tn6 1 1t4 33t/16 1114 33rn6 1 114 33t/16 11t4 33t/16 1 114 33-1/16 1114 1-1t4 ll-lto I gs-1/io Indoof Uflit oepth Inches 33-ti 16 33-r/16 33-1/16 33-t/t6 33-1/16 33-1i i6 33.1i t6 33-l/16 33-t/16 Indoor l.Jnrt her0hl Wei0hr Incnes Pounds 10.3/16 I 11.3/4 I 113/4 1113a ] 113/4 530 660 660 71 0 7r0 10.3i16 11.34 L 11.3i4 L 11.3i4 11.3/4 570 710 710 75 0 i50 oecorative lndoor Grille External Finish Munsell 0 n 59/0.97 DeconlNs Indoor Gnlle W dlh Deconlve Lndoor G h Deoth Incnes tncnes 31.318 37-3/8 37.318 37-3/8 31'318 37-3/8 31318 37.318 37-3/8 37,3/8 37.3/8 37.3/837-3/8 37.3/8 37.3i8 37-3i8 3t-318 3t-31837-3/8 37-3i8 DecoEtve Indoor Gnlle He[hl tncnes l.3i t6 1-3/r6 1-3/16 r-3i t6 t-3i 16 1-3/16 r-3/i6 r.yt6 t-3/r6 r-3/16 ol]co|ahve ndoor Gf e WsQhl Pounds 11.0 1r.0 r1 0 11.0 11.0 110 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 OUTD()ON UHII'PUG18AY8 PUO2IAYB PUG3OAYB PUO36IY8 PUG12AY8 PUGII1EAYB PUCIIzIAYB PUOIISOAYE PUGHS6AYB PUGH42AYB Exlemal Finhh Sound Pressure dB(A) &ked Polyesldl Powder Coatin0 []tar fuse Srze 208/230V lPN 20 25 30 35 45 20 25 30 35 40 [,fin AmDac,ry 208/230V 1PN r2 5 12.8 19.8 221 24.2 125 128 198 22.1 24.2 Fan l,lotor 20&230V 1PH 05 0.5 13 13 05 05 13 13 Compressor 208/230V lPH l R L.A. 7.3 9.6 12.6 14.0 16.4 7.6 t 6.2 10.6 / 8.9 12.5 / 10.1 17.3 / 16.3 12.3 / i6.3 Comoressor 208/230V1PH L R.A. 45 68 82 94 109 45 68 82 94 109 ComDressor 208/230VlPH 96 12 8 141 r8 3 96 128 141 16 6 183 Unir Toral 20&230V lPH UnilTobl FLA. 101 133 161 i79 196 101 13 3 179 196 CrankLase Healer Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Relrigerafll Conlfol 0 0e rn$a&o ar $e 0u000r unl cao lan tub3 nslaled al llle nd00r und lor healrno ooeralmn Defrosl Method Reverse Cycle outdoor Un I Wdth Inclres 35 35 35 35 3i 35 35 35 37 3l 0utdoor Un r Deplh 0utdoor l.lnil Hei0ht ln|]nes ncnes 23 23 17 17 23t23 t9 J9 27 27 23 J9 23 19 23 25 23 27 27 33 Weiqht Pounds '92 ,92 171 't1 r89 209 230 Ronole Controllor ControlVo la0e iBy Bu lt ln I With oeco Dct2v i Dci2v I Dc12v I oc12v Dc12v 'alive Grile Dc12!/ I Dc12v I Dci2v f Dcr2v Dc12v ffefrigerant Pping Size (tqu d ! Gasl nche:3/8 r 5/8 3/8 x 5/8 1nx314 1l2x3l4 112x3/4 3/8 x 5/8 3/8 x 5/8 1nx314 112 x3l4 12xl18 '1,'2,'3 See page 27 f0r rating condili0ns, llLIMITED WARRANTY 6-ycar warranty on compressor. l-year r,r,arranry on parts. Oprates in coolilg ro 50'F or ro 2r-'F with optiolal low arntrlent kit. 51'e, ihtatiorrr ruLjell qe1l12ng6 uithnut rrntrre. o (;f.\l-R \l- sPllC llrlc \-T-l( )\ s M S/MSH/MSZMSM/MXZ nnrrrue coNDTroNS Nates: Far l'llS/MSH.MSM. MXZ. MSZ "1. Ral n0 condit 0ns (r00lin0) - Indo0r: 80'F DB 67'F WB 0utdoorr 95'F DB, 75'F Ws '1. Ralin! condit 0ns (h€alln0) - Ind00r: 70'F 08, 60"F WB 0utdoori 47"F DB, 43"F WB '2. Ratin! c0nditi0fs (healln!)- Indoor:70"F DB.60"F WB 0utd0or: l7'F 08,15'F WB '3 Heatin0 capacty includ n0 auxiliary eleclric heater operation at 115Vshown ln ( ). PIVPKH/PC /PCH/PUPLH nnrrruc coNDrroNS Notes: Fot PI(/PKH, PC/PCH, PL/PLH '1. Ratin0 conditions (c00lin0) - Indoori 80"F D8, 67"F WB 0utdoor: 95'F DB 75'F WB Ratin! coflditions (hsating) lndoor: 70'F DB, 60'F WB 0utd00r: 47'F DB 43"F WB '2. Rating condit 0ns (heatinq)- ndool 70'F DB,60"F WB olld00r: 17'F 08.15'F WB '3. Healin! capacity and power consumpti0n n ( I iflclude auxil ary electr c healer operal 0n al 208/230V ( )l''I'l( r\ \l- \( ('l:SS( )l{lFS REFRIGERANT TUBING SIZE 6-ycrr warranty on comprcssor. l-year wartanty on parls, MODET IIIDOOR AIR IIITAXE TEMPERAruNE |)UTD|)OR AIR IIIIAIG TEMPERATUBE C0OLll{G .i'larimlrn 95T DB, 71'F WB tulr.r.il?'DBJ? FWB 115"F Dg 6?"F DB HEATII{G I\laximum 8O"F OB, 67T WB 75"F DB. 65'F WB Minimum 70"F 08, 60"F W8 17* DB, 15't W8 FLABVFLABE ir00tt OI'TD()()R uf t MIX, HEIGHT |}IFEREIICE IfT.I ilAX. TUBI}IG uilGTlr tn) r!JsGNW0\q, MSH09ll\4/(14')MU/I,{UH/ MUZ 49 I/IFI2EN,IVF1sEN MU 25 49 II4S12TN MSH12TN, MSHl2EN, MSISTN MSH15TN, MSI]]5EN, MSlNN MSH1TTN t\.furr4uH 25 49 130PK12FK, PL12AK, PKlSIFK,FLI PL18AK. PLH18M PK18IF(,FLI PUNUH 130 50 164 PKGH18{FK,FL] P{G18[F|(.FL] PLG1sAK PLGHl 8AK, PKGl8[FK.FL] PUG/PUGH AY8 164 pK24[FK,FL], PKH24[FK,FL], PC24EK, PCH24E( PI24AK. PLN24AK PK24IFK.TLI PU/PIIH pKG24[FK,tul PKGH24[FK,Fr], PCG24El(, PCGH24EK PLG24A( PLGII24A( PKG24IF(fu I PUG/PUGH AYB 50 fla0lKFll Pr€qftnl, PXX3ofi, P1J0Aj( PIN30A( PC30€K PCH3I€( flC6K Pr€6tF(tr1, H0liblKRl, PlJ64l( nx36AK PC36[K PCH36t( PL42AI( PC4zEK PI-I,R]H 1&164 Kc3oifl(trj, P(GmlH(Rl, P(GH30[FK,f,] PLG30A( PtoH3lA& PCGI{EK, PCGH3oE(mPKG36lKftl, rKjinjl(rLl rlGHlblH,rLl PLG36AX, PLGH36M, PC636€( PCGH36EK PtolzA( rc042EK AY8 PLH42AK PCH42EK PU/PUH 164 164 PLGH42AK, PC6H42EK PUQ,?UGI 50 MXZ3OTN Tota retio€ml lub nq lenqlh 0lmy mmbrnalron ol ind00r unils cannot excoed 197losl ulxz30 33 82 OUTOOOR AIR INTAKE TEMPENA TUREI DOON AIR IIITAKE TEMPERATURE 95"F DB, 71"F WB 67.F 08,57"F WB 80'F DB. 67'F W8 115'F DB 23"F DB or 0'F 0B PU (whin Mnd ban e lrst, sd) (PtiG 25"with optional LA Kit) 75"F DB, 65'F DB 17"F DB. 15'F DB PART IIUMER IJSE WITH DESCRIPTI()II cw\,tgl IMLJ and PU outdoor unis 1! untt wall mountln! brachels Ft1750-115 P sar 6s A/C mini condensalion gump - 1 15V tt1750.230 mini condBnsation pump - 230V s 2750N-115 fit nlcondensation DLrmo 115! s 27s0N.230 M senes nr nicondensation pump - 230! tcM326HM ow ambrenl head ptessure c0nlf0ller rcM379M MSMl8/30 extrac0 sensor needed lor IvllllllE/30 LtCPl P.modes wlh wired contro er stdn lsad,lag conlroller MAC- 10110f-f MS/MSH09NW only enhanced air dean nq liier (1) 1\.fAC-101HRC l,fSH seies s/mp e remnle conlroller. N/P MAC-1020811 le rernole contfoler ly'C MAC.454JP MXZ & MS/MSH12 comb nations MAC'455JP MXZ & 3 MS/tl,4SH09 combinaions ) p p ng accessory MAC 456JP MXZ & llls/lrlsH0g & 15 combination6 MXz & MS/MSN0g & 17 combinations oinl pipin0 accessory MAC-r 100Ff MS/MSH1Z15/17IN i ,ir cloanlno fiter (1) MAC-1300Ff MS/MSHOgTW :nhanced air dean nq liller (1) MAC,l5OODF IVS/MSH09NW only r0llt8r IUAC-16000F MS/MSH12/15/17TN r0lller MAC-18OODF rvsi tt4sH09TW tuodorDin0 T ter PAC 715A0 EK & FK models timer adaplet lor pro0rammable timer PAC-725A0 EK, F(, AK, GK models multipe reflole controller adapter & ductian PAC SC32PTA FK, AK, G|{ models .dav pfognmmabelmef PAC.SGOlKF PL-AK mode s hh h efiiciency liller: rsquircs m ulti'lunct on cesement (PAC.SGo3TM_E) PAC-SG03Ttu"E PL.AK models mult-luncllon casemenltor hi0h etlici€ncy liller and tor one addill0nal lreshair nhke PAC,SG06SP.E ir oulbt shun6r plala PAC-SK65PT EK mod6iswilh ofg na conlrollen /-day programmable lirnor PAR'SW96A-E PUPLH'AK modsls ,v relets 'emole confiollsr k ra.a.v8' and w '3 ess reroote PCH364201 PC/PCIi36/42EK IEK on Jemanentlllerklt ncludes(1)tiltersotandl PCH364202 PC/PCH36/428K lE( on rermanenl rep acemanll Ier5 PCH364203 Pc/PcH36/42E[ (EK on ;oosable liller k ir lncludes llllLter sel and ludwars PCH364204 PC/PCN36/42EK (EKony)jisposabLe replammentfilbrm€dia: poly€sler,l2.packor24peces PCH364205 PC/PCH36/42EK {EKonly)ftardwaE onlyrlnme and accessories (no liliers) PCH364206 PCIDCH36/42EK (EKonly)i r6Dtac6m6nt media sets (2)rpacked 24 pef box of 48 pieces RCH-O MSATSH.N and PI(.FL filodels ockdown bnckellof ramote conlfo er RCMKPlCB MSAISH-Tand PKH-FL models ockdown brackst f0r rdmota conlfolLer ULTRILITEl all ouldoor modols that lil condenslno unit mountinq pad (in.). 1613613 ULTRIL]TE2 a loutdoof mod6ls that lit condensln0 unit mounUno pad (in.): 24x42;3 ULTRILTE3 a toutdoor models thal lit o unit mountn0 pad (in.): 36x36x3 WB.PEK PU12EK, PU18EK W8.PTK2 Pu24t3086t42EK Loi| arnbientwind baille CD NW, NY NS. NR, NX, NE, NZ, NC, NM, NU,I\IA NT, NK, NF. a mooets I neset cov"ar system lor hidin0 renr0erant itnes Al P lvodes 12.000 24,000 BTU A I P Models 30,000- 42,000 BTU (E\cep| PLH42FK(AK) and FCH42Grl ' Bfu/h perlonance rated at AR1 conditrons. Speciffcalions and prices are subJect to change willlout notce See prlce guidelor accessory pricing. IILIMITED WARRANTY #n FXt ot\IV,l': i . u: .ri' tffil -=adJ# /"i 5 ; '".- r r or. ^ .rl' ra',-,1 +i r. i .-? *,-lI Lr $*t . ',I :: 'T .J*l /tr -S-*, HF G*cnr From: "Bruce Norring" <bruce@beckbuilds.com>To: "Elisabeth Eckel" <EEckel@vailgov.com>Date: 08/16/2005 1:46:50 PMSubject: RE: Dooley residence Elisabeth. I was on the Lodge roof today. The lodge is in the process of redoing their roof. They are installing white aluminum panels around all the chimneys. I will find out what product they are using an use the same material. Bruce Norring Customer Service Tech. Phone 970-949-1800 Fax 970-9494335 www.beckbuilds.com ---Original Message---- From: Elisabeth Eckel [mailto:EEckel@vdlgov.com] Sent: Monday, August 15, 2005 4:50 PM To: Bruce Norring Subject: RE: Dooley residence Hello Bruce: I spoke briefly today with Gary Walker, who mentioned that he had done a similar A,/C enclosure at the Lodge for an installment at Unit #526. lf what you are proposing to do is different than the enclosure that was done then or is different than the chimney-type enclosure that we discussed previously, please submit at least a picture and we will try to finish this approval process once and for all. Thanks in advance. Please call with any questions or concerns. Elisabeth Elisabeth Eckel Planner. Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 97O.479.2454 ofc 970.479.2452tax Eckel - RE:1 I From: Elisabeth EckelTo: Bruce NoningDate: 08/16/2005 2:01:48 PMSubject RE: Dooley residence Wonderful, Bruce. Thank you for the update. I will change the approval form to reflect that the enclosure for the new a/c will match that which is currently being applied around the chimneys. You may expect to receive that fax this afternoon. Thanksl Elisabeth Elisabeth Eckel Planner, Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, GO 81657 97O.479.2454 ofc 97O.479.2452fax . .d TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT . \!75 S. FRONTAGEROAD r \- r r I \\c,-co* \i VAIL, co 91657 \J'Lr'4-\ \"'r ' 7\w'47g-2t38 "Bt\t s<-.-' *'.Yq. '*r U';\ NoTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BEPoSTED oN JOBSITEATALLTIMEs O d SSK ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 805-0313 Job Address.: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status,...,: ISSUEDIocation......: LODGE AT VAIL UNIT 338 ADDlied...: l}/MtzC[s Parcel No....: 2l0l0822l04l2 Issued ...: lll0tZnst.ee{_*sc1t3jion: gR'6:r 6:5 ( s Expires..:: 04130/2W6 Project No...: OM{ER DOOIJEY, TI{OI4AS E. & BARBARA LO/06/2OO5243 CLEFT RI) MII-,INECK!ff 1175s t0/06/zoos Phone:970-949-l-800 Desciption: ADD AIR CONDITIONING CONDENSING I.JNIT TO THE ROOF TO SUPPLY UNIT 338 APPIJTCNfI BEEK BUIIJDING EOMPANYP.O. BOX 4030 VAII,co 8165e Lricense: 117-A COI{TRACTOR BECK BUIIJDING COMPAIIYP.O. BOX 4030 VAII,co 81558License:117-A Occupancy: Type Construction; Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $10,000.00 Fireplace Informadon: Restictsd: Y LO/06/2005 Phone: 970-949-1800 Add Sq Ft: 0 # of Gu Appliances: 0 #ofGastogs: 0 #of Wood Peflet: 0 Brdlding--- > Plan Check-- > lnvestigation- )willcdl---> $181.25 Resnrarant Plan Review-> $117.81 DRB Fee----> $0, 00 Recreadon Fe€-------> $3. Oo Clean up DeposiL----> TOTAL FEES------------ > 90. oo Total Calculat€d Fees-> $0. 0o Additional Fees-----> So. o0 Total Permit Fee------ > go. oo Paymetr6----------- > $302.06 BALANCEDUE---------> . $302.06 s0.00 s302. 05 $o'oo Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDIIIG DEPARI'!{ENr to/28/2oos gRM Acrion: AP Item: 05400 PIJAL{NING DEPARI'!,IENT LO/L212005 bgibson Action: AP Iten: 05500 PITBLIC vfORKS*lt***att,linl**t** See page 2 of rhis Document for any conditions that may apply to this perrnit. DECLARATIONS Ilerobyacknowledge ttrat I have read tltis application, filt€d out in full the infomration required, completed an accuxate plot plan, and state that all the infomration as required is corr€ct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with atl Toum ordinances and state laws, and to build this stucture accorOing to the towns zoning and subdivision coOes, Gsign review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQIJESfS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPIIONE AT 47$2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PAGE 2 'i*****'******,t:****************************'***'i!*'**'$*+*:F**t!**************++:F:&***,t *{.****:*****+++**x***{c*i.**c* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 805-0313 as of 1t-01-2005 Status: ISSUEDt't+****:lstl.***1.*******'f ***d.**'t'!t**:t't*:t *!t :********:S,t:t *,********,f :B+:t:F*t!!t(*4.*****!********{.*************,t ,t!t*:f **d<:t * Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: l0/06t}0}s Applicanr BECK BLILDING COMPANY Issued: tIl}IlZWs97G949-1800 To Expire: }4l3OtZOC6 Job Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL I-ocation: ITODGE AT VAIL UNIT 338 . Parcel No: 210108221M2 Descripion: ADD AIR CONDITIOMNG CONDENSING UNIT TO THE ROOF TO SUPPLY trNIT 338 Corditions: Cord: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQT]IRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cord:40 (BLDG): (MFR/COMM) FIRE ALARM REQUIRED PER NFPA 72. B 6f: d5i 5* *t**i**#F;#?5 TOWN OF BUILD RMIT APPLICATION Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT For Parcel # Contact Eaqle Co As FOR OFFICE USE ONLY TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 General Contractor:berP -B,otsrr,s6 ( a Town of Vail Reg. No.:-Qontact and Pfpne #'s:Drz.tce A,JoRealb qO4- tzqa Contracto^iglry,lure: .)a2''rr Labor & Materials BUILDING: S /o. OO rt^o o ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ un sesso/'s Office at 970-328-8640 or visit Par:cel,# , - Lo,b(s-6 @WtL l-+t 6-o/LF Laz* vz upr.r7tR Job Name:Job Address: Subdivision:Legal Description ll Lot: ll Atock: ll riting: owners Namu,Tal4 D arrr'tt Address:7[n CL"r+f- (h Atct trFrlL,tA Phon4/6 q tz uq ( nrcnitllvoesion "'g-r re( Msttt)Addrcs'zk h*,ug- gl 'non*q6q I Engineer:Address:Phone: uetalle0 cescnDtton ol work: . *Drt r r)op *U O(,k- (-ar,t rtavrhJt6 ,N oalp €aauo, Work Class: New() Addition (d Remodet ( ) Repair( ) Demo ( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior $Q Exterior ( ) BothpQ Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) NoK Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Two-famity ( ) Multi-familye{__commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: '1 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: ( No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) cas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq P$ No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Apptiances ($ Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ffi No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes (,T No ( ) F:\Users\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDcPERIV.DOC 02t03t2004 l Cataloo ) Firestop Svstems ) CP 620 Firestop Foam CP 620 Firestop Foam The vcrratile seal for a wide range of fi res top applicatlons - Multiple penetratlons - Single cable, cable bunch and ca.ble trays - Meta! pipes ' Features and Benefits Wide application range Easy to use in poorly accesslble openings Page l ofl Print paoe j View less j Go local o Product informationo Product demonstration o Where to buy 'o Customer Servicer Tech infos & downloads Select your country now. Please select Submit iJ Itam |{o, Tcch Info 00338722 More features and benefits _il D.3c ptlon Flre ratlng R€commcnd6d opening she Approvals Regulred dispen8rr CP 620 firestop foam Up to 3 hours Small/medium BS, DIN, UL, AS, FM CP DSC dispenser Home International Product search Site Mao Helo Contact UsProducts Comoanv Careers Media Relations Downloads Hllti = registered trademark of Hilti Corp., FL-9494 Schaan, Princlpallty of Liechtensteln @ 2001 - 2005, Rlght of technical and prcgramme changes r€served, S.E. & o. Access Agreement Privacy Policv htp ://www.hilti.com/holconr/moduleVprcaUprca_fu se j sp?RANGE_OI D= 1 508 8 9ne/2005 216 Moin Street Etlwods. Colondo 8l612zIo Motn slreel . sulte I September 30, 2005 Bruce Norring, Customer Service Tech. Beck Building Company PO Box 4030 Vail, Colorado 81658 Project Name: Dooley AC lnstallation IRE: Roof Penotrations @ Lodge at Vail{ pnigJ3S \/ Dear Bruce: \/ -t t:970.926.8200 r x:970.569.J221 e web:sldenlesigns-corn IIIt ln accord with your request we site AC condenser from inside the roof oenetralions in have roof the fellowing will provide a fireismoke protection tem as is noted in the letter from JR Mondragon,greater than would be requireU by a one Town of Vail Senior Building lnspector Exam olSeptember 20, 2005. According to the information you have us four roof penetrations 6" in the One single through-roof "ind and single /2" melal cond Although, we find no specific roof penetration of this type we have attached specifications for a commonlf used fire which will give you firelsmoke proteclion at the penetrations which is UL tested to as noted in IBC Section 713.3.1 .2. more than one hour. This meets UL 1479 listing be used to replace the foam roofing insulalion installation. it shall be a full 4" thick and shall fill the annular space. (Fire Rating up to 3 hours ln addition. the Foam shall be sealed with FS-One on the top the bottom installed per manufacturers specifications 1 to manufacturer's After the above components have been installed you teroroof lhese penetrations to match the existing roof system in and durability. We have not addressed waterproofing in this letter, nor should the architectural seal on this letter be construed to be an approval of the waterproofing. We realize that you will have to remove some of the previously installed foam and roof sealant to install this system. Please take note of the manufacturer's requirements to provide a clean surface for bonding the new materials to the existing penetrations after removal of the previously installed materials and have"viewed the incomplete installation for the hg wfth the drawing you provided, which shows 1) 2) 1) zt 3) . ,jEP.23.2)05 4r13PlV BECK BJILDINCI C0 C=ErEcK||lr iifii,trii::;iaw* ii-"7 = ,+r+'$ I I i I rr>Yu .f -+---i l--*- { +-'i iitRat -f-.-i. - ----1-- --' i . -;lll HT- --f 1 -l--l l-T;-1-1 ...,..-' | -t- N0 1104 P 3 Beck Letter Project Name-Dooley Project No.: XXXX File No.: )qx)q Dateo9.30.05 Page 2 cleaning of the surfaces. We propose that this system should meet the requirements of the Vail Building Department. The architectural seal provided with this letter symbolizes the Architects understanding that, if installed as outlined in this letter, the roof penetration protection described above will meet or exceed the specific code requirements and local jurisdictions interpretalion of the code as it applies to this matter. lf you require any further information regarding the above, please don't hesitate to call Tom Counter or Enclosure: Hilti Cut Sheets-(l) CP 620 Firestop Foam, sketch of 9.23.05. fucumem2 Performance Sealant, (3) Beck(2',) SLIFER DESIG Counter, Slifer Designs (*x teo nn fS-One. High Performance Sealant - Hilti USA contact Hlltl at 800) 879-8000 (en FS-One High Performance Sealant Intumescent Firestop Sealant that Helps Protect Gombustible and Non- Combustlble Penetrations for Up to a 4 Hour Fare Rating. Features and Benefits One product to specify, purchase, or insp€ct for most applicatlons. Versatile Availablc in 3OO ml tubes, 5OO ml foil packs, and 5 gal pailso Qulck and simple installation procedure Applications Durable flre sealant for insulated metal pipes, non-insulated metal pipes, with or without sleeve, jacketed cables, cable bundles, plastic pipes, and top of walljoints. ) Catalgg ) Finestop l sealants ) FS-One High Performance Sealant Descrlption FS ONE SOO L FOIL PACK PALLET (3O CASES) FS O E 6OOHL FOrt PACK PALLET (60 CASES) FS-ONE FIRESTOP 3OO ml TUBE (10.1 oz) One 300 ml tube (10.1f|. oz.) FS-ONE FInESTOP 3OOrrL TUBES (1O.1 oz) - CASE OF t2 TUBES Case of 12 tubes of 300 ml (10.1 n. oz.) FIS-ONE 3OOlrlL TUBE (1O,1 oz) - 43 CASES OF 12 TUBES 43 cases of 12 of 300 ml (10.1 fl. oz.) FS-ONE 6OO1.|L FOIL CASE (2O.2 oz) - 2s FOIL TUBES PER CASE One case of 25 foil packs FS-OrrE 19 LTTERS (5 GALLON) 19 liter (5 gallon) pail HI6H SPEED SEAIANT DISPENSER COMBO (HIGTI SPEED DISPENSER w/ 18 PAILS) 1 Count - HSSD Dlspenser, 18 Count - 19 liter (5 callon) Pails Item No. 00314392 00332846 00259579 00259580 00307 582 00377232 00259578 00369734 Price I Packag€ upon request upon request u pon request upon request u pon request upon request upon request upon request Packag€ Quantlty I 1 1 I I I I -t Page I of2 Home Search Site Map Help Contact Us Shopoino Cart Loo Out Hllti = registered trademark of Hiltl Corp.. FL-9494 Schaan, Principallty of Liechtenstein http://www.us.hilti.comlholus/modules/prcat/prca printpagejsp?RANGE ID=r357 9/29/2005 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970",4.79-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E05-0199 ft)05- oto> Job Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED[.ocation.....: LODGE AT VAIL UNIT 338 Applied . . : 0gt3ll2ffi5 Parcel No...: 2l0l0822l0/l? Issued . . : W12812ffi5ProjectNo: t'frj o C-ohtf ExPires ' ': o3t27l2M OWNER DOOIJEY, TIIOMAS E. & BARBARA OE/3L/2OO5243 CI,EFT RD MIIJI.,NECKN:r 1L76s APPLTCAI{T r.ilHITE RIVER ET,ECTRIC O8/3t/20O5 phone: 970-949-L403/ P OBOX1118 AVOII eo 81620 License: L45-E CONTRACTOR WIIITE RMR ELECTRTC OA/3L/2oos phone- 970-949-1403P O BOX 1118 AVON co 8L520License: 145-E Desciption: WIRING FOR NEW AIR CONDITIONING CONDENSING UNIT TO THE ROOF TO SI]PPLY UMT 338Valuation: $2.000.00 Square feet: 1500 Elec'rbal---- > DRB Fee--- > Investigation-- > will cdl-------* > TOTAL FEES> Total Calculated Fees-> 560. 50 $0.00 BAIJNCE DTJE-._-->$0. 00 Approvals: IEEM: O6OOO EIJECTRICAIJ DEPARTMEIIT $s7. 50 $0.00 $0.00 $3 .00 $5o. so Additional Fees-----> Total Permit Fe€----> 560.50Payments----------> $60.50 09/L3l2OOs SHATTN ITEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTI4EIiIT Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPITIANCE. Cond: CON0007523 GFI RECEPTACLE REQUIRED WITIIIN 25 FEET OF ROOFTOP EQUIPMEMT. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read ttris application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurat€ plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOI R HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OIJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 -Dn'",A,-a_r ApplrcArro* wrLL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLEIil|#irTHs_o 3/f Building Permit #; Electrical Permit #: {-,-o.s: 79-2149 (Inspections) 75 S. Fronrage Rd.Vail, Colora-do 81657 Contact Offtce at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcef # (Requird iC nobi too*u** D o oLE V, THoy4ns €, i BARBilDA robAddress: 17( r, G,R€. DR, Legal Description Lot:A efl3pl, , E,t\ rltins,subdivision: L\DbE Aff.t 33 go*'""t"r"'OreC-gp llAddW Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of workl lAlA€ rV E/"s n lA ( )NCIti tonilZ, work class: {@ Addition,( ) Remodet ( ) nepair f;fi Temp power ( ) other ( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( ) Both $Q Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Typeof Bldg.: singlefamily( ) Duptex( ) Multi-famitvddl c""'r*r*"r t I n"rr*rant( ) other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Yes( ) rvoP$ Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Ves CO ruo ( ) -- --l COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALt OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMoUNT oF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE, L q OO ELECTRTCAL VALUATTON: $ z,o o, CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION WHIfE Rlv|r=. ^6LE<- Contact and Phone #'s:ToH^J qqq- tLl03 ***********t **************************"FOR OFFICE USE ONLY**** * ****:t **:h* *** *** *** *.* r.**-r!*r! ** >? ** * { F : /everyone/f ormslelecperm TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M05{202a5-otn Job Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED [.ocation.....: LODGE AT VAIL UNIT 338 Applied . . : 08/31/2005 Parcel No...: 2lOlO822lO42 Issued . . : Wl2ll20fi5 hoject No : Expires . .: 0312012C[5 ot{NER DOOIJEY, THOMAS E. & BARBARA 08/3]-/2005243 CTEFT RD MIIJIJNECK NY LL765 APPIJICANT CONCEPT MECHANICAT, 08/31,/2005 phone: (9?0) 949-0200 PO BOX 1155 AVON coLoRADO 81620 License:314-M col[TRAcToR coNcEpT MECTTANTCAL 08/31/2005 phone: (97O) 949-O2OO PO BOX 1165 AVON coIJoRADO 81620License: 314-M Desciption: ADD AIR CONDITIONING CONDENSING UNIT TO THE ROOF TO SUPPLY UNIT 338 Valuation: $2,200.00 Fireplrce Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pell€t: 0 Mechanical-- > Plan Check-- > InYestigation- > wiltcdt---> S60 .00 Restuannt Plan Revicw- > S15 .00 DRB Fee----------------- > $0.00 TOTALFEES--------> s3.00 $0 . 00 Toal Calculated Fees-- > so . oo Additional Fees------ > S78 . 00 Total Permit Fee---------- > Palments---------- > BALANCE DIjE.--.-._- > $78.00 $0. 00 $?8.00 $78.00 $0. oo Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENr o9/20/2oos Jwr Acrion: Ap ITEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTI.{BNT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12(BLDG.): FIET.,D INSPECTIOTiIS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IAIiICE. Condt 22 (BIJDG. ) : COMBUSTIOII AIR IS REQUIRED PER CHAPTER 7 OF TgE 2003 IUC AND SECTIOIII 304 OF THE 2003 IFGC AS IT,IODIFIED By TOtinT OF VAIIT. Cond: 23(BLDG.): BOIIL,ER IIISTALLATTON MUST CONFORM TO I,IAI{UFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND CHAPTER 10 OF THE 2OO3 IMC. Cond: 25(BLDG.): GAS APPLIATiICES SIIAJ.,IJ BE VENIED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 5 OF TI{E 2003 IFGC. Cond: 29(BLDG.): ACCESS TO MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CHAPTER 3 OF lTlE 2003 IMC A}ID CHAPTER 3 OF TIIE 2OO3 IFGC.. Cond: 31 (BLDG.) I BOILERS SHAIJIJ BE MOITNIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. ITNIJESSIJISTED FOR MOI'!{TING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FIJOORING.Cond: 32(BI.DG.): PERUTT,PIANS A}ID CODE ANAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIAI,IICAS ROOM PRIoRTO A}I INSPECTIO}I REQT'EST. Cond: 30 (BLDG. ) : BOILER ROOMS SHALL BE EQUIPPPED WITH A FL,OOR DRiAIN OR OTHER APPROVED MEANS FOR DISPOSING OF r,rQUrD WASTE pER SECTTON 1004.5. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state tlut all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQIJESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOI.]R HOIJRS IN ADV BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OIJR OFFICB FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. TURE OF CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI Fi.JG.25.2AgS Br4AFf,1 tuFil0f riflr 73S. FrEntrge Rrl.lr'ail, Golorado tt65? N0.Els P.t/7 i;;;*-b. .l :* ll U i.I"rUli: Pemit will nat [r am@ wldrouttie follcwing: e-- Equlpnrent Cut/$per Sh# t4 4 Q-Q,Pi co.+t ?47-osda lrEcHANlqL: t a,2OO.g AwlrcAlfuat fw #Pa t# e/o/O02Z/a./t tobit'W*t fuE/ r(ts.*or.IobA&trcss: /7// .&81 DE- a335 Ua,'/ .A {//s7 t-cgd Dseipuon I r-ot I uoac I rilng:ssbdit ilcon: ?f n, ^Ei"t!A'^ " ctnrners Wrnzfaai hgMtbZc".fz Deiaihd df5r'lffi ct/ e ss Q r?( e a4t-h-o yrtti.r' t it# WorltC|sr lh$,( ) nddiUonfuJ flterarnrr( ) nrparr( ) Ott'er( f Bclstodon:l/Agbr( ) 6<eiort I oUrer( -DocE an EHU odEt at $b loatbn: Yes ( ) bc'jK TypedEfdg: Sftrgtefamty( ) Dupb(( ) Murn+rmna1-1 6nl*r* !b. d Bdsdtlg Dr,rellinE Units ln thls bufldlng: -$lofTlae cf Frcdae E<tilins: G6 Aoolianaes f /f e No.UniE in thb building: il -!1 1j lilarr{ Rrrr.nlnn / \ . , t uqfiVpe d FrcFcec Propoeed: Cns AulFlrryAlncas t-ogs ( ) Wbod/Pdlet ( ) Wsd BumirE (t{OT Atul!'i: " ' Is fib a csrfi,Etsin from a rvood bumiii *rt **rr*fraa14b' ffi Fl\adoli8ult OINdAlFIIcATION51MrcXpnUrOoS"DOc usE oilLYr**{.*r*r.:r TOV-Stll,f"DgV' lllHo* '""rys,FF:r;,fFp*nn *** R€gu€sbd Inspect D!u.! tondly, l{ovclnbcr 14, ZX}5 lnrpcclilrn Arrr! JRtSlbA&lre|t! lTil E @RE CREEK OR VAIL LOIX}E AT VAIL UNII338 lFfi)lnftrrn|ton Actlvtn glFfi313 TyD€: A.UFComl TYri: Occuoaircl:Orii.C DOOLEY.THOilASE.&B:ARBAFTAA. .JT BECK BT'ILDII.IG COIIPANY Fhone: 97O9491frX) EECK BIIIDIMICOiIPAi{Y Plrone: g7$*l$l&X) ADD AIR COT.IDITIOT{I.IG COfrEENSIM} TJiIT TO TI.IE ROOF TO SI'PPLY UMT 388 f,OI'TED TOJR, ELI.SABETH ECKEL AID RRE - JSUTHERPlrnnlq apgoval 1ff2ro5 (doer noi ailtrcl DRB condilons ol approvll) - BGIBSOIf , ([\lvil4l-\ tt 70 BtDGltfic'Ct BtOC'Fh.l Fronrid Inrocododsl tEil: fl) Bl"DGf,lnalRctr|3bc EECK Bl.ILOltlG COi,lPAilYConinFflrr rf,il t:NB. $,H c.n g!+t297 br accsto sublg: AMF Sbtr$ ISSI EDlr|gpA|!.: .nil AlDlcrltC{*trcbr: D.c('Ddon:Codmnt Conmrnt: ^"dsi$Ifi: JuonDRAGoll hrntgfe[.I$Erl bn: Z16 RRE DEPT. t|onHcAllot{lbm: l0 ELD$Foothqs/Sleellbm: 20 ELDeFot.[xEOoilSt .tlbm: 3O H-DeFrar*robm: 50 E,'I)e|rrqda6nbtlt g, H.OGSlnrbocttlrll Tlme Exp: RequesEd Tlme: 10:00 At. Phom: Sr+1297 Enb.sdry OGC)IDEN f n ,ViItt ,a} 4v |b$: |bITE REPTl31 Run Id: 36E9 II J ''c)Alr* t ..-" -t 't" Inepectiqr RquestVall ffl - fli Requested Insp.ect Date: Frlday, November 11, 2005 lnspecflon Area: SHSlt€Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL LOO6E AT VAIL UNIT 338 Etxlrxs Typ.e: $ELEC DooLEY, rHoFrAs r5Hifttb'Xi*o. -Jr VIfrilIE frVER ELEC'IRIC WHTTE RIVER ELECTRIC 190 ELEC-FlnalIi,FfrIE RTVER ELEC1RICs338 SFIAHN Tbne Exp: ^ ,\I ?DA tb1Y-[ t' R€quested Tlme: l0:30 AM- Ptrona: 97$949'1403 Status: ISSUEDl;ispfuea'SH Phone: 97G9i{912103 Phorre: 970-${9-1{C3WRINC FOR }EW AIR CONDITIOI..IING COf.IDEI.JSING L'NIT TO THE ROOF TO SUFPI.Y UNIT 338 Ent€red B;y: DGOLDEN K Slil lL-ilt' Fru,trL ,kf/av@ i.. ,:&[psgflgt!-H!s@( Item: ll0 ELEC-Temi. Pov.'erItem: 120 ELEC-Rouohllom: 130 ELEC-Cprdullltrnr f'O ELEC-Mtsc.lirq 'tS ElEc-FInal Run Id: 3885 AEP.h&0rb f.flyfn lffil&l TYDo: &IECHCornTyp* ooculoiiruOrIhfi OOOIEY,THOilASE.EdARBARAA. .JT RegucsEd lnspcct D.br llondry, l{ovember {tl, 2fi8' lntDecltlon Amar JRil - slb Adrtrcrrr 174 E GORE CREEK OR VAIL LOOOE AT VAIL UNIT 338 snb TIB: AMF RcquosffiTlmel ll:004fl- Pfiom: Sl+1297 S:btur: ISSIEDlmpAmr: .fiM ADflcr|tCoffirdor:O.|EfbloffCodmnt &e$&Uuncsgedrl tbrn: 3O0 frIECH+lndRrqur$r:Coflitrnlr;Acdtrcd To:- A.{o.r: Hrrstlolhe COf{CEPT MEC}IAMCATunnt*l8, wl[ csl 9)+1297 to{ accGr JIff'NPRAGON t|tn.Exp: COTICEPTMECHANICAL Phom: {970)949{12fi)CO|.ICEpTMECI{ANICAL Phonc: {970) 94X}200 ADD AIR CO|WITFNhIG CONDENSII{G ulrllT To THE ROOF TO SUFPLY UrqT 38&ilfio pemn r.$drsd b sd&Es an<l naffiln rool arecmbly rnd penetlton - JII|oNDRAGON Enbnd B!,: DGON.DEN l( an310 316 3Et0str 3.Ogl hm:lhm:lilr:lbfflbm:llm:lbn: II { BE9T131 Run 3E69 TOUIN OF VAIt75 S, FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 9L557970-479-2t39 ,/dqe hlda#B) /,tr?^,#rg -' ,"roror*ffiu"frfqt ztDEPARTI4EMI OF COMMI'NITY NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUII,D PERMIT PeTmiT E99-0297 ilob Address:Location. . . :Parcel No- -:Project No.: APPLICA]VT COLOR,ADO CRAFTSMENP. O. EOX 1405, 23tL CONTRACTOR COLORADO CRAFTSMENP. O. BOX 1405, 23LL OWNER I74 B GORE CREEK DR L74 E GORE EREEK DR 2LOL-082-2L-O42 PR.tg9 - 033 g status...: IssuED #338,Applied. . zvLL/ LL / L999 Issued. . . : LL/1-t/L999Expires..: 05/09/2OOO Phone: 970-949-L645 OLD TRAIL ROAD, AVON, CO 81520 Phone z 970-949-L545 OIJD TRAIL ROAD' AVON, CO 81520 MT'RPI{V MIKEP.O. BOX 751_, Er_,DORADO, AR. 7I73t BATHS Building- -'- - > Plan Check- - - > In1rs6t,igaLion> l.lil1 caLl----> ReEtuarant Plan Revic!,r- - > DR8 Fee-------- R€cr6acion Fee----- ---- -> clean-t4l DepoBit.- -- - - -- - > approved Total celculaEed !ees- - - > Additional F€e6-- -- --- --> Totsal Pemi| F6e--------> Pal4[6ntsr_------- R1 Murt,i-Famitv amount rrr 1-HRrlrpe rrr r-iour datg 329.00 3 ,00 .00 50 .00 . oo 2S0 .00 .00 445. A5 DECI,ARATIONS I hcrcby acknoeledEe tha!. I hawe read !hi6 appllcaclon, fi11ed out in full Ehe lnformaEion led, conFlcgcd an accurate ploe plan, at1d BCet.6 thats all the LnforiratsLolr provided as required le correcg. I agree !o cotlply Eh€ infofinacion |nd ploE Elan co coEply rith a]l Togfn ordlnenc.E and 6tace 1ays, and to build !hi. structure tovn, E zoning and gubdiwieion cod€F. d€Eign r.vt.!r alrFroved, oni forh Building code and olhar ordLnrtc.a of e ther.to. AT OltR oFFICE FRoM a:oo Alll s:ooREQUE3TS FOR INgPEC:TIONg gHAt,! BB MADB TTENTY-FOI'R HOI'RI' IN ADT,N$CE BY gcnd clean-tp DsposiE To! cgLoRADo CRIFTSMEN TOV/Comm, Dev. Clean-up DDescription: REMODEL KITCHEN AND Occupancy:T)Ele Congtruct.ion: Tl4le Occupancy: VaIuaEi-on:27,000 Add sq Fr: Fireplacc Inforuit,ionr Re6t'lj.cted: y *of cJa6 Appllanc€6 |#Of ea6 LoE6:+Of Wood/PaLLer: *t*******rtt****i**r**ril.********************!r**t******r*r* FEE suMMARy *****r*rr***rr*rr***r*r.r***ir*****r*****lt**r****ti***t***** ,,r,*,**,,,,,ri.,,".,"".T?T*"i3li;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:,....,....:::;::...",-.:i:T::.:::;;;;;;;;;;;;;i","",,--",.-:::--" ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DBPARTT4ENT DCPE: BUILDING DiViSiON:IL/LL/L999 KATHY ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PER.K!{Itqm: .05400 PIANNING DEPARTIItEI{T Depr: PLTANNING Division:LL/LL/L999 KATIIY ACTiON: APPR N/AIIeM:-O55OO FIRE DEPARTI,IEI\TT DEPT: FIRE DiViSiON:1,L/LL/]-999 KATHY ACTiON: APPR NOTTFIED OF FGTRO-FITIleqi .q55q0 PUBLTC WORKS Depr: PIIB WORK Division:Lt/Ll/1999 KATIfy Action: AppR N,/A *l******a**l**f,****t**rtr***r* *r***r*****+r******+*t See Page 2 of thie Document for any conditions t.hat may apply to this permit. it Refund gI(IIATURE OF OR C\)NIRACaoR FOR }IIIIgELF .AND OWNER ********************!r*****rk***************************************************** COI{DITIONSPermit #: 899-029? as of LL/LL/gg status: TS$UED***********************:l******************************************************** PermiE.Trce: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: L]-/LL/]:gggAppricant: coLoRADo CRAFTsMEN rssued: Lt-/tt'/tggg970-949-L64s To Expire t 05/09/2}oo 'Iob Address:Location: L74 E GORE CREEK DR #338, LODGE AT VAILParcel No: 2l_01- 092-2L_042 Descrlption: REMODEI, KITCHEN AND BATHS Condit,i_ons:1-. FIEIJD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2- Ar.L PBNETRATTONS rN wAr-,Ls.cErLrNGs,AlID FrrooRs ro BB sEAr,EDWITH AN APPROVBD FIRE MATERIAL.3. SMOI(E DETEC:TORS ARE REQUIRED TN ALL BEDR@I4S ATiTD EVERY STORYAS PER S8C.310.5.1 0F THE 199? ttBC.4. FIRS DEPARTIIEI,IT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE AIiIy WORK eAN BESTARTED IF TIIERE Ig A FIRE AI.ARM OR SPRTNKLER SYSTEM EXIST-rNG IN TIIE AREA OF CONSTRUCTION. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Q* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Q* * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COI,ORADO SEauemnt**************************************************************** Stacenmt Number: REC-0588 AmounE: 845.85 LL/LL/9g 13:32 Palment. Metshod: cIrEcK NotaE,ion: #2447/CO CRAFTSM Inj_t: KMW PermiE No: 899-0297 T]4)e: A-MF ADD/AIT MF BUILD PERParcel No: 2L01-082-2t-042 SiTE AddrESA: ]-74 E GORE CREEK DRLOCAI,iON: ]-74 B GORE CREEK DR #338, LODGE AT VAIIJ This Palment. Tot,al Fees: 845 .85 ToE,al ALL PmLs: Balance:*******:l:t******************************!t**********:t************* Account, Code DescriptionBP OO1OO003].11100 BUIIJDING PBRMIT FEESDR OO].OOOO3LL22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEESPF 001000031_l_2300 pl-,Aril cHEcK FEES AD D2-DEPO8 CLEA}iTUP DEPOSITSwc 00100003112800 WrrL CALL rNSpEqrrON FEE 845 .85 845 .85 .00 funount 329.0O 50 .00 213 .85 250.00 3.00 DnIPIIID 2l22lOO, 9r08!33 ?ROCrut UR{15Uloln of vrll PIPOAIT REFTI|D RIP(NT. UPDTTE Ptlll I cIx|A.ID CUETOUER NAIII cfllnG|acoDE DEgenllttfl DEPOarr DEPOSTI-ADd .|Uriltts1r|El! Ar i,-nEF('tDTI-DITE ArT-DATB lllOlIFT lllollfT lllollra roll|l L720 999-0297 COIJOmDO CntFIAl|Dt D2tEPOs DBPOSDT LL/L2/9' Z|22/OO 25O-0o 250.00 25o.o0-.oo 250,00 250. 00 250.00- ORAND TO4IAL ! 250.00 25o.o0 250.00- DBPOiSIT COtdTt 1 T0TAIT PoR C{ISTOMER TYPE! D2 G/L BATcl{ CREATED: BAICII-00461 2000/02 UEERID-tPoPtc( AP HEtrD cEItgT- .00 I 1.00 ltrolrFT-2 50. OO I Pa5qe- oa36 rowN oF vAtC-oNSTRUcToN pERM,t aficATtoN FoRM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJTECTED Contact the Eagle Counu Assessors Office at 970-328-6640 for parcel #Parcel# Z\O\ on Z Z\ OlZltDate: ii l{ | 1? Li I Permit # Job Name: Building 0<) l*gal Description: &nndlLJ"b aao..r, ",nr! as8 L"rctf-.€-t/,\') i?{ ?Sc, Electrical (K)Mechanical ( ) Filing_ Subdivrsion ownenName: Ar\Lo /vlvrp\I ma."*r, O.o,,B.x Z5\ e{'&,.Jo Ar,-fif;J Architect: Description of Job: M€.\J Alteration ()Additional ( ) 3SB L"rd# Other ( )Plumbing ( 5f Lot Block -o+rl . -----@-m1E\ -t{nS - Qcro\A-ro ohcrn+Ll)o-LL other ( )- rrWork Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Applianccs R€patu( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs 5pgrnu-€e.'.3 Wood/Pellet BUII,DING: g l2 oc, o.od PLI.JMBING$-___-F6Z6.o6 VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $__l1)Og_A _ MECHANICAL $ OTIIER: g 6.oc'",,o",TOTAL$W tf{ Town of Vail Registration No Electrical Contractor: Toun of Vail Reeistralion No. Plunbinq Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. SDgrnEtc9ttlieft*nigt'tContractor: I t nadr,non& Phone # I rylut\anc( ev+r f ao{ 5 Addrcss: P,c> 6ot D,l\"^ b" ZrlS-f Phone# LfGg-TLto* Address: Phone # 4i[ <,]nLF{"( ?r"tct'i"fdd,.r' TolnofVailRegisrrarionNo +#b=#i 3o'sphone# FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: EAC){ cofirQbcTe--r-o 9l{ tre- ouon PEErntT $zu,r1 TBD ;KL l TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WMH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPEMENT JANUARY I, 1999 CONSTRUCTION PARKING AND MATERIAL STORAGE CODE 5-2-10: DEPOSITS ON PIIBLIC WAYS PROHIBITDIT A. Unlawful deposits: Subject to subsection C thereof, it is unlawdrl for any person to litter, track or deposit, or cause to be littered, trackcd or deposited, sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice, or any other debris or material upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place, or any portion thereof. B. Notice; Abatement: Thc Dircctor of Public Works may notiff and require anv person who violates or causes another to violate the provision of subsection A hereof. or who has in the Director's employment a person rvho violates or causes another to violate the same, top remove such sand, gravel, rocks, mud, dirt, snow, ice or any other debris or material within twenty four (24) hours after receipt of said notice by the Director of Public Works. In the event the person so notified does not comply with tlre notice within the period of time herein specified, the Director of Public Works, or othcr authorized agent, may cause any such sand, gravel. rocks, mu{ dirt, snow, ice, debris or any other material to be rcmoved from any street or alley at the expense of the notified. C. Exceptions: The provisions of zubsection A hereof shall not be applicable: l. Within the immediate area of any construction, maintenance or rcpair project of any sffeet or alley or of any water main, sewer main, electricity line, gas line, telephone line or any appurtenance ther$o:2. To deposits of sand, dirt or materials necessary for the protection ofthe public safety; and 3. To public arcas dcsignated for the dumping or depositing of said matenals. D. Summons; Penalty: As an alternative to the notice for removal provided in subsection B above, any person who violates or causes another to violate the same, may be issued a surnmons to appear before the Municipal Court of the Town for said violations, and upon being found guilty of a violation hereunder be punished as provided in Section I -4- I of this code. E. Noticet Penalty: It is unlawful for any person to fail or refuse to comply llrth th€ notice of the Director of Public Works as provided in subsection B hereof, and any such person shall, in addition to palment of the expense of removal incurred by the Director of Public Works. as provided in subsection B hereof. upon being found guilt-v ofa violation hercunder. be punishable as provided in section l-4-l of this code. (1997 Code: ordinance 6 (1979) Read and aclcrowledged by Position or Relationship to Date: (i.e. contractor or orvner) TOWN OF VAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME I'RAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval- Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Departrnent review of Health Departrnent review, and a review by the Building Department. the estimated time for a total review may take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projccts should take a lesser amount of time. Howcver. if residentiai or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departmcnts rvith regard to necessarv revierv, these projects may also take the three (3) week oeriod. Every attempt will be made by this deparnnent to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understeind the Plan Check procedure and time framc. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I rnust still pay the Plan Check Fee and that if I fail to do so it mav affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: Date: Work Sheet was turned into the Community Development Dept. tpu**o'^'* TOVNI OF VATL75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2L38 DEPARTUENT OF COMMT]NIIY DE\IELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON SPRINIGER PERMIT .fob Address... : L74 E GORE CREEK DR Location- -. - -.: L74 E GORE CREEK DR #338,Parcel No. .... : 2101--092-21-042Project Number: PR,I99-0338 ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: F99-0020 status...: FINAL LODGAppIied. . : LL/LL/L999 Issued. . .: LL/LL/L999 Bq)ires . .: O5/09/2OOO APPIJICAIillT CONTRACTOR OWNER Mechanical---> Plan check- - - > Invesbigation> will call----> DRB Fee-------- TOTAII FEES.. -'- Total calculat€d FGGB- - - > Addi,cional Faca- -- - -- - -- > Total Peruit Fe€--------> PalmentB------- AI,I, STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC 5045 E 76rH #12, COMMERCE CIT'Y CO ALL STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC 5045 E 76TH #L2, COMI,IERCE CITY CO MURPITY MIKEP.O. BOX 751, ELDORADO, AR. 71,731 80022 80022 Valuation: *Of ea6 Log6: Phone: 303-288-3901 Phone: 303-288-3901 6, 000 . 00 *of wood/Fallet: Descripti-on: RETRO-FIT SPRINICLER SYSTEM lodge at vaif 338 Fircplac. Inforoatsion: Re€tricted: *Of ea6 AppLiance8: 120. OO 30.oo .00 3.O0 ,00 153.OO 153 .00 .00 153 . OO 1,53 . OO ReBguarant Plan Review--> .00 .-.-..,.....THT":::;;;;;;;;;;;.:-,,-...,,...;::..- ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTT,IEIiIT DEPT: BUII-,DING DiViSiON:LL/LL/L999 KAT}IY ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PER-ICWIEbm:'05500 FIRE DEPARTMEIiIT Dept: FIRE Division:LL/LL/1999 KATIIY Action: APPR RETRO-FIT AGFSEMEMI CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1-. FIEIJD INSPESTIONS ARE RBQUIRED TO CI{ECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ***************************************************************:l**************** DECI-.ARATIONS I hcrcby -cknorlcdge that I havc reaa hhis applicatsion, fi1lcd out in full tshe inforoation requircd, coroplctea an accurate plot plan, and .CB!G| that alL ehe inf,oroatsion prowid.d t6 rsquircd is corr.ct. I agrcc !o c@ply r.ith th. infohation .nd PloC PIan, to conply xitsh all Tosn ordLnancag and stat€ 1ay6, and uo build thi6 stluctur€ according to the Torn'6 zoning and eubdirrision codeE, deeign rewiew approvcd, ttnifor r Buildtng Cod6 ahal och6r ordin.nc€B of lh. Toin applicabl. UhcrtCo. REQUESTS sHAIJtr Bg MADE TWENTY-FOI,R HOURS IN ADI'A}ICE BY TEI,EPHONE AT 479-213S OR AT OT'R OF'ICE FROM S:OO A.H 5:OO PM SIGNATURE OF OTINER OR CONTR.ACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND O9INER * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :r * * * * * * *fl* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *?* * * * * * * * r TOy{N OF VAIL, COL,ORADO Statemnt ********************!******************************************** SEat,ernnE, Number: REC-0588 Amount: 153 .00 tt/Lt/gg l_3:38 Pa)rment Method: CI{ECK Notsation: #2447/CO CRAFTSM Inits: KMW Permit. No: F99-0020 TlT)er F-SPRNK SPRINKLER PERMITParcel No: 2t-01-O82-2L-O42SiI,E AddrESS: 1-74 E GOFG CREEK DRLOCAt,iON: T74 E GORE CRSEK DR #338, TODGE AT VAIL Tot.al Fees: 153.00This Payment,153.00 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 153. 00 .00 AmounE l_20 _ 00 30.00 3 .00 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** :l* * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Account, Code Description MP OO1OOOO31113OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEESPF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CIIECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILIJ CALL INSPECTION FEE TOVIN OF VAIL75 S. FRONTAGB ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 APPLICAI T CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPA,RIT4ENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE PLT]MBING PERMIT Pennit P99-0r-52 ilob Address: 174 E CORE CREEK DR Status...: ISSUEDLocation. . .: t74 E GORE CRK DR (LoDGE Applied. . tBL2/06/L999Parcel No..: 2LOt-O82-zt-o42 Issued...:Project No.: pRJ99-0338 Erq)ireE..: AST AIiID MCFERRIN PLI]MBING & HE PhONE: 97O-926-5862P.O. BOX 1303, 0210 EDWARDS VTTJITAGE BIJ/D., BDWARDS, eO 81632 81_6 .e'ST AND MCFERRIN PLITIIBING & HE Phone: 970-926-5862P.O. BOX 1303. O21O EDWARDS VILI.,AGE BLVD., EDWARDS, CO 81532 816 MI'RPIIY MIKEP.O. BOX 751, ELDORADO, AR. 7l_731 ValuaE,ion: AT AI,L TIMES 4, 500.00Description: BATII Ar\rD KITCITEN REMODEL r****r***.ri****rr*r+t*r**'*r*rr****r!,******* FEE gt MMARYPluEblltg- -- - ->gL.n Ch.ek- - ->Inv..t,igation> will Crll----> RoaeurranE Plan R€vicn- - > TOTAIJ FEES- - - ..Tot'al calculated Fec6 -- - > Addltional Fees---- -- - -- > Toeal Pcrnit Fce--------> Payment'€------- ?5 .00 LE.'tS .00 3 .00 ,00 96.78 95 .75 .oo 96 -'t5 95,?5 **,.***rr***,i*.,**+****;*,******r*******ra*i. ",.,,-,,.,iHl3.ff;;;;;;;;;";;;:..."..-."..";::-", I!e,q:,9!190_EqrtDrNG DEPART14ENT Depr: BurLDrNc Division:L2/O6/L999 iIRM Acrion: AppR AppRovEDIleqri .0s600_q_rRE DEPARTT4ENT Depr,: FrRE Diwision:L2/O6/L999 iIRM Act.ion: AppR N/A raaa*rtlrt**r**{*****rra*a****+**!r*a*ar***r*r arti**t*t*t}*rr CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD TNSPEqPIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMpLrAtilCE. **t+ta*tttattt*tttJlrt'rttt+rtrrtt.*rl}*tr*rr*r* arr.t*t*rr*r*arr **ta.*r.rrrr.rrrri*i** DECLARATIONS f hcroby rsknorlcdEc tshat. I h.ve read EhlE applicarlon, fillcd our in full chn inforfiationp1en, and rtaEe Lha! aLl t'he infonatlor provided as reguirod i€ correct. I agr€6 toeo codply rith !11 Tonn ordl.nanceB and ateBr la|.6, .nd Eo build Ehis 5lructsutccod.., dlEign r.vl.u apFloved, Uniforu Building code and other ordinance6 of the REQT'EETB FOR INSPBSIIONS SHA'JTJ BE MADE TWEMY-FOT'R 'IOI'RS IN ADVANCE BY rn accurate ploE ion anal pLof plin, and Eubdiwi6ion Al,t 5 :0o PM OF OIINER OR FOR HTUSELF AllD Oi.lNER * * * *** * * * * * !r * rr * * * ** ** ** * * il|** * * * * * *:. ** ** * * * * ** * * *** *f* * * * * * * * TOWN oF vArr.,, coLoRADO sEaEemoL **************************************************************** sEatemnt Nlunlrer: REc-0596 Amounts. 96'75 L2/06/99 1-5-:L-4 -i:[i:i Y::T:: ?1i:---v::i::1,-:: --- ---*!::Y PermiE No: P99-0152 Tl4pe: B-PIMB PLIIMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-082-2L-042giTE Ad TEAS: 174 E GORE CREER DR LocaEion: fi+ e cons cer DR (r'oDGE AT VAIr'' 338)Total Fees: This Palment 96 -75 Total ALL PmEs :' 96 '75Balance, '00 * * * :l** * * * * ** * ** * * :r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * :t ** * * * * ** * * * * * AccounE Cocte DescriPtion Amount PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLI]MBING PERMIT FEES 75'OO PF 00100003112300 PL,AN cIIEcK FEES 18'75 wc 00100003112800 wrtl, cAr,L TNSPECTToN FEE 3'00 96.75 TowN oF vArloNsrRucrroN pERMrr nflrcanoN FoRM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE MPLICATION WILL BE REJECTTI) Contactthe Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parce!# Parce I # _ out, l)- 6 'tL"r nu.-/ 4-'l'l - 0)1f ,"O*Job Address: I j L-'Building ( ) Plumbine (rf Eiecrrical ( ) Mechanical ( ) Other ( ) Block r.r.ne Loqo Q l)o, I SubdivisionLegal Description: Lot Architect: Town of Vail Regisnation Nb. Electrical Contractor: _ l'ou'n of Vail Registration \o. Address:Phone# Ll76.9-Otl Address: Description of Job:aht Ln'- tu"-'-.dn Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: AlterationVf Additional ( ) Number and Type ofFireplaces: Gas Appliances BUILDING: $--- PLUMBING $@.Aa_ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Qontractor:t'-(e.4 Address; ful t q Og- Repair ( )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: OTHER: TOTAL Phone # Address: Phone # . Plrmbing Contractor:x Torvn of Vail Resisuarion No. Mechanical Contrrctor:Address: Phonc #Torvn of Vaii Reeistnlion No. FOR OFFICE USE TYPE GROUP SQ. FT. VALUATION BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: GLEAN UP DEPOSTT REFUND_TO: ***CODE BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE F'OR PURCHASE UPON REQ{IEST*** /\ ,oo "6 o) (//./- / 6 Yt (r\'/rtr - 5 rs l\ Address: l.:.-.; t * t't'-.) TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY75 S. FROMTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657970-479-2r38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTR]CAL PERMIT Notrprp -potll+ tndtt 4 rnSuronb erplt'ad.' PME}flT ,'/r,1qO .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit. #: E99-0242 DR Status-..: ISSUED DR #338,App]ied. . .:vL1,/1,L/a999 Issued. ..; Ia/LL/1999 E>cpires. . : 05/09/2000 Phone: 97Q-468-2404 o DEVELO APPLICAIVT CONTRACTOR OI,IINER Job Address: 174 E GORE CREEKLocat,ion. . .: L74 E GORE CREEKParcef No. . : 210L-092 -21-042Project No. : PRJ99-0338 HUGHES & SCHNEIDER ELECTR]CP- O. BOX 3926, DTLLON, CO 80435 IIUGHES & SC}INETDER ELECTRICP. O. BOX 3926, DTLLON, CO 80435 MURPHY MIKEP-O- BOX 751", ELDORADO, AR. 71_73L Phone: 970-468-2404 Description: ELECIRfC FOR KIT/BATH REMODEL Valuation:l-, 000 . 00 FEE SUMMARY Electt ical---> DRB Eee Inveetigation> Will cal,l----> TOTAI FEES- -. > 50.00 . oo 3.00 Totsal calculated Fees ->53. OO Addit:onal Fees---------> .00 ToEaI Permit gee------- > Payment s - - - - - - - - BAI,ANCE DUE---- 53 .0O 53 .00 .00 ITCM: O6OOO ELECTRICAI DEPARTI\4EI\TT DCPT: BUILDING DiWiSiON:IL/L1-/L999 KATITY ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PER: KWTtem: .05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIfir Dept: FIRE Diwision:1,L/LL/L999 KATITY Acrion: AppR N/A .-'.--':"--"-' CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FTELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. DECI,ARATTONS T herebY acknowledg€ that I have read this apFlicaEion, fj-lLed ouE in full Ehe infomation lequired, coinpleted an accurate plot p1an, and statse t}.ats all the inforBation provided as requiled is correct. I agl.ee c'o conrply rit.h Ehe illformation and plot. plalr, i:o comply l'ilh all :orrn ordinances and stsaLe iaws, and to burld Ehis sttucture according to the Town's zoning and subdivisi.oncodeg, design reviee/ aPFroved, Uniiorm Building Code anC othet oldinances of the Town applicable thexeto. REQsesTs FoR INSPEdIONS SlIALtr BE IIADE T1^tEl:T!-FOtm HOURS IN ADI/ANCS By t November 1. 1999 Mr. Michael M,r.phy 174 E. Gore Creek Dr. Vail CO 81657 Dear Mr. Murphy: The Board of Managers for Lodge Apartment Condominium Association has received your request to remodel your condominium. We have reviewed the plans, which include the following projects: L Remodel the entire kitchen.2. Remove all flooring and replace.3. Remove all bathroom fixtures and replace.4. Remodel upstairs bathrooms per submitted plans. Subject to the following conditions the Board of Managers hereby approves of the proposed plans: i. An approved condominium construction document is signed and all conditions are adhered to.2. All required permits are obtained from the Town of Vail.3. Moving ofdoor is to have final approval from Charley Viola to ensure hallway issues and catpet issues me coordinated. We wish you well in your endeavor. Sincerely, \stp Charley Viola Director of Owner Services The Lodge at Vail, 174 East Gore Creek Drive, Vail, Colorado 81657, USA Telephone (970) 476-5011 Facsimile (970) 47G295 Internet: www.lodgeatvail.com REFTTSl Torlr oF YArL, COLORADO PA6E 3 ABEA: GDOzllLlzOUD OOtOo REOUESTS - IIISPECTII tORl( SHEETS FARz ZllltZ0 ActLvLtyr 899-9297 2/LLfZO Type: A-llF Statug: ISSUED Gongtr: A|lF Addresat L74 E CORE CREEK DRLocetLont 174 E fjORE CREEX DR *334, LODGEParcelr 2LOL-642-21-O42Ilescrt.ptton: REIIODEL I(ITCHEH AtlD BATHSAppllcantr COLORADO CRAFTSilEI| ' Orner: IIURPHY IIIKE Contractor: COLORADO CRAFTSIIEII Fhoner 970-949-L643 ;Inspection Request Infornatlon.....Requeatorr llark Andrevs Req Tl,ne; QB;OO Connentg: unLtlterg requeated to be fnepeeted... OOO% BLIIG-Ftnal Phone: 9O4-5t51338/rLl} callAction Gon tg Ttre Exp Inspectlon Hletory AT YATL Occl Ueer IfI ,l-HR Phone: 970-949-16.45 Phones IterlIterrIterrIterrIter:fter:fterrIterr i. 0,0.2?,6 FIRE DEPT. IIOTIFICATTOil OOSIO drl.veray grade ftnal- ldDlDlO BLDG-FootLnge/ Steel WAQ?O Bl.DG-Foundatl.on/Steel o052O PLAII-ILC SLte Plan o;oi0,S0 BLDG-Fraring OOO5,A BLD6-Ineulatl-on IDOOBO Bl.DG-Sheetrock llallfter: |UNDTO Bl-D6-lllec.Iter: @O:tO BLDG-Fi.nalItenr OO53O BLDG-Tenp. trlOIter: CIO531 FIRE-TEIP. CltJIter: tDO532 PU-TEIiP. ClOIter: OO533 PLAII-TEI{P. ClgIterr td05,37 PLAil-FIIIAL CIOIterr OO53A FIRE-FIIAL CltJIter: Oe539 PI-FIHAL C/OIter: O05{O BLDG-FLnel C/O o REPT131 TOHI| OF VAIL, COLORADO PAGE 17 AREA: JBt{g2/LL/26.DO 9,BttDO REAUESTS - IHSPnCTil HORK SHEETS FtrRt 2/LL/2O Activtty: P99-O152 2/tt/20 Type: B-PLltB Statug: ISSUED Conetr: AAPTAddresg: L74 E GORE CREEI( DRLocatt.on: L74 E tiORE CnI( DR (LODGE ATParcel . 2lQL-O82-21-b42Deecrtpt1on: BATH AftD KITCHE}{ REilODELAppll-cant: AST AHD IICFERRII{ FLUIIBInG &Ovnerl IIURPHY t{It(EContractor: AST AllD IICFERRIII PLUltBItlE & vArL 33At Occ: HE Phone: Phone: HE Phone: Use: 970-926-5862 970-926-5s62 lnepectLon Request Requestor: llark Req Tlner O8:OOIterg requeeted to OO29O PLIIB-Final Inf ormatl-on. . .. -Andrevs Phone: 9G|4-515I/ ril.l. callCoruents: unitbe Inspected. . . 338 Inspectl-on HistoryItenl OO2LO PlltB-UnderrgroundIterr OO22O PLIB-Rough./D. t. Y.l2llO/99 Inspector: JRllllotee: BATII OIILYL2lt6/99 fnepector: GRGIten : OO23A PliB-Rough./llaterL2lLlilgg Inepector: JRltllotes: BATH OHLY t-zlLGf99 Inspector: GRGIten: Og24O PLIIB-tiae P1.pingLteu: OO250 PLIIB-Pool/Hot TubLten: 0026g PLIIB-ltiec.lter: OA29S PLItB-Fi.nal Action: PA Actionr APPR Actl-on: PA Action; APPR Tine Exp APPR KITCHE}I AT{D LOTER APPROVED RE}iAIIIDER, FLSH APPR I(ITCHETI AHD LOHEB APPROVED BE}|AI!{DER, 55t Va"t V; tt"qu t . DE'ARTMENT oF coMMUN,t" oru"# #ld#"ffi slr Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofGas tngs: 0 # of rffood Pcllet: 0*+*tl*l.|lrt*'|!|a'l:!:l**a+l:itt:t+aa**ati++*+,t* Building-> 9139.25 Restuannt Plan Review-> TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 8t6s7 - 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. PCrMit #: DO3-OOIO Iob Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Sratus . . . : ISSUEDLocation.......l LODGE AT VAIL UNIT 338 Applied . . : 05/05/2003 ParcelNo....: 210108221042 Issued. .. : 05/06/2003 Project No . : ?? Expires . . .: 1110212003 owNER DoorrEy ToM os/os/2oo3 phone: Lricense: coNrF,AcToR BECK 6. ASSOCIATES, rlIC O5/O5/2O03 phone: P.O. BOX 4030 vArrJ, co 81658 License: 11-7 -A APPLICAIIT BECK & ASSOCIATES, MC 05/05/2003 phone: 970-949-1800 P.O. BOX 4030 VAIIT, CO 81658 License: Desciption: INTERJORREMODEL Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family TypeConstruction: III-1HR Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $6,120.00 Fireplace lnformation: Restricted: Plan Check-> Investigrtion-> Will Call-----> # ofGas Appliances: 0 S90. 51 DRB Fee----------> $0.00 RecreslionFe€*---> $3 . 00 Clean-up Deposit------> S0 . 00 Total Calculated Fees-> 5232.16 so. oo Additional Fees-->$0. oo $0. 0O Total Permit Fee-> $232.16 $0.00 Pa)'rnents-_.--> 5232.76 FEE SUMMARY TOTAL FEES-> $232.76 BAL{NCE DUE------->$0. 00 Approvals:Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMENT 0slosl2003 .rRM Acrion: Ap DEMo APPROVED ASBESTOS LETTER IN FII,E ITEM3 O54OO PIJANNING DEPARTMENT ItEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTIIM T Item! 05500 PITBI-,IC WORKS +a*rtatl'tt*tla:itt+ See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. PAGE 2****tF***!t**rl*******t'**********!*t:t*ri:**:*,t*'t *!t*f *********,t*!i,F*!t***t+t!*,t****,t+*,*******:i*:*******!F*,*:tr**r**:|*,t!S* CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: D03-0010 as of 05-06-2003 Status: ISSUED****,|*:*!t*,|.f|t***'t,*t***t|t!t**+*'f,l**!t*,t**'***t:l.*'.|t'i|i!**'t*+|i'}****:f**{!*******'t*'}*:f:F***+:t*:**:t***+:i!i*'**1|!**'t******' Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Applicanr BECK & ASSOCIATES,INC 970-949-1800 Job Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location; LODCE ATVAILLJNIT33S ParcelNo: 210108221042 Description: INTENORREMODEL Conditions: Cond:38 (BLDG.): THIS PERMIT IS GOOD FoR ASBESTOS ABATEMENT ONLY. AN ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SHOWING THE AREA FREE FROM ASBESTOS IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ANY FURTHER WORK OCCURING ON THIS SITE, IF FURTHER QUESTIONS ARISE, CONTACT THE VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT AT 479-2250. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQUIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CANBE STARTED. Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Applied: 05/05D003 Issued: 05/06/2003 To Expire: 1l/02/2003 t DECI {RAfiONS I h€F*y acknowledge that I have read this applicatioL filled out in full the information require4 oompletd an accurtre pht plan, and slate tha{ all $e information as required is conect. I agee to comply with the information and plot phn, to comply with al Town otdinances and state laws, and to build this sftucfup according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review appwod, Unifom Building Code and other ordinances of the Tonm applicable Sereto. REQIJSSTS FOR.INSPECTION SIIALL BE MADE TWENTY.FIOURITOURS IN FROMS:(X)AM-4PM. FORHIMSELFANDOWNEF t z*z 19 OF VAIL Separate Permits are required for electrical, tl mwn0Fvtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 ical, etc.t CONTRACTOR INFORMATION 0y-o7a3 BUILDING: $OTHER: $ELECTRICAL: $ PLUMBING: $TOTAL: $ COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT bor & Materials ****r***r**************************FoR oFFlcE usE oNLY**************t**************+******* For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit P-arcel# '1 /0/A9L2/nq2 robNamen nn /e u,B tsr/*r,4 O cr9,{ fi 7 (/e./ fiTiV?\r /?qAilalc C,. {),. /,*'/ Lesat Description ll r-6t: ll ero"x, ll riring,Subdivision: owrys Namet /J r, a /c -bd$9=U/"4f nl tz,//tttt/r ,r'.Y P*fE9'r)zt-- z / q{ yt':wo;"ff:1",,,v 'i)["fi)r, <7 rT.c. L-/ao r,lr,*J, rn 'VY6-Snoo Elgn":'h Fn!;,tc tr ttTr A9W'x.rz,,o,hu rd)r. /a"'/ ta.Phone475- z/zlj Detai6d descriptiod of work- ,a; ;;"'- Z-/or,ar nJ dnr'* WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair( I Oemoft4 Other( ) Work Type: Interior l[ Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) TwoJamily ( ) Multi-family fi1f Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( l W99q !q!f!SlM No/Tvpe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) WoSd Buqtlg,{-NQT 4!!9\{EQL Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ${ No (Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Ves pfl No ( \\VailUata\cdev\FORMS\P ERM ITS\BLDGPERM.DOC 07 i26n002 MRY.O1 eOO3 5:3gHtl HP LHSERJET 32OO p-B en E,n ?l0O N. Brordwry Sb. 6'5, Ilerver, CO. t0221 Phonc (856)4E74!if3 Frr (303)4E7-4534 n CLIEI{T: CI,IENTPBOJECT#: PROJECT NAIIIE: BO TILDDR DNVIRONMENTAI4 INC. 5 DEENTRNLROAI' BOULDE& CO 80302 LODGE AT VAIL #33E SEIPNO.IECT#: I'ATE OFNtrCEIPT: DATE OFANALYSIS: SAMPLETAf,DNBY: PAGE # 0403-47 04-r543 lH-25:03 CLIENT 1(}F 1 NIST/NVI"AP LAB #2Md5O ilttTHd): DETECTIONLIMIT: ANALYSTI Polrdpd hSht Micnorcopy, EPA Ulltbotl 6O0/R-93/1f5(4000r) O257o Arbestor Lsr| Mrlm$troDr Autbortued Signrturc: ..fHs r.el|ora Frtdlr orb to tb€ tlsns t rtfd. Thi report t|Ey not tG EpnficartrrceDt b tflrrflr parr{donolS8l Tb rclct cunot bc ured by ihe csent o oat r-irrfir"t -fo.*in* ty ffwaP rr ry .!ary of ils u.g c,olG;naL nooi rfc rrptainry ylcld iFdrc Ncartlvc' (<1o4) erbertoc drr io lha rizc ole atc lbcrr ltalnttro lcetr[. cln be oD|rtred ht TEM or 8EM rtnlyrlr. 1t Page I of 1 f'lRY O 1 2OO3 5: 38Frl HP LHSERJET 32OO P -'7 ',ffi ti6N--. Bt*d"."v slc' 6s, Dat'Er' co' t0221 ffiTEXtz=l3 Far (303)48?4534 CLIEI|ft culmFnoJEcTtr IR(TIECTNATII: AIffiIVIATIONs: ilBT|roD DDTICTIG{IIrtII: ,/|!{ALIST: Aurhorind SigDrturl! DOULDE,N EF$VIEOT{IIIETTAI' E{c" sDEINTf,AlLNO/TD touLDEn cos30l LODCX,ATYNL#'3I E$[r.EI n\fl.vi$rlXldrTllifgnrcHl Ac.A!ilillrrtgpfTr.frcr-crlt{ nbIrlH;Drlrrdl&hrildWP-wrlllbht GR.II|-6rrrlt|u sulflD,tEclft DlrTf, OFBICEIIIT DAEOtrAI{AI,YSI$''6AMFIJ'DiY: 'AGET: 0a{}{?o+lt{l o&rfl3q.IEilT loFr AUIfiCgX$EGffiY$CDmodlrAilO$ orhr Cl0c.Cnddo[b?ltrfefrrnoltc t{ADno &btfor DGt ctta lIt'cErIlLfub:rto !4AIIEIALTEEcll,l,filblol: FG.FlbnmolrlACe.l$ilt|t' Nl.Ilor Flbrou EIIr-$rbr sYfi-qdlrdc ElI.IIotr. Erlr Potrt{sra uth ltrtturony. llA liatbn 6li&t9t115 l%irhtuL M.tr|ltE . .!{i f.rt br rt r. l} udr tdr{ -lb rttcn q_tn } .|.|F h fta rli t r|L- .t !lL. tL r.r.t ;ot br ra it tI 'l' o 'l- ;- Qdflarl i,lfr,r'|l, |] q ra4, -rtE u4 c|'rnFr.r n-'rr-r-i:ilir;;t- ti+ha (< 1!_rrrr.. d..dcrJ|r.arDr.lt Er DtiD Ytnd||trflrL -{rd ryt66.ritua51r. rrrnfrrfiJ'J 6-tri;hqgfr:F'rlr.c-rid-trrixrr.tocrr*nl.-r}tcrd'ibtrdrEr tlta t[nftt'dd-rltf f ir-n r.. o--'l.rCil-rrilj- *-i*r- l*fru+ F riit'- tfldrr h u rdlrd t.' iGIIIFF{!l[lfll c$a}.lFffia.lpil '{!n!*ttn*e :ridFltrd{f.f.tlrFir 4L,'qfflA.A lf,{---EFUircqer-f,tgrtl'orltr_--Nrr --]ffimFiEArE GOOD NO -Eu4taorA-B l*n DAYWAII,DDI-oIII' CIAT -?:metl(Dtrrr).r* rqlal..aaltlg!--EFictr&+ cc GOOD NO -TI+ciI-E 'A ,611t4 -ffimi- it,gndr ITAD =SffiEor.ll GOOD tflt =ffiu-r ti14tD -DrffiffiMfffi,Gn^t(-----ffimrH) <rs tofill. lttttltroQ_ --+rmBFrco co@ ilo -+lm--ora.A L*lra T-ErrunD qo t-r/lrlT& OEIN NA.D irtafifodte^rl GO@ lro +t..cufla-!244l'D BY*al,t.,nfi=fiw, Gn N . IB ElrnAdir tor L^lEllOl -if,eElEmE GOOD NO ffiiEm-Ga ra,Lc^m(ItnEcoAt-wrn& GTA ITAD --orxlftomorrn GIXDD t{o +r+c{a{l}o t/EtN DrlYw u,,rDlil4nlf, cBAIr lnroFtr4 <tqa .t|oIAL .rfiffCllt ---TffiE+.{ac @oI'-tu-q1Git{E A ra{tar IEFaUSAFo^r-WlcTr'cnNt _l{tD IC!'TGGNEOATE GfiII'r{(l +t+cxalsD tratrB EIV*IJLI.INM{TEY.ON^|l trrct@J[{{rrotr p$[4!l!gt "-+t0factL'r+rcc .€arl {to &t ct0fiaA r6llrA TEtT0lGc0lr-Y|lrr8.GIAII -r D-rff$rrrcll6,all oooD l{o -T-r4.curtFt t64fl8 DIIAY^II,JDJM{IT.EY, GNAN TrACt(DJlu)<rtarmtr,4r[frQq -WFFrti.roc GOOII tfo t'lRY O 1 2OO3 5: 38BF'l HP LRSERJET 3EOO p-6 BouHrr Enviro[mcntd Mrnrgc-menq Inc'---"-; D-t Tt lI n'od, Boddtr' Co $3m - - -pt-i,6'li+p-.rti'r r'* I (866) 6994121' . ASBESTOS BULK SAMFLE LOG ,g'lt LocATroN; t{nbr Af$q't\* ESg ' IIATE': { {t{ lq5-- CLIE,IrTT: INSFECTOR ChirMaron "tT5.9sl Fun.'-mocArronMAM_NIAI SAII{PI,ED .1q- gTtn- OIA \,'>e *r s1.",., IEST t\ilETHOD: PL4^ TIIRNAROUTYO: "{k SPBCIAL INSIRUCTIONS:STOP ON FTRST POSITIVE FOR EACH SEI' POINT. COI}NT TRTABLE WITH CE $AJVIPI,ES COLLECTED BY:ATE: -._ TIME: SA]VIPLESRECTIVEDBY:DATE:1t,4o]rnre, flrr tlRY o I 2OO3 5: 38fiFt HP LBSERJET 32OO p.5 Boulder Environme,lrtal Management' Inc. 5 Deer Trail RoadBouldcr, @ E0302 Phonc: (303)449-ll?5 Far: I (t6Q 6994121 The osHA rcgulation 29 CFR 1926.1l0l(gxlxii) and (iii), as yell as record-keeping raquir€m€nts *eer ZS CFR 1926.1101(n) that arc associatcd with the negative expoilre asscssment, apply so long as ncither ubestos pemrissible exposure limit (PEL) is cxcccdcd or might be exceoded' 29 CFR I 926.1 l0l(g[l)(ii) requir€s: "wet methods, or wetdng agenti, to control employee cxPosures during asbectos hendllng mhCng removrl" cutdng eppllcedono and cleanup, exccpt where cmpfoyJre demonrtrate that the uce of wet nrcthodg ls hfelslble duc to for exlmple' thJereaflon of elccfi.lcal hazadr, equlpment nalfuncdon, rnd, in rooflng' except as provide in paregrrph (d(8)0i) of tllr rccdo$" and 29 CFR 1926.1l0l(gxtxiii) rcquires: 'rPrompt cleon-up and dirpocrl of wrctec ard debrls contrnrlnated wlth rubectos ln lerk-ttght conteineru elceft U rooflng operrdonr, whcre tte procedurec speclllcd ln paregraph (gXSXii) of thlc accdon opply." fn" *zuits oiflris survcy pcnain only tg materials tcsted- Thc laboratory reports supporting thcse findings above are attachcd, Applicable sAtg federal, and local *tit*-*t t regulations stipulate that all *fiiable" asbestos conbining building materials, 'materi-als that can be crumbled by harrd pressur€', must be abated beforc prior to disturbancc by rc,novation or domolition activitics' Plcase contact Boulder EnvironmenAl Management, Ino. with any quesflons or ooncens regarding this rcPort Sinccnoln Cbris Mamn (AHERA Building Inspector M65O-145?, *Asbestosrlerdrlndurtrlal f,ygleue*Sefety*Finel Air Tcsfingr *Ecdth and SefetY Treiningr MHY.OI 2OO3 5:3?Fl.l HP LFSERJET 32OO p.4 Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. *.''' i,|,T#f'x' *'* :?'1*1%*o' " Reculb: The following materials wcrc nalpcd and detennined to be asbostos-containing utilizing polarizcd light microrcopy (PLM). TERIALS tlhe samples werc ro'analyzed and &termined to contain less lhm lYo total asbestos. The following matBrials were not test€d and must be presumed to be asbestos contaimng. PRESUMED ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS MATERIAL LOCAIION Roofing materials roof Iliscusslon: Saurple analyses results are r€polEd in peroentages ofasbeslos and non-asbcstos componeots. The EPA defines any material that contains greatef than one percent (17o) asbestos, utilizing PLM, as being an a$cstos contaidng met€rial. Materials that are identificd as 'bon detected" are specified as mt conaining asbcstos. Concluslon: Notr-friablc roofing materials arc prenmed to be asbcslos containing No asbestos abatcrnent is reguired to de,molish the roofing. The t€xfinEd drvwsll cont4ins fraces of asbcstos and delnolition is consi&red a cst€sory 2 asbestoe abatemenrt activitv' The aelnotition of hace asbestos matcrials requires OSHA class 2 asbestos rcmoval work practices- It is recommended that a licenscd asbestos abatcment contractor be retained for ihis demrolition to courply with OSHA rcquirecrents regrding the dernolition of askos oontaining materids that contain lcss tbm lolo acbestos' rAtbestos*Lead*Inductrlel HyEtenetSafety*tr'lnel Alr Tesdng* *Eealth and SafetY Trelnlngt CONTAININGMA MATERIAL LOCATION SAIVIPLE ID CONTENT Yellowterdttled drywell andjoint compound Televisionwall, Wall at basc of stairs, Ttlall at SW corner of living room 4-14-CM-0lA* 4-14-CM-02A| +14-cM-034* tsace chrysotile hace chrysotile tace chysotile White textured drywall andjoint compound Downstairs bcdroom closet, Upstairs master-bcdroom oloset, Uosairs bedroom closet +14-cM-048* +14-cM-058* 4-14-CM-068' trace ckysotile trace chrysotile trace chrysotile _ ilHY. Ol aOO3 5:3?Ht'l HP LFSERJET 320O Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. 5 D€erTrail Road Boulder, CO t0302 Phona (303)449-11?5 Far I (866')699'4121 BT]LK SAMPLINGREPORT TflELODGE AT VArI.# $8, 17{ GOnE CREDKDRTVE,vaIL, coLoRAI}O Introducdon: On April 14, 2003, Bouldcr Environmental Managrnren! Inc.'s building inspector, Chris lttaron, conducted bulk samplinc of suspectod asbestos-containinE materials under the direction of our clicnt. Sarrple locations wcrc limitcd to reas accessible to the inspector. The purpose of the survey was to idemtify asbestos contrining materials (ACM) and materials prcsumcd to eontain asbesos (PACM) as defined by the Environmental ProHtion Agency @PA.). Sempling: During the sampling proccss, suspoct ACM was s€parat€d into three EPA calegories. Thcsc categories are thcnnal systen ins'ulation (TSI), snrfaciag ACM, and miscellaneous ACM. TSI includes all materials used to prcvent heat loss or gain or water conde,nsation on mechrnical systems- Examplcs of TSI are pipc coverings, boiler inzulatioq duct wrap, and mud packed fitting cernenrt. Surfacing ACM includcs all ACM that is sprayed, trowelled, or otherwise epplied to a surface. These aprplications are most cornmonly used in firoproofing decornfivo and acoustical applications. Misc€llaneous matenals include all ACM not listed in the thermal syste,m insulation or sr:rfacing categories, such as linoleurn, vinyl asbesms flooring, 6s6 csiling tilc. Bouldcr Environmerrtal Management, Inc. follorved EFA rccommended sampling guidclincs for identification of asbe$os in bulk maticcs. A sct of tbree (3), five (5), or scven (7) samples were collectod for each rnaterial t)?€ and analyzd by Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM). Each sample sct was systernatically analyzed. Upon detcrmination tbat a sarnple in a set contained asbestos, analysis of the rernaining samples in thp set was discontinuod. If no asbestos was detected during the analyses, the suspect material was determined to be negative for asbcstos content. tAsbectocilead*Indnstdal Eyglene*Sefety*Final Alr Tettlng* *Eeslth and SafetY Trdnlng' p.3 I'lRY" O 1 2Oo3 5: 37Rl!HP LNSERJET 32OO p.2 5 Decr Trrll Rosd Bouldcr' CO 80302 Phone: (303) 449-11?5 Frr: I (t66) 6ltlHl-2r Aprll2E,2fi13 Beck & Associates Inc' Mr. GaryWaiker P,O. Box 4030 Vail CO 81658 RE: Bulk sarnpling of suspected asbestos-containing rnatcrials - - The LoOie ai Veit" * llt, rZ+ Gore Creek Ilrive Yril' Colorado DearMr. Walker: Attachcd is the report for the asbestos srwey and bulk sampling of suspected asbcstos' containing bdroing materiate ut ru" r,oag" at vril, # 33& 174 Gore creex Drlve' vail' Coloredo. This investigation wall conducted on behaH of and for the exclusive use of Beck & Assoctates inc. (clienq, solely for 'se in a limited asb€stos s'wey of thc prop€tty' This ,W"i *Jtf," noaiogtl.r"io shall not, in whole or in par! be disserninated or conveyed to any other partn nor use.d by any other party, in whole or in part, without prior written conse[t of Bouldor Environmental Managcment The results of this eirrvey are limited to materials that wcre assessable and foreseeable' Additional materiats maly cxist bclind bard surfaces. Personnel knowledgeable of asbestos containing materials should always oversee demolition activities' Demolition work should be nAteA and sarrpling pertoimeO Uy a state of Colorado licensedbuilding ;;p6"t* if additional matcriali, w[i"h "tu slspected of containing asbestos, are encountered. Ifyou have any guestions regarding the contents oftbis rcport, plcase do not hesitate to contact us. SincerelS CJ,^-/lr.-.,*, Cbris Mron Project Manager *Asbestos*Lerd*Indurtrial Hyglene*sefety*Flnal Air Testlng* *Ilealth ald SrfetY Training* '' ('fr r+'RP B4lz5c ' 'TOwN oF VAIL DEpARTMENT oF coMMUNITy DEvELopMENTTSS.FRONTAGEROAD ,\ .i t\\(__ tS+ 'AIL' co 81657 ud'-.-\ Ut L\c'tt- t- e7o47s-2r38 ['--o[*o".-t.Er( NOTE: THISPERMITMUSTBEPOSTEDONJOBSITEATALLTIMES "ff SSd OWNER Job Address.: Location......: Parcel No....: Project No...: DOOLEY ticense: CONTRACTOR BECK & ASSOCIATES, P.O. BOX 4030 VAII,, CO 81658 License.'117-A APPLICAIVT BECK & ASSOCIATES, P.O. BOX 4030 VAIL, CO 81558 I-'icense : Desciption: INTERIOR REMODEL ONlY-entire unit sut out os/oe/2oo3 Phone: INC 05/09/2003 Phone: INC 05/09/2003 Phone:970-949-1800 ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL LODGE AT VAIL UNIT 338 210r0822t042 Permit #: 803-0105 Status.....: Applied...: Issued...: Expires...: Add Sq Fr 0 # ofGas lngs: 0 ISSUED 05/09/2003 06/0s/2003 12/02D003 # of Wood P€llel: 0 TOM Valuation: $268.000.00 Fireplace Information: R€stricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Building--> Plan Check--> Investigation> wi[ cdt----.> Rl Multi-Family III l-HR Type III l-Hour,, S1, 934 . 55 Restuarant Plan R€view--> 51,257 .46 DRB Fee---> S0.00 RecreationFee_-_-> 53 . oo Clean-up Deposit-----> TOTAL FEES--....-.> Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-----> Total Permit F€e--_--.> Payments----....._> BALAME DUE-> *lt+*+tlt|ttil|'i*itt:t***,|*****:*|*!******tt+t+|+{*{''*i.*)|t,*lt1ltt****i|||* s0. oo $0. 00 $0. o0 s3, 195 . 01 $3, 195 . o1 s0. 00 $3, 195 . 01 $0. o0 ***r$atl.tllttltlt Approvals:Item: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEI{TI 06/04/2003 cdavis Action: AP SuBirEcT TO FIELD INSPECTION Item: 05400 PIJANNING DEPART!,!EI{f Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARIT',IENT Item: 05500 PIIBLfC WORKS See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agr€e to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPEC"TION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV BY TELEPHONE OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OR CONTRACTORFORHIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2+++it+{t*tf *,F*+*+{.**,1**** {. ** * * t** * **:1.*******:fi* {.,F*****+* ***:trr(****t*********** *,k***{.:t *,t*+++:t +**,t *******d(**** CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Permit #: 803-0105 as of 06-05-2003 Status: ISSUED******rt***********,* ** * * * ** *:t * ** * * * {. * *****{c;lr*,}+*****t'*{'*{.***++:t ri ****** +** !t *,t(***.** **!t *****r.r.*:t ******f 't**** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applicant BECK & ASSOCIATES,INC 970-949-1800 Job Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: LODGEATVAILUNIT338 ParcelNo: 210108221042 Description: INTERIOR REMODEL ONlY-entire unit sut out Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: l6 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.3IO.9.I OF TIIE 1997I.JBC. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQT]IRED BEFORE ANY WORKCANBE STARTED. Applied: 05/0912003 Issued: 06/05/2003 To Exoire: 1210212003 $APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UN 97 {J-479-2149 (Inspections) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (LaboT & MateTials) *;'m/'d 7s s. Frontase Rd. =tl Vail, Colora-rlo 81657 |Contad Eaale Countu AA F \ tl /\irglquireo "'",1r.l lfiP"ar.erc.!"'Tl l,;,,1-,t.J ../ for Parcel # -- Parcr,t# 2 ln/,OXA",/ -Job Name: I1)oo/ev /1tsr'dt zzt )"ifE':'c o'I',L,/i un, //o, / Subdivision:LesarDescripti/n ll to,' l|aro.;-lF-* owners Namw)tn /)r,ln1e,t Wtr't/ttT t+tl tz,/,yr"l n*llPP|9c - q22- p./a fo"'tT#lf)n u/)o r,,, orl Phon"'qz6-y2fi) Enqineer: .,e t /' Illtu,/t- 1 /Yd./'/Y t/ /.u9*9tj r. ./z,.eil, b,,,o'. /x^' /enone: zrt76-a/70 Detailed descriftio;r of wofk: Jf r /?7/t d L/ fxr'r* t " U *r, J-Qo'-toful- It1*n ti /rh-Ar Other ( ) gWork Class:New( ) Addition( ) JRemodel${ Repair( ) Demo( ) Work Type: Interior ffi Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-familyp commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) o*rer ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildino: Noffvpe of Fireplaces Existing: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Woodi Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq Lk1 Noffvpeof FireplacesProposed: GasAppliances( ) GasLogs( ) wood/pellet( ) woodBurninq(NorALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ${ ruo ( j Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Ves ffi No ( ) BUILDING: $ 2 / J., 1tO. 0l)ELECTRICAL: $ 2,S^ A,flll .H OTHER: $ MECHANTGAL:$ 1. A00.UO rorAl:$ 2Lg.,OCt/.Ot/ REFUND cr.EANUp #posrr ro, CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor:^'clAord,'^ &" Town of Vail Reg. No.: //7 -rg Contact and Phone #'s: 6n," lJnk r- 4 n/*o 2o3 ContractorSignature: r' *********rr*****************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY** F :/everyone/formtbldgperm *******+**** tr !l a tr g u u U l tr D o tr Applicant's Signature: IOI{N Depa rtment of Commun ity Development Project Name: Project Address: / This Chrcklist must be ampletd before a Buitdina permit aoptiation is accepM. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approvai obtained (if required) provide a copy of approval form condominium Association letter of approval attached if project is a MultFFamily complex Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if appticable (refer to Public Works checktist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumoster,oarkino or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aooroval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occurring Architect stamp and signature (All Commerciat and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(4 sets of plans for Multi-Family and Commercial) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (ie.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soils Report must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire resistive assemblies specified and penetrations indicated Smoke detectors shown on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-2325 Date of submittal: F :/everyone/forms/bldperm2 Received By: NOTE,til'*2xb o tb' o.C. CElLlNo FRAMINfl t -t ,J I ifl+arr,ppo*frLuE To 9,IFFfOIENT TO 9PAN W 10 15' V- J ,- END9 OFEXI9TINO IxlOg AtiD NAIL I^IITH 4 - Ibd AT EA6H. 3-2xlO -la- s'w bcgL n€h.-ln€, lnc.llt .. rtf,trdc/rt *.c'a.ryoad!|/',F?.ryc-nev.lL @la,.b OlbS-l!.lol.16-2no 413-4348 ftr D llr >-Za.O,llvr6-!-rt a.Glt.a-l &ALE Va'. THE DOOLEY REgIDENCE TI]E LOD6E AT VAIL I,JNIT T 334 VAIL, C,OLORADO LIVINE F'oCU CEI LIN6 FR.AMIN @[ 2xb LtuaER N |" DlA. x 5 t' E)€ANSfON WLT1 c ?2" O.c. |" exelnstoN EoLT #'f'fit$;ot= 14965 5.ruD OR ELO6KIN6 AND NAIL t^llTH 2 - l6d NAIL5 bogL rgli-lng, Inc.l4l a. ||ado] ctqo*ea4.lElp?vE 4*3vatl@w.&oltbDl S1Ot11b-?l1O 4L-4tta lrx 1I4E DOOLEY REgIDENCE TIIE LOD6E AT VAIL IJNIT I334 VAIL, @LORADA From: Tim Boyle To: Gary Walker Dat€: 5/29/2003 Time: 10:45:58 AM Page 2 ol 3 c lb' o.c. cElLltl6 b.gb -6rrl€. lE 14I} a. radcu €r.a*aaa.@tE.-1,v.l\c€/F.tul,f,br1 C1!,/415-rl1o {?lb-1!6t |tn TE DOO.LEY RESIDENCE TI{E LODGE AT VAIL I,$IIT ' 338 VAIL. COLORADO From: Tim Boyle To: Gary Walker Oate: 5/29/2003 Time: 10:45:58 AM Page 3 o{ 3 2-7c"ox4' EXPANgION WLT9 INTO eRAJTED OELL9 DETAIL A 3d.ALE 2'=l''O' Gon b.glr n€rrh5l fE-l.g..&t-d*e.4@hE€''i,-vtlLcg/lq&&>1ffitlL-2tlp {13-1*l l,t Tl{E DOOLEY FE9lDEt'lCE 1T4E LOD.g,E AT VAIL Uh{IT ' 939 VA'L, C,OLORADO TOI^AIOFVAILFIREDEPARTMENT VAILFIREDEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONIAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970479-2735 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ALARMPERMIT Permit #: ,{0$0028 fob Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLJED Location.....: LODGE AT VAIL UNIT 338 Apptied. . : 07/14/n0ZParcelNo...: 270108227042 Issued. .: W/0j/2003 ProjectNo : Expires. .: A3/01/2N4 owlIER DOOr,Ey TOM I7/L4/2OO3 phoae: Lricense: eotrTRAcToR BECK & ASSOCIATES, IlrC i7/L4/2OO3 phone: P.O. BOX 4030 vArr,, co 81558 Licenge:117-A APPIJfCS$I BECK & ASSOCIATES, INC O7/L4/2OO3 phone: 9?0-949-1800 P.O. BOX 4030 VAIIJ, CO 816s8 LrLcense: collTRAeTOR LIFE SAFETY gOrrUIIoNs 09/os/zOOS phone: 9?0-845-1562 C 875-1490 Lricense: 625-S Desciptioru REPLACE E)OSTING F/A DEVICES WITH NEW DEVICES AND WIREValuation: $2,040.00 @*lB****,i**l****|***'*FEESUMMARY Electrical_> go . oo DRB Fee_> go. oO InvestiSati66l-1 $O . OO Will Call_> g3 . oo TOTALFEES-> s311.5o Total Calculated Fees-> $311.50 Additional Fees_> 955. 00 Total pernrit Fee_> g3GG . 50 Payments----> $366.50 BALANCEDTJE > SO. OO Approvals:I€erm: 05500 FIRE DEPARTI'|ENT 08/22/2003 mvaughan Action: Ap CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fuIl the inforrration required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inforuration as required is corect. I agree to comply with the information and plot pla& to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. APPLICATION WItt NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR UI{Si Building Permit #: Alarm Permit #: 970-479- 2 735 finsoedions) TVWNOFUANW r=LrwN yt lrAr|. FIKE ATAKM PEI(MIT APPLICATIONcommercial & Residential rire aarm s@ at time of75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Contad rittal and must include information listed on the ::,ilr"aTwi'[h'u"hs COMPLETE VATUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (Labor & Materiats) Fire Alarm: g .O @ * * * * * ** * * * ** -. -.vH ilff .FEm. fltr: ***************************?i**t * l;a 9alr -9l.,{"o^s Town of Vail Reg. No.:Contact and Phone #'s: bck^, .aeo"^ ??O -82f' / (rO E-Mail Address: LS_s g ,t**l- A_ Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # :ob trame: D.,o!ry lz:s. 3e ssF Job Address:*-*"'iil f- tuCrz'f b" t/o.l co Legal Description ll Lot: ll atoct: ll riting:Subdivision: tnn'n*tbrl" t^rl-.rrr*.rs ll ^of;':tir- -"--. t\*tt n -t1w*ro Detailed Locdtion of work: (i.e., flbor, unit #, bldgl #)o^,+ ?39 Detailed description of work: bt^q. J*.:r{*n F/a D.-.--s ,,".1L .zae.) l)zofczs "-) u)..-- WorkClass: Ngwp Addition( ) Remodel()Q Repair( ) Retro-fit( ) fther( ) Typeof Bldg.: Single-family( ) Two-family( ) MulU-familyfu) Commercial ( ) Restaurant( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes $d No ( ) ll Ooes a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes Od No ( \WAiI\dAIA\CdCV\FORMS\PEMMLRMPERM.DOC 0712617002 TOWN OF VAII FIRE DEPARTMENT PROCESS FOR COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTTAL EIREALARM SYSTEMS Commercial and Residential Fire Alarm shop drawing requirements at time of submittal must include the following: A Colorado Registered Enginee/s stamp. Device locations on reflected ceiling plans. Typical device wiring diagrams. Battery calculations. A list of specific device model numberc. Equipment cut sheets of each type of device. The number of each type of device. Information indicating the specific zones. Circuit diagrams. Point to point wiring diagram. Wiring type, size, and number of conductors. The source of AC power circuits. Fire alarm panel locations. Knox Box location. Information indicating monitoring method and monitoring agency. tnformation regarding property managers and contact numbers. Owner's primara residence location and contact numbers. Instructions for firc alarm system operations and any peftinent code numbers for pn per operations. This check list has been provided to ensure that our review pno€ess may be handled in a timely manner. I have rcad and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project name: Contractor Signature: ,{E - Date signeaz ?-9-O3 TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT GUIDEUNES FOR PREVENTING NON.EMERGENCY FIRE AI.ARMS In order to prevent a non-emergency response from the Vail Fire Depaftment Suppression crews to the construction location you may be working on we ask that you pefform the following tasks: Determine what kind of fire alarm system exists within the structure you are working in with the owner or the manager of the property involved or by contacting the Vail Fire Depaftment Determine with the owner or manager of the propefi, which alarm oompany seruices the system for them. Become familiar with the different components that are associated with the fire alarm system and how they operate before the DEMO begins. Never paint a smoke detector, thermal detector, or any other component of the fire alarm system, and never paint a sprinkler head. For small projects bag detector within the area you will be working in before you startn and remove the bags after work is done for the day. For larger projects, please contact the Vail Fire Department so that wi can work with you in determining what needs to be done to alter or "Zone Out" specific aneas of the alarm system for the structure. Pfease contact the Town of Vail Fire Marshal, Mike McGee at 479'2135 or the Town of Vail Fire Prevention Officer, Mike Vaughn at479'2462. I have read and understand the above guidelines. NtnProject Name: 'r-b/..t. lles . Contractor Signature: ttrT Date signed, - Q- O 7 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONI,AGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMT Persrit #: E03-0056 fob Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Stafirs . . . : ISSUEDlocation.....: LODGE AT VAIL UNIT 338 Applied . . : 05/20/2003 Parcel No...: 210708?21,042 Issued . . : 05/77/2003ProjectNo: Expires..: 12/08/2003 ovitNER Door,Ey roM 05/20/2003 phone: Iricense : COI{IRACTOR SHAVI EITECTRIC OS/2O/2OO3 phone: 97O-9ZG-335A P O BOX 1451 AVON CO 8L620 License I 105-E APPIJICAI{rr SHAW EIJECTRIC 05/20/2003 ptrone: 970-926-3358 P O BOX 1451 AVON CO 81520 License: 105-E Desciption: INTERIOR REMODELTIPGRADE SERVICE TO 150lA'Valuation: $2,500.00 FEESUMMARYElectrical-> S54 . OO DRB Fee--> L'we iigation-> will call-> $o.oo s0. 0o s3.00 Total Calculated Fees-> S5?. oo Additional Fees-> s0 . 00 Total permit Fee__> 95? - 00 PalTn€nts--> S5?.00 BAI,{NCE DUE-->$0.00TOTALFEES-> Ss?.00 Approvals:Itdm: 06000 EI-,ECTRICAIT DEPARTMEIflI O5/2O/2OO3 DF Action: Ap Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARI'I{ENT CONDMONSOF APPROVALCond: 12 (BIDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIBCK Ft3R CODE COMPTIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatiory filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as requfued is correct I agree to comply with the information and plot pla+ to comply with aII Town ordinances and state liarc and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved" Unifor:m Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR tr}ISPECTION SHALL BE MADE T!\TENTY-FOUR HoIJRs IN PM. BY fiLEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET .rFRtll ,'I l, I: SHRU ELECTRIC N0. : 9?4P63:J5€ ,.,.,.:i;,t,,i?.i?1:,,,.,r...i .,. NRY. 19 n@3 Ut 15PM Pl a. ''. 1;::rr""':':;".! .' : :rr'.i j?{.'|" tleclrical Pcrmlt#t Phone *3: Q26 - 33stau'aMa--t 9qo -esShar^' €fe#nz hc . flEW -T_.-lMoutf[ oF sQ FT IN STRUCTURE: /tA O I tJ,";# ffiiffi To /o& aa/6 L/a- :of H.'u, )oa/*g Puo;dunu moao,.*' /7v f- 62u-atz-k' 0z' Un,'/'33F 'Lo 4t< r# uarr rc$toecription I uot, ll ato"r' { ritins'Subdivision: O1Jrers Name: DOdk"t Engineer: -TMdrcss-',' Phone: - l Detailed description of worL' g zt u,\ a I- /cA rK: aPgradr. -*.tnz-e- )h /{o a.'{)' / I workclass: New() /Oottion( ) Rernodel( ) Re Typlof UdgJ: Single-famlly( ) Duplex( ) Multl'famlly( ) co,tt"-rsal t I nta"n"t( )oB|q(4 Ho. of ncconrmqdation Units in thls bulldlngr /14F"tr E irtlrs Oweflfng Units in Fls brlldhgt /il* Is this rhrmit for a hot tub; Yes ( ) No (4 ! ! ! Does a frire Alarm Exist Yes ( ) No ( ) N+( ) tlo( ) 4 /f rr.r**i**i*rr*r****t****lrrrrrrp$f,QFFICEusEoNLYtrr'rrf'*i"'trr'rl*rtrtttttttr'l*l'* ... I TOWNOFVAIL FIREDEPARTMENT VAILFIREDEPARTMENT 75 S. FRONT.A,GE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t35 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLER PERMIT Permit #: F03-0028 Job Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Sratus . . . ; ISSUEDLocation.....; LODCE AT VAIL UNIT 338 Applied . . : 0t/t2DN3ParcelNo...: 210108221042 Issued. . : 08125D003ProjectNo: Expires..: owNER DOOLEY TOM o8/L2/2003 Phone: L,icense: COIiITRACTOR ALL STATE FrRE PROTECTION, r}g/1,2/2003 phoner 303-2BB-3901 6045 E 76TH #L2 COMMEREE CITY CO aoo22 Iricense:370-S APPLTCAIIT AIL STATE FIRE PROTECTTON, r08/!2/2003 phone: 303-288-3901 604s E 76TH #L2 COMMERCE CITY CO 80022 License:370-S Desciption: sprinklerSYSTEM FOR INTERIOR REMODEL Valuation: $6,950.00 It+l+t**:all'|***a{al,l't***:.**'r:lt,}a+* Mcchanical-> So. o0 Resluarant Plan Review-> g0 . o0 Tobl Calculatcd Fees--> $648 . 38 PIan Check---> 53 50 . 00 DRB Fee-..-----_-> $O . OO Additional F€€s-> gO . O0 lnvestigation-> $0 . 00 TOTAL FEES--.---> SG48.3B Total Pcrmit Fee._---> $648 .38 Will Call---> 93 .00 Palments---> 964g .38 BAr AI\{CE DUE---> So. oo i+|+||*+*+|t|.}{.t*.|*.++tit**i+***l|*.*|*t*|t*||fi****|+|'*|ll|!*ti+*rter0: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT IICM: 05600 FTRE DEPARTMENI o8/t5/2003 mcgee Action: DN No hydraul i c calculations submitt,ed, no no, p1ans. Beam depth not clearly shown. Sidewall heads in beam pockeLs on main and upper leve1 not justified on plans. Upper leve1 heads shown on main level . 08/22/2003 mvaughan Action: AP hydraulics and drawings have been correcte, reflect installation. CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTTONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIiICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stucfure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved uniform Building code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE FROMS:IDAM-5PM. ATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENTOF COMMI.JNIry DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHAMCALPERMIT Permit #: M03-0122 Eo3 -o (ot Job Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLJED Location.....: LODGE AT VAIL UNIT 338 Apptied . . : Oim/2003 ParcelNo...: 210108221042 Issued. . : 07/ZS1Z003 ProjectNo : ?q$9OU.o Expires. .: 0tl2l/2004 owNER DOOIJEY TOM o7/2L/2003 phone: License: coNrRAcToR coNCEpT MECHANICAT,, INC 07/2t/20O3 phone: 970-949-0200 P.O. BOX 1155 AVON, CO 8162 0 License: 189-P APPITICAIIT CONCEPT MECHANICAIJ, INe 07 /2L/2OO3 phone: 97|-949-o2oo P.O. BOX 115s AVON, CO 8152 0 Lricense: 189-P Desciption: ROUGH IN COPPER FOR NEW BASEBOARD HEAT. ROUGHIN SIIEET METAL FOR BOTH EXHAUST AND RANGE EXHAUST Valuation: $5.300.00 Fireplace tnformation: Restdcted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pcllet 0 llt*a* ll*tllllltlritl *'l* +l'l tll ++{.'l** Mechorical--> S120.00 Restuamnt Plan Rcview--.>30.00 Total Calculatcd Fees--> 5153 . 00 Plan Check-> Investigation-> Wi[ Call---> s30. o0 DRB Fee__--_---__->50.00 AdditionalF€€s-->90. 00 s3 .00 BAI -ATJCE DUE-.--..>$0.00 rtem: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMENI 07/22/2003 cfrD Actionr AP IIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG-): FIEL,D IITSPECTIOITS ARE REQUIRED TO eI{EeK FOR CODE COMPLIA}|CE. Cond: 23 (BL,DG.): INSTALTITATION MUST CONFORM TO !,IANUFACTIIRES IIISTRUCTIONS AriID TO CHAPTER 10 oF TlrE 1997 IJMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 32 (BL,DG.): PERII{IT,PITA}IS A}ID CODE A}IAIYSIS l,tUST BE POSTED IN MECHA}ITCAL ROOM PRrOR TO A}iI INSPECTION REQIIEST. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL, PEhTETRATIONS IN WAIJIJS,CEILINGS,AIID FIIOORS TO BE SEAIED WITH AIT So. o0 TOTAL FEES----> S1s3 .00 ToAl Permit Fc€-> S1s3 . oo Palmcnts----> 5153.00 EPPNOTTNO FIRE I{ATERIAI,. :|*|*..||,|l|ll''|*t*.|*|l..t..'|l|.|.'i.{.|'+l't.**|.||..*.ll|l|.it||.l||.|.**|.**|l't.**.l.i..||.||.ii| DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and otherordinances ofthe Town thereto, REQUESTS FOR N{SPECNON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM t:00 AM - 4 PM. TURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNEF ***{,'t***'tt*t***++++**+*****'}***+*****+**'}****t{,***r*{.****d.**r*******************+**,}'t '}'t*,lrf * TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statqnent*+*+*'talf'fff+********+**t*+lt******t***+*{!****+++*f+*+**********'t***f,'}**+**+++**+'}ir.********* statement Number: R030004378 Arnount: $153.00 07/25/2oo3L1 :35 AIll Pa]rment Method: Check IniE! Lc Notation: #7783/ConceptMechanical Permit No: M03 - 0122 T14re: IIECIIAI{IICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 2!OLO822LO42 Site Address: 1?4 E GORE CREEK DR ttAILLocation: LODGE AT \IAIL I,NIT 339 Total Fees: 9153. OOItrie Payment: 9153.00 Total ltLL ttnts: S153.OoBalance: $0.00*** {r'}'}t * {' *** * {' *'lr'} **** * * *'la* t*f*t +**+* + t**** t I ft tf+ tf + +* + + +*** ***'tt* {r't** + ***'}* ***'s* +*** * | * * * * * ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts l,{P 00100003111100 MECHANICAL pERilIT FEES 120.00 PF 001000031i2300 PLAN CHECK FEES 30.00 |,'lC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO 75 S. Frcntage R.d.Valf Colorado 81652 Permit will not be accepted withoutthffiii6ffil Prov_ide Mechanical Room layout drawn to scale to include:p lda{3lRoon Dimen3ionl *i- ---' Air Duct Gas MECHANTGALT $ 5?A*. Conbct AwnrcOffieat is erovided'qResrVertiW ltat'/ Or4h. t7e&G&. DzVej 6'Z ownersName;fq2rjoal. W; rctk O"or Nqn ( ) Addifl.r il nlt"ration D4 Repatr ( ) Oner l 1 Boiter tocationlfftrnterior 1 j-Eiliffi",1 1 Does an EHU exist at this location: yes ( ) No (X) Type of Bldg: Singte.family i t No. of Exisdng Dweiling UniS in UrE Uuitlffi No. of Accommodation Units in this building; ? N"lVp" d Hrept..es p.prt Is this a conversion- fromE to an EPA Phase II aevicef--Ves-l-l tto *****{'*******:***********FOR OFFTCE USE ONLy*****************:f ****,r****** F! /erreryone/form3/ mechperm 2aauv Fsoom. CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC. PIUMBING . HEATING r SYSTEM DESIGN P.O. Box 1165 Avon, Colorado 81620 Phone: (970) 949.0200 Fax: (970) 949-0300 SHEET NO. CALCUIITED BY CHECKED 8Y CONCEPT MECHANICAL. INC. PLUMBING . HEATING . SYSTEM DESIGN P.O. BOX 1165 AVON, COLORADO 81620 PHONE: (970) 949-0200 FAX: (970) 949-0300 Jnly 21, 2003 Town of Vail Cornmunity Development 75 SouthFrontageRoad Vail, CO 81657 RE: Dooley Residence; Unit 338, Lodge at Yatl;174 East Gore Creek Drive; Vail, Colorado To Wbom It lvlay Concern: Submitted with this letter are a mechanical permit applicatioq heat loss summary and calculafions, and cut sheet on fin-tube heat for this project. We are roughing in copper lines for new hydronic fin-tube tapped intg the piping from the Lodge's central boiler plant. The heat loss for the unit is approximately 18,070 Btuh. Calculations are based on 70"F interior temperature and -20o erfterior design temperature. Please do not hesitate to cdl u/ith any questions. Thank you. Timothy J. Rosen, P.E.; V.P./Secretary Cc: Gary Walker; BeckBuilding Company CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC. PTUMBING . HEATING . SYSTEM DESIGN' F.O. Box 1165 Avon. Colorado 81620 Phone: (970) 949-0200 Fax (970) 949-0300 2-sneerno. / or ***n-QE- o^r, 7'fg-td3 CHEC(ED BY *NE7I f t OI.,"' s.,tsrit ft- CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC. PIUMBING . HEATING o SYSTEM DESTGN P.O. Box 1165 Avon, Colorado 81620 Phone: (970) 949-0200 Far: (970) 949-0300 SHEET I.IO.orZ o.,,V/E- b3__ PaacEf/ rJa CHECKED BY CALCULATEO BY @1< -glarrtlfin" Da/*1 Reside/ccei Urtit 738 (ad7e q U4/-7' BARE ELEMENTS STEEL ELEMENTS COPPE ru05.* SlanV Fin makes 12 types of fin-tube which may be us€d with the rnrious enclosures shorn in this cat- alog. Instead ot light-watt Ubing, SlanVFin uses only copper seamles$drawn tubing or Schedule rl0 steel pipe. Each fin has a tongu€-and-groove collar which intedocks with the next fin br accurate and unifurm spacing and prevents fins from twisting loose. This full wall thickness and strength of copper tubing and IPS steel pipe are maintained by forcing tubing through undersized fin holes under high hydraulic pressure. A force-fit mechanical bond is attained which maintains maximum heat transfer indefinilely. Compacl models (E-7S, H-3 and H-4) feature dou- ble bent aluminum fins, providing exlra heating sur- hce in a slimmer profile. Edges of each fin are wedged against the next. Fins reinbrce each oth6r - u/on't be crushed, bent or twisted. End fins are of plated steel br extra ruggedness. Expanded copper tubing ends eliminate couplings, reduce soldering. Steel elements are factory thread- ed at both ends. H-sx PAGKAGING: Factory packaged in individuat car- tons (except E-75 which is packaged 3 elemenb to a carlon). "E and "H" elemenls include plastic expansion cradles. LENGTHS: Precut standad tengths S and C Series: 2 , 3, 31,h, 4,5, 6, 7, B, 9, .t O, i 1 , 12 feet. E and H Series: 2 ,3, 3k, 4, S, 6, 7, I feet. FINISH: Copper/aluminum elements - natural finish. Steel elements - natural finish. M-l Expansion Hanger: Specity tor bare elsm€nt installations. s-532 s-em s-832 ,t t H€ H-4c€40 c-440 c-540 H-6X E-75 26 Model l'lumber Tube Size and M Fin Size Fins per l'lo.ol Tiers Stream lPSt' Bluh/Hr. HOT WATER RATII{SS' IBTUH/I|8./FT. (Flow Ralo 3 R.6ec.) 220'F I zto't I zoo'r I rgo'r I tao'r I tzo'r I too'rl tso'r J-5JZ 114'lPS stsel 4Y4"x4U"x.O24" eleclro-gal. steel 32 1 3 1340 24'lO 3170 1q7. 2531 3329 ..1279 2290 3012 1152 2073 27?s 10t5 1880 247?I 925 I OGt 2187 , 817 1470 1934 710 1277 1580 603 1085 S-5.10 1)4"lPS steel 4k'x4U"x.O24" elecko-gal. steel 40 1 2 3 1490 2530 3??O 1565 ?557 3381 '1416 ZM 3059 1281 '2176... 2769 1162 1973 2512 1028 17rc 2)2t 909 1549 't9&1 790 1341 1707 671 1t39 s-832 2"lPS steel 4'A" x4Y;'x.024" electro{al. steel 32 1 3 1360 2420 3190 14?8 2541 3350 1?g2 2299 3n3'l : 1170 2081 2743 1061 1888 21AA 938 1670 t2rl1 830 1476 1S46 721 1283 1591 612 1089 c-340 %"copper 4%" x 4'4" x..p30" aluminum q 1 2 1724 3083 3881 1810 3186 4o75 1638.w2 3687 .148,2 i2609 3338 1344 2366 3027 1 189 2094 2678 1052 ..1851 2367 914 1608 2057 tIo 1366 1747 C'4!10 1" copp€r 4A"x4'1"x.02O" alumrnum 40 I 2 i, 1830 3210 4110 1W 4316, r'17ts9' 3050 ,3905 1574 2761 3535 14,7 250/. 3206 1268 2215 2836 .1116 1958 2507 970 1701 2178 e4 1445 c-540 .12" copper 4V"x4U"x.02O" aluminum q '| 2 3 1790 3150 4030 1880 3308 4232 1701 :2993 3829 1539 2705 3466 1398 2457 3143 1235 .2174 2781 '1092 19?, 24ffi s49 1670 2136 806 1418 1814 H-1 %" copper 3"x3%"x.024' aluminum 4A . : ..1.' r 2 3 .1179 1673 2W ,..1067' 1513 - 2394 966 1370 2167 &76 1243 1966 ,I.?75, 1099 1739 :::.685 972 1537 595 u4 13€6 50s 7'17 113/. H-5X 1]l" copper 3"x3%"x.020" alumtnum 48 1 2 J 1085 1ffo 2435 'I 139 .1617 2557 1031 :1463 2313 !t tJ 13e4 2W4 846 1201 1899 749 r063 1680 662 939 '1485 575 816.. 1291 zAB , 693 1096 H.6X 114' IPS steel 3"x32"x.028" electro-gal. steel 48 I 3 950 1440 2050 998 1512 2153 :..S03 1368 1948 ,. 817 1238 't763 7ll 1123 1599 oco 994 1415 580 878 1251 504 , o.t 1087 428 64t! 923 RAIIIIG$' Active length of eoch element is os {ollows: S ond C series-S%" less thon fotol length. E ond H series-3" less thon totol length' NOTE: H-3, H-4 and E-3 olomenls are not recommended lor bare-element installation. H-1 is not recommended Jor sleam appiications. For ratings at low6r wator lomperatures, reter lo conversion table on page 29. I Based on 65'F enleing air temperature Active Flnned Length-----+l T I 7"I 1 I 'l'17/s" The instolled height for e1e- ments is de{ined os the dis- tonce from the finished fioor to the top o{ the fin. The minimum mounting height on oll elements without en- closures is 57+" from finished {loor to bottom ol fins of lowest element. I T 47/a" I Dimensions tor bare element installation without enclosures ("S" and "C" elements). )-7 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.]MTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. F.ROI\TTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P03-0052BYoaf Job Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLJED location.....: LODGE AT VAIL UNIT 338 Applied . . : 06/09/2003 ParcelNo...: 210108221042 Issued. .: 06/23/2003 ProjectNo | '-;',AS3{XQ Expires. .: 12/2012003 owNER DOOIJEY TOM 06/09/2003 phone: License: CoNTRACTOR CONCEPT MECmNICAT_,, rl{C 06/09/2003 phone: 97o-949-O20O P.O. BOX 1165 AVON, CO 8162 0 License: l-89-P APPIJICAIIT CONCEPT !,IECHANICAIJ, rNC 06/09/2003 phone: 970-949-0200 P.O. BOX 1165 AVON, CO 8162 0 License: 189-P Descipion: plumb and rough in four new bathrooms set/trim fixtures @ kitchen and bathrooms Valuation: $13.800.00 Fireplac€ lnfomation: R€sfricted: ??# ofcas Applianc€s: ??# ofGas Logs: ?? # of Wood Pallet ?I'rtt*a*r*'tr*:t*:**:*:lit'|a**a**.*r.a*:l+:l,t*at*t,|t.|a'ta**a**ara*t....ttat't*rtt FEE SUMMARYPlumbing-> 5210.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> SS2 . S0 DRB Fee---------> Invcstigation-> Will Csll----->$3.00 90.00 Total Calculsted Fees-> 5255.50 50.00 Additional Fees-----> $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL FEES > $265, s0 Total P€rmit Fe€------> 5265.50 ITEM: O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMENT 06/09/2003 DF Action: APItem: 05600 FTRE DEPARTMENI CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIOI{S ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAI.ICE. Payments---------> 5255.50 BALANCEDUE > $0.00 ****+t**'ttttittt,i.tttttif f rrr**r+lll+rlltltlrlltal.il*a*trl.**t DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in firll the information required, completed an accurate plot plarL and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. R-EQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS TURE OF O 8:00AM-4PM. ANDOWNEF Jun, OS O3 I 1:38a s 7,f/VNWVilLIY 75 S. Frontage Rd, Vall, Colorado 81657 ?5.5D IF IIICOT{PLETE OR U'ISIGNED 970{79-2lag (lnspeabns) COiIPLETE VALUAnON FOR PLUIIBING PERtIIT (Labort l{ateials} p.2 Toum of Vail Reg. No.: PLUMBING: $ /e Office Parcel Parcel#&,la/dga.atav4 JobJ.tame.7)eo t- ev' /(e *t o Je-L''frf.ifiht m ua.i/ ttar I en Lesaf Description ]l u* ll encr, I nlins= - [ suuairi.lont M @eW EnSina:V1trQ Address:Phone: --____--f,- Work Class: New( ) Addition ( ) Alteration 0{ Repair ( ) Other ( ) Tpe of Btdg.: Sing{e-.kmily ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-tumily ( ) Comm€rcial ( | Restaurant ( ) Other fi LlO t* No. of Existing Dwetling Unats in this building: N/n No. of Accommodation UniE in this buitding: f) /fr ****'****'k**+*r. *t*********************i*FOR OFFICE USE ONL DIL Pso3- 6lw Wtzl \\vailldrt \odCV\FORMS\PERMTTS\PLMBPERIT" lXlC Rt'f, lEfi?iffi*'lrcpection Request Reporting__- __ vArL. co -T]otfft|-QF Requested lnsp€ct Date: Wednesday, Decemirer 17, 2oO3 Insp€cfron Ar€a: CD SltE Address: 174 E GORE CREEK OR VAIL LODGE AT VAIL UNIT 338 Typ€: AMFOccupincy:S{rb TVDd: AMFLh€: itt f-HF Page 4 -gE{-e!D---_ . AIPfi) InfbrmrEolE Acllvtty' Coffit TlEe: Ownsr: Apdlcant:Cffimlnr:Oscrlp{on; Comin€fl|: Cofl|||tont: Co{nm€nt: ts0$o1n5 DOOLE'Y TOM Slatus: ISSUED Insp Ar6s: CD BECK & ASSOCIATES, it{C Phone: 9?O-9491SC BECI( & ASSOCIATES. II\E INTERIOR REI{OOEI ONLY-Eoths unl qut outroulrd sfuctu€k to Clrade - DFLORES - ROUTEO REVISED DRAWII{GS TO ALLS0N At{D CHARLE FOR RE\IEWR€vls€d drsrvlms no+/ nol tocn&cd dn€ lo trct O|at Accomedailorr unit vln b€ .titrp€d l,o b€ rem,od wi0|ost acondiloflal us€ p.rmit D€r tha'Plannho D.ol - CDAVTSROUTED 1'O ChARLE FOR REVTEWAI'PROVAL. DFLORES Requccbd lnsp€qtlon( s I Item: R€quedor: Conimanb: A*lgnqd To: Acdon: 90 BLDG-Flnal B€CK & unfl 338 Commant3: &d Requested Tlme: 08:00 AIUPhone: !X)4-O703 Entorod By: DCOLD€N K 2% 30 Itam: tt€in: TlmExp; Tpil*Apgond- : CDAVIS O8/14O3 Inspeclo{: CDAVIS Acto.l' AP APPFC'I/EDltern: 50 BlDc-lnsulrticvl '* ApDtdrbd -8!22n3 hsp€ctor: CDAlrlS Acfron: C.C+IDAPPRO\,EEI/COIr|IITIOiISCofirrenti: ALARM At{D SPRSII(LER PERltlT l$St ES ^|t|D r.{SPECTIONS rrftrsT 8E RESOLVED-INSTALL VAFoR RETARDER ON Oi'lE EXTERTOR WALL BEHTND F/P.IilSTALL IhEULATION O$I EXTERIOR RAKE WALL IN ATTIC TO PROTECT SFRNKLERFRO[' FREEzlMiItom: 60 BLDG.SfT€otrack Nail " Approwd * Ogi0a03 lnsp€cior: CDAVIS ftilon: AP AFPRCIVEDCornments: EXCLUDES Tl{rO BATI-froof,lS09/1fl08 Insp€ctrx: GCO Acdon: CRCORRECTTONflEAUHED COMMENTS; 1 .s/ff lYP€ X GYP OR EQUTVALENT REOD FLOOR TO CE|uNG OI.I CORRIIJOR AI.JDDEltSltlG WALI"S REOD TO EE BEHI.IO€ nXTRES A}.|r) BEtlCH.2.PENETRATrcfiF il FLOOR AIIDWALLS REA nRESTOPPI'IGAID PATCHSIG. 3.PATCH HCII.E N ATTXC AT SPRINKLER PP€" MO-ST OF THE G'/P IS ALREADY FINISHED. DO IIOT CChITNUE WTIL REI}dSPECTION IS APPROi/ED. 09/'t6,03 Inspector: JRM Acrion: AFAFPR0\IEDCommsnb. CORRECTbNS APPRO\/EDIt trr: 70 gLDGMisc. Itom: S BLOG-Finai nom: 21 PLAi.l" ILC Founda{on Ptanhom: 2? PLAII-;LC Slti PlanIlggr/6tlt(- _ n -_..,1-i*-.,-*7 llt llt'- "" /t - | | ta | / tf{/l1llt_- lnr //f lllu''H9 w' ' - , *{/\ t.lLJ /'/ K_c' u \v ''A t) (iliu ( P*-t u"/ / ' I \ ) t!!- vi REPT131 Run Id: 1476