HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail Unit 340)o Ar,--uTE F.RE pRorEctoN, rNc. eo+s e.z6rt AVE. #12, commerce City, CO g0022 PHONE (303)288-3901 o FAX (303) 288-1936 FIRE SPRINKLER EQUIPMENT SUBMITTAL AND HYDRAU LIC CALGULATIONS Loj'' FOR I,1U t tl tt' THE LODGE AT VAIL UNIT 340 174 E. GORE CREEK DRtrtE i t, A tr r\A d1\:"-' *"f& ilt-^( KEVIN P. MURMY I I I I I I f y,r" & Buitding / Products Technical Services: Tel: (800) gB.1-93.12 / Fax: (S0O) 791 _5500 Customer Service/Sales: Tel: (215) 362-0700 / (800) 523-6512 Fax: (21S) 962_5385 General slalled or finished, The tip of the pro_recttve Cap can also be used to markrne center of the ceiling hole into pras. l?i"Pll.dl-":irils tires; etc. bv sbntrypushing the ceiriig proor"t i,ijinli'inJHrotective Cap. When the c-eilino in., ,,-u,euuve. L,ap. wnen the ceiling in.sra[alton is complete the proteitive I I I I I I I I I I Description The Saries Ltr (TyZ596) ResidenlialL;onceated.pendent Sprrnklers areoecorattve, last r6sponse, tusible sol-oer spnnkters designed for use in resi_oennat occupancies such as homes,apartments, dormitories, and holels. The coverplate assembly conceats thespnnKter op€rating componenls aooverhe, ceiting. The flat protile of the coverprare provrd.€s the optimum aestheli-caly ap,peating sprinkler deslgn. In ad_ ; ['."j ; i] "6%?,1i.r:;;t%"i )!" "."1\t -2,/ .mm) vertrcal adjustment. This ,1.Li.,rT:l reduces rh'e accuracy royl:9n 19 l'*gd pipe drops ro the sprin-IfI: L9.sJ be..cut to hetp assure aperTect fi t installation. The- Series LFll are to be used in wetprpe residential sprinkler systems forone-,and two_family dwellings and mo- 9lrq .hoTqs per NFpA 13D; wet piperesidential sprinkler systems for resi_oe-ntrat occupancies u! to and includ_rng rour stories in height per NFpA .ror1; or, wet.ptpe sprinkler svstems forne- residentia.l _porlions of iny occu_pancy per NFPA 19. Illr-Fqliq. LFil (ry2se6) has a 4.2\ou,rt. r\-lactor that provtdes "e rg-qurre_d residenliatflow rates al reducedpre_ssures. enabling smaller pipe s jzesano water supply requiremehti. The.Serjes LF (Ty2596) has been 9"-:'.Sn"9 wilh heat sensitiv,ty anow-ater.distribution c h a racte iis ticsproven to help in the cortrol of resroen.Uar lres and to mprove lhe chance foroccupants to escape or be evacuated. ProtectiveCap is, removed ind the bover ptateAssembjy installed. WARNINGS r ne senes.LFll (Ty2596) Residentialuonceated pendent Sirinklers oe_sgnpgd.herein must be installed andmatnained in compliance with this 1,.:"-!?it, a: w9t!as with the apptica_ote .sranctards of the National Fi6 pi_rec on Association, in addition to the?lanqayl.of any other aulhorities hav_r!y^t::::!tc!i?n Faiture to do so mayrmpatr the Integrity ol these devices.' The.owner is responsible for mantain-tng theit tire protection system and de_vtces. tn proper operating condition. I ne tnstauing contractor-or sprinklerman.utacturet should be contactedtetattve to any questions. r ;ffiTffi '5i il'.",1'33i :;,:if Tix r:iiirl!ii,3.3J.,'S:i?:1ff ,"",.#; removed for installation, and then it I $1.?i.,'""ilfr:ifl ",?JfiB r r*, ll: Page I of 4 T jyrin)ler/Nloder Eiii':'i :i"i*l":i*:. . .,,J;::IdentifiCatiOn saIdre..:.. Brassttumpei-"-" ::li:TB.?,?11,',r,,"n"iwiretionrSoldered Lrrk halves . NickelsrNrY2se6 f""fii**,";b;,;;:..'.t;?*:Technical E:itT'itH;^ins :;.:, 8",jf;iJData F,Y,i?ilSil: : i":":;Si::lApprovars: F:[:lil"':: ...:,.:"8?f."JUL and C-UL Listed. Cover plate Fiectron Spring . .-. *" Maximum Working Pressure: Stainless Steelr/5 psr (i2,1 bar) Discharge coefficrent: tDuPont Registered rrademark K = 4.2 cPN//psil/2 (60,5 LpM/bar1/2) Temperature Ratino: 1 60"Fi7 1.C Sprinkle-r with135"F/57"C Cover Plata Vertical AdJustment: 112 inch (12,7 mm) Finishes: Cover Plate: Flat White, Brighl Whire, Chrome, oruuslom MaRC]|,2OO3 TFP44O I I I I I I I T I I t I I I I I I I I PaEe 2 oI 4 Operation Wiex e;posed to heat from a fire, they9ve:. .ptqle, which is normalty sot_dere.d t.o. the Support Cup at lhree 9p^,yf: _rlilr, 9r?y to expose the Sprin.Ktsr Assembty. At this point the Deilec_tor.supported by the Arms drops downro rrs operated position. The tu;ible linkol the Sprinkler Assembly is com-q1se9.or two tink hatves thit are sol- 9:re9.rogether with a thin layer of sot_ 9-el.,w!e.l the rated remp6rarure is l,:?gnqd, rhe sotdor metts end the rwoInK natves separate allowing the sprin-Krer to activate and flow waier. Design Criteria The Seri6s _LF (Ty2596) Residenrralu0lc_e?lgd pendent Sprinkters are UL 1ld_g uL Lisred for iristailiiio=n in ac.cor0ance with the following criteria. NOTE Whe-n conditians exist that arc ou$tde!:e ,?cop: of .the provided c teria, refer ' F y.i! : i,F 1g:l i #, f:,:Ilil ^,!;i :y t" rec,o-mmendations that may be accept-aae b the Authority Having Jurisdic_ :y^:.t:T rJpe. Onty wet pipe sysremsmay be utilized. Hydraulic Deslgn. The minimum re. ,q:L"j .f lin{gj_Jtow rate for sysremsgesrgnad to ryFpA 13D or NFPA j3Rare given in Table A as a function ofremperature rating and the maxtmum ljl?y,19t" coverage areas. The sprin-Krer-flow rate is the minimum requiredotsc.harg.e from each of the total LruTbelo_rjdesisn sprinkters,, as specr.IJed In NFPA 13D or NFPA 13R, ' For systems designed to N FpA j 3, thenumber of desigi sprinkteri is to be 11:,19y|. moJJ hydraur jcaily demandinsspflnt(ters. The minimum iequrred drs-cnarge trom each of the four sprrnklersrs ro be the greater of ihe followrng: o The_ flow rates gtven in Table A f orNFPA 1 3D and i 3F as a fiicrron ofremperature rating and tne maxl_mum a owable coverage area,. f TllllT-discharse or 0.1 spm/sq l,; ?y9r lf . ,,design area' cofrprise!o_.^rn€ tour most hydraulicaliy de-mandrng sprinklers for the acrual io-u9l.S. areas oejng protected byrne tour sprinklers. - Obstruction To Water Distribution.Locattons of sprinklers are to De tnaccordanc-e with the obstruction rulesur r\irA I J tor residential sprjnKrers. Operational Sensl vity. The sprin, r(ters are to be installed relative to thece tng mounting surface as shown inFroure 3. SprinXler Spaclng. The minrmumspaclng _€itween sprinklers is g teet:.:::-!) the, maximum spacing be-rween s.pflnklers cannot exceed theterglh ot the coverage area (Ret. Table :t^o"Is nydrau.tica y catcutaled (e.g.,maxlmum 1A feet for a 12 tl. x i2n.cov.erage atea, or 20 feet for a 20 tt. xzu n. coverage area). Installation The Series LF (Ty2S96) musr be In_slaIed In accordanco with the tollow.Ing Instructions: ^ NOTES 1:.!y_S? t? t,he tusibte Link Assembtyourtng ,tnstauation can be avoided bynanottnq. the sp nkler by the hamb ?rry.s ottty (Le , do not apply pressureto the fusible tint< Assembtil ll?af jight 1./2 tnch NpT sprinkter joint ?no.u!d. b9 obtained with a torque of 7ro 14 tt..tbs. (9,5 to | 9,0 Nm). A maxi. fu! a: 21 ft.tbs. (28,s Nm) ot torquer.s., 19 b? used to insta sprinlal!6.Htgner.tevels of torque may diston thesp nkter inlet with consequent teak.age or tmpaiment ol the sprinkler. Do..not attempt io compensate tor in.su rcEnt adJustment in an Escutcheon TFP44O i\ Maximum Coverage Area (a) Ft. x Ft. (mxm) Maximum Spacing Fl. 0n) Minimum p1q,lJ tl) and Residual pressure For Horizontal Ceiling (Max.2 Inch Rise fo|t 2 Inch Run) Minimum f1614 (bl 36d Besidual Pressure For Sloped Ceiting (Greater Than 2 tnch Rlse Up To tulax. 4 Inch Rise tor 12Inch Run) Minimum pl9e1(b) en{ Residual pressure For Sloped Ceillng (Greater Than 4Inch Flise Up To Max.8Inch Rise for 12Inch Run) 160.F 1"C Sprinkter 160.F/71"C Sprlnkler 160"FP1"C Sprinkler12x12 (3,7 x 3,7)(3,7) te ceu 1+slTFfr 9.6 psi (0.66 bar) ta Gev 1oe,r Leu)- 18.4 psi (1,27 ba4 ra cell loaJTFfrf 18.4 psi (1 ,27 bar)14xi4 (4,3 x 4,3) 14 (4,3) re urrvt (b3,u LPM) 1 l.1 Dsi (O 77 bar\ ra cev 1oe,r levrl 18.4 psi (1 ,27 bar) I A OeV 1Oe,r Leul 18.4 psi {1,A7 bar)16 x 16 (4,9 x 4,9) to (4,9) 16 GPNr (60,6 LP[/) 14.5 osi f1.00 hari 18 GPtu (68,1 tPM) 18.4 psi (1,27 bar) '18 GP[/ (68,1 Lplr,4) 18.4 psi (1,27 bar)t 18 x 18 (5,5 x S,5) '18 (s,5) zu UPM (75,7 LPM) 22.7 osi (1 57 h^t\20 cPM (75,7 LPt\4) 22.7 psi (1 ,57 bat) N/A 20x20 (6,1 x 6,.1) 20 (6,1)<+ urtu (vu,8 LPM) 32.7 psi (2,2S bar) z0 ceu 1sa,a revl 38.3 psi (2,64 bar) NiA c) 5$ff[i:T;il::,iJl:l':T ff:ilil#,1iy::i:iff,""11,.i?..?;Jl.' necessary ro use rhe m,n,mum required ,ow ror ,he (b) Fequirement is based on minimum flow in GplM {LpM)trom each sousing the nominal x-ta"ror. neiei ro Hydrautrc Design crireria sectiol ljler' The.associated resjdual pressures are calcutated NFPA TABLE A FoB rHF aF'l,E"r ',:p:y2y:!!_1sR HyDRAuLrc DEsrGN cBtrER|AFoR rHE sERrEs trn rriisd|i ie'srririit\tlic,ej"Et FEiroT,J| "rr,r*rm TFP44O I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I SEALING ASSEMBLY SUPPORT CUP WITH ROLL FORMED THREADS COl\4PRESSION SCFEW SOLDER LINK ELEMENT RETAINEF WITH THREAD DII\4PLES GUIDE PIN GUIDE PIN HOUSING IIrl DEFLECTOR THREAD INTO SUPPORT CUP UNTIL MOUNTING SURFACE IS FLUSH WITH CEILING SPRINKLER/SUPPOHT CUP ASSEMBLY COVER PLATVRETAINER ASSEMBLY EJECTION SPFING COVEB PLATE FIGURE 1 SE?Ef;[!Jy:iI'I^F:lt:,lilx| page g of 4 P^l?r9 ,n,V under-..or over-tightening theSpinkter. Readjust the pdsilon 6f thespnnKter fitting to suit. Itl, ]: The spr:nkter must onry bernslarred In the pendent pos,tion andwrtn^tne cenlerline o, lhe sprirkler pe.penotcJ'ar to the rrounting sLrface. Step 2. Remove the protective Cap. ljlf l.. P1h pipo.rhread seatant ap-p|eo,to the pipe threads, and using f ?_Y^:_TJ?. 18 Wrench shown in FigurE ::Tsja.lajnd rislten.rhe Sprinkter/Sup_p9rl uup Assembty into the fitrirg, Theyv-Type 18 Wrenif wi accelt-a 1tzIncn ratchet drive. llg1 f,i:{"." the prorecrrve Cap bypusnt.]g tt upwards untir it bottoms otjtagatnst the Support Cup. The protec_ ]1v9. uap hetps prevent damaqe to theuelector and Arms during ceiling in-stall-atton and/or during apiptication ot :T:-tfl.n coating of the ceiting. tt mayalso b6 used to locate lhe cenGr of th6 WRENCH 9n PUSH WRENCH IN TO FNSURE ENGAGEMENT WITH SPRJNKLER WFENCHING AREA FIGURE 2 W-TYPE 18 SPRINKLER WRENCH ]/8'GAP 1" 15/16't1/4" (49,2 mm !6,4 mm) 112" (12,7 mm) 1" (25,4 mm) i::^:Ff :I,:[#j2.;:::,:ry!',f_iE-'gi"EALEDpENDENTspRtNKLER,usrattnnouotr,,reusiois/i'ioi?6iiiET;r.iff;ii;i;o'iE,!rlb::o^ I I I I I t I I I I I I I t I I I t Page 4 ot 4 clearance hole by gently pushilg rl-eceirtn9- materjal aga,nsl the cenreroornt of the Liao. NOTE . As long as..the prctective Cap rematnstn pace, -Ine system ts considered tobe "Out Ot Seuice". Step 5. Atter the ceiling has been com_ Bl?9g.-yill lhr 2.1.t2.inch (63 mm)otameter ctearance hole and in prepa_ranon tor Insla tng the Cover plate As_semoty, remov6 and discard lhe pro_ tec.tive cap, and verify that theueTteclor moves up and down freely. lf the Sprinkler has been damaged andth€ Deflector does not move -up and 99*! Jf9€ry, reptace rhe enlire Sprin_krer assembly. Do not atterpt ro mod_try or repatr a damaged spnnk,er. Step 6. Screw on the Cover ptare As_sembty Unlit its frange comes In con.tact wtth the ceilino. Do nol continue to-screw on lhe CoverFtale Assembty such thal it litts a ceil_Ing panel out of its normal position. lf the Cover plate Assembly cannor De 9ngage_d wrth lhe Mountjng Cup or lheuover Htale Ass€mbly cannot oe en-gaged qlfficienfly to contact the ceil_rng, the_Sprinkler Fitting rnust be repo_srlroned. Care and Maintenance The Ssrjes LF (Ty25S6) musr oe.natntatned and serviced in accord,ance wtth the tollowing Instructrons: NOr€s 1?f:l?," ot an Escutcheon ptate maydetay..the sprinklet operatron in a tiresttualtan. ze:?!e c!??ing a tie protection systemmatn control ualve for maintenancey.?i!.o! the tiro protection sysrcmwntcn t,t controls, permission ro snut ?9:ln the altected fire protection sys-tem.mu.st be obtained irom the proper 1::tl?lti?s 3!d ?t! personnet whc mayoe at.r€cted by this action must be n6-Ited. Sprinklers.which are found to be leak_rng or exhibiting visible sjgns of corro-sron must be replaced. A-ulomatic sprinklers must ne,/er bepanted. plated, coared. or otl-erw,sea'lersd after reaving lhe facto,y. Modi-Tre_o or over heateo sprinklers riusr oero0lac6d. ljIe nlusl be exerciseo to avoio oam_dgc _- oe-ore, duri.g, and after jnstal-,queri. )pflnkers damageo by orop_ li",sl.,^ ljiikilq, wrench tuist/stippage,or rne ttke, mUst be reolaced. The owner is responsible for the in_spectr_on, testtng, and maintenance ofrnetr Ttre protection system and de-vrces rn compliance with this docu. T_"111 u9 welt as with the appticabtesrandprds of the Nalional Fire protsc_ron.Association (e.9., NFpA 25), In i91!"L l9 the standards of any otherauthonttes havjng jurisdiction. ihe in_sra tng conlractor or sprinklef manu_racrurer should be contacteo relalive toany questions. NOTE r,n^e-owner must ass,ure that the sprin_Kt.ers ate not used for hanoino or an,robje-cts ano that the sprirxErs"ai" iiiiy ?.:?,?r:l by means of gentty dusttn'gwnn a.teather dustet; atnerwise, non-aperatrcn in the event ot a f ire oi inad_vertent operation may result. 11 is recommended that automatic :I-l,l j.t"t. .sysrems be inspecreo,lesred,.and matntained by a qualifiedInspection Servics. Limited Warranty Tlgy:p manufacrured by Tyco Firerr9qucrs are warranted sbleiy to the !l_9lnfl ,B.uy9r for ten (r0) yeariagatnst defects in materiai ano work- :3.T,n'? when paid for and properryInstatJed ard maintatneo under normatus-e and s_eJvice. Thjs warranry w;ll sx_ ?]re Jqn flOt years from dars of ship_ment by Tyco Fire products. No war.ranty ts gjven for products orco-mponents.manufactured by compa_ il:^.^ lgl affit'ared by.ownerlhip whnryco Ftre products or for pfoducts and :^olC-9.19n1. which hav6 been sub.ect l?,T'rs!sel improper installation, corro-ston,,0r wh:ch have not oaen rnita.led,matntarned, moditied or repaireo In ac_cordance with applrcable Standards ofrne Natronal Fire protection Associa-on, an.d/or the slandards of any ornerAUtnonttes Having Jurisdiction. Mate-nars round by Tyco Fire prodltcts to beoerecttve shall be either reoaired orreplaced, at Tyco Fire products, solsoptron. Tyco Fire products neilner as-sumes, nor authorizes any person toassume. for it, any other dbi,oalron incon.nectron with the sale of prolducts orpafls ot products. Tyco Fr"e products snarr not. be responsiDle for sprinktersyslen destgn errors o|naccJrale or J,:g:ir_"1" i.r{or.nation suopried Dybuyer Or BLyer'S representatives. l.l'r lg qYE\r SHALL rYCo FrRE llg^D_ug]S BE L'ABLE, lN coN.TRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY OR TFP44O q!gE!_4NY orHEF LEGAL rHE-9lI,-ioR tNcrDENrAL, rNDrRECr, 9?.ECl4L oF CoNSEQUENTTAL P.+lYAqE!, |NCLUDtNG BUr NorLIMITED TO LABOF CHARGES RF. :c.ABDLESS oF \^/HETHER ivcbFIF^E PRODUCTS WAS INFOFMED iiflY:lt"^",1. ?ii 1,""" '. g Ei+SHALL ryco rrne Cnoouirs,rr-ABILITY EXCEED AN AMOUNTEQUAL ro rHe snres pnrd.i.W Ordering Procedure When placing an order, indtcate lhe tullproduct_name. Contact your local dis_rnoulor tor availability.. Sprinkler Assembty: Serigs LFtl (Ty2596), K-4.2, Fesiden_uat uonceated pendent Sprjnkler wtth_out L.;over Plate AssemblvP/N 51-122-1-160. ',' Cover Plate Assembly: 9qv,gJ.ltale Assembty having a {spec_rry),rrnrsn for the Serje_s LFll (Ty2596). ^-4.2. H estdentia l ConCeared pen- oent Sprinkier, p/N (specify). Ch.oTe .. p/N 56.i22-9.13SgfrPliJg .. pl,: s6.rzz_o.rsstlr gm wntte. p/t\ 56-122-4_135Frat.Wh le . D/t\ S6-i22-S-135uustom . .. ..... p/N 56_122-X.135 Sprin kler Wrench: Specrfy: W-Type 1 I Sprinkler Wrench,P/N 56-000. 1-265. I TYCO FIRE PRODUCTS,45t North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, pennsytvania 19446 I I t I I -S,err'es LFII Besfde ntialllorizontal Sidewall Sjrinklers4.2 K.factor tt1 c a I [;;if"f;ircr in o Technical Seruices: Tel: (800) gB1-9312 / Fax: (800) 79.1_SSO0 Customer S6ruice/Sales: Tel: (21s) 362.0700 / (800) s2s-6sj2 Fax: (215) 862.5385 I I I I I t I I I t I I I I General WARNINGS r ne .series LFll (Tyt SS4) ResidentialHorEontat Sidewall Sirinklers de_scnbed herein must be installeo andmatntamed in compliance with this Description The. Series L,Flt (ry1334) ResrdenrialHorizontal Sidewall Spi.inklers areoec^oraJrve, fast response, f rangibleoutD.spflnklers designed for us-e inrestdenttal occupancies such as l?llpsl.apartments, dormirories, and l?rerq: whe.n qesthetics and optimizedI|oiv c-naracteristics are lhe maior con_srd_era_rron,..th-€. Series LFt | (Tyl 334)snoutd be the first choice. The Series LFll are to be us€d rn wetprpe resldential sprinkler systems forone-.and two-family dwellings ano mo_ole nomes per NFpA 13Dl wer oroerestoenltat sprinkler systems for iesi_oenl|at occupancies up to and includ-rng rour stories in hejght per NFPA .t.JH; or, wet pipe sprinkler systems forme residential portjons of hny occu_pancy per NFPA 13. IIF_Fqligr LFil (ry1s34) has a 4.2(bu,b). K-factor that provides the re_qutreo residential flow rat€s at reducedpressures, enabling smaller pipe sizesano warer supply requiremehts. Iifi ii!:".'r$ ["li8l.B'r'il? :,"J,:;areas. wrth-tinished walls. lt employs atwo-piece Sryle 20 Recessed Escutch_ :p:]i.- tjr,., Recessed Escutcheon pro.vtoes. 1/4 inch (6,4 mm) of recessedaojustment or up to 1/2 inch (.12,7 mmjol totat adjustment from tne flustinyll"S surface position. The adjusr-menr provided by the Recessed'Es. :ii9l?""r reduces the accuracy townrcn rhe pipe nipples to the sprinlilersmust be cut. The. Series LFll (Tyi334) has oeen:::.€n"j wirh heat sensitiviry anowater orstribution ch a racte iisticsproven to help in the control of residen_uar rrres and lo improve the chance foroccupants to escape or be evacuated, Sprinkler/Model aocument, as well as with theiy:1,,',err., as we as with the applica_ote .standards of the Nationat Fie pro_ Identitication Number slN TY1334 Technicat Data Approvals: UL and C-UL Listed. llaj(imum Working pressure: r /5 psi (12,1 bar) Discharge Coetticienl:K = 4.2 cpM/ps jrt2 (60,5 LpM/bar,tz1 Temperature Ra no: 1 55"F/68.C or 17 s.F /79" c Finishes: Whita Polyester Coated,unrome plated, or Natural Brass Physical Characteristics: :rqfe ' BrassEunon ._ . BronzeueattngAssembly..... Bery ium Nickel Mleflont JANUARY,2OO3 te.ction Association, in addition to thesrandards of any other authorities hav_I,y-J-u.r-pdlc.ti9n. Failure to do so maytmpatr the integrity ol these devices.- The.owner is responsibte for maintain_tng rnet fire protection system and de_wces. rn proper operatino condition. I ne tnstalling contrcctor-or sDrinklermanutacturer should be Contactedreanve to any questions. Bulb .. 3m.ndia,GlassUompression Screw . BronzeLrelector Copper f Dupont Fegistered Trademark Operation The glass Bulb contains a flutd lhatexpands when exposed to heat. WhenIhe raled temperature is reached, thenurd expands sufficien y to shatter thegtass uutb allowing the sprinkler toactrvate and flow water. Page I of I TFP4I O I I Pase 2 ofB I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I t I Components: 1 ' Frame 2 ' Button Assembty 3 - Sealing Assembty 4 - Bulb 5 . Compression Screw 6 - Detlector * * Temperature rating is indicat€d on top of Deflector, TOP-OF. DEFLECTOR \l 7/16', (11,1 mm) CENTERLINE OF WATERWAY 12' NPT END-OF. DEFLECTOF RECESSED s ra rc s tn t flf f#it'r r uo rrno,HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL AND RECiSSiD hiI:Eii5frii[iNEWALL SPRTNKLERS TFP4IO WFENCH FECESS (END 'A' USED FOH TYl334) FIGUBE 3 W.TYPE 6 SPRINKLEB WRENCH 7t16i1 ta" (11,1+3,2 mm) FACE OF SPRINKLEF FITTING IOP.OF- DEFLECTOR t\2-7/8'AlA. (73,0 mm) 7t16' (11,1 mm) MOUNTING PLATE END.OF- DEFLECTOR BOSS 2.1l4',DtA. (57,2 mm) 1/8" (3,2 mm) FIGURE 2 STYLE 20 FECESSFD ESC UTCHEON ---.FOB USE WITH THE SERIES LFII (TWig4T R E s t D E Nr t A L H o B r z o N rA L s n ew it't i b\tii x rc n 1-3/8" (34,9 mm) 1-118" (28,6 mrn) PUSH WBENCH IN TO ENSUFE ENGAGEIVIENT WITH SPRINKLER WRENCHING AREA FIGURE 4 W-TYPE 7 NECESSED SPBINKLER WRENCH I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I t I I TFp4to Design Criteria The Series LFll (Ty1334) ResrdentialHonzontat.Sidewall Sprinkle rs are ULano.u.uL Listad for insrallation in ac-coroance with the following criteria. NOTEwhen conditions exist that are outsidene scope of the provided criteria, referto tne B_e_sidential Sprinkler DesignGuide TFp490 lor thd manulacturei,srccom me ndations.th at n ay be accept- 1P-,9,19 tle tocal Authority Having Ju_nsQtc on. system Typ6. _only wot oipe systemsmay be utilized. Hydraulic Design. The minimum re_qutred sprinktejJlow rate for systemsdesrgned to NFPA t 3D or NFPA t 3Rare gjven in Table A, B, C, and D as aruncUon ot temperature raling and themaxlmum allowable coverale areas. I ne spnnKter ftow rate is the minimumrequtred drscharge from each of therorat .number ot ,,design sprinklers,,asspecrrred in NFPA 13D or NFPA 13R. For systgms designed to NFPA 13, thenumber of d€sign sprinklers is to berne.lour mojt hydraulically demandingsprinkleJs. Th6 minimum i.equired dislcnarge trom each of the four sprinklersts ro 0e tne graater ot ths following:. The flow rates given in Tables A, B,U, and.D tor NFPA 13D and 13R asa runctron of temperature rating andrne maximum allowablo coveraoearea. . f Tjltymlischarse of 0.1 spm/sq.rL ov6r the .design area', cofipriseb 3]^19 iow most hydraulicatiy de_manolng sprinklers for the actual :E?I399 ale,qs beins proteded byrne tour sprinklers. Obstructlon To Water Dlstrtbution.Locattons of sprinklers are to oe tn 3ii,TBi""8'Xli"$3J,.,?,""f HEi,??,!Ti* gle-rllio.nql Senstflviry. The sprin-xte.rs are to be installed with an end_or_oejlector-boss to wall dislance of 1_.r/d^ro b tnches Or in the recessed po_sruon using only th6 Style 20 Re.cessed Escutcheon as snown tnr-rgure 2. ln addition the top-of-deflector.to_ceit_rng dtsta4c€ rs to be within the range li^"j:rlllg A,.B,,c, or D) being nyorauflca y catculated. Sprinkler Spacing. The minimumspa_crng b_etwosn sprinklers;s g feet J--r.f^It. Ih:. maximum spacing be_rween sprinklors cannot exceed the wdth.of the coverage area (Ref, Table :l^?9jS hydrau.lically catcutared (e.g.,maxlmLrm 12 feet tor a iZ ft. x 1211.cov.erage area, or .6 feet for a 16 ft. xzu n. covsrage area). Installation The Series LFlt (Tyt 334) must be in-sla ed in accordance with the follow_Ing lnstructions: ^ i/oIESuo n.ot,tnstall any bulb type sprinkler ifme Dulb is cncked or lhere ii a loss ol l^q!r! ,trom the butb. W h the sprinkternetd.horizontally, a small air bubblesnoutd be present. The diameter of thearr Dubbt.e is approximatety 1/16 inch( t,o mm). A leak ,tight t!2 inch NpT sprinkler joint ?!""r1d..99 ort-at!1ed with i torque'of 7to t4 ..tbs. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). A maxi- Ir!1oJ ?1 tt.tbs- (2a,s Nm) ot torquer:,.19 b? used to insta sprinkters.nryner Evels Of torque mav distott thespnnkter inlet with consequent leak-age or tmpairment of the sbrinkler. Do-not attempt to compensate for in_suttrctent adjustment in an Escutcheon 7aI9 .b! under- or over-tightening thesptinkter. Readjust the p6sition ;l thespnnKrer htting to suil. The. Series LF Horizontal SidewallspnnKters must be installed in ac_coroance with the followino instruc_ltons. Step 1 ..Horizontal sidewall sprinktersare.Jo be insta ed in the hbrizontalpost on wilh rheir centerline of water-way perpendjcular io the back wall andparaltet to the ceiljng. The word ,.TOp,, on the Def lector is td facs towards thecertrng with the front edqe of the De_recror parallel to the ceilino. :,1:l .i .yith pipe thread !.","n, "p-Pl,:119 ll g pipe threads, hand tishtdnrne sp nktor into the sprinkler fittlng. Step.3. Tighten the sprinkler inlo rhe :erllI:l,fitril^q usins onty the w-rype p^, :pfl?fl"' wrench (Ref. Fisure-3). x'Il j,:lgl"lgg ro Fisure 1, tne w_ryp'e l:qllnKrqr Wrench is to be apptiea torne wrench flats. The Series LF Recessed HorizontalurdewaI sprlnklers must be installedIn- a^ccordance with the foltowrng In-srructtons. Step.A. Recessed horizontat srdewallspnnkters are to be insralleo In lnen0flzontal positrol with the ir centerlineor warerway perperdicJlar to the backyll_191-p,"rullgt to rha ceiirng. rheworo " t up' on ths Def lector is lo +acerowards th6 ceilino. Step B. After installing the Styte 20 page O of 8 lIolnjing P'are over the sprinktorrnreads and with pipe thread seatantap,plred. to the Oioe tn.eads, nanorgnrer rfe sprinkler into the sprjnklerIrttrng. Step C. fighten the sprinkler into thesprnkter litting using only tne w_Type l.,Hecelsg_q..Sprinkrer Wrench (Rbf. fJqufg.9 With reference to Figure 1,jlle W:Type Z Recessed Soitnkte;wrcnch ls to be applied to the dprinklerwrench tlats. Step C. Atter the wall has been rn.sta ed o-r.the finish coat has been ap.prred, slide on tne Styte 20 Closui.eover the Series LFll Sprinkrer anopush the.Closure over the lVlountingPtate.until its flange comes In conractwrtn the wall. Care and Maintenance The Series LF (Ty1334) musr bemarnlatned and serviced in accord_ance with the following instructions: NOTES Abs-ence of an Escutcheon plate maydelay .the sprinkler operation in a firesituation ?9!?re clo.sing a fire protection systemmatn control valve for maintenance*?lk, o! the fire protection systemwhich it controls, permission tit shut ?9:!!n the affec.ted fire protection sys_tem, muPt be obtained f ram the proper !u_tl?!,t!?s gld gil personnet who mayDe- altected by this action musr De no-ed. Sprinklers which are found to be teak-rng or exhibittng visible sjgns of corro.sron must be reolaced. Automatic sprinklers must never bepatnted, plated, coated, or otherwtsearrered after.leaving the factory. Modi.tred sprinklers musl be replaced.Sp nkters that have been exoosed tocorrosive producls of combustion, butnave nol operated, should be replacedrr rney.cannot be completely cteanedoy wlptng the sprinkler with a cloth orby brushing it with a soit bristle brush. Care must be exercised to avoid dam- 99? !9 the sprinkrers _-before, during,ano afier installatjon. Sprinklers dari.aged by dropping, strikinq, wrenchtwisvslippage. or the like, mlsr oe re_ptaced. Atso, replace any sprinkler thatnas. a.cracked bulb or thar has losluquro rrom ,ts bulb. (Fef. Installal,onbeclronl The owner is responsible for the in_spectt.on, testrng, and maintenance ofrnerr ltre protection system and de_ (Continusd on Page 8) Page 4 of I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I TFP4IO ELEVATION (a) For coverage area dimensions le,ss than. or.between those Indicated, it is necessary to use the minimum required flow lor lh6 nexthighesr covorage area tor which hydrautic de;ig;;;itiii. i* iili"il (b) Width (bsckwallwhere sprinkter is tocaled) x Length (hortzontat throw of sprinkts4. n) fi:t#lHlHl'L!,"tiffi:i"li ilr,flj1",il il":,;yJir,#l'!"*,."?"[:l:H,;: tr" associared residuar pressures are carcurated usins (d) sidewall sprinklers' whers installed under a ceiling with a slope great€r than o inch rise tor a 12 inch run ro a srope up to 2 inchrise for 12 inch run, musr be tocateo pe, onaor itr.e ioii"rii"ii" ,'". ' Locare the sprinkrsrs at the high point of the srope and positioned to discharge down the srope. ' Locate the sprinkrers arong the srope and positioned to discharge across the sroo€. NF,A t3D AND NF,A,r'iiiEinur," DE'TGN cRrrERrA RE'TDENTTAL HoRrzoNrAL ^stD:fr'X[!iirH:3{!#',]3f,llorro, *.DEWALL spRtNKLERsFOE HORTZONTAL CE'L'NG (Maxim-umi-tnch Rise tor tz tnci Ciit Marlmum Coyerags Ar€A (6) Wdth x Length (b) Fl. x Fl. (mxm) Mlnlmum Flow (c) and Resldual pressure Top.Of-Deftector- To- C6ilino: 4 to 6Incher (1OO to tso,,i)Top.Of.Defl ector- To. Ceiling: 6 to 12 Inches (100 to 1SO mm) 12 GPM (4s,4 LPM)12 GPM (45,4 LPM) 8.2 psi (0,57 ba0 13 GPM (4e,2 LPM)13 GPM (49,2 tPM) 14x14 14 GPt\4 (53,O LPM) 11.1 psi (0,77 bar) 16 GPM (60,6 LPM) 14.s psi(1,00 bar) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 16.4 psi (l,13 bao 18 GPM (68,1 LP|V) 18.4 psi (1,27 bar)16 GPM (60,6 LPM) 14.5 psi (1,00 bao 16 GPM (60,6 LPM) 14.s psi (1,00 bar) 18 GPI\il (68,1 Lp[4) 18.4 psi (1,27 ba4 18 GPM (68,1 LPt\rt) 18.4 psi (1,27 bar) 1 I GPM (71,9 LPI\4) 20.5 psi(1,41 19 GPt\4 (71,9 LPM) 20.5 psr (1,41 25.0 psi (l,72 bar) 21 cPM (79,5 LPM) 25.0 psi (1 ,7223 GPM (87,1 LPM)23 GPM (87,1 LPi\,4)26 GPM (98,4 LPM) I I I t I I I I t I t t I t I I I I I TFP4IO PaEe 5 ot I MAXIMUM ELEVATION I Maximum I Coverage Area (e) Width r Length (bt Ft. x Ft.. (mxm) Marimum Spacing Ft. (m) Minimum Flow (c) and Besidual pressure (I) Two sprinkler deslgn with the spfinkters at the high point o, the stope and po6irionsdto dischargs down the slope. I (J- ue tno: 4 to 6 Inches (1OO lo fSO mri)Top-Ot-Def tector- To. Ce ing: 6 to 12 Inches (t S0 to 300 mm.l r55"F/68"C 175Fn9.C 155"F/68"C 175"Fr/9"C'l2x 12 (3,7 x 3,7)(3,7) re (lrtll (45,4 LPI\4) 8.2 psi (0,57 bar) I 12 cPM (45,4 LPMI 8.2 psi (0,57 bar) I 13 GPt\4 (49,2 LPMI s.6 psi (0,66 ba4 t 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 9.6 psi (0,66 bao14 x 14 (4,3 x 4,3) 14 (4,3) r ur rvr lcJJu LrM)'11.1 psi (0,77 barl 14 GPtVI (53,0 LPM) 1 1.1 psi (0,27 bar) I 1 7 GPM (64.3 tPtvl) 16.4 psi (1,13 bao I 17 GPi\4 (64.3 LPM)164 psi (1,13 ba416x16 (4,9 x 4,S) 16 (4,e) ro l.rrvl (ou,6 LPM) 14.5 psi (1,00 bar) I 16 GPM (60,6 LPM) 14,5 psi (1,00 bar) I 18 cPt\4 (68,1 LP[4) 18.4 psi (1,27 bar) 18 GPM (68,1 LPMJ 18.4 psi (1,27 bar)16 x 18 (4,9 x 5,s) 16 (4,s) I rv ('rM (/1,9 LPM) 20.5 psi (1,41 bari I 19 cPt\, (71,9 LPMJ 20.5 psi (i,41 bar) 21 cPM (79,s LPM) 25.0 psi (1,72 bar) 21 GPM (79,5 LPMI 25.0 psi (1,72 bari16x20 (4,9 x 6,1) ro (4,e) I 24 GPNI (90,8 LPM) 32.7 osi (2.25 bat\ I 24 GPM (90,8 LPM) 32.7 psi (2,25 bar) 26 GPM (98,4 LPM) 98.3 psi (2,64 bar) 26 GPM (98,4 LPM) 38.3 psi (2,64 bar) (") ffi.',?J:f".',.""JEilJff#fffi,lfi.."il,"";::l|"':ll,I:j:.':tff:".1, , js necessarv to dse rhe minimum required 'row ror the next (b) Width (backwatt where sprinkler is located) x Length (horizontat throw of sprinkleri. (c) Feq-uiromentjs based on minimum flow in Gplvt (LpM) trom each srlhe norFinal r-tacror. nerli io iryoraurrc Design criterja section ,".'3'J*l3l: *" '""ociated residual oressures are calcurared usrng NF,A tsD AND NF,Alglyr"rrfl&r,c DEstGN cRrrERtA 'f;t"#g,gglti;ffi Liy,;,;,V:F"ytri;'[lp:|,.w;n:::n: I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I t I Page 6 ol 8 TFP4IO MAXIMUM ELEVATION Msxlmum Coverage Ar€a (a) Wldth x Length (b) Ft. x FL (mxm) Maxlmum Spacing Ft. (m) Minimum Flow (c) and Residual pressure (II) Two sprinkler design with ths sprinkters locsted along the slope and posi on6d todiacharge across the slooe,(trI) Three.sp.inkter deslgn when there are moro than two sprlnklers In a compartment andwlth lhe sprinkters located atong th€ slope.and positioned to discnatge across lhe slope. r op-ur-ueflecror- To- Cellino: 4 to 6 Inches (1OO to 1S0 m;l Top-Ot-Deflector- To- Cellin g: 6 to t2 Inches (100 to 300 mm) 155.F/68"C 175"Fn9"C 155" F/68'C 175"Fn9"C 12x'12 13,7 x 9,7) 12 (3,7) II 16 cPl\' (60,6 LPM) 14.5 psi (1,00 bar) II 16 cPM (60,6 LPM) 14.5 psi (1,00 bar) II 18 GPM (68,1 tPM) 18.4 psi (1 ,27 baO fl 18 GPM (68,1 LPM) 18.4 psi (1,27 ba414x14 (4,3 x 4,3)(4,3) II 16 cPt\4 (60,6 LPM) 145 psi (1,00 ba4 n 16 GPM (60,6 LPM)'14.5 psi (1,00 bar) II 18 GPM (68,1 LPM) 18.4 psi (1,27 bar) II 18 GPM (68,1 LPt\4)'18-4 psi (1,27 bar)16 x 16 (4,9 x 4,9)(4,e) u 16 GPM (60,6 LPt\4) 14.5 psi (1,00 bar) fi 16 cPM (60,6 LPM) 14.5 psi (1,00 bar) II 1B GPM (68,1 LPi\4) 18.4 psi (1,27 bar) 0 18 GPM (68,1 LPM) 18.4 psi (1 ,27 bar)16x18 (4,9 x 5,5) 16 (4,s) II 22 GPM (83,3 LPMI ?7.4 psi (1,89 bar) TI 22 GPM (83,3 LPM) 27.4 osi al Rq h,r\II 22 GPM (83,3 LPM) 27.a psi (1,89 bao I1 22 GPM (83.3 LPM) 27.4 psi (1,89 bar)16x20 (4,9 x 6,1) to (4,e) m 23 cPM (87,1 LPM) 30.0 psi (2,07 ba0 I z3 ut-,M (87,1 LPM) 30.0 psi (2,07 bao llr 26 GPM (98,4 LPM) 38.3 psi (2,64 bar) III 26 GPM (98,4 LPt\,'t) 38.3 psi (2,64 bar) (a) For coverage area dimensions less than. or.b€lween lhose indicated, it is necessary to use the minimum required frow for the nexlhighest coverage area tor which tryoraurrc oeiiln ciit"iil"#"",""ii?. (b) Width (backwall where sprinkler is tocated) x Length (horizontat throw oi sprinkter). (") f;f"i';il:iLli"i::i:ili'ff##:J"!;yJii#i'!"J,,:X.[:l:*1;: *" associa,ed residuarpressures are carcurated usins NF,A taD AND NF,A ,rllifif;orr," DEsrcN cRtrERtA REsleFNlltL HoRrzoNrAL '!=rif [[ii,!ES,':!J[riSEIo*ro*. r,r,r,*or, "rr,**rr*FoR S.RTNKLERS tocarm eto-ile ; siiiEiiio"i6cHA*G^G AcRoss rHE sLopE(credtet Than 2 rnch Eise for tz ti"i nii'ii io'q ncn Rise for 12 tnch Run) I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I o TFp4to Page 7 of 8 MAXIMUM ELEVATION Maximum Coverage Area (r) Wldth x Length (b) Ft. x Ft. (mxm) Maximum Spaclng Ft. (m) Minimum Flow (c) and Residual pressure(III) Three sprlnklsr design when there.are more than two sprlnklers in a compartment andwith the sprinkrers rocat.d arong the srope.ana posiiioieJ to-ii"cnarge ""ross the sroDe. Top-Of -Def lector- To- C€ lng: 4 to 6 lnches (100 to 150 mml 12x12 (3,7 x 3,7)16 cPtv (60,6 LPM)14.5 psi (1,00 bar)r6 GPM (60,6 LPM) 14.5 psi (1,00 ba414 x14 16 cPM (60,6 LPO 14.5 psi (1,00 bad 16 cPM (60,6 LPM) 14.5 psi (1,00 bar)16 x 16 l0 CCtvt 1oo,O tenrl 14.5 psi (1,00 bar)1 6 GPM (60,6 LPM) 14.5 psi (1,00 bar) 't6 x 20 (4,9 x 6,1 (a) ffi::nT"n"'."t3ilil"'J:fil;ff '[il.":,::,y""il,$i".:.::i:1red, it is necessarv ro use the minimum requir.d row ror rhe nexr Width (backwall where sprinkler is tocaled) x Length (horizontal throw ot sprjnkler). Req_uirement js based on mlnimum ,low jn GpM (LpVt) f .om each sDrinthe nominal K{actor. Reter to i1ioi.u,," r".,gn crir€ria Ssction a, o",jl3.l The associaled resiouat pressures are calcutated using (b) tc) -r.'F,!'i,{i{kir^f Wf if f ,!{"*,;!tl,'i*1gw+i.!s:rd::,, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Page 8 of I vices in compliance with this docu- T9nlr a? we as with the appticabtestandards of the Nattonal Fire protec- L9l,.lss9ci?tion. (e.s,, NFPA 25), inaootlton to the standards of any otherauthorities having jurisdicrion. ine in_slalling contractor or sprinkler manu_tacturer should be contacted relative toany questions. NOTE Th-e owner must assure that the sprin_RtpF ?re not.used tor hanging oi anyobjects and that the sprinklers2re oniy ?t1?rg, by. means of gen y dustingwnn a.teather duster; Othsrwise, non_operation in the event of a fire or inad-vertent operation may resutt- It is recommended that automaucspn nt(ter .systems be inspected,tested,..and^maintained by a iualifiedInspeclton service- Limited Warranty Products rnanufactured by Tyco Fire fl99,1ctp are warranted sbleiy to rhe 9lr-qln?r B.uyer for ten (10i yearsagarnst defects in materrai arid wort_ T^1T!iq when paid for and propertyInsta ed and maintained under normalus_e and seJvice. This warranty will ex-q!e-Jqn (10) years from date of ship-mont by Tyco Fire products. No wdr_ranty is givon for producrs orcomponenls manufactured by compa_ ll9_s^ !9t affitiated by ownarlhip withryco Frre products or for products andc^omp-onents which have been subjectto mtsuse, improper installation, corro-sron,.or which have not been installed,matntained, modified or repaired in ac_cordance with appticable Standards ofIne National Fire protection Assocja_on, _and/or.the standards of any otherAurnontios Having Juflsdictton. Mate_nars tound by Tyco Fire products to beoerecttve shall be either repaired orreptacod, at Tyco Fire prodircts'sole oprron. Tyco Fire products neither as-sumes, nor authorizes any person to 1?9ume for it, any other dOiigation inconnection with the sale of prdoucrs orpans ot products. Tyco Fir'e products ..!3]L lot. be responsibte for sprinktersyslem design errors or inaccurate orrncom ptele information supplied byBuyer or Buyer's represen taiives. IN-NO EVENT SHALL TYCO FIRE llg^D_ucTs BE L|ABLE, lN CON_ .I FAGT, TORT, STFICT LIABILITY OR lffi*}u*F:ffi'*:'*l fftrfiT+it+",ffi[lW TFP4lO Ordering Procedure When placing an order, indicate the fullprodlct_name. Contacr your local dis_rfl otJror tor avarlability.. Sprlnkler Assembly; Series LFll (TY1334), K=4,2, Residen_Ial Hoflzontal Sidewall Sprjnkter with t9qegJfyl tempsrature ratirg and(specity) finish, p/N (specify). 155"F/68.C or _ - -,CILoIg Pratsd . ... .. p/N 51.211-9_iss155"F/68"C Wh:le Polyeste p,! 5l_2t l-4_155155'F/6S.C Natural Brass. 175'Fl79"C ol Chrome Plated175"Ft79'C White Potyester..,...... P/N 51-21 1.1-155 P/N 51-211.9-175 P/N 51-21 1-+.t75175'Ft79"C Natural Bfass .. . .... P/N51"21t-1-175 Recessed Escutcheon: Specify: Style 20 Recessed Escutch.eon with (specify) finish, p/N (specity). 1/2" ( 15 mm) Style 20 _.--Cllq." Plared .. ... .. .. p/N 56-705-9.0101/2' (15 mm) Style 20 White Color -.^.99i!"0.. P/N 56.70s-4-o1ol/2" (15 mm) Styl€ 20 Brighl BrassCoaled..,, . p/N 56-705_2.010 Spf inkler Wrench: :qgcl-ry: YV.Type 6 Sprirkter Wrench,P/N 56-000-6-387. !q9c1!.-lV-rype Z Sprinkter Wrencn,P/N 56-850-4.001. I TYCO FIRE PFODUCTS, 451 Nonh Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, pennsylvanja 19446 oI t The Cappet-Tube Handbook Technical Data: Tables I rabte2c. TYPE M-D imensions anil I I I t I I I I I I I I I The Copwr Tube flandbooh I I I file:/iC:\WINDOWS\DESKTOp\copper submittals\copper tube type M.htm Characterhtics Nominal 0r standard size, inches Nominal dimensions. inches Calculated values (based ou norninal dimensions) Outside diameter Inside diameter Wall thickness Cross sectional area of bore, sq. inches Weight of tube onlyt pounds per linear ft. Weight oftube & water pounds per linear fL Contents oftube per linear ft Cu fl GaL .500 .450 .025 .t)v .145 .214 .00110 .00826 7t .625 .569 .028 .2s4 .204 .314 .00176 .0132 -t4 .875 .811 .032 .>tl .328 .551 "00359 .0269 ,|1.125 1.055 .035 .874 .465 .843 .00607 .0454 1 'lo 1.375 1.291 .042 1 .31 .682 t.25 .00910 .0681 1 Lt 1.625 1.527 .049 1.83 .940 r.73 .0127 .0951 2 2.125 2.009 .058 J.TT t.46 2.83 .0220 .165 1 ll.,2 2.625 2.495 .06s 4.89 2.03 4.14 .0340 n<A J 3.125 2.981 n?n 6.98 2.68 5.70 .048s .363 - '2 3.625 3.459 .083 9.40 3.58 7.64 .0653 .488 A 4.725 3.93s .095 t2.2 4.66 9.83 .0847 .634 f 5.125 4.907 .109 18.9 6.66 14.8 . 131 .982 6 6.L25 5.881 .r22 27.2 8.92 20.7 . 189 t.4I 8 8.125 7.785 .170 + I.O 16.5 37.I .131 2,47 10 10.t25 9.701 i 1',73.9 )< 6 ) t.).513 3.84 l2 t2.125 11.61,7 .254 106 JO. I 82.s .736 5.51 Technical Data: Tobles 6/t/98 Technical Data: Tables Table 5. Type M - hasare loss inlitttngs and valves acpressed in "gls!9H,Elg!. el1r"be {ee!." - 1____ Fn"o wRoT co o PPE H PRESSURE FITTINGS 103 Wrot Femate Adapter I I :"":fi," N.P I I 1O3-R Wrot Reducins Female Adapter .f-- ',I I I NonlnalSlre ln lmhis Bu ltlastor ADtr0x. olm.olaltlty P k NEt Wt A Copper to Fernale N,P I NoniralSlze In lnci8s Bor Mastor0uaotlty Pact Alorox. Net Wl, 0ln. A l:; %,. ...|:n : ,'t--t'7: a;" 50 I000 50 I000 50 500 50 50025 250 25 250'|0 t00 r0 100 550 220 50 500 50 50025 250 25 250 25 250 50 500 l0 100 2s 250 25 250 l0 t00 l0 100 5 50 I0 t00 5 50 I t I I .024 lrt.03 ,%" .06 19Az ,0e %.t4 13Aa ,22 l%o.29 1%z .42 | %z,65 ty1 1,20 t% 50 500 50 I000 50 | 000 50 500 50 t 000 50 1000 25 250 50 500 50 1000 2s 250 .08 l%a .05 %.03 k.08 2%z .05 21h .o2 ,%" .r2 %.08 % '03 %" '12 sAz '05 %" '05 sA" .r3 k,0e %,231 1%z .t I I ,%" .280 1%z .17 | o%o .230 ,/tt ,414 8%o ,241 5%o .6 58 trAa .336 Va .730 t%e ,9 ,.) ' ,fl,Y,t NOTE TO SPECIFYING ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS It is suggested that the foilowing phrasing be incorporated in your specifica-tions or list of materiars: "sorder-Joint Fittings shall be in accordance withapplicable standards as published by Americ-an National standards Institute(ANSI) such as illustrated and described in Elkhart products corporation,Plumbing Products Division, Catalog W1285." I Ellrtail Pnodacts Eotporation@A subsidiary ot Amcast Industrial Corooration acoWROTI Page 7 PPER PRESSURE FITTINGS I 105-C Wror g0o Street Elbow-Close Ruff Fitting to Fitting NomlnalSlzo h hci8s b I ]a B0r Mast8roua ny Pack Aplrox. NetWt, NonlnalStze h hcios Approx. NetW.ut|tl. A utm. A Dln. I I I %x%..,........, so%x%.....,,.... so Yzx%..........,, 50 t/z x I . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 % */". . .. . . . . . . . . 25 % r/2...... . . . .. . so 1 x Yz. . . . . . . . . . . . 251x%........,... 2s 111 xl........... l0 llz x r% ., . . . . . . . . t0 2 x l)/2 . . . . . . . . , . . 5 2Yz x 2 . .. . . . . . . . . 5 3 x 2/2. . . . . . . . . . . 34x3............ I5x4............ I 500 .006 500 .012500 .025500 .05200 .07250 .10100 .t850 .2850 .4140 .7520 1 .22t0 1.858 2.67I 4.27 Box Mastet0u8ntity Pack Elbow-Close Ruffdm FA-W3 ILFdbriil' -_fRr I x/\__lil P ilirig l_ilill i^'l__i'Tf'-ffi 7a 2%, 13/a l%z t)4 I t%z 12%z r% 2/c 2"%, 35le .24/ 45/ta 41%c r000 .0t0 r 000 .026 500 .04 500 .03 2s0 .08 500 .08 2s0 .t2 2s0 .t 5 | 00 .23 I 00 .34 40 .5040 |.06 24 1.50 I 3.t I 6 6.39 6 7.79 %o %"a%o 3%o %,%1%a Yae%z % % 1%z tYs 7t % 1tAr. % 1/ts l%q 5%, ls/ta l1%ot% r'j/z 2%z r% 21%s 2 31142, 21%z 3% 21142 I t I I I I I ..;I 8or MsSlotolantlty Prc[ Appru, NotWt, Dln. 1O7-C2 Wrot g0o Street Fitting to Copper 8or MastSroualtity Pack %... . .. so rooo .006%...... 50 looo .ol2%...... so l ooo .oz4%...... too looo .04%.. ... 2s 250 .06%.. -. .. 50 soo .ro1....... 20 2oo ,t8t%...... 25 2OO .28l/2...... 20 t2O .4o2....... Io Bo .7s2Y2.... 5 40 t.t83.....,. g 24 1.883%..... I I 2.694....... r 8 4.22 NomhalShr In lnciss %............... 50 looo .006 % %%............... so rooo .ol2 % %%.............. 50 looo ,024 "%, .%c %,............,, 100 lo00 .0s 2%t t%z%.... ........,. 25 2SO .06 ,7/tz t%,%.. ....... ,,.. S0 500 .t0 ,%z t1yt2| . . . . . , . . . - . . , . . 25 250 ..t8 ,%a tz%z 1%. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2s 200 ,28 % t"%"t/2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 l2o .gg t1%c 2% 2 , . . , . . . . . . . , . . . l0 80 .76 t% 22%z 2% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 40 ].t8 t% 92:|61 3 , . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 3 24 l.g5 2 32%z3%... ......... .. I I 2,62 21yet 11yu 4 . . . . . . , . . , . . . . , I I 4.20 21%z 41%o Approx. Din. Dtn,lletM. A I % 2%+ "%ot%" s/ta o%" 'h6 |l%t 1r%o lz%z lBl(e t )ti2 21%z 1O7-C Wrot 9Oo Etbow- Close Ruff Copper to Copper. Nonlnit Slrc h lmhss I I EII<hant pnoclucts Eorporation-V I A subsidiary of Amcast Industrjal Corporation oWROT COPPER PRESSURE FITTINGS ',O7-2 Wrot 90o I bI b I p I I t J t Street Elbow- Long Turn 111 Wrot Tee Copper to Copper to Copper NoninalSirs h lnsfies Fitting to Copper iiofilnalSnr h llclos .Arffi ,12 37h | 13Az ^ BoI. l\lrstar AFpru. oin, 0lm.uuanuty Pick NstM. A B 50 100050 | 000 50 1000 50 1000 50 1000 50 500 50 500 25 250 25 250t0 t00 550 5 50 540r r0 I t0 l8 l8 ll ^ !0I. tartlr Apprur. orm. Dtn. 0tn.0uadlty Pact NstM. A B C 500 .058 % t%a ,%z 250 .174 1/z t3l(a '/z Atpror. Dlm. Dlm.6tW. A B 250 I I t t I I .' T I .oos % %.oo9 %r %t.015 t%4 %".o2o %z %".o2B trh %.047 %o 3A .05 21fu '%..10 %e %.16 % 1%z .33 2th %.46 n4z t%z .7 | l%z l%z 1.29 l% t.A I .90 l2%z l1%a 2.7s 1% 1%4,17 2% 2% 6.62 2t%z 2sAa9,95 21%q 22%z 11l-HE Wror Heat ExchangerTees Copper to Copper to CoDper No tube stop on small end of run. Tube slips all the way intofitting. Available in all sizes tisted under Fig. No, tll-R wheretee has one or more reductions on one end of run, on specialorde r. 111-2 Wrot Street Tee .008 ,%" yg .016 lq 2%" .03 "I4z t%.05 % trl".08 l%a t%.12 t%z 2.21 l% 21%z.39 t1%c 3%z.s8 2%a 3%a I.0 | 23/rs 3r%a 1 .67 3%z 4r%e 2.5 | 31%z S%z3.70 4 S3%z 5.7 6 4%a 52%z ".lll. rystpr frnror. otm. 0tn.uuanury FaEk Nerwt. A I 50 t 000 50 1000 50 500 100 1000 25 250 25 2s0r0 t00 r 0 80 t0 80 540 t. t0l8 l8 tl %. 4- Bor Mast6rolantlty pack Copper to Fitting to Copper NomlnalSiue h lncioi '/z . %.. .. ....25 1O8 Wror g0o Etbow coPPer to Female N,PT. NomhalSiz, ir hstes We invite requests forquotation on any styld, size or dimension not shown I Elkhant pnoslaets Eorporatian!Z I A subsidiary of Amcast Industriat Corporation r_oo ALL-STATE FIRE PROTECTION, INC.I 33fifi,R;,'3li"l"El'",tli, I HYDRAULTC CALCULATIONS I FOR LODGE AT VAI], - UNIT #340 I vArL, co. FILE NUMBER: UNIT3O4 . SDFDATE: 10_01_03 I I _DESrcN DATA_ OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATToN: RESIDENTIAL I MrN. GpM: 18 GpM ,i spRK. I AREA OF APPLTCATToN: 4 SPRINKLERSI.' COVERAGE PER SPRINKLER: 256 sq. ft- max. I NUMBER oF sPRTNKLERS CALCULATED: 4 SPRINKLERs TOTAL SPRINKLER WATER FLOW REeUTRED: 77.1 gprn I roTAL WArER REeUTRED (including hose): 177.1 gpm FLOW AND PRESSURE (G NoDE BoR) : 177.1 gpm G 84.4 psirI SPRINKLER ORIFTCE SrZE: 7/16 lnch t NAME oF CONTRACToR: ALL-STATE FrRE PRoTECTTON rNC. DESIGN/LAYOUT By: K. MURRAY I AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTIoN: VAIL FIRE DEPT. CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATTON NUMBER: 008 I I CALCULATTONS By HASS COMPUTER pRocRAM (LTCENSE # 16070888r i$:di:':x'i,;i; I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I SPRIIGR SYSTEM HYDRAUL]c ANALY.IO Pa rro 1 r-. \ HAqc?c\ Trl\rr.n ? n /,-_=.sDFDATE:10/1/2003 .JOB TTTLE: LODGE AT WATER SUPPLY DATA VAI]., - UNIT #340 AGGREGATE FI,OW ANALYSIS: TOTAI rLOW AT SOURCE TOTAL HOSE STREAM AILOWANCE AT SOURCE OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES TOTA].,, DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATION SOURCE NODE TAG SUP STATIC PRESS. (PSI) 135.0 fF'TI nn EA 1 54.'7 54.7 54.7 {rJ.6 41.I?1 n 2A 1 10.8 10. I -z.u -0. 5 -0.5 RESID. PRESS. (PSr) 90. 0 FIOW rCPM\ 1 1,4n n AVAIL. PRESS. (PSr) 133. 6 NODE TYPE SOURCE R= 4.20 K= 4.2Q K= 4.20K: A 2i HOSE STREAM TOTAL REQID G DEMAND PRESS.(GPM) (PSr) tt |,L dJ.,f DISCHARGE (GPM) T11 .I 18.0 19 .4 19.5 20 .2 100.0 177. 1 cPM O. O GPM 100. 0 GPM?7.1 GPM SUP 10L 102 103 104 1 3 4 5 B5 B4 B2 SB SA T1 BOR BFS BFD HYD PRESSURE (PSr) 83. 7 18. 42I.3 2t .5 23 .2 22 .3 23.8 za . Y 40.0 4'7 .8 55. 6 60. 0 64.9 69-6 69 .6 13.'7 84 .4 83.8 14,8 83. 6 SPRINOR SYSTEM HYDRAULI. ANALYSIO _ JOB TITLE: I.,,ODGE AT VAIL - UNIT #340 t eren oata Q (GPM)ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS)(Fr) (K) (PSr) (GPM) 1 18.054.'7 0.0 22.3 o.o rI .254.1 4.2 18.4 18. O 2 19.454.1 0.0 22.3 0. o L2 -O54.'7 4.2 27.3 19.4 3 3?.454.'7 0.0 23.8 0.0 9.2 54 .1 0. 0 22.3 0. 0 4 19.554.7 0.0 23-8 0.0 t2-154.7 4.2 2t.5 19.5 q" 56.954.'t 0.0 25.9 0.0 13.954.'7 0.0 23.8 0.0 6 2A.254-1 0.0 25.9 o.o L2.654.7 4.2 23.2 20 .2 7 1'7.\ s4 -7 0.0 40. 0 0. o 18. 954.1 0.0 25.9 0.0 g 77.I43.8 0.0 41.8 0.0 13.s54.7 0.0 40-0 0.0 I oor, : LO/r/2003 Pi ha. 4 3 Di na. 5 4 B5 I t pipe: C: \HASS75\UNIT3O4 . SDF I Pipe: I1 r02 PIPE TAGI -3il3, I 1r,. PiPe: t, I' 3 Fina. Pi na. 4 2 I'o It li, I I I 0.0 41 .B DIA (IN) HW (c) EL/TT O.811 PL 150 FTG O,248 TL 0.811 PI 150 FTG 0.284 TL I.29T PL 150 PTG 0. 100 rL 0.811 PL 150 FTG 0.287 TL 1.291 PL 150 FTG 4.211 TL 0.811 PL 150 FTG O.3OB TL I.29T PL 150 FTG O. 38O TL 7.521 PL 150 FTG 0. 168 TL 2. 009 Pr ].50 FTG 0.044 TL 4.264 PL 120 FTG 0. 008 rL 4.260 PL 120 FTG 0. 008 rt 4.260 PL 120 PTG O. OOB TL 4.260 PL 120 FTG0.000 TL LENGTH (FT) 12 .61 T 15 .61 0 .42 T 3 .42 9.00 2E 15. 00 A '1 \ T 7.15 4.58 T 10.08 A -C 2R 8.75 23.00 E2T 37.00 11.00 T 18.00 I21 .50 4ET 158.50 10.08 10.08 11.08 PRESS. SUM. (Psr ) PF 3.9PE O.O PV PF 1.0PE O.O PV PF 1.5PE O.O PV PF 2.2PE O.O PV PF 2.2PE O.O PV PF 2.7PE O.O PV PF 1.4.7PE O.O PV PF 3.0 DE _A 1 PV PF 1.0PE -0. 9 PV PF 0,1PE -4 .3 PV PF 0.1PE -4.8 D\7 PF 0,4PE -4.3 PV PF O.OPE O.O PV 71.r100.0 7. B 0.0 t'7'1 .L0.0 4.0 100. 0 711.r0.0 4.0 0.0 I1'7 . 70.0 4.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 B4 lu' l3? t:; l,o SB 9 41. B 43.8 10 31. B 41. B Pipe:11 20.'7 31.8 10.8 20.7 Hr_pe : I J 10. 8 10. B 0.0 r1.J. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 60. 0 64 .9 60. 0 69.6 64.9 69 .6 69 .6 11.08 U. UJ TB 50.83 43.31 2ET 95.37I I oor, : !o/r/zoo3 JOB TITLE: LODGE PIPE TAG BND ELEV. NODES (FT) Pipe:14T1 1.3sA 10.8 Pipe:15BrD -0.5SB 10. B Pipe:16BFS -0.5BFD _0.5 Pipe: 17BOR -2.0BFS -0.5 Pipe:18 HYD O. OBOR -2.0 qITD A N HYD O, O SPRIN.R SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYsIO I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I AT VAIL - UNIT #340 Q (GPM) DIA (IN) LENGTHNOZ. PT DISC. VEI(FPS) HW(C) (FT)(K) (PSI) (GPM) FIlrT 0.0 4 .260 PL 18.750.0 '13.'7 0.0 0.0 120 FTG 3Er0.0 69.6 0.0 o. 000 rL 83. ?s 17't.1, 6.357 Pt 52.000.0 7 4.8 0.0 1. I 120 FTG 7Er0.0 59.6 0.0 0.001 TL 2L6.OO FTXED PRESSURE LOSS0.0 83.8 0.0 9.0 psi, 1T7.1gpn0.0 14-B 0.0 C: \HASS75\UNIT3O4 . SDF SUM. (PSr) PF O,OPE -4. 1 PV PF 0.2 PE -4.9 PV DEVTCE 1. 500-0 0.0 0.0 0.0 SRCE 0.0 84-4 U5.U 83. 6 84.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 83.7 (N/A) 83.6 0. 0 6. 357 PL 120 FTG0.001 TL 8.390 PL 140 FTG 0.000 TL 8.390 PL 140 FTG 0.000 rL 1.50 76.00 TLG 164.00 360.00 222 .0 582.00 PF O.OPE -0.6 PV PF O.OPE 0.9 PV PF 0.1PE O.O PV I71 .I T71 .I 1.0 I71.I 1.0 NOTES: (1) calcu]ations were performed by the HASS 7.5 computer programunder license no. 16070888 granted by HRS -(\rqtamc Th/- 4192 LaVista RoadTucker, GA 30084 12) The system has been caLculated to provj_de an averageimbal-ance. at each node of 0.009 gprn and a maximumimbalance at any node of 0.164 qpm. (3) TotaI pressure at each node i-s usecl .i n l-r: l anr.i ncr the svsl. Frn Maximum water velociry is 18.9 ;;7;";^^";-;ilt;: (4) PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Plpe Table Name: STANDARD.pIp I I DArE: l-0lL/2003 SPRINIG SYSTEM HYDRAUL]C ANALYSISO Page 4 C: \HASS75\UNIT3O4 . SDFJOB TITLE: LODGE AT VAIL - UN]T #340 PAGEr B I4ATERIAL: THNWL HWC: 120Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet(in)ETLcBGADN 811 Tee LngEl1 chkvrv Bfyvrv GatVr.v Armchk Dpvrv Npree4.260 13.00 26.00 8.00 29.00 16.00 3.00 26.00 26.00 26.006. 357 18. 00 38 . 00 11 . 00 40. O0 13. 0o 4. O0 35. 0o 3s. 00 38 . 00 PAGE: D MATERfAL,: DIRON HWC:1"40Dlameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet(in) E T L C B G NEll_ Tee L.,ngEll_ ChkVlv BfyVlv GatVlv NpTee 8. 390 31. 00 59 . 0o 22.00 ?6. 00 20. oo 7 . 00 s9. 0o PAGE: M MATERIAI: CT-M HWC: 150 Diameter flortirz: lent- Pif Iin^r T,enof he in trcc1- (in) E -=;-"--""; lsrrvLrrD rtr .EEL G NEI1 Tee 45-El_l_ TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVl_v NpTee0. 811 2. 00 3. 00 0. s0 0. so 0. so 3. 0o 0. s0 3. oo!-29L 3.00 5.50 1.00 0.50 o.50 5.50 0.50 5.50L527 4.00 7 .00 1. 50 0. 50 0. 50 6. 50 O.5o 7.002.009 5.50 9.00 2.00 0.50 0.50 9.00 o.5o 9.00 I I I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I C: \HASS75\UNIT3O4 . SDFI oor, : ra/r/zao3 senrl'rrf. sysrEM HyDRAUr,rc o*o""rt, I N @i.l JOB TITLE: LODGE AT VAIL - UNIT #340 \o ; Fl -{tu v) o ocll ..1 o -.{ !, rO cf)r{ o._l {J(o!U) ct)Hal rf z( >tFltutu a, d 4B I I I t I I I I t t I I I I t I I o^O:sr Ar'9 B '-lEr c)ON o\o O @ FT r{ I ? @c.l \0 LO C\ cosr F{ c{ o<Dord I ardli(')(/)Do(rd -o](a-.t^ I oor" : 1,0/t/2003 senrN$ 'YSTEM HYDRAULT. o*o,,",rrf ss75\uNrr3;?:;rF.IOB TITLE: LODGE AT VAIL - UNIT #340I wernn suPPr,Y CURVEI 144+ti, I 132+ \\ I 120+ \\ l rn.l l3lS 84+X '12+l( lP J t 1og -r \\\\\ * <-90.0 psi G 1L40 gpm Flow Test Pointli li t I t 60+ I I I 4B+ I I 36+ I I I I 24+ LEGEND tl lt 72+ X = RequJ-red Water Supply '83.72 Psi e t'77.1 gpm tr 0 = Avail-able Water Supply 1-33.56 psi G 177.1 gpm 97 0-47 9-21 35 (l ns pections) Fire Sprinkler Contractor:N:*ato-1 ^ihg ^\,* Town of Vail Reg. No.::\ \c)-=Contact and Phone #'s: ,\-rv^.,,!.-r n\--t- - AKs - 3qo \ E-Mail Address: contractor sisnature:[q-.1N]i\-;\-^t]. -,-deD ;O-MPLETE VALUATIONS FOR ALARM PERMIT (LAbOr & MAIETiAIS CONTRACTOR INFORMATION (Labor Fire Sprinkler: $ \CCO. OC for Parcel # ****i!**********************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY********r.***r.*****r<*rr*tr* !t* t *lrlt**'!**** Contact Easle Counfy Assessors Office at 970-328-8610 or visit Parcet # A r.niCrB AA\C\L\. JobName:Lo&oq- aj \)ci.-}Job Address: \fi-t (;raxo Lesat Description ll r-ot' ll aro.r,, ll riling,Subdivision: own ers Nam R-n\ co e\e*"${,tSR'e.n+*""-ir Phone: EnsineR\\-=N6\01'u., ll TffisJ*-' z--\rdfO-rr ll tBhs -JEB ^Rqo\ Detailed Location of work: (i.e., floor, unit#, O,on n, L\C, * bt\() Detailed description of work:tc\tNs$S . \r-,-c :-s'l,.-(\. \c -rr--s,:-\,&f^\^\ workctass: New() \oon,oni)('Remodet( ) Repair( )hlno-n,1 1 other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-family |f,, Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( )Other( ) No. of Exisling Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Does a Fire Alarm Exist: YeslQ No ( ) ll Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes () No ( ) \Wail\data\cdev\FoRMS\PERMITS\SPRKPERM.D(X-07 t?4i2001 TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMTINTTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD t_,-!s. ABIC ,G\\r fCVAIL,CO81657 ' .SFs7o47g-21g8 Ut"+\ \)rL('q*- '- '!*o&2" JCltJa^\ NOTE: THISPERMTMUSTBEPOSTEDONIOBSm AT ALLTIIVTES r w, 1_ 740 ADD/ALT MF BLIILD PERMT |ob Address.: 174 E C'oRE CREEK DR VAIL [-ocation......: LODGE AP]S # 340 ParcelNo....: 270708227A4 ProjectNo...: OW}IER KATPEC FOI'RTfi INVESTMENT CO 08/20/2003 PhONE:c/o BANK oNE cor_,oRADO uA 1125 17TH ST 4TI{ FIJ DEI{VER CO 80202 License: CONTRACTOR Vail Carpentry Repair OB/2O/20O3 phone: PO Box 1429 Vail, Colorado 816s8 Li"cense : '749-B APPIJICAIIT Vail Carpentry Repair OB/2O/2OO3 phone: PO Box 1429 vail, Colorado 81558 License:749-9 Desciption: INTERIORREMODEL (970) 926-L220 (970) e26-1220 Occupancy: R1 Multi-Family Type Construction: III 1-HR Type III 1-Hour TypeOccupancy: ?? Valuatioru $114095.00 AddfuFt: # of Gas Appliances: wood Pelleh 0r*rrs****r**a******"********,r*'4 *r*** FEE SUMMARY Fireplace Infornation: R€stricted: Y $1, 0?? . 75 Restuarant Plan Review-> S7oo. s4 DRB Fee---> $0 . 00 Recreatior Fee--> $3 . 00 clean-uP DePosit-> TOTAL FEES_-> Permit #:803{233 Status.....: ISSLIED Applied...: 08/20/2N3 Issued...: M/29/20[l3 Expires...: 02/25/2004 0 0 # of Gas logs: Total Calculared Fees-> Additional Fees.-> Total Permit Fee---> Paynents---> BAI,{IICE DUE-> #of Buildlng..--1 Plan Check-> Investigation-> willchll-> s0.00 s0. oo s1,781.29 $L ,1At .29 $0. 00 $1 , ?81.29 $1,7s1.29 s0. 00 Approvals:f€em: 05100 BUILDING DEPARII.IEIIT o8/28/2OO3 JRjM Action: AP REQUIR"ED Item: 05400 PLAT.INIIIG DEPARTMENT ItCM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI.IENT ltem: 05500 PIJBLIC WORKS SPRINKI.,ER IS l-q @aai*r{ffrfr*rff.tr**ffi ffi ffi 'r.{*.ir*nffi 'ttt:.r*rrrrr*rh!.i*ir}*ffi i!'i***a**r#l* See page 2 of this Document for any conditiolrs that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required completed an accurate plot plan, and state that dl the information as required is corect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state liaws, and to build this strucfure according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OffiCE FROM 8:(X) AM - 4 PM. OWNER FOR HIMSELFANDOWNEI PAGE2*****ffir*******rir:s*lf,.*H.d:***ffii**#*****tr******ffi *************ffi ****** CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Pennit#: 803-0233 asof08-29-2003 Status: ISSLIED **lt*lrr****tl***lt*********H{r********##***tr********MrH***il1l[.|H'*lif ****nt**t1t#:r*rt***** PennitType: ADD/ALTMFBIJILDPERMIT Applied: M/20/2W3 Applicanl VailCarpentryRepair Issued: W/29/2003(970)92G7220 ToExpire: 02/%/2004 job Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location: LODGE APTS # 340 ParcelNo: 270708221W Description: INTERIORREMODEL Conditions: Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONSARE REQTIIRED To CHECKFORCODE COMPLIANCE. Cond:14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALLS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS To BE SEALED WTIH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond:15 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED INALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310,9.1 OF THE 197 UBC, Cond:1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQTIIRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. ffitrFl.2? INGoMPLETE oR uNslcryfr-O, - O 3,o5.- a 7- Project#: I$o*e"H+hkffi7,rZ euiloing Pelmit#:-v s?a4r9:zl491thsffitio"as) ll APPLICATION WILL NOT BE AGCEPTED IF TVWNOFYIn T Separate or electrical, plumbing, mechanical, ",";t _, q \ +vl'u'INFoRMATION I I - 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. Colorado 81657 Contact and Phone #'s:-ezo L/71-l ieFor{'e wi..\.ne COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING P@ BUILDING: S l6rO4i*ELECTRICAL: E 4,7 OO"O OTHER:$ PLUMBING: $ t3,zgq oo MECHANTCAL:$ .1/1A_rornr-F t tl,oq{ * For Parcel # Contact Assessors Otfice at 97e328'8pn p1v$!! wntw' PaiGel#z\o\- ogl-a-o Job Name: Bo.pkS\6 .-*&\JobAddress, "atrM Legal Description ll Lot:Block:Filing:---\, { Subdivision: Wfncdress:l/elnea4 \c^--s,AeL Dh,.\na'ir'ri'Eez-'1fi4 a3LL ArchitecVDesi$ner:Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: a-l,..A ir<!.\' k \,r'\9 /Cc '[Nt1r- \\€., gcc- c-\\ \ac*\.- \-pt.^r<9,'+ies' t r''-*r.t *, re'l {;;;"o A'-n1' 4 d-;"'t" r*:<}g t..."-. i}'q+a\ +t:'t 'rrtsel1Qr...-.2 .-'.! .I..<< \-- \-r. lrl d.6i i-€-.-,rc'.<.r''l'itr:+ 3,' ++' ' ' *.. \.':' l< o{ '(-' ')t* WorkClass: New() Addition( ) R"to Work Type: Interior S) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No 94 Type of Bldg.: Singte-famity ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-lamiry 91$ Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: No/Tvoe of Fireolaces Existinq: Gas Appliances No[ype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances t@ ll No. ot Accommodation Units in this building: : ( ) Gas Lo,=i( ) Gas Lc ts( ) Wood/Pellet( ros( ) Wood/Pellet( ) wooo Burn!qg-.(t'lQ!\!!$ED) -Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Vesfi)No (- ) ll Does a Fire Sprinkler System trxlsl: r es ( i t\u yK / ****************************rrt***FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*******************:'***+*******!i*i*** off:ner \\Vail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERM ITS\BLDGPERM.DOC 07 n512002 .; .t"l;,t$iaj(l' _ 'l-T\oi"€o:let+i$i bat+ t{, R^g\;9_ tler,"\t\^. cs..A Enuir-u'rw<-rr,*, rr .i4l ' ,a '.:a\\61.,* ..e ].o \ rct 7 .$L 6$ d1w...\ -b" bc e',rrM.e.l Wi$...s"+ 6\ rc5\-,i-c $ As!.eg{e,s. 66^1un",.rrrJr Crr-necr.s111' <\ r-tr.&< \ectr\c.+\t.,", B , t.=\ Br , Sec*.11rs tf,r,fi,Z ..o^uA f .g.\oLf . b. Sci ertcLT\a- tWir*,\f \-o-c hrcrr .\,<.r,\€-f by. bC-lvr l-r-\ter.-\ery '**U \crc. brcrr &{en'r^\d {\G} *\4- ce.$cr"\+,tj.o+ otr\- )7c ,S c\'Ysc\".tq-' Born^sL\\^r. lq 5- 97c<.se *<-\ cV d-.l-" c\oeS ,"t..! teec\-- \{^I\ ttl51-tcc \eue-\ *\'c-\ \ef.$\<-s ..\"r.{t'.-errcL. ril€x*tlt€ Wurd. ii:r, '.. !.I.i r.t Questions? Call the Building Team at 479-232s ,,-ffi Department of Community Development tr o o o o B tr a o EI o o o D u o Applicanfs Signahrre: Date of submittal: Project Name: Baq,\.*{e. \€:l*o& \ Project Addressr This Chsklist must be amoletd beforc a Building Permit apoliation isaceotd. All pages of application is complete Has DRB approval obtained (if required) Provide a copy ofapproval form Oondominium Association letter of approval atbched if project is a Multi-Family complo< Complete site plan submitted Public Way Permit application included if applicable (refer to Public Works checklist) Staging plan included (refer to Public Works checklist) No dumpster,oarkinq or material storaoe allowed on roadwavs and shoulders without written aoproval Asbestos test and results submitted if demolition is occuning Architect stamp and signature (All Commercial and Multi family) Full floor plans including building sections and elevations(S sets of plans for MulU-Family and @mmercial Buildings) Window and door schedule Full structural plans, including design criteria (i.e.loads) Structural Engineer stamp and signature on structural plans (All Commercial and Multi Family) Soil .'* must be submitted prior to footing inspection Fire '-blies specified and penetrations indicated Smok ' ...,"vn on plans Types and quantity of fireplaces shown ll \WailUalabdev\FORMS\PERM ITS\BLDGPER M.DOC Received By: Mto2n003 BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer's (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and approve. Every attempt will be made by this depaftment to expedite this permit as soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by:S\gu€- bz.<P,a'c'. F: everyone/forms/bldperm3 \$'b"ql \_rJ-. August 18,2003 Mr. Leopoldo Baptista 174 E. Gore Creek Drive Vail CO 81657 Dear Mr. Baptista: The Board of Managers for lodge Apartment Condominium Association has received your request to remodel your condominium. The construction will include the following projects: 1 . Remove all flooring and replace.2. Remove all bathroom fixtures and replace.3. Moving walls to facilitate bathoom remodels.4. Other cosmetic changes per reviewed plans. Subject to the following conditions the Board of Managers hereby approves of the proposed plans: l. An approved condominium construction document is signed and all conditiorn are adhered to.2. All required permits are obtained from the Town of Vail. We wish you well in your endeavor. Sincerely, vavp V. Charles Viola Executive Assistant Manager 174 East Gore Creek Drive, Vail, Colorado 81652 USA Telephone (970) 476-5011 Facsimile (970) 476-742s lntemet: www.lodgeatvail.com tr+RocrRpsonrs $ j"H l\ Lt{FI r,ll\-Ita T3-[=s{> $fi Lf* JIt J U]on tl iI- cr- M,1^\ \J _J i1_ tn z. t.*f)xUJ TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E03-0161 Job Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAIL Sratus . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 174 E GORE CREEK DR #340 LODGE AppTS Applied . . : 09/1712003 Parcel No...: 210108221044 Issued . . : 0912612003ProjectNo: v\i__ Expires..: 03/2412004 oWNER KALPBC FOI'RTIT rlwEsrt{ENT CO O9/L7/20O3 phone: c/o BANK ONE coroRADo riIA 1125 17TH ST 4TII FIJ DEr{\rER CO 80202 L,ieense: CoNTRACTOR rruGHES & SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC 09/L7/20O3 phone: 970-46a-2404P. O. BOX 3925 DIIJIJON, CO 8043 5 License t 293-E APPIJICAIIT HUGIIES & SCHNEIDER EITECTRIC O9/L7/2003 phone: 970-468-2404P. O. BOX 3925 DIITIJON, CO 8043 5 License: 293-E Desciption: BATHROOM REMODEL WITHNEW ELECTRICAL UPDATES Valuation: $3.500.00 El€ctricsl-_._> DRB F€€-> Investigation--> Will Call---> TOTAL FEES-> s72.00 s0.00 $0. 00 $3.oo $7s.00 a***r+ FEE SUMMAI{Y +,t'++r*ll*a**:r*r*artar***it*'tr*t+l'r+'r'}'r**trt'a't*t**'ir+'}+r*a**'r+ Total Calculat€d Fe€F> $75 , 00 Addidonal F€es_> g0 . 00 Total Permit Fce - $75 , o0 Payments---;' S75. 00 BAL/{qcE DUE---->$0.00 Approvals:IICM: O5OOO EIJEETRICA! DEPARTI{ENT 09/L7/2oo3 DF Action: AP IIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMT CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIiICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicafion, filled out in full the information require4 completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desigt review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SITALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADV FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. OF OWNERORCONTRACTOR FORHIMSELF AND OWNEF APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR Project #: Building it #: Electrical Permit #: 97 0-479-2749 (Inspections) NVI,IWVAN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail. Colorado 81657 bl COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) Town of Vail Reg. No.:-3v)5 AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION : $ C.ontad Assessors Office at 97O-328-864O or uisit for Parcel # Parcer# ZlDtOS)2 1044 nonan{f," l-iloo 4,ilt *sqo robAddress: /?4 tr 6ow(,lrr"pk r'tlj/i LegalDescription ll Lot: ll Block: ll riling:Subdivision: owners Name: L{p]'Pqe 6" n}Hl odE"E'i Bqnx I c"L tl25 rf*ll ehone: Engineer:Address: ,{il{ hr VnVe f y"t*ll Phone: Detailed description of work: A gntA rptn io be rgrrraqlele/ WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (rif Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior (&zJ Exterior ( , ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (f1 Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Duplex ( ) MultFfamily ryj Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:7 No. of Accommodation Units in this building: 7 Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes | ) no ( 4 Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes (l No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: yes ( ) lt|o (y') ,<****t'**:t*rt*****rr*rr**,t*****************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*************:l*********************** \WAiI\dAtA\CdEV\FORMS\PERMITS\ELECPERM. DOC TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL.CO 81657 970479-2735 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES SPRINKLERPERMT Perurit #: F03-0035 3os-6433 ]ob Address: 174 E GoRE CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: LODGE APIS 340 Applied . , : 10/08/2ffi3 Parcel No...: 2101082270M Issued. . : 17/78/2003 ProjectNo : -D{!5}63OK Expires. .: 04/10/2004 owNER r(ArJpEc FoURTH TNVESTMENT CO aO/O8/2003 phone: c/o BANK oNE coLoRADo NA 1125 17TI{ ST 4TH FI-, DENVER CO 8O2O2 Lricense: colfTRAcToR AtL STATE FIRE PROTECTION, rt}/08/2003 phone: 303-288-3901 504s E 76TH #L2 EOMMERCE CITY CO aoo22 License:370-S APPI-,ICAN| ALIJ STATE FIRE PROTECTION, 1L0/08/2003 Phone: 303-288-3901 504s E 76TH #L2 COMMERCE CITY CO 80022 I-,icense: 370-S Desciption: INSTALL FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM unit 340 Valuation: $1,000.00 FEESUMMARY Meclunical->90.00 Restuarant Plan Review->So.0o Total Calculated Fees-> 9395.s0 PIan Check-> g3 so - oo DRB Fee-->$0.00 AdditionalFees->90. o0 Investigation-> will call->$3 .00 BATAIICE DUE_>$0. 00 Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMEMr ItEm3 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIiT| L0/L3/2oo3 mcgee Action: AP CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: L2 (BIJDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this appHcation/ filled out in full the inlormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state liaws, and to build this structure according to the towns zonin5 and subdivision codes, design review approved/ Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable $0.00 TOTAL FEES--> 5395.50 Total Permit Fe+-> S395.50 Paym€nts--> $395. 50 Nov'18 O3 O8:35a- NOV.IB. eEo:l 9t sEHl r.o.?34 P.U6 thsrto. NEQUESTS EON INSTXCIION SEAI.L BE MADE fS/EI{IY{OT'R EOT'RS IN ADVAI{CE EV TEI^EDEONE AT ''','T35DnOM l:00,lM.5lftl. iuvn'4r' b(trer l>t1n + W td&: t.^'' y r l.v-- v &to( /Eslto p.1 APPIJfCA!*T VaiI Carpentry Repair PO Box 1429 Vail, Colorado 816s8 License: Desciption: PLUMBING FOR INTERIOR REMODEL Valuation: $5,275.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Permit Status. . Applied. Issued. Expires. 09/Lo/2003 Phone: (97o) 926-L22o ?? #ofGaslogs: n ,,. --"{AI..O_F VAIL Pluribing-> Plan Check-> Investigation-> willcall-> \, .TAGEROAD:?S' 816s7-*ts NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLTIMBINGPERMIT ]ob Address: 174 E GORE CREEK DR VAILIocation....: LODGEAPTS340 ParcelNo...: 27070822104projectNo : ?RTOf_ or3o< owNER KAIJPEC FOITRTH INVESTI'ENI CO O9/L0/20O3 phone: C/O BA}IK ONE COISRADO NA 1125 1.7TII ST 4TH FL DEM/ER CO 80202 License: COI{ITRACTOR Vail Carpentry Repair o9/to/zoos phone: PO Box 1429 Vai1, Colorado 81558 License:749-B #: P03-0101 36 s-o{35 .: ISSUED.: 09/10/2003.: 09/72/2ffi3.: ffi/70/2004 Fireplace lnfonnation: Restricte* ??# of Gas Appliances: wood Pallet ??r**sr*r.tr,.*r.{*rffi **r*rffiilt* FEE suMMARy $90.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> S22.SO DRB Fee---_._> $O. OO TOTALFEES > s3. oo s0. 0o 90. o0 $11s .50 Total Calculated Fees--> Additional Fees-> Total Permit Fee---> Payrm€nb--> BALANCE DTJE-_> $11s . s0 90. oo $11s . s0 $115. s0 90. 00 ITerN: O51OO BUTIJDTNG DEPARII{ENT 09/10/2003 ,JRr.t Actsion: Ap ItCM: 05600 FTRE DEPARTI.{ENT CONDITION OF APPROVALCond: 12 (BL,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CnECK FOR CODE COMPIJIAIICE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in ftrll the infonnation required" completed an accruate plot plag and state that all the infomation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and - it _ plotplan" bcorrpty with allTown ordinancesand state laws, and bb'uild this structure accordingto tlre brvns zoning and cuHivisioncodes, deignreviewapproved, Uniforur Building C-ode and other ordinances of the Townapplicable tlrereto. REQUESISFORIT.ISFESTIONSHALLBEMADE T*ffi*,"AT479-A49ORATOUROFFICEFROM&MAM.4 SIGI{ATLJRE OF OWNER OR CONITRACTOR FOR HIIyISELF AND OWNEF ,IJN I]IIIFORI.'IATION Plumbinq Contractor: Sctnnn^'atr \\,\tc h at tiuL. To,'ln of Vail Reo. No.:ll3-p Oontact and Phone #5:\st wruts 4o+'ffioo E-l4ail Address: Oontractor Signafure:- = - - - nn nqla A(L|'M^J-4;+L COMPLETE VALUATION FOR PLUIIBING PERMIT (labor & Materials) PLUMBING: t 6L75.oO **.********:r***************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******.**********************jt******* )ateRee )RB'Fees: :,- .. ': ' ,.,cceded BY: d I t-:; robAddrcss: n+ € hvtc,Cr<*_Dr.A WorkClass: New() Addidon( ) Alterat'rond() Repair( ) oSEr( ) Cornmerchl ( ) Restaurant( ) Odter( )Typeof BHg.: Singlcfamily( ) Dud€D(( ) Muftlfamily( No. of Accommodation Units in thb building:No. of ExKing Dwelling Units in this buildirg: ts thls a onversion frqn a wood bumlng firedae b an EPA Phase tr delric? Yes ( ) No ( AnDln{b|r|lrlbn A.inhf, ftfA?0?33CmdTrrE:Crt*br: I(APEC FO{.,FTHApofic.nt VafiCffirttol: Vall Raouest d lnepecdon(sl lbm: 00 BLDGSlnalRe$n$n V.ScarpofilryRepolt Acdq|t dTo: JMOnDRAcOfiI- Actlon: TlmEro:trn Commrrns: eNlfifitriCrcANcEr Reqwsbd lmpect Dde: $Jednosday. t)€cember q], 2{Xr3Insrs.ttonArcr: JRts|bA*Id'gT3: I74 E GORE GREEKDRVAIL LOO€EAPTSl3,'lO T!Do: frt F Occumiisnr\^/EsrlGNi oo le/ Sub T!r*: AltF(Ae: ft l-}fr (gTo}gasr22o(crwFr22o Sldfi: h6pAr€.1 F8I.ED..Rtl FIF|r; PtFne: R€qu€rted Tlme: 0l!00 Pl{' Pfror: |gmg2€.ltn q- 471-1221 Ent$€d q[ OGCLDEN K [r!!€c0an h$sbrv Ign: 245 F|RE DEPT. I,IOTFICAT}oNloflu 60 BlFsh€&od(l.lrfi "ADDrqrd"t l/?SB lnrrb{: crFuts- - A.doruConmenb: !8F dwarock s Typc X gyp bood u*d APrgryp6y59 lbm: 70 ilDBrrbc.lmr: $ BLDGFlnal Adoo: Dit:i{ED 0 \ ,n^" K'cf0ll t U ttl?gtxl lmp€cior: JRM Comm€oE: COIJ'RACTORCAI{CEL REPTl31 Rttr!+,1t4 "tls?