HomeMy WebLinkAboutLodge at Vail Unit 348(:) f-1:t ,-ti-J i) z(,9zt-< CDO =zde EF=B;H F =G IJJrttoEUE<o. l€frE9tt ir '9.EE =>=uJ:-5 FE: >0-! 8u9 EtrE Xd_E ;'E u.l €; HoF uttro@o-zo Fo- UJY ut c0 oF ts =cE UJo-5l 4PliJ or-lt-lg Lrrakzo E =E lrJo-zoF()DE. 6zoo nrn oz E =e LIJo- Y /LL oti G.Y,.:661?c' gbE; E E{HEE EffEF EEiIEg"; Ee *sEieJ f E;g! :EEsg('O'-.=-c=c)iDE e*I.c€ : Ei;; ieiii -e,o =Zzu-o ooF^OZi B =F.taEZ;O8e frl!<Yig-H fiaxz ra\l(, =>c, -E.r,Eu(S =6N JI<l-l zl zl .. >lolll lrJ UJz F llJo- zI =oo o c) Io\ =l(f, I6 (n JH F lrJ(5ooJ ii =z arto g .E| +)at1 oEOJ L1- uJ =z ><F co+ttn5o- (ot\t\r.o ItoNst-o- o (o 6 EI EIctrlrrl -l+)lflol-lolol -qflETclq 3 (u !c, o- oELoC' : tr l\r.o FlIJ) I(oNsl l-l t*l d -,1qlol T?I0f ol'-t ull-t clQ -rlq3l =l :|5Pl I I FI ilttlolzl3l PI oz aul J ltoz3 F I I I sl cil Hl JI<l>l rJ.l 3 I I I frl JI <l>l tI-lol pl i: c <FE<)r.,! <zEUJF(rz-o() 9F E3]Fd5 c) ntn '" , ./ /-/ ": u ,1,\ /,/,r /t:./t,/.-' iEEF g * '€ 3EE -t O6g E ll,loz .:. BaoluJFI<FZttYzo< ;3€ girl e;; 5E;E!Js t,: ES \ eEiic^ €fE:aa E s s: I F.3Rf- EEE83siE:3O:1 ?r';= E 5;E! E;iFE -;i Ei €;e;;;:zriZ rrr c 6 0'-: -E; o (D triei ge.. >l uJ uJ uJzoF =uJ(L zI = a)J] F U I I l; I ,o lfi ?-{r:.' o "F,,F ,F' UJo- z.rPze(Do>z dP .^*E =F=A;E !!n t ut r! E ^uJE>E<af6U)E@3svEi9.EE =>E IFE h=E jg E =a-r uBP \urtr xo_E X>FHFlL.to-i!tr ulooF { I,IJF o uJ tso c0o1zo FoLuY uJooF E =E IJJo- t!o ooo I UJFoz <.r ca F =ElrJo-z9F(JfEHu)\"#o re '6 o (,z J tr- F J l9tfitclt1 lslll+I c') I I t-tt<l>F lr-I Jii =z (D -)I c() (:)tt\F\\C|I |.\ o- 6 = +, LTL 4) at1 (:.(> I I I I IolulLIo,l FI:lol E.l El =l u_l I<l dl'_.l olzl E|D*l Lj.)Jl r<t <.>l F\El <iol =l , Pt i .u L (u ''] =ltrl tl|lttl"llzlI cilI ullI rcllJlI<t Il>l I|.qIlol I dflill lttlI tel lHltilt>lI rrljol I dF|il tl lt l"ltzl| .;lI tJllt5t il:l I d3-l I I I I el HI:l<l>l l!lolzt ..: Fl Etr cuJz = FoIuF f t --.1 O<FG()uJ<zE(rz JG<o i<i\ EXF ---t ZUJO C) (JOzt =#1Z *oYF 33 z =8 FgE :^\JZ o J<oQ9ul qJnn! B. I .I o IJJ UJlr b =e,ulo- N I I I I t JI{r6ltrlIIol(,zlolJ aol luJIF lo UJ lBIFxl9 EI:al J =laOl.tt El z- UJz3o uJ Foz |rJUJo It Go o G u,,z3 l!o o o o olt6 .9 o.o.6 (o oE o cD ! Jdl E o =f c, o o'CLo 3.g E >5o.NEoo?:a gg Eot-' .E-p66 535(6Eql g6 .s3 o-o =.t€E:iei: Es()Eoc -(!o-cr(,' FE o (u o (! oooc(!co oc3oF =6E 'o. Eoo O( i(0 o 6 o @ o o :i o o() o o Eo)G oEE'5E r5troc.2.=E EEF'5E8cL O(l5g =€€>c9'- clEco.9 !(6otr 'FOcceeE: CL(€*E-- -c E.9-(!E6OELC o)(!(!c-cG-E60 r*9=;go6 5F6E>g.ct (,pa OE!o -o 0 \ \ b \ \ EE UJ (Jzo x()rtJ C)z Jo- () EF()r|lJuJ z = J =ouJE uJ UJtlzotr IttEor|JE oG, o@ =g ulE,zo UJ Ftn lll z LuJ x Flu.ltl hqIqk\5tuJo-J FoF z J TD J aFoll,lJ'|ll z6E o- z () UJ- NO|lVn'lvA .J ol Lrd n) t I I{ I Yrc.Or =5rzl9{o-t#u,o Eulzg'|o =>E --roitrS =lON zzo9F^O;3 e toO1>(., onzt! <(o*;otoFOj.i z9F lJ {r! a o. og,o llJo- ecuJ J z troo z E llJ =UJz tttltttl tszlz9gr<oo<ol =PxI6ci<z F =F9z EO3E ut JJ cE al,at,lllzY = z F J z I I+ I II _tvll -lilFIill o 3 o I --1- II I I l"El z 9I?FIJqtl.D Jl<lFIzl zl .. >lo uJ uluJzoF =IEuJo- J zoF6o oz Y tss z,r9 =eoo =z>=detrn J "dq=eeof-- =Hg ;I Fu'l E EYIF]8 AI ir-]_ FHEI AtrA: E EI Y€g F-I ut .@ oF !ntr oz Jtr Jo F r 6 P .,4 ) { tJ) c)oI) tl'i =zooI fl H ul Ul., r{h dt lhlr ill aurodCIq -.1a:8 $: rllr:\T l-\ { $ * F6 ; I trtI 6 .{. F a lllc = -.' .l' t- io- ) I n t4r'l el YF.4o))4u 4Eq ll-l $l q olz.l olurl 5l <l>l lLlolzl3l PI t- ta .J - uiJ|l/F : tr oz cirJlar J l!oz =F =tr tr oz C' UJEJ l!oz3oF =G l! oz oul 5 <l>lt!o z)3iolF u, UJF Elllz3o Fou,lL OE E-rO<Foa()uJ<zEurFtrz-oo )G,<oc)FF3ir E-t-t5^a oz6 =)o- ) 7)) J 9z I() uJ = l) a ) CEot-Ei\ -r! i+E l-o2 o C) J<oon36 Ir I E. Tnrrr Srenxrs. Jn. erg Ernrrrcr Orrxs Eousror. Tpxls zzosa March 2t L984 l,tr. John Muellertilueller ConstructionP.O. Box 183Vail, Colorado 81558 Dear ilohns Pursuant to your request and for your proof to the townof Vail, please use this lettei as -evidence of thefollowing facts. I an the owner of lodge apartments Nos. 348 - 349, andI authorize you to perform the denolition workneceagary to construct the improvements to units Noa.348 - 3{9 pursuant to the plans and speciflcationsprepared by Mr. Gordon R. pierce. I have prepared three originals of this letter for youruse and have added a signature line for an officiat ofthe Lodge at Vail. Sincerely, a E. Trine Starnes, Jr. ETS/xs ACKNOI{I.IEDGED: € oz E-cIuo- oo ,rfx atuJl!tt ==e,uJo- t$\\s\ o\co F\ v FlNH F1 H z t9J rc)trtto(5zo UJF o c, e FI =: oz2 at, uJFoz (9 =o!l.D .6(' =z EJutut = cot! o Eo o o.6c;oFoE oo Q)(J @.sE o oc oEc(o oDoo o,c! dt E o =cf Eo o CLCI6! .9 P *-rDc6*6.q rHE * €; pE ETE E E;:E E E!:c96FIoSor !EiF Et;E E.; aeSE; e fEig ;EtE -a,Y()--. c P60'-i.E; O c' gEi; ifiE;9Eo - tF$E s\f .f -f E =EUJo za = ao YouJ- z c J EF ql ut ('z @ElJc =ouJ. ulUJtt2oF uJE UJE oG o@ =g UJEz9ouro F aJ, XuJ o- z ul x F utof ttuJllj]t E =t,uJo- FoF ozoJ -tIcF(J UJ ur (,z aott o- =Iou,l- '-tH F NOtIYntVA t> IF l3 =lQ> E lcl --lDl! r.u N l. =6NlZ *.-, ;lcz z|*Co oo<tr ^ 62tuq 5 >9."F9 OEZ .tt o E-3x 8=3= Hfl9* -9EN Efiqq a<ot(, a HFIA c\ z9 J t! .E o. e(9 UJo. F I ao-utE J z9trc) t4*t3z tr GuJ J =UJz tlttIIIIo z zOo koo< =Hxrrdci<z (n tr2.. 9Z.": F do}E !,1l (l (t,(t,ulzxIIF z tr 5 oz )J i F u,l o 3 an Jl<l 2l zl .. >louI utul2 U'F =ruo- z9 =o =o5gt t-G CD c zg9zedro =z>fJOO- lJ- =fi8 ul EU)oo1zoFIUJv UJo oFF Eo\IJJ @Io\b.l>'olEslO'I ' '-lrlguJ i^F\Jzo E 0,c4o:ltdYE<8Ate,BE!k 5eE ;=E FE: >o-E 8bE :HE ;Ta u.l €= UJ oF rm "zr=,- E =Elrlo-zIF()fE azoo ntr! o =It! I I J d Fo .if.',trh FfH 3 IrJ(jaoFl rri =z .D -l Il lll)) a u,Jt 2 tnau.lG t c l-;i F z z E g a IJJd o F.vrn X @c.l .$ Io\|dlolI z 6 =g o oulG. J oz 3lI H ts Fl z tq th =ctr r'1t.KI o =.1oltl J al ttqz3I \f\o IOr.ir u uF tE l! oz cir,uG J? tto2- F &tr oz oul J t!oz3IF : tr oz cjIt(E J ttoz3oF uJJ UJ E, UJz =o F()tu ts (J t -rO<Fcc)lrJ <zG.LUF(qZo() d, () UJJ uJ Y, 2 ( Y- J t9P =E --a C) 6F F3 EE G. ir *E !-o2<o(4 Cnrir UlJO !ED o = ts =cuJo- IH t3 I I I I I I t_,, to l5 ,z *-- c, c i;€:c Eg E:E =gE€E :gEFE iEiiE $;te*SEisJ rEigrP6(u65 iEEgg(l'0'-5at:o)(,)E gEi;i gEgEI xEo =ZztLo ootr ^ 6zq 5 =9F O ctl-EE=.noe,6b llezXrr<oq iH5 s-R Z rN(, g) B F tu JI<ltrlzl zl a>l ul UJulzot uJo- J z E a5z LL _l 6 FoJ uJ =z d) ..) IJJ z uJ o = Tc tro =E qJE o J I 6 E tr .iz ciuJEJ l! z =o =e ll. utl q1 <t taoz3I Etr oz ouJE J ltoz3 F =tr oz uJ Ja lroz3oF =tr o2 l|Je. J lt z3 F luJ rLlF. Eluz =o FC)uJF T O t-rO<FE()uJ<zEI.lJ F c) g. F lu uJ z ? ( z ) (20z, t-9?=c a'5 EF F3 YZ =g Eir =+EFl-o2 () <()a, ?.5H ul E U)ooazo Fo-uJY lJl @oF F ttuIL tto o-oo I uJFoz tr Gulct! EqES€EE9rrL 'c- Sl> = dtrE 5EE =*E 66I lurE Xo-E ;Taul€; l! @ F rm "zirE,- uJF o z (9=zecoo =z o-- I "dg ==3-;r ! =HE F =Elrlo-z9F(JfEFazo(J DDD Itrtr | ;Figr ,I serJdq,I tr.P",!5 f fff fl*i$ Fii:=1r'. i€;€J x 5;; 96.! 6= o (t : E =;E-E!E5 := o (, ElJ€",b'68 -=='!iE;5 E i;:si;Fsg FE!:$ EFgiE -6;',!E I I I I $i \l,tg \'6 Si l5I rr, I tttt=li lo tro o zo(, l* t<ro I I I I l.tot< l? IE l(Jlz.,2t9 an t-t- = Jsl YI x F urU' o o.; It 3 z lr, (J .. >loq,ou,!Jzvt ulq J zo =oorL<olr u, rl.,IJr{f- UJo- U'|rlFozo =o!J I0zz.o (,() o u, Yo = z vlvl x=r! I :1"rl8urt E (, vl 2 z9 : oo E>aB -=tl3p3 e=6Qs 3 =9 6 !g(,8g.B;HA> (,,FOJ a\i t>t-tltl..12: :rJI !1 | =l lltltl a R.;61z= =:|r|(i :-E I I -lo (,t! NotrYnlvA ^c... r^J c! -r El .-,E(. oCE cJ CL!, H .Ee-.r-."R F-f ( c,r J lr- vr,--cle . =lO E.JlE.4 Llo E=lo-oSltr.l E C,r Irr, tr -l=oalsIEl- P*lz r- c-l 3 L r,r !'c) q, *rl_, .., c.J Id;-l,^ _, *lrrt IF-._^,F N u, tso @o-)zo o-tU:< UJ!0o tsE ut z,.o =<tr)o =z:JOri, t! nr-'trr ..i5YY;-=s .".Ff =nffi- ==<car,ra( =s =59i^ S 558: tr, o:=F-r-G ==E:=>-E=! =lo= lu =l(' q J -l;si tl:+U Hl;rL vl = - r lul:- o sl eHq -l:<=':E-au-oIo I /{'},| )*^= \ \-//i=\zr,=,- ?*., '{'.1':-,"' u, xoz F E tJ.lo-zo l- C)f F(nzo() F (J <= =F =?g6-o .-gYOE!l =:;J= () i9;ct trF UJOc) UJE z -.| <c)0v)3H ltii : r- ii = 75 south ironlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 oltlce of communlly developmenl TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITH THETOI4IN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT l,tARcH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn surrunary, -ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to l-itter, track or deposit, any soil, ro"k, sand., debrisor rnaterial, including trash dumpsteri, portabre toirets andworkmen vehicles. upon any streetl sidewaik, .ii"y or publicp1?9e or any portion thereof. The right:"i;;t-bn arl Town ofVail streets and.Igags is approxinateiy s-it.-irff pavement-This ordinance wilr be strili:ry enforcld by the Town of vailPubli-c-works Departrnent. pers3ns found vi6lating this ordinarr""wirl- be given a 24 hour written notice to rernove said nateriar.rn the--err-ent the person so notified aoes-noi---co^pry with th;--notice within the 24 hour tirne specified, trre-putric worksDepartment wilr remove said mateiiat at irt" ""p."se of personnotified- The provisions of this ord.inance shalr not beapprrcabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects of. 4ny street or atley or any utilities i; 6"-;Ight-"_".v. To review ord.inance No. 6 in furrr prease stop by the Town ofvail Building Departmenr to obrain ;-;;;t.--Tf,.;i. you ror yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowl edoed trw:acknowledged by: (i.e. contractor, owner) \ ;_ ilr. PERMIT. NUMBER OF P-ROJECT'r '. '-1 1,'\ OR1E \.:, ' I','- ':\ JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUESTTOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tl tr n :tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE€TRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL AppRoveo ': I tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR 3 7 r'I INSPECTION I I REQUESTI F PROJECT kd, INSPECTION: TOWN OF VAILlc r:, t*3v/JOB NAME MON CALLER ','il< 1i,-,r.-\ l(, READY FOR LOCATION: TUES WED 6u, pu llLDlNr FOOTI FOUNI FRAMI ROOF PLYW( INSUL SHEEl FINAL ECTRI TEMP. PLUMBING:BUI trF trF OF trl--1 ' '"F trll trS tr_ trF ELE trt )ING: OTING UNDA'] AMING oF&srwool ;ULATI EETRC tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER GS / STEEL ATION / STEEL SHEER O GAS PIPINGOO NAILING TION tr POOL / H. TUB OCK NAIL tr o O FINAL CTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: EMP. POWER tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL g APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR