HomeMy WebLinkAbout68 E Meadow Dr Unit 108 - Baumanl. ,... e,1 I Date of eppQation t'1 l,rt5 tr/ l) /\1C /u 1-- T O APPLICATION FORM FOR SPECIAL DEVELOPI4ENT. DISTR]CT DEtr/ELOPMENI PIAN r- This procedure is required for any project that would go throughthe Special Development District Frocedure. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted A. NAME OF APPLICANT_3fAN ,fi,<ct774.t117-/ PHONE 3d5 ?g- ?ote B. NAMB oF APPLTCANT's REpREsEwtat]jn LJtt-t,r,"ntt ,4t=t<ce ADntsss Er,y 4-r', Vr<it,,<I-> A^EA pHoNE 476 6342 AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OWNER SIGNATURE c. ADDRESS Dtrnl\tEr D. IOCATION OF PROPOSAI, ADDreSS LEcAr- DEScRrprr oN Utir tza, ilt-u,qaa htp y't-rqe-c, Vil, , 0a. E. FEE $100. 0o PAID II. Four (4) copies of the following information:A. Detailed written/graphic description of proposal.B. An environmentar impact relort strdtt'be-iubmitted toadministrator in accordance with chapter 18.56 hereofby Section 18.56.030, exempt projects; c. An open space and recreational plan sufficient to meet the demandsgenerated uv t]rg devel0pment without. undue nuiaen on availableor proposed public facilities; -.---:_.A List of the name of owners ofSubject property and their miting all property a.ddres ses . )i''o__. ). .. adjacent to theF. the zon,i.:rc.lunless waivecr (0vER) ' "i ilffiF+: :.ri: btlf;olmito81688 ; - ,' . lAoft EtIlq i "i -r :-l--+'Ell5Fl,t i ,l-' -- i :-r l',"-l ttw , . i ! 'r :-i l_-: rTfuunt @FVt+tL ,, , . .',.i.,,__i,ii;_i pE! fitrt614p27vp{f .'fa 5bD VFruVILLA&.IN,J .i,l:,ivtHtl-VlLl_.tf&IFJN i : : .!.i.,i. : , : i-.:,-_ ::! /9trL1 e*ilT- : C|-Ao\t *rr'7r+t'-tr-lt-/tuir / aA l4tt,+A lNN Ftftan ,i :'..P#'F-lr''r/aLJoFPFo@fr-: , : ,,, i j;;ii Mre.,€nutmn*Lp REQtte*te lrelaNryQ'ii oF, ,. I :IriIil#uE*/rY (fo) &',F,r= QF: #F,+1'tr4n'FUW#, i,f',.j-:i ffivELatr/T2fun* OF TvtE Wtt- t//uL4e iN^J :,ffi: L "i-t i,l'-i//'/ &p#T'o E^JlLe# ftE NaprH pE** a_fti "i',i-i-i f ijuuir tab Vu-t-nae /N^J PLnea (F+wW'VW), ' .i-i lj;,i,', , ,1 , . :"]l;i-; ,,;ilil 1,lt .' ,1 $ $s I Irl Nt I] \l I tll[l$ir ti^q$ qr I I q|i-t-f\\) t,\'x\ $J $ Ih'l iirl ti G rf,-sg=es--_J{ ' tl u tl 9--- i t- I I I ii,. t;I I I I - l- - [-'-=,-- - I oa t,n i itu ,$l 'n -N;$ N Ig 0J m -t I r l[ -lrl tt {- .-f -t{l,l t;; I F.f o |II; , ril . l-7I n lr I q 6t:tI {l i t\$i- itIt I^t I.-02,{ TLi,t-0il s- 0 I 0 [$ n .ris il r"Nt $$ Il" t\ {lb$\iI \Lu n Yg l!:jf it b' $ i 0rlSr ft ll 0i' $lt"l\i L @, A@ .i( Date of onnll.rron AtqevPMtztv T- r0 APPLICATION FORM FOR SPECIAI, DEVEI,OPI{ENT. DISTRTCT DSVELOPI\4ENT PI,AN This procedure is requirgg r"T any project that would 9o throughthe SpeciaL Development District brocedure. The application will- not be accepted until all information is submitted I. A. NAI{E oF eppnrcext *r+N Snurnar+!,3sq N,E. /ADDWSS N. /r1,o.n',-Be,+.i, pr-, aaUa PHONE tu6 q&-qolg C. AUTHORIZATION OF PROPERTY OWNER STGNATURE ADDRESS D.],OCATION OF PROPOSAI ADDRESS F 9100.00 PAID ,,jr-_---:_ of the name of owners ofProperty and their miling F II. PffOflfe LEGAI DescRrprr oN UtJ i r t6t b4 L rrue br.^t trt q e4 Vfi j F E!F A List Subject all property adjacent to thea.ddres s es . Four (4) copies of the fol1owing information:A, Detailed written/graphic description of proposal.'8. An environmentar impact rei20rt shdtr'.be iubmitted toadministrator in accordance with chapter 19.56 hereof- by Section 18.56.030, exempt projects; c. An open space and recreational- p].an sufficient to meet the demandsgenerated !v tlg.development wilhout undue-buia.n on available--'or proposed public facilities; (0vER) the zoningunless waived TVcuat oF Vr+t<- FE! frrrt62.1sy7-7p{f ,fA 1OD Vatu VILLA& lNN /9trL.l.Pt\/T- : 2f,a4J *rrap.lrJt)'tjr /.,o wt-t l^NP/Aen ; ,,;.,,.,' ;;.,iFffiruert7txlorPFaFaofr-: t: r, r,, ' !i Mre. Ent:m*turl RE4tteora r14,16/n2ENT- oF : 1 i l#uENry GO ) €4,fr, aF ryF4) rc.arn Fu74re . ; l ipEvELAF,.nF::^rr- Crf TTJE t/ntc V/LL+& /NaJ qzC> . , , . ; ,/*/ agee*.'fo E^J;L+E fTjE NoFrfl pEaL oF ULI/T /Ob V/LLAaE, /N^J PLAZ4 / pl,xefr7r VL/r\' t i ' , :UM/T /ab V/t-t-rtae /i^J FLfiZfr (fgreW VtE), ,' .,, ',,., i r ,,: i," : ;. ,i I "':ii I. i . i r i il i"r , j'l , ", :' i'ii,. ili. i :' lt I 'i 6 it i$ -n -N;s IU It-tnU HJ 5 1:i 'i'l:.I F.T -II. itu) iil 1., q [frl.Iii'0 t{ ltr )Uiiq $r uI F t I u {i $t lil 0ll){l II II i,l dirtt- rtl !\rtH- I I L { 0 t\i N I1t iNt $c\ tl t$ $pr\I \Lus l!l\r u $d.l Nd s a A@' $ $s Jj Nll!It NN\J +l\lrl $tr Yi^,d fl\-\ \lp II. I rlv 5IT I .t:t t!{IL &\l N d ,I \,\ \7 l l}$ s IN ir rtI l0 ;J. iE :ilF'Cim \'- ilu ,et1) I 3 $ atl- -!\t $r yl I'Ir Rl\t*t oO o-- l( Date of apptatfon /tAl,4€VDlt€n: T- rct APPTICATION FORM FOR SPECIA], DEVELOPMENT. DISTRICT DBITELOPMENT P].AN r- Thi-s procedure is reguired for any project that wourd go throughthe Special Development District Frocedure ?v '?'^!\''\r .The application will not be accepted until all info.rmatLon is surbrn:i..:i:r,, A. NAME OF APPLACNT QAN EEUTNAN,NHq N,E,ADDRISS N. M, +.-'' t-l1ra^-- ' -, a.a-t2 tn rrrr, r' a^E aE/, a-t6-_PHaNE e6-q& qolS B. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATI\E C. AUBHORIZATIoN oF PRoPERTy oTIINER AoDwss HoNi 476 6842 SIGNATURE , , . .i'ij''r iar'.;i D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAT : ADDRESS ADDRESS PHONE II. E. I'EE $100. 00 PAID ,,i ., r':. , A rrr.-i.. F' A tist of the name of owners gf a$ property adjacent to theSubject property and their miling a_ddr6ssei. Four (4) copies of the following information:A. Detailed written/graphic description of proposal .'8. An environmentar irnpact report srrirri6-iub*ittea toadministrator in accordance with chapter iril'li rrer.orby Section 18.56.030, exempt projecti, c. An open space and recreational .p]-an sufficient to meet the denands, generated by the-devel0pment without und;;-b;;den on avair.abreor proposed public faeilities; (0vER) the zoningunless waived 6 ih $ $t n -N --->' N l' f{ H-J0 1'i ,i iiliIt'',1 $ U $; lrr,{ [{{h d! rt PI ![ - -$-,rlt, !.7I lE 't-t $ t1l*2I ii rInl t$ .Jj'\Y \rIsNr\Nb\ \t I { $\L s. n\s ! $t(i.Iq & { N r! J $r e A@ rj t.\ \i ,l.61 NI iill Il!Nlur l,, ol* I I l io lp + J _{ u tI|If N \ $ \iriltl-\lr 1-t0I't ) I o_ .t:t !: ttI {$LN.t u $!dlL '( Nt u,t ! Ut ri ilrt G I I t- I I I !t I(r llil: N$ Ii' ----E--j,.1 €/ ilt./ .-\ e{\.'rcr ljrc oi oo o--- ( itu -\ s tu l:o oJl[ 1,i t.lt,I' Ff [, flf; I -l I I !a i -t t I II d' ll '.J |lI0 u [;Y. I! t$iI d!LI!t B: {[ b I l/A$,r- ri tl t* ul {i {o- ixf:fi2 .,C Iufrt-t- Drtt \\Ls o $,, II Ir n $u$qrJ @, Ii,@'\l ll-.'5\r .{ -$ilI F\ s \n flu \l{ $ $s _lj NNII. \ $ p +t\ J _{ N!alItr,dr .\\I l$t.- \J \\\ \, N =l$-;- I .l {ILI t,l N , ?Ii I iu $ldt \t u{nT Pi JT [,FHFF) i'r [5[Prlr rf AY-:s:**----!{ ' ') d Fli =l II t- I II tr7I $ { fi IIl;f: s-- oo